#but he hasn't been introduced yet
thatfaerieprincess · 3 months
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Step 2 figure out how the Emissary actually looks
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swhhdr-wthhr · 4 months
i'm trying to figure out digital art so here's sanders sides text posts but from an alternate universe
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i just drew all this on my phone with my finger lol. id love some tips from anyone who actually does digital art
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toastingpencils37 · 2 months
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So depending on whether or not we count the non-elementals (Garmadon, Wu, Misako, & Nya) in the Samurai X Cave at the time of Zane's statement, Chen's army is supposedly somewhere from 1060 to 1311 men in size.
(Rounded the calculations to get whole numbers)
Without the non-elementals (only 17 members):
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With the non-elementals (21 members):
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I mean we're obviously not shown anywhere near these numbers at any time during Season 4, but I guess this was how many there were supposed to be?
Or they just threw out a random number from Zane's mouth for shits and giggles
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samstronomy · 2 months
really shitty but here have a smoker
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gayshitanddadjokes · 5 months
I think the reason ppl who watch the anime ship the guys from dunmeshi together and not the girls (besides misogyny) is because you can't really carry over the contempt that all the men hold for each other through the medium of animation
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lunareiitic · 3 months
I apologize in advance to anyone who follows this blog for when me and Ava get to the meat of the Quattro Incident in our re/watch of Zexal because I'm going to become SO annoying
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dailymarshtomp · 1 year
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buncha critters
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boogiewoogieweeb · 4 months
it's all fun and games typing up a silly, rickety little au idea in the tags of someone else's post and then suddenly you find yourself expanding on the world-building and plotting out interconnected stories for characters you swore would only make background appearances and your brain is On Fire with the need to write even when you know you can't commit to yet another doomed wip
#the terror#this is 100% about the fucking hartving tech!averse jirv/librarian!hartnell au from yesterday bc IT WON'T LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE#thinking about a ficlet detailing how bridlgar met#peggles is a delivery driver who does the rounds dropping off the library's stationary orders and john's the one in charge of receiving#and they strike up a friendship over terrible stationary puns and eventually start dating when john introduces harry to classic lit#thinking even more about a joplittle sequel where after ned shows up soaking wet the first time and is immediately smitten#by thomas “Just Being A Decent Person” jopson; he starts volunteering at the library just so he can get closer to jops#(like the loser he is; bc why ask someone out directly when you can just hang around in their orbit and hope they notice you noticing them)#but the more time he spends at the library the more he comes to love it; and ends up volunteering to read to children on his free weekends#(my tumblr homies know exactly where i'm headed with this bc i am so transparent my mom might as well have called me “window”)#and jops; despite his better instincts; gets so turned on after hearing ned do voice impressions for fictional crayons while reading to#a bunch of enraptured rugrats that he decides then and there he absolutely can't NOT fuck ned senseless the second he gets his hands on him#meanwhile for the main fic; jirv and tartnell are both absolutely disgustingly in love but are also completely clueless#as to how to go about expressing interest in each other bc while i imagine jirv not being as repressed in this as he normally is in fanon;#he still hasn't actually figured out he's Big Time Gay™ yet and#tartnell on the other hand is both extremely attracted to and intimidated by the handsome; aloof yet kind; bible-quoting scotsman#who's decided to adopt him as his personal apple support technician#despite the fact that tartnell knows little more about iphones than jirv (seeing as he's been using android since smartphones took off)#god i'm in so deep about this stupid little au i've dreamed up that i just want to yell about it for hours on end#and despite knowing i'll likely NEVER get around to writing it; it is just... taking up Brain Space... that i already Do Not Have
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arts-butthound · 4 months
Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Reveal Trailer
It actually dropped. Huh, miracles do happen
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campingatlittlemouse · 7 months
Character full body references
"NeNe" and detective Lee:
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More recent sketches
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Camp Consolers:
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The Camp little mouse Slaughter:
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Or Mick...The people call them Mick because of the Mickey gas mask.
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katherineholmes · 10 months
Just started watching True Blood for the first time, and the idea of vampires being known worldwide is fascinating to me. I wonder if I'll like it or not though, because a lot of what I love about vampires is that they stay in the shadows. But interesting that someone would take such an important part of vampirism away.
The fangs are bad though.
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13elmst · 11 months
in a world without powers, everything works out. he doesn’t get orphaned just shy of his fifth birthday. the boys at school don’t look at him like captive mice in a cage. he gets to be the soccer player he’s always dreamed of. as far as he’s concerned, life would be fucking peachy— or in other words, they’d get what they want. who? the fucking humans, of course.
park jaehyun sinks his canines into his hatred like a rabid dog on a bone. the idea of him buckling under the globe of pressure that they’ve so carelessly balanced atop his shoulders is akin to death itself, perhaps not of the physical body, but of his essence. and perhaps one might argue that life would be better if he just let go of his blind hate and think. but that’s the thing: even if he caved now, if he complied like a well-trained purebred and killed this part of himself, he still wouldn’t get his parents back. he’d still be an orphan, still have the lived experience of being looked upon like a freak. it wouldn’t erase the fact that the very same people had so quickly thrown him in jail and took his life away from him.
it's for this reason that he despises the anomalies who try to play nice. people like sanghyun who decide, against their better judgement, to wipe the slate clean and fall in line. did they forget, so easily, all the things that humans had done to them? did they have so little respect for all that had been taken away? now here is an anomaly from their camp attempting to network, to crash the party with his brainwashed scriptures, and it takes every nerve in his body to stop himself from plucking the guy by the neck and throwing him out. so instead, he settles for second best, brushes shoulders with the anomaly accidentally on purpose while forgetting to watch his strength. the man falls and he snickers, pretends his company’s said something witty to trigger the shit-eating laugh that pours from his chest. he’s had his fun and he thinks to end it there, until he hears the pipsqueak’s voice accusing jaehyun of attacking him on purpose and demanding an apology. jaehyun stops in his tracks, turns so glacially you could hear the creak, and approaches the campaigner. “i barely touched you,” the statement falls as a threat, low and gravelly past near gritted teeth, “if you want, i can attack you. so you can compare.” and just like that, he decides that maybe, he’ll make good on his original plan after all.
ft. park jaehyun & @rnalgnant's lee sanghyun
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crimsonmonsoon · 2 years
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Natalie is hot- I mean- uh- Chapter thirteen is out on Ao3 and Wattpad! GO READ MIRACLE BOX YOU FUCKS
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noblesvacation · 11 months
Trick or treat!!!!!
Hurray! Snippet of my latest fic:
“At least tie your hair up.”  Hisui scooped Lizel’s hair into a bundle at the back of his head and pulled a hair tie out of his pocket to secure it. “Thank you,” Lizel said with a smile.  He seemed about to say something else, but he was distracted by something behind Hisui.
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
list 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore 🖤
Hi! Thanks for the ask, corn!!! <333
You get Captain Blackthorne!
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He's Fallon's captain of the guard, and he served her mother before her.
He loves dogs. Like, a lot.
After the death of Fallon's mother, Queen Rosalynn, he was going to leave the guard and retire. But Fallon asked him to stay, and he realized that protecting Fallon would help fill the debt he feels that he owes to Rosalynn.
Has literally known Fallon since she was born, since he was serving on the guard at the time.
Was a close friend of Fallon's mother and believes he failed to protect her.
Is the biggest softie and treats all of the guards like family.
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raye-sim · 1 year
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Stef wants a promotion at her lifeguarding job and needed to up her active skill; so she formed a work out club with her brother Dalton called the Gym Rats! She’s already at level 3 after their first gathering and has been taking jogs in the rain. Talk about commitment!
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