#but i decided: 1) i was already putting too much effort into this piece
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Taking Notes
CW: Spirals, Edging
This morning I was talking to @mastern3ro about my love of spirals, especially being made to watch one and then post about just how blank it made you feel.
So I decided to turn that concept into an even better one.
The task I was given for this was simple. Watch a spiral for 20 minutes while repeating the phrase "I'm a needy hypnotoy." Very basic.
The fun part, however, was that i decided to track howni was doing every few minutes, in order to properly show what a sub goes through when they spend such time staring.
I figured I could use the Notes App to record how I felt every now and then, while using my PC to do all the heavy hypno-lifting.
I sat down at my desk, and put on my favourite spiral from an array of almost a dozen, pairing it with a nice looping set of binaurals.
I pressed play, and began taking notes.
"Minute 1: The spiral is pretty and the binaural is great but nothing too far out of the ordinary so far.
Succint and to the point. As every great piece of information should be.
Nothing had really happened yet, besides me starting to repeat my mantra, very quickly finding a rythm that did not require much effort on my part.
I continued staring for couple of minutes, unaware of what was going to happen down the line.
"Min. 3: mm it feels nice, its hard to focus on the spiral, the hournal, the repeatimg amd the audio. It feels lile im cinfusimg himself ><
Im a needy hyonotoy.."
And here i had encountered my first problem. I had uknowingly overwhelmed myself. The audio, the video, the repetition and the note-taking were fine on their own, but too taxing for my brain combined.
I couldn't really stop now though, I didn't want to give up on this idea so soon. Besides, this overloading, while tiring, felt pretty great.
I had to keep going.
"Min 5;
I aasumed a better position, my legs sprea andd my baxk hucnhed iver. Hunchedf. Over? Is that how you sau it? Theres so much to keep track of and my brrtain is laggign.. i thinkk
Ik. A needy hypnoyy :)"
My brain was lagging. But it felt amazing. Arousing, even. So much so that i had decided to sink into my chair and spread my legs a little.
The overloading factor of this task was in full effect. It was already hard to remember to do everything. To listen, to stare, to repeat and to jot down what i was feeling. My voice began to trail off, the cadence that i had built up going away almost immediately.
"7: i gott caught up in takimg photos thw light of the apirall is so prettty ans so is my facee"
Just after the 5th minute I had noticed how adorable I looked. How relaxed my body was, and how much my eyes were fluttering.
Plus, the light from the spiral was coloring my otherwise dark room in warm pinks and purples. I would have been a fool if i didn't take a few photos, even it if overloaded me more.
"10:ii look so pretyyy im drooling..
Im turned on the lighht so i can photo myssefl"
By this point, my mantra had escaped my mouth, now only occupying space in my quickly fading mind.
I lazily turned on the light, ready to look at myself again, only to realize that the spiral was all i needed right now.
I was halfway through. I had to stare.
"12: toyyy neewdyyt wdsgiunggg rewlwqttong is aurkmaric drooolimgg"
Toy was needy,edging and relaxing. Drooling automatically, my thoughts slowly leaking out.
When did i start edging? Or touching at all really? I had forgotten, but i did not care.
"13 ddrrooollinng ii sshhoyld kbeell.
Oii ttottyyy"
What was once "I'm a needy hypnotoy" became reduced to "I'm toy". Maybe I took "succint" too far.
It didn't really matter though. Toy had to kneel. It's what seemed most proper. It's what seemed the hottest. It had to be done.
"15 beeetyer onn. Mym kenes
Im aneedy hypnotttoot im soo good"
Toy felt better on its knees. I felt so happy, so empty, my blank face more apparent now than ever.
Toy was beggining to become completely broken.
"17 mmfmcm imm so bbapnk imm a needy hoypnotoy
I forgot ot repeatt
Mmy mouutu iiis so drooollyy.."
After a few minutes of looking at itself through its phone's camera, toy realized that he had forgot his mantra.
Its mouth was occupied with drooling. It didn't have the brainppwer to do anything else.Toy went even blanker as he stared so intently at the spiral and himself.
"18 mminnn ttook liiikeww nn hoyrr"
The 18th minute did feel like an hour. Toy's mind couldn't really grasp time anymore. It was almost there, just 2 minutes left, but the time felt like it took ages.
Toy didn't mind. It loved staring. Listening. Drooling. Taking notes.
Toy obeyed.
"220000 oiikmm gonnww
And just like that, toy was gone. Its mind completely cleaned out, its body relaxed. It finished its task, and it felt great.
Toy closed its computer, and went to bed, repeating the words "needy hypnotoy" to itself until its mind returned about 45 mins later..
It had a great idea to write all this down. Just reading through, seeing the reactions and remembering them fully, it makes toy drop all over again.
I'm a needy hypnotoy. Please use me.
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beautiful things (roronoa zoro x reader) [pt2/2]
a/n: the way Ace has me gripped by the BALLS is insane i have woken up every day the past two(?) weeks thinking about him send help anyway here’s part 2 of the zoro fic i wrote last week. also if you;re reading this, this is a plea for Ace requests ty
contents: hurt/comfort, fluff!!, making up, zoro tries his best :’)
wc. 2.3k
wanna be on my taglist?
part 1
you know Zoro loves you.
you can tell from the way he’s always watching over you, even when you’ve been avoiding him for most of the past week. he keeps an eye on you during meals when you’re seated far away and not in your usual spot beside him, always ready to pass the salt or the whatever it is you need even before you ask for it.
you can tell he loves you from the way he checks up on you every night when you’re sleeping in Nami and Robin’s room instead of the one you share with him. Zoro never questions why you haven’t been sleeping beside him–he already knows the answer–instead, he takes a quick peek into the room you’re in and leaves once he spots your peacefully sleeping form draped across Nami. some nights, he does it multiple times, as if he’s unable to sleep and checking on you is the only thing he wants to do in his waking hours.
you can tell Zoro loves you from how Robin tells you he’s been asking the other Straw Hats what he should do to make it up to you. while having tea with her in the Sunny’s aquarium on a particularly cold day on the seas, you ask her how he’s been and she says he’s been resting, without needing Chopper to even breathe down his neck.
“he’s been asking everyone what he should do,” she says, taking a sip.
“do what?” you ask, tilting your head.
“he wants to apologise to you but doesn’t know how.” you can’t help but smile at the thought of Zoro overthinking such a simple matter–though, matters of the heart never seem to be simple to a man like him.
“he could just say sorry,” you think aloud with a shrug and Robin laughs lightly.
“i think you’re too special to him for that.”
it’s been a little over a week since your perilous experience on Thriller Bark and you find yourselves docked at a new island. it’s fairly small compared to the other places you’ve been to but since it’ll take a few days for the log pose to set, everyone splits up to kill time in their own way.
Zoro heads straight to town with Nami accompanying him so he doesn’t get lost (and also because she has berry). holding a small piece of paper in his hands, he frowns down at it, prompting the navigator to ask what’s up.
“‘m just not sure if i can find everything i need here,” the swordsman replies with a deep sigh, missing the way Nami smiles at him. as tempted as she is to make fun of him for being broke and–possibly in the near future–single, she bites her tongue, knowing Zoro’s putting a whole lot of effort into his apology. she’ll be nice to him, for you.
“don’t worry about it so much, what could possibly be so hard to find anyway?”
Sanji felt Zoro’s stare burning into the back of his head for nearly five whole, silent minutes before the shitty swordsman finally decided to speak up.
“hey… i need your help.”
well. that certainly was not what Sanji thought he was gonna say but the chef would be lying if he said he was totally surprised.
almost everyone in the crew heard firsthand what Zoro said to you several days ago. the commotion inside the infirmary had drawn everyone to linger outside nearby in case an intervention was needed and it ended up backfiring in the worst way possible. you’d walked out of the infirmary in tears and cried even harder once you realised all your friends were looking at you after hearing what should have been a private moment.
Sanji nearly offered to kick his ass upon seeing your distraught face but stopped himself when he remembered the sight that greeted him once he’d woken up after encountering Kuma. as much as he wanted to avenge your feelings, he knew Zoro was going through a lot, too.
“the shitty co– i mean, Sanji told me to get ‘em roses because ‘it’s romantic’,” he said with a scoff, as if physically incapable of talking about the blond chef without insulting him. “but i know (Y/N)’s favourite flowers are daffodils. i just don’t know if this island has them or not.”
the next person he approached was Nami, who was much less courteous than her previous counterpart. upon seeing his face, she’d started tearing into him immediately, stopping only when she noticed he was just letting himself take all of it.
“not gonna fight back?” she scoffed, unable to push away the anger she felt on your behalf.
“why would i fight back if you’re right?” he replied, his jaw clenched. “i know i fucked up. that’s why i came here for help.”
“you told me to get her a gift, like a necklace or something,” Zoro continues talking without missing a beat as the two weave through the crowded shopping street. “(Y/N) doesn’t like necklaces, though, they make her neck feel itchy, so i thought i’d get a bracelet instead.” even though he’s finished his sentence, Nami can’t help but notice how he looks like he has more to say.
“you’re broke, aren’t you?”
he nods, looking almost like a child being scolded by his mother.
“fine, i’ll pay for it this time. only because it’s for (Y/N).” Nami keeps it to herself, but she’s impressed he remembers such specific details. if only he could do the same with directions, she sighs.
he never intended to ask Luffy for relationship advice but his captain, with his weirdly high emotional intelligence, sniffed out Zoro’s distress without even realising it. he was one of the few who didn’t catch the argument so he wasn’t really sure why his first mate and chronicler weren’t seen together as much as usual but he knew something was up and wanted to help.
“i think you should buy her meat. lots of it. just all the meat the island has to offer.” Luffy nearly started drooling as he spoke and Zoro wasn’t sure if he even remembered what the conversation was about at that point.
the whole meat thing was useless but the conversation did spark an idea in him.
“there’s this candy that (Y/N) talks about a lot, it’s her favourite,” Zoro says with a smile, unable to help remembering all the times you yapped on and on about how it’s the best thing ever from your childhood and how you hope one day he gets to try it. he’s not a fan of sweets but if you love it, he knows he will, too.
“that’s gonna be the hardest thing to find here, i think,” Nami says exactly what Zoro’s been most concerned about. “but i think if we try hard enough, we can probably find it.” she gives him an encouraging look. “c’mon, i’ll help you look.”
you only see Zoro again when the sun has set and everyone slowly starts gathering in the dining room for dinner. you’re not sure if they’re just trying to be funny or if they’re actually this bad at subtlety because your beloved crewmates don’t even try to hide how they’re leaving the last available seat next to you. Chopper’s even draped across two chairs for no reason aside from “i just feel like lying down today”. you don’t point it out, though, having reflected on your role in the argument after your conversation with Robin, you no longer feel the need to be petty.
with an awkwardness only two complete strangers could possess, your boyfriend slowly takes a seat right beside you. to Zoro’s surprise, you turn to look at him for a second–so starved for your attention, he nearly feels his heart stop–before asking, “you okay?” your eyes flicker down to the fresh set of bandages wrapped around his upper body.
“yeah, i’m good.” Zoro coughs and looks away, inadvertently making eye-contact with Nami. she frowns at him and mouths "don't be a loser!” turning back to you, he feels his heart drop when he realises you’re talking to Sanji about something else now. not wanting to draw too much attention to himself, the swordsman tugs gently at the hem of your shirt.
almost instantaneously, you look back at him, a hint of a smile on your face. “what’s up?” you ask, reaching your own hand over to rest it over his before rubbing your thumb over his knuckles.
swallowing thickly, Zoro murmurs, just loud enough for only you to hear, “can you meet me in our room after dinner? i have something to show you.” his face is burning red and you swear you can feel his calloused hand start to tremble ever so slightly.
the last person he ended up approaching for help was Chopper. it wasn’t planned since he’s just a little reindeer but Zoro thought it wouldn’t hurt asking him for his opinion, especially since redressing his wounds always took a bit of time and the silence sometimes got a little awkward.
“hmm…” the doctor hummed thoughtfully as he opened a new pack of bandages. “wouldn’t the best thing be to just do what she wanted you to? i mean, you guys fought because she didn’t want you to train while still injured, right?” Chopper sniffled a little but held it together. it wasn’t a secret that he felt a little responsible for your falling out since he was the one who asked you for help in getting Zoro to rest that fateful day.
“i think i might have an idea.”
“here,” Zoro says as he hands you a neatly folded piece of paper. there’s an obvious lump on your bed under the blanket but you opt to ignore it for now. in the distance, you can hear the clanking of utensils and muffled chatter as your crewmates carry on with dessert without the both of you.
unfolding the paper, the first thing that catches your eye is a large stamp of what looks like a hoof at the very bottom.
this note is to verify that Roronoa Zoro has locked all his training equipment and swords in the crow’s nest and that the sole key is in the possession of Tony Tony Chopper. if in any case Roronoa Zoro tries to exercise before he is cleared to do so by Tony Tony Chopper, the latter reserves the right to throw the key into the ocean. signed, Roronoa Zoro & Tony Tony Chopper
the laugh bursts out of your mouth before you can help yourself and for a full minute that’s all you do as the silliness of it all tickles at your heart. too preoccupied, you fail to notice how Zoro’s eyes soften as he watches you in silence. seeing the familiar smile on your face, after more than a week of being deprived of your voice and warmth, soothes his nerves in a way he should frankly find alarming. no one person should hold this much power over him and yet he wilfully leaves his entire heart in your possession to keep safe or to break.
folding back the extremely precious document in your hands before slipping it into your pocket, you return your attention to the man standing in front of you, his physical size a stark contrast to the shy smile on his flushed face.
“i got you some stuff, too–” before Zoro can turn away to bring out the gifts, you lunge towards him and lock your arms around his neck. he’s quick to return the embrace, instantly nuzzling his face into the junction between your neck and shoulder as he holds you close.
“i’m so sorry, (Y/N),” he mutters into your skin, brushing his lips against your jaw as his warm breath brushes past your ear, “i didn’t mean what i said. i was pissed at myself and took it out on you.” Zoro hears you draw in a shuddering breath and his fingers curl around the fabric of the back of your shirt instinctively. “i’m sorry. you’re never a burden and… i-i want to be the one who protects you for the rest of our lives, so please,” your boyfriend pleads as he presses a kiss to your neck, “keep fussing over me and taking care of me. i’ll listen to everything you say.”
for a while, you remain silent, basking in the warmth of his embrace as you think about what he’d just said. you feel almost breathless from how rapidly your heart pounds in your chest and you briefly wonder if Zoro feels it, too. mistaking your silence for hesitation, the swordsman presses his lips against your neck and jawline a few more times as he runs his hands up and down your back.
“i love you,” Zoro mutters as he shuts his eyes and leans his temple against yours, wondering if this will be the last time he gets to touch you like this. “whatever you choose to do with me, i’ll always love you.”
“i love you, too,” you sniffle, finding yourself suddenly tearing up as you’re caught completely off-guard by his words. “i didn’t know you could be so cheesy,” you add with a soft laugh, only to feel his fingers brush against a particularly ticklish part of your body. you try to wriggle away but even an injured-Zoro is much too strong for you to break free from.
“don’t make fun of me, brat,” your lover replies, his own lips tugging into a smile as he keeps you locked in place and unable to escape from his wandering hands. “this is what i get for pouring my heart out to you, huh?”
“no, you get this,” you giggle before pulling your head away just enough to kiss all over his face. shutting his eyes, Zoro basks in the feeling of your brushing against all parts of his face as his heart nearly bursts from the overwhelming affection; and he can’t help but wonder what he’d done in his life to deserve such a beautiful thing.

gen taglist: @irethepotato @i-reblog-fics-i-like @grierpilots @appalost @hyper-fic-ation @dressycobra7 @38lyra38 @chaseyui @paraparakiss @krooschl @teewon @olliesoxenfree @misstraffy @riftmage27 @aletch
#one piece#one piece x reader#one piece x yn#one piece x you#op#op x reader#roronoa zoro x reader#roronoa zoro#zoro x reader#imagine#fanfic#fluff#hurt/comfort
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THURSDAY - .... um...?
well would you look at that. the blue bitchass is beginning to give up... how wonderful doing a party ain't easy don't try this at home-
WELL... since... SMG4 isn't going to announce something cool, i um, will! similar to the 1K birthday party last year on thursday, i'll show an itty bitty wip update once more on:
since i already teased lil bit from this page a few days ago, i thought might as well show the whole thing!! obviously not final, but very close to it. frankly i've been meaning to have this next part done before 2025, yet i kept getting really sick, and having to manage several projects and irl issues/events. hopefully within my last spring semester i can continue working little by little but i can't genuinely guarantee a date. other than later this year LMAO. but what i CAN guarantee is i'm making sure its as great- maybe even better than pt2 as i'm putting a little more effort and thought from improving the past few months. alas, it is slowly in the works and reminder to folks i AM in my senior year and will be graduating THIS SPRING!! yippee!!! hopefully, after this event i can get back to prioritizing this one as i slowly get back to college. either way, once its done, i hope you guys will enjoy it as much as i do and hopefully the wait will be somewhat worth it. until then, wait patiently fuckers /silly
since obviously that one sketch above ain't going be enough
here's a bunch of other things i've worked on during my fall semester that seems pretty cool and relevant but never uploaded on here !!
this is a illustration piece i made for my screen printing class! with the printed one being off from the reference since i put the color order wrong LMAO and i also wanted to experiment how chaotic i could make it hehehe. kinda shy to share this piece in particular, but its honestly one of my favorites i've done, so theres no harm in sharing

the same class, but as 1/3 of my final, i had to make books! but because i'm horrible with using pins and too picky with paper + string alignment, i thought it would be best i do... well... a very silly collage-like project xDDD buTT!! this one taking the opportunity to make a cool TSB book!!!
lastly, something even more crazy, another final from one of my other classes... a kickstarter.
okay legal reasons out of the way-
i've shared this with very few people on my server, HOWEVER, instead of me being in control what you can and can not see, i've decided to just let it out for people to see the silly jokes and additions around the page i've made on your own free will, and additionally to help folks get a more semi-direct answer to what TSB story is to those who haven't caught up or confused! a win-win lmao
welp. time's nearly up for me so i will flee for now. hopefully this satisfied some interested despite not being TOO grand, but just small silly goodies for the day.
but if you're still reading this, all i gotta say is tomorrow is a more special day. something i'm very proud of and hope ya'll will enjoy 🍔
#what if i uploaded early?#what then?#smg4#tsb#tsb official#smg4 oc#smg4 mario#tsb birthday bash#tsb birthday crash
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Mikaila Orchard sucks at Paneling
I debated making this a video or not. But, I decided against it. If you guys are interested in me making videos about this sort of thing, let me know and perhaps it's something I could cover in the future.
So Mikaila Turkleson aka Mikaila Orchard has always made... questionable art. To me it seems like a weird amalgamation of Equestria Girls and Sophie Labelle's art. Anatomy bad character design bad etc etc. I don't however see a lot of people talk about her paneling.
Recently, Mikaila and presumably her partner, Lily Orchard started a new art endeavour. I assume to turn over a new leaf and bury the now-infamous Pokemadhouse. You can find it over at bhaalspawnfunnies. It appears as if the blog will focus around the player character of Baldur's Gate 1, Gorion's Ward, and their half sister, Imoen. This is the first entry.

Where to start? My first impression is that this is very poorly drawn, and low effort even by Mikaila's standards. The speech bubbles are low contrast against the background. The ground/floor blurry blob looks extremely bad. As a fellow artist I get the distinct impression that Mikaila did not want to draw this piece.
Moreover, there's a huge issue with the panelling and pacing. Comics are really cool in that you can kind of use panelling and negative space to "time" jokes, leading the eye where you want it to go and using framing and other art tricks to make a punchline land a little better.
This "comic" has none of that. There is no pacing, there is no comedic timing. It's all bland and presented as a block. I took it upon myself to re-panel this piece, and I've made two versions: One, with Mikaila's art style and visuals, but with the panelling slightly adjusted to be more punchy and effective, the other I completely redrew, using the same joke.
Excuse the sloppiness. I'm not going to expend too much energy polishing and gilding this turd.
That being said, this is already a huge improvement. Even if Mikaila isn't at the technical level of a professional artist, this is very attainable with only a few more minutes of effort. The timing is punchier, the speech bubbles draw your eyes down the page, and even without colour coding, it's clear which of the characters is talking. This isn't exactly a hot take but in my opinion you shouldn't need colour coding on a comic page to denote who is speaking. It should be very obvious! Moreover, speech bubbles should be included in the composition, not added as an after thought.
I'm guessing the original comic took her less than an hour to make. I think I'm being generous here, honestly if this took her more than twenty minutes I would be concerned. Being generous though I gave myself one hour to make a version completely redrawn.
This was again, very quickly put together and of course is in no way perfect, but its to demonstrate what a little bit of thought can do to improve a comic page. I decided to change the pose of Gorion because making family guy references should be a a cardinal sin for artists, as well as make the characters a little more recognizable. "Aryana" is, notably, Lily's OC and bears little resemblance to the canon character of Gorion's Ward, but considering Baldurs Gate does allow character customization and dialogue choices, I decided to make their gender a little more ambiguous so players of any gender could see their version of Gorion's Ward in the comic, but kept the elf with long dark hair appearance from Mikaila's original. I also looked over the pic after I was all done and ready to upload and noticed some small flaws I could easily fix, and went back and did those things. You should always go over your pieces when you're finished them with fresh eyes before you submit them as a final piece.
Again, this certainly isn't perfect and I'd probably put more effort into a piece with characters I care about and a joke I actually find funny, but I hope this demonstrates that pacing and expression really are everything in comics.
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Need domestic Hanji x reader type sht. Does reader cut hanji’s hair??? Does Hanji bring home every stray?? Hanji never gave a crap about interior decorating until Y/N??? Slay??
Headcanons: Domestic Life With Hanji Zoe
a/n: i love them, your honor. i want to give them the entire world and stars and everything else this universe has to offer and then some more.
warnings: none, just fluff. you know the drill: not beta read, we die like men ♡
/ hanji never really cared about the way that they look. Sometimes, they would wear the most atrocious outfits known to men and not brush their hair for days. It wasn't until they met you that they decided to put in the effort to look their best.
/ though, they never really got the hang on how to do their hair. eventually, they just let it grow. it was nearly down to their hips and it became too hard to manage when they sheepishly ask you to cut it for them.
/ by the blush on their face and a couple of tears in their eyes, you could tell that this whole thing was just too overwhelming for them and a sensory overload. your heart was aching so badly from seeing them in such a state, you didn't even hesitate.
/ so, at 3am, you grabbed a pair of scissors and began snipping away. one inch turned to two, turned to three... turned to eleven. by the time you were done and looked down at the ground, a wave of fear washing over you as you pull away.
/ your fingers shake their hair, making sure there aren't any uneven strands and that all the loose hair would fall from their head. the first thing they say when you are done? "wow, my head feels so much lighter."
/ they look at themselves in the mirror and fall silent. you can feel the pit in your stomach forming, your breath begins to tremble as you look at them, helplessly preparing to mumble a long apology. that is until they turn around, arms wrapping around you, "I LOVE IT!!!!"
/ after that, you start trimming their hair every so often, just to make sure it would always be at this manageable length. and even then you started learning new styles, buying small clips and headbands, anything to make them look even more adorable than they already are.
/ hanji is a very hard person to wake up. opening the blinds, countless alarms, pulling the covers, not even water will work. but do you wanna know what will? the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the promise of kisses.
/ "haaaaanjiiiii" you call out every morning and, immediately, you can hear rushed footsteps coming down the stairs, their feet tripping over one another as they desperately throw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.
/ they drink their coffee black with AT LEAST four spoons full of sugar. do they eat in the morning? a piece of toast and then they go about their day, not drinking a single sip of water until you DEMAND that they do. they only agree because the energy drink is making their kidneys hurt, which is why you have so many variations of cranberry juice: crangrape, cranapple, just plain cranberry.
/ they don't like going to the grocery store. it's too crowded, too loud and too bright. so you are used to doing the shopping by yourself most of time, but sometimes, every so often, hanji finds themselves feeling a bit too clingy to let you go by yourself.
/ so you offer to hold their hand the entire time. and you have to keep the promise, otherwise you'll find them a sobbing mess, like a lost child almost. usually, when you get to the store, you can see how much the environment is already affecting them, so you wrap your arm around theirs as the two of you work together to push the cart.
/ when you need something from a tall shelf, hanji will hold your hand with one hand and reach up with the other. they are relatively tall so it doesn't take much but their hand must be touching yours at all times.
/ you will often try to make up fun games, like "who can pick out the most veggies in a minute?" or "how many cans can you stack in the cart before they fall" or "$1 dvd hunt and snack baskets." silly things to take hanji's mind away from the anxiety and it works like a charm every time, as long as your hands are still linked together.
/ it is a constant struggle having to keep hanji from bringing home every stray they find. the two of you already have two cats and a dog, but they insist on feeding every neighborhood animal, always building warm outside houses for them during the winter, leaving clean water outside for them every day.
/ one time, they tried to bring a racoon inside, pretending it was a cat and hoping you wouldn't notice. you screamed so loudly that both of them ran outside.
/ in past relationships, hanji was never allowed to decorate anything, or even leave a single toothbrush at their ex's house. so when you asked about colors for the walls and the curtains, they were a little shocked, maybe even a little scared.
/ at first, they try to go along with things you like or what they think you might choose if it was up to you. they do it until you get annoyed and give them only options they might like. it turns them into a blushing mess when they realize but the simple knowledge that you are so determined to make them know that this is your home TOGETHER makes them even more sure that you are the one.
/ hanji is a heavy sleeper but they roll around in bed so much that it was actually hard for you to get asleep when the two of you first started dating. at the point where you move in together, you aren't even bothered by it anymore.
/ they have a little compartment for their glasses on their bedside table, but they never use it. instead, they just throw the pair anywhere before jumping into bed with you, their eyes fixated on you, even if they can't actually see you other than the shape of your body.
/ hanji has a massive garden in the back of your house. every time the two of you travel somewhere, they gather seeds to bring home and figure out what will grow and what won't.
/ the two of you travel a lot. when it's by car, hanji is usually the one to drive while you are the one to pack the bags and snacks for the road. you are also in charge of the songs but you make sure to choose songs both of you enjoy. unless hanji pisses you off, in that case you always choose that one band they can't stand.
/ if it's by plane, you are the one who has to wake hanji up, make sure the two of you have everything, that their passport is in their hand, that there is nothing missing, that they have medicines, chargers and everything else.
/ hanji is fascinated by planes but also scared of them. they can't quite explain why, but a simple look at it causes them to freeze in place, almost like.. it's a memory. a bad one. so you make sure to hold their hand the entire time, nuzzle your head on their shoulder and just shower them with love.
/ the two of you always cuddle. even when it's burning hot, you just ditch the covers and clothes, the need to be touching each other is much higher than anything else.
/ you and hanji are always together. and when they propose, there was no other answer you could give. it was an immediate "yes ♡"
#hange zoe#hange zoe x reader#hange x reader#hange x y/n#hange zoe/reader#hange zoe imagine#hanji zoe#hanji x reader#hanji zoe x reader#aot#aot fanfic#aot fanficition#aot x reader#aot x you#aot x y/n#snk#snk fanfic#snk fanfiction#snk x reader#snk x you#snk x y/n#attack on titan#attack on titan x you#attack on titan x reader#attack on titan x y/n#attack on titan fanfic#attack on titan fanfiction#my sunshine#shingeki no kyojin#hanji zoe headcanons
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Rating Marie's Outfits!!!!
It is FINALLY time to go over Marie's outfits throughout the years and rate them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being complete dogshit and 10 being peak.
I won't be showing EVERY SINGLE outfit in every single piece of concept art and media because i wanna maintain my sanity, plus she shares a lot of her concept art outfits with Callie already in Splatoon 1.
Also, THIS IS JUST MY SUBJECTIVE OPINION!!! If you disagree, guess what, that's alright!!!
Splatoon 1 - Squid Sisters Outfit
Rating: 10/10
Ugh, i love this look so much. They really knocked it out of the park on her first ever official look. I love the green that they picked and it goes REALLY well with the blue reflective material. The headpiece and haircut create a super duper strong silhouette.
This is iconic and its no mystery as to why. Nintendo decided to lock the FUCK IN 9 years ago.
Splatoon 1 - Young Marie
Rating: 8/10
There's not much to say about wittle little baby Marie, she's just very cute!! Not as cute as baby Callie but that's just because I'm biased...
Splatoon 1 - Green Tanuki Outfit
Rating: 9/10
I think what gives this outfit 7 points alone are those black tights... I think they are doing something to my brain chemistry, and i don't know how to put it into words.... Listen, y'all, if you ever want me to fold, put a girl in black tights and a short dress. I'll do anything that lady tells me to do, even break the law...
...UH... MOVING ON!!!! That squid Christmas hat is so damn adorable too.
Splatoon 1 - Perfect Mind Outfit
Rating: 9/10
She looks like a fucking nerd. I love it. I adore how they changed her head piece to look like a sort of graduation hat. That's funny.
Splatoon 1 - Pokémon Green Outfit
Rating: 10/10
Splatoon 1 - Costume Party Attire
Rating: 10/10
I mean come on now, what else would i rate this? Look at it. You mean to tell me that you would give this ANYTHING LOWER THAN A 10?!?! You're insane...
Splatoon 1 - Agent 2/Casual
Rating: 7/10
It's pretty good. Nothing spectacular or insane. I like the face mask that conceals her identity. I like her skirt, too. Very cool. Also, like that little squid skull thingy on her hat, interesting detail to have.
Splatoon 1 - Concept Art 1
Rating: 7/10
Just like Callie's concept design, this actually has potential and I could see it totally working better with some tweaks. Maybe a longer dress, the patterns on the arms being reduced, stuff like that you know?
It's definitely a unique vibe for the Squid Sisters I'll give it that.
Splatoon 1 - Concept Art 2
Rating: 8/10
Oh... This has a LOT of sauce actually. I love the hexagonal pattern on the dress and those black tights. I kinda wanna see this come back in some sort of official manner, just maybe with a different pattern on the front and a more interesting headpiece. it really gives me a futuristic sort of vibe for Marie, and in the right setting, this outfit would KILL!!! Just needs some tweaks.
Splatoon 1 - Concept Art 3
Rating: 8/10
I'm glad that this wasn't the final outfit chosen because it's way too "military/commander" like and not "j-pop idol." However... I would love to see this come back and it would kinda fit with a current day, Marie, who's now the boss of Deep Cut.
Plus she looks hot in that outfit so-
Splatoon 2 - Kimono
Rating: 10/10
Bro, if i gave this anything other than a 10, i would get my IP address leaked, my home address leaked, my phone number, email, date of birth, my mother's maiden na-
Anyways, what I really love about this outfit is the little details and amount of time and effort that the developers clearly put into this. The patterns at the bottom of her kimono, the green and pink colouring throughout, the headpiece, the triangle pattern near the middle.
It's very very well done and it deserves to be as iconic as it is.
Splatoon 2 - 1st Anniversary
Rating: 10/10
Nintendo.... you give Marie this absolutely beautiful outfit, with the red lipstick, the cool kimono with the octopus details, the red tips in her hair... and you never EVER bring this back? You are a bunch of fucking morons I swear to GOD!!!
Splatoon 2 - Squidmas Outfit
Rating: 5/10
Eh. It's just a little bland, nothing crazy but nothing bad either. It's just near the middle.
She also gives me 35 year old parent vibes... Is it just me?
Splatoon 2 - Splatoween 2020
Rating: 7/10
I mean, what can I say? I like a girl with a top hat and suit. It's stylish. Don't judge me. I can't give this one a higher rating because we don't have a clear look at the full thing, but what is there is pretty neattttt.
Splatoon 2 - "Evil" Marie Concept Art
Rating: 7/10
I wanted to talk about this because this is technically the only concept art we have of an "Evil" Marie. Sure Callie shares this art too but, this basically the only tangible piece of "Evil" Marie Nintendo has ever shared.
I think what is there is really really interesting as a base, what it needs is more detail and some of the stuff found in fan designs of "Hypno Marie." You know, a coat or cape and an octopus headpiece. I love the idea of having a full body suit with green patterns on it and if someone were to fully realise the design I think it could be fucking incredible.
Artists... you know what to do, and if you do it... you better @ me... pls? Thx. Xoxo!
Splatoon 2 - Hero Mode Concept Art
Rating: 7/10
I decided to group this all together because they are pretty similar. They are very interesting concept designs, and I like the vibe they give off. They make Marie mysterious and kinda badass. But since this is just concept sketches i cant rate it any higher than a 7.
Nintendo really has a thing for giving Marie commander/boss like attire that makes her damn hot huh?
Splatoon 2 - Team Order Outfit
Rating: 7/10
Much like how Callie received Pearl's crown and a color change, so did Marie with Marina's headphones.
Although it's just the same old' Squid Sisters look for Marie, the colors on her look really really good and the headphones compliment the outfit surprisingly well. I can't give this a higher score because at the end of the day, it's a simple recolour.
Splatoon 3 - Alterna Attire
Rating: 10/10
Yeah this is just.... it's peak guys. Just like Callie's Alterna look, this is, in my opinion, a flawless design that perfectly captures where Marie is at in her life.
It combines the iconography and colors of her Squid Sister attire, but also the class and professional look of her kimono from Splatoon 2. I LOVEEEEE the big white coat, the green that they picked, the little golden pin on her coat, her umbrella, and her shoes that have green soles on them to help break up the black.
Nintendo, you fucking cooked. Good job.
Splatoon 3 - Splatoween
Rating: 9/10
God this is just... nearly perfect. The colors are so appealing, the face paint is so adorable. The only thing I wish they did was change the damn headpiece to something halloween themed.
Also I wouldn't mind having a little bite at that round plump pumpkin I'm seeing... UHHH WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYI-
Splatoon 3 - FrostyFest
Rating: 8/10
Yeah, this is just great. Marie looks so warm and snuggled up. The little red nose, too, is so damn cute. It's nothing ABSOLUTELY CRAZY but, it's a really great winter outfit for Marie.
Splatoon 3 - Springfest
Rating: 7/10
Honestly? I'm not actually feeling that strongly about this look for Marie. It's still good but.... it's not great either. There's something about it that I just can't put my finger on.
I love the eggshell on her head though, that's really cute.
Splatoon 3 - Summer Nights
Rating: 9/10
Dude.... ugh.... Not only did they make Callie so damn hot with her Summer Nights outfit, but they did the same thing with Marie.
My fucking GOD bro, the lemon and oyster on her head, the silver shoes, the puffy pants, the overalls, the silver top.... the exposed skin....
The only thing I don't like is the hair, If they just let Marie's hair down as seen in Splatfest art, I would EASILY give this a 10/10.
Splatoon 3/1 - Past Marie
Rating: 7/10
I have nothing else to say other than I love the white jacket and how it appears in the Callie vs. Marie art. And those shoes and... the long hair... oh I love long hair Marie, girl please let your hair down more please... PLEASE!!!!
Splatoon 3 - Concept Art 1
Rating: 7/10
Nintendo giving Marie a fucking gas mask which is a step up from her face mask in her Agent 2 design is actually so cool and I wish Marie got a gas mask in an official outfit.
Also DEM SHOES THO?!?!?! I love me some shoes with puffy soles in them I tell ya.
Splatoon 3 - Concept Art 2
Rating: 4/10
Nah. Not feeling this, don't like the hair, she looks like a grandma WAY TOO MUCH!!!
Splatoon 3 - Grand Festival Outfit
Rating: 9/10
Just like Callie's Grand Fest outfit, this is ALMOST PERFECT! The ONLY issue is that I wish there was some lime green thrown in there, or maybe the 3 squid stripe design to break up the beige color.
I really do love the crown too and the slight differences between her outfit and Callie's.
Anyways that is it for my ratings of MOST of Marie's different looks!
Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know!!!
#splatoon#marie splatoon#marie cuttlefish#splatoon 2#splatoon 3#outfit#fashion#rating#discussion#callie cuttlefish#callie splatoon#long post#splatoween#frosty fest#springfest#summer nights#team past
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aaaaaa i’m back!!1! got another request for you, rush <3
there’s barely any content for him unfortunately, so can i request looey with a reader who isn’t a part of his circus group…but desperately wants to be!! they’re not really good at acts or anything (juggling, tightrope walking, etc) and get really upset because they just want to bond with their balloon boyfriend over something he enjoys :(((
i thought this was cute so i hope it’s okay!! :) thanks in advance!1! (also loved ur recent work with vee and mpreg astro admittedly… it was just so silly but you wrote it so well /nm!)
- anon who sent that shrimpo request hehe… 🦐
Hello, Shrimpo Anon! It’s great to hear from you again. You’re absolutely right about the strange lack of Looey content—it’s such a shame. I hope this gives the little balloon boy some well-deserved attention. This is another adorable request, and I truly hope you enjoy it!
Thank you so much! I’m really glad you’ve been enjoying my recent works. Even though the Astro mpreg piece was intended as a joke, I decided to put in some effort to challenge and expand my writing skills. I’m thrilled you liked it all the same.
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆CIRCUS MAXIMUS⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆
➜ Summary: A compilation of headcannons featuring Looey and reader who wants to be part of his circus crew
➜ Character(s): Looey (Dandy’s World)
➜ Genre: Headcanons, Fluff, SFW,
➜ Warning(s): None - Completely Safe!
✧ The moment you express your desire to join his circus, Looey is both intrigued and slightly confused. He’s thrilled that you, his partner, want to learn how to perform and share his passion for the arts. Your enthusiasm and determination immediately captured his attention. Anyone taking interest in his profession fills him with joy, and your eagerness to become part of his circus has him beaming with excitement. Though surprised by your sudden interest, he can’t wait to see where this new adventure will lead.
✧ It’s obvious to both of you that you lack any real experience in the art of clowning. Your knowledge is limited to watching Looey train and perform with his team, and while you may recognize the names of acts and some techniques, you’re completely lost when it comes to executing even the simplest tricks. Fortunately, Looey is more than eager to teach you. Whether it’s juggling, tightrope walking, or magic tricks, he’s thrilled to share his expertise and guide you through anything you wish to learn.
✧ Despite Looey’s unwavering support, there are moments when you can’t help but feel frustrated when things don’t go as planned. You want to connect with him on a deeper level and show how much you care by immersing yourself in his passion. Looey is quick to reassure you, reminding you that even if you decide this isn’t for you or find it too difficult, he’s already thrilled that you cared enough to give it a try. He assures you there’s no pressure to continue if it doesn’t feel right. His comforting words always leave you feeling inspired, and before long, you’re ready to jump back in with renewed determination.
✧ When you begin your training, everything feels overwhelmingly difficult and almost impossible to grasp. However, Looey is incredibly supportive and constantly motivates you to keep pushing forward, even when you stumble. Struggling to juggle more than two objects? No problem—he’ll patiently show you how to adjust to adding a third. Losing your balance on the tightrope? That’s fine too—he’ll walk right behind you, steadying you and helping you find your footing. Looey is the ultimate cheerleader, always providing the encouragement and confidence you need to persevere and keep improving.
✧ Even though you’re improving and working hard, Looey makes sure you take regular breaks during your practice sessions. He ensures you have a comfortable spot to relax between sessions and always brings you food or water if you need or ask for it. During these moments, he’s incredibly attentive, showering you with praise as his tail wags excitedly (though he doesn’t seem to notice). Occasionally, he gets so caught up enjoying time with you that you’ll need to gently remind him when you’re ready to resume training.
✧ Looey isn’t the only one guiding you through your training—the rest of the circus troupe steps in to help as well. Each member brings unique expertise, so it only makes sense for them to share their knowledge and teach you a variety of performing skills. However, despite their contributions, it’s evident that Looey remains your primary mentor. He tends to get slightly uneasy if your focus shifts away from him for too long. Whether it’s due to jealousy or concern for your safety, both you and the troupe can tell that, above all, you’re considered his trainee only.
✧ When you’ve finally mastered your skills and are ready to perform for a large audience, Looey ensures you receive the recognition you deserve—even giving you plenty of time in the spotlight. He personally prepares a special introduction, building up excitement among the crowd before, during, and after your entrance. Throughout your performance, Looey enthusiastically claps along with the audience, though it’s clear he’s the most excited of them all. He flashes you a proud smile and showers you with praise, hyping you up even more before you leave the stage. Once the show ends, he rushes backstage to give you a huge hug, celebrating your accomplishment. To say he’s proud of you would be an understatement.
✧ After such a big performance, it’s obvious you’re exhausted, so the rest of the day is dedicated to unwinding and relaxing with Looey. Since you’ve put in so much effort, he leaves the decision up to you on how to spend the evening. Whether it’s watching TV, reading, or simply resting, he doesn’t mind as long as you’re comfortable and able to recharge. You’ve earned it after such an eventful day, and he’ll be ready to support you when you’re prepared to do it all over again.
#imagine blog#imagine#ask blog#headcanon#writers on tumblr#asks open#dandy’s world#dandy’s world imagine#dandys world looey#dw looey#looey#looey the balloon#looey dandys world#looey dw#dandys world headcanon#x reader#dw#dw imagine#sfw imagine#sfw#ask box open#anon ask#thanks anon!#answered asks#anon request#ask box#ask me anything#ask#anon answered#request
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Motives (1)
NCT Jaehyun X Reader / Demon AU / Angst, Fluff (?), Suggestive Smut
Summary: You didn’t know how good you had it until your new job suddenly takes you far away from home. Desperate to settle into your new life, you turn to an eccentric medium who introduces you to an entity named Jaehyun. He offers you three wishes, but do you dare make a deal with the devil? ***Please ignore the mantra later. I literally copied and pasted their Favourite lyric sorry if its CRINGE****
“Goodnight! Love you!” you force the biggest smile you can as you wave to your best friend over facetime.
“Goodnight!” Karina blows you a kiss and the call ends.
A heavy sigh escapes your lips as you drop your head onto your pillow. Your phone lays still on your stomach and you’re tempted to just throw it across your room until it shatters into a million pieces. Seeing your loved ones posting little life updates on social media used to warm your heart but is now the reason you cry yourself to sleep. Facetime calls with your friends went from every other day to every other week because there was really nothing to update them on besides work and how much you missed them. Besides, you didn’t want to burden your friends with the knowledge of how truly alone you felt. You took a peek at the time and let out another sigh when you realized that if you wanted to get through the day tomorrow, you had to sleep now.
As a creature of habit, the prospect of relocating to a new city for work was almost off the table. You’d be a plane ride away from everything and everyone once knew. Your new employer gave you a week to decide and for the whole week, you contemplated long and hard. Your family and friends were completely supportive of your move for good reason: you get to explore a new place, expand your view on the world and make new connections. Alongside the possibility of growing as an individual, the job also promised a pay raise and a better role. All these great reasons eventually led you to make the move. After two months, your bank account was a little bigger, your role in the company was a little better and your mental health was a little worse. The city you moved to was the complete opposite of where you came from. First, this place was significantly smaller than the bustling city you grew up in and seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. Second, a fun time was going to the only plaza in the middle of town to buy knick knacks for your home. Finally, it was quiet and actually quite peaceful. The citizens here really cared about preserving the environment as much as possible, so highways were few to none and many people chose to walk or bike. You appreciated how much closer the mountains looked and how much cleaner the air smelled but there was no one to appreciate the serenity with. For a creature of habit, you were kind of pleased with the limited amount of restaurants and shops to choose from but once again, it was hard to appreciate these things without someone to share it with. Your growing loneliness made this small city seem so much larger than it was.
“Tomorrow will be a better day,” a mantra you whispered every night before bed in hopes to manifest for the next day.
A shiver ran down your spine as a cold breeze blew past. You hugged your scarf closer to your face and quickened your pace in order to get home faster. Autumn settled a little too quickly for your liking. The weather was constantly gloomy and with your city being so close to the mountains, it was already below freezing. In the past few weeks, you worked really hard to remain grateful and positive to get through the day. You put in a lot of effort to make your place feel like home and you tried to foster some sort of relationship with your coworkers. Your coworkers were a lot older than you but hearing them talk about their family and weekend activities was somewhat comforting to hear about during lunch breaks. However, with the days getting shorter and the weather getting worse, you worried that you would slip back into old habits.
As you kept your head down to bury as much of your face in the warmth of your scarf, you noticed a weird tune playing a couple feet in front of you. Curious about the source, you first noticed neon pink lights dancing on the sidewalk as you lifted your head. Your eyes went towards a store front you never saw before despite walking down the same sidewalk to get home for almost three months. A flashing pink palm with the words “PSYCHIC” in the middle decorates the mysterious storefront. You inspected the shop a little more and noticed that it was only twenty dollars to get a full reading. You scoffed, figuring that this store was a scam just like every other pseudoscience out there and averted your gaze. As you continued down the block, you thought about what you were going to do this weekend and felt an all too familiar ache in your heart. There was no one to see, no where you wanted to go and nothing you really wanted to do. Your pace slowed down as you thought about your sad weekend plans. Your cold hands formed into fists in your jacket pocket as you tried to push the intrusive thoughts about how pathetic and lonely you were. I worked way too hard to keep feeling like shit. You felt your body go backwards until you were in front of the psychic store again. Maybe they can tell me what to do this weekend.
You almost gasped at how much colder the store was inside compared to outside which was odd considering how cozy it was decorated. The lights were dim creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. A large, fuzzy white rug sat in the middle of the store with two green sofas on top. On the side was a large wooden bookshelf with various texts, trinkets and a diffuser spraying out what seemed to be an essential oil of some sort. You peered around the store and noticed that you were the only person inside. As you looked around more, you noticed a closed door in the back leading to what you assumed was the staff room. Continuing your guessing games, you wondered if the staff couldn’t hear you come in. You walked over to the wooden bookshelf and skimmed through the spines. There were lots of titles you expected in a store such as this like, “Speaking With the Other World” and “Supernatural Beings”. What caught your eye was a large crystal ball with what looked like clouds trapped in the sphere. It seemed like the closer you looked inside, the bigger the clouds got. You reached out your hand to hold the ball but quickly retreated when you suddenly felt the hairs on your body stand. You turned around, swearing you felt someone behind you but found no one else in the store. Wanting to suddenly leave, you turned on your heels and headed towards the front door.
“I’m sorry, were you waiting long?” a voice asked from behind.
You thought your soul had escaped from your body from how hard you jumped. You quickly turned to face whoever spoke.
“Did I scare you? I’m so sorry!”
You couldn’t help the racing of your heart as you scanned around the room. Where could this person have come from? You looked towards the back door and noticed that it was still closed. Were you too engrossed in that stupid crystal ball to hear them open and close the door? Your eyes went back towards the man standing in front of you. He looked almost as worried as you with his brows furrowed and his hands placed in front of him. His bangs were long, almost covering his eyes and he had little beauty marks scattered around his face.
“I just-I didn’t hear you,” you stammered, embarrassed by your reaction, “sorry I just-I thought-“
“I think we both need to calm down,” he laughed and reached out his hands towards you, “I’m Haechan! I will be the one to do your reading if you’re interested.”
You shook his hand and felt a jolt run through your arm, he was ice cold.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you smiled back, “I was just curious because I walk by here everyday and have never seen your store before.”
“Ah,” Haechan nodded, “we kind of just opened like yesterday. Before I took over, this store was literally just a grey building which is probably why you’ve never noticed until now. Please sit!” he gestured towards the sofas.
You hesitated but eventually gave in to the thought of how this might turn out to be a funny story to tell your friends over facetime later. Haechan waited for you to get comfortable before taking a seat across from you.
“So what brings you in today?” he asked.
You scratched your head in thought. You battled the desire to vomit up your sob story to this stranger because it would feel so good to just talk to someone and be honest without feeling like a burden. Your friends knew you were having a hard time settling into your new life but they didn’t know the extent of how miserable you were and there was no way in hell you were going to open up to your coworkers. Another thought hit you, if this guy really was a psychic, shouldn’t he know why you’re here?
“I honestly was just curious.” you finally answered.
Haechan hummed in thought and leaned towards you. You felt your face get warm by how intensely he was staring at you. Is this part of the reading…?
“You haven’t been doing well huh? I’m picking up something to do with transition, dissatisfaction and loneliness.” he suddenly says after what seemed like forever.
You felt your heart begin to race again. You knew that psychics do cold readings and their predictions are usually very general but what are the chances of him describing your situation to a T in three words.
“Uh…kind of.” an uncomfortable laugh escapes from you.
Haechan shoots you a sympathetic smile and you swear the room suddenly gets colder.
“Change is hard but adapting to change is harder. You must remember your strengths during these times. Just looking at you, I can tell you’re more than capable of fighting through this.” Haechan says.
You smile and feel a sense of victory. He was right, you are strong and capable! It felt good to get some validation even if it was coming from a conman.
“I can’t fix your problems for you but I can offer some ways you can practice mindfulness in order to heal your energy. On a scale of 1-10, how accepting are you of help?” he asked.
“I’m pretty open minded.” you lied.
Whatever this guy was going to tell you to do, you were absolutely not going to do. You figured that for an extra $50 he was going to perform some stupid energy healing for you where you guys sit in silence for a few minutes while he closes his eyes and pretends to speak to your "spirit guides".
“Repeat this mantra three times after the clock strikes midnight and you’ll find your greatest desire fulfilled.” Haechan says instead.
He hands you a little piece of paper, which you swore he produced from thin air. You take the paper from his hands and read what’s on it. Thorns, crown, poison. Let my world shatter as I swallow it all. You gasped as your eyes looked up from the paper and you see Haechan standing in front of you. The room becomes unbearably cold as he looms over you. You then notice that he’s wearing jeans and a simple cotton t-shirt.
“I keep scaring you tonight, I’m so sorry!” he apologized.
“It’s alright! You just move so quietly!” you laughed as you wave his apology away.
You and Haechan exchange a few more words before you decide to call it a night. He fights you as you try to pay him $20 for his scam. He argued that since you’re his first customer, he wants to give you the session for free.
“If the mantra works within the week, then come back and I will take your $20.” Haechan suggests.
“Sounds good!” you agree, “I hope it does then!”
”It will.” Haechan chuckles, but the laugh doesn't reach his eyes.
You wave one final goodbye to Haechan as he closes the door. The cold autumn air seems to warm up your freezing body. How the fuck is he just in a t-shirt. Maybe my $20 will go towards a heater for his store. As you walked home, you felt a sense of contentment wash over you. You tried something new for the first time since you moved here and you couldn’t wait to tell your friends about it!
You stretched your legs as far as you could as you plopped down on your bed. After a long hot shower and a face mask, you were ready to get comfy and watch tv all night. You rolled over to your nightstand to grab your remote when your attention lands on the paper Haechan gave you earlier. You sit up and grab the paper. For a mantra that was supposed to be uplifting, it was kind of dark. You laughed to yourself at the thought of Haechan typing this out on his computer and printing it out to give to potential clients. You came this far with this ridiculous scam, you might as well just finish-and it was free! You checked the time on your phone. 12:01 am. Three times right? You closed your eyes and whispered the mantra to yourself secretly hoping that things would look up from here.
”Going somewhere, Jae?”
Jaehyun yawned as a portal appeared beneath his feet.
“I’m heading to work,” he replied while stretching his arms, “thanks for the new customer, Haechan.”
Haechan gave Jaehyun a thumbs up as he watched the portal glow brighter until Jaehyun began to disappear into the other world. As Jaehyun prepared himself for his entrance, he wondered what his new client would be like and how long it would take before they destroyed themselves. Haechan bet a week and Jaehyun bet a month, winner got to keep the customer’s soul.
#jaehyun nct#jaehyun imagines#jaehyun x reader#jaehyun demon au#jaehyun smut#nct127#nct 127 imagines#nct 127 x you#motives#jung jaehyun#haechan#doyoung#jeong jaehyun#jaehyun scenarios#nct 127 scenarios#nct 127 demon au
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— Seven years after the Outbreak, all efforts to find a cure have been unsuccessful. Nearly a forgotten pipe dream, it's kept alive by a small team of scientists scattered across the country and fiercely guarded by what remains of the military. It was coincidence that brought the missing piece to the cure into the hands of Levi Squad. It was sheer misfortune that it would carry him across the country.
[ WORD COUNT: 4.3k ]
[ levi ackerman x fem!reader ]
[ TAGS/WARNINGS: violence, loss of a limb, cursing, reader described as severely malnourished, mentions of contamination from germs, awful descriptions of lockpicking, levi definitely has anxiety. please continue with caution if these are sensitive subjects for you <3 ]
“Christ!—Levi! Watch out!”
Fifteen minutes.
No pause.
No reprieve.
Just a full-blown sprint.
“Pick up your goddamn feet, four eyes, or I swear to Christ, I’ll feed you to the assholes myself!”
The formation was ruined. The plan went to absolute shit.
“I’m trying—he’s heavier than he looks, ya’know!” As though he wasn’t carrying him too.
“Mikasa will kill us if we bring this sorry sack of shit back in more than two pieces—if I don't get to you first.” Levi decided to spare himself the wasted breath of adding that the kid had an extra foot of height and one hundred pounds of weight on him, and he still was not struggling the way they were.
“Levi!” Their leader chastised, jamming his blade through the sinus cavity of a particularly soft-headed Runner. “Leave Hange be and move it. Or have you forgotten what we're doing here?” There was an authoritativeness there that was hardly ever used on him.
Perhaps the jab was poorly timed.
A pained yelp escaped from the boy as the pair had to lift him over fallen debris. Levi’s unfortunately small build meant he had to assist for a moment and put weight on his injured leg to clear the obstacle. “It’s okay, Eren. Just hang on—me and Levi gotcha. We’re almost there.” He could only respond with a groan.
(If only he knew it was a damn lie.)
(He probably did.)
He was going into shock.
“Erwin,” Hange cried, “you gotta give us something here.”
“There’s more buildings around the corner.” He was so out of breath. His words hardly made sense: “They can't all possibly be boarded up.”
Too much was happening. Too much had already happened. Too much that could not be undone, and too much would haunt Levi for many sleepless nights to come.
His group of six turned to four, with one member rapidly approaching an involuntary amputation from a tourniquet fashioned from a decaying leather belt and a hacksaw, and Levi with a nasty sprain—he could hardly remember how it happened. He was sure that if anyone other than Erwin and Hange were left, he would've been long dead and beginning incubation.
It all happened so quickly.
They were so quiet.
It was only a few seconds; he knew that for certain.
The last thing he recalled was Hange rambling about their breakthroughs in stimulating fine motor skills in newly turned Infected—how it’s another lead for the cure. Levi only half listened, briefly catching another one of their theories about recovering explicit memories in different regions of their brains. None of it made much sense to him, and he stopped trying to decipher it for several years now, having long given up on Hange’s ability to further any research for the cure—not because he doubted their intelligence but because a cure was impossible. Eren was complaining about the heat—understandably so, as Virginian summers were known for their brutality. Erwin walked by Levi’s side in silence, aside from his periodic warnings to Hange and Eren to keep their volume to a whisper and their occasional gripe in response. The remaining two members (they arrived only two weeks prior, much to Levi’s disdain. It was their first run.) hovered near the back line and listened in on the periodic childish banter between Hange and Eren, though they were primarily distracted by an old Tamogachi they found tucked inside of a rusted-out Nissan.
They were the first ones to go.
Their screams were the only signal to the other four that Infected were on their asses.
Eren, a notoriously suicidal maniac and practically a child that Levi knew was not ready for more challenging runs, tried saving them.
He was going to lose his leg for it.
Most likely his life too.
In the chaos of it all, thoughts of Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, Connie, and Jean—the faces of the people he’s spent the last seven godforsaken years with—filled Levi’s head. And in that split second, he became reckless. He made an uncharacteristically impulsive decision based on his own feelings rather than what he knew made sense. He should have left the brat behind to suffer the consequences—he knew that made sense. He would have done it with nearly anyone else. But in that split second, he thought of how he watched those insufferable brats at home (though he isn't sure he truly thought of them as such anymore) all grow up together; how they were still just a bunch of damn kids sitting together at the dinner table; how Eren’s mother brushed his unruly hair out of his eyes and gave him her only hair tie to make sure he could keep it out of his face; he thought of how he was supposed to tell them—to tell his mother that Eren was dead because he was too practical to do anything about it.
He knew he wouldn't be able to.
In that brief moment of distraction and all-consuming empathy, Levi went for Eren, knowing if anyone had a chance at getting him out of there, it would be him.
In the end, Levi misstepped, suffering a nasty sprain in his ankle. Eren was still bitten, and he was still going to die regardless of his interference.
(Why was he never fast enough?)
Their formation couldn't hold with just the three of them. There was no one for backup, no room for error, and no window to fight. Their only option was to run and drag Eren along.
“Why the hell didn’t you let Erwin handle him?” He was never great at holding his tongue in moments like this. It seemed as though he saved his breath specifically to spend on berating his companions when all hell broke loose.
(Hange was used to it at this point.)
Sweat poured down Levi’s forehead, burning his eyes and obscuring his vision as he supported well more than half of Eren’s weight on his left side. With every step he took, Hange seemed to support less and less of his weight. His ankle screamed in pain with every step, the potency of adrenaline having worn off as a painkiller. His hand was sweating as he held his machete, which was missing an approximate half of the blade, and he struggled to keep it in his grasp while he stumbled through the broken, pothole-infested city streets.
(Apparently some of the skulls were too hard for a half-rusted blade.)
(Or perhaps the machete was too dull after slicing through nearly twenty Infected. No matter, a portion of Levi’s blade was forever embedded in the nasal cavity of a freshly turned Runner in a mechanic’s jumpsuit.)
“You're useless with your ankle like that, and I’m out of ammo, and my pack is—”
“I fucking know the situation, four eyes!”
“Then why are you asking—!”
“Hange! Levi!” Erwin, forever the voice of reason, shouted, “That’s more than enough! You can bicker when we're safe.”
At the same time, Levi spoke: “Why are you the only one struggling!?”
He decided to silence any further complaints, not wanting to endure another lecture when—if—this was over. He wanted to tell Erwin that if safety is what they're waiting for, then he may as well cut out his tongue now and spend the rest of his days in silence. He reckoned Erwin would have an infuriatingly eloquent response along the lines of, ‘I fail to see how that would differ much from your usual day-to-day, Captain.’ And—as much as it pained him to admit—Hange was right. His ankle put him in no position to be leading them through the city or carving through Infected, Hange was out of ammo and lost their supply bag to the pack behind them—it wasn't looking good for the three of them, but Erwin had the best chance of guiding them to safety.
“There!” Erwin shouted. “Up ahead, to the right—that hardware store!”
For the first time in about one hundred yards, Levi looked ahead of him as opposed to Eren’s bleeding, rapidly discoloring leg and the potholes littering the streets. The first thing he noticed was the wooden planks, chairs, tables, and various couches blocking the entrance of every store lining the downtown. Then he noticed the barricades did not look all that old—maybe two weeks. It wasn't an uncommon sight… at the start. Plenty of larger communities were holed up in cities and downtowns, capitalizing on the space and sewer systems below, when everything first started. It seemed practical at the time.
Those communities typically failed within the first couple years. He hasn't heard of a successful one in the area in at least four years. It should have looked decrepit.
Not recently vacated.
And then he noticed the lone storefront Erwin was locked on. With no planks, no furniture to block the entrance, only a chair pushed a few feet off to the side, a thick line of chain link between two door handles, and a padlock hanging in the center. And he noticed how strange that was.
Out of the dozens of buildings we’ve run past, why is this the only one? And was everything so boarded up when we scouted this last month?
Levi had a bad feeling about this, one that made his stomach ache. “We should find another.” When did his voice become so hoarse? It felt as though he had swallowed razor blades.
“What? Are you crazy?” Hange added.
“Something isn't right here, Erwin.”
“We’re not arguing. Levi—take care of that lock. Hange—you take my weapons and hold them off. I’ll hold onto Eren.”
Levi had a bad feeling about this. It seemed no one else did.
He passed off Eren to Erwin, who was able to hold him in his arms with what seemed to be little to no effort despite his fatigue, while Hange (who was objectively the best shot, aside from Levi) fired off rounds into the crowd of Infected.
“Levi,” Erwin called, dragging out the last syllable to feign placidity. “How close are we?”
He was too absorbed in selecting the right pick to respond.
“Hurry it up, shorty; we only have so many rounds left.”
“Can it, four eyes! Just- just hold them off.” His fingers weren't as deft in lockpicking as they used to be, having been years out of practice. Infected rapidly closed in on them, their groans echoing off the buildings and the stench of death emanating from their decaying maws, making his hands shake and his stomach turn. Or maybe it was the lack of food. Oh God, was he panicking? The situation was fucked; he knew that—was it worse than even his own consciousness knew?
God, when was the last time Eren made a sound? Was he still alive?
Were they all going to die?
Was it all for nothing?
“LEVI.” Erwin shouted, squaring his shoulders, preparing for the likelihood of having to toss Eren to the side. Fuck, what was happening to him? He never lost his nerve. He never panicked. Had the pain from his ankle left him delirious?
“Hold the fuck on!”
“I’ve got six left, headshots or not; I can't handle them all!”
They were getting closer. They were so much closer. He still had three out of four pins left, and he was almost confident that his rake pick was not meant for this lock. The relentless groans of Infected began to sound more like a steady roar—like he was a child holding a seashell to his ear in one of his nightmares—and distracted him from the task at hand.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath from his stomach, like his mother always told him as a child. Fear has never been a luxury that was afforded to him.
The second pin gave way.
“Almost there.” His voice finally steadied.
Images of his mother flashed before his eyes. Why would he think of her now?
And the third.
“Erwin, get ready to bar the doors!”
Only one more left.
"Hange, grab that chair; we can use it to brace the handle.”
And the world seemed to stop for a moment.
Levi wasn't sure what he was actually looking at. He thought he was seeing one half of his lockpick in his palm while the other was broken off inside the lock, with no feasible way of removing the thin piece of metal to retry with another pick—but that wasn't possible. No. No, he was about to have the door opened, and the four of them were going to be inside in just a few seconds. They were going to perform a shoddy amputation on Eren’s leg, wrap up his ankle, and find a way out of the city and back to their camp. It surely had to be fatigue, dehydration, or early signs of a heat stroke because Levi did not fuck up like this when lives were on the line.
(There was only one accident.)
(But he was better. He got better, and it was so long ago. He made a full recovery, and he vowed to never make that mistake again.)
How was he doing it again?
“Levi, what happened?!”
“The goddamn pick broke off in the lock. I can't get it out.”
He was sure he would never forget the looks on their faces if they managed to live past this. Erwin’s shoulders dropped, his eyes closed, and his brows were slightly furled. It was almost as if he were wincing away from Levi’s words—maybe even Levi himself. Hange’s jaw dropped, their eyes as wide as saucers underneath their glasses, with a look of pure shock. Eren, who remained mostly out of it, tensed his jaw.
He could feel their disappointment in him.
They were all going to die.
It didn't matter how strong he was; it didn't matter how good his aim was; it didn't matter how fast, silent, knowledgeable, or small he was. None of it mattered. It was never going to be enough in the end.
It wasn't before. He wasn't quite sure why he thought it would've been different this time.
“Alright… We hold on as long as we can. If we’re going to die today, then we take as many of the bastards with us as we can.”
“What makes you so certain we’re dying today, Commander?” Levi said, slowly bringing himself to his feet, his voice laced with sarcasm.
“Aww man… I was really looking forward to examining that bite wound.” Hange pouted.
“We’re soldiers, Captain. We’re certain to die every day. But give your heart here today, and we might live to see one more.”
That son of a bitch. Even knows how to make dying seem like a contribution. “You sound ridiculous.”
They were closing in.
The stench was nearly unbearable, and Levi hated the thought of walking around as one of those disgusting creatures. He’d rather burn in Hell than suffer such condemnation. He hoped someone would put him out of his misery soon enough.
The machete would have to do. Hange emptied the last of their rounds into the monsters and took out a small blade they kept sheathed on their thigh. Erwin was left without a weapon.
A shrill voice called out to them, nearly sounding like an angel amidst the chaos.
“Follow me!” It only took a single glance between the three of them to agree to follow the voice.
Erwin continued with Eren in his arms, while Hange braced Levi to help him run faster. They were led down a narrow alleyway, then to the right, and then left, all while the ravenous hoard stayed close on their trail. The sharp turns of the blocks helped deter them, but it wasn't enough. The pain in his ankle was nearly unbearable, and sweat burned his eyes, but it was too late to stop, and turning back wasn't an option.
“Here!" the voice called. A large, metal door was opened, and the four of them were being taken into what seemed to be a poor excuse for an office. No sooner than the door slammed shut did the Infected begin beating, clawing, and banging on the door, making the whole room feel tense. Levi looked between Hange and Erwin, who didn't appear to have any bites, scratches, or open wounds from their final sprint.
And then his eyes shot to you.
The first thing he noticed was how concerningly malnourished you were: dead eyes sunken into deep sockets, collarbones protruding beneath the collar of a thin, long-sleeved shirt with half-rolled sleeves, limp hair on your head, and an excess of body hair covering what was visible of your skin—you were slowly starving to death. The next thing he took in was the pistol on your hip and the knife on your belt—both contained and clasped within a holster. He didn't overlook how your hands shook as you held them out in front of you. In fact, your entire body was wracked with tremors. It seemed that the dead sprint back to your base (for lack of a better word) took the last scraps of energy your emaciated frame held. Your eyes drooped, your shoulders sagged, your head seemed too heavy for your neck, and you looked slightly disoriented.
It was a miracle you made it to them to begin with.
By all accounts, you were no threat to them.
Levi reckoned even Eren could overpower you in his current state.
However, in Levi’s current state, that didn't matter.
What mattered was Eren's leg. The discolored veins radiating from the bite on his ankle and up to his calf. The tourniquet that Hange tied from their belt and the dirty rag stuffed in his mouth to keep him from biting his own tongue off when the sawing started. The dull hacksaw and the last of their rubbing alcohol being poured on its blade. Hange’s heavy breathing. The five hearts beating in the room and the four that meant anything to him. The knowledge that it was up to him to make sure Hange was not disturbed while Erwin held him down. The stench of rot that was invading his senses. The sheer adrenaline pumping in his veins and a faint throbbing in his skull that reminded him of how hungry he was.
What mattered was you—who you are and who you were. Where you came from. Why you helped them, and why you waited until the last second to do it. Why you were starving but surrounded by a surplus of food. What your motive was for saving them. When you planned to show your hand and what cards you would be holding. If you were bluffing or holding a full house.
What mattered was that you were an anomaly.
The last of his energy was shifted into you, and he began invading your space, doing his best to fight off the pain in his ankle and subsequently noticeable limp in an effort to intimidate you. His efforts were not in vain, if the way you backed into the wall behind you was any indication. But there was an unsettling look in your half-lidded eyes that gave him pause—something wild that told him he had just cornered a stray animal that had nothing left to lose.
(He knew what he needed to do.)
(He knew how to tame a wild animal.)
He continued his trajectory forward until your spine was flush with the wall. Leaning slightly on his toes, Levi caged you in with his forearm against the base of your throat and his broken machete kissing the bottom of your jaw. What he lacked in height, he made up for in strength as you desperately tried to claw his arm away. He nicked your skin as a warning, as if to tell you that one more wrong move would end with his blade piercing through your jaw and kissing the bottom of your soft palate.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“I'm not sure that's how you talk to someone who just saved your ass.” You hardly had the energy to speak. Up close, Levi could see the deep cracks in your lips and the discoloration under your eyes. You were trembling and on your last leg.
“Oh yeah? And how would you talk to someone holding a knife to your throat?”
“Touché.” You whispered, breathing heavily.
The silence, while only lasting a few seconds, spanned an eternity while the two of you were locked in a staring contest. No one dared to move. No one dared to speak.
“Eren, you're going to need to breathe for me. Can you do that?” Hange’s voice broke the silent battle. All he could do was whimper behind the rag stuffed in his mouth. “Bite. Hard. This is going to hurt.”
They were going directly below the knee. It’s possible he would've only lost a few inches above his ankle had they gotten away sooner.
“What are you doing to him?”
“None of your business, rat. Where’s the rest of your people hiding?”
“I’m alone.”
Levi vaguely registered Eren’s breathing picking up behind him. His heart hammered into his throat.
“Okay, Eren. On the count of three...”
He was already screaming.
“Hey, what the fuck are you doing to him?”
Levi pressed even harder into your throat, effectively cutting your air supply and forcing broken coughs from your chest. He tried not to wince at your spit landing on his cheeks.
“Shut the fuck up.”
He was sure he had never heard someone scream like that. And God, has he heard his fair share.
A bloodcurdling, agonizing scream came from him. Something entirely inhuman, too monstrous to even have belonged to one of the Infected.
And then nothing.
“What the hell, four eyes?”
“He’s passed out. Probably the best we can hope for. But he’s losing too much blood.” Levi reckoned that was an understatement, considering the sheer amount covering the floor, Erwin’s pant legs, and Hange’s arms.
“I have a Bunsen burner.”
“Did I say you could fucking speak?”
“Wait, we need that. We're going to need something to cauterize this, or he’s never making it back to camp. But—wait, there's no gas lines in here, the thing is useless."
“Don't need it. It's just a glorified camp stove—butane-powered but does the same thing.”
Another moment of tense eye contact was shared between the two of you—yours still wild and Levi's still scathing.
“Desk. The middle drawer. Right side. Matches should be there too.”
Levi jerked his head towards Erwin, who understood the silent signal and went searching for the burner.
“Are we gonna find something in there we don't like?”
“Christ, I’m the one that went out of my way to help you.”
“Not what I asked.” He applied another small amount of pressure to your jaw. “Try again.”
The slamming of a drawer and the relieved sigh from Erwin told Levi that he had found the torch. After a few moments of rustling, Levi heard the gas ignite and looked behind him to see a flame burning. It wasn't much, but it would certainly heat up a blade.
Eren, thankfully, remained unconscious for the rest of the procedure, and Hange managed to—mostly—cauterize the wound. He was far from stable, still subject to turning, and heaving shallow breaths.
(Somewhere in Levi’s heart, he knew this was a win.)
As Hange carefully wrapped Eren’s leg in a clean shirt they borrowed (read: stole) from you, Levi—who never turned his blade from you or lifted his arm—directed his attention back to you.
“We're going to try this again. What's your name?”
“The fuck kind of name is that?”
You did not deign to answer him.
“Alright, Blue. Where are the rest of your people?”
“I already told you, I’m—”
“Yeah, yeah, you're alone. Now, tell me the truth.”
“Levi.” Erwin said, still crouching on the ground with Eren. His fingers were around his wrist, checking for signs of a pulse. “Leave the girl alone. We’d be dead by now if it weren't for her.”
“Thank you.” You whispered.
“Shut the hell up.”
And for the first time since the five of you entered the room, you listened to what Levi said on the first go. Begrudgingly, he removed his forearm from your throat and lowered himself back to the soles of his feet. Only then did he seem to remember the searing pain in his ankle and collapse to the floor when putting his full weight back on the joint.
“Levi!” Hange called to him, but they were unable to go to him with Eren’s head resting on their lap.
(His hair was up, just as his mom told him to.)
The adrenaline was worn off, and the pain was too much.
“Levi, when is the last time you've eaten?”
Two and a half days.
Unbeknownst to Hange and Erwin (or so he thought), Levi was skipping out on his portion of the already slim rations to ensure enough was left for the others in their group.
If the plan didn't go to shit, it would have been fine. He would have indulged upon their arrival at the comms site.
He would have been fine.
He continued to tell himself as such, as the sides of his vision blackened and his ears rang to the pitch of Eren’s screams.
[ a/n: oh boy oh boy! as i'm positive you can tell, we're taking heavy inspo from TLOU here and by inspo I mean we're basically shoving AOT and TLOU into one universe
we're going to be miserable here <3 ]
masterlist and new updates coming soon
#levi ackerman#levi ackerman x reader#levi ackerman x female reader#attack on titan#AOT#shingeki no kyojin#snk#erwin smith#hange zoe#eren jaeger#levi ackerman x you
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No Ordinary Fan [Part 1]
Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N finally gets to meet her favorite actor of all time, but something about her manages to grasp the successful actor’s attention.
AN: Jeffrey is portrayed as a single man in this fic.
“Okay. You got this. You’re going to go in there and look him dead in the eye as if he’s not the man of your dreams. I can’t fucking believe this is happening.” Y/N stood in front of her bathroom mirror, undressed with only a towel to cover her as she gave herself a pep-talk. After being a fan of JDM for many years, she had finally been given the opportunity to interact with the actor at a meet and greet taking place in her city. This is something she had been looking forward to for weeks, but once the day finally came, she was overcome with anxiousness.
Once Y/N had finished her little speech, she stepped out of her bathroom and back into her room to get dressed. She already had the clothes she intended to wear laid out on her bed along with her accessories. It was a casual outfit, because she wasn’t the type to ‘dress up’ even if it was to meet her longtime crush. She figured that this was the perfect time to show off her t-shirt she had purchased from The Walking Dead merchandise store and her pants were regular blue jeans. Her accessories were also merch pieces dedicated to the popular tv show, but her most favorite were the hook earrings that resembled Negan’s bat she managed to find on Etsy. It only took a couple of minutes for her to be fully dressed, and now monitoring the time as she decided to put on a little makeup right before she heads out. In an effort to make it to the event on time, she quickly finished up and grabbed her things to leave, including the two Negan posters she wanted him to sign for her.
After rushing out of the house and spending a little over a half hour in aggravating traffic, she had finally made it to the building where the meet and greet was taking place. Her heart was racing as she made her way inside, still partly in disbelief about what was going to happen in a matter of minutes. Once she got inside, she went through the motions of gaining entry and was sent to stand in line with the rest of the fans. She made it relatively early, so the line was short enough to where she could see him sitting behind a table and interacting with a fan. Her composure began to unravel as she watched him speak from afar and tuning everything else around her completely out in the process.
Oh my God he looks so much better in person. His slicked back brown hair, salt and pepper beard, and don’t get me started about that smile. Y/N fangirled away in her head as the line grew shorter, and her excitement became more prevalent. Before she knew it, she was next in line behind the person that was standing in front of her. The man she had only fantasized about in her spare time, the one she referred to as her husband on social media, the Jeffrey Dean Morgan was sitting right there. She kept her eyes on him as she patiently waited her turn, and for a second, she could’ve sworn that he had glanced over at her a few times as he was speaking to the other fan. A few minutes later, the fan’s time was up, and it was now Y/N’s turn to introduce herself for the very first time. She took a deep breath and put a smile on her face as she stepped forward, stopping in front of the table directly in front of him. Her ability to speak had been halted for unknown reasons, but still wore a big smile on her face.
“Well, hello there. What’s your name sweetheart?” His voice was deep and husky, on top of the nickname he called her, was gratifying all on its own. She realized she had been quiet for a little bit too long and snapped herself back into reality.
“I’m sorry, I’m- uh...my name is Y/N. Sorry.”
“No need to apologize Y/N. That is such a lovely name for a beautiful young lady such as yourself.” He spoke to her softly, giving her that killer smile of his. It was almost like he knew that he had a strong effect on her and used it to his advantage.
“Thank you. I’m such a huge fan and I love all your work.” She tried not to sound too cheerful, keeping her tone as neutral as possible.
“Is that right?” He let his eyes wander up and down her body. “I see you got a TWD shirt, very nice. But is that what I think it is?” He brought his hands up to his ears and pinched his earlobes, indicating to Y/N that he is inquiring about her earrings.
“Oh! They’re Lucille earrings, I found them online.” She moved her hand behind her ear to push the jewelry forward, giving Jeffrey a better look.
“That’s fucking awesome. I can’t really see them from down here though, come closer so I can see them better.” He leaned forward onto the table, using his arms to support him as Y/N bent down to get closer to him. She was now at the same level he was as he remained in his chair, allowing him to touch the hooked earring in her left ear. He then let go of the earring and moved his face much closer to hers, putting his lips up to her ear.
“I’ve had my eye on you ever since you came in here.” Y/N audibly gasped, remaining still as he continued to whisper in her ear. “I’d like to get to know you better, if that’s ok with you.” He promptly moved back from Y/N, awaiting a response as she slowly brought herself up from the table.
She had a hard time grasping what she had just heard. He very clearly just told her that she caught his interest, and she still felt as if all this was some kind of fever dream. She turned around to see a line of people behind her, all of them being completely clueless about what was going on at that moment. The sound of the actor clearing his throat made her turn back around, seeing him tap his wrist as an indication that they were running out of time.
“Ok, yes. But how exactly are we supposed to do this?” She was whispering to prevent the people around them from hearing. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, unlocked it, and slid the phone over to her on the table. He wanted her phone number, so she quickly put it in his phone and saved it under her name. She slid the phone back to him and he put it back into his pocket. Seeing that it was time to say farewell, he reached out and grabbed one of Y/N’s soft hands, giving her one last look with his lustrous, hazel eyes.
“It’s been really nice meeting you Y/N, and I hope to see you again very soon.” He brought his voice down to a whisper, “and I’ll call you as soon as I’m done here, okay?”
Y/N nodded her head in compliance, hanging on by a thread at the sight of him holding then releasing her hands from his grip. She waved goodbye to her idol as the event coordinator escorted her away. She wanted to make sure that she wasn’t certifiable, and that his entire experience wasn’t all in her head. She pinched herself, gave herself a light smack on the face, and even asked the coordinator if she was dreaming. It all appeared to be happening in real time, and she was going to have a chance to get close to someone she once referred to as her baby daddy.
Tag: @artistinyou2
#jeffrey dean morgan#jeffreydeanmorgan#jdm#jdm x reader#jeffrey dean morgan x reader#jeffrey dean morgan fanfiction#female reader
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Rainbow High Littles: Indigo Bailey, Pt. 1
All right y'all, I said we'd do this so let's go. I was originally going to make this all one entry, but I decided to break off the hair discussion as a separate post, since this one was already way too long before I even got to that point XD Will link Pt. 2 once it's published.

Krystal Jr.: What the heck are we doing all the way over here? Krystal Sr.: We need to collect a delivery to take back to Rainbow Heights--a sister! KJ: I thought I was your sister? KS: No, you're a younger version of me from an alternate point in our shared timeline. We just say you're my sister so it's less confusing for everyone else. KJ: If I'm you from the past and we're both in the same place, shouldn't that create some sort of temporal paradox where you cease to exist? KS: The normal laws of physics don't apply in the doll universe, dear. It's best not to think on it too much. KJ: Okaaaaaaaaaay. But this one is NOT us, right? KS: …Probably not? Indigo: ((Maybe stop talking and let me out, please?))
Sooooooooo yeah, Indigo. Where to begin? For starters, I think the vitriol that's being dumped on these poor Littles is completely out of proportion to what they actually are--tiny dolls meant for small hands to play with. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I can see how they would be less appealing to adult collectors used to a more sophisticated product from this brand, but I personally will do my best to judge her by her own merits.
First impressions: I think she's cute! I pulled a few of her braids back with a rubber band to make her face more visible, but otherwise straight out of the box she's good to go.

Krystal Jr.: Are we a family? Are we clones? Honestly folks, it's anyone's guess. Indigo: Is she always this snarky? Krystal Sr.: Don't worry sweetie, it's just her being a tween, we grow out of it eventually. I: We? KS: It's complicated.
More detailed discussion of clothes & accessories under the cut--
Let's talk about the dress and that reviled plastic bodice. Honestly? I don't mind it! I can't speak for the rest of the line, but in Indigo's case at least it's clear there was some effort put into her overall design. I was especially delighted by the skirt portion of her dress, which is made of a lovely little textured woven fabric featuring a butterfly design, with a coordinating tulle ruffle trim. There's even an underskirt made from a plasticy fine-weave fabric. Both the main skirt and underskirt are sewn (that's right, not glued--there are STITCHES) to the base of the plastic top portion of the dress.
Ok so, no one loves plastic doll clothes. I get it. Not a fan myself. But for what this is, considering it's all one piece, I'm impressed by the amount of detail, and how well it reads as 'normal' clothing. The midsection has a sculpted raised texture that closely mirrors the design of the skirt fabric. The collar section is painted a lighter contrasting shade of purple that compliments her shoes (all the adult collectors who whine about lack of painted detail on molded plastic pieces, here you go), and the ruffle around the armholes compliments the trim on the skirt. Everything is held together neatly at the back with a piece of velcro at the top of the skirt.
Given how difficult it can be to sew fabric doll clothing in this scale that actually looks good, I think the plastic top is a fair compromise to increase ease of use for smaller hands.


The shoes! I was pleasantly surprised by the level of detail on these. The butterfly motif from the dress is carried on here, with sculpted decoration all the way around the tops and even on the soles. This was absolutely unnecessary, but I'm so happy they did it.


Indigo's official height is listed as 5.5 inches, which lands her somewhere between an old school Kelly doll and the closest MGA equivalent in my collection, a Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini. I believe Magic Mixies Pixlings are also of a similar size, but I don't have one to include in this comparison.

Indigo's pet is...a thing that exists. Her product description says it's a 'magical fox'. Sure.

Ok folks, that's it for pt. 1. We're going to take a closer look at those braids in pt.2
#rainbow high#rainbow high littles#indigo bailey#doll reviews#doll collector#yes the dialog is necessary#this process gets way too tedious for me otherwise
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★ pairings: aged up e!42 miles!morales x latina!reader
★ slowburn? maybe?? idk.. (prob not) characters are 18+ in this story they’re in their mid twenties. mentions of going to the club
★ warnings: as i write this story it will be slightly suggestive in some parts, if that bothers u dni.. LMAO
★ a/n: pls enjoy i put a lot of effort into this 🥹 i’ll be adding a link to a playlist i made you could listen to when reading abt miles lmk what y’all think.
★ summary: You’re tired of a sad excuse of a man you call your boyfriend making empty promises, so one night you decide not to let your time out go to waste and you step into a club. Someone catches your eye, and maybe your number too.
★ part 2
“Had a chance you still never came through
You say you wanna come see me
‘Cause your girlfriend wanna be me, uh”
- long way 2 go : cassie
Mouthing these lyrics you look up and smile at yourself in the mirror, clipping on your gold hoops in between your ear lobes. Absolutely loving your look tonight, it only made your smile grow wider knowing exactly what this look was for.
A date
It had been a while since you’ve gone on a date, your last date was about a month ago since you started dating your boyfriend, Kole. You had started to think he really wasn’t taking your relationship seriously after the 3rd time he stood you up, but 2 nights ago he smothered you in kisses and had promised you he would make it up to you by quote on quote ‘rocking your world’ tonight. The thought only making you chuckle lightly.
So of course you being the girl you are, you made sure you looked your best tonight. You had wore your newly bought two piece red lace set from victoria’s secret, not only that but you basically showered yourself in your veryyy expensive perfume. You made sure this night was going to be perfect. You finished curling your hair the way Kole liked and twisted the cable around the curling iron, leaving it out on your desk to cool down.
You clipped on your gold necklace with your name written in cursive and took one last look at your makeup close up, making sure it hadn’t creased. You tapped on your phone with a freshly manicured acrylic, the screen reading 7:40 pm. Your date was at 8 o’clock and you made sure you were going to be there on time. You stood up from your vanity and headed to your shoe rack and picked out your black heels, stepping into them you grab your black Kate Spade purse and headed towards the door.
Keys in hand, you tap your phone noticing you had 10 minutes left to be there on time. You rush into the elevator down the hall and press the 1A button. As you walked out of your building you rummage through your keychains finding your car keys and pressing the unlock button. 6 minutes left, you drove over to the new Italian restaurant that opened up down the block. Luckily for you, there was a parking spot right in front of the restaurant waiting for you. You paid for the parking spot and headed in, taking a quick look at your travel size mirror making sure you looked as cute as you did when you stepped out the house.
You headed in, making sure the lady at front seated you in your reserved seat you asked for a cup of water. Your mouth felt dry because for some reason you felt nervous, it has been a while since you’ve been out on a fancy date so maybe you forgot the feeling. You waited what felt like 10 minutes, the cup already empty you tapped your phone on the table and it read 8:10 pm. You unlocked it and pressed imessage. You felt slight anger and sadness, in high hopes of Kole not pulling the same shit he does on every date. Sending half angry messages, you checked the last message he had sent you was at 2:30 pm. You scoffed and thought, ‘Huh, guess that’s how much i truly mean to him.’
my love❣️: where are you??
my love❣️: Kole te lo juro, if i don’t see you walk through the entrance in the next 5 minutes.
my love❣️: I can’t believe you’re doing this shit again.
You set your phone down sighing, your lips curling down into a slight frown. You decided to wait it out, hoping he was playing some sick joke on you. More than a few minutes had passed and you tapped your phone again, this time it read 8:38 pm. You got up from your seat angrily, heading towards the front desk lady letting her know you would be leaving. You stormed out of the restaurant, you were so eager to try their food and your ‘boyfriend’ stood you up again. You had put so much effort into getting ready for him tonight, really believing he would keep his promise. Heading to your car a thought popped into your head, glancing across the street and reading a sign that read Starry Nights in neon blue. You glanced back at the time you had paid for your parking, and you had plenty of time left.
You basically speed walked to the club entrance, you weren’t going to let all your effort go to waste. You stepped into the club scanning for a bar, as you so desperately needed a drink to drown the sadness from being stood up for the 4th time. You pushed your way through once you had spotted it and sat down with a sigh, asking the barista for the strongest drink they had. While waiting you took in your surroundings, noticing all the different color dimmed lights. Watching all the people dancing closely against each other you had the urge to go and let loose but you didn’t. You held back, you weren’t reallyy in the mood and the last thing you needed was some creep trying to take you home.
You turned around checking if the barista was done with your drink, but had noticed they were making other orders too. So whilst you kept patiently waiting, you picked up your phone and checked your notifications in hopes of Kole answering. Oh how wrong you were, you read ‘no new notifications’ and closed your eyes and let out a long breath you didn’t even know you were holding in. What you needed was something, someone to distract you from this situation before you started bursting out into tears. No matter how angry you were, you knew you were still hurt.
Glancing to the side searching for a distraction you notice a tall dark skinned male with two braids flowing down his neck, interested you eye the rest of him down and he wore black cargo pants with a plain black t-shirt complimented by a silver chain, a purple zip up accompanying it and a pair of limited edition air jordans.
You quickly drag your eyes back up in hopes of catching what his face looked like, instead you hear the barista place your drink in front of you. You turn your head giving them a smile uttering out a quick ‘Thank you’ and turning back around. The barista seemed to have been making both yours and his order at once because he also had a freshly poured drink in his grip.
Your eyes glistening with anticipation wanting oh so bad to see what this man looked like. He finally turned his head enough for you to get a view of his side profile, a fresh fade and a shiny silver stud clinging onto his earlobe complimenting his strong jawline and cute dimples. He smiled at the barista and turned his head in your direction, you quickly diverted your attention elsewhere taking a sip from your cup nervously.
He grinned at your reaction and spoke up, “You here by yourself nena?” you perked up and turned to look at him again surprised by his low husky voice. “Yeah,” you say with a hint of embarrassment and sadness, you stared at the ground. He turned his body full attention on you eyeing you up and down. If looks could kill you would probably be dead by now from the way his half hooded eyes stared at you. His grin slightly grew, “And whys that? Te ves demasiado bella para que estés aquí sola.” A slight giggle escaped your lips at that comment and you looked up at him again, “Bueno, let’s just sayy someone made empty promises. I got stood up.” He scoffed as if he didn’t believe you.
“Some balls you gotta have to do that to a girl like you. What’s your name preciosa?” You smile at the nickname he gave you, moving slightly closer you answered. “Y/N, and yours?” his hand found its way to your waist gripping it slightly. Looking at you eyes half lidded he answered, “Miles.” You stared at his lips, even the way he said his name was attractive. You both stared at each other for what felt like 20 seconds and got lost in the moment, leaning closer into each other, lips inches apart. That was until you snapped out of it and thought, ‘i have a boyfriend i can’t be doing this.’ You had just realized how close you both were and turned your head to the side slightly moving his hand from your waist.
Even though you were mad and didn’t want to admit it in that moment, you still loved Kole and you weren’t sure if you really wanted to throw your relationship down the drain just like that for a guy you had just met. As good as he looks you wouldn’t be able to do it just like that, maybe Kole would redeem himself.
“I—I can’t, i have a boyfriend.” He seemed unamused and furrowed his brows, gently grabbing your chin he turned it back towards him making you look up. “Don’t do that mami, he obviously ain’t givin’ you the attention you deserve.” He glanced at your lips leaning closer towards your neck, the musky smell of his cologne filling up your nostrils. As hard as you were trying to resist you found yourself giving in, muttering out a low “You don’t know that.”
Pulling you closer by the waist he leaned down and whispered in your ear, “I do. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here.” You subconsciously moved closer and from there he placed soft kisses down your neck. One hand resting on the side of his neck, you let your head fall back and let a low moan slip. That sound was all it took to bring you back to reality, you slightly pushed him back.
At this point, the thought of Kole had slipped your mind, at the back of your head you knew if he wasn’t going to fulfill your needs and treat you right someone else definitely would. His free hand snaked up your thigh as he spoke softly, “I’m what you need ma, just lemme prove it to you.” You hesitated, not sure if this was the right thing to do. “I don’t know, i really love him and—“ That was until you felt his hand go higher, cutting you off “Say yes, mami.”
Biting your lower lip you gave in, “Alright, fine just give me a few days to think.” you slipped out your phone and passed it to him. He grinned saving his contact in your phone, with that he placed another sweet kiss on your neck. “See you Friday, mi amor.” he said, as if ignoring what you had just said. His hands moving away from your body, a low whine escaped your lips at the lingering feeling as he disappeared into the crowd.
On your way out the club you had so many thoughts racing through your head. You felt so dizzy, you had only taken one sip from your drink and it still had an effect on you. Tapping on your phone, the screen read 10:47 pm, you also had 5 messages from Kole from about an hour ago and 3 missed phone calls and 2 missed FaceTime calls. You rolled your eyes thinking, ‘Now he decides to care.’
You got into your car and rested your head on the steering wheel for a few minutes trying to wait out your pounding headache and the pain you felt coming from the heel of your feet. Turning your head to the side, sighing with closed eyes you opened them back up. Glancing back at your phone, you saw his name.
★ translations: te lo juro - i swear || te ves demasiado bella para que estés aquí sola - you look too beautiful to be here alone || bueno - well, good (in this case it’s used as well) || preciosa - precious
#across the spiderverse#spider man#miles molares#earth 42#miles morales prowler#atsv prowler#prowler miles#miles x y/n#miles x you#miles x reader#miles morales x you#miles morales x y/n#miles morales x reader#into the spider verse#STAR★WRITES#atsv#miles morales#spiderman#prowler#HeAintShit
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Just say your reply and dam let me say it
Nifty makes me so sad shes everything i love in concept yet her execution kills me; she loves cleaning shes a bug and not only that a old timey bad alien movie inspired
I wish this show was actually about the hotel and that she had gotten the "alastor is allowed to not tell us his backstory because we need a season 2 " treatment, if this show actually follow the premise of redemtion Niffty, V and Angel (heh all bugs) would be the most complex ones and satisfecho ones to write about
V even if i prefer she wasend an exorcist if she n camilla carmine were former winners turned exorcist and them fallen we coul have both sides of going to hell
Angel Hess from the mafia! How how you teden that?? Even if he gets his sould how you fix all the blood or family spill! How did Molly did! (Rip my girls desing wtf she has maneged to look bald n hairly??) Just the journey he would have to go tru a looong road, would charlie put him on the back burner? Would that make him have a relapse?? Would he learn Molly make it hell would that be his motivation? Just this man
NIFTY she is conected to Al and im fascinanted to know why he favors her so much, why shes like this do Al know- does she even know? Its this her cope, was she murder or the murderer ?? Was she too a rasing overlord? Its her past the reason ? How does she feel in general honestly shes done so little in the show but i wanna disect her n know why shes like this so bad
Sorry for the rant n probably bad english just had to get that out my sistem at 1 am lol
Niffty was done dirty by the writers, everyone but her, got character development or a moment that hinted to some sort of character depth (Even if it was shallow).
Why the writers decided to reverse the seasons I have no idea. Charlie finding out Heaven is corrupted doesn't work since the plotline hinges on the audience's investment in her reaction and the cast, but why should we? We don't see the cast trying to actively improve themselves and the show repeatedly tells us sinners are the worst. At this point, it makes no sense for the show to continue the hotel premise because we know Heaven is corrupted now. What's the point, when we already know any effort the cast puts towards redemption will be in vain?
The characters are fulled of mystery and great ideas but the show refuses to explore them. I was surprised by the lack of references at their human backstories. The cast's human lives are why they're in hell and the person they are now. Like, how are we supposed to know Husk's cheesy love for magic came from watching the magic shows in the casinos he grew up in????????? That seems like a very important piece of information to know about his character, considering it's one of the few things he still loves. In that one line alone, we learn so much about Husk and why he turned out to be an alcoholic gambler. At the end of the show despite spending time with characters, I feel like I don't know them as much as I should. I don't know their motivations, beside for Al and Angel we don't see them struggling through their flaws (The show has Husk tell us, writing 101 /sarc), and the show doesn't really explore the cast's relationships with each other or their world. So any potential information we could have learned about them from their interactions through others characters and their environments isn't utilized.
The show just keeps important info locked, tells you character's infos that would have benefited better from showing it, and then except the audiences fill in the missing gaps between info-dumps.
Don't worry about ranting, it's was fun to read and respond too. I understood you just fine.
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I wish I had any writing talent whatsoever
I have these two ideas that are barely anything, lol, but if I had any writing prowess I think they could be good.
1. Aziraphale has been The Supreme Archangel for anywhere between 2-3 years. He is very good at the job. To the shock, and fear, of the other archangels and even The Metatron. He rules with an absolute iron fist. He tolerates no disrespect. His kindness is still there but it’s under a layer of ice. This is what being robbed of Crowley, and being forced back to Heaven against his wishes, has done. (It’s OOC for him, I know. I don’t actually think in the show he or Crowley would be robbed of their base personalities without the other but it’s fan fiction, so…🤷♀️). He’s been watching Crowley from Heaven however. Just to have some piece of him. Until Crowley disappears completely one day. Az goes to earth and can’t find a trace of him. He even checks Heaven over to make sure Crowley wasn’t abducted & being held there. Aziraphale, who is angry and tired of being without his demon, knows there’s only one other place he’d be: Hell.
During the time Aziraphale has been in Heaven word of his iron fist rule has gotten to Hell. Who have been, quietly, panicking. They laughed at first hearing of the “soft” Angel being made Supreme Archangel. Figuring he’d be The Metatron’s puppet for The Second Coming. Just for The Dark Council (using their back channels) to realize how wrong they are. So they decided they needed a plan. Given who is important to Aziraphale they go after Crowley. The members of the Dark Council knew Crowley when he was an angel. They remember he was powerful (I know we don’t know his identity but for the sake of this story he’d have been someone very powerful before The Fall) and acknowledge that if Crowley wanted he could be a Duke of Hell, easy. If he put any effort whatsoever in being an actual Demon Hell would have had a powerful weapon.
The Dark Council abducts Crowley and tells him this. Our demon scoffs and goes through his usual bravado before realizing he can’t get out of this. Miracle blocked and bound to a table he is forced to drink water from the River Lethe. Unconscious and robbed of his memories for the last 6,000 years Crowley has new memories forced into his head (no idk how they would do this, I’m not a writer remember lol).
Aziraphale arrives in Hell in all his The Supreme Archangel splendor. Dagon meets him not the least little bit impressed. Az demands to know where Crowley is, if Hell has him. Dagon says that falls under the jurisdiction of their Prince. Az demands a meeting expecting Beezlebub’s replacement while a bad feeling niggles at the back of his head. They enter the throne room just to have the new Prince of Hell on his throne be Crowley much to Aziraphale’s shock and horror knowing Crowley would never agree to this. It doesn’t take Aziraphale long at all to realize Crowley’s memories are gone and the ones he does have are wrong. Crowley believes he’s been Prince of Hell since The Fall. Azriaphale has no choice but to leave Crowley where he is for the time being. As he’s still his suave, charming self but there’s a cruelty that has never been there before and he loathes all angels. He’s certainly not about to trust the new Supreme Archangel.
That’s as far as I’ve got. Somehow this would lead to Aziraphale bringing Crowley back to himself. A fabulous kiss and smutty times. Lead to the defeat of The Second Coming and the two of them in love and together in the end.
Thanks for reading this far if you have! I have another idea I’ll write up and post. This one is already too long to add it here
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Hello Arcadekitten!!! I read the Stellamb wedding post(s) and it got me wondering about how Stella’s wedding dress would look like… I absolutely love Sweet No Death, so I knew I had to make some artwork of it!! And, because I absolutely suck at explaining things through text, here is my interpretation of Stella’s wedding outfit in traditional art! ✨💫🌟
Materials Used: Mixed Media Paper, Ink Fineliner Pens, Alcohol Markers Gel Pens, Paint Pens, Highlighter and Mechanical Pencil
Time Took: 1 week
I don’t know if you’re okay with people sending fanarts and stuff to you, but I absolutely love your work and well, I’m quite proud of this piece (even if I probably shouldn’t be lol) as I worked extremely hard on this and wanted to share it with you! I hope that’s okay ❤️
A little artist “#Deep Dive tm” because I put WAY too much effort into the tiniest details and I am NOT gonna let them get overlooked 😤 /jk
-Stella’s dress is made with her signature colors rather than white, because I felt that with her being a Star Witch and all, a species that mostly has extravagantly colorful clothes (in my humble opinion) she felt that just going with plain white on what is possibly the most important day of her life would feel… well, a bit redundant, so she opted for a more ‘colored’ ballgown, with lacy gloves and a pearled veil and all. The local tailor and dressmaker is a bit confused, but Lambchop is definitely not complaining! ;) 💕💓
-(Well, that, and I also felt that the color blended WAY too much with her skin tone and changed it, but that’s my little secret hehe 👀😉)
-In my mind, Stella can make her hair look like it has a small galaxy within it! With actual moving stars and little twinkling lights. ✨💫✨⭐️🌟I think that she usually saves it for special, grandiose occasions, buuut since she’s not the kind of person who would THROW a grand, special occasion, she never unveiled it before her wedding day! (Poor Lambchop’s heart nearly gave out on the spot right then and there! 😭❤️)
-I didn’t add her usual Star hair clip because she already has like… 10 stars in her design already lmao /lh ⭐️
-As you can see, her bouquet’s… cloth? Fabric? I’m not sure what to call it… thing? The stuff that her flowers are wrapped in are Lambchop’s colors! Thought that it would be a neat visual detail… also, I can totally imagine Stella requesting that specific color scheme from the local florist! 💐🌷🌸
-Speaking of flowers… I decided to color in one of the moon daisies a little bit… differently hehe ;) It’s a small reference to the beginning of the game, where we see Stella change the color of the one rebellious moon daisy, from orange to lavender, except this time… she keeps it and uses it in her bouquet! 💖💗
-I like to think that it symbolizes Lambchop versus the rest of the townspeople… and Stella’s way of acknowledging him as a “real person”, at least compared to the others… one who is different, one who is unique… the one that she’s going to marry 💍🩷
-(it’s so absolutely sappy when she tells him so that he just couldn’t resist kissing her right then and there)
-And finally… (this is the last one I promise) I cut out the entire drawing to make it look like a potion bottle, partially because Stella is a witch, and partially because I had this cute lil idea that she stores all of her happiest memories into a magical bottle and takes it out whenever she feels sad, so that she can ‘experience’ it again and feel happier. Of course, with Lambchop by her side, she never really has to use it!💞🩷💗
-And yes, I also made the bottle have Lambchop colors as well 🐏 Just a nice little thing tying em together more visually… ❤️
…And I am SO SORRY for ranting!!! I worked incredibly hard on this piece (traditional art is NOT my strong suit, lol) but I wanted to make something special for one of my favorite games and one of my favorite game devs! So here it is, and I hope that you like it! 🤞❤️😁
(P.S: Any ideas for Lambchop’s wedding design?)
Oh my goodness this is BEAUTIFUL!! The artwork itself is just stunning!! You took so much time on it and it really shows, especially with all your attention to detail in it(and I LOVE hearing your explanations for some of the choices you made!! They're just so darling!) Everything about this is stellar and I'm in love with it, thank you so much!! ♡ ♡ ♡
Also I TOTALLY AGREE Stella would not wear white for her wedding!! Color all the way!! ♡
As for Lambchop's outfit...I think I've got it envisioned in my head but I haven't quite drawn anything for it yet! Top hat, definitely. I think his suit isn't black. Probably brown! Bowtie on the neck. His pants are more like shorts and are cut juuuuust above the knee! Still wearing long socks with garters. He looks incredibly dapper--as he should!! It's his wedding!
Hopefully he at least looks good for the photos before he decides to get any mysterious red stains on his outfit. (It's fine. Stella could clean them with the snap of her fingers, but still!)
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"Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me" pt. 1 (Timeskip!Oikawa x fem! reader)

Tropes: second chance romance, long distance, friends to lovers, right person wrong time, ex-relationship,
Summary: In which Oikawa Tooru finds himself forecefully reviving memories in a flight for Japan, in hopes to reecounter with the one person that has him on a chokehold even after six years apart.
Part 1: here
Some say that time heals all wounds. That the hands of the clock smooth the skin, that spread peace over our body, the peace of passing time. Saying goodbye to our phases, living in peace with what we once were, with what we once had.
Oikawa was a firm believer in that. He was a strong person, he had always been a strong person. A person too strong for this world, who seemed to take whatever trick the universe played on him. He didn't think anything else was going to make him collapse to the ground other than his ambitions. Or rather the lack of them.
His ambitions, his goals, his dreams were always in the first place for him. That was why so many girls had already dumped him for it. For being in a constant competition between them and the great love of his life, volleyball.
Oikawa always wanted more, he always wanted to go higher. He was a wild horse without dominance. A current of a winter wind. He was never satisfied. He always wanted more and more. And if for that he had to be alone, without serious commitments to any person, no matter how much he liked her, he would do it.
That was what he thought until he met Y/N.
“Tooru” a voice sounded.
An empty suitcase on top of his bed was enough to make his heart sink. The boy, now twenty-five, turned towards the doorway of his room. A small smile painted his face when he saw Emma, his current girlfriend, in his doorway.
She looked at the mess of clothes, sneakers and towels on top of the player's bed with a mischievous smile.
“What is going on?” she asked, walking into the room with a raised eyebrow.
What wasn't going on would be easier to answer.
Over the years, Oikawa has shaped itself on its own terms. He continued to fight, to work, until he ended up where he was now. An Olympic champion, playing for the Argentine national team, with so many trophies that not even the shelf could fit. It was what he deserved, after so many years of being spurned, if there was one thing he deserved was that. Now he had Emma, a beautiful model he had met at a company conference, in his life. The two were fine, there were no arguments or dramas, no crying, no passion.
But how unfair was the world, he still was not satisfied.
“I look so good in so many clothes that I can’t seem to decide which ones to take” he gave her one of his playful smiles, those smiles that everyone complained about how annoying they were.
Every piece of clothing strewn across the bed seemed to be a reason why his heart was squeezing with every minute that brought him closer to the moment he would land in Japan. Argentina was his home now, but part of his heart would always be buried in Japanese soil. Mainly because of all her favorite people who lived there. But he hadn't visited him for a couple of years, and the times he did go it was just for a few days to spend time with his family. Oikawa had games to win, training to do, in Argentina.
Imagine his surprise when his national team coach announced a supposed season in a foreign country for one of the players. All eyes were on Oikawa, and he quickly felt his heart drop when he realized that they would be spending some time in Japan to train for the 2021 Olympics. some time in the country, even if it was a thank you gift for Oikawa's effort.
Such news led Oikawa to immediately call Iwaizumi, who pretended to be extremely irritated with the fact that, very possibly, he had to put up with his friend in all his training sessions, teasing his players and upsetting everyone. The thing Oikawa knew how to do best in addition to his services. But he knew that Iwaizumi would be happy to see him. He always was, despite trying to hide it.
This ended up causing Iwaizumi to send him some high school photographs that he had found in the bedroom of his old house.
And one of them was the same one he kept in his bedside table drawer. Another reason why the various relationships he had in Argentina did not last long.
A picture of him and his high school girlfriend. Y/N L/N. What for many was seen as a puppy love, for Oikawa it had been much more than that. It had been proof of how his ambitions would always trump the person he was with. Even if he loved that person even more than he loved himself.
It looked like she haunted him. From the moment he left on that plane, she had never left his mind. No matter how hard he tried to get her to leave.
“Let me help you choose” Emma smiled, with her sweet smile that lit up an entire room. He approached the bed full of clothes and began to choose the clothes that Oikawa liked the most, and that best suited him “Look, these ones will look good with you in Japan. Don’t forget it’s cooler there” she held a sweater and struck him with her playful eyes.
Oikawa laughed.
“I just wish I could take everything” he said, in a nervous tone “Japan is my home, but Argentina slowly also became it.” he took one of his favorite jeans and fold them along with Emma “I’m afraid it will be those situations when you feel like nowhere feels at home anymore.”
“It won’t be” Emma answered, on her usual serene, mature and understanding voice "Some people don't even have one home. Be grateful that you belong to two places at the same time. If you don’t have one, you always have the other”
That wasn't really what worried him. After all, Oikawa had always believed that his home is what he made it.
What worried him was the deliberate choice he was going to make, which was to talk to someone who had been his home after six years of not even saying a word to her. But even so, he still felt her inside him.
And it was his fault, no one else's.
When the fateful day of the trip arrived, Oikawa didn't know if he loved or hated airplanes.He always loved space. He loved anything that did not have limits. But he hated feeling helpless. At any moment the plane could crash, and he wasn't going to be able to do anything about it.
With his head leaning against the window, he looked up at the starry night sky. That sky that reminded him so much of his youth. He thought about what would happen when he saw his friends again. He knew nothing ever changed, but it still made him a little nervous to imagine awkward silences and not the chaotic energy that used to happen whenever they met.
And he kept thinking of Y/N.
In his innocent nineteen-year-old mind, in a faraway country, building his future alone, after breaking up with his girlfriend of two years. With the one person who made him question his love of volleyball.
Oikawa chose his dreams over her, and he knew Y/N would never blame him for it. She didn't blame him so much that, even after that, she insisted that they remain friends.
At the time Oikawa thought she had been selfish. If Y/N could perfectly live her life in Japan, talking to him every day, just like a friend, which he no longer could remember what it was like, he couldn't. The distance, the time apart, only made him love her even more. He saw her everywhere he went. As soon as he saw a (y/h/c) hair his heart filled with hope that maybe it was she, in a sudden impulse of passion, who had come to visit him.
But it wasn't her.
It was never her.
A year went by, and Oikawa couldn't look at any woman he met without thinking about Y/N, how much he wanted her to be with him. How much he should be talking to her on the phone, that she must already be worried because he hadn't said anything in some weeks. Then, they always found that photograph in the drawer. And then they left the house, unintentionally hurt by him.
He thought that time would heal the wounds, that the hands of the clock would soften his skin, that they would spread peace over his body, the peace of passing time. Saying goodbye to his phases, living in peace with what he once was, with what he once had.
Because of this, Oikawa decided to give Y/N a break. And pretend that she didn't exist, or that she never existed. Maybe if he pretended she didn't exist, he would eventually forget about her existence. A decision that now, at twenty five years old, made him want to bang his head on the wall with the stupidity of his thinking.
But, after all, he was only twenty years old. And what does a person know at twenty?
“Good evening, would you like some snacks, sir?” one of the hostesses asked.
Oikawa slowly returned to real life. He took his brown eyes from the window and faced the hostess with a smile.
“Some milk bread, please”
some silly idea I thought of. i crave for second chance romance. pt 1 of maybe 3 parts. i hope you liked it <33
#haikyuu#haikyuu imagine#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu fanfiction#haikyuu fanfic#oikawa#oikawa tooru#oikawa fanfiction#oikawa fanfic#oikawa x reader#oikawa x y/n
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