#but he will not throw a temper tantrum before breakfast and get away with it
mmogurl · 1 day
In The Shadow of Dragons Chapter 5: Flower
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18+ | 5.6k | Daemon Targaryen X Female OC | possessive, protective, objectifying, simping, raunchy Daemon | Uncle / niece incest, Smut, First Time Oral, Semi Public Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, V fingering, Targcest, Courtship
This scene was kind of sweet, going back to the gift he had attempted to give Ryna on that day when he returned from the Stepstones some years back. It also rolls into their first real physical encounter, besides that closeness they shared on the terrace in the first chapter. Daemon trying so hard to be good, but not that hard xD Told from Daemon's POV.
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5
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The two of them walked in silence for a time, Ryna’s arm in his, until they were past the guards and into the long corridor that led towards the outer yard. Once safely out of sight of any witnesses, Daemon suddenly pulled her into a nearby alcove, jostling a vase on the table beside them as he pressed her tightly against the wall. His eyes glittered with excitement, barely disguising his darker desires as he stared down at her.
At her startled gasp, his mouth curled into that familiar smirk. “You, my little niece,” he said in a growl, “did extremely well back there.”
The look of surprise quickly faded from her face, replaced with an air of indignity. “Can you believe she had the nerve to call me dull? I am still livid.” She huffed, her cheeks rosing with the sufferance of insults and not embarrassment for once.
He let out a quick series of pointed laughs against his lips before replying. “She clearly has no taste. You are anything but dull, sweetling. You are fire made flesh.” He had enjoyed seeing her behave in such a daring manner at breakfast, relishing in her cheeky attitude. Daemon had not thought his pure and sweet little niece capable of such aggression, but evidently he had been wrong.
“Do not let her get to you,” he added, tracing a finger along her jawline. “Your father summed it up perfectly. Rhaenyra behaves like an entitled, petulant child throwing a tantrum until she gets her way.” His gaze lingered on her plush lips, recalling the kiss they had shared the night before.
Oblivious to his attentions, despite the obviousness of his proximity, she continued to vent her frustrations. “And to think she called me, a Targaryen princess, with fire and blood running through my veins, ‘still as a pond!’ Even a Velaryon would be offended to hear such insults spouted against them!”
He snickered with a playful look in his eye, the corners of his mouth turned up in amusement. Though his niece had never displayed an inclination towards angry outbursts in the past, today’s incident had led him to wonder if her character was more akin to his own quick-tempered nature rather than the complacent demeanor of his brother.
Ryna’s ongoing tirade was abruptly cut off when Daemon held a finger to her lips, silencing her mid-speech. “Enough of that,” he said, his voice authoritative yet tinged with a hint of allure. “You are far too exquisite to waste your time complaining about a brat like Rhaenyra.”
Daemon leaned in a little more until he was so close that he could feel her breath against his face. “There are far more enjoyable things you could be doing that with that pretty mouth of yours.” His words were a soft insinuation spanning the possibilities between mostly innocent to entirely lewd. It certainly got her attention, her eyes darting up to his with a shy expression.
He pressed a simple kiss against her lips, wetting them with his tongue slightly as he savored the taste of her. His eyes rolled back for a split second as he let out a groan and pulled away, knowing he could not control himself lest he continue. The hall they were in was often traveled and not the best spot for an interlude. They would find more privacy in the gardens.
The princess became flush in response to the small demonstration of affection, the region below her collarbone now a bright pink in contrast to her alabaster skin.
My sweet niece. It doesn ’t take much, does it?
Daemon then took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers and led Ryna back down their originally intended route towards the garden. “We have something more important to discuss, Niece.”
“Such as?” she asked, trying in vain to compose herself as she looked up at him curiously.
“Our courtship, of course,” he said in a playful tone as they approached the exit.
They passed through the stone arch that led out into the garden proper and walked down the trail through the carefully manicured greenery until they reached the inner garden. It was surrounded by tall rose bushes, secluded and out of sight from the main walks. Water trickled from an ornate fountain of a dragon into a small pond edged with smooth rocks and there was a stone bench beside it so one might sit and enjoy the scenery.
He guided her to take a seat on the solid slate bench looking out over the waters and rustled in his pocket to fish something out. Daemon smiled fondly as he got down on his knees before her. Another shocked, almost frightened expression crossed her face, her eyes growing wide at the thought of what he might be up to.
Innocent little thing.
Reaching up, he tucked a loose strand of her Valyrian white-gold hair back into place behind her ear, letting his fingers remain on her face longer than perhaps was necessary. He found himself mesmerized all over again by her beauty, her purity, and the way she could make him feel simultaneously protective and sinful.
If only she knew how much he thought about her, his sweet, chaste little Ryna. How he wanted to claim her as his own and ruin her completely, yet at the same time, he wanted to shield her from all other harm. The irony of it made him both sick and excited all at once. He had been a man of vices, of carnal pleasure, with no thought given to any future consequences, and here he was for the first time, experiencing what it was to restrain himself for another. At least somewhat…
His hand lowered, brushing against her thigh as he took her hand once more, running his thumb over her knuckles gently as he began to speak.
“Sweetling,” his voice was soft and deep in the quiet solitude of the garden. “I have something for you.”
His niece’s expression changed, from worry to a veiled delight. “For me? What is it?”
She always did love it when he brought her gifts upon returning from his travels, whether they be from afar or direct from the streets of King’s Landing.
Daemon turned her hand and spread her fingers apart so that Ryna’s palm was exposed. Not allowing her to see what was in his closed fist, he placed it above her outstretched hand and let the trinket fall slowly until it settled into her grasp with a clink.
The princess’ eyes lit up as he removed his hand, finally allowing her an unobstructed view of his present. It was a very unique bracelet, one he’d had fashioned for her by the same grateful peasants who’d created his crown, to commemorate his victory over the Crabfeeder. It was crafted with small bits of rough sandstone, seashells and driftwood from the beaches on the Stepstones, and accented with an orange gemstone that was abundant on the islands.
“It is beautiful, Uncle,” she marveled at the intricate little shells and beaded stones.
Not as beautiful as you, my sweet, delicious, little peach.
“I’m pleased it’s to your liking,” he smiled softly at her. It was exactly the response he was hoping for. Watching her face as she looked over each tiny detail made him feel a mix of satisfaction and desire. It had taken all of his willpower thus far to resist her innate charms, and he wasn’t certain that it would hold for much longer. “Allow me to put it on for you, sweetling,” he said assuringly, already taking the bracelet from her hand and unclasping it so that he might wrap it around her slender wrist.
“I had meant to gift this to you when I returned from the Stepstones, but I found I simply could not.” His words were almost somber as he closed the clasp carefully, securing it in place.
“I remember,” she said with a touch of sadness. “That was when things changed. When you began to avoid me.” Her eyes wandered off in thought, her gaze cast across the water for a moment before returning to him with a fiery determination. “What happened? Why did I repulse you so when we embraced that day?”
Daemon was impressed, if not also taken aback, by the clarity of her memory. In fact it shook a more direct response from him than he was typically accustomed to giving. “You could never repulse me, my dearest niece,” he began, struggling to find the right words to explain himself without directly stating what he truly felt on that day five years ago when their bodies entwined. “I merely… It was for your own good.”
When I first realized that my desire for you had begun to take root.
“It did not seem like it was for my own good,” she contended his reasoning, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. “I have missed you all of these years.”
“I know, sweetling. I missed you as well.” If only she knew how he’d longed to return to the way things were before that moment. He hadn’t realized how much he’d yearned for the smiling face of his darling little cherub, his precious jewel, until it was gone, forever replaced with the reality of his lust.
Even though he’d already mentioned his aversion to tainting her the night before, it seemed she was still incognizant to why he had started to withdraw from her, believing it was due to some shortcoming on her own part. He had no desire for her to shoulder the blame of his own perverse desires though, so perhaps some further explanation was due. Still knelt before her, Daemon placed his hands on either side of her hips, nudging forward so that he was closer and just about nestled between her legs. A crooked smile crossed his face as he spoke once more. “Do you know why I started to avoid you?”
The princess seemed a touch flustered by his intimate proximity, but did not stay his hand. “I could not say. I only knew that before you left, I had been your cherished niece and upon your return… Suddenly it seemed you held my very presence in contempt. Then before I knew it, you had been sent away again and I had no idea what to think about it.”
If only you knew, little sweetling.
He chuckled at her naivety. It was endearing how pure his little girl still was. His fingers gently rubbed her hips through the soft fabric of her velvet gown. “You really don’t know, do you?” his tone was almost sarcastic, finding it hard to believe she hadn’t the slightest inkling. The look of worried concern did not waver from her face and he knew it was true. Daemon leaned in closer, his nose close to the swell of her breast. He allowed himself to inhale the sweet smell of her skin, all the while the warmth of her body was radiating outwards. He looked up, finding her expression heavy with longing, craving reconciliation.
“Did you ever stop to think that perhaps I avoided you because I found you too tempting?” Daemon’s eyes roamed down her figure before returning back to her face, taking in every little response. It seemed he would always be torn by his lust for Ryna.
She did not respond immediately, but instead averted her gaze to the bracelet he’d given her. Perhaps she was putting all of the pieces together in her mind, recalling past events and how they might be reshaped with the new knowledge he’d presented her with. His little niece seemed confused, as if unable to fathom that his desires had kept him away.
“But…” she started to speak, the words fizzling on her tongue. “If you… Then why?” Her lavender irises turned back to him with puzzlement. It seemed she’d come to terms with the idea much sooner than he had.
The question echoed with a laugh from his lips. How could he ever hope to explain the depraved thoughts that had consumed him whenever he’d seen her sweet body during those years. How tortured he became whenever he allowed himself to imagine the debased ways he wished to use her. Yet, she was looking to him for an answer, her eyes wide and her pink lips parted in confusion. “Why,” he said once again, taking a deep breath. “Because you were far too innocent. A wholly pure thing in this corrupt world. Even I am not that wicked.”
There, he’d said it. The truth was out. A twisted admission, but an admission nonetheless. The words, as well as the secret, that had tormented him for years were now finally released into the open. But her expression did not convey the disgust he’d expected. Instead, there was a look in her eyes that he couldn’t quite place. “Too young. Too sweet. You should never have known the depths of depravity running through …” he began to explain, but as he looked upon her face, he realized her features had shifted to something more akin to anticipation.
Gods, that look on your face …
The little princess’ lips were parted in expectation, her breath growing quicker with each passing second. There was something untamed he saw in her eyes that threatened to set his entire being ablaze. “You’ve heard tales of what a degenerate I am, haven’t you, sweetling?”
“Who in the Seven Kingdoms has not?” she admitted with ease, her expression unflinching while her hands danced restlessly on the surface of the bench.
“Then you know what a wretched man I am…” he spoke in a lower tone, his nose brushing against the pucker of her breast for a moment. “The vices I give into… The women and wine that I consume without reservation.”
Daemon raised a hand up to her face, his fingers tenderly tracing along the length of her jawline. “Does it not frighten you?”
“How could I possibly be afraid of you?” she mused, her voice laced with affectionate reassurance. She brought one of those fidgeting hands to rest gently upon his head, tentatively smoothing back his bright blond tresses. “I will admit I lack the same level of experience that you possess, Uncle, but it does not diminish my own curiosity and eagerness to learn.”
He tried to resist the shiver that wracked through his body as her fingers ran through his silvery gold hair. Daemon’s hand glided down the length of her skirts, skimming over the fabric until he reached the hem. Slipping his fingers below, he groaned at the feel of her leg, soft and silky beneath his palm.
How can you not be afraid of me, little sweetling? I am a fox in the hen house.
Her words had struck him in a way that he was not expecting. It seemed unnatural, given what he’d confessed and what she surely must suspect he desired from her.
“How eager are you, sweet girl?” he asked with the last ounce of his restraint as he continued upward, cresting her knee. “Eager enough to let me show you how debased I truly am?”
Ryna appeared a touch uneasy, but did not move to stop him. It was as though she had already resigned herself to exploring wherever this moment might take them. She swallowed before replying, her voice a low whisper as she continued to stroke his hair. “I cannot resist you, Uncle.”
What a dangerous thing to admit, my sweet little niece.
Daemon pressed a kiss against the exposed skin between her cleavage as his fingers crept higher. He found purchase on her inner thigh, gripping the smooth flesh there with barely constrained hunger as he felt the heat emanating from her core. His mind was filled with sinful thoughts the likes of which this pure, untouched flower could not possibly begin to imagine - but even still, she was willing. A small breathless laugh passed his lips and the little whimper of submission elicited from his sweetling was like the most deadly, yet intoxicating of poisons. Her soft sounds nearly pushing him over the edge, so obliging was she to accept his perversions.
“I promised your father I would not bed you until the wedding night…” he finally broke the silence as he laved another wet kiss upon the slope of her chest. “I admit, I’m still not convinced I can wait that long, but there are ways to stay… Occupied… For a time. To keep that curiosity of yours sated.”
Daemon’s eyes returned to hers, finding a look of trepidation in her gaze like he had never seen. She was too pristine, too eager, too wholesome for what he sought to give her. And, Gods forbid, if she ever did let him take all that she had, he feared there would be no going back. He’d become a man possessed.
For now though, given she was inclined to test the waters, he would explore how much of an agreeable lamb she truly was. He ran his tongue along her collarbone, his thumb digging into the fatty meat of her inner thigh.
“Do you trust me, sweetling? He asked, looking up once more into those pale lilac eyes, almost silvery in their sheen.
“Y-yes…” she stuttered, willing but still nervous.
He looked into her anxious eyes for a moment more, searching for any hint of doubt. But he could only find her inexperience, her apprehension, and ultimately her anticipation. Had Daemon not regarded her as so naive and innocent, he’d have believed she was getting off on this, and perhaps she was. His mouth curled into a smirk, wearing a wicked, wolfish countenance of intent. A quiet laugh escaped his lips as he grasped the waist of her smallclothes, and pulled down the short pair of braies until she was completely exposed beneath her skirts. Daemon placed a hand on each of her tender thighs, looking up at her with a devious spark in his eyes.
“Slide to the edge of the bench and lean back, little dragon,” he urged her, all but salivating at the thought of what she might taste like. Completely untouched, unspoiled, and just for him.
Ryna slowly shifted her hips forward, an embarrassed blush in her cheeks as she followed his bidding. “Good girl,” the sweet praise fell from his lips in a guttural moan. “Now let me take care of you. I’ll make you feel good.”
Daemon’s heart pounded in his chest as he knelt before his little niece, bunching up her skirts enough so that he might duck his head beneath her gown. The scent of her arousal was overwhelming, a sweet, crisp perfume that only served to heighten his desire. He inhaled deeply, taking in the sight, the smell, the very essence of her.
With a flick of his wrist, he swept her juices onto his thumb, bringing it to his lips and tasting her. A low grown rumbled in his chest as he licked her wetness from his finger, the taste of her intoxicating. He lowered his head, his tongue dipping between her folds and eliciting a startled gasp and jolt from Ryna. Daemon wrapped his arm around her thigh, holding her in place as he began to devour her like a starving man.
He spread her apart carefully, alternating between laving her bud with the flat of his tongue and the pinpoint of the tip, delighting in the way her hips bucked with each intense sensation. Daemon slid his fingers down through her wetness, teasing her tight entrance with the promise of penetration. His cock was rigid and aching in his trousers, leaving a mess as he leaked seed to the taste and feel of her purity. He’d give anything to have her fully bare in his bed right now, to be able to see everything all at once, to touch and take what he wanted.
Soon … Soon..
Ryna’s body was trembling beneath his touch, her soft little whimpers and moans driving him absolutely mad. She sounded so lurid for such a sinless creature and finally delving into her tight heat with his index finger was all he could do to keep from enacting the near constant thought of how good it might feel to fuck her. The thought of the noises she would make when something much bigger than his tongue or finger were instead driving into her pretty, virgin cunt consuming him.
His finger circled her inner walls, teasing her as he continued to pleasure her with his tongue, flicking and lapping at her pearl until she was writhing beneath him. He could feel the taut lining of muscle tensing at his intrusion and smiled against her wetness at the sound of her insistent cries. Daemon slid another finger into her now sopping wet core, wincing at how tightly her walls were gripping him.
He began to pump his fingers in and out of her in a steady, forceful rhythm, his tongue circling her swollen bud before he sucked it into his mouth. Ryna shot up like a lightning bolt at the acute feel of it, the combination causing her to arch her back into him as her peak built. There were a dozen filthy, raunchy things he’d love to purr in her ears at that moment, but there was no way he was going to stop until he brought her to completion.
Ryna shuddered and jerked, her moans growing louder and more desperate as she finally let go, climaxing in a beautiful splendor of shaking thighs and ragged breath. Her hands shot to his head even through the gown, trying to push him away now that her swollen bud had grown too sensitive. Daemon let her free of his suction, laving the nub softly with the flat of his tongue and sliding his fingers out of her snug little hole. She squealed as he lapped through her folds, the creamy sweetness of her come tasting like the most decadent ambrosia.
Fuck, I will not be able to stop myself if I keep at it like this …
Daemon bit his cheek with a wince, trying to rein in his urges as he removed his head from under her skirts. Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, he soon forgot his own need at the pride that surged through him upon seeing her flushed cheeks, her heaving chest exhausted and panting, the evidence of his ministrations and the pleasure she’d just experienced apparent all over her body.
As she locked eyes with him, she sounded tired, but excited all the same, “God! I have… But never like that… What in the Seven Hells was that!?”
A smug, yet satisfied chuckle escaped his mouth at her comment as he slipped her foot through the free opening of her smallclothes and slid them back up. He moved to sit beside her on the bench, his cock still straining against his pants painfully, a testament to just how much he had enjoyed the taste of her.
“That, my sweetling, was your first lesson in pleasure,” Daemon said as he leaned into her, his lips finding her neck and pressing a hungry kiss upon the delicate skin there.
She writhed under his lips, still so sensitive from his efforts. It was enough to drive him utterly mad with need. He could not recall anyone so perfect, anything so divine in his entire life. How could he ever be satisfied with another after this?
“You will be the death of me, my precious girl,” he mumbled against her shoulder, burying his nose into her hair and taking in the bouquet of roses, cinnamon, and styrax in her fragrance. “I can tell neither of us are creatures of restraint, sweetling,” he let out a sharp laugh as he pulled away from the temptation. “But Gods help, I am trying.”
He sat roughly against the back of the stone bench, comforted by the pressure of its hard surface. Daemon ventured a look into those pale lavender eyes and ran a hand across her chin, tilting her head up so that she was forced to meet his gaze. His voice took on a graver note, seeking to assert the seriousness of his words.
“If your father accepts our betrothal… I need to know that you want this. Jāhor ao sagon biare, riñītsos?” Will you be happy, little girl?
Ryna’s brow furrowed, either confused or hurt by the inquiry. “What kind of question is that? Of course…” she peered at him now with a smoldering intensity. “Nyke jaelagon ao, Daemon.” I want you, Daemon.
“Se jaelan ao, zaldrītsos,” he replied with a quick sigh. And I want you, little dragon. “But you are so young and inexperienced, and I…”
I may be too much for you to handle. You engage with a beast, sweetling. I am possessed by the need to control you and to keep you near me in every way possible, both well intentioned and depraved as well. He shook his head to bat the thoughts away, pushing down the worry and fear that were creeping to the surface. He didn’t want to risk losing her, but he also couldn’t bear the thought that she might one day look at him with contempt in her eyes. “You’ve never known another man, Niece. You do not know the extent of my desire.”
“Iksan daor riña,” she retorted in a defiant tone, her eyes locked on his with a look that could only be described as downright challenging. I am no child. “It seems you cling to these persistent ideas, Uncle. That I am too young… That you are too debauched for me. That I couldn’t possibly be happy with you… And to be honest, such worries are insulting to us both. I am not some pathetic little whelp in need of your pity. I know full well what I want.”
She exhaled through her nose with frustration, her features proud as she continued. “I would not choose a suitor for years because I did not want any of them. I knew they would not stoke my fire and keep my interest. I chose you and that is all that should matter. Inexperience can be mended by exposure, and I have never thought ill of you. I have felt jealousy and confusion, yes, I have missed you, but I have never felt poorly.”
Daemon felt a spark ignite within him as she spoke, her voice and words filled with passion and conviction. But, she was a stubborn thing, his little niece. His princess. A perfect mix of both fire and ice all the same. He would have found her impudence amusing if not for the fact that he too was feeling a hint of irritation begin to boil inside of him.
He let out a laugh that was nearly a scoff. “And do you think yourself ready for the full extent of it?” he riposted, his voice hardening. “Do you have any idea the dark desires that swirl in the recesses of my mind?” Her facade cracked slightly as a hint of doubt crept across her face. Of course she had no way of knowing what he actually thought of in the privacy of his own licentious mind. It was obvious the unknown concerned her from the winkle on her forehead, but she did not back down.
Ryna’s voice softened considerably, a blush returning to her cheeks. “You could show me… Teach me… In a way that is not too overwhelming.” Her eyes brightened with mild epiphany. “Like you did today.”
Once again, he found himself caught between a sense of pride that she seemed so willing to face whatever he might bring forth and the fear that he might break her.
“And if I can’t hold back, little girl?” he mumbled against her ear, leaning in and resting his chin against her the crown of her head. “My appetites… They are strong… Violent… Depraved… You could not imagine all that I want to do you.”
“Why must I fathom it all?” she asked with longing in her eyes as she wet her lower lip with her tongue. There was an obvious arousal present in her body language and the flicker of her features.
“Because, sweetling,” he replied, cupping her chin in his hand and gently forcing her to meet his eyes once more. “If we go down this road, there is no turning back. I will consume you, dear girl. I will take and take until you forget what it is to live without me.”
I cannot stop even now. That small taste of you was simply not enough.
“You realize I will ruin you for anyone else?” he stared into those piercing lilac eyes, shining bright with desire and need.
“I don’t take issue with that for I do not wish to have another. Only you, Uncle,” she spoke with conviction, but her cheeks blushed at the notion.
Gods, you have no idea what you are doing to me.
Daemon’s heart ached with so many warring emotions. His little niece - he feared he could not resist when it came to her. “Then… I will show you… I shall try my best to ease you into the darkness,” he whispered as he nudged his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer.
He captured her lips once more in a hungry kiss, his cock twitching at the thought of her keen obeisance - at hearing her proclaim that she only wanted him. It made his possessive nature flare with lust that he knew he must keep in check for now.Ryna was already moving closer though, the little minx, twisting towards him as her leg struggled against her skirts to rise over his. “Stop…” he murmured against her lips, feeling his self-restraint slipping. He gripped her shoulders tight, keeping her at bay as he withdrew from the kiss.
He could tell from the look in those tempestuous eyes that she was still riding the high of her climax, lovedrunk by the feelings he’d coaxed out of her body. Daemon truly loved how eager she was, but if he gave in completely to his own impulses, it might wind up destroying any chance they had at wedding. He was certainly not willing to let her go now that he’d come so close to having her.
But how is a man to hold back from such a sweet, delicious flower?
He clutched her arms with a little more force than necessary as he pushed her back against the bench and pulled away from her. With grit teeth he busied his hands so that they might not wander again, smoothing the pleats of his long wool jerkin back into place.
“I said I would ease you in, sweetling.. Not toss you over the edge,” he chuffed at her, making it known that he was not to be trifled with any farther. With a slight cough, he cleared his throat and took a deep breath before pursuing the topic of their courtship. “Now what plans shall we make to ensure that my dear old brother, Viserys, thinks that we are courting properly?”
Ryna was slow to reply, a bewildered look on her face mixed with a slight pout of disappointment. “I’m not sure…” she finally answered. “We have already strolled in the garden and you have presented me with a gift. So, today has been a good start to it.”
“Yes, little one. I do believe today has been a very good start. But not good enough,” he countered as he stood up and offered his hand to her. “My dear brother will not believe that a rake like me has suddenly become a proper gentleman without proof. We must make a very open display of our integrity.”
“What about a dinner? Or perhaps a packed lunch that we might enjoy on the beach that overlooks the Blackwater Bay. We might even stop by the Dragonpit. I could introduce you to my girl.” Her disposition had improved considerably at the mention of her dragon and he couldn’t help but smile as he helped her up from the bench.
Come to think of it, he did remember hearing that his sweetling had claimed a rather powerful creature, one of the older and larger dragons that had not been reclaimed since its previous owner. He felt a thrill at the thought of meeting such an ancient beast, at seeing his little niece mount a powerful dragon.
She will mount another soon …
He chuckled to himself as he let out a velvety smooth reply, leading them back down the path through the garden. “That sounds like a fine idea,” he purred, enjoying the thought of gaining some measure of freedom outside the confines of the keep. “And I cannot wait to meet your dragon, my sweetling. No doubt, Caraxes will be eager to see you again as well. I do believe that grumpy old snake preferred you to me when last I took you riding.”
Ryna beamed at his insinuation, giggling softly as they came out from the worn trail and entered the open expanse of the garden’s grassy courtyard. “I wouldn’t say that, Uncle, but he was certainly kind in nature towards me. A good boy. I look forward to seeing him up close again.”
His lips curled into an amused smile at her joyful reaction to being reunited with the beast. “Indeed… And I look forward to watching you ride, all on your own, without need of your uncle to supervise you,” he said with a slight rasp.
The image of her straddling that massive dragon, handling its reins and commanding it in the Valyrian tongue was enough to get his member swelling in his breeches again.
“Tell me, sweetling. Which beast did you tame again?” he asked trying to distract himself from other wandering thoughts.
“Oh, didn’t anyone ever tell you?” she smirked with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “I laid claim to Silverwing. Queen Alysanne’s beloved mount.”
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
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Spider waking one day, going outside and seeing his dad just causing absolutel mayhem
jake and neytiri are trying to kill him cause they think the act has finally broken, tonowari and ronal (who know whats going through his head at least a little and have sympathy for him) are trying to pry the sully's from, him from himself before he can do any bodily harm.
its a real 'god is dead, the house is on fire' type situation.
spider would take one look at it, sigh, and walk back into his hut, because he doesn't have the energy so early in the morning.
(he does go outside eventually when he hears, frankly cartoonish, screeching from quaritch, as his mother is nearly dragging him into what can only be described as a time out)
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chihoshisai · 5 months
Guitarist Ace
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Ace x Reader
Part 1
cw : self-sabotaging Ace, drinking, established relationship, angst, hurt/comfort, cursing, Ace needs serious therapy // wc : 3.8K // I'm really loving toxic guitarist Ace to the point i'm planning on writing more of him ♡
tagging : @littleleelee @taylor4taytay @seillarium @acpola01
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A Drowned Temper Part 2
Ace wasn’t sure when he blacked out. But when he did wake up, the harsh colors of sunset were creeping all around his apartment. Irritating every cell in his body as he winced while the feeling of consciousness regained him. His brain thumped in his head. His eyes burned. Everything seemed to feel too bright or too noisy. And worst of all, the wretched heated sensation that started to make its way up from his stomach to clog at his throat, before getting released once his head had found the toilet bowl. God, he just wished for every part of his body to stop throwing a tantrum and behave so he could get ready to go on about his business. 
Right, now that his emotional probation day had passed, now that he had drunk away his feelings, it was time for things to get real again. The routine — head to his part-time job, go to the studio to practice and maybe hit the bar with his friends. Practice being the highlight until the time they settled for dripped away. Which was a mere two to three hours. As for food? A mere afterthought. Whenever he had time to grab a bite or two in between transit from one place to another. Things were too hectic for him to slow down. 
In all honesty, with the way his body felt, almost like it was mutilated, Ace did not have enough willpower to think about you. Nor about the things he had said that had driven you to exit his apartment with a rainfall of tears staining your features. Right now, all he could do was dissociate. Put his brain on autopilot, and do the things he usually did when he wasn’t completely wasted. 
The truth was that he feared to take a step back, to consider and analyze things, and that in turn he would come to realize the ugly truth behind his reality. That he needed help. But why ask or seek for it when dreams and opportunities are right around the corner? Why sacrifice lifelong efforts just because you’re having a hard time? Ace was the type to suck it up, letting it explode inside of him rather than coming to terms with his weaknesses. Even if one of them was you. He owed you not one, but many apologies for his shitty behavior. And even if he wasn’t ready to properly own up to it, what with refusing to change and treat himself better, then he’d make up for it with what he did best. Music. Signing, flowers, soft yellow fairy lights mixed with an astonishingly sweet and romantic candlelight homemade diner. The perfect combo that he would accompany with pleading eyes as the cherry on top.  
Yet again, you weren’t the priority right now. Finding pain relievers was. 
Ace busied himself through a disheveled morning routine — a quick shower, the first clothes he saw and the usual skipping of breakfast as the finishing touch. He would make it up to you eventually. He truly would. But only after the storm that raged inside him and between the two of you yesterday had passed. After all, you were his brightest light of hope and inspiration.  
Eventually he made it outside, grunting under the sunlight that discomforted his still present hungover. He survived work, as easy going as it was by working in an instrument shop and using his expertise to guide the clients that wandered in. Work was a breeze of fresh air for Ace. A way to connect and be in constant proximity with his interest while also not being too demanding. And let's not forget the discount, a blessing for not only him but also to his members, providing a comfortable cushion for the otherwise rigid budget spent on instruments and tech. Surprisingly, the pay was good and for some reasons the tips he received were even greater. It was a given that he was attractive, even if he never considered himself that way, but Ace preferred to believe that his sales skills were the cause rather than suspecting his appearance.  
With the relief that work had brought on the sensitive body of Ace, late afternoon had managed to come by and announce the end of his shift. As such, he bid farewell to his coworkers and headed to the studio, his feet's dragging along the sidewalk with the nearing of his demanding reality. He sighed, sliding his hands in his pocket, thinking how positive he had to be for the infinite time in front of his band. It was so so fucking exhausting. If not for his believing in his skills and worth, along with his member's, he would've screwed the whole thing a long time ago. Most probably spiraling in the unknown reality that would've welcomed him like a cold shower. Hanging in there was hard. But giving up and trying to pick things up again after some time, with the past possibly repeating itself like chains pulling you down, seemed even harder. Scarier in fact. 
Therefore Ace readjusted the guitar case on his back, feeling it heavier than usual as it was the reminder of his journey, clenched his jaw and instead thought ahead for which way to uplift his friend's mood. 
The studio in which they regularly performed was situated upstairs with the first floor being for dancing, giving off a cool air with its black walls while also looking quite elegant with leather couches in the lobby. Ace arrived with a yawn that quickly got replaced by his customer service smile upon greeting the manager and a slight bow once learning that the price had been paid and the others were already inside. 
However, the true colors that etched at his heart quickly clawed their way to his face once his back had been turned to the lobby's counter. And it was with a scowl that Ace led his feet amidst the corridor, recognizing each door with the inhabitant it housed as a potential threat before stopping in front of one. The only threat behind it being himself. At least once he had stepped in. And his members also. If we forget the other bands and the industry, the greatest obstacle an artist could face was inevitably themselves. 
With those last thought echoing in his mind like a warning to give his all for the upcoming three hours, Ace's lungs found themselves rising before emptying themselves of all the inhaled air and consequently providing a counterfeit comfort to his nerves, before a firm hand opened the door to allowed the muffled voices and instrument symphony to pass through the forged smile that stretched Ace’s lips. 
There it was again.
The subtle stolen glances of worries. The averting gazes when confronted by eye contact. The pretending to appear busy by fiddling with the instrument. The compassionate smiles.
Ace did not ask for any of it. And because their concern was genuine, he turned a blind eye to it all as there were more pressing issues at hand than nitpicking his bandmate's expressions. 
With his positive facial features, he closed the door behind him and let a greeting that had been polished for such situations slide from his dry throat. “Hi, it's good to see you guys are always so early!”
“And you're right on time,” the bass member Marco pointed out nonchalantly. 
The drummer Yamato, who until now sat on his chair, rose with a smile. “To be honest, I was starting to wonder where you were, but now that you're here I'm relieved.”    
“Sorry, got a busy day at work,” Ace laughed through his lie, depositing his instrument case agaisn't the wall to take out the guitar. 
Truth be told, it was quite rare for Ace to arrive remotely at the appointed time, but with the rough evening he's had with you, let's just say that things had hit harder than usual. His feelings. His tears. His anger. His frustration. His increased alcohol intake. His black out. No wonder coming here almost felt like a chore, especially when he was aware that you knew the band's practice schedule. 
“Is your girlfriend not coming over tonight?” The pianist Izo asked, his serious expression piercing through Ace's mask.
His smile twitched at it's corner, but by placing the guitar around his body and keeping his gaze on the strings while tuning them, it was enough to appear unbothered despite the complex hurricane that bit his insides. “I don't know, she didn't tell me anything.” His heartbeat raced in anxiety by placing the blame on your silence.
After making sure that the guitar had been plugged in the amplifier, Marco went on to change the mood that started to appear like a morning fog. “Alright then, since we're all here let's get started.” 
“Let's play loud enough for everyone outside to hear,” Yamato cheered.
“You're overestimating the sound proofness of these walls,” Izo pointed out with arched eyebrows.
“Who cares, we have to be able to make our music reach the people standing at the far end of the audience after all,” Ace grinned, taking his usual position in the center, turning his neck with a nod to give Yamato the signal.
Three drumstick click traveled through the room, before the harmony of different instruments went on to echo through the walls. Ace, who despite all things considered had been waiting for this moment allowed his voice to be carried by the melodic notes. His sense of loss and failure, mixed with the complications of relationships seeped through his pore by his every breath. Record companies be damned. Auditions be damned. And fuck romance for being so damn difficult. So damn demanding. 
Even if he loved you.
In that single moment all that mattered was the polishing of their skills. Until the exhilaration of the practice came to an end, the heated up muscles relaxed, puffed breaths came to be heard and the intensity that once seized the room came to be blown away by the silence of instruments. Their time was up.  
“Good job y'all, tonight was a good one!” Ace praised in between breaths, turning to face his band with a proud smile now that his passion has been fueled. Looking at them and the sweat that dripped from their skin was enough to remind him of his faith in them, as well as how he could keep on doing this vice cycle over and over again. 
If he wasn't broken, he could keep going. If his fingers still moved, he could keep playing. If his voice wasn't gone, he could keep signing. If his heart was still ablaze, he could keep the band living. 
With everyone busying themselves with packing up, Marco took that opportunity to slide himself beside Ace. “You probably shouldn't tag along with us after this. Go and get some rest,” he hushed in a whisper.
Offended by the words, Ace's lips thinned in a line, “what makes you say that?”
“Just some concern for our leader, you know,” he placed a hand on Ace's shoulder, squeezing it in compassion. “I'll handle stuff here so get some rest at home, okay?”   
Deep down, granting himself a distraction through the evening merry of eating and drinking with his friends was what Ace desired the most. It would in turn cloud his return home, with an unfocused mind that would cease to think of the difficult stuff and lull him to sleep proficiently. But going home sober meant facing a reality he had yet to swallow. A reality that had been postponed by his hangover. And with his mind finally free from the haze, he would undoubtedly think of you. Of the vile speech he gave you all while standing in the cold night veil of his apartment. Alone. Clear headed. In silence. More than anything, he dreaded the direction his thoughts would take towards himself in the solitary confinement of his head.
“What are you guys whispering about,” Yamato asked with furrowed eyebrows. The drums belonged to the studio, meaning that he only had his sticks to pack. 
Bending to pick up his guitar case before putting it on his back, brushing away the hand simultaneously, Ace gave an innocent smile. “It's nothing,” he spared no look towards Marco, knowing full well he failed to answer his question. 
“Then let's go eat already,” Yamato chirped, wrapping an arm around Ace's shoulders.
“About that,” Marco began, forcing both to look in his direction, along with Izo who had just finished packing his piano and turned to join the conversation, “Ace won't be able to join us tonight. He's quite tired you see.”
The nonchalant attitude almost made Ace burst out in anger. But his mind knew that the words were spoken out of worry for him, and therefore used that knowledge to lock in the emotions alongside the thousands of others ones who had met the same fate, preventing them from seeing the light. Instead, his lips pursed in a weary way while he nodded.   
“Is that so. Then get some rest,” Yamato voiced with a nod accompanied by an encouraging smile and a fist bump on Ace's shoulder.
“Get home safe,” Izo added in turn.
The words forced to come out of his throat with an unsuspicious tone while anxiety dreaded in the pit of his stomach unnerved Ace. “Yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow.” He forced a smile to crack on his features before silently following the group outside and parting ways with a wave of hands.  
As his body neared home, every muscle dragging Ace in an aching manner made him aware of the truth. He was physically tired. Thankfully that wasn't a lie. But that didn't guarantee that the exhaustion would travel to his brain and shift him to sleep like alcohol would. Once the habit was settled, there was no getting out of it quick and easy. As such, with the brisk night air pricking his skin, his thoughts, while reenacting the events of practice, made Ace take a mental note to pick up more of the bittersweet substance after dropping off his guitar at home. The last memories of your times together were still too fresh for him to analyze them radically. 
Having finally reached the floor of his apartment, Ace momentarily froze.
He considered turning back. Pretending he saw nothing. Maybe even crash at one of his brother's place under the excuse that it has been a while since they met. Even crazier, go back to the orphanage in which he grew. Anywhere. Anywhere would do.
But he had spent too long considering his options because your eyes turned to fix him with a blank look. Running away now would only add oil to the fire. However his heart could not permit him to fumble twice in less than 24 hours. But it was far too soon for you to show up. Far too soon for the shrouding feelings that swelled inside Ace to have cooled down. 
His brain hurled profanities, while his legs headed towards the door in a slower way, his face trying to remain calm as he eyed you crouching by his door. Meanwhile his mind was completely panicking. Trying to pinpoint the reason behind your presence. Almost choking him by entertaining the thought that a breakup would follow. God this was awful. A bitter taste settled in his throat while time stretched into eternity. 
As the distance closed, Ace watched you stand up, your body language bare from any sort of emotions when his feet stopped inches away from you. The fire of yesterday shouldn't have extinguished in you yet. Maybe you were here to pick a fight in turn. What a poor consolation these reflections were. He remained silent, unsure of the correct approach to take and hoped you would voice your reason for being here. 
“You're back early today. Did you skip the after practice hangout?” You asked with genuine curiosity. 
Ace couldn't bring himself to meet your eyes. “Yeah well, things happen.” He shrugged. Frankly it annoyed him — that you were making small talk after deciding to show up unprompted and how he wasn't ready to deal with you just yet. He had never expected you to come for him when it should have been the other way around and now he wished you'd get to the point before his temper got the best of him again. 
“Is it okay for me to come inside?” You pointed a finger towards the door.
“Of course,” Ace brought out the keys from his pocket, tinkering them inside the lock. Best have a talk inside than out for the whole world to hear. Plus with you inside, it would overwrite the self isolating scenario that would've happened otherwise. 
An increase of heartbeat found itself ringing in Ace's chest. While he deposited the keys. While he put down his guitar. While he ran a hand through his hair. While he sat down on the couch. While he watched you stubbornly stand across the room, refusing to sit. Everything made him and his poor heart uneasy. Terrified. Palms sweating. Eyes unable to do nothing but fixate on the ground.  
The reality was that he should have given you an apology the moment he saw you. Begged for forgiveness even. It might have been enough to salvage the situation. It might have prevented this thick tension from staining the air of his home. And because he hadn't spared you a single thought throughout the day, he wasn't ready. Now with his skin growing hot with the passage of time, he sat awaiting for your judgment to come.
“What's wrong?” Your words, softly spoken, carried over while you eyed Ace.
“What?” His eyebrows furrowed, and finally after getting inside he looked at you. 
“I'm asking you what's wrong,” you began. But as the confusion remained you further added, “you were right to say that I can't understand all you're dealing with since I'm no artist. But I think there's more here than simple frustration over a rejection. Speak to me not as a musician but as a person.”
Ace parted his lips as if to say something, but quickly shut them. It felt too anticlimactic. And he wasn't going to jump on the opportunity to make amends without addressing the elephant in the room. “Do you have nothing to say about yesterday?” His gaze found the floor again in guilt.
You sighed. “Not particularly. I just came at the wrong time,” you admitted. Truth be told, your entire being had grown soft towards Ace, almost like a sponge that would absorb all of his ugly and release it through your personal methods for the sake of your sanity. You loved him enough to make a sacrifice. The tears. The pain. The misery. All were temporary. But the happiness. The laughter. The warmth. It was enough to overwrite the bad and fuel your down bad passion for this man. Even while being aware that the whole thing felt like the thorns of a rose.
“Don't give me that crap,” Ace raised his tone in annoyance. “I owe you an apology,” he mumbled sourly, clenching his now intertwined fingers, unable to face you still.
“And you think you can give one in this state?” You asked with an arched eyebrow. 
God did Ace hate being sober.
“But if you want to talk about yesterday then fine. Why did you say those words to me? Why did you push me away? Why did you treat me that way?!” Your voice grew in melancholy with each sentence bringing back the ache of another day.
Ace racked his hair once more with a hand, according occasional glances at you. Your tone ripped at his heart even though he was the one that brought forth the conversation. “Because I was drunk,” he whispered in shame, cheeks reddening in self awareness.
“What?” You scoffed, baffled.
“Because I was drunk okay!” he raised his voice along accusatory eyes in your direction at the sound of your bewilderment before regretting it through a sigh. “Look I'm sorry.” He said in a softer tone.  
You crossed your arms, “that's just your excuse!”
“Then what do you want me to say?!” Ace's voice threatened to reach the roof. To him, this was his reason. His truth. And to see you blatantly deny it proved quite painful. Almost unfair.
“Alcohol is a bridge between your pent up emotions and your mind. So I want you to be honest with me,” you paced the room, closing the distance that fermented the argument.
With you standing so close, Ace found his sight robbed of the ground and instead directed an annoyed look to your face. “What the fuck are you talking about?!” Truly he had no idea. All he wished was for you to accept his apology and move on. But now that you were the one who ambushed him, holding the reins of the conversation it made the struggle quite difficult. It unsettled his mind, leaving him feeling vulnerable. Being sober didn't help either.
“I'll ask you again. What's wrong?” One of your hands, ignoring his temper, slowly went on to stroke Ace's cheek, exchanging warmth as a reminder of the affection that existed between you two, before parting ways while your eyes egged him to answer. Yesterday had made you realize how deep Ace had fallen. How far gone he was. How unaware he remained. Therefore you weren't about to allow him to slip further without trying to catch him. Even if it meant drowning with him. 
Blaming him would be too cruel.
Blaming the alcohol would be too immature.  
Ace took in a deep breath, having calmed down at your touch. “I don't know. I can't understand what is happening to me,” his lips trembled, “so how can I explain it to you when I can't rationalize it for myself,” his voice cracked while his nose sniffled. The burning sensation that scratched at his eyes mixed with the prickle of his throat made Ace take notice of his first words of truth. How he had laid bare a reality he ignored for far too long. Rather than making him feel relieved however, it made his muscles tense, his heart palpitate in an uneasy fashion and his mind to grow apprehensive towards the future. A part of him wanted to blame you for bringing forth this side of him. However, his thoughts were far too agitated to fight back against your ruling of the conversation.     
“That's okay,” you wrapped your arms around his neck in an embrace, pulling him close until his head nestled in your stomach while he remained sitting. “That's all I wanted to hear. You did well telling me that,” your hand stroked his hair in an affectionate way, “let's figure things out together from now on, okay?” 
Ace nodded while raising his arm to circle you in turn. “I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry,” he whimpered.
“I forgive you.” 
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coolpointsetta · 1 year
the moment roy knew he was going to marry jamie wasn’t the typical, romantic moment one might expect. it wasn’t in the kitchen, slow dancing on a lazy sunday and it wasn’t watching him play princesses and dragons with phoebe.
now, make no mistake, these can definitely be moments roy knew he picked the right person, knew that he loved jamie more than anything in the world, but the moment he knew he was going to marry him was different.
roy’s body has started naturally waking him up at 3:30 in the morning. years and years of training have taken away his ability to sleep in. but he’s used to it, it’s fine. he adjusts to go to bed earlier to get the necessary amount of sleep and doesn’t think twice about it.
jamie thinks twice about it many times; he has never, ever been a fan of it. he is not a morning person, that has been very clear from the moment they started this shit.
not the relationship shit, because that’s very lovely, but the extra workout shit. jamie will kick and scream and throw a temper tantrum until roy gives him a look and a firm order to kick his ass in gear, to which jamie will suddenly act like he has never complained about anything in his life. roy will look to the sky and curse the deity responsible for pairing him and jamie together, intertwining their souls. (and then he says thank you, a thousand times over)
the routine is always the same: the alarm goes off (roy is usually awake a few minutes before anyway), roy jumps out of bed to eat his prepared breakfast while jamie holds onto the last few minutes of sleep he can steal before roy is flicking his forehead to wake him the fuck up. jamie complains, roy tells him what they’re working on today, jamie gets the fuck up.
rinse and repeat, day in and day out.
but one day. the alarm goes off, and it’s not roy’s hand that reaches over the press the off button.
“come on, old man! rise and fuckin’ shine!” jamie is yelling, jumping around and punching the fucking air like he’s a boxer. roy looks up at him, utterly bewildered and confused, and jamie just keeps doing his thing.
“what are you doing?” roy demands, voice thick with sleep. he blinks once, twice just to make sure he’s not dreaming. he punches himself for good measure, too.
but jamie remains. fully dressed up and ready to go as if he’s been up for hours.
“we’re losing precious time, royo! up and at ‘em!” jamie hounds him again, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips before he’s practically throwing himself down the stairs to eat breakfast.
roy doesn’t know what to say. he doesn’t know what to think.
roy does know how he feels and that is that he is completely, totally in love with jamie. and he wants to spend the rest of his life with the young idiot, even if jamie does nothing but raise his blood pressure and turn his hair gray.
roy sighs, pulling himself out of bed when he hears jamie singing one of the damn barbie movie songs as he prepares breakfast.
yup. not only is roy totally in love with this fool and wants to spend forever with him, but he’s going to put a ring on that finger and make damn sure it happens.
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wingedshadowfan · 10 months
the 'breaking expensive glassware' scene in ninth house is so important for darlington's character (it's essentially an extension of 'the moths' scene)
first of all. he's a man of knowledge and preparedness. he believes he knows all there is to know and that makes him prepared for it. alex easily challenges that belief, breaks his rules.
“It wasn’t the ritual.” “Was it the blood?” “No. One of them grabbed me. You didn’t say that was going to happen. I—” Darlington couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You’re saying one of them touched you?” “More than one. I—” “That isn’t possible. I mean …” He set down his wine, ran his hands through his hair. “Rarely. So rarely. Sometimes in the presence of blood or if the spirit is particularly moved. That’s why true hauntings are so rare.” Her voice was hard, distant. “It’s possible.” Maybe. Unless she was lying.
his very obvious disbelief and distrust toward her is understandable - not only is what she's saying so incredibly unlikely, but he's also read her file. he has some surface level knowledge of her life and the state she was in when sandow recruited her. she's an uneducated, untrained, unprepared, a juvenile, an addict with no prospects (he never stops to consider how she got to that point, deems it irrelevant) who somehow wound up the only survivor at a murder scene. what incentive does he have to trust her?
His Dante, the girl he would gift with the keys to a secret world, was a criminal, a drug user, a dropout who cared about none of the things he did.
she was fortunate enough to be born with what he considers a gift - the ability to see grays - something lethe took notice of and rewarded generously. that's the only reason she's here. she has no other redeeming qualities to him, unlike each of the thousands of lethe house candidates he was supposed to review and pick from, that opportunity, that honor ripped away from him. this would've never happened, if not for her.
“You need to be ready next time. You weren’t prepared—” “And whose fault is that?” Darlington sat up straighter. “I beg your pardon? I gave you two weeks to get up to speed. I sent you specific passages to read to keep it manageable.”
she doesn't mean him in particular, but he predictably misunderstands (and i'll explain why). he's confident he did the right thing, that he did enough. he readily gave her what was most dear to him in a silver platter - his knowledge, the key to this world of mystery. partially he did it for lethe, partially he did it because he felt for her (referencing he moth scene here). he doesn't take lightly to being accused of being wrong, of having done the wrong thing. especially by a seemingly ungrateful newcomer throwing a temper tantrum after fucking up and possibly even lying about why.
“And what about all of the years before that?” Alex stood and shoved her chair back. She paced into the breakfast room, her black hair reflecting the lamplight, energy sparking off her. The house gave a warning groan. She wasn’t sad or ashamed or worried. She was mad. “Where were you?” she demanded. “All you wise men of Lethe with your spells and your chalk and your books? Where were you when the dead were following me home? When they were barging into my classrooms? My bedroom? My damn bathtub? Sandow said you had been tracking me for years, since I was a kid. One of you couldn’t have told me how to get rid of them? That all it would take was a few magic words to send them away?”
“They’re harmless. It’s only the rituals that—”
Alex grabbed Darlington’s glass and threw it hard against the wall, sending glass and red wine flying. “They are not harmless. You talk as if you know, like you’re some kind of expert.” She struck her hands against the table, leaning toward him. “You have no idea what they can do.”
“Are you done or would you like another glass to break?”
his distrust also very reasonably drives her mad. she's sick of not being believed, not being trusted her whole life - even here at lethe, where magic is a widely accepted fact, people like him, who've never had to live a day in her life, with her ability, still think they know better. she's supposed to be safe, understood, helped here. she isn't. she's only being used for lethe's agenda. and darlington? he perpetuates that fact. he's her mentor, for fuck's sake. she'd barely began to trust him when he showed her magic, when he taught her to protect herself. she must've misjudged him. he did all that for lethe, not for her, just like how he covered up the almost butchered ritual from scroll and key.
“Why didn’t you help me?” said Alex, her voice nearly a growl.
“I did. You were about to be buried under a sea of Grays, if you recall.”
“Not you.” Alex waved her arm, indicating the house. “Sandow. Lethe. Someone.” She covered her face with her hands. “Take courage. No one is immortal. Do you know what it would have meant to me to know those words when I was a kid? It would have taken so little to change everything. But no one bothered. Not until I could be useful to you.”
this is why he misunderstands. she doesn't challenge him directly, she attacks lethe, but he's taken it upon himself to assert lethe's authority, to protect its credibility and integrity from such accusations. he's embodied lethe. it's a part of who he is now. he considers himself an extension of it, its golden boy, its gentleman. so this criticism, he takes personally. but it's not about him.
Darlington did not like to think he had behaved badly. He did not like to think that Lethe had behaved badly. We are the shepherds. And yet they’d left Alex to face the wolves. She was right. They hadn’t cared. She’d been someone for Lethe to study and observe from afar.
He’d told himself he was giving her a chance, being fair to this girl who had washed up on his shore. But he’d let himself think of her as someone who had made all of the wrong choices and stumbled down the wrong path. It hadn’t occurred to him that she was being chased.
he's not a fool. he pieces it all together. he realizes she's right, she isn't lying. his blind trust in lethe prevented him from seeing it all before. her records start making sense. her anger now and her fear earlier start making sense. but that doesn't mean he's equipped to help her, to comfort her, to deal with the weight of what it all means. i imagine her sudden depth and pain must've scared him. he was raised by his grandpa who thought the solution to everything was alcohol, ice and manners. only thing darlington seems to have added to that list is breaking things. and alex seems to already be well versed in that.
After a long moment, he said, “Would it help to break something else?” She was breathing hard. “Maybe.” Darlington rose and opened a cupboard, then another, and another, revealing shelf after shelf of Lenox, Waterford, Limoges—glassware, plates, pitchers, platters, butter dishes, gravy boats, thousands of dollars’ worth of crystal and china. He took down a glass, filled it with wine, and handed it to Alex. “Where would you like to start?”
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thegreatwicked · 1 year
After the Storm: Part Two
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After the Storm
Summary: An emergency crash landing on an isolated island on an alien planet leaves Hux, and a rebel spy stranded and trying to reach an emergency beacon before the local flora and fauna kill them. Hux/OFC.  
Is it really fanfiction without a sex pollen story? No! Of course not! You’re not here for intense character development or an intricate plot! This is a slightly unconventional sex pollen story so enjoy because we all know you’re here for smut and I will supply so here it is! Don’t ask me what Hux and a rebel spy are doing on a shuttle, I don’t know and I don’t care I’m just here for smut. He just is. If Disney doesn’t have to justify their shitty fanfiction then neither do I. If you’ve ever seen Six Days Seven Nights that’s what I’m loosely basing this off of. This is a fun little sexy story that exists in the world of the story I am currently writing that explains my OC, Sola Vex a little better. If you’d like to read it, it's called Armitage and it’ll be on my profile and my Tumblr, keep an eye out for it as I will be posting it very soon, it’s a long one!
Part Two
Hux woke up to find Sola already up and moving, a rare occurrence considering her non-morning person nature. She was in the midst of getting dressed pulling on her boots. He hurried to catch up, his stomach too twisted to bother with breakfast, his mind consumed with how he was going to explain himself. As he finally found the courage to ask Sola about her sleep, her response—using the dreaded word "fine"—revealed that all was not well. He inwardly groaned, knowing that the chasm between them had only deepened. However, before he could even broach the subject of the previous day, Sola already had her mask on and had shut down any attempt at conversation.
Hux was determined though, that maybe a conversation while they hiked might prove more productive. His gait returned to its usual rhythm, but Sola's pace remained swift and purposeful, surpassing him with little regard. He called out her name multiple times, but her responses were limited to grunts or curt replies, mirroring the distance Hux had established the previous day. The day wore on and his attempts to bring a resolution to their situation saw little acknowledgment, and by mid-afternoon Hux reached his breaking point. He refused to be a man who chased after a woman to an absurd degree, even if he was in the wrong. Even if he wanted to chase her.
Enough. This was enough. He swiftly closed the distance, his hand clapped her shoulder and gave it a decisive twist to make her face him. A surge of irritation coursed through him, he was poised to resolve this standoff immediately. The commanding sound of his voice cut through the jungle, full of urgency and frustration. He was done with this little temper tantrum she was throwing.
This silent stalemate could no longer persist; he was determined to confront the truth and mend what he had damaged. The air around Hux and Sola crackled with tension as his voice reverberated through the dense foliage with the confidence of a man who had commanded many. He didn’t command Sola though, he just needed her to hear him. The vibrant greens of the jungle seem to fade into the background, their colors washed out and overshadowed by the intensity of the emotions on display.
She was only caught off guard by his outburst for a second before she responded with a sharp, "What?" 
"We need to talk, and it can't wait any longer."
His voice grew softer but still held an authoritative edge, he didn’t want to yell, didn’t want to sound like he was ordering her around.
"Well, that's unfortunate. I'm not exactly in the mood for conversation." She threw off his hand and turned away eager to return the distance between them. Oh, no she didn’t. Hux reached out once more, his grasp gentle yet unshakable, halting her departure.
“I'm not asking you if we can speak, I'm telling you we will!"
Sola faced with her hands on her hips, a challenge threatening to immolate him burning in her angry gaze. "Is that so, General?" Her emphasis on his former rank was bitter and meant to twist him like a knife in a wound. "What could you possibly have to say now that’s so damned important?” 
Trapped in a maelstrom of guilt and frustration, Hux couldn't ignore the profound anguish he'd inflicted on Sola, he had to face the storm. Their conversation, inflamed by wounded emotions and hurt pride, rapidly devolved into a tumultuous shouting match. Each of his attempts to clarify his actions, to convey the reasoning behind his behavior, was met with Sola's relentless interruptions—her words stinging, laden with blame. It appeared that his hope for a diplomatic resolution had crumbled.
"I know why. It's because you're a pretentious, self-absorbed ass who is more interested in his own survival than anyone else."
Taken aback, Hux felt her words pierce through his defenses, and for a moment he was truly speechless. Then came the anger, he couldn’t stop it. Memories of every time he couldn’t defend himself against those who held power over him came rushing up and spilled forth. In a split second of madness, he angrily ripped off his mask, and he roared back, his voice raw with emotion, 
"I care more about you than I've ever cared about myself!” 
As he continued his outburst, it was met by Sola screaming at him to put his mask back on, calling him an idiot, demanding to know what he was doing, but he didn’t hear her words. 
“I can't stand that you're angry with me, even if I deserve it! I don't want you ignoring me or trying to leave me in the dust of this accursed jungle. I want you to talk to me, hear me! I don't want you sleeping on the other side of the kriffing tent; I want you sleeping with me! If you need to punish me for yesterday, then do it! Hit me until your arms grow weak, but just hear me and let me apologize!"
His outburst hung in the air, a mix of frustration, anger, and a longing for understanding and the jungle was silent once more. Sola stood there, her mouth agape, unable to form a coherent response. The silence that settled between them, the intensity of their argument gave way to a fragile calm. It seemed he had finally reached her, his word shaving surprised even himself. However, he didn’t have long to process his ill-timed confession, when his expression suddenly fell, his face draining of color and his eyes widening in unmistakable terror. Her heart quickened, and a chill ran down her spine, instinctively telling her that something dangerous lurked behind her.
With a slow, cautious turn of her head, Sola's eyes widened at the sight that unfolded before her. Rising from the foliage like a coiled serpent, the I Vino Posy revealed itself in all its menacing glory. Its petals, large and vibrant, resemble the scaled skin of a venomous snake, while the spines protruding from its center mimic wicked fangs.
The plant's stem, adorned with fine hairs, quivered with an eerie sentience, attuned to the slightest movements and vibrations. It had no eyes but it seemed to see them, it seemed to watch them with a predatory intent, as if ready to strike at any moment. Its presence exuded danger, sending primal fear through Sola's body.
Hux slowly took hold of Sola's hands, fingers wrapping securely around her wrists. With deliberate, measured steps, he guided her away from the lurking peril, his gaze fixed on the I Vino Posy, vigilant and ready to act.
Their progress was slow, and each movement was calculated to avoid provoking the dormant beast. Sola kept her eyes locked on Hux, her trust and reliance solely placed on him. Every instinctual response kicked in and told her to run, but Hux's words cut through her thoughts. His tone was both authoritative and gentle, commanding her attention, and providing the reassurance she needed. 
"Keep your eyes on me, Sola," Hux whispered, his words barely audible. "Don't look back, just focus on me."
With every step, she felt a growing weight of anticipation and uncertainty. The instinct to survey her surroundings conflicting with Hux's directive. Yet, in his voice, she heard a plea for her to trust him in this critical moment, and for all the nonsense that had occurred in the past two days, she knew if he said to listen to him then she could trust him. Sola returned her focus to Hux's face, locking eyes with him once more, counting all the shades of green deep in them, counting the subtle freckles that she had always overlooked. 
A flicker of relief passed through Hux's features as he saw Sola complying with his request. "Good girl," he murmured softly. 
Step by cautious step, Hux's voice was a constant easement, constantly urging her to keep her focus on him, to trust in him. The dangers of the jungle retreated to the periphery of their consciousness. With each step, the terrain beneath them became increasingly treacherous, the dense foliage and tangled roots posing constant obstacles, obstacles that Hux seemed to anticipate with each well-placed step as though he was somehow aware of everything around them. Maybe he was.
They both froze in place as a deafening snap shattered their silent retreat. It echoed through the dense jungle as loud as an explosion. Before Sola could process the source, Hux's instincts and training kicked into overdrive, and all pretenses of stealth were abandoned.
They broke into a dead run.
The I Vino Posy sprung into action, unleashing its deadly arsenal. Small, thorny, dart-like barbs shot through the air, aimed at Hux and Sola like venomous projectiles. Whizzing dangerously close to their bodies. Sola's heart skipped a beat as one of the lethal projectiles grazed past her head with a hair's breadth of distance, its presence leaving a chilling sensation in its wake. The sounds of their frantic footsteps mingled with the rustling of leaves and the snapping of vines. The once-peaceful vegetation around them came to life with a vengeance.
Vicious tendrils lashed out from neighboring plants, their thorns sharp and unforgiving, aiming to ensnare Hux and Sola in their deadly embrace. Branches whipped through the air, seeking to trip them up, while grasping roots emerged from the earth, eager to entangle their legs.
Hux's mind raced, searching for a path to safety amid the chaos. He maneuvered with agile precision, his every move calculated to avoid the onslaught of nature's wrath. With Sola's hand still firmly in his grasp, he led her through the treacherous maze of foliage, their only goal to outrun the pursuing threats.
As they pressed on, the cacophony of the awakened jungle intensified. Shrill cries of unseen plants reverberated through the air; like wild animals or predatory beasts, joined the chorus of their frantic escape. Hux and Sola were but fleeting figures amidst the unforgiving wilderness, their survival teetering on a razor's edge with no room for any margin of error.
Their labored breathing filled the air, intermingling with the symphony of death that followed them. The entire environment seemed to conspire against them, with heat and an unyielding density that made every step a struggle.
Higher ground became their singular goal, the promise of a temporary respite from the relentless pursuit of the deadly jungle. As plant life grew sparse the ground became harder and larger rocks replaced the lush undergrowth, it finally came into view. The rocky terrain unfolded before them, and their eyes were drawn to a steep embankment, their only hope for safety. With a surge of determination, they raced up the rugged slope, the adrenaline pumping through their veins.
Every step upward was an arduous battle against gravity, the steep terrain demanding more from them than they could give. Every muscle strained against them, their hands clawing at the loose soil and jagged rocks for purchase. With survival-fueled desperation, Hux pushed Sola forward up the embankment, putting her before him.
But their momentary relief was shattered as Hux's agonized scream pierced the air. 
There, lurking at the base of the embankment, was the Pal Vents Fury—the one plant they had managed to evade until now. Its presence was menacing, resembling a monstrous hybrid of a Venus flytrap and a ravenous creature. The barbed whips of the plant had ensnared Hux, wrapping tightly around his leg, bicep, and shoulder. He struggled against the whips, desperation etched across his face as he fought to free himself.
With each flex, the whips dug deeper into Hux's flesh, causing him to cry out in excruciating pain. Blood trickled from the wounds, dripping into the ground beneath him. The Pal Vents Fury, sensing its trapped prey, began to stir, its maw-like structure opening to reveal rows of barbs resembling menacing teeth. Hux clutched at the vines in pain, trying to wrench them off but every movement on his part brought new waves of pain. The plant's deadly intention was clear—to pull him toward a slow and agonizing demise.
Sola's heart raced and her blood turned to ice in her veins, torn between her desire to save Hux and his own desperate plea for her to go. The terror in his voice and the silent plea in his eyes mirrored the unspoken fear of being left behind.
Hux's face contorted with pain, his voice raw and full of fear. 
Her hands reached for her vibroblade and pulled it from the scabbard, her fingers finding solace in its familiar grip. Fueled by rage, she lunged forward, her movements guided by a desperate sheer determination. The blade pierced the air, slashing at the thick, encroaching whips of the Pal Vents Fury. 
The barbs of the vines recoiled slightly but as they did so they dug further into Hux, he seethed with pain but seeing Sola return to his side gave him the will to keep fighting, to push past the pain. The Pal Vents Fury however trying to deter her from her mission, didn’t stop at just the barbs. The plant began emitting a low, rumbling noise reminiscent of a frog or toad's croak, and its body convulsed as if preparing for something. Before Sola could fully comprehend the situation, the plant erupted, projecting a viscous, ichor-like substance in her direction. It splattered on the ground near her feet, and while most of it missed her, a portion of the corrosive material landed on her mask. A pungent and toxic odor filled her nostrils as the scent of melting plastic assaulted her senses. She couldn't help but cough, and a searing sensation on her neck forced her to momentarily pause her frantic assault. The corrosive ichor had inflicted significant damage to her mask, gradually eating away at the life-supporting device that had shielded her.
She flung the damaged mask to the ground, now left with no means of protecting her face from the jungle's perils. Unable to know if the plant could replicate the attack again right away it pushed her forward in her attack. Through pure stubbornness and unwavering resolve, Sola's relentless assault paid off. Each thrust of the blade was met with a hiss from the plant, ignoring the pain, she persisted, hacking away with relentless force.
With each successful strike, the whip’s hold weakened, and the plant reluctantly conceded that the struggle for this meal wasn’t worth the risk. They began to recoil in pain and defeat, their barbs retracting in a show of reluctant surrender against the superior force. Hux collapsed to the ground, gasping for air and clutching his wounds. 
Not satisfied with their victory over the hostile plant, Sola reached for the blaster that had been on Hux’s belt and fired at the plant in anger, listening to its shrill cries as it burned and suffered the agonizing fate it had intended for Hux. The once vibrant and formidable plant curled in on itself, shriveling as the blaster fire scorched it from the inside out, it produced the smell of burning mulch and its shrill shrieking grew weaker until all that was heard was the sound of sizzling.
Pulling his arm over her shoulder, the sounds of the plant's torment faded into the background. She strained under his weight, summoning every ounce of strength within her. Together, they began their arduous ascent up the embankment, each step a painful reminder of their recent ordeal.
As they reached the top of the embankment, their eyes caught sight of an opening that resembled a cave— that offered a semblance of shelter. Her body trembling with exhaustion and relief. Finally, they collapsed onto the rocky floor, their bodies craving respite from the physical and emotional strain.
Inside the cave, the air was cool and still, providing a momentary sanctuary from the perilous jungle outside. Sola's breaths came in ragged gasps. Hux too had collapsed and he lay a few feet away from her, she reached out for him, but her arm was so heavy that she couldn’t quite reach him. The scent of dirt and dampness filled the air, and as the adrenaline faded from her body, Sola couldn’t hold out against the pull of unconsciousness and the world around her went soft, her eyes grew weak and a weightlessness set in as she too lost consciousness. 
Hux’s eyes opened and all he knew was pain. His attempt to push himself up, resulted in his injured arm giving way, sending him crashing back down to the ground. His lungs clawed for air as any additional movement only resulted in excruciating agony. His breaths came in short, labored gasps, and it felt as though his lungs were going to collapse in on him.
His chest constricted with each attempt to regulate his breathing, with immense effort, he managed to roll onto his side, his muscles protesting every order given to them. From there, he maneuvered himself onto his back. Blood seeped from his shoulder, arm, and his leg. 
If it was as bad as it felt he struggled to find a way to pull himself up and out of this. But memories of beatings and the pain of being kicked with steel-toe boots rose to the forefront of his mind; he’d survived those. The sizzling burn of the blaster that nearly killed him, he’d survived that. The tumultuous crash of the shuttle, if he’d survived all of that he could certainly survive this too. With some renewed determination to not let the thing that killed him be… a plant, he forced himself up and away from the pull of unconsciousness. 
Taking stock of his surroundings his heart sank. Sola lay motionless, her arm extended towards him as though she had tried to reach him. Concern flooded his thoughts, but he knew he couldn’t help her until he assessed his own condition.
The surviving pack was within reach, and his trembling hands extracted the emergency medical kit. Its contents were minimal and not meant for injuries of this nature. A survival tool, vibrobalde, bacta patches, sedatives, bandages, antiseptic, and a dose of some type of pain medication. He didn’t know exactly what it was but knew what he was about to do would be excruciating, he wasted no time and jabbed the syringe into his leg.
Positioning himself against a cave wall he reached into his pocket and pulled out a single leather glove. The blood had dried, adhering his shirt to his skin and peeling it away producing fresh waves of pain that made his stomach lurch.
He was a mess. Lacerations on his left bicep and shoulder were fairly deep and jagged. He set his jaw and bit down on the leather glove, inhaling deeply several times in an attempt to steady his nerves before he began. 
His hand was still shaking as he used the pliers on the survival tool to grasp at one of the barbs sticking out of his arm. He whimpered slightly and he trembled as he counted to three in his head, when he reached three, he pulled. All sound went away, replaced by the unsettling ringing of tinnitus, and fresh crippling shockwaves of pain coursed through his body and he cried out into the glove clenched between his teeth. 
One down. 
With a methodical precision, he repeated the process over a dozen times, extracting barbs from his bicep, shoulder, and leg until his knuckles were white. His body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and his jaw ached from biting down. The survival tool fell from his grip, clattering on the ground, its task completed and he spat out the glove taking in lungfuls of air trying to force his body into a state of disassociation. His nerves were crying out for something to ease the pain and he fought slipping back into unconsciousness. 
The soothing relief provided by the bacta patches washed over him like gentle waves. Its adhesive would seal the wounds and protect them as its cooling gel began to assist in the healing process. Throughout the process, Hux glanced at Sola, his concern for her well-being gnawing at him. He shifted putting his back to her, unable to look at her seeing the repercussions of his own actions. 
With the worst of it behind him, a new sensation began coursing through him; anger. Outright fury at the whole fucking thing. 
It raged through his veins like a magmatic river, fueled by a litany of frustrations. The storm. The crash. The heat. The lost gear. The kriffing Pal Vents Fury. The pain. All of it. Then the final thing. The cracked o-ring of his mask. The thing that started all of it. It all boiled upwards inside of him until it exploded like a reactor, unleashed in the form of a scream. 
Damn, this kriffing island.
He screamed until his lungs burned and his voice cracked. Finally spent, he had nothing else to expel. The numbing effect of the contents of the syringe began to take over and the pain finally began to fade, a sense of euphoria swept over him bringing a comforting numbness. He began to feel a bit tipsy and light-headed As silence began to take over once more his anger shifted inwards directed to himself and his failures. Every decision he’d ever made that led him to this moment. But amidst it all a realization hit him, one that surprised him. When he had stupidly removed his mask and made that confession to Sola, he hadn’t felt regret or fear. Not at all. Instead a strange sense of liberation, and a flicker of something else. Hope? He didn’t know. 
Now what?
Jolted to consciousness, Sola’s eyes snapped open to the sound of a scream, it cut through the haze of her disoriented state, bringing her back to the harsh reality of her dire situation. As her vision became clear she saw Hux leaning against the wall, his fists clenched and unclenched on nothing as though he were struggling to control his anger. His entire body was seemingly driven by a quiet rage that pulsed through him, she’d seen this before. Hux wasn’t an outwardly violent man, he didn’t shout, scream, or throw things when he was angry. Instead, his rage would turn inward and he would go silent and rigid. She’d only seen his rage unleashed once and he’d left a considerable dent in the side of an x wing. 
A wave of panic washed over Sola as she tried to make sense of the scene before her. Time seemed distorted, and she couldn’t discern how long they had been in the cave, unconscious and vulnerable. Her gaze remained fixed on Hux, his hunched form consumed by a wave of fierce anger. The depth of his breathing, like an enraged bull, resonated with the intensity of his emotions. Sola's heart clenched with a mixture of concern and fear as she watched him. His distant stare and detached demeanor were as if he was lost in a waking nightmare or trapped within the confines of his own mind. It was a side of Hux she had never seen, and the unfamiliarity filled her with a deep sense of dread.
The cave felt suffocating like she was awaiting an eruption that may come at any moment. She remained alert, her senses attuned to the slightest shift in Hux's demeanor, ready to respond, though she had no idea what she would do. 
There had been no real information available on the symptoms of the Pax Reaver, so there was no way to tell what symptoms he would be exhibiting if he had been affected. Hux had taken off his mask in the jungle, exposing himself to the unknown effects of the Pax. She couldn’t recall seeing any of the dual-natured plants themselves when they made their getaway, but the spores may have been carried through the air, potentially affecting him.
The realization that they were not out of danger was close by. She remained rooted to the spot, shunted by the two most terrifying words in existence. 
What if?
What if he had been affected by the Pax? What if he was seconds away from turning into a mindlessly violent beast? 
She stood little chance against him, even in his current condition. His military background, combat skills, and physical prowess dwarfed her own capabilities. She lacked weapons, any place to hide, and making an escape seemed near impossible. Hux would easily overpower her, and the consequences would be dire.
Her thoughts instinctively turned to survival. 
She couldn’t overpower him, she couldn’t hide, and escape wasn’t an option, she had no means of protecting herself out there any more than within the confines of the cave. 
An insane thought entered her head. 
She began to consider the possibility of a different reaction from Hux, one that the data she had read days ago hinted at—an amorous response. This triggered a shift in her thinking, opening up a new avenue of potential influence over Hux's state.
Sola contemplated her options, it couldn’t work, it was too stupid. But what other choice did she have? Waiting to die wasn’t her preference. 
Sola's mind raced, weighing the risks and possibilities. Desperation fueled her determination, leaving her with little choice but to act, even if her plan seemed reckless and fraught with uncertainty.
The prospect of the Pax taking hold of him, amplifying his aggression and rendering him a danger to himself and herself, loomed ominously in her mind. She understood that her safety and their chances of survival depended on finding a way to neutralize the threat he unwittingly posed.
Her heart pounded in her chest, she braced herself for the enormous gamble she was about to take—an attempt to influence Hux's state.
Her movements were deliberate, a slow crawl that maintained control and ensured her eye contact remained more general than direct. Hux turned and his tired and distant eyes met hers, momentarily interrupting her advance. He finally seemed to reconnect with reality and notice her close proximity. As she carefully inched closer, her movements measured, every fiber of her being was attuned to Hux's reactions, keenly aware that any sudden or threatening gesture could trigger an uncontrollable outburst.
The plan. What was the plan? 
Get to the mentoring station. Shut it down. Submit the Resistance distress frequency codes.
It was deceptively simple but that didn’t mean it was easy. He broke it down further in his head; get to the station. How? 
Think you blithering idiot. 
His mind drifted back to the academy once more, in battle everything is broken down into the simplest of steps so that even the simplest fool can obey instructions. His mind sharpened as he drew on his years of military experience switching to a tactical outlook. 
Sitting in the dimly lit cave, Hux's mind raced with a jumble of thoughts, emotions, and pain. 
Focus, Hux. Prioritize.
He clenched his jaw, trying to push through the haze of exhaustion and the adrenaline crash that threatened to overwhelm him. His military training kicked in, allowing him to compartmentalize his thoughts and analyze the situation.
Objective: Reach the monitoring station, and send out a distress signal. 
Hux repeated the words in his mind, the clarity providing a temporary respite from the chaos. He knew that rescuing Sola and himself hinged on reaching that station and alerting the Rebel forces. But there were obstacles to overcome.
First, the wounds.
He was able to at least check one item off the list. 
Second, the route. 
The absence of wildlife or enemy forces was a small relief, but he couldn’t let his guard down. They had to tread carefully, avoiding any pitfalls or treacherous terrain that could impede their progress. Neither of them had their masks anymore. A problem. His mind raced, taking into account his own injuries and Sola's limited mobility.
Third, resources. 
Hux surveyed their surroundings, the pack that had survived their mad dash through the jungle didn’t hold much; the medical kit, the data stick with the frequency codes, the survival tool, vibroblade, a few rations, a torch. What they had left was minimal, laughable really. 
The weight of anger and fear crept into Hux's thoughts, threatening to undermine his focus. 
Don't succumb to emotions. Stay sharp. 
He took a deep breath, the cool air filling his lungs, and exhaled slowly, allowing a momentary calm to wash over him.
Fatigue crashed against him like relentless waves, urging him to succumb to sleep. His eyelids grew heavy, threatening to seal shut. 
Stay awake, Hux. Don't let exhaustion consume you. 
He shook his head, attempting to clear the fog in his mind.
They needed to mobilize as soon as they could and make for the summit. Yes, that was it. Simple as that. He just needed a few minutes…
A subtle sound of movement disrupted his inner struggle, compelling him to reopen his eyes. There, before him, Sola crawled towards him with deliberate slowness and an oddly calm look on her face. She came to settle in his lap, her hands resting on his shoulders then moving up his neck. She carded a hand through his hair and his eyes fluttered at the sensation after everything they had been through in the last twenty-four hours, the gentleness of her touch was a welcome one.
Those stormy eyes locked onto him, there was an intensity in her stare that he’d never seen from her before but perhaps it was the culmination of the last few days. Just as he was about to ask what was wrong, her soft, cool fingers brushed against his lip so simplistically that it was hypnotizing. The intimacy of the gesture left tingling trails of fire across his lips that he both loved and hated yet left him craving more. Her voice, softer than usual, resonated in the stillness of the cave, uttering a reassurance. 
“It’s alright.”
Was she talking about how they both survived? Was she talking about what he’d told her in the jungle? He had no idea but the depth of her calmness silenced all thoughts that had been previously consuming his mind. The soft pads of her fingertips danced over his lips, over the hard stubble of his jaw, and delicately down his neck. His heart was beating to the cadence of an imperial march inside his chest as his eyes followed her hand. Gently caressing his wounded shoulder and arm with a silken touch that began to erase all memories of pain.
His mind was still trying to process the unexpected turn of events, not noticing how her lips had drifted closer to his until they were on his. He had expected an equally soft touch but Sola had no such plans, her kiss was firm and left no room for misinterpretation. This was a kiss to convey desire, lust, and a desperate need to touch. 
He had so many questions but the warmth of her lips was causing his mind to short-circuit like a damaged droid. His muscles tensed and twitched as though all impulses couldn’t agree on what to do. 
The lightheaded euphoria that often accompanied a kiss made everything seem so far away as his lips began to move against hers. Sola breathed a sigh of relief at his passivity and how quickly he reciprocated. She was caught off guard at how much she enjoyed the sound of his breathing, the way it hitched in his chest at first then slowly came down like he had finished running a marathon. 
His initial shock had worn off and a combination of instinct and personal preferences rose up making him a more active participant in this intimate moment. He’d ignored sexual desires for a long time and now with Sola’s warm tongue coaxing his mouth open, it was waking things in him he’d pushed down for literal years. But while he enjoyed it, he craved something more leisurely and laid back.
Hux’s desire to savor the moment was met with unexpected resistance. Sola's assertive mouth moved hungrily over his as if she was trying to rile him up and he’d be damned if it wasn’t working. Her hands splayed over his chest, gently stroking his wounds, slipping around him, mindful not to hurt him.
He felt that urge rise up in him, the one from a man who hadn’t known a woman’s touch in a very long time. The one that demanded he tear off her clothes, throw her down and sink his cock deep into her until she cried out his name. It threatened to spill over and consume him. But he didn’t want that, he wanted to savor every taste, every touch, every kiss, and every thrust. 
His attempts to guide their lips into a more sensual rhythm and establish a slower tempo were met each time with resistance, in the form of unexpected urgency from Sola. When he pulled back, she nipped at his lips, sucked on his tongue, and licked his lower lip. When he was gentle, she was aggressive. She pressed herself against him, tugged on the hair at the back of his neck, and shifted in his lap so that there was tantalizing friction between them that drew soft moans from both of them. 
A flicker of unease tugged at the back of his mind.
This isn't like Sola. What's happening?
The cloud of lust constantly threatened to derail him, tempting him to just give in to the moment and ignore what his instincts were trying to tell him. 
Wait. Is this the Pax?
The pieces of the puzzle finally fell into place within his mind, understanding dawning upon him.
The air grew charged with a mix of apprehension, desire, and guilt. He could feel her hands tugging on his unruly, messy locks. Conflicted between his rational understanding of the situation and the overwhelming sensations that were quickly engulfing him. Hux didn’t have many relationships, mostly out of his desire to remain unattached and unburdened by emotion and weakness. But he was still a man and Sola was having an effect on him each time she ground against his lap, his cock ached and strained against his trousers. 
Despite realizing Sola wasn’t in her right state of mind, he struggled to bring himself to stop her. The selfish part of his brain told him to just shut up and be grateful that she wasn’t displaying aggression; to just let her touch him. When he felt her teeth on his lower lip again, he drew in a sharp breath allowing Sola access to his mouth once more, and he groaned as she clenched his hair in between her fingers.
He could easily overpower Sola. He knew the techniques and strategies that would allow him to swiftly separate himself from her and ways to restrain her. With a surge of determination, and using considerable force he wrenched his mouth away from hers and hating himself for it. Hux gathered his strength and tried once more to speak, to reach her, breaking the spell of the moment. He looked into Sola's eyes, searching for a glimmer of recognition, hoping to reach the real Sola hidden beneath the influence of the Pax. 
“Sola, what-?” 
His words died before he had a chance to utter them completely when he felt her scrape her nails against his scalp, and her lips move down his jaw to his neck. 
Again, she cut him off. “Hux, it’s me.” It sounded like she was trying to reassure him. Her words were breathy and full of desire.
He was quickly losing the battle. 
Lust clouded his judgment, she sucked hard on his neck, leaving marks that sent primal desires through all men, quickly wearing away his frayed resolve. The sensation was almost too much for him; he sharply seized her jaw, forcing a hard kiss to her mouth. In the midst of his dying internal struggle, he realized that he was no longer just reciprocating Sola's kiss, he had taken over it. It was no longer just a brushing of lips but a growing fire of lips, tongue, and teeth. 
As his tongue swept into her mouth with a ravenous hunger, he rationalized that staying with him was the safest course of action in Sola’s condition. If he were to forcibly remove her from him and attempt to reach the station alone, she could be exposed to various dangers. The hand that gripped her jaw, threaded into her hair and pulled hard enough that her head jerked back, exposing her throat to him. Would she wander back into the treacherous depths of the jungle they had narrowly escaped? His arms locked tightly around her digging into her hips, keeping her firmly where he wanted her in his lap. Or would she relentlessly pursue him, driven by the altered state of her mind, bringing injury to both of them? He inhaled deeply and dragged his lips up her neck, tongue darting out to taste her skin.
This is the only logical way to keep her from further harm. 
Coherent thoughts continued to slip further from his grasp, like grains of sand. 
In the midst of his dying internal struggle, he realized that he was no longer just reciprocating Sola's kiss, he had taken over it. It was no longer just a brushing of lips but a growing fire of lips, tongue, and teeth. 
Her insane plan seemed to be working, his aggression had dissipated as he began to respond to her advances. 
His brief spell of hesitancy had disappeared and now sounds she never imagined she could hear from the stoic former general came tumbling past his lips in between each hungry kiss. Sounds that she would keep stored away tightly for a rainy day if she survived this.
It was a relief to see him no longer consumed by anger, but judging by the hard bulge in his trousers Sola realized quickly that she had unwittingly stepped into another precarious situation. 
Those same arms she’d slept in quickly pulled her shirt overhead and tossed it aside. It was then that Sola saw the flaw in her plan: she didn’t plan beyond her initial objective. She also hadn’t considered the consequences of her plan, those being; what if it worked? 
She didn’t know how long the Pax Reavers effects would last or if there would be any adverse reactions. She realized that what she meant to be a quick but exhaustive encounter was actually becoming much more. She’d seen the sedatives from the medical kit, they weren’t so far that she couldn’t reach them, but all thought of grabbing it began to fade, each time she tried to grab for it he redirected her hands somewhere on his body. His chest, his back, his shoulders, up into his hair, showing her exactly where he wanted to be touched and something about that forwardness was arousing. It seemed that although Hux was a quite man in most regards, the bedroom wasn’t included in that.
One of his calloused hands cradled the back of her neck and with a very suspicious finesse from his other hand saw the clasp of her bra undone, then it was gone. Her bare skin against his and just like that, Sola had forgotten about furthering any plans of regaining control of the situation, and she was fine with that. 
All internal conversations about the morality of what they were doing had completely fallen silent. The alarm bells that should have been sounding in both their minds were dormant, clouded by immediate pleasure. 
They became a tangled mess of hands pulling and clawing at one another. No longer burdened by pain with each movement, Hux surged forward pushing Sola onto her back, moving his hungry mouth down her neck, dipping his tongue into her collarbone.
There were still far too many layers between them and he struggled to focus on taking the rest of her clothes off without tearing them. If they survived what came next it would be difficult to explain why, upon rescue, Sola was naked. Unfastening her pants one-handed tested his patience, but he managed to ease it down her hips, while she worked to kick her boots off. 
A deep groan resonated within his chest when he felt the jerking sensation of Sola’s hands working to unclasp his belt brought an amused smirk to his face, he lifted his hips slightly, just enough for her to pull them down over his hips. 
Regrettably, placing more distance between them, Hux rose up to his knees and hurriedly shoved the garment down his legs. He didn’t have to mourn the loss of her touch though: his heart nearly stopped and his head lolled back when he felt her hot tongue dancing across his skin. Accompanied by the blissful sting of her nails raking from his chest down his thighs, and he found himself briefly powerless.
His eyes went dark and only a stream of syllables tumbled from his lips. He struggled to remember how to breathe as the wet heat of her mouth engulfed his cock, lips darkened and wet with saliva. He couldn’t remember the last time he'd had a woman’s lips wrapped around his length, all practical thought had ceased and all he could do was process the immense pleasure she was giving him.
His strangled moan shattered the relative silence of the cave, and his breath came in shallow bursts. The way her tongue swirled around his head, dipping into his slit and the gentle scraping of her teeth against his shaft sent jolts of ecstasy that coursed through his body. 
He shuddered, she was too good at this, it felt too good. He was struggling against the sensations that threatened to overwhelm him, knowing all too well that if he didn’t find a way to calm down, then he was done for. 
The harshness of his words tore right through her, but the way his body jerked against her touch only made Sola want him more. Her fingers wrapped around his shaft and firmly stroked him as she hollowed out her cheeks and sucked hard. Hux wasn’t a man to really swear or raise his voice, so to hear him losing control of himself in the throws of passion gave her chills and the sense of power she held over him intoxicated her. 
He couldn’t even manage her name. Each time she swallowed him a little more, his hips rocked forward bringing him closer and closer, his hands were gripping her hair; half pushing her down onto him, half trying to pull her off. The moan that reverberated in the back of her throat when he did this, nearly sent him over the edge. 
As predicted, Sola was sorely outmatched when it came to physical strength against Hux. He used his grip on her hair pulling, removing himself from her mouth, pushing her onto her back again. Frantically pulling the last of his clothes off, the sound of his boots hitting the walls punctuated the silence. He seized her hands, forcing them above her head, and there was nothing Sola could do about it. Several days without shaving had left a five o’clock shadow that was bringing a painfully delicious burn to her lips each time he kissed her. He swallowed every sound she made, his tongue rolling over hers, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth. 
He left her lips swollen and red while he licked a wet trail down her neck, flicking his tongue over her collar. His teeth nipped at her skin as he worked his way down, her breath becoming more shallow and her murmurs more needy. 
A sound that was meant to be his name came out a needy gasp when he wet his lips and wrapped them around her nipple, tongue swirling in a torturous fashion. He’d finally established the slower pace he wanted and there was nothing Sola could do to stop him. Although based on how her hips and back arched against him she wasn’t objecting. He took his time languidly tasting her, working her up into a needy mess before switching to her neglected breast and fresh whimpers began anew. 
Lost in the haze of lust, Hux was vaguely aware of someone calling his name but the words were incoherent and all he could hear was his own heart pounding in his own head. The sound became more desperate, it was only when it was nearly pleading that he managed to pull himself away from her saliva-slicked nipples to realize that she was trembling and panting his name. Her chest heaved against him and she was struggling against his grip, pleading with him to let her go, uttering the word ‘please’ again and again. 
Suddenly unsure of why he’d restrained her in the first place he let her go and his hands began a frantic exploration of her body, one gripping her hip and the other seeking out her other breast to continue his torment. He returned to tease her hard nipple, determined to pull as many sounds from Sola Vex as he possibly could. He could feel her hands in his hair again, nails raking over his scalp and down the back of his neck and it sent chills down his spine. Her heavy breathing and the occasional utterance of his name made for a sound he’d hoped that he would die before he forgot. 
“Fuck Hux!” She finally managed to string together more than two syllables when she felt his knee between her thighs. 
With a nudge of his knee, her legs parted, one wrapping around his waist pulling him closer. His hips rolled and he groaned, being close enough that he could just sink into her and chase his orgasm until he collapsed. The battle of maintaining the discipline necessary to not be such a selfish lover was monstrous but compartmentalization was valuable in any situation. Even when lying naked atop a woman who had clawed at your clothes like they’d personally offended her. 
He brought his fingers up to her mouth and she didn’t hesitate to wrap her lips around them sucking hard, enjoying the look of desire that washed over him. Her tongue licked from his knuckles to his fingertips mimicking how she’d sucked his cock. Withdrawing his fingers from her lips he watched her expression as his hand trailed down her body slipping between her legs and teasing her slit. 
He wore a grin of satisfaction, watching her mouth attempt to form words, his touch barely grazing her so close to where she wanted it. He didn’t make her suffer long, he wasn’t cruel, her eyes fluttered closed and she positively whimpered at the feel of his finger penetrating her. He shuddered. Tight. Hot. Wet. Perfect.  
For him. 
All of it was for him. The sound of Sola’s breathing mixed with gentle moans was all the encouragement he needed before he added another finger, continuing to stroke her. Her legs trembled slightly and hips back canted into his hand. 
This snapped him out of his reverie long enough for a firm jerk of his hair to pull him closer to her mouth, her tongue parted the seam of his lips with no resistance aside from a groan. 
The last tenants of guilt made a final stand for Hux’s conscience. 
“Tell me, tell me you want this.” His words were far more composed than hers and it just wasn’t fair, his heart rate was wild and he sounded like he was on the brink of madness.
This wasn’t real consent, this wasn’t what she really wanted but he was too far gone to be able to stop. His desire to hear her say it only served to alleviate his guilty conscience. 
Every inch of him ached yet he refused to move until he heard the words, his muscles ached for pleasure and his cock wept, unbearably hard. 
First, he heard a frustrated groan, and she threw her head back in exasperation. His breath on her lips was heavy and needy, she was shaking. 
She took his hand and wrapped her lips around his fingers one at a time, sucking hard, and felt him tremble against her as his body locked up. “Want you.” 
She continued to mumble back her desire for him in broken words but Hux had already heard what he needed to hear. And he offered no further words or suggestions, gripping his cock and jerking slowly for a moment catching his breath. She pulled him down for a kiss, her hips ground against his and her hands gripped his arms. Hux groaned and aligned himself with her entrance, he waited a perfectly painful moment before pushing forward. 
Worth it. 
His body pulsed and he couldn’t contain the sound he made at feeling her crush him. He shuddered at the intensity, she wrapped her legs around him and her back arched against him trying to pull him closer. Her chest heaved and her nails dug into his back. 
Hux his body shook. Years. It had been years. Every muscle was firing erratically, triggering spasms and waves of pleasure. 
“Fuck- Fuck-!” He grunted against her lips while he tried to manage his breathing. He kissed her hard enough to bruise her lips and licked his way inside her mouth far outpacing her own assertiveness from earlier. 
The realization was that this wouldn’t last long hit him and he hated himself for it, he’d wanted to make it last. He told himself he’d make it up to her later, he promised himself, if she let him, he’d have her thrashing in bed while he pulled orgasm after orgasm from her till she begged him to stop. 
She whimpered his name against his lips, almost pleadingly. He braced himself on his forearms and finally started to move, thrusts starting slow and deep. Sola released a half sob, a half gasp in relief and she clutched into him. 
“Faster, harder.” She grunted against his mouth again, it came out like a plea. “Hux,” the way she said his name there was no argument. 
He complied, increasing his pace, hips snapping forward each time giving him more of those sounds he never wanted to forget. But it wasn’t enough for Sola, she wanted more and he was holding back. In a motion that surprised both of them, she forced enough leverage and rolled the two of them so that Hux was now on his back. 
She sunk down on him hard, watching his eyes roll into the back of his head and his jaw-dropping, a visual she’d enjoy for years to come. 
“Fucking hell Sola!” He hissed, finally letting go of some of his control. 
Each time she rocked her hips against him saw new tremors race through him as he saw stars. When he started to gain his bearings, she rose up on her knees and then slammed down hard on him. His moan tore through the cave and he was lost again, only able to manage a string of curses. Each time he felt he had the strength to rise up and switch their positions she’d slam down on him and take his breath away, in a torturous cycle. It was fucking perfect. 
He didn’t have much longer, it felt too good, too hot, too tight, too perfect. Fuck, it had been too long. All he had to do was lie back and let the sensations overtake him. Let her use him. 
Sola couldn’t fight the smirk that tugged at her lips, kirff; he looked good like this. Hair a proper mess, chest heaving and glistening with sweat, delirious with pleasure, naked underneath her. Their new position gave a depth to his lazy upward thrusts that hit differently. Deeper. It was just enough of a distraction for Hux to make one final power play. 
With adrenaline coursing through him and a desire to see her fall apart before he did, he snaked his arm around her waist and threw her off of him, and in a surprising display of strength he growled the word “Up.” He roughly pulled Sola to her shaky feet and hoisted her up into his arms “Wrap your legs around me.” She immediately followed the command unprepared for how much she enjoyed that tone in his voice then cried out when he slammed back into her as her back hit the wall of the cave. The rocks scratched but it was less than a tickle compared to the dizzying pleasurable intensity with which Hux was now fucking her. 
He buried his face into her neck and licked at the salt on her skin, he didn’t hold back now he slammed hard and deep into her with her against the wall while she desperately clung to him. She cried out with each hard thrust hitting her clit and she bucked back against him to prolong the sensation. Impossibly tight grew tighter, strangling his cock, the waves of an orgasm began lapping at him, and with how her legs tightened around him and her cries became more frantic, her nails raked his back she wasn’t far off. 
When the waves finally crashed against him, he grunted against her mouth wanting to feel her lips and tongue on his. He drank in all her cries and bucked hard as her own orgasm wracked her body and she sobbed into his mouth. 
The eruption of pleasure coursed through his body, rippling through his aching muscles. He shook almost violently as he pumped every last drop into her not caring for consequences, not caring for how she might hate him later. For now, he’d had her, made her scream and cry out with a need for him, made her cum, and he felt fucking good. His lips slowed against hers as the sensations began to fade and tiredness replaced lust. He couldn’t imagine being in a state of mind where this was all he felt, that wasn’t to say he didn’t want her again, he did. But he was sure it was all Sola could feel and he didn’t have long until she was presumably crawling back on top of him. 
Gently as he could, he set her down on her feet, nearly collapsing, relying only on the resistance of his feet against the rough floor to keep them from crumping to the ground. They sunk down to their knees, unable to support themselves any longer. He disentangled himself from her, reluctantly pulling himself from her warmth and almost passing out from the excessive pleasure and overstimulation. Sola wore a look that painted her in a similar light to that of a sated cat, he smirked knowing he’d done that to her. Sure enough, Sola was pushing herself up toward him. 
It did wonders for his ego even if he knew it wasn’t genuine desire. He couldn’t possibly take her again so soon, as much as he wanted to, he’d need a few minutes at best. Instead, he eased her onto her back again, gentler than last time, kissing her much softer but still deep enough that she didn’t fight him for control.
He cradled her neck with each kiss, and his other hand slipped down her body and settled between her legs, again her hips bucked when his calloused fingers brushed against her lips still hot and dripping with his cum. He applied devilish pressure against her clit with his thumb while tasting her mouth again and drinking in the sounds she made for him. He hesitated, what kind of a bastard would he be if he denied her what he was building up to, especially after how he’d just taken her? Hard and rough, granted she didn’t complain. 
He sucked hard on her neck listening to the noises she made, continuing those small right circles. Her breathing became more labored once more and moans poured from her lips. Just a bit more and she’d fall apart again for him. 
“Another, give me another.” 
Every gentle stroke of his thumb made her want to cry, her whole body tightened as he pushed her closer and closer, and every twitch of her hips against his hand served as a reminder that it wouldn’t take much to push her just a little further. Hux’s talent and insight were something to marvel at, when her second orgasm hit her, harder than the first, his fingers were barely brushing her sensitive clit. Her back arched and her toes curled, she cursed and moaned his name over and over while she clutched onto him for dear life. As soon as the pleasure began to subside something else replaced it, a sharp sting in her neck, then warmth, and a sleepiness she didn’t expect. Her eyes grew heavier and the world grew softer and she couldn’t fight it. Her eyes fluttered closed barely registering something that looked like the sedative and she slumped into unconsciousness once more. 
Chest heaving with labored breath, Hux flopped over onto his back eager to catch his breath for the first time all day. He really wanted a cigarette. 
The haze of sedation clung tightly to Sola, her senses met with a blur of light and movement. She was lying in a reclined position on a stretcher, surrounded by the sterile walls of a medical shuttle. The soft hum of machinery filled the air, accompanied by the distant murmurs of hushed conversations.
Her eyelids were heavy, she struggled to focus, her mind grasping at fragments of memories from the recent events. The flickering images of the cave, the rain-soaked jungle, and the intense intimacy with Hux danced at the edge of her consciousness, like elusive dreams slipping away.
As Sola tried to piece together her surroundings, the voices of the shuttle crew reached her ears, muffled and distant. Their words are garbled, swirling in her foggy mind. She caught snippets of conversation, fragments of concern.
"...severe injuries to his arm, shoulder, and leg..."
"...showing signs of heat exhaustion and dehydration..."
"...they've been missing for almost a week..."
The crew's words faded in and out, blending with the gentle hum of the shuttle's engines. Sola's brow furrowed as she attempted to make sense of the fragments, her memory still clouded. It was as if her mind was swimming through a thick fog, struggling to find clarity.
A particular mention caught her attention, a sentence that cut through the haze like a ray of light. 
"...He's condition is worse than her. He'll need time in a bacta tank to fully recover."
The words lingered in Sola's mind, mingling with the flickers of memories. Her gaze shifted towards Hux, who lay unconscious nearby, his injuries evident even in his unresponsive state. She tried to summon her voice, to call out to him, to reassure herself of his presence, but her words came out as slurred whispers lost in the expanse of the shuttle's medical bay.
"...need to keep her sedated until we reach the medical facility..."
Before she could fully process the implications of their condition, she felt a gentle prick in her neck again. A wave of drowsiness washed over her as the sedative took effect once more, wrapping her in a comforting veil of unconsciousness. 
As Sola's consciousness began to slip once again, she clung to the remnants of the conversation she overheard. There was a subtle undercurrent of surprise in the crew's voices, begrudging respect for Hux's act of saving her despite his own injuries. With a heavy sigh, Sola succumbed to the pull of unconsciousness once more. The world around her faded to black, leaving her thoughts suspended in the shadows of her mind.
Sola's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sterile surroundings of the medical bay. She felt groggy and disoriented. She remembered glimpses of her and Hux's arrival and the sight of him submerged in a bacta tank, still unconscious. 
A medical droid approached her bedside, its metallic voice cutting through the silence. 
"How are you feeling, Sola?" it inquired, its tone devoid of emotion.
Sola rubbed her temples, feeling the weight of confusion pressing upon her. "I... I can't remember anything. What happened?" her voice filled with frustration and apprehension.
The droid responded calmly, "The sedatives you received can cause temporary memory loss. Your recollection should improve with time. You've been unconscious for two days while we assessed your medical condition and treated your injuries."
She tensed up, panic flickering in her eyes. "Hux. What about Hux? Where is he?" Sola attempted to sit up, but her weakened state betrayed her, leaving her vulnerable on the medical table.
Medical personnel rushed over to assist her, gently easing her back into a more comfortable position. The droid stepped in to address her concerns. "Armitage Hux is alive. His injuries were severe, requiring an extended stay in the bacta tank. He suffered lacerated muscles, hairline fractures, and significant blood loss. But he is stable now, and we expect him to regain consciousness soon."
Relief washed over Sola mingled with lingering worry for Hux's well-being. 
Sola's weariness intensified as the weight of the past days bore down upon her. With a lingering sense of unease and longing, she raised her hand to her temple, her tired eyes meeting the gaze of the medical droid. "I feel... like I drank too much," she admitted.
"That is a side effect often associated with heat exhaustion and dehydration, both of which you and Hux suffered. That sensation will pass soon. In the meantime, I have brought you a change of clothes. You can get dressed now," 
Sola took the neatly folded clothes and slowly began to dress, her movements somewhat sluggish. As she finished slipping her boots on, the door slid open, and her eyes widened at the sight of Hux entering the room. He appeared exhausted, his hair still damp from the bacta treatment. Clad in white medical scrubs pants and an open-fronted robe, his expression filled with visible relief upon seeing her in the form of a nod
Hux followed the guidance of the second medical droid, allowing himself to be led to a nearby table. Sola's attention drifted between their conversation and Hux's presence, her mind still grappling with the haze of her own recovery.
The second droid addressed Hux, and asked about his pain levels and if he was able to move without discomfort. Hux nods and replies in a tired voice, "It’s manageable, now. I can move without significant discomfort." 
The droid proceeded to examine his arm and chest, observing the light scarring and informing Hux that the scars might fade over time but there would likely be some permanent discoloration. It confirmed that his fractures had been fully healed, the muscle tissue repaired, and that he received necessary blood transfusions. 
Meanwhile, the droid attending to Sola approached her, emphasizing the importance of caution in her recovery. 
"Due to the multiple sedatives you were given, it is crucial for you to avoid any strenuous physical activity for now. They can have interactions that require careful monitoring," Its synthetic voice loosely mimicked a tone of concern.
Sola nodded absentmindedly, absorbing the information. As the conversation between the medical droids continued, Sola's attention drifted back to her surroundings. 
Sola's brow furrowed as she fully processed the droid's explanation. "Sedatives?" she repeated, her voice filled with confusion. "I only remember the shuttle."
The droid responded with a calm and matter-of-fact tone, "Indeed, you were given a sedative by the medical team upon realizing you were conscious again. However, Hux also administered a sedative to you."
Sola's eyes widened, her confusion gave way to a mix of exasperation and slight outrage. "You drugged me?" her voice tinged with disbelief.
Hux avoided meeting her gaze, his eyes shifting uncomfortably. He cringed slightly as if anticipating trouble. "I sedated you," he corrected her, his voice barely above a murmur.
The droid stepped in to offer clarification, sensing the tension in the room. "Hux informed the medical team about your injuries and expressed concerns about potential further harm. As a precautionary measure, he administered a sedative to ensure your safety."
Sola's mind raced, connecting the dots between Hux's actions and their intimate encounter in the cave. Suddenly, a vivid memory of their passionate moment flashed before her eyes. Her mouth dropped open slightly in realization, but she quickly snapped it shut, choosing not to voice her thoughts.
A brief silence settled over the room, filled with unspoken questions and a hint of tension. The medical droids, sensing the need to shift the focus, engage in their own conversation, discussing the progress of Sola and Hux's recovery. 
The droid first addressed Hux. “Your fractures have successfully healed, and the muscle damage has been fully repaired. The blood transfusions were effective in restoring your health, and you should not be experiencing any pain. However, it's important to avoid engaging in heavy physical activities for a while to ensure a smooth recovery.”
“Understood.” The droid now turned to Sola. 
“Sola, your recovery has also been successful. The sedatives administered during your treatment may cause temporary memory lapses, but your memory should return to normal soon.” Sola nodded as well. “Furthermore, the medical scans indicated recent sexual activity, but all the results show a healthy status. Also, the pregnancy test came back negative, so you are not pregnant. Lastly, your implant has been replaced, and it should function properly for another seven years.”
“Thank you,” Sola replied rather stiffly. 
“Both of you are cleared to leave the medical bay but do keep in mind the precautions mentioned earlier. Do you have any parting questions before you are released?”
Hux spoke up. "Are there any lasting effects from the biological stimulants we need to be aware of?."
The droid seemed momentarily confused by the question and asked Hux to clarify. "I am not sure of your meaning.”
Hux's gaze met the droids, his voice carrying a tinge of concern and hesitancy. "Are there any potential long-term effects on our physical or mental well-being caused by exposure to the Pax Reaver?"
The droid processed the inquiry for a moment, its metallic form calculating data. After a brief pause, it delivered its response. "According to our analysis, neither of you show any signs of exposure to the Pax Reaver. There are no indications of lasting effects related to that particular substance."
As the droid left the room, a profound silence settled between Hux and Sola. They sat in contemplation, their eyes occasionally meeting before quickly diverting away. Sola, feeling a mix of emotions, including embarrassment, avoided Hux's gaze.
Suddenly, a soft chuckle escaped Hux's lips, a sound that grew in intensity until he was fully overcome by rolling laughter. His unrestrained amusement filled the room, a release of tension brought on by the sheer absurdity of the situation. Sola remained silent, still trying to process the information that neither of them had been under the effects of the Pax Reaver, and that their encounter in the cave had been consensual. Just sex.
Neither of them uttered a word to the other, Sola got to her feet and quickly walked out of the medical bay at a brisk pace albeit a bit unsteady. Hux followed a moment later, delayed slightly by his inability to stop laughing. He called out for her to wait and urged her to talk to him. 
“Sola, wait!” 
Finally, within the confines of their quarters, Hux caught up with Sola, suddenly feeling quite a bit better. He leaned against the doorway, watching her pace with restless energy. Amusement danced in his eyes as he observed, her usual cool and detached demeanor now replaced with agitation and what he interpreted as downright embarrassment. 
Hux couldn't contain his laughter any longer and chuckled softly. "You know, Sola, I've never seen you so rattled before. It's quite amusing," he remarked, his tone laced with hilarity.
She snapped back, her tone laced with frustration, 
“What exactly is so damn funny?” 
Hux stood with his arms folded across his chest, still finding the situation beyond entertaining. “All of it. The sheer absurdity of it.” Sola’s state was hard and unyielding. “Oh, come on, Sola. You have to admit it's hilarious.”
“I fail to see the humor in almost dying multiple times.” Her tone was sharp but he just couldn’t help it.
He couldn’t help but chuckle, not bothering to hide his mirth, and responded, "Oh, it's hilarious. But trust me, it's not half as amusing as your adorable embarrassment.” Sola's face flushed, and she instinctively hid behind her hair, insisting that she wasn't embarrassed. Hux's laughter continued, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Sola," he said, teasingly. "You're blushing like a starlit sky."
Sola simply shook her head as though her understanding of everything that had happened simply didn’t make sense. But it really was that simple. Hux had somehow come to the conclusion that she was under the influence of the Pax. She thought he was under the same influence. But neither of them were. Nothing morally gray had happened, and neither of them was in any danger from the other. 
Something still felt like it was missing though. Why would he think she was affected? She wasn’t the idiot who took her mask off in the middle of the jungle. 
Unable to contain her restless energy, Sola continued to pace, her movements becoming a source of frustration for Hux. Unable to bear it any longer, he reached out and physically stopped her from pacing, gently but firmly holding her by the shoulders. "Enough, Sola," he insisted, his voice filled with playfulness and exasperation. "You're going to wear a hole in the floor at this rate. Just stand still for a moment and talk to me." He tilted his head slightly and asked, "What are you so upset about?" 
Sola's expression turned indignant as she stuttered slightly “I’m not upset.” She insisted, throwing her hands up, thus throwing his grip off.
Hux raised an eyebrow, his tone dripping with sarcasm, "Oh, no, of course not. You're clearly just giddy with laughter." 
“I’m confused.” She explained. “Why would you think that Pax had affected me?”
Hux straightened up, placing his hands on his hips and giving her an incredulous look. "Are you serious?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief. "You really don't understand why I thought you were affected by the Pax?
“No, I really don’t.” Her frustration was evident so Hux suppressed his smirk. 
Hux closed the distance between them, his face a mix of confusion and realization. "Sola, you crawled across a cave floor, looking at me like you wanted to eat me," he explained, his tone very matter-of-fact. “You sat in my lap and shoved your tongue down my throat.”
Sola's eyes widened as she processed how her actions must have appeared. She opened her mouth to respond but then hesitated, realizing that Hux might not fully understand her perspective. In that sense, yeah she could understand it and it might have even been funny. But the reality of it was a bit more… complicated.
"Hux, I woke up to your scream. You were in pain, and I thought you were heading towards an aggressive response. I was trying to sway you away from potential violence until I could sedate you and get help," she explained, her voice carrying a hint of urgency.
A wave of understanding washed over Hux's face as he finally grasped Sola's intentions. He nodded slowly, his expression shifting from amusement to a more serious demeanor. "I see," he murmured, his voice tinged with empathy. "That does make more sense." He paused and added trying to keep things light, “So it wasn’t my charm that had you swooning?”
Sola couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, the tension in the room easing slightly. "Well, I suppose I should have come up with a better plan than... that," she replied, her voice holding a touch of self-deprecating humor. "But in the heat of the moment, it seemed like the only option."
Hux's lips curled into a small smile, appreciating Sola's ability to find humor in the situation. "So you tried to distract me from anger... with sex?" he quipped, a hint of playfulness in his voice.
Sola raised an eyebrow, “It seemed to work, didn't it?" she replied, her tone lightening up. 
The tension between them eased further as they both recognized the misunderstanding and found common ground. They shared a moment of shared amusement, the gravity of the situation momentarily set aside.
Hux and Sola's perspectives had swapped. Hux had initially found amusement in the absurdity of the situation, while Sola had been serious and focused on their safety. Now, Hux adopted a more serious tone, understanding the gravity of Sola's actions, while Sola found humor in the unexpected turn of events.
Sola scoffed, her frustration still evident as she turned away from Hux, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. "There's something we haven't addressed," she said, her voice slightly strained.
Hux furrowed his brow, concerned by the tension in her voice. "What is it?" he asked, stepping closer to her.
Sola turned to face him, her gaze steady but guarded. "You said some things back there before it all went to hell," she stated, her tone laced with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
Hux's expression softened as he remembered the confession he had made in the jungle. "I meant every word," he admitted, his voice gentle. "I know it was an ill-timed revelation, and I put us in danger with my actions." He looked at the ground, “I just needed you to know what happened.”
Sola's eyes widened slightly, surprised by his sincerity. She had expected defensiveness or justification, but Hux's genuine remorse caught her off guard. She hesitated for a moment before continuing. "You never did tell me what happened back there," 
The room fell into a brief silence, the weight of their unspoken words hanging in the air. Hux met Sola's gaze, a mix of regret and determination in his eyes, as he prepared to reveal the truth behind his sudden change in behavior.
Hux took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before he began to explain the reasoning behind his sudden change in behavior. "Sola, that morning, I discovered my mask had sustained damage to one of the seals," he started, his voice tinged with a mixture of regret and vulnerability.
Sola's eyes widened in surprise, her mouth slightly agape as she absorbed his words. She had expected an explanation, but the revelation of the cracked o-ring caught her completely off guard. She remained silent, allowing Hux to continue.
Hux continued, his voice steady but filled with remorse. "I discovered the cracked o-ring just before we left, and panic took over. I couldn't be certain if the mask was compromised, and I didn't want to place you in danger unnecessarily, but we couldn’t split up. It seemed like the best course of action was to carry on with the mission and not burden you with my fears until there was a clear reason to do so."
Sola listened attentively, her eyes locked on Hux as he shared the truth behind his actions. A mix of emotions flickered across her face—surprise, understanding, and a hint of hurt. She had no idea that he had been carrying such a burden, and the weight of his words left her momentarily speechless.
Hux's gaze remained fixed on Sola, his expression a mixture of regret and sincerity. He continued, "I wanted to keep you at arm's length to ensure your safety, or at least give you time to react if things went… badly. It wasn't easy for me, but I felt that splitting up wasn't an option, and I couldn't risk jeopardizing our mission or your well-being."
As Hux finished explaining, Sola struggled to find words to respond, her mind still processing the revelation. The depth of Hux's concern and his willingness to prioritize her safety left her both moved and conflicted.
As the seconds stretched on in silence, Hux interpreted Sola's initial reaction as a surprise, his brow furrowing with a mix of confusion and concern. However, the shift in her expression was unmistakable. Her narrowed eyes and clenched fists betrayed her growing anger, and she approached him slowly, her steps deliberate and filled with pent-up frustration.
"You pushed me away like that for my benefit?" Sola's voice was laced with anger, her tone biting and accusatory. Hux could only nod in confirmation, realizing the gravity of his actions and how foolish they seemed in hindsight.
But before he could fully comprehend the weight of his mistake, Sola reared back and delivered a powerful punch to his jaw. The impact sent a shockwave of pain through Hux's face, causing him to stagger backward, his hand instinctively reaching to grip his throbbing jaw.
"What the hell is this?" Hux's outrage mixed with a hint of confusion as he tried to make sense of Sola's furious assault. The pain in his jaw was secondary to the sudden surge of emotions welling up within him.
Sola's anger radiated from her as she continued to strike at him, her punches landing on his shoulder, arm, and stomach. Though the blows were weaker with each subsequent hit, they still carried the force of her frustration. Each strike seemed to drive her point home, fueling her rage.
"You're an idiot!" Sola's voice quivered with a mix of anger and hurt, her words laced with a raw vulnerability. "You made me think you were going to cut me loose and save your own skin! You made me think, even for a second, that you weren't the man I know you are! You made me doubt everything I felt about you and every good thing you've ever done!"
Her voice cracked with a hint of anguish, and Hux could sense the deeper pain beneath her anger. Sola's words echoed in his mind, and he understood the gravity of his actions. The realization washed over him, washing away his own indignation and leaving behind a profound sense of remorse.
"You made me sleep alone!" Sola's voice wavered, she seemed particularly upset about that one. her anger momentarily giving way to a raw vulnerability. The weight of that statement hung in the air, emphasizing the depth of her hurt.
Driven by a mixture of regret and concern, Hux moved swiftly, gently grabbing hold of Sola's wrists to stop her assault. His grip was firm as he guided her movements to a halt. With her back against the wall, he pulled her closer, enveloping her in a protective embrace, his own anger dissipating in the face of her pain.
Hux maintained his tight grip on Sola, preventing her from continuing her assault, but she persisted in her attempts to wrench free, her anger still evident in her struggle. Frustrated, he finally implored her to stop, his voice tinged with a mix of exhaustion and understanding.
"Sola, you've made your point," Hux said firmly, his grip firm yet non-threatening. "Will you stop hitting me?"
Sola snapped back with a biting retort, reminding him of his own words. "I seem to remember something about you telling me to hit you until my arms got weak." Her tone dripped with a hint of resentment, and Hux's regret deepened at his ill-conceived choice of words.
He sighed inwardly, realizing that allowing her to continue her assault, within limits, might be a necessary act of catharsis for her. "Fine," he relented, his voice laced with a mix of resignation and remorse. "If it makes you feel better, keep hitting me. Although I must say, you need to work on your form."
Sola's struggle against him gradually ceased, her anger momentarily subsiding. Hux observed her closely, taking in the redness and slight glassiness in her eyes.
Her words took Hux by surprise, resonating with an unexpected depth. "The next time you watch my back, tell me so that I can watch yours." Her voice quivered with anger and a newfound understanding. It was a sentiment he had not anticipated, a glimpse of reciprocity in the midst of their conflict.
Hux's eyes widened in astonishment, his expression softening. He hadn't expected her to comprehend his intentions, however flawed they may have been, nor did he anticipate her willingness to reciprocate the sentiment. 
Sola turned away sharply from Hux, her hand running through her hair in a display of frustration. Her anger was palpable, but underneath it, Hux could sense the hurt that lingered. She muttered under her breath, unable to hide her disappointment. "I can't believe you didn't trust me enough to tell me..."
Hux nodded, his expression filled with remorse. "You're right," he admitted, his voice tinged with self-reproach. "I should have trusted you enough to confide in you. I was- am- an idiot."
He reached out to her, hoping to bridge the growing distance between them, but she jerked away, her pride not yet ready to let go of the anger. Hux understood her reluctance to forgive him so easily and decided on a more direct approach. He firmly pulled her back into his arms, meeting her resistance for a moment before she gradually slowed her struggle. It was then that he offered her a genuine apology, his voice full of sincerity.
"I'm sorry, Sola," he said softly, his gaze focused on her. "I never wanted to hurt you. I should have trusted you and let you in, even if the timing was less than ideal."
Sola remained quiet, the tension slowly dissipating from her body as Hux held her. He broke the silence with a question, gently probing for her thoughts. "Do you still want to punch me?" he asked, half expecting a renewed outburst.
To his surprise, Sola shook her head. "No," she responded, her voice softened.
Hux continued his inquiries, needing reassurance. "Do you hate me?"
Again, Sola's answer was a resolute "No."
Hux took a deep breath, his eyes searching hers. "Do you wish I hadn't said anything? About all of it?"
Sola pulled back slightly, her gaze downcast. "You could have picked a better time," she admitted, her voice tinged with frustration.
Hux countered gently, his tone filled with apathy. "You didn't exactly give me much of a choice," he pointed out.
Sola's gaze flickered up to meet him, acknowledging his point. She realized that her own impulsive reactions had played a role in the chaotic events that unfolded. There was a glimmer of understanding between them, a shared recognition of their mutual culpability.
As Sola's arms found their way around Hux, a sense of relief washed over him. He welcomed her tentative embrace, feeling a renewed connection between them. He exhaled softly. 
"What in the hell is wrong with us?" she asked, her voice laden with confusion.
Hux chuckled and shrugged playfully. "I think all couples have their little problems," he responded, his tone lightening the mood. He sensed Sola's exhale of breath, a weak laugh escaping her lips. He called them a couple.
“What happened between us wasn't what I had in mind for our first time," he confessed, a hint of longing in his voice, "but I don't regret it."
Sola pulled back slightly, looking at him incredulously. "You thought there was going to be a first time?" 
Hux shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. "I was working up to something," he explained, "and I did mention that I preferred a slower, more romantic pace."
"You move too slowly." 
Hux raised an eyebrow, accepting her challenge. "Well, slower can be quite a bit more enjoyable," he countered, his voice laced with suggestion. "I’m more than willing to show you what I had in mind.”
Sola's anger and hurt continued to dissipate, replaced by the familiar spark of the Sola that Hux knew so well. He was doing it again, being ruggedly charming and that voice of his made her forget how angry she was.
“Did you strand us there just to set a romantic mood to get laid?" she asked her tone both teasing and challenging.
Hux vehemently shook his head, his expression earnest and adamant. "No, absolutely not," he insisted, his voice carrying a hint of indignation. "If I were ever going to do something that stupid, I would have stranded us someplace far colder, so that you would need my body heat to stay warm."
They drifted a little closer as Hux delivered his response, the hint of a playful smile tugging at his lips..
"That's a cliché,"
Hux chuckled softly, his gaze fixed on her. "Clichés are clichés for a reason,"
He hesitated for a moment, then leaned down to kiss her and was pleasantly surprised when she didn’t slap, kick, punch, or push him away. It wasn’t like the kiss they shared on the island. It was slow, sensual, and dizzying in its intensity, she could smell him and taste him, feel the warmth of his arms and the subtle rise nad fall of his chest, and hear his breathing. When Hux pulled away, he left a space for Sola to voice her objections or desires. His amusement flickered in his eyes as he observed her slightly breathless state. "Still think I move too slowly?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips.
"I didn't think you were such a tease,"
Hux leaned in for another kiss, the intensity between them building with each passing moment. As he pulled away once again, a confident smirk graced his features. "You have no idea what you're in for," he informed her, his voice low and husky.
Sola's lips curved into a mischievous smile against Hux's mouth. Her head felt light, her senses overwhelmed by the connection they shared. When they finally broke apart, she playfully remarked, "You're lucky you're so damn good-looking. It's the only thing stopping me from rightfully kicking your ass for that stunt you pulled in the jungle."
Hux chuckled, his gaze locked with hers as he backed her gently toward the bed. His hands found their way to her waist, a touch both possessive and tender. "I look forward to the challenge," he replied, his voice thick with desire. "But until then, I'll just have to distract you."
Eh, no the smuttiest thing I’ve ever written but it was still fun. Maybe someday I’ll write a legit sex pollen story. Whatever another WIP bites the dust and now onto the next one!
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Fixing Caillou's Flaws in the Show
Who here remembers Caillou? That controversial kid show about a little bald kid who acts like a brat and his parents allow him to be misbehaving. Well, today I decide to rewrite the most problematic episodes and make bratty Caillou learns his lesson. Keep in mind, this is just ideas so don't take things too seriously! Enjoy~!
Episode 1: Caillou learns he's going to be a big brother, and while excited at first, he quickly ends up resenting his newborn baby sister. When his father wasn’t looking, Caillou scoops up his sister, kisses her on the forehead, then pinches her cheek so hard that she cries. His father sees this, picks up Rosie and scolds at Caillou. He puts him in time out!
Caillou begins to throw a tantrum but his father with one hand leads him to the corner. Then, his father Boris puts him in the corner and explains to Caillou why he’s in time-out. Then the dad walks away with Rosie, setting the timer for one minute for a minute per year of his age. Caillou calls for his dad from their time out but Boris ignore him.
Caillou runs away from his time out so Boris takes him back to the corner with no communication and walk away resetting the timer to the beginning. It took a lot before Caillou finally stood there for the correct amount of time. Boris went back to explain for the second time why he was in time-out. He says that Caillou he needs to apologize and says sorry for his behavior towards Rosie. Caillou does so.
Episode 2: On the day Caillou believes they will visit, he, after having a dream where he is taming a tiger in the circus, he eagerly wakes early, dresses himself with several mishaps, and brushes his teeth to impress his father. When Caillou remarks that he does not want to be late for the circus, Boris explains that the circus is actually taking place tomorrow, not today, much to Caillou's dismay. Caillou cries over his misunderstanding before Boris asks him to make breakfast downstairs.
Caillou was now grumpy and annoying, he refuses and tries to play with a nearby toy car, but one of the wheels broke off. He bursts into a temper tantrum, furiously kicking, screaming and pounding his fists against the floor. In the process, he wakes up his sister, Rosie, and Boris scolds Caillou for his behavior and gives him a warning. Then, he demands that he come downstairs immediately.
Downstairs, Boris, who is preparing to make breakfast, suggests cutting toast into duck shapes, but Caillou, still fuming over not going to the circus, refuses. Boris gives Caillou another warning about his behavior!
Episode 3: Caillou running away from his mom, refusing to get in the bath: a dilemma parents are all too familiar with. When he is finally caught and dragged into the bath, he complains of the temperature of the water when it immediately hits the tub. "It's too hot, mommy!" he whines, followed by, "It's too cold, mommy!"
His mom tries to warn him and gives him a bath toy, but Caillou throws it across the room, then runs out. His mother gives him a warning about his behavior: If he doesn’t change his tone, he’s going in time-out. This snapped Caillou out of his bad behavior and gives in by taking a bath.
Episode 4: Caillou is building with his blocks in the living room. He has made a tower but decides to tear it down and make another one. Caillou finishes making his new building and says that it is the tallest building ever built. then pushes Caillou's truck into the tower, causing it to collapse.
A frustrated Caillou angrily yells at Rosie and furiously tells her not to do it again. He then lines his blocks up into two rows to make a road. Then Rosie uses her ducky to mess it up, this time Caillou furiously yells at her and angrily tells her to go play with her own toys. Rosie then takes a couple of Caillou's blocks and runs off, giggling as Caillou chases her around angrily.
Caillou is very furious and goes down to the basement and tells his mom, Doris, to make Rosie stop bothering him. However, she is very busy and only tells Caillou to work out his and Rosie's problems. Caillou doesn't seem to like the idea and talks back to Doris saying they can't, making her angry. Caillou then storms off and ignores his mom yelling his name. His mother followed him and give him a warning.
Caillou runs away to his room where he is happily reading until Rosie comes in. Caillou angrily tells her to go away, but she won't. In return, Caillou furiously pushes her off his bed and angrily shoves her out of his room, furiously bans her from coming in, and angrily closes the door. Rosie starts crying, wailing, screaming, throwing a temper tantrum, and bangs on his door with a book very hard. Doris then comes up, takes the book from Rosie, and says, "Books are for reading, not for hitting!"
But noticed Rosie keeps on crying, Doris comforts her and asking what’s wrong. Rosie kept wailing and Doris knocks on Caillou's door, she asks him if he made Rosie cry, wail, and scream by kicking her out of his room. Caillou says no. Doris asked why is she still wailing, Caillou denies it. Doris asked Caillou to open the door but Caillou refuses to open. Doris gives him another warning!
Caillou opens the door and admitted to the truth.
Episode 5: Grandpa takes Caillou to the park. Caillou is playing in the sandbox when a boy named Jim comes over, he wants to play in the sandbox, too. Caillou plays with him. When Jim and Caillou have a tug of war over the shovel, Caillou falls on the sandcastle, knocking it down. Then he messes up the sandcastle some more. Caillou runs and cries and tells Grandpa about what happened.
Grandpa reassured Caillou it was an accident so he, Jim's mother and Jim both fixed the sandcastle. Caillou doesn't want to play on the sandbox anymore, and wants to go on the swing. Caillou and Jim go on the swings and Jim begs Caillou to push him first, but Caillou doesn't want to; Jim won't let him go on the swings. He tries to make a compromise: If Caillou pushes him on the swings, he’ll make another sand castle.
Irritated; Caillou decides to go on the slide but Jim ran and was about to go first. Fed up with Jim trying to get his own way, Caillou angrily tells Jim he doesn't want to play with him anymore and runs to his grandpa, crying. When Jim's mother and Caillou's grandpa hear Calliou crying again, his grandfather came over to him.
Confused; Jim tells his mother that he's doesn't know why Caillou won't play with him; Caillou angrily and tearfully says Jim always wants to be first at everything. Jim's mother tried to firmly reminds him, telling him that he has to take turns when he plays with other kids.
However; Grandpa defends Jim and gives Caillou a firm warning for his behavior: If he doesn’t cut it out, they’re going home and Caillou will be in time-out. Caillou manages to snap out of it. He apologizes to Jim who also apologizes too, and they start to get along better and become friends.
Episode 6: One afternoon while playing with his toy cars, Caillou is horrified to see that Rosie is wearing his favorite shirt: a green T-shirt with three teddy bears printed on the front. He gets upset and throws a tantrum, calling for their mommy and telling her Rosie is wearing his teddy-bear shirt.
Doris tries to explain to her son that he has outgrown the shirt, but Caillou angrily declares the shirt is still his. Doris explains to Caillou  that why he is too old for the teddy shirt, like usually around preschool to kindergarten age. Caillou begins to throw a tantrum but Doris doesn’t give in. She feels sorry for him however Doris remains firm to her decision and derived his attention away from the shirt.
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Call Me Josh Chapter 9
He is a year old. Walking and starting to talk, he says mama and daddy, he is growing into his personality. Calm, peaceful. He hardly ever cries, just when he is hurt or hungry. Smart, he has been taught to sign the words he can’t yet say, so his tears are fewer. He simply signs, hungry, when he is, sleepy when he is.
They can take him anywhere without fear of him being disruptive. Joshua doesn’t throw temper tantrums like most children his age. They can see the difference clearly when they take him to the park. He plays with them, side by side, like the books say he should but, when another child takes his toy, he doesn’t fuss. There is one instance that really stood out.
It was a beautiful sunny day. She takes him in a stroller to their local park. She parks it by a bench where another mama sits with her child. Unlike Joshua, this little boy wasn’t happy.
“Come Peter. It is time to go home. I know you don’t want to.”
Peter’s feelings are obvious. He is kicking and screaming as his mama struggles to get him in the stroller. Mary gives her a look of sympathy as she lifts Joshua out. Instead of heading to the playground equipment, Joshua turns to the drama beside him. “No Joshua.” He touches the hysterical child. The tears immediately cease and he stills. Both mothers look at each other in shock.
He slips into the stroller, a smile replacing the shrill screams. Joshua pats him on the arm before turning and heading towards the park proper. The other mom shakes her head, trying to clear it and make sense of what just happened.
She looks at Mary. “What?”
Mary smiles. “He is special. He has always been.”
“God bless him.”
Mary smiles. “Yes, I believe He already has.”
“She walked away, a huge smile on her face. Joshua played. He either doesn’t realize what he did or can’t express it yet.” Mary is telling Joe that evening. They sit around their kitchen table, Joshua at his highchair. The baby eats with studied concentration. Carefully he picks up the cut chicken and the peas, popping him into his mouth. Joe looks over at him with a grin.
“Joshua, did you help the baby at the park today?”
He looks up from the tray and signs ' help’ with a grin. Then he returns to the important task of eating.
“Wow! I would say he knows.” Mary says. Her eyes shine with wonder. She recalls what the angel had told her, he will save his people. It seems he has already started. “Mama is so proud of you Joshua.”
“Mama.” He squeals.
“Yes, mama’s Joshua. Mama is so proud of you.”
“Daddy is too.” Joe adds.
“Daddy!” He lifts his hands up.
“Joshua is done?”
He nods, putting his hands up again. Joe stands and takes him out. He sits him on his lap as they finish eating. Then will be bath time. Book time. Then bedtime. Tucked in after a final nursing. They will speak prayers over him. He sleeps through the night with an early raising, before the sun, usually. He is taken into his parents bed, where he will cuddle with them for an hour or so before daddy dresses him while mommy prepares for the day. Breakfast then daddy is off to work while Joshua and mommy stay home.
She decided that she wasn’t starting work until Joshua is school age. This time is to important. Joe agreed. So Mary and her son have the days to themselves. Sarah visits around once a week. She loves her Joshua and he adores her. Other days they go to the park, library, store. Every person he meets leaves with a smile.
The next day they head to the store. She sits him in the front of the cart. He smiles as they move through, looking at the different sights but not reaching for anything. An elderly lady stops to say hello.
“He is lovely, so we’ll behaved.”
“Thank you. My husband and I are quite proud of him, aren’t we Joshua?” He squeals and lifts his hands. “No baby, no up now. You have to stay in the cart.” He signs ' help’ and lifts his hands again, this time towards the elderly lady.
“May I?”
Mary thinks. She seems nice enough. “Yes, but be careful. He is a bit heavy.” She lifts him out and he touches her face with his hands.
“You are a sweet boy, aren’t you?” He meets her eyes and she feels something, a type of energy enter her. It isn’t unpleasant. It feels her with peace. “Yes, a very special boy.” She turns to Mary, “He will do great things but your own heart will be broken.”
Joshua reaches for his mother. She quickly takes him, a bit worried about the old lady now. “Ah, thank you, I guess.”
“I am going to the doctor after this. I have a good feeling that I will have good news.”
Mary straps Joshua back in. “God bless you ma’am .”
“Thank you my dear. He has. I ran into you and you extraordinary son.” She walks away a bit steadier then when she walked up. Mary will ponder her words for years.
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rendevousz · 4 years
niagara falls of blood?
avengers x fem!teen!reader
summary: pretty much what the title is, you on your period
warnings: your moodswings ig
word count: 2765
"rise and shine, y/n!" you hear an annoying voice sing just as the lights flickered on. you grumbled something inaudible, hiding underneath your blanket to shield yourself from the brightness that steve just brought upon your room.
"y/n/n, come on. wakey-wakey!" you groan, feeling super unmotivated to train today. you even felt like punching steve in his perfect-looking face just for waking you up at the crack ass of dawn. this was unusual because you loved jogs before the sun came up and trainings before it hit noon.
"steve, if you don't shut the hell up right now, i'm gonna push you into that lake beside our usual jogging route."
"jeez, y/n, woke up on the wrong side or what?" he teases, finally leaving once he saw you were already sitting up. you groggily walked to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth before changing into your workout clothes.
"no!" you whine when you saw that you were on your period. that's why you were in a crappy mood when steve woke you up. you begrudgingly dressed up after putting on a pad, grabbing a small towel on the way out.
like you did every morning, you were gonna go on a run with steve, bucky and sam. while you loved running, you hated how steve and bucky "cheated" —as you and sam liked to call it— with their super soldier staminas. that was why you loved having sam there. not only was he great company but he was also moral support because you two would always be hilariously overtook by steve and bucky multiple times. but that didn't matter because you two would always be completely immersed in your conversations every time.
but not today though. you already knew today was going to be different. you had gotten a bad start to the day with steve's and your usual morning routine which somehow annoyed you this one time. and having to run around with your cramps definitely didn't help lighten your mood.
"kid, you okay?" sam asks from your right side. you'd been silent throughout the whole run and sam knew something was up when you didn't laugh at his jokes like how you usually would. "just cramps. they're hurting a lot so i'm probably gonna skip training today." you explain and he slowed down his pace causing you to slow down too since you always had to run side by side.
"y/n/n, you should probably stop now if you're having cramps. it might make it worse—i think? i don't know, actually. i don't know how periods work but i know cramps hurt a lot so i think you should stop. yeah, you should stop." his rambling speech made you feel a bit better now knowing he wants you to take care of yourself. "you know what? yeah, i think i'm gonna go. sorry i have to leave you with the two cheaters."
he smiled at you, telling you not to worry about it. you were touched and your mood significantly brightened but before you could reply him, rhythmic footsteps echoed from a distance from behind you two and you knew what was coming.
"on your left."
before steve and bucky could just pass by peacefully like they did the past nine times, you managed to throw a punch to steve's side, effectively slowing him down when he stumbled and then completely stopped. "what gives, y/n?!" bucky then stopped too, wanting to know what was up.
"that's for this morning." you glared at him and he looked at you in confusion, holding onto his side where you punched him. though you were significantly smaller than he was—than any of them were, really—, you could definitely throw a punch. speaking of punch, you gave him another on his other side and he flinched, giving you an incredulous look, one that resembled betrayal.
"and that's for being a cheater." you narrowed your eyes at him. "oN yOuR LeFt." you mocked him, rolling your eyes before ultimately leaving the trio to walk back to the tower. they looked at your fading figure and exchanged looks with each other in confusion. "what...what just happened?"
"y/n's on her period so we gotta be careful with her." sam explained and steve being steve, his cheeks tinted slight pink as the thought slightly embarrassed him.
"period? you mean the niagra falls of blood," bucky states, taking a long sip out his water bottle. sam rolled his eyes at this but nodded anyways. "also, she doesn't want training today so unless any of you have a death wish, don't call her down for anything other than for food, got it?"
"yes, sir."
"got it."
"you do it,"
"i don't want to, you do it."
"can one of you just do it? why don't you guys want to wake y/n up?" nat stopped bucky and steve's little argument as she turned away from the stove for a bit. "you two love waking her up and carrying her down to eat. what happened?"
"womanhood happened," steve mumbled bitterly, rubbing his sides where you hit him this morning. apparently you had hit him hard enough to bruise a little. nat rolled her eyes in realisation. "period?"
"no, no, not period. satan's montly ritual inside of y/n. you should've seen her this morning, nat. it was like she was possessed!" steve exaggerates. "okay, let's not be dramatic here," bucky rolls his eyes at his best friend. steve only looked at him with fear in his eyes and bucky sighs. "fine, i'll do it. but if i don't return, tell sam he still can't have my snacks. no one can have my snacks."
nat only shakes her head before turning back to the stove to finish cooking lunch.
meanwhile, bucky was making his way up to your room. deep down he was scared to face you after your episode in the morning. "y/n/n? doll, it's lunch." he spoke when he entered your room. he melted when he saw you all snuggled up in bed, asleep, hugging your life-sized teddy bear that tony gifted you last christmas.
"doll? time to eat," he whispered, gently shaking you awake. you slowly opened your eyes to see bucky sitting on your bed, trying to wake you up from your nap. "what time is it?" you asked, rubbing your eyes, your lips jutting out subconsciously. bucky internally cooed at how adorable you looked. "it's afternoon, you skipped breakfast so nat wants you to eat lunch." he tells you.
"tell her i'm sleepy," you said, adjusting yourself back under the blanket. "y/n/n, you gotta eat. nat's gonna kill me if i go back down there without you." he shakes you again and you look up at him with you doe eyes. "then don't go back down. cuddle me, jamesie!" you pouted, giving him your best sad puppy look.
he had a brief internal battle with himself before losing and giving in, slipping next to you and hugging you, providing you warmth that even your blanket couldn't provide. bucky knew nat would have his head but how could he say no to that adorable face? and you using his real name? ultimate weakness.
soon, you were back asleep, cuddling up to him. he smiled down at you, loving how peaceful you seemed when you were sleeping. and before he knew it, he too fell asleep.
"what's taking him so long?" nat huffed and steve's jaw dropped slightly, looking at her in worry. "who's telling sam he can't have bucky's snacks?"
"don't be ridiculous, steve. go get them or i'm telling sam he can't have your snacks too." steve sighs, getting up from the barstool and making his way up to your room.
safe to say he was expecting pretty much anything but the sight of you and bucky asleep, cuddled up to each other. steve's lips jutted out and he cooed at you both. he snapped a quick picture before approaching you two, sitting on your bed beside your sleeping figure.
"y/n/n? sweetie, you need to eat." he says softly as he shook you awake. the shaking seemed to wake bucky up too and when your eyes fluttered open, steve smiled down at you. "bubba? it's lunch," he looks over at bucky in disappointment for having fallen asleep when he had a task. bucky only shrugs his shoulders as if saying 'hey man, i had no choice'.
"stevie?" you groaned out and he smiled. "come on, let's go have lunch, nat is waiting downstairs." he tries to get you to sit up but you resist. "come sleep, stevie," you pulled the same trick you did with bucky and it's no surprise the blond super-soldier fell for it too. everyone had a soft spot for you.
steve laid next to you and you're then sandwiched between two super-soldiers, already falling back asleep in just seconds.
"you know nat's gonna kill us, right buck?"
"then let her try. we can use y/n/n to get out of it. i mean, can you even recall the last time anyone said no to that adorable face?"
"sam says no to her sometimes."
"yeah but he always ends up feeling bad so,"
"okay yeah, you're right."
"that's exactly why we're stuck in this situation, right dear ol' stevie? so i say we just sleep and if nat tries to scold us, we'll technically be under y/n/n's protection because nat won't scream in our faces in front of her."
"good call. night, buck."
"night, steve."
"i can't believe i sent two super-soldier idiots to go wake up y/n on her period. i didn't think they meant it literally when they were afraid they weren't gonna come back." nat paces around the kitchen and wanda watches in amusement. it had been almost a whole hour since bucky was sent to get you and thirty minutes since steve was sent to do so too and both men hadn't returned with you for lunch.
"do you really think y/n/n is having a temper tantrum or something and those idiots are caught in the middle of it?" nat asks and wanda shook her head. "i doubt. y/n can get a little cranky but only if provoked. y/n on her period is overall a sweetheart like she always is. maybe steve was being annoying this morning. i mean, he always is annoying during morning jogs because he always has to announce when he overtakes us." wanda rolls her eyes at the fact.
"okay, you know what? come with me to get them. i mean with our joint forces, there's no way we're going to get sucked into whatever those idiots did. let's go,"
nat didn't give the younger woman a chance to reply before she's storming upstairs to your room and wanda had no choice but to rush along.
"well? are we going to wake them up or what?" wanda asks nat, not taking her eyes off the adorable sight she was met with right as she entered your room.
"i want to get mad at steve and bucky for not waking her up because she hasn't eaten yet but somehow i can't." nat states, looking like she's having an existential crisis.
"well, no lunch for these three, i guess. they better have dinner though or i'm actually going to get mad. let's go, wands." nat closes your door, but not before snapping a pic of you three cuddled up and sending it to the group chat.
nat: [attached photo]
wanda: stark, she's fine
thor: aw, i hope lady y/n gets all the rest she needs. she looks peaceful 🥰
clint: wait no fair i wanna cuddle her too 🥺😭
sam: dang it does this mean i still can't have bucky's snacks
bucky: stay away from my snacks.
"look who finally decided to show." you hear tony tease when you finally came down to dinner.
after waking up an hour prior, you woke up the two super-soldiers sandwiching you by pushing them off your bed. they couldn't even be mad at you when you had burst out in contagious laughter at your own stunt, before leaving to let you wash up.
"how are you feeling, sweetie?" bruce asks you as you sat in between him and tony on the dining table. "i'm good, bruce, why do you ask?"
"we've been hearin' a lot about you today, cupcake." tony winks at you before continuing to eat his food. you pout at him. "bad things?"
"no, no, no, not bad things, never bad things. you're the sweetest little cupcake and everyone loves you. now eat your food," tony pretends to make an angry face at you and you listen to him, smiling as you do so.
after dinner, you decided to lounge in the common room for a bit to watch tv and thor, clint, wanda and sam decide to join you.
"what are we watching?" sam asks as he plops down next to you on the couch. "i don't know, i'm kinda in the mood to watch my little pony." you quipped happily. "my little pony? that stupid ponies cartoon where the purple unicorn has magic and becomes a princess?"
"it's not stupid," you muttered under your breath, suddenly getting upset that he thought my little pony was stupid. "if you guys don't want to watch, i guess we can watch whatever you want." you told the rest who were already seated, a sad expression on your face.
"bubs! of course we want to watch it! right, sam?" wanda glares at sam as she asked him through gritted teeth. "y–yes! yes, we'll watch my little pony!" he replies quickly. "okay!" you cheer, leaning back against the couch as you turned the show on.
after an episode was done, you seemed to have gotten the others hooked on it because they asked for another episode. well, except for sam because he decided one episode was enough and it was time to sleep so he left.
"okay," you giggled, happy that they liked the show. "but i'm going to go get my snacks first." you walked to the kitchen to quickly get your bag of pretzels from the pantry. you were pretty sure it was the period moodswings that were causing your emotions to be all over the place because you cried. you cried because you were so excited to go get your snacks, only to find that it had been stolen.
you trudged back into the living room with a tear-stained face and wanda immediately stands up. "bubs, what's wrong?" she held both your shoulders as she looked down at you. you hiccup. "i–i think pete took my pretzel sticks." you pouted to try keep the incoming tears at bay but they managed to drop anyways.
"i'll kill him," clint stands up, hands held out in a fighting stance. "how dare he steal y/n/n's snacks." wanda rolls her eyes at his antics and gives him a look that tells him to back down.
"lady y/n," thor calls from his spot on the couch. you turn to him. "i have a stash of poptarts if you want?" he offered and as kind as his intentions were, you only wanted your pretzel sticks. you dropped down to the floor, staring silently into nothing.
"y/n," clint places a hand on your shoulder, trying to get you to get up but you didn't. you looked up at him with a small pout and glossy eyes and he cracked. "alright, thor, come with me to the grocery store. we're getting y/n/n's snacks,"
thor immediately gets up, following clint out the door. you couldn't believe that the avengers' own archer and god of thunder were willing to go out just to buy you snacks.
twenty minutes later, they came back with bags of different snacks but most importantly, your pretzel sticks. you ran to them, giving them the biggest hug you could give, prompting chuckles and hair ruffles from them. "anything for you, kiddo."
despite having just gotten your snack, you fell asleep ten minutes into the next episode and thor goes to carry you back to your room. he sets you down gently on your bed, pulling your blanket up so that you were warm.
"sleep well, lady y/n." he kisses the side of your head before leaving. and sleep well you did because you had an awesome family take care of you.
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pazii · 3 years
Can you make childe x reader zhongli x reader xiao x reader (separate) headcanon when they playing or spending time with their child 👁👄👁?
Hi! Of course! I was just thinking about Dad!Childe a while ago hehe
Pairings: Dad!Childe/Dad!Zhongli/Dad!Xiao x The other parent!GN!Reader x their child (platonic with their kids, separate)
Warning(s): Fluff, a bit of archon quest spoilers in Childe's, not proofread
Summary: Childe, Zhongli and Xaio being cute with you and you guys' kids :)
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☆ Childe
Start off by saying the obvious, Childe is very good with children thanks to having quite a few siblings
It is also well known that the 11th Harbinger is a family man, he loves his family more than anything else
You and Childe had a beautiful child who unfortunately for you, acts just like their father
The two father and child are a chaotic duo, you are left to be the sensible parent
He absolutely loves both you and you guys' kid
He is often busy with his job being a harbinger and all but when he does get free time, he goes straight back to the both of you!
He will do any and all things his kid asked, playing pretend, hide and seek, having a tea party? Sounds fun! He just wants to see them happy
He is the type of father to match his kid's energy
anything his kid does he will follow
He would definitely bring the child and you outside to have play dates
“Come catch butterflies with daddy!”
Don't worry Childe is there to protect the both of you if any monsters or people even dare to lay a finger on you two
He will spoil his kid with mountains and mountains of gifts, toys,etc. Anything a child dream of he will get it
If you guys decide to stay inside
Him and his kid will be doing a lot of silly yet cute things (cute to you)
One time they were playing pretend, Childe was pretending to be a pirate and was saying a lot ofailly but funny stuff to get your kid laughing
Please stop him before he tries to teach your kid how to hold and use a weapon
“Childe! They're still young! It's dangerous!”
“Don't worry I will never let them get hurt! Plus, it's never too early to teach them how to protect themselves!”
I believe that Childe knows how to cook fairly well due to having siblings again
You and him were making lunch when your kid asked to join
so the both of you gave them simple tasks to help putting the meal together
Childe was very patient guiding them step by step!
Be preparing for random gifts in the form of food after that
Childe and your kid will secretly make them for you :)
I have this image in my head like you know how Childe can create a narwhal as an attack during his boss fight?
What if he creates small water animals for his kid to just play with, like the animals moves around and it's just beautiful
Your kid is looking at them with curious eyes asking how he does that
You're just watching them with a smile while your heart melts in the cuteness from both of them 😭 (I love this man so much)
Childe definitely tickles his kid if they’re ticklish, same goes for you. No escape.
He likes reading or telling stories to his kid to get them to fall asleep
“Sweet dreams, my little warrior”
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☆ Zhongli
I'd say Zhongli also knows how to deal with kids
He has all the patience and love in the world for you guys'!
He would love telling stories to his kid, seeing their smile and curious eyes asking him what happens next or can him tell another, always makes his heart melt
He would often teach his kid new skills and knowledge that he thinks would be helpful
He definitely have Introduction his kid to Xiao and maybe the other adeptus too (Xiao love your kid too)
He doesn't understand most games that children likes to play but he'll do his best if his kid asked him to play with them
He would lose on purpose to make his kid happy
Zhongli tries to keep you guys' kid away from Hu Tao since he doesn't want her to teach them anything weird or dangerous
He likes to take walks with them either in Liyue harbor or just outside it
Geo dad protects!!
Imagine Zhongli sitting on top of his pillar while watching the sunset with his kid on his lap, dozing off into dreamland. He's humming a song softly while admiring his kid
Ask Childe for mora to buy his kid stuff
Where you're the one to wake up before your husband and child, and you decide to make breakfast. Zhongli comes out with your kid following after they're both clearly still tired
“Morning, dear”
He comes up to hug you from behind, gently laying his head on yours
Your kid sees this and hug you two's legs together
family group hug :)
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☆ Xiao
Unlike Childe and Zhongli, Xiao has no idea how to take care of children
He loves his kid of course he does but what does kids like to do again?
He's usually just watching while you play with your kid
“Xiao why don't you join us?”
“I don't understand this..”
You were playing hide and seek with your kid
He thinks his job is just to protect and make sure you and his kid are safe from harm
So that's what he does
He's even more vigilant now more than ever
He must make sure the two most precious people to him are always safe.
He has told his kid that if anything ever happens, just call out his name and he will be there in a blink of an eye
Your kid is used to him just watching from the side but they do want more of his attention
“Daddy! I found some flowers for you!”
You took your kid outside of Wangshu Inn to pick some silk flowers
He does like bringing back gifts for the two of you, your kid really likes the crystal cores he brings back
One time, you left your kid in Xiao's care since you were busy
They went on a walk but then a small geo slime approached them
Your kid thought it was adorable and wanted to pet it
but Xiao thought otherwise
He quickly picked up your kid away from the slime
which resulted in your kid throwing a temper tantrum
Archons help him, Xiao didn't know what to do
He was panicking that his kid is crying and he doesn't know how to calm them down- He just took his crying kid back to Wangshu Inn
Luckily you returned soon after that and is able to calm them down, both of them yes.
You found the story quite amusing much to Xian dismay
Xiao also definitely cooks almond tofu for them
Xiao do enjoy star gazing with you and your kid on the roof of the Inn
The both of you are his light in this dark life
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acK- I hope that's good enough! Thank you for requesting and I hope you likehow it turned out! <3
Requests are open!
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joheunsaram · 4 years
temper tantrums + cookies (myg)
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Summary- Being a single dad is hard, especially when Yoongi’s daughter decides to throw a tantrum as he shops for groceries.
word count- 2.8k
pairing- dilf!Yoongi x Reader
rating- PG
genre- fluff, strangers2(maybe?)lovers, meetcute
warnings- YOONGI GROCERY SHOPPING, single fatherhood fears and insecurities
a.n- Omg my first fic on this new blog after the whole debacle. Thank you for everyone who followed me and bore with my clown self. I hope you enjoy this! Yes, I’m a simp for when Yoongi went grocery shopping in New Zealand. sigh.
A huge shoutout to @hobisbeautifulass​ for helping me plot this and @oftenderweapons​ for helping fix the ending! 💕
As always feedback appreciated, a reblog and a like goes a far way. Send me an ask! 💌
perm taglist- @cheesecakes-randomshitz, @aroseforyoongi, @hobisbeautifulass​
Yoongi groaned as he strained to open his eyes. He could barely stifle a yawn as he leaned on the stroller slowly moving it through the aisle. His phone rested atop of the little tray attached to the handles, buzzing incessantly as messages from his company bombarded the screen. Could he not have some rest even on a Sunday?
He sighed as he stopped in front of the cereals, examining the boxes, trying to decide between his craving for Froot Loops and the healthier choice of Muselli. Knowing that he would be eating said cereal for dinner this whole week, he opted for Museli, missing the days he had enough time to cook a proper meal for himself.
“Daddy! Up!” Hyunji’s lisp pulled him out of his reminiscing as he watched his two year old daughter wriggling around in her seat, arms up to coax him into carrying her. Rubbing his eyes and trying to balance his grocery basket, Yoongi crouched to her level as she impatiently smacked her hands on the foam bar in front of her. He couldn’t help but smile at her - her tiny eyes almost hidden by her rosy chubby cheeks, hair a mess as she had managed to pull one of her pigtails out. 
“We’ll be home soon, Ji,” he cooed at the chaotic love of his life, placing his basket on the floor to fix her shoe that had seemed to come undone for the eighth time this morning. However, his placades were lost on her as his daughter used her future swimmer lungs to scream, her shrill voice making him wince, but surprisingly working much better than the two iced coffees he had chugged earlier.
With a groan, Yoongi settled on the floor, trying to dodge her little feet that were kicking at him. He really couldn’t wait till she outgrew her temper tantrums. Reaching into his hoodie pocket, he pulled out a small pack of tissues, trying his best to get rid of the snot and tears that flowed down her face as she angrily fought him, her tiny fists colliding with his forearms.
“Ji, please. Calm down,” Yoongi sighed, trying his best to pacify his screaming daughter, while throwing apologetic glances at the shoppers passing by. “Okay, you want to be like that? Then let it out of your system. Go ahead.”
Resigning himself to his fate, Yoongi sat cross-legged in front of her stroller and rubbed his eyes. He knew Hyunji would calm down soon enough, and with the week he had he didn’t care if passerbys thought he was a terrible father for letting his daughter cry her eyes out in the breakfast aisle. In fact, he didn’t care that he himself was close to tears. He felt overwhelmed and bitter, the words of his mother ringing in his ears. “If only you had worked out your issues, she would be here, and you wouldn’t be alone!”
He laughed deliriously, the weeks of shitty sleep catching up to him as he pleaded with his daughter to calm down, bribing her with candy he never bought her to no avail. “Please baby, just half an hour and then we’ll be home,” Yoongi negotiated, his eyes glassy as Hyunji shrieked in response, causing him to startle and bang his shin against the wheel. He hissed in pain, grimacing with his head against the foam rod as she pulled at his dark hair. He loved his daughter, truly from the bottom of his heart, but he couldn’t wait till she started preschool next week and he could get some reprieve. 
“Do you mind if I try?”
Yoongi followed the voice to see you crouching next to him. Dressed in a printed dress with little dinosaurs all over it, and a pair of red glasses that matched your shoes, you didn’t seem like you worked at the store, but Yoongi couldn’t care less. He didn’t know if his exhaustion was blurring his mind, but you seemed like the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He couldn’t stop staring at you, from the slope of your nose, to your hair that fell into your eyes. Had Yoongi really been that deprived of adult human contact that just looking at you made his heart pound in his chest and heat rise to his cheeks? Wow, your lips were really pretty. They looked so soft, crinkling a little on the side when you spoke. Oh shit, you were speaking!
Yoongi was broken out of his thoughts by your voice. “What’s her name,” you asked, tentatively reaching out towards the angry toddler.
Yoongi felt as if he was in a daze, he couldn’t stop staring at you as you reached out to lightly touch Hyunji, your fingers grabbing her little hand in something akin to a handshake. He watched in awe as Hyunji immediately stopped her screams to look at you curiously, her head tilted to the side as she sniffled. Yoongi would be upset that his daughter seemed to be more calm with a stranger than him if it weren’t for how the soft smile on your face made him lose his train of thought. It made your cheeks puff up a little and he felt his heart skip a beat at the small movement.
“Hey Hyunji! I’m Y/N. How are you today,” you said, as Hyunji finally responded with what Yoongi had spent the whole year teaching her, moving her hand away and looking wary. Yoongi felt pride surge through him knowing that his daughter wasn’t going to let a stranger act all buddy-buddy with her. However, Hyunji’s rejection made a small frown appear on your lips, and Yoongi mentally willed his daughter to be nice to you. 
You weren’t deterred however, and with another smile, you reached into your bag draped across your torso to retrieve a small stuffed toy shaped like a chocolate cookie type character. Yoongi’s eyes couldn’t help but follow the strap of your bag as it rested between your chest, perfectly aligned with the slight cleavage afforded by the dress. He gulped, trying to shake the flurry of thoughts that ran through his mind like how his face would feel if it was the strap. 
“No handshake? Okay. How about a toy,” you asked, grinning and shaking the character in front of the toddler, your smile getting wider as she responded immediately reaching for the toy. So much for stranger danger training. Your voice turned high pitched and cartoonish as you pretended to be the toy, Hyunji immediately lighting up and laughing, the switch an instant 180. “Hi Hyunji, I’m Shooky! Nice to meet you!”
“Shooky!” she exclaimed, waving the toy towards Yoongi to show it to him gleefully. Yoongi smiled, cooing at his daughter. Turning towards you, he found you smiling at him, the same soft smile that made him senseless earlier. He wanted to thank you for saving him, for calming down his whirlwind of a daughter, but his mouth seemed to have a mind of its own.
“Is that a cookie? She’s not allowed to have cookies.”
“It’s a toy…” You seemed confused, rightly so, your eyebrows scrunched together as you blinked slowly, trying to decipher his meaning. Yoongi should’ve clarified, apologized, but he wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t double down.
“Shaped like a cookie. That’s a slippery slope.” He waved towards his daughter who seemed to be bashing the poor character against her leg, giggling. He realized his type of humour was not everyone’s cup of tea and so when he watched your lips down turn, he started to apologize only to be stopped by you smirking at him.
“So you’re saying a toy shaped like a cookie is a gateway drug to junk food,” you said, an eyebrow raised at him. Your wit made him cackle, an unattractive, loud scream of a laugh that immediately turned him red in embarrassment. God, he was such a loser! He cleared his throat conscious of the way you chuckled in amusement. He really needed to get out of the house more often.
“I’m sorry. I’m tired. Thank you, really. I had resigned to sitting here for a couple of hours.” He smiled up at you as you stood up and watched Hyunjin in endearment, who was now thoroughly engrossed in ‘Shooky’. Following your lead, Yoongi made to stand up, only to realize one of his feet had decided to fall asleep on him causing him to stumble back with a groan.
“Need a hand?” You raised a hand towards him, one that he took graciously, if only to feel how soft your hands were, and they were so soft. He groaned a little as he stood, taking extra care not to pull you to the ground with him, regardless of how much he wanted to. Jesus, Yoongi. Relax, dude.
“Thanks. I swear I’m not as old as I seem,” he deadpanned as you giggled a little at his bones cracking loudly.
“I didn’t think you were old.” You shrugged in response as he thought of ways to keep the conversation going. However, his mind was blank. You looked at him expectantly, and in true awkward fashion, Yoongi averted your gaze, instead looking at his daughter. His jaw dropped at the sight before him as he squinted at his offspring who seemed to be dozing happily in the stroller, clutching the cookie under her chin.
“She’s asleep… How did you do that?” He was dumbfounded. There was a reason Yoongi still seemed like he was sleep walking even two coffees down. Hyunjin had been having trouble falling asleep for weeks, waking him up at all hours of the night. The doctor said something about her delayed teething, but at this point Yoongi was convinced she just hated him for never letting her have sugar. 
“No biggie. I work in childcare. I’ve been trained.” He looked at you in awe and you chuckled, patting him on the shoulder in an attempt to break him out of his daze. Could he fall in love at first sight? He was beginning to think, yes.
“Yes biggie! She never falls asleep,” he exclaimed, running a hand through his hair. “What kind of witchcraft…” He looked from you to his daughter, still in disbelief as he muttered, earning a hearty laugh from you in response.
“I’m Y/N, by the way,” you said, smiling as you closed your bag and fixed the strap, and he had to physically restrain his eyes from zeroing in on your chest again. He wasn’t going to lie, his eye balls felt strained at the effort.
“Yoongi. But seriously, thank you. I promise I’m not a bad father,” he provided, the shock now wearing off into anxiety as he thought about how much of a crap father he seemed to be so amazed at seeing his daughter fall asleep. You shook your head at him, a small sound of disapproval leaving your lips.
“I think you’re a great father, Yoongi. Don’t worry, toddlers are hard.” The praise made his heart stutter as blood rushed to his ears. The way you softly affirmed him made him feel seen. He didn’t know how much he needed to hear that, and to be honest, he felt a little emotional.
“I… thank you. I’d like to say you’re wrong but yeah, especially alone,” he spoke quietly. He didn’t know why he specified he was single. Maybe to see if you were as interested in him as he was in you. He didn’t think it was possible. Who would want to be with a single father who couldn’t even handle his own child in a public space? He felt his insecurities gnaw at him as he descended further into his head. His sudden silence may have alarmed you because before he could say anything, you touched his shoulder gingerly, the feel of your fingers scorching him through the thick layers of his sweater.
“Well you’re doing great. Professional opinion.” You smiled and Yoongi wanted to cry. Why were you so nice? He missed nice. He hadn’t had nice in a long time. He wanted to say something, ask you for your number, but that seemed too forward so he settled for gratitude, as you picked up his basket and handed it to him.
“Thank you…”
“Cute,” you giggled quietly. “It was nice meeting you Yoongi.” 
Much to his disappointment, you started walking away. He really shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up. Hope always led to dismay.
“You too, Y/N. Really great.” He sighed, almost wistfully, resigned to the fact that he would probably never see you again as you waved and turned around.
“Say bye to Hyunji for me.”
“I will.”
He looked at his daughter with pride as she stood in front of him, her dark hair in two slightly lopsided braids, that had taken Yoongi an hour to master through youtube tutorials. He couldn’t help but feel a little choked up as she excitedly pulled on his arm all but running towards her classroom, her frilly pink dress swishing with each step. He couldn’t believe she was old enough for school already - preschool, but still. 
Yoongi tried to stop his brain from conjuring up pictures of her future; her graduating, her walking down the aisle. No, screw sleep, he didn’t need it. This was too fast. He held her hand tightly, reluctant to let her go as they reached the door. 
What was he supposed to do now that she was going to be gone all day? He could almost feel himself tear up at the thought of how much he was going to miss her, and she was still holding her hand. Maybe he could ask the teacher if he could just sit and watch. Sure he had to be at his home office to start work in thirty minutes, but he could just say he suddenly fell ill.
However, all thoughts as well as his breath left him as his eyes fell on a familiar figure - the beautiful, kind woman from the grocery store. You. 
This time around you were dressed in a dress that had little planets on it, looking a lot like Ms Frizzle with your hair in a top knot. Yoongi didn’t know whether to be ecstatic that universe had given him another opportunity to talk to you or be depressed because he knew he would never be with.
“Yoongi!” The joy and surprise in your voice made his face crinkle in a goofy smile that he had absolutely no control over, as he fiddled with his fingers, Hyunjin quickly abandoning him at the first sign of new friends. She definitely did not inherit her stellar social skills from him, as he stood there unable to form a response other than a shy utterance of your name.
“I was hoping to run into you again,” you said, beaming blindly and Yoongi blushed.
With his heartbeat accelerating, he realised that those eight words were probably the best he had ever heard.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 2 years
A wish for a different life - Adrien AGUreste Day 3
So when my friends and I were talking about this, we did mention that Adrien is open about how he misses his mom when she’s busy but one thing we decided to focus on was how he’d react when she missed their tradition. I kept worrying that I was kinda going overboard but I feel like while Adrien would justify anything else Ms Rossi missed with ‘well work is important because it gives us this life’  I feel like this one constant they have, if it got messed up, it would upset him a lot. Difference is, I think if she knew, she’d do her best to change. I also realised there are a lot of single parent kids in the class so it was suggested they help, I hope you enjoy. @adrienaugust
The apartment was quite. The noise from Paris outside seeped into his room through his open window, the slight wind making the pictures he’d hung up last night move with it. He usually didn’t mind quite; it was the missing sounds he didn’t like. His mom moving around the kitchen, making breakfast or on the phone, they were absent. His mom never came home last night. the trash full of 3 orders of canolies said so. He clipped his bangs away from his face, trying to not get upset and failing.
He switched out the board in his itabag, shoving the sleeves of his shirt up as he walked into the kitchen and picked up an apple before pulling 3 boxes out of the fridge. While he tried to remind himself that his mother missed their tradition for a job that gave them their life, the pizzas didn’t have to go to waste. It’d be going better if he’d actually answered his mom’s concerned text messages.
“Ooh! Pizza!” Nino called, getting up from his seat as Adrien dropped them on the teacher’s desk once he walked into his classroom. “You didn’t have to bring leftovers.”
“It’s not. It’s the whole thing. Mama didn’t come home last night.”
“Dude, is everything ok?” Nino asked concerened.
“Yeah, she’s fine. She just stayed at the embassy. It’s just…” he noticed most of his classmates where listening in and lowered his voice a little, “I feel angry but, ugh! She was working. That’s why we’re in France, so she can work. And it’s not like this is a constant occurrence, I know my mom loves me. It’s just, it didn’t matter how busy she was, she never missed this. Ugh, I feel like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum. It’s not that big a deal.”
Nino put a hand on his shoulder. “Dude, we’re allowed to throw tantrums still. You said you always do this, so it’s understandable why your upset. I mean, you ordered from 3 different places for her.”
“Yeah, I just. I need some time alone.”
“Well, the teachers have these meetings every once in a while, to go over things to do during Akuma attacks. We’ve got the first 2 periods free.”
“Awesome. Let everyone else know to help themselves. I’ll be back.” Adrien said, patting the boxes before leaving.
He walked down the steps, taking in the calmness of the courtyard, as most students headed to their classes or other rooms rather than stay in the courtyard. He ducked under one of the steps, sitting on the ground and sighing. Nino had a point about him being allowed to be upset but it still felt stupid. Maybe it was because he didn’t expect much from his parents with them hanging out. He noticed since their split that the time they spent with him was more than when they were together. Adrien had gotten used to being in their office when they worked before, taking in the comfort of being near them. once he was older with his own hobbies, he either worked on cosplays at home or went exploring or hung out with the few friends he did make, but honestly, once his parents separated and started joining him in his hobbies, they started to feel more fun.
He looked up and saw someone about to duck under the same stairwell. Their hood on their red sweatshirt was pulled up.
“I’m sorry, do you usually hang out here?” Adrien asked, about to get up and move when the person’s gaze went to his bag.
“Oh! Is that SakuSyao?” Adrien’s itabag was showcasing the couple from the Clamp anime. “Where did you get that pin?”
“Which one?”
“The one with their bears as a card?”
“Oh,” Adrien brightened up getting to talk about one of his favourite things. “Actually, an artist I follow was doing pin commissions. I never really found one with their bears so I asked for this one to be made. It’s the only one in existence, assuming others didn’t ask for the same thing. I can give you, their info. Oh, um, I’m Adrien by the way.”
The person sat down and pushed their hood off their head. “Marc Anciel. Are you new? I don’t think I’ve seen you around.”
“Yeah, I transferred into Mml. Bustier’s class yesterday. My mom and I just moved here. Diplomat kid.”
“Wow, that must be exciting.”
Adrien shrugged. “I mean new places to go are exciting but the moving gets old. Even more so when the work starts messing with traditions.” He waved off Marc’s concerned look. “It’s nothing. So, fan of Clamp?”
“Mostly. Though I love explaining to my mother the age differences in them when it comes to couples. She finds it funny since she’s older than my dad by 5 years.”
Adrien nearly bounced in excited energy. “Ok, no. I never read the Cardcaptor Sakura manga, but who was gonna tell me Eriol and the teacher who dated an 8th grader were together? I know he’s a reincarnation, but so was Sakura’s dad. Not that he’s not an example too.”
“Can you believe my mom goes on a rant about Usagi and Mamoru?”
“Same! My mama can’t get it either. I’m not saying that her dating at 14 while he’s 4 years older isn’t concerning, but show the same level of concern when dealing with Clamp.”
Marc started to look a little red. “I haven’t been able to talk to many people about this. Most people are interested in shounen anime.”
“I like it all. Even some ones not many people have heard of. I could watch Preter for ages. I’m guessing you like it?” Adrien asked at Marc’s wide eyes.
“It was my first proper anime I watched. Once I found out they originated from manga, I begged my mom to get the whole set for me. Himeno and Hayate, I want a relationship like theirs, minus the massive dislike they had at first. Though, I guess I’d like the growing trust we have in each other.”
“Word of advice, bad boys aren’t bad. Just go for the guys who are more for the aesthetic and not so much the whole lifestyle. If they care more about their reputation than you, not worth it. Trust me.” Adrien advised. “Could have saved myself 5 months. Guess I should be lucky I moved after that.”
“Oh, well, um. The person I like isn’t like that. Well, I don’t think he is. He seems really quite and focused, but passionate about his art. His art really inspires me.” Marc started to mess with the hood of his hoodie, like he wanted to hid again.
“You’ll have to point him out to me.” Adrien didn’t claim to be amazing at match making, but he was successful a few times.
“You might know him. He’s in your class. Unfortunately next to Lila, but that’s a different story. I still can’t believe she tried giving some lie about Stan Lee after his death.”
“Wait, Stan Lee? I’m gonna get to your crush on Nathaniel in a second, but what?” just how much more was he going to find out about Lila?
“I only heard it from Marinette but apparently right when a lot of her lies were being questioned, she told Nathaniel she could get his work noticed by Stan Lee, who was already passed for the past few months. Not to mention the fact that she’s never interacted with any comic artist or anything like that. Marinette tried explaining that she thinks she’s just dealing with a lot because of her dad and her insane schedule but I just can’t fathom having a life like that and just lying like nothing can touch you. If anything, you’d want to be open right? Find people who accept you as you are? Chloe’s kinda known for causing a lot of akumas with the way she acts, but as far as I know, she doesn’t lie about herself. She’s like Cleo from Monster High, but before you get to know her as a person.”
“I think the fact that I know that reference is a bit sad.” A new but familiar voice said from above them.
The two looked up to see Luka, the pizza delivery boy from the night before, sitting on the steps and looking down at them from between the space.
“Hi Luka.”
“You’re my delivery boy from last night!”
“Hi Marc and yes, that would be me. So did you and your mom figure out the best pizza?”
Adrien’s smile dropped as he remembered the still full boxes he brought to school and his mom’s absence.
“Not really. She didn’t show up last night. first time ever. But it’s fine! She was working, that’s why we’re here, so it’s fine.”
He heard Luka moving but was distracted by Marc putting a hand on his arm.
“It doesn’t sound like it’s fine.”
“It’s not. I don’t get bothered by the amount of work she has to do or how busy she gets because it means the times, we can hang out are even better. It’s just…this is our one tradition. Every place we’ve gone, we’ve done this. When we go back to Italy, we get pizza at the place we’ve decided is best after months of checking. It just, hurts that she didn’t show up, let alone even call to let me know she wouldn’t come.” He ranted. He felt angry. He didn’t have to but he did. He understood his mom’s job but that still didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
“You know, my mom works as a captain for some really rich people’s boats. She hates it, she thrives off of chaos but it’s what she loves to do. Sometimes she works late and when she gets back, doesn’t matter if we were asleep, me and my sister will have breakfast with her, talking about our day, things like that. It did hurt when she wouldn’t wake us up sometimes. Can you honestly say this one missed dinner is the only time your mom had to back out of things?” Luka asked, sitting next to them
No. there had been school open houses, a few competitions at conventions or for fencing when he did it. “But she always made up for it.”
“My mom does that by letting us come to her.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think what Luka’s trying to get at is that you could go to her. Not that you knew what was going to happen last night, but if you knew earlier, you would have taken dinner to her right?” Adrien nodded. “Personally, I think really long text messages telling parents how you feel work too. I kinda get the feeling you don’t tell your mom much about how you miss her do you?” Marc asked.
Adrien shrugged. He was honest about how much his mom worked but when it came to telling her directly, that was a different story. “She’s busy. I don’t want to bother her.” He knew since his mom wasn’t dealing with the stress of the fights she had with his dad anymore, seeing how to talked to them in the first place, it should be easy to be open with his mom. Some parts were. He just felt guilty ladling her with how he felt with her job, a job she worked to provide for them.
“Not that I think your mom would do this but what will happen if you don’t tell her how you truly feel and it happens again?”
Open houses and contests were one thing, but a tradition they’d kept alive since he was a kid was another.
“I should talk to her, shouldn’t I?”
“I know screaming at your parents comes with the territory of being a teen but I find that calming talking gets you heard better.” Luka said. “Bring pizza over to her office at lunch and talk. It’ll help.”
“Right. Oh crap!” he remembered. “I brought all the pizza for the class to have! Uh, Marc, who’s class are you in? I can find you after.”
“Just meet me here after school. You still have to let me know the artist and we can chat more about shojou anime.”
“Definitely! And don’t think I’ll forget about your crush.” Adrien got up and headed back to class, only barely noticing that Luka was following. He walked into class and saw Alix flicking a pocket knife closed as Juleka closed a pizza box, one that had been cut in half and made into a smaller box.
“Ah, there you are! We saved you pizza for you and your mom.” Alix said.
Juleka brought him the box and handed it to him, her voice melodic as she spoke. “Nino explained why you were upset. A lot of us are from single parent households and we get how it feels when parents back out of stuff, especially traditions. Alya mentioned how you really put the research in for this so we thought that you couldn’t let the tradition just end because of a missed day. Talking things out and telling parents how you feel does more wonders than you think. We think if you went and talked to your mom during lunch, it would help you feel better.”
“Thanks. Yeah, I was just told that.”
“By another single parent child.”
“Luka.” Juleka said, noticing him over Adrien’s shoulder. As he took a closer look at the two of them, he noticed they looked pretty similar. Not just the dyed hair and close enough styles but the shape of their noses. “Thank you.” she said, taking the wallet he handed her.
“You’re lucky my teachers pushed classes back until later. I’ll see you later or you staying with Rose tonight?”
“We’re video chatting Ali, but I’ll call. Enjoy work tonight and good luck with classes.”
“Thanks. Hey, good luck with your mom.” He told Adrien. “Bye Rose.”
“Bye Luka!” the blonde cried from her seat, waving cheerfully.
“I didn’t realise you met my brother.” Juleka said just as Luka left and Mml. Bustier came in.
“He was my delivery guy last night. And thanks. All of you.” he told the class.
“I see we have pizza.” Mml. Bustier said, glancing at the two boxes and the broken cardboard in the recycling bin.
“Adrien brought some over from his dinner last night!” Rose said. “We haven’t taken any yet.”
“Well then, how about we use it as prizes for our quiz this morning? Everyone has to answer a question and then can get a slice. Lila, I’m sure we can keep this a secret from your father this once.”
“No thank you.” the rich brunette said, glaring down at Adrien.
He rolled his eyes as he took his seat, putting the box next to him. He hadn’t expected his classmates to offer their advice and help him like this but he couldn’t help but feel grateful. Most of the kids at the schools he went to either didn’t care about their relationship with their parents or were insistent it had to be kept a certain way so they could get what they wanted. Rarely did they want to be open and honest with their parents like Adrien did. He was nervous about telling his mom about how he felt about her work at times. It still felt like it was childish and spoiled of him to be upset about her work and the time it ate. But he knew if he didn’t say anything, like Luka suggested, it could happen again and if she didn’t know how it made him feel, wouldn’t it mean she thought it’d be ok again?
Most embassies looked the same. The Italian Embassy in France fit in with the old architecture outside and all the opulent architecture inside. He only had a chance to find one nearby Italian bakery to pick up canolies from before coming here. He had about less than 40 minutes, not counting the time it would take to get back to school before classes started again, but of course, he had to wait for his identity to be confirmed by the staff.
“Singor Rossi? Your mother will see you. her office is up the stairs and down the hall. The head diplomat kindly left flowers outside her door so she could find her office.”
He walked up the stairs, trying to take in the decor but he was still full of nerves over what he was going to say. he found her office and he took in the exhausted dressing she was in. her blazer was on the back of her chair and her hair was out of her ponytail, the desk a mess of paperwork. She looked up before he could knock and her whole face brightened up.
“Adrien! They told me you came. Come here caro.” She said, standing up and opening her arms.
He took little time hugging her, squeezing tight. He missed seeing her the night before, not just for their tradition, but the first day was always theirs.
As she pulled back, she noticed the boxes and her smile dropped. “Oh caro, I’m so sorry I called so late. The canolies must have been ruined.”
“Yeah. They were. These are from an Italian bakery not far from school. I, I was pretty upset that you never showed. You’ve never missed our first night tradition.”
“I know. There’s so much paperwork to go over. Having magical heroes and a magic terrorist threatening the country isn’t something we really know how to deal with. New York on their heroes are a much different ballpark than this. Still though, I should have called or told you to come here.”
Adrien placed the boxes down and looked at his mom. “I know you didn’t mean it; I believe you. it’s just, I’m scared if I don’t tell you how this made me feel, you might think it’s ok to do it again. I get that you’re busy, trust me I do and I don’t mind when you have to back out of things but this, our tradition. It’s the one thing I always thought would come before work. Even when you and dad were fighting, it was something we always did. It’s stupid, but I feel like if you start backing out of this then it’ll continue and nothing we do will matter anymore. Not our lunch dates, or when you agree to cosplay with me or even simple time just at home.”
“Caro.” His mother’s expression dropped. “Why didn’t you say before that it upset you when I backed out of things? I never wanted you to feel like that.”
“You had work. Work that helps me do those things.”
“Work isn’t as important as you are.” She took his face in her hands and looked into his eyes. “Work isn’t more important than our traditions. I’m sorry I made you feel like it was and that you had to be ok with me choosing work over the things you wanted me at. That’s not ok. Can I explain why I choose to stay last night?” Adrien nodded. “So, our time in New York gave us a bit of insight into what it’s like to have heroes in the city, but it’s something they’ve perfected, even with most heroes having their identities known. They have superpowered villains that are able to be take care of and at most, they just keep an eye on any crimes. It’s different here. This Hawkmoth is classified as a terrorist and the only people who can go up against him have so much hidden. From what I understand, it’s for our protection as much as theirs but there’s so much that needs to be in place. The things they need to protect us is the same thing Hawkmoth wants, so they need protection too. Italy has been asked to come up with plans to give them help when needed and also defend against akumas as best as possible. I don’t know much about Scarlet Bug and Catseye, but I can imagine that their parents would be worried sick if anything happened to them and I want to do my part to help.”
He almost forgot that the Hawkmoth issue was the main reason they were in France right now. He didn’t know why he felt surprised she was worried about Paris’ heroes, his mom always wanted to protect those who needed it.
“That’s why I felt like I had to stay last night, but it shouldn’t have been at the risk of making you feel that way. The other moments mattered too.”
“Yeah. I do get why you had to then, but I miss you with all the work you do. I wasn’t going to say anything but the single parent kids in my class said it’d be better if I did talk to you.”
“And I’m glad you did.” His mother pressed a kiss onto his cheek. “I want you to come talk to me, no matter what. I mean it, no amount of work is more important than you. I wish I could promise work won’t get in the way but what I can promise is that I’ll try harder. I don’t want you to ever feel like you have to hide, ok?”
Every worry he had, every bit of anger and hurt started to slip away. His mom meant her promises, the really deep ones. She made one when she and his dad finally split and he knew she’d keep this one to.
Just as he was about to hug his mother, a sudden explosion happened, gently shaking the room like a mild earthquake.
“There is an Akuma attacking the nearby area. Please stay inside and wait for further instructions. Scarlet Bug and Catseye are on the scene.”
He couldn’t help it, he rushed to the window and tried to spot something. Just over the roofs, he saw the smoke of something and he could hear the cries of something otherworldly. He’d seen his fair share of superhero fights when in New York, rarely in person, but this felt different. He just spotted two specks that landed on a nearby roof. He pulled out his phone and using his camera, zoomed in. it was a bit pixelated but the two figures were in red and black respectively. The one in black had long hair that almost seemed tinged green. The one in red spun something in a circle. They seemed to talk before they both jumped back towards the attack.
It was small, but he just had his first glimpse at the heroes of Paris.
He jumped when the phone rang and his mother answered.
“Si, we’re fine. Yes, we’ll stay away from the windows.” She gave him a look that pulled him away from staring more. “Grazi. We’ll wait for your call then. We’ve been told to stay here and close the doors. Most of security affects like bars and screens don’t work or will be easily destroyed. If the Akuma thinks no one is in a room, they’ve been more likely to leave it alone. Besides, we’ll be warned if the fight gets closer to us. I know it seems a bit of poor timing, but how about we eat that pizza?”
Adrien nodded and watched as his mother pulled the pillows off the nearby couch and drop them on the floor. Work was literally outside, fighting, but instead his mom choose him. He knew other parents would turn to work when it was this close but his mom wasn’t going to break her promise. He hoped that the heroes of Paris would eventually know the woman they had in their corner. A woman who cared so deeply that Adrien felt so proud to call her his mom.
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Stay at Home
Your 3-year-old son convinces you and Rook to stay home for the day.
Request: “Can I get a Rook imagine where you live with Colson and you have a son and what your life is like everyday”
Rook X Reader
A/N: I have a couple more requests that are similar to this so expect another one like this (but different)
Word Count: 1155
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The blaring of the alarm on your phone woke you up, just like every other weekday. You groaned out, eyes fluttering open painfully as you turned it off. Rook grumbled sleepily, but kept his eyes closed. Letting out a sigh, you moved his arm from its resting place on your stomach and sat up, legs hanging over the edge of the bed.
Rook let out a small “you should call in sick today,” the words getting muffled by his pillow. You chuckled as you stood up, turning to face the man.
“You say that every day.” You pick up your phone, checking for any missed notifications before tossing it onto your side of the bed.
Rook shrugged, his face still buried in his pillow, “that’s ‘cause I want you to stay home every day.”
You rolled your eyes, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his temple, “I’d still have to take Johnny to pre-k.”
Rook lifted his head up to give you a proper kiss on the lips, smiling lazily. “He can stay home, too.”
You stood up, sarcastically remarking “you’re funny.” You moved towards your closet, flicking through your clothes. “Don’t you have an album to work on?”
Rook chuckled, “I’ll call in sick with you guys.”
You picked out an outfit, turning to Rook. “That’s a bit difficult when you live with your boss.” You pulled Rook’s T-shirt over your head and replaced it with your work blouse.
“What’s he gonna do, fire me?”
You chuckled at his response, throwing the rest of your outfit together before walking to the bathroom to finish getting ready. You were almost through your routine when Rook finally got out of bed, walking up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist.
He pressed a small kiss to your cheek, “I love you.”
You turned around in his arms, your back leaning against the counter, “I love you too.” You let his lips mold into yours, hands grazing his shoulders gently. When you pulled away, you kept your eyes closed, letting out a sigh. “Time to wake the monster up.”
Rook chuckled, “that monster is the best thing I’ve ever made.”
You rolled your eyes jokingly, “you’ve made?”
He pecked your lips, “we’ve made.”
You pushed him away gently, wiggling your way out of his grasp and making your way to your son’s room. You turned the lamp in the room on, finding your son already awake and sitting up on his bed. “Good morning sunshine!” You lit up just from seeing him.
“I don’t wanna go today.” He whined, giving you a pouty look.
Rook smirked at you, whispering, “you can always stay home.”
You swatted lightly at him, chuckling, “you have to go to school today. You love pre-school, J!” You walked towards the three-year-old, squatting down to be at his eye level. “What’s up?”
Johnny gave you puppy dog eyes, having learned it was the best way to get what he wanted. “Want to stay with you and daddy.”
You let out a sigh, shoulders dropping as you turn to Rook. “Did you set him up to this?” The man laughed and shook his head, moving next to you and kneeling down. “Johnny, mommy and daddy have to go to work and you have to go to school.” You continued to try and convince the toddler.
The little boy whined, jerking his feet in anger, “I don’t wanna go!” You could already feel the onset of a temper tantrum, and you were very eager to avoid it.
Rook rubbed his little leg, “bud, you gotta go to school. Don’t you wanna be really smart like your mommy?”
You stood up, raising your hand in defeat, “I’m calling out, whatever.”
Rook chuckled, standing up and taking your hands in his. “I was seriously joking about that.”
“I’m not.” You giggled, pressing your lips to his lightly. He leaned his forehead against yours as you continued, “Besides, I need a day with my boys anyways.”
“I love you.” He mumbled, wrapping his hands around your waist.
“How much?” You raised an eyebrow. He let out a confused hum, tilting his head slightly. “If you loved me, you would throw his sheets in the wash and clean him up while I call out.”
“I take it back.” He joked.
You laughed, pushing him towards the bed as you made your way out of the room, “I thought he was the best thing you’ve ever created?”
Rook pouted towards you as you laughed, leaving the room. “Alright bud, let’s get you all cleaned up and then we’ll go wake up Uncle Colson, yeah?”
“Uncle Colson!” He cheered.
 Rook came back into your bedroom with a newly cleaned Johnny in his arms and Casie in his trail. “Casie thinks Johnny should go wake up Uncle Colson, what do you think?” Your son was smiling widely, obviously excited.
You looked at Casie with an eyebrow raised, “I think someone is gonna get murdered and it’s not gonna be the kids.” Casie sent you a faux-innocent smile.
You followed the group to Colson’s room, standing in the doorway as Rook set Johnny on the bed next to a sleeping Colson. “Jump, J” Rook whispered, his miniature obeying, hopping on the bed happily.  
Colson groaned, covering his eyes with his arm for a moment as he came to. “Wake up, dad!” Casie cheered, pushing on the bed to make it move even more. The man opened his eyes, reaching out to grab Johnny and trap him in his arms, tickling the boy.
“There’s my favorite nephew,” he said it with a laugh but he was glaring at Rook, who held his hands up in surrender.
“It was her idea.” He pointed to Casie, who just giggled.
Colson raised an eyebrow, “speaking of, why aren’t you leaving to go to school?” You had also been wondering the same thing, as her bus should be here any minute and she was still in her pajamas.
Casie gave a pout to her dad, “uncle Rook said I could stay home.” You laughed out loud at the look Colson gave the other man. “Everyone else is staying home today, why can’t I?”
Colson just leaned back onto his pillow, pulling Johnny down with him, “Whatever, but this is the only time this happens.” Casie cheered, making Johnny clap his hands in excitement.
The girl reached over the bed and picked him up, carrying him out of the room. “Hear that, Johnny? We get to stay home together!”
You chuckled, “you two are the biggest pushovers I’ve ever met.” Colson grabbed a pillow from beside him and chucked it at you, missing miserably. “C’mon, we’re gonna make breakfast as a family,” you grabbed Rook’s hand and pulled him towards the door, letting him steal a quick kiss in the doorway.
Colson laughed, “you mean you and Casie are gonna make breakfast while we watch?”
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thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 4
Would some people use this prompt for romance? yes
Am I people? no
First< Previous > Next
“Isn’t it amazing Tiki?” Marinette exclaims throwing the curtains open.
“No,” Adrien groans rolling over preferring it to glaring at the light.
“Just look at that garden,” Marinette sighs resting on the window sill.
“Wow, plants,” Plagg snuggles up in the blankets more.
“I’m going down before breakfast,” Marinette darts away from the window throwing on clothes, “Adrien do you want to come?”
“Raring to go,” Adrien yawns still under the covers, “Meet you down there,”
Marinette giggles leaving the room, and Adriens snores behind her.
“Someone’s enjoying not being on a schedule,” Tiki flew beside her, both confident that cameras would catch the Kwami anyway, “And I never once saw you this ready to go to school,”
“It’s much easier not having to juggle everything at school plus Ladybug and that bed?” Marinette sighs at the very thought, “The hero of Paris has not slept that well in a long while let me tell you,”
“I’m glad Marinette you deserve a break,” Tikki hugs her cheek.
“We both do Tiki,” They could use a long holiday after this was all over if it ever was.
“Miss duping-Cheng,”
“Alfred!” Marinette jumps, hoping tiki got out of sight in time, “Sorry! Didn’t see you there I was just I’m talking to um...”
“I’m well aware miss Dupain-Cheng,” Marinette's blood runs cold, “However you might have a tad more luck talking with the flower out there instead of the dead ones in that vase there,”
“Flowers in the… oh! Yes ah, very good point thank you, Alfred,”
“And if you wouldn’t mind visiting the rose bush at the back of the west wing they could use your magic touch,”
“Of course- I’m mean magic! What magic I don’t know what you're talking about!” She should probably just leave, “West wing you say? where’s that?”
“To the west miss,”
“Ah! Yes well, that would make sense,” Marinette cringes already halfway down the hall, “Thank you, Alfred!”
Marinette races down the hallway before more questions could come. She reaches the garden in record time only slowing down when the flowers came into view.
“Oh Tiki they're gorgeous,” Marinette let her fingers brush gently over the rose petals, “I’m not sure what Alfred is talking about,”
Marinette sits on the neatly trimmed grass taking out her sketchbook. Tiki darts from flower to flower leaving a trail of brightly blooming flowers in her wake.
Marinette is finishing off the details of a flower petal based skirt when a solid force barrels her over.
“What the- oh hi!” Marinette giggles as a wet snout pushes in her face, “Who are you, you handsome boy?”
Marinette scratches at the Great Danes ears giving herself enough space to sit back up. She laughs again showering the canine with affection. She catches a figure standing off to the side of the rose bush. Must be one of Bruce Wayne’s sons. she knows enough from second-hand gossip and the odd news article to take a guess that this one's Damian the youngest considering he should be about her age. He’s looking at them softly, must be his dog. Strange that from most of what she had heard he was cold, well except for Lila's retellings but those could hardly be believed. But still, he was cute-- Marinette swiftly shakes her head to get rid of that train of thought.
“Hi!” Marinette waves, one hand still occupied patting, something in Damian's expression snaps turning cold and harsh, “You're Damian right?”
“As if you didn’t know,” He spits walking over, Marinette raises a brow.
“I took a guess,” She shrugs, turning her attention back to the dog when he starts licking her face, “But I don’t know who this is, what’s his name?”
“Tt Titus,”
“Hello, Titus aren’t you just beautiful?” Marinette scratches his head as he lets out a bark.
“Titus here,” At Damian's command Titus leaves Marinette to sit by his side, “You interrupted out morning walk,”
Actually, you interrupted me. Marinette keeps the thought to herself trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. An act maybe? for public appearances. Marinette knew Adrien took on a persona for his fans.
“Sorry, lovely place to have a walk tho,” Marinette stands gazing wistfully at the flowers, “Aren’t they gorgeous?”
“Excuse me?” Marinette reels back scowling at him now. He meets her scowl with one that would have been threatening if she hadn't donned a spotted mask years ago. Seeing her not back down he moves forward, Marinette holds her position.
“You’re only going to ruin everything so leave,” His gaze in her is steely, filled with resentment. Marinette meets it silently not wanting to insult her host's son, someone out of the two of them had to be polite. Damian huffs again brushing past her with Titus at his heels.
Marinette huffs as well heading in the opposite direction Tiki hiding away in her bag. She’s ready to head back to the room to vent to Adrien or Plagg whoever’s more awake. She startles as Dick appears next to her.
“Hi, Marinette,” Marinette doesn't have enough time to wipe the look off her face, “What’s wrong?”
“Just met Damian,”
“That explains it,” Tim says, crossing the hall and disappearing into another room in time to avoid Dick's glare.
“He told me to leave! And that I would only ruin everything,” Marinette lets it out, confident that her frustration wouldn’t even register to Hawkmoth in a city like Gotham, “And I’m pretty sure he wasn’t talking about the rose garden,”
“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that,” Dick says cheerfully guiding her towards her room, “Damian's just not great at expressing emotions I’m sure he didn’t mean to offend,”
I’m pretty sure he did
But she didn’t have time to argue, Dick was already pushing her gently down the hall to her room.
“Don’t worry about it ok?”
Marinette then proceeded to go to her room and worry about it.
Dick waves Marinette off with a smile it drops when she disappears down the hall. He ducks into the room Tim just went. Tim coming out of the secret passage just as he did.
“Wouldn’t go down there Damian's throwing a temper tantrum,” Tim warns holding a laptop and a cup of coffee that might be fused to him at this point.
“I’m sure he’s not,” Dick pats his shoulder, moving past before the passage closes.
“Whatever I’m going to order more training dummies,”
They part ways Dick hurrying down to the bat cave. Sure enough, Damian was there cutting down training dummies one after the other.
“Hey,” Dick calls leaning against a shelf on the edge of the training mat, “What’s up?”
Damian huffs turning to slice up another target.
“Why are you mad at Marinette?” Dick presses, “She seems sweet,”
“Don't trust an assassin,”
Ah so that’s what it is
" She seems innocent,” Then again so did her mother and that woman had proven to be terrifying.
“She was trained to,” Damian stops taking the water Dick offers him, “Don’t trust her for a second, she’ll turn in you,”
“You take that back!!” Marinette beats Adrien over the head with a pillow, “I’ll take your miraculous and hand it over to Hawkmoth myself if you ever say that again!”
“Are you telling me you didn’t find it punny?” Adrien cracks up, getting a face full of pillow.
“Alright alright,” he surrenders, and Marinette backs off, “So what did he do next?”
“He told me to leave! Right to my face!” Marinette recites, falling back on the bed, “That’s just so rude- no not rude, mean ,”
“ What ,”
“No offense Mari we’re but you do this a lot,” Adrien rolls over resting on his stomach.
“Do what?” Marinette crosses her arms, cautious of where this was going.
“Dislike people the first time meeting them,”
“Name on-“
“Kagami,” Well yes not like I'm about to share my reason.
“Mhmm, how did breaking up with her over text before fleeing the country go by the way?”
“I don't want to talk about it,” Adrien face plants into the mattress screaming for a few seconds before popping back up, right as rain, “Lila,”
“I was right about that one,”
“An exception, not the rule,” Adrien waves her off, “Me,”
“You put gum on my seat,” Marinette smirks.
“I did not!” Adrien sits up shouting.
“Sure,” Marinette shugs trying to bait him into changing the topic.
“Anyway, maybe just don’t judge him on this first impression,” Adrien relaxes not falling for the bait, “Maybe it’ll be like when you met me,”
“You're right!” Marinette points, startling him, “Now I just have to wait for it to rain!”
“Wait what? I don't think you got what I meant!” Adrien calls after her as Marinette runs out of the room.
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staywritten · 4 years
Roommates│Han Jisung (M)
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Synopsis: Jisung is a selfish, rude and loud roommate but he’s also really cute and you can’t help but develop a crush or ignore the unspeakable tension.  Roommate!Au
Genre: A tiny bit of angst, Smut
Word Count: 3k
When you responded to an ad for a roommate online, you figured the worst thing that could happen to you was that you’d be killed by some stranger in your sleep. Especially because the ad was far too good to be true. The apartment was beautiful, an in-unit washing machine, walking distance to campus, and work, and its rent was a steal. Especially in Seoul. Unfortunately your roommate wasn’t some creepy serial killer who dwelled in a basement and rarely interacted with you. No, he was a young attractive inconsiderate asshole testing your patience.
Admittedly you were a bit flustered with you first met him. His gummy smile was your weakness, his cheeks so squishy it took everything in you not to poke them, and when he worked out around the apartment, wearing that cut off tank you loved so much, you couldn’t help but squeeze your thighs together to relieve the pressure.
And as smitten as you were with his appearance you wanted to fight him about 80% of the time.
From how he always took too long in the shower on days he knew you had class, how he always ate your food. Knowing damn well he wasn’t the one who bought it. How his dates would always use your shampoo the morning after, how his stupidly attractive friends were always over without warning. And the worst offense of them all. His damn music.
It was the middle of the night, you had stupidly agreed to cover your coworkers 8am shift on what was normally your day off and Jisung had his friends over. Again. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you agreed to live with a music major. But not just a music major, a music major that was an underground rapper, with lots of friends who frequented your apartment. 
Especially in the middle of the night after a show.
You tried to keep your outburst to a minimum. Sharing a space was about compromise. And you tried your damnedest to compromise. You bought noise-canceling headphones, you stuffed a towel under the bottom of your door to try and buffer the music, you tried having an asmr video of thunderstorms playing. You even attempted banging on the wall to get his attention to lower the volume.  Anything and everything to drown him out. But by 3am, you could not only hear the beats booming against the shared wall but the laughter of his friends.
“Oh my god. I can’t” you groaned, throwing the blanket off and storming over the whole five feet it took to get to his door. “Yah! Han Jisung!” you knocked on his door vigorously, to ensure he heard you. You knocking not letting up until he opened up.
He swung open the door, a scowl on his face at the interruption.
Originally you were planning on politely asking him to turn down the music. And that cordial thought went straight out the window the moment you saw him. It was like all you could see was red. Here you were frustrated in the middle of the night and he had the nerve to look that attractive. His snapback pushing back his hair, displaying his forehead. Honestly it made him look like a fuck boy and it was a weakness. “Do you ever sleep?! It’s 3am!”
His mood immediately went on the defensive when you started yelling. “I live here too, and the last time I checked I don’t have a bedtime!”
“You are such an asshole! Turn the music down!” you hated that your immediate response was to stomp your foot like a child. But he was being childish too!
“You can’t tell me what to do” he scoffed rolling his eyes. “If I wanna play music until 6am I can!”
“You are so inconsiderate!”
“Me? What about you!? You always act like I’m the problem. I don’t complain when you’re being a pig! I clean everything” he rolled his eyes “You’re not perfect I just don’t whine about it”
Your eyes widdened at the sudden attack “If my mess bothers you then just clean it up or tell me about it! Don’t try and throw it in my face in a conversation about something else!”
“You’re the one that came over here to pick a fight with me! I have guests and you barley even wear clothes! You’re the one being inconsiderate” He regretted the words the moment they left his mouth and he saw how immediately you looked uncomfortable. 
But there was no backing down now.
You immediately folded your arms over your chest, feeling far more exposed than you had realized. But it was the middle of the night. You were in your sleep clothes. Which tonight consisted of a pair of comfy short shorts, and a thin t-shirt. You were flustered and caught off guard with his attack. Suddenly you could feel the gaze of his friends, looking at you and you just felt so exposed.
He wanted to apologize the moment he saw your eyes glaze over. The frustrated embarrassed look becoming more noticeable. “I-”
“Do what you want” you mumbled before hurrying back to your room, slamming your door hard.
He groaned before slamming his door as well. He continues playing music throughout the night, even after his friends left. He knew he was doing it out of pettiness. But he hated that you came and yelled at him, and then he ended up feeling guilty.
It was always like that. 
It was like everything he did pissed you off and he couldn’t help that you were sensitive to everything. You nagged him all the time. And if he wanted to be nagged he could have continued living with his mother. You even managed to guilt him after his one night stands left. It was uncomfortable. Why should he have to live like this? He did his best to make sure you lived comfortably. He knew living with a guy could be kinda uncomfortable so he never hit on you, made sure his friends never made a pass at you and you always make it hard for him.
He knew you were attractive and everything you wore was gonna be sexy but you could try harder to be ugly. He didn’t want to fight with you but he opened the door and the first thing he noticed was just how stunning you looked in such a simple outfit, one that he never really saw. You usually wore hoodies, or a robe when you walked around the common areas. And just as quickly as he took in the exposed skin, you yelled at him. Your hair was messy, your clothes disheveled, the neck of your v-neck falling off your shoulder. You just looked so kissable-so fuckable. And he couldn’t, so he threw a tantrum.
He’d figure out how to make it up to you tomorrow, he knew it was your day off so he figured he’d make breakfast as an apology.
He rolled out of bed bright and early to get started on your favorite breakfast but frowned seeing you drinking coffee and eating some bread. You were already dressed and ready for the day. He noticed the dark circles under your eyes, you rolling your neck stiffly. He looked at his phone checking the time. “Why are you awake?”
You rolled your eyes, and downed your coffee. “I have to go to work” you placed your cup in the sink, making sure to wash it and put it away before grabbing your bag. “Sorry if my exposed legs offend you, I’ll be out of your hair soon.”
“Today’s your day off.” he ignored your little stab at him, he felt bad enough.
“I had to cover someone's shift.” you spat, shooting him a glare.
“Why didn’t you tell me last night...I would have-”
“You wouldn’t have care. I asked you to turn the music down…” you sighed heavily and walked over to the door, slipping your shoes on. “You never care.”
“Why didn’t you tell me...I would have never had the guys over if-” he jumped as you walked out slamming the door shut.
But that’s how things were between you two. 
There was an undeniable tension, but after a few days it’d slowly die down. He’d ask you what you wanted for breakfast and things went back to normal. He never apologized for being inconsiderate, you never apologized for throwing a temper tantrum. It may not have been the healthiest but it worked.
Being roommates was about compromise right?
It’d been about two weeks since your last argument with Jisung and for all intents and purposes things were going well. He’d been more mindful of having people over only on the weekends, and keeping the music to a minimum on days you had early shifts. And you had been more mindful to clean and stay in your room when he had his friends over.
You yawned walking out of your bedroom, padding over to get a glass of water. Jisung was cozy on the couch with a blanket, flipping through movies to watch. “You enjoy your nap? It’s like midnight”
You nodded and grinned, downing your water. “It was the best four hour nap I’ve ever had. And the best part is I’m off tomorrow so I can sleep in.” You cleaned your cup before walking to him. “What are you doing back so early? Didn’t you have a date?”
He sighed before rubbing his temples “I did.” his tone curt and short.
“That bad huh?” you sat beside him, hugging your legs to your chest. “Wanna talk about it?”
“I picked her up, we had dinner…” he hesitated looking back to you, trying to read your expression. “And…”
You smirked, raising your eyebrow. “Had sex?” you laughed “I’m a big girl Jisung. I know what sex is.”
“I know- we just never talk about it or dating in general and stuff...I didn’t know if that was weird…” he fiddled with his sweater uncomfortably. “Like you don’t bring guys back…”
“Jisung no offence but, I don’t bring guys back when you’re home. It’s kinda uncomfortable too, and I don’t like scaring guys off with the My roommates is a guy, talk on first dates.”
“Woah- wait you brought guys back here after the first date?”
“Sometimes” you grinned, eyeing him “Han Jisung… You seem so surprised” your tone light and teasing. “Is it so hard to imagine that even I have sex?”
“No it’s just… “
“I’ll have you know I’m actually quite charming.”
“Oh I know” he looked a little embarrassed at how quickly it slipped out. “Like I know you’re hot and charming and… I dunno I just feel a little in the dark...I didn’t even know you were dating and yet I-”
“Bring your dates back home all the time.” you gave him a smug smile “Trust me, I know” you pointed to the walls. “They’re thin, remember? Oh and your dates always use my shampoo and body wash”
“I’m sorry…. That’s kinda rude isn’t it?”
You shook your head “Live comfortably”
“But you don’t…”
“Jisung, I don’t bring guys home when you’re here because I don’t want you to have to hear us.” you cheeks warmed as you chewed on your lower lip. “I’m kinda loud, I’m a little self conscious.”
“I wanna hear…” he turned toward you, his voice barely above a whisper. Part of him was hoping you didn’t hear him over the Netflix trailers, the other part of him prayed you heard him so he couldn’t chicken out.
“Do you?” your eyes darkened as you stared at him, slowly moving closer to him. He took in a sharp breath before pulling you into his lap. You grinned, straddling him, your lips inching closer to his before pulling away. Just ghosting the slightest bit, loving how he chased you. “Tell me bout your date and I’ll do whatever you want”
“Isn’t that kinda weird?” he tried to read your expression, but his wary look turned into one of intrigued as your smile grew. “Wait… Could you hear us earlier…?” He felt himself getting turned on more, as he noticed how warm you were, how flushed you got thinking about it. “I thought you were asleep…’
“You guys woke me up” you licked your lips, your hips moving against his just slightly. He stifled a groan before steadying your hips.
“It turns you on doesn’t it...? Hearing us?” Seeing your coy smile, he grabbed your jaw before pulling you into a deep kiss. His lips moved quickly against yours, as he nipped and chewed on your bottom lip. “Mmm…” He pulled your hoodie over the top of your head and groaned seeing your bare chest. “No shirt or bra?” he traced your soft, smooth skin, running his fingers up your sides.
“I never wear a bra at home” he smirked against your skin, kissing down your neck.
“You never answered my other question…” his teeth grazed your skin, reaching your nipples “Mmm such a pretty color Baby…” he whispered, his eyes peeking up at you as he peppered kisses before taking the bud into his mouth, sucking softly. His free hand palming your other one, gently tweaking your nipples. He loved how it made your squirm. You hips, desperate for friction. Almost angered by how much both your sweatpants got in the way. “Do you get turned on when you hear me have sex…? Did you wish it was you? Do you touch yourself…?” he chuckled, kissing your nipples, his teeth tracing them. Your head rolled back as you whined bucking your hips more. “Pay attention baby...answer me.”
“I get turned turned on…” your pout deepened before you cupped his squishy cheeks. “I wished it was me...and I always touch myself…” you leaned down closer to his ear, your lips brushing against the shell of his. “And I always cum…”
He gripped your hips tighter, digging into your skin. “Fuck….I…” he gripped your bottom, moving you closer to his crotch. “How many times did I make you cum tonight…?” his voice dropping an octave as he teased you. His fingers found their way into your sweatpants, teasing you from the outside of your panties. “Mmm and since when do you wear sweatpants?”
“I thought you said I didn’t wear enough clothes”
“Yeah when my friends are over and I’m trying to not fantasize about fucking you over every surface” he chuckled, rubbing a bit harder feeling your panties moistened. “Answer me Sweet girl….How many times did you cum?”
“Nnnn...how do you know I’m sweet?” you shivered as his finger rubbed against your slit. “You’ve never tasted me” you moaned softly.
“Stop trying to distract me, if you’re a good girl and answer me and I will.”
“I’m gonna double that” he whispered before tossing you on your back on the couch, making quick work of your sweatpants and panties.
You grinned as he settled himself between your legs. His mouth covered your core, as his tongue made its way inside you. Your thigh hooked around his shoulder as he deepened his teasing. “A-Ahh Jisung… you’re no fair” you panted “You never told me about your date”
“You minx” he grinned, pulling back just slightly pushing his index finger inside of you, curling it and watching you squirm. “You heard us, you know exactly why my date went badly.”
You shivered, gripping the arm of the couch. “But I want you to say it.” you licked your lips. “Please...I wanna hear it-Ah!”
He teased, shoving another finger inside of you, pumping it in and out. “Did it make you cum when you heard me call out your name instead?” his voice low and husky.
You nodded, squirming more from his teasing. “You sounded so sexy when you moaned my name” you reached down pulling at his shirt, pulling it over the top of his head. “I know you didn’t get to finish” you grinned. “Should I be nice and let you finish in me?”
“Please…” You ran your hand down his toned chest, the efforts of his workouts paying off so beautifully. He pressed his mouth over your center again, relentlessly, teasing and fingering you until you were a moaning mess. Your fingers tangled in his hair as you pressed him into you, desperate to cum, you were so close. But more than his tongue, more than his fingers, the thing that brought you closer to the edge was his intense eye contact. It was both shy and dominating. He just never looked away and for the rare moments he did, the way his gaze flashed up at you made you feel so flustered. “J-Jisung” you moaned out, your stomach tightening as you shivered. He helped you ride out your high, his fingers relentlessly moving until you came against him.
“Such a pretty girl…” he licked the slick off his lips before meeting your lips again. “You were so good for me..”
“I can be better” you reached for the growing tent in his pants, rubbing him. “Let me..” you crawled closer to him, wanting to return the favor.
“No baby.. I don’t need it. Right now all I need is you.”
“I’ve literally been thinking about you all night, I promise if you put your lips on me, I’m not gonna last.” he gave you a sheepish look, almost embarrassed from his confession. 
“Fine” you pouted pulling his sweatpants and boxers down his thighs.
“Don’t pout” he chuckled, kissing your jaw. “Next time Baby”
He was fully erect, pre-cum leaking from his swollen head. You smiled, wrapping your fingers around him and rubbing him firmly. “I need you…”
His head rolled back as he closed his eyes. The feeling of your fingers around him was like a dream. “Mmm Baby, I need to get a condom”
You shook your head and grinned, your grip tightening a little. “No~I want you now…” 
“You serious?”
“I wanna feel you Jisung~ Can’t I? Will you let me?” your voice so soft as you coaxed him into a deep kiss. Your tongue rolling against his “Please?”
“You beg for me so well..Fuck-yes Baby” you rubbed himself against your wet entrance, slowly pushing himself inside. There it was again, that beautiful eye contact, that little furrow in his brow when he concentrated, his soft lips pulling into a pout as he moved against you. Your arms wrapped around his neck, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck.
“It’s ok, you can go harder.” you encouraged him.
And that was all he needed before he began to pound into you more vigorously. His hands moving down your body, cupping your breast and rubbing against your side. Like he was just desperate to touch everywhere. His lips occasionally finding yours to tease. “C’mere…”
He pulled you onto his lap again, his back against the couch as he let you ride him. He hit deeper at the new angle, and you loved every second of it. You arched your back, gripping the couch as you moved your hips faster, in a circular motion to stimulate yourself. 
His lips sucking the soft skin of your neck, leaving a mark as you moved. His strong hands on your hips guiding you back and forth on him. “Faster baby” he whispered huskily. Your moans music to his ears, his, your desperate cries of his name, encouraging him more. “I’m almost there, are you close?”
“Not quite but don’t worry about me I-” you moaned out louder, feeling him tease and squeeze your clit. “Ah-Jisung!”
He kept rubbing your clit harder, desperate thrusting into you, his free hand moving your hips harder. “Cum for me Baby…” he whispered sweet nothings against your skin, taking your bottom lip between his teeth. 
He could feel you pick up the pace, your body shivering as your second climax inched closer. “That’s my girl…” he slammed into you, gripping so tight as he released, he kept moving until he felt you cum following not far behind him, just long enough before the over stimulation became too much to handle.
“Jisung” you whined, holding his shoulders to steady him, your face collapsing in his chest as you calmed yourself, and steadied your breathing. You could feel him start to soften inside you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move.
“Mmm… you’re right you are pretty loud, it’s so sexy” he chuckled running his hand up and down your back.
You pulled back to look at him and pecked his nose softly. “I’m really glad your date ended badly tonight”
“Hell, me too” he laughed “I’ve had a crush on your since you moved in, but kinda figured I shouldn’t try and hit on my roommate” he playfully spanked your behind for you to get up. He grabbed a towel from the bathroom and got you both cleaned off before he tugged back on his sweats, you only bothered to put on a new pair of panties and a t-shirt. He cleaned up your clothes to put near the laundry while shyly looking at you, like he was trying to find the courage to speak.
“What is it?” you leaned against your door frame, watching him fidget with everything in his path from the washing machine to your door.
“I-Um...Do you wanna go on a date tomorrow?” he asked shyly, standing in front of your door. “I know the order is kinda backwards but, I really am interested in you and I was kinda hoping this wasn’t just a one night thing. I mean-If it was that’s cool with me too, like no pressure but”
“You’re rambling” you grinned “I’d love to go out tomorrow.”
“Really?!” he smiled so brightly, his beautiful brown eyes disappearing in a crescent shape as that gorgeous gummy smile graced his face.
“Really” you giggled, subtly touching his hand. “You weren’t the only one with a crush Jisung”
“Can I kiss you goodnigh-” you interrupted his silly question, pressing your lips against his before pulling him into your bedroom.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ  Hey Friends I hope you liked that one shot, it was my first smut for stray kids, i know it was kinda long. But it seemed silly to split it up into parts so I hope you didn’t mind >///< If you liked it let me know~
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General Hux x Female Reader/Kylo Ren x Female Reader
A/N: I literally kicked this out this morning, and I am posting it now before I change my mind. Bring in the Knights… I clearly woke up this morning and chose violence.
Warnings: alcohol, poison, blood, torture, Hux and Kylo finally work together, minor character death. Not a pretty chapter at all.
Word Count: 3530
Read Chapter 12 here on AO3.
Start from Chapter 1 here.
The ride in Kylo’s Command Shuttle was quiet, just the sound of the pilots communicating, a few troopers lounged in the seats behind you and you could feel their gazes upon the back of your neck. Your brain was fried, only a few hours ago you had woken up fully dressed and alone in Kylo’s bed. He hadn’t spoken much, letting you eat breakfast in comfortable silence while he scrolled through a datapad before announcing his business was concluded here and he was withdrawing the fleet from Canto. The unasked question of whether you were coming hung in the air and you chose to ignore it, getting up and dutifully following him to the ship. You were sad to see the beautiful place fall away, maybe once the war was over you could come back. Visions of returning with your arm linked with Hux’s made you smile a little but when they flickered out of existence and were replaced with your arm in Kylo's, your composure slipped.
The shuttle alighted smoothly in the main hangar, the refiltered air filling your lungs and you already missed the freshness of being planet side. It didn’t surprise you that Mitaka was ready and waiting to bring Kylo up to date on the latest, leaving you with a single trooper to escort you to Hux’s quarters.
The ever unchanging silence curled around you, filtering into the cracks of your damaged soul and expanding. Making an ache start in your chest, one you couldn’t suppress until your soft cries pierced the quiet. You had thought long and hard over Hux’s abrupt change in behaviour, bringing you to the conclusion that he was hating himself for opening up to you. For allowing so much of himself to be exposed in one go, so now he was clamming up and pushing you away. It didn’t hurt any less but you supposed it would be like this, one step forward and two steps back. You expelled a long breath thinking it was a dance you were committed to, no matter the outcome.
You had a quick shower, putting on a nightgown and robe now you were once again governed by the day cycle of the ship. You didn’t expect to see Hux tonight so you opened a bottle from the restocked cooler, pouring the clear liquid over a couple of rocks of ice before settling on the couch and picking up the datapad to read the manuscript you were invested in but you couldn’t focus. The words blurred into one on the screen and the alcohol made everything hazy. Your heart jolted when the door opened and you heaved yourself off the couch in surprise, clutching the arm to hold you up as the room spun slightly.
“Armitage,” you mumbled in surprise. “I didn’t…I wasn’t expecting to see you….today—night?” You frowned at your own nonsense. This wasn’t how you wanted him to see you, not now, not when he possibly needed you.
“In all honesty I wasn’t sure you’d be here.” He replied. He carefully put his hat on the table, slowly followed by his gloves and then his coat which he hung on the back of the chair. You watched him approach the cooler, his slender fingers wrapping around the bottle and looking at the label.
“Did you finish work? Are you staying?” Your tongue felt thick, your body was at a fever pitch and you stumbled when you tried to head in his direction.
“Armitage…” you lifted your hand trying to focus on it but your vision blurred. “I can’t…see.”
“What?” His response was whip sharp and you winced against the sudden pounding on your head. You cried out as your legs gave way, collapsing to the floor in a heap. Your vision swam, your breaths were laboured and a tingling sensation was racing over your body. In the dark corner of your mind you realise this wasn’t just too much to drink. You heard him call your name but you were sinking, not able to hold onto him, everything was melting before you. Disappearing into a cloud of black smoke and you couldn’t find your way out.
Hux watched Ren pace up and down the small area outside your private room. Actually it was a medical room set aside for the Supreme Leader, he’d had you directed there when he saw the urgent message for a medic to Hux’s quarters. Every footfall that sounded from the large man set Hux’s teeth on edge but he bit back a rebuke. The force user hadn’t lashed out yet and Hux wasn’t going to give him an excuse. Hux also wondered why he was here, the fleet was chasing down a lead on a new possible Resistance base so surely his attention would be better elsewhere than on Hux’s wife. Both men looked up as the door opened and a Dr came out, his face was grave and Hux felt the blood freeze in his veins.
“Supreme Leader, General. She has been poisoned.” Hux had already deduced that fact and he felt a flash of annoyance that this was being repeated back to him.
“What else?” He demanded abruptly.
“I’ve had to put her in a medically induced coma so her body can recover, it seems there is some damage to her internal organs and…” he swallowed nervously as the two most dangerous men stood glaring at him. “It seems this is one poison we haven’t encountered before.”
“Just put her in a bacta tank,” snipped Hux, not understanding why they were wasting time telling him this.
“They can’t,” rumbled Kylo. Hux frowned, hating the extra insight he had.
“Why not?” He could feel his temper slipping, his teeth clenching together as he glared at the doctor wanting him to answer and not Ren.
“The poison seems to have some bacta resistant qualities….” The floor rolled under Hux and he swayed slightly, if they couldn’t find an antidote the poison would keep eating away at you until your body gave up. “I seem to have slowed the effects, by keeping her body cold and slowing the blood flow but we need an antidote within the week, she won’t be able to stay in this state for long without accruing serious deficits.” Hux wanted to double over, he wanted to accept the pain that erupted from his centre and scream at the floor, but he didn’t. He wanted to barge past the doctor and hold you in his arms, he wanted to rip through his ship and shoot his own troops in the face if they so much as looked at him wrong. It wasn’t until Kylo removed his hand from Hux’s elbow that he realised the Supreme Leader had been holding him upright.
Hux’s feet finally became unstuck from the floor and he moved into the room, his heart in his mouth as he looked at you on the bed. The chill blankets glowed a soft blue colour, a tube was down your throat helping you breathe. Sensors were placed across your forehead and he felt the rage bubble up inside him, who would poison you? Why would someone do this? He also wanted to yell at you for drinking out of a bottle that clearly wasn’t First Order approved, which meant someone planted it and they were still in the ship.
“I’ve already got the Knights tearing through the ship.” Hux resisted rolling his eyes and chose to frown instead.
“Is that wise Ren?”
“Do you want them found?” He snarled, stepping up to the other side of your bed. Hux studied the feral look in his eye, the tenseness of his posture and the hatred that flared in his expression, until his gaze slid to you. His hand rose as though to touch you but thought better of it, curling his leather covered hand into a fist. His expression softened for a moment before looking back up at Hux. “I will let you know if we find anything.”
“Shouldn’t I be there?” Hux asked, not happy to be pushed out of such an investigation of his own personnel.
“Maybe you should stay here and be with your wife,” mumurmed Kylo.
“She’s in a coma. She doesn’t even know what day of the week it is, let alone if I’m here or not.” He couldn’t sit here staring at you, seeing how helpless and weak you were. He wouldn’t be able to sit and watch you waste away before him without doing something to try and stop this.
“Fine.” Hux moved to follow the Supreme Leader out of the room, his fingers flexing and a little ripple of anticipation ran down his spine. It had been a while since he got his hands dirty.
He couldn’t explain it, the way this trooper’s screams fed something twisted inside him. He leaned heavily against the wall of the interrogation room, sweet collected on his upper lip and he swept his damp hair off his brow in a fluid motion. Ren had shed his tunic, his corded muscles bulged, his pale skin flushed as he stretched an arm towards the man kneeling on the floor. Fresh screams erupted from the bound trooper and Hux momentarily closed his eyes as if basking in the sound.
A part of him recoiled at the unwavering way Ren ploughed through people's minds, he showed no mercy and Hux felt a stab of jealousy that Ren himself was clearly going to all this trouble for you. Hux had been told you had breakfast on a private balcony with the Supreme Leader, leaving in a hurry and then you were seen heading to his private room on Canto Bight. Hux wasn’t an idiot, but he had hoped you wouldn’t have stabbed him in the back so early on.
“Ren, stop.” Hux managed to say as the trooper’s heart rate spiked off the charts and the man fell with a clatter to the floor. “Anything?” Hux winced, his voice sounded loud against his tender ears. Kylo rolled his shoulders, sweeping his dripping hair away from his face before shaking his head once. It had been two days, two full days and night of torture, screams and questions all coming up with nothing. Hux gripped the datapad in his hands, his arms trembling as he fought the urge to throw it against the wall, screaming his hatred and frustration out. He’s always looked down his nose at Ren’s temper tantrums but now it was all he wanted to do, to break something or someone, to exercise his absolute fury out until he felt exhausted. He hadn’t slept for two days, he was already at his stimulant limit but he still considered another shot.
“You should rest.”
“No, I'm fine.”
“It wasn’t a request, General. You’re no good to her dead.” Hux contemplated ignoring the order altogether but he knew he needed a rest. He felt stretched, his breaking point was within reach and what good would he be if he was in a bed in the medbay as well? He wordlessly handed over the datapad as medics came to retrieve the trooper.
“You’ll keep going?” He asked brusquely.
“I will see you in 10 hours,” stated Kylo but Hux paused, his coat resting on his forearm.
“Five,” he countered.
“Eight,” Ren shot back.
“Done.” Hux nodded before leaving the room. He had six hours to pass out and then he was going to find out who did this to you.
Kylo waited until Hux had gone before slipping from the room and heading to his own quarters. Ap’lek stood outside the door in full armour, his executioner’s ax grasped in his hand as he stood guard. They didn’t exchange words, they didn’t need to. The door opened and he came face to face with Vicrul, his scythe blade resting on his shoulder ready to swing at a moment's notice. He stepped to the side to let Kylo in, revealing the scene in his quarters. There was a dark haired man kneeling on the floor surrounded by the rest of the Knights, Cardo had his arm cannon pressed into the back of his neck, Ushar had the kinetic charged end of his club in position ready to stun the man if necessary and Trudgen sat before the prisoner running a whetstone along the blade of his vibrocleaver. The sound rang out loud and clear in the silent quarters as he swept the stone with long strikes against the massive blade. Kuruk appeared from the bedroom, performing his checks and making sure the quarters were secure.
Kylo made his way to crouch before the shaking man, slowly running his eyes over the First Order uniform and seeing it was ill fitting.
Has he said anything? Kylo looked up at Trudgeon, the only Knight without his mask on.
No. Came the swift reply followed by another singing note from the blade.
“You won’t get anything out of me.” Kylo turned his attention back to the prisoner.
“We just did,” he stated softly. The prisoner looked up and Kylo could see the man had already surrendered to the idea that he was going to die here.
“The Resistance is not dead. Our spark shines bright in the Galaxy.” Kylo looked at him, just staring as he tried to decide how he was going to play this.
“Vicrul.” The Knight stepped forward and Trudgeon moved out of the way, tossing his chair away with a loud noise. Kylo rose and Vicrul took his place before the prisoner, removing his pastillion ore helmet and placing it carefully on the floor before locking gazes with the prisoner.
Sweat began to bead on the man’s brow, his face quivering the longer Vicrul looked into his eyes. Kylo could feel it, the ripples in the force that his Knight created, the darkness manifested and clung the Resistance fighter, gathering around his head. The other Knights all watched, their own vibrations reacting to their brothers and only the prisoners laboured breathing sounded in the room. It didn’t take long before a scream ripped the air and he began to thrash in the Knights grip, lost in nightmarish visions that only he could see. Kylo let Vicrul have his fun, showing the prisoner visions that would make a Wookiee cower, his screams increasing in pitch. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he began to convulse in the firm grips of Cardo and Ushar.
“Enough,” said Kylo softly. Vicrul broke eye contact and picked up his helmet, the darkness retreated and the prisoner blinked rapidly as though the light was too much for him, his entire body heaved and he looked wildly around.
“What are you going to do to me?” He cried, his voice full of panic.
“It depends what you tell us,” Kylo gestured to the armoured men around him. “My Knights are bored so I suggest you cooperate.”
“Wait wait! Can’t you just search my mind? Take the information for yourself?” Kylo turned away as the Knights shuffled forward, closing ranks around the prisoner.
“Where is the fun in that Major Wexley?” The man was screaming before Kylo had even made it past his door, Kuruk followed and silently traded places with an eager Ap’lek. “Let me know if he says anything. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” Kuruk nodded and silently watched his master walk away. They knew where he was going.
Kylo sat at your bedside, his large hand covered yours and echoes of what was happening in his quarters shattered the quiet of his mind. He could feel the force pulsing with the darkside, spreading its touch through the ship. It manifested in different ways, someone pulling a risky move in the training ground and hitting their opponent harder than necessary, an officer shouting at his staff for a simple misdemeanour that should have been dismissed. A fight breaking out in the cantina between two troopers who didn’t like each other, a moment of blind frustration from a medic who threw what he was holding, letting it shatter against the wall.
The Knights had found Wexley trying to slip into a TIE and escape, Kylo hadn’t told Hux. The General was on a cliff edge as it was, Kylo didn’t need him on a murdering spree before all information was dragged from the Resistance pilot, so Kylo let his Knights have a reward. Their energy was chaotic when unused, it needed a release every now and again.
He moved his hand along your cold arm, hating how lifeless you looked, you were still alive. He could feel your light but the warmth was weak and fading. Kylo hoped this pilot had some answers because he didn’t know what he’d do if they didn’t find the antidote in time. He cast a quick eye over the machines noting how your numbers remained steady even though you ebbed ever so slowly away.
He still won’t talk. Kylo sighed, feeling the disappointment in Vicrul’s thoughts.
I’m on my way. He stood, bending over you and peering at your still face for a moment before sweeping abruptly from the room.
The first thing he could feel was the pilot's pain, it radiated out in all directions and Kylo clenched his fists against it. The next thing he noticed was the smell, blood, sharp and tangy against his nose. The floor was slick with the red stains, blood spatter littered the walls in spectacular patterns and Kylo came to a stop looking down at the pitiful man as he bled out onto the floor, his skin was pale, drained of colour because it now painted Kylo’s quarters. He crouched down beside Wexley who was laying on his side, the First Order uniform ripped and tattered, ruined beyond repair much like Wexley himself.
“Are you going to talk?” Asked Kylo softly.
“No.” He admired the man's tenacity, but his time was up. The screams that spewed from him had a hoarse quality, like his throat was too tired, his lungs had no air but Kylo didn’t care as he raced through the man's memories. He had planted the bottle, but it wasn’t meant for you, it was meant for General Hux. The antidote was a plant out in the Teth system. One of the few wild systems left in the Galaxy and travelling there and back again in the time frame left would be a risk, but it was one Kylo was ready to take. He withdrew from the dying Major, his memories growing dark as his body gave up.
“Ready the Night Buzzard,” he demanded. Kylo stood, hearing the last breath from Wexley before moving, his Knights following obediently behind as he began to make his way to the hangar.
Hux woke to the sound of his alarm, swiping it off the screen of the datapad feeling unusually refreshed. He had slept in his uniform so he could get up and find Ren straight away. He walked through the corridors of the Finalizer pleased to see his staff avoiding his gaze as he marched along, this investigation was reminding everyone who was actually in charge here and bringing out Hux’s ruthless side for everyone to see served as another reminder that he wasn’t to be messed with.
He stepped into the interrogation room, taking in the emptiness before turning smartly and heading to the bridge. His lips bruised together in irritation, if Ren had found something and left Hux out he was going to explode. As soon as he entered the bridge Mitaka was at his side.
“Sir, the Supreme Leader gave strict instructions not to wake you.”
“What’s happened?” Snapped Hux.
“The Supreme Leader and the Knights have left for the Teth system.” Mitaka told him.
“Left? What do you mean left?”
“They have gone to retrieve the plant needed for the antidote for….for…..” For you. Hux didn’t have time to pander to his Lieutenant and his sad emotions right now. He tutted, since when did you become such a beloved member to certain people who weren’t him? “He also said to tell you there is a mess in his quarters, but he wanted you to see it before it was cleared up.” Hux left without a word, what an earth could Ren want him to see?
Whatever Hux had imagined on the way to the Supreme Leaders quarters did not prepare him for the sight that met his eyes. Did he really need to see this? Hux was no stranger to torture and death, blood didn’t bother him, violence was his way of life but seeing this gruesome scene did indeed turn his stomach slightly. He also recognised the Knights' handy work.
“Do we know who this is?” He asked a Major who looked rather grey coloured.
“Apparently this is…was Temmin Wexley, Resistance pilot and the person who planted the bottle in your quarters, sir.”
“Clear up this disgusting mess. It has lingered on my ship long enough.” He snapped, displeasure and disgust making his expression contort. He left, stepping the familiar path to the medbay realising now all he had to do was wait. And he hated waiting.
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