#but hera was chef's kiss!
kanerallels · 5 months
Why does season four of Star Wars Rebels have to be so good?
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sammrz320 · 1 year
Seriously peeps, how can I feel mad with all that perfection that was given to us?
This episode had a lot of little things that made it so enjoyable, even if it felt shorter.
First off, we feel Chopper getting attacked by Xiono's racist assumption towards droids which was both funny, and something I'm sure that ended up with us wanting our droid kick that insensitive mofo's ass.
C-3PO making his appearance in the Mandoverse at Leia's behest, backing up Hera during her trial.
Ahsoka slowly learning her final lesson as she trained.
MORE General Skywalker, even tho it was holographic.
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middlechildkin · 20 days
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seth-shitposts · 1 year
Hey yall should go read this right now by the lovely @never-ending-fanfic because the Hera & Kallus dynamic is amazing and absolutely magnificent and if you've already read it, I think you should read it again.
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lorrainestea · 1 year
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achingly-shy · 10 months
thinking about everyone hating on sabine for giving baylan the map and choosing ezra over the safety of the galaxy....like did we all just forget "EVERYTHING i did was for FAMILY for MANDALORE"
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dicenete · 2 months
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Helloooooo0, some more Idia Shroud fanart, now inspired by screenshots from Disney's Hercules. Because I HAVE A THEORY! = I'm rambling again. :) Note that at the time when I'm writing this I have just finished Book 6 and I haven't started Book 7 yet. So this will contain some spoilers for Book 6. And everything under the cut as always :)
Also Disney's Hercules took a lot of creative liberties with the Greek mythology. Like Hera being the one trying to kill Hercules, rather than Hades because Zeus was being a horny bastard. And Hades being pretty straight up guy compared to his contemporaries. But I will be using the Disney movie as the basis since that is where the game takes its inspirations.
Idia Shroud from Twisted Wonderland is more like a twisted version of Hercules rather than Hades from the Disney movie.
Here me out:
Sure, his visual design is pretty much inspired by Hades and I love it. And the fact that he has a job that was bestowed upon him by his bloodline rather than by his own choice. (Zeus forcing Hades to take care of the Underworld full of dead souls and so on. ) And how Idia is pretty sarcastic like Hades when he is avoiding serious talking or pointing out absurd things. Let's just say, I take this as the surface personality of Idia.
But underneath it all, what do we have? We have a person who wants to be normal. What did Hercules want to be in the start of the movie? A normal person. Someone who was accepted and someone who could fit in among his peers. That is ultimately what Idia wants. Idia wants to be liked. That's why I think he was inspired to be a hero when he was young, something Hercules also wants to be to gain acceptance. (Hercules does it to be with his biological family again and so on.)
They are both awkward in social situations, other kinda in this himbo way and other in this nerdy awkwardness kinda way.
They both go into Underworld to find the person who was the most important to them. Hercules - Megara / Idia - Ortho
BUT ALSO! At the end of the movie, Hercules wants to stay as a mortal because he found acceptance with Meg. Idia could have stayed with S.T.Y.X. If he really wanted. I'm pretty sure with that. But he chose to go back to NRC because he, with encouragement with Ortho, wanted to experience life before he has to go and be the Watchman of the Underworld. He has a long way to go, he really harbors so much self-hatred and uncounciously self-sabotages himself. It is good thing that he has Ortho calling him out on it.
I really hope to see him grow and like himself more in the future :)
(I just loved all the Greek mythology names and references in the Book 6, it is such *chef's kiss * Like how Star Rogue is pretty much the tale of Zeus fighting against his father Chronos who has eaten all his other siblings and so on.)
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sirensplayhouse · 2 years
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It Is A Fact Challenge💫 •self concept challenge🦋•
the long awaited post has finally been made🥱
ok so the first thing y’all have probably noticed is this isn’t the standard challenge where it’s for a certain amount of days and that’s for a reason✋🏾the time frame in which you get results are up to you . you decide how long it takes you to get results . you decide how well this challenge works for you . you decide when you get results , because you hold all the power .
during this challenge you’re going to be focused on two things: vaunting and affirming
now since a lot of y’all wanted to know the specific vaunt I used to manifest my dream life who am I to deny y’all of it😌so boom here y’all go:
A sirens vaunt:
I am literally living my dream life. I mean it’s ridiculous how things can change at the blink of an eye. it’s to be expected though , since I am a master manifestor of course . I am in complete control of my reality . and there’s not a thing that could ever change that. when I walk in the room I command everyone’s attention . it’s amazing how my life changed overnight and now I’m living the life I’ve always imagined . but it’s to be expected since I am the goddess of all things in my life .
now you can either keep it like this or change it to fit you and your liking . you also can use other vaunts that other bloggers have made:
@rayjane //here
@cinnamonitgirl // boom
@remcycl333 // bam
@itsravenbitch // slap
and ofc check out the queen of vaunting herself the goddess Hera @sexydreamgirl / @sexyandhedonistic
now how often you vaunt is up to you , I listened to it before I went to sleep (including naps) and whenever I woke up. but it’s completely up to you if you want to vaunt during the day or even do mirror work 🤍
now onto the affirmations, just like the vaunt I’ll give you the single affirmation I used but it is not necessary to use it and yea😂
“ I always manifest instantly”
more sc affirmations because why not ?✨
“I am the goddess of all things in my life”
“everything always goes my way”
“it is a fact I always manifest instantly”
“I manifest at the speed of light”
“everything always works out in my favor”
“I always deserve good things”
“people are always trying to please me”
“everyone adores me”
now for more self concept knowledge y’all should definitely go check out the queen @cinefairy list of affirmations and her success stories about self concept are just *chefs kiss😚🤌🏾* and the other queen is none other than @sexyandhedonistic not only does she have a list of affirmations that’ll boost your sc sky high since y’all are so obsessed with time crunches and motivational posts (see what I did there 😂😭yea click the link🙂)
again how often you affirm is up to you, I affirmed throughout the day 80x every hour (specifically because 8 is my favorite number and I said go big or go home😂). but if you want to affirm randomly throughout the day, just once or however many times it’s completely ok and completely up to you .
now y’all are officially all set to start this challenge 🤝🏾I cannot stress this enough this challenge is about you and you alone . don’t let other bloggers or other peoples success dictate your results or beliefs . if you don’t agree with something move on and know that it holds absolute zero power unless you give it power. AND STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM TUMBLR AND ANY OTHER LOA COMMUNITY WHILE YOURE DOING THIS CHALLENGE😂
persistence + consistency + discipline is 🔑( wise words from @kaayxshay )
I look forward to seeing each and everyone of y’all’s success 🫶🏾now have fun and create your own rules ! drive out those limiting beliefs and manifest your dream life and live it to the fullest 🦋
some Neville to send y’all off with 🥰
“I AM is a feeling of permanent awareness. The very center of consciousness is the feeling of I AM. I may forget who I am, where I am, what I am but I cannot forget that I AM. The awareness of being remains, regardless of the degree of forgetfulness of who, where, and what I am.”
“man is actually the arbiter of his own fate, and that it is his concept of himself that determines the world in which he lives [and his concept of himself is his reactions to life].”
“There is only one I AM and you are that I AM. And while I AM is infinite, you, by your concept of yourself, are displaying only a limited aspect of the infinite I AM.”
“Just as the moth in his desire to know the flame was willing to destroy himself, so must you in becoming a new person be willing to die to your present self.”
“However, the only fate governing your life is the fate determined by your own concepts, your own assumptions; for an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.”
“The ideal you seek and hope to attain will not manifest itself, will not be realized by you, until you have imagined that you are al ready that ideal.”
“All transformation is based upon suggestion, and this can work only where you lay yourself completely open to an influence. You must abandon yourself to your ideal as a woman abandons her self to love, for complete abandonment of self to it is the way to union with your ideal.”
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deathoverdignity · 24 days
Gotta say, knowing zero of the source material, I’m really enjoying Kaos on Netflix.
Hera is wonderfully evil. Jeff Goldblum as Zeus is actually genius casting? Jeff doesn’t get enough opportunity to act these days - too many cameos, not enough screen time. Looking forward to seeing more
Odysseus is at his most best aka a weepy loser and Dionysus as his fan boy is just *chefs kiss*
As of episode two, despite being what appears to be the main POV character, Eurydice hasn’t had much development but I’m hoping they let her grow a bit more over the next few episodes.
The FATES! Perfection! And honestly that scene with the parents gutted me. They deserved to win!
Glad I have a new show to feed my brainworms, it’s been a while.
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PJO Fanfic Writers….just hear me out
Listen I LOVE all the fics where Sally adopts Nico. 10/10 chef’s kiss, I love to see it. Never get enough of it. However, you know what I’ve NEVER SEEN?
Where the hell are the fics where Sally adopts both Nico AND JASON!!!
Jason never got to have a mom cuz he was way too young to remember his mom or even what she looked like. He was literally 2 years old when she gave him to Lupa. Jason grew up having never known his mom even before he got his memories wiped by Hera. At least Nico had a good 9 years with his mom before….well y’know ⚡️💀
Where’s my fic where Jason knows a home and a mom that actually cares about him??
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silver-starss · 1 year
I have (spoilery) Thoughts on Ahsoka episode four
First of all how dare you
Second of all how dare you
Bro why is Hera taking Jacen on this mission? I know she has a penchant for lugging around badass kids, but he's what, 10? A bit young imo.
Called it. Marrok was a red herring. Filoni knew that we'd all go nuts about the identity of yet another cool masked dude and let fan speculation run wild. Though him turning to dust does bring up new questions...
Sabine and Shin round two! I like that Sabine was actually able to use her armor/equipment this time and fight Shin on more even ground.
That moment when Marrok died and Shin seemed genuinely shook? And Sabine recognizing this and trying to take advantage of Shin's shookness? *chef's kiss*
Really good special effects in the shot with the ring coming out of the atmosphere! That was stunning!
Ahsoka and Baylan fight was genuinely cool, and the choreography felt much more Ahsoka-esque. Particularly that flip she did, which didn't look wired like the one from Ep 2.
So Clan Wren is dead. :/ Not surprising, I assumed that would be Sabine's character arc when the series was first announced (feeling survivor's guilt after the Purge), but what does Ahsoka have to do with that? Is it an emotional support thing?
Sabine joining up with the bad guys makes sense. Her #1 priority is finding Ezra and they're her only means of getting there. She's probably planning to gun down Thrawn in the process, though I imagine Baylan is fully aware of that and planning accordingly.
On the bright side, this gives us more opportunities to explore her rivalry with Shin...
Speaking of, love the dynamic with Shin being the feral one yet actually listening to/respecting her master. I imagine there's a story there and I'm very curious to hear it.
I don't know whether to be mad or impressed that Jacen said part of the Iconic Star Wars Line but not the full thing.
Beautiful transition between the ocean and the World Between Worlds. It looks absolutely gorgeous in live-action.
Why and how is Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds?
HAYDEN ALREADY???? I didn't think he'd show up until episode 5.
"SNIPS" (!!!!!)
Holy fucking shit I'm losing my mind.
He looks way better than he did in Kenobi, but the de-aging isn't 100% great. Still though.
Interesting that Ahsoka's first instinct was to call him "Master". Old habits (and attachments) die hard I guess. They're going to have some serious issues to sort out next ep though.
Lmao casuals must be super confused by this ending. Imagine that.
Goddamn that's a cliff-hanger. And on the strongest episode so far!
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2much4me-4ever · 19 days
I can't get over how (intentionally) brilliant the lines from God Games are.
Apollo [I]
Athena apeals both to his reason ("they tried to do him worse") and his personal priorities ("the'yll thread with caution first", "sing another verse") as the god of arts, giving him both a solid argument and a scapegoat so he doesn't seem to shallow
Hephaistos [II]
Hephaistos is bothered by Odysseus betrail, and one of the most popular story's he is involved in is the betrail through Aphrodite's infidelity (she's his wife, in some versions), and being thrown from the Olymp becourse he was too 'ugly', only regaining respect for his craftsmanship.
Plus the wordgames!! ('trust is forged' and 'build a future')
(((Also, his voicing(?) just perfect. He seems to heave, and the voice sound a little mechanic? which could be playing into the disabillity he is sometimes portrayed to have)))
Aphrodite [III]
She hold a grudge against Odysseus for breaking his mothers heart, showing both her petty side and portraying her as a godess of all love. Additionally, we can't forget that this was shortly after the Trojan war, which she technically started by winnig a competition against Athena and Hera, so there is definitly bad blood between the two. (Still, a little dissapointing)
Ares [IV]
Brilliant! Part!
Ares and Athena are both rivals as the god of war and the godess of (battle) strategie, and their connection is portrayed perfectly by her challenging chant of his name at the beginning of his part!
He also doesn't really cares a lot more about the 'cowordly' tactics of Odysseus (Athena), which lessen the brutality and bloodshed of war. The vocalisation of ["didn't even TRY TO KILL SKYLLA"] is just *chefs kiss* (Still, he is a god of the people, and of armies and rebellion as a whole, so it makes sense for him to rafe at Odysseus betrail rather than the groups.
[Hera] V
Hera just Rocked
The motherly vibes, the royal tone. (One person on Tumblr said Athena listed traits of Zeus ["He's kind of funny","Eh"] to make Hera think of him before delivering the last (and first) blow, which sound plausible, but idk) There is not much to say, so straight toooo
Zeus [+I]
I think it's safe to say Athena knew (or at least guessed) her father woudn't be satisfied if he won. Zeus is made to portray a King, and those are predictable and prideful. She must have known beforehand he would let her 'play a game' or challenge something of her, and that he would be able to take that hit to his pride.
I think she gambeled that, while he coudn't just balantly favour her, or let her hurt his pride, a begging, (maybe half dead) daughter would be enough for his role to allow him to take mercy on her.
(Especally when all the other important gods are present)
(Not saying that he knew what she was up to, that guy definitly shat on her when he fired that lightning.)
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isagrimorie · 1 year
I love that Ahsoka just doesn't like staying indoors on her own ship:
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And I love how Sabine took down two tie fighters in a very Mandalorian way.
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And then Sabine's unapologetic but very angry march back up and tells Ahsoka she got 'em.
Ezra points out that the ship being down puts a dent into their plans, and Ahsoka says: "Not with that attitude!"
AND THEY TAKE THE HOWLERS. In a way, that's very similar to Rex and Ahsoka being on Wolves too
Filoni finally got his image of Ahsoka on a wolf-like horse:
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I love the long-awaited rematch with Morgan (Diana Lee Innosato), Innosato is really good martial artist, and to see her finally get to move the way she can it was great to watch her fight!
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Also, she's half-Filipina! And I think it uses Kali in this fight!
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But also love that Morgan was doing this for Dathomir because her people will once again live. Dathomir will once more thrive.
For some reason, Morgan doesn't blame the Empire for the genocide, possibly because it was Dooku and Separatists.
I've heard it said that when Sabine heard Ahsoka and reached back to her in the last episode, it was Sabine's Awakening.
It was also fitting. The more Sabine was in a fight, the better she was with both the lightsaber and the Jedi instincts. It was a very Mandalorian way into it.
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She's like Nynaeve from Wheel of Time. She needed specific conditions to access the Force. There's no better way for a Mandalorian to do so than in the middle of battle.
And once Sabine knows she can do it, doing so again wasn't difficult.
She's been doing it in steps -- sensing someone, the way she's been dodging lightsabers and blasters and referring it back. And the final act, Force telekinesis.
Force pushing Ezra was now easy because she'd gotten over her block. Or at least, she knows now how to get around the block.
But also, Sabine fulfilled her mission. She got Ezra home. Of course, she would prefer to be on that journey home but getting him back to the main universe and Lothal, is what Sabine wanted.
Ahsoka and Sabine jumping off the cliff to be lifted back and parrying the blaster shots from the wing of T6 was chef's kiss. What I wanted from live action.
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And then, of course, there's the Ezra and Hera reunion, with Chopper recognizing him first.
I got so emotional with that, but I WANTED A HUG DAMMIT. THAT'S HER SON TOO!
Unfortunately, for Ashoka and Sabine, despite their best efforts, Thrawn is too far ahead, and they're stranded in the new Galaxy.
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MORAI IS THERE. So, Ahsoka's meant to be in this Galaxy, on Peridea.
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Because apparently there is the statue of the Mortis gods! The Father, the Son, and the Daughter, whose head has been destroyed.
And in season 2, we will discover what this is all about.
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I think Sabine saw Force Ghosts here, whose Force Ghost could be Kanan's, but also we know, Anakin is there.
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FORCE GHOST ANAKIN. And I love that they're smiling at each other.
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ladygreek · 4 months
Blood of Zeus season 2
Spoilers below, proceed with caution!
First of all.. Hades and Persephone are absolutely everything. I adore them as characters and as a couple. Their loyalty to each other was beautiful and their willingness to do anything, no matter how horrible to reunite their family had me crying.
I adore the way they met, how he kept himself hidden because he didn't think she'd want to see him. Hades saving Persephone from Ares but completely able to hold her own with her own powers. *chefs kiss*
And I'm sorry, that tree Persephone made of the two of them? I fucking cried like baby. And the way you could see Hades' heart break when it got destroyed KILLED ME.
Rip my heart out why don'tcha. Also, baby Zagreus and Melinoe? Love.
Hera getting a redemption arch was fantastic. I loved her in season one but her anger was misplaced for the most part so it was nice to see her make a come back.
Ares.. oh Ares. I know some people aren't going to like his portrayal but I actually liked it. Not all of Zeus' children are going to be decent and someone had to be a "bad guy" and frankly I'm just glad it wasn't Apollo for once.
Speaking of Apollo, him not accepting that discus because that's how Hyacinth died? My poor baby.
I'm really glad we got some Athena and a bit more Artemis this season. Hestia was great, I absolutely loved her. Hecate (I'm guessing that was her) and seeing Thanatos was also a welcome suprise.
Demeter's portrayal had me conflicted. Lying that your daughter was abducted because you didn't like her sutor is crazy and manipulative, especially letting it continue as the two of them had a family. I also understand that she wants power and control but blackmailing her daughters husband to do so was not the best choice.
Seraphim.. my sweet sweet Seraphim. My heart broke for this man. Introducing a love interest that died "because of him" was gut wrenching, hasn't he suffered enough? I feel like he really redeemed himself and was trying to do right by the one last person he could do right by.
Heron.. okay, so I'm probably not gonna get a lot of love for this BUT I didn't really like his character in season one and I still don't really like him now. He's okay I guess, there's just something about him that doesn't do it for me. I also don't think he's fit to be the next ruler of the heavens. Maybe my opinion will change if we get another season.
Did I mention how much I loved Hades and Persephone?
I read somewhere that the creators of the show have 5 seasons planned out. I'm really hoping we at least get one more because that cliff hanger was UNFAIR.
I hear this season is getting some hate on Twitter and I don't really know why. Overall I enjoyed it much more than season one. I'm definitely biased though considering Hades is my favorite Greek god and Hades and Persephone are my favorite couple.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. Now to get my boyfriend to watch it with me. And then watch it 6477858585 more times.
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jedi-nurse · 1 year
Man Ahsoka was amazing. It felt like Star Wars. I was so happy to see my blorbos back on screen 😭
Hera and Chopper were perfect. Their banter is so on brand. Wish we got Jacen but I know he's coming.
SABINE WREN! NLB killed it as Sabine. Her entrance was *chef's kiss*. The loth-cat 🥺 JabbaSkrunkles my beloved (iykyk). Girl is pinning hardcore.
Ok yes I did not like the 'sister' line but hear me out. The way he says it and his actions are strange, like he doesn't believe what he is saying. He kinda laighs at the end and so does Sabine, because it was clear from episode 1 that he has a crush on her. My theory is that he says that to protect Sabine's feelings because he doesn't know when/if he's coming back or he truly doesn't think she reciprocates those feelings. Based on the tower of pinning, clothes in his favorite colors, dedication to his home, and dreams/nightmares about him I would say she definitely feels more than just friendship. She's dedicated a decade to him just saying
Ok the lightsaber fight with Shin, intense. We know Sabine can fight with a lightsaber but I think she is fighting with her emotions. That droid took the one lead she had on Ezra and destroyed her notes on it. That would make me mad. Also she goes straight for the lightsaber instead of her blasters, and that was before she knew she would be fighting someone with a lightsaber.
Huyang, I love you. His banter with Sabine killed me.
I think based on the conversation Sabine and Huyang have at the hospital it's safe to say that the odds of Sabine being Force sensitive are low.
The mural scene 😭😭😭 the way Sabine strokes Ezra's face, I died.
The music was stellar. I cried hearing all the familiar music from Rebels. The end credits are gorgeous. Sabine's theme/suite/catharsis is one of my favorite scores and I am so happy to hear it.
Overall I loved these episodes and I am anxiously waiting for next week.
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Ahsoka is just. !!!!!! making me so happy.
(spoilers ahead by the way)
Star Wars Rebels is finally getting the love it deserves. you can feel it pouring out from every second of the episodes released so far, and it’s so incredibly refreshing. there are so many tiny details that they really didn’t have to put in, but they DID. I’m so used to no one besides a few friends irl and my lovely mutuals appreciating this show. I’m used to there being near-zero merch for it being sold, besides by small independent shops (my beloved). but now people KNOW THEIR NAMES. they’re learning who these incredible characters are, and it’s just. so delightful.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead absolutely NAILS her role as Hera—the quiet confidence and air of command. the understanding and care in her eyes. her every expression is ON POINT, and her dialogue is *chef’s kiss*. she even stands like Hera—her posture is identical to hers! kriff, even her EYE COLOR is correct!!!
NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO. looks EXACTLY like Sabine and knocks it out of the park portraying her! the amount of attitude she displays is SO our angsty sassy Mando girl. the way she’s so frustrated with the way Ahsoka’s been acting and doesn’t try to hide that. the way she completely refuses to follow anyone’s orders. SO SABINE.
Ahsoka!! I was a little nervous, because live action Ahsoka has been so different from the Snips we know in terms of lack of spunkiness—but I noticed that her EXPRESSIONS are so snarky and Ahsoka-y throughout these two episodes, and I’m really happy about it!!!
also also I’m so normal over how Hera and Sabine have matching leather jackets it’s sO CUTE
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