#but charles choi has also been affiliated with gods for a long time
lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 440 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
Wooooo weeeeee, another chapter this week! LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!! Also, I'm so sorry for worrying y'all for my absence these past few days but after this review is posted, Imma disappear again. 😭 At this point, my chapter reviews might not be posted on time and will be late to post frequently now. Also, don't mind me changing the color of the title every 10 chapters... *Ahem* Anyways-
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Ughhh... God, the fan service here. Thanks PTJ, you the man. 😩✋🏽 Also, the way Jibeom just acted like nothing happened by saying, "SORRY!" UH HA HA HA HA HA HA... 🧍🏽‍♀️💢 Nah, we allies now. Gotta forgive, right? And Jihan too... 🧍🏽‍♀️💢💢 Man, y'all just got your asses beat for no reason. This reminds me of those anime with the MC's fighting the enemies, and then they end up becoming allies with the "power of friendship". Behold, the power of friendship everyone.
Ok, but Imma be honest. Every time I see Hudson now, I squeal like a fangirl at a BTS concert. And suddenly seeing him... NAKED? RIGHT OFF THE BAT? My loyalty for Gun is REALLY being tested. Wtf man. Also, the snakes though? That's wild. 😭
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Yeah, that panel really wrecked me. Physically and emotionally.
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Oh, of course. Also, debt? Huh? 🤔
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Yeah man, we need to know!!! WE'VE BEEN DYING TO KNOWWWWWWWW. Whenever I hear "Young Master", it reminds me of a butler saying that. As if Daniel is being treated by a butler. 💀
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"At least eat before you go." That's so nice of them. Also, "At this rate he'll live here." KSSLDJLFSDHFSLFHDSFH JIHAN PLSSSSS- 💀💀💀💀💀
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Oh? Daniel coming up with a big brain plan...? 👀
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Daniel being acknowledged by, not only the man who ended the era of the First Generation, but also, the STRONGEST FIRST GENERATION KING???? Oh god, I love his growth and character development so much. He'll always have my heart forever. 💖 ALSO, THIS WHOLESOME MOMENT WITH JICHANG??? THIS IS TOO CUTE. MY HEART- 😩💗 I WAS SOBBING AT THIS BECAUSE THIS WAS TOO CUTE TO WITNESS. LIKE, LOOK AT HIM PETTING DANIEL'S HEAD, LOOKING LIKE A PROUD UNCLE.
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Literally, one of the cutest things I've ever seen in a long time in Lookism.
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YUUUSSSSSS, JICHANG IS GONNA HELP HIM EVENTUALLY. 😭😭👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I hope they actually do make it to the First Affiliate though. But, if the Elder knew where he was, then does that mean that he knows that Jinyoung is not in his right mind? And does he know that he has people held captive in his little basement? 👀 *coughs* Daniel *coughs* Johan *coughs* Samuel... Sorry guys, I might be getting a cold. Idk what's going on with me.
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Ohhhhhh shiiiii... Pls tell me we gonna see Jake here...
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AHHHHHHHH I KNEW IT, JAKE!!! BABY BOY IS BACK!!!! 😭💙 Oh shit, I wOnDeR who THAT could be...
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Tbh I'm not surprised that he said it was James Lee lol. It has been emphasized by Eugene before when he said in Ch. 432, that he was aware of the murder case that caught the attention of a lot of people. And he also mentioned how Charles Choi had been using blackmail on James Lee to control him in exchange of covering James's part of the murder. Also, earlier in that chapter, I was wondering why Charles would even bother to help in covering up a murder for James if that person that James murdered wasn't so important in the first place. If it was just a "nobody", then he would've just thrown that person somewhere, buried him, or burnt his body and converted it into ashes. Clearly, it all makes sense now. (Also, the red picture gave it away. lmao) AND JAKE, WITH THE TYPICAL "death stare" EXPRESSION WHEN HE FOUND OUT WHO THE MURDERER FOR HIS FATHER'S DEATH WAS??? Is he going to get revenge or something? 😭
But oh boy, James is really gonna get it eventually. Both him and Charles Choi. Actually, DEFINITELY Charles Choi. The guy is literally walking scum in the first place.
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You see, Charles Choi is a clown... 😀 *end of argument*
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I hope he does. Because if Charles Choi intercepts their operation, I'm going to sue. 😡
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Ughhhh, bro... Don't make me cry again, please. 💀💀💀💀
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Wait, an "unknown car"? He MUST have a driver with him. Please tell me that his driver is none other than Gun/Goo... Ik this is wishful thinking, but I want to see them again. 😳
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By choking...? 💀 I mean, I've seen a big ass snake devour a huge animal before, so it's possible Charles. Don't doubt Jichang's abilities, because you might be surprised at how he could MURDER YOU ON SIGHT. 😡😡😡 (And oh god, looking at Elite's face still reminds me of my professor. 😭 *sobbing* But also, with a twist of Manager Kim too.)
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I just want his ass to be wiped off the face of the Earth. Both him, and Eugene. But, wait... If Eugene and James Lee are conspiring AGAINST Charles Choi, and everyone else are conspiring against Charles Choi too, then... WHY CAN'T EVERYONE JUST UNITE AND BEAT CHARLES??? They all have a similar goal, yet they decided to do things their own way? Well, I get that they have ulterior motives/goals for them to take down Charles Choi, but at least make it easier for yourselves instead of just handling the crap on your own, right? Fight later, unite now. 🧍🏽‍♀️
Man, idk anymore. Just do whatever tf you guys want at this point. 😭
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sscarletvenus · 3 years
unloading some gun thoughts that have been on my mind :
- he's really the public enemy #1 of lookism universe huh he has pissed off everybody and their momma under the sun : johan, eli, jake, daniel, kenta DAMN
- he's reluctant BESTIES with crystal choi. like he says he doesn't care what she does as long as he doesn't lose his job but even staring at her funny means HE WILL DECK YOU
- he's an awesome oppa to soojung. the BEST actually.
- he seems the type to listen to japanese orchestral court music (雅楽) or SNSD there's no in betwen. jk tho he probably listens to Drake lol
- he shows severe lack of empathy and remorse for his actions, all being indicators towards him having sociopathic tendencies...
- like goo, he also probably despises tom lee for how that creepy old bum treated him during his trainee period. during the 4th affiliate arc tom lee stepped on ui daniel's face to keep him down, saying that he reminded him of gun and also something about how it was bad manners to get up once you've been knocked down. so knowing gun, maybe he DID fight back many times and tom lee only got worse/ harsher with his training?
- he has non-ui eyes from kenta's flashback so he probably didn't have ui as a child. i feel that being a heir to the yakuza made him vulnerable to harm from rivals so he got attacked a lot? or yakuza elders probably made him fight to become "worthy"? anyways he was pushed into a state where he has to fight to survive/has to become the strongest beast in order to survive, hence the constant ui...
-ig his growing up was a bit screwed up, and he was required to be a "REAL MAN" as seen by all his "men's worth lies in the money they make", smoking, drinking and displaying sexual promiscuity (he's 18-19 and its heavily implied that he has slept around with women in Vs. GUN)
- he is mentioned to be the young master of the Yamazaki group (massively powerful yakuza) BUT instead of ruling his family in japan, he's merely a CEO'S daughter's bodyguard? either charles choi has serious dirt on him or gun is somehow indebted to charles choi...
- steve hong said that charles choi met someone (alluded to be gun) while his time as a janitor in prison... so maybe he observed gun rounding up and beating all the other convicts to pulp and recruited him as the fighting genius???
- gun is literally the "me and and my girl don't argue, she smash my head with a brick and i walk it off like a man" tweet as a person
- his type is probably someone who can just kill him
- lmao daniel kicked his ass ONCE and he gave that mf his credit card info AND lay on the couch staring at his broken arm like a lovesick fool
- he would get along pretty damn well with seo moonjo from strangers from hell (just two sexy unhinged men thinking about ways to make their babygirls hyungseok and jongwoo worse idk)
- his cooking is ass btw! he is prohibited from entering the kitchen after listing the blood of his enemies as an ingredient for cooking steak.
- gun journals survival tactics while watching zombie movies
- he gels his hair back during work hours to appear older because otherwise he looks like a runway model and no one takes him seriously, either thirsting over him or mocking him for being a pretty boy lmaooo
- his house is probably full of posters and framed signatures and has a shrine or two (HIS FANBOY MOMENT WITH BREKDAK AT THE END OF GOD DOG???)
- his body is scarred all over so he must have had a lot of trouble sleeping on his front, side, or back when those cuts were healing. so ig he adapted to sleeping upright... he's like a horse that way lol
- i was wrong. he is a vampire and doesn't need to sleep. (hmmm like have we ever seen him close his eyes??? yup definitely not!!!)
- his yakuza title of shiro oni could imply that his victims saw his white attire in their final moments (like baek seongjoon being called warai oni for smiling maniacally at his victims before ending them)
- shiro oni AND warai oni were both infamous so it's HIGHLY possible that gun and seongjoon have already met or atleast know each other
- and with THAT i hope he clears his GED and gets therapy or something cuz that's my violent evil little scrunkle i wuv him
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xavierfiles-blog · 8 years
Entry 060 - Cable
Art by Marko Djurdjevic
Name: Nathan Christopher Charles Dayspring Askani’son Summers
Code Names: Cable, Soldier X
First Appearance: New Mutants #86 (Feb ’90)
Powers: Telepathy, Telekenisis, A Big Gun
Teams Affiliation: New Mutants, X-Force, Six Pack, X-Men, Avengers
Continuity is one of the trickiest things in shared-universe superhero comics. In the hands of a good writer, the history of a character adds to the impact and relevance of story beats for the veteran without sacrificing anything for the new reader. In the hands of a bad writer, continuity bogs an otherwise good story down with references that fly over reader’s heads and editors notes that make someone feel like they are missing out. Too often, creators as well as fans, hold a good story hostage so that a pristine continuity can be held in place. But continuity is messy, continuity is imperfect, and continuity is largely irrelevant, continuity doesn’t deserve to be held at the same level as storytelling. A cumbersome devotion to continuity is the downfall of otherwise great works, and too often have the X-Men fallen into the trap of continuity before story. This folly has never been more iconic than with Nathan Christopher Charles Dayspring Askani’son Summers, the mutant commando known as Cable.
There was a lot that Nathan Dayspring didn’t know about his past. He didn’t know that he was a genetic weapon created by a mad man who cloned a dead woman to bear him. He didn’t know that his sister from an alternate reality coaxed his father to into sending his infant self into to future to avoid being killed by a virus implanted in him by a god he was destined to kill. He didn’t know that that sister cloned him to ensure his genetics survived, or that the god would raise the clone as his own son. He didn’t know that his father and the woman his mother was created from were brought forward in time to raise him for the first twelve years of his life, and he didn’t know why they weren’t around for the next few decades. He didn’t know that after fulfilling his destiny in killing the god, his clone would become just as oppressive of a tyrant. He didn’t know he would fall in love with a doomed rebel woman, or if the child she bore was his or his clone’s. He didn’t know if the years fighting, leading an uprising, waging war through out the time stream was worth it. But he knew that the mutant race needed a leader if they were going to survive and he knew that, regardless of the past, he could fight for the future.
To wage his war, Cable needed soldiers and the young team of New Mutants needed a new leader. He pushed the kids to their breaking point and soon they stopped being kids at all. They weren’t students, they were soldiers. No longer New Mutants, they were X-Force and they battled threats like the Mutant Liberation Front, a radical organization lead by Cable’s cloned brother Stryfe. It came to a head when Stryfe attempted to assassinate Professor Xavier and the brothers fought man to man, and quite literally face to face. Cable was able to best his brother, and after a detour through time, returned to lead to increasingly independent X-Force. They came to outgrow Cable and he continued to fight his mutant war in the shadows.
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Art by Rob Liefeld and Brad Vancata
When Apocalypse gathered The Twelve, Cable ranked among them. The X-Men were able to free the captured mutants but at the cost of Cyclops’ life. In honor of his father, Cable joined the X-Men and, for the first time, grew close with his mother. They were able to find the psionic remains of Cyclops, still merged with Apocalypse (which you can read about here) and Nathan was able to restore his father and fulfill his destiny by destroying Apocalypse. He soon turned into a man without a mission, a soldier without a war to fight, and tried to find a new direction for his life.
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Art by Tom Raney, Scott Hanna, and Jung Choi
He eventually found that direction alongside an unlikely ally. While Cable was using his massive powers to make the world a better place, including creating his own island nation known as Providence, many were worried about the unchecked power he possessed. The X-Men recruited Deadpool to help control him and this would lead to a begrudgingly long partnership between the two mercenaries. Cable also joined a new iteration of the X-Men at the time and assisted them in battles against the Children of the Vault and protecting Providence against the Hecatomb.
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Art by Rob Liefeld
Soon, Cable found himself with a new challenge. A mutant child had been born, the first since the Decimation of the race, and everyone was after her. Cable got to her first and dedicated himself to protecting the new mutant messiah. The battle waged on, but Cable was eventually able to find Cyclops and the two great mutant leaders, father and son, talked. Years ago, Scott sent Nathan through the time stream to save him. Now, they both knew that the baby girl would never be safe and Scott made a decision, she couldn’t stay here, but Nathan could find a time where she was safe. Nathan always struggled to forgive his father for sending him away, but in that moment, they understood one another. They slid into the future, towards a better tomorrow, racing towards hope.
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Art by Chris Bachalo, Tim Townsend, and Brian Reber
With the little girl strapped to his chest, Cable made a life in this future. They never stayed in one place long, Nate wasn’t one to get comfortable and his fears were soon realized. The former X-Man Bishop believed Hope would cause the dystopian world he was from and made it his mission to prevent that at all costs. Bishop chased Cable into the future and attempted to kill the baby girl. In the ensuing fight, Cable’s time-travel module was damaged and he had only one choice. He jumped further into the future, with no assurance that he could ever make it back.
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Art by Ariel Olivetti
In that time Cable and the little girl found a home, he found love, and they found some semblance of a family. His wife, Hope, always asked why Cable wouldn’t give the girl a name, but the soldier didn’t think it was his place. Though months past, he tried to keep his distance from the child. He was a soldier, she was his objective. He couldn’t get attached. Even then, Cable, Hope, and the little girl created a life in their farming community. That life was threatened by Bishop who scorched the past to ruin the girl’s future. Cable, his wife Hope, and the little girl became nomads like his parents before him. They were careful but the world was dangerous and on a routine stop, Hope was shot. Cable buried his wife and all his attachments with her, save one. He finally had a name for his daughter, the one thing the mutant race needed more than anything else, Hope.
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Art by Ariel Olivetti
They continued to jump through time, avoiding Bishop and training. Hope was his daughter, yes, but she needed to be a soldier first. She detonated her first semtex before she could say full sentences, fired her first shot before she could ride a bike, she was everything her father could want. The years past and his little girl bloomed into a strong teenager. They only had each other, but it was enough. Eventually, they found their way back to the present and Cable was finally close to finishing his mission. They made their way to Utopia, but the return of the mutant messiah didn’t go unnoticed and soon the island was under siege. The leaders of Utopia had a plan, but it was suicide, not that Nathan cared. He had dedicated years to keeping Hope safe, he found it fitting that he would do so with his final act and the soldier charged into the great unknown.
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Art by Mike Choi and Sonia Oback
Cable’s story didn’t end there as his death flung him far into the future where he was found by his old friend and partner Blaquesmith (who, yes, we totally skipped over). Blaquesmith told him that this desolation was caused by the Avengers causing Hope’s death and sent him back to make it right. He attacked the Avengers but was eventually stopped and brought to Utopia. He began having premonitions, visions of things to come and created a new iteration of X-Force to help prevent them from coming to fruition. They operated outside of the jurisdiction of the X-Men and the Avengers, but Cable only focused on completing the mission. After the Alexandria Incident (which I went into greater detail here) he became even harder, to the point that Hope had to step in and relieve her father of his duties. He blurred the line between good and evil and he needed a reminder of what he really stood for.
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Art by Rock He-Kim
Nowadays Cable has mostly reverted to his 90’s ideal. Deadpool helped unionize the fractured versions of Nate across time and space and, in return, Cable joined the newest incarnation of the Uncanny Avengers. He struggled to step away from being the leader with such strong personalities like Captain America and Rogue on the squad, but he took the mission of stopping the Red Skull to heart. Continuity marches on, and after years and years, retcons and retcons, Cable is back to being who he always was, a big guy with a bigger gun. And really, that’s all you need to know about Nathan Christopher Charles Dayspring Askani’son Summers.
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Art by Pepe Larraz
Must Read
As I have mentioned before, I am a father of a fantastic one-year-old boy who shares one of Cable’s several names (yes it is Askani’son) so stories about parenthood really impact me. That’s why it shouldn’t shock any long time readers that I am gonna recommend Cable by Duane Swierczynski. The book is a great examination of a soldier learning to be a parent in his own way. In some ways, this is the most essential supplemental reading for the Messiah Trilogy and it deserves to be experienced. It is on Marvel Unlimited and there are 4 trades and a cross over that cover the whole thing.
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Cable is an interesting character to rank. For the most part, I kinda hate everything the character did for the first half of his history but absolutely love everything in his last half. That should be obvious by the fact that I skipped through most of the 90’s. Still, there is something appealing about a guy with more guns than the Punisher and more knives than Wolverine and for most of his existence, he is more an action figure than a character. He is also a great examination of what it means to be a soldier and father, so I am conflicted. I think he is easily the best of the Summers Clan and he is better than his archenemy Apocalypse. A similar character is his X-Force teammate Warpath, both were cookie cutters until they quickly weren’t, but I think Cable wins just because he has a cooler design. Right above Warpath is Cable’s protégée Cannonball (who I didn’t freaking talking about) and I think Sam wins on the basis of consistency throughout the years. That is why Cable breaks into the top 10 as the new number 8 in the Xavier Files.
Cable was requested by Scott from Pateron. Thanks for the request and the generous support! If you have a request just submit it at the bottom of this article and I will add it to the list that currently stretches into June 2018! If you want to cut to the front of the line, like Scott did, we have a Patreon if you want to support it and get a line cutting reward for just a $1 pledge. We just hit our 2nd goal and now I guess I am reviewing X-Books so that will be coming soon. Oh and we also have exclusive physical items so check those out!
Click here if you want to see the full ranked list, with links to every entry in the Xavier Files so far.
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— Xavier Files (@XavierFiles) January 18, 2017
Entry 060 – Cable was originally published on Xavier Files
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