#but every episode since where it's clear that's not the plan for now y'all have doubled tripled and quadrupled down on the nonsense
misterapril · 3 months
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how some of y'all look trying to discredit every bucktommy moment bc you swearrr the vibes are off but your shit takes always conveniently arrive alongside (but ignore!) all the positives
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This is an Original Character fanfiction. All Stranger Things characters and content are owned by Netflix and The Duffer Brothers.
a/n: I can't believe we only have two more episodes left! Thank you all for your patience! Let me know what y'all think. I read everything and respond!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3252
As soon as I open the front door, a gust of cold wind blows and I shiver, wrapping my arms around myself to keep warm. The cool air feels nice on my skin despite the cold. I wish I wore a jacket instead of a plaid shirt. I look around trying to figure out where I should go. I can’t walk too far away from the station in case Chief Hopper comes back. I decide to go left up Cherry Street. The series of unfortunate events leading up to this moment all play out in my head and I rub my temples trying to ease the dull pulsating ache. 
Today, Jonathan, Nancy and I started to forge a plan to kill the monster and find Will and Barb. How will we find them in that place? How will we find the tree? It closed after Jonathan pulled me out of it. I can’t imagine how alone and scared Barb must be inside that place by herself. It’s been days since I last saw her and with the police thinking she left town; they won’t try finding her. The Hollands. I blink back tears, flaring my nostrils to keep them from falling. I hope they don’t think badly of Nancy and I for lying. I feel like we owe it to them to find Barb and bring her back. I wipe my tears with the back of my hand, sniffing softly.
There are still so many loose ends to tie up like where can we lure the monster if not in the forest where it lives? How do we have the upper hand in killing the monster? Hawkins is a small town, there is nowhere to put this thing without drawing attention to ourselves especially now that we are on the radar of cops. I let out a noise of frustration, stomping on the ground. How are we going to execute the plan now? Nancy and I can’t leave Jonathan at the station. What if they put him in jail? 
If it weren’t for Tommy, Carol, Nicole and Steve, we would be able to properly plan.
This all happened because Jonathan was in Nancy’s room? There’s no doubt in my mind that they weren’t doing anything compromising. How could they after what happened? Nancy almost died last night. If it weren’t for Jonathan who knows what could have happened to her—to me. Also, Nancy liked Steve too much to do anything that could jeopardize her relationship with him. The voice in the back of my head questions: But what about Jonathan? 
As if you didn’t know from the start, Sinclair! It would explain why you’re always protecting the pervert.
I frown pushing strands of hair away from my face. It’s clear Steve and Jonathan do not like each other. I thought it was because of stupid boy ego and bravado. Both boys can be arrogant. It explains why they clash. But I feel unsettled by what Steve said in the alley. As if you didn’t know from the start. He wouldn’t have said that if he didn’t believe it to be true, would he? 
Only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart. And that damn stupid. 
I don’t agree with what Flo said to Nancy and I about Jonathan’s reasons for fighting back in the alley, but with all that has happened this week, all that was said, especially in the forest about believing Nancy was “trying to be someone else” yet doing what every other suburban girl does, rebel until the phase passes and end up marrying “some boring one-time jock who now works sales, and live out a perfectly boring life at the end of a cul-de-sac”. I didn’t realize it back then, but now that I think about it, Jonathan was talking about Steve. I stop walking and look around. It’s like everything clicked and that unsettling feeling became stronger, heavier. 
Does Jonathan like Nancy? 
My brain feels like a tangled web of confusion. How did I not notice it before? The signs are all there. It was all subtle and platonic in the moment, but the more I think about it, the more obvious it seems. I laugh in disbelief shaking my head. 
This is such a mess.  
I shiver against the strong gust of wind whooshing in my ear and tuck my chin into my chest, continuing to walk. Neither Jonathan or Steve hid their dislike for each other. Part of me regrets standing up for Steve yesterday, especially after today. But the argument in the forest was about Jonathan taking those photos. It always comes down to that stupid lapse in judgement. Though I don’t agree with Steve breaking Jonathan’s camera, I understand why he did it. To protect Nancy’s honour and to protect himself. As I told Jonathan, Steve’s privacy was violated too. All of ours were. What Jonathan did was gross and Steve did what he thought was best. Steve had a right to be upset. 
He just takes it too far.
Breaking Jonathan’s camera, the marquee, the awful things he said to both Nancy and Jonathan. I know Steve is hurt. I saw it in his eyes. From his perspective the optics aren’t great. He did what he thought was right in the moment to protect Nancy, checked up on her to see if she was okay, only to find Nancy in her room with Jonathan, the boy he was trying to protect her from. I get it, but the rigmarole after. Unacceptable. 
Steve wanted that fight with Jonathan back in the alley and Jonathan was ready to give him that fight. A chill runs down my spine. The sound of skin hitting skin replays in my head. The power behind every punch still scares me. For as long as I’ve known Jonathan, he’s been a quiet, somewhat brooding person who often kept to himself. He doesn’t bother nor really talk to anyone. It was always him and his camera. It’s why the way he was fighting Steve concerned me. 
Even though our little brothers are best friends, this week has been the most I have ever spoken to Jonathan. We’ve exchanged a few words when I helped him with his photography project, but other than that, we rarely crossed paths. I am aware of his home life based on what Lucas would say during dinner about Will not being able to come over to hang out with the rest of the boys because he’s spending time with his dad. Based on his tone alone, it’s clear Will is uncomfortable around him. At the funeral, I remember observing the way he was acting. There was something sly about Mr. Byers because I haven’t seen or heard about him until Will’s funeral. It’s clear he isn’t present in both boys lives because Jonathan doesn’t know how to tie a tie. Even when Steve was saying horrible things about his dad, Jonathan didn’t flinch. 
“Excuse me, sorry,” I say, pushing past a couple standing in the middle of the street. 
He didn’t do anything until Steve started saying terrible things about Miss Byers and Will. I looked in his eyes, that flash of rage, but it was too late. Jonathan’s punches were direct and intentional…familiar almost. Where did he learn to fight? Did his dad teach him? Or was Jonathan used to having to protect himself all the time? Even though our unlikely alliance came out of something tragic, I like being around him. I care about him. I puff out my cheeks, running my fingers through my hair. There was so much I needed to talk to Jonathan about. 
My feet come to a stop in front of the building that started it all. I stare up at the large marquee feeling many different emotions all at once. Shock. Disgust. Anger. Disappointment. It’s been almost 45 minutes since I first saw the horrible display of affection and though there wasn’t a crowd circling Hawkins Cinema to see the spectacle, the bright red letters still commanded attention. 
How did we get here? The question has been burning a hole in my brain all morning. I scowl at Tommy’s messy handwriting. That boy is the absolute worse. The unsettling image of Tommy watching me from afar makes me sick to my stomach. It’s one thing to pick on me, but to follow me around and loathe me for talking to someone who has been nothing but kind to me. I clench my hands into fists, grinding my teeth against each other. The perception people have of Eddie is starting to annoy me and I can’t help but feel protective of him. He’s not like anyone in town and I can relate to that. Being different. Eddie makes it look easy and I love that about him. I envy that about him as well. 
From the corner of my eye, I see a tall person and glance in their direction. Realizing who it is, I scoff shaking my head. You’ve got to be kidding me.
I ignore Steve walking fast back down Cherry Street.
“Hey, wait!” Steve shouts. I keep my head down avoiding the confused stares of bystanders.
I press my lips together feeling the bubbling anger in my stomach rise to my chest. Sinclair? Who does he think he is, calling me Sinclair. As if I’m a teammate on the basketball team. He knows my name. I look around ready to cross the street when I feel Steve run up beside me.
“Hey, can I talk to you for a second?” He pants, holding his side. 
“No.” I say looking anywhere to avoid looking at him. When the coast is clear I jog across the street. 
“Please,” Steve huffs jogging beside me. “Just hear me out.” 
“Look, I just want to apologize.” 
I roll my eyes, snorting in disbelief. “Again? Save it. I don’t need an apology because I know you’re going to do something for it to not mean anything.”
“Oh, c’mon, Sinclair—”
I whip around so fast Steve flinches as my hair hits him across his chest. “Don’t call me that!” I snap, glaring angrily at him. “Don’t talk to me. Don’t look at me. Don’t say anything! Leave me alone!” 
Steve’s brows shoot up in surprise. As suspected looking at Jonathan’s swollen knuckles, the entire left side of his face is battered and bruised. From the split on his left brow, the bridge of his nose and right side of his lip in addition to all the dry blood smeared and crusting around his face, Jonathan got him good. I would’ve been more horrified and compassionate if it weren’t for what he did to get beaten and how rude and impolite he is to me right now. 
I walk pass him continuing down Cherry Street. The nerve of him. I am not one of his loyal followers. I am not his friend, especially after what he did and said back in the alley. I perk up feeling another wave of anger build in me. Jonathan, Nancy and I had to be escorted to the police station while, Tommy, Carol, Nicole and Steve got off scot-free when they were the ones causing the problems in the first place. No one has been accounted for that disgusting sign, yet Jonathan is literally handcuffed for defending himself.
I am sick and tired of people being terrible and getting a slap on the wrist because of their popularity. I turn around, stomping back to Steve who hadn’t moved from his spot, staring wide eyed and confused at the building of Hawkins Post. 
“I don’t know what that was or who you think you are,” I continue. “But if the person I saw back there is the real you. I will make sure Nancy stays far, far away. That I promise you, Harrington.” I threaten. Steve opens his mouth to respond but I cut him off quick. “Do you know how traumatic this is for her?” 
“Traumatic?” Steve shouts, staring at me in disbelief. “She cheated on me!” 
“No, she didn’t!” I shout back, defending my best friend. Nancy wouldn’t do that. She likes him too much. “You only caught a glimpse of something and ran with it.” 
“You didn’t see what I saw, Sin—” Steve’s words die in his throat. I squint, daring him to call me by my last name again. Steve shifts to lean on one leg, putting one hand on his hip and takes a deep breath, pinching the bridge between his nose with his other. He winces slightly, dropping his hand to his other hip and glares down at me. “They were sitting on her bed and he had—he had his arm around her.” 
I blink waiting for more information. Steve stares back at me waiting for my response. I frown. “That’s it?” 
“Yes!” He throws his hands up in annoyance. 
“That’s why you’re upset?”
Steve groans out of frustration, combing his fingers through his hair. “I know what I saw and I know what Nancy did!” 
“Did you ever stop and think maybe Nancy was confiding in Jonathan because they both lost someone important to them? Is that too hard to believe?” Steve scoffs shaking his head. “If you really believed she cheated on you, instead of running to Tommy, Carol, and Nicole, knowing how they are, why didn’t you just call Nancy and talk to her!” 
“I saw what I saw.” Steve says. His voice is quiet and even, but the anger and hurt in his eyes remain. “There’s nothing to talk about.” 
“So, because there’s ‘nothing to talk about’,” I use air quotes, mocking him. “You decided to slut-shame Nancy in front of the entire town.” I yell, extending an arm out, pointing with disdain at the source of irritation. “You’re sick!” I hiss, pointing at him before turning away.
“That was all Tommy, not me!” Steve yells. “I didn’t write that about Nancy!” 
I turn around rushing toward him. “But you didn’t stop Tommy from doing it and that’s always been my issue with you!” I cry, lifting my hands up in the air. “You never stop it. You never do anything. You stand there and let it happen!” Steve jerks his head back, drawing his brows together. I drop my hands down to my sides. “Whether you like it or not, everything falls back on you because you’re King Steve. You have this—this persona to uphold and you cannot choose when it does and does not apply to you because it always does!” 
“I didn’t ask to be King Steve.” Steve says between clenched teeth.  
“You look fine when you’re reaping the benefits when it serves you.” I point out. “But when something like this happens, when your back is against the wall, now it’s I didn’t ask to be King Steve? Give me a break!” Steve avoids eye contact, clenching his teeth until I see the tick in his jaw. “It’s so frustrating to see you act the way you do when you're around Tommy and Carol or any one of your stupid jock friends because I know that’s not you and deep down,” I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. “I know you know it too. I know you know better. You’re not like them, Steve.” 
Steve’s eyes lock with mines. The lines between his brows smoothen and I see that look again, the one I saw briefly in the alley. I stare up at him, swiping my tongue along my bottom lip and shake my head, looking up at the sky.
“Believe it or not, I think your better than them. You can be such a jerk—an asshole even, but you are better than them.” I speak softly, looking back at him. “Every time I start to think ‘maybe Steve Harrington isn’t that bad. Maybe he’s actually a good person’. You do something to make me take back my words and I feel foolish enough to believe you can be.” 
Steve draws his brows in sadly. His throat bobs as he swallows hard. “I am a good person.” He murmurs. 
“Are you?” I challenge, pointing at the marquee again. “Is that who you are? Is that who you want to be?” 
“I—” Steve trails off unsure of what to say. 
I drop my hand, crossing my arms above my chest to keep warm. I’m not wearing a proper jacket or any jacket; just a plaid shirt. 
“I know you’re embarrassed by the pictures.” I begin, swiping strands of hair out of my face as a gust of wind blows in our direction. “You were in them and your privacy was invaded just as much as Nancy’s. I promise you; I do not condone what Jonathan did and he knows that. It was disgusting and stupid. I’ve had that conversation with him. However, that is no excuse to say all those things about him and his family. I know you’re hurt because of Nancy, but, Jesus, Steve.” I look down at my shoes, kicking a pebble onto the road. 
“I didn’t mean it.” 
“You wanted that fight with Jonathan, admit it.” His silence is enough to confirm my sentiment. I shake my head. 
“You do realize he buried his brother yesterday, don’t you? His brother. My little brother’s best friend was buried yesterday and we still—” I stop, trying to catch my breath. I put my hand on my chest blinking rapidly to keep the tears at bay. “We still can’t find Barb.” 
“Have you heard anything from the cops?” Steve asks. I don’t respond right away looking at the blood stains on his shirt. Flashes of the monster in the woods, eating that deer appear in my mind and I close my eyes trying to rid it from my memory.
“Diana.” My eyebrows twitch and I open my eyes. Steve is looking at me with such intensity my breathing becomes shallow. This is the first time Steve has said my name. The first time acknowledging me as a person, not just Nancy’s best friend. The way he says my name…the yearning in his voice. Keeping his eyes locked on mine, Steve licks his bottom up shifting uncomfortably back and forth. “Please.” He begs. “I know something’s wrong. It’s—It’s why I went over to Nancy’s in the first place.” He sighs in defeat. “I just want to help.”
Part of me believes him. The part of me who believes Steve is a good person. I want to tell him what happened to Nancy and I last night in the forest, about Jonathan saving us from near-death. I want to tell him about the police finding Barbs car at a bus station. I want to tell him everything…but I look at the marquee again. I can’t get too close to Steve. Suddenly becoming hyper aware of how close Steve and I were to each other. I blink, taking a step back creating space between us. Steve moves to take a step toward me, but decides against it. I fix my posture, shaking my head. 
“You can’t.” I say coldly, walking backwards and away from him. “You seriously need to figure out how to express your emotions because I don’t know how you come back from this. I really don’t. If I were Nancy, I would never want to see or speak to you again.” 
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Taglist 🤍: @tinydramatist
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jeonjeonggukenergy · 4 years
May 31
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summary ~ on the last day of your senior year living together, you're still fighting your feelings for your roommate jungkook. before you can fully move out and move on, he makes a pretty significant scheduling error. #and there was only one bed
genre ~ fluff, smut / roommate!au, college!au, bit of crack/fake texts
wordcount ~ 5k
warnings ~ smut (18+), blowjob (oral: m receiving), nipple play, marking, penetrative sex, cumplay (sort of oral: f receiving), jungkook just goes hard as expected BUT IT'S SOFT? this is just super cheesy and cute with some hopefully hot smut
a/n ~ surprise oneshot! and they were roommates? and there was only one bed? this is all my fave tropes wrapped into one, i had a ton of fun writing it and i hope yall enjoy :')
~ read on ao3 ~
You walked up to your apartment door just as a boy from the class below you walked out—with a wave, a "see ya, Jungkook!" and what appeared to be the last piece of your roommate's bedframe.
"You...sold...your bed?"
"Well, sort of. I borrowed it from that guy for the year while he was studying abroad. So now I'm giving it back to him. Since I'm staying in the city for my new job, though, I wish I could have just kept it. Now I have to actually buy one," Jungkook lamented.
"I mean, okay, but why didn't you just wait to give it back tomorrow when we move out?"
"What do you mean? Today's move-out day. I was just waiting for my brother to get off work to help get all my stuff out of here. I was kind of wondering why you hadn't packed up more, but you've always waited til the last minute to pack for things." Jungkook grinned, recalling your friend group’s spring break trip.
Momentarily distracted by his dig, you defended yourself quickly before returning to the subject. "Hey! At least I always get it done in the end. Better than packing too soon and accidentally giving away your bed a day early. Your new lease doesn't let you move in til the first day of June, right? It's May 31st."
Jungkook's pretty doe eyes went comically wide. "31st? There is no May 31st. It's June 1st. Because yesterday was May 30th. Right?"
"Oh my gosh. You're joking. You have to be joking," you tried not to laugh as you pulled up your Google calendar. "Here, look," you turned the phone around to him. "May 31st."
"Shit," he breathed, pushing the soft shock of hair back from his frozen face. "What did I do?"
You took your phone back, already distracted by your texts as you reassured him. "Don't worry, it’s funny but it's no big deal, I'm just messing with you. You can sleep on the couch for tonight, you'll be fine."
Jungkook grabbed your wrist, making you look up from your screen in surprise. In sitcom-esque slow motion, he swiveled his head sideways and you followed his gaze to the living room, realizing—
"The couch was his too. I gave it back."
"Oh my gosh," you muttered, shaking your head down with a smile. Feeling a little braver on your last full day as roommates, you finally gave Jungkook the warning that had almost slipped out plenty of times over the year. "Jungkookie...you're really lucky you're so cute. Otherwise you wouldn't get away with nearly as much as you do in life.”
"I..." Jungkook dropped your hand, grinning at the usual nickname but unsure how to take the half-compliment. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe I forgot about a whole day, I usually double-check my calendar. I can just take the floor for tonight, I guess? I'll go unpack my blanket again. Sorry, I don't want to be an inconvenience."
"No, no," you cut him off—against your better judgment, but determined to ignore your superficial attraction to him to be a good friend and roommate. "Don't be ridiculous, just sleep in my bed. I mean, if that's okay with you of course. It'll definitely be more comfortable than the floor." He nodded rapidly, eyes still wide but mouth perfectly flatlined like an emoji. "Okay then. No worries. Let's eat, I got us takeout for our last night but it's getting cold."
At the mention of food, Jungkook made a beeline for the plastic bags hanging on your arm, and soon you were back to normal—well, sort of. Eating slightly reheated noodles on the living room floor instead of the couch, you giggled over one last Friday night K-drama episode together and reminisced over all the best memories from your year as roommates. You missed the coziness of your couch more than you thought you might, or maybe you just missed the snuggles you'd shared in its corner on countless nights like this one.
Jungkook had always been cutely touchy with his close friends, but it had taken a while for you two to get comfortable. You had to admit you'd gotten spooked when you first met him, disappearing behind your door after a quick "hi, nice to meet you!" and furiously texting your friend and former roommate Jin in distress. He hadn't warned you the new guy he'd found for your apartment was, in your own words, "stupid hot." Jin had laughed you off, saying it hadn't even occurred to him because he just saw his former soccer teammate "JK" as a kid. To be fair, it probably truly had slipped Jin's notice—he barely believed anyone who told him how objectively attractive he was. But Jin was a good enough friend to both you and Jungkook that he took charge of dissolving the initial tension, immediately bringing y'all over for a "double housewarming" dinner party at the cute new place he now shared with his fiancée. (Thank goodness he'd finally listened when you'd told him she found him attractive. Even if it cost you a roommate of two years, you'd happily take credit for that relationship.) That first invitation had felt suspiciously like a double date, but Jin's cooking and hosting skills broke the ice nicely enough. After that, it only took a few more dinners and video game nights to initiate you into their casual rhythm of hair ruffles and backhugs.
Currently, Jungkook had his arm around you to offer a neck rub while you rested your head on his shoulder, hoping he couldn't feel your pulse beneath his fingers. "Ah, you're going so hard," you half-protested.
"I always go this hard! You never complain," he shot back with a teasing grin.
"Nah, come on, you're gonna leave a mark or something. At least check," you lifted your head, sweeping your hair aside. "Is it all red like Jin always gets?" you joked.
Facing away, you had no way of seeing it, but Jungkook's face had gone red too. "Uh...no, it's fine, it's fine." He glanced back to the TV and turned it off, noticing the episode had ended. "Sorry though, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm gonna go shower and get ready for bed."
"Hey, no, it's okay!" You tugged on his shirt as he got up, wanting to reverse whatever you’d done to make him seem so uneasy. "I'm not actually hurt or mad at you or anything, I was just messing with you. Again." You smiled lightheartedly, and his face broke into a soft nose-scrunch at the reassurance.
"Okay, good. I was gonna shower anyway though—so uh, see you in bed I guess?"
"Yeah same, see you in bed," you laughed, trying to maintain the ease in your facial expression until the moment he left the room, upon which your internal monologue immediately turned into "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."
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You couldn't help thinking about Jungkook in the shower. And not even in the usual way that you couldn't help thinking about Jungkook, in the shower. As much as you hated to admit it, Jin was probably right about your feelings for your sweet, dorky roommate going beyond just physical attraction, or friendship. Jungkook was kind, respectful, smart, athletic, artistic, funny, really hot, and you already got along well enough to live together: he really was the ultimate boyfriend material. You were both pleasantly moderate introverts. He shared your same favorite dramas and brand of instant ramen. Even your parents loved him—wait, did they want you to date him too? A strict follower of every social rule that dictated not dating roommates, coworkers, best friends' exes, exes' best friends, etc., you had simply never allowed yourself to consider the possibility until now. You played back your conversations with Jin over the year and considered the sheer amount of the funny stories you told him, or situations where you asked for his advice, or surprises he'd helped you plan, or simply glowing, grinning descriptions of something new you'd noticed, that all ended up being about Jungkook. He'd never even had to bring him up. Damn Jin for being such a good listener.
Almost an hour later, when you were already in bed, Jungkook politely knocked on your door. He always took long showers, and tonight you couldn't decide whether you were thankful for the extra time to prepare yourself or even more stressed from the extra time to overthink.
"Come in," you called quietly. Jungkook shuffled into your room, toe-socked feet making their way to the side of the bed you'd rolled over to clear for him. Cautious, he climbed in, and you stayed safely facing away from each other for a while, winding down for the night on your phones like you both normally did in your separate rooms. So spaced out that you couldn't even detect Jungkook's additional body heat, you felt the chill of the air conditioning instead and kept adjusting the blankets to try and achieve maximum insulation.
Jungkook eventually spoke his first words since he'd entered. "Am I hogging the covers? I'm sorry."
"Oh no, you're totally fine, if anything I'm taking up more than you. I'm just always cold, so I usually sleep in, like, a three-layered burrito. But it's fine! Really, no worries."
To your surprise, Jungkook rolled over, propping his head up on an elbow to look at you. "Well...I...we could..." he started, swallowing when you turned to face him. "I mean, you could wear socks! Like I do!" He pulled a foot out from under the sheets and presented it to your face, cackling.
"I think the fuck not," you snorted, shoving the foot away and falling slightly on top of him as you both lost your balance in giggles. "You couldn't catch me dead in your weird-ass socks."
"That's the secret, though!" he insisted. "That's how I stay warm."
"You are warm," you realized. One of your hands had ended up on his chest, the other arm tucked in the side of his torso, and both were burning up. You supposed you'd settled into similar positions on the couch before but you'd never noticed just how much of a human furnace he was. Maybe it was because he hadn't been wearing his toe socks.
Neither of you said anything for a second. You could feel his heart beating at a slightly elevated but respectable rate, and while you wanted to pull away, if only to spare your own nerves, you also...didn't. You were too scared to stay like this, but too scared to move too. Jungkook seemed similarly stuck, blinking down at your hand on his chest, but eventually he unfroze to reach over it and drag you fully onto him by your shoulder. You simply let him handle you, not making any additional moves but silently enjoying the heat he seemed happy to provide. His hand spread over your back to press your torso to his, radiating heat through your thin t-shirt, and you suddenly grew self-conscious that you were braless. But of course you were, who wears a bra to bed? You were fine. This was fine.
"Are you okay? Is this warmer?" Jungkook asked, as gentle as his touch.
"Yeah! Yeah, this is fine," you responded, the answer muffled by your mouth's placement all too near to his neck. You could sense the heat coming off his skin from there too, but it contrasted with the mild coolness of his still-damp hair. It smelled faintly of floral shampoo, and the scent suddenly amplified all your nerves as the implications of how close he was hit you from head to toe. Even the soft fuzz of his socks brushed your bare legs, now intertwined with his. You weren't exactly small, but the warm solidity of Jungkook’s body under you made you feel fully enveloped by him. Though he'd shared a fair amount of skin with you through the course of your friendship, the intimacy of sharing your bed took every touch to another level, and being pressed so flush against him felt unbearable. You couldn't possibly process a whole year of pure pent-up physical attraction right now, much less any other feelings that may or may not have grown with it, especially when you knew he had no reason to feel anything back. And you were roommates. You just needed to sleep it off and then you could both move, and move on, in peace. Hopefully the odds of ever being stuck in a bed with Jungkook again would go way down after tonight.
Not bothering to get up and turn off the weak string of lights above your headboard, you just slowed your breathing and attempted to drift off to sleep. Pretending the deeper breaths weren't so you could get a better whiff of his soft, flowery hair, you laid still for several minutes, successfully ignoring your body's instinctual response.
Eventually, though, it became impossible to ignore his.
Jungkook wasn't that hard, okay. He wasn't a teenager; he thought he could control himself around you enough by now that he could just enjoy this last night without giving anything away. He almost felt bad when you invited him into your bed, sensing your reluctance and knowing it was his own fault that you'd had to offer in the first place. But he knew you wouldn't have asked if you weren't truly okay with it, and that confidence gave him the tiniest swell of hope that maybe you were a little bit more than okay. While Jin refused to give away any real insight into what you thought of him, he'd been teasing Jungkook for six months about his crush on you, eventually convincing him to try making your friendship into more once you both graduated and moved on to different roommates. He had just been planning to bring it up in a much better way than the semi that you could definitely feel against your thigh. You had both been silent about it for over five minutes, though, long enough that he could cross his fingers that you were already asleep. He probably didn't have to worry about a thing.
You had finally worked up the courage to stop pretending you’d fallen asleep. You felt him freeze up under you—the defined abs that covered his tiny waist tightening, solid chest muscles contracting, and his thighs tensing to trap yours between them, all at once. You froze too, attempting to speak again but no sound coming out.
"_____, guess what!" he blurted to cut you off. Which was good, because you had absolutely zero plans for what to say after that.
"It's after midnight," he said, jolting up to point to the digital clock on your side table. "It really is the first day of June now. So, according to the lease, we're officially no longer roommates. Crazy!"
"I mean...yeah," you affirmed, confused. "But also, we're literally sharing a bed right now. In the same room. So until that changes, I would probably still call us roommates." A little too amused by your own clapback, you raised your head to peek into his wide eyes and smiled, a big one that scrunched up your whole face.
And his dick twitched. Yeah, there was no way you could not notice that.
Before you could even finish your gasp, Jungkook spoke again. "I like you. I'm sorry. I like you. I didn't want to say anything while we were roommates because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, and I definitely didn't mean for this to happen, I'm sorry. You can totally not like me back and it's fine. I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to tell you like this, I just...I like you. A lot."
Shocked into silence for a second, but galvanized by his unnecessary apology, you responded without thinking for once. "Don't say sorry. You don't need to apologize, it's okay. Oh my gosh, I had no idea. I really had no idea. I, uh, I think I like you too? Shit, okay, I thought you were really hot from, like, the day you moved in, and eventually it became more than that but I didn't want to make anything weird because, yeah, we’re roommates, so I pretty much tried to ignore it all year. But then Jin made me realize that you're basically all I think about—or talk to him about, shit, I must have been so annoying—"
"Jin? JIN?" Jungkook grabbed his phone from the side table and wasted no time in blasting off the last meme in his camera roll. You propped yourself up in his arms, both giggling at Jin's quick shot back.
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Looking at him now, a big cheesy smile on his face even as he stirred under you, still a little hard, you nodded as if fully understanding for the first time. "Yeah. I like you too."
As he set down his phone and brought his hand around your back again, his smile faded into a smirk. "Wow."
"Yeah...wow," you echoed, nervous and awkward again. You felt your face grow warmer as he looked slowly to your lips, then back up to meet your eyes.
"Can I kiss you?"
Blinking, you shifted your weight back down onto him, bringing your face close enough to hear his intake of breath as your hips brushed his dick. "Can you do more than that?"
"Fuck," he whispered. "Yes."
Jungkook snaked one arm down to your ass and one arm up your back to the nape of your neck, holding you close as he kissed you for the first time, fiercely. He didn't waste another minute hesitating now that he knew you had both wanted this for a year. Passionate but not aggressive, he teased the seam of your mouth with the tip of his tongue and you instantly opened for him, gliding your tongue over his smooth bottom lip as his flicked up to the sensitive roof of your mouth. Squeezing your ass to guide your hips down in small circles against him, he tensed his other hand slightly into your hair and you moaned at the competing sensations. Jungkook broke away to absorb every beautiful noise you made as he discovered you, heavy eyes finding yours before he rolled over to pin you to the bed and bury his face in your neck. He smiled into your skin when you moaned again from the satisfying pressure of his full body over you, and carefully rolled his hips into yours as he covered your jawline in tender kisses. One of your hands carved through his thick hair. As you dug the fingertips of your other hand into his prominent back muscles, you suddenly realized you were both still fully clothed and you really, really did not want him to be. Tugging his t-shirt over his head and throwing it aside, you paused before letting him do the same.
"Wait. Take off your socks. I can't believe I didn't make you do that before any of this. I really just almost had sex with someone wearing toe socks. Kill me," you whined over-dramatically.
"Come on, that would have been hilarious. What a first-time story!" Jungkook said earnestly. "Sure you don't want me to leave them on?"
"Please take them off. Please," you only half-jokingly begged.
"You wanna take 'em off for me?" he teased, wiggling a foot in front of you.
"Fine, whatever it takes!" You flung his sock across the room, reaching for his other foot below the covers to get rid of the other one.
He fell on top of you, giggling again, but as soon as you shut him up with your lips he snapped out of it, eagerly deepening the kiss while his warm hands traveled up under your shirt. Smoothing over the curves of your torso and reaching up to firmly grasp your breasts, he moaned into you and you whined back as his thumbs brushed your hardening nipples. He was incredibly physically precise, each movement graceful yet sharp and intentional. You felt deeply lucky to experience this dimension of him, the most perfect and natural expression of his contradictory nature. Equally loving, giving, overachieving, and sensual—with a side of weird socks and Gen Z meme literacy—that was your Jungkook.
"I can't believe this is happening," Jungkook murmured as he pulled your shirt over your head. "I can't believe I get to see you like this. You're so—ohhh." He trailed off, taking in the fully naked glory of your top half for the first time. His head immediately ducked to your chest, sucking dark bruises into the low-lit hollow of your breasts. You squirmed under his hold on the dip of your waist, whimpering, but the grip of your hands in his shiny black locks let him know you didn't really want him to stop. Grinding against his now rock-hard dick, you eventually couldn't take the friction anymore and reached down to try and pull off both of your pajama pants at the same time. Jungkook just laughed.
He paused to help you out, rolling off of you to take care of his own sweatpants, and you kicked off your pajama pants and underwear as Jungkook slowly let his erection spring free above his waistband. You'd never thought a dick could be pretty before, but it honestly made sense that his would be as perfect as the rest of his body. "Fuck," you swore softly, mouth watering. Jungkook raised an eyebrow at you, and you scrambled to lick the tip as if on instinct, eliciting a much more emphatic "Fuuuuuck!" from him. He spread his legs to let you crawl between them, holding tenuous eye contact as you smirked at his sensitivity. Teasing a single finger up his shaft, you followed its path with your tongue and he let out a deliciously high, shaky moan.
"Please," Jungkook choked out when you approached him, lips pursed. He praised you breathlessly as you tightened a hand around his length and began to sink down. "You feel so good already. Fuck." Closing your eyes, you hollowed your cheeks to accommodate his generous size and dipped your head, sucking him in as far as you could go. He was so responsive, you learned what he liked quickly, and savored each whimper as you stroked his balls gently or swirled your tongue over his slit. You licked all the way from his head to the base and he cried out. Bringing a hand to the back of your head, he didn't quite hold you down, leaving enough slack for you to move if you wanted to, but you submitted to his touch and stayed a second with nearly his whole length in your mouth. And then you swallowed.
"Stop! Stop, please, or I'll cum." He pulled you off by your hair, bringing your forehead to his as you realigned your bodies. "You're so good for me," he professed warmly. "I wanna be good for you."
"Then fuck me," you surprised him by answering bluntly. "Please, I want you so bad."
Jungkook groaned, arching his hips up against you and coating his dick in your wetness. Bringing himself back under control, he pinned you under his thighs and reached down to open you up with a finger. You felt so much more relaxed with him than you had with any previous boyfriend or hookup, and he slid into your entrance fairly easily. You moaned right away when he brushed his thumb over your clit, and he responded with a muttered "Fuck it, you’re so wet already," pulling his finger out and stroking it up your folds as he lined up.
"You're on the pill, right? For your periods," he confirmed.
"Yeah, of course. You really think I'd let you hit it raw otherwise?" you shot back teasingly, trying to hide how touched you were that he remembered from a few months ago, when he'd driven you to pick up your prescription since your car was in the shop. That was your Jungkook.
"No," he said sheepishly. "You're smart."
You smiled up at him fondly, ruffling his hair. "You're smart too. And sweet. And hot. And your dick is enormous. It's kind of unfair."
"Unfair!" he protested. "How can I be unfair when you're perfect?"
"Perfect? Shut up," you dismissed him. "Now I know you're lying. You cheeseball."
"I'm not lying! You're perfect for me."
"Oh, so you're just a hopeless romantic. Where did that come from? What am I getting into?" you fussed playfully.
"Okay, we can make fun of each other later, like always, but right now can I just get into you?" Jungkook pleaded, directing you back to the task at hand.
"Oh my gosh. I can't believe this, you're worse than Jin. That was actually pretty impressive—" Surprised, you half-laughed, half-admired his wordplay, but were silenced by both his lips and his first few inches gliding into you.
Not yet breaking your kiss, just absorbing your moans into his mouth as he stretched you out, Jungkook eased himself all the way in. He drank in every detail of your body's response to keep careful track of your comfort. You tilted your ass up against him, absorbing the fullness of his big dick immersed in your walls, and he froze. "Pretty impressive?" he whispered.
"Jungkook," you breathed back in pure pleasure, too overwhelmed to sass back.
"Can I move?" he asked sweetly.
"Fuck. Yes."
Jungkook's brows narrowed as his eyes turned darker, and he snapped his hips up into yours once, twice, before setting a fierce pace that had you crying out with each stroke. He hadn't lost touch on your clit the whole time, and he began to circle his fingers to pleasure you there too, building up an almost unbearable tension throughout your whole body.
"Fuck...fuck! Jungkook!" you chanted. His eyes overcame their fluttering to meet yours. Jungkook stilled, then ground down on you in one big, slow, circle, drinking in your blissed-out expression.
"Harder?" he whispered. Jungkook loved a challenge.
"Sure, harder. Why the fuck not," you keened, high-pitched and desperate. He could split you in half at this point, leave you unable to walk for days, and you'd love it.
Jungkook made a small, delighted noise at your eagerness, kissing you quickly before flipping you over and positioning you on all fours, sheathing himself in you again. He ran his hands along your torso to clutch your breasts from underneath, holding himself up against you with solely the strength of his thighs and his core. Pulsing his hips into you carefully, slowly, to let you get used to the deeper angle, his fingertips skimmed your nipples tantalizingly, warming you further. He dropped one hand to prop himself up and slowly traveled the other down to your center. The lustful, elated exhale you let out when he rubbed your clit made him snap his hips forward, tilting you into the bed before you could engage your thighs to push back against his. Your continuous moans encouraged him that you were enjoying this just as much as him, loving how he remained fully attentive to your pleasure while pounding into you to pursue his own high. He fucked you like a high-intensity workout, pushing his unreasonably built body to its limits of speed and strength. You couldn't help wishing you'd taken him up on more of his offers to hit the gym together, but he seemed to get off on your breathlessness, wanting to give you his all and push you past your limits too. His fingers working as quickly as his hips, heat swelled up inside you, and when you felt sure that the tension in your core was about to break, you turned your head to cry out to him.
"Jungkookie, Jungkook—nhngh, I'm gonna cum."
"Ahhhh," he moaned. "Me too, _____. You feel so amazing, ahh—you're so perfect for me." The praise warmed your heart and your core, and soon you came around him with a long, drawn-out whine. He fucked you deep through each spasm, sending you into hot, heady overstimulation as he shuddered and emptied himself into you. When you finally collapsed under him, legs sore and shaking, he pulled out of you gently and lowered his lips to your lower lips with great care. Jungkook meticulously kissed from your swollen clit to your entrance, soft as a whisper, and you breathed out in overwhelmed bliss as his tongue emerged to tenderly nudge every drop of his cum into your opening. The gesture of aftercare, just as soothing as it was inexplicably hot, bloomed an affection within you that almost made your heart hurt. You rolled over, stretching your legs out, and he looked up at you from between them. His hair was a beautifully sweaty mess, and he smiled in sweet satisfaction with your wetness adorning his chin. That was your Jungkook.
"Don't go anywhere," he said softly, kneading your thighs with his hands.
"Well, I have to do the whole pee-after-sex thing. But after that, where would I go? There's only one bed in this apartment now," you couldn't help teasing.
"Hey! If I hadn't given away my bed, none of this would have happened," he complained cutely, pulling himself up to big-spoon you. “Just stay with me.”
"I will. I know," you murmured back. "And I'm so happy you did." You shifted back, closer against him, and he buried his face in your neck.
"You know, I was gonna miss being roommates so much," he said thoughtfully. "But I'm so okay with not being your roommate now if I get to be your...your..." He grinned into your shoulder, suddenly too shy to say it.
You turned to face him, holding his pink cheeks in both of your hands and kissing his nose. Knowing this would be just the first intimate moment of many made you both flush with an easy, sweet joy.
"My Jungkook. You're my Jungkook."
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heretherebedork · 2 years
I feel like you're not understanding Theo's chracter. While the whole lying thing with the Enchante was out of pocket, it was never his intention for the other 3 conniving idiots to show up. Essentially, what he was trying to do is gauge if Akk had any feelings for him by making him jealous and taking the opportunity to find Enchnate to spend time with him.
Considering he has made it very clear since the first episode that he's lonely, never made any friends in France, just lost his grandmother who he probably has more affection for than his own parents, and has just stepped into a country that he hardly knows/recognizes anymore, he didn't have the courage to confess to the only person he was comfortable with and showed his truest self to and risk ruining the only relationship he has where he is on equal standing with another person. Imagine people only knowing you because your dad is wealthy and you having to maintain this perfect image, hence the "little prince" allusions and then the only person who has seen beyond that, you might lose 'cause they're not straight or into you if you do confess 😕.
While it may be middle school-ish/immature behavior, alot of people (although I know full well he's an adult) have done something similar to make their crush notice them or to see if the crush would be jealous/ask about them. I know lying, not matter how small or big, in a relationship is not a good foundation to start on, I still don't understand why people think he's manipulative or a bad/evil character when he never had any ulterior motives except find out if Akk was into him or not and maybe get a confession out of it...
But he does have a friend from France who literally just came to Thailand. So he did have at least one close friend there!
But, also, trying to make Akk jealous was such a bad plan. I feel like claiming you had someone else interested in you and that you were interested in is a great way to have any adult who might have otherwise been interested go 'well, I don't have a chance. might as well give up on my feelings' and just... stop thinking about you romantically. Seriously. Fake boyfriend is how you get rid of a secret admirer, not how you gain one.
He is manipulative. That's the entire point of the plot. Now, it's not being painted as a bad thing but his actions are objectively manipulative because that's what lying and faking an entire plan to make someone jealous is. It's manipulative. You can enjoy it, that's fine, you can even understand it, you can think he's acting the only way that makes sense but he's still being manipulative. That's the word for it.
He's not an evil character. He's not even bad. But he's manipulative and he manipulating Akk even after he was certain Akk had feelings for him because he needs him to confess first because the narrative said that's how it works.
Yes, he only intended on this being Saifah and himself manipulating Akk to try to figure out his feelings... but he was still planning manipulation and he was determined to stick to it despite the fact that it went completely wrong. It spiraled out of hand entirely because of Theo's actions.
And the show is placing every bit of the relationship issues on Akk's shoulders. He's insecure, he was lying, he can't handle being public, it's entirely him and Theo is totally innocent despite the fact that half the reasons Akk is insecure could easily have come from all the lying and the idea that Akk should have told Theo about his parent's divorce before they did is asinine. Seriously.
Y'all are free to enjoy this. But, for me, the emotional journey has come to a point that I got off the ride and am now watching from the sidelines with an eyebrow raised.
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symphonic-scream · 3 years
Oh hey I've got more
Differences in the Jocks Kwami Swap AU
More from season 2!
The moment has finally arrived
Really at the start not much is different, Penny is having trouble controlling everything that's happening around her, but I'm thinking I might swap what they have Jagged do-
I don't know for sure yet but I'm considering my options. Either way Penny gets pushed to the limit and gets akumatized
Chartreux and Crimson are fighting her as they normally would, while Kitsune is having a whole ass crisis cause her plans aren't working
She kinda collapses on a roof, watching the other two heroes do their thing all chaotic and remembers her motto, the advice she received and follows religiously;
"Life your life with no regrets"
And she starts to realize that the duo make tons of mistakes and never seem to get down on themselves despite how much they should regret their decisions
Kitsune realizes that she's been thinking about the advice the wrong way. It doesn't mean to do everything without flaw the first time, but to have fun and live in the moment, have fun and enjoying life for what it is
So she goes feral
Jocks style
Joins the fight and just follows the flow and in the end the new Jocks Trio are victorious
However, Fu isn't so pleased. He can't take back the miraculouses, but he has to stop this mess before it gets worse
So he and Wayzz go for a walk, and are saved by a certain classmate, who gets invited back for tea
Ugh the baby
Episode starts with Max learning about the miraculous and Fu and stuff from Fu, who hands him the turtle and asks him to become the leader the team needs
Max isn't sure about the idea at first, because if he can't even keep Kim and Alix out of danger, how can he protect his fellow heroes?
He gets a pep talk and agrees
Meanwhile the class has gathered to scheme a way to get Adrien out of his schedule to hang out with them. They were all assigned secret roles and invited by a "mysterious mastermind"
It's just Kagami
Newly living her life her way, she comes up with something so ridiculous it might just work
Only it doesn't and the Gorilla is about to be akumatized but instead it's the baby
The trio transform to fight it only to receive messages on their devices from a "Shell Shock", which they promptly ignore
When the Turtle Hero does show up, he saves their asses and pulls them aside to tell them the plan and of course none of them are too pleased
However they go with it and they win. Shell Shock explains that he was chosen to be the team leader and the corespondent between them and the "Guardian" and tells Kitsune that he will message her through the magic system thing for when she's needed. Otherwise she is to stay away from the fight
Yeah she's not happy
Episode ends with Adrien joining the class for some hangout at the park after his next shoot was cancelled due to the akuma attack
The day has finally arrived for Kagami to try out for the fencing academy in Paris and a lot is riding on her acceptance. If she fails to get in, her grandfather will have her and Tomoe moved back home again. She'll lose her newfound freedom, her friends, her secret identity
Still upset about essentially being called a sidekick, Kagami isn't ik the right mindset for fencing. She and Trixx have a little chat in the locker room before she puts her necklace and ring in her locker
Marinette, Alix, Kim, and Ivan (the last three having just stayed past their lacrosse practice) are there to cheer Kagami on and show their support
Kagami and Adrien are paired up to fight, but they don't have any mats to practice on because they're being cleaned. While they're fighting, Kagami steps on a wet part of the floor and slips, losing in the process
No one liked that
The instructor says that since she lost she can't join and says his decision is final when people mention how unfair he's being
Kagami just walks out, trying not to show how upset she is when she calls her mother to share the results. When asked to challenge the decision and do a rematch, she states that in her family there is no room for second chances and leaves
Then haha akuma time
Having not gone back to her locker, she doesn't have the fox miraculous so it's a normal akuma
Might change some things about Riposte not sure yet
Shell Shock messages Kitsune that they won't need her at the start of the fight but things get rough for a bit there, and he can't help but think that Mirage would have been useful then
The heroes end up winning, Kagami's mother tells her to "stop being stubborn" and to accept a fair second match, deciding to keep her loss a secret from her grandfather
For the final bit, Kagami gets her proper rematch, and kicks Adrien's ass. And with that, she's in the academy and gets to stay in Paris
She goes and puts on both her ring and the fox miraculous, apologizing to Trixx for what happened while they were apart
The class is preparing a surprise party for her, everyone pitching in something to make it extra special
Some of the classmates discuss their gifts to her while preparing, Nino with his playlist for the party, Mylene with a plush from one of those animal charities, Alix with a collection of recipes and some spare fabric she got from her grandma all the way from Egypt
And Juleka with a CD of "background noise" music she and Luka made with Marinette in mind
As that's happening Gina (?) Shows up for her annual Nonna and Mari day, which Tom forgot about because of how excited he was for the surprise party idea
Rather than what happens in canon, Gina and Marinette take turns choosing a small activity to do together, just like every year. After a trip to some candy shop, Gina's about to have her final turn where she planned to give Marinette her gift
That's when Alya calls Marinette and claims that she's got a huge scoop and needs her trusty moderator to help her out
Marinette doesn't want to miss out on the little time she gets with her Nonna but Gina just insists she go cause it sounded important. She leaves after saying she'll see Marinette back home later
The Birthday Girl shows up to the surprise party and she's actually surprised this time cause she was so focused on picking the perfect activities for her and Gina that she didn't see the clues
Befana happens when Tom tells his mom that Marinette is at a birthday party and she gets mad that her own granddaughter felt the need to lie as if she wouldn't let her go to her own party if she asked
There's a bit of a detail about Marinette not even taking any of the candies with her, even though it's both of their favourite
I liked Befana's powers well enough, I thought that it was pretty cool. It's based on La Befana, who I believe is basically Italian Santa?? It's cool
The heroes struggle to sneak away while some of their classmates are turned to stone or into those weird angels, all while trying to keep Marinette safe
Shell Shock and Chartreux are the most successful, since Kagami and Kim are trying to protect the birthday girl
They do get a chance to transform and Shell Shock comes up with a complicated plan to stop the akuma
So obviously it gets screwed up at some point
Once the fight is done, Marinette tries to talk to Gina and explain everything, making it clear that she loves their days together
This is when Gina gives her the gift, er, gifts. First is a bag meant to allow Mari to bring some if her sewing stuff on the go
The second is a jacket just like Gina's, only it has the little blossoms from Marinette's shirt and shit, and announces that she's staying in Paris for a while longer, promising to take Marinette on a proper bike trip
Here's the next four episodes planned! I'm nearly done with season 3 now and I'm gonna wait to do another Differences post while I figure things out with 2 and 3 lmao
I hope y'all like my plans for these episodes, so let me know what you think! Suggestions, complaints, compliments, I'll take em all
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
The Search for the Mysterious Mothman | a HQ Buzzfeed Unsolved AU
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akaashi: in this episode of buzzfeed unsolved–
bokuto: *vibrating with excitement* MOTHMAN!! WE’RE GOING TO MOTHMAN CITY!!
akaashi: …yes. also, it’s called Point Pleasant, West Virginia
bokuto: Mothman City
akaashi: *stares at camera*
• akaashi isn’t much of a fan of a cryptids but he delivers a flawless intro anyway about the first mothman sighting with bokuto interjecting at certain points
akaashi: i’m just wondering,, why the name mothman?
bokuto: it’s a moth combined with a man. mothman
akaashi: but should we assume their gender?? what if they you know, they prefer to be called mothwoman? or moth-person?
bokuto: mOTHFELLA
bokuto: mothman sounds cooler
akaashi: admittedly,, yes
*cut to montage of the two of them packing their things to travel to west virginia. akaashi has a shit ton of equipment and bokuto’s suitcase is full of neon mothman shirts*
*insert clip of the two of them in a hotel, taken from akaashi’s phone*
bokuto: *lying on the bed in the dark with his phone* mothman call, take 53: eeeeeeeeEEEEEeeeEeeeeeeEeeee
akaashi: *hiding under the pillows* he’s been doing this for three hours
*insert clip of the two of them in a car*
bokuto: *recording with his phone* he’s been doing this for 3 hours
bokuto: if we’re going to west virginia, that implies the existence of a north, east, and south virginia
akaashi: there’s just virginia and west virginia, bokuto-san
bokuto: ,,,what the fuck?
fINALLY they arrive in mothman city and bokuto is tHRIVING
he drags akaashi to any store that sells mothman merch and that’s pretty much every store
akaashi tries his best to make everything still be as documentary-like as possible and introduce things relevant to the history of mothman
akaashi: and here, we have the original transcripts of the first mothman sighting by the four friends – *stares into the distance*
cameraman: *turns around and gets a shot of bokuto putting on mothman-themed boxers over his jeans*
bokuto: there wasn’t a dressing room and i wanted to wear them now
and then they take a million pictures with the mothman statue
bokuto tries to climb the statue so it looks like mothman’s carrying him but a guard tells him off
akaashi glanced at mothman’s ass and snapped a pic of it
they can’t end their day without having some mothman pizza
yes its a thing it was in the buzzfeed unsolved episode and it looks ePIC
bokuto practically cries at the sight it looks so beautiful
akaashi’s lowkey like ‘why tf does the pizza look like this’but he doesn’t have the heart to tell bokuto
finally they sleep at a nearby hotel that has a mothman poster and mothman-themed bedsheets (which akaashi didn’t know about beforehand but he suspected as much from bokuto)
akaashi: *staring at the mothman poster right in front of his bed* it’s… staring at my soul
bokuto: mothman call, take 86: eeeEEEeEEEEeEEEE
the next day they finally get down to Looking for Mothman
*cut back to the interview room*
akaashi: for this episode, bokuto and i have made a bet on who can get the best evidence of mothman’s existence. if i win, we’re leaving Point Pleasant the next day
bokuto: and if i win we’re staying one more day!
akaashi: are you sure you want to go through with this bet?
bokuto: i’ll have you know, akaashi, i have a killer strategy *raises eyebrows at camera*
*back to mothman city*
akaashi: *standing in front of a clearing in the forest* this is where the first mothman sighting was. my plan is to set up motion cameras all around the space and then use radiowave frequency on a satellite to lure him out
*insert clip of akaashi setting up cameras and him cursing when one of them falls over*
bokuto shows up later at night wearing a trenchcoat and akaashi proudly shows him his set-up
akaashi: with my motion camera set-up i’ll definitely get some evidence on mothman’s existence. 
bokuto: *takes off trenchcoat to reveal his outfit: fishnet stockings, a skirt, a crop top, really huge moth wings made out of paper, and a fuzzy antenna headband* I’M GOING TO SEDUCE MOTHMAN
akaashi: …
bokuto: because i dressed up as mothwoman
akaashi: …
bokuto: also i made my mothman call recordings into a CD and i’m blasting it from a boombox
akaashi: … a bit heteronormative but ok
*later on*
akaashi, watching bokuto shaking glowsticks and attaching them to himself: i sure hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
it does 
akaashi goes first by playing his radiowave frequency thingy but the only thing it attracts is a deer and some teenagers smoking fUnny cIgaRettes thinking it was mothman
and then it’s bokuto’s turn 
bokuto: *stands in the middle of a clearing with his glowsticks and mothwoman costume and starts playing his mothman calls on his boombox*
akaashi: *watching from afar* this isn’t going to do any– oH MY GOD
his motion cameras pick something up and find a fLYING SHAPE IN THE SKY
Actual Mothman: eeeeeEEeeeEEEEEeeeee
akaashi: *surprised pikachu face*
Actual Mothman: eeeeeEEEeeEEEeE *flies away*
*the next day*
bokuto, looking out of a window dramatically: not many people will say that they got full, definitive proof that mothman exists. but, i was that man who caught that last night
akaashi: *lying in bed, clearly in a crisis* bokuto-san just dressed up as mothwoman and mothman came… bokuto-san just dressed up as mothwoman and mothman came
bokuto: i think we finally broke him
it takes five hours for akaashi to Accept Everything and they celebrate with even more mothman pizza and yes, staying in Mothman City for one more day
*back in the interview room for the closing remarks*
akaashi: we came to Point Pleasant to gather evidence on whether or not Mothman exists, and yes he fucking does exist and if anyone says no they can fight bokuto’s fishnet-stockinged legs
bokuto: yEAH
akaashi makes bokuto save that mothwoman costume for…purposes
check out my buzzfeed unsolved au here
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lightns881 · 4 years
DTeam Tumblr Demographics Survey Results (Part 2):
What does DTeamblr look like, what does it have to do with MCYT history, and why does it look like a rainbow?
I’ll make an educated guess here and say y'all enjoyed my last post (totally unrelated to the way I gained almost 50 followers overnight). Anyhow, thank you so much for the overwhelming support! I’m so glad a lot of you felt you could relate to my deep-dive into the leading personality type on DTeam Tumblr. It took me so many hours to write and research, and as a math major and honors student, it’s no easy feat, so I’m so grateful for the attention it got!
Today we’re discussing the general demographics of DTeam Tumblr and why they might look the way they do. Number 8 will blow your mind! So make sure to keep reading and hit that little grey heart and arrow at the bottom if you like it, so more people get to see it! Thanks for your support! Now, let’s jump straight into the post!
Your Daily Dose of Data
From the 449 responses we received, these are some pie charts displaying the gender, age, and sexuality of all respondents.
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Image Description: Female (52.8%), Non-Binary (37.4%), Male (9.8%)
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Image Description: 16-17 (37%), 13-15 (31.4%), 18 and over (29.4%), 12 and under (2.2%)
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Image Description: Bisexual/Pansexual (54.1%), Homosexual (16%), Asexual (14.7%), Other (7.8%), Heterosexual (7.3%)
Mmhm, delicious! Y'all ready to dig into these stats? Because I don’t know about you, but they certainly don’t strike me as what the general population looks like!
Welcome to Tumblr, the Only Community Where Straight Men are the Minority
So these statistics certainly didn’t take me by surprise. Mostly because the DNF Shipper Survey I took some time ago revealed a similar trend. Not to mention, Tumblr is probably the QUEEREST internet community on the planet. 
Funny enough, the survey revealed a shocking number of ZERO heterosexual males respondents. I’ll say it louder for the people in the back. ZERO straight males were recorded out of 449 respondents for this survey!
Now, this isn’t surprising for the Tumblr community by itself, but I can say I’m somewhat surprised in terms of the MCYT Tumblr community. (Obviously, the survey specified DTeam Tumblr, but there is a big overlap between both communities, so I will be using them interchengably when it seems relevant.)
Let’s break this down. The survey reveals the largest age population is 16-17, though it’s not by a great margin in comparison to 13-15 and 18 and older, which doesn’t surprise me either. Some of the major critics of the DTeam Fandom and other MCYT Fandoms love to claim the fanbase’s majority age range lies with children and pre-teens. While it’s an undeniable fact children are drawn to Minecraft, it’s also a misconception to paint it as solely a community for younger viewers.
In the MCYT Tumblr and DTeam Tumblr communities, specifically, we see this is not the case. Only 1/3 of the respondents of this survey are under the age of 16 (you could attribute part of it to the fact younger people might be less inclined to participate in this survey, but it is still a notable difference). I can’t say these age ranges are similar in other parts of the community like DTeam Twitter, Tik Tok, or Reddit, but if I had to make a guess, I’d say Tumblr lies toward the older of the bunch, with Reddit being the oldest and Tik Tok being the youngest (I do hope to perform this survey on some of the other communities, so please stay until the end if you want to help with that).
One of the likely explanations to why the ages for DTeam Tumblr look this way is the fact a big chunk of the community has likely been watching MCYT for a long time (even with breaks in between). I, myself, used to watch channels like PopularMMOs, Aphmau, and PrestonPlayz as a kid, and I presume many of you are familiar with them as well. With the resurgence of MCYT in the past year, it likely drew a lot of the older viewers in addition to the new ones.
But enough about age. What I really want to highlight on this post is the attraction of queer individuals to DTeam Tumblr and MCYT as a whole.
Why is the current MCYT Fandom so queer in comparison to the previous generations?
This is a huge open-ended question and considering I can only capture so much of the DTeam and MCYT community, the rest of this post should be taken solely as a theoretical analysis as opposed to fact.
With that out of the way, let’s start by discussing the shift MCYT has undergone over the years (I promise this will circle back to the question of queerness in the MCYT fandom, but we need some background before we can come up with a decent theory).
When Minecraft was first released, it proved to be a monumental change in the gaming industry. This simple little indie game took the world by storm. It was so vastly different from what the general population generally viewed gaming as (first-person shooters, story-driven games, action games, etc.) Not to mention, it didn’t exactly solely appeal to only a small margin of gamers, those being white cis males.
The gaming industry has notoriously been known in the past for its heteronormative community and general prejudice toward minorities. Though it has gone through a significant change over the decades, we certainly can’t say it’s fully gone.
Yet for whatever reason, the recent MCYT has taken the interest of so many queer people in comparison to other gaming YouTube communities. Why? Why are queer people so drawn to this community? And, more precisely, why does it feel so different than the old MCYT? Lastly, how does this relate to the conclusion about the leading personalities of this fandom we made in the last post?
The Niche Communities of MCYT Over the Years
MCYT has always been a huge, over-saturated genre of YouTube with content appealing to a variety of audiences. It’s dominated gaming content for years, and I think we can all safely say it’s never been bigger than it is today.
So why is it that just now it feels like the queerness of the fandom is popping off? Why now as opposed to say five years ago when MCYT was at another one of it’s strongest stages?
It seems like the community has made a tremendous shift in relation to breaking gender norms and LGBTQ+ subjects, not only in the fans but within the creators themselves. Was flirting and calling a pretty-boy streamer pet names as normal in the past as it is today? Were straight gamer guys putting on dresses and a full-face of make-up as supported back then? Were “marriages” and “pregnancies” within Minecraft boys an everyday occurrence like they are now? How is it that MCYT has dominated a Twitch dating show where flirting with the gay host and among straight contestants themselves is just another bit of entertainment? Where is this all coming from?
Recently, I watched a 2 hour documentary depicting all of the stages of Minecraft YouTube and how it has changed over the years. If you haven’t seen it and you have some time to spare, I HIGHLY recommend it! It’s very informative, and it honestly gave me such a strong sense of nostalgia that makes me choke up every time I think about it. I’ll link it below.
The documentary does a great job at exploring the different niche communities that dominated MCYT since it first took off. Some of such communities include the basic Let’s Players, the team-based Let’s Play channels like How2Minecraft, the roleplay story-centric ones like Aphmau and Samgladiator, the tutorial, building and technical side like Mumbo and Grian, the PVP-centric Bedwars or Hypixel channels, the Machinima community, the comedy side like ExplosiveTNT, the parody music videos, and so many more. All of the mentioned communities have dominated Minecraft at one point or another, many of them still having a rippling effect and/or a loyal community today. All of these communities have certain aspects that define them, some of which parallel the current overtaking content in the present.
How can we compare MyStreet to the Dream SMP?
Taking Aphmau as an example, her MyStreet series had a TREMENDOUS success a few years ago, racking in millions of views and bringing in a lot of money that eventually allowed her to hire voice actors and increase the production of mentioned episodes. The roleplay series was so successful it ran for six seasons!
Now, let’s compare that to the Dream SMP. It seems like a big comparison to be making considering they appear so different at first glance. For once, Aphmau is just one channel whose audience caters toward girls and younger people who enjoy romance. The series is set-up in an episodic-format that resembles more of a TV series than actual Minecraft videos.
Meanwhile, the Dream SMP is a collection of content creators with a mix of improvised storylines and the occasional regular video that resembles more of a Let’s Play series than a RP series.
You could say the only true comparisons to draw out of these two are the popularity they had/have and the profit they brought to their respective creators. 
However, there’s two other key similarities that you’ll find not only within these two specific examples, but many other channels and communities as well. Story and characters.
MyStreet’s story aspect is fairly obvious seeing as it’s a episodic series that focuses on a fictional story. The Dream SMP’s story aspect isn’t as clear, but it’s evident there is a story playing out in the foreground and background, whether intentional or unintentional, or improvised or not.
Character is where some of you might start to question me. It’s obvious MyStreet has characters. I mean, it is a fictional story, after all. But the Dream SMP? Light, they’re obviously people!
Well, my answer to that is yes and no--sort of. The Dream SMP’s story heavily relies on roleplay, bits as you might call them. Events that aren’t necessarily planned out as a fictional plot like the typical MyStreet episode is, but they aren’t exactly real. Schlatt is obviously not a villain in real life, he just likes to impersonate as one for the narrative. Wilbur isn’t crazy, but it’s a way to spice up the heroic story surrounding Tommy and him.
It’s video-game improv. Except the actors behind the content just so happen to be real people playing off the personalities and “brands” they have obtained. 
Brands. It all boils down to this. In the entertainment business, without a clear vision of your project and a clear way to brand what your consumer intakes, your project will likely not find a lot of success.
There’s a reason why Tommy plays off his loudness, using an overexaggerated laugh that although may not be completely fake, it is likely not the laugh he uses everyday. Or why BadBoyHalo is this supposed innocent muffin who doesn’t understand the crafting table meme and other references that are fairly easy to google and find the meaning of. Or why Sapnap is this chaotic being who loves starting pet wars and we love to paint as an arsonist in the Dream SMP. While all of these personality traits may be a part of their true selves, they’re played up for the camera--for the story. They act as the personas that define their characters in the narrative.
They have a clear brand and vision that appeals to the audience and makes them tune in on the daily to see how they all come together. It’s like roleplaying a more extreme version of yourself, one that brings home the money.
Story and characters run across every entertainment outlet. They define their brand. Aphmau has her characters and series. Hermitcraft has a set of memorable personalities and episodic videos that formulate its own story that is less like a narrative and more of a history of the server. ExplodingTNT has his recurring cast and comedic sketches. Most of these niche communities have a form of story and character defining them. It’s how they achieve a clear sense of branding and cater to a specific audience.
Queer Theory in MCYT
Having said all that, why does the MCYT of today draw in so many queer viewers?
Let’s think about this. In my last post, I ended by mentioning DTeam Tumblr is a sort of safe haven for INFP and INxx types who might be placed in the “other” category by society. INFPs, specially, are predisposed for escapism--one common form of it being fiction and entertainment. Not to mention, INFPs are feeling types who, as introverts, seek a personable connection. It’s why it’s so easy for them to obsess over book characters or fall in love with content creators.
Now, let’s imagine a whole community of LGBTQ+ INFP and INxx types. Actually, scratch that, we don’t even have to imagine it.
It’s what our community looks like today.
And why are so many so drawn to the DTeam and Dream SMP of all things? It’s a personable storyline that essentially forms a direct tie to the viewer. Unlike pre-recorded fictional TV series you tune into on your device, the Dream SMP is a whole load of chaos that blurs the lines between reality and fiction where fans can directly connect to creators and get to know them as people through a storyline that features sub-textual queer themes and non-conforming behaviors.
The MCYT content creator community of today is more non-conforming than ever before, and knowing this whole fact, knowing that many of them might place themselves in the “other” category or at the very least aren’t afraid to break the norms and be seen in that light, is a comfort in itself for LGBTQ+ INFP types. Once again, it’s a safe space that helps you escape from the troubles of real life, one you relate to.
Okay. So although this does answer why the fans look like they do, what about the creators themselves? Are we really supposed to believe this all came through naturally? That a bunch of straight guys suddenly decided wearing dresses was something they wanted to do?
I don’t mean to sound cynical here, and I’m in no way trying to insinuate creators have solely some sort of corrupt ulterior motive. Things are never as simple as they look. However, the truth is, a part of it lies on the attention it’s gotten.
I’ve talked a lot about DreamNotFound and the way Dream uses it as a marketing ploy. I stand by my point. However, he’s not the only one who does this in the MCYT community. Why did Finn suddenly go from wearing a dress to cross-dressing as a girl for a whole week? Why are so many creators suddenly deciding wearing dresses is fun? Why does every freaking straight MCYT actively want to flirt with George nowadays?
Let’s just let Techno’s favorite word answer this for us: clout.
It gets attention from one of the largest historically underserved minority community in the entertainment business. We might not be able to see gay flirting in every Netflix TV show or guys not minding dresses and getting fake marriages, but you are certainly going to get at least one of those in every Dream SMP stream and video you tune into. It gets attention. It brings home the money. And do I blame them? Not really.
Interestingly enough, there’s a lot of analytical posts on the MCYT Tumblr community that discuss the dangers of these tactics and why gay jokes and the way queer subtext is treated by MCYT creators is harmful. Despite this, it still attracts such a huge community of queers. So why exactly would queer people actively watch something that’s offensive or harmful to us?
I have a lot more to say about this topic and the morality behind Dream’s tactics, but I’m out of breath for today, so I’ll talk about it in my next post. What better way to start the conversation about the DNF and Karlnap questions of the survey than a good ol’ discussion on the morality of queerbaiting and the likes?
If you got this far, I’d appreciate it if you liked and reblogged this post if you enjoyed it and/or learned something new! Also, important news, I would really like to perform a similar study on the DTeam Twitter Community to measure the differences in demographics across platforms. I would REALLY appreciate it if you guys could go like, retweet and share the link I posted on my Twitter about it (tweet will be linked in the reblog below) so it reaches more of the DTeam Twitter community!
However, if you filled out the survey yourself here or you associate more with DTeam Tumblr than DTeam Twitter please DO NOT fill out the survey again! I’m trying to make sure it reaches the audience that mains on Twitter, but I need a little help with that since I don’t have as big of an influence on Twitter than on here for obvious reasons.
Anyhow, thank you so much for all your support! I really appreciate y’all and make sure to hit the follow if you want to lookout for the next demographics post! <3
(Pssst, I’m releasing a MCYT DNF superpower AU longfic next month... You should totally go check out the post on that if you’re interested in it...)
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mtraki · 3 years
Y'all, it's another rant (uh, apparently people like those or something as the last one got more notes immediately than most of any kind of thing I make here). This one is a little spicier, but it's still full of love for Hitman, the team who made it, and the characters most especially. And y'all. Much love to y'all. Read More if you want it. All spoilers unmarked as before.
Let me be frank: Diana was robbed.
For awhile now, and especially since reading through some fanfic, other content creator analysis, and fan theories, something about Diana has rubbed me the wrong way. Now, don't get me wrong (please put down the garrottes and explosive rubber duckies, I CAN EXPLAIN!) I love Diana Burnwood as a character and as an expositor. I love all three of her VAs, though I have to say I'm a bit partial to Ms Jane Perry's rendition. I love her understanding of her strengths and her ruthless inclination to use them to suit her purpose. I love the way she speaks to 47 with familiarity and warmth and injects wry humor or irritation into her comments like she's trying to poke at him and get a kind of reaction out of him. I like that she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty if that's what's necessary. I think she's a beautiful set of polygons. But she was robbed of a character development arc. "Wait wait!" You cry, brandishing fire extinguishers to bash against my face, "She discovered the truth about her parents' murder! She betrayed the ICA and her active and very influential client (Providence) to help 47 and Lucas on their personal vengeance quest!"
Sure. But did these change her perspective of the world or herself? Did this alter the pattern that's repeated in every single narrative she's taken a role in?
"She learned she was a hypocrite! She let 47 go at the end!"
She 'lets 47 go' in several of the narratives she's in, starting with the comics.
She gives him the ICA contact information at the end of the comic series. She's fairly certain they'll hear from him, but does not prevent him from leaving. 47 kills Ort-Meyer at the end of the first game and disappears to Sicily for several years. Diana does not try to stop him. She lets him go. Diana 'betrays 47' at the end of Blood Money, but he survives Trojan Hitman(TM) The First and disappears for about a year. Diana does not try to stop him. She lets him go. Diana 'betrays 47' after Mendoza, but he survives Trojan Hitman(TM) The Second and disappears for about a year (per the ending cutscene 'New Deal'). Diana does not try to stop him. She lets him go.
The thing is... Diana is always right. This is important to her role as our (the Player's) expositor, and also as 47's 'conscience' (once that part of their working relationship becomes clear in the narrative). But once the narrative starts removing her from those roles in the WOA story, I really wish they had done more to navigate how she's also just a fallible human being with dubious morals that are also built on personal vengeance and a long, long history of literally manipulating everyone around her to her benefit (No really. She starts at fourteen with this mercenary thinking right after her parents die. Girl needed a therapist for REAL). It's okay that 47 thinks she's got everything handled and will "make everything right". He's supposed to. He doesn't know a different Diana. Every fake betrayal and real betrayal and double-agent play has worked out with apparently no negative consequences. The only time this wasn't 100% true was when she betrayed Benjamin Travis in Absolution and was put on a contract herself and subsequently shot by 47. But then we learn that even THAT was figured into her plan-- that 47 had been drinking enough of the 'Burnwood or Bust' Kool-Aid (TM) to not kill her outright even though he's never hesitated before. Mind you, this whole episode didn't happen to make Diana doubt herself... No, it was there to shake up 47. In fairness, she makes a couple 'foibles' in WOA. Andrews is under her and Olivia's watch when he escapes-- something Lucas blames her for. She gets 'captured' in turn by Andrews and joins Providence as a Herald (on probation)... But overall, her master plan goes down impressively. She becomes the next Constant even after orchestrating the deaths of both her rival and her predecessor (and having the doubts of most the rest of the Heralds) after successfully 'betraying' 47 again.
At least in my understanding of the dialogue and themes of the end of WOA, 47 never doubted Diana. There was that period in his subconscious where he doubted himself, but none of that seemed directed at her. He never doubted she was in control of the situation, never doubted she had the best intentions, and never doubted that this was another play. So it's no damn surprise he turns up a year later even though she risked his life and bodily autonomy without discussing it with him first, again. Playing for Team Burnwood comes with winning every time!
And that upsets me. Diana was robbed, and 47 was cheated of any real 'freedom of choice'. I don't mean things should have ended in disaster. Of course I want happy endings.
But I also want Diana to have grown enough to decide in the end that this Trojan Hitman(TM) plan risks someone not her the most, and so maybe that means planning with that person instead of deciding her way is best without the consent of others. If the game wants me to believe she recognizes that she's a hypocrite, then she shouldn't end her role in the game by being a damn hypocrite!
Let there be a reveal that 47 was in on the 'betrayal' plan! Let his insecurity in the subconscious be more about who he is going to be in the future now that Diana has let him off her leash-- CAN he be somebody on his own? Making his own decisions?? He's literally never done it! It's scary-- and he has the capacity for fear as well as guilt, now! Let Andrews try to make this about Diana and her master plan and such and have 47 say he doesn't know what Andrews is talking about. Because whatever Diana does is up to Diana now, and doesn't have anything to do with 47... and what 47 does is up to 47 now, and Diana doesn't have anything to do with that.
This way, she has really let him go after having to admit to herself that she needed his help, and that she needed to ask for it instead of trick him, and really recognizes that she was a hypocrite trying to control another human being to do "what's best" for him. This way his return a year later actually looks like the start of something new instead of another run on the same hamster wheel.
Any other takes? I'm here for the discourse-- especially if you have canon clips or dialogue I missed!
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COSMIC - S3:E1; Chapter One, Suzie, Do You Copy? - [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
Summer brings new jobs and budding romance. But the mood shifts when Dustin’s radio picks up a Russian broadcast, and Will senses something is wrong.
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A/n: Honestly this entire episode is gonna be fluff. I sprinkled a whole bunch of Y/n and Lucas brotp cause y'all loved it so much and honestly I love writing it. Lots of roasting each other this chapter. Also the Mike and Y/n dynamic after season 2 will be explained more as the season progresses. Enjoy!
||3rd Person POV||
The faint sound of crickets could barely be heard over the soft music of The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and The News plays from inside Castle Byers. Soft yellow light spills out from the cracks and slits of the castle from the battery-powered lamp where the young couple sat planning a campaign. It was clear that both had done a great deal of growing over the summer, just as their friends had. Will most of all, as he sat now in Castle Byers, he did so with a slightest of hunches seeing as he had sprouted tremendously in height. His shoulders had broadened a bit, and his voice had lowered as much had he had grown.
As for Y/n, the changes in her were more internal than external. Like Will, her physique had changed though not quite as drastically. Her features were far more defined than they had been in previous years, but the biggest change within her was how she held herself. The months since that dreadful night at the cabin, she had dedicated every spare moment to learning about herself... About her powers.
And now more than ever, she was one with her abilities. With help from El and the overwhelming support from Will, she exuded a whole new level of strength and confidence in herself. Something that set her apart from her previous attempts in secret the year before. Now with help, she thrived.
"The power of love is a curious thing
Make a one man weep, make another man sing"
"So what if, when they enter the tomb of Kuzatan - the villagers being in danger I'm sure would give them no way to cheat their way out - and then they..." her voice trails off, getting lost in the notes that seep into the air. She quirks a brow at the boy before her. "Will, hon? You listening?"
"Mmm?" Will hummed, torn suddenly from his blissful gaze.
Having been caught staring at Y/n, she realized he had missed the question. She laughed, shaking her head. Butterflies erupted in Will's stomach at the sound, and he realized he may never grow tired of it. He still couldn't believe his luck that she was dating him.
The corners of his lips tugged into a small grin as he mumbled a 'sorry'. Y/n simpered, trying to shake off the dizziness in her head that always appeared when he made her heart flutter.
She returned to her notes, and he lovingly watched her speak. His eyes would occasionally fall to her lips but he was drawn back to her eyes and the concentration they possessed. All the while the sappy lyrics spilling their way into his subconscious as he listened.
"Don't need money, don't take fame
Don't need no credit card to ride this train"
Just two years ago, the thought of her liking him was a myth in his eyes. Her ever noticing him as more than a friend was a sickly sweet dream that would never see the light of day.
"It's strong and it's sudden and it's cruel sometimes"
And last year, with the Mind Flayer... He hated the thoughts he had, the feelings he felt when the Mind Flayer took over. The hate and disgust that crept up whenever she was around but he fought it. Though he could never forget the look on her face when the Mind Flayer attacked her.
"But it might just save your life
That's the power of love"
But now. They were happy. She saved him, and after his recovery, they were finally together.
"Will!" She laughed sharply, reaching over and swatting him lightly on the arm with her notebook.
Will was pulled from his daze yet again, no longer trying to hide the happiness and bliss he felt.
She smiled fondly and shook her head, placing her arm on his shoulder and pulled him in for a kiss. The music playing from the radio she had gifted to him a year before swelled as their lips met in a tender kiss.
"That's the power of love,"
After several moments their lips break apart but their foreheads remained glued together. A light laugh breaks out between them, escaping through the blinding grins carved into their faces. Her eyes travel from the ground to meet with his, only to find he had already been staring at her with the same lovesick gaze. It brings the same storm of butterflies in her stomach and sporadic beating of her heart.
Neither Will nor Y/n could recall a time either of them felt this happy.
Y/n's gaze flickers back to Will's lips. She flashes a warm grin and gives him one last and swift peck on the lips before sitting back up. She tucks her notes father into her lap and that is when she catches sight of the time displayed on her watch.
Immediately, Will's mood shifts.
"What? What's wrong?"
Her eyes find his and she quirks a brow, her hands already collecting their campaign papers and stowing them away in a safe place.
"We're gonna be late."
Out of reflex, Will checks his watch. His eyes widen in a brief flicker before gathering his things, though his movements are not as hasty as hers. He gathers his campaign papers, his eyes glazing over several notes he had made. The smallest bud of unease blooms in his stomach.
"You really think they'll like this campaign?" He asks, his gleeful composure fading for the first time since her visit.
The ache in his voice captures her attention, and quickly she drops what she's doing. She immediately recognizes the uncertainty in his features and feels a tug on her heart. A sad smile graces her face, and she drops her folder before leaning forward and cupping his face in her palms forcing him to look at her. His wide hazel eyes search hers finding nothing but love and comfort in them.
"They're gonna love it, Will. Cause, it came from you. Remember, " she smirks when his smile begins to return. "I'm just helping out."
Before he can protest she brings his face forward with a small hum, planting a kiss on his nose with a dramatic smack of her lips. His face erupts into a violent shade of scarlet against his wishes. After all this time, Y/n still managed to have this effect on him. She begins to lean away when she knows she's cheered him up, but before she can escape he captures her in another sweet kiss. He can faintly make out the f/f Slurpee that lingered from earlier that day. She hums contently and it blends perfectly with the drumming of his heart. He can feel his cheeks grow hot not just from his fluster but the feel of her palms growing warm against his skin.
Like Y/n's laugh, her warmth was something he was certain he would never tire of. It was something he had always seen in her, but after her powers had been discovered, it was only more obvious. Her touch always reminded him of the sun streaming in through the window on a chilly morning; a toasty blanket of light that hit your face just right. And he felt it now on his face as she kissed him. Although it was cut far too short in Will's opinion as she broke apart for air. Her thumb softly strokes his cheek, the pads of her fingers and palm still warm to the touch as sends him one more reassuring smile.
"And even if they don't," she continues, a spark of mischief in her eyes. "I'll blast 'em for ya."
Will chuckles, bringing his hand up to cup hers in thanks, nevermind the fact he didn't want her to let go quite yet. Alas, yet another moment lost to time. Her warm palms leave his face and immediately he feels colder, but he also knows they don't want to miss the movie. He smiles to himself as he packs up the remainder of his things as he thinks about it. His hands were almost always cold, a trait he had long before the Mind Flayer. And had it not been for her powers, Y/n might have been the same. It was yet another reason they fit so well together.
The crunch of a very small twig beneath Y/n's sneakers bring him back to reality for the third time. He looks up at Y/n to find her balanced on her tiptoes, legs folded ready to stand and she extends her palm for him to take.
"Come on, Sir Will," she says through a coy smile, her head gesturing behind her towards the cloaked entrance to the castle. "Starcourt awaits."
He brings himself to his knees to match her, ready to stand and duck outside into the night when he takes her hand. His thumb grazes her knuckles before planting a quick kiss on them, bringing a natural heat to her neck and face.
His face quickly contorts into a feigned expression of seriousness, all while dawning a fleeting and silly attitude as he waves his finger in the air. The way he always did as Will the Wise during campaigns.
"Then what are we waiting for, Y/C/N? Let us make haste!"
Will watches triumphantly as her lips press into a firm line that begins to twitch, the tell-tale signs she was fighting a losing battle with a grin as she shook her head. Y/n had yet to get used to this side of Will, though she did enjoy it. Since their time at the Snowball he had been far more relaxed. To the point where he would be cracking jokes, or surprising her with romantic gestures as such. It rarely came out like this, and when it did it was never around the others. It was something she wished they could see, but Y/n couldn't help the flutter of her heart knowing she was the only one to bring it out in him. She looks down at his soft gaze and humor in his eyes, before rolling her own, rising to her feet, and ducking out through the curtain door to avoid being caught with a smile.
"Dork," she laughs, her knuckles tingling from the unexpected gesture.
She hears his soft chuckles from behind her before he joins her side, and the couple falls into a comfortable silence as they grab their bikes off the forest floor and ride off into the night to the infamous Starcourt Mall.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
An excited grin finds Y/n's lips as the stunning neon lights of the mall come into view like a rather large homing beacon. Since its opening towards the beginning of the year, it had been flooded with people as it was now. And it was often frequented by the party as it quickly became their favorite hangout - besides Mike's basement of course - and it was on nights such as this they'd meet for a movie.
The giddiness in Y/n bubbled intensely when the welcoming aroma of salted pretzels and Hot Dog on a Stick mixed somehow perfectly with the scent of freshly-ironed linen and various perfumes, assailed her senses. It was the smell of the mall, the smell of summer, and the smell she often associated with many of her movie dates with Will. A favorite of theirs, which they had only seem a mere two weeks prior, was a newer film called The Goonies.
The rag-tag group of kids reminded them both of their own group, particularly the plucky and lovable Chunk who wistfully reminded Y/n of her brother who was currently away at camp. And Mikey, of course, the one to step up when everything went south reminded them both of their own Mike. And something about the kid on screen gave him a familiar and bittersweet feeling that tugged at his heart. Weirdly, he reminded Will of Bob and it made him smile a bit. Like he got to see him again.
The following week, the young couple dragged their friends to see it, assuring they'd love the film which they of course did. They only wished Dustin could make it there with them, but it was quickly decided they would a day of it when he got back. They certainly knew they wouldn't mind seeing it a third time, not if they got to see Dustin's reaction. Everyone back together again. Though Y/n and Will wouldn't miss the absence of teasing and/or disgusted remarks from Dustin on their relationship, that was for sure.
The pair slide their bikes into the bike rack before dismounting, and Will looks around a bit confused, his eyes flickering to his watch.
"Did we miss them?"
His worry melted when he saw her perfectly blissful composure, a soft smile playing her lips after checking her watch.
"Nope," she chirped, walking forward and taking his hand in hers walking him to the door.
"But the movie? You said it starts at eight," he asks, walking alongside her as his hand is tethered to hers. "It's eight twenty-five."
Y/n caught the closing glass door with her one free hand and the two slipped inside after the small group ahead of them, all the while her content never seemed to waver. She stopped suddenly and the crowd of people coming through the doorway flooded in around them, but his confused stare remained fixed on her as her wide eyes took in the exuberant sight before them. He could see the neon dancing in her e/c eyes as she looked to him smiling mischievously - and proudly at herself - as she pointed to the sign beside the door. His attention flickers to the bulletin board erected near the entrance. In a clear display of various showtimes, just under Return to Oz at eight-thirty was Day of the Dead at nine.
"I said the plan was to get here at eight," she smirked. "not that the movie started at eight. This way, you and I can swing by Scoops Ahoy, or whatever really, before the others get here."
"And they get here at..?" His growing excitement written on his face betrayed the hesitation in his voice.
She deflated a bit as she shrugged.
"Eight forty-five. Which gives us only twenty minutes, or so. I was hoping for more, but..." she trailed off with a smile, and gently poked his arm with her elbow, her hand still intertwined with his. "planning that campaign was fun."
A weak chuckle breaks loose, and he blushes under her gentle stare. Yet again Will wonders how he found himself with her, what he did to deserve her company. Almost as if sensing his thoughts, she shook her head wistfully, shutting down the thoughts before breaking out into a small jog towards the escalators.
"Come on," she laughed, pulling him along. "We don't have all summer!"
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The two emerged from Flash Studios with giddy laughter and stomachs coated with their favorite snacks from their previous visit to the food court. They smile down at the glossy photos they each possess, pointing out their favorite traits of the portraits they had just taken. Four photos of them - each in a more bright and colorful wardrobe than the previous - as they struck silly poses and crazy faces. All but one; which reminded Will of an even better version of the old science fair photo he had not-so-secretly admired for years.
Y/n wore an elated grin, but her eyes had closed. Her arm wrapped around Will as he planted a kiss on her cheek - the unexpected gesture being what prompted her eyes to flutter closed. All the while, the hand that had snuck around his back could be seen poking out from behind his head creating bunny ears.
The others were of equal quality, each with their own charms and unique mannerisms. Particularly the one of them back to back, arms folded and a silly feigned smolder but the bunny ears remained their favorite. It was a visual representation of their relationship and how far they had come.
Y/n slips her copy back into the thin plastic sleeve before dropping it at her side, the small handle hole dangling loosely from her curled fingers as she looks to Will. He is still admiring the photos in his hand and the look on his face - the happiness carved deep within his features - made her heart swell. He had been through such a great ordeal, more than any of them could ever possibly know - aside from El of course, who knew the heavy weight of trauma all too well. But now, in these moments together, and much like the ones back in Castle Byers, he seemed truly happy.
'He deserves it,' she thought to herself.
The two of them made sense together, and not because Will had carried a torch for her for so long, but because of the little things. The way they made each other laugh, the way they brightened each other's day. The way one spat between them, no matter how big, was never enough to break them but make them stronger.
It was because they were best friends.
Against her desires, Y/n broke her gaze away from Will and to the clock hanging over the fountain near the main entrance. The blue and yellow hands read eight thirty-eight. She deflated a bit, and nudged Will with her elbow.
"Well, the other's should be getting here any minute," she sighed, and he turned to look at her. "So I guess we should head back to the entrance."
Will nodded, already tucking the now sleeved photographs into his backpack before slipping it over his shoulder. Together, the two of them make their way back. Their footsteps have grown slower in the subconscious efforts of prolonging their alone time together. Will throws a glance Y/n's way as they walk, a tired smile fixed on his lips.
"What do you wanna bet we'll be waiting even longer for Mike?"
She now understands his subtle shift in demeanor, and it spreads to her as she lets out a flattened chuckle. She understands exactly what he is talking about. While she initially was very happy for her friends, Y/n was not immune to the growing impatience the rest of the party felt with how much time Mike and El were spending together.
"Nothing. I'm not dumb enough to take that bet." She scoffs back.
Will knew the frustration leaking through to her voice was not directed at him, but their shared frustrations with their friends. Each of them missed them a great deal despite a whole summer together. Y/n rarely saw El now, and Will saw Mike just as often. Alone time that is, any get-together the party planned - beside Starcourt due to the precautions surrounding El and her safety - El and Mike were hardly present. They globbed onto one another to the point they rarely spoke to the others - and no one could speak to just one of them alone anymore.
Like her boyfriend, Y/n enjoyed this summer greatly - particularly since Will had been such a big part of it - but the party had begun to grow lonely. More complicated that is. Dynamics between everyone were far more complex than they ever had been the older they got. Mike's frustrations with Y/n from the previous year were quicker to simmer down than she initially thought which relieved her greatly. But she wasn't sure if it was because they were all older, El was back to stay, or enough time had passed - or possibly all of the above - but things between her and Mike were just different. With everyone, in fact.
Y/n was grateful to have Lucas still, he remained the friend she could go to when she had a problem. Her best mate in DnD, and the boy she could always count on to be looking out for what was best for his friends as well as himself. But lately, he had been spending all of his spare time with Mike when neither of them were with their girlfriends.
This was another reason - out of many - that Y/n was more than thankful to have Will by her side. They both had felt a bit ostracized after the events of the previous year. Will's recovery had not been a quick one, but Y/n was there through thick and thin. As was he with her own struggles regarding the life of hers that once was, and the scary truths she faced with the tremendous powers inside of her. Hours of their lives had been spent pouring over the Missing Experiment files that Y/n still held in her possession - far away from her mother of course. A dark thought - not the first of it's kind - popped into her head about her friends' distance; Perhaps this was why she and Will were often forgotten...
Y/n immediately shakes the thought away, casting it further into the shadows of her mind. As she does, she is overwhelmingly grateful for the sudden sight of bright orange hair and a tye-dye cap. Relief washes over her and Y/n snatches up Will's hand, all traces of sadness gone and eagerly she drags him to the entrance doors faster.
Max Mayfield and Lucas Sinclair dismount their bikes, far too fixed on sweeping the crowd for any sight of their friends to notice Will and Y/n's bike parked just a few spaces over.
Lucas sighs, resting his hands on his hips as his head rolls to look at Max displeased. "First ones... again. Think they'll ever learn how to get here on time?"
Max shrugs, eyes scanning the parking lot wearing a less than impressed expression. "Doubtful."
"Welll," Lucas's expression changes quickly as he slips into a hopeful sing-song voice. He grins down at her from his less than obvious growth spurt. "At least we're alone..."
Max's deadpanned expression comes to face Lucas, though she can't seem to mean it. Her lips pucker as she tries not to smile, failing miserably. Instead, she laughs, her mouth parting to fire a comeback when the sound of her name enters their ears from behind them.
Max turns to find her best friend speed walking towards her, a hand gripped tightly around Wills. Will sent both Lucas and Max a soft smile, and she found it easy to replicate. She liked Will, and his somewhat timid presence made her induction of the party a lot easier. But it was Y/n she was most excited to see.
Max and herself had quickly become the best of friends. With Dustin gone, and the guys distancing themselves she once again began to feel adrift. Sensing the same discomfort in Max, and the bonds forged in the horrifying events of the previous year, the friendship blossomed.
"I stand corrected," Max remarks to Lucas as the couple approaches.
Lucas bit back a laugh.
Y/n simpered, sending a look Will's way. "We got here early. Got to roam around a bit."
The pair nod and Max sends Y/n a playful smile. Y/n releases Will's hand and with simultaneous grins, she and Max step forward towards each other. They bump fists three times before grasping one another's wrists and leaning back as they each balance on one leg and pull themselves back in. They share a small laugh and turn to the others with a giddy smile, Lucas and Will having already gotten used to their closeness. And the new handshake they had developed over the summer.
"So, tell us," Max begins, a mischievous smirk flickering to her boyfriend before landing on Y/n. "how is the happy couple enjoying their last night of freedom?"
Everyone laughs in response, knowing full well she is referring to Dustin's return from camp tomorrow. Since the Snowball, more specifically the official beginning of Y/n and Will's relationship, Dustin - while begrudgingly willing to admit he was happy for them - was less than pleased with their closeness. And he made no effort to hide it.
"Pretty good, I'd say," Y/n laughs, looking to Will who nods.
"We got some good photos over at Flash," he finishes.
Lucas and Max share a knowing expression before sending a flat, unimpressed look to either of their friends.
"What?" They ask in unison, furthering their point.
"Just," Lucas laughs, gesturing to them. "you two. You guys are-"
He looks to Max and it doesn't take her long to complete the joke they had clearly practiced at least once before.
"finishing each other's sentences." Without skipping a beat, or making eye contact, the second couple bump fists. Max laughs, revealing her light-hearted teasing. "Honestly, it's sickening."
More titters break loose, and Will rolls his eyes despite a smile."Whatever,"
"Yeah," says Y/n, amused tone growing flat again. "At least we're not like Mike and El."
A bitter, but mostly disappointed chuckle ripples throughout the gathered group of friends as they reflect, all of them silently agreeing. Finally, Will diverts their attention to the aforementioned Wheeler boy.
"Hey, where is he anyway?" He asks, looking at his watch.
"Take a guess." Lucas retorts.
"Well, he better hurry!" Max says, looking around matter-of-factly. "Or we're gonna miss the previews."
"Forget the previews," Y/n huffs, hands beginning to fiddle subconsciously with her watch. "We're gonna miss the opening at this rate."
"No way I'm missing the movie," Max remarks, arms folding over her chest as Y/n nods along with her."I'm going in with or without him. If he's late, that's on him."
"Wait-" Lucas's gaze fixes on a spot in the busy parking lot, and quickly he gestures. "There he is!"
"About time," Max grumbles.
Their collective gaze carries them to a bike being ridden by Mike Wheeler that peddles through the parking lot of Starcourt Mall. The entire lot is lit up by the strips of neon light, illuminating all the cars and turning the black tarmac of the concrete a deep blue. He sails into view, gliding through the intricate web of mall-goers with ease only to come to a gradual halt before their feet at the bike rack.
They all wear unimpressed looks as he discounts his new bike, a model he upgraded to only months ago, that he now secures in a spot beside Lucas's. Like the others - perhaps, even, the most - he has grown tremendously. He stands several inches taller, and for reasons unknown to a select few of his friends, the abrasiveness he had obtained the previous year lingered though not nearly as intense.
"You're late," Lucas huffs.
"Sorry," Mike says through shortened breaths.
"We're gonna miss the opening," Will scolds.
"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it." He retorts. "Let's go!"
Mike jumps into line with his friends, rushing for the doors as if the comment hadn't struck another nerve with his friends. Lucas' voice raises in pitch as he contorts his face, mocking Mike.
"If you guys keep whining about it. Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh."
The small act draws out a laugh in Y/n, a wide and mischievous grin stretches across her face as she matches his pace.
"No, Lucas," she corrects gently, pulling his gaze towards her as they walk."You gotta repeat yourself for emphasis if you wanna sound like Mike."
Everyone but Mike breaks into hysterical grins and wide eyes. Lucas' eyes light up as does his smile, his finger wagging excitedly as he nods and he scratches his chin and clears his throat. Mike all the while casts Y/n a sour look before rolling his eyes.
"My bad, Y/n, you're right." Lucas nods to her. "Set me up,"
Max and Will catch each other's smiling eyes before watching their partners' antics.
Y/n's smile drops, knowing immediately what he means, and exaggerated frown forms. "What are you talking about?"
Lucas's pitch grows high as does the volume of his voice as they enter Starcourt Mall, Y/n, and Will for the second time. Lucas's eyes grow wide.
"If you keep. Whining about it!"
The friends lock eyes and begin whining in sync.
They burst into their own shared fit of laughter that doesn't quite reach the others in the same intensity, though smirks are still screwed tightly into Will and Max's cheeks. Mike's frown hardened as he stares dead ahead, and it breaks only once to send a cold glower to the conniving pair of friends.
"Hilarious." He deadpans.
"I thought so," Will chirps with a laugh.
The group rounds the corner, Shannon's Do You Wanna Get Away fights its way through the natural buzz of mall-goers as it plays overhead in the speakers, subconsciously filling the group of teenagers with building anticipation.
"Surprise, surprise," Mike fires back. "Look, there's nothing wrong with spending a little romantic time with my girlfriend."
"Of course there's not, Mikey," Y/n says, nimbly maneuvering through the small crowd that approached. "But this has been going on all summer, we're way passed,"
She brought her fingers in quotation marks. "'a little,'"
Before he can fire a response, The Party reaches the escalators. A plethora of apologies and 'excuse me's leave their lips as they weave through the crowd standing idly by as the escalators take them down.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry,"
"Excuse me, I'm sorry."
"'Scuse us! Thank you,"
They finally break through the wall of agitated people, Y/n's shoulder had accidentally hooked with another young woman who looked to be several years older and sent an apologetic look over her shoulder. Her gaze returned to the front just in time to see something similar happen to Mike, who collided with a girl their age rather roughly.
She continued walking with her friends but sent a bitter look his way.
"Watch it!"
"Yeah! Watch it, nerd!"
The Party's attention was brought to one of the benches surrounding the small decorative garden. There sat along the edge surrounded by her friends, was Erica Sinclair enjoying a vanilla cone with extra sprinkles.
"Isn't it passed your bedtime?" Lucas asks her as they pass.
"Isn't it time you died?" She fires back, causing a wide smile to break out on Y/n's face.
Mike is the first to enter Scoops Ahoy as he scurried inside ahead of everyone else, Lucas and Y/n being the last of the bunch inside.
"Lucas, you grossly underestimate your sister and it disappoints me greatly."
"Shut up, Henderson." He huffs.
A bright and satisfied laugh breaks loose from her chest as she files in with the rest of her friends and boyfriend to Scoops Ahoy. She quickly recognized the long cropped bob of dark blonde hair stuffed under the AHOY sailors hat and smiled subconsciously knowing Robin was at the counter. But much to her distaste, Mike began ringing the bell repeatedly in a shrill pattern that irked her.
Robin sent the boy a dissatisfied look, and without so much as blinking, she called back to her coworker in back.
"Hey, Dingus, your children are here."
The frosted glass windows are thrown open to reveal a disgruntled Steve Harrington in a matching vibrant blue sailor costume with a matching red name tag. His eyes land on The Party, all whom of which stand with blank and bored expression with the exception of the young Henderson girl who flashes a weak and toothy smile. He sighs with half-lidded eyes, his expression worn and tired.
"Again? Seriously?"
Mike slams his hand on the bell with an impatient look, earning three similar frowns from the two employees and Y/n Henderson.
Steve stands impatiently at the back door as the five teenagers seem to be taking their sweet time going through the back, completely disregarding his rules he had laid out. After all, he was risking his job for them to do this, and it seemed only few took it seriously.
"Come on, come on," he hisses.
They all file out of the door without so much as a second glance, except for Y/n, who held up the back and seemed eager to get out. She lingered by Steve, sticking her hand out and begrudgingly he complied. Their knuckles met in a quick fistbump they had begun doing one day when Dustin and herself had visited with him. A genuine smile lit up her face from a simple happiness that could only come from a Henderson.
"Thanks for all this Steve,"
She scurried down the hallway with her friends, remembering the rules, and not wanting him to get in trouble. But her face lights up, and Y/n spins on her heel to face him, still walking backward.
"I'll tell Dustin you say hi!" She calls.
Steve watches as the group disappears down the hallway, and he shakes his head with a heavy sigh as he leans against the doorknob.
Okay, so they weren't all that terrible.
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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years
Why I (Want To) Love Amphibia
Salutations random people on the internet who probably won't read this. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons. If you've been paying attention to my posts, you would have known that I made a top twenty list of the best-animated series of the 2010s. And if you read my Honorable Mentions list, you would have known that I consider Amphibia one of those shows that, while I like it, I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's one of the best. Don't get me wrong. It's good. But there are issues that I have with Amphibia, and I can't recommend it without being hesitant. I still like it fine, but I doubt some people will be as forgiving as me. So I'm going to explain the quality and faults that the show has, while still being considerate to those who do love it. Because unlike some people who would make a two-hour-long video essay about how much they hate something, I can at least acknowledge that while something doesn't entirely work for me, that doesn't mean it won't work for everyone else. Because there is a reason why this show has such a following...I don't think it's earned, but I won't knock people down when they love something I find passable. And I hope that respect goes both ways as I explain why I (want to) love Amphibia.
Also, this review is going to contain spoilers for the entire series. So if you haven't checked it out yet, I recommend you do it to form your own opinion. Season one is on Disney+, and you're on your own for season two. And I suggest you find a legal way to watch it if you can, because I'm not going to leave a link to a pirating website filled with every animated series and movie you can find. And I'm definitely not going to insert that link into a random letter in this review with the thought that if you have to pirate something, then you might as well work for it. Because that would be crazy.
Stop being crazy.
Anywho, let's start with:
The Comedy: Let it be known that this show is funny. Like, really funny. I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's funnier than Gravity Falls, which got me chuckling with every episode, but Amphibia definitely hits more than it misses. There are occasions when the jokes aren't really character-oriented and could be said by anybody in the Plantar Family, but if they're still funny, then who am I to complain. Although there is one issue that I have with the comedy. But I'll save that for when I talk about what I don't like. For now, I can assure you that if you're hoping for some laughs, Amphibia has plenty to offer.
Warnings Against Toxic Relationships: But even the best comedies know when to offer some substance. Because I won't lie, when Anne described what is clearly a toxic friendship in the second episode, I was hooked. I love it when kids shows breach topics that can be important for children down the line. And for the most part, I think Amphibia does it well. There are so many instances that the writers' point out the several red flags that a person should avoid when it comes to a friendship and when it's time to either cut that person from your life and stand up for yourself. One of my favorite episodes is "Prison Break," where Sasha explains how she manipulates people and shows zero remorse for it. Then there's the episode "The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers" that shows how a person's influence can affect others and how much it changes perception as Anne and Marcy still believe they need someone like Sasha in their lives...At least I hope that's what the intention is. Because if the writers are trying to say that Anne and Marcy really need someone like Sasha...Well, I'll save that for my dislikes. Because even though it could use a little polishing, warning kids about toxic relationships is what keeps me hooked into seeing what happens next in this series.
It’s Not Afraid to go Dark: On top of breaking borders with morals intended for kids, I just gotta respect a show for playing around with what's considered "too dark." Especially if that show is on the Disney Channel!
The writers are not afraid to imply that death happens in the world of Amphibia, primarily because it is like a swamp ecosystem filled with predators and food chains. And I feel like because the characters are mostly amphibians, the writers can get away with an entire cave filled with the bones of victims as long as they're not humans. But frogs? No one gives a crap about them. There's a reason they're the ones who get dissected in schools.
Plus, a good majority of the monsters that Anne and the Plantars face are pretty horrifying at times. The crew who work on the show do a great job balancing the line of making these creatures look scary, but never go too far that they'll scar kids for life. Except in the Halloween special...How the f**k did they get away with the monsters in the Halloween special? And while they don't ever show what these monsters do, the implications honestly make things much worse, which again, I kind of respect. It's good to have shows like Amphibia that can scare kids a little bit. Getting through something fictitiously dark helps make kids feel braver and prepare them for the real horrors in the world. Especially since most of these creatures are just exaggerated versions of real-life predators...google them.
The Season One Finale: It was "Reunion" that made me realize that Amphibia has the potential to be amazing...it's also the last episode of season one, so let that sink in.
Joking aside, I honestly do love this episode. It's funny, it brings in elements from other episodes, nearly everybody does something useful, and it all ends with a satisfying and equally gut-wrenching climax. A climax, by the way, that is so perfect that I'm going to do a scene breakdown for why it's so good...so, you know, add that to the to-do list (I have so much s**t to make -_-). "Reunion" has so many elements about what makes a season finale so good that I feel like future writers should take notes for their own series that they plan to make. While I wish every episode of Amphibia had this level of quality, the writers know that the last impression is one of the most important. Because I will defend this show if this is the episode people use to trash it.
Marcy: I will also defend this show if someone trashes Marcy. Trust me, the best way to tell that someone is just hating on Amphibia for little to no reason is if they utter the word, "Marcy is a bad character." That is not true. Marcy is a great character, and I'd go so far as to say she's the best character in the series. She's sweet, adorable, and has a story ten times more interesting than Anne's. Anne learns what a sincere relationship is like through the Plantars, where Marcy falls victim to another manipulative relationship through King Andreas. It's her co-dependency that has the chance to get fleshed out more, and I can't wait to see if she has a moment to break out and form her own path.
Also, in the mass expanse of the multiverse, there exists a world where Amphibia is about the adventures that Marcy had in Newtopia as she uses Dungeons and Dragons logic to get by. And I want to see that universe! Because this clumsy nerd is already a blast to watch with the briefest of cameos. Imagine how much fun she would be if she had her own series!
Sprig: I don't know how much love Sprig gets within the fandom, but I got a feeling that it's not enough. He's funny without being annoying (most of the time), there's a whole lot of heart and sincerity to his actions, and above all else, he's the best friend that Anne needed. When Anne explained her very flawed views about friendship in "Best Fronds," it is clear how essential someone like Sprig is as he teaches Anne what friendship really means. It means caring for each other, supporting each other, making equal sacrifices for one another, and just being on the same page as each other. It is genuinely sweet seeing their friendship bloom, and I honestly hope the Amphibia fandom gives Sprig the amount of appreciation he deserves. Sure, he can be annoying sometimes, but for the most part, he's easily up there as one of my favorite characters.
Wally: Same with Wally! Who would have guessed that a character who appears as an dumb source of comic relief has a level of depth and lovability to him? "Wally and Anne" shows that while he is a nonsensical goofball, he doesn't really care what the frogs of Wartwood think of him. What matters is what he thinks of him. And that is just an incredible lesson to teach kids that just makes me love Wally more. 
(It also helps that he's probably the funniest character in the show. I know I said that he's dumb, but when he works, he works.)
Kermit the Frog Cameo: ...It's Kermit the Frog, y'all. I physically can't hate him. Especially since this is the perfect show for him to make a cameo in!
Anne’s Character: I don't have a problem with Anne. I think she's a serviceable protagonist, and I love the fact that she's Thai, offering a form of Asian representation other than Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. But here's the problem with Anne: After a season and a half, I still don't know what her character is. If you were to ask me to describe a Disney show protagonist within one sentence, I could do it effortlessly. Watch:
Star Butterfly: An adrenaline junky of a warrior princess who slowly learns to be responsible with each passing season.
Luz Noceda: A generous nerd that obsesses about fantasy and fiction, who still understands when to take a step in reality when the moment calls for it.
Scrooge McDuck: An old Scottish miser who has the heart of adventure and is a duck that almost loves his family as he loves his money.
For Anne, I don't know where to start because her personality is so inconsistent. Sometimes she makes friends with others without even trying, and other times, she gets on others' nerves easily. Sometimes she's a thrillseeker with the heart of adventure, and other times, she's a person who prefers to hang back and avoid doing work. And sometimes she's the only sane character with logical advice, and other times she's the most insane character who needs advice. Now, you could argue that these are all character traits that make Anne multidimensional. But if you ask me, it seems like her personality is dependent on what the writers want her to be for the episode. Someone like Luz going back and forth between two traits only works if there is a dominant personality trait that takes over the other. If Luz spends an entire episode being angry and serious, it proves that there's more to her than just a character that's nerdy and optimistic. But it's clear she is still that lovable nerd by having her say a corny line like, "Talk to the glyphs, Witch!" But because Anne has so many personality traits, it's hard to tell which is the norm and what is out of character. Case in point: Having Anne obsess over hang-gliding in one episode and doing a puzzle in the next is off as neither correlates with each other. Nor do they tell me who Anne is, other than the fact that she's clearly a character lacking a singular identity. And seeing how she's the main character, the one audiences are supposed to root for and identify with, it's probably not a good thing.
The Story: For the record, I have no problems with the story itself...the way it's written, however...
First off, there's too much filler. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as filler episodes have the potential to be fun when written well. The problem is that relying on filler instead of telling your story can leave some people (me) uninterested and angry. And the thing is, there is a perfect way to avoid filler that doesn't involve telling the overarching narrative: Introduce personal plotlines. Look at The Owl House, for example. There are several character-oriented narrative threads that get introduced within the first few episodes. Such as Luz learning magic, Eda's curse, her relationship with Lilith, and Amity's redemption. Therefore, The Owl House avoids any filler episodes just as long as it focuses on any of these plotlines and even introduces new ones. Amphibia has the plotlines, but it rarely focuses on them. Especially since the story takes way too long to develop. 
Every time I think the show is finally going to start moving forward and we can continue the story, there are like ten more filler episodes where everything comes to a screeching halt. Now, to be fair, there is an explanation why we're forced to wait for the story to move forward, and it's because the characters are forced to wait as well. But, even then, there could have been better ways to pad out that waiting than just adding filler. For example, I may not have been forced into an alternate universe where nearly everything wants to kill me, but if I was, I WOULD SPEND EVERY WAKING MINUTE I HAVE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT A WAY BACK! In the first season, how many episodes does Anne spend trying to figure out the mystery of how she got there and how to go home? Two. There are two whole episodes, out of thirty-nine, where Anne tries to figure things out...That is insane to me. But to be fair, season two is doing a much better job at moving things along...but it doesn't change the fact that the writers are kind of bad at telling their own story.
There are two episodes, "Anne Vs. Wild" and "Lost in Newtopia," where the story continues, but it's only in the last few minutes. The problem is that if you take those endings out, the episodes themselves do not change a bit. BUT because those are significant and essential moments for the plot, you can't take them out. Resulting in scenes that, while intriguing, come across as awkward in the long run. So now, my question is why. Why is the story handled so poorly? And I have one theory.
It Feels Like the Writers Can’t Decide What they Want the Show to be: Sometimes it seems like Amphibia is written as a pure slice of life series like Big City Greens. However, there are times when the show seems like it's intended to mix slice of life with fantasy like Gravity Falls. Now here's the problem: Big City Greens and Gravity Falls are two very different shows in terms of storytelling, tone, and character work. Big City Greens is an episodic comedy series where character development is unimportant, and the adventures rarely go beyond just being wacky. As for Gravity Falls, it is a show that is semi-serialized where the character development is constant, and the fantasy-adventures are always prevalent in every episode. And there are several episodes of Amphibia that could be a part of either show. Episodes like "Stakeout," "Lily Pad Thai," and "Little Frog Town" have plots that I can see being in Big City Greens. Then there are episodes like "The Domino Effect," "Toad Tax," and "Marcy at the Gates" that I could see being in Gravity Falls. These two groups of episodes are vastly different from one another that it causes Amphibia to feel disjointed in the process. Usually, I'm a fan when a series mixes different genres together, but do you want to know why something like Gravity Falls does such a great job at mixing slice of life with fantasy-adventure? Because, as I said, fantasy-adventures are always present in every episode. "Dipper vs. Manliness," "Boss Mabel," and "Roadside Attraction" each have the most basic slice of life plots of the show, but there is always a fantasy element or a monster to fight. There are entire episodes of Amphibia where there is no monster, and even when there is, it doesn't have the same amount of tension and weight that the creatures in Gravity Falls have weekly. A show like Big City Greens doesn't have to worry about monsters or evil villains every week because it doesn't need to. It's a show about the wacky adventures of a family of farmers adjusting to city life. Why would they have to worry about a monster every week when they just have to worry about each other. If Amphibia was the same way then there would be no issue. But because if it wants to be a mix of slice of life with fantasy, then it does need to worry about a monster every week. I usually try to defend shows that try to play both sides, but this show has to be the one occasion where I have to say pick one or the other. Because the writers tried hard to be both, and personally, I don't think they did a good job.
Characters Don’t. Stop. SCREAMING!: It's here we move on from what's objectively wrong with Amphibia to the things that just bother me personally...and this is one of those things. I get it. An over-the-top reaction to something minimal can be funny on occasion...but it's never "on occasion" with this show. Nearly every episode has characters screaming to get a laugh, and most of the time, it's more annoying than it is funny. It's Hop Pop who does this the most, and I just feel so bad for Bill Farmer. That voice already seems like it's hard to do, so being forced to scream and yell with it for the sake of comedy can't do him any favors. Other shows, especially ones on the Disney Channel, have characters overreact for the sake of humor, but it's Amphibia that I feel like it relies on this the most. I'm sure some people aren't bothered by this, but I am, and this is my review, so I'm mentioning it.
Poly: Speaking of things that probably don't bother other people...I feel like I'm making some enemies with this one. Because, boy, do I not like Polly. Her voice is annoying, she mostly causes problems for the family, and to me, her entire character seems pointless. No, really. Think about it. Anne is the main character, Sprigs acts as her emotional support, and Hop Pop acts as the voice of reason. What's Polly's purpose? Because all she adds are unnecessary jokes, character traits that could have gone to anybody, and acting more as a plot device than an actual character. The only justification for her that I can think of is that she adds gender balance to the main cast. Which would be more than acceptable if there was a point to her existence. But I think it's pretty evident with her exclusion from the original pilot pitch for the program that Polly's personality is practically pointless...that is most likely the only alliteration I'll ever do for a review, so you have better appreciated it.
If you like Polly, then more power to you. For me, I just don't enjoy her.
Sasha: Oh, nelly. I can already see the hateful messages I'm gonna get from this.
Now, as a character, I actually do like Sasha. I think her personality is interesting enough to dissect, and I think she acts as a perfect antagonist to Anne, the Plantars, and even Marcy if you want to get into it. My problem relies on how much the fanbase is already jumping on the "Forgive Sasha" train. Because, "Aw, she's just like Catra and Amity! So sweet, tortured, shippable with the main character, and--" STOP IT! Stop it right now...and think. With Catra and Amity, you see the environment they grew up in, you feel the abuse they deal with, you understand the reasoning of their actions, and you come to forgive them for who they are...At least for Amity, you can. For Catra, it requires more of an argument. But Sasha? Did we see the same cruel mistreatment to her friends? Did we hear the same coldness in her voice as she describes how to manipulate people? Did we witness the same damage she's done to Anne and Marcy in how they perceive healthy relationships? Apparently not! Because while everyone else is already on the same page that Sasha deserves redemption, I'm sitting here thinking that maybe it's for the best to be a little more hesitant. So far, we have yet to see any way to understand her reasoning and have yet to see how she deserves forgiveness. Sure, Sasha was willing to sacrifice herself for Anne, but did Sasha really earn that? It works as a sudden realization that Anne deserves better, but Sasha has yet to do anything that proves she can be better. Especially since the next time we see her, she's trying to help a fascist ruler get back up on his feet...THINK ABOUT THAT!
But, sure, she's meant to be forgiven. That can work. Because while Sasha shows kids the type of people they should avoid, she can also work as a warning for what kids should avoid becoming. That is a great thing to teach...but it can also be potentially dangerous. Because if incorrectly interpreted, Sasha can show kids that every person who seems toxic just needs a chance to change. And that is the last thing you want to teach, given how very few toxic people actually change. You want to know why The Owl House gets away with an equally dangerous lesson about how not every bully is awful? It's because it shows two sides of the spectrum by proving why someone like Amity did the things she's done while also saying that characters like Boscha and Mattholomule are just a-holes for the sake of being a-holes. Sasha has no one to compare to. Sure, there's King Andreas, but he's a government figure. They're built to be manipulative. Sasha needs someone that's on her level of cruelty to prove that while some people can change and have reason to do so, others don't. And seeing how I don't think she deserves to change, at least not yet, that is an issue. It's the biggest issue out of all the issues I have with this show.
So, yeah, I think it's pretty evident how I feel about Amphibia when I can write paragraphs about the stuff I don't like while barely being able to talk about the things I do like. Because I do enjoy this show. It's funny, most of the characters are enjoyable, and its discussion on toxic relationships still has me hooked to see what happens next. My issue lies with inconsistency. The main protagonist, storytelling, genre, and thematic purposes are all inconsistent. I'm interested enough to watch more, and who knows, maybe I'll make a final verdict review once the series comes to an end. For now, if you had to ask me what I’m excited to make a return, I don't know if I'll be willing to hop to it by saying Amphibia.
(Also, if you're still looking for that link for that pirating website I mentioned, now would probably be a good time to tell you that I really never did put one in. I told you, that would be crazy...That should teach you to try to break the law.)
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kylorengarbagedump · 5 years
Little Bird: Chapter 19
Read on AO3. Part 18 here. Part 20 here.
Summary: You get to find out what's going to happen to you post-escape attempt--or, whatever Ren wants to happen.
Words: 2400
Warnings: Handmaid AU
Characters: Kylo Ren x Handmaid!Reader
A/N: Hi! I decided to give everyone break and just... write plot, for once. What the fuck is plot? God.
Really really appreciating everyone's comments. I loved writing soft Ren. Hope to do it some more? Right? Yes? ;D
Thank you so so much to everyone. I love y'all. See you shortly! <3
“It’s morning.”
Kylo Ren’s voice trickled like a creek through the hazy meadow of your mind. You had been divorced from rest for so many hours that you were certain you’d begun hallucinating, phasing through dreams and reality like osmosis. The dark sheets underneath you were a black ocean, Ren’s chest at your back a mountain made of heat and stone. And you--you were a bird, floating on thermals of terror, too afraid to flap your wings, lest you birth a tornado, but even more afraid to rest, to languish to death in exhaustion.
“You need to walk.” 
His voice again, guiding you back to reality. He eased you forward, uncurling his legs from around you, the reassuring strength of his body leaving you exposed. Your head hurt less, but the lack of sleep still had you a little dizzy. What if you still couldn’t walk? Perhaps you’d be forced to the doctor, where’d you’d be asked twenty dozen questions, maybe determined deficient. Maybe this entire episode had been for naught, maybe you’d be shipped off to the Colonies for your disobedience, maybe--
“Up,” he said. “Show me if you can walk.”
You shook your head, brain wobbling like congealed fat in your skull. Ren stood at the side of the bed; you soaked him in, from the dark waves of hair skating above his wide, powerful shoulders, his broad chest rising with quiet breath, down to his abdomen, wrapped tight with muscle, and the trail of hair that led below his pants. God, he was gorgeous--it was almost ethereal. It sent a distant tremble to your toes, agitating the chilled pond of desire in your belly.  
The tenderness you’d felt from him had evaporated, now--he observed you with cold, expectant eyes. Jaw stiff, you eased yourself onto the ground, surprised when your feet connected with the floor and steadied you. One step, and then another, no teeters to be found. 
He shifted back, a silent request for a continued demonstration. Shrugging, you stepped again, again. The world had stopped spinning. Finally.
“Get to your room. The Marthas will provide you with another dress.” He scanned you, memorizing something. “You should sleep.”
You nodded, folding your arms over your chest, feeling more naked in your civilian clothes now than you’d felt the night prior when you were actually naked in the backseat of his car.  “What’s… going to happen to me?”
He raised a brow. “You will remain as my Handmaid and serve this home.”
“You know that for a fact?”
You wanted that to be true for more than one reason--the first would be to give the Resistance what they needed, to ensure Poe’s death hadn’t been in vain. The second was more nebulous and shameful, woven into the fabric of your ache, your longing to know him. If only you could set that fabric on fire and bury the ashes--after all, you were a spy, now. He deserved retribution. No matter how sweetly he stroked your hair.
“Okay… it’s just, Johana had mentioned something about re-education--”
“I meet with the Council today,” he said. “I’ll inform them that re-education won’t be necessary.” A dark flame flashed across his irises. “Unless you believe it is.”
You ignored the shiver at the base of your spine. “No, sir.” 
Ren’s eye twitched. “We’re alone. You...” Then, his expression hardened, and before you could respond: “Go.”
You nodded, peeling away and shuffling into the corridor.
It was strange to creep through the halls of his home without the swish of skirts at your ankles--a shame you’d have to give this outfit up. It wasn’t something you would’ve worn prior to the rise of Gilead, but in this world, it made you feel as if you’d strapped on Doc Martens and a trenchcoat. 
The size of your room was about how you had remembered--if not a little smaller. The brief lapse of monotony had already done so much to shatter your familiarity with those four walls--perhaps freedom had the power to vaporize any association with bondage you’d had. The idea of living a life without a single recollection of this home flipped your stomach with excitement. A tiny, near silent tingle of hesitation--even Kylo Ren?
Yes, you told yourself. Even him. 
Sighing, you crawled into bed, sinking like a brick into the mattress. If Ren had the power to keep you safe, you wanted to trust him--your future was dependent on his attachment to you. The level of that attachment was difficult to discern, but you knew that you wanted to encourage it. It would make gathering whatever information the Resistance wanted much easier. That tingle again--it’s something you want, too.
You groaned, shoving a pillow over your head, hoping to shut out your own annoying brain. Your feelings about Kylo Ren were irrelevant and pointless. He was your Commander, you were his Handmaid--the chains of society had bound you for too long already. Perhaps you could have known him in another life, another landscape, another time where to be with him wouldn’t mean the complete resignation of your own humanity, where your relationship hadn’t been forged in a firepit of his superiority. But there could never be a context where your history--already too long--could be erased. The thought was sobering. Freeing. Devastating.
The chatter in your mind slowed as you sucked in a breath. The long-avoided necessity of sleep slammed into you, shutting your eyes and taking you into a dreamless void. 
A rap on your door, and you shot up from bed, heart ricocheting into your throat. The sun was setting. You had no idea how long it had been since you’d fallen asleep. 
“One moment.” It was good you’d woken up--no coma. But your head still pounded with the reminder of your accident. You passed a few fingers over the tender knot at your hairline, checking its size before standing. “Coming.”
You opened your door to reveal Emma, a full Handmaid uniform folded in her arms. She gawked, staring at you before clearing her throat. You couldn’t blame her--it was the same reaction you’d had when you’d seen Rey. 
“I was asked to, um, inform you that you should bathe before you put this on.” She shoved it into your arms, averting your gaze. Her cheeks were pink. “How does it feel?” Her voice was gossamer in air. 
“It feels… good,” you replied. “Or, it felt good. I know I’ll have to give these up.”
She nodded. “Yes, actually, I was told you should leave them in the washroom when you’re finished so I can collect them for Ms. Johana.”
“Johana?” you asked. “What does she want with them?”
“I… don’t know,” she replied. “I was just told to bring them to her.”
You shrugged. “Okay. Um. Thank you, Emma.”
Offering you a tight smile, she turned and left. You held your uniform in your arms, gazing down at the crisp red folds of the dress and cloak, the snowy bonnet plopped on top, the red-brown boots encircled by the large, white wings. A sigh left you. At least you wouldn’t have to wear the wings until tomorrow. You hoped.
Your bath came and went with little interruption. If Ren had come home at any time during your sleep or your wash, you hadn’t heard it. In fact, the house had been silent, as if you were living inside of an illusion, where wood didn’t creak, where footsteps didn’t echo. Even beyond the windows had seemed quiet, like every creature with remaining dignity had eloped the moment you’d awakened in an endeavor to distance themselves from whatever had infected you. You imagined explaining to them you were undercover for the Resistance--of course none of it meant anything to you. But, in your own daydream you were met with dismissal, as if your subconscious couldn’t even let non-sentient animals buy into your delusion.
Frustration crackled as you shoved yourself into your uniform, contemplating in disbelief the curtain of red fabric that had replaced your body. You could’ve been free, could’ve been planning your future, could’ve been doing anything but standing in a fucking washroom draped in the signifier of your inhumanity. Instead, you were about to head downstairs, eat whatever Johana had decided you were worthy of eating, and await news of your fate. The fact that Ren still hadn’t returned wasn’t encouraging.
You made your way downstairs, leaving your Resistance outfit folded in the hamper. Perhaps Johana wanted to dust it for prints, perform a luminol test on it in hopes it would light up like Times Square on New Year’s Eve. But she’d be out of luck, there--you’d been naked when Ren had fucked you. You shuddered at the memory. 
It was still bizarre. His tears, his pain, his rage, just barely leashed. You couldn’t figure out how to process it. How could you leave me--these weren’t the words of a Commander, chastising his Handmaid for abandoning her duty. They were the words of a heartbroken, empty man, ripped from his refuge. But that couldn’t be right. 
I want you here. Not one like you. You haunt me. How could you leave me. Use my name.  
You are me.
Could it?
You awoke from your musings seated in front of some sort of soup--this week’s leftovers stirred in vegetable stock. Sighing, you moved to take a bite when, around the corner and down the hall, you heard the front door open.
“And it’s temporary?” It was Johana.
“Yes.” That voice was Ren’s. You straightened. “That was part of the compromise.”
“All right.” A shuffle--they’d both stopped. Johana’s voice dropped to a murmur. “I’m already having her clothes destroyed. They won’t know she ever met with the Resistance.”
“Mm. Industrious of you.”
“I don’t want anything interfering with my chances of getting a child.” She paused. “Including you.”
“Careful, Johana.” 
“No. You be careful, Commander. Your behavior is out of control. You’ll get us both killed.”
The scrape of his shoes on the hardwood. “I am not Canady, Johana. You’d do well to remember that.”
“No,” she said. “You’re not. He’s dead.” Quick, angry footsteps--Ren followed. “If you were, maybe I wouldn’t have to beg my own husband to show the barest consideration toward me--”
Johana marched past the dining area and stopped, face sharpening. The degree of hatred boiling inside of her scalded you, singed your skin, bid blood to your cheeks in both guilt and fear. She glared at you like a mirror that reflected her shortcomings in silvershine clarity, her face trembling with rage. With pain. 
Ren arrived behind her, meeting your eyes--the weight of their gazes combined made you want to empty yourself into a sink and disappear down the drain. 
“Um. Hello,” you said lamely, as if you weren’t a slave in their home and they weren’t both looking at you for answers.  
“You’re awake,” said Ren. “Finish your meal and meet in my den. We begin your re-education tonight.”
“What?” This time, it was both you and Johana who’d spoken. She continued, “What do you mean, re-education?”
He turned to his Wife. “I argued to the Council it wasn’t necessary at all. They disagreed. Our compromise is that I complete her re-education, instead.” Now his stare rested on you. “Once we complete what they’ve asked, they’ll assess her. If they’re satisfied, my position is reinstated.”
She balked, glancing between you and him. “Well,” she said, folding her arms, “I want to be present.”
“That’s nice.” He refused to take his fucking eyes off of you. “Unfortunately, what you want doesn’t currently serve the interests of Gilead.”
“Interests of Gilead?” Johana charged into his line of sight, breaking his leer. “Don’t stand there and act like everything you’ve done since she arrived has been for Gilead--”
Ren’s jaw tensed. “Johana.”
She stiffened. “Fine.” Spinning on you, she hissed, “Once we learn you’re not pregnant, I don’t care where you go. But I’ll make sure you won’t stay here.” She looked to Ren and bowed her head in what almost seemed mock deference, at this point. “Commander.” With that, she was gone, her feet carrying her up the steps to their bedroom.
In her absence, your soup seemed to cool. A bead of sweat slipped down the back of your neck. Ren looked at you again, and his stare locked into yours such with intensity that your vision tunnelled, shrinking blacker, smaller, a crater with no light or air or escape--except through him.
“I’ll see you shortly, little bird.” 
He kept your gaze until he disappeared beyond the walls, heading toward the den.
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alleiradayne · 4 years
Cowboys and Angels
Filming for the last season of Supernatural is underway and Y/N, long-time set photographer, finds herself the center of attention for two of her co-workers, Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles. A roller-coaster of emotions ensues over the year as the three of them attempt to balance work, the end of an era, and experimental love.
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Part VI - Sharing
Summary: After a less than stellar holiday break, Y/N returns to set with the weight of the world on her shoulders. Warnings/Tags: A lot of angst, with a tiny ray of hope. Characters/Pairings: Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Reader Word Count: 1,956 A/N: Once again, please assume everyone involved is consenting and polyamorous. No spouse hate. No wife hate. No Cockles hate. No Misha hate. No hate whatsoever. If you don’t like RPF, don’t read it, and don’t complain to me about it. Update: The oh-so-lovely @atc74 made this stellar aesthetic for me in hopes that it wouldn’t get the Tumblr Ban Hammer™. Let’s test it.
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Days. Weeks. Then months. Like water from a sieve, the brief moments Y/N spent with Jensen and Misha—naked or otherwise—drained away. Too many fourteen-hour days. Too many sleepless nights. But that had not been her breaking point. No. Farm from it. At least at work, she might hold a long stare, linger too long in conversation, or merely savor their presence in silence. Hell, she might have even fucked in their trailers the two men that had irrevocably altered her life.
At least at work, they were together.
As Y/N stared at the unopened presents beneath her withering Christmas tree, she sighed. Holiday break had come and gone. No plans. No phone call. Not even a text. They hadn't even sent her anything. Not that she had held any sort of expectations. Given the whirlwind start to their relationship and their exhausting work schedules, they had hardly taken the time to talk much beyond work or the rules of their encounters. Small talk, sure. But never anything about plans. Forget the future.
But the future came and went. And during those few months, Y/N's worst fears plagued her restless mind. Too many questions lingered unanswered in the darkest recesses of her thoughts. She had imagined something that was not there, could never be there. Love was an entirely different game. What they had played was lust, gotten their fill, and were over it. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Even in the days leading up to their return to set, the mere thought of facing them again soured her stomach. Where the holidays had dragged, the last week had passed in a blur of days. Mired in the unknown, Y/N floundered. What had kept them from her? Why leave her so stranded?
By her final Sunday night off, she had worried her nerves down to frayed ends. So, when Y/N walked back on set the following morning, she was determined to find both Jensen and Misha to end whatever it was that they had shared.
Unless there was nothing to end. Maybe that was what they had wanted. A short time play partner to scratch a sudden itch. Nothing wrong with that. As much as she hated it, she could handle it.
The thud of her bag on the folding table echoed through the cavernous soundstage. Several eyes snapped to her, voices quieted and smiles fading. Of course, they all felt it. With seven episodes left to film, everyone felt the looming end of the show. But none of them felt it the way she did. None of them felt the love, the deep passion, and the betrayal she felt. She ignored them.
Much like she ignored the confident warmth that enveloped her shoulder. Misha had found her before she had even managed to set up shop.
“Hey, Y/N.”
When she turned to look at him, his inviting smile melted faster than snow in July. “Hey.”
“Okay, we need to ta—”
“There’s really nothing to talk about,” she interrupted. “Y'all needed something from me, now you don’t. Pretty fucking simple.”
“No, please—” he started, but she wrenched free of his embrace and returned to her task. When she remained focused there despite his insistence, Misha ran both hands through his hair as he looked across the soundstage as though searching for something. Or someone. “No, it’s not that simple at all. It’s incredibly complicated and we should have talked about it sooner. Let me—”
“You know, we could have done this before the holidays,” Y/N stated. “Or right after. While we were still on hiatus. I didn’t hear from either of you for a month and a half. Not even a text message to let me know you were okay.”
Misha grimaced. “I know, Y/N, and that was wrong. We should not have done that to you. We… did not plan on any of this. It wasn’t supposed to happen. This wasn’t supposed to be long-term.”
She rounded on him then. “Then what was it supposed to be?! A fling?! A temporary fuck buddy?! What?!”
He waited. Bless his heart, he waited for her to finish her tirade. When she calmed, he said, “A lover. The intent was no one-night stand. There was never going to be anything temporary about this. Please, Y/N come with me. We’ll find Jensen and we’ll talk in my trailer.”
Suspicion narrowed her glare as she considered Misha out of the corner of her eye. When her bag sat empty on the folding table, Y/N turned to him and spoke.
“Let’s get this over with.”
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Mirrors. Why did they have so many mirrors in their trailers?
Carbon copies of each other, Misha and Jensen’s trailers were nearly indiscernible. Except for their scent. Jensen’s smelled of heather, pine, and sea salt, whereas Misha’s smelled of leather and citrus. And on those distinct aromas rode memories, each more salacious than the one that preceded it.
As she sat on the couch and stared at the mirror beside the TV, those memories flooded her senses. Cold glass on her tits. Misha’s hand between her thighs as he torqued one arm behind her back. Her skirt shoved up over her hips. Underwear wrenched aside. And his cock pounding her pussy until she came.
It should have aroused her. Should have sent that familiar rush down her spine. But as she waited for Misha to return to his trailer, she felt nothing. A little anxious. But mostly nothing.
That thought settled in the resigned recesses of her mind the moment the trailer door crashed against the opposite wall and Jensen leaped over the threshold. Startled so, Y/N reared back and jumped from the couch. But when Jensen spotted her and their eyes met, all her doubts vanished.
In a rush of wind, he crossed the two steps between them. His massive hands slipped into her hair, cupped her head, and kissed her so tenderly, Y/N might have wept were it not for her surprise.
When he released her, Jensen remained close, so close his breath warmed her lips, her cheeks, and Y/N shivered despite the heat that swelled in his embrace. The moment lasted only that single breath, for Misha cleared his throat before he entered his trailer. The door clicked shut with a soft snap behind him as he stepped in, and he remained by the door with an expectant look on his face.
Jensen regarded him for a beat, then turned back to her. He even managed to frown prettily. Damn him. “I guess we're supposed to talk.”
Y/N found Misha's stare darkened, serious as ever. “We do need to talk. Before this goes any further.
With a disgruntled sigh, Jensen dropped onto the couch beside her and took her hands in his. “I want to apologize first. For not staying in contact at all over break. That was... very disrespectful, considering our intentions.”
She glanced at Misha as she asked, “What are your intentions?” then returned to Jensen.
As though she balanced precariously at the edge of a cliff, Y/N waited with rapt attention, her wide eyes boring into his. And Jensen, bless his heart, stared back. Between his lips, his tongue slipped, wetting them before he spoke.
“To make this permanent.”
That word alone sounded odd as it echoed in her head. “Permanent,” she repeated. The weight of it slowed her speech, so heavy on her tongue. Undetermined seconds ticked by, so lost in her thoughts. She had anticipated this moment. But as she sat there in Misha’s trailer between Jensen and he, Y/N questioned her every thought, her every action, her every want since filming had started that season.
When she remained silent, Jensen regarded Misha with a sidelong stare. From the door, he said, “The holidays should not have happened how they did, Y/N.” A hesitant step bore him nearer the couch, as though he second guessed himself, but another more determined step closed the remaining gap and he sat beside her. “We were planning on having you visit. Meet family and the like.”
“But we dropped the ball,” Jensen interjected. “There were things we should have done first, a long time ago, before introducing you to anyone.”
“Why didn’t you?”
Jensen grunted a disgusted sound deep in his throat. “Because we’re awful. To be honest, I was scared. I wanted to tell my family in person, but I could never find the right opportunity. Which is unfair to you. There probably won’t be a ‘right’ time to explain this to anyone we care about.”
Y/N wrung her fingers into knots as she listened. “I appreciate the understanding.”
“Of course, we understand. We should have just done it,” Misha added. “But we didn’t.” He inched closer and grasped her free hand in both of his. “We love you dearly, Y/N. More than you could possibly imagine.”
“We’re equally shocked, trust me,” Jensen teased. “Misha just said it while he was making breakfast the other day and I broke my favorite mug when I dropped it in the sink.”
“You did not drop it because I said I loved Y/N, you dropped it—”
Misha’s teeth clicked shut and Jensen’s voice caught in his throat. At least they listened well enough. “Are you trying to tell me you didn’t tell your families about me ahead of time and so that’s why you couldn’t… I don’t know, call me? Text me?”
“We should have,” Jensen stated. “None of the shit that kept me busy is worthy of your forgiveness. I should have texted you at the very least, if not called you to let you know everything was fine. Considering our short good-byes at the break party, it was the least we should have done.”
Misha nodded in agreement. “We’re jerks. We fucked up. But we still very much care for you. And we still want you to be in our lives. We hope you still want us in yours.”
At least they hadn’t intentionally ignored her. At least things made some sense. No, it wasn’t perfect. In fact, in the moment it all felt quite unforgivable. How could they expect her to move forward—with them, no less—after such a betrayal of trust? As if nothing had happened, a mere apology should fix it all?
To be honest with herself, a part of her wanted to walk away. Simple and clean. And yet, she loved them, much like they loved her. But did that mean she had to meet their families so soon?
Patient as ever, they waited for her to speak. Her rambling thoughts leaped from one to the next, and so, she said, “You didn’t give me your addresses. I couldn’t send the pile of gifts I got you, they’re all still sitting at my apartment…”
Misha groaned and Jensen palmed his forehead. “We should have. Can we make it up to you tonight? We also have several gifts for you.”
Before the holidays, gifts had felt like an unquestioned given. But there on the other side, they felt like complications. Strings. She sucked in a deep, clarifying breath and exhaled as she said, “On one condition.”
“Anything, Y/N,” Jensen insisted.
She couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. “Let's hold off on any family gatherings for a while. Make sure this is the real deal, give it some time.”
Misha laughed as he said, “Out of the three of us, you're going to be the most level-headed. We need that.”
Jensen agreed with his own short bark of laughter. “Deal. Now, how about those gifts? I've been dying to give you mine.”
“Whenever we wrap tonight, meet at my place?” She asked.
Misha grinned as he said, “It's a date.”
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aubrey-plaza · 5 years
I've seen a lot of fic rec lists lately given everything happening. Do you have any recommendations to get us through the lock down? p.s. I love everything you write.
omg thanks anon!!
I know these are scary times so have here a quick and dirty list of my fave fics starting with Staubrey and then just... veering offcourse. They’re all femslash except the one I marked with an asterisk but yeah. 
as always, I’m not gonna rec my own fics on my this list bc that’s cheating but if you wanna read them pls click this link and that ends the self promo for today lmao
 recs under the cut!
Stacie x Aubrey
by ACamp_toner / @stepintotherevolve​ (22.171, complete, rated E)
summary: The Bellas go on a ski trip and Staubrey happens
notes: this has amazing smut and features just enough jealousy to spark these two idiots into a meaningful talk. there’s also side bechloe and a healthy dose of humour.  
The Howl
by @tiny-maus-boots​ (30.739, wip/currently being written, AU)
summary: Stacie's pack is forcing her into a corner but Fate has other plans for her - if she doesn't die first.
notes: werewolf!Stacie and vampire!Aubrey who meet on a full moon and fuck. there’s more to it and a great backstory that’s being wonderfully developed (trust me, I’ve been told of the plans and I’m ri-ve-ted). also has some amazing soft moments and a fab spark of heat.  
Prelude in Lydian Mode
by knappster / @ss-staubrey​ (5972, complete)
summary: Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always.
notes: I will rec this fic til the day I die. It’s such a lovely brand of staubrey and a perfect example of the idiots to lovers trope.  
and the songbirds are singing (like they know the score)
by angelranger (2326, complete)
summary: It came as a slight surprise to Stacie that Aubrey, the same Aubrey who had grown up in a strict and dysfunctional household, was just so good with her daughter.
Bella seemed to unearth a side of Aubrey that was just so unbelievably soft, a side Stacie is almost positive even Aubrey didn’t know existed. But there she is, sat on the carpeted floor in front of the coffee table, sat right next to Bella, drawing outlines for the four year old to colour in.
notes: oh god i love a good, soft bella fic and this one hits all the right notes. it’s sweet and lovely and features singing Bella to sleep which is like. my weakness. go leave some more love on this deserved fic!
Sansa x Margaery
The Crackpots and These Women
by Netgirl_y2k (8089, complete, WEST WING AU)
summary: "You're in charge of press relations," Yara told Margaery, gesturing to Sansa. "Relate.”
summary: yeah you read that fuckin right that’s a West Wing AU. My love for this mashup has no bounds. It’s so perfectly coy, the way I imagine adult Sansa and Margaery would be, combined with the hopeful tinge of WW, and the pining of a somewhat open ended yet hopeful finish. If you like either of these universes, read this.  
Kind Regards
by MsCFH / @hell-much (9835, complete, explicit, part of a series!)
summary: Margaery Tyrell is determined on setting foot in the Northern market of Westeros by establishing a collaboration between the Tyrell Corporation and Stark Incorporated.
The only problem? The likewise gorgeous and stubborn Deputy Managing Director Sansa Stark.
summary: holy hell this fic is amazing. they hate each other SO MUCH. the author has a vibe setting skill that makes me want to weep. the smut is off the charts hot like there are literally no words. go read it and then read the series bc it’s *that good*. please go get your church lady fan before reading because you WILL need it.  
EXTRA NOTE: same author is writing a post-s6 canon compliant fic where Marg is actually still alive and if you’re looking for a full weekend activity, go ahead and binge this one (it’s a wip but is still being updated)
lay all your love on me
by 1once (9498, complete, show-compliant)
summary: It has been eight years since her demise.
But for the world of her, she cannot figure out why. For what? Why was she alive?
notes: i will say just one thing: flower. magic. okay, i’ll say more things. this fic is the redemption show!marg deserved combined with the fun supernatural magicky aspect of flower magic that’s just so in character. reading this fic feels the way a warm cup of tea in your hands on a cold winter’s day does.  
til you come back home
by heart_nouveau (7978, complete, AU - modern setting)
summary: “Using one-night stands to distract myself from my crush on my roommate counts, right?”
Margaery Tyrell is an ambitious law student who needs a perfect grade point average if she wants to stay at the top of her class - and she is not going to throw that away by falling for her very attractive, very sweet roommate, one Sansa Stark.
notes: margaery is a moron with feelings aka my favourite type of character.  
Birds of Prey’s Dinah x Helena
Siren Call
by ThanksForListening (3300, complete, part 2 of a series) 
summary: "It always happened in the quiet moments. The early hours of the morning, when the leftover energy from a mission hadn’t quite disappeared yet. The sleepless nights, when memories clawed their way into her mind and wouldn’t let go until her screams released them. The lazy afternoons, when the radio played softly and melodies she’d almost forgotten danced around her lips. It was only when the world went still that Dinah felt her watching.
She didn’t remember the first time she noticed it. The staring. Maybe it was because Helena was always watching everything and everyone around them that Dinah didn’t realize how frequently that attention fell on her. How it felt different. Helena looked at the world with suspicion and anger and indifference, but not her. She looked at her with something much softer, something she hadn’t found a name for just yet. No word in her arsenal was deep enough or strong enough to describe it.
Whatever it was, she could feel it now.”
notes: gahhhhh this fic. “What do you see,” she finally asked, “when you look at me?” is a line that I’m gonna think about until the day I die. this is the second fic in a series and you can read it as a standalone but the first fic is also fuckin amazing
after the afterparty
by novoaa1 (1181, complete, set right after the movie ends)
summary: The Canary had let loose a delighted snort at that, as if she found the whole thing somehow laughable.
(Which it wasn’t, to be clear—laughable, that is.)
“Are y'all seeing this shit?” she’d turned to ask the rest of them, earning a giddy squeal from Harley and a bemused scoff from Montoya even whilst Helena remained stock still in place, dutifully blinding herself with one hand. “Absolutely adorable.”
“Shut up,” Helena had hissed back more out of instinct than anything else, though her tone was markedly devoid of any real anger.
(And if Helena had felt her cheeks flush ever so slightly beneath her palm at the Canary’s glib assertion, she certainly didn’t let on.)
Or: Sionis falls. The rest of them remain.
notes: just. read it.  
knew your love (before i kissed you)
by z0ejake / @zxyjxy (58.263, wip / currently being written, rated E for the last chapter)
summary: Surviving the massacre of your entire family at the age of eight is a pretty impressive feat. Training for fifteen years in Sicily until you can kill a man with one hand and a hairpin is also a pretty impressive feat. Returning to the city where your family was cut down and killing every single person involved in their deaths is maybe the most impressive feat. Somehow, it's never been enough for Helena.
notes: bro this fic is a masterpiece and zoe is a genius. features absolute moron feral dumb jock helena and my favourite version of dinah: patient and endeared and a little teasing.  
the war is over (and we are beginning)
by ace_verity (12.573, 5/5, complete)
summary: The thing is, Helena has no idea what comes after.
The past fifteen years, she’s had a singular goal. She's never given any thought to what she’d do once she killed the men who murdered her family in front of her.
Maybe, Helena realizes, she never actually thought she’d make it this far.
In which Helena Bertinelli joins a team, buys a cactus, beats up criminals, goes to church, bakes bread, and falls in love.
(Not necessarily in that order.)
notes: this fic is beautiful and perfectly explores a lost Helena. I also love the way Renee is written in this and the whole vibe of the story is just *chefs kiss*
cheap shampoo
by OfElvesAndAliens (1609, complete)
summary: The thing is, Helena is a rigidly focused kind of gal, iron rage forged into skilled precision. Dinah has also noticed it in the little things, like the way she frowns a bit when she's doing something as trivial as writing, her penmanship always neat and firm. That same tiny furrow of her brow is showing up again while she's methodically whisking some eggs in a bowl.
Dinah finds it cute. Fucking sue her.
notes: oh god but i love a bedsharing fic and this one? feeding and post-mission and just winding down together??? ohhhh my god
two extra random goodies just for fun:
by the_years_between_us (116.915, wip, rated E)
show/ship: The Fall, Stella Gibson/Reed Smith
summary: Stella gets a call from Reed directly following the final episode of The Fall S3.
notes: this is one of only a handful of wips that I’m keeping up with and reading constantly. It’s written like goddamn poetry and I love an older ship with more baggage, because the emotions here run so much higher with their shared history and the tentative steps they’re trying to take. Also, given the source material, this is almost cathartic to read.  
Nothing to Lose*
by tielan (8013, complete, rated E)
fandom/ship: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Maria Hill/Steve Rogers
summary: “It’s one of the traditional rituals of manhood,” Natasha observes as they’re sparring. “Kill a man, fuck a woman.”
notes: listen. i know. okay? i know this seems like a crackship. but I love it SO MUCH and this author writes so well that I’ve been fully converted. ~something some of you have told me I do for you~ so go read this fic, and then read the others, and then fall in love and join me in this lonely ship. You won’t regret it.  
I’ll be writing while in isolation so if you have any Dinah/Helena or Stacie/Aubrey prompts, shoot ‘em my way!
and also hit me up for anything, as always. 
peace and love, and stay safe everybody!
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jq37 · 5 years
May we have a recap, please? :)
**spoilers for panic at the art show and home for the holidays**
OK people. I actually don’t have a ton of commentary on these two so I’m gonna try and keep it (relatively) short and sweet [Edit from Future Me: Failed Step 1].
Also, iirc, this is the week Dropout starts streaming new Fantasy High eps on Wednesdays which is very dope and I am very excited for. I probably won’t do full on recaps like I do for normal eps because, lbr, I don’t strictly have the time to be recapping these eps at all and it’s pure stubbornness that keeps me from making wiser time management decisions. But, rest assured, if I have an Opinion, you will hear it whether you want to or not. 
Anyway, on with the show. 
Last recap, I mentioned that this ep was giving me Aelwen house party vibes and now it reminds me of that ep in another way: Everyone rolled like TRASH almost the entire ep. It was so frustrating! They barely got any hits in until like halfway through the ep.
(Aw man, I just realized I’m gonna have to remember which spelling of Aelwen is correct again now that FH is coming back.)
I love how Murph is immediately like, “I need to make sure my wife doesn’t die during this fight avenging her fictional husband.”
Isabella also has Aelwen’s trick of poofing around the battlefield which is annoying as hell (ha) for the group.
Siobhan hilariously casts fear on Priya just to be spiteful. I thought she was doing it to help the evac process but no. It was a purely spiteful action. Bless. 
When Kug turns into an ape he, of course, turns into *the* NY ape, King Kong. 
“I roll a nat 20 on an epic shit.”
When Brennan was describing Kingston’s spectral New Yorker Guardians I was already thinking about that one part of Spiderman 2 (the OG Toby Mac version) and then he straight up said, “You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us,” and I lost it.
“Deny the stairs the pleasure of my feet.” Emily is a poet.
I want to know what makes a pigeon spicy more than anything. 
The fact that Brennan killed Ox AGAIN and then immediately looked into the camera and let the audience know the dog was fine because he clearly Oracle stared into the future between eps and saw the entire internet sharpening their pitchforks  was so funny. 
About midway through the ep, Pete tries and fails to send Isabella back to hell and Isabella starts monologing about her plans and connection with Robert Moses (she stole the list from Santa and is/was gonna marry Moses apparently). I wonder if Brennan was like, “These players are for sure gonna murder her without getting any useful info out of her unless she goes full Bond Villain right now.”
And, proving my point, Emily immediately does 56 points of damage, royally f-ing Isabella up. 
This is a really civilian heavy fight which feels weird in a way the FH fights never did. Like, these aren’t even civilians who live in an adventuring town in a fantasy world. These are just normal ass civilians in the wrong place at the wrong time. 
Pete fails a wild magic roll after failing to teleport into the building and then gets a choice of getting really strong (which prob would have let him bust down the door) or to teleport in (which is what he does and exactly what he wanted). Very clutch when the dice rolls play into the story like that.
Kingston lightning bolts Isabella’s hair off which is just malicious but also totally called for.
On her next turn, Sophie gets hurt on purpose to get low enough to activate her ring, lets her hair burn for long enough to shorten it to a cute bob, insults Isabella, then knocks her tf out. 
I love that Emily took one of her teeth (a seemingly crazy move) and when called out by Lou was like, “It’s a link to Robert Moses” (a completely reasonable answer). That’s the Axford one-two punch.  
I didn’t mention it before but, Willie the golem is here, first immobile but then brought back by Misty. Post fight, he says he was somehow brought here by one of the evil factions of the city and says they’ll talk about it later. Also, Misty makes out with him (DON’T KINKSHAME HER).
With a high insight roll, Kingston is able to deduce that the group was ambushed (though not by Priya) and that their victory was a really important one for the fate of the city. 
(Sidenote: The amount that Pete is Over Priya in this ep is so funny.)
Back at Wally’s (which is where Kug is now staying) Wally has gotten Kug a dog bed to sleep in and fancy charcuterie cheese because he and Ricky are the only pure-hearted people in NYC. 
At the same time, Pete and Kingston have a very sweet heart to heart and then settle down at Kingston’s place to chill and listen to jazz. Idk how else we expected this to resolve, considering this is a Brennan Lee Mulligan DM’d show where the sacred pillars are Teamwork, Friendship, Communication, and Making up an NPC on the Fly Because One of Your PC’s Decided to do an Insane Thing. 
Next up is the Christmas ep and Brennan, Emily, and Zac are in sweaters for the occasion. 
Well,actually it’s the 21st and Emily immediately clocks that that’s the solstice. 
Are cookies the good carb?/Absolutely not. But have fun with your life. (I love Ricky’s soft jock energy.)
“I run deliveries,” Pete says to Kingston’s parents, not technically lying but also not being completely truthful. Misty would be proud. 
Going over to Misty, it seems pretty clear at this point (and it’s confirmed in the promo for next ep) that Misty’s fairy business is some kind of de-aging/reincarnation for herself. I wonder how many of these she’s done so far. She said she’s been around for, what? 200, 300 years? Assuming she’s been doing then reincarnations at about 65-70 years old and she reincarnates to around 25? Maybe 6 times? Idk. Just spitballing. 
Saucer of milk to keep the faeries from stealing her (non-existing) children. Faerie lore is wild y'all. 
Did you take another level of warlock?/Yeah bitch.
The fact that since Sophie has joined a monastery, she’s only taken Warlock levels and no Monk levels is very funny from a story perspective. It’s like, she finally comes to this sacred place to be trained to her full potential and she’s just spending what should be her sparring time playing with her cat in exchange for spells. Wild. 
Emily’s cat-like, self-satisfied grin when Brennan is like, “So you just jerry-rigged yourself clairvoyance powers, huh?” is so good. 
And she did it on the fly because Emily Axford is winning D&D. There are no points but she’s winning.
So, uh, Emily does, two things, very in character right after the other:
Thing number one: She send her unseen servant to spy on her family. Her dad seems hardline, “F, Dale. Whatever. Family first. She needs to get over it.” On the other side of the spectrum is her mom who is very upset about the whole affair with her siblings falling in the middle. 
The second thing she does, very casually I might add, is have her unseen servant BURN DOWN HER HOUSE SO SHE CAN COMMIT INSURANCE FRAUD.
Everyone loses their minds and rightfully so. What a wild-ass swing that no one could have seen coming. I love it. 
“I look in my backpack which is now my home[…]" 
I almost forgot that Ricky was a fire fighter who would not abide that nonsense until Brennan decided to cut to him. 
Ricky just dolphin swims across the Hudson in 2.5 mins to go put out the fire that Sophie set. Amazing. 
Ally mocking Emily/Sophie: Truthfully, I don’t know what happened.
"I love John McClane, because he loves his wife.” WALLY
Wally: Oh we’re gonna tell a lie on Christmas.
“This is what winning looks like.”
I would really like to know what trace stuff what on the drugs Pete got from 7 but Ally rolled too low to figure it out.
“I disassociate fully." 
Well it took him a long ass time but glad to have Pete on the selling drugs to kids is bad train. Choo-choo, dude. 
7 saying you can hack in real life in reference to his AK-47 has the same energy as Hardison using the word hack in literally any semi-weird episode of Leverage. 
So Kug goes with Wally to David’s house disguised as a dog and, despite that, blurts out that he’s his dad immediately. Well, he tries to. The Umbral Arcana stops him, unfortunately. 
"I lick my son’s face.” KUUUUG. 
Sophie showing up with a raw goose and hellish rebuking it is so metal and it’s a shame no one got to appreciate it. 
Me when Sophie’s Mom changes into black top in solidarity for Sophie’s mourning: F EVERY OTHER NON-SOPHIE BICICLETA. I RESPECT YOU. 
Kingston is hustling very hard to get his man Pete a job which is a very Kingston move. That’s how guys like that show affection. 
Didn’t mention it before but Kingston’s parents and Mom specifically adopting Pete is very cute. 
Sidenote: Idk what 7 was talking about Pete trying to stay low profile. He wears a cowboy hat (now a ZEBRA STRIPED one, courtesy of Kingston). I think the subtlety train has sailed my guy. 
Esther shows up at the firehouse, carrying presents for her mom and grandma and looking for Ricky. The says that she’s kinda dealing with something and it feels good to be around him (beat) magically speaking. Sure. I’m gonna keep my Hercules soundtrack on hand just in case anyway. 
I think Ricky is the only person who, with no pretense, could give his crush a sexy calendar featuring him.
Anyway, turns out Esther’s mom and grandma are the furies of Tompkins Square and she’s fated to join them or something. 
Esther causally: I defy you, I defy the prophecy.
The fury thing would explain why Esther’s mom would have cursed Kug. They are famously magical punishers.  
Ricky is a magically certified Good Boy but we been knew.
Zac’s restraint to respect Esther’s personal boundaries in lieu of getting a lore drop to stay true to Ricky’s character is amazing. Mad props.
So we slide over to Misty’s Christmas party which Stephen Sondhein is attending and him having a character card kinda killed me. 
There’s a post on tumblr somewhere about playing faerie  incapability for impoliteness against a vampires need to be invited in and that’s what I thought about when Moses and his vamp friends showed up at Misty’s house.
Robert tries to talk Misty into striking a deal with him for protection from Titania. She’s very much not having it.  
“You know Robert, I love a comedy and I love a farce. I’d like to remind you of who it is that started this and it’s not me and it’s not my friends but I can assure you Robert Moses that we will be the ones to end it if you do not. Do you understand me?�� Damn. That’s a mic drop from Misty. 
[As I’m editing this, I’m realizing I somehow lost a BIG chunk of text. I’m not gonna write it all up again but the Cliffnotes are as follows:
Between the Solstice and Christmas, the gang goes Grand Central Station to see the clockwork gnomes that live there because trouble is apparently afoot. Some size changing nonsense happens and Pete shoots a dog (with mini bullets, the dog is fine). Lou is enchanted even though Kingston is not (a common theme with him). Ally and Emily are on the same nonsense wavelength (as usual). 
There are dope magical dragon trains under Grand Central Station that go to the shadow realm which is a place I’d like to know about. Kingston has never seen these trains before even though you’d really think he would have.  
Murph says Gnome Rights which is wild if you know what Naddpod is like. 
Anyway, the high priestess of the gnomes passed out the other day and they figure out it was due to pixie magic which is suspicious. They also know they pixies have access to a “time stone” which leads me to believe that it’s Brennan and not Aguefort who thinks that Chronomancy is the most powerful magic of all. 
Sophie and Jackson go to Dale’s grave on Christmas. Jackson explains that the Order of the Concrete Fist is basically a literal school of hard knocks. A counterbalance to all the reach for the stars dreaminess that comes with NYC.
Dale was their chosen one who was supposed to stop the monastery from falling when some unspecified badness crossed over to this side, but when he went to the place where he was supposed to get guidance, there was no one there (clearly tying in to what Dale said to Sophie last time they talked. I wonder what she needs to get to the top of? Empire State maybe?).
Watching Murph watching Emily, his real life spouse, play at grief for her fictional husband and do some truly insane things is so funny because you can clearly see him thinking, “I am married to this woman,” which, in fairness, is probably the main thing he’s thinking when he’s playing D&D with Emily.
I’m probably missing something but that’s all I remember. Back to post-Christmas!]
So it’s opening night at Misty’s show and, somehow, Ricky’s first show ever. 
I love that Don Confetti is there because of Siobhan’s offhanded comment for a handful of eps ago about him being a supporter of the arts.
Anyway, everything is going great until the second act when Titania busts in through the mirror which is *not* is storage as Misty requested but on stage. It’s a theater fight, y'all! And not the West Side Story kind although if that doesn’t come up I will be very surprised. 
“Let’s kill Titania!” –Misty in the promo
Just going straight to 11, huh Misty?
See y'all then!
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caranfindel · 6 years
Recap/review 14.14: “Ouroboros”
THEN: Michael. The box. Jack’s death, and the soul-burning magic that brought him back. WE’RE THE GUYS THAT SAVED THE WORLD. WHY DON’T YOU BELIEVE IN US TOO? SAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! When that day comes, Sam, you gotta put Dean in the box. Ha ha ha like that’s gonna happen.
NOW: Cheerful music. Cooking. This guy starts boiling his pasta before he finished his sauce? No, dude, that’s the worst thing you could do. Oh, no, wait. The worst thing is that he’s plucking the liver out of a dead guy spread out on the kitchen island. I stand corrected. He fries the liver (with neither fava beans nor a nice Chianti) and then tells his pet snake Felix that he needs to make sure they’re not going to be interrupted again. He plucks out one of the guy’s eyes and eats it, which gives him a vision of Dean and Sam coming in through a door. His door, apparently, which means it’s time to go. He wraps Felix around his neck, retrieves the other eye as “a snack for later,” and heads out, leaving his food cooking and a shed snakeskin on the floor. Dude, your pasta is already mush, and now your liver is going to burn. What a waste of that dead guy.
Title card!
(Y'all, that scene made me miss Hannibal so hard.)
We’re still in the kitchen from earlier, which is going to smell like burnt liver now, gross. (And also dead guy, but I bet he doesn’t smell yet). Dean and Sam come through the door just as we saw in the earlier vision, along with Cas and Jack, who weren’t in the vision but were probably just a few steps behind. (OR WERE THEY. But I’m getting ahead of myself.) They find the kitchen abandoned, and Jack informs us “he’s cooking the body parts again.” Looks like we’ve got a pattern of victims who don’t fight back at all and aren’t restrained and are being cooked. Dean blames witchcraft.
“Always blaming witches” says a familiar voice. Rowena? Hunting with the boys? BE STILL MY HEART. Sam complains that her tracking spell isn’t doing what it was supposed to do, and she complains that she was pulled away from a glorious rosewater and vanilla oil massage, and Sam says “I’m sorry, I’ll finish that for you when we get back to the hotel.” (No he doesn’t but A GIRL CAN DREAM). She gives Cas a flirty hello but she’s not fooling me, I know who she wants a massage from. The guys figure out that this is actually the victim’s house, and then Jack finds the snakeskin. Dean theorizes it could be the victim’s pet, but Sam has already scrolled through every picture on the guy’s phone and noticed a distinct lack of snake, and also this house doesn’t scream “snake guy.”
“Not enough Pantera posters, for one,” says Rowena, AND I LOVE HER. And if anyone wants to fanfic that Samwitch rosewater and vanilla oil massage scene, I would like to be notified when it’s posted, please and thank you.
This delightful train of thought is interrupted by Jack implementing Chekov’s Cough. “There was some pepper on something,” he says, annoyed that everyone is staring at him with concern. “I’m not dying.” Oh, Jack. You poor, sheltered boy.
Back to the dead guy. Victim number six in New Mexico alone. Rowena asks if they all had blackened lips, and Dean’s all, yeah, but we’ve been focusing on the missing eyeballs and them being eaten. Which is remarkably shortsighted. Why would they not recognize blackened lips as a clue? Jack asks her if they mean something. “Darling boy,” she says, “everything means something.” Like, for example, your cough. Ahem.
Hotel. Oh, this is a lovely surprise - Sam and Rowena, all alone in the hotel, sitting at the table together, researching. She oh-so-casually mentions that the last time she saw Jack, he was dying, and now Sam expects her to accept “just some magic” as the reason. He assures her that Jack is fine and she doesn’t need to worry. She says she’s curious, not worried, and she’s also curious about how Dean is keeping Michael locked in his brain-fridge. “Because he’s Dean, and Dean is Dean,” says Sam. “He’s fine.” Oh, Sammy. What’s the difference between absolute faith, and blind stubborn refusal to accept that which you find unacceptable? Asking for a friend. He claims keeping busy is good for his brother. Rowena’s short “okay” makes it clear that she doesn’t agree at all.
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“Now, Samuel, about that massage you owe me…“
The rest of TFW 2.0 is at a diner. Dean tells Cas he’s got "a pretty good feeling about bringing Rowena in on this one,” and I agree, Dean, I agree so hard. He thinks she and Sam have a good chance of solving the case, which explains why he and Cas are sitting in a diner instead of helping. Then he’s struck by a bad case of the Michaels, which makes Cas talk about how difficult it must be to deal with Michael banging away at that door all the time, and how much willpower it must take. And since the door staying locked relies on willpower, he wonders what would happen if Dean were unconscious. “Luckily, Sam’s the one who usually gets knocked out, not me,” says Dean. (No, none of this happened. But it should have.)
Dean admits he doesn’t know if he’s fine. “But that’s what I’m supposed to say, right? I’m fine, keep on movin’? That’s what we all say.”
(Sidebar: would Dean have answered this question so honestly if Sam were there? Discuss.)
He tells Cas that the pounding in his head never stops, he can’t let his guard down for a second, and he barely sleeps. (Sidebar: How is sleeping different from being unconscious, when it comes to asserting your willpower? Discuss.) “That’s not sustainable,” Cas points out. “No, it’s probably not,” Dean agrees. He blames himself for the situation, and reminds Cas about Plan B. “Coffin. Ocean. Done.”
While this is happening, Jack is in the bathroom, washing his hands and coughing up blood. He uses a little bit of his soul-magic to heal his throat. But the thing is, Jack, that you’re generally not coughing up blood from your throat. Look to your lungs, dear.
He joins Dean and Cas in the booth, and his sweet little unsettled face prompts Cas to ask if he’s all right. He claims he’s fine, which makes Dean say “See, look at that. Everybody’s fine.” This is kind of deliciously meta, because Dean knows he’s not fine, but he doesn’t know that Jack and Cas aren’t fine, and he thinks he’s only talking about himself when he says I’m dying but I’m going to claim to be fine because that’s what we do since he has no idea that Jack and Cas are also dying/doomed and are doing the exact same thing.
Back to the case. Cas says there’s a ritualistic, almost liturgical quality to the crime scenes. Dean and Jack look confused, and he explains that “liturgical” means “religious,” which is not really correct, but okay. So maybe it’s just a crazy person, not a monster. Oh, hey, like that prophet? But Jack says anyone who did this is a monster, even if they’re human, and Dean agrees. Haven’t we had this conversation already this season?
Dean gets a call from Sam - he and Rowena have something to share. We next see the guys sitting in a row in the hotel room as Sam and Rowena give their presentation, complete with visuals, and there’s a joke about A/V club being a special club for people who can’t play sports. Rowena tells them they’re hunting a gorgon, a being that likes snakes and eating people. She’s surprised at Dean’s comparison of the gorgon to Medusa, which is odd because knowing about Medusa and her snake hair is pretty basic. It’s like knowing Pegasus is a winged horse. But Dean knows about her from Clash of the Titans. Because Dean watches all kinds of movies. (Except It’s A Wonderful Life. No, I’m STILL not over it.)
She explains that turning victims to stone is an exaggeration, and in fact, they’re just paralyzed by venom, which explains the black lips. They’ve found several more deaths, stretching from Florida to New Mexico. And this one is probably eluding them because some say gorgons can “glimpse the future” by consuming human eyes. Which means there’s no way to sneak up on the guy. Distressed Sam admits he doesn’t know how they’re going to get around that.
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They can barely fit these two in the same shot. I love it.
Truck stop! Our friendly neighborhood gorgon is waiting in the dark by a truck, where asks its driver for a ride or some food. The driver tells him he’s not a taxi, and not a cook either. The gorgon says he’d find a way to pay him back, and the driver is all, well, I’m not a taxi driver or a cook but I do happen to be a coinisseur of a good blowjob, so he lets the gorgon into his truck. The gorgon gives the driver a chaste peck, transmitting venom that paralyzes him and makes it easier to yoink his eye out. Snack time! We know he’s having a vision but we don’t get to see it.
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I still haven’t caught the gorgon’s name, but doesn’t he look like Ash and Giovanni Ribisi had a baby?
The next scene is at the same truck stop, but now it’s daylight. Dean and Cas are investigating, which leaves me torn. Because I love Sam and Rowena together, but I hate Cas taking Sam’s place with Dean. They’re Agents Page and Jones, and I’m glad to see Cas gets his own Led Zeppelin identity instead of taking Sam’s. (Also. Is this the Agent Page badge Sam made for Dean in Advanced Thanatology? Did we ever confirm that before that episode, Dean was Agent Plant and Sam was Agent Page?)
Turns out there was a note on the body “made out to some guy named Dean.” Oh, hey, we know a guy named Dean! The note says I see you standing alone by the truck, reading this note. I see you and the tall man and the red-headed witch chasing me. I will always see you. Stop or I will make you stop. Regards, Noah.
Well, it’s EXTREMELY convenient that Noah (thanks for the name) told Dean that he sees him “standing alone by the truck,” because that allows Cas to realize that since he’s standing by the truck next to Dean, he’s apparently not part of these visions. Nor is Jack. But it also raises some questions. How does Noah know Dean’s name, and yet apparently doesn’t know Sam’s or Rowena’s? And if he can’t see angels, doesn’t he notice that the people he does see are sometimes talking to empty space? If he knows Dean’s name because he heard it in a vision, why didn’t he hear any other names? Why doesn’t he wonder about Dean’s invisible friends Cas and Jack? If he can’t see angels, why is Jack and his tiny bit of remaining grace invisible to him, and yet Dean, with an entire archangel in his head, is not?
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It doesn’t matter, because Dean looks awfully nice out here in the sunlight, doesn’t he?
But the important thing, as Sam realizes, is that this means they have a shot, since Cas and Jack can sneak up on him. (Also, Jack proclaims he’s not an angel, just as he proclaimed earlier that he’s not dying. Just saying.)
Rowena says she’ll need to whip up an antidote to the gorgon’s venom just in case, and all she’ll need is a wee bit of antivenom. On first watch I was disappointed that she said antivenom and not antivenin, and I was even more disappointed that Sam didn’t say antivenin when he pointed out that it’s a controlled substance. But Google tells me I am perhaps being a bit too pedantic. However, I am correct when I say it’s actually not a controlled substances. Apparently you can even buy it online. (Sidebar: How much time did I spend googling antivenom today? WAY TOO MUCH.) But our heroes don’t have time to buy it online. Never fear; Rowena has a plan.
The next thing we know, Sam and Rowena are running into a veterinarian’s office, a tiny dog in Sam’s arms (!), begging for help. Sam tells the woman at the front desk that their wee doggie is lethargic and not responsive, and might have eaten something. The woman working the front desk is apparently the veterinarian, which isn’t how any vet’s office that I’ve ever been to works, but OH DEAR GOD I DO NOT CARE BECAUSE THIS IS AMAZING.
Rowena says Sam blames her and Sam mutters “can we not fight in front of the vet” through clenched teeth and Rowena wails that he blames her for everything and “I let his mother ride the Jet-Ski ONE TIME” and THANK YOU BABY JESUS FOR ALL OF THIS. The vetceptionist takes the dog and asks his name. Sam and Rowena obviously haven’t discussed this beforehand, and I’m expecting some kind of Bobby John situation, but they look at each other and say “Jack” because THIS DOG IS JACK. ROWENA TURNED JACK INTO A DOG.
After the vet whisks Jack into an exam room, Sam gives Rowena a confused look and asks what’s she’s doing. She mocks his usual “pretending to be the FBI” shtick and he rolls his eyes so hard they almost fall out of his head (ready to become a tasty gorgon snack). Rowena calls her performance “quite magnificent” AND SHE IS NOT WRONG.
Back in the exam room, the vet takes Jack’s temperature and calls him “the sweetest boy” (YES HE IS) and then LEAVES HIM ON THE EXAM TABLE while she goes out with forms for Sam and Rowena, and THIS IS NOT OKAY.
When she leaves, we see Jack take his own form (clothed this time; I wonder if Alex put a “no more nudity” clause in his contract). Sam and Rowena have left, and I don’t know why they’d do that. They should stay there to stall and keep the doctor busy while Jack finds the antivenom. But he gets it, and they all meet up outside, and Jack wishes he’d missed out on having his temperature taken, and I don’t know what I did to deserve this but it must have been good.
(Also, if anyone wants to continue this little domestic performance in a fanfic, maybe with Sam and Rowena having to pretend to be a couple for much longer, and then they check into a motel and THERE’S ONLY ONE BED, I would once again like to be notified when it’s available.)
Jack gets in the car they’ve somehow acquired, but Rowena pulls Sam aside and asks what they did to that poor boy, because when she cast her spell she felt some other nasty stuff going on in there. And she’s worried. Sam tells her again that everything’s going to be fine. And this happens:
You’re using dangerous, mysterious magic regardless of the cost. That’s a very on-brand thing for me to do.
Well, thank you.
Of course, Samuel, until very recently, I was the villain.
JUST SHOOT ME NOW AND I CAN DIE HAPPY. Sam’s pleased to be compared to her? She used to be the villain? She called him Sam AND Samuel? Life is good, friends. I mean, sure, if Rowena can make Jack look like a dog, she also could have made him look like the vet tech, or even made him invisible, and just let him stroll into the exam room and take what he needed. But then I wouldn’t have had this.
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I’ll say it again… thank you, baby Jesus.
(Alternate fic prompt: Jack finds being Sam’s lapdog very comforting, and occasionally asks Rowena to cast the spell again, so when he’s upset Sam can just carry him around and rub his belly and say “It’s okay, buddy, it’s okay.”)
That was fun. Now, back to our gorgon. Noah has his next victim, who apparently has been promised he won’t die if he stays quiet. But then why do you want the vegetable oil, Noah, huh? He claims he doesn’t really even like eating people, but sometimes fate is “cruel and boring.” This is a profound truth. He says “ask them in New Mexico if I’m serious,” which makes me think he’s not there any more. Isn’t that what it sounds like to you? (Does it matter? MAYBE.) He also says he goes after men because women are too cautious now, which, again, is a profound truth.
Hotel. Sam’s on the phone with (ugh) Maggie, who says the only way to kill a gorgon is to cut off its head with a silver blade. I hope you packed your silver blade, Sam. There are a few refugee hunters milling about in the bunker, and Maggie says Mary is on her way back from a case. Sam thanks her for handling things while they’re gone, and she tells him to be safe, which (1) isn’t gonna happen, and (b) is Dean and Sam’s way of saying “I love you” and I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT FROM FUCKING MAGGIE. MAKE THIS STOP. (Spoiler alert: hee.)
Rowena has tracked Noah to “less an hour west of us.” All right, let’s fire up Mapquest. The first victim we saw was in Raton, New Mexico. The police car at the truck stop said Colfax County, which is the county Raton is in, and the gang is still in their original hotel room, so presumably they’re still in Raton. There actually isn’t anything except mountains west of Raton, so he must be in a cabin in the mountains. Let’s go with that. Rowena gives Cas the vial of gorgon antivenom, which will “theoretically” protect them, and sends them on their way.
Remote cabin in the mountains of New Mexico. There’s a knock on the door, and then Cas bursts in, with Jack coming in through a second doorway. As Cas uses the antivenom on the paralyzed (but not yet de-eyed) victim, Noah tells Jack he “sees” him (hmm) and then tells him a parable. There’s a black snake who keeps eating a chicken’s eggs, sliding them into his throat and crushing them there. But he can’t crush the last egg, because the chicken hard-boiled it to choke him. Noah can’t tell if Jack is the chicken or the snake.
Cas has had enough of this story, and attacks Noah, but he gets a kiss that leaves him paralyzed. Then Jack attacks, but doesn’t do much better. Dean and Sam run in, and I guess Noah’s vision didn’t show them pulling up outside his remote mountain cabin and waiting outside. It must only extend to his front door and not beyond. Well, and to truck stops.
Noah grabs Dean and knocks him into the wall and few times, and he falls unconscious to the floor. Sam gets knocked around, and Jack ends up decapitating Noah. Yay Jack! Jack uses the antivenom on Cas, but it doesn’t work on angels for whatever reason, so he has to use up some more of his soul. Dean is still unconscious. Jack doesn’t use his soul magic on him, for reasons that I’m sure will become obvious.
Bunker. Sam and Cas carry Dean into the infirmary and put him on the bed. Maggie asks why he won’t wake up, like she’s new here, and Sam says it’s a head injury. “I’ll get ice,” she says. Which is useless. You know what would have been useful? An ER. Sam and Cas (and Jack, but let’s face it, Jack ain’t a decision-maker around here) drove NINE HOURS to the bunker rather than ONE HOUR to the ER in Raton. With a head injury. Not a supernatural injury that a hospital wouldn’t be able to fix - a simple closed head injury. COME ON, GUYS.
Sam tells Cas to “do it” and Cas puts his fingers on Dean’s forehead and wait. They’re only trying to heal him NOW? Nine hours later? Oh, no. Cas says he “still can’t heal him,” so okay, he’s been trying. He can’t even see what’s going on in his head. Sam is so very distressed, which is so very enjoyable to me (hi, I’m Caranfindel and I have a problem). Jack offers to help, apparently for the first time, and Cas tells him no, he can’t afford to burn up any more of his soul. Sam says nothing. (Does anyone else think maybe Sam is kind of hoping Jack will insist on doing it anyway? Just me?)
Rowena overhears this little tidbit about what’s keeping Jack upright and is appalled, and Sam’s all, not a good time (understatement). Cas leaves and Sam asks Rowena what he should do. She tells him to clean Dean’s wound, make him comfortable, and wait. And I love this because (1) Sam looks to Rowena for guidance because he literally has no one else and because she’s an ally now and in case you missed it I LOVE THESE TWO AS PARTNERS, and (b) what she says strongly echos what she said when they were waiting for Jack to die.
Sam does this thing where he clenches and releases his hands (AND MY HEART) and then rubs a hand down his face and gets a cloth to clean Dean’s face, and I’m not crying. You’re crying. But Dean reacts violently, while remaining unconscious, and we get a glimpse of Michael beating on the door. SAM IS IN MORE DISTRESS. ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD. (Well, my world. Sam’s is going to Hell.)
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And also distressed Sam is so pretty.
Rowena sequesters herself in the library, and Jack retreats to his room. He brought Felix the snake with him. Cas comes in, and they have a conversation about the risks of hunting, and the fact that all humans will eventually die. Jack asks “what’s the point of being cosmic being if everyone I care about is just gonna leave?” And Cas says “Everyone? What am I, chopped liver?” (No, but he should.) He says it will hurt when they’re gone, but you get to love them while they’re here. It sounds awful, says Jack, and he’s right. And then Cas assures him that Dean will wake up, as if he didn’t spend this entire scene explaining that someday, maybe today, Dean won’t wake up.
Jack asks what will happen with Michael if Dean doesn’t wake up, and Cas has no answer for that. Huh. It’s too bad you guys don’t have someplace safe you could put him just in case Michael gets out. Jack asks what’s the use of having powers if he can’t use them to help the people he loves. (A question… what powers does Jack actually have any more? Discuss.)
Jack contemplates Noah’s parable and asks Cas what it means. Cas says it’s mostly about greed, but it’s also about being willing to give up the thing you love in order to kill the thing you hate. (I don’t actually think it’s about greed all that much. Is it greedy to want to eat every day?) They’re interrupted by the sound of yelling and banging from the infirmary.
Dean is freaking out, throwing things around and yelling “where is he!” Uh oh. Michael is gone. Dean blames himself for letting his guard down (while he was unconscious?) and then yells at Sam for not letting him go with Plan A. Sam uses the Single Raised Finger of Reasonableness and tries to talk to him, but there’s a bloodcurdling scream from elsewhere in the bunker.
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I love the way Dean’s expression reminds me of right after Lucifer took off with Sam in Detroit.
They run into the war room, which is full of bodies, and are met by Maggie. She yells for Sam and then bursts into angelic flame and falls dead. The camera pans up the stairs to the library and we see… Rowena with glowing blue eyes? “Hello boys,” says Michael!Rowena. Oh snap.
Sam takes out his angel blade, even though we know it does nothing against an archangel (not now, anyway) and we get a flashback of Michael (ugh, in the hat again) confronting Rowena in the library. He tells her he’ll kill her unless she agrees to be his vessel. She’s not afraid, because she knows Sam is the one destined to kill her, not Michael. Okay then, how about, he’ll kill everyone in the bunker if she doesn’t say yes? “Everyone you care about.” BECAUSE SHE CARES ABOUT THEM NOW, GUYS.
Problems with this: (1) he doesn’t actually promise NOT to kill them if she does say yes, so there doesn’t really seem to be any incentive, and (2) why doesn’t she think her fated death at Sam’s hand could change? I mean, ALL of Dean’s endings changed. Why does she think everyone except Sam is now incapable of killing her?
Anyway. Dean tells Sam to get the cuffs, presumably planning to toss the Mikewitch in the box, and Michael says that if they won’t be nice, neither will he. First he takes away their ability to breathe (and by “they” I mean Sam, Dean, and Cas, but for some reason Jack is left out of this), and then blinds them, and you kind of have to love that when Dean finds himself blind and suffocating he immediately tries to call out for Sam. Finally he just inflicts a lot of pain, and then decides it’s time to kill them outright.
Jack surreptitiously grabs something - an angel blade? - and then says “Michael,” because that’s what you do when you’re trying to be real sneaky and kill someone; you call their name to notify them. Michael blasts him, but Jack blasts back, freeing his dads from Michael’s torture. Michael says he won’t be “challenged by a child,” and Jack says “I’m not a child! I’m the son of Lucifer. I’m a hunter. I am a Winchester!” \o/ He claps his hands onto Rowena’s head and yanks Michael out of her. Michael’s white cloud goes up in flame, and Jack sucks down the remaining grace. The guys look terrified, and Jack says “Michael is dead. I’m me again.” His eyes glow gold and he gets a wing reveal. Um, happy ending? Yay?
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Does this face say “nothing to worry about, I’m going to stay my sweet nougat-loving self and not destroy anyone” to you?
So. Kind of an uneven episode. Is Michael really gone for good? Because if he is, that leaves an opening for a Big Bad, doesn’t it? And I don’t like that our potential Big Bads are pretty much limited to Jack, Nick, the Empty Guy, Lucifer (please Chuck no) or someone new. Don’t like it at all. But we got a tasty Samwitch, we got the end of Maggie (who I don’t actually hate as a character, but I hate the way they kept trying to make her into a leader) and a bunker full of random hunters (unless Jack brings them back), we got an end to the tiresome storyline of Jack’s decline, we got ultra worried Sam and freaked-out Dean, we got “I am a Winchester!” We got some good things.
Oh, and let’s talk about the title. Ouroborus is one of those words I have to look up every few years, because I see it, look it up, and forget it until I see it again. It’s the symbol of the snake biting/eating its own tail, and it can represent unity, infinity, and rebirth. Well. Who does that sound like? So is Jack the chicken, the black snake, or the black snake as an ouroborus? Discuss!
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. In conclusion, let me remind you of my fic requests. And please help me stay unspoiled, thanks!
19 notes · View notes
jbuffyangel · 6 years
Weekly Rundown 10/21/18-10/26/18
Time to rundown what I’m watching, loving, hating and everything in between! Spoilers ahead! Full episode reviews and reactions are linked in the titles.
Daredevil Season 3
Just so y’all know - most nuns do not wear their habits in public anymore. It’s been that way since Vatican II, but TV refuses to catch up.
The action is amaaaaazing again. I love how Matt actually gets tired when he’s fighting.
I don’t want Matt to put that ugly Daredevil suit on again he looks ridiculous. Keep the black mask and call it a day.
I want Foggy to propose very badly. I need a Foggy wedding in Season 4.
Is there any particular reason why Karen didn’t haul ass to Frank’s Punisher lair when her life was in danger and Matty Mcbrown eyes was off Daredeviling an existential crisis? That’s where I’d go.
Matt refusing to ask the other Defenders help because “it’s not their fight” is the stupidest reason ever.
Arrow (“The Longbow Hunters”)
It is a bit creepy when Stan says, “I bet a guy like that would do anything to keep his family safe.” Maybe Stan is a nuthouse, but leave me to my dream for now.
Is it me or did Yorke look older than 40? 1978????
Deputy Director Bell is evil. Calling it now.
The Longbow Hunters don’t actually use bows. This is a twist I did not see coming.
Bl*ck S*ren can’t lawyer worth a damn, but she can wear a suit.
“Stay behind me.” That was oddly hot Rene. I’m wildly uncomfortable that I find you attractive right now, but it is what it is.
Rene: Been back in town a week and you’re already sneaking out of A.R.G.U.S. behind Papa Dig’s back? I’m so proud.
Felicity: Thanks man.
This whole exchange was delightful and not remotely derogatory like “Blondie.” THY NAME IS CHARACTER GROWTH.
“Grab your balls Curtis, we’re going in.” If the Rene character only exists to say this one line of dialogue then it was worth it.
Why didn’t BS and Dinah go after the Longbow Hunter? What is up with allowing all these criminals to run away at a moderately brisk pace and our people acting like they can’t catch them? They are called legs! Move your ass!  
Legends of Tomorrow  (“The Virgin Gary”)
Legends Season 4 premiere is fantastic and full of all the hi-jinks I’ve missed over hiatus.
“Speaking of the same old crap isn’t that what he did last year?”Legends gets points for acknowledging that Wally gets the storyline shaft a lot.
When you are officially a hero the time bureau gives you a medal, but I was more excited about the balloons.
It would be super weird if the Legends spent more than a day in 2018.
Remember when Oliver asked Sara to move in with him and she went running screaming in the other direction? It all worked out because Sara knew he was really in love with Felicity. I’m just saying she’s come a looooong way.
I want to be clear about one thing and it’s not up for debate. Ready? The best thing about Legends is Mick. It’s always Mick. That is all.
Manifest “Connecting Flights”
It was nice to fill in the back story of the characters left behind after the plane went missing, however the show is starting to lose my attention. I need more movement on these character relationships. Manifest is hitting a lot of the same notes week after week.
This Is Us (“Toby”)
Randall is going ahead with the city council job? Are they independently wealthy Does no one have to work?
Baby Toby is the cutest.
Holy crap is this how in vitro really works? It’s so friggin expensive and no guarantees. Wow, my sympathies to all those who have gone through this excruciating process.
Randall unbuttoning his shirt is all the reason I need to vote for him. Done deal. 
Toby used his wonderful sense of humor to cheer up his depressed Mom. Ugh my heart.
But for real though sometimes you need just “one damn day.” #MomLife
Three hours to get ready Kate? Just as an FYI - that’s all over when you have a baby. You’ll be lucky to get a shower.
Miguel carried a piano up stairs to cheer Rebecca up. That’s love.
“There’s so much of her in you it scares me.” THAT IS NOT SOMETHING YOU SAY TO YOUR CHILD ASSHOLE.
A+ on the prom dresses. Absolutely what I wore in high school. We were fashionista slaves in the late nineties.
Kate’s impression of Adele is dead on.
Miguel tries so hard. He’s just trying to keep his promise to Jack.
Rebecca is such an amazing mom. Kate doesn’t give her nearly enough credit.
KATE IS PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Rookie (Pilot” and “Crash Course”)
I really loved The Rookie. I typically don’t hate procedurals, but this one has surprised me thus far. It’s fast paced, so it held my attention more. I hope it stays that way. 
I love how it is the rookies versus the training officers. It fills my Rookie Blue void.
I am not invested in any ships yet. I am not buying the romance between Nolan and Lucy so far. I actually think Lucy has more chemistry with Bradford and Nolan with the Captain.
A Million Little Things (“Friday Night Dinner” and “The Game of Your Life”)
I want to love this show, but they are making it next to impossible. I hate cheating storylines in any show. It’s one of the main reasons I quit watching Shonda Rhimes’ shows because she is unable to write one without including adultery. Arrow’s original love story revolved around cheating and was an absolute mess. It feels like a lazy way to inject drama. This cheating storyline between Eddie and Delilah is making two characters who are otherwise very likable extremely unlikable. 
Instead of jettisoning this plot into the atmosphere where it belongs and never speaking of it again, A Million Little Things is double down on it.  Delilah is pregnant! Oh wonderful, now we get to play “Who’s the Daddy?” for several weeks.
Apparently, the writers come from The Fl*sh school of writing. Characters can only be mad at other characters for one episode. All the friends found out about Eddie and Delilah’s affair and the very next week they are sitting down to pizza. It’s at Delilah’s house and Eddie’s wife Katherine comes too because FRIENDS. No. Just no.
Instead of being angry at Eddie and Delilah, the friends make excuses for them. Regina’s conversation with Delilah turned into a huge “I didn’t see your pain” apology, which is flat out ridiculous. What Delilah did was so off the charts wrong there is no excuse for it. If you are in pain see a therapist. It’s not an excuse to cheat on your husband. Also, Regina you are not to blame for Delilah lying to everyone for over two years. 
Gary, who has been the angriest, decides he’s being too hard on Eddie (ya know by actually holding him accountable for his actions) and lets Eddie move in with him after his wife finally kicked him out. Are you freaking kidding me with this? I was already mildly irked at Gary for giving Delilah a free pass, but I understood his reasoning because her husband just jumped off a building. She has been punished quite a lot. But Eddie? I think we could muster a couple episodes of anger towards Eddie.
The writers attempted drum up sympathy for Delilah by shining a little light on her seemingly perfect marriage with Jon. It’s not really perfect, but what marriage is? Jon was short with Delilah during a family dinner. He took a phone call from work and snapped, “Everything I do is for this family.” What a bastard. Of course, that is reason enough for Delilah to jump into bed with Eddie, her husband’s best friend. GIVE. ME. A. FRIGGIN. BREAK. If my husband slept with someone else every time I was cranky with him, he’d have a harem.
So, on top of being suicide apologists, the writers are adding cheating apologists. There is no reason to cheat. It’s just mean. Nobody has put a gun to your head. If you want out of your marriage you march to an attorney’s office and file for divorce. Not sure if you want a divorce? Then go to counseling. But cheating, under any circumstances, is wrong. It’s cruel and selfish. It’s trying to have your cake and eat it too. A Million Little Things trying to excuse away Eddie and Delilah’s heinous behavior is almost as bad as the cheating itself. Trying to make suicide and cheating okay with excuses is dangerous behavior. I AM NOT A FAN.
Stray Thought - on what planet is a school program presented in the middle of the freaking day? What kind of ridiculous school do Eddie and Katherine send their son to?
Blindspot (“The Quantico Affair”) 
Zapata has a very interesting running stride. Sorry I was in cross country. That stuff interests me
Roman saying "He knows. This is it. Kill him" underscores the dramatic tension.
I’m gonna need someone on Team Blindspot to pick up on Remi's side eye. Y'all are FBI agents for goodness sake.
I don't actually know what Patterson's name is, but I feel confident it is not Lisa.
I think Martin Gero saw me write "Where is Patterson's storyline?" in my last review. I could have opted for patience, but complaining loudly via written word felt like a better plan. 
Hey watch the condemnation Remi aka Jane aka double secret agent who told so many lies I can't keep it straight anymore.
OMG Rich not explaining how the tattoo was solved is the best thing ever. PLEASE DO THIS EVERY WEEK
I wanna talk about the Book of Secrets mostly because Rich calls it the Book of Secrets.
Hahaha. Her one night stand showed up at work. This is how Meredith and McDreamy began. I highly recommend elevator scenes too.
One night stand boy is Weitz's nephew. IT. JUST. GOT. BETTER
Sure Madeline come on in and check out our super secret tattoo murder board.
"Thundercats ho!" OMG was that an ad lib?
Totally ship Patterson and this dude. I should probably learn his name.
Somebody tell Rich about the one night stand. Pleeeeeeeease.
I'm not calling him Lincoln. He shall be known as "Slab of Man-Ham" forevermore.
Patterson and Rich are the perfect work wife/husband team. Remember Rich is the work wife
How does Weitz maintain employment? This may be the greatest of all Blindspot's mysteries.
Of course "Jane" and Weller are on the train Weitz. IT'S THEIR JOB. Seriously someone get this dude a DVD of #Blindspot S1-S3
Patterson girl, Jane is never that cranky with you when she's diffusing bombs. SOMEBODY NOTICE PERSONALITY CHANGES PLEASE!!!
"You're new here." ALL KNEEL TO PATTERSON.
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