#but as mentioned
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deanstudies101 · 7 months ago
Please enjoy a short hiatus (summer holidays) on account of I got a puppy last week and now all my time is spent stopping him from chewing through our mains water pipe 💖
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 2 years ago
I’m glad the quarterfinals for the bapelsin bracket is going to probably be against the two most American icons to exist. BECAUSE THATS WHAT THEY DESERVE.
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thatsneakymedic · 2 years ago
"Kabuto-kun...?" Orochimaru asked.
They stood at the abandoned village where the nomadic human traffickers displayed their naked 'wares' for sale. The roofs were sloped, the drainpipes were cracked with rust. Windows were broken or covered up by planks.
A dead Sakura tree stood at the village square, reaching up to the blue sky like an old man's hand. Its black branches trunk had the whit carvings of locals. Most were mock protection seals against snakes and against the lord of snakes. Totally useless, of course. Locals had no idea how the seals of Uzushigakure priestesses worked.
The enslaved humans had drawn similar symbols onto their body or chains. Many of them were in dreary-eyed and listless state. Most childen were more scared of their wardens than of Orochimaru and Kabuto. This was by design.
Orochimaru had been judging kekkai genkai and he had been judging bodies. But now, in the high light of noon, he saw a different body that was catching his attention. He had been glancing at Kabuto as he made his round and brought picks to Kabuto for check-ups.
Only twice a year (if he was lucky) Orochimaru saw a captive he really liked and bought it. It would be his favorite plaything for a while. Today it wasn't the slaves that his yellow gaze fixed on. It was his very own assistant who distracted him.
Now, he spoke Kabuto's name, and asked: "When did you grow this muscular?" Orochimaru wanted to stress every single word in this sentence. He found it impossible to look away. His surprised stare was at the threshold of escalating. And it would, if Kabuto willed it so.
It was always a common, pitiful sight that the public often prefer to sweep under the rug and not let the future generations of shinobi learn about and what the authorities allow should it be authorized by the corrupt Lords and the Higher ups of the Lands. The Fire Nation was exactly one of them as they have the more larger lands.
The people who live in the smaller or more hidden villages or towns often live in constant fear for the days when a surprise attack would happen should they refuse to conform to the Nation's laws or cultures. Those who were, were often had no choice but to live by their rules and never able to live as true as they pleased.
Coming to such places and events always seems to put Kabuto in a despondent mood since despite that Orochimaru has told him that they're merely "saving" the more vulnerable from their worst fates that their captors have planned for them. It still left a disgusting taste in his mouth as he could clearly see the abuse that all of the captives have endured. The women and children had it much worst than the men, as he could hear one of the wardens in the back of one of the burned huts, screaming after at least three of their coworkers for "damaging the goods". And those were the ones that Orochimaru often picked out to save as well as the men should they have value in them.
It left him pondering about disturbing thoughts that it was highly likely that in the past, he himself was a victim of trafficking just like these people, but managed to escape their capture and was found by Nono...
His fingers and palm gently rested and lifted a younger but obviously terrified captive child's chin as he examines their mouth for a moment after hearing them cough despite them trying to keep it secret. The poor child's throat was obviously irritated and at least a molar was missing. It was no wonder they couldn't talk and not able to talk so loudly. Smoke inhalation. But despite a few burns on their feet, they were relatively unharmed.
Before he could check the next captive who was that of a young man with a strange tattoo on their leg, he heard Orochimaru's voice and that snapped him out of his disassociated mind. He was aware that he was being stared at by them, and he didn't think much on it other than that he assumed that he wanted to observe Kabuto's work and to be his extra set of eyes should one of the captives decide to harm him while he's not looking.
"He's the last one I need to examine. I'll have the rest of our subordinates lead them to the medical wing to get their wounds treated. You picked out a lot of them this time." Kabuto sighed as he puts away his medical tools that he kept in his scroll. Before he could just casually, walk past them. Now that his eyes are met with theirs, he stops in his tracks.
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Orochimaru... was staring at him more than staring at the more attractive or well built captives. But it seemed to the kind of stares that he would give when he was infatuated with someone.
That someone was now him and it left him feeling quite pleased with himself.
With a bashful and flattered grin, he looks at his own arms and hands for a moment. Kabuto was always so subtle with everything he did, and he hid it well enough till Orochimaru takes the time to pay attention. Sure he wasn't as built or as well toned like a lot of male shinobi, but he was proud of the little changes he has done for himself these past months. He even got the confidence enough to start wearing shirts like this as a nice change as his previous clothes are still being washed back at the hideout.
"A few months ago, I had adapted a new workout to go with my usual ones. I thought that I could greatly benefit from it since these days, I have been needing to lift more heavier things and do more errands. I guess it shouldn't be surprising that the results of my training would show on my body."
He shyly smiles at them now, though he can't help but feel tempted to tease them a bit. "Do you... like the new changes I have done for myself? I'm not seeking to look "big" or anything like that." Pushing up his glasses, his smile changes into that of a teasing one, " And it's not just my arms that I had worked on either..."
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xxscrabiesxx · 14 days ago
hey folks if you have an android phone: google shadow installed a "security app".
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I had to go and delete it myself this morning.
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molabuddy · 5 months ago
recently when im tempted to say 'i'm gonna kill myself' i try to correct it into saying "im gonna walk into the river and become a trout" or some other form of that. this is my new thing
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prokopetz · 4 months ago
While the Onion buying InfoWars is indeed extremely funny, very few of the posts I've seen commenting on the sale have mentioned that the families of the Sandy Hook victims apparently agreed to voluntarily reduce their lawsuit payout as part of a deal to ensure that the Onion would acquire InfoWars wholesale, rather than having the company broken up and auctioned off piecemeal, as the latter course could potentially have allowed some of those pieces to end up back in the hands of Alex Jones' cronies.
Like, yes, it is in fact very funny that InfoWars is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Onion, but the real props go out to the Sandy Hook families who saw the opportunity and willingly gave up the additional millions of dollars that could have been realised by stripping InfoWars for parts in order to make that happen.
(EDIT: Fixed a sentence incorrectly suggesting that Clickhole is still affiliated with the Onion – it totally slipped my mind that they'd sold it back in 2020.)
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djungleskogs · 5 days ago
it’s crazy how absolutely blatantly luigi’s constitutional rights are being breached and people seem more concerned about his appearance than a real, scary view of the power CEOs and the healthcare industry have over the legal system. like yeah he looks good in those photos i can appreciate that too but can we focus on the fact that the media is absolutely treating him as if he has already been found guilty. this could happen to anyone. anyone could be arrested over the death of a wealthy, influential person and the precedent being set right now is essentially that the prosecution can run wild and create documentaries declaring your guilt. like that’s really serious and scary.
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oldtvandcomics · 5 months ago
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We also need still quite a few signatures in order to reach the one million required.
As to date, the six other countries with the most signatures are:
Spain - 38.72%
Finland - 30.31%
Ireland - 24.86%
Netherlands - 24.15%
Germany - 23.54%
Belgium - 23.09%
So yeah, still a long way to go, but we ARE slowly getting closer. Don't stop now! Don't let this stay within the community, either, if you have any friends or family who are open to queer rights, get them to sign, too!
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some-pers0n · 7 months ago
Hey you ever think about The Characters so much to the point where
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insomniac-arrest · 6 months ago
average aging Tumblr adult active here since 2014 when they scroll past werewolf boyfriend posts in the year of our lord 2024
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hertenskylarks · 2 months ago
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The stories that have come out so far are so heartbreaking.
Edit: I've mentioned in a previous post that there's a fund for Luigi's legal defense. Some comments showed up saying the validity of these fund raisers cannot be confirmed, so I took the comment out. I don't want it to detract from the overall message.
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chessb0r3d · 7 months ago
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Analysis so bad you don't even know what it's talking about anymore.
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shamefulzombie · 5 months ago
Not Perfect
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medical-meat · 4 months ago
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onlytiktoks · 10 months ago
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