#but honestly? honestlyyyyy?? love that for him
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qcomicsy · 2 years ago
About the nicetimeline!au I'm excited to hear about Dick in the future!
me too lol
okay. okay. I'm joking
I've been planning a lot around the Nicefuture!au. Given how I stopped posting as much as in the beginig.
It started as this cute joke I thought in the beginig, this very fun concept of "What if Damian and Tim was just ended up very fond of each other over the years in the future and present Tim had to confront that?" and "What if the future was just so fucking nice that if they ever had time traveling shenanigans everyone would just start losing their minds about it?".
But I've grew very fondly of it as I was writing it and I've also grew very fondly of Damian as I was writing it (who would even though?), so I've been putting much more though on it then I previously planned lmao. I'm still working on how the future presents itself and trying to make it justice for the characters in a way that makes me satisfied.
I'm going to be very honest with y'all. I'm a casual reader, I initiate and put on hold comic runs and generally just read what seems interesting to me at the moment. Nicefuture!Au it's a mix of what I've read from the cannon and what are the best outcomes I could imagine from each character in a way that just brings me the most amount of joy. I'm still working around the edges, and what would that it mean for each character, what does a nice future holds for them?
And the best part? I don't know any of it! It's a great and entertaining work in progress.
So yeah! I'm also very excited about what future!Dick is up to. What person he became? What does he do with his life? What shenanigans he got himself in? It's all very blur yet in my mind but I'm getting there.
Also I'm going to take this ask as an opportunity to give y'all little updates. As I said I've been planning around and making little projects in this mean time that might or might not see the light of the day, so it could get a little radio silence from there but not promises!, I've got a little ideas for Tim, Terry and Jason but the others might be given me a little of work (god there's so many people in this fucking family lololol it's stressing but in the best way possible).
But as soon as I get to conclusions that makes me satisfied I will be updating in my blog and bringing more shenanigans to y'all.
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gentle-hero-blog · 1 month ago
Hi! I was wondering if you were taking metroid asks, if so, 30, 44, 16, 23?
Hiiii waves at you!! ^.^ and YES!! I am always taking metroid asks because i shrimply love to make longass posts about it. thank you for this =]
30. saddest character death, in your opinion?
Was going to put Adam here on account of him being my 2nd fave character but honestly. the scene where he dies is Nawt handled super well (imo) and on top of that we already know he doesn't really DIE die so it never really affected me the way it was clearly supposed to.
So i think i have to go with the basic choice of The Baby ToT she completely changed Samus' view on both the Metroids and herself, made such an impression without any dialogue, and ON TOP OF THAT she died because she loved her mom......
44. is there an ability/gimmick/character you wish would come back in a later title?
Flash Shift!!! it makes bosses and movement in general so fun.
If I got really greedy I'd also want something like the Echo Visor to return.....feels like we didn't get to actually use it much and it was also the closest thing to playing music in a Metroid game lmao (<zelda fan). I loved that thing
16. scariest villain/antagonist?
Honestlyyyyy?? individual antagonists didn't scare me really but the space pirates in Metroid Prime scared me the most out of anything in the other games*. they were a legitimate struggle to beat when I was younger. something about the dark hallways and they way they get Right in your face during combat got my heart pounding. the Omega Pirate was pretty nightmarish too and it really feels like they're doing something horrible to the planet and even to Themselves
*I don't reallyyyyy consider EMMI antagonists on their own?
23. Favorite doppelganger: SA-X or Dark Samus?
Dark Samussss ^.^ my horrible cancerous gf who is simply the worst. she's soooooo stylish and I love how effectively it's communicated that she has near-human or even beyond-human intelligence despite also being this Creature..... also EVERY one of her like 5(?) designs is a banger (yes even the megamind octopus one). And I love the moments where she “mutters” to herself…..and the blue sparkles that foreshadow her presence…….and and and
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^Look @ Her. the presentation is unmatched
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strawberrystepmom · 10 days ago
hello hello, kendall pls tell me about papa Dante and his little babies 🥺 I can just imagine 2 or 3 toddling around after him like ducklings. The little ones just adore their dad ☺️☺️☺️
oughhhh dad dante -100000000 hp oof ouch wow jddjjddjjdjdndnd
honestly HONESTLYYYYY if we don’t have bio kids I could absolutely see us having a mini orphanage lmao dante is a misguided child magnet and i love to help wherever i can so it’s a perfect storm…
he’s just the dream dad, honestly. he’s firm but fair. he’s funny and outgoing and charming and would make them smile even on their worst days. intelligent and brave and fun and fjfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfn
yk….i think i need to continue the theme and give him three little girls. he can put all that practice doing hair to use bc he helps me with mine so much.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 4 years ago
TBHK boys get break up pranked by reader ?angst to fluff please!!😢👉👈
kou minamoto x gn!reader, teru minamoto x gn!reader, akane aoi x gn!reader, tsuchigomori x gn!reader, hanako x gn!reader, tsukasa yugi x gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader
a/n: heck yea, we love angst to fluff!!!! Thank you so much for requesting <33 (also, by tbhk boys, i just kinda,,, threw my favorites, and some characters that seem to be requested fairly often in there! If i missed anyone you particularly wanted to see, feel free to let me know, and i’ll gladly add them <3)
Also, I’m sorry that these are so short,,;; i’m not entirely sure how to lengthen them;;;; and I’m not sure how well they fit into angst to fluff,,,, i’m really sorry;;;
warnings: none <3
word count: 1,939
Kou Minamoto <3
“Kou, I… I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s going to work between us. I think we should break up.”
Please, don’t make me describe his face… please, don’t do this to me… my heart, my heart hurts just thinking about it. But- his heart hurts worse.
His eyes will widen, but they won’t be filled with the usual sparkle of joy he gets when looking at you. His usual smile and blush will quickly drain from his face, as he narrows his eyebrows in confusion.
“H… huh-?”
“You heard me, Kou. Don’t make me say it again.”
He does his best not to cry on the spot, and you’ll instantly start to feel guilty. You try not to let the guilt get under your skin just yet- it’s a prank. You know it’s a prank, but Kou doesn’t.
“Why? What- what did I do?”
“It’s nothing you did, Kou. We just… can’t work out. Really, it isn’t you.”
His mouth forms a straight line, slightly panicking, but he’ll nod. That… makes sense. No- no, it really doesn’t- not for your relationship. You seemed happy, didn’t you? Did he say something? Did he hurt you? What happened-??
“No, wait, Kou, no- don’t cry, don’t cry-”
“I’m not! No worries, (Y/N), it’s fine, I’ll-”
“It’s a prank, Kou! Please, don’t cry-”
He’d pause, blinking a bit, then tilting his head slightly- confusion written all over his face.
It settled in for a moment, as you hugged him, Kou hugging back instantly. Once it clicked, he was instantly relieved, tightening the hug a bit and huffing.
“You scared me, (Y/N)... I wasn’t crying though. But you did scare me- please, don’t do that again.”
“I’m sorry, Kou, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again, I promise!”
Teru Minamoto <3
“I’m sorry, Teru, but I don’t think things can work between us anymore. It’s not you, I just… think we should see other people.”
He’ll raise his eyebrows, then narrow them, confusion evident on his face, much like his brother reacted. He wouldn’t lose his cool- he wouldn’t get emotional. However, he did feel his heart aching.
“Ah… alright. I’m sorry if I did anything, (Y/N). Is there any way we could make things work? Talk to me.”
“You didn’t do anything, Teru. I just- I just don’t think it can work. Sorry.”
Teru bit his lip a bit, nodding. He turned, planning to walk away, but-
But you wouldn’t let him walk away :)) so, you grabbed his wrist.
He’d turn around, offering you a confused expression, the hurt still evident on his face. Honestly, he really needed to get home to sort out his emotions. “If you would, please, let go, (Y/N).”
“Sorry, sorry, Teru! Can’t do that!” You chirped, tugging him a bit so he’d face you.
Our boy is so confused- why are you suddenly in a better mood??
“It was a prank!” You declared, tossing your hands up, “don’t be mad, please!”
Teru sighed, placing a hand on his chest. “Oh, thank goodness, (Y/N). I was so scared… of course, I wasn’t about to let you go that easily, but, still-”
He pulled you into a hug, resting his head on top of yours. Expect a slightly more affectionate Teru- he’s gonna be a tad bit paranoid now. No way is anyone gonna take you from him >:((
Akane Aoi <3
“Akane, I think we should… break up.”
Panic. Instant panic. You can see the panic on his face immediately, as his eyes widen.
No, no way. This couldn’t be happening to him- years of pining after Aoi, only to have you introduced into his life. You were someone he loved as dearly as he did Aoi. Someone who returned his feelings.
Having you love him was the best feeling ever… this, on the other hand, was anything but nice.
“Break up-? Why??”
He’ll reach for your arms, heart breaking when you stepped back, looking away from him. To him, you were looking away because you felt bad for having to split up. In reality, you were looking away to avoid the guilt slowly bubbling up in your stomach. It’s a prank- that’s what you had to tell yourself. In just a few moments you could hug him and smother his precious face in kisses.
“Because… you’re,” You stepped forward, booping his nose, “too cute!”
“........(Y/N), I promise you, if this is a prank-”
“It’s a prank~!”
Akane groaned, rolling his eyes, but placing his head against your shoulder. “(Y/NNNNN), honestlyyyyy.”
You patted his back, then wrapped your arms around him, kissing the side of his face gently. “I’m sorry, Akaneeee...”
“You’re fine…” He responded, wrapping his arms around you. He may sulk just a tiny bit, but he won’t be like that for long. By the next day, he’ll be acting normal- though he may use that prank against you lightheartedly.
Tsuchigomori <3
“Tsuchigomori… I’m sorry, but I think we should see other people,” You spoke. Goodness knows you had to put all of your acting skills into this one, since Tsuchigomori could see through lies easier than anyone else you knew.
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not.” “(Y/N), you literally cannot keep secrets from me. Lying is no different. What kind of prank is this? A trend?”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair- your reaction brought a grin to your spider-like boyfriend’s face.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sure I would have been fairly hurt if you were being genuine, so… don’t bother with jokes like that.”
(Actually, there was a part of him concerned that you were being honest. But! He trusted his instincts, praying that you were just joking. He had never been happier to tell truth from lies.)
Hanako <3
“Hanako… I’m sorry, I don’t think things will work between us. We should break up.”
A million thoughts run through his mind, despite his somewhat unreadable expression. Was it because he was dead? Of course- he knew it would happen. Who would be willing to date a ghost? A murderer at that. He was unlovable. He knew it.
“...I understand, (Y/N), but… don’t play with my heart like that.”
“I’m not playing around, Hanako. Stop taking everything like it’s a joke.”
Hanako shrugged, ignoring how his heart ached. “I think the joke is you not considering things like the obvious before you accepted my confession. Dating a supernatural is clearly not easy, and you walked into this knowing that.”
This time, you were the one with an unreadable expression. What… did he mean? Was he scolding you? Or… rejecting your rejection-?
“What do you mean?” You sighed, faking annoyance as you placed a hand on your hip.
“I mean, you got yourself into this relationship, so you should be willing to stick with it until the end~. I get it though, so, if you really didn’t think that far, then so be it-”
“Fine, I give in.”
Hanako raised his eyebrows, holding a hand to his mouth, curious as to what you were about to say. Did he really just uno reverse your break up?
“It was aaaaaa prank,” You added, pulling your lower eyelid down and sticking your tongue out. It was impressive- you almost seemed similar to him! Impressive indeed!
Hanako grinned, the pain on his heart being suddenly lifted as he basically tackled you into a hug. Kisses were placed against your cheek, before he nuzzled the side of his face into yours.
“I knew you couldn’t do me like that, (Y/NNNN)~.”
Did he really know that? Of course not. And that fear would never leave him, worrying that he would one day not be enough for you. But! For now, the two of you were together, happy in the relationship you were in. That was enough for him <3
Tsukasa Yugi <3
“We should break up, Tsukasa. I’m really sorry, it just… can’t work.”
Won’t let you break up with him. He won’t- he genuinely won’t.
Clings to you, pouting up at you, as you look down at him, feigning sadness.
“I’m sorry, Tsukasa- please, let go of me.”
“Nope! You’re mine, (Y/N). You can’t break up with me!! You’re mine- forever and ever, no matter what!”
(His expression was wide-eyed and somewhat innocent, but thinking about his words… they were certainly questionable.)
You tried to play along a bit more. Telling him you were serious, attempting to push him away. But, that was to no avail. Tsukasa wasn’t giving in, so you eventually had to-
“Alright, alright. It was a prank, Tsukasa… though I guess it didn’t get far with you.”
“Haha! Nope! And you won’t get far either <3”
Honestly? Who knows what that meant. You didn’t get it, and you couldn’t be sure Tsukasa understood either. All he knew was he loved you- therefore, he wouldn’t let you do something so silly like break up with him! Like Tsuchigomori, he's virtually impossible to break-up prank- like Hanako, he's virtually impossible to actually break up with.
Mitsuba Sousuke <3
“I… I think we should break up, Mitsuba. It’s not you, really-”
“Tch. Of course it isn’t me, idiot,” Mitsuba interrupted. He wasn’t there to listen to the extent of your acting skills (though he didn’t realize you were acting). “If you’re gonna split up with me, just get it over with. We should break up? Fine. Not like a pervert like you deserves someone as cute and pure as me anyway.”
Despite his words and furrowed eyebrows, his eyes alone showed how heartbroken he felt. His lower lip trembled a bit, though he attempted to stop it by pouting. No, he wouldn’t be the one crying in this situation! Not yet, at least-
“Great then. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” You retorted, laughing bitterly. Ahh, no, this was getting too real for him- you were serious, weren’t you? Could this be a joke?
Mmh, who cared? Mitsuba was here to defend himself, even if it was at the cost of your feelings. If you were going to hurt his heart like that, then he’d do his best to take a jab at yours- or at least your ego.
“Great. Then, why are you lingering? Getting a last look at my cute face?”
“Hm… yeah-”
“Excuse mE, let me finish,” You sighed, ruffling his hair lightly, “surprise! It’s a prank!”
His face was honestly golden- his reaction to hearing that it was a prank even better than his reaction when the prank was in action. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, though watering just barely from the previous aching in his heart, mouth agape slightly.
Then, his eyebrows furrowed deeper, displaying anger. The way his shoulders sank for a moment showed his relief, though they tensed up quickly, as he prepared himself to yell at you. “Idiot! Pervert! Who do you think you are, trying to play with my heart like that?! What right do you have to-”
You cut him off by cupping his face, pouting slightly- his face burned as he avoided eye contact, hand raised slightly as if contemplating pushing you away. It was clear he didn’t really want you to stop though.
“Sorry, sorry~. I just wanted to get a reaction out of you, Mitsuba. You’ve got very cute reactions, you know?”
“Hmph. You sound like you’re quoting porn-”
“Mention porn one more time and the prank won’t be a prank anymore-”
“Liar. Idiot. Stupid pervert, you’re a liar.”
You laughed lightly, squishing his face as you closed your eyes. “Maybe I’m a tad bit of a liar. But, when you pretend to not be upset, I’m sure you’re lying as well~.”
“Hah. I don’t lie.”
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chocojjk · 4 years ago
date scenario: cuddling with johnny
“cuddling date w johnny plssss”
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lets be real, i dont think ya’ll would just be cuddling
but i dont write smut so ill leave the freaky stuff up to your imaginations
johnny is a really big guy
but we all know hes just a giant teddy bear
and just like a giant teddy bear, he would want to be hugged
to feel your arms wrapped around him, legs tangling with his
so yes, he is the small spoon
and you play with his long hair
and he just absolutely loves the feeling of you
your touch
your smell
just you
he sneaks in a lot of cheek kisses
forehead kisses
neck kisses
literally any part of your body that he has access to
music will be playing of course, this is johnny were talking about
he sings along sometimes, not too loud though, just for you and only you to hear
“look at the stars, look how they shine for you”
and you swear youre stuck in a trance
his voice always brings you so much comfort and you cant help but just admire him
“i love you a lot, you know,”
“i know,” he’ll say, a smug smirk on his lips but his eyes twinkle in adoration for you
he gets up and you complain as soon as his warmth leaves your body
“where are you goinggg?” you whine and he just laughs at how cute you were
you werent usually the type to act all cutesy
in fact, you think its so cringy but you were just so comfortable with him that you didnt care and he’s expressed so many times before how much he actually liked it when you would go all soft with him
you noticed hes grabbed his camera
“oh god baby, youre not going to ask me to film a sex tape right?”
he shrugs, “i dont know, do you want to?” he says teasing you
you blush before chucking one of the pillows at him
he catches it of course
your guys’ laughter filling up the room
“relax baby, i just want to take some pictures of you, you look so beautiful,”
this was all truth to him but he also wanted the pictures so he would have something to look at when he misses you
he can always go back to his pictures and remember every single detail about that day and thats why he wanted to capture this moment
“my hair’s a mess, im in one of your tshirts and im not even ready at all!”
“yeah and? you look beautiful to me...now come on, smile for me?”
and you do what he says because johnny makes you feel beautiful
every second, every minute, of every day
at the end he joins in in the pictures and the two of you just take a bunch of silly pictures together
a.n. - i literally had to force myself to stop writing or else this would’ve gone on for forever lol
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chryzure-archive · 3 years ago
Reading Legendary rn and I love the little bits we get of Scarlett and Julian being happy so far 🥺 I never approve of lying to your lover, though honestly with the Aracle and what Tella saw, I think I can safely say for that first time it feels actually justified. Every other time I see a character lying to "protect" someone else I die a little. It's never properly justified- but this makes sense to me! Also my current theory (based on the coin and on my own gut feeling) is that Tella's 'Friend' is Jacks- can't wait to find out if that guess ages poorly -I'm excited to read more but I am hungry :) So I will stop for a late lunch (Also side note that I didn't think to mention before: I'm excited to see canon Jacks but I'm ALSO excited to meet Mistress Luck 👀👀👀)
HONESTLYYYYY, i love scarlett and julian’s romance and i wish we were able to see more of what they were doing during this book because like. they’re Literally Deeply In Love, What More Is There To Say. but they’ve also got to heal from the last book and figure out their standing with each other,,,, yeah :) AND I AGREE, lying to protect your lover makes me want to SCREAM (azure…. i am Staring at you very intensely 👁👁 knock it off, pretty boy) BUT IT MAKES SENSE HERE!!!
hehe :) you’ll find out soon enough about your theory :) also, speaking of that coin, i’d love it if jacks jst has a pocket full of those. chrysi mercilessly teases him for being self-absorbed (which he is, don’t get me wrong) BUT—HEY. AT LEAST HER POSSESSING ONE OF THOSE COINS SAVED HER SINCE JACKS WAS ABLE TO TRACK HER DOWN W IT.
i hope your lunch is very, very delicious 🥰
(AAHHHHHH canon jacks is SO MUCH MORE OF A BITCH and i love him 🖤 actually the moment i knew i wanted him and chrysi together was when i was imagining her reactions to him as if she were in the place of tella. i’m jst going to say chrysi’s funnier and more violent than tella and leave it at that 😌✨ mistress luck is my FAV, AHHHH, she’s in finale and only for, like, two scenes, but please—i am on my hands and knees—LOVE HER 😭 that’s jacks’s mother figure that wants to watch him die 🤧)
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virmireisms-a · 3 years ago
Ash is actually one of the few chars who gave my Red John a chance. Her patience was vital for him to evolve as a character, too. Besides, Ash has her own moments of strength, weakness, making her more human and organic. I simply adore your Ash ♥
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Honestlyyyyy-- i love all of their interactions! They're really great at dealing with and handling one another, and get along oddly well; sometimes she gets on his nerves with how, ahem, emotional she gets, but other times he'll push a little too far, but they still eventually come back and make amends. They're honestly really good for each other to--they're just so adorable hhhhhh especiallyyyyy when John tries super hard to be good to her. It makes her hella proud of him whenever he's trying, and she gets all sappy and emotional over it ofc!
I'm glad you like her being a little emotionally variable tho! I always kind of worry I'm playing her a little too soft, since we mostly see her snark and sass in the games, but I also like to think the game only really scratches the surface on her softer side most of the time (it being most prevalent at the Citadel Memorial and lunch at Apollo's). But this way I kind of get to explore her being a little softer and having a gentler side, while still being tough and headstrong.
Also, the fact that they just play off each other is way too funny. It's especially funny in ME2 when he's being a degenerate, and she's oscillating between joining in and encouraging him, and jokingly pretending to be offended or annoyed by him. Either way her reactions spur him on and just make the situation worse, and I start to feel bad for anyone who has to deal with the two of them together. They're just so chaotic and it's hilarious. Writing with your renegade shep has helped me develop a LOT of really cool ideas for Ashley that I can play around with and honestly most of the time if I'm referencing a male shep, it's probably this guy. Once in a while your paragon shep, but more likely your renegade shep LMAO.
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borom1r · 3 years ago
SAW asks!! I have been thinking abt Mallick a lot tbh,, I honestly wld rlly like to hear whatever you've got abt him n Adam, him n Lawrence, and maybe him n Eric/William? Whether it's just like... a soft moment, or smth they like to do w each other specifically, maybe smth one of them does that they don't realize they do but the Other person notices, stuff like that!! (sorry if these aren't like,, very specific I am Very tired bfndnsjw)
mmmrhjgf prefacing this by saying i went into this night of festivities thinking "oh yea that strawberita from last night was ass and didnt do shit" and proceeded tp drink 2/3 of a twested tea and may i just say. not only is it not Ass, but it did in fact Do Shit ( i am drunkr than i expected to be)
anyways Mallick!!!
i think like. w/ Adam/Mallick th name of the game is Similarities. they r vverry very similar but like inverse sorta bc Adam is the way he is asa defense mechanism and fr Mallick what u see is what u get (insecuritieeeeeees)
but uhh to touch on headcanons ive kinda grazed over in th past i think Adam and Mallick have both self-harmed, Mallick currently + Adam moreso in the past— i think Mal is careful to keep anything fresh hidden at first bc he doesn't want to deal w/ some of his partners' reactions (even if it would be worry. sometimes thats just. too much).
but Adam notices the way he winces when he moves sometimes and the way he very gingerly sits down and, yknow. he's observant. and hes been there. and the next time they're alone he just asks "have you put bandaids on?" and maybe he gets a yes, maybe he gets a "no but i cleaned them" but its. its not the overwhelming concern that always makes Mal feel a little sick, it's just. recognition from someone whos been in that pace, no pressure to talk but a subtle reassurance that someone cares and wants to check in if he's taken care of them. not beg him to stop or ask what's wrong or to see them. its yet another moment of.. understanding n accommodation that Mal's just not fucking used to. and when its about smthn like that hes uh. hes more grateful than he can honestly express
Mallick/Lawrence is djfhjksf man. i go back n forth on how i feel about it honestlyyyyy bc i do think there's a larger disconnect between their perspectives than there is between Adam + Lawrenfce but im uh. no thoughts head empty <3
w/e whether i ssee them romantically or not doesnt matter this can go either way <3 but i do love the tenderness of making drinks for yr partner. knowing what they like + fixing smthn to surprise them bc yr already making smthn for yrself. and how just. purely fuckin touched Mal would b that sm1 remembered his preferences.. anyways i think Mal likes chamomile tea w lots of milk and honey and the first time Lawrence just makes him a cup + it hits that Lar Remembered What He Likes makes Mal 🥺 👉🏻👈🏻
+ uummnn Mal/Eric soft moment... ssjdshjdfk
i think Eric has a polaroid camera tht was a gift from Adam— ive touched on his notebook for important things but i think after hearing him express frustration at all the little memories he's missing that don't feel important enough to Write Down but still like. mean something, Adam scrounges up some cash + picks Eric up a camera. nd i think theres one day where he and Mal walk to the gas station to get ice cream and theyre walking home, sun shining, and Mal got a drumstick cone— and he winds up w a smudge of melted chocolate shell on his nose. but before he can wipe it off ("wait, hang on- don't wipe it yet") Eric takes a picture of him, smiling sheepishly, melting cone in hand and chocolate smeared on th tip of his nose.
and Mal just ????? and Eric shrugs, "you looked too cute for me to risk forgetting." and Mal... ohhhhh he definitely has to let that sink in for a while (very much a rudolph "she thinks im cute!!!!" moment later when hes hanging out w Adam + Adam is like. "yea dude we all think ur cute <33" sjkfhkjsdhf)
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years ago
Ah yes… Ticklis……. Beautiful. ♥
(just kidding, dear, you’re so cool and so sweet for liking and reblogging so much of my stuff and i love you♥)
Here’s the REAL ask:
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Hi, Billy is ticklish. ♥
I debated it a bit in my head when i was thinking about this before this ask got sent. Bc I’m like….. So ticklish it’s actually ridiculous?? and it’s bc my skin is just really sensitive and we don’t need to go into this but yEAH i was thinking about how maybe after all of the abuse he went through he got kind of desensitized? but then i was like maybe he got even more sensitive, y’know??? Like…. He’s very large and in charge and brazen, yeah, sure, but i get the feeling he doesn’t like random, soft touches. They confuse the fuck out of him and he just doesn’t trust them. I’ve said it before but i’m gonna say it again, i think this boy flinches at any and all contact people make w/ him that he isn’t prepared for.
And actually, y'know what?? Doesn't tickling elicit a fight or flight response? So I think the sensitivity Billy has already would definitely go from him flinching at touches he can't see to being ticklish as FUCK by touches he can see and trust.
Like, he'll be leaning up against the kitchen counter, drinking his coffee, standing right in front where they keep the glasses, so when El needs to get past him she'll poke his stomach and-
Billy squeaks.
Like… full on squeaks.
El jumps a bit bc she’s never heard that sound come out of Billy before. She looks at him w/ wide eyes and a little smile and he looks back w/ fear bc guys, being tickled is scary, esp when you’re insanely ticklish, so he’s freaked and El giggles and reaches out to tickle him again and he moves so fast to get away from her. El just gets her glass and pours herself some milk.
And i just??? AUGH. Hop will put his hand on Billy’s shoulder when he passes behind him on the couch, just bc, and one of his fingers will accidentally brush Billy’s neck and Billy will shriek and jump and giggle just a little and Hop is scared to all hell bc he thought it was okay to do that but maybe he scared the boy??? And Billy will just wave Hop off when Hop goes to ask what’s wrong.
Billy will be helping Joyce w/ dinner and she’ll do that thing where she puts her hand on his back lightly so he knows she’s passing behind him and he’ll squeak and giggle a little and get super close to the counter to get away. She puts her hand on his shoulder to ask if he’s alright and he’ll say “I’m fine!” in a real high voice through a small giggle. Joyce just smiles but lets him be.
El will brush his hair out and try to braid it but her fumbling fingers will brush the skin of his neck and he’ll squeak every. time. His shoulders will be up by his ears and he’ll start to giggle so much that he’s bent over where he’s sitting, laughing too hard and begging her to stop. And El’s concerned, wondering if she hurt him or something bc Billy like… almost never laughs. Not like that. So she leans forward to look at his face and ask:
“Are you alright?”
He nods. “Yeah… just… tickles.”
He nods again, face flushed real hard bc, even though this is El, he’s still embarrassed. “Yeah. Like… it feels funny.”
“Feels funny?”
Billy nods and turns around. “Yeah, like this.” he says before reaching out and tickling her arms and stomach. She laughs a little, kicking out and reaching out to tickle his arms but literally the slightest touch has him keeling over with laughter, jumping away and putting distance between them. She laughs harder at that than she does at the tickles.
The next time that Max comes over and they’re all doing their hair together, El begs and pleads Billy to let her do his hair. He’s reluctant to say yes, but he does. And when she does, fumbling fingers once again brushing his neck, Billy ends up wrapping his arms around Max in a hug (foregoing the braid he was giving her) and squeezing her in a tight hug. She shrieks, pushing away.
“Billy get off! What’re you doing, hugging me?”
Billy shoves her instead, scrambling to get off the bed and away from El, who’s giggling like crazy.
“What’s wrong with you, you spaz?” Max asks to Billy, but El answers.
Max is confused. The Billy she knows is not ticklish.
“What?” Max asks. Billy’s giving El a scared as hell look, shaking his head at her, but she doesn’t understand.
“He said it tickles when I do that.”
Max looks to Billy with confusion. “You’re ticklish? Since when are you ticklish?”
Billy shrugs and shakes his head at the same time. “No. Nope. Stop.”
Max is grinning hard now. “Seriously?” She asks, devious as all hell, walking towards Billy with her hands behind her back. Like she’s hiding something.
“Stop, Max, no-!” Billy shrieks in vain because soon Max is attacking Billy with tickles and Billy is wriggling like a little kid, running away and trying to hug the wall as he runs out of El’s room and towards any kind of safety but the thing is, the cabin is small and there’s just not a lot of space to run so he’s running around the coffee table and he’s trying to avoid any traps like the couch or his bed. He ends up running Max around the outside of the house and loses her, only to get caught on the couch when she finally heads back inside after searching for him. He punches her arm enough times to get her to stop. (you fucking bet she’s gonna use this against him though)
Jonathan laughing quietly when he passes the joint to Billy and their fingers accidentally brush a little too much and Billy pulls his hand away fast, flinching with a little giggle.
“A little ticklish there?”
“Shut up.” Billy growls, huffing on the joint.
Will sitting on the couch w/ Billy and kicking Billy’s ankle with his foot (which is propped up on the coffee table) bc he wants to ask him a question and Billy jumping and giggling a little, moving away. To which Will smiles real wide and Billy shoves his head away lightly.
And then STEVE. Ohmygod guys Steve.
With Steve, it doesn’t always get too bad bc he’s used to Steve’s touches. At the very most just feels really intensely good. But sometimes Billy is near cackling, wiggling away and bending over with laughter.
Steve notices it first when they kiss. Bc he wraps his arms around Billy’s neck and his bare forearms are touching Billy’s skin and Billy’s knees bend and he’s shaking from his giggles and Steve is honestly worried??? Like????? His boyfriend just broke. He’s 100% sure the boy is broken. So he bends down to look Billy in the eye and ask if he’s alright and he finds Billy’s breath is a little labored and he’s like: “Fine. I’m fine.”
“You sure? ‘Cause-”
“I’m fine.”
But then the next time when Steve wraps his arms around Billy’s waist and Billy’s got his arms around Steve’s neck, Steve squeezes at Billy’s sides with his hands and Billy’s gone. Giggling up a storm, moving away and rubbing his sides to get the sensation to go away and Steve is like: “Seriously! What’s wrong?”
Billy’s facing away now, forcing his giggles to stop, and that’s when Steve notices.
“Oh my god, are you ticklish?”
Billy turns on Steve quickly. “If you tell a single soul.” Billy growls, as if his family hasn’t already caught on. Steve laughs.
“I won’t, I won’t!”
And he doesn’t tell anyone. (except Robin, who makes a point to tap Billy’s shoulder to ask a question, or poke his side when she walks past to “bother him”. She’s incredibly entertained by the way this big, touch, muscled dude giggles.)(When Billy gives Steve a harsh look for going back on his promise, Steve just shrugs with a “we all know best friends don’t count!”)
Anyway, we also all know Billy and Steve get into tickle fights. it might only be when they’re alone but I’m fuckin serious here, the boys are tickle fiends and it’s the cutest thing. Billy says he hates it when they first happen but really, he ends up loving it and instigating it because it’s a rush and we know our boy is a thrill seeker. And being tickled is honestly kinda thrilling!! So it’s a lot of wriggling and laughing and hands flying everywhere and in all sincerity, it’s mainly Billy getting tickled and Steve laughing just bc he loves Billy’s laugh and will never get enough of it, but that’s also part of why Billy loves this. Because Billy laughing makes Steve laugh and Billy loves Steve’s laugh. ♥
(also just FYI, this might get a bit NSFW here so beware: in being this ticklish also means that Billy is sensitive as f u c k. I’m talking Steve grazes his fingertips across Billy’s bare chest and he’s goddamn gone. He’s breathing hard, heart beating faster, pupils dilating bc every touch is a spark. And Steve could honestly get drunk off of how responsive Billy is. Billy can come from just having his nipples played with and it’s an absolute gift for Steve. There’s nothing more erotic for him than Billy getting off just from being touched. Like, there are specific erogenous zones on people, sure, but for Billy suddenly everything is an erogenous zone. Steve runs his fingers up and down Billy’s forearm up to his bicep and back and Billy is shaking, breath getting light and airy, whining a little because it feels like his body is turning to molten gold or something. He’s strung up and melting at the same time. Like… fuck dude, Billy being hypersensitive is like a dream for both of them)
ANYWAY I just?? GUYS. Ticklish Billy!!!! ♥ I! Love! it!
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flowerrpetaled · 5 years ago
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( olivia holt, demi female, she/they, fire emblem: awakening ) * &. i know it must be scary for you, olivia after surviving the takeover. to turn into someone like orion “ori” monroe, a twenty-five year old clerk at amy’s, right here in castle town. just remember that you are as artistic as you are self-conscious, and to be wary, be safe, be true to who you are : neutral through and through. ( hylia )
                yes i gave myself awakening rights again bc this is,,, best girl,,, i love olivia sm n im so excited 2 write here bt like owain - all of u be warned bc i haven’t played awakening in a long long time so i’m bound 2 be rusty with her !! / tws : death , kidnapping ( ment ) , anxiety
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so OKAY. prior to the events of the game , Olivia was a dancer that traveled around the continent of Ylisse with a theatre troupe -  unfortunately , bc of her popularity , a plot to kidnap her into her career had been set into place , and the west khan of ferox basilio prevented it. this would start off their friendship , which would eventually lead to olivia’s involvement in the plegia-ylisse war. 
her involvement was firstly to rescue chrom’s army post emmeryn’s death , to where she escorted them back to ferox via a carriage convoy. and then afterwards , before facing off against gangrel , she joined chrom’s army as a dancer to invigorate and inspire troops ( aka , if you’re not familiar with the dancer class in fe , olivia’s ur only dancer in awakening and she can basically make ppl move twice one turn )
BTTTT YEAH that’s rly about it ?? my olivia’s not married 2 anyone in particular - kinda just leaving that open ( only flat no is chrom bc chrobin rights ) bt she has her son inigo n she loves him dearly !!
but okay so like ,,,, character-wise , olivia is graceful & considered a perfomance genius. she dances divinely & her singing is gorgeous - however , she possesses extreme stage-fight & anxiety as well as incredibly low self-esteem. she’s very sweet & kind & a lovely person , but she’s also ,,,, honestly this poor girl thinks so lowly of herself n modern-day olivia would probably be behind so many self-deprecating memes
poor baby is startled v easily by surprises and/or strangers - a lot of her supports help her find ways 2 cope with this in one way or another and some of them are ,,,, incredibly sweet ?? like. one of my personal faves is her support w/ stahl where he respects her comfort zone & communicates her with notes bc he knows olivia gets incredibly anxious around confrontation. virion also volunteers to teach olivia a dance from across a room i believe for these same reasons just to respect her comfort zone n it’s INCREDIBLY sweet
one thing For Sure is that her confidence raises as she performs - but almost immediately after , the adrenaline fades n olivia goes back to her shell - n that’s okay. i honestlyyyyy really love olivia sm bc like , i deal w/ a LOT of what she deals with n it was rly cool to see a character like me bc i uh. yeah im an anxious fucker.
i also always feel the need to explain myself n am incredibly shy n need assurance even if my actions were entirely valid.
bt yeah i’m so excited 2 write her n give ini his momma !! she’s my babie,,,, il uv her,,,,
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SO ORI. ori is an interesting story in itself bc again in some ways it’s a lot of what i dealt with bt also,, you’ll see.
so i’m 90% sure she’s like. the third character i have born to famous parents bt ori was a case where she was the fourth child of a dancer mother, an actor father, and her siblings were performers + producers + directors and ori was expected to fill the same shoes.
however, she didn’t excel like they did - she didn’t excel and was always seen as the “odd one out” and the “disappointment” even tho she was just as talented as the rest of them. she just... didn’t get lucky in her career like they did, and her parents, instead of helping her or pushing her to keep trying, kind of just... used her as their token disappointment bc ig “every family has one” and all that bullshit.
so she was the one who led a more quiet life and for that reason couldn’t take the constant weight her family put on her to succeed when they already accepted she couldn’t. so that’s when ori moved out to castle town, just bc it was quiet and nice and off the map.
and also nobody... connected the dots. nobody saw her as the odd one out that didn’t fit into a family of celebrities. ori was just ori and while ori wanted to pursue her own things, she was made to feel comfortable in her own skin again.
still as shy as ever and definitely quiet & anxious, she’s an aspiring dancer but doesn’t really want to go onstage again just yet. she survived , so yes she remembers, but she’s more comfortable right now dancing in an empty room by herself than in front of other people. bt she’s defo choreographed like a hundred dances just by herself buuut she’s still gotten the “i’m not meant for that stuff” thing stuck in her head when she watches the dancers at ct centre of theatre & dance and she’s scared to audition for those reasons.
she currently works at the makeup counter at amy’s !! bt also on bad days she sometimes works in the stockroom instead w/ permission n it makes her feel better.
so she’s still,,, babie. n she wants to find inigo more than anything even tho she’s honestly scared he won’t remember her when she does : (
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hoe-imaginess · 6 years ago
so many repliessss. About two month’s worth so check for your message here! They’re not really in order since I mixed them up on accident
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@evagenesis I know you sent this like forever ago but just so you know it still makes me so happy to read thank you so muchhhhh
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Why ):
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INTERESTING I love this thank u
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ajdhfkjshfdkjshdfkjh this would be Tobirama tho
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I am!!! I’m just busy with life and writing a lot more commissions now bc I need the $$ to keep up with expenses, especially now that I’m not in school and have to help pay back some loans before I go back next semester. thank u ily <3
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THIS is it chief 
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I’m so late but thank u!!! Happy Valentine’s @any59
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No worries!!! Things are coming back into order so I’m definitely getting back to writing and updating
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I will probably dream about this tonight then I will tell you how it fees
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INTERESTING... So most of the votes were separate so that’s what I’ll be doing. I honestly did struggle a lot with the dabi x reader x hawks one because I had so many ideas but they didn’t all flow together. Hopefully the separate ones will do each boy justice~
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I’m doing much better thx!!! Just trying to get my mental health on track before I make room for other stuff in my life
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@gamewriter-12239 I’m not going anywhere!!! Thank you so much for the love <3
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I MEANNN I’m not too into discussing ships but... all fax. I don’t see Madara ever wanting anything to do with Tobirama after Izuna’s death. Don’t think either of them could stand even being near each other, let alone touching each other and let alone x2 fucking each other. BUT I can understand the appeal of their personalities. In an AU where Izuna isn’t dead then... maybe. Less on Tobirama’s end, still
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Honestly you’re right and for all equally different distressing reasons
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this is.... so cute... wtf....
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ofc this was what Kishimoto had in mind when he created Naruto, clearly
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HMMMMM sounds a little wild but I’m in 
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Gai has the unfathomable dick energy we been knew!!!
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ngl I can’t get past the face-titty like... it barely even looks like Hashirama. It just looks like a meme face
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When you enjoy dom/sub relationships in bed! I also tend to think of it as fighting for the dominant role, but that may just be me 
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I feel Madara would have had some problems still with the village itself, because Izuna still wasn’t there with him, but I agree, Tobirama really did cause a lot of shit lmao his death would have saved the Naruto series 3/4 of all its problems
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Yeah it’s really not our fault we’re not culpable 
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YES I DO!!!! Knb was my introduction into anime imagines I spent hours looking at knb blogs omg kajshdfkjasdh the good ol days 
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Thank you all so so much for these messages I have such great followers thank you for always sending me nice things even when I’m being a dramatic inactive bitch I love y’all 
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I’ll write aged up for him!
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Ahhhhh I can’t think of any right now my brain is fried sorrrrrry. Thank u though!
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THE HEART KNOWS. Don’t underestimate Madara though he knows how to use it he really does
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Yeah like I can never see dabi banging a hero knowingly (but even like an undercover hero didn’t feel right to me) as of now I’m trying to play around with the idea of an undercover cop??? Maybe not as bad as a hero in Dabi’s eyes. Maybe. But I like villain on villain more lmao less drama and more banging
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Tbh he’s embarrassed by his long schlong but at the same time, he knows he’s the shit 
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He really really is he cannot be stopped
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I honestly have a good portion of the gangster Au written out from yearsssss ago, but I’m getting back into the Gods AU. Wondering if I should write some out in my free time tbh 
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Hmmmm possibly! Also factoring in Izuna on Madara’s part, and I think most of Butsuma Senju’s intolerance was inherited by Tobirama
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It was honestly the question of the century
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It’s canon 
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!!!!!!!! completely canon (although I thought Senju had more chakra maybe I’m wrong)
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the evidence presents itself tbh!
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I doubt you could even get a comb through that thing tbh so nah 
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I do not play Skyrim but.... I agree
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Ahhhhh I’ve been so caught up with other stuff I stopped working on it for the moment, hopefully in the next few weeks!
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I missed it this year I’m so mad ):
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other fics!
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I do not, sorry ):
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it’s sad times we’re living in but the Uchiha dick had to go. It had bigger dreams
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i’m glad it was such a delicious drama <3
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honestly.... they’re not wrong
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OH MYYYYY Tobirama would die
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UGH it’s ok we all feel the same way
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Ugh don’t worry love Tobirama did fuck up in some arenas to get to this point but there will be an ending soon...
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high key it’s always been a lil ugly
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omg thank youuu. yeah the Uchiha have a frustrating tendency to be hot as FUCK so I’m sure Madara’s bros were
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thank you so much my friend <3
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LMAOOO it’s an illusion tbh this man is such a giant virgin dork
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wow... this was so sad.... but so true
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I would but I don’t have any good pictures of it surprisingly ):
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Hmmmm I might, I’m not sure. There are so many requests it’s difficult to remember what I have 
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I don’t have too many currently so I’m available to write more if anyone is interested!
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murked omggggg. Well I guess you’ll just have to find out (:
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UM HE REALLY IS his dick has its own armor it’s so strong it can’t be defeated. He’s not worried about it at all 
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I’ll give it a listen!
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Hashirama can be my sugar granddaddy ugh yes
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Hmmmm likely not. I really don’t see Izuna as the type to put aside clan rivalries for friendship, at least not a deep one ):
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Yeah I noticed that too ): if you’re looking for a specific one lmk, it may be on my wordpress!
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Honestlyyyyy I don’t think much would have changed. Hashirama would have been heartbroken, but still an advocate for peace
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it’s true I thank you for this
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