#but god everyday my chest aches
uselessdogboy · 5 months
hi look at these cute earrings instead of my tags <3
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devil-in-hiding · 1 month
On The Run
Pt 3
At some point, Soap and Gaz fall asleep on the couch, sprawled across one another. Ghost is laid back in one of the recliners, struggling to keep his eyes open as Price’s voice lulls him to sleep from the kitchen.
You're not sure how long the two of you have sat here. It took Price an hour to finally open his mouth. He has hardly met your eye since he’s started talking, hands clasped together on top of the table.
The ache you felt in your chest for these men worsened the longer Price spoke. Proud military men, tired of seeing the monsters they hunted get slaps on the wrist for atrocious crimes. Making plea deals with lawyers, getting one way tickets into luxury cells when they should be six feet underground.
You don’t realise Price has stopped talking till Soap snores, causing Dixon to shuffle at your feet, all four dogs scattered around the kitchen floor. You look him over, taking in the man now that all his bravado has been drained, leaving only the raw human underneath. Blue eyes darkened by years on the force and then years behind bars, forced into proximity with the very animals he and his team longed to put down. You’re looking at a man who fought for what was right and when justice wasn’t served in a way he deemed fit, he settled it.
Price is staring down at his hands, and you’re worried he’s going to hurt himself with how vigorously he rubs his hands together. You don’t think, reaching across the table and grasping one of his hands in yours, running your thumb across scarred knuckles. “Don’t do that.” You scold, and his head whips up to stare at you, eyes wide, hopeful but hesitant.
He looks down at your hand holding his, then back at you. “You’re not…?” He trails off, clearing his throat as he sits up straighter, letting your palm slip into his. You’re not sure what word he was going to use, but you shake your head.
“I’m… I’m sorry you all had to…” You don’t finish your sentence, letting it hang in the air between you. You’re shocked to see tears pool at the corner of his eyes but he’s quick to blink them away.
“You’re not horrified by us?” He asks, and you can tell he’s trying to fight his voice from shaking. You clear your throat, but gently squeeze his hand when his grip loosens.
“You have done… horrible things. Inhumane things.” You start, trying to pick your words carefully as you scoot your chair closer to his. He watches you warily, but there is no denying the growing hope in those eyes. “But I couldn’t imagine seeing what you saw everyday. Hearing the things you’ve heard, having to keep that all to yourself. Seeing… monsters you’ve spent years tracking get served the minimum sentence with a cozy cell waiting for them.” His hand starts to shake, and your heart breaks seeing how hard he’s fighting back the tears pooling in his eyes. “We never would have actually hurt you, I swear on my life. We just… Fuck we had been running for fucking hours through those god damn trees and-“ His voice cracks, and you gently run your thumb over the back of his hand. “Why are you being so nice?” He almost spits the word, but his grip on your hand tightens.
“You did as I asked. You told me the truth.” You mirror his words from the barn, and he barks out a wet sounding laugh before covering his face with his free hand. “And you’re happy with that truth?”
“I’m happy you decided you could trust me enough with it.” You admit softly, and he stares into your eyes, and you don’t feel the need to look away this time. “Anyone else would have gone running for the hills.” He whispers, and you can’t help but smile.
“Not many places to run to, and if I’m telling the honest truth, there are worse things than killing human filth.” You shrug, and he lets out a bewildered laugh. “You can’t mean-“
“I do though. There are people in this world that don’t deserve the freedom they have, that have ripped apart the lives of others and continue living like they didn’t single-handedly ruin someone’s entire foundation.” Your words are a little more forceful than you intended, raw. And Price catches it, sitting up a little straighter, tugging your hand closer.
“You have your own monster, don’t you pretty?” He asks seriously, and you swallow, lowering your gaze to your clasped hands.
“I think that’s a story for another night.” You whisper, and you see him nod, before realization hits, and his eyes widen.
“You’re going to let us-“
“You are going to have to show me that I am not making a mistake by letting four wanted men stay in my house.” You interrupt him, but there’s a smile on your face. The next seconds are a blur and you suddenly find this giant of a man at your feet, kneeling in front of you and holding both your hands in his. His shoulders are shaking, head bent but you hear the hitch in his breath.
“Price..” You murmur, a little nervous but you slip your hands free, slowly running your fingers through his hair, and you hear the sob that leaves him. He bunches up the loose fabric of your sweats in his fist, and you can feel his tears starting to soak through.
“You are a good person.” He chokes out, looking up at you and the look on his face has tears of your own threatening to spill. He looks exhausted, like every ounce of his energy has finally been drained, years of enduring visceral human indecency ingrained into every part of his being. And yet he is gazing at you like you are the first glimpse of the sun after week long rainstorms, constant flooding and devastation, the light breaking through the clouds to spread warmth on a new day.
“You’re still a good person too.”
Those words linger in the air.
You lose track of time as you sit there, running your fingers through his hair, this man who you’ve never met, who invited himself into your home, but has bared the darkest corners of his soul to you all in one night. Grimes had made his way over at some point, staring at Price with a concerned tilt of his head. He never did like when you cried, and you can tell he’s desperate to try and comfort this strange man in his home. He lays besides him, paws outstretched, inching forward ever so slowly.
“He doesn’t like that you’re upset.” You mumble, watching the way his eyes snap over to Grimes. “Even though I terribly upset his mama earlier?” He mutters, he and Grimes staring at one another.
“Grimes has always been a big softy. Dixon is the one who’s gonna hold a grudge.” An answering ‘boof’ comes from beside you, Dixon plopping his head back on his paws after making his stance known.
Grimes scoots forward until he can rest his big head on Price’s lap, nuzzling down and looking up at him expectantly, and Price gives you a hesitant look. You just nod, smiling gently. “You’re gonna be staying with four of them, better get yourselves acquainted.”
“What in the bloody fuck did I miss?” A drowsy voice mutters from the doorway, and Ghost stands there, taking in the sight of Price kneeling before you, still clutching your sweatpants, and you can see the downturn of his lips through his mask when he notices the dried tears on Price’s cheek.
You gently pull Price’s hands off your sweats, and he looks as though you just took away his favorite treat. “I’ll go grab some fresh blankets.” You hum, face warming when you can feel both of their gazes on your back as you walk up the stairs.
“Wait, does that mean-“ You hear Ghost start, and you’re shocked to hear it so soft, but their words are lost as you turn down the hallway. You slip into the bedroom at the end of the hall, making quick work of dusting off the dresser and small TV, gently stacking a pile of clean sheets and towels. This room already had two beds, you just hoped they were big enough for these giant oafs.
You just about scream when a pair of hands grip your waist, and you whirl around. “Price you have got to stop grabbing me now- Oh.”
It was Ghost, eyes unreadable as he stares you down, and you clear your throat, loosening your grasp just a bit but still attempting to push him off.
“You scared me, you need to stop-“
“Thank you.” He interrupts, and your eyes widen as he pulls you closer.
“I- Well you’re welcome, I couldn’t just-“
“Yes you could. You could send out right back outside, hell you could get a goddamn brigade of officers here and you would be justified for it.” He shrugs, but you frown, shaking your head.
“No. From… from what Price told me, you all made your own choices to help those the governments deem lesser than them. You helped people who have watched law officials let them down again and again.” You state firmly, wincing slightly as you feel Ghost dig his fingers into your hips. “Easy.” You scold, and he immediately eases up, but doesn’t let go of you, keeping you pressed to him and your heart skips.
“I’ll just finish-“
“Whoever divorces such a sweet little bird must have absolute shit for brains.” Ghost states, quite confidently, and you can’t stop the shocked giggle that slips past. “Absolute fuckin idiot.”
“You can’t win me over with flattery you know.” You huff, but he sees right through you, dark eyes taking in your flustered expression, and you feel heat burn your cheeks as you avoid meeting his eye.
“Mmm, we’ll see about that. Think it’ll get me pretty damn far.” He grins, and you smack his hands before pausing.
“Wait.” You mutter, prying his right hand off of you and lifting it up, inspecting.
Your teeth made a pretty gnarly imprint, already scabbing. “Ah don’t worry about that. I deserved it.”
“C’mon you big idiot, before you let that thing get infected.” You order, pushing him towards the bathroom and he lets out a loud laugh, the sound causing butterflies to seize your stomach.
“Yes ma’am.”
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snowsinterlude · 9 months
melted snowflake.
(coriolanus x plinth!reader)
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summary: coriolanus never thought he would fall into his own trap. his plan wasn't falling for you. no, it was the contrary, he was supposed to use you. but god, you were so perfect for him.
based on this ask!
c.w: snow being a bit of a jerk, manipulation, jealousy, plinth reader x coriolanus snow, snow being head over heels with you, fluff (?)
you were a district girl, of course. your parents made sure to take that out of your head, but you couldn't simply forget about everything you lived in the districts. you were a child, but it didn't mean you were dumb or blind not to caught up on the things surrounding you.
the first time you saw snow was when your father met panem's president and left you to play on the kindergarden with your brother, sejanus. of course, it didn't go as planned when you were pushed away by a random kid and he protected you and your brother.
of course, after that, he never talked to you guys. a snow is not supposed to talk nor look at poverty with kindness. that's what his grandma'am taught him.
with this being explained, neither him nor his grandma'am expected your family to get richer than the snows, but after his father's death it was only natural they would be poor.
"y/n?" he approached you, now at the academy. he was a beautiful young man, often obtained your attention because of how much praise he recoeved from teachers and others. even though you were rich now, of course you wouldn't fit in as well as he did. not when you and your brother disagreed with everything the capitol kids stood for. "i'm sorry to interrupt you, but the teacher assigned us to do our assignment together." it was a lie. you could tell right away.
but why not see where he'll go with this?
well, that's what you decided to do. every lie he told you made you want to slap him from how dumb he seemed to think you were.
everyday you would caught him staring at you, at your eyes. stealing glances, stealing everything he could from you. hearing your voice was turning out to be the best moments of his days. but you knew deep in your heart that he was taking you for stupid. you were a girl, smaller than him, more soft looking than him, and he thought it was adorable.
but snow, being a snow, had something other than that silly feelings in his body. plans that didn't go as planned when you slapped his face hard, the red print kf your hand on his white skin being visible.
"hey! what are you-?" you interrupted him.
"look, i allowed you to go as far as lie to me about everything, even what others had to say to me. but i will not allow you to say anything about feelings, snow. this isn't funny. this is sick, and twisted. to think you want to have whatever i want so much that you would go as far as say you love me makes me sick." you said, and he blinked his eyes quickly, dumbly looking at you.
"ah, c'mon. don't look at me like that. you really thought i would believe you when you said clemencia hated me? man, she doesn't even know my name!" you kept going, and he gasped a feel times, his hand touching the place you slapped. "stop coming after me."
and you were gone, just like that. everything snow had planned for you both had gone down the drain while you walked away from him.
and after that, he tried to talk to you. he truly did. but you were always so far away from him, and when you caught a glimpse of him walking your way, you would always exit whatever place you were entering.
"man, what you did to the plinth girl? she's running from you like the devil runs from a cross." festus said, watching you exit the library the moment he stood up from the desk they were in.
"i don't know," he said, but he knew what he did to you. he knew he was wrong. and god, the ache he felt on his chest when he saw you laughing at a joke some body made to you was unberable.
that's when he noticed it. that's when he noticed he liked you, more than he planned to. you were supposed to be his accessory, his pretty ornament on the shelf, used when needed to. but now? ah, you had him at your bare feet and you didn't even knew, and if you did, you didn't care.
it was his fault, of course. he didn’t need to tell you that clemencia hated your guts, or that festus was betting that he could fuck you till the end of the year when you said he was pretty, or anything before and after that.
and thinking of that, he had a white bouquet of roses on his hand, provided by his grandma'am when he said he needed to apologize to the prettiest girl he had ever seen. mentally rehearsing his apology and what he would say, he didn’t even notice when he was already at your door, nervously knocking.
you were rich. why was it you the one who answered the door? god, if you were his wife in a near future, you wouldn't even need to move your hands to eat a grape and-
you closed the door right when you saw the white bouquet on his hand and the ashamed face he had on.
"y/n!" he called you, knocking on the door and pressing the bell of your house multiple times. it was so loud, so irritating, that you opened the door again.
"god, what the hell do you want?!" you asked, angrily frowning at him.
"you," he said. "please, i'm sorry. i-i didn't took you for stupid- you're actually the smartest girl i've seen in the academy, and the prettiest too, and i'm so sorry for being a douchebag to you but i wasn't planning on-" he stopped talking, gulping down.
"planning on what? being a jerk? a liar? a manipulator? a-"
"on falling in love." he said.
"there he goes again." you said, rolling your eyes.
"y/n, i'm serious!"
"prove me." you said, crossing your arms. and he fell on his knees at your feet, placing the roses delicately on your ground. "i'm sorry. i think love is a weakness, i am not used to feeling it- nor any kind of affection towards others but- i can't stand the sight of you, the thought of you being with anyone that isn't me, please-"
ah, how cute. anyone who saw coriolanus at your feet right now would be surprised, his grandma'am would go nuts, saying that snow's are supposed to be on top and not on the bottom of some district girl's feet. but he didn’t mind. he needed to do it. if being on his knees was the only way to get back at you, fuck it. he would be.
"get up." you said, looking away. he obeyed you promptly, eyes looking at you with hope. "that's your last chance, coriolanus." he nodded, almost falling on his knees to kiss your feet.
well, within the span time of seven months, you both were dating. but it didn't change much, coriolanus was always, and i mean always ready to get on his knees for you. he was a sucker for you, even if he was all high and mighty with others, with you, he was a melted snowflake. and he was fine with it.
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home in three days, do not wash
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Fandom: Gladiator II Pairing: Marcus Acacius x Wife!Reader Rating: 18+ Warnings: age gap, mild choking, mentions of child death, hurt comfort, breeding kink, lactation, reader has children, taboo for the time oral sex, talk of war. Word count: 3.6k words Summary: Your General returns home ravenous for you and you cannot decline him, even if any exposure of his act would bring him great shame. A/N: Thanks to @saradika-graphics for the awesome graphics. Napoleon said 'be home in three days, do not wash' and what was I supposed to do? Not use it for our big thicc roman general returning home from war to fuck us? I did research and shit and came to know that eating pussy was a big no no back in the day. dj Khaled would love to be an ancient roman ig. also learned that rich ladies didn't breastfeed and used a wet nurse but they knew that breastfeeding could help and some women did it. Outside all that research, it's just depravity, baby. Anyway, validate my depravity with some comments pls.
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Laughter echoed through the hallways of your palatial home and you stood at a balcony with the best view from atop the hill. The campaign that had taken your husband away had finally come to an end with victory for Rome. Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, you were always one of the last people to receive the latest news of importance. This time was an exception to the rule. 
Home in three days. Do not wash.
All you wanted when you received the message was to run in the direction of the roads that would bring your beloved home. Three days were too long. You wanted to curtail the long wait, run to him so you would be in one another’s arms in a day and a half. 
But you chose the more realistic path and prepared the home for his arrival. The servants polished every surface, your handmaiden ensured you had all your most preferred clothing— that which he loved to see on your body. The kitchen was busy preparing every meal that the master loved. Your two older children with your general busied themselves recollecting everything they learned from their private tutor to impress their father. 
Your youngest, your first son, was still so young he had never met his father. He was the child your dearest had longed to have for so long. For all the luck the gods had given him in the battlefield, they had given very little in the way of children to carry his legacy. In his heart, he was father to seven daughters and six sons. The gods had only allowed four daughters to live. Two of his sons passed in infancy, one passed in birth, taking his mother with him. One other was taken by disease and another killed in battle. 
He now had only one son and he hadn’t yet the joy of holding him in his arms. Everyday that Marcus was in the battlefield was torture. Babe on your breast and fear in your heart over whether his father would live to see him. Fear sometimes subsided for anger to have its way. That very anger remained in your chest, prepared to unleash on him the moment he stepped into the home. 
When the sun dimmed, night crept in and so did Marcus. You refused to greet him at the door. A warm welcome was reserved for men who told their wives where they were going before they left. You had half a mind to ask for a bath to be prepared. To wash yourself with milk and fragrant oils in front of him so he could see your defiance in action. 
But you remained in the balcony, eyes set on the moon who served as your companion when he left you. For all the fury you had for him, there was also an ache of sympathy. You wouldn’t sour his mood the moment he entered. He must see his son first. Then you would see to that he groveled at your feet for his cruelty. 
Just as you thought, you had a long time to relax on the settee. He always went to his children first. Be it after months away on the battlefield or a mere day in the city. You asked for your son’s crib to be moved to your daughters’ room so he would be able to see them all at once, saving him the battle of choosing between his great loves. You’d sent word to him on the battlefield after you gave birth, sent him the name of his son so he would know to include him in his prayers. 
You heard whispers of his voice conversing with a servant. Your heart quickened its pace, each thud against your ribs matching the thuds of his feet against the floor. Oh how you wanted to turn around. It had been so long since your eyes were blessed with him. His towering height, broad frame, the pink of his lips and the curls you so loved to comb through with your fingers. You trembled, the cold breeze reminding you how devoid you’d been of his warmth. Yet you were resolved to not give yourself up to him so soon. You stayed in place and closed your eyes.
He stopped behind you and your name spilled from his lips like honey. It had been so long since anyone spoke your name so… The servants called you mistress and your children called you mother. Your birth family only wrote your name in their many letters. He was the only one who spoke your name, leaving you without hearing your own name since his departure. But you stayed, did not turn, did not open your eyes. He spoke it again, his voice gentle but louder as he stopped at your side. 
“Open your eyes, dearest.” 
“Where have you come, General?” You asked, your voice cold enough to be the envy of the winter breeze. 
“General?” He asked, a hint of amusement playing at his lips. 
“Are you not a General?” You taunted, finally opening your eyes. He looked weary from battle and travel. You longed to take him to your chambers and strip him of his armor to count his wounds, kiss each one be it new or old. His hair was grayer than when he left, his skin duller, but his eyes were still the soft brown that gave you peace when you first saw him as his young bride. 
“Your General,” he said with a small smile as though his words were supposed to make you forgive him at once and shower him with kisses. It only strengthened your resolve. If he wouldn’t treat you as a wife, you wouldn’t give him the respect of a husband. 
“You have a son,” you said, stretching your legs out in the settee just as he made to take his seat there. His hand wrapped around your ankle and you kicked it off, daring him to make another attempt at moving your legs so he could sit. He smiled softly, conceding as he moved to stand by your head. 
“He is beautiful, mellilla,” he said, caressing your cheek. You slapped his hand away. All of Rome may fall at his feet and welcome him back with praises of his victory. He was deserving of course, not only for his achievements but for his undying loyalty to Rome. If Rome were a woman, she would be his principal wife and you— you would only be a tavern whore he fucked and left in the dead of night. 
“You block the moonlight, General Acacius.” 
“Marcus,” he said, moving to allow you sight of the moon once again. He sat in the little remaining space on the settee and looked down at you. Despite the toll war had taken on him, he was incredibly handsome. Bold nose, pink lips and graying curls that only made him look ever so slightly more distinguished. He bent down and pressed a kiss to your lips. You did not return the kiss, but you did not push him away. There was an limit even to your anger. You placed a hand on his shoulder, the act of denying yourself the joy of your lover weighing heavy in your heart.
“I’m afraid I haven’t such an honor.” You bit down on your lip, annoyed at yourself for the trembling of your voice as you spoke. Your anger for him had a foundation of pain after all. 
His face fell and he sighed. He looked down at his lap and you hoped it was from shame.
“If you have nothing to say, you may leave. If you need it, you may summon the servants for your meal. But I am sure the emperor did not send his best general hungering for food or cunt,” you spat, rising to sit up on the settee. Hand as strong as iron wrapped around your wrist, coupling with his strong torso that trapped you in place to keep you from getting up. You squirmed in his grasp, but he did not budge.
“Listen to me.” 
“Is that an order?” 
He wrapped an arm around you and held your cheek in his hand. You looked up at him, giving him biting fury to his firm yet gentle gaze. “If it is the only way I will have your obedience, then yes. It is an order.” 
“You may speak, but you cannot make me listen and you most certainly cannot make me respond.” 
“I am your husband.” 
“A husband doesn’t leave for a year long war at the dead of night with no explanation to the woman swelling with his child,” you screamed, fist slamming against his chest. It didn’t affect Marcus. Nothing affected the great General Acacius, you thought with derision. You hit him in the chest again, tears brimming in your eyes and clouding your vision.
“Forgive me,” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You ceased your attacks as his apology coupled with the pain in his eyes reduced you to tears. You’d kept everything in for so long, put on a brave face for your daughters and hid your heart in your letter to your father. It was only with Marcus that you didn’t need to hide. He always tore your fears down and pulled you into the safety of his arms.
“I wouldn’t have been able to leave had I said goodbye.” 
“I was so afraid,” you confessed, leaning into his chest. Every pretense of strength and composure left your body as you let him hold you to his chest. The gold earrings you wore to please his eyes pressed cold against your skin under his hand. He moved next to your hair and then you neck, the hand that held swords and spilled blood only to return home to love you. 
“Carissima…You were all I could think of after I left. Forgive me,” he begged, taking your hand in his and pressing a kiss to each finger. 
“Later. I have missed you. Marcus,” you whispered, craning your neck to kiss him. He returned your kiss in an instant, arms cradling you as you devoured each other. He smelled of war— blood, soil, sweat, and leather. It was far more pleasing to your senses than any fragrant oils and flowers. Your Marcus and his distinctly masculine scent was above all but the fragrance of your newborn. 
You whined as he retreated. He laughed and returned to scatter kisses along your jawline like Rome scattered rose petals along the steps of the Colosseum for his feet. He reached under your layers of silk and linen, making you tremble and press yourself closer to his chest. 
“So soft…” 
“I need you, please.” It was all he needed to hear before he walked up to the doors of the balcony and slammed them shut. What he did with you, for you, wasn’t for anyone else’s eyes but your own. 
He unlatched the gold clips that held your palla to your shoulders and set them aside. Your stola and tunic followed, piling up on the marble floor. Cold air caressed your bare breasts, bigger and fuller now as you nursed your son yourself. You traced your hand up his arm, feeling his vambrace before finding his muscular arms. You whimpered from just how big he was in your hands. You squeezed, feeling the hard muscle and rough skin. 
Your General knelt before you and you sat up straight, confused by his action. He couldn’t be… You sought his apologies and regret, but by no means would you ask him to humiliate himself for you. Such a man, superior to you in every way. 
“Dominus!” You shrieked, reminding him who he was even when he came home. 
“Are you going to—?”
“Lick you cunt? Yes. Sit back, now,” he said as he guided you to lean back on the settee. You shook your head from side to side, appalled by the circumstances and confused as to how you were supposed to stop him. He spread your legs wide, planting your feet upon the seat. He licked his plush lips and looked up at you, his eyes those of a ravenous beast. 
“You cannot. I only want you to understand the torture you put me through, not debase yourself in front of me. It’s not right.”  
A corner of his lips curled up slightly. He spat on his hand and rubbed it into your cunt. You arched into his palm, your cunt chasing any contact you could have with your beloved. “Tell me, who do you belong to?” 
“Speak fully and speak my name.” 
“I belong to you, Marcus.” 
“Correct. Why do you think then, that you can tell me what I can and cannot do with you?” 
He parted your cunt lips and slid a finger inside you. “You belong to me. All of you. This cunt belongs to me. Does it not?” You nodded as he pumped his thick finger in and out of you. It had been so long since you’d been touched that even his finger felt a little much for you to take. You shuddered as you thought of his cock, promising the virility that came with such a size. 
“Speak,” he commanded, every bit the fearsome General who led men into battle. When even warriors couldn’t defy him, how could you? 
“It belongs to you, Marcus.” 
“Mmm,” he rumbled, curling his finger inside you, making you whimper. “If I want to lick this cunt then, do you have any right to stop me?” 
“N-no,” you cried, grabbing his wrist and imploring him to slow down for you couldn’t take such intoxicating pleasure. “If peo— Marcus! If someone knew—”
Then he dove into your core and licked the nub above your cunt, eliciting a squeal from you. He looked up at you from between your legs, tongue still licking you as he smirked. It was sinful, the sight and the act of a man serving a woman. You shook your head, your senses already addled from being so close to him after a long year. It was wrong. Wrong. But oh gods, he made all the wrongs feel right and who were you to deny him? 
Tears rolled down your cheeks, no longer from the agony of separation from your dearest but from the building pressure in your core. 
“Marcus…” you said, unable to say anything else. You reached your hand towards him, needing to be anchored to the Earth as he flew you to the heavens. He enveloped your hand in his and gave a small squeeze. His other hand and his lips were unrelenting, giving him new ways to torment you. 
How did anyone deem it submissive for a man to kneel and lick cunt? Your Marcus still looked as majestic as ever. The picture of victory that Rome worshiped. The Marcus Acacius who slew and killed was home and ruthless in his conquest of you. Even as he licked your core, he was the one with all the power in hand. This was but a new way for him to take you. 
You gasped inaudibly as he inserted another finger in your cunt, stretching you in preparation for his cock. You felt your unraveling come closer. He pulled you deeper into whatever spell he had you under whenever he touched your cunt. You squeezed his hand tighter, saying everything your lips couldn’t. Hold me, keep me safe, never let me go.
The waves crashed against the rocks on the shores of the beach as you came crashing down from the heavens. Marcus kept his wordless promise. You tightened your legs around his head yet he held you in place and kept you safe. 
When you came to, you found your fingers tangled in between his dark curls. You loosened your grip on him but did not let go, needing to feel him even if it was just his hair. 
“I should not have liked that.” 
He laughed and gave your cunt another lick, smirking as he watched you shudder. 
“But you did,” he said, getting up at last. “I knew you tasted divine, but having you directly from your cunt is something else, melilla.” 
“I have not washed in days because of you. I am sure I taste horrendous.” 
“Good girl, following orders well. But you are wrong. You taste and smell like a woman. Not a perfumed woman. This,” he said in a low voice as the tip of his nose traced up your neck. He inhaled your scent and moaned. “This is nothing you can find in a vial. This is your true scent,” he said, stopping at your ear and placing a kiss. 
“I would recognize it anywhere.” He reached under his pteruges and toga and retrieved his cock. Your cunt clenched at the mere sight of him. 
He was far too covered. As much as you loved to see your General in his armor, you loved more to see him bare. You needed to run your fingers over his bare chest and dig your fingernails into his shoulders as he wrung his pleasure out of you.  You found the ties that held his armor in place and began to undo them. 
“Impatient girl,” he chided as he aligned himself with your cunt. 
“Help me out then,” you snapped back as you struggled with the knots. He ignored your request and continued on his path of destroying you, plunging his length inside you much too quickly. You cried from the pain and pleasure of being stretched out by him once again. 
He bent forward and whispered your name against your lips before claiming them. You moaned into the kiss as you rubbed yourself against him for friction. You were loath to pull away from his cock even the slightest as you ached for him too much to part from him. You wrapped your legs around him and pressed your heels down on his back, pulling him deeper inside you. 
He wrapped a hand around your throat, tightening and loosening every now and then. “Day and night, I longed for you,” he whispered, his breath mixing with yours. “Dreamt of the day I would be inside you again.” 
You echoed the sentiment, but he quickly silenced you with a hard thrust that you felt in the deepest part of your core. He wasn’t the gentle Marcus who treated you like you did your fine silks but the General who conquered every land he set foot on. He rammed in and out of you, reclaiming you as his. Your cunt opened up to take its master, molded itself around him like it did each time since your wedding night. He had taken you, his young bride, and shown you a world only he could. He’d taken and taken, made you a woman by showing you what your body could do for you. 
He licked up your neck, growling like he was tasting the finest delicacies from the emperors’ table after being starved for months. “You smell sweet, Carisimma.” 
“You lived in tents with men for a year. I’m sure a pig would smell sweet to you now,” you said, making him laugh even as he wrecked you. He reached down to your breasts and grabbed one in his hand. He pinched your nipple between his fingers and tugged, making you cry out in pain. 
“Marcus!” Drops of milk trickled from your breasts and he swiped it with him thumb before licking it. 
“I only regret that I could not see you grow bigger with my seed.” 
“You ha- you have seen it before.” 
“Yet I am not satisfied. I need more, I need to fill you up with my seed, keep you full with my children in perpetuity.” 
“Marcus! Please…” 
“What do you beg for, girl?” 
“Give me sons, Marcus. Let me give you heirs,” you cried, overcome by the need to become his in that primal way. It was more than just your duty as his wife. It was an innate desire. As frightening as pregnancy was, you wanted it again and again at the hands of your husband. To give him sons carry his name and daughters who would control the great General with their laughter. 
“Give me sons,” he repeated, the hand around your neck squeezing tight. This time, he did not relax, holding your air hostage as he used your cunt for his carnal desires. You gasped for breath. Your cunt squeezed around him, keeping him in so he would give you his seed and refusing to let go even for a moment. 
Every thrust after sent delicious ripples of pain. You knew that you would wake the next morning unable to walk as usual. You would hear your servant girls giggle when they thought you couldn’t hear. He would wreck you day and night, make you scream for all the house to hear. He would take you to high places in the city, an arrogant smile on his lips as he showed you off, rounded again with his child. 
As though he could read your thoughts, he spilled inside you with a cry of your name. You held him close, afraid he would part from your body and rob you of his warmth. 
He showered you with kisses, beginning as a downpour and ending with a drizzle. You melted into his arms, the tension in your muscles leaving now that you had your Marcus home. You were no longer alone, he was here and he would take care of everything. 
“Am I forgiven now?” 
You smiled, burrowing into his chest as draped your discarded silk over you and picked you up in his arms. “I will consider it if you make sure I don’t bleed this cycle.” 
You felt his chest rumble as he laughed. A kiss on the top of your head.
“As you say, melilla.”
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meiluu · 2 months
Dreamin’ about cowboys
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Tyler Owens / Reader(Female) cw: SMUT 18+, FLUFF, domestic, pregnancy. a.n: no joke after I came home from watching the new twisters movie I took a nap and had one of the most vivid dreams about being pregnant on a cute cottage/farmhouse while being cuddled by Glen Powell/Tyler Owens. So uh, that’s the main inspo for this, give thanks to my weird but amazing subconsciousness.
*not edited, sorry for any mistakes*
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The warm rays of sunlight kept you comfortably cozy while you sat in a rocking chair on your front porch, nursing some homemade sweet tea. And there making his way to you was your handsome cowboy. Cheeks flushed from the rush of adrenaline he’d gotten while chasing his latest tornado. Signature smile across his face as he quickly made his way up the steps of your beautiful home.
With a bit of difficulty you’re able to get up and meet him halfway. Strong and familiar arms wrap themselves around you, Tyler’s stubble tickling your neck as he buries himself into your embrace. “Missed you, how’re my girls doin’” pulling away, Tyler’s warm and calloused hand gently cups your rounded stomach, softly caressing the bump.
“Oh you know, constantly hungry for the weirdest of things and aching in places I didn’t know I could ache in.” Your words elicit a laugh out of the cowboy. “But besides all of that, we're good. Just missed you.” Reaching a hand up to his stubbly cheek pressing a kiss to his warm skin. One of his hands linger on the small of your back while the other pushes a rebellious piece of hair behind your ear, gently cupping your cheek. Leaning down to you, lips meeting your own. Your heart flutters within your chest, no matter how many times you kissed it still felt like your first time. Mouths dancing together, your hands reach up to tug on his soft wind tussled hair. A soft groan rumbles from within his chest, and as your kisses deepen Tyler is quickly lifting you off your feet so effortlessly.
House memorized like the back of his hand, he makes his way to your shared bedroom. Setting you down with the utmost care on the plush comforter below. Pulling away from your mouth, you watch as Tyler leans back a stares at you. Jade green eyes roam over your figure, "God its like you get more and more beautiful everyday." His words are nothing but honest, full of adoration for you. You feel your cheeks blush at his words, upon seeing your pink cheeks a mischievous smirk makes its way onto his gorgeous face. Rough hands caress your body's newfound curves making their way to the front of your simple milkmaid dress. Undoing the little bow keeping your breasts from spilling out.
The soft fabric gives way and is pushed aside by Tyler's hands, leaning back down he kisses every inch of skin within reach. Leaving behind little love bites for you to admire in the mirror tomorrow morning. Making his way up your chest, to your neck then taking your sweet lips back to his. His hands continue to lovingly massage your sides, paying extra attention to your hips that spend all day holding and cradling your baby girl.
One hand wonders downward, going underneath the skirt of your dress going right where you need him most. Pulling off your panties, throwing them over the side of the bed. A whimper tumbles from your kiss swollen lips as Tyler begins to swirl your clit, fingers gathering your embarrassing amount of slick. Then he is sinking a finger inside, then two. Your left hand tangles into the comforter while your other tightly grips onto Tyler's arm that still dutifully holding onto your waist.
"Tyler, I need you." you can't help the desperation within your voice. "I know baby, but I gotta stretch you out first." a needy whine leaves you at his words, a pout forming onto your lips. And its takes everything within Tyler to not immediately give into you. But it wouldn't be long before he'd have you moaning and panting out his name as he gave you everything you wanted.
Fingers rubbing up against your sensitive walls, curling up perfectly to hit the one spot within you that has you keening out in pleasure. A soft groan leaves Tyler as your walls clamp down upon his fingers, a telltale sign that you were close. "Come on baby, need you to cum around my fingers. Then I'm all yours." Voice husky with strained lust.
Tyler watches with rapt attention as your hips grind down onto his hand, fingers going in and out of your pretty cunt. The noises from your squelching cunt fills the air around you, accompanied by your breathy moans and Tyler's muffled groans. You feel that all too familiar heat creeping down your spine, twisting that metaphorical ball of pleasure that sits so heavily down past your navel. Then not a moment later are you baring down upon Tyler's fingers cunt clenching rhythmically around him as he continues to fuck his fingers into your spasming cunt.
Tyler watches as your breathing slowly evens out as your come down from your high, then he's slowly pulling his fingers from you. Then he's tearing off his clothes carelessly discarding them to the side, with nothing left to take off he helps you out of your dress. Crawling up to where his face is right above yours, muscled arms boxing in your head. You can feel his body heat radiating off of him, shielding you from the chill from your bedroom.
"Ty please."
"I know baby, I know."
Green eyes watch as his precum covered cock, sinks into you. Eyes rolling back into his head at the euphoric feeling of your warm and wet cunt that welcomes him so perfectly. Hips picking up into a deep and measured pace, perfect for pushing those heavenly moans from your lips while also giving just the right amount of pleasure to both of you. Your hands abandon the comforter to latch onto Tyler's strong back, relishing in the warmth he brings as you fingers feel his muscles tighten beneath your palms. Tyler lets his head fall to rest right beside your ear, filling your head with his filthy words and noises.
"Always take me so well."
"Just like that baby."
"Fuck, baby can you hear just how wet you are?"
Each husky phrase that tumbles from his mouth has you arching your back up into him, legs wrapping tightly around his waist. With every thrust in and out of you, your cunt squeezes down on him trying to keep him in. Your sweet sounds of pleasure ring through Tyler's ears, lighting a trail of white hot pleasure down his spine leading down towards his heavy balls that are just begging to fill you up. As if you weren't already pregnant, if Tyler could he'd get you pregnant again. Seeing you so beautiful with your belly swollen with your baby had lit an insatiable fire within him that would probably never be snuffed out. You were always breathtakingly gorgeous but when you had gotten pregnant it was game over, Tyler didn't know you could get more stunning and yet you always prove him wrong.
"Ty- I'm close." a moan interrupts your words halfway through saying them, but good thing Tyler knew your body just as well as you and could already feel your cunt getting tighter and tighter as you neared your second orgasm of the night. "I'm right there with you." rushing his words out as he groans out as you tighten up again around him. One of Tylers hands leaves its spot beside your head quickly bringing it down to swirl your clit, not a moment later are you falling in bliss as you cum hard around Tyler's still pistoning cock. A waterfall of curses leaves Tyler as feels himself swell then cum just right behind you. Warmth fills your lower belly as Tyler continues to slowly grind into you, riding out both of your highs, eventually coming to a stop.
Your eyes hazy with leftover pleasure watch as Tylers sculpted body rises, watching him watch as his spend dribbles out of you as he pulls his softening cock from you. Pupils blown wide as a hearty groan fills the space around you both. The vision in front of him is seared into his mind, and he'd make sure of it. His eyes take in you flushed face that traveled to the tops of your swollen breasts, kiss bitten skin, tussled hair, you were a fuckin vision he'd spend the rest of his life admiring.
Giving you a sweet kiss, he announces that he's going to the bathroom. A little while later does he come back with a warm wash cloth, with gentle hands does he wipe you down. Getting you comfortable in bed, he grabs one of his large pj shirts for you and a pair of boxers for himself. Grabbing you, Tyler tucks you beneath his chin as your face rest against his chest. Sleep quickly lulls you both under, as the moon rise higher into the night sky.
As the sun peaks above the horizon are you waking up, your little one seeming hellbent on rising along with the sun. Shuffling with sleepiness still clinging to you, you head to the bathroom then back into your bedroom. Pulling on some panties and a loose pair of shorts, muffling a laugh at the utter disarray you and Tyler left behind last night. Somehow your cowboys boxers had ended up hanging off your vanity, deciding to just leave it there, knowing that when he woke up he'd get a good laugh out of it.
With soft footsteps you head towards the kitchen, prepping up a cup of warm tea. Something you've had to switch to while being pregnant, no coffee until after giving birth. Once the your warm cup is in your hands do you head out back to your couch swing that Tyler had set up last spring. Settling down into the soft cushions, watching as the sun begins to rise higher and higher above the horizon. When you're halfway done with your cup do you hear Tylers footsteps making their way to you. Turning your head, you can't help the wide smile that pulls at your cheeks. Tylers hair looks like a tornado has hit it, clad in some baggy sweatpants. "Good mornin'." his voice is still husky with sleep, "Good morning." Your eyes follow him has he sits down next to you, then he's pulling you into his lap wrapping you up in his embrace. Snuggling deeper into his warmth, you both sit in the quiet of the early morning watching as the sun announces to the world that a new day has started. And you wouldn't wanna be anywhere but right here in your home with the man that you love with all your being right next you. With a warm and protective hand caressing your baby pump, your daughter fluttering beneath the familiar hand of her daddy.
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earlgreydream · 1 month
Throne. || god!Loki x reader
this lovely anon message spoke to me, you know my favorite thing is being loki's little slut: all i can think of is i would love to be lokis little throne pet... i want him to threaten me everyday to freeze me like he did heimdall if i act up or defend thor - oh to be a loki boot licker
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Loki wasn't paying attention. Great festivities were happening before him, celebrating the young prince, yet he couldn't bring himself to care.
He was far too busy entertaining himself with you, his little pet kneeling between his legs. You were at the base of his throne where you belonged, your hand gently palming the growing tent in his leather pants. Loki shifted his weight, leaning back to give you better access to an Adonis body.
"Come here," he reached down, wrapping a large hand around your bicep and hauling you upwards to straddle his lap.
You looked over your shoulder to see Thor approaching, the reason that Loki had moved you. He was extremely possessive, known to take the sight of anyone who dared to even look at you in way that angered him. Dark jealousy flashed across Loki's features and he grabbed your jaw to turn you back to him. He was well aware of his brother’s lust for you, a motivation to kill Thor if it weren’t for their father.
"Don't look at him."
"Yes, master," you conceded softly, parting your lips as his thumb ran across them.
Your fingertips trailed over the defined muscles of his chest, his skin smooth and hard under your touch. You gazed at Loki from beneath your lashes, silently asking for more. He was eager to indulge you both, simmering with annoyance at the interruption. Normally, he’d just let the festivities continue while you worshipped his cock. However, there was no way in all nine realms that Loki would allow his brother to enjoy your vulgar performance.
"Brother, it's a celebration! Won't you share your toys?" Thor shouted drunkenly, the stupid jovial smile infuriating Loki.
He stumbled onto the throne’s platform, an offense no one else would survive. While you trusted Loki, the rapid approach of Thor startled you. You leaned into Loki, close enough to hear the heavy breathing of the angry god.
Loki caught Thor's wrist when he reached out to touch you, fury burning in his gaze. The possessive god would never allow Thor — or anyone else to touch you. He had made it clear that you were to be as loyal — lest you wanted to suffer the same frozen fate as Heimdall. Threats weren’t necessary to maintain your devotion, and Loki knew this, knowing you would follow him into Hel.
"What do you think, pet? Will you service my brother?" Loki's head tilted to the side as he studied your expression.
"I only serve you, Loki," you shook your head.
Loki threw Thor back, the older god slamming against the golden walls of Asgard’s palace. The guests howled with laughter, quickly drawing all of the attention back to Thor. The two of you were quickly forgotten, the breath you held escaping in a relieved sigh.
“Very obedient,” Loki praised, sitting up to kiss you.
His mouth was warm against yours, tasting of whiskey and familiarity. Your fingers threaded into onyx tresses of his long hair, pulling yourself ever closer to him.
“You’re mine,” he hissed against your lips, earning a soft whine of agreement as you sat back.
“I will only ever be yours, master,” you promised, glowing under Loki’s approval.
He leaned back, slowly rubbing a hand up your thigh. The light from behind made you look ethereal, and his party was once again forgotten as he admired you. Loki gently stroked your cheek, his eyes softening as you leaned into the touch.
“Please,” you murmured softly, aching for him.
Normally, someone in your position would never express need out of turn, but Loki held a soft spot for you. It aroused him when you begged, and truth be told, though you were his pet, he was happy to spoil you.
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konigsblog · 7 months
has no one thought about Konig x Reader x Kurguer? i mean imagine getting kidnapped by TWO austrian hotties with masks?! like please put me in your basement and play with me silly!!!
anon, i have a lot of posts about könig & krueger being kidnappers that i think you'd love... (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
and god, thinking about the punishments kidnapper-krueger forces könig to do. :(
cw: punishments, non-con, yandere, kidnapping. female anatomy, afab!gn!reader.
dead dove: do not eat. your media consumption is your own responsibility.
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kidnapper-krueger will force and convince könig to become inhumane and brutal with you. he'll convince könig that he's too gentle, that you're misbehaving because you think you can get away with it, scot-free. he wants to put something in that dumb, little head of yours, make you squeal and wail for forgiveness.
your wrists are held together forcefully and tied with rope in the basement, feeling uneasy and tense from all the bad and horrifying memories down in the chamber; the cold, metal bars you'd grip everyday in the hopes you'd be freed by some miracle, and the blood stains on the concrete, dirty floor, reminding you of your worst days.
könig sinks his dick further down your slicken mouth, watching you cry, sob and weep, choking on his painfully large cock. könig rolls his hips against your face, pushing deeper while you whine and squirm pathetically on your knees, eyes glistening with your tears. all while krueger forces your head further during back shots, your asshole stuffed with a plug, holding his thick load as he uses your sweet, sweet pussy... the clenching and pulsating and the way you squeal, könig's guilt and shame evident on his stupid face. :(
“don’t cry, my little lamb...-it’ll be over soon enough.” he cooes, coddling you for being so scared and teary-eyed, petrified of könig - the man you'd cling to. each thrust leaves you body aching and quivering, feeling frail and weak as they harm and inflict torture apon poor you, choking on his dick, with könig pinching your nose and restricting your breathing, helpless and shaken up.
krueger's lengthy, veiny dick rubs against your cervix as he releases and shoots his last load into you, slapping your face as you drool könig's cum, your pussy leaking and your asshole achingly full... hearing your breathing struggles, chest rising and falling before you're given access and allowed to catch your breath.
könig sneaks down into the basement to visit and coddle you, laying beside you on the cold ground while you scowl at him and scramble away, crying and hyperventilating as he holds you, hearing him apologise through tender kisses to your bruised skin.
könig can't understand why he ever listened to that bastard... now, he has to care and clean your wounds, wincing at the sight of the bruises he caused. ;(
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neopuppy · 2 years
Take My Breath (M)
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pairing. alpha Jeno x female omega reader
genre. trapped in an elevator AU, a/b/o, pwp, M/F
warnings. profanity, explicit smut.. filth, pre-heat, dubious at first(consent given), ‘stuck’(ridiculously unrealistic), slick, oral, unprotected sex, anal, multiple orgasms. minors DNI.
word count. 7000
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“A coffee shop in the lobby? The fact that this place even has a lobby?” Your friend lets out a low whistle glancing around. “Not to mention the amount of unclaimed Alpha real estate around here. So many bare naked fingers. What God did you save from immortal death in a past life to snag this place?”
“I told you, I’ve been on the hunt for months. It was worth the wait.”
“A new place isn’t the only thing you’ve been hunting for months.” One of her well-kempt eyebrows bounces, nudging her chin toward the line that’s formed filled with Alphas dressed in various work attire. “There’s no way you won’t end up mated living here.”
“I’m not trying to mate anyone.” You say uninterested. It’s true, really, you could care less to have some Alpha prancing around your new place, making a mess of crumbs and leaving remnants of his scent behind to ruin your peaceful atmosphere.
“You can try to deny our nature all you want, but your Omega instincts will handle your stubborn attitude. You just wait and see.” She says with a wink, leading you to start up another discourse over how you have learned to control your Omega’s feral hormones. A call of your name from behind the coffee bar leaves your lips parted, holding up a finger before her face as you stand to pick up your drink.
“Hold that thought, I’m not done with you.”
“Yeah yeah. Go grab your coffee you grouch, you need it.” She laughs teasingly, making eyes at a few handsome Alphas in line.
“This isn’t my drink..” You say, turning the label on the cup to face you. “Jeno?”
“That would be me.” A firm chest grazes your arm, sliding into the space by your side as he reaches for the cup still lingering at the tips of your fingers. “I believe I grabbed yours by mistake.”
The Alphas scent swarms around you first, as rich and warm as a field full of lavender, calming enough to relax your tense muscles, loosen brain-aching invisible strings keeping your scalp tense, slowly stumbling back mindlessly.
“Oh my God!” The Alphas deep rumble reaches your ears faintly, gathering you with his scooped arms before you can hit the floor.
He’s strong, flexing under your waist as he sets you back to your feet and maneuvers you with speed to stay up. “Are you okay?!”
Concern softens his speech, stroking up and down your arms with wide large palms that shiver each nerve down to your fingertips. “Almost hit your head there.”
The Alphas cheeks bunch up, steadying you with his hands clasped on your shoulders. “Probably my fault for popping up by your side out of nowhere.”
“Is she okay??” Your friend interrupts, breathlessly as if she’d rushed over, patting the top of your back. “What happened?”
“Ah, I’m the one to blame.” The Alpha says apologetically, directing to your drinks sitting side by side. “I grabbed the wrong drink, think I bum rushed your friend here.”
“Oh, that’s okay Alpha, she can be such a klutz.” She replies flirtatiously, batting her eyelashes with no shame at the handsome man standing before you who barely gives her more than a second of eye contact.
“It was definitely my fault.” He nods to you, lifting one of his eyebrows inquisitively. “It’s not everyday you accidentally steal a pretty Omegas drink.. I’ll have to be more careful next time.”
“Any Omega could only wish to be lucky enough for you to be the one to make that mistake, Alpha.” Your friend says, raising her pitch higher to sound helpless, making your stomach churn full of nausea.
“Jeno.” He says, slowly taking in your facial features. “You can call me Jeno.”
Jeno grins, leaving a $20 dollar bill by your coffee that’s no doubt begun to lose its warmth. “Next drink on me, for making you wait, and nearly knocking you unconscious.”
He nods again, waving goodbye with a controlled smile to contain how endeared he feels watching your glazed eyes follow his every little move. “See you around.”
“Now that Alpha has ‘problem’ written all over him.” Your friend chimes, nudging an elbow into your side with a smirk. Snatching up the bill left behind to wave in front of your face. “Sexy, generous, sweet? and that scent? If you don’t fuck him...”
The rest of her sentence fades out, too deep in thought as you inhale the remnants of lavender and hints of crisp grass left behind. Morning dew, moist, steamy, trapping you in a sauna filled with little to no oxygen.
Jeno wasn’t going to be a problem, no not at all. You only wish he could be just a problem, because problems can be solved. A simple equation to figure out, nothing you couldn’t handle.
A problem wouldn’t have you chewing at your nails, rasping your fingers on any surface to distract away every thought of him. Long showers to numb your senses were out of the question, quickly rinsing off to skip using your favorite body washes, tickling at your nostrils with the small bit of lavender laced through the ingredients.
The Alpha had become quite a hassle for you over the next few weeks, the largest daily nuisance with a smile plastered on his face every time he caught you gawking at him, destroying your sleep schedule for a mere glimpse of his stupid long eyelashes and disappearing iris. Truly succumbing to your pathetic Omegan desires even as you berate yourself along the way.
His damn enticing scent left you breathless just from passing each other in the hallways, his ridiculous strangled raspy vocals greeting you a ‘Good Morning’; the worst most suffocating scent melting out of his pores like scolding lava after an AM workout. God you hated it, that’s what you kept repeating as you slapped your bedside table alarm at 5am.
Who wakes up at 5 in the morning? You, of course, to retrieve your mail that you could have easily grabbed the day before, but that would mean missing the Alpha strutting in panting for his life, pouring sweat down his chest as if he’d just finished a triathlon, and his damn addicting delicious scent. His holy mouth parting open when he throws back his head to inhale a bottle of water as he kicks his way through the lobby double doors, swallowing the sweet nectar down in the most obscene of ways.
The Alphas chest juts out, firm and defined by the hands of the Devil himself, you’re convinced, with the sole intent being to ruin you.
“Morning.” Jeno said, tipping his head, somedays adding a wink with his smile. Today he waves as he passes by, biting on his lower lip while you force a smile back and release something akin to a laugh, a dumbed down giggle.
It’s sick really, because you think you’re getting away with it. Dressed up in your cutest outfits at the crack of dawn, hair done, and a full face of makeup on playing a casual bit every morning just for one minute of bliss.
Ever the perfect Alpha, Jeno’s either clueless, and as dumb as he looks with a big goofy grin or smart enough to know exactly what you’re playing at. If he knows what you’re up to, he has the decency to check your mate and keep up the game, especially when he makes an effort to keep the elevator door open for you for an unnecessarily long amount of time as you debate with yourself to get on or not.
A tingle up your spine lifts your foot, hanging mid-air as your heartbeat reaches your ear. Pounding a way between your eyes similar to a warning to stay back, do not enter. Danger ahead.
Unfortunately, your Omegas always had a taste for danger, dropping your feet to skitter onto the lift and squeeze yourself into a corner with your chin tucked into your chest. “10th floor please.”
The Alpha sports his charming smile, pressing the 15th floor along with yours. He leans back on the railing, cleaning off droplets of sweat cascading from his forehead down to his chest with a small towel, nothing but a pair of snug running shorts covering his body, leaving too many inches of his creamy smooth skin visible.
“Off to work?” Jeno clears his throat first to break the silence between you as the elevator doors shut, slowly lifting off the lobby floor.
“Oh, I work from home.” You speak too abruptly, realizing coming up with a lie would have been a better choice and his lip tweaks upward at one corner, nodding, seemingly pleased by your answer.
“Same, usually I’m just hopping out of the shower when it’s time for my first Zoom meeting.” Jeno turns toward you, making no effort to hide his gaze taking in your figure from your shoes to your face. “I definitely never look as nice as you.”
“Oh..” nervously, you toy with the ends of your hair, reaching to push some behind your ear as you wearily glance at the red numbers above. 4th floor. “You always look good Alpha..”
The compliment comes out more whispered than planned, igniting heat to burn behind your cheeks. Gripping onto the railing behind your back to stabilize yourself. That damn lavender scent, that fucking scent you’ve desperately avoided. Stupidly beginning to regret entering such a confined space with the man driving you up a wall.
“You think so?” Jeno sways a bit, coughing to cover up inconspicuously wandering over your outfit of choice today; silently grateful you opted for a short skirt instead of those ludacris snug shorts that rode up your ass last week. “Every time you see me.. I’m rushing around covered in sweat..”
He sighs, the back of his head bumping against the wall softly. The elevator becomes more suffocating with every minuscule move Jeno makes, wafting his natural drug inducing aroma around the tight space. “I probably smell awful.”
He shows off a relaxed smile, neck arched back exposing the column of his throat, the girthy bob of his Adam’s apple. “I know how sensitive Omegas can get about an Alphas scent.. The whole purpose if us living on opposite floors. You would think they’d designate separate elevators for us to use too.”
Jeno’s gaze flickers up, darker and heavier than you’ve become used to, licking at the roof of his mouth as he watches you squirm and furiously glance toward the changing red numbers.
The Alphas nose twitches over and over again, you hear him sniffle, stifling the sound of his throat clearing again as he leans back with his palm gripped tighter onto the railing framing the elevator. Silently observing your intakes of air grow more shallow. “Is everything oka—“
You know he can smell it, even with your thighs tightly clenched together, even through the thin layer of cotton covering your crotch, your scent has consumed the air around you. Embarrassment flares your cheeks with fire, ducking your chin to your chest to avoid any chance of stealing a look in the Alphas direction. There’s no way to deny the leak of slick flowing from your core this time, no room to escape and scurry to your safe sanctuary away from your stupidly ridiculously hot neighbor.
Another raspy clear of his throat has you incoherently slamming your palm flat on any button to get off on the next floor. A tickle of dewy mucky air, lavender melting from dripping wax reaches your nostrils past the overbearing scent of your arousal, and fear darts up your spine; the first instinctual thought you have to run, get away, run as fast as you can despite your Omegas resistance.
“Wait!” His tone blares even deepr, strangled from a dry throat that’s been used up during his run; echoing out as your foot slams down to jump through the opening elevator door. Gliding much too slowly, painfully inching open, you push against the powerful mechanism with weak wrists urging it to open faster.
“F-Fuck!” Choking out a curse, your ribs crush between the opening, held in place by the space that’s halted from opening right as you’d begun to make your escape.
“Oh my God..” the Alpha sounds far away now with your upper half trapped on the outside of the elevator. The hallway around you is empty, dark, and not a floor you’ve ever stopped on before. “T—the door!” He stammers from behind you, audibly gulping what must be a thick wad of saliva to quench his throat. “It’s stuck!”
“Wh—what?!” You shriek, slapping your palm against the steel wall of the elevator, stinging your heated skin with the shrill chill radiating off of it.
“You’re..” The Alpha swallows again, the sound of his leather sneakers stepping forward. “You’re stuck.”
“What?! Open the door!” You scream now, anxiety increasing rapidly as you scatter to move only to let out a pitiful groan from the dig of metal pressing deeper against your ribcage. “Open this door right now!”
“It’s not opening! Why did you run out like that!” He sounds frantic now, followed by fingers slamming against a button repeatedly and an annoyed grunt. “I can’t believe this.”
“You can’t believe this? What about me! You can’t be serious right now! Quit fucking around and get me out of here!” A slam of your foot follows, kicking at the ground petulantly to emphasize your anger; only drawing up a string of curses from the typically well-mannered Alpha.
“Could you..” He sighs, moving away to a corner further off, sounding distant once again. “Could you not do that?”
“Do what?!” You bark, stomping once again, clueless to how your skirt flares up fanning your aroused scent right into Jeno’s face. The Alpha having to take another step back until he’s pressed flush against the wall.
“Please, I can’t..” He sounds anguished, slowly dropping down to his knees out of your sight. “Your..”
“What?? My what?!” A flush of heat itches up your chest, because you know what it is. As much as you want to lie to yourself that there’s no way the Alpha can tell already, you know the truth. A sad whimper breaks from your lips when you feel the heavy trickle of slick squishing out from your clamped together inner thighs.
Jeno’s next breath comes out choked, strained and thick, feeling trapped himself by your heated arousal filling up the small space. Unable to rip his gaze away from the sheen that’s rivered past your knee, forming a spot of wetness at the tops of your knee-high white socks.
“Alpha please..” you wheeze out, swallowing a lump down your throat from the swell of heat over-taking your limbs. The pressure against your sides more bearable than the coil of fire bursting it’s way up your insides. The mere humiliation of knowing the vulnerable position you’ve landed yourself in gushes more slick from your hole, pushing its way through the soaked through material of your white cotton underwear.
Jeno’s mouth feels empty of any moisture, swallowing over and over again with a rough drag of his tongue at every corner seeking saliva. He can’t fight it, dropping his head back with a roll of his eyes to savor every note of your heady scent. Every sweet lick of aroma fanning it’s way through his senses tastes delicious; sugary and succulent like some forbidden dessert he should never be allowed to take a bite of.
Jeno’s eyes snap open, his eyelids sticking together from humid sweat. The heat radiating from your flesh filling up the elevator similar to boiling sun on the hottest of summer days. “Help me, please.”
He thinks you sound near seductive.. purposely trying to wreck his brain, each call of his title more sinful than the last. Floating closer on his knees until trembling fingers reach out, just hovering near your ankles, he curses quietly, unable to pause the tremor of excitement and fear coursing through his veins.
“Help you..” Jeno’s dry throat cracks, breaking each syllable of his speech with a gritty rasp. A strong tone of lust behind his response as he timidly reaches to drag up the backs of your calves, electrified by how soft your cotton socks glide under the tips of his fingers.
“Alpha.. please… help me out of here.” Another tortured plead makes Jeno’s neck stand straight, tickled by the sound of slick bubbling out of your underwear. The seat of your panties directly before him, clinging the your heat for his hungry gaze to devour. Puffy and needy, so fucking needy already.
“How..” Jeno swallows, latching onto your flexed calves as he drags his thumbs to stroke the wet patches that have gathered between your knees. “How am I going to get you out of there?”
He can’t think clearly anymore, consumed by the pornographic vision before him. The devastating sounds of your whimpers and sighs; sighs of relief that follow each barely there second of skin on skin contact as his thumbs rub slick in circles on the insides of your knees.
“Smell so good..” Jeno continues, head dropping forward close enough to feel his breath hit the backs of your exposed thighs. Jerking and shivering when he takes a deep inhale from the lewd display of wet pouring it’s way out like a broken fountain between the small triangular gap at the top of your locked together thighs. “How can I help you..”
Jeno squeezes up your knees, switching to grip the fronts of your thighs. “You’re shaking so much.. Is Alpha making you nervous?”
“Alpha, please..” it's a natural survival instinct taking over at this point, unsure what you’re truly begging for anymore. For help? For help with what.
“I know, I know.” Jeno swears, pressing his cheek against the back of your thigh. He huffs, warm breath fanning where slicks has begun to cool between your legs, foggy-headed as he blinks roughly to straighten out his vision. “Alpha will help you, gonna do what I have to do..”
Jeno thinks he means that, he wants to believe he means that despite his palms staying glued to your smooth thighs. Despite his fingers digging into the soft sensitive fleshy meat squishing against his touch. “You have to relax for me..”
He swallows again, eyes rolling up, grateful for how unaware you are of his current state of misery. He’s trying, trying so hard to neglect his Alphas voice screaming at him to fuck, take, and claim the Omega presented before him.
“You have to listen to me.” His eyebrows furrow together, stuck on the amount of slick leaking from your hidden hole. It’s obscene, more than he’s ever seen even from the Omegas he’s taken care of during their heat. “We have to work together alright?”
“Okay Alpha..” pathetic, God you sound so pathetic. Jeno wants to take a deep breath but your arousal makes the walls feel as if they are closing in on him. Even so, his hold on you feels comforting, knowing an Alpha cares this much about your wellbeing, enough to reassure you that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to help you. Whatever it takes.
Jeno tries to think, forcing his gaze away from the elevator light bouncing off your shiny thighs. “Phone! Do you have your phone?”
He regrets asking when you let out the saddest broken whine, stomping your foot again. “I always leave it on my bed when I go grab the mail.”
Jeno does his best to not imagine the other helpless sounds you can make, he does his best to control the shake passing through his fidgety fingers, to ignore how sweaty his palms have become against your hot skin. “I’m thinking, just.. be patient with me.”
He hums, rolling his eyes to himself each time he pictures you bent over by the lines of mail boxes, because of course some genius coined a brilliant idea to have the Omegas on the bottom row. How convenient to leave you without a choice but to bend over, ass swaying in the air as you peep through your mailbox, a small task you always took your sweet time to do.
“Why don’t we try talking..” He suggests, sighing with the side of his head resting on your covered buttcheek. “Get your mind off of being stuck.”
“It’s kind of hard..”
“Just try.” He says, squeezing your thighs for reassurance. “I’ll start, when did you move in? I think that time I grabbed your drink was the first time I’d ever seen you around here.”
Jeno’s right, you think trying to do the math, fuzzy brain as you attempt to recall anything other than the Alphas brawny figure.
“Uhhh, I think..it’s been ab—about a month.” You stutter, growing more dizzy with the effort used to respond.
“Yeah, I thought so.” Jeno gulps, sighing for the hundredth time and he takes a purposeful deep breath to inhale your syrupy scent. He imagines this is what drowning in quicksand must be like, a futile attempt to free himself from the impending situation at hand. Arousal circles around him, catching small whiffs of hidden traces of his own scent laced between yours, and his expression turns worrisome.
“Maybe you’re right..” The Alpha groans, nestling his cheek against your bottom. “I don’t think I can do this.. you smell too good..”
“Do what??”
“This— I..” Jeno trails off, kneading your buttcheek as he continues to smother his face against the other. “I can help you relax another way.”
His hands work like instant magic, loosening the tight ridges up your spine, calloused fingers bury into plump flesh too aggressive to feel like a massage but good enough to lose the tension in your neck. “Jeno, this isn’t—“
“Shh, keep calling me Alpha..” his fingers sneak under the material of your underwear, pushing one side up to wedge between your bottom while puckered lips drag down the back of your thigh. “Helps me relax when you call for me like that, all pretty and vulnerable.”
“Alpha, I don’t think you should..” Jeno grunts, smearing his parted lips in slick. His rough hands grip onto your butt with a new ferocity, working the meaty flesh between his fingers furiously.
“It’s working, your muscles are unwinding.” He reaffirms, hanging his tongue out to catch the drip of slick leaving your covered hole. “Once I calm you down.. it’ll be easy to get you out of there. I promise.”
The reply you give him comes out more gargled, building up through your gut, erupting as more of a pleading whine. “So nice.”
Jeno cooes, sliding his hand into the small space between your thighs. The thick of your slick seeps through his digits, trickling down past his wrist. “You know..”
The Alphas raspy vocals vibrate down your limbs, bubbling saliva up your throat. He hums, continuing to massage between your thighs, making a bigger mess. “I think your Omegas been trying to send me a message. Somehow we ended up together like this, after weeks of this back and forth..”
Jeno sighs, cupping your core from behind to press against the bubble of slick in your panties until it pours out around him. “God, you’re so wet.”
“Alpha..” you say woozily, drifting in and out of heat trying to take over your last bits of semblance. “Don’t.. don’t do it.”
“No?” He sounds shattered, expression most likely fallen apart in despair. His palm digs into your heat harder, creating insufferable friction against your entrance. “Are you sure about that?”
The question hangs in the air, echoing in your head as if to taunt you. Are you sure about this? Not at all, but with your ankles crossed together and Jeno’s palm sticking to the seat of your underwear, you feel uncomfortable only because it’s stopped his ministrations; both of your breaths coming to a halt as the air around you pauses, breaking only after you let out a pitiful cry.
“We shouldn’t..” it hurts you to say out loud, more than you’re willing to admit. Fuck it hurts, and not in the way you wish it would.
“What’s stopping you?” Jeno whispers, gritty as if his teeth have started to grind together. Mouthing at your underwear hanging on for dear life to your ass, he bites at the cotton, teething it up to meet the other side that's been shoved into the crevice of your bottom. “Tell me what you need me to do, I’ll do it for you baby.”
He finishes with a searing hot kiss left on your exposed buttcheek, kitten licking the area after. An index finger pushes at your slit, gliding up and down through the fabric. “Eat your pussy so good, bet you’ve never had your ass ate, have you? A pretty Omega like you deserves to be worshiped and devoured.”
“Alpha!” You wheeze, choking on the saliva collecting in your throat. Jeno growls, sucking the fat of your ass between his lips while prodding your panties into your awaiting entrance. It’s torturous, kicking your crossed feet on the floor.
“You feel so good, pussy just begging for cock.”
Jeno pecks a few more kisses on your ass, pushing off the balls of his feet to stand, he grips your hips. “Don’t be nervous, Alphas gonna take care of you.”
Hips press flush to your backside, pushing his thick covered girth between your cheeks. The visual of it depraved, a hopeless Omega trapped like this, bent into a position presented for the right Alpha to make use of. To take what’s rightfully his, and Jeno can feel flames soar up his chest at the thought. Slowly beginning to roll a menacing circle of his hips against you.
“Tell me you don’t want this…” Jeno coughs, swallowing down a wad of dry air. “I’ll stop, I’ll stop if you say it again.”
For emphasis he draws back, burying his hard length between your buttcheeks, the width of it making your head spin.
“Don’t..” You stammer, head drooping down with a cracked cry. “Don’t stop!”
Jeno’s throat nearly rips open from the growl he lets out next, angrily ramming his hips against you. “That’s right, Alphas gonna fuck you good baby. Fuck you so good, won’t ever want another dick inside of you again.”
Jeno can feel it, he’s gone, high as a kite off your crazed arousal placing him under an unbreakable spell. He can’t hold it back anymore, rutting into your ass painfully, he feels possessed, seeping his nails into your naked hips. The skin breaking under the roughness of his jagged freshly trimmed fingernails. The hurt from it unwavering when all you can focus on is how tantalizing his clothed cock feels just rubbing against you.
“Alpha, fuck..” A hiss passes from your lips after attempting to grind back, reminded of the ridiculous predicament you’re in. Jeno’s unrelenting grasp holding you still despite the aggression behind each snap of his hips.
“God, want me to cum just like this, don’t you?” He pants, head rolling side to side as he blearily glances up, blinded by the bright lights above. “Can’t imagine how good you’re gonna feel for Alpha.”
Jeno riles himself up, ranting to himself about how you’ve soaked through his shorts. Slick even reaching his midsection, dripping down the front of his thighs more with each slam of your lower halves. “Bet you’re so tight, such a good Omega. Ready to please.”
“Y-yes!” scratching down the door, you shriek, head shaking from the overwhelming amount of friction. The Alpha could say anything to you at this point, anything at all and you’d agree, ready to drop to your knees and fulfill his every command.
“Fuck.” Jeno spits out, jerking back quickly to free his size, a thick protrusion shoved between your inner thighs not a second later. “FUCK!”
Thrusts speed up, panting like a thirsty dog behind you as he chases an orgasm. “I’m— oh fuck, ah fuck.”
Jeno hunches forward, fisiting the stretched out material of your underwear in one hand as he pushes his length past it using the ruined cotton to rub against himself. He shouts through gritted teeth, coming to a stand still as hot spurts of cum pour out onto your lower back.
“Please, Alpha.. please!” You squeal, feeling even more congested and stuck. The tip of his nose buries into your spine, nodding slowly as he catches his breath, tracing the curves of your hips between his fingers.
“I know, baby.” He hums, nosing a trail down your back as he falls to his knees. “Such a greedy Alpha.. need to apologize.”
Jeno tugs your underwear off tediously, eyebrows twisting together the more he unveils your center. It was hard enough to deal with covered up, but the sight of your ripe hole convulsing nearly knocks the wind out of him.
“Fuck, I knew it.” The Alpha licks his lips, waist dipping in as he leans forward to drag his nose up and down your gleaming slit. The sweetest high coils a way up behind his eyes, blurring from the scent of lust. “Such a perfect Omega.”
Jeno’s eyes wrinkle shut, lapping a strip up your cunt, the width enough to cover the expanse of puffy flesh. He’s immediately animalistic, stretching his jaw wide to wolf down the entirety of your center as promised. His tongue darts out, licking at your clit with precision that sets your knees to fall weak, sliding lower in your stuck position.
The moans of anguish and desire you let out only push him to work faster, burying the end of his nose into your pulsing heat as his tongue works in rapid motion to flick and stimulate each nerve, pointing the tip to thrust against your clit with power and have your head snapping back with a shout.
If you could only see him, you know the Alphas face is covered in slick. Snorting your release up his nose like some drug, he’s filthy, down right disgusting and unashamed letting out the nastiest sounds of pleasure. Every strained vocal cord reverberates between your cunt, rolling tremors up your spine.
“Alpha..” fat tears roll down your cheeks, whining like a pitiful horny mess, unable to do anything besides cry harder and beg to cum.
“Gonna cum from fucking my mouth? wanna taste you pouring down my throat.” Jeno rumbles, sinking his long tongue deep inside your pussy with a rough wiggle. He grabs onto your ass, pulling you apart to run his face side to side with ease.
The sensation shoots chills up your thighs, wobbling up to the tips of your toes as you cum, clamping around Jeno’s tongue putting work in to make you lose your mind. Determined mouth forces a space for himself past your resisting hole, despite gagging from the amount of slick that breaks out of you. Hinging his jaw wide, he keeps at it, chasing after your heat when you drop lower landing on your knees painfully with a shout.
“Alpha! c-can’t!”
Jeno slaps your ass, resounding like a whip cracking on skin to accompany the ear shattering scream you let out. Lowering with his sweat covered stomach on the floor, he sends your spine rigged, laving your wrinkled rim between deep huffs of breath.
He pulls back only to circle your rim with two fingers, the pads of hard skin encouraging your ass to bounce and ripple the more he teases, swishing saliva around to slowly drip a wad of spit on your hole; the Alpha gasps for air, rolling his eyes back when your ass convulses under his digits grazing the tender skin.
“Bet you’re even tighter back here..” Jeno has to silently praise himself for taking time to please you, throbbing between his legs with the dirty mess of cum he’s ruined his shorts with, he growls again, biting up your buttcheeks, soft enough to leave small indents without breaking skin. Three digits bundled together swipe between your freshly used pussy, painting his fingers in the sea of slick to spread around your rim.
“Will you let Alpha fuck you back here sweetie?” Jeno cooes, always shifting to a gentle tone when asking the filthiest things of you. Lazily nodding against the ground, he notices how much you’ve relaxed, fully laid out flat upon the grimy floor. “All these holes for me right? Only for Alpha to use, turn you into my good cocksleeve.”
He sighs, sucking on the plump mound of your buttcheek as the pads of his fingers trace around your hole, watching you twitch for a minute. An experimental prod has your knees dragging off the ground, ass shoved out for the Alpha to have you spread apart fully. He groans, pushing two tips of his fingers inside.
“Fuck.” Jeno salivates, slowly inching in as he sucks and nibbles on your butt. “Slutty fuckhole taking my fingers so good baby.”
He squeezes another in making you scramble to grab onto anything, the sudden movement pushing you back through the door without realizing, too entranced by the fingers fucking into your ass, stuffing you full from every end.
“Yes yes yes Alpha, anything.”
Jeno could care less about what you’re spewing, hawking another glob of spit at your tight hole, he digs into the second knuckle spreading his fingers apart until your lively shriek arises again. “Can you cum like this for Alpha? I know a nasty pretty thing like you can do it.”
The Alphas teeth gnaw at your ass, fucking his fingers in and out with power until your hole finally gives and loosens. Even then he knows this won’t be enough for you to take his cock. “Tiny little hole can barely handle my fingers.”
He mutters, hazy from watching your rim clamp and pulse around his digits. “Cum for me, let me feel that asshole tighten up even more.”
Jeno’s lewd words bow your back, pushing down onto his digits as the build-up of release bursts out of you. The sound of slick raining down on the floor breaks your mind, plummeting down into an empty thoughtless space.
“See,” and suddenly Jeno’s hovering above you, able to slide you free from the trap you’d fallen into before moving you onto your back. “Always trust your Alpha to take care of you.”
Your Alpha.
Your Alpha who stayed true to his word, freeing you from the dangerous situation you’d put yourself in just to avoid the object of your wet dreams.
Jeno lets out a cute unsatisfied sound, wiping stains of tear tracks off your warm cheeks. “Such a pretty Omega, didn’t get to see your pretty face cumming for me.”
The Alpha cups your cheeks, refocusing your mind for a minute to take in the high blush on his cheeks covered in pools of slick. The smile stretching his face is much too endearing for what he just did to you and everything else he plans to do. Jeno shoves your cheeks together, setting your lips to form a pout for him to chew on. His perfect teeth dig into the fat, biting between heavenly kisses that have you seeking more; reaching to grab at his toned stomach, the tips of your fingers slotting into the hollows of muscle.
“Taste good everywhere don’t you?” Jeno preens, mauling your mouth with another ferocious kiss. He likes this game, the way you’ve become nothing but a dumb pile of putty in his hands to ruin time and time again, allowing him to remold you into the perfect Omega.
The Alpha nods your head for you, shifting between your legs as he wraps a palm around the base of his shaft, he points the tip, directing it to slide between your slick drenched walls. Jeno doesn’t bother with prepping your pussy, can’t be bothered to, not when your entrance sucks around his cockhead begging for him to fuck you full. Pressing his forehead to yours, he pushes through with a powerful thrust.
“Oh, that’s it.” Jeno nods, circling his hips to accommodate his size. The stretch rolls your eyes to the back of your skull leaving nothing but white behind, tongue hung loose with a silent scream like a damn animal, and he thinks you really are perfect. So fucking eager to take your Alphas cock, so willing and slutty.
“Always so pretty,” He huffs, hoisting up the back of your thigh to push against your chest. His gaze dragging down to watch the space where you connect, slowly grinding in and out, mesmerized by how wet you still feel after cumming twice. Amazed by how heavy the slick trickling down his balls feels; pouring down to make a sloppy mess between his ass. “You know how pretty you are, don’t you baby?”
The Alphas eyes lock with yours expectantly, thrusting shallowly with his neck tight, holding his breath in fear of his lungs giving out on him, collapsing from overuse. Growing more hoarse and ragged as time ticks away.
“N-no..” with shaking lips, you stutter, scratching pink and crimson lines along his sturdy broad shoulders. No doubt caking layers of skin and bits of blood beneath your nails.
“No???” Jeno’s eyes sharpen, the iris wide and coated in a sheen. “What do you mean no?”
His next thrust arches your back, shaking your head in reply as words evade you. The Alpha taking the opportunity to fuck you faster, smacking against your center at a brutal pace. “Wanna cum?” Jeno bites out, pushing your knee to your shoulder to grab your chin. He forces you to face him, blaring you with a gaze full of fire.
“Pleasepleaseplease!” Nodding rabidly you cough between wads of spit, half choking on the amount that's gathered around the insides of your mouth.
“Who’s my pretty girl?” Jeno’s expression turns serious, glaring straight into your eyes as he asks without slowing down, snapping into you at a punishing pace. “Are you my pretty baby? Come on, tell me.”
Between whimpers and cries full of anguish you nod, letting the Alpha use your body to get off. His hips beat down on you harder than ravenous ocean waves, landing with loud smacks of sweaty flesh on flesh. Each vein lining his cock pulsing against your insides louder than your own heartbeat. “Wanna hear you say it.” Jeno groans, reaching his other hand between your lower halves to rub figure-eights on your clit.
“Alpha, wa-wanna c—cum!” You plead, too desperate under the Alphas burly frame to have a coherent thought. “Please!”
Jeno stops, pressing down on your clit hard. “Only pretty girls get to cum, what are you? Hmm? Come on, tell me baby.”
Overwhelmed emotions shoot through your limbs, clenching your eyes shut as you repeat that you are Alphas pretty girl.
“I’m your pretty baby,” you whine, slapping at his shoulders with zero strength. “Please! I’m Alphas pretty Omega.”
“That’s right,” Jeno grunts, furiously fucking you with his two of his fingers squeezing inside of you nestled alongside his cock drilling in and out of you, thumb pressed down on your bundle of nerves dropping your jaw open in a silent scream.
The Alpha fucks you through it, stilling to keep his cock inside of you even as slick squirts out around his palm, pushing his fingers up against your insides until you thrash and push at his shoulders with tears covering your cheeks. He’s fast to maneuver you, cupping your hips and using all of his thigh power to lift you off the floor, quietly promising he’d get you cleaned up after this.
Jeno gets you up on the railing, ass half-hung off with one leg perched on his shoulder making use of your flexibility. Fisting his cock, he dips the tip back to your entrance, stopped by your palm smoothing down under his navel and a pained hiss. “Sensitive,” you let him know, ducking your chin in a bashful manner.
The Alpha nods, pressing closer to capture your lips with a comforting kiss. Stroking his length between your folds to gather a mixture of cum and slick, he scoots lower, circling your rim with his cockhead coated in the sticky mess you’ve created. Dragging his lips across yours, he mumbles what sounds like ‘Can I?’ nodding even if you’re not sure what he’s asking for, he pushes in slowly, the first few inches have you flailing, reaching around yourself for anything to grab onto to endure the initial pain.
“Hurts..” you whimper, stuffing your nose into the Alphas scent gland for more of his calming lavender, instantly easing the stinging pain as he buries in another inch.
Jeno nods, kissing the side of your forehead. “You can take it.”
To his credit he tries, he tries to keep a steady pace, thrusting in the rest of his length with harsh breaths as he stays still and lets you get used to it, but he’s too close to cumming already. Jeno wraps and arm around your waist, huffing out heavily falling into a jackhammering speed. Unrelenting ruthless thrusts clap against your thighs and ass, booming out the slap of your plump flesh colliding with his hip bones.
“Fuck, fucking shit it’s tight.” The Alphas chest caves, feeding your ass every inch of his fat length. Each thrust sloppier and messier than the previous the nearer he comes to reach release. Jeno picks up his brutal pace, oblivious to your cries growing louder the more he stretched your ass with an unforgiving breach.
“Cum for me one more time baby,” Jeno shouts between his clenched teeth, dropping from your waist to bury three fingers inside of your cunt, thrusting in at the same hard drilling pace as his cock; fast and so hard. He lets out a loud cry, cracking from his throat with another snap of his hips. Thumb rubbing at your clit pushing you over the edge with another expert flick of his wrist.
“Alpha! Oh God Alpha!”
Blinding heat slams your chest back to the wall, fucked by what feels like a beast as Jeno reaches his breaking point. Screaming out a roar when your ass locks around him and slick bursts out onto his stomach. He growls, pushing the entirety of his engorged length inside of you, thrumming as he fills you with a never-ending load of sticky white ropes.
A string of curses and what can only be recognized as gibberish spill from his mouth, latching onto your throat littering searing kisses up to your jaw. He nuzzles, nibbling up the bone to your ear. “My pretty Omega.”
The elevator door slams shut startling you both, lifting your heads up in a daze as if you’d just woke from a fever daydream.
“10th floor.” Jeno says, eyeballing the red lit up number as he sets you on your feet.
“Take me home Alpha?” You say weakly with your face hidden in his chest. Jeno smiles to himself, scooping you up with ease. The display of power doing nothing to quell your heat, but silently promising you that this isn’t over yet.
“Let’s get you home.”
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suguru-getos · 11 months
୨・┈﹕✦﹕ Kinktober Day 22﹕✦﹕┈・୧
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Gojo Satoru x F!Reader -> Daddy Kink
A/N: I am fucking screaming I dunno why I made this soo fluffy!!! *Pulls all my hair out* 🥹😩😩 I love this man I love this man I LOVE THIS MAN!! 🦋🩵🩵
Summary: Good ol’ waking next to Satoru over the weekend & him being obsessed with making love to you & him being obsessed with you <3
Warnings: Reader addresses him as ‘Daddy’, he also uses third person pronouns, nipple-play, missonary, breeding undertones, FLUFF!
The calm undertones of the weekend laid down your anxieties and your everyday hustle and bustle into slumber. Oh how good it feels to sleep in, to have your titan personified husband wrap his bounder like leg around you, rendering you immobile. You couldn’t possibly budge with the way Satoru’s hands are wrapped below your breasts and how he’s snuggling to his little spoon — you.
You, however, have other plans. You’re tired of sleeping in now, body demanding some movement & in an eager brawl to freshen up. Satoru seems still peacefully lulled by slumber. You’d almost feel bad waking him up… but, hey! You want to pee!
“Satoru! Good morning.” You started slow, leaning in against him, kissing his forehead, kissing his cheek. “Good morning, Daddy.” You repeated, and your ethereal, god-alike looking & power holding man stirred, brows furrowed. “Mm, morning Little one.” He cooes, pulling you closer & plush against his chest. Oh he smells divine—
“Let me go.” You chuckled, biting your lip and ruffling his hair. “Gotta freshen up, then I promise I’d be back.” You baited him, while he only responded with a groan, not in any mood of letting you go.
“Satoru, I want to leave I need to freh-shen up.” You cackled when he leaned in even more, oh if he could he’d possibly get physically under your skin. Satoru Gojo is the God of clinginess. After a few minutes of you pleading, playfully threatening & begging again… he let you go.
You didn’t take much time, but when you returned, there was your favorite iced-coffee placed on the bedside table. Satoru dressed in his grey joggers, shirtless, and also looking awake. “Good morning Princess.” He beamed with a tender smile.
Strides covering the distance between you two, he pulled you closer by your wrist, letting you collide against his muscular chest, leaning in adorably so — thanks to the height difference and kissing you softly. His lips wrapped around yours, a relaxed, tranquil humming echoing in the room.
When your lips parted, a string of saliva connecting them, Satoru leaned in, whispering. “How about some good ol’ morning sex?” You blinked, biting your lip at the bombshell of the offer. “Mhm,” you hummed your approval, and Satoru happily grinned, mirroring a small kid when given his favorite candy.
His hand wrapped around your throat, pressing the sides of it carefully, just enough to make you a little dizzy from the stopped blood flow. “Good girl, good little girl.” He praised, letting you lay down on the plush mattress on your back. Satoru was tender to you, both verbally and physically. However, not to your clothes. The sound of fabric ripping greeted your ears, impatience— after all.
You palmed his crotch, looking at him doe-eyed. “I love you, Daddy.”
“Gosh I love you too, Princess.” He blushes like a highschooler, leaning in and suckling onto your nipples, perking them up, while the other one was given attention by his hands.
You gasped, once the touch was registered by your body, the familiar touch of your lover seeping right through your core. “Mm…” you hummed, whimpering out and grinding against him for more.
“Such a greedy, greedy little girl.” Satoru teased, while you responded with batted lashes. “All for you Daddy.”
His fingers dipped into your inviting cunt; the ache soothing into pleasure when he began moving, giving your breasts much needed love. A little aggressive sometimes as he laid hickeys onto your under boob. “Mine, all mine.” A carnal groan reminded you of the intensity of his feelings, while you nodded. “All yours, always.” You soothed his rising catastrophe of claiming you.
“I want you, so bad!” You whimpered in need, clamping around his fingers. Satoru smiled, nodding. “Of course Cupcake, I belong to you and I’m gonna give it to you.” Satoru hummed, as if you also, owned him in the same animalistic way he deems ownership over you. It was cathartic.
Spreading your pussy lips, feeling his cock-head and leaky tip mingle with your essence, Satoru thrusted himself inside you, groaning at the feeling of your juices lubricating his cock. “Such- a- warm cunt. Perfect for knocking you up.” Satoru’s words poured out absolute filth, and you whimpered at them.
His thrusts began, hands intertwined with yours, leaning in kissing your lips, kissing your collarbone, marking you with hickeys & watching you squirm under the pressure of his weight & his drilling into your perfect pussy.
“Ah- hmm. Gonna- cum.” You whimpered, moaning out and twitching inside. Satoru was close too, heavy panting echoing throughout the shared bedroom. “You better, cause Daddy’s close too.” Oh it drives you off the edge when he refers to himself in third-person. Satoru’s tactic of regressing you is referring to himself in third person— and it works brilliantly.
‘Let Daddy handle it.’
‘Oh no you’re too little to be doing that, let Daddy take care of that’
‘Do you think it’s fair to Daddy when you brat?’
‘Why do you think Daddy’s being mean?’
‘Daddy loves it Princess’
You tipped off the edge, wrecked and shaky like a dried leaf with your brutal orgasm, feeling the waves of pleasure through the very soles of your feet. Satoru’s thrusts were also sloppy, needy & eventually he was defeated by his own high, convulsing inside you & painting your warmth with his seed.
“Don’t let any of it escape or Daddy’ll be testy.” He raised a brow, leaning in and kissing your forehead deeply. You nodded like a bobble-head, too dumbed down by the orgasm & regressed in the safety of your lover.
“Good little Princess.”
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witchthewriter · 5 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: I'm rewatching Gilmore Girls for the thousandths time and ... my crush on Luke is still alive and kicking...
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Lawful Good
Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon, Aries Rising
・A grumpy man on a good day, intolerable on a bad day and luckily for you, you met on one of his worst
・You labelled him as a jerk, and vowed never to go near him nor his cafe for the rest of your life
・But then your car broke down and he was the first person to drive past you.
"Need any help?"
"Yeah- oh. No, no I do not," you said to Luke and slammed your car door closed. Hautily crossing your arms over your chest and staring forward.
"Oh c'mon," he called out from his open window.
・This interaction solidified a new way of looking at Luke. You didn't hate him anymore ... no, quite the opposite. But you were damn sure he still hated you
・Heavy on the will-they-won't-they trope. It went on for four months before you both couldn't take it anymore.
・There was something pulling you towards him, like a constant ache and whenever you saw him, it was relieved. You knew you loved him two months after knowing him. And it hurt so much seeing him go out with anyone else.
・But god, by a goddamn Stars Hollow miracle, he saw you. Finally saw what you saw in him.
・Very,, very family orientated. You're in trouble? He's dropping everything to help you.
・You're sitting next to Luke on the couch watching tv and suddenly get a call saying one of your siblings needs help? Luke is already up and putting on his shoes.
・You can try and help him but he shoos you inside and says he's got this.
・Goes over and above for anything that you want.
・Will literally save up everyday until he reaches his money goal to take you to Disney Land because you told him one night you really wanted to go.
・Stubborn as all hell, thinks he knows best but you're the only person who can make him fold.
・When you first told him you loved him, he nearly got the air knocked out of him.
・He's incredibly touch-starved, and doesn't want you to know that (but of course you know that...)
・Despite the grumpy exterior, Luke has shown moments of being supportive and encouraging
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
The Moon and His Star
"Why are you babying me" (Luke) x "Because I know you like it" (You)
Acquaintances to Standing Up For Him to Friends to Lovers
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Like Calls To Like
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Into My Arms by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
Also, for the most part it's gender neutral but in the nsfw section there's female genitalia used for the reader.
I wasn't going to add this but ... I want to ... but for some reason thinking about Luke & smut makes me blush so hard so please forgive me for any mistakes or such :')
・You both stand mere centimetres apart. Your breaths mingling as the snow slowly falls around you.
・Standing outside his diner, you shivered as Luke's hand slowly moves around your waist and pulls you close
・Your lips melt into his, your hands gripping his jacket. Trying desperately to get closer to him. To press against him, to feel ... to feel anything of his body.
"Let's go upstairs," he mumbles against your lips, his hands roaming around your body.
・Your first time together was fast at first; ripping each other's clothes off. Trying to see each other's naked body and drink it all in.
・But once the clothes had been discarded, you both became very ... sensitive and vulnerable.
・So, it slowed down, and rough touches turned into gentle caresses.
・Luke couldn't stop staring at you, smelling you; he wanted to lose himself in you.
・You love riling him up; obviously not when people are around. But teasing him at home; rubbing his crotch innocently.
・Nibbling at his ear, giving his neck a kiss or two, and then walking away.
・Luke's reaction is always the same - nose flairing, hands curling into fists; he knows this game. He's just never good at playing it. He hates teasing. He'd rather just pin you down and jump your bones.
・But you love how much you can provoke him; it means he loves you that much that your touch drives him wild.
・Blow jobs are one of his favourite things; he never expects you to do it, and for a while he never let you service him. But now that he knows you enjoy it too...god his heart pounds whenever he thinks of it
・Loves pulling you to the edge of the bed, slipping down your pants/lifting your skirt and practically ripping your underwear from you. He holds your thighs apart and eats you like a starved man
・At first he doesn't like your sex toys; feeling inferior to them.
・But you showed him how they can be used in sex for heightened pleasure.
・You still haven't gotten Luke to a sex shop though. He has vowed never to stand a foot in that shop.
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edens-pen · 2 years
"i find myself running home to your sweet nothings"
summary | it’s always a rough day for katsuki. hero rankings and PR nightmares every time he opens his mouth. but he gets to come home to you
pairing | bakugo katsuki x fem!reader
word count | 840
warning | soft!domestic katsuki, fluff.
a/n | this is very literally based off sweet nothings by taylor swift, so you can listen if you want the full experience. also, i haven't posted in two months, so i'm sorry if this sucks. <3
[ 18+ | minors, blank, ageless blogs dni ]
katsuki drops his bracers at the door with a heavy sigh. he's only just got his boots off and tucked in the corner, when he hears your voice calling him from the kitchen.
he feels the smile pulling at his lips entirely unbidden.
the soft notes of that song that's been stuck in your head (and by extension, his) plays from the speaker in the corner.
"hey honey," you smile, leaning up to give him a kiss when he's in range.
he'll never be able to explain how that title makes his heart clench. he couldn't verbalize how every title he's obtained has not mattered until you gave him that one. pro-hero, number 2, explosive, dynamight.
your title feels so intimate on your lips, reducing him to the man who would fall at his knees for you.
not a pro-hero or number 2. not a ticking time bomb or a hot-head.
just your honey. your husband. yours, yours, yours.
"how was your day?" you ask, still stirring the pot as you turn the stove down.
"it was alright," he mumbles. in truth his day was rough, and he's not ready to talk about it, and he knows you can tell by the way you reach your free hand out to swipe your fingers along his cheek.
you smile up at him, pinching his cheek. "you wanna wash up? dinner's almost done." when he nods slowly, closing his eyes against the feelings of your fingers, you give him a little laugh.
in the bathroom, he works with the skin care products you left on his side of the counter, the dry winter air has been harsh on his quirk and his skin.
he thinks back to the agency, to the hero rankings, to the disapproving stares of civilians when he lets out loud curses and swears. the scolding he received from his manager today. the article comparing his pros and cons against the number 1 pro hero deku.
the water runs over his chest as he tilts his face into the stream, still trying to catch his breath from the incredibly long week he's had.
by the time he's toweled off and dressed in his sweats, the tension has worked it's way up into his back and across his shoulders.
"katsu?" your voice rings out and he's immediately following the sound back to the front door. he snorts when he sees you trying to push his bracers into the corner near his shoes. "how the hell do you put these things on for hours at a time? oh my god."
bakugo only laughs when he picks up both bracers with ease, your shocked gasp ringing out in the hallway.
"you're so strong, katsuki."
and that's it. your praise comes so easy. the fantastic feats that he performs still awe you. even something as simple as his above average strength elicits cheer from you.
it doesn't matter that he does it everyday, or that it's expected of him, you treat every act like it's the most incredible thing you've ever seen. and bakugo tries to fight the blush creeping up on his cheeks when you say these things.
even after all these years, he hasn't gotten used to your praise.
you're quickly setting a plate in front of him, taking the seat right next to him. recounting the events of your day, catching your boyfriend up on your workplace drama, and your recent purchases is enough to take you both through dinner.
by the time you've got him laid on the couch, your favorite candle is lit in the middle of the coffee table, and you two are talking softly.
his head rests on your chest, his ear pressed right over your heart. your fingers work softly against the ache in his shoulder, somehow finding the right spots to touch. these are nights when he needs you to take him down and you always do so with ease. he groans softly at the tender strength in your touch.
"i like the way you sound."
and there you go again. how do you split him open with a just a few words?
"its so pretty. especially when you talk, and when you laugh, i think that's my favorite sound."
you're calling him pretty. like his body isn't a fucking live wire ready to go off when he sweats. like the natural production of his glands don't cause explosions. like people aren't out there wondering if he should be a villain because of the force of his quirk.
of course the power thrumming through his veins is nothing compared to you. to the person he is when he's resting between your legs, letting you pet and coo at him until he's pliant and soft.
you bathe him in compliments, your adoration of him washes the shitty week off his skin and coats him in a thick layer of your love.
his prickly edges become rounded and soft against your gentle touch. refining him to be composed entirely of your sweet nothings.
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soffsh2 · 6 months
Tender Touches
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A/n: it’s my first time writing an actual fic, hope it’s okay. Minors DNI. NSFW
Plot summary: After having a long practice, Shauna just wanted to relax in the bath but she’s plagued with thoughts of her teammate. It doesn’t help that she has small reminders all over her body.
Shauna groaned a little as she bent over, adjusting the faucet on her tub so that the water coming out billowed steam. As she stepped back from the bath she was running, she began to undress so she'd be able to soak her aching muscles. She began to remove her shirt and caught a glimpse of her body in the mirror, newly adorned with many bumps and bruises. After having the most physically enduring scrimmage of her entire life during practice, she just wanted to unwind and clear her head. Yet all her thoughts kept reverting to you, the reason behind all of Shauna’s bruised skin.
You and Shauna had never been on the friendliest terms, and neither of you could ever fully explain why that was. You’d just butt heads so often, during matches or just in everyday practices, which Jackie would always be less than thrilled about. She’d go on about how the bickering between you and Shauna had to stop for the good of the team, or at the very least to try and keep it outside of practice. It seemed to Jackie that after yesterday's practice ended with no fighting between the two of you, a friendship was for sure on the horizon.
However, it seemed you had decided to make the intensity of your continued distaste for Shauna very clear during the practice match. Being on opposing teams allowed you to get as rough and physical as you pleased while defending her, and you decided to take full advantage. Adorned in your blue pinny and Shauna in her yellow one, you took every opportunity to throw Shauna onto her ass. Which was more times than she’d care to admit, but the growing bruise on her backside was evidence enough. You disguised every hit, every trip, and every shove as a means of stopping her from getting a breakaway to the net. God, you were such a pest, Shauna thought as she stopped surveying her body in the mirror and continued to undress. She removed her final pieces of clothing, turned off the faucet, and lowered her sore body into the hot water.
After a short period to adjust to the temperature, she laid back and closed her eyes. Shauna wanted desperately to empty her mind of everything that pertained to the day's practice and all the frustration that had built up from being so jostled around. She tried so hard to just focus on the comforting feeling the warm bath gave her, but no, thoughts of you were still circling inside her head. She reopens her eyes as she relents that the day's scrimmage will just be at the forefront of her mind. And how could it not be, Shauna reasoned. She’d received more bruises from you, her own teammate, than she had ever gotten from any opposing player in actual games.
She sank even lower into the water and let her anger stew further as she thought more and more about you. How you were guarding her long before she was passed the ball, and how she was stripped of it immediately because of how dirty you were playing. The worst part about all of it was that after you’d knock her to the ground, steal the ball, and start running off, you would turn around with the most smug grin Shauna had ever seen. She was sure that she would’ve been fine with you, your shoving, and your shoulder checking, if only you didn’t finish it off with that dumb smile. Shauna felt herself getting angry once again at the thought of every instance that day that you had landed her flat on the ground. Every time she’d look up, you’d flash her a proud smirk before running off. Even in the relaxing heat, she could still feel her face twitch with annoyance. You had looked so full of yourself, God, how she had wanted to wipe that smirk off of your face.
She folded her arms onto her chest while she sat and continued her musings about you. After a quiet contemplation, Shauna is able to get a hold of all the negative emotions and is left with a harsh truth for her to admit to herself. Even she could admit it was kind of… surprising to have you completely run her body into the ground like that, though not untypical. She’d seen you do it to opposing players during actual matches and found it pretty impressive how easily you’d tripped up others. She could appreciate the pure skill it requires to take someone down like that, and she guessed the muscle it also required. Shauna had just never thought she’d be on the receiving end of it. She felt herself take a deep inhale as she stayed with the idea for an extra moment. The longer she had sat and thought about the way you manhandled her at practice, the more aware she became of the effect it had on her.
Yeah, maybe the way you grabbed at her and pushed her down would’ve been arousing for Shauna in other contexts. And maybe she liked the way your fingertips bruised her waist as you pawed to get a good grip on her body to slow her down. There could even be a chance she was into all the shittalking you were doing under your breath, which only Shauna could hear. But, no, she didn’t like you, and that smug grin you shot her after every push you gave her cemented that thought in her brain.
‘I mean, who did you think you were?’ Shauna questioned herself as she found her hands twitching in the water with the desire to do something she knew she shouldn’t do. She hadn’t even noticed her legs, which she’d subconsciously spread. Shauna paused for a moment. She cannot seriously be thinking like that about you right now. She hated you, and that dumb look on your face, and the way that her entire body had marks left by you. Or she hated the way they made her feel. She takes a deep breath; her normal breathing suddenly wasn’t giving her enough oxygen while she debated the idea.
Shauna moves her hand further down her body in the water, reaching its destination at the apex of her thighs. Her fingers ghost over where she wanted them, and the shift of the dispersing water sends minor sensations to all her most sensitive areas. Shauna decides she could maybe calm herself down like this; she had assured herself she’d only be doing it to settle herself and nothing more. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she began to move her fingers through her folds, gently playing with herself while she tried to occupy her mind of anyone other than you. But still, as she increased the pace of her fingers slowly, it's your name that rolled off her tongue when she moaned. It’s your calloused hand that she’d imagined touching her. And it’s your smug grin that Shauna imagined looking up at as she got more and more physical with herself. Her digits work at her clit with a torturous pressure as more thoughts of you consume the forefront of her mind.
She tried her best to imagine several other people before she decided that she could use the thought of you to get off this one time. Then she can go back to hating you when she’s done. Plus, it’s no fault of Shauna’s that she found the way that you handled her exciting. So with newly self-given permission, she allowed herself to fantasize about the person she despised the most, you.
Shauna opened her eyes slightly to gaze at the bruises your hand had left on her waist from when you forcefully pushed her body out of the touch lines. She poked at her discolored skin with her unoccupied hand as she writhed against the hand between her legs. The tenderness caused Shauna small bouts of pain as she jabbed at herself, so forceful that even when she removed her grip, there was still residual pain left. Her mouth hung open slightly at the sensation, letting out little pants of breath in between moans. The slight pain made Shauna more desperate, as she began to grind harder into her hand for more pressure. The hand that prodded at the bruises on her hips moved up to her chest to grope at her breasts. She closed her eyes, let out whispers of curse words at the contact, and felt the soreness of the freshly tender bruises that she had made worse.
Shauna could feel her legs start to tremble in the water as she fucked sloppily into her fingers. She could only imagine how smug you’d look if you could see her now, as she touched and fondled herself at the thought of how you grabbed her. The way you’d tease her for how heavy she was breathing, how much she wanted it, and how fucked out she’d look. The way you'd make even more bruises form on her body from love bites or sucking hickeys all over her. Shauna’s head became too heavy to hold up as she leaned it into the side of the tub and finished herself off. She whined out a small cry of your name as she finished and slowly worked herself down.
Shauna laid there for a moment in the now-cold bath water, her legs shaking and spasming as she brought them back together. She slowly rose and rinsed herself off with the shower head before she stepped out and drained the tub. Shauna wrapped herself in a towel before making her way to her bed, so she could sit down. She took a second to process her thoughts before she decided that she was sure that she still hated you. Absolutely positive that all that nervous energy she felt about you was simply arousal and nothing more. But while Shauna gazed at her legs, she couldn’t deny the feeling of delight she got as she admired the marks you’d left on her. And maybe she went into practice the next day with a new agenda to piss you off so she could keep getting these small reminders of you.
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sweptawayghost · 2 months
In Dreams Pt.2
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PAIRING: Joel Miller X Reader
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Joel is plagued by images of you when he closes his eyes. The dreams aren't stopping and his feelings for you only grow stronger with everyday. As Winter closes in you go on one last unofficial patrol, close proximity makes Joels brain go all stupid.
Thank you so much for the support on my first part, it really means the world to me. I’ve got ideas of where I want the story to go but it's gonna be mostly Joel lusting after us for a while. I love when big strong men need to be held and told what a good boy they've been...
If you'd like me to tag you in my next part just let me know. Let me know if I missed any warnings. Thank you so much :) Anything Written like this {Italic} indicated Joel's inner thoughts. Word count 4.1K
CHAPTER WARNING: Mention of male masturbation, mentions of alcohol, Age gap, Mentions of creampie, sharing the same bed, Pet name (we call Joel baby), some fluff, some smut
It wasn't just once. Of course it wouldn't be. It wasn't the only night he dreamt about you either. Too many nights he woke up in full body sweats, which was not new to him but the reason was new. 
The reason being you. 
He would think about all the times your fingertips would brush his skin, he would think about the way you would grab his arm when walking down the street with him, he would think about the way you grabbed a fist full of his hair when it had started growing out of control “you need a haircut Miller” the act of your touch was innocent but it lit a fire in Joel’s gut. 
Every little touch stuck with him and followed him around for the rest of the day like a drop of blood on a white shirt, almost haunting him. It would follow him to bed at night as well. When he settled into the comforting silence of his bedroom he could tune everything out like a radio and focus on your voice in his head. 
Some nights he would find himself rutting against the bed for relief, his eyes sealed shut, softly whimpering, wishing you were beneath him, Talking him through it, telling him how good he’s making you feel. He wanted to watch your eyes roll back, mouth agape gasping for air, moaning into his ear. God get a grip of yourself Miller. But he couldn't help himself. Images of you overriding every other thought in his brain almost like he was a puppet and someone else was pulling the strings. 
He was afraid of how much he wanted you. He would be consumed by his orgasm, his body stuttering as he held a death grip on the bathroom sink or the sheets benether him, always with the image of you flooding his mind, smiling at him, proud of yourself for how crazy you were making him, how desperate he was to cum and how you would let him do it inside of you because he was being so good for you. Ropes of his spent painting the soft skin of his stomach and the rough skin of his hand. A flash of heat rushed through him as he stifled his moans and let his body vibrate against the bed as he came down from his high.
The lonely empty feeling would chase him around all night. Some nights it would be easy to scare it off and find sleep. Can you call this sleep? Other nights he wasn't as lucky.  
He thinks about the time the two of you stumbled home from the Bison, your arm linked around his elbow as you walked side by side down the silent streets of Jackson. You had told him that the silence was sometimes deafening, how it sometimes felt worse than being outside the walls. He agreed. He confessed that he didn't sleep the first week of being here and how much worse he felt now that he had genuine safety. He wanted to let you into his head. 
If I hadn't just met you I would tell you everything. I would tell you about Sarah, I'd tell you the truth about Ellie. I would tell you about the ache in my chest when I wake up and I'd tell you how much it’s eased since I’ve met you. I'd tell you about how much I like you being around. You'd probably think I’m insane if you knew how much I think about you.
She trusts you Joel. Dont fuck this up by letting your dick do your thinking for you. 
The guilt would start to eat him alive. God she's your friend, she trusts you and you're laying in bed thinking about how good it would be to creampie her. You’re fucked up.
If he couldn't sleep he would find himself sitting up with a book or fiddling with one of his wood carvings.  
On nights where that didn't help he would take a walk...
“Is your girlfriend coming over as well?” Ellie called out to him from the dining room as she placed cutlery out on the table. 
She had invited a friend over for dinner. Something Joel hasn’t expected, especially so soon and especially after the way she spoke about some of the other kids in town. Really he knew it wasn't just a friend. Ellie had been acting differently, humming to herself and smiling all the time, not nearly as quick witted and all day dreamy. She’s in love. 
“Ellie” He called out to her from the kitchen averting his gaze from the stove “She aint my girlfriend… and yes she's coming over” He felt the tips of his ears burn, he could blame the tint of red that covered his face on the heat from the stove but he wouldn't have an excuse for the smile that followed. 
It had only been a few weeks since your first meeting but you had somehow integrated yourself into Joel's life. On the days that you didn't patrol together he would come visit you at the stables or the greenhouse when he was finished at work. He would come past your house to split wood or mow your yard. He fixed your front door weeks ago, he cleaned out your guttering and was able to fix that window in your bedroom that you were never able to open. 
Ellie took to you right away. She would look for any excuse to invite you over, Joel never put up a fight. He wanted you around as much as Ellie did. Many nights he would come home to a basket of fresh produce on his bench or a plate of brownies on the bench. In the long list of gifts you gave him, the friendship you shared with Ellie was the most valuable and irreplaceable. She looked up to you. 
When Sarah was alive, Joel worried that she would have questions he couldn't answer. Girly questions. Questions that would be as uncomfortable to ask as they would be the answer. Of course Ellie wasn't like most kids her age but some things never really change. Some things you just don't talk to your dad about. 
Sometimes he would just sit there and watch the two of you talking on the porch. He liked watching the way the pair of you would throw your heads back in laughter, slapping each other's arms and shoulders, he could watch it all day. Or the two of you sitting on his couch scribbling into notepads and books occasionally showing each other things you had written down or drawn. The hushed whispers at the dinner table when he wasn't paying attention. Ellie taking full advantage of his deafness. Or some nights you would be walking her back home with an arm linked in hers or thrown over her shoulder. Something Ellie would continue to say she hated but secretly loved. In a lot of ways you treated her like she was your sister. If you and Ellie are sisters that would make me… Yuck.
Ellie jumped when she heard the knock on the door. She was off all afternoon, fidgety and jittery. Ringing her fingers and cracking her knuckles when her hands were idle before wiping her palms on her jeans. Small things you think I don't notice. Dropping the remaining utensils. 
“I'll get it!” she shouted as she turned to run towards the sound, joel could hear the soft thump of her socked feet on the worn hardwood of the floor. He heard the door open and felt the cold air sweep through followed by an “oh, it's just you” He let his lips curl into a smile. 
You slid into the kitchen like you usually do, your shoes and jacket forgotten in the lounge room. Joel loved it when you wore your hair down. He loved seeing the way your jeans hung around your waist and he fucking loved when you didnt wear a bra. Like tonight. He tried not to notice and he tried not to look but sometimes he thinks you did it on purpose. Stop it Miller.
“Nothing sexier than a man in the kitchen” you blurted out at him from the doorway, he looked over at you, he didn't miss the way your eyes lingered on his form.
“Shut up” He shook his head and averted his attention back to the pot on the stove. He couldn't stop the smile that formed on his lips but he didn't mind that you saw it. He lowered the heat on the stove before turning to lean on the counter. 
You placed a bottle on the kitchen island before jumping up to sit on it. A recurring gift of Seth's finest home brewed whisky. The bottle in similar shape to the one you gave him weeks ago. 
There have been many nights since then that the two of you would drown in the amber liquid. Each time only strengthened his affection for you. 
One night he made a confession to you about the pit in his stomach and the hole in his heart, he told you about the nightmares he had almost every time he closed his eyes and the suffocating feeling he had once he woke from them. He couldn't look at you although he felt you searching for his eyes. 
He heard the shuffled movement from where you sat beside him on the couch. He closed his eyes when he felt your hand on the back of his neck, fingertips cold despite the heat coming from the fire, he surrendered when you pulled him into your chest and he let his arms wrap around your middle. 
He didn't mind letting you see this part of him. The soft and broken part. He never felt as though he needed to hide from you. 
“You're okay, baby” you whispered into his hair. That was all it took for him to crumble into you. 
Did you mean to say that? 
Had it slipped out by accident? 
Did you call everyone that? He searched his brain for the answer to the questions, coming up empty.
He tried to think about the last time he let himself fall apart. When was the last time you let yourself feel? When was the last time someone just held you? 
You would never know what it meant to him. But he would never know what it meant to you. 
While the safety inside the walls of Jackson made his stomach churn, the safety he felt being in your arms was inviting and warm.
Joel Miller, for the first time in a long time, was safe. Wow   
When the morning came he found himself still in your embrace, slotted between your thighs, his head resting against your stomach with his hands pressed into your back, your hand tangled in his hair as the other rested on his shoulder.
The fire no more than dying embers in the hearth leaving a chill in the air. He would have noticed if it wasn't for the blanket that was draped around him and the heat coming off of your body, particularly right between your legs. He ignored the ache in his back and the cramping in his slumped hip as looked over your sleeping form. You looked so peaceful, almost angelic with the soft light of the morning flooding in through the windows, the peaks of your breasts pushing through your shirt, nipples hardened from the cold air in the room, Your hair falling so lazily over the couch cushion. 
You didn't try to ask Joel questions about his confession the next day, for that he was grateful. He already felt bad enough having said it at all. She thinks you're weak Miller. She feels bad for you that's why she's here, not because she cares, do you really think she’d like someone like you? Despite the insecure voice in his head giving him a beating, he wouldn't forget the way you held him, he wouldn't forget the way you looked down at him once you woke up, he wouldn't forget the slow rise and fall of your chest as you slept and he wouldn't forget the heat that seeped into him from between your legs.  
“Hello? Are you even listening to me?” Joel didn't realise you had been talking to him, wrapped up in the memory or your embrace. 
“I just missed the last bit” Good lie Miller. You rolled your eyes at him knowing he didn't hear a word. You jumped down from the counter and closed the gap between the two of you before reaching out to grab his chin between your thumb and forefinger. 
“If you weren't so handsome i would slap the shit out of you” 
Joel tried to pay attention to what you said next which was hard given you didn't let go of his chin and the smell of your soap was intoxicating and the fact that you had called him handsome. The heat from your body and your constant eye contact making it hard for him to focus on anything else besides the pressure building in his jeans. What did she say? Six days? Something about patrol and the snow. Let's go before the snow or something like that? Does it really matter? Just say yes to whatever she asks. 
Another knock on the door followed by a shout from Ellie breaking the moment. 
Joel liked that you never really got small talk. You would ask him strange things like, what colour his first bike was or how old he was when he shaved for the first time. Why would you wanna know? His favourite was when you asked him to tell you about his first girlfriend.
"Hmm, I think her name was Stacy?" He said it like a question "Lacie?" He clicked his finger and pointed at you "no! Macie" He looked over the top of the flames to find your face staring back at him.
 Normally a fire is a huge no no for Joel but the cold night air coupled with the pelting rain left him with no choice. The two of you had been out for two days now, taking shelter in whatever somewhat secure structure you came across at nightfall and the rain was welcome, covering any sounds the pair of you would make as well as washing away the build up of sweat and dirt that covered his skin. Soon snow would blanket the ground of jackson, the sightings of infected would lessen and the town would slow for a while. 
You had dragged him out for one last trip before it got too cold and too dangerous to be out for an extended period of time. 
“Do you think that you loved her?” you asked as you laid down on your side with an elbow propping your head up. He mirrored your posture and paused to think about it.
Joel could count on one hand how many people he actually loved and Lacie. Wait no, Macie definitely wasn't one of them. 
“ No” He relaxed into your gaze from across the fire, the cold air pricking the back of his neck. “ I was young and love really wasn't the first thing on my mind. Even if I told her I loved her I probably didn't mean it.” it might have sounded cruel but it was the truth. 
He would tell you about the movies they would see together and about the music they would listen to. He would describe the creek they would swim in during summer and how they would ride their bikes around town before Joel finally saved enough money to buy a car. 
"What kind of car did you drive?" 
He found it cute that you cared, that you would even know what he was talking about if he told you. 
"It was a red pickup truck, hunk of shit really but it was mine" He felt his cheeks heat up as you continued your relentless eye contact. He felt like a doddering old man reliving stories of his glory days when you asked him these kinds of questions. But you would watch him with close intent. Hanging on to his every word, mouth slightly agape as you listened to him as if he was the most interesting person telling you the most interesting story. 
You turned onto your stomach bringing your elbows up and placing a hand on either side of your face to support the weight of your head, eyes sparkling over at him. I wish she would stop looking at me like that. If she only knew what she did to me. 
"I wish I was lucky enough to have a car" 
You said this sincerely but Joel remembers the car very well. Ripped up fabric seating, no plastic cover on the dashboard, absolutely no air conditioning and only the driver's side window went down. Not to mention the fuel gauge would stick so he was caught out more than once on the side of the road with an empty tank. 
"wasn't a prize" he'd said, looking deeper into the flames, you were still looking at him, studying his expression as he got lost in the memory. You seemed closer than you did before.
"Did you fuck her in the back or what?" You had asked him so bluntly without emotion as if you had asked him how his day was. He stifled a laugh before letting his eyes drift over to you. He could see you weren't really joking although you did have a hint of a grin on your lips and a glint in your eyes that screamed ‘I'm trying to make you uncomfortable.’ 
He could feel his own grin creeping over his face, you were trying to make him uncomfortable and it was working. Joel would tell you anything you wanted to hear as long as he could keep looking at you like this, head tilted a little bit as if he was telling you the most interesting story you ever heard, eyes blown wide, lazy smile on your lips just slightly showing your teeth. God why do you have to look at me that way. 
"Wow" you started "Such a romantic, Miller" Your smile no longer a lazy grin but a real one, the one he loved to see you wear. He blamed the heat of the fire for the flush of his checks when you asked if he was blushing. He blamed the day's hike for his urgency to sleep and his sudden silence. But he blamed you for the swell of his cock. It's just the way she's looking at me, I can't help that. He had his eyes closed but he could hear the rustling of your sleeping bag getting closer and closer to where he was laying. 
“Let me sleep next to you, I'm freezing my ass off” It wasn't a question, you were already doing it and you probably wouldn't have stopped even if he had said no. you started to unzip your bag and he followed suit, clipping the zips together before you crawled inside it. It was still a fairly snug fit, not that he was complaining, he would take any opportunity to be this close to you. Just don't get a full blown hard on and you’ll be fine. When you said ‘sleep next to you’ he didn't think this is what you meant. 
You settled in beside him, pressing your back to his chest, the swell of your ass pressed up against him and the smell of your hair mixed with your sweat filled his nose. You grabbed his arm and slung it over your hip, silently giving him permission to touch you so he slid his other arm under your neck and pulled you in closer. Joel could be wrong, but you didn't feel particularly cold. 
“Can you tell me more” you asked him, turning your head slightly over your shoulder in his direction. “About your life before” 
He started talking, he talked about his childhood, he talked about his mama, he talked about his favourite meals and he told you about his ambitions and his dreams. Periodically pulling a giggle from you as you swatted his hand. At some point you had rolled over to face him, draping a leg over his waist, giving him that same look from before, listening like your life depended on it, looking at him like he was the only person on earth, like he was the one who hung the moon in the sky.
He described the neighbourhood he lived in, He mentioned sarahs name in passing a few times, never once did you press for more than what he gave you. One day he would tell you about her, but not tonight. Maybe when I'm drunk. That’ll make it easier. 
You brought a hand up to cup his check, gently rubbing the stubbled hair that lived there with your thumb, catching the corner of his lip as you passed back and forth. 
“I love when you talk about her.” you told him. He was putty in your hands. 
Your soft whispers would stay with him. He knew in the morning you wouldn't say anything and you knew he wouldn't say anything. He didn't know when he fell asleep but he only hopes it was after you did. You would follow him into his dreams that night, as you did so many nights nowadays. Your laugh, your smile, your hand on the apple of his cheek, Sweaty skin sticking to his, how you would look on top of him, tits bouncing in his face as you moaned out his name over and over like a prey, all exposed skin and desperate kisses. He was clinging to every moan, every breath, every whimper he could.  Wake up.
The smell of coffee was the first thing that hit him, next was the absence of you next to him, then it was the ache of his swollen member against the zip on his jeans. He turned to look for you, the smell of fire was next, followed by sound of rain against the rotting bored of the shed you had called camp that night. He saw you sitting at the foot of the sleeping bag's knee propped up as you scribbled in your notebook, a sight he’d seen a million times. It was a dark brown leather covered book, not thick enough to weigh you down enough to make itself known. It had clippings, photographs of people you never knew and would never know, stamps and postcards, elastic bands, paper clips and torn weathered notes jammed throughout it, he had even seen you pull flowers and leaves out of it ‘flower pressing’ you had told him. 
What he wouldn't give to get his hands on it, to see what made you tick, to rip open your head and dig around. You had given him a lot over the few weeks that you had known him but it still somehow wasn't enough. You had confided in him about mistakes you had made, about the things you had gone through to get here, uncalled for fights and your old patrol partner. Your old patrol partner. You had only ever brought them up once, no descriptor, no he or she, nothing. He had come up blank trying to get information out of Tommy. You had only said it once but that was all he needed. 
You had told him about your relationships, the good, the bad and he ugly. The serious ones and the not so serious ones and even the experimental ones ‘ I was drunk okay?’ you had told him ‘but even if i wasn't I still would have done it’. But he always felt like a part of you was hidden away. 
The soft slap of pages closing broke him from his thoughts.
“Good morning” your voice came out as a whisper, close and thick with sleep. You extended your hand out to him, holding the metal lid from the thermos, still half full with the coffee you just brewed. 
When you packed up to leave that morning you didn't unzip the sleeping bags. You still didn’t unzip it when you set up camp that night. 
Whispers. Dreams. Fire. Rain. Coffee. You.
Secrets. Hard on. Fire. Rain. Coffee. Notebook. You. 
Mumble. Slumber. Fire. Notebook. Throbbing. You.
“Joel” Your voice broke through the silence of the morning waking him from filthy dreams of you.
“you moan a lot in your sleep” 
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tim-shii · 8 months
i remember it all too well.
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featuring: bachira meguru, itoshi rin, mikage reo
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" you almost ran the red 'cause you were looking over at me. "
bachira meguru was an eccentric lover. he likes to have fun and takes you on dates you’d never even expect. one time, during your second date, he took you out to go bungee jumping. you were frozen on the platform for 30 minutes while he was down there, cheering you on with a stupid smile on his face and his phone recording you.
right now, you guys are on the way home after a day at a cat cafe. they were really cute but their fur all over you was not cute at all. you look out the window, admiring the view as the car sped through the road. you hold back a laugh as you pass by a squirrel falling down a tree with its acorn stuck in the branch. you turn to tell bachira when you notice he’s already looking at you.
“eyes on the road!”
“i got my eye on you.” and to push it further, he points two fingers in your direction. sighing lighty, you shove his face to turn to the road. “you can eye me later if we don’t die.”
bachira whips his head to look at you accusingly. “excuse me?! my driving skills are maxed out, you know. and besides, who’s the one with the license between us, huh? that’s right. me. bachira megu–” “yeah, yeah. shut up.” you try to shush him however that seemed to only seethe him more. more screams of fury and annoyance comes from bachira. you were only seconds away from tuning him out when you saw the traffic light glow red. immediately, you urged bachira to step on the brakes. with the panic in your voice, he abides at once.
now at a stop sign, deep breaths coming from the two of you fill the vehicle. giggles and laughter following after. “oh my god, stop laughing, meguru.” he halts his laughter. playfully gesturing a zipper over his lips yet the obvious grin on his face gives it away.
“can we both agree to always keep an eye on the road now?”
“yes, ma’am… got my other eye on you tho.”
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" you told me 'bout your past, thinking your future was me. "
getting into a relationship wasn’t in itoshi rin’s bucket list. or any list really. never did he think that he’ll be here at 3am in the morning, on his bed, with you, and he’s telling you all about him. from the very first time he held a soccer ball to the day sae left for spain. he confided in you, hiding no side of his self and showing you all and even letting you see through him completely.
“so, this is it?” the air was cold. breaking up on a december night? it almost makes him laugh. he’d fight for it but.. what was the point? this is the ending of a love story. your love story. if he tries to change the ending, who knows what could happen next? you stay with him out of pity? or you get tired and all goes in a circle once more. he stays silent. not uttering one word and maybe that set you off because you dragged a hand down your face. he observes you for the first time in weeks. you look really tired and if letting this end would make you happy then so be it.
he walks past you and that leaves you baffled. so he’s just leaving, you think in your head. chest aching and hands itching to reach out, but you don’t. because if he’s walking away without a word, what are the chances he’ll hear you out?
“oh god, i never thought it could end up like this.” rin hears you whisper to yourself as he grabs his coat and makes his way to the door. he bites on his lips, urging the tears brimming his eyes to not fall. not now. as he strolls through the park, he mutters to himself. “neither did i.” but you weren’t there to hear him. only the moon knows.
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" we're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light. "
loving mikage reo was unexpected and something you’re grateful for. he’s the best boyfriend one could ever ask for. he fell in love with you at first sight when you took his coffee order at the cafe down the block. the continues to visit the coffee shop with a bouquet of flowers dedicated for you everyday until you give him your number.
cravings at midnight are common. you had them a lot so sneaking out of reo’s arms became something you’re skilled at. tiptoeing towards the fridge, you rummage through every shelf to find something to eat. a yelp escapes you as you felt cold hands slid under your shirt. reo’s laughter breaks your shock, turning to hit him in the chest. that just seems to make him laugh more.
“hi, sweetheart. what are you doing?” he smiles like he did nothing wrong. you scowl at him before turning to rummage through the fridge once again. “i’m hungry. i wanna eat.”
“oh? should we just order then?” reo asks you, pulling out his phone and opening a delivery app. he was about to click on an item until your hand blocks his phone while you stare him down with a glare. “reo, your fridge is full to the brim. baa-ya even had to push things in the pantry ‘cause there’s no more space!”
“come on, use your inside voice inside the house.” like the smooth man he is, he cuddles you in his arms, swaying the both of you side by side. only to stop when you pinch his side. “ow! what was that for?"
“don’t dance with me when the fridge door is open!”
“but it’s romantic!”
“an overpriced electricity bill isn’t!”
“you’re not even the one paying the bills–ow!”
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likes and reblogs are appreciated! masterlist
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doe-eyed-fool · 8 months
Fallen {Chapter One}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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Summery- Innocence meant nothing in a place like this. Here, innocence was weakness. It would only get you killed. And yet, it was craved by the most twisted and sinful of demons.
Innocence to them, was something to be tainted, corrupted, and ruined beyond saving. It gave them great pleasure to destroy that innocence.
And he was no different. To him, she was nothing more than a new form of entertainment. But even he, as demented and cruel as he was, could not ignore the feeling that slowly grew deep within his blackened heart.
"What have you done to me?"
I was once a woman of god, my faith unchanging and strong. Because of that, I was granted entry into the kingdom of heaven. However, it would not last.
I awoke in a dirty and dark alleyway, my whole body ached, my mind struggling to keep up. My eyes opened, and I was met with a most horrifying scene. Above me, in the blood red sky, was a giant pentagram that loomed over all. My heart sank upon realizing just where I was. Hell. I had landed myself in hell.
But, how? I was in heaven. I had earned it. I had been good. I've only ever been good. I was faithful and true. So why? I brought myself to a sit, as I did so, a sharp stab of agony shot up my back. I failed to hold back a cry of pain.
Looking back on myself, a gasp escaped me as I found the source of my pain. My wings were still there. Once neat soft white feathers, now messy and dirtied from the ground. But that was not the worse of it. What made my stomach lurch, what caused the horrible throbbing pain I could not ignore, was the broken joint on my left wing.
The bone jutting out from flesh, golden blood dripping down the feathers of my wing. The fact that I had wings at all was proof enough I actually was in heaven. That, and my long white and gold-trimmed dress. However, it only made my confusion grow. If I was in heaven, why am I here now?
I took a shaky breath before attempting to stand, however it would not happen so easily. I hissed out as I felt a sharpness in my legs. Looking down, I saw more of my blood leaking from the various cuts along my legs. One nasty deep gash in particular on my right calf. This wasn't good.
I was bound to be attacked by some loathsome demon if I didn't try to escape. Flying wasn't an option, and neither was walking it seemed. But if I didn't do something quick then-
"Well. What do we have here?"
My breath caught in my throat at the sudden voice. I looked up to see a rather tall, well dressed demon standing before me. His grin, filled with sharp teeth, made my skin crawl. His deep red eyes bore into my own. He looked at me as if I were his next meal, and in a place like this, I very well could be.
I kept my mouth shut, even if I wanted to talk, I couldn't bring myself to speak. So, he filled the silence himself. "I thought I had seen something a bit strange earlier. It's not everyday you see an angel falling from the sky! Well, not unless it's time for the yearly extermination. If that's what you're here for, I'm afraid your a tad too late." He said with a chuckle. Still I kept quiet, he continued.
"Though, you do not look like the usual exterminators. No, I don't think you are. How very interesting." He took a step closer to me. Finally my body reacted, I scramble to move back as he grew closer. My back hit the hard brick wall behind me, I wince at the pain I received by doing so.
My heart was beating out of my chest, tears gathering in my eyes. My reaction seemed to have been amusing to him, as his grin grew wider.
"Afraid?" He leans down, his face inches from my own. "You should be." I shut my eyes tightly as he moved his hand up to my face. Flinching as his clawed finger made contact with my skin. I felt him move a strand of my messily tangled hair out of my face, before his hand left me.
"A creature like you my dear, is just begging to be harmed in a place like this. Though, I don't entirely blame you. You appeared to be heavily injured." I dare to open my eyes, only to be met with his sharp gaze.
His eyes only left mine briefly to meet my broken wing, then down to my injured legs, then back up to my face. "Quite the fall you had." He chuckled. I only nod. That had to be right. I fell from heaven. It was the only explanation that made sense.
Why else would I be here? The demon stood straight again, looking over his shoulder for a moment before turning his attention back to me.
'I doubt I'll ever get an opportunity like this again.' He thought, his grin somehow growing even wider. "Tell me, what do you plan to do now? Surely you intend on leaving this horrid place, yes?" He questions. Of course I do. I don't want to be here any longer that I already have. I nod my head, words still failing me.
"It will be quite the challenge my dear. You can't fly, and no one leaves hell just like that." He says with a snap of his fingers. "What will you do?" An excellent question. What will I do? What could I do? Panic set in quickly as I realized that there was nothing I could do now. I was stuck here. I would never be able to leave this god forsaken place. The tears finally began to roll down my cheeks, my shoulders shook as I cried.
How could this have happened? Why was this happening? Perhaps I've done something wrong? Maybe I've upset god in some way? Is that why I'm here? I'm being punished? Is that it? The demon's voice caught my attention once more as he spoke.
"Oh, how I hate to see a lady cry." I could have sworn there was a hint of sincerity in his tone. But I would be a fool to think a demon could feel sympathy for anyone. "Perhaps, we should make a deal."
I wipe a few tears away before looking at him with a confused glance. "I'll try and find a way for you to return to heaven. And in return..." His expression grew dark and sinister. "All you have to do, is amuse me." Amuse him? My stomach churned at the thought of what a demon would find amusing.
I look up at the sky, the pentagram's glow stinging my eyes. Heaven was out of reach, but I yearned for nothing more than to return. The deal almost sounded tolerable. I look back at the demon and finally, I spoke.
"W-Will you hurt me?" My voice cracked. "Of course not!" The demon waved his hand, as if dismissing the thought. "I'm rather curious about you. And I can't have someone like you harmed. Your value topples almost over all here. Many demons would kill for a chance to obtain an angel such as yourself. That alone is enough for me to keep you in tact as much as possible." His words weren't comforting, that's for sure.
But he said he wouldn't hurt me. I think. I couldn't trust him, but what other choice do I have? I don't want to be stuck here forever. The demon offered his hand. "What do you say?" He asks as a faint green glow engulfed his hand.
I sigh before hesitantly taking his hand with my own. As our hands clasp, the glow engulfed mine as well and a sting could be felt throughout my palm causing me to wince. The glow grew brighter, I shut my eyes tightly to shield my eyes from it.
I missed the twisted smile from the demon, but I felt his hand tightening around my own slightly before the glow finally calmed down and went out. The demon let go of my hand, only to pick me up. I gasp as I felt myself being hoisted up into a bridal style carry.
I couldn't bring myself to look at him, so I kept my gaze down at his chest. "Hold on tight." He warns me. And before I knew what was happening, I felt a rush flow throughout my body. It was almost like the feeling you'd get when going down a steep drop on a rollercoaster. And suddenly, we were in a new location.
I look around and take in my surroundings. There was a rather nice looking home before me. Well, I could consider it nice if it didn't look...haunted. I could have sworn I saw a shadow move in one of the many windows. Surrounding the home was a swamp, the water was infested with gators.
But not normal ones. These gators were far larger, their scales an inky black, multiple sets of eyes glow a deep red, and their teeth abnormally sharp and long, stained with the blood of I didn't know what. The plant life was unnatural as well. While they were alive like normal plants, they were sentient.
Looking for some unfortunate passerby to feast upon. This being proven by a demonic version of a frog hopping by one, only to be snatched up and ripped apart. I look away, not wanting to watch as the sound of crunching and squishing filled my ears. The bugs were abnormally large too, and just as carnivorous as the other creatures of the swamp.
"Home sweet home." The demon sighs before walking up the porch stairs. He walks in, the inside completely dark at first before he steps through the threshold. Like magic, light filled the home. And once again, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, shadows retreating into darkness wherever they could find it.
"Now, let's get you patched up." The demon says as he heads up the stairs. He brings me to his bedroom and sets me carefully on the surprisingly soft and comfortable bed.
I tried to keep still, as not to irritate my wing any further. But nothing could ease the pain, I winced and hissed out sharply as another throb jolted my wing. I could have started crying again it hurt so bad. The demon took note of that before moving to my left. I watched him carefully, wary of what he would do next. He said he would patch me up, while that confused me, I still didn't trust his word.
"This might hurt. But do try to keep still." He says before moving his hand over the broken bone. I move away fearfully, a foolish thing to do. I cried as more pain shot up my wing and back. "What did I just say?" The demon sighed.
"What are you going to do?" I ask sharply. He didn't have anything that could properly set the bone, nothing to ease my pain. Did he intend to force it back? "I'm going to heal it. But I need you to sit. Still." The demon said sternly. Still noticing my hesitation, he rolled his eyes. "I will try to make this less painful as possible. Now, are you going to do as I say? Or are you going to just sit there, still in pain?"
I sighed heavily before doing as I was told. I shut my eyes tightly after I watch him move his hand back. Suddenly I felt a shift in my wing joint, but no pain followed as I had expected. After a moment or two, Alastor moved his hand away.
"There we go. All better." The demon says softly. While I felt no pain, I never felt more light headed. My stress finally caught with me and felt I just might actually pass out. My body began to fall forwards, but the demon caught me before I could fall completely. I go limp in his arms, my eyes lids drooping. I heard him chuckle before I felt him moving my body, he gently laid me on my back.
I look up at him with tired eyes, his grin remained the same. I got the feeling he was enjoying this, it made me more sick to think about it. "Try and relax. I'll work on your legs next." He tells you as he moves his hand down to hover over them. I then heard him laugh, before I could question him he spoke.
"My, how rude of me. I've yet to introduce myself. I suppose I've gotten use to everyone knowing who I am, that it slipped my mind." The demon glances at me, he spoke his name with the most charming of tones.
"My name is Alastor."
Alastor? It was such a nice sounding name for a demon. "And who do I have the pleasure of knowing?" I took a shaky breath before answering with a shaky and cracked voice. "Y/n." Alastor's grin soften for a moment as he spoke my name. "Y/n. What a lovely name."
It felt strange to hear a demon speaking my name. It felt wrong. Though, it wasn't any worse than actually making a deal with him. I close my eyes, and begged god for forgiveness. I hope god could forgive me for what I've done.
I only do this to return to god's light. That's all. Please...please understand. The more I thought about that deal, the worse I felt. I didn't want to think about it, but it would always be there. In the back of my mind, will forever be the guilt of my choice.
And I could only hope that whatever this deal would entail, wouldn't be as bad as I fear it would be.
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from-m-izzy · 9 months
[22:58] | tbz lee juyeon
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» ​PAIRING: tbz lee juyeon x fem!reader » TROPE/AU​: established relationship au, non-idol au » GENRE​: smut 18+ (mdni!!) 🔞 just a tinge of fluff cause juyeon is momentarily shy after (...hehe) » WORD COUNT: 1764​ » ESTIMATED READING TIME: ~7 mins » WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!): food play (ice cream), temperature play (cold), fingering (reader receiving), literally a second of anal fingering, soft dom!juyeon, momentary mean dom!juyeon, cum eating, dirty talk, slight size kink (juyeon is bigger than the reader), unprotected sex (be safe everyone!!)
navi/masterlist!! 🤍
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thanks for helping with the reading @sohnric, @winterchimez !!
head empty...no thoughts...
happy birthday, lee juyeon!!
head empty...no thoughts...
i'm so shy right now bye—
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This was not how you thought the Neapolitan ice cream cake would be used.
There's no sweet taste in the valley that splits your breasts. Nothing but the taste of sweat and Juyeon’s fragrant exhales, the remnants of his birthday treat from his mouth, as he buries his face between your freed chest. He kisses your skin softly, roughly contrasting to the movements of his trailing hands from your stomach, down to your covered core.
He wastes no time, hooking the crotch area of your panties aside with his middle finger, plunging his pointer inside of you, and trudging the inside of your walls. The touch that his skin gave lingers on your dripping cunt and the top of your head meets the marbled countertop once again.
Your hands fly to the side of your body, trying to grab something from the pleasure building as Juyeon unhooks the middle finger to follow the motions of his pointer.
Pulling out slowly, pushing it back in even slower but deeper each Juyeone.
“Oh my God.” Finding nothing to grab so you mess up his still product-filled hair. Your hardworking boyfriend didn’t even bother changing out of his work clothes, opting to work on your body as soon as you greeted him. In fact, you’re surprised that he at least threw his collared button out, his black everyday tie on top of the puddle of clothing.
It sucks that he did that because maybe then if any of the ice cream colours stain his white shirt, maybe he could explain the backstory to his workmates.
Your closed eyes allow your senses to be directed to the warmth that his body gave yours: Juyeon’s tongue that leaves wet, messy suctioned kisses from your chest all the way to your navel, his one free hand that grips the side of your thigh, the other hand bringing you closer to the end as the pad of this thumb presses and circles on your sensitive clit. His pinky is what drove you feral, frozen halfway in your other hole and the other three fingers pushed you closer to your climax.
“Oh, you're so fucking…” Juyeon groans at your mewls, feeling the painful grip that his pants held onto his growing cock. “You’re drenched, bubs.”
“J-Juyeon.” You gasp his name, begging for more of his touch.
Your boyfriend shakes his head, still smiling at you sweetly. He detaches his face from your abdomen and makes eye contact with you. If it wasn't for the way you're laid tiredly but still very much horny, for the way that both your chests are exposed to each other, for the way that Juyeon snakes an arm behind you to get you to sit prettily at the edge of the counter, then his twenty-sixth birthday would have been so innocent.
But here he is, kneeling on the floor, a spoonful of the dessert in his hand as he trails the metal edge on the inside of your thighs. It trails from your midthigh, his tongue following closely behind the ombre colours, reflexively making your legs close. 
The temperature makes you squirm, an added unexpected stimulation that you are enjoying. 
“I see.” Juyeon takes a mental note of the added list of things that leave you breathless.
Finally, the back of the curved utensil hovers above your aching clit. Juyeon looks up, giving the most bright yet lust-filled gaze at you. His thumb stops his abuse for a second, replacing it with the cold instead—thank God the edge of the table is within reach, or else you would have melted already.
If it wasn't enough seeing you all ruined, Juyeon straightens his legs, his mind already wanting to see something else coated in the dessert—coat your hardened nipples the same way that he did just before. For a second, he steps back to admire his work, admiring your half-lidded eyes and rapid breathing.
“Oh.” He coos, his hand below going faster on you. “Ohh,” he says once more, feasting on the chocolate, strawberry and vanilla on your nipples.
A palm presses onto your back, plunging you to the crevices of his face. “Shit!” It's when you realise that he suspends your buds between his teeth along with the aggressive sucking that alternates between. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Not another warning is given as your insides give up, the liquid squirting to make a cloudy pink and brown mess on his hand. Juyeon grunts at the sight, now finished with his appetiser.
“Baby.” He warns, and you see the darkness in his eyes. “Did I tell you to let go?”
“I-I’m—” Your back hits the surface again. “J-Ju—” A hand presses on your collarbone, keeping you in place as your hands fly to wrap around his veiny, muscular arms.
You're greeted with the sight of Juyeon’s bangs covering his hungry desire and when your eyes lower past his defined abs, you salivate at the way he pulls his cock out from his half-down trousers and the way it is immediately enwrapped in his fist. 
“I haven't even gotten a taste of you yet and you're already making a mess.” It's frustrating to him as it's something that he's been wanting for so long. “You're not such a good girl, after all.”
The precum leaks from the slit of his penis, the foreskin coming up and down to coat the natural lube on the rest of his length. He forces you to look at him, the fact of the mess that you've created.
“Do something, please.”
“You bet I will.” 
Juyeon's fingers dig into your skin, and you scream at how he matches the force with his hips. He rams into you, not caring about adjusting your small size to his humongous one.
Marking you on your neck and jawline, going past his unfinished dessert on your nipple—on an urgent mission to make it bright purple and blue to the point where you'll have to sit for hours in front of your makeup to cover them up.
It makes you scream each time he degrades you, calling you his “favourite slut” as if he had another woman to fuck. He whispers seductively to your ear, grunting each time his balls hit your ass. “Enjoying this a little bit too much?”
“N-No.” You lie, biting your bottom lip with the top row of your teeth. “Juyeon! Oh my fucking God!”
“You're so pretty.” Ramming into your body harder and faster. “You're so small that I can see my body inside you.” To prove his point, he pushes on your stomach and you whine at the press, feeling his girth deep inside even more.
“Fuck!” Your legs ran out of strength and Juyeon menacingly smiled, throwing your limbs to rest on his shoulder. “You fucking---”
He presses his lips to yours, stopping your dirty mouth from finishing. “It's not nice to curse the birthday boy on his day, bubs.”
The endearing name would've been great if you were not literally folding against him right now.
“But yes, I will make sure I fuck you,” Your grip his shoulder knowing what's next.
“and I'll fuck you,” Juyeon’s hands cage your waist, pulling you to the edge of the furniture for easier access to your womb.
“so hard,” a thrust, one that makes you drool.
“and so fast,” your boobs move and jiggle faster as he picks up his pace, following the pulls and pushes that he exerts on your half-ruined body.
“to the point that you'll pass out faster than the ice cream cake.” 
Juyeon does work on your body, squirming at your tight grip, listening to your screaming for a certain Holy figure and a bunch of affirmative words spilling out of you as he finally finishes licking your chest clean.
“I'm so close.” You manage to announce between your pants. The sweat trickles down from your back, the arch of your posture cooking you. “Let me cum, Juyeon. Please, please, please.”
“If you cum now, I’m cumming inside of you,” A smirk plays on his lips as you roll your eyes, your legs trembling. Juyeon dips his chest down to yours, allowing him to bury himself into your tight body each he’s fully in. “Though it seems like something you want.”
And then…
“Cum for me, you destroyed slut.” 
Juyeon physically feels the way your body loosens, mixing your release with his inside your pussy. The feeling is serene and peaceful, perfect after the seemingly long marathon that always leaves you craving more of him every time. He hums and smiles on your skin with satisfaction when you smile at him after you've fully come down.
With the last few energy in him, he attaches your lips with his, muffling and swallowing your moans as his softened member slowly pulls out while his hand closes on your hole to contain the remnants of his love for you.
“Juyeon?” You ask through your fluttering eyelashes.
He hums, pressing a quick kiss once more before dropping his knees to the ground, worshipping the beautiful mess he created. His opened mouth encircles the opening of your vagina, and his throat sucks you clean.
“Oh.” You gasp out pleasurably, the loose strings being cleaned with just enough pressure. It satisfies you even more when his nose nudges on your overstimulated clit, his tongue swiping across fastly right after to clean the small bit of ice cream that still hung on for him to lick.
Juyeon stands before your tired body, his palms resting on the table next to your waist to support his body and though he broke your body in the best way possible, your elbows successfully bring you closer to him. It amuses you when the redness of his cheeks makes its way onto his face, and you giggle before resting your forehead on his.
“Don't be shy.” You reassure him, arms making their way around his neck. “That was amazing.”
His eyes shape into crescent moons, glad that you enjoyed the moment as much as he did. Juyeon pressed his lips against yours, inviting your own to automatically separate. But just when you could relish the passionate but innocent kiss at what you thought was to be the end of the lust-filled day, Juyeon pushes the mixed juice of your lower bodies into you. His tongue swipes where he can reach and he keeps emptying the load inside his throat into yours, pushing the sweet taste down with the help of gravity when he tilts your head up.
“Happy Birthday to me.” 
Before his hand picks up his straightening cock once more.
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿@heemingyu @snowflakewhispers
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