#but by god do i want to do some cool ass drills!!
biancasreign · 3 days
Part 2 | Part 3
warnings: smut & heartbreak
summary: it was all good until Kaliyah started catching feelings…
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“Ahh, fuck!” Kaliyah moaned as Jey pounded in and out of her from the back.
“Damn Kay, you feel so good around my dick. You got that good pussy for real.” He groaned as he gripped her waist and went deeper.
All she could do was moan as he pushed her head into the mattress and continued to drill into her. The two of the had been going at it for a minute and Kaliyah could feel her fourth orgasium building up in her stomach.
“Oh my god, right there baby!” She moaned
“Where? Right here? I’m hitting yo’ spot ?” He leaned down to whisper in here ear as he gripped her bun, using it as leverage to angle her body just the way he wanted it.
“Mmh, right there baby.” She nodded her head slowly as drool rolled down her face. He was hitting all the right spots and her body felt like she was on a cloud as he did so.
“So fucking pretty just taking all this dick. I should nut all up in your pretty pussy.” He rasped as she threw her ass back on him.
Running his hand over his face he braced himself and tried to keep it together. This girl was driving him crazy and he didn’t know why. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
“Look at how you take it. I love that shit.” He continued talking her through it as he slightly lifted her head so she could see herself in her vanity mirror. Her face was now bright red as tears of pleasure streamed down her face.
“I’m cumming.” She shut her eyes as the pressure built up in her stomach and cum dripped down her legs.
“Damn shorty.” He let out as he released every drop of his cum into her without thinking twice. It felt too good to pull out and he wasn’t going to.
“Fuck” he breathe out as he pulled out of her. Her soft moans filled his ear before he stood up and walked to the bathroom.
Kaliyah laid against the bed trying to catch her breath and ignore the throbbing between her legs. Just like every other time they had sex she felt herself dozing off until he came out the bathroom with his sweatpants on.
“You’re leaving?” She asked softly as she pulled herself up against the headboard.
“Yeah Kay.” He avoided looking at her as he collected his stuff from around the room.
“But why? You don’t want to stay?” She asked him as sat on the bed confused as to what he was doing.
“Kay, you already know what it is.” He mumbled as he searched for his phone.
“No I don’t.”
“Kaliyah why you being difficult? Every time I give you some dick you start with this nagging shit when you know what it is.”
“I thought you wanted more than this. More than what we have right now.”
“I never said that Kaliyah. I told exactly what it was from the beginning.”
“That’s bullshit! So taking me on dates, fucking me, and talking on the phone all fucking day was just because you wanted to fuck?”
“Aye, don’t say it like that because I let you know from the beginning what it was. You started catching feelings and that’s why I have to leave you alone.”
“Leave me alone? Is there someone else? I’m not understanding. I thought we were fine the whole time.” Kaliyah sat in the bed with tears streaming down her face.
“There’s nobody else. I told you I don’t want to be in a relationship. Your vibe is cool and everything but that’s not what I want right now. It’s really not.”
“So what? You’re going to find someone else to fuck? Someone who won’t catch feelings for you?” She yelled at him.
“Lower your voice talking to me. What I decide to do doesn’t have nothing to do with you.” He told her.
“Wow, that’s so fucked up. That you would do that to me. I’m glad you were able to get your last fuck before you broke my heart.” She sniffled before making her way into the bathroom and slamming the door.
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sunnysheep · 2 years
played around with a stick and puck for the first time ever today!!
so i checked out a new rink (as one does), and the open skate ended up being a few older guys who like to shoot pucks around and stuff. they bring out a net and those cool bumper pass things and some cones and pucks, and so i was like puck!! puck!! puck!! and was kicking around a puck in the corner having the time of my life, and this one guy was like "hey, do you want to try my stick?" and i was like omg yes pls
so then i tried his stick and i was like this is so cool and so he went found me a stick from the lost and founds (wayy too short like it was definitely made for kids) and!! it was amazing!!
dudebro chatted with me about stickhandling and taught me how to pass - so cool!! like i can't say how excited i was!! these men were so friendly and so nice and inclusive and i loved it!! like it was apparently a pretty tightly-knit group without many newcomers and they were so welcoming!
i've been on the fence about trying out playng hockey because it's such a big investment to get all the gear to even try having a puck and stick in hand (all the rinks ive been to require full equipment to even be on the ice with a puck so ive never gotten the chance before). But! now i have gotten a taste of the wonders of hockey!!!
and now a few things i noticed as a complete newbie stickhandler:
it is very hard to even do a crossover while still keeping control of a puck. like you think, "oh i can do crossovers with my eyes closed, this will be easy." No. No it will not. my hand-eye coordination is absolute shit so it was a struggle to do any type of sharp turn without losing the puck entirely despite my pretty decent skating skills
it is also not easy to just kick a puck around. pucks are wild little beasts that just want to go everytery where you are not. my respect and awe of players who use thier skates to bounce the puck onto their stick has increased tenfold
two (2) guys asked me very seriously how i hold the shovel when i shovel snow. do you know how hard it is to visualize your own grip on a snow shovel out of hte blue? i have shoveled snow. i have shoveled snow Recently. and yet i completely blanked like idk man i just shovel it. Anyways, this is apparently a the way you determine if you are a righty or lefty for stickhandling (i think i am a righty but idk)
i did not know that sticks had a curve on the blade.. i mean objectively i knew that different sticks were different but i never made the connection until i was staring at a bunch of sticks up close
you don't have to know jack shit about what you are doing!! i had an absolute blast just shoving pucks around! you won't see me doing any sort of wild puck handling moves (or even skating very fast with a puck lol), BUT you will see me having an absolute blast!!
All in all, it was an amazing experience, and i felt like i needed to document it somewhere bc i am nothing if not a sucker for looking back on first impressions!
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Logan x Reader pt.6
I know it took forever please forgive me!
I have a couple more ideas for this, if you guys want it to continue
If you think I'm just milking please it let me know, there's so many better fic writers out there I really didnt think this would blow up like it did 🫶
<< Part 5 Part 7 >> Masterlist
You had thought scavenging was difficult however as you stared at the immensely filled shelves you realised choosing was harder. You’d thought to purchase some crackers, just to see if Laura had preferences; however there were twelve different types of Goldfish and Goldfish was just one brand. This whole aisle was overflowing with crackers. It was insane. Who needed this many choices?
Elektra, Gambit and Blade had tagged along, the latter only for company, and they all seemed to be in the same position. Tired eyes mindlessly scanning for anything familiar. Anything that sounded good. Did you even remember the taste of ‘spicy chilli’? Or did you prefer ‘sour cream and chives’?
The shelves were too much and they were tall. You couldn't see over them, couldn't see potential threats or keep an eye on the exits. Why did the aisles need to be this long? They were endless. Endless and bright and colourful and the store was loud. Why were there children running around? There could be anyone around the corner. Each stomp of little feet drilled a hole in your head.
Picking up speed you rounded the corner and hid yourself by a pillar. The thing was an eyesore for the employees, they definitely had trouble stocking the shelves around it, but to you it was bliss.
You rest your forehead against the cool metal and force the air out of your lungs. You took in a big gulp before forcing it out again.
The noise of the store was drowned out by your breathing, by your hammering heart. You could hear vague snippets but it sounded like when an explosion was too close. Warped and muffled at the same time.
“Mon cher?” Gambit placed a light hand on your shoulder, despite how careful he was it still caused you to jerk. “Y/N. You 're okay.” You couldn't tell what was happening but your head was moving. Was it nodding or shaking? Your mouth opened to respond but nothing, bar a few halfhearted noises, could come out. “Y/N.” He tried again, but this had never happened. You'd never felt like this. This pain in your chest. Was… did you survive the Void to have a heart attack? “‘m get ‘ogan.”
You deliriously gave him a thumbs up.
Without any sort of logic or proof you knew the floor was safe. Of course it was, it was a constant. The floor would never leave. It couldn't. So you knelt down, your knees against the linoleum and your head still against the pillar. Or was it a beam? Why was this happening? You used to be able to do this. Why couldn't you fucking shop? All this time you'd had dreams of normality and now it was here and you were too crazy to be here?
Maybe you belonged in the Void. Then again, maybe this was Cassandra. You had thought it previously, everything was far too easy. She could be laughing her ass off at how you reacted to a fake superstore. Imagine.
Noise had slowly started to come back but it was too loud. Too much. Too bright. Why was it so bright? Why did people need to be blasted in the face to see what toothpaste they needed?
Maybe this was it.
Maybe it was the end of the line.
You were just rewatching your life.
That would be... nice.
To know that there was an end.
God, that was depressing.
You didn't mean it that way and you don't know why you thought it but it actually brought you some comfort.
Not enough to stop you hyperventilating on the dirty floors, though.
“Baby?” That was Logan now. Why was he always there to save you? He didn't have to be. Hell, he didn't know you. You might be the worst version of yourself and here he was doting over you.
You didn't deserve that.
What had you done to deserve that type of love?
He had sat out on the fire escape all night and you can't even pick up fucking crackers.
Who even likes crackers!?
“Baby?” He repeated, closer now.
You turned to the side and saw him but also saw through him.
“Can you tell me your name?”
What sort of mind fuckery was this? He knows your name. “Y/N L/N.” Your voice was tiny but he could see the way your mouth formed the words.
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
Your eyes stayed trained on his face but you answered using your peripheral. “Two.” The word still small and but now just hardly audible.
“And what's this?” You let your eyes meander down to his hand and saw he was pointing at a scrubbing brush you were hunched by.
You felt your brows pull together in confusion. “Cleaning thing.”
He let out an amused huff but was sincere with his words. “Now, love, what can you hear?”
Hear? You can hear everything. Him mostly. There were footsteps and trolley wheels and the buzzing of the speakers and constant rustling of shopping bags or plastic packaging and chattering and the child running riot was now crying and the checkouts were beeping and the deli counter number was called. “Rustling?”
“What else?”
“One more?” His voice had lowered, he was more breathy.
“Your breath.”
“Can you follow my breathing?”
It was even. He was breathing in and out. Like literally every other living creature. Even trees could breathe.
“Are you able to move your hand?” He continued, tapping his chest. “Put it here?”
Of course, who did he take you for? You shakily slapped it onto his chest and he held it tight. Taking in the largest breath and releasing it slowly.
He repeated that for a while and slowly you found yourself assimilated. You were copying him with perfect movements.
The constant humming in your head had stopped, the noises were bearable, the lights even seemed duller. “I- I think I'm okay now?”
“Can you stand?” His eyes were darting all over your face, trying to gauge a reaction.
You bit your lip and nodded, moving stiff legs and easing your way up. He was swift with his movements making sure you were one hundred percent okay on your wobbly legs before he stepped back.
“That's never happened before.” You felt tired, drained. Your whole body was on fire. Why was it so sore? You had mentally freaked out and now your body was aching?
“It was an anxiety attack.” He voiced the obvious but could tell you were going to argue so carried on. If he was talking you had to listen. “They're not uncommon for those who've suffered. I’ve had them due to my PTSD.” Maybe you'd feel at ease if you knew he got them as well.
“But I don't have PTSD.”
“I think you might,” You scrunch your face. “the years spent in the Void, couldn't have been easy.”
“We survived.”
“That's what VETs say.”
Your rebuttal died on your tongue as you took two seconds to actually think about it. He might be onto something. “Is that why Stark said we need a therapist?”
“The whole time I was in the Void this didn't happen.” You grumbled. “Just carried on.”
“You didn't have time then. Your brain can now process your trauma.” Damn, Lydia - his therapist - was a genius. “In a weird way this is being healthy.”
“It's called an atta-” You huffed, hugging your middle. “I don't care what's happening, I just don't want Laura to see.” You had separated in the store to cover more ground. She had wanted to wander, to see the store for herself, and you had thought you'd be able to gather everything by the time she was headed back to you.
“She may need to see. She mig-she feels like she has to be strong.” He knew what Laura thought because she was him. “She needs to be shown this is okay.”
You were getting frustrated now. “Okay but not yet. Just- I just want a nap. My head hurts. My body, too.”
“Okay, we can leave.” It was not even noon, the others would ask questions about your sleeping pattern.
“Oh wait, no, I don't want her to worry about being noisy.” You tapped your teeth together as you wracked your brain. “Can I nap in your room?”
“Of course.” He would never deny you that, it also was a win-win as he could monitor you without Laura's beady eyes stalking him.
It was safe to say that your “sickness” was the worst kept secret. It was obvious to everyone what had happened and even Wade seemed concerned. So much that he postponed the party.
Logan had settled you into his bed hours ago, checking on you periodically and was just waiting for you to rise. He had nothing better to do.
You were his world.
Laura had knocked once to see if there were any updates but he had told her the truth. That he had nothing to tell and was worried himself.
She walked back with slumped shoulders, a sliver of guilt slid up Logan's back but she was gone before he could make amends.
Another knock pulled him from Laura's disappointed eyes. Logan hoisted himself off of the armchair and opened the door to see Elektra.
She reminded him of Jean in a lot of ways.
“Here.” El handed a bag over. Logan frowned and opened it to see a multi coloured box. He and you had left the store earlier than the others to get home. He had made no purchases, leaving his basket of goods on the floor where you had slumped over. He hated himself for letting you out of his sight but you had strode off so confidently and Blade was talking to him about different moterbikes. Logan was distracted for a millisecond and you had vanished. Why did he take you guys to a store that large?
“Uh.” He didn't know what to say.
“Just invite Laura over and play these.” She spelt it out. “The kid’s worried sick and won't listen to us.”
He accepted the bag and nodded once. “Okay.”
If loving you meant loving Laura he could do that. He didn't dislike the kid but he saw so much of himself in her. And he hated himself.
El turned on her heel and entered her own door, opposite his.
Logan itched his chin and sighed, walking next door. He knocked twice and waited.
Laura opened the door in a grey hoodie and your fluffy socks. “Hello.”
“You, uh, you wanna play connect four?” He shook the plastic bag.
Laura eyed the bag but nodded once and followed him into his home.
Logan's apartment was the same as yours except he had added throws, blankets, books, CDs and LPs and many more home comforts in preparation for your arrival. His home was decidedly cosier and Laura didn't hate it.
“She's still asleep so I thought we could pass the time together.” He spoke as he sat at the dining table. Laura stood behind the chair to his right and awaited instructions. “You can sit, I just need to set this up.”
Logan unravelled the contents of the bag and found Guess Who and Sorry we're sitting beneath Connect Four. He left them both on the table and delved into the first game.
Building the game wasn't difficult and explaining it to Laura was as easy as saying “connect four of the same colour, either portrait, landscape or diagonal”. The picture on the box was practically instructions.
But playing against her was challenging. She knew how to think like him, knew how to outsmart him.
It occurred to him that she was always observing people. She knew his tells. She was always present and did contribute to the conversation but she preferred to watch. To take in.
Laura was very good at connecting four so after a few games he pulled out Guess Who. That was a little bit more complicated.
“Are you George?”
Logan had thought to pick George but went for a random number - seven - and counted his way along the board. “No. Do you have long hair?”
“I do.” She agreed and he flipped the heads. “I was drawn to George so I thought you might've been.”
“You're onto something there.” Logan sipped his cola. He made sure there were snacks and drinks available.
“Blue eyes?”
“I don't know how they got your DNA.” Laura had felt guilty. She knew her Logan didn't ask for her to be born and this one didn't even know she was a thing.
“Been around a long time.” He shrugged. “You'll have that to look forward to.”
“How long?”
“Lipstick?” She shook her head. “I've been around a good two-three hundred years.”
Laura let that settle. Would she be around that long? The doctors did thousands of tests on her but none said she'd live an extended period. “Blonde?”
Logan nodded, noticing the shift in her demeanour. “You okay?”
“That is a long time to be alive.” She picked up a chip and snapped it in half. “Y/N will be dead. And El. And Gambit.”
“You might not live as long.” He tried to make that sound like a good thing. “What's your healing factor like?”
“I've never been ‘injured’.”
He thought about that. He couldn't ask her if she had died. That might be too much for the young woman. “And the Adamantium?”
Laura frowned.
“Your claws.”
“What about them?” Finally popping the chip in her mouth.
“The metal isn't part of the mutation.”
“What?” Laura revealed her claws. They came out sharp and shiny. “They've always been like this.”
A little girl. A small child having the procedure that almost killed him. She definitely would live as long as he does. “It's bone, they added the metal.”
Laura observed her claws, hand swivelling. She had never known them to be bone. Would they even be effective?
“It's alright, though,” he shrugged, giving her a cheesy thumbs up. “You have Blade and me to keep you company.” Laura smiled and rolled her eyes. “Are you Claire?”
The next few days were okay. You were still achy and found it difficult to move but you weren't totally invalid.
In fact you were playing with your newest toy. A telecommunication device. Or a phone.
Wade had burst into the front room, you all collectively sat in, paper bags in hand.
“Guys, I hope you know how odd it was for me to walk in there and ask for five phones. They thought I was a drug dealer.”
Blind Al kissed her teeth. “You could've been buying company phones, idiot.”
“Oh.” Wade slumped. “Maybe it was the meth I offered the cashier…” He handed each of you a box and squeezed himself between Gambit and Al.
There were two sofas that you all were occupying. You were sitting next to Logan, a blanket covering the two of you. Laura was sitting on the floor in front of you, she had done so you could braid her hair but decided to stay. El was perched on the arm of Al’s sofa, Gambit and Wade next to Al, and Blade was standing at Logan's side.
The setup of each phone was easy. Technology was a lot faster than you remembered.
El spoke before you all got distracted. “We have to save each other's numbers.” She knew the collective braincell liked to wander.
Each of you read out your number whilst the others typed it in. But as that happened the phones asked for a contact picture. Now that caused chaos.
El was smiling sweetly in the first pic and looked like she was being held hostage in the last. Gambit had his eyes shut and a middle finger up in practically every one. Blade was exactly the same, it was eerie, he stood statue still as you all snapped him. Laura’s eyes were confused but she did force a smile. You threw up a peace sign just for Wade to tell you it wasn't 2001 anymore. Wade had a different pose for each phone and they were all more elaborate than the last. Al didn't want to participate at all. And finally Logan, much like Laura, faked a smile until you and her took the pics.
Photos were fun. You liked photos. You'd had a trusty Polaroid back in the day and loved snapping pictures, but this was amazing. The photos were really detailed and you had them all saved in a ‘gallery’.
“You happy with the camera?” Logan asked as he saw you in the settings reading what each symbol meant.
“Yeah it's really good and I can take front facing photos.” You smiled at yourself. “Look!” Logan's eyes dropped to his face and he raised an eyebrow as you tapped the button. He huffed out a disbelieving laugh and you snapped again. “You're smiling!” You giggled to yourself, leaning forward. “Laura look.” Laura was playing about with dark mode and she turned her head to see you and her. “We can take a photo.”
Laura smiled and you poked your tongue out as you snapped. You made a heart shape with your hand and got her to copy it, snapping another.
“Logan, get in.” You begged.
He sighed - completely for show - and moved closer. “This angle is all chins.”
You frowned.
“Laura, come and sit up here.” He pat the slither of space between you two. She complied and you tried to get everyone in. “Y/N angle the phone.” You did as instructed and you all smiled.
The phone was heavy in your hands and an awkward shape, your old phone was a flip and easier to hold. “Do the heart thing whilst I hold this.”
The wolverines did.
You took some more, without noticing Wade was in the background, and eventually ceased, sixty-four photos later.
“This is so much fun.”
Wade watched you swiping through the photos, “Just you wait, pumpkin, ‘til you get a hold of the apps.”
“Like little things on your phone.” He scrunched his face. “Like Snapchat or Instagram or Facebook.”
“I know Facebook.” You nodded. “It was an internet thing, like MySpace.”
“Now it's on an app.”
“Oh.” Was all you had in response. Wade showed you how to get to the app store - Logan, carefully, watching to make sure he wasn't being a little shit - and showed you how to ‘download an app’.
“I have to put my phone number in?” You stared at the screen.
“If that's what it says.” Wade had noticed Al and Gambit speaking again so upped and left. He laid himself across the two of them. “Just follow the steps.”
You could do that.
The first hurdle.
It asked for your date of birth.
Technically your date of birth was different now, no?
“What do I put?” You asked Logan over Laura's head. “I'm not that old.”
“Just do the maths, put the correct day and month but subtract the years.” He suggested.
“My date of birth would mean I can't have this app.” Laura commented. “Not over eighteen.” She had followed the instructions Wade told you and was now in the same dilemma.
“Do the same but backwards.” Logan tried.
You both, then, had to pick a profile picture. You had the photos on your phone and picked one of you three.
“I don't have a photo of myself.” Laura pressed the camera button and jumped. “Do-do I just take one?”
You smiled. “If you want to.”
“You don't have to have a picture.” Logan supplied.
Laura bit her lip but did decide to take one, she gave a small smile. “Is that okay?”
“You look lovely.” You squeezed her arm.
The two of you had just finished messing about with Facebook when you both received a notification.
‘Elektra Natchios had sent a friend request’, you looked up at her and quickly added.
Gambit and Blade didn't delve into Facebook, the former said he couldn't be bothered the latter told you it was too public.
You suppose Blade is right. But at the same time this is familiar. This is a way to find people. To potentially seek out your family. Or at least see if they exist.
You were just putting the phone away when another friend request popped up. ‘Logan Howlett has sent you a friend request’. He had no profile picture or cover photo and no posts. He did have friends, some of whom you recognised as the X-Men.
“Do you speak to them?” You swivelled your phone, displaying the friends.
“Charles has told them who I am and why I'm here. They accept anyone, they were eager to listen to my story. Probably waiting for you, now.”
“I don't think I can just add them.” Your fingers hovered over Hank’s fuzzy face.
“Then don't.”
“Why don't you have any pictures?”
“I don't really do pictures.”
You weren't too quick but opened your gallery. “You did here.”
“That was with you two.” He gave you a half shrug. “It's different.”
Texting was fun.
You taught Laura all the old slang you used to use. BRB, LOL, TTYL, 411.
Laura did use some of them but preferred to text properly, she had spent a good portion of her time in EDEN and the Void learning basic reading and writing, why would she throw that away?
You were laying in Logan's bed, having claimed it four days ago, listening as his TV played music. He had shown you how to go onto YouTube via the TV and you were very much a fan of these Apps. You did feel a little guilty because you had effectively intruded on his space but his bed was comfy and smelled like him. God it was heavenly.
Why did he smell so good?
Y/N: nighty night beautiful x
Laura: Goodnight x
You had drilled into Laura the importance of kisses. A kiss at the end of the text was vital.
You came out of your messages, having texted the others ‘night’.
Gambit: see ya tomorrow
El: Night, love x
Blade: night
It was a routine you all wouldn't dare abandon. Whether or not you lived in this apartment all your lives you knew you'd all stick to saying goodnight. You had done for five years.
You pressed on Logan's name and sent him a message.
“Why are you texting me?” Logan called through the wall. You could hear his footsteps, sitting up, you waited. It wasn't long before the door was opened and Logan revealed himself.
Jesus. H. Christ.
Why was he shirtless? Your brain short circuited whenever his wide chest and mouth watering abs were in view. His torso was covered in soft hair your fingers itched to grab.
“I-I was just saying ‘night’.” You snapped your jaw shut.
“Oh, I thought you needed me.” He ran a hand through his hair.
You liked his short hair but you missed his fluffy locks. Nothing better than running your hands through them.
You were both now just gazing at each other.
He looked glorious, you felt self conscious. He could literally be a Grecian God, you could picture statues being made in his honour.
“You wanna-” Your eyes darted away. “You wanna sit with me?”
Why were you so awkward?
This was your husband friend.
Logan’s eyes widened an inch but he did nod. “Yeah sure.”
He made his way to the right side and plonked down. His weight caused you to slide a little over but you quickly righted yourself. You plucked the remote off of your knees and turned David Bowie down.
“I wanted to thank you.” You fiddled with the remote. “And I'm sorry I've stolen your bed.”
Logan shrugged. “You weren't well and I'd never kick you out of my bed.”
He was admitting things that were as innocent as they were damning.
“You're cute.”
“Hmm.” He raised his brow. “I remember you claiming that.”
There wasn't much more to say, instead you both listened as ‘ashes to ashes’ changed to ‘modern love’.
“This was my favourite song.” You commented, leaning your temple on his shoulder.
“I remember.” He agreed.
Pulling your head up in shock, “you do?”
“Yeah.” His eyes glanced at the screen. “My Y/N liked it too.”
“Do you- is this weird?”
“I don't know.”
“Do you miss your Y/N?”
He considered the question. “I didn't have enough of her. I think I missed the 'what ifs' and now I know you and him were married, it feels worse. What about you?”
“I miss him, it is a little weird to see you walking around with his face. It's odd because we slept together and I am attracted to you but there's that obstacle. Now the world isn't ending, we have to face the consequences of our actions, you know?” You hoped he understood what you meant. “Is it wrong to want you? You are so much like him yet I don't know you.”
You had said a lot of really important things, however he was stuck on just one. “You want me?”
That caused you to chuckle. “Of course, look at yourself. Sex on legs.”
He didn't care for moral dilemmas the way you did. You wanted him. He wanted you. It may just be his animal brain but, surely, that was the end of it.
“I mean you almost killed me walking in here all shirtless and tanned.”
You were trying to joke to defuse the tension but his eyes told you it wasn't working. They were heavy, lidded and staring straight into your soul. “As if you in my shirt, in my bed, hasn't done the same.” He spoke directly to your lips.
Oh yeah. For quickness you had borrowed a shirt, using it as a nightie. “Please, I'm not nearly as gorgeo-”
He cut you off with a kiss.
You melted.
Of course you did.
It was Logan.
Your hands found his cheek and chest. Both threading through the respective hair.
Logan slid his tongue across your bottom lip in a silent question and you were quick to answer. He kissed you frantically, needing you more than oxygen.
You were slowly being pressed into the mattress. It was a perk of the Adamantium, he was heavier than he meant and that solid mass turned you on.
You had to break the kiss to catch your breath and he merely explored your neck. Your ragged breaths were now being cut off as you spluttered and gasped.
Your hand on his cheek had meandered to his nape where you tugged at the hair as you twitched in pleasure, your back arching.
What were you saying earlier?
Consequences of actions?
None of that mattered when he bit down.
The position that he had manoeuvred you in caused your left leg to wrap around his hip as he kept nipping your neck. He loved to mark you.
Even if he didn't ‘claim’ you as his, back in the day, everyone knew because he would mark you. It was the animal in him. He needed the world to know who you belonged to.
“Logan.” You let out a breathy whisper against his temple.
The man raised his head to gaze into your eyes. Fuck. They were blown wide.
“Tell me to stop.” He warned.
You couldn't. Why would you?
Your response was a silent head shake.
Logan's eyes landed back onto your lips and he dipped to devour them.
His hands, that had been at your sides, were moving in opposite directions. One slid up to rest just under your breast and the other travelled down. Fingers tickling a path down to your core.
He played with the waistband of your underwear, pulling it taught against you and watching the wet patch smear.
Logan smirked and kissed your chin, then your neck, your collar bone, spent a while on your chest - licking and biting, claiming you, yet again - and then your stomach and finally kissed the material just above your core.
He swiped his tongue along the fabric and barely loosened his hold, before tearing it with his teeth.
By fuck.
This man would kill you one day.
The torn fabric hung loosely as he nuzzled his way between your folds, forcing your thighs over his shoulders. His nose separated the slick lips as he then ran his tongue across them. He fluttered his tongue around the wet hole and collected the slick on his muscle before depositing it on your clit. He took extra care caressing the sensitive bud, swirling his tongue sweetly.
The noises that came out of your mouth were whorish, you sounded like a two-bit 80s porn star and he loved every one.
Eventually Logan added a finger to your hole, it eased in, and curled it as he pumped his hand.
You tried so hard to keep it down, to try to sound less pornographic, but he was a monster. He knew how to get you going. In fact you were on the verge right now. Any second you'd be cumming on his finger.
“Keep going.” You begged.
Logan hummed in response and it vibrated your clit.
“Fuck, do that again.”
He began humming as he added a second finger and you saw stars. You clamped down and let out a moan as you came.
He kept pumping his fingers and lapped up your slick until you groaned and tapped his shoulder to give you a moment's respite.
Logan stilled his tongue with a frown but kissed your thighs, biting the pillowy flesh.
“Shit.” You looked down, dazed, at his smug face. “Fuck, you're perfect.”
“I can take my time with you now.” He admitted. “I couldn't back in the Void, not like I wanted to.”
“You did a pretty good job then, too.” You recalled.
He rolled his eyes but continued placing languid kisses on your abdomen. “You are the perfect one. This pussy is delicious.”
His devotion caused you to bite your lip. “Fuck me.” You order.
“I like it down here.” He suggested nuzzling his nose on your clit.
Your argument died with the groan that forced its way out of you.
He sucked at your clit and you swore you ripped strands of his hair out. It was a shame because his hair was so soft.
Logan lapped at your pussy all he wanted, building you up slowly.
“Do me a favour?” He spoke between your folds, they muffled him a little. “Hands and knees?”
You nodded, deliriously and eased your way up, spinning to present yourself like a needy bitch.
Logan growled at the sight, your dripping pussy spread for him.
He buried his face, again, but carried on upwards. His tongue now circling your other hole. You twitched at the new sensation but found you enjoyed it just as much so let him have his fun.
He kept playing with you, teasing you with his fingers until you were shaking.
“Logan.” You warned.
He seemed to understand because he kept the same rhythm, rather than interrupting, and you came again.
He milked your orgasm again and licked a stripe from your clit to your ass, across your spine and back up to your neck.
“Mine.” He growled in your ear as you felt his tip line up. Both of his hands were on you, underneath his shirt, caressing your tits so it amazed you that you felt him notch and slowly ease his head into you.
Your eyes crossed in pleasure as he pulled out and pushed back in, the hole so wet it squelched louder than you could moan.
He huffed, unhappy with your shirt and ripped another item of clothing you were wearing. The shirt was discarded behind you but the waistband of your panties still sat on your hips, slowly moving higher with each thrust.
You knew he was holding himself back, afraid he'd hurt you, so as he pushed in you pushed back.
You cried out as he hit that spot inside you. “Harder.”
Logan caught your drift and picked up the pace. It really didn't take a lot of convincing.
He slammed into you from behind, pushing you further into the mattress, making you present yourself more.
He sat up and if he could die, he wanted this to be the last thing he saw.
You were amazing.
He collected all of your hair and eased you upwards, once again, nipping at your nape. There was something about the nape that transfixed him. He loved your smell and you smelt the most from your nape, he adored it but his own mingled with yours was something else entirely.
He needed you.
It was so painfully obvious.
How had he not admitted that to his version of you?
What a fucking idiot he was.
“Lo.” You could only say his name but he knew. You were close.
“Mmhmm.” He agreed, nibbling your earlobe. “I need another one, c’mon.”
You couldn't even hear his request over your third orgasm. This was different though. This was wetter. You instantly worried, what was happening? But Logan gasped.
“Fuck.” He stuttered inside you, pushing you down as his claws made an appearance at each side of your shoulders. “Fuck did you just squirt?”
“I-I don't know.” Your voiced muffled into the pillow, a hand patted your utterly soaked legs. “I've not done that before.”
He groaned, still rocking inside you. Logan held himself up via his claws and pounded into you with a whole new energy. He was frantic, frenzied. It didn't take long for him to spill inside.
His claws still barely held his weight but he wouldn't crush you.
“Shit, sorry.” He spoke once his senses returned. “I should've as-”
“Shut up, that was more than fine.” You panted against the pillow.
Logan kissed your temple and slowly retracted from the mattress and you. As soon as he was out you felt empty.
“Hmm.” You grumbled.
“What?” He chuckled.
“Put it back in.”
Logan knew you were real but he found himself in disbelief that someone this perfect could exist.
“Let's swap positions and I will.” He flopped over onto his spine and you followed sheathing his dick back into you.
You groaned and found yourself relaxing onto his chest.
This was possibly the best day you'd ever had.
“I'm sleepy but wake me up in an hour and we can do that again.” You gave him a cheeky wink.
Part 7
@geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @melissa-ashe @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @ravenmedows @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @bisasterbisexual @tzurue @narniansmagic @seamlessepiphany
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anticanonsposts · 8 months
can you do sum with the task force 141 going out to train in a BIG ASS field but Yn used to be a cheerleader so she starts busting out handspring’s and the 141 is just flabbergasted
mwaaa !!
ok yes ofc babe, i did make it slightly könig centric, but still included a few of the other guys 
Cw: none?? sfw allusion to sexual behaviors at the end a little bit so a little nsfw
141 gets to the newest training facility and there happens to be a very large open several acre sized field that you can only imagine is going to be used for some horrific suicide runs or drills of some sort
after everyone gets settled, and trained on what they will be doing when recruits arrive the next day you all go out to the field for lunches
you ofc sit with your affectionately named ‘bunk buddy’ König, who you weren’t officially dating because of fear it might negatively affect your jobs but you guys banged like bunnies and he was completely enamored with you
you’re minding your own business, eating your sandwich, listening to König ramble on about some new obstacle drill he wants to try out when you hear maybe the cockiest out of the 141, Soap, get a little too noisy
‘Mate there is no way you could do backflips on this terrain….My arse soap!!!’ 
clearly the men a few feet away were having a heated debate on each other’s skill sets
getting a wicked idea, you continue eating your lunch, listening to König, tell yourself that you won’t go there, its not worth it
that is until Ghost gets a little too boisterous saying ‘oh you really think anyone here can do that? That would take years of training dumbass’ he was directing his speech towards Soap and Price but he did say ‘anyone here’ 
calmly you ask König if you can show him something cool, and of course he says yes
So you get up and try to remember a combination that you often did when you were younger during cheer practice 
Taking one last deep breath you perform a mix of front flips, back handsprings, twists, turns, you name it before landing dozens of feet away from where you started
when i say it was silent
it was deafening 
peripherally you could see nearly everyone’s mouth completely agape, other than Ghoast whose jaw is clenched out of what you can only imagine is pure jealousy
it felt good, you won’t lie, to be envied, for your skills to be on display
you felt like you were still having to prove yourself, your worth, your skills for the group 
then with a shit eating grin, not looking at anyone else you sauntered back up to König who had stood up at this point, grabbed his hand and started making your way back to the facility
all you could hear behind you were explanations of ‘bloody hell, oh my god, I can’t believe it, eat shit ghost’
‘You truly are a marvel’ könig says looking down at you, shyly grinning
‘Why don’t i show you other ways I can be that flexible’ you reply which makes this man audibly gulp as you skip with him to your room 
hehe i hope this was at least kind of what you wanted (i truly don’t know shit about the other characters lol) 
that being said, my requests are still open <3333
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earthstellar · 9 months
Miko and Holding a Grudge: Storytime is Learning Time
I was thinking about how in the final episode of TFP, Miko uses the "I'm going to beat your ass" armour to punch Knockout clean across the face
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Miko punches him so quickly and efficiently that I genuinely could not get a screenshot of the impact moment. lmao
And there are a lot of good reasons for her to want to slap this twink into the stratosphere, but I was thinking about any specific grudges Miko might have personally against Knockout to help fuel that punch
Because typically Miko goes in with a sort of "I learned this by watching WWE with Bulkhead and I'm excited to hurt you" tiny human wrecker energy and is naturally hyped, so she tends to go in with a slightly showy approach to delivering a beatdown, which makes sense.
We know she watches stuff like monster truck rallies with Bulkhead, and we know she's watched Bulkhead and Wheeljack pretty closely, and this has had an impact on her developing her personal fighting style: High energy, maybe a couple attempts at some kind of signature moves. she's learned from TV shows and watching actual factional alien warfare play out in the Nevada desert. Shit's wild, and so is she.
But when she punches Knockout, it's a totally silent, quick, efficient hit-- which is pretty different to how Miko usually approaches "the smackdown".
Sure, part of it is because Knockout is sort of ruining a huge moment for the Autobots by quipping at a particularly annoying moment to do so, and she probably just wants him to shut the fuck up as quickly as possible so they can all get back to enjoying watching the revitalisation of Cybertron.
And they're all probably a bit tired from even managing to get to this point.
But then I remembered:
In the episode Flying Mind, Miko and Raf help Fowler off the Nemesis after he's been incapacitated.
But Jack stays behind, and when Knockout snaps out of Trypticon's stasis, he attempts to power drill through Jack's head/upper torso.
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Ratchet comes through the ground bridge and punches Knockout, in the same way Miko punches Knockout in the series finale. One hit, and we're done here.
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(Sorry for the crunchy quality screenshot, my internet connection is a bit crunchy itself at the moment lmao)
Now, Miko wasn't there to witness this, but we know Miko frequently asks the others to tell her about anything she misses, either because she's been asked to stay home or because things kicked off when she was otherwise not around. She likes to hear battle stories. She's actively jealous of the others when they get to go deal with cool shit and she can't for various reasons.
So we can assume that she asked Jack what happened, or perhaps Ratchet briefed everyone once the other Autobots were revived from temporary stasis, and she would have been present for that in the base.
Miko holds a grudge. There is an entire episode where her and Wheeljack essentially go on an ill-advised revenge mission after Bulkhead is injured. She operates on that mafia level shit, wanting revenge so badly that she essentially withholds information from Wheeljack until he agrees to let her tag along.
And while she learned from that experience, it does hint at the type of mindset she has-- Don't fuck with her friends, or she will very much hold onto that anger until she gets the chance to act on it.
When she punches Knockout, it's a quick, clean punch. Which makes sense contextually for that scene, she's not going to haul completely off on him in that moment.
But it also echoes how Ratchet dealt with him when Knockout was threatening Jack, and that seems like the kind of detail Miko would remember after having it described to her.
She has a bit of a vengeful streak, and even though she does learn not to act on desires for revenge, she's still a kid and god she loves fighting so much, and there is no way she forgot about that one time Knockout tried to kill her friend with a fucking drill-- Even if she didn't get to witness it, it's likely she was told about it in some way, and she's been holding onto that for a while.
So I just really like that her punching Knockout is a mirror of when Ratchet punched Knockout previously, because we know she's very good at paying attention to detail when it comes to fighting, and we know that she learns from observation and from listening to battle stories.
It makes a lot of sense if she just recognised Knockout as being that one bot who nearly killed Jack and remembered how Jack likely described the incident to her later (or may have gotten details from any debriefing Ratchet may have provided at the base), and in that moment recalled that Ratchet took him down in one hit, so she should probably just do the same.
It's quick, it worked before on this exact bot, it'll probably work again.
Miko does learn. She very much holds a grudge. And I like that even though her actions in the finale make sense even without the possible background connection to a prior episode, it does perfectly make sense either way.
You know she begged Jack for all the details later, and you know she committed that shit to memory.
If Ratchet can knock out Knockout, so can she.
And she's not having their victory moment fucked up by some dude who seriously put them in danger on many previous occasions, even if he came around to the "winning team" in the end.
anyway you just know Miko is a mascot for the Wreckers later on, like there's no way Wheeljack and/or Bulkhead doesn't custom paint the side of a ship at some point like a WW2 aircraft lmao but it's just a painting of Miko laughing maniacally while punching a boulder or something
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toxictigertonic · 24 days
Hello it's me your number one fan: What's your headcannons for what the Main Three do in their spare time? Also, what do they do in their spare time with each other? Literally will pay you for these headcannons ISTG they give me life
I'm so glad people are enjoying my silly little headcanons about these weirdos (affectionate) I'm happy to say dumb shit about them.
- Honestly he's a lil tough for me to figure out. He's so dedicated to his job of catching our asses that it feels like he's always patrolling.
- Then again. I wanna say this man is a secret soap opera enjoyer NOW HEAR ME OUT
- He sounds like he's on the verge of tears when he points out that Franco gets a gun but not him. That's dramatic. I think he secretly likes a little drama in his life.
- God help anyone who finds out though. Nobody can know about or interrupt his soaps.
- Also I could say the obvious answer for what I think he does in his spare time but uh. I think y'all can already guess with his quips.
- Other than that? He's making spicy chili to kill Franco with. Taste testing each pepper to make sure it's potent enough.
- Or collecting cool trinkets he finds laying around. Fun scraps of metal, nice rocks, anything he can steal from Franco.
- This woman is constantly busy, never let's herself sit down and relax. She's gotta be doing SOMETHING with her hands.
- Baking, knitting, sewing, she's doing it all with a show in the background for noise.
- She likes to bake pies and such, she likes the effort that goes into making the crust and loves fruit filling. Futterman is a brat about getting flour on his beak though.
- Knitting is a little hard but she gets Futterman to hold one needle with his beak. He only agrees so she won't whine about it. She's knitted a stuffed animal for Franco once on request and he cried so hard he threw up.
- She also listens to the radio and dances to some songs. She likes to sway back and forth or side to side while working on things and listening.
- My lil baby man, of course he's gonna do some lil baby things.
- I think he'd have a lot of coloring books tbh. A pack of crayons spread out on the table, pacifier in mouth, cartoons on in the background, this man is living the dream.
- Speaking of cartoons, I guaranTEE this man has an hour set aside for when his favorite cartoon comes on. He's watching it whether he's busy or not. Do not interrupt cartoon time unless you want a tooth bullet to the shin.
- He'd love to have someone to watch cartoons with, not Coyle though that man doesn't deserve cartoon time. Gooseberry would be an okay option but Futterman talks shit about his cartoons. May have kidnapped a reagent to make them watch cartoons with him.
- If he had the option he'd spend most of his spare time in someone's lap (someone who isn't dead lol) because again, this man is so beyond starved for affection from actual people. My sad little creachure.
- For some not so baby things, he makes sure Lupara is absolutely spotless. He'll spend hours cleaning it and making sure it shines like new. Now, if only he'd take the same care with his suit...
- You know how bad they were when two of them were together? Adding the last one to the mix is like asking for something to catch fire. Whether it be Coyle's beard or Gooseberry's skirt depends on the day.
- Most of the time spent as a trio is Phyllis trying to make sure Coyle and Franco don't kill each other. She wants everyone to be friends and those two want bloodshed.
- She's bringing out board games and baked cookies for them to all hang out, turns around for two seconds, looks back and Franco has Coyle picked up by the collar.
- They talk the maddest shit to each other and eventually Futterman has to call a time out. They have to sit in opposite corners.
- Speaking of Futterman, they know it's time to calm down when the drill is brought into the picture. Phyllis will not stand for this behavior during friend time!
These ones were a little more difficult but I think I'm pretty spot on with Coyle and his soap operas. Keep em coming my merry little men, you can ask about all three or just one of them.
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Okay SO. Everyone has some thoughts on this one for sure as I have seen. A lot of people are saying they took a lot from Wonderland and that it's a disappointment as an adaptation but here's the thing: I have viewed the books as separate canon from the podcast since around Crystal Kingdom. I don't necessarily see it as a faithful adaptation but as a cool way to get more people into the story without giving EVERYTHING away in case they decide to listen. However, that being said, I have some things to say. I'm going to start with the negative first because even though I LOVED this book I so have some things I will miss about it (but please understand that I LOVED THE BOOK SM GUYS, I will ofc be adding what I loved after this part)
My Issues/Things I Wish Were Included:
Magnus trying to find his own answers with the voidfish. I was really looking forward to how they would show and represent that!
"I'm afraid no one else will have me" was such a good scene, I really liked the vulnerability Taako showed then because aside from his scene in Petals we haven't seen a whole lot of that from him in the books (again, I veiw the books as separate canon, but it would be nice to see)
CAM! I missed Cam so much he was delightful
No Boss Rush
I don't like that they basically forced Magus to decide if he wanted to lose Julia and never mention Gov. Kallen at all. That was such an impactful moment and they kind of side stepped it unfortunately
Trust or Forsake is missing which is also unfortunate
A lot of what made Wonderland interesting is either spedrun or absent so they kind of took the Wonder out of Wonderland
Taako giving up his beauty is also gone! Which sucks ass! My only true issue with this book that I genuinely was heartbroken over. I understand it can be a hard thing to show, especially when it runs the risk of someone in real life looking at the design and going "ow, that looks like me!'. So like. I get it. I really do. But they cut so much of Podcast!Taako's growth in Book!Taako's character that it was a sore spot for me personally.
If they let Johann live in the next book I will be very upset
SPEAKING OF NEXT BOOK!! Now that I have all my negative out of the way ohohoh boy I'm gonna share the positives I have with it. Given that, again, I view the books as separate story than the podcast, I thought they did a wonderful job overall. Solid 8/10 for me! Here are the things I am still screaming about
Things I adore about this book and will be living rent free in my head forever
Merle's kids 😭😭😭
I love the redesign of Wonderland looking like a circus instead of a roulette wheel, I liked that a lot
Kravitz calling Taako to tell him to be safe,,, the call getting cut off,,,, pain
I loved the wheel it looked so cool
Edward and Lydia were giving Velvet and Veneer and I am HERE FOR IT
Heart Attack my beloved 🥰
Seeing the umbra staff (*cough cough* Lup) BEAT THE SHIT out of Edward was lovely, no notes
The Umbra Staff jumping into Barry's arms 😭😭😭
Taako having STATIC IN HIS EYES seeing the staff and Barry together CAREY PLEASE
GOD THE BOOK ENDED WHERE I WANTED IT TO AND THEN SOME ACTUALLY (I thought it would end with the line "Lucretia, what have you done???" BUT MAN I'M NOT MAD IT WENT ON A BIT LATER)
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spaceorphan18 · 4 months
Romy Fic: Intrusive Thoughts
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Rating: T for suggestiveness and one bare ass ;)
Summary: Taking place during XM #4 post-Basketball game. How exactly does Remy get Rogue to agree to go on a date?
Notes: Next piece in my canon series. Wanted to write about how we got from the charged (literally and figuratively) basketball game to Rogue agreeing to actually go out with him. Thus this scene was born. Also, it was an excuse to write Remy in the shower. ;) Thanks @ludi-ling for the beta!
I decided I'm adding a panel to go along with each entry...
Intrusive Thoughts
Remy LeBeau is in the shower, deep in thought.  It had been a hot day but that hadn’t stopped them from playing a good game. It had almost felt like being among friends instead of teammates.  Who would have guessed Jubilee would be good for his ego? And showing up the Wolverine is always a plus.  The physicality had felt good, so much more satisfying than the drills in the Danger Room the professor made them run.  Even as the game intensified, it had all been in playful fun.  They had been accepting of him more than he realized.  
Unintentionally, his mind starts to drift.  Starts to dig around in the dark parts that he prefers to keep hidden.  They tolerate him now, but if they knew…?  There are so many factors that may come into play, so many that may blow over his carefully stacked house of cards.  The Thieves’ Guild, would they take him back? (It’s been long enough - surely they would welcome him home?)  Sinister might want another favor.  (The screams of those poor mutants still keep him up at night).  Belladonna… (He doesn’t want to think of Belladonna… How long has it been since they’ve spoken? How long has it been since they’ve touched…).
He closes his eyes, trying to reach out onto something that isn’t connected to his past.  She is the first thing that enters his mind.  Rogue.   She has been on his mind constantly since he had arrived at the mansion.  A welcome distraction to the darkening intrusive thoughts that have been haunting him lately.  
Stormy had brought him to the X-Men, misguided faith that she had in him. And it’s been nice, for a while, pretending to be the hero.  Pretending that there is some actual good in the world he could do.  Pretending that this might be a family worth keeping.  He knows his track record though, and if he was to be smart about it, he’d take off and not look back.  It’d be better for them in the long run.  Maybe better for him, too.  
For as much as he feels the need to go, he doesn’t. Because she’s there.  A beacon of light enticing him.  A smirk climbs on his lips as he thinks back to the court, about holding her in his arms, about what it would be like if she were really under him.  Or above him.  Or anywhere close to him would do.  The beautiful apple of Eden; forbidden to touch despite knowing how sinfully delicious the taste would be.  He knows better, he does.  But she’s not just another pretty girl.  There’s something more going on with this one.  He just doesn’t know what it is yet.  
…Or maybe he does just have a death wish.  
He turns the shower to cold, needing to cool off.  They are, after all, community showers.  
The sound of a muffled jazz song floats through the air.  Intrigued, he finishes his shower. He then grabs a towel off the rack, giving himself a quick dry down, before wrapping it loosely on his hips.  If he’s hearing it right, the music is coming from the room next door.  And he knows whose that is.  He steals a quick look in the mirror, grinning at his own form, wondering how she will react when she sees him.  
Just his luck, Rogue’s bedroom door is wide open and welcoming.   The stereo on her dresser is playing a slow, soulful tune as she sits curled up on her armchair, reading a book.  She’s changed out of her uniform, and looking relaxed in a pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt that hangs off one shoulder.  God have mercy on his soul. She doesn’t have to do a thing to be breathtaking.  Wanting her is a constant state he doesn’t mind having to contend with.  
She’s so buried in her book that she doesn’t notice him standing there, casually leaning up against the doorframe.  He takes a moment, just to watch her, just to enjoy the wonderful creature that she is before he lets himself be known.  
“That a good book, chere?” he asks. 
Startled, she looks up, finally noticing he’s there.  Her eyes bulge when she sees him, in shock but not with disinterest.  It’s enough to make him grin wider.  
“Gambit,” she says.  There’s a blush on her cheeks as she turns her head away.  “You have no clothes on.” 
“I was just walking by from my shower,” he says, ignoring her observation.  “And heard Glen Miller on the radio.  Beautiful sounds that old boy makes, I just had to stop and listen.”  He takes a step into the bedroom.  Her eyes narrow, but she doesn’t stop him.  “Surprises me, though.  Figured you’d be the type who’d like something a little more…country.” 
She rolls her eyes at him, but smiles.  “I’m allowed to like more than one thing, you know.” 
“So, country isn’t off the table?” 
She bites her lip, looking towards the ceiling as he walks in a little further.  “What do you actually want, Gambit?” 
He comes in close and leans over, nearly whispering in her ear.  “You already know what I want,” he says.  Her entire body tenses as he lingers over her.  He makes her nervous.  He enjoys that he makes her nervous.  He knows when to push and he knows when to stop.  The fact that she hasn’t kicked him outright from her bedroom is a score for the day.  With Rogue, it’s the long game he’s playing.  “What’s this book that has you so engrossed?” 
“Oh,” she finally faces him, surprised.  “It’s nothing.” 
“A Duchess in Need,” he says, intrigued by the title.  “A romance book?” 
“I doubt you have any real interest in my book.” 
“Nothing wrong with a good romance book.” he licks his lips. “I find them inspiring.” 
“I’m sure you do.” 
“So, you wouldn’t mind me having a look?”  He makes a grab for the book.  She tears it away, just out of reach.  He goes for it again, this time using both hands.  The lunge forward causes the towel drop.  
“Gambit!” she cries, dropping the book in order to cover her eyes.  She’s scandalized but he doesn’t much care as he scoops down to pick up the towel and grab the book.  He loosely holds the towel up to cover himself as he flips open the book.  He knows his ass is hanging bare.  He knows, as she peeks through her fingers, that she can see it in the reflection of the vanity mirror.  He wants her to.  
“Oh, this be a dirty book,” he says, very amused as he starts reading.  “Her lips tremble and quiver with desire…”
“Gambit, give it back.” She jumps out of her seat, attempting to get the book out of his hands.  
“His manhood throbs in her hand...” 
“Gambit, I swear, I’ll…” 
“She finally submits to her lust.” 
“Gimme that.” She finally tears it from his hands, pulling it close to her chest.  “I get that this may seem silly to you, but I’m allowed to enjoy my books.” 
He may have pushed a little too far this time.  She is more closed off than ever, holding herself tightly, her eyes once again looking off in the distance.  Only this time there is anger.  “Chere, this book - it’s no good for you.”  
“Why? Because they should only be reserved for perverts like you?” Her voice is sharp.  Cutting.  
“Because it isn’t real romance,” he says.  It’s the seriousness in his voice that gets her to pay attention.  Up until now it’s been all flirty games and teasing words.  Most women he’s encountered, that’s all they need.  Not Rogue.  She’s going to need more.  How far is he willing to go? He isn’t sure.  But he knows there’s something stirring in his heart.  Something he can’t quite figure out.  
He wants her.  He’s known that much since the day he met her.  But he’s learning he may want all of her.  And that’s a much more dangerous game to play.  
“Like you know what real romance is,” she spits out.  
“I do.”  He takes a moment to pull the towel fully around his hips, securing it tightly.  The gesture is not lost on her.  “We get dressed up nice.  I take you to a nice dinner.  We can find some live jazz and dance in the moonlight.  We can talk…” 
“And then?” 
He gives her a suggestive glance.  “And then I take you home like a proper gentleman.” 
She scoffs at him.  “I doubt that.” 
“Your call, chere.” He plays it nonchalant, but his chips are all in.   
A long moment passes. Her eyes flicker as the wheels turn in her mind. It’s like he can see them. Whatever she’s thinking… 
“Okay,” she says carefully. 
“Okay?” He almost can’t believe it.  
“But if you try anything, I’ll break you in two.” 
“I would expect nothing less.” 
He turns to leave, knowing that her eyes are lingering on him, and smiles.  
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dilucsfav · 1 year
Saw that you were writing for re!! Can i request re4 leon with shy reader? Reader usually gets flustered over little things like remembering what they like and small compliments! Reader also likes to cling onto his arm even while cuddling!! (yk how buffed his arm is who wouldnt want to)
YES YES YES. oh my god ive never written for leon before but how about start with my good old fashioned favorite (and hopefully you guys like it too) random hcs & scenarios :)
yes, i know how buffed his arm is. i would gladly hold it, too.
please dont hate on me if hes not very canon LMFAOOO, like i said ive never written for him before so hopefully these are alright ahh!
once again, another request i could not WAIT to write😭
enjoy!! :))) make sure to take time for yourself today, you deserve it!
Leon Kennedy RE4 hcs & scenarios with a shy!reader!
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warning(s): the usual nsfw that i put in these, yall know the drill
before you two even got together it took a LONG time for him to confess (lord almighty knows the reader wouldnt do it for this hot fucking man with the absolute godly DUMPTRUCK he was blessed with)
^^ because leon may be tough & a fighter, hes also cheesey as fucking hell. making the worst jokes, a tease, etc.
your shy reactions from his jokes made him think you didnt appreciate them, even though you just didnt know how to respond😭, that meant it took a while before he was actually like-
"... Uhm, we should go... get a steak together, yeah? Just you and me?"
^^while nervously sweating n shit cuz hes scared he'll freak you out because of how shy you are
surprisingly to him, though, of course you said yes! just... maybe not as smoothly as he hoped. his awkward ass just kinda saying "cool," while youre twiddling with your fingers and its just a little awkward silence that he tries to relieve with a little chuckle 😭😭😭
honestly, though, you two hit it off just fine when you finally got together!
Leon is a very busy man, though, so being with you 24/7 was out of the question- it was simply impossible :(
Especially if you two were living together, and he had to go on missions, you often felt very alone & sad. Days (most of the time, weeks) of distress, worry, & crying, wondering if Leon was okay and assuming the worst happened to him.
By the time he returns, though, you are wrapped around him like a magnet. You would give him such gentle care, often wrapping your arms around his arm, your fingers clinging onto his upper arm just like glue
^^especiallyyy when you two are in public. when you meet some of leon's friends, you often cowered shyly just behind him with your hands on his arm. He wasnt bothered by it, in fact, he LOVES it because it shows your trust & how comfortable you are around him, which took a very long time for him to gain :)
leon often compliments your eyes. omg.
^^ he would hold you cheek & tilt your face, examining your eyes with a gentle smile.
^^ "Pretty thing, you are. But you already know that, now, don't you, (Y/N)?"
guys guys i personally hc this but when you guys are in public and its super crowded areas he would lead and put his hand behind him, moving his fingers to catch your attention so you can hold his hand & he can lead you through the crowd sjhdjasdjk
^^I personally hate how overwhelming crowds can be, & Leon knows how shy and timid you can be. We love our sweet boy🫶
his favorite place to hold you while you two are kissing is the side of you neck baebhjafsbjsbjkj OR LIKE JUST UNDER YOUR JAWLINE YESSS YOU ALL KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!!!!
also, when leon returns home after an incredibly exhausting mission, you are the first person he wants to see, no question about it. despite all the dangers and traumatic things he's seen on his missions, he trusts & loves you enough to feel safe in your arms.
he is a fucking DORK, makes the shittiest jokes and youve just learned to love them <3
his favorite cereal strikes me as either being frosted mini wheats or rice krispies? i could be wrong though tbh
speaking of food, he would spoil you ROTTEN with your favorites snacks, meals, drinks, anything you desire. and he'd remember every little detail about your favorite foods, least favorites, etc.
^^ OMG FLOWERS TO! he’s definitely a gift giver no doubt
i think he'd like your arms & tummy a lot though :) i can see him give so so so many little tummy kisses and shoulder kisses and wrist kisses and ahhHAHDHAH
you still get a little shy around him from his compliments & how much physical attention you get & he finds it adorable🥲
speaking of physical attention🌝
favorite sex position? fucking missionary. one hundred fucking percent.
god damn.
especially with you two, its such a loving & trusting & pure relationship, it would be so intimate and ahahdjksahj
kissing through the. whole. thing.
also he'd be so sore & tired all the time from missions, he would get so flushed & feel so loved because you'd kiss the parts that hurt him & his scars & you would rub his muscles and djkasjbdasjdnkj
^^ as would he kiss your scars & any place you are insecure about <3
nah yall.... sex with him for the first time- HELP ME HE WOULD;
"Can I--, put... here... inside you, (Y/N), can I..."
^^ in all seriousness though, it did take a few times for you two to be truly comfortable. At first it was very shy, but shit as time moved on? it was still intimate but FUCKING DAMN IT GOT HOTTER
when he has news he has to leave for a mission? he'd fuck you into oblivion until youre just sick & tired of sex (should i write a fanfic of that, somebody pls request it if so-)
hes such a dork, sometimes he makes sex so funny that it wouldnt even be uncomfortable or awkward, just straight up funny
sex would be pretty vanilla unless you asked otherwise. i think he'd take both of your hands and hold them above your head tho🌝🌝
^^you would get super nervous & embarrassed and your hands would try to cover yourself up, or cover your mouth or face from how hot you felt-- he fixed that RIGHT away and from then on he made sure he could hear all your pretty sounds
"Babe, you feel so, so fucking good... you keep your hands right up there, you hear me?"
yes, i did say it would be intimate. but did i ever say it wouldnt be rough? absolutely not.
^^bed shaking, the LOUDEST fucking noises coming from both of you guys because i just KNOW this man hits all the good fucking spots.
i say fuck a lot but thats just cuz i want leon to fu-
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
What I think class 1b were like as toddlers because I cant stop thinking about it <3
Awase - definitely got in trouble a lot for welding shit together, he would welding his toys together to make these big as sculptures to give to his dad and it would be so cute but such a pain in the ass at the same time. He tries to be helpful with his quirk though <3 one time he was holding the light for his dad (universal experience) and welded the light to his forehead only to blind his dad when they looked at eachother.
Sen - he was a good kid for the most part but I think he would test peoples patience and pick fights with litterally everyone. Like some kid down the street looked at him wrong so now hes chasing him down the street screaming with a handfull of water balloons. Has 100% threatened to drill people with his quirk <3 took pictures of anything and everything with his moms phone.
Kamakiri - spent 100% of his time outside catching bugs or frogs or something. His mom would constantly get onto him for bringing bugs and shit into the house so he would go outside with a little grass hopper in his hands and sulk on the porch </3
Kuroiro - he would mostly keep to himself and just draw or play alone simply because he preferred it that way but the one game he always loved playing with others was hide and seek, only because he was a GOD at that game. 100% made a babysitter almost cry before because they thought he ran away or something when he was just hiding in the shadows (quite litterally)
Kendo - pure angel. Nice to everyone and everything and helped with anything she could help with <3 she seems like the type of kid that would hold your hand or something if you were sad or do something for you that makes her happy and omg I love her sm <3
Kodai - quiet kid. She did 100% use her quirk oh her toys though. Like she would take a small dino figure and size it up to take up her entire room to be more accurate to the game shes playing. Mostly kept to herself and was akward around others but definitely liked helping <3
Komori - problem child. She grew mushrooms everywhere and would pretend to make mushroom soup with the mushrooms she grew <3 definitely had to go to the hospital before because 'pretty mushrooms cant be poisonous' (the pretty mushroom was in fact poisonous)
Ibara - had one of those pocket bibles that she carried with her all the time. Stereotypical christian kid <3 not much I can say tbh exsept I feel like her vine hair would get caught on stuff a lot
Shishida - such a big kid for his age but shy asf. Hid behind his moms leg when he met new people. People constantly thought he was a short teen for how hairy he is when hes like 5. Idk why but he gives me 'doesent like loud noises' vibes. Asked his mom for shades to look cool and they stayed with him ever since
Shoda - shy kid that hides behind his moms leg 2.0. Idk why but I feel like he was a leash kid. Not because he was a problem child but because he would just wander off and no one would notice. Almost got cps called on him mom like 12 times for child neglect because he just walks away lmao
Pony - she the kid that walks up to strangers at pools and stuff and says shit like "my mommy says that her sister is a narcissistic bitch that deserves to rot in hell, watch me do this, its really cool!" Then she just jumps in the pool while whoever shes talking too goes through the 5 stages of grief.
Tsubaraba - problem child. Definitely was one of those kids that made up jokes that dont make sense (He thinks theyre funny plz laugh) also a very talkative kid. Not in the pony way but he would walk up to you and tell you everything he knows about dinos <3 ran out of breath quickly when he was a kid (cuz his quirk) so he had a little inhaler on him all the time
Tetsutetsu - outgoing popular kid that everyone likes. Everyone wants him on their dodge ball team <3. Knew different cuss words but not what they ment so he would say shit like 'son of a fuck you bitchin butt fart' or shit like that. Almost bit his tongue off before because he was talking while eating. (I wanna say he learned his lesson but he did it again a week later.)
Tokage - really liked legos as a kid. Her entire bedroom was just legos and her pet lizard named after some character from a movie she liked or smthn. She would confidently shout the wrong awnser in class (thinking shes right) and get hella confused when the teacher says shes wrong. Pony type talkative <3
Manga - his parents fridge never had enough room for his drawings. The only trouble he would cause is drawing on the walls or his bed sheet and stuff like that. He was pretty good at controlling his quirk but he was still really careful to not say certain things that would lead to house fires or his family being crushed lmao
Honenuki - adorable kid. He would constantly go up to strangers and compliment them <3 he would steal his dads ties and stuff and walk around with them on to feel like an adult and it was always so cute. Definitely the type of kid thay would take his moms phone to take pictures of random flowers and shit.
Bondo - taller and bigger than the rest of the kids his age. He preferred playing with bugs and other small animals than the other kids. One day he came home from school and his mom saw that he had a rabbit? For some reason? Next thing ya know they have a pet rabbit called carrot stick and it was his best friend <3
Monoma - he was cannonly teased and made fun of a lot as a kid for his quirk so I think he had some hannah montana type double life. Like at school he was being bullied and kept to himself and just kinda sit there and take it but at home he would be talking about how he rulled the school and was treated like a king there because of how awesome he is </3
Reiko - watched a lot of horror movies as a kid. Like her babysitter would be like 'you cant watch that its too scary' but then the babysitter is the one that ends up scared while reiko is drawing a little doodle of whatever movie monster is in front of her <3
Rin - angel child. Definitely shy but will talk your ear off if you ask him about dragons <3 his mom has the entire 'how to train your dragon' movie franchise memorized because of how often rin would watch it. He would pick flowers (or weeds that look like flowers) on his way home from school and give them to his family.
They were all so sweet im gonna cry </3
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dax009yt · 11 months
I did not get ANY warning for this whatsoever holy fucking shit.
Anyways yeah here's my thoughts at 11pm again thank you mr Tobias Foxy
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annoying dog jumpscare holy hell i just flung back out of my chair onto the wall
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it sure does
Sans just standing there while papyrus does his damn.. uhh. I actually have no clue what he's doing but whatever he does I support
(After I wrote this I found out there's alt text in the images and found this..
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"and sans")
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HELL YEAH we're getting Closer To Release that's fun
Alt text for this one says this
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He's doing well with it honestly
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I never have original experiences god damnit
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Alright cool they're releasing Chapter 3 and 4 together. Let me give you money goddamnit I want to consumerism this game already
Also, you should know the drill by now;
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I feel like I've seen this before.
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Next update I expect that the "something funny" will be that he tells us that he accidentally deleted the game source or something (that would be tragic please do not let that happen)
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It's. It's just called meow.png.
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I just pissed myself in fear holy fucking hell
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Damnit I have homework to do but it can wait (it can't please someone help) (also I've written too much, go form your own opinions below)
(also alt text on this one is nothing special but i'll add it to the image desc.)
and the conclusion..
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Get your Boner Ass outta there
aaand that's all. Here's the entire thing as a long-ass png, or you can just go here -> https://toby.fangamer.com/newsletters/halloween23/
thanks for reading dawg
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Yeah, the Knights of the Round Table are cool, but what about the Squires of the Round Table? I want to know about the pack of hapless adolescents that are supposed to be learning the finer points of knighthood from THEE most chaotic bastards to ever share a braincell.
(Merlin unknowingly becomes, like, the patron saint of squires bc if he can handle Arthur, they can handle their respective masters as well)
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no ok i'm in love with this. the squires of the round table is the spin off i didn't know we needed, but by GOD am i glad you told me, anon.
(you are a GEM, anon, i'm in love with you)
the squires for knights are the round table's adopted children. oh, sorry, was that kid the son of such and such??? he's leon's boy now. they all have youngest sibling syndrome so sorry i don't make the rules and yes they do treat merlin like he's a mob wife.
these squires would get up to so much shit omfg. if you're the squire to gwaine, have fun upsetting your noble father (because most squires come from the nobility and since arthur took down that rule when he became, then there became this influx of squires who were from the common people) and learning that doing illegal shit is the best thing and you've only tasted a sliver of what gwaine has been doing since he was 13 but you LOVE IT---
squires of sir leon are trained into how to become the mom friend. it's not much, but it's hard work. sometimes the little squires pity their knight because he is not paid enough for for the antics his other knights and king get into ("poetry??? seriously, is that what they told him???" "idk that's roland said" "maybe we should gift him some more moisturizer?"). yes they do treat sir leon with the respect they would give an older cousin.
sir elyan is very new to all this...squire business but he's not one to let his little men (little brothers tbh) be caught slacking. he has them run drills everyday and they complain about it all the time ,but then you'll find them in an empty room perfecting their forms, and making sure it's perfect because sir elyan deserves the best. and he called nathan's form "superb" but nathan's a bitch and you just think that if you get this form right---
elyan teaches his squires moves that were taught to him by tristan and isolde because they totally worked together while elyan was away and he respects them so much and misses them and wonders if they ever got the chance to settle down and breath like they had dreamed
sir percival is second on the list of knights who teaches his squires the more traditional way (first is leon obvi) but that does not mean he let's them fall behind with dirty tricks. listen, this man was friends with lancelot (honorable, noble, dreamed of being a knight since he was prob 15) so he knows the intricacies of knighthood; however, he is also besties with gwaine and elyan both of whom are a chaotic combination if put in the same room. the squires are granted the perfect balance of swishy swordplay and body slamming a bitch. sleeves??? don't know her. the squires beg percival for them to cover their arms and he is offended.
sir lancelot, the epitome of honor and loyalty, is a force to work with. the squires think that he'll be the one whose teaching will lead them far off adventures and gain cool ass scares. lancelot is actually the old coot who grants wisdom like an old man who's lived two lifetimes. his training is unusual but somehow it works. the chores he assigns aren't demeaning, nor are they used as punishment. you are lancelot's squire for a week and you immediately understand that this man is a man who has his heart on his sleeve and you watch as he gazes at the king, the queen, and the manservant. his eyes always fond and full of...something. you are too young to pick up on a deep and unconditional emotion like that. not yet.
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tsuki-sennin · 7 months
This is the episode with the sexyman vampire. Which is interesting to me, since I think it'd be really cool to see Spanner reckon with the fact that, yes, Chemies are alive and sentient, and him just having
A guy in his deck would be a little odd for him. I don't think that's gonna be the main focus, but new form woooooo!
Spoilers, I guess...
-The toku-BL pipeline strikes again, as this guy is played by Jyutaro Yamanaka, who played Kaburagi in Ameiro Paradox.
-With the power of positive assertion, Kamen Rider Valvarad peels out!
-Oh, we have a new pal already!
-Yoroshiku, Tricera~!
-Oh hey Ma, I missed you last week!
-Renge-san, look at you!
-"Waaaaaait... Oh, I get it."
-Hopper Wants to see~~!
-Spanner no-
-Oh, whew
-Where ya goin', Spanner?
-Cunt king.
-"Renge-chan, good morning~!"
-Akiko Inoue gets it. She gets it.
-Thanks for that Chad line, fansubbers.
-This show is peak
-Ahhh, I see...
-"Thank you, Kyoka-san..."
-What was he cooking?
-"Yeah, that's it, seiza there in shame, you piece of shit!"
-Clotho's so desperate to punch a bunch of teenagers in the face.
-A catalyst for further destruction.
-I support this. It's about time she got some conflict of interest~!
-Ooooooh, Machwheel does a bit of form changing of his own~!
-I swear this standby theme sounds like the Kamen Rider Dragon Knight theme.
-"My mom made this for me, you bitch!"
-Killsteal unsuccessful.
-Oh she mad
-Zukyumpire marches on.
-Hot damn, he's smooth.
-Seems like Sabi's on the ball.
-Da guy.
-An incubus, I see.
-World domination~!
-"He's so anime!"
-Not every day we get to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.
-"Occult Chemy, Zukyumpire~!"
-She dead.
-"You guys are all ragingly bisexual. Fall for me~"
-Noticed Hotaro was affected pretty hard by Rinne.
-...I hope this doesn't awaken anything in him.
-They're all dead!
-Bunnyparka, really Hotaro????
-"I see how it is..."
-You're gonna have to let it go, Yua.
-"An amazonian villainess has come to my aid... my life has truly become worthwhile~!"
-Time to tear ass!
-Ohhhhhhhh, she's big strong now.
-Hi Valvarad
-Angecopter Angecopteeeeeer~!
-God's Strongest Pilot
-Mixtus time!
-Don't sound so surprised, Rinne, that's what we've been doing isn't it?
-"Save you all... into my loving embrace~!"
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dballzposting · 2 years
OK BUT that one thing you mentioned about trunks being better with stuff he can see? so fucking real, for every trunks ever, except GT trunks who is ok at coding because its required of him but also his shit lowkey is spaghetti... and Xeno trunks totally just forgot everything but the basics of coding with all the time shit, i havent read the super manga yet but hc that Bulma's Big Brain was just split between him and bulla, that girl cant fix a car for shit but she has access to nuclear launch codes<3 anyway i think itd be funny if goten had no idea about this and just called trunks to fix his stuff all the time and trunks is like sure whatever until once day goten asks for something that is too on the side of software and trunks pulls up with bulla and lets her fix it (only a grown ass man version of trunks would be capable of this btw, he doesnt have the.. the balls to admit to his mistakes as a teenager or young adult, he has to be a grown ass man, like GT trunks who was like 23.. wasnt he..)
sorry btw im projecting cause i cant code for shit and i am indeed mad about it
GT Trunks was able to code in a virus on that mechanism that was housing Baby and I thought at the time that it was unexpectedly hot of him BUT now I'm seeing that .. That's the one thing he knew how to do. He knew how to input a virus. Of course he knows how to do that. He wanted to know it becasue he thought it was funny. He was probably delighted that it even fucking worked and that his methods were compatible.
Before he was old enough to be confident in his inability he would just fix it Anyway. And ruin it a bit.
Goten would be like "Hey the video game you bought me stopped working, can you come fix it?"
And sometimes it's something fixable like, Goten wasnt plugging it in right. Other times it's an issue with the wiring in Chichis house. One time it was just a glitch.
And Trunks sees that it's a glitch and he's still young enough to think that he has potential and hes interested in looking into it, so hes like, "yeah man no problem. I can get that working for you."
And Goten is like "awesome man you're so smart and cool and skilled and amazing" and he kisses him on the nose and Trunks is like "yeah I am."
And then he spends 72 hours drilling away at this impossible project, learning on the job, making things worse, etc.
And he gives the game back with the original problem being solved, but now theres just a lot of weirdness otherwise about it.
Goten thinks it's cool becasue it's still playable mostly, it just has some quirks, he's tickled that his copy is unique.
And like sometimes Gohan will ask Trunks for help if Videl cant fix his computer, which of course means it's more than a basic issue, and Trunks knows just enough to barely skirt by every time, but hes watching himself click on things and he knows that he doesnt know what hes doing and hes hearing himself say things and he knows that hes just parroting some script hes picked up from his mother.
Every time he holds his cool but he starts sweating because he knows hes so close to Not Being Able To Fix It.
And by the end it's always something that he should have known about, but he just exhausts every avenue before he gets there. So it looks like hes a wizard putting in the hours but REALLY it takes him two hours just to narrow down what it's Not.
Yeah but he gets older and his sister gets older and she exhibits potential with that stuff and hes like Oh Thank God and he relaxes and stops trying to know that stuff because he doesnt have to anymore.
And Bura (I'm spelling it like that now) knows how to drive a car at age 9 becasue of course she does, but she just thinks that they're boring otherwise. Like Who Cares about sticking pipes and things together.
She single handedly brings on the movement of electrical cars with motherboards that we see today when she becomes President of Capsule Corp. Becasue it's all she fucking understands
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niiicedave · 1 year
The Pharcyde - 4 Better Or 4 Worse (1992) (DJ Nu-Mark RMX) (2008) 
Uh, do you take, Rhymealinda Do you love me Tre, do you really love me? To be your lawfully, wedded, wife?
Uh, uh, I do, I do, no I don't, I do
Ah roomie zoom zim, I'm all to be wed To Rhymealinda I remember um, when we first met In eighty-two back in school used to play up all the fools Sometimes you'd be my number fives sometimes you'd be my twenty-two But um, screw the dumb shit, 'cause little Rhyme's true I can't wait to say I do and oh yeah honey there's no due I got my chariot, rolling, now I'm mic controlling Got some spunk in my funk, I can't wait to put some soul in We're rolling all strikes, we're having little tykes One is little Mike the others Ike I'm sure that you would like To hold em, or maybe stroll em on their little bikes When they're born, I've sworn, to bring 'em up right You know, dope is how I breed em, beats is what I'll feed 'em They'll be healthy like a health nut I'm sure you shake your butt (Kick the verse preacher) and I won't disperse Here's my life Rhymealinda for better or for worse
Well it's done she tagged me, duck duck goose I'm batter up I can't sleep the fly brotha must produce The power pack and I'm stacked like a forty-five Mag Straight up tennis shoes in my pants there's a sag Dropping so much grammar gotta slam it down my mouth Shup? I met a slut she, put me in the rut G With the dip that was down with me from the whole front Now front me never too cool how-ever I gotta get the bread, gotta get the butter Fix it up eat down throw it in the gutter (Gutter dreamed it) sour, (creamed it) gotta Skinny-dipped into her ass as if it was a pool of water Now the water's getting hotter so I bought her a new ring Maybe a love ballad is the song I sing I gotta kiss her ass my tongue I hold before I curse If you really want me bitch, take me for better or for worse
Well this is the final chapter (hello?) Of me, we're going to rack up (who is this?) In tune, in tune, in tune, a button (why are you calling my house?) A button, a button! Oh come on, honey (who is this? What?) Would you come along with me down (Mike is that you?) The lane and I will pick your brain (oh my God, who is this?) I won't be good like you think I will (I'll fucking call the cops) I'll take a hammer and start to drill (don't call my house) Your skull, and then I'll really start (oh my God, what is this) Picking, your brains cells, I will be (what? I'm gonna call the cops) Licking, mm mm mm mm! okay? (quit fucking around) You taste so intelligent, ah (hello, who is this?) Yes yes yes, you trusted me, now (help, who is this? What) I busted thee, top of your skull (are you doing? Why are you) You thought the day was going to be dull (calling me?) I'll make it very exciting I took your fingers then I started (who are you? Why are you) Biting, and then I scraped the meat (calling my house?) Off, the bone, of your leg (stop calling here!) Ah, you tried to make me beg (don't call here anymore) But I had to insist, I had to insist I, run up your pussy with my fist Okay, I think we've gone a little bit (I'm gonna call the cops!) Overboard, don't stop it yet (fuck you don't call my house!)
Like this ("like what like what like what")
Yo, I'm Audi Gee No doubts manufactured No ah copies, we can't ah, do the copies No copies, okay Oh, so you expect me to do some type of freak show? That's what it really is huh? Is that what you want? What you talking about? What you talking bout nigga? What you know bout the problems of L.A.? I'ma tell you what's wrong with the problems Of the people in the L.A. See the brothers needs some type of education And you know, some type of foundation, in the, uh Community, cause the mute-co, duh, the community Grows like seeds, and the seeds will not fall from The tree if you don't water the grass So nigga get off your rusty black ass Like this, like this You can get with this, or you can get with that I think you get with this because Fat Lip's fat Fat Uh, okay um, okay uh, keep going keep going keep going Keep going, hey Romye Romye, come here come here come here come here come here Come here come here (ok ok hey yo yo yo yo) come here for a second Hey Rhasaan, Rhasaan, Imani, Imani I think you should Oh, duh!
Songwriters: Derrick Lemel Stewart / Derrick Stewart / Emandu Imani Rashaan Wilcox / Emandu Wilcox / John Martinez / Lou Donaldson / Trevant Jermaine Hardson
4 Better or 4 Worse (interlude) lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
0 notes
bronzebastion · 1 year
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“People in this city need somebody they can count on. We got plenty  of freaky ass bats running around chasing after the other colorful  nutjobs, but who’s lookin’ out for the people on the street? Not all  criminals have a themed costume, and not all victims are obvious.  There’s enough fear going around in this city; people could use a real  protector, someone that can be a... a bastion of hope. I can be that.”
- Independent Gotham Vigilante OC - Written by Koji/30+/15+yrs RP EXP - Canon/OC/AU/Non-selective - Multiship/Multiverse - Potential for NSFW themes like violence, death, blood, gore, etc.
Guidelines below cut for mobile
Most round here call me Koji. 32, EST. No triggers or anything, not big on smut, won’t do sexual content with minors, you know the drill. Discord/Skype available on request and totally feel free to drop me an IM here on Tumblr whenever.
Mutuals only, but I'm not really super selective or anything so odds are I'll start writing with you and follow you back. Don’t own anything but my writing unless otherwise stated.
I’m not the most active dude in the world, so expect sudden poofs and such. Life keeps me busy and I don’t always have the energy for tumblring. Up for one-liners, semi-para, multi-para, whatever. Most comfortable in the middle on the regular. I typically use icons, but feel free to use whatever else–gifs, special formatting, special font sizes, etc–you want, if anything at all. The writing is what matters most to be honest. I do love plotting stuff out, but I’m certainly not above just throwing our characters together and seeing what happens. I also love coming up with pre-existing relationships, because some really interesting dynamics and narrative opportunities can come from them. Besides that; dont god-mod, don’t be a dick, yadda yadda, and we should get along fine. Cool? Cool.
Not big on writing smut, so fade to blacks will likely be the go to after things get to a certain point. Also not gonna do it at all with those under 18. As for non-smut stuff like heavy violence, blood, gore, etc, I’m all for them. In all regards, read mores will be the main method of coverage. If you need anything in particular tagged, lemme know and I’ll be happy to accommodate.
As far as ships go, I prefer them to be developed over time. It just takes the right–and I know you’ve likely seen this word everywhere on this site but it is just so fitting–chemistry. If my muse and another muse manage to click in the right way, I’m all for exploring where it could go.
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