#but for the Writing experience. rp was very definitely a huge thing for the development of my writing.
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orcelito · 1 year ago
Ok though its actually kinda nice to see some of my earliest rps... 15 year old me just having fun 🥺🥺🥺
Might go digging more later. Don't rly feel like getting That into it tonight lol
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countlessrealities · 1 year ago
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  Scotty
PRONOUNS: They / Them
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
I'm a huge cat person. I currently have only one cat, Ra, who is a lot of trouble, but I love him to bits anyway 🖤 I'm also hoping to be able to start volunteering at one of the local cat shelters soon!
I've recently graduated from uni and started to work, and this is what I've discovered so far: I think I'm pretty decent at my chosen job, I fucking hate bureaucracy more than I thought it was possible, and I really need a proper day off.
I did my thesis in jail (as in I had an internship there to collect the data to write it xD)
PLATFORMS USED: Tumblr, Discord, Kik (formerly), Quotev (formerly)
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I'm very partial to plotting. I like creating long-term storylines, dynamics and arcs / verses. It's important for me to plot at least the general idea for first interactions especially, because it helps me getting an idea of what the other person is looking for.
GENDER: No preference. I write characters who entice me for their personalities and histories, their gender (or lack of) is irrelevant to me
MULTI OR SINGLE: Definitely multi-muse. I've tried all the possible formats during my time on Tumblr and I find that having a multi-muse is the one that works best for me. It allows me to focus on my main interests as they come and go without hopping blogs or neglecting certain RP partners in favour of others. Plus, I enjoy the variety, so this way I can always have something to write even if I have no inspiration for that one specific muse.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S):  I don't have one? 🤔 If the muse has a canon FC, I tend to stick to it. Otherwise I either don't bother with finding one or pick it basing myself on physical resemblance. Tbh, I'm so very NOT up-to-date with what this or that celebrity / writer / whatnot does, so I have no idea of who the "problematic FCs" are supposed to be.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: I enjoy fluff...with some moderation. It's usually my go-to, together with crack, when I'm brain-dead or want to write but don't have enough inspiration to come up with something juicy. Though, since very few of my muses can do unprompted fluff, I usually need to have an already established dynamic of sorts to be able to write it.
ANGST:  Angst is definitely my favourite thing to write among these three and one of my faves in general too!
SMUT: I'm not a huge fan of smut and I never write it for the sake of it. Sex scenes have to be part either of a bigger, structured plot or of a well-developed dynamic. Also, they need to add something either to the characters' relationship or to the story. I'm also very selective with the people I agree to write smut with, because I'm very picky about how it's written. I tend to get bored with it real quickly if it doesn't meet my criteria xD
tagged by: @mcltiples [[ thank you 🥰 ]] tagging: @uselessdevice @technodromes @treasurechcst @dcmonprncss @dynamoprotocol @cold-inferno @thesafaribaggirl-returns @stcries @nerdynanny @ladiesofhell & whoever wants to steal it !
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bardbattledhasmoved · 3 years ago
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name :  saber
pronouns :  she / they
preference  of  communication :  if we just speak occasionally, the im’s are fine. frequent plotters and close friends are much better off contacting me via disc.ord
name  of  muse(s) :  elsie ( this blog )  &  layla ( @unsteals​ / on hiatus )  &  i have two inactive blogs right now i may or may not revive
experience / how  long  (months / years ?):   i’ve been roleplaying for about fifteen years, twelve of which have been on this website
best  experience :  i’ve made many great friends here over the years but of course the best experience i’ve had was meeting the love of my life, @heroscarred​ / @giftshopped​
rp  pet  peeves / deal  breakers :  not reading my rules or just consistently breaking them, vague blogging specifically targeted at a person ( especially but not only if that person is going to see it )
muse  preferences  fluff,  angst,  or  smut :  i love fluffy stuff, elsie is extremely affectionate and gentle, and it makes me happy to write happy things! i also love angst. i’m a bit pickier about angsty themes, but i live for the character development. i’m not against smut, i definitely write it, but i am pretty particular about who i write it with
plots  or  memes :   BOOOOOOOOOOOOOTH. i kinda oscillate between which works best at any given time, but right now i am somewhat more balanced
long  or  short  replies :  i don’t like one liners very much, but it’s also a little hard for me to consistently churn out huge chunks of text. one or two paragraphs is like that sweet spot for me unless it’s something you don’t mind potentially waiting months for me to have enough muse for
best  time  to  write :  it’s solely dependent on my mood, my brain, my atmosphere, my schedule, etc... i am at the whims of my mental illness, essentially. if something’s not right, i can’t function, and i might not know what the not-right thing is for a while
are  you  like  your  muse(s) :  i think that elsie is like, someone i’d very much like to be. there are definitely a lot of aspects of her that came from me and the nickname becky’s muses gave her ( bardy ) is a nickname i use ( very selectively, please don’t call me that unless i’ve given you express permission / you genuinely know me by that name by association with someone that used it ). other things are either things i wish i could be, or aspects of her character that developed from her own individual experiences 
tagged by :  technically @ofmalice​  tagging :   @heroscarred​ is the only person i know hasn’t done this yet but if you see this & haven’t done this, do so and tag me please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ao3-sucks · 4 years ago
my own ao3 experience was that i got into it when i was in a huge fandom that had a bunch of underage and incestuous pairings and fics. i really started getting into it when i was like fresh into middle school and not soon after that id start reading a bunch of explicit fics. basically pretty sure reading that stuff is what made me feel anxious around my 2 older siblings and like if i showed any kind of affection like even a hug or just laughing at a joke sometimes itd be seen as a sign of attraction. im in my 20s now and it still really affects me. i feel like less valid with my online trauma somehow bc i did it to myself lol.
  Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
I got manipulated by an adult into writing an extremely triggering fic about rape and abuse between two young siblings, and ended up having to draw on my own traumatic experiences for it. I pretended to be okay with it, and let them say it was my fault it was like that, and when I finally got tired of hiding it and publicly called them out on it, multiple people defended them, using that pretense against me. I still haven't fully recovered from that. Sometimes I wonder if it really was my fault. 
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
thank you SO MUCH for this blog, I was groomed into thinking the wildest of things were acceptable by fandom people, and it wasnt until i was about 15 or 16 that i finally wised up and dropped the thinking once and for all. thank you again and have a really good week!
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
I don’t really know how old the post that talked about the experience of one of the mods with ao3 is, but just in case, this is about that post that had mentions of r//pe and @“cest. And damn, I’ve never stopped to think that my aversion to sex maybe came from my early exposure to that kind of stuff, now I know that I’m asexual, but it’s comforting to see that I’m not alone in this, so thank you for sharing your story
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
god this is probably stupid and you dont have to post this if you don't want to, but thank you so much for making this page. ive had similar experiences in online fandom and ive really struggled with classifying any of it as "real" since it was all online. that post talking about your experience with everything was really eye opening for me. thank you for reminding me im not alone.
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
wrt your ao3 essay // thank you for sharing your story about ao3. ive had some similar experiences, but i never interacted with anyone on ao3, just read ff. in around a 1-2 years of consuming that content, i had developed some psychosis relating to sexual trauma, but i never had anything happen to me so i didnt really know what to think. i was just scared. its nice to know that.. it wasnt just random? that more people are talking about this? something like that. thank you. i hope you are well.
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
i just read through your experiences and while i was never really involved with fanfiction during my childhood, i WAS exposed to plenty of other weird interactions on other sites starting probably as early as 11  and just realized that me starting to use the internet more probably coincides with me showing similar things such as starting to hate being touched and consider myself asexual/sex repulsed. it was nothing that i'd considered to be that impactful or big a deal before and there weren't really specific people to blame, but i definitely don't know how to feel about this knowledge now.
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
just read that post abt your ao3 experience and holy fuck, so sorry you had to go through that. but also, thank you. its scary to think tht ive cldve been in the same situation since i was browsing the internet from a v young age. i was huge into roleplaying and thereve been a few times where it became, uuh... not completely sfw (unknowingly to me, i just wanted to rp). but the moment it became too weird, i ghosted n blocked (i had a very anti-internet-stranger policy). again, thanks. take care
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
I was 12 when I got my first ship. I got into it because of the cute art online and I never once thought about it being bad. It was pedophilic amongst other things. I just started writing fic, so I wrote for this ship. I was asked to write straight up human AU "porn where xyz is a pedo" by people far older than me. I didn't know any better, I wrote it and every other request like it. It go so bad that I though that pedophilia was OKAY. It took me so long to unlearn that and many other things because of that ship and I still feel bad for ever having shipped it. So when people say things like "fiction doesn't effect reality" it makes me mad. It teaches little kids that things like pedophilia and rape are okay.
I opted to answer these as a group because they are all so similar. It breaks my heart how often I get anons, post replies, and reblogs about my AO3 essay from people saying that my experiences closely mirrored theirs. I hope that everyone who has sent me these messages can forgive themselves for what happened to them, and know that it’s not your fault that other people decided to take advantage of you. I’m working on healing, and I hope you can all do the same.
- Mod Daft
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rockford-rp · 4 years ago
Rockford announcement time... This will get long as a lot needs to be said so bear with me.
Many have seen the anon that was sent along with the comments made by past members of the group. I didn’t respond last night because I needed to take a step back, reflect, and just get some advice and thoughts out. I think that it is fair to say that I have always let this be a place open to criticism. I have never hidden an issue or not addressed things. When someone has come to me with an issue in the group or with me I hope that you can all attest to the fact that I have been open and listened and been fair? I am definitely not a guilt free person of my shortcomings as an admin and player. I will not rollover what was said in that I have too many characters and the energy gets distributed differently. That is absolutely fair to call out. It is never intentional or personal but if anyone has ever felt slighted by that I take responsibility for it. I am sorry if there have been hurt feelings through my actions. I fall short of things and I am not the perfect writing partner but I also think it is fair to say that I have put the effort in to connect with everyone here? I cannot think of a current member and majority of past ones that I have not put energy into developing something with a character. An actual important relationship. Maybe you did not see it that way but it was there. 
I just wish that with how open I have been as an admin that people would have come to me personally instead of bringing these things up after the fact in post comments and not giving me the chance. I know I don’t do well with messages on personal accounts. I’m just not a talker. I never have been and with my different accounts I am very forgetful with going back to IM’s but I have always answered when an issue has risen and been there to see through the issue and have a full conversation. I think that I have been respectful in being there to listen and understanding where people have been coming from. So many times people have been right about what they are bringing to me. Just like now I do see some of the points made. I’m not going to get defensive when there are truths said. I just wish if there was a reason that involved me as to why someone left the group that they would have respected me and come to me instead of me having to read it on a post. It kind of leaves me at a lost. I never want anyone to leave Rockford for bad reasons. It will happen but if you don’t come to me I don’t know what I am supposed to do.
 Addressing that... As Rose said in her response to some of the things said, I feel the last couple years that there has kind of been an expectation on solely me to make a lot of people’s time here a fulfilling experience in writing and with ships. I love shipping with you all. I love creating so many different dynamics. I don’t want that to change at all. I have a lot of characters and a lot of males so I am going to get a lot of connections. I love those connections. I don’t want to change them and I don’t want to stop making new things with you all. But while at Rockford I have gone through a lot in my life and sadly they have all been bad things. Some major things I think most members know about and some other things you don’t. I am not saying that for sympathy or as an excuse I don’t want it to be that but why I am bringing it up is because the last two years my time and energy here has made a huge shift. I am not the admin I was the first half of this group being open. The responsibilities of being in charge of a group and the amount of time writing have taken a lot of time on the backburner. When I had the time I tried to come on and put the same efforts in for everyone but that didn’t always happen. And I have felt guilty because I know a lot of the groups activity revolves around mine. There were times that I should have taken a step back from the group but I didn’t want it to die and I didn’t want to lose the character relationships that I had been writing for years. The group has suffered from me lacking in both the roles I play here. I really do apologize for that.
The truth is, that energy is just still not there like it used to be. My life has changed a lot, I have more responsibilities then when I started this group. My hope was that I could eventually return to how I was. I have been waiting for that but the truth is I can’t. I wish that I could. I wish I could give everyone the same energy. I know that I have too many characters for the amount of time I have but it has also allowed me to be able to make sure I do have connections with everyone. That I do give more people deeper connections. But with that being said while I always want to make an effort to be better for the members here, and I will try my best even now, with life how it is, there just isn’t going to be a huge shift back to how I was before. I am sorry for that but I want to be honest. I think you guys deserve that.
This a lot to read but all of this has been leading up to is this... 
As I said I have spent time reflecting on Rockford. It has had its flaws. I have failed it many times when I never meant to but I love this group. I love the characters here. I love the connections I have made. I love the people I have met even if I am probably the most anti-social here that is never a reflection of what I feel for this group or the members. I have been here 5 years. Dedicated a lot of time and energy to the writing connections with everyone. I don’t want to lose it but I have faced the fact that it’s just not going to be what it was. I am a nostalgic person so many of times I wish it could be the same but it isn’t. So with that I had to make a decision. It has one I thought about and talked over with a couple people to get some wisdom and moving forward with Rockford I think the next step is to close it as an open group. What does this mean? Basically we will be a glorified mumu. I will make a post with more details about what this will look like when I have the time but to quickly explain now... I will be closing the option for the open public to apply here. It will be about the members that we have currently and will keep it a small private group.
I know some may disagree with that decision and I understand that. I don’t want to see anyone else go but if that is not what you want in a group then I absolutely get and respect that. I know that some people might be thinking aren’t you just being more exclusive now? And I understand that as well. I get how it may look it but this isn’t about leaving people out. It’s that I have looked at the group as a whole and it is not just me that cannot put the same energies into it. Real life takes over and that is okay! Never should you feel guilty about that. RP is a hobby. It’s an escape. It should be a small piece of your life. Days are super slow on the dash because of it but I know that there aren’t a lot of groups out there that you can join and stay in with activity limits so I tried to make Rockford different. But I don’t think it is fair to keep it open anymore when the high level energy that is sometimes needed can’t be there when people come in. This is not a decision I have made lightly but I feel like it is the only realistic one to make. My only other option would be to close completely and I don’t want to stop writing with the people here. So again current members, if you don’t agree with this please know that I understand, but I would love for you to stay. I would love the chance to continue writing the relationships we have made together. So I hope you do stay but will respect your choice either way.
Again, this is not personal. This is me seeing the issues that are brought up and thinking about the best thing to do and this is what feels right to me. It is just the new chapter I think that Rockford needs to take right now. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t think it was for the best. I just am not what this group needs to be an open group anymore. It’s my baby and I don’t want to lose it and lose all the amazing connections here that I love writing. It’s not easy for me to make the choice but I hope that everyone can understand where it is that I am coming from with this. Members, as said I will be writing a more detailed post on what this looks like for us that will hopefully work for everyone here, but if you have any questions just reach out here and I will reply when I am able.
Again, sorry this is so long but I think that all of this needed to be said. I am sad about closing the current chapter but love the chance to continue writing with you all.
Thank you for allowing me to have been your admin these past 5 years and thank you to the current members and the past for making Rockford an rp home.
Much love,
-Admin Rey
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orihara-infobroker · 4 years ago
Ranty rant rant about stuff because this cat just needs to vent.
So I've mentioned this before a few times though I don't really talk about it all that much. One of my on-and-off hobbies is role-playing. Tabletop, live-action, or narrative writing, I pretty much enjoy them all. For similar reasons to why I love writing stories. I like creating characters and worlds. In writing I do all the heavy lifting but role-playing has the unique experience of collaborative storytelling and that adds an element that can be very fun. Also, sometimes it's just fun to play in someone else's sandbox for a change.
Some time ago, a friend invited me to check out a Harry Potter rp site. The site itself is pretty decently setup and it seemed like it could be interesting. I'm not a huge Potter nerd but I've seen the movies and I'm a sucker for fantasy settings. But this isn't the first time I've dipped my toes in the HP universe so I thought that instead of doing the standard Eurocentric character, I'd try something different.
I admit, I'd been working pretty heavily on Shadow and Light at the time so that was strongly influencing my mood insofar as what I wanted to play with. So I submitted the idea of a Japanese character who had grown up in Japan but recently moved to London (thus why I'd be attending Hogwarts). The character's parents were onmyoji, part of a branch family of the Tsuchimikado clan. This clan is somewhat famous for its relation to Abe no Seimei who is arguably the most famous onmyoji in Japanese folklore. I also requested that the character be a metamorph which is a wizard who can change their features. Basically a kind of shape-shifting. Tonks was a metamorph, for reference. In requesting this, I was asked to explain why my family had a metamorph. So I wrote a piece where the character's mom told him the story of Abe no Seimei's mom being a fox that his Dad saved and that there had been stories told of how Abe no Seimei could change his appearance. (Not into a fox. Just change his appearance.) And how sometimes people in the clan would be born with the same ability.
Note that everything I incorporated into this character's backstory is based off actual Japanese mythology and not Harry Potter universe. Harry Potter universe doesn't actually address anything about how magic is done in the East. (And if Rowling ever comes up with anything it'll probably be hideously racist anyway but I digress.)
All of this is important, I promise.
So I was a Japanese pureblood kid raised to become an onmyoji only to end up at Hogwarts by pure misfortune. I thought this would be fun to play, basically a foreign exchange student completely out of his element, not understanding how Western magic works, struggling with having to learn English on top of magic, etc.
Apparently my idea set all sorts of fires under the admin staff of this site. They were opposed because:
1. They didn't think I knew what I was talking about when I suggested being onmyoji (wherein I proved that I actually know more about onmyoji and Japanese mythology than them.)
2. They didn't have lore on the East therefore they didn't want me making stuff up because it might not mesh with what they might eventually get around to creating somewhere down the road. Even though they had no current plans to develop the Eastern setting. (Yeah. You read that right. I was told... in a role play game... not to make stuff up... which is ironic given that I didn't actually make anything up, just liberally stole from actual Japanese mythology. Further, my character was going to Hogwarts so all of this was just backstory and flavour.)
3. I CANNOT BE RELATED TO ABE NO SEIMEI HE IS LIKE THE JAPANESE MERLIN!!!!!!! (Oh yes. Please. Make more ignorant racist comments at me. From now on I shall refer to Merlin as the English Abe no Seimei. -_- Abe no Seimei, while unlikely to be as mystical as he was made out to be in the stories, was a real person. Merlin was never real. He was always a fictional creation. Further, I never claimed to be related to Abe no Seimei. I claimed to be a branch family of the Tsuchimikado Clan to whom Abe no Seimei was either a member of or the founder of, depending on varying stories. So. Apparently they don't understand how Japanese clans work? Or branch families? No? OK, great. GREAT.)
4. They claimed that my story about the kitsune wasn't appropriate because kitsune were a type of mythical creature and metamorphs are completely human so I can't be "half-fox". Further, one of them claimed I wanted to be "half-demon". (Which is both a grave misinterpretation of what I wrote *and* a completely incorrect assumption on what kitsune are. They are not any kind of demon. And I didn't want to be any kind of half demon or even half fox. It was a story told from a mother to a child, using a classic myth to convey a possible reason why their family sometimes had metamorphs. That's it. Which, if they had understand that whole BRANCH FAMILY thing, they should have definitely realized. But apparently I wasn't clear enough? Ok. Fine, maybe I was too fucking subtle. Still never asked to be half fucking anything. Asked to be a metamorph. That's it.)
And it's so frustrating because I was looking forward to playing with my friend on this site and I genuinely felt like they were targeting me because I didn't choose a basic bitch character and I had the nerve to ask questions when they tried to contest it. Like, it wasn't a genuine conversation where two sides explained their opinions. It was literally me trying to propose something and being treated like a child when I was repeatedly trying to explain where they were misinterpreting the things I had written because they didn't know Japanese history/mythology.
I've been a gamemaster/storyteller for games before. Over the course of my time role-playing, I've run four Larps, a handful of tabletops and hosted a couple online rps. My Discord server is technically a role play server that I moderate ( currently its mostly just chatting, not a lit of rp but it was designed to be rp lol). I know how these things work. And that just makes this more frustrating because my impulse, as a storyteller, has always been to work together with players to create engaging stories. I've always been willing to accept the potential of new ideas because the whole point of fucking role-playing is getting to exercise your imagination and tell stories together. So from my perspective, I'd be more than happy to work with them on this. I'd be more than happy to share what I know and talk about what could work or not work. But they don't seem to want to engage in that way and it makes me sad, frustrated, disappointed. Especially because I had really been looking forward to playing with my friend and now it seems that this whole thing is doomed to failure.
All because I got creative and asked questions. :/
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diepower · 5 years ago
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
MUN NAME: Kaiman     AGE: 27       CONTACT: IM, ask, discord
CHARACTER(S): Meninas McAllon, Orihime Inoue, Retsu Unohana, Mashiro Kuna, Tier Harribel, Charlotte Chuuhlhourne
CURRENT FANDOM(S): That I write in? It’s gonna be Bleach, OVW (super selectively im just here for one person), ASOIAF (barely- literally when the mood strikes and that one is private also). I have a lot of current interests in general though.
BLEACH FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR: While I don’t have anything fully established... I’ve been working with an ASOIAF au (for Harribel & Unohana specifically, though I’m considering it with other characters too), A Dorohedoro AU (for Unohana and Orihime), as well as a Persona AU (more specifically 2&3) for Orihime. I’ve also got a number of post-canon AUs or continuities for all my characters as well!
MY LANGUAGE(S): English, super basic Spanish, barest ASL, fairly good French
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: ONE-LINER / 1 PARA / 2 PARA / 3+ / NOVELLA (2para is a sweet spot but it really doesn’t matter to me)
DO YOU HANDLE YOUR DRAFT / ASK - COUNT WELL?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. (i let them build up too often but some of yall are too quick to reply jkglfjdgsd)
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING:  I’m pretty anal about plotting in that I often refuse to RP unless it’s been plotted or I liked a starter call. And in the case of the latter, I’ll still hop into DMs to plot further depending on where the thread takes us. That said, the best way to reach me is through IMs or Discord (available on request). The only time I turn down plots is if I feel like it would put my character in an OOC situation, and I especially dislike my character being one-sidedly used as a tool to further another character’s development without anything being reciprocated (this happens often especially wrt my healer characters)
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER: Communication is really important to me, especially with regards to comfort regarding certain plot elements, and approaching other in-character situations that might have multiple different solutions. I think it’s important that both characters involved get the same amount of development out of writing a thread, and I really hate the idea of being imbalanced as far as that goes (more on that below). That said, I’m always perfectly down to spitball plot ideas and tweak/refine other concepts because I really do enjoy plotting, it’s just super important to me that things are communicated clearly. I get extremely distressed and frustrated IRL if people just kinda throw stuff at me, and it often kills my muse.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?: I make an active effort to come up with plots that are engaging and beneficial fairly equally to both parties. I mentioned this above, but especially in the case of writing my healer characters, I have a huge disdain for characters being used as tools to further development while getting nothing substantial in return. That said, I try to be very aware of this in terms of a potential writing partner being on the receiving end. IMO it feels like shit, but I definitely don’t want to make someone else feel that way either. That said, so long as stuff is plotted out clearly and me and the writer are both okay with it, then it’s fine. COMMUNICATION IS KEY, BASICALLY.
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  I kinda just like to throw spaghetti at the wall and whatever sticks, I’m down to fly with. I have a lot of ideas, but again, I like to give my partners the option of doing whatever they’re comfortable with, and h aving equal contribution opportunities.
- AND WHY?: Everyone has their own circumstances, I really don’t mind. If it’s one I’ve been especially looking forward to, I might be bummed, but it’s no skin off my nose really.
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?: I don’t typically drop threads or abandon them during their writing. The only thing that would make me do so is offensive content, or huge plot elements being introduced that makes my character ooc and wasn’t previously discussed during plotting.
-AND WHY?: I already feel like I need to take a lot of extra steps to understand others and be understood, and that isn’t something often reciprocated. In my experience, just honest communication is the quickest solution to issues that crop up during writing. For those who HAVE actually had me reach out to them in this way, I really do try to be polite and respectful while being straightforward so the situation can be resolved without any hurt feelings.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: As long as it’s constructive, and not merely negativity, I welcome it. After all, I can’t fix a huge flaw in my writing without having an alternative solution. I’m open to accepting feedback and critique, especially wrt Meninas since my portrayal is quite a large departure from popular fanon perception (from those who choose to pay attention to her, lol), but I also thrive on suggested remedies and solutions to issues in my writing.
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: I like to tell stories, and I like to tell narratives that take root in emotional expression and how those feelings can act as a vehicle to the storytelling. I want to move people through feeling, because it can be a powerful experience. I use a lot of inspiration from themes in my other favorite series, as well as inspiration from my own personal experiences as well. I tend to pick characters who have one or two traits in common with myself, whether those be negative or positive. I’m very excited to share all the things I have planned for Meninas, as she’s certainly my most ambitious project to date.
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  For Meninas specifically, I want to interact with Squad 11 and Squad 9 during the CFYOW verse I have planned. Hisagi specifically would be interesting because of the clash of ideals, in addition to being the only other living person to be able to relate to the horror of being under Pepe’s thrall. I’d also like to steal Ikkaku’s bankai, and have more fight scenes. Lastly, Meninas doesn’t do much of anything in CFYOW, so more interactions with Mayuri and Squad 12 would be cool.
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE: I don’t mind briefly referencing darker themes in my writing, especially wrt my own personal experiences, but I want to be very clear that I refuse to write at length or romanticize these themes. I refuse to write anything involving rape, homophobia, transphobia, racism, pedophilia, etc, with this in mind.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: Unless previously discussed, I struggle with starters that have a character pushing mine away. If the situation is super OOC for my character to be in, or frankly too mundane. In Meninas’ case, most domestic stuff is a snoozefest for me (but I LOVE this for other characters).
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  *saoirse ronan voice* Women. UHHH but no, for real... I like fleshing out female characters quite a bit. Personality types are varied, but I like characters who have some level of nuance to their emotional expression whether it’s an internal or external struggle. I like powerful women too, and the exploration of “strength” as a theme (esp at the intersection of the theme of “femininity” and its expressions) whether this is external strength or internal fortitude. I think I play a wide variety of characters who have vastly different thoughts, beliefs, and forms of expression, but I try to find something in common with who I portray to act as a touch stone. I also like characters who have themes of “justice” and nuanced morality.
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?: 99% of male characters. And I also hate tsunderes gjklsdjfd
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I really like my writing style especially wrt using emotion to set a cinematic scene and overall tone. I think I’m really strong with conveying emotion, especially with things that are often unspoken. I try to communicate with partners clearly and establish rapports. I love writing headcanons and have a TON of plot ideas as well.
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: Oh I’m the slowest replier on the planet and I’m apparently intimidating lol
DO YOU PREFER TO GO INTO DETAIL?: YES / NO / DEPENDS (i prefer to go into detail about sensations, rather than the actual acts as it comes off stifled and weirdly technical)
- WHEN DO YOU RP SMUT? MORE OUT OF FUN OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?: Honestly I just do what Meninas tells me.
- ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO RP THERE?: Kink stuff is weird territory for me, absolutely gotta be discussed in private and comfort levels clearly established.
ARE SHIPS IMPORTANT TO YOU?: YES / NO. Relationships in general rule, and while I do have a romantic ship that plays a large part in Meninas’ plot, the romance comes secondary to the plot itself. I really enjoy writing and developing romances, but more than that I like establishing connections. I love the relationships I’ve got planned with Giselle, Candice, Liltotto, and Bambietta because there are going to be a LOT of drastically different things that inform my portrayal of Meninas coming from these relationships (both positive and negative, but ultimately places of growth).
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES / NO. Like I said, plot comes first. And especially in the case of Meninas, she has a lot of self exploration and reflection to do before she can engage in a healthy relationship or address any feelings of romance. I do place a large focus on the formation of her relationships and how they shape the way she relates to other people and grows as a person, but I am extremely sensitive to making sure I’m not writing a female character who’s entire development is dependent on a romance with a male character- perish the thought lol.
WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: For Meninas, it’s a matter of her acknowledging, understanding, and accepting that she can be worth more than how useful she is to others. She had a series of traumatizing and character defining experiences regarding love, romance, and personal worth that strongly shaped the way she perceives her relationships to others and her emotional expression. Trust is another huge factor for me, Meninas needs to be around someone she believes in. Strength is another aspect. She likes someone who challenges her, keeps her on her toes, and is sturdy like physically. Because she’ll break you. THAT SAID- Meninas tends to be open wrt her body, but closed off when it comes to her heart. Hate to see it, love to write it.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO. As long as the premise makes sense. I like relationships to have some matter of significance and planning, especially because of how I’ve written the way Meninas picks and chooses who to get close to in Silbern depending on what suits her interests. Genuine friendship is a weird thing for Meninas, as most of her relationships are formed out of convenience. If you aren’t useful to Meninas’ schemeing, then she has no interest in dealing with you beyond platitudes and keeping up appearances and will interact with you as such.
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: WE LOVE DUPLICITOUS WOMEN! No, but at the core of my Meninas characterization, the sentiment is “Everything is not as it appears” even down to the relationships she has with others. Meninas’ entire personality is constructed as a survival tactic from an early age (in addition to being a way to make herself more useful as a tool to others, and thus seen as having more worth in general), and as a result, she hasn’t really allowed herself to live life as a fully realized person. Her plots generally offer silent rebellion, playing a role in regards to her self presentation, chaotic mean girl level bullshit, and cool fights/training. Also you get to interact with a big buff lady. That said about her personality, it depends on the verse. CFYOW Meninas will be more unhinged, while post-CFYOW Meninas will be more honest and rowdy.
- WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  Muses who are standoffish or disengage right at the start. Meninas doesn’t interact with people without a certain purpose, so if they aren’t interested, she’s not going to be either.
- WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, IS THEIR GOAL?:  Revenge, strength, redefining what “power” means in terms of how the world works. She wants to see the Shinigami dead for their role in her parents deaths, and feels the same about Yhwach.
- WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  Ability, potential threat, perceived strength, where loyalty lies; how potentially useful you can be to her.
- WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  Strength both in a physical sense, but also in belief and convictions. Honesty, and understanding the flaws of the world they live in.
- WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  Fighting, beauty, freedom, abolishing Quincy classism based on blood purity, music, fashion, blacksmithing.
- WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?: Blind loyalty to Yhwach, talking about the horrors of war as if it doesn’t concern them, Bambietta, Quincy supremacy,
- DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  Her parents were killed in the first Quincy war and she was left abandoned and grew up literally fighting for her life and living on the streets. She often likens fighting pits to the bowels of Hell (and I often play with the ironic theme of crawling out of hell to appear as an angel or something divine). She is consumed by a quest for revenge, and strongly believes her ends will justify the means taken to fulfill her ideal. As a direct result of these experiences, her emotional health and maturity is severely affected, and she doesn’t view herself as a person worthy or capable of feeling as much as a tool who, in the right hands, can be utilized to bring about the revenge she craves.
- WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  (1) Men who feel non-consensually entitled to her body. That said, she’s done a fairly excellent job at maintaining control and an unassuming threatening nature despite the widely known understanding of her Schrift ability and how it augments. (2) Someone touching her Quincy cross, as it’s her most precious and private item. (3) Anyone who dares get in the way of her plans that can’t be manipulated in some other useful aspect.
- IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  Meninas hates Yhwach, and the Shinigami most predominately, but she also harbors disgust for Hollows as an instinct. That said, her young life was spent detached from Quincy culture (in addition to being a Gemischt and the inherent isolation that comes with that status), so despite her early induction into the Wandenreich ranks, Meninas does not harbor the same Quincy nationalism and loyalty that others of her race do. They’re a means to an end, and just happen to help her become stronger.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?: She comes off as easy to approach, but if you want genuine Meninas I’m sorry the number you’re trying to reach has been disconnected. Goodbye!
SOMETHING YOU MAY STILL WANT TO POINT OUT ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: Everything I’ve written about her is based in headcanon! I’ve got both a lengthy biography as well as headcanons gathered in the sidebar links on my blog.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
TAGGED BY: @bazzardburner​ TAGGING: i think this has made its rounds so steal it!
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rookieskrp · 5 years ago
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On December 9th, 2013, Rookies as we know it was created. We’re so happy to be able to celebrate six years of Rookies with you all!
First of all, we want to express our greatest thanks to the members, past and present, for making Rookies what it is. We’re also grateful for the previous staff members for giving us such a great foundation to build upon, and for inspiring and encouraging us in our journey to become the mods you know us as today. None of this would’ve been possible without any of you!
None of the current mods are the mods that started Rookies. Once upon a time, we were all members just like you, and we grew into our current positions. We’ve seen so much growth like that in the past six years, and we’re so happy to be here for it.
As each anniversary goes on, it’s so easy to take them for granted. In actuality, making it to six years is a spectacular feat, and one we’re incredibly proud of, though we can’t take too much credit. The credit largely goes to all of you, the members, for loving Rookies and your muses. Thank you so much for joining us in RK’s journey, no matter how short or long your stay.
Thankfully, that journey isn’t over! We have many things planned for 2020, and we hope you’re as excited for them as we are. In the meantime, this day, and this week, is one for celebration. As per tradition, all of the mods have some thoughts on this day under the cut. Thank you for everything Rookies, always.
(P.S: If you didn’t see on the activity check, you can collect six points this week instead of three.)
every year is like this, but i can never believe that a whole other one has passed! i had to go check because my baby brain managed to forget, but i became a mod all the way back in 2017 before i even completed a year as a member, and i was only 17. each year i grow a bit more, both in rookies and outside. from that high schooler who joined an rp without much thought, now i’m 20 and three years deep in college. from doing my first big event in 2018, this year i started taking care of all events with the departure of both mira and sera. i’m ever so thankful for the new mod additions we got and who helped me and the rest of the staff to get some weight out of our shoulders. thank you to all the members who were part of our year and those who took part in our events! look forward to what we have in store for next year! i’m looking forward to what you’re all going to do with your muses as well! happy sixth anniversary and to many more from here!
i don’t even know where to begin. it feels like the past year has gone by so quickly, and like our fifth anniversary was lifetimes ago at the same time. what needs to come first is my upmost gratitude for giving us six years of rk, definitely. i always tell the story: when i first joined rk on december 22nd, 2013, i was really overwhelmed and thought i was going to leave within my first two weeks. i never in a million years imagined i would end up becoming mod carly in november 2015, and then that i would go on to be the longest standing staff member in rk’s history (alongside kyle.)
thank you for giving me that. yes, i’ve put a lot into rk, but that’s only because you all did first. i couldn’t have gotten through any year of modding, let alone running rk, without your love and enthusiasm for the roleplay, and support of me, not just as a mod, but as as a person. rk has been so huge in my life. y’all make me a better mod, and more importantly, a better person, every day. i will always be thankful to you and the things i’ve learned from you and i will never forget it or the time we’ve spent together in these six years.
i fear that all of this has a looming feeling of finality, and honestly, it does. there will be more in a coming announcement, but as you know, i recently took some time away to think and i’m coming back to my role as a mod knowing i’ll be leaving the team sometime in 2020. that means this will be the last one of these anniversary messages i get to type up for one of these posts. there’s so much i could say, but i think i’ll save a lot of it for an announcement at a later date, because i hope to make some more good memories in the coming year before my time as rk’s head of relations ends for good. more importantly, this is a time for MUCH celebration!! it’s only right that my message here does just that!!
i know this year in rk’s history was a difficult one (for all of us, i’m sure, but certainly for me) but thank you all so much. thank you for loving rk as much as you have, and for continuing to through all of the ups and downs. thank you for your amazing characters, and choosing rk as their home. thank you for all of your dedication and creativity and heart. thank you for the members that have taken their leave, too, for leaving their mark on rookies and being part of our six years. thank you for letting me be a part of all of this, and for trusting me with your problems and heartaches over the years. thank you for letting me help you, and letting me learn from my mistakes when i fail to do that.
running rk has been the greatest honor of my life, and will continue to be until i don’t run it anymore, and move on to things that will have to fight to mean more to me than this has. until then, i look forward to the coming year, and the inevitable next anniversaries that i get to spend as a member along with all of the rest of you. i love you with all of my heart, rookies. thank you, thank you, thank you ♡
🎉GAB 🎉
hello lovelies, it’s gab here! compared to some of you, i’ve only been here for a short period of time (two years is still a lot when i think about it) and your enthusiasm, commitment and love for your muses has always been something that amazed me. it’s contagious and it was one of the reasons why i applied to be a mod and what makes me excited to plan events out and face the challenges now as a mod. each and every one of you is super important for making rookies what it is and, if it wasn’t for you, maybe i wouldn’t have had the chance to find a place for muses i love dearly, met amazing people and gotten the opportunity to join this team. as a member and mod, thank you for being part of this journey with me and i hope to continue creating fun events and more development for your babies next year! please look forward to 2020 for more adventures and good memories! i love you all ♥
happy sixth anniversary, rookies! ♡ it’s been a whirlwind of a year so far, and i think it goes without saying that we’re so thankful to have you here with us. your endless support for our community and the way that you champion for us through your enthusiasm and eagerness to be here is something that will constantly motivate me to do better. i know that i’m lacking in so many ways but i hope to always do my best in every task that i’m given so that i can properly give back to you. i know that we have a lot of exciting things waiting to take flight within the next year and i’m looking forward to seeing how it would all unfold for us! i’ll always be humbled that you chose to be here and grateful that i’ve met the most amazing of peoples through this roleplay. i love you, rookies and happy merry sixth from me to everyone 🎉💖🎊
Hello Rookies!  I just want to say thank you for being here with us no matter if you've been here a week or for all six years we've been around!  I know a lot, probably the majority, of you probably don't know me aside from my welcome messages when you first bring in your wonderful muses, as I do have a tendency to stick to myself. Even so, I want to let you know that I'm always happy to see you all enjoying yourselves and love seeing all the love you have for your characters and I hope that RK can be a place that everyone can continue on for years to come.  So, happy sixth anniversary and thank you for everything.
tbh this feels kind of weird?? to be in this post and write this message for all of you to read as a part of the team… it hasn’t been that long since i joined the mod team alongside gab and i have to admit that sometimes it still feels surreal to me. that all of this really happened, that i applied and actually made it and got picked for the team — i think in about two days it’s been exactly six months since i joined the team. since i got added to the mod server, got introduced to my tasks as bandaid mod but i still remember waking up to carly’s messages informing me that i got picked like it just happened. 
last year i was sitting in front of my laptop reading the mods anniversary messages and now i’m writing one of those myself. for all of you. as a mod. i’m— 😳😳
it still makes me really happy and i’m very glad, i’m very thankful. because i like being a mod. actually, i love it. i love the team, i love updating our lists, i love helping out and being able to be there for all of you whenever you have problems or need a helping hand. i love thinking and discussing ways to make this roleplay a long-lasting and better experience for all of you. and using this chance to speak honestly with all of you i came partially from a place where, before i joined, i had sympathy and understanding for the mods but still sometimes found myself thinking that they’re not doing enough for the roleplay. that there’s not enough action, not enough effort and i doubted certain decisions but then i became part of the team and i was so lucky to get to see how passionate the team is. each and every one of them. how dedicated they are, how thoughtful. and how hard they work at all times for all of you.
that’s all they think about.
so i’m also writing this here with a small wish: be kind to them. be kind to us. they do their best— we do our best, we work hard for you and we always will. we love you. 
and we’re glad you’re here.
thank you for sticking around with us it’s been a hard year, i know. what i’ve experienced in these few months i’ve been a mod has been harsh as much as it has been fun. but i hope and believe that it all can make us grow. motivate us to enjoy our time here together even more. i appreciate every moment i’ve had here in rookies — as a mod and as a member of nearly four years — and i’m looking forward to each moment to come, to every other year we get to spend together. so.. thank you so much, whether you’ve been with us for years. for months. for weeks or simply for days. thank you so much even if you’re not around anymore. thank you so much! i hope this year in rookies has good things in store for all of us, for all of you! ♥
🎉UME 🎉
hiya Babies, issa me! i can’t believe, or well -- i can believe that we’ve hit six years this year! everyone has worked so hard to make rookies the place it is today and it’s all thanks to you guys! while this year has definitely brought a lot of joy, a lot of pain, and a lot of stress ; i just want to thank, thank, thank you guys for sticking with us through thick and thin! we still have a long way to go with everything and we hope to improve in whatever way we can! it’s been a long six years and we hope to have many more. i appreciate every single one of you! and i hope to bring you more pretty graphics in the future! ( sorry the rkmain update is late, been a busy bee irl but rest assured, it should come soon ( hopefully before the new year begins! )) again, six cheers to six years and i wish for newer, brighter things for you and your muses, rookies! 💞🥰😘💞
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folkelorde · 6 years ago
this has been sitting in my drafts a while because with about ten years of roleplay experience, i’ve been in a lot of group and seen a lot of different kinds of admins. now, i can look back and see the point where things started to die or the point where a group was really saved – whether i was the admin or someone else was. 
 i know being an admin can be hard work and sometimes a group can die based on circumstances that aren’t in your control, so taking the initiative to start a group can be a big risk; a lot of work for little payoff, and i think it says a lot about the passion of the writers in our community that we keep doing it. 
lately, i’ve been getting really frustrated with joining groups because they die so quickly. however, there are a few things i notice keep happening that can make a huge difference on whether a group succeeds or fails, so i’ve put some encouraging words and advice under the cut. please note that these are just my opinions and things i’ve seen that work for me.
as an admin, it’s hugely important to take the leap! when your group opens, be the first to post and break the ice, be the first to post an intro, and be the first to reach out and message people. you can’t just open and then sit back and let people come to you. additionally, be sure to open the group or start events at a time that works for YOU. seriously, it makes a big difference when the admin can be online for those things. also, i find that as an admin, i have to be a little more active than what’s expected because i find it really important to create plots and connections with EVERYONE, respond to every starter possible, and make sure that i welcome every person into the group. if there’s a new member, be that person that reaches out to say hello and welcome them. be that person to post the first open starter, etc. essentially, be the sort of group member that you want to be the admin for and i think that goes a long way for creating an inclusive community. this is really the NUMBER ONE thing that i see makes or breaks a group – groups that i join where the admin is plotting w/ people, reaching out, and in on what’s going on always last longer. tbh, i’ve never been in a group that lasted where i didn’t have a plot with the admin, so make sure you have plots and connections with your members! 
i think it’s important that people know what’s going on, every step of the way. if you think you’re going to open at a certain time, tell people in advance. if you wish there were more open starters in the tag, tell your members. if you don’t have time to answer all the asks you have, let people know. tell people when plot drops and events are coming up and ask people what they want to see. let group members be part of discussions and your decision process. essentially, as an admin, i never feel like i have to build this big wall and filter information about the group. when i’m a member, i love when it’s clear what’s going on in the group when. there are definitely times where you should keep that wall up though, like when you’re dealing with any ooc drama. in my experience, keeping conflict resolution off the dash as much as possible is key to dealing with problems. i notice that unless the group has been around a long time, an ooc matter that’s dealt with really publicly usually leads to the death of the group. if you have to communicate about what happened with your members, it’s usually best to find a way to do that privately.
this is the BIGGEST reason that rps die. almost every rp i’ve ever admin-ed has a “drop-off rate” after opening and sometimes it can be pretty large. the first activity check, for an appless rp especially, is almost always pretty brutal. however, if you can make it over that first “hump”, the odds of your rp lasting are a lot higher because i really feel like most rps die within the first week or two. if you lose a lot of members or activity slows after the first couple of days, don’t stop. keep promoting, keep posting (both in character and out of character). i find that it really helps to have a big event or plot drop within the first week to give characters something to start off with immediately and it also gives people inspiration for starters. regardless, activity on the main is going to slow after opening, that’s just inevitable. you’re going to get less asks or apps in a day, sometimes you’ll get none, and that’s okay. if it flops, it flops, but give it a week or so before you abandon the main and you might see the turnaround that i’ve come to expect. some of the most loyal members and best connections in my groups have joined in the second or third week or month. 
when i start a group, i usually have at least the next couple of plot drops and/or events planned out in my drafts when i start. give yourself goals to work towards and know where things are going. when i open a group, i usually have the first event or plot drop already written out and drafted, ready to post on the first or second day. at the very least, it’s good to have a little brainstormed list going of things you want to do at some point. i find that it never works to run in blind and expect that the plot will just go from there – even in a plotless town or school rp, you need to have a few plot drops or big events planned. for me, it helps to think of my roleplay like a television show and my plot drops/events are “episodes.” all the characters will have their own subplots, but there should be things that bring them together as one. additionally, once things open, it can feel like a bit of a whirlwind and you’ll be really excited about the subplots for your own character, so it’s good to have the overarching stuff planned in advance. 
i really think motivation matters. i think if you’re like “i really want to be in a group like this but it doesn’t exist and i have so much muse” always turns out better than “i want to be an admin, what will people want to be in?” don’t worry about what other people want from you when creating your plot. focus on what you want and what you have muse for, otherwise it’ll start to feel like a chore. being an admin is hard fucking work, alone or with a few other people. the plot has to really matter to you and be something that you desperately want to do, don’t base it around what you think people will be interested in. DON’T SECOND GUESS YOURSELF. if you think it’s cool and you want to write it, other people will too. some plots are more popular or are in popular genres, so they might get more attention and kick off faster, but if you stick to it, either way you’ll find your people. 
these days, groups tend to have a few regularly scheduled parts of their structure needed to keep things going. these things are: honesty/meme days, tasks, events, and plot drops. 
honesty/meme days should come either once a week or once every other week depending on the activity level and size of your group. when i ran a really large group, we had them every week because there was so much going on, but with smaller groups i tend to have them when it feels right or after a plot drop/event since that’s usually when characters have a lot of new material to talk about in their answers and asks. tbh, these are really fun and help character development, so i really think they should be an essential part of your group. 
tasks for character development may seem tedious, but i do really find that they not only liven up the dash, but help people keep their muse! in a roleplay, i always make these optional, since no one HAS to do them, but it’s also a nice way to give people something to do if the dash is a little slow on a particular day or whatever. depending on the amount of effort the task takes and the size of the group, i’d say you can do these weekly or bi-weekly. 
events should be done at least once a month! most roleplays now operate with “dash events” which seems to work best since people are in all different timezones and have lives so it’s nice to have the event span over a couple of days. i really think the sweet spot is about 4-5 days, but if you have a group that gets really into them (which i have, generally in a big group), you can make them a week, but no longer than week or things will definitely stagnate. 
plot drops matter, even if your group is “plotless.” plot drops differ for events because they don’t always put all of the characters in the same vicinity and don’t have a time frame. essentially, plot drops just give characters something to talk about or make starters about. i’ve run groups with and without plot drops and without plot drops, i generally can’t keep things going for more than twoish months, so i’ve noticed the difference and they’re really a necessity for me. groups that are more plotless and character driven generally don’t need these as often as groups with a more central plot and worldbuilding.
i also really like to open the floor for members to suggest tasks, events, and plot drops – some of my best events have come from things that members have expressed to me that they really want to do. sometimes, members will send me something they want that i already have planned in my drafts, so that’s just some extra validation for me that i’m clicking with them. 
if you wanna do admin stuff, i seriously admire you. it’s exhausting, it’s hard, and it’s stressful because you care about your idea and your characters so fucking much, but it can be so worth it. being a good admin is almost like having another job with all the tasks you have to do, but when you create a plot and group that people get invested in and enjoy being part of, it’s the most rewarding thing in the world. i seriously wish you all the luck in the world with your ideas and if you need any help or advice, i’m here for you.
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vulpesse-arc · 5 years ago
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GET TO KNOW THE MUN !  ✿  accepting. @umtplex​ ​​ has a small present for the fox:   ✮ ♡ .
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✮    ──   Send me a  ✮  for me to talk about my favorite fandom to rp in.
I would have normally chosen the Persona/SMTM fandom since I’ve been there for a very long time and I never had any kind of problem, but... This time, I think it’s indeed fair that I pick the Bloodborne/Dark Souls fandom  !!  Although my stay has been quite brief  (  I do miss my Woof Woof Vicar every single day so you better expect me to come back soon  )  , I honestly had so much fun  !!  Everyone was tremendously kind towards me, everyone was willing to discuss headcanons and ideas together, everyone was so excited at the idea of writing with someone new and thanks to this wonderful atmosphere, further developing my character became really easy and entertaining. Everyone around me was so inspirational... I had honestly expected my Amelia to be completely ignored and yet, in no time, I managed to write so many great threads with so many amazing people  !!  That blog soon became a safe space for me and in all truth, I cannot wait to have enough time to finally come back. 
♡    ──   Send me a  ♡  for me to describe a character that I haven’t had a chance to rp but would like to.
Right now, I’d go with either Ellie from “The Last of Us” , with Jang Man-Wol from “Hotel del Luna” or Haesoo from “Scarlet Heart Ryeo”  !!  My list is definitely longer than this but currently, I’d love to either explore a post-apocalyptic environment where death lurks at every single angle and happiness is impossible to achieve OR a historical environment with all its difficulties, laws, sorrows... All three characters are extremely different from one another and this would give me the chance to experience different types of development, which is honestly the one thing that attracts me the most  !!  If I had to pick one, right now, I’d say... Jang Man-Wol  !!  She has such a huge burden ‘pon her shoulders, such a tremendous wound on her heart... So I believe that writing as her would undoubtedly be very very very interesting. 
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strawberryfitzsherbert · 5 years ago
I’m giving a few explanations under the cut. No one is in any way obligated to read it! Honestly, it’s more just a place for me to get some things out so that hopefully I can leave them behind going in to 2020. That said, feel free to take a glance if you want - it might explain some mood/attitude changes, infrequent activity etc if you’re at all interested, but it’s likely gonna get kinda long. Anyways, cue me working through things by writing them down (as usual).
2018 took so much away from me. Thankfully, 2019 has been much kinder. That said, it’s still been a process of recovery, and I’m still reeling from a lot of what happened to me in 2018. I don’t remember how much of it I explicitly stated on here, but what the hell, I’m gonna throw it out there.
In the summer of 2018, within the span of two weeks, my mother (aged 49) died suddenly while I was away in South Africa on fieldwork; I was attacked in a car park by a random man in broad daylight; I had to start two brand new jobs; my left lung collapsed suddenly (apparently probably at least somewhat triggered by all the previous events). 
I won’t go into real details of any of these things, but as you can imagine, it was incredibly hard. It was hard being completely alone without any family, half the world away in the African bush when I got the phonecall about my mum. It was hard recovering from my collapsed lung, knowing it meant I wouldn’t be allowed to scuba dive any more (diving with sharks has been top of my bucket list for many years - it was hard to hear).
Then I had to go back for my second year of uni. There, I fell in love for the first time and subsequently had my first real heart break. On top of everything, it was just too much. I started drinking first thing in the morning. Finally, after being forced to a therapist and having a couple of sessions, I took two months out of uni before going back again after Christmas.
But I digress. This isn’t about 2018. This is about 2019 and 2020. The only reason I mention the Bad 2018 Stuff is because this is what I’m still recovering from in 2019 and going into 2020.
ANYWAYS. After all of this, as well as some less recent stuff, I’ve come to the realisation that along with my anxiety, panic disorder and paranoia, I also have (mild) PTSD, which isn’t super fun. 2019 has been a lot about learning to cope with all this stuff alongside the ever-increasing workload at university and my part-time art business. 
So I’ve been working through these things, trying to get my entire life back to some semblance of normality, and my workload has been insane. That’s why I’ve been very absent from tumblr this year.
There’s still ups and downs but I’m proud of the progress I’ve been making. I’ve maintained Firsts (the highest grade, for those of you not using the UK grading system) despite it all, grown my art business and am slowly getting there with my mental health. I’m not in love any more, for one thing, which is a pretty recent and very relieving development. 
2019 gave me: 
An awesome trip to my favourite town in Turkey with my whole family
Planning some fun future things
Meeting cool people
Adopting two adorable rescue rats
Learning to overcome things I never believed I could
Turning 21 (a few days ago)
A ski trip
An education school visit where I got to bring my animals in and teach kids about them and their habitats
2020 is bringing me:
Two months alone in Australia to recover and reset and just exist peacefully, which is something I’ve never been able to do. No responsibilities or obligations. Just me and nature and the other side of the world. Distance is gonna work wonders, I’m sure
A trip to Disneyland with my best pals!
Graduating university at last, hopefully with the First Class degree I am currently on track to receive. Leaving formal education behind after 17 years.
Hopefully getting my first full-time job which I will be well qualified for and have relevant experience in
The ability to let go of people and mindsets that are no longer serving me. Letting myself be happy and calm.
Continuing to work through all of this and coming out of it stronger, more self-aware and more self-assured.
In terms of tumblr, I’m so in love with the characters I currently have. I’m definitely taking a break from my multimuse at the moment, but my love for my disaster boys (Tex, Rai and Eugene) is stronger than ever. I’m currently in the midst of a huge workload, but once I’ve made a dent in that, I’m hoping to come back to RP. The break did me the world of good and I’m really starting to miss my boys, and all of you guys, too.
So thanks for sticking by me, so far! It feels good to have a lot of this stuff off my chest and I really hope you all have an amazing 2020 full of peace, happiness, excitement, healing and whatever progress you’d like to make in your life.
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vee-angel · 6 years ago
All for Nought (A Mass Effect Erotic Fan-fiction)
Happy Pi Day everyone! In honor of this nerdiest of all holidays, I thought it might be time to finally come clean about my geekdom and share the nerdiest of my writing. This story is by far my most developed work (the completed work will be the first of three novel-length stories). A few notes to anyone who may want to take the time to read it. First, I like fan-fiction to feel as authentic as possible; so I try to write the characters in a way that feels true to the source material. I also try to make the story feel genuine within the Mass Effect universe. As a result, this story is far more plot-heavy than my completely original works, but if you stick with it, there’s still a good amount of rough sex, weird sex, torture, humiliation, and bits of various other kinks. Second, the story so far is unfinished, and even when it is complete, it’ll essentially be a polished first-draft. As I’m learning more about writing, I’m seeing more things I want to add or change (having a main character that actually shows development through the story is something I definitely want to improve in the second draft.)
If you’re already familiar with the universe of Mass Effect, you can begin reading on Archive of Our Own here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16803949/chapters/39441787
If you need a refresher on the lore, or if you’re just such a fan of my writing that you’re willing to jump into a fan-fiction of a sci-fi franchise with which you’re unfamiliar, feel welcome to read the following Introduction/Cheat Sheet. 
All for Nought (Introduction and Cheat Sheet)
This story is the first in a trilogy of novel-length erotic fan-fictions set in the Mass Effect universe. A few things to keep in mind:
--The content of this story will end up being, at points, rather extreme. Since it would be tedious to identify and list every trigger-worthy scene, I ask that you simply assume that if there are acts of sexual violence or degradation that may trigger you, there’s a good chance you will find them in this story. (the second and third books will contain an even heavier emphasis on extreme kinks and fetishes, however) --I’ve attempted to make this story as close to canon-compliant as possible. For those not familiar with fan-fiction terminology, “canon-compliant” essentially means that the story is intended to hypothetically take place in that canonical universe. Essentially, that means that there should be nothing in the story that one could definitely use to say that this story didn’t happen in the universe. --I actually began writing this story with the third book (though I didn’t know it at the time). It came about at the request of an online rp partner. It slowly formed into a novel-length story, which in turn expanded into the final novel of a trilogy. This story is actually part of my first ever attempt at writing fiction, so keep in mind that I am very new to fiction-writing.
A brief primer on Mass Effect for those who may wish to enjoy the story without being hardcore fans (if you are a serious Mass Effect fan, the following will probably be unnecessary).
Story Background --The story takes place shortly after Mass Effect 2. During which the Alliance Marine Commander Shepard and the pirate/criminal Jack (aka Subject Zero) were recruited by the terrorist/human-supremacist organization called Cerberus (this organization also acquired Jack as a baby and, in order to maximize her biotic potential, forced her into cruel experiments through most of her youth) in order to defeat an enemy called the Collectors. There were many other members of the crew of the Normandy, but this story focuses primarily on those two. --The version of Commander Shepard in this story is female; she grew up on a human colony called Mindoir, where as a youth, she witnessed her colony being invaded by Batarian slavers (she managed to escape capture herself). She’s an expert in weapons and combat, but has no biotic aptitude and minimal engineering skill. --During the events of the second game, Commander Shepard (at least the version depicted in this story) recruited an asari Justicar (essentially an order of warrior nuns sworn to uphold justice) named Samara who asked for Shepard’s help in finding and executing her daughter. She explained that her daughter, Morinth, was an “Ardat-Yakshi,” meaning she had a genetic condition that only occurs in pureblood asari. An Ardat-Yakshi is essentially an alien succubus or vampire. While all asari have the ability to meld minds, for an Ardat-Yakshi, melding is always fatal. Furthermore, Ardat-Yakshi have the ability to strongly influence the minds of those around them, even at a distance (in fact, they sometimes induced entire communities to worship them as gods). When Shepard finally did help Justicar Samara track down her daughter (the Ardat-Yakshi Morinth), there was a stand-off where the two asari were evenly matched. Commander Shepard, believing that Morinth was more useful to her mission, chose to side with Morinth and kill Justicar Samara. Morinth then posed as her mother during the remainder of their mission against the Collectors
Universe background --Biotics- Essentially a form of technological telekinesis. Someone with biotic powers can move or damage objects with their mind. This normally takes the form of cascading waves of blue light. Biotic abilities are related to exposure to a substance called Element Zero (called Eezo, for short). Biotic abilities are rare among humans and other species, and usually result from exposure to Element Zero. The Asari, however are the one exception, being 100% biotic on account of the fact that the asari homeworld, Thessia, is rich in Element Zero;  --Asari melding- Similar to the Vulcan mind-meld of Star Trek fame, melding is an act wherein an asari telepathically joins their mind with that of another person. This can be merely to share information, or as an act of intimacy (especially as the asari reproduce by melding, though offspring are not always the result). Asari telepathy is generally represented visually by their entire eyes appearing to turn black. --The Terminus Systems- A section of the galaxy with no governing body and few laws. While most of the galaxy is governed by the Citadel, the Terminus Systems are essentially dominated by pirates, slavers, and criminals. Species Details --Asari- All female, skin tone normally ranges from pale blue to deep indigo, often (but not always) seen with facial markings. Their physical shape is nearly identical to that of human women, except that in place of hair, that have flat, backward facing plates that vaguely resemble rigid tentacles. Generally considered the most technologically and politically powerful race in the galaxy, the asari have a 1,000 year lifespan. Members of nearly every sapient species find them attractive. During reproduction, an asari offspring will receive both sets of genes from their mother, one set is an exact copy of their mother's genes, the other is randomized through melding with a partner. While the “father” can be a member of any species or any sex, the offspring are always asari. In fact, it’s something of a taboo for asari to mate with members of their own species, preferring instead to strengthen their species by adding diversity (also, because asari/asari pairings occasionally produce an Ardat-Yakshi) --Batarian- In their general proportions, they are similar to humans, though they have four eyes, sharp teeth, and generally very deep, gruff-sounding voices. Many species look down upon them due to their penchant for criminal activity and their cultural belief in the righteousness of slavery. --Salarian- A highly intellectual, amphibian-looking species; salarians generally have long, slender limbs and quick minds. While they only live for 60 years, their profoundly fast minds have made them one of the most prosperous species in the galaxy. They lack a sex drive, and generally mate after arranging a contract with another family. --Quarian- Proportioned like lithe, slender humans; quarians lost their homeworld centuries ago. They are most known for their weakened immune system, partially resulting from their entire species living aboard a migrant fleet of starships that they affectionately refer to as the flotilla. They are always seen enclosed in a form-fitting environmental suit. They generally have a kind disposition and extraordinary technological prowess, partially resulting from having to keep the starships on which they reside operational after hundreds of years. --Krogan- Reptilian warriors with thick bodies and a culture that emphasizes combat. Their biological durability is exceptional, being able to endure toxins, radiation, and a huge amount of physical harm. While not especially bright, they are formidable fighters, and exceptionally difficult to kill. They reproduce similarly to humans, and definitely seem to enjoy the act of mating. --Turian- Long, slender beings with a hard carapace and pointed spines in various places. The turians are most defined by a compulsion to serve their community. They’re generally seen as very disciplined and duty-oriented. Many have diverse skills and often serve in the Turian military, in fact, they make up the bulk of military personnel in the galaxy. They appear to have a sex drive, and it’s believed they mate similarly to humans. --Hanar- Large, jellyfish like organisms that are able to live outside of water and generally communicate through bioluminescence. They are generally polite, but seemingly capable of criminal and immoral acts. While genderless, there was at least one reference to “Asari-Hanar porn” in the game. So canonically… the universe of Mass Effect does contain tentacle porn. --Vorcha- Somewhat demonic-looking creatures with low intelligence and very short lifespans. The Vorcha process spoken language poorly and have a growling/hissing voice, they are defined by an exceptional ability to heal and their tendency to communicate through violence. They tend to be vicious and ruthless fighters and their contributions to galactic society are rarely beyond low-level crime and violence. Keep in mind that if you need any image or video reference to know what any of these species look or sound like, google is just a few clicks away.
I tried to keep this relatively brief and easy to reference, so feel welcome to look back on this if you need a quick and easy reminder of the details relevant to this particular story. There are, of course, volumes written about the universe of Mass Effect; I merely created this short document to be a quick cheat-sheet for my particular story.
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fractempyreal · 6 years ago
Shipping Info Meme
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Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Fandom-wise ,  I don’t really believe I ship Vergil with anyone ( considering that for the most part, all the characters are related in some way or form ) .  I think that if there’s anything I could potentially ship ,  it would probably be Vergil and Lady but it’s not so much an OTP for me at least .  
Roleplay-wise -----  as I’m sure many people have noticed on this blog ,  I definitely love the ship that I have with @destructivour .  It’s exciting ,  considering the extreme differences between the two characters where it’d difficult to even imagine them together to begin with .  Definitely not the conventional sort of relationship especially in terms of their first meeting ,  but with having talked to Jarvia about them so much ,  it’s fascinating to see how they can relate in certain ways .  Most of the time I’m just crying about them though ,  considering that we end up having a lot of juicy ,  angsty ideas that we play around with as well .  100% it’s definitely the OTP that exists on this blog .
Essentially everything that one can think of ,  barring non/dub-con ,  incest, pedophilia, and the such .  There’s no place for it on my blog ,  and there’s no place for people that do write that shit on my blog either . Otherwise ,  angst ,  fluff ,  smut ,  etc . ?  Hit me with it all .  Take me .
No minors ,  at  all .  Even at his youngest age shown in games ,  Vergil is still of age and again I don’t support the idea of writing ns/fw or shipping with a character that is a minor .  In terms of being of ageless beings ,  I do feel like the other character has to at least appear to be around the similar age as Vergil ,  and considering that I sometimes like to RP him as someone that’s a couple centuries old ,  it’s a thing where there’s a bit more leeway as to what goes and what doesn’t .  
YES .  Very much so .  If you know me from my other blogs ,  then you know how this tends to go .  Most all my muses are extremely difficult to ship with ,  and Vergil is no different .  In fact ,  he’s perhaps the HARDEST to ship with if only because of his disposition and overall disinterest in about 95% of all things .  Shipping with me takes A LOT of work ,  and if you’re not willing to put in the effort or show interest outside of smut ,  then it’s  basically impossible to get a ship off the ground with me .
Once they’re performing the act ,  it’s NS/FW  and will be tagged and placed under a readmore .
Again ,  I could ship Vergil with Lady if there’s some sort of development between them .  Overall though ?  I ship him with power ,  as well as peace because there’s a lot of shit going on in his head .
YES. This is very much preferred because otherwise I’m probably going to assume that every relationship between our muses is platonic .  Of course ,  I should mention that I only have romantic ships with close friends ,  and depending on the muse that I have ,  it kind of varies what sort of ship it might turn out to be .  I do encourage a lot of platonic relationships ,  as those are ones that I’m most accustomed and used to RPing .  Idk there’s just always something nice about someone wanting to have a platonic relationship with a muse instead of a sexual/romantic one .
Not very often .  Again if you know my other blogs ,  then it’s pretty obvious that I’m not ever that focused with finding ships for my muses because I don’t much care for them due to previous ( somewhat bad )  experiences involving shipping .  Chemistry between muns and muses is critical as well ,  if there’s no OOC connection or I’m the one that has to constantly initiate any conversation about ships ,  then I view it as disinterest on the other side and drop the ship .  
Ship more-or-less .  Again ,  I’m not very keen on shipping seeing that there’s always been some kind of petty issue that follows so I try to keep away from it because honestly ,  there should  be more of a focus in terms of interest in a character rather than the focus of  ‘ I wanna bone that character ‘ .  If we already have a ship together though ,  then I’m definitely ship-obsessed and will talk about them with you  ( i.e. scream ,  send you posts/gifs/images that remind me of them ,  and have you come to the conclusion that I’m actually Satan  )  essentially 24/7 or leave you messages about random thoughts that I’ve had throughout the day in terms of AU’s or just more angst material .  Essentially ,  I’ll annoy the fuck out of you about our ship .
Not really ?  I do have some muses that are selectively multiship  ( which tbh tends to mean dualship more than anything )  or even single ship .  Again ,  there’s hardly ever an emphasis on shipping on my blogs and if there is any kind of multishipping going on ,  it tends to be with Jarvia’s other muses or muses of friends that I’m super close with .  
I’ve never been a huge shipper so I never looked at the characters in DMC and thought to ship them together ?  Also because there’s so few characters to ship with that aren’t related to each other to begin with lmao .  If I do have a ship ,  it’s most definitely DantexHappiness .  In terms of actual people ,  then I can go with DantexLady, LadyxTrish. . . uh. . . NeroxKyrie has potential if the relationship was actually developed between them .  SpardaxEva are the OG’s without a doubt .
Become my friend and derp around with me .  Read my rules on my blogs and most questions will already be answered there as to whether or not I’m looking for some kind of ship on my blogs or not .  It tends to be pretty obvious who does read them and who doesn’t just based on initial OOC interactions .  If we have good OOC chemistry ,  then shipping could possibly happen after a little bit of work between our muses .
Tagged by: A couple of people I don’t even remember omg I’m sorry I’m a sham Tagging: @destructivour, @vvaytofall, @lunima, @akumeis, @hybridea | @hallowedcraft | @rookonteur, @divitale, @hhemeraa, @hopewrought, @atlaslain, @vxmpirehunterd | @hishumbleself, @godscale | @misahpyr, @faterror, @zonnelicht, @vitxale, @warsrph, @chainedaccursed  *DABS*
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years ago
/// 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊'𝖘 𝖆 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖒 ///
Hello dear roleplayers.
For those who are curious, you may call me Imp.
I’ve been hit with a stroke of fate recently which pretty much drained me of my creativity. But I am slowly recovering… and I am looking for some distraction.

I am a lady in her twenties, with a strong penchant for roleplaying, writing, and drawing. The Holy Trinity if you will. I am a huge nerd and aesthetic lover boy - plain and simple. One of my main passions being video-games, illustrations, comics, live-action films, series and anime/cartoon shows, elements that shaped me during my years of growing up.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted my first ever ad on any website, and I was very much positively surprised by the amazing people that have reached out to me. I’ve been roleplaying for a few years now and gradually gathered a good amount of experience throughout the years, but it’s always fun to meet and learn something new.
I have a few original ideas that I’m very interested in trying out. The concept will be posted down below.

Name: Imp

Age: 27 years

Experience: 11 years

Preferences: 1:1 Roleplaying

Partner: Should be at least [18+], but I rather much prefer my counterpart to be 21 years or older
Timezone: Important to note! I am from Poland, so my timezone might differ from yours. 

I am a very creative sort of individual with hundreds of ideas constantly running through my impish mind. And I am very spontaneous too, so I can always adjust to a new setting, depending on how good and compelling the concept is.

Inspirations come from various sources and origins, be it a fandom (an already existing universe) or an original storyline. 
 Please read through these paragraphs carefully before you decide to contact me! It’s important to avoid any misunderstanding later! And I would less likely respond to a message with the title ‘Hey, wanna rp?’, since I hadn’t had any good experiences with these said messages.  Thank you. 

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Communication: It’s certainly chill. You can talk to me about whatever occupies your mind since I am very open and always happy to listen to others. I also tend to be chatty, sharing a meme or a joke every now and to loosen up the mood. If you consider choosing me as your roleplaying partner, be sure to maintain a certain consistency. I have nothing against going on a longer break or even a hiatus, but the whole `ghosting stick´ is something I have no patience for. So if you’re unsure of upholding a stable, long term partnership, feel free to skim past this ad. 

 Plotting: Also very important to note! I am fairly quick when it comes to building new characters, concepts, premises, storylines, backstories, etc… This means there is certain flexibility available which allows me to adjust. Even though it is a hobby, I am still extremely passionate about good storytelling and interesting character arcs. I hope to meet someone who is just as enthusiastic and willing to put in the same amount of effort as I am. If it’s only me who’s pulling all the weight, I will lose interest fast, just to get it out there and I will have to end the correspondence. Had that recently and wasn’t a fan of it. Aside from that, I love going a little crazy with the possibilities and push things to their absolute limits. Of course within the boundaries of the given setting.

 Pairing & Romance: Okay, right off the bat, I am a hopeless romantic through and through. I enjoy good and strong chemistry between characters just as much as the next, and this will be no exception. I prefer the good ol’ MxF pairing because I have more experience with this. But I also like playing a FxF dynamic or MxM. Everyone is welcome! When it comes to pairing itself, I want to make sure our creations are compatible, for I hate forcing characters into a romantic relationship for the sake of progression. A natural flow is what I am aiming for. ;)

 Mature? Yes, very much so:  Adult and taboo topics are absolute. There’s no way around it because, if my world, it is a running theme. The adult world is not easy to handle, but it’s definitely interesting to explore. That includes violence, cursing, shocking content, and all that dark stuff. My limits are few, safe for a couple of minor pet peeves that I have, I am pretty much open to some experimentation. When it comes to action-heavy scenes (be it an intimate situation between two characters or something on a cataclysmic scale), I won’t fade to black since I am not a huge fan of censoring. However, I will not force or push my partner into something they are not comfortable with. If you want to know the extent to how far I am willing to go, what sort of content or how detailed my writing will be, you can ask me directly. As for smut or lemons, whatever you call it, it will never be the focus of any of my roleplays, but I enjoy a good erotic scene with a lot of tension (if they are good). 

Boundaries: Not a big fan of things like pedophilia, necrophilia, scat, bestiality, or those dreaded ‘futas’. 

Inspirations and interests: There’s a pretty broad spectrum of what I deem interesting and inspirational. From fallen angels and demon/monster hunters, mages, criminal masterminds, cybernetically enhanced characters to futuristic dystopian settings, ancient kingdoms who have fallen against the test of time. All of it causes my heart to skip a beat. For original content, I’ll just give a brief list of bullet points of the general themes that fall in line with my current interests. 

 Writing: My texts are lengthy, detailed, and elaborate. Third-person is usually my preferred way of playing my character unless there’s a special case where an exception can be made. Word count usually fluctuates, though I have a standard form of 400-500+ words per response. It also highly depends on the given situation. I don’t want to set anything in stone… just to give you a basic idea of what you’re in for. I also expect my partner to have an at least adequate, if not decent grasp on basic grammar and punctuation. 

 Doubling: Yes, absolutely! If you are prone to doubling, chances are I might accept you as my partner straight away! Although I have nothing against the simple form of roleplaying, doubling is something I’ve done since my first time joining. 

 Characters: Very character-driven with the main focus being on interaction. I take my time writing characters and love nothing more than well-structured sheets that illustrate the vision of their creator. (But!) There’s no need to write 10-20 pages worth of character information, but I wouldn’t want to limit you either. As for the depiction of the given character, I won’t be as presumptuous as to tell you what sort of medium you can and cannot use. Face claims such as photos of real models, illustrations, 3D models, drawings or descriptions are all okay. As long as it gets its point across, I am happy.

 Aversions: A few minor things that irritate me, or let’s say, aren’t really my style are one-liners, low effort responses and out of character behaviors in canon characters. We all have different takes on characters, which is totally fine by me since I basically do the same. Though if the character acts and behaves unlike their personality dictates, it will break the immersion. I hope to stay true to my own words when saying this. If it happens on my side, just let me know! Another pet peeve of mine is that one plot that has been done time and time again…. and I’ve grown quite jaded towards it, which is ‘supernaturals trying to fit into human society’ thing… I mean, I’m not opposed to borrowing from this idea, but for me, it grew old pretty fast. Speaking from experience.

 Il Passione: My wish is to find a partner whom I can have a good time with and develop some chemistry. After all it is a fun hobby. We both should have fun with what we’re writing. Brainstorming among other things is one of my favorite things to do. To see how things unfold and how the characters react to the given situation is the highlight of any story. °°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· ☥ ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°° °°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· ☥ ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°° 


I love roleplaying fandoms just as much as I have a blast with building something original universes. Worldbuilding is my preferred cup of tea… but if we opt for something more fandom inspired, I highly welcome in on expanding on the given universe and add some original lore too! The one marked with a * will be the ones I am craving the most.
Hellsing*: Haven’t done that one before and I am curious as to how things play out, especially in such a dark and mystifying universe like Hellsing. There’s a lot of subject matter that we can delve into, plus I am a big fan of powerful vampire characters!
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure*: I would love you for this. No, seriously, I would. This fandom has sucked me into a downward spiral and there’s no possible chance of escaping this inescapable void. The absolute insanity of this franchise had me hooked from the second I laid eyes on it and I would be forever ecstatic if you’d message me on behalf of roleplaying Jojo. I have plenty of ideas for this one, just you wait.
Full Metal Alchemist: One of my favorite mangas and animes ever made. Recently I’ve begun rewatching FMA Brotherhood and felt a small hint of nostalgia swelling inside my blackened heart. I’d be open to play it, though it is not one of my top cravings at the moment.
Justice League / Young Justice / Justice League Dark*: Huge DC fan, though I much prefer the animations and comics over the live-action cinematic. Let’s just say, I like the expansive and dynamic set of possibilities and deep, well-written cast. For instance Hellblazer Constantine or Raven.  
Bayonetta: Need I say more? Let’s dance boys!
APH Hetalia: That includes the 2P version ;)
The Boys: Well.. the 2nd season came out. And I am simply stoked.

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 My ideas for a plot are versatile in which I can give you if you ask for it (Usually the ones that aren’t listed here). It is however merely a suggestion for what we could write - not a mandatory thing. If you don’t like the idea, we can always figure stuff out and keep on home-brewing till we find something we both can enjoy. There’s no need to immediately end things if the first thing doesn’t really fire you up. The one marked with a * will be the ones I am craving the most.
I will cross the oceans of time just to find you*: So this is something that began to fascinate me more and more as time went on. Our characters existing in our current modern timeline are on the verge of a discovery that could shape the very foundation of history. After they accidentally stumble upon an artefact / edifice unrelated to any culture they’ve seen before, their presence unwittingly activates a mechanism that transports them not only to a different place, but an entirely different timeline. Upon awakening, they find themselves in a mysterious setting filled with archaic cultures, wildlife and mythological figures they believed only to be possible in fairytales. It is now up to them to navigate themselves in a time where uncertainty and superstition was rampant. Where their knowledge from the future could either prove themselves as an advantage or a fatal flaw. Every decision and word will count, forcing you to rethink and carefully plan out your actions. They also come to learn that some of these ancient myths were in fact true, and that monsters as well as godly beings did once exist. Following that trail, they will be faced with the truth as to how and why they were able to travel through time and space. But more importantly, it is where they will find their soulmates, and it isn’t where or when they think they’d be.
Supernatural*: From angels to demons, from gods to monsters, I’ve seen it all and I absolutely love it. There can be any sort of creature or being involved, ranging from vampires to sirens to elves, you have it. However, I’ve never done something quite relating to angelic beings and their offspring before. I’ve read up on Nephilim and angels and found it rather fascinating, and it’s a different approach from the usual vampire vs werewolf cliche. 

Crime and intrigue: I never stray too far from the supernatural path, but hell, there’s nothing better than some good old gritty mafia inspired stories with a complex cast of characters and a solid storyline.
Sci-fi and urban fantasy: So this could be basically anything from genetically engineered superhuman (superheroes / - villains) with a dark take on the human psyche, dismantling the idea of heroism and villainy. Or a world where mankind began their interstellar journey to colonize neighboring planets, galaxies before transcending their own humanity by merging themselves with deadly technology. I have a few plans for this…
Historical and mysterious setting*: So one of my favorite eras is the Victorian time period, 30s - 40s - 80s, Renaissance or Ancient times during the rise of the Egyptian / Roman / Sumerian Empire. During these times, a dark discovery was made by man, learning that they were not alone in this world. In fact, they weren’t even the supreme race that destined themselves to dominate the world, for another race of humanoids have lied dormant deep beneath the earth, slumbering through the millennia only to be re-awakened by a cataclysmic event. These ancient humanoids are gods among men, superior in every way imaginable, and they have made it their mission to reclaim their right to rule. But their nature is not what most people think it is…

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If you’re still here and haven’t fallen asleep reading through my loooong paragraphs, then I would like to thank you for bearing with me this far. I am looking forward to your messages. 

 Have a bright day!
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isaflynns · 6 years ago
Character Development Questions | Writing Task
What is the biggest change in your character’s life since you’ve started playing them? Maybe they met someone, maybe they went through a life-or-death experience.
This question is virtually impossible to answer. More than any character I’ve ever played, Isabella has changed. When I first started writing her, I had no idea she’d grow into what she is now. Besides the short hiatus I recently took, and a few weeks here and there, I’ve written Isabella consistently for almost 2 years now, and it’s inevitable she’s changed in that time.
It’shard to pinpoint one big change, because she’s really changed gradually, but I’ll use this as an excuse to talk about the last Big Thing in Isabella’s life. And that is (disgustingly, still, months later) the Farmhouse. Who’s surprised? Nobody, honestly.
Not only was the Farmhouse was a big deal because it was dramatic and angsty and horrific, but it was such a dramatic departure from the typical dynamic of Edward and Isabella up til that point. Isabella had stalked Edward for ages before it, and been obsessed with him for so long that it’s ridiculous, but the Farmhouse was just an explosion of all that madness. It was a switch in a dynamic which had been, until that point, abusive from Edward’s side. He was her killer, her abuser, her gaslighter, and she was the victim. But the Farmhouse flipped that. It messed with the gender roles there, given that Isabella’s a woman. We often joked, at the time, that it was ridiculous. Isabella looks like a dorky librarian. She kidnapped and held a man hostage? Yes, dear reader. She did.
This was Isabella at her most insane, most delusional, most irrational. I’ve never driven a character to that place. Sure, I’m known for writing bad guys (or, at least, I’d like to think I am) but I’ve never actually had a sane character who’s gone insane before. The Farmhouse period was Isabella so completely removed from reality, and so sick, and so not herself. It was a chance for me to really go creepy, to have her stabbed in the stomach and not even change her dress, to have her listen to old-timey love songs on repeat, to have her slip so far from the neat, well put together, intelligent, woman she was. She was Isabella without any of her warmth, just the cold, clone, side. And I had so much fun with that.
I could talk about the Farmhouse forever, and I’ll bet everyone’s sick of hearing about it, so I’ll stop now. That, without a doubt, is the biggest transformative moment/period in Isabella’s life recently, possibly ever.
Which person has changed your character the most? A lover, a friend, a mentor, an enemy? (This can be a person within the RP, or someone from their past!)
Again, this is a hard question. Arguably, Hugo Strange changed Isabella the most, seeing as he’s responsible for her creation, for her change from Kristen Kringle to Isabella, but that feels like a cop-out, because Isabella is her own person, separate from Kristen (though it’s taken her a very long time to realise that).
I could talk about Edward, because Isabella and Edward practically come as a package deal, but I’ve already spoken about him. I’ll do it briefly, because it’s a crime not to. He, without a doubt, has had the most influence on Isabella. He helped her on her initial criminal journey, willingly or not, and he played a huge part in her first snap of sanity (when she murdered a security guard and drowned him in his own blood. Cheery.) I’m not saying that’s Edward’s fault, but he definitely had a hand in it. He could see she was slipping, no longer the person he fell in love with, but he did nothing to help her. Then, of course, we have the Farmhouse fiasco I mentioned previously. 
Another character who changed Isabella a lot, or at least whom you can measure her sanity by, was Oswald. You can measure how “with it” Isabella is by her relationship with Oswald. At her worst, Oswald was her mortal enemy, her object in the way of Edward, her romantic rival, intent on stealing “her” Edward away. At her best, Oswald has been her friend, and her criminal partner. He’s been her confidante, and her ally. Isabella’s sane times had coincided with her friendship with Oswald, and at her darkest, most insane times, she’s hated him. So, to stop myself from rambling any more , he’s definitely had a profound effect on her.
Has your character changed in positive ways? Have they found strengths they never knew they had? Or have they changed in negative ways – learning harsh truths about themselves they would rather have not known?
I’d say that Isabella’s actually changed in positive ways. If you use the Farmhouse as a benchmark for her last Big Drama (as I often do), then she’s only gone up from there. She had a temporary slip, where the Riddler tricked her into getting shot in the face by Oswald, but, besides that, she’s improved dramatically. She’s been in and out of Arkham, which actually helped her overcome her obsession. She’s held down her job she enjoys, rebuilt a lot of ruined friendships (namely with Harley and Oswald), and become a picture of health.
While she has learnt a lot of negative truths about herself -- her selfishness, her terrifying potential lack of empathy, her madness, her obsession -- she’s actually overcome all of those things. She’s accepted them about herself, accepted what she is capable of, and chosen not to let that win. Whether her actions in the Farmhouse were a result of clone programming (as I choose to believe) or just insanity, she’s not let that darkness back out again, and she has done everything she can to be more like her old self. And she’s actually glad she knows those things about herself, so she knows what she’s like at her worst, and she knows what behaviours and triggers to avoid.
Without a doubt, she’s changed more positively than she has negatively. She’s embraced her more Kristen-like, thoughtful, and maternal side, and actively tried to be a better person. Even after the many physical, mental, and emotional traumas she’s been through (least of which is the immense personal body horror she’s witnessed being inflicted upon herself), and that’s nothing if not positive character development.
How would you the writer, like to see your character change in the future?
Right now, I’m just glad to have Isabella back as a muse. I missed her terribly, and I’m really excited to see where she’ll go from here on out. Now she’s a “good” person, I intend to keep her this way. I can’t imagine she’ll ever slip back as dark as she did in the past, though the possibility is always there. I definitely want to explore her friendships, as she’s always been a pretty solitary character, by the nature of her personality. It would be great if she had more people in her life who knew she’s a clone, and if she got involved more with the “superhero” side of things.
She’s still got a tendency to be a judgemental bitch, and that won’t ever go away, so it would be interesting to balance her rather cold, uppity, side, with her maternal and kind side. For as “good” as she is now, she’s still got a judgemental streak, and arrogant side that I wish I could blame on the Riddler but really can’t. It’s always fun to play that less “nice” side of her. That includes, actually, her clone side. I love exploring her inhuman nature. I’m always up for some truly nasty body horror threads. At this point, there’s virtually nothing Isabella hasn’t been through, physically, but I’m sure I could always do more there.
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sternenteile · 6 years ago
★*・ lovely ooc meme.
TAGGED BY:  y’all i stole it from multiple ppl on my dash TAGGING:  idk just take it from me and let the thief train continue
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NAME:  nikki NICKNAME:  nikkibun, bun, assturd AGE:  26 weeps......... FACE CLAIM:  my bunsona!! my bunsona’s icons are so old and crusty tho so i’ve just. been using geno’s. rip. PRONOUNS:  she / her, but they / them is fine, too! HEIGHT:  5′3″ i am berry tinie BIRTHDAY:  april 4th
AESTHETIC:  cute animals (namely bunnies and cats), a basic n64 with a purple controller, pastels, piles of tasty chicken wings, and. and. more terribly charismatic buns.
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO:  y’all listen the lavender town theme from pokemon lgpe is absolutely destroying me and it was absolutely the last thing i listened to. i love it.
FAVORITE MUSE ( S ) YOU’VE WRITTEN:  my boy papyrus ( @outbraves ) was easily one of my favorites ever. i just had... so much fun with him and had a lot of development for him, and just. i have such fond memories of rping him. i love my bone boy, even though his muse has long gone.
tbh, tho? geno is climbing up there, too. in so short a time, i’ve already got so many ideas and so much development plotting going on. given how expansive the mario universe is, too (esp. compared to undertale’s), there is just... so much room for different things to do with him?! i’m really excited. the potential is bananas.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO TAKE ON YOUR CURRENT MUSE ( THAT YOU ARE POSTING THIS ON ):  ok i’m not going to lie. this is a bit of a story, and it starts off in a very interesting way. at first, i actually... didn’t really give a single floppy titty for geno? seriously. i didn’t care. i played smrpg and i just fell for mallow that much more. i was like, gee, i wonder what people see in him. he’s cool and cute, but mallow has all this development and stuff! basically, based on my memories of smrpg and how ‘overrated’ i felt he was, i just didn’t really give geno much of a chance.
now, rosalina is my favorite mario character. ever. i used to rp her a long time ago. i absolutely adore her. thanks to smash speculation really bringing geno to the forefront of peoples’ minds again, i was like, huh. i wonder what kind of lore could come from her and geno? a lot of stuff i saw was implicating ship stuff, and i was... not impressed LMAO. i was like, naw, i see them being like mother and son. he’s a star spirit, after all, very similar to a luma. she’d totally be his superior + mom figure.
and then i started headcanoning more between them, which... via causation, started the headcanon train going for geno in general? i was like, no, i’m not going to get attached to this dumb doll, he’s overrated, blah blah. then i started thinking of him more, started doodling him, seeing why people liked him so much, and i was like... fuck. shit. damn. i used to have a weird disdain for you, you fuck puppet, why are you wiggling your way into my heart. no. get out.
needless to say, he didn’t get out, and i had to unleash my creativity with him. i missed rping, too, and i was like... this, this will do. voila. here we are.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ASPECTS OF YOUR CURRENT MUSE:  where do i even begin omg... ok. let’s see.
first, his design in general is just? really great. he’s a design that fits in the mario universe while also feeling so unlike it. mallow feels more integrated, yet geno feels... so... otherworldly? so different? his design philosophy hinges on round, soft familiarity while also being colorful, complimentarily so, and encapsulating it in a way that comes off as both cute and mysterious. i just love his design. even in all of my disdain for him initially, i’m pretty sure i always liked his design.
with that shallower bit out of the way, let me tell you about the virtues this boi has that i love (or, at least, in terms of my version, most of it not being canon oops). i love how courageous and forward he is, even if at times, it results in some fumbling. he’s fascinated in the world around him and has an innate desire to explore, to experiment, to experience. he gets pretty into it, but it does result in some very silly moments where his cultural differences play a large factor. he’s so distant from the modern world in a lot of ways, and it shows. between this and his curious nature, he’s just... god, he’s just a dork. he’s just a huge dork.
but boy, his vices. he doesn’t have much of... any at all in canon, but it’s clear how attached to his duty he is, even in what little we see. building flaws off of that has been a blast. i love how he feels so tied to his purpose that he feels branching out isn’t an option, yet it conflicts with his desire to break free and just be. he’s still figuring out how to be his own person, how to be geno and not just ♡♪!?, the protector of star road. even then, he’s trying not to fail his most precious person, rosalina, and those who depend on him. it’s a lot of conflict that pulls his heart in a lot of directions at once. chances are that he’ll progress and then harshly regress multiple times, going through a bunch of shit before he finally manages to find a happy medium. it’ll be a long road ahead, and what can stem from this has me soooo excited.
also he’s just rly cute. did i mention he’s cute? he’s so cute. he’s literally a doll and i need to cuddle him.
WHAT’S YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING:  honestly? steven universe and undertale have played huge inspiration into the way i write. undertale is obviously because i love it (and deltarune) and have written a muse from it. it’s just kind of integrated into my writing to the point that it feels natural. it’s... it’s something that’s just there now, lmao.
steven universe, however, is more particular. it hasn’t really influenced how i write in general, per se, but some aspects have inspired my geno, actually. garnet’s cool demeanor with inner conflict and a goofiness that she often shows? yeah, that definitely inspired a good chunk of my geno’s exterior personality. 
in terms of his inner self, those bits of garnet, plus the pearl + rose and steven + rose conflicts, pretty much shaped that up in my head. pearl + rose on its base level minus the romantic aspect definitely touches stone on how geno feels about his duty, his dedication to rosalina, and how he’s trying to become his own person, not just a star spirit in servitude. steven + rose more represents the mother + son aspect, the way geno wants to live up to her and what she wants, the way he views her as a parental figure that’s just unattainable (even if in a more figurative sense than steven and rose). there’s also a tiny, tiny bit of lapis in there, solely the tendency to flip a switch and bail if he thinks it’s best, just for less selfish reasons and more dutiful reasons. it’s. it’s very minuscule and very base-level, but it’s there.
in terms of geno himself, those two have to be my biggest inspirations at this point. ye.
FAVORITE TYPES OF THREADS:  god. anything is great, but these two are especially important:
slice-of-life. given geno’s distance from earth traditions, customs, and general livelihood, slice-of-life threads are immediately that much more interesting and even a bit crazy. being able to show how much of a curious little nerd he is and Hecking Things Up is always a good time.
finally, anything that draws out his insecurities. something that conflicts with his view on his purpose in life, that stirs his longing for parental recognition, that turns his beliefs on their heads... things like that. just. yes. gimme that.
BIGGEST STRUGGLE IN REGARDS TO YOUR CURRENT MUSE:  honestly, the fact that he’s such an old character that nintendo and square doesn’t care for is easily the worst part of playing him. it’s rough knowing that, even with all of the fan demand, he’ll likely never get a revival. he’ll just fade out of a lot of peoples’ memories more and more, and he’ll be even more irrelevant than ever. every time someone so much as knows who geno is, it just makes me giddy. i want that to stay alive, even if nintendo and square won’t do anything with him. the fan base keeping him going makes me feel so warm.
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