#but d20 and fantasy high is so fucking queer and awesome
variousxcruelties · 3 years
Have you considered that some asexual people take comfort in the thought that even someone who is asexual can still be in a happy relationship? Even if you're aroace, that shouldn't mean you're doomed to be alone. QP relationships exist. It's not harming anyone, so why shame people for it?
Wasn't even going to dignify this with a response but the last line really got me heated so here we go.
I'm tired of pretending that rabid shippers and entitled fandom culture, especially here on tumblr, aren't harmful. It's all extraordinarily harmful. It’s lowkey disrespectful to Brennan and the players, specifically Murph and Lou re: FabRiz, who spend countless hours on whack schedules not only filming in order to give us this fucking awesome story but also spend countless hours off camera planning and working with sensitivity consultants to ensure that they are engaging with a great deal of topics in the most ethical way and offering true-to-form representation and respect for their audience but that’s not even all of it.
Have you considered that Riz is a literal teen character that has an entire hypothetical lifetime to figure that out, but is extraordinarily canonically happy with the *platonic* relationships that he has right now and has expressed zero interest in any of the bad kids or NPCs beyond that *platonic* relationship?? To imply that if he doesn't have a defined QP relationship at the least in order to not be "doomed to be alone" is honestly kind of disgusting and reductive?? Like, what a complete devaluation of family, found family, and straight-up platonic relationships?? How do you view QP relationships if you need to use them as a scapegoat for your shipping of a queer character that has expressly stated that they have no interest in romance, sexuality, or relationships beyond the friendships that they currently have? Is QP just the fancy word you use for your need to simulate a dichotomy of a monogamous romantic relationship because purely platonic relationships simply cannot ever suffice in your opinion? Because, I'll tell you, for all of the hypothetically "QP" FabRiz content I've seen, not a single one acknowledges the poly aspect that would be involved given that Fabian is explicitly not aroace and is currently canonically engaged in some kind of romantic/sexual relationship with Aelwyn. So do y'all actually want a complex QP relationship dynamic that benefits both of them or do you just want simulated monogamy in an MLM relationship that you pretend is QP but secretly hope is romantic and/or sexual in nature because you feel that Riz not having that means that he is inherently lonely and sad?
Have you considered that there are also aroace people that take comfort in characters that don't have a want or need for anything beyond their family and close friends, which at this point could also basically be defined as an extensive found family? Have you considered that you don't respect or find value in that so you project onto Riz and/or FabRiz in order to make their relationship more palatable to you?
Maybe it's time to look inward instead of sending anon messages to people that say it is harmful to take aroace identified characters and shove them into ships for your pleasure. Maybe your ships don't exist in a vacuum and you need to figure out why the hell you're pushing this weird rhetoric that aroace people are "doomed to be alone" if they aren't in a defined relationship beyond general familial or platonic engagement <3
Because I absolutely will continue to shame you for it.
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