#but gotta give credit where credit was due
seoul-bros · 19 hours
RPWP is just such a perfect album
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I’m listening to it on the way to work trying to figure out why it resonates with me so much. It is such an eclectic blend of sounds pulling from so many musical styles that are core to my own musical history. It has elements of airy flower power, the best of seventies rock concept albums, art house 80s vibes, jazz funk from the 90s and hip hop and rap from down the ages.
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Much of this is down to my beautiful alien but you gotta give credit where credit is due San Ywan and crew made the connection exactly when Namjoon needed it and the result is flawless. It is a snapshot in time which I am sure will give Joonie pride when he looks back. A catharsis, yeah, I said what I said.
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Post Date; 26/06/2024
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captain-brie · 1 year
one time i watched these dumb like freshmen college boys post videos on tiktok and they were introducing a lot of them in one video and one of them was actually REALLY cute so in true joking fashion i commented: don’t @ me but *dudes name* is kinda cute. And moved on, and then like the next day i saw someone @ me???? On that comment and i was like omg lowkey that stranger is kinda funny
It was the creator of the video. Of the 15 guys in the video i, like an idiot, name dropped the creator and then DIDNT EVEN REALIZE HE WAS THE CREATOR
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dmitryanya · 1 year
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haven't even been in the fandom a week and im making dumb memes
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fromthemouthofzabe · 10 months
Okay so for the first few episodes of Ahsoka I was like BLEGH what is this?? she's so serious and melancholy? Her lightsaber fights are so boring? Where are the acrobatics? Where are the dumb jokes and nicknames?? Where is my girl, you've ruined her??
Filoni you mad lad I had my doubts but you've done it again
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The livestream last night was fantastic for many reasons, but another great thing about the stream: it felt really nice to openly hear Sam and Taliesin describe FCG and Ashton as nonbinary. Like obviously we’ve had their he/they pronouns since day one, but it means so much to hear the two of them use the word Nonbinary, y’know?
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Years of Science Caroline has a fun vibe
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Montressor just got a lil too relatable in this episode
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So I got a comment about stede not creating a safe space & only buying the boat and the crew being the ones to actually create it, which got me thinking.... and.... hear me out pls?
It's very much a joint effort but even just buying the boat and letting people just be themselves on it is creating a safe space!
But he didn't actually stop there:
• In S1 when the crew very much still wanted a bloodthirsty environment and captain he proposed the "talk it through as a crew" method and though he & ed SUCK at using it the crew do it well in S2!
• He got them to be creative with their flags and now in S2 everyone's using art to deal with trauma
• He read them stories and now Jim uses those stories to comfort Fang & the others!
• His interactions with Ned Low's crew gives an idea about what he's like with his crew and why they have 0 hesitation about throwing a pride party (like Frenchie said their captain has whimsy!) Ned Low's "disposable henchman" environment or even Zheng Yi Sao's "positive but strict" environment wouldn't have allowed for that
He's definitely nowhere near being a perfect person (he's kind of a bitch tbh) but you gotta give credit where credit's due
Yeah the crew did make the ship a safe space for themselves but Stede laid the building blocks that showed "hey, this is something you can actually do here!"
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mochinomnoms · 21 days
Slight Chapter 7 spoilers!
So I decided to take a peek at Book 7 just out of curiosity since I'm still stuck with leveling up all my cards for Book 6, and I need y'all to know how absolutely devastated I am to learn that Rook wants to go into archaeology as well, I cannot believe I'm sharing an academic field with him.
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apollosaro · 9 months
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hand-eye coordination
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my cat's 11pm zoomies are so funny bc she'll go from deeply sleeping to hurtling around my room in 0.5 seconds and it's like. bbg I admire ur perseverance but no matter how much u attack the step into my room, u will not be able to break its neck. it doesn't have a neck.
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lcandothisallday · 1 month
guys i WANT to hate him SO BADLY but he’s SOOOOO FINE. especially in this video like HSKJSKS SOMETHING ABOUT HIM ANNOYED IS SO HOT
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heavymetalarchive · 1 year
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NIKKI SIXX and MICK MARS of MÖTLEY CRÜE in KERRANG's MEGA METAL 1989 Glam Metal Special Edition.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 10 months
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vavoom moment
finished good omens 2 last week and. im so emotionally distraught but also yeah watch this *combines my two otps like a boss*
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rollercoasterwords · 1 month
hii 29, 32 and 43 :)
hiiiii <3
29. How many books do you have on your 'to-be-read' list?
199 lmao...i have a slightly smaller to-read list for this year that focuses on just books i own physical copies of but haven't read yet. that one is 35 books rn...
32. Name your favorite author(s).
hmmm ok gonna try to make this list like. authors who i've read multiple works from & enjoyed as opposed to just really liking one novel or series so. hannah moskowitz for sure. also victor hugo and mervyn peake...kurt vonnegut...neil gaiman...have also read & enjoyed multiple works by han kang, ursula k. leguin, octavia butler, and gabriel garcia marquez but i feel less familiar w them so...not sure if i'd confidently call them favorites...have also read a lot from v.e. schwab but not sure if she'd quite make the favorites list either bc there's wider variance in how much i like her works...
for nonfiction donna j. haraway, judith butler, leslie feinberg, bell hooks, audre lorde, angela y. davis, andrea long chu, gloria anzaldua, and lee edelman
for poetry louise gluck, e.e. cummings, natalie diaz, franny choi, and richard siken
43. Title of a book you own that's in the worst physical condition you have. Explain what happened to it. Post a picture if you want.
not by my bookshelves rn so can't take a pic but pretty sure it's animorphs book #6 the capture which i found at a used bookstore & half the cover is like...ripped + falling apart. i buy animorphs books pretty much anytime i find them in a used bookstore tho regardless of condition so <3
book ask game
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mysticbeaver · 2 months
Some unpopular opinions of you?
Golly gosh... I don't know if I can remember any (as always in the time of need🥴). The only one that comes to mind right now is, at some point I was annoyed by people underplaying Nazz's flighty attitude towards the Eds. I agree she's generally one of the nicer kids and I tend to see her as such myself, but she can two-faced too if you think about it. I guess what bothered me was sensing people's bias in fanworks, which characters they don't care for, mostly Nazz or Jimmy and Sarah getting a free pass compared to Kevin being portrayed as a hateful, small-minded jerk (I think the characterization making sense and being very believable was probably why it really hurt haha). Sorry, I don't even know if this counts as a good answer, but it was a good chance to vent some old spleen I never had the guts to back when I felt like it 🤣 (for the record this stuff doesn't bother me the way it used to haha feels embarrassing even to talk about it, I'll regret mentioning this)
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