#but i can't predict if that will sway more to comfort or what
tangerinequeen19 · 4 months
so do we think he's going to come out in something unhinged (ie mesh, matching set etc) orrrr...?
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msmk11 · 1 month
Wish You Were Sober
Haymitch x gn!reader
WC: 1k
CW: booze, addiction, Haymitch is drunk (what else is new), a little fluff at the beginning, ANGSTY ENDING
Summary: We can't always get what we want
Day 15 of mk's mad dash
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“I thought I’d find you here.”
Haymitch gives you a half smile, “You always know how to find me.”
“Or you’re just really predictable,” you tease, joining your blonde friend in the swaying long grass. It’s late and dark, but you’ve been here enough times that you could walk around blindly. 
“I think you’re just obsessed with me,” he says with a smirk. 
You shove Haymitch’s head gently, “You wish I was, you freak. God, so full of yourself.”
“But you love me.”
He tries to sound confident, but you can hear a hint of uncertainty in his tone nonetheless. It’s something you’ve always noticed about Haymitch- how even when he acts like he’s the most confident guy in the room, it’s only that- an act. It’s a mask that hides the insecurity buried underneath, brought about by an absent father and a tired mother pulled in one too many directions to be attentive. 
“You know I do…” you pause, “love you, I mean.”
There’s no cocky answer this time from the boy beside you. Suddenly, the air feels a lot heavier. The burden of what’s to come tomorrow- the reaping for the second Quarter Quell- weighs upon both of you like a boulder. This Quell’s twist? Double the number of tributes. The odds really weren’t in either of your favors. 
“I’m not making it out unscathed tomorrow,” Haymitch suddenly says quietly.
“Don’t say that,” you protest, tears already welling in your eyes, “You don’t know that. There’s tons of kids that could be reaped instead of you.”
The blonde looks at you so somberly, more serious than you’ve ever seen him before, “I just have this gut feeling, okay? I just know.”
Haymitch’s gut instincts are rarely wrong, so your tears begin to fall.
You rest your head on his shoulder, “Please be wrong. For once, please be wrong.”
As you cry into his shoulder, you feel your friend’s arm wrap around you and pull you into him closer. He rubs a comforting, circular pattern up and down your side and you take some deep breaths.
His hand stills, “Can you- can you do something for me?”
You look up at him softly.
“Will you kiss me?”
You’re a little dumbfounded, and the smirk that plays across his lips tells you he knows it too. 
“Can’t always get what we want,” you tease with a watery chuckle. 
But of course you can’t actually say no to Haymitch, so when he gently cups your jaw and pulls your lips to his, you don’t resist.
You open your eyes and stare out at the empty field stretching miles before you. You’re completely and utterly alone. Haymitch- your Haymitch- isn’t next to you or holding you or kissing you. That memory feels so faint and distant now, almost as if it never happened. But you know it did, and you hold it close to you dearly. It’s the only bit of hope you have left to cling onto. 
You’ve been gone long enough, and you know it’s time to return back to the village, as much as you don’t want to. So desperately you want to just go back home and crawl into your bed, returning to the peace of your beautiful dreams, but you know you can’t. You have things to do and a life to live- one that you can’t let pass by just because you favor your memories. 
The walk to the Victor’s Village is brisk and basically muscle memory at this point. You don’t bother knocking on Haymitch’s door because you know it’s already unlocked. He doesn’t bother with locks because, “who’d bother trying to attack a victor besides a peacekeeper?”
You slip your shoes off at the door out of habit, but it’s not like it really matters with how filthy the floors have become anyways. 
“Haymitch,” you yell out, shutting the door firmly, “where are you?”
You’re met with silence, as usual, so you make your way into the kitchen. He’s right where you’d left him yesterday, collapsed at the wooden table, asleep, open bottle of whiskey near his hand. You know better than to shake him awake because he will instinctually try and attack you, so you go over to the stove and bang together two pots. 
This does the trick and Haymitch jolts up, a stream of curses leaving his mouth. 
When he adjusts to consciousness, he looks over and glares at you, “what the hell was that for?”
You cross your arms and lean back against the stove, “You were out like a light Haymitch, and I’d rather keep my head, so banging around some pots was the best answer.”
“Could’ve just let me sleep, sweetheart,” he spits bitterly. 
You scoff, “Haymitch, it’s one in the afternoon, you need to get off your ass.”
“God you are such a nagger. You make up tenfold for all the years my parents neglected me.”
“Sorry I’m the only one who has stuck around to take care of you.”
Haymitch gets up and stalks towards you. He stands so close that you can smell the booze on his breath, “That’s cause fucking Snow killed everyone else, in case you forgot.”
“Not all your friends and neighbors, Haymitch. You pushed them away all by yourself.”
“You want a fucking trophy or something? Congratulations, you’ve wasted your life looking after a piece of shit, hopeless case who doesn’t give a fuck about you most of the time because he’s too drunk to care. Well done.”
Tears spring to your eyes at his confession. You already knew it, but to hear it out loud? It kills. 
Haymitch doesn’t love you anymore. 
What the fuck had you done with your life?
“You know what I want, Haymitch? I just want you to be happy. My biggest wish? I wish you were sober.”
Your lifelong best friend and the love of your life stands before you, suddenly looking more sober than you’ve seen him in a long time. 
“But I guess we can’t always get what we want.”
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 7 months
What are the ninja/other characters top 3 favorite colors? Do any of them have stories behind why it's one of their favoruites?
Believe or not I have mentioned their second-favorite colors but I have more peeps to add to the list-
Kai: 1. Red (No explanation needed) 2. Gray (reminds him of his sister) 3. Amber (...no explanation needed)
Jay: 1. Blue (because it's Nya's favorite) 2. Yellow (his actual favorite) 3. Red (...no special reason)
Cole: 1. Orange (always was his comfort color/reminds him of his mom) 2. Pink (a color that has always made him happy) 3. White (a color that always serves to calm him)
Zane: 1. Pink (and he will NOT be shamed for it) 2. Light Blue (reminds him of his mom) 3. Purple (reminds him of Pixal <3)
Nya: 1. Blue (no explanation needed) 2. Maroon (she's still partial to it/reminds her of her brother) 3. Gray (it really does grow on her)
Lloyd: 1. Black (still stuck in his goth phase) 2. Magenta (...) 3. Green (despite everything he still finds a certain amount of comfort in it)
Jesse: 1. Marigold (very specifically Cole's eye color) 2. Pink (you can't wear that much pink and NOT love it) 3. White (begrudgingly; he can't help that he looks great in it)
Antonia: 1. Purple (Has always been partial to it; plus it's Nelson's color) 2. Orange 3. Black
Harumi: 1. Green (until it isn't) 2. Pink (until it isn't) 3. Black
Olivia: 1. Red/Maroon (her favorite accent color with no special meaning whatsoever) 2. Navy Blue 3. Yellow
Miranda: 1. Blue (the color of her favorite ninja) 2. Fuchsia (the color of her real favorite ninja) 3. Purple
Skylor: 1. Red (she's been swayed) 2. Amber (predictable, but it keeps her connected to her mom) 3. Yellow (she likes warm colors)
Pixal: 1. Green (it is a VERY important color to her) 2. Purple (aesthetically pleasing to her) 3. White (provides comfort)
Sunni: 1. Blue (for her favorite ninja) 2. Yellow (she's legally obligated to like yellow) 3. Pink (but only if its pastel)
Harleigh: 1. Gray 2. Blue 3. Black (ooh I'm throwing curveballs here)
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stuffeddeer · 1 year
A soft smile pulls at Dazai's lips as he watches you grab your phone. The bright light illuminating your face in the dark kitchen makes you look ethereal, yet he can't stop himself from making a joke. "You know I don't know how to do this."
"You know better than I," you say softly, an amused smirk pulling at your lips as you press play. Nocturne Op. 9, No. 2 begins to softly play from your shitty phone speakers as you place it on a counter, walking towards Dazai.
"I'd probably be better with the lights on," he tries joking again. You don't reply as you place your hands softly on the back of his neck, pulling yourself close as you begin to sway.
Back and forth, back and forth, you continue to step, and Dazai follows each move perfectly. It's no waltz by any means, but it is yours to share. A moment together, a moment of quiet vulnerability in the late hours of the night when everyone else is asleep is sometimes just what he needs - and you always know it.
The peaceful piano piece and the warmth of your body near his makes Dazai's eyes flutter closed, his head moving to rest on your shoulder as yours falls onto his. He hadn't realized just how tired he is, physically and emotionally. His throat begins to sting, and his eyes feel dryer than normal. He feels like crying. And yet, no tears slip past his eyes - they never do - as his hold on you tightens.
The music swells, hitting the part you'll always say is your favorite, and he feels you give him a gentle squeeze, a reassuring touch that causes him to loosen his hold. You aren't going anywhere, neither of you are.
A small this is my favorite part is whispered into his shoulder and Dazai wants to laugh. You're so predictable, and yet that predictability brings a sense of ease and comfort to him that he hasn't felt in a long time. He keeps quiet, his head moving further into your neck as he continues swaying with you.
I've never been one for classical music, I can barely see in the dark, you know I can't waltz, all excuses to stop himself from being vulnerable with you. But the second you pull him close, holding his face to your shoulder and rocking him like a baby on the wood-paneled floor of your shared apartment, he wonders why he fought it in the first place.
As the last note fades out, Dazai's face is fully buried into the crook of your neck, grasping onto your body loosely and tiredly. You aren't going anywhere, neither of you are. And the two of you continue to sway for minutes more, nothing outside of the occasional floorboard creek to interrupt as you embrace each other under the moonlight.
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》Misremembered Kiss《
Content: Law Angst/Hurt/Comfort. Ambiguous Reader.
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Heavy bass music thrums in your chest as a stranger's hands grope your body. The feeling of his firm hands squeezing your hips makes you shiver. His breath is hot on your neck as you sway your body with the music. When the music lulls, changing to the next song, the stranger says, "Wanna get a drink?"
You readily agree and follow his form as he pushes through the crowd. Leaning against the bar, your eyes roam over his body, undressing him with your eyes. When you finally get to his face, he smirks at you, taking a long swig of his beer. Sipping your own drink, you share his smile. Blood rushes to your ears as the stranger leans down to whisper, but he pauses.
Glancing over your shoulder, the hot-blooded lust of the night vanishes. Your face curls into an irritated sneer. Seeing Law lurking near you by the bar made your stomach churn.
"For fuck sake," you spit, pushing past the stranger, heading toward the club exit. You storm past the bouncer and into the street. The haze of neon lights coloring your vision. The tap of your shoes echoes as you adjust to the silence outside the club.
Predictably, the sound of Law's boots sounds behind you. "(Name)!" he calls, "Stop!" His hand quickly grabs your wrist.
"What?" you snap over your shoulder, "You've already ruined my night; what do you want?" With your boiling blood, you glower at Law. You easily pull your hand from his grasp.
"You need to come back to the ship. We can't keep waiting for you," Law grunts, towering over you. The bags under his eyes look darker since the last time you saw him, making him look haggard.
"Send someone else then," you cross your arms over your chest, "What's the point of stalking me to a nightclub?"
Law purses his lips; the dark look on his face is illuminated by the purple neon sign from the club. "I'm your captain," he grunts, "It's my job to look after you."
"I didn't know it was also your job to cock block me," you retort, leaning up to face him. You've been around him so much that his glaring face and menacing pose no longer frightened you.
"You don't know that guy. He could've hurt you," Law insists; he grabs your shoulders.
Jerking out his grasp, you step away from him. "He can't hurt me more than you have," you spit, stomping away from him. Your eyes burn with tears as you breeze down the street, not going anywhere.
“(Name)! Don't be like this," Law shouts, jogging after you, "Let's go back to the Polar Tang. It's not safe for you to be alone this late."
"Fuck off, Law. Get bent," you shout back, walking faster. Tears freely streaming down your face now. Your face flushes with anger at his audacity. How dare he dictate your actions?
"Please," Law pleads with you, this time sounding desperate, "Please come back with me."
"Stop pretending like you give a shit about me or my feelings," you growl, finally whirling around to face him, "I'm fucking in love with you, and you rejected me. So don't pretend you're jealous about whoever I go home with. Leave me alone."
Law pauses, staring at you with his mouth hanging open. He fumbles for his words before gritting his teeth. "I didn't reject you," he looks away.
"Kissing me and then not speaking to me for several days, sure as shit sounds like it," you say, wiping the tears from your face, "Don't fucking do this to me, Law. If you don't want me, that's fine. Just leave me alone."
Law reaches out for you before dropping his hands. He hangs his head a bit. "I… I'm sorry," was all he could muster.
You both stand in silence, the low hum of music and partygoers dancing in the air. "What do you want from me?" you say to finally break the silence, "What do you want me to say?"
Law sighs with furrowed brows, meeting your gaze, "I just wanted some time to sort out my feelings. Maybe I should've mentioned that."
"Yeah, maybe," you agree; exhaustion rolls down your body, making you slouch, "Sorry, I yelled at you."
He closes the gap between you and gently takes your hands in his. "When I realized you had not come back," he rasps, Law struggles to swallow a lump in his throat, "I thought I lost you. I can't let that happen."
Your heart breaks a little for him and for yourself. You give his hands a gentle squeeze. "Do you want to try again?" you ask him, not bringing yourself to look at him, "The kiss, I mean."
"Yeah," Law murmurs almost breathlessly before leaning in to peck your lips. The kiss is brief, but Law smiles a little. He kisses you a second time; his lips hope to press all of his longing and grief into yours.
When you break apart, you sigh. A wary sense of relief settles into your chest. "Make sure to talk to me next time," you say, rubbing your thumbs against his skin.
"I promise," Law murmurs, pressing his forehead against, "Always."
————— ୨୧ —————
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Can I request 3 and 4 with 🐍 and💐 for Callie and Arizona if it's okay with Callie being sick? I am loving everything that you have already written! You write with Marina super well I can't wait to see what you can do with Callie/Arizona.
Chicken Soup for the Surgeon
〖Notes: I had a bit of trouble trying to get the characters down for this one, I hope you like it.〗
〖Summary: Arizona's superpower is never wrong. That doesn't mean that Callie will listen.〗
〖Word Count: 2398 〗
Arizona had warned her. She had warned her ten hours ago, saying that she should take the day off of work because she’d be sick. Callie wasn’t typically one to ignore her wife’s typically valid points, but she scoffed at the idea that the perky blonde could predict when someone would be sick with no evidence at all. 
As a medical professional, she needed evidence for just about any decision in her life. There came a certain comfort when one worked in a field driven by science, a level of surety that was never swayed by opinion. No matter what someone believed there was a correct answer. There may have been multiple, but there was always an answer if you were willing to find it. 
Imagine the orthopedic surgeon's annoyance when she woke up for her next shift with a pounding headache and stuffy nose. She groaned inwardly and rolled over in bed, surprised to find it empty. Her wife was nowhere to be seen. Shit. 
The brunette checked the time and her ‘shit’ feeling grew more intense. She was late. She was so very late. 
Ignoring the protests of her overly exhausted body the surgeon pulled herself out of bed and raced to the bathroom, pulling on the first clothes that she managed to yank from the dresser. She managed to brush her teeth while doing her hair, a feat that she was mildly impressed by. She was capable of doing anything if she was late. 
Callie ran into the kitchen, grabbing her bags as she headed for the door, pulling up short when she saw a note on the counter. 
Don’t you dare come to work today. Bailey knows you’re sick and is under orders to alert me if you are seen entering the hospital. There’s chicken soup in the fridge, heat it for lunch. I’ll call you in a few hours to check-in. 
Love you, 
The note gave the ill doctor pause. What if she did say home? What if she followed her wife’s orders and went back to bed? She knew from experience that Arizona made amazing chicken noodle soup, it was practically the only thing that she could cook. She also knew that there was a good chance that the blonde would come home to her if she asked. 
Callie pushed the thought away as quickly as it had appeared, she probably wouldn’t be allowed to see patients but she could at least fill out paperwork. Like most of her coworkers, she was awful about finishing her paperwork on time, there was just so much going on that she didn’t always have time. 
Amelia was startled from her intense study of the brain scan by a hacking cough that reverberated off of the walls and made her chest hurt in sympathy. She poked her head through the doorway and curled her lip at the sight of Callie stumbling down the hallway. 
“Torres!” She called, pulling the brunette’s attention away from whatever her original task was. Based on the glazed look in the Ortho Goddesses eyes and the emptiness in her expression Amelia wasn’t even sure that she had a task. 
“Damn, you’ve kept that cough through two colds and it sounds like you’re on your third.” The neurosurgeon murmured, pressing the back of her hand against Callie’s hot forehead. She grimaced and the other doctor took a few quick steps away, looking dazed. She turned away and began to cough into her arm, doing her best to shield the woman in front of her from the germs. 
Amelia reared back, covering her mouth with a hand. 
“No, nope. I have to be in a kid's brain in two hours, you are not giving me whatever that is. Go home Callie, you’re gross.” She wrinkled her nose and gave Callie a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before running off to rub hand sanitizer on any part of her body that might have been exposed to whatever her friend was currently infected with. 
The ill woman sniffled tiredly and trudged down the hall, not going anywhere in particular. With her brain on autopilot, Callie found herself wandering onto the pediatric unit, right to where Arizona was signing reports outside of a young patient's room. 
“I want a clotting test done on her and make sure to continue monitoring her vitals, page me if they drop any lower.” The blonde doctor ordered, smiling warmly at a nurse. The man nodded and went to get the things needed for the clotting test. 
Callie realized her mistake at the last second and tried to veer off course, but it was too late, she had been seen. The pediatric surgeon glared at her sick girlfriend and shook her head, resisting the urge to start yelling in the middle of the hallway. 
While the woman always loved her heelies, she was particularly grateful for them in that moment, it made it much easier to catch up with her fleeing lover. 
“Calliope! What the hell are you doing here?” She hissed, grabbing the brunette's shoulder and spinning her around. Callie looked at her with wide eyes, seeming at a loss for words. She was never at a loss for words, she always had something to say. 
Arizona felt her heart drop at the look on the woman’s face, she just looked exhausted and confused. 
“Callie. Baby. Why are you here?” She asked, her voice softening as she let go of the frustration. Her girlfriend had a fever, she wasn’t fully aware of what was happening. 
“I um…I didn’t want to be alone.” Callie said sheepishly, refusing to meet Arizona’s eyes. She was incredibly embarrassed by the admission, she wasn’t one to express any kind of weakness, and this, this was weakness. This was just about as bad as it could get. She was vulnerable, she wanted her girlfriend. 
“Oh, Calliope. Okay,” The blonde sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she tried to figure out what she should do. She could stick the other woman in a room until her shift was over, that might be the best course of action. Or she could just take her home to make sure that she rested and it was probably best to remove her from the hospital entirely so that she didn't sneak off to work. 
“Ellen,” She said, turning back to one of the nurses. “I’m going to take Dr. Torres home, I want you to page Dr. Montgomery-Shepard if anything happens. She will decide if I am needed.” The nurse nodded her understanding and gave Callie a sympathetic smile. The doctor wrinkled her nose in distaste, unhappy that she was getting so much attention. She just wanted her girlfriend. 
“C’mon Callie. Let’s go.” Arizona whispered, looping her arm through the other woman’s. Callie coughed into her shoulder and the ped’s surgeon hummed her disapproval and rubbed her back to calm the fit. 
“You okay?” 
“Mhm,” Callie replied, rasped rather, her eyes dull and clouded with fever. She had started to shiver a bit, inching closer to the woman by her side. Arizona held her a bit tighter as they walked out of the building, throwing a wave at a slightly annoyed-looking Bailey on the way out. 
One look at the orthopedic surgeon and the woman’s expression turned from frustrated confusion to a mix of disgust and concern. She waved back with a slight eye-roll, leaving the two to go home. 
Callie fell asleep as soon as Arizona started the car, her cold taking everything out of her. The blonde smiled over at her girlfriend, her heart swelling at just how beautiful she was. The wrinkles on her forehead were gone, leaving a soft content expression on her face. 
Her lips were parted and her nose was red, but that didn’t take away from her overall beauty. It added a sort of vulnerability to the woman’s stoic demeanor. That was when Arizona realized: she was in love with Calliope Torres. 
She drove in silence, contemplating the revelation that she’d just had, glancing over at the sick brunette every few seconds just to reassure herself that the woman was still breathing. The quiet was only broken by the sounds of Callies soft snores and sniffles. 
When they arrived home Arizona was almost hesitant to wake the brunette, she was sleeping more peacefully than she had in weeks. But her cheeks were flushed and her nose had begun to run across her lip, they needed to go inside. 
She climbed out of the car and shut the door quietly, hoping to give her just a few more seconds of rest. The blonde opened Callie’s door and touched her shoulder, squeezing it gently to wake her up. 
“Hey Callie, it's time to wake up.” She murmured, reaching up to tuck a lock of thick dark hair behind her lover's ear. The brunette started, sitting up quickly with wide confused eyes. She stared at Arizona, almost looking right through her. 
“Hey baby, it’s okay.” Callie frowned, looking around, disoriented as she tried to take in her surroundings. She was pretty sure she’d fallen asleep at the hospital, but…this wasn’t the hospital.
“We’re at home, remember?” The blonde could read her mind and any other day it would be cute, but for now it was creepy. It was making her nervous, she didn’t fully understand what was happening and all she wanted to do was go back to sleep, hopefully in her girlfriend’s arms. 
“We’re at home?” She asked, blinking tiredly up at her fellow surgeon. 
“Mhm, we’re home. Come on, let's get you inside.” Arizona wrapped an arm around Callie’s waist and helped her walk inside, being incredibly careful not to let her trip up the steps. It was a slow, painstaking process, but soon enough she had the brunette in the bedroom, standing near the bed. 
“I gotta change.” 
“Woah, woah, sit down your complexion’s scaring me. I’ll help you change, okay? Let's take your temp first.” The pediatric surgeon whipped out a thermometer and dragged it across Callie’s forehead, simultaneously forcing the brunette to sit down. She held the woman’s chin in hand as she stared at the device in her hand. 
“Okay, 101.6, that’s not as bad as I thought. Here, I want you to change into these while I get some NyQuil, which you will be taking. Understood?” Arizona had gone full-on doctor mode, not leaving anything up to fate. She would be taking everything into her own hands to make sure that her girlfriend got better instead of worse. 
Callie sighed and nodded, slightly relieved to have her girlfriend with her. She wasn’t alone, she didn’t have to deal with it on her own, and she had someone to take care of her. The brunette watched as Arizona left the room and began the painstaking process of undressing, her muscles aching in protest with her every move. 
She had managed to pull on the sweatpants and get the shirt half off when the other woman returned, a bottle of Nyquil in one hand and a glass of orange juice in the other. She set her things down on the bedside table and chuckled at he lover's predicament, rolling her eyes slightly. 
“Need some help?” She chuckled, moving to pull the shirt off the rest of the way and replace it with the soft cotton one. With the woman changed and sitting in bed, she was now pouting up at her blonde lover. 
“I don’t feel good.” The brunette complained, sniffling pathetically. Her cheeks were flushed which was a huge contrast to the pallor of the rest of her skin. As soon as the ‘I’m the toughest person in the room grrr’ attitude wore off, Callie turned into a big baby when she was sick. It was sort of endearing. 
“I know Callie. Take this and drink half of that OJ and then you can get some sleep.” Arizona ordered, handing over the small ‘shot glass’ of medicine. The ill woman grimaced and glanced up with a ‘do I have to?’ look on her face that she hoped would work. She forgot that her girlfriend got that look all of the time. 
“Nice try, take it.” With a long-suffering sigh, Callie did what she was told, being sure to exaggerate her disgusted expression the whole time.
“You’re mean.” She grumbled, reaching for the orange juice to chase the awful taste of the medicine. 
“Yeah, but I’m cute.” Arizona grinned back at her and began to change, pulling her hair out of its ponytail as she climbed back into comfy clothes, fully intending to join her girlfriend. 
Callie drank about a quarter of the  OJ before she couldn’t do it anymore, her throat protesting against the acidity of the drink. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to make Arizona happy, but she just couldn’t drink anymore. 
“Alright, I guess that’ll do. Now, you are going to take a nap and I am going to do some work. Sound good?” The blonde wasn’t really looking for an agreement, it was happening whether or not Callie wanted, but thankfully she did. 
She curled into the woman’s side as she pulled the blankets over the two of them, opening her laptop as she settled under the covers. The slightly younger surgeon put one hand on the top of Callie’s head, stroking her hair as she typed with one hand, the clack of the keys lulling the sick woman into a sleepy daze. 
“‘Zona?” She mumbled, already slurring as she began to fall asleep. Arizona hummed in response, not looking up from her screen. She had files to finish and this was the perfect excuse to catch up on some of the pointless work that she’d been putting off.
“Love you ‘Zona.” She stopped in her work and looked down at the woman by her side, a smile spreading across her lips. Callie was chuckling quietly, her body shaking with quiet laughter. 
“I love you too. Now shush, I need to work.” And that was that. Calliope Torres lay with Arizona Robbins, one sleeping fitfully while the other worked. It wasn’t the most glamorous sick day, and it wasn’t the most comfortable, but at least she wasn’t alone. Both would later agree that leaving Callie to roam while she had a fever was definitely not the best idea. 
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lookingforlia · 2 years
Akaashi x reader
House party
Warnings : mentions of alcohol
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- he only went because he couldn't let you go alone. 
- you got invited by the Miya twins and a house party defenetly sounds like trouble. 
- and you're the type to get drunk .
- so he goes with you just to babysit you.
- but he's kinda glad he went because Bokuto was there too .
- parties are too loud and crowded for his introvert ass. 
- but somehow he feels glad to be there in the comforting company of his best friend and girlfriend. 
- he defenetly predicted that you'd get drunk. 
- both you and Bokuto . So he would have to make sure none of you are dancing on a random table.
- " you're a lightweight right ? " kuro teases him .
"No I'm not . "
" Yes you are ."
Akaashi doesn't answer but then out of random you push a shot at him and he drinks it so kuroo would leave him alone.
- he was mentally prepared to deal with a drunk and impulsive you.
- gets drunk instead. 
- he is a lightweight but if you ask him he wouldn't admit that.
- he's defenetly the crackhead type of drunk . Not loud just funnier . But it's not very visible. 
- someone starts dancing weirdly taking everyone's attention. 
-"oh god what an idiot.  "
-Notices it's you .
"Shit that's my idiot . "
- "No get Bokuto San off this table."
"Come on Akaashi you're no fun ."
"I don't need to be fun I need to be the adult among us even when you're clearly older than me . (Name) get in here at an instant you shouldn't drink that much.  "
- " Just say Akaashi , you can't dance. "
"No I cannot I am a volleyball player not a dancer ."
- he ends up making you finally sit down still at a game of spin the bottle .
- the bottle lands on you against Akaashi. 
-"truth or dare ?"
*Exasperated* "truth "
"Do you wanna kiss me ?"
"Dare "
*Leans in* "I dare you to kiss me
"Never have I ever "
"That's not the game . . "
- his alcohol kicks in more and he ends up at the dance floor swaying with you . Smiling at you like an idiot .
- ow don't worry all you're doing is some extremely weird dance moves.
- light kisses all over your face.
- Kuro walks in and clears his throat
"Excuze me ? Care to tell me what you two were doing ? "
-"I was talking off some crumbs off (name) lips "
- "with yours ? Napkins exist too you know ?"
- "Napkins are too overrated ."
- Kuroo officially gives up .
- none of you actually know how you two end up safely back at your place tucked into your bed .
- wakes up making himself a coffee
-puts sugar in his coffee
-"umm Akaashi?"
"Yeah ?"
"Why are you putting salt in your coffee ? "
- realizes his mistake "I have no soul"
-thats really bad for you though .
- chugs boiling hot salted coffee "try me "
- guys he isn't sober yet. 
- and Kuro and Bukoto who dropped you guys home ,
"Akaashi are you okay ? "
"Yeah , I am . "
"Are you sure ? You asked me earlier if you could borrow some glue to hold yourself together .
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lulubelle814 · 11 months
Just Dizziness - Chapter 35
Tom’s POV
She was supposed to be home 2 hours ago.  What if something happened to her?  I tried Emma first who said they had just parted but that she had seemed down and dejected.  I tried reaching out to Ben to see if maybe Sophie had heard from her for some reason but didn’t have any news but said he would keep me updated.  It was another 20 minutes before I heard back from him.  She had somehow run into Sophie in the past hour or so, miraculously, but then why wasn’t her phone on? 
I really fucked up, didn't I?
Your POV
It felt so good talking to Sophie, but I was nervous going home, hesitating as I approached the house.  I took a few moments to think about things. Do I really want to go home right now? Should I talk to him? 
Mind you, I was still a bit mad and hurt but decided to press on because I owed it not just to him but also myself.  He had a right to be upset as well.  Trudging up the walk, I reached to open the front door when it whipped open to a frantic looking Tom, his eyes red and brimming with tears, hair wild.
“She’s here mum.  I’ll call you back.”  
Before I could get a word out, he wrapped me in a hug so tight that I couldn’t help but drop the bag of puddings.  I could tell he felt guilty, but the way he held me was tight but comforting, and I couldn’t help but lean into it, hiding my face into the crook of his neck and his into mine.
“I’m so so sorry, my darling.”  His tears fell onto my neck, regret evident in his voice.  Before either of us could speak again, we moved further inside, closing the front door, him picking up the bag of puddings, following me to the couch where we sat but didn't quite settle.
"I'm the one who should be apologizing. I should have told you."
"I should have been more understanding. What you've been through is unfathomable. I'm the one who overreacted. If I had stopped and listened, maybe I would have realized sooner."
Placing his right palm on my cheek, he pressed his forehead to mine. "How could you possibly have known, Tom? How could you unless I told you?"
He sniffles a bit. "I don't know, but I should have…..I should have been more diligent to you and your needs.  More observant perhaps.”
"Oh, you stupid, beautiful man. You can't predict everything. Shouldn't you have figured that out by now? "
With that, he gave me the sweetest kiss, holding me as I buried my head in his neck. 
"The one thing I've known, that I feel in my soul, is that you are home, where I feel safe. Those dreams just felt so real, but even at some point during those, I knew you were where I wanted to be. So if this isn't real, I don't care. I don't want to wake up to a world where I don't have you. "
He held me tighter. "I was so afraid of losing you. I cannot be in this world if I do not have you by my side. Even Zeus himself was not successful when he split us in half.  I would find you wherever you were, even if you were in another universe."
I couldn't help but laugh a bit to myself. "Yeah, Plato really had an interesting idea of soulmates, but I can't argue with your logic."  We held each other for what seemed like hours.  At some point he had pulled me into his lap. Neither of us wanted to move, but eventually my bladder won out after some time. 
When I exited the bathroom, I took a moment to change one of his shirts and some lounge pants before meeting him back in the living room.  He had the desserts and drinks ready by the time I arrived back to him, Lord Huron playing in the background. "Thought it might be nice to just have a relaxing evening. We can order take away if you're hungry.  And these puddings you picked up look amazing."
I shook my head and he pulled me close to sway to the music.  After a moment, I took a deep breath and asked him the big question on my mind. "What if it were true? "
"What's that, dear? If what were true?"
"What if it turned out this wasn't real? I don't know if I could handle it ...."
He picked up my hands in his and held them to his chest. "I know this is real, that you and I are here, together. If it weren't? I would fight until my last breath to enter wherever you are in as we are meant to be together in every universe."
We swayed to the music, occasionally eating before falling asleep together on the sofa some time after midnight.
Bolting up in a strange bed and in an unfamiliar room, it took me a few moments to remember where I was and how I got here. As I started waking up more, it came back to me. I was at Sophie's. 
Chapter 36
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Hi hello !!! I'm here for the Redacted Audios match-ups, sooo Here ya go !!!
Punching Bag by Set it off, I love that band. I've been listening to them since middle school. I like when it says, “So say goodbye to your Mr.Nice Guy you got your wish, he’s rotting in hell..”, cuz that’s when the beat drops and I just like how it sounds. 
So I took the test just for this and apparently I’m type 5 “the investigator”. I don’t really know much about this but hope that tells you whatever you need to know. 👁👄👁👍
Not really, but I do love watching movie and drama video essays as background noise while I’m doing something else.
I didn’t have an imaginary friend...so…💀👌. Nah you know what let me make up one. His name was Bob the builder and he was the filler for my absent father figure. 😀👍
I usually end up falling asleep while listening to ASMR, I mean one of the reasons I love ASMR is cuz its great background noise.
I’ve never really wanted to change my name, but I think names like Hyacinth and Rain are pretty cool. They sound like character names and also I love nature so it’s like the perfect match up.
At the moment I really like listening to Milo’s play-through of the Mortuary Assistant. I just find it entertaining to watch and, again, I like to put it as background noise.
Ollie (sorry), I just don’t really find him interesting at all. Which I get he isn’t trying to be a super complex character, like that isn’t his purpose, but because I just don’t have much feelings for him.
H2O just add water and Mako Mermaids were my shit when I was little, and even now I still go back from time to time, I’ve watched all the seasons of both series multiple times over and to this day I continue to be a mermaid fanatic.
Not really, at least not that I know of, but I do love knowing random fun facts about miscellaneous subjects. More specifically about Greek mythology, space, and folklore.
Gatorade with a ham sub sandwich.
I don’t really know if you are asking about music or ASMR so I will give you both. I’m currently obsessed with ‘EPIC the musical’ . It's a musical about the Greek poem ‘The Odyssey’.
My guilty pleasure is, very predictably, ASMR. I just find it relaxing and I love the stories that can be told through. 
Other stuff about me: I’m a Taurus and my mbti is INTJ. uuh I don’t really know what else to say so I hope this is enough info about me. This was pretty fun. I felt like I was having an interview about myself. :]
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Ahhh, a Type Five, INTJ, oh, that is fun (and the same stats as Sherlock Holmes probably). Intellectual, curious, thoughtful, always thinking, always learning… I think a little serenity might do you some good.
Something about the way you talk about background noise while you work and relax makes me wonder how busy your brain must be; does that make sense? (I’m the same way, like I need mental fidget toys to focus properly?) I imagine Cam would be so helpful in that respect, with his even voice and his soothing demeanor.
You know what would be so lovely that I could absolutely imagine? Cam strikes me as a pretty old daemon, not as old as Vega but older, distinguished… the type to love Shakespeare, Dickens, the classics. Just imagine leaning your head on his shoulder as he reads to you, whatever book of whatever country’s lore your heart fancies that day. You get a nap, he gets a snack, everybody’s happy~!
When your legs don't work like they used to before/ And I can't sweep you off of your feet/ Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love/ Will your eyes still smile from your cheek
I don’t know how I feel about mixing Cam with Ed Sheeran either, I’ll admit, but it’s the vibes. Man strikes me as a romantic who likes a slower, sweeter kind of song- the kind you don’t necessarily dance to but hold each other and sway, you know? (Also, to throw a little bitter in with that sweet, he would actually love you until your legs don’t work like they used to before… and then some. Probably forever.)
Lowkey, I like Morgan for you because he gives off a lot of the same vibes as Cam: sweet, understanding, a good listener. Elliott, I like for you because he would have lost his mind at your absent father figure joke. Don’t ask me how I know that, but he just would definitely have that sense of humor. It would make him literally lol, and that’s just fun /pos
Note: I feel you I’ve had Warrior of the Mind stuck in my head for weeks
Tell me about yourself, answer some fun questions, and I’ll match you with the Redacted boy I ship you with the most! 💌
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I'll Let the Seasons Change My Mind (4/10)
featuring: Bowser, Luigi
wordcount: 762
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Luigi can't help but wonder if the sensory room Bowser built was also partially an act of self care for himself— He can't say he'd blame the man, sometimes it's easier to do things when it's for other people, isn't it?
The thought doesn't come from thin air, whether it's true or not. The Koopa king, once feared among all the lands and kingdoms who knew of him, is now curled up comfortably on the soft ground, almost… purring in his sleep as Luigi threads his hands through his hair.
With it comes more questions; If some battles began as a result from frustration that he couldn't regulate, if the obsession with Peach was a 'favourite person' situation…
Is he Bowser's favourite person?
The thought flusters Luigi, having him draw in on himself despite the fact that the only person here that could notice or judge is currently very unconscious.
What a situation to be in… What if Peach's refusal is what had him keep coming back? What if Luigi's acceptance and more time spent together lead to the King being bored of him eventually, tossing him to the side in favor of someone new and better? He doesn't think it's hard for anyone to be better than him.
But then again— He could be the healthiest option, despite all his flaws. While Bowser has been very kind, creating this space… Luigi would have been happy without, all he wants is some company that'll actually care for what he has to say, listen to him. Bowser's proven himself more than capable of this, going out of his way to make the human comfortable.
Even if it's all some strange act, well, at least he'll have tangoed at all.
During all of this thinking and drawing in on himself, he's naturally ended up with his hands to himself again. Luigi can't help but force the slightest chuckle at the ridiculousness of it, head tilting when when he notices big red eyes slowly open to look at him.
"Ah, did I wake you up?"
Shaking his head, Bowser curls closer, letting out a content huff. Turns out Luigi makes a pretty decent living teddy bear— And who is the human to argue? "Could practically feel you overthinking… Purring is meant to make you relax, you know."
"It is?" Luigi titters. "I didn't know that… But I am relaxed. Look at me, eh?" He gestures vaguely to himself, happily slumped against the King. "Boneless as a Boo!"
That earns an amused brow raise. "I think I prefer you as a boneful Italian." Bowser decides, snout nuzzling against that soft cheek. "You must be comfortable. I'm surprised you didn't go home…"
"Did you want me to? I can—"
"Never." That rumbles out like more of a growl than a purr, tail coming around Luigi to prevent him from walking away— Before Bowser realises that's maybe not the greatest natural reaction, clearing his throat as he relaxes his body language again. Luigi, strange man that he is, hadn't even thought of moving a muscle anyhow, perfectly content where he is. "I apologise, I'm still learning."
"Not at all! I like that you enjoy my company so much." The Italian soothes, hands coming up to pet that snout. "But, while we're learning… We should talk, I think."
"Discuss a dowry?" Bowser predicts, tail back to a simple sway. "Easy; I will give you anything you want."
"No— I would only want you, anyway, so that's not even…" Luigi waves a hand nonchalantly, as if that isn't the most casual confession drop in the world. "Just us. And, maybe you can meet the parents, if you'd like."
"Humans too?"
"No, my father is a Shy Guy, and my mother, Cheep Cheep." Luigi answers, managing to keep a poker face for a grand total of 2.5 seconds before bursting into a fit of giggles. "Yes, both humans."
Narrowing his eyes, Bowser smiles, awkward and lopsided— And absolutely perfect. "You have a strange sense of humour. Is that common among humans?"
"Mm, all different tastes… Most of mine aren't common." He admits, before pulling finger guns. "I have an acquired taste." Smooth.
The King groans at that, playfully nudging Luigi to knock him over. He's just realises he's in love with a complete dork. "I think I hate you, actually."
"Yeah, yeah~" Luigi snickers, reaching to use Bowser's hand to pull himself back up. "So… Parents?"
"Parents." Bowser agrees, fixing Luigi's hat properly onto his head. "You're lucky Kamek's already taken a shine to you."
"I'm lucky to have you."
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bookcub · 1 year
BOOK RECS ASK GAME: everything ending in 7, please!
a book you did not finish
these infinite threads by tahereh mafi because i may go back to it depending on what i hear about the end installment as i really loved the first but the love triangle really turned me off of the second one.
a book with a yellow cover
sway with me by syed m masood is a very cute ya romcom and coming of age story and it has a gorgeous yellow cover
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a book with a purple cover
the bone witch by rin chupeco has one of my favorite covers and its purple!! (one day i will finish this series)
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your favourite heist book
the gilded wolves by roshani chokshi!!! such good heists!!! and a fantastic found family to boot as well!!
a book that mentions a place in the title
i couldn't think of anything and then ofc i remembered anne of green gables which ofc has a place in the title
a book you want to hit bonk your head with
your favourite historical fiction novel
i cant think of anything that doesnt have magic also in it so ill go the golem and the jinni by helene wecker which is much more realistic than i had expected but absolutely mindblowing. and enough magic to keep me involved
a book so useless that you could use it as a coaster
BEAST BY DONNA JO NAPOLI i hate this book so much!!! im considering throwing my copy out in the trash actually
a book with a predictable ending
girl gone viral by alisha rai, a lovely romance novel but no actual surprises but lovely and healing to read (and so ace coded)
a book with a hospital setting
ooo um if i stay by gayle forman has a lot of scenes in the hospital (i can't think of anything else lol)
your favourite book in a different language
the storyteller by antonia michaelis was written in German initially and also so gorgeous and one of my all time favorite books as well as many people may have seen
your favourite anthology
at midnight, which is a bunch of retellings of fairy tales and there where 3 stories i loved in it and like 4 that i really enjoyed, which is a lot for an anthology
a book you'd read when you're missing somebody
the song of the lioness by tamora pierce is one of my main comfort reads ngl
send me a number for a book rec!
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meadow-dusk · 2 years
Rocktober Challenge 🦇 Day 24 - song[s] that make you cry
I've said often that the way to my heart is getting me emotionally attached: crying with you is a sign of closeness I don't easily come back from. Almost right away with Neil, it was so natural to feel the blossoming of a deeply personal connection every time he struck the right chord to move me this way. Sometimes, it didn't even matter what he was saying: just the sound of him slipping sweetly into his delicate upper register could start tears. Even more easily now, the combination of his voice, instrumentation, messages, and kind, loving spirit comes to meet me where I'm at in my life (what I'm feeling, what I want or need, what I don't realize I want or need...), merging into the perfect emotional storm. Paradoxically, it's a place that I have come to seek comfort from the storms of life.
Any of his songs can make me cry on any given day, even the upbeat ones. So I don't have just one answer. Instead, here are some that got to me most predictably as I peeled away the layers covering that emotional core and let myself come to understand it and be comfortable with what he was showing me was there, however indirectly. Listing these in approximate chronological order, with bonus lyrics that rip my heart out if I can isolate it to a line or two.
After the Gold Rush Flyin' Mother Nature's silver seed to a new home in the sun
Stringman Take the simple case of the sarge / who can't go back to war / Cause the hippies tore down everything that he was fighting for / Or the lovers on the blanket / That the city turned to whores / With memories of green kissed by the sun
Through My Sails Wind blowing through my sails / It feels like I'm gone
Sanibel (I realize he's not a composer here but that voice...) She knows that someday he will arrive / And it keeps her love alive / Dreams can never die.
Thrasher (oh god all of it. I'm not even previewing this to pick a line 💔).
Borrowed Tune Ice frozen six feet deep, how long does it take?
Razor Love Silhouettes on the window... / Who was it made your eyes flicker like that? Tell me baby, how'd you get the knack?
Will to Love And if we meet along the way / Please sway beside me, let us sway together / our tails together and our fins in line / We'll leave this water and let our scales shine / and the sun above... and the sky below... so all the water and earth will know.
Bandit Someday, you'll find everything you're lookin for.
The Painter If you follow every dream, you might get lost.
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worldly-diversity · 7 months
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@questionablemuses ○ 𝕧𝕠𝕩 𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝 ○
          ⤷  『  Angel should consider himself lucky to even have an audience with Vox. A private audience & without Valentino's knowledge. As if he deserved to know this time, considering he was still mad at him. Head shakes, Vox trying not to think about their petty feud & instead try to focus on Angel's dance routine. 
A soft hum escapes him thoughtfully, gaze focused on Angel's little twirl. "I think Valentino needs a better music selection. Don't you think so?" he asks smoothly, With a snap of his fingers, the current music is brought to a pause, being replaced by a jazzier sort of romantic underlining tone. 
He stands up, offering his hand out to the spider. "May I?"   』
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Val always approved all of his gigs, big or small you had to run it past the boss or you were in deep shit. He's not sure if that counts when one of the other Vees just shows up to your dressing room and demands you accompany him to a private room.
Quite frankly Vox had never shown any positive behaviour towards him. He was usually either ignoring him or dismissive despite Valentino's close working-esque relationship with Angel. Or maybe that was the problem? Who fuckin' knows with these overlords, really. They're impossible to figure out and even more impossible to predict.
Either way, his orders were to dance and so dance he did, swaying suggestively to the rapid-pace music, at least something he was used to and actually enjoyed, even if it was overshadowed by the insecurity of not knowing what Vox could possibly want from him.
When, after a few minutes of silence aside from the music and the tap of Angel's heels on the floor, Vox suddenly spoke up, Angel almost faltered. Well shit, frankly it hadn't even occurred to him to criticise Val like that, he ain't fuckin' suicidal after all. He can't even remember if he genuinely likes Val's taste or if he just got so used to it that he can't make the distinction anymore.
It's also freakin' weird to hear someone say anything even semi-negative about Val, but he supposes if anyone can it'd be one of the Vees.
He'd have been a lot more nervous if he'd known Valentino very much had not signed off on this.
"Wait, wha—" Next thing he knows a hand is reached out to him, the music playing a smooth jazz that immediately feels both comfortable and intimate. Angel takes his hand almost on auto-pilot, not quite understanding what's going on until he's pulled close against the overlord, his breath hitching in surprise.
When… When was the last time someone this powerful had paid attention to him like this? Cared to pull him close, set an ambiance, charm him for lack of a better word? He wants to be reminded of the early days with Val, but it's still different. No honeyed words and promises of prestige, attention and affection.
Vox was just… offering to dance with him.
For the life of him he can't think of a reason to refuse, finally allowing some of the anxious set of his shoulders to melt as he leans into the other with an almost surprisingly shy smile.
"Well, who am I ta say no~?" He purrs out. Maybe tomorrow he'll regret this, he'll remember what a bad idea it is to tangle with overlords regardless of what they promised you. But that would be tomorrow, and this was tonight.
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rviner · 10 months
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Name: Isabella 'Bella, Bells, Bells-Bells, Bebe' Belcourt
Age & Birthday: 27 years old, December 16th 1996
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Woman She/Her
Birthplace: Washington, DC
Time in Hollow Cove: 4 months (Jul '23)
Species: Earth Witch - Belcourt Coven
Role: Comms / Runner
Positive personality traits: open-minded, intuitive, spontaneous
Negative personality traits: cunning, overzeleous, opinionated
Born into the political Belcourt pack in Washington, Bella noticed early on that her brain simply couldn't compute a black and white way of thinking. Her older brother, Sebastian, seemed to master this political minefield but Bella had a harder time simply seeing everything as a game of chess. Of course, being raised in a strategic pack meant that Bella eventually learned the power of persuasiveness. Instead of fine-tuning her broader way of thinking, Bella let that side of herself exist but simply became better at getting her point across and even swaying others towards it.
Her father died when she was young and Bella doesn't have many memories of Aaron, but each of them are fond. She couldn't turn to her older brother for help during this grief, and still she can't to this day. Instead, she became the shoulder for her younger sister Pri to lean on. Resentment isn't something that Bella can harbor easily, but she supposes if she was asked: Do you wish Sebastian was there for you more? She would answer with a very quick yes.
Bella has always admired her mother's strength, and admired the way Nadiya can maintain order and balance within a pack. But, Bella would never tell a soul that she sympathized with her uncle when he challenged the role as Alpha. Her ever open-mind allowed her to see his concerns and she didn't quite disagree with them, but Isabella learned quickly that it would have to stay with her to the grave.
Over the years, Bella managed the balancing act of her personality rather convincingly. She didn't miss out on any fun, even a few bouts of secretive and harmless trouble. All while still maintaining the Belcourt way of life. This slight mischievous flare has never gone away from her, she can be spontaneous and carefree but still never missed a single night of homework and still maintained her responsibilities. She still tries desperately to teach Pri this balancing act, but also finds herself admiring the youngest Belcourt's way of speaking honestly from her heart.
When they had to leave their life behind in 2019, Bella mourned for the sense of freedom that was also left behind with it. She still struggles with the loss but ultimately she treated survivalist as just another mask to wear. She stepped up to the responsibility of helping protect their pack. She wasn't in agreement with giving away the town's location, her vast mind already predicting running into wolves or vampires that would be impacted by the choice. Nor did she agree with bringing the newly turned wolf into the pack. She never said as much, even though it was probably written all over her features. Instead Bella resounds with a dipomatic response. For the sake of surviving, I understood why it had to be done.
When Pri was taken in the March of 2023, Bella's world was turned on it's head. Finding her younger sister is now Bella's primary focus, and she can see how hints of her mother are shining through her actions. Other members of the pack don't seem quite as important to her in comparison to her sister. A more ruthless side of Bella is surfacing, one that she didn't even know was there and one she is unsure what to do with.
Settling in Hollow Cove has been comfortable for now, Bella hands on with most tasks around town and often joining runs with her family to look for Pri. She tries with all her might to hang onto her more adventurous spirit too, but of course treating any harmless mischief she gets into as a balancing act.
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elletromil · 3 years
I mean. You should've seen this one coming kksksks. Fuba for any of the following? "I can't do this" / "Just stay with me" / "You love me, right?". Any other characters/ships/etc : "You are a terrible cook"? :3
<3 So as always, I will be writing them all you greedy gremlin, but let’s start with the first one :D
“I can’t do this”
Uncharacteristically, Rishan hesitates at the doorstep of the room he’ll be sharing with Tiezui tonight.
It’s not the first time they’re paired off together.
Nor is it the first time there’s only one bed.
In fact, even where there is no room or bed to share, they’ll still usually be resting next to each other.
But it’ll be the first time they share a bed since they’ve kissed each other in a mix of adrenaline and relief at having survived their latest ordeal.
It really shouldn’t change anything between them, but there’s no denying that everything has changed now.
Rishan isn’t naive. He has known for a long time where their relationship was headed. It has always been unavoidable.
But it’s one thing to have the passing thought that if he were to sleep with anyone, he’d choose Tiezui, and quite another to have Fo Ye smiling knowingly before shooing away for the evening with an amused ‘you shouldn’t make Ba Ye wait’ not long after Tiezui has retired for the night.
“Rishan? Are you okay?”
Tiezui’s worried voice prompts him into finally stepping into the room and closing the door behind him, but he freezes again right after, unsure what he’s supposed to be doing now.
Not because he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do. His lack of experience isn’t a lack of knowledge. But he’s just realising that no matter how much he had enjoyed kissing Tiezui earlier this afternoon before remembering they were not alone, no matter how much he wouldn’t mind doing that again, he’s not interested in anything more.
And from everything that he knows, that means there’s something wrong with him.
“Rishan? What’s wrong?” Tiezui is in front of him now, looking him over for a possible injury and Rishan is hit once more by how much he loves this man who so obviously cares for him.
“I can’t do this,” he blurts out before he can stop himself, averting his eyes as he feels himself blushing in shame.
“Do what?” Tiezui asks and Rishan forces himself to meet his gaze.
“I can’t… I can’t sleep with you.”
Tiezui frowns, visibly confused, mouth opened on another question, before it clicks shut as Rishan sees sudden realisation dawn on him.
It’s all happening so fast that of course there’s no way Rishan could have had any expectation as to how Tiezui would have reacted to the revelation. But even if he had had the time to think about it, he’s pretty sure he couldn’t have predicted what happened.
Tiezui simply rolls his eyes before heaving a deep sigh and dragging him in a tight hug.
Anyone else and he would have tensed up at the unexpected physical contact, but it’s Tiezui who has always been a very tactile person whenever his friends are concerned and it’s been months since Rishan has definitely been included in that very select club. It’s second nature now to just accept the comfort, to melt into it and let Tiezui support part of his weight as Rishan presses his face against his shoulder.
“You don’t have to sleep with me. I’m sorry if I ever led you to believe otherwise.”
“Tiezui?” He’s the one confused now. On the one hand, he’s relieved, but on the other, he’s mortified to think he might have been mistaking what’s between them all this time. He tries to push away to look at Tiezui, no matter how awkward he feels, but Tiezui is deceptively strong and it’s easier to just stay in place when he starts playing with his hair gently.
“I don’t want to sleep with you either. Or with anyone else for that matter.”
“Isn’t that… weird?” He sees Tiezui’s wisdom at refusing to let him go from his embrace, since he feels free to ask his question with very minimal embarrassment and doesn’t even feel self-conscious when it elicits a small chuckle from the other man.
“To some, definitely. But as I don’t see how it can possibly affect them, I also don’t care what they think. And it’s not as unusual as one might think.”
There’s a story there, or multiple, but Tiezui doesn’t sound inclined to share tonight and quite frankly, Rishan isn’t inclined to ask either. Not now anyway.
“So you don’t want to sleep with me.”
“Not one bit. Not that I wouldn’t if you wanted to. I simply do not need it.”
They stay like that for some time in silence, swaying slightly. Rishan has no doubt that Tiezui will insist on a longer discussion once they’re back home, but for the time being, it’s more than enough.
Except maybe for one part.
“Do you want to kiss me? Again, I mean.” Because while some of the finer details of the moment have been lost to the adrenaline-fuelled craze, Rishan is certain of one thing and it’s that Tiezui had been kissing back.
He feels more than hear Tiezui’s amused snort before there’s a kiss pressed against his temple. “Definitely. But for now, how about we get to bed? I’m tired.”
Rishan nods in agreement, but doesn’t let go until he’s pressed a kiss of his own against the soft skin of Tiezui’s throat, delighting in the slight hitch it causes in his breath.
That’s an intimacy he can definitely get used to.
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fivefeetfear · 4 years
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Chp 3
I am so happy you guys love the story! Thank you for all your support!
It was nearly 1 o'clock pm and (Y/N) stood nervously in the crowd of her students. They all stood in a circle as they had a dance battle with one another as the speakers shook the room. Some did solo routines and others did groups, it was all in good competitive fun. Class ended earlier than expected since (Y/N) kinda breezed through the lesson completely thrilled to see the shy gem again! So her pupils decided to have a bit of fun before calling it a day. (Y/N) watched the entrances of the classroom waiting to spot Spinel. She couldn't get that cute gem out of her mind all day! With her spiky ponytails and big ol eyes! And the accent! Oh goodness, the accent! It made her very gem melt! The short gem dazed off as she fiddles with the ends of her locks, happily daydreaming.
"Ms. (Y/N) why don't you join in on the fun." A pink emerald student asked.
"Yeah! Show them how it's done!" A yellow sapphire encourages. (Y/N) shifts her (E/C) eyes to the two gems and flashes them an apologetic smile.
"Not today." She declines as she looked back to the time; three more minutes. The two students shrug as they went back to join the fun.
"Oh please, you’ll be on the floor once that spinel walks right through the door. You are sooooo predictable (Y/N)." Amber comments with a playful smirk on her face. (Y/N) playfully scowls the beefy gem as she crosses her arms over her chest taking a confident stance.
"For your information, I am not!" she sass while she walked to the enormous mirror that took up the front of the classroom and readjusted her hair. She put it in an updo to keep the locks out of her face while she was teaching her class. The curvy gem eyes scan over her outfit to make sure she looked presentable for her guest. She wore a loose shirt that showed her bando bra from the sides, cute shorts paired with some simple dancing shoes.
"Then why you trying to look cute for?" Amber quips making the short gem rolls her eyes.
"I am not, this is how I always dress." She informs.
"Mhm, I'd say your shorts are a bit shorter than your usual pair. I can almost see your-." (Y/N) whines loudly as she threw her head back. Goodness, she hated being called out especially by Amber. She wouldn’t stop bothering her until she gave up.
"Fine! I'm showing off a bit, sue me!" she conceded with her cheeks puffed out childishly. Amber chuckle as she places her hands on her hips and glances down at her friend.
"Well then, I would suggest you get a move on to the dance floor and show that spinel what she is working with because she is here." (Y/N) eyes widen as she looked at the mirror to the front door and sure enough, Spinel and Steven were here. (Y/N) felt her gem glowing on the back of her neck seeing how cute Spinel looked. She adored two low pigtails with a dark pink snapback placed on backward; a baggy magenta sweater and fitted black pants matched with dark pink sneakers. The (Y/G) chest tighten as she took in her appearance, oh goodness she so damn cute! The poor thing looked so nervous as she spoke with Steven with concern written all over her face. Oh, how she wanted to go up to her and just hug the poor girl. But her ego wouldn't allow her.
Snapping back to reality, (Y/N) held her head high as she walked into the middle of the dance floor ready to work her magic. She could hear Amber mumble "predictable" under her breath as she followed the small gem.
Spinel and Steven made it to the dance studio right on time, and as soon as they enter the room Spinel felt completely insecure. She cast her eyes over to Steven with her head low as she shoves her hands into the pockets of the hoodie.
"Are you sure I look ok? Do you think it's too much?" She asked Steven as she looked down at her new sneakers. Amethyst had styled her today and she felt completely comfortable and herself in it, but it was still taking her time to adjust to the new look.
"You look great! Don't worry about it. Now let's find (Y/N)." Steven hums as he looked over at the crowd of gems and humans cheering, he saw Amber waving them over. The curly-headed teen instantly grabbed Spinel's hand rushing through the crowd reaching the orange gem.
"Hey, Amber, where's (Y/N)?" The human boy asked. Amber simply points over to the dance floor with a cocky smirk. Both Steven and Spinel followed the direction and sure enough, there was (Y/N) dancing to the fast tempo of the song. The pink gem held her breath as she watched the short gem dance so...so....she couldn’t find words for it! Well, she could, but it just made her cheeks hot from embarrassment at the thought of them. Magenta eyes watched as the short gem move her hips in the same way that spellbound her yesterday. (Y/N) was moving fast, her steps are carefully and coordinately placed as she moved to the upbeat rhythm. She bends and sways her body in such a way that made Spinel mind wander. Amber glanced down at the Spinel and smirk as the pink gem drooled over her friend. It was so obvious she had a huge crush on the (Y/G).
(Y/N) felt her body temperature rises when she spots the vividly colored gem in the front of the crowd watching her. This only motivated her to keep going as she turned up the heat. (Y/N) calculated the space behind her before she did three backflips in a row; she bent backwards. She then brings her legs up in the air, her shirt slid down showing off her stomach and back as she positioned herself to a perfect handstand. Spinel's eyebrow arches as she noticed a large spot of discoloration on (Y/N) back. Before Spinel could fully investigate(Y/N) came back down to a straddled split. This made her students go wild as they cheered their teacher on. Poor Spinel nearly stroked out when she saw (Y/N) ass bounce when she landed on the floor; she really could not handle this. Her whole form was on fire and it took so much will power to not pass out right now. Was she fooling herself to believe she had a chance with a gem like (Y/N)?
The (Y/G) female breathes heavily as she was bombarded with praises from her students and friends. Her laughs rings throughout the room causing Spinels chest to tighten. That laugh, it was so beautiful; it sounded like bells. And that smile, it made her stomach fussy inside. The pink gem hopes to one day be the reason behind that smile and her laugher. (Y/N) was able to redirect her student's attention else where as she quickly walks over to Spinel and Steven, she beams a bright toothy grin while she wipes the sweat from her brows.
"Hey, guys how's it going? I didn't even see ya come in." She says coolly. Amber scoffs at her words, which earned a glare from (Y/N).
"Annnyways what's the plan for today?" (Y/N) asks Steven, the boy smiles as he wraps his arm around Spinel's shoulders.
"We are going to take Spins here on a tour of the town! We can show her all the hot spots of Little Homeworld." Steven said joyfully.
"Ok sounds good! Let me change real quick and we can be on our way!" The (G/C) gem states as she walked away to another room to change. Spinel shamelessly watched (Y/N) hips sway as she walks away out of view. The pink gem felt an odd mixture of disgust and satisfaction with herself. Disgusted that she couldn't control her eyes from wandering, but satisfied to have seen more of her beauty. Like her butt is soooooo round. It was hard not to look.
The sound of someone clearing their throat snapped Spinel out of her own head; she looks over at Steven to see him smirking knowingly at her. Spinel frowns as she covered her blazing cheeks with her hands, averting her gaze to the floor embarrassed she was caught.
"Not a word." She mutters as Steven puts his hands up.
"I was only going to say was, I'll be heading out now." Spinel's head whipped up lightning speed to look at her friend with fearful eyes.
"What? You're leaving me? Alone? With her?" She felt herself beginning to panic. She clutches the sleeve of his jacket keeping him close, her eyebrows knitting together. She didn't want him to go! He can't go! Spinel's breathing was coming out rapidly and unevenly as her body felt like it turned into lead.
"Hey, calm down Spins. I'm just going to be gone for a few hours and I'll come back to get you. I'm doing this for you to expand your horizons and meet new people. Besides (Y/N) is really nice." He explains as he places his hands on Spinel's shoulder trying to sooth. She was shaking in fear as she tightens her hold on him.
"B-but what if I m-mess up? Or s-say or d-do something stupid!? What if she d-doesn't like me?! You can't just leave me!" She cried out, anxiety consuming her body. The other gems and humans that were around tried their best to mind their own business, but witnessing Spinel having a meltdown was hard to ignore. Steven shushes her softly as he grabs her hands doing his best to comfort her. Her lower lip quivers as she stares at him with glassy eyes.
"Hey, I believe you won't say or do anything stupid. You are awesome Spinel, and I'm sure (Y/N) is going to love spending time with you." He promised as he slowly let go of the worrying gem.
"If you ever need anything, you can just call me on my cellphone and I'll be back. Can you just at least try?" he asks her softly, Spinel's eyes drifted away from his gaze as she offered a weak nod.
"Good! You'll do great and have fun!" And with that Steven walked out the studio, he gave her one final wave from the wide window before disappearing.
Spinel's arms slowly coiled around herself as she gritted down on her teeth. Would she be ok? Could she do this? Of course not! (Y/N) is a ball of energy and positivity and she is just...herself. How was she supposed to keep up with her? How was she supposed to make herself interesting enough for that perfect gem? Doubt rested heavily on her shoulders as her frown deepens. (Y/N) wouldn't stay with her once she finds out Steven is gone. She could see the disappointment on her face already when she’ll learns about the boy absence. The thought of the (Y/G) eyes filling with regret at spending the day with her made her choke.
"I can't. I-I can't do this." she mutters, her feet began to walk towards the exit of the studio. She swung the door open and steps into the outside world.
"Hey Spinel wait for me!" (Y/N) cries out. The pink gem turns around to see the short girl standing beside her. She wore a cute (F/C) dress with wedges. Her hair is up in a neat ponytail showing off more of her facial features. Spinel instantly noticed the presence of makeup on her face; her lashes look darker and thicker from the mascara. Here lips shiny from the coat of lip-gloss making her lips look plump. It wasn't much and hardly noticeable but Spinel could tell.
"Where are you going? And where’s Steven?" (Y/N) asks as she searched for the half gem boy. Spinel slouches her shoulders as she avoids eye contact with the girl.
"He left." She mutters. Y/N brows quirks up as she stood before the slender gem.
"So it will just be us?" She asks curiously. Spinel nods back in response afraid to speak. (E/C) eyes widen at the news, but her gem grew warm. She was going to be alone with Spinel? She will have this cutie to herself all day? The (C/G) had to remind herself to send a thank you text to the boy. (Y/N) couldn't help the smile that stretched over her face as she nearly bounced in place.
"Ok! Come on there is so much to see!" Spinel was taken by surprise by the short gems enthusiasm as she was yanked by the hand and rushed down the road. What? She actually wants to spend the day with her? Really? Why? The pink gem found herself again in a state of confusion; things weren't connecting for her. Why would she want to hang out with her and be her friend? Spinel understand she has friends, but it took a while for her to accept that it was real. But here is this beautiful gem, nose-diving into a potential friendship with her without a second thought. In addition, Spinel didn't have to do anything to entertain her or beg (Y/N) in any way. If anything it's (Y/N) trying to entertain her! No one has ever done that for her and...and it felt amazing. It felt so damn good that someone else was initiating the friendship first that wasn't herself. This concept was difficult for the pink gem to wrap her head around, she was about to dismiss her own theory. That all quickly changed when (Y/N) flashes a genuine smile, it brought Spinel to tears. She really did want to spend the day with her, she truly did. The fear and doubt that was manifesting insider her core subsided and was replaced with excitement. Spinel tightens her grip on (Y/N) hand as she too started to pick up pace as she raced down the sidewalk with (Y/N).
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