#but i am v curious!
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indelicateink · 1 year ago
i am just so earnestly curious. i read the books a long time ago, i am struggling to put myself in the shoes of someone who doesn't know what's coming. the latest promo that has the sinister projection of L: does this come across as menacing to people who are book-innocent? do those audience members have anxiety about him showing up in paris?
i know he was fucking excoriated by a lot of viewers for season 1 and ep 5 especially (no matter one's experience with the canon), and a lot of people now despise the character.
but does like. anyone actually have concern abt the guy showing up and making trouble? it seems to be the reaction they want people to have, I'm curious if it's working?
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miyakuli · 2 months ago
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Métaphysique des tubes || The Character of Rain
Directed by Liane-Cho Han Jin Kuang & Maïlys Vallade June 2025
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eleanorose123 · 3 months ago
you see these types of polls all the time but im asking it anyway lol
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inkykeiji · 2 months ago
i wonder when caleb began to realize that he was in love with his (adopted) lil sister??? i wonder how long he fought it for and why he’s finally giving into his forbidden desires now??? what happened? why did he suddenly decide to stop being the Good Guy and allow himself to succumb to his indulgences??? does it have something to do with whatever horrors he ended up suffering after the explosion?
on a much more sordid note, do you think caleb would steal some of her panties to bring with him back to work during every visit home? do u think he rifled through her undies drawer, pawing through lace and silk and cotton, to find his favourite pairs as a memento? a little piece of home, a comfort to bring back with him, to soothe him during long and lonely nights? do u think he’d spy on her in the shower? or when she slept? do u think he’s got any secret photos of her? like whEN did he start slipping into indulging himself, if he did at all? when did he start telling himself one pair won’t hurt; one photo won’t hurt; as long as i’m not physically doing anything it’s okay, right?
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kindahoping4forever · 3 months ago
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Luke via the boy photo book
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cardsharksplayingames · 2 years ago
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t-w-i-l-l-e-r · 9 months ago
I love seeing posts of the BMC kids—specifically Michael—using social media like insta/snapchat/tiktok/etc. bc it’s like “oh dumb teens doing dumb teen stuff that’s cute” but I have to be real w/ myself n admit that I genuinely believe Michael has never so much as touched any of those apps. I honestly think even tumblr is too mainstream for him. U could make a pretty solid case that he has the energy of a discord user and MAYBE reddit but, to me, Michael Mell spends most of his online existence on MMORPGs or old fucking chat forums and message boards, AOL-style. I imagine most of the ppl on these forums r adults n Michael is often the youngest one there by a looooooong shot. Jeremy and Michael’s moms stage an intervention in freshman year saying “It’s Weird That You Talk To Exclusively Older Ppl Online” n Mike’s like “nah they’re chill there’s this guy named Randy he has a son about our age he introduced us n now we play Warcraft together it’s a good time”. Michael’s moms forbid him from meeting any of the forum ppl in-person without supervision n he’s like “yeah that’s prolly 4 the best we’ve tried to meet as a group a few times b4 but they’re all Medical Equipment Techs (all of them) so they’re all busy w/ work :(“ 
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gammija · 10 months ago
Hello Magnus Archives fan
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cososom · 1 year ago
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year ago
Harry Kim saying Naomi is lucky to be born on Voyager and that he would have given "anything" to have her life when he was a kid...
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#He sees NO downsides????#Also I love how Neelix was yelling and panicked and Harry was like 'haha ok buddy. Hey this little guy is ugly huh~? See ya later!'#absolutely unbothered and not the least bit curious - love him <3#saw someone post about how they don't like 'once upon a time' bc Neelix doesn't tell Naomi right away about her mother .... bro.#c'mon. Anyway I love Neelix and him trying so hard to shield Naomi from bad things / upset bc he KNOWS how fucking painful#it is to lose a family DID make me tear up.#Also Naomi in that burned-down forest (symbolic of innocence?) was a kickass visual. Neelix telling her about his family and Naomi trying#to comfort HIM??? SHE'S SUCH A GOOD KID MAN....Neelix making her a flotter doll was also v cute#OH AND Naomi going 'I Am Borg...' and Neelix going '~??? No you're not~!!!' and Naomi giggling...added NOTHING to the#episode - as it should be!! Sometimes you've just gotta have a really cute silly moment <3#Tuvok: [says something] / Tom: Nice bedside manner Tuvok =_=#Tuvok: [about to say the most beautiful comforting words you've ever heard one parent say to another] And I took that personally.#Love how Naomi is scared of Seven at first...girl that's your roommate.#HEHEH she starts off the series scared of her but by the end she's her little buddy and also her intern#but yeah never forget that Harry Kim can and will say the most unhinged things but so casually that no one will really clock it#NEVER forget that he says he remembers.....either being an infant or his own birth - both WILD to me#Harry Kim lowkey loves destiny and being special and the idea of 'chosen ones' and the narrative even though he will fight it all if it#harms the ones he loves#Harry: (guy from an alternate timeline who replaced the dead Naomi with the alive one from his own) That kid's living the dream <3
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imperfectnothing · 14 days ago
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Updated profile for Kay, as well as the profile of someone . . . new? Strange, she looks familiar . . .
more about Kay and Trine (mostly Trine) below :)
characters are Nikolai (Kay) (he/him) and Petrine (Trine) (she/her)
Trine is Kay's "twin" sister, who was created specifically as a replacement for him, after it became clear that he wasn't the same person as the original Katrina who died. She's the "perfect" version of Kay, the version of him without all the baggage. Quiet but only because she's thoughtful. Concise but only because she wants to give others room to speak. Unassuming but only because she's humble. She's generous and kind, she just doesn't go out of her way to be the center of attention!! The "perfect daughter." Despite this, she doesn't like herself very much. She's a perfectionist. She needs to be the best, and she holds herself to that standard. She knows that she's supposed to be "the perfect one" but at the same time, she can't help but envy Kay, who has a family outside of all of this, people who love him, while she only has the affection of their creator, their mother.
Her name is "Trine" as in Katrine but I switched it so that her name was Petrine instead, because even though Kay's name isn't Katarina anymore, I felt it would be weird for her to have the exact same name as the child who no longer lives . . .
Trine was "born" when Kay was about fifteen, though she was born a fully formed teenager with artificial memories, so she believes that they truly are twin siblings, born at around the same time. She is sent to Anakt Garden not long after her birth as a transfer student of sorts, and while she does well in classes, she doesn't have the knack for music that Kay does and she doesn't even attempt the exams for Alien Stage. Instead, she starts a business with the approval of her mother (her and Kay's guardian, ADRE), which is styling and bespoke tailoring for pet humans, because Trine really enjoys fashion and design and she's good at it, so she might as well do work for her family and contribute, right?
She had a crush on Aoki (@lookatmysillies) for about a year when they were still at Anakt, mostly because of some weird muddling of the memories and feelings she was given, some of which came from Kay, but it's painful and she tries her hardest to get over that because even if she wanted these feelings, they can't go anywhere and she doesn't want them to go anywhere. She eventually becomes friends with Daian (@apple8ees) through working with him in the industry (since he also does styling/design) and she's very close to Vant (@ivanttakethis)
She doesn't avoid Kay but she doesn't seek him out and she's always p awkward around his friends because. . . they know him and they might recognize him in her face. I summarized her personality to some friends as "someone who presents very stoic and aloof but who is actually a loser." She's bisexual, autistic, and she has at least one anxiety disorder lmao but she doesn't have ADHD like her brother :)
I'm gonna release her inspo chart within the next day or so!!
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thebabycup · 20 days ago
youve done this a few times; do the results actually have much variety, or do the polls tend to repeat themselves?
hi anon! so the answer is basically "yes, kind of" for both questions. there have been a few notable upsets: the biggest one that comes to mind is pichu making it all the way to the finals in year one and then just baaarely losing to puchikoon in year two. something interesting that happened last year was togepi making it all the way to finals after beating mikon, and then when she (inevitably) lost to koonya was booted to the losers bracket, where she faced none other than mikon, again. where she LOST which i thought was sooo hilarious RIP togepi.
rematches in general tend to have the same results for the most part (with that mikon v togepi being an exception). one example i have off the top of my head is igglybuff v mime jr, which happened both in round one of the first year and the qualifiers of this year - igglybuff won both of them. (notably mime jr got a little bit closer to a tie this year! it was still more or less 60-30 tho)
that said tho, a big part of the shakeups were just due to the fact that year one wasn't really seeded aside from my general ideas of who might be popular, and then year two was seeded based on that. i think this year is the first year to be seeded "properly", meaning it's actually backed up by multiple results, so the outcomes of the polls might be a bit more stable this year? who knows.
all i can say is at this point it's safe to say koonya is a constant. the internet loves a kitten
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mytardisisparked · 9 months ago
Tagged by @elephant-in-the-pride-parade to list my 5 favorite characters of all time in a poll and have folks vote on which ones are their favorites
I pulled out some of my OG faves from my entire career in fandom 🫡 If you notice a trend here don't hecking worry about it :)
Tagging: @jellybeansarecool @singeart @thescullyphile @vincentsleftear @emilie786 anybuddy else who wants to
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ziskandra · 2 months ago
5, 7, and 35: which character (if any) has changed the most as you wrote them, in terms of your interpretation or understanding of their character and choices?
(Fanfic/author ask game) 5. What's something you learnt while researching a fic? I had to mull over this question for quite a while! Given my tendency to mostly write canon-compliant character studies in fantasy universes, most of my 'research' process is double-checking for lore compliance and the like and it was a struggle to identify anything particularly interesting or revelatory which would be worth sharing from those deep dives (unless people want to hear me bang on about the symbolism of Meredith and Orsino both losing loved ones in cupboard fires again). So, I had a flick though the last few pages of my posted AO3 works, and came up with the research I had to do into the neighbourhoods of New York City for my Crazy Ex-Girlfriend fic Crossroads, featuring Rebecca Bunch crashing at her ex-frenemy Audra Bunch's house when stranded in NYC, as well as my Ace Attorney smut fic escargot*, which uh, features the eating of escargot. (I have eaten escargot before, but wanted to refresh my memory of the process because it was basically a food kink fic lol.) *Heads up that this is a (aged-up) Trucy/Miles fic for anyone who's canon familiar and might be squicked by the pairing. 7. Coffee or tea while you write? I don't really tend to drink either while writing these days! They're both very work-coded to me now. (Coffee for when I need to focus, tea for when I need to calm down.) The real question is water or alcohol, to which the ratio is about 9:1 😉. (But no joke, I have found that staying adequately hydrated helps my writing process a LOT. glug glug)
35 (wild card): which character (if any) has changed the most as you wrote them, in terms of your interpretation or understanding of their character and choices? I know I mentioned the other day that I've started finding Meredith easier to write due to recent life events, and I think there's at least a handful of people who follow me here who would understand the full context of why that's the case, and probably a dozen more that could make a pretty educated guess based on what I've mentioned publicly! Because the explanation deals with pretty heavy mental health shit (psychosis, suicide) and is quite lengthy, I'm putting the rest of this answer under a cut.
Long story short, I think it's incredibly difficult to truly appreciate just how fucking weird brains can be when pushed to their absolute limits (especially where trauma is involved). And nothing quite encapsulates that for me more than the circumstances which lead to my involuntary hospitalisation on the other side of the planet last year! Basically, due to a cumulation of insanely stressful life factors between January and June last year, I ended up having a psychotic break featuring hallucinations, persecutory delusions, and delusions of grandeur. Unfortunately, I was still acting just normal enough before my pre-planned trip to the US last year that nobody quite picked up on it until after I left Australia (although in hindsight I was definitely having hallucinations before the trip). Anyway, I quickly grew more deranged after that due to a combination of factors, such as being socially isolated from my support network, missing my connecting flight to NYC at LAX (and absolutely lacking the executive function to rebook one), as well as being separated from my luggage. I also misplaced my wallet and glasses (but somehow managed to hold onto my passport, thank god). Thankfully, I did have my credit card details stored on my phone, so I managed to book a room in a Holiday Inn for several days, which I only left to eat at the McDonald's across the road in a state of constant hypervigilance. I became convinced that I was a secret CIA sleeper agent and that the CIA had killed my cousin (who had suicided some nine years prior). Eventually, I decided that I desperately needed to return to Australia and tried to make my way back to the Australian embassy, missing its closing time by 15 minutes. Lost and confused, I spent a lot of time wandering about in circles hoping that whoever was tailing me would lose my scent. I sent my lawyer an email from an Apple store stating that I had "shaken the fabric of reality and discovered my moral values" and that I wanted to go home now. I got hungry and hunkered down in a McDonald's again. I sat there for a while having occasional moments of clarity where I would be like 'holy shit I think I am losing my fucking mind'. During one of these moments, I asked to borrow the restaurant's phone and called 911 on myself. I then had a very vivid and soothing hallucination of my Honours thesis supervisor who I had not seen in a decade putting on a bad Australian accent (he's American) telling me that everything would be okay and I would get through this. Then the police turned up and I screamed at this LAPD officer about how I was a proud Australian citizen, that I was going to become PM one day, and that when I was Prime Minister (of Australia) I would ... *check notes* fix Los Angeles International Airport? And then I got sectioned. lol As for how all this relates to Meredith Stannard, I think it's very cool and sexy for me to have already been a massive fan of a character who more or less experiences canonical delusions (and implied hallucinations) so I can continue processing this absolutely bizarre batshit experience that happened to me the way I know best (terrorising fictional characters). It definitely gave me more insight into how somebody in that frame of mind (and not sleeping for days!!) might end up putting dots together that aren't there because their frames of reference are wrong, or they believe God is sending them signs, or what have you. tl;dr I was always fascinated by how Meredith's sanity slippage has a very slow build up (she carried that red lyrium sword around for YEARS!) for her to just finally snap the way she does, and although I have written snippets set in that time frame before, I think I'll be able to do it in an even better and more meaningful way now.
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imaginarycyberpunk2023 · 1 year ago
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OC: Vinnie Gallo
Heavily inspired by @medtech-mara and her iconic Black Ryder picture of her OC Mara "Panthera" Sterling
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nylarac · 7 months ago
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it is funny comparing the two beanies lol original beanie is definitely a bit bedraggled now but it's ok i love them <3
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