#but frost and Gricko too
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luna-the-cretar · 5 months ago
I need to point something out about the Krew’s conversation with Torbek in episode 19.
Kremy—a man who likes to keep up appearances and appear larger than life, who relies on his silver tongue to spin his words into lies and half-truths—let himself appear as vulnerable to Torbek as Torbek was after the fight.
Because Kremy took off his coat and his tie (Richie made a point to both say that and make the motions as he was describing what Kremy was doing), before getting on Torbek’s level and seeing if there was anything on Torbek’s person that could explain what just happened, before noticing everything else that was off.
Kremy taking off his coat and tie is actually kinda significant, considering that shortly after, he (eventually) agrees to tell Torbek the truth about what happened, and even willingly spoke up to fill in what Gricko was missing in his explanation. Kremy was, metaphorically, letting his walls down and letting Torbek see him in a way that I imagine even Frost and Gricko rarely see (maybe outside of sleeping or bathing).
I mean, of course, Kremy immediately puts his walls back up the following day, and then acts like he is somehow above Torbek for the remainder of the season (which I hope he cuts it out early S2), but…it’s a step. It’s a step in the right direction for Kremy’s arc, and I can’t believe I didn’t even take too much of a notice in this—or anything the gator did—until I started rewatching the series and genuinely started looking into Kremy’s character more.
And of course Kremy’s whole interaction with Torbek this episode isn’t the only significant one, and i promise I’m not ignoring the others (in fact, I’m actually quite interested in the way Frost handled the combat, as well as the way he separated himself from Torbek afterwards, and it will be making me pay extra close attention to Frost for the next few episodes), I just…don’t hear a lot about Kremy in particular this episode.
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crowliphale · 2 months ago
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I think it's actually really sweet that Gideon was the first to unabashedly accept Twig into the group.. at least that's how it felt after she sat at the table with them
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ubtendo · 3 months ago
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Boy oh boy, finally got it finished
(Don't ask me why this looks like paper mario, I have no idea how that happend)
Separate version with info for each:
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(If you find any typo, no you didn't (please tell me, I'll fix it tomorrow))
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scrawnyghstts · 5 months ago
I'm on ep 39 of ouaw and I'd like to offer you Gideon holding Kremy back from feeding Frost to the shadow magic, because Frosty said that Kremy should just buy a new hat rather than get his back from the hag
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Frosty is giggling, Gricko looking at Frost like "oh holy sht no way he said that" and Torbek's absolutely terrified (oohh frostyyy why would you sayyy thattt!!)
and this is just improv that Mace started like I'm sorry EVERYONE at that table ships coalecroux you can't tell me otherwise
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skreebat · 7 months ago
Gricko and Kremy and/or Frost and Gideon hanging out? We don’t see their dynamics enough in or out of show imo!
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Frost may not understand much of what Gideon says when he starts going on about engineering projects and ideas, but the passionate way in which he talks about it and the amount of knowledge he has despite not having a formal education on it is something Frost finds very interesting. He just lets him ramble on and listens intently.
When Frost and Gideon are away, Gricko will hang out with Kremy and they’ll just chat about anything. Or, rather, Gricko will aimlessly ramble on, and on SOME occasions, Kremy won’t entirely tune him out. Conversations about food in their different upbringings and cultures sometimes lead down strange paths.
-- [BTW I do commissions]
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weirdglassthing · 7 months ago
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ouaw doodle dump!!
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trinketstreasuretrove · 8 days ago
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I keep bouncing back and forth between interests like pong
Extra thoughts/details & sketches below cut
You have no fucking idea how much thought I put into this
Kremy: Changeling that disguises as a unicorn
Gideon: Kirin
Frost: Unicorn
Gricko: Earth Pony
Torbek: Abada
Twig: Breezie
There is going to be so much rambling so fucking STRAP IN
Okay so. Changeling Kremy. I realized like 80% of the way through I coulda made him a dragon but I wanted to draw horses soooooo... :| I imagine he is CONSTANTLY changing around his cutie mark. He could theoretically give himself a normal mustache but I think the idea of him being unable to do so is stupidly funny so he still draws it on. I tried to give him twists bc I thought it'd look pretty & I don't know how I'd translate the hair people usually give him in human designs onto a horse. I'm PRAYING that it's clear enough they're supposed to be twists (ref image below)
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I'll be honest I think Gideon is the one I put the least thought into. Although that's mostly because his idea was the first one I just LATCHED onto and stuck with. He's a Kirin so he still has the connection to fire and whatnot. Instead of being imprisoned by hobgoblins it'd probably be diamond dogs in this au. He does still have a beard unlike usual Kirins but it just sort of melds into his mane.
Frost was a FUCKING NIGHTMARE (heh mare) to design I'm ngl. I kept having to redo his colors and had to heavily simplify his robes (and even then I had to redraw them when I got to the coloring stage because I hated them that much). But I think he'd turned out quite pretty in the end. I didn't want to just slap stripes on a horse and just call it a day though so desgining him to look recognizable but not just look like a zebra or a weird shaped tiger was difficult. He does have the saddle bags they have in MLP to stand in for his backpack & I tried to give it a similar pattern to his waist sash he has in his splash art. Also his mane is supposed to look like this under the hood.
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It's supposed to have some strands coming out the sides to resemble the stripes on his face & I really hope that comes through in the design O.O
Gricko I also admittedly didn't think too much on because his design translated surprisingly well into a pony :] It was a little difficult to figure out his mane but I think it's quite cute. Figuring out his cutie mark was stressful. I wasn't sure if I should've gone with something music or animal related so I started sketching a harmonica with like. a music sheet? coming out of it? But after messing with the shape of the "wind" coming out of the top I realised I could make it into a paw to sort of combine music and animals and I think its verrry cute :]
Torbek! Torbek! Torbek! :D I'm crazy happy w/ how Torbek came out. He translates shockingly well into pony form especially when I found out ab Abadas in MLP. The incredibly lanky proportions fit verrry well. The leg designs are supposed to reference how his (witchlight-effected) arm in his splash art turns darker towards the ends and the stripes on his chest reference the straps from the straight jacket(?) under his coat. ALSO Abadas do have a cutie mark/cutie mark equivalent design on their flank (they represent their special talent and I think Torbek's OG mark would be about climbing) but I covered up where it would be with some witchlight machinery cause I thought it was clever :] it's specifically based on this plate(?) on his back
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Anddd finally Twig :] I went into her design immediately knowing she was gonna be a Breezie. I originally just kinda slapped some colors onto a basic Breezie body and added a hat but it was really boring so I added some spots and gave her colored hooves to spruce it up just a little bit. The spots also gave me the ability to give her some AJ style freckles which I think are verrry adorable. :]
PS. as a treat for reading all that heres the OG concept I sketched up in MS paint (the designs stayed mostly the same [besides color palette] but I thought Frost look too tiger-y so I changed it up a bit in the end) You get a gold star if you can make out all of my handwriting btw
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teethlordd · 6 months ago
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Putting some guys in some fancy outfits
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jadecantcreate · 6 months ago
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the guys as tiny little guys (ft. ten thousand yard stare gricko, huge-headed kremy, meditating frost looking like the “i do not see” image, and gideon side glancing)
came across the second picture on pinterest and i HAD to get this down before i inevitably forgot and the picture got buried in my infinite archive of photos
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pond-eringstuff · 1 year ago
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Gricko was forcibly removed from the mcdonalds shortly after
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stereo-chromy · 6 months ago
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Is this anything
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ouaw-facts-i-just-made-up · 4 months ago
Whenever the Krew settles down to actually hang up their adventuring days for good (or until something really funny happens), they each go get real actual jobs, if the carnival doesn't start back up that is.
Kremy opens his own restaurant. A casino would have been more fun but. Bad memories. Plus he really doesn't wanna be run out of this town, he *bought* a *house*. He's staying until it burns down, which is unfortunately likely when you live with a fire genasi. His restaurant is his little baby, much like the carnival (but much more legally done, to his dismay). It's actually quite popular.
Gideon likes doing more physical labor, and working with his hands. He briefly considered being a bodyguard for some uptight rich folk, but it felt like a slight betrayal to Kremy, as irrational as that is. He either lends a hand at a local farm or works at a machine/item repair shop. Who needs a dumb artificer when you have Gideon.
Gricko and Frost both start a little farm themselves. Nothing big, sort of like the kind you'd see in a backyard. They take odd jobs sometimes too, Gricko taking on the "help!! There's a big animal in a place we don't want them" jobs (mostly convincing the animal to move to a safer, less humanoid populated forest), and Frost does the ones that are more like your average "I need help repairing my item" or "can someone help me with my fucking taxes please I'm scared" jobs.
Torbek finds a job similar to Gideon's, though he mostly prefers the physical labor ones. Easier to learn, and he's used to helping with stuff around the carnival so he's great at it. He's just happy there's no possibility of falling off a really tall Ferris Wheel now
Hootsie gets to sit at home and chill. Preferably the home base is near a forest so she can go explore. Every once in a while she helps Gricko with his tasks, or helps Frost by being a rather large therapy dog for people who *really* hate taxes. She's enjoying life
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crowliphale · 1 month ago
watching witchlight while i procrastinate the screenshot drawings but torbek and gricko just high-fived and called each other goblin bros. which is very cute and charming but my frostbek/grimmorning brain just said "hooly shit its two best friends who aren't dating but are unfathomably healthy about their shared girlfriend ohhh my god"
dynamics are shifting a little they just keep getting better and better
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basket-of-loquats · 2 months ago
it's so interesting to me that frost says that being ridded of the joy that comes with his memory of gricko giving him hootsie's signal whistle is a relief. like you have someone who is taught (whether by the sorcerer enclave or by his own experience) that logic should supersede emotion all the time and that you cant have emotions bog you down. and then he meets gricko and gricko is his Friend, his Only friend, and he feels real true happiness for the first time in who knows how long except he's not supposed to feel that anymore. he's not supposed to feel joy like this, or affection, or whatever it is gricko makes him feel. and when he gets relieved of that emotion by surrendering the memory to be taken as the toll, it's relieving. idk it reminds me a lot of how like growing up queer and freaking out when you have a crush on someone of the same gender and then being like relieved if you lose feelings because oh thank god, i don't have to feel that conflict anymore, i can follow the "right" path, the one i'm supposed to
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ahhlehlehlehleh · 6 months ago
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POV: you are on a call with me and you mention Gricko and Frost together
(credited quote by @choco-banana-crepe) POV: you are Kremy. I do not know their ship name, if anyone have any ideas or know please give it to me. (edit: GOT EM)
Base credit: https://www.deviantart.com/k3nel1os/art/Hot-Yaoi-Base-417381979
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weirdglassthing · 7 months ago
Guys idk if you knew this but I absolutely love Frost (you probably didn’t I’m pretty nonchalant about it)
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First time drawing twig but luckily she’s just a cottagecore girl and I must say I have drawn my fair share of those.
I was gonna wait and post this in another doodle dump but I quite like it a lot
Im going to make myself learn how to draw torbek so expect a torbek drawing somewhere in the (near?) future
(My ducktales followers I will post something Duck related soon my brain is just being consumed by legends of Avantris)
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