#my mobile drawing app is so old and has so few features but i would rather die than try learning ibispaint again
emordnilap-fr · 1 year
one thing about me is i can use something that's terrible and broken and make it my bitch but then you give me something better and i absolutely cannot use that thing. i will suck so bad and can't learn it. where'my janky-ass broken thing, give it back. i'm the definition of that xkcd "every update ruins someone's workflow" comic
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I think that if you're getting a Chromecast with Google TV for Black Friday you should at least know that it's really just a massive advertising device that's not all it's hyped up to be. It disappoints in all the major advertised areas and the things it does well are gimmicks that you'll forget about after a month:
The aggregated home screen(which is its main pull factor that it focuses on in all its ads) doesn't work well at all. It's not as personalized as they made it out to be as it's mostly just ads for shows that they cycle out as they come. I don't watch horror movies at all but I get horror recommendations for some reason. The suggestions are terrible for the most part but you can find stuff if you know what you're looking for. Even then it still iffy because Google didn't have Chainsaw Man in its database (last time I checked) despite it being one of the most popular anime of this year.
Chromecast just doesn't work for certain websites. Chromecast users believe that Google is deliberately blocking free streaming sites. That's believable because Google has skin in the streaming game(they sell episodes and movies and they may be getting revenue from all the random recommendations they push). If you're buying this device to stream free streaming sites to it then you're better off just buying a very long HDMI cable (if you're on PC. Sorry mobile users you're just gonna have a bad time) .
The voice assistant is not as good as the one on Android phones. Despite the supposed interconnectedness of android devices that you can use with this device, there are certain things it just won't do for you. It can show you your tasks for the day but it won't let you set a new reminder(bear in mind that this device can play games and browse the web [allegedly] but setting a reminder is where it draws the line.) There are a few other little instances like this where it makes me wonder why they chose to limit it so much.
It's a cool smart tv streamer that you can get cool games and apps on with... 4Gbs of storage... As about half of that comes already used, after you add an average amount of streaming services, the space starts to fill up real quickly. You can add removable storage but the process is a little convoluted and you have to buy more things. I will admit that games run decently on it. It can emulate certain consoles really well if you want to go through the hassle of setting that up instead of just using your phone or computer.
I don't really like the remote but maybe that's subjective? It's slippery and I accidentally press it way more than my old one but that could be coincidental.
The most stand-out part about it is that it has Bluetooth so you can connect your earbuds to it to listen to stuff directly. However the Roku I had before that had private listening in its app that would let me use whatever audio device I had connected to my phone which meant I could use wired and wireless. Google could've done the same thing to provide that feature for people who use wired earbuds but from my experience using their product, I don't think they care about their users that much.
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thatgamefromthatad · 3 years
Seen these ads? (Obey Me! Review)
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This is a visual novel/otome/gacha card RPG game with the same characters and themes as featured in the ads.
As stated in many of the ads this game centers around seven demon brother love interests (as well as some other potential love interests) although the game has a lot of plot elements other than just romance. Most of the ads that I’ve seen feature real art that appears in the game one way or another, and the ads tend to be focused more on the characters and theme in general rather than specific gameplay. Of the ads that do appear to show gameplay, most of the time it’s not really what you’ll see in the game but still follows fairly close to the actual game (for example, the “kiss, free, whip” ad on the top left doesn’t show real gameplay, but you can kiss or whip that character. But that specific art comes from a gacha card I believe and isn’t what you see when you do the kissing and whipping).
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A few notes before I get into the full review:
I’m a lesbian, so I’m definitely not the target audience for this game, but I always try to be objective and open-minded when playing any game I’m not the target audience for (other examples I’ve reviewed in the past are Moments, which was also primarily targeted toward women who are attracted to men, Immortal Taoists, which involved a genre I had never heard of before and really had no interest in, Time Princess, which also wasn’t my favorite genre but was still a great game, and various Genius Inc. visual novels, which are targeted more toward high-school age boys as far as I can tell).
Speaking of lesbians, this game weirdly censors the word “lesbians” but not any other LGBTQ+ terms (that don’t include the word “sexual”) as far as I can tell; I decided it was enough of a one-off thing that it wouldn’t factor a huge amount in my overall review of the game, but I think it’s still something to take note of and not let off the hook since it definitely shows bias and can be offensive to players.
This game is rated 12+ on the Apple App Store, and I was pretty harsh on Crush Crush for being rated that way because I thought it crossed the line with some of its sexually suggestive content. I kept that in mind while playing this one, and personally I don’t think it crossed the line in the same way, at least not from what I’ve played so far; although it does have sexually suggestive content (most often when interacting with the character Asmodeus, who is literally known in the game as the “Avatar of Lust”), it’s much more occasional through tidbits of dialog as opposed to in Crush Crush where it involved a whole section of the game and was more interactive in nature. I would definitely still cringe at the thought of a 12-year-old reading some of this dialog, but I think it fits fairly within the App Store descriptors of “Infrequent/Mild Sexual Content and Nudity” and “Infrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive Themes.”
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Last note - there is a character in this game (Luke) who has the appearance and demeanor of a small child who you can interact with in a similar way to the other love interest characters, which concerned me for obvious reasons. I looked more into this, specifically reading into all of the different dialog options involving this character, and his responses never seem to be more than platonic, which is good. He still blushes when you give him gifts and stuff, which is kind of awkward, and it seems weird to throw a kid character into an otome game, but all considered I wouldn’t say the game is promoting anything inappropriate (unlike one of the Genius VNs that clearly involved relationships between an adult and minors).
Sorry I know that’s a lot of notes and disclaimers but I just wanted to that all out of the way as general concerns anyone might have trying this game or reading this review!
Without further ado, read my full review below:
(I’m trying a new color-coding system to help highlight some of the main points of my review if you don’t want to read my entire essay word-for-word lol. Pink is a positive aspect of the game, red is a negative aspect/criticism and purple is not necessarily positive or negative but just something I wanted to highlight.)
😈 Is the game actually fun? Yes! Just in terms of production value, this game is top notch: the art and character designs are very appealing, the transitions between characters’ poses and facial expressions during VN scenes are actually animated (which looks much smoother and more natural than switching between still images), the voice acting is great (although the VN scenes aren’t fully voice acted, some parts like phone calls are and the characters say different phrases during scenes and battles as well)(Note: all the voice acting is Japanese), and the music is FANTASTIC and perfectly sets the vibe throughout the game.
The best parts of this game in my opinion are the different personalities of the characters and the overall plot; although some of the characters’ personalities can be a bit one-note at times (for example, one character’s entire personality that I’ve seen so far is that he likes to eat and is always hungry), the characters each have their own charm and play off each other well. I found myself getting invested in each of the characters’ desires and goals throughout the story, even the characters I didn’t particularly like. The story is also chock full of humor which is always fun, and the whole world and backstory built around this game (the “Devildom” setting and the idea of an exchange student program with angels, humans and demons) are also unique and impressive.
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I really enjoyed the multiple modes of storytelling i.e. how the VN chapters are supplemented with text messages and phone calls from characters and an Instagram spoof with additional side stories to unlock. I know this isn’t a new thing in mobile games (even Gardenscapes and Homescapes do it to an extent lol) but add the compelling characters and overall production value on top and it’s a really enjoyable experience. Since the home screen of the game is set up like it’s your phone, with the different parts of the game represented as “apps,” the game kind of creates a feeling like you’re really living in this world with these characters where you can freely scroll through their Instagram feeds and check the messages you get from them on your own time. The shop where you can buy items and premium currency is called Akuzon (an Amazon spoof) and the place where all your gacha cards are is called “contacts,” which further adds to the immersive effect.
The “dating” part of the game is pretty cute although I haven’t gotten super far so I’m not sure of the full scope of the romantic interactions. From what I can tell, in addition to the dialog, blushy faces and bedroom eyes you get from characters when you give them gifts and touch different parts of their body (above the belt lol), when you raise your intimacy level with them you get additional phone calls and messages from them (I haven’t played a lot of otome games but I think that’s how a lot of them go). I wasn’t that invested in this part of the game but I think there’s some strategy that goes with using the right combination of gifts and touches to maximize intimacy boosts and get certain dialog, which adds a whole other aspect of gameplay in addition to the main game. I also noticed that occasionally your choices throughout the VN chapters will give you a small intimacy boost with a certain character; I kind of wish this was even more integrated since most of the time I felt like no matter what I chose it didn’t make any difference in my relationship with characters. Also, I don’t think there’s a way to “officially” date a specific character, it’s more about raising the intimacy level to earn more interactions but it doesn’t actually affect the main plot.
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As far as the main mode of progressing through the game, which is winning “dance battles” with teams from your gacha collection, this part of the game has its own positive qualities such as the cute chibi forms of the characters that appear on screen and the fact that some of the special attacks show a little anime clip of the character (of course it’s less exciting when you see the same clip every battle but I still thought it was a nice touch). I was a little disappointed that there wasn’t a rhythm aspect as the “dance battle” name would imply, and your main interaction during the battle itself is basically just tapping hearts that pop up and tapping the characters when their attacks are ready, but you also have the option to skip that whole interactive sequence and just get a result based on your team’s stats, so there’s not much to complain about there (especially since the battles are sort of a side note compared to the storytelling aspect of the game despite being the main element of RPG-based gameplay that allows you to progress). If you are interested in the RPG aspects, there’s plenty of that to work with (building teams, balancing attributes, managing resources/rewards to level up cards and progress through skill trees of sorts, all that good stuff) although you’re limited to an extent by how difficult it is to get a lot of gacha draws without paying real money. It’s even harder to be able to focus on both strategy and character relationships while playing for free when the same scarce currency is used for both gacha draws and gifts.
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👿 Is this a free game or a “free game”? Despite what I just said, I would still consider it a free game - you can gradually save up some of premium currency the game gives out through tasks in order to pay for more gacha draws and other items, and as far as I can tell you can access the main story and the other parts of the game without hitting a paywall. I only got to the fourth chapter so far though so don’t take this assessment as gospel. Like with a lot of other freemium games you might feel pressured to pay (especially when you run out of gifts to give your lover boys, which was the biggest downer for me, or if you’re obsessed with wanting to collect a lot of cards or get a specific card) but since you don’t actually need to pay to progress I still consider it free.
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There’s also an energy system where you hit a wall and have to wait if you run out, but I never ran out because of the huge amount of energy the game dumps on you when you first start, and it seems like there are a bunch of other ways to get extra energy as well. There also aren’t pop-up or watch-to-earn ads in this game that I saw.
💀 Features
Main visual novel scenes and storyline (the visual novel scenes come between dance battle stages and there are a few short side routes that branch off but still one main route as far as I can tell, I don’t think your dialog choices really make a different except for in how the characters react to you immediately afterward. Still the main storyline in itself is fun to follow and it’s fun to get different reactions out of the characters based on what you say)
Dance battles (I’m not fully knowledgeable about the minutia of the RPG system at play here but in general the outcome of the battle will depend on the level, rank and attributes of your cards compared against the difficulty and attributes of the stage you’re playing. There also “memory cards” that can be assigned to support your team and expendable temporary boosters called “glow sticks” that boost your stats for one battle. During the battle itself you tap hearts that appear to earn extra points and you can tap your characters when their power is charged up to “attack” your opponent and use special skills. There are guides online that go deeper into stats and strategies and such if you’re interested. Different stages have different rewards for completion and you can quick complete levels you’ve already beaten to mine resources you need)
Gacha mechanic and cards (the gacha area of this game is called “Nightmare” and there are a few different pools along with event pools each with their own odds and sets of cards you can get. For the default pools you get free draws periodically and I believe you get one free draw for each event pool IIRC. You also get a bunch of vouchers for draws when you first start the game which got me handful of SSRs and a couple URs to build a couple of solid teams right off the bat. In addition to drawing directly from gacha pools you can get some cards by collecting card pieces as rewards from stages and events until you have enough to get the actual card. Each card has its own set of stats/attributes, can be leveled up and has a skill tree of sorts that can be progressed through with resources mined through beating stages, although it’s more of an attribute tree than a skill tree since most of the branches just add points onto one of your card’s attributes. Some cards, the rarer ones, have special skills that can be used in battle)
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One-on-one characters interactions and intimacy i.e. the “dating” part (there are two ways this occurs: 1) you can set a specific character to your home screen that allows you to enter into an interaction with them, with a refresh period in between interactions 2) the main way, which is through “surprise guests” after dance battles. These surprise guests show up frequently but not always, and they’re always one of the three team members you used in battle, selected randomly. For each one-on-one interaction you can do three actions - either give a gift, touch the character or ignore the character. Sometimes the character will also offer you a high five which counts as an action if you oblige. Different characters have different favorite gifts and touching different parts of the body can get a different reaction depending on the character and your level of intimacy I believe. Your intimacy level with a character increases depending on the combination of actions you perform, and sometimes the character also gives you gifts back like more energy or resources. There are guides for this online as well)
Text messages and phone calls (text messages are the main mode of storytelling outside of the main VN scenes - you get messages from characters or multiple characters in group chats that you respond to with preset messages or stickers similar to how you make choices during the VN parts. Some of the text messages correspond with the main plot as you progress, ex. A character texts you to be in a certain place at a certain time and next VN scene is of you two meeting at that place. I think other text messages also come up when you reach certain intimacy levels with characters. There are certain group messages that you don’t respond to where you’re basically spying on a group chat among characters and just get to see what everyone’s saying. In addition to written messages and emoji stickers characters will also sometimes send pictures. Phone calls are fully voice-acted dialog you have with another character and they seem to pop up when you reach certain intimacy levels - I’ve only gotten ones so far with the two characters I have the highest intimacy with)
Instagram spoof/“Devilgram” (Devilgram is an in-game photo sharing social media app similar to Instagram and the photos on there correspond to gacha cards. When you acquire the gacha card that corresponds to a Devilgram post you unlock a side story, but you also need keys to unlock further scenes from that story, which can be gradually earned through completing tasks and such)
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To Do tasks (completing tasks on your To Do is the main way to earn premium currency in the game along with other rewards and resources. There are daily tasks, overall tasks and tasks specific to each character. Examples of tasks are completing a certain stage or number of stages, beating a stage using a team that includes a certain character or reaching a certain intimacy level with a character. There are also beginner missions when you start the game that I think stay available until you complete all of them)
Events (there are sometimes side story events called “pop quizzes” and gacha events that are available for a limited time, or sometimes an event has both a corresponding pop quiz and gacha pool. The pop quizzes are separate chapters with their own dance battles and VN scenes, and the battles will come with reward points that you can spend on different prizes. Sometimes there are unique cards you can only get from an event. Other minor types of events include log-in bonus events and events where you can get special types of gifts for your love interests. There’s also a feature where you can “time-travel” back to old events at some cost but I haven’t explored this much)
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Jobs (you can assign characters to passively complete jobs that earn you a small amount of non-premium currency over time and also increases your intimacy with the assigned characters by a small amount)
Customization (you can unlock avatars of different characters to use for your profile and set the name you want characters to refer to you by throughout the game. You can also change the outfit of your homescreen character, change the homescreen wallpaper and change the homescreen background music by making purchases in the Akuzon shop or acquiring certain gacha cards)
⚖️ Ad Honesty Rating: 4/5 (just from the ads I’ve seen, especially the ones that appear to be running currently, there don’t seem to be blatantly fake ads and the ads show real art and do well conveying the theme and characters in the game. However some of the ads are misleading about the actual mechanics of gameplay and may also lead you to believe there are actual romance routes with the characters which is not really the case)
⭐️ Overall Rating: 5/5 (I definitely didn’t want to give this game a great rating just because it’s super popular on Tumblr but I can definitely see why it’s so popular. There are lots of things to do, the characters are very lovable, it’s funny, the art is great, the music is great and the lore and overall vibe are compelling and unique. It’s a high-quality game with a good story and I’ll probably keep playing it)
▶️ Ad Example:
▶️ Gameplay Examples:
Dance Battles
Surprise Guest
If you got through this review bless your heart ❤️ Special thanks to @human-watching-ads-from-devildom which is where I was able to view some of the ads since I was having trouble finding them elsewhere online and viewing some of them on the Facebook ad library.
Follow me for more reviews of those free mobile games you’re always getting ads for! Thanks for reading! 🥳
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arthurhwalker · 4 years
reMarkable 2 Review
I had some requests for a review of this device, and I am glad to oblige in this case. I've been closely following digital pen stylus tech for about eight years. I'm just old enough that I still need to handwrite a lot of things to tap into my creativity, but greatly dislike clutter in my life.
The reMarkable is for the person that writes enough by hand to fill several notebooks a year. For someone that wants the tactile and somatic component of writing on paper to associate with their process. The new reMarkable 2 does basically what the reMarkable 1 did; faster, better, and with a much improved piece of hardware.
If you've read my previous review from May 2018, you know I basically raved about the first generation reMarkable. I had a few criticisms of the Gen 1, and a lot of that has been addressed with the Gen 2.
Support & User Experience
I've used a reMarkable tablet continuously for almost three years. I've never had a support issue with one. The software is updated regularly, features added, and user experience improved with each iteration.
There is really no comparisons to be made with that kind of uninterrupted usage. No smartphone, tablet, or computer you ever own will be that reliable. A 3-4 year old Thinkpad, running Linux, is about as close as it gets to that level of, switch-on-and-use, every day, without fail feeling.  
The reason is that the reMarkable 2 is leveraging the most reliable hardware, user input methods, stylus technology, and operating system basis available. My fear has always been that my reMarkable wouldn't be as reliable as a regular piece of paper, and a good pen. So far, that fear has never been realized with the reMarkable 1, or 2.
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Pen Stylus Input
The majority of what one picks up and uses will be Microsoft Pen Protocol (MPP) stylus tech, with Microsoft Surface Products, or Wacom AES (Active Electrostatic) like that found in a lot of Asus, Dell, Lenovo, and so forth. The older Wacom EMR (Electromagnetic Resonance) is used less frequently, and usually only with their own products, or a version thereof with Samsung Phones and Tablets.
Of the three options, Wacom's EMR is still the best.
That's what you'll find on the reMarkable Tablet, and if you get their Marker Plus (it's the black one) it has the magical EMR eraser tip opposite the drawing point. There is no better pen stylus experience, for general use, sketching, handwriting capture, tilt sensitivity, and so forth.
The Marker Plus is $50 more than the regular Marker. It is worth it.
What if you're like me, and you have a drawer full of pen stylus products? Products that include the legendary Excalibur stylus pen that came with the Thinkpad Tablet 10 Gen 1, and worked with the EMR capable Thinkpad Yoga S1 from 2013? The one with the eraser tip, and sweet felt tip point? Will that stylus work?
Yes. Yes, yes it will.
However, the reMarkable Marker Plus just feels better. It's heft (19g) is perfect, eraser tip rounded to feel like the real thing, and tips that degrade gracefully without marking up the screen. Buy. The. Marker. Plus.
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The Hardware
The manufacturer says that the reMarkable 2 gets 3 times the battery life of the 1, is 2 times as responsive (relative to rendering digital ink), and is the world's thinnest tablet at 0.19". Mostly, this is all of this seems to be true. Also, as mentioned before all the new Marker Plus has a built in eraser, all the new accessories snap together with magnets, and it charges with USB-c.
The screen is capacitive touch capable now. No more page turning buttons, and you can swipe down from the top to back out of a document or folder. You can turn pages with the swipe of a finger now. It takes a second to get the gestures down, but they're crisp and reliable once you do.
The tablet runs off of a dual core ARM process (a good thing, in my opinion).
My only quibble is that it is supposed to be able to connect to both 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz WiFi, but so far I've only gotten it to connect to 2.4. It might be something with my specific router, and I'm not sure if my experience is typical.
On the lower left hand side of the tablet there are 5 connection points. This suggests that the tablet may have the ability to connect to other accessories in the future. If reMarkable added a Plain Text Editor, and a keyboard cover to the reMarkable, I would be over the moon.
There is no evidence that they will do this, but a guy can dream. Having what's basically an e Ink Typewriter this thin and light would be the ultimate for this writer.
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The Software
It is much the same experience as the reMarkable 1 with a few new additions.
You can convert your handwritten notes into text, cursive or block letters, and share by email. There is support for 33 languages.
With a Google Chrome plug-in, you can read web articles and pages on your reMarkable. If you're already battling with eye strain from looking at glowing screens all day, this is a nice feature.
Reading large PDFs and eBooks is still not crisp and snappy, but it is a vastly improved experience when compared to the reMarkable 1. Large graphically intense documents can be navigated without it taxing your patience. What I store on my reMarkable is vastly different now because of how much improved document handling has become.
I find the small sacrifice in speed rendering pages worth it, compared to the eye strain I get reading on other screens.
More pens, features, page templates, and ease of organizing have been added incrementally over time. With regard to the core functioning (Linux Based Codex OS) of the device, the manufacturer has only ever improved and supported the reMarkable.
The reMarkable 1 was good for what it could do. It wasn't a bad looking product, but compared to the reMarkable 2, it was a rough prototype. Most tablets do not feel as nice in the hand as the reMarkable 2.
Rubber no-slip nubs on the back, rounded edges, satin finished glass and aluminum, make the tablet itself feel like it's from the future. I bought the Polymer Weave Book Folio, a step up from the regular Folio. A close friend got the same device and marker options as I did, but opted for the Premium Leather Folio.
Definitely, get the Book Folio, and if you can scrabble together the extra money, get the premium leather. That's my only regret is that I didn't spring for the best accessory offered. Is the Polymer Weave good? Absolutely, worth the $99. It is rigid, will protect your investment, and it's very classy looking.
My friend who picked up the Leather Folio is a graphic designer, and has greatly informed my sense of aesthetics over the years. She says the Leather Book Folio is well worth the extra. She is, most certainly, correct.
So, yeah, if you're going to get a reMarkable 2 and want a slightly used Polymer Weave Book Folio (mine), I'll let it go for cheap (so I can atone, and get the leather version, ha ha).
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The reMarkable 2 doesn't have a web browser, app store, Merge Dragons, audio player, or other third party applications. It won't replace your iPad, or Android Tablet. It will replace all the paper, notebooks, and pens in your life. This is especially true if you have a small scanner (like a Doxie), and leverage reMarkable's Smartphone app and cloud sync feature.
This tablet is for people that like paper, a lot, but don't want to carry it around or keep track of it. It is for people that fill 8-12 Moleskines a year, and mark up hundreds of pages of documents, for themselves, and others. It is for people that tap into their creativity by writing things down, sketching diagrams, and making lists.
The act of holding a pen or pencil against paper is a cognitive trigger, built into their implicit memory, every day, for years, that allows them to do their things.
$399 will buy a decent Samsung or Apple branded tablet, but neither of those is designed to emulate the experience of writing on paper like the reMarkable 2 tablet is. The reMarkable 2 will run you $399, a Marker Plus $99, and a Polymer Weave Folio $99, bringing it all to almost $600.
Unless you lurk reMarkable's website, and wait for a promotion. They did run a promotion for their pre-order, and will likely do something similar within a year of release. It is my recollection that the manufacturer ran at least two promotions for the Remarkable 1, and the savings were significant.
If you don't need one right this minute, check the website every week or so, their Amazon Store edifice, and whatever other options they have for your region.
In the last few years, reMarkable has only acquired more competition in the e ink Tablet market. That competition varies depending on where you live in the world. In the US, no one makes a thing that directly competes. I looked at other products, didn't see anything that made me pull out my reMarkable 1 and make a list of pros and cons for comparison.
That isn't to say there isn't a better thing for your use case, but there wasn't for mine.
Final Thoughts
If I didn't drive this point home earlier, I'm going to make it now. The reMarkable 2 will not replace your laptop, mobile OS (iOS/Android) Tablet Device (meant to replace your laptop), or Smartphone. There isn't even a calculator app on the reMarkable 2.
The Remarkable 2 will replace the pens, pencils, highlighters, notebooks, and print outs cluttering up your daily carry bag, desk, and life. It's a digital paper option, not a personal computing option. When used for that purpose, it is exceptional, and well worth the investment.
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ukulelekatie · 4 years
Okay so I’ve had my iPad Pro for a couple days now so I wanna share some initial thoughts on what it’s been like
Okay first up, I’m still getting used to the gestures and where everything on the keyboard is. Also not having a home button is WEIRD. But being able to split the screen is fun, I’m gonna enjoy being able to look up references, chat with friends, or watch shows while I draw!
I went with the smaller 11 inch since I wanted a drawing tool that’s more portable and easily handheld, and I’m glad that I did! It’s roughly the same size as my old iPad Air but with more screen space, so it feels natural to hold. It’s nice to be able to draw digitally anywhere, not just at my desk or the dining room table. I think the 12.9 inch would be nice as well but also more difficult for me to hold onto while drawing, since my right arm gets tired quickly from holding large/heavy objects due to my mobility problems.
Drawing with the Apple Pencil feels really nice and only took a few minutes for me to get the hang of, but I might consider looking into getting one of those screen protectors that feels more like paper. I like that it clips magnetically to the iPad to charge, but as a lefty I don’t love that it only charges on the right side. I could always hold it upside down, though!
Procreate is amazing so far! Based on my experiences with drawing apps on other devices, I was worried that it would be too simplified and not come with enough features, but in fact it has more functionality and customizability than what I use on a laptop (like including text? I don’t have to open an entirely different program just to type something on my drawing like I’ve been doing with SAI? Incredible!) It feels more intuitive already, so that’s great! In a way, the level of customization is somewhat overwhelming and it’s definitely gonna be a while before I figure out how to draw in my usual digital style, but that’s all gonna be part of the fun and may lead to some new stylistic experiments!
I think the one downside I’ve noticed so far is that since this is serving as a drawing tool AND a personal tablet, there’s a lot of room for procrastination. But then again, my laptop is also used for drawing and entertainment, so this might not even be an issue. In fact, I think having an iPad Pro is gonna make me more willing to draw! One of the biggest motivational hurdles I’ve had with drawing over the past few months is the feeling of “ugh, I have to leave my comfy spot on the couch, set up my laptop, plug in my tablet, wait for it to load and possibly reset the drivers... I guess I’ll just stay here and watch youtube videos on my iPad...” But now I can just pick up the pencil and BAM! Art time! And like I said before, I can do this anywhere I bring it, not just wherever there’s a table. I can draw on my bed!!
Oh wait I forgot one more thing: it feels so GOOD to have a device that displays colors correctly! The color balance on my laptop has been absolutely fucked ever since I got it and I’ve never been able to fix it! It’s been a real pain in the ass to draw for the past 4 years because I’ve had to constantly counterbalance the issues but now if I wanna make something blue I can just use blue instead of “blue but slightly less blue than I actually want it to be”
So yeah, I’m very happy with the iPad Pro so far and I’m looking forward to learning the ins and outs of drawing on it. Thank you to everyone who shared their wisdom with me while I was shopping around!
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wisqcrafts · 4 years
19 Home Quarantine Boredom Busters!
Bored? Bored??? Complain about your neighbors, your family, the government, the sky, anything else. But I never wanna hear or see anyone complain about boredom. Sorry not sorry. There's so many masterposts of things to do and free online resources. Here are just some of my dork ass ideas:
1) Free (yes FREE) online college courses from, you know, Yale, Harvard, MIT, etc:
What, like it's hard?
2) "Tattoo" practice - This is a personal idea of mine. Basically, you just take some non-toxic markers to draw on yourself or whoever youre in home quarantine with that wants a fake tattoo. This isn't the best time to be getting real tattoos but you can have fun seeing what youd look like with a one. If you dont really draw, you can print designs to cut into stencils.
3) Bento "stories" - I got this idea from the mom that went viral for the creative bentos she makes for her kids. I think, for even just one meal a day, it would be cute to tell a story with each bento. So if you're living with someone, they need to wait til the next day to find out what happens next! If you live alone, make them for yourself and post your bento story online.
4) Karaoke - By yourself or with others, doesn't matter, make it a party! Just search for your karaoke sobgs on Youtube. And anything is a microphone: hairbrush, remote, piece of fried chicken.... Good for you if you have one of those bluetooth mics tho.
5) Professor Day - Okay this one is really nerdy but it's more fun than it sounds. Pick a random topic, anything at all, and prepare a "lesson" or presentation on it. It could be one of your interests, an intro to a new language, or something you always wanted to learn. You can keep it to yourself, share the file online, or better: Dress the part and call your home quarantine buddies in for "class." If you live alone, teaching a class of inanimate objects would make for a silly yet informative video on your topic. Hey maybe this can catch on! Everyone can be an expert of something they're passionate about and should share their unique take on it, who knows who will be into it.
6) Miss Going Outside? Bring the experiences indoors! Like the family that made a home grocery for their grandma, you can make part of your home into something you miss from the outside world. Museum? Plenty offer free virtual tours. Cinema? If you don't have a big TV, you can make a projector for your phone with a shoebox. Camping? Hello, pillow fort and blanket tent. Roast marshmallows on the stove. Play relaxing nature sounds on your speaker. (Try the free app Relax Melodies, I love the mixing feature) Get creative with your space and what you have to make something you want. When you're really bored and missing the outdoors, Youtube or Google Streetview somewhere you wish you could go.
7) Room Makeover - No better time to do it! It's good exercise and it's a creative experience.
8) New Hair Dont Care - This is the best time to try an outrageous haircut or color since you're stuck at home. If it doesn't turn out ideal, no one has to know. If you love it, great! You can try any look you normally wouldn't wear outside or at work.
9) Safe Science Experiments - emphasis on the word SAFE. Safety first, always. There's plenty of free resources online for instructions, esp on YouTube.
10) Consume All The Free Movies, Shows, Music, Books, Audio Books and even Comics Online... it's endless! So much free... And now not so little time. You won't run out of things to watch, read, or listen to.
11) Make a Short Film - Get creative or just be silly! Try stop motion with old toys, get yourself or someone you're home with into acting, or make your pet a star.
12) Tea Party - Be a kid again and dress up for tea... but put whatever twist you want on it! Wear an old Halloween costume or something! If you live alone, video call your friends or family to join you for tea.
13) Spa Day - All the pampering you didn't have time for when work/school wasn't from home? You have time now. DIY facial. Bubble bath. Nail art. Really soak in every little act of self love.
14) Practice drag makeup, styling, and performance for fun. Your gender or sexual preference doesn't even matter here. Its all good fun! Be a drag queen or king for a day. Lip sync for your life by yourself or make it a drag race with your home quarantine mates.
15) Mystery Day - Create a fake crime scene and have your friends/family solve it! Doesn't have to be a big mess and you don't have to make it so complicated for yourself or your home quarantine fam. You could also just write a simple mystery/riddle online for friends to solve if you live alone. You can even assign roles like accomplice, police, detective, etc. Work your brain, the goal is to kill boredom right?
16) Scrapbook - or Burn Book, Spell Book, pop-up book, revolutionary manifesto, whatever. Use anything you have as a base even if it has writing: an old phone book, something missing pages, a faded magazine, whatever. Then stick any pics, stickers, printouts, tags, wrappers, etc you want. What kind of book will it be?
17) Art Therapy - Even if you dont consider it something you're "good" at, use art to express yourself. It doesn't just have to be drawing, painting, or sculpting... You can pick up a forgotten musical instrument you may have lying around and just keep trying. Youtube is life. Countless tutorials for everything.
18) Crafts Crafts Crafts - Theres so many simple crafts to try at home. 5 Minute Crafts on Youtube and various other channels offer some great yet easy ideas. Try going about it in this order:
a) Look around your house for stuff you don't need. Set aside for craft pile or donate pile.
b) Look around again for any ways you can improve you home. You need mor storage? Is your shoe rack broken? Are you always missing something? Then search online for crafts specific to that.
c) Set up a neat work space with your craft pile and some tools you can use. Note: Never use kitchen items for crafts if you still intend to use them on food. You may be able to wash them but you can't undo any damage from crafting trial and error.
19) If you have any skill that can possibly help frontliners during this crisis, do see what you can do without risking your own health. If you can sew, donate masks or even PPE suits as there are guides online for the right patterns and materials. Even just a few pieces are helpful. If you sing, sing for our frontliners. If you write, write about them. Do your research about the situation in your town. Health workers, sanitation workers, grocery staff, and other essential workers are all putting their lives on the line. All we have to do is stay home but we can make the most of it.
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feitclub · 4 years
In The Cards
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It all started with James Bond, the arbiter of worldliness and all things cool when I was just a kid stuck in suburbia. The movies were frequently shown on TV and I made it a point to watch them all over and over again. One of my early favorites was Live and Let Die: the theme song kicked ass, it was Roger Moore's first film so he would never look more handsome, and the movie was full of straight-up magic. The bad guys have a fortune teller on their side, and she can seemingly see everything James Bond will do, even from a great distance. The key to her abilities, aside from her being a virgin (which Bond *ahem* takes care of) was her use of tarot cards. Drawing randomly from this special deck of cards, she could literally see the past, the present, and the future.
I had never heard of tarot cards before but I knew I wanted them. I could not have been older than 12.
When I got my hands on a deck, likely from a book store at the mall, there was an instant level of disappointment. The tarot cards in the Live and Let Die had a very specific look to them, and I had presumed that was just how all tarot cards would look. The deck which I bought (received? I don't remember if my parents were in on this) looked different. All the cards were there, but the art I had expected was not. The biggest difference that stood out to me was the "Death" card: in Live and Let Die that card has a super badass drawing of Death-incarnate wearing a suit of armor while riding a Pale Horse as all manner of human beings knelt or simply fell before him. In my deck, Death looked like a cartoon skeleton without clothes or a horse as he literally reaped the grass with a scythe. I am not here to judge aesthetics, but if you see something in a movie and you end up buying something else, especially as a kid, that's not going to sit right.
(I have tried to use modern search engine tools to discover what kind of deck I had: it was easy to figure out that Live and Let Die used a kind of Rider-Waite-Smith deck, but I think I might have ended up with a variant on a Marseilles deck - exactly which variant, I could not say)
Artistically it was a let down but the appeal of the tarot cards only increased as I learned more about them. First, I discovered that the deck was huge with 78 different cards: the big-picture cards that were featured in the film with names like "The Lovers" and "The Fool" were part of the Major Arcana, but there was also a full set of Minor Arcana which resembled playing cards: four suits, lots of numbers, and several face cards. Secondly, every card had two different "readings," depending on which direction the card faced when drawn.
78 cards, all with two different meanings, meant memorization. As a kid, I was all about memorization. In elementary school my friend Sasha and I tried to memorize the Periodic Table and I think we made it to the lanthanides. When I discovered the joy of watching professional sports, I made a point of memorizing all the teams - by division - in all four major sports leagues. Then I started memorizing the championship winners (and the runners-up) of each major sports league for the last ten years...then the last 20. These tarot cards were going to be my new thing, I could feel it.
I started carrying the cards with me wherever I went. As a kid in school this was easy since I always had a backpack on so the size of the cards meant nothing. Sasha and I (we had watched Live and Let Die together, so this became a team obsession) each had our own deck and we both would take turns drawing cards and looking them up in the little booklet that came in the box. I can remember taking them with us on a school trip to Boston and when we weren't in awe of the historical sights (do I need to tell you we were both nerds?) we kept up our tarot studies while walking around town. On one occasion, just as we drew a card and the booklet said it meant "danger," a car honked its horn at us. We were walking in the middle of the street! Clearly, the magic was real.
The tiny booklet also included a recommended layout when "reading" the cards. The lady in the movie just turned them over one at a time and everything made sense to her, but instead these instructions had us laying out ten different cards in a pattern where each card has a different relationship to the reader. Today I can tell you this pattern is called a "celtic cross" and it is only one of many, many shapes and patterns that can be used, but preteen me did not have that information. I had clear directions: to read the cards I had to flip over ten of them and explain them all.
Before I knew it, before either of us were really ready to be doing anything like this, I remember both of us became tarot card readers at our synagogue for a Purim festival. At the time I didn't think anything was weird, but in hindsight I am impressed that no one raised an objection to kids bringing such a thing into the synagogue so we could be fortune tellers. I should say that we were members of a Reform Temple and I cannot recall ever hearing words like "blasphemy" or "occult" used by our rabbi or anyone else in authority; it stood in contrast to all those self-described Christians I would see on TV who were mad about evolution being taught in schools, talking animals existing as characters in children's books, or anything else we might read in a Chick Tract (which come to think of it, we also discovered around this time while riding Metro-North trains into New York City).
My tarot reading habit did not last; Sasha and I had a falling out of sorts and other things just became more important than these strange cards. My deck sat on a shelf in my room for years until I moved out of my childhood home. I cannot say for certain but it more than likely did not leave with me. But my curiosity surrounding the tarot would linger in my mind and resurface soon enough just as my next big obsession would come along and reveal itself to be tarot-adjacent: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
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When I discovered JoJo via a fan-subtitled bootleg VHS in the late 1990s, I had no idea the six episodes of anime I just saw covered only one small part of an ongoing (to this day!) manga. The story, as presented on the tape, started in the middle of the action. A lot of it did not make sense, but I latched onto one element right away: every character had superpowers which were embodied - literally - in a spiritual version of themselves on screen and all these alter-egos had tarot-related names: Star Platinum. Hierophant Green. THE WORLD. There wasn't much connection between the card names and the powers they possessed, but it was the coolest thing I had ever seen. If I had still owned a deck I might have started imagining other powers for the other cards not shown on screen (not knowing that they were all represented in some fashion in the original manga).
Leap forward another - gosh, twenty years? - and my tarot fascination never really went away. When I see a Kickstarter or an Etsy page for a new take on tarot cards, I often take a peek at what ideas are on display. A lot of them are just...porn-y. Some are cute. But I'm old(er) now, I don't have the raw enthusiasm I did when I was in 7th grade and the prospect of magic playing cards just made perfect sense. I see daily horoscopes on Japanese TV which I recognize aren't "real," how could I scoff at one kind of fortune telling and then pick up a deck of tarot cards?
Except...who cares if it's "real." What does it matter if these cards are, ultimately, a random assortment of quality art? It's been three entire decades since I first saw them and I'm still deeply intrigued. Part of being old(er) is coming to terms with your own tastes and biases; I no longer need to apologize or feel shame for liking old pop songs or macho action movies and if I've always had a feeling that tarot cards are cool, that feeling is correct.
There's also the feeling that I know so little about tarot cards that I cannot possibly pass judgement on people who use them. I recently started testing a Body Positivity mobile app that uses tarot cards as a means to spark self-reflection and, well, body positivity. The tarot cards in the app are not "real," they're not even physical. They're just drawings on a screen. But the drawings are nice, and if flipping a virtual card over can have a real impact on my own mind, who's to say what flipping real cards over could do?
Even though I felt a need to write all this down, I'm not actually seeking permission here. I already made up my mind and bought a brand-new deck of tarot cards. It's here, next to me. I’ve opened them. I try to draw a few cards whenever I have a chance, but I don't know where this reignited interest will take me. Will I start memorizing them all, again? Will I have another car-honking-its-horn-at-me moment? Maybe I'll just enjoy them aesthetically (they are very nice-looking if I may say so). I don't know what will come next any more than these cards do, but I know I like having them here and I want to know more. At the very least, tarot cards have already taught me an important lesson: I know better than to try and read them while walking in the middle of the road.
---- I shared this story with my Patreon supporters before posting it publicly. Want to help me write more things? Join today: patreon.com/feitclub Ko-fi works too: ko-fi.com/feitclub
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Isabella says there's more than one "promise"? How the hell is that supposed to work? Or is this a mis translation?
Sorry, I am a bit slow at answering asks right now! I will get there though!
Hmmm, are you sure you don't mean Mujika? She says this, while I don't remember Isabella ever saying that...
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To answer your questions, I will reference my theory on Bible parallels in TPN. You can look for it among my posts or Theory Directory if you want to know more.
The important point though is that from what we learn there was a miraculous "saviour" to demons who could take away their hunger for humans by simply offering their blood. This seems to be a direct reference to Jesus' last supper, and the visuals confirm it:
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Note one important element that doesn't show up well in the way that my mobile app tumblr formatted those pics, but Luke 22:20 has Jesus say:
In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you."
Now please note that:
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The meaning of the passage (and the whole new Testament) is that Jesus is spilling his blood to save humans, and the humans that follow him enter a NEW PROMISE with him, which replaces the OLD PROMISE made between God and man in the old testament.
Within the Old testament, this original PROMISE was made between Abraham, who was called "father of nations" and God, and was the basis of the jewish religion, and included a Promised land. The jews entered this Promised land in Exodus of the Bible, fleeing from the egyptians.
However the reason that God sent his son Jesus was that the jews have strayed off the path of the original promise, and God wanted Jesus to forge a new promise with them, while dying a martyr's death for their sins. Although later he would be resurrected...
This new promise, or New Testament has lead to the establishment of Christianity, which was heavily persecuted before it started to spread and became one of the biggest religions in the world.
So could we draw an analogy with what we have in TPN?
Well, the title itself seems to be a combination of the PROMISED LAND from the Bible and NEVERLAND from Peter Pan. That's already suspicious, since in general a title is chosen to REPRESENT THE OVERALL meaning of a work... funny coincidence, right?
Anyway, which other facts align?
Cuvitidala that was a holy site to the demons of the old lays abandoned and in ruin. Note that in the vision Emma sees about the original Promise when she meets demon!God, you can see it being used by the demons for worship... This seems to be a direct reference for jews straying from the original path laid out by God in the Old Testament
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The demon!saviour who looked very similar to Mujika died a martyr and her followers were heavily prosecuted and killed, just like it was the case for early christians, who had to practice their religion in hiding (often underground), just like Son-ju and Mujika. Son-ju even calls themselves heathens, which is what early Christian were considered.
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The demon!saviour is turned out to have survived after all... or have they? Is Mujika really the original demon!Jesus? We know that demon!Jesus is over 700 years old, have travelled a lot, and wore her hair differently (loose, not in braids). We also have these panels that imply that the Gracefield kids are the first humans Mujika sees (since she says she THINKS they are humans... it should be pretty obvious to any demon who has seen humans):
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It seems very unlikely to me that an over 700 years old, well travelled demon has NEVER seen a human, not even on the market... Mujika on the other hand lives in hiding and in isolation from demon society... what if she has done so since birth? Because she is the daughter of demon!Jesus?! That would make more sense in my opinion...
You know what's also suspicious and unexplained? This panel of flashbacks:
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Why does Leuvis' death flashback feature Mujika so vividly? What's the connection? How did Mujika and Son-ju manage to escape notice of the powerful regent families and the king? Did they have someone in a position of power helping them? OH wasn't Leuvis an ARCHDUKE and super important ?!
But why would Leuvis help them? Hmmm doesn't Leuvis and Son-ju have such similar masks? But why does Leuvis focus on Mujika? She is his LAST memory... perhaps his most precious one...?
Could Mujika be the child of demon!Jesus and Leuvis? We don't know enough about demon reproduction, our only piece of info is that Luce has a father, and that we saw a demon baby in the demon!Jesus panels. However just imagine the ANGST
Would Shirai pass this golden opportunity of angst? After all, the only Goldy Pond demon that Emma personally killed was Leuvis. So how would Emma feel if it turned out she killed Mujika's father? Or how would Mujika feel that the person she considered her friend has killed her father? Hmm, maybe there is no relation, but curiosly Leuvis' pet Parvus is the exact same colours as Mujika's hair... could it be a memento for Leuvis....? SUCH ANGST MATERIAL
Sorry, I got sidetracked. To answer your question:
I think there is actually a New Promise for those who follow demon!Jesus, and drink her blood, that was always intended to happen by demon!God but had so far only very few followers.
We know both Son-ju and Mujika has this blood, one way or another, and they can both pass it to other demons, as it was explained by Norman that all the followers could spread this blood.
I think if the Emma is St. Paul analogy is right, she will play a big role in spreading that promise.
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Ignis Info
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Full name: Ignis Crane
Species: Human
Age: 19 ( verse dependant )
Sexuality: Heterosexual
FC(s): Tsugumi Hazawa ( Bandori ) || Makoto Nijima ( Persona 5 ) || Shailene Woodley
Bio: Ignis is the only child of the Crane family, a powerful and rich family from Germany. Their business? It used to be dedicated to selling to the public nothing but the most quality art products at an accessible price, while also participating in charities. That has changed, however, with the death of the previous head, Marcus Crane. It was a tragedy, all happening during a car accident – it was considered a miracle that his daughter, Ignis, survived with little to no injuries outside of a few broken bones.
The death of her father caused much pain to the little girl – she was six at the time, and the two of them were very close: he introduced her to the world of art, the basics of drawings and painting, that there are no limits to the imagination. Once he was out of the picture, however, not only did Elizabeth take over the company, changing the angle from art to calculators and office materials (and stopping the charities altogether) but also had complete control over her daughter’s agency and will for almost a decade. Strick classes, no light in her life, forced to become a perfect woman who knew multiple languages and how to behave like a proper upper-class lady. The few times Ignis defied her mother at first, the punishments could be either several slaps in the face of being locked in her bedroom for hours.
Ignis was scarred for life, being physically and mentally abused and without any way of contacting the outside world. But everyone has their limits – she reached her at the age of fourteen. She wanted a life, a normal life, to feel the sun, go to school like most teenagers, to simply… live. It took more than a couple of months, but her plan worked. With nothing but a small bag pack, her most important belongings, and cutting any way her mother could use to track her – so, no mobile phone, no credit cards, no electronic devices – and left the manor in the depths of the night, took the first train available to France, and left Germany during a cold winter’s night.
It’s not like she travelled to another country without a plan in mind. She knew exactly why to go to France and not anywhere else. That country is where the only living relative who actually cares about her lives: Marianne Crane, her grandmother and father’s mother. The woman, currently in her late 60’s, was surprised to see her only granddaughter, now fully a teen, at her door’s house so early in the morning. But it didn’t take too long for the woman to catch up to what happened – after all, she disliked Elizabeth Woodford from day one, never liked the idea of her son marrying her, and learning what she did to Ignis only increased her hate for the woman. They began a new life together, depending on one another, helping each other… Marianne did everything she could to help Ignis get enrolled into a decent High School. It started slowly, cutting ties with the past – such as cutting Ignis’ long hair to have it barely above her shoulders – and having new additions to the family, such as a Dalmatian whom Ignis named Shady.
Due to the lack of communication with other people – either because she didn’t see that many people or wasn’t allowed to talk period – Ignis has a hard time opening up to others. Not to mention she avoids talking too in-depth about her family outside of her grandmother and her father; to avoid the bad memories, of course, but also to prevent from being recognised as the daughter of a rich family. Despite the awkwardness at first, it doesn’t change the fact that she’s a sweet girl who will offer a hand to others if necessary. Another downside to not be used to social interactions is being quite slow in the romantic department, not catching up to flirting or the like as fast as most people.
V001: Timid Artist
Default main verse. All the information necessary is at her bio page; this is also her default “College Verse”, in which she’s studying to get a degree in arts. Aside from getting paid by walking the dogs of the neighbourhood, Ignis accepts commissions online and gets paid via Patreon. She would like to teach young kids how to draw, or just be a Kindergarten teacher in some shape.
V002: Sanctuary Underneath the School
Amour Sucre verse. After moving with her grandmother, Ignis never thought she would end up assisting to a school like this. Very pink and bright, even the same sounds like out of a romantic comedy. But she does her best to live her daily life as normal as possible, being careful to not get recognized by who her mother is by accident. She usually spends time in the basement where she paints the walls… very illegal, but is where she goes to find peace and leave behind expectations and mean girls.
NOTE: Age is 16 - 17 in this verse within the context of the original Amour Sucre. If it goes into the realm of MCLUL, then her main age is 19 and she’s ( in most versions of this AU ) married to Castiel Heinsworth / @kindcstguardian
V003: Hiding in Plain Sight
Alternate main verse. Ignis underestimated the persistence and resources her mother has at her disposal being a millionaire and all. She and her grandmother had to react quickly, moving to a country which they were sure her mother wouldn’t suspect of them living there. Marianne, luckily, made the process easier than it could’ve been thanks to some old friends from said country, but is still a sad departure.
V004: A Stranger in the Chat
Mystic Messanger verse. It all started with a mysterious cell phone. Ignis had only picked it up to return it to its owner if given the chance. One thing led to another and curiosity killed the cat – it’s still strange how all of this was happening not too long after moving to Korea with her grandmother. And now, the artist was stuck in a mysterious apartment with nothing but her backpack, her cell phone, and a private app to RFA’s chat log.
V005: Royalty from Beelzenia [Private w/kindcstguardian]
Madness of Duke Venomania verse. The Crane aristocrats, like any other citizen from the Beelzenian Empire, share the same physical features. Brown and red hair or eyes. Ignis inherited the red eyes from her father, who inherited them from his mother way back when -- the bright brown hair, on the other hand, came from her mother.
The happy family didn’t last for long, as her father tragically passed away. The reason? Poison. Someone had poisoned the aristocrat kind man, leaving his wife and daughter alone in the world. This is when the lady began to show her true colours -- Ignis saw just how cruel and despicable she could be. Elizabeth spent the majority of the following 12 years shaping Ignis into the perfect, passive little wife, all while searching for a suitor for her.
Soon enough, much quicker than Ignis would’ve anticipated, she was engaged to Sateriaris Venomania.
V006: Speechless Lady
Royalty verse. Ever since her father’s death, Ignis has been living under an iron grim. Always occupied, always with etiquette lessons on how to be a proper Lady of society. She knew what her mother was trying to do. It was so obvious to her and the staff of the mansion. Ignis Crane was to be made into the perfect bride to be, so the search for a husband would be easier on her end and Elizabeth Crane could arrange a marriage for Ignis. All for the sake of money, titles and recognition.
She couldn’t say no, she couldn’t say anything ever. Ignis was nothing but a puppet for her mother, to be toyed and played with until she was perfect.
V007: Witness my Resolve
Persona 5 or Sweet Persona verse. Despite doing the impossible, Ignis didn’t feel like she had accomplished much. Sure, being with her grandmother and as far away from her old life as possible, down to the point of moving to Japan, was leagues better than the life of abuse she endured for so long. And yet, nothing about her had changed -- Ignis was still a pretty reserved girl who had trouble interacting with others and opening up ( not to mention the language barrier as a new obstacle ).
Things didn’t get better once she began attending Shujin Academy. All alone and timid, not many people tried to talk to her, and those who did struggle with their broken English or her broken Japanese. The gym coach, Mr Kamoshida, didn’t make things better for her. He kept pushing her forward under the excuse of “It will help you open up!” but it only made her more anxious, not to mention the guy itself freaked out, even if Ignis never knew why for half a year.
Imagine her surprise, the following months, when the pieces began to fall into place. It all happened one day after class, all Ignis wanted to do was return to Sakamoto Ryuji his school book that he had forgotten at the end of the class, but instead of simply returning it to him and leaving, she ended up on a reality much like her own but very different at the same time.
That’s when she saw them. The two boys and one girl, one being Sakamoto, all dressed up in leather, black or red, and wearing masks, with them was a strange-looking cat ( and it talked! ), and in front of them was Kamoshida... a Kamoshida that resembled her worst nightmares, one that made her feel scared for the first time since she ran away. The strange creatures immediately captured her, bringing her up to Kamoshida, who only laughed at her suffering. And all Ignis could think of was... Why? Why was this happening? Why couldn’t she do anything to escape? But, is running away the best option?
Then, she heard a voice. ‘My, my, you have finally awoken, my child,’ and her head spin and hurt like hell. ‘Running away can only get you so far. Is this how you really want to live your life? Afraid like a mouse, constantly running? Deep down, you know you don’t want this,’ her body juggled in all directions while still feeling the firm grip of the monsters, she was trying to escape. ‘I am Thou, Thou art I. Let me grant you the means to push forward and not turn back in fear.’
Ignis felt a rush of adrenaline in her veins, enough to set herself free while feeling something take form in her face. A mask, a Venetian mask, and she knew what to do next. When she ripped it off her face, it felt like being born again. Her clothes changed to go with the others, her right hand now held a long silver trident and behind her stood her Persona, Jean D’Arc.
Note: Since this verse will be used for the Sweet Persona AU as well ( a MCL AU heavily inspired by P5 ), her awakening takes place inside a different palace. Also, her age in this verse isn’t 19 but 16.
V008: Beginning Anew
Fire Emblem Three Houses verse. To be written in more detail later but here are some important tidbits:
Ignis is the only child of the Cranes, which is a respected noble family from the Empire. 
Her father died when she was young and, not too long after, her mother took control over her life, forcing her to be the perfect child.
It was unknown for 10 years but Ignis bears a Minor Crest, even though nobody can tell which crest it is. (That crest is one of the ones lost to history, the Crest of Noa)
This way of living was too much for her. At the age of fourteen, she fleed the place that used to be her home, nowadays known as the House Woodford, and left the Empire. 
She went to live with her grandmother, who is currently living in the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
The girl has an affinity for magic; with the help of her grandmother, she enrolled in the Royal School of Sorcery in Fhirdiad. Her top marks and dedication guaranteed her a letter of recommendation to, later on, enroll in the Officers Academy as a student of the Blue Lions.
She’s 16 pre-timeskip and 20 post-timeskip.
She specializes in magic and sucks with most weapons except the bow. Her class is probably the Warlock.
V009: Obey me
Obey me verse. How did this happen? How did this come to be? One second, Ignis was on her way home from class, already thinking about what to cook for dinner and to also do some quick grocery shopping for the dogs, and then the next... She, well, si not even in the same familiar streets or in the same familiar town anymore. It took more than a couple of hours for her to catch up on what’s going on and even then this all feels like a strange dream. The Royal Academy o Diavolo?? She’s a transfer student from the human side?? There are demons in this realm?? At least half of them are named after the demons linked to the seven deadly sins? Oh boy, this is going to be wild.
V010: Overwatch
Overwatch verse. Tired of being forced to be basically a living doll --- never talking back, never acting out of line, always looing, acting and being perfect, always being AFRAID --- for her entire life after her father’s death, Ignis Crane decided to take matters into her own hands. It took at least a year to plan out and do it on her own so she wouldn’t be discovered, plus the many trial and errors she run across when building her own machinery, but once she was ready, the heist began.
Ignis cut her long, beautiful brown hair, leaving it as short as a boy’s haircut; her perfectly tidy and clean dresses were replaced by a worn-out hoodie, shirt, jeans and running shoes, all covered in dirty, paint or both; the hood of said hoodie covered her head, while a grey scarf covered her face just below the nose and a pair of goggles rested on the upper side of her face.
At first glance, Ignis looked like a street-rat graffiti artist ready to vandalize any wall no matter what. Well, good, the disguise worked. Sure, she carried around lots of spray paint cans but not all of them worked as intended, not to mention the flamethrower she had on her back alongside her backpack with money, some food and replacement parts. The spray paint cans had paint in them, yes, but at least half of them were modified to work as bombs -- her way to stop the police or omnic ( or anyone, really ) chasing after her by leaving them in a sticky situation against the ground or wall. She also carried lots and lots of bedbugs to leave on the ground. The flamethrower, which she found by chance some years ago, was cleaned and refilled with fuel ( which her bag had more spares in case it runs out ). Ignis does have one more ace under her sleeve, a bomb, but didn’t have time to make a lot of those and still inexperienced in that area, so those little guys are reserved for special circumstances.
Her main goal, at first, was to not only become a runaway but to also expose her step-mother for the vile that she is. Her first heist was to her mother’s money vault, after all, and Ignis took as much money as she could before leaving, but not without leaving a message with her spray paint: Elizabeth Woodford is a Talon associate, she’s an enemy of society --- Phoenix. A few days later, after she began appearing on the news as a fugitive and criminal, Ignis felt so much satisfaction for ruining with her mother’s perfect image that she thought of continuing on with this, to mess with as many asshole rich people as possible and steal ( some of ) their money for those who need it.
V011: Kamiaso
Kamigami no Asobi verse. In order for his plan to proceed without any inconveniences, Zeus decided to bring not one but two humans to the Garden, to act as teachers and guides to the gods. Kusanagi Yui was his first choice from the beginning, but picking another worthy human was a tough choice. In the end, after searching and searching, inspecting different countries and such, he found his second candidate.
Ignis Crane, after returning home from her college classes, was planning to rest for a bit before doing her homework and other house chores. However, just as she was about to lay down on the sofa, a powerful light engulfed her whole, blinding her. The last thing she heard was Shady’s barks as the scenery around her changed. -- she was no longer at her house in Paris, France, but in a world unlike any other, and soon to be tasked to get along and live with literal all-mighty Gods.
Castiel Heinsworth :: [ Bae ]
:: Ignis ♥ At last I see the light [ Castiel ( kindcstguardian ) ] ::
Zen || Hyun Ryu :: [ Bae ]
:: Ignis ♥ Foolishly in love [ Zen ( kindcstguardian ) ] ::
Karamatsu Matsuno :: [ Bae ]
pending tag
Arthur Kirkland :: [ Bae ]
Daria Novak :: [ Bae ]
pending tag
Kentin Bronsworth :: [ Martu ]
pending tag
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droneseco · 3 years
Is the Jackery Explorer 1500 the Best Portable Power Station of 2021?
Jakcery Explorer 1500
9.50 / 10
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For lovers of portable power, the Explorer 1500 is just about perfect. 
Key Features
Dual MPPT DC inputs (48V)
Maintenance-free design
Onboard Battery Management System
Overcharge Protection/Short Circuit Protection
Multiple charging methods
Smart LCD display with estimated remaining runtime
LED Flashlight
Brand: Jackery
Weight: 33lbs (15KG)
Size: 14” x 10.4” x 12.7” (35.6 x 26.5 x 32.3 cm)
Capacity: 1488.2Wh (41.34Ah, 36V)
Maximum Discharge: 1800W continuous / 3600W peak
Maximum Charge: 500W
Solar Controller: Yes
Ports: 7 outputs, 2 inputs
Ports: 3 x AC, 2 x 12V DC, USB-C, 2 x USB-A, 12V Carport
Solar support is fantastic
Easily powers high wattage devices
All-day capacity
7 outputs
Sturdy build quality
Colorful LCD display
Solar panel option is expensive
No Anderson connections
Buy This Product
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Jakcery Explorer 1500 other
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There's just something about going off the grid. Maybe it's drinking that first cup of coffee as you bask in the morning quiet of the woods. Or perhaps it's swapping stories around the orange glow of a smoky campfire. Whatever it is, eschewing the busy world and getting back to nature is something we should all do from time to time. Just ask Thoreau.
But, if old Hank were around today, he'd probably have a cell phone. He'd also probably have a laptop, and he'd need a way to charge that puppy while pontificating out on Walden Pond. In other words, he'd need some portable power.
Well, Jackery has heard this siren song and created the Explorer 1500 portable solar generator. This beastly unit promises 1800 watts of continuous AC power and a generous 1488 watt-hour capacity. But is it any good? That's what we're going to find out in today's Jackery Explorer 1500 review.
Meet the Jackery Explorer 1500
The Jackery Explorer 1500 is a portable "solar generator" used to power your various electronic devices. Think of it as a giant battery bank with enough juice to take out to the campsite or use for emergency electricity, which can be charged from a variety of sources, including solar.
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The Explorer features three ways to charge the unit, including a 12-volt auxiliary power adapter, AC power, and optional solar panels (not included). The Explorer houses a lithium-ion battery rated at 41.34 amp hours and 36 volts. It also offers 1488.2 watt-hours of total capacity.
The Explorer 1500 is available for $1599 on Jackery’s website and can be packaged with four SolarSaga 100W solar panels for $2699.
Technical Specifications
Dimensionst: 14 x 10.4 x 12.7 inches (35.6 x 26.5 x 32.3 cm)
Weight: 33.1 lbs (15 Kg)
Battery: Lithium-ion
Capacity: 1488.2Wh (41.34Ah, 36V)
Input: 2 SolarPeak MPPT DC 48V inputs
Outputs: 7 total.
3 Pure Sine Wave AC outputs (110v ~60Hz)
USB-C (60W PD)
Qualcomm Quick Charge USB-A 3.0,
USB-A (5v, 2.4A)
Carport (12V, 10A)
Inverter: 1800W AC (3600W surge peak)
Display: LCD
Certifications: RoHS, UN38.3, FCC, Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0
Operating Temperature: 14 - 104F (-10C - 40C)
Recharge Temperature: 32 - 104F (0 - 40C)
Warranty: 24 Months (extended to 3 years if registered)
Extras: LED Flashlight
Cost: Battery alone $1599.99 US, and as tested $2699.99
What’s in the Box?
In the box for the Jackery Explorer 1500, you’ll get:
The Explorer 1500
2 Jackery Parallel Solar Power Cable Adapters
12-Volt Power Cable
AC Power Cable with Power Brick
Neoprene Pouch For Power Cable Storage
The Explorer 1500 Instruction Manual and Warranty Information
Who is the Jackery Explorer For?
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There are two types of consumers who might be interested in the beefy Explorer 1500. The first is looking for a way to power their devices in case of an emergency. For example, sustained power outages, natural disasters, or the odd one-off zombie apocalypse. For these folks, the Jackery Explorer 1500 offers a few benefits over a gas generator.
The second type of consumer who will appreciate the Jackery Explorer is the outdoor type. Jackery’s motto is “Power Outdoors,” which demonstrates the kind of consumer Jackery is targeting.
Campers who enjoy periodically going off-grid, weekend-warriors, and vehicle-based nomads will all love the freedom that the Explorer 1500 provides. This category also includes people like me, who need to power photography equipment, lighting, computers, tablets, phones, and other mobile content creation gear outside my home studio.
Related: Camping Apps for the Perfect Camping Getaway
Key Features
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The most important key feature of the Jackery Explorer 1500 is its high wattage capability. Devices like hairdryers, countertop microwaves, and electric tea kettles use high wattage to operate. Jackery states that this unit should accommodate up to 85% of all electronic devices.
As long as your device doesn’t go above 1800 running watts for a sustained period, then the Explorer 1500 should power it. They can peak at up to 3600 watts, but not for long.
The all-in-one design of the Explorer 1500 is safer than a gas generator and requires very little maintenance. There's also absolutely no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning with this unit.
Plus, the Jackery is much quieter than your standard gas generator and will likely draw less attention from folks who might want to borrow power in an emergency. The device doesn’t need gas to function, and the giant battery will juice up all sorts of household items.
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The onboard battery management system keeps the Explorer 1500 from overcharging, and Jackery states that you can leave the device plugged into AC power without any ill effects. The internal lithium-ion battery is rated for 800 cycles. That means you’ll have power when you need it, and you can use the Explorer 1500 for years without killing it.
Recharging the unit is accomplished by plugging it into AC power, using the solar panels, or using the supplied 12-volt car charger. Using these charging methods results in different overall recharge times. The 12-volt car charger is the slowest, taking around 13 hours to recharge the unit thoroughly.
With two SolarSaga 100W panels, a full charge takes around nine hours. With four SolarSaga panels, the total time to fully charge is approximately five hours. Finally, charging the Explorer 1500 with two Jackery AC power adapters takes around two hours to get to 80% power. In this case, you’ll have to purchase another AC power brick, but if you need to fast charge the Explorer 1500, then dual AC is the speediest way to go.
Using the single AC charger supplied with the unit takes around six hours to charge the Explorer 1500 to maximum. This time is relatively fast considering the size of the unit.
Something possible, though not recommended for extended periods, is pass-thru charging. With pass-thru charging, you can charge your devices while you’re charging the Explorer 1500.
Testing the Jackery Explorer 1500
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On Jackery’s website, there's a list of appliances that the Explorer 1500 can power and the approximate times the Explorer can run them continuously. Included are a mini cooler for 21 hours, a coffee maker for 68 minutes, a pressure cooker for 75 minutes, an electric grill for 60 minutes, and a microwave for 68 minutes.
To see which household devices the Explorer 1500 would power, I decided to put some of them to the test. I didn’t have a mini-cooler, but I do have a mini chest freezer in my garage, so I hooked the Jackery up to that to see what kind of power it drew. The chest freezer pulled between 300-350 watts when the compressor cycled on, but the wattage output on the Jackery Explorer sank to zero when it stopped.
Some people might ask if the Explorer 1500 will power a camp freezer or mini-fridge. I attempted to answer that question with my tests. Unfortunately, I don't have a camp-sized fridge, but I do have a full-sized home fridge that I plugged into the solar generator.
With the fridge plugged in and running, the Explorer reported around 265 watts being drawn and around 7.1 hours of possible run-time. If you’ve ever experienced a multiple-day power outage, then this device would be great to have around the house as backup power.
As for other appliances, I also tested a 1200W toaster, a 1000W blender, and a 1000W tea kettle. The Jackery Explorer 1500 allowed all of these appliances to function well. Using all three within a short time also only resulted in a 10% reduction in overall charge. This test indicates that the Explorer 1500 is fully capable of powering small kitchen appliances with high wattage requirements.
I also used the Explorer 1500 to power a small 15-amp Ryobi circular saw for a weekend project. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get power output readings for the saw, but the Jackery had more than enough chutzpah to help me finish the job.
The ability to provide power to carpentry tools indicates another potential use case for the Explorer 1500—as portable power for a small worksite. Would I use the unit on a big project with heavy power needs? Probably not. But for minor home repair work, this power station is perfect.
Testing the SolarSaga 100W Solar Panels
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I also wanted to test the solar charging potential of the Explorer 1500. Setting up the SolarSaga 100W panels involves plugging the panels into the parallel solar power cable adapters and then plugging those adapters into the two MPPT input ports at the top of the device.
These 8mm connectors are standard on many other Jackery units, such as the Explorer 500 and 1000. Unlike those units, however, the 1500 does not include any Anderson connectors. That means if you’re planning on using the Explorer 1500 with solar panels that aren’t the SolarSaga 100W, you’ll likely need an adapter. Fortunately, you can pick up these adapters relatively inexpensively.
The third version of these SolarSaga 100W panels have some exciting features, such as the included built-in stands, ETFE surfaces, and USB-A and USB-C charging ports, which you can use for on-the-go device top-ups.
Using the panels in direct sun, I was able only to achieve around 60W of power input per panel. But it was around 3 pm and somewhat overcast during testing. So, I was expecting input wattage to fall short of the maximum.
Now, if you’re planning on over-paneling this unit, understand that the Explorer 1500 is only rated for 12-51 volts. The top-end of that range is a hard cap, and if you exceed that voltage on either of the input ports, then the unit will stop charging.
What Do We Love About the Jackery Explorer 1500?
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The best part of the Jackery Explorer 1500 is the sheer amount of stuff you can power with the unit. The massive 1488Wh capacity of this unit is also something remarkable. While other generators of this type, such as the Bluetti EB150, and EB240 offer similar or higher watt-hour capacity, these devices can’t touch the Explorer 1500’s muscular 1800W inverter performance.
Then there’s solar power. If you can afford it, solar is your ticket to nomadic off-grid bliss. The SolarSaga 100W panels fold up into an ultra-thin package and are only slightly larger than an extra-large pizza box. Packing these panels into your camper or RV will take up only a tiny amount of space.
The panels’ magnetic clasps are also well made, and each time you close the panels, they snap shut with confidence. But, these panels are pricey. On the other hand, if you’re going to invest in a solar generator like the Explorer 1500, add-on solar is undoubtedly worth the bump in cost.
The unit also has the benefit of being equipped to charge seven devices at once. That means no fighting your kids for a spot on the Explorer when they want to charge up their mobile devices. (Your Nintendo Switch is just as important!) And pass-thru charging is a boon, even if you only use it occasionally.
The build quality of the Explorer 1500 is top-notch, and it’s clear that Jackery wasn’t aiming to cut corners. Or, maybe the company was, because there are no sharp corners on this unit. While that might not seem like it matters, try smacking yourself in the back of your leg with 33 lbs. of pointed object, and you’ll understand why this attention to detail is important.
Finally, the unit’s LCD is bright and colorful, and it looks much better than Jackery’s previous Explorer 1000 iteration. The display is easy to read, and even in the dark, you’ll always know how much juice you have or how much power you’re using.
What’s Not to Love?
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There are only a few issues with the Explorer 1500 that prevent it from earning a perfect score. The first is the noise of the fan. This fan is noticeably loud. Will that be a problem for some people? Maybe.
For someone like me, who uses the Explorer in a videography setting, as long as my microphones don’t pick up the generator’s noise, then I’ll be happy. And at this point, I haven’t had much trouble. But don’t expect a unit that is whisper-quiet if you’re thinking about buying the Explorer.
Next is the weight. This unit is ultra-portable, but I would not consider it light. It’s 33 lbs of dead weight that will take some muscle to move over long distances. Again, this might not bother you, but if carrying the equivalent of a car battery around with you on your camping trip sounds agonizing, then you might want to search out some smaller power generation options.
There are also no Anderson connectors on the Explorer 1500. For those folks who already have solar panels with Anderson connectors, this might be a bit frustrating. But, you can solve this frustration by purchasing an Anderson adapter for the Jackery. For this, you’ll have to go to the aftermarket, but these adapters are certainly less money than buying all new solar panels.
Finally, the cost of this unit is going to be hard to swallow for some folks. With a complete set of solar panels, the Explorer 1500 will set you back around $2700. That’s a lot of money for someone who is just looking for supplemental weekend power. But, if you’re a serious outdoor person or a digital nomad, then this price may be perfectly justifiable.
Should You Buy the Jackery Explorer 1500?
If the cost of this unit fits your budget, then the Explorer 1500 is a great buy. While I’d recommend it more for its outdoor uses, there is viability to keeping this device charged up in your basement in case of disaster. And, if you’re the type of person who is vehicle-based and in search of portable power, then the Explorer 1500 by Jackery is a no-brainer.
This device is compact, easy to use, and eliminates one of the major problems of “roughing it.” Namely, the lack of portable electricity. The unit is fantastic, and for us, the Explorer 1500 is forging some new and exciting territory in the mobile power market.
Is the Jackery Explorer 1500 the Best Portable Power Station of 2021? published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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seganerds · 7 years
You know you’re in the right location when the car next to yours features a Sonic plush
There’s a common misconception among many gamers that the mobile gaming industry is a cheap way for developers to make games and bring in lots of money. You can’t really blame people for thinking this, often we hear about some of the success stories about teams of just three or four developers coding in their bedrooms, launching an app on the AppStore (other app stores are available) and seeing overnight success, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue over a few short months.
Flappy Bird is one of the biggest examples, where a single coder managed to bring in more money a month than many people earn in a year through ad revenue. Of course, the game was pulled from the marketplace, with Dong Nguyen (the developer) citing that the game’s success was “ruining his simple life”, others have questioned the game’s originality and likeness to Piou Piou vs Cactus which was released some two years prior.
But regardless, it’s stories like this in circulation that have given the impression that developing mobile titles is a piece of cake compared to console or PC games – it’s something that I was beginning to believe myself. Let’s face it, it’s the dream for many people – making a ‘simple’ product that brings in the big bucks.
But that dream is often far from the truth for many of the industry’s developers and my perception on this matter changed on Monday Nov. 13, 2017, with an eye-opening visit to SEGA’s most prominent mobile studio, SEGA HARDlight.
A brief history lesson
Founded in 2012, HARDlight was established by SEGA to specifically develop handheld titles, originally focusing on an action adventure for the PS Vita, and also expand the company’s reach into the, then, fast-growing mobile gaming industry. But that strategy changed slightly, when their Vita title fell into obscurity and the team’s focus shifted towards the mobile market – with the single exception of porting the excellent Viking: Battle for Asgard to PC (so it’s not been 100% mobile).
The studio was made up of a range of industry veterans, including several members of SEGA Racing Studio (which closed doors a few years prior) and headed up by former Chief Technology Officer for SEGA Europe & America, Chris Southall. Some five years on and the studio has seen success with several mobile titles, many of which are based on the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.
Possibly the best known and most successful of SEGA HARDlight’s games is Sonic Dash, an addictive and gorgeous-looking endless runner – where gamers score points based on how far they can run through the various surroundings, allowing them to unlock new characters and upgrades, plus upload their scores to servers and try to beat their friends.
This year sees SEGA HARDlight release another Sonic mobile title, Sonic Forces: Speed Battle. As the name suggests, it is tied in to the Sonic Forces universe and, you shouldn’t be too surprised, it looks and plays in a very similar way to Sonic Dash (well, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – right?).
Unlike Sonic Dash, though, Speed Battle is not an endless runner, replacing this mechanic with a multiplayer aspect, allowing gamers to directly compete against three other players in live races – with actual finish lines to each stage.
Breaking down the fallacies
It’s not a SEGA office without a neon sign!
Nestled in the centre of the picturesque and quaint town of Leamington Spa (about an hour’s drive from London), you’ll find several gaming studios, including SEGA HARDlight. My visit started out by a quick tour and introduction with SEGA Europe’s Mobile Games Community Manager, Fran Shergold, and HARDlight’s Director of Operations, Harinda Sangha.
Immediately, the misapprehension that mobile teams are made up of a handful of people was quashed – HARDlight’s office proved that idea wrong straight away. While it’s not the biggest gaming studio I’ve ever visited, it was a bigger team than I had expected.
HARDlight was initially setup with some 20-odd members, with room to grow to about 35-40 people. The studio’s current team is actually around the 50-person mark and Harinda commented that HARDlight recently had to acquire the office next door to expand (the signage from the old company is still on the door).
Typical. I take a shot of the room at large and all the devs go on a bathroom break! (Joke – actually, they were in a meeting)
You could also be forgiven for thinking that mobile teams are only made up of developers, just coding away like some farm animals, until someone pushes a button to upload it to an app store and the game’s released into the world. And then the team begins developing yet another title.
I can’t speak for every mobile studio (again, you do hear stories of such studios and teams out there), but SEGA HARDlight is made up of a range of departments, from developers, to analytics, art, design and QA.
The structure of the team was also one that surprised me. Through the handful of game studios I’ve visited in my time,  I’ve usually witnessed quite a rigid hierarchy structure; trickling down from studio heads, to management teams, to project leads and then basically everyone else with their own micro-management eco-system.
Every office needs a Sonic arcade machine
But SEGA HARDlight’s team was more flat and open. You had the studio head, Chris Southall and maybe a couple of other managers, but then the structure seemed very open. And those few managers weren’t encased in glass offices away from the team, they were among them, part of the team.
I know this open team dynamic isn’t a new or unique concept, many companies are adopting this approach, but SEGA is a company that was born from a time that this wasn’t the norm and even SEGA’s main offices in London don’t seem to have this open, flat structure. It’s also a working environment that’s often hard to maintain – I’ve also worked in tech/media companies that claim they have this approach to work life, but it’s always easy to see how the management staff split from the rest of the team and it becomes the usual ‘them verses us’ dynamic among the rest of the staff – but not at HARDlight, it seems.
Meeting the team
Lead Artist, Matt Allan and Hardlight’s resident SEGA Nerd 🙂
Matt Allan was one of the first team members I was introduced to. Lead Artist on Sonic Forces: Speed Battle and a resident SEGA Nerd (shout out to Matt!), he was able to explain some of the process of how they worked on creating Speed Battle’s look and feel.
Showing me some concept art hanging on the wall, it was explained that the team at HARDlight worked off ideas for levels “based on previous 3D Sonic titles, drawing inspiration from their environments and set pieces.”
Matt was quite specific about 3D Sonic titles, so I asked whether they ever draw inspiration from the classic 2D Sonic games. Matt informed me that they would rarely use the 2D Sonic games as a basis for their tracks, because there would be a lot more work involved.
Concept artwork stuck to the wall – based on other 3D Sonic titles
“All major artwork and assets need to be approved by Sonic Team/SEGA Japan, including the environments,” he said. “The 3D environments we work from are based on 3D Zones that Sonic Team previously created and used in their console titles, so it’s a lot easier to build a mobile title like Sonic Dash or Speed Battle using pre-approved styles and 3D designs.”
It makes sense, essentially it would be a waste putting a lot of effort into transitioning a 2D level into 3D, only for it not to meet the approval process in Japan.
This is not to say that HARDlight is simply taking environments from other Sonic titles and dumping them into their own game, it doesn’t work that way. The art team draws up concept art for each Zone and translates it into 3D from scratch and it still needs to be approved by Sonic Team.
The team had also created quite a nifty way of building their levels, once the artwork was approved and created. Because each level in Sonic Forces: Speed Battle is, essentially, a race track, the team has created small, inter-connecting segments of each track, such as rails, loops or split paths etc. and put them into Unity as separate pieces. From there the team can take each piece of track and slot them together in a variety of ways – think a computer-generated version of Scaletrix.
Of course, they can still only have a finite number of these pieces, but to ensure they don’t look too repetitive, they can easily change parts of each track piece, such as plants or trees, with the click of a button. The result is hundreds of variations on a single course.
The launch is not the end
Dev Ops hard at work
One other thing that became clear visiting HARDlight, is that once the ‘go live’ button is pressed, the game is far from finished, if anything, there’s more work to be done.
Speaking to James Back, the Live Ops Manager, I was shown how HARDlight monitors gaming sessions and can use the data to tweak the game to ensure that it remains entertaining for audiences.
One basic example of this was the way they monitor which characters are preferred by gamers and which ones win/lose the most. It was an interesting thing to look at, because characters need to be unlocked and it went to show which characters the more prominent players tended to prefer to play as.
I was also shown a discrepancy they spotted early on, where Sonic lost the most races out of all the characters. But this was soon explained, because Sonic is the base character that everyone starts out with it makes sense to see that he lost more times than won, because new players would still be getting used to the controls and courses. Knowing this allows for the Live Ops team to plan around this data going forward.
What can they do with this data? You might be asking. Essentially monitoring gameplay sessions allows the team to tweak the way the game plays, such as how soon characters are unlocked or in what order. Not too many details were given to me, I guess they didn’t want to say anything too concrete, in case I reported it and it never came to light, which is fair enough.
Gamesmaster, Steph taking a break to talk about how HARDlight uses Discord and other channels of communication
But it’s clear from the way they monitor every session that the team is committed to the game’s ongoing development and the fans who play the game. This came across clearly when I met with Stephanie Brooke-Harris, a person I’m very jealous of, because she has the best official job title I’ve ever heard: Gamesmaster.
Steph’s role partially involves monitoring Sonic Forces: Speed Battle’s official Discord channel and communicating with the gamers playing the game. She is able to feedback any bugs or problems people are experiencing with the game to the QA team, or even suggestions some of the more prominent players may have to improve things to the dev team.
Another part of Steph’s role is to help promote new events or store bundles to the community and gauge their feedback. Again, this ensures the team is on the right track with in-game promotional events and offers.
This daily communication appears to be working to HARDlight’s advantage, as it keeps players engaged with the game and lets their voices feel heard. Using standard social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook are a typical way many companies use to communicate to consumers, but there’s still a disconnect between companies and gamers through these channels. Meanwhile, Discord offers a more direct connection and focused user base; essentially anyone/everyone on social media can just follow a company, but Discord channels tend to be filled with people who choose to be part of that channel for a specific purpose and are actively engaging with the others in the channel.
Forming an idea
It’s just research… honest!
Finally, I was able to sit down with Sonic Forces: Speed Battle’s lead designer, Nick Adams. Being part of the decision process, Nick was able to explain some of the background in how Speed Battle came to be.
In terms of the games conception, with the success of Sonic Dash the team wanted to try something a little different and the idea of having a true multiplayer-based game was tossed around.
“We wanted to see where we could go next and the idea of having a multiplayer-based title came up,” Nick said. “After speaking to the development team, it was clear that with some tweaking to the Sonic Dash format (such as removing the ‘endless’ gameplay), a multiplayer game could definitely be on the cards.”
What’s not so clear is when the team decided to tie it in with Sonic Forces or if that was the plan all along (I never really got a straight answer from this). But both games started development around the same time, so it’s a very good chance that while HARDlight was planning a new Sonic game, the chance to tie it in with Sonic Forces made sense.
Once again, Nick emphasized that when the game went from main development to post-launch, the team’s efforts didn’t stop, they had to shift focus to ensure the game’s ongoing success.
What does it take to make a mobile game?
Just before I left, I managed to get a quick go at the Sonic Dash Extreme arcade game
My intention was never to originally write this article. My visit to SEGA HARDlight was a simple one, to get an interview (watch it here) and meet some of the team. It’s something that I’ve done many times over the years. But visiting this studio gave me cause to pause and reconsider how I look at mobile games development, and I hope it has done the same for you too.
The likes of ironing out bugs in games is part and parcel for any modern video game. But with an online multiplayer game, there’s a lot more to do than ongoing quality assurance. Servers need to be maintained, of course, but the team involved needs to continuously ensure that players are engaging with the game and new content needs to be regularly pushed out, to encourage repeat customers and attract new players.
As I discovered at SEGA HARDlight, high-quality mobile games take a lot more than just a handful of coders bashing away at their keyboards; it takes several teams, much like any console game does.
HARDlight is a decent sized studio, but it’s not the largest mobile team out there. Both Fran and Harinda told me that compared to many other mobile games studios, HARDlight is relatively small.
It should hopefully be clear now to anyone who was under the assumption that SEGA was taking the ‘cheap’ route with its mobile division, that that’s simply not the case. While SEGA HARDlight is a smaller team than the likes which worked on Sonic Forces (and therefore it is cheaper, due to less man-power being used), it’s not a ‘cheap’ or simple way of making a game and there’s a lot more to the team structure and ongoing development than you might realize.
Mobile is far from my preferred gaming platform (something I’ve been open about previously), but my visit to SEGA HARDlight has opened my eyes, allowing me to understand what goes into making a mobile title and has given me a new appreciation for the mobile industry as a whole.
SEGA HARDlight Gallery
You know you’re in the right location when a car features a Sonic plush toy
It’s not a SEGA office without a neon sign!
Every office needs a Sonic arcade machine
One of Hardlight’s meeting/breakout rooms
One of Hardlight’s meeting/breakout rooms
Lead Artist, Matt Allan and Hardlight’s resident SEGA Nerd 🙂
Concept artwork stuck to the wall – based on other 3D Sonic titles
It’s just research… honest!
Dev Ops hard at work
Typical. I take a shot of the room at large and all the devs go on a bathroom break! (Joke – actually, they were in a meeting)
Gamesmaster, Steph taking a break to talk about how Hardlight uses Discord and other channels of communication
Personal note: find out who does their wallpaper…
Just before I left, I managed to get a quick go at the Sonic Dash arcade game
Our visit to @SEGAHARDlight was an eye-opening look into mobile #gaming #SEGA There’s a common misconception among many gamers that the mobile gaming industry is a cheap way for developers to make games and bring in lots of money.
4 notes · View notes
ao3bronte · 7 years
Smutember: Shower/Bath Sex
Masquerade on AO3
She waits at least two minutes before taking off the tie.
He's long gone of course, having disappeared behind the rooftops of the 16e arrondissement. She scans the horizon only for a second before looking down at her palms, at the strip of the highest quality silk she would ever get her hands on, flipping it over to find the designer.
Her heart stutters for a moment, her stomach clenching in her abdomen. How on earth did Chat, a seventeen or eighteen year old lycéen in Paris, have enough money to be able to afford this?
The question haunts her as she makes her way home, taunting her with half formed thoughts and realisations. ‘I like to dress up and play pretend…’ Did he work in retail? A high-end tailor perhaps? Maybe he had a co-op with a business that required him to dress to the nines? But that still didn't explain how he could afford such an expensive accessory! After a quick check on her mobile, she'd found them selling at more that €329.75 a pop!
She lands on her balcony and detransforms seamlessly, slipping back into her bedroom as though she’d never been gone. She plops down on her office chair and spins idly for a few minutes, unable to focus on anything in particular save the tie in her lap. She twists it around her palms and weaves it through her fingers, lacing it down her wrist and arms. The cool silk warms as she handles it, moulding to her touch, luxurious and opulent and extravagant and…well…
Kind of racy.
She wraps the silk around her left wrist tightly and tugs, the briefest of thoughts crossing her mind.
Boy, did she need a cold shower.
Marinette gets up from her chair and drops the tie onto the desk, walking over to the wall where she hangs her robe and strips her clothes from her skin. She wraps herself in the terrycloth and snatches her mobile from her bed, slipping out her door towards the bathroom.
Logic tells her to take a shower and get back to studying but that niggling voice in the back of her head begs her to be selfish and draw a bath. It only takes a second to make her decision; she’d been indulging herself as of late and tonight would be no different.
She turns on the taps and scrolls away idly at her phone, flitting through her Instagram feed. Fashion, horticulture, the odd cat video…she turns off the screen and slips the robe off her shoulders, slipping into the water waiting beneath.
Marinette peers over the lip of the clawfoot tub and narrows her eyes at the phone she’d literally just let go of thirty seconds ago and wipes off her hand with a towel. She grabs it and turns on the screen with a flick of her finger, checking the SnapChat notification on the screen.
CB is typing…
Marinette settles back into the bath, holding the phone just above the water’s edge and waits until he’s finished typing.
CB Hey.
Ladybug Hey yourself.
CB Whatchat up to?
Marinette rolls her eyes and considers flinging the phone across the room before ultimately deciding to respond.
Ladybug Relaxing. You?
CB Doing homework.
He sends a snap of what looks like a mound of papers sprawled across a white desk, the pages covered with text and equations. Marinette takes a screenshot of the rare glimpse into his civilian life and files it in a folder hidden within another app.
Ladybug Not at work then?
CB I think I’ve done enough work tonight.
Marinette tries not to close her eyes and relive the events from a few hours previous but it’s hard not to relive the way his fingers set fire to her skin. She’s pretty sure she’s going to have bruises all over her body tomorrow morning but my god if that wasn’t the hottest sex she’d ever had.
Unable to think of anything to respond to that, she takes a picture of her bent knees, angled and exposed in the bathtub, and hits send. The response is almost instantaneous.
CB Are you in the bath?!
Ladybug I told you I was relaxing.
CB You didn’t tell me you were relaxing NAKED.
Ladybug You didn’t ask.
CB Show me more.
Marinette raises her eyebrows, slightly taken aback by the assertive comment. Chat was certainly in a mood today and, not that she was complaining but, it was still unnerving to see this unfamiliar side of him.
Ladybug What would you like to see?
CB Surprise me.
Marinette lifts the phone above her head and stretches her legs all the way out, aiming the camera just so. Reviewing the picture leaves very little to the imagination, her vulva just barely visible on the edge of the frame.
CB Fuck.
Marinette smiles and sends another one, this one featuring her abdomen. The frame stretches from below her breasts to just above her core.
Chat doesn’t respond for a few seconds and she can only imagine what he’s doing right now. She imagines him sprawled out on his bed, one leg propped up and bent and the other outstretched on the mattress. His hair would be askew, his eyes closed and his lips parted. He’d slip his hand under his waistband and –
He did not.
She stares at the photo and nearly drops her phone in the water.
He’s sprawled out on his bed all right, his lower lip pinched between his teeth and his eyes screwed shut, the rest of his face covered by his mask. His chest – his glorious, chiselled, muscular chest – is completely bare and the waistband of his briefs are pulled down just beneath the shaft of his cock, erect and mouth watering and he’s pumping himself, the tip glistening ever so slightly in whatever ambient light he has in his room and she would have had the photo burned to memory and hung in the damn Louvre as a piece of priceless art if it wasn’t for the line of text printed across his stomach.
CB look what u made me do
She’d fuck him into next week for that.
41 notes · View notes
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Above is my presentation
App Comparison
The brief
How geolocation technology can change the way we tell stories?
How narrative experiences change when we use technology to embed them in space? You are asked to look into the new technologies and explore their potential in the current cultural and social landscape.
What I took away from that:
Facts & Statistics
The global Behavioural Health Market Size is poised to attain valuation of US$ 240 Billion by 2026, According to a new research report by Acumen Research and Consulting. The market is growing at striking CAGR around 2.5 % over the forecast time frame 2019 – 2026
Global Mental Health Software Market Will Reach USD 4,585 Million by 2026, global mental health software market was valued at approximately USD 1,350 million in 2017 and is expected to generate revenue of around USD 4,585 million by end of 2026, growing at a CAGR of around 14.5% between 2018 and 2026.
64% of people with common mental health problems are employed; therefore, in the UK, there is an estimated 4.6 million people in work who may have a common mental health problem. That equates to 1 in 6.8 employed people experiencing mental health problems in the workplace.
The gap in rates of common mental health problems between young men and women (aged 16–24) has been growing. In 1993, young women were twice as likely (19.2%) to have symptoms of a common mental health problem compared to young men (8.4%). In 2014, these symptoms were nearly three times more common in young women (26.0%) than in men (9.1%). Anxiety was found to be more common in young women than in other age groups.
Nearly half (43.4%) of adults think that they have had a diagnosable mental health condition at some point in their life (35.2% of men and 51.2% of women). A fifth of men (19.5%) and a third of women (33.7%) have had diagnoses confirmed by professionals.
Healthcare mobile apps are being used to access information about, monitor, nutrition. 31% said they are open to the idea of using such apps in the future
Barns hospital
The Barnes Hospital was built for the Manchester Royal Infirmary between 1871 and 1875.
Rest bite care for the workers in the city with chronic illness
Later in its life, Barnes Hospital was used to treat soldiers in the Second World War, many of whom were badly injured and diseased
The hospital was derelict for a number of years after its closure in 1999
Headspace is your personal guide to health and happiness. It’ll help you focus, breathe, stay calm, perform at your best, and get a better night’s rest through the life-changing skills of relaxation, meditation and mindfulness. In just a few minutes a day, you’ll learn how to train your mind and body for a healthier, happier, stress-free life. Need a bit of stress relief during a rough day or guidance on how to relax and sleep soundly at night? All you have to do is download this guided meditation, mindfulness, and sleep app for free. Then just sit back, breathe, relax, and sleep.
Rating and reviews:  
4.8 out of 5 with 220,013 ratings on IOS
3.6 out of 5 with 122,990 ratings on Android
Join millions of Journey users and create a healthier, happier mind. A sanctuary for your mind and soul, Journey will help increase your positive energy, be more grateful and a calmer mind by building healthy thinkings through journaling. We’re more than just a journal, or a diary; we’re your own motivational coach and happiness trainer. Let’s embark on a fabulous journey of self-improvement today.
Rating and reviews:  
4.6 out of 5 with 328 ratings on IOS
4.6 out of 5 with 71,816 ratings on Android
Rewards scheme:
Fixed Action Rewards
started to look at the ways Fitbit offers badges/ rewards for being more active.
By doing things like walking up flights of stairs, taking X amount of steps in a day and walking so many miles since joining you can earn a variety of badges. although this is a very simple way of rewarding people it is effective as well as suitable for all ages.
I really like the very basic design along with the simple goals that need to be achieved to earn these.
My idea
A guide to walking without intention, the user will be able to set an amount of time or distance they would like to walk for and just like the uber app layout there will be a map that will then guide the user to walk without the user knowing where they will end up, introducing the idea of walking without intention.
Features of the app:
–  Rewards scheme- logging your walks and taking pictures.
–  Journal your walks- a way of recording new places you may have found.
–  Guides and tips- Take a seat and take in your surroundings  
1 in 6 adults experiences a common mental health problem, such as anxiety or depression and 1 in 5 adults has considered taking their own life at some point.
One in 15 (6.7%) of adults in England are estimated to have made a suicide attempt at some point in their life. This was found to be higher for women (8.0%) than men (5.4%).
The purpose
What is the purpose of my app:
This app will be targeted at 18-64 year olds
To help/ introduce people into walking without intention.
To be used as a way of relaxation/ reduce anxiety/ depression.
To also introduce the idea of mindfulness and well-being
Mindfulness is an integrative, mind– body-based approach that can help people manage their thoughts and feelings and change the way they relate to experiences. The aim of mindfulness is to pay attention to the present moment without judgement and use techniques that draw on meditation, breathing and yoga
End result
What I wish to create:
A professional standard app that will encourage the user to get out more & connect with the real world along with introducing new factors into the users life/ encouraging them to have more mindful habit's such as journaling.  
0 notes
armaitus · 5 years
TL:DR – This post contains some of the history behind Niantic’s POI (point of interest) submissions and an overview of how submissions work in Ingress and Pokémon GO.
For over a week now, level 40 Pokémon GO players have been able to submit new POI to Niantic, in the hope that their submissions will become Pokéstops or Gyms in what is arguable Niantic’s most popular AR enabled GPS based game.
I’ve played Niantic’s original GPS capture-the-flag-esque game, Ingress, since December 2013 and my first submission to their POI database was made very early in 2014.
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As you can see, it was rejected as a duplicate of an existing submission.
Since then I have made hundreds of submissions, some of which were rejected and some of which made their way through to Niantic’s games. To date I’m responsible for 297 Ingress portals and a single accepted submission via Pokémon GO!
The history of Niantic’s POI submissions has been rocky.  Back in the halcyon days of early Ingress, there was no limit or level cap on making submissions. Any and all players weer welcome to suggest new portal locations to Niantic.  This led to a massive backlog of submissions to review.  IT could take several months for a portal to be accepted or rejected.
Niantic made the decision to remove the feature from Ingress.
Over a period of several months, the team at Niantic slowly worked through the backlog before announcing a new programme “Operation Portal Recon” (also known as OPR).  This came around the same time that portal submissions were made available to higher level Ingress players, albeit capped at limit of 14 submissions every 13 days.
OPR allowed Ingress players to review portal submissions, voting on whether a portal candidate should or should not be brought into the game.  Players had to be a certain level and to pass a test before being granted access.  OPR has since been replaced by a programme called Niantic Wayfarer, I intend to write more on this over the weekend.
Over the year or so that submissions have been available again, I found myself called upon, by players amongst the Pokémon GO community, to submit various POI in the hope that they become Pokéstops or Gyms.
As I’ve written about previously, I play all 3 of Niantic’s GPS based games: Ingress, Pokémon GO and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.  So, I didn’t mind going out of my way to enhance the games for other players – I was effectively enhancing the games for myself anyway.
That being said, with a limit of 14 submissions every 13 days, the local backlog had grown quite large, with over 100 suggestions from players across the local community.
Other Ingress players had stepped in also, using their submissions to help other players gain POI in areas close to their daily routines.  When Niantic announced that submissions would be coming to Pokémon GO, we were over the moon.
I created a Facebook group to try co-ordinate local submissions, prevent duplication of effort and to help educate people as to what makes a good “wayspot” (as Niantic now refer to their POI).  As I’ve already mentioned, I intend to write more on Niantic’s Wayfarer programme, later.  The purpose of this post is to discuss the submission of wayspots through Pokémon GO.
What makes a good Wayspot?
In Niantic’s own words:
High-quality nominations are those that help users discover and enjoy their community, such as:
A location with a cool story, a place in history or educational value.
Interesting story behind the location/object
Signboards with educational information
Historical significance (apart from just being old)
A cool piece of art or unique architecture
Statues, paintings, mosaics, light installations, etc.
Venues that showcase fine art (e.g., performance art theaters and museums)
Buildings designed by renowned architects/structures famous specifically for their architecture
A hidden gem or hyper-local spot
A popular local spot that you would take a friend visiting your community for the first time
A popular spot where locals gather, but may be lesser-known outside the community
Tourist spots that showcase local flavor and culture and that make your city/neighbourhood unique
More off-the-beaten-path tourist attractions (i.e., if you weren’t a local, you wouldn’t necessarily know to go here)
Adventurous tourist attractions – think lookout towers, observatories, signs or markers atop mountain peaks, etc.
In addition to using the above acceptance criteria, we often add nominations that are a special nod to industries and networks that connect people around the world. These include:
Public parks
Public parks are great, high-quality places for Wayspots: they are common all around the world and encourage players to walk, exercise and enjoy public spaces
Public libraries
A nod to education and discovery, a cornerstone of Niantic
Includes little free libraries, provided they are not on private residential property; does not include mobile libraries
Public places of worship
A nod to the spiritual
Transit stations
A nod to the transportation industry, which also connects and unites people around the world
Accept transportation hubs (like Grand Central Station), but not every single small transit stop (like a subway station or a bus stop)
I feel bad for lifting that from Niantic’s own description but I genuinely couldn’t put it any better.
How to submit in Pokémon GO
Last weekend I placed my first wayspot submission through Pokémon GO.  The process is all but identical to submitting via Ingress, except Pokémon trainers only have 7 submissions every fortnight, as opposed to Ingress’s 14.
Yes, that does mean I get 21 per fortnight as a player of both games.
From the settings menu, I selected to submit a new Pokéstop.
The next few screens walked me through the basics of the process.
Step 1: Choose a location.
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I was walking into Huddersfield on my usual weekend route and spotted a King George V era postbox that was ripe for submitting.  These never used to be acceptable POI for Niantic but apparently the older postboxes are classed as “historic” and so are fair game.
This particular box is really close to an existing Gym, so is unlikely to come through to Pokémon GO (it has since been accepted as a wayspot).
Step 2: Take a photo
Actually, you’ll need to take two photographs:
The first is the photo that will be displayed on the portal/pokestop/gym/inn/greenhouse/fortress.
The second is used to provide evidence that your submission is safe to access and won’t put players at risk of being run over or assaulted by villains.
I didn’t take a screenshot of my supporting photograph, it was basically a shot of the clear pavement and pillar box.  Some people like to use the Google street view app to take a 360 photograph to upload here.
Step 3: Give it a name
The next step is to give your wayspot a name and description.  This is what will appear when players click on this POI.
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You are also asked to confirm the location at this point.
I called this one “George Rex Pillarbox”.  The important thing is to make sure your name is unique.  I’ve seen (and submitted) comedy names in the past but always related to the POI itself; comedy names can get a submission rejected.
Step 4: Justified
The 4th and final step is to add justification of why this is a great POI to include in Niantic’s games.  Here is where you can explain more about what is special about this submission or how it is safe to play near.
Many new users seem to be using this section to state “We need more Gyms” or “Meets criteria” with little thought put to the intended use of this step.
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Here you can see that I have put a great deal of effort into my own submission.  Paying little or no attention to spelling or content.
I could have mentioned how George V emblazoned pillarboxes are valid under Niantic’s “historic importance” criteria.  I could draw attention to the pillarboxes GR cypher.
Instead, I wanted to carry on walking… Community days don’t play themselves you know.
Once your submission has gone through, you should receive an email, like this:
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If you have a Niantic Wayfarer account, you’ll also see your submission in there.  It can take a week or more for a response and if successful there is no guarantee that your wayspot will appear in Pokémon GO.
Unlike Ingress and Wizards Unite, Pokémon GO limits the number of POI that can appear within a specific S2 cell.  If you ever want to see what’s in an area as base POI, check out Ingress Intel.
S2 Cell? Whatchootalkinabout?
Here’s where things get pretty funky in Pokémon GO.
S2 cells are a mathematical mechanism used in cartography to help computers translate the 3D shape of Earth’s “sphere” into a 2-dimensional map.
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Pokémon GO sees the world overlaid with S2 cells sized at L14 and L17.  If you click here you can see sunny Huddersfield as it appears with the relevant S2 cells overlaid.
Pogomaps is a community-fed tool used to track POI in an area.  There are other tools out there that you can use but some of them are technically against Niantic’s terms of use within their games.
Each L14 cell is made up of 64 L17 cells.  Pokémon GO will only allow a single POI to appear within a single L17 cell.  If a cell contains more than one wayspot, only one of them will appear in Pokémon GO.
This can be frustrating but there is no way round this, it’s just how Pokémon GO choose to handle the POI available to the game.  It can take a day or so for a wayspot to pull through to Pokémon GO.  I’ve been told that new Pokéstops pull through at 18:45 Tuesday to Friday with an update of POI across all games around 18:45 on a Monday.  No new submissions pull through over a weekend.  Any new POI accepted before 08:45 that day should pull through.
There are other mechanics at play when it comes to gyms.  When you hit certain quantities of Pokéstops within an L14 cell, a Pokéstop will become a gym.  This is usually the oldest Pokéstop but can be influenced by up-voting photographs on portals in Ingress.
If there are 2 POI within an L14 cell, one of them will become a gym; once there are 6 POI, another gym triggers with a 3rd and final gym being triggered at 20 POI.  I’ve read conflicting views on a 4th gym, with some sites reporting that 35+ POI will trigger another gym.  I have not seen that in my experience however.
All in all, this is an exciting time for Niantic’s player base. Hopefully we’ll see an increase in POI in out of the way places, making it easier to play all 3 of Niantic’s games.
Pokéstop Go TL:DR - This post contains some of the history behind Niantic's POI (point of interest) submissions and an overview of how submissions work in Ingress and Pokémon GO.
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