#but casket sounds cool as fuck
doodlboy · 9 months
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daycourtofficial · 6 months
Forever is the sweetest con
Cassian x reader, Azriel x reader
Summary: based on this request - the war with Hybern claimed the life of your husband. Reeling with grief, you discover that you’re pregnant. His brother and your friend, Azriel, begins spending more and more time with you, finding solace in each other amidst your shared grief.
Author’s note: sadness, sadness, sadness, this one took me ages to write bc it’s so fucking sad 😭 I’m not super happy with this bc I was mostly trying to meet the deadline so this might feel disjointed bc I had to kinda skip around a lot. Also I didn’t tag this as Cassian x reader in tags bc it felt too painful to do that
Word count: 3k
Warnings: character death, unexpected pregnancy, honestly just sadness
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“I’m Cassian.”
A large, handsome male greeted you as you were shelving some new books away. His large outstretched hand reached towards you, waiting in the air for a moment as you set the stack of books in your arms down. Your hand gets lost in the warmth of his, telling him your own name.
He smiles at it, repeating it, testing it on his tongue.
For days, that is the only memory playing in your head. It is what you think of as you lay in your shared bed, his scent still lingering. It is what you think when Feyre picks you up, and her and Mor place you in a bathtub as they clean you. It is what you think of as you stare at the ceiling, hoping it will collapse on you.
It is what you think of as you stand between Rhysand and Azriel at Cassian’s memorial. It is what you think of as they lower the casket into the ground, the citizens of Velaris standing around to pay their respects.
You don’t notice the hundreds of people who come to offer you a silent nod, a gentle prayer over you, their voices carrying gentle choruses of “he was so brave” and “you should be proud”.
You’re too numb for any of this. You’re too numb to recognize the hand Azriel places on your back, or the hand Feyre clasps into your own, squeezing tightly.
All you can think about is how his hand felt in your own the first time you held it - warm, gentle, comforting. And how it felt the last time you held it - cold, lifeless, gone.
Being a war hero came with a cost.
Only Cassian didn’t have to pay it - those he left behind did.
You’re not sure how much time has passed since Cassian died. You’re not sure if the people of Velaris still mourned him, or were simply wearing the traditional colors of their court.
You sat in one of Cassian’s old tunics, piles of clothes scattered on the floor around you. Your back was to the wall, its cool surface warming with your heat.
You hear movement in the house, but you don’t have the energy or ability to care who’s here.
Someone knocks gently before coming into the room, Azriel’s large frame coming through the door to your chambers. He sees the slightly ajar closet door, and shimmies his way in, sitting next to you amidst the pile of clothes on the floor.
He notes that they all seemed to have been pulled right off their hangers, in a fit of rage or desperation perhaps. Shades of black and red litter the floor, and the realization that it was all Cassian’s clothes causes him to take in a deep breath.
You two sit for a while, Azriel’s wings likely cramped in the small space. Mother knows Cassian complained if he spent more than five minutes in your closet.
Azriel just sits in silence, his shadows gently swirling the floor, searching through the piles.
For what, you’re not sure.
You finally speak, the words hard to form. You didn’t speak much these days - your voice a rare sound for your family’s ears.
“He doesn’t need them to be hung up anymore.”
Azriel sighs, shifting closer to you. He gauges you, looking for a reaction before moving a bit closer.
“He never needed them hung up. Before you he mostly just left his clothes strewn about the room. Drove Nuala and Cerridwen mad.”
You look at him, pulled from your trance of that black shirt Cassian wore when the two of you went on vacation in Adriada. The shirt that fit him so well the two of you did not see the beach at all for the five days you were there.
“They’d complain, saying every night he’d pull his clothes that they neatly hung up and the next morning they’d be strewn about his room,” he shrugs, still confused over how Cassian kept track of where everything was.
“Eventually Rhys told them to stop and to let Cassian do what he wants. No idea how he managed to stay neat and tidy with you.”
Your eyes meet his, and he reaches out a hand for you. It’s the first offer of help you’ve accepted in days. You keep his hand in yours for a long time, sitting amongst Cassian’s clothes.
You were sitting on the small balcony of your home, looking out at the expansive night sky above you. Elbows on knees, collapsing in on yourself.
Eyes red rimmed, tear tracks marking your face. You had never felt so helpless or as hopeless as you did now. Your eyes snag on a dark figure, soaring through the skies, its body getting closer and closer.
Azriel had taken to checking on you every three days now. Make sure you were eating, washing, and moving. Honestly if it weren’t for these biweekly check ins, you’re not sure how you would be faring.
The Illyrian descends next to you, a soft landing as he tucks his wings back in and sits next to you. You two sit in silence for a while, the sounds of the night a melody playing for just you two.
Velaris is dark, few fae lights scattered throughout the city aglow. You breathe deeply, taking in the smell of Azriel next to you. You should tell him, but you haven’t been able to tell anyone all week.
It was eating you up - you knew they’d be supportive, you knew they’d love you and help you in anyway they could. But it would still break their hearts just a bit more.
Your internal debate is ended by the overwhelming turn of your stomach, your lunch from earlier wanting to make a quick exit. You hurriedly get up, running towards your bathroom and throwing yourself on your toilet, narrowly reaching it in time.
Azriel ran after you, making quick work of grabbing your hair before you began your second wave of vomiting. The only sounds in the room are your retching and Azriel’s soothing tunes.
His other hand gently rubs your back as you feel as if you’re going to die. From embarassment or pain, you’re not sure. He waits for you to say what he already suspects, having noted a subtle shift in your scent when he arrived.
You wipe your mouth, not wanting to say the words aloud. The words that Madja had told you three days ago, the words that caused you to shut down until now.
“I’m pregnant,” you say, head leaning against the toilet seat. “All Cass wanted was to be a dad. Now I’m pregnant and he’s dead.”
A forced laugh comes from you.
“It’s not fair, Az.”
Your words hang in the air, and your friend responds by wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you into his lap. He nuzzles his head into your shoulder, his breath shuddering as he cries softly into your hair.
The two of you lay there, the cool bathroom tile digging imprints into your skin as he holds you, tears streaming from both of you.
Several months along in your pregnancy, and Azriel has essentially moved in with you full time. He takes meticulous care of you and the babe - he goes to your appointments with Madja with you, he goes baby shopping with you, he even put together the crib in your room.
He was your late husband’s brother. He was stepping up, knowing that Cassian would want him to help you. And yet your dreams wouldn’t stop being so perverse.
For the past month, every night without fail you dreamt of Azriel. Every dream was different - some of places you’ve gone before, places you only know of because Azriel described them.
The dreams were weird and disorienting, but you left them there. They were dreams.
About how beautiful he was. About his hands, his wings, his shoulders, his thighs.
Every day you’d wake up full of shame at where your mind takes you against your will.
“Az,” you say, a serious look on your face. “Something’s wrong.”
He looks over to you, glasses perched on his nose. The knife in his hand clatters, landing on the cutting board, a piece of carrot tumbling to the floor as he moves to you quickly.
Your breathing becomes more shallow, and you hold your hands out, reaching for his. Once his fingers reach yours, you bring his hands to your bump.
Just as he’s about to ask what the problem is, he feels a soft thump against his scarred hand. He can’t control the soft laugh that comes from him, and he can’t help but cradle your bump just a little tighter.
He looks back up to you, a mischievous glint in your eye.
“I thought something was wrong.”
You smile, “I know - that’s what makes it fun.”
Almost eight months had passed since Cassian’s death, and you were finally able to hear his name without breaking down. Azriel was the only one you would talk to about him, though.
It felt right to talk about Cassian to Azriel. It felt right to plunge yourself back into the memories of him - his boisterous laugh, his insistence on touching someone at all times, his presence in rooms.
It felt right, and the babe in your belly would kick frequently whenever Azriel spoke to you about Cassian, as if they knew who you were talking about.
It felt so right, and yet so wrong. Every night before bed you replayed the memories of the day, desperately trying to insert Cassian into Azriel’s spot in them.
He never fit perfectly into them, the edges of him not quite the right size.
This was too much.
You were an absolute fool to believe you could do this. To not only birth but to raise your dead husband’s babe. Who let you do this? Who thought this was a good idea?
Azriel’s voice vibrates through you, pulling you from your thoughts, his large frame behind you. Your back pressed to his chest, his arms helping hold your legs up.
You lean your head against him.
“This was a terrible, terrible idea.”
He smiles, “Cassian never was known for good ideas.”
Your face contorts in agony, a strong cramping pain rippling through you.
Azriel takes the wet cloth from the nurse to his left, holding it on your forehead. “I’m so proud of you. You’re doing so well.”
You scoff, “if I was doing well, the babe would be out by now!”
Azriel takes your jabs, your sarcasm, the intense squeezing of his hand in yours. He’ll take everything you throw at him.
After about eight hours, you were blessed by the cauldron with a beautiful boy, tiny wings clinging to his back as he cried.
Azriel’s presence didn’t stop after the babe, Camden, was born. If anything, he spent more time with you. He delegated much of his work as spymaster to support you, even going so far as helping coordinate schedules for Feyre or Nesta to help you bathe.
In the first few weeks, you were able to move around, but you were utterly exhausted. Not just the physical demands of your babe and recovering from birthing a winged babe, but also the emotional toll this took on you left you unable to care much for yourself.
You had thought being bathed would make you feel like a burden, but Feyre and Nesta did everything to make you feel so loved instead. They lit candles, rubbed your back, and told you how proud of you they were constantly. Their words never failed to make you cry, the task at hand feeling impossible if you thought about it too hard.
Eventually, after weeks of sleepless nights, feeling like nothing more than a cow for milk, you and Azriel were able to settle into a routine.
He took care of the babe at night, allowing you decent sleep. He brought Camden to you for his middle of the night feedings. You took care of Camden during the morning through early afternoon while Azriel attended to his duties. The two of you cooked dinner together, Azriel always insisting on washing dishes afterwards.
After a while, it all felt so normal. As if Cassian was never meant to be here for this part.
A few months after your son’s first birthday all Hell broke loose. It was a regular day. The sun still shone as it always does, your son was as beautiful as ever. Azriel was holding Camden in the air, helping him stretch out his wings, when he spoke for the first time.
A soft dada accompanied the little boy’s giggles, followed by Azriel stiffening immediately. You looked to the shadowsinger, and when his eyes met yours, you knew.
As if a golden thread appeared out of thin air, tying a knot from Azriel to you, you could feel him. You pulled an experimental tug in the bond, and he pulled back.
Wide eyes meet each other from across the room, silent except for Camden’s continued giggles. You stare at him bewildered, your expression mirrored back to you on his face.
A high pitched noise starts ringing in your eyes before everything goes black.
“It’s a bit of a cruel joke,” you say. “I want to love him, I want to be with my mate. But what kind of person does that to her deceased husband?”
You had woken up in Rhys’s office twenty minutes ago to your head in Feyre’s lap, her hands gently running through your hair.
You had heard bits of hushed conversation, and you thought you had heard Az, but when you came to, he was nowhere to be seen.
Rhys looks contemplative before saying, “you of all people should know that Cassian would have wanted you to be happy.”
You put your head in your hands, gathering to courage to say your worst thoughts out loud.
“It feels like Cassian died for me. I know he didn’t, but I can’t help but feel like if he had survived, would Azriel still be my mate? He would have let me be with him, yes, but just.”
You sigh, trying to grab the fragmented thoughts in your head and place them together. Rhys lets you, allowing silence to fill the room.
“It would have killed him having to watch me choose Azriel over him. He would have done the respectable thing, he would have stepped back. He would have been happy for us.”
You sigh, “but if it were the other way, if Nesta or Elain were his mate, I’m not sure I could give him up.”
Your words come pouring out quickly before you begin sobbing. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. His hands wrap around your head, and he gently smooths your hair down.
“Feyre and I are immensely happy for you, despite the circumstances. Both of you. I know you might not feel like it, but you made your own family.”
You found Azriel a few hours later in what used to be his room in the townhouse. He hardly stayed here, hardly stayed at any of Rhys’s estates anymore, opting instead for the comfort of the home you two now shared.
“Hi,” you say tentatively, stepping through the door.
“Hi,” he echos back, turning to see you.
“Crazy day,” you say, pulling lightly on the bond. He cracks a smile, but there’s a sadness deep in his gaze that you haven’t seen in months.
He moves towards you, slow and deliberate steps, as if you were a bunny found in the woods easily scared off.
“Do you want this?” He asks, eyes focused on your own.
You nod your head. He nods back.
“I dreamt of you. For months, years even. Since about halfway through my pregnancy, you’ve been in my dreams most nights.”
He watches you speak, letting you say whatever it is you need to. You take a deep breath before continuing.
“I don’t want to forget Cass, and I don’t want you to feel like you’re replacing him. I can love both of you.”
He steps closer, slowly moving towards you until he’s stopped right in front of you, his wings blocking you in.
“It’s unconventional, I understand. And I understand if you don’t want a widow with a child.” You look up towards him, determination in your eyes. “But I am all in.”
He gently cups your cheek, eyes full of conflict. “It won’t be easy,” he muses.
“Nothing about this has been easy, why start now?”
His face slowly moves closer to yours, his lips gentle against your own. His hands still hold you gently, as he kisses you long and slow.
There would be time for passion later, his kiss now is full of the emotions words can’t convey. Adoration, sacrifice, immense grief.
You thought having Azriel kiss you would make you feel like you were betraying Cassian. Instead you feel an overwhelming sense of rightness as your hands cup his jaw back, pouring every ounce of you into him.
You and Azriel look out at your backyard, watching Nyx and Camden run around, play fighting with their swords. The two boys occasionally take short flights, only about a foot or so off the ground.
Azriel wraps his arms around you, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. You close your eyes, letting yourself feel this moment, allowing the sounds of the boys playing and your mate’s breathing to lull you into some form of peace you never thought you’d find again.
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ynbabe · 1 year
Lockwood & Co. Incorrect quotes, pt.6
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Before Lucy 
Y/n: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks! Anthony: Why would I do that? Y/n: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free!
*The Squad is eating dinner* George: Can you pass the salt? Anthony: *throws Y/n across the table*
George, after Anthony did something stupid: You should have realised, Anthony, if Y/n didn't kill you, I would have.
Y/n: When will Ted himself...finally show up to the talk? Anthony: The final boss. George: You guys know TEDtalks stands for technology, entertainment, and design talks, right? Y/n: I will not let Ted hide behind these lies any longer!
Anthony, in love: How do you do that? Y/n, after having done something dumb: I'm fearless. George, having introduced the idiots and now regretting it: When we were kids, I saw you run from bees. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad. Y/n: I'm mostly fearless.
Y/n: My aesthetic is "would be sentenced to the chair by DEPRAC."
Y/n: Who hurt you? Anthony, always on the edge of a mental breakdown: *snorting* What, do you want a list? Y/n, pulling out ALOT of iron/silver weapons: ...Yes, actually.
Anthony: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?! Y/n: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long line of violence. Anthony: Oh... George, from across the room: *from across the room* I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.
Y/n: It’s not gonna work, I’m not a snitch. George: Fine, let's try something else. Tag a friend you recently committed a crime with. Y/n: Lmao, @Anthony.
Anthony: I hate you. Y/n: Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.
Anthony, after a fight with Y/n: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was changing her name to Y/n.
Y/n, grave-robbing: I’m going to hell. Anthony, there for a case: Probably. Y/n: I'll pick you up? Anthony: *nodding* Carpool.
Anthony, pissed : Y/n! I thought you were dead! Y/n, back after running away for a year: No, just in deep cover. Anthony, about to lose his mind: ...But it was an open casket. Y/n, little scared now: It was very deep.
Y/n: Hold on, I can explain! Anthony: Really? Can you now? Y/n: I can if you give me a minute to think of a convincing lie.
Since Lucy
George, trying to joke: Hey, Joe said he's coming over this afternoon. Y/n, expecting a ‘delivery’: Cool. George: Do you know who Joe is? Y/n: JOE MAMA! Anthony, not even looking up from his phone: Damn, that backfired.
Y/n, just back home: Do you cook? Lucy: I made a cake once. Anthony: Yeah, it was good. Lucy: Really? Anthony: Don’t make me lie twice, Luce.
Y/n, back from sneaking around for state secrets: Anthony! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover. Anthony, pissed at her: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
Anthony: For most of human history, vehicles had automatic collision avoidance and could even take you home if you were asleep or drunk. But then we got rid of the horse. George: You complete moron. You stupid fucking idiot. "Cars would be better if they could bite and shit" – that was you just now, dumbass. George: "Wouldn't it be cool if cars could piss? Wouldn't it be cool if cars could fuck?" Fuck off. Y/n: It would be cool if cars could fuck. Lucy: We... We still have horses.
Anthony, to Y/n, since they’re sharing a room,: I'm leaving for the weekend, so I hid 100 dollars in your side of the room for food. Clean your side and you will find it.
Lucy: It’s funny how well you and George get along. Didn’t they hate you at first? Y/n: George hates everybody at first. It’s their way of reaching out to people.
Y/n: I just found out from Lucy today that when I ‘died’ and George threw my weapons in the grave, Anthony said, “You should aim one at the coffin to be sure.”
Y/n: I give up. I am so tired. George: Get the emergency supply! Lucy: *carries Anthony and throws him in front of Y/n* Anthony: *smiles* Y/n: AND I AM BACK BABY, LET’S GOOO
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one of the disappointments for me regarding s10&11 is that they totally dropped mickeys cartel storyline. like the only time its even alluded to is when mickeys being racist (toward the Mexican family living with the Gallaghers & him throwing a fucking tortilla on the ground to "make it look like Mexicans" robbed the bike shop...) but i cant imagine a drug cartel not even trying to track down someone that rolled on them. so yes i think it makes sense for mickey to fake his own death to lose some heat. obviously this would be similar to the frank plotline in s1e6&7. sorry if that sounds like ~recycling stories~ believe it or not different characters can experience the same things.
so anyway this would definitely need to be a lot more planned out and involving more people than s1. the cops would definitely need to be in on it. cue everyones fav corrupt cop: tony!!! yes i would 1000% bring tony back for this storyline. we need more than just rookie cop/bartender carl, and i imagine tony could be easily persuaded (bribed) to help out some old friends. i imagine hed gone up in rank since we last saw him in s6, which makes his cooperation even more important.
ok. phase 1: the plan. stage a murder scene somewhere mickey usually isnt at (it would be pretty odd if mickey got murdered in their apartment and then he showed back up a month later.) tony finds ian and breaks the news. im very sorry mr gallagher but i need you to come with me. theyve found a body in the Cap Sauers Holding Nature Preserve and we'd like you to come with us to identify the body. sorry ian but mickey knows youre a bad actor and didnt tell you ahead of him that his plan to get the cartel off his back included faking his death because the body cam footage wouldnt be believable at all!! bring ian and the rest of the immediate family to the precinct to meet a disguised mickey in the basement and get the dl on whats going on give statements
sorry for scaring you! i love you! no i couldnt have told you, mr play what cool, you wouldve blown the whole plan immediately! dont ask where i got the cadaver from! btw tell liam and carl i owe them big time
the story. some old friend of terrys heard the milkovich queer was moving back to the southside and wasnt too happy. him and his buddies grabbed mickey while he was walking to the L, drove him to a secluded area, and shot him with a pistol+silencer. liam an anonymous eyewitness called in the kidnapping this morning from a payphone. sandy's old fling a UIC criminology student was jogging in the reserve when she saw a shoe and what she believed to be fresh drag marks in the wet grass off the walking path. she followed it to find a gruesome scene. carl's old partner was one of the first on the scene and recognized him from the alibi. blah blah blah okay time to start phase 2.
phase 2: the funeral. this would be the most similar to s1, except with a cadaver instead of raw meat. the wake could be at the gallagher house like before (if they still own it) or they could p easily pay off a small funeral home to hold a little service. as silly funny goofy it would be to see mickey pretend to be dead like frank did, i imagine that if any cartel members did come, theyd want proof. it would be pretty suspicious if they went to cut off an ear and the body started gushing blood, so cadaver lookalike it is! makeup and maybe even prosthetics to make the body look believable. in my head, i imagine a scene of a couple cartel members coming to "pay their respects" only to find a closed casket wake. they try to "get one last look at our uhh old friend from jail" but the mourning family doesnt want to see mickeys injuries (they're scared shitless that mandy and debbies collective makeup skills arent believable enough) until a fight breaks out and the cartel guys knock over the casket. to their surprise, out rolls mickey milkovich with a hole in his head! awkward silence. debbies award winning acting skills save the day by leading the gallaghers and (very few) milkoviches in getting upset, crying and yelling at the men for "ruining a beautiful service to remember a beautiful man!!" the cartel guys awkwardly put "mickey" back in the casket and reset the scene, whispering in Spanish to each other, bickering about what the fuck they're gonna do now, before one of them decides to quickly cut off an ear, shoving it in his pocket, and closing the casket. they apologize and are forced out of the funeral home by a wave of screeching and kinda-shittily-fake-sobbing gallagher-milkoviches. the guys get their hands on crime scene photos and the body cam footage and decide yeah this bitch is dead. they have the body cremated and scattered in "mickeys favorite place" the lake for obvious reasons
phase 3: cleaning up the tracks. dont tell anyone who doesnt need to know. and DEFINITELY dont tell anyone who cant keep their mouths fucking shut. keep funeral VERY lowkey. if the wrong person hears about mickeys death and then sees him walking around totally alive later, things will get MESSY. no obituary in the paper, nothing posted on social media. take this shit to the GRAVE. NOBODY can know of this fake death plot.
as for the murder part of this? doesnt even go to trial. the idiot cops cant find the perps. just another example of negligent pigs unable to do their job. mickeys just gotta lay low and should probably finally get that last name changed. personally i love the idea of gallavich having a hyphenated last name but i think for the sake of mickeys safety, he should just drop the milkovich altogether.
ok thats pretty much it. end of episode. bye
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magiefish · 3 months
OH GOD OH NO OH FUCK ME OH SHIT OH NO <- Just finished listening to Neverland
Further, more coherent, thoughts (and spoilers) beneath:
*Through gritted teeth* There is no alternative. There is no alternative. There is no alternative.
Anyway I really enjoyed that episode. I had forgotten what an enjoyable and satisfying conclusion to a story arc felt like. NuWho really sent that one through the Oubliette of Eternity.
I've never watched classic who romana but I *love* her dynamic with the doctor. The bit where they're under the console alternating between yelling technobabble and whispering plans? Effervescent.
The bit where Charley is like "Oh no! The Doctor!" and the co-ordinator says "Who?" mockingly. Brilliant.
The sound-effects were also really good. Charley's screams as she got "transfigured" were genuinely harrowing. And the moment of silence before the casket explodes? Gorgeous
The Never-People are really cool. Sentris' backstory was messed up and I like her character in general (also the doctor told her 'don't get your halo in a twist' or something? Much to consider design and symbolism wise)
The whole 'oh we're sorry the government did those terrible things to you, but don't worry, it's all a thing of the past now bit!' immediately followed by the reveal that no actually the horrors are ongoing you just didn't notice. Was certainly. Interesting. In the contemporary political climate.
TARDIS THAT HIDES AS A PLANET!! NuWho should really do more tardises disguised as unlikely objects. Work that chameleon circuit. Let's have a TARDIS necklace or something.
Rassilon seems a lot chiller here than he is generally depicted as in new who? Maybe that's just what the time war does to a motherfucker. Also he's dead? Didn't know that was a part of the canon.
Charley is honestly so delightful. She has so much wonder and curiosity but she's not afraid to assert herself, and she's frankly far more willing to put her own personal hang-ups aside for the greater good than the Doctor is.
Speaking of which, I find that a lot of New Who stories that try to do 'the darkness of the doctor' lean really hard into the potential ruthlessness and egotism and anger of the character (see Ten) but honestly I've never seen those as the Doctor's primary flaws? They're definitely angry with certain people and species (see Nine and the Daleks post-Time War) but their self-centeredness is not just being kind of controlling and ignoring the wishes of the people around them occasionally, it's also tossing their own health and safety aside at a moments notice. Sometimes being self-centered isn't just about being selfish or self-involved, it's also thinking of yourself as an isolated individual who's death or self-destruction won't affect the people around you who care about you, and that is definitely one of the Doctors major character flaws.
They also suffer from what I affectionately term "Best friend related object impermanence" in which they become incredibly attached to singular people and even when it's a them vs the universe situation if they're right in front of them they just kind of forget the universe exists and always put the companion first, usually at a detriment to themself. Like, if they can't see it it may as well not be there, laws of time be damned.
I think it's because The Doctor's so old and they already know almost everything about the universe so they need their companions in order to experience the wonder of it again but ultimately that just kind of leaves them in a bit of a co-dependent relationship with them. Which is a Yikes for them from me, but I also love relationships in which two people are entangled with one another in an deeply unhealthy way, so I will be both patting them on the back and pulling out the popcorn to see how it goes this time. (Can you tell I'm a Face the Raven-Heaven Sent-Hell Bent fan)
What Thirteen was really missing was a deeply messed up relationship with Yaz. Where's My Toxic Yuri Chibnall.
What I'm trying to say is: The Doctor is a merciful and compassionate character who tries to do what they think is right, and what they think is right is usually the option that ends with only him getting hurt -- this does not mean that they are good.
And The Doctor and Charley, ohhhh boooooyyyyyyy there's a lot to unpack there that smarter people than me already have but just. Charley accepting death and being grateful to the Doctor for giving her these adventures and actively telling him to shoot her to save the universe. The Doctor refusing to shoot her because he can't accept her dying and choosing to essentially kill himself instead of her. AGhhhhhhhhOuGGGhhhhhhOWwwwwwWWWWWW-
Platonic "I love you"s. Mwah.
The bit where The Doctor tries to send Charley away to a party and hide the truth of the situation from her and she puts her foot down and chooses to go and confront the Time Lords using an old trick he taught her. Queen. Assert your agency. Don't take shit from him.
GOD I LOVE THE ANTI-TIME CONCEPT. I'm just really into ideas about primordial chaos and dream logic and paradoxical identities like "I exist but I never was" or "I am this person but I am also not this person", nom nom nom, I was eating so well this episode.
I also love me an Ancient Horror and Messed Up Rhymes or Chants That Forewarn Their Coming (see Nowhere King from Centaur World) so, again, I was eating SO well this episode.
Love characters who have no identity so they take it from other sources like fiction or the external environment. Delicious.
Moffat, Flux-Chibnall, and RTD-2 wish they were Neverland so bad.
Wait hang on. Could The Frog from "It Takes You Away" be Zagreus? I know the Solitrax is a different thing but it's such a similar concept that I'm just going to make that my personal crack headcannon now. You can't change my mind. There is no alternative. It's just too funny.
Sentris, upon The Doctor running off into the TARDIS and dematerialisting: Agh, just ignore the silly bugger, what could he possibly do now?
The Doctor, rematerialising the TARDIS around the Time Station: WHAT'S UP BIITCHESSSS-
A few minutes later:
Romana: The paradox has been resolved, thank goodness! The Web of Time is fixed, the future continues, and now I shall return to look after Gallifrey! Is there any advice you can give me, Matrix!Rassilon?
Rassilon: No, Romana. You know I cannot speak of the future.
Romana: Yes, of course, that makes perfect sense. And even if there *were* an impending catastrophe, I'm sure you'd warn me of it. Well, goodbye Rassilon! Thank you!
Rassilon: .....Okay boys, she's gone. Drop the Zagreus mixtape.
Charley: Doctor, what's wrong? Have you been injured or something?
Eight: Injured? No. I've not been injured. This TARDIS contained all of the Time Station when it exploded. This ship was filled to bursting with a great mass of the fierciest, fizzing, energy!
Charley: What?! Anti-Time!?
Eight: A crude term for such a matter of life - and death. But now that the breach is resolved, now that the problem of you is resolved, well, all that remains of that stuff in this whole reality is held in here.
Charley: What? In the TARDIS?
Zagreus: *Laughter*, oh, no no no. In here.
Voice of girl whose favourite things include "Strange case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde", "Another Twist", "The Fly" and "Penumbra: Black Plague";
Anyway, girl if your man starts talking in nursery rhymes and his voice becomes distorted that ain't your man that's Zagreus.
In conclusion: They were right. That Doctor sure could Become Zagreus. Wonder what bearing this will have on Hades II. Go listen to the Eighth Doctor's Main Range audios, they're all available on Spotify :gun:
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thenixkat · 9 months
CLIPPING - Nothing Is Safe
[Verse 1] Everyone safe and sound; this how family do Only homies around, everyone here is crew Somethin' foul in the air, somethin' feelin' askew Wind is in the pipes, is that whistle callin' for you? Don't holler; it's cool Windows boarded and sealed, doors are bolted and locked Product cookin' on pace, weaponry fully stocked Bodies sleepin' in shifts, other bodies keep watch Bullets are for anybody caught runnin' up in the spot, the pop, the pop Drop the lights, so drop low, something shot from the trees Went straight through the front door, homie drop to his knees Blood seepin' from his neck, as he struggle to breathe Wooden floors stained wet, gets soft the more that he bleeds, he leaves, believe
[Pre-Chorus] Didn't no one summon what was comin' But it creepin' on a come up Now it's right up in your face Face it, let it resonate up in your bone a minute When you shiver, make a sliver Big enough for it to have a space Ripped life slipping away Maybe you can make it out with just a little bit of grace But it truly doesn't give a fuck about the fear you feelin' It is here to make you understand that nothing is safe
[Chorus] Nothing is, nothing is safe Nothing is sacred Nothing is safe, nothing to pray for, nothing is safe, nothing is Nothing is
[Verse 2] Cut the light and stay low; all is quiet and still Peerin' through the window, starin' over the field Scent of death in the air, nothing out there looks real Close the homie's eyes, now is not the time to be feelin', really load up Furniture to the walls, barricade you inside Lose the lights in the hallways, everyone gon' be fine Phone that no one should call starts to ringin' one time All the homies' eyes slide to it then the walls split from the outside The air rushes in; it's cold as fuck, bullets slappin' like hail, more homies struck down The mission has failed; the wood is split, splintered chandelier falls and smashes hard Glass and steel everywhere in every throat, screams in protest You all are dyin', and really will anyone care? Truth, like death, comes for everyone
[Pre-Chorus] Barely had to summon what was comin' It was creepin' on a come up Now it's right up in your face Face it, let it resonate up in your bone a minute When you shiver, make a sliver Big enough for it to have a space Ripped life slipping away Maybe you can make it out with just a little bit of grace But it truly doesn't give a fuck about the fear you feelin' It is here to make you understand that nothing is safe
[Chorus] Nothing is, nothing is safe Nothing is sacred Nothing is safe, nothing to pray for, nothing is safe Nothing is Nothing is
[Verse 3] Death is comin' for you, but you already knew that Thought the clique up brought you some safety up in this pack But that didn't add up, back up, stand up, strike a pose With your gat up, that's what they like, you suppose They gon' rack up, stack up that stuff that you stole But the fact of status wrapped up in black cold Caskets cannot be ignored; runnin' so fast should had an award Homies got gassed for cash from that score Y'all could have made a dash just after one more So your foot up on the gas and smash 'round the corner Only one man was sent to the coroner Wasn't part of the plan, but damn, the fast foreign Whip was too quick to flip and fast-forward The past smashed every wall, pillar and floorboard Ashes to ashes, dust in the lung Fire now on everything, gasoline been poured Last piece of action 'fore you succumb Just catch a glance of what could have done this Somethin' 'bout how he walks remind you of someone You look and see a gun, a man with no face A golden halo that could be the sun
[Pre-Chorus] Long ago, you summoned what was comin' It was creepin' on a come up Now it's right up in your face Face it, let it resonate up in your bone a minute When you shiver, make a sliver Big enough for it to have a space Ripped life slipping away Maybe you can make it out with just a little bit of grace But it truly doesn't give a fuck about the fear you feelin' It is here to make you understand that nothing is safe
[Chorus] Nothing is, nothing is safe Nothing is sacred Nothing is safe, nothing to pray for, nothing is safe, nothing is Nothing is
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oh-three · 1 year
Ahsoka Ep8:
Idk, I think I might've been wrong about Enoch being a droid.
"Even I fell victim to the heroics of a single Jedi. Never again." You better hope.
Damn, okay, that was cool. Morgan is a true Nightsister now (as if she wasn't before).
Oooh, blade of Talzin.
The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord over here sounding like The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe 🤔
Why did they have to stay with the Noti again?
Ezra and Huyang 😂
I like how Huyang just happened to have a little lightsaber workshop in the ship.
Ohhhh, so, Ahsoka was worried about Sabine ending up like Anakin. Now that makes sense.
Ahsoka & Sabine bonding ❤
"Being a Jedi isn't about wielding a lightsaber." HEY, KANAN SAID THAT.
NO, THEY'RE LEAVING HUYANG. How's Huyang going to connect with purrgil??!?
Oooh, so the Eye of Sion is gonna connect to the Chimaera like a hyperspace ring.
"He woke up the witches". They were WAITING for him???
"Rain hellfire upon them." REBELS FINALE REFERENCE. "There'll be no negotiating with the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker." Coward.
You know things're getting real when Sabine's put the helmet on.
Holy shit, Ezra and Sabine almost got crushed into oblivion.
Thrawn being ominous. I wanna see this.
So, these stormtroopers were told they were gonna die, be brought back as zombies, and were OKAY with it? Damn, they've got guts. Fucking awesome btw.
"What's you excuse?" Lmao. Exile, maybe? Just a guess.
Thrawn telling Morgan to stay behind to buy time. I'm kinda surprised she's okay with it ngl.
Ezra hearing the zombies and saying "fuck this have some more door".
Oh my god. I just realized. Ahsoka is gonna get left behind because she stayed back to keep Morgan away.
Oh, Morgan's voice echoes now too.
Ezra over here impersonating stormtroopers like the old days.
Yeah, please don't forget the helmet, Sabine.
I thought for sure they were getting left behind 😭
Watch Ahsoka catch up to Thrawn because he's making a speech.
"Today victory is mine."
Wait until Thrawn finds out Ezra managed to tag along again Lmfao.
Omg, I totally forgot about Shin and Baylan.
Oooh, Shin and her marauder tribe. I can imagine her having a clan-war (in a sense) with Ahsoka, Sabine, and the Noti.
Hey, maybe the caskets are just stasis chambers.
"Hi, Hera. I'm home." 😭
Dude, he's gonna have to tell her that Ahsoka and Sabine didn't make it. 😭
OG Ahsoka theme ❤
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easypeasylindyvesey · 4 months
I Think it’s Strange We Never Knew: Jimmy Vesey x fem!OC
Summary: After the unforeseen death of Abby’s boyfriend, one of the NHL’s star defenseman and her teammate, she severely struggles with managing her grief. She confides in Jimmy Vesey, who is not only another teammate of hers, but is one of the very few people she has a strong friendship with. That is until that night and the days that followed. Does this life-altering news change the trajectory of their personal perceptions of each other? Or does it entail a chance of crossing boundaries for the risk of moving on?
Word Count (excluding title and heading): 34,491 (whoops)
*(General) Warnings: (foul) language, mentions/discussion of death, suicide attempt (brief, closed door description), eventual confession of feelings, grief, panic attack(s), angst, eventual sexual implications but no smut, age gap
*Note: This story takes place in the future. Abby is 24-25 and Jimmy is 33-35.
APRIL 2027- part 1 (warnings: mention/discussions of death, grief, panic attack, angst, (foul) language)
Burnsville, Minnesota is a beautiful city. So much architecture, so many buildings, there’s literally everything you could have ever imagined. It’s only 15 miles from Minneapolis, so there’s even a greater opportunity to explore the sights. Only I wasn’t here for that.
I stand in front of the hotel mirror in my black halter top and black dress, with my black shoes, and my black purse, and my black, charred heart. Today is Ryan’s wake, and tomorrow is the funeral. His family wanted to wait until the season ended to arrange services so there would be more availability. The flight here did not feel real in any circumstance. God, I wish I could’ve boarded that plane with better reason.
I’ve been to my fair share of wakes and funerals. Actually, that’s a lie. Probably only 2 each. It’s because I’ve never experienced that much death in my life, that much mourning. Not until today. I mean, what are you supposed to converse about with people besides the dead body in front of you? Oh, I forgot. Ryan will be in an open casket. That just makes me even more terrified. I know that reaction is not going to go over well. Luckily, the wake is going to be broken up into groups of people so that the room is not completely bombarded, with family and close friends given the first look.
I never mentioned how terrible my sleep schedule has been these past few weeks. I’m going to bed around midnight, some nights close to 3:00AM, because all I can think about is him. His laugh. His voice. His hands and how they’d gently interlock with mine or hold my face. His continuous yet ridiculous rants. Fucking everything about him. I still can’t shake it. It doesn’t help that I’m living with another man.
Living with Jimmy has not been incredibly challenging. We don’t tend to speak much throughout the day. He knows I want to stay grounded in my solitude, but he always says he’s here if I need him. The sentiment is appreciated, but he needs to stop thinking I’m gonna fall apart in one motion. That already happened. It’s just disintegrating a lot slower than I thought it would. I pass the time by sitting out on the private balcony in my room. Listening to the city sounds somewhat helps, and I can get some fresh air. Maybe look for him in the sky. I haven’t found an earthly sign that he’s trying to communicate with me yet, but I’ll be damned to find one.
The car ride to the wake can be described using my favorite word: quiet. The two of us are sitting in the front of a rental Mercedes Benz, and I gotta say that this car is incredibly sleek. The seats are comfortable, there’s a lot of space, and it’s fast. It’s really cool, to be honest with you. Jimmy’s driving, again, because when does he not in this case? I don’t think he seems to mind it. He’s wearing a light blue button down and black dress pants with matching shoes. He’s gently holding onto the wheel as if he makes too abrupt of a movement, he’s gonna ruin the car somehow. Another thing that I can finally enjoy about the silence is that he’s stopped giving me those secret glances. I think he’s taken the long-awaited hint. For a man with a Harvard degree, you’d think he’d pick up on it faster.
We pull into the funeral home parking lot and back in to a reserved spot. The car gets put in park and Jimmy leans back in his seat, unbuckling his seatbelt before letting out a quick sigh. I see him look up at the moonroof and then back down at the wheel. I shift in my seat to look at him. His face is flushed and his right hand is shaking in its place on the overhead compartment.
“What is it?” I say quietly. I don’t want to freak him out. I already know he is.
He lets out another sigh, only this time it’s ragged. “It’s just a lot,” he breathes.
Now it’s my turn to give him my best puppy dog eyes. “I know,” I reply. “We can stay here for a few minutes. It doesn’t officially start till 1 anyway.”
“Y-Yeah, yeah, that’d be good,” he says, reaching into the cupholder to retrieve his water. I watch him open the cap and swallow 4 times before putting it back on. He’s nervous. But he’s acted so calm prior.
I stare out the main window. It’s been drizzling on and off so far today. I guess Mother Nature really wants to bring the appropriate weather on this type of occasion. At least it’s not pouring, or thundering, or anything like that. I would hate for the sky to have a meltdown today. I’d rather have it come in waves. Slow progression can still anticipate the worst.
I notice strangers making their way into the entrance of the funeral home. That’s when it starts to feel real. They don’t look familiar to me in any way. For all I know, they’re friends and extended family of Ryan’s that I never got the chance to meet, though he talked about them to no end. It was nice being able to hear about people in his life. I guess they meant a lot to him too.
I hear the engine turn off before Jimmy lightly taps my elbow, causing me to flinch. “Sorry,” he says in some form of a hushed whisper.
“It’s okay,” I mutter.
“You ready to go?” he responds.
“Not really,” I reply, “but I don’t think I’ll ever be.”
Jimmy opens up the drivers side door, so I take it as a sign to open up mine. I shut it behind me and he locks the Benz before we walk across the parking lot. The chill in the air did not help my nerves. In fact, it only made my heart feel colder. Currently, there’s no light that would bring it back to life.
He opens the door and lets me go in front of him before shutting it. We make our way to the reception area where we sign in. We’re gestured to a smaller room, I guess to wait in, before we actually go see Ryan. With the exception of Ryan’s family, they’ve only limited 8 guests at a time with 20-25 minute intervals. Given how many doors were closed, we’d be waiting a little while.
Of course the room we walked into was where the team stood, Lavi, the rest of the coaching staff, the equipment manager, everybody. I gotta say, they did a good job at organizing who goes in each room. I would rather be in a room full of familiarity than mystery.
My heart wrenches seeing the team. I haven’t seen them since my birthday celebration. I never ended up going to the mandatory team meetings, never responded in the group chat, never reached out individually. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. But now I’m faced with those incorrect choices when they all stop and look at me.
“Hi,” I say meekly. “It’s, uh, it’s good to see all of you. Sorry I haven’t contacted any of you until now.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Lavi replies. “We’re just glad everyone’s here together.”
I nod. “Yeah, uh, me too. Do we know how long until we go in?”
“There’s three rooms of Ryan’s friends and family ahead of us, so I’d say about an hour,” Chris says. “We tried getting in one of those rooms, but I guess they’re putting family first.”
I scoff. “We’re his family,” I mutter. “Bullshit.”
I make my way to an unoccupied chair over near the bar area and sit down to rest my already aching feet. I gotta say the rooms were set up really nicely. There were couches and chairs and a mini TV with a little fridge. It was spacious, but with everyone crammed in this room, I felt claustrophobic. I take a deep breath to control my bubbling frustration.
Quickly, everyone forms little groups to converse with. Yet, here I am on the outside looking in. I don’t think they’re avoiding me intently, more just giving me space. Again, I respect it, but it’s not like I’m gonna throw a hissy fit in this very moment. Or maybe it’s because they’ll know I won’t want to talk. So I pass the time fidgeting with my bracelet. Yeah, I chose to wear it. I guess I can see the ‘R’ as a reminder that he’ll always be linked to me in some sort of way, even if it’s no longer physical.
I watch Jimmy caught up in a conversation with Vinny and Laffy. He seems a lot more relaxed now. His face has returned to a normal color and his hands stopped shaking. Instead, they’re just swaying at his sides. I notice his watch reflect onto the ceiling light. He cracks that tight-lipped smile. It’s crooked, and it’s awkward, but it’s what makes him, well, him. It eases me to know he doesn’t feel restricted the way he did a little bit ago. He doesn’t have anything to release his anxiety, but for all I know, it’s pent-up inside getting ready to burst at any given moment. Jimmy’s always been calm, cool, and collected. There are times where I’ve seen him visibly frustrated and have a little bit of an attitude, but it would last for a short time before he returned to being even-tempered. He’s not the type of guy to yell and raise his voice when he’s upset. You can talk about anything with him and he’ll always listen before responding. He barely interrupts when someone talks and is always looking for a way to help if the person wants it. Sometimes, I really want to pick at his brain, wonder what he thinks, wonder what his true perceptions are of someone. He’s got the words, he’s got the awareness, and he’s got the right way on how to deliver the message. However, I can’t help but think if he has one person that he’s able to talk to about anything and everything. Given the current reality, I’m afraid he’s suppressing himself so that he can be there for others. All I know is that I would not want to be there when, and if, he blows up. I’d be scared.
I keep my distance from him for now. He seems content. I don’t want to disturb it. I feel that I’ve disturbed his life already anyway.
I stand up from the chair and make my way to a more comfortable looking seat, AKA the couch. It’s white with gold specs. It’s really fancy for a funeral home, I must say. I’m afraid to even scuff it up with my shoes, so I refrain from crossing my legs. I just sit there like a frozen statue, waiting for one of my worst nightmares to come true.
Thirty minutes have passed, and conversation is still flowing with the occasional light laughs and quick transition in topics. I’m staring at the door now, waiting for him to walk in, tell everyone it was all a trick and he faked everybody out. I’ll kill him myself before he’d even get the chance to admit it.
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crowcaws · 5 months
Real. Metal band recs?
My current favourite is Polaris, they're from NSW. Ryan Siew was one of the best guitarists of our generation I'm so serious, I'm gutted I never got to see him live. He may not be the vocalist but he truly sings nonetheless. Favourites include The Remedy, Martyr, Relapse, Masochist, Aftertouch, Inhumane. I'm seeing them again in July and I'm so excited.
Alien Weaponry I must recommend because how often do you hear thrash in te reo Māori. They're a lesser known band so could really use some listens
If you want to hear women making sounds that make people go "wait that's her doing that?" Spiritbox and Jinjer are your go-tos. Courtney LaPlante is a siren for real. She's not just one of the best female vocalists in metal, she's one of the best vocalists out there, across any genre and any gender, period. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone else with her range. Circle with Me, Blessed Be and Shivering are good places to start.
I actually recommended this band earlier today but Landmvrks is a metalcore band, their vocalist has a really unique sound I quite like, though it may not be for everyone. They're French and something I always appreciate is when a vocalist's real accent comes through. His tone can be more high pitched and screechy than metal vocalists usually aim for, but it definitely stands out and kinda gives a punkish twist to their sound. Creature is my favourite song by them, however if you were ever a pop punk enjoyer I highly recommend their recent cover of Fat Lip, it fucks.
If you want something heavier than metalcore, Sepultura rule. They're from Brazil, I actually saw them live kinda by accident while waiting for While She Sleeps to come on at Good Things last year, their frontman seemed like the chillest dude and was so grateful to the crowd idk I just think they're neat. They're an older band, like 80s/90s so they have a more classic style. Very cool.
Slaughter to Prevail obviously gets a rec because, I cannot stress this enough, you know how you can roll Rs? Alex uses that technique to scream in the song Viking. Again I saw them by accident at Good Things while waiting for WSS but I was further back/trying to fight my way in and didn't know them at the time. Sad.
While She Sleeps are an English band, funnily enough I only have one liked song (doesn't mean much I just listen to the albums when I want to) which is Division Street, a very down tempo song but there is just something about it yk.
I'm going to stop typing paragraphs for each one because I realised I have so many so here are some more to check out: Currents (check out Monsters and Let Me Leave), The Hu (AKA the Jedi Cal Kestis' favourite band, features throat singing and Mongolian folk elements), Caskets (Lost in Echoes), I Prevail (check out Gasoline, Body Bag, I saw the lead frontman do a shoey out of a prosthetic leg at Good Things which isn't relevant but is the best thing I've ever seen), Architects my beloved (listen to Animals, Tear Gas, Deepfake) and finally Dream Widow, which is a band/thrash metal album created by Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters for the movie Studio 666 and it kinda fucks actually
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if you can’t understand the dangers of what can happen when someone’s outed you shouldn’t talk about queer topics like an authority on them. like I’m not sorry. this is just basic fact. if you cannot grasp the inherent risk in being publicly gay or trans you need to shut up. I’m incredibly lucky to have supportive parents and have grown up in a community that was generally okay with it and at least not violent, but the thing is, I’m not an idiot so I understand that other people are literally being killed for being queer.
don’t fucking out people.
even if somebody seems nice or they’re chill to you because plenty of people seem normal and cool until they’re spewing hate speech or telling people who will. even if you have to misgender someone to avoid outing them. if they are not out to somebody else and did not give you permission to tell someone, and you tell someone, it better be a medical professional in an emergency where they need medical attention and can’t say it themselves because literally why the fuck else would you out someone? why? for woke points, so you can say you’re such an ally?
being brave is not the biggest thing, being alive is. safety first. being in the closet sounds more comfortable than a casket. especially for minors.
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narrators-journal · 1 year
part 4
Okay, so the next part is a very heavily, basically remade, chapter, so I'm gonna warn you now that it might be a bit late and a little less polished. Kinda like this chapter is a little rougher than the others, but it's at least not a massive change like the next one lol. I hope you enjoy it regardless tho!
CW: Monsterfucking, groping or heavy petting, another example of my weird streak of blue-balling Ryomina lololol. It's just a spicier chapter tho.
Previous part: here
Next part: Here
TOC: Here
I should apologize. Was the primary thought running circles through Minato's head as he stood under the cold rainfall and let the shower cool the desire in his blood.
How should I apologize though? Suck his dick? He mused when he finally stepped out to dry off. Continuing to think, Though, maybe sex isn't a good apology. He might not be as much of a whore as I am. While pulling the only article of clothing he had on hand back over his head and padded back to his bed. Only for finding sleep to be far more challenging than it had been that morning.
That same siren call that had almost been inescapable the past few days had left him without even a note to remember it by. Leaving the shaggy-haired sacrifice to simmer in the lingering flames of his desire. With only the conspiratorial whispers of, How big is he, though? Ryoji seems like he'd be pretty well hung. Would he bottom if we fucked? Would we cuddle after? to keep him company until he redirected himself away from those topics.
      "I need to stop this shit." He muttered, the sound of his voice seeming to silence his thoughts while he lay with his arm over his eyes. "I only have, like, four days here before I'm completely at Thanatos' mercy. I can't afford to go wading into someone else's sexual awakening. I need to..." His voice petered out before he could even finish thinking the words.
Need to what? What is there for me to need? My casket? He asked himself, his voice falling as silent as the thoughts in his head at the question. Would it be bad to stay here? I don't suppose it's exactly normal to let a god whisk you off to wherever he pleases. He mused, even though the rational point didn't seem to penetrate deeper than the surface. Even with the risk of that unknown place being his death, the anxiety it stirred up was little more than the flicker of a faulty lighter in his gut.
The more uncomfortable thoughts came instead from his earlier musings. The god of death apparently wants me happy. That's what Ryoji said, and if that's true then whatever comes after this place isn't bad. A fair point. But, sticking around here would mean Ryoji would be hovering around more. A far more melancholy point, torn between disgusting the sacrifice and...comforting? Exciting him? He couldn't tell. Either way it leaned though, the feeling was further enhanced by the stone dropped next. What other options do I have?
And it just sat there in his gut. A heavy, souring thought that extinguished whatever weak sparks that broken lighter could ignite in him. Where else could Minato go? For the last eight years of his childhood, he'd had his extended family to house him, but the thought of returning to that town was too big of a deterrent for even his kindest relatives' mercies to soothe. Where did that leave him? The option to stay put until he was likely sent into the afterlife, or homeless, jobless, and lost in a new place. So, by that reality, he would be stupid to go running off.
So, Minato sighed, pressing his arm into his eyes as if that could quiet the debate. Ryoji's not even that big of an issue. He told himself, It's his job to keep me here and to keep me happy. He feels nothing for me, I feel nothing for him, and it can stay like that. And, with a decisive turn onto his side, the boy put the topic to bed. He'd stay and see how things play out.
Minato only realized he'd fallen asleep when he felt someone's hand ghost over his hip. The odd feeling fishing him out of the dreamless dark and back into a hazy, silver-lit version of his room.
Yet, as the sacrifice woke up, he could recognize that haze as his bed's curtains drawn closed, and the silver glow of his room due to the gentle light of the moon taking the place of the sun's.
        "Ryoji?..." He mumbled into the empty air. Looking around for the god's assistant in the assumption that he'd taken him up on his earlier offer. Only to find that his night-drenched room was empty outside of himself. Not even a figure in the bed beside him to explain the sensation.
So, chocking it up to something he'd dreamt up, Minato laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. Only for his eyes to fly open at the vivid feeling of someone's hand skimming over his ankle and up his leg. Going until it slid beneath the edge of his skirt to stop at his hip.
      "Thanatos?" He tried, doing his best to look down at the foot of the bed without moving too much. But, that didn't matter because all he found was empty darkness at his feet.
Yet, the lack of an explanation didn't erase the lingering warmth of a spectral hand on his hip. Something was definitely in the bed with him.
        "Thanatos, is that you or not?" He asked, doing his best to push through the haze of exhilaration to try and be firm. But, the only answer he got was a hand stroking his cheek before gently moving the sacrifice onto his back.
Shouldn't I be concerned about this? Minato asked himself. Looking up at the roof as he let the assumed god's invisible fingers explore his body. The gentle touches to his thighs and hips stirring up those sparks he'd tamped out earlier. No. This is okay. He told himself, letting out a shakey breath as he thought.
Relaxing into the deity's touch, Minato closed his eyes and tried to track Thanatos' hands on his skin. Moving as if his plain dress wasn't there. Following them down his thighs to his knees, only to trail their way back up to his hips. Where they toyed with the waistband of his boxers, but didn't remove the annoying barrier. Instead, the nimble fingers of the god only dipped beneath the elastic. the gentle sting of his claws against Minato's skin making the sacrifice shudder before Thanatos moved on to skimming over the man's abdominals and up his ribs. Deliberate and slow in their movements.
Would it be rude to snap at a god to hurry up? Minato mused as he simmered in the gently building soup of need and thrill. If it's not Ryoji, then probably. As a sacrifice, I guess I'm expected to be submissive in this situation. The thought blurred by the bolt of heat that shot through Minato's core. A heat sent off by the simple feeling of tentative fingers gliding over his erection. If this IS Ryoji though, snapping at him would likely scare him off again. Either way, it's best to keep my mouth shut. He finished. The logic more than rushed under the desperation that single touch stirred up. Yet, a lot of reasoning was shoved aside in favor of trapping Thanatos' hand against his erection.
Yet, much to Minato's disappointment, Thanatos' warm touches were quick to fade. Stranding the sacrifice in a wildfire of needs despite the aggressive consent he was giving.
       "Oh fuck you!" He snarled into the empty shadows. His grey eyes opening to glare around in the darkness, but his only answer was a whisper of laughter that only stoked that frustration higher.
So, partly out of spite, and partly out of some urge to lure his god back, the sacrifice sighed and slid his own hand beneath his skirt to give himself that last push of friction and heat. Even if the flood of euphoria did little to scratch the deeper itch.
Jesus, has it actually been that long since I've gotten off? Minato asked, lifting his hand to look at the mess of warm goo that had splattered onto him before getting up to wash. God it has. He realized I can't remember the last time I willingly socialized with someone, so it's been a hot while since I've screwed someone. Which, stoked the embers of irritation in his gut.
With the heat of lust mixing with irritation beneath his skin, sleep was a futile pursuit. So, the midnight-haired man instead went downstairs to the kitchen. Standing before the stove like a zombie, watching his sandwich cook by the time he heard Ryoji sit at the island.
        "So, uh...have you slept at all?" He asked, Minato not needing to see the pink hue on the man's cheeks to hear the awkwardness in his words.       "Thanatos is a fucking prick."
Silence. Nothing but the sizzle of Minato's sandwich in the pan between them.
      "Uh, out of curiosity, how is Thanatos a prick? Because you're not allowed to go outside without me?" The brunette finally asked, breaking the silence while the sacrifice flipped his sandwich.
      "No, not for that. It's just that..." He sighed, mulling over how to phrase it to not make Ryoji squirm. "If I'm supposed to be his spouse and not you, Thanatos is an asshole." And Ryoji cackled at that. The sound making the shaggy-haired male jump with how sudden and ugly it was.
       "The god of death is an asshole spouse? H-how?" The brunette asked, biting back more giggles before his mirth abruptly dropped. "Oh god, is he abusive? If he is, I am so fucking sorry for laughing..."
       "If you thought he was abusive, why did you laugh?" Minato asked, looking over his shoulder at the brunette with a raised eyebrow and a dry voice. Seeing the way Ryoji wilted,
      "I'm sorry, that was rude. I thought of a joke that I was laughing at before the abuse thought came up, y'know? Does that make sense?" And Minato sighed, turning back to plate his food.
       "You're fine, Ryoji. And no, Thanatos hasn't abused me."
With that, Minato moved to sit at the island across from Ryoji. Neither acknowledging the elephant in the room while the boy ate and the brunette studied the dark marble of the countertop.
       "so, uh, there any constructive criticism you want me to pass on? Because, as his helper, I have that power." He offered to break the silence once more, which made the man snort.
      "You're a pussy and you need to fuck me or not. Enough of the touch-and-go shit." Minato told him bluntly. Biting into his sandwich as he watched Ryoji blink at him.
      "Hold on, I'm lost. Are you generally calling me a pussy, or are you implying I'm somehow Thanatos, and thus an asshole of a husband to you?" He finally asked, giving a breath of a laugh that he caught before it could escalate.
      "Both?! First, I'm not going to apologize for not knowing how to go about having sex with a man." The assistant began, making Minato snort, "Second, if I was Thanatos, why would I pretend to be a normal ass person? You'd be unable to stop whatever I do, I'd have zero reason to lie to you."
      "I mean, it being a part of some sick game is the explanation I've been going with. And also, gay sex is worlds easier than hetero sex, so what's confusing there?" Ryoji let his head hang back. Staring at the ceiling while letting Minato's counter sink in. All while the blue-haired emo chomped through his sandwich to hide his grin.
       "Funeral lily," Ryoji finally sighed. Lowering his gaze to look at the man as he continued, "If I told you, right now, that I was Thanatos, what would you even do? Be honest." Minato shrugged at the question,       "I've called you a pussy to your face. I don't fear death." Adding, "Also, you aren't exactly an intimidating figure, so forgive me for not cowering."       "First, ow. Second, how the hell do you not fear death? Everything fears dying! Hell, even I fear death and I'm his assistant!" Again, all Minato did was shrug. Opting out of explaining his sordid past in favor of explaining,       "I just don't." As if that was a satisfying answer. So, Ryoji changed the topic.       "Why do you think you're meant to be his spouse, anyway? Not that I would blame him for taking you as a bride, but the risk of necrophilia would be a bit of a turn-off for you. Or, at least, I'd hope." And while the attempt at a joke made Minato's eyes roll, he did at least explain that time.        "I mean, what other reasons would a god take a sacrifice for? if I was dinner, I'd be eaten already, and he has you for a dog. So, if I'm not here to play 'wife', why am I here?"        "Garden fertilizer."        "It's fucking winter, you dumbass." Regardless of his snap, Ryoji still giggled.
Though, when he finally got his dark amusement under control, he was back to his questions.        "What even brought this on? Like, you cooking at 4 am and declaring Thanatos an asshole, not the sacrifice stuff." He asked, and once again, Minato had to think of whether Ryoji would get uncomfortable if he told him the entire truth. He deserves to be fucked with. As payment for making me laugh, the bastard. So, he answered with,          "Thanatos paid me a visit." Vague enough to bring an annoyed glint to those pools of blue. Good.          "Oh, that's rather new. He usually doesn't come to see the sacrifices until he collects them." Was Ryoji's counter. As if he knew that would stir up disgusting butterflies and a zip of childish 'I'm special' excitement. "You must've piqued his interest somehow."
Minato stood up, leaving his sandwich half eaten on the island as he marched out in an almost offended huff. I pique the god of death's interest, fucking great. He internally grumbled, the words stinging him like a cross would a vampire.
Though, the possibility of earning more time to live did do more for the shaggy-haired sacrifice than turn his stomach. It also chose Minato's course of action in the time it took for him to leave Ryoji's line of sight on his path back to his room. If I'm not taken to whatever afterlife is waiting for me in four days, I'm getting the hell out of here.
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goth-oatmilk-latte · 8 months
Most unexpected part about working as a mortician?
(sounds like a v cool job, how does one even get into the profession?)
honestly how unhinged people are. and not even like grief stricken unhinged bc thats fine, but just like them in general. but i literally had a woman once tell me i ruined the entire funeral bc she couldnt hear me...bc her hearing aid wasnt working. ive had full on physical altercations at funerals too 💀🤡
also people having zero regard for deadlines or other people in general. had a familys loved one die the wednesday before thanksgiving and then tell me they HAD to have the funeral that friday bc they were leaving for a cruise saturday so anything else would be horribly inconvenient and unfair **FOR THEM** as if i didnt have to order a casket,embalm, and have programs made in like 4 hrs bc we were closed for the holiday...and then the lady had the audacity to try and complain bc i told her no for a lot of things bc we simply didn't have time and she asked why we werent coming in on thanksgiving "bc yall should be working anyway" like bitch????
also how quickly people will try and threaten you with a lawsuit over their own stupidity. to date ive had people threaten to sue me over: a teddy bear, biohazard clothing, them trying to commit insurance fraud against me (fucking lol???), them being unwilling to provide me with proper documentation to change something on a death cert, them being mad at the date of death on the death cert (i actually dont even dictate that the authorizing physician or coroner does), and much more.
also to get into it check your state/country's guidelines. some places dont require anything but on the job training, some states require 2 year degrees and apprenticeship, some require a 4 year degree and apprenticeship, etc. it is somewhat difficult to get an apprenticeship bc most licensed directors dont want the liability and also bc an apprentice requires a license on all occasions so it takes away two people. your best bet honestly is to find a large corporate firm because theres usually more room than a family owned firm. more employees means they can delegate away for the apprentice and it isnt as stressful as a mom and pop firm that has maybe 2 people.
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olli-online · 1 year
make a post with all your yj thoughts on characters/plots arc and theories before you start s2 <3
HI I JUST FINISHED IM ......oh wow
okay im not a theories person i couldnt come up with something even if u held a gun to my head 😭😭 and even if i could it would make no sense and sound ridiculous. but okay ill start with characters, lottie and taissa are my favs 100% ESPECIALLY AFTER THAT ENDING WITH LOTTIE ????? oh im so excited to see where this is going in s2 i need to see this shit go to 100 dude and TAISSA??? the whole thing with her sleepwalking is crazyy, when i tell u shes become the main inspo for my new oc. i imagine its gonna be tenfold in s2. the way jackie and laura lee died are both so ?? 💀 im sorry laura lees death just made me laugh and jackies.... this girl just stood infront of propellers of a slow ass plane so ig it makes sense she'd just die in the cold out of spite, also where tf is javi is he just dead now too cause they just didnt show where travis and nat ended up. my thoughts are all over the place but im real excited for s2 i LOVE winter scenes and for them to be fucked up?? ohhhhhh blood on snow <3 im just really excited to see more of lottie her character is really fucking interesting every scene that focuses on her is balls to the wall dude. ALSO VAN HAS BEEN PUT THRU THE WRINGER 😭 she was almost left on the plane to die, got her face ripped off by a wolf, got SET ON FIRE??? i dont understand what was happening there i really dont. also shauna is real cool tbh when she was abt to slit travis' throat that was crazy AND MISTY OH MISTY...shes actually nuts im obsessed with her i need the full script for every episode just so i can see all the stuff from her scenes im dead serious. the way she perfectly helped clean up the murder and put adams head in the damn casket oh shes dangerously smart i fear. nat....like i told river shes just like mandy from shameless to me and that is incredibly near and dear to my heart as a mandy apologist. shes been thru hell and back even before getting on that plane dude its actually so sad :( this is all just ramblings and very long so ill leave it there all in all that was incredible and im hooked i will start s2 tomorrow hopefully AAAA i cant wait
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oh wait. one last thing. i actually do have one theory except its just canon and real
this is a trans man
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ladycreatrix · 1 year
Graveyard Set Up
(@whumpster-dumpster Thank you for the prompt. These are my OCs, so despite me believing that no one will, I have to ask that no on use them. Thank you.)
Tumblr prompt: Grave robber digs up the wrong patch and discovers someone who's been buried alive.
Zane wiped both his sandy hair and the sweat away from his face. The cool dry air of the desert night felt refreshing as he dauntingly climbed out of the exhumed grave. Tossing the shovel to the side, Zane looked to his scrawny business partner. "Your turn, Freddy".
The copper haired man looked over to the other with excited pewter eyes. Grabbing a weathered medical bag, Freddy rushed past Zane and to the edge of the hole, "so what exactly am I taking off of the old bastard?"
"I need the right arm, right leg and head of this man," Zane panted, sitting on the ground to catch his breath. Pulling out his small journal, Zane read the contents aloud. "The head already has a buyer. A necromancer I think. And I need the limbs for something I'm working on".
With a simple nod, Freddy hopped into the grave with thud.
Zane took a minute to gather himself before taking on his next task as the lookout. Slightly cursing himself for picking poorly during their coin flip. Rules are rules, he thought. This was how the job was with a partner. Ever since Freddy joined with him in his more shady endeavors, Zane had been getting more done. Grave robbing was already hard work, but having an assistant that was actually intelligent and can carry his own weight was a relief. 
They decided flipping a coin was the fairest way to split the work. One would dig and fill the grave back up and stand watch for the guards while the other took what they needed from the grave and stood watch while the other dug. Given that there was someone always on watch, both Zane and Freddy agreed that the work was evenly spread. 
The familiar sound of the casket giving way drew Zane from his thoughts and the unexpected gasp made him jump to immediate panic. He rushed to the grave to see Freddy standing over the open casket.
"There's a woman in here!" Freddy panic whispered. "And she is still breathing! Fucking all-mother, she's alive!"
Zane peered around Freddy to see a young dark haired woman curled up in the casket. Her bloodied fingers matching the claw marks on the inside of the shredded cloth lid. Her breathing was shallow and uneven. Much longer in the grave and she would have met her end Zane guessed. The sound of clanking armor and hastened footsteps sent Zane's panic into overdrive. The guards should be making their rounds in another thirty minutes, not now. Unless…
"Freddy grab the girl and let's go! We've been set up!"
"Why should we take her? It's kidnapping!"
"If we get caught with her here, it's attempted murder! If she comes with us, we can ask her who would want to put her in some old man's grave. Probably the same people who wanted us to dig this old man up".
Freddy shrugged, not arguing with that logic. Together, both men hoisted the unconscious woman out of the grave and the three escaped capture. 
Zane always assumed that he and Freddy were going to make enemies, but being set up was completely different. 
The men got back to their home safely and Zane started to care for the woman. Between his medical history and Freddy's help, they were able to mend the woman's injured hands. Her breathing and complexion improved by morning, all they had to do was wait for her to wake. 
Freddy and Zane had so many questions. Hopefully their new house guest was willing or able to answer them.
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I've seen Motionless live many times, and I definitely love their vibe. They really put on a show. You would NOT be disappointed at all. I promise you. Heres some song recs if you're interested.
Motionless song recs:
"</c0de>", "Rats", "Eternally Yours" (watch the mv for this, you will not be disappointed), "Headache" , "Sign of Life" , and "Cause of Death". There's so many more, but those a great place to start. I love Chris Motionless. I have a funny story about one Warped Tour which was my first one with my sister and omfg. If you wanna hear it let me know. It's so funny to me now lmfao.
I love Amity but I know they're not for everyone. I know the lead singer, we talked a few times. 🤭But, listen to their song "I Bring The Weather With Me" and "Drag the Lake" . Those are two of my favorites of all time.
BESTIE I LOVE THOSE SHIRTS!!!!! OH MY GOD! I will never NOT be astounded by the shit people can make. I'm so not creative. My sister is a fucking Martha Stewart ass bitch who can make anything. It's so crazy to me the things people can create 😭😭😭 THE GUCCI ONE! YASSSSS GAGA!!!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
wait ARE YOU EXTROVERTED TOO?!!?! SHUT UP I am always so afraid that I'm "too much" too soon and i'm like GOD I HAVE DONE IT AGAIN. 😭😭😭😭😭 LIKE NOW, I'M LIKE OMFG THIS IS TOO MUCH SHUT UP BITCH. lmfaoooooooooo
dang you really pr-ed motionless in white to me AHAHA ok anyway have a love letter <3
: i like it lyrically, reminds me of in the end by black veil brides because of the melodic progression in the chorus, i like the feel alone part by 3:17 and the lets get this fire started by 3:27. i like the end part too.
Rats: the beginning synths sounds like something i'd do on my digital audio workstation where i make music lol. i like this more than the first one because there are more musical elements. i also like the ending of this one
Eternally Yours: from the intro i immediately i knew i was gonna like this one. the chorus is so emo HAHHAHHHAH love that for them AHHAAHAH. ok i forgot to watch the mv imm a watch it now. immediate thought their drummer is hot T_T RIP at this point i have no idea if i actually find drummers attractive if theyre attractive or if they're drummers (i have a thing for drummers) T_T 3:05 🧍‍♀️ is that the lead guy in the bun??? that must be why his bob is so thin thought he wa going bald T_T HAHA. so they just boutta get freaky in a casket. //: ok. if he doesnt want me in my casket then i dont want him. random addition: i pressed another vid after, angel eyes by new years day ITS COOL AND HOT TOO LOL
Headache: i like this one too because of the .... chromatic scale (it goes up half a note). wAIT I REALLY LIKE THIS. i like this the most i think
Sign of Life: this one is good. ngl the emo pronunciation T_T had i not seen the lyrics i would have sorely misunderstood
Cause of Death: interesting beginning. WE LOVE HALFTIME. i love all the parts that was got faster. also the cinematic part with the violin slay. i like the lyrics too!! i think i like this album too
I Bring The Weather With Me cHURCH BELLS AND RAIN WE LOVE FOLEY omg the intro is that an organ>??? slay i love the scream with the background vocals. i like THIS SONG TOO!!! i like the final ill sleep with the stars then silence. THEN TH ENDING WITH THE BELLLS SLAAAYY
Drag the Lake: i like this one too but in like a .... its a rock song kind of way AHHAHAHAHAH lsafhl'ashfasf i like the part were its soft with piano and atmosphere then it get heavier.
im glad you like my shirts!!!! im really excited to make the other ones. my mom likes them too, which is a great indication cos my mom has high standards and doesnt like a lot of things that i do because it's neophyte or basic. i was surprised that she really liked the gucci one and said she would pay for it cos she doesnt like adam driver 💀💀💀 the slander this man has gotten from my mother T_T she said she didnt like the font of the daemon one and i was like ok and? HAHAH LOL.
im not sure why you used martha stewart as an example, is it because martha's a cook and your sister cooks too, or that martha is an all around entrepreneur and so is your sis, but either way, slay for your sister.
i dont think im extraverted T_T im more of an extraverted introvert, or a learned/forced extrovert. i used to be really quiet but then i would be alone T_T and i dont like being alone, so i kind of forced myself to be more outgoing. also, idk, i think about my place in the world like... nothing really matters so i just do what i want LOL and i mention this because i talked to someone on the train just cuz. thats more on impulse than extraversion methinks.
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evilmagician430 · 2 years
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u know what fuck it *posts my venturiantale warrior cats*
uh this is just the acachalla immediate family + maddie though i will post the pie cats when i've drawn all of them
i fucking LOVE designing warriorcats with stupid design motifs and shit and i love turning characters that already exist from something i like into the type of character in something else i like. this is one of those things in life that keep me relatively sane
blazestar is the clan leader but her warrior name was blazepool ^_^ i only mention this because when i came up with her name i thought it was soo pretty then i remembered if shes the clan leader she has 2 have the suffix -star. so the nice name i came up with went out teh window entirely. she became clan leader after the former leader and his deputy DIED in the same night due to a mysterious incident. nobody rlly cared though rip bozos. time 4 milf power. the medicine cat literally had a vision about how blazepool needs 2 be the new clan leader. thats how they decided so suddenly after that night in... garry'sclan...
missingfur is literally an old man he needs to stop killing people over territory boundaries but he doesnt have any other pastimes since he doesnt have any good stories or even ticks
pigeonfoot is the medicine cat and hes billy if you cant tell. i think all my designs r pretty obvious though so whatever. he knows everything awful that is going on but hes so dumn he forgets it instantly after starclan tells him. he caused a girl 2 spiral into insanity entirely on accident. he so cute i put little stars in his eyes because i thought that would be a fun idea for medcats 2 have stars in their eyes like how leaders r sometimes drawn with a star on their chest or forehead (like i did w blazestar..) i legit based his fur patterning and stuff off of a pigeon because again. cuteness points. the vm influence is deep under my skin like scarabs
BRIARFACE the little thing next 2 one of their ears is actually supposed 2 be a briar flower idk if you can see it. the token former kittypet. she used to live in a house but then she saw blazestar and missingfur on her patio one day and blazestar was like "what are your pronouns" and briarface (then some silly housecat name like uhh sweetums) was like. "she/they, i guess, but my housefolk have no way of knowing that, they just think im a tom" and blazestar was all like "if you join our clan we will call you by your preferred pronouns" and she was like folding missingfur's ears closed the whole time since he insisted on coming to the new recruit and wouldve been a bitch. and sweetums said "what?". and blazestar said "what." genuinely not understanding what they were not understanding. 2 weeks later she would become part of the family and be christened briarface because briar is like briar rose and it sounds pretty and face because they have distinctive facial patterning.
mapleclaw is the strongest toughest roughest prettiest girl in garry'sclan and she goe's two hell every night to get better at it. this isnt a secret though everybody knows and nobody minds. pigeonfoot found out from a vision and told everyone and they were like. cool. and he was like oh i guess its fine then. must not be that bad. like her venturiantale counterpart she also lost her entire original family when she was young to murder carried out by none other than JIMMY CASKET... a name that gets sillier the more i think about it. in this au or whatever his name is gravelblade. more on gravelblade later..
rustedpaw oh my god.. el gato ever. he also had all his remaining family die for unspecified reasons when he was quite young. blazestar finds him sitting pathetically in a pile of blood next to one or more of his family members corpsces. takes him home adopts him without question and apprentices him to gravelstep (gravelblade's non evil default form) but then he tries 2 kill missingfur in his sleep and #fails and blazestar is like!!! not my platonic babygirl guy best friend with tax benefits!! and they both decide 2 DIG A HOLE IN THE GROUND LIKE A FOXHOLE and make him live in there 4 being a foxheart (attempted murder). then he just lives there. screaming to be heard. sometimes a cat will stop by to talk with him out of pity or genuine interest. sometime it will be mapleclaw as she's also in charge of bringing him food. also gravelstep is bummed abt being out of an apprentice bht blazestar is like "Don't worry... youre still my fav deputy :)" and gravelstep says " i am your only deputy stop acting like its a superlative"
foxflower used to be a friend of pigeonfoot's who had like a big crush on him and was contantly teasing him, flirting with him and every1 thought they were going to become mates but pigeonfoot just wasnt into her like that. this was solidified when he became a medicine cat and foxflower was like. oh fuck now i REALLY cant have him. so instead she dedicated her life to evil. she still harasses pigeonfoot while hes working and in defense mode mapleclaw killed her early on. they forgot 2 bury her and she stood up and started talking and walking around again 24 hrs later. this was how they discovered every1 in garry'sclan or venturianclan or whatever im calling it has infinity lives..
because they exist purely 2 entertain starclan and nothing they do or that happens 2 them matterz. blazestar actually found this out while she was becoming leader but 4got 2 tell everyone ^_^;
gee whiz i did not realize how much text i would need to type out the lore i had in my head 4 these guys OOPS. guess i really am that deranged. i hope theres like a read more thing on this post when i put it up so this isnt like hell to scroll past everytime uhh goodnight!
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