#but i assume phoenix drop high follows american way of it
spiriiitt · 2 months
PDH hc that Laurance has a shitbox car that he got off of facebook marketplace and he picks Garroth up everyday for school in it, and it's got a bunch of empty beer cans from their random late night hnag outs and they leave them in the back so they don't get caught drinking when the cand appear in their trash bins at home, and other random shit that he can't be fucked cleaning up.
c: I love PDH Garrance sm, like even from just a friends standpoint they're so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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husheduphistory · 4 years
“Tiger Woman” and her Trunks: The Horrible Case and Cargo of Winnie Ruth Judd
It is difficult to imagine what was going through Ruth’s mind when she arrived at the train station on October 19th 1931. She was only twenty-six years old but she had lived in numerous states, moved to Mexico, had her marriage fall apart, reestablished herself in Arizona, and was beginning a new life. But now, she was unexpectedly in California to meet her brother with a bandaged hand and a lot of luggage to pick up. When she arrived at the Los Angeles train station the baggage agent refused to let her pick up her trunks until they could inspect the contents. She informed them she did not have a key and that she would come back for them later. She never went back. Within a matter of days she was given many new names, became the subject of a manhunt, and surrendered herself to police inside a funeral home. The story was shocking, but it was far from done.
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Winnie Ruth Judd.
Born on January 29th 1905 in Oxford, Indiana, Winnie Ruth McKinnell (who went by Ruth) was only seventeen when she married Dr. William C. Judd, a World War I veteran who was twenty-two years her senior. Dr. Judd was a morphine addict and his pursuit of a steady job brought the pair to Mexico where he worked as a medic for an American mining company. By 1930 the two were living apart and Ruth returned to the States by herself looking for a place to call home. What she found was Phoenix, Arizona and a job working for a wealthy governess. It seemed that Ruth had finally left the troubled times behind and was on her way to forging a new life. Then she met Happy Jack.
John J. “Happy Jack” Halloran was very well known in Phoenix. At forty-four years old he made a name for himself running an extremely lucrative lumber business and with his success came friends in high places. Both he and Ruth were married, but that did not stop the two from igniting a relationship and Ruth soon found two new friends during their alcohol-infused parties with Halloran’s associates. Agnes “Ann” Leroi was thirty-two years old, twice divorced, and was working as an x-ray technician. Her partner, Hedvig ‘Sammy” Samuelson, was twenty-four and the pair had moved to Phoenix from Alaska after Sammy’s battle with tuberculosis. Ann and Sammy lived together in a small three-room bungalow and it wasn’t long before Ruth moved in, cementing the house as thee location for Halloran and his drinking buddies’ parties and card games. After several months Ruth moved out and got her own apartment, but the three women remained best friends. On the night of October 16th 1931 Ruth went to visit the two friends for dinner and drinks. Ann and Sammy were never seen alive again.
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“Happy Jack” Halloran. Image via the Arizona Memory Project https://azmemory.azlibrary.gov/
Three days later in Los Angeles the train station baggage handler was waiting for Ruth to come back and open her luggage for inspection, but he couldn’t wait anymore. The luggage was leaking, it smelled horrific, and there were flies gathering around them. He was convinced she was smuggling deer meat and he called the Los Angeles Police Department. When the police arrived and opened the luggage out tumbled the body of Ann Leroi and three sections of what was once Sammy Samuelson. When Ruth was picked up by her brother he had no idea what his sister was hiding, he dropped her off somewhere in the city and she vanished.
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The luggage that contained the remains of Ann Leroi and Sammy Samuelson.
The headlines exploded with the horror story, screaming “TWO WOMEN’S BODIES SHIPPED HERE IN TRUNKS BY FIENDISH KILLER!” and dubbing Ruth with names like “The Blonde Butcher”, “The Tiger Woman”, and “The Trunk Murderess.” Back in Phoenix the owner of the bungalow didn’t waste a moment and immediately placed ads in the local paper offering tours of the crime scene for ten cents. The frenzy raged on for four days before Ruth finally turned herself in to the police on October 23rd.
The question on everyone’s mind was what could have caused anyone to kill their two best friends and shove their bodies into luggage, but it was a question that was difficult to answer. By the time the police were able to investigate the crime scene the house had already had thousands of people walking through it and one mattress was inexplicably missing. Ruth released a statement through her attorney explaining her version of the story. According to her account, she visited the two women for a nice evening but ended up getting into an explosive argument with Sammy. Her account goes on to claim that Sammy:
“got hold of a gun and shot me in the left hand, Mrs. LeRoi grabbed an ironing board and started to strike me over the head with it. In the struggle, I got hold of the gun, and Sammy got shot. Mrs. LeRoi was still coming at me with the ironing board, and I had to shoot her. Then I ran from the place.”
Then came another shockwave, Ruth said she fled to her apartment where Jack Halloran was waiting. She claimed he returned to the house with her and it was he who cut up Sammy and shoved the bodies in the luggage while she cleaned up the bloody scene.
The story was a sensation, but it did not overly make sense. The police and medical examiners at the scene determined that the women were shot in the head at close range while laying in their separate beds. The location of the injuries did not match with gunshots fired during a fight, especially a fight involving three people, one of which was holding an ironing board. Another question swirled in the minds of Phoenix, why was Halloran waiting at Judd’s apartment and why did he help her dispose of the bodies of their friends?
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Newspaper reporting the discovery of the bodies in the trunks.
The trial of Ruth Judd began on January 19th 1932 and from the beginning Judd claimed she only shot Ann and Sammy in self defense. Amazingly, she was only tried for the murder of Ann, and the court did not buy her story. In the eyes of the court the tension between the women was evident for weeks, beginning with Judd moving out of the house they shared. The theory was that the source of the bitterness was venomous jealousy over Halloran’s affection for the other women and that Judd went to their house that night with the intent to kill. On February 8th 1932 Judd was found guilty of first degree murder and sentenced to death by hanging.
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Judd at her trial in 1932.
Judd was not the only person defending herself in court over the gruesome crime. When Halloran’s name was brought into the story he too was eyed for his involvement in the bloody scene. On December 30th 1932 he was indicted by a grand jury as an accomplice to murder, and Judd was the star witness against him. In Judd’s testimony she told the story of how she got into a fight with Sammy over her introducing Halloran to another woman. She then shot them in self defense, met Halloran at her apartment, and it was he who dismembered Sammy, dragged in the luggage, packed the bodies into a single large trunk, and made her promise to tell no one. Even though Judd admitted to the shooting and later unpacking and repacking the bodies in different pieces of luggage so they were easier for her to manage, she insisted that Halloran was just as guilty as she was. She stated in court “I am going to be hanged for something Jack Halloran is responsible for ... I was convicted of murder, but I shot in self-defense. Jack Halloran removed every bit of evidence. He is responsible for me going through all this. He is guilty of anything I am guilty of.”
Halloran’s lawyers argued that since Judd said the women were killed in self defense there was no crime to charge their client with. And besides, she was obviously insane. The charges against Halloran were dismissed on January 25th 1933. He may have been found innocent in court but he never regained his beloved image in Phoenix, losing his business and most of his associates.
Judd’s execution was scheduled for February 17th 1933 but only days before she was supposed to die Arizona authorities changed her sentence. Following a huge outpouring of people who believed that Judd was mentally unsound and should not be put to death she was instead committed to the Arizona State Mental Hospital, beginning her stay there on April 24th 1933.
Everyone assumed that Judd would live the rest of her days behind the walls of the hospital, but they were wrong. On October 24th 1939 she constructed a dummy out of boxes and towels, arranged it under her blankets, and escaped from the hospital. She was at large for six days before she was caught and brought back but Judd was able to escape six more times. Her last escape took place on October 8th 1963 when she simply walked out the door, a friend inside the hospital had given her a key. Most of her previous escapes only lasted a few days but this time was different. Judd somehow ended up in the San Francisco Bay Area and formed an entirely new identity. Living as “Marian Lane” she worked as a live-in housekeeper in a mansion owned by an elderly woman for seven years before her true identity was discovered and she was again arrested. Considering she was able to escape multiple times and resume a “normal” life outside, she was then judged sane by medical examiners and relocated to the state penitentiary where she remained until she was released in late 1971. When released Judd made her way back to California where she again took up the name “Marian Lane” and she went on to live a quiet life until her death in 1998 at the age of ninety-three.
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A nurse holds up a rope used by Judd in her 1952 escape. Image via azcentral.com.
Although Judd was found guilty of first degree murder in 1932 the reason for the killings was never crystal clear. In 2014 a letter was discovered in the Arizona State Archive. It was dated April 6th 1933, it was handwritten by Judd, and it states that it is her “first and only confession.” In the text of the letter Judd details the murders of Ann and Sammy, claiming she was pushed to kill by the incessant “taunts” of Ann Leroi who tormented her by flirting with Halloran. She states: “Those taunts kept me awake, I could not sleep. I cried. I even prayed.  I was losing my mind…No human was ever going through so much turmoil of mind.”
According to Judd, on the evening of October 16th with her “brain whirling” with “insane thoughts” she “got up and went over to Ann’s house,” carrying her .25-calibre handgun. Both women were asleep and she snuck in through the front door, deciding to sit down on the couch where she eventually fell asleep. She was woken up by Sammy walking into the bathroom and she then remembered what she “had come to do.” She moved toward the bedroom but turned away because she was “shaking inside.” Returning to the couch she fell back to sleep. She was woken up by the sound of the milkman outside and when she realized Sammy was again in the bathroom she got up, went into the bedroom, and shot Ann in the head. Hearing the gunshot Sammy rushed into the bedroom and tried to wrestle the gun from Judd, accidentally shooting her in the hand. Judd then claims they both fell on the floor, “and I finally got the gun and in my wild state I shot her in the head.”
After both her friends lay dead Judd went into the garage, pulled a large trunk into the house, and stuffed Ann’s body inside. Then, Judd went to work and carried out a normal day. According to her letter, she had nothing planned out other than killing Ann, “I really had nothing definite in my mind. No plans made. In fact except for an irresistible impulse to get Ann I had no other plans.” After a brief trip to her apartment after work she returned to the scene of the crime and got inside through a bathroom window. She attempted to fit Sammy in the trunk but “that was utterly impossible, I couldn’t possibly lift her, she was too heavy and her body was stiff.  I then got two cheap knives from the kitchen and severed her body into portions I could lift.” She then shoved the pieces of Sammy into a smaller trunk and a suitcase.
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Ann Leroi and Sammy Samuelson. Image via azcentral.com. 
Those who only knew “Marian Lane” in California probably had a very difficult time reconciling the person they knew with the Winnie Ruth Judd from Phoenix. She was a little old lady who always had a friendly smile and her hair done, a hugely far cry from the “Trunk Murderess” that filled the headlines decades before. She never fully denied her past though, once commenting “how she was sorry she wasn't going to live long enough to see the day when people would finally stop remembering Winnie Ruth Judd.”
Today, the bungalow where the murders of Ann Leroi and Sammy Samuelson took place still stands in Phoenix at the corner of Second Street and Catalina Drive. It was recently purchased by someone who hopes to restore it to show what it looked like the night of the infamous Trunk Murders.
You can read the full confession of Winnie Ruth Judd here.
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A 2010 photograph of the Trunk Murders bungalow. Image via Wikipedia.
The Arizona Memory Project https://azmemory.azlibrary.gov
The Yale Review yalereview.yale.edu/trunk-murders-1931
Read More: 
The Trunk Murderess: Winnie Ruth Judd by Jane Bommersbach
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ethenell · 6 years
Best Films of 2018: Honorable Mentions
The time, once again, has come. The Oscars nominations are out there, and they’re ... puzzling ... But anyone interested in an alternate take can look no further. 
The cinema of 2018 offered too many notable treasures to whittle down to a simple list of ten, so before we get into the meat of my countdown, here is an alphabetical list of ten films that just missed out on making my list, but are essential viewing for anyone looking to take in the best that 2018 had to offer.
Blindspotting (dir. Carlos López Estrada)
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I’m still waiting for the moment when the world collectively discovers the thing at which Daveed Diggs is not amazing. He had already garnered acclaim as a part of the experimental hip-hop group clipping. before reaching a wider audience and netting himself Grammy and Tony Awards for his role in the paradigm-altering musical, Hamilton. To that already distinguished list, we can now add co-writing and co-starring in one of 2018’s most original films. Blindspotting, set in Digg’s hometown of Oakland, CA, is a searing take on gentrification, racism, and police brutality that show off a deep understanding of the myriad political problems in the rapidly-changing Bay Area, while displaying an equally deft touch with the characters who find their lives irreparably damaged as a direct or indirect result. It’s impressive work from Diggs and co-writer/co-star Rafael Casal that first-time director Carlos Lopez Estrada brings to life with singular vision. Something tells me we’ll continue to see more of everyone involved, but Diggs is undoubtedly headed for greatness.
The Death of Stalin (dir. Armando Iannucci)
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You’d be forgiven if you thought the creator/director of Veep, The Thick of It, and In The Loop had already mined politics’ deepest, darkest depths for the pitch-blackest comedy that one could possibly generate from the toxic combination of bureaucratic incompetence and egotistical narcissism. However, as The Death of Stalin shows with brutal precision, you would be wrong. The Death of Stalin is at times so bleak its difficult to even describe as a comedy without a bit of a cringe on your face, but it revels brilliantly in the theater of the absurd and probes ruthlessly at the ruling class with chilling contemporary resonance. And that’s all without mentioning that it features one of the best ensemble performances of the year. In a time when its easy to despair how much our everyday political reality has started to resemble a particularly discomfiting episode of Veep, Iannucci makes a triumphant return with an even more discomfiting message - never forget, things can always get much, much worse.
 Hereditary (dir. Ari Aster)
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Another year, another Sundance horror breakout. Even if it doesn’t quite match up with some of its more distinguished predecessors (I wouldn’t quite put it at the level of It Follows, The Babadook, or The Witch) Hereditary is clearly the year’s best horror film, featuring a handful of sequences sure to push you to the edge of your seat, and then keep you up at night. The perennially under-appreciated Toni Collette delivers a performance of such vast emotional range that it deserves mention among the absolute best performances of the year – which, of course, meant that it was doomed to be ignored by the Oscars. Nevertheless, any fans of the genre should stop what they’re doing (including, presumably, reading this list) and watch this film immediately. You won’t be sorry.
If Beale Street Could Talk (dir. Barry Jenkins)
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A pairing like Barry Jenkins and James Baldwin makes so much sense, and has such immense creative potential, that it’s generally something that could exist only in cinephile dreams. It simply makes *too* much sense. Yet, here we are, and Jenkins’ follow-up to the critically-revered Moonlight, an adaptation of one of Baldwin’s lesser-known novels, If Beale Street Could Talk, is very much real. Does it measure up to the immense expectations thrust upon it, due in no small part to Moonlight’s rapturous reception and the much-hyped pairing of Jenkins and Baldwin? In some important ways, no. Is Jenkins’ script at times overly-reverent of its source material? In some important ways, yes. But when Jenkins filters Baldwin’s story of the redeeming power of love in the face of oppression through his own unique cinematic voice, the results are breathtaking. Jenkins remains one of cinema’s greatest emerging artists. 
Mission: Impossible – Fallout (dir. Christopher McQuarrie)
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At the very least, this latest installment in the M:I franchise was the most balls-to-the-wall fun I had in a theater this entire year, hurtling at a breakneck pace from one jaw-dropping set piece to the next with one of the world’s biggest stars carrying the screen from the first frame to the last. But at most, you could call it one of the decade’s best action films, with some of the most breathtaking stunt work ever put to film with an absolutely singular star who continues to push his penchant for cheating death and tempting fate for our entertainment to daring new heights. The truth probably lies somewhere between the two extremes, but either way, the Cruise’s latest ride as Ethan Hunt is undeniably one of the most thrilling yet.
 Private Life (dir. Tamara Jenkins)
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With 11 years having passed since her Oscar-nominated feature debut, The Savages, hit the silver screen, news that Netflix was financing and developing a new film from Tamara Jenkins was met with nearly unbridled optimism. More than delivering on that promise, Jenkins once again delivered a film that delves deeply into all-too-common but dramatically under-explored modern adult experiences. While The Savages followed two adult siblings dealing with the mental decline of their elderly parent, Private Life details a couple in their 40s going through fertility treatments. Like her debut, Private Life uses this trying, even destabilizing experience to explore the ways in which our long-established adult lives can be uprooted as much by our own choices as by external, unforeseeable events. With two sterling performances from Kathryn Hahn and Paul Giamatti at its center, Private Life is rife with incisive observations about overlooked truths of aging together. It’s beautiful work, and undoubtedly one of Netflix’s best “original” offerings.
The Rider (dir. Chloe Zhao)
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Using a cast of untrained actors to spin a poetic tale lost opportunity by way of the American rodeo, director Chloe Zhao’s sophomore feature has keyed her as a rising master of cinematic realism. The film follows the struggles of a former rising rodeo star dealing with the fallout of a traumatic head injury suffered during a bronc riding competition, and mirrors the real-life experiences of its star, Brady Jandeau. who Zhao befriended while shooting her debut feature, Songs My Brothers Taught Me. Drawing out brilliant performances and setting them against the perma-golden picturesque of the Badlands, The Rider is a testament to what truly independent cinema is capable of and is sure to springboard Zhao to greater heights.
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (dir. Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman)
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The most unexpected triumph of the year, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse is not just a high watermark in the Spider-Man film series, it is almost certainly the best film to ever come out of Marvel Studios, and possibly the greatest superhero film since The Dark Knight. With an airtight script that spans several universes (literally) with ease, and featuring some of the most glorious and inventive animation ever to grace the big screen, Into the Spiderverse is a rare and perfect marriage between the words on the page and the visual language employed on screen. It a testament to what’s possible when talented artists with an original vision take big risks - it’s a breath of fresh air.
A Star is Born (dir. Bradley Cooper)
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Even with an improbably underwhelming Oscar campaign sputtering its way to the finish line, it’s hard not to peg A Star is Born as the year’s most-talked about film. Bradley Cooper brought his gestating passion project to life with scope and vision rarely seen from a first-time director and Lady Gaga turns in an absolutely electric performance that elevates the film whenever she’s on screen. From the spine-tingling live concert scenes to the beautiful on-screen chemistry between Cooper and Gaga, there’s an awful lot to love about this latest iteration of this long-tenured Hollywood classic. Sure, there’s also plenty to nitpick at - obviously more than enough to fuel a backlash against the once-assumed Oscar frontrunner - but when this film is firing on all cylinders, it’s right up there with the greatest cinema of 2018. Cooper is officially a filmmaker to watch, and A Star Is Born looks every bit like a directorial debut that will stand the test of time. 
 You Were Never Really Here (dir. Lynne Ramsey)
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One of the year’s most boldly-directed films, Lynne Ramsey’s latest is a lean thriller that goes for your throat but takes up permanent residence in your gut. Ramsey and star Joaquin Phoenix (delivering yet another show-stopping performance) bury you deep inside the mind of killer for hire, traumatized by his abusive childhood and haunted by his military past, as he embarks on a job to rescue a young girl from sex traffickers. If this premise seems familiar, believe me, the execution is anything but. Ramsey’s direction is unerringly brilliant, elevating You Were Never Really Here well beyond it’s pulpy origins to bracing, almost hallucinogenic heights. Oh, and did I mention it boasts one of Jonny Greenwood’s most adventurous scores to date? If that’s not enough to get it in your Amazon Prime queue (hint hint), then I don’t know what to tell you ...
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redditnosleep · 7 years
Has Anyone Heard of The Left/Right Game?
by NeonTempo
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 (Final)
A few points before we start.
Firstly, I am not the protagonist of this story. I just went to university with her, and though she went on to become a professional writer, I most certainly did not. She'll be taking over from me further down but, until then, please forgive my slightly awkward delivery while I give you guys the necessary context.
Secondly, I don't know what you will make of the following events, and I'm sure many of you might consider it all some sort of hoax. I wasn't present for any of what transpired in Phoenix, Arizona but I can vouch for the person who wrote the following logs. She is not, and has never been, a fantasist.
Ok so I once knew a girl called Alice Sharma. She was an undergrad at Edinburgh Uni the same time I was. My educational poison was History, a degree which has greatly benefited my career as a bicycle repairman. Alice Sharma studied journalism, though perhaps "studied" isn't the word. It's not an exaggeration to say that she lived and breathed the subject. Editor-in-chief of the campus paper, recognisable voice of student radio. She was frustratingly tunnel visioned, and she was a journalist in her own right before anyone gave her a professional shot.
We met in student halls and became friends almost immediately. A meandering waster trying to stay off his parent's farm and an intrepid, ambitious reporter may not seem the most obvious pairing, but I learned not to question it. She was inspiring, and smart and she proofread all my essays. I’m not too sure what she saw in me.
We were eventually flatmates down in London where she chased her dream and I chased my tail. She got a few jobs here and there, but nothing befitting of her skills. After months of fruitless internships and rejections, Alice called a flat meeting, telling us that she was moving to America, accepting a position chasing stories for National Public Radio. The job had come out of the blue, the result of a hail mary application she thought had been dismissed out of hand. We threw her a bittersweet going away party and put the room up for rent.
That party was the last time I saw Alice Sharma. She dropped out of contact a few months after her departure. Complete radio silence. I assumed she was just busy so I carried on with my small but happy life, and waited for her to pop up on television with some important words below her name; Chief Correspondent, Senior Analyst… something like that.
The radio silence was broken last week, and, for reasons you’ll glean further down, I’m less happy about it than I would’ve thought.
Arriving home from work I found a lone email in my otherwise bare inbox. An email that would later be described as "suspicious" by my tech literate friends. Despite being born in the early 1990's I didn't own a computer until uni, and I've missed several important lessons in the world of cyberspace. Lessons like "Don't call it Cyberspace" of course and more importantly, "Don't open emails with no text, no subject and no sender's address."
I realise most of you would have deleted this anonymous, blank email immediately, my friends certainly would have, but beyond my basic ignorance about online safety, something further compelled me to open it. The only thing of substance in the entire message was a zipped folder, labeled:
I don't have to explain what I was hoping those final initials stood for.
Opening the zipped folder I found myself staring at a stack of text files. Each one titled with a date, continuing sequentially from the very earliest file "07-02-2017". (To any Americans in the room this is the 7th of February).
I’ve since read the files a few times, and shown them to some friends. They don't know what to make of it either, but they certainly aren't as concerned as me. They think Alice is just in a creative writing phase and, if I didn't know her, I’d have to agree. But the thing is, I do know her. Alice Sharma only cares about the truth and if that's the case with these files, insane as it may sound, then it’s very possible my friend has documented her own disappearance.
The people who suggested this forum said you discuss strange occurrences etc. If you guys have come across anything to do with the below, or know any of the people involved, then please send any information my way.
Has anyone here heard of the Left/Right Game?
The Left/Right Game [DRAFT 1] 07/02/2017
They say great stories happen to those who can tell them. Robert J. Guthard is an exception to that rule. As I sit at his table, sip his coffee and listen to him recount the past 65 years it sounds like he's reading off a shopping list. Every event, his first job, his second wedding, his third divorce, none of them receive more than one or two sentences. Rob plows through the years, the curt, dispassionate curator of his own personal history. Yet the story itself is so fascinating, so rich with moments and so wildly meandering that it somehow stands on its own merits.
It's a great story, no matter how you tell it.
By the time Rob was 21, he'd gotten married, had a son, worked as a farmer, a mover, a boat engineer, and grown estranged from his spouse... Here's him talking about that.
ROB: Course my wife started to get dissatisfied, I was away a while.
AS: For work?
AS: You were in Vietnam? How was that for you?
ROB: I ain't never been back since.
That was everything he had to say concerning his first divorce, and the entire Vietnam war.
Rob had four marriages after that, and even more professions. After the war he worked with a firm of private detectives, got shot at once by the mob, then he became a courier, which is how a poor boy from Alabama got to see the world.
ROB: I been to most of the continents with that job. I been to India. You from India?
AS: My mum and dad are from India yeah.
ROB: See I could tell.
He'd been arrested once in Singapore, after one of his packages had been found to be full of white powder. He spent three days locked up before someone got around to checking the substance. It was chalk.
A friend he made during his brief custody, Hiroji Sato, invited Rob to stay with him in Japan. Just getting over the breakup of his third marriage, Rob took the offer. He stayed in Japan for another 5 years.
ROB: The Japanese are good people. Good manners. But they got all these urban legends and ghost stories that Hiroji was crazy for, spent all his free time chasing them down. Like, you heard of Jorogumo?
AS: I don't think so"
ROB: Well she's this spider lady lives in the Joro Falls round Izu. Meant to be real pretty but real dangerous. Hiroji took us out there to get a picture of her.
AS: Did you ever meet Jorogumo?
ROB Nah she didn't show. None of them did. I didn't believe at all until we went to Aokigahara
Aokigahara, affectionately titled the Suicide Forest. The next stop on Rob's adventure. It's an area of woodland at the base of Mount Fuji, a notorious hotspot for young people looking to take their own lives. Hiroji, Rob's ghost obsessed jailmate turned best friend, took him to Aokigahara to chase "yurei" the ghosts of the forest.
AS: Did you find anything? In Aokigahara?
ROB: Well I ain't gonna ask you to believe me. But I was a PI. Professional cynic. Even I can't deny there was a spirit in those woods.
From that moment on, Rob's sentences start getting longer. A childlike excitement creeps into his voice. I get the distinct feeling we're moving beyond background, beyond Rob Guthard's old life, and towards his new one. The one he wants to talk about. The one that led him to contact the show.
ROB: It walked up to me through the trees. Looked like static you see on a TV screen but it had a human shape almost.
AS: Almost?
ROB: It was missing an arm. It reached out to me but I bolted outta that forest so fast. Hiroji never saw it, holds it against me to this day.
Hiroji had good reason to be annoyed. Rob says that Mr Sato had been going to the forest 2-3 times per year for three decades. To have a rookie come along and claim to have seen a yurei on his first trip? I'd be more than a little cranky.
But Rob didn't stay a rookie for long. In fact, it was in those woods that he discovered his current passion. The supernatural, or more accurately, the documentation and investigation of urban legends. Legends like Bloody Mary, the Jersey Devil, Sasquatch. Rob has looked into them all.
ROB: I figured if one was true then who knows how many others could be.
AS: How many have you proven so far?
ROB: Since Aokigahara? Ain't none of em had any proof to em. Except for one. That's why I called you guys up.
At this point, Rob can’t hope to repress his smile.
The Left/Right game appeared on a paranormal message board in June 2016. Only a few people frequently visited the forum and, of these regulars, only Rob took an interest in the post.
ROB: The whole thing had a level of detail you don't see in other stories.
AS: What details grabbed your interest?
ROB: Logs. High quality pictures. The guy documented everything, said he wasn't gonna play the game anymore. I think he wanted somebody to keep investigating.
AS: And you were that somebody.
ROB: That's right. I set about trying to verify his information right away.
AS: And how did it go?
ROB: Well... It didn't take long to realise the Left/Right Game is the real thing.
The rules of the Left/Right game are simple. Get in your car and take a drive. Take a left, then the next possible road on the right, then the next possible left. Repeat the process ad infinitum, until you wind up somewhere... new. The rules are easy to understand, but Rob says their not so easy to follow.
ROB: There ain't all that many roads where you can turn left and right and left and right and keep going. Most of the time you find yourself at a dead end or needing to turn in the wrong direction. Phoenix is built on a grid system so you can keep going left and right as long as you need to.
AS: Did you move to Phoenix for the Left/Right game?
ROB: That's right.
I try not to seem incredulous. Selling your house in another state, packing up and moving your whole life to Phoenix, Arizona just to play a game you saw on the internet? It seems like insanity. Rob smiles as he reads my expression. I can clearly read his expression too. "You'll see." It says. "Just wait."
I wouldn't have to wait long. Included within the 9 page submission Rob sent our show, was a long list of suggested items the chosen reporter should bring with them. Clothes for three days, a pocket knife, matches, bandages. There were also a set of qualifications the reporter should have. The ability to drive, basic vehicle maintenance and its human equivalent... first aid training. He didn't just want to talk about the Left/Right Game. He wanted to take one of us along.
Rob leaves a short while later to embark on a few errands, "Prepping the Run", as he calls it. He shows me to the guest room and we part ways, on good terms but very much aware of the other's poorly veiled opinions. He knew I saw him as a charming obsessive, chasing after a fairy tale. He saw me as a naive cynic, on the cusp of a new world. All I could think as I heard the front door close is that by tomorrow afternoon, one of us would be right.
More after this.
When I wake up the next morning, Rob is in my room, holding a tray which he'd knocked on the bottom of to rouse me. I don't manage to record the start of our conversation.
ROB: - I got bananas, strawberries, chocolate syrup. We got some more downstairs but I wanted you to wake up to something good. We won't be eatin' this stuff on the road."
Rob has made me waffles. He sets them down on the night stand and talks through the coming day as I eat. I'll admit it feels a little uncomfortable, waking up in a stranger's home to find said stranger already standing over me, but I quickly move past it. I tell myself that he’s an older man, accustomed to living alone in his own house, not usually having to think about boundaries. Anyway, he certainly knows his way around a waffle iron.
ROB: We hit the road at 9. I wanted to give you time to get ready before everyone shows up.
AS: There are other people coming?
ROB: We got a 5 car convoy on the road today. They'll be here in an hour.
This is the first I’ve heard of a convoy, and to be honest I’m surprised. The game is Rob's obsession, and I’m here at his request. The idea that anyone else would have an interest in today's drive is a little perplexing.
Half an hour later, sated, showered and dressed in the "functional clothing" Rob had so painstakingly outlined, I take my pack out to the porch. Rob’s already there, waiting for his associates to show up.
AS: I thought you'd be conducting a few more errands.
ROB: If you ain't prepared by the morning of, you ain't prepared.
AS: Hah ok I guess that's fair. Oh, Rob is the garage locked? The inside door won't budge and I wanted to mic up the car.
ROB: Yeah it's locked up I'll open it for ya.
AS: Thank you.
ROB: In fact it's about time I wheeled her out. Fair warning Ms Sharma, she's a thing of beauty.
To Rob Guthard, beauty took the form of a dark green Jeep Wrangler. Rob climbs in and lets it roll out of the garage, where it dominates every inch of driveway. The car is large; four doors with a roof enclosing the entire compartment. It’s also been modified extensively, yet another example of Rob's dedication to the game.
ROB: What're you thinking?
AS: I think you're two caterpillar treads short of driving a tank.
ROB: Hah yeah I fixed her up good. I put the winch in, heavy duty tires, the light rig on top is LED's. They'll make midnight look like noon but they don't use hardly any power.
AS: Aren't Jeeps open top usually?
ROB: Not all. This is the Unlimited. I like to have a covered car when I head on the road.
I climb in and stow my pack. Rob had removed the back seats to afford more storage space. The place is packed to the brim. Jerry cans of gasoline, barrels of water, rope, snacks and his own neatly packed set of clothes.
I wonder if the rest of our convoy would take the game so seriously.
ROB: We got Apollo coming up in 10 minutes. No one else has given me a time. I sent the schedule weeks ago, this always happens.
AS: His name's Apollo?
ROB: That's his call sign. Apollo Creed I think he said.
AS: Why are you using call signs?
ROB: Did I not tell you? Oh yeah we're gonna use call signs on the road, keep communication clear.
AS: What's your callsign?
ROB: Ferryman.
AS: ... What's my call sign?
ROB: I thought about it. I was thinking London, you're from London right?
AS: I'm from Bristol.
ROB: Bristol? That’s fine I guess.
It’s less than ten minutes before Apollo turns the corner. Rob jumps out of his chair and paces briskly over to the edge of his property, as his first guest pulls up and steps onto the sidewalk.
Apollo vaguely resembles his namesake, dark skinned, tall and noticeably well built, though it’s clear he couldn’t be less of a fighter. This Apollo Creed is all smiles and seems to have a penchant for laughing at his own jokes.
AS: How far have you come?
APOLLO: I've come out of Chicago. Took three days hard driving.
AS: And you know Rob from the forums?
APOLLO: Everybody knows Rob, Rob's the god! Ahaha
Rob walks over to Apollo's car, gesturing him over to talk shop. Rob’s clearly impressed with Apollo's choice of vehicle, a blue Range Rover packed to the ceiling with kit. I was more impressed with Rob himself. Somehow this 65 year old farmer's son had become respected in a vast online community. My dad is Rob’s age and he's just discovered copy and paste.
The rest don't take long to arrive. Two Minnesotan librarians, also around Rob's age, pull up in a grey Ford Focus. They’re brother and sister, and they've shared ghost hunting as a hobby their entire lives. I find it hard to suppress a smile when they meekly introduce themselves as Bonnie and Clyde.
CLYDE: We would have gotten here sooner we had to drop by to get some blankets. Pleasure to meet you ma'am.
AS: Pleasure to meet you too.
CLYDE: Would you be the journalist?
AS: That's right.
CLYDE: You used to write for the town paper didn't you?
He's talking to his sister there, she nods. Clyde is clearly the spokesperson for the pair, yet they both seem incredibly shy. Whether they admire the famous outlaws, or just the name, it's pretty clear they couldn't be more different from the real thing.
Next to show up are Lilith and Eve, English Lit students at New York University and proprietors of the YouTube channel Paranormicon. Unlike Bonnie and Clyde, Lilith and Eve have no issue holding a conversation. As soon as they learn who I am, and what I do for a living, they attempt to conscript me for an expedition to Roswell.
LILITH: We have a friend there, he's been seeing some-
EVE: -He's a seismologist
LILITH: Yeah and he's been recording readings over the years that show subterranean movement. Predictable movement.
EVE: We're going to see him in July, but we could work it around you if you're free.
AS: I'll have to check my schedule
EVE: OK cool let me give you my email...
They quickly hurry off to film an intro for their latest video, featuring a quick interview with Rob, who seems pretty welcoming of the attention.
The last two cars arrive within a few seconds of each other. A lithe, strong willed older lady who goes by Bluejay and a younger man going by the callsign “Ace”. Bluejay has arrived in a grey Ford Explorer. Ace, much to Rob's annoyance, has arrived in a Porsche.
ROB: Did you think that's gonna help on the road? I didn't write that-
ACE: It's my car. What am I meant to do,? It's my car.
ROB: You didn't read my itinerary, you got nothing packed in there.
ACE: I did read it sir OK? Calm down. I have a bag, I won't ask you for anything.
ROB: Well I know that's true.
Ace and Rob were off to a bad start. Ace takes a phone call, and despite my best efforts to get an interview with Bluejay, she doesn't seem interested in talking to a journalist.
With five cars, and seven travellers waiting for a green light, Rob hands out radios and charging packs, then launches into a quick safety briefing. Wear seatbelts. Stay in position. Communicate clearly and often. It’s at this moment I start to feel a little dismay. I like Rob, and clearly so does everyone else. He'd convinced all of them to drive across the country to join in with his game. I start to worry what will happen in the likely event that the whole thing isn’t real. Would Rob lose the respect of his peers? Would he accept failure when it comes? After seeing the effort he’s put into these runs, the next few hours have the potential to be wildly uncomfortable.
With a smile and a few encouraging words, Rob ends his briefing and beckons me over to the Wrangler. I clamber inside and make myself as comfortable as possible.
ROB: You ready for this Bristol?
AS: I'm ready.
ROB: Ok then let's hit the road.
The Wrangler pulls out of the driveway, and the convoy follows in order of arrival. Apollo, Bonnie & Clyde, Lilith & Eve, Bluejay and Ace keep a steady pace behind us as we come up to the first corner.
Rob slowly and deliberately turns left, checking on the others in his rear view mirror. He looks back to the road as Ace’s Porsche completes the first turn of the game. Shortly afterwards, Apollo checks in on the CB radio.
APOLLO: This is Apollo for Ferryman. How many to more go Rob? ahahaha
ROB: Hah as many as it takes.
I can tell Rob wanted the to reserve the radio for something other than Apollo's quips. But he seems to like Apollo enough to let it slide. I'm not sure Ace would have received the same treatment. We take the next right, then another left. Now safely assured that everyone's following correctly, Rob speaks my thoughts aloud.
ROB: You're wondering the same thing Apollo is.
AS: What do you mean?
ROB: You're wondering how many turns we're gonna take before we hit some wall or something. Before you find out this is all just a story.
AS: Does that disappoint you?
ROB: I'd be disappointed if you weren't thinking something like it. But now we're on the road I gotta say something and you gotta listen to it.
AS: OK...
ROB: We're coming up to a tunnel soon. Any time before we reach it you can get out, walk in any direction you like, and you won’t be in the game no more. Once we go through, you gotta retrace the route we took to get yourself back out that tunnel. That's when you’re home. And you gotta convince someone to take you back in a car coz I ain't ferrying you back 20 minutes in. You got till the tunnel to skip out on this, understand?
AS: I understand. Though I have to say I'm getting little nervous.
ROB: Ain't nothing wrong with a little nervous.
We've taken 23 turns by this point. Already I feel like we're traversing the city pretty effectively. Rob's heavily modified Wrangler solicits a few impressed glances from passersby, as well as several honks of respect from other Jeep drivers. Other than those few moments, everything seems completely indistinguishable from a regular morning drive. I even start to worry if there’ll be anything at all for this story. “Reporter Takes Drive With Interesting Man” isn’t exactly Pulitzer worthy.
Turn 33 leads us onto a short, unassuming street. A row of small businesses in a quiet Phoenician neighbourhood; liquor, second hand clothing, tools and, at the end of the street, a little shop selling antique mirrors. Ten or so people shuffle along the sidewalk, smiling, talking, planning their weekends. The only lone person is a young woman in a grey coat..
I briefly glimpse her at the end of the street, standing on our next corner, the back of her coat reflected in fifty old mirrors. Even from a distance I can see that she’s sullen, wide eyed and nervous. She shifts constantly on her feet, tugging at the button of her coat.
I look away to write some notes as we roll down the street. When I look up again, the woman is standing by my window, staring right at me. She’s smiling, a wide, unfaltering grin that seems almost offensive in its complete insincerity.
GREYWOMAN: Lambs at the gate. Hoping for something better than clover when all they find are things worse than slaughter.
AS: Rob what's happening?
ROB: Ignore her.
GREYWOMAN: He wanted to leave me so I cut him out. The lake was hungry it drank the wound clean.
AS: Miss, are you alright?
The smile vanishes, it snaps from her face and suddenly, the woman is furious.
GREYWOMAN: What do you think you're doing?! Have you gone mad?!
I reflexively press myself back in my chair as the woman, wild eyed and gaunt, slams her fists against my window, with every intent of breaking through.
GREYWOMAN: Would you dance down the lion’s tongue? It will shred you, you whore! It will shred you down to your sins! You fucking bastard!
Rob puts his foot down, and the Wrangler rolls defiantly away from the woman. As we turn the corner I watch her as she wretches, her every movement cradled in abject hysteria. She yells despairingly at the rest of the convoy, bursting into tears when the last car passes her by.
As she shrinks into the rear view mirror, I see her turn to a large mirror on the side of the shop, which the owner is in the process of polishing. I watch as she walks up to it, and with a convulsant scream, slams her head into the glass.
The mirror cracks around her forehead, the owner jumps back in shock, and as the woman pulls her head from the mirror's surface, the fractured spider’s web is dripping red. It all happens in a split second, and she quickly swerves from my view as we take the next left.
AS: Rob, what was that?
ROB: She's there sometimes.
AS: On that street?
ROB: On the 34th turn.
AS: Who is she?
ROB: I don't know. She's never acted out that much before though. Must be a special trip.
I find Rob's lack of concern a little unpleasant, and his implication that this woman's ravings were the symptom of an internet game leaves me more than a little perturbed. As I see it, there are a few explanations for what just happened, and none of them lead to a comforting conclusion.
If we had just encountered a bonafide crazy person, then one could argue that Rob is just seeing what he wants to see. Maybe he'd bought into the game’s story so much that every strange but explainable occurrence would be rationalised as the next step in his favourite paranormal narrative.
Alternatively, the woman could have been an actor, a more elaborate theory sure, but not unheard of. People have lied to the show before and Rob was receiving a tonne of publicity for this attempt from Lilith, Eve and I. I admit, Rob didn't seem like a liar, but good liars never do.
There is a third alternative however. An alternative which, if you put logic aside, explains the all troubling little details that I couldn't help but notice. Because as strange as the grey woman was, isn't it stranger that no one on the street would react? I couldn't recall a single glance in her direction by anybody on the sidewalk. Perhaps that theory falls apart when you consider the shock on the mirror seller's face but, when I think about it, he only reacted once the mirror shattered, and even then, I feel like his attention was on the mirror itself.
The radio crackles.
LILITH: Lillith to Bristol. Sara... Eve got that on camera! Do you have audio?
AS: I think it picked her up.
LILITH: My god that was so weird. Can you send us the file when we stop? Can you ask Ferryman when we're stopping?
AS: When's our stopping point?
ROB: For them, in about 30 minutes. For you? Well, you tell me.
Rob turns off a busy street just before a large intersection, onto a much quieter stretch of two lane road. Ahead of us the road slopes downward, leading into an underpass, which disappears into darkness.
We'd arrived at the tunnel.
AS: What is this supposed to pass under?
ROB: Ain't supposed to pass under anything, it's just there.
AS: And if we weren't playing the game?
ROB: Then it won't show. The question is, are you playing the game or not?
Rob turns to me. It’s the first time he’s taken his eyes off the road since we started. He pulls the car to a slow stop at the mouth of the tunnel.
ROB: You get out now you can go wherever you wanna go, but through there you'll need a car to get yourself home and, like I said, mine ain't turnin round for a long while. You understand?
It’s a dramatic statement, but unsettlingly, it doesn’t feel like he’s attempting to dramatise. It feels like I’m having something genuinely asked of me. Am I ready for what’s to come? Do I accept the risks involved? Do I consent to be taken down this road, and the next road, and the next? Am I prepared to see this game through, real or otherwise, to its end?
AS: What are you waiting for?
Rob smiles, and turns back to the road. He picks up the CB radio holds down the button on the side. The microphone crackles.
ROB: This is Ferryman to all cars. Anyone want to step out then pull to the side now. Otherwise, stay in formation and have some supplies at hand. We got a long ways to go.
Much like the game I’m so tentatively playing, my view of Robert J. Guthard seems to change direction frequently. I’d heard all about his life, but I’m sure that I know him. I like the guy, but I’m not certain that I trust him. And though I admire his dedication to the Left/Right Game, I’m not sure I’ll like where it might lead us. Yet as he takes us into the tunnel, his face vanishing and reappearing under the dim sodium lights, I can that tell he expects this trip to be a major step in his already impressive story, and this time, for better or for worse, I’m along for the ride.
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furederiko · 7 years
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Today's Random-News-Digest is of course related to the happenings of San Diego Comic Con International 2017. Some recent news after that event are also included. This is just part 1 of 2 though, with the second arriving... hopefully soon (the plan is tomorrow, but we'll see). LOL.
Death Note
I believe by now, fans of the original Japanese franchise (manga nor anime) should STOP wishing for a faithful and bit-by-bit adaptation in this Hollywood movie. At the very least, it might be best to NOT even expect it to be one. Director Adam Wingard brought some of his cast to Netflix first Hall H panel for SDCC 2017 (on July 20th), and once again stressed out that this movie is 'his personal take' on the source material. He even said he was interested to work on it, with the goal to "breath new life into a great premise". That pretty much summed it up, if you ask me. Wingard was accompanied by Margaret Qualley, Lakeith Stanfield, Masi Oka, and obviously, lead actor Nat Wolff who said that he wrote his own 'Death Note' as soon as he got the part. Creepy... much? Actor Willem Dafoe didn't attend, by his voice was featured to present a special clip from the movie.
The clip depicted the first meeting of Wolff's meek and angsty Light Turner and Dafoe's sinister-looking but clown-like 'shinigami' (God of Death) Ryuk. Light opens the 'Death Note', and Ryuk unveils himself to the boy, taunting him to write the name of his bully, Kenny Doyle. And the rest is history. For the clip, and not Doyle. No way Netlix going to spoil the movie's first R-rated scene, right? LOL. Said footage, which has been made available by Netflix via their Youtube channel, is precisely another (the first being the American cast and setting) solid proof to why this is not a direct adaptation of the manga. While Light and Ryuk still retain traces of their manga/anime characterization, they really feel like a different incarnations. Rather than consciously accepting the book, it felt like this version of Light was being 'tricked' to use it instead. I could be wrong on this, because I'm not an avid fan of the manga/anime, but I honestly remember it... differently. Also, this Light is giving off a strong vibe of Jughead from "Riverdale" if he was pushed too far, so picture that if you will. Ryuk was more or less similar to the source material, thanks to Dafoe's eerie vocal-tone. But the design... made it a bit hard to fear, nor even be wary of him. And here I am remembering how the anime Ryuk gave me nightmares for a good while when I saw him for the first time.
Wingard stated that audience can expect to see 'humor' in this movie too, so it won't be all-out horror. To put it simple, this movie will have its own 'dark comedy'. Hmmm... I'm not really sure what to say about that. I have to admit, I'm really curious to see this movie. Yet on the other hand, I'm not fully sold about it, for reasons I can't even really tell. The early reviews didn't sound too bad, but also NOT too good. So it hasn't really cleared out this personal doubt of mine. Go ahead and read them, perhaps it might convince you... better. "Death Note" arrives on Netflix, August 25th, 2017.
Are you a fan of "Spawn", was disappointed by the 1997's movie (for the record, I thought it was okay, even if I never managed to get past the first half LOL), and has been itching to get a modern live action movie adaptation? Well, then you're in luck. Todd McFarlane has personally announced that he will be writing and also directing a new R-rated movie for Blumhouse Studio! If that wasn't clear enough, McFarlane is THE series own creator. This project has been pitched as a low-budget horror movie, and it's really an intriguing take on what's supposed to be a CG-heavy movie. Guess who he wanted to play the lead character, an NYPD detective named Twitch Williams? Leonardo Dicaprio. Wow, that's a really TALL order... for a now Oscar winner actor. Let's just see if it pans out.
Fantastic Four
Quite surprisingly, 20th Century FOX didn't brought out their Marvel franchise like "Deadpool 2" or "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" to their SDCC panel this year. Instead, they brought the sequel to "Kingsman" which I will talk about in the next category. That doesn't mean the studio weren't making headlines though. In the panel of the TV series "LEGION" (which I will also talk about later in the TV section... *sigh*) that took place July 20th in Ballroom 20, showrunner Noah Hawley made a major announcement. He's developing a movie for FOX, and it's going to be about... "Doctor Doom". That's not the title of course, but I'll use that instead.
Honestly, I'm not even sure how to react about this. As proven by his hit series "Fargo" and also "LEGION", Hawley is indeed a name you can trust. So the prospect of him working on a Marvel title for the big screen, would make his devoted fans cheer. On the other hand, do we really NEED another Doctor Doom story? FOX have tried to work with this character twice, and both failed miserably (though I'd gladly argue at least Julian McMahon's version was still much better than Toby Kebbell's horrendous version in that awful 2015 movie). So why, pray tell WHY must they continue milking this character eventhough the well of potential is pretty much dry? And that's where I'm starting to get a little pissed off. It's more than clear than FOX will do ANYTHING to keep the "Fantastic Four" copyright from automatically reverting to Marvel. The 2015 "Dis4ster Four" was a good example of this annoyingly negative behavior, and now this.
Making a Doctor Doom movie without a Fantastic Four, would be similar to what SONY is doing with Spider-Man-less Venom. It feels like a FATAL mistake. Would Victor von Doom work in a solo spin-off too, much like what they did with "Logan" and "Deadpool"? In the comics, the answer might easily be YES. But this is a movie, and I need not to remind you, FOX has an infamously BAD track-record in adapting this amazing antagonist to live action. So yeah, should I be cheering, or should I be jeering at this 'idea'? I can't even answer that. I don't think anyone in their right mind would! Oh well, let's just see how this develops. But really, this spells... DOOM!
Have you been wondering where Anne Hathaway went? It felt like she somewhat faded away from mainstream publicity after singing herself towards an Oscar win... and got married. She's probably taking more Indie projects like "Collosal" though, and American indie movies don't really get much spotlight in a far away land like my country. But we can expect this to change in the near future with a potential high profile project on the way.
Latest report has it that she's currently in talks to star as in the live action "Barbie" movie. This Mattel toy line project has previously circled Amy Schumer for the lead role, who has to drop it due to scheduling conflicts. Director Alethea Jones has been brought into negotiation, after being handpicked by Hathaway herself. Assuming the plot of the movie stays the same, it will tell the story of a woman realizing she doesn't fit into the perfect land of Barbies and thus journeys to the real world. So basically, "Enchanted" part Deux, which I think is a really good fit for her. With this project (assuming she takes it), as well as the "Ocean's 8" spin off, I think we can expect Hathaway to be back in the spotlight once again. "Barbie" is currently set for a June 29th, 2018 release, but that is subject to change to match with Hathaway's schedule.
Okay, let's leave that bizarre Doctor Doom reality aside, and talk about what's likely going to be good... "Kingsman: The Golden Circle"!!! The cast of the sequel attended the FOX panel, and entertained audience with a chug of beer and fresh mind-popping second trailer. And wow, was it really good! The actions, and all the style and swaggers? It was SOLID for me. Oddly, eventhough I've been a fan of Taron Egerton's Eggsy and his classy team of Kingsman, I'm slowly growing a weird fondness to the American counterpart instead: the Statesman. Particularly, that hispanic cowboy character with the electric lasso rope who is played by none other than Pedro Pascal. He's a real scene stealer in this trailer, and to think that he's not even getting his name top-billed for the movie. Ouch! "Kingsman: The Golden Circle" is set to be released on September 22nd, 2017. And it's TOTALLY on my watch list!
By the way, there's also an interesting animated short where Eggsy runs into... the infamous Sterling Archer from the FXX series "Archer"! If you're a fan of both worlds, make sure you see it. Because well, it's hillarious!
James Bond
You want a more serious, non-comic-adaptation spy movie? Then well... "Bond 25" (obviously a placeholder title) has been announced. The Hollywood Reporter first delivered the news, before it was officially confirmed by Eon Productions. Yes, the 25th James Bond movie has gotten a release date, of November 8th, 2019. Meaning two years from now.
Unfortunately, that's pretty much the whole content of the news. There were no details whatsoever. Thus everyone got pushed into this weird 'curious' mode, with plenty of important questions being thrown around. What is the movie's title and/or subtitle? Does the movie have an actor? Is Daniel Craig really returning, and if he's not... who's the replacement? Will we be getting a female Bond, following what happens to the hit series "Doctor Who"? Come again, which studio has won the distribution bid? Because I totally haven't caught that announcement. Many sites began developing their own take, or should I say 'theories' about this announcement, and well... for now, they are nothing more than that, theories. Some have said that Craig is a done deal. Other said that the franchise will be sold off after this one movie. Then again, until there's another official confirmation (said to be announced at a later date), it's pretty much anyone's guess, right? So yeah... perhaps we should let it slide for now, and just look forward for "Kingsman" for the time being.
LEGO Movies
2nd trailer for the "The LEGO NINJAGO Movie" was premiered in the SDCC 2017 panel, and was later made available online by Warner Bros Animation. And well... I'm still mixed about it. The pseudo-brick animation style of "The LEGO Movie" is very clear here, moreso than "The LEGO Batman Movie"... particularly with that hybrid scene featuring a real life CAT. Which I'm positive wasn't CGed (assuming it's not the case of "The Jungle Book"). So fans of that first movie will be thrilled.
But at the same time, this felt like a drastic difference compared to the hit TV series. And that is the part that's not working for me. As I've said once before, having been invested with the show for SEVEN Seasons (which is a great achievement, since I normally wouldn't go pass Season 2 for other shows), it's just hard to make good sense out of this... 'ALTERNATE UNIVERSE' version. I'm not even sure how I feel about seeing Dave Franco's Lloyd as an awkward high schooler, with the others being hi classmates. It just screamed too... "Power Rangers"-y to me, and I truly never expected them to go that route *sigh*. Not to mention, Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood" was just grating on my nerves, no matter how appropriate it was used to depict Lloyd's fractured relationship with Garmaddon (which seems to be the core plot of the movie).Perhaps, this movie is intended for those with ZERO experience in the franchise, then? Likely so. Anyways, whether you're digging this or not, "The LEGO NINJAGO Movie" will still arrive on September 22nd, 2017. Let's just see how the critics and audience will react to this version.
Ready Player One
If Walt Disney has critically-praised director Ava DuVernay and her "A Wrinkle in Time", then Warner Bros' secret weapon is none other than... legendary filmmaker Steven Spielberg and his "Ready Player One". Nope, by all means, I'm not pitting these two people and their totally different movies. I just need to point out how they are SIMILAR to one another. Because both are working on a movie based on a supposedly famous and fan-favorite novel that... I haven't had the slightest idea about. No seriously, I have been seeing these titles being headlined every now and then, yet I was totally clueless about them. Were they good? Don't ask me. I've never even heard them before, so all I did was scratching my head wondering how they ended up being so highly talked-about. One thing for sure, it wasn't until I've seen the first trailers to those movies that I could say... "Aaaah, so THAT's what this book is all about". That's a genuine LOL moment right there.
Since I've dished out about my confusion for "A Wrinkle in Time" last week (thanks to the movie making a big splash on D23 Expo 2017), this time I'll shashay into the second title. Mainly because the movie was among the major features of WB's SDCC Hall H panel, alongside "Blade Runner 2049" and of course DC Films (which I will talk about in the next category). Spielberg attended the section of this panel with book writer and co-screenwriter Ernie Cline, co-screenwriter Zak Penn, and cast members Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, Ben Mendelsohn and T.J. Miller. The director shared his thoughts about the movie, as well as presenting the first official teaser. Since this is WB, obviously we could easily expect said video to arrive online right after the panel, and of course it did. Exclusives footage for attendees? That's not their thing... LOL
Turns out, "Ready Player One" is like a live action version of "The LEGO Batman Movie", or Disney's "Wreck-It Ralph". It's Cline's love letter to the 80s, and also the technology of Virtual Reality. The trailer didn't shy away from this premise, as it showed plenty of nostalgic stuffs like "The Iron Giant", Lara Croft, Freddy Krueger, DC characters to "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", and all. Though of course, most of them are WB's own properties, no surprise about that. LOL. We get to experience this massive virtual space where everything collides, through Sheridan's Wade Wyatts, a young man living in the year 2045. He'll go through a fantasy reality-bending adventure to locate an Easter Egg inside the OASIS, because whoever fins it, gains control of the virtual reality world. That kind of stuff. Yes, it's a grand concept, and the trailer seemed to wow practically everyone.
But I'm probably in the minority here to say that, it was not that... 'mindblowing' for me. Perhaps, because I've already seen this concept before, over and over again through other media? I'm not sure. It's the case of "The Hunger Games" I think, where western audience saw it as a new concept, whereas it's basically a 'been-there done-that' in Japanese entertainment. So in a way, I've been there before, hence it didn't feel that original no matter how glorious the CG effects looked. But don't let this subjective opinion ruins your hype. Not everyone saw "Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle", right? If you're digging the vibe of this movie, then good for you! If you're not, then we're on the same team. There's one for everyone after all! "Ready Player One" arrives on March 30th, 2018. And yes, that's 3 weeks after "A Wrinkle in Time". Coincidence much? Hmmm...
DC Films
"Justice League" is set to be released on November 17th, 2017. So should we even be surprised to see WB bringing the core cast to their panel? Nope. Minus Henry Cavill though, since he's busy filming "Mission: Impossible 6" with a troubling thick mustache (why? more in this later). Beside, he wasn't even shown in the latest appetizer official poster (available through the official twitter account). To which I'm not a fan by the way, even if it's been given almost unanimous praises all over the globe. "You can't save the world alone", the tagline said. A sarcastic statement towards Cavil's Superman's for "Man of Steel", perhaps?
Oh, and of course there would be a new trailer. Duh? Remember, this is WB we're talking about. If the first one that Zack Snyder (when the absent director was still solely in charge) debuted in last year's SDCC showed action scenes, CG flares, photoshoot poses, with a relatively small amount of story, this one had more balance between character interactions and battle sets. Longer duration too, clocking at more than 4 minutes! And yes, that means more of J.K. Simmons' Commissioner Gordon and Jeremy Iron's Alfred Pennyworth. To be honest, I'm also not a fan of this trailer. It didn't really made me want to see the movie, which has become a constant issue between me and WB's marketing department. I DO like it better than the poster though, because it's clearly taking many good cues from "Wonder Woman". In many ways, it also felt... a bit similar to Joss Whedon's "The Avengers". That scene with an antagonist arriving near a macguffin? Or the heroes talking in a meeting room esque setting? Yeaaah. No surprise, because the movie's pretty much in Whedon's hand right now. Sadly, similar to "Ready Player One", had this was released before the 2012 Marvel Studios movie, I would've responded in a much better manner. For this time, it felt like an odd dejavu instead.
However, the biggest takeaway from the panel, would be the other non-Justice League-related news. Because WB confirmed a parade of projects currently in development, as well as some new projects in the works. There are 8 big titles in the works! It's currently unclear if they are chronologically ordered, but they are: - "Shazam!". Prior to the panel, "Shazam!" was already reported to be starting production in early 2018. If not in January, in February. So it's safe to assume it might be released in 2019, that's the goal anyway. While WB hasn't revealed, or even cast the lead actor just yet (perhaps, Armie Hammer?), David F. Sandberg has been assigned to direct. - "Flashpoint". The new official title for Ezra Miller's solo movie. After losing directors over and over again, WB has decided to go ahead and just do an adaptation of the massive storyline. And this might be the most unexpected and shocking reveal of them all, that immediately raised up concerns and speculations in the fanbase. Why? In the comic, "Flashpoint" was used to... RESET the DC Universe!!! The event in that movie, ultimately created a new timeline, that sequed DC Comics into the New 52 era. Does this imply that... WB is attempting to do the same with their live action movies? So EARLY in the game? Is this their way to fix the mess that was caused by Snyder? Or a direct response to Marvel Studios' sequel to "Spider-Man: Homecoming"? Hmmmm. It's clear that this movie won't make it to fulfill its initial March 16th, 2018 release, due to Miller's commitment with "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2". But there's also no telling if the studio would be able to rush it for a 2018 release. No director is currently attached, but safe money is leaning towards Phil Lord and Christopher Miller after their departure from "Star Wars". - "Wonder Woman 2". This year's "Wonder Woman" is DC's first critical and financial success since "The Dark Knight", so a direct sequel is practically a no-brainer. Not to mention, director Patty Jenkins have been working on a script with Geoff Johns, that will put Gal Gadot's Diana Prince in the 80s. Jenkins might even return to direct the movie, though that part was not yet confirmed. This movie has recently been confirmed for a December 13th, 2019 release. - "Suicide Squad 2". Just earlier this month, we have heard that Jaume Collet-Serra has been the frontrunner to direct the sequel. Will Smith and Margot Robbie are expected to reprise their roles as Deadshot and Harley Quinn. - "The Batman". Yes, looks like that IS indeed the official title. And we know that Matt Reeves will begin working on this title as soon as he's done promoting "War of the Planet of the Apes". Hot negative report (not rumor) was running rampant prior to SDCC 2017, that current Batman actor Ben Affleck might be walking out of the DC Extended Universe. Especially with the fact that Reeves won't be using Affleck's script that he has written with Johns. Thanks to that, Affleck had to blatantly give a public response. He pretty much confirmed his involvement as a lead actor in the solo Batman movie. Oddly, he never blatantly denied that he's leaving the DCEU after this movie. So in a way, that's just him smart talking his way out of difficult conversation. Suffice to say, it was NOT a nice moment. - "Batgirl". Whedon has openly revealed to IGN that he'll start working on "Batgirl" next year as well. Likely after his obligations to 'help a friend' with the post producton of "Justice League" is wrapped. - "Green Lantern Corps". I think... David Goyer was working on this? The movie had been given a 2020 release window in WB's old announcement. It's unclear if it will still keep up with this plan. - "Justice League Dark". Last we heard, Doug Liman has walked out of this title. But that was due to his conflicting schedules and commitment with other studios. Since this is the last title on the list, there's always a chance that he might be back on board. After all, WB needs the self-proclaimed 'greatest director' in the world, right?
These announcements sounded GRAND and AMBITIOUS and all... but should we really be excited about them? I'm not sure. It obviously caused mixed reaction in the internet, triggering plenty of questions in various media in regards to DC Films' long-term plan. The way I see it, WB was just the KING of big talk as usual... eventhough they don't really have a good track record of keeping up with their words. I honestly doubt the studio came fully prepared for this panel, and that those titles were merely another temporary placeholders that might come and go without certainty. Several titles that have been headlining in the medias for a while now, were conspicuously MISSING from the lineup. Remember Dwayne Johnson's much reported "Black Adam", Ray Fisher's supposed solo movie "Cyborg", "Justice League Part 2" that originally was set for a 2019 release, the heavily rumored "Man of Steel 2", and David Ayer's "Gotham City Siren"? Not to mention, a recent entry in the rumor circuit that talked about a Harley Quinn vs. Joker movie, that started as soon as SDCC began? Yeah, those titles were a no show. They might even be gone for good.
With WB only releasing one movie next year in form of Jason Momoa's "Aquaman", we should expect most of these newly announced title to arrive as soon as 2019. I hope they won't get carried away and act bullish by releasing 4 titles a year. Even Marvel Studios took almost 10 years before finally deciding to release 3 per year. Then again, that's certainly their main intention, especially if we put into account that they HAVE 4 release dates for 2020 now! Does this mean, we get the first 4 of those movies in 2019, then another 4 in 2020? I don't know how I can even begin to fathom that...
Also, WB just can't catch a break. After sort of 'debunking' (technically, that's just smart corporate talking) a previous rumor about Batffleck, another one already hit the studio as soon as SDCC 2017 was wrapped. Variety reported that the reshoot process for "Justice League" has been causing issues for the studio. This report was backed by The Hollywood Reporter, that called it 'substantial'. Apparently, the extensive extra production took a toll of $25 million, roughly the cost of a separate mid-budget movie! Budget for additional photographies in big budget Hollywood movies generally cost between $6-10 million. Production duration was also dragged on for roughly two months, causing scheduling headaches to its cast members. Momoa and Gadot had to spend 2 weeks worth, while Affleck is still filming new scenes this week. In the case of Cavill, as I've mentioned above, a special post-production budget will be required to digitally remove his natural mustache.
Thanks to this bizarre new scenario, Whedon would also be getting a producing and/or screenplay credit, due to him spending more time than planned to finish the movie and add much-needed 'connective tissue' between sequences As I said, the recent trailer strongly felt like his own "The Avengers", so I sincerely hope Whedon will be getting the credit he deserves. Will this movie be another case of "Suicide Squad" or "Fant4stic Four"? Or will it come out unscathed like "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" or "World War Z"? Here's hoping it's the latter case. We'll know the answer in November.
DC Television
When it comes to live action adaptations, the TV side of DC actually fared much better than the tumultuous DC Films. Even shows that wasn't a hit like "Legends of Tomorrow", slowly getting better and became a favorite. Not saying I'm a fan nor avid follower to those shows though. I'm just fully acknowledging that they are indeed, the more favorable ones. Especially when compared to Marvel TV's products. As each The CW shows had their own panel, a new cool-looking mashup trailer for them was released during SDCC 2017. One show that was included in it, is their upcoming adaptation of "Black Lightning", set to debut in 2018.
Ironically, Black Lightning has been publicly confirmed to be its own thing, and not part of the Arrowverse. So general audience seeing this trailer, might be getting the wrong idea about it. As for my impression on this new show? Well, superhero SHOW's fatigue aside, it's getting more and more clear that this show is definitely not my cup of tea. Not saying it's bad, the concept and overall look felt just about right. It's definitely in the standard of other The CW superhero shows. I just didn't feel a personal connection to warrant a regular viewing for it. After all, I'm more of an animated guy...
Speaking of animated, the "Young Justice" Q&A panel debuted the official character designs for the much-anticipated 3rd season. The season will be officially titled "Young Justice: Outsider", and the concept art includes Static, Kid Flash, Robin, Wonder Girl, Spoiler, Blue Beetle, Arrowette, Arsenal, Beast Boy, and a new character named Thirteen. The absence of several characters from Season 2 will surely make some fans wonder, and co-creator Brandon Vietti reassured that characters like Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Superboy won't be completely absent since they are still part of the DC Universe.
Vietti also confirmed that the series, planned to be 26 episodes in total, will be streamed in a separate channel, not on Cartoon Network like several existing DC shows. "There’s more creative room here for more adult themes and more sophisticated and challenging stories for our characters", he said. It's still unclear what form will this stand-alone DC only streaming take. But I'm sure we'll be hearing about it in the near future.
X-Men Universe
I believe the upcoming X-Men series "The Gifted" had a panel during SDCC 2017. That's because a new trailer has debuted for the show. But since I couldn't care less about it, I won't be talking about it.
Instead, I'll talk about FX's "LEGION" instead. First season for the Dan Stevens' starring mini series, was a huge hit. Even I have to admit, that I didn't see it coming. Showrunner Noah Hawley and the cast were present at Ballroom 20 for their panel, and of course talked about the upcoming Season 2. Saïd Taghmaoui, who was featured in the WB's "Wonder Woman" movie, has been announced to be playing another 'face' of Amahl Farouk, a.k.a. Shadow King. In the first season, this supernatural entity (I don't recall that he's a mutant, no, but I could be mistaken) was played by both actress Aubrey Plaza, and Stevens himself, since he's part of David Haller's consciousness. It's going to be interesting to see how Farouk cooks up his creepy plot in the new season, especially because he's getting a new form. We'll just have to wait and see the 10-episodes sequel when it arrives in 2018.
NOTE: By the way, I didn't consider this to be a Marvel talk, since it's developed and produced by FOX. Yes, the characters are Marvel's, but we all know that FOX never really cared about source material, right?
No Marvel talk here either, so expect the category to be more... brief. LOL. Also, it's the reason why this category gets bumped down a few notch than usual. Though definitely not because it's lacking by all means.
The first full-length official trailer for "Stranger Things" Season 2 was debuted through their SDCC 2017 panel. And great goodness, things weren't looking good. I mean, in the show, due to Noah Schnapp's Will Byers death-defying experience in the "Upside Down". As many of us had suspected, Will's return to the real world might not be a good idea. Instead, it's likely he's opening up a gateway for more creatures from the supernatural place to visit and 'invade' the real world. CREEPY af!!! The panel itself could be seen as a success, with Patton Oswalt moderating, and Shannon Purser making a delightful surprise visit.
That suspenseful trailer did a really good job teasing the developments of the characters. We see pretty much everyone, including the new cast members like Paul Reiser's Dr. Owens, Dacre Montgomery's Billy, Sadie Sink's Mad Max, and others, as well as fan-favorite Millie Bobby Brown's Eleven who wrapped the video by discovering a way out... or should I say 'way back' to the real world. Go Eleven! Series creator the Duffer Brothers had promised the new season to be 'Bigger, Darker, Scarier' and it really showed. They had already mapped out the series end game, which could be even bigger than this, so that's certainly saying much. "Stranger Things" Season 2 arrives on October 27th, 2017, and obviously I can't wait to see it.
"Voltron Legendary Defender" also had its own separate panel, with producers Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery, as well as voice actors Bex Taylor-Klaus and Tyler Labine making their appearances. Aside from debuting the official trailer for Season 3 (possibly the reason why it wasn't available in the official channel before), the team also announced voice actor A. J. Locascio as the voice of new antagonist Prince Lotor. Lotor will have four half-galra female generals as his aides. First episode of Season 3 was premiered exclusively for SDCC attendees.
The panel confirmed that the 7-episodes Season 3 will arrive on August 4th, 2017. That's a strange number, huh? I wonder if several episodes will be... I don't know, 50 minutes or more? Remember, the first season was only 11 episodes, but its first episode had the duration of 3 episodes. So in total, it was still 13 episodes like Season 2! Anyhoo, what I didn't expect was, the event also confirmed that a 4th season will arrive much much sooner than expected, in October 2017! I'm curious to why it's announced so early? Could it be... the final season? Hmmm...
Overall, Netflix had a generally successful presence throughout the event. Even if cult-favorite "Sense8" was a no-show despite its much applauded finale renewal, and David Ayer's "Bright" had mixed reception, the other panels were considered to be a win. They are taking over Hall H this year, and who knows what will happen next year and so on. One particular highlight was of course Marvel's "The Defenders". But since it's Marvel-related, that's a story for another day... or to be precise, another post!
One Piece
Now this is a news that would get any anime fans feeling... mixed. Mixed as in, a joy with a hint of concern, or anger with a touch of delight. It's your call.
Yahoo! Japan (via ComicBook.com) reported that... we'll be getting a live action Hollywood TV show for Eiichirou Oda's "One Piece" series!!! It was officially announced during the manga's 20th anniversary. Yay, or nay, I'm sure this will make you speechless. In one side, the cast of One Piece is as global as it can get, so having international cast would be VERY fitting compared to Japanese actors who pretend like they are foreigners. But on the other hand... seriously? This is a big title that requires massive special effects, particularly characters with the effects of those Demon Fruits. Don't forget the numerous islands, with their own quirky colorful inhabitants that hints towards huge production cost for makeup and costume. Can a TV show, with a really limited budget pull it off such tremendous challenge?
Marty Adelstein is set to be in charge, and Tomorrow Studios will be working on it. And this is where things get more... concerning. Adelstein is also the one working on that "Cowboy Beebop" TV Hollywood adaptation! And he even has already boasted... er, I mean admitted that this adaptation will be the most expensive TV shows ever made in the US. "I have been a fan of One Piece for 20 years. It is an honor to be entrusted with such an important work by Shueisha and Mr. Oda. I am enthusiastic to give my all to make One Piece succeed. I think this project could set a new record for the highest production cost in television drama history. The work's worldwide fame merits this scale of production.", was his official statement. Confident, but knowing the rating system and stingy budget of US networks, will this approach even work? He hasn't even proven his worth with "Cowboy Beebop", how can he be so bold about a more difficult one like this?
Thankfully, Oda has officially expressed that he has taken a great amount of time to consider this. So basically, he has given his seal of approval. His promise to not let down his fans, is definitely reassuring. Beside, Oda is notorious for speaking out if he's not pleased. Which means, as soon as he's not 'feeling it', I'm sure he'll immediately pull the plug. Thus the franchise is saved! LOL.
Professor Layton
"Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy" has been released last week! Have you played the game? Before you ask, nope, I personally haven't. Sure, it's available on iOS and Android for worldwide release, but unlike "Layton Brothers: Mistery Room", it's not free. So of course I haven't had the chance (nor money) to play it. Ahahaha... ^^;. Its Nintendo 3DS version is also currently only available in Japan, so there's that.
Thankfully, western fans who are holding out for an English 3DS version, can now rest at ease. LEVEL-5 has officially announced that it will be available very soon, in October. That's good news, albeit a bit odd considering the iOS and Android version have already been made available in foreign language. Why would it require 3 months to transfer the finished product to a 3DS cartridge, right? Oh well, the important thing is, you only to be patient just a few more months to experience Katrielle's adventure in your region-locked 3DS! Good for you...
Of course, if you don't want to wait that long, don't forget! The full version (consisting of 12 complete cases, and the entire set of additional mini games), and not some random scaled-down clone is already available on the App Store and Google Play for $15.99. Just make sure you cleared up the proper space on your smartphone before you download, okay! Because I have a feeling the size is going to be preeeetty BIG.
Sonic the Hedgehog
That cool-looking new antagonist for "Sonic Force" that was teased by SEGA last month? He has been given his own reveal trailer, as well as his own theme music! Yes, Infinite, is just one of the villains that Classic, Modern, and Custom Sonic will have to deal in this game. But there's no doubt that he's definitely the coolest of them all. At least for yours truly. "Sonic Forces" will be released this holiday for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
Street Fighter
Three more character costumes have been made available for "Street Fighter V". Ibuki, Laura, and Rashid have received sports-themed alternate costume, and they should have been released alongside the latest update on July 25th. CAPCOM announced this on their "Street Fighter 30th Anniversary" panel at SDCC 2017. Ibuki got a volleyball-themed costume, while both Rashid and Laura got football-inspired ones, all available alongside a new DLC character Abigail. Visit Gematsu to see their individual pricing.
The company debuted 50 minutes worth of gameplay from their... 'Mysterious Fighting Game'. It's available online via their official channel. Seeing EX characters like Garuda, Hokuto/Shirase, and Kairi is nostalgic and all, but I can't help but feel that the whole gameplay looks... 'rough around the edges'. The design was a bit blocky, somewhat "Street Fighter IV" inspired, and the movement wasn't as smooth as the "Tekken" series. Even the first version of "The King of Fighters XIV" looked nicer somehow. But this new title is expected to be released next year, so the company still have plenty of time to work on the visuals and controls. Here's hoping we'll get clearer idea of what this is all about in the near future.
1 note · View note
warning, the following has mainly snarky (and possibly furious) opinions on Spirit of Justice. Reader discretion is advised.
alright... here we go. we’re starting the big one. this... thing is almost over.
we’re going back to........ kooraheen to finish this.
time to strap in for the long haul.
did Dhurke hijack the PP show or was he just watching it and he decided to make that speech at his TV
i honestly can’t tell because of the weird way the scene was set. it looks like a reflection from a TV screen, but it also fades like a broadcast being intercepted...
fuck I'm just distracted by Dhurke’s stupid voice. and uncomfortable at the actress playing Rayfa. imagine being the princess and having your favourite show turn you into a weird damsel in distress being manhandled by ninjas. gross.
also yay! they’ve got the indiana jones orb!! time to melt off some faces...
ok it was a hijacked show... ...why is there a news report on this in America? Are American troupes assisting in the Kooraheenese war?
“Daaaa-aaaad. What’re you up to thiiiiis time???”
i love how not-giving-a-shit-about-it apollo is here. and by love it i mean hate it.
oh, your long-lost adoptive father just happens to pop up on television starting a revolution, and this is the first time you’ve heard from him in like 20 years? huh, no big deal.
oh noooo... he’s one of THESE guys... ururughhhhghghgh
“Wait... don’t tell me you haven’t told anyone about me, son?”
“I’m sorry, dad, it’s just you didn’t exist up until now...”
“you just show up here without warning after all this time... what gives?”
apollo’s got a point there, pa. also Dhurke’s theme reminds me of Coach Oleander’s from Psychonauts
Apollo just instinctively knows that nobody wants to be around him unless they’re getting labour out of him. That’s... honestly really depressing. I mean I know it’s supposed to be a joke but I just can’t bring myself to laugh.
its just... apollo is legitimately so bitter and sad that i just feel awful for him. 
yeesh... this whole thing just started off super sour.
wait, the piano has sentimental value to phoenix? they mentioned he never practiced on it and he didn’t like being a piano player... does that mean this piano is something phoenix just happened to own, and has its own backstory? I WANNA KNOW
ok thats mean but it did make me laugh
the rest of this case can be total shit but at least we figured out the mystery of the discarded red jacket. 
“our houseplant was called apollo”
“was it a cactus?”
“How’d you guess?”
“cause apollo doesn’t get enough hugs, either!”
apollos dad is so cool he reads his son’s personal shit out loud. what a great guy!
“That’s too bad! You seem like you’d be a fun, cool guy to hang out with!”
when he wasn’t being a rebel and not having time for his kids, obviously.
siblings dont know theyre siblings joke is funny both normally and ironically because the writers need to FUCKIN GET ON THAT
also i love that he’s basically like “hey son, this girl doesn't resent me! you should marry her so that i can continue to get favours out of you!”
“What did Mr. Dhurke mean when he said he was the man who raised you, apollo?” i dunno, trucy... think with your mind brains...
“How come you never told me?!”
“Sorry, it’s just, capcom hadn’t butchered my backstory at that point yet.”
I honestly find it really weird that Trucy’s all chirpy about this. She of all people should know the sting of a dad just up and disappearing on you.
Dhurke: I have to steal this orb. I’m asking you two because youre lawyers.
Kay Faraday, sitting in the Capcom warehouse: (sneezes)
Dhurke: I made a stupid gamble. Hope you can bail me out, son I haven’t seen in 20 years!
nooo.... don’t bring Kurain Village into this, pleeeeaaase... I don’t want to have my favourite village ruined for meeeeee....
:3c i chose nope
i wonder what Trucy would do if Zak waltzed in and immediately asked her for a favour. tbf phoenix would probably launch him into the sun before he could set foot into the office but...
Ok... So Dhurke doesn’t actually want to fix the legal system; he just said that he wants to gain immense spiritual power which will somehow give him the legal authority to RULE Kooraheen. 
how does spiritual power have any effect on land deeds anyway? 
“Only the rulers of Kooraheen have ever laid eyes on the orb, Apollo”
and Ahlbi’s seen the box.
“I figured you were poor as fuck so I brought you a plate of sushi!”
ok either A) He thought so little of Apollo that he assumed he’d just be starving on the street
or B) He’s been keeping tabs on Apollo and knows that the WAA doesn’t make a lot of cash, yet he hasn’t made any attempt to contact Apollo himself. Until he needs a favour.
what a.... great guy.
what the FUCK
i can tell theyre trying to do the ‘Hagrid gives Harry a photo album of his family for comfort” but its REALLY NOT THE SAME CIRCUMSTANCES.
His name was... JJ.
~as you know~
also why would a musician perform with magicians? 
y’know, ive seen pictures of Jove Justice so far. and A) he looks like a tool, and B) the designers were lazy as fuck and just slapped Apollo’s hair onto Phoenix’s face. I had a pretty negative opinion of him initially. I was thinking I wouldn’t like any of Apollo’s new dads.
But you know what? If they go deeper into Jove’s backstory and prove that he was a caring father, I’m ready to completely drop any criticisms of him and carry this guy on my shoulders
cause compared to Dhurke ill bet he's a freakin angel 
...welp... back to Kurain village. At least it’ll remind me of bygone days...
...heh, aw. it’s cute. i like the sparrows on the roof.
ooh! an updated theme, too! not quite as nice as the original but it is nice.
he was full of piss and vinegar
yeah, kids run around naked. its not super surprising.
“man, I miss that hut...”
apollo youre gonna make me cry;;
Ema: :) i’ll show you the way to Dr. Buff. SURPRISE, HES DEAD! AHAHAHAHHAHA
id gone on a short break and i come back to this (weep)
does Dhurke have boobs..?
...or just extremely prominent pecs...
phew ok back on track. 
wait hold on. if Dr. Buff is in Kurain village, where is he staying exactly? All the houses in Kurain village are old-style Japanese; this appears to be a modern day number.
“please tell me youre joking”
“as if i’d come out here for a few laughs, Apollo”
yeah but youre not above leading him to the dr’s study and THEN telling him he’s dead WTF
ahah. further proof that stepladders are superior.
i mean i know he didnt actually fall off that ladder by accident or whatever but still
“you could say he died an honourable death...”
...crushed under his nerd books like a fuckin cartoon :T
“I’m so sorry... It seems you’ve had quite a life.”
Why else would she say that except that some poor dialogue translator is secretly begging the series to stop fucking up his backstory
“I mean, middle-aged man with long hair and an eye-patch? You don’t see that everyday.”
just give Valant an eyepatch
hang on. why does an archeologist in America have Kooraheen’s founding orb anyway? I thought it burnt peoples’ faces off. And was super precious. Queen Garananana doesn't seem like someone who’d just hand out a precious ball like that.
oh huh they found an ugly dalek. thats two dalek references in this game now...
did i just... have a ladder conversation about a relic that looks like an airplane.
why does everyone keep making blithe jokes about the doctors horrible death..? does that usually happen or am i misremembering 
god there’s even a coffee shelf. i guess this side of the room is the “Relics of a better game” section.
polly the clean freak. what a sweetheart :)
aw yeah baby
its printing time
oh yeah i forgot this version of printing SUCKS
but i do like the little pap sound it makes when you put down powder
...they have Datz and Dhurkes prints on file.
You guys sure rock at being undercover. 
ill give them credit for having the Dance of Devotion not rhyme in English.
seeing lyrics again just gives me flashbacks to Serenade tho
Guitar, Guitar... Up together to the sky...
wait that has the same number of syllables if you just say the pun
...why the fuck is he in a palanquin 
anybody in a palanquin is bad news ALSO WHY DOES IT SAY RECLAIM THE GLORY OF KURAIN 
oh yeah he’s a bad guy
...king of this fine nation. First of all... America doesn’t have kings. Second of all, Kurain isn’t a country, it’s a small village. Either he’s a moron or SOJ is fucking up at unprecedented speeds 
...did his theme song just ‘wheeee’
“Jerk Q. Public”
i wish you were golden boy. then you'd be morally questionable but entertaining. 
I'm very uncomfortable 
k so we’re back in Kurain and so far we’ve seen Zero women in total apart from Ema.
even the unnamed heckler was an old man.
is this the same Kurain Village I know?
wh- talk??
what do you mean talk???
i dont wanna talk to this guy he's a dickcheese!!!
Trucy’s 17 and she hasn’t studied politics at least a little yet? ...weird
“Its real name is the Crystal of Ami Fey”
wait what
“It’s been passed down for generations in the Atishon family”
is he dicking around or is he distantly related to maya
or is he just totally dicking around
if so how dare he use Ami’s name in vain.
where is Datz from anyway
paul i dont mean to dash your hopes but becoming grand high emperor of kurain village will in fact not make you king of the world
datz sure is a good rebel... getting caught... and put in jail...........
damnit, Vore Machine, what am i gonna do with you?
well Apollo, from demon to deer. thats not bad.
dog-faced cop..??
if youre very sneakily referencing our old pal Gumshoe youve got another thing coming, Vore Machine. In the form of my fist.
“A shut-in? Sounds like it will be a challenge just to get a conversation going.”
yeah.... not like youve.... ever dealt with someone like that....... before....... hehe.... heh..............
how long has Datz been in jail if he already knows the cafeteria itinerary 
um guys; maybe you should be a tiny bit more concerned about Athena??
i just realized the Shichishito is gold. It’s green, you idiots. Or is that one too bent and bloody for display??
thats it folks thats spirit of justice 
apollo has become a living title drop
hes fuckin dead
what kind of bullets were those
yeah apollo, a fledgeling is equivalent to a private.
...also youre not a fledgeling youre near full experience capacity. this is your third... (and last...) year.
so Dhurke is in full stealth mode until it comes to a remotely operated drone that could have literally anybody on the other side? brilliant, pal. 
this is why your revolution’s taken like 23 years to get off the ground, jsyk.
...k komandir?
i thought you were supposed to be a parody of The Soldier. what are you doing calling people by Russian military names? did the red scare not happen in this reality?
it’s so cute. 
im struggling between finding it adorable and being uncomfortable 
“in other words, something caused him to withdraw from the world...”
maybe his mom’s death??? maybe?????
does anyone in this game understand how a bad thing make a peoples’ brain go???
pretty impressive that a woman’s body could provide sufficient cushioning to soften such a drop.
lol. death attributed to random maniac. thanks soj.
“Private Justice! You’ve suffered a loss just like mine!”
“I have... and thats how I know how you feel.”
yes, i can remember exactly happened when i was a one-year old in diapers. exactly the same kind of pain and trauma.
look i know theyre trying to have a moment but there’s a huge difference between growing up orphaned and being recently bereaved. Sure, Apollo’s seen his fair share of hardship and his experiences aren’t to be devalued, but it’s not the same kind of pain as having your parents die later in your life, especially with the mom’s horrific demise.
Honestly, it’d make more sense if he brought up Clay, since Clay was with him since he was very small and his death was sudden and deeply unfair.
dhurke the burk  amiright attorneys 
“the opaque crystal orb is the key”
>needless adjective
>will come into play later in court
um so nobody’s gonna mention the blonde lady on his desktop background or........
i like sarge. i hope they dont turn sour when theyre revealed.
nice boot
ooh phosphorescence! neato!
pearl: hello I'm here to do something ive never done before to provide clues for this case. i hope i’ve been useful! thank you, and goodnight.
...as contrived as this is, i am glad to see someone who actually comes from kurain village.
wow, the gangs all here huh
so they renamed Eagle Mountain “”””mt. mitama”””” eh
“you are at that age, after all...”
says apollo who's like 24
also why is she talking about all the women leaving the village? i thought it was the men. is this why i haven't seen any ladies? they all just shipped off downtown?? and of course there’s no mention of the creepy oppressive atmosphere and strictness of the village...
nice alliteration apollo
rain spirit at a bus stop and you hacks didnt make a Totoro joke?? lame
“Dj’you bring a light?”
how can you not recognize a foreign voice you idiot
“He tried to fucking kill us but he also gave us this flashlight. To um... see our slow death by starvation better I guess?”
“We couldn’t get back to where we started if we wanted to”
if you wanted to??? thats exactly what you want!!!
Klavier: Hello! This is flashback Klavier here to say: Don’t you miss me? Haha. I miss existing too. Oh well! See you next time~ ...i if there is one.
aw, lucky you! you lucked into falling to your death directly to where you wanted to go!
“Yes! Time to find that orb! When we have it, we can....rot here for eternity.”
...ok i know the doc found a way out but still
...oh well, if phoenix can survive it, so can they..?
i love that there are various sea-related items scattered around that give an obvious way out but only yield “durr??? a sea thing??? how this get here??????????” when inspected 
whats with dhurkes’ magic eyes
mmmmmmmm a slide puzzle great
“maybe the ppictures correspond to the song”
what is with this game and not outright stating the obvious? its not like it spoils the player or anything; it just makes the WAA look like idiots
fuck this I'm gonna finish this stupid puzzle without this game’s help or die trying 
...ah. my personal need for pattern and order blinded me to the truth
oh well; it’s open now. i’m gonna smash Eshiro’s stupid smirking face with it.
“opening that box means you're the best lawyer ever! enjoy leaving the series forever!!!”
“A royal stole that orb”
stole it... as opposed to just taking it and doing whatever they want with it because it’s theirs and there’s absolutely no reason to have to “steal” it. 
unless they wanted to frame the rebels i guess but like. theyre rebels. theyre already pretty hated
“it would be seen as utter sacrilege to let a foreign man study this artifact”
oh also it would debunk that whole “explodes your face if you look at it” thing
...here we go...
“he used to be a nice kid, but now...”
he’s an enourmous shitstain?
“he tried to convict trucy for a crime she didnt even commit...”
ok, apollo. there are a zillion valid reasons to hate sadmad, and yes, his reasoning in that trial was shit. but just being a prosecutor and doing what a prosecutor is meant to do doesn’t make him evil. he isn’t about to just roll over because the defendant’s your sis–– er, best friend.
he... could be playing the long game, and interfering could fuck up his plan, Dhurke. Also how was he a rebel and then somehow managed to get into good graces with the royals? It’s already been proven that Dhurke’s Dummy Dragon Gang suck at being stealthy or having any sense of self-preservation. I doubt they just wouldn’t recognize Sadmad
“it’s not conviction that fills his heart; it’s resignation and despair”
are you telling me Sadmad is the equivalent of a guy in a dead end office job taking it out on his coworkers
“The only thing I know for sure is... Nahyuta is suffering, and he is suffering in silence”
edgeworth: been there, done that!
ya sure put a lot of stock in Sadmad, Dhurke. i mean i guess he’s your son but seriously; if you're a proper rebel you’d cut your losses and get on with shit already with or without him
...y’know, this speech about lawyers being like dragons kind of doesn’t have the same emotion impact and gravitas that the non-dragon one in T&T did.
oh how... charming...
*America’s* badge is shaped like a sunflower... and Kooraheen’s is shaped like a buggy eye.
dont DO that
your voice is BAD
“he’s my son! therefor he has to believe in the same thing as me! nothing, not even torture could have changed him!”
cue Gredgeworth’s awkward cough from the afterlife.
“You know, I remember when Nahyuta and I were kids, he used to say with great pride ‘I have the blood of a dragon in me!’”
cue tiny apollo feeling left out and alone because he doesn’t know what kind of blood is in him 
>reform court system
>rescue son
well... i guess there could be worse reasons to start a revolution.
“I mean, what are fathers for?!”
( ‘I... I wouldn’t know...’) 
oh its high tide yay
oh it’s... really high tide
well this is fun. i daresay id really like this sequence... if it wasn’t in this game.
“oh no... the water might carry me up to the way out of here... how awful.”
lol can you imagine if this was timed tho
oh hey it’s the DD panic panic song. i liked that one. it deserves its spot in the suspense music roster.
y’know at this point i kinda hope he really just dies
wouldn’t that be a kicker
not that i hate apollo or anything but I'm just............... so tired
apollo’s pretty calm for a drowning person
i’ve nearly suffocated before and the only thing going through my head was AIR AIR AIR GET AIR GET AIR GET AIR AIR AIR
baby apollo: waahhhh!!! we’re both perfectly dry!!! the artist didn’t bother to make us look wet in the flashback!
A) Little Apollo doesn’t even call Dhurke “Daddy” or “Papa” despite being raised by him since infant hood, possibly meaning Dhurke gave him the ‘You’re adopted” speech pretty early. Or else kids that “aren’t really my son” have to go by name basis. See? Nahyuta calls him father. 
B) Haha! Boys don’t cry, not-son! Suck those sissy tears back up into your skull, or you’ll look gay! It doesn’t matter that you’re like five and you almost drowned to death! Don’t embarrass me!
“Don’t ever hesitate to call when you need me”
oh but apollo your ass gets shipped back to america tomorrow ok
no seriously. on one hand; why did apollo get sent away? why couldn’t he be a rebel alongside nahyuta and fight for his family? on the other hand, why didn’t dhurke send nahyuta with him? if apollo’s going away because it’s dangerous, why is nahyuta staying with dhurke in the path of danger?
to be honest I'm ashamed that I'm crying, but it’s less about this scene being sad as fuck and more about the fact that I know that none of this is ever really resolved. Dhurke is still a piece of shit who made no attempt to contact apollo for years until he needed a favour out of him. and Apollo has to live with this stupid backstory because ESHIRO thought it would be dramatic and cool. Apollo’s going to “go home”, leave the series... He doesn’t even know he’s leaving his last scrap of real family who gives a shit about him behind in America.
Apollo doesn’t deserve this. 
Dhurke, with superman theme playing in the background: Redeeming my character! By saving your life! Redeeming my character! By saving your life! Though only a heartless, shithead person, would leave you behind to die! So this isn’t great.
...is he holding him in his broken arm
wait is that arm even broken
has he just been holding it like it’s in a sling for no reason this whole time
“Still can’t swim, eh?”
oh fuck off 
“Good thing your name’s not Neptune, hahahaha!”
vore machine came out of nowhere and oh
also he is also laughing at a guy who almost drowned
well aren’t these two just the greatest men on earth huh
Trucy: :) lets make this drowning thing seem like no big deal by playing it off and not even asking if you're okay at all :))))
great... now he owes his life to him.... that completely cancels out every other piece of baggage.....
remember........ when edgeworth owed his life to phoenix......... remember how he was 100% okay after that and not fucked up at all................ remember how he just popped back into the series without any changes whatsoever apart from being phoenix’s friend again........................................
y’know in the interim i was thinking 
Rebel Apollo would be great. he’d probably be an enormous goofus but at least he’d be happy and maybe Dhurke’s shitty plan would get off the ground because an actual smart person would be part of the team.
listen to that fuckin “we solved the case” music.
at least apollo is eating.
Turnabout Revolution... End
heh i wish
“Sure wish Nahyuta was here”
I don’t.
you fucking morons. you colossal fucking asshats. i knew this was coming
This is why the revolution has taken 20 FCKIN YEARS to take off. Because Dhurke and his band of nincompoops are all incompetent fuckwits.
huh i can see where Nahyuta gets his magic clap from.
also say it you loser say bitch
say bitch
say bitch
say bitch
A) If the “crystal” is a fake thing, his police report probably wouldn’t check out cause I'm P sure that people can’t just file police reports for anything without proof of previously owning it.
B) Dhurke. You’re a rebel. Shoot someone. Throw a smoke bomb. Gently jog away? Idk if that works in America but it sure as hell works in Kooraheen.
no. don’t do it. don’t you fucking do––
oh, i just saw a ghost.
The ghost of the potential any sequels past AJ had. It blinked at me sorrowfully before CAPCOM busted it and crammed it into the Containment Unit.
(sigh) Ok (most likely) fake shit aside, that would make Atishon related to Maya, and the “heirloom” would more probably be Maya’s. Why is this excuse present at all anyway it’s stupid.
Apollo it shouldn’t fuckin matter; it’s a court case. Just prove the orb isn’t the Crystal of Ami Fey and you win the case. You know that Phoenix doesn’t cheat and you’re pretty certain that the crystal really is the Founder’s Orb, so you shouldn’t be upset about anything. This isn’t a murder trial, it’s a dispute over ownership of an item. You know you’re in the right, so you ought to be able to win the trial. There’s literally no stakes apart from the fact that you’re facing your boss... but so what? That can happen... I assume, I’m not versed in that sort of thing. But either way, lawyers sometimes have to face off against each other... it happens. You had to face Nahyuta. Now you face Phoenix. Unless you think Phoenix will cheat, or that you don’t have sufficient info on the orb, then there’s legitimately no fucking problem. I mean yeah, sucks to go to court, but who gives a fuck? Win the trial and skip back to Kooraheen to overthrow the oppressive regime.
I don’t 
what is the fucking problem
one of you gets payed, you both work at the same place
it doesn’t matter
APOLLO. You KNOW his methods. You know that he wins because his clients are innocent, and would graciously hand over victory if it was clear you were in the right; YOU HAVE TO KNOW THIS. YOU’RE HIS BIGGEST FAN, REMEMBER??
Unless you think he’d fucking cheat for a skeezy politician for money in which case, nice. Gotta love that trust and belief that DD was building up there.
“Can I do it? Can I fight him?” YES ITS NOT EVEN A MURDER TRIAL
“May the best attorney win” 
well so much for finding the truth or whatever. Also Phoenix should be proud that Apollo is willing to go up against him; it shows he’s coming into his own. There’s literally no reason for them to be on shit terms right now.
“A fine mess I’ve gotten you into, son.”
Hey shithead that wasn’t an apology. Also yeah, go on and on about how good a lawyer Phoenix is just to scare Apollo. Brilliant.
“The first step of your revolution, huh?”
The first step. 20 years and he’s only just taking the first step. Not the first step to the end of the revolution; the first step to the revolution itself.
Welp, we’re off to fight over the possession of an oversized marble in court. Seeya next time i guess...
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sailingbrisa · 7 years
New Zealand to Panama.
In this edition of Sailing Brisa …We go to New Zealand…San Francisco with Rob and Laura. Ross O’Geen gets onboard and Elwin Jansen says his goodbyes for now  to the Yacht Club and St. Martin. We also go for a little sail ... al the way to Panama.
 Its been a good two years since I was back in New Zealand and I have been trying and trying to get back down there since December 2016, however there has always been something stopping me….. Right up until the 12th of April. Then it was quick pack the bags book a flight or two and zoom back to NZ to visit my family and friends. I wanted to stop there before leaving on the trip, because I really didn’t know when I would be back… I left St. Martin… after a four hour delay. Haori Fialo, a guy I knew really well form flying in Puerto Rico… we had flown there a few times with him as my captain… was the FO on the flight. Unbelievable. The flight itself… despite my initial thoughts to get a lter flight… was very nice and by some absolute miracle Haoris landing was silky smooth. Nothing at all like I remember the ones he used to do in the ATRs. Of course I received a few strange looks form fellow passengers and crew as I assumed the crash position and kissed my ass goodbye from about a thousand feet before landing.  
 I had a three hour wait in MIA before leaving for LAX after missing my connection, so I waked up and down the terminal a few times… a Starbucks Soy Chai Tea late… some sushi.. a couple of Yellow Red Bulls and a Cuban sandwich later I boarded the flight…. An passed out. Waking up as we touched down in LA…. I was planning to meet Tania there as we had come on different airlines.. her form Bogota and me form SXM. I tracked her down and we sat there for a couple of hours laughing as she had managed to talk the Air New Zealand counter lady into changing my flight to hers and saving us a row for ourselves….. Unfortunately my flight to NZ was also on AA not Air New Zealand so that didn’t work out too well.  We boarded our flights… and began the 13 hour race to Auckland where Matthew would be waiting for us.
 The flight there I had a full row to myself on a spanking brand new Dreamliner courtesy of American Airlines frequent flier miles. The plane must have been commissioned that flight, as everything was shinny and new. Good movies, really shitty food, but, overall a good ride on a beautiful plane.
 Auckland is always a great place to wash up. We went straight to my aunt and uncles house to say hi and drag my hung over cousin out of bed! I hung out with my brother, We saw my godparents, we celebrated my Aunts birthday, the first time I have been here for that in god knows how many years. Balloons… cake and.. yep Fish and chips! ( did I mention we may have eaten a lot of fish and chips? ) I was fortunate enough to catch up with a bunch of my old flying mates.. all flying for Emirates or Air New Zealand… and got to see Giles Griggs awesome Farr 1020…. And nearly got to go sailing. He was in the world masters lasers sailing the following week and managed to snag the gold medal!!!! Amazing. Congrats Giles. We met up with Regan Fitness one of my best mates form school, Anne Hinton and her husband and one of my oldest windsurfing mates, Tony Sykes. ….We drove half way around the world ( well at least the north island of NZ ) to chase East Coast surf. We saw amazing waves.. but really crowded. We stopped at Racetracks, up near Opua Bay and with a light offshore and head high sets we got ready to surf. Matthew stood there laughing at me for a while, before he could tell me I had managed to put my wetsuit on backwards…. I guess it has been a while since I have squeezed the goods into neoprene. Maybe I have been at the wrong parties? Anyways.. after turning my wetsuit around we hit the waves. Matthew on a brand new Al Merrick and me on the old trusty Minami Fish.
 Water wasn’t that cold and we had a very nice time. The drive was a bit long.. but great fun none the less. Very much reminded me of when Matt and I were little boys zooming around NZ in a mini with a little trailer full of gear.
 Our time in NZ ended way too soon, but Tania and I did manage to eat fish and chips almost every day, we went up the sky tower and had an amazingly fun time together there. Tania got on her plane a day before me…. But I was soon behind her again and heading of to spend a day in San Francisco … with ROB NORTHROP! OMG… How many years? After the 13 hours onboard an oversold United flight, Rob picked me up at the airport and we drove off to Oakland. Traffic was a bit crazy, but Rob and I had tons to catch up on and it felt like it had only been a day or two since we were out surfing the pit in the backyard together. Laura and Rob took me on a tour around the beautiful hills behind where they grew up and we had a great brunch…. I really was surprised at how nice Oakland was. We talked story and made plans for him to come to the boat when he could make time and surf for a while!!!
 Back to the airport and onto the Red Eye to Panama where I connected to the flight to St. Martin. 47 hours later I’m sitting on Brisa wondering how I had managed to do so much in just ten days.
 Two days after I got back and Ross O’Geen, one of my old mates from windsurfing days arrives in St. Martin. We miss each other at arrivals so he sits outside for a while and I sit inside… jajajjaja. Just like old days.  We get it together and zoom out to Brisa for his first look at his new home for the next few months. Ross has his kite gear… and a couple of bags and Scrabble on his phone. We used to play a lot in Hawaii together with Moq!
 Now I had better introduce Ross…. Together we spent years and years wind fishing, scrabbling and windsurfing on the North Shore of Maui. Ross was a teacher and retired end of 2016 and has his own little boat up in South Main Street at the Lake St. Lawrence Yacht Club in NYC. Always with a big smart ass smile and a whitty comment and always ready to go on another crazy ass adventure. He showed up in St. Martin after visiting Massena NYC after some skiing and visiting mates in Utah and Phoenix, Portland and Seattle and visiting his mommy! I would say he is a super keen fisherman and we would see his skills on our way to Panama. Ross is onboard until early July.
 Elwin, our next crew member is from Holland. ( this will become important later during the fishing part of the trip ) and has been a friend of mine for two or three years. Recently we had started to go chasing St. Martin surf together and he wanted to come on the adventure also. I haven’t met anyone yet with a more positive attitude and he will always be the first one to jump on a shitty job…… Also he has a great sense of humor and some sailing experience. He had spent the last holidays backpacking around Central America and loved Costa Rica.
 We were waiting for a weather window and some awesome sun and wind protection from Fraito Lugo in Puerto Rico, arriving back to St. Martin on .. yep you guessed it..LAZY DOG. We were all set to leave after a huge shopping run the day before, filling Brisa with yummy food to last at least two weeks, but Lazy Dog was sloggin slowly upwind in the Caribbean from PR to SXM.. basically that means in hell. They were scheduled to show up on Thursday am… but we were watching them on marinetraffic.com and it looked like they would squeak in late Thursday… a bit of a sticky one for us as we couldn’t leave after 11.59pm on Thursday…. Everyone knows its bad juju to leave for a voyage on Friday. So we decided if they didn’t get there in time we would stay and leave on Saturday instead. About sunset we reached them on the radio.. and they arrived shortly there after at about 8pm.. a bit blue around the edges…. As it was a rough ride for them. Funny how we would soon be going the exact opposite direction and having a very nice downwind ride across the sea that had just bounced them up and down for a long time. We grabbed the bimini from Fraito… awesome.. and pulled the dingy up on deck, weighed the anchor ( 37 kg ) and rolled out the headsail and settled into a pleasant night at sea.
 Our track had us heading south of the BVIs, in between St Thomas and St. Croix then south of Puerto Rico and curving further south of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The following the backing wind down into Panama with a forecast of light to calm winds for the last couple of days. We spent the first few days under headsail alone averaging 6 to 7 knots in fairly squally and bumpy following seas. Brisa behaved very well with nothing braking the whole way. About half way into it I woke up and crawled upstairs to see a big steep following sea and thirty knot winds…. Brisa every now and then surfing down a steep swell at well over 13 knots. Our top speed for the trip was 13.9 and we covered the 1145 nm in 7 and a half days, averaging 6.5 knots. Not bad considering the last three days we had 10 – 12 knot following winds and had to motor the last day and a half.
 We had been warned by many different people to stay the hell away from the Cartagena corner as it gets super windy and wavy… however for us all that happened was we started to catch lots of fish… Ross started it off with a great Mahi, Elwin followed it up with a trifecta.. Tuna, Mahi and Wahoo, We lost a Tuna.. my fault as I didn’t gaff him… and we had a marlin hit the lure.. but thank god he got off.
 With about three days to go we had been flying the Spinnaker in about 20 knots of wind… of course this makes Brisa fly along. Just with the spinnaker we set our top speed, However as anyone that likes spinnakers will tell you… they are a handful if something goes wrong. Seemed like every time we got that thing up, we would catch a fish. We had a great system… start the engines, Drop the sock over the spinnaker, Heave too and then catch the fish. We would pull the spinnaker down each night and slow down to a more comfortable speed. The faster you go the more uncomfortable the ride, but of course the quicker you get there.
 We arrived in the vicinity of the Panama Canal entrance with a big thunderstorm at about four am… We had gone by a few big ships and even though we received AIS ( other boat positions ) we did not have ours hooked up yet, so ti was a bit of a worry as we couldn’t see our bows, let alone the other ships. The radar decided it was raining very had, so hard in fact that it just painted everything yellow. That meant we couldn’t see ships coming our way and even after some deft adjustment of the gain and some very close and loud thunderclaps we did a 180 and zoomed back towards Jamaica for a while. An hour later it cleared and we started back to Colon and passed right by a big tanker going the other way… Lucky we waited I think.
 We rocked into the Shelter Bay Marina with welcomes from Bob And Debbie off of Passat, currently aboard DAKINE and tied up at the marina. I went off to clear customs and immigration while the boys played in the pool and tidied up a bit. I got back that afternoon and we went for a hike, looking for the crocodile that lived in the marina.
 All in all we arrived rested and fed, happy and safe and thankful that Little Brisa 302 had performed flawlessly. Also a big thanks to Manuel our auto pilot. Did not miss a beat once for the entire trip.
 For me the highlight is seeing Brisa zooming along hour after hour under a beautiful spinnaker with no land insight.  
Ross’s highlight was the awesome fishing… and as a result the awesome food.
Elwin had never caught a blue water fish before so the joy in his eyes as he watched what he caught being cut up into filets definitely meant the fishing was a highlight for him.
 The low point for me .. seeing our pretty yellow black and blue spinnaker split down the middle and slowly drop into the water because I wanted to put it up at the very top of the wind speed window. ( the good news of course is now I can get Ian to get me a nice new smaller cruising chute. )  
For Ross the low point was loosing a great marlin lure without seeing the fish on the end. ARGH.
Elwins low point… having to motor for the last few days.
 In the next edition we will explore Shelter Bay marina, Ross will walk.. very very great distances. I will go to Panama City, take showers with hot water for as long as I like and sleep in air conditioning. We will get measured for the Panama Canal corossing, get our cruising permit and get on our way to Boccas Del Torro and a couple of amazing destinations as we come back to Colon for our last few days in the Caribbean. I hope Brisa and Noisy Taco enjoy the canal crossing and their first ever visit to the Pacific Ocean. Ill celebrate my birthday in a birthday hammock, drinking hot coffee out of my birthday thermos after eating Lobster for breakfast in a very remote and beautiful little island, as we prepare to say goodbye to Brisas home sea for the last 15 years. Next week we will all wake up in a different Ocean.
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mrlylerouse · 7 years
Community Bulletin January 11
School News
» Save The Date for the 15th Annual Gala & Auction on March 17.
Tickets on sale January 30 - February 28. Tickets cost 900 RMB each.
» Phoenix Shop
The Phoenix Shop is open Monday through Friday at the lunch hour, 11:30 AM-1 PM. Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 PM.
» Concordia Presents: In Conversation with Ishmael Beah
Join author and activist Ishmael Beah, New York Times best-selling author, as he reads from his memoir A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier and shares his experiences as a child soldier in Sierra Leone. Ishmael has dedicated his life to speaking and advocating on behalf of those affected by war and violence. He serves on the Human Rights Watch Children's Advisory Committee and is UNICEF's first Advocate for Children Affected By War. His memoir, published in over 40 languages, was named one of the top 10 non-fiction books of 2007 by Time Magazine.
Event Details: Monday, January 22, 2018, 7:00 p.m. at Concordia's Phoenix Center Commons. Admission is free and open to the public.
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» Towel & Blanket Drive
Do you love animals? Want to help bring comfort and warmth to rescue animals during this cold winter? The HS Environmental Committee is holding a Blanket & Towel Drive. Drop off your unwanted blankets and towels in the box by the HS office. On Saturday, Jan. 14th, there will be a day trip to the Best Friends Animal Shelter in Songjiang to bring these towels and blankets to the rescue animals there to help keep them warm and cozy. For more information about the Best Friends China animal charity, visit http://ift.tt/1J6tjGK.
Athletics & Arts
Look for SISAC Basketball and a Nanjing Swim Meet on January 20. Go Phoenix!!
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO. Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
» Open positions for the 2017-18 School Year
We are currently in the midst of hiring for next year. We have already talked with some outstanding educators. If you know of any exceptional candidates who are both outstanding teachers and models of Christian faith, please either encourage them to go to our website to learn more http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw or contact Steven Nurre at [email protected]
Director of Athletics
Director of Development
ES Classroom Teacher-Grade One
ES-Instructional Coach-S.T.E.M.
HS Math/Computer Science Teacher
HS Physical Education Teacher
HS Physics/Math Teacher
» Parents- Get your New Year Resolutions Started!
Concordia offers morning fitness classes for our parents. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5:25 a.m. is spinning and Tuesday at 5:25 a.m. Is Extreme Workout (please email [email protected] if you are interested in any of these classes). Thursday at 6:00 a.m. Is yoga (please email [email protected] if you are invested in yoga).
» Service Opportunity Hosting families "Service Through Friendship"
This program offers the opportunity to be a "Big Brother" to two of WILL Foundation boys for one or two nights. The boys will be paired. They're between the ages five and twelve. They could share a bed or enjoy camping-out on a rug. (Sleeping bags available.) But, be warned, they eat like bears Contact [email protected] Thank you. Looking for host families for the following dates:
Saturday January 14, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Thursday January 19th 3:20 (Friday NO SCHOOL) until Saturday morning 10 AM 2 nights
Chinese New Year – January 27 – February 4. You pick your dates and boys. Very flexible.
Saturday February 17, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Friday February 24, 2017 3:20 pm until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Friday March 10, 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday March 18, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10AM 1 night
Friday April 28, 2017 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday May 6, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Saturday May 20, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Shanghai Griffins Basketball » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source)
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Moms In Prayer International
Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope by lifting up our children, teachers, staff and community with thanksgiving. Join other moms who meet twice a month on campus to seek guidance and wisdom for our children, our school and the Concordia community. Friendly to women of all languages. Please contact Michelle Wu if you have any question.
Please check next week!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
Please check next week!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» Health Office Information
Concordia's Health Office has put together this useful list of emergency telephone numbers and addresses in both Chinese and English. Click here for the list or contact the Health Office for more information. Flu Shots For information on Flu shots, contact the Health Office. Contact Jenny or Yukki directly.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices, are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications.
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0 notes
mrrolandtfranco · 7 years
November 23, 2017
Community Bulletin
School News
» Change of Bank Account Name
Per government request, the school has changed its Chinese name. Hence, please kindly note that Chinese bank information is updated as below:
Account Name(户名): 上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校
Account No. (帐号):310066111018170251820
Bank (银行): 交通银行上海新区支行
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4:00 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» Lunch Menu Access
Did you know that you can access our school lunch menus on our website? Click here to visit our School Services page and view the ES and MS/HS (PC Lunch Menu) lunch menus this week.
Athletics & Arts
This past weekend our APAC Choir, APAC Orchestra and APAC Dance groups all traveled to their respective APAC events. The performances were well received and each group reported they had a great time.
The MS soccer seasons finished up last weekend at the Cross River Event. Great season to all players and coaches. Thank you to the parents who helped coach this season and specifically on Saturday.
The swim group traveled to Bangkok to compete in the APAC vs. ISAS Swim meet. We had a number of kids swim personal best times. ISAS ended up winning the meet.
This weekend our Varsity Basketball teams are in Beijing at the Great Wall Basketball Tournament. Follow the action at http://ift.tt/2jg0cL7
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.
» Please join us at the PSO Holiday Party were we will "Eat, Drink and Be Merry"!
The party will be held on Monday, December 4 from 7 - 9 PM at the Marriott, Pudong.
Your ticket gets you a Cocktail Buffet and a Drink. There will be Raffle Prizes and plenty of Holiday Cheer.
To RSVP, please put 200 RMB/person in an envelope marked with the names of the people attending and drop it off in one of the collection boxes location in the ES, MS, or HS offices by November 30. We are looking forward to celebrating the season with all of you! Please see the party invitation here.
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO. Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
Each fall we begin to identify positions likely to be open the following year and generally complete recruiting by late January. However, we accept applications at any time and will keep them on file for future vacancies. Due to age restrictions in China, we are not able to consider applicants who will be older than 57 on August 1 of the year of their initial contract.
Early Childhood (EC)- PS 3 Classroom
EC-Assistant Principal/Counselor-offer pending
ES Grade One Classroom
ES Grade Two Classroom
Potential-ES Classroom (grade level unspecified)
ES ELL Coach
Potential-ES Counselor
MS Math/Science
MS Humanities
HS PE-offer pending
HS Humanities/History
Athletic/PE Assistant
Athletic/PE Secretary
ES Teaching Assistant
To learn more go to: http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
or Directly to Job Postings
» Give the Gift of Education this Christmas!
For more than 10 years Concordia Shanghai has partnered with Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation
(CWEF) to provide YEP Scholarships for students in rural China. CWEF works with the high schools and education officials to provide high school scholarships to vulnerable (poor, female, handicapped, minority, etc.) and well-qualified students (good character and grades). The Chinese government provides free public education through grade 9, but tuition must be paid for high school. Many rural families have little access to affordable student loans or financing, consequently many high-achieving female students cannot pursue a high school education.
Your gift of 3500 RMB (US$520) provides a student with school tuition and fees, annual career workshops, and support for REACH student-development program for the current school year. Click here for more information and to make a direct online donation. http://ift.tt/2zszSr0
» Morning Fitness Classes are Open to Parents of Concordia!
Are you interested in spinning, boot camp, or yoga in the mornings? Certified staff are conducting classes every morning of the week. For a detailed schedule and pricing information, contact Tina Harbold. Classes have begun so don't wait... sign up now! If you are interested or have questions, please email Tina at [email protected].
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball-registration has started! » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source) » Danceworks Shanghai
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Check back next time!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
» Check back next time!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications. <p><p> <p>
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2zu6mm2
0 notes
mrandyzavala · 7 years
November 23, 2017
Community Bulletin
School News
» Change of Bank Account Name
Per government request, the school has changed its Chinese name. Hence, please kindly note that Chinese bank information is updated as below:
Account Name(户名): 上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校
Account No. (帐号):310066111018170251820
Bank (银行): 交通银行上海新区支行
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4:00 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» Lunch Menu Access
Did you know that you can access our school lunch menus on our website? Click here to visit our School Services page and view the ES and MS/HS (PC Lunch Menu) lunch menus this week.
Athletics & Arts
This past weekend our APAC Choir, APAC Orchestra and APAC Dance groups all traveled to their respective APAC events. The performances were well received and each group reported they had a great time.
The MS soccer seasons finished up last weekend at the Cross River Event. Great season to all players and coaches. Thank you to the parents who helped coach this season and specifically on Saturday.
The swim group traveled to Bangkok to compete in the APAC vs. ISAS Swim meet. We had a number of kids swim personal best times. ISAS ended up winning the meet.
This weekend our Varsity Basketball teams are in Beijing at the Great Wall Basketball Tournament. Follow the action at http://ift.tt/2jg0cL7
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.
» Please join us at the PSO Holiday Party were we will "Eat, Drink and Be Merry"!
The party will be held on Monday, December 4 from 7 - 9 PM at the Marriott, Pudong.
Your ticket gets you a Cocktail Buffet and a Drink. There will be Raffle Prizes and plenty of Holiday Cheer.
To RSVP, please put 200 RMB/person in an envelope marked with the names of the people attending and drop it off in one of the collection boxes location in the ES, MS, or HS offices by November 30. We are looking forward to celebrating the season with all of you! Please see the party invitation here.
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO. Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
Each fall we begin to identify positions likely to be open the following year and generally complete recruiting by late January. However, we accept applications at any time and will keep them on file for future vacancies. Due to age restrictions in China, we are not able to consider applicants who will be older than 57 on August 1 of the year of their initial contract.
Early Childhood (EC)- PS 3 Classroom
EC-Assistant Principal/Counselor-offer pending
ES Grade One Classroom
ES Grade Two Classroom
Potential-ES Classroom (grade level unspecified)
ES ELL Coach
Potential-ES Counselor
MS Math/Science
MS Humanities
HS PE-offer pending
HS Humanities/History
Athletic/PE Assistant
Athletic/PE Secretary
ES Teaching Assistant
To learn more go to: http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
or Directly to Job Postings
» Give the Gift of Education this Christmas!
For more than 10 years Concordia Shanghai has partnered with Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation
(CWEF) to provide YEP Scholarships for students in rural China. CWEF works with the high schools and education officials to provide high school scholarships to vulnerable (poor, female, handicapped, minority, etc.) and well-qualified students (good character and grades). The Chinese government provides free public education through grade 9, but tuition must be paid for high school. Many rural families have little access to affordable student loans or financing, consequently many high-achieving female students cannot pursue a high school education.
Your gift of 3500 RMB (US$520) provides a student with school tuition and fees, annual career workshops, and support for REACH student-development program for the current school year. Click here for more information and to make a direct online donation. http://ift.tt/2zszSr0
» Morning Fitness Classes are Open to Parents of Concordia!
Are you interested in spinning, boot camp, or yoga in the mornings? Certified staff are conducting classes every morning of the week. For a detailed schedule and pricing information, contact Tina Harbold. Classes have begun so don't wait... sign up now! If you are interested or have questions, please email Tina at [email protected].
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball-registration has started! » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source) » Danceworks Shanghai
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Check back next time!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
» Check back next time!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications. <p><p> <p>
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2zu6mm2
0 notes
mrmarknewman · 7 years
November 23, 2017
Community Bulletin
School News
» Change of Bank Account Name
Per government request, the school has changed its Chinese name. Hence, please kindly note that Chinese bank information is updated as below:
Account Name(户名): 上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校
Account No. (帐号):310066111018170251820
Bank (银行): 交通银行上海新区支行
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4:00 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» Lunch Menu Access
Did you know that you can access our school lunch menus on our website? Click here to visit our School Services page and view the ES and MS/HS (PC Lunch Menu) lunch menus this week.
Athletics & Arts
This past weekend our APAC Choir, APAC Orchestra and APAC Dance groups all traveled to their respective APAC events. The performances were well received and each group reported they had a great time.
The MS soccer seasons finished up last weekend at the Cross River Event. Great season to all players and coaches. Thank you to the parents who helped coach this season and specifically on Saturday.
The swim group traveled to Bangkok to compete in the APAC vs. ISAS Swim meet. We had a number of kids swim personal best times. ISAS ended up winning the meet.
This weekend our Varsity Basketball teams are in Beijing at the Great Wall Basketball Tournament. Follow the action at http://ift.tt/2jg0cL7
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.
» Please join us at the PSO Holiday Party were we will "Eat, Drink and Be Merry"!
The party will be held on Monday, December 4 from 7 - 9 PM at the Marriott, Pudong.
Your ticket gets you a Cocktail Buffet and a Drink. There will be Raffle Prizes and plenty of Holiday Cheer.
To RSVP, please put 200 RMB/person in an envelope marked with the names of the people attending and drop it off in one of the collection boxes location in the ES, MS, or HS offices by November 30. We are looking forward to celebrating the season with all of you! Please see the party invitation here.
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO. Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
Each fall we begin to identify positions likely to be open the following year and generally complete recruiting by late January. However, we accept applications at any time and will keep them on file for future vacancies. Due to age restrictions in China, we are not able to consider applicants who will be older than 57 on August 1 of the year of their initial contract.
Early Childhood (EC)- PS 3 Classroom
EC-Assistant Principal/Counselor-offer pending
ES Grade One Classroom
ES Grade Two Classroom
Potential-ES Classroom (grade level unspecified)
ES ELL Coach
Potential-ES Counselor
MS Math/Science
MS Humanities
HS PE-offer pending
HS Humanities/History
Athletic/PE Assistant
Athletic/PE Secretary
ES Teaching Assistant
To learn more go to: http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
or Directly to Job Postings
» Give the Gift of Education this Christmas!
For more than 10 years Concordia Shanghai has partnered with Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation
(CWEF) to provide YEP Scholarships for students in rural China. CWEF works with the high schools and education officials to provide high school scholarships to vulnerable (poor, female, handicapped, minority, etc.) and well-qualified students (good character and grades). The Chinese government provides free public education through grade 9, but tuition must be paid for high school. Many rural families have little access to affordable student loans or financing, consequently many high-achieving female students cannot pursue a high school education.
Your gift of 3500 RMB (US$520) provides a student with school tuition and fees, annual career workshops, and support for REACH student-development program for the current school year. Click here for more information and to make a direct online donation. http://ift.tt/2zszSr0
» Morning Fitness Classes are Open to Parents of Concordia!
Are you interested in spinning, boot camp, or yoga in the mornings? Certified staff are conducting classes every morning of the week. For a detailed schedule and pricing information, contact Tina Harbold. Classes have begun so don't wait... sign up now! If you are interested or have questions, please email Tina at [email protected].
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball-registration has started! » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source) » Danceworks Shanghai
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Check back next time!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
» Check back next time!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications. <p><p> <p>
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2zu6mm2
0 notes
mrlawrenceamick · 7 years
November 23, 2017
Community Bulletin
School News
» Change of Bank Account Name
Per government request, the school has changed its Chinese name. Hence, please kindly note that Chinese bank information is updated as below:
Account Name(户名): 上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校
Account No. (帐号):310066111018170251820
Bank (银行): 交通银行上海新区支行
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4:00 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» Lunch Menu Access
Did you know that you can access our school lunch menus on our website? Click here to visit our School Services page and view the ES and MS/HS (PC Lunch Menu) lunch menus this week.
Athletics & Arts
This past weekend our APAC Choir, APAC Orchestra and APAC Dance groups all traveled to their respective APAC events. The performances were well received and each group reported they had a great time.
The MS soccer seasons finished up last weekend at the Cross River Event. Great season to all players and coaches. Thank you to the parents who helped coach this season and specifically on Saturday.
The swim group traveled to Bangkok to compete in the APAC vs. ISAS Swim meet. We had a number of kids swim personal best times. ISAS ended up winning the meet.
This weekend our Varsity Basketball teams are in Beijing at the Great Wall Basketball Tournament. Follow the action at http://ift.tt/2jg0cL7
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.
» Please join us at the PSO Holiday Party were we will "Eat, Drink and Be Merry"!
The party will be held on Monday, December 4 from 7 - 9 PM at the Marriott, Pudong.
Your ticket gets you a Cocktail Buffet and a Drink. There will be Raffle Prizes and plenty of Holiday Cheer.
To RSVP, please put 200 RMB/person in an envelope marked with the names of the people attending and drop it off in one of the collection boxes location in the ES, MS, or HS offices by November 30. We are looking forward to celebrating the season with all of you! Please see the party invitation here.
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO. Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
Each fall we begin to identify positions likely to be open the following year and generally complete recruiting by late January. However, we accept applications at any time and will keep them on file for future vacancies. Due to age restrictions in China, we are not able to consider applicants who will be older than 57 on August 1 of the year of their initial contract.
Early Childhood (EC)- PS 3 Classroom
EC-Assistant Principal/Counselor-offer pending
ES Grade One Classroom
ES Grade Two Classroom
Potential-ES Classroom (grade level unspecified)
ES ELL Coach
Potential-ES Counselor
MS Math/Science
MS Humanities
HS PE-offer pending
HS Humanities/History
Athletic/PE Assistant
Athletic/PE Secretary
ES Teaching Assistant
To learn more go to: http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
or Directly to Job Postings
» Give the Gift of Education this Christmas!
For more than 10 years Concordia Shanghai has partnered with Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation
(CWEF) to provide YEP Scholarships for students in rural China. CWEF works with the high schools and education officials to provide high school scholarships to vulnerable (poor, female, handicapped, minority, etc.) and well-qualified students (good character and grades). The Chinese government provides free public education through grade 9, but tuition must be paid for high school. Many rural families have little access to affordable student loans or financing, consequently many high-achieving female students cannot pursue a high school education.
Your gift of 3500 RMB (US$520) provides a student with school tuition and fees, annual career workshops, and support for REACH student-development program for the current school year. Click here for more information and to make a direct online donation. http://ift.tt/2zszSr0
» Morning Fitness Classes are Open to Parents of Concordia!
Are you interested in spinning, boot camp, or yoga in the mornings? Certified staff are conducting classes every morning of the week. For a detailed schedule and pricing information, contact Tina Harbold. Classes have begun so don't wait... sign up now! If you are interested or have questions, please email Tina at [email protected].
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball-registration has started! » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source) » Danceworks Shanghai
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Check back next time!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
» Check back next time!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications. <p><p> <p>
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2zu6mm2
0 notes
mrjoshuatom · 7 years
November 23, 2017
Community Bulletin
School News
» Change of Bank Account Name
Per government request, the school has changed its Chinese name. Hence, please kindly note that Chinese bank information is updated as below:
Account Name(户名): 上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校
Account No. (帐号):310066111018170251820
Bank (银行): 交通银行上海新区支行
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4:00 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» Lunch Menu Access
Did you know that you can access our school lunch menus on our website? Click here to visit our School Services page and view the ES and MS/HS (PC Lunch Menu) lunch menus this week.
Athletics & Arts
This past weekend our APAC Choir, APAC Orchestra and APAC Dance groups all traveled to their respective APAC events. The performances were well received and each group reported they had a great time.
The MS soccer seasons finished up last weekend at the Cross River Event. Great season to all players and coaches. Thank you to the parents who helped coach this season and specifically on Saturday.
The swim group traveled to Bangkok to compete in the APAC vs. ISAS Swim meet. We had a number of kids swim personal best times. ISAS ended up winning the meet.
This weekend our Varsity Basketball teams are in Beijing at the Great Wall Basketball Tournament. Follow the action at http://ift.tt/2jg0cL7
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.
» Please join us at the PSO Holiday Party were we will "Eat, Drink and Be Merry"!
The party will be held on Monday, December 4 from 7 - 9 PM at the Marriott, Pudong.
Your ticket gets you a Cocktail Buffet and a Drink. There will be Raffle Prizes and plenty of Holiday Cheer.
To RSVP, please put 200 RMB/person in an envelope marked with the names of the people attending and drop it off in one of the collection boxes location in the ES, MS, or HS offices by November 30. We are looking forward to celebrating the season with all of you! Please see the party invitation here.
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO. Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
Each fall we begin to identify positions likely to be open the following year and generally complete recruiting by late January. However, we accept applications at any time and will keep them on file for future vacancies. Due to age restrictions in China, we are not able to consider applicants who will be older than 57 on August 1 of the year of their initial contract.
Early Childhood (EC)- PS 3 Classroom
EC-Assistant Principal/Counselor-offer pending
ES Grade One Classroom
ES Grade Two Classroom
Potential-ES Classroom (grade level unspecified)
ES ELL Coach
Potential-ES Counselor
MS Math/Science
MS Humanities
HS PE-offer pending
HS Humanities/History
Athletic/PE Assistant
Athletic/PE Secretary
ES Teaching Assistant
To learn more go to: http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
or Directly to Job Postings
» Give the Gift of Education this Christmas!
For more than 10 years Concordia Shanghai has partnered with Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation
(CWEF) to provide YEP Scholarships for students in rural China. CWEF works with the high schools and education officials to provide high school scholarships to vulnerable (poor, female, handicapped, minority, etc.) and well-qualified students (good character and grades). The Chinese government provides free public education through grade 9, but tuition must be paid for high school. Many rural families have little access to affordable student loans or financing, consequently many high-achieving female students cannot pursue a high school education.
Your gift of 3500 RMB (US$520) provides a student with school tuition and fees, annual career workshops, and support for REACH student-development program for the current school year. Click here for more information and to make a direct online donation. http://ift.tt/2zszSr0
» Morning Fitness Classes are Open to Parents of Concordia!
Are you interested in spinning, boot camp, or yoga in the mornings? Certified staff are conducting classes every morning of the week. For a detailed schedule and pricing information, contact Tina Harbold. Classes have begun so don't wait... sign up now! If you are interested or have questions, please email Tina at [email protected].
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball-registration has started! » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source) » Danceworks Shanghai
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Check back next time!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
» Check back next time!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications. <p><p> <p>
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2zu6mm2
0 notes
mrlylerouse · 7 years
November 23, 2017
Community Bulletin
School News
» Change of Bank Account Name
Per government request, the school has changed its Chinese name. Hence, please kindly note that Chinese bank information is updated as below:
Account Name(户名): 上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校
Account No. (帐号):310066111018170251820
Bank (银行): 交通银行上海新区支行
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4:00 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» Lunch Menu Access
Did you know that you can access our school lunch menus on our website? Click here to visit our School Services page and view the ES and MS/HS (PC Lunch Menu) lunch menus this week.
Athletics & Arts
This past weekend our APAC Choir, APAC Orchestra and APAC Dance groups all traveled to their respective APAC events. The performances were well received and each group reported they had a great time.
The MS soccer seasons finished up last weekend at the Cross River Event. Great season to all players and coaches. Thank you to the parents who helped coach this season and specifically on Saturday.
The swim group traveled to Bangkok to compete in the APAC vs. ISAS Swim meet. We had a number of kids swim personal best times. ISAS ended up winning the meet.
This weekend our Varsity Basketball teams are in Beijing at the Great Wall Basketball Tournament. Follow the action at http://ift.tt/2jg0cL7
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.
» Please join us at the PSO Holiday Party were we will "Eat, Drink and Be Merry"!
The party will be held on Monday, December 4 from 7 - 9 PM at the Marriott, Pudong.
Your ticket gets you a Cocktail Buffet and a Drink. There will be Raffle Prizes and plenty of Holiday Cheer.
To RSVP, please put 200 RMB/person in an envelope marked with the names of the people attending and drop it off in one of the collection boxes location in the ES, MS, or HS offices by November 30. We are looking forward to celebrating the season with all of you! Please see the party invitation here.
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO. Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
Each fall we begin to identify positions likely to be open the following year and generally complete recruiting by late January. However, we accept applications at any time and will keep them on file for future vacancies. Due to age restrictions in China, we are not able to consider applicants who will be older than 57 on August 1 of the year of their initial contract.
Early Childhood (EC)- PS 3 Classroom
EC-Assistant Principal/Counselor-offer pending
ES Grade One Classroom
ES Grade Two Classroom
Potential-ES Classroom (grade level unspecified)
ES ELL Coach
Potential-ES Counselor
MS Math/Science
MS Humanities
HS PE-offer pending
HS Humanities/History
Athletic/PE Assistant
Athletic/PE Secretary
ES Teaching Assistant
To learn more go to: http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
or Directly to Job Postings
» Give the Gift of Education this Christmas!
For more than 10 years Concordia Shanghai has partnered with Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation
(CWEF) to provide YEP Scholarships for students in rural China. CWEF works with the high schools and education officials to provide high school scholarships to vulnerable (poor, female, handicapped, minority, etc.) and well-qualified students (good character and grades). The Chinese government provides free public education through grade 9, but tuition must be paid for high school. Many rural families have little access to affordable student loans or financing, consequently many high-achieving female students cannot pursue a high school education.
Your gift of 3500 RMB (US$520) provides a student with school tuition and fees, annual career workshops, and support for REACH student-development program for the current school year. Click here for more information and to make a direct online donation. http://ift.tt/2zszSr0
» Morning Fitness Classes are Open to Parents of Concordia!
Are you interested in spinning, boot camp, or yoga in the mornings? Certified staff are conducting classes every morning of the week. For a detailed schedule and pricing information, contact Tina Harbold. Classes have begun so don't wait... sign up now! If you are interested or have questions, please email Tina at [email protected].
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball-registration has started! » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source) » Danceworks Shanghai
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Check back next time!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
» Check back next time!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications. <p><p> <p>
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2zu6mm2
0 notes
mrandyzavala · 8 years
Community Bulletin February 23
School News
» Save The Date for the 14th Annual Gala & Auction on March 11.
Auction Ticket & Raffle Sale Begins February 13 – March 3. Take look at our web page for more information.
» Follow us on Concordia's Official WeChat Account.
Get the latest updates. New information will be sent out once a week. Scan the QR code.
» Phoenix Shop
Phoenix Shop-Welcome the Year of the Rooster with our new coffee mugs. The mug looks fantastic and can be customized with your name. We also have a beautiful collection of hand made Ceramics, by our own Concordia parent, Helene Miller. The ceramics are wonderful great keepsake, with an Asian theme. They also would be great for our children's future home stays, like APAC.
New gift item in stock-"Ayi in Training" laundry bag. This has been resigned and quite big for children heading off to University.
Currently working on a newly designed, sling backpack, that will be available with in the coming weeks. We are also working on getting in-stock on some of our missing hoodies and crew sweatshirts.
The Phoenix shop is open every lunchtime from 11:30-1:00, and Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00-4:00
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» The Admissions Office is receiving applications for the 2017-18 school year.
We encourage you to apply as soon as possible to help us plan for staffing and programs. If you intend to enroll your child in either the PS3 or PS4 classes, we advise you to apply by early March. Information can be found here about the application process.
Athletics & Arts
APAC Band heads to TCIS in South Korea and APAC Theatre will be staying close to home at SASPD on Feb.22-26.
» PSO Spring Used Book Sale
Our PSO Used book sale is around the corner. Here is how you can donate your used books and magazines: Drop them in the yellow and blue bins located in ES, MS and HS building. We accept books for all ages: kids, teens, adults. We thank you for your donation.
Visit PSO website for the most updated information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO.
Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
» Open positions for the 2017-18 School Year
We continue to move closer to completing our hires for the fall. The following openings for 2017-18 have been filled:
HS Social Studies
ES Gr 1
ES Gr 2
MS Gr. 6 Math/Science
MS Learning Support
Assistant Director of Athletics-Aquatics
Assistant Director of Activities
Assistant Head of School-Personnel
HS Assistant Principal
Family Life Counselor-contract accepted
The remaining positions remain to be filled:
Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator-final interviews
Director of Marketing-contract ready to offer
ES Gr. 1 Classroom Teacher--growth position for fall
Potential-English Language Learner (ELL) Coach
Potential-MS Humanities
Support Staff openings:
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Accountant (PRC only)
For details on how to apply go to http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
» Service Opportunity Hosting families "Service Through Friendship"
This program offers the opportunity to be a "Big Brother" to two of WILL Foundation boys for one or two nights. The boys will be paired. They're between the ages five and twelve. They could share a bed or enjoy camping-out on a rug. (Sleeping bags available.) But, be warned, they eat like bears Contact [email protected] Click here for more information. Thank you. Looking for host families for the following dates:
Saturday February 17, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Friday February 24, 2017 3:20 pm until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Friday March 10, 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday March 18, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10AM 1 night
Friday April 28, 2017 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday May 6, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Saturday May 20, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball-registration has started! » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Shanghai Griffins Basketball Training Camp » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source)
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Moms In Prayer International
Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope by lifting up our children, teachers, staff and community with thanksgiving. Join other moms who meet twice a month on campus to seek guidance and wisdom for our children, our school and the Concordia community. Friendly to women of all languages. Please contact Michelle Wu if you have any question.
Please check next bulletin!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
» Dependable Ayi Available (02/23)
Our ayi Xiao Wan has been working for us full time for almost 6 years, she takes care of everything in my home: shopping vegetables, fruits, cleaning, cooking, laundry and helping take care of our girls. She also takes care of our cat and keep our home secure and clean while we are away. We are very happy with her. Now we don't need her full time anymore, and we want to find her morning part time job. If you are looking for a part time ayi , We highly recommend her. She is available in the morning (8-12) and can work for you right way. Please contact Tong at 13636338742 if you want more information. Thanks.
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» Health Office Information
Concordia's Health Office has put together this useful list of emergency telephone numbers and addresses in both Chinese and English. Click here for the list or contact the Health Office for more information. Flu Shots For information on Flu shots, contact the Health Office. Contact Jenny or Yukki directly.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices, are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications.
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2m9SfLv
0 notes
mrrolandtfranco · 8 years
Community Bulletin February 23
School News
» Save The Date for the 14th Annual Gala & Auction on March 11.
Auction Ticket & Raffle Sale Begins February 13 – March 3. Take look at our web page for more information.
» Follow us on Concordia's Official WeChat Account.
Get the latest updates. New information will be sent out once a week. Scan the QR code.
» Phoenix Shop
Phoenix Shop-Welcome the Year of the Rooster with our new coffee mugs. The mug looks fantastic and can be customized with your name. We also have a beautiful collection of hand made Ceramics, by our own Concordia parent, Helene Miller. The ceramics are wonderful great keepsake, with an Asian theme. They also would be great for our children's future home stays, like APAC.
New gift item in stock-"Ayi in Training" laundry bag. This has been resigned and quite big for children heading off to University.
Currently working on a newly designed, sling backpack, that will be available with in the coming weeks. We are also working on getting in-stock on some of our missing hoodies and crew sweatshirts.
The Phoenix shop is open every lunchtime from 11:30-1:00, and Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00-4:00
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» The Admissions Office is receiving applications for the 2017-18 school year.
We encourage you to apply as soon as possible to help us plan for staffing and programs. If you intend to enroll your child in either the PS3 or PS4 classes, we advise you to apply by early March. Information can be found here about the application process.
Athletics & Arts
APAC Band heads to TCIS in South Korea and APAC Theatre will be staying close to home at SASPD on Feb.22-26.
» PSO Spring Used Book Sale
Our PSO Used book sale is around the corner. Here is how you can donate your used books and magazines: Drop them in the yellow and blue bins located in ES, MS and HS building. We accept books for all ages: kids, teens, adults. We thank you for your donation.
Visit PSO website for the most updated information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO.
Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
» Open positions for the 2017-18 School Year
We continue to move closer to completing our hires for the fall. The following openings for 2017-18 have been filled:
HS Social Studies
ES Gr 1
ES Gr 2
MS Gr. 6 Math/Science
MS Learning Support
Assistant Director of Athletics-Aquatics
Assistant Director of Activities
Assistant Head of School-Personnel
HS Assistant Principal
Family Life Counselor-contract accepted
The remaining positions remain to be filled:
Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator-final interviews
Director of Marketing-contract ready to offer
ES Gr. 1 Classroom Teacher--growth position for fall
Potential-English Language Learner (ELL) Coach
Potential-MS Humanities
Support Staff openings:
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Accountant (PRC only)
For details on how to apply go to http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
» Service Opportunity Hosting families "Service Through Friendship"
This program offers the opportunity to be a "Big Brother" to two of WILL Foundation boys for one or two nights. The boys will be paired. They're between the ages five and twelve. They could share a bed or enjoy camping-out on a rug. (Sleeping bags available.) But, be warned, they eat like bears Contact [email protected] Click here for more information. Thank you. Looking for host families for the following dates:
Saturday February 17, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Friday February 24, 2017 3:20 pm until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Friday March 10, 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday March 18, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10AM 1 night
Friday April 28, 2017 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday May 6, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Saturday May 20, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball-registration has started! » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Shanghai Griffins Basketball Training Camp » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source)
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Moms In Prayer International
Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope by lifting up our children, teachers, staff and community with thanksgiving. Join other moms who meet twice a month on campus to seek guidance and wisdom for our children, our school and the Concordia community. Friendly to women of all languages. Please contact Michelle Wu if you have any question.
Please check next bulletin!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
» Dependable Ayi Available (02/23)
Our ayi Xiao Wan has been working for us full time for almost 6 years, she takes care of everything in my home: shopping vegetables, fruits, cleaning, cooking, laundry and helping take care of our girls. She also takes care of our cat and keep our home secure and clean while we are away. We are very happy with her. Now we don't need her full time anymore, and we want to find her morning part time job. If you are looking for a part time ayi , We highly recommend her. She is available in the morning (8-12) and can work for you right way. Please contact Tong at 13636338742 if you want more information. Thanks.
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» Health Office Information
Concordia's Health Office has put together this useful list of emergency telephone numbers and addresses in both Chinese and English. Click here for the list or contact the Health Office for more information. Flu Shots For information on Flu shots, contact the Health Office. Contact Jenny or Yukki directly.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices, are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications.
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2m9SfLv
0 notes