#but eventually my want surpassed my fear
navramanan · 1 month
on my way to doing something alone and scared
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callmeklair · 8 months
How would you rank the boys from most to least possessive? Kind of random question I know but I'm just interested in your opinion :3
it makes me really happy knowing you all love my opinions even though I feel like that's it's been long since I read a few routes and hopefully don't make any misinterpretation 😭
I didn't know what kind of interpretation you wanted so I gave my opinions in what way they were and now are possessive and why.
there are chances some people's ranking might not match with mine but I tried my best to rank the boys based on my (not so horrible) memories. it was difficult to do overall so I did family wise because many boys were ending up on a tie.
(don't forget to read the conclusion note!!)
I ranked based on them giving freedom to Yui from least to highest !!!
1. Ayato: it's wayyyy too obvious that Ayato is the most possessive out of all his brothers, and one of the reasons being Cordelia's obsession to make him no.1 which narrowed down his mentality to "yours truly" and always getting/acquiring "first class things" it can also be seen in the anime how obsessed he became to make Yui only his after being the first one to taste her blood, to the point he left hickeys on her before she went for a bath. I wouldn't say his possessiveness towards Yui was just as "a prey", more than that, his obsession to be number one due to Cordelia surpassed that reason as Yui's blood was considered special as it was the finest of its quality in the whole world, according to them.
Kanato: I haven't read his routes much, actually I tried to but just couldn't make myself sit through it, but based on what I have seen in anime and some routes, he is one of the most possessive ones after ayato (maybe?) and.... not in a good way. I don't think I need to expand on it because we all have sat through it in anime in scenes with Kanato. though there are chances he might have changed a little(?) in future games, Kanato stans are free to come and correct me because he is one of the characters whose content I have never read much.
Laito: it might be surprising to some but let me tell you, his possessiveness started on Yui as "a prey" behind that facade he puts on due to what Cordelia did to him. it's more like he is conflicted. his possessiveness is way too conflicted because of Cordelia. openly, people think that he let's Yui to be shared to others but I think it's more like, he don't wanna succumb to any feelings or have anyone special to him, to the point he don't wanna be possessive to someone in either good way or bad way. but ofc, after staying with Yui, he finally started to open up and slowly became possessive (in mid of MB maniac/ecstasy, then VC and further) I would say he is a silent possessive man, because people will think he is being carefree but he is indirectly protecting Yui (encounter with Carla and Shin in DF)
Reiji: the only reason Reiji is considered more possessive than Subaru is because of his obsession to not let Yui in contact with Shu, which is of course because he was scared. Seeing how everything eventually belonged to Shu, no matter if he wanted it or not, meanwhile he, Reiji, being neglected by everyone, even servants, he was scared to lose Yui to Shu. and thus he was such a nasty possessive man in the first game, but his character slowly developed and his possessiveness turned towards the direction of sweetness. it was good to see how he went from being scared of Shu snatching Yui away to not feeling the fear anymore and having full on trust on Yui which is a very big thing in Reiji's case.
Subaru: because of his distrust in women due to his mom, even though he was possessive with Yui, it was not in a good way but, thankfully, eventually as he became comfortable with her, he slowly became a sweet gentle boy. what I liked the most was that despite being possessive he let Yui freely roam around but magically appeared whenever someone advances at her. tsundere.
Shu: my lazy sloth, who doesn't want to have anyone close to him because of his past. he was the least possessive for obvious reasons but gradually as his relationship with Yui developed and he came out of his bubble, his possessive side could be seen. Just like the other two before, he did give freedom to Yui but easily gets jealous so his possessiveness was never in a bad way that much.
(these brothers were so hard to rank because they are equal to each other when it comes to possessiveness)
Kou: ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌ he was very much possessive of Yui in MB but in a very wrong way due to obsession of Adam's apple plan but thankfully by the end of ecstasy he started becoming a little normal. he gets easily jealous, so Yui always watch out for herself. in conclusion, he is the most possessive in his brothers and thankfully it went from toxic to normal possessiveness.
Ruki: livestock. yes that's the word he used to rationalise his toxic possessiveness towards Yui for completion of his plan. it was cute to see how he went from being possessive as "master" to being possessive as a jelly boyfie. plus one of the reasons he is very possessive with Yui is because he can never get any "undisturbed" alone time with her due to his brothers which makes his actions ,when he is being possessive with her, very cute.
Yuma: my sweet Gardner boy. (Yuma Stans help me because I'm out of words (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠))
Azusa: my cinnamon roll and one of the members of "eve's no. 1 protector" club. Azusa is cutely possessive (if we ignore the knife obsession in starting). best boi, will do anything for Yui. Might not look possessive of Yui but he secretly is but more than that, to him her happiness matters the most. I read somewhere that in his route in chaos lineage it was revealed he asked Karlheinz to turn back time 3-4 times??? I'm not sure if i remember it correctly but this also directs towards how he remembers in almost most of the routes in CL, and in some, to us readers, it's indirectly hinted that he remembers but he is hiding it.... but that's a topic for another day. also feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. and we got distracted from the topic.......
Shin: insecure possessiveness. after losing his eye and getting his pride hurt, his only aim was to surpass his brother, Carla, which he was never able to. just like how Carla wanted recognition from his father, Shin wanted recognition from his older brother. this is why he was so obsessed to get Yui in every single route, even in his own route. this is why I loved his route, because of the development. minor details matter too. his toxic possessiveness turning into normal boyfriend possessiveness yet the goal to acquire her remaining the same but not in toxic way (LE being an example when he pushed Yui away to keep her safe no matter how much he wanted her.)
Carla: he is such a beautiful composed character, that people aren't aware about the rate of his possessiveness. unless you have read any Carla route, you won't know how bad is the possessive rate in Tsukinami family. as he was raised to be a king, he hides his emotions well which is also the reason why it took him time to realise his own feelings but when he did, the possessiveness (⁠ノ⁠´⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
because of DF Shin, Carla is on second rank or else his LE route was dangerous for my heart. ifykyk
→ I didn't rank kino because I'm totally not aware with his character so I didn't wanna make any wrong interpretation.
in conclusion: all of them were toxic-ly possessive at some rate but slowly as the more time they spent with Yui and developed their character, their nature of possessiveness also started to change. I rated the possessiveness based on the freedom they allow Yui for.
any diaboy at first rank doesn't mean that they don't give freedom to Yui at all, it's just less compared to others and their jealousy level is ↑
why did this post go from possessive analysis to character analysis, I'm sorry, i just loose the track so much while writing (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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yujo-nishimura · 10 months
Cross Guild Headcanon
Am I the only one who wants to rush to rescue Buggy from meanie Mihawk and bully Crocodile? ;)
Random idea I had this morning, not sure if I will continue working on this.
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Two men forcefully ushered you into a dimly lit room, although it was still bright enough for you to make out the figures sitting on a large sofa before you. Initially, you had intended to confront these two men, but upon seeing them, you began to question your decision. They exuded an aura of strength and determination, far surpassing your initial expectations - you were plainly scared. 
After dragging you inside, the two men who held onto you compelled you to your knees, positioning you within close range of the sofa where you could be closely observed and analyzed. Seated on the left was Mihawk, his eyes as intimidating as you had imagined, grasping his long sword Yoru, while his cape draped lazily over the couch's fabric. On the right sat Sir Crocodile, with slicked-back black hair and a cigar clenched between his teeth, emanating a similarly eerie presence as Mihawk.
Both of them held the reason for your presence captive—Buggy the clown's head swung between them, with Crocodile gripping his long blue hair. Blood trickled from Buggy's lips, his eye swollen and bruised. His detached body lay sprawled on the ground, under Mihawk's foot, rendering Buggy immobile. As you entered, he whimpered and pleaded, falling silent upon noticing you.
"Y/n..." his voice barely audible, a mixture of relief and fear for your safety.
"Captain Buggy!" You mustered a smile, attempting to reassure him that everything would be alright.
But, of course, it wasn't. Crocodile instructed the two men who had held you to depart, knowing full well that he alone could handle both you and Buggy.
"Who do we have here? An intruder? Are you Buggy's little girlfriend?" Crocodile seemed genuinely amused by your arrival, while Mihawk remained silent, scrutinizing you from head to toe.
"Buggy is my captain, and I am here to protect him and save him at all costs!"
Mihawk's lips curled into a smile, while Crocodile burst into laughter.
"Now, that's some loyalty. I'm not sure if this damn clown deserves it... You're the first of his crew to show up here; everyone else seems to think we're now his subordinates."
You caught a glimpse of Buggy's faint smile, worn out from the beating and arguing with these two warlords of the sea.
Out of pity, Crocodile tossed Buggy's head in your direction. You instinctively opened your arms, ensuring your captain landed safely within them. His long blue locks cascaded over your knees as you gently cradled his face. You watched as his expression immediately relaxed, though he seemed hesitant to speak.
"So, you are his girlfriend after all," Crocodile commented, observing how delicately you handled Buggy's head. You chose not to respond, focusing solely on keeping him safe.
"For now, keep that clown loser with you. We'll proceed by pretending he's our boss."
"And eventually, when his clownery becomes too much... we'll dispose of him," Mihawk interjected, rising from his seat.
Crocodile followed suit but not before delivering another kick to Buggy's body lying in front of the sofa. You could hear him hiss in pain, feeling utterly powerless against these two warlords. Nevertheless, you clung onto Buggy.
"What a tragedy—a beautiful girl wasted on such a loser!" Crocodile hissed before exiting the room, leaving you alone with Buggy.
Carefully, you approached his body, releasing your grip on his head so he could reattach it to his body.
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witchy8464 · 2 years
Let Go of Me - Anthony Lockwood x gn! reader
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This is my first oneshot! Let me know if you have any feedback.
Summary: The reader takes the place of Lucy, and contacts Annabel Ward. They end up possessed, and bring up all sorts of emotions in Lockwood.
Lockwood & Co. isn’t the most prestigious agency. They lit a house on fire, investigated the death of an 80’s actress, jumped into the River Thames in the middle of the night, and had a certain disregard for the rules that tended to get them in trouble. But 35 Portland Row was your home, and would be for a long time coming. You possessed the talents of Touch and Sight, but while your Touch was exceptionally strong, your Sight was not, and you couldn’t see visitors all that well, so you spent more of your time doing research for missions, more of the logistical work. Having worked for Lockwood for almost as long as George, the three of you were a very tight knit group.
Lucy was a very welcome addition. You couldn’t keep up with Lockwood in the field, and George wasn’t exactly able to curb his self-destructive tendencies, so when Lucy proved to not only surpass Lockwood’s own abilities as well as provide him with a new found will to live, you could feel nothing but happiness for them, right?
The real problem lay in your heart, where concerning feelings had been bubbling for a while. Every night that George and Lockwood were on another case, you had been unable to sleep, petrified that it would be the last time you would see either of them. Lying awake, you would nervously think about what you would do if Anthony had died. You certainly cared deeply for George, but not quite the same as you did Anthony.
For the longest time, you had convinced yourself that you were more concerned for Lockwood because he was so self destructive, and while that was certainly part of the reason, you eventually couldn’t deny the fact that you were deeply and truly in love with Anthony John Lockwood.
Lockwood was apprehensive about waking you. You were a very polite person, and wouldn’t really mind, but he knew about your stress filled nights, staying awake until he and George showed up on the doorstep. 
On the other hand, he knew if he didn’t you would berate him in the morning for not letting you help. 
Lockwood snuck into the corner of the basement, rapier at his side, and gently shook you awake. He had originally tried to get you to take the room in the attic, but you had insisted on sleeping in a corner of the basement, claiming that it was cozier down there. 
You awoke groggily, emerging from your cocoon of blankets. 
“Annabel Ward’s ghost’s here.”
Every time you thought you had lost all sense of sanity you manage to find a scrap to lose. Now you were sitting in a chair, in the middle of the library, about to try and commune with Annabel Ward’s ghost. Whoop de doo. 
Lucy had wanted to do it, but you had insisted, knowing your Touch was much stronger and that she’d had a long day, and you didn’t want to stress her anymore. 
Lockwood walked up to you, ring in hand, “If she takes any liberties, we’re right here, okay?” 
Gently lowering the ring into your hand, you raise your thumb to brush his, as if to say ‘it’s okay. I’ll be okay.’
As Lockwood steps back, fear brimming in his eyes, you close yours, wrapping your fingers around the ring. 
You feel a chill immediately rush over you body, quickly replaced with a kind of fuzzy warmth. You feel joyous, light-hearted, and… and like everything is perfect. 
“She’s… happy.” you say, feeling Annabel’s lover watching her. Is it admiration in his eyes? Is it love? “She… she loves him.”
You feel a swirl of adrenaline, dancing to a song. It’s an important song, their song. Annabel spins and spins, her skirt flowing around her legs. The sun shone through the window, lighting your face as he smiled. He… He loved you right? That was what he felt for Annabel? For you?
You stood up, your eyes still tightly shut, and took a step forward. And another. 
“She… she doesn’t know if he loves her.” And another. “I… I don’t think he does. She’s trying to convince herself.”
You feel the warmth creep a little too high. Slowly, slowly it feels oh so uncomfortable, beginning to feel fear, as he stands up. As your lover stands up. He’s saying something, calling you a liar. And another step. You’re begging him now, telling him to listen, that you didn’t do anything.
Your eyes fly open, inches away from Anthony.
“He’s angry,” you whisper, as if afraid you’ll set Annabel’s lover off. “She’s… She’s so afraid.”
Some kind of switch flips, and now you’re smiling at Anthony, but it’s a pained smile, he can tell. Your hand reaches out to cup his cheek, and the touch burns Anthony’s skin. His hand comes up to grasp your wrist, but he can’t bring himself to pull you away.
“It’s all right,” you reassure him, looking at him with such love in your eyes. “He loves me. You love me, don’t you?”
Your face is pleading, begging him to tell you ‘yes, yes I love you’ but in his heart, Anthony knows this is not you. But when you look at him like that… How long has it been since someone held him gently? Since someone loved him? Is it okay for him to love someone like this again? What if… what if you see him for who he is? What if you hate him for it?
You lean in, “You gave me the ring. He’d never hurt me,” you plead with Anthony, tears beginning to bubble to the surface. “He doesn't mean it.”
You’re trying desperately to convince yourself that it’s all okay, that loving him isn’t causing you so much pain. That Anthony isn’t hurting you. 
“You love me, right?” your voice is straining, desperate to reach him. “You’d never…”
“We need to stop this. Now.” He can’t bear to watch you like this.
“Let’s just see what happens,” George says.
“Lockwood’s right,” Lucy interjects.
“No, don’t.” You interrupt, “Look at me,” your arms are gripping Anthony’s tight, drawing his attention back to you. “Look at me.”
Anthony whispers your name gently, as if speaking too loud might shatter you into a million pieces. 
“Look!” you shout, the tears at the edges of your eyes just now beginning to fall. 
A feeling of tightness begins to constrict around your throat, and all of a sudden you can’t breathe. You grip Anthony harder, your nails beginning to dig into his skin.
“No, stop,” you plead, looking for some semblance of the man you fell in love with. 
You gasp for air, you’re not ready to die. Anthony looks at you, nothing but horror on his face. He’s terrified, he can’t lose you, but what should he do now? What if he pulls you out and you die right then and there?
“Stop,” you beg, pulling yourself back, away from Lockwood. 
“Stop, please!” your yelps are getting more desperate as your grip begins to hurt.
Anthony doesn’t know what to do. 
“Ow! You’re hurting me! Don’t,” you’re begging him, trying to convince yourself that it will all be okay, that the mere sight of him isn’t causing you pain, that Lockwood doesn’t kill everything he loves.
“Look! Stop, please!” your shouts are tearing through every wall he’s ever built., “Let go of me!”
Your arms are tearing at your neck, pulling at your sweater, trying to get air into your lungs. Tears are streaming down your face.
“I can’t… Let me breathe!” you choke out.
Anthony grasps your shoulders, trying to shake you out, to do anything, because you are dying. You are dying and he can’t help you, just like he can’t help anyone.
“Annabel, Annabel stop it!” he shouts because he can’t lose you too.
George runs to the window.
“Let go of me!”
The curtains are flung open, the light of dawn filling the room as the chair you had been sitting in minutes prior flings itself into the bookshelf, narrowly missing Lucy.
Anthony had grabbed you and thrown the two of you against the couch, shielding you with his own body. 
“He… choked her to death,” you whisper, body trembling.
As soon as you got the words out, you pass out in Anthony’s arms, your tear-stained face landing against his arms.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
While yall awfully horny, i'm gonna be open with Hudds
Hudds, i really like how you are filled with knowledge. Like, i could ask you anything about the world and you will answer me without hesitation.
You are very well-read, you are not afraid to critique ignorance. You look like someone who isn't afraid to stand up for their opinion.
I love guys who's dedicated to their interests, you are a good conversationalist, we could share our knowledge about the world.
You really seems like a interesting person that could discuss so many things together, and i wanna meet with you more often. So, wanna hang out together someday? We could translate some books if you want
[You saved the other anons' asses, congrats.]
(He sits there, listening in silence for a few moments. Slowly but surely, light taints his cheeks.)
" That's... Quite the flattery. "
(Stunned is putting it lightly.)
" I am... I'm very glad that's the way you feel about me. It's- I certainly aspire to be that way! "
(For once, his discomfort isn't born of something you said that set him off.)
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" ... Suppose I wouldn't mind feedback from someone like you in my future translation endeavors. "
(He spaces out for a moment, picturing something.)
" Yes, perhaps... One day. "
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(Eventually, he sets a calmer gaze upon you, looking distinctly pleased. It's almost a bit contagious. He nods to you, great horns shining in the light.)
" I admit, things have gone much smoother than last time. You have... Surpassed my expectations. "
" I dare say I enjoyed myself here. Clearly, I was right to have approached you, you're not some witless moron bumbling around. "
(Hudsyn says this like it's a surprise even to himself.)
" And... Of course, I appreciate your availability thus far. "
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(The lights in the room start flickering, failing. Your guest looks unbothered by this, continuing to smile and speak softly.)
" It has been pleasant. "
" I will see you soon- "
(As the demonoid's speech fades to murmuring, you just barely manage to catch his last words.)
" My protégé... "
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(When darkness engulfs the room, you're left in complete suspense, maybe a bit of fear even.)
(It takes a few seconds before they buzz and crackle back to full power, revealing a vacant seat, the cup you offered Hudd lying there alone.)
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sirfrogsworth · 7 months
Thoughts on Live Action Avatar: TLA
I'm sure people are going to hate this. Some for valid reasons. Some because of endless nitpicking that really has no bearing on how good or bad it actually was. Some because they have already chosen to hate it and it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy.
But I always root for things to be good. I want them to succeed. And I always go into everything I watch with the hope and expectation it will be good. I turn off my critical brain and try to just experience the show for what it is. As I said, I saw no trailers. I read no reviews. I knew almost nothing about the production of this going in.
Initially, things were rough... buddy.
And I think that is a longstanding problem with live action TV shows in general. I am always reminded of Star Trek TNG and how it took two seasons (48 episodes) before they figured out what the hell they were doing. Back then shows were able to find their footing and grow and learn. Actors were given time to find their characters and understand them and finally become them.
But now, every show has to be amazing from the start or they get cancelled. And I think people have become very unforgiving of first seasons as well. I feel like not enough people consider the potential of something getting better. And I think that is a shame.
So, yes, Avatar started out rough. They tried to cram all of the exposition into the first 20 minutes. And that was unpleasant. The effects were jarring at first. It is incredibly difficult to translate animation into live action. And please don't say the CGI was "bad." It wasn't. There was just so much that needed to be packed into every frame of this show to make it work, and finding a way to make it all seamlessly blend is a monumental task. I think the artists did an amazing job with the constraints of essentially making an 8 hour movie in the time usually given a 2 hour one.
But as the show continued, the actors seemed more comfortable in their roles. The showrunners seemed to figure out what worked and what didn't. The quality across the board started to improve. Especially when they started to deviate a little bit from following the cartoon. I also noticed that the effects that were jarring in the beginning eventually stopped bothering me and breaking immersion. I got used to them and was able to just focus on the story. And I think they got a little better as well. The bending was much more convincing as the show progressed. And it was a bajillion times better than the slow-motion bending of that movie that shall not be named.
And by the final episode, I was all in. The Avatar monster was really cool. And I was crying my eyes out and having all kinds of emotions. And there were some changes they made to the story which I actually thought made more sense. And I was glad this show was doing a few things to differentiate rather than being an exact carbon copy.
It won me over.
And I know it won't do that for everyone. And perhaps I am forgiving a lot of sins just because I wanted it to be good. The original was my absolute favorite show of all time. I just liked spending time with these characters again.
But I liked it more than I didn't and I'm hoping that is the general consensus, but I fear that is not the case.
Things I really liked...
I thought the actor playing Sokka was really great. They didn't give him enough humorous material. But I think this kid absolutely nailed the role. And if this gets another season, I do hope he can show Sokka's lighter side a bit more.
Ken Leung also did amazing as Zhao. I think he surpassed his cartoon counterpart in villainy. I loved hating him.
The final battle was beautiful. I think they probably dedicated a lot of resources to that. Maybe at the expense of other things. But I think it was worth it to end strong.
In the first season of the cartoon, the trauma was often skipped over or kept very brief. I'm sure the idea of dealing with genocide and war time trauma was not an easy sell to Nickelodeon initially. But they did actually take the time to show some of that trauma, especially with Katara and Sokka. And I cried a bunch.
They seemed to go to considerable effort to have a diverse cast. I am glad they learned that lesson from the movie.
That said, they probably could have brought back Dee Bradley Baker to make the animal noises. This might have been an overcorrection...
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I guess this will give the anti-wokesters something to complain about since the original was already super woke and it is probably a challenge to complain about the new thing being woke as well. Though I'm sure they are up to the challenge.
Things I didn't care for...
The compressed timeline caused a few stories to be combined and accelerated. I understand why that was necessary. But there were some important moments of character growth that got lost.
Sokka's missing sexism. I think it is much more useful to see someone grow and change and let go of their problematic traits than to pretend that never existed. Sokka's sexism was a symbol of the conservative views within water tribe culture in general. It was also foreshadowing for the conflict with Pakku (which was also minimized). I just think young viewers seeing a character overcome ingrained ideals has a greater influence than just erasing that aspect from the character.
Things I hated...
Princess Yue's hair. You get the amazing Amber Midthunder to play Yue, and she does an amazing job with extremely abbreviated screen time, but I couldn't stop staring at whatever that was they put on her noggin. I know I criticized people for nitpicking, but that was very distracting. I don't know exactly how it could have been done better, but I worry a great performance is going to get overshadowed by... hair.
In conclusion...
I think the people making this show loved the source material. I can see that love. I think they tried very hard to make the best show possible. And I also know they are probably going to get a lot of hate. I still haven't looked at the reviews because I didn't want to be influenced when writing this. But I can feel the review bombing as we speak.
But this was not a Witcher situation where the writers didn't respect the source material. This was displaying how incredibly difficult it is to convert one of the most beautifully animated shows in existence into live action. Maybe that is an argument for not making live action versions. Though I usually love them when they work and am happy both versions exist.
I really hope people can remember the original still exists and they can completely disregard this and watch the cartoon any time they wish. This doesn't have to "ruin their childhood." These two things can exist and everyone is perfectly capable of ignoring all of the live action material.
But I do hope this gets another season. I think that final episode showed the potential. I think the cast was getting comfortable in their roles and they deserve another chance to show what they can do.
I love Paul Sun-Hyung Lee and I think he was a great choice for Iroh. But Mako's shoes are probably the biggest shoes in the existence of shoes to try and fill. I do not envy the task he was given. But every once in a while I saw that Mako spirit come out in his performance and I think he could use another season to really find that and show us what he is capable of.
This felt a lot like The Phantom Menace to me. There was actually a ton of amazing stuff to love in that movie. But it didn't quite work the way the original movies did. But I think this was good enough to hope for the future.
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tabl3 · 3 months
(some of) the team's biggest fears
Chase: primarily failure and simultaneously being wholly and completely rejected by his loved ones, which would completely destroy him. also the quiet voice in his head mocking him for thinking he could both lead and protect the world and his team through the current chaos could be correct
Bree: being caged to and also losing her family. similarly being helpless like in decimation on the bridge and ITF when the team was trapped and she could do nothing. Adam was always the most powerful sibling, but since adulthood Chase has surpassed her and even Leo shows more potential, especially now (if ykyk) this is both an ego bruise and also scares her to death that she feels like she can't protect them anymore. being third place on the team with the only ones lower being two untrained people is hard for her to deal with. she feels incapable of but a deep need to protect Chase and the others deep down on their missions and fights against the shifters, but at the same time all she wants to do is be free
Kaz: this is obvious if you read my stuff, but he's blatantly terrified of becoming who he was from decimation-requite. he doesn't want the anger again, or to hurt the people he loves. this of course leads to a whole host of problems for him (like currently not touching anyone unless necessary bc he's scared of burning again)
Skylar: that she can't save anyone, and that she will eventually be evil again or her powers will malfunction and hurt her loved ones. both of which have been proven 💀
Oliver: winding up like his mom. that and being left behind or the 5th wheel
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pjsk-headcanons · 22 days
*deep breath pt 3*
or should i say...
vbs: emu (unit leader), haruka, honami, minori
vbs -> PASSION P♤NIC (my brain is out of juice have you noticed)
-emu and haruka both attended RAD WEEKEND, it is still the end goal lol
-haruka quitted ASRUN earlier and thrn picked up singing after RAD WEEKEND. rad weekend was a lot later this time around i guess nagi you have to wait to die/j
-thought this would be funny that the event pp♤ had equivalent to Light Up the Fire would be haruka finding out about nagi with an (mixed event key story other than the anni ones hear me out)
-emu finds honami (i dont know how, maybe just a school-related thing happened) they become the P♤NIC part of the group name. honami is very cautious at first (because iykyk x2) but slowly gets into it
-haruka finds minori still trying to spread hope through being an idol (65+ attempts rejected this time) is impressed, they become PASSION.
-their sekai is called city SEKAI. (shoot btw s•s is still stage sekai i forgot to add that last time)
emu - honami -> "P♤NIC!", "faith in you", "to keep that smile warm" (cried i didnt think id be this attached to this group this is the one i liked the least)
haruka - minori -> "PASSION!", "my idol...a street artist?!" (minori originally only join bc "i cant miss a chance to work with THE HARUKA KIRITANI!! not knowing shes gonna be a street artist), "understanding that hope" (minori o7 our true goat)
minori - emu -> "pure smiles☆~", "always cheering up!", "more than surpassing" (again- up to interpretation hehe)
honami - haruka -> "getting back into it", (they both are recovering from...something iykyk yahaha) "calmer smiles☆~", "so that i can be myself again"
minori - honami -> "dog walk pals!", "brought in by friends", "with hope, with fear" (hahhdhdjshahdhsjhd *sobs*)
haruka - emu -> "bright hair...!", "that night", "setting a spark for that tomorrow" (emu and haruka dream of being able to make songs that makr people hope for the "next day" - kind of equivalent to vbs want to "take over the world" for nagi because she couldnt? parallels sigh)
asking mod for some things:
1. should i make group songs (like a list of some sorts) after im done with loreposting? or focus on sekais? ill get to both eventually but i want to see what you mod and maybe others think
2. forgot to mention that i was not the one who spun the wheel. these groups were made as an april fools for a unit swap fic called reCYCLE. hehe
anyways. wxs next, eight characters left! any guesses for next time?
🌐 anon
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allisonbaelfire · 2 months
Amethyst. - PART 9
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After my fight with Shinso, I walked back inside the arena to get to the lounge and rest. On my way up the stairs, I heard my father’s voice. I immediately pressed myself against the wall, hoping he would leave soon.
As I waited, I heard footsteps approaching from the opposite direction. I risked a glance and noticed Shoto walking towards the lounge to prepare for his match against Sero. Unfazed, he encountered Endeavor, who stood leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, waiting for Shoto.
Shoto halted in the hallway. “What do you want?” he asked our father.
Enji threw him a sidelong glance. “You’re acting disgracefully, Shoto.”
Shoto continued walking, trying to ignore Enji. “If you simply used the power in your left side, you would’ve had an overwhelming victory in both of the first rounds,” Endeavor continued. “It’s time to stop this childish rebellion of yours. Even your sister, Y/N, knows that with my training she’s getting far. But it’s a shame that your siblings aren’t half as talented as you, Shoto.”
Shoto clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he walked past our father.
“You have a duty to surpass that imbecile All Might,” Endeavor said seriously. “You’re different from your siblings; you’re my greatest masterpiece.”
Shoto’s steps slowed, but he didn’t turn around. “Is that all you have to say to me, you bastard?” he replied angrily, not stopping. “I’ll win this match and advance using only Mom’s quirk. I won’t give you the pleasure of seeing me use yours.”
Endeavor noticed me as I tried to hide. I stepped out from behind the wall and watched Shoto walk away. I decided not to stop him or go after him to talk. I didn’t catch much of the conversation between my father and my brother, but I heard enough to know it was the usual argument about Shoto refusing to use our father’s power, and my father relentlessly trying to impose his will on Shoto.
“Can’t you let us be, Enji?” I asked, tiredly trying to walk past him and continue with my day.
“What was that?” he snapped, grabbing my arm and stopping me from walking past him. “I forbid you from talking to me in that tone, Y/N!”
As a child, I always felt fear—fear of Father’s gaze. I would hide behind Toya whenever he raised his voice against us, whenever our performances didn’t meet his expectations… but I couldn’t hide behind Toya anymore.
I shot him a sharp look. He stared at me as he noticed my eye color changing. My body emitted a cold mist. The arm he held began to freeze. Ice quickly spread from his hand to his forearm, up to his upper arm, and over his chest. Slowly, the ice continued to spread through his blood, and even though my father tried to counter it with his flames, he knew he couldn’t overcome my ice. Eventually, he finally let go of my arm.
I said nothing and continued walking.
“Stop this childish behavior and this deliberate attempt to lose. You’re a Pro-Hero; I’ve seen what you’re capable of. Stop bringing shame to our family.”
I turned to my father and shook my head. “The only one bringing shame to our family is you, Father.”
His eyes flashed with anger, but I didn’t flinch. I turned and walked away, leaving him standing there, a cold mist still lingering in the air between us.
As I walked away from my father, my heart pounded in my chest. Confrontations with him always left me drained, but I couldn’t let him control my life any longer. I took a deep breath and tried to shake off the encounter, focusing on the upcoming matches.
I headed towards the lounge, hoping to find some solitude before the next round. The hallways were buzzing with activity as students prepared for their fights, but I felt a strange sense of isolation. My mind kept drifting back to Shoto and the harsh words exchanged with our father.
When I finally reached the lounge, I found a quiet corner and sat down, closing my eyes for a moment. The voices and sounds around me faded as I tried to center myself. My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Hey, you okay?” I opened my eyes to see Denki Kaminari standing in front of me, his usual carefree expression replaced with one of concern.
I forced a smile. “Yeah, just… you know, family stuff.”
Denki nodded sympathetically. “I get it. Families can be tough.” He hesitated for a moment, then sat down next to me. “But you know, you’ve got us too. We’re like a big, dysfunctional family here.”
His words took me by surprise. Family? The concept seemed foreign to me, filled with warmth and support rather than the cold indifference and conflict I was used to.
“Family?” I repeated, a bit confused.
Denki grinned, the familiar spark returning to his eyes. “Yeah, you know, we’ve got each other’s backs. We might not be perfect, but we’re here for you.”
I felt a mix of confusion and a strange warmth. “Thanks, Denki. I… I appreciate it.”
He grinned wider. “Anytime. Now, let’s watch Shoto’s match. It’s starting soon.”
I nodded, feeling a bit lighter. “Yeah, let’s do that.”
We made our way to the viewing area, joining the rest of our classmates. Everyone took their seat; the only one left was next to Bakugo. I looked at him, while he seemed to ignore me. I sat down next to him.
I was confused by Bakugo’s behavior. Just a moment ago, he had been cheering me on during my fight. To be honest, I might have lost to Shinso without his words. So why was he ignoring me now?
Bakugo’s eyes were fixed on the arena, his jaw clenched. His body was tense, and I glanced at him, trying to gauge his mood, but his expression was unreadable. His usual fiery presence seemed subdued, focused entirely on the match about to start. Turning my attention back to the arena, I heard the signal for Shoto’s match against Sero blare, signaling the start.
Mina sat behind Bakugo and me, with Kirishima and Denki next to her. She seemed to notice the confusion on my face as I glanced at Bakugo, puzzled by his sudden cold shoulder. She must have sensed my disappointment at his behavior.
“Hey Y/N,” Mina said, tapping me on the shoulder and leaning her head between Katsuki and me. “Your fight against Shinso was incredible!”
I managed a slight smile. “That was a close one.”
“Nah,” Kirishima chimed in. “We knew you’d pull through.”
Mina seized the opportunity, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “You just needed the right words, don’t you think, Katsuki?”
Bakugo’s eyes flickered, and he finally turned to face us, his expression a mix of irritation and defiance. “Shut up, Pinky,” he snapped, his voice low but intense. “Focus on the damn match.”
At the beginning of the fight, Sero managed to wrap Shoto tightly with his tape, using his agility to his advantage. Shoto struggled momentarily, trying to break free as the tape restricted his movements.
“Apologies,” Shoto said, his voice calm but with an underlying current of anger.
Everyone in the stands stood up, sensing the shift in Shoto’s demeanor. As I saw the furious look in my brother’s eyes, I was taken aback. It was the same angry look that haunted my nightmares, the same look our father often had. For the first time, Shoto reminded me of Enji Todoroki.
With a burst of power, Shoto unleashed his ice, creating an enormous iceberg that towered above the arena in seconds. The spectators shivered as the temperature plummeted. Some were thrilled, others terrified. I was both impressed and concerned by the display of power from my brother, power I had never seen him use to this extent.
I watched with a mix of pride and worry as Shoto not only froze Sero but also encased the tape around his own body in ice. He then broke the frozen tape off himself, shattering it effortlessly.
Sero was confused, his eyes wide with shock. “Do-Don’t you think yo-ou went a bit overboard?” he stammered.
Ms. Midnight, partially encased in ice, addressed Sero. “Tell the truth, Sero. Can you move at all?”
“Are you kidding? Obviously not,” he replied, shivering. “My body is freezing.”
“Sero has been immobilized! Todoroki advances to the second round!” she announced.
Shoto began walking towards Sero, and I hoped he would accept his victory graciously and not continue to torment his opponent.
“Sorry about that. It was a bit much,” Shoto said, laying his hand on Sero’s chest. “I was angry, that’s all.”
As the crowd cheered, trying to uplift Sero’s spirits, my brother took a moment to melt the ice encasing his opponent. Watching him, I felt a deeper connection to Shoto than ever before. It was as if he wasn’t just freeing Sero from his icy prison but also starting to free himself from the emotional prison our father had created for him. Somehow, I could feel Shoto’s emotions as if they were my own. He was sad, and I wished more than anything to take away his pain, but I knew I didn’t have the strength, yet.
While everyone around me was still admiring Shoto’s iceberg, I noticed someone staring at me. I looked to my left and my eyes met Katsuki’s. He gave me a quick glance before looking down at his arm, and my gaze followed his.
My eyes widened. During Shoto’s massive attack, I must have been so worried that I reached for Katsuki’s hand. But to my surprise, he was holding my hand too. As our eyes met again, I felt my face grow warm. A rush of conflicting emotions washed over me—embarrassment, confusion, and a strange sense of comfort. It was unexpected to find solace in Katsuki, someone who was usually so abrasive.
Katsuki scowled, his usual intensity back in his eyes. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he snapped, clearly irritated.
I looked down, my face still flushed. “I’m sorry, Katsuki. I didn’t even realize… I was just… worried about Shoto.”
He huffed, crossing his arms. “Tch. Worry about yourself instead.” His face turned red too, and he quickly looked away, trying to hide his embarrassment.
As I released his hand, I couldn’t help but feel a lingering warmth where our hands had touched. It was strange to think that someone like Katsuki, who was usually so harsh and distant, could provide such a moment of unexpected support. It made me see him in a slightly different light, and I wasn’t sure how to process that.
Katsuki abruptly stood up and walked away, his steps quick and forceful. I watched him go, my heart sinking a little, thinking he was mad at me. But I couldn’t understand what had caused such a strong reaction.
Katsuki POV:
I was just as confused as she seemed to be. Seeing Shoto fight like that made me realize how badly I wanted to win and how much I had to go beyond to do so. During the match, I felt a feeling that came close to fear. Fear of not winning, fear of never becoming the number one hero. But when Y/N grabbed my hand, that feeling seemed to vanish and be replaced by a strange sense of warmth and calmness.
But my fight was next. I couldn’t afford to be distracted, not by her - not by anyone. I stood up abruptly, needing to clear my head. I could feel Y/Ns eyes on me, probably thinking I’m an asshole. I was confused and that confusion was pissing me off.
I glanced back briefly, seeing her still standing there, looking a bit bewildered. Something in me wanted to go back but instead, I just turned away, focusing on on the fight ahead was more important.
Amethyst. - MASTERLIST: click here
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inspector-montoya-fox · 5 months
It's always really difficult to choose between An Opera of Fear and A Cold Alliance for my favourite Sly 3 episode, but it's safe to say that Flight of Fancy is easily the most nostalgic. Not because it's rooted in my childhood memories (it is) but in the sense that it shares elements with episodes from Sly 2 during a game which presents the gang at the peak of their career. Let's discuss
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I think we can all agree that the series very effectively presents the gang's development, not only as individual characters, but also as a team of thieves. Sly 1 shows the gang as teens during their first set of adventures which sprout from Sly's desire for vengeance. They make many mistakes, they don't really have planned heists or jobs - Sly just casually goes into every level breaking shit and then faces off the big baddie - and they surpass their own expectations of themselves to defeat Clockwerk in the end. Then, Sly 2 covers a crucial point in the gang's career. It felt as if up until this point they hadn't truly fucked up so they went into it being very cocky, especially Sly. And when they got their asses handed to them by Neyla, getting separated tested their individual and collective limits.
In Sly 3, the gang has evolved to master thieves, capable enough to feel comfortable recruiting and as such mentoring strangers and also worthy enough to inherit an entire lineage's stolen loot. This is also shown in the missions, which up in scale and spectacle. It's no longer just "follow this villain" or "pickpocket this person". It's a combination of missions we grew accustomed to during Sly 2 like "follow Octavio and do recon under time pressure", or something completely new. Right off the bat, for example, we send a ferris wheel rolling across Venice squashing guards in its way, like this is just a mission not Thunderbeak or something. Every Sly 3 mission evolves explosions, high-tech and the eventual mini boss-fight.
So it's then a bit surprising to see the gang reverting to their sneakier, more subtle ways during Flight of Fancy. That's not to say we don't have explosions and thrill in the episode (the dogfights, Muggshot vs Carmelita, wolf-riding, shooting literal fucking windmills into blimps), but the way they choose to sabotage the competition due to how delicate its internal politics are creates some nostalgia. Paddling around the sewers in a blow-up rowboat and breaking into the pilots' rooms is very Sly 2. It felt like something 18 year old Sly would do. Also, scaling the Baron's castle harks back to Sly 1's platforming and is reminiscent of how small Sly would seem when approaching a villain's daunting lair.
The design choices for the Netherlands seem primitive too, enhanced by the fact that we're in the countryside. I feel like there's that Sly 1 and 2 rule of thumb at play here, where Sucker Punch chose the aesthetic or genre first and then chose the location. For example, they wanted a spooky level in Sly 2 so they chose Prague which would accommodate the genre through its architecture and gothic character. That allowed them to exaggerate a lot in terms of level design. And it's the same for Flight of Fancy, where we have a spooky castle on top of a very cartoony hill and you can hide under haystacks. Oppositely, the rest of the game's levels seem to have departed from the previous entries' design principle (except Kaine Island, which is fully fictional). It feels as if SP chose Venice and wanted to play up how European it is, or the wilderness of the Australian outback but without any radical stylistic choices. The genres are explored through the narrative, not through design.
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Lastly, let's close off with some Thieves in Time slander because it wouldn't be a signature me tumblr essay without it. If we really use the entirety of our brain power and manage to look past all of the game's bullshit, one additional flaw would be how it doesn't consider the gang's development when telling its story. I'm not saying that in the series' fourth game the gang should have been infallible or indestructible due to achieving master thief status in Sly 3, but here the mistakes they make feel so unnecessarily stupid and like shit they wouldn't have done even in Sly 1. Falling for Penelope's schtick twice; Sly letting his guard down during the Le Paradox boss fight after the Contessa; whatever the fuck went down in Arabia... yea.
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Yandere tfp Soundwave and shockwave?
Yandere Soundwave Fic:
TFP Yandere Shockwave X Reader
Shockwave doesn’t really feel emotions like everyone else. Yes, he has feelings like anger and pride- but he very rarely felt sad or sympathetic- and never the feeling of love.
When he saw you with the Autobots he just saw you as another annoyance- not someone he would grow to care for. 
When Soundwave took Ratchet, you were cradled in Ratchet’s arms. You were his assistant. You didn’t know much about science to start out with, but you were a mechanic. That helped you to be a good medic for basic repairs- eventually you learned a lot more under Ratchet’s care. You were very quick to learn and quickly surpassed him in knowledge (though he would never admit it).
Once on the ship, Ratchet agreed to help Megatron- on the terms you stayed with him the entire time. You were his assistant, and he needed you. 
Shockwave objected to having a small being getting in the way of their science, but Megatron told him it would only be temporary.
Shockwave was impressed when he discovered that you were proficient in Cybertronian sciences. This made him wonder about the brain capacity for humans. 
Soon enough, he started experiments on humans in a separate lab. He wanted to know all about you and your brain.
When the synthetic energon formula was almost completed, he went to Megatron to ask him a favor. 
“Lord Megatron,” he bowed. 
“What is it, Shockwave?” Megatron’s eyes never left the datapad he was reading through. 
“I would like to keep the human once the use for the autobot medic is no more.”
This made Megatron look up in interest. “Oh?”
Shockwave sucked up his pride to admit that you were better than him. “The human is… incredibly intelligent. They are also barely a threat as long as they are kept under a watchful eye. It would be a waste to simply dispose of them.”
Megatron couldn’t help but smirk. “I see. Well, as long as you prevent another ‘incident’ from happening again, I suppose you can keep it.”
Shockwave wouldn’t let another incident happen again. You had gotten out of the room somehow, and gotten into the dinner hall’s energon supply- which you proceeded to blow up. Three Vehicons were killed, and another seven injured. You were attempting to find a way out when you were cornered, so you tried to escape anyway you could. When they caught you, you weren’t punished out of a worry Ratchet would stop working.
When Ratchet grabbed you up in an attempt to escape, Megatron caught you both. Megatron snatched you up in his claws as he forced you both back into the lab. You were dropped onto a table when Ratchet grabbed you up.
Knockout was there, and he clicked his glossa at you. “Nice try~” he mocked, holding the correct Synthetic Energon recipe.
Shockwave pulled a sample out of a machine. “Spectral analysis confirms- that the synthetic energon is stable.” He held the glass up to Megatron. “The formula is now complete.” 
You whispered to Ratchet while they talked. “Ratch, maybe we can try to escape again.” The old bot merely shook his head when Megatron turned to us.
“Ahh, a pity you won’t live long enough to witness the fruits of your labor. But as much as we appreciate your contributions, doctor, I’ve made a promise to someone I intend to keep.” 
You’re suddenly plucked from Ratchet's hand and you scream loudly. “No! Let me go!”
You watch as Ratchet is dragged out of the room as you struggle to try to get to him. “Your struggle is illogical. There is no escape.” The deep voice of your captor sounded above you. You looked up at Shockwave with fear.
“What do you want from me? You have the formula! And where did you take Ratchet?!”
His single optic glowed a little bit brighter. “It is illogical to kill you when you possess so much potential. As for your Autobot friend, I suspect that Predaking has already made quick work of him.”
You felt as if your world fell apart around you. “I’ll never work for you.” You say quietly.
Shockwave learned in, inches away from your face. “We’ll see about that. There’s more than one way to get you to do as I want. For example- do you still care for the human children?” 
The look of horror on your face was all he needed to see. “It would be a shame if something were to happen to them. The only logical thing to do now is to work with me. Now, hand me the number 13 driver.” Shockwave ordered as he put you onto the table, continuing his work.
You began to cry as you dragged the heavy tool over to him, knowing that you have to do what he says or else he'll take everyone else you love from you.
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What Would They Think?: Vergil X G/N Reader
SUMMARY: The both of you are lying together in bed; however, Vergil can't sleep. As he sits there with only his thoughts to keep him company, his mind wanders aimlessly until he finds himself thinking about his parents--or rather, what his Father and Mother would have thought of you.
BEGINNING NOTES: G/N reader. Pre-established relationship 🌻🌻🌻 >I don’t know but I wanted some sappy fluffy(?) Vergil. Also, in this he is wearing the outfit I referenced in his H/Cs (linked here)--so that’s how he has a tie lmao >Since Sparda doesn't exactly have a cannon personality, I tried to figure out how I wanted him to sound--forgive me if it is rough. Just to be clear: Sparda is NOT hitting on the reader--you’ll know what I mean when you see it. It is an old-fashioned way of showing respect and stuff, not romantic. >Also, I come from a family that (used to) hug a lot so there is hugging between family members--I know that some folks don’t hug much so I thought I would add a note about it lol.
     Warm. A comforting feeling you had gotten used to when sleeping. The snug feeling of toned arms wrapped around you; the sounds of light purring and breathing, only added to the cozy space. It was strange how someone so stoic and curt could be reposeful with you. He brought you peace and you brought him the same: keeping at bay his insomnia and nightmares. 
     Tonight, however, the man of your affections lay awake staring at your sleeping form. He ran one of his hands gently up your arm then lightly pet your head. Vergil involuntarily shook ever so slightly, fearing that he would wake you or that, perhaps, you would fade from his arms like a dream. 
     Thoughts like that made him feel foolish. Here you were laying happily on his chest and he couldn’t shake the fear of this not being real; that all this is just a desperate daydream from a man trapped in his Hellscape of a mind. A gust of wind would come through and you’d be gone and he’d be back in the Underworld, alone. No one in their right mind would lay with him this way, not after what he’s done; and yet, here you are. Completely unaware of the world around you, enveloped in his arms; trusting him not to harm you as he has to so many others.
      A slow steady breath left Vergil’s body as he pushed those thoughts away: not wanting to dwell on such depressing thoughts. He allowed his eyes to close and relaxed his body the best he could. Mindlessly his brain wandered through many different topics, unable to rest. Eventually, his mind ended up on the topic of his family--or rather, his parents. 
      “I wonder,” Vergil thought, “What would Father and Mother think of you?”
     He scoffed at his thoughts, how stupid a question. They are dead. Gone. Never coming back. So, why would he think about something that can never happen? 
     Despite this, Vergil couldn’t help but entertain the idea,  “Father would be surprised that I did not wed Nero’s mother; not taking her hand despite what happened. However, your excitement to learn about him and the history of Hell would surpass that sore point.”
     The eldest son smiled, “You interacting with Father… that would be a sight to see--you already find Dante and me intimidating. The look you’d give me upon seeing him. You would've hid behind my coattails upon meeting Sparda--would he have found it as amusing as I?”
     He indulged himself further as his smile widened, letting his mind picture things. What life could have been if not for that one day, if not for his arrogance as a young man, if not for his time apart from himself; if life had been normal.
     It was mid-December. His parents had invited you both to their home for the holidays. Although you had been dating for quite some time, it would be the first time that Vergil had brought you home with him. 
     Upon arriving, you commented on the size of the home, “I knew that you were well off, but this is much more than I expected…”
     Vergil laughed, “It is even better inside, I assure you.”
     The both of you entered the house. It was cozy; a gentle smell of firewood with undertones of cinnamon adorned the air. There were cute holiday decorations all around: Eva must have decorated with Nero and Dante already. A loud thud of boots drew both of you out of your thoughts; in front of you, stood Dante--who jumped off the stairs and down onto the foyer’s wooden floor. 
     The youngest brother wasted no time in squeezing his twin in a large bear hug; which, Vergil protested quite loudly by shoving Dante off of him. A warm smile found its way to your face as you watched the pair. Even though it had only been a week since Dante had seen Vergil, he always acted as if it has been decades since they had been together. 
     You noticed Nero come out from the doorway on the right--wearing a God-awfulsweater. He had his phone out and took a picture of the unknowing brother’s reunion embrace. 
     Nero pocketed his phone, “Glad you two made it,” he stepped further into the room, “was worried you got lost or something.”
    Vergil, finally free from Dante’s grasp, shook his head and sighed, “Our flight was delayed, forgive us for our untimely arrival.” 
     Nero laughed, “I ain’t the one who needs to hear that--swear Grams was gonna have Gramps start a search party to find you two.”
     Finding that Eva was so worried about Vergil made you bite your lip to stifle a laugh. Dante, however, decided to help you further by turning his attention to you; giving you the same bear hug he gave Vergil. 
     You swear you could hear every joint in your body crack from his grip, “Too-- Tight--”
     Dante loosened his grip slightly; still making sure to constrain you--his signature way of showing platonic affection, “Whoops, sorry; forgot you ain’t like us.”
     Although your grip wasn’t anywhere near as hard as his: you squeezed as hard as you could back, “ It’s alright--nice to see you too, Dante.”
     You could feel Vergil seething upon seeing Dante so close to you; however, before Vergil could bark at Dante, Eva walked out and stood by Nero. 
     She was finely dressed in a dark--almost black--red dress with a snowy white-blue shawl draped around her shoulders. Her golden hair had begun to grey in the middle--a reminder that she was just as human as you. 
     She walked over to Vergil and gave him a warm hug, rubbing small circles on his back, “I was worried you weren’t coming--”
     “I wouldn’t dare break my word,” Vergil leaned into the hug as he felt pangs of a happy sad feeling pull at his heart, “It is good to see you, Mother. Have you been keeping well?”
     “Yes, even better now that you are here,” Eva leaned back, her eyes creased at the edges as she smiled.
     Vergil widely smirked; he turned and stuck out his hand, asking for you to come over to him. You left Dante’s hug and grabbed the eldest twin’s hand, sheepishly coming to stand next to him.
     “Mother, this is my partner,” Vergil took on a strangely shy tone, “The one I have been telling you and Father about.”
     Eva smiled opening her arms for a hug, which you did not object to, “It is good to meet you, Vergil has told us much about you,” although you knew she was being nice--you couldn’t help but freeze a bit at what she said, “You make him quite happy, you know?”
     “M-Mother..!” Vergil’s face was bright red with embarrassment as he stiffened his posture.
     Eva let go of the embrace, “It’s true Vergil--you have been much better since they came around.”
     Vergil sputtered, trying to find a response. Nero and Dante were both laughing at him; only adding to his inability to think.
     A loud voice called from the landing on the staircase, gathering everyone’s attention, “Vergil, my boy, I’m glad you made it.”
     The man began to descend the rest of the stairs; it was Vergil’s father, Sparda. You swallowed hard and, unknowingly, began to move back a bit. 
     If you looked up the word “ Intimidating ” in the dictionary, you’d find his picture: he was around 7 feet tall (2.13 m) and wore very fine dark-velvet clothing. Upon his face sat a brass monocle which helped emphasize his piercing blue-eyed stare. Although he was much older than anyone else present; he didn’t look older than his late 30s. His hair was slicked back (just like Vergil keeps his, you noted) and you realized that the twins were spitting images of their father. 
     “Father,” Vergil formally bowed his head.
     Sparda stood in front of his eldest son with a raised brow, “What’s with such formalities? You are here on holiday, are you not?”
     “I am, however, I thought it best to--”
     Without letting Vergil finish, Sparda pulled his son into a large bear hug--just like Dante did earlier. Unlike Dante’s hug, however; Vergil allowed his father to clasp him tightly and even reciprocated by lightly wrapping his arms around the large man. 
     After a few moments, Sparda broke the hug and held Vergil by his shoulders, “You look good; your partner must be treating you well.”
     Dante busted out laughing once more. Nero snorted trying to hold back from laughing at his father’s wide-eyed red-faced expression. You also had gone quite red in the face at the comment.
     Sparda’s gaze found its way to you; who had backed up to stand a few feet behind Vergil. He let go of his son and walked over to you. His stature was beyond impressive; his height alone made you feel minuscule. What happened, however, left you abashed.
     Sparda, Vergil’s father, The Legendary Dark Knight was kneeling in front of you. His hand was outstretched asking for one of your own. Curiously, you obliged putting forth one of your hands. He grabbed it and gently kissed your hand. It was clear by your expression alone you were confused and very embarrassed at such a motion; especially since, in every regard, Sparda is of a much higher “respect” than yourself. 
     “It gives me great pleasure to welcome you into our home,”  he stood back up, “Vergil has told us much about you. You seem to keep my son on his toes, not an easy feat--I assure you.” his voice reminds you of Vergil’s, but less sharp; more smooth like Dante’s (It is truly bizarre how much the boys really are just their father split in twain), “Finally having a face to the name of Vergil’s affections is quite nice.”
     You had no response--what could you say? It blindsided you how overly cordial Sparda was being: Here you thought Vergil was overly formal, especially when you first met, but his father blows that out of the water. 
     “Sparda, dearest,” Eva broke the silence, “Perhaps you are being a bit too formal with Vergil’s lover?”
     The behemoth of a man turned to his petite wife, “Hm? Oh--” he turned back to you smiling, “Forgive me, it has been quite some time since a new person has entered our home; let alone a partner of my son's. I have not upset you, have I?”
     You shook your head and sheepishly mumbled, “No, I don’t mind--just didn’t expect it.”
     A loud bang came from the doorway behind Eva and Nero; Nero pivoted quickly as Eva followed.
     Dante jogged following the pair, “My damned fuckin’ dog--”
     Sparda laughed and shook his head; addressing both Vergil and you, “Your room is ready upstairs--it is your old bedroom. Once settled, please join us downstairs it is nearly supper time,”
     “Of course. Thank you, Father.” Vergil nodded and with that Sparda headed through the door that everyone else had gone. 
     You followed Vergil upstairs, your bags in hand. The house was huge inside and was easy to get lost in so you made sure to stick close to your lover. Once in the room, Vergil shut the door behind you both; letting out a sigh. 
     “You will have to forgive Father, he is old-fashioned that way,” Vergil turned towards you making his way over.
     Sitting on the edge of the neatly made bed, you looked up at your boyfriend who was now in front of you, “It’s okay--was kinda nice, if I’m honest. Reminds me of how you were when we first met.”
     Vergil laughed and leaned down towards you, hugging you--rather awkwardly due to the position, “They both seem to like you very much. Do you--” he pursed his lips, “What do you think of them--if you do not mind me asking?”
     A loving smile appeared on your face, “They seem very nice; you are a lot like your father. Given’--” you pushed back on him slightly so you could look into his eyes, “I am glad you aren’t so damn tall.”
     Vergil rolled his eyes slightly and leaned in giving you a gentle kiss. He felt your hands wander over his body. A tug on his tie pulled him closer to the kiss; both of you pushed against each other, each kiss filled with a sweet loving feeling.
     If Vergil were to die right here and now, he would die the happiest man on Earth--or in any other place that may exist. You both shared a laugh--life couldn’t get better than this.
     “--Vergil?” a voice pulled him from his utopian dream state. 
     Brought back to reality, Vergil looked at you in confusion. You were wide awake, sitting up, grasping Vergil’s shoulder intensely. 
     “What-?” Vergil’s voice cracked, and that’s when he realized what had happened: he had been crying. His face was damp, his skin clammy, and his pulse was racing. 
     You removed your grip on his shoulder and firmly grabbed one of his hands, “You started moving around a lot and I got worried when you wouldn’t wake up…”
     His eyes softly examined your face; you were wide-eyed and had a look of distress. He felt guilty that he woke you and made you worry, “I am alright love. It is nothing to worry about,” Vergil squeezed your hand trying to show his sincerity.
     “You sure?” your thumb mindlessly began to glide over his fingers and knuckles, “I won’t push you to talk but,” the two of you tenderly locked eyes, “if you want, you can tell me Vergil--you know I am always here for you.”
     A pang of sadness twinged at his heart; he knows that you mean it and yet, he was hesitant. It wasn’t the first time that something like this has happened; night terrors are nothing new for the eldest twin, however, this wasn’t a nightmare. Rather, a sad dream of what can never be. 
     Swallowing his fear, Vergil closed his eyes and took a slow shaky breath, “Okay,” he sat up fully and you followed suit, “It was about you-- or us-- or,” he stumbled over his thoughts slightly agitating him, “about my parents…”
     Upon seeing his growing frustration; you sat close to him and intertwined your arm with his, holding his hand again.  
     Your touch grounded Vergil’s mind a bit, allowing him to continue, “It was about my parents… meeting you,” he felt a lump begin to form in his throat, “It is foolish, I know; however, I do wish you had met them,” Vergil forced the sad feeling back down by closing his eyes as hard as he could and letting the crown of his head hit the headboard, “They would have loved you--you would have liked them too, I feel. It-- It is a trivial thing to cry over, I know,” he opened his eyes staring at the foot of the bed his voice not much louder than a whisper, “Sorry, I did not mean to wake you.”
     “Vergil,” you leaned into his shoulder, “don’t apologize--there’s no need to…” you gently placed your other hand on top of his--holding his between both, “What you’ve been through, especially with your family life, is far from normal and,” you could feel him staring down at you; however, you just continued to look at his hands, “it’s okay to cry and be upset--to mourn what you have lost. It’s okay to be sad over things like that, okay?”
     You heard his breathing hitch; you knew he had started to cry again. This was the first time Vergil had ever mentioned his parents in this way--only ever telling the stories of his Father’s glory days and such. If you acknowledged it, Vergil would stop and freeze up again; so, you just gently rubbed his hand and sat with him. 
     A few minutes passed as your lover’s breathing calmed into a normal state. You heard him take a slow shuttering breath as he attempted to re-ground himself. 
     “Vergil,” your voice was meek and you pushed your head slightly harder into his shoulder, “Can- can I ask you something?”
     He moved his head and placed it upon yours, “I don’t see why not.” his voice was a little hoarse but it confirmed to you that he had stopped crying.
     “What were they like?” 
     “Your parents; Eva and Sparda… If you don’t want to talk about them that’s okay, I just was curious.”
     He exhaled audibly through his nose and smiled, “They were…” he leaned his cheek on the top of your head and looked down at your hands, “They were complete opposites and, yet, they were seemingly made for each other,” his voice trailed off as his hand tightened around yours, “Father and Mother did well raising Dante and me, for the eight or so years…” 
     You felt the sadness in Vergil’s voice; to be so young and to have no one but yourself, you couldn’t imagine the pain that he had endured--not to mention everything else that had happened. 
     Vergil continued, “Father was similar to Dante; however, he was more mature and less brain-dead.”
     You tried to hold back a chortle at the sudden jab at Dante but were unable to.
     “It is semi-ironic,” Vergil stopped leaning on your head as he sat back up straight, “Dante is like our Father: and V was much like my mother.”
     Sensing Vergil’s mood beginning to shift to a lighter one, you raised a brow, “So… Eva was an emo poet?”
     Vergil looked over at you and scrunched his face in thought, “Perhaps, in some regard; she did marry and start a family with a devil. However,” your eyes met his own, “she was very much a gentle soul with a burning fire behind her convictions in life… and she also liked cats.”
     You laughed but stopped upon seeing Vergil’s emotionless expression, “What?”
     “When explaining it like that,” he broke eye contact and looked down as a ghost of a smile tugged at his lips, “I suppose you have met both of them, in some regard.”
     “And I enjoyed interacting with both; although,” you took one hand and set it on his cheek, “if that’s how you’d describe your Mother--I think all of you fit that description just fine. You are a very gentle and kind man; well, at least to me anyway.”
     Vergil let out a breath of amusement and leaned into your hand, looking you in the eyes, “Only for you, my love…” he kissed your palm meekly and whispered into it, “Maybe I am more like my parents than I thought.”
     You giggled in response--and at the feeling of him slightly tickling your palm with his breath. His eyes moved to yours again: they were filled with a coy-loving softness that he only could or would allow you to see. 
     Vergil and you exchanged sweet nothings as you slowly laid back down for the night. Deep down he knew that you were the right choice; he may not believe in fate or soul mates but you make him want to. Vergil held you as tightly and as close as he could as he drifted back to sleep knowing that he will never be alone again.
ENDING NOTES: Won't lie--I had a hard time finding how to end this, so sorry if it is kind of abrupt lol 🌻🌻🌻 The next story I have (almost) done is going to be another Vergil sappy story thing… So stay tuned for that! (It's a doozy) 🌻🌻🌻 Figured maybe I should share this here since I haven't posted much. Hope y'all like it! Please let me know if you have any thoughts or comments; I am still relatively new to Tumblr so I am still getting a grasp on things lol
If you like this please consider checking this on my AO3. There are extra chapters and my H/Cs over there, so please consider checking them out! Comments, Likes/Kudos, and shares are always appreciated! Thanks so much for reading!! :)))
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Less of an infodump than me just rambling but I'm just gonna. Here. Have this.
Selvarem is probably my favorite place I've worldbuilt tbh. I've been working on it for years, even before I created the world it exists in- it came from a roleplay group I used to have with my friends. It also used to be called Silvarum, which is a straight up Latin word which means 'of the forest.' You'll never guess what kind of biome is most prevalent here.
I've started developing a conlang which is the dominant language here, it mostly has the grammatical structure of Latin and a phonetic system that I'll detail out whenever I make a post about the language.
It has a warm, wet climate, mainly covered in rainforests or rocky beaches along the coasts. It's fairly average sized, but it has a larger population than one would expect because of the way the infrastructure is there, with most of the population living in houses that were built in the trees while things like stores and service buildings were on the forest floor.
For the first few hundred years it's an independent state, Selvarem is pretty well respected, even though their culture is thought of as a little strange. The reason that it broke off from the larger kingdom is used to be a part of was because a large group of the population that followed the Senesi religion took advantage of instability during a leadership change and negotiated for land.
The government is based around Senesi principles, which all pretty much boil down to being balanced. There aren't a lot of specific things that the religion forbids, and it doesn't really care about a person being 'good,' more so just that they don't go too extremely either way. This idea of balance ended up isolating them, though, when the rest of the world went into an expansionist era, with many governments joining to form large empires. Selvarem got left behind with this, and in most other countries, Selvesh people began to be viewed as 'primitive' and this weird sort of fear around them started to spread even though they were literally not bothering anyone. This did affect them (and other places) a lot though, because they stopped importing and exporting goods as much as possible.
(Side note, the reason they were seen as primitive was mostly because of the fact that they remained very connected to nature, and it was seen as weird that their houses were built in the trees. People claimed that this was them 'regressing' back towards the arboreal felines the dominant species on this planet evolved from. Despite the belief that they were primitive, though, Selvarem's technology far surpasses that of other countries, and this remains the case throughout most of history, especially when it comes to medicine.)
For a while Selvarem stayed isolated, up until the expansionist era stopped because all these huge empires were starting to experience lots of conflict and people getting upset with those in power and wanting to have more power over themselves. They ended up kind of reentering communication with other places when the Freedom Army started to gain traction, seeing that this was one of the first rebellions that had potential to actually go somewhere , and an opportunity to make an ally. They sent troops to aid in the efforts, and though they do face some difficulty communicating because of language barriers and a lot of getting picked on, they play an important roll in the eventual success of the rebellion and through this, they're able to open up communication and trade with a few other states as well.
But yeah in Biting the Bullet I'm going to have a lot of fun being mean to these poor Selvesh soldiers <3
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livelaughtouya · 1 year
Catch me if you can // Dabi x Reader
Summary: After Endeavor discovers his oldest son cannot be the one to surpass All Might, he decides his future grandchildren could carry on his legacy. He finds an ice user for his son to marry once he comes of age. What he doesn't expect is for Touya to pass away in a fire. Already stuck in a contract with your parents, he moves the marriage contract to be with Touya's younger brother. You and Natsuo manage to post pone the wedding so the two of you can adjust to adulthood before settling down. When the U.A. students have a training camp in the woods you are quick to volunteer. To your surprised you greeted by a ghost of your past.
Word count: 3,605
Warnings: FAB reader agnst, hurt/comfort, hopeful ending
You had been a part of the Todoroki family for as long as you could remember. After Touya’s parents had found out that he was not compatible with his quirk Endeavor was quick to find a way to still make his son useful to his overall goal. If Touya was meant to have an ice quirk, then he would find an ice user for his son to marry.If Touya couldn’t have the quirk Endeavor wanted, then potentially his grandchildren could. Your parents wanted to ensure that you would live a comfortable life and when the number two hero approached them looking for an ice user for his son to marry when he became of age they were quick to agree. Soon after that you had weekly visits in the Todoroki household. 
For the first few months Touya wanted nothing to do with you. All that he would speak about was how he would rather be training with his father than staring at some “stupid girl”. Your parents would always give you a gentle rub on the shoulder to assure you that the ill tempered boy would eventually be friendly to you. It took a lot longer than you had hoped, but he did. 
“Maybe if I am nice to you my father will start training with me again,” he huffed as his snow white hair blew back against the wind as the two of you trekked up the large hill to where you knew he liked to play with his fire. You crossed your arms with a pout at the fact he had planned to only be kind to you for his father’s attention.
“Or,” you butted in, “you could be nice to me because you could actually have a friend.”
“I do not need to have friends. Especially weak friends like you.” The icy glare he shot back at you over his shoulder made you frown. Finally fed up with his behavior, you decided to show him your quirk. You put a large wall of ice up in front of him causing him to come face first into the cold surface. A smirk shot across your face as he felt flat on his butt. “I am not weak,” you spat looking down at him. He simply smirked back up at you as he held his hand to the ice wall and melted a hole into the so the two of you could walk through it to your destination.
“Ice, huh?” he asked as you trailed behind him, “I see why my dad chose you.”
After you finally stood up to him he was more willing to let you in. Day after day turned into you learning more and more about the boy your parents had told you that you had to befriend. 
You only got two more years with him after that. You recall the pained look in your parents’ eyes when they had informed you that Touya had died in a fire. That was your first heartbreak. Touya had become your person since that day in the woods. The one person that knew every detail about your life and all of your dreams and fears.  
The next heart break came only a few weeks later when your parents had informed you that Endeavor and them had decided that instead of marrying Touya you would marry his younger brother Natsuo instead. 
Natsuo laid across your bed as he watched you pack your bag for the U.A. training camp you had volunteered for. In the last decade of Touya’s passing, you had decided that you weren’t going to get close to Natsuo the way you did his brother. You decided you would never let your heart break the way it did that day again. 
“Where are you going again?” Natsuo asked, tossing a tennis ball up and down that he found on your bedroom floor. 
“Somewhere in the woods. I can’t remember what the name of it is. I just know Eraser Head asked if I would be willing to chaperone during the kid’s training,” you replied as you folded a pair of shorts to stuff into the large bag in front of him.
“You spend more time with those kids than you do me and we are the ones supposed to be getting married next year.”
You shot a glare in his direction in response making a smirk spread across his face. The two of you didn’t want to marry one another. You wouldn’t let feelings more than friends develop between the two of you and he wasn’t complaining about it either. Natsuo was able to fend off his father from forcing the two of you to marry immediately after he had turned eighteen. He reminded his father that he wanted a degree and you had plans of becoming a hero. Endeavor was willing to give the two of you a few years to adjust to adulthood before he had forced the two of you to become one. In those years, Natsuo got into a school he was happy with and you graduated U.A. and began working in Endeavor’s agency. You were usually permitted to volunteer with the kid’s at U.A. after Shouto had begun his studies there. You knew it was just a ploy for his father to get some idea on what the teachers there were training for him on. Shouto didn’t mind having you there though. He knew that you wouldn’t spill too much to his father.
“You look at me too much as a sister to be excited about us getting married,” you gave him a playful smirk as he began to fake a gag.
“Don’t remind me,” he groaned, covering his face, “I don’t even want to think about having kids with my sister.”
You scrunch your nose up in disgust at the last sentence he spoke. The two of you would have to conspire another plan to postpone your union another few years. 
Being in the woods reminded you of the days of training with Touya behind his father’s back. A bittersweet smile crept its way across your face as thought back on all the times you and him would go back and forth throwing attacks of bright blue fire and shiny ice walls at one another until you were lying side by side panting for breath. You felt a gentle nudge on your shoulder as you walked through the training grounds. When you looked to its source you were greeted with blue and gray eyes. “Hi, Shouto,” you said softly, wrapping an arm around his shoulder making him make a face of disgust before shrugging you off of him. You let out a small laugh letting your arm fall back to your side. 
“You look upset so I thought I would give you my company,” he said blankly, not looking you in the eyes.
“I appreciate it, but I am fine. You should be enjoying this moment and spending time with your friends.”
He was silent for a moment. You knew this usually meant he was looking for the right way to phrase a question he wanted to ask. “Are you thinking about your wedding?”
It was your turn to think now. You knew you weren’t thinking about your wedding, but you also know you were not willing to speak to Shouto about Touya. You couldn’t tell him that you wished that Touya was still here. Maybe if he was he would be here walking beside you and Shouto, helping train the next generation of heroes. Maybe the two of you would be planning your arranged wedding right now. Maybe you would have had one or two future heroes right now. You shook those thoughts out of your head before turning back to your favorite ice and fire user.
“I am very excited and honored to marry Natsuo. I wouldn’t be sitting here looking glum if I was thinking about becoming a Todoroki,” you smiled, giving him a nudge.
“You are such a liar. Anyone that knows my family, does not want to be a part of it,” he replied in his usual bluntness. A breathy laugh left your lips as you turned your head to pay attention to the trail. 
“I do enjoy being a part of your family,” you admitted, “I love Nastuo, Fuyumi, and you.”
It was Shouto’s turn to smile at you. He didn’t need to reply for you to know he loved having you around as well. 
You shot a panicked look at Aizawa as you looked at as you got the telepathic message regarding the villain attack. The two of you immediately shot out of the classroom to help fight against whoever had intruded on the students’ training session. The two of you stopped outside of the building. Anxiety creeped its way through your body as you both noticed smoke pouring from the top of the tree lines where young heroes were attempting to improve their skills. A voice pulled you out of your thoughts. The two of you went to turn to see who it belonged to only to be greeted by hot flames. The only words you could pick up were “stay away” as you and Aizawa were greeted with hot flames. Aizawa shot upwards and you threw up a thick wall of ice to take the impact of the flames. You let out a breath of relief before looking up to ensure Eraser was fine. His eyes were red as he pulled the raven haired villain to the ground with a knee to the face, demanding what he and the villains wanted. Shortly after Tenya and a few kids came shooting out the woods. “Stay back,” he shouted, shooting a wall of ice in their direction to keep them from getting any closer to the man behind the attack. “I wonder if you can save them in the end,” you hear Dabi say. Your eyes shoot back to him only to see that he began to dissolve into Aizawa’s scarf. You realize quickly that the man in front of you was not the real villain and your feet take you racing into the woods. You could hear Aizawa’s heavy footsteps stomping behind you. You heard him stop as he came in contact with Midoriya. You didn’t bother to be a part of their conversation. You knew there were still other children out in those woods. One of them being Shouto. You heard Mandalay’s voice through your head granting permission to use their quirks against the villains. You sucked in a sharp breath thinking about these young kids going after villains that have killed people. 
You felt a pair of eyes on you making you stop. The glare burned into the back of your head. As you turned you were greeted to a hot hand squeezing your throat, tackling you to the ground. You were quick to shoot a cylinder of ice up, sending your assailant up and away from you. You crawled to your feet, feeling the burning scratch marks on your throat. You watched as your cylinder began to melt in front of you. Steam covered your makeshift battle ground from the cold to hot contact. You only knew one villain in the League with a fire quirk. “Dabi,” you spat, trying to find him in the mist. The only sign of him was a blue glow coming through where you believed to have thrown him. “Endeavor’s ice user,” he called back. The nickname sent a bitter taste in your mouth. The idea of being a pawn for your future father in law made you sick, even though you knew it was true. There was another ball of burning blue fire shooting your way and you were back on the offense. For a moment, it reminded you of all the hours you spent as a child battling Touya’s flames with your ice. You could never beat him as a child. Every fight ended up with your face in your hands with a pout. It wasn’t until a few months ago, when Shouto started actually using his fire where you got to practice fighting fire users again.
You shot another wall of thick ice up to block the impact of the flames. You heard a bitter laugh come from Dabi as his fire died down. “Is that all you know how to do?” It sounded almost like he believed you were too boring to be fighting him. Anger welled up inside of you. Who was he to make you out to be weak? You began shooting sharp ice spikes in his direction. You could hear pieces of his clothes ripping as he tried dodging your ice spikes. “I am not a weak opponent,” you yelled, encasing him in your ice. You began stalking towards him, forming an ice sword into your hands. You pressed it to his throat as he kept his head down. A light chuckle left his throat before he looked up at you. It was the first time that you had ever been so close to him. His eyes were familiar. You stopped in your tracks, just staring. 
“Touya,” you let out a pained whisper. You barely noticed his eyes widened before they sunk back into his bored expression.
“Are you concussed, stupid girl? The name is Dabi,” he scoffed. You watched as he began to melt your ice. You were too frozen to do what you knew you needed to do. You began studying his features. The shape of nose and jaws. The deep blue of his eyes. The way he stalked towards you. If it wasn’t for the black hair, and purple, marred flesh and the shiny stables holding his skin together, he would be exactly what you would imagine Touya to look like if he hadn’t died. You sucked in a breath as he had managed to stand merely 4 inches away from you. The smell of smoke filled your lungs as you looked up to his face. He was staring down at you, blue eyes boring into yours. Before you knew what you were doing, you had your arms squeezing into his sides in a tight hug, as tears burned your eyes. “Touya,” you cried, burying your face into his chest. You could feel him tense up. If this wasn’t Touya, Dabi probably would have assumed you had lost your mind. He doesn’t push you away like you thought. Instead, you feel his hands gently on your shoulders, you could tell he was contemplating what to do. He slowly peels you off of him. He takes a step back, almost as if he is scared of what either of you will say next. There is silence for a few more moments. 
“I am not Touya,” he says bitterly. The name Touya comes out like it burns his tongue. You know better though. You know Touya. His mannerisms, his attitude, the way he speaks, the way he tries to play it off like he doesn’t care with a hard ass attitude.
“If you’re not Touya, then kill me,” you challenge. The man in front of you grimaces before shaking his head.
“I did not come here to indulge you,” he scoffs. 
“Sounds like you have a soft spot. I know you won’t kill me. I also know you won’t tell me what happened to you,” your voice is barely above a whisper. You're still too stunned at the fact that your friend that had died is standing right in front of you, years later. 
“I need to get back to my mission,” he replies boredly, completely ignoring your words from before. He turned on his heels to walk away from you. Sudden rage filled you. You were quick to make a small ice building trapping the two of you in it. Dabi walked face first into the ice, falling flat on his butt from the sudden impact. “Deja vu,” he huffs under his breath, hoping you didn’t hear him. You did though and a sudden smile spread across your face as you ran back over to him, pulling him into another hug that made him tense up.
“You ARE Touya,” you wail, squeezing him tighter. He can feel his white shirt being soaked with your tears. He lets out the breath he was holding in as he finally caves and wraps his arms back around your waist. He knows this is a bad idea, but he couldn’t resist indulging in this. He missed you a lot more than he was willing to admit. He only ever got to see you on the television screen as you celebrated capturing villains alongside his father or when the hero gossip channels spoke on your engagement to his brother. Both of those topics would usually put him in an awful mood that made everyone in the League avoid him.
“I am Dabi now,” he reminds you, pulling you off of him for the second time in the last ten minutes. “You can not say anything about this. Plus it’s not like anyone will believe you.” There is a smirk on his face at the last sentence. He knew he was right. His father would probably burn you alive if you had attempted to even bring up the name Touya in front of him. You  both knew that.
“You left me,” you whispered, playing with the zipper of his jacket. His facial features soften as he looks back up to you.
“I didn’t mean to,” he replies with a soft voice. This is the first time he has seen anyone express any form of remorse and sadness over him disappearing all those years ago. He shouldn’t be surprised though since it is you. You have always shown him kindness, even when he was a little asshole to you. “I see my brother has been taking care of you though. I am sure you guys are looking forward to being married.” He sounds bitter. You were supposed to be his. The only gift his father has ever given him that wasn’t supposed to cause him pain. Yet here you were with a big diamond on your finger that screamed your heart belonged to Natsuo.
“Please don’t remind me,” your voice was sad. He didn’t like it. He also didn’t understand it since every time he saw glimpses of you and his younger brother the two of you always looked so happy. “We’re just doing this because of our parents. You know that. If you would have stayed, it would be you in Nastuo’s shoes. Though, I am sure you would be doing the same exact thing as him and coming up with more and more reasons to keep pushing the wedding back.”
He wouldn’t though. He knew he wouldn't. The only person who never lost hope in him and continued to cheer him on was you. Touya knew you still saw the good in him, otherwise you would have blasted him to a different planet nearly twenty minutes ago so you could go and protect those kids in the woods. He would have married you the second the two of you were the age to legally do so. He wouldn’t tell you that though. He knew better. He knew you deserved better. Being with him now would just lead you to even more heartbreak than what he had already caused.
“I have to go,” he whispered, “I have to do this job to get to my end goal.”
“You don’t have to,” you argue back softly. You didn’t want to end this reunion. You didn’t want him to leave you alone again. “You don’t have to stay with the league. You can come home.”
Touya shakes his head. He couldn’t have you pleading with him to stay. He is in too deep to his plan now. He has killed too many innocent people to get out of this scotch free. The only home he would have if he left the League would be a prison cell. He didn't want that. He knew that you didn’t want him to be in there either. Maybe even more than you didn’t want him to continue a life of crime. He is almost positive that you were rooting on Dabi’s arrest before you found out his real identity.
“I am leaving now,” he tells you tapping on your hips to get you to stop straddling him from the hug you previously forced him into. You reluctantly get off of him and he gives you a forgiving smile as he reaches his hand on a section of your ice to melt an exit. Before he can you grab a hold of his other hand. He looks back at you softly to see what you need before he departs. There is worry in your eyes and maybe even forgiveness. 
“Please tell me what you and the rest of the league are doing here?” you plead, hoping the goal isn’t to actually kill the students of U.A. That’s when you catch him shooting you a devious smirk that hints he is about to say something that will piss you off. He melts a piece of ice big enough for him to escape before he indulges your question.
“I gotta give you another reason to chase me down, princess. So I’m kidnapping Bakugou,” he winks at you before setting a wall of fire in front of you so it’d be harder to get to him.
“Touya,” you scream in rage as you hear him laugh back at you.
“See you later, pretty girl,” he shouts back, “catch me when you can!”
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From Within Two Prisons
Part One
Male monster x female protagonist
(I would really appreciate some feedback if there is anything I could improve on. Thank you!)
I am unsure how or why I descended the dungeon stairs with so little fear but descend I did. My fingertips slid effortlessly across the cool stone walls as I breathed in the scent of damp earth and moss, but it was interlaced with a more repugnant aroma. Quinn had been entrusted with guard duty and his general disdain for such assignments and penchant for falling asleep at any opportunity granted me the chance to proceed undetected. Silently, I ventured further into the depths, my senses attuned to every sound and shadow.
Peering into each cell, being careful to tread lightly, my expectations were met as all of the cells were empty. Even King Jasper, notorious for his apathy, deemed this place unfit for human habitation. Yet, it was not human life that compelled me to travel to such a place.
Eventually, I rounded a corner and encountered a cell fair larger than the others, standing alone at the end of a desolate hallway. A shiver traveled down my spine, though some part of me still thought the other maids surely were playing a joke on me, thinking me naive. Perhaps I was, or perhaps I was so incredibly lost in the exhaustive nothingness that was my life any chance at something interesting was worth looking into.
Drawing nearer, the realization dawned upon me that I had indeed stumbled upon something truly captivating. A dark blue figure perched upon a worn wooden bench within the cell gradually came into focus. The creature possessed a striking feature, impossible to ignore—a magnificent set of wings, nearly black, adorned with hues of deep blue and interwoven with scattered patches of dark purple. Yet, it surpassed any avian comparison in sheer enormity, likely almost twice my own size. It was not solely composed of blue feathers. Towards its face, a patch of grayish skin emerged, contrasting the vibrant plumage. Its feet bore imposing claws, each talon a force to be reckoned with, while its hands exhibited a semblance of human form, the feathers receding along the back of its palms.
"Bumbling humans, deluded by your self-perceived mightiness," mocked a shrill, almost metallic voice, piercing the air. Startled, I nearly leapt from my skin, a surge of fear coursing through me. I had never anticipated encountering a creature that could speak.
"I... I don't consider myself mighty," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. The creature abruptly lifted its head, granting me a glimpse of its face—a surprising mix of human and avian features. Dark feathers extended down its sharp nose, its features angular and pointed, accentuated by piercing white eyes. After a moment of silence, I somehow found the courage to inquire, albeit awkwardly, "You... can talk?"
The creature sneered, mocking my own voice with shocking accuracy though in a twisted, distorted tone. "You can talk?"
An indignant huff escaped my lips as I retorted, "There's no need to be rude," while the creature observed me, tilting its head in curiosity. "Though, I suppose I'd be rather sour if I were trapped down here..."
"Did you merely come to gawk at me?" it snapped, its voice laced with a mix of anger and frustration.
"Oh, no, absolutely not!" I hastily defended myself, feeling remorseful for my unintentional staring. "I apologize if it seemed that way…” I added sheepishly. I didn't mean to gawk...but he was truly remarkable. I had never beheld such beauty before. I could only imagine how his feathers would shine in the light...
"Why have you ventured into this place?" he demanded, his voice rough yet tinged with curiosity.
I confessed, "There's a rumor circulating about you... that the king has captured some... being of sorts." I chose my words carefully, not wanting to say anything unkind. He scoffed dismissively.
"Just what I needed," he sneered, disdain coating his words, "a swarm of bothersome humans sneaking down here to pester me." I approached his cell, raising my hands.
"I'm sorry. I didn't consider that. Would you like me to refute the rumors…so no one else disturbs you?" I offered, my gaze locked on his face, attempting to discern his reaction.
"I've had enough encounters with humans to know their words hold no weight," he hissed, his voice dripping with venom, each syllable burning through the air. I paused, contemplating his bitter response.
Then, in a delicate yet sincere tone, I asked him, "Have you ever encountered anyone named Analise?" His gaze lingered on me, his pupils contracting. I straightened my posture, nervously rubbing the inside of my palm with my thumb.
"No, I haven't. What does that have to do with anything?" he replied, curiosity mingling with the remnants of his earlier hostility. I shrugged lightly.
"It means you can't assume I'm like all the other humans," I responded, a faint smile gracing my lips. I continued, "Oh! I apologize, I never asked for your name." I awaited a response in silence, but none came. "...I can give you a nickname if you'd like."
"Nyka..." he finally uttered, the word trailing off as he muttered something about my being a nuisance.
"Nyka. I like that," I said, repeating the name softly. Then, searching for the right words, I asked, "So, what kind of creature are you?"
"What do you think?" he countered, in a tone that made it clear he expected a certain response.
"Well, many of the staff believe you might be a demon, but I know that's not the case," I replied confidently.
"And how do you know that?" he inquired.
"Demons are supposed to be terrifying, purely evil creatures. You, on the other hand, aren't like that. Though you are undoubtedly intimidating, you're not scary," I stated, nodding in affirmation. I witnessed a look of utter disbelief cross his face.
"Right," he said sarcastically, averting his gaze. Slowly, I approached his cell, my hands wrapping around the chilling steel bars, determined to prove the honesty of my statement. He turned to face me, briefly taken aback before shaking his head. Then, he stepped off the wooden bench, rising to his full, towering height. He stood before me, an immense figure nearly seven feet tall, body strong and muscular. Feathers adorned his form, leaving his chest bare, while his lower half was concealed by pants. Not that I cared about such details. He wore a scowl, anticipating my recoil, yet I remained rooted in place, my mouth agape, awestruck by his commanding presence.
"You... you're... wow, I mean... you're just incredible," I managed to babble, my cheeks flushing crimson. He lowered his face, drawing closer to mine, studying me intently. Then, as if struck by a notion, he reached toward my face, his massive hand cupping my jaw, tilting my head upward. He simply stared, his pupils dilating and contracting rapidly, while I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks. His touch evoked something within me, a magnetic pull. I yearned to run my hands along his magnificent wings.
"Not the slightest bit of fear…you are an oddity, aren't you?" he mused, his tone causing my stomach to flutter.
I didn't linger for long, fearful of irritating Nyka, and my nervousness only intensified with each passing minute. It took me a few days to find an opportunity to sneak back in. When I did, I was extra cautious, my apron filled with provisions. If a single item fell at the wrong moment, I would surely be caught. Approaching his cell, I could see Nyka immediately perking up as he caught sight of me. He stood and walked toward the bars.
"Okay, so I probably should have asked what you eat, but I brought whatever I could," I explained to a bewildered Nyka. Awkwardly, I held out my apron, offering him the food I had brought. He eyed me for a moment before reaching out to grab what I had offered, then settled on the ground. I followed suit, a wide grin on my face as I fought the urge to bounce up and down with excitement.
We sat in silence, and I allowed him to enjoy the food while I studied his figure and the mesmerizing beauty of his feathers. Occasionally, I caught myself staring a bit too much and quickly averted my gaze, nerves getting the best of me. After a while, he finished everything I had brought, and we locked eyes in silence.
Finally, he spoke, his voice filled with uncertainty, "Thank you," as if still questioning the reality of the situation.
"I figured they aren't feeding you much, but I'm not sure how often I can do this without risking punishment," I admitted.
"Are you a maid or something?" he inquired.
"...or something. I'm a servant, similar to being a maid…but not by choice," I replied quietly.
"To repay a debt that is not mine," I stated grimly, not wishing to delve into the details. It was a topic I preferred to avoid.
"Can't you escape?" he asked.
"I've witnessed enough failed attempts to know better. It's nearly impossible. Perhaps if I were as big as you I’d have a chance” I chuckled softly.
This routine continued for two weeks. Each day, our conversations grew more extensive, and each day, Nyka's demeanor warmed toward me. He even allowed me to touch his wings, which proved to be incredibly silky to the touch. I had developed a habit of reaching out to him whenever I could, whether it was grabbing his hand or touching his knee. At first, it startled him, but he quickly grew accustomed to my gestures.
"Do you know why they are holding you here? What their plans are?" I asked one day. His body slumped, and he hung his head.
"No, though whatever it is, my chances of survival are dubious," he mumbled grimly. A knot formed in my stomach that was nearly painful as I gripped the bars so tightly my knuckles turned white. I stared at his dejected figure, desperately grasping for any way I could help. I swore to myself then and there that I would find a way.
I hurriedly made my way down to Nyka's cell one fateful night, the darkness filling the corridors. The hour was so late that it was nearly morning.
"Nyka, I have a way to find out," I blurted out, causing his head to snap up in surprise. Though accustomed to my appearances, the urgency in my voice caught him off guard. He rose from where he sat and approached, his eyes filled with confusion.
"Find out...?" he questioned, his gaze fixed on me as I gripped the bars, standing on tiptoes to get closer.
"What they have planned for you," I explained breathlessly. He recoiled slightly, his expression shifting to a mix of disbelief and resignation. After a moment, he sighed and reached out to gently tousle my hair as sadness flickered in his eyes.
"How?" he asked, his voice tinged with dejection. I was reluctant to tell him the truth. I feared his reaction and the burden of guilt it might place upon him.
The truth was, I had a connection with one of the king's sons.
Prince Edgar, the second eldest, in his late twenties, was known for his... affectionate nature. While he wouldn't openly admit it, he had been involved with several female servants in the past that acted as his mistresses. Although this arrangement granted them better treatment, Prince Edgar was a drunk whose fondness faded fast, quickly tiring of the women.
"How?" he repeated, his eyes narrowing as his hand moved to cradle my chin, “…you don’t want to tell me…why?” He inquired in a stern voice. I froze, scrambling to find a more palatable explanation, one that would spare him from worry.
"...I fear you'll disapprove and try to dissuade me," I mumbled softly, unable to meet his gaze.
"Analise..." he growled suddenly, sending a shiver down my spine.
"I believe I can extract the information from one of the princes if I... play my cards right," I admitted before he recoiled, shock and disappointment etched on his face.
"You can't possibly—"
"No, no! Well, not if I can avoid it..." I sighed as he approached the cell once more. "He has tried to entice me into becoming one of his servants in the past. My intention is to feign consideration, suggesting we share some drinks together. Once he's suitably intoxicated, it shouldn't be difficult to extract the information I need."
"What if—"
"It will be fine, don't worry. I can handle myself," I asserted as confidently as I could muster, even as a pit formed in my stomach. I saw his mouth open, ready to argue, so in an attempt to divert his attention, I added playfully, "No need to get jealous," hoping to steer the conversation in another direction.
"My jealousy is not the primary reason I find this plan utterly disdainful—"
"So you admit to being jealous?" I interjected with a small grin. When our eyes met, I knew I had successfully diverted his focus. He looked at me with a longing that intensified, drawing closer. The silence that had consumed us seemed to last eons as he seemed to hesitate for a moment.
"If I were not confined to this cell, I would ensure you never desired another human lover again," he whispered in a low voice, avoiding eye contact. My entire body flushed with heat, and my breath caught in my throat. He studied me for a bit before he reached out, gently cupping my cheek, "You would like that, wouldn't you?" he murmured seductively, causing me to tremble. Unable to form coherent words, I nodded fervently, eliciting a chuckle from him.
He drew me closer until I stood right beside the bars of his cell. Bending down, he tenderly pressed his lips to mine, his hand entangled in my hair. After a moment, he pulled away, and my heart skipped a beat.
"Wait—" I called out, gripping his wrist. He looked at me with a slight smile, his eyes full of lust.
"And here I was afraid you might recoil from me," he said, inching closer once more. This time, his hands reached out, firmly grasping my hips and pulling me flush against the cell, our faces mere inches apart.
"Never," I whispered softly.
“...Perhaps I could please you more than any human man could even from in this cell,” he teased as a hand drifted down to my rear.
As our lips reunited, the sensation momentarily eclipsing the weight of his impending fate. The world around us dissolved into nothingness, leaving only the electric connection between us. With each passing second, his kisses grew more fervent, his lips grazing mine with a mixture of tenderness and desire.
As we kissed, he nipped at my bottom lip, a gesture that sent a surge of anticipation coursing through me. The feeling of his lips and his hands roaming my body ignited an indescribable ache deep within me. It was endlessly frustrating being separated so, able to kiss and touch but never in a way that would be enough. I was unsure if anything would be enough to quell the desire burning me to the core.
I pinched my thighs together as I felt myself growing more aroused, more desperate. I had wished for so long to feel his touch and it was just as enchanting as I had imagined it to be. Sliding his hands lower still, Nyka began to pull at my skirt and without hesitation I aided him in hiking it up. The moment the chance presented itself his hand slipped into my underwear, a small, gravely moan escaping his lips as we kissed again. He ran a finger over my clit and I whimpered.
“So wet, so quickly,” he chuckled, “you’re going to have to be quiet, can you do that?” He questioned and I frantically nodded, “good girl,” he whispered as he ran his thumb over my bottom lip before leaning back in to meet me in a kiss once more. As he did so he began to draw agonizingly slow circles on my clit as I squeezed the bars that separated us.
His touch ignited trails of electricity along my skin. He was strong and possessive. His free hand roamed my body with an insatiable hunger, seeking to claim every inch of me.
I surrendered myself to the allure of his touch as I felt more alive than I knew was possible. Soft moans escaped from my lips as every inch of my being begged for more.
“It’s not enough,” I whined as he began groping my breasts and teasing my nipples. As I felt two of his fingers press against my entrance a shiver coursed through me. He pushed them in at an agonizingly slow pace, but one I was grateful for as my body had to stretch to accommodate them. I gasped as he curled his fingers inside of me before pulling out and repeating the process. Nyka groaned, rutting against the bars.
“So tight, I’ll break free just to feel your pussy stretching around my cock,” he said as he slowly pushed them all the way in. My face burned, I had never indulged such vulgar language but hearing him say it electrified me, and I wanted more.
“Nyka,” I moaned as I began to be consumed by pleasure. He cursed under his breath as he began to pick up speed.
“Do you like it when I say such things? Like how badly I want to taste you and explore every inch of you…gently and slowly, just to fuck you hard and rough, making you cum until you can’t think straight…”
The struggle to remain silent became more and more challenging as waves of pleasure surged through my body. I fought to suppress the sounds that threatened to escape my lips, but struggled. He tenderly cupped my face, his touch both comforting and commanding.
"Sweet girl," he whispered softly, his voice dripping with desire, "though I yearn to hear the sounds of your pleasure, you must contain them. Cover your mouth, tightly," he instructed, his tone gentle yet firm.
I followed his command, pressing my hand against my face, determined to obey.
In that moment, as I surrendered to his whispered instructions, I felt a kind of intimacy I could have never imagined. His eyes, dark with desire, locked onto mine, silently conveying the depths of his longing.
With sudden fervor he picked up his pace, roughly fucking me with his fingers. I could hear the noises of my arousal and reached out, clinging to him in any way possible, attempting to keep myself afloat as I was flooded with such intense pleasure
I watched as Nyka rubbed his groin against the bars of his cell, desperate to get friction, to be freed and find purchase inside of me. It was completely overwhelming, my mind solely able to focus on him, how badly I needed him. He began stroking my clit and I could help but pull my hand away from my mouth.
“D-don’t stop, please d - fuck,” I whimpered as quietly as I could.
“I’d fuck you until sunrise if I could,” he stated before kissing me again. I felt tension gathering inside me as my mind started to become hazy, electricity coursing through me with increasing intensity. I covered my mouth again as I felt myself getting closer to the edge. I started erotically thrusting my hips against the bars as he continued to relentlessly finger my tight pussy. Nyka tangled his hand in my hair and pulled slightly, staring into my eyes with all consuming lust.
“Such a good girl, go on. I want to watch you cum for me,” he ordered in a sweet tone, which was my undoing. It felt as though the building electricity finally crescendoed as my eyes rolled back into my head. I pressed my lips together so tightly it nearly hurt. My mind was spinning, unraveling. Pleasure coursed through my veins as I knew he was right, I would never want a human lover again.
It took me some time to regain my footing in reality as I stood there attempting to catch my breath. But I wasn’t done, once he had licked his fingers clean I grabbed his hips once again. With one hand I slowly moved to stroke his clothed cock, looking up at him with desperate eyes. He stared back at me, nearly in awe, as he slowly moved to pull down his pants. I assisted as much as I could and though part of me was overwhelmed by its sheer size and girth another, much stronger part of me, yearned to give him the limitless
pleasure I had just experienced. I wrapped my hand around his length, which I couldn’t entirely grasp, slowly pumping up and down. I whimpered as I pulled his face towards me, kissing him greedily. It was then Nyka’s turn to try and maintain silence as he bucked into my hand, a deep moan escaping his lips.
“Someone’s eager,” he breathed out. I watched as his eyes widened when I began to dip lower, sitting down on my knees. I stared at him, how massive he was, and perhaps I would have been more hesitant had my entire essence not been consumed by my desire for him – as though it was my sole purpose. I licked the head of his shaft, tasting the precum that had begun to leak out. He groaned, gaze filled with an insatiable hunger, a testimony to his overwhelming lust.
“Perhaps you should cover your mouth,” I teased as I swirled my tongue around his head again.
“Perhaps,” he gasped out as I traced my tongue up the length of his shaft before slowly attempting to take his cock into my mouth. The stretch nearly hurt my jaw, but I was determined. His hand tangled in my hair as he rutted forward, his cock suddenly hitting the back of my throat. I moaned around his length, feeling that familiar electricity throughout my body, as my eyes met his. I silently begged him to go on, to use my mouth for his own pleasure and after some hesitation he pulled out before slowly plunging back in, hitting the back of my throat again. He began to create a rhythm, his eyes never leaving mine. I held onto the bars as saliva began to drip from my mouth.
Nyka's teeth clenched, as he fiercely battled his own desires. It was undeniable that his longing for me mirrored my own, an all-consuming force that bound us together. The touch of his hand in my hair and the feeling of his shaft on my tongue was perfect. In that moment this overwhelming passion became my purpose, my reason for being. Nyka, with his intoxicating presence, became the embodiment of my everything.
He released me momentarily, allowing me to catch my breath.
“Please,” I begged, “I want to make you feel good…I want to taste you,” I confessed.
“Everything about you makes me feel good,” he whispered, wiping some of the tears that had collected around my eyes, “I’m going to take you, some day. I’m going to fuck you as though I am dying and you are the only cure,” he promised in a low growl as he moved my head towards his cock again.
He began thrusting harder and with more speed. I did my best not to gag, not to make any noise too loud. I felt how wet I was growing once again, being used by him a sensation nearly too alluring. That feeling was not aided as he whispered sweet praises to me while he used my mouth. Eventually his thrusts became more erratic and sloppy as he held back his animalistic noises to the best of his abilities. I looked up, meeting his eyes and his grip on my hair tightened. Throwing his head back he nicked a few more times, his cum filling my mouth and gushing down my throat. Even his taste filled me with a great need for him, swallowing as he pulled out. I wiped off a small drop that had spilled onto my lips, sucking my finger clean.
As I stood he extended his hand towards my cheek, his gaze soft.
"I yearn for nothing more than to embrace you, to break free from this cruel confinement," he confessed, his voice laced with longing.
A quiet resolve swelled within me, and I responded, "I shall make it so," I promised. He looked at me with such powerful affection that it made my stomach flip. Our lips converged once more, a kiss that brimmed with tenderness. A fire had been lit within me, and I would stop at nothing to fan the flames.
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gssilvaart · 5 months
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Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Rosas, there was a sorcerer king who could grant people's wishes... yes, that was me! But this is in the past, I must say what happened to me after I was imprisoned. Amaya, my wife, visited me every night, and she cried for me, and it was like that until one night, she didn't come to see me in the dungeon anymore. She had surpassed me. About a year later, when she remembered me, she called me, but I didn't respond, she shook the Crystal, but I didn't appear and finally, thinking I was dead, she threw the Crystal into the sea, but no, I didn't. he was dead, he was just somewhere else. Although I had lost the Dark Power, I still had my old magic, and I eventually discovered that the Crystal had trapped me in the Dimension of Reflections. Through small reflections of the outside world, I saw how fishermen with their nets pulled the Crystal from the bottom of the Mediterranean and how I also saw that the Crystal had been sold to a artisan, who was amazed at its beauty and wished to make a mirror that had the same intensity, and for that it would use volcanic crystal, which we call obsidian. The artisan was so obsessed with the beauty of the Crystal that he not only wanted to be inspired by it but for it to be part of his work and so he threw the Crystal into the hot, glowing lava before it touched the sea. The heat cracked the Crystal, but this did not free me but rather encompassed my prison and then the craftsman polished it, refined it and polished it and I was then incorporated into the Mirror, and now it was my new prison, but I discovered that this had encompassed my reach, the Dimension of Reflections allowed me to wander the world through the reflections of mirrors and so, decades passed and the old craftsman was bent with age, and that was when I realized that the outside world changed, but I no. I didn't age, I didn't feel hunger, nor thirst, nor heat, nor cold nor sleep, I think that my prison outside of space and time gave me sustenance or perhaps it was my old magic.
One day, the King of those lands heard about the artisan's Mirror and came to personally check it out and was amazed at its beauty, and said that he would get sick if he didn't have it, he would pay double, triple what the Mirror was worth and the old artisan didn't sell it but gave it away willingly, saying that the money would be worthless as death was already at his bedside. And I watched all of this. The King took the Mirror to his castle, and left it in the throne room; above the throne, where everyone could see him. And I watched, as the years went by, I acquired more knowledge, and I never tried to see Rosas' reflections. One day, a widowed King, from that King's lineage, remarried and his wife was young but very vain. She was so amazed by the Mirror, that she asked him to take it to the royal apartments, and every morning she would admire her reflection. Some time later, the King fell ill and ended up passing away and the Queen was left in charge of the kingdom and her stepdaughter, but there came a time when I saw that the young queen became vain to an abnormal point and then consulted magic books for rejuvenation and that called me to attention, the Queen was studying more and more magic, and one day, she looked into the Mirror and I could have sworn that she was looking at me with those penetrating green eyes, and so she came before it admiring herself and in an ironic tone, said:
"Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
and I, as I had already wandered through the reflections and knew that there was no one, manifested myself under a mask and revealed that she was just the most beautiful in that kingdom, and instead of fear, I saw her eyes shine and so as the years passed , I revealed hidden and powerful spells to her, who was more and more versed in witchcraft, until one day she asked the same question she asked every morning and night and I replied that her stepdaughter was now the most beautiful and that consumed her, he made tricks to kill the Most Beautiful of All and one day she disappeared and the Mirror was forgotten, other kings came but none with the glory of the kings of old and the kingdom ceased to exist, and the Mirror passed from one hand to another and in that time, 500 years passed and then I met a man called Santiago.
When I saw Magnifico trapped in that crystal, I immediately saw a mirrored prison where he would see the world from that moment on and I thought: "Hey, this would make a good story, wouldn't it?" and I thought about doing it but gave up, but when I rewatched it, the little voice from deep down said it and I complied and I was thrilled when they mentioned the Magic Mirror and "What if..." came to me, then something led to something else and this project came out, I hope you like it! XD
Era uma vez, em um reino chamado Rosas, um rei feiticeiro que podia realizar os desejos das pessoas... sim, este foi eu! Mas isto é passado, devo dizer o que houve comigo depois que fui aprisionado. Amaya, minha esposa, me visitava todas as noites, e chorou por mim, e foi assim até que uma noite, ela não veio mais me ver no calabouço. Havia me superado. Cerca de 1 ano depois, ao se relembrar de mim, ela chamou-me, mas não respondi, ela chacoalhou o Cristal, mas não apareci e por fim, julgando que eu estivesse morto, jogou o Cristal no mar, mas não, eu não estava morto, só estava em outro lugar. Embora eu tivesse perdido o Poder Sombrio, eu ainda tinha minha velha magia, e acabei descobrindo que o Cristal me aprisionara em um lugar onde eu podia ver impressões do mundo exterior, como se fossem espelhos, eu o chamei de Dimensão dos Reflexos. Através de pequenos reflexos, eu vi quando pescadores com suas redes, puxaram o Cristal do fundo do Mediterrâneo e como também vi que o Cristal havia sido vendido para um artesão, que ficou maravilhado com a beleza dele e desejou fazer um espelho que tivesse a mesma intensidade, e para isso usaria cristal vulcânico, o qual chamamos de obsidiana. O artesão estava tão obcecado com a beleza do Cristal que não queria apenas se inspirar nele mas que ele fizesse parte da sua obra e então ele jogou o Cristal na lava quente e incandescente antes que ela tocasse o mar. O calor rachou o Cristal, mas isso não me libertou mas sim abrangeu minha prisão e então o artesão, poliu-a, refinou-a e a lapidou e eu fui, então, incorporado ao Espelho, e agora, ele era minha nova prisão, mas descobri que isso havia abrangido meu alcance, a Dimensão dos Reflexos me permitiu vagar pelo mundo através dos reflexos dos espelhos e assim, décadas se passaram e o velho artesão estava encurvado pela idade, e foi quando percebi que o mundo exterior mudava, mas eu não. Eu não envelhecia, não sentia fome, nem sede, nem calor, nem frio e nem sono, penso que minha prisão fora do espaço e tempo me dava sustento ou talvez fosse minha velha magia.
Certo dia, o Rei daquelas terras, soube do Espelho do artesão e veio pessoalmente conferir e ficou maravilhado com a beleza dele, e disse que adoeceria se não o possuisse, pagaria o dobro, o triplo que o Espelho valesse e o velho artesão não vendeu mas o deu de bom grado, dizendo que de nada valeria mais o dinheiro pois já estava com a morte à cabeceira. E eu observei tudo isso. O Rei levou o Espelho para o seu castelo, e o deixou na sala do trono; acima do trono, onde todos pudessem vê-lo. E eu observei, os anos passarem, eu adquiria mais conhecimento, e nunca me passou tentar ver os reflexos de Rosas. Um dia, um Rei viúvo, da linhagem daquele Rei, casou-se novamente e a mulher era jovem mas muito vaidosa. Ficou tão maravilhada com o Espelho, que pediu que o levasse para os aposentos reais, e toda manhã ficava admirando seu reflexo. Tempos depois, o Rei adoeceu e acabou falecendo e a Rainha ficou encarregada do reino e de sua enteada, mas chegou um momento que vi que a jovem rainha ficou vaidosa a um ponto anormal e então consultava livros de magia para rejuvenescimento e aquilo me chamou a atenção, a Rainha estava estudando mais e mais magia, e certo dia, olhou para o Espelho e eu poderia jurar que ela estava a me olhar com aqueles olhos verdes e penetrantes, e assim ela veio diante dele se admirar e em tom irônico, disse: Espelho, Espelho Meu, quem é mais bela do que eu? e eu, como já vagara através dos reflexos e sabia que não havia ninguém, me manifestei sob uma máscara e revelei que ela era apenas a mais bela daquele reino, e ao invés de medo, vi seus olhos brilharem e assim com o passar dos anos, revelei feitiços ocultos e poderosos a ela, que estava mais e mais versada em bruxaria, até que um dia ela fez a mesma pergunta que fazia todas as manhãs e todas as noites e eu respondi que a sua enteada agora era a mais bela e aquilo a consumiu, fez artimanhas para matar a Mais Bela de Todas e um dia desapareceu e o Espelho foi esquecido, outros reis vieram mas nenhum com a glória dos reis de outrora e o reino deixou de existir, e o Espelho passou de uma mão para outra e nesse tempo, passou-se 500 anos e então conheci um homem chamado Santiago.
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