#but even that would have. So Many Moving Parts
innerfare · 2 days
Kisses - Part 1 
Summary: How do they kiss you?
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid
Genre: Fluff, Slight Smut
CW: Slight Smut so I'll say NSFW // messy kisses, hickies, brief implication of oral sex
So greedy, probably the greediest kisser in history. Uses lots of tongue, too. Grabs you by the hair and jerks your head back so he can better shove his tongue down your throat. The sloppiest kisser known to man, not that anyone would ever know. He always gives you sweet pecks when there are others around that leave them unaware of just how hot and heavy it gets behind closed doors. Gets annoyed if you try to kiss all over his face and bats you away, but if you want to rile him up, this is most definitely the way to go. 
His kisses are a bit lazy, but deep. Also lots of tongue, to the point he’s used tongue when kissing you on the cheek without even realizing. Takes kissing you very seriously, gets grumpy if you two haven’t made out a little bit during the day, expects to make out with you at bedtime. If you try pulling away before he’s had his fill, he’ll tell you to stop and put a big, calloused hand on your cheek to pull your lips back to his. His eyes actually roll into the back of his head when you kiss his chest and shoulders. 
Always starts out sweet, mostly because he’s paralyzed by the fact that you’re kissing him. Even if you’ve been in a relationship for years, pressing your lips into his makes him freeze because he’s worried that if he moves, his heart will explode. As he gets used to it, he’ll gingerly place his hands on your cheek, maybe even experiment with tongue. He can’t get enough of your kisses, but he also lets out a breath when you stop kissing him because he can finally breathe again. Actually lost it one time when you kissed his knuckles. 
Usually pretty slow, savoring every bit, but that doesn’t mean the kisses are sweet or soft. They’re deep, the kind that devolve into almost pure tongue. He’ll put his hand on your chin and tilt your head up, leaning in like he’s going to press a modest kiss to your lips, only to leave you got and bothered. A very good kisser, too, not even from experience but simply because he has a natural gift. Has a good rhythm, can get you worked up with his hands tied behind his back. Almost always smiles into it. Melts when you’re on your knees and press gentle kisses into his thighs. 
Lots of stolen kisses. They’re quick but heated, the sort that always promise more to come. He’ll catch you in a narrow hallway and pull you around the corner or else into a store room or empty RA classroom for a bit of privacy and shove his tongue down your throat. If he can’t get any privacy, he’ll place a quick kiss on your cheek or temple, so quick nobody else even notices. But you do, and it drives you crazy. Every kiss is like it could be your last, and it feels so incredible you’re determined to have another. Sweet kisses in NSFW places will earn you his unwavering loyalty. 
Deep and warm, but not very sloppy. It takes a bit for him to use tongue, but when he does, it’s measured. Doesn’t shove his tongue down your throat, just pushes it slightly into your mouth. Pretends to be annoyed if you get sloppy but secretly lives for you biting and licking his ears. So many hand kisses, too. Often catches your hand when you pass each other in the hallway and place a warm kiss against your palm. Will also mutter things into your neck between pressing kisses into the crook of it. Kiss him on the cheek if you want to see him blush.
So messy, so sloppy, will definitely bite your lips and tongue. He’s everywhere all at once, going down to your neck to replace any of your hickies that have faded before going back to your swollen lips. What people don’t know (and he’d kill you if you told anyone) is that, when he falls into bed late at night, completely exhausted and smelling of sweat and motor oil (basically his cologne), he gives you the sweetest, softest kisses, pulling back to gently brush his thumb over your lips before leaning in to give you another. He has also, on very late, drunken nights, allowed you to kiss his most sensitive scars.
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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uronlywon · 2 days
INTENTIONAL OR UNINTENTIONAL? ; drabble ➤ overstimulation with hyung line + jungwon . . .
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pairing .ᐟ hyung line + jungwon x afab!reader
contains .ᐟ dom!heeseung, soft dom!jay, dom!jake, mean dom!sunghoon, dom!jungwon, jay being husband material at the end, sunghoon being down right mean
warnings .ᐟ MINORS DNI, porn without plot, overstimulation, use of pet names (pretty, baby, love), riding (heeseung), praising (heeseung + jake), mentions of dacryphilia (sunghoon), jealous sex (jungwon), lmk if there’s more
vee's note .ᐟ i wrote this in about 2 hours at 4am (finished 6am)  so if some parts don’t make sense, i’m sorry. feel free to tell me if there are any parts that i could improve a bit :D also you can kind of tell where my creativity plummets lmaoo
total wc .ᐟ [ 0.8k ]᠎­  other works . . . masterlist ; read more !
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LEE HEESEUNG (이희승) — intentional
I feel like Heeseung is the type to make you overstimulate yourself. You’d be riding him, and after your first orgasm, he’d tell you to keep going, “C’mon, pretty. Keep moving those hips f’me,” he’d say. Listening to his orders, you’d make an attempt to continue moving your hips on him, but due to the sensitivity you gained, your attempt was quite pathetic. “H..Hee, I can’t– ‘m tired..”, you whine, halting your movements to a stop. I just know he’d laugh at how fucked out you. “Tired? You were just fine a minute ago, baby,” he teases, brushing the hair sticking to your face out of the way. “That’s fine, pretty, that’s why I’m here,” Heeseung continues, placing his warm hands on either side of your hip bones. “You look so gorgeous like this, Y/n. Could have you on my cock all day,” He would coo and end up moving your hips for you. ”That’s it, taking me so well, hm?”
other members ⬇️
PARK JONGSEONG (박종성) — intentional / unintentional
I’m a little bit on the fence for Jay. I can see him overstimulating you both intentionally and unintentionally in the same fuck session. He’d start off intentionally, pushing you a bit after your first orgasm, “Sorry, love, just a little bit more–”, he’d say this because he was trying to reach his own high, but to do that, you’d have to hang on a little longer. Passing that, he wouldn’t realise you’ve already had enough, making it to the point where you have to tell him to stop, “Ha-.. Jay! Can’t take anymore!”. I feel like he just wouldn’t realise how many more times you’ve came after the first time, if that makes sense, “Ah fuck– I’m sorry Y/n.” In the end Jay would apologise and give you literally the best aftercare. He’d always wipe you clean with a damp towel and run a warm bath for you. “You okay now? Does it hurt anywhere?” Jay would question, peppering you in soft kisses.
SIM JAEYUN (심재윤) — unintentional
Jake would be too lost in pleasure to realise you’d have already come. The man is like a dog in heat, not even kidding, “Fuuck Y/n, you f..feel so fucking good.” He’s the type to just continuously praise you while you fuck, which is partially the reason why he wouldn’t take notice of your desperate pleas for him to slow down. “Sensitive– Jake… Jake! P-please slow-..” You’d say, but he’s so busy praising you whilst he pounds into your used hole. It would take him a while to realise you’ve been begging him to tone it down a little, only realising when he feels the sensation of your nails digging deep into the flesh on his shoulders. “Oh god, I’m so fucking sorry, baby, I-I didn’t mean to hurt you,” He’d say after realisation hits, and he would continuosly apologise to you over and over again. “Y/n, I’m sorry about before–” “I already told you that I’m fine, Jake,” You’d laugh.
PARK SUNGHOON (박성훈) — intentional
Let’s be real, Sunghoon is the cruellest one out of everyone. He will definitely overstimulate you on purpose, and he isn’t even sorry about it, “Yeah– There you go Y/n, such a good little slut f’me, huh?” Sometimes, it would get so bad that you would be crying and begging him to stop, “Mmn! ‘t’s a..a lot, too much– Ah!~ Hoonie!”. To be honest, I think he has a little dacryphilia. Just watching your tears streaming down your pretty face turns him on. He would coo and mock your begs, degrading you in the process, “You’re already crying? I’ve only made you come twice, how pathetic are you?” Sunghoon just seems like the type to be really mean during sex, dismissing all your begging and just continuing to fuck you into oblivion “N-no more Sunghoon, please!” “Who’s Sunghoon? I only know Hoonie. You’ll take whatever the fuck I give you.”
YANG JUNGWON (양정원) — intentional
Jungwon would sooo do it intentionally, and we all know that he is in fact a jealous guy based on the questions fans asked at fansigns. He’d have you pressed into the mattress of your shared bed after seeing you all over one of your guy friends, “You don’t touch your friends like that, huh?” He asked you, driving you to your 3rd orgasm of the night. Jungwon isn’t a mean dom, but I can see him intimidating you with his words. “Won ‘m sorry, p-please s-stop I can’t.. Can’t do another–” You’d apologise, then he’d scoff at you and start saying things in between thrusts. “Oh so now you’re sorry?” Thrust. “You sure didn’t seem sorry when you were all over that guy’s arm, yeah?” Thrust. “Surely you can give me another, Y/n. Isn’t that right? Thrust. He wasn’t going to falter, no matter how much you apologised or begged him to. “I-I really am sorry! A-ahn!”
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©𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺𝘸𝘰𝘯, 2024 𝘈𝘓𝘓 𝘙𝘐𝘎𝘏𝘛𝘚 𝘙𝘌𝘚𝘌𝘙𝘝𝘌𝘋 | 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺, 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘻𝘦, 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦, 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘮 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘰𝘸𝘯. 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘴 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘥
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hollyoongs · 2 days
I'm seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure Nobody but you, 'body but me 'Body but us, bodies together I love to hold you close, tonight and always I love to wake up next to you (zayn - PILLOWTALK)
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ᨓ 。yang jungwon x fem reader ꒰👥️꒱﹕smut ﹕+11.0k contains: brat/brat tammer dynamics, orgasm control/denial, light bondage, dirty talk, choking, oral (both), lots of cum (facial, play, swap, breeding and eating), light degratation, recorded sex, petnames (good girl, princess, bunny, cockslut), squirtting, multiple orgasms. ┈─★
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this whole blog is dedicated to the best jungwon stan i've ever known @intromortal / @y2karina as a small present for her- wait for it *drum rolls* 1k milestone! And some people wanted to tell you something (more will be added) <3
💌 𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀 [?]
@hollyoongs : my sunshine! This got a little late, but I want to congratulate you for this milestone, because it’s a reflection of the light and joy you bring to everyone who follows you. You deserve every bit of this love and support, and I’m beyond proud of how far you’ve come. Keep shining as you always do—your creativity and positivity are truly inspiring. Here’s to many more followers, moments, and memories! Love you endlessly 💓
@heeslomll : Congrats on 1k my baby love i love you forever you deserve them and so so so so much more my talented doll🩷
@sunkittie : Congratulations for reaching 1k followers bunny Nia 💗
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@alvojake : Dear Nia, I want to say congrats on the 1k, baby! You deserve each and every one of them!! Next, I want to say that you are one of the most amazing people I have met on this godforsaken site, and to be honest, I'm so, so, so glad that I got the chance to post TMH because if I hadn’t, I don’t think I would have ever interacted with you (even if that series brought a lot of tears...). I love you so much, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you and what new things you create. Here’s to many more memories and fun conversations!! ❤️
@mxxninthesky : Lovely Nia, congrats on 1k baby <3 This such a huge milestone, I'm so happy for you >.< Your Jungwon themes always make me fall a lil deeper for him, and I'm so glad I got to read some scrumptious smut tonight in your name :P (the 'bunny' nickname tho, had me on my knees thank you holly). Anyways I hope to see you reach more and more milestones soon! Wishing you all things good <3
The first thing you feel that morning is warmth—the gentle heat of his body pressed against yours. Jungwon’s arms are wrapped around you, holding you close, his breath soft and steady against your neck. The room is still wrapped in the quiet calm of early morning, a soft light seeping through the curtains. You take a moment to just listen—his heartbeat steady beneath your hand, his chest rising and falling with each peaceful breath.
Slowly, you turn your head to glance up at him, your heart swelling at the sight of his peaceful expression. His dark hair is tousled, his lips slightly parted, and he looks so serene, like he belongs in this moment. It’s hard to believe you’ve been waking up like this for 1000 days now—1000 days of love, laughter, and everything in between.
You carefully try to slip out of his arms, but before you can move, he stirs, tightening his hold around you.
“Where do you think you’re going?” His voice is deep, husky with sleep, sending a familiar warmth through your body. His eyes blink open lazily, his lips curving into a soft smile as he looks down at you.
“I was going to make breakfast,” you whisper, your own voice still thick with sleep. “It’s a special day, remember?”
He chuckles softly, the sound rumbling from his chest as he pulls you even closer, your back flush against him. “Mmm, but I like having you here. Can’t you stay just a little longer?”
You smile, nestling back into him, feeling the steady beat of his heart under your palm as you faced his chest. “Okay, maybe breakfast can wait.”
His lips brush against the top of your head, and you feel him relax again, content to hold you like this for a little longer. You both stay like that for a while, wrapped in the quiet comfort of each other’s warmth. You trace lazy circles on his chest, and his fingers gently run through your hair. It’s in moments like these that you realize just how much you love him and how being with him feels like home.
Eventually, the two of you untangle from the blankets, and you throw on one of his oversized shirts before making your way to the kitchen. You hear his footsteps behind you as you start preparing pancakes, the smell of butter and batter filling the air.
“So, what’s the plan for today?” you ask, flipping a pancake as Jungwon leans against the doorframe, looking adorably disheveled.
He smirks, walking over to you, his arms sneaking around your waist from behind. “I have something planned for tonight,” he murmurs against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
You raise an eyebrow, turning slightly to glance at him. “Oh? A surprise?”
He nods, his lips brushing against your neck. “Yup, but I’m not telling you anything. Just wait, you’ll love it.”
"I'm sure I will." He leaves for a moment and comes back with his wallet in hand, extending you his black card. "What are you doing?"
"Giving you my credit card. Buy whatever you want—hair, makeup, anything. Just don't buy dresses and shoes." You stopped what you were doing and turned off the stove.
"Jungwon, I can't accept this." He took your hand as he pulled you closer, his lips pressing a soft kiss on the top of your hand.
Jungwon’s gaze softened as he looked at you, his lips lingering on your hand, sending a soft warmth coursing through you. “It’s our 1000 days, princess. Let me spoil you, just this once.”
You laughed lightly, shaking your head. “Just this once? You spoil me all the time.”
He grinned, eyes twinkling. “Okay, maybe more than just once. But today’s special, and I want you to feel as amazing as you are to me.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. He was always like this, hopelessly romantic, always finding ways to make you feel loved in the simplest yet most profound ways. You sighed, giving in, and took the card from his hand.
“Alright, fine. But I still don’t think I need anything.”
He gave you that signature mischievous smile as he gently tilted your chin up with his finger. “Just trust me, okay? Tonight, I want everything to be perfect.”
The way he said it, his voice low and full of intention, sent a thrill through you. There was something about the way he looked at you in moments like these—like you were the only person in the world, the center of his universe. It made your heart race, a blush creeping up your neck.
“Fine,” you whispered, your breath catching slightly as his eyes flickered down to your lips.
“Good girl,” he murmured, his thumb brushing across your bottom lip before he pressed a slow, lingering kiss there, making your heart pound in your chest.
The kiss was tender but left you feeling breathless. Jungwon pulled back with a playful smile. “Now let me help you finish the pancakes before I get too distracted.”
You laughed, lightly shoving him away before turning back to the stove, trying to steady your racing pulse. He lingered behind you for a moment longer, his hands resting on your hips, and you could feel the warmth of his body so close, almost teasing.
The rest of the morning passed in a gentle blur—pancakes, laughter, and light teasing. It was so normal yet so perfect. You could see it in the way Jungwon’s eyes never left you, even when he pretended to focus on eating.
When breakfast was over, Jungwon almost rushed you to get ready to prepare yourself however you wanted, and it was funny to see him so ready for that surprise.
"Oh my God, Jungwon, I'm already leaving!" You laughed at how stressed he was starting to get.
"Just come home by seven o'clock. When you arrive, you will see two boxes with your dress and shoes. Put them on in the guess bathroom. Take care, bye!" He quickly kissed your lips before he made you leave the house. His credit card was in your right hand while your car keys were on your left.
Before going to the salon, you went to a store you have been checking out for a while—a sex shop to be more exact—picking that black lingerie and bunny ears to surprise your boyfriend. Later on, you spent the next few hours at the salon, pampered and prepped, wondering what Jungwon could possibly have planned for tonight. His excitement was infectious, making it impossible not to smile every time you thought about it.
By the time you pulled back into your driveway, the sun was beginning to set, casting a soft golden hue over the house. Just as Jungwon said, there were two neatly wrapped boxes waiting for you by the door. You picked them up and carried them inside, feeling your heart race a little as anticipation built.
In the guest bathroom, you carefully unwrapped the first box, your fingers trembling slightly with excitement. As the tissue paper fell away, your breath caught in your throat. Inside lay a stunning black dress, long and flowing—the kind of dress that felt like a dream to wear. The fabric was soft and luxurious, and when you ran your fingers over it, you knew it was something special. It was elegant yet simple, but with details that made it extraordinary—the type of piece that blended your style with Jungwon’s effortlessly.
The dress had an off-shoulder cut that hugged your collarbones, exposing just the right amount of skin in a way that was both alluring and tasteful. It draped down smoothly from the neckline, the fabric cinching at your waist, accentuating your figure while flowing gracefully down to your ankles. It was the perfect combination of understated sophistication and soft allure. The black fabric shimmered subtly under the light, giving it an almost ethereal glow.
It was a dress that spoke volumes with its simplicity, a quiet elegance that you knew Jungwon loved. It wasn’t over the top, no flashy details, but it radiated confidence and beauty in its timeless design. You smiled to yourself, thinking about how this dress was the perfect reflection of both of you—your penchant for effortless grace and Jungwon’s love for the classic, refined look.
You lifted the hem, admiring the way the fabric moved, cascading in gentle waves as you stepped. It was the kind of dress that made you feel beautiful just by wearing it, like it had been crafted just for you.
In the second box, you found a pair of sleek black heels, simple yet perfectly complementary to the dress. They had a delicate ankle strap and a subtle shine to them, matching the sophistication of the gown. You could already picture the way Jungwon’s eyes would light up when he saw you in this, his lips curling into that mischievous smile he always gave when he adored something.
Taking a deep breath, you slipped into the dress, feeling the way it hugged your body perfectly, the off-shoulder neckline framing your face and shoulders in the most flattering way. As you stood in front of the mirror, adjusting the fabric slightly, you couldn’t help but smile. Jungwon had outdone himself yet again.
As you stepped out of the bathroom, the house was dimly lit with soft, flickering candlelight, guiding your path. You followed the subtle glow until you reached the living room, and there he was, standing in the middle of the room with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, looking absolutely breathtaking in a black suit that fit him perfectly.
The moment Jungwon saw you, his entire expression softened, as if the world around him had melted away, leaving only you in his vision. His eyes widened with awe, the breath catching in his throat as he stood there, utterly still, as though he was afraid if he moved, the spell would break.
For a second, he said nothing; he just took you in—his gaze tracing over the way the dress flowed against your body, how it accentuated your every curve. The delicate off-shoulder neckline revealed just enough to make his heart race, and the soft shimmer of the fabric under the dim light seemed to reflect the glow in his eyes.
"Wow..." he finally breathed, his voice low and reverent, as if he were in the presence of something divine. He slowly walked toward you, his gaze locked on yours, as if he couldn't bear to look away. When he reached you, his lips curled into the softest smile, one filled with adoration and a kind of awe that made your heart skip a beat.
"You look absolutely stunning," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. He handed you the bouquet of flowers, but his hand lingered as he brushed a stray lock of hair behind your ear, his touch featherlight, as if he were afraid to disturb the perfection of the moment.
"Do I look good?"
"You will always look perfect to me, but tonight, you're even more perfect than I imagined," he murmured, his eyes searching yours with a depth of love that made your breath catch.
As he stood there, you couldn’t help but notice his own attire. He was dressed in a black, double-breasted suit with peaked lapels, mirroring the sophistication and style of your own outfit. The suit jacket, paired with matching trousers and a black belt, fit him impeccably, highlighting his strong, confident presence. His shirt, unbuttoned at the top, added a touch of relaxed elegance to his look. The overall ensemble was both timeless and modern, perfectly complementing the romantic atmosphere of the evening.
“And you,” you said, your voice soft with admiration, “look like you belong in a dream too.”
Jungwon’s eyes sparkled as you complimented him, his hand reaching out to gently take yours. He gave it a soft squeeze before pulling you closer, his other hand resting on your waist. “You always make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world,” he whispered, his forehead resting gently against yours.
The soft glow of the candles flickered around you, casting a warm, golden hue over everything, but all you could focus on was him. The way he looked at you, like you were the only thing that mattered in this moment, made your heart beat wildly in your chest. You could feel the warmth of his breath, the soft brush of his lips hovering near yours as if he were savoring the closeness before closing the distance.
Then, without a word, Jungwon took a step back and offered you his arm. “Shall we, my lady?” he asked, his voice playful but his eyes still full of admiration.
You grinned, looping your arm through his. “Lead the way, my gentleman.”
He guided you toward the dining area, which was transformed into a romantic setting—soft music played in the background, a beautifully set table waiting for you both. It was intimate, personal, and so very Jungwon. The scent of your favorite dishes filled the air, and you couldn’t help but marvel at how much thought he’d put into every little detail.
“I wanted everything to be perfect for tonight,” he said, pulling out your chair for you. “Because you deserve nothing less.”
As you settled into your seat, the candlelight danced around you, casting flickering shadows that enhanced the intimate atmosphere. Jungwon took his place across from you, and as you both began to enjoy the carefully prepared meal, the conversation flowed effortlessly between bites of creamy pasta and tender chicken.
“This is amazing,” you said, savoring a mouthful. “You’ve outdone yourself again, Jungwon.”
He smiled shyly, a hint of pink coloring his cheeks. “I’m glad you like it. I just wanted to create a special night for us. Besides, I remember that you wanted a romantic dinner like this.”
"But I loosely told you that at our third date before being something." You glanced at him; his words held so much weight, and you saw his soft smile as he nodded. “You’ve put so much thought into everything. I really appreciate it.”
He paused, placing his fork down. His expression shifted to something more serious, and his gaze dropped to the table for a moment. “You know, sometimes I feel like I’m not very good at expressing my feelings,” he admitted, a hint of vulnerability in his voice. “I want you to know just how much you mean to me, and I hope tonight shows that.”
Your heart swelled, the warmth of his sincerity wrapping around you like a comforting blanket. “You express your love in so many ways, Jungwon. You don’t have to be perfect.”
He looked up, meeting your eyes again, and you could see the determination in his gaze. “But I want to be perfect for you. You deserve that. I know I might not always say the words, but I want to make up for it tonight.”
With that, he reached across the table, taking your hand in his. The warmth of his palm sent a shiver through you, and he gently tugged you up from your chair. “Come on, let’s dance.”
You blinked in surprise as he led you to the center of the softly lit room, the gentle music enveloping you both like a warm embrace. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close, and you felt the rhythm of his heartbeat against yours.
“I love this song,” you whispered, resting your head against his shoulder, feeling utterly safe in his embrace.
He held you tightly, swaying softly as if the world outside had faded away. “I do too,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. “It reminds me of us.”
As you danced together, the atmosphere thick with unspoken emotions, Jungwon’s hands found your face, tilting it up to meet his gaze.
His eyes bore into yours, soft yet intense, and for a moment, the world felt like it had slowed down. Every second seemed to stretch endlessly as he searched your face, almost as if he were memorizing every detail. Your heart raced, and you could feel the gentle press of his fingertips on your skin, grounding you in this perfect moment.
“You have no idea how much I’ve fallen for you,” you whispered, your voice trembling slightly, raw with emotion as you felt the weight of your heart in your chest. “It’s the way you make me feel, the way you look at me like I’m the only one that matters, the way you care about every little thing... it’s overwhelming sometimes, how deeply I’ve fallen. Everything about you, the way you love me, makes me feel like the luckiest person alive.” You paused, searching his eyes as if to make sure he understood the depth of what you were saying, your voice softening. “I’ve never felt this way before, like my whole world is brighter just because you’re in it.”
Jungwon’s breath hitched. His thumb gently grazed your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine. You noticed how intensely he was looking at you, his eyes filled with so much adoration that it made you laugh softly. He looked completely lost in love; his expression almost dazed, and you couldn’t help but find it endearing.
“Are you okay? You look like—”
"God, I fucking love you."
The words hung in the air like a secret finally revealed, filling the room with an intensity you could feel deep in your chest. Your heart pounded, breath-catching as you stared at him, stunned by the rawness of it all. He’d never said it before—not like this. Sure, you had felt it in the way he looked at you, the small gestures that spoke louder than words, but hearing him say it, those three words, so openly and without hesitation, made your entire world tilt on its axis.
“Jungwon...” you breathed, your voice barely a whisper as your mind struggled to catch up with your heart. His eyes, wide with emotion, searched yours, as if waiting for something, anything, to let him know he hadn’t just shattered everything with his confession.
But your heart was so full you could hardly think straight. Without thinking, you reached up, your hand cupping his cheek, your thumb grazing his soft skin. “What did you say?” you murmured, your lips curling into a smile, the warmth in your chest spreading like wildfire.
He exhaled, as if relieved, his grip tightening around your waist. “I love you,” he repeated, this time softer, more intimate, like the words were only meant for you to hear. He said it again and again, each time with more conviction, his voice filled with wonder, as if the more he said it, the more real it became.
“I love you,” he whispered, leaning in, his forehead resting against yours, his breath warm against your lips. “I love you so much it hurts.”
You could feel tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, your heart swelling with so much emotion you thought it might burst. “I love you too,” you whispered back, your voice thick with the weight of it all. “I love you so much, Jungwon.”
His lips found yours in the next breath, soft and slow, as if he were savoring the taste of the moment, the taste of those words hanging between you. His hands, warm and sure, slid up your back, pulling you impossibly closer, and for a second, nothing else mattered. It was just you and him, tangled up in a love so deep and so consuming, it felt like the world had disappeared entirely.
When he pulled back, his breath was shallow, his eyes dark with affection and something deeper, something more intense. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to say that,” he murmured, brushing a stray tear from your cheek, his touch gentle.
“I think I had an idea,” you teased, your voice trembling with emotion, a soft laugh bubbling up as you wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling lighter than air.
He laughed too, the sound low and full of joy. “I feel like I could say it a thousand more times, and it still wouldn’t be enough.”
“Then say it,” you whispered, pulling him closer, your lips brushing against his jaw and his neck, savoring the closeness.
“I love you,” he repeated, his voice a soft growl, his hands sliding down to your hips, pulling you flush against him. “I love you so much, it scares me.”
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his with an intensity that took your breath away. “Then don’t stop,” you whispered, your fingers tangling in his hair, your lips ghosting over his.
And he didn’t. His lips crashed against yours again, more urgent this time, his hands exploring, his touch making your skin tingle with excitement.
Your hands were playing with the top part of his suit, feeling him smile through the kiss as you both slightly crashed the wall.
"I love you," he said between breaths, but this time it felt like a promise—the promise of something neither of you could pull away from.
You broke the kiss, your foreheads touching as you both caught your breath. Your lips went to his ear seductively. "Bring ice and wine; I'll wait for you in the bedroom."
He gave you a small kiss, and when you see him getting lost in the kitchen, you take the bag with the things you bought at the sex shop and walk to the bathroom of your bedroom, your heart pounding with excitement as you prepare your surprise for Jungwon.
You slipped into the lingerie, feeling the material against your skin as you adjusted the bunny ears on your head. The mirror in the bathroom reflected an image that made you smile—the vision that you had of yourself in mind coming to life.
You got out of the bathroom and went straight to the bed, and, thankfully, you could hear his footsteps.
Jungwon appeared in the doorway, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of you waiting on the bed. His breath hitched as he absorbed every detail—the black lingerie that clung to your curves, the playful bunny ears perched atop your head, and the way you sat so confidently, legs crossed, eyes sparkling with mischief.
He stood there for a moment, frozen, before a slow, almost predatory smile spread across his face. "You’re... full of surprises tonight," he murmured, his voice husky as he walked toward you, a bottle of wine and two glasses in hand, each of them having ice cubes in it. The way his gaze trailed over your body sent a shiver down your spine.
Your eyes were following his every movement as he set the wine down on the bedside table. "I wanted to do something special for you, too," you replied, your voice low and sultry.
You uncrossed your legs, leaving your legs open for him to watch your pussy being covered by the extremly thin fabric as you sat up straighter, drawing his attention back to you. "Do you like it?"
"Like it? I love it," Jungwon whispered, his voice low and gravelly as he knelt between your legs. His hands rested on your thighs, his touch gentle but deliberate, his thumbs slowly tracing circles over the soft fabric of your lingerie.
He let out a shaky breath, his eyes locked onto yours, and you could feel the weight of his desire in the way he looked at you—intense, hungry, and utterly captivated.
"You’re unbelievable," he murmured, his hands sliding up your thighs, fingers curling into the delicate lace of your lingerie as if he couldn't hold back anymore. "I can't believe you're mine and I'm yours."
You smiled, teasingly running your fingers through his hair, enjoying the way he melted into your touch. “I also wanted to give you a little surprise,” you said softly, leaning down to kiss him, your lips barely grazing his as you whispered, “Do you think I succeeded?”
Jungwon smiled softly, his hands gripping your waist as he pulled you closer. “You have no idea,” he murmured, his lips capturing yours in a slow, deep kiss. It was the kind of kiss that made your toes curl, filled with a slow-burning passion that sent sparks through your entire body. His lips moved against yours with an intoxicating intensity, his hands sliding up your back, pressing you tighter against him.
When he finally pulled away, his breath was ragged, his forehead resting against yours. “You’re driving me crazy, you know that?” His hands roamed your body, exploring every inch with a slow touch, as if memorizing the way you felt beneath his fingertips.
You couldn’t help but giggle softly at his words, feeling the heat between you grow with each passing second. “That was the plan,” you teased, running your fingers down his chest, tracing the lines of his suit jacket. “I wanted to see how much I could push you.”
Jungwon let out a soft chuckle, his eyes filled with playful adoration as he leaned in close, his lips brushing against your ear. “Be careful,” he whispered, his voice a low growl that sent a shiver down your spine. “You might just get more than you bargained for.”
You smiled, running your hands up his chest, feeling the firm lines of his body under the fabric of his suit. “Good,” you whispered back, your lips grazing his ear, “because I want more.”
Jungwon’s gaze flickered, his hands still exploring your skin as you started to undress him, your movements slow and delicate, savoring every second. “You have no idea how much I love you,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
You leaned in, pressing a kiss to his lips, slow and deep, feeling the connection between you both intensify with each passing moment. When you pulled back, you gave him a teasing smile, your fingers running through his hair. “Then show me, Jungwon. Show me how much you love me.”
"That's what my little bunny wants?" he said, getting up of his knees as he removed his suit and started to unbelt his pants. You could see how his dick wanted to get out, and you nodded without taking your eyes apart from that. His fingers grabbed your jaw, pulling you up in a harder kiss, making you grab his arms for support.
He threw the belt on the bed as he made you jump, your legs wrapping around his hips, and his big hands supported you from your ass.
Jungwon’s grip on you was firm yet gentle, a perfect blend of control and tenderness. He pulled you closer, the heat of his body seeping through the thin fabric of your lingerie as he carried you effortlessly. His lips were relentless against yours, passionate and consuming, as if he were making up for every moment spent apart.
He laid you down on the bed, his hands roaming over your body with a growing urgency. You couldn’t help but smirk, feeling the effect you had on him. "You really are a tease, aren’t you?" he murmured, his breath hot against your neck as he kissed a trail down to your collarbone.
Your hands found their way back to his hair, tugging lightly as you whispered, "You love it." He chuckled lowly, the sound sending a pleasant shiver down your spine.
"I do," he admitted, his fingers slipping under the straps of your lingerie, slowly peeling it off your skin. "But now it’s my turn to take control."
Your pulse quickened at his words, anticipation building as his hands slid lower, teasing you with feather-light touches. He took his time, savoring every inch of you as his mouth followed the path his hands had started.
Jungwon’s touch was slow as he took in every reaction you gave him. His lips grazed the sensitive skin along your neck, his hands tugging your lingerie down inch by inch, each movement agonizingly slow, making you arch into him. You could feel his desire growing as the fabric slipped away, leaving you bare to his gaze.
"You're so beautiful," he breathed, eyes dark with longing as they roamed your body. His hands rested on your hips, firm but gentle, as he guided you back against the bed. His lips followed the curve of your collarbone, making their way down to your chest, lingering in places that made you gasp softly.
“You’re so slow,” you teased, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you tugged at his boxers, trying to free him. Jungwon grinned down at you, clearly enjoying the frustration in your voice.
"Oh, you’re impatient now?" He chuckled, his voice low and teasing. He pinned your hands above your head, leaning in close enough that his lips brushed against yours without closing the distance. “I thought you liked teasing, bunny.”
Your heart raced as you tugged against his hold, your voice soft but challenging. “Maybe I’m tired of waiting.”
Jungwon’s smile faltered for just a moment, his expression darkening with desire. “You’re going to regret that,” he whispered, his tone making you bite your lip. His lips finally crushed against yours, the kiss deep and rough, as if all the patience he had been holding onto disappeared in an instant.
He released your hands, allowing you to wrap your arms around him as he pressed his body against yours. The weight of him sent a thrill through you, his hard length rubbing against your core as he moved, drawing out soft moans from your lips.
His hands roamed down to your thighs, spreading them apart as he positioned himself between your legs, his hips grinding against yours in a way that made you gasp. He pulled back just enough to meet your eyes, his breathing heavy.
He took in his index finger the string of the thong, losing it and crashing against your skin, the slight burn making you leave a moan.
"You really think I'm going to your pace? I spoiled you too much."
Jungwon’s eyes gleamed with control as he tugged at the thong once more, letting the elastic snap against your skin, the sting quick but sharp enough to make you arch up into him. His grin grew wider at your reaction, loving how easily he could unravel you with the slightest touch.
“You’ve gotten too comfortable teasing me, haven’t you?” His voice was a low rumble, sending shivers down your spine. His fingers grazed along your inner thigh, barely touching, just enough to drive you mad with anticipation. “But that’s over tonight. You’re not in charge in this moment, bunny.”
Your body ached for him, and yet you couldn’t help the rebellious spark that flickered in your eyes. You tilted your head, looking up at him with a daring smile. “Maybe you like me in charge.”
Jungwon's grip on your thigh tightened, his fingers digging in just enough to make you gasp. His other hand snaked up to your chin, forcing you to look directly into his eyes. "That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble," he growled, his tone dripping with warning. "But I’ll make sure you learn your lesson."
Before you could respond, his hand slid from your chin to the back of your neck, pulling you into a rough kiss that left no room for defiance. His lips moved against yours with possessive intensity, claiming every inch of you. You could feel his restraint slipping, the tension in his body telling you that he was barely holding back.
When he pulled away, his breathing was ragged, and his eyes burned with a mix of desire and dominance. "We have all night," he whispered, his voice dark and commanding. "And I’m going to remind you exactly what happens when you push me too far."
He reached down, tugging the thin fabric of your thong completely off and tossing it aside. The cool air sent a shiver through you, but the heat between you both made it impossible to think of anything else. His fingers trailed down, brushing against your sensitive skin in the lightest, most frustrating touch. You squirmed beneath him, your body aching for more, but he held you firmly in place, enjoying your reaction.
“God, what a view,” he said, his voice filled with teasing as he watched you writhe beneath him. “So needy, so desperate, but you’re not calling the shots here. I am.”
You opened your mouth to argue, to push back against him, but before you could get a word out, his palm smacked your wet cunt, his fingers pressing against your core soon after, finally giving you the friction you craved. The sudden sensation made you gasp, your head falling back as pleasure coursed through you. But just as quickly as he started, he pulled away, leaving you breathless and frustrated.
"Please," you whimpered, unable to hold back the plea.
Jungwon smirked, his eyes glittering with triumph. "Now that's more like it," he murmured. "Good bunnies ask nicely."
Your hands were grabbing the sheets beneath you, but you loved this side of Jungwon that you're willing to actually keep your behavior.
“I could make you beg for it,” he whispered, the words dripping, temptation noticiable. “But I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson yet.”
His fingers grazed your entrance again, teasing but never fully giving you what you wanted. Your hips instinctively bucked against his hand, desperate for more, but he pressed you firmly back down against the bed, his eyes gleaming with control.
"Uh-uh," he tsked, his voice soft but filled with authority. "You don’t get to take anything unless I say so."
You huffed, a bratty fire still burning in your eyes despite the growing need building in your body. “Maybe if you weren’t so slow, I wouldn’t have to,” you quipped, your voice defiant, though your body betrayed your desperation.
Jungwon’s expression darkened, his gaze narrowing as he moved his hand away entirely, leaving you aching and empty. He gripped your chin firmly, forcing your eyes to meet his. "What did I just say about that mouth of yours?"
You bit your lip, holding back another retort, but the playful glint in your eyes betrayed your compliance. Jungwon’s grip tightened slightly, a warning in his touch. “You think I won’t put you in your place, bunny?”
Before you could answer, his hand left your chin and landed with a sharp slap on your inner thigh. The sting made you gasp, and you could feel the heat spreading through your body—the pleasure and pain that always made you arch toward him.
“Jungwon—” you began, but your words were cut off by another slap, this time on the other thigh. The intensity of his touch left you breathless, your body trembling with desire.
“That’s enough talking,” he growled, his tone commanding. "I’ve let you play your little games long enough."
He moved quickly, pinning your wrists above your head again, his body hovering over yours as he pressed his hips against you, the hard length of him rubbing against your core in a way that made you whimper. His lips were close enough to graze your ear as he spoke again, his voice low and dangerous.
“You want to act like a brat; I’ll treat you like one,” he whispered, his breath hot against your skin. "But if you want this, you’re going to have to earn it."
His words sent a shiver down your spine, and despite the bratty defiance still burning in your chest, your body was completely under his control. You could feel his fingers inching lower, teasing the edge of what you wanted but never quite giving in.
“Say you’re sorry,” he commanded, his voice firm but almost playful. “Say it, and maybe I’ll give you what you’re begging for.”
Your pride battled with your desire, but the heat between your legs was too much to ignore. You squirmed beneath him, biting your lip as you looked up at him through hooded eyes. “I’m sorry,” you murmured, the words barely leaving your lips.
Jungwon raised an eyebrow, clearly unsatisfied with your answer. He tightened his grip on your wrists, his other hand sliding dangerously close to your center but stopping just short. "Louder, bunny. Let me hear you beg like you mean it."
Your breath hitched, the frustration and need building to a breaking point. "I’m sorry, Jungwon," you whimpered, your voice shaky and desperate. "Please… I need you."
Jungwon’s lips curled into a satisfied smile as he finally, mercifully, slid his fingers inside you. The sudden sensation made you moan loudly, your back arching off the bed as he moved his fingers expertly, drawing out every ounce of pleasure you’d been craving.
“That’s my good bunny,” he whispered, his voice dripping with satisfaction as he claimed you completely, leaving no room for disobedience.
His fingers were moving fast inside you, the tip of his fingers touching each time you g-spot; you weren't even bothering to hold your moans; you felt like you were out of your mind, but when Jungwon's mouth went straight to your clit, you knew you were touching heaven.
Jungwon’s mouth on your clit sent a shockwave of pleasure through your body, making you cry out his name. The way his fingers curled inside you, hitting your g-spot with precision, while his tongue flicked against your most sensitive spot, had you unraveling in seconds. It was overwhelming—too much and not enough all at once.
Your hands flew to his hair, tugging at the strands as if you needed something to ground you, but even that wasn’t enough. Your hips bucked against his face, chasing the high that was rapidly building inside you, but Jungwon wasn’t about to let you take control, not even for a second.
He growled lowly against your clit, the vibrations sending another jolt of pleasure through you, before pulling his mouth away just as you were on the brink. His fingers slowed to a teasing pace, and you whined in frustration, your body trembling with the need for release.
“Not so fast, bunny,” he said, his voice filled with amusement as he looked up at you, his lips glistening from your arousal. “I’m not letting you off that easy.”
You gasped, trying to catch your breath, your body aching for more. “Please, Jungwon,” you whimpered, your voice shaking with desperation. “I need to—”
He cut you off with a smirk, pulling his fingers out of you completely, leaving you empty and wanting. The loss made you whine louder, but Jungwon only chuckled, clearly enjoying every second of your torment.
“Look at you,” he said, his voice low and teasing as he wiped his fingers on your thigh, his eyes never leaving yours. “You're so ready for me. But I told you—you get to cum when I say so.”
Your breath hitched as he climbed back on top of you, his body pressing down against yours as his hand wrapped around your throat, not tight enough to hurt but enough to make your heart race. He lowered his lips to your ear, his breath hot against your skin as he whispered, “You’ll take whatever I give you, Bunny, and you’ll thank me for it.”
His words sent a shiver down your spine, and all you could do was nod, too overwhelmed to form a coherent response. Jungwon grinned, clearly pleased with how submissive you’d become under his touch.
"Good girl," he whispered, his voice dripping with satisfaction as he released your throat and slid his hand down between your legs again. His fingers teased your pussy, making you squirm beneath him, but this time he didn’t hold back. He pushed two fingers inside you again, this time harder and faster, his thumb circling your clit with just enough pressure to make your vision blur.
Your moans filled the room, your body reacting instinctively to every movement, every touch. The pleasure built rapidly, and you could feel yourself spiraling, the tension inside you coiling tighter and tighter.
“Jungwon… please…” You begged, barely able to speak through the haze of pleasure. “Please…”
He smirked, his pace never faltering as he leaned down, his lips brushing against yours in a soft, teasing kiss. “On top of me, Bunny,” he whispered, his voice soft but commanding. “Now.”
You moved as he was now below you; he took your hips so you could sit on his face; you stretched yourself and licked your lips at the view; you didn't even care about going slow; his arms were hugging your hips as he kept on his movements with his tongue, imaginary figures being drawn all over your cunt, and you got down to lick his red tip, the vibration of the moan he let out because of your action.
The air around you was thick with heat and desire, the sound of your labored breathing mixing with the soft hum of his moans. Jungwon's grip on your hips tightened as his tongue worked relentlessly, his movements pushing you closer to the edge with each second. Every flick, every circle he drew with his tongue had you shuddering, your body helplessly surrendering to the pleasure.
You let out a shaky breath as you took him into your mouth, he taste of him moan with pleasure. His reaction was immediate—his body tensing as he groaned deeply, the vibration adding to the sensations building inside you. You kept your pace steady, matching his intensity, your tongue swirling around his tip as you took him deeper.
His hands slid up your thighs, gripping you tighter as his tongue pressed harder, sending another wave of pleasure rippling through your body. You gasped, struggling to maintain control as the heat between your legs grew unbearable.
“Bunny…” Jungwon’s voice was ragged, his control faltering for a moment as your lips worked on him. “You’re going to make me lose it.”
His words sent a thrill through you, spurring you on as you moved your hips in time with his mouth. The pleasure was overwhelming now, like a tidal wave that was impossible to resist. Your legs trembled, your body on the brink of release, and you knew it wouldn’t take much more.
“Don’t hold back, bunny,” he murmured between the rhythm of his tongue, his voice sending shivers down your spine. His words and pace made you cum, a wave of ecstasy crashing over you as you moaned his name, your body trembling above him.
Jungwon didn’t stop, his mouth still working as you rode out the waves of pleasure. When you finally collapsed forward, spent and trembling, he spanked you, making you move again as you were kneeling in front of him. He took his dick in his hands, slapping it into your mouth to open it. When you took him, he threw his head back in pleasure.
"I told you I was taking charge of that mouth of yours." He growled as you wrapped your hand around his length, following his lead as you worked him with steady strokes, your mouth moving in sync with your hand. Jungwon groaned deeply, the sound sending a spark of satisfaction through you as you tightened your grip, your tongue teasing his sensitive tip.
"Princess," he rasped, his voice thick with desire. His eyes darkened as he watched you, his gaze fixed on the way your lips moved over him, completely captivated. He was in control, but you reveled in the power you had over him in this moment—his pleasure at your mercy.
He thrust his hips up slightly, his grip on your hair tightening as he guided your movements. You let him, your free hand resting on his thigh as you took him deeper, the slick sounds of your efforts filling the room. His breathing grew heavier, and you could feel his muscles tensing beneath your fingers, his control starting to slip.
“Just like that,” he groaned, his voice rough as his hips bucked again. “You’re doing so well, Bunny... making me feel so good.”
You hummed in response, the vibration of your moan making him gasp as you worked him faster, the wet heat of your mouth driving him to the brink. You could feel his body straining, the tension coiling tighter with each passing second.
“Fuck,” he breathed, his hand tugging at your hair as his control wavered. “I’m close…”
You didn’t stop, your mouth and hand moving in perfect rhythm as you pushed him closer to the edge. His muscles tightened, letting out a growl of your name, his release hit, his body shuddering as he spilled into your mouth. You swallowed everything he gave you, capturing the way his body trembled in the aftermath.
Jungwon’s breathing was ragged as he slumped back, completely spent, his chest rising and falling heavily. You wiped the corner of your mouth, feeling a sense of satisfaction as you looked up at him, a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips.
"Fuck, that was fast." You smirked at him, and he laughed at you.
"Are you really saying that, princess?" You nodded. His hand went to your face, his dumb carresing your cheek tenderly. He hissed once again when your hand began to stroke again his length.
"Bunny," he warned, you didn't even care; if his punishment was with his length inside you, you truly didn't even care.
You finally took off some of the accessories of the lingerie, leaving the bowtie collar and the ears. You touched your breasts, the sensation making you moan in delight as you accommodated yourself. You took one of your breasts as your erect nipple traveled his length.
Jungwon’s eyes widened in disbelief as he watched you, completely captivated by the sight before him. His lips parted slightly, his breathing quickening as you pressed his length between your breasts, moving them up and down in a slow yet teasing rhythm. The sensation had him groaning, his head falling back in sheer pleasure.
“Fuck, bunny,” he growled, his hands gripping the sheets as he tried to hold on to the last shred of control he had left. The friction of your soft skin against his hardened length was driving him wild, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the way you moved, your breasts squeezing him perfectly.
You leaned forward, your tongue flicking out to tease the tip of his cock every time you pressed your breasts together. His entire body tensed, his breath hitching as the added sensation sent shockwaves of pleasure through him. He looked down at you, his eyes dark with lust and admiration.
"You're so fucking perfect," he muttered under his breath, his voice raspy with desire. The sight of you like this, catering to one of his deepest fantasies, was more than he could have ever imagined. You could see the hunger in his gaze, the way his hands twitched like he was holding back from taking control again.
Smiling wickedly, you continued to move your breasts against him, increasing the pace as his cock slid easily between them. His reactions spurred you on, your own arousal building as his groans became more frequent, more desperate.
Jungwon’s hand shot forward, tangling in your hair as he pulled your head back just enough to meet your gaze. His eyes were wild, filled with lust as he breathed, “You know what this does to me, don’t you?”
You nodded, feeling a rush of satisfaction. "I know," you whispered, your voice dripping with seduction. “I want to make you feel good too, Jungwon.”
That was all it took for him to lose the last bit of restraint he had. He sat up suddenly, gripping your breasts with both hands as he thrust his hips forward, driving his cock between them with an intensity that left you breathless. His movements were rough, his hands squeezing your soft flesh as he used you to chase his release.
“You’re going to make me cum again,” he groaned, his voice low and thick with desire. “You love this, don’t you? Making me lose control like this...”
You moaned in response, your own body heating up as you felt him getting closer. His grip on you tightened, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he reached the edge once again.
With one final thrust, Jungwon let out a deep growl of your name, his cock pulsing between your breasts as he came, his release coating your skin and tongue. He slumped forward, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath, his hands still resting on your chest.
He looked next to him to find his phone on the bedside table; he did some movements before he pointed you with it.
"Smile, princess." You took your tits to push them up a little bit and stuck your tongue as much as you could; you saw the flash snapping fast, and you knew he took the picture.
You had his cum on your chest and face since you swallowed all the cum that hit your mouth right after the photo. He put the phone back to where it was, and his hands spread all his cum over your chest, making you moan at the sensibility. His fingertip passed the tip of his dick and coated some in your nipples, sucking on them as he looked at you with his big doe eyes, marking your tits as he tasted himself.
He took the back of your head to kiss you, your chest sticking to his due to his cum.
“I think you liked that,” you teased when you both separated, your voice playful despite the lingering heat between you.
Jungwon chuckled breathlessly, his thumb brushing across your flushed skin as he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. “You have no idea,” he murmured. “But you didn't stop when I warned you, bunny.”
He manhandled you, making you be on your side. He stood up, grabbing his phone once again, going straight to the desk you had in front of the bed, the screen facing both of you, and he started recording, seeing yourself being so ready for him.
"You have been acting like a brat." He saw his long-forgotten belt and smiled evilishly. He took it as he walked to you; he tied your wrists with it, and he laid down next to you; he threw one of your legs so he could have full access to your ´pussy; his lips went to your ear. "Or am I wrong, doll?"
A shiver ran down your spine as Jungwon’s lips brushed against your ear, his voice dripping with dominance and something darker, more primal. You felt the leather of the belt biting into your wrists, the restraint heightening your senses as you watched him through hooded eyes, your body already buzzing with excitement.
“N-no, you’re not wrong,” you whispered breathlessly, your heart racing as you felt his hand move to grip your thigh, keeping your leg spread for him. The position made you feel exposed and vulnerable, but the thrill of it only added to the intensity of the moment.
Jungwon’s gaze flicked between your parted lips and your trembling body, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as he admired how ready you were for him. "That's what I thought," he muttered, his fingers brushing your entrance before dipping into your slick heat. He groaned softly at how wet you were, teasing you with shallow strokes, his thumb circling your clit just enough to make you whimper.
He pressed his body closer to yours, the heat of his chest sticking to your back as his hand worked you expertly, keeping you on edge without giving you the release you craved. “You know, I don’t like it when my bunny acts out,” he whispered, his lips grazing your ear as he spoke, sending shivers down your spine.
“J-Jungwon, please…” You moaned, your hips bucking in search of more friction, but his hand tightened on your thigh, keeping you still. The belt around your wrists dug into your skin as you pulled against it, desperate to touch him and to feel more of him.
He chuckled lowly, his voice dripping with amusement at your desperation. “You really think begging will get you out of this, princess?” His fingers slowed their movements, barely brushing your clit now, teasing you mercilessly as you writhed beneath him.
Your breath hitched, frustration building as you whimpered again, your body aching for more. “Please, I’ll be good,” you pleaded, your voice trembling as you tried to meet his gaze. “Just don’t stop.”
Jungwon tilted his head, his eyes narrowing as he considered your words, his fingers still moving torturously slow against you. “Oh, now you want to be good?” he teased, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck. “I don’t think you deserve it yet.”
You let out a frustrated groan, your body trembling from the lack of release, but you could see the dark gleam in his eyes—the satisfaction he was getting from seeing you like this, helpless and needy.
Without warning, he thrust two fingers inside you, making you cry out as your body arched toward him. The sudden intrusion caught you off guard, the intensity of it sending waves of pleasure crashing over you. His fingers moved at a relentless pace now, curling inside you just right as his thumb pressed harder on your clit.
"Do you feel that, bunny?" He growled into your ear, his voice thick with desire. "That’s what happens when you push me too far."
You could barely respond, your body trembling with each thrust of his fingers, the belt around your wrists a constant reminder of how completely under his control you were. Your moans filled the room, your hips moving in sync with his hand as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge.
"Look at yourself," he demanded, his voice dark and commanding as he gestured toward the phone still recording. You forced your eyes open, glancing at the screen and seeing the reflection of your own pleasure-stricken face, your body on full display for him. It sent another wave of arousal through you, your breath catching in your throat.
“You see how pretty you look when you’re falling apart for me?” Jungwon murmured, his fingers speeding up as he watched your reaction. “Such a good girl when you want to be.”
The words were your undoing. His fingers curled with sharp press of his thumb and the tension inside you snapped, you cried out his name with your body shaking uncontrollably in his grasp due to powerful orgasm.
Jungwon didn’t stop, his fingers working you through your orgasm until you were trembling from the overstimulation, your breath coming in ragged gasps. When he finally pulled his hand away, he kissed the side of your neck softly, his fingers brushing the belt on your wrists.
“You took that so well, princess,” he whispered, his voice softer now, full of praise. “But we’re not done yet.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you felt him shift behind you, positioning himself at your entrance. He kissed your ear softly before whispering, “Are you going to take it like a good girl, Bunny?”
"I'm still sensitive, Jungwon."
"Did you forget you overstimulated me, princess?" You grew quiet, giving him the reason; you felt the tip easily going inside you; you cried with pleasure, loving the overstimulation. "What a cockslut you're sometimes."
"I'm going to repeat my question. Are you going to take it like a good girl?"
Your body trembled as you felt Jungwon slowly push inside you, the overwhelming sensation of overstimulation making you cry out in pleasure. His grip on your breast tightened, teasing and pulling as he waited for your response, knowing exactly how much control he had over you in this moment. The feeling of his fingers still ghosting over the belt around your wrists reminded you of how helpless you were, completely at his mercy.
“Yes, Jungwon,” you whimpered, your voice barely above a whisper as you struggled to form words through the haze of pleasure. “I’ll take it... like a good girl.”
A low, satisfied growl rumbled from his chest as he began to move, thrusting into you slowly but deeply, each stroke sending waves of pleasure through your already sensitive body. You moaned loudly, your body arching against him as you felt him stretch you perfectly. The sensation was almost too much, but at the same time, you craved more—needed more.
"That’s my good girl," he murmured, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as he increased his pace, each thrust harder and more deliberate than the last. His free hand trailed down to your waist, gripping you tightly as he pulled you back against him with every stroke, filling you completely.
Your moans grew louder, your head spinning from the intensity of it all. Every nerve in your body was on fire, all the movement making you ache for more even as the overstimulation threatened to drive you wild. Jungwon’s breath was hot against your skin, his growls of pleasure sending shivers down your spine as his movements grew more erratic.
"You feel so good wrapped around me, bunny," he groaned, his voice low and rough. "So fucking tight... you’re perfect."
You whimpered in response, unable to form coherent words as his pace quickened, he was sending you closer to the edge again. Your legs trembled, your body overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through you, but you couldn’t stop yourself from chasing that release, your hips meeting his with every thrust.
Jungwon’s grip was on your neck, slightly wrapping it as he felt you getting closer, his fingers digging into your skin as he growled, “Cum for me again, princess. Let me feel you.”
The command was all you needed.
The last powerful thrust took you the the edge, the tension inside you snapping once again, sending you spiraling into another intense orgasm. Your body shook uncontrollably as you cried out his name, your walls clenching around him as waves of pleasure crashed over you. Jungwon groaned loudly, his thrusts growing more erratic as he chased his own release, the sensation of your body tightening around him driving him over the edge.
He buried himself so deeply that he won his own release, hitting him so hard as he moaned your name, his grip on you tightening as his body shuddered with pleasure, feeling your lower bodies were wet from the squirt you gave him. You both lay there, trembling and breathless, the aftermath of the intense pleasure showing on the kiss you shared.
"Jungwon... I want more." You said, hooded eyes of the intense pleasure. "I want you to get me pregnant, please, Jungwon."
Jungwon's breath caught in his throat at your words, his eyes darkening with desire as they locked onto yours. The intensity of the moment, the vulnerability, and the raw passion between you made everything feel electric. His hand, which had been resting gently on your neck, tightened slightly, not in a threatening way but in a possessive, commanding one.
"Are you serious, Bunny?" he asked, his voice rough with both surprise and lust. He searched your face for any sign of hesitation, but all he found was that same intense desire reflected in your hooded eyes.
You nodded, biting your lip as you looked up at him, your body still trembling from the pleasure that had just torn through you. “I’m serious, Jungwon. I want it. I want you.”
The thought of getting you pregnant, of truly marking you as his in every possible way, sent a wave of heat surging through him. His chest rose and fell with each heavy breath, the primal urge to claim you pushing him to his limits. Jungwon let out a low, almost feral growl as his hand slid down your body, gripping your waist with possessive force.
"You want me to fill you up, huh?" he murmured, his lips brushing your ear as he pressed himself against you again. “You want to carry my baby?” His voice was full of hunger, a deep need to fulfill the fantasy you had just voiced.
“Yes, please,” you breathed, your voice shaky from both the intensity of the moment and the overwhelming desire you felt. “I want you to give me everything."
Without another word, he took the belt off your wrist, relived coming to you, going to grab his phone soon after to stop the video.
You and Jungwon completed each other so well; your relationship was the definition of healthy in so many ways, but only you two knew how good your bedchem was, loving each second of it.
"I'm going to record you again because I know my pretty girl will let the neighbors know how good I make you feel, right?" You nodded, you mind so cloudy for his dick again.
"Please, Jungwon, fill me up." Jungwon’s breath hitched as your pleading words echoed in the room, the desperation in your voice only fueling his desire. The camera in his hand captured every inch of your flushed, needy expression, and he couldn’t resist smirking as he pressed record once again. He wanted to remember this moment—to see the hunger in your eyes, the way your body responded to him like it was made for him alone.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Bunny,” he murmured, his voice dripping with both admiration and lust. His thumb stroked the inside of your thigh, teasing the sensitive skin as his other hand guided the camera over your body, tracing the curves he knew so well. “Begging for me like this, so eager to take everything I give you.”
You moaned softly at his words, your body already aching for his touch again as your hips involuntarily shifted, seeking the friction you craved. Jungwon chuckled, but the moment he was setting the camera on the nightstand, you stopped him.
"Hold the camera to my face; I want you to see how good you make me feel when you rewatch it." You said with a small smile on your face.
Jungwon’s eyes darkened with desire at your request, his lips curving into a wicked smile. The idea of capturing your pleasure and preserving the moment forever only heightened the intensity of the moment. Without hesitation, he grabbed the camera again, his hand trembling slightly with excitement as he focused the lens on your face.
"You're something else, Bunny," he rasped, his voice full of admiration and hunger. He held the camera steady, the screen reflecting your flushed skin and hooded eyes as you looked directly into the lens, a perfect mixture of vulnerability and raw lust. The sight of you, so eager and willing, drove him wild.
Slowly, he positioned himself back at your entrance, teasing you with the tip of his cock, dragging it against your sensitive folds. “Such a desperate slut for me,” he teased, his voice low and rough as he kept the camera steady on your face. "You want me to fill you up, bunny?"
“Yes, Jungwon,” you whispered, your voice barely audible through the haze of desire. “Please fuck a baby inside me.”
The way you begged for him, the pure want in your voice, sent a shiver down his spine. He pressed into you slowly, making sure he captured on camera how he entered inside you. Your moan, sharp and full of need, filled the room as he slid inside you. The camera caught the way your eyes fluttered shut, the pure bliss that washed over your face.
“That’s it, Bunny,” he murmured, his voice thick with arousal. "I want you to feel every inch of me. I’m going to fill you up just like you want." His thrusts were slow and deep, each one sending waves of pleasure through your trembling body. The camera stayed trained on your face, capturing every moan, every gasp, and every moment of ecstasy that passed between you.
“Please, Jungwon,” you gasped, your body arching into his, his tip hitting deliciously to your g spot. “Don’t stop, please... give me everything.”
He groaned at your words, his movements becoming more urgent, more driven by the desire to claim you completely. "God, this is fucking heaven." His thrusts became harder and deeper as he lost himself in the pleasure of being with you. The camera wobbled slightly as his control slipped, but he held on, determined to capture the moment of your shared release.
"Fuck! Jungwon. Don't fucking stop, please." At this point, you couldn't control the volume of your voice; you knew it was high, as high as the pleasure you were feeling, the tears of pleasure rolling down your face.
"I fucking love you, bunny. You're such a good girl for me." You moaned as you felt him completely. Your hand went to your abused clit, and you rolled your eyes, already feeling your orgasm building beautifully.
The overstimulation from earlier made you cry out in pleasure, your body still sensitive but craving more of him. His fast pace and deep thrust were more purpose
His hand moved to your abdomen, pressing down slightly. "I’m going to make sure you feel me here, princess," he growled as he felt your walls surrounding him. “I’m going to fill you so full you won’t forget who you belong to.”
You moaned in response, your body responding to his every word, his every thrust. The thought of him claiming you in such a way, of him giving you what you so desperately wanted, only fueled the fire between you. His movements became more urgent, his hips slamming into yours with purpose as he chased that high again, his desire to give you what you asked for driving him over the edge.
“Tell me again,” he demanded, his voice strained with effort as he neared his climax. “Tell me what you want.”
“Fuck a baby in me!” You gasped, your nails digging into his arm as you felt yourself spiraling toward the edge once more. “Please, Jungwon… Fill me up. I need it.”
"Baby, I love you much."
"I love you too, Jungwon."
With a low, guttural moan, Jungwon’s body tensed, and he buried himself deep inside you one last time. He stopped the video and threw his phone somewhere on the bed, both of his hands going to your hips and making sure you cough. You squirted all over him again, your release hitting you hard, filling you completely as you screamed his name. You could feel the warmth of him spreading inside you—the fulfillment of everything you had just begged for.
Your body was trembling beneath him, every nerve still tingling from the intensity of it all. As Jungwon’s fingers slipped back inside you, your breath hitched, a soft moan escaping your lips. His touch was tender now, more focused, as if savoring the way your body responded to him. Your legs shook, but his hands held you steady, guiding you through the lingering waves of pleasure, never letting you lose control completely.
With a gentle groan, Jungwon lowered himself again, his mouth finding you as he licked your swollen heat, tasting the mixture of both of you on his tongue. The sensation was electric, and your hips bucked involuntarily, a whimper leaving your lips at the feeling of him drawing every last bit of pleasure from you. His tongue was slow as if he was memorizing the taste of you, of everything the two of you had shared.
You felt his cum on his tongue as he lapped at you, and before you could fully process the overwhelming sensation, he came back up to your mouth. His eyes locked with yours, dark and intense, as he held your gaze. Without breaking eye contact, he spat softly into your open mouth. You could taste him, salty and rich, mixed with the sweetness of your own pleasure. His eyes gleamed with satisfaction as you swallowed without hesitation, a soft hum vibrating in your throat.
The kiss that followed was slow, almost languid, his lips moving over yours with a gentleness that contrasted the heat from earlier. His tongue swept into your mouth, exploring, tasting, like he did every single time. It was tender, intimate, and in that moment, nothing else existed but the two of you.
Time seemed to blur as your kiss deepened, but this time it was different—there was no rush, no urgency, just the soft press of his lips against yours, the slow drag of his tongue, and the quiet sighs of contentment that passed between you. You could feel the tiredness settling into your limbs, the exhaustion of the night creeping in as your bodies relaxed into each other.
When you finally pulled away, your eyes fluttered open, and the first thing you saw was him—his gaze already on you, warm and soft, a small smile playing on his lips. He looked utterly at peace, his dark hair tousled, his face flushed from exertion. You couldn’t help but smile back, your heart swelling with love so intense it almost felt like too much to hold inside.
“You’re staring,” you whispered, your voice hoarse from the hours spent together.
His smile widened, his fingers gently tracing your jawline. “Can you blame me?” he murmured, his voice low and full of affection. “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.”
Your heart melted at his words, and you reached up, your fingers brushing through his messy hair, smoothing it down as you gazed into his eyes. “I love you,” you said softly, the words slipping from your lips as naturally as breathing.
Jungwon’s smile grew even softer, his hand sliding down to rest on your waist, pulling you closer. “I love you too,” he whispered back, his lips brushing against your forehead in a tender kiss. “Come on, let's take a shower and sleep in the guest bedroom. I'll take care of cleaning your bed and the sheets tomorrow.”
You nodded, a warm feeling spreading through your chest at his thoughtfulness. Despite his legs being slightly shaky, he effortlessly lifted you into his arms, cradling you like a princess. You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck as he carried you toward the bathroom, the soft glow of the dim lights reflecting off the walls, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere and the bunny ears falling to the ground.
As he stepped into the bathroom, he gently set you down, a playful grin lighting up his face as he turned on the water, adjusting the temperature until it was just right. You watched him, mesmerized by the way he moved, his every action filled with an effortless grace that made your heart flutter.
“Do you need help?” you teased, leaning against the sink, enjoying the view of him working.
He shot you a playful glance over his shoulder, his lips curling into that mischievous smile you adored. “I think I can manage, but I wouldn’t mind some company,” he replied, his tone inviting.
You stepped closer, the steam beginning to rise as the water heated up. The sound of the shower cascading down was soothing, and you felt a sense of tranquility wash over you as you approached him. Jungwon turned off the tap and faced you, the air thick with warmth and affection.
“Come here,” he murmured, opening his arms wide. You stepped into his embrace, feeling the warmth radiating from his skin, the scent of him wrapping around you like a comforting blanket.
He leaned down, capturing your lips in a soft kiss, the kind that ignited a spark of desire deep within you. You melted against him, your body responding instinctively as you lost yourself in the taste of him, the world outside fading away once more.
After a few moments, he pulled back, a satisfied grin plastered on his face. “Okay, let’s get you all cleaned up,” he said, his eyes dancing with mischief as he turned to adjust the showerhead.
You stepped inside, the warm water cascading over you, and Jungwon joined you moments later, the water soaking his hair and skin. You couldn’t help but admire the way the water glistened on his toned body, every drop accentuating his back and small waist.
“Careful,” you teased, smirking playfully as he reached for the shampoo. “I might get jealous of the way the water is touching you.”
He laughed, his eyes sparkling with playful mischief. “You’re the only one who gets to touch me,” he replied, his voice low and sincere. “I promise.”
You felt warmth spread through you at his words. “And I plan on taking full advantage of that,” you said, stepping closer as he lathered up the shampoo in his hands, before offering some to you.
As the two of you washed each other, laughter filled the bathroom, mingling with the sound of the water as you shared soft kisses between rinsing off.
After rinsing off, you both stepped out of the shower, wrapping yourselves in fluffy towels. You couldn’t help but steal glances at him as you dried off, a sense of contentment settling over you.
“Let’s get to the guest bedroom,” he said softly, taking your hand and leading you through the dimly lit hallway. As you entered the room, you felt a wave of comfort wash over you. The bed was soft, inviting, and you could already imagine the peaceful night ahead.
Jungwon turned to you, a serious expression crossing his face. “I just want you to know how much you mean to me,” he said, his voice steady and sincere. “Tonight has been incredible, but being here with you, like this, makes me happier than I can put into words.”
You smiled, feeling your heart swell with affection. “I love you.” you replied, stepping closer, your fingers interlacing with his. “I love you so much, this night was perfect.”
He leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “I love you even more” he murmured, pulling back to meet your gaze.
With that, he climbed into bed, pulling the covers down and inviting you in beside him. You nestled against him, feeling the warmth of his body envelop you, his arms wrapping around you in a protective embrace.
As you lay there, the world outside faded away, leaving just the two of you in your own little bubble of love and warmth. The tiredness from the night’s adventures began to take hold, and you found yourself drifting off, content and utterly in love.
“Happy 1000 days, for many more, princess,” Jungwon whispered softly, brushing his lips against your temple.
“For many more, my prince,” you murmured back, your heart full as you surrendered to the soothing comfort of sleep, knowing you were exactly where you were meant to be.
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↷ 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚢'𝚜 note: i really hope you like your present, you're such a nice person and your stories are small gems that more than a thousands people love 🦋
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fastandcarlos · 14 hours
Whole World On Your Shoulders : ̗̀➛ Lewis Hamilton
summary: with the pressures of his upcoming move weighing down on him, lewis counts on you to reassure him that he's doing the right thing
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Your eyes followed Lewis carefully as he walked through your home, watching him drop his bag with a thud, brushing his hands over his face. You placed your phone down, studying him closely as you noticed the frustration that was evident in his expression. 
“Everything alright?” You asked, offering Lewis a soft smile, only for that to drop when he didn’t return it. Instead, he scuffed his feet on the ground, throwing himself down beside you. 
“I can’t win,” Lewis sighed, feeling your arms quickly wrap around his frame, pulling him into your chest. “I’m doing well with Mercedes but people keep making me feel guilty about leaving. And now I’m winning again, Ferrari are telling me about all these expectations they have for me.” 
“I'm sorry," you whispered, pressing a kiss against Lewis' head as he cuddled himself into your side, desperate for a touch of comfort from your hold. 
Your head rested on top of his, entangling your legs in with his own. “I’ve got so much pressure on my shoulders right now, there’s so many people who I need to try and impress, what if I mess up and just end up disappointing everyone?” 
“That’s not going to happen Lew, you’ve not disappointed anyone in nearly twenty years of racing.” 
It broke your heart seeing how frail Lewis was as he held you, struggling to maintain his composure. For quite some there had been a little bit of pressure, it was only natural for someone who was about to sign with Ferrari, but as contract start came closer, the pressure was only mounting more. 
“What am I supposed to do baby?” Lewis nervously asked you, tilting his head back slightly to try and look up at you. 
His voice sounded as if it was on the verge of desperate, a tone from Lewis that you hadn’t heard for quite some time. He liked to be composed and not let you in whenever he was struggling, but today it seemed as if he had decided that he was going to do the complete opposite. 
“No matter what I do I’m upsetting someone, it’s bitter for Mercedes but a joy for Ferrari that I’m doing well right now,” Lewis continued to huff, “they keep telling me they’re happy for me, but I know they don’t mean it, they don’t want me to go.” 
Your hand brushed gently over the top of his head, “you don’t need to worry about all of them, you need to focus on doing what’s best for you, regardless of who you upset.” 
Lewis hummed in agreement with what you had to say, he’d spent so long working as part of a team, but now his new decision was a selfish one. His career didn’t have much longer left and he wanted to make the choices that would be best for him, not for anyone else. 
The biggest cheerleader for him when making that decision was absolutely you. You’d encouraged him immensely to make the call that was best for him. Whether it was Mercedes or Ferrari, you were going to support him with it regardless. 
“Thank you,” Lewis whispered, “for always being here for me to help me out.” 
You never wanted to be thanked by Lewis, you never expected it from him either. All you did was care, and if you were needed to pick him back up and give him a boost, then you were going to do that without even having to think about it. 
“You know, people would dream about being you,” you told him. 
“They'd be stupid too," Lewis scoffed, "I wouldn’t want anyone to have to work under the pressure that I'm working under. The only reason I manage it most of the time is because I have you here.” 
“I’m nothing to do with this,” you laughed, only for Lewis’ head to shake as you spoke. 
He wished you saw more of the impact you had on him and how helpful all of the little things that you did were for him. “Just you being here means the world love, the feeling of knowing I’m not alone makes such a difference,” he admitted. 
You could feel in Lewis’ hold just how much he wanted, or needed, to have you there. He was terrified of you letting go, the one person who he could always count on leaving him. You didn’t even need to do or say anything, just being there was more than enough for him. 
“I’m incredibly proud of you, I don’t tell you that enough,” you mused. 
Your words were like music to Lewis’ ears, the perfect pick up that he needed. At times it felt like no one was proud of him now, they were disappointed, confused, some even angry, but they didn’t understand Lewis like you did, they didn’t understand why the decision needed to be made. 
“Will you be there at the last few races?” Lewis tentatively asked, taking a tight hold of your hand. “It’s going to be tough, and I’d really love for you to be there, for me.” 
Without even thinking, your head nodded in response to his question. If he was honest, he was terrified of leaving Mercedes, leaving everything that had become so comfortable over the past decade, it was a goodbye that was going to be far from easy. 
“I don’t say it enough, but I really am thankful for all that you do,” Lewis told you once again, “not many people could put up with someone like me.” 
It had its difficulties dating Lewis, you couldn’t deny it, but that was far outweighed by all the positives. You didn’t want the easy life, you enjoyed the challenges, the highs and the lows, all the boring bits and the exciting bits that left you thrilled. 
“I’m going to be right here to ease that weight you’re carrying on your shoulders,” you insisted, “you don’t ever have to worry about carrying it alone.” 
“I know,” Lewis smiled, “that’s what makes us such a good team.” 
You hummed in agreement with Lewis, you two clicked perfectly together, you had such a clear understanding of one another and knew exactly how to be there for the other. 
“I don’t quite know how the next season is going to pan out, I can’t promise that next year will be easy, but I’m still going to be there and putting you first,” Lewis assured you, kissing against the top of your shoulder. “It’s going to be a rollercoaster, but that’s how we like it.” 
“You always promised me life wouldn’t be easy.” 
Relief hit you as a chuckle came from Lewis, “I’ve no doubt it’s going to be amazing, because we’ll be right there together.” 
Ferrari was going to be new to everyone, but you had every confidence that it would work out, if anyone knew how to overcome a challenge, it was definitely Lewis. 
“Try not to worry about everything that’s coming our way,” you whispered, “for once, we’re going to be selfish for a while.” 
Lewis nodded in agreement, “it’s about time that we put ourselves first for a little while, don’t you think?” 
“I couldn’t agree more, we’ve got to be our number ones for once.” 
“Screw what anyone else thinks anyway.” 
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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rosyhoneydew · 3 days
It happens often enough that it starts to get under his skin.
He and Tommy try to make it out to a date night at least once a week; as frequently as they can, with their schedules, but Buck doesn’t really notice it until the night they go to the Dodgers game. It was a Monday night so the crowd wasn’t too big, and the two of them had the night off. They’d Ubered over to the stadium, grabbed some foil wrapped hotdogs and made their way to their seats. He’s a tactile guy, so they hold hands as much as possible on the way in, and when they sit Buck slings an arm around Tommy, relishes the way Tommy leans into him.
There’d been a woman in the seat next to Tommy. She was pretty, and Buck kept noticing the way her eyes flicked to them, no to Tommy, throughout the game, a blush dusting her cheeks. She likes him, he realized. She wants to make a move on him.
It didn’t really make him jealous surprisingly, but it did make something else burn in his chest. Irritation, maybe. Because he’s not sure how much more obviously together they could’ve been, short of sticking his tongue down his boyfriend’s throat. But when she turned to Tommy and started up a conversation - are you a local? Oh maybe you could show me around sometime! - she looked genuinely shocked, almost admonished, when Tommy had replied, well my boyfriend here is usually the better tour guide.
“Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t realize you were together!”
Then he thought about the last time they went to Nobu, and the aquarium, and grocery shopping at Sprouts.
Will anyone else be joining you gentlemen?
Do you want us to take your photo? Are your girlfriends around?
Here’s my number, a flirtatious hand on Buck’s arm.
In the grand scheme of things, it’s not a big deal. But it grates on Buck’s nerves, the way they have to keep correcting people. When they started dating, he’d readied himself for whatever kind of reaction the public could have to the two of them (they’re in LA, but he knew Tommy had had not so pleasant interactions even here). He hadn’t anticipated that others might not perceive them as a couple at all.
He pouted about it that night, and Tommy smiled sweetly at Buck and reassured him it’s okay. And it is. There are so many other problems they could be worried about. It’s just that Tommy is sweet and hot and Buck wants everyone to know he’s his.
It’s what makes their next trip so perfect. They get a room at a B&B in Provincetown and spend a long weekend on the coast.
It’s like being in another world.
You two are such a lovely couple!
How long have you been together?
Would you two like to see our spa offerings? We have couples massages!
Buck cheerfully jumps in, overeager and so thrilled to gush about their relationship to anyone who asks. He must tell the story of how they met 50 different times throughout the weekend.
Tommy, for his part, smiles while Buck chats away, a light blush on the tops of his cheeks, and a hand on Buck’s thigh.
They leave on a Monday, but the floaty, fluttery feeling the weekend leaves them with lasts much longer than the trip.
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jiaoqiu-s-bitch · 22 hours
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Handjob // Kinich
a/n: this got rather lengthy (for my standards) since it’s the first day and I wanted to make sure I’m off to a good start - but the other days most likely won’t be as extensive bc else I probably won’t be able to keep up🥹
(side note: Ajaw is in timeout for this)
anyway enjoy!!
It had all started out rather innocently.
You were hanging out with your boyfriend - Kinich - making out a little as usual. But usually, everything would stay relatively tame - neither of you wanting to push one another’s boundaries too far. At this point, it was honestly almost ridiculous, just how much both of you had been holding back.
Without the other knowing, of course.
Even your shared friend Mualani had started getting impatient for your sake.
"What do you mean you haven’t had sex or anything yet?? You’ve been dating for so long already. What are you waiting for?!", she had told you (or rather yelled) one night as you were hanging out alone with her in one of the hot springs of her hometown.
She did have a point - both you and Kinich were generally very comfortable with one another, but when it came to more intimate matters, your communication was just a bit… awkward. So you had recently kind of settled on avoiding it altogether, in fear of messing up in one way or another.
But after Mualani’s pep talk, you were determined to finally muster up your courage and initiate taking things a bit further than usual.
Which brought you back to the present.
You and Kinich had just finished your commissions for the day, having opted to relax and have some private time in a secluded little spot out in the wilderness, hidden by the shade of various surrounding vegetation. You were sitting close to one another, one of his hands tenderly cradling your face while exchanging slow, sensual kisses, his lips moving against yours without any sense of rush or urgency. It was intimate, yes, but rather… tame.
You decided to lean in a bit closer, deepening the kiss to see how he’d react, and lo and behold: Kinich complied instantly, almost seamlessly adapting to the more intense pace you set, even letting out a low hum of approval. His positive reaction made you more confident that the moment was right, that you could try to turn things up a notch.
You slowly started inching your hand, which had been idly resting on his thigh, higher up. You were hesitant and somewhat nervous, but you figured it was too late to back out now. Your breath quickened as your hand eventually came to tentatively palm his crotch, earning a choked noise from Kinich in response as he froze up for a second. You immediately pulled your hand back as if you had gotten burned, breaking the kiss to look at him with apologetic eyes.
"…Sorry. Too much, huh?" You chuckled nervously, your gaze darting around to avoid his piercing gaze, internally cursing yourself for your rather bumpy attempt at seduction.
"Hey", he spoke in his usual calm, rather monotone voice, trying to get your attention and make you look at him again. When you didn’t react for a moment too long, he opted for taking your hand in his own, gently guiding it back to where you had previously placed it.
"Don’t just jump to conclusions. I didn’t even say anything", he remarked in an almost stern-sounding tone, before gently placing his other hand on your cheek again to capture your eyes with his own hypnotic ones, almost as if he was trying to show you his thoughts with his gaze alone. After all, Kinich excelled at many things - but expressing his emotions, especially with words, was certainly not one of them.
"So, you don’t mind?", you inquired, your features expressing a mixture of hesitant curiosity and uncertain surprise. Kinich scoffed in response, an almost amused smirk tugging on the corners of his lips.
"No. Absolutely not", he retorted without hesitation. "I just never wanted to do, let alone make you do anything you’re not ready for."
Your lips parted as if to say something as realization hit you. Goddammit - you really had been worrying about nothing. You had just both been too introverted and awkward to ever explicitly talk about this, and assumed the other didn’t want to do more.
After a moment of gathering your thoughts, you eventually tilted your head, slowly speaking up again "Does that mean… you want me to… keep going?"
Kinich scoffed again, rolling his eyes. He reached down to gently hold your hand in place as he bucked his hips up, making you feel the hardening bulge through the fabric under your palm.
"What do you think, hm?", he asked sarcastically, his voice a bit more hoarse than usual. He brings his free hand up to the back of your head, carefully entangling his fingers in your hair and bringing you in for another kiss - this time distinctly more heated and passionate than before. His tongue gently probed between your lips, seeking to deepen the kiss, to which you gladly complied. Your hand instinctively started rubbing him through his pants, eliciting a few breathy grunts and sighs from your boyfriend in the process. Smiling against his lips in satisfaction, you got increasingly more bold - rubbing him quicker and with more pressure to get to hear more of Kinich’s soft sounds of pleasure, until you could tell he was fully hardened beneath your touch. You had never heard him like this before, but it was like the sweetest music to your ears, and you already knew you had to hear more of it. It was utterly addicting to see and hear the usually so calm and collected "Malipo" losing his composure like this.
You pulled away from the kiss for a moment to give him a questioning look, silently asking for permission to go further than this. He immediately understood, nodding eagerly in response and quickly reaching down to undo his belt buckle in order to make it easier for you to proceed.
You whispered a quiet "Thank you" before leaning in once more to kiss him deeply and give his bottom lip a playful nip, which immediately earned you a sharp hiss and a light pat on the butt from Kinich. You couldn’t help but snicker in amusement, taking the opportunity to slip your hand under the waistband of his boxers, now finally teasing him directly by letting your fingertips ever so lightly brush over the swollen head of his dick, which was already leaking with precum in anticipation.
"If I had known you were this eager, we could’ve done this so much sooner, you dork", you muttered with a half amused, half exasperated huff, making him roll his eyes at you once again.
"It’s called having manners."
- "It’s called not being good at communicating."
"Look who’s talking. You didn’t say anything either."
You stayed silent for a moment, unable to refute his words. Instead, you opted for distracting him by wrapping your entire hand around his arousal, pumping him slowly and with little pressure. His eyes rolled back for a moment as he lets out a raspy grunt, a shudder going through his entire body from the pleasant stimulation, the mere fact that it was your hand touching him this way making it feel so much better.
"Like this?", you asked softly, smirking smugly at being able to turn your usually stoic boyfriend into putty with just a few intimate touches.
"Yeah. But… you can do it harder. And faster", he rasped, his amber-green eyes flickering to fix onto yours, as if imploring you to do as he asked.
"Hmm, so demanding all of a sudden", you teased, your smirk never faltering as you carefully tugged his pants and boxers down just enough to free his erection, making it easier for you to touch him. He lets out a small relieved sigh at the lack of restraints, shuddering a little from the sudden exposure of his heat to the in contrast cool air.
With practiced ease and deliberation, you continued rubbing him slowly, keeping up the rather light pressure to rile him up further. Annoyed by your antics, he shot you a half-hearted glare, biting his lip in order to keep in a sound that had threatened to escape him.
"You… you’re doing this on purpose. You shouldn’t just start something you don’t intend to finish, you know?", he chided in a raspy voice that lacked any real conviction, his heavy breathing and lidded eyes doing very little in aiding his diminished authority.
"Oh, I very much do intend to finish this. I merely intended on taking my time", you replied coyly as you drank in his aroused state with a mixture of awe and pride, knowing it was all your doing.
"I can tell", he muttered under his breath, purposely refraining from arguing any further as all he wanted right now was some, any, sort of relief.
Taking pity on him, you decided not to annoy him too much as this was your first time doing this with him. You started focusing one hand’s ministrations on rubbing tight circles against his tip with your thumb, wrapping the other one around the base of his hardness. You proceeded to pleasure him with firm, rhythmic pumps and squeezes in time with your circling motions, closely observing his every reaction. You took note of how his cheeks were dusted in a pink blush, his eyes screwed shut and his lips parted in pleasure, letting out little huffs and grunts here and then. You couldn’t help yourself at the sight, leaning in and capturing his lips in a messy kiss, which he gladly returned, a content hum vibrating against your lips.
You could feel him twitch in your hands, signalizing that he was getting dangerously close to the edge.
"I-I’m—", he started but quickly got cut off by his own moan in the process of trying to warn you of his impending release, but you understood it nevertheless.
"I know, darling. It’s okay", you whispered against his lips, devouring him in a messy kiss as you doubled your efforts of jerking him off in increasingly ragged motions. You heard Kinich curse under his breath repeatedly, his entire body trembling and tensing up as his release quickly built up to a crescendo, a low, almost chocked groan falling from his lips as the waves of pleasure finally crashed over him and threatened to pull him under.
You continued pumping him at a steady but distinctly slower pace, helping him drag out as much of his high as possible before finally stilling your movements. You pulled away just enough to look into his eyes, a small smile gracing your lips at the sight of his blissed-out expression. Bringing your hand up to your lips, you made a show of slowly licking off the residue of his pleasure, keeping eye contact with him as you did.
"Okay… that was hot.", he muttered breathlessly, forcing himself to avert his gaze in a futile attempt to hide his flustered expression, clearly very much affected by your lewd display.
You chuckled softly, your smile widening as you turned his face back towards you, gently pulling him in for a kiss to let him taste himself on your tongue - earning you a subtle groan from your boyfriend.
After a few moments, he suddenly pulled away and got on his feet, quickly fixing up his clothes with a dead serious, almost angry-looking expression on his still flushed face. Puzzled, you furrowed your brows and gave him a questioning look, getting up as well to stand next to him.
"What’s wrong?"
He glanced down at you, shaking his head. "Nothing. Let’s continue this - at home."
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wosofutbolfan · 7 hours
Remember, Remember
Alexia Putellas x Explorer!R
Sometimes being in a relationship with someone from a different culture can be hard, but so worth it.
3rd part in the Explorer! Verse. Pt 1 and Pt 2 can be found here.
Fluff. 10k.
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We're officially in October and the leaves are crunchy so we're here for the Autumnal vibes. Again, this is a complete vanity piece, and may only make sense to those Brits out there but should be readable to everyone. For those who don't know what Bonfire Night is, good ol' wiki can help, here.
People wanted more of the team involved so this is my attempt at that!
I'm trying to get into my short fluff era but here we are 10k words later. Honestly, those people who can write short, snappy pieces, take a bow.
3rd part in the Explorer! Verse. Pt 1 and Pt 2 can be found here. Again, all can be read alone but are better together.
For those interested, this is the song playing in my head when I wrote this. Did I mention my dreadful taste in music? James Blunt is king.
You threw another log on the fire and with a sigh, moved back and settled more deeply into the rattan furniture you were sitting on. You lay your head back and take in the stars scattered on a blanket of darkness above you, smoke plume rising gently and disappearing into the inky abyss.
With the crackle of the fire being the only soundtrack to your evening, you noted the changing of the season in the crunching of the leaves on the patio, and the lack of cicadas chirping which had become the soundtrack to your new life in Barna.
It had been a few months since your accident.
You called it an accident.
Alexia called it an inevitability.
She hadn’t quite shook off her anger whenever reminded of what happened. She would turn quiet and mutter in fast-catalan to herself, something you learnt she would only do if she was really annoyed and didn’t want you to understand her; “neu estúpida, que fins i tot necessita veure tanta neu de totes maneres”.
But you had learnt the best thing to do in these situations would be to bundle her into your chest and give her your previously injured hand which she seemed to find comfort in massaging, as though reminding herself that there was blood running through the veins.
You’d apologise, and you’d thank her over and over again.
You knew she was never angry, she was scared.
But, you’d both worked through her fear and your trauma, you’d mended physically and mentally. Both going to therapy, surprisingly, after Alexia has insisted on it.
The usually stern captain was a massive advocate of the counseling, finding it helped her during her injuries and time away from the pitch.
You needed more convincing, talking to strangers about feelings did not come naturally to your keep calm and carry on attitude. 
You were much more inclined to put on Paddington 2, lay on Alexia's lap whilst she played with your hair and pretended that she didn't know you were crying.
But after one-too-many nights waking up with a start after feeling trapped by your blankets, or on one bad occasion, shoving your girlfriend out of bed when her arm slung across your stomach had felt like a vice suffocating you, you had agreed. 
For her.  
You’d do anything for her.
You knew Alexia was relieved, with the shadows disappearing from your eyes. She told you that you had your spark back.
You think she was just happy she didn’t have to keep being the small spoon. 
She did miss Paddington 2 though. She loved that damn bear.
You both found your rhythm. And you settled into domesticity that you never expected to adore so much until you met the blonde and you know… almost died.
Alexia looked at you every day like she couldn’t believe you were standing in her kitchen, or settled onto her couch when she returned from training.
It melted your heart every time that look was directed your way, and it tugged on your heart strings when you imagined her coming home to an empty house when you were on an expedition, worried about if you were dead or alive.
You swore to yourself that you would never let that image become a reality again.
You had itchy feet. Naturally. You hadn’t changed that fundamentally as a person, and you knew a jobless, housewife in a high-rise city centre apartment you were not.
So, one day, you had sat Alexia down and held her hands in yours, and told her you needed a job.
“You do not need a job mi amor! I look after us, and you stay safe, I like it. me gusta cuidarte.” she’d proudly exclaimed, practically puffing her chest out like a caveman. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her.
“Of course I need a job, love. I am not making a life of walking around Barna, watching football games and being a beach bum.”
“I like your beach bum.” she’d retorted, childishly whilst you swatted her wandering hands.
“I know you do bebe…” you’d straddled her lap then and looped your hands around her neck, playing with her baby hairs at the nape of her neck.
You knew she loved that.
That was confirmed as her eyes fluttered closed at your ministrations. “But I want to build a life here and I know what I want to do…” 
“Yes Mi Amor, anything you like, I will help you. I have contacts. I will support you in what you chose.” she’d giddily replied, seemingly doing a 180 on your career decisions once she realised it was a part of you cementing a life in Spain.
“Well you know, I’m kinda really good at what I do…” you saw her face drop slightly, though she quickly recovered, “well… what I did… you know. And I still love it, that will never change even after… everything…” you felt her squeeze your waist tighter at that. “but my skills outdoors, survival, foraging, working knots…” 
She couldn’t deny that. - you had accidentally become barca’s unofficial shoelace captain after you’d tied Mapis boots once for her when she’d dislocated her thumb, and they had to be cut off. Suddenly you had a whole teamload of girls queuing up for your services, headed by your girlfriend.
She was the only one who got a kiss on the knee as you finished up though.
Alexia immediately declared it a pre-match requirement.
“Si?” she asked, somewhat desperately.
“So I am thinking. I would like to join the British Army.”
A breath of silence, a beat, maybe not even more than 3 seconds until…
“Si crees que voy a aceptar que te unas al puto ejército, estás literalmente loco!, No, No, Absolutely not.” she was up now, you tossed aside as she started pacing… whilst you were on the couch…
Laughing your arse off.
“Que. What is so funny tu idiota?” she took a pause in her pacing, her stern face directed directly at you, hands raised in despair.
“I’m only joking Ale!” you giggled to yourself, wiping tears from your eyes. “Come get back here you big oaf.” you dragged her back into your embrace.
“You are not funny.” You could have camped on that bottom lip as she pouted.
“I am a little funny.” you'd bantered, showing a measurement of how funny you thought you were with your forefinger and thumb, which she pushed together with a huff.
But you noticed that she didn't let go of your hand.
“Ok not funny my love I’m sorry. No, never the army. I do not want danger. Or travel for months at a time.  That part of my life is over.”
“sí, lo es” she’d mumbled.
“But, I do still have the contact urge to be outdoors. To share what I know. To show people the world.” you spoke with so much passion that she couldn’t help but nod. It was that same spark that she fell in love with.
“So, I have spoken to Mario…”
A smile appeared on her face. God. She loved that guy. He was a lovable rogue and she loved when he and his tribe of kids would join you at games. Sometimes she’d secretly watch you from the tunnel play with them whilst you all waited for the game to start. It made her heart flutter as they clambered all over you.
“... and he’s up for it too. If we go into business together. Guided tours and expeditions. Like how we met. But permanently. It would be based here, in Spain, and obviously I would be travelling but no more than a week or two at a time, and it would all be very low level and safe. Nothing big…. But if it makes you un…”
You were abruptly stopped in your rambling by her lips on yours.
“You don’t have to ask my permission mi amor. But I support you. It sounds fantastic. Perfecta para ti.”
You knew she’d support you but you still felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. 
“... but not. Like… exactly like the trip we met on. No? No falling in love with other women, si?” 
You’d burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of your girlfriend at that. “No, my love, never.” you’d muttered into her lips.
As you sit now, in your tree-lined garden on the southern edge of the Montseratt national park, only a short commute from estadi johan cryuff, you couldn’t really imagine a more perfect life.
You’d moved away from the city not long after you’d built your business. Turns out alot of people want a tour that a record-breaking explorer was running, and that's how Christopher Colum-Tours became a massive success.
You were booked for years in advance.
Mostly because you made sure you took so few, but well paying jobs. You thought the name was hilarious, when Alexia didn’t you were sure it was lost in translation.
She assured you it was not.
You’d mentioned it in passing to her that you needed more space to store all of your kit, but you didn’t expect her eyes to light up and to wake up the next day with 20 different house viewings booked.
She was literally buzzing with excitement, dragging you around Spanish villas on the edges of Barcelona, pointing out coving and brickwork. You'd never been fancy, you didn't care.
Until you walked into the last house on the list. And you knew you would build your life there.
It was on the southern edge of the national park, more modest than the others you had seen but views from the master balcony were endless and beautiful. It was surrounded by forest and its garden wasn’t as sculpted as you’d gotten used to in these multi million villas.
It was a wild garden with a natural-styled pool and a built-in fire pit.
It blended into the landscape it was built within.
Alexia has found you on the balcony, giddy about beams and authentic features, and all it had taken was one look in her eyes before she was squealing with glee “It's this one isn’t it amor!”.
Alexia had tried to pay outright cash. But you had refused. You both went on the mortgage and you loved that, that piece of paper connected you.
When you tried to explain that to her she’d lovingly rolled her eyes, “only you would see the good side to tens of hundreds of euros worth of debt and interest, Mi Amor.”
But you knew that meant she agreed. And she loved you.
So no, you couldn’t really understand the melancholy that was settling over you at the moment.
You’d just returned from a trip to England for your brother's birthday. Even though you now lived in Spain you’d been able to go to more family events than ever before, with your lack of travelling the world. 
You made the journey across every few weeks, usually when Alexia was away with a game or the national team. And you’d loved being more dependable to your family, with your nieces and nephews, being a part of their growing up.
Maybe that's why you are a bit sad now. It's November 3rd. The Spanish air was crisp but you couldn’t see your breath in the air like you could in England. The smell was all forest and fresh air. The days are still bright. There wasn’t a lingering fog in the evenings, or the smell of burning sulphur with the symphony of rogue fireworks being set off until the early hours.
Because this week was your favourite week growing up.
Mischief week, the firemen who visited your school had called it.
The week between Halloween and Bonfire night when kids lost their minds, hyped up on sweets and adrenaline. Bonfire displays all around your village and fireworks bursting the sky into life. You’d go to the cricket club display every year, warmed by the bonfire and cider. You’d eat toffee apples and hotpot. You’d spend the rest of the week sitting in your living room with the lights off watching the sky light up.
Usually you didn’t even notice what you were missing out on. But you had a home now. And you felt a little sad to be missing out on the festivities that your family group chat was organising.
But Alexia had just returned from National Camp. And she was always a bit down when she returned. Even if she pretended not to be. So you wouldn’t have delayed your return to Spain for all of the world.
You’d picked her up from the airport in your battered truck that she pretended she hated, spent a cosy evening together sharing food and soft kisses.
She’d gone to wash the plane off her whilst you wandered to your favourite part of the house and built a fire.
You tried to not drown in your own melancholy as you stared skywards. You heard the sliding of the patio door and you didn’t need to open your eyes to imagine your girlfriend making her way out to you. Cup of tea in one hand and ginger tea in the other. Scuttling barefoot with a blanket draped over her head adorably, muttering about you insisting on being outside. 
And when you felt a warm mug pressed into your hands you knew your image had been correct, you couldn’t hide your shy smile as you felt a kiss being dropped to your neck as she settled on the other side of the garden furniture, legs draped into your lap. You enjoyed the warmth of her legs as you continued to look skyward.
You didn’t realise how much time had passed until you felt Alexia sit up next to you and stroke your hair behind your ear.
“¿Qué pasa mi amor?” she’d whispered into the silence of the evening. You turned your head towards her, “Nothing, love, sorry I was just in my own world for a second there.” you smiled at her, reassuringly.
“en tu propio mundo…” she muttered to herself, struggling for a moment with the translation. “Ah, well. I thought so, usually I don't need to even think it before you’re massaging my knee, I was practically kicking you there carino and nothing.” she’d laughed lightly, as you flicked her playfully on the nose, whilst still moving your spare hand under the blanket and digging into the flesh of her calf, glad she’d asked for what she wanted.
“Let me in ti mundo, mi amor. What's on your mind.” she asked, lovingly, whilst laying back down, suppressing a groan as your hands manipulated the tissue around her knee cap, digging into the tightness that you found there with practised ease.
“Nada, soy buena.” you’d replied, purposefully timing your reply with a particularly satisfying knead just under her kneecap, making the beautiful blonde groan loudly, “Shhh, Ale. You don’t want to give the neighbours a show.”
She lightly kicked out at you at your teasing comment, rolling her eyes, “We don’t have any neighbours idiota, unless you count that molesta goat that you insist on feeding when he turns up in the garden.”
“His name is Billy and he’s my friend. You keep Billy out of this.” you allow a beat of silence, “And he’s not a goat he’s a mountain goat, he’s manly, don’t upset him…” you raise your voice “Billy if you’re listening ignore her she’s being mean!... Hey! Ale stop kicking me! I am not a ball.”
“You're trying to distract me.” she says, plainly. “What are you thinking?”, the way her eyes look at you with so much love stops any lie that was on the tip of your tongue.
“It’s silly…” another huff from the side of you, “I’m just missing home a little but thats all.” you admit, and her face drops. “No, not home, sorry, England. Home is here with you. Obviously.” you panic, you don’t want to upset her, Alexia is home. 
You don’t know what's come over you but you can’t stop speaking, 
“It’s just this time of year, it's my favourite time of year that's all. I never missed it when I was away, I didn’t have time to. But now I feel so at home here. With you. That it just feels a bit weird to not be doing what I did growing up and if we had kid…” you stop yourself, eyes widening.
Her smile is breathtaking. Her eyes light up and it's all teeth. But she gives you an out.
“And what would you usually be doing at this time of year, mi amor?” she asks,
“You know… Remember, Remember, the 5th of November…” you trail off, speaking in that rhythmic way British school kids are taught. Her blank expression makes you continue “...gunpowder, treason and plot. No? Really? I’m sure I was taught he was Spanish.”
“Amor, you are speaking in riddles. Help me here.” she asks, with a laugh teasing her lips.
“It's Bonfire Night, Guy Fawkes Night, Fireworks Night… whatever you call it.”
“I think Amor, we call it a Thursday Night.”
“Oh. Yeah, no of course. Sorry.”
“Why are you apologising to me? Tell me about it. Tell me what you’d be doing.” she asks, so genuinely that it cracks your heart wide open.
So you do, you tell her.
You tell her all about what you were taught in school. About Guido and his gang of conspirators, about parliament, about gunpowder and about the plan to blow up the King. You tell her about hanging, drawing and quartering, laughing at her squeamishness. You feel yourself getting giddy as you wrack the corners of your brain trying to remember all of the story you were brought up on. 
You tell her about penny for a guy, about kids sitting outside shops with their effigies for pennies, you tell her about your dad setting off fireworks in your street, almost blowing himself up, and then your mum insisting you go only to the official bonfire at the cricket club from that year onwards and watch the effigy being burnt on the enormous fire.
Alexia listened with rapt attention, and as you stopped for breath she spoke; “esperar, esperar, so let me get this correcta. Some guy 500 years ago tried to blow up cortes generales, so they graphically and publicly murdered him… and you celebrate that, as a country every year, by… kids begging and burning him on a fire you all go stand around?... In November?”
“Si.” you reply, with a smile and a nod, eyes moving back skywards.
“Estás todo loco” she laughs.
And you suppose it is. A bit mad, when you think about it really. But you were feeling a bit sensitive and a bit… mocked?
You felt like how you feel when someone would name-call your brother on the playground. You can do that. He’s your brother. But someone else can’t. Because that's your brother.
Alexia can’t mock your traditions. They’re yours. God knows you’d bit your lip throughout all of hers. I mean. If you could get through the explanation of a literal model of a pooping Alexia on your Nativity last year you felt like maybe she would get this. You even graciously accepted your own Canager from Eli with a smile.
You took a moment, a deep breath, you knew you were being sensitive, out of character. 
You knew usually you’d join in with her laughter, maybe tickle her and have a fake argument about it just as an excuse to make up. But you weren’t really feeling it today.
“Well, let’s agree to disagree, yeah?” you turned and smiled, you moved her trouser leg back down under the blanket, gave her knee a pat and moved her legs off you to stand. Whilst she looked up at you in bewilderment, with wide, curious eyes.
“I’m gonna get to bed love, I’m really tired all of a sudden, going to get my head down before I wake myself up again, you okay sorting the fire and locking up?”
She nodded, lost for words for a moment, practically having whiplash at the mood swing. You didn’t let Alexia lock up, or sort the fire. They’re your jobs. Always have been. Keeping you both safe. So she knew you were upset.
“Amo…” she started but she heard the patio door slide closed and moved to throw some sand onto the fire. She noticed your mug of tea on the arm of the sofa where you’d been sitting.
And when she saw that it was still half full she knew. 
She’d fucked up.
“....and then she said, estemos de acuerdo en no estar de acuerdo, and went to bed! And Mapi. She left her tea!” Alexia explained, desperately to her best friend, the next morning at training.
“...It’s only tea Ale.” Mapi tried to reassure her, “It means nothing amiga I am sure.”
“No, you don’t understand. And she was asleep when I went to bed and it wasn't even 10 minutes later. And then this morning, she was still asleep. She’s never still asleep. You know her Maps, she's up with the sun and…” the midfielder lowered her voice further,
“she always makes me a coffee with the cute foam heart and she didn’t but maybe she’s just tired, I thought, but then I looked and I saw she must have been up that morning because there was food out in the garden for that stupid goat… so was she pretending to be asleep to not speak with me?”
Alexia's voice got more and more panicked as she rambled on.
Mapis' heart melted for her friend,  the panic in her face reminded her of the Ale who used to pace the changing rooms with her phone cemented to her hand waiting for word from you. Of the Alexia who missed games because she made herself sick with worry that you were dead somewhere. She hadn’t seen this Ale for a while. She needed to help.
“Keira! Come here!” Mapi shouted over to the red haired midfielder.
“Mapi! Shh. Don’t! What are you doing!” Alexia hissed,
“I think this is a British problem, Ale, we need an expert.” 
“Well, why shout across the room? Lucy is standing right there.” Alexia pointed to the defender who was currently pretending her shin pads were lightsabers.
“Lucy thinks she’s Spanish.”
Alexia hummed. 
Fair point.
“What's up guys? Skip? Why do you have that face on?”
“Say the thing Capi. You know… the spell thing.” Mapi painfully nudged her captain in the ribs… “Que?... Oh…. Remember Remember the 5th of November....”
“Gunpowder, treason and plot, I see no reason, why gunpowder treason, should ever be forgot. Yeah? Why are we doing nursery rhymes” Keria recited, without a pause. Looking at them both, curiously.
“See it is a thing!” Alexia exclaimed, hitting Mapi over the head, “tell her what happened Capi.” Mapi asked, as Keira settled between the two.
As her story came to a close Alexia began to finish up… “and then she said we should ‘agree to disagree’” at this Keria winced but gestured for her skipper to carry on “...and then she went to bed but didn’t finish her tea.” Keira audibly groaned at that, moving to grab the taller girl's shoulder.
“Sorry Skip, In British ‘agree to disagree’ means, ‘I’m really upset but I don’t want to talk about it’ and well… I think it's a crime to leave a cup of tea. She must have really wanted to get out of there.”
“But why! I don’t know what I did!” the blonde groans into her hands.
“We’ll figure it out, amiga” Mapi reassured her, rubbing her back sympathetically.
“Erm…” Keria looked up, unsure.
“What?” Alexia's head shot up, looking at her teammate.
“I don’t want to talk out of turn Skip.. but…”
“No, go on, help me, please. What did I do?” Alexia asks, desperately.
“You can be... Well... You can all be… a bit. Catalan?”
“Que?!” the captain exclaimed, “What does that mean? I am Catalan!”
“No, No I know. And it's not a bad thing. But. You know, there's a lot. A lot to remember, Saint Jordi, all the pan con tomate…the loud dinners, the touching, the human towers… the fire-devil thing. And it's great! I love it! I respect it, And I know she does too but…”
“But…?” Mapi and Alexia ask together, looking everything like school children at a lesson, pencils poised. 
“But. And I am just guessing here…”
“Speak Keira or I will make you run laps.” the captain threatens.
“Maybe, you could… you know… try a bit… and I mean… a little bit. With some English things?” she finishes her sentence as a question, nervous to criticise her well-respected captain in any way.
“What do you mean! I do! I respect her! And all her things!”
“I know it's not on purpose Ale. But how would you feel if she said Sainte Jordi was silly.”
“It’s not silly! It's special, Mi Papi used to get me and Alba a rose every year and I still remember it now. I love doing it every year. It makes me feel… oh.”
“Yeah. And you know, me and Lucy come round for Sunday roast every month and you always go out.” she’d started now so she supposed, in-for a penny in for a pound, “and when she put an orange in your stocking at Christmas you laughed and told her it was a bad football and kicked it at her.”
Alexia looks at her teammate, cluelessly, whilst Mapi sniggers behind her hand,
“Alexia, It’s an English thing. Oranges don’t grow in England. They used to be a luxury so people would give them at Christmas to people they love. Like a sign of sharing?...and on pancake day you told her it went against your diet plan…” 
“Didn't she literally fell a tree last year to make you your own Caga Tio? She asked me where Onas was from, I said Amazon and I'm fairly sure she thought I meant the rainforest…” Lucy joined in on the salt being rubbed into the enormous wound party that Alexia didn't even know she was hosting. 
“Okay, Okay, I get it.” The captain said. Raising her hand. She felt terrible. She did go out on what she’d dubbed ‘English-Night’ when Keira, Lucy and sometimes Ona would invade her kitchen and cook weird food and watch English TV shows.
But she thought you'd want to enjoy your evening in English without her. And the pancake thing… well. It did go against her diet plan. 
You never said it was a tradition. 
She would have made an exception. 
She'd do anything for you.
You happily went along with all of her things, she had never even told you about Caga Tio, you'd found out on your own and done such an incredibly sweet thing that Alexia had cried and slept with it next to her side of the bed for a week. 
Not that she'd tell her teammates that. 
She hadn’t realised you’d been trying to share your traditions with her and she’d been closing it down.
“Why didn’t she say anything?” Alexia asks helplessly,  
“Because she loves you, and she doesn’t care as long as you’re happy I suppose… and also… because she’s English.”
This made her roll her eyes in frustration.
She felt ignorant.
She would fix this.
“Mapi, I need your help.”
You’d managed to shake off your little moodswing by the early afternoon.
You’d spent the morning answering a few work emails and planning a few new routes. As you set off for your run you felt noticeably brighter, calculating that if you did a bit of a longer run than usual then Alexia should be back home when you returned.
Sometimes you did that on purpose, and went on a longer run so she would be home when you got back. Like when you go to the toilet in a restaurant and you're excited when your meal is at the table when you return.
A little treat for yourself. 
God you had it bad.
You really wanted to spend time with your girlfriend, you felt a little bad about your moodiness and you wanted to make it up to her.
So when you got home from your trail run to a driveway with just your truck in it you tried to keep the sadness down. Training must have gone on this afternoon, sometimes that happened.
By the time early evening rolled around, you got a bit concerned, just as you picked up your phone it vibrates in your hand.
sorry Mi Amor, training turned into watching film, I will eat with Mapi at the canteen, see you soon, love you, miss you xx
You let out a little huff of annoyance to yourself. It's not Alexia's fault that you wasted your time together yesterday being moody. It's not her fault she's stuck at work.
At least her version of being stuck at work isn't being trapped under a mountain of snow and slowly dying.
Your little internal monologue of darkness makes you chuckle to yourself but your attention is grabbed by a knock on the front door.
“Hola Chica!!!”
You suddenly have a facefull of hair and are pulled into the bosom of a very loud and excitable Alba Putellas.
“Hi Alba! What are you doing here?” you ask, trying to not be rude but also wondering what has dragged the famously city-slicking younger Putellas out into the sticks.
“Que? Can a girl not come and spend the evening with their future cuñada? What's with the million questions hermana!” she blusters past you and into the entryway, leaving you standing with your mouth hanging open at the door as she settles into your sofa.
“... I asked one question” you mumbled to no one as you closed the door with the tornado now inside your home.
You explained that Ale was stuck at work, but Alba dismissed your apologies with a flick of her hand. “I'm not here for her, I’ve spent too much time with her, I think we should spend the evening together. Hermana to future Hermana.”
“Erm… sure.” You got on well with Alba. You got on well with all of Ales' family. They;d welcomed you as one of their own immediately. Eli had taken a vested interest in “getting you back up to strength” after your accident. That mainly consisted of not letting you leave the dinner table until eating 3 full plates of paella.
Usually though, Alba could be found in the bars of Barna, not in your living room, and you had a feeling that she knew Alexia was stuck at work. Which meant that Ale had sent her to spend the evening with you. And you hadn’t gotten away with your melancholy without her notice yesterday like you hoped you had.
Still, the thought of her sending her sister to keep you company warmed your heart.
Hours later your stomach hurt from laughing so much, and you felt ill with the amount of food you’d consumed. You and Alba had spent the evening watching telenovelas and cackling at the erratic storylines. Alba would insist every character was gay and you would nearly wet yourself with laughter when in 4 episodes she was proven right.
It's late when you hear the door slam in the hallway, you glance up at the clock and see its later than you even imagined.
“Hola cari��o!” Alexia yells from the hall, and you can hear her shoes being kicked off and bag being shoved into the hall cupboard.
“Hola, my love!” Alba mocks back, voice high pitched and sounding resolutely nothing like yours.
You shove her by her shoulder as you rise to greet your girlfriend.
“Hola, my love.” you repeat as you greet her, settling into her open arms and nuzzling into her neck dropping a kiss against her warm skin you find there.
You take a deep breath of the taller woman. “Ale… why do you smell like… onions?” you ask, curiously.
“Vale, vale, I am going to bed before the show starts.” Alba interrupts as Alexia separates herself from you in order to reach across and slap her sister's head.
“Oh, Si? Si Alba, of course you can stay over. Thank you for asking.” she shouts sarcastically at her sisters retreating from. Grumbling to herself as she turns back to her.
“Oh behave you big grump you love it when she stays over.” you whisper, falling into her arms again, settling into her warmth. “Long day?”
You feel the tension leave her body now she's home. “Si… we got lots done though,”
“Good. Feel ready for the weekend then?” you ask, she had a game on Saturday and you know she preferred to be over prepared.
“The weekend?”
“Si, the game? Seville?” you ask, with a laugh to your voice. She must be tired.
“Oh, si, sorry, of course. I am tired mi amor. Yes. I feel ready.” she replies, moving to face you more closely, large hand cupping your cheek and dropping a quick kiss to your lips.
She moves away but you aren’t finished. You've had a long day of missing your girlfriend. And you pull her closer and deepen the kiss, moulding your lips to hers and groaning when she accepts your tongue in her mouth. As you break apart for breath you hear her mutter a little ‘wow’, which melts your heart.
Seriously, only your world famous, drop dead gorgeous, professional footballing girlfriend can get so worked up over some heavy petting.
It's her turn to pull your lips back together and you enjoy swapping sweet kisses before you pull apart… “Al…” she's moved down to your neck… “Ale… why do you taste like… pepper?”
“Huh?” you can’t see her face as she continues to press kisses down your neck. “Don’t know what you’re talking about amor.” she seems to have decided she's finished with your neck for now as she takes a step back.
“I better go wash the day off me. Meet you in bed?” she asks, and who are you to refuse as you nod your agreement and start to tidy the living room as she leaves for upstairs.
“Hey?” you look up and she's popped her head back into the living room, “I missed you today.” she says, simply. Cheeky smile on her face.
Alexia was the most intelligent and complex woman you knew. But sometimes her ability to be so simple was the thing that made you fall so deeply in love with her. She missed you, so she told you.
“I missed you too, love.” you reply, softly. 
She smiles satisfied, and moves from the doorway again. For 3 seconds until she reappears.
“Don’t go to sleep til I’m there por favor, I want to fall asleep together.” you feel your blush start to creep up your neck and open your mouth to reply before,
“Ay dios mio, perdedora! It's a shower, you aren’t going to drown. How do either of you get anything done!” Alba shouts from the top of the stairs, and your girlfriend's head quickly disappears again, before you hear a scream and the thunder of her scaling the stairs…
“vuelve aquí diablo!”
You drummed your fingers on the steering wheel as you waited for your girlfriend outside of the training buildings. It wasn’t usual but she’d asked you to pick her up that morning.
As you’d passed her her morning coffee (foam art included), she’d taken a moment longer than usual giving you a soft morning kiss and breathing you in before she asked you to keep the afternoon free.
“I want to take you on a date, Mi Amor.” she’d mumbled, cutely, “Alba will take me back into the city, then you can pick me up after your session at the school, dress warm.”
“I haven’t said yes yet!” you’d teased, with a roll of your eyes, “and hey, what they say is true, el romance esta muerto! I am picking you up for a date you asked me on! Tut. Ale. You used to be suave.”
“soy muy suave.” she’d confidently replied. “You’ll see on our date… that you’re picking me up for”.
A cheeky smile and a pat on the bum later she’d chased Alba out of the house, and suddenly you felt like you were watching the vision that Eli had grown old too.
Two bickering Putellas sisters acting like teenagers on their way to the school bus, hitting each other and Alba chasing Alexia down the drive after one kick too many.
So, you’d done as you were told and after your talk with 28 school kids about basic survival skills here you find yourself patiently waiting for your girlfriend.
The door to the training facility opened and you were surprised to see Alexia emerge bundled up in far too many layers and knit hat cutely adorned on her head. She really was adverse to the cold. Usually she’d be the last to leave training, insisting on a team talk or taking extra free kicks, but she searched the car park eagerly and eyes lit up as she took you in in your beat up old blue pickup truck.
The next surprise she gave you was when she didn’t hurry to the passenger seat, instead making her way to your window and, when you didn’t move, knocking on it with a rap of her knuckles. You roll the window down with a quick of your eyebrow.
“Can I help you señora?” you ask, “Si, mover… por favour. I am driving.”
The absurdity of her comment makes you bark out a laugh, but you do as your told,
“Ale, you hate my truck.”
“I have never said that.”
“Yes you have. One million times. ‘Mi Amor, your truck brings our house price down.’...’Amor, your truck is warming the planet. I thought you liked trees.’...”Amor, your truck is so loud that I think a dinosaur is coming up the driveway…” you imitate, crudely but with a gentle laugh.
She just fixes you with a stern eye as she turns the key, a large grinding sound coming from the engine.
“In gear please Ale!”..."Ah, Si.” followed by the successful roar of the engine.
“Remember love, she doesn't have any heated seats, we listen to my Beatles CD cause its stuck in the player, and the gearbox is a little worn so please… be gentle”
“Weird, usually you aren’t asking me to be gentle.” she dryly replies, eyebrow arched and make you blush. She moves her hand to your thigh and you take it in both of yours as she asks about the school you spoke in, she listens with rapt attention and you bask in the way her eyes light up when she tells you about how Jana finally mastered a trick she’d been working on.
You’d gotten so lost in conversation and checking out your hot girlfriend that you’d forgotten to check your destination until you felt the truck come to a halt.
As you looked around you saw you were in a small car park, a familiar style building imposing in front of you.
A stadium.
You can’t help but be a little disappointed, if Ale’s idea of date night had transformed into football games then you may as well start just going to training with her to keep your romantic life alive.
“Oh. Lovely.” you’d hoped you’d infused as much enthusiasm into your tone as you could. Just happy to spend time with the blonde. “Who’s playing?”
“Barca.” she’d replied, getting out of the car and hurrying to your door, all the while holding her hand up as she hurried past the bonnet indicating to you that she wanted to open it.
She’d taken your hand in her large one and started to walk towards the stadium, you looked around and took in a few people milling about, some with unrecognisable kit on.
You don’t know if a temporary deafness had taken over your girlfriend but she ignored you as she pulled you towards the turnstiles. It was a much smaller stadium than your girlfriend usually played at, and it was quick to get into the grounds.
“Ah, gran admirador?” the steward asked, as he pointed at your trusty blaugrana laces, and you just smile and nod, no idea what's going on.
As you looked up you were at pitch level and you saw a familiar sight of… ‘H’ shaped sticks? You almost broke your own neck at the speed at which you spun to look at your girlfriend who was staring at you with a Cheshire cat grin splitting her face.
“We’re here to watch Rugby!” she practically cheers, clearly very happy with herself.
You’d always used it as a weapon to tease your football-obsessed captain-girlfriend with, that you had been brought up on Rugby. Your brother played and you’d spend weekends down at the Rugby Club cheering on at the side lines. Your dad followed the town team religiously and you’d been dragged down to London more than once for cup finals.
As your world got bigger your love for the game diminished but the familiar smell of tiger balm and clack of metal studs always managed to make you feel 9 again down at the local rugby club.
You felt a childlike giddiness erupt from your stomach as you took in your glowing girlfriend. “Ale, this is… this is…” you feel a bit emotional as you struggle to get your words out, your girlfriend saves you.
“Vamos! Let's go find the best place to watch!” Alexia drags you into the small stands which are sparsely occupied. 
“I didn’t even know Barcelona had a rugby team…” you say as you take your seat,
“Si, they do. They were promoted in 2006 but have been struggling since… they are currently 4th in the league though and today they’re playing 3rd so it…”
You interrupt your girlfriend by pressing a kiss to her lips, unable to stop your affection as you realise how much she had researched for you. “Te amo.” you mutter into her lips. You open your eyes before her and see her sit with her eyes closed for a moment, smile teasing on her lips, dazed.
“yo también te amo cariño” she replies, opening her eyes, “now come, watch. They're kicking off.”
You thoroughly enjoy yourself for the next 80 minutes. You realise that you have never watched a sports game with Alexia. Usually watching her or if she wasn’t playing she’d be sat on the bench with the team. 
She’d usually be too invested and serious to have a fun time. But here, without being impacted by the outcome, nor really having any idea what was going on. Alexia was clearly having the time of her life.
She was giving off serious big dick energy, sitting in her plastic chair like she owned the stadium, legs spread wide and ankles hooked as she took in the pitch before her. Alexia wasn’t into PDA, however, here she pulled you close to her as though you were in your living room, clearly happy that she wouldn’t be bothered by anyone at a sparsely populated Rugby game. 
“Amor, comer aqui. Explain this to me… “ she'd gestured to the pitch before her with one hand and pulled you closer with the other, draping both of your legs over one of hers so your legs dangled between hers, and you sat sideways facing her as she rested her arm around your shoulders. 
You tried to ignore the feel of her strong thigh muscle underneath yours. Noticeable even though two sets of heavy clothing. 
She started to play with the baby hairs at the nape of your neck as you tried to explain a scrum, mauls and drop kicks.
But you found yourself watching her side profile more than the game, her sharp jaw, the curve of her eyebrow. How cute she looked in her little barca beanie, eyes bright with excitement. 
She gives your hair a little tug, “Mira el juego bebe…” she mutters, eyes still looking forward but a grin teasing her lips, “...I paid a good €8 for these tickets.”
You laugh and concentrate on the game before you, laughing at Alexia's commentary throughout, ‘you can use your hands! How is it even that hard!’ until a big hit where she would recoil into herself and muttered ‘nevermind’.
She would cheer every time someone kicked the ball and when you got into the game and shouted “Offside ref!!” she hushed you and insisted that it wasn’t, until you explained the offside rule was different and her mind nearly exploded. 
It was a close game and you found yourself sucked in.
Becoming more animated until the final play of the game, Barca had possession and you couldn’t help it when you stood up and shouted, “stick it up your jumper… go on… RUN….ooooh!”, you looked down and saw Alexia looking up at you with wide eyes, a teasing glint in them, you grew flushed and sat down tentatively, “Amor, I have never seen you so… aggressive… I like it.” she decided, smirk on her lips.
Barca ended up losing but it didn’t take away any of the shine from the day, as you left the stadium you swung your hands between your bodies with excitement, “Ale, that was the best surprise date ever. Thank you.”
You noticed that a look you didn’t recognise flashed across her face as she opened the door for you, guiding you into the passenger seat with a kiss.
“Can we go to Casa Pepe for some dinner?” you ask, looking out of the window and taking in the darkened sky, “No.” she replied, which caused you to turn, and you saw a wry grin on her face, “date isn’t over yet amor, I have plans on plans. Sit back and enjoy the ride.”
Alexia then goes onto stall the truck and take off to a stuttering start, and because she was being so sweet you didn’t say anything but looked out of the window to hide your face.
“Shut up.” she chides anyway.
You’re confused as Alexia drives your truck off road and onto a beach just outside the main area of Barcelona. You see fairy lights in front of you and a huddle of cars and people milling around.
“What's going on Ale?” you ask, trying to take in the look on her face in the darkness of the cab of your truck as she reverses into a semi-circle with some other cars.
She doesn’t have a chance to answer before you are startled by a knock on your window and Mapis' face pressed against the glass with glee.
“You’re here! You’re here! Finally… Capi, can we start it now pleaaaase….” Mapi is silenced by her girlfriend who has made her way over and pulled her from the window. “Give them a second kjære, come, I need your help over here…” and Ingrid winks at you as she leads her excitable puppy of a girlfriend away.
You remain not having any clue about what the hell is going on.
Alexia has slipped out of the truck and moved around to your side, opening the door and you spin on the bench, widen your legs, and pull her between them.
She looks at you with a wide, open expression.
“Remember, Remember, the 5th of November…” she starts, which immediately causes the penny to drop, as you look to the scene on the beach before you.
A large unlit bonfire stands a safe distance from the trunk of your car, you continue to look around and see Eli ordering around most of Alexias team mates and even some backroom staff you recognise from the training grounds, as she stands in charge of what seems to be a crudely put together buffet table. Illuminated by fairy lights you see pots of steaming food which she stirs intermittently.
You even spotted Mario with his newly pregnant (again!) wife and his tribe of kids playing with a small football alongside Jana and Marta.
You can’t help the tears that come to your eyes at the scene before you.
“I am so grateful for you Amor…” she starts, “You have fit so well into my family and life that maybe I missed some things about your family and life…”
“No Ale.”
“No it’s okay, I know you love me. But I wanted to do this for you. But then… well. It escalated. I asked Keira and Lucy for help but then they got so excited about bonfire night that they kind of invited themselves, and then one person turned into another… and then, as soon as Mapi found out there were explosives and fire I couldn’t keep her away. And well, Ingrid had to come because she has a vested interest in keeping Mapis fingers attached to her body. And well. At that point it had got so big that I just invited anyone from the club who wanted to come, and their families. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course I don’t mind! This is the sweetest thing in the world… Is that…” you sniff up… “hotpot?!”
Alexia soon became old news as you scurried over to Eli and the food table, kissing her in greeting and falling into her embrace, there were bubbling pots of Chilli, Hotpot, Mushy Peas and even a tray of toffee apples.
Ingrid had come over and presented a tray of parkin that she had baked, beautifully presented in the elegant way that only the Norwegian could. “I hope this is right, I googled it and Mapi taste tested it and she was happy, but honestly, she’s happy if I give her dog food so i’m not sure she's the best judge.”
“Ingrid it’s perfect.” you assured her, the grin breaking your face convincing her more than your words.
“Can we set the fire yet!” Mapi had shouted across the set up, bottle of accelerant in hand that she had been spraying onto the pile of dried wood. A somewhat maniacal look on her face.
One of the physios took the bottle from her hand gently and pushed her towards Ingrid, taking over the situation when he recognised there was a chance the whole beach was going up in flames if she was left in charge.
As the fire grew and grew, everyone's faces were bathed in the golden light. The chill was still in the air and you felt a large puffy jacket being slung around your shoulders. Alexia standing behind you, resting her chin on your head as you settled back into her.
“Ale. Is that Guy wearing a Real Madrid jersey?” you asked, amused, as you noticed that the traditional effigy had a familiar football shirt on.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, amor.” she replied, laughter in her voice. Before you had a chance to tease her further she pinched your hips, “come on, lets get some food! I’m starving, and all this brown British mushy food smells so good…”
Well. At least she was trying.
You ate and ate, you don’t think you’ve ever been as full in your life. Alexia had spent all the evening before perfecting her hotpot recipe with the help of Eli and it was good.
She’d even shown you the burn marks on her fingers where the hot toffee from the toffee apples has caught on her skin.
Eli told you how Alexia had turned up at her house with Mapi, arms full of ingredients needing help to make traditional foods, which she then stressed over for the rest of the evening, whilst Mapi paced the kitchen, talking to her ‘fireworks guy’, because of course Mapi had a man with explosives on speed dial. 
You’d told the story of Guy Fawks to an intrigued Irene, Mateo happily munching on a sticky apple on her knee. “Ah, I see… It feels like a cold San Juan. I like it” she’d declared, with an air of finality.
“So… they’re like, guisantes but… pulposa?” you overheard Parti asking Keria, as the ginger was gladly wolfing down a portion of mushy peas. “Yeah! Try them… you’ll love them.”
As a second passes before you hear a distinctive gag and Kerias laughter echoing around you think maybe Patri did not love them. Ona greedily scoffed her own portion down with Lucy looking on, proudly, “Te acostumbras amiga” she jeered towards her retreating friend, who went in search of the drinks table.
The fire dimmed but still fought on and you were shepherded towards your truck by your girlfriend, the hatch had been brought down and you could see that Alexia had stored every spare pillow and blanket from your house and made a cosy nest in the bed of your trunk.
She threw herself in, happy to warm herself in the nestle of blankets, always being more susceptible to the cold. Nose red and beanie pulled low down on her head. She opened her arms invitingly and you settled between her legs, watching the scene before you.
You watched as Alba and her latest girlfriend messed around feeding each other parkin. You watched as Mapi chased Pina around with a sparkler in her hand, the younger girl screaming for her life as Mapi cackled. You watched Eli cooing over Jona’s young baby, looking so confident with the newborn only an experienced mother could. You took in how Lucy seemed to eat her 5th bowl of chilli as Ona chatted her ear off.
The scene was perfect.
Only made more so as you felt Ale move her cold hands beneath your warm clothing, grabbing you around the stomach and resting her hands there, making you hiss at the contact, “buscar mi amor” she whispered into your ear, as you looked to the sky and watched as the familiar explosion of fireworks in the sky above you.
The whoops and hollers of the kids (and Mapi) warmed your heart, as you watched the display you let the the sound of the explosions and the ‘ooh’s’ and ‘ahh’s’ of the families and friends around you seep into your bones. The smell of sulphur invaded your senses and you settled more deeply into the woman behind you.
You quickly snapped a picture to share in your family group chat, quickly joining the tens of fireworks pictures from different displays as you all shared your evening, far away yet able to be involved, thanks to your Ale.
“Tell me about Bonfire Night, Mi Amor, I promise, I do not think it is silly.”
That much was obvious, with the effort she had gone to in such a short space of time. 
You told her about the big fires the village came together to build. How it made your community stronger. The fireworks and how the sky lit up all week. The school projects and crude drawings of fires you would make.  The toffee apples you would get stuck in your teeth and the parkin your mum would bake. 
How the stickiness would sit on your hands for days. How your dad would always throw an unexploded firework into the bonfire without thinking, making him run away from the explosions behind him as you and your brother peeled over with laughter. How the cold would pinch your cheeks and you’d check the bonfire for hedgehogs before it was lit. How you’d spend days building a guy from your dads old clothes stuffed with newspaper. How you would run around with sparklers and spend all the next day picking them up from the streets with your brother and putting them into a bucket.
“It sounds fun, Mi Amor. I am glad you grew up with so much love. I get to benefit from it now.” Alexia had muttered into your hair, and pressed a kiss to your head.
You felt those memories wash over you, and knew that this bonfire night would be right up there with them, cemented as the best times of your life.
Yes, you weren't used to the sound of the waves as you usually watched the bonfire burn, and no, you usually weren’t stood on a bed of sand. No, your usual bonfire night would not consist of Alexia telling off Jana and Patri for sneaking in croquetas behind one of the parked cars, insisting they had to eat the British food prepared.
But the smiles were the same, people coming together around the fire was the same, the children laughing and family enjoying time together was the same, couples falling further in love and cuddling together for warmth was the same, the colours and the sparkles that lit up everyone's faces. The same.
“Thank you Alexia. For all of this. The rugby, this, it’s…It's… perfect.”
“You are perfect.” she’d replied, without hesitation.
You swatted her hand that still rested on your stomach, “Soppy.” you’d admonished.
“Not sorry,” she’d quipped back. You fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying the sound of the fireworks popping above you.
“Our kids will celebrate bonfire night.” she’d let out, suddenly, with certainty. Finishing the thought you’d started to express days earlier. 
Before you had a chance to formulate a thought she continued, “and pancake day. And they will watch Rugby. And football. And celebrate La Mercè. They will know about Sant Jordi. And Saint George.”
“Ale…” you’d let out, wetly, tears brimming in your eyes.
“They will be a mix of both of us. And I will marry you, you know? One day. We will be married.”
There she is again, with her beautiful simplicity.
You don’t really know what to say to that, and you let the silence take hold for a moment.
Where was the woman who blushed in embarrassment when she realised you’d understood her muttered Spanish compliments? Though, you suppose, you’d both changed together. Where was the woman you used to be who would refuse to stay in a postcode for more than 2 weeks?
“ain’t no mountain high enough” you softly sang at her, trailing your fingers down her arm, lightly, it had become your song, between the two of you, when things were bad with your PTSD she would hold you close and sing quietly, in the safety of your bed, her spanish lilt would settle your heart rate and the lyrics would melt the ice in your veins.
Her arms squeeze you tighter, both lost in the safety of your blanket fortress under the stars, surrounded by friends and family but you may as well be the only people on the beach.
“I can’t wait to ask you, officially.”
God if this setup was her idea of a date, you couldn’t imagine her idea of a proposal.
“I can’t wait to say yes” you replied, playing with her ring finger that was settled on your stomach, “officially.” 
You moved back and kissed the tall blonde softly, passionately, until you’re interrupted by Mapi’s aggrieved exclamation;
“Espera! The Guy was ¿Español?”
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wolverigrl · 2 days
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Party (1)
Hugh Jackman x reader (actress)
A/N: Sooo this part was written right after clubbing, and I may got carried away, which why I divided it into two parts. The next part should be online on Monday or Tuesday! So stay tuned! :)
Warnings: smut (not completely detailed), unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), mentions of alcohol, some swearing, mentions of pregnancy
Not proofread!
Previous Part
It's happening. I'm officially a year older today. Honestly, I don't even feel the change. Except for maybe the overwhelming sense of everything right now - the music, the laughter, the champagne that seems to be in my hand all the time - and him. Especially him. Hugh.
The night feels like a dream, but it's real - my birthday, my party. I rented this entire club for the occasion, and it's filled to the brim with friends, the people I care about, the ones who've been there through everything. Some are people I used to only see on screens, in magazines, but now they're real, they're here, and they're celebrating me. It's surreal.
The cast of The Greatest Showman showed up early, and I've barely had amoment to myself. Zac and Zendaya are dancing like they don't have a care in the world. Keala's by the bar, harmonizing with the DJ's set like only she can. Everywhere I turn, someone new is pulling me in for a hug, giving me a gift, toasting to me and wishing me all the best.
"Happy birthday, y/n!" Another friend comes up to me - one of the faces I vaguely recognize through the blur of champagne and flashing lights. They hand me a beautifully wrapped gift, and I accept it with a smile, although my mind is elsewhere. I'm grateful, of course, but the attention, the noise, the constant flow of people - it's overwhelming.
But my eyes always drift back to him. Hugh.
I catch a glimpse of him near the bar, his tall, broad frame leaning casually as he sips martini, talking to Ryan. The way the dim lights catch his features - sharp jawline, eyes that sparkle with a mischievous glint - it's like time slows down when I see him. My heart speeds up, a familiar heat spreading through me. It's not the alcohol. It's him.
I can't stop thinking about him, not tonight. There's something about the way he looks, how he moves in that perfectly tailored suit that drives me crazy. Maybe it's because I've had one too many glasses of champagne, or maybe it's just that he's Hugh and he's everything I want right now. I'm feeling it, that hormonal pull that still won't quit. It's like I'm on fire, and he's the only one who can put it out.
Our eyes meet across the room. A slow, easy smile spreads across his lips, and I feel a rush of heat flood through me. God, he's gorgeous. I feel myself gravitating toward him before I even realize what I'm doing weaving through the crowd.
"Enjoying your party, love?" His voice is low when I reach him, the deep itmbre sending shivers down my spine. He leans in, his breath warm against my ear, and I inhale the familiar scent of him - something earthy, masculine, mixed with the faintest hint of martini.
"I would be enjoying it a lot more if you weren't all the way over here." I murmur, my fingers finding the lapels of his jacket, tugging him closer.
Hugh laughs softly, his hand sliding around my waist with such ease it feels like second nature.
"Oh, I see. Is the birthday girl feeling a little. neglected?"
"Maybe." I tease, but the truth is, it's not just that. It's everything. I feel wound up, my body buzzing from the alcohol, the excitement, and from him. The way his hand rests so possessively on my waist. The way his eyes darken just a bit when I lean in closer and my chest brushing against his.
He's trying to play it cool, but I know him too well. He feels it too, this spark between us that's been burning hotter as the night goes on. And right now, I can't think of anything but us.
I press my body against his, my lips just grazing his ear as I whisper.
"You know, I've been thinking about you all night."
His grip tightens on my waist, his thumb brushing my hip in a way that makes me bite my lip.
"Oh is that so?" His voice is teasing, but there's an edge to it now, something darker and more primal.
"Mmhmm" I hum, letting my hands drift up his chest, feeling the firmness of his body beneath the thin fabric of his shirt. My fingers toy with his collar, brushing against his skin.
"I can't stop thinking about how good you look in this suit."
He chuckles, a low, rumbling sound hat vibrates through my body.
"You're playing with fire, baby."
"Oh I like the burn." I grin.
For a moment, we're just standing here, locked in this invisible dance of tension and desire, the noise of he party fading into the background. My fingers slip into his hair, tugging lightly, and I can feel the way his breath catches in response. He doesn't move, just looks at me with that slow smoldering gaze that makes my knees feel weak.
"Y/n.." he murmurs, his voice a little rough now, like he's barely holding himself back. "We're at your birthday party. You do realize that?"
I grin, pressing my hips against him as I lean up to whisper in his ear, "And what do you wanna do about that?"
His hand grips my waist tighter pulling me even closer, his mouth so close to mine I can feel his breath against my lips.
"You're trouble, you know that?"
"Only for you, baby."
Before I can say anything else, the music changes, and I feel the beat thrum through my body, pulling me onto the dance floor. Hugh follows, his hands on my hips as we move together.
Dancing with him feels like the most natural thing in the world. Every sway of my hips, every turn, it's like our bodies are in sync, perfectly attuned to each other. I can feel the heat of his hands on my skin, even through the fabric of my dress, and it makes me ache for more.
I turn in his arms, pressing my back against his chest and grinding against him as the music pulses around us. His hands tighten on my hips pulling me back harder against him, and I can feel his breath on my neck, hot and heavy.
"Y/n.." he whispers in my ear, voice strained but playful.
"You're making it very hard to be a gentleman right now."
A wicked smile curves my lips. I glance over my shoulder, giving him a sultry look. "Who said I want you to be a gentleman?"
His eyes darken, the playful glint replaced by something more primal. He presses a kiss to my neck, just below my ear, sending goosebumps down my arms. I turn in his arms, facing him fully, and pull him into another kiss, this one deeper, more intense, oblivious to the crowd dancing around us
He groans softly into the kiss, his hands sliding down my sides and his fingers gripping my hips like he's trying to keep some semblance of control. But I can feel him losing it, just as much as I am. The way his body presses into mine, the heat between us - it's almost unbearable.
The music blurs into the background, and all I can think about is the feel of him behind me. His body moving with mine, the way his hands seem to leave trails of fire on my skin. I look up, our lips just inches apart.
"We should stop.." he murmurs though his grip on me doesn't loosen. If anything, he pulls me closer.
I tilt my head up, brushing my lips against his in the barest of touches, teasing.
"Do you really want to?"
He doesn't answer with words. Instead, his mouth crashes against mine, and I lose myself in the taste of him. My hands are in his hair, tugging him closer, and I can feel the way his body tenses against mine, like he's holding back everything he wants to do.
I know we're still in the middle of the dance floor, but I don't care. Right now, it's just him and me, lost in the heat of the moment. I deepen the kiss, letting my tongue slide against hus, and he groans into my mouth, pulling me even closer, if that's even possible.
After what feels like an eternity, we finally pull away from the dance floor. My head is spinning, but not only from the champagne. I grab his hand, pulling him toward the photobooth in the corner of the club.
"Come on, let's do something fun!" I say with a playful grin, tugging him inside.
He laughs, following me into the cramped space. The curtain closes pehind us, and I waste no time climbing onto his lap, my legs straddling his.
"Smile for the camera!" I say, sticking my tongue out at him just as the first flash goes off.
We make silly faces for the next few shots - sticking our tongues out crossing our eyes - but I can feel the tension building between us again. My body is still humming from the dancing, the closeness, the way his hands feel on my thighs, even through the fabric of my dress.
I lean in for the next shot, kissing his cheek, but it doesn't stop there. The kiss lingers, my lips trailing down to his jaw, his neck, and I can feel the way his breath hitches beneath me.
"Love.." he breathes, his hands sliding up my thighs, gripping them tightly. "You're really trying to drive me crazy tonight, aren't you?"
smile against his skin, my lips brushing his ear as I whisper, "Maybe."
The camera flashes again, but we're not paying attention anymore. My mouth finds his, and the kiss quickly turns heated, desperate. His hands slide up my sides, pulling me closer until there's no space left between us. I can feel him hard against me, and it only makes me want him more.
I grind against him, and he groans softly, his hands gripping my hips so tightly I know I'II have bruises tomorrow. But I don't care. All I care about is the feel of him beneath me, the way his mouth moves against mine and the way his hands are everywhere at once.
We're lost in each other, so caught in the heat of the moment that I barely register the curtain ripping open. It takes a second for reality to hit, but when it does, it's not subtle.
"Hey! No funny business in there!" a voice teases, giggling as it echoes in the small booth.
I freeze, still straddling Hugh, our lips inches apart, our breathing heavy. I look up and find Chris standing there with his brother Scott, both grinning like they've just caught us in the act - because, well, they pretty much have.
"Really, guys?" I groan, burying my face in Hugh's neck in a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. Hugh chuckles, his chest vibrating beneath me, still catching his breath.
Chris gives me an exaggerated wink. "What? Thought we'd come join the party. The booth's big enough for four, right?"
"Get out of here, man!" Hugh says with a laugh, shaking his head, though he's still holding onto me like he has no intention of letting go. His hands remain firm on my waist and his body warm beneath mine. Scott leans against the doorway of the booth, grinning. "You know, we're happy for you two, but maybe save the PDA for after the birthday cake?"
I roll my eyes and slide off Hugh's lap, standing up and adjusting my dress, trying not to look too flustered.
"Fine, fine. The booth is yours!"
Hugh stands up behind me, smoothing down his suit and running a hand through his hair. He's got that mischievous glint in his eyes, though one that tells me this is far from over.
"Have fun!" he says, stepping out of the booth, his hand slipping into mine as we head back toward the party. I squeeze his fingers, unable to hide the grin on my face. But as we walk away, I feel the heat between us still simmering beneath the surface. It's like every brush of his hand against mine, every glance he gives me, is charged with electricity. I don't think either of us is done with what we started.
We slip into a quieter area of the club, tucked away from the noise of the party.
There's a small storage room just off the side of the main hallway, dimly lit, the perfect place to catch our breath and maybe finish what we started.
Inside the storage room, it's cramped and cluttered, a stark contrast to the opulent club just outside. The air smells faintly of cleaning products and dust. Shelves ine the walls, stacked with supplies - boxes, extra bottles of liquor, random equipment that looks untouched for months. There's a small, rickety table in the corner, just big enough for me to sit on, though it Iooks like it could collapse at any moment.
Hugh's hands are on me the second the door clicks shut. His lips find mine in a fierce, hungry kiss, and the world around us fades into a blur of heat and need. His fingers grip my tips, pulling me against him, and can feel the hardness of him through his pants, pressing insistently against me, The urgency between us is undeniable, like we've been holding back all night and can't wait another second.
He guides me backward, and stumble slightly as my back hits the edge of the small table, my breath catching. His mouth leaves a scorching trail along my neck, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin where my shoulder meets my collarbone. I shiver, my hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer.
"I need you." I whisper, my voice breathy and desperate.
His response is a low growl vibrating against my skin. "God, y/n.. I need you too. I've needed you all night."
With one swift motion, he lifts me onto the table, my legs wrapping around his waist instinctively. The table creaks beneath me, unsteady from our combined weight, but neither of us cares. His hands slide up my thighs, pushing my dress higher, bunching it around my hips.
"You have no idea what you're doing to me." he murmurs against my ear, his voice thick with desire. His nands grip my waist, and his lips brush my neck again, leaving a trail of heat wherever he touches.
"I've been thinking about you.. imagining this.. every second of tonight."
A soft moan escapes my lips as his fingers tease the edge of my panties, and I arch my back, pressing against him. "Hugh please.."
Hugh's mouth crashes back onto mine swallowing my words. He fumbles with his belt, the leather slipping through the loops with a soft hiss, and the sound alone makes my pulse race. I can feel the tension in his body, the way his hands shake slightly with need, and it drives me wild.
He pulls my panties to the side, and I gasp as his fingers slide against me, teasingly testing.
"Fuck. You're so wet." he whispers, his voice hoarse. His fingers dip inside me briefly, making me gasp.
"And all for me?"
"Only for you baby.." I manage to say parely able to form the words through the haze of desire.
I need you, Hugh. Now."
With a groan, he frees himself from his pants, and I feel the hot, hard length of him pressing against my thigh. His fingers dig into my hips as he positions himself at my entrance, and I bite my lip, already rembling with anticipation.
"Tell me what you want." he murmurs, his lips brushing my ear. "Say it."
"I want you." I breathe, my voice shaking with need.
"I want you to fuck me."
He pushes inside me slowly, inch by inch, and my head falls back as a moan escapes my lips. The sensation of him filling me is overwhelming, a mix of pleasure and pain as he stretches me and takes me.
"Fucking hell, y/n." he groans, his forehead pressed against mine as he bottoms out inside me.
"You feel...so fucking good."
The table creaks beneath us, swaying slightly from our movements, but I barely notice. My legs tighten around his waist, pulling him deeper, and he begins to move slow at first, then harder, faster, until the rhythm of his thrusts matches the beat of the music still thudding through the walls. With every movement, I feel the tension building inside me, winding tighter and tighter until l'm on the verge of breaking. Hugh's hands roam my body, gripping my thighs my hips, sliding up to cup my breasts through my dress. His lips find mine again, his tongue tangling with mine as he thrusts into me with a desperation that mirrors my own.
"You make me feel so good.." I whimper, my nails digging into his shoulders.
"Don't stop... please, don't stop.."
His hand slides down to grip my ass pulling me harder against him as he thrusts deeper, his breath coming in ragged gasps.
"I love you, y/n." he groans, his voice rough with need. "I fucking love you."
"I love you, Hugh." I whisper, my body trembling as I hold onto him for dear life.
"I love you so much."
We're completely lost in each other now, the world around us disappearing as we move together and the table creaking loudly beneath us.
At one point, I hear something fall - a bottle or maybe a box knocked off one of the shelves - but neither of us cares. We're too far gone, too wrapped up in the heat of the moment to think about anything else.
His thrusts become more erratic, harder, faster, and I feel the tension inside me snap.
My climax crashes through me, sending waves of pleasure rippling through every nerve in my body. I cry out, my nails raking down his back as I hold on, riding the wave of ecstasy.
Hugh groans loudly as he follows me over the edge, his body tensing as he thrusts one last time, his release hot and deep inside me. We're both shaking, breathless, our bodies pressed so tightly together it's like we're one.
For at few moments, we - just stay like that, holding each other with our foreheads pressed together as we try to catch our breath. The room is silent now, save for the sound of our breathing, the faint thump of music still vibrating through the walls.
After a long moment, Hugh pulls back slightly, his eyes dark and intense as he looks at me. He leans down, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to my lips.
"You're amazing." he whispers, his voice thick with emotion.
I smile, my heart still racing. "So are you."
He kisses me again, but this time slower and sweeter, like he's savoring the moment. Then, with a soft laugh he pulls back and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a handkerchief.
"Here, love." he says with a grin, his back pocket and pulling out a handkerchief. It's such a gentlemanly gesture, one that makes me laugh softly. He helps me clean up, his touch careful and respectful, and I can't help but feel a rush of affection for him in that moment.
"Always prepared, huh?" I tease, running a hand through his tousled hair, which is still slightly damp with sweat from our heated encounter.
"I like to think so." he replies with a wink, adjusting his pants and redoing his belt.
He then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer while kissing softly my forehead.
"You okay?" he murmurs, his voice soft.
smile, my heart still pounding 'More than okay.
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to my forehead before slowly puling away and helping me straighten out my dress. We both fumble with our clothes trying to make ourselves look at least somewhat presentable, but I can't stop myself from smoothing his shirt, adjusting his tie, and brushing a hand through his hair.
"You're fussing." He says with a lazy smile while his hands find my waist again. "They're going to know we've been up to something."
"I don't care!" I laugh softly, though I can feel my cheeks flushing. I tug on his shirt collar one last time, making sure everything is back in place.
Then, he looks at me with that familiar softness in his eyes, the intensity from earlier replaced with something deeper. His hand cups my cheek, his thumb brushing my skin, and for a moment, we just stand there in the dim light, staring at each other like the rest of the world doesn't exist.
"What if you were pregnant?"
- to be continued -
@spectorrrhgf @tinawantstobeadoll @appetencyfortacos @weskerussy @kellyxo1 @larkkyoris @shukirschtein14 @corvusmorte @carefree-flowerchild @rexmeshlasblog @melmel-fandom @needz1nk @nonamevenus @morganlolitta @angelofthorr @pickuptruck01 @inlovewithcharmers @gaulty74 @mega-kittyglitter-1 @sylviavf @bethexo07
Next part
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D-16 (TFO) x Cybertronian!Reader
The prettiest bot I've ever seen in my whole life ( do not tell Starscream I said that ♪(´▽`) ) - I kid you not, not a single Megatron has ever moved my heart as Transformers: One did. D-16 got me giggling, crying and screaming at the same time. Gender Neutral Cybertronian Reader!
WARNING: Spoilers from the movie (Transformers One 2024). First love to Angst.
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I have two scenarios on mind: 1) You are another miner that works alongside Orion Pax, D-16 and the others. Or 2) You work on something else, You and D-16 getting to catch each other on daily basis from time to time, but never interact.
1st scenario gives me the vibes that you two get to always chat and work together, watching Orion drag D-16 to his little disastrous advnetures and D-16 smiling at you awkwardly whenever that happens.
But you don't mind (you get worried sometimes, of course), always giving D-16 a soft smile or a lively chuckle as you go back to work.
And you don't get to see how Orion teases his best friend at how he is smiling like a dumb. D-16 tries to deny it... to then gush to his best friend about you. "Did you see how they smiled at me? They're so... (sigh) perfect."
2nd scenario would be a slow burn type situation - both of you always wondering about... well, everything!
And the first interaction both of you had was when, by pure coincidence, found each other in the middle of a busy day, among many walking by bots.
"Hello, m-my designation is-" / "Hi, I'm so happy to..." both of you start at the same time, fell silent and then laugh together at each other's interruption.
You get to see how D-16 and Orion end at the race, celebrating their ups and worry at their downs, even more at how D-16 got hurt nearly at the end of the race.
After that... it was like he vanished. And while you prayed to Primus for him to be safe and sound, he would be thinking about you from time to time the whole journey.
As you would keep going with your job (growing tired and tired for the sudden high demand of shifts at the mines or feel like something bad was about to happen) - D-16 would slowly spiral between rage, confusion, realizations and the worst thing - to find out about the whole true and how not only him and his friends were stolen from their freedom and right to transform... but you were also a victim. Just like them. Just like all of them.
With the 1st scenario... It brigns you joy to see Orion back at the mines, now changed and looking like a true transformer. And your spark breaks at finding out about the true - but the words of the new changed Orion brings you hope.
But you can´t shake this concerned feeling inside of your spark. Where is D-16?
With the 2nd scenario... you are a sea of feelings, confusion and fear, not knowing why there was suddenly so much chaos and - wait, is that... Dee? But... he looks so different! Like Orion, but there is something else that makes your spark tremble.
And hell - you cover your mouth with your servos at the sight of Orion being shot, at watching how D-16 tries to save him but then decide to let him fall. You watch how Elita nearly jumps after Orion's body and Bee stop her.
The worst part? After witnessing Sentinel's brutal murder, Dee- no, Megatron's speech and how he takes Megatronus t-cog and change even more... you feel your spark break even more the moment your optics and his find each other.
Bright yellow optics found (color) optics in the middle of a busy day... and there was nothing but new found feelings. But now... aggressive red optics find (color) optics... and while the red optics try to remain strong, they can't help but soften at the sight of how your (color) optics hold fear. As if you were watching the optics of an unknown bot.
How badly he wanted to go after you and hold you - to tell you he finally avenged you just like he did for himself and everyone else...
We all know how it goes - Orion comes back now as Optimus Prime and defeats Megatron.
And before Megatron leaves Iacon - he looks after you. And your optics meet for the last time.
And you swear you got to see the same D-16 you met the very first time in your whole life.
And Megatron knows he has changed, from the top of his helm to the last atom of his pedes. But something never changed in him.
His love for you.
"... The only thing I'll ever regret was never tell them how I felt."
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Well damn I hurt myself with this I guess o(TヘTo) Vhaos out!
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sapphicdib · 7 hours
I am sure you are all aware of the current state of the fandom. I have done my best to avoid all of the controversy, but seeing how others have voiced their concerns I would like to as well.
I, as an artist, do not feel safe in the Rain World fandom.
I have expressed this in the past, but I have been the victim of false pedophile and grooming allegations with the use of manipulated and doctored screenshots. I do not have the words to articulate just how psychologically damaging it is to have an entire fandom turn on you in an instant. To have your social life destroyed. To have hundreds or even thousands of people celebrate your downfall, simply because you annoyed them, because now they have a "reason" to. Watching this fandom gleefully parade around shaky evidence and happily participate in this type of behavior is sickening to me. It makes me worry that someday, I will annoy someone enough to have another false allegation made against me, and I will have to go through that again. There is a part of me that believes I would not survive such a thing. I am not trying to be dramatic when I say that, but people need to realize that "internet drama" can cause serious harm your mental health. I still have PTSD nightmares related to the callout post made about me from 3 years ago. This is not something you can just “get over”.
People need to remember fanartists are not paragons of grace, nor are they perfect. The fact that the internet has allowed people to dehumanize artists into "content machines" that must never slip up rather than human beings who are messy and awkward and can fuck up at times is sickening. I do not feel comfortable in a fandom that jumps at the opportunity to harass someone over a mistake, that stirs up a witchunt over what boils down to miscommunications. A fandom that treats every situation as black and white and doesn't wait for all the evidence to come out.
I believe nyuuronfly put it best in their post:
"It is not inspiring to sit around and get attention in an atmosphere where the more attention you get the more you know many of the eyes that are looking toward you are searching for a weak point to go after."
I understand revealing a lot of my trauma in this post is a potentially stupid decision, but I believe my story can help make people realize the genuine harm callout posts cause. It is not fun having to deal with constant paranoia that hundreds of people are praying on your downfall. I have considered not posting about, or simply deleting my rot au many times because of worry that someone will think it's too “dark” or “problematic” and decide I am the fandom's #1 punching bag for months.
As of now, I will not be deleting, nor will I stop posting art. But I have considered it many times, and this behavior as of late brought me the closest I've ever been to doing so. I love rain world and frankly, I don't want to feel this way about the fandom! I want this place to be positive, I want better for this game. I'm not mad, just disappointed.
PLEASE for the LOVE OF GOD stop reblogging callout posts.
Fanartists are PEOPLE. They are giving you FREE art. Treat them better.
You are not immune to false screenshots, mob mentality, and black and white thinking.
Rain world is a gorgeous, creative, and deeply moving game. Please, let's work to make this community reflect that.
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elumish · 23 hours
One way to build your writing skills--a way that I would argue is necessary if you ever want to write original fiction for publication--is to write from the point of view of, and with the focus on, a wide range of different characters.
it's really easy to fall into a rut when writing the same character or characters all the time, or even the same type of character all the time, where characterization tends to become muscle memory as much as anything else. You know what that character will do, so you know what characters of that type will do, so you know what characters will do, so that's what your characters do.
And when you don't have to think about it, you don't build--and can start to atrophy--those muscles required to do detailed, specific, engaging character building. What does it mean for this character, in this time, to do or experience this thing. What are the myriad of things that have built your character up to being who they are, and how do those things (individually and in aggregate) impact the choices that they make, the actions that they take, the reactions that they have, and the people that they engage with.
What can end up happening--and I see this all the time in published fiction--is that authors end up only being able to write 2-3 character types of each gender, and it all feels a bit samey.
Without opening a book by so many authors I have read, I can predict with a fair amount of accuracy what most of their characters will act like, because it's kind of the same across the board. Even when they start distinct, they end up drifting towards the same personality/character types like carcinization.
Writing from the point of view of/focusing on a range of characters (especially if they are different genders, of different backgrounds, with different wants and fears and habits and interests and personalities) forces you to actually be specific in your writing, if you want it to be any good.
Your 15-year-old B-student who really wants to spend their time playing rugby shouldn't sound like your 45-year-old businessman with a penchant for collecting Star Trek action figures who is trying to plan the perfect anniversary for his wife and neither of them should sound like the 23-year-old who spends their time going out at nightclubs and showing up a little bit hungover at work and worrying about finding a job that will let them move out of the apartment they're sharing with three other people.
Practice, and then practice some part, and then keep practicing. Write different characters, ask yourself if you're writing a character a certain way because you think they would be that way or because it's just habit, and be specific.
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anyarose011 · 1 day
"Nursing on the Poison that Never Stung" {Aemond x Reader}
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Summary: It was the one night you were supposed to have off from work. Naturally, that was when Aemond Targaryen came in to bother you (for good reason). He came in for weeks after that to "bother" you some more. Yet, one night changed all of that.
Part 3 of 3 (Masterlist)
Warning(s): SMUT, PIV sex, oral sex (f and m receiving), loss of virginity, porn with plot, fingering, riding, titty sucking, dirty talk (High Valyrian style), eye trauma, cussing, mention of past child SA, attempted SA (not done by Aemond), canon typical violence, and someone's throat gets ripped out.
I'm so sorry it took me SOO long. Not only is my life kind of falling at the seams, but this chapter is also hella long so I hope it was worth it! There's a bunch of High Valyrian in this chapter. I myself am not fluent, but I tried to search up phrases and familiarize myself with some of the grammar, so I hope it's accurate. This chapter has a bit more sensitive themes (but mainly at the end, most of it is just porn with a little plot).
Word Count: 9.8k
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It had been a week since Aemond Targaryen helped walk you home; and touched you so intimately in your childhood bedroom of all places.
You would see him come and go once in a while from Sylvi’s brothel and talk with him every so often, but not for long. Not even long enough to do anything but greet him, ask him how he was, and then have him be whisked away by Sylvi. It was always a flip of a coin for her to either glare at you or smile every time she did.
Tonight was the rare night you would be at the brothel not to prepare for your ‘Woman at the Well’ act, but to mend the clothes of the women. It was something you did only once every moon, but it was a nice break in between your more so risky job.
Because you mended the clothes so rarely, it would take hours upon hours to do. That was why you begun it at dinner with the girls who usually helped pretty you up.
And, just like the week prior, their minds were filled with-.
“-I heard that war will come to King’s Landing in a fortnight.” One of the younger workers theorized.
Chansey scoffed, eating her dinner. “I heard that you run your mouth with gossip when it should be running down a man’s chest.”
The girls laughed, and you joined along with them momentarily. Then, Valda broke it up.
“I heard that it’s a curse the Kingsguard put upon the land by parading the skull of a dragon through the streets.”
Silence filled the air as if Death himself walked in. Once again, it was Valda who spoke first. “I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them burned the city to the ground simply to take revenge.”
She stormed out of the room with the slam of the door. Murmurs followed, questioning and complaining of her concern.
“Don’t mind her, girls.” Chansey shook her head. “She’s only upset because she got the clap.”
It was unfortunate for her, but fortunate for you; you had someone to talk to and not worry about a smelly man bursting in to ask for sex.
So, there you were in one of the private suites wearing only your corset and a skirt. You were sitting comfortably on the bed mending a thin dress as Valda laid her head on your lap. It was only the third day of the week; there was no way that many rich suitors would want to reserve a private room.
“How’s your side?” She asked.
“Tender,” you answered. “but I feel much better. How’s your clap?”
“It hurts to piss.” She groaned. “And do you remember when you got shitfaced and saw that fella kissing my cunt?”
Giggling, you nodded. “I do. Against popular belief, I remember many things about that night.”
“Like Prince Aemond?”
“What’s this about your cunt kissing fella?”
“He said he was going to come back tonight.” She whined
“And you’re sure he’s not the one who gave you the disease?”
Sighing, Valda sat up, playfully glaring at you. “Even if he did, he’d have the decency to come up and apologize.”
You chuckled, finishing up your final stitch on the dress before moving onto a sock. “If he does, he’s not kicking me out of this room.”
“You can join us if you’d like.” She joked. “Or just watch, whatever you want.”
“And get the clap from you?!” You laughed.
“I didn’t mean it like that!”
You sighed. “At this rate, might as well get it out of the way.”
Valda hummed. “You don’t mind just ‘throwing’ your purity away now?”
“I’m the only woman in this building who hasn’t.”
“Yes but…”
You eyed her. “But?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I like that you’re a little romantic; that you want it to be with someone you love and trust.”
You ceased your stitching, dropping your eyes. “Of course I’ll do it with someone I trust but…I’d rather do it now so it would feel good later.”
Valda gave you a look, saying your name warningly.
“No more talk of this.” You smiled. “I’m glad your tantrum ended.”
She rolled her eyes. “Who said it ended?”
“Why are you so upset?”
 “I love my life.” She sighed. “Regardless of where I work, or how much I make, I am happy. If the Targaryen children or Rhaneyra’s bastards want to make a war because they do not know how to-.”
“-Hold your tongue!” You whispered. “What you say is treason, what if anyone were to hear you?”
She laughed. “We’re in a private room.”
“Someone could be outside and be listening in.”
“They’d make out anything over the moans of men and the women that are faking them?”
“-They say Rook’s Rest was a victory, but my brother says otherwise.”
Yes, her brother, Mikhail. No, not a knight of the City Watch or the Kings Guard, but a sailor. Still, he was a sailor who had a silver tongue and could make anyone speak simply with his charm. If it wasn’t secrets he specialized in, it was exporting goods. Sometimes, it was an ordinary transportation of ordinary goods. Other times, either the goods were illegal, and anyone found with them would be hung, or the transportation of them would be off the books (therefore illegal) and a man would be publicly scourged.
Luckily, Mikhail avoided it all.
“What does your brother say?” You questioned, interest piquing.
Despite her early protests of anyone being unable to hear you, she leaned in. “That the king and his dragon fell from the sky while bathing in fire.”
A chill ran down your spine, but she wasn’t finished.
“He also said your little prince had been there on his dragon.”
Taking a deep breath, the first thing you said was “He’s not my little prince.”
“That’s what upsets you?” Valda chuckled bitterly, saying your name gently. “You understand what this means?”
“Say it.” You dared.
She sucked in a breath. “Mikhail’s told me that-.”
“-Mikhail told you that some random man told him what?”
“That it was Aemond Targaryen who lit his own brother aflame.” Valda hissed lowly.
Swallowing the growing dread within you, you said. “Were you there?”
Valda said your name, almost as if she was begging you. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Like our Madame has told me.”
“Sylvi is jealous, I am genuinely fearful.”
 “Jealous? She’s jealous of me?” You scoffed. “As-as if I stole something that was hers, when in fact, he isn’t hers because he is a person and she-!”
The sound of rushing footsteps and a body clashing into the wall stopped your thoughts. Valda opened her mouth but was met with the door slamming open. There, only wearing a pair of trousers, was Aemond; his hand clutched over his left eye, writhing in pain.
You called his name, standing. “What’s wrong?”
“Take it out.” He huffed.
“This damned thing.” He grunted. “It’s burning.”
Only being able to nod, you gently took his arm and led him to the bed. “Sit, sit, sit.” You turned to Valda. “Do-do you know how to do this?”
She shook her head, just as much terror was on her face. As she opened her mouth to respond, you watched as Sylvi burst through the half-opened door. “My prince, what is the matter?!”
He groaned in response, digging his nails into your arm.
Sylvi turned to you and Valda. “Both of you, head down to the healers and-.”
“-Leave us.” He heaved in pain.
You didn’t need to be told twice. Yet, once you rose from the bed, he didn’t let go of your arm. “Stay.”
“What?” Your voice broke.
Sylvi shook her head. “Aemond-.”
“-Leave us!”
Valda leapt off the bed, giving one last look of regret to you before she left. Sylvi continued to stare at you as if you had been the one to scream at her, before turning and hastily leaving, slamming the door.
You were truly on your own.
Taking control as best as you could, your eyes darted to the opened sewing kit on the vanity. Tweezers. Last time you checked, they should’ve been in there!
You dumped the box upside down, several needles creating almost a trap around you until a pair of tweezers landed on your foot. Picking them up in a snap, you stood in front of the prince.
“Aemond, Aemond,” you clutched his shoulder. “you need to remove your hand.”
When he did so, you winced at the sight before you: the creases of his eye were as red as the morning sun, and the sapphire in his eye was as blue as ever. You set down the tweezers and reached over to the nightstand beside the bed, grabbing the small tub of cream Valda had for her own condition.
“It’s a cure all.” You could only say, opening it. “It should help.”
He gritted his teeth in reply.
Dipping your fingers into the tub and hesitantly rubbing in over the redness. He hissed at the coldness of it, and you mumbled an apology. Once his skin was covered, you set the tub down, and your gaze hovered over the tweezers on the bed.
“Just take it out.” Aemond begged.
“It’ll hurt.” You warned, more so for yourself.
Your throat tightened at his voice; a voice you had never heard him use before. Taking a deep breath, you ripped a piece of your skirt, bunching it into a small cloth and placing it onto your lap. You hovered the tweezers over the sapphire eye in one hand and cupped his cheek with the other.
“Close your eye.”
He listened with trembling breath.
“Cou-count to three, and I’ll do it.”
Aemond nodded. “One-,”
You dug the tweezers into his left eye. A scream tore through his throat and into your ears. You forced yourself to keep steady, pulling on the sapphire. It was barely budging, but it still was moving.
“I’m sorry!” You yelled over his cries.
Aemond forced his screams into raged groans, clutching the sheets of the bed beneath him. “Keep going.”
“If you need me to stop-.”
You went back in, twisting the tweezers instead of just pulling. The sapphire was moving more than it had been, and with one final tug, it was out. Instantly dropping the tweezers onto the floor, you took the cloth off your dress and covered his left eye as he brought up his own hand to hold it.
“I know, I know,” You whimpered, still holding his face and kissing his left brow, mumbling against his skin. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
With a final kiss to his forehead, you pulled away and looked at him as his body shuddered from the pain. He opened his eye, fresh tears escaping. It was only then, in his vulnerability as he stared back at you, did you realize:
You had just placed your lips upon him.
“Aemond I-.”
He silenced you, his right hand clutching your neck. Your breath stilled, as if you were to breathe, you wouldn’t be able to anymore. His one eye burned into yours, silently begging him to have mercy on whatever would happen next.
Then…he kissed you.
It was as if he was trying to devour your face when your lips weren’t enough. His hand moved to the back of your neck, pulling you impossibly closer as he tried to kiss every inch of skin. His teeth got into the mix of it, leaving temporary marks.
Setting your hand on his bare chest, you pushed him away once you began to see stars. Your chest rising and falling as if you had run for your life, you looked at him. No more tears had fallen from his right eye, and from his left…there was skin still reddened and irritated from your prodding and pulling. The long scar had been most apparent to you that night.
You must have been the first person to have truly seen him like this. Not as a fearsome prince with one eye, not as a killer…
But a man; a man who ran to you and only wanted you in a time of great distress.
With one, brave breath, you placed the lightest of kisses across his scar; barely touching his skin. You hand traveled into his hair, pressing your lips down the bridge of his nose until you finally made it to his mouth with the same gentleness.
He followed your pace, wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing you impossibly closer. You were on your knees, practically hovering over his lap when his kisses became more feverous little by little. It was when he bit your bottom lip you finally pulled away.
“You should go to the healers downstairs.” You said, just remembering why he came up to you in the first place. “The best one is named Alezander. Or-or you have those fancier ones at the Red Keep, right? Perhaps they’ll know more how to-.”
Aemond only hummed loud enough to get your attention, but other than that, spent more of his time unlacing your corset.
“Out of all the days to wear undergarments…” He shook his head, teasing.
 “I apologize that I didn’t dress appropriately for your liking tonight but-Aemond, I’m serious!” You grabbed his hands from around your waist, stopping him. “I don’t want you to get an infection.”
His smile did not waver. He took one of his hands out from your grip and stroked your cheek. “Please.” He mimicked.
Oh, you were fuming now.
“I’m not going to ask you again-.”
He laid you down on the bed, then traveling down to your legs, and his head disappearing under your skirt. A squeak escaped your mouth when you felt his lips upon your right ankle, then your knee.
“What-what are you-?”
Your leg was soon resting over his shoulder, and you felt his nose brush your pearl before his lips followed.
Another groan left you as he continued to kiss you somewhere you never knew you needed to be kissed before. Valda had told you how wonderful it is…but gods, you never believed her until then.
It was embarrassing how high your cries sounded as he continuously licked strips up and down your sweltering cunt. His fingers soon parted the folds, and just somehow, you became more sensitive, clutching the sheets beneath you.
There was a fire burning in your stomach, but it tightened and tightened like a knot in your hair. You arched your back with each growing pleasure, and you spotted Aemond’s hand reaching for you.
Taking it, you pressed a kiss to each knuckle before placing it on the top of your breast peeking out of the corset. He squeezed it every time his nose bumped against your clitoris, and the fire within you turned into an inferno until you were rocking against his face, moaning with each thrust.
Then, it stopped.
A haze of tiredness you’d never experienced swept over you. You hadn’t realized Aemond came out of your skirt until he was looming over you, kissing your cheeks and down your throat.
“What was that?” Your words slurred.
“My admiration for you.” He nibbled on your pulse point. “You’ve felt that before, haven’t you?”
“Your admiration or that?”
His hand traveled back under your skirt, teasing your clit and inserting part of his finger into you. You gasped at the sensitivity of it. “That.”
You shook your head.
He retracted his hand. “You’ve never touched yourself?”
“Is that why he called it a ‘little death’?”
“The man pawing after me when I saw you with your cock out.” You admitted as if you were drunk. “He said he���d give me a ‘little death’ when I was stabbed.”
Aemond nodded, helping you sit up and begin to unlace your corset. “Do you remember his name?”
“He didn’t tell me. I felt like I died a little just now, that’s why I said it.” You stopped his hands again. “You didn’t ask me if I want this.”
“Do you?”
You nod at first, then shrink into yourself. “I…I don’t think you’ll enjoy it that much.”
“I just want you.”
“Valda said it hurt the first time she did it.”
“She laid with a man who had no idea what he was doing.” He brushed your lip with his thumb. “Just relax.”
You determined that Aemond Targaryen had a way about him; how you somehow could trust him after everything. So that’s why you turned your back to him, making it easier for him to remove your corset. After it was fully unlaced, you slipped it off, revealing your naked back to him.
“I’m not turning until you’re bare first.”
He didn’t give a retort or an insult. You felt the weight of him behind you leave, and heard his trousers fall to the floor.
“Look at me.”
You wanted to then and there, but you didn’t. Instead, you rose up onto your knees and tugged your skirt down. It was all over when you tried to step out of it; falling onto your side with your other leg still in the skirt.
All you could do was laugh at that point. Aemond’s hand rubbed up and down your arm, laying behind you, lightly chuckling in your ear. He helped you slip out of your skirt, and then ran a finger over your side where a scar was beginning to form.
“Does it still hurt?”
“A little, but not horribly.” You rested on the pillow.
Aemond turned you gently onto your back, his eye running down your naked form. You mirrored him, taking in just how lean he truly was. You were just a girl as well; of course, your gaze paused on his cock dangling between his legs. He never looked away as he crawled on top of you.
“This might feel strange.” He warned, lowering himself and pressing his cock just against your center.
“Okay,” you said.
He was right; it felt strange when he inserted himself. In fact, it felt wrong. You whimpered at the feeling, the tightness and the discomfort. Aemond shushed you, kissing your tightly shut eyes.
“Gimin, gimin.” he whispered. “Lykirī. Lykirī.”
Despite not knowing what he was saying to you, you felt at peace. Your breathing slowed as the pain fell away, and you opened your eyes. You took his face into your hands, bringing his lips down to yours, and wrapping your legs around his waist, your heels pressing into his backside.
“Please,” you begged. “just go slow.”
He placed a kiss to your brow before rolling his hips. You had decided that, if and when you were going to lay with a man for the first time, you would never fake your pleasure for his comfort. Whether it was a stranger, a friend, or even a prince of the Seven Kingdoms.
You would let Aemond Targaryen know if he was doing a bad job.
Yet, as he rocked into you at a gentle pace, and the trail of his pubic hair caressed your bundle of nerves, you couldn’t help the small, staccato grunts that escaped. One of his hands took yours, holding and pressing it into the mattress to hold himself up, while the other held your face. Your free hand traveled into his hair, pulling him chest-to-chest with you, and placing your lips on his.
He quickened once you copied his thrusts, wrapping one of his arms around your waist to move you at an angle that felt…oh.
Your cries grew embarrassingly louder, tugging on his hair and causing him to moan right into your mouth. You were barely kissing now, just your lips hovering over one another as he fucked you.
His hand guided yours down to where his cock and your cunt met. At the feeling of something moving against your hand, your eyes flew open.
“Aōla renigon?” He asked. “Do you feel me?”
“Yes, yes!” You gasped as you felt his bulge move within you.
You were lowered back down onto the bed, but he did not slow for a second. His mouth went to your chest, taking one of your breasts in between his lips. His tongue circled your areola, and it was then your hips began to grow sore while his found a new vigor pounding into you.
He was more vocal too, and as his groans reverberated through your skin and the room, the growing pleasure within you was climbing and climbing until-.
A cry none like the others tore through you. No, it wasn’t loud. Unrestrained, yes, but it wasn’t so comically deafening. Aemond pulled himself away from you, and took his throbbing dick into his hands, palming himself and tossing his head back in a groan.
Spurts of his cum tainted your stomach and quivering legs as you laid flat on your back.
Both of your chests rose and fell like waves on the sea in a storm, and you couldn’t look away from each other. Never in your life had you felt so…okay with being completely bare in front of a man.
To be fair, it was the first time you were.
Aemond grabbed a spare blanket that was on the bed and wiped off his spent. You hadn’t even asked him to, but he did so regardless. As he worked over you, you moved a piece of hair out of his face.
“You’re beautiful.”
He smiled, sitting up and tossing the blanket off the bed. “I’m the first man that bedded you, of course you say that.”
“No.” You shook your head, sitting up. “I mean it. At least, when you’re being nice you are.”
Looking down at your legs, you saw a strain of blood upon the blanket. “Oh shit.”
“It’s natural.” He immediately reassured. “This was the first time you-.”
“-No, I know. It’s just still unusual.”
Aemond kissed your cheek before crawling between your legs, resting his head on your chest. You combed your fingers through his hair, feeling your heart finally slow. The only sound in the room were both of your steady breaths.
“What happened before you came here?” You asked in the silence.
“I was with Sylvi.” He surprised you by answering. “My eye had felt strange the whole time, until it was too much. I asked where you were, and she told me.”
“You know that’s not all of it.”
As if it would draw your attention away, he placed a kiss to your breast. Rolling your eyes, you pulled him off so he could properly look at you. “When you took me home, you doubled over in pain because of your eye. That was a week ago.”
You saw right through him as he had done to you. Sighing, he laid down beside you, shutting his eye. “I have to take the jewel out every so often to clean both it and the socket. It hurts to do so, and I’ve been busy considering my sister is trying to usurp my brother.”
Rhaenyra, you had to remind yourself for a second, not Queen Halena.
“You’ve kept it in for a while.” You finished for him.
“I have.” He looked back at you. “And before you ask, I’ll get to the maesters tomorrow and have them put it back in.”
“Sylvi didn’t tell you I was here, did she?”
“I asked one of the girls serving me wine.”
You hummed, turning on your side. “Not before putting on your undergarments.”
“I didn’t want to frighten you.”
Laughing, your mind was taken back to that night you wandered upon him and Sylvi as you were bleeding out.
“Gods above, you were naked as a newborn babe when I was being stitched up!”
A grin etched his lips; he smiled more when you were with him those days. “I didn’t have time to cover myself.”
“It was odd though, how you walked out into the open with your cock on display.”
“It was the second time I had done that.”
“I suppose princes are allowed to do that.” You sighed. “I suppose men are allowed to do that.”
Aemond drew his eye back up to the ceiling. “Women are more beautiful in their natural state than men. It’s truly a shame they cannot walk outside completely bare.”
You rose your brow at the statement, turning onto your stomach and poking his cheek teasingly. “Oh? And if you were king, would you let them?”
He looked back at you, his eye briefly running down your body.
“Only a few.”
“You nasty, rotten dog!” You shoved him, laughing.
His face changed into a moment of panic, and you thought you said something wrong until he slid off the bed and crouched on the floor. Sitting up you watched as he frantically crawled on his hands and knees, mumbling in High Valyrian.
You called his name, feet hanging off the bed. “What is it?”
“The sapphire!” He hissed. “I can’t find it.”
Grasping the seriousness, you got onto the floor with him, searching the entire floor for the jewel. You both must’ve searched for just a few minutes until you heard Aemond sniffling. He wasn’t crying, but his face started to turn red from frustration.
“Hey,” you said softly. “if we don’t find it now, we’ll-.”
“-You wouldn’t understand!” He spat. “If I don’t find it this instant than she’ll-!”
He stopped himself, his anger crumbling just as it began. His body was tensed and puffed out like a bird trying to show aggression; but underneath all that, you saw terror.
“What will she do?” You asked, sitting up taller.
His gaze dropped, and his breathing quickened as he rapidly blinked back his tears.
“May I touch you?” You questioned, and he looked at you as if you had told him you loved him. He nodded. You cupped his face in your hands. “Whatever she wants to do to you, I won’t let her. Do you hear me? I’ll kick and scream like a wailing child before I let her harm you.”
For whatever reason at all (perhaps it was because he was afraid, perhaps it was because you were both naked on the floor, or perhaps it was because he had told you a shocking piece of history he had with her), but you assumed ‘she’ was Sylvi.
A woman you had come to trust ever since you were a child. A woman who had in turn, took advantage of a boy the same age you were when she proclaimed she’d never let a man touch you, even if he was Viserys himself.
You still thought that, of course, when Aemond wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, kissing you before then resting his head in your lap. You returned to softly brushing his hair.
“She made the maesters put it in.” He confessed. “She could only look at her son for what he was for only a few moons until she became disgusted.”
…He was speaking of his mother….the Dowager Queen.
It was still heartbreaking; so, you decided to ask. “And what is her son?”
“A monster.”
He didn’t even have to think. Taking a deep breath, you pressed the softest of kisses to his scar. “Would a monster walk me home in the rain and show kindness to the only other person I can call family? Would a monster feel sorrow in believing that he is a monster?”
Aemond hid himself further into your lap. You traced your hand up and down his spine. “It’s late. Perhaps you should-?”
“-Just a little longer…”
Sighing lightly, you teased. “Could we at least be on the bed?”
He didn’t leave your arms for another hour after that; and no one had knocked on the door either.
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Two weeks later, three things were apparent. The first was that all of King’s Landing had been put on lockdown, not allowing any person to leave, or any person to enter. The next, was that Aemond had been appointed as Prince Regent, which added to Valda’s statement of him being the one to purposefully set his brother ablaze with his dragon.
And the third: You were completely, and most ardently addicted to him.
Almost every night, whether it was after you put your grandmother to bed, or even after luring and robbing a man in nothing but a thin dress, you would meet him at Sylvi’s brothel in one of the private rooms.
Each time you fucked was better than the last. In the short time you had been with him, you’d gone from being an unsure, inexperienced girl, to having touched every inch of the prince’s body. Some nights were more intense than others; physically and emotionally.
One night, you would be rocking into him until both your skins turned red, and the other, you would be holding him in your arms, talking about nothing and everything.
He taught you how to touch yourself, you taught him how to fully bare his soul to you (or at least…you thought he did).
“I haven’t done this for a while.” Aemond told you one night as you kneeled in between his legs.
You giggled, still high off of how he used his fingers on you prior. “Which part?”
“A lot of it. I hadn’t with Sylvi since…I can’t even recall.”
Swallowing at his words, you asked. “You mean, you didn’t fuck her?”
He nodded. “I wouldn’t even let her kiss me, it felt…confusing.”
“I saw her mouth on you…”
Placing his hand on your cheek, he rubbed his thumb over your lips. “Perhaps I was imagining it to be someone else’s.”
He didn’t have to imagine it that night.
Whenever you arrived at the brothel, the worst reaction from the other girls (mainly Valda) was a disapproving shake of the head, or light teasing. Then, there was Sylvi.
She had her back turned to you one night as she counted coin. You returned from a job (he had pulled your hair, so you would have to tell Aemond to be gentle), and it was the first time you were alone with her. Other nights, she would stare at your from across the room as a man pawed and groped her, all the while, you were on your way to find the Prince Regent.
You tried to tiptoe past her, but she turned as if she knew you were already there.
She spoke your name with a smile. “How was the night?”
You approached her, reaching into the pocket of your dress, then throwing her the small sack. Sylvi opened it, her face lighting up.
“Seven Hells…” She gasped.
“I know.” You shrugged. “I didn’t expect him to be so wealthy either.”
“Did you rob a Lannister?” She jested.
“I wish.”
You thought it was over once you gave her the coin, and so you tried to brush past her to go up the staircase. Only for her to catch your hand.
“Stay,” she said. “I feel like I haven’t properly spoken to you in ages.”
“I can’t.”
“Of course you can.” She laughed, pulling you around so she could see your eyes. “I’ll call in your little friend to make us cake.”
You sighed. “Sylvi-.”
“-She makes Northern Snow, right?”
“-You’ve done so well, I say you-.”
“-Can’t you just leave me alone?!”
You hated yelling; you felt like you would throw up every time you did. But she wouldn’t stop, you had to. Her smile dropped. Not in anger, not in sadness, but annoyance.
“Leave you alone to do what?” She challenged.
“I…” You glanced off to the side; there wasn’t anything there, you just didn’t want to look at her. Then, you finally did. “I’m sorry we haven’t been able to talk. I know that the arrangement between Prince Aemond and I upsets you-.”
“-You assume I’m jealous of you?”
“What else am I supposed to assume?”
“That I worry for you.” She cupped your cheek.
You pull away, laughing joylessly. “Why is everyone telling me that? You were with him for nights on end and never had anyone afraid for you.”
“It’s not the same.”
“Why? Why isn’t it the same.”
You could only gawk at her; jaw loosely hanging. Deciding not to even grace her with a retort, you turned on your heel and rushed up the stairs.
“What would your mother think of you pleasuring the prince for free?” She asked.
Freezing where you stood, you didn’t even have the strength to turn and look at her. So, you forced yourself to stand taller. “What would my mother think of you stealing a child’s innocence?”
You were no longer in the mood to be kind.
She didn’t say anything for a bit. “His brother was the one to-.”
“‘-I don’t care if Viserys himself came into my brothel. I would be put to the sword before I let a man lay a hand on a child.’” You recited perfectly.
Sylvi breathed deeply, folding her hands. “King Aegon did not come in asking for a child, he came in with one; one I was not responsible for maintaining his honor-.”
“-But taking it.”
“What do you think will come from this?” She taunted. “Hm? Do you seek only carnal pleasure? Pleasure in knowing a Targaryen desires you? Or are you truly a foolish little girl? You think he’ll ask for your hand in marriage, only for him to place it around his cock!”
You still hadn’t turned to look at her. Tears pricked your eyes as you trembled with rage. Gripping the railing, you spoke coolly.
“It doesn’t matter what I seek from the Prince Regent. What matters is you keep your childish envy far from the both of us. Goodnight, Sylvi.”
When you got to the room, you didn’t give Aemond the time to ask what was wrong before you sealed your lips with his. He didn’t stop you.
There were more nights than not he would speak in High Valyrian as you shared your body with him. You giggled while he pressed kisses to your chest.
“You could be insulting me, and I wouldn’t even know it.”
He looked up at you, his mouth traveling lower. “Perhaps I should teach you then.”
Of course, you thought it was just him flirting; saying something tender and personal to make you feel good.
But then he brought you books the next night; books for children on how to learn the language properly, fictional stories in High Valyrian, and a dictionary from Common to High Valyrian. He had meant it.
“Gods above.” You breathed, laying on your stomach, flipping through the pages of a book. “I don’t think I’ve read so much.”
“Is it too much for you?” Aemond pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“No, I actually enjoy it.”
You felt the bed dip on each side of your thighs as he hovered above you. “I’ll take you to the Red Keep one day.” He teased his cock over the globes of your ass. “You cannot comprehend the library until you see it.”
Humming, you shut the book. “I would adore that.”
He hadn’t taken you to the Red Keep at all, and he never would.
It was one night (one damned, fucking night) that determined it.
“Skorkydoso glaesā?” You questioned, lying under the covers with him.
“Sȳz iksan, kirimvose. Se ao?”
He furrowed his brow. “Skoro syt?”
You mirrored him, hesitating on your words. “Syrī tosh ao?”
Aemond stared at you before a grin spread wide across his cheeks.
“What?” You asked.
“You cannot hate my company that much.”
“What?!” You sat up in shock. “I told you I’m doing well because I’m with you!”
“Glaeson, you said. It means ‘Not well’. Glaesan means you’re well.”
Sighing, you laid down flat on the mattress. “I’m never going to get it.”
He traced his fingers over your stomach. “You won’t if you stop now. Again.”
“Can’t you read me one of those children’s books again? The one about the bird and the fish, or something.” You begged. “I’ll translate it.”
“If it gives you any peace of mind,” he kissed the tip of her ear. “you speak better than my brother.”
Huffing, you looked up at him. “May I make a request?”
“I’m not reading another story.”
“It’s not that, I swear.”
“Then what is it?”
“Let us never talk about family when either of us are naked.”
He turned you onto your side, hugging you from behind. “I’ll allow it.”
You relaxed against his bare chest, deciding to fill the air with your first thought. “I had three nightmares last night.”
“Three?” He sounded offput, but still brushed your shoulder with his lips.
“One right after the other. I thought I woke up, but I was still asleep.”
 “What happened in them?”
“I can’t really remember.” you curled your hand around his. “There were stacks of dirty laundry and chairs everywhere at some point. You were mean to me in one of them.”
“How was I mean?”
“You called me a cunt.”
“Well, you are.”
You shoved him off of you; not so roughly to hurt him, but not playfully.
He still chuckled. “But you have the most beautiful one I’ve ever seen.”
You scoffed. “Now you’re lying.”
Aemond placed his hand on your shoulder as he sat up, turning you to look at him. He said your name genuinely. “I mean it.”
A smile finally appeared on your lips, and you snickered, pushing him away jokingly this time. “How in the world have you not married yet when you say such loving things?”
He sat against the headboard. “I was meant to.”
“Oh…” Well…you weren’t exactly expecting that. “And why didn’t you?”
“I was betrothed to a Baratheon girl to secure alliance. After what happened, Lord Borros wasn’t so keen on letting me be near her.”
No one should blame you for not knowing how to properly respond right away. So, after some thought, you said. “Did you want to get married when you were younger?”
“Not much of something I imagined; I suppose you did though?”
You smiled shyly. “Gigi would read me her fictional novels; many were romance.”
“And you wanted a knight in shining armor to come and whisk you away from your dull life.”
“No, that was Gigi.” You sat up, grabbing a comb on the nightstand and began to run in through your hair. “I much preferred the quiet, knowledgeable boy who was outshined by the loud and brutish men.”
He hummed. There were rare moments like these where you could not see his gaze, but you knew how it burned into your skin. How, despite being given permission to, he held himself back from touching you.
“And which did your mother prefer?”
At the mention of her…you didn’t feel sad. Was this how you thought he was the one for you? How you didn’t feel like he was invading you whenever he asked about her? How you wanted to tell him about her?
“I’m actually not sure.” You looked at him, grinning. “I think she had to see all sides of men and stopped caring for them.”
“They can be ugly, I’m sure.”
You nodded, setting the comb down sitting up and resting your head on his shoulder, “They can, but a few of them aren’t so bad.”
“What do you remember most about her?” He asked.
A memory resurfaced sooner than you thought. “On the rare days she’d wash our clothes and bedding, she’d let me help. I’d get to stomp out the dirt, hit the clothes, but my favorite part was after she’d dry everything. Especially on a hot day when I was little, she’d come in and toss all of the blankets and towels on me; I’ve never felt anything warmer in my life.”
Aemond’s gaze drifted from you to the front of the room. “It must have been nice.”
You tilted your head. “Something’s bothering you. I won’t ask but-.”
“-He got away with it.”
“What?” You took your head off his shoulder to look at him properly.
He sighed. “When we were children, and I had claimed Vhagar, one of them wasn’t happy for me. She said that she was hers to claim because she had been her mother’s dragon. She attacked me, and the other three followed. I fought them off and tried to run, but they caught me. I had struck Jacaerys with a rock, and Luke had struck my eye with his blade.”
“I forgave him for it long ago.” He leaned farther back, sighing. “I understand why he felt the need to defend himself; I don’t forgive him for getting away with it…and my mother didn’t for so long.”
She hated him, you knew that already. It hadn’t been any of your business before, but now…
“My mama would’ve liked you.”
The words leave your mouth before you could stop them. That was when he finally looked at you, a smile threatening to show. “Why?”
“Well, you’re funny, and intelligent-.”
“-Oh, stop; but do go on.” He teased.
“And you know that I am more so those things than you are.”
He hummed. “I do?”
“Of course you do.”
“I rebuke this slander.”
 “Well, what is it you want me to say?” You laughed, dramatically tossing yourself back down onto the bed. “Oh Aemond, you’re foul and arrogant, but kiss me anyway because you have the most fearsome, biggest dragon in the-!”
He followed your order, leaning over and kissing your lips fully before caging you between in arms. “You should meet her one of these days.”
“Vhagar?” You chuckled. “She’d kill me.”
“Perhaps, but not until I take you up on her.”
You shook your head. “No.”
“I’m not stepping foot on that dragon.”
“I command you to.”
“Oh!” You gasped in an attempt to taunt him. “Oh, you command me to?! What else will my Prince Regent command of me?”
He smirked, kissing the tip of your nose. “As we are in the sky, I will do unspeakable things to you.”
The words did not reach meaning as you heard them. Then, once they did, you began to laugh. No matter what Aemond said to you, you could not stop laughing.
“What is it?” He questioned.
You refuted. “I can’t say it.”
“Your Prince Regent commands you.”
Taking the deepest of breaths to relax yourself, you finally said. “The first time I ride a dragon, it will not be while I’m riding y-.”
His lips on yours silence you once again. Though this time, he wasn’t letting up; diving his tongue into your mouth as he began to place more of his weight on top of you. Before he could completely trap you, you tossed yourself over him, straddling and holding him down, panting.
“I wouldn’t mind it now; if you’re fine with that.”
He grinned like the devil, his hands squeezing your hips. “You can practice.”
Giggling, you took his cock in your hands and rose yourself up before sinking down onto him. You were still wet from earlier that night, so it didn’t take too long to readjust. Once you were fully seated, you rested your palms on his chest, beginning to move.
You switched between rolling your hips and bouncing on his cock. When you’d get tired, you’d lean back and let him chase his own pleasure, all the while, mumbling in his mother tongue.
“No, no.” You babbled, leaning forward and halting your motions. He cursed, but you remained still. “Let me hear you.”
Aemond called your name like he was praying; like he was begging for one of the Seven to hear him. He tried to move your hips himself, but you tore his hands off you, pinning them on each side of his head.
“When I move, you move.” You hissed, then said the next words slowly. “Let me hear you.”
He sucked in each breath, collecting himself before uttering. “Dīnilūks.”
Of course, it was something you didn’t know.
So, you merely kissed along his jaw. “Ñuho glaeso hūrus.”
He grunted when you jolted your hips forward at an uneven pace. Sitting up, Aemond held you against him with no space between you. He thrusted like a madman, sucking on the pulse point in your neck.
“Did-ah!-did I say it right?” You murmured, feeling a coil tighten in your stomach.
“Yes.” He breathed, grasping one of your tits. “Yes!”
A loud knock on the door bounced off the walls of the room, causing a sharp gasp to escape you.
Sylvi said your name. “Open the door, I need you for something.”
You immediately halted your movements, swallowing thickly. Sighing, you went to get off of Aemond, only for him to latch his arm around your hips.
“Keep going.”
You shook your head. “You know she’ll throw a fit.”
“I don’t care.” He pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. “Let her hear what I do to you, and I’ll let her hear what she couldn’t do to me.”
With quivering breath, you resumed the movement in your hips, pushing him back down onto the bed. Aemond fucked into you like a wild animal, almost throwing you off balance if not for digging your nails into his shoulders.
“Gods,” he moaned. “ñuha dijītsos, if you could see yourself…”
“I’ll make you-fuck-I’ll make you watch yourself one day.” He took your pearl between his fingers. “Watch how I penetrate you, how I desecrate you.”
Whining, you sped up your thrusts, the slapping of skin and the calling of his name from your lips drowning out anything that was not in the room.
You moved with him as best you could, leaning over him to press your lips to his as one of his hands moved to your backside, pulling you even closer. The sweat of your skin glued you to his chest, your thighs starting to cramp from kneeling.
“Ae-Ae-!” You grunted, feeling the burn both from your growing pleasuring and the pain in your legs.
“Give it to me.” He made a weak attempt to suppress his grunts.
Your orgasm hit you with both the suddenness and intensity of a screaming arrow. Vision blurring, your cries grew sharper as you rode it out, and all the while, Aemond was still thrusting up into your cunt. As you were beginning to come down, he let out a moan from his chest, releasing himself into you.
You collapsed fully onto him, it being your heavy breathing now harmonizing instead of your groans.
“What-what did you call me?” You kissed his heart. “I’m your dijistos?”
“Dijītsos.” He corrected, running his hand up your back. “You’re my little desire; although, the word is much cruder than that.”
“Little arousal then?”
You both stayed like that for less than you wanted to; again, the knocking on the door disturbing your peace. Sitting up, you pulled yourself off of him, hissing from the pain in your legs.
Aemond sat up. “I’ll get it.”
“No.” You grabbed his arm. “Just put my dress on. I have to look somewhat presentable.”
He reached down, grabbing the thin dress you always wore for your jobs. You placed your arms above your head as he slipped your dress over you.
“You know,” you began. “if I had it my way, I would say we should hide under the covers like children and pretend the rest of the world does not exist.”
Humming, he kissed your clavicle. “Perhaps one day we shall.”
You gritted your teeth once you got up, only then feeling Aemond’s spent travel down your leg. Still, you were high from the overall activity. Which is why you slammed the door open to greet Sylvi as if she still favored you.
“Ah, what a pleasant surprise!” You cheered. “What can I do for you, Madame?”
Her nostrils flared for a moment until she forced herself to relax. “Well, at least you look the part.” She shoved an empty jug into your arms. “Chansey found a man for you to seduce.”
You stared at her before chuckling. “I already did one an hour ago.”
“Two hours ago. This one is actually wealthy. Stupid too, so it shouldn’t be hard for you.”
Sighing, you knew there wasn’t any other way to get out of it. Yes, there was the Prince Regent behind you, but he didn’t seem to want to intrude for some reason. You foolishly shrugged it off.
“Okay, just let me pretty myself-.”
“-Please,” she interrupted, “he’s not looking for an innocent maiden. He’s looking for another warm place to put his cock.”
And she left you standing in the doorway. You glanced into the jug and saw your sheathed knife visible, along with a red ribbon, Sighing, you sat down against the wall and reached in to grab them. You soon felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Do you need help?” Aemond asked, crouching in front of you.
“Sure.” you sighed, hiking up your dress and laying your knife against your thigh. You held the ribbon up to him. “Tie it, please.”
He double knotted the ribbon, placing a kiss to your knee when he was finished. “I shall be here when you come back.”
You scoffed. “It’s getting late. Won’t the council be worried about where the Prince Regent is?”
“Precisely because I am, I choose to stay here. Do not keep me waiting.”
Kissing his cheek, you wished him farewell before rushing down the stairs and past all the couples and groups, pleasuring themselves with a newfound vigor.
The night felt a little darker that night. You didn’t know the exact time, but it wasn’t exactly the darkest hour of night you had gone out; at least, it wasn’t supposed to be. It was more likely you were growing tired and weary from exhausting prior activity as you trudged through the slim paths of King’s Landing.
You still managed to find the man you were meant to be looking for; stumbling around as if it was the first time he was ever drunk. With a sigh, you began to sing the same song, walking in the direction of the well you have come to know for years.
It wasn’t just your body that was weak; it was your voice. That night wasn’t the nicest you sounded, but it had got the job done. Sylvi had been right: It was easy.
Just with from the sight of your blade gleaming in the moonlight, the man cowered like a child, tossing a hefty sack at you.
You didn’t even touch him.
So, with a skip in your step, you rushed back to the pleasure house. You dropped off the money in Sylvi’s room and attempted to make yourself more presentable for Aemond. That being dropping one of the straps off your shoulder; there wasn’t much more you could do. With a smile on your face as you reached the door, you grabbed the handle and pushed it open.
There was a man in the room; a man that wasn’t Aemond.
“Ah, there you are.”
His grin was hideous, in fact, his entire self was. The look in his eyes as they ran over your body caused you to shrivel like a leaf. If it were any other night that you had found a stranger in a bedroom, you would’ve known exactly what to do.
Yet, tonight you were expecting your lover to be there; and he was nowhere to be seen.
“You have the wrong room, ser.” You deepened your voice.
“No.” He shook his head. “I don’t.”
He said your name.
How did he know your name?
“You’re not meant to be here.” You attempted to sound forceful, but instead, your voice wavered when he approached you. “I suggest you leave before the man I am expecting-.”
“-Comes back?” He interrupted. “The Prince Regent? Is that whom you speak of?”
Swallowing thickly, he was standing so close you could finally see him better. It was the same man that followed you as you were bleeding out; the man that left only when you stumbled upon Sylvi and Aemond.
You reached between your legs and whipped the knife out from under your dress. Unsheathing it once it was out, you dove the blade to his torso. He caught it as the tip reached his clothing.
“Who do you think told me to be here?” He taunted, squeezing your wrist.
Your foot met his shin, and he stumbled backwards, loosening his grip. With a yell, you rose your hand again and slashed his arm. He hissed, and you made the mistake of looking into his eyes. A fury you had never seen before washed over them.
He grabbed your wrist again, twisting it this time. A horrible crack was heard, and a cry ripped through your throat as you collapsed to your knees, dropping the knife. Gripping your hair, he forced you back to your feet before tossing you into the wall.
Falling onto your side after colliding with the wall, all of the wind had been knocked out of you. Just as you took a breath in, the man landed a kick to your ribs. He picked his foot up as you cried and kicked again.
As he tried to do so a third time, you released a growl, crawling to the knife on the floor. He picked it up just as it was in reach.
“How does a silly little cunt like you know how to use this? Woman at the Well?” He questioned, setting the blade on the bed.
You got to your knees despite how your body stung, and only was able to place one foot on the ground before his knuckles met your nose.
He snickered as you laid on your back, breathing unstable. “It’s not your style to give up, isn’t it?”
The man got onto his knees, essentially straddling you. He brushed his hand over your face, and little whines left your bloodied lips as you tried to push him away.
“Gods,” he sighed, moving one of the thin straps down your shoulder, exposing your breast to him.
“Stop.” You sniffled. “Please, stop!”
Wrapping his arms around your aching body, he brought your lips up to his and kissed you like you had never been kissed before. It was violent; hands tearing and grasping your dress, teeth dug into your flesh.
And you reciprocated.
You placed your hands upon his cheeks, attempting to respond with the same vigor. You pulled your lips away, pressing them to his cheek, then traveling downwards.
His chin.
His jaw.
His neck.
You lingered there, forcing out little noises of pleasure when his hand traveled up your thigh, dancing closer and closer to your center.
That was when you sunk your teeth into his throat. For just a moment of euphoria, he thought it was a love bite.
Then, an involuntary scream left his mouth.
Blood colored your teeth red as you bit into his skin until each little strand of flesh was torn off from his neck. He’d let go of you long ago, and you landed on your back from the force of pulling yourself away.
You watched as he crawled backwards, hand on his neck as he groaned out in agony. The adrenaline made it to your legs, letting you stand effortlessly. As if you were a spectator of your own body, you watched yourself spitting his own throat onto him, before picking the knife off of the bed.
Kneeling over his body, you jammed the blade into his neck.
Red painted your body and dress like it was a canvas. It was almost impossible to find the color of your own skin when you were finished.
It was exhaustion that forced you to stop. You didn’t know what silence truly was until you did. You didn’t know when he stopped screaming, or when he had stopped breathing. When you were forced to sit down and catch your breath, did you only then realize you were alone.
You tasted blood and tears on your tongue as you whaled, your hands shaking so horribly the knife dropped without you knowing. The rest of your body slid to the floor, crying into the creaking wood.
As a puddle formed underneath you, you brought your head up, and something shimmered in your sight. Rubbing your eyes, you looked again, and saw something shine under the bed.
Crawling with what little strength you had, you reached for it, clutching something smooth with somewhat of a rough texture. Your breath stilled when you brought it out into the light.
Aemond's sapphire. The one that was in his eye and lost for weeks...under the bed the whole time.
“Seven Hells...”
You clutched the sapphire in your hand, snapping your head up at the voice. Once you saw Sylvi, wide-eyed and mouth hung open, you wept.
She dropped to her knees, taking off her shawl and wrapping it around you. She shushed you, caging you in her arms and pressing kisses on your face.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” She soothed as you tried to fight out of her hold. “You’re okay, I’m here.”
You finally gave into her embrace, tears and blood coating her neck as you buried yourself into it. She kissed your messy hair, squeezing you tighter and tighter until you squealed.
Sylvi loosened her hold. “I’m sorry. Sweetie, what happened?”
You blubbered your response. In your mind, you were forming words, but your mouth was doing otherwise. You had said something of ‘Aemond’ at some point, and that was when she spoke up.
“Aemond?” She repeated, and you nodded. Her eyes had grown impossibly larger than when she had first seen you and the man’s body. She said your name gently. “Gods above…I saw him leave and speak with another man but I-I hadn’t thought he…I’m so sorry.”
“He-he said he would,” you stammered out. “he said…”
He would wait for you to come back.
That was what he told you.
“I’m sorry.” Sylvi lamented, hugging you again.
You pulled away from her. “I-I want to go home.”
“Let me just get the healers to check you-.”
“-Mama,” you shivered. “she-she’s home by now.”
Sylvi took a quaking breath, saying your name again.
“I-I’ve never been out this late,” you forced yourself to stand. “I don’t want to worry her or-or Gigi.”
“You shouldn’t be walking right now.” She followed after you.
Everything was abnormal after she said that. You could hear her saying words, but your mind wasn’t letting you process what any of them meant. You stumbled your way down the stairs and out of the pleasure house; no one had stopped you.
 It was as if you were a babe again: learning to walk, and all the words around you were nothing more than babbles and strange sounds.
And no one had bothered you that night. You realize now that you were either extraordinarily lucky, or the Seven do exist.
When you made it back to your house, you hobbled in through the door and the living room; trying your best not to make a sound.
You thought about going into your mother’s bedroom, not minding the fact you would have to sleep in between her and Gigi…but your hand stained the door with blood once you touched it.
No, you weren’t going to dirty the bed; you and your mother had just cleaned the sheets. She’d be mad at you.
You tiptoed into your room, shut the door, and collapsed into your childhood bed.
The sapphire you had forgotten about dropped from your hand and onto the floor, but you didn't even hear it fall.
If you woke up tomorrow, than this was all just a bad dream.
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No, this ISN'T the last part, I just overestimated how much I'd write and wanted to scare the shit out of you guys.
Also, you may be wondering: WTF is the timeline?
Well...I'm wondering too
High Valyrian
Gimin, gimin. Lykirī. Lykirī: “I know, I know. Be calm, be calm.”
Aōla renigon?: "Do you feel me?"
Skorkydoso glaesā?: “How are you?”
Sȳz iksan, kirimvose. Se ao?: “I am fine, thank you. And you?”
Glaeson: “Not well.”
 Skoro syt?: “Why?”
 Syrī tosh ao?: “I'm with you?”
Glaesan: “Well.”
Dīnilūks: “Marry me.”
Ñuho glaeso hūrus: “Moon of my life.”
Ñuha dijītsos: “My little desire.”
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veltana · 2 days
Buy my heart - 3
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✦ Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Fem!Reader
✦ Word count: ~1,2k
✦ Rating for this part: Mature
✦ Warnings/tags: Alpha!Bucky, Omega!Reader, slow burn, eventual smut, pet names (little darling/darling), mentions of gambling addiction.
✦ Series summary: In a desperate attempt to rescue your family from debt, you decide to auction yourself off. The alpha who purchases you turns out to be quite different from what you imagined, leading to a marriage that exists only on paper. However, when an omega moves in with an alpha who hasn't experienced a rut in years and is determined to keep things strictly professional despite his instincts, complications arise.
✦ In this part: The clothes arrive and you have dinner with Bucky.
✦ Note: Reblogs, comments and asks are much appreciated!
Series masterlist
Masterlist | AO3
The contract is long. Bucky claims it's thin. Sitting at the small table at a window in your room, you do your best to go through it. The formal language makes it hard to decipher but so far you've been able to figure out a few things.
Bucky only needs a wife on paper. As far as you can tell, the contract doesn't require you to share a life or even a bedroom with him. There's also no mention of having kids, which is a relief. You're not going to live like a wife and husband, or an omega and an alpha. But still, there is an exclusivity clause.
A small part of you was hoping that now that you're with an alpha you wouldn't have to spend your heats by yourself. It's torture to go through it with just a toy, making it an endless spiral of pain where there should be pleasure. The few times you've had company during heats it's been great, but that was many years ago and he was a beta.
Also, how is Bucky going through his ruts alone? Does the clause only apply to you?
You're interrupted by a knock on the door and when you call for the person to come in, Natasha steps inside. “The clothes arrived, is it okay if they hang them in the closet?” Standing up, you nod dumbly, not really understanding what she means but then she gestures behind her and a slew of people swarm into your room.
In no time things are hanging everywhere in your walk-in closet. More clothes than you've ever had throughout your whole life. When the people are done they leave, but Natasha stays behind.
“As I said before, I didn't know what style you prefer, and not everything will fit. Just put that aside and we'll send it back.”
You find yourself empty of words, and tears burn the back of your eyes as you stare at the opulence of fabric.
“Hey, are you okay?” Natasha sounds concerned. “Here, sit down.” She guides you back down into the chair and takes the one opposite to you. A few straw tears roll down your cheeks but you quickly wipe them away.
“It's just a lot,” you confess with a wobbly smile. “The clothes?” “Yeah, and this,” you tap the papers on the table. “And this!” You wave your arm around the room. “This is the size of our living room at home that I shared with four other people.” Natasha nods. “Feels big?” “And quiet! I can't remember the last time it was quiet at home,” you sniffle.
Natasha smiles at you. “You'll be okay. And just so you know, you can ask anything but I can't guarantee it won't get back to Bucky. He's my friend and my boss.” “Why doesn't he marry you?” you ask. She laughs at that. “Oh, he asked! But he's like a brother to me.” “But he's not your brother by blood?” “No, we grew up close though. Our families cooperated a lot.” “Then wouldn't it make perfect sense for you to get married?” you ask confused. “It would. But I don't want to, and neither does he. He asked out of desperation, not because of some hidden feelings.”
You nod and start chewing your lip. “Anything else?” Shaking your head you just say, “Thank you for all the clothes.” “Don't mention it, I got to shop up someone else's money, it was fun,” she winks and stands up.
She seems to hesitate for a second but then decides to say. “I know Bucky is brusque sometimes, but he'll be the best alpha you've ever known, just give him some time.”
After Natasha leaves you read the rest of the contract and then decide to take a look in the closet. Previously you've only worn hand-me-downs and cheap stuff from the thrift store. Your sense of style is nonexistent and you're not sure what to do with all the options before you. Most of it is neutral but there are pops of bright colors scattered throughout.
Carefully you grab a skirt and hold it in front of you. It's soft and flowy. Too nice for you. From another place, you grab a shirt. It looks weird together with the skirt. Instead, you pick out a plain T-shirt. It reminds you of something you've seen other women wear at the coffee shop where you worked.
“I think that would look nice on you.” With a yelp you drop the clothes and turn to the door, finding Bucky leaning against the frame. “Sorry, darling, didn't mean to scare you.” “Don't worry,” you answer and quickly pick the clothes from the floor. “Dinner is in an hour and I wondered if you wanted to join me or have it up here.” “I'll join you, if you want.” “Yes, I do.” He looks around and nods in approval before his gaze shifts back to you. “Wear something nice.”
Choosing something nice proves difficult since everything is much nicer than anything you’ve ever owned. In the end, you settle on a simple, one-colored dress.
The bathroom is stocked with makeup still in its packaging and various hair styling tools and you do your best to look presentable. Once ready, you head to the dining room Bucky showed you earlier.
After taking a wrong turn and having to double back you finally find the room where Bucky is waiting. “Sorry, this place is a maze,” you apologize before sitting down across from him. “You'll learn in time,” he says, holding up his glass. In turn, you grab yours and he lightly touches it, the sound filling the room for a second.
The liquid is bubbly and slightly amber-colored, you think it's champagne. Carefully you take a sip and your whole mouth is bombarded with tastes you've never experienced before. You understand why rich people drink this.
“That's amazing,” you tell him. “Never had champagne before?” It's such a stupid question you can't help your response. “Yeah, that's why my family had to put me up for auction, to afford champagne,” your voice is filled with acid. A moment too late you realize who you're talking to.
Across from you, Bucky is not impressed, his eyes dark and his face impassive. “Sorry,” you say, avoiding his gaze and sinking into the chair, pulling your shoulders up to make yourself small. “It's lovely. Thank you.”
He puts his glass down. “Tell me about your family.” You'd rather talk about anything else but you don't feel like you're in a position to deny him a request like that at the moment.
“I lived with my parents and two younger brothers just outside the harbor district. Dad works there. I have two older sisters but I don't see them much.” “You still lived at home?” With a sigh you take another sip, hoping the alcohol will grant you strength to go through the memories.
“Dad works long days and mom works sometimes. We used to have it better, live more uptown, but…” you take a deep breath. “Turns out mom has a gambling problem and she had racked up quite a bit of debt with some bad people. My salary went towards helping to pay it off and I couldn't afford my own apartment. But I'd do anything for my family.”
Right then the food arrives. It's soup in a very small bowl. If this is what rich people eat for dinner, no wonder they're all so stiff and unbearable. They must be hungry all the time!
To avoid having to talk more about it, you concentrate on the food. It's delicious. One of the best things you've ever eaten. It's a shame the bowl is so small because you could have easily eaten double. Too quickly it's gone and for the first time you look up, noticing Bucky is only halfway done.
This dinner is turning out to be a real embarrassment for you. For the third time since you entered the room, you apologize for your behavior, and you feel it won't be the last. “I'm not used to eating slowly,” you explain. Bet Bucky is starting to regret buying you right about now. Maybe you can ask Natasha for some pointers on how to blend in more quickly. The servers soon come back to collect the dishes and you're left alone in silence.
“I have a question about the contract,” you say after a moment, hoping it will save you from discussing the previous topic more. “I said you're welcome to talk to my lawyer about any questions.” “I think I'd rather ask you about this one.”
A curious expression crosses his face. “Go on.” Gathering all your courage, you ask about the exclusivity clause, though you still feel embarrassed to bring it up. “If I understood correctly, there is no requirement to sleep together, in any kind of way.” “Correct,” he nods. “We're also not required to share a life, except for appearance's sake.” “Yes,” “What about when my heat comes, or your rut?”
“I haven't had a rut in years,” Bucky says matter-of-factly, then shrugs. “As for your heat, I'll make myself scarce and you're free to nest in your room as you like.”
The next course arrives before you can ask more questions. It's a very small sandwich with something gooey on top. The server pours wine for you into another of your glasses. You've heard about pairing wine with food but never done it in your life.
As they leave you ignore the food and ask him, “Are you on suppressants?” “No,” he answers shortly, clearly not fond of the topic. You can take a hint and you drop it, turning to the small sandwich. It's just as delicious as the soup but the conversation doesn't pick up after that.
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pressplay-if · 2 days
This new chapter is so real. It made me remember many things i’ve forgotten from my hospital/treatment days. Not in a bad way but hitting quite close to home. One thing I remembered was how our doctors and counselors viewed friendships/relationships between patients. Communicating outside was pretty frowned upon and being in a relationship with another patient would get out kicked out at the very least. Anyway, the part that really hit was the phone call. The effect that continuing these relationships can have when both parties are in different places in their journey. It’s tough because you bond over something heavy something you might hide from others in your life. Something that is a big part of you, something that you struggle with. In a way it’s like you can be your true self. Without having to put up the facade to keep those around from being uncomfortable. It gives the friendship a sort of depth. But we all progress and heal at different rates. It’s not a one size fits all situation when in comes to treatment. I have been in both positions. Being the person stuck while others come and go. Then later having to move on needing to do what is best for me. It’s difficult for both. But hearing about relapses or certain thoughts from a friend. When you have finally found some stability or are close to falling back into old habits. It can be so triggering. Which makes you have to decide. Do I stick with this person who I connected with at my lowest point? When I am so easily reminded of things i’ve barely just moved on from. Or do I let go and focus on the future? It sucks either way. But it does explain why the doctors say what they say about patient relationships. Though I know it’s not like that for every situation. Anyway, sorry for so many words! I probably have more to say but imma chill out. Just wanna say WOW! Loving the story, it’s relatable(maybe I shouldn’t be too proud of that idk) and thought-provoking. Really got me thinking about things which I don’t normally do. And it ain’t actually that bad. Hope my words made sense. Great work👍🌈😃
So this was the first ask about the second chapter that I got and can I just say thank you?? 🙏
I was so nervous and reading this so soon after it came out was so immensely relieving to me. Back where I was, patient relationships didn't get you kicked out, but we did have a couple and everyone kinda knew they were together but refrained from addressing it bc we all just agreed it'd make things way too messy if we did. Even though, literally, everyone knew. Very much an Anthony/Abigail situation haha.
And yes, your words made a lot of sense to me and they're really appreciated. I, too, have been in both positions--- I think it might be a natural part of a lot of people in that "recovering from mental illness" cycle, even if it's a really unpleasant one. You create this bond over sth so horrible, and you understand each other, for as long as you're both suffering. Then when you start to move away from that, life gets easier but the friendship gets complicated. That's my experience, at any rate. I'm really glad to have hit close to home with this bc that's really what I was intending.
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mr2swap · 11 hours
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Seven missed video calls, 12 messages and a photo of his old, wrinkled cock The title “I'm ready” had lately become more suffocating than usual, he had interrupted my music so many times while I was working out that I was about to block him, but while If he kept his mouth shut the deal was still worth it.
I waited for the locker rooms to empty before starting the show, my locker was in the deepest part of the locker room so that no one would interrupt me, in addition to my exercise routine this was also already a routine for me.
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I opened my locker, I started the video call with the guy and put the phone at a good angle, I looked at the young body that I used to want so much, and now it was completely mine, spending all my pension money on that body swapping spell was the best decision I had made in my 78 years of life.
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I thought I would have more trouble dealing with the real Anthony who was now inside my old, obese body. I thought I would have to make up a story about why he was obsessed with me and call the police, but I guess something of me was left behind. My body when I traded it for Anthony's, That would make sense why I too have adapted to my new life very well, I didn't even know how to use a damn phone before I became a 19-year-old stud.
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When he finally answered I could see my old face -H-Hello, how was the training?- For some reason hearing his voice made me angry So I just ignored him and started with what we were both there, I took off my shirt showing my colossal pecs, Immediately the real Anthony who was now in my room inside the nursing home took out his tiny cock and began to masturbate. I was trying not to look at his face that reminded me of who he used to be, but the sound of his heavy breathing caught my attention.
I started doing the poses he practiced every morning in front of the mirror, I had to be honest. I was turned on too, but I was saving the raging erection showing between my legs for someone better than a fucking perverted old.
-Oh...damn, you're fucking hot today...-
A small arrogant smile formed on my lips when he said that, I had become a little arrogant since I took his body, I placed the palm of my calloused hands on my tanned muscular tits, and began to press them, after a great day of exercises, the strong pressure of my fingers on my pectorals felt very good.
My small nipples were enjoying the touch of my calloused hands, I was still surprised at how sensitive they were. That tickling feeling made me remember the scenes of men who had enjoyed these tits. The last one seemed really excited when he masturbated between them.
The sound of a loud moan brought me out of my thoughts, his greasy old face while ejaculating was disgusting, I couldn't help but grimace with my face as I looked at that face that reminded me of the pig I used to make.
- Thanks, that was... - I picked up the phone and canceled the call before he could finish. I had finally finished my “quota.” I started to undress completely so that after going to the showers, hopefully I can find someone worth fucking and get rid of the painful erection that was moving between his meaty legs.
Hey guys I'm back! If you liked this story and want to see more hot stories check out my ko-fi page, you can support me and have a good time reading a lot of bodyswap stories that I won't post here on Tumblr!
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youmarin · 1 day
If I Die Tomorrow I'll Love You Today | Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
Pairings: Megumi Fushiguro x reader (platonic/romantic. the love interest <3), Gojo Satoru x reader (platonic), Tsumiki Fushiguro x reader (platonic), Itadori Yūji x reader (platonic), Kugisaki Nobara x reader (platonic). Lots of friendship and Gojo being a dad of 1, 2, 3…
Tags: angst, would this be considered a whump fic?, fluffy and wholesome, slowburn (?) (she fell first, he fell harder hehe), friends to lovers/childhood friends to lovers.
Summary: You inherit an ability that most people don’t, which turns your life upside down. At your lowest, a very special person lifts you up and gives you a second chance. You meet more people like you and enter their world, you fall in love and you’re willing to die to protect those who stood by your side.
Word count: 21,161 oops! (+ like +1.5k of footnotes with further details/commentary. I know. I should shut tf up.)
See the end for A/N.
Your grandmother was the first person to notice it. That there were dangerous things lurking unseen to many. And that you could see them too. It was equally reassuring as it was scary to hear that in fact, the creatures you saw at school, that one time at the hospital when you nearly broke your arm, or even clinging to a person on the street, were real and not something your brain had made up. But you always felt safe with your grandmother. She seemed able to tell how to keep you out of harm's way. 
You felt very lonely in the world when she died. Felt that the darkness was now unavoidable. And you couldn’t shake the feeling off that maybe her death was related to it. 
Her house. You found yourself still drawn to it. It wasn’t far from your own home so when your parents couldn’t find you anywhere else, they would know that’s where you had strayed to, sitting there quietly for hours. At first they’d pinned it to grief, that you missed your grandmother, which was also true. You’d been closer to her. But your behaviour started to worry them. Always fidgety and anxious, easily scared and startled, seemingly spaced out in your own world. That worry turned to frustration, which turned to annoyance, and finally, disappointment. Then one day, they decided they had enough of it.
“Mommy?” You called out for her once you stepped through your front door, sliding your shoes off and putting them to the side. It was late, school having been over a while ago. “Daddy?” You winced, taking a step back when a stranger man emerged from the living room instead. Eyeing behind him, you saw your parents standing up from the couch next to each other. Their eyes were stern.  
You knew they didn’t understand you. They didn’t understand your grandma either. She’d told you not to mention anything to them. But even though you didn’t, they still figured out something was different with you too. It was okay if they didn’t understand. The part that hurt and that you didn’t understand was them pushing you away.
There was one thing your grandmother once told you that struck you, the thing that kept you going on during the first weeks of your confinement. Still, after losing count of how many months you’d been in the facility, it was hard. You were tired, your little body stiff and mind exhausted after another session of therapy in which you did your best to play along but ended up breaking down and trying to run away again seeking out, out, out.
Maybe you were never getting out. Maybe you really needed fixing. 
You woke up, hearing the commotion coming from the hallway. Then the place grew eerily quiet again, just like always. You didn’t bother to move from your position, lying on the small cot of the room, your knees pressed to your chest. Not even when your door opened suddenly with force did you stir, just lifted your weary gaze towards it. 
The people you saw clearly didn’t work here. What they were doing in your room was beyond you. Had they given up on you here too? Would they take you somewhere else now? 
Another figure appeared in the room, so fast you were barely able to see it. The others weren’t even able to touch him. Soon enough, the other people were beaten up on the floor, the later arrival barely breaking a sweat. He dusted off his hands and turned to you. 
“Seems like I got here just in time.”  with the dull lighting in your room for the night, you could make out a smile shining on his face. His hair was all white, and it seemed so bright even in the dim space. As if things weren’t strange enough, his eyes were covered too. “Sorry about that.” 
Your lack of reactions were no good. It made him wonder if he really had gotten his timing right at all. Even though you were staring at him, your eyes seemed lost. It actually felt like you were staring past him. 
What was he doing? 
He already had enough being the guardian of the Fushiguro kids. 
“You’re a special little girl, aren’t you?”  When he uncovered his eyes, you saw they were a striking blue. They were beautiful yet somewhat intimidating. “You see things most people don’t.” 
After months of hearing the opposite and trying to get you to believe that in fact, those things weren’t real, it felt bizarre to hear it from him. Was it a test? Would they punish you if you fell for it? 
Your eyes caught movement behind him, the woman on the floor stirring. She released one of those strange creatures to attack him and you couldn’t help the scared feeling that flooded you. 
But in swift movements, he’d gotten rid of it and knocked out the woman again. 
He smiled a little wider when he saw you’d finally moved to sit, your body stiff. Though you looked a little shaken, “You saw it, didn’t you?” 
You nodded, hesitantly. 
“I see them too. And there’s more people like us. Like those two weaklings on the floor, but they’re bad.” 
“Are you real?” your innocent, unsure tone made him chuckle a bit. 
“Of course I am real. Here.” He extended a hand for you to touch. You looked at it, standing up and tentatively reaching for it. In fact, he was very real. You closed your fingers between his as if for final confirmation and you looked up to meet his eyes. “Now, let’s get out of here. What do you say?” 
One day you might find a person with whom you won’t have to hide this side of you. They might be just like you. You, my little girl, were that person for me. 
Her words resonated in your head again, and overwhelmed, you felt your eyes sting with pooling tears, letting go of the young man’s hand and throwing yourself towards him in a hug, little arms wrapped tightly around his middle.
“Woah, okay.” It caught him a little off guard but a chuckle fell from between his lips and he patted your head softly. 
He couldn’t get you to let go of him, so he’d settled on carrying you on the way out until they reached the car. 
“Megumi-chan!”  Megumi looked up, silently indicating that he was paying attention to his guardian. “I have someone I want you to meet.” When Gojo looked down, he followed his gaze to finally notice the little girl he was pointing at, hiding behind his legs out of shyness. “This is y/n-chan.”
Your eyes locked with the deep dark blue ones of the little boy Gojo had called Megumi, and you tilted your head curiously. 
His hair was weird. 
One of your hands let go of the fabric of Gojo’s pants and went up to your head, where your own hair was styled in two ponytails, one sitting slightly lower than the other. 
You looked up to Gojo when he spoke again, putting a hand gently on your back to get you out of your hiding place, “Go on, you can bother him all you want. He won’t mind.” 
Who’s he to tell if something bothers me or not?, Megumi thought, watching the interaction. 
“But I don’t want to bother him.” was your sweet answer. 
That made the young man laugh. “Of course you don’t. But just know you can. If he bothers you then you tell me.” 
Megumi glared at him. How was that fair? 
“You don’t have to hide. Ever. I’m just kidding. He’s a good kid just like you.” 
With a last gentle push, Gojo let you two alone in the Jujutsu High garden, after telling Megumi that he’ll come fetch him later for a little training session. 
You walk over to where he’s sitting on a blanket under the shadow of a tree, taking a seat too, just not too close. Then you take your new little backpack off your shoulders and rest it on your lap. Your fingers tighten a little around the bag. This is the first time you meet someone your age that can see curses, like Gojo told you they were called. And you could be friends.
“What?” His voice has a rough edge to it. You’re not quite expecting him to talk so you jump in your seat a little. Embarrassed by having kept staring at him, you looked down. He probably found it rude. 
He returns to what he is doing in his notebook and after a while you open your bag and reveal your also new coloring book and crayons, both settling to quietly work away. 
After a while, Megumi risks a glance at you again. He thinks your ponytails look a little funny. And upon further inspection he notices you’re wearing boy's clothes that look all too familiar. The way you were looking at him earlier with bright, big curious eyes is gone and you look sad now. When he looks down at the page you’re coloring, he sees it’s the picture of a dog. He wonders what made you pick the color red for it. Megumi thinks you’re about to cry when the crayon slips from your grip a little and you end up  accidentally coloring out of the lines.
You hear him mutter something and see he’s frowning. You’re really about to cry now because you think he’s annoyed that you’re there when suddenly there’s a big ball of white fur in front of you (it’s really not that big yet, just bigger than you). You gasp in surprise and delight. 
You look at Megumi again now, and he reaches to pet the dog. You take his gesture as an okay and smile at him. His little face feels warm but you’re too happily entertained with Shiro to notice it. 
After that, you play with Shiro for a while before Megumi releases it, you share your coloring book and the snacks Gojo put on your backpack. When Gojo comes back to pick both of you up, he finds you both had fallen asleep. You’re facing each other, one your tiny hands had somehow tangled in Megumi’s unruly hair and the other under one of his.
Soon enough, you were starting training too. 
Megumi watched sitting close by when Gojo told him it was break time. He’d called you over. 
Gojo explained to you several different moves you could make with the aid of a dummy and you watched attentively, trying to copy them as accurately as you could. 
“Hit it as hard as you can.” 
He watched you grow tired after some time, small face flush and sweaty. 
The young man grinned.
“Okay, why don’t you try to land a hit on me before we wrap it up?” 
“You can’t do it. He’s lying.” Megumi frowned, guessing the man’s intentions.  
He’d already fallen for it. 
“Oh c’mon, you’re no fun, Megumi.” Yet, his argument had been vague. You wouldn’t get what the little boy meant, “And why are you telling her what she can and can’t do?” 
“That’s not what I mean.” His frown grew deeper while he shook his head vigorously. 
“C’mon y/n.” He encouraged, seeing you hesitantly looking between Megumi and him.
“But I don’t want to hurt you.” You said, settling to looking down at your fidgety fingers. You looked really upset about it.
Gojo’s eyes widened behind his glasses and he stalled for a moment, your words warming his heart but playing it down by clearing his throat. “It’s alright, darling. You won’t hurt me.” He meant it. He risked a glance at the now pretty beaten up dummy you’d been practicing with. You were a little violent though, he worried. Then he caught himself. You really couldn’t hurt him.
“Really.” He said reassuringly. “Now give me your best shot.” 
“Okay.” you said, still a little hesitant but going for it. 
And Megumi couldn’t help but watch as another person fell victim to Gojo’s little amusement. The man did feel a tiny bit bad, but it was too fun to resist it. 
You totally crashed and fell back on your bum. You didn’t crash with Gojo though. It felt like hitting a very clean glass door. 
You brought a hand up to your forehead, looking so dumbfounded while Gojo stood there laughing until he was in tears. 
“I tried to warn you.” Megumi walked over, extending his hand to touch the invisible barrier you’d hit. “It’s his technique. You can’t touch him unless he turns it off and lets you.” 
Your little self felt very betrayed, and both Gojo and Megumi picked up on it. “That was mean!” You said, standing up to try again only for your little fist to hit nothing. 
“I’m sorry!” Gojo managed between laughs.
“No you’re not!” Now Megumi joined forces with you. But it was no use, neither of you would land a hit.
You stopped, huffing and puffing, and that’s when Gojo took his chance to swiftly pick you up, “Gotcha!” making you squeal and giggle as he tickled you. Before Megumi could get away, he was being picked up too, squirming to get down but failing, instead landing on the man’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. When he stopped resisting, he shifted to look at you, cheering as Gojo offered to get you ice cream as an apology. 
Your cursed technique then started to manifest itself. The most evident thing was that now when you looked at everyone, all your eyes would focus on was in this weird light flowing all over their bodies, twinkling brighter varying the person or how they seemed to feel. When you stared at Gojo, for example, it was almost blinding. 
And you felt exhausted. You wanted to say something about it but you couldn’t find the way to explain yourself. 
You were heading over to see Megumi and Tsumiki. Apparently, Megumi was sick. Nothing serious, just a common cold. 
“You okay over there?” Gojo asked, looking at you from the rear view mirror, you sitting on the back. He’d noticed your squinting for a while now. You avoided looking at him, choosing to look out the window as you nodded. “Is the sun bothering you? Here.” He handed you a strip of dark cloth, like the ones he used to tie over his eyes. He would give you his glasses but they were too big for you. He noted to buy you some. He chuckled as you put it over your eyes. “You look just like me now.” 
That made you laugh too. “I can’t see anything now.” But it brought you comfort, giving your straining eyes some rest. 
When you pulled over to a stop outside the apartment building, you forgot for a moment all about your own and got out of the car excited to see both of the Fushiguro kids. 
You hugged Tsumiki first before heading over towards Megumi. He’d been sleeping in his room until recently. You practically jumped over him. 
“I missed you!” you hugged him. “Are you okay?” 
Overall, he was. It only sounded like it wasn’t every time he coughed and Gojo worried his lungs would come out. He’d had a fever but it was better now, so he made Megumi take a nasty cough syrup after having dinner, considering that going to the hospital wasn’t necessary. 
“Get away from Megumi, y/n. You might get his germs.” Gojo joked. 
“Ew!” You giggled, watching Megumi’s sour face, the medicine taste in his mouth. Then you had an idea. “Oh, I know how you’d get better sooner, Megumi!” Your eyes shined. Forgetting all about the gross stuff Gojo said, you leaned over with your hands on his shoulders and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Now!” 
Megumi’s little round cheeks colored. “Um, thank you.” 
 He stared at you and also noticed your sort of unfocused stare. You were looking at him but at the same time it seemed like you weren’t. “Are you okay?” 
“Mhmm!” You nodded, still sitting on your knees in front of him on the bed. 
You settled in a comfortable silence. Megumi stared at you with tired eyes, as your own tired ones fixated on whatever you’d been staring at for a while. “You’re shining, Megumi.” you revealed, words a little slurred with what he figured was sleep. He chuckled at your odd comment.
When you place a hand over his arm, following the flow of light you saw, he feels something strange. It’s associated with you, it feels like you. For a moment he swears he sees something shining white from where your skin touches and thinks he might be getting a fever back and he’s hallucinating. But in a blink, it’s gone and he discarded calling for Gojo. 
Satoru doesn’t know when he dozed off on the couch. But it’s still too early in the morning when he’s startled awake by Megumi calling for him, his voice alarmed.
You had picked up Megumi’s cold. Since you were already exhausted it had gotten worse. You were shivering, hair sticking to your burning forehead with sweat and your cheeks red with a fever too high. Megumi’s terrified by your side, and Gojo’s not doing much better. When he gathers his bearings enough, he picks you up, your small body slumping against his and he’s rushing out of the room. There’s no time to argue with the other two for them to stay behind so they all get in the car and rush to the hospital. 
“She got sick because of me.” Megumi mumbles to him, eyes downcast. They’re sitting on the chairs outside your hospital room. Tsumiki’s sitting by his other side, fast asleep with her body leaning against his after he got her to calm down. 
“Don’t say it like it’s your fault. You couldn’t possibly know she’ll get like this.”
Maybe that kiss was a little too effective, Megumi thinks. He’s feeling much better now. But he’d rather you not giving it to him if it’d made you sick. “I think she has been feeling bad since last night.” 
“What makes you think so?” Gojo asks him. 
“She said something weird. That I was shining. And she sounded tired.” 
When the doctors got your fever under control and later in the day you woke up, they were all in your room. You’re a little scared until you see them come in. 
Gojo stares at you while you talk with the kids, studying you closer. He still sees you squinting from time to time, especially when you turn to look at him.
“Is there something you’re not telling me, little miss?” He finally speaks up. There’s a worried look on your face and you open your mouth, then close it. You shake your head. “Are you sure?” 
“I-I don’t know.” You settle with.
“You don’t know?” He quirks a brow. 
Tentatively, you reach for him, he’s sitting by your bedside. You blink a couple times, trying to get used to the “light”, your little finger tracing up his arm. “It’s too bright.” 
It clicks now. Gojo beats himself for not noticing it sooner. You’d been struggling with your technique this whole time. He sighs, expression softening.
“It’s okay. We’ll handle it.” He moves to sit beside you on the bed, then places his hands over your eyes. 
“What are you doing?”  Megumi asks, eyeing the man strangely. You chuckle, also wondering what Satoru’s doing. 
“Doesn’t it feel better?” 
You nod. 
“It was my bad, okay?” Gojo says, looking at Megumi. 
School had been hard to adjust to, being at a new place and a little behind the others, adding all the new things you knew now. But it was okay. Just. Lonely. You didn’t call attention on yourself and spent most of your free time alone. You wondered how Megumi did in school. You only saw him on weekends when Gojo brought him to Jujutsu High for training or on other occasions when Gojo dropped at his place with you tagging along to check up on him and his sister. 
“Say, Megumi-chan,” Gojo started one evening while he finished folding his laundry. He wasn’t expecting the man to drop by today. “What would you say if y/n-chan started middle school in the same school as you guys the upcoming year?” At the mention of your name, Megumi perked up. Gojo knew he got along well with you and thought both you and the boy would do each other good company. 
He shrugged, seemingly uninterested, but it wasn’t an unpleasant idea. Quite the opposite. “I don’t mind. But you should ask her first.” 
“You think I wouldn’t ask her first?” 
He really has to ask when he does whatever he wants all the time?
Megumi raised a brow at him but Gojo continued as if he hadn’t said anything in the first place. 
“Great! So it’s settled. I’ll tell her to come.” 
“Tell her to…?-” The words died in his mouth as he followed Gojo into the hall and he opened the front door. 
Next thing he knew, you were crashing into him in a tight hug almost throwing you both onto the floor, saying his name in a cheery voice. Throughout the years, you’d grown more comfortable around those closer to you, which included him of course, a side only a few privileged could see. Megumi couldn’t deny that some of Gojo’s exuberant ways (to put it lightly) had rubbed off on you, thankfully not on the same level. He liked this side of you, even though he pretended not to as he pushed you off him (putting nearly no resistance, really) while he chuckled. More open and cheerful, probably more close to how you were supposed to be if what happened to you in the past before he met you hadn’t taken place at all. He still didn’t know much about it. You never mentioned it and he never asked. He thought about asking Gojo someday. 
Right now, he stares at your eyes shining with joy as you stare back at his deep blue ones and lets himself give you a soft smile. He hopes it doesn’t show on his face how warm his cheeks feel.
Life seemed more exciting then. Although you had Gojo around every other day when he wasn’t working, apart from him you were mostly on your own. Now you’d moved in with Megumi and Tsumiki and would go to school together. 
You’d see another side of Megumi you’d been wondering about for a while, how he was in the school environment. It wasn’t much different. You knew he was responsible with his assignments and lessons. When you visited him before, he’d be finishing doing them or reviewing, or he’d completely done them already. Very much like you in that matter; you tended to do schoolwork during free periods or lunch period so you didn’t have to bring it back home with you. You also expected him more to be on his own most of the time, and you weren’t wrong either. And even though you knew it would be like that, you didn’t think it would put a damper on the dynamic of your friendship. 
Somehow, you came up with the idea that he wouldn’t like to be seen around with you.  
And Megumi didn’t understand it. You seemed so excited to be attending school with him, but once you reached the school gates in the morning you’d go your own way and barely see each other for the rest of the day. That was, of course, until he’d end up in the principal’s office after beating up a guy for bothering another third guy that ended out of the skirmish after muttering a shuddering ‘thank you’ and scurrying away. You’ll head out of your classroom and meet with Tsumiki to see if he was okay. 
What surprised you the most was that. The fights. Somehow you’d never witnessed one. It’s not like you wanted to (maybe him neither and had been doing a great job at keeping you from doing so).
He’d managed to put in line every bully of the school or well, mostly all of them. Apparently, some were dumb enough to start picking on you. You seemed like the perfect target. Quiet, reserved, seemed to have a permanent look of worry etched on your face. There was no way you would tell on them. 
It had started subtle enough to not cause immediate worry, but they’d noticed the little details. Like how during dinner you sometimes seemed hungrier than usual. Which wasn’t bad, you were a growing girl after all, and they liked that you ate well. If it wasn’t for the fact that you’d had to skip lunch because some jerk took your money. 
Or when at some point it took you longer to finish with your assignments. Sure, you were middle schoolers and the lessons’ topics grew more complex by year but it usually never took you so long as to keep you closed up in your room for so much time. It was because they made you do their homework. 
At last, Megumi became wary one day when school was done and it was time to go home, but you never came out to meet them at the entrance. You’d skipped afternoon classes and ran home. Just before lunch period, someone had stuck a piece of chewing gum in your hair. When Megumi and Tsumiki got home, they’d froze upon seeing how your once long hair now reached just below your shoulders. Tsumiki had instantly lost it, asking what had made you do that to your beautiful hair but you just brushed her off with a smile that didn’t really reach your eyes. Megumi frowned at the scene.
Suspecting you wouldn’t tell if he asked you directly, he decided to wait a little longer for the cause of your behaviour to reveal itself.
It finally happened one day during free period, when one of your bullies noticed something that piqued their eye. It was a silly keychain Gojo had given you the last time you all went out together the previous weekend. When they asked to have it and you said no, things took a more physical turn.
“Did you say no?” they asked, as if they’d misheard you.
“I won’t give it to you.” You said firmly.
“Is that so? Then I’ll just have to take it.” 
Megumi had just stepped outside of his own classroom to walk over to the vending machines, when he’d spotted the three, two girls and a boy, and you, speaking near his destination. His expression softened without him picking on it. He’d never see you talk to anyone so it was nice to see you make friends. So was he thinking until he noticed how uncomfortable you really looked and he started to hurry over. He was just a tad bit late as they shoved you harshly and you stumbled back to the ground. 
“Give it back!” You’d hurried to stand back up and get your things back from the boy, the one that had pushed you and thrown your bag to the ground, having gotten what he wanted. He shoved you again, you hitting the wall and Megumi swore he was seeing red. 
How long had this been happening? 
When the two girls met Megumi’s death stare they froze in place. He grabbed the boy’s shoulder and spun him around before sending a punch square to his face.
“If you dare to touch her again I will break all of your fingers.” He threw another punch but didn’t connect, the boy moving and managing to land a punch around Megumi’s chin. 
Okay, now you were really angry. 
“Don’t touch him!” As Megumi stumbled slightly, you stood up and stepped in, taking the matter into your own hands (better late than never), throwing yourself at the boy to punch him.
Gojo wasn’t surprised to receive a call from the school every other day to hear about how Megumi had gotten into a fight again, but this time it did when he heard you’d been part of it. 
“Why didn’t you say anything? Hell, why didn’t you do anything sooner!” Back home after the incident, Gojo couldn’t barely get a word in as Megumi kept doing all the reprimanding. The boy would ask you something, but he didn’t even let you talk either.
“I didn’t want to worry anyone!” You managed to cut him off. 
“Do I seem less worried now?!” 
“Megumi, stop shouting!” Tsumiki chimed in. 
He took a deep breath. He really wasn’t one to shout but the whole ordeal had really gotten to his nerves. “I need out.” He parted from the living room and out the front door, closing it with a loud bang. 
You stood in your place on the couch, looking at your hands on your lap. 
“Megumi’s right in something.” Gojo finally was able to speak, “You could’ve said something. Or dealt with it. Megumi would’ve gladly punched the lights out of him for you, but you did it just fine yourself!” He wasn’t happy that such a thing had been happening for such a long time, but he did sound proud about you beating up the boy. “I thought you’d made me a promise.” 
You looked up at him with wide eyes. Gojo was staring right back at you. He was talking about the promise you made the day he took you in. 
“You’ll be safe here and will have everything you need.” Gojo had told you when you arrived at what would be your new home. “I’ll need you to do just a little thing for me, okay?”
You’d turn your attention away from the room to look back at him, still perched on his arms. Your tiny hands let go of his shoulders to pull up his blindfold and look him in the eyes. “What is it?” you tilted your head curiously. 
“I need you to be brave and strong.” 
“Like you?” 
The young man nodded. “Like me, or more if you can. Think you can do that for me?” 
Seeing the unsure look on your face, Gojo had to bite back a laugh. “I don't expect you to be able to be so by tomorrow morning. Little by little every day. Yeah?”
At his explanation, you nodded, raising your pinky. “Promise.”
You felt your lower lip start to tremble and you had to bite on it and focus on the sting to stop yourself from crying.
“I’m sorry.” You said when you felt you were in the clear to speak again.
“You don’t have to apologize.” Gojo brushed you off. 
Gojo knew you weren’t a fan of confrontation when it came to only yourself. But when others were involved, that’s when you would step up. That’s why when you’ve accounted for the events of the day he immediately understood what made you finally take action. He just wanted you to learn to stand up for yourself. 
“Megumi’s been out for a while…” Tsumiki trailed off, a worried edge to her tone. 
“I’ll go look for him.” Gojo stood up and followed the way out.
When they were back, the boy went straight to his room. You went right after him, the small first aid kit you’d retrieved from the bathroom in your hands. 
He stared at you when you opened the door and stepped in, but looked away once you sat down next to him at the foot of his bed. He didn’t resist it when you brought a hand up to his face to tilt it in your direction. Still, his gaze was downcast and his expression serious.
“You’re still upset?” 
“What made you think so?” He answered, tone flat. He winced once you brought up a cotton ball to clean the cut on his lip. 
“Does it hurt?” 
“Just stings a little.”  Normally, the bullies never stood a chance and Megumi would end unscathed besides the cuts in his knuckles.
“I’m sorry.” 
“Stop apologizing.” 
You stayed quiet as you finished up. Looking down at your arm, he brought a hand up gently brushing over the bruise forming there from when you hit the wall. He frowned but held back from ranting again. He said something else instead.
“You did get him good though.” 
A small smile started to break on your face at his comment. “I’m sure I could beat you too now.” you teased. 
“Say that again on Saturday.” there was a hint of a smile on his face then too, his hand coming up to brush over a strand of your hair. 
After the issue with those jerks was over, Megumi was rarely seen alone again at school, and so were you. Now you two were inseparable, always seen together outside of the classrooms. Like at that moment, you talking his ear off walking down the school hallways while he listened contentedly to your ramble. And now really no one was dumb enough to bother you again. 
Just having begun your last year of middle school, an event happened that shook your lives again. 
Tsumiki fell into a coma, under the effect of some curse.
Nobody had any answers as to how it happened, no trace, no clues. Just one day, she wouldn’t wake up. 
Megumi couldn’t explain it. She was just fine the days before. If he thought too much about it it’d send him spiraling, until he couldn’t think of anything else. He’d go around asking questions and returning home late. At first, you’d decided to give him space but were sure to let him know you were there for him given he needed anything. It got really bad for a while afterwards, shutting you and everyone off every time you offered him help, not letting anyone join him when he visited her. On the worst days, he’ll skip class, or return home to just lock himself in his room. You wouldn’t see him for hours.
“You’re home.” you brightened up one evening. He’d come back relatively earlier than other days. “You’re hungry? Let me heat up your food again.” 
He silently took off his shoes, then disappeared through the hallway. He came back after dropping his bag in his room and changing into more comfortable clothes. Wordlessly, he ate dinner. But it was something. You were fine with it. That was until he put the dishes away and headed out towards his room again.
Before you even caught up to what you were doing, you were following him, hurried footsteps thudding against the floor. You heard the lock clicking in place. You knocked the door, with a little more force than necessary. 
“Megumi? Megumi, could you please open the door?” 
No response. He’d just closed the door, you knew he could hear you. 
“You can’t keep doing this, Megumi.” 
“Is this how things are going to be now?” your voice ultimately broke. “What am I even doing here if I can’t help you?” 
“I miss her too. And no, I won’t say I get it because I’m sure I don’t feel remotely the same way you do.” 
“But I miss you too.” You couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. 
He lay there on his bed facing away from the door while he heard your soft cries right on the other side. At some point you had given up on him opening the door because he couldn’t hear you anymore. It was better for you that way. 
He didn’t notice when he’d drifted off to sleep, but when he woke up it was past midnight. His mouth was dry, so he stood up to go get some water, his body aching from the curled up position he’d fallen asleep into. Then he noticed a light outside was still on, just a fine line visible from under his door. You were still up? 
Warily, he approached it and turned the knob. He felt a slight pressure on it as he swung it open slowly. And there you were sitting on the floor in front of his door. You weren’t awake though. 
Megumi hastily called your name and crouched down to get a hold of you before you fell over and could hurt yourself. He brought a hand up to your face, harmonious except for the red under your eyes, the streaks of dry tears on your cheeks, your lashes still moist.
He called your name again when you wouldn’t wake up. He could feel himself begin to tremble around you, one arm around your middle holding you in your sitting position while his other hand sustained your head up tilted in his direction.
Finally beginning to open your eyes after he called your name for the third time, he exhaled in relief. “Megumi? What? What is it?” you sat up almost instantly, sleep draining out at the sight of tears falling from his eyes, your hands finding his face to wipe them away.
A hiccup in his voice kept him from talking right away, “I’m sorry.” His arms wrapped around you and hugged you tightly to him. You didn’t miss a beat to do the same. “I’m right here.” 
“Yes, it’s okay. You’re okay. I’m here with you.” It was hard for the words to come out over the lump in your throat.
You were both a crumpled mess on the ground, holding on to each other while tears kept falling. But this was better. It was better to be broken together.
Come another day, you went to visit Tsumiki together. You insisted on talking to her, and told Megumi to talk to her too, that she’d like to hear his voice. Hesitantly, when he was alone, he would do so. And sometimes he felt he needed to, like this time, due to your choice in conversation.
“You’ll see, our Megumi has gotten so handsome!” 
His face burned, was it out of embarrassment or for the compliment he didn’t know. 
“Could you not say stuff like that?” 
“Oh that’s right. He was always handsome.”
“That’s not what I meant.”  It was useless to try to stop you though.
“A girl from his class confessed to him this week! She probably did because the year’s almost over and we’ll start high school soon too. But he rejected her though so he’s still single.” 
“So are you.” 
“And who’s fault is that? You and Gojo teamed up to scare all boys away!” 
“I’ve beaten up like half of the male student population of the school. They’re just a bunch of pricks.” 
You sighed, “I wish someone would confess to me before going onto Jujutsu High. Although I’ll get to see Inumaki senpai from time to time.” 
Megumi’s face scrunched up, “You have a crush on Inumaki senpai?” 
“What? He’s sweet. And cute.” 
How would I know? Megumi thought. 
Seeing his expression, you laughed, grabbing onto his hands for a moment too brief, reaching from your seat beside him, “Guess it’ll be just you and me in the end, Megumi.” You smiled brightly at him, then again you turned to Tsumiki, now continuing to speak about something else he wasn’t paying attention to as he was left to stare at you, your eyes sparkling with your excitement yet with a tenderness, always hopeful that one day she’d wake up, if only to tell you to shut up. 
He was doing better. He has you both. He’ll fix what happened to his sister, and he’ll always protect you too. 
For a moment, you looked at Megumi and found a soft smile on his lips as he stared at the scene in front of him. It didn’t leave as his eyes met yours. 
This weekend, you didn’t visit Jujutsu High. Someone had gone to the school and declared war against the sorcerers. The day they planned to attack would be today. It was Christmas Eve, and while you were worried for everyone, you still were selfishly upset that Gojo had to leave.
“Shouldn’t we go help them then?” You said while working with the preparations for the evening. “We have training, and we’ll be official students at the school in a couple months.” But instead, you were stuck in the apartment. 
“He’ll be back tonight.” Megumi told you while he helped you. 
It was Gojo, he thought. He was the strongest so there was nothing to worry about. That’s what he told himself yet when evening rolled in and you sat at the table, two seats empty, he couldn’t deny the anxiety gnawing at his insides even though he didn’t voice it. 
“Let’s go to bed.” Megumi called out to you, standing out on the balcony in your pajamas, still waiting. “Get back inside. It’s cold.” 
“He said he’d be here.” He heard your voice waver. 
It was past midnight, and you still refused to go to bed. At some point, you’d started to silently cry, your head lying on Megumi’s shoulder as you sat closely on the living room sofa. He didn’t bring it up, letting you cry until eventually you fell asleep. 
Still early in the morning, Megumi stirred awake when he heard someone close the front door. He moved his neck from side to side with a grimace, having fallen asleep with his head on top of yours, the position a little uncomfortable and making it hurt. Footsteps got closer until Gojo was stopping in front of him. The man took the scene in front of him and scrambled for something to say, especially with Megumi squinting at him with sleepy eyes. 
“You’re late.” the boy spoke up first. 
“Were you worried about me?” He tried to make the mood lighthearted. 
The boy averted his gaze,“What if I was?” 
“So you were?” Said the man, actually a little surprised. Pleasantly surprised.
“You made her cry.” 
At that, Gojo glanced at your sleeping figure, still nuzzled into Megumi. Your cheeks were streaked with dry tears. your under eyes and cheeks slightly flushed. The man’s eyes softened, a pang of guilt to his chest.
Later, when you woke up, you found yourself lying on the couch, a warm blanket over you. Sitting across from you, you saw him. 
“Merry Christmas.” he smiled.
You squealed happily, then remembered you had just woken up and had terrible bed hair. You weren’t a fan of people seeing you like that, so next you left out another scream, mortified, making Gojo laugh. 
“The neighbors are going to put up a noise complaint, y/n.” Megumi said from the kitchen, finishing making breakfast. 
As soon as you were ready, you came back to the living room and tackled Gojo in a hug, a puff of air leaving him because of your rough affection.  
Before he could do anything, you rushed towards the small Christmas tree at the corner of the room. Under it, a few presents directed to Gojo, Tsumiki, Megumi and you. 
“Megumi! You were supposed to wait!” you scolded. 
You picked one up and walked back towards Gojo. 
“Merry Christmas, Satoru.” you smiled brightly at him. He brought up his hands to receive his present, a wobbly smile trying to break through as he looked away from your eyes. 
Your own smile faltered, concerned, “Are you okay?” 
“Oh, yeah. All good.” But his eyes look sad and distant, as if he was torn between this moment and elsewhere. “Thank you, kid.” 
“You’re welcome. I really hope you like it. I dragged Megumi around the mall looking for the per…” He stared at you with a soft expression as you kept talking, your under eyes still red and irritated but all lightened up now. 
Thank you for your tears. 
“You already done? Gojo is coming to get us soon.” 
“C’mon, you know he’s rarely on time.” He heard you answer back.
Megumi opened the door to your room but stopped at the doorway when he saw you. You were already dressed in your new Jujutsu High uniform, the skirt flowing in the air as you turned around. 
“Whatcha think? Wouldn’t these in black suit me better?” Almost your entire closet consisted in black clothes but he had to agree that black really did suit you very well. Although he didn’t mind the rare times you wore another color. He’ll find he’d like it anyway.
“It looks good.” 
“You really think so?” You brightened up, finally taking a good look at him. “You look great though! It matches with your eyes” 
“It’s just a uniform.” He murmured, avoiding your eyes. He didn’t know why you always managed to get him flustered lately.
“We’re gonna be using these for a while.” 
Like you had predicted, Gojo was late, but once he arrived, you picked up your things with a sigh and filed out, throwing one last look at the apartment you’d called home for the last 3 years. It wasn’t a goodbye. Once Tsumiki woke up, she could return and you’ll come back any time you’d like. Megumi was the last to come out, taking in how much more empty the place ended up, then closed the door. 
“At school you have to show respect to your superiors.” Gojo started once you reached Jujutsu High. 
“Just like you do?” Megumi said sarcastically, raising a brow at him. 
“You mean we have to call you Gojo sensei?” 
“That’s right!” He pointed at you animatedly. “You always picked things up fast. Now,” He waited expectantly for you to fill the imaginary blank in the air. 
“Gojo sensei.” Gosh you were so cute. Both you and Megumi were so fun to mess with in such different ways, watching the grumpy boy start to mutter to himself in clear annoyance. 
Meanwhile, Megumi couldn’t believe how gullible you could be sometimes. 
“Y/n, you’re indulging him too much.” 
“C’mon Megumi-chan, try again.” Rang his now officially teacher’s sing song voice. 
“Just once and he’ll stop.” You told him, but clearly you were finding it fun. 
“You think?”
Megumi arrived at Sendai at night. The time didn’t matter to him that much on that occasion because it was a simple mission. He was supposed to find the talisman, then he would go to the hotel and head back to Tokyo tomorrow.  
In front of the Stevenson screen, he stopped.
 Something was off. 
Where did he go? Before you could wonder anything else, you felt him grab hold of one of your arms, turning you around and out of your hiding place behind the underbrush. You made contact with the ground harshly while he pinned your hands above your head and the rest of your body with his on top.
You chuckled, a little out of breath from the impact. “You’re getting good, Megumi.” Sure he was. He only sensed you because you let him. And there you were, smiling up at him like you were having fun and nothing was up. How long had you been trailing him? 
Unable to ignore his presence lingering for maybe too long (not that you could with all of him practically holding you down), and his deep blue eyes like the ocean seemingly pinning you down on its own, you squirmed under him nervously. “Are we going to stay like this all night or are we getting the job done?” 
That seemed to snap him back, releasing you quickly and standing up, busying himself dusting off his uniform. “What the hell are you doing here?” 
You sat up, “I’m on the mission.” 
“Gojo didn’t appoint you for this one. If I remember correctly, he actually told you not to come. How did you even snuck out and travel here?” He sometimes found your stealth an equally good and bad point. That paired with your ability to practically reduce your cursed energy to nothing made it hard to notice you. He didn’t blame whoever you got to overlook you. 
“Gojo sensei.” He helped you up, dusting off your skirt, “I got my own money.” 
“We’re not at school. And he should cut down your allowance.” 
“It’s still school business. And if he wants to save money he should cut down yours.” 
“That doesn’t even make sense! I haven’t done anything!” 
“Exactly! It’s a simple mission and you’re here arguing with me!” You turned away from him and looked over to the screen, “It’s supposed to be right there, isn’t it? I don’t even feel anything.” Megumi frowned at your words, then went ahead to open the screen. You followed, standing on the tip of your toes to take a look over his shoulder. 
There was supposed to be a lock in it but it was gone, so without any obstacle, the door budged open easily to find- 
His face scrunched up. 
He took out his phone. Gojo didn’t take long to pick up. “There’s nothing here.” He muttered out. When he turned slightly to look at you he opened his mouth again, and you feared he would rat you out. And you were right to do so because that’s what he planned to do. You shook your head and clasped your hands together pleading with him. 
You couldn’t hear what Gojo said but Megumi didn’t find it funny, repeating he was going to punch him. Then Gojo hung up. You smiled brightly at him for not telling on you and Megumi scolded himself for giving in to you. He sighed. 
“Can’t go home until I find it.” He turned to start to look around. 
“What are you doing?”
“What do you think?” 
“It’s dark. It could be anywhere around the school and I can’t exactly feel anything near us. Let’s head over to the hotel and come back early tomorrow.”
You were right. It was dark and if you couldn’t even sense it, it meant it would be more troublesome. He began to make his way back, bringing his phone up to call Ijichi-san this time. “Absolutely not. You’re staying back tomorrow.” 
“What? No! I thought we were good now! You know I’m helpful.” You protested. 
Sure, he knew you were more than helpful, but if Gojo had been opposed to you joining it was for a reason. “I didn’t tell on you, but Ijichi-san will unless you do as told.” 
“Fine.” Now you were frowning. Megumi didn’t like it when you got mad, much less if you got mad at him. But he was doing the right thing, right? Or the closest thing to it. 
When you got to the hotel, you both got ready for bed. Not a word was said. The bed in his room was spacious enough for two so you didn’t see a reason to ask for another room (plus you didn’t want Gojo on you if he happened to check your account, and you didn’t have enough cash). You laid down, facing away from him. 
“Good night.” He mumbled, staring at your back. No answer. He waited patiently.
You squirmed in bed for a few minutes, until you finally gave in. Turning around, you placed a kiss on his cheek, then mumbled, “Good night.” 
A smile broke on his face. He knew you couldn’t stay mad at him for long, and you didn’t like to go to bed while still being in a bad mood. You probably hated him sometimes for it. 
He should’ve known better. 
When he woke up, slowly opening his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the empty space beside him. That made him shoot up immediately. There was no way. No way did you sneak out while he was asleep. That was foul play. If there was a next time you acted this stubborn (unfortunately he was sure this wouldn’t be the last time), he would use Gama to restrain you the moment he saw you if necessary. He hurried to get ready and head out after you. 
Megumi’s quick to spot you coming to a stop behind a fence while it looks like some sort of competition’s about to start on the field. Just for a moment, he’s able to blend both of you in with your surroundings. He imagines he’s there to meet with you, you’re just like any other girl at this normal school on a normal day. It’s a little easier this time since you’re not wearing the Jujutsu High uniform, instead you don a simple, practical outfit (since you’re on a mission and practically trespassing. No need for extra attention.) but that nonetheless suits you very well. Your hair, now long again, flows softly behind you with the light breeze like a soft, dark veil. There’s a hair tie on your wrist for later when you start to feel like it gets on the way but for now he enjoys your serene look.
Of course, you notice him right away and smile innocently at him. He stares for a little longer, your smile drowning him down further but he forces himself out back to reality. “I thought I made myself clear.”
“I’m older than you. You can’t be ordering me around.” He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. You brought up that lame excuse any chance you got. It was just an eleven day difference. 
“It’s not too late to go back and avoid making this bigger than it is.” 
You brushed him off, “Focus.” 
Like that’s not what he’d been trying to do this whole time.
You looked ahead towards the field, “There’s cursed energy shooting from all directions. That thing’s sure around here.” 
“I can tell that much.” He stared at you, not being able to push down his worry. “How long have you been using your technique?” 
“Since I got here this morning.” You brought your index to your chin in thought, “Which makes it… A little more than an hour?” 
“Go back to the hotel and rest until I’m done here.” 
“Relax, I can hold it up for a little longer.” 
Before he could go on ranting about how this wasn’t necessary and how he’d have to deal with your headache too, or worse, your body could give up on you leaving you all crumpled on the floor, chants of someone’s name brought your attention back to the field. Just in time to see a pink haired boy send a heavy metal ball flying through the air as if pitching a baseball , caving the edge of the soccer goal and lodging there. 
“That was insane. He could kill someone with that.” You turned to Megumi, seeing him equally impressed. Then you gasped, swaying a little in place before Megumi brought his hands up to stabilize you. 
“What is it?” 
“I’m fine I just- I felt something stronger. Coming closer.” Your head began to hurt. 
“I told you to drop it.” He gruffed. Then he heard hurried steps behind you. Megumi turned just in time to see the boy from earlier zoom past him and he froze. An immense wave of curse energy stood out from the rest all of a sudden, there and then gone. 
The boy. 
“Go after him!” You closed your hands around the wire fence. 
“Stay here.” He said firmly before doing so, calling Ijichi-san so he could stay with you. 
You turned your attention back towards the building.
 What is it they had in this place? 
You had some time to rest as you waited for Megumi, but not a call came in. 
It’s been almost three hours since he left. 
Something was off. If that boy had anything to do with the cursed object they had to retrieve, Megumi would’ve been done with it soon enough. But the curse energy presence that irradiated from him was so strong. There was no way you were wrong. 
Unless you somehow were. 
“Do you feel that?” You said to Ijichi-san, pushing away from your leaning position against the side of the car. “There’s a curse-. No. More.” 
His worried look mirrored yours but you’d already ignored too many instructions. “You can’t go in there.” 
But what was it to ignore one more? 
“I’m sorry Ijichi-san.” You said before running towards the building. 
Megumi’s phone vibrated on his hand as he ran alongside Itadori towards the school. You both had only picked up a trace. The curse object was still at the school in the hands of a couple students that didn’t know what they were dealing with. If they had already broken its weakened seal, they were as good as dead.
“Ijichi-san.” He answered between hurried breaths. , “Is y/n okay?”
“I’m sorry, Fushiguro-kun.” He paused and Megumi felt fear start to bubble up inside him. “She went inside the school.”  
“We’re on our way.” With that the call ended, “We need to hurry.” He told the boy as he kept pushing his legs to go faster, “Fuck!” 
Inside the school, you managed to grab hold of a terrified girl and drag her away from a curse’s clutches. You’d lost sight of the boy that was with her amidst all the chaos. 
“Hey, hey, I’ll need you to breathe, okay? I’ll get us out of here alive but I need you to tell me where that thing you were keeping is.” You whispered to her, grabbing onto her shoulders. You could hear the curse spirit creeping and growling just on the other side of the wall that was hiding you from view. 
There was something behind you. You turn to see the boy, a curse trying to swallow him. Then something else just next to you, and next thing you knew it was grabbing you. The girl screamed as another took hold of her. There were too many. It seemed as if they were springing out of nowhere.  
Using your technique, you started to drain its cursed energy just until you were able to reach for your daggers. You stabbed it right in its middle and it let you go, enabling you to reach for the rest of your weapons and hit it until it was exorcised. You took down another using just the new boost of curse energy coursing through your body.
You looked for the curse at the end of the hall, the one that had grabbed hold of the boy and the girl. You couldn’t risk using your daggers, could you? If you did so and landed a hit, it would be a powerful one, but if you missed and hit one of the students… No way.
You felt something familiar then. 
“I know you’re mad but we have a bigger problem right now.” 
“You’re so hearing it later.” 
What could you do? Megumi was just as lost as you. That thing was trying to swallow those two along with the cursed object. If that happened they really were screwed. 
The sound of glass breaking made you both turn towards the window, the pink haired boy jumping in. 
“What the hell is he doing here?!” 
Just like his strength demonstration earlier in the day, with a powerful punch, he got the cursed spirit to release the two students. 
That shut you up. “Well, that does it.” 
Megumi’s divine dogs took care of the rest. 
“Apparently there’s not enough stubborn people around.” He glared at you as he walked over to the boy named Itadori. “Good job.” 
“Good job to you too.” you cooed at the two doggies while they ate the curse and you retrieved your daggers.
You heard the boy laugh, “Who’s she? And what are those?” 
“Someone who's not supposed to be here.” you rolled your eyes. “Those are my shikigami. You can see them?” Itadori nodded. 
“The girl too.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh too then. Megumi had to bite back a smile at the sound. He was still mad at you. “Just so you know I’m entirely human.” 
Megumi proceeded to explain to a strangely calm Itadori a little about the curse spirits. You turned around having collected the last of your daggers, and just as Itadori was about to hand over the cursed object to Megumi, its unnerving pressure starting to make your head hurt and ears ring, you perceived another thing. 
“We have to get out of here fast!” You rushed over, all eyes on you and you barely had time to give Megumi a nudge before he looked up and decided what his next move would be. 
“Go!” His divine dogs were helping you and Itadori move the other two away in a beat, letting the curse crash down on him. 
“Fushiguro!” “Megumi!” Both of you cried out. You tried to stand up but stumbled. The constant turning on and off of your technique had worn you down, adding all the time you’d used it today. The couple of hours you took to rest weren’t nearly enough. 
That thing threw Megumi against the wall, the impact knocking the air out of him. You saw blood. The shikigami were released. This was bad. You couldn’t give in now.
“You okay?” Itadori eyed you worrily. 
“I’m fine, I need to help Megumi. Stay here.” 
“I’m helping t-” 
“Please. You’ve done enough. I’ll worry about you too.” You risked a smile, fighting over your agitation, as if to tell him, 
I’ll be fine.
“I’ll see you later. Stay back!” And you hurried after them. Jumping out of the hole that thing had made through the wall, you landed on top of it, one dagger in each hand digging into its body. It wailed and tried to shake you off. It succeeded, but you quickly released more of your daggers and landed a couple more hits before making contact with the ground.
No, no, no, no. Megumi’s head was throbbing and he couldn’t focus. His hopes of you finally listening to him vanished when he saw you jumping out at the cursed spirit. You did manage to hurt him before it sent you flying, rolling over the floor.
“I’m okay!” you choked out in pain. 
“Get away!” He knew there was panic in his voice. His throat hurt with it. He’s barely keeping it together now when Itadori follows through where you came from and attacks the cursed spirit. Why does no one listen to him? 
Megumi warns him but can’t keep him from doing the stupidest thing. He swallows the cursed object. 
You gag. 
He couldn’t be serious. 
You both stare in a mix of disbelief, anticipation and dread (and a little disgust to be honest). 
Either the boy dies from swallowing that poison, or- 
His mind stops racing with the possible outcomes and their consequences as he watches the curse get torn to pieces. 
Itadori’s body is now the vessel of the king of curses, Ryōmen Sukuna. 
He watches and listens in horror to its speech. Meanwhile, you were silently moving towards it. Its back is facing you, and like most seems totally unaware of your presence. The chances of dying have always been high, even more so today. So you’ll take one more chance. Your eyes meet his for just one second. You always loved his eyes. If this goes wrong and you really end up dying tonight, you hope to at least give Megumi an opening to escape and live.  
Megumi’s scream gets stuck in his throat and he can’t do anything as your hand makes contact with what once was Itadori’s body.
Your vision is filled by pure, unadulterated darkness. Screams in fear and laments fill your head. Your skin burns and your blood boils. It’s like a lightning strike, as bright as the white beam of cursed energy that crackles at the point of contact. The shock is so great it sends you out flying once again. But this time you don’t say anything, your body’s limp on the floor.
All there’s left is white noise. 
Sukuna turns towards you. It expects to be mad but instead finds itself perplexed that you even dared to touch it. Impressed, even. Though you barely made a mark on it, just a numb stinging where your hand had been. Before something else can happen, it finds itself stumbling backwards, the rightful owner of the body taking over.
“Huh? Fushiguro?”, Itadori brings a hand up to his head, “Where’s um-” He thinks of the name he’d heard Megumi say before, “Wh-Where’s y/n?” When he turns and spots you lying on the ground, unmoving, he’s scared. “Oh god-” He doesn’t get to take a step before Megumi’s yelling at him. 
“Don’t move!” His voice breaks at the end. His body is trembling out of anger, fear, he doesn’t know, but still takes his stance. “You’re no longer human. Under jujutsu regulation, Yūji Itadori, I will now exorcise you as a curse!” 
It had been 5 days since the incident at Yūji’s school, and Megumi found himself now at your bedside at the hospital.
You still hadn’t woken up.
That night while he was raking his scattered brain for what decision to make, Gojo had arrived. He’d run over to you then, dropping to his knees. He could barely see anything because of the tears blurring his vision. He tried to control his ragged breathing while he checked for your pulse. A heavy gasp of relief left him when he found it, a little weak but there nonetheless. His hands were on your face as his eyes tried to look everywhere at once to guess how bad you’d been hurt. There was a trickle of blood running down your nose, bruises at the side of your head, but the most noticeable injury was on your left arm, starting from your hand. There were open gashes on your palm as if it had been sliced with a knife, and from there up to your elbow, crooked lines that looked like burns. 
When Gojo had finished evaluating the situation with Itadori/Sukuna, Megumi turned to them to find his teacher holding onto the unconscious boy. Apparently Itadori could control Sukuna, so his teacher had asked him what they should do. Yūji seemed nice. Hell, he’d done such a stupid thing looking to save them. So he’d ask Gojo if he could save him. 
He’d broken down after. Repeating that it was his fault you’d been hurt, that he should’ve given you out the night before. He’d thought Gojo would be more upset. And he was very worried, but he’d told Megumi she’d made her choice, that while fighting curses they wouldn’t always be together and that he couldn’t protect her all the time. It’s not like she’d allow it either. And she was also very strong and could hold her own. If they were lucky you’ll push through one more time. 
He just couldn’t resist you, could he? 
So he’d tried to convince himself that it wasn’t his fault alone. It was yours for what you did to him. 
They’d tended to him quickly enough. He’d hit his head pretty hard, and had come out with several bruises and cuts all over his body and face. Rest was recommended but he would not stay away from you. 
On your second day at the hospital, you’d gotten a high fever. For a moment you’d gained a little consciousness but he wasn’t sure if that’d been for the better or worse. The scene of your sweaty body twisting in what seemed like agony, groaning and moaning in pain had only shook him more. That whole night you’d been restless with what seemed like nightmares. You’d scream, and he’d rush back into the room, having had to step out earlier. He’d clasped your hand, lost as to what else to do but repeating over and over that you were fine and he was right there with you. It lasted a little more until it was finally over. 
Suddenly he’d felt that tingly sensation from when your cursed technique was active. He recognized it. You’d explained it to him. You could activate it without means to “steal” the cursed energy, but to feel it, which took you little to no effort or strain, so it didn’t affect you or the other party at all. It felt like goosebumps all over his body. It wasn’t unpleasant. Just a little weird. You’d said to him that feeling his calmed you down. He stayed the entire night there with you, watching your now peaceful features, at your hand linked with his, the subtle white glow radiating from them giving him a little hope. 
Now, he thought about your visits to Tsumiki. 
“Tsumikiii! We’re here!”
“Keep it down!” He’d scold.
“C’mon, don’t be rude. Say hi.” 
If he talked to you like that, wouldn’t it make it more final? Was he accepting the idea of you staying like that for who knows how long?
He wasn’t sure if he could handle it. 
For a while he’d feared that maybe there was a curse lurking around him. It was starting to feel more real with each day it passed. 
Please not you too. 
“Hey,” his own voice caught him off guard. It sounded hoarse, his throat dry. “You can hear me, right?” 
“The other day, you knew it was me. You did that thing.” He rambled. “There’s no other reason. So you were right.” He let out a wet chuckle. “Maybe Tsumiki might be able to hear us. Well, mostly you. You’re the one that talks more.” 
“You’re going to wake up soon, right?” 
He waited for another sign. 
Sighing, he brushed the wetness from his eyes with the sleeve of his uniform after minutes passed without anything. He stood up. He had to go meet with Gojo and Yūji. 
Before stepping away, he leaned over to leave a kiss at the crown of your head. “I’ll be right back.” He whispered before breaking away. 
They got the call right before Yūji headed out to pack his stuff. 
“It’s y/n.” A smile like Gojo had ever seen took over Megumi’s face, “She’s awake.” 
“Really? That’s great!” The pink haired boy cheered. He’d also been worrying about what happened with you, feeling guilty for it. And you’d tried to protect him. The day he’d gone to see you at the hospital he’d seen how bad you’d gotten for a moment and the worry on Megumi’s face. You two seemed really close and it was clear you cared deeply for each other, recalling back seeing you while cursed spirit fighting.
Gojo’s soft smile was another sight. 
Yet he had to ruin it. 
“Did you kiss our little y/n-chan?” 
“What?!” The color coming up from Megumi’s neck up to his ears was a nice change to the ghostly pale of the last few days, alive with new light. So was the scandalous yet funny look on his face. “How did you-”
“You did?!” 
When you heard footsteps outside your door you turned towards it. 
The first to approach you was Gojo, ruffling your hair affectionately. “I’m glad you’re okay, kid.” 
What was he going to do with you?
You pulled his blindfold down. You were probably the only person able to get away with that. “Happy to see you too.” 
“You won’t be so happy soon.” At that you grimaced. You knew you wouldn’t get out of this unscathed. 
You then noticed Megumi standing near the doorway and your smile grew brighter if that was possible. Megumi was doing no better than you. In fact, he didn’t know what to do with himself. Should he hug you? Should he yell at you? 
Did you kiss her?
The teasing words from Gojo earlier got to him again somehow and he felt his face grow hot. You stared a little astounded at his blushing face. 
Damn. He must be really angry. 
“Hey.”  You settled with, suddenly shy.
Another voice called for you, getting you to look away, “Y/n!” 
“Itadori?” You stared at him, surprised, “How did you-?” You looked around for an explanation.
“Oh, that guy? It’s okay. I got it under control.” 
“So it’s still…?” 
“Yeah. It’s really annoying though. It just called me annoying. And said that it’s glad to see you again.” 
“Is it really?” You said with a grimace. That was… something. “How should I take that?” 
“I’d say it’s quite disconcerting.” Megumi muttered, finally speaking up.
“It says you have guts daring to touch it. It’s thinking whether to kill you or not the next time it gets a chance.” Yūji opened his eyes comically wide then frowned. “No you won’t. There will be no next time.” 
You scoffed, “I’m surprised it’s thinking about it.” 
“It says you’re funny.” 
“This is quite an unsettling conversation .” You chuckled, then continued, something else nagging at you,“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” you worried. 
“Not really. It felt funny where you touched me, and it was red for a while but now it’s gone.” He pushed down one sleeve of his t-shirt to reveal his shoulder. True to his word, there was no sign of injury. Then he turned to you again, his eyes downcast, looking at your arm, “I’m sorry about your arm though.” 
“Oh I’m fine.” You lifted your arm just a tad bit. You were still a little stiff and it hurt a little. It’ll probably scar but you were lucky it hadn’t been ripped off clean. 
“Okay, we should let the girl rest before we head off.”  Gojo dismissed the group. 
“Oh, that’s right! I’m coming with you guys!” Itadori told you before he waved goodbye and exited the room, Gojo following him but lagging seeing that Megumi didn’t move. 
“Don’t be too hard on her if you’re staying, Megumi.” And with that he was out too.
You looked down at your lap, entertaining yourself tracing a finger over the new scars on your left arm.
You felt his arms wrap around you delicately, afraid he might hurt you. He rested his head on top of yours. Your eyes widened, bringing a hand up tentatively to hold onto him. “Welcome back.” 
He could wait a little longer to scold you. 
You laughed, and pulled away. Lifting both your hands to cup his cheeks, your soft gaze met his eyes. You got to see them again after all.
 “I love your eyes.” 
He pouted. “I know. You’ve told me like, a thousand times.” Although it wasn’t the first time you did that, he had to break eye contact for a moment, entertaining himself looking at the monitor beside your bed. Your heartbeat was a little fast. That was good, he thought. Nothing like that night on the rooftop.
Around eleven in the a.m., Megumi was on his way to the medical wing of Jujutsu High to go see you. He’d fallen asleep heavy as a rock for once in his own bedroom. He was dressed in the school’s uniform. Soon, Itadori, Gojo and him would head out to pick up the new, fourth first year student. 
He knocked on the door. 
“Just a minute!” you answered, and he heard you groan. 
“What are you doing?”  His voice sounded muffled from the other side of the door. 
At your lack of answer, he pushed open the door. There you were, up in the middle of the room with your back towards him. And struggling to put on your tee shirt. He stopped. 
“Megumi what the hell?!” 
“I’m-I’m sorry!” Not that you could see, but his eyes grew wider. Stuttering in place, he still laughed nervously, watching how your head was stuck inside the shirt. For one point it was good, for your face was burning in embarrassment .“Do you need help?” 
“No! Just wait outside or-or turn around!” Finally, your face was out through the hole of the shirt, yet you held back another groan trying to lift your arm.
“I really can’t see anything. Let me help you.” It was true. You had bandages around your middle, your chest almost entirely covered.  He walked the short distance between you and stepped right behind you. Megumi couldn’t help but stare at the red, purples and blues on your skin, some of the bruises peeking out of the bandages. Delicately, he brought his hand up to help put your arms through your shirt. You made a little noise of complaint as he lifted your left arm. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine.” You sighed. His fingers hovered over your skin as he gently pulled the fabric in place and then when he brought his hands up again to untuck your damp hair out of it. “Thank you.” 
He nodded when you turned around to face him. “Does it hurt a lot?” He worried.
You shook your head “Only bothers me when I try to raise it up.” 
“Why didn’t you have someone help you out?” 
“I just wanted to shower.”  You countered. “Was five days out. I totally needed one.” You added with a grimace. 
At that Megumi chuckled. You smiled at him, then noticed his attire, “Do you have something to do today? I thought you still had to rest.” 
“We’re just picking up the other first year.” 
“That was today? Why didn’t you say so? Now I have to get out of this thing and put on the uniform.” 
“You’re staying here.” Megumi stated. 
“What? But I want to greet her! And-And walking would do me good.” 
“You’ll greet her once we get here. You can walk around campus. Either that or I’ll lock you up, and you’ll have to settle on going around in circles in this room.” He threatened. 
“Are you still mad? It’s not even cursed fighting this time. We’re just picking her up.”  
“Yeah, like with the talisman.” He said sarcastically, then sighed. “I’m not mad just- Would you listen to me this time?” He practically pleaded, looking you in the eye. 
You wondered if he looked at you like that on purpose. “Fine.” you gave in. “Guess you’re right this time.” 
“You really mean it? You’re not sneaking out of here?”
You chuckled, “Fine, fine! I’m really staying.” You held your pinky up, and he linked his with yours. “Promise.” 
Megumi smiled wide this time, eyes crinkling at the corners. You sat on the bed for a little while longer and Megumi helped you brush your hair. 
The time to go came soon enough with Itadori looking for him, waving at you from the doorway. 
“And by the way, I was right both times.” He said to you before turning to leave.
Kugisaki Nobara had a strong personality, unafraid of giving a piece of her mind. Both Yūji and Megumi found out fairly soon, falling under her judgment. But she was good and handled herself well while curse fighting. Just the right amount of crazy. Maybe a little more too. 
When they were done with her test, and she and Yūji argued over where to go for dinner, Megumi got back to thinking about you and wondered what you were doing. 
“Fushiguro!”  He was snapped back to the present by her. “What do you think?”
“Sorry, I didn’t hear what you were saying.” 
“He’s probably thinking about y/n.” Yūji didn’t really mean for it to sound like teasing but it was done. Fushiguro glared at him. 
“Oh. Who’s that?” Nobara asked curiously, turning to look at Megumi now. 
“She’s a first year too.” 
 “There’s another one? And she’s a girl? Oh thank God!” 
“That sounded a little too happy.” Yūji muttered. 
“Why did she leave me here with just you two?” 
“You’re being really mean, you know?” 
“She stayed back resting. Got injured on a mission.” Megumi explained. 
“But she’s alright now. She’s pretty great.” Yūji chimed in excitedly. 
“And she’s your girlfriend?” 
“What? No!” Megumi denied shaking his head. The color on his cheeks didn’t help him much though.
“But you said you kissed her yesterday?” Itadori asked more than stated, confused. “Isn’t that right, Gojo sensei?” He turned towards the man, walking a little ahead to give the kids space but still at earshot.
“Just like Sleeping Beauty.” 
“It really was! She finally woke up after it!” Itadori chuckled. 
Megumi tried to get a word in. Those two really were blowing things out of proportion.
“You kissed her while she was unconscious? You perv!” The girl right about smacked him. 
“I didn’t!” The poor boy rubbed his upset cheek. He ducked his head. Thanks to those guys, they’d called the attention of a few passersby. “I just kissed her head! I told you that!” He hissed. 
“Oh. Right.” 
When they finally got back to campus, they spotted you in the school garden, sitting under the same tree where you met Megumi for the first time. You heard Itadori’s cheery voice call you and turned to see him coming with Nobara by his side, following Gojo. Then your eyes met Megumi’s, who kept walking away. He looked upset. You stood up, brushing the dirt off your clothes.
“Kugisaki Nobara, this is y/l/n y/n. Y/l/n y/n, this is Kugisaki Nobara.” Gojo went ahead with his flashy introduction, making you giggle. “I’ll let you kids get to know each other.” He ruffled your hair playfully before waving to the other two and leaving. 
“It’s so nice to meet you.” You smiled at her. 
“I so wanted to meet you too.” She returned the smile. You already liked her. And she was pretty too, you noticed looking at her pale skin, light brown eyes and her brown hair styled in a bob. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t go pick you up.” You said, not being able to help feeling self conscious under her stare, that went up and down and back up to your arm. You tucked your arms behind you. 
“It’s okay. The boys told me about what happened.”  She brushed you off understandingly. “They actually talked a lot about you.” 
“They did?” You looked at Yūji who immediately straightened up.
“Just nice things! It’s not like there are bad things, is it? Plus I just met you yesterday.” Itadori said sheepishly. You smiled.
“And Fushiguro didn’t lie either. You’re so pretty! Your hair! Can I touch it?” 
“Megumi?” you felt your heartbeat take a quicker rhythm as your face started to warm up. “Oh, sure…”  You answered her question and she brushed her hands gently through it. “By the way, is Megumi okay?” 
Nobara halted.
“We probably teased him too much.” The boy grimaced, exchanging a look with Nobara.
“Is that it? Then he’ll be fine.” You tried to reassure them. “I do it all the time. And Gojo- Gojo sensei too. He’ll just need to get used to it. It’s sure gonna be even more lively around here.” You smiled. 
That evening, a furry visitor came into your room.
“Oh hello, you handsome.” You cooed at Kuro, crouching down to scratch the back of its ears as it wagged its tail happily. There was a small bag hanging from its collar. “Whatcha got there?” 
You took the bag and looked inside to find a small box. When you opened it, you saw they were sweets. You smiled, setting it aside to pet the dog, ruffling the hair around its head. “Well thank you. You know where Megumi is?” 
Megumi smiled before pushing himself from the wall and entering the room. “Hey.” 
“Hey.” you looked up, smiling back. 
“I thought I’d bring you something since you couldn’t come with us.” Megumi explained, bringing a hand up to his neck. He seemed suddenly nervous about something. 
“How’d it go with Yūji and Nobara?” 
“They’re fine. Gojo got their hopes up about going sightseeing and we ended up dealing with a cursed spirit.” You chuckled at that.
“They seem like they’re very good.” You agreed, nodding. “We chatted for a while…” You trailed off seeing he was still not looking at you. “Are you okay?” You stood up, Kuro looking to get back your attention.
That finally made him turn to look at you, worried gaze looking for his.
Megumi felt his skin get warmer, hands getting clammy. His mouth opened and closed a couple of times before he was able to start talking, “Listen, about the kiss-It wasn’t like that-”
“Kiss? Wh-What kiss?” 
He fucked up. 
Megumi was sure that those two would somehow bring it up to you too. He thought you were just going to pretend like you didn’t know. Turns out you didn’t know at all and he’d made it sound like there was something worth mentioning in the first place. 
“You kissed someone? Who?” You spoke up after minutes passed in silence. Saying that felt weird, but not good weird. It was only because Megumi had never mentioned anyone. That was the only reason. Or so you told yourself. 
“You. I mean I didn’t-  Gosh this is Gojo’s fault.” Frustratedly, Megumi brushed his hands over his face. 
A kiss, a kiss, a kiss. Since yesterday that’s all he’s been able to think about. 
Meanwhile you stared at him frozen and wide eyed, internally panicking. “You kissed me? When- What the fuck. Megumi, I need you to tell me what are you talking about.” 
“I didn’t kiss you like that. It was just a kiss to your head.” He breathed out a sigh.
Then to his surprise, you started laughing. “Is that why you were all moody earlier?” 
“I wasn’t moody.” He muttered, avoiding your gaze, cheeks burning. 
“You wanted to?” 
“What?” His voice came out a beat  late, weaker than intended. 
“To kiss me. Did you want to?” You asked again, taking advantage of whatever had possessed you at that moment, half teasing half serious. What were you even asking? And why? 
Megumi met your eyes again. He couldn’t tell if you were actually serious. Then he dared to look at your lips. 
He shook his head. “Not like that.” 
You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but it wasn’t that. “What do you mean?” 
“If I wanted to kiss someone I wouldn’t do it while they’re unconscious. Especially if it were for the first time and we weren’t even together.”  
You smiled softly, nodding. 
“You don’t have to worry about that anymore.” You walked over to him. Cupping his face, he leaned down for you to place a kiss at the crown of his head just like he’d done so.  “There.” You looked at him, eyes shining. He was sure his eyes were looking at you in the same way. “Now let’s eat up those sweets.” 
For the next week, you’re not able to train with the other first years. Instead, you’re left to do exercises to help you recover. Megumi is there to help you when he’s done with his own training. But when you’re back, you’re able to see your classmates' abilities. As you already knew, Yuuji is stupidly, naturally strong. He’s not even using cursed energy yet. 
He’s your first opponent. 
“I’m not sure I want to hit you…”  Itadori says unsure as he comes to stand in front of you. “Are you sure you’re fine?” 
“You should worry about yourself, Itadori.” Megumi comments, a small smile threatening to take over his features when you turn to look at him with a playful grin of your own. 
“What?” That puts Itadori on alert. Next thing he knows is you’re going at him, and he manages to lift his arms just in time to cover his face. “Whoah!” 
Nobara explains to you her cursed technique since you weren’t there to watch her during her test. Since yours is trickier to show, you wait to show her until the end, when you’re all done sparring each other. 
Finally it’s your turn to face Megumi. The other two watch as you try to land a hit on each other. You look so comfortable, used to each other’s movements. It’s more like you’re dancing instead of trying to fight each other, so in sync. At last, you manage to swiftly swipe Megumi off his feet and he lands on his back. He lets out a groan as you get on top of him to pin him down, laughter bubbling up your throat. He looks up at you and grins before he frees himself and turns you both around. You let out a squeal now that your back hits the ground. It’s his turn to laugh, both of your chests heaving.
Megumi stares at your face, your eyes bright staring up at him, face flushed and slightly sweaty because of all the time you’ve been training, very much like he is (his hair’s falling down over his forehead at this point). You’re just strikingly beautiful to him. And he finds that he really wants to kiss you now. The thought paralyzes him. He knows his guard is down, and he’s begging inside for you to move before he’s overcome by whatever is shifting inside of him, gives and leans in. 
The other two share a look. 
It kinda feels wrong to be watching you two. 
But the thought comes and goes as they quickly turn again to the scene in front of them, not wanting to miss anything.  (They’re barely breathing in anticipation). 
Then you’re saying something. Megumi can’t hear anything though. His eyes trailed down to your lips the moment they moved and he can’t seem to stop from shamelessly staring. 
“Megumi?” you repeat. 
“Hmm?” Just a noise is all he’s able to let out to let you know he’s listening now. 
“I asked if it’s okay for you to help me show Kugisaki my technique.” 
He’s back in the gym where they’re practicing. 
“Yes.” He nods, staring back at your eyes. He doesn’t move.  
“Maybe let me go?” You chuckle nervously.
Megumi’s cheeks burn by having to be called out and he quickly nods, moving to help you into a sitting position and brushing any possible dirt off you before kneeling in front of you. 
You call Nobara and Itadori over. They’re sporting very disappointed expressions that you’re totally oblivious of. That’s until you mention what you’re about to do and they forget all about the scene they’d just witnessed, all excited. Yuji hadn’t gotten to see what your technique was yet. 
“It’s not really that exciting.” You tell them, suddenly bashful for the attention before turning to Megumi. 
He nods, letting you know he’s ready. You focus, the bright flow of cursed energy flowing through Megumi’s body coming to your vision. You avoid the points where it concentrates the most since it’s just for a quick demonstration. You settle on bringing a hand up to the right side of his chest, gently but firm. 
Megumi’s heart pounds on his chest as he watches you intently, just like the other two do as if he’s too witnessing it for the first time. There’s grey in your eyes now, the dark brown replaced briefly for silver, and white shiny light begins to glow from under your hand. He feels the fuzzy feeling again. You hear someone gasp besides yourself, and are reminded to stop before you overdo it. 
“Holy shit, y/n, you’re glowing!” The difference from this to someone who's using cursed energy defensively to protect their body, is that there’s no cursed energy surrounding you and the light’s coming from within you still. You don’t react, unable to concentrate on anything but Megumi and what you’re doing.
You smile at the boy before placing your hand to his chest again, reverting what you did. When you stop, the giddy sensation leaves him with your touch. Then you’re back to normal. 
“Are you okay?” You always make sure he is. He nods, not missing the touch of your fingertips for long as you bring your hand up to his cheek now. 
“That was so cool. Your eyes-!” Nobara starts but cuts herself off. 
“Me next! Me next!” Yuuji bounces excitedly. Megumi gets hold of your hands. You look at him and before you turn to Yuuji again to gently explain why you have to decline his wish, Megumi beats you to it. 
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” 
The pink haired boy pouts, “Why not?” 
“You don’t have control of your cursed energy yet. It might hurt you. And even then, y/n might get in touch with Sukuna’s again.” 
You can only nod, Megumi taking the words out of your mouth. Itadori stares down at your arm, and so do you before taking it out of Megumi’s hold and hiding it away. The boy frowns at your action. 
“Oh. right.” Yuji nods quickly in understanding. 
“Well,” you hurry to break away the uncomfortable atmosphere of being the center of attention for too long, “We’re done for today, right? Let’s go grab some drinks”.
It was a free day, and you’d all made plans to go shopping. Well, Nobara wanted to go shopping, Itadori wanted to go to the movies and Megumi was just tagging along. You didn’t mind shopping and actually wanted to buy a couple things. Also you wanted to spend some time with your friends just hanging out for a change. 
“So, is Gojo sensei like your dad or something?”  Itadori asked. You didn’t know what brought this topic of conversation. 
“Please do not say that in front of him.” Somewhere in Japan, Gojo sneezed. 
“Why not? He’s awesome!” 
“Definitely don’t say that in front of him either.” 
“I mean, yeah. I guess.” you spoke fondly, “He’s been taking care of me- of us since we’re little.” But what would he think if he heard you say something like this? 
When you got to the shopping district, you were dragged from store to store, both boys following you and chatting between themselves. 
“What about this one?” Nobara showed you another outfit. You nodded. She had a keen fashion sense. And a lot of bags already, apart from the ones the boys were holding, seating at the front while they waited. “You’re not trying on anything?” She wondered. 
“Oh, no.” you dismissed her, “I already got some stuff.” 
You’d bought a couple of sunglasses and some arm sleeves. It was getting hot to keep wearing long sleeve shirts all the time to hide your scars. 
“But I’m talking about clothes.” Nobara whined. “If you don’t buy some I’ll have to give you some of what I got. And I don’t want to.” 
You snorted. “Yeah, I don’t think they’re my style either.” 
Then, she spotted something behind you. “That’s perfect!” 
“What is it?” you smiled at her eagerness, turning to follow her line of sight. It was a very pretty black midi dress. Sleeveless, heart shaped neckline, layered skirt that bunched up nicely. 
“You have to try it on!” She practically shoved the dress into your hands and pulled you along with her towards the fitting rooms. 
“What am I even gonna use it for? Curse fighting?” 
“Don’t be silly. You can use it whenever. Like, next time we hang out.”
You hadn’t worn a dress in so long, probably since you were little and Gojo bought you clothes after taking you in. You remembered that day. It was one of your favorites. He’d brought Megumi and Tsumiki too. 
As she shoved you inside the small room and was making her way to another herself, she stopped at the door. At that moment, the little devil on her shoulder popped up. 
Megumi’s phone vibrated. Kugisaki was calling.
He picked it up. 
“What is it?” 
“We need your opinion on something. Wait outside the fitting rooms.” 
“You need both of us…?” 
“Just you is okay.” 
She hung up. 
“Hold this.” He threw more bags Itadori’s way, the poor boy practically buried in his seat on them. 
“Where are you going!” 
You stared at your reflection in the mirror. It really was a perfect dress. Turning slightly from side to side, you watched the skirt move lightly. You opened the door to show Nobara but she didn’t seem to be done yet. 
“Y/n?” you heard Megumi’s voice just outside. 
“Megumi? What is it?” You turned the corner that led to the front.
Even if Megumi wanted to tell you right away a list of compliments, he couldn’t. You looked breathtaking. You watched his eyes go wide as he stared at you up and down. You laughed, bashful, fidgeting with your hands behind your back and swaying a little in place to show off the dress. “I know, I told Nobara it was too much. You needed something?” 
“No- Kugisaki- I mean. It’s just right, you look-”  Nobara smiled from where she was eavesdropping, unable to witness the scene without being spotted by you but with a very clear picture of Megumi’s reaction in her head. 
“Whoah! You look beautiful, y/n!” Yuuji appeared, beaming at you and somehow lifting his very occupied hands to give you a thumbs up. Megumi mentally kicked himself for blundering, seeing you now blushing over Yuji’s compliment. If only he’d been able to speak, he would’ve earned that reaction from you. Nobara facepalmed. “You think so too, right, Fushiguro?” He added, flashing a knowing grin at his friend who was probably blushing harder than you. 
“Thank you, boys.” 
Then tragedy happened. Yuji lost hold of one of the bags and as he fumbled to get hold of it again, he succeeded. Only that the bag opened and one shirt hit the ground. 
You all froze, then Megumi reacted, picking up the shirt. Nobara wasn’t there. She wouldn’t notice. 
You were wrong. 
Maybe it was a sixth, or seventh sense, she heard the ruffle of the bags or the silence that followed was too loud. You didn’t know. 
“You idiots!” 
“How long have you liked Fushiguro?” You nearly choke on your water at that. Nobara and you were sitting on a bench next to the field outside, having been done practicing. Yuuji and Megumi were still at it, only because Yuji wouldn’t stop. “I’ve been meaning to ask for the past week but can’t seem to get those two out of our hair.” 
You opened your mouth only for her to cut you off, “If you say you don’t like him I swear it’s bull.” 
You closed it again, unsure of what to say now. When you were little kids, sure. It was true you had a little crush on Megumi. But it was just an innocent thing from back then.  Right? 
Not so deep down you knew you’d fallen for him. You knew he loved you just like you loved him, but you didn’t think he’d want to change how things were between you. You were just a friend to him. 
“He doesn’t love me like that.”  you entertained yourself fiddling with your arm sleeve. 
“Are you kidding me?” 
“He totally adores you. He looks at you like you hold the stars and the moon and the whole solar system.” 
You chuckled. “Even if that were true, I don’t think he wants a girlfriend. Especially if it’s me. Not when we do what we do.” 
“It is true. So what, you’re going to hold back just because you’re afraid? That’s a waste of time and worrying a whole lot about nothing.” 
You looked over at Megumi, who, as if he could tell you were looking at him, turned and gave you a small smile. Yuji noticed him looking over at the two of you and waved animatedly.
Nobara’s eyes softened looking at you, “He’s right there right now, you know?” 
Itadori Yūji was dead. 
There’d been a mission. The sudden apparition of a cursed womb above Eishu Detention Center gave you no option but for you four to go tend to it, no sorcerer on par with a possible special grade curse available. 
Another special grade in what? Three weeks? 
The goal of the mission was to rescue five inmates that were still inside the second building. After, you’d head out. One instruction was clear: 
Do not engage in a fight. 
Yet right now, Megumi and Yuji were arguing. You’ve come into the second building and noticed things were very wrong right away. For a moment you were also trapped, but thanks to Megumi’s divine dogs you could find your way out of what looked like an Innate Domain. The gruesome sight of three mutilated bodies on the floor as you stepped further in only increased the tension.
“I know you’re keen on this idea of saving lots of people and guiding them to proper deaths. But think, how are you going to feel when someone you save goes on to kill someone else later?” 
“So? Why’d you bother saving me then?” 
“Guys! There’s-” 
“You both need to cut it out!” Nobara lost it too, “Ugh! What the hell is wrong with the two of you?Are you both idiots?” 
“Where’s Shiro? Megumi-” 
“This is hardly the time and place to be acting like-”
“Nobara!” You tried to reach her just before a pool of darkness appeared and swallowed her up. 
“Kugi…saki?” Itadori looked in your direction, meeting your scared expression. Then you gasped, bringing your hands up to your face, catching on to what Megumi was looking at. His divine dog had been destroyed.
“We have to run!” 
It was too late. The cursed spirit appeared right between the two boys, and they froze in place. 
Itadori snapped back first. He tried to attack the cursed spirit with Slaughter Demon but he didn’t get to, his hand getting severed and the dagger breaking in half. 
“Yūji-!” You felt a sudden surge of cursed energy and your eyes widened. You created a shield with your own cursed energy just in time before the special grade sent a pure blast of it out, you being right in its line of shot. It sent you stumbling back, almost hitting the wall on the other side. 
Itadori shouts your name. Megumi yanked him by his sleeve, trying not to trip over his own feet by trying to get to you as quickly as possible. 
“You okay?” You nodded hastily as they helped you back to your feet, still checking if you weren’t hurt. 
“Yūji, your hand-”
“We need to split up.” Itadori says, daring a glance at the special grade. It seemed to be taunting you. “Give you guys time to find Nobara and get out of here.” 
“We can’t stay! We’re not supposed to fight it!” Megumi yelled.
“We don’t have too many options. It’s not like it’s going to let us run away.” You look at him. 
“I can fight. Sukuna can.” Itadori corrects himself. “If I die, you die, right? So you’re helping.” He addresses it. 
“You’re wrong, boy. I still have 18 other pieces of my soul out there.” Sukuna mocks. “Oh, well. I can’t control this body, so do whatever you want. Just know that I’ll kill the punk and his girl before that curse gets a chance, then find the other one and do the same to her.” 
“I won’t let you do that.” Itadori says angrily. 
“Keep focusing on me and you are all dying anyway.” Sukuna says before he falls silent. 
“We can’t trust that guy. Let’s go!” 
“You have to go.” Itadori insisted, looking at both of you. “I’ll keep it busy while you get Kugisaki and get out. Once you’re safe, give me some sort of signal.” 
“You don’t stand a chance! Fighting that thing with one hand?!” 
“I’ll stay back with him.” You spoke up and both turned to look at you.
“No way.” Megumi refused, shaking his head to emphasize his point. “You’re not staying here. None of you are.”
“You can’t stop me.” You said decidedly. “It’ll be fine. If he switches with Sukuna I’ll sit back. Find Kugisaki and we’ll meet you outside.” 
Megumi shook his head again while you nodded, a hand on his cheek. “You better.” 
But you didn’t. You tried to coordinate with Yūji, shielding him every time he’d go for a hit while you tried to get close to be able to touch it and steal its cursed energy. You managed to do so once, and that got you to hit it back with it while Yūji landed a good punch. It wasn’t nearly enough. After that, it was onto you, but you realized it too late. It seemed to have figured to get rid of you first, and deliberately left an opening. Just as you were about to touch it, it swiftly got out of range and brought down his claw-like hand slashing through your torso. The scream that left you felt like it cut your throat, piercing and filling Yūji with dread, before the curse let out another blast of cursed energy at him and he was shot backwards and away, you unable to protect him.
He didn’t hear you when you quickly called out his name. All Itadori could hear was a ringing in his ears that tried to muffle Megumi’s words. He was right. You should’ve left him. And now you might die because you wanted to protect him. And he was going to die too. He didn’t want to die. Not like this. He used to think he was strong. Strong enough to save himself, to save others. To choose how he was gonna go out. 
“Yūji!” In a gap of clarity, he hears you cry out his name. “It’s Megumi’s signal!” 
You’re still on the floor, dragging your body trying to hide out. There’s a hand holding your middle, you feel the blood trickle out in alarming amounts with every strained movement. Your breathing is heavy. You sense it before you turn towards it. You see the black marks on its skin and when he opens his eyes, they’re red. Yūji’s out. 
It’s Sukuna.
You stop. Partly hoping he won’t perceive you if you stay as still as possible, partly because you’re dizzy now, tired and losing a lot of blood. It seems to be reflecting about something. Then it turns to you suddenly. 
You’re pretty sure it’s pathetic, the way you drag yourself back and away from it. Then you reach the border, tiny pieces or rubble falling onto the abyss below. Yūji’s still there, you remember. If Sukuna tries something Yūji will switch back. So you turn from the void and hold its stare as firmly as you can with your swirling head.
“You’re pretty beaten up.” It leans down and brings a hand up to grab your chin. You flinch, holding back a whimper. “It’ll be no fun to kill you like this now. You might just die as it is.” It grins. Then an idea flashes through its mind. “Unless…”
“Hey, you.” He calls to the cursed spirit. Even it’d frozen. Now, scared, it launches an attack at Sukuna. “You’re not very smart, are you?” It harshly lets go of its hold on you, fully turning towards the curse, sneering. 
There’s nothing you can do but watch as Sukuna finally takes on the cursed spirit. Only until he deploys his Domain Expansion. That’s when everything goes black. 
Megumi succeeds in getting Nobara and himself out. When she’s safe with Ijichi, he stays behind. He’s just about to go back in there. What if Itadori can’t switch back? What happens to you? What if he took too long and you’re both dead? 
Then he knows. The special grade must be dead. The Domain closed off. He’s hopeful that you and Itadori will come back safely. That is, until he senses something else. His breath gets stuck on his throat. Behind him. He quickly turns and everything crumbles to the ground. 
Sukuna’s holding you in its arms. You’re unconscious, your head lulling uncomfortably down, a river of blood coming out from a wound on your torso. He can’t tear his eyes away from it.
“Relax, she’s still alive. Barely.” The curse speaks. “If it wasn’t for her, the brat would’ve died before he could’ve switched with me.” 
“Oh he’s not coming back.” It smiles maliciously. “Really, I’m in such a good mood right now. You should focus on what’s important.” It really was enjoying the look on Megumi’s face, savoring the fear in it. “I could heal her.” 
Megumi studied him. Itadori’s hand. He’d healed it and overall looked just fine. But you were different. Last time you’d gotten close to it you almost died. He looked at your pale face, the red pooling on the floor. You were dying right now. “Why would you do that?” 
“Just for the hell of it.” 
Sukuna laid you down on the floor with surprising gentleness for a curse. Ripping the already ruined side of your uniform, it placed a hand over your wound, and Megumi watched as it began to close. The action ripped a pained scream out of you, for a moment alarming the boy before you were out again. When he looked down, the wound was gone, only fine, faint scars as tell you were ever hurt. 
Sukuna straightened up and Megumi rushed to kneel by your side. You were better now. You probably still needed to go to the hospital for further treatment. He looked up, “Itadori, you can switch up now-.” 
So rude. “I told you, he’s not coming back. The brat had it coming for trying to use me without making some kind of deal. He’s having a little trouble taking control.” 
“What are you-?” 
 Sukuna lifted a hand to bring through his chest, ripping Itadori’s heart out. ““I’m taking your friend hostage.” Then, it revealed another one of his fingers, swallowing it. The cursed spirit from back there should’ve had it. “For good measure. But I really don’t think he wants to die. You should’ve seen him crying back there.” 
“Now that I’m free, and since I did you a favor, you get to entertain me for a while just until you die. Or I can kill her too. A pity, after all that. Then kill you.” 
Next day, you deal with the aftermath. 
You all try to take in that Yūji is really gone, that none of you were able to do something more to get him out too. You’re also upset about Shiro and Orochi, and even though Megumi grumbles that you know shikigami aren’t pets and not exactly dead, you know he’s upset about it too. 
There’s another thing bothering you that will have to wait. But right now, you’re going to train with the seconds years, having to deal with an Exchange Event on top of it all.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Nobara took a drink of her water bottle, pausing for a moment after being thrown around by Panda. You were also stopping your reign of terror against poor Inumaki. He’d never seen you so aggressive before, even considered using his cursed speech to slow you down. Way to go spooking cute boys. “One of you should stop this routine of trying to sacrifice your lives for each other and confess that you’re in love instead.” Nobara didn’t want to wait. 
You didn’t want to bring it up at the moment. You were busy, so you tried to brush her off. “How could we be thinking about that after what just happened?” 
“You’re going to curse Itadori if you try to put this on him now.” 
“Guess y/n’s been keeping you on your toes, Megumi.” You heard Maki talk to the boy as they sparred. “You’ve gotten better.” With a grin, she smoothly spun around, landing a hit with her spear square in Megumi’s chest, making him fall back onto the ground with force, “Still, I win.” 
“God she is amazing.” Nobara fangirled while you nodded. 
“Oi! You two come back here!” The second year called. 
“We’re going to get our asses whipped.” You muttered before making your way to them.
After Maki gave you a beating -thankfully not as bad and disgraceful as the last time-, you practiced three against three. Rules were clear enough, or so everyone thought at first. First years against second years. Everything was valid as long as it didn’t end in needless injuries/threatened your lives. 
That was, until Megumi had accidentally sent a punch your way, mistaking you for one of the second years. You’d managed to dodge it, but you’d snapped, and you were now aiming for him. 
He raised his hands to block your punches, surprised at the fury behind them, “Hey, I’m sorry! I thought you were-What are you doing-!” 
Everyone else stopped to watch, stunned by your not so sudden outrage. They’d noticed you’d been acting odd before but figured it had something to do with the outcome of yesterday’s mission. They weren’t entirely wrong. 
All Megumi could do was dodge and try to parry you, lost as to the reason for your hostility. He got a grip on both of your forearms, finally restraining you, “Y/n what the hell?!”
You swiftly lowered yourself, one of your legs sticking out as you spun and took Megumi down. 
Behind you, the others displayed a variety of reactions. 
Nobara had her arms crossed, chin up, frowning at Megumi even though the boy couldn’t see it. That’s what you get. She resisted the urge of shouting at you to beat him up further. 
Maki was grinning, someone might say a little wickedly, while inside she felt a little proud seeing the improvement of your movements. 
Toge whistled, impressed (and thankful this time around he was not your target).
And Panda stared, jaw slack and like the others -except Nobara-, with no idea of what was happening.
“I should ask you that!” You scoffed, unamused, staring down at him. “What were you thinking?! Following a curse’s whim letting it heal me and then in exchange you fight it?!” 
His eyes widened as he sat up, “You weren’t supposed to know that.”
“Yeah, because if it wasn’t bad enough already, you were also going to keep things from me.” 
“How did you-”
“That’s not important!” 
“I was thinking of saving you!” He shouted back, then his breath got caught when he noticed you were crying. He stood up, rushing over to you but you backed away. 
“And what? You die instead? What’d make you think I’d be okay with that?” 
“It could have killed me anyway.” 
“Then we both died!” You exclaimed, “What if Yūji didn’t switch back when he did? It wouldn’t have been just him that I couldn’t do anything for.” Your voice broke, “I could’ve lost you too. You’d think you’d saved me but I’d be just as gone.” 
You looked at him a moment longer, before you turned and hurried away. 
Frustrated, Megumi debated whether to follow you or not. Of course you would be upset for what he did, but he’d meant it and was not going to apologize for doing whatever it took at that moment to not lose you. When you didn’t show up for lunch, he decided to at least make sure you ate something. There was no answer when he knocked on the door to your room. He thought you were just ignoring him when he called, so he opened it to find that you weren’t there.
You’d shut yourself in one of the empty classrooms, figuring that no one would show up there. Your stomach growled and you sighed, looking out the window with your head resting on top of your arms that were on top of your knees. You really should go eat something after all that training. You were starving.
Scuffing noises against the door startled you on your seat. Pushing your legs away from your chest, you slowly stood up and walked over to find the source of it. 
The best delivery boy, Megumi’s divine dog, was at the other side of the door. You couldn’t help but chuckle as you crouched down to be at its level, a few stray tears falling. “This is so cheating, don’t you think?” 
Love brought conflicting feelings. Even though you were upset, it still warmed your chest that Megumi gave you space while still being caring. 
The students from Kyoto showed up, taking the opportunity of the principal coming over to go over the Exchange Event plans. It wouldn’t be a big deal, if it weren’t for their intentions of provoking them. 
Nobara instantly got roped with Mai, Maki’s twin sister. You stood up to your friend’s side, wary of the second year. You gritted your teeth when she started talking about Yūji. 
Then there was Aoi Todo. 
With a question very off topic. 
“What kind of woman’s your type?” 
Is he for real?
“Yeah, Fushiguro, why don’t you tell us your type?” Nobara decided to join in, fighting a knowing grin to try and sound innocent. You knew better than that. You elbowed her. 
Megumi, without really catching up to what he was doing, looked over at you. Your eyes widened for a second that you hope wasn’t enough for him to notice before he turned to the third year. Aoi had noticed this little interaction and was grinning, already expecting an answer.
“Why would I want to discuss my taste in women? Especially with you, a guy I just met?”  
Todo’s grin faltered, “C’mon. It’s clear you have your eye in one.”  
“What are you talking about?” 
“You haven’t acted on it?” 
Megumi stuttered, not sure what the deal was with the guy. It’s not like it was his business. Much less that he was going to confess anything right there like that.
Then this guy started tearing up. “I knew it. You’re boring, Fushiguro.” 
Itadori Yūji  was not dead. 
He had just sprung up in front of everyone like a jack-in-the-box right before the Exchange Event started. 
You stood there petrified in place while the boy panicked by how your faces paled and fell. Not the reaction he was expecting apparently. As if coming back from the dead was the norm. 
Nobara was the first to snap back, seemingly ready to pounce on him and beat him up, but there were tears in her eyes, giving away that she was happy to see him. Megumi stared at her before you stared at each other. You could see he was happy too, and unlike Nobara, you did start crying, making Yūji jump out from the box frantically. But they were happy tears. Megumi smiled softly at you while you squeezed the air out of the pink haired boy in a hug. You could be tough but you were such a cry baby too.
Nobara did punch Itadori eventually (she couldn’t do much more. There was an Event they had to win so she couldn’t outshape him too badly). 
“So,” Itadori began, whispering loudly to Nobara, still holding up the memorial photo frame before his face, “How are those two doing?” Thank goodness you weren’t at earshot. 
“Terrible. And you dying didn’t help exactly.” The girl reproached. 
“Well, sorry for getting my heart ripped out.” 
The first competition: 
The Wacky Cursed Spirit Exorcism Race.
Megumi with his shikigami, and you, would be the best scouts. Thus, they’d split in groups to cover ground quicker, Maki with him, you with Nobara and Toge with Panda. Yūji was left to deal with Todo. Something about how the Kyoto students proceeded, though, told you something was off. All of them seemed to be targeting Itadori. 
Hunting the curse spirit be damned. Everyone then went after a different target. 
One thing about you was: 
Your sense of direction sucked. So when Nobara got blown away by a strong gust of wind product of the girl with the broom from Kyoto, and you ended up alone in the woods, you feared you might’ve been lost. That would be the case, if you didn’t have cursed energy to guide you. So following your senses, you went along like that as you’d been doing for the event. There were people everywhere using cursed energy so it was difficult to pick a direction. And there were still the curses you were supposed to be hunting. A certain wave of cursed energy stood out the strongest, so you followed it thinking it could possibly be the second grade cursed spirit. Still, if you couldn’t reach Itadori or fight any of the Kyoto students, winning this thing would be good for yourself and the others. Nobara wanted to help Maki, and so did you. 
“Run.” The voice echoed through. 
“Inumaki senpai?” Your eyes found the source of the voice before he was running in your direction, a startled look on his face as he pulled you along and your body finally followed his command. You dared a glance back to try and figure out what made Inumaki react this way, the source of the strong cursed energy you felt still overwhelmingly near. That’s when you saw it, what was for sure a special grade curse. Its body was white, a cloth over where its left arm should be, two black lines zigzagging its face vertically, with two small branches where eyes usually are. 
This battle was full of curveballs. 
Inumaki reached the buildings where Fushiguro and Kamo were fighting. They’d stopped as soon as they heard an explosion, big branches shooting up by work of the curse. He’d lost you at some point while dodging the curse’s attacks. When he joined the other two, they noticed he obviously was preoccupied by the situation, but there was something else by the way he kept looking around as if something else might pop out of nowhere. 
“Is there another one?” Megumi asked him. Toge shook his head. He didn’t know that. 
“Was there someone else with you?” Was Kamo’s guess. With wide worried eyes, he turned to Megumi. 
You’ve just reached the river when something comes crashing in your direction. It’s the curse. It’s attacking you the moment it spots you. You shield yourself with cursed energy before any of its projectiles hit you. Its body is too tough for your knives to hurt it, but Megumi’s shikigami comes to your help and then both him and Maki gang up on it. 
It happens too fast when Megumi’s hit, a curse bud growing from his stomach. Maki gets distracted and she’s hit too but still she goes to fight while you check up on Megumi. You’d kept your calm, and quickly had resolved what you had to do. 
“What are you doing?” Megumi winces when you place your hands near where the curse sprout is. 
“That thing said it feeds off cursed energy.” He has good control of his cursed energy output, but you use your ability to steal whatever much left you can to reduce its effect. 
“That’s enough- You need to stop. Y/n-”  you’re so focused, his voice becomes background noise when you turn to see how Maki is doing. She dropped Playful Cloud after one of the curses hits and now it has her caught on one of its branches.
You face them both fully, all of the cursed energy making your body buzz with euphoria. With a pure blast of it, you break the branch holding Maki and send the curse a few feet away. That’s enough time for backup to come. Soon, you spot Yūji and Todo.
You sigh before your legs give out. 
“Shit, shit, why the hell did you do that?” Megumi stumbles on his feet, falling to his knees again by your side before having to prop himself up on his elbow when he tumbles to the side. He hovers over you, the last flash of silver leaving your eyes, blood coming out of your nose. 
You laugh and he thinks you might be delirious. “Why do you do it, Megumi?” 
“Because I love you!” He’s crying, some of his tears falling on your cheeks. 
Your eyes are wide in surprise and wonder product of his words. You bring a hand up to brush the tears away and cup his face with a soft smile on your face. “Then you know why I do it.” 
His love for you had always been steady. With how your lives were, he’d kept holding back from his heart’s demand to try new ways of loving you. He couldn’t stand it anymore. Whether you were the one that saved him or killed him. 
Megumi leans down and presses his lips to yours, eyes shut tight while you melt onto him. Warmth spreads from your chest and you swear you feel it all in the space between you, under the palm of your hand that still caresses his face tenderly. 
He breaks away but stays close. You meet his eyes. 
“I love you, Megumi.”  
Your hand falls and it splashes on the water, your eyes fluttering close. 
“No.” He whimpers before he chokes on the sobs trying to shake out of his chest and falls into a coughing fit, blood trickling out of his mouth from the corner of his lips. He falls completely, laying by your side as he caresses your face. His vision goes blurry, lightheaded and teary eyed, before everything disappears.
You feel a weight on your hand. You squint your eyes open, and tilting your head you come face to face with a sleeping Megumi. His hand is clasped in yours between your bodies. You’re in your room. You bring your hands up to leave a kiss on his. The tiny action seems to be enough to wake him up, eyelids fluttering open slowly. He’s fully awake when he sees you are too.
A beat passes. His face scrunches up and you do your best to hold back a laugh. “ ‘Hi’?” 
“What is it?” 
“You think you can just say ‘hi’ after passing out right after you said you loved me?” 
“I was just tired.” you giggled and he stared at you incredulously.
Oh my God, he was sulking over that. 
“I tell you I love you all the time, Megumi.” 
“That- It was different.” You were getting to him but you couldn’t help but push further.
“Wanna hear it again?” 
He didn’t answer, but the pink hue of his cheeks was enough for you.
“I love you.” 
He hid his beautiful face on the crook of your neck, leaving a kiss, his spiky hair tickling your skin making you giggle again.
“Ah- They’re both awake!” Itadori shouted from the doorway, and Kugisaki peered from over his shoulder. The pink haired boy was holding two pizza boxes and the girl was carrying a bag with their drinks. 
You hadn’t had an easy life. But Megumi had you, and you had him. You would always fight for each other. And you had good friends, a family. You didn’t know what the future might bring you, but right now this was okay.
A/N: Hello first jjk fic I’m nervous. This is the longest fic I’ve ever written (if you take my hq!! inako series separately. Btw if you like hq!! you can check those out :D). I learned that a problem when fics start to get long it’s not that it’s long but not being sure where to stop. If you’re overdoing it or if you missed a chance to add a certain scene. Let’s see if this doesn’t flop. Not that it matters much if it does bc I just might still write more XD. The title of this fic came from a tweet that said that, that someone had quoted with pictures of Clancy and Torchbearer LMAO (yes I’m a tøp fan) and I thought oh shit that really fits this one. To everyone reading a big, big thank you!!
I thought the first place they’d put you in if you said you were seeing such things as cursed spirits would be the loony bin 😭. So yeah, that first thought resulted in the birth of this fic. 
I kinda got a little inspired by Maggie Evans/Victoria Winters from “Dark Shadows” (2012) for reader’s backstory.
Your family had been on the sorcerers’ radar for a while. Once Gojo graduated he’d stumbled upon a file that mentioned the case and learned about your family. That led him to you.
Gojo takes you in months after becoming the Fushiguro’s guardian.
Gojo releases Infinity just a beat before you jump to hug him. He’d only released it so you could reach for his hand before (techniques are tricky for me either because I’m stupid or bc I really haven’t read the manga (I’ve been freely seeing spoilers tho lmao so I have an idea of what’s going on) and I take they’re better explained in it (?). I assume he can focus Infinity to certain parts of his body like I saw on Gojo's past arc episodes).  
You practically start living at Jujutsu High and get your own room there. When he’s out for missions there would be someone around to check up on you.
Yes, Gojo did your ponytails.
Since Gojo had taken in Megumi months prior, he’d already begun training. His technique had already begun manifesting too.
You’re wearing some of Megumi’s clothes that he’d left behind at Jujutsu High and are now too small for him until Gojo gets you clothes. 
That scene is so cute to me but my brain can’t help but go, “Can I pet that dawg?” every time and I end up laughing like an idiot.
You were confused and overwhelmed by the manifestation of your cursed technique, that’s why you didn’t mention anything because you really didn’t understand it. It was something new after all. That was also paired with your fear of losing them. You weren’t used to having people around that understood what you were going through. Last time you’d ended up in an institution. 💀
The permanent look of worry on your face that your bullies notice comes from you worrying about Megumi fighting, unlike the one that came from spotting curses when you were little and didn’t understand.
Stupid bullies hit the jackpot with you because Gojo gave you a generous allowance for the week.
 Nobody at school really knew you were close to Megumi because they hadn’t seen you two hang out together there.
Gojo being a proud dad about you beating up a boy. He’d probably have given you the okay earlier on. Something like, “If they start a fight you end it.” 
Megumi might’ve gotten punched due to the fact that you were involved. He got distracted by you getting hurt and threatening the guy (he wasn’t much of a talker while beating someone up usually).
Looking up facts about Tsumiki made me learn more things about what happened to her (more or less, just skimming through articles and spoiling myself about things beyond s2 lol) and damn isn’t it messed up.
Megumi got scared, thinking what happened to Tsumiki could’ve happened to you. That's why he freaked out when you wouldn’t respond. Just you being a heavy sleeper. Don’t hate meee.
It’s probably stupid but my birthday is in fact 11 days before Megumi’s and when I found out I thought it was cute yk, like Dec. 11 and 22 (do you see what I mean? probably not 😆) so I brought it up here. Also, that makes reader and Gojo (and me)  both sagittarius hehe. Father and daughter (just like, if it wasn’t funny enough, me and my dad (but he’s a Nov. sagi).
You dropped your technique right before Yūji ran past you both. The curse energy coming from him was alarmingly strong enough to be sensed purely without it like any other sorcerer (I mean that much is canon but I’m trying to emphasize my next point lol). If you hadn’t done so and had felt the curse energy coming from him using your technique you probably would’ve passed out right there from exhausting yourself.
I really don’t know if reader’s technique is making sense but imma try to explain what I came up with: First off, I kinda set my mind on Inej from Six of Crows and Noor from MPHFPC and thought about cursed energy like how they put chakra points on Naruto. Omg I know it’s a lot of different things I’m stupid but hear me out JAJA. Reader has a much more acute sense of cursed energy than others. She can actually see it coursing through people’s and curses’ bodies, also cursed tools. Basically anything that has it. Being so, she can see the strongest points where it flows and attack an opponent targeting those, hindering their curse energy flow and weakening them. She uses this in two ways: Weapons: daggers are her go to choice for long range battles (and if she doesn’t hit a particularly strong curse energy body region she still hurts them). For close combat she’d prefer to use a sword or the second way: her bare hands. She can just touch an opponent and extract their cursed energy for her own use. Since she has yet to master manipulating cursed energy that way, she doesn’t use it much. If she takes a little, she can control it better, reducing her own and adapting, or she can burn it off by attacking with it right away with a pure cursed energy hit. If she takes too much she gets like cursed energy “high”, wearing her off considerably afterwards. And if it is from a first grade or a special grade just a small intake could be too much she’ll most likely end up hurt. Other symptoms she may feel by using her technique for long periods are strong headaches, eye sensitivity, mental and physical weariness. Worse case scenario is her body giving out. Her technique is especially successful against opponents without exceptional physical strength cuz she’ll steal or hinder their cursed energy and they’re done for. Another thing she’s currently working on: “ storing”cursed energy (either some of her own or “stolen”): not having to burn it off right away and have like, a reserve. If she’s in battle with a partner and they’re running  low on curse energy, she could transfer some to them (reader being like miss cursed energy battery or smth like that lol). I haven’t thought about her domain expansion but I don’t think I’ll need it for this fic. 💀 I just put too much thought behind her technique probably, and idek if it would make sense in the jjk verse lol. Idk if it makes sense as it is in this fic. But just in case I expand the world of this fic and do more works using these traits I have all this and I’ll have to invent a DE pfff. Basically making an oc. Also there’s more details like what Megumi mentions about you being able to turn on your technique without actually “stealing” cursed energy but sensing its flow. To you it feels like you’re feeling the person’s or cursed spirit’ s essence/personality/conscience. You could say their core or soul but that’s not exactly it, that’s Mahito’s thing JAJA but you’re close enough. That’s why Megumi’s calms you down aaaand that’s why Sukuna fucked you up. 
Your cursed energy shines white. I made that up bc, yk, Megumi with his 10 shadows and reader looking like she’s casting “light”. Totally unimportant XD
There’s always a report after missions. Megumi had recounted what happened but asked if they could leave the details about what happened with Sukuna and him out when they briefed you on it. Gojo told on him when he went to check up on you. Nobara was there.
Reader is a hypocrite getting mad about Megumi risking his life for hers while she be around doing the same thing lololol. 
Anyways, I just wanted to write that scene of Megumi summoning Shiro to comfort reader while Gojo adopted another kid and ended up with a whole fic with no plans and no direction. Just typed awaaay jaja
Me and music go together as some may alr know so here’s a few songs I thought about while writing this: 
 . Peak of Despair by Jake Stark, MITTY
 . Numb to the Feeling by Chase Atlantic (how the fuck, you may ask. I took out the drugs and the horny out of it JAJA)
. DIE FOR ME by Chase Atlantic (pretty much the same case stated above)
. Saving Flowers by salute, Rina Sawayama
. Soft Spot by keshi 
(If there was something else not mentioned here that you’re curious about or stood out to you hit the ask button <3. Thank you for reading up to this point!) 
Until next time, 
Youmarin <3
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