#but i dont actually know when thatd be happening so. it means nothing in the long run
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do you think buffy woke up in a post 9/11 america?
like i know season 6 aired on 10/2/01 so technically yes but that doesnt necessarily mean it was the same day in universe. buffy came back 147 days after she died (148 the day she came back) which is a little shy of 5 months. her mom died during spring break which would be the end of march, and then things started moving pretty quickly from there. you figure that was 3ish episodes where only a couple days passed between them, then there was a break where they were trying to fall into a routine, and then 4 episodes where i think 3 days passed. so there was at least like. 10 days maybe between her mother dying and her dying, but thats literally trying to take the least. that puts us at early april, which puts us right around 9/11/01
so did she wake up post 9/11 and which is funnier?
1. she wakes up post 9/11 and is trying to figure out why people are suddenly so patriotic and talking about terrorists, struggling to figure out how everything couldve changed so much in so little time
2. she was up pre 9/11 and feels even more so like shes trapped in hell with horrible violence all around her when it happens
or 3. she wakes up on 9/11. she had her own personal 9/11 on 9/11
#honestly the funniest is 3#i was 5 when it happened and in ca so like. it really didnt affect me or mean anything to me sorry if i seem callous about it#i dont even remember what it was like before so. im trying to go by what ive gathered from the internet?#buffy the vampire slayer#anyway i doubt she woke up in october bc of that school thing buffybot went to#but i dont actually know when thatd be happening so. it means nothing in the long run#OKAY its been pointed out to me its at least pre 9/11 bc the scoobies reached giles terminal#still leaves the possiblity that she came back on 9/11 however unlikely
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TADC cast x fairy!reader
Hey anon I totally didnt accidentally post your ask before it was done being written and deleted it in a panic I promise that did not happen, if you happen to see this
I never actually watched peter pan or any of the tinkerbell films(?????) So uh uh uh!!! I am yappin about stuff I'm not qualified for!!
OOOOOH!! He thinks you look so so cute and pretty! You guys fly together and talk, I think that's nice! Absolutely does call you tinkerbell
Probably adds a quiet and sped up "trademark" when he calls you that
Is tinkerbell trademarked? I... actually dont know how trademarking works... I know how copyright works but uhuh
He makes you a garden in the digital world, makes it huge with the most exotic plants he can think of! ...some probably dont actually exist in the real world
Depending on if you're normal sized or on the shorter side, I think she would find comfort in knowing that theres another short person around... does not enjoy the dust you leave behind when you start flying, though, it feels like glitter... feels very
Honestly I love the idea that ragatha grew up on fairly tales
Princesses, monsters, snot course, fairies! So I think even if she doesnt remember her life in the real world, she finds a comfort in being around you!
Oh she thinks you're so so pretty... I think she would keep some of your dust and out it in some jewelry. Like a locket,.. I think thatd be cute esp if you two are together
She doesnt even wanna use it for anything, assuming the dust has actual properties that effect stuff.. she just thinks its pretty
I hope you guys all know that when he calls you tinkerbell he doesnt mean it as a cute endearing lovey dovey couple name. At least not fully. Nah at least some of it is him messing with you
I think he harvests your dust and throws it at people
Pocket sand!/ref
Definitely makes fun of your height if you're short. You dont even have to be the shortest. In fact I think he might even exaggerate how short you are. Might even say you're shrinking
All in good fun, of course
Ah... a ruler and a "magical" creature... just like in the story books!
Probably treats you as if you were a real fairy, even though he likely knows you're not..
"My radiance," became you shimmer and glow thanks to your dust and "magic"
You know how some people write people absolutely fawning over beautiful mythical creatures that theyve just discovered?
That's kinger with you
Oncr again I am presenting the hc that zooble was into supernatural and mythological stuff before they got stuck in the digital circus, so they would definitely hold at least a little interest in your digital body... though I dont think they would like your dust, either, since it can get stuck in between their limbs and joints and crevices and
You know?
Probably hits you with those lil handheld vacuum cleaners before you even enter their room
Nope, no dust today!
Its nothing against you personally, it's just so uncomfortable for them..!
Also thinks you're really pretty! Makes art for you and probably incioperates your dust into the art!
I think I mentioned this idea in... I dont remember if it was a winged reader or a bird reader or both.. but I said she incooperates the readers loose/fallen feathers into art gifts, like how people used to put the hair of their deceased loved ones in jewelry
Same thing here but of course you're not deceased!
#tadc x reader#the amazing digital circus x reader#digital circus x reader#caine x reader#pomni x reader#ragatha x reader#jax x reader#kinger x reader#zooble x reader#gangle x reader
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revisiting the greeds moving castle au post-hmc rewatch here are some new thoughts hmmmmmmm
in my Envisioning. "homunculi" in this world are created when an alchemist (wizard) makes a deal with a demon, gaining the ability to use human souls (hearts) as a power source in exchange for. well. feeding human souls to a demon
for this purpose, souls are gathered from enemy countries via Forever Wars and crystalized into stones which an alchemist can ingest. the military is dedicated to finding the most promising alchemists and grooming them to become homunculi
greed was trained in alchemy by his father from a young age, along with his siblings. their family has immense sway over the royal courts, to the extent that one of his brothers (bradley) wound up marrying into the ruling family. when he came of age his education was handed off to the royal alchemist dante and their relationship did not remain professional very long. he became a homunculus at her encouragement, and then found out he didnt really like the whole "we have to maintain our dominance as alchemists via a lot of murder all the time" thing, and rapidly Howls Moving'd out of that castle
the demon he made a pact with is obviously the dwarf in the flask who im debating making like. okay so what if his father had previously Also made a pact with the same demon.... and then he transferred it to greed.... like ohh he gave up his power and even his life because he ~Saw So Much Potential In His Son~. Except one of the factors leading to greed hitting the bricks is discovering that, no actually, the demon was fully in charge of (the husk of) his father for years, and he just swapped to greed because he wanted a younger swaggier puppet. thatd kind of make a guy rethink his circumstances right
Anyway its pretty similar to calcifer if he leaves his flask he dies, and greed will also die if anything happens to him. greed keeps him very strictly restrained but doesnt tell anybody why he hates this little bongwater bitch so much because hed have to explain hes kind of his dad and itd be awkward
so. we have dante in the role of both suleiman And the witch of the wastes vis a vis being greeds ex, but i think the other part of the witch of the wastes (the "gets more sympathetic as the movie progresses" part) i want to hand to lust, because pulling from her 03 arc she would work very well as someone greed knows whos initially working for the court but gets abandoned and made an example of and then switches sides. also her getting all her power sapped and reverted to her real age would mean Old Lady Lust which would rule
markl is ling (duh) but because i dont think ling would give a shit about a random old guy stumbling into his house, the parts of his character that are initially suspicious of sophie i am going to instead bestow upon. dolcetto, greeds Rescue Dog. aka he was cursed by a witch into the form of a dog and greed was like oh sick a talking dog and dolcetto was too pickupable to escape his fate
martel is also there. talking snake martel. her and dolcetto are there to provide sarcastic banter while bido loses his mind
i initially didnt know how to fit roa in but then i realized i needed a turniphead standin. roa cursed into the form of a cow but he CANT talk and everyone thinks hes just a weird ass magic cow who keeps showing up to help but then the power of friendship turns him human at the end and dolcetto and martel are like okay now how come we cant do that.
i realize ive barely said anything about bido in this post about my au where bido is the main character. but to be fair. i feel like just saying "sophie is bido" gets the entire gist across. humble townsperson with big beautiful brown eyes is transformed against their will into something that makes it impossible to live their life as normal, theyre short with a big nose and wear a long skirt and like to fuck with people now that theyve got nothing to lose, they start working for a weird sexy guy who hates the government wears tight pants and has a shiny black monster form. Is not that complicated
i am now rotating the mental image of lust chuffing back a fat dart on the sofa while immediately outside the window dublith is on fire
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Before the actual ask, i have a suggestion: maybe add some general non-tot asks/req rules? bc i'm writing this rn like "this may be uncomfortable but i don't want to make you uncomfortable but i don't know if it will make you uncomfortable but-" 😭😭😭
now um, my ask:
i'm currently getting struck by gender dysphoria at very random moments and i don't like it. thing is, i don't know what my gender might be since it goes both ways and I was wondering, if you wouldn't mind sharing: how did you figure out you're trans?
hi anon!!! lemme go thru this one by one but first, i wanna preface everything with: dont worry, none of this makes me uncomfortable and you said nothing wrong. theres nothing here that cause for panic on ur end, it's alright, ur alright :D
okay so
on general non-tot asks/req rules:
i do have these rules!! theyre just not as Many as my tot-specific ones, but on my rules page u'll find these in the 2nd section :D
theyre like, reaaaaally general but the overall rule for all other asks is basically "be nice, i cant read tone well, and dont spam" so no worries, ur all good. i dont wanna make these rules any more specific because everything else seems like a case to case basis yknow
and now to the bulk of my answer
on trans stuff:
short answer on how i found out i was trans: it made me happy. god, it made me so happy and it makes me happy to this day.
long answer: come with me, anon, through my gender journey through the years....JKSDHVFKJSDHVKFSD
ok so for the longest time i knew i wasnt completely woman aligned in the gender department. like, from ages 14-20 i had identified as a bunch of different genders. first i identified as bigender, then i backpedaled and went back to just having "she/her" in my bio because i had a Moment Of Panic wondering "no no the Genders are for people who Really Truly Identify (whatever that means) and i shouldnt co-opt these terms because im not even sure what i am!! im not allowed to identify as bigender until i really figure it out!!*", and then for a while i identified as nonbinary, and then the pandemic happened which i think hilariously due to the lockdowns had the cool side effect of many people figuring out Personal Things and at some point in 2021 i was like ".....hey im a guy, actually. it makes me happy to be a guy"
*sidenote 1: this "but am i allowed to?" worry is a common thing i see a lot from other people also going through their journey of questioning their gender, and i wanna talk about it specifically later on in this response, but bACK ON TOPIC FIRST---
sidenote 2: yes, like a pokemon trainer, i have collected the three starter pronouns. she, they, and he. KJHAVFLASVFALSJK
backtracking through the other genders i had identified as, i'd chosen them all at the time for similar reasons: joy. i identified as bigender because i felt recognized for the first time, an identity where i could be both feminine and masculine. i identified as nonbinary because i adored the comfort of that freedom and that fluidity. i identify as a trans guy now because i realized that i can find joy in being a guy and still enjoy expression of "non-guy" things because guys who like pink and frilly fashion and plushies is still a valid and real type of guy, it's the type of guy i am. and these are more on the positive markers of gender expression, the opposite of gender dysphoria: gender euphoria, the happiness when gender stuff feels just right
btw, you are indeed using the term gender dysphoria correctly. that simply pertains to any kind of distress or upsetness due to gender things Not feeling right. within that definition, theres no requirement for you Already Having To Identify to use it, because otherwise thatd mean anybody who found out they were trans only after experiencing gender dysphoria was using it incorrectly, which seems rather silly. and even if the definition Did have that requirement.......who cares? JKHDFVSKDJHFVKSD i mean that in the most genuine and sincere way ever, because so long as it is harming nobody, who cares what word you use? sure, a Bunch of people care actually, and a bunch of people will pitch a fit policing on being allowed to use certain gender words and whatnot. but in general ive taken to trying to remember that like.....gender stuff is a Personal thing. it is the business of the Person Themselves, as it is our identity. it is up to us to define it, to explore it, to make our own choices on it. and well....generally, people who think your expression is any of their business is, at best, nosy, or at worse, a bigot.
i went on a tangent there sorry VSDFLJBFL, but my point is dont worry, youre using the term right. if youre feeling Not Good because something about The Genders doesnt fit, yeah thats dysphoria. and im so so sorry youre experiencing this, because it sucks
i said before that my main marker for realizing gender stuffs was the presence of a positive emotion, instead of the presence of a negative one. but i also experienced gender dysphoria, it just wasnt as big of a thing in my own journey. for me, it was less of a wrongness and more of a vague...discomfort. like wearing shoes that dont fit. it's fine some days but other days i couldnt stand it but my legs still work and i was much more focused on the times i Did find figurative shoes that fit immensely well.
.....oh something i think that wld be important for me to mention is that i kinda....somehow always knew i was of Another Gender. but i kept hesitating and kept backtracking because, kinda like what you say, it went both ways for me
im a guy. but i also really liked things that are traditionally seen as feminine, i still do. ive got a closet full of lolita fashion dresses, mixed in with the ridiculous amounts of plaid shirts ive got. throughout my life, i was never really regarded as masculine by other people, more often i was seen by others as some kind of manic pixie androgynous being. and these things, they made me hesitate. how can i be a guy if so much of who i am is seen by others as Not-Guy stuff?
well, eventually it's cuz i figured that what others think should have nothing to do with who i am and who i choose to be. relating back to what i said about Genders being a personal thing yknow. why was i so worried about what other people thought of a thing that only concerned me?
yknow one of the most gender affirming experiences ive ever had in my life was back was i was in college. i was just going out and about for a group work thing, and the classmates along with me were rowdy manly cisguys and i was feeling low and it showed, i was all meek and sad and shit. and then this lady came up to me, and i didnt get to know if she was a transwoman or a femme presenting gay man, but she sat with me and chatted with me and eventually she asked
(this convo happened in filipino but roughly translated it went)
her: do you want to be a boy?
me: yes (i answered so instinctively. at the time, i was identifying as nonbinary, but she asked a question and i gave my honest answer. yes. yes i did.)
her: well, youre very handsome! youre more handsome than any of them //gestures at the cisguy classmates
and that stucks with me to this day. another queer person asking Me what I Wanted, and affirming that. didnt matter that i looked like how i looked, that i obviously wasnt as objectively or normatively masculine as the cismen around us. what mattered was what i wanted, and i was handsome for it, and that was that.
after that we just talked about pop music, but i felt so good the rest of the day
now...on the unwritten question here of "how do you (as in, anon, or any other reader out there) know you're trans (or any kind of other gender designation)?" or if you already know you are some other gender, how do you figure it out? who do you ask?:
im sorry for how cheesy or seemingly unhelpful what im going to say next is, but i cannot stress how crucial it is: the only person who can ever answer these is You. ask yourself what makes you happy, what would alleviate your discomfort, what would cause comfort, what youre drawn to, etc.
but if i can give any unsolicited advice on that....itd be to make sure that the person youre asking, the person who is giving the answer, is really You. not the thoughts or opinions of other people, not the rules of what is considered 'norm', not the fears or the worries circling around the question, dont ask those things dont find the answer in those things. the person to give the answers is You.
and btw!! You can change sometimes. and sometimes your answer can change too, and thats okay if ever that happens. all my prior answers to this question changed in through life, and it doesnt mean any of my prior answers were wrong (sans the time i backpedaled, because then i wasnt getting the answer from Me, i was getting the answer from Worries). it just meant that those were the answers for Me when i was at that stage of my life.
tldr: i figured out i was trans because it made me so damn happy to be and also because i stopped giving a shit about what other people thought
i hope this response makes sense and that theres something in here that can help you out. im wishing you the best, anon <3
#asks#anon#sorry this response is messy and all over the place my brain aint at its best lately skdf but still i hope something in here can help
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i mentioned doki in my last post and yeah i kinda dont talk about it as much as the other seasons ive completed huh.
despite my incoming hater rant i uh. dont hate it? but i like every other season ive seen better and that includes tropical rouge, which despite being my first season i do find mid now. though thats really not enough credit to doki, its highs are higher, but its lows are waaaaay lower.
(ramble incoming, not important, just my own scuffed opinion, but its under the cut. also spoilers.)
first off, elephant-shaped ira in the room, yes im a self identified card carrying cure ace hater. i can own that, im fine with it, star twinkle madoka is best madoka, but also i feel like that doesnt give the nuace of how i feel enough credit. its sorta like, yes the fake-out was lame, but a fake out like that is supposed to make more sense in hindsight, when you see the rest of the story and know why it happened, but we REALLY didnt get that. was literally a deus ex machina to save the cures from getting washed by fucked up and evil and purple regina, then proceeds to become an even bigger problem than regina by finessing manas lovies while shes sad about losing her blonde villain gf.
i then made jokes about how aguri is homophobic for the rest of the show
proceeds to be a colossal dickhead for the next 10 episodes, then its revealed she cant back it up cus of the whole time limit thing that they discard at the end, and then just. says sowwy and fades into the bg until endgame arc starts. like we see that she was watching the cures beforehand, but then NEVER stepped in until the regina thing, which. why? she didnt know she and regina were split off from ange until way later, what compelled her? that the cures were gonna lose? howd that not get her moving the several times thatd already happened? theres no reasoning behind it, she shows up, acts like a dickhead, and turns endgame into the aguri show and turns makotos whole arc into an afterthought. most we get out of her after that was the brush your teeth episode. imo actively made the show worse off.
not the only one though cus okada joe, fresh from getting his wife killed and losing his homeworld, gets sent to the main world, immediately starts hitting on middle schoolers. its been said that they were gonna go full coco on this dude but one higherup said "ya nah", but its hard to tell if that happened before or after the show started airing, cus it only fully stops once we see him in the armour suit, going "i miss my wife tails makoto. i miss her a lot" when he was trying to rizz her up like 20 episodes ago. bigger danger to children than king selfish at that rate. only good thing about aguri imo is that okada joe vanishes for like 12 episodes since him meeting aguri would advance the plot.
alice is also kinda lame. nothing else for me to say except half of the alice episodes felt like sebastian the butler episodes, except those were actually fun cus he has a personality thats more than a gentrified toothpick
but also the shows highs are REALLY GOOD. rikka is awesome. the first villain trio is excellent. every scene with regina in it is peak, especially the midseason arc (before aguri anyway). they made a line sticker of that one scene where regina and mana sleep in the same bed and thats the most adorable shit ive ever seen. that one pre-endgame episode with regina and rikka gave kira a run for its money with the funny homo factor. speaking of rikka, the first straight ship (not you raquel) ive seen the series push that isnt either basic as fuck or vomit inducing.
also mana is okay you guys are just mean. when yr in the same show as aguri the mary sue allegations kinda just explode into a cloud of steam
but thats not enough for doki to beat the mid allegations imo. which is a huge shame, this show has so much going for it, but it consistently put a focal point on the things that make it worse! and also why i havent posted about it until literally today, it isnt genuinely great like heartcatch or st, it doesnt have dedicated brain worms inside my frontal lobe like mahopre or kira, and it isnt a show thats overall good but then fumbled its main twist in the most personally aggravating to me way possible like tropical rouge.
oh yeah while im here ive also watched go princess, but that shows issues are more in that anything that isnt towa is kinda just fucking boring, (which is also a shame cus towas the best precure character period bar none) but thats a post for another time
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been watching rc9gn lately and this is actually insane. like im trying not to question this 2013 disney xd show too much but like. does randy have to fight monsters like every day. does he have to skip class or do all monster attacks conveniently happen during lunch. and why isnt he allowed to tell like, his teachers about being the ninja. i feel like that should really be an exception like obviously nothing happens if he tells like a few people. like he told his friend and thats just like whatever. but also at the same time maybe it makes sense cuz the teachers seem like nuts who cant keep a secret. also do people who turn into monsters remember what happened when theyre monsters. i dont think they do cuz like. thatd mean so many people know randy is the ninja right. like one thing i can think of off the top of my head is monster julian in tale of the golden doctors note. like he totally saw randy transform. but like they must not remember stuff i guess. which is a good thing omfg imagine if your body turned into that of like a fucking spider monster and you uncontrollably rampaged thru ur school and u just remembered that like whaaat. ok im talking abt this show too much bye
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GOD. i had this thought this morning but then i Forgot bc 💛idk💛 but ANYWAYS i was thinking abt what u said in the tags of ur one post that giselle in the darkworld would be kris and susies first time meeting her and it got me Thinking like. okay berdkris hat on, can you Imagine the awkwardness of meeting ur sons crush. BUT LIKE berdly never tells her he has a crush on kris but she overhears it one night when she’s going to bed (berdly lamenting on facetime to noelle, classic besties mome) and she’s like “huh. kris.” and obvs she doesn’t actually Know who kris is bc she’s not rlly Around but she just like. stores the thought back there. and she doesn’t ever say anything abt it bc Oh My God can you imagine how weird THAT conversation would be. these two cannot even get through simple pleasantries can you imagine the Relationship Advice Convo???? hell on earth.
but she stills Knows This and so in the darkworld she’s like hm. kris. they seem self-sufficient. good at pointing. i like this kid. and she maybe sorta kinda tries nudging the two together but mostly she just asks kris oddly personal questions. like okay imagine a situation like when the gang splits up in chap 2 except it’s kris and giselle. OR BERDLY AND GISELLE OOOOO that’s a different good idea. anyways. imagine her asking kris what things berdly likes bc she doesn’t kno HGNBDJCNFD OKAY IM DONE IM DONE RANT OVER. just some things to consider :-)
NDBFJSNFSKFKZBF adopting the idea of her learning berdly's crush by overhearing him talking to noelle into this disaster family's canon immediately❤ that's probably the only way she learns anything about him these days because he's sure as hell not going to tell her. (ofc she respects his privacy, even as worried as she's starting to get. any overhearing that happens on her part is Never purposeful)
she does know who kris is! but only by virtue of "oh that's Toriel's kid" they've never actually met each other. giselle and toriel are tensely acquainted. so when she hears this little tidbit it's like oh god 💔 what if they start dating. does that mean i'll have to talk to toriel. i dont want to do that. etc
so she's kinda. like. well on one hand she wants berdly to be happy but on the other hand she really doesn't want to talk to toriel. so she's like. half hoping nothing will come of this little crush. and then dark world shenanigans 🤨 idk any details but like you said, she meets kris there and she's like oh this is a good kid... maybe i should be rethinking my stance on my son's crush. maybe i can cope with a little bit of toriel in my life if it means he'll be happy
i really like the concept of berdly and giselle getting stuck traversing a dark world together because i think that'd be good for their relationship. much like being in cyber world was good for berdly because he was able to loosen up and let his guard down and let himself just be for a while, instead of juggling expectations and pressure and general real life stress. there's so much else going on and none of it is their light world baggage so i think they'd be able to connect more freely y'know... and giselle wouldn't be walking away thinking of it as a weird dream because either
A. by this point berdly wants to be more honest with her and it starts right here, right now.
B. he and the rest of the fun gang DO convince her it was a dream, but berdly wouldn't be able to go back to the cold silences and constantly avoiding her and with the pretty drastic change in his behavior matching her "dream", giselle would quickly realize that it was all real
if she got teamed up with kris though thatd be fucking funny. you see how awkward she is with her own kid? it's worse with other people's kids. but she does pull them aside at some point like
giselle: hey. youuuuu... know what things berdly likes, right? ^^''
kris: .
giselle: could you tell me what they are?
kris: Um
kris (in their head): is. is she quizzing me...??
giselle: because tbh i don't have the slightest clue he doesn't tell me anything. but his birthday's coming up and i can never tell if he likes the presents i get him and i want to be sure this year and i know he likes you so i figured i'd ask you-
kris (still in their head): wait what
(much like berdly, giselle lacks a filter. so she just. yeah. good job giselle. most mediocre mom of the year award)
#i think i might have to write that... 'that' being berdly and giselle traversing a dark world together#ive drawn giselle quite a bit now but that means nothing to me. i must write about her#just need to vaguely map out a new dark world i guess..#mailbox#obsessed with 'kris: good at pointing'#giselle
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Hey, I just read all of your Little by Little series on ao3 and it's amazing. I dont know much about Alan Scott but your writing hurts in a good way.
Parts of Alan seemed tired and parts of him seem fearful. I started crying at one point even though the series is tagged as light angst. Seeing him breakdown reminds me of my own struggle with internalized issues and I think you tackled them wonderfully.
I'm going to check out some comics featuring him, if you have any recs thatd be nice. Thank you for writing those fics <3
ohhh my god this is the sweetest ask in the universe, i can't tell you how much this means to me! everything i've written about alan scott is very near & dear to my heart for the obvious reasons and i don't tend to expect much of a reaction because he's a relatively obscure character in the grand scheme of things so this is just about the best thing that's ever happened to me, thank you so so soooo much & please know that taking the time to send this is much appreciated!!!
i've mentioned some recs here (which also includes links to a different, more in-depth post) and i think that just about covers all my favourite alan appearances but i would definitely recommend getting started with his story in the green lantern 80th anniversary special and this year dc's pride special, they're both fantastic takes on his journey so far. he's also currently in the ongoing infinite frontier miniseries! the characterisation there isn't quite as ideal as some of his earlier appearances mentioned above but, as much as i'm the no 1 fan of every 1940s series, there's nothing wrong with jumping right in and working your way backwards. injustice: year zero, though elseworlds/taking place in an alt universe, is worth a read too as i remember genuinely crying a lot at every issue where we see alan & jimmy being all happily married
alan's my all time favourite character and i have to admit half of the series, despite how relatively recent it is, was written at a time when it seemed impossible that he'd get confirmed as canonically gay and the actual existence of that is still a miracle to me! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING IT & LOVING IT!!!!!!!!
(and for the uninitiated among us: here's little by little -- my fic series about alan coming out)
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for 93 fun oc asks: 9, 93, 81, 69 (im just curious abt the question OK 🤬) and 65 for Farrow and Buggy!! :0
sorry to spam questions i just happen to like that meme
NO ITS OK I LOVE DOING THESE THANKS let me put it under a cut just in case it gets long winded
9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal?
ok so farrows is obvious possums and possum adjacent animals and rodents but his fav colors are like. yellow and red and neon blue specifically. buggy likes yellow, orange, and black and really likes every animal but specifically has chosen sheep and goats to latch onto apparently. also cats and many sea animals. he cant choose. he used to have a dolphin phase if that counts
93. What’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said?
GOD so i dont actually write enough for buggy to actually have any Iconic Lines but lucky enough for farrow him and skuggy have years's worth of beef for him to have time to have developed an iconic line and it's just "you and i will never be a we" ndhfjkfdf. cheesy as fuck but does the job. if i were to do some digging around in the juggy event i could probably pull something i liked from buggy but nothing stands out too much for me . WAIT. ok so this is funny when compared to the weight farrow's line holds but the only line that stuck with me from buggy is "my fires are the ones that're hot" and that came from his old ask blog bc people tried to hit on him
81. Are they bothered by the sight of blood?
it'd be kind of insane if farrow were since he dies every other day in varying ways so no he's gotten pretty used to it KJHGKJH. even before that he grew up in the mafia infested city on his own without parental supervision so i. jfhd once his dad died and he saw the most blood he's ever seen in his life he started growing accustomed jhfdkjs. also he's lowkey a bit of a medic so he can handle shit like that
buggy on the other hand cannot bc while he Does like. kill ppl. theres never any blood and hes usually very far away from them. whenever he does see anything gruesome he cannot handle it considering he Was that gruesome scene a good few years ago KJDFHD. he does not like blood he wont faint but. its not fun
69. How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality?
GOD THIS QUESTION. ok so buggy was very much molded by his experiences throughout towns. he used to be kinda standoffish and not very social but the more he lived in trial towns the more he realized he'd do much better both survival-wise and emotionally if he just. was friendlier and worked with people instead of against them kjhdff. the whole dexter ordeal happening while he was still kind of. malleable and impressionable didn't really help his self worth at all so he became kind of a doormat but since he keeps getting shoved atround THAT'S teaching him "hey maybe i should stand up for myself sometimes" but. its. its a process for sure
farrow grew up surrounded by evil people jdhfdksj i dont think he had a single person to look up to that treated him with love and patience growing up so this is why he is the way he is. like genuinely i think before he met skuggy he has never met someone who he knows is being nice to him not out of obligation or to try and get something out of him/to survive LMAO. so i. you can understand why he's so fucking mean to everyone including people he likes
65. What’s their immune system like? Do they get sick often? How do they react to getting sick?
i. HAVE NOT THOUGHT OF THIS UMMMMM like i rarely ever consider the fact my ocs can get sick like. illness is not real in salem ♥ umm i think buggy's would have a pretty good immune system he has like a 300 in constitution. what he lacks in everything else goes to his strong constitution fjdfg. and farrow would be. Fine? but i guess since he was necromanced and died for a good while thatd probably do. Something to his immune system fuck if i know. i guess it isnt as good as it used to be fkjsf. whenever buggy is sick he takes it easy and stays in bed for the most part but still. does things he needs to like cook breakfast and if he lives with anyone he doesnt want them doing everything for him he'll feel bad. farrow on the other hand will be pissed off at himself for having the AUDACITY to catch ANYTHING that makes him perform at 99% instead of 100% and will go on like he is FINE and he is NOT sick and FUCK YOU DAD I DONT NEED SOUP IM F😡😡😡😡ok maybe some soup BUT IM FINE!!!!!! until he forcibly has to keel over and rest hjdkg. even then he'll still be enraged
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rebels s4 first-time watch liveblogging! (just jedi knight on bcuz i only wanna watch the good eps of this show)
sorry. the hair is bad. maybe dont let a blind man give himself a haircut
kanan and hera r the only too bitches i care about in this house
theyre soooo cuuuute ugh
y go to the fuel depot tho that seems like a recipe for disaster
kanan didnt have to b dramatic about it i think they all cudve gotten away if he had just got in the ship. theyve been in tighter situations before
can kanan b a force ghost tho? just to talk to hera. idc about the others. hera seems rly broken up about this
hera: *crying*. chopper: bur bur. bur bur bur bur bur. hera: *sniffles* youre right
ezra and hera reminiscing about kanan is actually really good and really hits :(
the side plot is stupid. y not just use a bomb-bomb and kill that little grey bitch. a fuckin paint bomb? r u serious?let zeb kill him bitch goddamnit zeb deserves a little murder. as a treat
what the fuck is happening
god fucking damnit dave u fucking furry ive had enough of these fucking wolves
i hate how they talk
leave hera alone she needs like 5 fucking minutes to grieve her baby-daddie’s death goddamn
FUCK YEAHHHHH WE R GOING BACK TO THE JEDI TEMPLE i love the jedi i miss the clone wars :(
im gonna say it. the loth-cats cudve been cuter
ohmygod dave finally made his dream come true of having his characters ride wolves (bcuz he said he wanted ahsoka to ride a wolf at some point. but these guys riding wolves r fine too i guess. ahsoka makes anything cooler tho... jus sayin)
this is some force-power-bullshit that i can GET BEHIND. TELEPORTING WOLVES HELL YEAH
they literally have no asses
who the fuck is this crusty bitch
COURUSCANT lets go there. i miss the clone wars :(
wait wheres rex. is he safe? is he alright?
y does sabine have to b here
good job ezra u got it. u cracked the code. ahsoka is the daughter <3
sorry nothing was happening so i blanked out for a bit but now we are in the world between worlds AND I AM HEARING THE VOICES OF ALL OF MY FRIENDS GOD I LOVE U GUYS OBI WAN AHSOKA ANAKIN I LOVE YALL
this scene is very cool tho
ugh stop can i skip the sabine scenes? i wanna hang out w ezra in the world between worlds
she shud do the thing again where she falls onto her back and kicks the enemy away i think thatd b rly fun
hellooooo hottie
ahsoka <3
does she know shes the baddest bitch in the galaxy? i feel like she doesnt know. i feel like sabine thinks SHES the baddest bitch in the galaxy but rly its ahsoka
is it like ahsokas job is to dramatically go “anakin...”
when did she name the fucking bird
ok god complex ezra
ahsokas been through so much shit in her lifetime. she can literally understand any trauma just name it
cud we not have done one more take to have my guy palps say ahsokas name correctly? i mean its not a huge deal but like. was he payed by the second???
“i will. i promise” ahsoka ur so fucking cute
whered it go
how can the entire temple just skrrt away
okay what the fuck is happening y did everyone just show up
ahsoka said “ima take a nap hmu after the finale”
i hate this fuckin grey dude
hondo ily
sorry i stopped paying attention but wolffe just had a line so im back now
oh my fuck this next episode is HOW MANY MINUTES LONG?????
hera in this ep b like ‘am i gregnant?’
kallus ur the coolest bitch in this whole show (minus ahsoka)
go hera <3
yo what the fuck
this episode is 47 goddamn minutes so that we have time for this pig catapulting bullshit?
the whole second half of this show is just the writers making excuses to have thrawn do absolutely nothing while still pretending like he’s a threat
why r there 2 separate animal dues ex machinas in this finale?
yoooo ezra i actually rly like u bro :(((
hey where the fuck is darth vade y did he just dip out of the show. i feel like he cud help the empire out in this situation
very weird that thrawn supports sabines patreon or whatever the fuck
heyyyy palpatine what the fuck
they were rly broken up about kanans death for like. an episode. but theyre chill now theyre over it
y is palpatine into ezra?
can kallus and zeb smooch? just once? please? wud that b so hard?
how is this pig not dead
oh lmao he is dead hahahahahahah
im still confused about how greggor didnt die in clone wars. i thought he died? was i tripping?
palpatine is trying so hard not to saw “dewit” right now
what does destroying the temple accomplish?
oh so NOW ull kill the little grey bitch
y cant he get out of there tho
bro a bitch is crying
theyre dating
hera’s makeup
the way i broke down when i saw ahsoka
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Oh I see!! I'll make note of that, then! So I can wish you good luck for school <3 you'll be in a new grade when you start, right? and AAAAH thank you!! We will have online classes off and on, but when we actually go to school (physically) we will have exams right off the bat (ugh).
oh wow the coincidence is so cool!! Yes, the more food the better, tho some are coastal states so they have mostly seafood ._.
it really is, and you have to be very thorough with it or you might make a mistake :( I'm glad!! You should do what you enjoy, and freelancing is definitely much easier and less stressful xx
omigosh bae aaah you're so cute. No one is going to think you're uncool, don't worry. And I'm sure they'll get it in the first time you teach, you seem to be a very gentle person and I think that's one of the main characteristics of being a teacher. Tho yes I can understand getting frustrated after the second time. I'm actually the least patient person I know, so I relate to what you've said a lot skhdskks. I guess it's an ENTP thing 😔
I'd low-key just be a koala bear or something :> I know right!!
Icouldn't find it, ugshshshhhhh :(((
Awww. Okay, playful hitting is cute. I don't do it at all, but my friends do, whenever I flirt with them 😭😭 I think they're just flustered 😼
Oh God yes. I hate my braces but I'm glad they're coming out soon. And then I'll be able to eat anything I want. What is one food you don't think you'll be able to live without, btw? (BESIDES CHEESE, SIR).
oh Turkish delights are WONDERFUL. I've also only tried it once. Your school seems to have such wonderful food! And wow I just googled maklube, and it looks so good?? Rice and meat are low-key the perfect combo 😭😭💖 (and the name is so cute?? It means upside down, right?)
oooh omg I'd totally read an article like that. Make sure you add "catboy supremacy" at the end 😹😹😹
yessss I love She-Ra! They're all actually remakes from old TV shows my parents watched when they were younger, and now Netflix remakes them with amazing graphics!! I also love Voltron (it's actually my favourite), and I was really into it before my anime phase as well xD I hope you're able to watch them sometime! What were you into, before anime?
And oh, love! How was your day? Mine was okay. I woke up really early and studied (and kinda burnt myself out) so I slept for an hour after studying for five. And then I had another meeting, and I watched an episode of money heist xD this may be off topic, but my Leo club is collaborating with three others from different schools and we're doing a project together! It's kinda like a tutor thingy, and there's 8 tutors who'll have 1 and a half hour slots to teach their specific subjects. I'm a tutor too, and my subject's English, so I'm really excited. I hope I'll be able to teach well, so lol, fingers crossed xD
I love you btw!! Like so so so very much. You make me smile. Let me be cheesy here, BUT THANKS FOR BEING MY SNOWMATE 😼☃️
Hello!! Not really, this is just a small break, hehe. I'm in the last grade actually, and I'll be out of school in 25th of May~ Awhh that sucks😭 They have no chill, huh? Couldve at least given a revision day or something
Ouch😔 it's always the small things that ruin it all😭
Yeah, you're right!!! Though I'm afraid I might not make enough money for a living 💔 I'll try my best though!! Cant live without failing eh?
Ahh I really hope so~ still kind of worried. Because, you know, people are different? And I dont really wanna make them think bad of me XD I wonder if theres tutoring on how to teach someone. Thatd be useful
Koalas are so cute though🥺🥺 just like you😭
Nanwndnnwnd💔😩 dont worry, I'm sure itll float up when you least expect it hehe
Heheh, I also flirt with my friends and I remember one time one of them just headbutted me😩😭😭😭😭
Hmm~ I dont even know, probably noodles. Extra spicy instant noodles<3 or homemade noodles. Any noodle is a fine noodle😭 I love them a lot, not as much as Kuro though. He's literally that vine where a guy cries over spilled spaghetti.
Yes yes yes!!!! We absolutely adore those, and if we dont have one during teatime some people just refuse to come along xD they're still forced to lmao,,, I really hope you can try them again soon!! I'm not really sure about the translation, I dont think it has one hehe, all I know is that they taste good 😝
I really feel like making a clickbait thumbnail for a video about that. I'll show you when I do😋
Ahhh I really need to catch up on old fandoms hehe~ before anime i was really into Steven Universe... and video games, like Undertale, FNaF, Sally Face, Fran Bow... all that 2015 stuff xD I also enjoyed watching gameplay videos, because as a broke baby child I couldn't afford a game or a PC. I also liked Camp Camp, hehe
Mine was pretty good!!! Yesterday nothing much happened, I went to eat out and watched some guys dance on the street. It was fun, hehe~
Huhh??? Noo you really should've rested:(( Well, I'm glad you had a nap though!! You deserve it<3
That sounds so cool!!! I really hope the meeting went well, how'd it go? Was it hard?
Our class also made a project, where we post in a group anonymously about something that we had learned. It sounds really nice, I'm not really gonna post anything but I'm looking forward to whatever my classmates come up with xD
I love you too!! Your messages always make me so happy🥺 Its really an honor to be your snowmate💞💕💞💕💞
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(haha there's very icky thoughts in this so don't read if it triggers ye, if anyone's reading this lmao) boy! it's one of those nights ain't it haha. ultrasadness. i dont have people to talk to which, yknow i feel like a lot of people don't have others to talk to. but anyways! i am sad! f! the most annoying aspect of myself i dislike is how one moment im daydreaming because hehe escapism and dont wanna talking to people at all then the, next moment im unbearably sad and i wanna! have friends that aren't people from my imagination. it's my fault, yep, its allll my fault, im not even trying to be sarcastic here, i know i should actively seek out people to be friends with them but!! im in my element to run around pretending i made fucking animations for my friend group that also exists! totally! it makes me feel great and content until i realise its not real! god am i pathetic haha! how do i improve ? how? why am i like this? is it because my brain views my escapism as safer and more wondrous then reality? to the po in t talking to people just? bore me? it's weird as hell, im probably just a selfish git but i genuinely look at chats and either go "conversation going,, i no want join cause rude" or "there's no point they're all so boring. being alive is boring. your life, your personality, you as a person is boring. that's why he left. he left for someone else he already had plans with, someone who he can actually see regularly in person in the future, someone who makes him happy. you never made him happy. he was miserable being stuck with you, that's why he left, that's why he immediately got into another relationship with someone else. you're why he lied to you, you're the problem, he hates you, you were an abusive fuck who couldn't keep his mouth shut and never changed. he's going to spend years being happy with someone and he's glad he's left you. he hates you. he hates you. he hates you. he hates you. you're the problem. don't ever try again, you don't have thr privlage to die, not yet. wait until everyone's finally tired of your manuplitive, selfish shit then kill yourself. die. just fucking die. just die. no one will stay loving you, you'll be forgotten, why did you say so much? you're fucking obsessive and its all your fault. you existing in the first place was a mistake, when have you ever brought joy to people? when had anyone be glad that you're here? you're better off dead, you're better off dead. you know if she had the choice mother would pick a normal person as a child in a heartbeat. you know if she knew you were going to turn out this way she would have fucking killed you herself because you've been nothing a burden. she'll leave, just like he left and everyone else did. so what if you just followed along with everything they were saying? you should've been smart enough not to be a dick you asshole. anyone that comes into your life will leave, everyone will leave, everyone is going to leave. even thinking about this you're cementing it, it's going to happen because you're thinking so hard about it. all bad things happen to you because you think about them. it's your fault. every bad thing that happens is your fault, you deserve all the slander that will come to you, you will die alone. you will die alone. no one will miss you, you've had a sad pathetic lonely life being unwanted. and it's all your fault. suffer. suffer. suffer. suffer. suffer. suffer. you ungrateful, selfish bastard-" and its very unpog i dont like my brain.
i wish i could find life enjoyable again, i wish i liked talking to multiple people, i wish i had multiple people to talk to. i wish i, didn't have these fucking attachment and abandonment issues that just make me terrified of being close with someone again. i think i have rejection sensitive dysphoria and oh! boy! MM. an internal conflict of "do i have adhd or is it just my anxiety and life long loneliness" had been going on in my brain. because if i had adhd i think thatd explain, a lot actually uYubun, but also those symptoms could stem from uhh, childhood issues and stuff pfft. like id be socially withdrawn and daydream a lot, to the point where i avoided playing with other kids just so i could walk around the yard to think about stuff, which are symptoms of adhd but also it's because "brain got lowkey traumatised being neglected on a plane for so long as a baby without its mother then just got whipped around the country serveral times giving me 0 safe secure places." i, i don't know man. that's a lot i have to talk with my therapist in like half an hour haha.
wow i talk about my problems too much this is why he left me 😩
a ok uhm, uh, yea! im very lonely haha. there's like, a person who i could chat with but i dont want to bother them. they're a good friend but they've been busy and i feel like im highkey using them. which is not pog at all! im not fun to talk with and im very annoying hahaha!
why are people so untrustworthy. why am i sad? only god knows but im god, so god doesn't know.
i think me despretly trying to talk to someone while im sad is so, utterly selfish and pathetic. i mean come on man why only now? haha.
i mean i did start to emulate a lot of his bad behaviour but! it's ok i know what's bad to do know and ive learnt from this experience and am moving forward.
where does forward lead? i dont know! probably jobless and suicide but hahaha! im not gonna make it past 25 baby! im gonna fall in love with someone then they'll leave forever and ill die!! After my mum gets sick of me!! hahhaha!!!!! im not unstable right now, i don't even wanna die! that'd be so selfish id break my parents! haha! i want someone to love me as much as i love them and to hold them in my arms! i wanna be comfortable with someone! i wanna be held! i want someone who won't cheat on me!! i wanna be loved!! woohooo!!! that's all i want! yknow what else i want? a friend group thats genuinely happy to see me! people i can eat lunch with and laugh with! people that don't make me feel small and pathetic! and why can't i have that? because im a piece of filth that doenst deserve any of it because ive done nothing to earn it! how the fuck do i do stuff! to talk! how do i not feel hopeless and small all the time? no matter what i fucking say im going to be yelled at for not being positive! fuck! fuck. fuck you.
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6 - 10?
lets get mad ab it (ft. various f/os)
6) what are some tropes that fan art of your f/o tends to follow?
for dante:
inc-st (whether it be d*nte/v*rgil or n-ro/d-nte. even tr,sh/d,nte)
getting stabbed, impaled, slapped, etc. basically a punching bag
disclaimer: jk ill kill you if you ship any of that in/ce/sty shit. la.dy/d.a.nte is fine i just do not want it
(there are some nice tropes but this is ab being angy so chile)
7) did your f/o deserve better?
for aizen:
no ❤
8) do you even like the source your f/o comes from or do you only watch it for them & nothing else?
for slick:
dude, fuck homestuck/j. i hate hussie legit tho, i just do. the fandom chilled out a lot and im glad they did bc i assure you, i was mega cringe when i first got into it but most of the fans are really cool and really fuckin galaxybrained sjdjd
imma be real with you chief, i never finished it and my brain is too damn small to even comprehend whats happening. so, im just here for the crew n like 5 other charas, maybe.
the thing itself is fine im sure, if i bothered to immerse myself in high fantasy shit
9) do you distance yourself from other fans of your f/o or their source?
for medic:
haha no doubles xoxo, not a joke!
tf2 is actually one of the first communities i joined when i actually got into something - by that i mean, actively joining servers and really drawing fanart/ship art, so i guess i didnt really distance myself, in fact i was p involved for a bit
currently, ive pulled back a bit n like just vibe out on the side. dont really feel like im apart of the community for self inserting only so i kinda just avoid certain people jsjsjd
some medic stannies are unbelievably... h-rny and difficult to witness... there are strong opinions on him, maybe? and thats cool i guess i just really hope no one sees me like some rabid fan that just says 👀💦 like.ok... i want serotonin and thats it
im fine with tf2 as a source like, theres barely any lore, if anything im doin sumn for their dumbass charas- if only i could focus on literally any other character thatd be pretty cherry
10) how did you feel when you realized “oh of course i had to like That Character”?
for marvus:
ahhh we all knew, we all knew... even i knew. i just like givin myself (and fos) a hard time, give the audience a funnie heehee hahaaa. i should've known when my faves back in 2013 consisted of gamzee- the circus will always find its way back into my city.
it was a gradual thing like "oh yeah, he was suggested/assigned to me so ill check him out" and it devolved into me liveblogging his damn route in the server like 'what the fuck is this bullshit?' and then turned into 'im gonna look up voice hcs' n proceeded to embarrass/fluster myself.
tldr: i wasnt very shocked but denied my feelings despite knowing id end up in the shitshow. im honestly v happy? with the damn clown - hes an oddly comforting fo for me despite not having much content/background on him and also not having him for that long.
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i watched “spy kids 2″ twice in one week and here are my thoughts
she wasn’t the president’s daughter in the last one
im not sure the ride would let you go up without the key
nice hats
i want those…. things
i think you can tell who they are????? without 7 layers of zoom glasses???
a child….. can tell the president…… what to do????? great idea OSS
i miss floop 😔
God i hate the giggles…. giggleses? giggles’s???? whatever i hate them
since when can carmen hack
what does ralph stand for. the subtitles have letters but i dont think its ever touched upon
and i OOP-
“infolink” dont you mean a private email server
yes carmen he has a weird laugh get over it
at least SOME of the kids are gonna say yes to champagne
why does juni know ballet
great job felix
he saw the text change. he saw the electric shock. why did he not say something. he clearly knows
thats nepotism, my friends
oh look they have all died
get wrecked magnet dudes
i dont think a magnet strapped to your head is enough to keep you attached to a ship
in a state of chaos while the spy kids are PROTECTING YOU, why would you get mad when a spy kid, WHO IS PROTECTING YOU takes something TO PROTECT IT
floops fooglies!!
since when do they have a treehouse
“retirement” you’re EIGHT
wait thats illegal
ukata? dont you mean utica? i keep calling it utica in my head
i think someones gonna see you, ralph
why was the ukata assignment metioned BEFORE the transmooker was taken if its centered around the stolen transmooker?????
it has 2 watch bands. i hate it
where did juni get a rubber band machete elastic wonder????????? he only gave it to carmen
yeah sure “accidentally”
“im not your uncle” youre a close family friend and they told their kids to call you their uncle. therefore youre their uncle. deal
garys face is so stretched on the window. if i had a crush on him i would stop right then and there
I T S F L O O P!!!!!!!!!!! love that dude
his hair!!! its gone!!!! :((((((
his tailcoat is like…… sticking out
why is minions voice back to normal
i miss floop again😔😔😔
ig its another breathing think but you dont need oxygen tanks??? i would like one please
imagine if youtubers did the inflate-a-suit challenge. thatd be wack
“oh great. im fat” i feel that every day my dude consider yourself lucky
those camels weren’t there 3 seconds ago
ooooh nice desk toy. i want it
no donnagon youre gonna kill them
wow great job ingrid
the mustache is back!!!!!
oooh nice sleeves ingrid
yeah carmen that was junis fault
oh no your gadgets dont work. the horror
those stairs are dumb
that was a good shelter!!!!!! h*ck you carmen
wow. a rock
oh my God giggleses take a shower
ok so maybe broken gadgets arent great
oh no they died
so when did the time skip happen
stop yelling
is that steve buscemi
“nice to meet you, tired and hungry” spoken like a true dad
hahaha monkeys in a barrel. i have some of those
yeah “accidentally” alright buscemi watever
oh we’ve seen em. they’re all puns
except slizzards. those are dumb
oh no he died
“do you think God stays up in heaven because He too live in fear of what Hes created?” yes he does. we’re gross
“whats the difference” nothing really
diy dental work seems like a bad idea
you get captured every movie step up
wait nvm its just the in laws. whatever same difference
ooh nice pen buscemi
i want one of those scooters
nvm i want a slizzard they’re not that dumb
how did she get a heart-shaped tv screen
awwwwww, she likes juni!!!!
yeah!!!!! hold your ground greg!!!!!
wait why is juni white, his moms at least half hispanic and his dad is like all hispanic
“a big sacrifice” youll see them in like 2 days chill
i like the noise when the chips go offline
the inlaws are so passive aggressive im living for it
you got the map wet. great job
actually yes there are lving skeletons. theyre just covered in meat
thats how you know you messed up
carmen died it think. i looked away and i dont wanna rewind
oh shes not dead nvm
awww juni made a friend!!!!
hes not a centaur hes not a horse
oh no the spider died
ew donnagons giggling
“i have no idea” me too buscemi, me too
youre not funny, donnagon
why are the rubber bands so tubular and plastic-y and shiny. i hate it
hhahaha spork
thats not how rubber bands work
nice tent
r u n doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
what DO those things do???? theyre clearly not just heavy
yeah you can argue with that youre just a COWARD
dont!!! announce your moves!!!!!! he can hear!!!!!
again????? how has he not been fired
oh he did get fired
ew garys gross
gertis chill tho
:D YAY GREG!!!!!!
yeah alright whatever juni
bye buscemi!!!!!!! you should date floop
i still miss floop 😔😔😔 love that dude
wait it was never called the island of lost dreams. it has nothing to do with lost dreams. just an island
#spy kids#spy kids 2#spy kids spoilers#spy kids 2 spoilers#spoilers#juni cortez#carmen cortez#gergorio cortez#fegan floop#gary giggles#gerti giggles
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I’ve been debating for the better part of six months whether or not to post this, because it’s probably one of the most personal things I’ve ever written (definitely the most personal thing I’ve ever written about my aromanticism).
But it’s Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, and now is as good as a time as any. So here it is.
The boy in my English class dislikes almonds in his chocolate.
He prefers dark chocolate to milk, doesn’t like M&Ms of any shape or form, uses pens he finds off the floor, and wants to study mechanical engineering like his older sister who is four years older than him.
I do not know why I know all this.
Or really, I do know. We sit at the same table in class, brushing elbows occasionally as we do group work, and argue about where pink goes in the rainbow. (“Before red,” I say, organizing the mechanical pencils, but before I place the pink one, he takes it and puts it after purple.) We discuss chemistry and precalculus, poring over mathematical problems that define our lives within these walls. We mention how the flutists are bad at marching, causing the other girl at our table to say not all flutists. We talk in the halls, walking past each other to get to class and sharing inside jokes that are just thinly veiled arguments.
Most days I find myself thinking about how this happened. We have nearly nothing in common, because he hates electrochemistry while I love it, and if we hadn’t arbitrarily sat next to each other at the beginning of the year, we wouldn’t have ever talked. We should be strangers, only meant to pass each other in halls, but now we’re something else.
Acquaintances. Friends, maybe. Something more, possibly.
My entire life, I have heard girls talk about boys. Because girls like boys. Because that boy is cute. Because that model is hot. Never have I understood this. I spent years staring at pictures and wondering if I’m missing something. What does hot and cute even mean?
If we were going to talk about attractiveness, why didn’t we talk about girls? Especially that one girl in my third period class with the prettiest hair and excellent taste in music?
We gossiped in P.E. once, sitting in a circle on the football field and whispering amongst ourselves so the others couldn’t hear. One of the girls, two years my senior, discussed her boyfriend and their sex life. Another nodded, agreeing with her on something or another. I sat, hands in my lap, not knowing how they could want to have sex with someone else. I tried to figure out how all of them, five girls in total, excluding me, had boyfriends. Girls are better than guys, was on my tongue. What’s the point of dating? I didn’t say.
Later I find out I am aromantic and grey asexual. Words heavy on my tongue, I tell no one.
One day I find there is more than one type of attraction. Platonic, romantic, and sexual are the most commonly talked about. There's more, like alterous — a type of attraction about wanting emotional closeness that is not entirely platonic or romantic. I think back to the boy in English class, who doesn’t eat French fries and likes grape Jolly Ranchers and plays Bloons Adventure Time TD, and what I feel for him. I don’t think he is cute, even though some people say he is okay-looking, whatever that means. I don’t want to kiss him, even though that’s what most people want to do with people they like. I don’t feel this burning desire to be called his girlfriend or take his last name, even though I think that is what girls think about.
I want to sit on a bench in the shade with him, listening to music together. I want to send him memes at two in the morning, laughing at jokes that shouldn’t be that funny. I want to lean against his shoulder, talking about the homework we have this weekend.
There are no dates, no romance, no flowers. A friend and her significant other who visited from Florida watch movies together while holding hands. My friends in a relationship with each other cuddle in class when nothing is happening and during lunch when they’re tired. My friend receives her favorite flowers from her boyfriend and presses them in books.
It doesn’t sit well in my stomach.
I do not want that. Holding hands in the dark while watching movies repulses me. Cuddling in public or for recreation terrifies me. Receiving flowers of any kind from someone bores me. I do not get those fluttering butterflies around the people I like, only lingering looks and awkward conversations. I do not get those pining thoughts about the people I like, only passing thoughts of oh that’d be nice irregularly.
My attraction is different from others. Even with the boy from English class, the only person I have ever liked this way, I do not get those landmarks. For the first time in my life, I find myself feeling something normal, but it is then ripped away when I realize that I like this boy — a boy that I do not find cute, a boy that I do not want sex with.
He dated someone before, two years ago. A smart girl who loves doing chemistry labs that liked him — actually liked him, unlike what I feel for him — eventually broke up with him when he showed no interest in her. I know that if I ever confess, in a convoluted way that’s only possible with a vocabulary lesson, the same thing will happen to me. The boy I like agrees to date me because we are friends who go over quiz questions and complain about physics together, and eventually I learn he does not like me as much as I like him (or, worse, I cannot like him the way he wants me to), and we break up.
Our relationship will be uneventful. Boring. Mundane.
Then again, I am uneventful. Boring. Mundane. I do not like people, do not want to date anyone, do not want to have sex. I barely even like the person I do like, the first person I’ve ever been intensely attracted to.
Someday we will graduate high school. He will study mechanical engineering. I will forget about him, the boy who dislikes almonds in his chocolate, and my life will go back to being what it was before.
Whatever it was.
#aromantic spectrum awareness week#asaw 2019#asaw 19#aromanticism#aromantic#writing#aspec#phoebez#I might delete this later#also this has always been untitled#I'll take suggestions for titles?#I literally have no idea what I could title this
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The Stagecoach Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore
Anonymous said to arthurs-wife: Hello! I’ve just done the mission where Mary asks Arthur to run away with her and I was going to ask if you could write a story where Arthur goes behind the readers back to run away with Mary and leaves the reader worried about him for weeks aswell as the gang so she’s rides out to look for him and finds him and Mary kissing leaving her heartbroken as well as Arthur as he begins crying/ pleading for her to come back. Could you make it a happy/ fluffy ending? Thank you ✨💕
A/N: this got lonk. i hope it makes some sense, thank you so much for the prompt and your patience!
You stood to the side of Arthur’s tent, around the wagon, and tapped your foot nervously. If you went in there were you too needy? Did you maybe give him some time? It had only been one kiss, maybe just play it off, act natural.
You took a deep breath and swung yourself around the wagon and opened your mouth to… an empty bed. Deflated, you dropped your arms to your side and looked around. Strange, his bed looked neater and the pictures were gone from his bedside table and wagon. Your head whipped around to see if his horse was still hitched, she wasn’t.
Within seconds he was at your side, strapped in and ready to go.
“What’s going on?”
“It’s Arthur,” you gestured to his empty cabin, “I think he’s gone.”
Charles surveyed the scene and motioned for you to follow him. You mounted your horses and rode off towards Valentine.
A train blundered past you both, blowing its horn and clacking away as you struggled to keep up with Charles. You both skidded into the train station and hitched your horses and barrelled inside.
“When did the last train leave?” you demanded of the ticket man and Charles put his hand on your shoulder.
“Why just a few minutes ago,” the ticket man said, holding his hands up a little at your tone.
“Did you see a man get on,” you asked, “tall-ish, long brown hair and a hat with a rope around it? Would have been wearing a blue shirt probably.”
“Oh! Oh yes,” the man said excitedly, happy he could provide you with at least a little information, “yes he came through with a woman early this morning.”
“What did she look like?” Charles asked because your throat had suddenly become so tight you couldn’t breathe.
“Brown hair, freckle on her right cheek,” he said.
“Where did they go?” you managed to ask.
“I’m sorry miss,” he said, “I didn’t sell them the tickets, just happened to see them get on board.”
There was nothing more to do, so you walked out of the station, barely registering your surroundings. The sun was up proper now and people in Valentine were starting to stir.
“Who is she?” you asked when Charles had appeared beside you.
“That’d be Mary,” he said, taking your hand and walking to your horses, “I’m surprised he actually did it this time.”
“Did what?”
“Start a new life with her.”
The sun was cold.
*** You spent most of your time in the wilderness, scouting out towns and huddled around your campfire, looking for Arthur. Sometimes Charles stayed with you to help look, but you felt more alone when he was there.
Dutch had been enraged when Charles informed him what Arthur had done and locked himself away in his tent. Hosea tried to talk to him but found more yield talking to a wall. The only person who didn’t seem to be affected was Micah, who strode around the camp, thumbs in his suspenders.
“Looks like pretty boy got himself a train out of here as quick as he could, huh?”
Only Charles and Jack had offered to help you look for him, as fruitless an effort it may be.
You all rode from the Mountains of West Elizabeth to Annesburg and there was no trace of the man. One night you and Charles and John sat around a campfire on an unseasonably cold night and drank from your respective flasks. John offered you a cigarette and you took one.
“I don’t know what Dutch is gonna do if we can’t find him,” he said, mumbling as he lit his cigarette, “might just implode. Been going that way for a while.”
“Dutch’ll keep on going,” Charles shook his head, “he’s dealt with this before.”
“Doesn’t mean he was the better for it,” John said.
You laid there listening to them talk and looked up at the stars and wondered why you were even looking for Arthur. You all were going through the motions now, doing your due diligence to make sure that if you did find Arthur, he’d know you all really did care about him.
Not that he cared for you.
*** “Get behind here.”
Charles grabbed your sleeve and pulled you behind a pillar. You had finally made it to Saint Denis, three full weeks after Arthur had left you. It was the industrial side of town and the buildings were crammed together like sardines, you hated it here and could tell Charles did too.
“What is it?” you whispered and Charles nodded to a stagecoach.
You turned to look and it stopped in front of a house. The driver stepped off and opened the door, holding his hand out for-
“That’s her, Mary,” Charles hissed and you felt him restless beside you.
When she was down another man stepped out and if it weren’t for that stupid smile you wouldn’t have recognized him.
Hair trimmed short and faded on one side, his beard almost non-existent, clean suit and not a speck of dirt on his shoes. Arthur stepped out of the carriage and Mary grabbed his hand, pulling him down and kissing him.
And that just made you so god damn mad.
“Arthur you son of a bitch!”
You stomped out of your precarious hiding space and barely heard Charles trying to drag you back. The breath had left your lungs to be replaced with cold fire and brimstone and you pulled back your fist and punched him dead in the jaw.
Like it mattered, your fists were fleas compared to his face but you think you got the point across. Tears filled your eyes and you didn’t even care about Mary at this point, all your rage was focused on this man who was doing just fine without the rest of you.
“Y/n, wait, I-”
“I’m done waiting!” you cried, “I waited three weeks for you to show your face, you coward! We all waited! Do you know what you did to us?”
“I know and I’m sorry-”
“I don’t care how sorry you are!”
Charles had come up behind you quietly and taken your hand and it calmed you down a little. Always a light in such trying times. Arthur turned his gaze to Charles and pleaded with him silently.
“At least we know you’re okay, Arthur,” Charles said and you could hear the venom in his voice, see the way Arthur recoiled from it. Mary walked up to Arthur and looked between the three of you.
“Arthur, who is this?” she asked, looking at you. Somehow you couldn’t be mad at her. She was beautiful and strong enough to tear Arthur away from a life that would kill him. “Mary this is y/n,” he sighed, “and Charles.”
“You two seem to have some kind of relationship,” she said, drawing herself up.
“We don’t,” you spat, “enjoy civilization.”
You turned on your heel and left, despite the fact that both of your horses were in the opposite direction. Anything to get away from them, from the stink of this city.
You felt a hand grab yours and you thought it was Charles but you turned.
“I ain’t got nothin’ to say to you,” you said, ripping your hand out of Arthur’s.
“I made a mistake,” he said.
“You sure seemed to be enjoying that mistake by kissin’ on it.”
“Now it ain’t like that-”
“Then tell me what it’s like!” you cried. You felt so small in front of this man.
“I got scared,” he said finally, “that night with you, made me feel things I hadn’t felt in years. I went to town to clear my head and Mary got to me first, made her case and here I am. Not my proudest moment.”
“Dutch is furious,” you said.
“As he should be.”
“I’m furious.”
“I did you wrong,” he said, taking a step closer to you, “and I’m glad y’all found me.”
“You better,” you said through your gritted teeth, “get your ass back to Valentine before I kick it back there for you.”
In spite of the sour situation he grinned at you. And in even more spite, because that’s what you were made of, you stood on your toes and kissed him, taking his face in your hands and pressing as hard as you could, feeling him wrap his arms around you.
“And grow out your beard for Christ’s sake.”
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