#but brain worms like other things aswell...)
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neflil · 17 days ago
Something Quiet..
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Something for valentines day and whatnot - Ciaran, Artorias, and lil puppy Sif under a tree in a cool field and with actual sunlight. I just wanted to get it out of my system dhsjkdhskjhds....
++ an extra doodle for those brave enough to venture into my "read more"
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dragongirltail · 1 month ago
I recently realised why I feel bothered by people analysing Minecraft trying to figure out what it's lore is and stuff, aswell as the posts especially on here claiming the game to glorify colonialism. (That's a real take, I can't believe that's the state of terminally online we're at.)
And that is, that Minecraft was never meant to be a "real" thing.
There's that really old post by notch back when he wasn't brain scorched by right wing bullshit and whatever else happened to him:
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And I still think about it a lot because it shows such a wonderful view of the game that Mojang has very much started to lose over the years, though this isn't directly about that.
What I'm trying to get at however, is that in regards to this post it doesn't seem like Minecraft's intent was ever to represent real things or try and build itself on the basis of anything "real".
What I mean by that is, the cows have udders and horns because cows do have those things, Steve is just a human just like alex, even if people immediately decided they fit the binary.
This logic also fits surprisingly well onto the rest of the game if you think about it; jungles have temples because in real life there's plenty of those and in fiction it's a trope, same with desert temples.
Deserts rarely have wells everyone makes fun of for being useless (I know there's suspicious sand there now not the point) but if you think about it, a well in the desert makes sense that's where I'd say it fits in!
And the entire game works that way, stuff exists because that's what you get when you average out a lot of things and just do what comes out of that process.
Is the jungle temple based on any culture? Is the desert temple? I don't know, I'm not knowledgeable in that kinda thing but from what I've seen people say it doesn't fit anything in particular so again, platonic default of the structure.
The ancient city goes away from that more, same with everything else from other dimensions but hey that's just Minecraft doing unique things, for all we know those are all the platonic default to a parallel world where there's a dimension with endermen and tall purple and yellow cities!
And this is where the thing about colonization comes in, and where I feel like I'm opening myself up for a lot of scrutiny and malicious misinterpretation by saying this:
Minecraft isn't about colonization. Yes you can raid villages and "enslave" them in trading halls or whatever that dumb post said, you can show up at "uncharted lands" and raid shit, but that's a ridiculous fucking take and you know it.
Is Link problematic for walking in people's homes and smashing their pots, no of course not that's outlandish.
You CAN make villager trade halls if you want but as far as the game is concerned it's just something you can do because the world is your oyster, if you choose to be fucked up with that freedom is your call.
And if you let that worm in your brain you'll find issues everywhere, and realistically you just sound like those theorists making up shit like the rugrats being a hallucination or something.
Anyway. Lost track a little. A village in the most platonic default game sense is a place with people you can talk to or trade with, that you can help or exploit, and that tends to have goodies to find regardless of being inhabited or not.
There's other genuine critiques to be had about this game but a lot of the essence I've described here is stuff that's been in the core of the game since the beginning, before notch lost it.
You can analyse the world and try to figure out what happened to it, I'm not saying you shouldn't because who's being harmed! However, I am saying that maybe it doesn't need to have this depth and lore and whatever to it because it was never about that, and the game (at least used to) try it's best to avoid solid confirmations and consistencies.
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chnt-confessions · 30 days ago
Changed my artstyle to give Sydney drawing himself and others. ( sharp angles and silly faces with just nub hands. Also I think he'd probably do really fluffy hair so... )
Me thinks he'd be a bit of an artist! Just maybe! I think he'd very much like a good pen to doodle with and a sketch book full of his horrifying monster drawings. Maybe worms aswell, so new art style has adapted 😨
And skibidi Jedidiah is a thing I won't die and my freinds ask me who Jedidiah is and I go ' the skibidi man. ' bc why not. I love brain rot.
- that one dude.
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antiradqueer · 2 years ago
felt like sharing our experience as an anti radqueer anti transID system who is queer, disabled (mentally & physically, although the ramble focuses more on the former) & has transspecies alters.
we talk about this semi-regularly, but we really do hate it that the term was just co-opted in an attempt to legitimize shit that genuinely sucks and is bad and weird.
like, so many of us have varying degrees of species dysphoria (not everyone who has it IDs as tspecies but all that ID as tspecies in our sys are dysphoric). most our transspecies alters have been trying to acquire various items (fursuit parts, cosplay acessories, etc) as "temporary parts", none of us really want permanent body modding despite dysphoria.
and like, these are all experiences that are legitimate and understandable, just like how all other alterhumanity/alterbeing is. sometimes brains are like this. especially disordered or neurodiverse ones. like ours is! we have a lot of mental disabilities, including a few we were born with (autism and ADHD). some of our transspeciesism is also caused by layers and layers of trauma from how we were treated as a neurodiv (& later on physically disabled) kid and later on teen and a queer one. some of our transspecies feelings just come naturally, with no given brain cause other than the dysphoria itself.
and like, you prolly have seen the discourse before. "no, trans- and dysphoria are transgender only terms" "no you're mocking trans people" "you're just trying to worm into queer spaces" etc. and obviously all of these are false. but it does still exist as a mindset in eyes of people who aren't nonhuman. and the term is somewhat obscure, with a lot of blogs that used to use it in older tumblr days being gone as far as anyone who's been involved with the alterbeing community for a loooong time is concerned.
so it really doesn't help at all that the term, which transspecies folk have to explain and defend, is being co-opted by transID/transX. because those people have bad intentions in mind, and are trying to legitimize terms for stuff that is ableist, racist, antisemitic, or otherwise harmful. they are taking a perfectly fine and harmless term and identity and attempting to claim it as a term for their community and erasing it's true history as an unafilliated to radqueer alterbeing term and experience, in an attempt to legitimize themselves. and it sucks! because for a while, and still a lot, people's first exposure to the word was their bullshit! now genuine (I do not think transID transspecies folks are faking it/aren't transspecies, it's that they're appropriators and promote harmful ideas) & good intentioned transspecies folk have another thing to have to defend, their community's and labels history and have to be very loud and overt about hating radqueers and transID all the time so people don't take them sharing their experiences the wrong way.
it really does suck. it sucks a lot (especially given we're mentally disabled and our brain freaks upon any sort of rejection). it's made the word transspecies and even more stigmatized term than before, and now we have to second guess how people will react if we casually state being transspecies. how much will they assume? how much will we have to educate and defend?
also really hatehatehate as a disabled in both physical and mental DIDsys how ableist the community is like. we love our disabled self but also it is a sign of either privilege & fetishization or a trauma or internalized ableism issue to wish you were disabled/more disabled.
thank you for sharing, and i understand where yall come from, i myself am alterhuman/otherkin/nonhuman with species dysphoria and phantom limbs and all that good stuff, i dont call myself transpecies tho as i think that label doesnt suit me but i absolutely share a ton in common with yall and other transpecies aswell as your concerns,
i dont think in the slightest that transpecies is something trying to worm into the queer community by using "trans" or "dysphoria" because those words dont belong to anyone, but however the rq use of it, especially along side the use of "queer", is absolutely trying to get into the queer community. perfect example of this is if you can think back to when everyone suddenly knew what a 'MAP' was and now suddenly theres people out there who thinks that maps are queer and lgbtq n all that.
but anyway, thank you very very much again for sharing you make some very good points
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lass-us-slay · 4 months ago
This gives me brain worms…
Ahem, long ago-
Before Orion decided to crash D-16’s life and forcefully became his friend acquaintance, D-16 had another friend that went by the name of B-127.
B-127 was much younger and smaller than the other minors, but he still pulled his weight. So much so that he followed D-16 up on the promotions
(So that D-16 will never be alone, so that B-127 will never be alone)
Even tho sometimes B messed up, leading to corporate punishments because of the setbacks he often caused the whole sector. (Which got him demoted in most cases, but he always made his way back up to D-16’s side)
And for a while D-16 got used to the constant presence and chittering of B-127, it felt comforting no matter how much he wanted him to shut the frag up.
That was until they messed up.
That was until D-16 messed up.
D-16 still remembers it clearly no matter how much he wants to forget it he needs to remind himself it’s all his fault
He remembers how some bot unnecessarily insulted B-127 because of a minor setback that wasn’t for once caused by him, remembers B tugging on his servo and silently asking him to let it go, remembers that bot insult not only B-127, but D-16 aswell.
If only he had allowed B-127 to lead him away from that insufferable bot, if only he had been able to control his anger and not lash out.
B-127 wouldn’t have taken the blame, B-127 would still he next to him, rambling about an old data-pad he found in the trash while they both huddled cuddled next to each other keeping themselves warm and comfortable.
D-16 remembers the anxiety and uncertainty begin to creep in after about a cycle (a year?) had passed. By now he should have made his way back next to D-16. So why is he alone..?
It wasn’t until he started eavesdropping and activity looking for clues on B-127’s whereabouts, did he find out the other skirmishes that B-127 had been involved in or started, which caused him to be demoted more and more.
Each passing joor (a day?) he felt more anxious as he heard less and less of B-127’s presence within the mines. But he foolishly clung to the hope that B-127 would get back to him, like all the other times.
But he guessed optimism and hope was B-127’s thing more than D-16s
By Primus when he saw that paled and worn yellow paint by the furnace that was uncomfortably close to his “work station” D-16 almost thought his processor had finally gotten a virus of some sort.
But he didn’t know what made him more angry
The fact that they Sentinel? had chosen to isolate B-127 from every bot
Or the fact that B-127 had not remembered him at first glance like he had…
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thedeadendjournal · 3 months ago
The Death of Americana and the Weapon of Nostalgia:
Americana, or "the culture of America" is dead, long dead, and while there is an arguement to be made that america never Truly had a culture, id say it used to have one, but its often refered to as something else, a "Simpler Time" the 50's.
What do I mean the 50's? i mean that The American culture that people often refer to or wish to regress back too was the late 40's to the mid 60's. from the point of view from most people it seems so safe, America had "won the war” and people were starting families, technology was advacing, Music boomed, so did television shows and movies and fashion. thus the actual birth of american culture, where everyone was a neighbor or a friend, where no one got hurt and on top of that a romaticization of the past aswell, Cowboys, The antebellum south, the American revolution. it all seemed so wonderful.
The issue with this America, this "culture" is that its not real, it never was and never could've been. just like the Cowboys, and the Antebellum south, this time period was romaticised. people who talk about this time period happily, and how things were better then, either have only seen, heard and read the romanticized versions of this time period, and the people who lived it where all white people who were kids, so of course it was "better". those who praise it often ignore, miss or have been lead astray about the racisim. Homophophobia, and honsestly any of the Bigotry that existed at the time adn how truly awful it was.
But what killed Americana? what lead this filthy slithering worm to its death? I think a few things, the main causation was the 60's and evrything that happened. the assasination of JFK, the Vietnam war, and how we Lost said war, the Free love and drug use of the Hippies and the civil rights movement all of this this poisined the terrible americana serpent. it challenged its fundemental ideas and what the flag stood for, even if it only pushed back a tad bit, it was enough to get the ball rolling.
But culture isnt living it dosen't just die, it changes, metamorphosises to something new, something different what came out of the cacoon this time?
Consumerism, and Late stage Capitalism, everything else is a Farce, a Flanderisation of its self, left over from the Dead corpse of the 50's Behemoth, how we like Guns, and Junkfood, how we put famous actors and musicians on pedestals, how we celibrate holidays, birthdays or litterally anything: "Go big or go home!" this culture holds nothing close to its heart other than spending the most money possible, “if you love someone to prove it you need to get them the best of the best!” the other thing it holds close is the past, a lie of the past, The Great Americana and how everything used to be safe and good, when the Serpent was strong. Using the lie of nostalgia, the promise to retum to a simpler time, has poisoned the people, Inticed thoses who'd benfit those with hate or those with no brain to think for themselves or for the others they live along side, work along side or love along side.
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maybemanyskeletonhats · 3 years ago
I’m so glad to see you posting again! If I may, the elves accidentally (or not) doing something cute and affectionate in public and then realising what they did?
Sotha Sil probably was lost in thought and unprompted pressed a rather tender kiss to their temple while they sat in the square. The apostles bustling their way around had rather bewildered looks on their face and it takes him a moment to figure out why that is is exactly. When he does, he swallows thickly glancing over to them as they smile and giggle at his reaction.
Vivec pulls them into his lap without realizing in front of some important people and proceeded to run his fingers over their shoulder lovingly. This goes on for 20 minutes with the guests throwing looks to them and back to him till he adjusts and - oh. He pauses and feels some heat crawl up to his ears. The people leave and all is quiet till they start laughing, not even having enough care to feel embarrassed themselves.
Almalexia is talking plans with her contacts and goes to call out to them and uses a term of endearment instead. She barely even notices she'd said anything till one of the more silent contacts quirks a brow and asks if she was calling a lover. Her brain stutters to a halt for a moment and she goes back over what she said. She coughs, a red now present in her face. It's just about one of the rare times she's embarrassed herself after her godhood.
Voryn Dagoth is feeling practically jittery during a meeting between the Dwemer and he looks over to them and leans over quietly giving them a nose kiss. He doesn't even notice, smiling softly, happy that they seemed to enjoy the affection. When it occurs to him where they there he becomes rigid. Thankfully, if the Dwemer had seen anything they didn't show it. But judging by the smile Ayem gave and the smug look Vehk was giving. They did. Nerevar may have hid a smile or too aswell.
Mannimarco leans his head on their shoulder. He didn't really think much of it in that bustle of the tavern. It was the few glances of those who recognized the king of worms that made his awareness kick in again. It sets his face aflame as he all but flies out of his seat, making them jump. He's really embarrassed and if they mention it later, he gets painfully quiet.
Neloth wraps his arms around them from behind. He was tired so he guesses he can't fault himself for being less than aware. The wizard puts his chin on their shoulder and continues to watch Gothren go on and on. Till he notices the others giving him odd looks. He blinks bleary eyed then it hits him like a freight train. No he won't talk about. No, his face isn't red what are you on about?
Divayth Fyr refers to them as his spouse. He's busy and barely notices as the alchemist wraps his things till they say something about it. It has the great Divayth Fyr actually shocked for a moment. They glance over him and have a glint in their eyes and they seem to find it more funny then anything. Thankfully, they're nice about and rumors aren't spread.
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