paddysnuffles · 1 year
One of the Pokéstops in London, Ontario (Canada) back in 2016
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Whoa! Visitors in the studio today 😆 🤣 The inn is full of pokestops! Have a walk and catch some monsters~ #pokemon #pokemongo #pokéstop #gottacatchemall #lol #teaminstinct #teammystic #teamvalor #pokémon #gible #smeargle #studiovisit #pocketmonsters (at Historic Apple Valley Inn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgVLv8tPdwa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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associationraven · 2 years
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L’Association RAVEN débarque dans le Métavers. 😜 #RAVEN #association #sanctuaryoftheraven #associationraven #animaux #vimartinsurorthe #nature #mayenne #sarthe #orne #biodiversite #biodiversité #refuge #niantic #pokemon #pokego #pokemongo #ingress #pokestop #pokéstop (à Association RAVEN) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf8T_vnsFWs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cq-studios · 1 year
What if in KHML there are “secret reports” and they’re just letters to Brain (and/or the other Union Leaders) from Ephemer?
Like we learn about his experiences after UX and rebuilding Keyblade Wielder Society and stuff through these letters he wrote to his friends. We never actually see him or the objective events or anything. We don’t even hear his voice, meet any new friends he might’ve made, nothing but those letters.
Like we’re just as disconnected from him as Brain is.
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klaytheguildless · 3 months
Pikachu TCG
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Card GB1 version:
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Card: Pikachu (SWSH Promo 234)
Pokémon Go Friend Code: 9810 1248 1517
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autumngracy · 11 months
I'm losing my shit, bro
I started listening to this youtube series of readings from the diary of this German POW in WWII, and after hours of hearing about how he got shipped all over the place, I get hit with this segment where, after over a year of forced labor in various American camps, the POWs were made to think they were going home, but find out they're going to another labor camp instead, and the guy asks the guard on the train what their destination is, and he tells them they're going to West Point. Specifically, as he learns later, to clear the land for a ski area for the US Military Academy.
And I'm like
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Are you fucking kidding me?
Because I know that ski lodge. That's Victor Constant Ski Lodge.
It's like 10 minutes away from me.
I work with them.
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thethingything · 22 days
we remembered it's community day on Pokémon Go so that's something fun for us to do while we wait for our brain to function a bit better. yay!
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le-pokerus · 10 months
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Well guess I’m never getting a shiny Jirachi 😞
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asiancatboy · 11 months
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happy fridayyyyy
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binch-i-might-be · 5 months
I'm outta here in two hours and then I have to wash my hair because I did not do that yesterday for personal reasons (didn't want to) and eat something and maybe get in some work on the valentine's fic and THEN. therapy
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Instead of house price being based on size/view, it should increase depending on how close you are to a Pokéstop. Imagine living right next to one, farming Pokéballs every few minutes- THATS not okay. I have to walk 20 minutes to get to the one closest to me.
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scaramoucheirl · 2 years
have become really really into pokégo by this point which is unfortunate for some1 who does not go outside much but i’m making it work
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pigaletta · 2 years
I hope they put more Indian states in Streetview someday. More varied climatic zones and all. Also our language scripts are all so pretty and diverse and they'd throw Geoguessr players for a loop. ✨
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meloartist · 24 days
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what were YOU doing at the devil's pokéstop
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jadeazora · 9 months
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Party Play has been detailed for Pokémon GO, and is available to players Lv15+. It will roll out starting Oct17.
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To host a Party, open Pokémon GO and go to your Trainer profile. Tap the new Party tab, and Create. You’ll be given a numerical code or QR code that you can share with up to three nearby Trainers. (Then click Start.)
To Join a Party, you will be prompted to either scan the host’s QR code or manually enter a numerical code. Wait for the host to start the party! Once the party begins, you’ll be returned to the map.
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There will be Party Challenges as you play together. After a party is formed, the party will receive a pop-up asking which Party Challenge they want to take on. Party Challenges can be focused on spinning PokéStops, battling in raids, catching Pokémon, and more. What other challenges await your next party? Completing Party Challenges get you in-game rewards!
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When challenging a raid with your party, a new bonus will be available: Party Power. Party Power doubles the damage of your next Charged Attack and charges with every Fast Attack. More party members means your Party Power charges faster!
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You can check your party’s progress and details via the Party tab of your Trainer profile. Your party’s Activity Summary has the following categories: Pokémon, Throws, Adventure, Battle, and General.
There will also be new T-shirts available by completing the Special Research, Welcome Party, Trainers featuring Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon:
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endreal · 1 month
I love pokémon go and similar games, I do. I am very much a member of the "pokémon generation" and I managed to beg my parents into buying me a Gameboy just so I coukd play red and blue (on fairness, it took over 2 years so the initial wave of craze had passed, and I continued to consistently be ~2 years behind until gen 6 when I was old enough to be earning my own money and have spare to spend), but in the past year or teo my playtime has dropped off dramatically and while I enjoy what I do when I do open it up, the game is now tinged with a growing sense of resentment as well. Yes microtransactions and an increasing move toward freemium "season" play, but even more than that I resent the way it contributes to the feeling that I need to self-surveil myself at all times via GPS location and step count. The fact that I skirted close to that murky line that any activity I did needed to "count" toward steps/distance/egg hatching. That exploring any new place meant also seeking out fresh pokéstops to spin. That my phone had to be an undeniable part of my daily activities. I'm part of the pokémon generation. I have loved the game franchise, and I've loved pokémon go, but I resent that something I have enjoyed so honestly is so inextricably linked with reducing me to my collectible data. My sense of privacy and security is compromised because even if the game app itself is only processing data for gameplay purposes, the feeling that I needed to have my phone on me at all time no matter what meant that any other apps on my phone harvesting user data were also following these patterns. And even if that wasn't by intent, it is the corporate data collection "system" working as designed.
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