rviner · 15 days
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Name: Isabella Westwood
Age & Birthday: 27 years old, December 16th
Gender/Pronouns: Ciswoman she/her
Birthplace: The Wards
Current Residence: Olympia
Job/role on The Station: Therapist / Owner of Outreach Non Profit / Social Activist lol
Positive personality traits: open-minded, spontaneous, intuitive
Negative personality traits: overzealous, opinionated, stubborn
Isabella was born in The Wards, orphaned within minutes of being born when her mother died due to health complications. She was adopted several months later by David and Genevieve Westwood.
As such, Isabella has always felt an affinity and sympathy to The Wards, especially as she grew older. She never understood why their demands, protests and strikes were swept under the rug, why nobody was willing to listen.
Due to the Westwood's connections within politics and law, Isabella felt a strong pull to continue their legacy's but in the end she studied psychology and wished to pursue a career as a therapist.
She quickly learned that there were barriers even in her career. Most of her ideas and willingness to offer mental health support to The Wards were shot down, funding unable to be found. She struggled like this for a number of years, ever aware that she couldn't rock the boat too much due to her father's career.
Two years ago after her father admitted his unfaithfulness and her parents divorced, Bella decided the gloves were off. She started a non profit organization, Outreach and has become far more vocal with her views, even if it usually means speaking against her own father.
Outreach is dedicated to enhancing the lives of residents in The Wards and other underserved areas of The Station. The organization focuses on providing essential services and resources to support those in need.
Finding funding and support from Olympia is still proving a difficult task, and Bella faces more roadblocks than ever before. This was how she met Felix Ranstrom last year, pitching a deal to VCS that he ultimately signed off on. Later, Bella discovered he funded the deal himself due to the fact his parents would have never agreed to it. They began working closely together after that, eventually forming a relationship and now they are engaged.
But, roadblocks are still prevalent and Bella often takes matters into her own hands, sneaking to The Wards to offer help however it's needed. And she also has found herself in a little bit of a sticky situation, promising medical supplies before she was even sure she could get hold of them.
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rviner · 10 months
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Name: Isabella 'Bella, Bells, Bells-Bells, Bebe' Belcourt
Age & Birthday: 27 years old, December 16th 1996
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Woman She/Her
Birthplace: Washington, DC
Time in Hollow Cove: 4 months (Jul '23)
Species: Earth Witch - Belcourt Coven
Role: Comms / Runner
Positive personality traits: open-minded, intuitive, spontaneous
Negative personality traits: cunning, overzeleous, opinionated
Born into the political Belcourt pack in Washington, Bella noticed early on that her brain simply couldn't compute a black and white way of thinking. Her older brother, Sebastian, seemed to master this political minefield but Bella had a harder time simply seeing everything as a game of chess. Of course, being raised in a strategic pack meant that Bella eventually learned the power of persuasiveness. Instead of fine-tuning her broader way of thinking, Bella let that side of herself exist but simply became better at getting her point across and even swaying others towards it.
Her father died when she was young and Bella doesn't have many memories of Aaron, but each of them are fond. She couldn't turn to her older brother for help during this grief, and still she can't to this day. Instead, she became the shoulder for her younger sister Pri to lean on. Resentment isn't something that Bella can harbor easily, but she supposes if she was asked: Do you wish Sebastian was there for you more? She would answer with a very quick yes.
Bella has always admired her mother's strength, and admired the way Nadiya can maintain order and balance within a pack. But, Bella would never tell a soul that she sympathized with her uncle when he challenged the role as Alpha. Her ever open-mind allowed her to see his concerns and she didn't quite disagree with them, but Isabella learned quickly that it would have to stay with her to the grave.
Over the years, Bella managed the balancing act of her personality rather convincingly. She didn't miss out on any fun, even a few bouts of secretive and harmless trouble. All while still maintaining the Belcourt way of life. This slight mischievous flare has never gone away from her, she can be spontaneous and carefree but still never missed a single night of homework and still maintained her responsibilities. She still tries desperately to teach Pri this balancing act, but also finds herself admiring the youngest Belcourt's way of speaking honestly from her heart.
When they had to leave their life behind in 2019, Bella mourned for the sense of freedom that was also left behind with it. She still struggles with the loss but ultimately she treated survivalist as just another mask to wear. She stepped up to the responsibility of helping protect their pack. She wasn't in agreement with giving away the town's location, her vast mind already predicting running into wolves or vampires that would be impacted by the choice. Nor did she agree with bringing the newly turned wolf into the pack. She never said as much, even though it was probably written all over her features. Instead Bella resounds with a dipomatic response. For the sake of surviving, I understood why it had to be done.
When Pri was taken in the March of 2023, Bella's world was turned on it's head. Finding her younger sister is now Bella's primary focus, and she can see how hints of her mother are shining through her actions. Other members of the pack don't seem quite as important to her in comparison to her sister. A more ruthless side of Bella is surfacing, one that she didn't even know was there and one she is unsure what to do with.
Settling in Hollow Cove has been comfortable for now, Bella hands on with most tasks around town and often joining runs with her family to look for Pri. She tries with all her might to hang onto her more adventurous spirit too, but of course treating any harmless mischief she gets into as a balancing act.
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rviner · 1 year
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Name: Isabella Westwood
Age & Birthday: 30 years old, December 16th 1992
Gender/Pronouns: cis woman she/her
Birthplace: Atlanta, GA
Time in Atlanta: 30 years
Neighborhood: Downtown
Association: Media
Occupation: Journalist at Atlanta Times
Positive personality traits: open-minded, honest, spontaneous, energetic, intuitive
Negative personality traits: hyperbolic, fiery, critical, impulsive
Daughter of Sven and Marianne Westwood, Isabella was born into journalism and was taught the power that the media had over influencing the public and even politics.
She was always an inquisitive child and adventurous, embodying her mother's head-strong attitude and her father's thirst for honesty.
Bella has always been adventurous and took herself to New York City for college. She wasn't forced into journalism but it was hard to not feel passionate about it growing up as a Westwood.
She returned to Atlanta to work at Atlanta Times with her father but has had to prove her own worth not just to herself but to her colleagues. She doesn't want people to think she has special treatment because of her name, if anything Sven is sometimes harsher on her than others.
Seems soft and kind at first but can be fiery and stands up for what she believes in.
Can seem bossy and critical but it's usually because she's carrying a large mental load.
She began dating Henrik Eklund two years ago but the two quickly fell into an on and off again routine. Mainly because of the dislike their family has for one another.
Is caring and a straight forward honest friend. Will tell you if you have something in your teeth but also laugh about it.
Lives Downtown and isn't impressed by flashy materialism. She prefers honesty and integrity above money.
Is waiting to find that "big story" that will push her career.
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