#but he also liked having enough money to go off on adventures and enjoy life
I love looking people up a few years out of college to see what they're up to and it's like "oh, that makes perfect sense, of course you'd be doing a job like that. Obviously."
And I think really what it comes down to is that so few people get to actually do work that feels meaningfully interesting and engaging to them. Most of us (myself definitely included) just work a 9-5 or a 9-9 that hired us and so it goes. We end up doing something because we need to do *something* to make money so the most fashion forward person I know ends up being an administrator at a college, and the guy who has a masters degree in opera works at a bank, and one of the best actors I've seen teaches 6 year olds English. And even with STEM people - my best friend is brilliant, and studied astrophysics, and now she just problem solves healthcare software integrations. My sister is also brilliant and speaks four languages and is incredible with people, and she works 80 hour weeks for a consulting group helping grocery stores with their supply chains and all. It's not where anyone would have seen themselves, but we all need work to live. So it goes, right?
So when I look someone else and I find out that what they do suits their personality and interests perfectly, I think "oh, thank goodness, for once the world got it right. I'm so glad it worked out for you."
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nyankochan · 11 days
TWST Headcanons: Housewardens at Disney World
Pairing: boyfriend!housewarden x gn!reader
Content warning: none
A/n: inspired by my recent trip to Disney. For sake of the story, it will be at Magic Kingdom at Disney World in Florida (though I have been to the one in California and Tokyo!)
Riddle Rosehearts
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Has never been to Disney before. It’s his first time
Lowkey scared of roller coasters and you tease him about whether or not he’s actually tall enough to ride
Fantasyland is his favorite area. Really liked Its a Small World
Did like the Mad Tea Party at first, but the spinning made him motion sick and he was pretty much done after that
Wants to get autographs from the characters, but worries it seems too childish. You have to basically initiate every character interaction
Definitely gets a sunburn from waiting outside in the long lines
Gets pins as souvenirs for Ace, Deuce, Trey, and Cater
You two get matching keychains which he clips to his school bag as a reminder of your trip together
Leona Kingscholar
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Farena was taking Cheka and forced Leona to go along to make it a family trip. He begrudgingly agreed to go along since he was allowed to bring you.
Begrudgingly also wears the “Kingscholar Family Disney Trip” shirt you and his sister-in-law get
You guys stay at one of the park resorts
Leona really has no interest in any of the little rides, though he puts up with it because it excites you.
His favorite area is Frontierland. Big Thunder Mountain is his favorite ride (though he will never tell you that)
Also really liked Jungle Cruise and Pirates of the Caribbean rides.
Hates waiting in lines and buys the fast past for everything
Doesn’t want any souvenirs (thinks they’re dumb) but caves and gets a couple pins and a matching shirt for you guys to wear at the next park you go to
He’s honestly ready to go after a few hours. The walking and heat get on his nerves, but he sticks it out for you (and Cheka)
Azul Ashengrotto
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Also his first time to Disney
Complains about the price of the food (it’s freaking expensive so who can blame him)
Also not really a big rollercoaster fan, but doesn’t mind going on some of the rides like Peter Pan’s Flight and Under the Sea-Journey of the Little Mermaid.
Gets motion sick
While on Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, the ride captured an ugly photo of him screaming during the big drop and you refuse to delete it, despite his protests.
Turns collecting and trading pins with the cast members into a literal auction. Manages to get a bunch of rare and exclusive pins
Blushes furiously when taking pictures with any of the Disney princesses
Nearly passes out from exhaustion by the time you guys make it to your hotel. He’s never walked so much in his entire life
Kalim Al-Asim
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World’s biggest Disney Kid
You guys probably stay at one of the top resorts right by the park, so you get there right as it opens.
Offered to buy out the entire park but you vehemently opposed.
Loves Adventureland. The flying carpet ride is his favorite
You practically have to keep a tight leash on him or else he’ll run off without you
Very much spends money carelessly in the gift shop. He wants to get a souvenir for EVERYONE he knows and whatever you want he will get without hesitation
Buys several pairs of ears and depending on where you’re at in the park, he rotates them out to be able to wear each one.
Enjoys taking pictures with all the characters. His autograph book is basically filled by the end of the day
Gets you two basically VIP seats to the firework show at the end of the night. You have the perfect view
Vil Scheonheit
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Wears matching couple Disney shirts
Is overly prepared: sunblock, check. Water bottles, check. Snacks, check. Umbrella, check. Rain poncho, check. Anything else you could possible need, he has it in his bag
Takes the world’s best photos of Cinderella’s castle. How he managed to do that with so many people is a mystery. (He doesn’t post anything until after you leave to avoid fans)
The rides sometimes take photos of the guests during them. Every photo Vil looks flawless while they manage to catch you screaming or not paying attention. It’s infuriating
Honestly, Vil cares more about taking pictures with the characters than getting on any actual rides, but you do a nice mix of both.
People lowkey mistake him as a prince or someone as part of the cast that they can get an autograph from
Refuses to get on any water rides or rides on water as he’s worried it would ruin his hair and makeup
During the fireworks show, pulls you in close to kiss you in front of the castle. Props to one of the photographers who happens to catch that magical moment on camera
Idia Shroud
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Did not want to go at first. Only goes because Ortho really wants to. The three of you wear matching shirts
Hates the crowds. Like, a lot
Obsessed with Tomorrowland. You have to literally drag him to other parts of the park. Otherwise he’d stay there all day
Space Mountain is his favorite ride.
During Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor, he gets picked out in the audience during the skit, the spotlight shining on him. Nearly dies then and there
Buys a bunch of the munchkins surprise boxes and is trying to collect the entire set
Also the type to buy fast passes. Or he hacks into the system to code your cards to have infinite passes. Waiting in line? Never.
Secretly knows all the lyrics to most Disney movies. You catch him singing along during the parade
Though his social battery is damn near dead by the end of the night, he toughed it out because of how happy it made you and Ortho
Malleus Draconia
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It’s his first time at Disney too. You get him a first time visitor button from the guest services desk, which he is very giddy about
Lilia and the others tag along, but Lilia makes sure that Sebek isn’t breathing down Malleus’s neck so that he and you can actually enjoy the park
The Haunted Mansion was his favorite ride. He loves the dark ambiance of it. He makes you all ride it at least 3 times.
Mickey ears don’t fit quite right around his horns, but you make it work
Likely believes that the princesses are actual princesses of different neighboring kingdoms and you don’t have the heart to correct him
Also doesn’t really understand that the characters, like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are people in costumes
When you can’t see the parade well, he lifts you up with ease.
Is amazed by the fact that there’s ice cream shaped like Mickey Mouse
Gets you a reservation at Cinderella’s Royal Table. The dinner is like a fairy tale, with character appearances and fine dining. You guys have the perfect view from your table to watch the fireworks
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babiebom · 7 months
Where they fall in omegaverse Dynamics (stardew edition)
A/N: no i don’t know what’s wrong with me but now we all get to experience the inner workings of my mind :) enjoy OBVIOUSLY KIDS ARE NOT INCLUDED I was gonna do everyone but decided I didn’t know enough about a lot of the characters so only people I know :)this is hella old btw
Tw: sexual mentions, cursing, some insults to certain characters but like that’s not new here.
Genre: shitpost, headcanons
Alpha- top of the hierarchy. Dominant, and usually in charge. Hot heads and breeders.
Abigail- i think she would be an alpha that acts like a beta or omega. No one would actually know she’s an alpha until she loses her temper or goes off scent blockers or something.
Alex- typical dudebro and will be doing the breeding thank you. I feel like he would be a stereotypical alpha like this is a given.
Sebastian- DONT KILL ME PLS this is kinda biased because I know for a fact that I am literally Penny but an actual person and he is the one I am attracted to so naturally I want to put him here. I am probably delusional but I also think he could take charge so hmph.
Shane- can’t see him being bred bc i think he would be doing the breeding. When he takes control of his insecurities and stuff I think he could be super confident and leader like. Just needs to not be depressed.
Pierre- it’s his personality tbh. Like while I desperately do not want him to be in this category based on how much I dislike him, he would go into this category purely because of how he acts. He wants the most money, he’a the “man of the house” and provider, he has a temper he would just be an annoying alpha.
Kent- sexy hawt military man is obviously an alpha. There is no way he is being bred, there is no way he is going to be the homemaker, being an alpha is literally the only thing that makes sense for him.
Mr.Qi - he gives off alpha vibes, no omega or beta could be this confident and mysterious for absolutely no reason other than just being that way idk.
Evelyn - she gives off the vibes that when she and George were younger they were the “it’s fine/HE ASKED FOR NO PICKLES” couple. I think she could whoop somebody’s ass back in the day.
Robin- she is the woman with a business, she is providing, she is building, she is alpha no question about it.
Gunther- it’s the way he tips his hat idk. Also the way he’s just like “oh you don’t have any cool artifacts? Get out of my face then.” Maybe not that mean but like vibes.
Sandy- HAVE YOU SEEN HER? she is alpha, the would never be a beta or omega that is not her style at all sorry.
Marlon- man kills monsters for a living. Like no omega is going to waste time on that or even do that if I’m honest. Leave monster killing to the people who don’t have other things to do.
Pam- she gives off alpha that had their omega leave them vibes and that’s why she’s a crappy mother because it was not supposed to be her job.
Lance- literally a fighter/adventurer. The man protects and attacks he has to be an alpha, there is no way an omega can do this, and due to him being an active adventurer, and him being protective makes him more alpha than beta.
Olivia- an alpha mother that wants her beta son(spoiler) to be more like her. She active in getting money, or at least I think she has stocks. And she’s more ambitious than I think an omega or beta would be.
Andy-is this because he gives off asshole vibes? Mayhaps. He just seems like he’s an alpha whose family left him so he’s bitter at the world. A corpo slave to so where else would he go?
Suki- boss bitch that actually sneaks into the capital(or whatever it is) and steals and gets other people to give her contraband so she can sell it to bitches at a high price for her risking her life. Would never bow down to anyone.
Beta- in the middle simply because they are neither dominant nor submissive. They do not give off smells nor do they have heats or ruts. Basic people tbh.
Emily- she is just vibes. No amount of sex or heats or ruts or pheromones will bother her. She is above that and is too busy making clothes for birds.
Leah- I think she would literally just be middle ground because she gives off those vibes. Also because I think she could possibly end up with either an alpha or omega, it literally doesn’t matter to her.
Maru- she is literally just science. I am sorry but there is no time for breeding and going feral because of heats, she needs to make this robot and she needs to make it now.
Harvey- I also would’ve put him in Omega but since he is a doctor I feel like that means he is a beta. Like I don’t think alpha or omegas would be able to have this job since instincts and stuff are a major part in how they act. Betas would be able to ignore everything else and just work idk.
Clint- doesn’t give omega vibes but definitely is not an alpha. Like not to jump on the Clint hate train, but he gives off angry beta vibes that wishes he was an alpha. He doesn’t have confidence, and he seems like a loser tbh. He probably wishes he was an alpha to get Emily, or even any girl that he likes, but doesn’t realize that she and maybe even the rest don���t really care if he’s an alpha or not so he’s mad for nothing.
Morris- he is literally just a worker bee. No sex, no love, just working and getting to the top and having money. The man is only ruled by money, no amount of good smelling things and sexy prospects will entice him.
Willy- a man who just wants to fish. He also gives off alpha vibes, but I think he is too comfortable to be around and too chill and level headed to be an alpha. Love him.
Magnus- I think he just magically made himself a beta in order to not have any distractions. Was married once, it was a mistake, he impregnated a person that lives in Pelican Town (*cough* Caroline *cough*) and she went back to her husband so he doesn’t want any other distractions. It’s only time for magic and protecting the town.
Linus- cannot be an alpha or omega and be comfortable living alone in a tent. He is just a nature man and it would not make any sense for him to be anything but a beta.
Demetrius- like father like daughter, the only thing that matters is science he just somehow ended up with a hot wife. She is happy being a provider and he is happy doing his science.
Grandpa- I have no idea I refuse to put him under either because it’s either admitting he is fuckable and submissive or dominant and a fucker. Absolutely not.
Lewis- hate him he has baby balls with how he treats Marnie, yeah he’s a leader being mayor, but no true alpha would act like this. He’s an asshole that is making himself seem like an even bigger asshole in an attempt to seem like an alpha.
Victor- is only ambitious about things he cares about, which is similar to the others on this list. Doesn’t wish to really do anything with his life other than what he is passionate about, like bridges.
Susan- all she wants to do is be on her farm as far as I know. I would’ve put her in alpha but she doesn’t give off those vibes she just seems normal? Like she’s able to take charge but won’t if she doesn’t have to?
Omega - definition of submissive and breedable. At the bottom of the hierarchy and their main purpose is to breed and serve the alphas. Sadge.
PENNY- the literal definition of submissive and breedable. Like yes? This is her actual dream? She would love this.
Haley- has the personality of an Alpha but is not one. Just extremely bratty. The right person will make her submit naturally and not just because of her status.
Sam- sweet boy Sam is deffo an omega. Maybe not super submissive but I think that underneath the childishness he would be a good homemaker. Like I think that his relationship with his younger brother shows that he is on the more nurturing side rather than the I have to provide side.
Elliott- Elliott stans don’t hate me. But he gives off worshiper vibes and not the person being worshipped. Maybe it’s his love notes and letters but I think he would do good with an alpha he could serenade all day.
Caroline- I feel like only an omega could deal with Pierre. She always complains about him working all the time and how he behaves but she never does anything about it. Omega behavior.
Jodi- an omega that hates being an omega. She is in charge of child rearing, and is the homemaker but hates it. Wishes she could be a beta and wishes she could’ve waited to get married and have kids. She is so unhappy this is her biology.
George- Evelyn’s bitch. I’m sorry. But like we all know that George is Evelyn’s sub. Idc.
Marnie- the most obvious out of the villagers that isn’t a bachelorette. Like yearns for a family and marriage and romance. She wants it, she needs it, unfortunately attached herself to an asshole.
Gus- yes he is a business man, but all he cares about is feeding everyone and providing a place for them to Hang out. He is an omega that found his calling in serving people instead of having kids and we love him for it.
Sophia- this girl isn’t Alpha at all. Like bffr she’s depressed, shy, and quiet. And her hobby is cosplay. Girl is one hundred percent an omega. Even though she owns her parents company, I think she isn’t like business motivated, only is happy that it’s this company specifically and allows her to garden idk.
Claire- she is different from the others on this list. Because she is motivated, she wants to be an actress and does work and provide for herself. I think though if she met the right person that would provide while she chases her dreams she would like it. Even her hobbies seem soft to me (reading, ballet. )
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oriley42 · 1 month
long time reader, first time caller! i just read all of “adventures in polyamory” after watching approximately 3 episodes with amber in them, and it breaks my heart that you made me fall in love with her wilson-style (with reckless immediacy) while the way she’s depicted in the show is so…woman written in the 2000’s…so i’m here to shake a tin cup and ask for any amber headcanons you’d be willing to share
hello and welcome from KZ-HouseMD, the radio station for all your hatecrime-hits! ;) <3
loving Amber is so painful and so worth it; we will punch through the Noughties' misogyny together babes 🌈
headcanons and over-explanations ahoy!!
Amber's got a WASP-y background, and has spent her life both living up to and rejecting these standards. Unlike Wilson, who is delusionally attached to the idea of being Good and Normal but is unhappy living the reality, Amber recognizes that these concepts are absurd performances HOWEVER she logically recognizes that they come with benefits--and she wants those. "Love and respect" seemed impossible, because respect comes with being the best according to society's rules, and love couldn't survive that stifling environment. Now, she can hold on to the respect she craves: money enough to feel safe, wearing pearls and skirts to look proper and upper-middle-class femme, having a handsome-doctor-man-partner, an MD of her own + also still be herself, including un-ladylike cruelty, dishonesty, being part of House's chaotic evil orbit, sexual freedom, atheism, etc.
Amber has spent 110% of her life trying to get enough success to feel safe and stable and happy, so she hasn't developed interests and hobbies because who has time for that give me another coffee and another go at that medical text
Related: Amber hates everything about organized sports, but if she had the time and a friend (*cough* Thirteen) she could be one of those sapphics who gets incredibly obsessed with a women's soccer team or the WNBA
Also related: a sufficiently "productive" hobby I think she'd love is antiquing. Waking up at six AM to drive three hours and wait outside an estate sale and then barge in and make a grab for that antique bureau, fighting off old ladies and viciously snarling down the price--bloodsport for classy femmes!
Amber is a basic chocolate girlie. Caramel is a close follow-up. Vanilla is fine, and she'll pretend to like fancy amaretto or pistachio flavors etc but really she would prefer an Oreo. (Or two...) She will eat max veggies for Health tm and the spiciest food to prove she is Tough tm but really just wants a grilled cheese. A chicken nugget. A spaghetti. Food sensitivities + eating disorder, though she'll only barely cop to the latter, and will not be exploring the former thank you very much she's fine
Amber gets along well with older kids, where she can take on the role of Cool Babysitter, but I think she's secretly a little terrified of being left alone with the tiny incomprehensible, breakable ones, who don't follow the social contract yet and rely on her (!) for self preservation
Amber is naturally a night owl, but medical-land is all early bird, so she's mainly been sleep deprived for the last decade, since she refuses to have a 10 PM bedtime just because she has to get up at 5 AM to make her shift.
Amber's not that interested in fiction ("who has time for that in this reality?") but she ironically enjoys rom-coms for the absurdity, the laugh factor, and the easy comfort of a formula + unironically enjoys action movies because she likes seeing people get punched in the face repeatedly
Amber should take Taekwondo lessons so she can beat the ever-loving shit out of people for fun, and maybe she will after she realizes that the Lulu Lemons in her yoga classes are unbearable, and instead befriend some weirdos gathering at the local gym to spar (Wilson would think this is a great and very attractive idea, House would be annoyed+scared+horny because jesus now he has to wear an athletic cup full-time or she'll crush his nuts for target practice, won't she, c'mon Wilson it's not funny)
okay hitting the brakes here before this gets so long it demands a read-more! 😜 thanks for the ask <333
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altocat · 3 months
Sometimes I wonder what professions the trio + Zack and cloud would have if shinra or the wutai war didn't happen
(I was listening to army dreamers when I thought of the boys)
Let's pretend that Angeal, Genesis, and Sephiroth are all still born even without the existence of Shinra or SOLDIER lolol
Sephiroth: Assuming Hojo's toxic ass isn't a part of his life and he grows up in a healthy, loving, well-adjusted environment, he would have worked in all things Space! I'd like to think that there's still a (non-corrupt) space program available and Sephiroth and Cid become close colleagues. Sephiroth is among one of the first people to ever lift off the planet (Cid too of course), happily exploring the stars like he'd always wanted. Also he's still a clingy mama's boy and makes sure to drop in to visit Lucrecia every time he touches back down to Gaia ❤️
Angeal: Works as Banora's main onsite Botanist, exploring the region to study new interesting plant species. He also has a side gig as a freelance photographer and occasionally collaborates with Genesis for publicity shoots. He marries young and enjoys a happy, growing household of seven kids and three very large dogs.
Genesis: Took advantage of his apple juice gig and ended up becoming a world-famous entrepreneur! He is a coveted bachelor renowned for his good looks and charismatic spirit. He's responsible for putting Banora on the map as a go-to resource for various Banora White products, all Genesis-branded of course. He's also the godparent to ALL of Angeal's kids and occasionally moonlights as a slam poet on weekends. His poetry is...not that great. But he's adamant about publishing SOMETHING someday, even if he has to bribe his way into it.
Zack: Finds a humble and peaceful life as a local daycare worker, owing to his natural appeal with kids. He occasionally works as a camp counsellor as well during the summer. His life is free and easy. He doesn't need a lot of money to be happy, though he does occasionally like to travel for a bit of adventure from time to time.
Cloud: Stays in Nibelheim. I wanna say that it takes a long, LONG time for him to finally gain confidence in himself as an adult. He probably does some of your typical rural blue collar work, living at home for a while before eventually making enough to settle into his own place. He and Tifa end up getting married after Cloud becomes a bit more mature. A humble country boy through and through. But ultimately a happy, trauma-free life.
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sunnyy3d · 25 days
Hellooo I was wondering if we can get Nathan drake SFW and NSFW headcanons?
A/n: Thanks for the request! I'm sorry it took so long but I hope you enjoy it! Alo, this is my first time doing nsfw... (Requests Open!!!!)
☼☽⋆。°✧ SFW ✧⋆°。☾☼
He’s definitely a big cuddler. He’s always trying to keep you in bed in the morning.
He loves to give you hugs from behind. Whether on an adventure or just doing the dishes; he’ll walk up behind you, wrap his arms around your waist, rest his head on your shoulder, and just chit-chat.
He’s very protective. Let’s be honest, it can get pretty annoying at times, but you know he always means the best. When you get hurt, you never doubt that he’ll be by your side immediately.
He loves that you have a good relationship with Sam and Sully. He just loves all of you so much, so it means a lot that you guys get along.
He never misses the chance to tell you that he loves you. Every time you leave the room or hang up a phone call with him, he makes sure to tell you how much he loves you.
He’s just so in love with you. There isn’t a single thing about you that he doesn’t love. Sam and Sully are constantly catching him with a love-struck look on his face, and they make sure to make fun of him for it. Hell, they make fun of you too. They’re always making comments about how you have Nate wrapped around your finger. About how maybe you did some kind of magic and casted a spell on him.
As history nerds, the two of you love to randomly reference historical facts (”That’s more pathetic than King Phillip II of Spain’s fifth armada”).
One time, Nate went on a “top secret mission” that he refused to tell you the details of. Though you were initially against it, Nate begged you to trust him and eventually convinced you to let him go (it took a couple of different methods of persuasion). Turns out, he had gone on a risky mission— risky enough that you wouldn’t have agreed to him going— due to the large sum the award provided. With this money, he bought a custom engagement ring. It was the ring you always told him that you wanted if you guys ever became filthy rich. Not only did it have top-of-the-line metal, it had the most beautiful gems in it.
He’s a HUGE flirt. Even though you’re already together, he always makes sure to tell you how hot you look. You could be fighting mercenaries or even brushing your teeth and he’ll tell you that you’re gorgeous.
After an unsuccessful mission, he’ll always say something along the lines of, “It’s okay, I still have you and that’s all I’ll ever need.”
You guys met when he came to you regarding information on a certain treasure. You agreed to give him the information on one condition: you get to go find the treasure with him.
☼☽⋆。°✧ NSFW ✧⋆°。☾☼
He’s very jealous and that tends to translate into your sex life. After some guy tries to flirt with you, he’ll make sure to remind you why you don’t need anyone else.
He LOVES to eat you out. Part of it is that he just likes pussy. But most of it is that he loves to pleasure you. He doesn’t care if he gets off, as long as you do.
Once, when you guys were on a mission, the mercenaries had captured you. When Nate FINALLY got to you, you were tied up. He definitely waited a few minutes before letting you down so that he could stare at you. Everything about the way you looked with your hands tied above your head and how mean you were to the mercenaries turned him on. Ever since then, he has loved tying you up.
He’s tried roleplaying with you. One scenario was that he was a thief trying to seduce you into letting him take the Queen’s crowned jewels.
He likes to edge you. While he is all about your pleasure, he knows that you’re into it. It also gives him a sense of satisfaction, we all know how cocky he is. Occasionally, he’ll even add on overstimulation, going until you’re begging him to stop.
One time he had the terrible idea to try a lush on you. He made you wear it (you consented of course) on a very low-risk mission. While you were successful, it’s not something you would do again.
He’s often away, so he’s not opposed to sexting. He doesn’t care if it’s over text or on call, he’s down for it. He especially loves it when you send him unprompted nudes.
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positivelybeastly · 27 days
I would've loved to have known more about the other Xmen if I didn't feel like the worst group of friends towards beast.
Well, then, let me give you some recommendations for X-Men runs where Hank and various members of the X-Men are the best of friends!
X-Men: First Class, by Jeff Parker!
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Honestly, I always recommend this run to everyone who wants to start reading X-Men, but doesn't know where to go, especially if they're interested in going from the 'start.' So much more digestible than the 60s run, but still in continuity with it, it's a lot more slice-of-life and adventure of the week while still having a strong back bone of character work.
It isn't solely a Scott and Jean book, either, which a lot of more recent O5 books (All-New X-Men and X-Men: Blue especially) suffer from - Hank, Bobby, and Warren all get a decent amount of focus, and you see why this is a bond that persisted as long as it did.
Defenders/New Defenders, by J.M. DeMatteis and Peter B. Gillis!
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I don't know if this is the most underrated runs of comic books in all of Marvel's history, but it's got to be up there. Deep, fulfilling character work on Beast (you can really tell that he was a favourite of DeMatteis'), and some really top notch interactions between him, Bobby and Warren, as well as an awesome friend dynamic in the team!
80s Marvel really does just hit different, honestly - the idea that you could go into a grocery store in the 1980s, pick up a copy of this, Claremont's Uncanny X-Men, Nocenti's Daredevil, Simonson's Thor, and still have enough money for a soda and candy is just insane to me. Just, a fucking great time for comic books. But yeah! My single biggest recommendation for anyone who wants to read Beast. It's become easily one of my very favourite comics ever. I recommend starting at issue #94!
New X-Men, by Grant Morrison!
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Maybe not the first run you think of when you think about Hank being everyone's friend, but it really is present here - Hank is there for everyone, and, in a rare turn of events, they're actually there for him, too! His friendship with Emma is quietly understated, he and Jean are a brother and sister duo if ever there was one, and he's easily Scott's best friend here.
Wolverine and the X-Men, by Jason Aaron!
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A very fun book! A lot of event tie-ins, which can be annoying, but very zany, very off the wall, with some decent character work. Issue #8 especially has one of my favourite Beast fights in all of comics, and I love his friendships with Logan, Kitty, and Broo in this book. It's also a great place to get a taster for a lot of other X-characters - if you see someone here you like, you can glom on to them and follow them elsewhere!
Storm, by Greg Pak!
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I love Greg Pak's work, pretty much uniformly, and this is a very fun book that exquisitely articulates what's to love about Storm, as well as tackles a lot of different aspects and angles of the mutant metaphor. Lots of crossover with Wolverine and the X-Men, since they were releasing roughly contemporary with one another, but that's no bad thing, to be honest.
Amazing X-Men, by Jason Aaron!
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Hank's only in the first five issues here, but he's great fun, and this is a great gateway into a lot of 'classic' X-Men who appear here that you might find yourself going, 'hmmm, I wonder what their deal is,' and then you can go from there! Very classic book, very fun, I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Astonishing X-Men, by Matthew Rosenberg!
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Specifically, issues #13-17 of volume 4 (yes, comics books are fun, aren't they?) The X-Men are all rather caustic to one another here, and part of the joke is that they're all a little washed up (mostly Alex), but I honestly really like Hank's dynamic with everyone here, and you can tell Rosenberg has a lot of affection for the character. It's also another great gateway into other characters - I found this while doing my big Hank readthrough, thought my boyfriend would enjoy it, and now he's a die hard Havok fan. Amazing what just five issues can do, isn't it?
I do go on a bit about the ways in which the X-Men have failed Hank in various ways during his tenure, the ways in which they could have been there for him and weren't - but, despite what some writers might say, these people are usually Hank's friends. Maybe not his best friends, but there were, and are, good moments to be had here. It's best to try and embrace positivity where you can, friend. It's a better way to live.
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eemcintyre · 6 months
Playing the Part
TW- an instance of nonconsensual kissing.
Summary- After the events of Rodeo Drive, the vibes between Valerie and Terry are noticeably different. Finally, Terry arranges for the media to discover them when they soft-launch their relationship to the public at a cafe.
Apologies that it's taken this long to get the third part out and that's it's not super long, but I'm finally happy with it and hopefully over my writer's block for a bit! Don't know why I was so stuck on this one but a big thank you to @karatekels for giving the me the inspo I needed to slightly rework and finish it! I hope y'all enjoy 😄
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Several days had passed since the whirlwind day on Rodeo Drive, and on the following Wednesday, Valerie sat in the Dynatox office at her desk. Elbows propped atop the armrests of her chair, she clutched a steaming cup of tea to her chest, holding it more as a comfort and as something to do with her nervous hands than as a beverage, but remembering to take a sip every now and then.
It was safe to say that, if things already hadn’t felt odd and uncomfortable between her and Terry, they certainly were now. In addition to their regular duties at work, luckily a lot of the time when they had to be near each other was also consumed by preparations for their public debut that weekend.
Unfortunately, however, none of it was enough to prevent Valerie from inadvertently staring at Terry from across the office instead of at her computer. And, rather than glaring at him and his cigar smoke, her gaze curiously traced the curve of his ring-adorned fingers, as well as the faint outlines of muscle visible through his clothes; a sight that had been seared into her memory all too well after his damp, shirtless entrance at his home the other week.
Why didn’t God ever seem to give with both hands? How could such an egotistical, rude, depraved man have the nerve to be so good-looking?
While Valerie engaged in this mental battle of wills, pointedly scowling down into the murky depths of her tea, she didn’t notice Terry studying her just as intently from his own desk, his face partially hidden behind a folder. The hysterical irony of this moment was not lost on him; he could hardly contain his laughter at how the tables had turned within a matter of weeks, from him watching her obsessively, to her now doing the same, clearly trying to fight the urge but just as clearly losing.  
The next day, another afternoon at the Ennis House, was almost too much for Valerie to handle given the changed atmosphere between them. The purpose of this meeting was the carefully planned photoshoot, orchestrated to give the impression that they’d been dating for longer and spent many more occasions together than they really had. All afternoon they changed outfits while Terry’s staff reworked the amassed props and backdrops to mimic another building location or overseas locale. What an odd experience that had been, like they were models posing for an editorial shoot.
Valerie caught herself wondering throughout, as they held hands and beamed at each other and acted out scenes of parties, trips, and even just lounging together at the house, what it would actually be like to be in such a relationship, intermingling with that section of society.
On one hand, it seemed it would be full of whimsical adventure- she imagined the places around the world that she would see that she otherwise would probably never be able to; the celebrities, political figures, art collectors and other Silver-esque businessmen whose wealth made them influential that she would meet. And perhaps the most wonderful part of all- to never have to worry about money again; to be comfortable and unconcerned about whether she looked cheap or could make her rent; to have the freedom to treat herself to some of life’s finer things.
On the other hand, if Terry was any example to go off of, she wondered whether it would be worth sacrificing her humanity and sincerity. But, seeing as she would never know regardless, she soon stopped contemplating what was a nonexistent problem- in favor of devoting her attention to the very much existent one.
Despite the echoing roominess and impassive blocks of stone comprising every room in the Ennis House, with each moment of lingering eye contact or prolonged silence, all air seemed to leave the room and Valerie felt suffocated and sweaty. After a few too many times that she caught herself gazing at his mouth when he seemed not to be looking, she excused herself to the bathroom.
This would not do. She spent a chunk of time pacing before the mirror across the room’s red and black tiles, noting with an unsurprised chuckle that, of course, even his bathroom looked villainous and over-the-top. If she didn’t have the misfortune of knowing the man, she wouldn’t believe he was real. As Valerie paced, she whispered to her reflection in the mirror, lecturing herself. Even though she was rooms and hallways away from where she had left Terry, she had the weird feeling that he could hear and see everything that went on in that house.
“You didn’t move across the country, do all of this work, and take all of his bullshit just to become another of his one-night stands,” she hissed. “Sure, it’s not like this is something that happens to people every day and, all things considered, I think you’ve been handling things pretty well. Credit where credit is due. But try and act like you’ve been kissed before.” She paused in front of the mirror with a wilting look, gripping the black marble counter with both hands. “Sure, it was good, but it wasn’t that good.” She pointed firmly at herself in warning. “Remember who that mouth is attached to.”
When the morning dawned on the Saturday that was to be her and Terry’s official public debut, Valerie was struck for the first time with the feeling that she truly might not be able to handle the responsibilities she’d taken on in their ever-so-unconventional agreement. Dressing in another of the outfits she and Joan had picked out, Valerie tried to channel the grace, elegance, and poise of the attire as she stood in front of her mirror, shaking.
Struggling to fit her wallet and everything else she thought she might need into another of the new and unbearably small handbags, Valerie made a last check that her pearl earrings hadn’t fallen out along her frenzied way as Milos buzzed the apartment- the signal that it was time to be whisked away by the limo once more. Except, this time, instead of admiring the California scenery or feeling the least bit sophisticated and cool, she felt like she was being transported to her own public execution. At least she would leave behind a fashionable-looking corpse.
Over the entire drive to the café, Terry was listing off the facts of their fabricated backstory and coaching her on how to behave, but Valerie was too concentrated on trying not to throw up to retain much of it. Not only was the press always trying to dig up stories on Terry regardless, but he'd specifically arranged for reporters and paparazzi to witness the couple's upcoming appearance by utilizing one of his media contacts to drop a tip.
“Valerie!” he eventually snapped at her, succeeding in capturing her attention. “You can’t lose your nerve on me now. We’ve both put in too much work for you to go deer-in-the-headlights at the last minute.”
Valerie opened her mouth in a defensive but stammering reply; Terry could easily see past the thin layer of bluster. While part of him wanted to gloat about how she wasn’t so smart-mouthed now, huh? he knew he had to help her keep it together in this moment. The fun of breaking her down would come later and taste all the sweeter. He scooted closer to her, getting in her face, softening the volume of his voice but not the gravity of his tone or expression. She recoiled slightly, but not as much as she used to when they first interacted, he noted. Excellent.
“Listen to me. Fear does not exist. To get through this and give a truly believable performance, you’ve got to shut out everything but you and me. You’re the enchanting starlet, I’m your leading man, and we’re both method actors now, baby. If we really sell it, there’s no way any of them will know unless we tell them- which, of course, isn’t going to happen. We’re the ones in control here. They’re just a bunch of parasites looking for a good story. And, hell, are we going to give them one.”
Terry finished his pep talk with the cunning smirk that usually annoyed her, but in that moment, his persistent confidence reassured her.
The limo rolled to a stop soon after and the two of them were dropped at the curb- after that, everything became a blur until, suddenly, Valerie found herself sitting at a table on a café patio, hardly knowing how she or the drink and pastry on the table in front of her got there. Since scrutinizing their surroundings for reporters surprisingly didn’t do her anxiety any good, she attempted an alternate strategy, which was keeping her gaze glued to the foamy, white-beige surface of her London Fog. Terry, on the other hand, was surveying their view with calculated intentions, absentmindedly toying with the ring on his left pinky. He muttered a curse and something else inaudible, prompting Valerie to tear her gaze away from her tea and glance at him with her eyebrows furrowed.
Terry pointedly glanced to a spot across the street. By a streetlamp and a decorative bed of greenery, a woman lurked in the shade provided by the nearby shrubs. At first glance, she looked like any other pedestrian, in a chic but nondescript pantsuit and orange-red hair swept and pinned up out of her face. But closer inspection revealed her to be scribbling furiously on a notepad, head bobbing up and down from the notepad to the couple seated in front of the café. Then a camera lens glinted from behind the bushes, alerting Valerie to the fact that the woman was not alone- accompanied by not one, but two photographers.
“Who’s that?” Valerie hissed, and Terry’s hand shot forward to grip one of hers in a warning not to react so visibly.
“That’s Amanda Shotwell, the gossip queen of L.A. Mandy’s been trying to come up with some kind of big story on me for years,” he remarked with a patronizing chuckle, suggesting she hadn't yet succeeded and never would unless he wanted her to.
Of the few sure things in Los Angeles, one was that the sun would rise and set each day. Another was that Ms. Shotwell would be knee-deep in everyone’s business for every moment in between.
Over her years as the leading reporter on First Look News’ staff, she had built up a reputation so relentless that she was once quoted as saying “If I don’t get threatened with a restraining order, it means I just haven’t been investigating hard enough.” She often justified her invasive practices, from straddling the fences of private estates to placing hidden cameras, with claims that she was on a noble mission to expose vice and promote transparency- that the people deserved to know what the public figures around them were doing. But anyone with the slightest grip on reality could see that she was addicted to the drama and the power trip that she got from essentially terrorizing the city’s upper circles.
“So, smile, honey- it’s showtime.”
Terry’s grip on Valerie’s hand tightened, and it seemed to her to be simultaneously a warning to begin playing it up, as well as a gesture of grounding comfort. It was now or never to show them all- him, the press, her family and friends, and herself that she could do something intimidating and impulsive- and succeed.
Now that the moment was upon her and the anticipation was over, it was like a switch inside had flipped. Boldly meeting Terry’s expectant eyes, she smiled forcefully, taking a long sip of her previously untouched London Fog.
“Atta girl,” he murmured, lifting her hand to press a kiss to it without breaking their eye contact.
Valerie glanced demurely down at her lap, eyelashes fluttering, pretending to laugh softly through gritted teeth.
“So, what are we supposed to do?” she replied, stealing another glance in Ms. Shotwell’s direction- the scribbling had increased in ferocity and she seemed to be quietly barking orders at the photographers.
“Drink your tea,” he muttered, as if he were stating the obvious.
“Shotwell can’t possibly be her real last name,” Valerie remarked on the all too well-fitting surname for a reporter, eyebrows furrowed.
Terry tried to engage her in small talk that was meant to distract her and help their performance, but which Valerie found only further maddening. Soon she realized that his face was now inches away from her own. Fighting the urge to jump backward despite how every nerve in her body was screaming, “What are you doing?” she hissed.
“Come on, they’ll love it; they’ll go crazy.”
“I… hold on, um-” Valerie felt the panic returning as Terry began to close the remainder of the space between them.
“Just remember the way we practiced- relax, let it flow.”
She felt his other hand, the one not already intertwined with one of hers, firmly at the back of her neck as he pressed his mouth to hers. She heard the frenetic clicking of cameras getting what was sure to be the next day’s juicy, front-page shot of the Society section.
When Terry finally released her, after what felt like an eternity, she felt heat ascending across her face. Wrenching her hand from his as nondescriptly as possible, she hid her face behind her teacup and took another sip, head spinning.
When she finally managed to look back at Terry, she saw that he was trying desperately not to laugh, and her disorientation turned to seething. By then, Amanda and her photoshoot entourage had given up even trying to hide and were out in the open across the street in the effort to get better shots.
Valerie and Terry pretended to only just now notice their presence, laughing together in embarrassment that their intimate moment had been immortalized in film and that their relationship would now be revealed- as if the choice to sit right in front of a popular café on a busy morning wouldn’t have been enough of a guarantee of that result.
But one benefit of Valerie's anger was that it had pushed even the thought of nervousness temporarily to the wayside. She was almost overcome with the urge to slap him, but that simply wouldn’t do. Another course of action, one that would arguably be an even better revenge on him, would have to suffice.
As the forced laughter stretched on, Valerie calmly set her teacup down and dipped the tip of her finger into the foam surface.
“You try that again before I’m ready and I’ll break your fingers,” she whispered saccharinely, while, without breaking eye contact or saying a word, she reached across the table and smeared the finger covered with foam across the point of Terry’s nose.
She saw him arm move almost imperceptibly to snap up and grab her, before his better judgment reeled him in. His normally icy-pale face took on a distinct shade of angry red underneath an absolutely shit-eating grin as he wiped his nose with his napkin.
“I’d love to see you try,” he replied through a tightly clenched jaw.
Even though she briefly wondered whether she’d gone too far, Valerie’s adrenaline allowed her to hold her ground. She was tired of Terry pushing her around and acting like he was the only one with power in this arrangement. He needed her. Her eyes flitted briefly to Ms. Shotwell and her cameramen and back to Terry.
“It wouldn’t be a good look for you to be caught in an angry outburst at your defenseless little girlfriend,” she murmured, unable to suppress a smirk. “You can’t do a thing.”
“You’re a fucking brat,” he retorted, before taking a deep breath, shifting his jaw, and downing the remainder of his coffee. She grinned to herself as she noted the vein bulging in his forehead.
After about a half-hour of playful displays of affection, punctuated by snide exchanges under their breath, the couple settled their check and got up to leave. That was when Amanda and her goons, as well as a couple of paparazzi from other publications, made their move and approached the couple on the sidewalk as they headed down the street to where Milos and the car were waiting for them.
A member of Terry’s security entourage, who had joined Milos in the limo, jumped from the car in an effort to keep the various interlopers from getting too far into Terry and Valerie’s space, growling at them to “make a lane.” Terry had also stepped protectively in front of Valerie as she followed closely behind, white-knuckling his hand, the two of them temporarily putting aside the earlier confrontation.
“No comment,” he replied flatly as the reporters and camerapeople, particularly Amanda, peppered them with questions.
“You two were looking pretty cozy back there; we’ve never seen this side of you before,” Amanda tried to prompt some kind of response from Terry, walking backwards so she could face him as they moved, nearly tripping over her cameramen and shooting them warning looks. “C’mon, Silver- give us something to work with!”
“What’s your name?”
“How do you know Terry?”
“How long have you been going out?”
They asked Valerie, who stared silently ahead, apart from copying Terry with a coy “No comment,” thankful that her wide eyes were now hidden behind a pair of heavily tinted sunglasses.
“Come on, honey- give us a smile for the cameras!”
The immediate silence was blissful, yet jarring, as Terry and Valerie finally hopped into the limo and drove off, leaving the media utterly maddened with curiosity and frothing for answers.
“That’s how we do it, Milos!” Terry exclaimed triumphantly, patting his driver on the back as he slid into the seat behind him. “Always leave ‘em wanting more.”
Willing to put the tension of the morning behind them, Valerie was about to make a celebratory statement about how they’d pulled off their debut, but before she could get a word out, Terry said sternly “Don’t you ever pull a stunt like that again.”
“Like what? Humanize you a little? Don’t be ridiculous- they loved it. Being so serious and perfectly rehearsed in front of the public all the time isn’t doing you any favors. If you’re so concerned about your image, it wouldn’t hurt once in a while to show people that you have a softer side- even if you and I know it’s all just bullshit.”
While Terry knew that she had a bit of a point, he bristled at the notion of showing weakness like that for the world to see. Convincing his potential investors, shareholders, employees and other associates that he was loyal and levelheaded and not some unstable, corrupt sex addict by no means had to include him parading around like a lovesick fool.
“In my world, you can’t show weakness,” was what he verbally boiled his thoughts down to. Valerie’s brows furrowed and she tilted her head skeptically.
“Everyone has some kind of weakness.”
He didn’t appreciate her insinuation but decided to move on; the conversation was a waste of time. He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Look, I’m not going to debate the nature of humanity with you in the back of this limo.”
Remembering his ultimate goal, Terry relaxed his tensed posture and angry expression, taking a deep breath that, in the confines of the limo, was scented strongly with her perfume.
“They really loved it though, huh?” he grinned, tearing his gaze from out the front windshield of the vehicle and to her expectant face, which returned a hesitant smile. She figured that this was his subtle way of telling her that she did a good job without having to admit that she had been right.
“Without a doubt, we have their attention. Now, it’s just a matter of whether they really bought it and where they’re going to run with it.”
At his words, Valerie felt senses of both pride in her performance and fear of just where, exactly, the press was going to “run with it” prickle at her spine. She could probably expect curious and bewildered calls from her relatives and friends within the next couple of days if the media really cooked up an interesting story or gave it enough page space. But, for the time being, she just laughed in triumph along with Terry in the backseat of the limo, clasping his outstretched hand in a congratulatory gesture.
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prosciuttulipa · 5 months
- I Show love by physical affection. I like to receive love from act of service (princess treatment)
-I have a pretty bold character similar to Tam Kaur, not afraid to say what I want, what I don't like, but I'm pretty flustered with him and pretty Submissive to him :)
-Likes: Cuddles, working out at the gym, quality time, the beach, getting shown off.
Dislikes : Not getting affection, attention, s/o not acknowledging me.
-Gym, painting, watching movies
-Green flag: Takes care of me fully, protect, provide, defends me from others, shows me off, spends time with me regularly.
Red flag: Not putting effort to spend time with me, keeps our relationship a secret bc of wtv reasons, put someone else above me in their priority list.
Moodboard of your relationship
- I'm actually a brown girl irl with raven hair and a pear shaped body; flat chested with a pretty defined lower body.
-Female reader.
Congratulations! You have been matched with...
Yuuji Itadori
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Your relationship with Yuuji can be summed up by that one Will Smith meme, where he's happily showing off his wife. It's clear to anyone that Yuuji worships the ground you walk on, a puppy dog partner with fierce devotion and protection, come hell or high water.
He considers you his dream girl, and treats you as such. You like cuddling and going to the gym? Perfect! Those are two of his favourite physical activities. You're blunt and to the point? So is he, and he likes it that way—he doesn't like to play guessing games, and wants you to say outright what is working or not. You like spending time together and being shown off? Yuuji would love nothing more than to be given as many opportunities to gush about his amazing, stunning girlfriend. He definitely has you on his lock screen, talking people's ears off about how wonderful and beautiful you are, the latest painting you've made, the progress you've made in the gym, etc. He loves being able to take you out on spontaneous dates, turning daily activities into little adventures—even a trip to the convenience store can be fun, with enough willingness and imagination.
Even though he doesn't have a lot of money to his name, he does what he can with his two hands. As a result, he's often one for physical touch and/or acts of service. He's a big fan of skinship, so you bet he's always got a hand on you while in public, both as a way to show you off and keep you safe (he definitely follows the sidewalk rule). He'll also happily carry any bags you have, or help you with any odd jobs in your life. His most common form of love is picking up your favourite food and feeding it to you, just because he can. If he doesn't know how to do something, he's eager to learn, wanting to support you in any way he can.
Dates with him can really be anything—he's not a picky guy, and is just happy to be by your side—but if the weather is right, he'd love to take you to the beach. A day spent splashing in the waves, eating delicious snacks, and overall enjoying life with you? It's the least his queen deserves.
The Matchmaker's Gift:
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mars101 · 10 months
Act 5: -> Scene 2: Lee Juyeon
WRITTEN PART -> (0.8) -> no ss after text
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july 6th, 2002
guess who i saw while at the beach.. A REALLY CUTE BOY!!! hehe, this time, he was the one who approached me first.
normally i’m not one to follow cute guys on the first day but… he was too cute to pass up, he said he was going to sail to this little island of the coast of the beach and, i’m looking for adventure aren't i? so i went with him.
turns out he owns a boat, bought it with his own money after saving up. he said it's his life goal to sail everywhere, and he wants to write something dedicated to his travels. :)) SO DREAMY!!!
and such a romantic too, while the boat was steadily heading torwards the island he played a bit of music and we danced together. big sigh, ahhhh
with this cutie, sadly, it's obviously going to be a one-time thing. might as well make this worth our time ;)
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July 16th, One day before Yin's Wedding.
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After leaving Hyunjae with a jaw-dropping sentence, Yin decides to talk to the only other person available to talk on the boat.
“Hiya Yin! You enjoying yourself? Come here, I'll let you steer the boat”
“omg really!! when i was younger, i loved boats. i used to tag along with the local sailors with my friends”
Juyeon chuckles at Yin as she eagerly goes to grab a hold of the wheel. He softly showed her what to do with controls and when to turn as they start to circle the island.
“oh wait, can i ask you a question?”
“Hmm sure, what's your question, Yin?”
“how did you meet my mom? i just asked hyunjae and now i'm curious so i'll ask you and younghoon too. once he wakes up of course”
The male smiles warmly at Yin, “Let's see, I met your mother when I was nineteen, so around twenty years ago. I saw her on the beach and thought she was pretty, so I approached her, and the rest is history.”
“is that it? come on, juyeon, where are the details!”
“Details? I don't know if you want to hear about everything, though..”
“wait ewww, i don't mean including that”
“Including what??- Oh gosh, of course I wouldn't talk about that kind of stuff.. You're young enough to be my daughter, you know.”
yin freezes up a bit at his sentence but juyeon doesn't notice and continues talking.
“Okay, anyways, I'll start from the beginning for you. We were on the mainland and I was by the docks with this very boat, when I looked over at the beach I saw Y/n or uh- uhm sorry, your mother and I immediately found her attractive.”
“I did the most logical thing to me at the time and approached her. We talked for a bit, learned each others names and where we're from, and then I figured out that she's also traveling. And also later that day I was thinking about sailing to this very island and I decided to invite her”
“wait.. you brought my mom here?”
He nods, “Yes I did, I was surprised she said yes to coming to this island. I was also surprised at how brave I was when I asked her. In the past, I usually wasn't like that, but something about your mother just pulled me in.”
“awe.. it seemed like you really liked my mom..”
“Of course, maybe a little bit more than like though. I consider her as my first love.. I still have a picture of her in my wallet.” He takes his wallet out of his pocket and pulls out a polaroid of Y/n and him, the latter with his arm around her shoulders as she kisses him on the cheek.
Juyeon softly looks at Yin and brings his hand up to ruffle her hair. “Your mother was a wonderful person, I came here to see her again.. She's still as beautiful as ever. And it looks like she raised a daughter as wonderful as her.”
“do you.. still like my mom?”
“Oh no! Of course not.. I hope not.”
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july 10th, 2002
sigh.. it's time sadly.. :(
another day, another man to miss. my juyeon is going off to continue traveling. he did offer me a ride back to the mainland, but i decided to stay on the island a bit longer. after all, it's so beautiful here, and the people here were so nice.
remember the hotel and cafe that i wrote about here yesterday, turns out juyeon’s aunt owns it. she said that i could stay as long as i'd like. hehe, maybe i'll stay here forever.
shout out to yin, she's the nicest person i met here. free place to stay and free food, i dont know how to repay her though..
i'll figure it out eventually. for now, i got to say goodbye to juyeon..
dear travel diary, i am living my best life right now.
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synopsis = a day before her wedding day, Yin decides to find her father so he can walk her down the isle, the problem? There's three candidates: Lee Juyeon, Kim Younghoon, and Lee Hyunjae.
@boomhoon , @sanasour , @loonaluvz , @jaerisdiction , @cowsmicwu , @jundundun , @piripurora
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runningwithfangs · 7 months
Vampire Chronicles Book Review/Rant #2
The Vampire Lestat
I think we can all agree, what a turnaround! So completely different from IWTV. I’m not sure what I was expecting, probably something more like a Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edwards’ perspective) or a Slayer Chronicles (to the Vladimir Tod series) Turned out to be more of The Saga of Larten Crepsley (to the CIrque du Freak series)(I was raised by vampire books, apparently).
Anyway, what a ride! About halfway through I was feeling a little frustrated that we hadn’t gotten to when he met Louis yet, but I was also having so much fun reading about this Chaos BisexualTM. So much happens, so many dumb Lestat adventures, Nicki, Lestat’s turning, Gabrielle, Armand and his coven, Marius, Akasha and Enkil, Louis and Claudia, Rockstar music video films, vampires ablaze out of nowhere! 10/10 Romp, I had so much fun reading this.
Lestat is so many things, he’s cheery and determined to brighten the day of those he loves, he’s been beaten and abused by his own family, he hopes and dreams like any young person, yet also deeply fears the meaninglessness of life itself. I can for sure relate. 
I also enjoyed the way it was written, easy and lighthearted, even in darker parts Lestat describes things with humor to mask the pain.
I appreciate when Lestat takes the time to describe the wonders of the modern world, what stands out to him, what doesn’t. He’s blown away by film, excited by women in bare arms, that even poor people could eat meat. In later books he’s so excited by pens that can write forever. Super interesting to think about, and the though experiment of “what would a vampire think of world through the ages” is one of my favorite things about vampire media.
Lestat and Nicki’s relationship is so cute! Their drunken afternoons in “the conversation,” they take turns comforting each other from their familial demands and expectations. They go to Paris and live in a shitty apartment while they work their asses off in the theater trying to pay rent. It’s almost like a CBS sitcom, but like, in a good way. It’s so devastating to me that Vampire Nicki ended up like he did.
Gabrielle, my love! What a queer icon. She cuts her hair, wears men’s clothes, even Lestat gets in on it, trying to find her the manliest jewelry. I think about the freedom female vampires must experience in this series a lot. Gabrielle clearly hated being a mom and wife and living in a crumbling castle. And now she is finally free, freer than any of her wildest fantasies.
When Lestat asks her if she had become a vampire first, wouldn’t she also send money and gifts to the family and keep caring for them, and she’s just like, oh psssh yeah, of course 😂 
Armand/Lestat being worsties.
Marius spending eons hiding Those Who Must Be Kept only to pick up Lestat, go: I like ya kid, you got spunk, let me spill all the vampire secrets. Only for the Most Special BoyTM
When we FINALLY get the 3 whole paragraphs about Louis and Claudia at the end of the book, it’s not enough, but what is there is lovely. “Even in his crudest moments, Louis touched the tenderness in me” “But I loved him, plain and simple” UGH, Anne PLEASE. 
Least Favorites:
Why did Lestat slip his mom the tongue 😭
Not enough Louis 😡 (Little did I know there would only be crumbs of him from then on)
Vampire Nicki 😣 He hated Lestat in the end and then Armand cut his hands off! He deserved better. 
Nicki and Lestat getting drunk and making out at the tavern! Love that for them.
I am NOT counting Lestat/Gabrielle kisses.
If I missed something maybe y’all can let me know.
Nonsense Meter:
Medium nonsense, I think. Especially considering the books to come. 
Lestat flying and SCREAMING at the Theater. Lestat showing up to the catacombs to utterly destroy the cult with facts and logic and “New evil for a new era.” Lestat giving into the intrusive thoughts to kiss Akasha and play her the violin only to nearly get killed by Enkil, and OF COUSE, the whole Rockstar Lestat thing, with the music videos and the song lyrics and the Halloween concert. 
It was Marius’s fault for sending Lestat to go live a human life! Thank you/goddamn you.
I am confused by how at the start of the book Lestat is interested in rock, he goes to jam with Satan’s Night out and loves the attention that would come with being a rockstar, but it’s only after he reads IWTV and gets all upset about it that he decides he’s going to get Louis’s attention by becoming a world-famous rockstar. “I ached for him, ached for his romantic illusions [...] his physical presence.” But once Louis does find Lestat, not much happens.
I was so excited for the reunion once Louis find’s Lestat and his band chilling before the concert, would they fight?! Would they make out?! And it was. . .ok, Louis tries to warn Lestat, and they dance around their feelings, and that’s kind of it. Lestat doesn’t even ask about the book!
Then I was excited that Gabrielle (post-concert disaster rescue) got to meet her shit son’s ex-husband! Was she going to be disapproving (no one is good enough for her boy), furious about the release of IWTV, or maybe try to convince them to give up mortal world shenanigans and go climb waterfalls with her? Nope, we got nothing, just wondering if it was Marius setting all the fledglings on fire. Anne . . . I don’t get it.
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dreamdepot · 2 months
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Dreams of the Kingdom - Chapter 13: A Day Off
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You have a perfect quiet day for you and Link to be together, complete with a treasure hunt! What could go wrong?
AO3 Wattpad or below!
As a quick note, next week’s chapter will be coming out a little early due to a trip I have planned. Thank you as always for reading!
As you woke up, you couldn’t help but think how funny it is how things can change. Back when you and Link shared a bed for the first time, his heart was racing as you cuddled up next to him. To you, it had been the most restful night’s sleep in your life. Link meanwhile barely slept a wink, too afraid it was all a dream, and he’d never get the chance to be so close to you again. Fast forward to today, and you woke up with your boyfriend laying across your chest with a knee in your face. “At least he’s comfortable,” you murmured.
Since your dream of Koholint, new dreams had stopped for a few days, long enough to get some well-earned rest. Even better, the trip from Gerudo Desert was uneventful, save a couple small skirmishes. Today, you promised Link that the two of you would spend all day together before going to Goron City.
You got up from the comfortable bed at the Tarrey Town Inn. Kapson made it clear he wouldn’t accept your money and made sure to give you and Link the best room in the establishment. You were also thankful to see that Captain Hollo and his Korok engineers hadn’t managed to blow up Tarrey Town, though there was no sign of the little aviators anywhere. After a quick bath (thank the Goddesses for hot water), you came back to see Link watching you with a sleepy smile. “What’s got you in such a good mood?”
“Just enjoying the view,” he yawned, slowly sitting up. His hair was an absolute mess. You sat next to him, pulling out a comb.
“You’re not helping,” you laughed, as he kept leaning against you, messing his hair back up as you brushed it down. Finally, you got it to cooperate enough for you to tie his hair back with his favorite well-worn hair band. Link sighed in bliss. “You sure you aren’t part dog or something? Every time I play with your hair you turn into a puppy.”
“I mean, didn’t the Hero of Twilight do that?”
“Wolf, Link. He turned into a wolf.”
“Same difference,” he laughed. He turned to you, blushing a lot like he used to when you first started dating. “I just… It’s one of those things, y’know? Back before the Calamity, I dreamed of going on adventures with you and then, between when you had to do your Prince stuff, we’d hang out in the castle, and you’d do all the stuff royalty does for their knights in the fairy tales.”
You had to laugh a little, knowing how quickly Link flipped between innocent romantic and an innuendo machine. “So, what do royals do for their knights in fairy tales?”
“Stuff like, y’know, flowers, a handkerchief… a kiss?” He said.
You kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry I didn’t confess sooner.”
“It was both of us,” he said, squeezing your hand. “Even if we don’t have as much time as we’d like… I think it’s better now.”
“Well, I’m keeping my promise no matter what. Today is just you and me, and since we’re feeling nostalgic, I have an idea.”
“I’m listening.”
“I was thinking, since the quakes during the Upheaval opened up a lot of new places, maybe we could take a look inside the Citadel? You found my crown there after Misko hid it, so maybe he hid something else too?”
“That’s perfect!” Link said. “It’s just like the little adventures we always wanted to do as kids! I’ll get the horses!”
Even as the ruins crumbled, the Citadel was still an imposing sight, dominating the landscape of Akkala. It was designed originally as a garrison but was refitted to be the second safest place when the Calamity arrived. It was also intended to be your residence once Zelda took the throne, though remembering her diary, that seemed more like an “if” rather than “when”. As you and Link explored the outside of the crumbling fortress, you found two entrances. The first was, rather disappointingly, a Horriblin den. The other let you into the actual ruins of the stronghold.
The inside of the former garrison was not in great shape. Years of neglect left much of the wooden floor to rot. Cannons and cannonballs lay in rusting heaps in the corner, buried under rusty halberds and other unsalvageable weaponry.
“You okay?” Link asked, his hand on your shoulder.
“I’ll get over it,” you said. “Maybe some things of the old Hyrule are meant to die.” You ran your hand over the mildew-stained wall. “Still… part of me does wish we could have lived here like I wanted, all those years ago.”
“You wanted to live here? With me?”
You laughed. “I never told you? Wait, me having the Gorons redesign the sanctum to be filled with pictures of your predecessors wasn’t enough of a hint?”
“Hey!” Link grumbled. “To be fair, you didn’t know I was hitting on you every damn day back then!”
“Touché,” you snickered. “C’mon, I wanna see if the library is still intact.”
Much of the way was cut off, but soon enough you found your way through a collapsed wall into a small library with a mud-caked window. You knocked a bit off with your sword hilt. “Huh, did you know there’s a Gleeok out there?”
Link winced. “Maybe we should head out the way we came in then.” You nodded in agreement, turning to the books. Unfortunately, the few that were readable were torn and the ones that were intact were ruined by water. “Sorry, there’s no books to take back.”
“Not actually why we’re here. Don’t know if you remember this… think I only showed you once when you were half asleep,” you muttered, counting the collapsed bookshelves. You leaped over a collapsed one to the wall. You tapped the stone with your sword until you found part that sounded hollow. “Here we are.” You kicked a stone in with your foot then pressed another, and the wall swung open to reveal a small study.
“Secret room for you?”
“Yup, more just for when I needed to get away somewhere quiet. Shame none of the weapons are still good.” There were several royal weapons on the wall, but none of them escaped from the Upheaval’s effects. Instead, you were surprised to find a chest near your desk. “Son of a bitch.”
“Misko was called a ‘Great’ bandit for a reason,” Link said with a wry smile.
You reached down to open the chest, but a glowing hand met yours. You and Link both ran back out of the room as another Gloom Hand emerged from the room.
“What’s the point of a secret room if everyone gets into it,” you muttered, drawing your sword.
“Eh, at least we’ve got these guys down to an art,” Link said, firing a bomb arrow that took out all of the hands at once.
You cracked your neck and tightened your grip. “Okay Phantom Ganon, let’s go!” But this time, the gloom did not become a Phantom Ganon. Instead, the form was smaller, sleeker. The clone’s twisted eyes of searing gloom materialized from the malice as the rest of its features slowly formed. Its eyes glowed with a twisted pink-purple light. As it reformed, closer to your height than Ganondorf’s towering stature, the way that it held its Gloom Sword made your blood boil. “Really Ganondorf?!”
“Is that me?!”  
Before you could answer, the Gloom Link charged you. You dodged and tried to swing, your foot catching on a broken bookcase, giving it the chance to flurry rush you. You skidded back, wincing. “Man, it’s better than the others. Guess that’s what happens when it copies a better swordsman.”
“Now’s not the time to be flirting!” Link shouted, shielding you from another strike.
“I’m not flirting!” You shouted back, blocking another strike. “Though gotta say… what would it be like with two Links…”
“Not now [Y/n]!”
“Oh please, like you weren’t staring at my ass in the Sheikah armor all day,” you muttered under your breath.
How do you like my present, [Y/n]? I call it a Hollow… not my first time using it to play with past heroes.
“How about you just dry up already!” You roared, barely keeping the Hollow Link’s corrupted Master Sword copy from slicing your face.
Suddenly, the Hollow flung to the side as Link tackled it away. He winced as the Gloom stung his body. “Are you okay?”
“I should be asking you! But thanks, he had me on the ropes. He fights just like you, just much more aggressive.” You pulled a jar out of your pack, handing it to Link. “Drink it, it’s some Sundelion-infused soup, should help with the gloom.”
“Thanks,” he said, chugging the soup in seconds. “Alright, so plan?”
“Working on it, the only time I ever beat you was in the nightmare, remember?”
Link studied his doppelganger’s movements, parrying as it swung after him before switching targets back to you.  
As it attacked, you noticed something shift in its eyes, something more malicious. Before you could react, it disarmed you. Before you could hear your sword clatter to the ground, it grabbed you by the throat. You struggled as the gloom burned at your neck, feeling a foreboding sense of deja vu. The familiar face of Link was so twisted by the Hollow, a malicious grin spreading across its face as it pressed its sword against your side, just enough to draw blood.
It’s time you learn your place, boy.
The Hollow froze as you both looked down to see a nasty Lynel Horn sword pierced through its chest. “It’s not a perfect copy,” you heard Link growl. “I don’t play dirty and torture my enemies.” He twisted the sword and the monster’s eyes extinguished, the gloom disappearing.
You fell forward into Link’s arms. “[Y/n], are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you said hoarsely. You gave him a half grin. “Thanks for saving the prince, brave knight.”
“You know I’ll always be there for you,” He then frowned. “Hey, do you have more of that soup? You have a pretty bad Gloom burn.”
“No, I’m out.” You coughed. You looked at your reflection in a puddle, seeing the burn on your neck starting to fester, with dark lines starting to spiderweb out.
“We should get you outside.”
“Not yet, we’re right here. Let’s see what Misko’s been hiding.”
Back in your now ruined secret room, you cracked a stone chest open, tension building as you forced the lid open. “Is that…?”
Link stared. “Definitely not what I was expecting. How’d Misko get his hands on this?”
Sitting in the chest was a neatly folded set of pale clothes and silver armor, engraved with celestial symbols. On top of the pile was a mask in war paint and a terrible grimace that bore an unsettling resemblance to your boyfriend. “The Fierce Deity armor… this was supposed to be locked deep in the Royal Vault.”
You were a bit surprised that the mask was just like any other mask, wooden with painted details. Holding it in your hands, it felt like a toy. Closing your eyes, you focused, trying to feel its supposed hidden power, yet there was nothing. “I’m not sure if I should be happy or disappointed. Having some extra firepower against Ganondorf would be nice.”
“Can I?”
“Sure.” You handed the mask to Link, who flinched. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, think you just shocked me or something.”
“Oh oops, sorry.” You coughed into your arm, a much deeper, wheezing cough.
“C’mon, let’s get you outside, you’re not looking so good.” Link propped you up on his shoulder, sliding the spoils of your expedition into his pack.
Neither of you noticed how the mask’s hair seemed to brighten a bit.
Back at the Tarrey Town Inn, Link forced you into bed. You protested, “I don’t feel sick, just exhausted. I don’t have any energy.” Of course, right as you finished that, you let out a hacking cough.
Link merely tied a handkerchief into a makeshift face mask for you. “Regardless, you should rest.”
“But what about everything we need to do? We’ve gotta get going to Goron City tomorrow. And what about our special day?” You tried to sit up, but Link easily pushed you back down into the bed.
“No, you’re not going to do anyone any good if you’re too tired to even lift your sword. We’ll rest here for a day or two.” Before you could protest any more, Link tucked you into bed under a comfy quilt. You tried to say something, but Link cut you off. “I don’t care if you’re the prince; you’re staying here, and I’m taking care of you.”
You may have been the better cook of the two of you, but Link was by far the better doctor. Sure, you knew battlefield remedies but anyone – Teba especially – would say that you were better for emergency healing, not long-term care. It wasn’t your fault; keeping people alive in an emergency was more important than comfort.
Link, on the other hand, was firm but always thinking steps ahead. After making sure the bed was comfortable as possible and that the light wasn��t too bright for you, he brought you a book from the inn’s small library before disappearing. He was hardly gone for more than fifteen minutes before returning. He set down a tray with warm porridge made with Sundelions and tea with your favorite blend of calming herbs and honey candy for your throat. He gently wiped the sweat from your forehead before placing a compress of White Chu Jelly.
“Maybe I should have told my father I needed you as my personal doctor all those years ago instead,” you said, trying not to cough.
“I’ve only gotten good because the two of us keep beating ourselves up,” Link said. You opened your mouth, but he cut you off. “I know what you’re going to say, and me doing dangerous reckless things is different.”
“I swear if you say it’s because you’re my knight, I will kick your ass.”
“I was going to say because I’m your boyfriend and I say so. And also, because I’m definitely the one who’s better at getting out of dangerous stuff.”
“Dick,” you laughed. “But seriously, thank you. For everything.”
Link softly let his fingers run through your hair. “You should sleep, my prince.”
You had to admit, your eyelids were feeling heavy. “But…”
“I can get you another book if you’d like.”
“It’s not that Link. It’s the dreams.”
Link frowned. “But I thought they stopped for now? Or is this about the ones with Ganondorf again?”
“Yes… those. Kinda. It’s complicated.” You groaned. “It’s said that Hylians have long ears to hear the whispers of the Goddesses, to hear their guidance. Ganondorf also said that he wasn’t the only one trying to mess with my head. I think there’s something bigger than we think going on.”
Link pursed his lips. “I’m not sure I like where this is going.”
“We know that my dreams are leading us to pieces of the Triforce. We also know that my other dreams are about someone in Ganondorf’s past, and that Ganondorf himself seems to enjoy popping in my head now and then. That last bit is obviously him messing with me, but what about the other parts? Who wants us to find the Triforce and who wants me to see this guy in the past?” You took a deep breath. “That’s not all either. You know how you’re the current Hero and that you’re sort of a reincarnation of the previous heroes?”
“That part is debatable depending on who you ask, but yeah?”
“I think that this guy, the former Dragon Priest, is a past life of mine.”
Link was silent for a moment, until a weak laugh squeaked out. “Of course, why not. I’m dating the demon king’s ex.”
“If anyone else told me, I’d say they were crazy. But,” he sighed. “[Y/n], I trust you. I’m not sure what it means, but hopefully it’s something good.”
You snorted. “I don’t see how.”
“Think of it this way, is Ganondorf – Mr. All-Powerful Demon King, a man we know holds grudges for millennia – the type to reminisce and pine over someone?”
You started to speak, but cut yourself off, then frowned. “I’m not sure. Tauro said that he might have been killed by King Rauru, but there’s no proof. And… based off of the last dream, it seems like Ganondorf may have been abusive. Then again, maybe he snapped and went into a rage over a lost lover.”
“I don’t think that’s the case. Remember under the castle, Ganondorf acted as though you were his property, not his long-lost love.”
You thought back to your nightmares before all of this even started and what Ganondorf said. “You’re right… he said, he ‘hasn’t forgotten my treachery.’ That’s definitely not something he’d say if he was in love.”
“Exactly, and even if Ganondorf is completely head over heels for the past version of you, why would he want to show the relationship in its rough spots to you?”
“Then,” you said, your voice dropping. “If it’s not Ganondorf showing me, who is?”
“I’m not sure,” Link said, “but there’s one way to find out – if you have more dreams.”
“Link, I-”
“I know. I’m sorry, but I’m serious. This might be the way we find out how to beat him. If someone is sending you these dreams, it’s for a reason. We need to find out the rest.” He scooted his chair closer. “I promise, I’ll be here the whole time.”
“You’re gonna watch me sleep?”
Link flushed. “Not like that! I mean, if you have a nightmare, I’ll wake you up!”
“I know, I know,” you laughed, squeezing his hand. “Thank you, Link.”
“No matter what I’ll always be with you.” He kissed your hand and drew the curtains. You took a deep breath and shut your eyes.
You found yourself at Ganondorf’s side, trying to look small and demure as he addressed King Rauru. Unlike usual, you dressed in a more fitting apparel than your rather revealing servant robes. You chose to wear your Frostbite Armor, as it appeared more formal, almost regal. It didn’t hurt that it invoked wisdom, and you certainly needed as much as you could get today.
As was proper for a servant, you kept your head bowed and knelt lower than Ganondorf as he addressed the king. You winced, hearing Ganondorf’s words of supposed fealty, yet there was a noticeable malice underneath. As he continued his plea, your eyes wandered up, and then your heart stopped.
It was Zelda.
For a fleeting moment it felt like you had control over this body and stared in shock at your sister. She was so close but so far, standing there next to Rauru’s throne. It hurt to see her pretending to be the quiet princess again, like she had to when you were young, but something was different. You knew the fire hidden in her eyes; it meant she was planning something big… but what? If only you could get a moment with her alone. Even if this was a dream, if there was even the slightest chance of getting a message to her…
“Forgive my servant,” Ganondorf growled, grabbing your head and pushing it down into a full kowtow to King Rauru. “He must be captivated by your daughter’s beauty.”
“Oh no, Zelda is my family, but not my daughter. A distant relative you could say.” You managed to catch a glimpse of the Zonai King looking at you. Despite his guarded expression towards Ganondorf, his gaze seemed kinder towards you.
The court session lasted for a few more agonizing minutes before you were all allowed to leave. Once outside, Ganondorf turned to you. “What was that? Letting your eyes wander to that wench?”
A fire rose in your chest, but thankfully your dream self was in control. “Did you not notice, my lord?”
“Notice what?”
“Something more than her secret stone. She carries a deep power within her.”
Ganondorf snorted, but you could tell he was intrigued. “Go.”
You bowed deeply, though your dream self was a bit bitter at his words – or rather word. You turned and left down the hall. As your traveling party would be staying the night at the castle, you were to be sent to stay in a different wing while Ganondorf would be in the guest rooms. The ancient castle was, of course, smaller than the future Hyrule Castle, but still quite roomy. Soon you came to a fork in the hallways. While the other servants went down the right hallway, you snuck down the left.
You passed some soldiers who paid you no mind as you wandered deeper and deeper, until you came to a small courtyard. Another guarded doorway stood on the other end. “Halt,” the soldiers ordered. “No outsiders are permitted in this part of the castle.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, with fake meekness. “I just was looking for-”
You felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned to look up into the eyes of King Rauru. The king looked at you with a kind, soft gaze. “Pardon me, but are you perhaps lost?”
“Ah, yes your majesty,” you said with a deep bow. “I am afraid I was not paying attention and seem to have lost my way back to Lord Ganondorf. I am terribly sorry for troubling you.”
“Do not worry, please follow me – I’m sure we can find him.” He signaled to the guards, who let the two of you into the hallway.
For a moment, the two of you walked in silence. You returned to the “good servant” act with your gaze at the floor. However, once you were sure you were alone, you spoke. “I have concerns, Rauru.”
“I would be worried if you didn’t, my friend.”
“Ganondorf is clearly posturing to be close to you. I fear he seeks the power of the secret stones.”
“Then all is as we expected.” Rauru stroked his chin. “Has he made any plans yet?”
“No, only observing. I fear he may attack you, Sonia, or Mineru… or perhaps that new young lady. Ganondorf was right, she really does look like she could be Sonia’s daughter.”
“Ah, you mean Zelda. Quite the interesting story there, though I fear I do not have time to tell you today… unless-”
You held up your hand. “Rauru, I can’t come back now. There is more than a credible threat against the kingdom. My pride as a Dragon Priest and a servant of Hyrule would never allow me to leave now.”
Rauru stopped you and placed his hands on your shoulders. “Your life isn’t worth this.”
“My life doesn’t matter if it means keeping the people of Hyrule safe from him.” You paused, clutching your chest. “And… perhaps…”
Rauru kept his gaze fixed on you, but it was now bitter. “I’m sorry, but… you know he won’t change.”
“No. No, I suppose he won’t.” You took a deep, shuddering breath. “I was never more than a tool for him. I did volunteer for this to get my answers… I didn’t realize how much the truth would sting.”
“Come,” Rauru said, leading you to a door. Inside was a small study that reminded you of your sister’s old laboratory. Part of it opened out to a view of a beautiful lake. Rauru gestured to a soft chair, while a servant construct served you a cup of warm tea. “My friend, it may not have meant to be, but I know you’ll find the right person when the time comes.”
You laughed weakly. “Not in this lifetime.”
The conversation drifted a bit before Rauru said, “Before you go, you should know, Mineru has nearly finished your request. Sonia has also done as you asked – though I must say it’s quite an unusual project.”
 “That’s a relief, and unusual as it is, I feel that we cannot be overprepared. Whatever we do, even if he does get his hands on a secret stone, he must never know about… that. I would sooner kill him or myself before that happens.”
“My friend, the darkness never expects danger from the shadows.” The king laughed hollowly. “Are you sure there is nothing I can do to convince you to come back?”
“I’m sorry, but I must finish my task.” You looked towards Zelda as she walked along the lakeshore. “To give Hyrule a future.”
“Then all I can do is wish you the best and hope you come home safe to us soon.” His third eye opened and focused on you with a calm but piercing stare. You could feel the gaze as if he was not looking at you in the dream, but you as Prince [Y/n], watching the dream from afar…
You nearly bolted out of bed. “Whoa, take it easy!” Link said, catching you.
“He’s working for Rauru! He’s a spy!”
“Slow down,” Link said, guiding you back. “Also, we have guests…”
“What? Who?” Your eyes shot across the room as you pulled the sheets up to your shoulders.
Link laughed. “Calm down, just some old friends. They have something important for us. Should I let them in?”
You quickly ran your hand through your hair to try and hide any signs of bed-head. “Sure, but-”
“It’s about Zelda.”
That changed everything. “Yeah, go ahead.”
Link disappeared around the corner for a moment, and you heard the inn room door creak open. He spoke in a hushed voice, urging them to let you rest. Instead, he received a scoff, and the visitors made their way around the corner.
“Ah I’m so glad to have found you.” Impa said, shuffling towards your bedside with Cado and Purah in tow. Ever loyal, Cado stood guard at the door. Link offered Impa a chair, but she waved him off. Link sat on the edge of the bed next to you. “Prince [Y/n], you seem to be recuperating.”
“Not quickly enough,” you muttered, leading to her smacking your hand. “Ow, what the hell?”
“Don’t use that tone with me, young man!”
“We’re literally the same age.”
Impa gave you a conniving grin. “I know, I just wanted to say that to you once.”
You let out a bark of a laugh. “You sure decided to relax for once now that you’re retired. I seem to remember someone harping on me for sneaking out of the castle.”
“At least until you paid her off with treats from the bakery,” Purah added.
“Everyone knows sweets keep you young,” Impa said.
Purah smirked, motioning to herself. “Beg to differ.”
“What brings you all here?” You asked, hoping to avert a sibling squabble. “I know you wouldn’t come to visit just because I got a little sick.”
Impa nodded. “Unfortunately yes, there’s another reason I’m here. I’m sure you’re aware of the massive geoglyphs that have appeared across Hyrule since the Upheaval?”
“They’re hard to miss,” Link muttered. “How did they show up anyway?”
“That’s what Cado and I have been investigating, but that led us to an unexpected place. Prince [Y/n], I’m sure you’re more familiar than anyone with the Forgotten Temple near Tabantha?”
How could you forget. “Oh hey, I’ve been wanting to explore down there, it’s been so long since I’ve been to the bottom of Tanagar Canyon.”
Link winced. “Please don’t joke about when you technically died.”
“Oh Link, you have to laugh at death when you get to our age,” Impa said.
“I’m the same age as both of you!”
“He’s no fun,” Impa sighed. “Anyway, the ancient temple there was a former stronghold of Hyrule under King Rauru, though it was ordered to be sealed after his death. What we found was… intriguing. An entire map of Hyrule with the geoglyphs marked on it, all twelve of them. What does that tell you?”
You thought for a moment. “The geoglyphs were there before, or they were planned to be hidden there by someone. Someone wants us to find all of these messages from the past.”
“So, we did,” Impa continued. “Cado and I traveled across the kingdom and were able to investigate almost all of them. Each of them had a pool of water that seemed unaffected by wind or heat.”
Purah referred to her notebook. “I tested the water sample every way I could, and it seems to be some kind of mystic salt water. That does track with our hypothesis… legends say that tears from a dragon never dry and can grant you forbidden knowledge should you drink from them.”
You deadpanned. “You didn’t.”
“Oh please! Give me a little credit!”
Impa smacked Purah’s arm. “Back to the point here, these tears… I can see something within them. They appear to be some visions of the past. It’s difficult to make out the images, especially with my eyes these days.”
“It’d be better if you just wore glasses,” Purah muttered. “Anyway, I was able to create a high-powered magnifying scope to help focus it and we were able to figure out the images, and you won’t believe what we saw.”
“Zelda,” you and Link said together.
“It was Zel-,” Purah frowned. “You two are no fun. How and why?”
You felt your body tense up, but Link rubbed your back. “You should tell them.”
With a sigh, you started to explain your dreams.
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dominickeating-source · 3 months
Starlog Issue 330 (2005)
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His Enterprise may be fading, but the memories linger on for Dominic Keating.
"I'm not that surprised that we've made it to Season Four". Star Trek: Enterprise co star Dominic Keating says of his struggling TV series. "I'm pleased, very pleased indeed. You can never be quite sure at what level decisions, crazy decisions, get made, but to not do the season that gives them a syndication package didn't make sense to me. To have come this far and spent this much money and not bring us back would have been a fairly crazy executive decision. I had been worried, but that's what I started thinking toward the 11th hour. So when it finally came out that they were bringing us back, I thought. Of course, why wouldn't they? I'm more frightened about Enterprise not being picked up next year , for a fifth season, to be honest".
Keating's concern is far from unfounded. However, Season Three was good stuff: energetic and full of action, adventure and strong storytelling, the Xindi story arc transformed the show, the new mission upped the urgency level, the awed-rookie-crew-in-space concept was jettisoned and all of the characters were called upon to dirty their hands. Captain Archer (Scott Bakula)., for example, grew a backbone, and Keating's security officer, Malcolm Reed, evolved into a major action hero: tougher and less stuffy than ever, and butting heads not only with enemies, but also his personal on-board nemesis, MACO leader Major Hayes (Steven Culp).
Despite all that, viewers still stayed away, and thus the Enterprise deathwatch commenced. And, unfortunately, it continues right now, for if fans tuned out the new-and-improved Enterprise last year, there are huge question marks as to whether or not matters or ratings will take enough of an upswing for the better this season.
"My answer to [ Enterprise's rating problems] is that since they have moved us to Friday, which ordinarily would be the death knell for most shows, I think our audience will show up", says Keating as he sits in his Enterprise trailer during a production break. "I believe our fan base would tune in on any night, but if they show up on Friday, we'll be OK. If we get the same numbers we got last year, but for a Friday night, the network will be pleased".
UPN will have a first-run show on a Friday night and they'll enjoy 4's and 5's in the ratings, with the likes of Lexus and Ford advertising on it, because we get a good 18-to-50, largely male, intelligent and moneyed demographic. Surely, they would be happy with that, but you never know. And then with the question mark sits over Paramount. Given that they aren't being helped as much as they were in past seasons, will they be prepared to go into some sort of deficit financing to secure the show's future on a Friday night, on UPN, for half the price? That really depends on what this year's budget ends up being.
Putting business aside and leaving the future to the future, there's the current season to consider. It kicked off with the two part [Storm Front], which resolved the third season cliffhanger involving the Nazis, the aliens dressed as Nazis and Archer's apparent demise. [Home] found the crew back on Earth and dealing with the ramifications of their recent exploits, dilemmas and decisions. And the three-episode arc of [Borderland], [Cold Station 12] and [The Augments] heralded the return of Brent Spiner to the Star Trek party, as the former Next Generation star played Arik Soong, an eccentric distant relative of Data creator Dr. Soong.
"Manny Coto is the new guy, the new show runner", Keating says. "He's an old-school Star Trek guy. He grew up with the first series and embraces it. I think that when he gets into his stride, there will be many historic references to our true timeline and place in Star Trek lore. That might bring back some of the testy viewers who got upset about the show breaking away from the timeline. So far as Malcolm, I'm making the Life of Riley look like purgatory at the moment. This season, I've had the easiest schedule I could imagine. I've worked maybe three days tops on each show. I've been a glorified and extremely well-paid background member for the most part, which is nice, because I've been a bit sick. I've had chronic bronchitis, so it's just as well. I had one big barroom fight scene, which was very tough day, and another day, in smoke, which was also difficult. But apart from that, I've been fortunate enough to be able to chill out, rest and take it easy".
"I believe I'm the only cast member who hasn't called a meeting with the producers this year. Let them get on with it. They know what they're doing. I feel like I've carved out my niche in the crew of Star Trek: Enterprise , and when they see fit to write me what they write me, great. In the meantime, I'm enjoying what I'm doing. The checks clear, and I don't feel like I have anything to prove. So, there you go. They know what I can do and if they want me to do it, they'll write it. Plus, I've been around for some of the good stuff. I didn't have very much to do with Brent during his shows, but we chatted quite often. He's a lovely guy. I used to see him in Malibu all the time, because I go out surfing there. So next time I see him in the market, he's going to have to have a conversation with me".
Looking back at last season, Keating was convincingly woven into the fabric of the Xindi arc and featured in other episodes as well. Reed, Archer and Hoshi (Linda Park) mutated into primal creatures in the ambitious but rather unpopular [Extinction], while Reed, Archer and Hayes joined forces for a recon mission aimed at figuring out what the Xindi-Sloths were up to in [The Shipment]. In [Harbinger], the simmering tension between Hayes and Reed manifested itself in a knock-down, drag-out brawl.
Then, in [Countdown], Reed watched helplessly as the mortally wounded Hayes whom he had come to respect died of his injuries. And in the season finale, [Zero Hour], Reed partnered with Archer, Hoshi and the Arboreals and Primates to disable the Xindi weapon.
"The MACO-Hayes-Malcolm storyline was pretty good", Keating comments. "I think they did a lot with it. The MACOs got us in loads of trouble. Last season was great fun and I really enjoyed it all the action, and particularly that frisson with Major Hayes. [Harbinger] was a great episode. I looked at that as an actor and thought, 'You know what? That was some good, grown-up acting there'. I felt I had matured as a performer, if I can say that without sounding too wanky".
Upon the conclusion of Season Three and while he awaited word of Enterprise's destiny Keating kept as busy as Reed. "It was very hectic time", he says. "I got engaged to my girl friend, Jilana Stewart, who is an aspiring actress. I think it's going to happen for her. She recently auditioned for the Soong three-some, to play one of the Augments, but they went with someone older. That's not to say the girl they went with is old, but she older than Jil, and I would say physically more strapping. But they liked Jil".
"[Director] David Livingston came up to me on the set and said, 'Thanks for putting Jil up for that. She was a very interesting choice'. And what else did I do during the off-season? We traveled. We went back to England. I visited Ireland to see my father's family. My Dad passed away when I was young, and I did a pilgrimage back to where he grew up, on Valencia Island, off the Kerry coast. My uncle and aunt are still alive, and it was an amazing trip. I also attended some conventions, including one in London. And I visited my other uncle, my mother's brother, in Belgium. The we went to Paris and Rome".
Now, he's back on Enterprise, concerned about its fate, but nevertheless hopeful. "We're doing everything we can to put out the best show possible", Dominic Keating says. The rest of it is out of our hands. As they say, To be continued...
Source: www.dominickeating.com
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toguidethewildthings · 4 months
Chapter 4 - Rangers of the Immune
(M-ish rating)
Summery - Altered by Vault Tec to withstand the radiation, Carrion walks the aftermath plagued with a guilted sense of servitude since she can withstand what they can not. The Ghoul has found her again and needs another favor. Their dance of crossing paths sparks another adventure. But… after what happened last time….
Drink Me. Drain Me
A/N — So, this first section is kinda like the first chapter where I wrote it as the running imagery of a song. It’s not as well placed as the first chapter… but it’s there. So… if you liked it the first time and wanna follow it again, the song is “Little Girl Gone” by Chinchilla. Let me know if you do and how these last two attempts have gone, the descriptions I have to write kinda lag against the song and is the hardest part of the translating which is why descriptions kinda get skimmed over. If this isn’t working, please let me know. It works in my head. lol.
This is also a bit of a sexier chapter. Bout time, right?
Enjoy :)
Drink Me. Drain Me.
Years have passed since the dropping off the bombs. Not too many, but long enough for settlements to spring up as houses are built alongside their businesses that are built around taverns where booze is sold regularly and the paths between establishments have been well etched from travelers and traders. It was a time where there were still Rangers and they were well known, but enough time where damage had been caused and a day or so would go between messages on the pipboy.
Midcountry, Carrion had traveled this way with a few others like her, but tonight was on her own, sitting at the end of the bar much like how she stood at the edge of her jurisdiction. Her team was simple and small. Rayze, Carrion and Splice. Two of three of whom are women, which those two of three had quickly realized they were still seen as a target to a different breed of aggressive human. Sex still sells though, and it was the oldest business in existence..
The three had split up. The plan was to stock up before they went back to New England, but money was low which is how she had chosen this bar in bum-fuck nowhere to casually wait out and find a victim.
And a victim she did find. Across the hall, a face had appeared that had dragged out out painful memories and a distorted anger as he was the cause of all of her current hells that plagued her as she walked the rest of her life through this wasteland. None other than Cooper Howard has taken a seat alone at a table, drinking his own misery away. She knows that outfit anywhere.
It’s funny how a wig and some make up and a small change of characteristics can alter the entirety of how a person is remembered. She's not dressed as a Ranger.. nor a maintenance worker. She’s dressed more like a resident just looking for a good time in this hell.
(Song start) She approached, he let her sit. She bought him a drink. He bought her one. Neither used their real names. They laughed, much flirting back-and-forth, him, completely engrossed in the personality and the prospect of sex that he completely ignored the fact that the feeling of attraction was not so much of lust, but of the ringing of familiarity of someone he once knew.
She stands up first, grabbing his hand, and leading him out. She told him of how she liked it rough and he was quick in his way to push her up against the wall as they both began to kiss in the darkness between buildings. The bodies grow hotter, the touches deeper, and before he knew it, drunk off alcohol and lust, he’s lured back to her house, pushing the door open and stepping her through the threshold with hardly a resonance of its location. She helps him take off his jacket between whispers and fleeting kisses, but when she tries to take off his hat, his hand pushes down quickly and he shakes his head no.
“The hat stays on,” he smirks, quick to pick up and push away any argument, kissing her again over her neck and jaw as hes slipping his hands around her waist. Shed more than happy to shrug it off, not that it really mattered to her in the end. She quickly takes a hold of the sensation and brings them into the bedroom where she unbuckled and unfastened his pants as he slid the dress straps from her shoulders. Where she was undressing, he’d only unbuttoned shirt as much as he’d allow, correcting her with a sharp correction to the face he'd pick up with his mouth and teeth, again showing his still persistent intentions but that he had rules she'd have to follow. With a deep drag of his fingers over her back and a sharp bite just over her breast, he left her standing in her bra and panties posed between his legs as he lowered himself on the edge of the bed, sliding his fingers down her thighs.
He was far more aggressive than she remembered. The wasteland had turned him into something more calloused and less of the casual and weak worded cowboy actor that could hardly throw a punch outside of a photo shoot. She wanted his hand around her throat, and he obliged, skillfully. She wanted his nails into her back, and he obliged again, roughly, but when she finally pulled away instead of following his pull to his cock as he sat with his pants strewn on the floor, she took a step back and smiled.
“I have something for this,” a wicked smile played on her teeth bruised lips as she started to her closet. “Something rough I think you’re really going to enjoy.”
Her hand lowers to the door handle, Cooper smiles a dark and toothy smile as he takes her body in, his chest heaving with the heavy beat of his heart and pulse in his groin.. And the ecstasy that runs through his veins and in the air… well they both shared that.
She turned the handle of the closet door and then with one movement, she curves over, touching her toes as a large German shepherd dog leaps from the closet, catapulting off her back and straight into Cooper Howards throat.
Two other dogs much the same weight and size skirted around her feet from within the closet, leaping into the air and latching onto the man’s arms. she smiles as he cries out, falling back onto the bed, body shaking with the rough head swinging of the dogs. She gives a chuckle and turns to see her hounds destroy the foolish, foolish man who had only thought with his cock.
But what happens next just as she's pulling on her pants is unexpected. Cooper was supposed to be in pain and well… dying… But one arm is thrust into the air, bringing the dog across his body and off and into the wall with incredible strength. He does the same with his other one, grabbing the scruff and ripping the dog across his body into the wall as well. With two hands now free, he takes the mouth of the shepherd around his throat, breaking the jaw open by its neck, and throwing the dog back with a painful scream as it landed heavily on the floor by her feet.
Cooper Howard stands slowly to his feet, his hat has been knocked off, exposing the baldness and radiated texture of his scalp. His shirt is opened, showing the radiated rippled skin on his chest. He was a Ghoul, very early set, but still a ghoul and his wounds were already healing as he rose, staring at her with a murderous anger.
Everything that would happen next would happen through a flurry of instinct and fight to survive. She stimpacks the broken jaw of her dog as Cooper regains his health, and rushes to the door, alerting them and shoving them out with a command before his hand smashes against the door, slamming shut, and she turns to see him inches from her face.
He takes her by the neck and slams her into the wall and attempts to slam her again, but she’ll take her arm and snap his elbow, forcing him to release her for only the moment she needs to duck underneath him and get to the dresser where she throws open one of the drawers and pulls out a vile of light green liquid.
She’s going to buy her time before she can do anything with it; wait until she can land the perfect hit.. The vial is locked in her hand but he’s at her side unexpectedly fast, his hand around hers, the vial broken into the table top with a slam, sending the glass deep into her flesh and liquid onto her nails.
Now she comes out with the strength of a winner with a slash across his collar where an instantaneous burning erupts across him. He backs off, shoving her violently away as he addresses what is going on. He’s a ghoul, and not much affects him…. So when he feels the pain seeping into his skin and radiating like fire through his veins, he’s confused as he watches the skin around the slash marks turn black.
“What is this?” Cooper demands an answer from her.
“What's what?” she asks, inching her way towards the bed where she kept another one of the vials, but now he was too much in on the threat and would continue relentlessly now that he knew that she had a weakness against him. The struggle would continue but slowly by slowly, he would overpower her as her human exhaustion failed against his ghoul endurance.
He’d smash her back into the dresser taking the rotating mirror and breaking it over her head, sending glass into her scalp. They both grab a shard, she slices for the neck but hits his face, the remnants of the liquid on her hand dripping into the wound. He grabs her arm and slams his piece through her hand and into the wooden top. He cuts her face equally with a swipe before falling back willingly when she sends her foot into his knee, breaking it backwards in what should’ve been a disabling kick.
But now, with distance and a pause between them, she watches him stand tall. With a twitch of his leg he resets his knee, her face dropping further when the wound on his face stops bleeding and he chuckles a dark murderous laugh as he cleans away the blood with a single wipe of his hand. The is wound present, the edges rippling black as the surrounding skin begins to tatter. The poison is in him, but he’s still healing.
She now accepted that she was to fall to his beating, but she had a final card in her sleeve. She knew he was always weak for her as Caroline, so when he came down on her again and she started calling for him to stop, she used a voice that would break into his memory. She’d tell him that she was done, and that he had won and for some reason or another beyond his own understanding, he slowed to a stop against all reasoning. Her face was pressed against the dresser top, glass obviously cutting her cheek. He has a hand around her throat, choking her, but when she cries her surrender, his fingers waver in their grip.
“I’m done,” she says, now irritable as she pushed him away and stumbled off to the side a few steps, wiping the glass from her face, wincing as a few specks dragged over her skin. “God dammit, man..”
He was confused, as a fight like this had never just ended in this manner. Why was she frustrated at him…? And why did he almost feel bad for the amount of blood that dripped from her body?
“God, dammit.” She stumbled away looking at the glass shard through her hand that she hadn’t the time to remove. “I knew I should’ve stopped after what you did to my dogs. I knew there wasn’t any point…. I can’t keep fucking doing this.”
She grabbed his hat and threw that at him angrily. “Fuck you.”
“Fuck you!” He snapped back, unsure of what else to say, but still picking his hat up.
“You lied to me by omission. You didn’t tell me you were a fucking ghoul.”
“Oh, fuck you.” He began to button up the torn shirt. “You brought me here to kill me, you stupid bitch.”
“Yeah, but I made it to level playing field by not getting you too intoxicated so that you couldn’t fight.”
“Like that makes it any better?”
“More fair. But you fucking cheated with not being able to be hurt at all.”
He looks down at his ashy and black dripping chest. It wasn’t blood, but something thicker. He tried to say something else, but she was quick to shut him down.
“Just do whatever you want. Rape me, rob me, kill me…. probably in that order, just do what the fuck ever man… I’m done here,” she reached into the drawer of the hip height table by the door and pulled out a bunch of dog treats to thrust at him.
“Give them to my dogs to pacify them. All your shit is fucking out there; your guns, your jacket, all that bullshit. Just do what the hell you’re gonna do.. but…” her expression wavered as she turned to look at him, “just please don’t hurt my dogs. They’re innocent. They’ll let you by. They were just doing what I asked them to do.”
Before he has anything else to say, she’s turned around and walked away, slamming the door to the bathroom behind her. He stood awkwardly, somehow feeling guilty, even though he was the one intended to be murdered.
He left the bedroom to meet the snarling bloodied mouths of the dogs that attacked him moments ago. Passing the treats, she was right, it pacified them and he was allowed to walk through the kitchen and livingroom before grabbing the jacket and slipping through the sleeves. He shouldered his bag, wrapping his rifle over his back, and lastly holstered his pistol. But just before grabbing the door handle, he turned around when he heard the scratching of nails against the bedroom door. It was her dogs wanting to be with her.
He sighed dipping his head down, he talked to himself, telling himself how this woman had just tried to kill him.. His mind wanders off and he groans before he punches the door and turns around, walking across the house once again and sliding open the bedroom door for the dogs to trot in, tails wagging but ears nervous, completely moved past their attempt to kill just minutes ago..
The bedroom was a mess. Flipped and broken furniture, broken glass scattered everywhere… blood. Everything looked like a murder scene that got out of control but it wasn’t just that, because the moment he opened the bedroom door, the dogs went straight to the bathroom door where he heard her cry out in pain.
He had to talk himself out of this house. Just, walk man. He tells himself. Turn and walk away right now. Why did he feel guilty? He kept asking himself this over and over as he stood in the threshold. What was it about this woman and what she attempted to do that had him forgiving her so quickly and brought him trailing back through her home about to now open the bathroom door to check in on her. He’s angry in his confusion, just about as furious as he was minutes ago. He takes the pistol out of the holster as he stomps across the bedroom, kicking the bathroom door open and brandishing the weapon before pressing the muzzle against the back of the woman’s head, the image of himself in the mirror, her eyes looking at him in the reflection.
Her wig is off, her natural hair black and spikey and shaved on both sides. Her make up has been cleared off, familiar tattoos sit on display. It’s a foggy memory, but he pushes through none the less as with a shove of the pistol, he cocks the gun as their eyes hold.
“I have been to war. Real war and the war of the hell we live in now. I have been attacked countless times in my life and I have never given a damn in the world about how I left a person who tried to end me. I have left the dead on the ground without even a glance back… So…” He pushes the muzzle into her bleeding skull again, “I want you to tell me right here, right now, why the fuck I feel guilty about beating the shit out of you?”
She waits for him to see her. Maybe if he looked long enough at her reflection he’d see who she used to be.. But no… the pistol pushes again and she looks away shaking her head.
“It’s because you remember me, Cooper.”
She turned around in the chair to face him, and indeed there she was in full memory and form.
It was her.
“Okay, Lucy,” Carrion says for the group to hear as she pulls a feral over by its chain, the taser stick in the other hand occasionally zapping it haphazardly a few times as she moved into the open space a few yards from the circle where everyone was sitting.
“Remember how I said you weren't a threat? Well.. we're going to work on that.”
The first week had come to an end rather early at Carrions request, and this was the reason why.
The forest would break away tomorrow and they would be walking on scarce land as they passed through the first of a few weathered roads that wrapped the first mountain pass.. A dead land that was far more volatile with little protection from the many more threats. With little space between the lifted mountain wall and the steep drop into the ravine, Carrion knew the chances of anything living being on these roads were high.
The feral raced a few steps towards Carrion who would jab it roughly in the stomach, sending the feral back with an angry hiss. The others winced.
“This is a good game. A game Rambler and I have played many times to hone our agility skills. If you can dodge and disarm an attacking Feral, you can dodge.. well.. just about anything.. Get up.”
Lucy looked around nervously, lastly at Ghoul whose throat emmited a rumble of sorts as his head tilted, edging her over toward Carrion.
“Okey-dokey.” She pushed a chuckle nervously. Pulling out her pistol and walking over.
“You get three shots from your gun. Not including the first to grab its attention. No head shots. We're not killing it, just disabling it. You got a knife or something..?”
Lucy stood like a deer in prebomb headlights, slowly shaking her head no. Carrion turned to Ghoul with an expression that passed blame to him. He shook his head in disagreement.
“Not my responsibility.” He grumbled.
“Taped to the inside of either arm is a short stick. Your goal, is to take both the sticks. I'm not taking the muzzle off, nor the leash.” She explains to Lucy as she tugs on the chain, “so.. don't worry about that. Hands though, obviously.”
The feral noticed Lucy's approach and zoned in on the approaching meal, staggering forward ahead of Carrion.
“Shoot it when you're ready and I’ll release the binds. When you have both sticks, just say so.”
Lucy imagined the times Ghoul and Carrion would play this horrible “game” because she was not having any fun at all. She had never a good encounter with these things, and she was guessing this would be much the same She raised her gun though and took a deep breath, then another to steady.
“Remember, This is more of a movement and quick thinking exercise. Land your shots to disable, move to appropriate the situation. You can't just expect everything to run straight at you and then die.”
She nodded and no sooner than that, pulled the trigger.
While Carrion assured she'd not unchain the creature, she never said she wouldn't let it go. With a pull of the rope around its wrists, the feral was free and ran straight at what shot it, encouraged by a jolt to the spine and the release of its leash. Arms waved erratically, feet picking up pace quickly.
The terror would keep Lucys feet stiff to the spot and had her firing three shots straight into it, the bullets doing little more than twitch its racing body. The two collided and Lucy cried out as the Feral grabbed and pulled her into the muzzle.
Quickly, the taser landed, disabling the creature, bringing it weak enough for Carrion to yank it off Lucy and back a few feet. Lucy, breath huffing and hand on her chest, sat up and looked around.
“So.. What I told you about.. moving… You didn't do that…” Carrion sighed, sharing a glance with The Ghoul, who passed one back shaking his head. Max looked almost embarrassed, his scribe, entertained.
Lucy slowly improved. Her feet swipped to the left. Then the right. Her hands started grabbing and twisting that of the Ferals as she learned to use momentum. She learned how close it came before the proper time to dodge. She learned where to shoot it in the leg to slow it down the most. But in the end, when she was done, tired and covered in dirt, she had only grabbed one stick once. Carrion quit the exercise without a word and lead the feral away wordlessly.
“Why don’t you show me how it’s done,” Lucy snapped, which caught Carrion off guard, tazing the following Feral out of the way as she turned around to look at her.
“Excuse me?”
“You said you and Ghoul used to do this. Well.. I wanna see.”
Carrion would look at Ghoul, dismissing the challenge if he wasn’t going to carry the chain. There’s a moment of waiting before Lucy takes a heavy step forward.
Rambler was up, a saunter to his step, he grins at the familiar activity as Carrion rolls her eyes as she passes over the leash.
“Don’t get in your head.” She discourages him, but it’s too late.
But Rambler is more ghoul these days than she gave him credit for, and far more cruel than she remembered.
He didn’t wait for a mark. He waited until she had walked far enough away where the feral would pick up pace enough to cause damage. Wordlessly, while her back is still turned and attention elsewhere, he unbolts the muzzle fully and releases the chain with no warning, adding with it the adjoining bolt from the taser which sent the feral after its capture like it owned a vendetta.
She heard the commotion but was not ready for the scene. The snapping mouth leads as arms swing ferociously. Its hungry body screams as it slammes into Carrion, but she was fast and ready for that. One hand on one arm, one hand on its shoulder, she shoves it past her using its own momentum to pass by as well as study herself. She grabs the leash, and yanks backwards, the unsteady creature falling on its rear. It flips and twists to stand. But Carrions foot is already breaking out an arm. With her other hand, she yanks the stick from the able arm when it reaches towards her.
That’s one.
And she's too busy to feel the fear that pulses through her veins. She's running off her natural fight responses now, hardly passing a thought as the threat before her is very real and gnashing.
But she had ventured to close in her grab, and the stick was attached quite securely, so the mere seconds she had to pull away, she had lost in the struggle. Broken arm or not, it’s legs bend like a rabbits, and the feral is springs forward, colliding fiercely with her, sending Carrion back with the feral ontop of her.
Rambler approaches wordlessly, taser stick twisting in his fingers, ready to intervene. Callously though, he only watches as she struggles to hold its neck and chest from right over her face. The snapping was a disgusting sound of clashing teeth and bubbled saliva that dripped onto her face. The screaming and grunting was overwhelming. Slowly, her arms are failing, and the thrusting mouth drops closer and closer.
At the last moment she raises her leg, places her knee on its gut and uses the only bit of strength she has to flip the creature over. She releases her grasp, lashing out a punch to its face as it flips; an act of final resort. But this fails too as the creatures bad arm releases her in the headover flip, but the good arm drags her with it; the ferals face twisting with the flip, its teeth snapping, falling into a tight hold on the punching arm. Now on her stomach she’s face to face and the feral drops her arm from its mouth before instantly lunging at her face with a final scream.
The tazer lands on the back of the ferals neck, slamming its head on the ground, inches from her face, close enough to feel the wave of the creature's breath on hers.
She grabs the stick, never forgetting the goal and then retreats, falling over herself as she crawls backwards, fearful and in a panic. Too casually, the Goul pulls up on the leash before pulling the snapping feral away, forcing back on the muzzle once it’s gathered.
But Lucy didn’t see that, or the unemotional shrug he gives before walking back to the steak in the ground. She was watching Carrion, who sat where she had fallen, sticks in her balled hand, a slight shaking to her limbs, every part of her expression indicating that she was terrified and hurting in more ways than one.
The vengeance that Lucy had predicted at the start of this journey would come to fruition that next night. The incident with the feral was a stroke to the fire that never had burned out, but now raged behind the eyes of the ranger.
That late afternoon after the Ghoul walked back to his spot without so much as a glance in Carrions direction, she left the group, sectioning herself a visible distance away but clearly giving no one an invite for company. Ghoul mentioned nothing, and acted as if nothing had happened.
Through their travels that next day, what Lucy mistook as a simmer of silence, had actually been a growing boil of emotion as Carrion, sitting for hours in the saddle of her horse, rode in her steaming thoughts as she watched everyone in front of her. She did not forage or participate in any circle or conversation, she just sat and watched. One she did not watch that day was Ghoul. No, She glared at him with a radiating anger. The heat felt and obvious, but ignored outright by him who walked on, lashes burning into his back. Lucy could feel the heat as well and assumed by the cautiousness of Max and O’Conner, they did as well. They all felt her tension in their own way though never addressed it, and it wasn’t until that night when Lucy and Max wandered off to finally have time just between them was where they’d be interrupted by the echo of arguing which brought them racing back.
Carrion and Ghoul were both on their feet, both aggressive with mele drawn instead of bullets.
“This is what I’m talking about with you.” She yelled at him. “You just.. you just don’t give a fuck about anyone but yourself and worse, you don't care about what damage you cause.”
“Says the exquisite dinner, bitch.”
“You know how to forage just as well as I do! You’re just a lazy piece of shit.”
“Ah yes, because you've always been a productive member of everything you've put yourself in. Never an absolute burden I've had to drag.”
“I may have…”
“I actually have quite a headache from your pedantic bantner. Lend a puff?”
He reaches for her jacket where the inner pocket held her chems. She smacks his hand away, the back of the knife dragging across the top of his hand as fury fills her as he insinuates her vice and greatest weakness vocally.
“No wonder your wife left you, you washed up fuck. I wonder if you can pay alimony with caps,”
The crack of his hand across her face echoed the empty space and after a rustle of hands grabbing each other, Ghouls knife slices her arm deeply. He grabs her and pulls her close and smiles,
“So you know…. I didn’t abandon you that day, darlin. You just.. fell behind.”
Carrion flared her fingers and whipped her nails through his face.
Unexpectedly for the rest of the group, he cried out in immediate anguish, his hands releasing her as well as the knife that landed onto the soft ground as his pain echoed the night. His steps stumbled back, nearly tripping. They watch his hands clasp his face while his back and knees bend over front himself. It was obviously a devastating move, but the others had yet to realize why.
The Ghoul turns as close to feral as the fiery agony and truth of the situation drives him to become. He runs at her before he stands tall against her, faster than what they gathered was his normal. His hands find their way around her jacket before her body is lifted from her feet. At the slight indication of her hand rising again she’s released, her arm grabbed and all four fingers mercilessly broken backwards before her elbow is snapped for good measure before his return to the scruff of the jacket. He’s moving too fast for her to keep up and before she can register, her knee is broken and she’s falling. Nuka, brave but foolish, lunges, but is caught mid air by the throat and slammed onto the forest floor.
Carrion took the opportunity to attempt to crawl away but Ghoul, or Rambler, or Cooper is nowhere to be found in this body and there would be no mercy here. He grabs her by the hair and yanks her body into a backwards bend as he falls into her spine with his knees that takes away all the breath from Carrions lungs.
“Lucy, no!”
Ghoul has already fired his shot. Well placed and landing in front of Lucy’s feet, Max grabs her around the waist and yanks her back.
“Where is it?” He screams at Carrion as the blood pours from his face, something he shows her up close as he continues to bend her backwards, placing the hot muzzle against her temple. She grins and spits upward, hitting him in the face.
His response is animalistic as he slams her face into the dirt before pulling out a large bowie knife. Grabbing her again by the hair hes ripping her back into the agonizing bend.
“Last chance.”
She struggles to get free and with that as her answer, he takes the knife and slices open Carrions throat in a slow, deep drag.
“Dead for dead, bitch.” He hisses in her ear as he sprays her blood before releasing her, pushing off her to stand.
He looks at Lucy again. Begging her to intervene, but they all just stare at his
face which now in the fire light they can see the horrific rotting damage. The cuts have become holes, skin flaps freely, his molars exposed.
“Where is it?!” He kicks Carrion, dragging his spurs over her before targeting everything she owns as she struggles to pull herself up on all fours.. Hes ripping apart her bags inside of bags as he continues to yell at her while she crawls away on one arm, blood spilling from her throat, eyes wide, mouth hanging limply open. Every breath is a forced, clouding wheeze.
“Give me the fucking antidote!”
The feral Ghoul looks at Maximus whose finger wavers towards Carrion, whose laying facedown in a quickly growing puddle of blood. With a heavy wheeze that wracks her body, shes holding up in her bloody hand a small vial, the firelight reflecting on its light blue hew. He stomps over to her, landing his boot on her hand that he plows into the ground. His other leg straddles her and he lands heavily on her back.
“How do I use it?” A cruel question because she can’t answer. And he drops more weight onto her suffocating body. “Do I just…”
Her thumb weakly wavered upwards and he was off her. Uncapping the bottle as he takes a few steps away. He drenches the slash marks on both outside and inside of his face. The shred gashes in his cheek failing to hold in the liquid, though washing the blackening edges which brought them to start to close.
As the pain subsides his mind returns from the hell of his feral self. He feels his breathing burning in his chest. Quick, heavy breaths of madness with a heartbeat of madness to match. He studies himself, straightening up, cracking his jaw, settling his heart. He only thinks about himself and where he is and about his wounds before Carrions death rattle comes from over his shoulder.
He slowly turns, remembering his attack. His approach now is calmer though no less direct and decided. Now far less feral but no less aggressive, he grabs her and flips her dead weighted limpness onto her back before landing back down over her, straddling her again. This time he drops no weight onto her but slowly lowers himself onto his knees instead. He grits his teeth and growled his voice in a low and dangerous tone as he lowered himself to her face,
“Look at me,” he waits. Watching her fight the death that rolls her eyes and bubbles blood from her mouth as she chokes.
“I told you….” He clasps his fingers around her jaw and cheeks, tilting her head so the buildup of blood steams from her mouth, “I will play your pain games, little girl.. because I have learned to love them too. But when it comes to who dies first? Well, I will take myself out willingly just to ensure I see your last breath.”
They stare at each other before Ghoul makes his move. Slowly, he lowers his mouth to her jaw, allowing her a moment to feel each breath he takes before pulling his tongue across her, lapping up her fresh blood in a single run to her chin. Her breathing escapes as a deepened gasp as her eyes widen and her fingers try to grasp what her arms don’t have the strength to reach.
A hiss is heard over the sound of everything else and after a second and final taste of his punishment, he raises upwards, exposing to the others the stimpack that juts from her neck. He’d watch the bleeding from her throat slow to nothing before the wound itself starts to heal.
Licking the last of her blood from his lips, he watches her knowing that she’s watching the hunger in his eyes grow. His mind says drink more of her, driving him until he forces himself away as he suddenly stands with a start. He takes a deep steadying breath before grabbing the back of her jacket and jumpsuit collar, and roughly begins dragging her limp body back to the group.
He’d just as roughly drop her next to the fire as he took his seat against a tree. Sickeningly casual, he started to rummage through his bag, pulling out a blood bag, a tube and a needle he had wrapped tightly in a towel. He glances at the surrounding group who watches him, and then at Carrion before he arranges the IV. In his passover of her, he notes her blackened eyes and ashen skin, her lips are a pale blue, eyes faded, listless and unfocused. Each breath was painful, forced, and with a violent, audible wheeze. She doesn’t move outside of the occasional twitch from various limbs, her mouth twitches like a fish Could she answer if he spoke to her? Perhaps he had done too much…
“Come here.”
He grabs her collar and yanks her body up between his legs, adjusting himself as well as her until her neck rolled her head, landing her forehead against the edge of his face and jaw. He cut open the notch in her sleeve and less than delicately slid the needle in her vein before placing the blood bag on his shoulder and opening the IV. He grabs her other hand, snapping her fingers into place before hitting the back with a half shot of a second stimpack he knew was also enough to heal her elbow too.. The rest goes into her knee.
“Don’t bend your arm.” He instructs as one of his arms wraps around her, fingers landing against the pulse in her neck.
He crosses one leg over one of her ankles and with his job done, he breathes out casually, doing his best to ignore the scent of blood that danced on his tongue and in his mind, singing sweetly for him to take more off her stained skin. He rationalized that drinking what he had was not the most “to keep sane” choice for his kind. But hell if she didn't taste like heaven. Grabbing from his bag, he finally hits his neck with its own stimpack just under the space in his cheek where the damage had been done.
The space falls into silence for a good few minutes.
“Are we going to talk about what just happened?” Lucy snaps as she looks around the group that seemed to just go back to before the event happened. Max says nothing and O’Connor keeps his head down in his can of food as the Ghoul clicks his tongue and shakes his head before raising his head off the tree where he had come to rest, hoping she’d just keep her mouth shut.
“There ain’t nothing to talk about, Vaulty.”
“You!!!” she tries to land on exactly which point she wanted to start off with.
“Oh, I know what I did.” He raised his brow and speaks matter of factly, “I sliced this little girl’s throat and sprayed her blood all over the Wasteland floor. I am not ignorant to that… while you seem ignorant to what she did to me.”
Lucy gave him a questioning look, and the Ghoul looked between the three of them before he reached down and grabbed her hand. He places his fingers in a way that splays her fingers, accentuating the claw-like nails for the three to see.
“Now, you see here.” He speaks as he switches his attention between her and the set of nails as if he’s displaying fine art, “A very long time ago, this little killer came up with her own invention. A Serum she calls, Ghoul Splice. And every single day since, the entirety of the ghoul population thanks every second they exist that she has not sold the how-to for it. A splice, that up until this very moment, I did not realize she had been painting onto her nails.”
“See here, young Lucy. You don’t understand what you just saw was a death to death fight. Once that splice entered my system, well… I didn’t last this long out here by making kind in the face of my own destruction.”
He drops her hand, his finding rest upon her lap. “Now, I have since stimpacked her and am ever so kindly allowing a nice pillar of blood back into her system to replace what I punished. I have every pulse under my finger and I feel every breath. All right? There's nothin to talk about, because nothing happened that won’t be fixed by mornin’”
“I know you were cruel to me.” Lucy‘s voice is almost breaking as she looks upon the monster in front of her and his very beaten victim who lay limp in his talonss. “but what you just did-“
She doesn’t get to finish the sentence that explains what she thought was wrong about the situation, as Carrion in that moment makes her stance known. Lucid and conscious just so, and with just enough strength in her to prove, she pulls her body sideways, going from her back onto her shoulder as she curls into Ghoul who raises his arms off her in waiting. Her good arm slithers up his body, her arm coming to a rest on his shoulder as her fingers clasp the back of his neck securely, her nails drumming but not damaging the skin. He smirks at Lucy as Carrion buries her face in the notch of his neck and her leg curls her into herself before he drops his arms back down around her.
“At some point, you will accept the world out here is a violent, violent place and what is “Cruel” is just a matter of situation.” he glowers at her, “Most of the time, you just need to let two motherfuckers beat the shit out of each other.”
His fingers move through Carrions hair as she wheezes every breath, but he holds a heavy stare on Lucy until his head turns in toward her. He rests his chin against the top of her head and holds this embrace for a moment before turning back just as Lucy opened her mouth to say something.
“And that’s the end of the conversation, by the way.”
That morning Ghoul would wake with his breath caught in his throat, as before he sees anything, feels his body assulted.
Her lip drag along his throat, her teeth scraping teasingly, her hand under his coat, fingers breaking under the edge of his shirts, down where she drags her finger tips over the lip of his pants along the skin of his hip.
“Am I dreaming?” He growls under his breath, opening his neck with a tilt that he'll roll at the neck until hes breathing in the scent of hair.
“Does it matter?” She whispers into his collarbone.
“Heavily determines what I do next.”
She nips just under his jaw in a sharp pinch and his eyes open with a snap as his breath hisses in sharply.
They're all sleeping through this, assessing each, making sure as she continued her assault. Something about the situation just heated him up more. He plays into her silent movements. Caressing his hands down her back, one hand pulling down the zipper of her jump suit too much for discretion but easy for him to dip his hand in and run his fingers over the skin of her hip bone under her shirt. The other grabs her jaw and pulls her up into a heavy breathed kiss she'll accept but quickly pull away from.
He keeps and eye on the group, as well as their jacket positions that covered their movements as a blanket would. As her hand travels up his chest from under his shirt, he drinks in the physical touch he's gone so long without that it's been forgotten..
He was a Ghoul with a physical form too obvious to hide, so no human would touch him, especially like this. As for being a ghoul, even though he was a ghoul, he didn't fuck with ghouls which left him very much without anything but himself. He’s never not loved her, holding her to the fact she doesn’t see the ghoul in him in these moments. She remembered him for who he was. When she touches him, she remembers the skin that used to be smooth and human. But his new voice, oh, that she loves most of all.
He knows what she's asking for as her fingers drag down his chest and stomach and then stall. Halfway between insulted and understanding he nodded into her head. His breath chokes in his throat and his heart skips into hus lungs as her hand slides over the really last physical aspect of his human life. His full body shifts, his hips pushing his twitching member into her palm. A deep growl comes forth from his chest, excitement for him, a noise which he knows is a spark for her.
“I more than can, I'm pleading to give it.”
Every pore of his body is on fire, each vein igniting under the touch of her sliding hands as she explores him. His skin raised ghost hairs and shivered his skin. Every breath he pushes out is from his groin, heavy and driven. He looks over again at the sleeping three, the blood he's lost in his brain convincing him he could get through whatever he was about to do right in front of them unnoticed, while his echoing logic explained how they should move elsewhere.
All he ended up doing though was laying there immobil under her touch.
She's remained between his legs, and he grinds against her again as his hands grow more aggressive. Grabbing; attempting to convince her out or the jump suit and onto him.
“Not here.” She whispers as her head passes his mouth as she continues against his neck.
He opens his eyes and they’re less than inches apart.
He goes to push her off of him at the moment O’Conner starts coughing himself awake. Ghoul pulls her down and holds her against him, both attempting to to regain composure, both their chests heaving their personal heat, the ghoul is far stiffer and hes holding a glare on O’Conner as the scribe groaned and sat up.
The scribe clears his throat and looks around, noting the glare of the ghoul passively as he's stretching, various limbs cracking. “At least at the camp, we get cots. Ya know?” he addresses the ghoul who twists his lip angrily, agreeing to make the scribe happy.
“Right. Imma take a piss and then we can get on it. We break into the mountain pass today.”
O’Conner smacks Max's shoulder as he passes by, waking him up with a start. Ghoul watched his chance vanish with the boy as he hated the feeling of Carrion chuckling against his body.
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fatestaxes · 7 months
Death and Taxes HC’s:
Vacation/Earth Life
- For the time he was stuck in the offices, he would just sit in his small library and write (both for his novel and just journaling, hopes and dreams or just complaining about his job).
- if he ever made it to earth, he’d join a small writers club, change his name, and just spend his whole new life doing whatever he felt like.
- Going shopping, going to the beach, going to the park, you name it. He’d probably find entertainment anywhere considering what his previous life was like.
- In fact, he would probably be overwhelmed with everything there is to do.
- He needs a nap and some therapy too. Maybe he’ll make some friends there, who knows.
- After adventuring a bit, He’d find a few -1 or 2- close friends (probably from the writers club) and just chill w/ them in a small restaurant or cafe in the town
- He wasn’t very close with the rest of the club members because he came off as cold/uncaring to them
- he’d think about revealing his past life, but would most likely just end up trying to forget about it and move on completely. Although they might find out, considering the fact that he has literally NO social skills and doesn’t know any general human-life skills (eating food, social ques, slang, behavior, etc.)
- Would be repulsed by how similar a lot of schools are to his previous office job (very restrictive)
- He’d be able to sympathize with the ‘older’ students (high school, college) who are already like- over it.
- He would also probably make a friend with some minimum wage worker he meets at a coffee/tea shop or something
- “Im not paid enough to care about what management does” and Fate would be like “you’re so right” and now they’re besties
- makes a good amount of money as a writer, he publishes an actual novel he wrote and a copy of his journal that he used to write in from the offices (it was marketed as fantasy, which was fine by him, less explaining to do)
- They would probably be content with a small corner in town that they would frequent.
- They hadn’t been in the office as long as Fate so they didn��t have a major desire to venture out very much.
- In the offices, Grim would socialize with the other reapers, so they still had some company.
- Despite this, they still have a bit of trouble socializing with humans- but when they try and wing it for the first time, they do fairly well.
- They might decide to join some sort of art club (pottery, painting, that kind of stuff)
- They would try to befriend everyone, and they came across as pretty nice, so they were welcomed and fairly liked by most of the people in the club.
- Although they wanted to befriend everybody, they found three very close friends that they hung out with every weekend
- Fate and Grim both ended up in the same town (probably because their clubs or somethn) and were hanging out with their respective friends when they all bumped into each other. Awkward introductions ensue.
The Archivist:
- Actually enjoyed their job in the death dept. so they’d miss the endless shelves of books and knowledge.
- They’d find their way into any town library and just start reorganizing the books.
- checks out 5 or more books at a time, whenever they visit.
- Perfectly content to live and be alone, but might find someone who shared an interest in learning at a library.
- Would open up their own bookshop (named The Archives -no surprise there-) as their job/Lifestyle, Grim is their first loyal customer.
- They would be fascinated with humanity’s creativity in both visual art and literature.
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arcenergy · 8 months
Would you be willing to share more info about Drax?? Pwease 👉👈
i have an obscenely long lore document but it's out of date at this point because my brainrot runs a mile a minute but drax tldr
ishgardian but got kicked out (his dad sux)
always pretty good with magic but never got the chance to practice
very quiet, emotionally stunted, didnt think much of himself
wandered around gridania from ~16-26. at first it was just random gigs to have some money but he eventually got into the adventuring gig because he crashed a lot of bars/inns/taverns and the usual crowds ended up squeezing his name/occupation out of him. drax at this point is like the vid of the dude reading a book at the tyler the creator concert
at first adventuring gigs were for the money and the people he traveled with were decent enough but he got more of an emotional attachment after dalamud fell and now he was Actually helping people
got considerably better at magic during his travels also started doing suspicious black magic oOOooOOOoooooooo but he's really good at blowing stuff up so its ok :) ! nothing bad happens i prommy
when hydaelyn gives her blessing of light it turns his brown eyes into that dodge ram bright ass yellow highbeams and it's genuinely unnerving for most people when they first see him and drax hated it until he ends up enjoying being hydaelyn's silliest soldier and sees it as physical proof of her blessing
during ARR MSQ he ends up going a little too hard on the magic and its killing him a little bit so he gets the emo white strips of hair
he's like omg no its ok ill stop <3 and then never stops. at all. he gets way overboard into the insane hero complex and obsessed w hydaelyn bc he didnt feel like he had a purpose until God Told Him So so he continually pushes himself and causes considerable injury to himself until it becomes routine years later
ends up becoming a drk after haurchefart dies cuz he feels bad about the homie and wants to take a more proactive role in protecting his friends instead of being a low life dps player. he also gets a little silly during heavensward (killed a LOT of templar knights)
also during heavensward since he lost the blessing for a lil bit the highbeams got turned off and his eyes were brown again n he hated people seeing it bc it was Vulnerable for him but in reality 99% ishgardians had 0 idea he looked any different and were freaked the fuck out by the pope killing, dragon-slaying man running around ishgard covered in blood and gore from WHO knows what and now he has lightbulbs for eyes. No fucking wonder people thought it was the end of days if they looked outside their window and saw THAT guy
also a set of duo as in Two ! warriors of light with my friends oc risu bc what's the point if there's no crazy homoerotic drama
drax is genuinely nice and kindhearted though i dont think that ever went away even as time went on. there's still a big soft spot in his heart for looking out for people as he gains an immense amount of empathy towards others during his travels/especially after the 'protector of Literally Everyone' role gets forced on his shoulders. he cares so much it's practically his downfall because he'd rather cut off his own hand then even risk the possibility of harming someone else with that hand. it doesnt help that he didnt view himself very highly before turning into a "hero" so now his self worth hinges on everyone thinking he's doing a Very Good Job being Hydaelyn's Specialest Guy at all times even though the light has nearly killed him like 30 fucking times at this point
i think he became more mentally unwell after killing hydaelyn and is trying to exist in a world that she left for everyone to do what they want with but drax never had the opportunity to do anything he ever wanted his entire life (and now hydaelyn essentially dictating the rest of his life by slapping her blessing on him) and he's now trying to fill the void by doing random shit until something clicks. stay tuned if this works out for him
ty for asking about him. ill fix the lore doc eventually (i wont)
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