#but he's my lord and saviour atm
mountaincryptid · 7 months
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piotr klatt thank you for your service 🫡
0 notes
louebel · 11 months
Hi! Can I request fluff Law x fem!reader where reader is feels sick but tries to ignore it/do things on her own (she’s not used to ask for help) but as a doctor law easily can tell by the signs and it happens during their sea journey on the polar tang? Hope I’m not asking too much love ya 🥺
Feel free to add angst or anything else to your writing ^•^
this is super old and the only request i'll ever do (atm) since i had a wip— ANON SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER <\3 reader is gn since i used the second person and no description.
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: trafalgar law × gn!reader 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨/𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: 6,124 wc. a bit angsty, ends with fluff, emotional reader for the sickness, law is bad at emotions. this turned longer than expected, i hope it's decent xdd hit me up if there's any mistakes lol. supposed to be called windows of the soul,, divider by @ benkeibear my lord and saviour. 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: sickness overtook your body and worsened your already pitiful situation. law has been ignoring you and you have no idea why... but with how you felt, there was no way you could confront him at the moment.
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scrub, scrub, scrub... 
"... phew ..." 
scrub... poof! 
"Oh! — damnit — aargh..." 
Cleaning today has been a nightmare. Never been so tedious. 
Like, it was already uninteresting compared to all the other things you could do, but today it was ten times worse. You could bear it, seeking to make dusting shelves fun by humming some random tune to yourself. It was okay, something you had to do every once in a while. You could do it. 
If only you weren't sick. 
"Achoo! Achoo! — urgh... Achooo..! Damn." 
You began feeling like this some days ago, or so you told yourself as you delicately hunched down to the floor, hoping to grasp the yellow sponge soaked in foam and water without experiencing excruciating pain. However, your hopes soon shattered as your back screamed in agony and your legs trembled with soreness, almost giving up on you. 
Just the flu, you insisted, it would go away. A couple of sneezes mean nothing. You would feel better and all would go back to the ordinary. 
... Oh, how wrong you were! And how stupid for not getting a day off. 
You were capable, though! You counted on your immune system (it sounded heroic the first time you thought of that). One night is all you needed. 
Or not. 
"Ow, ow..." 
You should've told your captain. Sure, it would cost your courage, pride, and dignity, but at least you'd be cured. You'd rather die than tell him you got sick because of the one herb he instructed everybody to avoid. 
What's worse is that he's been rather distant, and he's unquestionably avoiding you. The way he shoots daggers — no, whole machetes in your direction every time you do anything, smart or not, is so clear even the crew can see it. And the worst part? You do not know why. 
It had been like this for a while now, and you detested this whole plight with passion. Everything was okay between the two of you, you were sure of it! What did you do that spurred such a reaction? From one so dear to you? 
Those sweet memories... 
From new findings you excitedly presented him, to revealing himself, his past and adventures to you after almost a year of sailing. You knew everything about him. He knew everything about you. 
So why? Why stop so abruptly? You didn't mind when he digressed about his newfound coins. When he murmured under his breath while he pored over medical books or mulled about a particular topic. When he stressed over labor and called for a brief break, where you or the crew would attend to him by delivering him a meal or helping when he wasn’t looking. He's so stubborn.
From captain, to Law, to captain again. Not to mention how he deftly stopped you from hanging out with him. You thought he needed space at first. Maybe he was tired and had to rest for the next few days. That’s alright. However, your thoughts deteriorated as the days passed. But well, right now it's better if he doesn't see you at all. Nor the crew‌ — oh, the damn crew. Those two.
The "two" being the pair of nitwits that constantly stand by law's side and grin at you. Seriously... 
You do not understand what Penguin and Shachi find so amusing about your situation with him. It's a tragedy, not a comedy. You love them both, truly, the minute you stepped into the polar tang they were the first ones to get you to open up and all, but goodness, you wish you could beat them for sitting there, cackling and clapping their hands while confiding some mysterious comments to each other when la — the captain, showed up in the area and walked past you with an unreadable gaze. He'd constantly salute you and the others with a bow of his head or more, depending on his mood. 
Now? If he saw one inch of your form? 
Sigh. His face always went red. 
Why can't those two just tell you? Even Ikkaku seemed to know something you didn't. She was more subtle about it, though. Jean Bart wasn't slick either. You could see him smile from a mile away. Hakugan and Clione? Shachi and Penguin 2.0, except they hid behind Jean Bart. The rest pitied you instead, sometimes patting your back — sometimes shaking their head almost in disbelief. Oh, and Bepo gave you suspicious smiles! Every time he tried to say something to you, those two animal hat-wearing goblins silenced him. Did they just want you to suffer? 
And if they did want that then their curses were working because even after grabbing the sponge (almost losing your temper as it slipped through your gloved palm twice) and straightening back to an erect pose, your head was still banging with fervor, muscles barely reacting. 
If only you could snuggle with the fluffy, warm mink right now. A bitter sigh rushed past your lips at the thought. 
Those two were just so mean. But Law was much meaner — the captain, the captain... Yes, the captain. That... That dummy. 
You groaned and shook your head while forcing your wobbly arms to scrub the table, exhausted mentally with this never-ending train of thoughts and these fanciful fists leaving invisible bruises all over your poor body. Not to point out those hands pinching your brain like dough... 
Just — you... Goodness, what was it he suddenly despised so much? The submarine felt like home. It was home, especially when he joined you. Now when he does, he — the aura he emanates is intimidating, yet everyone is either unaware of it or not affected by it. 
What made him so resentful? You can barely say anything when he strides into the place, too panicked to learn how he would perceive you or talk to you if you go on. It's like you're back on step one, isolated, too scared to be yourself with your family. Because of one man who's supposed to be the head of it. 
Being you felt like a sin when close to him, as if he preferred the private variant of who you are, and shunned your curious and spirited self. You could understand since he’s rather closed off and well, in a certain aspect you are too, but — did he not like you at all? Was it all an act to not offend you? He didn't seem to dislike your vivid reactions initially, or your foolish gestures when nearing a fresh island. You were often silent, smiling and listening to others converse, but when around your companions, you easily liked to open up since it was the only time you could do so. And they were more than just that. You entrusted all the members of the heart pirates. They meant everything to you. Even him, who stopped including you. 
You wished it could all go back to normal. 
This disease enjoyed fumbling with your previously scrambled sentiments. Law did mention it brought a high fever and emotional susceptibility. You didn't consider it'd be this severe. 
"... Okay, I'm done." 
You certainly weren't, with your bed unmade and furniture still dusty; floor imploring for a good wash. However, with the croaky voice you had paired with your runny nose, you doubted you could do more. Even if you did, it'd be better not to. 
You peered down at the bucket full of water that probably smelled better than you at the moment, ignoring the small puddle beside it made by your poor handling sponges skills. Grimacing, you decided to leave it where it was in case carrying it back turns out to be a challenge. Hopefully, Ikkaku can provide you help later. 
Looking around, your droopy eyelids dimmed your perspective and further provoked you as both exasperation and exhaustion mixed and boiled in your gut, room so messy it mirrored your current state. You didn't know what was irritating you more: the light of the lamp or the disarray you resided in. 
Howling dejectedly, you turned and plodded to your bed, opening your arms, ready to throw yourself on the mattress. The more you sleep, the sooner you'll get better. Yeah, you're so brilliant. You closed your eyes and — 
knock knock. 
— reopened them a second after, remaining immobile for an extra few before glowering at your door, contemplating whether to go open it or linger to determine if they'd leave. Hmm. 
You waited. 
... knock knock. 
You gritted your teeth, drawing a profound breath to settle your nerves, haywire thanks to the hellish illness. They didn’t deserve to withstand your rage, but who knows, maybe by seeing your shape, they'll show sympathy and tell you. That could work. 
You sluggishly trudged to the door, not bothering to adjust your unbuttoned pajamas and faking a cheerful facade. You hoped your face didn't look too awful, but you couldn't care less right now. 
Gripping and twisting the knob, you pushed it open, greeting them with the feeblest voice you've ever had, your sore nose making it unthinkable to inhale air. You rubbed the back of your head while doing so, eyelids closed to evade any light. 
"Yo, Penguin, Shachi, how can I—" the words automatically came out of your coarse and blazing throat, opening your eyes a bit to look at... them... 
Then you saw a tattoo. And more tattoos. No white, poofy boiler suits in sight. 
By barely seeing light before, you tried giving yourself mercy, but now you were only slaughtering yourself to make sure the person in front of you was, well. Him. 
Your jaw fell while your brows lifted in consternation, but shortly returned down thanks to your declining headache. Your pupils then scaled the mountain of mass before you and arrived at the peak. Another pair of eyes. 
Cool, gray eyes. The ones that just a week ago welcomed you with compassion and comfort. Now they drive you to wither away from this world. Even if you look up to them. (Hehe, get it? man, you're so silly, wow.) 
"—help … Captain. Uh, hello." and there goes your comfort zone. 
You tried swallowing down air but got pounds of mucus down your stomach instead, curved posture closing up even more in his presence, ashamed to be seen in such a weak state, instantly regretting not managing your appearance as his gaze scrutinized you from top to bottom, probably displeased with how you presented yourself.. 
You looked everywhere but at him. He only looked at you. 
Envy spurted from the plant’s toxins. How could he focus on one thing and have so much confidence to stare at someone without breaking eye contact at all? If you do the same for longer than two seconds, it feels like whoever looked at you has seen your entire personality, life, darkest secrets that you didn't really have, closest people to you — everything in poor words. The windows of your soul, perpetually agape.
How does he keep them closed? Why can't you seal them at all? Why?— 
"—so care to explain the meaning of this?" 
You stupidly stared at him, blinking and glancing at his shoulders, then back at him to break whatever spell he put on you, not able to concentrate at all. 
Barely could you see the annoyed expression on his face. You hoped he wasn't dealing with excessive stress. Making him feel worse was not your intention. 
"I said, care to explain what this is? You look... terrible—" you cringed at that, "—and you haven't come out of your room since this morning. Do you have any idea what time it is?" His scrutinizing tone made you want to crawl under your blankets and stay there forever, but his patronizing gaze didn't let you. 
You could merely fidget with your fingers and glance back at the floor to relieve your worries, which mixed with pain, fatigue, and dirtiness. You called for sleep so badly. 
"I'm—I'm sorry, Captain. I, uh, I didn't—" sniff, "—mean to skip my duties. Sorry." 
His brow creased in suspicion at your raspy voice and poor shape. 
"Is that so? Look at me while you say it." if his words weren't menacing enough, his tone was too. He knew you couldn't do that. Especially now. 
"Uh..." you unconvincingly whispered, continuing to play with your fists, until rubbing your nape once more, shuddering at how chilled your hands were compared to it. 
Your actions were, again, spotted by him, and if one more thing occurred, then he'll be correct. 
"Well? I'm waiting." 
Sighing exasperated, you raised your head to look into his pupils once again.  
Unbeknownst to you, he already confirmed another of his impressions while taking a further view of your sullen visage. 
"I, uhm, overslept, Captain. That — that happens sometimes, yeah? Sorry about that. I'll—I'll..." stopping for a moment, you squinted your eyes and scrunched your nose while the man before you attentively fixated his stare on your frame and— 
"Achooo!" —covered half of your face whilst he recoiled back at the loud sneeze you let out, not expecting it at all. He blinked, then you sneezed again, and again. Streak of three. 
If your voice and glossy eyes already told everything to the doctor, the continuous sneezes only reinforced his thesis. 
You exhaled haplessly as he sternly said your name. 
"You're sick." his firm and coherent words could not be fooled. Your fate was sealed. 
"...Yeah." at this point, you didn't care. He was gonna scold you, nothing you could do about it. You could only hope he'll do that after you're cured because right now, you could barely stand still without shivering. You were sure if he wanted to do something he would have already, so he definitely will have a talk with you after you're healthy. 
"Why?" you've been proven wrong so many times this morning — afternoon. Evening? That you don't know what's gonna happen next. 
You stared at him numbly, almost done with everything. 
"What do you mean 'why'? I don't, I don't know. Probably our... Ugh, our last stop, isn't that obvious—" 
"Not that. Why didn't you say anything? To the others? To me?" 
If it wasn't for your head beating incessantly and the aching of your tendons ruining everything, you would think this was a dream. 
You kept gawking at him like a goldfish. His timbre wasn't as stern as it regularly was. It was a bit, just a tad bit lower. Like, barely. His eyes were softer, and if you met the man yesterday, you wouldn't be capable of identifying his mood. It's because you knew him for so long that you could distinguish it. 
"I..." you mumbled talks under your breath, awfully feeble to maintain the discussion, barring your eyes and hitching away when Law planted his freezing hand on your forehead. You fussed in protest, although it didn't last long. 
"You're cold... Off." 
"My hands are perfectly fine. You're burning," he interrupted you, stating the obvious. But you were far too deep to listen, fatigued. 
"Yeah... M'sorry." you nodded while deliberately looking down in shame, almost dropping to the ground out of fatigue. Everything seems hazy, the pressure in your skull fading, while the breaths you took were meager. 
Something skimmed over your shoulder and nape — ah, his fingertips — palm carefully tilting your head back up. Your mouth hung open, and you attempted to focus on your captain's facial features and the iconic hat to not fall asleep. 
"It's fine." But his gentle approach and mellow maneuvers set you in a soothing trance, where you couldn't do anything other than auscultate him. 
It’d be an exceptional moment to speak up about these last days, his odd actions. 
"It... It is? You, ah... You're not..." but you struggled to do so, chest too heavy to speak. He narrowed his eyes, striving to make out what you were saying, but it was all incomprehensible to him. 
"I'm not?" he urged you to proceed, getting closer — he felt warm. Wasn't he cold some seconds ago? Ah, he’s draping his coat over your shoulders, so, so cozy, — and holding you as if you were glass. Why was he holding you? It felt nice, undoubtedly nice. Oh, you were going to fall, you think. 
“Hey—hey. It’s okay. I got you. I got you.” 
Cradling you in his arms, Law cursed and crouched down, snaking an arm under your knees and sweeping you up, a short "there" slipping from his tongue, keeping you close to his breast. Naturally, you snuggled close to the source of heat, losing consciousness, unaware of your surroundings, his distress, and jogging to the infirmary. 
“Hey. Keep your eyes open. No, no, open—yes, yes, like that. Good job. A bit more, then you can go to sleep, alright?" 
While nodding lazily when he said your name again, you curled up for more warmth, and he mellowly followed your movement, hefting you up and pressing his lips upon your forehead, his frown deepening at how high the temperature was. He needed to administer medicine quickly. 
"Law …'m sorry if I smell." 
He scoffed. Thinking of such idiotic things was exactly like you, sputtering them out so bluntly. Rolling his eyes was natural at this point. 
"That's my last concern. We'll think of your scent and hygiene later. Don't speak. Shh." 
So stupid, so stupid. He should've confronted you ever since you left the island. He should've. It's been a recurring pattern these days. He couldn't see you because of his work but spoke with the others at breakfast, lunch, dinner... They all grew concerned about your distance. Uni shared that it began right after the departing... He knew something wasn't right with you, he could feel it.
Back in that inhabited location, he quickly took note of your drooping posture and fatigued breathing. He wanted to ask about it, but the following days, you acted normal, and Law thought you were queasy because of the heat.
Then he got busy checking on the crew's documents, medicine supply, the damn broken scope Hakugan sadly reported, bounties, news — and something else. He managed to give a check-up to everyone but you. It was mandatory after leaving an island.
With you evading him and him doing the same, this happened. Great. He could only hope it wasn't contagious.
... Wait.
He gritted his teeth in sour realization — Not once has he seen you in the halls or dining hall. No one mentioned you, either. Have you eaten anything at all? Oh, you imbecile.
He palmed your skin through your suit, easing your laments and whimpers, walking through the hallways of the Polar Tang and reaching the infirmary. Kicking the door open while lulling you a bit, shushing and fluttering his eyelids at your sick and quaking form. 
"There we go. Shh, I know, I know, it's awful." 
Uplifting the blankets, he quickly covered you and began searching for his equipment, rustling and metal clicks tangling with your whines. 
"U- uuh... W- where..?" 
"I'll be there in a second. I'm here." 
As he said that, he quickly came back to you, already stirring medicine in a cup. He had to give to you before you blacked out or fell asleep. Sliding a hand under your back, he carefully pushed you up, gaining a groan from you; you sounded so tired. Tipping your head forward, he brought the rim of the cup to your lips. You were delirious, could barely see or feel, but managed to follow his direct instruction to "open". The first glass was tasteless, fresh... water. 
The second tasted awful. 
"A couple more sips and we're done. Come on, you're doing good." 
Once you drank it all, with a small praise from Law, he gently laid you back down, about to check your vitals. He knew you were in no condition to do as he instructed, it would be all him. Idiot, idiot... 
Just looking at you made him guilty. He never saw you this awful. However, what truly pushed him were your next phrases. 
“Do you feel better now..?” 
Low and dry, they all were. He halted his movements, his hands in the bag, shifting his attention to you. 
Your question puzzled him. 
Feel better? Him? He was fine. Perhaps you thought the disease was contagious? No; you would've phrased that diversely. His forehead creased, slightly tilted to the side. 
“I … I missed you." 
And as clear drops cascaded down your cheeks, his limbs froze, a bittersweet ache striking his chest. 
"I—I thought I did something wrong … I’m sorry … Should've told you. 'M sorry ... really...” 
“No, no, don’t be. It’s alright, don't—don't speak. You did nothing. Shh...” 
And if you stayed conscious for some more seconds, you could've seen those severe pupils mitigate. The windows of his soul open up; the "stern" gaze he preserved for you withering in an instant at your vulnerability. 
All he wanted to do was clear that up. When, now..? 
“I—I’m the one that should’ve apologized, damn it…” 
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It was very warm. Pleasant. 
The boilersuit felt different. Heavier, and not … poofy. Hm. 
The pillow was so nice, though... 
You sought a better position under the comforting and amiable regime of your blanket, squinting your glistening eyes as if sand had struck them; eyebrows knitting in distaste and discomfort, choler cramming up your insides — but not for long, extremely achy and sleepy to lament. 
Shouldn't it be easier to relax now that you are tired? Shifting left and right left your muscles throbbing. The peace you could achieve in your dreams was all you begged for. But no, you just had to rise two more times in the span of minutes or hours. 
When you woke up the third time, someone surprised you. He was perching on a chair near the infirmary's bed, head, presumably about to doze off. An encyclopedia of vegetation and exotic environs sat in his palms and dotted jeans, the cover made of green-coloured leather, firm to the touch. 
He looked peaceful. 
"... Law?" 
Your lashes fluttered at the fierce shudder that rocked his frame, the textbook about to fall, his eyes snapping open and rapidly darting up to you. 
"Oh. You woke up. Good. Good evening." 
You were mad at him. You were mad at him. 
His lips were indubitably moving. Whatever he was saying, you were not listening. Something about being out for hours, but you were too out of it to pay attention. 
And looking down at your body, your eyeballs almost popped out of your sockets at the sight of... Not your boilersuit. 
"I'm in my pajamas?" 
"And — hm? Oh. I changed you." Pause. "With my devil fruit, of course. Obviously. You were way too hot in it." 
Pause number two. 
"I'm hot?" You bluntly said,
"Not in that way." And he quickly retorted, bashful. You immediately got gloomy.
"Oh..." You and Bepo were alike. He couldn’t help but sweatdrop.
"No, no, no, don't — you look fine. That's not what I meant." 
A hoarse chuckle ripped from your sensible larynx, a noise that he hadn't heard in a while. His back loosened at your jovial note, the pressure applied on the envelope of the manual lessening. 
There was a superb illustration of the flora you accidentally whiffed. 
"You inhaled it, didn't you?" 
... Silence followed. Then a sigh.
"A simple allergy with a sore throat and emotional instability in the first phase caused by the pollen, weakened muscles and headache in the second, and heightened senses, nausea, and worsening of the body in the last one. You felt them all." 
Quick and precise, each symptom he mentioned appeared throughout the weeks you boarded on the Polar Tang. He hit the mark. Glancing at him from the corner of your eyes, you nodded sheepishly, feeling hot in your cheeks. 
"I thought I mentioned dodging those peculiar red flowers. I don't expect you to recall the name, but to avoid it. Thankfully, you only inhaled its pollen, or else you would've been in this bed the moment we departed." 
"O—oh... That bad?" 
"No, not really. The symptoms would've developed quicker, but nothing dangerous. Perhaps you would have slept over two days, as all cases do when encountering this allergy," He narrows his eyes at you, shutting the book and crossing his long legs, his foot jouncing. "Not at all fatal, only worrying when the patient in question mentions nothing about the symptoms and overworks themselves.” 
“You're fine." 
A small huff left your lips, nodding lazily. Nothing was uttered after from both sides. Occasional groans from yours. Only then he spoke. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" 
"..." The answer was simple. He immediately found the illness yet couldn't pinpoint the cause of this? It was almost ironic. Your quietude wasn't taken well. 
"... You ignored me. You made it clear." 
And he was faking ignorance. That glance, his attitude. You knew him too well, but had no energy to call him out. 
"I—I didn't." 
"Don't play coy, Law. Did I do something? Even the others know. Penguin and Shachi told me. I—" 
You paused when he raised his hand, glancing at it in confusion, then back at him, twice or more. He sighed and dropped it back on his thigh again, using his other one to rub his temple in distress. 
"You did nothing. I don't know what... Shachi and Penguin said," You tilted your head at his peculiar manner of quoting them. "But I've got nothing against you." 
He stopped rubbing and lifted his head to check on you again and you were unsure of what to say. His brows wrinkled the tender skin of his forehead, severity, and minor unease painting every fiber of his appearance. 
You just... didn't know. 
"Really? Then why those weird stares? Why leave the room the moment I come in? I mean." you flailed your hands around, looking everywhere as if you could find an explanation. "You never behaved this way, Law, not with anyone. I... It was fine before, right? Let me ask again, did I do something wrong?" 
"Of course not!" 
At his hasty exclamation, you blinked, uncertain why he became as rigid as stone. Palms back on the blanket, you awaited an elaboration of his thoughts, observing his adumbral face to detect any key to figure out what caused him to alter his ways with you. However, his hat, which you've always appreciated for its fluffiness, turned out to be an issue. Those eyes you've grown so fond of refused to meet yours. 
You just couldn't get it. The surrounding air grew an intoxicating no romance book would mention, one that did the contrary of setting your heart aflame, that poor muscle of yours. 
If he explained, it would've been easier. 
"Okay, 'of course not' ... Sure—" 
"We are not having this conversation. You need rest." 
He briskly cut you off, and your heart felt constricted. The words felt bitter upon both of your tongues, so bitter and revolting, they made his jaw clench and your eyes water. You weren't having it. Absolutely not. 
"I feel better now, thank you, and I say we're having this right here." You pushed, ignoring how he clenched his tattooed fist.
"Yes, Law! I don't know what I did, but if it bothers you, shouldn’t you tell me? There are things we can all miss." 
The pang in your brain was still active, and you had no patience nor strength to argue. Either he spoke up or you'd go straight to sleep. 
"I... You did nothing that bothers me." 
His speech was almost a whisper, a low rumble, and were you in your regular state, you'd feel sad to see him like this. Law had no trouble speaking up— perhaps with apologies, or admitting to be wrong when in the midst of a conversation. Maybe something genuinely bothered him. But he'd tell you, wouldn't he? He had to.
But you weren't the only one who had to consider the consequences. He also had to do his part. 
"... And?" you encouraged him, to gain something, something that would lead you both to that damned thing you were both chasing, that ounce of understanding. 
“And—and what?" alas, it served another wave of blistering dissatisfaction down upon the membranes of your boiling stomach. 
He couldn't be serious. 
"... Whatever. I'm going to sleep." 
You detested how you were feeling, a volcano of passions, the pounding in your skull, and the heat, and the ludicrous, nagging insecurity, all these wretched, gristly sensations shoved in your mouth and scraping your gullet, such a relucting and squalid dish, contaminating your palate and inflaming the gums of your teeth. 
But all Law could see was how your eyes moistened and reddened, the crinkles at the corners of your mouth, the contracted tissues above your nose. 
You couldn't feel how his heart plummeted, either. Again, he caused you to cry. 
"Hey... I—" 
"No, Law, no! I said leave! You ignored me for almost two weeks and now—now you're just..!" 
Perhaps you were being a bit too "dramatic" for something you could solve with a modest exchange, something that, compared to all the obstacles you and Law went through, was a sheer grain of dust in your shoes. Yet you erupted for the frustration, the plant's effects and that nameless thing you'll bring in your grave, for if he knew, he'd probably pity you. 
Maybe, just maybe, he should've kept ignoring you. If solely to dim that warmth. The glow in your eyes that only sparked with him. 
"I don't mind if you need time. I don't mind if you're busy or whatever, that's obviously fine! But can't you tell me? Is it that hard? Instead of treating me like a stranger? Just—just, just leave..." 
Your snotty voice seemed ridiculous, resounding through the infirmary alongside your sobs and sniffles. Vision tarnished by your tears, staring at the ceiling with resignation. It alarmed Law, whose emotions were already scattered; unnerved, anxious. 
He couldn't take seeing you like this. He couldn't. 
"That’s not it! I... I just — I..!" His broken explanations fell as your cries didn't stop; spasms traveling through your frazzled nerves. He swore under his breath, getting up and coming to you, standing close but so, so distant. His fingers jerked, impatient to wipe your tears, to calm you down, to assure you everything was alright, and this was all on him. 
"What..?" you meekly whimpered, gazing at him as he appeared in your sight. 
"I, I..!" if only he could express himself. You'd figure out. If only he could, without buckling and tearing apart at the weight of his own feelings. 
"... You what, Law?" 
It was tough to see with all those tears coating your scleras, but... His lips quivered. His jaw tensed. 
His hands craved yours. 
"I like—I like you!" 
... You wondered if illusions were part of the symptoms. Your eyelids were all but relaxed. Popeyed. 
"There. I said it. I mean it. Seriously. I—I think I love you." 
You could feel his frantic grip, slightly pulling the blankets in his direction, tense as him. You've never seen Law so … jittery with you. Perhaps when he slowly spoke of his past, or when his plan failed. 
"I—I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I... I was confused. I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't... No, okay. I, I love you, but you don't have to reciprocate, really. ‌I just wanted to clarify that I wasn't—" 
This was different, however. Not the same vulnerability, nor agitation. That teetering edge coating his sayings, not at all close to those instances. 
"... Law." 
"—ignoring you, I mean, I was, but I just couldn't face you, you know? I didn't know how to act—" 
That glow, those feelings. The twinkle in his eyes Bepo mentioned when you spoke of something that fascinated you, that rare grin on his lips, and that sweetness, the swelling in his chest, and the red, and the breath of fresh air, and the intoxicating romance books loved to talk about... 
Those tints blooming in his cheeks. The faint relaxation of his defined brows. How he covered his pretty, vulnerable self. 
He's no different from you. Oh, oho ho, no, he wasn’t. Only now did you realize. 
"—but I missed you so much, I missed your presence, being with you, I—" 
Your heartbeats matched. 
You understand now. The definitive yell induced him to quit his blabbering, and eventually, he found your gaze. Those windows were not locked at all. Not marginally, not halfway. They were fully open. You could see him. 
"It's... the same." 
It was all you could utter. His jaw loosened, and you could recognize his wide, stormy irises. 
"Huh? Wh — what?" 
"I feel the same way, Law. I—I love you too." 
Yours were open, too. They always were- yet he never acknowledged what dwelled inside. Two fools you both were. 
"... Oh..." and a breathless whisper was all he could offer. 
The silence dissipated. A delightful warmth occupied your rib cage. The pressure was gone. 
All is back to normal. 
"If... If you weren't sick. I'd kiss you." He mumbled, and his lips looked more luscious than ever. He shouldn't have said that. Now it was even harder. 
"P—pfft... Of course, of course. Can you come closer, at least?" you pouted, giving him the best puppy eyes you could muster. “Pretty please?”
"... Fine. It's — not contagious, anyway," he huffed, his cheeks a light pink, and he sat on the margin of the infirmary's bed, hustling just a tad bit closer... 
His ears grew pink at your giggles. Your fingers graced each other, "DEATH" entwined with you. His hands were lukewarm. Long, slim, calloused in some places, but also tender to the contact. His metacarpals were partially discernible, defining the shadows. He took care of his nails, ensuring they were cut short, although they appeared slightly, just somewhat lengthier than usual. Not considerably, however; they were still short. 
How you missed holding it. 
"Sorry, by the way. About everything." Squeezing his hand, you attempted to show him what it meant to you. He squeezed it back, brushing the top of your hand with his thumb, a pensive and solemn look on his face. 
"No- I should apologize for not saying anything sooner. I neglected and avoided you. I … I don’t know what to do. You know I’m not the type for relationships.” 
You hummed in acknowledgement, but weren't as worried as Law. You'll wait. Nothing would change. 
“Mmm. I can wait for you, Law.” Saying it seemed to take him off guard, as if he hadn't thought about it. Or, rather, didn't expect you to propose it. In his head, it seemed silly because it's him. If you were to ask in his place, he'd also wait. 
He felt lighter. 
“… Truly?” 
“Yeah. We can figure it out together. Like we always did. I’ve loved you for years." He inhaled deeply, your words buttery and sweet. "I’m fine with waiting longer.” 
Thinking you wouldn't accept, if he asked, was stupid of him too. Of course you would. Of course. With another squeeze, he nodded, and turned his head away from you a bit. 
His eyes glistened. 
“I’d like that. Thank you.” 
You smiled, too, saying nothing in return. 
He can take all the time he needs. 
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After some days, everything went back to the typical routine. The first thing you did was knock Shachi and Penguin's heads, (supported by Ikkaku) and since Hakugan and Clione were on duty, you couldn't do the same for them. 
You puffed your cheeks and enjoyed chewing the well-earned treat you snagged from the kitchen, reorganizing boxes since this morning. 
Peeking at the door, a smile adorned your mouth at the sight of your captain leaning on it. 
"Mm, there were a lot of them." 
"You could've asked for help. You know I don't want any of you to strain yourselves with tasks." 
"I had it. Don't worry. Although..." another bite. "I miss it." 
"Hm?" he crooned, tipping his head forward. "Miss what?" 
You gazed into his eyes, "Miss getting pampered by you when I was sick." lovingly observing how they enlarged a bit before returning to the stoic stare he always wore, swaying his head to dismiss your remarks. The chambré tint on his cheeks was as clear as day, like his light smile. Not that you'd tell him, he'd immediately disregard it. 
"... Meet me at my office once you're done." 
As he turned his back to you, his boots making clicky rumors with each step, your smirk amplified... After all, who could wait to get coddled by none other than their favorite captain?
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Can u do Minho x reader where reader is just gawking at minhos arms and he catches her 🤭 it can be a gender neutral reader with spice ☝🏽
Alright, alright, I know, I have been very MIA, very sorry, life is a lot atm.
But this request is an easy one, so I'm tryna get through the easy ones. (Totally not cause I'm procrastinating a massive request and have fallen back into my OBX phase or anything shhh)
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SUMMARY: See above. GN! Reader x Minho. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, you're a simp, sorry, spice.
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You like to pretend that you're a level headed and controlled person. That things such as desire or general human nature don't faze you and you're focused on work and helping around the Glade.
And, for the most part - that is completely believable.
Mainly because Minho is always out in the Maze. Thank God.
Because every time you guys are in the same room, you can't take your eyes off of him. His shoulders, his back, his weirdly perfect hair, that stupid blue shirt that just clings to him in the best way- and his arms.
(Something you and a specific future Greenie and ex-WCKD member would have in common.)
His arms.
His fucking arms, man.
You just can't help yourself. He walks back into the Glade every day, sweaty and dishevelled, his blue shirt sleeves rolled up as he casually glances at you as he walks past. Sometimes, you swear he walks past you on purpose .
Newt suspects you purposely hang around the Map Room so he has to.
It's been months, and you just can't seem to force yourself to get over it. You've tried, but Minho is the hottest guy in the Glade.
You're fucked, basically.
That is no different when it comes to Bonfire night. A new Greenie pops up, every gets hammered, Gally gets in a fight, Alby looks like he's gonna have a stroke.
But it's all in good fun.
Minho doesn't normally join in the festivities. He's a very stressed individual. Sometimes, you think about attempting to convince him to join in so he can let off some steam, but you don't.
I mean, most of your thoughts are about him letting off some steam. If you get what I mean.
But, this specific night, somehow, Newt, the absolute Lord and saviour he is, has managed to convince Minho to play a game of beer pong.
Well, not beer pong, but "Gally's suspicious special brew pong" is a bit of a mouthful.
You sit at the sides with a couple of boys, watching Minho laugh along as he throws a ball (a screwed up piece of tinfoil) into a cup across the table. Cheers break out in his success, but you just stare.
Minho's arms flex under his shirt, the curve of his upper arm visible through his shirt, his forearm tenses as he goes to throw the ball agsin you swear you can see the blood pumping veins from here.
"You're drooling, mate." You're snapped back to reality as you look at Newt, who passes you a drink.
"Huh?" You catch on. "What? No - I'm not." You attempt to lie, but the heat rising through your face is a bit of a hint.
"Yeah - you are. As always."
"What? What's that supposed to mean?"
"You know what it means." You look away in respond, groaning as you rub your face with your hands.
"Shut up."
Newt snorts at this, rubbing your back with a mocking "There, there."
You want to punch him.
"Yo, (Y/N)!" You look up, heat rising in your face as Minho shouts you. "Ben just bailed on us, you wanna take his place?"
You open your mouth to speak, but your words catch in your throat, causing Newt to cringe in second hand embarrassment.
"Jesus Christ," he mumbles. "Yeah! They'd love to join." He nudges you. "Right?"
You clearly your throat. "Uh, yeah? Yeah."
Minho chuckles at this. "Come on, then."
You look at Newt again, as he nods his head to go join. Awkwardly, you stand up, walking over to join Minho's team.
"You know how to play?" He asks you.
"Uh, yeah- yeah, I know how to play." You attempt to sound confident.
"Cool - I should shuckin' hope so, you've been watching like a hawk." Oh God, he noticed. He noticed you staring. Hopefully, you can play it off as just being interested in the game.
"Y-yeah. Looked like you guys were having fun."
Please don't notice. Please don't notice. Please don't notice.
Minho's eyes flicker down you, almost like he's examining you, but also like he's drinking in your appearance, a slight smirk playing on his lips before he looks you in the eyes again. "Uh, huh."
Oh, God.
You immediately look away as another Glader passes you the ball for your turn. You miss, instantly as your body feels flushed, and then the game continues.
This goes on for quite some time.
You would think that any normal person would look away, now. I mean, Minho has noticed and Newt is undoubtedly going to bully you for it later. But, you are not that person, and you just can't help yourself.
Up close and personal, Minho looks like a God carved him out of stone. And when it's his turn, your eyes fall on his arms.
Because of course they do.
The way he rolls his sleeves up further, his muscles tensing, his veins flexing as you follow them down his forearms and down the back of his strong hands. You're seeing stars and your brain feels fuzzy.
"You good?" Minho's voice snaps you back to reality once again. Your eyes flicker to his face, his eyes narrowing as a smirk creeps across his face.
"You were staring."
"No, I wasn't." You say a bit too quickly, making his smirk turn into a grin.
"You sure about that? Positive you were just, checking me out?"
You blink at him, your face rising in heat.
"Yo," Clint snorts, having been also playing the game. "You were perving on Minho?" He drapes an arm over your shoulder, clearly drunk, but the implication making you more flustered.
"What? N-no. No. I wasn't."
"Mhm - I'm sure he doesn't mind." Clint snorts.
"Yeah, I don't mind." Minho agrees, grinning.
"I wasn't!" You attempt to defend yourself. "Ugh, shuck this." You grow irritated, shoving Clint's arm off. "I've had enough of this game."
You say, starting to walk away.
"What?" Minho's smile drops as he shouts after you. "We were just messing around! (Y/N)!" He huffs, dropping his head, watching you walk away. "Shuck's sake." He mumbles under his breath.
Newt, who has been watching the whole thing, stands from his seat and walks over. "Go on."
"What?" Minho asks.
"Go after them. I'll take your spot."
"Dude- why would I-?"
"Shut up, shank - you know you're just as bad."
Minho freezes at this, blinking at Newt.
Well, he's not wrong.
Minho has been listing after you for about just as long as you have him. And Newt has more social awareness skills than the both of you combined.
Minho huffs, but he turns on his heels, following after you, jogging to catch up as you make your way to the Deadheads.
"Yo! Hey! Wait up!" He says, slowing to a walk.
"Why? So, you can bully me again because you thought I was checking you out?" You snarl, mainly out of pure embarrassment.
"...But you were checking me out."
"Fine! Whatever!" You throw your hands up in frustration. "I was checking you out! Big shuckin' deal! I can't help it, okay?"
Minho blinks, not expecting the sudden out burst. "Okay."
"Okay? Cool, okay? It's not my fault that you're hot, okay? A-and it's not fair that you look that good! All the time! Like, how is that fair? And how the fuck is your hair always flawless? You run for miles everyday - and somehow, you look like you've escaped Vogue! And your arms... how am I meant to even pretend to cope, you prick?"
Minho blankly stands there. "You done?"
You blink at him. "Yeah, I think so."
Minho slowly nods, stepping towards you as you both stand near the edge of the Deadheads, the drama of the Bonfire a now distant memory as he stands in front of you. He's so close and tall and generally intimidating in a way you shouldn't find attractive.
"So, you like my arms, then?" Minho acts, clearly enjoying the not needed ego boost. All you can do is blankly look at him.
What the hell is happening here?
"Do you?" You nod in response, slowly and unsure. "Okay, you can touch them, if you want?"
Your brain has melted and burnt. "...What?"
Minho huffs, simply grabbing your hand and putting it on his arm. You eyelids flutter, swapping between his face and his arm. "Don't be scared." He murmers.
Slowly, you drag your fingers down the fabric of his sun faded blue button up over his bicep, feeling the muscle and the curves of his left arm, tracing delicate shapes over the material. You move further down, passing the threshold where the fabric stops and the bare skin of his forearm starts.
To your surprise, Minho's breath hitches slightly at the contact. This is the first time you've ever touched him, and even he didn't expect the feeling to send chills down his spine and goosebumps dance on his skin. Your palm contacts with his forearm, rubbing down to his hand, feeling the visible veins as he creeps closer to you.
Your eyes go from his arm to his face, flickering to his lips as he stands directly in front of you. He becomes bold, raising his arm, your hand still loosely around his wrist as he touches your cheek. Slowly, he closes the gap.
Your chest feels like it's about to explode as his lips comnect with yours. He breaks the kiss, trying to figure out your reaction, but when you kiss him again, he takes the hint.
He's slightly taken aback from the passion and the heat, humming against your lips unintentionally as he kisses back. You're letting out the months of tension you've been feeling, your hands coming around his shoulders, feeling the muscles and caressing the tops of his arms as he backs you into a tree.
You gasp, your back hitting the back as he pushes his body against, his hands grasping at your sides. It seems that the kiss gave him all the answers he needed. His hands move down before slipping under your shirt and brushing at your bare skin - almost like he's becoming desperate for direct contact.
Pushing yourself forward, you can already feel Minho through his trousers, the kiss already getting him worked up.
For a second, you genuinely consider just letting him take you then and there when Newt clears his throat.
You both snap in the direction of the blond boy. Minho's chest rises and falls as you look away, using Minho's shoulder to hide yourself from your friend.
"As much as I hate to interrupt - but let's be real, this has been a long time coming, the others want you back at the game because apparently I have klunky aim." Newt shoves his hands in his pockets, casually rocking on his heels.
"Are you serious, right now?" Minho asks as you pant into his shoulder, clearly able to maintain his composure better than you.
"Yeah." Newt responds. "And I don't think Alby will be happy if he finds his favourite Runner fooling around in public."
Minho looks at him, before dropping his head. "Alright, give me a second."
"What? Need a moment to calm down?" Newt teases.
"Shut your shank mouth."
Even you can't help but chuckle at this as Minho starts to grin before sighing and stepping back. "I'll uh, I'll catch you later, maybe?"
A half-smile creeps across your face and you nod, your heart banging against your ribcage. "Yeah - yeah, sounds good."
"Good that." He slowly steps back, smiling at you as he walks over to Newt.
"You good?" Newt snickers at his friend. "Sure you can walk straight so lightheaded? I mean, lack of blood to the brain is a bad thing. Especially when-"
"Shut the shuck up, Newt."
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Ahhhh I'm back. Kinda.
Don't bet on it.
But anyway, I've actually written something for the first time in weeks.
Hope y'all enjoy :))
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your-gracelyn · 3 months
My thoughts on Alicent and Criston (mostly Criston) S1-S2 E1 (spoilers)
We don’t really see/hear much of how both Alicent and Criston feel about their “relationship” or why/how/when it started. Are they actually in a relationship (as much of a relationship as you can be when you swore an oath to never be in one lol) or is this just a purely physical thing? Maybe we’ll get more insight as the season goes on, but atm their whole thing feels very rushed and lacking in any meaningful detail imo. Which I suppose is to be a bit expected as there’s a lot of more important things to cover in a limited amount of time. However, it’s seems weird to basically break up by just saying “we can’t again” and “yes, your grace”. Could this be an indication of it just being a pleasure thing rather than a full blow secret relationship?
When it comes to Criston’s feelings on their situation I think this is what’s going on in his head;
1. He has idealised Alicent to the point she can do no wrong in his eyes. In S1 he says to Aemond “all women should be treated as a vision of the Mother” or something similar, which I think is an insight into his feelings on Alicent (because he obviously doesn’t think that about Rhaenyra, or any of the women on TB probably). He is viewing her as a type of god or holy saviour. It was Alicent that found him before he took his own life after all. He seems to form very intense feelings towards women/girls and has very black and white thinking. He asks Rhaenyra to leave behind her family, friends, dragon, crown etc and marry him “for love” after having sex once. He’s so upset at the suggestion of being Rhaenyra’s “whore” that he punches a man’s head into a fine red mush at her wedding and then attempts suicide. I don’t think he sees Alicent as a flawed human being like everyone else, but as someone who can do no wrong, therefore anything they do together cannot be wrong. He’s willing to overlook anything Aegon does that’s the same, or worse, than what Rhaenyra does (cheating on Haelena, having bastards in fighting pits, raping a servant girl, going to brothels etc which he faces no consequences for, but Rhaenyra is a “spoiled cunt”?) because Aegon is his lord and saviour’s son. I think Criston thinks he loves Alicent, but it’s not 100% a healthy love.
2. His hatred of Rhaenyra is so strong that any wrong doing by himself or his side is nothing in comparison. He see’s Rhaenyra was the polar opposite to Alicent. Anything Rhaenyra does is bad because she’s evil, therefore anything they did together is bad. I think he thought he was in love with Rhaenyra (but remember they only slept together once and the intense attachment I mentioned), hence asking her to marry and run away “for love”. It would explain why he’s so angry and upset at what he thinks is being her “whore”. It would also explain why he's so angry and vitriolic about it years later, even after seeming to move on with Alicent. Calling Rhaenyra a "cunning spider" that has Alicent "intoxicated" and "in a web" sounds like he's describing his own feelings towards Rhaenyra, rather than two girls that were friends for years. As previously mentioned, he’s so angry at Rhaenyra (who was a teenager! at the time) that he kills Joffrey, tries to kill himself, calls her a “spoiled cunt”, bullies her children during training and taunts Harwin, and doesn’t hesitate to try remove 6/7? Year old Luke’s eye at Alicent’s request. I know it’s a bit of a joke to say that Alicent and Criston’s relationship built on mutual hate of Rhaenyra is making it strong one, but I think it’s actually really unhealthy.
Re: Criston being Rhaenyra “whore” or side piece. I’ve seen people say Rhaenyra didn’t care about Criston but I don’t think that’s entirely true. They’re friendly before they have sex, Criston says everything he has is owed to Rhaenyra in S1. Although, Rhaenyra doesn’t want to run away to marry Criston she does say she wants to carry on with their arrangement. Although Rhaenyra is marrying Laenor, she isn’t actually in love with him or having sex with him (she says they tried to have legitimate children but it didn’t work. What they try and how it fails isn’t said. But for the most part they obviously aren’t intimate often and don’t want to be.) So, technically Criston wouldn’t have been a “side piece” he’d have potentially taken Harwin’s place as her actual lover and father of her children. I think, what with Rhaenyra being young and inexperienced at this point, she fails to explain this to Criston (also she probably can’t out Laenor). I don’t think Rhaenyra intentionally set out to hurt Criston, she was being a reckless teenager that was being influenced by her uncle.
People have said Rhaenyra (who is a teenager at the time) raped Criston (an adult) because she is a princess and therefore has more power over him, but Alicent is the Queen dowager, the King and Queen’s mother, and the hand’s daughter, so you’ve got to be consistent. Alicent has power over Criston, he’s essentially her employee now. If the difference is that Alicent/Criston are in love and Rhaenyra/Criston weren’t, I don’t see how that eliminates the hypocrisy. He’s still breaking his oath, Alicent still has more power than Criston, he’s still hating Rhaenyra (and her family) for the same thing he’s doing with Alicent. Alicent and Criston haven’t run away to Essos for oranges, either, because he’s a knight, he can’t be in a relationship whether is loving or not.
I think the way they went about the Criston/Rhaenyra scene was intended to be viewed as perfectly consensual, as the sex itself is gentle, they’re laughing with each other, there’s tender music playing, Criston wants Rhaenyra to run away with him after the fact, and although Rhaenyra doesn’t want to marry, she does want to carry on with the arrangement. The argument that Criston only had sex with Rhaenyra because he couldn't say no falls apart when you remember he says no to being her "whore" without fearing for his life. However, I do agree, it’s more complicated what with the power imbalance, Rhaenyra being a teenage virgin who was just abandoned half naked in a brothel by her uncle moments prior, and Criston being hesitant at first. I’m not suggesting it’s not problematic. But, I don’t think it’s as clear cut as Rhaenyra definitely raped Criston, end of. There is, I regret to inform, some nuance.
Although, despite this power imbalance, Rhaenyra never has anything done to Criston, even after he starts openly despising her and her children, punches a man to death at her wedding, has Aegon fight Jace despite it clearly being an unfair fight, and doesn’t hesitate to go remove Luke’s eye on Alicent’s order. This doesn’t seem like the actions of a man living in fear of displeasing Rhaenyra. Also, Rhaenyra would have had to admit to trying to sleep with Criston if she wanted to have anything done to him if he rejected her, which would tarnish her reputation, ruin her marriage prospects, diminish her claim as heir etc.
I don’t particularly care about them having sex or having a relationship. It’s just the hypocrisy, and hatred towards Rhaenyra that’s so maddening and feels disproportionate. It just makes it extra heartbreaking and frustrating (perhaps that’s the point) that a big part of the dance happening is because of Rhaenyra and Alicent’s falling out over this very thing. The decaying of the relationship between Alicent and Rhaenyra is left to fester and infects their entire life, in large part because of the men in their lives, miscommunication, and the unfair societal pressures placed on them. Which I think both their relationships to Criston encapsulates all three of those elements in some way.
(I was accused by an Alicole fan, of being “team blacks SMARTEST”, and that “TB isn't big on grasping sexual coercion, power imbalances” because I made The Joke™️ about Criston being mad forever after at being Rhaenyra’s whore, only to become Alicent’s whore. So yeah I’m extra bitter. Nothing personal against Alicole fans, I know I just happened upon a bad one.
You are free to disagree with me, but throwing out pretty serious accusations and insults over a joke is a bit much. Just politely disagree or block me if you’re that mad.)
Thank you, if you read all that.
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punmonster · 10 months
Kinda scuffed cuz my source is Wikipedia but the burning bush was described as being an angel appearing in a bush which God then speaks through, if Dante is the angel in this case as they appear to be, then I wonder who the God may be.
I've got a few thoughts on who though:
1] Carmen/Ayin/The Light in general. Easist to explain, they all relate quite heavily to religious and more specifically heavenly references like White Night, the sephira and how one could argue that Angela could be a stand in for Lucifer. However, I find this one the most boring.
2] It's the star that guides them. Especially given how the burning book scene in the bible is one in which Moses is appointed to become a leader and guide the Israelites. [I wonder if this has anything to do with DD Moses, but it's unlikely] But in this case, the question remains of who exactly they're talking to, as with C/A/L one could easily say they're being guided to ensure everyone distorts/doesn't/forms an EGO. Also the idea of the star - something most likely from the outskirts - being Lucifer cuz he's known as the Morning Star is interesting given the next idea I have.
3] The Head. Do we have any info on them? Not really. Does this make sense? Probably not. Is it fun? Hell yeah.
According to my lord and saviour Wikipedia: '26 is the gematric number, being the sum of the Hebrew characters (Hebrew: יהוה) being the name of the god of Israel – YHWH (Yahweh).' Which matches up with the amount of wings [or at least the amount there's meant to be, don't remember any references to Z corp] within the city, and the sum of a city could be said to be its leader.
There also the holy trinity idea of the Arbiters, Beholders and Claws of the head, and how they will know if any one of The City's rules are broken in a way reminiscent of how God's omniscience is described. As well as how it seems that the calendar was reset at some point or another - looking at the dates on Dante's notes - which possibly aligned with the date of The City's formation, and which matches how our calendar reset with the birth of Christ [does that then make The City itself Jesus? Someone or something to be sacrificed for other's sins and then revived? Or is it just referencing how a major religious moment was the thing to reset the calendar].
In this case, would the game's version of God speaking through the angel to nudge Moses into guiding His people be The City being reflected through Dante to guide someone [the sinners? Limbus Co. Itself?] into making The City slightly less shit? Unsure.
Hope you don't mind my rambles, but all the ideas you put out are really interesting and I have no irls to talk abt this game with, have a nice day!
Also: Currently on the look out for anything with black n' yellow fire, and the 'burning bush' is also a species of plant native to several places, including Korea - as well as also being known as the 'winged spindle' and 'winged euonymus'. This is probably a reach but if we see anything abt spindles or euonymus I'm gonna take notes lmao.
hell yeah delicious analysis!
a spindle is also used to hold thread, if that means anything.
i cant think of anything to add atm otherwise, but this is good shit! :D
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just finished reading her latest into the mist chapter and oh!!! my!!!! god!!!!!
them talking about marriage!! and then the argument like twenty minutes later!!!! you just want me to go insane don’t you???
protective jj my lord and saviour <3 and as much as i don’t want them to fight, i do kind of live for the drama and angst of it all, but i’m very glad they worked it out quickly and was more yelling as a reflection of built up frustration from the shit that’s been going on atm
AND THE ENDING???? you cannot just leave us on that oh my GOD. my guess is its likely singh, probably still after the diary?? but oh boy is he gonna be mad for her escaping, and they likely aren’t handing over the diary without a fight
i am so invested kate oh my god!!!!!!
Thank you!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! JJ’s quick with accepting non-marriage proposals 🤣
Protective JJ is our favorite JJ! He’s had enough of Rafe messing with his girl and it’s time to finish it. He’s not messing around anymore AND HE HAS A GUN NOW.
They needed some conflict, they love each other, but any relationship is gonna have its moments, luckily these two understand that they were yelling in the direction of the other, not quite yelling at each other. Hahahahha.
I’m so excited for next chapter!! I can’t wait!
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eye-of-yelough · 1 year
sending ask about aeryn
i would give my life for you, kind stranger.
Aeryn is my go-to character to play as in fantasy rpgs, basically. atm he’s only in Skyrim, Elden Ring and the Sims, although that one doesn’t. yknow. i mean it doesn’t really count i just made him for fun.
the best way to describe him is “guy who’s love language is acts of service. who falls in love very easily.”
so he joins the dark brotherhood in skyrim and the volcano manor in elden ring. naturally.
(i can’t think of anything specifically to give a content warning for so let’s just say he’s a fucked up little sex freak and i’m gonna be talking about it a little under the cut)
more ⤵️
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these posts articulate his Vibe much better than i can. he really just. can’t conceptualise a life that doesn’t involve him devoting himself to a person or a cause. he’s also, as much as he tries to convince himself that he just wants a normal life, completely addicted to chaos and misery. he’s also kind of a hyper-sexual sadomasochist which really makes everything so much more Messy™️
he’s also trans. but he isn’t. but he is. he just never medically (magically? fantasy logic) transitions, makes no attempt to pass, except maybe his voice, which is very rough and nasally, and doesn’t correct people when they get it wrong cos he thinks it’ll get in the way of people wanting to have sex with him 🤷 a slut’s gotta have priorities i guess.
also his way of carrying himself is distinctly not feminine. not really masculine either just. alien. chiana from farscape core. now that i think about it he may be a little based off of her. grey skinned slut who wears black and moves animalistically. hmmm.
in Skyrim he’s a bosmer who was seduced by a vampire who wanted him as a blood thrall but the idiot after a while the idiot turned him instead of draining him of everything and killing him. he Came Back Wrong. he’s also not the Dragonborn. can you even imagine. anyway. Listener. Stealth Archer. you know the drill. images⤵️
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he’s much more interesting in Elden Ring. because it’s Lore is so vague about the Tarnished’s background, i just revamp his skyrim story slightly. he was a member of religious assassins (confesser starting class) but was betrayed by their leader and he was burned alive in the underground sanctuary. (au, obviously not how it happens) anyway, he has no memory of this. he’s very resistant to the Golden Order, finds the guidance of “grace” very disturbing but also. very difficult resist following, even subconsciously. he has no desire to assume the mantle of Mighty Elden Lord. Patches The Untethered fucking fascinates him and he just. imprints on that poor bald man like a baby bird. literally twirling his hair and kicking his feet and giggling at every attempted homicide. which eventually leads him to the volcano manor
and by the outer gods does he devote himself to them so quickly. so intensely-and why is this becoming a blow by blow of his whole elden ring story. whoops. anyway. when he finds out melina must die for him he Loses His Fucking Shit. it is simply unacceptable. INCOMPREHENSIBLE that someone dies for him. luckily, Shabriri comes along and offers a lovely and elegant solution :)
here’s where what i said before about him not liking the golden order and hating the idea of being elden lord comes in. yes, he can’t imagine himself as a Lord. but as it turns out, when pushed into a corner. he can imagine himself as a Martyr. an ambassador for the misbegotten, the demi humans (are they different words for the same race? i genuinely don’t know) the omens, the nomadic merchants, those who live in death. he can warp this story about one guys selfish journey toward becoming a lord into an epic romantic tragedy about the selfless actions of the saviour of the downtrodden, who disintegrated all that divides and distinguishes. <3 may chaos take the world.
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i Am Aware that his outfit is very silly. but it’s part of his character. ambassador for the omens (cloak) and nomadic merchants (idiot hat) and those who live in death (prince of death staff. not seen but it’s there) he used to wear alberichs fancy wizard set but after being burned by Frenzy i imagine him trying to put them back on and not being able to because. burns. painful. so he throws on the soft cloak to protect himself from the elements and goes about his business. half naked at all times. it’s a serve.
i tried putting him in Dragon Age, in both Origins and Inquisition, but i just can’t make him fit in there for some reason. i reckon i could make him work as a Maharial Morrigan-mancer in origins with a bit of canon divergence and a lotta willpower (my own, not like. the games willpower skill you can level up) but that would require to play origins and that’s a pain by itself if i’m being brutally honest. i’ve tried him twice in inquisition with a lovehate cassandra romance that ends just So Bad but. and not to be dramatic here but. i genuinely think he would commit suicide immediately after closing that damn breach. like i just cant think of a single reason he would stay with those people.
anyway. i think that’s finally it? i warned you it would be long. still feel like i’m forgetting something. thank you so much to anyone who’s read this far, i love you with my whole heart
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incorrectdmp · 3 years
hi so my notes took longer than expected and i like to do these after my second watchthrough in case i miss anything funny so sorry its wednesday lol. anywaysssss spoiler warning you know the drill help i made like 5 memes for this episode
You get one (1) skawakening, as a treat
Upside down tim hortons 
Tall man make void go boom
Ezra: mom said it’s MY turn on the depression
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Discord MLP Gijinka 
Dippin dots our lord and saviour 
“Oh my god get a tomb” -vinny
Pls send Val and Ezra to horny jail
Oops! All gunslingers!
The rickey rat reprise we never thought we needed
Hailey kills Valencia out of gender envy
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Welcome to discord murder party, where we know what brazil is
Somehow the doodoodoos have gotten MORE terrifying
Serious Doos™ 
A series of unfortunate events REALLY is the perfect description of MG’s life huh
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(image by cam)
The longest most painful round that feels like jumping into a never ending rabbit hole adorned by the doodoodoos and help i completely lost track of what’s going on atm
The wheels have no union 
Chat must choose between herbo and himbo
Invincentable marshall reid 
The gun was a lie
A very special game of sudoku 
Grace Garden takes Morgan hostage 
Chaos God directly comes for my knees by referencing my speedrun
Fanserver is canon
Let me slurp the trauma girl bathwater
Delicious jelly filled donuts ANGSTED
Damn these flags sure are redder than MG’s strings huh
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If Morgan bad, then why sexy???
(because he’s played by steel, next question)
Morgan said gaslight and gatekeep but he’s working on the girlboss
So hey do yall wanna help me beat up morgan grayson
Cassie didnt need to murder morgan we all would have done it for her
Cassie gets her girlboss moment
CG no bulli >:(
I know i drew the art but like let me hug Charlie please
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Percy: >:c (unpleasant percy, the thrilling sequel to pleasant percy)
Season 4 is the season where percy becomes unhinged
CG: yall stop simping 
CG: it’s grace’s turn on the brain cell
The awakening song makes its triumphant return and it’s SAD
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Tumblr boy solidarity
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this last meme got me fired from dmp so i formally apologize 
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ladyalice101 · 5 years
Author Interview
thanks @orangeflavoryawp and @amymel86 <3 
Name: ladyalice101
Fandoms: GoT (specifically Jonsa) is my main one atm, but I’ve written for Timeless, the 100, Star Wars (the sequels), and on ff.net i wrote for percy jackson and suite life on deck (my first fandom 10 years ago lol) 
Where You Post: AO3, tumblr, and previously on ff.net. 
Most Popular One-Shot: ‘that last kiss, i'll cherish (until we meet again)’ by every conceivable measurement 
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: ‘victory is in my veins (oh ye of so little faith)’ also by every conceivable measurement 
Favorite Story You Wrote: um um um um, can i say every story? idk, i love every story, otherwise i wouldn’t spend so much time with them you know? 
but i loved the finished product of ‘your lips, my biggest weakness’ for Timeless. 
haha i just scrolled through my ao3, trying to pick one, and i was like “ooh that was good” “i love that one too” “oh man i loved THAT one too” 
Story You Were Nervous to Post: my first jonsa fic, ‘my love, you have found peace (i hope relief is yours)’. i’d already been posting fic for six or so years, and i’d been generally confident bc i was young and naive and writing fic was still fairly niche - or, at least, not so popular. but got was by far the biggest fandom i’d ever posted in, and at that point s7 had just aired or was still airing and so shipping was ... crazy. but nothing bad happened, and so i posted one more ... and the rest is history! 
How You Choose Your Titles: hahaha i have a notes doc on my phone that is literally just song lyrics that i hear and love and think would fit well with a fic, and so when i finished a fic i scroll the list and find one that i think fits with the theme of the fic (even if i end up being the only one who can see the tenuous relationship) 
Do You Outline: not for oneshots! well, usually. usually i see scenes that have only a vague connection to each other, which i write out and then have to figure out how to make into a solid story. so not really outlines, but kind of outlines, bc i don’t write in a linear way. 
and for multi-chaps i absolutely outline. i learnt that lesson when i was younger haha 
Complete: on ao3, 32. 
In Progress: on ao3, 2. in my wips folder on my desktop? like. 17 million haha 
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: ok ok, i hesitate to  tease anything bc who knows what inspiration will strike when BUT here a couple from a notes doc that i really want to write: 
- canon divergent where robb lives but is imprisoned by the frey’s, and no one knows he’s alive. the story picks up directly at the end of s6, after jon has become king, and edmure tully tells jon and sansa that robb is alive. i really want to write this, but it’s going to be a MASSIVE undertaking, bc it will go through all the end of the series but with robb alive so there is just so much to plan. 
- canon divergent where jon and sansa get married between s6 and s7 after the parentage reveal to keep the peace in the north. again, a massive undertaking, bc it goes through 7-8 with an arranged marriage, so heaps of burgeoning feelings between jonsa but also more long night, more conflict with d.ny and cersei. 
- i’ve started writing a dark and possessive jonsa set in 8x01 but where they’ve been fucking for ages and sansa’s hella mad bc he bedded d.ny 
- i have a summary written for this one (but not a single line of fic) which pretty much sums it up: in which death makes jon confuse the present with the future and he keeps seeing sansa naked under his touch in winterfell, even though they’re still campaigning through the north 
- summary for this too, but with no fic: sansa never imagined her wedding day quite like this. wearing the white wedding dress, sure, but certainly not wearing it while sitting on a man’s face. and certainly not sitting on the face of a man who is not the man she just married
- a cracky post-canon in which the northern lords propose sansa marry her cousin, meaning robin arryn, but she thinks they mean jon. 
- post canon sansa finds jon north of the wall and can’t bring herself to back to winterfell and so stays with him 
- a baby driver au (ish?) with reluctant criminal jon and his saviour sansa 
feel free to tell me which you want to see first? 
Do You Accept Prompts: yes! i actually haven’t really done any for jonsa, but anyone is more than welcome to at any time. 
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: Honestly none? Like when inspiration strikes, it’s strikes, ya know
tagging: @zarahjoyce @asongforjonsa @sunbeamsandmoonrays @esther-dot @alienor-woods
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yess1re · 5 years
get to know you tag!
by @cupcakegnome​ // tagged by @dettea & @viaearthling !
this is kinda long-ish, so under the cut!
your name: claire 
languages you speak: english (i was deprived of learning actual filopino, but i do understand bits and pieces!)
are you a mermaid: last time i checked, unfortunately, no :’(
your playstyle: as of now, storytelling but before i got into storytelling, i did the whole gameplay but in my mind things happened for reason. basically storytelling, just without the dialogue… and lots of inner dialogue (on my part)
your simself picture: a version of me where my face isn’t discoloured or i don’t look like i haven’t slept in 3 days or have acne scars
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stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: i’m geared mostly to stories and gameplay! though, i’m actively learning how to do edits and i’m hoping i could do a lookbook very soon! i stay away from builds because i don’t know how rip 
your favourite age state: teen and young adult - mostly cause 1) i am a teen so its fun to kind of make sims and have them hang out with other teenage sims etc. etc. 2) the cc is super fun. i don’t have much opinion of the other age ranges - except for toddlers. i had 4 in one house once and i got super stressed 
your favourite season: summer? idk, i wouldn’t say i have a favourite, favourite - but summer is pretty cool i guess 
your favourite holiday: love day, probably? i’m a big romantic and seeing my couple sims being extra romantic - wow
how was your day: super chill! went to a friend’s bday party and it was chill and wholesome - played lots of heads up though ehehe 
your favourite career: oo kinda hard to choose… maybe, the entertainer career? wish it had more options though; as in, like, pop star or something lmao - don’t get me wrong i’d make my sim a pianist any day of the week, just perhaps maybe more variety???????
your favourite aspiration: i’d have to say the creativity aspirations and the family ones - they’re cute
your favourite ep, sp or gp: ep - discover university and city living, sp - laundry day, gp - parenthood 
how old is your simblr: maybe less than a month old????? it’s very very very new :))))
have you woohooed: no sir, i am a child of our lord and saviour
your favourite skill: all the music skills!! i love playing instruments and joining bands so it kinda translated into my sims ehehe
the size of your mods folder: 3.33GB - i’m so worried for my laptop and i’m getting a new one that’s less powerful so alfbalhbfvaria idk what to do 
your 3 favourite mods: mccc, no ea lashes, and the tab camera mode mod!
your interests (other than sims): playing piano, finding new music to listen to, reading
your favourite sim (picture if possible): i have too many!!! but my ultimate favourite is probably noah do - you guys haven’t seen him yet but he’s part of the legacy challenge i’m playing atm! hopefully i get to share him with you guys soon ehehe (btw he’s not the heir of the original founder, but he’s the brother of the heir!)
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which sims games you have played (including mobile games): the sims freeplay, the sims 4 and my sims on the ds (or wii i can’t remember) 
propose a crazy scheme: w-worLD DOMINATION 
best part of simblr: i personally like how i’m able to share the same interests/passion as other people. before, i’d just scream at my friends about it but now there’s a whole community that’s really dedicated to this and i feel welcomed eheh - also lots of inspiration and talent being shown here it’s so exciting to see!
worst part of simblr: i don’t have many cons atm because i’m fairly new so 
what other games you play: i don’t play much other games - i used to though, but i need money (which i don’t have rip). but currently i play honkai impact 3 on my phone, persona 4 golden, odin sphere leifthraiser(?) and some others i can’t remember the name of yeet
other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): maybe 
are you single: yes siR ! i’d keep it like that tbh
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y-hweh · 6 years
I absolutely love your blog, your posts succinctly yet so accurately hit home the key truths of what it means to be a Christian. I've been raised a Christian and do truly believe Christ is my saviour but I'm finding it really hard to "feel" and live as one - I almost feel a phony? I'm entering Uni this year and I recently got myself a new Bible. I want to read the whole thing - just wondering if you have any advice? Thanks xx
Hello there. Thank you for your lovely words. That’s very encouraging.
If you live to pursue Jesus - then you’re not a phony. The devil often lies to us, but don’t believe him. Believe in the one who says you are a royal priest, a king or queen, an heir to the throne, a son or daughter. Believe in Him.
Believe in the one who says that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else can seperate you from His love. That is truth.
I’m so excited for you going into uni. Be prepared to learn how to time manage. In my first year of uni I had a lot of trouble juggling class work with my Bible. The Bible is the most important text you will ever read. It is the only one that is alive and breathing. Make time for it. Prioritise it.
As for how to read it - it really depends on you. This is what I do: I ask the Lord to give me a topic. For example, atm I’m studying selflessness. So I’ll google all the verses that talk about selflessness. Then I go through and read all of them, read around them, find out what they mean. That’s how I study the word.
If you just want to read it casually, I do this as well, pick a book or a chapter. The New Testament isn’t actually very long and you could get through it fairly quickly.
Read about the love of Jesus in John. Read about the power you have as a saint in Acts. Read about your identity in Romans, Ephesians, Colossians. Read the diary of David in Psalms and learn how to worship. Read about how to act like a Christian in James. Read about sacrifice and the love of a Father in Isaiah. Read about obedience in Jonah. Read about the influence of a young person in Timothy. Read about faith in Hebrews. Read about hope in Galatians.
I’m praying that this year is one of going deeper in God. I pray you’re identity is unveiled and you begin to walk in the fullness of who he has made you to be. Darling, I pray that you fully emanate Jesus in your university. You are a light on a hill that cannot be covered. You are living proof of Jesus. I pray that people would see and know that he is real through you.
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tenander · 6 years
IT'S VALENTINES DAY WHICH MEANS ITS TIME FOR U TO TALK ABOUT SHIPS THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY I DONT MAKE THE RULES also this is both about ships with ur ocs or ocs in general and ships in whatever fandom ur into atm just stuff that makes u happy ALL OF IT
I don’t wanna just repeat everything I said last year so let’s start with our lord and saviour Star Wars: A Buddycal Show.I’m still happy that A’den came to Cal when he was being tortured by the chip, cause that shit was A+ proof of trust. Also, Cal motherhenning over him is hilarious to me. I also love how A’den humours him about his awful holonovel knowledge. And the banter over workouts makes my crops flourish.
Ship the second. I wish MH:W wasn’t such a resounding meh, because Kaito and Nanui deserve more time. They’re kinda unique as far as our OC pairs go, and they have great chemistry and are just so much fun. I like thinking about them journeying back to the old world together to visit Kaito’s family, how much it means for Nanui to be willing to return back across the sea to meet someone else’s loved ones.
Ship the third: I can’t get rid of the mental image of Naran and Saint ten years into the future. The Steppes and the wind and their horses as they travel around to help and heal.
You know who else makes me happy? The Sky’s End team. Like, you guys are entering THE ENDGAME and I get good feefees out of looking back at our journey together and how you went from “I’ll go if there’s treasure I guess” to protecting each other literally to the death.
You know, you mention fandoms and I thought about it and I realised there is nearly no fandom these days where I love more than character enough to ship characters with each other rather than my own self-inserts. I’m not sure if that says something about me or about modern media. Like, the only exception is stuff like FFXIV where I have several hundred NPCs to chose from. Did I just get really picky, or does modern media not care enough about character chemistry (that isn’t straight romance)? Ah well, this is only marginally in the Valentine’s spirit.
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drmonte75-blog · 4 years
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An Ordinary Commentary by Ordinary Men  
“Living to Glorify God Brings Satisfaction to the Soul” 
#Christianity #Church #Bible #Commentary  
Types of Righteousness and Religion Matthew 6:1-18 Our Lord warns His followers against counterfeit spirituality seeking to be seen and praised by men.
Harvey Goodwin—Verse 1: “In these verses our Lord applies to the subject of almsgiving, to what we commonly call in these days charity, the same spiritual principles according to which He has already explained and expanded several of the Laws of the Old Testament. All the men of our Lord’s time would admit almsgiving to the poor to be a great duty; but then many of them held or seemed to hold that there was virtue in the mere giving, independently of the spirit in which it was done, so that a man might make his charitable doings redound to his own praise, sounding a trumpet when he was going to distribute his alms, and the rest. Our Lord declares that, of which we can have no doubt when we hear it asserted, namely, that in the sight of God such almsgiving can have no virtue, no beauty, no excellence: the spirit which can alone render almsgiving pleasing to Him who sees the heart is the simple spirit of love, which withdraws itself from observation, seeks not its own, is unselfish, desiring to do what is charitable for the sake of charity only. But mark the awful emphasis, and something like irony, with which our Saviour says of those who make parade of their charity, Verily I say unto you, They have their reward; yes, they have their reward; they wish to gain the attention of mankind, and they gain it; they wish for applause, and they have it; they are pleased when they hear people say, ‘What a liberal man he is! and they have plenty of pleasure such as this. But what does it all amount to? what treasure is laid up in heaven by mere earthly applause? what satisfaction can it be to have cheated men into the belief of our excellent qualities, if the rottenness of our hearts is open and undisguised in the sight of Him who sees in secret, and who knows the thoughts and intents of the heart? They have their reward, have it already in this present world, and a poor unsatisfactory delusive reward it is.” 42 Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Verses 2-4: “'2. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.' We must not copy the loud charity of certain vainglorious persons: their character is hypocritical, their manner is ostentatious, their aim is to be seen of men, their reward is in the present. That reward is a very poor one, and is soon over. To stand with a penny in one hand and a trumpet in the other is the posture of hypocrisy. ‘Glory of men’ is a thing which can be bought: but honour from God is a very different thing. This is an advertising age, and too many are saying, ‘Behold my liberality!” Those who have Jesus for their King must wear his livery of humility, and not the scarlet trappings of a purse-proud generosity, which blows its own trumpet, not only in the streets, but even in the synagogues. We cannot expect two rewards for the same action: if we have it now we shall not have it hereafter. Unrewarded alms will alone count in the record of the last day. 3, 4. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: that thine atms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shalt reward thee openly. Seek secrecy for your good deeds. Do not even see your own virtue. Hide from yourself that which you yourself have done that is commendable; for the proud contemplation of your own generosity may tarnish all your alms. Keep the thing so secret that even you yourself are hardly aware that you are doing anything at all praiseworthy. Let God be present, and you will have enough of an audience. He will reward you, reward you ‘openly’, reward you as a Father rewards a child, reward you as one who saw what you did, and knew that you did it wholly unto him. Lord, help me, when I am doing good, to keep my left hand out of it, that I may have no sinister motive, and no desire to have a present reward of praise among my fellow-men” 43 William Nast—Verse 5: “Verse 5. The Jews attached to prayer a still greater importance than even to fasting and almsgiving, but had reduced it to a mere mechanical performance. They prayed three times a day, at nine o'clock, A.M., at twelve o'clock, and at three o'clock, P. M., and resorted to the synagogue for prayer on the Sabbath, on Monday, and Thursday. Many a zealous Jew spent nine hours a day in prayer. Nor did they go for public prayer only to the synagogue, but, like the Roman Catholics, also for private prayer, because greater efficacy was ascribed to prayer in the synagogue. The Pharisees managed it so—this is implied in ‘they love’—that they were overtaken by the hour of prayer while on their way to the synagogue, that the people might see them pray and praise their piety. It is evident from the context that these remarks of our Lord are not directed against common or public prayer—a duty resting on express Divine command—but against performing private prayer in public places..” 44 Adam Clarke—Verse 6: “But thou, when thou prayest. This is a very impressive and emphatic address. But thou! whosoever thou art, Jew, Pharisee, Christian—enter into thy closet. Prayer is the most secret intercourse of the soul with God, and as it were the conversation of one heart with another. The world is too profane and treacherous to be of the secret. We must shut the door against it: endeavour to forget it, with all the affairs which busy and amuse it. Prayer requires retirement, at least of the heart; for this may be fitly termed the closet in the house of God, which house the body of every real Christian is, 1 Cor. iii. 16. To this closet we ought to retire even in public prayer, and in the midst of company. Reward thee openly. What goodness is there equal to this of God! to give, not only what we ask, and more than we ask, but to reward even prayer itself! How great advantage is it to serve a prince who places prayers in the number of services, and reckons to his subjects’ account, even their trust and confidence in begging all things of him!” 45 James Morison—Verse 7: “But, in addition to secrecy as regards men, take heed as regards another matter, namely, the fitting mood of mind in relation to God, when engaged in praying, use not vain repetitions: ‘Battering’ away at God, as it were, and ‘blattering’ (Luther has it, viel plujypern). ‘Babble’ not in prayer, in the spirit of those worshippers of Baal ‘who called on his name from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us’ (1 Kings xviii. 26), or of those worshippers of Diana who ‘about the space of two hours cried out, Great is Diana of the Ephesians’ (Acts xix. 34). As the Gentiles do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking: They think that in heaping word upon word, and persistently holding on with their speechifying, they shall secure attention and a hearing. Such multiplication of speaking is utterly in vain. ‘It proceedeth,’ as good David Dickson remarks, ‘from a base misconception of God.’ It is well observed however by Augustin that there is a great difference between much speaking and much praying. And even repetitiousness, when it is not wordiness but the expression of intensity of desire, will not be unacceptable to the Hearer of prayer. Such repetitiousness will not be immoderate. It is found in many of the psalms; and it was characteristic of our Saviour’s own prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, when He again and again ‘prayed, saying the same words’ (Matt. xxvi. 44).” 46 James Glentworth Butler—Verse 8: “Your Father knoweth what ye need. Prayer is the preparation and the enlargement of the heart for the receiving of the divine gift; which, indeed, God is always prepared to give, but we are not always prepared to receive. In the act of prayer there is a purging of the spiritual eye, which thus is averted from the things earthly that darken it, and becomes receptive of the divine light—able not to endure only the brightness of that light, but to rejoice in it with an ineffable joy. In the earnest asking is the enlargement of the heart for the abundant receiving; even as in it is also the needful preparation for the receiving with a due thankfulness; while, on the contrary, the good which came unsought would too often remain the unacknowledged also. Prayer is not designed to inform God, but to give man a sight of his misery, to humble his heart, to excite his desire, to inflame his faith, to animate his hope, to raise his soul toward heaven, and to put him in mind that there is his Father, his country, his inheritance. He is a Father to whom we pray; let us go to him with confidence; he knows our wants; let us remove far from us all anxious disquiet and concern.” 47 Edwin Wilbur Rice—Verse 9: “After this manner, or ‘thus.’ Jesus gives a pattern or specimen of true prayer. Thus it was understood by nearly all the early fathers and by the majority of evangelical Christians. Some hold that he gave this as a formula always to be used. Others say this is against his teaching in v. 7; and that he did not make the use of this particular form obligatory on his followers. There is no historical evidence, so far as known, that it was used as a formula of prayer by the apostles themselves. It is to be accepted as a proper mode of prayer, and it may be used in the worship of God privately or publicly, but always and only in accord with the principle already declared by Jesus—not to use display or vain repetitions in praying. Onr Father. ‘The Lord’s Prayer,’ so called because the Lord gave it as a pattern, might more accurately be called ‘The Model Prayer.’ It is usually divided into three parts: 1, preface; 2, petitions.; 3, conclusion. The Latin fathers and the Lutheran Church make the number of the petitions seven. The Greek and Reformed Churches and the Westminster divines make the number six, by making only one petition of the first part of v. 13, while the others divide it into two petitions. The works written on this ‘Model Prayer’ would make an immense library. The Preface is literally ‘Father of us, who art in the heavens;’ ‘our,’ not my, implying the brotherhood of the human race, especially of believers. The ‘fatherhood of God’ was an old thought in the Jewish worship. It seems a common thought of the race. The Vedas of India, the Zend-Avesta of Persia, Greek literature, as Plato and Plutarch, and the older Baal worship, have the same idea. It seems to be a relic of God's earliest revelation of himself in patriarchal times. But Jesus brings it into a new form and touches it with a new life. First Petition. Hallowed he thy name. That is, help us and others to revere, hallow, sanctify and make holy God’s name and being. Reverence lies at the foundation of all true prayer. 48 Phillip Schaff—Verse 10: “Thy kingdom come (second petition). The Messiah’s kingdom, which in organized form had not yet come, but was proclaimed by the Lord Himself, as at hand. It did speedily come, as opposed to the Old Testament theocracy; but in its fulness, including the triumph of Christ’s kingdom over the kingdom of darkness it has not yet come. For this coming we now pray and the prayer is answered, in part by every success of the gospel, and will be answered entirely when the King comes again. A missionary petition, but not less a prayer for our own higher sanctification and for the second coming of Christ. —Thy will be done as in heaven, so on earth (Third petition). ‘Heaven’ and ‘earth,’ put for their inhabitants. As by pure angels, so by men. The idea of human doing is prominent, our will subordinate to God’s will. ‘As’ expresses similarity in kind and completeness.” 49 Matthew Henry—Verse 11: “Give us this day our daily bread. Because our natural being is necessary to our spiritual well-being in this world, therefore, after the things of God’s glory, kingdom, and will, we pray for the necessary supports and comforts of this present life, which are the gifts of God, and must be asked of him,—Bread for the day approaching, for all the remainder of our lives. Bread for the time to come, or bread for our being and subsistence, that which is agreeable to our condition in the world, (Prov. 30.8.) food convenient for us and our families, according to our rank and station. Every word here has a lesson in it: (1.) We ask for bread; that teaches us sobriety and temperance; we ask for bread, not dainties, not superfluities; that which is wholesome, though it be not nice. (2.) We ask for our bread; that teaches us honesty and industry: we do not ask for the bread out of other people’s mouths, not the bread of deceit, (Prov. 20.13.) not the bread of idleness, (Prov. 31.27.) but the bread honestly gotten. (3.) We ask for our daily bread; which teaches us not to take thought for the morrow, (ch. 6.34.) but constantly to depend upon divine providence, as those that live from hand to mouth. (4.) We beg of God to give it us, not sell it us, nor lend it us, but give it. The greatest of men must be beholden to the mercy of God for their daily bread. (5.) We pray, ‘Give it to us; not to me only, but to others in common with me.’ This teaches us charity, and a compassionate concern for the poor and needy. It intimates also, that we ought to pray with our families; we and our house-holds eat together, and therefore ought to pray together. (6.) We pray that God would give it us this day; which teaches us to renew the desire of our souls toward God, as the wants of our bodies are renewed; as duly as the day comes, we must pray to our heavenly Father, and reckon we should as well go a day without meat, as without prayer.” 50 John Bird Sumner—Verses 12-13: “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. We are, then, trespassers: we need forgiveness. Our hearts must be ill-instructed in the divine law, if they do not tell us that it is so. And he who lives through mercy, must show mercy. An unforgiving spirit would mar the effect even of this Christian prayer, because it would betray a most unchristian state of mind. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. There are temptations which ‘are common to men.’ We see throughout all Scripture, that it is God’s will that his people should be tried. But who, that knows his frailty, and the infirmity of his best purposes, will not pray that he may be kept from temptation, and delivered from the evil one?” 51 Joseph Addison Alexander—Verses 14-15: “14. For, if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15. But, if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. The next two verses, as already stated, purport to give a reason for something in the previous context, which can only be the last clause of v. 12. As if he had said, ‘In asking for forgiveness, you must stand prepared to exercise it also, for unless you are, you cannot be forgiven, not because the one is the condition of the other, but because the two must go together, and the absence of the one proves the absence of the other.’ The verb four times repeated here is the same with that in v. 12; but instead of the word delts another figure is employed, that of a fall or false step, rendered in the English versions, trespass, and intended to express the same idea, that of sin, which may be considered either as a debt due to the divine justice, or as a lapse from the straight course of moral rectitude. The fulness and precision with which the alternative is here presented may appear superfluous, but adds to the solemnity of the assurance, and would no doubt strengthen the impression on the minds of the original hearers. In this, as in the whole preceding context, God is still presented in his fatherly relation to all true believers; as if to intimate that even that relation, tender as it is, would give no indulgence to an unforgiving spirit.” 52 Charles John Elliott—Verse 16: “(16) When ye fast.—Fasting had risen under the teaching of the Pharisees into a new prominence. Under the Law there had been but the one great fast of the Day of Atonement, on which men were ‘to afflict their souls’ (Lev. xxiii.27; Num. xxix.7), and practice had interpreted that phrase as meaning total abstinence from food. Other fasts were occasional, in times of distress or penitence, as in Joel i.14, ii.15; or as part of a policy affecting to be religions zeal (1 Kings xxi.9, 12); or as the expression of personal sorrow (1 Sam. xx.34; 2 Sam. xii 16; Ezra x.6; Neh. i.4; et al.). These were observed with an ostentatious show of affliction which called forth the indignant sarcasm of the prophets (Isa. lviii.5). The ‘sackcloth’ took the place of the usual raiment, ‘ashes’ on the head, of the usual unguents (Neh. ix.1; Ps. xxxv. 13). The tradition of the Pharisees, starting from the true principle that fasting was one way of attaining self-control, and that as a discipline it was effectual in proportion as it was systematic, fixed on the fasts ‘twice in the week,’ specified in the prayer of the Pharisee (Luke xviii.12); and the second and fifth days of the week were fixed, and connected with some vague idea that Moses went up Mount Sinai on the one, and descended on the other. Our Lord, we may note, does not blame the principle, or even the rule, on which the Pharisees acted. He recognises fasting, as He recognises almsgiving and prayer, and is content to warn His disciples against the ostentation that vitiates all three, the secret self-satisfaction under the mask of contrition, the ‘pride that apes humility.’ The very words, ‘when thou fastest’ contain an implied command. Of a sad countenance.—Strictly, of sullen look, moroseness of affected austerity rather than of real sorrow. They disfigure their faces.—The verb is the same as that translated ‘corrupt’ in verse 19. Here it points to the unwashed face and the untrimmed hair, possibly to the ashes sprinkled on both, that men might know and admire the rigorous asceticism.” 53 Charles Rosenbury Erdman—Verses 17-18: “Very popular with the Jews among whom Christ lived, was that of fasting. If this is practiced in order to show to God our sorrow for sin; or if it is involved in our devotion to his service, it is right and commendable; but if it is employed as a means of winning the approval and praise of men, it is hypocrisy and pretense. Jesus insists that fasting, and all forms of self-denial, should be in secret; we are not to parade our sacrifices; we are not to make capital out of our devotion. We are to have regard only to the Father who is in secret, who sees in secret and who surely will reward.” 54 Endnote: 42   Harvey Goodwin, A Commentary on the Gospel of S. Matthew (Cambridge: Deighton, Bell and Company, 1857), 93-94. 43   Charles H. Spurgeon, The Gospel of the Kingdom: A Popular Exposition of the Gospel According to Matthew (London: Passmore & Alabaster, 1893), 32. 44   William Nast, A Commentary on the Gospels of Matthew and Mark (Cincinnati: Poe & Hitchcock, 1864), 262. 45   Adam Clarke, The New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew to the Acts), Volume 1 (New York: Lane & Scott, 1850), 84. 46   James Morrison, A Practical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Matthew (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1895), 88. 47   J. Glentworth Butler, The Bible Work (or Bible Readers Commentary) The New Testament, in Two Volumes, Volume 1 (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1889), 157. 48   Edwin W. Rice, Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew (Philadelphia: The American Sunday School Union, 1897), 79. 49   Philip Shaff, A Popular Commentary on the New Testament, Volume 1 (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1891), 67. 50   Matthew Henry, An Exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 5 (Philadelphia: Edward Barrington & George D. Haswell, 1825), 67. 51   John Bird Sumner, A Practical Exposition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, in the Form of Lectures (London: Hatchard & Son, 1831), 70. 52   Joseph Addison Alexander, The Gospel According to Matthew (New York: Charles Scribner, 1861), 176. 53   Charles John Ellicott, A New Testament Commentary for English Readers (Matthew-John), Volume 1 (Edinburg: The Calvin Translation Society, 1884), 26. 54   Charles Rosenbury Erdman, The Gospel of Matthew: An Exposition (Philadelphia: The Westminister Press, 1920), 56.
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r3nton · 7 years
Would u rather resurrect David bowie or kurt cobain
this one's a hard one. kurt is my main man but im not sure i'd wanna start shit by resurrecting him you know. but maybe he'd think it was cool. it'd be cool to get his opinion on the world atm + for him to see how things are but it'd probs fuck him up a lot. bowie died pretty recently and his death was pretty planned by him and he made sure to go out with the new album and everything but resurrecting him might be wild cause he'd me like jesus and then 100% confirmed our lord and saviour. i'd say bowie, just to save kurt the trauma of being fuckin resurrected tbh.
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xiuhunsoo · 7 years
11 Questions tag
got tagged by @stanminseok​ @chenshirejams​ @angel-osh​ and @parkcyeollie
Paige’s questions:
1. if you could be anything other than human what would you be
a cat, like, that’s the dream
2. if you were a zumba instructor what would your playlist be
omg i actually did zumba once but i forgot about 99% of the zumba songs but shakira was fun lmao, tbh i’d probably ask my old zumba instructor for her cds daskdjaks
3. would you rather take a scooter to the ankle or walk on legos
walk on legos, since i’ve been through both of these several times before i’d really rather walk on legos
4. describe your favorite movie
superhero dude tells his life story to one of his best friends while the friend is actually just sleeping and the film shows his life story lmao (if you can guess what this is kudos to you)
5. worst second hand embarrassment experience you’ve ever had
my mum had tickets to this one ballet show for us both and we went to the venue only to find out we were a week late although both my dad and me asked her SEVERAL times if it was the right date a month before and the lady at the entrance just looked at my mum like she was crazy when my mum was so confident about the show being that day and i just wanted to disappear into a hole that moment bc i somehow KNEW sth wasn’t right when we got there and i only saw people that didn’t fit the show audience at all
6. what is your childhood dream job
.....flute instructor......goodbye
7. how would you explain to your bias why they are your bias
oh god i could write a novel about why i love sehun so much tbh let’s just say it were his looks that drew me in initially but i learned to love the rest just as much if not even more like he’s so hardworking and puts so much effort into dancing and exo and cares so much for vivi, exo and his other friends and family and fans and he’s so cute and softspoken and also funny <3
8. name a city that starts with the same letter as your middle name
9. who do you share a birthday with that is famous
uhhhhhh no idea tbqh i’m gonna google OHHH tchaikovsky!!!!!  and the dude that played the dad in mary poppins haha also gary cooper and idk the rest
10. describe your mood with a color
idk sth like a mudded dark green? 
11. what is your superhero name
LOL ok fun story i once dreamt i was part of the avengers and my super power was baking and i had a gun that shot muffins, i couldn’t remember my superhero name when i woke up but thinking back to this i’ll go with “Muffin Blaster”
Ari’s questions:
1. Suho’s dad jokes or Jin’s dad jokes?
Suho lmao 
2. Johnny, NCT: yes or no? (for science pls)
3. Favorite girl group song?
Red Light by f(x)
4. ‘That’s right, my type’, ‘Never don’t mind about a thing’ or ‘E-X-O’?
That’s right, my type but why choose when you can have all ;)
5. Would you spend a day with Jongin’s dogs or with Toben?
kdjasdkasdksa Jongin’s dogs bc three dogs I’m sorry Toben, I’ll come and spend time with you some other day
6. Have you ever felt personally victimized by our lord and saviour Zhang Yixing?
daily tbh but I love it
7. What would your ideal date with your bias look like?
We’d probably just walk through the city, get some bubble tea, nice food and then pet all the dogs we see on the way and watch a nice film at home 
8. Favorite season?
Winter is my time to shine
9. What’s your current ringtone?
I think it’s still Monster but my phone is on silent 99% of the time lmao
10. What pet do you wish you have?
CATS ALL THE CATS and a snake and an otter and a pig and.....I want a whole zoo
11. Your bias group’s favorite stage?
Mirotic cover by EXO-M, Candy, 살다가 and El Dorado at EXO’Luxion (I’m probably forgetting 34234938248923 other stages)
Ana’s questions:
1. what disney movie would you pick to watch w/your bias?
just classics or every disney film bc i’d choose inside out but classic wise probably robin hood bc it’s my entire childhood tangled or brave are great too
2. if you had to repeat a year in your life what year would you pick?
mmmmhhhh 2015 just so i could relive the exo concert, i’d probably put up with the rest of the mess that year was just for that or maybe 2002 when i went to italy with my family that was nice too 
3. what food would you cook if you had your bias over for dinner?
oh boy i’m not the best cook but i’d probably ask what he wants?? and if everything else fails i’ll make pasta or japanese curry
4. lu or that good good?
that good good, it’s my most listened to song on itunes dakjsdakdskad (it’s a fake counting though bc i didn’t have the same laptop since i started listening to exo, el dorado would be much higher otherwise
5. which three members of exo would you want on your zombie apocalypse team? (ex members included)
minseok, junmyeon and tao probably
6. who in exo do you want to get a solo album next?
KYUNGSOO or minseok, i’d pay mad money for that
7. if you could join as a member of any girl/boy group which group would you pick?
uhhhhhhhHHHH well it’s hard for me to be a member of a boy group lmao and girl groups are always so underappreciated lmao i’d probably choose f(x) though
8. you just won a one million dollar shopping spree. what store are you headed to?
co’ex artium lmao goodbye money
9. sehun’s rainbow hair or ksoo’s red growl era hair?
THAT’S FUCKING RUDE uGH sehun’s rainbow hair i’m too biased for this
10. which exo song do you think deserves an mv? describe how it would look.
EL FUCKING DORADO! ! !  !  !! I DESERVE THAT MV, it’d fit the pathcode theme so well, with their powers trying to find whatever the el dorado is and mysterious and a bit darker vibes i guess
11. would you rather be yixings musical muse or chanyeol’s?
yixing, my man
Robin’s questions:
1. Is there a day you’d like to relive because it was so good?
7th March 2015, the day that changed my entire goddamn life bc El Dorado and EXO live wow
2. What is your favorite time of the year (because of the weather, or holidays)?
Christmas time is the best, I always feel so warm and happy 
3. What would you do if you could do anything anywhere in the world for one day?
Go to an EXO concert again???? lmao but other than that I’d probably go and visit all my internet friends <3
4. Are there any idols/celebrities you think you’d get along with really well irl?
Me and Luhan are the biggest Iron Man nerds I know so yeah
5. Is there a movie that you always go back to?
so many omfg Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, Star Wars, LotR, Inside Out, Ponyo are just a few
6. Do you still like the songs that you listened to 10 years ago?
uhhh not really, some of them I can still listen to but I don’t go out of my way to do so
7. What small thing(s) in life do you enjoy/appreciate?
omg so many, food, seeing my friends, seeing pretty flowers, seeing pretty sunrises/sunsets, a good cup of tea or coffee, petting cute animals, baking
8. Is there anything you wish you had done as a kid, but can’t do anymore now because you’re “too old”?
not really
9. If you could go to anyone’s concert right now, who would it be?
EXO lmao although Luhan would be cool to see too
10. Do you have any recommendations for kdramas or other series that I need to watch?
......I watch so many things ahhhhhh depends on what you like I guess but kdrama wise my favs are It’s Okay It’s Love, Scholar Who Walks The Night and Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bokjoo and I love Crime Scene atm where Minseok was a guest for three episodes
11. What music do you listen to, if you want to get hyped?
uhhh faster paced songs I guess, I have a playlist...
good lord that’s already so long and most people have been tagged so i’ll refrain from making my own questions sorry!!! but thanks for tagging me!!!! i love this 
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Good Omens Fandom Welcome Pack (4/3/17)
Yo my dudes!!!! So I got a message from @dirktective-assassina who just found out that there’s a good omens fandom so I figured I’d try and pull together some resources as an up to date fandom welcome pack :D It’s pretty long and comprehensive so I’ve put it under the cut.
So first things first: the ship name of Aziraphale/Crowley isn’t Crowaphale or anything like that but is Ineffable Husbands. We also sometimes use Air Conditioning (like A/C if you see?) although this is less used now than it was, largely because of the way tumblr tagging works versus livejournal and it’s a bit of a hassle to traipse through posts of people’s air conditioning not working, but there are still posts on that tag and it's a good way to find older fan-works. Other wise we generally just tag as Good Omens.
As with a lot of fandoms with a slightly longer history, livejournal used to be the main site for the good omens community and we transferred across bc, let’s face it tumblr is a hell site but it’s also a hell of a lot more accessible than livejournal. However, there are still a lot of things going on with livejournal!!! my main resource there is the Lower Tadfield Air Base: Fighting off Armageddon since 2003! The Good Omens Holiday Exchange is also organised on livejournal, I’ve linked to this year’s entries :)
Which brings me onto fic!! (Some of these fic will be explicit but they all have warnings at the beginning). Two fics always recommended in older fic rec lists are The Sacred And The Profane, and A Diamond Sky Above Titanic (although, personally, they’re not really my favourites). Also, The Lower Tadfield Air Base has a good fic tag :) Finally there’s this post which also adds some extra links and info on joining the good omens fandom, it also has a gen fic section if that’s more your cup of tea.
My main source of fics however, comes from our Lord and Saviour, Archive Of Our Own. Just take note when you’re using the search tool you fully type in Aziraphale/Crowley rather than letting it autocorrect you to Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) then you’ll only get 217 works in comparison to the 1178 fics available and all the fic of Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) is filed under Aziraphale/Crowley anyway. If that makes any sense?
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Personally, I’ve been horribly remis in tagging my own favourites because I’m fairly useless. However, I know I love Fridays by ylc. If you like human! aus then I also really love Ordinary People by daeger which has a wee Jewish painter Crowley :D
Ruby Tears by @not-a-space-alien is also a really good fic in highlighting the fandom’s perspective on Crowley: essentially in that he’s a HUGE FUCKING NERD who tries so hard to look cool and suave and is actually just very vulnerable and sweet and loving. Aziraphale, on the other hand, is very much an oblivious banana that’s too self-obsessed to really recognise this and has an incorrect view that Crowley is The Adversary and should be thought of as such. There has been A LOT of AMAZING meta on this, I would really recommend @futureevilscientist‘s essay on The Arrangement as p. much essential reading. They also have a tag for meta which I also really recommend.
My final fic to recommend is HAS to be the Crown of Thorns series by @irisbleufic (often shortened to cot). For me, this is The Fic, you know, and I feel like it really defines the Good Omens fandom in many ways. It’s based on the fanon that after the events of the apocalypse, Aziraphale and Crowley moved into a cottage on the South Downs together. All the details of the fic are in the introduction :D Other Iris fics to recommend are Regulars and What to Say (and How Not to Say It) if like me you’re trash for 3rd person pov. Finally as someone from York I’m honour bound to mention Promises to Keep.
We also have some Amazing artists in the fandom, people like @kogla and the like are just so great to have posting content for us!! basically just turn to the good omens tag and follow some of the suggested blogs (see below) we’re always posting everything :D One of my faves is this one by @6utton (who also gives me my raffles fix). @lunasong365 has also sent me this beautiful video and their playlist of other videos :‘) You also have the good omens tag on the hell site of deviantart
Also in terms of art, @askajcrowley is utterly brill, they don’t post much anymore but when they do I cry because they’re great.  If you want a really interesting view of how fandom has changed over time, go back through their posts as far as you can, it’s seriously worth it. In terms of fandom changing, the Good Omens fandom has generally imploded; it did used to be a very big active fandom, with a lot of ask blogs and a much greater focus on the other characters besides Aziraphale and Crowley. The current day fandom does feel bad about not talking about the other great multifaceted characters but we don't tend to do much to rectify it, as not-a-space-alien highlights in this post.
The older fandom also used to have A LOT of discourse surrounding fancasts. Oh God. Suffice to say if I ever see another post casting Bajkfbgjgiug Cskjfbgkjfba/Tom Hiddleston in all the roles I will actually throw up. This trend lead to our Worst Meme, Cage Omens: in which all the characters are played by Nicholas Cage. This meme likes to make a reassurance every now and again, so FOR GODS SAKE DONT SUMMON IT. (We all secretly love it).
Speaking of fancasts, we should probably mention adaptations. When the news of the latest adaptation came forward, a lot of us were very apprehensive because We Have Been Here Before. Lots. Like 5 Times. (I think in like ‘02 there was going to be one with Robin Williams but It was just after 9/11 and everyone ran as fast as they could from apocalypse based media). However, this one does look like it’s going ahead and will be airing next year maybe :) We do also have the beloved radio adaptation, which we will all suggest had it’s flaws but was also p damn brill. (The BBC sometimes replay it around Easter?)
However the discourse over fancasts did actually raise some pertinent points to do with race, with a lot of people feeling really uncomfortable with how white the suggestions were for characters that have no explicitly stated race. This is especially the case in regards to Aziraphale where there might be inbuilt preconceived conceptions of a white angel. This post and @a-poc-alypse‘s commentary on the subject I think is really important. I think the fandom now makes a concerted effort to try and produce more diverse art and the like, and I think we are better than we were, but it is something we have to actively work towards rectifying.
Other discourse of far, far less importance is in regards to their wings. Essentially, a lot of older fanart has Crowley with bat like wings which a lot of the fandom disagrees with, and there’s a lot of discourse about the colour of their wings too. Traditionally, Aziraphale is depicted with white wings and Crowley with black, but as is oft pointed out within the fandom, the colour of their wings is not stated and, given the significance of heaven and hell just being names for sides with no tangible distinction, and that demons are of angel stock, this separation has been questioned. Basically, the consensus now is play around with it!!!!! My head canon is that Az has owls wings and Crowley has duck wings :D
As for Hogwarts Houses, no one actually knows tbh either of them could fit into any house I think? We've had a lot of discussions and I think the ultimate conclusion we’ve come to is just go with what you want. At the moment I think I like Gryffindor Crowley and Ravenclaw Aziraphale. Some good Harry Potter AUs are Potter Omens by sadaf, St. Joseph of Cupertino, Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles, and the Legacy of James Bond by Interrobam, A Look into a Magic Mirror by athousandelegies, and Saturday by Elvendork.
This leads to another point which is the links Good Omens have with other fandoms. There are Obviously the links with Supernatural given that their Crowley was literally named after ours, but there are also a weird amount of Wolfstar (Remus Lupin/Sirius Black) crossover fics and a lot of them involve them all sleeping with each other?? Anyway. I’ve also noticed that p. much all the Raffles fandom tend to be Good Omens fans too.
Finally you have the Shakespeare/Marlowe fandom so there are a lot of jokes in fandom at the moments about Crowley/Shakespeare (ship name: Snakespeare). I’m laying the blame firmly on @macdicilla and this post.
Music!! I LOVE @ajcrawly‘s The Ritz Does Not Admit Nightingales but 8tracks is useless for UK pals atm. Every playlist of Good Omen will have Queen and A Nightingale Sung in Barkley Square, I’m sorry I don’t make the rules.
And then there are the blogs!!:
@audiomens (with transcripts of the radio 4 adaptation)
@thisbutgoodomens (taking posts and making them Good Omens, tag them if you think there’s a post they would appreciate!!)
There are the blogs I’ve mentioned above, like @not-a-space-alien and @macdicilla (you can’t have one without the other), and @futureevilscientist, @irisbleufic, @kogla, @lunasong365, @askajcrowley, @a-poc-alypse, @ajcrawly
Also worth following are, @milkythefrozen, @pridoo, @maniacalmole, @ladylier, @thisisadecisionimayregret, @la-petite-robe-jaune, @sous-le-saule, @rocksalive, @nemeankitten, @everything-good-omens, @fyeahgo and tbh there are heaps more, I’m sorry if I’ve missed you off, I have a memory worse than like 99% of the population (according to my educational psychologist). If you want to be added just put a reply or message me or smth :D
Finally, I’d like to thank @not-a-space-alien for their welcome kit, @futureevilscientist for theirs, @ladylier for giving me ideas to talk about, @lunasong365 for showing me their playlist, and @a-poc-alypse for pointing me in the direction of their tags.
Okay. I think that’s it?? If you have anything further to add just post it below or message me or put it on the tags or replies whatever basically. If you disagree, or I’ve got something wrong, or you want to be added/taken away as a source then don’t hesitate to tell me!! (but please don’t send me hate, I’m trying my best and I’ll work hard to compensate)
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