#but he still had abilities she did not (flurry rush
bloomingbluebell · 2 months
thinking about the inevitability of botw.... idk, there's something about how calamity ganon was only able to be defeated after he pretty much won. the champions all lost, and DIED the first time around. they were not set up for success. the calamity was a perfect storm - everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. the guardians and divine beasts were taken over by malice and turned against the kingdom. the champions all faced blights specifically designed to ensure their deaths. the hero fell trying to keep the princess safe. the kingdom fell into disrepair after the princess sealed herself away with calamity ganon to protect what remained. but after link woke up, freed the divine beasts... only then did they win against the calamity. it sort of feels like the calamity HAD to happen in order for it to be defeated.
and again, in a way, this led to the events of totk. because ganondorf CREATED calamity ganon. and it didnt take anything at all for him to wake up again. link and zelda just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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heizenka · 3 months
𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
♖ Spencer Reid x f!reader
— content warnings: usual criminal minds violence, murder, death
— word count: 1.5k
inspired by: loml by Taylor Swift
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The BAU team had seen their fair share of gruesome crime scenes, but this one was particularly chilling. Y/N had been abducted three days ago, and now they found her body dumped in a remote warehouse on the outskirts of Quantico. Spencer Reid's heart sank as he approached the scene, his mind racing with a mix of dread and desperate hope.
Derek Morgan, his closest friend and confidant on the team, gripped Spencer's arm firmly as they neared the body. "Reid, stay focused," Derek murmured, his voice tinged with concern. "You can't go rushing in there. We have to assess the situation first."
Spencer nodded mechanically, his eyes fixed on Y/N's lifeless form lying amidst the cold concrete floor. Her face was pale, eyes closed as if in peaceful sleep, but the evidence of violence was stark—bruises on her wrists, a single gunshot wound to the chest. The scene was a tableau of horror, the silence broken only by the distant hum of police radios and the muffled voices of forensic technicians.
Hotch approached them with a grim expression. "We need to process the scene carefully," he stated, his tone clipped and professional. "Garcia is running the last known communications and surveillance footage. We might still catch a break."
Spencer nodded again, his mind racing with a flurry of thoughts and calculations. He was known for his intellect, his ability to piece together intricate patterns and profiles, but now all he could think about was Y/N—her smile, her laughter, the warmth of her presence that had become a constant anchor in his turbulent life.
Emily Prentiss, usually composed and stoic, placed a hand on Spencer's shoulder, her voice wavering soft with sympathy. "We're going to find who did this, Reid," she assured him, her own eyes betraying the weight of their collective grief. "And we'll make sure they pay for what they've done."
But Spencer was barely listening. His attention was fixed on Y/N, kneeling beside her as if in a trance. He reached out hesitantly, brushing a lock of hair away from her face. "No," he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "No, no, no. We can save her! We can save her! I can save her, please!"
Tears streamed down Spencer's face as he clutched Y/N's cold hand, his fingers trembling against her lifeless skin. The reality of her death crashed over him like a tidal wave, overwhelming and suffocating. He was supposed to be the one who solved puzzles, who found answers where others saw only chaos. But now, faced with the ultimate mystery—the senseless loss of someone he loved—he felt utterly helpless.
Derek knelt beside Spencer, pulling him gently away from Y/N's body. "Spence, she's gone," he said quietly, his voice filled with sorrow. "There's nothing more we can do here."
"No!" Spencer protested, his voice rising in desperation. "There has to be something! I can figure this out, I can find who did this!"
Hotch approached them, his expression grave. "Reid, we need you to focus," he said firmly. "We have a case to solve, and we need your mind clear."
But Spencer couldn't tear his gaze away from Y/N. Her face haunted him—her smile, the way her eyes lit up when she talked about a new book she was reading, the warmth of her touch. They had shared late-night conversations, quiet moments of understanding in the chaos of their work. She had become his anchor, his reason for hope amidst the darkness they faced every day.
As the hours passed and the investigation progressed, Spencer retreated into himself. He answered questions mechanically, analyzed evidence with detached precision, but his mind kept returning to Y/N. The images of her lifeless body flashed before him, tormenting him with their finality.
That night, back at the BAU headquarters, Spencer found himself standing alone in Y/N's empty office. Her desk was cluttered with books and case files, a half-finished cup of coffee still sitting beside her computer. The room felt achingly silent, a stark reminder of her absence.
Derek found Spencer there, staring blankly at Y/N's desk. He approached cautiously, knowing that words alone couldn't ease his friend's grief. "Reid," Derek began gently, "I know this is hard. But blaming yourself won't bring her back."
Spencer turned to him, his eyes hollow with pain. "I should have been faster," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I should have figured it out sooner. Maybe... maybe she'd still be alive."
Derek shook his head, his own eyes filled with sorrow. "Spence, you did everything you could," he insisted, his voice firm yet compassionate. "No one blames you for this. We're a team, and we're going to find justice for her."
Spencer nodded silently, his throat tight with unshed tears. He knew Derek was right—that guilt was a burden he couldn't afford to carry. But the ache in his heart remained, a constant reminder of the life they had lost, of the future they would never share.
In the days that followed, the BAU worked tirelessly to track down Y/N's killer. Garcia sifted through mountains of data, and Emily coordinated with local law enforcement to canvas the area. But for Spencer, the investigation was more than just a case—it was a quest for closure, a way to honor Y/N's memory and the love they had shared.
As they pieced together the evidence, a pattern began to emerge. The unsub—a disturbed Jack Mconnell,  with a history of violence and obsession—had fixated on Y/N, seeing her as a symbol of everything he desired but could never possess. His delusions had driven him to commit unspeakable acts, until ultimately ending Y/N's life in a desperate bid to fulfill his twisted fantasies.
When the team finally identified the unsub and cornered him in a remote cabin, Spencer was among those who stormed in, his gun drawn and his heart pounding with a mix of rage and sorrow. The confrontation was brief but intense, ending with a single gunshot that brought Jack to justice. But for Spencer, the closure he sought remained elusive.
That night, standing alone on the balcony of his apartment, Spencer stared up at the stars. Their distant light seemed to mock him, reminding him of the vastness of the universe and the fragility of human life. He thought of Y/N—the way she had believed in him, the way she had made him feel seen and understood in ways he had never thought possible.
The tears finally came then, unchecked and unrestrained. He had always prided himself on his ability to analyze, to compartmentalize his emotions in the face of tragedy. But now, faced with the emptiness of Y/N's absence, he felt utterly and completely lost.
In the weeks and months that followed, Spencer struggled to find his footing. The BAU continued their work, chasing down new cases and unraveling the minds of criminals, but the team dynamics had shifted irreversibly. There was a void where Y/N had once been—a presence that had anchored them all, reminding them of the humanity they fought so hard to protect.
Garcia, ever perceptive and empathetic, made it her mission to check in on Spencer regularly. She brought him his favorite coffee, listened patiently as he rambled about obscure facts and theories, and offered quiet words of comfort when the weight of grief threatened to overwhelm him.
And Derek, unwavering in his support, stood by Spencer's side through it all. He didn't press for conversations or demand explanations. Instead, he simply remained present—a silent pillar of strength in Spencer's darkest moments.
One day, several months after Y/N's death, Spencer found himself standing at her grave. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the headstone engraved with her name. He placed a bouquet of flowers—a mix of lilies, her favorite—and knelt beside the grave, his fingers tracing the letters of her name.
"I miss you," Spencer whispered, his voice raw with emotion. "Every day, I miss you."
He stayed there until the last rays of sunlight faded from the sky, his heart heavy with the weight of his grief. But amidst the pain, there was a glimmer of something else—a determination to honor Y/N's memory, to carry her with him in everything he did.
And as he stood to leave, he made a silent vow to never forget—the love they had shared, the moments they had cherished, and the promise of a future that had been stolen away.
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copyright 2021 heizenka, all rights reserved. I do not allow my creations to be published of translated anywhere else so please do not repost.
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featheredclover · 2 months
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Chapter Four
Read from beginning
Also on Wattpad
Chapter Three > < Chapter Five
Khushi fumed silently , as Akash introduced Arnav to her friends. Her eyes darted around and her fist’s clenched to curb her urge to punch Mr. Raizada and leave.
“Preetika! I was hoping we could dance?” Noah held out his hand, with a charming smile.
“Whatever you say handsome!” Preeto winked.
Akash shot Khushi an apologetic glance, before guiding Payal to the dance floor.
Exhaling the breath which was caught up in her chest, she bent towards the chair, and caught hold of her purse.
She sidestepped Arnav, and started to walk towards the elevator in brisk steps.
“Khushi! Wait!” His hand caught her wrist.
He looked like a puppy in distress. But she was too furious to let that melt her.
He dropped her wrist gently, when her glare persisted.
“ Look, I beg you Khushi , please let me apologise. I don’t want to ruin your evening but I don’t want you to be upset either. Please just hear me out” He looked at her expectantly, pleading with his eyes.
She found her heart wavering. Wavering, just for a moment.
Who else would hire the nineteen year old decorator?
She relived the humiliation as she recalled his words. Blinking the despair away, she looked at him again. His body tense in a way she had never seen before.
“I don’t know you at all, and neither do you know me. And I agreed to go on a date with you that night because I liked you, but after today…I realised that there’s no point in me going out with a man who fails to respect me.”
“But I do! You don’t know what came over me, I-I…was jealous!”
“What?” Khushi was confused. What did she have that Mr Richie Rich was jealous of?
“Of NK!”
“So you decided to take it out on me?” She scoffed.
“No! I was jealous of him. Because you were smiling at him. Laughing with him. I don’t know what came over me Khushi…I-“
She looked at him, her mouth opening and closing like a spluttering fish.
Her breath hitched as Arnav tugged her waist towards him, his warmth pervading her skin.
A flurry of young boys rushed past them, as he pulled her further against him.
Letting her go just as swiftly, he said
“I am sorry, you were in their way. And they seemed to be drunk.”
She nodded.
“Khushi” he held out a hand “Dance with me? We can talk this out. And then I’ll leave you alone if you want me to.”
She slid her hand into his, before her ego got hold of her mind, and she found herself amidst the crowd of dancers.
A Japanese pop song played along, and she glanced at her friends who seemed too engrossed in their dates to pay her any attention.
Arnav held her waist lightly, as he guided her through the music. She found her heart beating a mile a minute as his lips touched her ear, as he bent his head down.
“ I was late for brunch. Then I saw NK sitting beside you. And you were laughing and smiling. You didn’t even see me before I announced myself. And that made me lose my mind Khushi. It drove me crazy.”
She wanted to tell him to stop. She wanted to tell him his hot breath and the husky whispers made her want to grab his shirt collar and place her lips against his sinfully beautiful ones.
But he didn’t want to stop.
“ And I said anything that came to mind. Anything that could provoke you. I wanted your eyes to be on me Khushi. But I didn’t realise this was not a boardroom, and that you weren’t an opponent to be won over but the woman who I-“
She looked up. His eyes held a gleam, seducing her heart.
He was jealous!
Her hands crept up from his shoulders and entwined themselves behind his neck, still swaying to the music.
“It’s fine, Arnav. You didn’t lie though. At 19, fresh out of my course I would simply be an intern. My aunt did help me get some opportunities. But I am not unworthy of them-“
“Of course not!” He interrupted vigorously.
“I am an idiot. Khushi, please just forget what I said. “
She gave him a sad smile. 
Maybe her achievements meant nothing. It will be a long path for her before she can prove her own ability.
His fingers were rough on her skin, as he tipped back her head.
“Listen to me Khushi Gupta. You are an amazing interior designer. And you cannot let any class-A jerk tell you otherwise!”
She let out a chuckle, remembering her lashing out back at him.
He smiled at her, he bent down whispering once again, “ I am really sorry Khushi”
Tired of fighting herself, she let out a deep sigh, “It’s okay Arnav. I understand.”
She stood on her toes, leaning forward, pressing onto him as she brought her mouth to his ear, “I just want to dance “
It was testament to how close they stood, when she felt a tremble through his body, as he clutched her tighter.
Leaning away, her eyes met his, and took the fight in his eyes.
As if hypnotised, she stood in his arms, staring, waiting….waiting for what?
His lips met her cheeks the next moment.
Her hands tightened on the lapels of his suit.
“Arnav” she breathed out.
“God” he grit out, “If only, half of Lucknow wasn’t here”
Khushi didn’t have the time to ask him what he meant by that as she felt his lips on her neck. 
He kissed her skin there, making her aware of sensations she didn’t know her body was capable of feeling.
He drew back, still holding her close. He smiled and spun her around.
What a time to be alive! She thought in sync with the lyrics flooding the club.
Tagging: @arshifiesta
Next chapter>>
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aufi-creative-mind · 1 year
Slightly eldritch Link and Zelda post-totk? Like what effects does draconification have on Zelda when she returns and what effects does link have from the zonai arm?
Could be physical, could be mental, maybe both?
And if you are into linked universe, what does the chain think of this?
..... C:<
Slightly eldritch, you say? WELL...
I don't have a lot for a Post-TotK Zelda... Maybe some leftover scales on parts of her body but that's as far as I can think of.
But for Link, I have PLENTY.
Especially for a Post-TotK LU Wild.
This is gonna be a very long post so please bear with me on this one.
Many of the Post-TotK Wild headcanons I had were made from 2019 onwards, after the BotW2 announcement trailer. And then started to evolve and become more eldritch during the 4 year long waiting and from the breadcrumbs of info the Zelda dev team dropped prior to 2023 release.
(Most of these Post-TotK Wild headcanon have now since been debunked with the official TotK game lore. But I like to come back to them and they are being repurposed in some way with the new official TotK context).
Many of these headcanons were about Wild's creepy glowing green hand. Especially as prior to the game's release, it was never revealed who was the hand's original owner. So I had a dark theory that the Glowing Green Hand was originally the Ancient Hero's and their Hero's Spirit was used as the "Seal" on Ganondorf's corpse. Thus halting the Reincarnation Cycle and why there's a massive 10K year gap between the Ancient Hero of 10K and the Hero of the Wild's incarnations. (This is no longer the case, of course but I sometimes think about it).
So anyway, as for what effects the Zonai Arm may had left behind on Link.
Officially, I had an idea that the Recall ability had enhanced Link's Flurry Rush ability. Particularly the "freeze" game mechanic when Recall is activated, which allowed Link to quickly observe what's in front of him in a split second in real time. And also makes it easier for him to trigger his Flurry Rush when on the ground.
So...basically his time perspective and trigger instincts for his Flurry Rush ability have improved. Especially as I have a headcanon that Link's Flurry Rush is his Champion Ability in BotW.
As for Pre-Totk release / "if Link kept the Zonai Arm abilities" headcanons, I have a couple of ideas that I did experimented with. Especially with the LU Boys.
At the time, I had Post-TotK Wild to not only being older but is also rather cryptic about his TotK adventure with the reasoning that its still too raw for him to tell the rest about what happened (Especially as there was so little info about what happened at the time, other than "a sequel is in development" and "Link gets a glowing arm").
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Of course, this has now changed and I am still thinking about what new experiences and abilities from TotK would Wild bring to the LU Family. Though the one definite change from the original Post-TotK headcanon is that... Wild is now 7 years older than he was in BotW. So he's now 125 years old.
Before the Zonai Arm's Abilities were revealed, I had an idea that the Glowing Arm had three abilities - dubbed "Farore's Blessings" - Wrath (rage/survival power up), Breath (ability to see spirits/soul leaking) and Spirits (animal spirits and where the Farore's Spirits originated from).
Some of these ideas may be repurposed with the official TotK ideas.
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I have also done a handful of stories that explores the Farore's Blessing abilities with the LU family in the past. Including Puppet Twilight AND Fierce Deity. Especially the Fierce Deity one which was originally an early live writing story that I spotenously created in the LU main server back in 2019.
Here's the sketches I made based on that.
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(Original posts: Original 2019 sketch [left], 2020 Redrawing [right])
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(Original post: Dialogue Exchange comic)
I have plenty more in store! Many old Pre-TotK-release headcanons and new TotK ones that are slowly brewing in the back of my mind. But this is how much I can post for now.
Enjoy! :D
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bunji-enthusiast · 4 days
Lancelot and his fem crush having an IzuOcha type of relationship? He knows she likes him but she doesn’t want to pursue a relationship with him because she doesn’t want to interfere with him being a knight of apocalypse and she also wants to focus on being a knight as well?
"When You Know, You Know"
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It was a repetition of trials, faced with the morality of love and friendship. It is also where all the matters of truth had stood, the war, famine and death. Even if it hadn’t dared to stand so prevalent currently, it would one day break out, and spread like a disease. Everyone was hard at work, be it Holy Knight or civilian. It was always mind over matter of things, it was important to take care of the dangers, otherwise — who would? In the grand scheme of things, it was you, and everyone else. There was so many things you want to say, even dare to perhaps; but you could never do so, not then and not even now. 
Since the prophecy had been foretold, the knights of legend had been revealed. All in advance, and truthfully, you were both; scared, and proud. Your dearest friend Lancelot, whom you’ve come into contact with a year after he came back from his sudden disappearance. He was stronger than before, but strangely somber in the sense of things. You weren’t entirely sure what happened with him, as he had yet to spill any of the details to you. 
If someone told him that he would one day meet someone who would never act on a certain set of feelings, Lancelot would’ve certainly laughed. But he was easily proven wrong, over the years, with gaining the ability to read hearts and developing it. Lancelot didn’t expect you to harbor feelings for him, but you had never once brought it up or made the attempt too. You just treated him like a friend, with kindness. As you would for everyone else, of course you would. Yet, there was something in him — hoping, just… hoping, that you would one day actually say something about it. 
But you never did, even in the face of normalcy and the occasion of chaos. 
You never did. 
The blonde didn’t find himself wondering about it too much though, he was worried about his personal matters. Lancelot was sure you did too, seeing how dedicated you were to your work as a knight and the genuine warmth you exuded when helping others had almost, lit a fire in him.
You were out and about, in the streets of Liones. Hearing and watching as the feet of many passersby had thumped against the pavement, but you were alert – on watch as well. Even if you were relieved of duty for the day, you still couldn’t help but be careful, and wait to see if there was someone, anyone that needed your assistance. 
But you sighed, copiously being so alert probably wasn’t going to do you any good, so you went over to a food stand. Greeting the owner, you made your order, then waited as it was gathered. 
You turned your head, watching the people go–
You could barely even register what happened, your body slamming against the ground in one long fall as it skidded on the pavement. Everything was ringing, the people ran each and every way, trying to get away from whatever–whomever it was. 
Barely able to gather yourself, you did your best to recover from the immediate damage the blast caused you. You jumped up to your feet, and readied yourself to battle the possible perpetrator.
Lancelot was worried, worried as hell. He had caught wind of your battle, very vague and sickening descriptions he had also heard, your wounds weren’t terribly worse for wear – but bad enough to keep you unconscious for quite some time now. His footsteps had thumped harshly against the ground, any passing bodies watching as he rushed by like a flurry of wind. 
If only, if only, if only.
He remembered the wooden door, a rest room, also had been specified to originate as a med-bay. His eyes flitted to that very door, and walked up to it. Carefully opening the door, and there alone, was you sleeping in the bed. 
For a frightening moment, he thought you looked as if you were dead.
But no, it's just that you were just exhausted due to your injuries. Seemingly enough, irregardless of the color, your skin had paled because of it. Some beads of sweat here and there.
You got caught in crossfire, and, he couldn't help.
He let out a sigh, almost unraveling for a moment, but tightened up again as he sat at your bedside. Jabbing his hands in his pockets, his gaze wavered, seeing how peacefully you slept made him almost want to walk out right then and there – as if he was being invasive upon your sleep. 
However, that didn't stop the sense of gratitude and pride he held about you. That had made him happy, that he has come to know someone so wonderful in the face of untruth.
But he didn’t want to leave you alone, that was the last thing he wanted to do, all things considered. Lancelot hoped you didn’t mind seeing him when you woke up, because he wanted to at least talk to you. 
He couldn’t let this go unspoken any longer.
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straykidsnerd255 · 1 month
Can you please do the gold saints (your chosen) with a cardcaptor sakura reader so the reader was fighting a strong monster when she suddenly she fell into the world of saint seiya and she saw the specters attacking the gold saints and helps the gold saints by using one of her clow cards and after that she then explained to them about the clow cards and how she the guardian of them they even see that the cards have there own personality's and the gold saints fall in love with the reader and the reader find out she can go back and forth between her home and sanctuary
Here you go! I decided to choose two Gold Saints but I hope you enjoy these little drabbles!! Sorry if they are trash. I’m not at my most creative self yet.
Leo Aiolia:
You were in the middle of a battle when you felt something swirl around you. You closed your eyes tightly hoping that whatever it was didn’t ruin your chance of victory. However, when you open your eyes, you are no longer in your world but in a completely different world. You were confused til you heard yelling. You followed the sound only to find a group of gold-armored men fighting what looked to be an enemy. Using the little bit of magic you still had, you jump into the battle and help them. Confused, the gold saints asked about our ability and how powerful it was. You explain to them how they each have their own personality and that she is the guardian over them and will only work under her command. 
Aiolia peeked over your shoulder to take a closer look at the cards making you giggle before turning around and holding the cards out. He didn’t dare touch them but he looked at each of the cards, admiring the detail on each of them. Time soon passed and Aiolia found himself falling in love with you. From how you would just spread the cards out around you, or how you treated the cards. Before long, you two started dating and at the same time, you realized you could travel between this world and your own. You tried it out for the first time and were amazed that whatever realm you went to, it would be as if nothing had changed while you were gone.
Pisces Aphrodite:
He was in trouble. The spector had him pinned to the ground and he was bleeding. He wasn’t even sure he could get enough strength built up to force the enemy off him. When he thought everything was over, a bright light flashed through the sky. Everyone stopped to look at where whatever had appeared landed. Confused, Aphrodite lifted his head a bit and saw a girl stand up, brush herself off, and look around. When her eyes saw battle before her, she raised her hands. They saw a flurry of cards swirl around her before she jumped into the battle. Aphrodite, finding the opening to kick the spector off him, managed to slip away. 
He watched as the spectors called a retreat and disappeared. He carefully made his way over to you cradling the wound on his arm and hissing when he jerked the arm from a moving body. When he was close enough, he called for your attention. You looked up to see the injured man walking towards you. You gasped and rushed over to him, looking around for something to wrap the wound up with. Aphrodite asked about your cards and what they were so you explained to them. You told them that they held their own personalities and that you were the guardian of the cards and would only work when you were using their power.
A few months had passed since you had been there and Aphrodite grew the closest to you. You two did everything together. After some time, he confessed to you that he liked you. You told him that you were from a completely different world and that you had been fighting your enemy when you were transported to this world. You then looked at him, a blush forming on your face. You told him that you were going to find a way to jump between this world and your own because you loved this world. You were friends with so many people but most importantly, you had fallen for the saint in front of you. 
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bevswashere · 3 months
Koi No Yokan
Chapter 4: Arachnophobia
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April 2005 The next day.
"Uematsu-chan, we saved you some dinner last, but Satoru tells me you went for sushi last night."
I freeze. "Is there anything else he told you?"
"Mmm... Ah, that you wanted to try playing baseball?"
The next breath that leaves my lips is a sigh of relief. "Yeah, I did mention I wanted to try out different sports." 
"In that case, you'll let me teach you how to play basketball some time?" Geto says. "I think you'll enjoy the pace of it more than baseball."
"Then, I'm excited to try—"
"There's my favorite first-year!" A warm arm lands heavily around my shoulder. "What have I missed this morning?"
"I was telling Uematsu-san I want to play some basketball with her."
"Is that so?" Gojo says, rattling my body as he speaks, "Well, I'm sure she'll enjoy that." 
"He said something about baseball too," I say. "Is that your favorite sport?"
"No, it's judo!" 
I feel Gojo's arms peel me up from the floor, "Wait!" throwing me over his shoulder, as my limbs flail against him helplessly. "Gojo! Put me down!" 
"Why should I? I'm having fun." He turns violently, my hair obstructing my vision as I teeter dangerously against his shoulder. "And I promised I would show you different sports. This is our first one!"
I still my body for a moment, feeling the blood rush towards my face. "Are you sure you want to do Judo as our first sport, Gojo?" 
"Bring it on," he laughs, "What could you possibly know about—"
I launch my upper body up, using my legs to throw Gojo off his balance. Within the single swing, we're on the floor, and Gojo's stuck in a headlock between my legs. "If that's the case, we can cross martial arts off the list."
"I got it," His voice is strained, his hand tapping against my shin repeatedly. "I forgot, Suguru, she's like a ninja." 
When I look up at Geto, his eyes crinkle as he laughs. It's cute. 
Gojo feels my grip loosen, and takes advantage fighting tooth and nail to climb above me. "Round two!" He takes my wrists and pins them above my head. "You won't catch me off guard again, Uematsu."
"You tapped already!" I say. "You can't—"
He leans in, letting the point of his nose prod mine again. "I can and I will." 
"Before you two destroy more of our campus..." Yaga's voice draws all of our eyes away. "An incident's been reported down in Odaiba. Gojo, you've been assigned to take care of it. Bring Uematsu along with you."
"Wait, I just got the chance to get away from him," I whine, trying again to free my arms to no avail. Gojo's able to hold them down with a single hand. 
"This is your first mission here at Jujutsu Tech. You're in no position to make complaints."
"Don't worry!" Gojo finally lets go, happily seated on my stomach as if I were a cushion. "I'll keep you safe, Uemats-ugh!" 
I push him off me, letting him land on the gravel. "I don't need you to keep me safe." 
"This is it." 
Gojo and I stop outside of the house, a decaying wooden structure that could tip over at any moment. With that, it was radiating waves of cursed energy. Four people had already been reported missing. 
"Feeling scared yet," Gojo taunts into my ear. "Don't worry. I won't tell the others if you want to sit out and let me handle it." 
"I thought we agreed I'm just as strong as you, and faster." 
"It's different on a mission compared to some fight at school. You probably won't be able to do judo on a curse." 
"I'll be fine," I say, even though each step we take towards the house leads to a new flurry of doubt in my mind. I consider what techniques would be best, how I can conserve my energy even if I need to use barriers, how I should have brought a cursed item in case I can't make contact. Most of all, I doubted Gojo and I's ability to work together. 
The moment we arrive inside, the door slams behind us. Everything becomes pitch black and the air turns musty. "I can't see." 
Gojo understands what I mean. There's no Forward Sight in the dark like this. A small dot of blue light appears from the tip of his finger. "What would you do without me?" 
"Probably enjoy my day mo—" The sound of something moving cuts my thought short. Little taps against the wooden floor circle us. "What was that?"
Gojo's eyes captured the dim lighting more than anything else in my view. He seems to have given up on messing around, turning serious as he scans the room. "...Strange." 
"What is?"
"My Six Eyes saw it moving across the wall there, then it disappeared."
Another voice sounds in the room. A wavering, garbled up voice that spoke in fragments. "The itsy..." My ears prick up, turning left and right to find who's speaking, but I can't make anything out in our surroundings besides utter darkness. 
More pattering against the wooden floor from behind. Instantly, we turn around. "...Bitsy..." I feel Gojo's other hand wrap around my waist, "Stay close." 
"You don't need to protect me."
"I know that, but stay close to me." 
Slowly, we take tentative steps forward. Each move we make creaks loudly against the floorboards. 
More quick tapping came from behind. "...Spider.... ran up..."
The flickering light from Gojo's finger grows a bit larger, enough for us to see some sort of ball hanging from the ceiling. Looking closer, though, it's not a ball. It's a head wrapped in a thick sheet of white cobwebs. The body is hanging upside down from the ceiling. My breath gets caught in my throat. "Do you think they're still..?"
"Probably not." Gojo looks more closely. "The webbing is interesting, though. Like some sort of mask for cursed energy." 
"If it can mask itself like this, then wouldn't the house... Gojo, light the whole room."
His hand remains tightly wrapped around me, as the little ball of light grows into a huge flare. It illuminates the room long enough to show three more bodies hanging from the ceiling, all wrapped in the same thick webbing, along with every door, corner, and window. The curse must be moving through the webbing, shielding itself from Gojo's Six Eyes. 
The flare dimmed out, returning to the small orb of light at his fingertip. The pattering erupted again, speeding up until it sounded like running, circling us, round and round. Gojo finally lets go, and we put our backs together, trying to pinpoint the curse. 
"The waterspout." Its garbled voice grows louder, booming until dust sprinkles from the ceiling. "Down came the rain and..." 
The singing stops, and so does the running. I peel my eyes towards the nothingness, feeling my heart pound as I draw deep breaths. Then, as I silently beg for the monster to come out of hiding, two red dots appear in the darkness. "Found it." 
Gojo turns, sending off another flare to reveal its full body. The curse is so large it's head nearly touches the ceiling. Its putrid gray skin is masked in patches of coarse fur. The red eyes rest above six more black, beady ones. The arms are the largest part, sharp pincers at each end, so heavy that they force the curse to hunch over. 
"Washed the spider out!" It darts one of its pincers forward, crashing into the floor where Gojo and I split off. Each of its legs clatter against the wood as the curse scurries in my direction. I crawl backward on my elbows, watching the red eyes draw closer. Blurry visions of the webs that would melt me if I didn't move. 
I tumble over, hearing the floor I had been covering steam. The smell of something acidic fills my nose. 
Two techniques this curse has shown so far: webs that conceal, and webs that melt.
I jut my leg out, hitting the curse hard in the side. An opportunity opens for me to get back to my feet, and throw my fists forward. I keep my movements quick, leaving little time for the curse to regroup. But my greatest asset is what's lagging, distracting even. The curse swings one of its massive pincers, knocking me into the nearby wall and all the webs. 
"The itsy..." The webs are incredibly sticky, requiring all of my might to pry a single arm away. "...Bitsy spider..." I had been so busy trying to break free, I didn't notice the curse isn't the one singing. It's quiet, whispering from my sides. Smaller, muffled voices.
Gojo's technique dimly lights what I'm hearing: eggs, dozens of them spread out amongst the webs... all cracked open. 
It erupts at my feet, sides, and all over my head. Thousands of little legs scurrying across my limbs. "Ran up the water spout." I swipe them away in bunches, shaking my legs, but they cling to me, spewing webs weaker than their mother's, but strong enough to burn through my clothes. "It hurts," I say, being left in the dark descending me into a deeper panic. 
My fingers barely twitch, a time barrier so weak it hardly hits any of the growing pile. I want to make out something in my surroundings, anything, but I'm blind. I can't time jump away at the risk of ending up halfway through a wall, the floor, or even Gojo who's fending off the strong curse. The spiders covered me like a thick layer of fabric. 
What do I do? I'm supposed to be strong. So, what do I do?
"I'm so proud of you," my father said as the train led us into Tokyo. Momoko was asleep, nuzzled up by my side. "Some of my best years were spent at Jujutsu Tech."
"It'll be dangerous," I said.
"Of course it will be dangerous," he laughed. You'll face power on a scale you've never seen before!" He leaned his elbows down onto his legs, speaking seriously, "But so will every Jujutsu sorcerer and curse that will face you." He laughed again, slightly. "You will be the strongest Jujutsu this century has seen. No one will ever forget the name Uematsu." 
It's comforting, that thought. Not only for him, but for me too. I... like being strong, aiming to be the strongest. It feels right. No matter what I may resent him for, my heart aches apart from my mind. We value the same things, at the core. Greatness. Power.
I want to be the strongest, for him, for myself.
A new sensation took over. A clarity I hadn't felt before. One that showed me the room for the first time, not in its current state, but in its infancy. Before the rot and curses. I see a family living here. A mother, father, and two young children. I could see the hues of pink and green furniture decorating the floors, the golden framed photos hung on their walls. Their playing, the children, until they start crying, "Mommy! Mommy! There's a spider!" It's small, crawling on the floor nearby, until their mother stepped on it and threw it away. "I hate spiders," one of the kids sniffled. 
"Uematsu!" Gojo calls out. My face is the only thing left exposed beneath the mountain of spiders, but I'm calmer now. I know where to go. I time jump right between Gojo and the monstrous curse, as thousands of dead spiders sprinkle down to the floor. I was correct to assume they couldn't survive the displacement. They crumble into mere ash and severed legs, and the curse rages. I had piled in front of her nothing but her own dead children. 
Her massive arm swipes at me with its great pincer, but I can see clearly now. Like the bundles of cursed energy had unknotted themselves. There's a weak spot at the mother's center, one she's hiding with the way she hunched over. I lean back low, letting the pincer nearly miss my nose, and time jump into a corner of the room, arm already inside the center of the heavy webbing. When I jump again, I land on the curse's hairy back, a long, sticky strand of web in my hand. I wring it around the curse's neck, pulling as hard as possible. She gasps at the pressure, tossing her deadly pincers backwards only to fall short. When I tug again, I dig my heels into her back, pushing the weak spot into the open. "Now, Gojo!" 
"I don't want to hit you." 
The curse is beginning to struggle more vigorously. If we give it any more time, it'll evolve a new technique. One that involved sharp pincers growing from its back, impaling my body at the ends. "Trust me!" 
Gojo doesn't question me again, a flurry of blue light striking the curse's vulnerable center as I time jump away before the impact. He'd gone slightly over the top, though. Not only did the collision completely dissolve the curse, but it also sliced through several layers of the house. The entire top half of the building was about to collapse on us. Gojo realizes this too, balling up the back of my uniform before I could object. 
"This is humiliating," I say, feeling Gojo run us back into the street where rain had begun pouring. You could hardly see the house crumble behind the thick curtain of water. I stare at the blurry ruins, still suspended above the ground. "You can put me down now." 
"Oh, that's right." He lowers me, and I dust myself off, happy to let the rain wash away some of the grime. "Are you hurt?" 
He's not wearing his glasses anymore, bright eyes fixed on the little blisters burned into my arms and legs. My adrenaline was pumping too hard to notice the pain before. "It only hurts a little." 
He suddenly presses a hand to my center. "You're bleeding." 
His touch is so warm. "I'm fine, really." I look back to the destroyed house, "But shouldn't we have tried harder to preserve the bodies." 
"That's not our job," Gojo says indifferently. "You weren't killed on your first mission. Congratulations!" He gives me a thumbs up. 
He's right. This is the true start of it all, everything I've been raised to be. I nearly died. The thought makes me laugh.
"I didn't know you could do that," Gojo says.
"That's because," It came over me suddenly, the wave of laughter, "You never say anything funny." 
"Has all that spider venom made you lose your mind?" 
"That was awesome!" my arms shoot up into the air. I think I even hopped a little. "Let's find another one! I feel incredible!" 
Originally taken aback, Gojo's warm hand lands on the top of my drenched head. "Maybe we take you to see Shoko first." 
"No need," I say determinedly. "Come on. I feel so great I'll even fight you right now." I raise my fists, throwing short, taunting jabs. "Come on! Let's try judo again!" 
He laughs deeply. "Who would've thought you could get excited like this? You're so cute." 
I freeze, hands stilled in the air, trapped beneath his palm. He freezes too, unable to take back a statement he didn't mean anything by. 
There's something about the way he looks right now. Bashful almost, unsure of himself. Clear droplets rolling against his skin, dripping from the ends of his bright hair. "Hey," I call weakly, "Don't say weird stuff like that." 
He smiles, flashing nearly all of his teeth. I notice this time the way his eyes and nose crinkle. How joyful it all seems. "For someone who can see the future, you look pretty surprised. Have I really figured you out that quickly, Uematsu?"
"Even the most powerful Jujutsu technique couldn't predict you being nice," I push his hand away. "Speaking of which, I did something new in the spider house." 
"What is it?"
"I think I saw the past," I recount. "The family who went missing and the curse in its infancy. I could see it." 
"A new technique?" Gojo hums. "This is the first I'm hearing about Uematsu seeing the past."
"You and me both." A weakness does suddenly wash over me, though. Pain stemming from the heavier venomous burns. I stumble forward. The weather forms a cold sweat on my brow, but Gojo's warmth soothes me like a warm bath. It doesn't feel wrong to hold onto him as tight as I could manage. "I lied. It hurts."
"Idiot," Gojo mutters. "I'm taking you to Shoko."
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What He Fears Most
BLEACH Anime Celebration: Day 4 - Battle
Rating: T or Teen for violence and some horror themes
Setting: a canon-divergent AU set after chapter 554, in which Toshiro and Rangiku managed to defeat Cang Du after Bazz B is requested to leave. They don’t leave the battle unscathed, but their injuries are not as severe as they were in the original chapter.
Synopsis: After defeating Cang Du, Toshiro and Rangiku run into As Nodt.
AN: of all things, this was inspired by me listening to ‘This Light I See’ while drafting a response to an ask, then checking my dashboard and seeing a gif of As Nodt. This is my first attempt at doing a bit of horror I guess, so we’ll see how it goes. Anyhow, hope you enjoy it!
Toshiro runs over and around debris with Rangiku at his flank. All around them, most structures had been destroyed, but there are no signs of casualties. They keep their reiatsu low, trying to go undetched. Above them, the sky is darkening with clouds; he can sense rain coming, and it'll only make the situation worse once it starts pouring over the battlefields.
He stops when Rangiku slips on a loose bit of rubble. She regains her stance without trouble, but he still feels the need to ask. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
She half smiles. “I could ask you the same thing, sir.”
It’s not until she says it that he realizes he’s pressing his hand into his side. He’s been ignoring the dull pains from wounds inflicted by Bazz-B and Cang Du, with a few of his injuries still open and only protected by one of his spare bandages. She nurses scratches and cuts from the latter Quincy, most shallow and bandaged, but the most concerning one has been the deep one inflicted dangerous close to her temple.
They needed to get to Isane if they wanted to be completely healed. Glancing at the clouds again, Toshiro can’t sense many Shinigami nor any Quincy. He tries to not think of the possibilities of why that is. He reaches his senses out further until he finds her.
“Kotetsu isn’t far from here,” he says, turning in the direction of her reiatsu. “If we head that way, she should be-”
Wreckage falls nearby. It’s only seconds later when the source - a Quincy - walks out from behind a half-destroyed wall, turned away from them.
Toshiro curses under his breath. He and Rangiku go to crouch behind debris, but when the Quincy stops lists his head in their direction, they draw their zanpakuto.
“Be prepared, Matsumoto,” Toshiro says under his breath.
The Quincy eyes them from head to toe as he takes slow steps towards them. “So Cang Du failed,” he remarks. “You are Captain Hitsugaya, and Lieutenant Matsumoto.”
“And you are?” Rangiku asks.
The Quincy stops and finally meets their gazes, but he doesn’t reply immediately. “It won’t matter to you.”
To both Shinigamis’ bewilderment, he suddenly turns his back on them and starts to walk away. “My only concern is Captain Kuchiki."
Toshiro frowns, but Rangiku gasps.
“What is it?”
 “Sir, I think that’s As Nodt,” she whispers.
The one who took Byakuya’s bankai, according to Renji. Toshiro recalls the physical description the lieutenant gave, and is fits this Quincy’s appearance. His abilities were among some of the most dangerous in the first invasion.
Toshiro finds himself a t crossroads: neither of them are can put up a fight the way they are now, but it’s their duty to protect the Soul Society. If As Nodt was looking for Byakuya, what did he plan to do to him this time?
Toshiro raises Hyourinmaru. “Then we can’t let him find Kuchiki.”
He glances at his lieutenant, who subtly nods. Under their breaths, they release their zanpakuto and advance in a flash-step. Once only a few feet away, Haineko rushes out in a cloud of ash and Hyourinmaru in a flurry of ice towards As Nodt.
As if anticipating their attack, the Quincy bends forward, avoiding both strikes. While the ice plasters against the ground and a nearby wall, Rangiku gestures for Haineko to attack him from the front. As Nodt spins away before Haineko was within a meter of him.
“He’s too fast,” Rangiku says through greeted teeth. It’s not that, Toshiro thinks, it’s that they’re injuries are making them slower.
As she calls her zanpakuto back, As Nodt only turns his head to stare at the ice coating a broken wall. His eye narrows, as if he were smiling; the attack seems to have amused him. “Attacking someone while their back is turned? Have you no honor? Or perhaps…are you afraid?”
Their opponent has something planned, but what? Without look away from the Quincy, Toshiro starts walking back and signals Rangiku to do the same. “Hardly. The moment you chose to declare war on the Soul Society, you became our enemy. Your invasion and all the bloodshed on your hands is what’s truly dishonorable.”
“How hypocritical,” As Nodt responds dryly, “but not surprising.”
Without warning, the Quincy whirls back around. Large thorns made of reishi form all around him in a circle before racing towards them. Toshiro and Rangiku dodge, jumping away from each other and landing in low crouches. The spikes hit the debris and broken walls behind them, and after the light dissipates, a black oozes spills from where they’d punctures the wreckage.
“That must be his ‘fear’ ability,” Toshiro says. “Avoid it at all costs.”
Rangiku nods stiffly. She goes to speak, but a fresh barrage heads towards her. She rolls over him, wincing as she shuffles to his side. “What should we do now?”
As Nodt is stalking towards them, new thorns ready to shoot.  Rangiku is too close from him to use bankai, and considering their conditions, Toshiro suggests the only tactic they hadn’t used against Cang Du. “After he shoots those, make formation ten. I’ll use Daiguren Hyourinmaru after he’s trapped.”
“Right!” says Rangiku with a smirk. For a second, he wonders if it’s from how seriously he says the silly name or from how confident she is in the plan.
They rise and rush forward, ducking under the spikes shot at them. Rangiku calls upon Haineko to form Neko Rinbu, engulfing As Nodt in a tornado. Toshiro flash-steps to different points around the whirling ash, hoping the Quincy can’t clearly detect exactly where he is as a result.
When he grabs Hyourinmaru’s chain, that’s the signal. Rangiku brings Haineko in closer around the Quincy. Toshiro throws the chain in a side arc, and as it near, Haineko creates an opening to let it through. Once the crescent blade at the end disappears into the ash and the chain catches, he raises Hyourinmaru’s blade and strikes it, sending a blaze of ice down the links.
But something isn't right. The links are too rigid; his opponent doesn't struggle to free himself.
All of a sudden, Toshiro looses his footing, yanked towards Haineko.
Rangiku lets out a panicked sound and dispels Neko Rinbu. She was a second too late, with Haineko having cut into Toshiro’s cheeks, forehead and the tip of his nose. He doesn’t have time to wince from the new, sharp pain, because As Nodt is standing only a meter from him. Wrapped around his forearm and within his hand is Hyourinmaru’s chain and ice. With two forceful shakes of his arm, the ice cracks and falls off.
Toshiro stabs Hyourinmaru at him, but the Quincy throws the chain aside and vanishes. Wide-eyed, Toshiro rapidly scans the area. Rangiku does the same as Haineko returns to her sealed state, but she suddenly freezes.
“Your shikai…” From behind, As Nodt arm loops around her shoulders. “It reminds me of Senbonzakura.”
She yelps when a thorn pierces her shoulder.
Toshiro shoots a flurry over his lieutenant’s shoulder, but As Nodt lets her go and disappears again before it can hit him. Some of the ice catches into the tips of Rangiku’s hair, but she doesn’t react. She stares wide-eyed at the ground, mouth agape and breathing turning shallow.
Toshiro calls out her name again, keeps calling out to her as he rushes to her. She hears him the fourth time, flinging her head up.
“Captain!” she yells. “Behind you!”
Toshiro whips around, his sword clashing with As Nodt’s spiked gauntlet. He barely has the strength to hold his stance, his arms shaking against the weight the Quincy pushes into Hyourinmaru.
“Your turn,” is all As Nodt says before he plunges a thorn into Toshiro’s torso.
The breath is knocked out of him and he fumbles back, almost tripping over his own feet. He stops when the backs of his legs hit a piece of debris. His free hand clutches at the fresh wound, but he chokes at the burning cold races up through his body. Gritting his teeth, he wills himself to ignore it and focus back on the enemy.
He grips Hyourinmaru with both hands. No, he thinks. I won’t give in. I have nothing to fear.
He glances at Rangiku, who is doubled over, also trying to resist the power’s effects. A sweat has broken out across her face and her wide, unblinking eyes start to tear up.
As Nodt goes to attack her, but Toshiro steps in front of his lieutenant and swings Hyorinmaru for the Quincy’s head. The Quincy flinches back, and Toshiro only manages to cut the ends of several long, dark hair strands.
I have nothing to fear, he repeats as lands a kick squarely in As Nodt’s stomach, sending him back several steps. I have nothing to fear.
When Toshiro blinks, As Nodt and Rangiku are gone.
He swerves around, but the world is empty, devoid of sound or smell. He faintly hears his lieutenant’s screams above the ringing that assaults his ears. All he can feel is the heavy, burning cold pierce through him.
Ice is freezing over his wounds and forming under his feet, covering the ground within seconds. His reiatsu is getting out of control. He can’t let that happen. Where’s As Nodt gone? Where’s Rangiku? Did he take her? Is she dead?
With a frustrated cry, he closes his eyes and tries to reign in his flaring reiatsu. I have nothing to fear. I have nothing to fear. This isn’t real, I can break this. I can break this. I can-
His heart lurches, and against his better judgement, he opens his eyes and turns in the direction of Momo’s voice.
She stands a long way from him, unharmed and looking confused; it's as if she only just entered the battlefields. He goes to call out to her, to get her to run away, but his mouth won’t move.
The air around him gets colder. Ahead, Momo shivers, rubbing her arms up and huddled into herself. Without warning, the ice forming under his feet shoots out to her, rapidly covering all debris in its path.
He screams, but his mouth and body still won’t move, no matter how much he wills it. Run away! Leave me behind!
She looks in horror, first at the ice coming towards her, and then at him. The look stabs through him; it’s worse than any wound a weapon could make.
It’s not real, but it’s too compelling for all of his senses to ignore.
His legs are suddenly free, and he almost falls over as he sprints to her. He reaches out to her, and it’s like a death sentence. The closer he gets, the quicker the ice spreads to her.
When it reaches her feet, she cries out to him. "Shiro-chan, run away! It'll get you too!" When the ice completely encases her legs, her panic turns to accusation. "Why, Shiro-chan?! Why-!"
Her wail is cut off when ice suddenly bursts from her chest, from where Hyourinmaru had wounded her over a year ago.
Toshiro regains his voice when the ice splays out over her torso and arms. His raw cries are wordless, even though he tries to verbally command Hyourinmaru to stop, which turns into begging himself to stop it.
By the time he’s in arms reach, the ice – his ice -- has almost completely consumed her, and there’s nothing he can do to stop it.
She disappears, and a fresh pain strikes him through his chest. He only sees an arm clad in white and blood, and below it, ice and pieces of rubble.
As Nodt has impaled him on another thorn.
In his peripheral, Rangiku collapses to the ground without a sound. His own haggard breath reaches his ears. Sweat drips down his face. Despite how strained his arms and legs feel from sprinting, he’d never left the spot he’d seen his opponent vanish from.
“How disappointing,” As Nodt says. “You’re a captain, my power shouldn’t affect you so terribly. But then, fear comes more easily to children. They’re more prone to irrationality. It’s hard for them to escape it, they can become consumed by it when there’s no adult there to comfort them. They can’t stand on their own two feet, even when their friends are in peril.”
Fear evaporates, and there is only rage. With a roar, Toshiro angles Hyourinmaru to cut through the Quincy’s torso. As Nodt releases him and puts a distance between them.
Blood streams through Toshiro’s fingers when he clutches at his wounds, but he uses the adrenaline from this new anger to stay standing. The piercing cold still keeps him frozen, only able to move his eyes.
As Nodt goes to launch at him again, when a yellow chain of reishi comes shooting down from above. As soon as it collides with the Quincy, the chain wraps itself around his torso, pinning his arms to his sides. Wide-eyed, he swerves around to find the source.
With his opponent distracted, Toshiro feels the piercing cold start to ebb away. However, at the familiar cry of a bird, followed by a ball of flame racing towards As Nodt’s head, he goes rigid.
The Quincy pivots to the left, avoiding the fireball. Before it even hits the debris, it’s caster descends from above.
“Get away from them!” Momo yells as she swings Tobiume, throwing another fireball at him.
The Quincy doesn’t miss this one, losing his footing before the flames collide with his shoulder. The flames do more damage to his uniform than to his person, his skin only smeared with ash.
Momo lands in front of Toshiro, zanpakuto raised and stance strong. She flings her arm behind her and chants for a barrier. A yellow prism forms over him and Rangiku; he recognizes it as one of the higher barriers, able to withstand even strikes from a bankai’s attack.
So taken by her sudden appearance, Toshiro only just notices As Nodt heading towards her while trying to break the chains of Sajo Sabaku. However, he missteps in every direction, going from one side to the other and almost tripping over rubble in his path.
“What…is this?” the Quincy asks her, voice bordering on livid.
“Getting a little tipsy down there?!” comes a shout from above. Shinji grins down from the top of one of the few still standing buildings, his zanpakuto released.
While As Nodt is distracted, Momo lunges at him. Her opponent dodges too late; Tobiume slices into the edge of Quincy’s opposite shoulder. He grunts, but when she goes in for another attack, he stumbles out of range. She manages to get in a strike to his side, but even under the include of Sakanade, he still able to dodge most of her attacks. All the while he tries to break from Sajo Sabaku, but the chain holds strong.
Toshiro’s grip on Hyourinmaru tightens. He needs to help them. He starts for the barrier on wobbly legs.
“No, Captain…” comes a raspy voice from behind.
 Rangiku has managed to prop herself up to sit against the ruins, clutching at a stomach wound he hadn’t noticed before - As Nodt must have injured her just before he’s impaled him. Despite her weakened state, she levels him a look that makes it clear he shouldn’t go out and help while he’s like this.
Cringing, he carries himself over to join her, not once taking his eyes off the battle unfolding before them.
Eventually, there’s a distance between Momo and As Nodt, enough for the latter to concentrate on creating his thorns. With his sense of balance off, they go flying in all directions. Everywhere they hit causes half standing walls to crumble and reduce bigger pieces of wreckage to rubble
Momo ducks when one flies at her and tries to rush at him again. However, more thorns shoot out and she has no choice but to fall back. She casts a kido barrier in front of herself when she can’t avoid three of them coming at her. All of them hit and leave the black ooze behind.
However, the black somehow bleeds through the barrier, it’s tendrils lashing to strike Momo. She raises Tobiume to cut them.
Toshiro finds his voice and stumbles forward, almost slipping on his own ice. “Don’t let it touch you! This is As Nodt!”
Heeding his warning, Momo instead flash-steps away from the barrier and dispels it, leaving the ooze to fall to the ground in with a ‘splat’.
Shinji leaps down to her side before more thorns shoot around the area. Shinji and Momo try and fail to advance on the Quincy, forces to avoid wave after wave of thorns. One of them hits the barrier around Toshiro and Rangiku, and like before, the black tries to reach them.
Momo yells something to her captain. Shinji scowls at whatever she says, but nods. Sakanade stops spinning.
As Nodt sways from side to side while trying to stand still.  Sajo Sabaku is worn by this point, and he breaks the kido trapping him with an irritated growl. His baleful glare falls on the Fifth Division’s captain and lieutenant as he raises his hands.
However, he stops. Eyes roll to the right, and then his snaps in the same direction. “Kuchiki.” He jumps back, landing on top of a broken wall,from which he glowers at Shinji and Momo. “After I’m done with her, I’ll be back for you two.”
He then leaps to the same building Shinji and Momo had been standing on top of earlier. Momo has Tobiume raised, but she shifts her gaze from where As Nodt had leapt away to to Toshiro and Rangiku, conflicted.
“Lieutenant Kuchiki can handle him now,” Shinji says to her. “You sense her reiatsu? She’s gotten a lot stronger.”
Mind made up, Momo dispels the barrier and runs to them, not even noticing the ice crunching and breaking under her feet.
For an irrational moment, Toshiro worries what will happen if she comes near him, and he raises his hand. “Wait-”
“He got you with his power,” Shinji says, following behind her. “Whatever the heck you saw ain’t real.”
I know, he wants to say, but…. He can’t help it. It hadn’t been the first time he’d seen such horrific images that seemed too real. In his nightmares, she wasn’t the only one to freeze through because of him, but she had been for a while after Aizen’s defeat.
However, when Momo comes to his side and looks him over, panting and her brow furrowed in concern, it’s enough to begin grounding him. Before he can speak to her, she switches her focus over to Rangiku, her jaw clenching at her fellow lieutenant’s stomach injury.
“Reckon you have this?” Shinji asks Momo.
She kneels at Rangiku’s side. “I’ll do my best.” She angles back to Toshiro as her palms are engulfed in a heal glow. “I’ll heal Rangiku-san first, can you hold on until then?”
He gingerly lowers himself to sit on a large piece of wreckage. “Do it.”
She gets to work, chanting under her breath until the kido covers Rangiku’s wounds. It’s then he notices how haggard she is. There’s no visible wounds on her, but patches of skin are smudged with dirt and debris, the sleeve of her shihakusho has a tear, and there’s a thin sheen of sweat on her brow.
Shinji comes to stand next to Toshiro, back facing him and his zanpakuto still drawn.
“Got your bankai back?” he asks.
“Yeah,” Toshiro answers, voice hoarse. Then, after swallowing against the dryness in his mouth and throat, he asks, “How did you find us?”
The other captain’s shoulders tense a fraction. “We were on our way to assist Omaeda and Sui-Feng. Not sure if you can sense it, but they’re not doing good right now. But then we heard you and Matsumoto, and we figured you needed our help first.”
How loud had they screamed? Toshiro shakes his head. Staring at the other captain’s back, he recalls seeing bandages criss-crossed underneath his shihakusho. He wasn’t in the best condition either, but he came to help them regardless. “Thank you, then.”
Shinji smiles over his shoulder. “You’re welcome.”
Toshiro thinks back to a few minutes earlier. Keeping his voice low, he asks, “How did you know?”
Shinji quirks up a brow. “Huh?”
“How did you know what I saw?”
Shinji smiles lowers as he twists away. “I didn’t, but I have a fair idea what it might have involved.”
Toshiro opens his mouth to retort, but nothing comes to mind. He instead sighs through his nose and watches over the lieutenants.
Momo rolls the shoulder of Rangiku’s shihakusho just enough to heal the other wound. The skin doesn’t knit over the injury completely, but it seals up as a scab.
Rangiku murmurs something to Momo, and whatever it was makes Momo put a comforting hand on her uninjured shoulder. “We’re not going anywhere,” she reassures.
He won’t force her to divulge what she’d seen and heard while under the influence of As Nodt’s power, but that response may have been a clue. If that’s the case, he glares at the ground. I won’t abandon you.
It’s not until Momo starts wrapping bandages over the shihakusho and wounds that Rangiku looks over at him. “Captain.”
“Are you all right?” he asks. It feels like déjà vu.
She eyes the iced over wounds in his torso with concern. “I’m fine.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do much more than this,” Momo says. “Your injuries will have to be healed completely by Kotetsu-san.”
“I know,” Rangiku says. Now in less pain, she manages a small smile. “As is, you’ve done a great job.”
Momo takes the compliment with a shaky smile. Now finished with Rangiku, she stands and goes to Toshiro, already chanting the incantation for the healing kido. He slips the shoulders of his shikahkusho, allowing her to see the torso injuries better. She cringes when she meets his gaze.
“What?” he asks.
“N-Nothing, it’s just…I’ve never seen you so pale.”
If she hasn't figured it already, she’ll soon realise it wasn’t due to blood loss. He bites the inside of his cheek against the sting where the kido is healing him. The remains over most of the wounds, but a few shards crack and break away. Her hands shake over his torso.
“Don’t strain yourself,” he murmurs.
The furrow in her brow deepens. “I’m not.”
Shinji had moved over to help Rangiku stand, and the two discuss strategies and their encounters with the enemy. With their backs turned, Toshiro risks a moment of vulnerability.
He wipes the blood off one hand into his uniform, and then gingerly grabs one of Momo’s wrists. “It’s fine if you don’t heal anything over completely. You’ll need your strength for the battles ahead.”
She blinks, but then her eyes darken. “How many more battles are there to come?”
It’s a rhetorical question, but he answers somewhat bitterly, “However many it takes to save the Soul Society.”
Done with the wound on his stomach, Toshiro releases her wrist and she shifts her hands to hover over the injury in his upper chest. It's a full minute later when stares his hand, seeming to take in the details of it, as if examining it for one of her drawings. Something about it seems to upset her, her mouth drawing down in a frown.
“You faced against As Nodt,” she says. “So, that means when you were screaming before…”
For a moment he’s taken back to when they were children. Out of the two them, she was always the one who got scared the easiest. Perhaps it was because of that whenever he was frightened, she always looked like it was one of the worst things to happen. She’d comfort him, and eventually, her troubled look would melt away to a sad smile.
She has that same stricken look now, and it threatens to undo him, to make him confess everything he saw under the influence of As Nodt’s power.
Ever since he vowed to protect her always, he knew the power to protect her could also harm her. That was reaffirmed by what happened during the fight against Aizen, and again when he achieved Hyourinmaru's Completed form.
He had gotten stronger, but so had she. She’d run through and broken the ice beneath her feet, had stood in front of him when his reiatsu was out of control, and she did not freeze or buckle under its pressure.
He decides to say things he'd normally keep within. "It doesn't truly matter, none of it was real. If you truly wish to know though, I'll tell about it later. Right now, we need to focus on the battle ahead." He allows his frown to soften. "I haven't seen you in battle for a while. You've improved, I can tell." He meets her gaze. "Thank you for helping us." Once Kotetsu heals me, I'll return to favor.
At her slow, reassuring smile, the lingering threads of the piercing cold flood out of him, and in their wake is nothing but relief.
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Night at the Manor
(citrus under the cut)
The lights were low, and the room was cool.  Snowflakes gusted by the windows, sometimes flurries, other times thick waves of white.  This was a night for a blizzard, and every soul in the city had done their best to hunker down.  Normally Riven would have spent the evening reading or studying--perhaps going to bed early to sleep out the storm.  But tonight (praise the Twelve) there was a happy change to the status quo.
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“Mmmm.”  With a low moan, Riven gyrated her hips.  She was still clad in the lingerie set she’d bought as a present for herself, white lace with blue accents.  Beneath her Estinien growled. His hair was strewn across the pillows, his muscles tense as he clutched at her hips.  He was nude save for his smalls, and Riven rubbed herself against the enticing bulge just beneath the fabric.  Heat coiled in her belly, but there was no rush to continue on just yet--the friction of her panties and Estinien’s length felt too good to stop.
“It took you long enough to get in here.”  She breathed, running a hand over Estinien’s chest. 
“Blame your brothers.”  Estinien growled.  “Including Artoirel.  My quarters are the furthest guest suite, and I’m certain Helgrim has a guard watching your section of the roof on purpose.  Otherwise I’d already have been in here every night.”  Riven gasped as he thrust his hips up on that last statement. 
“Are you telling me you don’t feel confident enough in your skills to sneak past the Fortemps Knight-Dragoon captain?”  She teased.
“I’ve been without you long enough.  I’d rather take the safer route of the house passageways than deal with whatever hellspawned-trap system they have set up outside.”  Estinien let his eyes roam over Riven’s body.  She was beautiful in the white fabric, lace and beading combining in delicate patterns atop her skin. Her skin was flushed pink, and her eyes closed as she tipped her head back, exposing her throat. Bliss radiated off her, and Estinien pushed himself up, teasingly swiping his tongue over the pulse in Riven's neck.
"You have too many clothes on." He rumbled, lifting his hands to the front of the bra. One twist and it would be gone.
"You should be naked." Faint alarms went off in Riven's head and her hands immediately flew up to grip Estinien's wrists.
"Don't you dare!" She hissed. "Do not rip this one!" Estinien, damn him, smirked. His blood was rising further, it was rare he could provoke Riven's physical strength. He could free his wrists but it would be a struggle. The fact that Riven was on par with him for both fighting ability and strength was one of the things he adored about her.
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"I'll buy you a new one." He said.
"You already owe me several bras and panties!”  With a grunt, Riven pushed Estinien back down onto the mattress, and then loomed over him.
“Lie still!  I’m in charge.” 
“Are you now?”  Estinien demanded, unable to hide the smile spreading over his face.  Riven smirked, then placed her hands on his chest to push herself back up.
“I am.  And if you’re patient...”  With a hum, she placed her hands on the sash of the cover, stifling a giggle as Estinien’s eyes followed.  Slowly she undid the knot, shrugging her shoulders so the fabric could slide off and around her.  Then she reached behind her for the bra’s fastenings, pausing to give another wriggle atop Estinien’s groin.
“Yesss?”  Riven asked innocently.  Bra undone, she tossed it to the side.  Then she moaned as Estinien’s hands were suddenly on her breasts, gently massaging them.
“See?  Good things come to those who wait.”  She breathed, pushing herself more into Estinien’s hands.
“You’re still wearing too much clothing for my liking.”  And before Riven could reply, Estinien moved--sitting up and rolling so that Riven was now the one on the bottom, and he on top.  As she made to protest, his lips landed on hers.
“He--mmmmm.”  Estinien could kiss, Riven thought dreamily.  And when he did, he gave her everything he had and demanded the same from her.  He kissed her like he was starving, he kissed her like he was drowning, he kissed her as if he would never see her again.  And Riven responded eagerly, letting herself drown in the tastes and smells that belonged to Estinien.  The smell of the alpine air mixed with spice and fire, the stew they’d had for dinner pressing against her tongue.  His weight bore down on her, pressing her into the mattress, and Riven couldn’t help but shudder in relief, a quiet moan escaping her.  Estinien pulled back at the noise, looking down at her.
“Are you alright?”  He asked, a hand coming up to gently stroke her hair.  Riven smiled faintly.
“I’m fine.”
“Am I crushing you?”  Shite, had he let himself get carried away?  Estinien wanted to curse.  Compared to his size, Riven was small-and they’d already learned that he had to be extra careful sometimes when being intimate.
“If you fucking get up I will murder you.”  To prove her point, Riven lifted her legs to wrap them around Estinien’s waist, running her hands over his back. 
“I told you before, I like it when you’re on top of me.”
“Yes, well.”  Estinien grumbled, shifting his weight about slightly.  “As you’re the...”  Now he had to trail off at the telltale gleam of impending wrath in Riven’s eyes.  If he called her small he was looking at another night with just his hand for company.
“I’m the what?”  Riven repeated.
“You are the one entirely too dressed.”  And with that, Estinien rocked up and back, hooking his fingers into Riven’s panties.
“No no, that was a change of--do not rip those I swear to the gods-!”  With a grunt, Estinien captured Riven’s legs and lifted them up, pulling the offending garment up and off.
“See? I didn’t rip them.”  He said, dangling the panties above Riven’s head, yanking them away when she made a grab for them.  “But now you don’t get them back for the rest of the night.”  Riven huffed.
“And how is it fair that I have to be completely naked and you aren’t?”  She complained.  Estinien smirked, pushing himself off the bed to strip his own underthings off.
“There.  Now we’re both naked.”  He declared, getting back into the bed.  “The way the gods and nature intended.”  A impish idea crossed his mind, and Estinien reached out to tickle one of the bottoms of Riven’s feet.  The hyur gasped-trying to pull her feet away.
“Nononono not that!”  She squeaked, laughter escaping her.
“Come here.”  Estinien growled playfully, moving fast enough to grab one of Riven’s ankles. 
“You’ve been teasing me ever since I got here.  Time to give you exactly what you’re after.”  Riven let herself go limp, wriggling as Estinien angled himself above her.  “Promises, promises.”  She whispered, running her nails over Estinien’s shoulders and back.  The dragoon shuddered at the sensation, a hiss escaping him.  Then he bent his head down for another kiss, and Riven was only too happy to let coherent thought leave her. 
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I would like to join the vision lu au please
do you think Four would maybe have a dendro vision because he's very knowledgeable and sassy?
I wanna say Wind has pyro cuz he's very passionate yk? but also anemo would work too with his [want of] freedom to be a pirate and cuss...
maybe Warriors has cryo?? he has a big heart and is very good at his craft. but he could also be hydro with his sense of justice...
I wanna say Time is cryo aswell, but he might also be dendro...
oh Twilight could def be geo. he's very stable and takes promises seriously.
Wild could prob be anemo with how free of care he is?
Legend might be electro for how hard he's fighting to keep the peace.
electro Sky? I'm hooked. and Hyrule def has a hydro vision but also has weird unexplainable abilities.
anyways, this us just my input. If you have other things planned I look forward to them!
Four exists in this nebulous area of "what the actual fuck am I supposed to do about the vision" because you have clear elemental assignments to the colors but the majority of the time he's not split and straight up having four visions simply. Would not make sense.
Pyro Wars and Anemo Wind are decided because I'm actually posting a fic about them tomorrow (technically today) lol. Kinda wish I had thought of Cryo tho 😔
I was originally going for Geo Time because he's very stable and such. Something a bit like Noelle, actually, abilities wise. Then Dendro was suggested and I remembered I write him as a little shit lol
I'm still undecided on Legend's vision (meaning I have no idea). Electro would be good, like you said... but what about Anemo? For his dead friend, Marin? (That's a joke (actually wait that's something to consider...))
Actually... doesn't one of his medallions summon lightning? It's not really super relevant, but...
Twilight I'm almost positive I'm going to pick Electro for (some of the Twili/shadow magic in the game is kinda electricky), but honestly it could go to Dendro or Geo...
Wild was a near instant pick for Anemo. I'll admit there wasn't any deeper meaning I just thought "likes gliding" and "dead friends". Kinda funny if he just woke up in the shrine with it, because he received it right before he died, right?
(Another cool thing- Venti does have some association with the god of time, and flurry rush and bullet time are very clearly time manipulation)
I was thinking something like Kazuha's and Venti's skill, which I'm now realizing would render Revali’s Gale obsel- actually wait what's up with the other races?
We have four races (excluding Sheikah, Hylians, humans, and whatever the fuck the Surface and Termina had going on), all of which are heavily associated with an element, as well as four Champions even more heavily associated with it.
First- the Champions.
It seems unfair to just erase Revali’s hard work with the use of an Anemo vision, so if he does have one, that's not it. The other Champions, they all had their abilities at birth (well, maybe not Urbosa, but nothing in the game seems to suggest otherwise).
Daruk's Protection can't be replaced with a vision, because Yunobo has it as well (and even if he happened to have the same vision, it still wouldn't make sense). Mipha’s Grace doesn't seem like a genetic ability, so she could have had a viso-
Ok but what if Sidon felt... less than her because he never received one, and she did from an early age? We already know he doesn't think he's as good as her, so...
(Would he receive one fighting Vah Ruta? Unlikely. Could he receive one fighting Waterblight and protecting Mipha? Maybe.)
Side thing over- it's very likely Mipha’s abilities are aided by a vision, some more Hydro healing.
Another side thing- what would happen if a Zora received an Electro vision? It's a bad match, we all know that, but would they receive resistance to it as well? Or simply never use or receive one?
Urbosa's Fury... could be genetic, could be a vision, but honestly, any of them using a vision just... simply doesn't make much sense considering they can pass on the abilities.
That's a problem for future me though. On to the races in general.
Considering no nation in Teyvat seems to have a lot of vision holders that correspond to that nation's element (excluding Sumeru, but we'll forgive that lol), the same should apply to the races of Hyrule- as in, Rito aren't more likely to receive Anemo, Zora Hydro, etc- but do they get visions at all?
If Celestia = Golden Goddesses, then those three are the one bestowing visions, rather than, say, FD giving out the Pyro visions (this is an example I've not decided on anything regarding gods and elements). I've not played any of the games where the Golden Goddesses are more prominent, but by botw, there's simply not much sign of them outside the Great Plateau, a primarily Hylian occupied place (presumably).
Of course, I could be wrong (I likely am), but Hylia seems to be the only truly worshipped god, especially in places such as Zora's Domain and Rito Village.
Presuming in other games that the other races do worship the Golden Goddesses alongside/instead of Hylia, and thus do receive visions, would they be scarcer in botw overall? Is worship of the GGs something you must do to receive a vision?
ACTUALLY Hyrule isn't from Hyrule at all. What about other countries, such as Holodrum, Labrynna, and Hytopia, or other worlds, like Lorule and the Twili Realm?
Back to Genshin- Khaenri'ah is a godless nation, presumably (excluding Kaeya) they don't have visions. Enkanomiya was also separated from the gods and Celestia (except for the hypothetical Istaroth), and there's no sign of visions there either- of course, Celestia seems to occupied solely by dicks, considering the, yknow, genocide and three celestial nails-, and the GGs seem like absent but caring gods, so for simplicity's sake, yeah, they don't give a shit about it. (Sorry for Genshin lore dumping on an lu post lol)
So, as now established, the GGs don't give a shit and other races receive visions, places on the same geographical map (Labrynna/Holodrum/Hytopia (I think Hytopia is, anyway)) should receive visions regardless who they worship as well, although considering the oracles Din, Nayru, and the unfortunately excluded Farore, Holodrum and Labrynna seem on board with the GGs. Hytopia, I, uh, have no clue
BUT- what about Lorule and the Twili?
I'm not super sure about what the hell is up with Lorule (I did just do a brief scan of its page though), so what I'm about to say is probably riddled with inaccuracies and/or obviously stated things
They have their own (now destroyed) Triforce, their own Sacred Realm, and I've even heard the name Lolia tossed around, which I'm assuming is not, actually, a real person
With this evidence, I now present to you:
Lorule isn't a mirror of Hyrule but rather a completely parallel dimension with a similar but altered history and geography
(Also- is any of this relevant anymore? Fuck no! But I'm having a lot of fun!)
Working off this- they have their own GGs, who in turn have their own system of visions. The same 7 element system and the associated reactions, but different traits. Pretty simple, reall-
Would Legend's vision work there?
His vision, filled with elemental power bestowed by his GGs, could it work in a land completely separated from them?
Uh. I don't know. If I try to talk about this it will probably be several more paragraphs. Short answer- problem for future me
OVER TO THE TWILI- they are a separate, but still attached to Hyrule, place, but what does this mean for the GGs and their influence?
(Also- I had an idea for the Abyss and Twili magic- please do not ask about this unless you want more useless information)
The Twili show no signs of worshipping the GGs or Hylia (or even other gods, such as FD and Majora); in fact, it seems like the sols are actually sort of their religion (if I'm remembering correctly).
The Twili would, hypothetically, take the place of Enkanomiya here- separate from the gods, no influence from them whatsoever.
(Well, actually, Enkanomiya is like, super fucking old, predating the archon war and presumed appearance of visions, and separated from the rest of Teyvat willingly (?) when Celestia came into power, and the Twili were banished, but that's not relevant (also don't take my word on any Genshin lore my memory is shit), and also Istaroth (?) a god (??) was present there (???), so. Yeah.)
For simplicity's sake, yeah! Twili can have visions! However, as evidenced by this entire fucking post, I don't like simple things! Time to fuck around and find out!
Presuming the Triforce is connected to the GGs power, yes, they still have influence in the Twili Realm, because Ganondorf was able to give Zant some of his power that he received from his piece, so, yes! They have visions!
Ok, though, but what after Midna shatters the mirror?
Presuming her statement of seeing Link later was not just to make him feel better, or a simple farewell, then yes. There is another way to the Twili Realm, and thus they still have visions.
But if it was the only way... no. They do not have visions after she shattered my heart- I mean, the mirror.
But, these are the Golden Goddesses we're talking about! Creators of everything under the sun, and the sun too! They can still reach it, I'm sure!
So yeah. They have visions. Always have, always will.
I think that covers everything- for now, at least. Who knows what will set me off next time
Anyway, it is... late. I've been typing for nearly an hour and a half, and I'm not going back over all this crap. I've slowly gotten more unhinged over the course of writing this, as I'm sure is quite clear.
Hope this all makes sense, if, yknow, you actually read this far lol
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ampersand-antics · 1 year
So I just beat TotK... and I have THOUGHTS
(I also think I got a secret ending? So spoilers for that)
I think the biggest accomplishment for me so far has been beating that malice-infused Silver Lynel under Hyrule Castle
So funny story, right after the spirit temple, I was like "Well I bet gdorf is under the castle, imma hop down there and see if I can find him." I went to the under-depths under the castle but I didn't see gdorf anywhere! I went past the likelikes and the horriblins and I didn't see any sign of gdorf so I left. Did the kogha depths quests (very much enjoyed the kogha depths quests they were epic!!!! (except I couldn't find the rito chasm)) and then kogha was like 'he's under the castle lol' and so I WENT BACK UNDER THE CASTLE and nothing was different!! And then I found the pass!! That had been there this whole time!!!
Uhhh thoughts on the castle... I loved it. I loved the enemies and how genuinely difficult it was, I loved the aesthetics, the music?? THE MUSIC!!!! oh my god I loved the music sosososo much. The way it progressed throughout the castle?? The way we went so far down was fuckin epic. I enjoyed it immensely. And I loved being able to be back in the first area - the echoes of going back to the beginning, cyclicalness, idk there's a much much deeper theme there but I don't have the words to express it.
I really enjoyed the fights with gdorf and I'm sososo glad he got rehydrated eventually. The hearts getting quite literally destroyed was an amazing twist. And the fact that he could flurry rush you??? I hated (loved) that sooooo much!!! At least he couldn't give like five attacks in return. I got out of that fight with two hearts left, and it was such a weird feeling to have full hearts and there only being two. The draconification was incredibly incharacter for gdorf but I still wasn't really expecting it. Just goes to show how fuckin strong link is, bc he felt THAT desperate. The dragon fight was kinda underwhelming tbh but I absolutely loved the aesthetics. I wish there was a way that the Demon dragon would still be there in the overworld. I'm glad Zelda came back, I'm sosososo glad she got her happy ending, I've heard a lot about how it felt cheap but honestly folks use 'the power of love' as a reason for so many things all the time so it's not bad. And the fact that there's an actual Explanation (sonia's and raaru's spirit powers, coming to finish the job?? Epicccc) one thing i didnt like (or think makes sense) is that links arm went back to normal all in all tho I really enjoyed it!!!!
I liked the secret ending too. I don't really know what to say about it (my brains going brrr rn and it's hard to actually articulate it)
The one thing about all this that really pissed me off was that things just went back to the way they'd been before. I mean, it really didn't have to. You could've kept the gloom by just being like "yeah for some reason all the gloom didn't go away". Then don't transform Zelda back into a human, just extract her, so there's the dragon form and the human form and you can still get horns, let link keep his arm and have mineru's construct be inhabited by an AI. Maybe even add a side quest series about getting rid of the gloom from hyrule/the depths via Zeldas light powers? As for Zelda herself, either go SMO style and have her pop up in random locations talking about stuff, have her stay in Hateno at her house and the school, or (and this would be really cool) make her into a companion! We already have the baseline for that with the other sages, she could have a moveset similar to Zeldas basic light moves in aoc, and maybe her sage ability could bathe a little area in sacred light and make it so gloom wasn't existent in it? Idk it could be super fun. And not having it matter at all in the end makes everything feel much much less meaningful.
All in all, I think i like totk less than botw. But not by much, they're both great games and I LOVE how totk built on botw. Maybe it's just the nostalgia talking, but there's just something I can't put my finger on that makes botw better than totk.
I'll keep updating this blog with more of playthrough!!
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lozriftsintime · 1 year
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Name: Link Namika
Alias(es): Fox
Nickname(s): Kit (Twilight), Hero, Champion, Champ, Sage
Birthday: (I am currently working on a calendar system for this AU, so this will come later.)
Age When Introduced: 23
Pronouns: He/She/They (depending on the day)
Height: 5'4
Source: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom
Sexuality: Polyamorous, Panromantic, Asexual
There will be major spoilers for Tears of the Kingdom under this. Like. Endgame spoilers.
Favorite Color(s): Wild loves blue, but a very specific blue. They can’t help but notice that the color of the Sheika magic and the color of their favorite wolf’s eyes are the same blue and they love that shade all the more for it.
Disliked Color(s): Red. Blood moons and the calamity itself were both red and he isn’t here for that. They don't mind Gerudo red, or the red of apples, but other than that miss them with that color. Any shade of red outside of Gerudo red tends to send danger signals off in their mind.
Skills: Fox has a number of skills, but one of their biggest assets is that his fighting style is so diverse that they can adjust it on the fly as needed. Their sword skills are a convoluted mix of old-remembered knight's training, attempting to copy how monsters fight, attempting to copy how a wolf fights, Gerudo fighting, and the variety of things that Twilight (who also has quite the ensemble of sword skills) taught them. Their spear skills are much the same, but without the help from Twilight and adding in what they learned from the Zora.
Over the course of their two adventures they have had abilities given to them and later taken away so when you add that into the mix you end up with a fighter who is very quick at thinking on their feet and able to adapt to basically any situation.
At this point, Fox still has a couple unique abilities; flurry rush, bullet time, fuse, ultrahand, and recall. And he's basically mastered how to use these abilities for combat (and outside of combat in some cases).
Outfit/Design Notes: Fox has a wide array of clothing and accessories that they will wear whenever they feel it fits (whether for looks or practicality). And it isn't uncommon for them to change their hairstyle. to match their outfit either. But even with all this variety, there are some things that remain the same.
Fox has a number of scars scattered across their torso and arms, many of which are from when the guardian beams hit them 100 years ago. They also have a method they use to let people know what their current gender is using earrings. Blue/sapphire earrings are for boy days, red/ruby earrings are for girl days, and purple/amethyst earrings are for they/them days.
Also, after Fox beat Ganondorf and Sonia and Rauru used their body to channel magic into Zelda to return her to herself it also returned his arm to normal. Well, mostly. Neither he nor Zelda came out of the adventure looking quite how they did before. Fox's right arm and shoulder are covered in black markings that now lay not only where the marks used to be on their shoulder, but also tracing where the gold band-like structures used to be on them. And the skin that isn't directly marked like has a sort of bluish-grey tint to it.
They still wear the energy cells on their hip and there is now a dark green energy stone resting against the eye above where the energy cells sit.
Other: Fox is gender-fluid, shifting between he/him, she/her, and they/them. And they’re also polyamorous, pantomantic, and asexual. They have a qpr with their Zelda and a romantic relationship with both Sidon and Yona. At this point Fox remembers everything from before the Calamity, but the memories lack emotion and inner thoughts so they don’t feel like they belong to them. Because of this they don’t really identify as the person from back then.
By this point, it has been almost a year since the end of totk and they’ve fairly adjusted to the changes to their own body their abilities thanks to the loss of Rauru's arm followed by him obtaining Minaru's Secret Stone. They do miss having the other sages travel with them sometimes, but they feel better knowing that Zelda has a form of protection mo matter how far apart they are. Plus their own projection helps protect Zelda as well. And this also allows them to always be fairly aware of if she was in danger or not. And the general direction she was in in comparison to them.
Over the years since waking up in the Shrine of Resurrection Fox has gotten a bit better about being able to talk verbally if they feel it's needed. The words no longer stick in their chest quite as badly, but they still aren't very comfortable on their throat so they much prefer using Hylian Sign if at all possible.
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glapplebloom · 1 year
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The sequel nobody asked for... (Also tomorrow’s Research Bin used up all the allotted images remaining this week) 
As Big Spike prepares his trip with the others, Twilight is with Cadance, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart in Canterlot. Cadance has invited her family to ride on a zeppelin again, this time not run by Iron Will. While she told Twilight Velvet and Night Light that this was a random gift like how Mrs. Velvet invited her, the truth was this was a surprise. They are hoping to re-introduce Twilight to her parents, who in the rebuilt universe lost their child. Twilight is nervous. "Twilight, are you okay?" asked Cadance. Twilight insists she is fine but is hyperventilating into a brown bag. "I wouldn't worry about it Twily," Shining Armor said, "they'll embrace you just as well as I did."
"You had the ability to back up my claim," Twilight worried, "Who knows how many ponies came to them trying to say they're their daughter? What if they don't accept the truth? What if they don't like me?" Shining Armor put his hoof on her back. "Believe me, you'll do fine. And we'll be here all the way to help." "As long as you don't get airsick again," Cadance jokes. This gets Twilight to giggle a little bit. "You still get airsick?" "Hey," Shining Armor defended himself, "I'm getting better. I got this new spell I've been working on." As the group laughs, Night Light and Twilight Velvet arrived.
Twilight stopped laughing when she realized her parents were finally here. The others do as well. Twilight was nervous, but Shining Armor stepped forward. "Mom... Dad... I would like you to meet Twilight Sparkle: your daughter." Twilight stepped forward now. "Um... Hi Mom and Dad." Velvet and Night Light had a shocked look on their faces. It took them but a moment for the information to finally get to them. Their eyes became teary as they rushed Twilight to hug her. "We're so sorry we couldn't protect you," Night Light said. Twilight Velvet held Twilight's face in her hooves. "Look at how grown up you are. We missed so much..."
It was a lovely scene seeing the parents reunited with their daughter. Cadance could watch them all day, but then a pony on the Zeppelin made an announcement. "We are departing in five minutes. Please get on board if you have a ticket." Cadance looked at them as the scene ended. "I guess we have to cut this short." "You must tell us what happened to you!" Velvet requested. Twilight replied "it's a long story. And I'm glad that I'll be able to tell you everything on this trip." After the Zeppelin took off, the Sparkle family discussed the activities. "This reminds me of the last time we were on a Zeplin." Velvet remembered, "It's not being runned by Iron Will again, right?" Cadance laughed. "I made sure to double check this one. Everything is in the up and up."
After that, Twilight pulled out a schedule. "I hope you don't mind, but I did made a schedule based on the activities available so I can spend as much time with each of you as possible." "She's definitely your daughter," jokes Velvet. "So I take it that means you'll be enjoying the Bingo game they're scheduled to have?" "You know me so well," Night Light answered his daughter, "wish I could say the same for you." "If everything goes well, you'll know me just as well as you used to." "I'm definitely going to win that boat race this ti..." Shining Armor said before he covered his mouth. Cadance see this and jokes "so much for that spell, huh?" The others laugh as Shining Armor recovers.
On the first day, everything turned out fine. Twilight told her story of how she came to be as they were a little confused. They still accepted it since this wouldn't be the weirdest thing they've heard. On day 2, Twilight joined in on many activities with her family. Bingo with her father, a playdate with Cadance and Flurry Heart, the Boat Races with Shining Armor (or as much as they could considering Shining Armor's condition). And on day 5, they'll be a bungee jumping event where you'll jump into the heart of a never ending tornado. Twilight is nervous about it but Velvet ensures her that everything will be fine. It seems as if everything will be okay. Then on Day 3, the zeppelin caught on fire.
The balloon portion of the Zeppelin has caught on fire. With the Magic infused, it should have been impossible. But that's when they notice a Hippogriff flying above the Zeppelin. Its feathers are red and seem to be moving as if it was made of fire. And to prove it was, the Hippogriff fires another fire blast towards the Zeppelin. The creature attacking the Zeppelin was Astral Blaze. "This world is unnatural. It must be engulfed in the Flames of Rebirth." Astral shouted out loud. Everyone seems to be panicking since nobody seems to know how to deal with this situation. This is when Cadance stepped up.
"Calm down every pony!" Cadance shouted, "I'll deal with that creature! Shining. Twilight. Can you keep this Zeppelin afloat?" The two siblings nodded. Shining Armor is still sick, but with the situation being this dire, he's fighting it off to keep the Zeppelin in the sky. Twilight is also doing her part as well, not having the same problems but still trying her best. Cadance flies up to the Hippogriff. "You match the description of a creature that attacked Sombra and Tempest. I take it you're the same creature?" "Indeed I am. And while the Green Lantern helped that Unicorn, you won't have that luxury." And Astral Blaze began to blast Cadance with fire. The Princess of Love countered with a magical shield.
While her shield did hold, she also noticed that it began to burn. If she kept using it, the flames would likely go through her shields. So Cadance began to avoid the flame blasts as she returned her own magical beams. The two are in a dog fight as Twilight and Shining Armor still held up the Zeppelin. The Pegasi Crew, at least for their part, are doing their best to snuff out the flames. But no matter how much water they use it just doesn't seem to die out. That's when Twilight Velvet got an idea. "Neighagra Falls is just a couple of miles away. We could use that to take out the flames! The Zeppelin crew heard this and decided that was possibly their best option.
Astral Blaze heard this, so he did a Flame Spread towards Cadance. She backed off to stay away from it, trying to find a good way around it, but it was a cover as Astral Blaze flew to the deck of the Zeppelin. He noticed Twilight using her magic and fired at her. Twilight was too focused on holding up the Zeppelin to notice the fireball heading her way. She probably would have been engulfed if it wasn't for an Earth Pony tackling her out of the way. Twilight snapped out of her focus as she noticed the fire where she was once at. "Thank you for saving me..." "Star Tracker. I couldn't just stand there." But as Twilight let go, the Zeppelin began to lower. Shining Armor tried harder, but he couldn't keep it up on his own.
That's when Velvet and Night Light joined in to help. Flurry Heart soon followed. Seeing this, the other Unicorns on the Zeppelin began to help keep the Zeppelin afloat. This gave Twilight a chance to help her Sister in Law. Focusing her energy, she became Midnight Sparkle: her pony self with Astral Alicorn Status. This surprised the others as they never saw anyone willing themselves to be an Alicorn. With her new form, Twilight flies up to join the fight alongside her sister. While two Alicorns are difficult to fight, Astral Blaze still continues. They knew the two aren’t enough on their own.
That’s when the Zeppelin reached Neighagra falls. As predicted, the amount of water plus its magical properties were enough to stop the Zeppelin from burning. Seeing that, Twilight got an idea. She began to maneuver herself to force Astral Blaze closer to the Waterfall. Cadance wondered for a bit until she noticed the direction Twilight was pushing him towards. Knowing the plan, she too joined Twilight to push Astral Blaze towards the Waterfall. The Zeppelin left the waterfall just as the two got Astral Blaze closer and closer. And with one combined blast, the two successfully pushed Astral Blaze into the water.
The overwhelming water was too much for Astral Blaze as he was taken down and seemingly disappeared. The two Alicorns landed as Twilight reverted back to her normal self. Sometime later, the Zeppelin was on the ground as the crew repaired the damages. The Sparkle family were gathered to talk about what they saw. “That’s amazing!” Shining Armor said, “I didn’t know something like that was possible!” “I know we technically didn’t raise you,” Night Light said, “but it makes us proud to know you grew up to be a great pony.” Twilight hugged her parents. “Thank you, for everything.” Miles away, at the river that is connected to Neighagra Falls. It all seemed quiet. Then a claw popped out of the water.
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petrikaira · 7 months
The Butler
Chapter 10: Butler's Trial
Pg 8: (Previous, Next)
Rating: T For teen
“As it were, then,” King Mifispectuus said. 
Deliberations were started. Butler’s ears tuned in and out of them- there were suggestions to turn him into a tree, a pear, a mushroom. There were discussions from the demons to cut off his hands, as technically he had stolen something from the fae court- hope of an heir. Someone suggested turning him into a wolf steed for the king and queen of the fae to ride, which was a suggestion that came surprisingly from the raw cow looking demon.
Butler vowed if he ever saw them on the street to walk the other way.
Lucky for him, none of the suggestions seemed to be sticking. 
That was, until Prince Yuki looked up with a bright, crooked smile. Butler’s blood dropped a few degrees. Nothing cold enough to freeze, but enough to be wary. He knew what was coming. Now it was time for something draconian. He could already feel the blade placed against his wrist, his ankle, perhaps even his tail. His fur felt clammy. 
“What if,” Prince Yuki said. “Our Butler gave you his fertility?”
The discussions that hung in the forest air ground to a halt. A wave of excitement rushed over Butler. Fertility! Something he genuinely did not care about. He had never truly wanted children. There was always a small voice wondering about pups, about little bars of fur to hold- but it had always been small and the more he had ruminated on his own children the more disgusted he had been. Having to take care of all of those needs. To teach some sort of morality, or immorality if he was inclined- how much work. How much care. The notion of children was not one he enjoyed.
“Excuse me?” Queen Liita asked.
“What if our Butler gave you his fertility? His ability to bear children? Then he’s fulfilling his part of this! And you can have your own children- I bet I could transfer it over to you.”
The prince said it with such a jovial smile that Butler knew he could do it. All he could see in his mind's eyes were his cell bars bending under the prince’s hands like they were made of water, and hear the echoes of the old tales. 
It dawned on him this was his chance. He had to give this his all, like he had never acted anything in his life. All he needed was that bit of him that had considered his own children, his own pups. It still lived deep in his chest. 
“You can’t do that!” He cried. “Oh Prince, please! Think of me- I have always wanted my own children-”
And that part of him bloomed. Suddenly, he had never wanted anything in his life more than to have his own children. The ache in his chest was real. He would have given them better names than any of the names that had been his, all boiling down to dog and wolf. He would name them thrilling, terrifying things. Things like Hla’wryn, the one who brings fire or maybe Balmoreth, to crush skulls. Things that fit strong clawed demons. He would hold those little claws in his hands, smooth the soft pelt furs. 
He clutched at his chest and fell to his knees. “Please, your majesties, not that!” His voice cracked with the weight of what they would be taking away from him. 
There was a flurry of voices from the jury. Butler looked up at them, and the royals with the biggest, most begging eyes he could. That was his unborn children on the line! Across from his puppy dog stare, Queen Liita’s face was opening into a brilliant smirk. His insides twisted. 
“You know- that is a wonderful idea,” she said. “You could really do that, could you? Transfer it? We could take it away, but a transfer-”
“Of course,” Prince Yuki said. His voice held a rumbling laugh. “It might still take you two time, since I will be splitting it between you two but you will have children.”
King Mifispectuus settled, his face on Butler. Butler clutched his hands. “Please, sire, don’t do this-” he said. “Please. After all I have done-”
A flash of anger as bright as fire flit across King Mifispectuus’ face. “After all you have done, I should be doing much worse! I will gladly take that right from you.”
“But, please, sire, this is- this is awful-” Butler cried. He had to tread carefully, here. Part of him wanted to add something injurious and even more insulting, but he was sure if he did things would be worse for him.
The part of him that didn’t want children was trying hard not to frolic in the midst of his own mind. It would be gone from him, no matter who he lay with in the future. He would never have to worry about taking care of something so small and helpless. He would never have to worry about feeding, or caring, or anything.
He let the small part of him scream and cry for what it was missing. He was no liar, but the truth came in a veracity of color. 
“We allow votes from the members of the jury,” Queen Aikaterine called over his whines. “Done in secret deliberation.”
He pressed his fingers to his eyes and pretended to sob, softer, quieter. The jury needed to be in on his misery, he decided. He needed them to think it was what was right. 
“As you will then, let them make their votes,” King Mifispectuus said. “The decision in our courts ultimately rides with us.”
“Then, with me as well,” Queen Aikaterine said. “He is our butler.”
“As it were then,” Queen Liita said. She turned to the jury. “Deliberate.”
There was a murmur and Butler felt himself take a little sob. So, once more the jury withdrew to take a vote and deliberate over Butler’s punishment. Queen Aikaterine waved a hand, and food was taken from somewhere behind them and met with pitchers of ale and barm from the fae courts like this had been planned, like they were having a picnic. The dance of politics was so exact, but for once Butler was glad Queen Aikaterine knew how to lead it. 
Still, there was a slight sting that he had not been part of the food plans at all. He was their Butler. This was his job. 
Whatever. It was not his concern. 
He was not bitter about it. 
(Previous, Next)
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 4 years
Can you write a smut with Tom riddle where the reader and him are dating, and he’s obviously used to being in charge but one night something happens (you can decide that part) and suddenly the reader wants to be in charge but Tom doesn’t want that so she ties him up and teases her till he’s begging her to let him cum or something like the idk.
I absolutely love ur writing, it’s absolutely incredible I could never write anything as good as you!😊
pairing: tom riddle x reader
warning(s): 18+, dom/sub roles (ish), begging, magical ties, oral (make receiving), mentions of oral (female receiving) 
word count: 2.0k
a/n: and we’re back to our regularly scheduled smut. i have a ton of requests so be patient - i will get to it! thank you all for the love and support so far! 
You and your boyfriend, Tom, were strolling through the halls of Hogwarts on your Prefect rounds, enjoying the complete silence of the massive castle. It was rare the halls were this quiet, but late at night tended to be the perfect time to stumble upon echoing walls and corridors where you could hear a pin drop. 
Suddenly, Tom stopped in his tracks and stuck out a hand to stop you as well. “Do you hear that?” He asked in a hush whispering, pointing somewhere off to the left of where both of you stood. 
Following his direction, you turned your head to the left and saw that it was a typically abandoned corridor but you did hear the faint rustle of clothing and distant female giggling. You rolled your eyes and began walking in that direction, already knowing you’d have to break up two young people just wanting to have a bit of fun. It wasn’t that you wanted to spoil their good time, but it was an unspoken rule that if a Prefect caught you, they had no other choice unless they themselves wanted to end up in trouble. 
As you approached, wands drawn in order to cast a lumos charm, Tom put his body in front of you, taking charge. 
“I can handle it,” you whispered, a pout brought to your face. 
He didn’t even stop his movement, just kept walking even as he shot you a smirk. You rolled your eyes in frustration. He did this every time. You were perfectly capable of breaking up two horny teenagers and sending them off to bed, but he always had to be the one in charge. You were growing quite sick of it.
He got there before you and handled the situation with a dominant grace that only he seemed to possess, and he sent the two fifth years scattering on the way back to their respective common rooms. Without even another look in your boyfriends direction, you went stalking the other way and were determinately headed back to the Slytherin common room. 
“Get back here,” he said with a warning in his voice, following you nonetheless. 
“No. I’m going to bed,” you said rather loudly, not faltering in your steps. 
“Oh for the love of Merlin, what’s wrong?” He asked, his long legs giving him the ability to catch up with you. 
“You,” was your bitter reply. 
“Me? What have I done?” He asked incredulously. 
“Yes, you, Tom,” you said, finally halting in your steps and swinging around to face him. “You always have to be the one in charge. I could have easily handled that, like I said, but no. You just had to go and- and-,” you explained, waving your hands animatedly, but you trailed off once you realized this entire conversation was pointless. He wasn’t just going to change his incessant behavior no matter what you said. Besides, the smirk on his face as he looked down at you just proved it was a losing battle. 
“Darling, I hate to burst your bubble but you’ll never be in charge while I’m around. You don’t have to be,” he explained, attempting to be gentle through his cocky demeanor but his words only sent you into another flurry. 
“You want a bet? That I can’t be in charge?” You asked heatedly, your mind already slipping straight into the gutter. 
He paused for a moment, then finally sighed and raised an eyebrow. “Fine,” he agreed, “but you only get one chance so don’t mess it up for yourself.” 
The moment the two of you entered Tom’s private room, your lips were on each other and you took the initiative to slowly back him up into the bed until he had no choice but to sit with you standing before him. His grip on your waist was tight, but you had other plans for his hands anyways. 
The entire walk down to the dungeons, you had been plotting. You needed to prove to him that you could be in charge. Sure, it was nice that you had a boyfriend willing to take charge in all situations and you never had to worry about a thing, but you still felt the incessant need to prove yourself. 
“Take your clothes off and lie on the bed,” you told him when you pulled away from the kiss, attempting to emulate the demeanor he always gave off in situations like this. 
You heard him chuckle to himself, still under the impression that you couldn’t pull this off, but he did as you asked anyways. Finally, he was laying naked on the bed, completely relaxed against the pillows and looking at you expectantly. 
“Do you worst, Y/N,” he jested, his hand moving to trail down to his half erect cock but you stopped him in his tracks. 
“Did I say you could do that?” You asked, holding his wrist in your grip. His eyes darted up to yours and he looked shocked for a moment, but that look in his eyes went away in a flash as the signature smirk came back. 
He put his hand back down on the duvet and you climbed into the bed with him, straddling his legs. When he had been busy undressing, you undressed yourself down to your bra and panties. Little did he know what you had hidden underneath was a matching set. 
“Keep your hands right there. You’re gonna be a good boy for me tonight, right?” You cooed, trailing kisses from his neck down to his abdomen as you spoke. 
“The best,” he shot back with a sarcastic wink and it only made you chuckle to yourself because he truly had no idea what was coming. 
You continued your trail of kisses until you were firmly planted between his legs and your mouth was inches away from his cock. He was fully erect now and could feel your breath against his, making his cock twitch with anticipation. 
“Beg,” you demanded, refusing to touch him until he did at least the bare minimum, only placing kisses on his pelvis and thighs. 
“Please, Y/N. I’d love to cum down your throat right now,” he said lowly, but you could tell the begging was noncommittal. That would change. 
You easily complied, wanting him to think he had the upper hand, and immediately brought him into your mouth. You loved sucking his cock. He was warm and heavy on your tongue, and the noises he made always made you dripping wet. He wasn’t disappointing tonight. 
He released a low groan the second he felt his tip hit the back of your throat and he bucked his hips up, but you pushed the back down with force. You continued your ministrations, just waiting for him to lose himself. When you took him all the way down your throat, he lost it. 
His hands tangled in your hair as he tried to hold you down on him, cutting off your air supply, but you were prepared for this. He loved face fucking you and you knew if you had his mouth on his he just wouldn’t be able to resist. You reached for your wand that was strategically placed beside his leg on the bed and cast a silent spell. Immediately, his hands were removed from your hair and magically tied to the bed frame, locked into place. 
“What the fuck, Y/N?” He asked, seething. 
When you pulled off of his, you could see it in his eyes how angry he was. He didn’t think you had this in you. But how could he be so naive when you had learned from him? The best? 
“Where did I tell you to keep your hands?” You asked him, using one hand to lightly stroke his cock as you spoke. 
“The bed. Fuck. Let me out,” he demanded, struggling against his confines. 
“I don’t think I will,” you answered, suppressing a laugh. “After all, I am in charge.” 
You didn’t even give him a chance to reply, taking him in your mouth again and keeping your hands on his hips to hold them down. He didn’t have much leverage from this angle, so you knew it would be no problem. 
You dragged moan after moan from him, bringing him right to the edge and back down quite a few times until he was a sweating, writhing mess below you. You knew he was frustrated beyond belief, he had done this to you too many times to count. How did he like the taste of his own medicine? 
You weren’t even sure how long it had been going on for, but your jaw was beginning to ache and you were praying to Circe he cracked soon. That non committed begging from earlier was about to be real genuine soon if you had anything to say about it. 
You pulled off of him once more and your eyes snapped to his face. His hair was stuck to his forehead and neck, his chest was rapidly expanding and contracting, trying his best to get his breathing back under control, and there was a fury in his eyes so unmatched that you knew you’d be paying for this later. 
“Tell me what you want, Tom. Beg for it. Be a good boy for me, yeah?” You instructed, your hands massaging small circles into his tense thighs, willing him to relax into it. 
You could see the conflict in his face. He didn’t want to concede to you, wanting to prove his own point that you couldn’t, or shouldn’t have to be, in charge around him. But you knew how badly he wanted to cum. He cock was flushed such a dark shade of red that you were sure it had to hurt by now. He was aching for it, aching for you to get him there and let him cum in your mouth. 
“Fucking hell. Please, Y/N, let me fucking cum. Please,” he said breathlessly, his whole body limp against the bed as he stared up at you imploringly. 
A rush of power shot through, knowing you deny him so easily in the moment - leave him tied up and begging and wanting and aching. If you kept this up for much longer you know you’d end up on some sort of power trip. You knew he was letting you have this, letting you have his submission, but it still felt so damn good. 
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” You asked with a gleeful grin before immediately getting back to work, your sights set on getting him the release he had begged for. 
“Fuck. Please don’t be cruel. Let me cum Y/N,” he continued to babble when he felt the warmth of your mouth again, his mind lost to the pleasure his body was feeling. 
That only made you work harder, wanting to show him a shred of mercy for the night he had endured. After all, he was a good boy for you throughout most of it. 
His entire body tenses again right before he exploded into your mouth was a loud groan. His body trembled as warm ropes of cum shot down your throat and onto your tonugue. You suckled greedily from the head, getting every last drop out, until he was squirming against the sheets. When you finally came up, he was still breathing heavily and his head was thrown back against the pillows. 
You crawled up the bed to lay beside him, looking over his body in appreciation. He was glistening from sweat and completely still now other than his breathing. 
“Are you going to let me out now?” He asked bitterly, attempting to move his hands from the ties as he looked over at you. 
“Oh c’mon. You know that was fun. And besides, I think I’d like to sit on your face next,” you said with a giggle, watching his face fall into another shocked expression. You would forever remember this night as a lesson well taught.
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lin-nin · 4 years
Hey I totally loved reading your head cannons about Techno, Schlatt, Dream, and BBH accidentally killing their s/o's. I had a request and feel free to decline this if it's too heavy or whatever. What if those four lost a baby with you? Be it a child or a premature baby.
onHe We really suffering with these four two days in a row, huh? Obvious warning for pregnancy, birth, death, gore, miscarriage, all the like! This definitely is a heavier topic but I have no problem writing it. Obvious afab reader, as well :) Added a bonus Philza bc this angst prompt was screaming for some Philza.
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Techno losing his child
When you had told Techno you were pregnant, carrying his child, he had been ecstatic. The way he smiled at you was enough to make you melt, especially as he held you close. He would often hold your forming bump, or nuzzle his face against it. The way he cared for you and the child you shared was so incredibly tender, making sure everything was okay for the two of you, for your unplanned family.
He rarely left you alone for long, not wanting you to be unprotected. He had only been at the farm when you had felt it, the sharp pain in your back. It had you staggering, tears in your eyes and hand fluttering immediately to your stomach. You knew something was wrong, and it was confirmed when the blood was on your thighs. You had screamed bloody murder, causing Techno to rush in, axe drawn. Ready to take down whatever had caused you to scream. Only to freeze when he saw you on the floor, sobbing and screaming.
It didn’t take long for him to understand. Especially with the amount of blood there was. He didn’t grieve at first, so worried for you. You always came first. He had helped you, albeit with shaking hands, clean everything up. He even helped you into the tub, hands stroking your hair from your face. You had grown numb and despondent, barely aware of his words. It hurt to see you like that.
He reassured you that it wasn’t your fault- because it wasn’t. It was nothing either of you could have stopped, but you still blamed yourself. He did mourn, though. While unplanned, he had been excited. He had looked forward to being able to raise a child with you. He reassured you in the end that the two of you could try again. Whenever the both of you were ready.
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Schlatt losing his child
Becoming pregnant had not been your intention. Not in your plans for years to come. You had simply been fooling around, drinking with Schlatt and maybe getting a bit handsy. So when a few months had passed and you found yourself sick on the regular, a growing bump on your stomach, you were horrified. Not against it, entirely. Just taken purely by surprise.
Schlatt had been a little more vocal about it, expressing his disbelief loudly. He didn’t want to be a father. At least he didn’t think he did. He had just wanted to have fun. That’s all he ever wanted- to do as he please. He didn’t please to be a parent. Yet it was coming anyways.
As he watched you teeter around, pregnancy increasingly obvious, he found himself much more open to the idea. And when you had given birth- a healthy baby boy- he was there. He was there, and he was sober. He even was teary eyed when he got to hold his son. Everything was okay for a couple of weeks, until you noted that he wasn’t eating as much as he should be. He only seemed to grow weaker from there, before succumbing to whatever sickness had grabbed a hold of him.
You had cried, feeling utterly broken. Like you hadn’t protected him enough. Schlatt lapsed into drinking more than normal. He was angrier, snapping at anyone who even brought up his son. The only person he tolerated it from was you. Especially when you had shown up, eyes red from crying, requesting a drink. The two of you weren’t together, but you could definitely grieve your son together. It was, at the very least, cause for a friendship between you two. You had wanted a son, you had had him, and you had lost him. Schlatt felt largely the same, and the only thing that numbed the pain of the loss was alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.
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Dream losing his child
Whatever gods there were seemed to have a sick sense of humor. You loved Dream so much. Everyone knew it, it was clear in the way you looked at him. Everyone knew he loved you the same, too. Especially in the early days, when he didn’t hide his tender touches and soft kisses from the public eye. Even when things started to change, when he grew defensive and angry, he still loved you the same. Even if it was harder for everyone else to tell, you knew. You could see it in his eyes. You were his weakness.
Which had lead to an argument between the two of you. You were a weakness, a liability, in danger. Something he needed to rid himself of. Which was when you had dropped on him that you were pregnant. It wasn’t what you had planned, not the way you’d wanted to tell him. It was almost as if the words had short circuited his brain, tongue turning to lead. He seemed to soften up after that. At least towards you. Only in private. In public he had only seemed to deny any attachment to you vehemently.
Your pregnancy had progressed normally, and everyone quickly knew of it. There were some congratulations, while others worried about Dream’s ability to be a father figure. You didn’t entirely pay them mind. Of course, nothing ever went smoothly with Dream. You had no way of knowing that when you went into labor, your baby would have come out without air in her little lungs or a beat to her heart. You had cried, so much. Holding her little body against you. Dream had seemed to shut down, staring down at his lifeless daughter.
He seemed distant afterwards. He blamed himself, truly. For maybe if he had been a better person, his daughter would have been born alive. He had practically cut you off, saying that he couldn’t risk you going through that pain and loss again due to his actions. It showed him that even if he wanted all the control in the world, there were some things he couldn’t control. The best way he could control this was by removing you from being put in that situation again.
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Bad losing his child
Bad was always vocal with his love for you. You adored it, relishing in the way he would proudly tell anyone who would listen about you. It was endearing and you couldn’t help but tug at his sleeve to get him to lean down so you could kiss his cheek. That’s why it was no surprise when you had fallen pregnant. It was still in the early days, then, too. Back when L’Manberg was still around. You didn’t involve yourself too much with it, though. You were too focused on making everything perfect for your baby.
Bad had pampered you like there was no tomorrow. Getting you flowers, and your favorite baked goods from Nihachu. He would carry you around everywhere. He doted on you and made sure you got everything you wanted and that you were as healthy as can be. You adored it, and always responded by kissing the tip of his horns lovingly.
That’s why it was a surprise when your contractions had come early. Far too early. Bad fretted over you, which only seemed to stress you out. The baby was so tiny when she was born. Yet she was alive, and somehow still perfect. Your sweet angel. You loved her, staying by her side religiously. Bad was much the same, scared to even sleep. She spent so long fighting for her life. She was too small, too young, too underdeveloped. You knew it would happen eventually, her chances of survival low. It was why you cherished every moment with her.
Yet when she had finally lost the energy to fight to breathe, in your arms, you bawled. You cried for days on end, letting Bad hold you close as you did. He only held you, rocking you back and forth. He was hurt, unsure what to say o comfort you. Until one day he came to you, a newfound light in his eyes. Claiming to have found your baby, just in a new form. You had followed him, hoping that whatever it was he was right about. As you saw the red vines he presented to you, you felt the same attachment you had felt for your daughter. This really was her, wasn’t it?
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Philza losing his child
Philza had been so excited when you had given birth to his son. His second child, at least biologically. He doted on the pair of you like there was no tomorrow. Always telling you how proud he was of you, how much he loved you. Giving your son everything in the world. After all, after losing Wilbur, he was determined to make sure he didn’t lose his second child. Especially when the boy’s wings started to flourish.
Teaching him to fly had always been his favorite thing, especially as he got the hang of it and could effortlessly soar through the skies with him. You would often find shelter under a tree, fondly watching the pair of them fly. As he grew, he had begun flying on his own, straying further from Philza. You never worried. There wasn’t anything to worry about. Until one day you watched him get struck in the chest with the bolt of a crossbow, helplessly watching him plummet almost immediately to the ground.
You had screamed, and so had Philza. He absolutely could not lose a second son, but watching his child speed down to the earth, he already knew he had. He looked with a vengeance for who had killed his son, while you scrambled your way over to where he had landed. Finding the culprit was easy, at least with wings. He hadn’t even thought twice when he had found the fleeing orange flurry that was undoubtedly his grandson. His trident wasn’t in his hand for long, being thrown straight into him.
Fundy had been vehement in his last breaths, insisting that Philza couldn’t love him as a grandson, and couldn’t love his other son properly either. Philza had no interest in his words, simply ripping his trident from his body and leaving. He grieved heavily when he had returned to your side, helping you bury your son. Despite his grief, and clear depression, he never pushed you away or distanced himself. If anything, he seemed to hold you closer. As if it would repair the damage left on both of you.
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