#but god forbid they fuck fr
starlooove · 24 days
Dickjoey and vicjoey like they’re literally soulmates they def happened maybe they’re not together now but when it was there it was THERE!!
#to me Dickjoey was like#they’ve definitely explored eachothers bodies#and I don’t mean just straight up fucking like they did that repressed shit where yeah they’re jacking eachother off and tracing scars#but god forbid they fuck fr#it’s like#to me it’s always undescribed#they never put words to it but they’re just a bit more gentle with eachother and a bit more comfortable etc.#like it’s like 70s locker room gayness without the homophobia tbh#now not in post above but dick and Vic? way too repressed to even say anything#while dick and Joey are like. everyone knows what you are#for dick and Vic it’s really the private moments that made it#like for dick and Joey dick can say ‘guys I think I’m in love with Joey’ and everyone will be like ‘we know’#for dick and Vic it really would come outta nowhere to anyone else and they like it like that#it makes it more difficult bc with dick and Joey there’d be gentle teasing from their friends or whatever#but for Vic and dick it’s like. they really gotta drag that shit outta eachother#like for them it’s literally building blocks’you can like guys :0’#NOOOOW#FOR VICJOEY#They def had a fully fledged loving relationship#Joey is not dead to me#but like it’s a falling away naturally kinda thing?#like they never break up fr but like they talk less than they talk#however they would feel weird having any relationship with anyone else!#bc ur boyfriend is right there!#but for me it’s like#rn they’re just in two different worlds that are about to collide again#idk how or why but something is gonna make them go ‘oh shit!’#oh since Joey is NOT dead maybe it was the NEAR death that was like ‘oh no :0m
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zeb-z · 8 months
Bad coming in to snoop around Red’s chests, finding where they have their enchanting set up and the chest with their best enchants, and going “oh :( looks like they’ve already moved” is hysterical actually
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frociaggine · 4 months
👀do u have any f1 fic recs 🙈
I obviously do, ty very much for asking. I actually made a rec list just yesterday for a friend with no specific preferences, so enjoy a variety of ratings / pairings / etc — Here u go! I reserve the right to add more to it as I keep digging into the kinkmeme rabbit hole. Make sure you're logged in because most of it is archive-locked as god intended
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 4 months
ik realistically i never got a lot of love for jensen and bryce bc oh my god a queer pairing of color?????? fucking tragic i know but also i like to pretend its just bc they are too complex for the mere cishet choices player to understand 😌 
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autistic-katara · 4 months
tragedy: mutual who used to have the best opinions’s political views have started descending into kinda fucked up territory
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runandhideguys · 4 months
a lot of people really don't get how much masculine and butch women are hated by society
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s4ray · 5 months
“ I will protect you. ” - I'd never lie to you I'd kill yiling patriarch again for you🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 so this is from mr righteous xxc
 there were way too many metaphors to be mentioned about this . a lamb offering the wolf security , a man with his head inside a lion's mouth and whispering he'll protect the lion while his neck bleeds . xue yang can't settle for any , he chooses to create something worse than a hostile lion in his head and simply , call it xue yang . he wants to laugh at xingchen until his lungs ache , wants to break his pretty jaw , and all he can do it sit behind the campfire and stare at xingchen's sickly sweet smile like he's been punched in the gut .
 it seems to him , the pale cultivator had found the strategy with which he could defeat something terrible like a lion . he seems to have come to conclusion that tenderness was a greater weapon than his sword , and it was — it leaves xue yang speechless .
 he mentioned a man from his past just once during the dinner , because the brat was whining about a guy who got touchy with her and she had to run before taking all his money . ‘ you're nothing special , brat , we all went through that . so shut up and eat your rabbit meat . ‘ and if a-qing is really blind , she couldn't aim for his wounded knee that precisely and hit him so hard . his knee still throbbed , xingchen hasn't let go of the little story he told to scare a-qing . whether it was the truth or him bragging about his clever ways of getting rid of touchy men , it didn't matter , what mattered was that it horrified the kid . he didn't want to worry xingchen , he genuinely didn't . ❛ . . . daozhang . you always remember everything . ah . ❜   with an annoyed huff and roll of his eyes , xue yang leaned back against the board . toying with the stick he used to eat his meat with , and keeping his gaze low even though xingchen wasn't able to see how ashamed he was . ❛ i don't need protection . i need your piece of meat . i need energy to get better yeah ? are you going to let me starve to death ? huh , daozhang ? give me your food , i will tell you a better story if you do . ❜  while he rambles , he's crawling closer to the older man . sitting beside him on the step , nudging his thinner arm with his , a little harshly to make him sway . playfulness swimming in dark eyes , eagerly smirking , waiting for xingchen's kindness again . ❛ do you like snakes ? hm ? i'm going to tell you a story about snakes . ❜
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stream tomorrow. ~3pm est. this fuckin site. if i dont get hit by a car by then.
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snooblydoot · 1 year
The official cof discord server could see amazing gen amazing art but ban u when they see sum even the slightest bit gay
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emordnilap-fr · 1 year
one thing about me is i can use something that's terrible and broken and make it my bitch but then you give me something better and i absolutely cannot use that thing. i will suck so bad and can't learn it. where'my janky-ass broken thing, give it back. i'm the definition of that xkcd "every update ruins someone's workflow" comic
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hobimo · 11 months
Tumblr media
hmmm. don’t like that
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 10 months
jensen and his lack of spatial awareness <3
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pocket-mobster · 1 year
tried to make my username haterwave on the pokemon forums and it got rejected. just another 1984 day in slappy byron's unova or whatever
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navramanan · 1 year
Very much regretting not doing anything on the weekend
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raytoromoans · 2 years
all of these "pictures" of "gerard" being posted and its like a single pixel from 250 yards away of someone w a bob cut and a mask on. ill believe it when frank (known sentimental bastard) posts a selfie w them
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year
maybe if someone commissioned me in Monopoly money to draw my beloveds from my head I could do it
this is a joke btw. if anyone tries to commission my blorbos right now I’m going to acquire all the anxiety all at once and implode
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