#but because of the sheer number of fics about him leaving Ferrari
frociaggine · 4 months
👀do u have any f1 fic recs 🙈
I obviously do, ty very much for asking. I actually made a rec list just yesterday for a friend with no specific preferences, so enjoy a variety of ratings / pairings / etc — Here u go! I reserve the right to add more to it as I keep digging into the kinkmeme rabbit hole. Make sure you're logged in because most of it is archive-locked as god intended
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frociaggine · 4 months
re: that F1 RPF recs post
#I have made this joke before but. I think archive locking F1 RPF is a necessary measure to protect the mental well-being of Sharl Leclerc #who's way too fucking online for his own good #and god forbid he ever found the RPF... he would die #not because of the shipping or the knots or the twinkly crying mpreg. #but because of the sheer number of fics about him leaving Ferrari #I do believe he'd cry fr
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@watcherswill ok but you know I'm right
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