#but euron will likely be a false god
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The similarities between Julius Caesar’s assassination and the Ides of Marsh are well documented in fandom. It’s also generally agreed that the fall of the Night’s Watch will mirror the fall of the Roman Republic, which was quite ironically brought on by Caesar’s death. But I never see it acknowledged that Julius Caesar, some time after the establishment of Octavian’s Augustus’ rule, became deified (meaning that he was worshipped as a god or to put it bluntly, Julius Caesar ascended to godhood).
What does this have to do with Jon Snow? Well, apotheosis (1, 2) is one of the most important stages that comes towards the end of a hero’s journey. Here, the hero reaches some higher level of understanding or personhood, and this allows them to complete the hardest trials still to come in their journey. We see mental changes, but these could also be accompanied by physical changes. A good example of this in high fantasy is Gandalf’s death and return as Gandalf the White. In other myths and stories, we can point to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In ASOIAF, we have mini versions of this with Bran Stark and Jojen Reed, two children who experience life or death situations but came back with heightened magical power (Bran especially).
Jon Snow is currently at his “journey to the underworld”/“belly of the whale” moment, where he is to (presumably) face his greatest trials. Apotheosis usually comes after this stage (and is often preceded by other stages such as the “meeting of the goddess” and “atonement with the father”, both of which could very well appear in Jon’s journey as he learns of his true identity and purpose).
But what would apotheosis mean for Jon? That’s the key question. He is sure to experience profound mental changes and trauma, but these are sure to be accompanied by great magical changes that manifest physically. In the same way that Bran came out of his coma and started his journey as the last greenseer (well, once Bloodraven kicks the bucket), Jon is sure to come out of his death experience a far more powerful being. The thing is that Jon needs to change into the hero Westeros needs and the magical act of dying and coming back to life should play a role in that.
However, it won’t all be fine and dandy for him. GRRM has criticized Gandalf’s return where he seemingly came back to life better than ever with no great effects. In the same way that Jon is literally experiencing a descent into the underworld (a step that is sometimes figurative for many modern heroes), we can also ascertain that he will experience a very literal ascension into godhood (or the closest thing we have to that in ASOIAF). But magic always comes with a price. And whatever sort of “god” Jon turns into post-resurrection, he won’t be a very pretty one.
#asoiaf#valyrianscrolls#jon snow#I didn’t have space for this in the post but I think we’re bound to see an anti parallel at work with jon and euron greyjoy#euron very much wants to become a god - heck he has a whole spiel about being worshipped like one#but euron will likely be a false god#the way stannis will likely be a false savior#but SOMEONE has to be the real deal right…?#and if you’re like me and you believe jon will attain his hero’s boon - aka lightbringer#then it’s probably gonna be#belly of the whale (death) > meeting the goddess/atonement with the father (learning rlj) >#return to the living > apotheosis > ultimate boon (finally forging lightbringer and proving himself to be azor ahai) > ?? > kinghood/profit#yeah idk#julius caesar#historical parallels#the heros journey#lit analysis
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@amethyinst wait let’s TALK ABOUT IT bc everything you’re saying is CORRECT and OBVIOUS, and i wasn’t expecting it to be SO OBVIOUS and YET i feel like it gets really glossed over!
the “harsh journey across barren wasteland” thing is practically jumping off the page here, down to bran losing rickon & osha early in the journey and dany losing doreah early in hers, & the kicking off point being a fight between several factions of what’s left of drogo’s khalasar & dany’s, and the final sack of Winterfell being this kind of three way issue between what’s left of the iron islanders, the stark loyalists theon left alive, & ramsay. dany & bran really escape death here through like, oodles of luck and quick thinking from the people around them.
but ALSO you have dany currently on the dothraki sea and bran in the far north, and both of them are just kind of looking away when meat of a questionable source is given to them. and i think there’s something more here, in that dany shows up to qarth & it’s an oasis in the sea, only every door is shut in her face and the warlocks are there ~lurking. meanwhile you have bran showing up to the far north hoping for a miracle cure to his legs and to get all the magical answers he seeks only to get some very shitty answers from the cotf while bloodraven is ~lurking. this is why i think there’s a chance bran is leaving the cave p quickly in twow - like dany in the dothraki sea, he’s going to have an extended journey where it’s just him (and maybe Summer) using his warging abilities and trying to get his body to the wall. probably doing a lot of reflecting, and possibly learning the wrong lesson as he reflects!
and there’s a lot between hotu & the cave too - learning the old gods are just greenseers, seeing with his own eyes that the first men sacrificed people to fuel their magic, seeing his father talking about jon, seeing lyanna & benjen spar. meanwhile dany is having visions that include her brother talking about tptwp, her father yelling to burn everyone,and the “false wizards” who try to trick her. both of them being shown but not quite processing that all their visions are linked to their own history. there’s the elusive, suspicious way the warlocks & quaithe speak with dany, always in riddles, and bloodraven is equally suspicious and cagey. but they’re both learning, they’re both progressing in their magic, and they’re both really struggling with placing where ~the line is morally when it comes to how they use their magic - but look at their mentors lmao, they have the world’s shadiest teachers.
and YEAH everyone loves to talk about the targaryen connection & jon and dany both being born towards the end of the rebellion, but i think it’s glossed over that both dany & bran are kinda In The Shit when their parents get murdered during a succession war and have to go underground or get killed. dany’s fondest memories are the ones from when she’s bran’s age and younger, with willem darry there to care for her (like the ONLY capable adult she ever interacts with 😭). and you have osha, who like willem darry isn’t really a sworn sword type, they’re just very loyal people who were close at hand and did what they could for the children in their care. there’s something that links them when it comes to, idk exactly how to phrase it, but physical trauma & their magic coming in, basically. both of their childhoods whittling their support systems down until they’re alone - only when they’ve experienced physical traumas & lost everything can they access magic on a stronger scale. and the fact that they both reach for it sooo readily! jon doesn’t want anything to do with it, he’s spent nearly every book actively running from it, but dany and bran turn right into the arms of their magic as a refuge.
they’re also just both clearly the prophecy children lol no offense to jon (or tyrion for that matter) but i think even IF jon or tyrion or aegon (or euron 💀) manage to get a dragon, the capital p Prophecy Children are dany & bran as the last dragon and the last greenseer. and they’re so much THERE too - bran looks like an andal & dreamt more ~andal-ish dreams but inherits the legacy of the first men’s magic after being disabled and socially de masculinized bc of that disability, while dany looks a consummate valyrian but she’s a girl and inherits the mantle of last dragon after every man in her line fails. everyone wants to be THEM but they are the only ones capable of that power - and that’s a good thing but also a very bad thing.
#like reading adwd is just like never before have two kids been so fucjing doomed omg#getting on my soap box#bran stark#daenerys and bran parallels#fun fact i had to go look up her name again bc i couldn’t fucking remember how to spell it#this is why i write dany all the time i hate these ae’s omg
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The showrunners just continue to steal from TV Daenerys’s characterization and final storyline to improve their Rhaenyra (a self righteous Targaryen woman with delusions of grandeur ? Groundbreaking), but she remains completely boring and forgettable. Dust in the wind.
And even though TV Daenerys is radically and entirely different from her book counterpart (as much as I love Emilia Clarke), TV Daenerys’ daddy didn’t tell her she’s special, unlike Rhaenyra, Daenerys realized she’s special when she brought back dragons from extinction and walked out of fire utterly unharmed, please can people stop compare her to any of the mid characters from HOTD ??
Speak it again, anon, bc what?! It's quite obvious that they are trying to inject as much a literal magic layer of significance in Rhaenyra's story as magic was in Dany's Or they are trying to make Rhaenyra more "important" in the Targ lineage & "interesting" to those who loved Dany (which is most of the fandom, lets' bfr) to promote the show. And yet at every turn they have also excused D&D's atrocious illogical writing of Daenerys' core traits and convictions behind the ol' "GRRM has not finished his series".
We know that there are only 2 books left of this series and Dany is still very NOT like her show counterpart's more...demanding isn't the right word but for now, we'll go with it. Based on this fact alone, people are so much more willing to believe that Dany will turn a 180 somewhere in these last 2 bks and destroy KL or do something akin to Mad!Aerys "bc Targs are crazy and she seeks to be a white savior while profiting from slaves". That this extreme turn for her will not happen for someone like Jon Snow who literally came back from the dead after nearly all under his command killed him. That they don't feel it rather be Cersei, not Dany, who'd blow up KL despite all the comparisons and actions she has similar to Aerys in the text, word for word verbatim. No it has to be Dany, bec she is a "foreign invader" come to ruin the good town of Westeros with her slave-owning ways.
Ryan Condal recently said as much about the D&D defense on BigThink:
Besides, there were a lot other instances where it's clear the real reason why they demolished her was to move on from the project and they just didn't like Dany. Go on over to ozymalek/PhoenixAshes' Youtube and search through to see how they broke it all down.
And yes, Dany actually showed/has very good reason to believe her singularity and even this pseudo-religious quality from her revitalizing dragons, effectively patching up a lot of the magical balance of the world by doing so.
What's also pretty cool is that bk!her still doesn't think of herself as a "god" the way Euron Greyjoy is kinda heading towards/is already at.
So it's so fucking weird how they are trying to re-capitalize on Dany's effect and show!character (and before that, her nonviolenet ADwD arc about the pits) for their false version of Rhaenyra bc apparently we can tolerate and even like ambitious, vengeful, cruel, or just selfish men like Euron, Robert B, Robb (not evil, but went to war for his own ends and his armies also raped indiscriminately), TYWIN [Rains of Castamere, everything else], etc. BUT a woman who has even just the mere self-concern to want to claim back a throne that was DEFINITIVELY usurped?! Nah, apparently, that's too much. She's unsympatheziable.
For a woman, she HAS to be "unselfish", trying to prove a point to men--dead or alive--of her strength 24/7, but unable to settle with an idea of her own "strength" or worthiness, and thus eventually be lead into semi-unintentionally building some strange "cult" around dragons from Westerosi religiosity to feel in control & for people to sympathize with her. She HAS to--as one Twitter user said--have a problem with her gender identity so as to attribute "womanly" stuff as "weak" to want the same things as what a man are granted.
If the audience is stupid, does that mean you should be as well and perpetuate MORE sexist stereotypes/frameworks? No; HotD is for the money and comes form a place of ignorant "women guide violent men" narrative, no matter much it claims it is "feminist" or how lore-knowledgeable Condal says he is.
We all know this is a media company and Condal is more businessman than creator and that you need sorta both a business/production sense as well as a creative spirit for TV/film. Problem is that Condal is inevitably and attempting to build an ethos and ethical narrative while also treating the org stories and GoT as material to re-market through his own "vision" of what he'd personally like to see as a ASoIaF story.
Just bc this is a huge media company doesn't mean whatever they say is "God" for the actual story they were tasked to adapt! You can enjoy that and still recognize nothing about it or most of it informs the orig story or "proves" anything of it WITHOUT bringing up good reasoning and comparisons as to how-why!
Much of the characterization/writing/plot decisions he makes are not about feminism or making the characters palatable for others but to--like with a lot of censorship--just make it so that as many people as possible are watching and are comfortable with the most popular but incorrect ideas of what ASoIaF & feminism or sexism is about, etc.. those of which have already been in fandom and larger life/online circulation for YEARS.
Therefore, there is much superficiality as well as what could have been fleshed out and nuanced ideas or directions the current writing HotD has AS WELL AS Condal's/Hess' own biases written into the very fabric of this show that mark it as just ASoIaF "fanfiction" instead of a strict "adaptation". I know people get annoyed with the fanfic allegations, but if you have an "adaptation" that no longer has most-to-any of the core ideas, themes, characterizations, EVENTS, etc. as its original, you call that a fanfic, not an adaptation. Just bc it came from a prestige major studio/company and had a lot of money thrown at it, doesn't make it actually an adaptation.
If the author themselves--even though they should know better bc look what happened with Dany, Euron, Cersei-Jaime, etc.--say something is egregiously wrong with how they written a certain thing in the show, it is not actually using the orig lore and therefore it is more fanfic than adaptation:
Dany--unlike any other Targ, which includes Rhaenyra--has a relationship with 3 separate dragons even though she will only ride one. Vermithor should NOT have been as "docile" with Rhaenyra as they were in the show (saw another clip online, still haven't watched the episode). There is still a reason why Jace tried to get her out TWICE, why Viserys was upset at Aemond for going down to the Dragonpit alone, why Rhaena nearly died trying to bond with some, , why Nettles approach and SUCCESS with Sheepstealer is so amazing, why Baelon bumping a dragon on the nose gave him the moniker "Baelon the Brave", etc. Dragons are damned dangerous to anyone who aren't their rider! And Rhaenyra's "specialness" was evident in the plethora and rise of dragon eggs....you want to show her as such? Have dialogue about the trajectory of dragon eggs laid compared to now vs 40/30/20/10 yrs ago!
Yes, most of the Targ women are connected and esp through magic and fertility & expressed "Targaryen woman's strength" and agency in unique but still related ways. But as rhaenin-time once said:
HotD thinks it's somehow an improvement to insist that actually, no, they're all just (by circumstance) variations of a "generic targ girl" template.
You could have even have Rhaenyra stumble on something a GoT character later finds but not have her go into that deep about it bc she's focused on the war/usurpation if you really want to stick with the whole oversimplified "distracted by selfish stuff" going on. Point is, Rhaenyra's significance was meager compared to Dany's SPECIFICALLY when we talk about active and participatory spiritutality/magic. Passively and more subtly, Rhaenyra dying spelled the end of dragons...so be subtle about it and stop with the whole "religious cult" nonsense that really is just a continuation of the whole Dany-is-a-facist nonsense we got in the final season of GoT. "Targ madness" and all that.
Of course they won't bc this is Condal's "vision", but hey, got things off my chest.
#rhaenyra targaryen#asoiaf asks to me#hotd characterization#rhaenyra's characterization#daenerys stormborn's characterzation#daenerys stormborn#daenerys targaryen#character comparison#got characterization#book vs tv comparisons#hotd critical#hotd comment#hotd rant#hotd s2 epi7#defending Daenerys Stormborn Khaleesi Targaryen#asoiaf#hotd
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there are not enough silly theories about satin flowers that i like so here’s some (for the love of god do not take them seriously every single one is a crack theory i made up on the spot)
• Satin is Shae. they’re the same person
• Satin is Azor Ahai
• R + L = Satin
• N + A = Satin
• Satin is Edric Dayne in disguse
• Satin is Melisandre’s spy
• Satin is a Sand Snake in disguise / Satin is a Sand Snake in his own right, one of Oberyn’s bastards
• Satin is Littlefinger and Lysa Tully’s son (from when Littlefinger slept with Lysa thinking she was Cat)
• Satin is Jon’s twin brother and their parents are Rhaegar and Lyanna
• Satin is a wildling
• Satin is warging into Ghost along with Jon
• Satin was Robb Stark’s lover who was arrested by the Lannisters
• Satin is Euron Greyjoy’s bastard
• Satin is far older than he claims, not younger (immortal Satin?)
• Satin is a bastard of a Baratheon and a Targaryen
• Satin was Renly’s lover before Loras
• Satin is Tyrion’s bastard and accidental lover
• DaenSatin (Daenerys/Satin). They’re endgame
• Satin is decended from Daemon Targaryen
• Satin will be killed as a sacrifice by Melisandre instead of Shireen
• Jon falsely accuses Satin of the mutiny and kills him.
• Satin is a shapeshifter from Asshai
• Satin is Rhaenys Targaryen (daughter of Elia)
• Satin is Malora Hightower
• Satin is Beric Dondarrion
• The real Satin dies in the fight against the wildlings at Castle Black, ADWD Satin is a fake
• Satin is Arthur Dayne’s son
• Satin is Ashara Dayne’s ‘stillborn’ child.
• Satin is from beyond the Sunset Sea
• ASOIAF is literally the Bible from an alternate universe, and Satin isn’t just Mary Magdalene allegory, he literally is Mary Magdalene. And the Others are Revelations
• Val and Satin are siblings
• Robert + Rhaegar = Satin
• Satin is Tywin’s bastard
• Satin is Olenna Tyrell’s grandson (and sibling/half sibling of Margaery and Loras)
• Satin is the real Arya, so when “Arya” (Jeyne) gets to the Wall, it’s revealed she’s a fake. Arya is Braavos is also a fake.
• Satin is Littlefinger
• Catelyn warged into Satin before she died because she felt bad about Jon
• Satin is Sam’s trueborn brother (but was abandoned in Oldtown very young by Randyll Tarly because he wasn’t ‘worthy of being his heir’)
• Bowen Marsh is abusing Satin and forcing him to work against Jon
• Satin is Syrio Forel’s child who was abandoned when Syrio was murdered
• Satin was the baby born on Dragonstone to Rhaella, Dany was the baby born in the Tower of Joy to Lyanna, but they were switched
• Satin will kill Cersei, making him the younger and more beautiful queen
• Satin was one of the Miller’s boys that Theon supposedly killed
• Bran is warging into Satin to communicate with Jon from beyond the wall
• Satin is Doran Martell’s son (either trueborn or bastard)
• Satin wrote the Pink Letter
thats all for now
#these are all made up btw but aren’t they funny#what if#satin flowers#asoiaf#asoiaf theories#satin of oldtown
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Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ASOS: Davos V (Chapter 54)
"Yet in the city, the lions prance and dance. The Red Wedding, the smallfolk are calling it. They swear Lord Frey had the boy's head hacked off, sewed the head of his direwolf in its place, and nailed a crown about his ears. His lady mother was slain as well, and thrown naked in the river."
That never gets any easier to read.
At a wedding, thought Davos. As he sat at his slayer's board, a guest beneath his roof. These Freys are cursed.
They can take a seat right next to Littlefinger.
"They will not." Melisandre's voice was soft. "I am sorry, Your Grace. This is not an end. More false kings will soon rise to take up the crowns of those who've died."
"More?" Stannis looked as though he would gladly have throttled her. "More usurpers? More traitors?"
"I have seen it in the flames."
Two books later, only Euron has claimed a dead king's crown. I suppose Tommen qualifies, but Joffrey isn't dead yet.
Are we missing any kings?
"An ant who hears the words of a king may not comprehend what he is saying," Melisandre said, "and all men are ants before the fiery face of god. If sometimes I have mistaken a warning for a prophecy or a prophecy for a warning, the fault lies in the reader, not the book.
Mistaking a warning for a prophecy? Lmao. lol. hahahahahahaha.
Imagine putting a line like that in the book, and still nobody getting it. Read the last sentence again, then try to convince me George doesn't think this entire fanbase is stupid.
"Lord husband," said Queen Selyse, "you have more men than Aegon did three hundred years ago. All you lack are dragons."
The look Stannis gave her was dark. "Nine mages crossed the sea to hatch Aegon the Third's cache of eggs. Baelor the Blessed prayed over his for half a year. Aegon the Fourth built dragons of wood and iron. Aerion Brightflame drank wildfire to transform himself. The mages failed, King Baelor's prayers went unanswered, the wooden dragons burned, and Prince Aerion died screaming."
Spoiler alert, by the end of the following Davos chapter, Stannis will prove to be equally as daft as everyone above.
Queen Selyse went down on both knees before the king, hands clasped as if in prayer. "Robert and Delena defiled our bed and laid a curse upon our union. This boy is the foul fruit of their fornications. Lift his shadow from my womb and I will bear you many trueborn sons, I know it."
Oh, she's gone gone.
You know what's fun? In the previous chapter I learned heroes don't kill children, and now we're opening this chapter with Stannis debating whether or not he should burn a child alive. Subtle? Not exactly.
Melisandre put her hand on the king's arm. "The Lord of Light cherishes the innocent. There is no sacrifice more precious. From his king's blood and his untainted fire, a dragon shall be born."
"It would be a wondrous thing to see stone come to life," he admitted, grudging. "And to mount a dragon . . . I remember the first time my father took me to court, Robert had to hold my hand. I could not have been older than four, which would have made him five or six. We agreed afterward that the king had been as noble as the dragons were fearsome." Stannis snorted. "Years later, our father told us that Aerys had cut himself on the throne that morning, so his Hand had taken his place. It was Tywin Lannister who'd so impressed us."
Boy, this keeps coming up a lot!
How did we manage to jump from bringing stone dragons to life to that little anecdote? Better question, why did we jump from bringing stone dragons to life to that little anecdote?
Warrior, make me brave. "I know little of dragons and less of gods . . . but the queen spoke of curses. No man is as cursed as the kinslayer, in the eyes of gods and men."
The topic of kinslaying mostly follows four characters around:
Tyrion, Stannis, Theon, and Victarion. 🤔
"Only death can pay for life, my lord. A great gift requires a great sacrifice."
"Where is the greatness in a baseborn child?"
"He has kings' blood in his veins. You have seen what even a little of that blood could do—"
"I saw you burn some leeches."
"And two false kings are dead."
The Ghost of High Heart saw a vision of Euron's hired assassin killing Balon before the leeches.
The Red Wedding has been in the works since A Clash of Kings. Again, before the leeches.
Stannis gave a snort of laughter. "He has you there, my lady. Two is not three."
"To be sure, Your Grace. One king might die by chance, even two . . . but three? If Joffrey should die in the midst of all his power, surrounded by his armies and his Kingsguard, would not that show the power of the Lord at work?"
No, it would show the power of Littlefinger.
Sansa is given the poison hairnet in A Clash of Kings. Say it with me now -> before the leeches.
Now I'm starting to wonder if Melisandre is going to take credit for something else her magic had nothing to do with.
"Edric—" he started.
"—is one boy! He may be the best boy who ever drew breath and it would not matter. My duty is to the realm." His hand swept across the Painted Table. "How many boys dwell in Westeros? How many girls? How many men, how many women? The darkness will devour them all, she says. The night that never ends. She talks of prophecies . . . a hero reborn in the sea, living dragons hatched from dead stone . . . she speaks of signs and swears they point to me. I never asked for this, no more than I asked to be king. Yet dare I disregard her?" He ground his teeth. "We do not choose our destinies. Yet we must . . . we must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty.
A hero reborn in the sea? That's probably not literal. Whenever Patchface uses "under the sea" it likely represents death/the afterlife.
I'm going to go with Bran, given Daenerys is right after.
Edit: I am an idiot, and @agentrouka-blog is not. Daenerys was reborn on the Dothraki Sea.
"I know the cost! Last night, gazing into that hearth, I saw things in the flames as well. I saw a king, a crown of fire on his brows, burning . . . burning, Davos. His own crown consumed his flesh and turned him into ash. Do you think I need Melisandre to tell me what that means? Or you?" The king moved, so his shadow fell upon King's Landing. "If Joffrey should die . . . what is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?"
"Everything," said Davos, softly.
Great line.
Kings engulfed by flames could be Aegon or Euron (Or Jon, if you think it's pointing to his bloodline), but I have a feeling it's Stannis being consumed by fire.
Edit: I change my mind. Everything is Daenerys. Bride of fire, it will be her doom.
Davos had often heard it said that the wizards of Valyria did not cut and chisel as common masons did, but worked stone with fire and magic as a potter might work clay. But now he wondered. What if they were real dragons, somehow turned to stone?
"If the red woman brings them to life, the castle will come crashing down, I am thinking. What kind of dragons are full of rooms and stairs and furniture? And windows. And chimneys. And privy shafts."
Davos turned to find Salladhor Saan beside him.
You spend enough time around religious zealots and you actually start to wonder if a castle is made of real dragons. Get it together, Davos.
Man, I adore Salladhor Saan.
When I die impoverished, my wives and concubines will curse you, Onion Lord. Lord Celtigar had many fine wines that now I am not tasting, a sea eagle he had trained to fly from the wrist, and a magic horn to summon krakens from the deep. Very useful such a horn would be, to pull down Tyroshi and other vexing creatures. But do I have this horn to blow? No, because the king made my old friend his Hand.
There's that kraken horn getting more attention. I'm treating this as more evidence that all horns are silly distractions.
"A certain Lysene pirate once told me that a good smuggler stays out of sight," Davos replied carefully. "Black sails, muffled oars, and a crew that knows how to hold their tongues."
The Lyseni laughed. "A crew with no tongues is even better. Big strong mutes who cannot read or write."
How am I supposed to concentrate when there's this much Euron in a Daenerys Lite chapter?
"He will not do it," said Davos. "He could not harm his own blood."
"Lord Renly will be glad to hear this."
"Renly was a traitor in arms. Edric Storm is innocent of any crime. His Grace is a just man." Salla shrugged. "We shall be seeing. Or you shall.
I know no king, but the King of the Seas, whose name is SALLADHOR SAAN.
In other news, Davos is still delusional.
He did not need Salla to tell him that he had risen too high. I cannot read, I cannot write, the lords despise me, I know nothing of ruling, how can I be the King's Hand? I belong on the deck of a ship, not in a castle tower.
He keeps saying stuff like this.
As for birth, the dragonkings oft chose Hands from amongst their own blood, with results as various as Baelor Breakspear and Maegor the Cruel. Against this, you have Septon Barth, the blacksmith's son the Old King plucked from the Red Keep's library, who gave the realm forty years of peace and plenty." Pylos smiled. "Read your history, Lord Davos, and you will see that your doubts are groundless."
If there was a message here, or in the passage before featuring all the the other doomed Hands, I missed it. Check it out, maybe you'll see something.
At the top of the steps Davos heard a soft jingle of bells that could only herald Patchface. The princess's fool was waiting outside the maester's door for her like a faithful hound.
"Under the sea the old fish eat the young fish," the fool muttered at Davos. He bobbed his head, and his bells clanged and chimed and sang. "I know, I know, oh oh oh."
I doubt this has anything to do with Blackfish, Catelyn, Lysa, or Edmure.
My first instinct is old Freys eating young Freys, but don't ask me how they're fish.
If not that, maybe we should ask Bloodraven about all those bones?
Edit: probably shouldn't forget Stannis and Shireen.
The princess looked at him wide-eyed. "Did Uncle Robert win three battles in a day?"
The bastard nodded. "It was when he'd first come home to call his banners. Lords Grandison, Cafferen, and Fell planned to join their strength at Summerhall and march on Storm's End, but he learned their plans from an informer and rode at once with all his knights and squires. As the plotters came up on Summerhall one by one, he defeated each of them in turn before they could join up with the others. He slew Lord Fell in single combat and captured his son Silveraxe."
Blink and you'll miss the word informer. Who was the informer?
I feel like we're going to get to the end of this series and learn Varys and Littlefinger were responsible for everything. I mean we already know one is.
The first time he had seen the Wall he had been younger than Devan, serving aboard the Cobblecat under Roro Uhoris, a Tyroshi known up and down the narrow sea as the Blind Bastard, though he was neither blind nor baseborn.
Roro had sailed past Skagos into the Shivering Sea, visiting a hundred little coves that had never seen a trading ship before. He brought steel; swords, axes, helms, good chainmail hauberks, to trade for furs, ivory, amber, and obsidian. When the Cobblecat turned back south her holds were stuffed, but in the Bay of Seals three black galleys came out to herd her into Eastwatch. They lost their cargo and the Bastard lost his head, for the crime of trading weapons to the wildlings.
Davos had traded at Eastwatch in his smuggling days.
Wow, look at that. A captain with a trading ship sailing obsidian beyond the Wall.
I thought you needed a king for that!
If Melisandre knew of this letter . . . What was it she had said? One whose name may not be spoken is marshaling his power, Davos Seaworth. Soon comes the cold, and the night that never ends . . . And Stannis had seen a vision in the flames, a ring of torches in the snow with terror all around.
"My lord, are you unwell?" asked Pylos.
I am frightened, Maester, he might have said. Davos was remembering a tale Salladhor Saan had told him, of how Azor Ahai tempered Lightbringer by thrusting it through the heart of the wife he loved. He slew his wife to fight the dark. If Stannis is Azor Ahai come again, does that mean Edric Storm must play the part of Nissa Nissa? "I was thinking, Maester. My pardons." What harm if some wildling king conquers the north? It was not as though Stannis held the north. His Grace could scarcely be expected to defend people who refused to acknowledge him as king. "Give me another letter," he said abruptly. "This one is too . . ."
". . . difficult?" suggested Pylos.
Soon comes the cold, whispered Melisandre, and the night that never ends. "Troubling," said Davos. "Too . . . troubling. A different letter, please."
Oh Davos, you silly little goose. It's not Edric Storm who gets to play the role of Nissa Nissa for this fraudulent Azor Ahai.
Go ahead, take another guess.
Final thoughts:
Remember when Stannis fans were adamant the show invented the Shireen storyline, despite the existence of this entire plot that's clearly laying the foundation?
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re cersei and bad writing: what do you think of grrm giving jaime (the man) a sorta redemptive journey and giving him a beauty and the beast romance while cersei (the girl) is written as evil from birth and not given opportunities to do good and she doesn't even get a brienne in her story? and is the brienne cersei jaime love triangle sexist since it might have jaime throwing one woman under the bus to run off and have a happy ending? would it be sexist to give jaime a happy ending while cersei dies horribly?
I mean I’ve seen this kind of argument before, but I can’t really say I feel it’s a fair one?? I do agree that there aren’t enough redemption stories for women compared to all the redemptive stories there are for men. But I don’t agree that Jaime having one somehow precludes Cersei from having one? They are two separate characters who have made separate choices that have led them down different paths, and both retain full agency in that. So I just think it’s a false dichotomy.
Like for one thing, as per the ‘original outline’ (promise this is one of the only times you’ll hear me mention that thing), Jaime actually originally had Cersei’s arc - and honestly, she just wears in better. Jaime in Cersei’s position would’ve just been… Euron with none of Euron’s magic and none of his spice lmao. Just a staple evil king who overthrows everyone to get to the top, and is eventually toppled. Swap him out for Cersei, and that story is suddenly a hundred times more interesting. I would rather read a female version of this story any fucking day, because Cersei’s reasons for wanting power, ways of claiming it, and the things she does with it, were always going to be far more interesting than whatever King Jaime would’ve been. This kind of story actually takes on a new meaning in Cersei’s hands, whereas in Jaime’s it’s extremely same-old.
I also don’t agree with the idea that all female villains should have a redemption arc. Like it’d be good to see some, absolutely. But we don’t have enough female villains as it is, certainly not in ASOIAF, and they can’t all be all things at once. Like, not having that redemptive storyline doesn’t even make a villain less complex: Cersei is still one of the most complex characters in the series, even whilst she’s never done a good thing in her life lol. The narrative still affords her sympathy, and makes you feel it for her too - even if she’s never felt it for anyone else (well, besides Joff). The story gives you every reason to despise her, and then just refuses to let you off that easily. I just don’t agree with the argument that Cersei’s story would be better if it were just… something else entirely. We do not have an equivalent for her story elsewhere in ASOIAF. She’s not duplicating something done better elsewhere. Cersei’s unapologetic villainy is an important story in and of itself.
Meanwhile, I also think Jaime’s story is more interesting as it is. Again, if I wanted a snarky male villain fighting for power, I could honest to god get that anywhere. I could certainly find it elsewhere in ASOIAF. And it’s true, if I wanted a redemptive story, I could also find that in the form of Theon or Sandor - but meaning no offence to either of their stories… I just think Jaime’s is done better on this particular theme. In Theon and Sandor’s case, it’s a relatively straightforward case of ‘I’ve done bad things but then X happened and now I’ve changed my ways.’ Jaime wants to do that, but the narrative actually chooses to explore what that might look like for someone still painfully tied up with terrible institutions - and who really can’t just abandon them without consequence. Jaime is still the heir to House Lannister, after a fashion. He’s still Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. He’s still father to Tommen and Myrcella. He can turn his back on all that, and in ADWD he has, but you rarely get to see redemptive stories where it’s like, so here’s what that’s going to cost you.
So it’s like, okay, the twins could swap narratives. But to literally what end. Jaime becomes a stock character. Cersei becomes… I mean I don’t know what a redemptive Cersei looks like, because it’s just so far removed from her existing story. She’d just be a totally different character, and what for?
As for the Cersei/Jaime/Brienne ‘triangle’, I’ve just never really thought of it as one. Jaime isn’t some prize that either of them win - what he means in Cersei’s story is entirely different to what he means in Brienne’s - for Brienne it’s a romance, for Cersei it’s… the psychological mess that comes with being Tywin’s children. They are separate stories with separate endings, and if Brienne weren’t even in the story, I think there’s every chance Jaime/Cersei would be coming to an end anyway. How exactly that ends I’m reserving my judgement on - there are too many undetermined variables for me to be throwing out verdicts already.
Also, I’ve never believed Jaime gets a ‘happy’ ending as such. I don’t believe he’ll die anything like the show, but I don’t think the point of his death will be intended as a point of contrast to Cersei’s.
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Do you think that Daenerys will burn kings landing in the books? She did it on the show and she has to show the strength of her dragons in Westeros like in Essos.
For the answer to this question, I would direct you to Dany blogs that dissect her story arc using the books. You could read their theories and speculations based on the books and come to your own conclusion on this.
As for my speculations on this,
1. Dany has done nothing so far in the last 5 books that leads towards her going on a random rampage in KL. She has shown a lot of concern and care towards the civilians and common folk of Essos. More than the likes of Robb Stark for example.
2. Dany burning down KL would turn her into her father. This goes against what I think is GRRM’s message in the series - that the younger generation can rise above their birth and the societal biases against them.
3. That said, I do think that the author means for us to question and speculate, along with Daenerys, if she would turn into her father. This is an internal conflict that the character is struggling with and a part of her story. More on this below the cut.*
4. I think there will be a second dance of dragons between Young Griff/Aegon and Daenerys in KL. Going back to the original outline, the second book of the original trilogy - titled the Dance of Dragons - was supposed to be about Dany’s conquest of Westeros. There will be casualties in this war. GRRM has been explicit about the consequences of war on the small folk due to the WOT5K. Robb Stark may have had a just cause but innocent people suffered and died due to his war for independence. Even with Stannis’ march to Winterfell, we see a 14 year old soldier being burned to death as punishment for cannibalizing a corpse because he was so hungry and there’s no food. War is brutal.
5. Dany can win KL without massacring thousands. The Lannisters did it in the books when they sacked KL and no one - not even the honorable Ned Stark - complained about it. She could have done it on the show and won - except, suddenly pacifist Tyrion kept advising against it. In fact if the dragons act as a nuclear deterrent, there will be less casualties. Aegon the conqueror won the North without a single casualty.
5. Westeros is already in a bad way and winter has come to KL by the end of the fifth book. Dany will end up in charge of a war torn Westeros down south. By which time, the North is overrun, Winterfell is lost and the survivors head south. IMO, the Others will not be defeated at Winterfell in 30 minutes like on the show. They are the central antagonists and the last book will mostly be about the rest of Westeros uniting against them. Dany will acknowledge the central premise of the series - ‘ When dead men come hunting in the night, do you think it matters who sits the Iron Throne?’ and joins Jon, Bran, Arya and others to defeat the army of the dead.
6. I have no idea how her story will end in the books. Considering she dies on the show and if it’s the same in the books, I would think that if she goes out she will go out a hero and not a villain. There’s a lot of prophecies associated with her and I would speculate that her character is instrumental in defeating the Others. Fire and Ice and all that.
7. And speculate is all we can do, considering we will never get the last book and a conclusion to GRRM’s version of the story.
* Now to expand a little bit on the point number 3 above.
I would like to comment on a line of thought/discourse regarding Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow and Targaryen madness.
I have seen a few posts from time to time making the assertion that if one speculates on mad queen Dany, but does not do the same for Jon Snow, then this is sexism. I disagree.
Now, if one is making that argument that by genetics, Daenerys Targaryen is designed to go mad and she will go mad, burn down KL and die while Jon goes on to be King or goes into exile etc. then yes, this argument would indeed be sexist, IMO. If we are going to speculate based on Targaryen genetics, then, not much is different between Jon and Dany. They are both Targaryens. Dany is not fire proof and neither is Jon. While Dany has some strongly prophetic dragon dreams, there are indications that Jon’s dreams are prophetic as well.
“Sleep came at last, and with it nightmares. He dreamed of burning castles and dead men rising unquiet from their graves”
He has dreamed of Winterfell burning, of Ned being executed, of being told that he is not a Stark by the old kings of winter in the crypts where his mother is buried and of Bran as a weirwood.
Jon’s dream here is very similar to what Dany dreams of:
“Snow,” an eagle cried, as foemen scuttled up the ice like spiders. Jon was armored in black ice, but his blade burned red in his fist. As the dead men reached the top of the Wall he sent them down to die again. - Jon Snow
That night she dreamt that she was Rhaegar, riding to the Trident. But she was mounted on a dragon, not a horse. When she saw the Usurper’s rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and they melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent.- Daenerys Targaryen
We know zombie ice spiders are going to be a thing. And the armor of black ice that Jon references here could be Euron Greyjoy’s black valyrian steel armor.
So if Dany is going to go mad because of genetics, then there is every chance that Jon will as well.
But from a narrative point of view, the author wants us to question if Dany will go the same way as her father. The mad king Aerys III is a part of Dany’s story. She questions if she is going to become her father. Other characters – allies and enemies – do the same. It’s a conflict that Dany wrestles with as she comes to terms with her Targaryen identity. It’s an obstacle she faces as she takes on both enemies and friends.
"Freedom to starve?" asked Dany sharply. "Freedom to die? Am I a dragon, or a harpy?" Am I mad? Do I have the taint? (ASOS, Daenerys VI)
A shadow. A memory. No one. She was the blood of the dragon, but Ser Barristan had warned her that in that blood there was a taint. Could I be going mad? They had called her father mad, once. (ADWD, Daenerys II)
The old knight did not blink. "Your father is called 'the Mad King' in Westeros. Has no one ever told you?"
"Viserys did." The Mad King. "The Usurper called him that, the Usurper and his dogs." The Mad King. "It was a lie."
"Why ask for truth," Ser Barristan said softly, "if you close your ears to it?" He hesitated, then continued. "I told you before that I used a false name so the Lannisters would not know that I'd joined you. That was less than half of it, Your Grace. The truth is, I wanted to watch you for a time before pledging you my sword. To make certain that you were not . . ."
". . . my father's daughter?" If she was not her father's daughter, who was she?
". . . mad," he finished. "But I see no taint in you."
And then there is the discourse that her enemies start about her being mad. The propaganda that she is just like her father. Propaganda that will no doubt be also used in Westeros.
The clever Volantene swordsman who always seemed to have his nose poked in some crumbly scroll, thought the dragon queen both murderous and mad. "Her khal killed her brother to make her queen. Then she killed her khal to make herself khaleesi. She practices blood sacrifice, lies as easily as she breathes, turns against her own on a whim. She's broken truces, tortured envoys … her father was mad too. It runs in the blood." (ADWD, The Windblown)
Madness and the mad king is nowhere in Jon’s story arcs or narrative themes. GRRM still thinks that R+L=J is some big secret and was so impressed that Benioff and Weiss figured it out he gave them the show. The author does not question whether Jon is going to become a mad Targaryen with a fascination for burning people to death.
Jon’s internal conflicts and the problems he has to surmount are different in nature. He is a bastard born of ‘lust and deceit’. If we want a connection here to the Targaryens that explores Jon’s narrative arc, then there is the Blackfyre rebellion. Daemon Blackfyre’s attempt to usurp the throne is used as an example in Westeros to be wary of all bastards, noble or base born.
So if the speculation is that Dany is going to turn into her father and become the mad queen, then the narrative equivalent for Jon would be that he would be a deceitful usurper who takes Winterfell from his trueborn siblings.
And this is something that is explored in Jon’s story.
When Stannis offers Winterfell to Jon, the only reason he does not accept is because of his oaths as a NW brother and his reluctance to burn down the heart trees in Winterfell. But in his heart, he wants it.
He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it, he thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me. It was a hunger inside him, sharp as a dragonglass blade. A hunger … he could feel it. — Jon Snow, ASOS
Just as Dany wrestles with whether she will turn into her father, Jon wrestles with his feelings of wanting Winterfell and feeling ashamed of those feelings.
His dreams in regards to this are interesting:
The world dissolved into a red mist. Jon stabbed and slashed and cut. He hacked down Donal Noye and gutted Deaf Dick Follard. Qhorin Halfhand stumbled to his knees, trying in vain to staunch the flow of blood from his neck. "I am the Lord of Winterfell," Jon screamed. It was Robb before him now, his hair wet with melting snow. Longclaw took his head off. Then a gnarled hand seized Jon roughly by the shoulder. He whirled …- Jon XII, ADWD
Jon literally beheads Robb in his dreams.
There is a lot of speculation here that after he comes back from the dead, we are going to get a darker Jon Snow who is going to go after Winterfell and not care much about the trueborn siblings ahead of him in the queue. We could see conflict between Jon and Rickon or Jon and Sansa. The original outline hinted that Jon and Bran would not get along.
And just like Dany faces the ‘Mad Queen’ propaganda because of Aerys III, Jon too faces the biased prejudice against bastards because of the actions of Daemon Blackfyre. While prejudice against bastards existed before then, the Blackfyres are often used as an example to caution against them.
Catelyn’s hatred for Jon Snow is based on the fear that someday he would usurp and take away Winterfell from her children.
“Not unless he’s legitimized by a royal decree,” said Robb. “There is more precedent for that than for releasing a Sworn Brother from his oath.”
“Precedent,” she said bitterly. “Yes, Aegon the Fourth legitimized all his bastards on his deathbed. And how much pain, grief, war, and murder grew from that? I know you trust Jon. But can you trust his sons? Or their sons? The Blackfyre pretenders troubled the Targaryens for five generations, until Barristan the Bold slew the last of them on the Stepstones. If you make Jon legitimate, there is no way to turn him bastard again. Should he wed and breed, any sons you may have by Jeyne will never be safe.” - Catelyn, ASoS
Similarly the Blackfish – having not even met Jon Snow – distrusts him.
"I will permit you to take the black. Ned Stark's bastard is the Lord Commander on the Wall."
The Blackfish narrowed his eyes. "Did your father arrange for that as well? Catelyn never trusted the boy, as I recall, no more than she ever trusted Theon Greyjoy. It would seem she was right about them both..." - Jaime Lannister, AFfC
The existing prejudices against bastards in Westeros is strong.
"Trueborn children are made in a marriage bed and blessed by the Father and Mother, but bastards are born of lust and weakness." - Jon Snow
Orys Baratheon was a baseborn half brother to Lord Aegon, it was whispered, and the Storm King would not dishonor his daughter by giving her hand to a bastard. The very suggestion enraged him.
Go away, I wanted only Freys up here, the King in the North has no interest in base stock.— Walder Frey to little Walda Rivers
Bastard children were born from lust and lies, men said; their nature was wanton and treacherous. Once Jon had meant to prove them wrong, to show his lord father he could as good a true son as Robb Stark - Jon Snow
So both Jon and Dany face internal conflicts and the author wishes to interrogate if Dany can overcome her own self doubts with respect to her father and society’s opinions of her and if Jon can overcome his desires and personal ambition for Winterfell and society’s opinions of bastards as untrustworthy and deceitful.
If a reader is therefore making the argument that Dany will become the mad queen like her father and burn down everyone – they should also rightfully be arguing for Jon turning against his family for a selfish power grab and essentially turning into Daemon Blackfyre.
Remember how Daemon took the Targaryen sigil with colors reversed – a black dragon on red giving him the nickname ‘The Black Dragon’
Jon was referred to as the ‘White Wolf’ on the show and as per the books, two bastards have reversed the sigils. Jon’s direwolf Ghost is white and he would therefore have a white wolf on a grey background as opposed to the Stark grey direwolf on a white background.
The sexism arises when Dany is singled out for turning into exactly what her enemies expect her to be, while the Starks overcome societal prejudices and expectations and end up the heroes. That, while Dany turns into her father, Jon Snow continues to love his Stark family (i.e Sansa Stark) so much and would sacrifice everything for them.
The show’s thesis and final message for these Targaryens is that they cannot rise above their birth and are exactly what society makes of them. That their final destiny is decided from birth and that they cannot change it no matter how much they tried. Daenerys turned into her father, randomly burned down KL for no reason and massacred thousands. Jon Snow pretends to support her, gets close to her, deceives her and kills her. He becomes a kinslayer, a queenslayer, a traitor – deceitful and untrustworthy and is exiled. It was an utterly nihilistic ending for house Targaryen.
I strongly believe that GRRM is not heading in this direction for these characters. It would be very disappointing if this is what he intends for them. It would indeed be sexist if GRRM wrote Dany as turning into her father, while Jon remains good and faithful to his family. From my reading and interpretation of these books, the story is about these underdogs triumphing over their internal conflicts. The conclusion of this tale would be Dany not turning into the mad queen, Jon not turning into a deceitful traitor, Arya not fleeing Westeros because she does not belong, Bran becoming king despite being a cripple.
But that is the final answer. In the meantime, GRRM means to explore these characters and their narrative themes and conflicts. In that context, it’s valid to question and theorize whether a possible direction for Dany’s story is her becoming her father. Five books in there is nothing to support this theory, but it is a theme that GRRM is interested in examining for the character of Daenerys Targaryen.
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I've always assumed that Dæny elected to terminate her first pregnancy once she learned of her and the baby's fate after Drogo's death... that Mirri saw this and predicted that Dæny would continue to make similar choices in life. Did you predict a third shadow baby (Euron x Dæny)? If so, are Euron/Dæny being set up to use the pregnancy to destroy something/someone in particular? Also do you think it would be told from another POV so it's clear what they're doing?
Hi there!
I am not sure if I agree with Dany terminating her first pregnancy. Mirri told her that there was a price and I think subconsciously she knew that it was her baby, but I doubt that the thought entered her conscious mind. When a fight broke out about Mirri doing magic in the tent with Drogon, many people died:
The Dothraki were shouting, Mirri Maz Duur wailing inside the tent like nothing human, Quaro pleading for water as he died. Dany cried out for help, but no one heard. Rakharo was fighting Haggo, arakh dancing with arakh until Jhogo's whip cracked, loud as thunder, the lash coiling around Haggo's throat. A yank, and the bloodrider stumbled backward, losing his feet and his sword. Rakharo sprang forward, howling, swinging his arakh down with both hands through the top of Haggo's head. The point caught between his eyes, red and quivering. Someone threw a stone, and when Dany looked, her shoulder was torn and bloody. "No," she wept, "no, please, stop it, it's too high, the price is too high." More stones came flying. She tried to crawl toward the tent, but Cohollo caught her. Fingers in her hair, he pulled her head back and she felt the cold touch of his knife at her throat. "My baby," she screamed, and perhaps the gods heard, for as quick as that, Cohollo was dead. Aggo's arrow took him under the arm, to pierce his lungs and heart. (AGOT, Dany VIII)
In that moment, Dany fears for her baby, and it looks like the thinks that many deaths will pay for Mirri's blood magic. She might in her heart of hearts know that it's her baby that is needed though.
Anyway, Mirri told her not to enter the tent and she doesn't want to but Jorah carries her there once she falls.
So, that she pays the price is not a conscious decision. Dany herself seems to think that Mirri tricked her into paying the price - which is not only the baby but much more bloodshed (and it is usually that way with blood magic).
I think Mirri's agenda was to prevent that the "Stallion who mounts the world" was ever born and she did not understand that Dany is that stallion. I think both, Mirri and Dany, work under false assumptions here.
Now, to shadow baby number three: That is an interesting idea. I am sure we'll see some Euron/Dany interaction and I am sure that whatever these two are up to it won't bode well for the world. I am not sure though, if Euron can make shadow babies. He seems to have rejected any belief and dappled into the dark magic of the warlocks (blue lips and all) and I thought it was a prerogative of Rh'llor to be able to make shadow babies.
That could be wrong of course. It seems to be a question of technique rather than belief and it could well be that Euron knows the magic to do this. It could mean that Balon was not killed by a faceless man but by a shadow baby that was conjured by Euron.
Melissandre seems to think that making shadow babies is not an unlimited resource and she thinks that Stannis would not be able to make another one - if for lack of depth in his belief or other reasons is not sure.
If we go by the rule of three, there should be another shadow baby, but I must admit that I rather think that maybe Stannis will try another time and fail.
You could also argue that a shadow baby of Euron and Dany would be a third pregnancy for Dany (if she was pregnant and had a miscarriage by the end of ADWD - a point that is hotly debated). So, you would have rule of three there as well.
All in all, I tend to believe that we'll get another shadow baby by Stannis. Maybe that is the action that drives him over the edge until he is ready to sacrifice Shireen?
If the making of shadow babies is connected to priests and priestesses of Rh'llor and the belief of the caster of the magic then Euron and Dany cannot make a shadow baby. But you never know with GRRM. He can mislead us into thinking that Melissandre knows everything that is there to know.
As you can see, I haven't yet put much thought into this and hopefully we'll see some of the mysteries unfold in TWOW.
#anon ask#DarkDany#Will D get pregnant?#shadow babies#Euron x Dany#stannis baratheon#Melissandre#Rh'llor's magic#Who can wield Rh'llor's magic?
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In the upcoming The Winds of Winter many characters we've come to know and love are going to intersect with each other. Their personalities and backstories are going to collide and the result of the concoction is going to vary from character to character.
In this thread, I'm going to touch on the interactions between two individuals that, weirdly enough, don't seem to get a lot of attention from the fandom in regards to how a potential interaction between the two might go down.
These two being Tyrion Lannister and Victarion Greyjoy.
On examination, there couldn't be two characters more different than each other. In a way, they're almost perfect foils to each other. Before I get into any foreshadowing indicated in the text of the books, I think it be best if I laid down some of these differences to give you guys an idea:
Tyrion has a sharp mind and uses this to great effect in understanding people's motivations and the politics surrounding them. Victarion is described as a "dullard" and "dumb as a stump" by GRRM himself, with not much knowledge or interest in the ways of greater politics.
Tyrion uses his wit to make jokes to entertain himself and those around him. Victarion heavily dislikes humor and it's even indicated in the text that he "mistrusts laughter".
Tyrion is a small, stunted dwarf with not much in the way of physical prowess. Victarion is a tall, muscular man who is a renowned warrior with great strength.
Tyrion regularly dismisses and mocks the idea of gods existing, thinking that all the suffering in the world proves that no gods are looking out for anyone.
If there are gods to listen, they are monstrous gods who torment us for their sport. Who else would make a world like this, so full of bondage, blood, and pain? Who else would shape us as they have? - Tyrion ADWD
Victarion is an extremely devout religious man that believes that the suffering in life is the proof of a god existing.
Life is pain, you fool. There is no joy but in the Drowned God’s watery halls. - The Iron Suitor ADWD
Now, I've listed these differences to give an idea on how these two could easily be connected as foils to each other, but surprisingly there's also some similarities between the two that connects them further:
Both Tyrion and Victarion have murdered former lovers of theirs after they betrayed them by sleeping with a family member. Victarion kills his wife after sleeping with his brother Euron and Tyrion murders Shae after she sleeps with his father Tywin. Both using their own hands to do it. (Tyrion strangling Shae and Victarion beating his wife to death with his fists).
Both were betrayed by their brother and have a desire to seek vengeance against them and destroy them.
Both have met Moqorro at sea and Moqorro has stated prophecies to both of them.
Both have fought and commanded in naval warfare. Both utilising fire in a naval battle (Tyrion with wildfire at the Blackwater and Victarion throwing the first torch onto Tywin's ship at the burning of Lannisport).
Both are seeking out Daenerys to use her for vengeance against their family. Tyrion with his siblings and his father's legacy and Victarion against his brother Euron.
So, now that the differences and similarities between the two characters have been established, I'll move onto what an interaction between these two might entail and what purpose it would serve.
The Monkey Demon
“We have become swollen, bloated, foul. Brother couples with sister in the bed of kings, and the fruit of their incest capers in his palace to the piping of a twisted little monkey demon.” A preacher at King's Landing ACOK.
“The dwarf, the evil counselor, the twisted little monkey demon. I’m all that stands between them and chaos.” - Tyrion ACOK
Tyrion Lannister, the monkey demon. Once tried to save a city and gain the people's love, found none and was promptly punted into a cell. Tried to work in his family interests, even if it meant defending the crown of a worm-lipped tyrant born out of incest, was turned on and blamed for the tyrant's downfall. Tried to find love in the arms of a whore and found out whores don't play fair (or where they go). All attempts, all that effort to seek validation had blown up in his face.
So, what's left?
The game of thrones, of course. You know, the very game that produces complete sociopaths like Varys and Petyr Baelish. With every other avenue denied to him, what else would be left for our favourite pampered lil shit Tyrion Lannister?
A man who's been denied everything and who has now found a re-newed purpose in life through a game of manipulation and deception. An individual with obligations no longer holding him down. No family to support, no love from the masses to be gained, nothing. All that's left is to engage in a game where self-gratification can be bought and the chance to tear down the old ghosts that persistently haunt him.
I won't engage too much into the finer details of Tyrion's character arc, but I highly recommend reading this excellent essay meereeneseblot . wordpress . com/2013/11/22/paying-his-debts-part-i-tyrion-in-kings-landing/ to better understand where Tyrion's arc will be going into TWOW.
So, our favourite dwarf finds himself traveling (waddling) to Meeren, hoping to seek the favour of the beautiful Queen Daenaerys Targaryen. Under siege with dubious allies and dragons you want to use to burn down your family's legacy, but they're too busy swarming the air like horny mosquitos...
But.... what's this? Ironborn swarming ashore? What the fuc-... With a complete donkey-brain of a captain leading them and who's just ready to be manipulated, you say? AND he wants to use Daenarys for his own ends too?
Muy bueno.
Now, to get to the point of the essay.
The Iron Captain
The Drowned God had not shaped Victarion Greyjoy to fight with words at kingsmoots, nor struggle against furtive sneaking foes in endless bogs. This was why he had been put on earth; to stand steel-clad with an axe red and dripping in his hand, dealing death with every blow. - The Reaver AFFC
So, I've showcased that Victarion Greyjoy's character is not one to dabble in higher politics or any other high-minded thinking. He's a man bred for splitting an enemy's skull in two with his axe, not someone trying to worm his way into people's confidences with false charm to achieve their own ends. Unfortunately for him, he's about to come across somebody who is.
A monkey on the mast above howled derision, almost as if it could taste his frustration. Filthy, noisy beast. He could send a man up after it, but the monkeys seemed to like that game and had proved themselves more agile than his crew. The howls rang in his ears, though, and made the throbbing in his hand seem worse. - The Iron Suitor ADWD
The moniker that's been labelled for Tyrion of "Monkey demon" earlier in ACOK has made a comeback by GRRM in Victarion's ADWD chapters to foreshadow their relationship going into TWOW. And what that relationship will entail, I think I can safely say, will not be a positive one. Not for Victarion anyways.
The monkeys, though … the monkeys were a plague. Victarion had forbidden his men to bring any of the demonic creatures aboard ship, yet somehow half his fleet was now infested with them, even his own Iron Victory. He could see some now, swinging from spar to spar and ship to ship. Would that I had a crossbow - The Iron Suitor ADWD
So, we can see that the passage likely connects Tyrion with the "monkey" moniker by way of referencing a "crossbow" as well as the word "demonic". As we all know, a crossbow is what Tyrion used to slay his father in ASOS. The mention of a crossbow in conjunction with monkeys being described as "demonic", I think we can safely say that Tyrion is being referenced by GRRM in Victarion's chapters .
Okay, so let's assume that Tyrion is referenced in these passages. What does it mean?
Here's what I believe: Tyrion, upon encountering Victarion, would have the judge of his character. Tyrion outclasses Victarion in every way when it comes to intelligence, wit, and manipulation. The two are at the same location (Meeren) and both want the favour of Daenarys. It seems inevitable that the two characters will cross paths. Tyrion would realise that this is a man that he can outwit and use for his own ends.
The first passage describes negatives feelings felt by Victarion at the monkey's "howling". This, I believe, is foreshadowing of Tyrion's attempts to manipulate Victarion. The "howling" used in substitute and reference to the lies that Tyrion will use on Victarion and his men.
Victarion's "frustration" is telling. There are two other characters in the series that aren't as versed in dealing with manipulation and the game of thrones in general, like Victarion. Those two being Eddard Stark and Barristan Selmy, and they reacted in similar ways to manipulation used on them.
“Most likely the king did not know,” Littlefinger said. “It would not be the first time. Our good Robert is practiced at closing his eyes to things he would rather not see.” Ned had no reply for that. The face of the butcher’s boy swam up before his eyes, cloven almost in two, and afterward the king had said not a word. His head was pounding. - Eddard AGOT
“Volantis.” Selmy’s sword hand tingled. We made a peace with Yunkai. Not with Volantis. “You are certain?”
“Certain. The Wise Masters know. So do their friends. The Harpy, Reznak, Hizdahr. This king will open the city gates to the Volantenes when they arrive. All those Daenerys freed will be enslaved again. Even some who were never slaves will be fitted for chains. You may end your days in a fighting pit, old man. Khrazz will eat your heart.”
His head was pounding. “Daenerys must be told.” -The Queensguard ADWD
When Ned encounters a lie by Littlefinger when they talk to him, it's described in the text as his "head pounding". The same happens when Barristan talks to the Shavepate in Meereen. It's likely that the Shavepate has his own agendas and when Barristan hears him he has the same reaction as Ned in where his "head pounds". The implication being that they instinctively know it's a lie, but can't grasp the higher details and fully realise it.
Victarion isn't an honourable man like Eddard and Barristan, but he shares the same ineptitude regarding the game of thrones as they do. The reaction isn't the exact same, but it's described in similar negative detail that taxes him. We can also refer to Barristan's passage where his hand "tingles" during the exchange, just as Victarion's hand "throbs" from the monkeys.
So, what is Tyrion's goal and why would he even need to bother with Victarion and his crew? We can refer back to this passage in Tyrion's final POV chapter in ADWD:
“I am dancing as fast as I can.” He wanted to laugh, but that would have ruined the game. Plumm was enjoying this, and Tyrion had no intention of spoiling his fun. Let him go on thinking that he’s bent me over and fucked me up the arse, and I’ll go on buying steel swords with parchment dragons. If ever he went back to Westeros to claim his birthright, he would have all the gold of Casterly Rock to make good on his promises - Tyrion ADWD
Tyrion's ultimate goal from ADWD and going forward is to tear down his father's legacy and to wreck vengeance upon his siblings. In order to achieve this, he has to acquire power. It's my belief that he'll try to persuade Victarion's men to fight for his cause. In the same way he swindled the Second Sons with promises of riches of Casterly Rock, I believe he'll do the same with Victarion's men.
To get a better picture of the character of the Ironborn soldiers I refer to this passage:
His words drew mutters of assent. “Slaver’s Bay is too far,” called out Ralf the Limper. “And too close to Valyria,” shouted Quellon Humble. Fralegg the Strong said, “Highgarden’s close. I say, look for dragons there. The golden kind!” Alvyn Sharp said, “Why sail the world, when the Mander lies before us?” Red Ralf Stonehouse bounded to his feet. “Oldtown is richer, and the Arbor richer still. Redwyne’s fleet is off away. We need only reach out our hand to pluck the ripest fruit in Westeros.”
“Fruit?” The king’s eye looked more black than blue. “Only a craven would steal a fruit when he could take the orchard.”
“It is the Arbor we want,” said Red Ralf, and other men took up the cry. The Crow’s Eye let the shouts wash over him. Then he leapt down from the table, grabbed his slattern by the arm, and pulled her from the hall.
- The Reaver AFFC
Euron Greyjoy, the king of the Ironborn, proposes an ambitious plan of acquiring dragons to rule all of Westeros, but his Ironborn soldiers opt for the easy way out. A way that will require less effort and with the promises of quick riches. Why sail half a world away when the gold is in their backyards?
The ironmen that have sailed with Victarion, will see the imp bearing his promises, and might just decide that he's their ticket to a grander prize. Their Iron Captain is a formidable warrior, aye, but Casterly Rock would have all the riches they need, and who better to offer them than the rightful born heir of Casterly Rock?
We've already seen Victarion's men turn on him before:
Victarion grabbed him by the forearm. “Refuse him!”
Nute looked at him as if he had gone mad. “Refuse him? Lands and lordship? Will you make me a lord?” He wrenched his arm away and stood, basking in the cheers.
And now he steals my men away, Victarion thought. - The Reaver AFFC
As I've highlighted in the first two passages, the monkeys are described as being more "agile" (more cunning) than Victarion's crew and infesting "half of them". It makes sense, since it's not like Tyrion can swindle 100 percent of Victarion's crew, but at least half of them? That doesn't seem like too much of a challenge, given what we know of the Ironborn's character.
Victarion Greyjoy mistrusted laughter. The sound of it always left him with the uneasy feeling that he was the butt of some jape he did not understand. Euron Crow’s Eye had oft made mock of him when they were boys. So had Aeron, before he had become the Damphair. Their mockery oft came disguised as praise, and sometimes Victarion had not even realized he was being mocked. Not until he heard the laughter. Then came the anger, boiling up in the back of his throat until he was like to choke upon the taste. That was how he felt about the monkeys. Their antics never brought so much as a smile to the captain’s face, though his crew would roar and hoot and whistle. - The Iron Suitor ADWD
“You have a gift for making men smile,” Septa Lemore told Tyrion as he was drying off his toes. “You should thank the Father Above. He gives gifts to all his children.”
“He does,” he agreed pleasantly. And when I die, please let them bury with me a crossbow, so I can thank the Father Above for his gifts the same way I thanked the father below. - Tyrion ADWD
For half a year he cartwheeled his merry way about Casterly Rock, bringing smiles to the faces of septons, squires, and servants alike. Even Cersei laughed to see him once or twice. All that ended abruptly the day his father returned from a sojourn in King’s Landing. That night at supper Tyrion surprised his sire by walking the length of the high table on his hands. Lord Tywin was not pleased. “The gods made you a dwarf. Must you be a fool as well? You were born a lion, not a monkey.” - Tyrion ADWD
Tyrion will use his personality to amuse and charm a majority of the Iron Fleet's crew, all so he can win them over and bond them to him, but Victarion won't be amused. We've already seen Tyrion's prowess used to great effect in winning over a crowd during his slave auction and he'll do the same with The Ironborn by playing the part of an amusing fool; "dancing" and making witty jokes to the bemusement of the knuckleheads from the Iron Islands.
He could send a man up after it, but the monkeys seemed to like that game
Victarion had forbidden his men to bring any of the demonic creatures aboard ship, yet somehow half his fleet was now infested with them, even his own Iron Victory.
Their antics never brought so much as a smile to the captain’s face, though his crew would roar and hoot and whistle.
Victarion may have some vague idea that the "monkeys" are nothing but trouble for his crew, but like Eddard and Barristan, he can't quite grasp the finer details of what a game of thrones player like Tyrion is trying to achieve exactly. He doesn't see the capering little monkey as someone trying to swindle his crew right from under him. "and sometimes Victarion had not even realized he was being mocked. Not until he heard the laughter. "
Because ultimately, the joke is on Victarion. The Monkey Demon makes his japes and charms all, while laughing from above at the dumb brute who can only frown his displeasure and not realise what the monkey has in store for him, until it's too late. And Victarion, finally realising the punchline too late, will be the biggest mistake of his life.
The Glory That Awaits
"The Lord of Light has shown me your worth, Lord Captain. Every night in my fires I glimpse the glory that awaits you." - Victarion ADWD
One of the biggest constants in Victarion's arc is that he's basically a born stooge. He's being manipulated by characters superior in intelligence than him, and while these manipulations haven't born fruit so far in AFFC and ADWD, I think they'll finally bloom and bite him in his kraken ass in TWOW.
It's been heavily implied in the text that all three characters are going to use him just to achieve their ends. The only character that hasn't interacted with him yet is Tyrion, but the first two share something in common that I think will translate over to Tyrion's machinations as well. That something being dragons.
Euron gifts him with a dragonhorn and bonehead extraordinaire Victarion thinks that he'll use it for his own benefit and snag himself a dragon. As if Euron would be stupid enough to allow Victarion to do that.
Euron was a fool to give me this, it is a precious thing, and powerful. With this I’ll win the Seastone Chair, and then the Iron Throne. With this I’ll win the world. - Victarion TWOW
Interesting that the word "fool" is invoked for Euron, a man who is more cunning than Victarion by miles. After all, you don't just secure a kingship like Euron did through sheer luck.
That's what the dancing little monkey will seem like to Victarion as well. Lord Tywin, a man after Victarion's own heart because he never smiled or laughed, wasn't amused by the monkey's antics either:
Lord Tywin’s mouth tightened. “Very droll. Shall I have them sew you a suit of motley, and a little hat with bells on it?” - Tyrion ASOS
He considered Tyrion a motley wearing fool. We all know how that ended for Tywin.
Moqorro then tells him that in order to capture the dragon for himself, he must claim the dragonhorn with his own blood.
“Your brother did not sound the horn himself. Nor must you.” Moqorro pointed to the band of steel. “Here. ‘Blood for fire, fire for blood.’ Who blows the hellhorn matters not. The dragons will come to the horn’s master. You must claim the horn. With blood.” - Victarion ADWD
So, the first two characters are connected via the use of the dragonhorn. Judging what we know from Euron's character, it's extremely likely that he's pulling one over on Victarion for his own ends. Since I've established that Tyrion is also going to do the same through this essay, it's highly likely Moqorro is just using Victarion as well.
Here we see Moqorro relaying a prophecy to Tyrion:
“Dragons old and young, true and false, bright and dark. And you. A small man with a big shadow, snarling in the midst of all.”
“Snarling? An amiable fellow like me?” Tyrion was almost flattered. And no doubt that is just what he intends. Every fool loves to hear that he’s important. “Perhaps it was Penny you saw. We’re almost of a size.”
“No, my friend.”
My friend? When did that happen, I wonder? - Tyrion ADWD
Definition of amiable:
friendly, sociable, and congenial. generally agreeable
Definition of snarling:
Something used by predators before they rip your throat out.
Moqorro's label cuts to the heart of the matter, despite Tyrion's "incredulous" reaction to it.
How can the jovial, charming little dwarf be anything but a good, fun time? "Snarling"? Does it "look" like he wants to burn down all of Westeros just to get some empty satisfaction at the downfall of his family? Does it "look" like he wants to use people less intelligent than him to achieve those ends?
Yes, Tyrion. Yes it does.
So, onto the next point. Since we've established that Tyrion doesn't have Victarion's best interests at heart, there's a question we should ask ourselves here: Why would Moqorro consider Tyrion a friend if he can see that he'll just end up using Victarion? His prophecies seem to be pretty on point in judging future events and how it relates to people, so why look so highly upon the dwarf?
It's because Moqorro is manipulating Victarion for his own ends as well. If he was Victarion's true ally, he wouldn't be so chummy with Tyrion.
Considering Moqorro looks so favorably upon Tyrion, his claims to Victarion that he can claim the dragon for his own are dubious. Moqorro's prophecy for "the glory that awaits him" to Victarion may not be the glorious ending Victarion thinks it'll be. Since Moqorro is a priest of fire, the "glory" he speaks of is something that he himself finds glorious. Fire.
During Victarion's travelogue in ADWD, he starts to incorporate The Lord of Light's beliefs for his own and mixes it with his belief of the Drowned God.
He wondered if this was how his brother Aeron felt when the Drowned God spoke to him. He could almost hear the god’s voice welling up from the depths of the sea. You shall serve me well, my captain, the waves seemed to say. It was for this I made you.
But he would feed the red god too, Moqorro’s fire god. The arm the priest had healed was hideous to look upon, pork crackling from elbow to fingertips. Sometimes when Victarion closed his hand the skin would split and smoke, yet the arm was stronger than it had ever been. “Two gods are with me now,” he told the dusky woman. “No foe can stand before two gods." - Victarion ADWD
In one final, humiliating punchline, the Iron Captain will serve his two gods. But not in the way he intended.
“Might be his robes caught fire, so he jumped overboard to put them out,” suggested Longwater Pyke, to general laughter. Even the monkeys were amused. They chattered overhead, and one flung down a handful of his own shit to spatter on the boards. -The Iron Suitor ADWD
The captain could not abide lies, so he had the Ghiscari captain bound hand and foot and thrown overboard, a sacrifice to the Drowned God. “Your red god will have his due,” he promised Moqorro, “but the seas are ruled by the Drowned God.”- Victarion ADWD
The captain answered with a nod, grim-faced, then called for the seven girls he had claimed to be brought on deck, the loveliest of all those found aboard the Willing Maiden. He kissed them each upon the cheeks and told them of the honor that awaited them, though they did not understand his words. Then he had them put aboard the fishing ketch that they had captured, cut her loose, and had her set afire.
“With this gift of innocence and beauty, we honor both the gods,” he proclaimed, as the warships of the Iron Fleet rowed past the burning ketch. “Let these girls be reborn in light, undefiled by mortal lust, or let them descend to the Drowned God’s watery halls, to feast and dance and laugh until the seas dry up.” - Victarion ADWD
His plan to snatch a dragon and win the world will backfire horribly. Believing he'll become Aegon the Conquerer come again, he uses the dragonhorn to bring a dragon to him. Since the dragonhorn is at least six feet long, it'd be a pain and seem redundant to move it from the deck of The Iron Victory. Thinking the dragon will be binded to him, he'll be happy as a pig in shit when the horn gets tooted like an old lady's fart.
That is, until the dragon swoops down and opens his maw to unleash a nuclear holocaust on his sorry ass.
When he raised his whip, he saw that the lash was burning. His hand as well. All of him, all of him was burning. Oh, he thought. Then he began to scream. - The Dragontamer ADWD
It's not too far-fetched to say the passage connects with Victarion, considering his arm and hand have already been described as split and smoking. It's also isn't the first time his hand is referenced, as I've stated before in the reference to Barristan Selmy. Both references coming from the same book ADWD.
Engulfed in dragonfire, he'll have no choice but to jump overboard into the sea. That'll snuff the flames right ou-
The white roses drew back, as men always did at the sight of Victarion Greyjoy armed and armored, his face hidden behind his kraken helm. They were clutching swords and spears and axes, but nine of every ten wore no armor, and the tenth had only a shirt of sewn scales. These are no ironmen, Victarion thought. They still fear drowning. - The Reaver AFFC
None of his men had seen what became of the knight after he went over the side, however. Most like the man had drowned. “May he feast as he fought, in the Drowned God’s watery halls.” Though the men of the Shield Islands called themselves sailors, they crossed the seas in dread and went lightly clad in battle for fear of drowning. Young Serry had been different. A brave man, thought Victarion. Almost ironborn. - The Reaver AFFC
In a buy two-get-one free deal, the char-coaled Iron Captain will serve his two gods, sinking like a rock to the bottom of the ocean to feast in the watery halls of the Drowned God for eternity. The Monkey Demon laughing and capering all the while.
At least the Drowned God will be impressed with the Kraken armor.
The End
So, in a final analysis, I believe Tyrion will convince at least half, if not most of Victarion's crew to join in his cause, thinking they'll be rich beyond their wildest of dreams, not realising that they're just expendable pawns for Tyrion to fulfil his desire for vengeance.
While the exact logistics of how Tyrion is involved in Victarion's death escape me, I certainly believe he'll have a part in it. As I've stated before, Tyrion will likely be involved with Victarion and his plot for dragons just like Moqorro and Euron.
The white cyvasse dragon ended up at Tyrion’s feet. He scooped it off the carpet and wiped it on his sleeve, but some of the Yunkish blood had collected in the fine grooves of the carving, so the pale wood seemed veined with red. “All hail our beloved queen, Daenerys.” Be she alive or be she dead. He tossed the bloody dragon in the air, caught it, grinned. - Tyrion TWOW
It'd also be guesswork on my part to write what exact manipulations and lies Tyrion will utilise on Victarion and his men through dialogue, but I think my rough sketch is enough to give a general idea for the direction they'll likely take.
Considering that Tyrion is inevitably going to meet with Daenerys, and since it's not like he has any easy passage to any other location, he'll likely be at Meeren for a good while.
And since it seems highly unlikely that Victarion will just be killed off at the Battle of Fire, considering he's been chronicled and built up in the past two books, I think it's safe to assume that the two will have lengthy interactions with each other while they're stuck in Meereen.
Whether or not Victarion will be around long enough to meet the fair-haired queen of his dreams is unknown, but it's possible he'll be dead before then.
After all, wouldn't it be a worthy prize for our beloved imp to come bearing gifts of a naval fleet bonded to him to the lovely Queen Daenerys? All from him, no other person claiming ownership of them.
"The old captain? Eh, he wouldn't have been as generous as me."
Despite all of that, despite all the manipulations and deceit, will Tyrion be truly satisfied at the end result?
That night Tyrion Lannister dreamed of a battle that turned the hills of Westeros as red as blood. He was in the midst of it, dealing death with an axe as big as he was, fighting side by side with Barristan the Bold and Bittersteel as dragons wheeled across the sky above them. In the dream he had two heads, both noseless. His father led the enemy, so he slew him once again. Then he killed his brother, Jaime, hacking at his face until it was a red ruin, laughing every time he struck a blow. Only when the fight was finished did he realize that his second head was weeping. - Tyrion ADWD
#tyrion lannister#asoiaf#A Song of Ice and Fire#asoiaf victarion#victarion greyjoy#asoiaf tyrion#asoiaf theory#asoiaf meta
7 notes
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1 Hey, thanks for the reply, I hope I'm not becoming burdensome. I don't know why they omitted all these things, and they also changed a lot. Imo the book is going to a rather complex war, for achieving the complete destruction of the South, like the North will be destroyed by the Others. KL needs a king more than insane to resist dragons, perhaps one who has a dragon himself, and we know that Euron plans on taking one, and the show confirmed that Dany will lose one (and gave it like that!)
2 I think this whole situation is designed to isolate Dany when she arrives at Westeros, to turn her North. If Euron-Cersei have the throne, YG is somewhere enjoying all the support of the Reach and Dorne (which he will), who will support Dany? They'll be forced to go North (enter importance of Tyrion-Sansa wedding) and demand submission, where Jon will turn them against the Others first. I don't think Jon is going South before the end of this war, but perhaps Dany will have already dealt withYG
3 it also hit me while reading your excellent analysis that the valonqar prophecy could point to Euron, bc it doesn't say "your", but "the" valonqar. So someone's valonqar will choke Cersei, after her tears drowned her. The woman in Euron's prophecy is taken to be Dany. I can't imagine Dany submitted to Euron, but Cersei will, bc she'll need allies after YG wins his battles. So Euron turns successively against the Reach and then Dorne, but he'll ally with Cersei bc Dany will be with Victarion.
4 After Vic gets destroyed (The forsaken vision) Dany will have to turn North, perhaps after exposing YG for a fake. Jon facing threats will actually be about the Starks, Bran and Sansa, not YG (imho) bc there's enough foreshadow abt it. Narratively, for YG to be real, there would have to be either 3 true contestants, or 2 false. Two true ones (YG-Dany) and one true but not knowing abt his claim (Jon) makes little sense. Sorry for the length!
No no trouble at all! And actually I hadn't thought about Euron as as the valonqar but that is a crack theory that hits me right on the first thought. I think that Euron and Dany are destined to be enemies and I actually think that the visions of dragons battling over Gods Eye is going to be Dany and Euron, I don't think she'll battle the Others at all but Euron will be the one to actually nearly defeat her.
I also think that Euron will take Viserion/that he will have some kind of control over him because of Dragonbinder, but I actually think that is going to play into Young Griff too. I think Dany will be like oh if you're a dragon then ride a dragon or something, and that he may have been Viserion's "destined" dragonrider but because of Euron, Dany will assume that Griff's rejection means he's a fraud when ironically he isn't.
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You truly are something else
Part 5
Part 1 Part 4
Pairing: Sandor Clegane x reader
Warnings: self doubts, one or two slightly sexual references and Joffrey being Joffrey in the future chapters
Summary: You’re the younger sister of Margaery Tyrell and you accompany her to Kingslanding. Since you are a child you feel inferior to your sister and the fact that she is about to get married once again doesn’t really help to build your self-confidence. You dream of a man who loves you for who you are and makes you feel special but are you able to find love in a city reigned by a tyrant like Joffrey?
A/n: This is my first game of thrones series, so I hope it’s alright. There will probably be five or six chapters. Sandor is likely to be very ooc, so please be gracious.
Important: Sandor didn’t leave Kingslanding during the battle of blackwater in this story.
(Pictures aren’t mine)

Your POV:
You manage to avoid Joffrey the last two days. Most of the day you either read in the library (one of the few benefits in Kingslanding) or spend time in your chambers.
But one morning the unavoidable happens and a servant lets you know the king is waiting for you in the throne room. It's not necessary to know what he wants to understand that is has to be something bad.
On your way to the throne room you try to think about everything he could possibly want from you. Is this just another meeting to talk bad about you? Or something else entirely?
It feels like hours pass until you finally reach the throne room and stand before the bastard king. Like expected he greets you with his false smile making it hard for you to not say something treacherous which you would regret later.
'Dear (y/n), I'm glad you made it.'
God, how you hate him. You try to ignore Sandor standing next to the throne in his shining amour (which makes him look even more handsome), the last thing you need is a distraction right now.
'You're here for a reason today. You will be a part of my family soon and since I was a child I was told to care about my family and to support them the best way I can.'
You have to laugh inwardly at that. Since he was a child? Like he isn't one anymore. Does he really see himself as a man? By the gods, how can a person be this blind.
'I have to say that I value these lessons deeply and I try my best to live by my parents words. And that, my deer (y/n), is exactly the reason why I have a little surprise for you.'
You have no idea what he has planned but it couldn't be something good. Without a way to stop it you begin to panic a bit, this sadistic child is truly unpredictable after all. The worst thing is that no matter what he demands, it will happen. There is no way for you to stop it because he is the king. And a king always gets what he wants.
One glace at Sandor tells you that he doesn't know anything about Joffreys idea either, he looks surprised about you being here and for a moment you swear you see worry in his eyes.
'Don't be afraid, you won't be a shame for your family any longer because I personally found you a suitable husband. You will marry him in a week.'
Wait, what? You begin to panic immediately. His statement shocked you enough to let you freeze for a few moments. He can't be serious, can he? Does your grandmother know about this arrangement? Does it even matter? Would she really be able to change the kings mind if she knew?
How can he do this to you? All your life you did your best to deny your grandmother's marriage offers and now your king just forces you to marry a stranger because he feels like it.
But what can you do? You can't really refuse the proposal. That would be treason after all.
'And who exactly do you want me to marry?'
You try your best to sound calm and collected, not like you're nearly about to cry and scream at the same time, but your shaky voice gives you away.
To be honest, you don't even want to know who he wants you to marry. You have the feeling it won't be a nice lord who's priority it is to make you feel comfortable.
'His name is Euron Greyjoy. He's a few years older but that shouldn't be a problem. You not only guarantee your family and your king access to powerful ships but also avert an upcoming rebellion from house Greyjoy. You should better be thankful for this opportunity.'
This has to be a joke. Euron Greyjoy? You heard stories about him murdering his uncle to gain more power and cutting the tongue out of everyone of his crew. You don't know whether or not the stories are true but you wouldn't be surprised.
How can he marry you off to someone like that? What did you do to deserve this? Are you really worth nothing more than this? Living alongside a brutal pirate far away from your home for the rest of your life?
Your silence doesn't seem to please Joffrey, so he reminds you again to thank him for his help.
'You should be happy. That's the best I got for an ugly maiden like you. Maybe he isn't the most gentle husband but at least he doesn't seem to be too picky.'
With that he starts laughing at his own oh so hilarious joke, not even caring how humiliating this is for you. Tears settle in your eyes once again and you hate yourself for being so weak. You can't let him see you cry. If you cry, he'll wins.
'Well not everyone can be an as required wife as your sister. You should be grateful a worthless girl like you gets to create an alliance with her wedding. At least something in your life has a purpose now.'
Him speaking like this to you, with his arrogant smile and degrading choice of words, is too much for you. Before you can stop it the first tears flow.
Ashamed, you look at the floor.
'Thank you, my king. Would you please excuse me,' you answer after another moment of silence with a shaky voice. As always, your quiet voice reveals your feelings, showing everyone how embarrassed and humiliated you truly feel.
With that you turn around without waiting for an answer. You just want to leave the throne room as fast as possible.
Nearly arrived at the door Joffrey speaks once again.
'Did I allow you to leave, (y/n)? Because I'm sure I would remember that. Why don't you come here again and we will talk about your wedding. There isn't much time left after all. I thought there should definitely be some awesome fights as entertainment. You will marry a wild creature after all, you should be prepared,' he mentions while you reluctantly make your way back to the throne, secretly wipping your eyes in the process.
'I wonder if he's just as wild in the bedroom as he is while killing people just for the fun of it. Well, but I guess you will find out soon.'
You don't know why but Joffrey really does his best to make you suffer. All you want to do is cry once more but before you have the chance to embarrass yourself any further Sandor steps in front of you.
'I think she had enough for one day, my king.'
You notice how he tries to let his voice sound steady and calm but his stature alone surely has to be kind of frightening for Joffrey.
'Oh, and who exactly asked for your opinion, dog? I couldn't care any less about what you think. And I'm your king. How dare you to talk to me like this?'
At the end Joffrey nearly screamed, his ears already start to get red from anger.
Shit, this can't end well. You would have never imagined Sandor standing up for you, but here you are. He stands before you, his usual serious look on his face, speaking against his king in your favour.
'I can't let this behaviour be unpunished, can I? What kind of king would allow his subjects to speak to him like that?'
He clearly feels threaten in his authority.
'You care oh so much about (y/n)'s welfare? Well that's too bad. Guards, take her to a cell. She won't leave the prison until her wedding.'
#sandor clegane#sandor imagine#sandor clegane x reader#sandor x reader#sandor the hound clegane#got x reader#got imagine#got headcanons#got#game of thrones x reader#game of thrones
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The Fight against the Army of the Dead
Does any one here believes that D@enerys may abandon the fight against the Night King and flee the North? I always believed she would fight against the Army of the dead and actually help to destroy them but feel ignored when the applause and cheers of the victory fell onto Jon Snow feet (which is going to happen) and react badly.
But now, I am starting to believe she may no even finish the fight. For one the first Long Night did not involved the Targaryens, and George likes to repeat his stories nicelly.
Second of, D@enerys has a lot of Joffrey and Stannis on her. Joffrey did flee to the Red keep once Stannis armies arrived on Kings Landing and Stannis himself, after going North and promising Jon Snow to help with the fight against the Nigh King, left Jon all on his own to go save the wildlings on Hardhome, because he was too busy fighting the game of Thrones against the Boltons. Stannis heart could never trulyl let it go of the Throne and I think we may see the same happening in season 8.
Its just a crazy idea that came to my mind latelly.
EDIT- thanks for all the comments.
@lobastarkme I think so too, I think Daenerys is going to leave the Starks in the lurch in their fight against white walkers, the same thing that Roose Bolton did with Robb Stark and he's going to run to look for Euron, the one who brings the storm, to fight against Jon.
@jonsanity maybe. In 5x09 she did leave Missandei, Tyrion, Jorah, etc in that fighting pit while shit was still going down and to deal with the aftermath alone. Was she trying to save her injured dragon? Sometimes I think she cares more about her dragons than her people.
Those are great points, especially Daenerys leaving her people behind and flying way on Drogon.....
@athimbleful My pet theory for a while has been that she loses Rhaegal too and flees Winterfell on Drogon, because she knows she can never take the throne without a dragon. But perhaps seeing Wightserion is enough for her to gtfo. Tbh, she could leave for many reasons. There are so many disasters lined up and waiting for her in s8 that will test her commitment to the fight that I’d be more surprised if she were to stick around for the whole battle than if she left.
THATS EXACT my toughts. I dont know why I didnt write this in the post itself. I have this huge feeling she is going to lose another dragon in the fight against the AOTD and will panic. She knows her power rest on them, if she loses the dragons she is no queen.
@sherlokiness Aren't there hints of her sleeping through the Long Night?
I dont know why sherlock but your idea crack me up, that would be hilarious and make the antis sick of anger....
@trinuviel Yes. I've been thinking that for a while. Season 7 set up a number of narrative bombs - and I bet they are going to go off shortly after she and Jon arrives at WF for maximum drama - and she won't handle it well. Plus, we've all seen how badly she handles things not going her way. She acts based on emotion and if she gets very upset and angry, she's going to bail on them.
@dr-doomsduck Tumblr's stupid fucking comment option keeps fucking this up, so, here goes, as a proper response. I think D@ny will possibly abandon the battle, but not because she's afraid like Joffrey. It'll be a convergence of circumstances. If Jaime arrives on the eve of battle without an army, proving Cersei's promise to be false, all hell will break loose. At that point I expect she'll already have had to contend with quite a lot (Jon's parentage, Jorah and the Tarly's, stubborn Northern Bannermen who...
YES, to all this. The battle in the North its going to be a mess and she is not good when put into stressful situations, all she knows is scream and tries to burn things down.
OH MY GOD, It just hit me!!!!!.
Thats what happened in season 2 during the battle of the blackwater!!!!! Cersei was supposed to stay in the Red Keep, taking care of the wives of the high commaders and the highborn Ladies, but when the hell felt into Kings Landing and Stannis armies started the attack, she panicked and left to go look for Tommen, the next in line!!!!!!!
It was Sansa who rose to the occasion and assumed the role of queen taking care of the ladies and tried to calm down everybody. Remember Sophie interview where she says that Sansa would be a true leader in Winterfell????
Please Jesus, now I want this more than ever!!!! LMFAO
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♞ @tymptir asked : ❛ i’ll bring the fires of hell on them myself. ❜ (from Euron ofc)
》 memes are open!
This Foreigner was an odd one. Were he not fucking false Gods and stinted in tongue Drogo would almost dare to think the blood of Dothraki lay within him. He was a warrior, capable enough to take out five of his scouts before they detained him. Capable enough to impress the Khal - no easy feat indeed.
He asked for little. A woman to fuck, a bed to lay in and he joined their feast with equal vigour. The fights were something to watch, though he lacked tact and respect, lacked sane mind that is, he knew how to handle a charge.
Less so a stallion but he learnt quickly. A trait that would keep him alive.
He would not stay long. The Dothraki were not an open church. No free citadel of sanctuary like the soft lands have. If he wished longer than a night and to avoid the gaze of their men he would be gone by nightfall or offering something worth their time.
Even then, Drogo doubted he had honor enough to be allowed respite. He could see the desire for the saddle in his eyes. How eagerly he would take the Khalasar if the opportunity came, he was not foolish enough to trust the man at his back but his people respected power and this one had it for now.
He was a talker, this Euron. Though he spoke in mad tongues of the sea and some part of the Khal wondered if the poisoned salt madness had struck him when he was a child - part of it held intrigue. He spoke of places past the seas, lands of riches and spoils, places Drogo had thought to wonder should he ever wish to outshine the Khal of old and unite the Khalsar at Vaes Dathrok.
Such ambition, beyond his years many claimed but it was weakness to dream of any less.
Yeri athtihar ha vengeance, che power?
The question is blunt and he expects honesty to match it. This boy before him looked for an army, with each passing smooth word that was clear. A gleam in his smile that spoke of war hunger and a scent of blood but Drogo had not come where he was by ill choice and early swings. To kill the beast you must first learn it, strategy is as necessary in battle just as much as brutality.
Curious was this blue eyed ilk from across the water yet he offered something the Khal had thought of since he was a boy. A prize previously out of grasp yet now it lay before him ripe for the taking.
If this one had the mind to offer right.
Yeri come to tih people knowingly. Yeri sought us, yeri sit ma us. Yeri want ha ato, speak anna. Hash vos graddakh tih kashi she false stories.
There is a pause as he downs the last of his drink and tosses it aside. Hearing the squeal of a piglet girl they had caught not a week ago as she rushes to clean it, bowing to his name. Many would, in time. With the stars as witness the Dothraki would hold their land again and his fathers name would not be forgotten in loss to the outlanders.
Not long ago they had crossed the sea and brought with them an expectation of surrender. They had learnt so fast how the Dothraki would not kneel but slaughter until their last breath. They butchered, maimed and raped the ships that had come for them until the fluttering little sword bearers raced home to their mothers breast and the Dothraki land names savage and inhabitable.
They had taken from him, from the Khal and he would so love to see them burn for it if the Gods would lend their fire.
“How do you intend to do it.”
#&&. drogo | the athhajar she khal | in character#&&. personal verse | tymptir | euron#| you ever just plot something and think OH SHIT THIS IS TERRIBLE and then do it anyway |
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‘We shall have no king but from the kingsmoot,The priest raised a bony finger. ‘They pray to trees and golden idols and goat-headed abominations. False gods . . .’ Euron glanced about the tent. ‘As it happens I have oft sat upon the Seastone Chair of late. It raises no objections.’ His smiling eye was glittering. ‘Who knows more of gods than I? Horse gods and fire gods, gods made of gold with gemstone eyes, gods carved of cedar wood, gods chiseled into mountains, gods of empty air . . . I know them all. I have seen their peoples garland them with flowers, and shed the blood of goats and bulls and children in their names. And I have heard the prayers, in half a hundred tongues. Cure my withered leg, make the maiden love me, grant me a healthy son. Save me, succor me, make me wealthy . . . protect me! Protect me from mine enemies, protect me from the darkness, protect me from the crabs inside my belly, from the horselords, from the slavers, from the sellswords at my door. Protect me from the Silence.’
‘Just so,’ said Euron, ‘and for that sin I kill them all. I spill their blood upon the sea and sow their screaming women with my seed. Their little gods cannot stop me, so plainly they are false gods. I am more devout than even you, Aeron. Perhaps it should be you who kneels to me for blessing.’
‘IRONMEN,’ said Euron Greyjoy, ‘you have heard my horn. Now hear my words. I am Balon’s brother, Quellon’s eldest living son. Lord Vickon’s blood is in my veins, and the blood of the Old Kraken. Yet I have sailed farther than any of them. Only one living kraken has never known defeat. Only one has never bent his knee. Only one has sailed to Asshai by the Shadow, and seen wonders and terrors beyond imagining …’
‘If you liked the Shadow so well, go back there,’ called out pink-cheeked Qarl the Maid, one of Asha’s champions. The Crow’s Eye ignored him. ‘My little brother would finish Balon’s war, and claim the north. My sweet niece would give us peace and pinecones.’ His blue lips twisted in a smile. ‘Asha prefers victory to defeat. Victarion wants a kingdom, not a few scant yards of earth. From me, you shall have both. ‘Crow’s Eye, you call me. Well, who has a keener eye than the crow? After every battle the crows come in their hundreds and their thousands to feast upon the fallen. A crow can espy death from afar. And I say that all of Westeros is dying. Those who follow me will feast until the end of their days. ‘We are the ironborn, and once we were conquerors. Our writ ran everywhere the sound of the waves was heard. My brother would have you be content with the cold and dismal north, my niece with even less … but I shall give you Lannisport. Highgarden. The Arbor. Oldtown. The riverlands and the Reach, the kingswood and the rainwood, Dorne and the marches, the Mountains of the Moon and the Vale of Arryn, Tarth and the Stepstones. I say we take it all! I say, we take Westeros.’
‘Crow’s Eye!’ Asha called, ‘did you leave your wits at Asshai? If we cannot hold the north—and we cannot—how can we win the whole of the Seven Kingdoms?’ ‘Why, it has been done before. Did Balon teach his girl so little of the ways of war? Victarion, our brother’s daughter has never heard of Aegon the Conqueror, it would seem.’ ‘Aegon?’ Victarion crossed his arms against his armored chest. ‘What has the Conqueror to do with us?’ ‘I know as much of war as you do, Crow’s Eye,’ Asha said. ‘Aegon Targaryen conquered Westeros with dragons.’
‘And so shall we,’ Euron Greyjoy promised. ‘That horn you heard I found amongst the smoking ruins that were Valyria, where no man has dared to walk but me. You heard its call, and felt its power. It is a dragon horn, bound with bands of red gold and Valyrian steel graven with enchantments. The dragonlords of old sounded such horns, before the Doom devoured them. With this horn, ironmen, I can bind dragons to my will.’
Both Of Euron’s King’s Moot Speeches.
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Operation Stumpy Re-Read
AGOT: Daenerys IV (Chapter 36)
Beyond the horse gate, plundered gods and stolen heroes loomed to either side of them. The forgotten deities of dead cities brandished their broken thunderbolts at the sky as Dany rode her silver past their feet. Stone kings looked down on her from their thrones, their faces chipped and stained, even their names lost in the mists of time.
Pillaging, plundering, and pilfering statues of Gods.
It makes my heart sing.
Monsters stood in the grass beside the road; black iron dragons with jewels for eyes, roaring griffins, manticores with their barbed tails poised to strike, and other beasts she could not name.
Okay, let me try.
Black iron dragons with jewels for eyes: Euron? Maybe Jon or Aegon?
Roaring griffins: JonCon & Co.?
Manticores with barbed tails poised to strike: Assassination attempt with the manticore, but also... Tyrion? Head of a human, body of a lion, tail of a scorpion. It was said Tyrion was born with a tail, wink wink.
Other beasts she could not name: Sons of the Harpy?
"What … what if it were not Viserys?" she asked. "If it were someone else who led them? Someone stronger? Could the Dothraki truly conquer the Seven Kingdoms?"
Careful with that treason.
But the men around him, well, their pipers play a different tune. His brother Stannis, Lord Tywin Lannister, Eddard Stark …" He spat. "You hate this Lord Stark," Dany said.
"He took from me all I loved, for the sake of a few lice-ridden poachers and his precious honor," Ser Jorah said bitterly. From his tone, she could tell the loss still pained him.
Please shut the fuck up, pig.
"yet Vaes Dothrak is large enough to house every man of every khalasar, should all the khals return to the Mother at once. The crones have prophesied that one day that will come to pass, and so Vaes Dothrak must be ready to embrace all its children."
I wonder where this is going.
"The Dothraki do not build. A thousand years ago, to make a house, they would dig a hole in the earth and cover it with a woven grass roof. The buildings you see were made by slaves brought here from lands they've plundered, and they built each after the fashion of their own peoples."
"Only the crones of the dosh khaleen dwell permanently in the sacred city, them and their slaves and servants," Ser Jorah replied
A small army of slaves had gone ahead to prepare for Khal Drogo's arrival.
There they are again.
As each rider swung down from his saddle, he unbelted his arakh and handed it to a waiting slave, and any other weapons he carried as well. Even Khal Drogo himself was not exempt. Ser Jorah had explained that it was forbidden to carry a blade in Vaes Dothrak, or to shed a free man's blood. Even warring khalasars put aside their feuds and shared meat and mead together when they were in sight of the Mother of Mountains.
Do not shed blood in the sacred city. Got it.
If the khal died at the hands of some enemy, they lived only long enough to avenge him, and then followed him joyfully into the grave. In some khalasars, Jhiqui said, the bloodriders shared the khal's wine, his tent, and even his wives, though never his horses. A man's mount was his own.
Nice. Women have less social standing than horses.
Haggo, huge and silent, often glowered as if he had forgotten who she was
Ohhh she wouldn’t like that.
Yet they were bound to Drogo for life and death, so Daenerys had no choice but to accept them. And sometimes she found herself wishing her father had been protected by such men. In the songs, the white knights of the Kingsguard were ever noble, valiant, and true, and yet King Aerys had been murdered by one of them, the handsome boy they now called the Kingslayer, and a second, Ser Barristan the Bold, had gone over to the Usurper. She wondered if all men were as false in the Seven Kingdoms.
Were you not just discussing usurping the throne?
"Jhiqui, a bath, please," she commanded, to wash the dust of travel from her skin and soak her weary bones.
The water was scalding hot, as she liked it.
They caution against the use of hot tubs during pregnancy, Daenerys. There could be birth defects.
She brought back a haunch of goat and a basket of fruits and vegetables. Jhiqui roasted the meat with sweetgrass and firepods, basting it with honey as it cooked, and there were melons and pomegranates and plums and some queer eastern fruit Dany did not know.
Daenerys feeding Viserys honeyed meat. I see it.
His fingers dug into her arm painfully and for an instant Dany felt like a child again, quailing in the face of his rage. She reached out with her other hand and grabbed the first thing she touched, the belt she'd hoped to give him, a heavy chain of ornate bronze medallions. She swung it with all her strength.
It caught him full in the face. Viserys let go of her. Blood ran down his cheek where the edge of one of the medallions had sliced it open. "You are the one who forgets himself," Dany said to him. "Didn't you learn anything that day in the grass? Leave me now, before I summon my khas to drag you out. And pray that Khal Drogo does not hear of this, or he will cut open your belly and feed you your own entrails."
Drops of his blood had spattered the beautiful sandsilk cloak.
Whoopsie daisy, did you just shed blood in the sacred city? Daenerys I believe that is forbidden.
On the surface she’s respecting the culture, but actions are telling a different story. Won’t be the first time we see this.
"Please, bring me one of the dragon's eggs."
Irri fetched the egg with the deep green shell, bronze flecks shining amid its scales as she turned it in her small hands. Dany curled up on her side, pulling the sandsilk cloak across her and cradling the egg in the hollow between her swollen belly and small, tender breasts.
She was lying there, holding the egg, when she felt the child move within her …
"You are the dragon," Dany whispered to him, "the true dragon. I know it. I know it."
She’s holding Rhaegal’s egg.
Final thoughts:
A nice little reversal we’re witnessing where Viserys keeps waking the dragon.
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Part II of Cersei / Euron / Jon - Jon wakes up in KL! Bonus: Qyburn’s showed C & E Jon’s scars.
Jon woke slowly, his mind coming up from the darkness as one might float up from the bottom of a river, and the first thing he realized was that he was no longer outside. Nor was he tucked beneath the safety of Rhaegal.He opened his eyes and found himself in a grand room, tucked up in an equally grand bed and, for a moment, thought himself back on Dragonstone.“You’re awake.”He jerked, hissing at the way his injuries and battered body throbbed with pain at the movement, and looked sharply at the speaker.Cersei Lannister sat by the bedside, her hands folded in her lap, looking just as she had that day in the dragonpit. The day she had given her word to fight the dead. The day she had offered him a false truce that, now, he was glad he had not accepted.“You shouldn’t move,” she said, reaching out to lightly touch his arm, trying to gently push him back down. “If you reopen the stitches on your leg I’m quite certain Qyburn may take to more…drastic…means of closing the wound.”
“Where…”“Your dragon is fine,” she reassured with a gentle smile as, from the shadows behind her, Euron Greyjoy emerged. “It is actually currently occupying the vast majority of the Red Keep’s courtyard as it seems to desire to be as near to you as it can.”Jon didn’t relax, couldn’t even pretend to, and, of course, Cersei picked up on that right away.“We’re not going to hurt you,” she said and he almost laughed in her face. “If we wanted to do that we would have done it while you were unconscious.”“Or perhaps keeping me alive, waiting until Dany comes, is just a means to an end for you. A bargaining chip.” Jon shook his head. “It won’t work. She won’t give up on retaking the Iron Throne. And I am sworn to her. I and the North.”“The only bargaining chip I mean to use you for is to secure the North once more.” The Lannister Queen admitted. “Though not by forcing Sansa to submit. I’m not stupid enough to believe she ever would. Not to be me. And certainly not to the Targaryen girl.”Jon frowned.“Then what…”“How did you survive the knife in the heart,” Euron suddenly asked, causing Cersei to shoot him an angry look that he ignored. At Jon’s questioning look the Greyjoy Lord shrugged. “The Queen’s Hand showed us the scar. Told us what it was from and that it should have killed you. So, my question, Dragon King, is why didn’t it?”Jon sighed, knowing unless he answered Euron would just keep pushing and, truthfully, it wasn’t as though he was going anywhere any time soon. Not unless he could reach the courtyard and Rhaegal, which, given his injuries, was not likely to happen.“I didn’t.”“You didn’t what,” it was Cersei who asked but her frown matched Euron’s.“I didn’t survive the knife to the heart.”Euron blinked and opened his mouth, no doubt to call Jon a liar, and the young King in the North spoke quickly.“You both watched me battle a two thousand year old undead man and an undead dragon. Do you really still think it’s not possible for a man to die and somehow come back?”Jon drew a slow deep breath.“Now, tell me,” he continued. “What bargaining chip am I to play in this gods be damned game of thrones?”Cersei smiled, almost sweetly, and for a moment he could see why, once, Sansa had trusted her. Euron’s smile was almost wicked as the lion queen spoke again.“By becoming my third husband and a King Consort of Westeros.”
#Anonymous#game of thrones#asoiaf#jon snow#cersei lannister#euron greyjoy#jon x cersei x euron#au#alternate universe#ficlet#drabble
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