#but boy is my brain going like NOOOO how about we watch something instead?
what is sentence if not writer's suffering persevering?... like what the hell did i just write there my brain just goes BRRR
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
candela obscura chapter one episode 3: bad news: the rest of it
hand porn people come get your juice
(it's me I'm hand porn people) (you think I watched four seasons of Magicians for the plot?)
you mustn't read from the book
cool I hate it
auggie: EYYYY
auggie's expression in his art is still so good. love character art that says so much about a character
"before each of you are visited by - " my garbage brain: "three ghosts"
oh the grey streak in charlie's hair is new
backstory, bacKSTORY
oh not the mental arguments, those are the worst
auggie my beloved
howard's been high on ghosts for a week
"what were you doing?" "ghosts"
"have you had it looked at?" "I've looked at it :D"
I heard that "insight check" she didn't say
I had to step away, who drilled a hole in their head this time
okay nobody drilled a hole in their head but auggie is Impersonating a Police Officer
god all I can think of is the opening to the Lungfishopolis section in Psychonauts
"Doing well, Officer O'Lungfish! Following all posted laws, to the letter!"
do you scarlet?
give the baby cocaine
the average nextdoor poster
nefarious something somethings
"come back with a warrant"
aw he got his hoity-toity politics niece a book
it's tusk love
I'm something of a spooky story myself
"there's DRUGS in the WALLS"
you what your what
"they're both equally shit"
roll for ricochet
table: howard no robbie: HOWARD YES
"to make you go to sleepytime"
oh oh that one episode of doctor who
idiot's lantern! that one
oh that's very cool
we love an interactive prop
oh no irl dark
insert symmetra "fall back" voice line here
oh I hate it
too tall. too much. too much limb.
when I step you step we step
I very much heard "crying"
I didn't ask how big the room is I said I cast oil lantern
ghost floaters
"only you can create forest fires"
I'm just thinking of the werewolf from paranatural
[percy lovm voice] I AM EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE
"that was my kamehameha" nerd
"drive it like you stole it"
"I don't know the rules, I can't roleplay my way out of this"
auggie :(
lycanthropic ficus
"what do you have?" "a gun! :D" "NO"
my permanent fallout brainrot insists on hearing "deacon" instead
of "deagan"
"it's a magic gun that's bat at ghosts"
[tma voice] ghost bullet
oh I haven't been looking, I didn't realize ashley took the jacket off
stop I'm already gay
I am not immune to matthew mercer's version of slimy charm
playing dishonored be like
arlo's little dreamy voice going "I have a rifle :D"
matt that sound effect was ENTIRELY unnecessary
god help me for the reference I'm about to make
elephant graveyard but for trains
"we're urban spelunking"
oh, it's filch
sounds like something someone who was skulking would say
"tetanus is the true enemy"
howard Leeroy Jenkins margrove
and then arlo had no face
[zenyatta voice] experience nothingness
"a person appears in the portal" stanford?
that is a joker from improbable island
(please play improbable island)
matthew I have never hated your sound effects so much as I do in this moment
OOF obsidian stab
you are flying through the air no matter what
you ever grow another arm just to punch a guy
the softest "oh no"
"what is the exact light temperature of your ritual"
noooo let arlo do her cool trick shot
summon the spirit of percy
hey matt what the fuck
howard's made of ghosts
"I feel strange" because you're made of ghosts
I enjoy that ashley stays in character voice the entire time she's playing. like she's just auggie now.
okay what matt said was cool but I also like the idea of auggie not being able to rely on being able to physically fight his way out of shit and having to actually read the situation
hey robbie what the f u c k
bad news: the rest of it
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: Pollo Loco
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
The pre-episode conversation:
Wench: Here it is.  You ready?  ARE YOU READY??? 
Jezebel: YUSSSSS
Wench: Okay.  OKAY.  Here.  We.  Go.
Wench: YESSS
Jezebel: 3!  2!  3!  4!  5!
Wench: alsdkfjladskjf Gooooo
Jezebel: 4!  3!  2!  1!  GOOOOO
– – – 
It’s Ben  [Ben ded]  Oh?  [That's what they just said; they found a dead body with a barcode, and it's Ben]  Well now I’m confused
Bby Ben  [He was a storyteller :(]  😭😭😭
Wot?  [Was this about the Nomlies?]  I think yeah lol  [Nomlies are, essentially, Manticore rejects.  Flawed genetics, personalities, etc, to the point that they've been moved to the basement for reprogramming or permanent retirement]
…. Wait.  Wait.  🤔🤔🤔🤔  WAIT.  Isn’t that how she… Is this 🤔🤔🤔  [SPEAK]  Is this the future and the episode is leading up to the death?  [*whistles*]
[Nope.  I just lied to you]  You.  My friend.  Are a *redacted OFMD!Izzy cursing*
[Ma'am didn't say the nickname :(]  LINTLICKERRR  [There we go]  🙂
Bruh  [Ma'am didn't even wait for a response]  WHY NOT TELL HIM  [Max is being Max again, what can I say]  *sigh*
[I'm actually starting to recognize the kids this go-round]  
Holy hell deep voice
[I don't know if that kid's dealing with the tryptophan thing btw]
When he said the blue lady was he referring to the Virgin Mary?  [Yup.  Ben storytelling again]
BUDDY WHATCHA DOING 👀👀👀  [Being homicidal.  As one does.]  
Well damn
[Okay, look.  I know we know that she was lying.  But to be fair.  It's kinda ridiculous that they act like the kids would all be recognizable.  It's been.  11.  Years.]  Yeah that’s fair… But I mean I think I look like me from 11 years ago ☠️  [You didn't go through puberty in that time tho.  I think they were like.  9]
["Closest thing to a brother"  Bitch, ZACH IS SUPPOSED TO FILL THAT SPOT]  Excuse you Zach doesn’t need to be filling no spots 👀😮‍💨🤢  [MA'AM WATCH THE SHOW]
‘Cause I’m an angsty bitchhhhhhh  *sigh*
[Church]  Time to repent.  Then kill the priest.  Then repent again.  ["There's things, there's…people… feelings that I want to experience differently than I have before"]  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Awww man… Teef.  That’s brutal.  Blech  [“Summer teef.  Sum 're teef, sum 'ren't”]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
☠️☠️☠️☠️ Noooo
Priest is like… ma’am you gud  [No, she ain't]
I had stuff to say but Ackles has reappeared instead (like an Angel)
Oooh jumpscare
The smileee
The smile is gone  🙁
Uhhh no… I don’t
Speed run  ["Blurring," in the in-universe speak]
☠️☠️☠️ I swear he comes in so randomly WITH GROCERIES  like
– – – 
Wench: What were you saying when Ackles showed up? alskdjf
Jezebel: 😮‍💨😮‍💨  It was a joke and I don’t fully remember it enough to retype ☠️  Ackles just rewired my brain and it erased.  Irrelevant.  Non existent.
Wench: :))) Fair
Jezebel: But noooo the smile at Max 😮‍💨😮‍💨 I-  I swoo— I’m married sir how dare you
Wench: Nooo
Jezebel:  I- I have forgotten how to midpoint! All I wanna do is fangirl rn ☠️ and he’s only been in two scenes
Wench: I almost spilled my cereal at that one alksdjflaksdjf  But I understand completely
Jezebel: Will be a better endpoint
Wench: Aight… on we go?
Jezebel: YESSSS
– – – 
The priest is gonna get ded
“Faith in the lady”  That’s… ok  🤣🤣🤣
Priest is like… shit.  Time to find another line of work
[The eagerness with which he seized on the soldier explanation 😭]  😭😭😭
“The lady”  I’m dying
Oh noooo
I fucking jumped
["I'm not a liar"... murder = okay, lying = not.  This says something]
Ok I see what he’s doing I think
I’d be ded.  “Slide the wot IN WHERE!?!  Pretty boy help!”
“Click”?  Oh, or maybe it was loaded after all
Poor priest
A lot, lady.  A lot
[Poor Ben having a crisis of faith :(]  💔💔💔 Damn.  It be like that kid
Oooop  [He invaded her perch]  He gonna start talking in circles now  [He already did... Devour-coded]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[THIS IS THE "SHE"!  (The one I said to be concerned about)]  Ohhhh… That wants the kids killed?  [Yup]
[X5-493 = Ben, btw]  494 Alec?  [Yup.  And X5-452 = Max, iirc]
Ohhhhh military Karen  [She calls him Deck]  Milataren… Lintlicker and Militaren.
[Oop- Ben is back.  Important scene!]
Bruh he looked back like oh shit  [She annoys me here too btw.  Like.  bro, your brother is clearly losing himself.  And you're more interested in being bitchy about it than being caring.  “Bet he’d love to figure out what the hell went wrong with you.” Whyyyy did that need to be said?]
Lintlicker is like a fucking dog fighter with his little gaggle of pit bulls
Oh shit, crazy kids  [Azazel-coded]  Ooooof, trueee  [I heard it in his voice alksdj]  
[he wears fine blood well]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Sorry, kinda had to]
Logan whatchu doin  [He sneak]
Lintlicker whatchu doin  [He protecc his kid]
Oooop- Logan you been had
["You think because she's so pretty, she isn't as dangerous?"  Bruh, there was a whole unit designed to use attraction as a weapon asldkfj  *cough cough* Alec]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
[I'd be concerned about Ben too, tbh]
Ooooop  [“Do you hate yourself that much?”  Yes  He does.  Have you not been watching?]
[This woman sees her brother losing himself and is like.  Aight.  I got this.  Let me make it worse!]  ☠️☠️☠️
OMG HIS HEIGHTTT.  It’s visible here
YOU COULDN’T HAVE DONE THAT THE WHOLE TIME???  [Her physical acting there was so weird]
Oh.  The forest.  THE forest.  Ack.  ACKKKK.  [:)]
[This man playing the actual original comic book villain: "It seems his faith wasn't strong enough."]  RIGHT
Oh.  Oh that’s broken.  Ack
AAAAAAACK  ["Ben, I can't carry you; we'll both get caught"  Bitch, tell that to your pilot-episode self]
Why couldn’t you just do it
We don’t need a story
Ack  [Coherency has gone bye-bye]
Welp… Ack
Mood, Max
Also tho.  The thing back then isn’t entirely fair they were kids
The priest is gonna be like…. Nope
[Priest survived, but he also has a weirdo barcode tattooed on his neck, and that's gonna make his life hella tricky in s2]  Ohhhh, he comes back?  [Nope.  They forget about it.  But everyone learns about the Manticore barcodes.  And that's the main way of IDing transgenics.  So like… Buddy boutta get slammed.]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️ Fair
– – – 
Jezebel: So, like, endpoint….  What even is an endpoint?
Wench: "Ack,” perhaps?
Jezebel: What even is life?  I’m not ok
Wench: I broke you alskdjf
Jezebel: … Ack.  Which is like ack…les. So even more ack.  I hope you and the minions are satisfied.  Evil.  Evillllll!  ACKKKK!!!!!  I AINT EVEN GET ANY JAM PONY TO MAKE IT BETTER
Wench: Okay, but s2 is better!  Alec is only three episodes away!
Jezebel: I got two seconds of OC- THAT’S A WHOLE THREE HOURS AWAY!  😭 180 minutes
Wench: Do you see what I mean about it being the best episode of season 1 though?
Jezebel: Yes!  It very much so was!
Wench: HAH!
Jezebel: Also noooooo the titleeee makessss sense nowwwwww!!!  Ackkkkkkkkk  What am I doing with this pain????  It’s like a reverse gift
Wench: You just kinda acked your way through the emotional scenes; I sent the script so you can compose your thoughts :)
Jezebel: Ohhhh.  Well… That was a lot of 😦 Like, I get him going crazy.  Also, I think I missed a part of Logan saying he had been doing this for a while (How long is the part I missed)
Wench: I don't think they said how long it was.  But, regardless, Lydecker's been covering for Ben.  Shutting down the investigations and all.
Jezebel: And, about that… On one hand I could go the anti Lintlicker route and say he’s only covering his ass because the woman wants to put them down and he doesn’t want to. And it’s nothing about him caring about them or anything.  But I could also go the pro Lydecker route and say he was trying to cover it up to get to him so they could in his eyes fix the problem and he would have another “kid” home.
Wench: I think it's probably a mix of both, tbh. He does care about them, but, like we've discussed, in a twisted kinda way?  So it might have been a "bring him home if we can" kinda thing.  And… thoughts on Max?
Jezebel: She was meh at best this episode but the end, with the story, I really felt for her.
Wench: Yeah, I get that.  I don't fully agree --- I think her handling of the Ben situation was pretty atrocious, tbh, even if it did end up working for a bit --- but otherwise... yeah, not bad.  And the end was kinda hard to fully hold against her.  (Also, talk about a picturesque death scene alsdkfj)
Jezebel: Right?! Like, oh, let’s have this lovely scenery, and plop a dead kid in his sister’s arms… oh, and sister is the murderer… Like… Wot?  Ack
Wench: Also, the childishness of the way he was speaking tho 😭
Jezebel: I KNOWWW  😭😭😭😭  Budddyyyyy
Wench: Honestly, the character as a whole has that quality.  He's so... beseeching.  Legitimately, all he wants is someone to understand 😭  He tries to get that with the priest in the confessional --- "I'm a soldier"--- and with Max at the tower --- "Don’t tell me you don’t wake up with the sound of your heart pounding in your ears." --- and then again with Max at the end.  Even the goading-Max-into-hitting-him bit.  He wanted her to understand the violence and she didn't even give him that 😭
Jezebel: 🥺🥺🥺 I just 😭😭😭😭 He’s such a good actorrrrr  😭😭😭
Wench: Agreed... *sigh*  But there ya go!  Ben episode!
Jezebel: *sigh* indeed!
Wench: Final thoughts?
Jezebel: … ACK
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Nyx reads Six of Crows (pt.1)
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I didn't want to annoy anyone with too much spamming so this is just my general thoughts while reading! (PLEASE DON'T FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TO READ THIS HALF OF IT IS GOING TO BE ME BEING DUMB AS HELL SO)
(updating every day, so you guys can keep up with my thoughts in real-time without TOO much spam :))
part 2
Started reading: 1/18/23
Finished reading: 2/4/23
Alright, since I didn't start this at the beginning of the book, I'm gonna summarize my thoughts from Chapters 1-4 in a few sentences:
AWWW JOOST AND ANYA SO CUTE, omgggg I'm in love with Inej AND Kaz, is this new? Nope. Uh oh, the girlfriend is gonna get killed. DAMN KAZ THE THREATS 💀 Jesper is so me. NOOOO JOOST. AND ANYA??? Who the hell is that. WHO TF IS JORDIE???? SLAY INEJ!!! Aww, new ship you guys!!!
Ok, that's all hope people understand it and if you don't, too bad. JOKING LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
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Starting at chapter 5 guys
Kaz is actually so smart
Oh Jordie is older-
I mean I assumed he was his brother but I thought he was younger
MEETING NINA!!!! (Ives said I'd like her)
omg. I'm in love with her. She has said one thing.
I can't believe they're only 17
I'm trying to be like Kaz
interested in Matthias like a lot
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chapter 6 now
I wonder what Matthias did
omg another new ship
I'm still confused about the costumes
this prison feels like hell
so many gangs
who would actually think of something like this 😦
It's sick
not sick in a cool way
sick in a WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL way
ok maybe for the sick fucks
omg they bet on it.
crying, screaming
"I'm mad at you, too" "I don't know yet. I just am." -me coded
oh Nina...this won't end well
my two sides fighting ^^
oh she down bad
Don't tell me killing wolves is against his morals- or his country's morals-
I'm hurt, you guys. Very hurt. Might cry. Probably will.
Do you guys see how sensitive I am yet?
Kaz is a slay per usual
I love the word barbaric
such a funny word
Kaz is literally a genius
No I won't stop saying that because he is
I just rolled my eyes so much I could see my fucking brain
Am I the only one who hates when guys act tough?
"I can take it" STFU AND LET HER DO HER WORK 😡
y'all I don't know who said that cause it wasn't me.
...oh such a lovely reunion!!! how romantic!!!!!
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Chapter 7 ALONG WITH Part 2!!!!
first pov from Matthias!
we left off where he was choking her and now he's dreaming of her???
trying to be like them fr JOKING JOKING
Matthias would like Taylor Swift
I mean he used one of her song titles in one of his first sentences!!!
He's so me
just realized that said hunted instead of haunted
crying actually
I thought we had something Matthias.
now with me those instances would be switched, kissing Nina sounds very pleasant actually
oh Matthias is down bad too
Sorry that's rude BUT TRUE APPARENTLY???
Me thinks this is a enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers again arc
I say that about everyone idek which one is actually my fav
"Boys like you weren't meant to get ideas, Helver," YOU TELL HIM KAZ!!!
My girl killed something that no one had survived before her
Love her sm ❤
Kaz is a lot of things but at least he's honest about it 💀
my lord I think he wants to kill Nina, just a thought though
bro Nina fucked him up
Matthias drop the witch thing, it's getting annoying
oh he's so salty I love it
me thinks she will think about you, often (it's disgusting and I can't stop)
my lord Matthias, never getting on your bad side
does he genuinely think Kaz is a demon? like a demon demon?
New character y'all
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Chapter 8 IN JESPER'S POV!!!
I love Jesper he's so me
WTF HIS CHAPTER IS SO SHORT (I say as I've been complaining to myself about how long the chapters are)
Jealous? I know what you are Jesper.
It's ok me too
or am I?
don't have a repeat of Joost. Istfg I will sob. don't try me.
hey, hey. flute is cool too. (ok not as cool as piano but don't tell him I said that)
Wylan give me all your belongings rn.
Ofc Kaz is unfazed, it's Kaz tf do you expect?
Nina provoking him won't do any good 😭
God the dynamic between Jesper and Wylan
I want what they have
"No" "it looks like a target" NOW THAT'S A SLAY
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I feel a new ship brewing
Kaz ships Jesper and Wylan confirmed
Can you guys tell I like Kaz yet?
He'd probably try to kill me if I said that to him
But I only speak the truth!!!
I take that back
how stupid do you have to be to attack Kaz?
Kaz being the best per usual
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Chapter 10, INEJ!!!
Can't believe I've already read like 5 chapters today
But some of these have been short, this chapter is too
And it has still taken me like 4 hours I think, I'm a really slow reader 😭
Inej and Kaz's dynamic never fails to make me laugh 💀
oh...guys now why would you say that
oh no the silent treatment 💀
Inej's parents were the blueprint
omg that place sounds horrible.
oml my heart is racing
omg she names her knives I love her
I want to know more about her Saints
her knives mean as much to her as Jesper's guns mean to him
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Chapter 11, JESPER AGAIN ❤❤❤
y'all gonna explain the explosion???
"Not a kid" me too Wylan but I also call everyone kid so 🤷
omg Kaz you're a lifesaver, literally
ok it's official, yeah there's def 3 ships here
I know what you guys are.
Matt DIDN'T use his first opportunity to kill Nina? DEVELOPMENT!!!
I am calling him Matt from now on
"you can't kiss me from down there" SO YOU WANT HIM TO KISS YOU?????? CAUGHT YOU BITCH/j
Lawd this chapter brought my heart rate up
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Chapter 12, MY BELOVED AGAIN!!!
the ones in the beginning were so long
wtf happened
Who cares PARTAY
I hate long chapters
aw not the fucking black tips again
Omg you worried me.
Kaz to the rescue again
she's not gonna die but lord-
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this book has a habit of ending the chapters on very worrying notes.
Chapter 13, Kaz
scared fr ngl
another short chapter as well
omg he loves her so much
but I love her more so he can fuck off.
trying to steal my girl though 🙄
Awww they're so cute together... (Wylan and Jesper)
oh...now Kaz....his eye socket?
well bye ig
Don't mess with Inej guys you get your eye taken out and get thrown overboard
I need to know what tf happened with Jordie.
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Chapter 14!!! Nina is backkkk
This one is VERY long and by long I mean 15 pages so honestly I'm being dramatic.
Honestly the gang tattoo sounds like it'd look really good
Inej and Nina together>>>>
Best friends I say
I wonder if people ship them
I mean I guess I can see it idk yet though
Jesper and Inej 🤝 finding comfort in deathly weapons
Oh Jesper please don't start crying cause I will too
they're all so smart
how tf she know all those languages
y'all I don't think I like Zoya all that much
omg she said he looks like a painting
crying, screaming
oh Nina..
um...everyone makes mistakes! you'll be ok!
ew. um. I would rather die, actually.
Me thinks Jarl Brum is a little bitch
I wish I understood all the words they're saying
oh some boy to the rescue
oh nvm.
omg she's going to kill him!!!
I support women's rights but I also support their wrongs
joking I know she won't kill him
ooh she called out the name calling too
glad I'm not the only one
I don't though, still love you SUPPORT WOMEN'S WRONGS!!! (/j)
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Last chapter of this part, Chapter 15, Matty boy's perspective
Back to the short chapters
oh...violent per usual
oooh Brum died? YIPEE!!!
omg Kaz 😭
Kaz scary sometimes
"my ghost won't associate with your ghost)" MATTYYY 💀
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CHAPTER 16, along with part 3, AND AN INEJ POV!!!
oh she's crying-
3 DAYS?????
I feel like Kaz has a death wish
not her bullying her singing 💀
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I'd probably jump too, seems boring
they love each other
ok Wylan, come on now
oh the lovers are quarreling
HELP "You're not dead!" JESPER 💀
Y'all...it's a good thing I'm a multi-shipper.../hj
am I though?? I love waffles
Jesper is a people watcher
"Would it kill him to smile every once in a while" "very possibly" YALL 😭
Inej and Jesper friendship supremacy
omg Jesper loves Kaz
me too
I told you Jesper has a crush on Kaz. "feeling his cheeks heat" I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE
idek if I'm joking at this point not
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alright day 2 (or 3, can't remember) of you guys putting up with my total BULLSHIT
Chapter 18, KAZZZZ
my husband fr
and Inej's
Kaz always has something over someone 💀
"tell me you know that. He needed her to say it." "He needed to know she believed him." HE WANTS HER TO TRUST HIMMMM
BRO "He didn't want Inej." YOU JUST FUCKING SAID-
this is gonna be sad.
oh he liked the omelets :(
actually about to start crying
knowing Jordie dies hurt
"That seems like cheating" and he does it now :(
omg Filip not a good idea
he didn't.
he didn't just trick some helpless CHILDREN right?
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Chapter 19, Matty boy is back
Feel like it hasn't been his pov in forever
It's only been 4 chapters.
Embarrassing on my part 💀
anyways this chapter is so long
20 pages this time
still not that long but longer than the last time I complained about it
I love Nina
He's such a child
it's so funny
Finally they're having contact without them trying to kill each other
AHHHH in a good way this time
uh oh running out of romance tabs
you ruined it Matty boy
I love that they say that
"Strange people" PLEASE
So real Jesper
Kaz has his priorities straight
omg they just keep going 😭
sometimes I forget they're technically speaking another language
do none of them have mothers
If Matty betrays them istg
Don't pull a Peter Matty boy
Ah fuck I'm out of post-its for my in-book annotations
ugh I should've been better prepared 😭
omg I'm ALSO always in charge of making sure people don't start fighting
omg Matty, I love you, but you're getting on my fucking nerves
Matty, they ARE crows
Because you're in love Matty boy, that's why
awww they're so cute
if we look past the fact they are very close to death
Nah I don't think it's intentional I think you just have a dirty mind Matty boy
"Then you're as stupid as you look" SLAY NINA!!!!
"He lied. He did like the way she talked."
oh god
oh poor Nina
Matthias. Yes I just said your real name. That is such a fucked up thing to say.
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Chapter 20, NINAAA
the ending of the last chapter made me really angry at Matty boy so
also I'm officially halfway through the book!!!
oh Nina loves him so much :/
so down bad
well I get why he hates Grisha if his family was killed by them
Matt you do not have fun you seem like the most boring person ever
Nina is so relatable
"Do you ever doubt yourself?"
"All the time." "I just don't show it."
fuck out of romance tabs
so cute though
oh he angry
honestly has the right to
Nina now wtf come on
I might actually cry I found more tabs and I don't wanna go back
At least I have them for the future?
Switching general note post-its too BECAUSE THERE WAS A WHOLE FUCKING THING OF THOSE TOO
how do you view Grisha as less than you WHEN THEY ARE LITERALLY BETTER THAN YOU IN SO MANY WAYS
oh that's fucked up Kaz
ok well Nina is justified in all that
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Summing up what I read in school! (so ten pages)
That food was probably disgusting, CANNONS? "WHO KNEW I HAD A TASTE FOR LITERATURE" JESPER 💀. Good plan, but also so incredibly stupid wtf. NINA. Inej's discussion with Matty is so true.
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alright continuing chapter 21, INEJ!!!
my wife fr
Bro Jesper is just so me
Bro, I'd give this man the most amazing, mind-blowing, leg-shaking, eye-rolling, breath-taking, sheet-grabbing, sloppiest head he's ever gotten in his entire life
Who said that cause it wasn't me
Def not
oh shit they're pressed together
his touch thing
oh fuck
don't cry, don't cry, don't cry
Matty boy scary
Nina and Matty boy are so cute 😍
This book gives me stress
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oh their story is so sad :/
Kaz slays with the quotes per usual
oh Kaz :/ I FEEL SO BAD
"Kaz knew the word for cripple in plenty of languages" KAZZZZZZ 😭
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Chapter 23, JESPER!!!!!
He just like me but my father doesn't understand so 🤷🏻‍♀
Love Jesper and Wylan so much
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Chapter 24, NINA!!!
my other wife
so pretty much all of the Fjerdan are hella tall? scary
poor Nina
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Chapter 25, Inej!!!
even his gloves are genius
omg Kaz and Inej 😍
I hate this place.
Flexing like a goddamn acrobat
"Better terrible truths than kind lies"
so real for that one
please Inej, keep going 😭
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Chapter 26, my husband
the only thing keeping him alive rn is revenge
Genius at 9
Kaz Rietveld
Idk doesn't have the same ring to it but that might just be because I'm used to Brekker
Kaz should teach me cards imagine how much money I'd get
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ok y'all I'm gonna start struggling I've used too many images so I have like 3 more chapters I can go between and then I'm gonna have to start a new post
I'm gonna cry
chapter 27 JESPER!!!
ok they're all good
for now
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chapter 28, INEJ!!!!
my wife fr
bro how are they all geniuses
so we have a new plan!!!!!
I like shiny things
omg I hate this
omg Matty said it
Omg she's gonna leave.
omg she'd be such a good captain
they all have horrific backgrounds
I love Nina sm
"all I can see is your ass" 💀
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this is the last chapter I'm doing on this post
I love Jesper
Bro loves her so much
we just moving past that??
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backtothefanfiction · 3 years
Summary: Santiago takes you home after Benny’s birthday drinks. Neither of you could have planned what happens next.
Warnings: Mature 18+ ONLY!! All aboard the smut train, next stop feels station. This chapter features strong language and scenes of a sexual nature, I’m talking watermelon sugar high (oral, female receiving), mentions of sex.
Word Count: 3950
A/N- Here’s chapter two featuring our boy Santiago Garcia. This is the event that kicks off this whole shit show. I had so much fun writing this and hope you enjoy reading it. As always, although I have read through this multiple times, I do a lot of my work in the early hours of the morning so some mistakes may have slipped through the cracks. Anyway... enjoy!
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“Ow Benny, you kicked me.” You shouted over the music of the bar that was blaring around you.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry.” Benny mumbled as he climbed back into the booth beside his brother, flinging his arm out to wrap around him, almost hitting him in the face. Everyone at the table watched as Will narrowly dodged his younger brothers fist. “Uhhgg this has been the best birthday ever.” Benny drunkenly shouted as he slumped against his brother's shoulder.
“I should probably get him home.” Will shouted over the music.
“Uhhh buzzkill.” Benny groaned, but he was beginning to lose consciousness and everybody laughed.
“Come on, I'll help you get him to the car.” Frankie said as he began to try and slide out of the booth. You felt the seat dip as he got up from where he'd been sat beside you. You slid into his spot allowing you and Santi, who had been squeezed up together with Fish on that side of the table, to spread out more. “Come on birthday boy.” Frankie said, reaching across the booth on the other side of the table to haul Benny up so Will could get out and they could all go.
You politely got up to give hugs and kisses on cheeks goodbye. Santiago slid across his seat so he could shake hands from a better position without actually having to get up. “You're such a lazy old man.” you teased him as he slid back into the booth allowing you to sit down again when your friends had gone.
“It's my knees.” He said in response. You also said  his famous line at the same time, mimicking him and his usual answer you knew so well. “Seriously Querida?” he raised his eyebrows at you before giving you a playful jab in your side and making you giggle. You reached forward for your drink to take a sip of it through the straw, a playful look in your eyes.
Santi reached for his beer bottle he had been nursing most of the night in front of him. There was barely anything left. He knocked back the rest of it before slamming the empty bottle back onto the table. He watched you intently as you continued to sip on your drink, which was mostly just melted ice now. “You quite finished?” he asked you, his eyebrows motioning to the glass in your hand. “You want to get out of here?” you silently nodded your response and he grabbed your jacket from where it had been pushed up into the corner of the booth beside him. You took that as your queue to get up and he held out the jacket for you as he came to a stand, a small groan escaping from his lips as his knees finally stretched out after being sat for so long.
You turned your head back to him as you flicked your hair out, fixing the jacket collar with your fingers. You shot him a smile and he placed a protective hand at the small of your back as he lead you outside.
The air outside was crisp and made you giggly. “Come on giggles.” Santi said as you leant into him, his arm coming around you firmly, leading you towards his truck.
You kicked off your shoes, pulling your legs up onto the seat with you, getting comfy for the ride home. You watched Santiago walk around the front of the truck and climb into the drivers seat. “Really?” he questioned when he saw you.
“What? I took my shoes off.” he let out a low chuckle as he shook his head climbing into the truck.
As he pulled out of the parking lot he looked over to you. He could tell you were thinking about something but he wasn't sure what it was, he was about to ask you when you said, “Can we go back to yours? I'm not ready to go home yet.”
“Yeah, of course.” You were both silent again as you watched him take the next right towards his house instead of left towards your own.
The paving stones beneath your feet were cold as you climbed down from Santi's truck. You were feeling a little more sober now but you still couldn't muster up the energy to put your shoes on just to walk from the truck to his house. Santiago walked ahead of you up the path to open his front door. You slammed the passenger door shut and began making your way up the path. The trucks lights behind you flashed as Santiago hit the button on his keys to lock the doors and the truck made a small beep. You had been so distracted by your own thoughts, it made you jump, your shoes slipping out of your fingers, hitting the ground and a small yelp escaped your lips. Santiago turned to see your hand clutched over your chest and he chuckled. You picked up your shoes, throwing one at him. It missed, flying past his shoulder and in through the now open front door behind him.
“Don't laugh at me.” you whined sticking out your bottom lip as he let you pass him into the small house first.
“I'm sorry.” he said, his head tilting in mock sympathy, “I didn't realise that me locking my truck was so scary.”
“Uhhhhg noooo.” you whined as you made your way over to his sofa, falling back on it over the arm rest, your legs dangling over the side. You suddenly propped yourself up to look at him as he closed the front door. “Don't you dare tell the others.” your voice blurted out urgently in panic as he turned to face you.
“Sorry too late.” Santiago said reaching into his pocket for his phone.
“Santi NO!” you squealed, flying off the sofa, running to tackle the phone out of his hand. He mocked you by lifting it above his head so you couldn't reach it. You continued to laugh between fake noises of struggle as you played along. “Santi give me the phone.”
“Nope. Not happening.” he mocked, pushing your arms down with his free hand.
“Santi, give me the phone.”
“You want it, just take it.” he said, his hand never lowering. He laughed at you as you continued trying to stretch up for it. You even moved around to try and climb up his back to get it. He kept passing it between his hands away from your grasp.
You finally gave in with an exasperated grunt, stepping back, placing your arms across your chest. “Fine.”
“Fine?” he questioned, his eyebrows rising.
“Negotiation time.”
“Ahhh there it is.” he says going to take a seat on the arm rest of the sofa.
“What's it gonna take for you to not tell the boys.”
“Hmmmm....” he brought his hand up to his chin, playing along. You began to take a few steps towards him as he thought over his demands. “How about a kiss?” he said catching you off guard and making you stop in your tracks.
He watched as you thought it over. “Fine.” you quickly conceded and began to step forward to give him a quick peck.
“Uh, Uh, Uh.” he said holding a hand up in front of you to stop you. He could read you like a book. “A proper kiss. It has to last at least 7 seconds.”
“Why 7 seconds?”
“Dunno seems like a good enough time for a kiss to last. Any longer for a single kiss feels weird and any shorter, well that's just not a proper kiss.” You take a moment to think over his logic. You'd never kissed any of the guys before, not that you hadn't thought about it. I mean, they were gorgeous. You had just never considered any of them being interested in you back in that way. Then a thought came to you, 'was this Santi's way of making a move?' You shook the thought away, this was Santiago 'Pope' Garcia. This was just him being his usual charming self and doing whatever it took to get a rise out of you.
He raised his eyebrows as if to indicate he was waiting and you quickly checked yourself realising you were getting way too in your head about this. “Fine.” the word fell out of your mouth before you even realised what you had actually just agreed to. You took a final step forward closing the space between the two of you, your body reacting quickly, not giving you a chance to back out.
Your eyes followed him as he stood up, his hands finding a place on either side of your face. “Remember, 7 seconds querida, I'll be counting.” he raised his eyebrows at you. Your head gave a slight nod before he was guiding your lips towards his own. Your eyes closed instantly on contact and your body softened. His lips were soft, moulding against your own like little pillows. They were the perfect temperature, not too warm or too cold. You inhaled deeply through your nose wanting to take in his sent now he was so close and melt into it. You reached your hands up, letting them rest on his arm muscles for support.
Santiago felt you relax against his fingers, the corner of his mouth pulling up into a smile ever so slightly. His brain stopped keeping track after only 4 seconds. He moved his lips slightly, trying his luck, wanting to deepen the kiss. He inhaled through his nose triumphantly when your lips followed suit. His hands, either side of your face, became tenser as he pulled you even closer into the kiss, his lips and their movements becoming firmer. He almost lost it when a small gasp escaped your mouth.
He boldly took a step back, guiding you with his hands and lips as he pulled the two of you back towards the sofa. You both paused as the backs of his knees hit the couch cushion behind him. You broke the kiss, opening your eyes to look at him but didn't pull away. You bit your bottom lip slightly as you looked into his eyes, taking a moment. 7 seconds had clearly long passed, but the look in both your eyes was clear, neither of you wanted this to stop.
You boldly closed the distance between your lips again, the movement of your lips becoming more intentional as a slight tingle took over them. He let his knees give way and he pulled you on top of his lap onto the couch, your knees finding a place either side of his legs. You felt the tip of his tongue graze your bottom lip, asking for entry and the corners of your lips worked their way into a smile as you happily opened your lips wider, your own tongue coming out to meet his somewhere in the middle.
One of his hands came down to rest on your thigh, his fingertips grasping at the flesh at the edge of your skirt. A rush flowed through your body, ending with a flutter and warmth between your legs. Your body took over then as you slowly began to grind down onto him and his breathing hitched slightly in response. Your lips passionately fought one another for dominance as his hand worked its way up your thigh until it found a home on your ass, flicking the back of your skirt out over his knees. His grasp became firmer as he pulled you closer into him allowing you to feel his growing erection beneath you. You pulled your lips away to let out a gasp. Santi's lips never left your skin as he dragged them across your jaw before using his hand that was still placed at the side of your head, to tilt it back allowing him access to your neck as you breathed in quickly.
Your hands found a home around the back of his neck, your fingers carding through his hair. “Fuck querida.” he growled into your neck as you used your new hold to really grind down into him. You pulled back slightly and he looked up at you from your new position with hungry eyes. The hand he had still had at the side of your head, slid down your body to find a home on your other thigh, before it too worked its way up your leg and found a home on your other ass cheek. Your forehead rested against his as you both gazed into each others eyes, panting heavy, as he used his hands to continue to roll you against his erection.
Your breathing hitched and you let out a moan as the friction from his jeans rubbed against your clothed clit in just the right way. His lips latched back onto yours hungrily, stifling the noise. You could feel the heat between your legs rising, your vagina fluttering with stimulation. Santiago's fingers ghosted under the elastic of your underwear that covered your ass cheeks, pulling them apart, making you both aware of just how wet you'd become. Santi's lips pulled tight with a sneer, his hips rolling up to meet yours.  “Fuck princessa, I want you so bad.” he snarled against your lips.
You're head rolled back in bliss as a response to his words and he began to attack your neck again, his teeth nibbling gently at the flesh before smoothing it over with his tongue and lips. You gasped. “You want it, just take it.” you repeated his own words from earlier back at him breathily.
“Fuck.” he exclaimed before reaching a hand to your face, forcing you to look at him. “You serious?” he asked questioningly. You sucked your lips into your mouth as you gave him a small nod, your eyes blown wide. “Fuck.” he mumbled again to himself before latching back onto your lips, the moment you had relaxed them again.
You felt the world suddenly shift as he lifted you up and flipped you around, sitting you on the couch. He removed his lips from your own, kissing down your jaw. Your head relaxed against the back of the sofa, your eyes closing in bliss, as he continued to move his lips down your neck. You felt him shift backwards as he knelt down on the floor in front of you, his hands finding a home on your hips as he buried his face into your chest. His teeth and lips nibbled and sucked at the flesh as his hands moved down from your hips, sliding down your thighs before moving up your skirt. He hooked his fingers around the waist band of your underwear and began pulling them down. He pulled his mouth away from your breasts. “I want to taste you querida.” he said as he removed your underwear from your legs.
You tilted your head down to watch him as he threw your underwear behind him, his now free hands moving back up your legs to lift up your dress. “Holy shit.” he said as he got a full look at your pussy already wet and ready for him. “Just when I didn't think you could get any more perfect.” he said leaning forward to nip at the inside of your thighs. He shifted his hands on your hips and pulled you closer to the edge of the sofa, closer to his waiting mouth. His breath was warm against your lips and you squirmed slightly in anticipation. It wasn't much, but it was enough for Santiago's grip on your hips to become firmer, holding you in place.
“Oh fuck.” you cried out as his tongue suddenly caught you by surprise, licking a stripe upwards through your folds, the tip of it flicking against your clit before he sucked it inbetween his lips. Your response made him growl deep in his throat, the vibrations passing through his lips, buzzing against the sensitive bud. You rolled your head back again as you let out a moan.
Santiago pulled away slightly, adjusting himself, before reattaching his mouth to your pussy again. “Oh my god.” you moaned, one hand coming to rest on his head, your fingers lacing between the curls, as his tongue continued to explore you.
You stayed like that for a few long minutes, Santiago only using his tongue to ravish you. His pressure and technique constantly changed, working you up slowly making your breathing heavy. Every now and again he'd pay extra attention to your clit, flicking it quickly with the tip of his tongue before once again sucking it in between his lips, over stimulating you just enough to make you squirm but never long enough for you to find any actual release. The third time he did that you decided you'd had enough. As he released your clit from his lips with a small pop you grabbed his curls tightly forcing him to look up at you. “Stop teasing me.” your voice was commanding. A shit eating grin spread out across his face and he let out a small chuckle.
“As you wish.” he raised his eyebrows, teasing you once more. You were about to bite back with another comment when you felt two of his fingers thrust into your wet core.
“Fuck.” you squealed, more than satisfied with finally having something to actually fill the aching hole. Santi chuckled again before licking your clit back into his mouth once more.
His fingers began to move agonisingly slowly as he gently stretched you out, his mouth still preferring to do the bulk of the work as his tongue focused on your clit. As he curled his fingers against the inside walls of your dripping cunt, he could sense you growing restless. Your breathing was getting shallower and your moans becoming ever more insistent as you felt him drawing your orgasm from you slowly. Santiago could feel you beginning to clench around his fingers and he began to move them faster. He pulled his head back, replacing his tongue with his thumb, circling it around your clit. “Come on baby, I want to see you fucking cum for me.” he said as he sat himself up on his knees.
You latched your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. His fingers curled up into you even more as he adjusted their speed making you moan into his lips. You pulled your mouth away from his, pressing your forehead firmly against his own, panting furiously, your mouth hanging open, unable to form words. Your hips jerked and your pussy clamped around his fingers as your orgasm took over your entire body. “O-OH F-Fuck!” you stuttered out, finally finding your voice again and it made Santi grunt in satisfaction, a large smile breaking out over his face as he watched you come undone.
Santiago's fingers slowed slightly, helping you work through your release, his other hand pushing your hip further into the couch, holding you down, grounding you. Your lips found one another again as your heaving body attempted to relax once more. Santiago's fingers came to a stop completely, pulling out of you as he felt the final waves of your orgasm leave your body. “Fuck, that was so fucking beautiful.” he exhaled into your lips between kisses. “I have no idea what I did to deserve that, but I want to do it again.” he said his head slumping into your breasts and you giggled.
“I think that can be arranged.” you said playfully.
He lifted his head up to look at you again. “Right now?” he asked, tilting his head. A massive grin broke out over your face.
“Sure...” you started, “-but, not before I've taken care of you.” Santiago could have sworn he'd died and gone to heaven. He hung his head, grinning to himself as you climbed off the sofa and began making your way towards his bedroom. “Hey you coming or not?” you called back down the hall to him. God this was gonna be the best night of his life.
You had woken up in Santiago's house the following morning to find yourself in bed alone. You used the extra space to stretch out your muscles after a long night of bliss. You smiled to yourself, the memory of the five orgasms Santiago Garcia had pulled from your body, still fresh in your mind. It had been a passionate night full of full body massages and cuddles between fucking.  Both of you wanting to make the most of this moment, neither of you sure when you'd get the opportunity again. You both knew you were leaving the country on separate missions in a matter of days.
“Santi?” you called out into the quiet house. There was no response. You furrowed your brow as you climbed from the bed to search for him.
You picked up the clothes you had been wearing the night before and put them on as you padded barefoot around his house. “Santi?” you called out again. He wasn't there. You grumbled to yourself. “Unfucking believable.” you said as you searched the living room for your underwear. “I can't believe he'd just fuck and dash and leave me alone in his own fucking home.”
You found your jacket, searching the pockets for your phone to see if he'd even left you a message. Nothing. You began constructing a strongly worded text message when the sound of the front door unlocking behind you, made you turn around.
Santiago froze in the doorway at the sight of you in his living room. “Oh you're up.” he said. “I didn't want to wake you.” In his hand was a small tray with two cups of coffee in it and clutched desperately in his fingers below it was a large paper bag. “I didn't have anything in, so I popped up the road to grab us something to eat.” he continued, pulling his keys out of the door before kicking it shut with his foot.
You quickly pressed the backspace button on your phone, suddenly feeling foolish for thinking Santiago would treat you the way you thought he had. “You okay?” he asked as he made his way over to a small dining table to place the coffees and bag down.
“Uh, yeah.” you said blinking away the startled expression on your face. He held out one of the coffee cups for you and you tentatively stepped across the room to take it from him. “I'm sorry.” you said shaking your head. “I thought you'd...” your voice trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.
“You know I'd never do that to you right?” he said, his eyebrows furrowed. “I mean even if last night hadn't been the best sex of my life.” he paused a moment as he searched your face. “You don't regret it do you?”
“No. No of course not.” you quickly said, feeling the need to defend yourself.
“Good.” he said, turning to reach into the paper bag. “You like croissants right?” he asked pulling one out and handing it to you.
“Yeah, I love croissants.” your voice was soft, a small smile breaking out on your face. You couldn't believe he remembered. “Uh hey Santi?”
“It's okay, I won't say anything to the boys about last night.”
“Thank you.”
Santiago had driven you home after breakfast. You laughed and joked the whole way home, never once talking out loud about the great night you had shared together, but you both kept it at the fore front of your minds, replaying it again and again.
@icanbeyourjedi @theshiningharmony @darnitdraco @kesskirata @wyn-dixie @rosiefridayrogersunday @actual-spawn-of-satan @clydesducktape @asta-lily @honey-hi @heythere-mel @heidi-toevs @wigofokoye @choricenter @goodgriefitsawildworld @lostgirlheather @d0uwannkn0w @justdrawings101 @nicotinebirds @bisexualolympus @babyratt19 @cookiecat22 @peterhollandkait @a-bang-for-your-bucky​ @asta-lily​ @codenamewife @lazyunknownwerewolf @emmy626 @natura1phenomenon @fanfics-that-hit-my-feels @fangirl-316 @thisisthewaytofiction @rosiefridayrogersunday-reads @aficwhore @slayerx147
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evolmaze · 3 years
bts hyung line find/hear your confession
summary - hyung line finds or hears your confession
pairing - jin x reader, young x reader, hoseok x reader, namjoon x reader
genre - fluff, angst, comfort
word count - 3.1k words
warnings - some angst, otherwise pretty harmless!
a/n: parts for the maknae line will be out soon!
You had spent weeks racking your brain for some sort of answer, for an explanation why you suddenly thought your friend and neighbor from down the hall was the only person for you. It had happened so quickly, you didn’t even realize. One night you’re watching a movie together, something you’ve done at least once a month, and the next thing you know your heart is racing at the idea of him being in the same room as you. You had no idea why you started to feel this way, but the instant you realized, you couldn’t stop yourself from constantly watching him, thinking of him, wondering what in the world you were gonna do.
You were currently on the phone with your best friend, complaining to her for the hundredth time about how rude it was that Jin thought it was perfectly normal to walk around the laundry room shirtless, “I mean come on f/n, he’s so hot it should be illegal. The man has the body of a god, and I as an innocent bystander should at least be given a warning before walking into it!”
“What do you mean ‘walked into it’?” she asked, amusement in her voice, and you groaned.
“I was doing laundry the other day, and I ran right into him as he was leaving the room, I dropped my clothes everywhere, and he totally saw my underwear and bras, but that’s not the point, the point is that he was shirtless, he was laughing at his clumsiness, and it was the hottest thing I had ever seen.”
It was at that moment that Jin had walked up to your door, preparing to ask you to borrow your hammer, when he heard your voice faintly through the wall.
“F/n, I don’t know what to do, I’ve literally never felt this way about someone before, and it’s not like I can even say anything, we barely know each other--yes I know we’ve hung out before, but everything feels different now, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’ll probably pass out the next time I see him, and if he’s not wearing a shirt again, oh my fucking god, plan my funeral please.”
Jin laughed quietly, deciding he could ask for the hammer later, he had other plans to attend to, like making sure to ask you about this supposed incident the next time he was in the laundry room; shirt conveniently off for your viewing pleasure.
“Hey I have a question,” Yoongi mused, turning down the radio. You and Yoongi were on your way to a cabin up north, planning to meet some friends there for a fun weekend getaway. You’d been on the road for almost two hours now, and he had decided that it was time to break the silence that had settled between the two of you.
“Yeah what’s up?” you asked, closing your book, and setting it in your bag. You waited as he beat his fingers rhythmically against the steering wheel.
“Who’s Voldemort?” you froze in your seat, and turned to him slowly, gauging his expression. How the hell did he know about that?
“Why do you ask?” you said slowly, thankful for your sunglasses that hid your panicked expression.
“When you asked me to grab your bag from your room, there was an envelope addressed to ‘Voldemort’sitting on it. Do you have a pen pal or something?”
No, no you did not have a pen pal. Stupidly, you had written your feelings to Yoongi out on paper, an ode to all the boys i’ve loved before. You  planned to store it away forever, never to be read again, in hopes of riding this stupid crush from your heart. All you wanted was peace, and the ability to hang with him without the looming cloud of love stalling over your head, but you must have forgotten to put it away before you left.
“Uh, no, no it’s not that,” you muttered, trying you best to sound nonchalant. “Just a letter I was writing to someone, probably won’t send it though.”
“Their name isn’t actually Voldemort, is it?”
You laughed, “No it’s not. It’s a pseudonym, my friends and I used it all the time to talk about boys we liked in middle school.”
Yoongi sat in silence for a second, and you hoped that that was the end of the conversation. “Do you like this Voldemort?”
You paled, and cleared your throat. “Uh, I don’t know, it’s complicated. I’m trying to get over them, so it’s probably best to not talk about it.”
Yoongi nodded, and didn’t say much for a while, and you assumed that was the end of it, thank god. The drive went on in silence, and you calmed down a bit, mentally cheering for evading a disastrous situation. You even talked with Yoongi about other topics like the weekends upcoming events, and how excited you were to try this new soju flavor. It was nice, peaceful, and definitely less stressful then the previous conversation. That was until you both started talking about college and first impressions. You had been explaining your thoughts on your other friends Namjoon and Lia when he stopped you.
“Wait,” he said suddenly, “Didn’t you and Lia have nicknames for everyone?”
“Yeah, we made up nicknames for everyone based on Harry Potter characters...” you said, trailing off on the end as you connected the dots.
“Yeah!” Yoongi exclaimed, oblivious. “Like yours was Ginny, Joon’s was Lupin, mine was..” he paused, looking over at you suspiciously. “Mine was Voldemordt, right?”
You shook your head, “Noooo, yours was something else I think.”
“Hmm, no I’m pretty sure it was Voldemordt,” he said. “Cause you and Lia always joked about how I was pale just like him,” You didn’t say anything in response, instead finding the dirt under your nails way more interesting.
“Y/n...” he called, pulling you from your thoughts. You didn’t look at him, too embarrassed to talk about it. “Hey, it’s fine, seriously.”
“Ah, can we please not talk about it,” you whined, putting your head in your hands. This was so awkward. You had written a middle school crush letter to the man sitting right next to you, and you still had to spend the whole weekend and ride back with him, great.
“Okay,” he said simply, tapping rhythmically on the steering wheel again. “I guess I’ll just have to wait to read it.”
“Oh no way, you’re not reading it!” you yelled, facing him as adrenaline raced through your veins. “I’m burning it the second we get back.”
“But why? I wanna hear all the nice things you said about me, you never compliment me in person.”
“Shut up,” you said, a blush blossoming on your cheeks. He laughed, lightly swatting your knee.
“So mean,” he teased. He lifted his hand to pull your hand from your face. You looked up, surprised by his action. He was never one for skinship, especially with you. “You know I’m joking, right?”
You nodded, “Yeah, no, I do, no worries, it’s fine”
“Good,” he said simply, bringing his hand back down the arm rest, except he hadn’t let go of your hand, so yours followed suit, held in his grasp. You stared intently at your intertwined hands, and then looked at him, confused. He was staring straight ahead, but you could see the smile forming on his face, and the red hue on his cheeks as well. Looks like you weren’t the only one with a secret.
Hey y/n! Do you have a copy of the notes from last class that I can borrow?
You smiled at your phone, Hoseok had definitely slept through class again this week, and as always, you were more than willing to share notes, any excuse to talk to him, right?
Yeah for sure! Give me one sec and I’ll send you a link to my notes
You had always preferred to take notes on your computer, you could type way faster than you could write, so in fast-paced lectures it just made sense. You found the document within a folder the two of you shared information. With Hoseok consistently sleeping through one class every other week, and you having such detailed notes, it made much more sense to just put all your notes in a folder he could access. You found the latest document with your notes, and quickly shared it with him.
Just sent it now, it’s in the folder with all the other ones in case you need them too! Let me know if you have any questions!
Sounds great, thank youuuuu!!!
You grinned at his response before going back to your studying. He usually had questions, so you were a little surprised when he never texted you back. You figured maybe he understood it better than you, and made a mental note to ask him some questions next time you saw him. You went about the rest of your day, finishing up your homework, getting your laundry washed and put away, and four hours later, still no word from Hoseok.
“So weird,” you mumbled to yourself as you grabbed your keys. You had talked about meeting him for dinner tonight, so you wondered if he was still up for it.
Hey are you still up for dinner tonight? Hope studying is going well!
After 10 minutes, and no response, you grew worried and annoyed, so you decided to just walk over to his place yourself. The walk was short, you jammed the whole way, wondering what you’d get tonight, and hoping that your professor would put out grades soon. Walking into the dorm, you passed a number of doors before standing outside Hoseok’s.
You knocked three times, and waited patiently for him to answer. The door creaked open slowly, and you watched as his head appeared in the crack. He stared at you and said nothing.
You cleared your throat, “Uh, hey. I texted, but you didn’t answer, are you still down for dinner tonight?” He said nothing still, and you sighed. “It’s fine if you’re busy, I can go. Text me next time you’re free to hang.” You didn’t mean to sound annoyed, but you were hurt, confused why he was acting this way all of the sudden, especially with no explanation. Waving goodbye, you turned on your heel and walked down the hallway. You made it about three steps before he called out your name.
“Y/n, wait, I’m sorry.” turning around, confused, you saw him open the door. “Please come in.” He gave you a half smile, and you sighed, ignoring the smile that sat on your face as you entered his dorm. It was dark, his blinds were drawn, and it looked like a hurricane had come through here, which was odd since he was usually so clean.
“Hey what happened here? Everything okay?” you asked, worried, when you turned to face him he was standing by his desk, computer in hand.
“I--I, um, need you to read this,” he said, handing you his computer. You raised an eyebrow, and turned the computer around. As your eyes adjusted to the bright screen in the otherwise dark room, your heart dropped into your stomach.
It was about a week ago when you wrote a letter to Hoseok. It was 2 in the morning, you were so tired, but you couldn’t sleep, the whirlwind of thoughts running through your mind were too much to handle, so you wrote them all down. Wrote down everything you wanted to say, and closed your computer, never intending to read it again. What you had failed to notice that night was that you created the document inside a folder, the very folder you shared with the man in front of you. You had carelessly titled the document to hoseok so it’s no surprise that he clicked on it, he probably thought it was a funny message to him, but instead he got a look right inside your heart.
You looked up to see him already watching you closely. He looked pained, confused, and most of all angry. “Why would you say those things?”
“I, I, uh--” you paused, you knew at the time it was wrong to write them. He had a girlfriend, they’ve been together for almost a year, and they were so happy together, and you had no problem with that. You loved Julia, and had even introduced the two, but you also couldn’t help how you felt, you had no intention of him ever reading this, you felt awful. “I swear, I didn't realize this was in here, Hoseok I’m so sorry.”
“But you wrote it, and put it in this folder, you must have known I would have seen it at some point.” he protested, coming closer to you.
“I swear, I didn’t do it on purpose, I opened it in the wrong folder, I, oh my god, Hoseok I swear to god I never wanted you to read that.” you said, tears filling your eyes. You had jeopardized everything with your carelessness. He took the computer from your hands and set it on the desk. You couldn’t look him in the eyes as he sat next to you on his bed.
“I believe you,” he said quietly, and you nodded. “I’m sorry there’s not more I can say.”
You shook your head, “Why are you apologizing, it’s not your fault. I was the one who put it in the wrong folder. At least the worst part is over though,” you laughed weakly at the statement, the worst was far from over, but at least you could stop staying up at night wondering what he thought about you. “I’m sorry that you’re in such a weird position, I promise that I’m working on it, I’ve been trying to get over it.”
“You don’t have to apologize for what you feel, y/n.” he said, standing up in front of you. “This is nobody’s fault, let’s go get dinner and talk it out, yeah?”
You smiled at his attempt to smooth things over, you agreed, but a part of you wondered as you walked out the door how long it would last before you grew distant and never spoke again. For now, you’d cherish these last few memories with him, and always remember the times before it.
“Just say it,”
“Why not?!”
“Cause I already told you no!” you sighed in annoyance, flipping through another page in the magazine you were currently reading, or trying to read at least, until Namjoon showed up and rudely interrupted you.
“Come on, y’n, I need to practice!” you laughed at him, practice? What in the world was he thinking?
“You’re not seriously saying you want to practice this,” you said, setting down the magazine and facing him. He looked at you, and you realized he was serious. “Ugh, fine.”
He grinned, happy that he had finally convinced you to help him out. All of this started about a week ago when Namjoon caught wind that a girl in his bio class had a crush on him, the man absolutely lost it, so flustered and confused, he didn’t know what to do. You felt like you were watching a cheesy romantic comedy with the way he came to you, pacing back and forth in your living room. He was totally clueless, had no idea what to do, and came to you for help. You had been around the block a time or two when it came to dealing with situations like this, so it was no surprise that he wanted your expertise on how to politely reject someone.
It wasn’t that the girl in Namjoon’s bio class was awful or anything like that, it was the fact that Namjoon barely had time to live his own life, let alone make room for someone else. You were lucky if you spoke to him once a week, you practically had a heart attack when he showed up today. He explained to you the rumor he had heard, and how he had also heard that she was going to confess after their next class together. All of that combined was enough to stress the man into oblivion, so he desperately asked for your help.
“y/n thank you so much, I just don’t want to hurt her feelings, you know?”
“You’re literally the nicest person I know, there’s no way she would leave feeling anything but mildly sad, knowing you, you'd probably offer to pay for her bus fare home.” The look on his face had you laughing as it looked as though he was seriously considering it. “I’m kidding, Joon. Don’t do that.”
“What?” he said, “I definitely wasn’t gonna do that.”
You smirked at his obvious lie, “Whatever, let’s get this over with.” Taking a breath, you tried to get into character: a biology girl who likes Namjoon. “Hey Namjoon,” you said, trying to sound flirty and leaned casually on the side of the couch.
“Hey, y/n-”
“Don’t use my name,” you laughed, “use her name.”
“Oh okay,” he said, and he took a breath before looking into your eyes, “Hey, Emily. What’s up?”
“Nothing much, I actually had something I wanted to talk to you about,” you said, getting up from the couch, and walking over to where he stood by the kitchen island.
“Oh what’s that?” he asked, moving away from you just a bit. Your act must have been spot on, you smirked.
“I have feelings for you, Joon.” you said, trying to sound nervous and excited, however the hell someone sounded when they admitted their feelings. You were never one to discuss such personal topics, probably the reason why you were single at 23, but whatever, you liked it that way. Poor Namjoon looked terrified, and you’d take being single over being the cause of a situation like this any day.
“Oh,” he said simply, and you raised your eyebrows at him. “I-oh, I’m sorry, y/n--Emily, I’m way too busy for a relationship right now, I’m sorry.”
You grinned at his attempt, it was weak, but you’d work on it. By the end of the night, he’d be confident and sound sure of his feelings, you could feel it. 
“Okay,” you said, patting his shoulder. “That was good, but next time sound more sure of yourself, your reasons are perfectly valid, and if she’s as nice as you say she is, I’m sure she’ll understand. Again.”
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eviltiddyprodnz · 2 years
Byah Humari Bahu Ka
8th June 2012 - 14th June 2012
the 7th June episode isn't on YT
Wasn't gonna write again but lmaooo his mom finally fainted when he said he didn't want to do any rasams and do a court marriage 😭
My brain simply has decided to call Paulomi Sao Paulo so there's no going back.
Krish bestie you can't just not tell Sao Paulo that you made her sign MARRIAGE DOCUMENTS. mazak hai kya
An Indian mother in law fainting whenever something she disagrees with happens is definitely an idea. I'm surprised it's being used to guilt the son instead of the Bahu. 10 points for Sonytherin.
Also when his mom and his family were thinking SP was responsible for him trying for a court marriage I love that her mom spoke up instead of the ladki waale kaise bol sakte hai nonsense.
Krish and SP colour coordinating.
Wow, the first thing Yashoda does is talk to SP and chastises her son. #MILoftheyear
SP has really pretty eyes.
She's so real. Like he feels guilty and goes we're gonna have a big wedding and she's immediately like don't feel pressurized, Yashoda come take your forehead kissie.
Help what was that angle. It looked like Shrenu was walking hypnotised. 😭
That Diya bujhna moment and Yashoda (out of all) saying y'all just lit it wrong and lighting it with SP is so sweet. Bad omens aside, it's once again nice to see someone speak calmly and come with a solution instead of idk yelling and manifesting bad things by thinking of bad things.
Lmao Rajni watching the TV while trying to decorate. She's just like me FR.
OFC Yashoda notices her. #TherealOTP
SP basically teaching this man how to love at this point.
Wait he saw her fall. That's different 💀. I thought she was gonna fall on him. But the voice over and the scene don't sync well at all 😭😹
One thing about Rajni she's going to bump into people and drop shit. (relatable)
Krish how are you already in love 😭💀. I like love at first sight in stories though.
Krish close your door omg 😭. I mean no one's coming but who just leaves their door open?
NOOOO it's been a week and SP still has that can coke ring. Krish you dumbass 😭
Awww SP's family is getting close. They're gonna be heartbroken. 😭💔
Look at Baa and Lil Sis talking the right things. Separation is truly better than staying and suffocating yourselves in a relationship. Look at them sharing more than a kidney. ✨
AAAAH Baa has my heart. Ready to jiggy with the groom.
I mean the moment the game was introduced we all knew he'd magically pick her. They didn't need to pan to God, it's what we all want.
I love that this fam is super chill like are you my guest? No. Join in anyway !
The other waitresses being perfect wingwomen. Oh yeah
Dandiya bringing their smiles out ✨✨✨
LMAOOO the way Rajni literally LEFT the moment the music stopped. Sach mein Cinderella dandiya.
Not this boy literally just being a plot stirrer.
He's SO happy about the pagdi.
LMFAO at least she met him before the goof up. I mean Maa may still read the letter he wrote but I lowkey felt sad that he might think she rejected him by not showing up. #MyGirl
AAAAH SP makes a beautiful bride 😭
I knew my girl was gonna bump again but at least she bumped with the right man.
Love that Kanhaiya ji is guiding her here and Shankarji was guiding her in DBO/IB
In her defence everytime she's bumped into other people they've also not been looking up. 💀
The bg music is kinda boring though 😩
The second time someone has reacted this happily and lovingly hearing the name Ranjnibada and it's Yashoda's son.
Yashoda giving adoring eyes to SP is sweet as hell but feels like cheating to me. 😩😩😩
Krish down terrible omg
Naw he's going to break her heart let me take a breather
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real-fanta-sea · 4 years
Still taking kiss requests? 11 trikey would be cool with an od scare
wow it’s been a month? oops... anyway! Here comes your fic!
"mmmm hello handsome!!"
Usually, when the trailer door was kicked open, and Trevor stomped in, it wasn't at 2 in the afternoon, and Michael didn't stand by the sink in an embarrassingly pink apron, washing dishes. And it also didn't involve two giant plastic bags being tossed towards the kitchen while Trevor snickered and clapped his hands.
"oh my, how did you know I love it when you dress up like a french maid Mikey?"
Michael somehow found it incredibly hard to come up with a coherent answer, because T danced trough the room to slap his ass, snake his arms around him and lay a loud kiss on his neck. Instead of words, he just stabbed him with his signature 'I'll kill you' glare and fidgeted a little to shake Trevor off. It was hot inside the trailer already, and M didn't need another guy sweating into his tank top. To his surprise, the pressure T put on his back was gone in an instant, and when he turned around to find out why, he saw Trevor sitting on the table, drinking beer and checking him out with a predatory grin.
"Trevor I told you not to do that. People might see."
"Isn't it cute how afraid you are to be seen when the whole town hears you moan at night?"
Michael frowned and turned around to fish another dirty plate from the sink and scoff in disgust. When did he sign up to be a housewife? Behind his back, Trevor let out a mighty burp and threw the empty bottle across the whole room right to the open mouth of their new trash bin. When it broke with a satisfying crunch, he cheered and whooped like a teenager with his arms flying all around. It occurred to Michael he was, in fact, the only adult in the house capable of being a caretaker.
"What are you so happy about?"
Trevor opened up another beer and snickered.
"You won't believe it, Mikey. I was on the business trip as usual,"
"Uhuh..." Michael rinsed a plate, turned around and while drying it with a cloth, tuned out the sound and just watched Trevor spill beer while flapping his arms around and overact facial expressions as if he was a kid in a drama class.
"...and when I caressed him gently with my fists a couple of times, he agreed to give me a couple of packs for free!"
Still rubbing the plate, Michael just raised one curious eyebrow "Did you kill him?"
Trevor shifted and pointed the bottle to him so fast a couple of drops splashed out "What kind of animal do you take me for? Of course, I didn't kill him, but I sure took his marshmallows!"
"Wait a second, so those... things are full of marshmallows? What the fuck are we going to do with 100 bags of that crap???"
Trevor tapped his head with his index finger to articulate how stupid Michael just sounded to him. "What else do you want to do with food than eat it, Mikey?"
Michael just shot one dead glare to him and shook his head slowly.
"But I like how you're thinking; we could masturbate with them!"
"Trevor, that's disgusting..."
"Noooo try it! They are incredibly soft!"
"Stop it."
"And so runny when you heat them up! And if you are a good boy, I'd fill them with a very special cream for you..."
"Michael, I love you, but you are one big fucking buzzkill, you know that?" Trevor slid down the table, finished the bottle and put it back into the crate. Stretching like a cat, he crossed the space between them and casually leaned against the counter next to Michael and tugged him into a half hug, leaving hand lower on his hip than Michael would have liked. He tried his best to look mad and sulking, glaring up into Trevor's grinning face.
"Aww look at those pretty lips pouting! Why don't we put them into good use..." Trevor leaned closer, and Michael slightly shivered when he felt T's hot breath full of beer and Redwoods on his lips. "...and have a challenge!"
"What?" Michael was utterly baffled. He was so damn ready for a forbidden daytime kiss, but all he could do at the moment was blink a couple of times and see Trevor pull away and laugh.
"Challenge, cupcake! To see how many of these bad boys you can fit into that pretty cockpit of yours."
"Trevor, you know I hate it when you call any part of my body a cockpit!"
"But you are not against stuffing it with marshmallows, are you?"
Michael threw the cloth he was holding to the full sink and immediately regretted the splash because the water would get behind the counter and he simply hated fixing that shit. He turned his frowned gaze to Trevor, who watched him with raised eyebrows and waited for round two of winding him up. There was no use going against Trevor who was determined to annoy him till M would give in. He might as well get it over with sooner than later.
"You know what? Fine. Let's fucking do this." Michael pointed an accusing finger and pushed it as close to Trevor's face as he could to see him cross-eyed and grin wider. "But just because you have a killer whale mouth doesn't mean you'll win!"
Michael stomped to the couch, threw his apron over the closest armrest and continued to the bathroom at the same pace, because why not taking advantage and getting his storage empty before the game begins? Judging by the sounds coming from the kitchen, Trevor decided to do the same, but in the sink right next to the washed dishes. Fucking A.
A lot of rustling and swearing later, Michael decided it was safe to return from his porcelain throne and fall back on the couch, scrutinizing Trevor's grin with suspicion and still wiping water off his hands. Trevor returned his gaze with lively flames in eyes and patted the open bag sitting on his lap.
"Ok Mikey, you start."
Michael's unimpressed gaze did not affect Trevor, determined to see his cheeks stuffed. Without a word, Michael reached into the open bag, snatched one marshmallow from the top and put it in his mouth. He almost let his angry act slip when he saw pink tip of Trevor's tongue wet his lips and then lick around the white foam as it disappeared in his mouth. Alright, he can do better than his boyfriend, can't he? The second marshmallow stuck to the inside of his cheek. And then third, fourth, fifth, tenth...
"yoo cunt fat in any mour, Miki? Yoo r a pushi!"
Michael felt a few drops of sweat roll down his temple - and instinctively frowned and balled his hands in fists. He knew he must have looked ridiculous with all the white foam sticking out his mouth, but for love of God, Michael couldn't let Trevor win, not with that smug expression he sported and with the bag almost empty, which meant just a couple of candies away from victory.
"jooosh ya waat, ya kanaaanian fek"
Fuck, his jaw hurt so fucking bad from keeping it forcibly open. It was precisely that kind of pain that woke him up in the night covered in a cold sweat after his brain gave him a dream about blowing a huge cock. Unpleasant and persistent. Michael exhaled through his nose, and while keeping eye contact with grinning Trevor, he slowly craned one hand into the almost empty bag.
Oh fuck!
Nothing could prepare Michael for the feeling of the soft, hot skin under his fingers and the impossibly wide shit-eating grin Trevor put on. It wasn't like Michael wouldn't expect T to cheat, or come up with a different kind of prank. Still, this oddly familiar thing hardening under his fingers literally took his breath away - and Michael shot up from the couch, wheezing, progressively getting more and more red as he stumbled against scarce furniture.
"Bwahahahaha, you should have seen your face, Mikey - I've never seen you more wide-eyed than now! One would think you're used to the feeling of my dick in your hand by now, baby, but thank you!"
Trevor let the rest of the laugh resonate and mix with the wheezing and choking.
"Mike? You can stop, I got it, you hate it... are you ok?"
In answer, Michael's eyes bulged out, and his face tinted blue.
"That's not funny, sugar..."
Trevor's face grew the most serious Michael had ever seen it when he quickly rounded him, hugged him from behind and pushed against Michael's ribs a couple of times with force M was sure was enough to finish him. Instead of crushing into his ribcage, the last blow loosened something within, and he just watched the cursed candy fly through the thick air and roll under the couch in a ball of saliva and dirt.
For a second, Michael could barely do anything else but take deep breaths and hang onto Trevor's arms that held him steady cautiously. However, he never was a man to put rage off, and with one quick movement, he turned around and slapped Trevor across his frightened face.
"Mikey, it was just a prank, I didn't want to kill you!"
Not even the visible hurt and a couple of tears on Trevor's face didn't stop him from going on with his rant. He paced towards the door as fast as possible and turned around to point a finger to T one more time.
"This is the last time I put up with your shenanigans, Trevor. I'm done with you; we're over, you hear me? OVER!"
"Michael! Wait!"
Michael stomped out of the trailer and right into the unforgiving Sandy Shores sun, swiftly passing a bunch of half-dissolved marshmallows, and turned around in the middle of the road to gaze back at Trevor one last time.
Whatever it was Michael wanted to say, it was completely drowned in the sound of screeching brakes and sighs of metal being deformed in an impact. Before the world switched off and he slowly slipped into comforting darkness, Michael heard a blood-chilling cry and the same voice calling his name, a voice he painfully needed to hear and hold onto like a lifeline.
Rhythmic Beeping. So loud. Droplets of fluid. Impossibly loud. And why is this light so damn white?
Michael had to blink a couple of times before his eyes decided to focus and adjust to the brightness in the room. He had no idea what the hell has happened to him, every part of his body switched on to let him know he was in a fucking lot of pain that was somehow numbed by whatever they put into the fluid dropping steadily into his IV. As a result, every muscle in his body vibrated in a very uncomfortable, subtle way, and it occurred to him it felt like that one time when they lived above a night club - a constant, low and very intruse mumble.
Moving his head around was near impossible - there was something around his neck, keeping it still. With a minor spike of anxiety, he decided to check whether his toes and fingers even respond. Good, he could feel the sheets rubbing against his moving feet, gentle creases in the bedsheet under one of his hands and... someone else's fingers under the other?
The hand twitched as if in sleep, and tightened its grip on his own. Somewhere near his bed, a familiar sleepy grunt echoed, and Michael's memory filled his vision with many pictures of lazy mornings in a small trailer bed, where the same sensation mixed with dust dancing in scarce sunrays and unexplainable peace.
"T... Trevor..."
A rustle later, Michael could finally see the familiar face hover over him and block out most of the light. He looked 30 years older than he did last time Michael saw him, with his eyes red and weighted with huge dark bags. His hair was greasy again, and his stubble coloured salt and pepper from worry. Suddenly, Michael's eyes closed under the rediscovered sensation of Trevor's palm gently caressing his cheek.
"Mikey? Are you awake?"
Michael opened his eyes again to look into Trevor's, and tears he saw gathering in them were breaking his heart.
The sudden extra weight on Michael's body as Trevor jumped onto the bed and straddled him made him wince in pain.
"Oh my God, I was so afraid you'd..."
Trevor bit his lip and tried to stop the tears by taking a shaky breath. Then, as gentle as he could ever be, he leaned in and took Michael's head in both hands, and brushed his thumbs over his cheeks in tiny circles - a movement which Michael found oddly satisfying. Just as he closed his eyes and eased into the feeling again, familiar lips gently touched his forehead and stayed for longer than ever as if Trevor tried to channel everything he wasn't able to say trough the kiss.
"I almost lost you, Mikey..."
Trevor could not hold his tears in anymore, and just let them fall down onto Michael's face as he gently pressed his forehead against the very place his lips left a moment before.
"Please don't leave me, I can't... I can't live without you!"
"I'm so sorry I hurt you, love, can you forgive me?"
Michael wasn't sure Trevor heard or understood what he said - instead of answering, Trevor just collapsed sideways and squeezed him tight, sobbing into the white sheets. With all the strength left within him, Michael pulled him into a soft hug, and let his hand resting on Trevor's shoulder.
"Look, I... I'm sorry it had to end this way... I overreacted and got you worried sick, that's the last thing I'd ever want."
"No, I admit, it was stupid to put my dick in the bag. I apologize, Mikey... Are you still leaving me, though?"
Michael's grip on him tightened, seeking the heat and well-known frame against him.
"... No. I said stupid things in the heat of the moment, and now I regret I did. I don't want to hurt you."
"Are you coming back home with me?"
"I am, baby - as soon as I can. I love you, T, and I'm too tired to fight it..."
Trevor's head slowly rose from this shoulder, and he could see both surprise and relief on his face. He would give anything to keep that childlike expression on for longer. His own mouth curved into a slight, but warm smile.
"Let's seal the deal with the kiss, shall we?"
Trevor slowly climbed back upon him, and this time, Michael could feel a familiar kick of lust under his belly as T's ass grazed over the sensitive area. Trevor has never been this gentle with him before, and when he closed his eyes as their lips met, all he could think of was the first time he saw him standing by a lone plane and the way it felt to fall in love at first sight with him.
"Mmmm.... Mikey, careful with that, one more poke on my ass and I'll have to ride you right here."
"Shut up,"
There was no malice in Michael's voice for just a joy of having the old horny Trevor back along with the over-the-edge suggestive banter. The grin over the flushed face above him told him Trevor was more than glad he was back to his old self too.
"And put those pretty lips to work, sugar!"
T just snickered, planted the last brief kiss on his lips and disappeared under the whirlwind of sheets.
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tanakax123 · 4 years
6. drink and dunk
previous ••• next
✖️warning: underage drinking, swearing
✖️authors note: i tried guys 😀 it was a bit hard but i finally finished writing it ahhhhhhh!!hope you enjoy uwu! feedback is appreciated and my ask box i always open!
✖️heads up: time stamps and likes dont matter
✖️taglist: open (send in an ask to be added)
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You decide to turn off your phone because you realize that they were not going to answer yours or Hinata’s text messages. It was pitch black without the light of your phone. Instead of sitting in your room alone in the dark, you decide to make your way to Hinata’s room.
However, before you even make it to your door you hear something on the other side. You genuinely get afraid so you run to your bed and throw a blanket over yourself. 
It took the people a minute to open your door. When they got inside you realized that you were afraid for nothing because you hear kuroo say “time to get up buttercup” as he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder.
Since it is so dark you can’t see anybody else that came into the room but you feel somebody’s hands search all over your face. Once they reached your eyes they start to put a blindfold on. You try to shake your head so that putting the blindfold on would be impossible. The hand that had grabbed your face started to softly caress your cheek. 
“It’s okay. I won’t hurt you” 
the voice sounded so beautiful but you could not tell whos it was. Strangely you decided to just let this dude put the blindfold on you while Kuroo started to take you away.
With your super amazing senses *cough* not *cough* you were trying to pay attention to where they were going to take you. You could feel them going down the stairs of the house. Once they reach the bottom they make a left turn then a right so that had to mean that you were in the living room.
Kuroo gently places you down on the floor and whispers in your ear. “Good luck kitten” you hear his footsteps slowly start fading away. 
After just sitting there for a while you hear the footsteps start coming back. Suddenly someone drops next to you. Of course, you know its Shoyo because he keeps babbling. “What are yall doing to me?? Why am I blindfolded?? guys???” 
It started to sound like he was panicking and none of the guys were saying anything so you decide to reach for his hand, grab it, and give it a tight squeeze. “..y/n??”
“ its okay sho… I’m pretty sure this is just initiation” you say as you roll your eyes but then realize that he can’t see you because you have the blindfold on. 
After about three minutes of you and sho just sitting there you finally feel the boys move. As you were about to ask a question you feel the same soft hands reach for your face, but this time its to take the blindfold off.
It takes you a minute to adjust to the light around you but once you were okay you saw the face of the man with the soft hands. It was bokuto.
Out of all the boys he was the one you knew the least of. All you knew was that he was accepted at this college on a sports scholarship for volleyball. He was kneeling in front of you with a huge smile on his face. You can’t look away. 
‘He’s kind of cute’ you thought. He then winks at you and goes to stand next to the rest of the guys who apparently all love wearing black capes. ‘What the crap’ you think. 
You accidentally let out a small giggle. “Why are you laughing” said kuroo staring down on you.
You somehow straighten up more than you thought possible. “Laughing? what? Noooo I would never!! Whos laughing? Not me. Wrong bitch” you say with staring back at kuroo with a straight face. 
From the corner of your eye, you see bokuto grow a small smile. You can’t help but blush. 
You also notice that kuroo is trying his best to not crack a smile himself.
“Ehem, anyways, tonight you two newbies must go through initiation. Every year we get many applicants but only those who we seem worthy of being part of this brotherhood get the privilege of being called a brother…” he then looks at you for a second “...or sister…” You snicker “.. omg y/n you get the point. Whatever. So for this year’s initiation, you must show us just how worthy you are.”
Hinata looks really panicked and honestly so did you. What the hell were they going to make you do? 
“All right… since we are all going to be living together it is only bound to happen…” 
Kenmas message was starting to make sense now. 
“... strip down to your undergarments” 
Practically all the boys start to look at you. 
Oh fuck 
You look at kuroo practically begging him to let you go. He gave you a look that screamed not a chance. you turn to look next to you. Hinata is already down to his boxers trying to hide the rest of his undressed body with his little arms.
Oh fantastic 
You decide to just make a joke about it since there was nothing else you could do at this point. Besides its not like your undergarment was bad. Thanks to Kenma 
You start to reach for the rim of your shirt to pull it off. You roll your eyes as you notice all the boys held their breath. Jeez have they never seen a girl undress before
“If yall wanted to watch me undress all you had to do was ask~” you say as you start to take off your shorts as well. 
They all do a full body scan, and you thought it was going to be fine since kuroo nods at you. But then someone from behind you starts to huff loudly. 
“Who told you?” Asked terushima
“What do you mean?”
“Well you mean to tell me that you wear sports bras and regular underwear all the time?” he practically yelled 
Kuroo decided to intervene “hey teru maybe--”
“Well, terushima for your tiny brain to comprehend... women aren’t always wearing panties and lacey bras! Sometimes we want to be comfortable too” you say while glaring at him.
You glance at kenma for a second and you see that a small smile formed on his face 
“Look here you bi-” 
“ALRIGHT!! Enough!” kuroo stopped you guys again before it could escalate. He turns to look at suga and daichi “bring out the buckets” 
Suga and daichi go to the next room and bring with them two big blue buckets filled with water. And behind them tanaka and noya followed them holding two cases of beer. 
They place one bucket in front of you and the other in front of hinata, In front of the bucket you see tanaka starting to sit down with one of the cases of beer. You look at him questioningly but he just gives you a wicked smile. 
“Alright, this is a little game we play every year with newbies. Since there are only two of you this year it will be a little harder.” he smiles 
Then akaashi starts to talk. “The instructions are fairly simple.The last one to finish their beer gets put underwater for five seconds. Drink as fast as you can or get dunked. yes?”
He looks at you and hinata. You both nod. 
Kuroo gets in front of akaashi and starts to talk again “alright boys you ready?” 
You both turn to each other then look back at kuroo.
“Yes president” you both say in unison 
The second you both say that bokuto pulls out a phone from his pocket and pushed it.
Then a loud horn sounds from the speakers indicating that the first round started. 
You and hinata both grab a canned beer and start to chug it. The beer tasted disgusting. The second you finish you turn to look at hinata who apparently is a better drinker than you are and before you know it your head is underwater. Then pulled back up in five seconds.
You can’t seem to beat hinata. You notice that every round when they would pull your head out of the water terushima had a smirk on his face. It made chills run down your spine.
Before the next round started kuroo kneeled down in front of you. “Losing every time y/n..” he shakes his head “...what do you have to say for yourself” 
You look at him straight in the eye with a smirk 
“I don’t know. I guess girls just take longer to finish” 
The guys around kuroo can’t help but laugh. Bokuto was laughing the hardest.
 He looked so pretty.
Terushima was not so pleased. 
Kuroo looked at you with a smirk on his face. “Guess that’s a good enough excuse” 
After about 4 beers later you hear Hinata gagging next to you. You were about to ask him if he was okay but he threw up. Tanaka noticed just in time so he carried you out of the way. 
Kuroo saw Hinata throwing up and his face scrunched you. “Oh wow..uh...Well, that’s enough for today...Daichi get Hinata cleaned up and make sure he gets to bed please” 
Daichi pulls Hinata up from the floor and takes him upstairs. 
“As for the rest of you… let’s go party!!!” all the boys yell in unison and start making their way to the door. 
Kuroo comes next to you and pats you on the head. “You did good kiddo” 
You can’t help but feel pleased.
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@k4tiepie @awkwardspontaneity @museologi @insomniish @katiebnha @apricotjihyo @cuddlesslut @yikes-buddy @amigaa @your-local-lesbo @badboysdoitbetter2 @animebaddies @bbteahoe @asia-niicole @trashthatwalks @90s-belladonna @deadlordsupreme @roxanastrash @samwinchesterssexyface
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
MCC 24 JUL 21
Green Guardians and Pink Parrots Part 1/2
Alright I’m finally back! I’m only half watching while I clean my room but it’s fine.
I’m watching Fundy’s POV on my main screen and Ranboo’s on my phone where I’m typing this.
Ranboo pre game stream let’s gooo.
I’m so very entertained by the background Tubbo noises.
He’s so happy. I don’t know if I have it in my to watch Fundy’s POV even though I’m cheering for the Green Guardians.
Sands of time. Let’s go!
We are going to hear these boys in each other’s backgrounds.
This has “mom can we play Minecraft at our sleepover” vibe.
Phil’s streaming. Where is the fox boy…
Boys trying to out noise each other.
Please tell over to tubbo about how loud he is being. It would be funny.
It’s so much fun watching this boy achieve his goals. I love watching people achieve their goals.
Actual MCC server!!!
Good time for screeny. Nobody is chilling.
I saw him! I saw that fox run past!
“Ahh” - Ranboo
“Aaaa” -Tubbo
“Ahhhh” -Ranboo
“Aaaa” -Tubbo
High school ish age boy in competitive scenario. This will be so much fun.
Microphone magic time!
Hey I hear the boys!
And it works well.
It does echo???? How???
“It was a joint effort. I came up with some bad ideas you came up with the idea that works.” -Tubbo
Also known as every other group chat I’ve ever been in.
Lmanburg flag at rally?
No. Let’s do free clout.
Ranboo being a problem.
Why is everyone in that VC?
What problems are these children causing.
Fundy is live! Where is my iPad time to dual wield streams.
Dual spatulas.
It’s time to start!!!
Where is the fox?
You know. I might reverse it. I might have to watch Pink Parrots mainly and just ignore green guardians.
I’m going to put Wilbur on my iPad so I can see the chaos man. Now to decide which POV I’m listening to. Probably Ranboo. Wilbur on mine is slightly behind.
They asked if Wilbur was going change his skin? That never happens. He had to wear the sweater of shame at Christmas time.
I have them both almost perfectly sinced but it’s at the point it almost sounds echoed.
No it’s just tubbo who sounds echoed.
Nope can’t get it to sync. Just listening on my speaker.
No surround sound here. Unless I get really board.
Manifesting the win?
Manifolding the win.
Time to annoy the other teams.
From here on I’m going to try to be productive while I watch. Wait no. The music isn’t in sync with the one I’ll mostly be watching.
Oh I forgot TapL was there. Nope it’s not syncing. Just going to have Ranboos on my phone be secondary.
Wilbur POV let’s go.
We trash talking. Look at them go.
Ahh. English area codes. What the enigma.
Let’s win pink parrots!!! How do I always end up cheering for this team…
I need to make pink parrot art.
Oh no. Just Wilbur.
Oh no. It’s all Tubbo.
Wilbur reminds me of a good camp counselor motivating his team. Not like one of my coworkers.
My brother isn’t home today so we can’t have a watch party like we wanted.
My mom is confused with my and my brother’s investment in MCC but we told her it was the national championships of Minecraft.
Oh poor Fundy tagging on the other side.
I need to remember to collect channel points.
I’m sorry why is my internet acting stupid. Work you!
Pink and purple. The tween girls second most idea color pallet.
They are over motivating the Soot.
Thought Wilbur was going to explode from peer pressure there.
Yooo. I figured out how to watch Fundy! I can split screen my ipad between the app and the website. Tiny Fundy screen and big Wilbur screen and tiny Ranboo screen on my phone.
They can’t warn fast enough.
Time to watch and ad and support Wilbur because it got too far behind for my liking while I fought with the tiny Fundy screen.
I need to put away the books I’m pressing flowers in. But I don’t want to mess up the flowers.
Wonder how soon I’ll have to start a new post because I ran out of bullet points.
Nah I’m not keeping Fundy’s POV open. I want full screen Pink Parrots.
Music brain made the lyric connection.
I could drink 3 bottles of water every round.
The boys with the superior bladders.
What happened with Wilbur? What I didn’t see anything happen with the stream.
Nox crew role play??? What?
Wait. Did red team just fall into the void?
I found a skirt and I’m wondering why I don’t wear it more often.
It goes down to my knees I could even wear this to church.
Offhand wool!
Time to battle in the box!
Exciting death boots.
Go!!! Do wool! Get em!
Oh wow. They both died. At the same time.
They can hear the Tommy. That’s how well these dudes know one another.
Bragging on each other.
Everyone surprised that Wilbur is entering his old man years.
Random history moments with Tubbo.
Woohoo (again)!
Ranboos just going to jinx it.
Oh no I need my charger!
Got my charger! Rejoined at “Minecraft butts make big… videos” and am quite confused.
Skilled boys!!
Poof goes the Bur.
They beat Dream???
Casually refolding every bandana I own while watching battle box.
I found a peppermint tea bag.
Come on get mid! Noooo.
Pink parrots doing pretty good from what I see in MCC live.
I thought Ranboo had an actual burger on his face cam. I was so confused for a moment.
Yelling across the room casually.
Wilbur is back. You can hear him.
Wilbur is like a kid trying to get a duck out of the pond.
Sky battle?
Shake? Shake shake shake?
Oh no. Now all the chat is crying over Ghostbur. Myself included.
Pink parrots on top so far! Never mind that didn’t last long.
Go Wilbur! Go Tubbo! Go Ranboo! Go TapL!
Wilbur go poof.
3rd atm.
Oh we’ve gone down.
No he was not good. But he paved the way for TapL.
We’re in 2nd?? Are the other teams dead or something?
If we’re going down and yelling timber.
4th. Not bad.
Go green guardians!!
So proud of them.
Pants and Boots!
Still in 6th for sky battle.
Bless his heart TapL is so worried.
Red Rabbits and Green guardians are close.
My streams are out of sync. So confused.
We’re in lead!!
My iPad is struggling with Will’s stream but it’s going!
Come on Parrots!
Alright got it up again. Got it up again.
If I were a streamer I wouldn’t be good at MCC. I can’t competitive properly. I just like making jokes and being goofy.
Not a good lead but oh well never mind we don’t have the lead.
Red Rabbits YUM.
“Do not engage” as they set off tnt.
Get those stupid rabbits! Or whoever is attacking. I’ve never been good at any sports.
First again!
Hold on guys!
They won!!! With Wilbur hovering on the edge of the void!!!
PINK PARROTS FIRST PLACE (for now but I’m still excited)
Talented team!! Look at them go!
Get your screen shot little Y/N fan boy.
Not surprised we’re more popular than the olympics.
Had to go brag to my parents that there are more people watching MCC than the olympics. They were also not surprised.
Sands of Time. The wildcard game.
Sand sand sand sand.
We have a key for a vault already?
Putting away shoes. Nothing to make you be productive like watching Minecraft peeps play a competitive game.
“Everywhere is a way into somewhere”
Come on boys.
Time to switch to Ranboos POV. See if I can spot that N with my grown up can spot things vision.
Nope don’t see this mysterious letter.
TapL if you got nothing to do bother Ranboo to help him find that N.
Calm Tubbo. Tubbo chill.
Really. The map is broken and they are taking forever helping.
Key!!! Fight Fight Fight.
Ranboo apologizing.
If his team loses this kid will blame himself.
Go Tubbo and Ranboo.
Vault open!
Out of sand = prepare to book it.
1:30 (90 sec) let’s go.
Less than a minute. Evacuate!
Oh no Ranboo is lost. Hurry kiddo!
They made it?
They made it.
Off goes the Wilbur. Now to wait.
Come on pink parrots.
Is it bad I can’t see sands of time coins in MCC live or am I just crazy?
5th. Better than I expected.
Barely. But they are.
We get to vote now?!?
Quick to the voting!
I had to fight Twitter to vote.
The app didn’t want to work.
What’s the acronym one?
I’m sorry did I just hear that Wilbur taught Tubbo how to spell fuck?
Ranboo has the iron bladder.
I drank so much water but I just kinda do that.
Listen to Wilbur getting soft and encouraging Ranboo in his first game.
And Wilbur wanting him back. And planning to manipulate Scott.
Doesn’t surprise me that Wilbur would manipulate Scott. I know he probably doesn’t but still.
Look at all us audience beings.
Hooray David. I don’t know who you are but sup.
I’m sitting on a yoga ball to type and I about fell off. That wouldn’t have been fun.
All of Wills chat blessing him.
David just did the vocal equivalent of 👍🏻
Ooo I found a dollar.
And of course Tubbo likes the olympics. Trampoline boy should love them.
Nooo. Not tubbo!
Whoopsy. There go the parrots.
Why does my Wilbur stream keep goofing. See this is why I don’t actually liveblog I am so behind it’d be delayed anyway.
Instead of replacing with Phil replace with Kristen.
Keep it up Pink Parrots keep it up. *clap clap*
Where is my old cheerleading book?
Oh this is so behind. I saw ranboo fall on his POV then waited a few moments to see him on Wills.
Let’s reset it again for now. Look like it’s close. And I got an ad this time.
If it gets super behind again I’m going to just switch to Ranboo on my iPad and see if that works.
Wills is slightly ahead now. That’s how I like it.
Wilbur is such a motivating human. I swear I keep thinking that I’m hearing my coworkers encouraging campers at a kickball game or something.
Oh we’re dropping. But we’re still going.
How the actual hay are we still here.
Keep it up TapL!!
300 and a bit to get back to first.
Look at Ranboo and Wilbur. So happy.
Ok singy boi with the ability to do one sound for a long time.
I want TapL on DSMP. It would be funny I like this guy. What does this guy stream? I want to start watching him.
Ace Race? I love ace race.
Ooo buildmart. Used to be my favorite but now no one hates it anymore.
I like least liked games. Least liked games act as great equalizers. No one is happy and it’s funny.
“You have such a way with words” -TapL (?)
“Thanks I’m a song writer” -Wilbur
Why are we doing dramatic monologues?
Sounds neat. I like this deep story.
Who is dying? What? I zoned out for a minute.
Cant wait to see that audio appear on tiktok.
You go Wilbur. I believe in you.
You go Ranboo become a lover or hater of Ace Race.
“I keep on stabbing people in the butt with my fork” -Ranboo
Again can’t wait to see that audio appear on tiktok.
I love Wilburs angry “which glitch” he’s experienced all of them.
No don’t stop Wilburs channel! I’ll watch an ad but let me watch ace race.
Ranboo has learned to dislike ace race.
Feels like a achievement. You have made Ranboo hate ace race.
Tubbo did it! Whoop!
Good job Will!
Good Job team!
Second team to finish!!!
Wait it says they are in 3rd on MCC live?
Phil Head!
Hey 1st. Good job Parrots!
The perspective I watch doesn’t matter. All I see is shifting at Wilbur either way.
Ranboo booked it.
Techno. Oh how we miss him. He was there last MCC but still.
Wait why are they in the soggy? I missed it?
Dunk tank?
End on build mart! Everyone sounded so sad! I’m so happy! I picked the right team!
Oh acronym is terra swoop force!!! Go Philza.
I’m practical shot who will win.
Pink Parrots doing actually pretty good according to MCC live.
Good job guys!
Resetting Wilburs stream while nothing is happening so I don’t miss anything later.
Oh final text block. I’m going to have to make 2 posts.
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gurenscumrag · 4 years
Summary: The backstory of Tomura Shigaraki.
Word count: 1,244. TW// Violence, gore, emotional and child abuse. Abusive language, cursing, death.
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The Beauty That Is Tomura Shigaraki.
Chapter 1: Discoloration
The dust was starting to settle, a large, bulky figure standing out amongst the smokescreen. Shigaraki rolled his head slightly to both sides, watching curiously. A permanent grin etched into his dry skin, his fingernails scratching his thigh through the black fabric. Shigaraki couldn’t help the sick need to taunt his enemies. It sent pleasurable shivers up his entire body to see the way they worked themselves up over a stupid smile. Such stupid, simple people they were, taking them down was such an easy task, how could this giant bastard be any different?
Shigaraki’s tone was teasing and lighthearted but his gaze was hardened and serious, “Were you always such a hulk?”
Shigaraki tipped his head forward, eyes narrowing almost into slits and his tone dropping into a murderous one, “Tell me, Detnerat… How’re you feeling right about now? Crappy I bet. Your plan was to let the masses do the fighting while you sat back in your comfy tower,”
Shigaraki’s raspy, medium low voice rang out amongst the stillness on the battlefield, a large hand ruffled through his dirtied white locks. He was angry, but strangely giddy. He hated to be taken as nothing more than a worthless fly. To been seen as weak and unworthy was enough to set the murderous intent off in Shigaraki. But to shove it in the bastard’s face that he was more than Rikiya ever expected was delightful to say the least, “You thought we were beneath you, so you set up this city and sent your mob after us,” Shigaraki darkly chuckled, “Never, ever expecting us to get this far. Noooo.... Not scum like us! But here I am! I’ve knocked you down a peg. So, let me ask ya, how’s that feel?!”
Shigaraki dashed forward as if he was going to strike Rikiya, instead slamming his hand down onto the ground. All five fingers touching the solid concrete. The ground made a low groaning sound, piece by piece did the area around Shigaraki’s hand start to disintegrate. The once solid concrete turning to nothing more than what looked like ripped pieces of paper. Such a sturdy platform reduced to nothing more than dust in the wind.
The crumbling and dissipation of the ground began to spread in a larger circle around Shigaraki, not just stopping at his hands as it had before. The pure childish glee of seeing his destructive powers growing had the man laughing manically. It was everything he ever wanted. He wants more power, enough power to make anyone think twice about crossing him. Enough power to take down the entire world. To destroy the stupid hero world. Enough power to strike fear into everyone who even glanced in his direction.
Off on the sidelines of the battle Twice had been watching everything take place. Twice was holding his ally tightly to his side, but stopped to admire the pure beauty that his boss was bringing to the world. What normally was a war in his head at the simplest of thoughts had formed into one; one of pure awe. Twice’s jaw dropped in shock, the words tumbling out but were full of love and admiration, “Even stuff he didn’t touch is decaying?! Hang on tight, Giran! We’re getting the fuck outta here!”
While Twice and his comrade scurried to safety, the battle between two boss villains raged on. As quick as Shigaraki’s decay had advanced, Rikiya was even faster with his quirk activated. He was already in Shigaraki’s face the moment the blue-white haired man stood up. Their faces so close Shigaraki could feel the heavy breathing of Rikiya’s breath bathing his skin. Rikiya’s voice whimsical as if he already knew the battle was his to win, “I’m the type to let my rage build up. It’s why my forehead looks like this. You killed many of my warriors on your way here, right?!”
Rikiya’s power came crashing down with an unforgiving brute force, the ground around both villains opened up, crackling and crumbling under the sheer power. His power was far louder and flashier than Shigaraki’s, but Shigaraki had more power and violence behind his quirk.
Shigaraki barely dodged in time at the forceful strike. One of his attached hands getting caught in the violent assault along with half of his real hand. Shigaraki hissed at the pain coursing from his bleeding limb up into the deepest part of his brain. He cradled the damaged hand close, but his focus was on the one he had just lost. Barely listening to the words Rikiya was spouting.
“And was it this hand that committed such evil acts?!”
Rikiya grabbed the cradled hand in his massive ones, tugging Shigaraki forward, squeezing the bleeding ligament between two fingers like it was nothing more than a grape he wanted to pop. Fear coursed through Shigaraki’s body, his eyes meeting the gaze of the hulk like being.
Could this really be the end? Could he really die because he was too cocky? Had he gone through all of those experimentations, all of that suffering, all of those stupid missions for his masters for this very moment? To die a fools death? How utterly disappointing of him. His life was worth so much more than to die such a stupid way, wasn’t it?
“Let’s not judge people by their quirks. It’s a good lesson! I was raised that way too! However! There’s a clear link between personality and meta ability. You’re someone who destroys anything he touches with all five fingers. So what do you think?
You missed my earlier questions, Tomura Shigaraki!
What burdens do you bear? What do you seek to build?!
All I see is just a hollow man… You’re just a man who indulges in destruction right?!”
His monologue, his stupid words, they should have meant something. Anything to the younger man who’s very life hung in Rikiya’s grasp, but nothing matter. He didn’t care. He didn’t listen. Nothing fucking mattered. His mind was screaming at him about something more important. More important than his life. Than anyone’s life. Then any motive Shigaraki had at that time.
That was Hana’s hand...
Did he really lose her hand? How could he have been so careless?! How could he have let them take her!? What kind of man was he if he couldn’t protect her?! God! What kind of stupid, stupid, stupid! IDIOT CAN’T PROTECT HANA?!
Adrenaline, fear, and a unmistaken pleasure all passed through Shigaraki’s visage. His pupils blown out, from fear or from sorrow, nobody knew, but the calm and serious villain was no longer present. Something more sinister and pitiful stood before Rikiya. Something he had never seen before. How could one man who seemed to lack sympathy or love for anyone suddenly seem like a kicked puppy?
Inside of Shigaraki there was a war raging. One between the younger, ignorant hero and the older, traumatized villain. The two people that constantly lived inside of Shigaraki who often caused the switch between his childish mannerisms and the serious attitude.
The war between his innocence and his reality.
The buzzing of the battlefield quieted down into nothing more than a simple humming, his vision going a beautiful sparkling white until something slowly came into view. A young boy, with soft blueish locks, scabbed over skin sat quietly on a small chair, and a voice that was familiar yet not, rang out.
“These are your mother’s hands...”
Read Chapter 2 Here
Authors Notes: This is a project I’ve been talking about to my friends for a little awhile now. I’m so immensely excited to keep working on this! You may notice that I have included direct quotes and direct scenes from the manga, and that’s what made this fanfic super special to me! It’s a mixture of the manga and my own writing to deep dive into Shigaraki and his character. I hope you enjoy and come with me on this journey :D All the titles are going to be song names! Today’s title is Discoloration by Dawn Golden
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shima-draws · 5 years
Shima please tell me about your galaxy brain human Lucario AU I wanna know how it all pans out
NDASKMADMLASMKSA OMG ANON I am more than happy to share :'D This got really REALLY long, I hope you enjoy a good read lmao
So we have. Lucario. As a human. Possibly named after an actual Pokemon Lucario, idk. He's still Aaron's apprentice—trains under him at the castle to become an aura user. However, human Lucario is like. 15, making his connection to Aaron that much more powerful bc he's pretty much baby and Aaron's in his mid twenties practically raising this kid by himself. Lucario views Aaron as kind of a father/guardian figure? He's still so uptight at this point tho;; and he views Lady Rin as a mother (which. Is. SOFT). Rin and Aaron might be in love, it's hard for Lucario to tell, he doesn't Romance. He just focuses on his aura training. Pssh.
Fast forward to the time of the Big Pokemon War. Aaron realizes the only way to stop the fighting is to go find Mew at the Tree of Beginning. However he knows that this is a huge sacrifice—and knowing how loyal Lucario is to him, Aaron knows he'll follow him and be subjected to the same fate. And Aaron's like—Lucario is just a kid, you know? He still has so much more to experience and live for. So while it fucking breaks his heart to shatter Lucario's trust in him (for the time being) and totally ruin his father figure status, Aaron "betrays" Lucario and traps him inside the staff. It's some crazy magic aura crystal thing that seals something inside of it, whether it be a Pokemon, human, spirit, or whatever else. At this point it's also for Lucario's safety—bc nothing can really touch him while he's in there, and they're in the middle of a war, so yeah it's just really good timing and planning to protect his kid. However Aaron, being the adorable himbo dumbass he is, kinda forgets that this is an aura crystal, and therefore needs aura to "unseal" it essentially, which would set Lucario free. Unfortunately after Aaron goes to the Tree and gives up his life to stop the war (cue Titanic music) there's not really any other aura user around. They're pretty rare, even way back then;; so Lucario falls into a deep slumber, being sealed, and is kept there for about 1000 years.
And then!! Ash fucking Ketchum enters the picture!!
Lucario is suddenly woken because he senses Aaron's aura nearby. Absolutely pissed at Dad for leaving him behind, Lucario escapes from the staff and goes to attack, but stops when he realizes Dad is actually not Dad, it is adorable 14 year-old boy who has a similar aura to Aaron. Cue a very disgruntled teenager running through the palace, totally out of place and confused. Eventually he's stopped by Lady Ilene, who explains what's going on. Naturally Lucario's heartbroken—not only is his master/dad/guardian dead, but so is his mother figure, and everybody else he'd once known in the castle. Bc Ilene looks so similar to Rin, Lucario takes comfort from her. Ilene does her best to console him and asks if he'll do her a favor. He leaps at the chance to make her happy—apparently he's a sucker for getting good Parent Figures to like him—and agrees to go help Ash and co. find Pikachu at the Tree of Beginning.
Instead of Lucario doing the Naruto run ahead of the group (which like. How the fuck is he so fast...) he actually sits in the car in the passenger's seat with Kidd doing the driving for him, bc hell if a human can run for that long and not be totally wiped out afterward (also he just woke up from a 1000 year nap. Yeahhh. Not gonna happen.) Also baby has no idea what the fuck a car even is so he's a bit nervous around it, and Kidd's like "Um yeah no I'm not letting you drive. Just tell me where to go" so Lucario uses his aura to lead her. Things progress p much the same way, with Lucario getting strangely attached to Ash despite not wanting to, at all, but it's hard because Ash is just Perfect and a Good Boy and pretty much gives Lucario the sort of attention he craves. Eventually tho that all comes to a head when Ash brings up his friendship with Pikachu. Lucario's still bitter about Aaron and honestly can't bring himself to trust any of them—and is pissed at himself for having taken a liking to Ash despite that—so that leads into their giant fight in the first step of their enemies to lovers trope. Ha. Even so, he still gets consoled by Max (and is given CHOCOLATE!! Which is the most fucking heavenly thing he's ever tasted), and witnesses Ash unable to sleep bc of his honest worry for Pikachu. Lucario does some Deep Thinking to himself about his relations to the group.
The next day, the group activates the Time Flower that recorded Aaron's entire abandonment of Lucario. Believe it or not being a young kid in training for a war tends to give you a bit of trauma, so Lucario freaks out a little and starts attacking the hollow projections of the enemy Pokemon. Ash manages to calm him down. Lucario collapses and asks why Aaron had abandoned him. What did he do wrong? Why would Aaron turn against the kingdom? Why did Aaron trap him in the staff? He doesn't know shit and it's frustrating. Ash comes up to him and apologizes, and as soon as the waterworks turn on Lucario's like oh nooo. Oh NOOOO. Here's this boy laying his heart out on his sleeve and is so honest and open and sincere that he can't help but feel awful for how he treated him. Lucario immediately forgives Ash and is like "I will now protect you with my life" bc Ash is baby and Lucario realizes for the first time!! He's made an actual friend with somebody that isn't his dad or the queen! And if he's friends with Ash that means he can be friends with Brock and May and Max and Kidd too. The prospect is EXCITING. He can trust these people now, he knows, because they saw what happened and they believed him about Aaron. They're choosing to side with him over the "kingdom's hero" and that honestly means a lot—it's a huge commitment and Lucario's just. Super grateful that he has a group of people backing him up. Lucario promises himself that he'll reunite Ash and Pikachu, bc if he were given the chance he'd reunite with the people he once held dear too. Ash and Pikachu really care about each other and Lucario admires and respects that a lot and he wants to make Ash happy so!! He's like. It is my personal mission to see that we find Pikachu successfully. And Ash is just like :'D !!! And it's that moment when Lucario realizes that he might like Ash a biiit more than he originally thought he did. Huh.
Literally not even 30 seconds after that revelation Regirock attacks and Lucario almost has a fucking aneurysm because he JUST made friends with these people!! And now they're going to get killed if he's not careful! Story of his life. He immediately shifts into Protect Ash Mode™ and hurries everyone to safety. Things are crazy. Lucario has too much of a burden on his shoulders. He's stressed. But Ash is with him and that makes things a little bit better so he focuses on getting them to where they need to go and protecting them along the way. Big job for such a young kid. Whew!!
Traveling through the Tree of Beginning, weird antibodies keep voring people, and it's not fun. At one point Lucario takes the bullet for Kidd, but is mysteriously released (probably bc of his aura and his connection to Aaron, who gave up his life, which gave energy to the tree and to Mew. So there's a connection there. The tree kinda sees Lucario as one of its own.) Finally, finally! Ash and Pikachu are reunited! Lucario can immediately sense how close they are and how much of a bond they have. Seeing someone with so much history with Ash makes Lucario a bit shy around Pikachu, but it’s cool, they warm up to each other eventually!
Right after this, Ash and the others find out that May, Brock and Max were devoured by the antibodies. Lucario barely has any time to grieve for them before the Regis burst in and essentially trap him as Ash and Kidd are attacked by the cells next. Lucario watches in absolute horror as Ash is swallowed up. It’s like Aaron all over again—and this time it’s worse because Ash hadn’t done anything wrong, and Lucario had really come to trust him and admire him as a person. It’s absolutely fucking heartbreaking. He watches in hollow-eyed despair as Pikachu and Ash’s other Pokemon cry over him. Everything sucks. The world is a nightmare. Lucario almost wishes he’d gotten swallowed too. Why is it always him that’s the last one standing, the only one left, the remainder to deal with the carnage and the loss by himself? Then Mew performs its voodoo magic and lo and behold!! Ash and the others are miraculously revived! Lucario is absolutely overjoyed and relieved. It’s then that he realizes he’d be absolutely devastated if he lost Ash for good—even more so than Aaron. At this point he’s kinda come to terms about Aaron’s death, though it still hurts because there’s so many questions left unanswered.
Of course right after this Mew collapses and everything goes to shit again. Great. (Can he get like five seconds to maybe just breathe?? Idk.) At the center of the Tree of Beginning, Lucario finds Aaron’s gloves and things start to click into place. Maybe...the stories were true? Lucario activates the Time Flower there and realizes what Aaron had done, his noble sacrifice, and why he couldn’t bear to get Lucario involved. Lucario breaks down in tears bc he’s so relieved and yet so unbearably sad. Aaron was like his father. Someone who cared for him so immensely and deeply. Aaron urged Lucario to continue on and live his life to the fullest—that’s what he wanted for him, after all. But at this point Lucario isn’t sure if he can. Mew needs saving, after all.
Lucario decides he’ll follow in Aaron’s footsteps and save Mew, no matter how sad it makes him to have to leave his new friends so early. Ash immediately protests, along with Kidd, and Lucario tells them that it’s a risk he has to take, just like Aaron. Mew and the Tree need his power more than ever now, and he can’t just abandon them. He starts to pour all of his aura into Mew, but it’s not enough. Ash puts on Aaron’s gloves and jumps in, deciding to help out. Lucario is grateful but also very panicked because Ash literally just came back to life—he couldn’t bear losing him a second time, especially since he already lost Aaron. Lucario tries to bump him out of the way but Ash absolutely won’t let him!! If they’re going down they’re going down together. Ash tells him that he can’t watch Lucario take on the burden by himself over and over—that he wants to split the weight and make things even. Cue a very emotional tense moment between two boys about to sacrifice their lives together. Neither of them want the other to die, but they don’t really have a choice. Mew absorbs their power and then…
Lucario wakes up.
And he’s alive. Holy fuck!! (There’s no fucking way I’d kill him nope not happening not this time bitches)
Apparently splitting the burden of giving one’s life energy to another with a second person eases the consequences—leaving both Ash and Lucario alive (which makes him realize that if he’d gone with Aaron all those years ago and split the burden, both of them would have lived. But strangely Lucario wouldn’t trade that opportunity for what he has now.) Ash literally jumps on him and hugs him so tight he nearly dies a second time, but it’s fine. It’s a good way to go.
The tree is safe, and so is Mew. Ash rejoins the others, bringing Lucario with him. They all have a merry little reunion, and then head back to the castle together.
At this point, Ilene thanks Lucario for all he’d done—for Ash and co. and for the tree and Mew. She then sets Lucario free—saying he can do whatever he wishes, he can follow any path in life he wants to now! Suddenly there’s a whole world full of possibilities, and that world is there for him to explore. He can practically hear Aaron encouraging him to take a step into the unknown, journey to his heart’s content, make tons of friends, and master his aura. Except Lucario isn’t really sure he wants to take the trip by himself. He bashfully asks Ash if they’d be alright with him joining them. Ash is absolutely fucking ecstatic, of course. He asks Lucario to teach him how to properly use his aura, and Lucario has a big self revelation moment like “The student has become the master” and it’s magical. So we hit off a brand new adventure with Lucario traveling with Ash, Brock, May, and Max, and teaching Ash how to hone his aura! Which gives us more aura Ash moments, which everybody craves! And it’s kinda gay and lovely!!
And that is my rewrite happy ending for Lucario and the Mystery of Mew thank you goodnight ✌️
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babyredriot · 4 years
“I just want to give you endless headaches for however long you’ll let me’ That sounds like the sum of a relationship with Kaminari
A/N: First off, I am so sorry this is coming a month late, I got side-tracked by school. I am back and ready to write! I hope you like this as I am getting out of the groove of writing papers for my thesis and in return getting back into the groove of writing for my favorite manga/anime. I loved writing this and ugh *chefs kiss* Denki. Thats all. Just Denki. 
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Word count: 1,960
A crashing sound reverberated throughout the 1A dorms. The sound was unmistakable, one of Bakugo’s explosions. You rolled your eyes as you tried to once again pull your focus away from the ruckus outside of your room and stare down at the daunting math problems below you. 
“GET BACK HERE DUNCE FACE” Bakugo yelled, it sounded like they were coming closer to your room which made you even more on edge. You felt a slight twinge behind your left eye as you once again tried to focus on her homework. Your boyfriend was not helping at all as his loud laughter could be heard. He seemed to be taunting Bakugo, from what you could hear. The back and forth of loud conversation between the two made your headache deepen into a sharp ache behind your left eye. 
“Okay if I can just figure out how to take the derivative-“ You spoke outlaid to try to keep your focus on the math problem but was cut short by another boom echoing through the halls. You knew if you did not stop the stupid antics of the boys outside Mr. Aizawa would cut in and give them all detentions. Which would just lead to more headaches for you, wondering how Kaminari was faring alone in a room with Bakugo. Your headache began to spread across her brow bone as you heard some kind of girly shrieking from beyond your door. You ripped yourself away from the paper and sighed heavily, standing up to go find out what the idiots where up to now. 
As you stepped outside of your room the sight of tape hanging from the ceiling in a vine like fashion, made your mouth fall open. Your eyes widened and then narrowed into slits as you felt your headache spread to the other temple now. The sight could only mean one thing. Your boyfriend and Sero were trying out his new maneuverability tactic. Probably in an attempt to get as far away from the hotheaded blonde as possible. Your frown deepened as she stomped through the hallways to try and find them. You trudged through the common room and looked out the window, delighted to see that they had finally stepped outside. Still, your headache wasn’t going away and they were the reason for it. The pain felt like your own boyfriend was frying your brain instead of his own. This was not something you were used to. The pain mixed with annoyance only made you angrier.  On a rage fueled mission you decided to take the problem right to the source. 
Your descent to the ground was filled with a lot of mumblings about how you could’ve picked any other boy to date, but your stupid heart had to fall in love with a spark plug. You could be spending your time in a quiet dorm right now with Todoroki as he read. But noooo, you just had to fall for the instigator of the bakusquad. As annoyed as you were with him and his disaster double right now, you knew deep down that you wouldn’t change a thing about the boy. He cheered you up to no end and always put you first before anything else. That didn’t change the fact that right now you were on a war path. 
When you finally got outside you were  surprised to see Kirishima sitting on rock laughing and observing the situation before him. You crept up behind him to watch as well before yelling at the boys. It seemed that Sero had finally been caught by the notorious King Explosion Murder and was passed out on the ground. Denki was being cornered between a bush and his friend when he made eye contact with his girlfriend. 
“Hey Y/N! Want to help me out here?” He said darting his eyes around the area trying to look for an escape route. Bakugo was closing in even further. You weighed out the options in your hands of letting Bakugo blow your boyfriend to kingdom come. On one hand the boy would get what was likely coming to him for annoying the blonde, but on the other you didn’t want him to be turned into some kind of punching bag. Kirishima had turned to you when Denki called out your name and sent you a sharp toothed smile. 
“C’mon Kaminari, having L/N stand in your way is so unmanly don’t you think?” Kiri said while turning back to the boys. You sighed and pinched the brim of your nose finally ready to make yourself known to the seething predator. You felt all of the annoyance come to the surface of your being and let loose all of your frustration on the three unsuspecting boys. 
“Actually, I came out here to tell you all to SHUT UP. I’VE HAD A HEADACHE FOR THE PAST THIRTY MINUTES AND I NEED TO FINISH MY HOMEWORK BEFORE TOMORROW SO I CAN STAY ON TOP OF MY GRADES. YOU IDIOTS ARE DISTURBING THE WHOLE DORMS AND FOR WHAT!? JUST BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO MESS WITH BAKUGO AGAIN? OR JST BECAUSE SOME STUPID INSTIGATORS GOT UNDER YOUR SKIN?” Your rant had begun and there was no way of stopping it now. All three of the conscious boys now stared at you. Bakugo seemed to be waiting for the moment to interject and throw it right back at you. Kirishima stood up next to you as you paused and opened his mouth to say something in return. “AND YOU! YOUR JUST SITTING AROUND AND LETTING THIS HAPPEN? WE HAVE EXAMS IN TWO WEEKS AND ALL OF YOU ARE JUST CHASING EACH OTHER AROUND? IT’S STUPID AND CHILDISH.” There was a feeling growing in your stomach that felt a lot like regret but you just simply gave each one of them a glare and turned on your heel. It was easy to yell at them all when they were rendered speechless. You had never yelled at any of them, ever. 
The guilty feeling in your stomach didn’t subside as you ran back upstairs. You hoped none of them would follow you back in, due to the fact that you were so embarrassed on how you just acted. They were some of your best friends and didn’t deserved to be yelled at simply because you had a headache. You should have resorted to some kind of soft spoken tactic instead of the rash outburst. 
Just as you were about to reach the top of the staircase you heard footfalls behind you. You took two stairs at a time trying to reach the door before they could catch you, but found yourself being tugged when you finally reached the landing. Your wrist was in someones hold. You looked down at the attachment and saw a hand that had become very known to you. You dragged your eyes up the figure and felt yourself deflate when your eyes met those of your boyfriends. You stood on the landing right above him, as he stared up at you through his lashes. His face was in an odd kind of grimace mixed with a frown. He seemed to be carefully choosing his words on what he was going to say next. Something you had never seen him do a day since you had known him. 
“I know you’re mad. I also know that you’re in pain and all that loud noise probably sucked hearing but I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He looked up at you with a melancholy look in his eyes. “I didn’t want to cause you any kind of discomfort, we just stole Bakugo’s earphones because he was ignoring us while we were all doing homework in Kirishima’s room, it got out of hand as you saw. I truly am sorry Y/N. I-I don’t want you to feel any kind of pain ever and it sucks that we caused this outburst from you. Please don’t be angry with me anymore, I can change and not steal stuff from him anymore, I-I can make sure to be quiet always and-“ His words were cut off as you pulled him up to the same level as you and gave him a hug. He stayed still for a second wondering how it happened so fast before he melted in your arms. You knew your outburst would make Denki upset, but you still did it. “I just can’t lose you because I am so obnoxious. You can’t leave me please.” 
You realized how Denki was processing this and hugged him even tighter to yourself. Your head was still throbbing but the thrum of his heart against your temple felt nice for a few seconds. “I could never leave you dummy. You’re the light in my life. I just freaked out because I don’t understand anything that’s happening in math right now and couldn’t focus on it. That on top of the headache made me see red and I’m so sorry that you feel like you have to change just because I yelled at you. Your not obnoxious Denki… You’re perfect.” With every end of a sentence you felt your grip on him grow even tighter. Soon enough he was tapping on your shoulder to let you know he needed new found air. When he stepped away from you, you saw the normal spark behind his eyes. Something that made your heart fill back up with joy. 
“I just want to give you endless headaches for however long you’ll let me.” You laughed at his statement as he looked at you with that same shit-eating grin. His eyes turned serious once more as he rested a hand on your shoulder. “But, even so I am sorry Y/N, I never thought I would see you lose your cool like that. It sucks that we’re the reason why it happened. Even if you let me give you headaches in the future, I promise from now on I will always bring you advil and make sure you’re involved in the fun only after we finish all of our work together.” You felt a smile growing on your face at his sincerity. Something that was rare to be seen, but a side you got to see very often. Denki’s hand traveled lower onto your arm and laced his fingers with your own. 
“I love you Denki, headaches and all. I’m sorry I blew up and scared you. That wasn’t my intention.” You smiled up at the spark-plug and nudged his shoulder slightly. 
“I love you to Y/N.” He placed a kiss onto of your forehead and seemed to rest there for a second as he thought of something. “Uhhh, we should probably go back down there because when I came up here Kirishima was banging his head against the tree for ‘The unmanly act of causing someone pain that was unwarranted’.” You felt your cheeks light up at the news of the other boys that you reprimanded. 
“Yeah I should probably apologize to them..” You said trailing off as you looked up at your boyfriends calculating gaze.
“Orrr, you could make them think your still mad and have Sero and Kirishima waiting on you hand and foot for the rest of the day! I mean the most you could probably get out of blondie would be some math help, but who knows may he even feels bad.” You weighed out the options once again today of which path to take. And felt the mischief that Denki has instilled in your heart flare up. You looked back up at him mirroring the spark he held in his eyes.
 “Lets do it.” You said taking the stairs two at a time again, but this time your hand was wrapped in Denki’s.
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riskeith · 4 years
awwww i’m here now darling so you better feel amazing <33333
ok miss i see the subtle flex you just pulled on me, just say your team is op and go... :pp jk!! no but yeah if you’re stronger than the goddamn bosses it usually goes easily. can’t say i’ve seen those days in a while tho rip
YOU ARE MY BABY!!!!!! you could do a doodle for me and i’ll literally cry abt it until i die. ooooh that seems good tho??? especially ningguang and beidou... the ladies are making a comeback 🥴 i agree with you actually!! i’d love for chongyun to come back (so you can get his c6 mostly) and for selfish reasons i want razor to come back to... bc boy scouts. i really want the boy scouts... hope it happens soon tho 🥺
speaking of boy scouts i just got him.... xingqiu.. i felt so bad bc i know how much you want him... :( but i didn’t get any xiangling so. i lost successfully shskdhsk. also I WISH they had cross-server co-op more than ever at this moment bc then we could do our chongyun + xingqiu dates... 🥺
cluna you’re literally so cool! you work through them? help couldn’t be me. i get super annoyed and if it’s not working i’ll just let it go and write something else instead shskdhdksk. for instance, i was working on this fic two months ago and i got really far into it when i hit a writers block. so, its just been collecting dusts for months now. a couple days ago i accidentally stumbled upon it and realize the potential it had so i might pick it up sksjdkd. i was literally prepared to just let it rot like so many other fics i write. so yeah idk sometimes i just give up because it’s easier even if it hurts me bc i spent so much time writing them sjshdkdj. yikes.
right?? and when you write a fic that takes place during the day you can get inspired by the atmosphere outside!! and yes!! i have to study outside i can’t get anything done at home. i used to be able to do that when i was younger but now it feels sooo impossible. especially with online school and stuff. either i go to a library, cafe or school. although most of these are closed now so i have to book a room somewhere to study. do you have a specific area at home where you write or can you just sit down anywhere and study?
for sure!! if i had the space i’d absolutely consider buying more books. right now i just have them scattered around everywhere (even some in my makeup drawer shdjdh). do you have a bookshelf? 🥺 that’s so pretty...! what are some of your other favorites btw? oh grade school is basically class 1 to 9... so from 6 years old to 15? girl no worries i know how difficult it is to understand all of that. when my friends used to explain their countries school systems before i’d just sit like owl eyes.
THE ALBEDO FANART!!!!! during his quest i took sooo many screenshots god he’s just perfect. he’s such a gentle and sweet boy ughhhhh.... he’s been gone for 2 days and i already miss him. and xiao and aether are just... yeah... i love how everyone ships aether with the boys yet i don’t think i’ve ever seen lumine shipping fanart? let’s just say gay rights and leave it at that.
BEFORE I CLICKED ON THE LINK I HAD A FEELING IT WOULD BE THAT POST.... literally us!!!! don’t make one in america no worries!! idk why my acc was set to that lmao. i’ll make one in asia tonight and just hustle for a few weeks until i reach co-op (i think it was ar 15?) plus i really want aether so i’m kind of not so stressed about it tbh? god i’m actually so exciiiiiteeeeed...... 😭 you gotta promise you’ll help me with domains and bosses tho you’re gonna be at a much higher rank than me while i’ll just be a little nooby girl. 😭
thank you so much for the encouragement!!! ♥️
today i didn’t keep you waiting too long, hehe. i missed you too much. but you’re porobably asleep now though :( oh well, can’t wait to hear from you my love <333
hiya!! i’m still up bc i miscalculated the length of a fic chdjcnskjd and thought to check if you’d sent anything before i went to sleep!! made me v excited to see there was not only 1 but 2 asks from you hehe (also it’s 2am rn so apologies for any incoherence!!)
AHAHAH fjskdjskdn genuinely tho,,, i’m really happy with my team rn LOL. and noooo you’ll get there someday!! before your world level increases and you’re stuck being many levels below the bosses again fhdjdjkd it’s a cycle 😩
NFKSKDLAKS i wish i could manage even a doodle… drawing hair is literally my worst nightmare (along with drawing anything else tbh) and all the genshin charas have such complex layered hair ugh it’s like they don’t want me to even try. yass beiguang (idk if that’s their ship name) actual queens 👑. razor!!!! what a good boye. i love his idle animation so much, pls he deserves everything 🥺🥺 and you deserve to get the boy scouts!!! can’t wait for that day to come <33
AHHH!!!! no don’t feel bad i’m so happy for you omg… live out all my xingqiu-having dreams for me please 😩😩😩😩 our xingyun dates!!!! some day it’ll be a reality <333
DHJAJSHS nooooo fuck writer’s block 😤😤😤 but i hope you’re able to finish that fic now!! (vaguely, if you prefer) what’s it about? also i have plenty of fics/ideas just rotting too, but that’s usually bc i get caught up in a new idea which i like more ? i think? lmao so yeah i definitely do give up on my fics too omg wait do you have those fics where you’re like omg this concept is god tier i’m so big brained and then you write out a scene and then it’s like … wtf do i do with this now? HAHAHAH like my attention span is slowly too short to write any long af fics, i can’t stay dedicated or interested enough for that but a lot of the ideas i have have the potential to be those 300k 40 chapter slow burn etc etc so there are so many docs in my drive that are just. works with like 2-3 written scenes and an entirely fleshed out plan but i know i’ll never actually end up writing it bc of aforementioned factors lolllll. that’s another reason why i think about just releasing all my wips some day! so people can see all the ideas im unable to execute jfjsndns. do you [like] writing super long fics like that? i admire your tenacity if you do ahah
agreeeeeed <3 and oh i see!! i always feel like people who don’t study at home are so studious fjskdksk it gives off that kinda vibe for me 🤪 and i have a study! so i usually do most of my work there. sometimes tho when i get bored and if i’m not watching a lecture i’ll sit on my couch or on the floor and change things up a bit lolol
djxkkakdks omg don’t let your makeup ruin the books.. or is the makeup more important djskskks. i do have a bookshelf!! it has like… 6 levels? and it’s all full 😳😳 other faves are defs the hunger games (catching fire >>>>>>>>) and you know the others like percy jackson, divergent, the mortal instruments. oh and the maze runner!!!!!!! the prequel (? sequel???) is probably one of the recent books i’ve actually read, even tho that was like back in 2017 lmao. i liked the john green stuff too.. just a lot of the like. basic ones LMAO. hbu??
6-15??? damn that’s an interesting range djsksk i guess the closest for us would be primary school which covers ages 6-12!
albedo is legit SO prettt and for what. his hair, his eyes, his soft spoken manner. ugh 😩😩😩 and taking a bunch of screenshots is a big mood!! ooo i’ve seen some lumine ones but yeah def not a lot ! (i know there’s discourse surrounding that lmao) but yes gay rights 😤 wait that reminds me i saw the cutest razor pic the other day and saved it i’ll show you when i’m in a more awake state to attach the image fjdjnd
!!!!!! ours minds… actually connected 🧠
okay that sounds good!!! and yeah wtf why does co-op unlock so like late lol let us play together NOW 😤 and good luck with starting again!! and have fun with aether hehe we’ll be able to have both ours meet 🤪🤪 AND YES I PROMISE!!!! i’ll carry you until we’re both the same AR and we can suffer fighting bosses together <3 you can just sit back and watch me do all the work 🤪 i’m super excited too!!! 🤩🤩🤩 and thank you for doing thisss even tho i know you said you don’t mind but still!! 💗💘💝💕💓💗💞
no problem!!! i believe in you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
eagerly (but patiently) anticipating your response~ xo!
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cheshiremadd · 5 years
Chapter 2 A flashback already?!
sometime late last year
Chat found her at Patrol Starting Spot #13, looking for all the world like she intended to become this generation’s Thinker statue. She didn’t turn her head or acknowledge him as he approached. Even when he took a seat beside her, she stared resolutely forward.
He slowly leaned against her, giving her the opportunity to pull away. He gave her his full weight when she didn’t, putting his chin on her shoulder. “What’s the matter, Bug? Wanna talk about it?”
She stayed quiet. Chat gave her a bit of a head nudge and prompted again. “Or I could talk about my problems? They are many, and I can make more when I run out.”
“Love problems.” It was a soft warning, her accompanying shrug saying that he could give the conversation a pass if he wanted.
Chat, though, apparently liked pain and heartache. So of course he pressed on. “Ah, trouble with the boyfriend? Wonder Boy not everything he’s cracked up to be?”
And, wow, that wasn’t exactly how he meant for that to come out. They’d talked a lot about boundaries and relationships in general, and their boundaries and relationship specifically, and he hoped she knew that wasn’t meant to be a dig.
“I wouldn’t say we progressed to the ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’ stage.” She trailed off. Scrubbed her face with her hands, and blew out a gust of air. She waved a hand, and Chat took his cue. He flopped away from her, keeping his butt in the same spot beside her but laying back across the rooftop.
“Oh, LB, I’ve got a big problem.” He ran his claws through the part of his hair that he could reach without moving too much. “So I don’t think I told you that my girlfriend and I broke up.”
Ladybug gasped and looked his way. “Oh, Chat. I’m so sorry.”
He waved her off. “Eh, don’t be. It kind of sucked, but it was very mutual. We both decided that we were better friends. She realized that, while she is- was- something interested in me, she also really likes women. And I realized that- well..”
He huffed.
“Look, I am not telling you all this so I can get another ‘I told you so’.” His hand mimicked a talking puppet with the phrase. He was very tired of it by now, thank you very much.
She pushed her arms in the air, stretching her back, and then leaned back with her arms to prop her up. “I won’t give you one if you’ll refrain from using it on me.”
“Deal. My good friend that I apparently talk about too much? She got a boyfriend right before we broke up. He’s a mutual and honestly a real nice guy. Very chill.”
Ladybug gave him a knowing look. She could already tell where this was going. She knew him too well, just like he knew her. He sighed.
“Yeah. I hated seeing the two of them together. Hate. Ongoing thing. Problem not resolved. I was -am- so jealous, and I didn’t understand why because I had just the tiniest crush on her, not a big deal, not any bigger than anyone else who knows this woman. Seriously, Bug, everyone who ever meets her gets at least a small crush on her. It’s a fact of life. Minus, you know, those who aren’t female attracted.”
She finally allowed herself to relax all the way back, laying on her side facing Chat. “I know someone like that.”
“Mm-hmm,” she nodded. “She’s kind. Very strong. Bold and determined. Sometimes she messes up, but she always tries. I would have wondered if she were Ladybug, if I weren’t.”
He shot her a bright grin. Such glowing praise for his princess! “Exactly! My Lady, I almost wonder if we’re talking about the same person.”
The air between them turned somber just as quickly. “We can’t confirm it.”
A reminder that was for her as much as it was for him.
“I know.”
Silence fell between them, the world as quiet as it was noisy. A city as big as Paris always had some activity going on, and this building was on a busier road. It was several minutes before Ladybug prodded him.
“So. Crush not as tiny as you previously thought?”
He covered his eyes with his forearm. Hoped against hope that the ground would just swallow him. “Noooo. Plagg was actually helpful for once. He suggested comparing my feelings for- well. To be perfectly candid, my Lady, he suggested comparing my feelings for each of you. And I-”
He sighed.
“I don’t even know when I started to love her.” The declaration came out softly. It still felt like betrayal to utter it. “I can’t think of a time where I didn’t think about her, strive for her approval, want to just..be in her presence.”
Ladybug let out a humorless laugh. “We just love to make life complicated, huh.”
She fell to her back and picked at her fingers.
“So, the jealousy is a problem?” She seemed to be grasping at whatever conversation threads she could find.
He shook his head. “No. I mean, it is. But not, like, in a way that’s going to cause problems for our relationship, or her relationship with her boyfriend. I’m doing better at keeping it a me problem.”
She turned over to lay on her belly. Buried her face in her arms.
“Did you really think she could be me?” And, yeah, she was definitely stalling.
“I considered the pawsibility once, my Lady, but I’ve seen the two of you at the same scratching post more than once. Unfurtunately for this poor Tom’s heart, it seems I’m destined to love two Queens, instead of one.” He could see her blush, which spread all the way to the tips of her ears. An interesting development. But she giggled, too, which had been his goal.
It was a long moment before she spoke again.
“I wasn’t dating Wonder Boy. I didn’t know that I’d given you that impression. He’s still as wonderful as ever.”
Oh. Yep. He could have this conversation. He would rock this conversation. He’d be the best, ever, at this conversation. He took a deep breath. She’s his best friend. He could do that for her.
“Everything was nice! My not-quite-boyfriend and I got along great. It was...calming. Easy. But my brain decided it was too easy.”
He released the breath in what he hoped was a measured way, and reached a hand over to rub between her shoulder blades. Just enough to give support without interrupting.
“I just. The anxiety wasn’t there, which was nice. But...I knew that if we ended it, I wouldn’t be heartbroken. I’d call one of my best friends and we’d use the excuse to stay up all night and eat too much ice cream. Maybe I’d cry a little. And I’d be okay the next day. He could stop being my friend, and that would honestly be awful, because he’s fun to hang around, but I know that I’d get through it.”
It was her turn to take a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“It wouldn’t be like losing Wonder Boy...or you.”
Chat stopped the motion of his hand and stared at her.
“You’re one of my needs, Chat. Right up there with food and water and shelter. And Wonder Boy...I think it’d kill me if he walked out of my life.”
And wasn’t that just what he’d always wanted her to say. He’d heard her gush about Wonder Boy, and here she was placing them on the same level. Yet. He found that he was glad she’d never said it before. He loved Marinette, and he wanted to love her.
He turned over to match her, threw an arm over her, and did his level best to bury his head in her shoulder.
What a mess.
She turned to face him more. “Why are hearts so complicated, Chat?”
He shook his head against her, still not quite able to speak.
Sometimes they defined ‘patrol’ as training. Sometimes a break from hectic lives and grabbing a bite to eat. It was helping that little old lady over on Rue Clément Marot bring her flower pots in. And sometimes it was having an emotional conversation and keeping watch for butterflies.
They stayed like that for some time. Until he had to do something to change the mood, because his first priority had to be her, had to be them, and akumatization was not an option.
“Want to hear something funny?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Is it actually going to be funny?”
“Hey! Don’t lie! You cat get enough of my humor.”
“Yay. The low-hanging fruit puns.”
Chat narrowed his eyes and scrutinized her. She looked away and picked at her thumb. One of her nervous ticks. “You stole that line from Marinette!”
“Did I? Or did Marinette steal it from me?”
He paused at that, thoughtful. “Hmm. My princess is a majestic thief. But I’m certain that was her crowning jewel before it was yours.”
“Oh, all right,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “What was your ‘something funny’?”
“I don’t know if you deserve to hear now, after such blatant thievery from the Kingdom of the Pink Lands.”
Ladybug huffed. “Fine, don’t tell me.”
He chuckled, enjoying getting a rise out of her, before he told her anyway. “I wanted to break up after I figured out how much I liked my Good Friend, and that I was happier having my ex-girlfriend as a good friend. She wanted to break up because my Good Friend was her gay awakening.”
He heard a startled laugh, and turned to see Ladybug covering her mouth with her fist. “Way to ruin the moment, Chaton.”
He shrugged, unrepentant. “It needed ruining.”
two and a half months ago
Adrien lay on his bed, arm propping his head up, and stared at his phone. Pictures took up the screen. Kim walking towards the camera, holding Max and Ondine’s hands. The three sitting at a cafe table, Kim making exaggerated motions to Ondine, Max forgetting the computer in front of him to stare at him with her. Ondine and Max surprising Kim by kissing his cheeks.
The caption below the three pictures read: Sassinette: Look who Kagami and I ran into!
To Adrien’s knowledge, Max and Ondine weren’t interested in dating each other. But they got along well enough, and they both loved Kim, and they were okay with (encouraged, even!) Kim to love both of them. The arrangement worked for them. And Kim didn’t have to choose.
Adrien had never imagined having this problem. When he and Kagami started dating, he hadn’t dreamed that Ladybug might have feelings for him. Even when he and Kagami split, he didn’t know. But then that conversation happened, and they’d sat on the information for months. Each of them unwilling to pursue one while they still thought about both.
And now a crazy solution presented itself. Deceptively simple, until he considered the secret identities in play. Ladybug would understand, but could he ask Marinette to be in a polyamorous relationship when he couldn’t introduce the two?
A new message came through. Marinette’s text tone was reminiscent of collecting coins in a retro video game. He chose it for her because he felt like he was gaining every time she texted him, and she rocked at video games.
Sassinette: I think Mme. Tsurugi is warming up to me. She asked about the competition that I’m prepping for?
Sassinette: I mean Kagami and I were talking about it in her hearing, and all she asked about was who was putting it on, then nodded and said ‘They’re a prominent company; worthy of your time.’
Rapunzel: That’s not ‘warming up’, Maricakes. That’s downright approval.
He still smiled when he saw his contact name. Marinette had stolen his phone and changed it in retribution for what he did to hers.
“Disney Princess, golden hair, questionable parent.” She’d ticked each point with her fingers. “All you need are the magical powers!”
Joke’s on her. I do have magical powers.
….That he needed to use soon. Joint patrol started in twenty minutes.
His phone collected more coins.
Sassinette: I’m not convinced, but I kind of only care as far as it lets Kagami hang out without the subterfuge.
Sassinette: Between you and me, we’ll convince her of the importance of socializing with one’s peers!
He covered his eyes with his free forearm and whined. If he didn’t do something soon, Kagami was going to ask her out. He just knew it. She kept saying she wasn’t going to, that Marinette didn’t like her like that, but Adrien could see how well the two of them got along. They’d make such a cute couple.
Coins again.
Sassinette: Still alive over there? I’m getting up to take a shower and find food in a few minutes, in case you come back later and wonder why I’m not answering.
His eyebrows drew together. That was odd.
Rapunzel: Those sound like things I should be doing. No dinner with the parents tonight?
Sassinette: Wednesday night is their night to work on business accounts, and my night to sleep early!
He snorted and turned to his belly, gathered a pillow in his arms to lazily prop himself up.
Rapunzel: Tell me the truth. Are you actually going to sleep?
Sassinette: Your lack of faith astounds me! Of course I’m going to sleep! ….after I finish the rough draft of this commission.
“Soft and gooey Cancoillotte, you’re still mooning over your phone?”
Adrien startled at the harsh sound of Plagg’s voice in his ear.
“What do you mean, ‘still’? I haven’t been laying here for long.” It was funny how admitting to his crush on his good friend took most of the sting out of Plagg’s teasing.
The Kwami wasn’t buying any of his bullshit. “I napped near two hours. You haven’t moved.”
“I moved! I turned over.” He indicated his new position with a grin.
“You’ll miss Bugsy if you don’t move some more. Unless we’re skipping tonight. In which case I’m going back to napping.” Plagg exaggerated his yawn.
Adrien most certainly did not yelp and tangle his feet and fall out of his bed. And if Plagg told anyone he did, well, Plagg wasn’t always a reliable source for information.
105 notes · View notes
floatingpetals · 5 years
Boys in Blue || Pt. 8
Pairings: cop!Stucky x F!Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of gun violence and blood, possible trigger warning(?)
Word Count: 3100+
Summary: (Cop AU) There was just one crappy thing after enough that happened to her. It possibly couldn’t get any worse, or so she thought until she saw the dreaded flashes of red and blue behind her. Could things get any worse?
A/N: This was going to be finished last night but noooo. Stupid painting. Anyways. I hope you all enjoy this next part... Maybe. I don’t know. It leans a little more on the serious side for this story. I won’t say much more to give it away. Let me know what ya’ll think! Enjoy!♥
The gifs are not mine, credit to the owner. 
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Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Series Masterlist
Y/N was at work when she got the call. The dreaded call that everyone feared they would get about their loved ones. Her work phone rang, which wasn’t strange. She didn’t spare a glance at the caller id before she answered, cradling the phone against her ear.
“Y/N speaking.”
“Y/N, sweetheart.” Steve was on the other end, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke. Instantly Y/N knew something was wrong.
“Steve? Wh-whats wrong?” Frantically she began searching for her phone in her purse. It was on silent in the side pocket. The phone lit up, showing her the thirty-three missed calls from Steve and the several dozen messages from him begging to answer. Her stomach dropped to her feet.
“B-Bucky,” Steve started. His voice caught, a sob struggling to force its way to the surface. He swallowed loudly before continuing. “Bucky was shot.”
All the blood drained from Y/N’s face. She sank back in her seat, a buzz starting to grow in her ears. This couldn’t be happening.
“He’s in surgery. I don’t know how bad it is, they won’t tell me.” Steve continued. He was struggling to keep it together. All his training never prepared him for the agony he would feel after seeing the love his life get gunned down before his eyes. “Sweetheart- Y/N, I need you here. Downtown hospital.”
Y/N didn’t have to be asked twice. She was already logging out of her computer and tossing her phone back in her purse.
“Give me ten minutes. I’ll be right there, baby.”
Steve bit out an okay, his throat burning as he kept in the tears. He couldn’t cry, not now. Not yet. Y/N threw the phone in the cradle and sprinted to her bosses office. The man didn’t even need to know more details. He knew Bucky and Steve, knew their line of work. He saw the raw panic and the growing tears and immediately waved her off. She shouted a thank you over her shoulder before she sprinted to her car.
The drive was excruciating. Even though she was ten minutes from the hospital, it was too long. She needed to be there now. However, she also knew she couldn’t afford any delays. Instead, she gripped the steering wheel until the blood drained from her knuckles and gnawed at her lip until she tasted blood.
She thanked whatever God was up there didn’t have horrible timing of humor when she pulled into a front row parking. Slamming her door shut, Y/N raced into the ER entrance. Steve was there before she had time to look for him, wrapping her up in his arms in a crushing hug.
He buried his face in her neck, his body trembling as he hunched over and held her tight. Y/N immediately wrapped her arms around his broad back and clung to him like a lifeline. She let him take a moment to recollect his thoughts, to get his baring. Bucky might be hurt, but she wasn’t. she knew he needed to know that, to see that she wasn’t in any danger. Steve didn’t pull away until he calmed his breathing and let go of that concern.  
Y/N reached and cupped his cheeks between her hands, thumbing the tears away.
“What happened? Is he going to be okay?” Y/N asked with a trembling voice. Steve’s let his eyelids fall shut, his brows pinched together. His brain kept replaying the last few moments over and over again in his head. He should have seen the gun in the man’s waistband. The man wasn’t even a part of the original traffic violation, but he wanted to put himself in the situation.
“We pulled over a guy who had a taillight out. It was just a routine stop.” Steve began. “There was a pedestrian that didn’t like us, kept yelling at us to leave the guy alone. Bucky wasn’t even going to give him a ticket. Just a warning to get it fixed.”
Steve had to stop and take a deep breath. Y/N leaned and pressed a lingering kiss to his chin, hoping she could pass him some strength. Steve smiled shakily.
“The pedestrian kept getting closer and Bucky kept asking him to back up. The guy didn’t like it. I should have seen it.” Steve croaked, shaking his head. He clenched his eyes shut, guilt washing over him. “I should have stepped up and detained the man. He was getting belligerent. But we didn’t want to cause more discourse. We figured he’d yell and leave. But he didn’t.”
“He shot Bucky.” Y/N whispered the tears she was holding back now flowing freely down her face. Steve nodded sharply.
“He shot Bucky point blank in the chest. I watched him collapse. I saw his blood splatter on the ground.” Steve cried quietly. “If it wasn’t for the guy we pulled over originally swinging his door open and knocking the shooter out, he’d have shot me. I watched Bucky get shot down, and all I could do was freeze.”
Y/N inhaled sharply. Not only was Bucky hurt, but she knew Steve was dragging himself down with guilt. This was more to him than just Bucky getting shot. Yes, it’s terrifying and scary, especially to watch the man he loves to get shot and possibly murdered right in front of him, except for Steve, this guilt included his inability to keep Bucky safe. He felt he failed.
Without pause, she closed the space between them and wrapped her arms around his waist. Steve clutched to her tightly, trembling and terrified of what was going to happen to Bucky. It kept repeating over and over in his head, the horror still painstakingly fresh. He couldn’t stop seeing the spray of Bucky’s blood, the flash from the muzzle, again and again. The shot still rang in his ears followed by the sound of Bucky’s body hitting the pavement. It made his throat feel tight, his eyes burned as the tears started to build once more.
“Hey, no.” Y/N gently took hold of his face between her hands. Her heart broke at the tears in Steve’s eye, the guilt written across his features. “I get that you feel like you’ve failed. You didn’t though. And I know Bucky sure as hell doesn’t and will never blame you for one stupid idiot, but right now, I need you to channel your inner future captain and stay with me. We need to figure out how Bucky is, and we need to be there for him. Right?”
Steve blinked rapidly, willing away the tears as he took in a deep shuttering breath. Y/N was right. He needed to pull himself together. Not just for himself, but for Bucky and Y/N both. He was trained for situations like this, he shouldn’t be completely losing it right now. He needed to be strong.
“Okay, good. Let’s go find a doctor and ask if they heard anything new.” Y/N let his face go to grab his hand. Steve’s eyes fell to their hands, watching Y/N link his fingers with hers, a calm washing over him as she dragged him over to the desk
“Hi. We were wondering if you knew the status on a James B. Barnes. He was shot on duty and no ones given us any of any updates on whether he’s okay or not.”
The nurse raised a brow and looked up at her over the desk with a touch of disdain. It made Y/N’s hackles rise. The nurse let out an irritated sigh and turned to her computer, clicking away on the screen.
“As I already explained to your friend, Dr. Temple is in surgery with him. Nothing new has changed in the five minutes he’s asked.” The nurse said in a monotone voice. Y/N scowled, that wasn’t nearly enough information.
“First off, neither Steve nor Bucky is my friend. They’re my boyfriends, so get that right. Second off, drop the fucking attitude and tell me exactly what the hell is wrong with him.” Y/N seethed. She kept her tone low to not make a bigger scene, but loud enough that the woman could hear the underlying fury. “We’re fully fucking aware he’s in surgery, but we need to know more. Did the bullet make a clean exit? Where did the bullet hit him? Did it shatter in his chest? Are there internal damages that could be life threatening? Did it hit any major arteries? Is the surgery to double check or is there something more? I don’t need your snark, I need answers and you’re going to give them to me. Either that or I’ll charge in the surgery room and get them myself.”
The woman blinked, physically reeling back as Y/N leaned across the desk and into her space. It was frightening how calm Y/N made herself out to seen despite the look of murder plainly written on her face. There was no doubt in the woman’s mind that if she didn’t tell Y/N what was on his file she’d most like stay true to her threat. The nurse shot Steve a concerned look, but he wasn’t paying the woman any mind. Rather, he was staring at Y/N with stars in his eyes, completely in awe.  
“Well?” Y/N asked, tilting her head to the side as she waited for the nurse to catch up. “Which option do you want to take?”
“I-uh.” The woman began to stutter, glancing between the computer and Y/N. Technically, she couldn’t tell Y/N or Steve. They weren’t kin or married. She didn’t want to get fired for this, but the crazed look in Y/N’s eyes made her think that was the least of her worries. She floundered for a moment, her mouth opening and closing for a few seconds.
“It’s alright, Karen.” A voice coming from the double doors stopped them both. A woman stepped out, with her hair still up in the cap for surgery. “I’m Dr. Temple. I assume you two are here for Sergeant Barnes?”
Abandoning the desk, Y/N and Steve rushed over to the doctor, leaving the nurse to breathe a sigh of relief.
“Yes, I’m his partner,” Steve said, his heart jumping to his throat. “Is he going to be okay? How is he? Did it do any damage?”
Dr. Temple laughed softly, holding her hands up. “Slow down, Sergeant. First, Barnes is fine. The surgery went well, especially considering where he got shot.”
“Where was it?” Y/N asked hesitantly.
“He was shot on his right side just below his clavicle. He didn’t have any shatter bones and there’s not internal bleeding that we weren’t able to stop. Nothing vital was hit either which is surprising considering how close he was shot. The bullet did have to be extracted, but fortunately for him the wound was clean and the extraction was done without a problem. He’ll scar and there probably will be a little physical therapy he’ll have to go through, but at least he’s alive.”
“Oh, thank God.” Steve let out a heavy sigh of relief and wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulder to tug her to his chest. He firmly pressed his lips against her crown and let his eyes fall shut as he tried to steady his heart. Y/N could have cried from happiness to know Bucky was going to be okay and that this wasn’t going to set him back much. She clutched to Steve, the tears starting to prick at the corner of her eyes once again.
“Would you both like to go see him?” Dr. Temple asked with a happy smile. Unable to say any words, both nodded quickly, eager to see Bucky with their own eyes. Dr. Temple waved them to follow her through the double doors and down the hallways.
She led them up to the elevator and down the recovery hall before pausing at a doorway.
“I do want to let you know, he looks worse than he is. He’ll also probably still be asleep for a while as his body heals. We’re hoping we can move him out of recovery and into a room downstairs by tomorrow, but it all depends on how quickly he wakes up.”
She slowly opened the door and stepped aside, letting Y/N and Steve in first. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of Bucky laid out under the white sheet, machines hooked up to his arms and the soft beeping of the monitor echoing in the room. Pulling away from Steve, she rushed over to his side and took hold of his hand. Steve stood at the end of the bed, a new wave of guilt washing over him as he looked down at his partner and boyfriend.
Dr. Temple saw the dark expression on Steve’s face, having seen that exactly look many times before on her patients family. Gently tugging Steve aside, she kept her voice low not to attack Y/N’s attention as she spoke with Steve.
“I read the file of the incident. Nothing you did was wrong and nothing you could have done would have stopped that man from shooting him.” She said sternly. Steve stared at her in shock. “I know that you think you could have done something, but speaking from experience, things are different when it’s your loved one's life is on the line. Nothing you could have trained for would have ever prepared you for that. At the end of the day, you still got him to a hospital and were here waiting for him come out of surgery. He’s not going to blame you for freezing and neither should you.”
She patted his shoulder firmly before walking away, leaving him standing there with an unreadable expression. How a complete stranger knew what he was thinking was incredible in of itself, but the fact that she cut right to the chase made him stop to think. This wasn’t something he was going to get over that easily, as much as he wished he could. It still didn’t mean it was his fault either. Hearing someone else, a complete outsider that knew nothing about their situation, tell him the same thing made his thoughts settle. Even if it was for only a moment, he wasn’t going to wallow in his self-pity.
“I’m going to give you two sometime with him. Just hit the button if you need anything.”
Y/N uttered a thank you as the doctor left, shutting the door behind her. Y/N turned back to Bucky and smoothed the hair from his face, his soft curl uncontained without his usual gel to keep it back. He was paler than he usually was, no doubt from the trauma and blood loss he suffered. A large bandage was wrapped around his chest, securing the wound from the outside germs. Beyond that, he didn’t look like he had just been shot in the chest but that still didn’t make this any easier to swallow. With a tender touch, Y/N traced the pads of her fingers down the side of her cheek, smiling through the tears as she did.
Steve pulled up a chair beside where Y/N sat on the edge of the bed, resting his hand on her thigh. Y/N glanced at him, reaching down to squeeze his hand with hers. Neither said a word at first, both too engrossed to stare at Bucky, needed it to believe he was still there.
“Thank you for being here, with us,” Steve spoke quietly, breaking the silence.
“Nothin’ to thank me for, Steve,” Y/N mumbled. “He’s my boyfriend to worry over too.”
“I know,” Steve let out a sigh. “I’m just grateful to have to too is all. I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here.”
“Probably still be tyrin’ to get that nurse behind the desk to tell you answers.” Y/N snorted with an eye roll. Steve chuckled softly.
“Yeah. Probably.”
“Hey,” Y/N cupped Steve’s face and tilted it to face him. “I’d still want to be here even if one of you stubbed your toe or broke an arm. I care about you both, a lot. I’ll always be here for either of you, no matter where or what time of the day it is.”
Steve couldn’t reply, his voice was lodged in his throat as he listened to Y/N speak gently. He could only smile and bite back the tears before he leaned forward and kissed her. Y/N grinned in the kiss and leaned into it, desperate to convey just how much they meant to her through the touch. She didn’t want there to be any doubt in his mind that she didn’t mean what she said.
“Don’t I get some of that?” Y/N gasped at the sound of Bucky’s raspy voice and pulled away. She spun back to Bucky and tightened her hold on his hand.
“You’re awake!” She cried. Bucky shot her his lopsided grin, moving to sit up against the pillows. A sharp pain exploded through his chest, causing him to hiss low and freeze in place. Y/N scowled, and Steve made a noise of irritation. “Don’t move! You just got out of surgery you dolt!”
Bucky chuckled through his gritted teeth but settled back on the bed with Y/N’s carefully guiding hands.
“Yup. Forgot about that.” He groaned, letting his body go slack. He took a second to do a mental once over of his body. He had all fingers and toes. But it felt like he got run over by a truck, his body aching while his chest felt on fire. Not the best feeling in the world to wake up to, he thought bitterly. Steve pushed off the chair and reached for the button across Bucky. He could see the pain written on Bucky’s face, plain as day.
“If you’re in that much pain, I’ll have them bump up your morphine drip.” He replied. Bucky opened his mouth to argue. He didn’t want any more pain meds, he already was hating the fuzzy feel he had right now. However, the pointed look Y/N sent his way stopped him short.
“You were just shot Bucky.” She repeated. “You’re allowed to want relief for the pain.”
“I know.” Bucky relented with a sigh. Y/N was right. “Just hate feeling weak is all.”
Y/N let out a deep breath, biting her tongue from making a comment. Now was not the time either. A nurse walked in before they could say more, and Y/N stood to move out of her way. Bucky grimaced and tightened his grip on her hand, dread flashing across his face. He inhaled sharply and the monitor picked up a frantic pace.
“You-you’re not going to leave, are you?” He whispered in a quiet broken voice, anxiously glancing between the two of them. Y/N cooed softly and brushed her hand along his forehead, hoping to silence his fears. Steve walked around to wrap an arm around Y/N’s waist and rested his chin against her shoulder, watching Y/N calm Bucky. Slowly, Bucky began to relax to her soft murmurs of reassurance, the tension slipping away.
“No, baby. We’re not goin’ anywhere. I promise.”
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Boys in Blue Taglist: (CLOSED!!!)
@debgreenleaf / @thorins-queen-of-erebor / @merigoldcaroline / @urbanrights/ @taliarosej00 / @stuckysheart / @thenightkillers /  @desertrose-saku / @weyheycraicey /  @apocalypse-zombiie / @inspiration2001 / @impalaimages/ @reading-stan / @angelicdisgrace / @nastybuckybarnes / @mazarinqueen / @neverforget-whereyoubelong / @hayliz20 / @jessieray98 / @cs-please / @forsaken-letters / @anything–marvel / @all-fandomthings / @jbug491 / @marvelobsessedteen / @monikawhatthefuck / @myrabbitholetoneverland / @wingardiumlevidonewithlife / @darkblueeyedperson / @supernaturallover2002/ @savemesteeb / @juliet12345678 / @virtualsheepeat / @flyawaybay / @marvelous-capsicle / @fandom-addict-aesthetics / @chelzwwefan / @babygirlizz / @superhero2552 / @hermionesalvatore84 / @kianya-loves / @literalangels / @grey-stardancer / @krazyk99 / @avngrsinitiative / @bohemianrhapposts / @secretagentben / @javapeach / @mizzzpink /
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