#but he is so cute when he is pain XDD
hiii :'3 may i ask for funny headcanons for bae, yohei and zen where mc gets drunk and when the boys try to help her return home, mc rejects them saying that she already has a boyfriend and is waiting for him, ..so in summary mc drunk doesn't recognizes them and thinks they are a stranger trying to flirt XDD tkm *hugg*
Allen Sugasano:
Allen is a little bit at a loss of what to do. You didn’t recognize him? Did you hit your head? He wondered if he had that to worry about as well as your drunken state but… He knows a way to get you to recognize him! You might not understand every word coming out of his mouth, his words starting to blend together the longer he went on about hip hop, but you certainly recognized the enthusiasm. You threw your arms around Allen and cheered, asking when he got there; you humbly request that he take you home as you’ve had far too much, and you were beginning to attract ‘unwanted attention’ from some randos in the bar.
Anne Faulkner:
They can’t help but laugh at your response to them, giving a flirty grin and saying your loyalty only made you more attractive. They made a pinky promise that their intentions were entirely pure and that actually, your lover had contacted them to make sure you got home safe. They could answer any and every question about themselves that you used to investigate this strangers claims, deciding to call Anne real quick just to double check; you seemed soothed at hearing their voice, big smile on your face as you promised to come home safely to them. Anne turned back around after the phone call ended, asking if you were ready to be escorted home now to which you eagerly nodded.
Hajun Yeon:
Hajun can’t help but test the limits, still staying within a respectable range but flirting with you in a much more obvious manner. When you ignore his responses and even tell him to fuck off at a certain point, he has to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing too obviously. He knew he had to get Anne or Allen’s help after purposely irritating you, as you certainly wouldn’t believe this flirtatious ‘stranger’ had your best interests in mind, but he couldn’t wait until he got to speak with sober you again. He could only imagine the look on your face when he explained the previous night’s experience.
Yohei Kanbayashi:
Yohei can’t help but mutter that you’re a pain in the ass, having dealt with more than his fair share of annoying drunks. This drunk just happened to be the person he loved so he couldn’t just toss you on your ass and call a cab; he had a duty as your boyfriend to see you safely home, even if you didn’t recognize him as such. He kept his distance and walked you most of the way back, listening as you rambled on and on about how you wanted to see him, and how you wished he’d accepted your invitation out because you just wanted to cuddle with him. Embarrassing, and he’d be sure to keep your drunken ramblings to himself, especially because he found it almost cute how you spoke about him without holding back.
Zen Gaho:
Would bring him to tears if he thinks about it long enough. He knows you not recognizing him in your drunken state would make things a little more difficult when it came to getting you home safely, and he never had doubts about your loyalty whether drunk or sober, but seeing your strong response to ‘other’ men touching really gets to him. He can see that your loyalty is just as fierce as his whole-hearted dedication to you, and he promised to be on his best behavior so drunk you could realize he was trustworthy.
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laufire · 7 months
tell me more about the Bruce Wayne womb envy theory
LOL. alright then.
tbh this was mostly a joke, born from this post (+ probably influenced by the way one of my mutuals talks about david 8 in the alien prequels but that's neither here nor there xDD)
(david 8 character of all time though. I have mixed opinions on both of those films but he as the common thread uniting them is *chef's kiss*)
(also I don't really believe these men / "men" in david's case want to be pregnant but that's because I can't conceive of anyone wanting to be pregant if nature has spared them the ability to become so whether they choose to or not, but I acknowledge those are MY gender issues. bruce can have others if he wants xD)
but if I was to take it seriously and run with it, I'd relate it to how I can see bruce... wanting to have had his kids earlier in life. seeing them grow, getting to enjoy them in those early stages when they're cute and fully depend on you and don't argue back, etc. that desire would be tinted with guilt in dick's case and to a lesser extent tim's, I suppose. I've always seen dick's parents and the environment in the circus presented as a positive one for dick (I have yet to read any of that court of owls shit lol), but I do think the drake's were neglectful/emotionally distant/not people tim could rely on, just not in the way or to the extent fanon presents. otoh... well, there's an argument to be made that maybe the waynes and the drakes weren't so different, or were around the same place in the spectrum of parenting in terms of good versus bad (source: thomas backhanding bruce in batman #430), and that bruce might've had blind spots with them as a result. I have yet to read any comic where bruce judges the drakes parenting though I wouldn't be surprised if they did exist, cause he's hypocritical like that. either way, I think tim's not in the same place as dick in this scale of guilt vs. saviour complex lol.
meanwhile in jason's, cass's, and damian's cases, that wouldn't be an issue because he'd seen it as sparing them pain / saving them. which wouldn't be innacurate, although there's an argument about whether being raised by bruce would've fucked them up in other ways lol.
and ironically, I think bruce would feel this saviour complex the most with jason, despite his situation with the todds (no matter whether you believe they were shitty parents or just fellow victims of circumstance or something in between) being objectively not as much of a shitshow as being raised the way cain raised cass OR being raised within a cult with the expectation of eventually leading it, like damian.
I attribute this to how bruce's classism always made him perceive taking jason in and adopting as the act of saving jason, both from his situation and from jason's "fate" of becoming a violent criminal himself, while cass and damian came to be in bruce's care under different circumstances. and second, to how bruce perceives jason's abilities vis a vis cass's or damian's. cass and damian were trained, obviously weren't born knowing, but they are "prodigies", if only because of how young they started. bruce doesn't even seem to contemplate the possibility of them distancing themselves from the fight. moreover, jason was trained later and by him, specifically because bruce felt lonely, all of which would add a feeling of responsibility for jason's end. but most of all, due to his death (+ might makes right + just world fallacy + other such fun things), jason's abilities are perceived by bruce as lesser, and as less of an ~inherent part of him.
so, yeah, jason will always trigger his saviour complex in an extra fun way xDD
all of this to conclude that now I have this vision of bruce having a weird dream soon after jason's death where things are happy at home (his parents are alive in the dream, because that's a prerequisite for a happy one), and dick is a much younger kid than he was when they first met (it's sort of implied dick is also biologically his but not outright stated), and he's pregnant, and he knows it's with jason, who's safe and sound encased in bruce's body, where nothing can reach him.
(I wrote a bruce + grief fic very recently already but this idea is also tempting me now ñalsdjfasf)
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
I have a very important ask to send you...
I took my baby Lilly on her first walk today ^^ we went to the store.
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I promise I didn't leave the flap open the whole time xD and even so, she has a little leash inside the backpack for her own safety.
Lilly was very well behaved at the store, helped me pick out some soap, and she got plenty of attention from the clerks ^^ she was silent the whole walk, which kinda scared me, but she was more fascinated with the whole world than scared ^^ and yes, I gave her treats when we came home. That is very important 🤍🖤🤍🖤
(Ngl now that I'm home, I can't help but imagine myself with my responsible F/O's like "Your mission, should you choose to accept it," *hands over kitty backpack and the baby* "You must take Lilly on a walk and give her lots of love while I'm at work." XD also, for you, Moony would be going insane over pet backpacks and would get one for Cake.)
Oh my goodness, Lilly's big day out <3 Of course the clerks loved her!! XD I bet she was the highlight of their day! ☀☀☀☀
And that thing the backpack) is SO CUTE XDD I've only ever seen pram versions, I didn't know their were backpack versions that is adooorabe!! Omg, Moony with one of these 💥💛💥💛💥 ! ! ! Thats it, thats the cute overload for today-
Also- below, find your responsible F/O's (Plus Ryan- I'm not sure if he counts XD) reactions to their mission XD
You; "Your mission, should you choose to accept it," *hands over kitty backpack and the baby* "You must take Lilly on a walk and give her lots of love while I'm at work."
Jerry: He is not wearing that, but he will take the BEST care of Lilly I promise XD She will live in his lap or on his shoulder for the duration of your work day. Imagine Jerry walking around his house doing his thing (Whatever that may be, when he is not luring in dinner or scaring off teenagers) with LILLY ON HIS SHOULDER-
Imagine him talking to her. Should I have the O Negative or the AB Negative for lunch? Come on, you're a soulless creature of the night, too, don't judge me. // Do you like MTV? // Oh look, Peter Vincent on channel 9- Still an idiot I see... Sure is entertaining, though.
Imagine Billy telling on him for all his chatter when you get back XD
Kingston: Kingston's gonna end up with scratched up hands you're going to need to wrap up because he lets Lilly use him (His hands, his arms, his back, whatever) like a cat toy. Its like he doesn't even feel the pain, he's having too much fun playing with the kitty XD
RJ: "... okay." *Has Lilly living on his shoulder all day while he works, givin her treats and neck scratchies*
Tiffany: "Oh baby, you got it! C'mon, Lilly, come with momma."
Lilly my come back with painted claws, but she sure as hell was loved during her time with Momma Tiff XD
Of course he accepts the challenge, and he takes it very seriously, and treats Lilly with the utmost softness; taking extra care not to hurt her.
He lets Lion visit with the little cat, but watches painfully closely and takes Lilly away the instant that he notices the look in Lion's eyes change from adoration and amusement to hunger.
Wheezy (And Ryan!): These two go and hang out with Terry at his place for the day to get away from their crazy roommates and they all watch TV for the day taking turns holding and petting Lilly. Ryan and Terry make Wheezy take regular smoke breaks so he wont smoke around her (Yes, make. I dunno about Terry but Ryan throws things at Wheezy if he doesn't go. He's taking his new friends health very seriously, here!! XD It is a baby, after all. Damn. (Wheezy goes though, he agrees its a good idea. But fuck is it hell. Lucky yer cute, he says, holding the kitten).
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crippling-pages · 29 days
Episode 10, season two of Lego Friends the Next Chapter... and the end to Ley-La.
Olly I love you but if you hadn't apologized (kinda?) I would have punched you.
Paisley was a BOSS stand up for herself. LETS FREAKING GO!!!!!
Thank the gods Olly realized his mistake(s).
"Everyone tries to change you"
He felt that. You could see it on his face he felt that he felt that and that's when he realized that he was subconsciously(?) trying to change Paisley and-
What Andrea said left him having tears down his face. This beach realized what he did and probably hating himself for it right now, but now he knows what he did, because he understood what she was saying. He knows that it sucks, having to change, and now he realizes that he was changing Paisley.
Honestly, Olly going up onto the stage and seemingly canceling Paisley's performance because she didn't want to, was really big of him if you think about it. He built all that, with the slightly forced help of Paisley. He was accepted into society, and he was about to let everyone down, everyone in Heartlake, just for the sake of making it up to Paisley, and after he was so obsessed with the fame, I think this is really big of him.
He should definitely give a direct apology though. I'm actually writing a fic about it now. I feel like after Andera left, he properly apologized. The setting feels right and everything.
Paisley was amazing in this episode, can I just say? We all know it fr. She was a QUEEN for what she did. Especially at the ending; tbh it was a bit weird when Paisley came out to perform, but this time she did it for herself, not Olly.
In a way, as much as Olly hurt Paisley, he also helped her become who she really is. Paisley also helped Olly realize that he needs to focus on others needs too, before it got worse.
Getting that all out of the way
ANDREAAAAAAAAAA but they're pronouncing her name weird ToT An-dria???? What?????
Liann loves Andrea so much omg ToT Its so cute
Liann and Autumn fighting is hilarious omg XDD
Pffft Nova. "Well duh." She's amazing I can't.
The Battle of the Super Stars I cant. Paisley was happy, Olly was happy that Paisley was happy, they were all HAPPY YAYAYAYAYYY
Another thing is how much Olly cries around the end ToT He hate himself for what he did but he's so happy that Paisley is happy and true to herself now and that he finally saw how much he hurt her.
I know Olly did horrible stuff but can we give him some appreciation too? Like.. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! WOOP WOOP!
Anyways I think that's it! oh wait (some olly bashing)
"Who cares about the treehouse!" uh. YOU did. You were literally RUNNING and SMILING and EXCITED to go to the damn treehouse. And you were SAD and DEPRESSED when you had to leave. Olly ily but what the funnel cake.
Olly I love you but I'm still bashing you just a tiiiny bit<3
...Olly would agree to this I think is the worst part-
Summary: I'm really proud of Paisley and Olly at the ending, I loved this episode, it made me cry tears of pain and some of joy. It was amazing to see Andrea again, and some parts were hilarious while others were angsty. 10/10 episode, I swore Ninjago writers wrote this XD
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thelunarfairy · 8 months
Só queria compartilhar meus pensamentos mesmo! Um abraço do Brasil! 😚💞
I really like TBHK because none of the characters are moralists. The main theme of the whole manga is "wishes", and we see the characters going to extremes to get what they want.
Yashiro literally delves into the occult to make Teru fall in love with her. Kou is willing to let a cannibal spirit (likely responsible for killing several students) roam the school. Hanako wants Yashiro to live and even killed her best friend to achieve that. Mitsuba admitted wanting everyone to die just so he wouldn't feel alone. And, to top it off, Sakura wants to destroy the entire planet just to be free.
But, ironically, what I least like about TBHK is definitely the development of these themes. I wish we could delve much more into what the characters think and feel. Despite going through absurd events, everyone just return to their normal life as if nothing happened. (Kou, in particular, bothers me. His brother said terrible things, the Red House messed with his head, and Mitsuba asked to be killed by him, but Kou never properly expresses his feelings.)
TBHK explores allegories between cannibalism and sex, delves into physical and emotional abuse, and even touches on suicidal tendencies. They're all children, and the whole situation is absurd, however, the characters always behave in the most childish way, as if nothing ever fazes them. The series has become overly infantilized over time, much like the art style.
Sometimes it's hard for me to connect with the characters or even believe that certain events would happen in the story due to all the absurdities the characters are exposed to.
I really miss the time when the biggest problem was a tree making people fall in love.
Ahhhh, obrigado por compartilhar seus pensamentos comigo 💞 Hahaha Outro abraço do Brasil para o Brasil XDD 😚
Could we blame the fingers that weave the story of JSHK? What did Aidairo choose to show us first? The mystery we have to unravel little by little, so that we can slowly appreciate it.
We start with a fun story and end up with an intensely emotional and tragic story. And here's what bothers me, I share this sentence with you:
"Despite going through absurd events, everyone just returns to their normal life as if nothing happened."
The silence between them and the events is intensely irritating. "No problem, we won't talk about it, let's pretend nothing happened."
We spend an entire arc watching a new situation arise, develop and conclude, so that at the beginning of another arc, they just let it all go.
JSHK has many themes and subplots, each of which must be developed simultaneously or at a specific time. Now is the time to find out about number seven's past, he wouldn't hide it from us if it was something good, am I wrong?
But as you said, the allegories, the forbidden or taboo themes. The story was shaped to attract and deceive. It's just a light and fun anime that turns into pain in most ways possible.
The story of two children who chose to die for some reason. Heavy theme, cute art style, oh, it's not the first time I've been fooled by this combination.
I believe the trend is getting worse, it's as if there is no going back. And yes, I hope we get to see character development, not just in self, but in relationships as well.
We could spend hours giving examples, but this is not the case. Like you, I hope this development happens for all of them.
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umihoshi · 1 year
to Cast or being Cast at.
Hogwarts Legacy Spoilers up until the part where MC learns Crusio. Will refer to MC as 'Clora', fore Clora Clemons is the one true MC (for me that is, to each their own =w=)
A friend of mine had also played the game and when I asked him what was the choice he made, he said: "yeah, I wanted to learn it. and then shot Sebastian with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ he's the one who dragged us along in it, after all. and he offered to take it."
When I had to make the choice, I had spend like an hour visualizing the scenario. and I made the choice: 'learn the curse and use it on Sebastian.' 
But not for the reason my friend gave me. The Crusiatus curse is unbearably painful and I would not wish upon anyone to suffer from it (I was in literal tears when making the choice) But.... I believe that being the one to have to cast it would be so so much worse. It's better to be the one inflicted with pain, then to be the one to do so. I didn't want him to have to bear that responsibility. (Because Clora loves him 🥺)
All the more because it was Sebastian Sneaky-Spells Sallow. He already had a large interest in illigal spells, I didn't want to push him any more in that direction than necessary. (though disilusionment and confringo are my fave go-to spells at all times) If he had cast it, with the lack of gravity he was showing, it would become far too easy for him to get used to. Patronizing, maybe. But if I can protect him, I will. even from himself. And if he had cast it with that state of mind he had.... I couldn't let poor Ominis witness his oldest friend do such a thing.
(in what I imagined would happen if the MC got Crusio-ed, she would writhe in pain, but do all she can to keep her mouth covered, so Ominis wouldn't have to hear the screams, at the very least)
If Ominis would hate Clora for it, then so be it. At least it wouldn't cause a rift between the 2 boys. And hey. Now Seb and Clora both had something in common with Ominis. Sebby knowing how Crusio felt, and Clora knowing how it feels to be forced to cast it.
I always imagine how the scenes would go if it were some kind of fanfiction and in my mind, Clora cried so damn hard after having had to do that. So when there was hardly any reaction of her in canon after, it was actually pretty damn lame xDD Sebastian took the Crusio like a king, though. Sir was good enough to climb some stairs, 5 seconds after;;;
Don't really get why they didn't elaborate on why the MC could cast it though, having to 'mean it' and such 🤔maybe she was just done with Sebastian dragging them into potential death situations...
(oh no, now I'm thinking deeper about it.. What if Seb already had it cast on him before? O-O he knew how to cast it too;; Sebastian, no! down boy! please stay fluffy and cute and don't, I dunno, don't go completely mad and murderhobo or something;;;;)
anyway, I'm sealing Crusio away for the rest of the game. I may be Slytherin, but not Slytherin enough to go through that rollercoaster again.
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Hi! I've requested this to other request creators to see their reactions, but as soon as I found your blog and your style, you're so funny I had to see what you'd think!! ^^
I think I worded that weirdly...sorry!!
But...here's my request! ^^
I'm visually impaired. I do have some sight, but sometimes I do need a bit of help from family/friends in public when it's busy - it's called having a sighted guide!
Usually you'd kind of just latch onto the other person's arm with your hand, usually around their elbow or in the crook of their arm
Secure, but not weird - say, if you were alone and had to ask some random person in public to help you XDDD
I would need help especially if it was near a super busy road or going up or down really steep steps
I trip so much it's genuinely hilarious!
Anyways!! XD
I'd love to see how you thought the RFA + V and...all of the Saeran's(?) react to trying to take care of me when we're out and about! XDD
I have some ideas lmao
But you can totally reply with just your interpretation! You're so funny in all your requests, honestly! XDD
I feel like Yoosung would just be a total mess of panic and totally frantic in trying to be safe and make sure I'm gripping his arm so tight OMG IS THAT A CAR OMG
Saeyoung might try to make it fun?? Like there might be a relatively clear street and try to make me gallop together with him like a horse going WOOOO!! XD
Jaehee: mom mode activated
Zen would probably joke and strut like we're practicing walking a runway?? Whilst obviously staying safe though XD I don't know what he'd do XDD
Jumin would probably be the only sensible and responsible one BE CAREFUL. THERE'S A CAR. And he'd probably glare at speeding drivers, or general danger
V in some routes is visually impaired too though so I don't know what we'd do??? XDDD
I feel like Ray would be so gentlemanly about it, like he'd make sure I've got his arm and then lead me so politely and kindly and make sure there's no danger before we even move at all. Ray's so lovely T_T
Suit Saeran and Unknown already terrify me so I would not trust them at all
I'd be so convinced that they'd grab me so tight they'd cut off circulation
Or hiss really creepily in my ear I'm going to throw you in front of that car and do that crazy laugh under his breath
GE Saeran would be angelic like Ray
But I'm not sure about SE Saeran
I hope this request is okay!! Also I'm really sorry about my ideas, I don't want to take away from your interpretation!!!
AW omg thank you so much 🥺
This was so cute I couldn’t help but immediately do it!
I LOVE the way you interpreted it, especially the Suit Saeran and Unknown? God that made me laugh lmaoooo can you imagine?
And it’s completely fine to interpret what the characters would do! I actually love to hear what everyone else thinks and I think you did a great job!
Also I can relate with the tripping and not in the quirky omg I’m so clumsy kind of way! More in the I hit my hip on the side of the table even though I had a lot of space and now I’m like an 80 year old lady howling in pain kind of way
It’s been a while since I’ve written for these fellas so I hope I did a good job
Now to add a bit more chaos and fluff:
RFA+V and Saerans with a visually impaired MC who needs assistance in busy places:
At first he’d probably go into protective mode lol.
He’s already protective of the MC, but if they were crossing a street he’d be 10x more protective because he’s…well, Zen
However you were 100% right about the run away model strut. If he saw you were a bit nervous he’d tell you to imagine you were practicing on a runaway while whispering how great you’re doing!
Also he’d never admit it but he loves when you latch on to him, it makes him feel so close to you and he wishes you would do it more often! (The latch on arm thing not crossing a busy street together pft)
I died with laughter because it’s SO RIGHT
Like the first time you’re on a date he cannot for the life of him calm down
Not only because you automatically wrapped your arm around his which made him almost have a HEART ATTACK but because your boy cannot think properly in these situations
You’d be like “Yoosung it’s fine, I’ve done this countless of times.”
And he’d still be panicking
He’d be so nervous he’d even point out things that aren’t even in your way..?
“Oh, is it too close?”
“It’s…on the other side of the street…”
“….Yoosung I swear to fUCK”
But eventually he’d calm down, and would be perfect as a guide! He’d point out if he saw any stray cats or dogs even!
Mom mode activated indeed
She’s literally the PERFECT guide
Not only is her voice nice to listen to, but she always makes sure you’re comfortable and it’s safe
While crossing a busy road if you’re nervous she’ll talk about the cafe or a musical of Zen’s
Jaehee is just best girl and out of everyone she’s your safest bet you won’t hit yourself with something lmao
She also loves having your arm around hers and always squeezes reassuringly if you get nervous!
He’s a gentleman and I believe whenever he’s with the MC he’d be not the type to hold hands but wrap his hand around theirs
So he automatically does it with you!
He’s already had some experience with V so he doesn’t struggle at all- he’d just be a bit more nervous since you’re the love of his life
Listen if there was a speeding car that nearly got you in danger this man would memorize the plate and it’d be over for them
“Jumin it’s fine-”
“No my love, they shall pay for their mistakes.”
Sir calm down pls
Apart from that I don’t know why but I always think he’d be the type to talk about the things going around the two of you (probably because this man’s voice is hnnnggggggg)
Overall Jumin and Jaehee are your best bet of not ending up on the floor lol
Oh this son of a gun
Listen if you’re fine with it he’d probably tell you there’s a big hole on the ground and make you both try to parkour when in reality there’s nothing and Saeran is looking at the two of you like this has become my life now
Nah but truly I love the idea of the galloping help ahshsh
He’d make it seem like you’re in an undercover mission as well and make you sneak around the place
“Agent 606, there’s a few steps in the distance- proceed with “whatsupstairs” scenario”
“Understood agent 707 “whatsupstairs” plan is being set in motion”
And then you’d T-pose and Saeyoung would lift you up the stairs lol
He’d make sure nothing dangerous is ever in your way tho <3
I’m sorry the way I burst out laughing with what you said PFTTTTT
Imagine if he didn’t get the operation in his route oh no
For the sake of the scenario tho well way Jihyun DID get it and so he will not get the two of you in impending danger lmao
Maybe it’s because he’s an artist (it’s totally cuz he’s an artist) but he’d also describe things around you except in a more artistic manner.
Tho Jihyun would NOT like to get you two out where there are a lot of cars, they would make him nervous especially since in Korea there’s so many
But if you had to he’d take your arm gently and lead you. In these cases it would probably be you who has to do the talking tho, but you’d feel him become less tense and way more sure of himself when crossing the road!
YES! But listen this marshmallow would stop functioning because your arm is around him and you’re so CLOSE and oh nope he can’t do this
When you’re in Mint Eye it makes him so nervous but he becomes used to it and he learns to become less nervous. Since they’re constructing in there he will literally make sure every path is clear and you aren’t in danger of tripping over anything
Overall boy is nervous but is a great guide, 10/10
Suit Saeran:
He’d act all snide and snarky and it’d be scary but if he’s tsundering it up he’d be like “ugh stupid toy, fine but you’ll have to make up for it later.”
He’d also probably shout at anything you bump into
Yes even if its furniture that chair won’t know what’s coming
Nah this bitch would let go at the most unexpected moments
Like obviously he wouldn’t put you in danger but he’d do it to keep you on edge
Listen I wouldn’t even sleep near this guy like I know he’s hot but nonny you’re too precious for this world don’t risk it 😭
GE! Saeran:
Aw look at the sweet smile on this boy as you lock arms
While he’d be super nervous at first, he would be great
But maybe a bit overprotective?
“Saeran you can let go now”
“No MC I have to make sure you don’t bump into anything.”
“Saeran there is nothing to bump into-”
He also would maybe enjoy those moments because you’re so close and this boy loves you more than life itself so maybe he’d make your walks longer just so he can keep you near him a bit more teehee
SE! Saeran:
He’d act like he’s SO annoyed and huff and puff
But he’d be a blushing mess underneath
The first time you wrapped your arm around his because you thought he was Saeyoung nearly killed him
But he then makes it so that only HE can be your guide
Saeyoung could be like “well I can help MC-”
“NO MC likes me the best and you’d probably trip on the first five seconds dumbass”
If you’re going out you’d hear him tumble out of his room and say “I’LL GO WITH YOU.”
While you know your way around the park which is not a busy place and such you’d allow it because you know Saeran is so happy to have this moments with you
Awww i made myself get diabetes from the sweetness
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Promo time!!
Ooh a retreat 👀👀?
Like a vacation I mean :))
Lol Shaun's just preparing, it's required as a dad to plan out the pee breaks xDD
Wait we went to a dog instead and then a different doctor, so that probably means we won't see the rest of the gang in this next episode 👀👀 huh, interesting
Poor Powell though, she has to wait even longer xdd
Anyway lol
Awww this poor dog :'((
Are they gonna adopt it :D? That's what I thought when I first saw it lol
Yk he's not a dog surgeon right xD
Like they can't all have the same properties lol, all surgeries I mean
Aww it's all wrapped up DD: :'((
SLFKHDKS "I will find a surgery" XDD aight fair enough Shaun lol
(what do you bet they still end up adopting it xD)
A lot easier to get through the promo liveblog (especially since I was behind because I could've caught up the bit I was behind just fine but I just had to watch those last few minutes distraction free xD) when it's just one storyline lol
I hope the dog's okay :((
This'll certainly be an interesting one though!!
Okay, that's the end of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode!! I thought it was amazing. It felt super long xD, but not in a bad way lol! I just don't know how they fit that much in there xD. I imagine (and am thinking as I'm going over it in my head) that up on a rewatch, especially since I won't be liveblogging it, it'll probably feel a bit faster paced, but I'm okay with that :)) It was wild though, lol. So many emotional moments, if less outright crazy in many different areas than the last episode, but the tension of that last bit :((( how dare they xdd
Anyway! Now let's get started with people's individual parts :)
First off, we've got Jordan and Perez. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 HOW DARE THEYYYYYYY!! XD. I'm glad Perez is doing okay, but the regret that we just kept feeling emanating from him was heartbreaking. Like, again an again I could see how broken up he was over everything - understandable. And Jordan just trying to be there for him - girl, stop 😭😭😭❤️. Not literally, I mean stop bc my emotions XD. And then that ending of Perez saying he literally would do anything to love her, even if it killed him, so he had to stay away.
I- y'all 😭😭😭😭 xd. That is ABSOLUTELY. ILLEGAL xDD 😭😭😭😭. That entire scene was so sad 💔💔 :'((. I do hope they can be together one day, but I understand what he's saying and right now just isn't the time <3 :(. It's what's best, but it's gonna be so painful 😭. For me and for each of them xD. Anyway, I just really hope this all works out <33. My babeys deserve it 🥰❤️.
Lim (and Cay)! You're up next lol. SHE CAN WALK AGAINNNN :DDDDD!!! Congrats, Lim 🥳🥳🥳🥳. I'm so happy :')). Obviously I'd be happy (in general and for her, both of which am) no matter what, but she wanted this and she's achieving it, so I'm glad <3333. I'm also glad she isn't just ~immediately better~. She has to heal, and learn how to walk again, and get used to this being her reality again. It'll be a tough road, though surely a lot of it was of screen, but I think it'll work out and be worth it in the end :)). Anyway! I'm really glad she didn't accept the proposal! They both know they love each other and will support each other - marriage just isn't it for them right now. And I mean, they haven't even been dating that long lol. Not by most people's standards xD. But AAAHHHH, they're moving in together!! That's amazing, and it was a really cute scene 🥰🥰🥰. I could feel Lim's tension this episode, but I don't think that's indicative of their relationship, just the nerves of the situations :). And, of course, she did great on the surgeries :DD.
Hi Morgan, and hi Park!! These two, y'all 😭😭😭 xDD. They're both idiots, and so chaotic, but I love them xDD. Obviously they were still stumbling with their boundaries and current relationship this episode, but overall they were pretty good :)). And sure, maybe Park's being selfish, but the scene was adorable 😭😭🥰 xD. Plus, AAAHHHHH!!! I'm so happy for Morgan :DDD!!! Congrats girl 🥳🥳🥳🥳!! On the eggs, that is, lol. Also, I love how despite the fact that they do have an improved relationship, she still went to the appointment with Glassman instead of Park. They have a really good and interesting dynamic, so I think that was nice :)). I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️🥰.
Asher, and Jerome! Hi guys, it's your time now :D. I love how supportive Asher was this episode 🥰. I mean, he usually is, but case-wise, since we only had the two, we didn't really see him. He was helping with Lea, obviously, but that plotline wasn't so much about the team assigned to the patient and figuring out the medical solution as it was specifically about Lea (naturally). I know they still had to come up with surgeries and what not, but this wasn't focused on the doctors I mean, more the patient. Idk if any of that makes sense, but whatever xD. My point is, it was really great to see Asher being there for Lea and Shaun so much :'DD. And AAAHHHHH that hand holding and hug and stuff at the end between Asher and Jerome - stop y'all I'm dead 😭😭😭. It was so great to see them there, supporting each other and supporting Shaun too :')). And everyone else there - they were all supporting everyone okay lol? But mostly Shaun xD. Anyway, I love them 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️ <333. They are my babeys and I'm really glad we got see Jerome, I didn't think we would! Oh and of course, wonderful icon moments from Asher 😌. He was supportive but he was also still living his best life, and calling Shaun out and whatnot. I love him your honor 🥰🥰. And of course Jerome, Iove him too 🥰🥰. I love them both 😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰.
Also, quick bit in here for our missing girl: Powell, I miss youuu 😭😭, I love youuuu ❤️❤️🥰. See you in a bit - next episode, hopefully xD. It'll be really nice to see her again :))!!
Andrews! Just real quick :). I loved his scene with Shaun <33. He just so supportive, just. . . BEING there. I think it really meant a lot to Shaun, even if naturally he was preoccupied by other things, and it probably hurt me emotionally (in a good way lol, not actual hurt xD) more than him xD. Idk, I just felt like he appreciated it, you know? Everybody needs support sometimes :')). But yeah, I think it was really great how he just sat there and listened 🥰🥰❤️❤️. I believe he did talk a little (I don't quite remember lol I was busy losing my mind xD), and if I remember correctly that was amazing to :')). Just- them 😭❤️. So yeah, I just loved it :'). Great job, Andrews <333. Love you sir 🥰🥰❤️.
And now, finally, here we are: to Shaun and Lea.
Y'ALLLLLL 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️. This entire episode was unfair xD 😭💔. All the ups and downs and problems and solutions - gosh, it killed me 😭😭. BUT! HEY! It didn't kill Lea. Or the baby. SO! I'M COUNTING THAT AS A WIN XD. Bc I did genuinely get scared for a second there lol xD. I was like ". . . the wouldn't dare. . ." but also with a overtone and undertone of freaking out XDD. In fact, I'm pretty sure I said exactly that lol (they wouldn't dare). Ah, anyways xD!
THEY'RE HAVING A BABYYYY Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. I am so excited :')). There better be no more complications besides maybe, obviously, a slightly dramatic birth xD. Obviously bc this is The Good Doctor we're talking about here xDD.
Aaanyway, I love how much they supported each other this episode :'). I felt so bad for Lea with the stress and the fear, and the boredom lol. And same for Shan at the end with that anxiety and fear, and the anxiety after her first surgery, with not letting other people near her basically lol. She needed people and he was making mistakes about that from the stress, but h started fixing them and it was sweet to see how much he cared :')). The just- y'all, they love each other so much 😭😭😭❤️❤️😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️😭🥰🥰❤️❤️. And of course, lastly, I am so glad Lea survived and the baby's okay, and I am so happy for them :'D. That painting the walls of the nursery scene at the end? AMAZING. ICONIC. THANK YOU 😭😭😭❤️😍🥰❤️❤️. It was wonderful :')). I love Shaun so much <3333 ❤️. And I love Lea so much <3333 ❤️.
Overall, I loved this episode. I thought it had a nice focus on most of the cast of characters, and of course it was very dramatic lol. It felt so long but not in a bad way! I think it might actually feel a bit fast paced upon a rewatch lol, but we'll see when I do that I guess! But yeah; I thought al the plots were great, everything was suitably crazy, and I'm just excited have all my babeys back :')). I'm also interested in seeing where it goes from here :D.And, of course, I have to mention the ending scene. Well, more the waiting scene than anything else, but I'm including after that as well xD. Just, everyone coming to support Shaun and be there for Lea, to wait for her - it was amazing :')) 😭❤️. It was so powerful, especially with the music, seeing them all come one by one (basically), and sit down. No speaking, no noise, just them all being there, loving and supporting each other. I was amazing 😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰. Just- one of those group scenes, you know :')? Every tv show has them. The kind that get dramatic shots in edits, the kind that make an episode, or a plot, or a season, or the show. Though hopefully there's more than one if it's the show lol. And of course you can always have more even at smaller levels than the show as a whole. But, anyway, my point is: it was amazing. It summed up their little family in one scene, and I loved it <33. Plus, the pure joy when they found out Lea was okay, all the hugs and smiles and laughter. And the clapping at the end 😭😭😭❤️🥰🥰. Y'all, its just- they're so special to me <3. I love them so much :')). But, anyhoo. An amazing episode, and an amazing return for the second half of the season :D!
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great. I'm excited to see where we go next! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 10: Quiet and Loud
What an amazing episode! I'm super excited for the next one, it definitely looks interesting. I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 11: The Good Boy
See you then!
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jack777 · 7 years
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poor boy, he really can’t deal with spicy...save him
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deviliciousnavy · 2 years
Alrighty!! Time for part 2 of Monkie Kid season 3 special talk for ep 3 and 4!! This time gonna talk in general rather than in order of the events.
Well for starters Macaque was ICONIC here!! Also adorablex3 From his expressions to his redemption (which we'll prob see more of next season x3) I LITERALLY DIED WHEN I SAW HIM TIED UP LIKE OMG MY BOY XDDDD also don't get me started on how gentle he was with lbd's host. WELCOME TO THE DAD SQUAD MY MAN!!
Edit: I totally forgot to add the "hero and warrior" part huh? ^^' that was also one of the best parts of the episode! The fact that Macaque kept saying "I'm not a hero" because he doesn't SEE himself as one. So MK sees what this is about and tells him to be a warrior! That hit so hard it killed me qwq and his face while MK said that it looked so puuuure TwT (I'll also like to add the amazing moment with both of them transforming at the same time they looked so cooooooolx33)
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I'll also gonna go ahead and say I DIED from the dragonfruit content we got like, "don't you give up on me dragon girl!" I JUST CAN'T!! He was so worried the entire time for MeiTwT AND HE GRABBED HER BY THE CHEEKS! NOT EVEN THE SHOULDER THE CHEEKS!! AND HE CALLED HER BY NAME! HE HASN'T CALLED ALMOST ANYONE BY NAME!! and then the hug at the end omG I'M GONNA CRY!!! He was leaning on her tooooo QwQ the shippers ate good those 2 days UwU
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Let's also talk about the interactions we had with Macaque and Wukong cause I honestly loved every second of it! I'll be real I don't really ship it, I mostly see them as a sibling dynamic. I was super excited with the fight scene and the fact that we had some parallels from their first fight!! (now if that was on purpose for us to talk about or to make the animation quicker idcUwU) I'll add here the fact that we FINALLY got to see the monkey king use his freaking laser eyes!! I seriously got hyped there!! X3 and then we go towards the end with them bickering like the bros they are XDD it was super adorable and it killed me how cute and funny it was! I also appreciate how they didn't go with saying "I'm nothing like him" at the same time, making it more realistic!
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Now going to the epic final fight!! It was truly a sight to behold!! The way we got everyone helping out was just beautiful!! And the animation was the cherry on top!!
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I also wanna give some spotlight to our villain here! It's really cool that we got some backstory at the start of the 3rd ep. And you have no idea how I screamed when we got a reference from the original journey to the west, where lbd transformed into a young girl, an old lady, and an old man afterwards! I can't help but get excited when they do things like that!!! We also got more about the mayor! And how apparently he AIN'T one of the corrupted/ possest people and how apparently he also ages old! But the fact that we don't know wat happened to him after the defeat of lbd kinda concerns me... And talking about defeat, while I did want her ded after what she did to my boy, I kinda felt bad to how done she was afterwards, how she had accepted her "destiny" hehe... Also with what she said to MK about their pursuit always leading to pain I can't help but think we in for sth more angsty than what we got now sooooo... Ready ur tissues next season and let's pray that they get a little break before that qwq.
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Finally! Leaving my fav part for the end! MK and Wukong!(this one is gonna be longerxD) This whole situation started because monkey king decided to deal with lbd alone to protect the others.(and mostly MK let's be realUwU) I can't imagine what both monkey king AND MK were dealing with after lbd's cheap shot with possessing the king. The first time Wukong tried to attack MK he got saved last minute by Macaque! The 2nd time Wukong manage to break control for a few seconds thanks to MK!! Not only did he not hurt him, but he even threw him out of the way to make sure he doesn't end up doing sth worse to the kid!! 3rd time saved by Macaque AGAIN! (TY MY EMO MONKEY!!) And thank GOD the fourth time was the last, and our king finally broke free thanks to MK's trust!! And talking about trust, that's what I love about them. During the whole special, MK believed in The king, he knew that he was fighting for control! He trusted him so much that during the 4th attempt to hit MK, he didn't flinch! He knew Wukong was heading towards him and he didn't turn his head for a second nor did he try to defend! Giving Wukong the strength he needed to break free! (God the hug after that was adorable qwq)
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And not just MK, Monkey king also trusts in MK's strength! When the kid went to confront lbd Wukong was the one who stopped the others from interfering. Trusting that MK was more than capable on handling the situation!
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And during the end, the whole apology scene was everything I wanted to see! At first I thought MK was gonna be the one to start the conversation, but I'm really happy that Monkey king approached him instead. He was aware that he messed up and that he could obviously tell that the kid was still somewhat upset about it. He knows he's a bad mentor and honestly idk why people expect him to be amazing at it.
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This is the monkey king we're talking about! The same guy that made an entire mess up in the celestial realm cause he wanted to be called "great sage equal to heaven". He still has a long way to go to be able to learn how to properly teach but he will try! He's trying for his kid. It's good that they finally got the time to talk about it cause that will make their bond even stronger now!(also the fact that he said "I'm sorry MK" and not bud is so sweet qwq) Honestly I'm a big sucker for parent-child relationships especially when they play it right and when the characters are to die for x3
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I really can't wait to see what the future has in store for them in the next season ( and hopefully the one after that pls qwq)
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vendetta-if · 2 years
There a lot of people who are falling for Ron but I will maintain loyal to Ash, I love you big dummy with anger issues, i have a weakness for 1 bad boys 2 anger boys 3 childhood friends amd wellp (in my case) he has ALL THE POINTS LOL AND REDHEAD IS A BONUS
And… well, maybe Skylar too, I dont know why someone would like to hit the sweet boi, i mean, the sweetest in life the dirtiest in bed leave the cute boi in peaceeeeeee! Baby boy baby. When you say in a post (in my case, again) he is the most similar to Vicktor in his youth I was screaming like a fanboy not gonna lie, so, if someone wants to hurt him, they will need to pass me before 😤😤 jkjk
Ps Im afraid to question this, but, if we go woth Skylar route, this os gonna make the relationship between Mc and Ash tense? I dont wanna be in bad manners with him, i really like both of them, but if this can be painful to Ash i dont know if i wanna be with Skylar xDD why am i like thissss?
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Haha I’m glad you guys are really loving Ash 🥰 Also, Ash hitting all of your points and even a bonus point for being a redhead 😆
And I’m really happy that you’re liking Skylar too and is giving them a chance🥹 I’m also a bit surprised with the vitriol Skylar gets 🥺 I definitely didn’t expect so many people hating Skylar before meeting them. I do expected some to be wary or even dislike them because of MC’s relationship with their mother, but not downright hating them😭
As for the last question with Ash, Ash will always be a little tense if MC flirts with another RO in front of them, no matter which RO or if you flirt with Ash or not. 😁 Just, please don’t flirt with them and then flirt with other RO right in their face 🥺😭 But you shouldn’t worry about souring or hurting your relationship with Ash because you choose another RO. Once MC finally has the conversation and clear things up with them, they won’t get that jealous and will start to relax a bit. They will still be happy being MC’s BFF. 😊
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laufire · 1 year
The Saga comics for the fandom ask
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M/F OTP: as I told you I wanted to catch up with the comics (and Monstress for the other ask) before I answered this (65 issues so far... #66 initially came out next week but it's been pushed back to September)... but I strongly suspected what my answer was going to be lmfao.
The only romance I'm here for it's Alana/Marko. It's foundational to the story, it's impactful. I love the star-crossed shit, I love the real messiness in their marriage, and I love the PAIN and ANGST they cause me *cries in issue 54*.
And... they made Hazel. I love that girl to pieces. And not only did they make her but also they raised her like this:
[Redacted]: Last Night, [my son] and I had a disagreement. In the heat of the moment, I may have inadvertently… laid hands upon him. Alana: You hurt your own child?! Hazel (narrating): Despite all the violence I’d seen by then, this was the first time I had ever considered that parents could do anything but love and protect their kids.
Saga #52
Hazel (narrating): Dad’s folks used to hit him when he was a kid. The usual caveats: not a lot, only when he “really deserved it”, never too hard, they were just trying to raise a good boy, products of another time... you get the idea. Still, my father always felt it had done a number on him. So before Mom and Dad had me, they promised each other they’d never resort to spankings or whatever, no matter how much I might misbehave. And they never did. Even though I was plenty bad. Somehow, I managed to turn out all right.” Saga #54
Hazel's life is next-level chaos. One look at her -at the horns in her head and the wings on her back- betrays her mixed heritage between two warring empires and puts a target on her back. But these two, whatever their flaws might be, tried their hardest to give her safety and joy during her childhood against all odds and in conscious direct opposition to their own upbringings*, and I love them for that.
(excuse me I have something in my eye *sniffs*)
*we don't know as much about Alana's youth (yet) but we know her father ends up marrying a girl she went to summer camp with and that she joined the army "to escape" so err... yeah.
M/M OTP: well, if whatever ends up killing The Will has a male pronoun in my language, I'm all for that xDD
This is not even about him [spoilers]. I could balance that out with him saving Sophie. It's about how this motherfucker keeps surviving every single righteous and not-so-righteous assassination attempt on him and all the collateral damage it takes to make that happen ¬¬
But I guess Doff and Upsher were cute too LOL.
F/F OTP: none yet and I'd like the story to go there with some character tbh. Hazel, or Klara; a f/f love story could work for either of them.
OT3: when Petrichor said she'd be down for a threesome with Alana and Marko... get it gurl xD
Favorite Canon: Alana/Marko is the only thing I see.
Favorite Crack: Alana/Marko/Petrichor. Alas...
Guilty Pleasure: n/a.
Pairing I Hate: hate is a strong word but every time I see anything with Petrichor/King Robot or Gwendolyn/The Will... you women could do so much better smh xDD
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Poly!Cruella De Vil and James Nolan/Prince James x Reader || Headcanons
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Plot: These two together totally skeeve me out but I just find them as a concept so amusing!! And I'm glad they found eachother XD So, poly relationship HC's are a must.
Warnings: These two are complete freaks. So there are nsfw themes throughout. Kinks include heavy Mommy Kink, James is her bestubbled 'Golden Boy', Pet Play mentions, domestic kinkiness (the way you all act is not just sexual at this point, it's just your dynamic), etc. Also obnoxiously cutesy nicknames like 'Jamesy-poo' XDD That's definitely a warning! And feelings, which sneak up on you (: By the time you realise, its too late XD
This was a blast XD
<3 <3 <3
Alright so Cruella is definitely!! in total control here. She's the Boss. The Dom. The Asmodeus to yours' and James' Fizz, to you Helluva Boss fans.
The Mommy of your little 'family', basically.
Then James is her 'Golden Boy'/naughty boy, and you are their sweet, sweet pet. So like, James is a little bit higher up in the procession of power then you, but not by much.
Often its her directing the two of you equally, but occasionally she'll ask James what he thinks they should do with you, or leave you two to 'play on your own'- and she makes it clear that Jamesy-Wamesy is in charge, while she's away.
"Sweetheart stay with darling Jamesey-poo, mommy has some work to do." - Cruella, whenever she has to go do some Evilness.
When you're cold its really a toss-up; Cruella may actually give you some furs to wear (This version of her really likes the idea of branding you~ ) or you might get James' jacket. His prince jacket! Ahh <3
Cruella may have you dressing like James eventually. She thinks its cute if her two playthings have a uniform.
If you'll remember, James left his old flame Jack to die at the top of the beanstalk, totally heartless- but let me tell you, Cruella has that man so whipped he wouldn't even think about doing that to her unless there was a HUGE pay out. You, he may consider abandoning. But one nasty look from her and he'll save your sweet ass like the prince he was groomed to be. He does love you (As much as he and Cruella can love at least), its just that (In the words of his Wiki Page) he's inherited 'King Georges lack of empathy and ruthless personality'.
You and Cruella watching James fight with David-
You: Oh god, which one's James?? Cruella: The ruggedly handsome one. You: I- which one!? Who's winning?? Oh, ow! Who just got punched in the jaw?? Who's the one bleeding? Cruella: Oh, you tell me! They look exactly the same, darling! You: *deadpanned at her*
You and James have an odd relationship where you kinda argue a lot, when you're not being their obedient 'pet'. You're very snarky with each other and it makes Mommy Cruella roll her eyes- but she loves it. She loves being the 'favourite'.
Cruella, to David: Jimmy has always resented you for being the one that those horrible parents of yours kept... You: ... ehhh, I don't think he's that deep actually. I think he's just sore he had the best sword lessons in the enchanted forest and still got killed by a Behemoth. Cruella: Darling- You: ... and also David got a castle. And people like him. and I don't know how identical they are under the clothes but I bet his dick is bigger, too, honestly. Cruella: 🙄 Darling... You: aM I wRoNg???? Cruella: *Sigh, turning back to David who's very understandably uncomfortable* My darlings are such a pain sometimes... anyway Sheriff Stubbles, where were we?
... You and James fight over Cruella often. Who gets to make her drinks, who gets to kiss her first, who gets to go down on her (You've been known to actually trip that asshole off the bed before and he has dragged you to the end of the bed and tied you to the bedpost before. All the while Cruella just sits there all pleased with herself~~ Maybe acting annoyed a little, but acting badly XD), etc.
That doesn't mean you two aren't very fond of each other, though. Its mostly fun, and foreplay (;
Cruella and James are both allowed to have 'fun' with other people (Whether that be actually going out and sleeping with others or just that- 'fun'. Like when Cruella pretended she though David was James and when James pretended to be David to kiss Snow), but let me be clear- you are not.
Cruella: Darling you're like our faithful Rottweiler, aren't you?? You would never hurt us like that. You could never be pleased by anyone else but us. Hm?
James: Yeah, and no one else would put up with you, either *eyeroll*
They don't actually do it very often though, mess around with others. They're both quite content with this relationship right here! Not that either of them would admit it.
<3 <3 <3
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crippling-pages · 3 months
finished hooky 3 and
im not as... depressed as I thought I would be
Well I AM depressed because the series ended T.T I think the reason I'm not completely screaming and crying in pain is because the ending was so sweet and beautiful :') And the book was kinda?? Fluffier?? Healing-ish?? Than the other too. But that does not mean i felt like crying at some scenes
When Dorian was fighting the spirit omg and then he ran away full on sobbing my boy please ToT
But Monica came after him and they kissed <33333333 sigh finally
NICO AND DANIIIII mwah they too were bootieful
I need to talk about Dorian being in a coma for three years. For one, and I say this nicely
Dorian with longass hair is going to be in my nightmares forever.
No offense, but I'm siding with Nico, it's scary as heck.
But like literally a day after waking up from a 3 year coma the first thing he does he get a hair cut and help out the town.
not him panicking about seeing monica again though hehe
Nah but MONICAAAAAAA MY ~QUEEN~ she is the potion masterrrrrr (Omg but Dorian was so excited and proud when he saw her secret lab place)
no but Dorian... he needs to cry a bit more T.T
Nico trying to hard with the crystal ball ToT Btw im so happy for him he has a powerr
Dorian in shorts lmaooooo ToT XDD
Then trying to get Dani to remember again was so bittersweet like... omg
and then when she DID get them back dudes I almost cried ToT
The general ending is so cute thoo <333
PROFESSOR WYTTE IS REAL GUYSSSSSS omg and his and Monica's date ughh so cute <3
The epologs were adorable, I love them sm <33
I also found out that apparently some scenes from the original version on webtoon got cut from the book version?? So now Im going through the Webtoon one to try and see all the scenes I missed reading the physical version T.T
I've already found and read a few though!! Most were just some minor cuts from scenes. Like the wine scene, the talk with Damien and Dorian (hehe), the closet scene with Dorian and Monica (Dorian's so funny lol) + more of the picnic scene, the bathroom scene with Nico, and the rose scene <3333 Sigh Dorian and Monica are the cutesttt <33 Also the kiss scene with Will and Damiennn eeehhehehee
Right now though, I'm 100000000% going to go Hooky crazy with fanfics on Ao3 or Wattpad, and on Pintrest, and with memes and JNHBGVFCDFGHJ I'll probably be writing of them too because my dear children I love them so much.
Hooky is and forever will be amazing <3
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
Hii can I request dom male reader aftercare for jaku after some active night XDD poor dude struggling to walk afterwards agshhssj
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Pairing: Jakurai Jinguji x Dom!male!reader
Genre: Fluff; PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of Sex
Word Count: 711
A/N: Aww, this one was super cute. Jakurai’s always taking care of other people, so sometimes he needs people to take care of him too! Hope you enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
Jakurai slowly opened his eyes, closing them sharply before squinting once more. The bright sunlight poured through the window and for a moment his heart stopped. Was it already the afternoon? Was he supposed to be at the hospital? Why was he still in bed?
As a million thoughts raced through his head, he felt a strong arm wrap around him tightly and the memories sifted back up to the surface. Flashes of last night, images of your bodies wrapped in between each other, sweat drenched with pressure pulsing through him.
Jakurai was so used to being the one in charge, always having the answer or leading his friends, but last night it was you who took the lead. You had shown him just how pleasurable new experiences could be, and Jakurai was hooked. It had been a long, very active night with round after round of newfound pleasure and pain.
He had to admit that giving up control was difficult for him, but when he finally did, it was a rewarding experience. As he rolled over to look at you, still sound asleep, Jakurai couldn’t help the soft smile that rose to his lips. Yes…he was glad to have been able to trust you. It was certainly an…interesting night.
Deciding to surprise you with tea, Jakurai slipped out from under your arm and sat at the edge of the bed. When he stood up to walk to the kitchen, however, his legs gave out from underneath him and he fell back onto the bed with a small groan.
You awoke to hear the sound of Jakurai grunting and as you opened your eyes you frowned, reaching an arm out towards him.
“What happened? You okay?” you mumbled, your voice still cracking with sleep. Jakurai sheepishly turned away from you and grimaced.
“Yes, I’m fine…I’m simply…overworked from yesterday,” he admitted, slowly standing back up and wincing at the pain in his thighs and backside. You watched him strain himself and couldn’t stop a smile from rising to your cheeks as you sighed and rolled over to his side.
“Alright, back on the bed, you,” you said, tugging Jakurai back towards the bed. He groaned as you did, flopping back down on the bed in your arms. Despite his stature, you moved to kiss his forehead and pull the covers back on him.
“I was going to make us some tea and – ” Jakurai began, but you quickly cut him off with a kiss to the lips as you rolled off of the bed.
“I can make us tea. You rest,” you told him, giving him a once over. “You’re probably more sore than I am anyways,” you added, a cocky smile on your lips. Jakurai studied you for a moment but then turned away. As he did, you could have sworn you saw his cheeks turn pink.
“I can make tea..” he mumbled, but you just kissed his cheek and headed out of the room.
When you came back, Jakurai was asleep once more, so you placed the cups of tea on the side table and sat down in the bed beside him. Your movement woke him up and as he groggily looked up at you, you admired his cute face.
“Hey sleepy head,” you said, bringing your hand to rub his thighs gently, making him groan. You chuckled lightly and pulled Jakurai’s head into your chest.
“Why am I still tired?” he asked, quietly. You brushed his hair away from his face and smiled down at him.
“It’s just because you’re not used to it,” you said. After a moment passed, you spoke up once more. “I’m sorry if I went too hard last night. I was just so excited to finally get to spend the night with you…I guess I got too excited,” you told him, rubbing the back of your neck. Jakurai chuckled and shook his head, looking up at you.
“You shouldn’t apologize. New experiences can be daunting, but I would say last night was…quite enjoyable on my part,” he said, smiling mysteriously. You narrowed your eyes at him as if wondering what he was up to, but he simply laid back in your arms, making you feel content.
“I’ll be more gentle next time. I promise.”
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minsarasarahair · 3 years
I love this cute WenZhou scene from the novel so I want to share it! Novel WKX is such a husband material!
Anyway, the scene is WKX entered ZZS' room and asks if he can sleep with him bc the puppet in his room is scaring him. ZZS was annoyed and refused him at first bc he's a tsundere but when WKX says it will "help lessen his sins", he agreed. (In the novel, ZZS is doing good deeds so he can barely passed getting into heaven after he died xD) So the two sleep in one bed but WKX keep moving, switching in different sleeping positions and ZZS became irritated!! XDD
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Then WKX told him he has indecent thoughts about him but ZZS is like "Go ahead." He's basically saying “go ahead i dare u to touch me” with annoyed tone but since WKX want to win his heart surely he didn't do anything and just hugged ZZS. The two slept but when the midnight arrives, ZZS felt severe pain all over his body bc nails. Surprised WKX noticed ZZS was sweating hard, and trembling so he asked if he's okay? ZZS is the type who prefer to hide his weakness so he didn't answered while trying to act fine but it’s not working bc his body is too painful to endure. What I love about this is WKX didn't push the matter and just stayed by his side hugging him. Simple actions but it's so cute! Since then he stopped annoying ZZS and treated him like a fragile glass xD but ZZS remained rude most of the time which irritates WKX.
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The next day, he sleep again with ZZS bc he’s worried and they have this cute conversation! Finally seeing WKX is sincere, ZZS apologize to WKX for rejecting his romantic feelings. WKX thought ZZS is just feeling pity for him so he’s like “no need to say sorry” but for ZZS, he actually felt he don't deserve WKX's love. That's why he rejected him and bc he will die soon anyway so :'(( This good moment is later on destroyed by baby Chengling's scream and WKX is like "Great, the good romantic mood is now ruined" bc ZZS rushed outside their room when he heard that!! xD
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