#but i am using it in a neutral tone and dont feel it has to be tied to that negative implication
narelleart · 5 months
Hm, I think I need a new header line for my tumblr. I think I can call myself a systematic ichthyologist now. I'm not really an "ichthyologist in the making" anymore, though I'm still learning.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳ pairing : jing yuan x gender neutral reader
↳ synopsis : memories lost, memories found ( part 2 !! )
↳ authors note : i'm very sorry if this doesn't fit anyones expectations or standards, as i dont really like this myself :( i might take a short tiny break, mostly to get my rhythm back! thank yaurrr <3
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There's a small crowd that surrounds the Cloudford area, whispers and chatters coming from bystanders and even a few Cloud Knights. All step out of the way when JING YUAN walks through, but their stares spark an uneasy feeling in him. What could be causing such a stir between the people?
Once he makes it to the front, there's a sight of what seems to be a person just about his age wearing parts and pieces of different Cloud Knight armor and clothing. "Let me go!" The muffled voice yells due to their headpiece.
Jing Yuan kneels down in front of them, grabbing them by the chin and making them look at him. Though he couldn't see their face, the slight startle in their body language was as clear as day. "Stop..!-" They beg, trying to pull away but the grip around their wrist makes it impossible to move.
They attempt to move their head away, but the slow slip of their mask makes them panic further. Once it fully falls, Jing Yuan's eyes widen as he takes a moment to absorb their features. Your features. The fear in your expression causes him to stumble, dropping the mask as he realizes exactly who you are. "(name?)" He'll say as soft as a whisper, about to reach his hand out for your cheek but the adrenaline and fear gives you enough strength to give one strong tug and free yourself.
"Wait!-" He'll yell, but you ignore his pleas and turn your back. Running as fast as your feet can take you, and he has no idea what comes over him, but he picks himself up and chase after you. He thought he lost you, that he'd never see you again, so he's not about to lose you when you're right there.
You disappear somewhere in an area surrounded by crates, but something, an odd sixth sense was telling him that you were there somewhere. A sense that he once failed to listen to, on the day he lost you, and he was not about to make that same mistake. "(name).." Jing Yuan's footsteps grow closer, and you use one hand to muffle your sobs as you hid in one of the containers
You watch as he steps inside, looking down at you as you refused to meet his gaze. Burying your head into your knees as you sniffle. "I-"
"I know what you're going to say." You began, lifting your head up slightly but not quite enough to look at him. Not after all those years you had left him alone to suffer. "Why didn't I come back? Why did I leave you to be alone?" You say with a growing frustration in your tone, not at him, but to yourself. As if what you're saying was directed at you, at what you did in the past. "W-well.. I didn't know what to do, okay? Everyone thought I was dead, or even Mara-struck. I was afraid of returning at the idea that many would think that I am a monster, I certainly looked the part after the incident.. B-but look at you! You're.. the General, just like we knew you would be! And.. you've been good without me. I knew you would be okay even when I'm not around, and maybe I could be wrong but.. Y-you're better than ever, aren't you?"
You can feel his hand make its way to the top of your head, and as you spoke, it would slowly travel downwards to the side of your head and he finally pauses at your cheek. "Stop with your silence, idiot! I don't want your pity, nor your forgiveness, just.. say something!"
He slowly lifts your head, to reveal the gentleness of his soul that mirrored through his eyes. The way he opens his lips but no words come out makes you feel like the world has gone quiet, as if the world itself held its breath and was waiting for his answer.
"When I closed my eyes, your blurred face was all I would see. So now that I'm here, your face in my hands, despite my eyes wide open.. I'm just hoping you don't disappear when I let go."
A shaky breath escapes your lips, inhaling as it turns into a breathless laugh. Tears forming in your eyes as you pull him into a tight hug, blubbering nonsense that were intended to be words. You had so much to say, so much to do, yet all you wanted was this moment to last forever. Being in the arms of the person you missed the most.
And on Jing Yuan's end, it all feels like a dream. Your arms wrapped around his chest, your tears staining his shoulder and the way your racing heartbeat was pressed against his own. A heart to heart, one could say, but he can't process that this is all real. You're real, and you're right here.
"Please don't go." He breathes out, one hand around your waist, the other the top of your head to pull you closer and practically burying you into his shoulder. "I'd never dream of it, never again. Don't lose me again."
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taglist [ red is untaggable ( ;´꒳`;) ] : @thetwinkims @prettyliliy @fandomfan-102 @lauren1771 @kazedaka @xphantasmagoriax @himeru-soulmate @bobaducky @sunsethw4 @rebeccawinters @69scaramouche @minxky @blazervain @ye29yen @vshwood
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burnedwriter · 2 years
‘’too late’’
A/n:ft xiao,childe and diluc.These are some headcanons of how their worst nightmare came to life,your death
warnings:angst,mention of death,gender-neutral language used.
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🐋Childe is a harbinger as we all know so he probably has a lot of enemies or people trying to get him and if its not directly him that means they will come after you,to hit him exactly were it hurts the most.
🐋That’s one of the many reasons he has taught you how to fight in the first place,just in case something like this happens when hes away on a mission,but is this really enough to keep you from harms way.
🐋One day he will come against a gloomy discovery that was about to unfold as he came back to your home.
Walking towards the house,he saw footprints going towards your house.It took him a second to realize what was going on from the shock,thinking of the worst case scenario,his heart started beating loudly as he rushed towards the house as fast as he could.
‘‘shit shit shit’‘he whispered to himself all the negative thoughts circling around in his mind,he hoped to see you peacefully reading your book but that was far from the truth.
bursting through the door he saw you sitting up with your back against the wall one hand holding the bloody sword and the other pressing on the big wound you had on you abdomen.He immediatly run on your side trying to get you to get up.
‘‘please get up ,i need to get you to safety’‘he choked,his voice shaky tears threatening to escape from his eyes,his worst nightmare coming to life as he continued to try and get you to stand up.
‘‘Ajax,its ok ,please it’s too late now’‘you struggled to say,your hand leaving the sword and putting it on his head,stroking his hair softly one last time as he put his head in the crook of your neck,sobbing quietly staining your shoulder with tears,it was the first time you saw childe cry,it always broke your heart seeing him in pain but it was too late now the only thing you could do was hold him in your warm embrace as it slowly turned cold,taking your last breath.
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🦉Just like childe he has many enemies but in diluc’s case it’s the fatui he has to look out for.Even though he had run ins with them years ago he still has an eye out for them since they are scattered all over mondstadt.
🦉Diluc was always  cautious about you going out on your own without supervision aka him being your bodyguard but in response to that you always said that everything was going to be ok and there was nothing to worry about.
🦉Not until today....
🦉Coming back to the winery he sensed something was off,getting greeted by Adeline instead of you was a rare sight as it only happened when you were sick or extremly tired.
‘‘Master diluc,please dont panic with what i am about to say’‘Adeline nervously said,making Diluc’s heart skip beats and drop in an instant even without Adeline telling him but let her finished anyways as he didnt want to jump to conclusion.
‘‘they havent come back’‘she said with the same anxious tone in her voice.
‘‘I wil go look for them’‘Diluc said calmly.He may looked calm and collected on the outside but on the inside he could feel his soul wither as time passed.
Leaving the winery in a haste,he got on his horse and off he was,the first location he went to was mondstadt,trying desperatly to ask people about your whereabouts or if they have seen you at all but  it was late at night so the only people to ask where the knights at the main gate.The knights telling diluc that they saw you leave the city and take the road that lead towards the winery.Taking the same path diluc’s body slowly started getting overtaken by stress as he saw no sight of you.
Suddenly he saw a person laying in the middle of the pathath.
‘‘no it can’t be’‘diluc whispered out loud,getting closer and realizing who the person was.Getting off his horse he sprinted towards you.
He breathed heavily as he held you lifeless corpse on his hand,tears streaming down his cheeks,shaking you desperatly to ‘’wake up’’ as he couldnt believe that you were dead right before his very own eyes,regretting his desition letting you go out alone.From all the shaking,diluc noticed that you were holding something on your half closed hand,taking it off he saw that it was a fatui insignia.Did you try to fight back?or did they placed it there on purpose knowing that diluc would find you eventually.His grief slowly turned into burning hatred.Taking you into his arms and taking you back to the winery for a proper burial.
‘‘i won’t let them get away with it,i promise’‘stroking your face softly one last time,starting to plot his revenge for what they did to avenge you.
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🍃😠Now Xioa he was always scared and very cautious when you were away traveling before coming back to liyue to stay for a bit and leaving again to continue your travels again.You would sent him letters knowing your were abouts with photos of beautiful scenary that you took from  the places you are visiting.
🍃😠He told you to call out his name no matter how dangerous the situation was and that he will be there for you  no matter what.
🍃😠Unlike the others Xiao never saw you die.He realized it when latern rite happened,you always came to liyue around that time to visit and pass time with him as it was the aniversary where the two of you officially became a couple.
This time was different,you never showed up during latern rite nor he recieved any letters from you that you werent going to make it this year’s latern rite nor the next nor the one after that,At first he thought you found someone else but he realized that wasnt thecase,Xiao quickly realized that your luck might have caught up to you.He felt devistated he wasnt even able to say goodbye to you,the ;ast conversation you two had running on rpeat inside his head over and over again remembering the last location you were going to visit before you left.Getting up from where he was sitting he decide that he was going to find you no matter what.
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shock · 1 year
hey! ik you work at a school and based on how you post about it, you really care a lot about your job and it seems like the kids really like and trust you. i'm about to start a job as a para working 1:1 w/ a middle schooler, and my prior experience is all tutoring college students- do you have any tips on getting kids that age to engage w/ you? im worried ill be awkward around him and he'll think im cringe 😭 would really appreciate any advice u have to give
middle schoolers are developmentally in a place where they are experimenting with independence for the first time. they will test rules, boundaries, expectations. be clear and consistent but not rigid. if you make it integral to your relationship and their success that they tell you what motivates them, they have agency, and that you want to work WITH them, they may not believe that immediately but the more you prove it the easier it will be to know how to support them.
if you know anyone who has worked with this student before, ask about and be ready to filter the information you learn. I ask questions like "do you remember a day that was successful, and how did you get there?". ask "was there a time you felt that you connected?". "What strategies did you find helpful?".
I don't always agree with all of my colleagues in their approach or their view of the kid in front of them, but that doesn't mean I can't learn from them and apply it in my own way. about the same student, I was warned that successful only happened when they were elevated by using a neutral tone and that they will try to trick me so be aware of that. another said that they are very funny and sometimes needs pressure to be grounded- when I suggested a weighted shoulder blanket, she lit up and said "that would be an awesome idea!!". another colleague said that they do very well with expectations given in the form of "If X happens, my expectation is to [action]". I can keep all of these things in mind and also not let them be more deciding than the kid that I will have in front of me.
You have your own style and that can be translated to a lot of ages if you take steps to learn to communicate with them and dont make them feel stupid or inexperienced. I invite suggestions and try to apply their voice as appropriate and safe. I don't make promises I can't keep, and if I can't keep them I am upfront about it. Model integrity and honesty.
Also, because of the rapid development both hormonally, socially, physically, 6th, 7th, and 8th are all WILDLY different. The ways I can talk to my 8th graders about deeply personal social-emotional reflections doesn't look the same my 6th or 7th graders. You'll naturally find out where your student lies in terms of maturity and understanding, and there will be a LOT of growth in a single year.
Kids will accept and grow fond of your cringe if they know you express it in solidarity and from a willingness to learn. Anything will be cringe if they want to haze you for it, including things YOU SEE THEM DOING ALL THE TIME 🤣 I tell my kids all the time that there are things that come naturally to them that amaze me and impress me that I don't know about. I put my kids in positions to be teachers. Being cringe is a natural part of working with kids and its ok to be silly and weird IF you are there for them when it counts. IF you don't patronize, condescend, or talk down to them. They are intelligent, thoughtful, and often know much much more than they ever say. They are extremely resilient. they will genuinely think you are just as likely 17 or 40 years old no matter what age you are. Don't worry about being awkward or cringe, take steps to understand the passions and joys of your students. Be willing to suck at things they excel at. Be willing to play basketball with them even though you suck ass, and ask them how to improve. Be willing to make bracelets that are so fucking ugly they're worth laughing about while they're making 400-braid works of art. Acknowledge when they have skills you aren't familiar with. They will learn to appreciate yours if they know you see theirs.
They don't accuse me of being lame when I act goofy, to them it's just part of who "Mr. Jack" is. I'm not above getting pranked. I'm not above getting razzed on. Im not above getting something wrong. I'm a professional who knows how to navigate systems and wants to share that with them. I explain why things happen. I answer "why" with a genuine, thoughtful response. Middle schoolers always want to know why, and if they don't know why by the time they get to high school because it's been held hostage by people in power, they believe there is no "why". I never say "just because" or "It's the right thing to do". I say what will come out of it. If I ever have to report something happening or have to have another colleague help with a mandated reporting/need help from social work to wrap around, I never just do it. I say things like "you know, X is someone I really trust and respect here. They have more information than I do and I think if we worked together we would be able to really find a solution, can we try to do that". I explain that I will never abandon them or shove them on others or destroy our trust, but I have Profesional obligations and that I will walk through the whole process with them. I have sat in ambulances with kids. I have stayed into the night at hospitals with kids. I have exercised my right to refuse to send a kid home out of an immediate safety concern and updated them the entire time what every call I made was about, what I did and did NOT share, checked in with them... and my worst fear of ruining my relationship with a kid and destroying their trust has not happened because I make sure that the pieces are not moving around them while they are helpless. So much is already out of their control.
I have coached multiple students who admitted to me that they vaped or smoked, and i think this is a good example of applying that mindset: My job isn't tell them to stop because it's bad. My job is to say "look, I'm not going to say what everyone else has told you or pretend that I've never done something that could harm my body. Anything you do, I want you to do research and use that to decide what is worth it." And I share knowledge, we get to the root of it, we talk about the reasons, we talk about the risks. One of my students who smoked nicotine without parents knowing didn't know that it would seriously impact a surgery they had coming up that they had been waiting for their whole life and were excited for. Me sharing that information not with the threat of consequences but with a need for them to understand how to move forward was how we got to develop a plan to quit that was seen through.
Sorry that was a lot of rambling!! Basically work as a team and find ways to come up with strategies together. You can be professional, "in charge", and provide direction without insulting the newly budding agency your middle schoolers are unfortunately learning that they don't have in a lot of environments. Start EVERY SINGLE DAY new. I have bad days and have cried because of how hurtful something was from a student, but I don't let that stop me from greeting them in the morning, or feeling like they have a right to education, or that they can't try to do things differently. They're incredibly impulsive, and you will have an hour long conversation that seems to really sink, and the second you get out of the room they will still immediately do the thing they shouldn't. Over time with consistency they really do change, and it's normal for that to not be always immediate. Days, weeks, years... sometimes you won't even see that growth, and that's really hard, but you have to trust that it will happen.
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torialefay · 4 months
We both have neutral-cool complexion but aren't a bright winter because we don't have a completely cool-toned complexion.
So Chris naturally has a warmth to his dark hair and he's got warm tones in his eyes too- if you see fancams of him close up- he's got mahogany tones in his eyes.
And you've seen what I look like and so I also have naturally very dark, curly hair but I have hazel eyes so my eyes are more warm-toned because there's green, gold and brown in them.
So we can't really wear muted colours because it washes us out- it's why I feel Chris looks his best when he has his natural dark hair OR when he goes platinum because the ashiness in the platinum hair also brings out his features.
I honestly didn't like the orange hair he had on him last year because it washed out his skin tone.
Whereas Jeongin is more of a Summer/Spring in colour analysis so orange/red tones look amazing on him.
So it's why all-black outfits hit so well with him- as well when he wears jewel tones like you mentioned or autumnal themed colours- like in his latest reel when he wore the olive cardigan and it looked rlly nice on him.
It's why the grunge aesthetic just looks better on him than with the other members because he's physically more suited to those palettes of colours.
ALSO- its surfacing back on TikTok now where baby stays have found previous photos of him wearing the 'o' ring.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the meaning of 'o' rings.
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Do you think he's oblivious or he knows exactly what it means and he's hiding on us?
Considering the performance of red lights, I think he knows exactly what it means 😭👌
Notice how it's always on the dominant hand? Never the submissive.
i agree w the ashy blonde looking good, & i also wasn't the biggest fan of the orange. i mean he still looks better than me no matter what, but his dark hair is just too good to compete with. i dont remember him in an olive cardigan! i'm gonna have to go deep dive 😭
he is just such a black-suited boi. i hope he never changes 😮‍💨
OMG ID NEVER SEEN THAT RING NOR DID I KNOW WHAT IT MEANT 😭 i just had to look it up! so for whether he knew it's meaning or not, idk. i didn't know, but also i am quite literally unintelligent. has he worn it recently??? i'm kinda dying to know now omg
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oldmemoria · 1 year
i have a lot of unorganized miguel headcanons that float around my brain at times but since i usually think of them at night and forget about them the next morning im just going to continuously update this post probably? anyway here are the ones that i do remember
i will either leave this in my drafts and update it when i want to or ill just edit/reblog with new stuff idk
edit after i stopped typing:
ok its time
fuck you
identity headcanons first, because idk getting those out of the way feel free to get pissed off about these ill just block you 💖
trans man. he/him pronouns. probbably doesnt care if you use gender neutral terms for him because like... why would he, he has a multiverse to stare at
asexual, can't really figure out of i see him as being aromantic as well, i personally just think he's too busy to think about it atm but i dont think hes incapable of it. maybe arospec, like demiro or greyro or smth idk, i just know this mf is asexual.
he is autistic (and probably undiagnosed?) i will die on this hill as if i was a warrior cat defending the sunningrocks i will commit an oakheart fight me on this and i will throw rocks at you and then promptly get crushed by rocks as well (is that warrior cats spoilers um oops sorry)
now to the rest- that i remember- i have not read the comics yet so if some of these are like.. actually canon lmk because that would be really funny
this one might be a hot take but he does not hate miles. he wants to look out for him and definitely either currently regrets or is going to regret what happened in that chase scene. i genuinely doubt he hates any of the spider-gang hes just very, very worried about the multiverse. in his head thats the only way. (i am hoping and pleading that miguel and miles make up somehow, maybe miles doesnt forgive miguel and that totally understandable and would make sense but pLEASE writers i would die if you kept them as being rivals i genuinely would)
he hates Audrey Hepburn, fangoria, harry houdini, AND croquet. he CAN swim, he CAN dance, and he DOES know Karate. he still wont make it though. sorry man.
since hes from the future i dont think he'd be terribly confused by current slang/terms, hed more look at it like we see terms from like... the 80-90s or anything before that as "oh wow people used to say that? huh. interesting."
im going back on a headcanon ive had since i saw the movie im SoRRYYY but he cant curse. from what ive seen from the comics he uses replacements like "shock" and "bithead", thats it. maybe he says fuck on accident or in spanish (he technically kind of does depending on how you see "Ay Coño" being said but thats beside the point).
probably a blue eyes hater idk he just gives me the vibe of saying "jesus christ your eyes are way too blue, get contacts please im begging you stop looking at me" which is probably why him and gwen have so much beef.
i dont give a shit about what the movie says his fangs are not retractable fuck you. (he still has crooked teeth though i will never forget about those <3 )
autism be damned my guy can work a grill 🔥🔥🔥🔥
a lot of people cant really tell if hes pissed or not by his tone sometimes. is this projection? yeah, next question.
he hardly ever sleeps but when he does its like hes dead (at least when its dead quiet, which again, isnt often so he hardly ever gets a good nights sleep). you'd have to use a fucking blowtorch to the face to wake him up.
i also see him as not only having hypersensitive vision but also having elevated senses period. hearing, smell, touch, etc. probably the main reason he sits in the dark with no other noise.
branching off of that he frequently gets migraines of things get to stressful or too loud or if anything is very off about his schedule.
arachnophobe. ha.
cat person.
cat person as in he likes cats not like hes a catboy.. i shouldnt specify that actually that just makes it worse but i will anyway because tumblr hellsite will be tumblr hellsite
he partially likes lego peter because his daughter really liked lego.
ok but like think about it he'd probably be really good at taking legos apart with those claws. like imagine. it'd be nothing for him.
hasnt spoken to gabriel in years. he cant bring himself to reach out and when gabriel does he just doesnt have the energy to try and respond. he has no idea how to, especially now.
this is very specific but he stims a lot with his claws. like extend and retract over and over absentmindedly (mainly because thats what i'd do if i had claws imagine how fun that would be)
he usually bottles up all the emotions that he has, including anger. kind of explains why he lost it in the chase scene in my head because he reached a boiling point. he hates talking to people about his problems.
empanadas are his safe food, also theyre just easy to eat when your mouth is a little funky (i would know i have some fucked up braces theyre great for that 10/10), its mostly just easier on his fangs.
definitely horrible at the whole self are thing. he just forgets, all the time. would forget to breathe if it wasnt involuntary
if you say anything he doesnt particularly like (eg "hey bro are you okay do you wanna talk") he'll just stare at you with his rat eyes like 👁️👁️ until you stopped idk what im saying.
he is a bit touch starved, depending on his mood he'll let people touch him in a friendly (emphasis on friendly. friendly friendly friendly dont take it any other way :/) way.
OH I almost forgot about this one: he hisses. some spiders hiss. so does he. vampire furry energy
he also gets pissed when people call him a vampire so uh... im counting my days oops.
will go out and sit in the rain. (wait would it still rain in the future? is the climate still fucked in his timeline or nah)
like "ah, its water time" and goes out to sit like this:
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Man if only there was a rain filter
that is all i have for now maybe if something else comes up ill reblog with new stuff >:)
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scaredofmyocs · 11 months
i am listening to PJ and Parappas album I Scream annd it is silly to me erm here are my silly thoughts that are mostly about the lyrics lmao
Ok first of all. I dont like parappas songs in this game, and all of these use those instrumentals. Its nothing in particular I thought I would like at least one but strangely not? but parappas VA is incredibly talented idc if thats like common knowledge gotta say it when you think it yk. ok now
first song: All We Need Is Music:
i posted the "WITH THE FUCK WITH THE FUCK WHAT THE FUUUUUCK" thing like a second ago and thats like my whole opinion on that song. im pretty sure katy is singing some of it and like i love her her voice actor was incredibly talented again gotta say the obvious. also the beginning where shes like "oh. (chuckles) ok." with like no context is so real so great. also what the fuck is happening in the video.
second song: The New Plan
the lyrics are just "im cool man and so is milk can and heres a bunch of stuff we did" Im very neutral about this one i have no thoughts other than yes you are cool and so is milk can
third song: Life Is Like A Sky
the song is basically just "remember guys behave yourselves!!!" but hearing parappa say "Stay away from drugs" is so funny again not many thoughts
fourth song: Why
THIS ONE IS SO SILLY TO ME bc he starts off with shit like "why. do birds have wings" like ok ok then "why. do boys like girls? girls like boys, boys like toys, and girls like curls?" interesting thoughts parappa "why do we feel hungry? why do we need money?" even further into interesting "Who created sunny funny?" her dad what "Why is fire hot? why does rain fall in drops?" yeah? "why do we have first and last names?" ok ok "And how come people die? And where do we go, from the sky?" damn ok parappa questioning the real shit at late hours in the morning. anyway yeah hes just slowly questioning everything in this song and it sounds really funny to me
last and sixth song: No Cuttin Corners
BAHAHA THE WHOLE SONG IS JUST "listen to your parents guys! go to school! dont do drugs! I hate the dealers at my school! i dont need cigarettes! playstation! Dont drink alcohol! Dont shoot each other! I go to school! my dad is yelling at me even though I did my chores! I have 4 paws but i walk on 2! Talk it out!
OKOKOK TO BE FAIR "We Are Milkcan!" is never going to be beat in terms of all over the place in tone and I love that song so Im sure that this one has its fans. I just think its really funny that parappa sounds like he was paid to make this album so much. Im sure he agrees with certain sentiments in it its just so out of left field given that he wouldve kicked those bullies asses at the beginning of the first game and given what I know about the second game (something about noodle and burger war?) I litterally dont think he cares about this as much as this album explores these themes.
Also parappa talks about school like hes in elementary school and not like. what 15? based on what Ive heard about the anime I dont like this, unless it was a deliberate choice ofc bc then idc as long as rodney or whoever isnt having their creations messed with.
not that I know what Im talking about I am rambling girl. hit post
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mollytatlisu · 1 year
Magazine Front Cover Development 1
As I was finding it difficult to make a definite decision on which fonts I would use for my magazine, I thought I could begin sampling some front cover ideas; in order to visualise how the fonts may look when combined with other elements of the magazine. At this point I hadn’t carried out any of my own photoshoots, so I opted for using some images I found of heather baron Gracie; whose style encompasses what I view goth as in the present.
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As you can see here I carried out a quick experimentation with the fonts from my typography post in different places, sizes and orientations.
- Went with the colour red theme throughout the cover to emulate the feeling of feminity and intense emotion that is ever present through goths history; however I think I will experiment with completely black and white covers as well as neutral toned palettes
- I had to make sure that the cover has longevity, which is why I tested out the black strip bind, with my thoughts behind it being that it would be universal across every magazine issue, with the “core” part being in the same font and the magazine issue name being in a themed font. I dont think this looks very professional so I will be experimenting with other ways that each cover could be linked together.
- In order to make the image blend with the background I reduced the transparency of the image after isolating it in photoshop; which caused the red to completely drown out her pale toned skin. I think this is effective and could test with my own photos.
- I’m also completely against the look of the white background; it looks unthoughtful and thrown together at the last minute; so this will definitely not be a feature of my cover.
- Although the font that reads “gothic” on 2 of these covers is very typical of the goth subculture and clearly resembles features of gothic architecture and such fonts often have gothic based names meaning it communicates my narrative really well, judging from an editorial publishing perspective I think its almost too cliche and obvious, so could potentially be more suited to an accent font feature within the magazine.
Could develop own font that takes inspiration from modern gothic architecture?
Since these initial colour samples I carried out a quick photoshoot based around the white shirt task we were given; and so I am going to use those images to carry out further experimentation of cover ideas.
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As you can see in the covers towards the left hand side I wanted to experiment with a more subtle bind that would link each issue together; as the black strip was too overpowering. I think this works well, especially as the transparency adds an extra layer giving the cover more depth; which looks less basic and flat. However, in terms of type faces, im very much leaning towards the ones used in the one word title. Having all the covers laid out together it’s clear to see those ones have a more professional finish, especially against the ones with the red titles. After trialling the use of red further I think it looks too obnoxious and loud, drawing attention away from the cover image and the issue title. As you can see I continued to mess with the transparency levels of different elements of the covers; some within the titles and / or images. I think what’s particularly effective is the overlaying of the transparency title on top of the image in covers 8 & 9; i think this combined with a more thoughtful layout in general could make for a really good cover.
Although I’m really keen on the layouts of some of these covers there are a couple of improvements I want to make/try. Firstly, if I was to use this shoot for a cover image I think I could really play around with the graffiti element in some of the images, even by potentially finding different textures for the backgrounds as oppose to the flat colours I’m using currently. I’m going to see what textures / materials I can find and experiment by scanning some of those in. Aswell as this, across all the covers im going to attempt turning up the noise in the background to create a more textured finish. And finally, I’m going to print out some of these so I can visualise how they would look on a printed magazine properly, making it easier for me to determine any improvements that need to be made.
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lesbianwilby · 2 years
howdy wil! Answer any or all of these if you want :D
violet— do you like to cook or bake? if so, what is it that you like to make?
azalea— what is the most recent song you listened to? how do you feel about it?
lotus— what is your favorite color and in what shade? e.g. sage green, navy blue, ect. dahlia— do you like to follow current fashion trends or do you have a particular style that you prefer to stick to?
HELLOOOOOOO thank u for adding the questions w ur ask i an in the middle of watching youtube videos n i dont have the brainpower to copy/paste these LMAO (so sory i didn't for u i do not think very well)
violet: i do sometimes!! theres not a lot of food or ingredients n shit in my house n cant rly buy like .any n also massive lack of energy so i cant a lot but i love cooking n baking even if its usually just helping my mom 🫶 im very fond of making things w chicken massive safe food 4 me in many ways
azalea: salamander by deco*27‼️ i adore this song SO much i just have to ignore that its about cup noodles and im good .most recent english song tho would be electioneering by radiohead which!! is actually my current favorite song off of ok computer :3
lotus: this is such a hard question for me to answer bc im so odd w colors 😭 i think?????? probly like a dark brick red.. overall i tend to stick more to color schemes vs specific colors n .all my color schemes tend to center around either red or neutrals so
dahlia: RAHHHHHH FASHION QUESTION so. for me its kinda a mix of both? it REALLY depends on the trend n who i see in it n how accessible it is to me n if i actually LIKE it.. like im not going to sit here n deny that my style has never been influenced by or even changed by trends bc thatd be a goddamn lie but also its not been like. a permanent change ig???? leme like share examples to fully explain
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so heres two outfits i wore in 2021, first was sometime in summer second was during october or september probs?? now obviously these aren't like the same exact style but like in my brain n for how i dress they come close enough (also yes i had my hair dyed red two times in a row .no they were not the same shade or anything. btw think in second picture i already had my mullet why didnt i wear my hair up wth was up w that)
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these r some more recent outfits!! first one is actually the most recent picture i have of any of my outfits i wore it to a job interview :3 and yes the three others have the same exact top and yes i am wearing the same two pairs of pants in these and yes i did wear both my necklace and pocket watch with them all and yes i did carry the same bag .my style has been toned down a LOT recently tbh n im ngl its def been at least partly influenced by trends.. i dont mind it tho its comfy n cute n i dont have to think much
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however sometimes i do still go back to my "old" style that never rly left tbh (in the og pics the only thing i dont have anymore is the skirt n thats bc i dont wear those colors rly anymore).. first one was sometime this summer? second time i think was last month actually!!
n like even still w my toned-back style n shit i still make 3d kandi cuffs n i still listen to music that someone who would see me in passing wouldn't expect n even if these outfits r "tame" bc im way too lazy to go n find pictures from high school (my kandi cuffs used to get worn almost daily + my beloved reflective galaxy platforms have gotten so scuffed from the steps to the front 🫶) they're still pretty different in my mind i think to what i wear now so like .yeah what i wear out has been influenced by whatever trend i see on tiktok however its never been fully based on that 4 many reasons n the old parts of my style never rly "leave" they just get pushed back until a later time
#out there#i still have all of my bows n hair clips that overflow my accessory drawers n my tutus n my t-shirts from hot topic#bc even if its not me rn it was at one point n probs will be again#ngl. i very easily could've explained this both better + w/o these pictures LMAO#i just love showing off my outfits even old ones even tho these r TERRIBLE examples#unfortunately i don't have a lot of older examples bc i used to be rly insecure so i never took pictures EVER#so a lot of those outfits rly got lost to time#do have quite a few more recent outfits tho#including several where i wear my bralettes as tops .man those r cute outfits i love every single one#anyways .rly did use this as an excuse to share some of my (not greatest unfortunately) outfits oops !#ty for asking that question at least tho 🫡#ive always been a bit w fashion but it got a lot more extreme during my senior year#cuz yk .2020 tiktok had an impact on me n my style LMFAO#n that slowly ran out probs towards very end of 2021 where i never rly went out anywhere n if i did it was usually a basic outfit#n then .now again kinda following trends ig at least in what i see but to me its just like#ive always thought these styles were cute n now this gives me the push i needed to start wearing them#yk?#i think im rly just saying shit my brain is mush#ive had todays alpharad gold upload just paused on my tv while typing all this LMAK#pls dont judge my outfits too hard 🙏#ik theyre all kinda copy/paste esp w the items i wear#n to most people on here u wouldn't call any of these n tbh i wouldn't either#but in my defense i have always struggled with very low energy levels SO#done rambling if i forgot something ill edit idfk#ty for the ask again btw :3#ask#sparksnevadas#also fun fact! on tumblr mobile when answering asks u cant see ur whole tags w/o posting or saving to drafts#so if this seems very incoherent its bc i literally forgot what i just said n had no way to check n tried not to repeat things
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dragonji · 2 months
having a mome below dont worry abt it
sorry in advance but apparently tonight is a real Cannot Fucking Stand This Body Anymore kinda night. I need to get on t so goddamn bad like im terrified of it and how people will react esp like my family but that shit was always going to be complicated anyways and also I am straight up going to kms if I have to live like this for another year .lol♡ . I just. I've worked really hard since living on my own to be even close to neutral on my appearance and voice and bearing and ik its made worse bc its 4 in the morning as I'm dealing with this but its so fucking easy to backslide into the cesspit of resentment and anguish and snarling fury I have at looking and being the way I am currently. I can't stand myself and the ways I know I'm percieved there's no way I can survive the way I am much longer. And it's like being clawed apart slowly from the inside knowing that on the other side of the fear that paralyzes me is so much potential to fall in love with myself in a way I know I can barely imagine- it'll take time to mold my body into what I tentatively let myself fantasize about sure but at least it will be Something. I dont expect to become ethereal or worthy of reverence or anything so grand of course but I can't help but be feverishly consumed with hunger to know how I'll change. To know what my voice will sound like- will my register finally expand to those low growling tones and gravely rumbles that I hear in my mind sometimes when I invision some far-future version of myself? Will I finally be able to build and keep muscle, enough that I can look at my body and think this is capable and useful and will serve the purposes asked of it, instead of being just another thing to bury under pretty distractions to keep anyone from looking closer? Will I ever even get to a point that I Could let anyone look at me without feeling the need to raise my hackles or run or make excuses? Its not that I don't like decorating myself in nice clothes and jewelry and all kinds of little details, I just want so badly to believe that one day I could do it just for the fun of it and not as layers upon layers of defenses to keep myself and hopefully others from thinking about the form underneath. I'm losing the plot to all the white-out longing in my head but yeah all that to say. I wish I were able to find pride in my physical self. I wish I had a form I could think of as anything more than an inconvenience at best. This one is so selfish and will never be acted upon but I wish I were able to let myself be desired too. I wish I had the courage to make some choice, anything really, to progress towards the possibility of ever having any of that. But in the end I cower from change even ones I know will make me happier because they always risk upsetting someone and if I'm the only one left sick with anguish well. That's just basic math isn't it? Better to be the one stuck with all the suffering than being the one shattering it out in an impact crater I can't even attempt to hide is my fault. So I'll just keep not reaching out and playing down how gutwrenchingly sick I am on the daily to be living this way. And if I just tell myself enough times that it's fine, that I don't Need any of the things I want, that obviously desire is the root of suffering and as such it's only right that I abstain from even the most benign of my own, well it has to be true eventually, doesn't it?
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fa1rygl0ss · 6 months
im up on that zaza rn with the mr pibb by my side rn but like i am currently so mentally affected by the way women perceive their appearance or maybe how im viewing it through my own perspective or something but like. there’s this obsession and normalization about like getting plastic surgery or botox or lip fillers and whatever and like it feels like people are supposed to choose a side like yes i support women getting plastic surgery so they can feel more comfortable and confident about their appearance or no your natural beauty is the most beautiful quality in the world and its like i support it because literally you do you i do not give a fuck about you changing your appearance like thats your choice and either way you’re pretty. like idk i feel like theres this issue going on with like forcing the norm of other groups of people onto everyone. but to me like i think thats not like the best for us. like i of course think it’s completely fine for people to try out things to give themselves a feeling they need or whatever. but like i suppose promoting general things for different groups of people does not promote the beauty of individuality. like making a general things normalized for every group of people possible is like yes we should accept this but we dont need to spread the message like hey this is something to do you NEED to do this to show the other group this is acceptable like. its so fucking hard to explain but like i feel this. it’s happening like even outside of people and the issue im talking about. like there is almost no individuality or like uniqueness i feel like anymore. i saw a video recently about how like with makeup we’re at a standstill because makeup companies like drugstore and literally even high end ones are obsessed with dupe culture right now and every single makeup product that goes viral is made into a dupe like by a bunch of drugstore or competing makeup brands and the same with just well liked formulas or products in general. rare beauty makes the iconic liquid blush and all these companies are running to make the most pigmented dewy liquid blush. drink elephant has the bronzing drops a whole bunch of companies run to make the same. rare beauty hype turns to companies copying the neutral toned minimalistic style of packaging to their products. its absolutely insane how far this spreads. to sum it up, everything is predictable, nothing surprises me anymore, the media is so dry and barren like literally dehydrated i feel sickly from being on there looking at new content, i always know what the next move is, nothing means anything anymore, and i have lost all direction in my life. i have no idea what to do. everything is going to SHIT.
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playgrl0 · 2 years
Hi! Can you please give me some advice on how to choose the right shade of foundation? 🥺 For me it's always either too dark or yellow or too light
hiii! i feel flattered that u want advice omg hehe <3 i reaaalllyyyy suck at explaining shit so i hope u understand what i mean 😭
one of the main reasons why ur foundation might look a little off is because the undertone doesnt really match that well. so, first u need to find ur undertone. so, lets say u have olive skin for example, ur undertones are yellow and green-ish.
-> neutral skin has : red and yellow undertones
-> cool skin has : pink and blue undertones
-> olive skin has : yellow and green undertones
-> warm skin has : yellow and golden undertones
ur skin tone = depth of ur complexion
ur undertone = ur overall skin tone
theres actually a really easy way to find out what ur undertone is. i use this trick aaalll the time. depending on what jewelry u wear, silver or gold, u can find out what category of undertones ur in.
lets say silver flatters ur skin more -> cool tones
gold -> warm tones
if ur luckier than i am, and can pull off both colors -> neutral tones
oh, and, theres another way. if ur veins appear blue-ish -> cool tones
id ur veins appear green-ish -> warm/golden tones
so basically, once you've figured out ur undertone/s, all u have to do is pick out the shade that has these undertones.
if u still cant find ur right shade, i'd recommend asking a professional in a drugstore or sephora or something. they can help u better than i can lmao. they'll give u the right shade and they can explain it better and show it to u :) u could always do a online test too, however i dont know how good they are since ive never done one. and i also recommend watching youtube videos. there are plenty out there who explain it better than me and they can show it to u as well, maybe you'll understand it better that way lmao.
basically, u need to find out what ur undertones are and if ur skin is more neutral,cool,olive or warm. then it should be easier to find a shade that matches u well. if u pick a shade thats a little too light, u can always deepen it with other products like contour and bronzer. if u pick a shade thats a little too dark, u can always lighten it again with a lighter concealer or lighter face powder. the key is really just finding ur undertone/s.
ahhh i truly at this 😭 i really hope this helped u a little 😭🫶
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cupcraft · 2 years
Welcome to the Cup Blog here since circa 2013 with incidents at a semi-regular pace.
Previously cupsmp
Pfp: @voidless-screaming (link)
Banner: My build
^^More links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, esims evacuation, aid , gofundmes, evacuations list
Domestic violence resources (US),
I write fic and poetry and post about anime, supernatural, bg3, minecraft, CoVT, other games, post sims builds, variety interests, and sometimes the occasional technoblade art or post :). Currently super hyperfixated on house md and hilson. Sometimes my chronic inniter disease flares up, don't mind the posts.
This has been my main since 2013 so I will always at heart be a variety blogger.
Other Blogs: @cupqueencake (post limit blog), @cup-of-lucario (pokemon sideblog), @steampunkcdplayer (original writing).
Sims 4 Gallery: DispleasedBrick
AO3: cupqueencake
Current Fic WIPs: ?
Old fics: I used to write a ton for dsmp/osmp but all wips are discontinued.
Writing Requests: CLOSED
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Banners in order: my sc, ctommy my sc and blissfali's tags, fanart.tv, my sc, mysc, annoyingatfirst quote (daggryet edit), mysc
Name: Cup
Age: 25 - grad student
Pronouns: they/he/she
bi/ace and nonbinary and i prefer masc or neutral terms primarily.
I am autistic I may ask for tone clarification and I often use tone indicators.
I also have auditory processing issues so sometimes I can mishear certain words or misunderstand a sentence -> If i do this with quoting a video/stream/etc let me know!
Past Zines/Fandom Exchanges: Dreamoire Zine, DSMPPoetryZine, Mcytblr Summer Au 2022, Mcytblr Holiday Fic Exchange 2022
Past Surveys: [DSMP Nicknames]
Incidents: (URL Video, URL Story, the tommy loh url bet, The Mozz Incident, the accusation incident + finale, url bet incident pt 2 + memes if I had one the bet)
Tagging System:
Honestly its just gonna be cup.whatever. I maintag art/writing. For liveblogs its WHATEVER.liveblog. I do tag commons tws (feel free to ask to me add one!). I also tag discourse/etc. Find my sims builds easily with cup.builds. Find my poetry easily with cup.poems and or with fic cup.fics and or surveys cup.survey. My mutuals tag is tea.cakes and my anon/follower tag is tea.cups. the end!
DNI: Honestly I block bigots and rude people. MCYT fans you are still welcome here just no dream or wilbur soot/lovejoy supporters. Just be normal.
Boundaries on death jokes: I do not need k/ys warnings or death joke warnings on any post, i do not mind if you say it in the tags reblogging from me either. I just ask do not say to "ky/s" even as a joke to me directly.
Fanfiction/writing/art on posts or things i do: You may rec my fics, do fanart/inspired works/webweaves/etc. with my stuff. Please always link it and give me an @/ (for art especially! not necessary for fic rec lists).
Boundary about my graduate program: though i am happy to direct people to resources if i know of any off hand please dont ask me diagnose you in my ask box it makes me very uncomfortable especially because i am not finished my education and do not know you.
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
request: hello there, idk if requests are open cuz it says open and then closed but here i am, trying. if not, i dont wanna bother :c but, could you please do some rengoku angst? still not over it, love him and your writing ♡♡♡.
# tags: scenario; current relationship; light romance; drama; hard angst; crying; mention of blood & death; mugen train; snow hashira!reader; rather sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. kyojuro rengoku + tanjirou kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira and akaza in the background {kny}
author’s note: hi! hope this is what you asked for :D thank you so much!
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The moment you heard a terrified voice, or rather the scream of a young swordsman with slightly burgundy hair, made your heart stop for a short moment. As soon as possible and with the last of your strength, you ran towards your partner, who at that moment was fighting against a young demon. With the Eighth Form, you froze the ground under your feet, thanks to which the front of the train stopped burning, and Akaza’s legs were trapped in the ice.
“Kyojuro!” Your loud scream made each of them turn towards you. The blood dripping from your right collarbone and the visible scabs on your forehead were a painful sight for your fiancé, but he was glad you were safe. After all, he was the one who asked you to annihilate the second demon, and he had a feeling that you would cope with this task. As soon as you shielded the three children and the Flame Pillar with your body, you made a slight amusement on the demon’s face.
“Is this another toy for me? King Muzan didn’t say anything about you... Are you a new addition to the Demon Slayer Corps?” His mocking voice only caused more anger in your body. You immediately took advantage of his moment of inattention.
Third Form: Snow rain
Your quick cuts with blue weapon quite effectively chased the demon away from the five of you, so you ran to the injured men as fast as possible, asking if everything was okay. After all, you were also a good medic, and you always enjoyed talking with Shinbu about healing people and potions against demons. Fortunately, apart from a few scratches and bruises, everyone was fine.
“Y/N, please take the boys and get out of here.” Kyojuro grabbed your left arm and you immediately shook your head.
“You know that I’ll never leave you.” You smiled softly and the man just rolled his both, shiny eyes.
Your moment was destroyed, of course, by a nervous demon that ran towards you. You instantly grabbed Zenitsu and Inosuke by their clothes, jumping to a safe distance. Rengoku did the same, but saved Tanjiro from a rampaging demon.
“Boys. Listen.” You turned to two teenagers, and they turned their attention to you. “I let you swear and destroy nature around us, we have to beat this freak.” You kind of made a joke, and in a way your voice seemed to be the most serious tone in the world. The two younger people just nodded. “However, if you feel threatened, please step back.” You added at the end and then moved towards Akaza using the other Forms of your Breathing.
Your cold snow and your fiancé’s hot flames were a perfect match. The Water Breathing along with yours made sharp needles of ice, while Zenitsu and Kyojuro were great at working on the fiery lightning. Inosuke has been an amazing support to all of you, straining his own hearing and physical strength.
“You two. You’d be nice demons.” At one point, your opponent turned to you and the second Hashira, and you just laughed.
“You know, hardly anyone would want to reduce their strength and intelligence. You, as demons, are quite weak and extremely stupid.” You spoke honestly, which only annoyed the monster; he focused on you once more. Luckily, your partner reacted and pushed him away again with his katana.
Your fight continued for a few more minutes; although time passed very fast, for the five of you passed slowly. You felt like you were in a time loop where the temperature and lighting changed every short second. Each of you bravely pushed the demon off the train, and you even cut off his arm. At some point, however, you and Kyojuro, seeing that the swordsmen younger than you were getting more and more tired, allowed yourself to use your techniques to push them away from the battlefield as well. Although Tanjirou and Inosuke have sworn they still have the strength to fight, you did not allow them to continue the battle by your side.
With your hot heart you fought side by side with the Pillar of Fire. At one point you decided to use your quite similar techniques which together created a kaleidoscope of colors and water vapor.
Fifth Form: Flame Tiger
Fifht Form: Snow Leopard
You managed to hurt the demon, however at one point you noticed a strange bloodlust in his both eyes, and the movement of his hand was enough to protect the second Pillar with you whole body again.
Suddenly you felt a strange feeling of chill that wasn’t caused by your Breathing Style. It was something... different, unknown, strange.
“... Y/N?”
“My dearest...?”
When the flames were gone, the snow melted and the dust fell to the dirty ground, three young swordsmen shouted your first or last name.
“I guess the demons aren’t that weak after all, are they?” He asked with a huge smirk and you just spat out some light blood from your mouth. Your lungs and head ached, and for the first time in a long time, your eyes, feet and stomach stung so much.
“You’re still weak. The sun is about to kill you, you stupid creature. For me, it’s pleasant, so relaxing. This is what makes us different from each other.” You whispered and the demon looked up. He quickly took his hand out of you and then ran towards the dark forest. Blond-haired immediately followed him, and the boys younger than you ran up to your body, slowly laying you down on the sand and damaged grass. “Boys, don’t cry. Next time you’ll beat him. I believe it.”
“... We’ll beat him together, Y/N-san.”
“You are definitely right.” You smiled. “Take care of Kyojuro, okay? He’s very sensitive, although he doesn’t look like that.” You whispered, and they just nodded. “I love you all very much. Eat a lot and grow up healthy.”
When your fiancé returned, his eyes were full of tears and blood. Your delicate body, or more specifically your head, lay on Tanjiro’s lap while Zenitsu covered your belly with his black-yellow haori. Inosuke didn’t know what to do at the very beginning, but then he took off his mask and touched your hair as gently as he could. They were still soft and shiny.
Kyojuro simply fell to his knees at the sight of it and crawled to you, screaming towards the sky for someone to take him, not you. He shouted that he should die, not you.
Definitely no one had ever seen the Flame Pillar like this before; always joyful, full of energy and love for people, the man was now a bundle of sadness, guilt and tears. And as he hugged your increasingly stiff body tightly, he felt a stronger and stronger feeling of hatred, anger and fear within him, and there was one sentence in his head that spoke of his desire to avenge you.
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another-stark-sub · 3 years
“Are you in love with him?” - Tony Stark Imagine
Notes: I wrote and editted this in two hours instead of going over my notes. Was gonna be spicy fluffy but it just turned into fluffy, and one of the lines/paragraphs (smth like that i dont remember how long that segment was) is based on/inspired by a fanfic on ao3 I bookmarked. I think it’s debt-free, but I could be wrong.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and I’m so sorry im not on here more oftennnnn
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“Of course I am. He’s Tony Stark.” You sighed, a weight finally lifted off your chest. “Who isn’t in love with him?”
Bruce blinked a few times, the confusion evident on his face. “Then, why don’t you tell him?”
You scoffed. These geniuses think they know everything, but they couldn’t see what was glaringly obvious to you. “He’s Tony Stark.”
The perplexed expression didn’t disappear from your friend’s expression. So, you explained further, “It’s already a privilege, beyond that really, to be talking to you, to any Avenger. To work with any of you is an honor, and to be friends with you” -you laughed- “it shouldn’t even be possible for someone like me.”
“Don’t say that. You’re amazing, too.” 
You tried to find any tick, any clue that he was lying. But Bruce seemed to really believe this. “I know I’m amazing.” You shrugged. “I’m great. I love and I care deeply, and I have a stable job. I have a place for myself, and I take care of myself.” You clicked your tongue. “However, you all, all  you Avengers… Forget out of my league, more like off planet.
“And Tony? He said it himself. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Add superhero, figurehead, public figure, ex-CEO, and savior of the universe. Bruce, I have confidence in myself, but Tony is something else entirely. No one is worthy of him or his affections unless they’re a god or another Avenger.”
It was hard to keep up with the statistical analysis you were trying to run. The literal one on your hologram and the one keeping your view of Tony in check. So, defeated, you sighed and leaned back in your chair. 
Bruce closed his own work and stood across the lab bench. “Weirdly enough, I’m sure none of us Avengers think that way.” After a few taps of his pen against his palm, he added, “Aren’t there fans making posts about you, too? Tony showed me the, uh, Instagram videos.”
You laughed. “Fan edits don’t make an Avenger. Saving the world does.”
He shrugged. “You help us save the world.”
“From inside Avengers Tower on a computer.” You took a deep breath. “Look, Bruce, I appreciate what you’re trying to do. But, I’m not telling him.” You shrugged and brought your statistical analysis back up.
You knew your own worth. You were worthy of an amazing partner and person. Tony Stark, though, was easy beyond that. You had accepted it soon after you realized your own feelings, and while they haven’t dwindled, you knew it was for the best. 
~ - ~
Tony had never resorted to this before. It was never a question of his ability to code. In the past, it was because he didn’t need a program or an AI to do it for him. He could always tell if someone was into him. He knew when Pepper was into him. The moment Rhodey gazed at him back in their MIT days. Every single reporter and heiress and model he slept with, he knew when their thoughts turned sexual or romantic. 
You, though. With you, he couldn’t fucking tell, and he knew it was because of his own feelings. Tony felt intensely for people before. Pepper, Rhodey, that one reporter all those years ago. However, with you, it wasn’t just that fluttery feeling in his gut or the immediate smile he can’t seem to stop when he sees you. It was the comfort he felt when he heard your voice or the softness he could feel in his heart when he saw a picture of you. 
It was like his entire life was full of panic, never resting, never stopping. But when you entered his life with a gentle smile and a quick wit, it felt like he could finally breathe. 
It was addicting. 
“Sir, I have the calculations.”
“Hit me.”
“Speech diagnostics of you and of Ms. (Y/l/n) are similar. Whenever you speak of her, 79.4% is positive and 18.8% is neutral. Ms. (Y/l/n) has  78.9% positive and 17.2% neutral dialogue regarding you. When she speaks of you, her heartrate increases by 4.6%, and similarly, yours increases by 4.1%. When speaking to each other, heartrate initially increases by 7%.”
Tony nodded. “How does this compare to other Avengers? I gush about Banner like a teenager.”
“Well, sir, while you and Ms. (Y/l/n) have high positive dialogue about other Avengers, all of them have at least a 10% decrease compared to each other. And heartrate varies depending on the topic of conversation.”
Tony snapped his fingers. “Am I excluding all non-super friends? Include any agents, co-workers. Pep isn’t an Avenger after all.”
Friday took two seconds and responded. “You and Ms. (Y/l/n) have a significant difference in speech diagnostics when talking about or to each other compared to any other Avenger, co-worker, and friend.”
When Tony remained quiet, Friday added, “Do you want me to repeat the results?”
“You don’t need to, Friday.”
“But you’re not doing anything with the new information. Would you like me to save these findings?”
“Friday,” Tony warned. 
There was silence as the love-wrecked scientist pressed his fist between his brows. Data and cold hard facts said yes, but was it right?
“Yes, Fri?”
“Would you like me to play examples for you?”
He blinked. “Examples?”
“Yes. Of you and her talking about each other positively.”
It was an invasion of privacy. Tony shouldn’t. 
“Play examples.”
Before his rational mind could tell Friday no. 
“Are you in love with him?”
Tony’s eyes widened. This was too private. It might not even be about him.”Friday-”
“Of course I am.”
“-stop playback.”
“He’s Tony Sta-”
“Playback stopped.”
Tony scrambled. “What? No, wait, go back. Play it.” Screw rational. You knew he was a narcissist. You wouldn’t expect him to hear that and stop. 
“He’s Tony Stark. Who isn’t in love with him?”
“Then, why don’t you tell him?”
“... He’s Tony Stark.”
Tony started to fiddle with something on his desk. “What does that mean?”
Friday answered, “Dr. Banner asked her if she loved you, and she said yes. This means that she’s in love with you.”
Why did he program Friday like this? “I know that. I mean, those two lines. Why does me being Tony Stark stop her from saying something?” Was it the attention? Did you want some sort of normal life away from cameras and international gossip? Maybe it was the Avenging. Having a partner who was always out risking death wasn’t ideal. 
Sure, you could be in love with him. But you couldn’t be with him. 
“Maybe you should ask her.”
There were celebrities who were able to live normal lives. Some paid to have prosthetics for going outside of moved to a remote country to get out of the spotlight. He thrived off attention, but he could give that up. Avenging, he couldn’t give that up, but maybe he could cut back. Take a mission a month instead of one a week. Or maybe take more digital missions. He wasn’t just Iron Man after all. He was a genius, could hack into the Pentagon if he really wanted to. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Maybe I could talk to her.”
~ - ~
The moment you put your bag down on your lab table, Tony said, “You’re gonna be mad.”
You narrowed your brows. “What did you do?” You pressed your palm to your chest. “Oh my god, Peter overwrote my data, didn’t he? Ugh, I know he said he’s great at managing holograms, but really, Tone, you should’ve given him a tutorial before giving him access.” You brought up your holograms to check your data and analysis. 
“That’s not it.” Tony stood next to you as you looked through your files. “I did something that invaded your privacy.”
You tilted your head. Closing the holograms, you took a deep breath and slowly asked, “How?”
Tony flashed an embarrassed grin before sighing. “You’re gonna be shocked, too, so prepare yourself.”
You did not know where this was going at all. What horrible thing could Tony have done? Steeling yourself, you took a deep breath and nodded at him to continue. 
Tony cleared his throat. “Usually, I can tell when someone has feelings for me. People are obvious about it, but you? You aren’t. So, I had Friday do some analysis on our speech patterns. Me, being in love with you, was one of my controls. You and your dialogue regarding me was the main variable. 
“Long story short, I accessed some audio of you and Bruce talking, and you said that you loved me but could never tell me.” He glanced at you. “So that’s why I need to apologize.” 
Your expression didn’t change. No, that wasn’t it. You, at first, looked confused. Now, there was just nothing. No expression. No wrinkled brow in anger of flushed cheeks in embarrassment. Nothing. 
Tony blinked. “You can shout at me now. If you were confused about when to shout at me.”
You licked your lips before taking a deep breath. “Ok, that was a lot.” You pursed your lips then opened it. But, you couldn’t really think of anything to say. You didn’t even know how to feel. “So you know that I” -you pointed at yourself and then at him- “and that I didn’t wanna tell you.” You shook your head. “Wait, do you know why I didn’t want to tell you?”
A broken scoff left Tony’s lips. “Yeah. I’m a mess.”
It was your turn to scoff. “Wait, you’re a mess? That’s why you think I don’t want to tell you?”
“Among other reasons?”
Other reasons? 
You crossed your arms. “Ok, what other reasons?”
Tony looked offended. Still, he listed, “I’m surrounded by cameras, and everyone wants some privacy. Can’t get it if you’re with me. Then, there’s the Iron Man of it all. I went into a wormhole with a nuke. That was also all over the news. Then, there’s the whole daddy issues thing. I’m working on it, but it takes a while-”
He rambled on and on, listing reason after reason, and with each one, you felt tears well up in your eyes. It was a weird mix of heartbreaking, confusing, and enraging. The emotions built up slowly with each word that left his mouth, overwhelming you to the point that you couldn’t even say how it happened. 
But, as Tony paced and talked so horribly about himself, you somehow ended up in front of him with your hands on his cheeks. 
You only realized it when Tony stopped talking and when his breath touched your lips. “What?” he asked. 
You didn’t answer. You kissed him instead. 
It was a hard press of  your lips against his. It was short, and it wasn’t much. 
But by the way Tony gripped the back of your neck and pulled you back for another kiss, you’d think it was his first kiss. You knew it wasn’t. Not just because you knew he had kissed all sorts of people before you, but because he somehow knew how to make you gasp and melt into him. 
While one hand kept you steady, the other trailed down your back and pulled you closer to him. His lips moved fluidly against yours, pushing and pulling, and everytime he moved back, you chased his lips to continue the kiss, because the softness, the passion, the fact it was finally happening, was all too good. You didn’t want it to stop.
Your hands started to move. For someone so rich, his t-shirt was rough when you twisted it between your fingers and pulled it to you. Slowly, you trailed your fingers along the side of his neck. You rubbed your thumb along his pulse point, a reminder that this was indeed real. You were kissing Tony Stark, and- He was pulling away again.
Desperate, you leaned forward, reached around to hold onto his shoulder, and kissed the side of his neck. 
He let out a breathy laugh, and before you could suck on his skin, his stubble scratched your cheek. 
You looked up at him and giggled when his nose bumped into yours. When your giggles turned into a smile, he kissed you again, a soft and short kiss, before leaning his forehead against yours. 
His thumbs rubbed circles into your waist as you lightly scratched the back of his neck. He didn’t say anything. In fact, he seemed busy gazing at you.
“Speechless, Stark?” you teased. 
He laughed. For a few seconds, he just gazed at you, seeming to prove your point. Tony’s hand began to wander, from stroking your cheek to pushing back your hair. “More confused.”
Remembering why you interrupted him, you brought your hands to his cheeks again and held him there so he couldn’t look away from you. “You are amazing, Tony. That’s the reason I didn’t want to tell you.” You shrugged. “You’re too good for me.”
His fidgeting stopped. “Well, that’s not true.”
“Tony, you’re an Avenger.”
“Technically, you are also an Avenger.”
“You’re a genius.”
“Who can’t cook scrambled eggs.”
“You literally saved the universe.”
“After producing weapons of mass destruction for decades.”
You glared at him. 
He glared back. Then, he fought back. “I don’t plan on retiring.”
“Wouldn’t want you to.”
“I have severe PTSD, anxiety, maybe ADHD, all mixed with trauma galore.”
“And I will learn to help you.”
“I couldn’t give you a normal life.”
“I’d rather have you anyway.”
He opened his mouth, but you instead told him, “I’d rather have you than anything. As long as, well, for as long as  you’ll have me.”
He raised his eyebrow. “You sure about that?”
Tony shook his head with a smile. “Cause, I’d rather have you for, well, how does til you get tired of me sound?”
You laughed. “Won’t happen. But, sure.” You kissed him again.You would’ve kept going, but there was something to settle first.  “By the way, Tony?”
“Is Friday recording right now?”
“Friday records everything. It’s in the contract.”
Friday added, “I record everything that happens in the tower.”
“Ok.” You could work with that. “I’ll forgive you for the invasion of privacy.”
Tony beamed, and you couldn’t help your own smile when he did. Still, you continued, “On one condition.” Your own smile turned devious. “I want evidence that Star Spangled Banner took my ice cream.”
Tony burst out laughing. He kissed you again, a deep kiss, and when he was done, he mumbled, “God, I love you,” against your lips.
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sangyeonsofthours · 2 years
Bestie I am literally screaming rn I am so so happy to find a Sangyeon account omfg 😭😭 Can you please give us some Sangyeon thoughts??? If you're up for it, make em extra spicy 😏
AND IM SO HAPPY YOU FOUND ME! it makes my heart melt whenever someone says something like that HASDLASDJJ thanks for hitting my askbox, i hope you’ll be back after this huge 1.3k words rant i just made about what i think sex life with boyfriend sangyeon would be HAHAHAHA (oh, i’d like to warn all of you that it is sangyeon x female partner, but i promise ill try my best to write more about gender neutral in the future)
okay, soooo... there's something i've been thinking about lately, mainly because of my pregnancy series… and i keep thinking about how it would be when you’re in a relationship with sangyeon… 🫣🫣🫣
i think that he is a passionate lover, you know? 👀👀👀 the kind that can go for hours if there’s feelings between both of you, because that’s what gets him going.
i think that he’s the type that when he loves someone, he can’t get much time away from them bc he misses them so much.
so when you’re together, his hands are always on you! he wants to touch you all the time, like hugging or having a hand on the lower of your back, your shoulder or thigh. skinship is one of his ways to show affection. i feel that he quite values spend quality time together too...
he’s one to be always sniffing on your hair and neck bc you smell like home so he wants your sweet scent around him!!! and he wants you to talk about whatever just to hear your voice and giggles. he is sweet and kind and he shows his love for you through acts of service and words of love and praise. and he loves it when you do it back. because everything you do, everything you say!!! is a huge turn on for him!!! his heart goes asdgqwefaghsdls and he can’t control the butterflies in his stomach!!!
(you guys must know that’s kinda of the way we feel when we’re in love, right? we think that the person we love is perfectly cute and idek but everything they do can be a turn on??????? but not the turn on that will wake up a huge boner, but a turn on like… that feeling that hit you hard like oh god they’re my person!!!!!!!! that kind of feeling that makes you feel weak and powerful at the same time!!!! idek am i weird for thinking like this???? 😳😳😳)
so he needs to be near you in all possible ways. and when he has you all to himself…. well… he does know how to show you that 👀👀👀
so i think he'll really treat you right. will take his time to kiss all over your body, from neck, to chest, to belly and thighs. with that kind of long, slow and wet kisses with so much tongue and love bites that will work you up and make you wet your panties even though he is only kissing you yet. (i dont think he’d leave hickeys on exposed skin though, i think he'd like to keep everything you do on private)
oh, he sure as hell loves a blowjob and will gladly let you blow the fuck out of him if you want. he’ll hold onto your hair and fuck your mouth. he groans a lot and lets himself lose it, throwing his head back and grunting whenever his cock hits the back of your throat. can you imagine such a pretty sight? his eyes fluttering closed while his toned chest heaves. (he’d love some body worship, just like he did to you, so please, kiss him, give love to the rest of his body too) asgqwe~qçwskasãs
well, i don’t think he’s a fan of making a mess on your face when he cums, so he finds it hotter when you swallow it.
and here it comes the most expected part: the dude is a freaking pro at oral! he eats you out really really really fucking good! he uses a lot of tongue, he’s not afraid to savor you! his skilled tongue won't miss any part, from your entrance to your clit. HE KNOWS WHERE THE CLIT IS YASSSSS!!! he loves it when you turn into a moaning mess and let your hands and fingers hold roughly into his hair, so he does everything he can to eat you out the best way possible.
also, he’ll finger you to prep you for his cock, cause he’s a gentleman!!! and also because he loves to tease you until you’re begging for him to finally fuck you. or maybe he’ll overstimulate you. it all depends on the mood.
ah, i’d like to remember that all of the moment is full of dirty talking and praising!
he’ll call you his pretty princess while telling you how you have the most delicious pussy he has ever tasted… and he'll hold you delicately while asking if his cock will fit into your tight hole. all to make you squirm and let out a trail of curses and begs for him to fuck you.
it is such an ego boost whenever you take your shot at dirty talking back to him. he totally loves when you're vocal, saying that you're enjoying everything he does to you. the way he touches you, the way he sucks you, the way he fills you up so good that you don't want any other man to touch you ever again.
(there's a famous saying 'a gentleman in the streets and a beast on the sheets', right? don't yall think it fits him?)
oh, i do think he’d be a bit kinky too… would lose it when you call him “sir” just to tease him, but the man is into powerplay!!!!!! so acting sub for him would be just a bonus! maybe he’d give you some lightly spanking and choking???? maybe… but nothing that would end up hurting you, it is just a way to show he’s in control bc of his soft dom nature…
but i’d like to make an honor mention to the fact that when he's feeling down, the things can turn the other way around. sometimes he’s the one that wants to be taken care of. he’d gladly be a sub for you. he likes it when he’s tired and lazy and you’re the one to take control. he loves hearing you say things like “will you be my good boy and let me take care of you?” and proceeds to give him the succ of his life.
ok but lets move on…
i think the pace goes with the mood, but is mainly sensual idk. sangyeon loves intimacy, so sometimes he can go at a slow and soft pace, making you feel every single inch of him inside you. kinda romantic, you know? full of low grunts/moans and whispers of sweet nothings, from both him and you.
but i can also picture him going at a hard pace, slipping in and out of you in a way that is going to make you gasp/moan with every hip thrust he gives you… the type to make the bed creak at it loudest while the headboard hits the wall hahajsdçlams
and he’s the type to lose himself a bit and get sloppy towards the end, bc you both are so lost in pleasure that you just want to hold onto each other go for it.
he also will always make sure you cum first, though. will rub your clit with his fingers, kiss/lick your neck, chest and nipples and dirty talk right near your ear to stimulate you if it is needed. but lets be honest, it would never be hard for him to make you cum. he knows your body and he does his best to make you feel really good and he loves doing so.
97% of times will cum inside you. even though he's not really into cumming on your face, i think he’d find it hot to see your ass, tummy, thighs and even your pussy messily covered in his cum every now and then.
NOWWWWWWWWW TO WRAP IT UP, LETS GET TO THE AFTERCARE aftercare is really important to him and it doesn’t matter if he went hard on you or if it was just slow soft passionate sex. he’ll always ask if you’re okay and if you need anything. will clean you up and make sure you drink water and eat before going back to sweet kisses. maybe he’d take you to the shower and you both will put on soft pajamas before you can go back to bed to have some pillow talk until you fall asleep.
and that's it folks……. i missed writing some dirty thoughts because i have been writing three different things here on my drafts 👀👀👀 and they're all fluff so I'm SORRY IF A WENT OVERBOARD ON THIS ONE?????
im also really sorry for being inactive and i promise ill post something this week!
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