#but anyway I was checking and lost my mind seeing there was not only a new one (and not only that they deigned to give us more
sunrizef1 · 2 days
Lost in Japan
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x Reader
Warnings: None, cursing
Authors Note: I was almost done with a max fic and this song overtook my mind until I finished this. Also trust, I will be using bear as a nickname for Oscar in every fic from now on.
Summary: Lost in Japan by Shawn Mendes
Word Count: 5.1k (this was supposed to be short)
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Oscar was bored. Lando was off celebrating a successful weekend somewhere out in the city of Shanghai while Oscar was sat alone in his hotel room waiting for the flight McLaren has organized to get him back to England. He hadn’t won. He hadn’t even gotten a podium. So there wasn’t much for him to be exactly thrilled about. So instead, he was just scrolling through his phone, checking various social media apps before he finally landed on Instagram.
He clicked on the first Instagram story at the top of his page, which happened to be Lando’s. He ignored the pictures of him celebrating at some party, tapping through the various shots of him getting more and more inebriated. He was with Max and Charles at the party so Oscar wasn’t too concerned. He clicks through a few more people stories before landing on a specific one that makes him slow down.
Oscar stares at his phone screen, eyes glazing over your Instagram story. He’s clicking through passively, pausing as he gets to one of you at dinner the night before. He lets it play out but quickly clicks back when he notices the Tokyo, Japan tag that you’ve placed near the top of the screen.
As Oscar stares at the picture, trying to take in every detail, he’s struck by an idea. He clicks out of the app, opens up his messages and navigates to your contact, already standing up from his hotel room bed to grab his already packed suitcase.
It didn’t look like he’d be using that plane ticket back to England after all. He clicks the call button under your name, holding the phone between his shoulder and his cheek as he grabs his things, exiting the room after he slides his backpack on.
The phone rings for a bit too long, making Oscar slightly worried that you wouldn’t pick up but it does eventually connect and Oscar is met with the sound of your voice filtering through the phone speaker. The door shuts with a soft click behind the Aussie as he steps into the hallway.
“Hello, Oscar,” you hum through the phone. Oscar can practically hear the smirk on your lips even through the low quality iPhone speaker.
Oscar huffs a laugh at your tone, dragging his suitcase behind him as he walks down the hall, “Hi, y/n.”
"What can I do for you?” you ask and Oscar can hear shuffling from your end of the call. As the words leave your lips, he reaches the elevator, tapping the button on the wall to call it to his floor.
“Do you have plans tonight?” Oscar reaches the point quickly, trapping the phone back between his shoulder and ear as the elevator opens and he steps in, tapping the lobby button.
You pause for a second, proccessing the question and contemplating your answer, “Besides falling asleep in a few hours? Nope.”
Oscar hums, pulling the phone into his hands and typing impatiently into google as you speak. He finds the soonest, and nicest, flight to Japan he could, purchasing the ticket without a second thought.
Oscar freezes for a moment, looking up from the ticket he'd just bought to narrow his eyes at the elevator door, “I saw you're in Japan-”
“Oh, so you're stalking me now?” Oscar rolls his eyes as you laugh through your question, painting the image of your grinning face in the Aussies mind.
“Shut up, no, anyway-,” Oscar sighs, dragging his suitcase out of the elevator as it reaches the lobby, “Im in Shanghai, I thought I'd fly over to see you.”
Your silence on the other end of the line is deafening. Oscar even checks to make sure the call is still connected due to how quiet you were. Taking your lack of response as a bad sign, Oscar starts to ramble, hoping to do a bit of damage control, “Just because I'm only a couple hundred miles away and the race is over and I'm bored. Its just been so long since we were so close, especially during the season and I miss y-”
“When does your flight leave?”
Oscar, who’d frozen on the sidewalk outside the hotel, unfreezes to gesture for a taxi. It was only a five-minute drive to the airport from the place Mclaren had been staying so he hoped this wouldn't take too long. He mutes for a moment to tell the driver to take him to the airport. The driver nods, pulling away from the curb.
“Uhhhh-” Oscar navigates through his phone to check his flight details as he sits back in his seat, “Half an hour?”
“Ooh, you better hurry then,” You hum, a playful tone laced through your words, “Dont want to miss it.”
Oscar laughs happily, just glad to hear you joking along. He does find some reality in your words though, doing the math to see if he even had enough time to make his flight. He was honestly running on hopes and prayers at this point.
“What made you suddenly so inclined to fly to Japan on a random Sunday?” Your voice pulls Oscar out of his thoughts and he pauses, smiling abashedly as the answer comes to his head.
“Just can't get you off my mind.”
Oscar can’t see you. But if he could, he'd see a warm smile carved onto your face due to the warmth his statement had caused.
“I don't know Osc, I'm actually pretty tired. Might just head to bed,” Oscar rolls his eyes as you try and stifle your giggle.
“Do I need to convince you to stay awake, then?”
You huff a laugh, humming in affirmation, “I’d love to hear it.”
“Well,” Oscar starts, racking his mind for some suggestions of what to say to get you to agree to this, “You don't miss me?”
“I never said that,” You reply quickly. Oscar raises an eyebrow, head falling back against the seat as he trys not to groan.
“So you do miss me?”
You hum quietly, the sound almost too low for Oscar to hear it through the phone, “Maybe a little bit.”
The Aussie chuckles, “I thought so.”
“Can you blame me? It's been a while. I miss my favourite koala bear,” Oscar gets the sense that the words were meant to come out teasing but he can't help but notice how genuine they sound. He laughs nonetheless.
He's about to respond when the cab comes to a sudden stop and he looks out the window to see the airport in front of him.
“Shit, I'm here.”
Oscar swings his backpack onto his shoulders, rifling through a pocket to find enough cash to hand to the driver, not really considering an exact amount and, instead, just asking the driver if that was enough. When the driver tries to hand change back, Oscar leans away, grasping the door handle to swing the door open to get out. He grabs his suitcase as well, leaning down to shout back into the car.
“Keep the change, thanks mate!” Oscar shuts the door, dragging his suitcase behind him as the cab drives away.
“Such a gentleman, I take it you're at the airport now?” you tease him, a genuine questioning tilt laced in your words.
Oscar nods before remembering you can't see him, “Yeah, just got out of the car.”
Oscar rushes through the large door, holding it open for an older woman to walk through before he steps in past her. He glances around the room, trying to find airport security so he could get to his gate.
“You gonna make your flight?” you seem to be finding a lot of amusement in his frantic rushing.
Oscar huffs, pinning his phone between his cheek and shoulder to check his watch. He still had about twenty-five minutes to get to his plane.
“Twenty minutes,” he responds, walking quickly down the hall when he spots a sign directing him that way.
“Ooh! Ah, I have faith in you. If you're anywhere near as fast as you are on the track I'm sure you'll be fine.”
Oscars eyes trail over the hall, locking onto the security gates and causing him to walk a little quicker, “You watch the race today?”
You don't respond for a few minutes but when you do, your voice is a lot more calm than it had been a few moments before, “Mhm. You did good Os.”
Oscar lets out a sigh, shaking his head as a grin fights its way into his lips, “Thanks, I'm glad you think so.”
Oscar steps into the security line, grateful for the fact that there are only a few people in front of him. He ignores the weird glance the old lady in front of him sends his way as he rushes to a stop behind her, replying with a tight smile.
“Its not just me, Osc,” you reply, sensing his disdain for the days race through the phone, “Everyone thinks you did well.”
Oscar hums, stepping up a few steps as a couple of people pass through, leaving just the old lady in front of him. As he reaches the bag scanners, he pins his phone on his shoulder again to lift his bag up onto the conveyor belt, tossing his bag down beside it.
“One second,” Oscar responds, muting his phone to drop it into a bowl along with his airpods, sending them through along with his bags.
After he's put all his things on the belt, he steps away, walking through the metal detector when the agent signals for him to go.
It takes a few moments for the agents to check his bags but when they come through he pulls the suitcase off and sets it beside him, turning back to slide his backpack over his shoulders. He slides his AirPods into his hoodie pocket and picks up his phone, unmuting the call before walking away, his suitcase in tow.
“Im back,” Oscar clicks away from the call for a few seconds to check his flight details before putting the phone back to his ear.
“Did I just get sent through a security scanner?” you sound amused and Oscar can practically see your smirk just from the tone of your voice.
“Didnt want to hang up,” he grumbles, searching the signs above him for his gate, walking quickly when he spots it. A clock on the wall indicates that he's still got 15 minutes to get to his flight. He thinks about it for a few moments, quickly realizing that it was 15 minutes until scheduled takeoff and boarding would actually end in five minutes.
“Im honored-”
“Fuck!” Oscar cuts you off, too busy now sprinting down the airport corridor to think about that fact, “Shit! I'm gonna miss it!”
You don't respond for a few seconds but you eventually do, a loud laugh echoing from your throat as you take in his situation.
“Oh my god, are you late for boarding? Osc!” you laugh, the image of the driver sprinting down the hall engrained in your head.
He doesn't reply, the phone now down near his hip as he runs to his gate. The run feels like an hour but, in reality, was only actually a few minutes, the clocks on the walls ticking down as if mocking the Aussies poor planning.
He finds some kind of respite, though, as he finally gets to the gate, slowing down as he steps up to the gate agent. The lady seems surprised to see him run up but she doesn't turn away, instead glancing him up and down with a concerned look before responding.
“Hi! Do you have your ticket?” the woman is surprisingly kind about the question, especially considering she had been preparing to leave as he'd rocked up.
Oscar nods, still trying to catch his breath. He pulls his phone open to navigate to the ticket, facing the QR code forward for the agent to scan. She does so before nodding politely and leading him down the path toward the plane.
Oscar lets out a sight of relief and lifts the phone back up to his face, “I made it.”
Your laugh has calmed down but you snort at his almost war-torn sounding voice, his strife obvious due to his lack of breath, “Congrats, man.”
He gets lead onto the plane, thanking the woman who'd brought him and smiling at the flight attendants as he walks a few steps past them. He finds his seat, dropping his phone onto it to lift his phone and stow it away in the overhead bin. He grabs his phone and sits down, relaxing into the seat after setting his backpack on the ground.
“I’ll be in Japan in a few hours,” He says, running hand over his face, “See you there, yeah?”
You hum, “See you there, bear.”
Oscar ignores the nickname, pretending it didn't make him smile, “Im gonna hang up now, promise you won't be asleep when I land?”
You laugh, “I promise, Oscar. I'll even go get a red bull for some extra energ-”
“Yeah, nope. Goodbye.” Oscar interrupts before you can endorse the rival team.
“Bye koala bear,” you respond and the phone clicks softly as you hang up. Oscar sets the phone down to pull his airpods out of his pocket, connecting them in order to watch some movie for the flight.
The flights only a few hours long but it feels a lot longer than that to Oscar. It's a haze of random Netflix shows and bagged pretzels, the monotony of the flight boring Oscar out of his mind.
He's relieved when the plane touches down, his proximity to the front of the plane allowing him to stand up and grab his things fairly quickly. Its about 9 pm local time, the sky outside not shedding any light through the plane windows.
Oscar walks out into the airport, grateful to be off the cramped plane and finally move his legs again. He stops at one of the few shops still open to buy an overpriced bottle of water, pausing as he spots a bag of those haribo peach rings you like so much. He doesn't think much as he grabs the bag, throwing it onto the counter beside his bottle and offering the cashier a polite smile.
After paying, he grabs the bottle and the bag, grasping them in the same hand as he pulls his suitcase along with the other one.
He strolls through the airport, trying to rid himself of the fatigue from the race and the plane ride. The only thing keeping him from falling asleep was the thought of seeing you again.
Speaking of you, Oscar doesn't realize he has no idea where you were staying or where you were until he's stepped out of the airport doors, standing on the sidewalk with his suitcase sat next to him. He tries to recall if you'd told him anything about your Japan trip or even if he'd seen anything on your story but he comes up empty.
He clicks on your contact, pressing the phone to his ear as the call rings. He frowns as you decline, confused as to why you'd hang up.
He's just about to walk back inside to wait when a car horn honks, causing Oscar to look up in front of him.
His eyes widen as they lock onto an orange Mclaren 570s Coupe, the car shining beautifully under the street lights. As he stands and admires the car ahead of him, the window closest to him rolls down and he sees your head duck down to lock eyes with him.
“You getting in?”
He laughs incredulously, opening the passenger side door and carefully sliding his suitcase into the small storage space behind the seats.
He sets his backpack on the floor below him, flopping back into the sear and sliding his seatbelt on. He sets his water down and tosses the bag of peach rings into your lap, “Nice car.”
“Thanks,” you reply brightly, eyes widening as you observe the bag of candy before moving it into your hoodie pocket, “Thought id go all out with the rental for the few days I'm here.”
Oscar hums, glancing around the nice car, coincidentally a Papaya McLaren. He refused the urge to ask you if you'd been thinking of him when you'd picked the vehicle.
After you make sure his seatbelts on, you pull away from the airport terminal and navigate onto the main road, pressing play on your playlist to let music filter quietly through the speakers.
The car glides smoothly down the streets of Tokyo, bright lights reflecting off the sides of your face. Oscar looks your way, completely aware that your attention was locked on the road, giving him the free pass to admire you.
Your eyes dart around the road in front of you, neon lights reflected in your irises. Your teeth dig at your lower lip, chewing lightly as turn the car. You’ve got one hand on the wheel, the other one moving around between the center console and the fraying edge of your shorts. You're wearing a quadrant hoodie and Oscar can't tell if its his or if you both just owned the same hoodie. The fit didn't help, he knew you bought your hoodies oversized anyway.
You glance over as you come to a stop at a red light, grinning when you see his eyes on you.
“What?” You ask, laughing slightly as you lean back from the wheel, splitting your attention between the road and Oscars face.
Oscar shakes his head with a small smile, his own attention turning out the window as you drive through the green light.
“Have you eaten?”
Oscar shakes his head, “Nah.”
You nod, taking the next turn to pull into a parking lot, stopping the car after you find a spot. You step out and Oscar takes this as his cue to get out as well, shutting the car door gently behind him.
When Oscar gets around the car, he finds you leaning against the edge, your feet crossed as you wait for him. He steps to your side and you push off the car, the familiar beep of it locking ringing out as you walk away.
As you both walk toward the restaurant, you step into Oscar's side and he’s quick to swing an arm over your shoulder. You wrap an arm around his torso, reaching the other up to tangle your fingers with his.
He's only slightly disappointed when you have to drop his hand in order to open the door. But you keep your hand against his ribs and he keeps his arm around your shoulders, not ready to let you go yet.
The second his feet pass the threshold of the building, he's hit with some of the most delicious scents he'd smelled in his life. This late at night there isn't much action apart from a few stragglers who Oscar assumes had just gotten off work and needed a bite to eat.
An older man swings around the corner from the kitchen, faint food stains gracing his otherwise white apron. He has a huge grin on his face and it only increases when he sees you. He pushes his glasses up on his nose, wiping off the steam that had accumulated on the lenses.
“Ah! You're back again!” The man calls out to the pair of you. Although his words do make Oscar assume the man was mostly talking to you, “And you brought your boyfriend!”
You don't correct the man and after seeing the grin on your face, Oscar doesn't either.
“Yeah, he just got in from Shanghai. Haven't had dinner yet.”
“Go, go,” the man smiles, pointing toward the dining room, “Sit where you want, ill get to you in a second.”
The man waves you both toward the tables and you step out of Oscar’s grasp. He doesn't have to be disappointed for long as you wrap your hand in his to lead him through the restaurant, stopping at a booth before sliding in. Oscar slides in the seat opposite of you, his legs knocking against yours under the table.
Quickly, the man, who Oscar now assumes is the owner, comes over to the table, setting down two glasses of water and a pair of menus in front of the both of you.
“You know what you want?” The man grins as he gestures toward you, seemingly familiar to you. Oscar takes a sip of his water, letting the coop liquid run down his throat.
You nod happily, “Yeah, I think so.”
The man pulls out a small notebook to write down whatever you say and you continue by saying a few different dishes, the only one Oscar having had before being sushi. He doesn't say anything, knowing that you knew more about this place and the menu than he did.
After you're done ordering, the man walks away and strolls into the kitchen, handing the order to the woman behind the counter before placing a small kiss on her cheek.
Oscar looks back to you, a small smile on his face after seeing the couple who seemed to be running the restaurant themselves, “You’ve been here before, then?”
You nod, leaning over to take a sip from your glass, “Yeah, came here yesterday for lunch.”
Oscar hums, glancing out of the booth to look around the room. Paintings and neon signs decorate the walls and what seems to be photographs taken in the restaurant all line the wall by the entrance. Oscar can vaguely see that the photos of are different people posing, all with happy looks on their faces. He huffs a breathy laugh when he sees one of you with your friends.
The time spent waiting for your food is filled with casual conversation, Oscar asking a lot of questions about how your Tokyo trip had been so far.
You don't ask about the race. There's some kind of unspoken understanding that Oscar had run to Japan to get away from racing for once. Here, with you, Oscar wasn't Mclaren racing driver, Oscar Piastri, he was just Oscar. Or “Bear”, as you called him. A nickname that you seemed unable to let go of. Oscar pretended to be annoyed every time you said it but he couldn't deny the smile that formed every time he heard the Australia-themed moniker.
“Bear?” There it is. Oscar looks up with a raised eyebrow, deducing that you'd asked a question he hadn't answered.
“I asked if you're staying with me tonight.”
Oscar snorts before smirking, shaking his head as he locks eyes with you, “Yeah, wouldn't dream of being anywhere else.”
You blush, looking down toward the table, past meals having left vague food stains on the wood.
Before you can respond, the man returns, plates and bowls balancing in his hands. You look up politely, smiling as the man starts to place the food on the table, “Thank you so much.”
The man grins as he places down the last plate, “Of course. Enjoy.”
He walks away and you turn toward Oscar who stares vaguely at the food in front of him, “Dig in.”
You make a move for your chopsticks, looking over the food before taking a bite of whatever is immediately in front of you. Oscar glances around, not sure where to start.
Noticing his hesitancy, you pick up a piece of what you'd been eating and bring it up toward his lips, pulling back after Oscar bites into it.
“What is this?” Oscar asks as he chews, covering his mouth as he speaks. Whatever it is, it's pretty good, having a light and slightly sweet flavour. Its also a bit more rubbery than chicken, but its pretty good nonetheless.
You swallow your own bite, having scooped up some rice along with it, “Unagi. Grilled eel.”
The only indication of Oscar's surprise is his widened eyes but after a few seconds, he reaches over to take another bite, humming as he chews on the eel. You smile, moving on to grab some kind of skewer.
You slowly move through the foods, explaining each one to Oscar as he tries them.
They're all good but Oscar's favourite is the yakitori, the skewers of grilled chicken. By the time you've finished the food on the table, Oscar is about ready to pass out.
So you pay as soon as you can, Oscar grumbling about his inability to pay for the meal, lacking the proper currency. He does Venmo you when you put your phone down, though.
The owner makes playful conversation with you, thanking you for coming around and telling you you're welcome back anytime. Oscar just stands with his head on top of yours, trying not to fall asleep.
You're about to leave when the man calls you back and you turn around to see him holding a camera in his hands, “For the wall? Need to remember the happy couple.”
You laugh, glancing around to see the many many photos of various friend groups on the wall behind you, turning back around with a soft look as you nod. You lean into Oscar who wraps an arm around you, tilting his head toward you. You tangle your hand with the one on your shoulder, holding up a peace sign with your other one.
The familiar click of a camera sounds and the man smiles warmly, waving you both out the door, “Have a great time! Thank you for coming!”
You wave goodbye, stepping out of the restaurant and pulling out your keys to unlock the car. Oscar untangles from you to walk to the passenger's side and step in. You drop in as well, setting your phone down in the centre console. Oscar is staring out the window when he feels something drop in his lap and he glances down to see the bag of peach rings he'd bought you.
“Can you open that?” You ask, starting the car and putting it in reverse. You glance over your shoulder as you pull backward, one arm behind Oscars seat and the other on the wheel.
Oscar, at risk of getting caught staring, turns his attention to the candy, ripping the edge and grabbing a few pieces to throw in his mouth.
Once you've got onto the main road, you hold out a hand and Oscar drops a couple pieces which you proceed to eat.
The drive is quiet, the both of you feeling the exhaustion of the day catch up to you. You eventually pull up to the hotel, stopping the car and stepping out. Not before grabbing more candy from Oscar, though.
Oscar leans over to grab his suitcase, stepping out of the car and sliding his backpack on. He grabs his water bottle from the airport, stuffing it into the bottle compartment on the side of the bag. He looks up and starts walking, stepping by your side as you enter the hotel. You stroll through the lobby, leading both of you to the elevator.
As the elevator starts moving up, you both lean against the wall, letting the quiet music be the only sound beside a couple yawns.
The elevator dings as it passes each floor. Oscar watches as you dig your key card out of your pocket, running your fingers along the edge absently.
The doors slide open, leading you to walk out, Oscar in tow. You drift down the hall, humming along to whatever song was playing in your head. Oscar vaguely recognizes it as Taylor Swift.
When you reach your room, you scan your card and push the door open, holding it to let Oscar pass through.
He does, pushing his suitcase next to the far side of the bed. He can hear you setting your things down, the familiar clink of keys on glass ringing out in the otherwise quiet room.
“I’m gonna use the bathroom,” he says lowly, sliding past you and into the attached bathroom. He can hear you hum in affirmation just before he shuts the door.
When he emerges, you're sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling off your shoes before tossing them on the floor. You’ve taken off your hoodie (or Oscars) and its not lain over the chair across the room.
You glance up, smiling as you see the Aussie walk out, “Hi.”
Oscar huffs amusedly, sliding off his own shoes as he walks toward you, “Hi.”
You hum, looking up as he walks closer to you before leaning slightly to angle his face toward yours. You both pause for a few moments, waiting to see who'd break the stand-off first.
It ends up being you, as you pull his face down towards yours, your kiss almost searing. The kiss feels like it lasts a lifetime and Oscar almost wishes it could. He does pull away, though, just to move you away from the edge of the bed, smiling when he hears your laugh ring out after he's practically tossed you onto the mattress.
He moves up as well and before he can even get his bearings, you're pulling him back down again, hands in his hair and your lips on his.
The next morning, Oscars awoken by the sound of your quiet laugh. He rolls over with a tired groan, wrapping his other arm around your torso.
“What are you laughing at?” he grumbles, tiredness clear in his voice.
You turn to face him, looking impossibly beautiful for having just woken up. You hold your phone toward him and Oscar glances down at the screen before looking back up at your face with a questioning glance.
“Lando send me a video this morning,” you start, closing your phone and tossing it aside to grasp his tired face between your hands, “Its quite funny.”
“What was it?” Oscar mumbles, leaning to press a small kiss on your forehead.
You lean back, looking him in the eyes and seemingly trying to hide your smirk, “It's a video of his teammate sprinting through the Shanghai airport.”
Oscar groans, trying to ignore your warm laugh, “Fuck.”
He's not really mad, not when the video was the source of your happiness right now.
There were a lot worse sights to wake up to than your happy face beside him.
Tags: @casperlikej @evie-119
499 notes · View notes
suguwife · 2 days
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Y/N is trapped in an arranged marriage with the cold and unfeeling Gojo Satoru, intended only to produce an heir for the Gojo company. Satoru despises her with every fiber of his being. After a fierce argument, Y/N leaves their penthouse, only to experience a traumatic event that changes everything. Satoru, despite his hatred, rescues her, and his feelings begin to shift. As Y/N endures more hardships and trauma during their marriage, Satoru's love for her grows, but the emotional toll threatens to break them both along the way. Can love truly blossom from the depths of pain?
fic warnings: 18+, blood, r*pe thoughts, mentions of r*pe, self blame
tags: gojo x f!reader, hurt/comfort, angst
a/n: I was going to include a lot more in this chapter but I realised it’d drag on so, I’ll include it in the next instead and I didn’t want to keep anyone waiting or make the post too long either. This chap isn’t as intense as my last 4 (sorry if u wanted that) but it’s crucial for satorus character development soo yeah, but I promise it doesn’t get boring now from here and the tension doesn’t disappear just because satoru is a better man LMAO, anyway, enjoy and tysm for the support ily !
- 6.8k wc
(previous) -> (chapter six) - series masterlist
You’re rooted in one spot against the rough, brick wall, unable to move your muscles or wipe away your own tears. The only muscles moving being the tremors of your hands and knees, your eyes wide open in shock as the tears scorch against your skin, blurring your vision. You want to move, but you can’t. Want to scream out sobs, but you can’t. You can’t see Satoru, you can’t hear him. All you hear is a constant ringing in your ears and the man’s words repeating, painfully echoing inside your head, and you want it to stop. Want to set fire and burn those disgusting words to ashes. They won’t stop. You keep hearing him, keep feeling his hands on you.
Then you hear him. His soft voice calling for you, blocking out the repetition of those vile words in your mind. You feel the warmth of his hands resting on your shoulders, disintegrating the touch of that man. “Hey, hey...” He says quietly.
His pupils are etched with nothing but concern and worry as he analyses your face, seeing the shock and terror in your eyes and quivering lip. “Are you hurt? Are you alright? Talk to me.” He checks over your figure next, needing to see if you were physically hurt anywhere. He looks down, your zipper open. His eyes brim with tears, brows knitting together tightly, “You’re safe now.. I promise.. you’re okay.” He says as he zips it back up for you, blinking away his own tears.
Protectively, his arm wraps around you, pulling you into a tight embrace of safety, trying to alert you that he’s here for you, he’s here to keep you safe as your husband. He fixes a chillingly menacing stare as he glares at the man on the ground, his jaw dislocated as blood pours out of his mouth and drips down his nose. He spits and groans on the floor and Satoru could care less. If he could he’d beat the man to death, but he can’t do that right now, he knows he needs to be using his hands to comfort you instead.
He takes his phone out his pocket and dials the police as his other hand runs up and down your back soothingly, your tears drenching his shirt through. He alerts the police on what’s happened and continues holding you close, easing out the tension and fear in your body.
“It's alright, the police are on their way, everything's going to be alright. just breathe, okay?” He speaks into your ear carefully, making sure that you hear him, his voice soft yet firm.
But you can’t. You were touched. And he did more than just touching. The reminder of it sinking deeper and deeper, scalding into your brain and body. Your stood paralysed in the embrace of Satoru, no longer breathing properly at all. In fact, your barely breathing, too lost in thought for your body to even remember that it needs to pump oxygen into you.
He softly cups your cheeks, seeing the vacant look in your tear filled eyes, the lack of breathing from your mouth. “Y/n... listen to me, you're okay. You're here, you're safe. Just breathe, okay? Take a deep breath for me.”
You hear him, and your mouth lets out strangled breaths, small high pitched noises escaping you as your body forces oxygen into you, but it’s not enough. Your eyes still distant, looking into an invisible void that’s not there.
He grows more worried by the minute as you remain paralyzed in his arms, your eyes on something elsewhere. He gently shakes your shoulders, trying to snap you out of it. “Hey, hey... look at me. Look at me.” He says, his voice urgent and intense. “Snap out of it, okay? You're safe now, you're with me. Please breathe y/n..”
He holds you tightly in his arms against his broad chest, continues to gently caress you, trying to soothe your trembling and calm your breathing. “You're okay... you're okay. Just breathe, okay? Inhale, exhale, just breathe...” He says, his voice soft and comforting. He looks at you with a mixture of worry and protectiveness, his eyes scanning your face for any sign of response.
You follow his instructions, your breaths small but your breathing. You’re fighting through whatever is happening to your body right now.
He smiles gently at you, even though you’re not looking at him, and runs his hands over the back of your scalp and back, “That’s it.. keep breathing, you’re doing amazing y/n. Just keep breathing okay? Inhale.. and exhale.”
He sees the trembling in your body and the look of terror on your face, and his heart clenches even tighter. He pulls you closer to him, his arms wrapping around you like a protective barrier. “You're safe now, l'm here. No one's going to harm you, I promise. Just breathe, alright? Just focus on your breathing, nothing else. In... and out... in... and out... just keep breathing...”
You find your mind relaxing into his words, but your body remains stuck in its position, still trembling, still distant, still full of fear.
He continues to hold you close, his arms wrapped securely around you as he whispers comforting words, trying to break through your shock and draw you back to reality. He doesn’t care about the previous argument you had with him, doesn’t care that he didnt want this marriage, his only care being you. To protect you and soothe you.
“You're alright, you're okay. I'm right here, I won't let anything happen to you. Just keep breathing, in... and out... in... and out... that's it, good girl... focus on your breathing...” And thankfully, you begin breathing back to normal again, providing him a small sense of relief as you begin to breathe normally again, but he's still worried by your motionless paralysis.
“That's it, keep breathing, just like that. You're doing great, you're doing so great... just listen to my voice, okay? Focus on my voice.” You do, the only thoughts in your mind being his touch and his voice as you lean against his chest.
Flashes of blue and red fall onto your eyes, you know the police are here. You can’t see them, but you see the faint hue of their lights. You hear Satoru say something to them, but you don’t really listen, too focused on his heartbeat against your ear, focused on his warmth surrounding you in the gentle, secluded home of his heart. If you compared this Satoru to the Satoru from earlier today, you would’ve laughed. If you compared this Satoru to the man you spoke to on the day of your marriage, you would’ve collapsed from cackling so hard at the joke.
You hear his voice turn back to you again. He keeps talking, his voice low and soothing, trying to ground you back to reality and gently coax you out of your frozen state. “Hey.. You're safe now, okay? And you're here with me. I'm right here, and I won't let anything happen to you. I swear on it. Just keep breathing, in... and out... in... and out...” He pauses, looking down at you, hoping for some sign that you're responding to him.
He can feel the tension in your body, your muscles taut and frozen. He keeps holding you close, his voice gentle and steady. “Focus on me, okay? Just listen to my voice. You're safe, you're loved. I'm right here, holding you... just breathe, just keep breathing...” He repeats, his hand still gently caressing you no matter how long it will take to get you back. “That's it.. Good girl... just keep breathing...”
He places a gentle kiss above your head, his lips lingering for a couple seconds before he moves away. “Let’s get you home, okay? We’ll go to my car, alright?“
He wraps his hand around your arm and gently tugs you, hoping you’ll move but you don’t. You carry on staring blankly into the distance, trembling hands and knees with a tear stained face. “Come on, sweetheart... Let's get you home. You're safe now, I'm here with you. Just one step, that's it... come on..”
He places both his hands on your shoulders, guiding you. You feet slowly move as he helps you, you don’t know why you can’t move. It’s like your body is refusing you, wanting to stay in that traumatic position of helplessness.
As he guides you to the car, he focuses on the shock and fear etched on your face, the tremble in your hands and knees as you walk slowly. It breaks his heart to see you like this, but he tries to maintain a comforting presence for you, to help keep you positive even if your mind may be at war right now.
“You're doing great, just a few more steps... we’re almost there, sweetheart. Just keep walking, l've got you...”
You both finally reach the car, and he opens the passenger door and helps you into the seat, his hands gently directing your body. He fastens your seatbelt for you, his eyes scanning your face with care. He knows you're still in shock, still frozen by what happened, and he wishes he could fix it all, to erase the memory from your mind.
“There you go... just keep breathing, okay? I'm going to shut the door and get into the driver's seat now... I'll be right here with you, alright?”
He shuts the door carefully, making sure not to startle you, and walks around to the driver's side. He gets in, starting the car and grips the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles white with tension. As he looks at you from the corner of his eye, his heart clenches at the sight of your continuous blank stare.
He notices your unusual stance, how you're sitting upright and tense instead of your usual relaxed position. He keeps his eyes on the road, but he can't help but worry about you, your silence and stiffness filling the car with a tensed atmosphere.
He reaches over and gently places a hand on your thigh, his touch soft and comforting. “Hey... talk to me, okay? Just say something... anything... let me know you're still here with me...” He tightens his grip on your thigh, his thumb rubbing small circles on your skin, hoping to get a response from you.
He can feel the tension in your body under his palm, how stiff and unyielding you are. He glances at you quickly, taking his eyes off the road for a brief moment, before returning his focus. The silence in the car feels deafening, and he grows more worried with each passing minute. He needs to hear your voice, he needs to know that you're still there, that you're alright.
“Please... say something, sweetheart... just one word, anything...” He pleads, his voice barely above a whisper.
Everything hurts. Mainly your insides. You feel the pulses of your brain hammering against your scalp, wanting to leave. The thoughts and reminders of what just happened needing escape but they can’t, so they just keep hammering and pounding against your flesh and bones inside. You don’t know what’s happening to you or your body, but you do know that you miss Satoru’s embrace.
“Please... just say something, y/n... Just let me know you're here with me...” He repeats, his voice growing more desperate.
His mind changes, new destination: Hospital.
He grips the steering wheel tighter, constantly darting his eyes darting between the road and you. He keeps glancing at you, checking your frozen state, the trembling in your hands, the vacant look in your eyes. His mind is a whirlwind of worry and fear, imagining the worst-case scenarios.
“We're almost there... just hold on a little longer, okay? You're almost safe, I’m taking you to a hospital, alright? you’ll be okay. I promise.” He reassures you, more to himself than to you, his voice tense and strained.
He finally pulls into the hospital parking lot, his mind racing with thoughts of what might have happened to you, how to help you. He quickly parks the car, shuts off the engine, and turns to you. “We're here... I'm taking you inside now, okay? Just stay with me, alright? I've got you...”
He gets out of the car, quickly walking around to your side and opening the passenger door. After gently unbuckling your seatbelt, his hands softly grabbing your shoulders, his touch careful and gentle. You feel his warmth against you, your mind relaxes ever so slightly again, but not completely. You’re still frozen and you have no clue why you can’t move. He looks at your face, still frozen in shock and fear, and his heart clenches tightly.
“Come on, sweetheart... let's go inside... I've got you, won't leave you alone, I promise...”
With care, he pulls you out the car, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, supporting you as you walk. He keeps his grip firm and tight, not wanting to let you go, not wanting to let you out of his sight. “Just a few more steps, okay? We're almost there... just keep walking, you're doing great... I’m right here. I wont let anything happen to you.”
The bright lights and sterile shoots into your pupils, the air a stark contrast to the darkness and danger outside. He practically carries you through the doors, his grip on you unwavering as he guides you towards the reception desk.
He alerts the receptionist of his family name first, then the issue at hand. The receptionist, recognizing his name and status, quickly calls for a doctor. Within moments, a young male doctor rushes over, his face filled with concern.
“Follow me.” The doctor says, gesturing for you both to come with him. He leads you down a hallway, pulling you into a small examination room and shutting the door behind him.
The doctor motions for you to sit on the examination table, and Gojo helps you up, his hand on your back, still supporting you as he guides you to sit down. The doctor turns to Satoru, his expression serious. “Can you tell me what happened? How long has she been in this state?” He asks, grabbing a notebook and pen.
You feel his grip on your shoulders tighten slightly as he explains. The reminder of it all stabbing through you again and again and again.
I can help but think if this was my fault. I decided on my own that I’d stay out late, that I wouldn’t return home until next morning, just to piss odd Satoru because of our argument. And now I’m in the hospital. Being examined because I’m practically paralysed.
“Alright, I understand. It sounds like she's experiencing physiological shock, which is a common response to trauma. How long has this been going on for? Since the attack?” He looks up from his notes, fixing his gaze on you, but you’re staring into the void again.
Gojo glances at you, his eyes filled with worry and helplessness. He counts the minutes in his head, trying to recall the exact timeframe. “It's been about half an hour since the attack... She's been like this since then. I can't get her to respond, no matter what I do or say.” His voice trembles slightly as he speaks.
“Okay, I see. Shock can have different effects on different people, and it's important to act quickly. Can you please step outside for a moment? I need to examine her privately.”
Hesitating for a moment, his gaze locks onto you. The thought of leaving you alone, even for a moment, makes him anxious. He wants to stay by your side, to make sure you're okay and protected.
But he knows the doctor needs to examine you in private, so he reluctantly nods ans his grip on your shoulder disappears. The warmth of his touch turning into a spiking, icy feel.
The door gently shuts behind him, leaving you alone in the exam room with the doctor. He puts down his notebook and moves closer to you, his eyes filled with concern.
“Hello, I'm Doctor Mori. Can you hear me?”He asks, his voice gentle and soothing. And you can, but you can’t seem to respond. You’re not even bothering to try. Too fixated on the violation of your own body.
He watches your face closely, trying to gauge your response. But your expression remains the same, eyes staring into space, body trembling slightly. “I understand you've been through a traumatic experience. It's okay, you're safe now. I'm here to help you, but I need you to answer a few questions.”
He waits a moment for a response, but none comes. He can see the tremble in your hands, the vacant look in your eyes. “Can you tell me your name?” He asks, his voice remaining soft and steady.
Once again, no response. The room is filled with an uncomfortable silence, broken only by the sound of your trembling breaths.
“It's okay, it's alright. I need to ask you some questions about what happened. But I need you to verbally respond. Can you nod or shake your head for me?” He waits for a moment, hoping for a response this time. But you stay frozen, your body still trembling, your eyes locked in that same thousand-yard stare. The doctor frowns slightly, his concern growing.
“Please, I need you to answer me. Just nod or shake your head, anything to show you can hear me."
The room feels heavy with silence again, the tension in the air palpable. The doctor watches you anxiously, waiting for a response. But you remain motionless, unresponsive. He takes a deep breath, trying a different approach, but before he can do that he sees you blink, once.
The doctor's eyes widen slightly as he sees you blink, a small sign of responsiveness. He smiles reassuringly, hope filling his voice. “That's good, that's very good. Can you do that again? Can you blink twice for me?”
You blink twice, you can hear, you can respond with your eyelids. But your body remains frozen, shocked, scared. Stuck in that position.
“That's perfect, well done. Now, can you try speaking? Just say something, anything.” Waiting patiently, his are eyes fixed on your face, looking for any sign of response. The room is quiet, the only sound being the steady hum of the medical equipment. The doctor's expression is gentle, his voice soft and reassuring.
“Just give it a try. Can you say your name?”
And your lips, already parted slightly, begin to tremble. He leans in slightly, preparing to listen intently. But the only sound that comes out is a soft exhale, no words leaving your lips.
He frowns slightly, concern filling his expression again. He knows that trauma and shock can affect people in different ways, but he had hoped for more progress.
“It's alright. Can you try again? Just say one word.”
The doctor's expression remains compassionate, his voice still gentle and patient. “Please, just try. One word, that's all I need. Can you say 'yes' for me?”
The only sound in the room coming from the soft ticking of the clock and the buzz of the AC.
“That's alright, it's okay. I can understand. You've gone through a very traumatic experience. It might be difficult for you to speak right now. Can you listen carefully to me? I have some yes or no questions, and I want you to blink once for yes, and twice for no.”
He waits for a moment, making sure you're listening. His voice remains soft and steady. “Okay, question number one: Are you able to hear me?”
You blink once. However, your eyelids don’t reach all the way, only being able to blink halfway then go back to their original place.
“That's good. Question number two: Is there pain anywhere on your body?” You blink once again. You could say everywhere, inside and out.
“Okay, that's good. Question number three: Are you comfortable answering questions right now?”
You blink once again.
The doctor smiles reassuringly, feeling encouraged by your responses. “That's perfect. Last question: Are you comfortable with me touching you?”
Your eyelids flutter twice immediately. You know he’s a doctor, he’s here to help you. But fear is still running inside your mind, the only touch you want is Satoru’s, despite how he’s treated you. Maybe it’s because he saved you. Maybe it’s because he reassured you. Maybe it’s because he did all the loving actions you craved for so badly at that moment. Maybe it’s because you’re attached to him. Maybe it’s because you love him.
Does there need to be a reason?
“That's perfectly fine. I won't touch you without your permission.” He scribbles a note in his notebook before speaking again. “Now, I need to ask you some important medical questions, okay? Can you nod to show you understand?”
“Alright, good. Here's the first question: Have you ever been diagnosed with any medical conditions or illnesses?”
Once. Your eating disorder from a while ago. It’s been a few months since then. Your doctor said you recovered. So you’re fine now, right? Then there’s your anxiety and depression from the past too. They’re gone too, right? The doctor said so.
“I see. I'll make a note of that. Next question: Have you ever had any surgeries or serious injuries before?”
“Okay, that's good to know. Now, have you taken any medications or drugs in the past 24 hours?”
“Very good. No medications or drugs, got it. Now, I need to ask you this carefully, okay? It's a sensitive question, but it's important.” He looks at you closely, his voice gentle yet firm. “During the attack, did the man touch you in any private places?”
And you don’t respond, don’t blink, your mind recalling the events. Your mind aching and hammering against your scalp, trying to run away from the thought. But you can’t.
The doctor frowns slightly, noticing the delay in your response. But he remains professional, not letting his emotions show. “I understand it might be difficult to respond, but I need you to answer me one more time. Did he touch you in private places? It's important that we know.”
He sighs slightly, his expression grim as he writes down your confirmation. “I see. Thank you for being honest.”
He takes a deep breath, knowing that the next part of the conversation will be difficult. “I need you to listen carefully now. I need to ask you this, and it's very important that you answer me honestly, okay?”
You blink once again. It’s tiring.
“Okay, I need you to listen carefully and respond honestly.” He takes a deep breath again, his voice still gentle, yet firm. “During the attack, did the man... did he...” He falters a bit, struggling to find the words. He can't seem to get the words out, the gravity of the situation heavy in the room.
The silence feels thick and oppressive as the doctor gathers his thoughts. He lets out a slow exhale, steadying himself before continuing. “During the attack...did the man..”
And you know what he’s going to ask. You already know. And you wish you could blink twice.
His expression is one of concern and empathy, his eyes locked on yours, searching for any signs of discomfort. Finally, he asks the question that has been needing to ask, “Did he insert it... inside you?”
And you blink once. A painful blink, once again reminding you of what has happened to you.
“Alright, thank you for responding. That's a very difficult question, I know.” He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for the next part of the conversation. “Now, we need to talk about what we'll do next. Will you allow me to do a physical examination?”
You don’t respond, unsure of what he means.
He sees your lack of response, answering the unspoken question for you. “A physical examination means I will need to check your body for any injuries or damage. It'll be a thorough examination, but it's necessary to ensure your health and safety.”
You blink once.
“Thank you. I'll be as gentle and respectful as possible. Please try to relax as much as you can, okay?” The doctor stands up and moves closer to you. “I'll start with a general check-up first. I'll examine your face, neck, and arms. Then Il move downwards, checking your torso and legs. If anything feels uncomfortable or hurts, please let me know, okay?”
But now you’re scared, terrified even of another man touching you again. Hes just a doctor, you try to tell yourself, but that hammering feeling continues against your scalp, making you think the worst. The only touch your body seems to allow is Satoru’s. You wish he were here, caressing your head and rubbing your back then telling you that everything is fine now, even if it’s not.
Unconsciously, your pupils dart around, your heartbeat knocking against your chest as you breathe heavily.
The doctor sees the fear in your expression and tries to reassure you.
“I understand that you're scared, and it's totally normal to feel that way after what you've been through. But I promise I'm here to help you, not to harm you. I will move slowly and gently, and I'll explain every step as we go. If you want me to stop at any point, just say so, okay?”
Okay, he’s not going to hurt you. You know that. You can go through with it.
“I promise I'll be as careful and respectful as possible. I'm a medical professional, and my only goal is to ensure your health and safety, okay?”
You blink once, a sign of acceptance for the doctor.
“Aright, I'll go ahead with the examination. Remember, if you feel uncomfortable or scared, just tell me, okay? I'll do my best to make this as smooth and comfortable as possible for you.” He inhales and thinks for a moment.
"Before i begin, would you like the person who brought you in here to accompany you during the examination? Or would you like to remain alone. i want to make sure ur comfortable.”
Satoru. Immediately, you blink once.
“Alright, I'll call him in. Just give me a moment.” You hear his footsteps growing distant and the sound of the door opening, then a soft thud when it closes, leaving you alone with your thoughts. But not for long, you soon hear the opening of the door again, four footsteps walking towards you.
Satoru steps into the room, his expression a mix of concern and worry. He sees you sitting on the bed, and his heart throbs with anguish at the sight of your frightened expression and trembling limbs, immobile and in place.
He approaches you slowly, his voice soft and gentle. “Hey... how are you feeling?”
His voice. Oh, that soft, soothing voice you didn’t know existed until today. You can almost smell his warmth again so close next to you, but you don’t respond. You don’t know how to. You physically can not move.
Satoru's heart sinks a little at your lack of response. He sits next to you, placing his hand gently on your back.
The doctor fills Satoru in on how you can respond through blinks, one for yes, two for no. He listens intently, the realization of your silence hitting him hard.
He turns to look at you again, his heart enduring a prickle of sorrow at the sight of you sitting there, unable to speak and still immobile. He gently pats your back with his fingers, his touch gentle and comforting, before looking back at the doctor. “Can you give us a moment, please? I just want to talk to her before you give the physical examination. Is that allowed?”
The doctor nods in response, “Of course, take all the time you need. Ill be just outside the door. Just give me a knock when you're ready, alright?”
And with that, the doctor exits the room, leaving you alone with Satoru.
He turns back to you, his expression filled with a mixture of concern and sadness. He tries to speak lightly for you, his voice filled with tenderness. “Listen...I...l know this is hard for you. I can only imagine what you've been through. But it's important that the doctor checks you thoroughly to make sure you're okay. Can you...can you tell me what you're thinking right now? Or are you unable to?”
“That’s okay, sweetheart. I'll stay. I'll be here with you the entire time. Just know that I'm right here. Okay?”
And you blink once, he smiles gently, placing a soft kiss on your temple for comfort. It’s the sweetest kiss, only lasting less than three seconds but your heart still melts into his touch.
“The doctor will be gentle. If you feel uncomfortable or scared, make sure to give us a signal, okay? We'll stop anytime you need us to. You're in control here, not us.”
I’m in control. Me.
And yet, I lost all control when his hands were on me. I lost control of my own muscle and couldn’t push him off me or fight back. Why? Why couldn’t I. Why did my body just.. shut down?
His hand cautiously takes your delicate hand in his. His touch is soft and warm, as he runs his thumb up and down your knuckles in slow motions. This moment, so nurturing yet intimate. You wish you could move and lean your head against his shoulder, but you still can’t. Your eyes still vacant, the tremble of your hand slowing down under his embrace, just a little.
“Alright. I'll let the doctor back in. But I'll be right here next to you, holding your hand. You're not alone, okay?” He lets go of your hand to call the doctor back. And within that short moment, you find your heart mourning his touch again, even though you know he’s going to come right back and hold you again. You still mourn it.
The doctor enters the room and gives a small nod before standing by the side, waiting for your permission and signal to start the examination.
Satoru walks back to you, sitting back on the bed and taking your hand in his once again, your mourning turning into relief. He gives your hand a comforting squeeze, silently trying to offer you some reassurance. “Are you ready?” And you blink once.
He looks at the doctor, giving him a nod to signal that you're ready to proceed. The doctor approaches you slowly, respecting your boundaries and keeping his movements gentle. “Okay, l'm going to start with a general check-up now. I'll begin with your face and neck, alright?”
He begins his examination, starting with your face and neck. He gently checks your facial features, your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and then moves his attention to your neck. He feels for any signs of trauma around your throat and gently checks for any visible bruises. There are a couple faint bruise marks, given by Satoru. The night of your wedding when we consummated the marriage. A bad memory.
He looks at Satoru, then back at your neck. “There are some faint bruises around here.”
Guilt rushes through Satoru’s veins upon the realisation of what those marks might be. Given from him, perhaps. He tightens his grip on your hand, a silent apology. But is it too late? Is it too late for him to feel complete remorse for you? He feels like he should’ve done his duty as your husband better. No, he doesn’t feel. He knows he should’ve. He shouldnt have been so cruel to you. If he hadn’t been, you wouldnt have left to walk on the streets on your own, just to get away from his presence. He should’ve found you sooner. Should’ve cared for you sooner.
The doctor moves down to hold your arms, “Now, I'm going to check your arms. I'll look for any cuts, bruises or swelling. Let me know if any spot hurts.” He rolls your sleeves up, and there’s fresh, dark red bruises just above your elbows.
His expression turns more serious as he closely analyses them, assessing the severity of the injuries. Without looking up, he speaks in a gentle voice. “I see some recent bruisings on your arms, harsh bruises.” And Satoru’s heart sinks further.
“I'm going to need to examine your torso now. I'll be gentle, but I need to check for any internal injuries or damage, okay?” And you blink once. “Okay, please let me know if anything hurts or if you’d like me to stop.”
Unfortunately, there are multiple. Theres faint marks and small bruises just above your hips, given by Satoru. Then there harsh, fresh bruises around your waist, given by your rapist.
“I see more bruises on your torso. Some of them seem like older, faded bruises, while others are more recent. Can you confirm that these newer bruises were given to you by the attacker?” And you blink once again.
“I see. Thank you for confirming. Now, I'm going to check your legs. Please let me know if anything hurts.” Thankfully, there is none.
He stands up straight, nodding to himself then glances at your frozen state and at Satoru. “Alright, the examination is almost finished. I just need to check your private area now. It's important to ensure there's no internal damage or injury.”
My private area?
Satoru's grip on your hand tightens a little bit more again, silently offering emotional support as the doctor speaks. The mention of the upcoming examination clenches his heart at the thought of you having to undergo more discomfort and uncertainty.
“I understand this is a delicate examination, and I'll be as gentle and respectful as possible. But it's important that I check for any tears, bleeding, or other injuries. If it makes you uncomfortable i can arrange for a female doctor to examine you instead, would you prefer that?”
And you blink once. He nods, and exits the room to call for another. Satoru stays beside you as the new doctor approaches you with a gentle smile on her face. “Hello, I’m Dr. Tanaka and I’ll be doing the final part of your examination.”
She notices the heavy tension in your expression and body and continues to speak softly, trying to make you feel more comfortable. “I understand this might be an uncomfortable and stressful moment for you. But I promise I’ll be as gentle and respectful as possible. Could you please let me know if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable?” And you blink in response, she smiles at you. “Now, i'll start the examination. I'll be gentle and explain everything I'm doing, alright?”
Satoru stands up from beside you, the warmth of his hand against yours now gone. He and the doctor take hold of your body gently, laying you down on the bed as your still immobile.
She proceeds with the examination, alerting you of the things she’ll do before she performs them. Satoru stands by your bedside, crouched down as his fingers gently knead through your hair and massage your scalp. He tries to offer you some comfort and solace in this difficult moment, his own heart aching in sorrow as he watches your fragile state, staring vacantly at the ceiling with eyes that have seen horrors.
The doctor notices the signs of trauma and injury to area, her expression filled with sympathy and concern. She continues the examination, being extra gentle and mindful of the state you're in. After a few moments, she slowly pulls up your shorts, covering you back up again.
Giving you a gentle smile and speaks softly, despite your lack of communication, “The examination is all done now. You did great.” She looks over at Satoru. “Can I speak to you for a moment, outside?”
Satoru nods, his hand releasing from your head and intertwining with your hand to give it a reassuring squeeze before letting go and stepping outside the room with the female doctor. You’re left alone in the room, laying on the bed staring into nothing.
In the hallway, the doctor turns to Satoru, her expression serious. “I need to discuss a few things with you.”
He nods in response, his expression mirroring hers. He rubs the back of his neck, bracing himself for whatever the doctor has to say. “Go ahead. I'm listening.”
The doctor lowers her voice and she looks at Satoru with a mix of sympathy and concern. “I observed some painful signs of trauma and injury in y/n’s private area. It's important that you understand the extent of her injuries.”
His voice is stern and tight, “Tell me everything.”
She sighs as she speaks “From what me and the previous doctor have gathered from the examination, she was forced upon extremely ruthlessly, her area has swollen into a harsh red. Along with that, it seems like it was already swollen beforehand and has increased in its injuries from the assault.”
As he absorbs the information, his jaw clenches tightly and he takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down but only fails miserably. “I see...” he says solemnly, his voice quiet as his eyes glance down. He keeps his pupils fixated on the hospital ground for a moment.
He wants nothing more than to wish he could take away the pain inflicted upon you and absorb it into himself. He knew you were already sore before all this, of course you were, from him. Because he was such a frustrated and cold, angry man wanting to appease his father and get you pregnant quickly. He’s only made it more painful for you. He doesn’t know if he even has the right to help you through this when his mind believes he’s partly at fault for it all.
He looks back up at the doctor. “Can you do anything to ease her pain and help her recover?”
“Yes, we can prescribe her some antibiotics and ointment to help with any potential infection and reduce the swelling. I can also give her painkillers to help with the pain, but considering her current state of shock, she may not feel the pain fully until her mind catches up. She may also experience acute stress disorder due to her trauma, where should could have anxiety, flashbacks, and difficulty functioning, and it may last for a few days to a month.It's crucial that she receives proper emotional support and mental health care to help her process and heal from the traumatic experience.”
Satoru nods in response, taking in the information carefully to embed it into his mind to help you later on. He rubs his forehead, the guilt and anger still evident on his face. “I understand. Please prescribe whatever you think will help her. And I assure you she'll receive all the emotional support and care she needs to recover.”
“I have no doubt you'll take excellent care of her. However, it is important to remember that she may need professional help and therapy to fully heal from this trauma. I suggest you consider consulting a mental health professional for her as well if she’s comfortable with it.”
He sighs, a mix of determination and sorrow in his eyes. He looks towards your room, silently glancing at you through the door, wanting to just hold you tightly in his arms forever so your protected by him. To ensure no one will hurt you again because he failed his real duty as your husband. Failed his real duty to love and protect you in spite of his own anger. Forget the stupid duty of being in control of the relationship and making the decisions. He failed you, is all he can think. “I will. I'll do whatever it takes to help her heal.”
She smiles gently at him as she speaks, “I'm glad to hear that. Just remember, healing will take time, patience, and lot of love and support. She may not show it now, but your presence and care will make a huge difference in her recovery.”
And he nods again, his expression turning more solemn. “I understand. I'll be here for her, no matter what.”
“Alright then. I'll go prepare the prescriptions and you can pick them up at the reception.”
“Thank you, doctor. For everything.”
The doctor smiles and pats Satoru's shoulder. “Don't mention it. I'm here to help. Just remember to take care of yourself too during this time. Supporting someone through trauma can be difficult and taxing.”
“I’ll try my best. Thank you again”
And with that, she says her goodbyes and heads off, leaving satoru in the hallway to gather his thoughts. After standing there for a moment with his eyes on the ground, he inhales a deep breath, steeling himself before going back inside the room.
Quietly and cautious not to make any sudden sounds to startle you, he opens the door and enters the room, his expression a mix of worry and determination. He walks over to your bedside, taking a seat next to you and takes your hand in his again, showing you that he’s here. For you, only.
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dira333 · 3 days
Sleepwalker - Tensei Iida x Reader
Words: 10k (sorry, my hand slipped)
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It’s warm, dark and there’s a faint smell of grapefruit and Mint, a combination that should not work as well as it does.
You groan, close your eyes again, and bury yourself in the blankets once more, not yet ready to start the day. What a weird dream you’ve ha-
There’s an arm. There’s an arm next to your arm!
Your heart stops and picks up with twice the speed as you slowly, carefully, pat around to feel what’s attached to said arm
A shoulder, naked. There’s a neck and a chest, muscular and sturdy. 
When your fingertips find what feels like a mouth you hear a grunt. The light flickers on and you blink, staring in silent shock at what is most likely the most attractive guy you’ve seen in weeks, if not longer.
His dark hair is sleep-mussed and his blue eyes squint back at you with an equal mix of confusion and shock.
“Who are you?” He asks just as you realize that you did not, in fact, go drinking last night. Which means-
“You’re a creep!” You bellow, jumping out of bed. You put a tank top and matching panties on last night and you’re glad you did because this way you’re at least wearing a little bit more than he is. 
“Wait, I’m not-”
“Did you do something to me?” You look down at yourself to check, but you don’t feel weird, just exhausted. He’s stuttering out something but you’re too busy freaking out.
“I should call the- the police, I- who are you anyway and-” your eyes flicker to the alarm clock next to his bed. Shit. You’re going to be late for work.
“If this happens again I’ll kill you in your sleep!” You threaten, focus on the pattern of your own bedding, and teleport away, using your Quirk. It’s not legal, but you’re in no way going to wait for a cab at this creep’s place.
This time you half expect it, which sounds weirder than it is. 
But as you wake up and smell that telltale aroma of grapefruit and Mint, you know exactly where you are.
You turn slowly to check the time. It’s around midnight.
You went to bed fully clothed, phone in your back pocket. The stranger seems to have had the same idea, the fabric of his shirt soft against your fingertips
He wakes up as you slip out of bed, waving your phone to start the flashlight app. So much for snooping around to get intel on him.
“Who are you?” He asks, which is totally the wrong question if you’re a creep who kidnaps people.
“I should ask you the same thing. And you should answer first since this is your place.”
“My name’s Iida. Iida Tensei, to be exact.” He rubs his face. “And I didn’t take you here. I went to bed like normal and woke up with you beside me.”
“Oh. Well, I mean. It hasn’t happened in a while, but it could-”
“Your Quirk?” He asks, making sense of your stuttering before you can. “It’s teleporting, right? Does it malfunction sometimes?”
“Well, it used to, as a kid.” You explain, shame flooding you, “I can only teleport to places I know because I have to see them in my mind. But I don’t know you, right?”
“Maybe I saved you?” He offers. You scrunch up your nose.
“I am- I was a hero. Ingenium? Maybe you heard of him?”
“Oh,” you nod slowly before shaking your head, “well, I’ve heard of heroes, because who hasn’t, but not of Ingenium, sorry. Never had to be saved either.”
You laugh, short and abrupt, but in all honesty. “Why? I don’t think getting saved is such a nice thing, right? It means you were in danger before.”
“Oh, but it’s an experience for sure. I mean… When I was a kid, I was-” He stops and you’re not sure why you do it, maybe it’s the softness of his features or the sound of his voice, but you urge him to speak.
“I got lost, once, as a kid. I still remember how helpless I felt and how a hero saved me, and took me back to my parents. I haven’t seen him around since, but I still remember his name. Gran Torino. I knew before… that I was going to be a hero, but that cemented it as something I really wanted to be.”
“Wow,” you breathe, a little awkward in the face of something like that. “I just became a mechanic because my Dad’s one too.”
He laughs, but he doesn’t invite you to speak and you realize that you’ve overstayed your welcome anyway. Not that there was ever any welcome to begin with. You stumbled in here on your own, bothering this nice, attractive man.
“I’m… I’m going to get going now,” you stutter, “and I promise it won’t happen again.”
He doesn’t move to get up. Maybe he only put on a shirt but not shorts?
You try not to think about it when you teleport away.
Nothing happens for over a week, long enough that you begin to think of it as an outlier, brought upon you by the return of your period.
Now that that’s over you only have to get checked out for future disasters.
But then you open your eyes to darkness and the smell of Grapefruit and Mint and you know, without a doubt, that you’re back.
“Iida-kun?” You ask, voice soft with shame.
You reach out your hand and touch his face, surprised to find a slight stubble. But it gets his attention and only a second later you blink against the light. 
It’s gone just a second later and as a blanket is thrown over your head you remember that you went to sleep wearing nothing tonight. In your defense, the AC was broken.
“I’m so so sorry,” you point out, voice shaking, “I don’t know… I thought it was my period.”
“It’s okay,” he huffs. You wonder if he’s blushing. 
“I’m leaving, okay,” you tell him, embarrassment flooding you. “Sorry.”
Half an hour later you find yourself pressed into his side once again, though this time better dressed. He’s not, however. 
You teleport away once again, this time without waking him.
But as you open your eyes to the morning sun filtering in through the half-open blinds, there’s an arm slung over your shoulders and a warm, naked chest pressed to your back.
You’re back. Again.
It’s Sunday and you don’t have to be gone right away, so that’s your excuse for letting your eyes wander through the room. 
His bedroom is clean and organized, with books and sports equipment in every corner.
And there are pictures, tons of them.
Right next to the alarm clock is a picture of a little boy. He looks just like Iida-kun and with a pang, you realize it must be his son. What lies on the other side of his bedroom door? How many children does he have?
This bed is barely wide enough to house two people, so you don’t think he’s married, but-
A pained groan interrupts your thoughts. 
Before you can react, though, Iida pulls you closer, his arms now crossed over your stomach.
He’s mumbling something, his voice laced with pain.
“No, don’t, please-” he begs, “help, someone- Help!”
That’s when you feel it, the telltale signs of your Quirk activating. But you’re not teleporting anywhere, not that you could after doing it so much this night already. And you’re not the one who activated it.
For a second you’re floating, disappearing slowly into thin air. That’s not unusual, it happens mostly when the space you want to go is already occupied or too far away.
But when you materialize again, you’re back where you started, right in Iida’s arms.
That’s when it hits you.
You didn’t teleport to him. He teleported you.
But how? And how are you going to explain that to him?
If Iida is weirded out by the fact that you’re a) back in his arms again and b) not making any move to get away from him, he’s not showing it.
Instead he wipes a hand over his face and plants himself back into the pillows.
“I think I need a coffee,” he tells you after a minute.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t say no to that either.”
“Would it be terribly rude to ask you to make it?” He lifts his head again to squint at you. “Or help me out of bed?”
“Help you out of bed? What are you, eighty?”
He smiles shyly. “No, I’m paraplegic.”
Blood rushes to your face as you realize what that means.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“You didn’t know.” A hand rests warmly on your forearm. “But the choice is yours.”
You huff for a second, trying to reel in the shame before getting out of bed and walking around it. There’s the wheelchair you should have noticed earlier. 
“What do you do if you need to pee?” You ask as he leans heavily onto you before swinging himself into the chair.
“Hold it in,” he tells you with an embarrassed smile. “But I’m working on getting into it myself.”
Your nerves bubble in your throat as you approach the door only to release in a soft sigh when no little kid is waiting on the other side.
“Your… uh… son doesn’t live here?” You ask as you follow him into the kitchen, too aware of your messy bedhead and your sleepwear-clad form.
“My son?” Iida turns to squint at you. “I don’t have a son.”
“The picture on your nightstand. I noticed it.”
“Oh,” he laughs softly, “that’s my little brother. We’re fifteen years apart, but I should really get a new picture in there. But he looked so cute back then. Not that he’s not looking cute now, I-”
“I get it,” you nod, “I still have a picture of my cousin in my wallet from when she lost half of her teeth.”
“Quirk coming in?” He asks and you snort. “Yes, actually.”
“How am I calling you here?” Tensei asks. He offered you his first name over that first cup of coffee, called his mother to let her know he wouldn’t need help this morning while you fried eggs for breakfast.
“I don’t know,” you tell him honestly, “that never happened to me before.”
“But you knew it was possible?”
“Actually,” you breathe loudly through your nose, “I only realized that it had to be that because I was in the middle of teleporting this morning when I was already here only to land back where I was. It’s like reloading a page, you know? You just get back to where you were.”
“But we don’t know each other,” Tensei points out, “or do we? What school did you go to?”
You name it, all of them. Nothing seems to ring a bell. 
“When you…” you hesitate but he urges you to go on, “When you reloaded me, so to say, you were… you were calling for help.”
Tensei pales, his lips stretching into a straight line.
“You don’t have to tell me what that was about,” you add on quickly, “I just thought… maybe us teleporter Quirks are like a helpline? And I was just the closest one?”
“You think so?” He asks, voice strained.
You shrug. “What other possibility is there?”
But there is one. One you don’t even want to think about.
What if the Universe with its laughable humor, decided you were right for each other? 
No, that would be too crazy.
Just because you know why it happens doesn’t mean, however, that you know how to stop it. And as you start waking up in his bed more often than not, it seems only logical to go with it.
“Morning,” you mumble, knowing where you are without having to open your eyes. The telltale aroma of Grapefruit and Mint gives it away.
“Morning,” Tensei yawns, unmoving.
You can feel yourself slipping back into sleep, the warmth of him, the softness of the bed pulling you back in. Five more minutes won’t hurt.
“What did we say?” You ask groggily, face planted against Tensei’s chest. “You gotta wear a shirt to bed.”
“Sorry,” he rumbles but doesn’t move. “What time is it?”
“Too early.” You close your eyes again. He doesn’t move either.
“Shit, I’m late for work.” Your jump out of bed is thwarted by the blanket around your legs and you fall unceremoniously onto your face.
“I’ve got a spare toothbrush if you want it,” Tensei offers.
“I have no clothes.”
“Bring them next time,” he smiles, grabbing the hand you’re offering and pulling you up.
He blushes seconds later when he realizes how that sounded.
“I mean, only if you want.”
“Sure,” you agree easily because he really is good-looking, “if you make the coffee in the morning?”
“Brother, I wanted to check in before schoo-” 
You make the mistake of shooting up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.
The guy in the door looks like Tensei’s Doppelganger, mouth wide open as he takes you in.
You wrap your arms around your torso, realizing a little late that your skimpy tank top might be a bit too revealing for a- how old is Tensei’s little brother again?
“Tenya,” Tensei starts blubbering that second, “You’re… I didn’t expect you this early- I’m…”
“This is my cue to leave,” you mutter, but stop when Tensei’s arm presses you back into the pillows.
“Stay,” he breathes out, eyes flickering over your face before he turns back.
“Sit,” he asks his brother, “we can explain.”
In all honesty, you don’t really know why you stay. 
It’s not like Tensei could do anything about you leaving, really. He has no idea where you live, doesn’t even have your number saved or something like that. And he still has no idea how to activate your Quirk on command…
But you stay, blanket pulled up to your chin to spare the youngest Iida’s innocence.
He’s fun to watch, little Tenya, taller than you without trying, yet turning smaller and smaller in his older brother’s presence.
It’s not hard to guess that Tensei’s his hero.
Tensei’s voice is calm and collected as he explains. You don’t even try to help him sort through this mess, instead letting your eyes wander over his features. He’s not wearing a shirt and his back, turned to you, is covered in scars, like a spider web of history. 
Your hand itches to smooth across it, letting the warmth of his skin seep into your fingertips. 
He’s got a few Moles too, sprinkled across his milky white shoulder blades like freckles over sun kissed cheeks. 
“Are you even listening?” Tensei turns his head and you blink a few times to focus.
“Sure,” you lie effortlessly, not missing how his lips quirk into a smile. 
His eyes are warm as they move over your face and you have to force yourself not to hide away. You’ve never seen a face this attractive turn so soft before, at least not when looking at you.
“I’m… I’m leaving then,” Tenya adds, voice a little strained. “I don’t want to be late.”
“Sure,” you nod, just as Tensei asks him not to rush. 
It’s weird. You want to leave and you want to stay longer, want to keep this bubble around the two of you, yet go out and scream from the rooftops that this man might feel things for you.
Work calls, though, and even though you stay as long as you can - helping him out of bed and into the shower, making coffee while he gets ready, thinking about kissing him while he sits on the other side of the table, talking about his plans for the day - you have to leave eventually. 
You hug him awkwardly, trying not to sink into his hold even though you want nothing more.
“See you next time,” you say with a wink, expecting to be back in the evening.
But Tensei does not call for you.
One week passes without finding yourself in his bed.
You have no means to contact him other than teleporting into his apartment and you don’t dare to do just that. What if he’s having guests over? 
What if- and the thought is making you nauseous - you end up teleporting into his bedroom only to find him making out with someone else?
Wait. The thought of someone else implies that he made out with you too. He didn’t and it’s not like you can blame him for that, right? 
Looking down at your hands, the skin oil-stained and chapped, you can’t help but feel unworthy of him. Former Heroes do not mingle with basic mechanics. 
You go out drinking the second week, trying to drown your sorrows in cheap beer and awful music.
“What about him?” Rumi, your best friend points toward a guy in the corner, red wings folded behind his back. He’s attractive, but there’s also something unsettling about him, the way he seems to be watching everyone without a care in the world.
“No,” you shake your head. You don’t feel like erasing the memory of Tensei’s touch - as platonic as it had been - from your skin by being with someone else. And even if you did, you wouldn’t pick someone who’s definitely way above your league.
“Oh, come on.” She takes a shot and winks. “I’m going to talk to him if you don’t.”
“Suit yourself,” you say when you notice someone else. 
His hair is jet black, reflecting the bright lights overhead that flicker over his heavily scarred skin. His eyes, a bright turquoise, move over the people with cold carelessness. Something drops in your stomach when his gaze crosses yours.
You grab Rumi’s arm. “We need to leave,” you tell her, and there must be something in your voice that cuts through her haze, because she nods, following you toward the door.
Shivers are running up and down your back as you wait for a Cab, chatting up a few girls who are waiting by the door, convincing them to join you and your friend.
“Oh shit,” Rumi says, moving to get out of the car, “I forgot my jacket inside.”
“I’m getting it,” you tell her, pushing her back, “I’ll see you there, okay?” 
She hesitates, but you’re already out of the car, closing the door with a click.
Inside, the mood has shifted, though not many seem to have noticed, too far gone already in their haste to get drunk. 
Sweat’s running down your back as you move through the crowd, looking for the flimsy black jacket. 
You smell it just as you reach it. Fire. Something’s burning. 
It’s hard to tell from back here and even getting up on a barstool barely helps. That is, until you turn, spotting the guy with the turquoise eyes behind the bar. His hands are filled with flames and his eyes burn the same.
He notices you at the same time, lips curling into a cruel smirk. Not far from him is the fire alarm and you lunge forward to pull it. Something collides with your shoulder, pain curling around it.
You scream just as the alarm goes off, cutting the music like one does a ribbon. The sprinklers go off immediately, but you’re already halfway gone, panic setting off your Quirk.
You have half a mind to think “Somewhere safe” before the room disappears before your eyes.
Grapefruit and Mint.
It cuts through your panic like sunlight through a rain cloud.
“Tensei?” You rasp, trying to make sense of it. “Tensei?!”
The light comes on and you find yourself sitting on the bedroom floor, hair damp, jacket clutched in your hands.
“Are you okay?” He asks, before sucking in a breath. “What happened to your shoulder?”
“I think- I think I just got attacked.”
“Let me see. Can you get up? What happened?”
You dissolve into tears under his gentle care.
Tensei thinks you should talk to the police.
You think everything else would be a better idea. 
“I’m not supposed to use my quirk,” you tell him, again and again, as he pours you a cup of chamomile tea in the morning. “What if they fine me? What if- what if they take it away?”
“They’re not going to take away your Quirk just because it activated by itself. You might get a slap on the hand for using it too much if they knew, but you’re not hurting anyone with it, are you?”
“Can you check the news?” You change the topic, unease swirling in your stomach. “See if there’s something about the bar?”
He dutifully picks up his phone, giving you a second to take him in.
His sight eases your mind. He looks just like he did two weeks ago like he always looks in the morning. Soft and warm and reassuring, like all you need to do is climb into his lap and forget the world.
You want to ask if he missed you, but you don’t dare to.
“Nothing,” he says, putting his phone down. “Would you- would you feel better if I accompanied you to the police?”
“How would we explain that we know each other?”
He blushes. “We could… we could say that we’re… friends?”
The unease in your stomach is getting harder to ignore. Or maybe you’re hungover as well.
“Why didn’t you call for me… uh, the last few weeks? Are you getting over your nightmares?”
Tensei huffs out a tired laugh. “I’m taking sleeping pills. I’m not a fan of them, but they seem to be working. I thought… maybe you left before I woke up or something.”
“No, I thought…” You swallow nervously, looking down at the table before shrugging as if you don’t feel as much as you do. “Maybe you found someone else you could teleport into your bedroom.”
You realize how it sounds just as you say it, but it’s too late to take it back.
His hand moves to cover yours, a warm weight that seems to settle your nerves with the smallest touch. “I’m barely managing to figure out how I got you, I’m not switching things up.”
For a while, you two sit in silence, unmoving. 
Eventually though, Tensei speaks again.
“If you let me, I’d like to accompany you to the police, okay?” 
You’ve only been to the police once before when a car you had been working on turned out to be stolen. Everything, from explaining how you noticed to how you got that client in the first place, had been a terrible, terrible experience.
But walking in with Tensei is like stepping into a different world..
One officer, a mutant with a cat face, comes up to you almost immediately, shaking Tensei’s hand with a smile.
“What brings you here, man? Long time no see.”
“I’m- my friend here,” Tensei points to you, “got attacked in a bar yesterday. Nothing in the news suggests that you know about it, so we wanted to inform you right away.”
“An attack?” Green eyes flicker to you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you mutter just as Tensei disagrees. “First-degree burn on her shoulder. I did the best I could last night when she came by, but I’m no doctor.”
“I’ll call someone to check in on you. Come in, come in. Do you want coffee? Donuts?”
It clicks by the third person who walks in. They all assume that you’re not just Tensei’s friend, but his girlfriend.
It’s in the way they smile at you, unassuming, chuckling when you name your profession.
“Fits like a glove, doesn’t it?” They say, preening when the words light up a feverish blush on 
Tensei’s cheeks.
He holds your hand when a nurse examines your shoulder and you wish that this was real, that you’ll step out of this building and continue just like this. 
But living in his world for a day, where police officers joke around with you and doors open that you didn’t even know existed, just highlights how far apart your lives truly are.
As it turns out, you seem to have met Dabi, a villain who’s rather new to the scene. You can tell, just by the looks exchanged and awkward silences filling the room, that he’s someone you don’t want to mess with.
“It would probably be better if you didn’t go home for a while,” Detective Tsukauchi announces. “If this is a bar you frequent regularly, it wouldn’t be hard for him to figure out where you live.”
“My friend-” You start just as Tensei says “You can stay with me.”
You tense, just as Detective Tsukauchi smiles and nods.
“An excellent idea. We can escort you home if you need to pack some things first.”
“Oh, no-” You shake your head and wave your hands at the same time. “Getting escorted by the police to my place would just open the door to more trouble. If you could… like… give me a proper written excuse so that I can use my quirk, I can do that in one trip.”
“I’m afraid that I-”
“Tsukauchi, Sir-” Tensei lays it on thick with the charm, “I think in a situation like this you could make an exception, right? Don’t you have Officer Moroi on your team as well? You could still consider it an official escort if she did the teleporting.”
And so, half an hour later, it’s decided.
Officer Moroi’s Quirk is almost the same as yours, although she needs exact coordinates and is able to teleport other people - and stuff - as well.
Saying goodbye to Tensei is an awkward affair. Detective Tsukauchi is going to take him back to his apartment while you pack your things.
You move in for a hug, a handshake too formal for what everyone assumes you are. Tensei moves as well, but you misjudge his intention as wanting to hug you as well. His lips end up on yours for the briefest moment before you pull back, his face as red as-
“Oh,” you cough awkwardly, turning around. “Detective, I… I just remembered. There was another guy at the bar, with wings, he was looking-”
Tsukauchi doesn’t even blink. “No worries. We’re aware of him.”
“You-” Tensei’s hand curls around yours, pulling your attention back to him.
“Stay safe, okay?” He asks, face still flushed. “I’ll see you later.”
“I’ll take the Couch,” you offer in the evening, your things awkwardly merged with his. Your clothes stuffed into his drawers, your toothbrush sitting in the same cup. 
Tensei made dinner, told you stories from his past, and checked your injury, warm hands seemingly everywhere at once.
“Are you sure?” He asks, rolling through the living room. “There’s more than enough space in my bed and we’re kinda used to sharing it, don’t you think?”
“Well, yeah, but that was then-” You trail off, not really sure where you’re going with this.
His features stay relaxed as he nods, moving toward his bedroom.
“Do you want some help-”
“I got it,” he sends you a smile you can’t help but question. “I told you I’m getting better at it.”
So you’ve got nothing to do but slip under the covers and stare at the ceiling, trying to blend out the thrumming of pain in your shoulder.
You can hear him breathing, even from this far away, and it calms and upsets you at the same time.
He’s here. But he’s so far away.
Quietly, he calls your name. 
You consider ignoring it for a second, pushing him a little further away. For your safety or his, you’re not sure.
Still, your voice slips out anyway.
“Are you scared?”
“Of what?” You ask, surprised.
“Being in a relationship.”
You swallow harshly. Has it been this obvious?
“I am, you know,” he admits, “and I was wondering… if you feel the same.”
You blink up at the ceiling, your mind racing ahead. Whatever you do now, it can make or break… whatever this is, between the two of you.
“You know,” you answer, slipping out of bed, “I have called myself a lot of things. I have been called a lot of things, too. But I don’t think I’ve ever believed that I was scared of something.”
You stop in the doorway to his room, your eyes getting used to the darkness. He’s facing you.
“So you’re not scared?” He asks, voice thick.
“Oh no, I’m scared shitless,” you admit, walking the short distance until your knees hit the bed frame, “but that has never stopped me from doing something. What about you? Doesn’t being a hero mean something similar?”
He’s warm as you slip under the covers, your whole body sucking up that familiar aroma of Grapefruit and Mint, your head almost falling into place against his shoulder.
“It’s a different kind of fear, I guess? You can train how to be a hero, from fighting Villains to rescue missions. You can’t train being in love.”
“Mhm, some people definitely try,” you joke, your hands unable to rest, moving across his chest until you can feel his heartbeat pick up beneath your fingertips.
“Tensei?” You ask, basking in his warmth. “Have you been in a relationship before?”
“No,” he admits, one hand a soft pressure on your lower back. “I dated around a little after school, but I was so busy building up the business, spending time with Tenya, I just…”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. You think you’ve got all the time in the world and then you’re thirty, everyone else has already had kids and you wonder where you went wrong.”
“Would you-” He stops, but his heart races, you can feel it.
“Would you go on a date with me?”
“Usually,” you tease, because his voice quivered in a way that doesn’t fit his sturdy frame, “I don’t ‘sleep’ with guys before a first date. You kinda messed with my rules here.”
“Sorry,” he rasps, trying to play along.
“It’s fine,” you move a little, pressing your lips against his cheek. “You did wine and dine me today, after all.”
You could get used to this.
Tensei’s still asleep, mouth half-open, face mushed against the pillow. You can’t stop your curious hands from traveling, rubbing soft circles into his warm skin, following the spiderweb trails of his scars, pressing a teasing kiss to one of his moles.
He groans softly, hands twitching by his side.
“What time is it?”
“Time to relax,” you tease, pulling one of his arms around you. He snorts.
“I would, but I really have to pee.”
“Oh, what a shame,” you move to sit up, untangling him from the blanket. “But we can slip back into bed after if you want. Although I am craving breakfast.”
Tensei blinks up at you but doesn’t speak. You blame it on him not being a morning person and help him into the bathroom, before moving toward the kitchen, prepping a quick breakfast.
He’s already back in bed when you step into the bedroom. 
Sleeping with, or rather, next to Tensei, has taught you a few things about him so far. He runs hot, he likes to spoon, and he makes the softest little kitten snores when he’s sleeping on his back.
But living with him, just for a day or two, shows you so much more.
He pretends to be a morning person, but it takes a while for his brain to kick in. The smell of him, Grapefruit and Mint, comes partly from his Quirk, the engine jets in his arms being powered by Grapefruit juice, and partly from his absolute obsession with everything Mint scented. Bodywash, Shampoo, Deodorant, he even has Mint scented Candles sitting all over his apartment.
Tensei obviously works out a lot and hasn’t stopped after retiring from being a Pro Hero, the dumbbells in the corner showcasing not a single speck of dust, but he has no trouble lounging on the Couch with you, asking about the book you’re currently reading, or bothering you with the most insane questions about the show you offer to watch.
He’s a family man, too, and you suspect that there is only one reason you’re not absolutely plagued by visiting family members right now.
“Did you tell your parents not to show up?” You ask as you pull on your shoes. Tensei had asked to go out for a little stroll and since the weather was playing along, you had no choice but to agree.
“Uh, yeah, how did you know?”
“I’m a woman, I can tell.”
He sends you a look and you falter. “Okay, fine, there’s a Calendar by the door that has everyone’s name on it. Your parents would have come by today.”
“Oh that,” he nods, face clouding, “I’m trying to become more self-reliant. I know everyone’s just trying to help, but-”
“It’s stifling,” you finish his sentence and he nods, smiling a little.
“You get it?”
“Oh yeah, my Dad is the worst when it comes to this. It doesn’t help that we live in a district that has quite a high crime rate. I’m not dumb, but he’d like to see me somewhere safe.”
“As every parent would, probably. Where do you live?”
“Why, do you wanna know if you went on patrol there?”
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t, I would have noticed you.”
There’s a teasing tone to it, letting you know that he’s flirting. He’s not bad at it and since you’ve been doing nothing but cuddling all day, you dare to lean down and kiss him.
If Rapunzel was a man, he would look like the guy following you.
He’s dressed as a civilian, his long, blonde hair tied into the prettiest messy bun you’ve ever seen. And the size of it…
Tensei recognized him yesterday at the park. Apparently the Police are really concerned with your safety, sending him over to keep an eye on you.
“He’s nice,” Tensei had declared. “You don’t have to worry about him. His Hero Name is Present Mic, you might know-”
“No,” you shook your head, “Never heard of him.”
“Any Hero that you do know?”
“Well, All Might, of course,” you smiled. “But my favorite Hero is Laundry Hero: Wash.”
Tensei laughs. “I could never have guessed that. Sounds like a story I would like to hear.”
Your phone alarm pulls you out of the memory and you turn it off, blinking yourself a little more awake in anticipation of your stop.
Tensei doesn’t live that far away, but you still need to take three different trains to get to work, now that you can’t just teleport into your apartment and walk the short distance from there.
Goldilocks, err, Rapunzel, follows you out, whistling a tune. You don’t know how he does it, but he manages to fit in with the crowd of blue-collar workers.
“So you got yourself a boyfriend?” Rumi, best friend and also best car-saleswoman you know, is eating her lunch across from you. “Without telling me?”
“It’s not like that,” you argue, well aware of the tall man dressed in jeans that must be Rapunzel’s replacement for the day. “It’s complicated, okay?”
“I know complicated, but that sounds like a whole ‘nother level,” she takes a sip of her diet soda and pins you down with a glare. “If you’re staying over at his place already it’s a big deal.”
“Yeah,” you fiddle with your utensils, “I know, he’s just… he’s so safe, you know?”
“Safe?” Rumi furrows her brows. “Explain.”
“Like, he’s so… funny. And warm. And caring. Last night we were fighting about who gets to cook Dinner, and- What?” You cut yourself off when you notice her wry smile.
“Oh, you’re so far gone, it’s hilarious.” She chuckles into her drink. “Bring him in some time, will you?”
“We’ll see,” you put your stuff away, “My dad would most definitely love him, for sure.”
Your phone rings at that moment and you pick up, heart hammering in your throat at the sight of Tensei’s name on the display.
“Hey,” you can hear the smile in his voice. “How’s your lunch break? I’m in the store right now and wanted to ask what you want for Dinner tonight.”
“I thought I was going to make Pizza?”
He laughs softly. “Fine, you can make Pizza tonight. Do you want ice cream for dessert?”
“Oh, yes, please. Mint-Chocolate Chip, if possible.”
“Mhm, no, not possible, that box is already reserved for me.”
“Well, you gotta learn how to share one day.”
Rumi’s grinning like a madman when you finally put your phone away.
“What?” You ask, fighting against the warmth bubbling in your chest, the smile that’s threatening to overtake your face.
“Nothing,” she giggles, “nothing at all.”
“What’s the verdict, Doc?” You ask as Tensei finishes changing the bandage on your shoulder. 
He huffs with amusement, the sound cut off by the closing of the door.
“Tenya?” Tensei asks, a tone in his voice that can only be worried. You turn.
Tenya’s face is bruised, dark blue hair full of grime. 
“Nii-chan?” His eyes flicker over to you, face closing off the hurt and exhaustion he’d shown seconds before.
“I should leave-” you start, realizing half way that you have nowhere to go. Tensei’s hands are still warm on your shoulder and even though he’s pulling away, his hold on you stays, his eyes flickering between you and his brother.
If he has to decide between the two of you, you’d rather have him pick Tenya.
“Are you hungry?” You ask, getting up. “I’ll make you something to eat, give you boys some privacy.”
Tensei’s apartment is bigger than yours by a mile but not huge.
You can hear them talking, the tone of their voices heavy.
At one point you think you can hear one of them crying, the sound squeezing your heart like one does a lemon. Should you check on them? What if it’s Tensei crying?
The food getting ready decides for you. No one likes burnt Pizza.
“Coming in,” you announce your arrival softly, feeling relieved and a little guilty when you realize Tenya had been the one crying.
“Hey, big guy,” you place the dish in front of him, “hope you like this. If you want, I can disappear again, the choice is yours.”
“I’m fine,” he wipes his eyes on his sleeve, leaving a smear of dirt across his nose before he puts his glasses back on. “You can- You can stay. I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“It’s fine. Tensei was your brother first. And I’m warning you, if you let me stay, I’m going to ask you all sorts of questions.”
“What kind of questions?”
“Well, for starters, I definitely need to know your favorite flavor. Because your big brother here is obsessed with everything Mint flavored and I need to know if it runs in the family.”
“I do like Mint,” Tenya offers, cutting off a first slice of Pizza. 
You know very well that this is just a means of distraction, that talking about what’s bothering him would be a lot better, but still… you need to start somewhere, right?
Tensei’s hand squeezes yours under the table as Tenya rambles on about different flavors he cannot choose between.
“He asked if he could sleep over,” Tensei explains as soon as Tenya disappears into the bathroom. He sighs. “When I-” He stops, gestures to himself, the wheelchair. “When this happened, it hit him hard. I was in a coma for quite some time and he’s never been without me, really. We were always very close. I know that everything changed, but there’s something to him now… something that wasn’t there before. It’s like something turned dark inside him.”
“That does happen sometimes,” you agree. “When you realize too early on that life’s not fair. That people are more vulnerable than you thought they were.”
Tensei takes a shuddering breath and your hands rush to hold him, console him in any way you can.
“Do you want to share the bed with him?” You ask, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head. You’re not usually this touchy with guys you’re interested in, but you usually don’t feel this safe around guys you’re interested in. You’re starting to act all weird and mushy around him and it’s a little unsettling sometimes.
Tensei laughs. “I don’t think we’d fit. But we could keep the door open.”
“I think it would be good for him if you could admit that you’re still having nightmares.” The words slip out before you’ve really thought about them, but you don’t want to take them back. “Not that you have to do it right away,” you ease the sting of them, “but it can help, sometimes, to know that the strongest people are also afraid of something.”
“Maybe,” he offers, and you leave it at that.
Toshi nudges your feet, walking by. You roll out from under the car to check what’s going on, surprised to see Tensei in all his glory.
He sits tall in his wheelchair and the shirt he’s wearing is one of your favorites, bringing out the blue in his eyes. 
“Hey,” you greet him, a little self-conscious about your dirty overalls. “What brings you here?”
“I had an appointment not far from here and thought I could check in on you. When’s your lunch break?”
You squint up at the clock in the corner. “Half an hour.”
“I can wait, if that’s okay with you. Is that alright? I can leave too, if you don’t want company.”
You don’t want company, but you want his company. 
“Stay, please,” you say, swallowing the weird feelings that are swirling in your chest. “You can share a cup of coffee with Rumi in the office, if you want. You know how to get there?”
He nods, smiling as he turns his wheelchair and rolls out of the garage.
You can feel all eyes on you, but you’ve never felt less like discussing your personal life with anyone, so you roll back under the car. There, at least, you can ponder why him showing up has made you this nervous.
Tensei knows you’re a mechanic. And he’s obviously not bothered by the fact that this isn’t some fancy-schmancy auto repairs shop. So if he doesn’t think bad of you, why do you do it?
Tensei’s laughing with Rumi and your Dad, of all people, when you walk into the office. You tried your best at cleaning up, but you still feel dirty in comparison to Tensei’s perfectly ironed clothes.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, leaning into your father’s hug. His overalls look worse than yours. 
“Rumi called and asked me to come check out one car. She suspects some foul-play.”
“Ah.” You shoot her a glare, but she smirks, playing innocent.
“And how lucky I came in right away,” Dad adds, “so I could get to know this guy. Did you know that your mother got saved by his father once? I remember it clearly, it was this awful purse-snatcher guy and Ingenium saved the day. He really was a fine lad, you got to tell him I said hi,” your father slaps a heavy hand onto Tensei’s shoulder. You flinch at the ink-stains he leaves in the fabric.
“I will. Father remembers all of his saves, so I’m sure he’ll be delighted to hear from you. But I think we should get going, if we want to make use of our time,” Tensei turns to you. “Are you ready to leave?”
“Leave where?” You furrow your brows. 
“There’s a park nearby and I thought we could get a stroll in, what do you think?”
“Eh,” you falter for a second, but Rumi’s less than subtle head movements tell you to go along. “I guess why not?”
“Do you always have to be out in nature?” You ask twenty minutes later when you’ve found a place that’s to Tensei’s liking, a tall tree creating enough shadow for the two of you to sit under.
He blinks. “I guess… I guess I like it a lot, does it bother you?”
“Not that much,” you admit, “It’s just a little surprising, I think. How was your day so far?”
Tensei’s face turns serious, your heart thundering at the sight.
“You know,” he starts, fiddling with a napkin, “I’m supposed to undergo surgery in a week or so.”
“Oh? What kind?” Surely, it’s nothing big, you tell yourself.
Tensei sighs, taking your hand and squeezing it tightly.
“It’s experimentative surgery. I have a twenty percent chance to walk again.”
“And the other eighty?”
He chuckles, but it doesn’t sound amused. “I try not to think about it.”
“And you’re supposed to do it? Or is this just an option you’re thinking about?”
His eyes flicker over your face. “It’s an option. My mother doesn’t want me to take it. Tenya’s all for it, although I haven’t really disclosed the risks to him.”
“Tenya wants you to be the person he knows you as. You’re his hero. No one wants to see their heroes fall.”
Tensei sighs, shoulders slumping. It hurts to see him that way. Before you can stop yourself, you’ve climbed onto his lap, dirt be damned.
“Hey,” you say, cradling his face in your hands. “Talk to me?”
“I just want everything to be how it used to be,” he admits. “I want Tenya to be happy again.”
Behind your ribcage, a flame of hurt starts licking at your heart. You push it aside, focus on what he’s saying.
“He’s becoming a hero, right?” You ask, “Doesn’t that mean… He’ll have to face these things eventually, will he not?”
“Yeah, but- but not like this. Not on his own. I’d be by his side, fighting alongside him.” 
Tensei’s hands dig into your hips now. Your heart stutters with his next words, sensing something beneath them that your mind isn’t ready to process yet.
“If I could turn back time, I would. Even if it meant being a coward that day. I just-” He breaks off, resting his head on your shoulder. You let him cry it out, your food long forgotten.
Tensei’s smiling again by the time he leaves, though you can still see the sadness lingering in his eyes. 
Your mind is fogged up as you work and you need twice your usual time for even the most basic tasks.
Rumi’s sending you looks, but you’re not ready to talk about it yet.
It’s on your way to the train station that someone pulls you aside.
You recognize those red wings instantly.
“Yo!” The guy smiles, but it’s not friendly, “Have you heard anything from Dabi?”
You blink, trying to move away, but his grip on your arm is firm.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Ah, don’t play it like that.” He smirks. His eyes are a mesmerizing golden color, but they hold no warmth for you. “I know you had intel. What I don’t know is why you came back into the bar?”
“Intel?” You finally manage to rip your hand out of his grip. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I told Tsukauchi about you and he knows you were there. I’m going to let him know you’re not unimportant as he thinks you are.”
You ready yourself to teleport, cursing the time it still takes - it’s not like you had much chance to practice - when he laughs. It transforms him, the cold, harsh lines bleeding from his face.
“Oh, so you really know nothing,” he says, voice easy as if he’s just talking about the weather. He waves at someone, who turns out be Rapunzel, hiding behind a nearby pillar.
“You were right, Mic, she really knows nothing.”
“Excuse me?” You ask, equally horrified and … You’re not sure how to name that other feeling, just that it leaves you feeling weak, like a terrible cold. 
“Ah, I’m glad.” Rapunzel- Present Mic, you remind yourself, grins at you, blonde mustache dancing above his lips. “Just taking care, you know. Can’t be careful enough these days.”
In less than a minute, both of them are gone and so is your train. 
All you want to do is teleport over to Tensei and let him make sense of this interaction. But using your Quirk out in the open is never advisable when you’re not a registered Hero, even in a place like this. 
So you find yourself a secluded space to wait for the next train - or teleport, depending on what’s shorter, your patience or the wait time - and sit down to think. 
Your mind’s still reeling from today’s revelation.
In about a week, Tensei will undergo experimentative surgery. He might be able to walk just fine after that, be who he used to be before it happened, whatever it is. 
You try to think of him, standing up. He’s going to be tall, for sure. Probably leaning in the doorway with that lazy smile he always wears when you get home.
But- if everything turns the way it was before, where will that leave you?
Because before, he didn’t have time for a relationship, nor did he want one. He was busy prepping his agency for when Tenya was ready to join him and there’s still a few years until that can happen. 
And even if he wanted to scale down his work hours, there’s a difference between dating an Ex-Hero and an active Hero. Not just in the risks he takes, but also in his public image.
Dating you, with your job and your origin, your ties to a part of Tokyo that’s less than stellar. You can’t help but think of yourself as a stain on his public imagine, much like the oil stains your father - and you - left on his outfit today.
Your train arrives, but you don’t get on. There’s still too much to think about.
“Where were you?” Tensei waits for you in the hallway, brows furrowed. “You didn’t pick up your phone.”
“Thinking,” you say, plant yourself in front of him without taking off your shoes. “We need to talk.”
“Do you want to sit down-”
“If you want things to be how they used to be,” you talk over him, needing to get this out, “I will no longer be here.”
Tensei stops, mouth half open.
“I’m not offering you a chance to turn back time. There might be people with a Quirk like that, but I don’t have it. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking today and I… I don’t want to hold you back. I understand why you want to get back on your feet and I’d never be in the way of that, but I don’t think we could be together if you returned to being a hero.”
“Why not?” His voice is too soft for a man this sturdy. 
You turn your eyes toward the floor.
“Because you are you and I am me and we do not fit together.”
“I think we did pretty well,” Tensei argues and you pull your shoulders up to your ears.
“Yeah, because at the moment you’re broken. I do fit well with broken things, not with those who look new and shiny.” You can’t stop your hand from reaching out, touching the oil stain that’s still on his shoulder.
“I leave stains, Tensei. And you’re a Hero in a white suit.”
“So that’s it?” He asks after a moment of silence. “You’re just going to leave?”
“Staying would just prolong the hurt, wouldn’t it?” You wring your hands. “You don’t even need me anymore. You sleep fine.”
“It’s not about sleeping,” his fingertips dig into the armrests of his wheelchair. “It’s about the time in between. I want to be awake with you.”
“I know,” you swallow the pain, “but that doesn’t make everything alright, does it? I’ll… I’ll get my things, okay? Apparently, I can go back to my place.”
Tensei watches you quietly as you grab your stuff.
A few times you can tell that he’s preparing to say something, but he doesn’t.
“Goodbye,” you tell him, heart heavy, longing for nothing more but to crawl into his arms and stay there, the whole world be damned. “I hope everything turns out alright for you.”
Rumi thinks you’re stupid.
You think you’re stupid.
You’re not sure what your Dad thinks, because you haven’t yet told him about the whole affair.
But from the looks he’s sending you over a plate of what you fondly call “Dad’s hodgepodge”, you’ll find out pretty soon.
“So,” he says, taking a sip of his drink. “That guy in the wheelchair.”
“What about him?”
“He’s your mate?”
You fight the flinch, but your face must betray you. Your father chuckles.
“You know, you come right after your mother.”
“I know.”
“Mhm, do you?” He cocks his head to the side to squint at you. “Because I don’t think you do. Did you know that your mother accidentally conjured me up one day?”
You freeze, food halfway to your mouth.
“Yeah,” he nods, a wistful smile on her face. “She was so done with dating, she sat down, thinking long and hard about what she wanted in a man, and then wished for it to appear, in one person, thank you very much. A few seconds later I sat in the middle of her room, plenty confused. Didn’t know my Quirk could be turned on me like that.”
You gape at him, mouth open. 
“That’s not what you told me! At all!”
“Well,” he takes another sip. “Didn’t want you to try and recreate it. You’ve always been a curious kid.”
“Ah,” he shakes his head at you. “Don’t talk back to me. Your mother would be disappointed.”
“Mom would be disappointed if I didn’t talk back,” you snap and he grins, bright like you know him.
You drop your head in your hands. 
“So what if he teleported me to him?” You ask, face hidden. “That doesn’t mean we will automatically work out.”
“No,” your father agrees, “but I don’t think we raised you to be a quitter. Or to be ashamed of where you came from. You used it as a motivation, became something we could be proud of. But I’ve noticed, lately, that you’ve lost your goal out of sight. Didn’t you want to get out of this part of town? Open a garage in one of the nicer districts and take me with you?”
“So you’re saying I should milk him for what he’s worth?”
Your Dad laughs.
“No. But I think you should at least try to see if you can work things out before you decide it will fail. And before you ask, Rumi didn’t tell me a thing. You’re just bad at hiding stuff.”
“Am not.”
“Am too. Eat your food.”
Tensei messages you every day. It’s not much, just a few details of what’s going on, but he’s persistent, even though you don’t respond.
Today’s text has you freezing though.
“Talked to Tenya. He’s as torn about going through with the surgery as I am, now that he knows the risks. Hope you’re doing well.”
The letters are dancing in front of your eyes. 
Tensei’s just as scared of things as you are. But while you were the one to take the first step, slip into bed with him when you could have run away, he’s the one keeping the conversation going.
You pick up your phone and start to type.
But isn’t that cowardly as well, you wonder, staring down at the words. You should tell him in person.
His apartment, however, is empty. 
At first, there’s no hint as to where he could be, until you reach the Calendar in the kitchen, tomorrow marked. Tensei, thorough in everything he does, has written the name of the Clinic next to the appointment.
Not that it’s of any use to you now, when visitation hours are most certainly over.
You pace his living room for a good minute before you realize, a little late, that you don’t have to deal with those anyway. All you have to do is focus on his face, the familiar smell of Grapefruit and Mint and-
Tensei groans, loudly. You’ve landed on top of him.
“Shit, sorry,” you climb off of him as quickly as you can, expecting the telltale smell of Hospital disinfectant and the crinkling of cheap linen.
Instead, your legs land on a mountain of plushies instead of the floor and when he turns on the light, you come face to face with a lifesized poster of a Hero named Gran Torino, the name all but plastered above his head.
“What are you doing here?” Tensei asks, voice groggy, “Am I dreaming?”
“Are you not in the hospital?” You ask back, trying to see more of this strange room. There’s sports equipment in the corner and pictures on the wall. 
Wait, is that Tensei with his front teeth missing? 
“I’m at my parent's place,” he whispers, turning the light off. “What are you doing here? Did I- Did I summon you again?”
“No, I wanted-” The darkness doesn’t make it easier to speak, instead you’re so much more aware of his body and his smell and the warmth he exudes. “I wanted to be there, with you. For the surgery or whatever you decide to do. I didn’t want to send you just a message, though, so I turned to your apartment but there was only a note on the calendar-” Tensei pulls you into his arms without a word.
“Are you going to leave again?” He asks after a while, voice muffled by how his face is pressed into your shoulder.
“Only if you send me away,” you promise, your hands finding the scars on his back, the spiderweb familiar, though not yet burned into your memory. One day they will be, you think, hoping that it’s true.
“Not sending you away,” he says, pulling you down. “And about the surgery-”
“You can do whatever you feel like doing,” you promise, “And I’ll do my best to support you.”
He laughs softly. “Even if means having breakfast with my parents tomorrow? Accompanying me to a different surgeon for a second opinion? Sitting with Tenya and my parents while I’m undergoing surgery that could kill me? Or pushing my wheelchair around until you need your own in case I decide against surgery?”
“Out of all those options, breakfast with your parents sounds the most daunting,” you confess, “but if they don’t bite my head off for sneaking into your room in the middle of the night to turn their innocent son into a Rebel, I can be swayed.”
“What about the rest?”
“You’re not the only one scared of relationships,” you admit. “But I’m not willing to let that fear stop me. You might have to remind me, though, sometimes. I don’t have the best memory.”
“Deal,” he says and you don’t need light to know he’s smiling. You can feel it, the curve of his lips, pressed against your own.
- x -
“Tensei?” Tenya calls from the front door.
“Taking a nap,” you call back, “I’m in the kitchen.”
It surprises you yet again, how Tenya’s still not done growing. He’s blinking in that tired way that tells you that school has been hell, but he still moves to hug you before he descends onto the Couch. 
Your apartment is closer to his school than his parent's house and even if it wasn’t, you’re pretty sure he’d still show up at least once a week.
In a few months, right after graduation, Tenya will start working as Ingenium, the newest member of their family to properly carry the name as a Pro Hero.
Tensei is insanely proud and so are you.
You take one look back at Tenya’s sleeping form when you feel it, the telltale signs of your Quirk activating.
You have just enough time to drop the knife you’d been holding before you dematerialize, only to plop back into existence right next to your Husband.
Tensei’s smiling, eyes open.
“Hey there,” he greets you, pulling you close, smothering you in a cloud of Grapefruit and Mint. “Missed you.”
“I was just in the other room,” you pretend to be mad, but your hands are betraying your words, rubbing circles into his back. 
“Too far away,” he jokes. 
“One day you’ll get in trouble for misusing my Quirk,” you tell him, twirling a strand of hair around your finger.
“But not today,” Tensei quips back. He’s right.
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heffawhump · 2 days
Hello, I just discovered you on AO3 and I LOVE your Chilchuck fics. They're so perfect and lovely and I have reread each of them several times. I especially like 'In the Walls'. It has everything I want in a blorbo hurt/comfort fic.
I recently went camping somewhere where I had zero phone service and internet for 5 days and I downloaded your fics to my phone before I lost service and they were my 'bedtime stories' that I read every night. And when I was too tired to read all the words, I just looked at all the pictures and enjoyed them just as much as the first time I read them.
One thing I like to do with fics I particularly like is make podfics of them. Can I record a podfic of 'In the Walls?' Of course I'd credit you and link it back to the original fic in AO3.
(If you wanna see some of my other podfic work, you can check out my main AO3 ArtemiStorm or my podfic account StormySoundwaves, although it is all Legend of Zelda stuff right now but I'm looking to branch out. Did you know that there is only 1 single Dunmeshi podfic on AO3 right now? Gotta change that).
Anyways, hope you don't mind this super long ask; I love your stories! Byeee!!
Oh wow, that’s so cool! Thank you so much for asking, you absolutely may!
It would make it more accessible, that would be lovely!
Only 1??? Dang I usually see like one per page in other fandoms, how does it not have more???
(I love long asks you are so fine, I hope you had a great camping trip and didn’t get eaten alive by bugs)
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rowretro · 1 day
𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝕱𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗
Tumblr media
warnings: blood, flowers growing out of a human so gore ig?
Sunghoon remained in his car by the school entrance. He kept second guessing his thoughts, should he check on her or no? what if she doesn't even come in? what if she comes in a really bad mood? 
The male sighed to himself as he checked the time. Why does he even care? God knows why, Sunghoon himself is stunned he's waiting in front of the school building where he should be in right now.
Eventually he saw her walk towards the entrance, hair down, makeup done, and nails all sparkly, she was all blinged up as per usual, she seemed as if she didn't have the worst breakup ever. However Sunghoon noticed something, a small flower plastered onto her arm. 
Perhaps it's a new aesthetic trend amongst the girls, it's come to the point where Babe has become a trendsetter. She's very stylish, much like Jay, she wore a tight pink and white ribbed t-shirt that had a pink bow on it and just reached below her chest. Paired with her pleated school skirt, topped off with all her jewellery.
One thing he always knew her for was her  diamond studded pink playboy ring, and the overly high platform rings. For a school that's pretty laid back on uniform rules, she surely pushes their limits.
. . .
"Hey...." Sunghoon managed to say "Oh Sunghoon!" she exclaimed with a smile "wow you've really come out of your shell huh?" She asked with her oh-so sweet smile as Sunghoon scratched the back of her head. 
"Uh yeah... I guess- well you are the only person who knew about my little crush...." Sunghoon pointed out, instantly regretting his words, hoping he isn't adding salt to Babe's open wound. "O-Oh yeah... i'm sorry that must've been really painful for you-" Babe said, clearly feeling for him, as she tried not to dwell to much on last night's incident.
"Oh no I'm fine actually- If anything I dodged a bullet... I lost all feelings for her when I saw her break your trust..." Sunghoon admitted as Babe scratched her head "It was really unexpected... I don't get why she didn't tell me, if they were serious I was bound to find out anyway right? so why not just tell me?...." She asked trying to hold back the tears.
It fucking hurts, why did he love her? why did she go behind her back? why is love yet again being such a pain in the ass? Babe stared down as she rubbed her arm gently, at this point Sunghoon knew she was still upset. Why wouldn't she be it hasn't even been 24 hours since the incident.
"Nice uh Nice flower-" Sunghoon said breaking the painful silence as he pointed at her arm. Babe stared. Right. The white Sedum flower that ripped through her skin and grew last night. "O-Oh yeah.... just uh tried something new..." she said as Sunghoon nodded.
"Right well I have a lesson now so.... I'll see you..." Sunghoon said as Babe nodded, confused as to why the cold heartthrob actually would want to see her.
. . .
She didn't head to lesson. She just sat there, outside, on the bench. Her mind was clouded, every time she saw Aram and Jay together her heart ached, and it worsened when people would ask her about them, acting all concerned.
She was hurt, her best friend broke her trust and her crush, the man she sworn was the one, lead her on and broke her. But overall confused, Flowers, something so beautiful and representative, were fucking blooming from inside her. 
She's heard of stories parents tell little kids like if you eat a water melon seed, a watermelon will grow within you. Never did she think it would be real. However she never ate any Flower seeds. Then why?
Just at that moment, she saw from afar, Jay and Aram laughing. God his sweet laugh, why can't she make him laugh like that? she didn't know whether to be happy for her bestie or well ex bestie, or be mad. But that didn't matter. She screwed her eyes shut when she saw Jay kiss Aram.
It hurt like a bitch. in front of her as well?! its as if they want her to fucking suffer. "Wow such an ugly sleeper." She heard a deep voice say. That voice. None other than Nishimura Riki. A student whom she has bad blood with.
"What do you want Nishimura?!" she asked as Riki scoffed. "What do I want?! hmmm lets see.... I want out of this arranged marriage shit." Riki said as Babe rolled her eyes. "Do you think i want to marry a biking mafia man who'd possibly murder me on the night of our wedding?! we have no out you know this." She said annoyed.
Part of her however, just a small tiny inch of her, was thinking maybe this marriage was the way to go. Riki's handsome, fine, tall and only 4 months older than her, for a cover that's literally perfect. But god she hated his guts.
"Fuck this... whatever... anyways Im not picking you up today I have someone to get rid of." He simply said as he straightened out his leather jacket. Babe suddenly flinched when She felt Riki press down on her arm.
"What- why is there a flower plastered to you?... or is it in your skin I can't tell.... did you stab yourself with a flower somehow?!" He asked as Babe frowned "It's nothing- leave it- I just plastered it to my arm because it looked pretty." She lied convincingly as Riki rolled his eyes.
Although, technically she didn't lie, she seriously had no idea what it was, a flower growing out of her? sounds absolutely stupid. She sounds crazy. To her luck Riki did leave her alone. Hence she stayed her, not attending any classes as she felt yet another flower easily rip out of her skin.
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luffysbasement · 2 years
hello, i'm finally distancing myself from mcyt :]
it's been really fun!! i loved drawing for everyone, for my interest and esp just interacting with you all. this fandom brought me my friends and different experiences and emotions that are rly unforgettable but i think it's time. thank you for everything, i appreciate you all! ♡♡ pls do stay safe and take care of yourselves!
(my art will remain here ofc but i will most likely be turning this blog into how it was before, multifandom, personal and just a bunch of whatever!)
#the shorter version is the post#ill be here in the tags to talk more :]#honestly im pretty grey on the situation and im just rly waiting for whats gonna happen#thats not why im leaving (mostly) i think its abt time to accept im getting tired of how the experience is of being a drm stan#i loved the man i rly do hes been with me for the entire pandemic him and his videos helped me get through it#but its kind of a bummer that just by being a fan u get exposed to antis and their nonstop scheme of just starting up shit#and that everytime something new comes up you keep hoping its just an accusation but at the same time u feel terrible and anxious anyway#ive alrdy distanced myself from twt and by extension even tumblr bc i thought if i just keep drawing and not looking at my socials those#dramas wont reach me (they still do and it sucks lol but i did get a peace of mind just being free of social media)#at some point i started losing interest in mcyt in general the only thing keeping me was drm not even mccs nor other ccs rly just drm#but then recent thing happened and yeah :/ idk what to think im lost and honestly just tired of stuff like this#thats the final straw i think i dont rly want my mental health tearing up over whether to worry abt things i alrdy stress over abt (w the#college and family stuff) and freaking minecraft youtubers fandom#i think whatever the outcome is im just over it if drm comes out innocent i dont think i can let go of him yet#so ill prob still be checking up on hm and watching him by myself#if not then thats that.#stilli cant deny the fact that it rly has been an amazing two almost three years#i hope you all stay safe and takecare of yourselves ♡#if anyone still wants to see my art im just hanging out in my onepiece sideblog lol @/luffysbasement
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#I mean I'm not actually that upset lol BUT STILL xD#9-1-1 lone star#911 lone star#oasis's 9-1-1 chatter#911 lone star s4 finale#I will say though I'm a reyes-strand truther#I think my main problem with strand-reyes is just the weird emphasis it puts#given that it's the second syllable#anywag loving randomly getting all these deleted scenes xD :D#I was just checking the fox channel to see if the cake one had been uploaded because even though it says it was uploaded by fox I#can only find it by link from an article not on their channel lol#but anyway I was checking and lost my mind seeing there was not only a new one (and not only that they deigned to give us more#than one lol) but what it was about xDD#anyway#stop tk looks so happy in that clip 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️#like he does in the other too and everyone looks happy but just aUGH he 😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰#I'm so happy for them :')))#individually and together :'DD#nearly said individually and separately xDD#anyway :)))#themmm <333#also I love the fact that they were debating it xDD#mood lol#us (the fandom) fr xDD#I wish we got these scenes in the episode lol#but I'm glad we're getting them at all#it just would've been nice if we got a bit more happiness and lightheartedness to balance it all out xD because being alive was great#but it was still not very lighthearted lol#still I love what we got 🥰🥰#anyway I've been rambling for long enough xD I promise I'm finishing my liveblog (pretending I'm past me) soon I'm just super busy lol
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cyberels · 3 months
later, loser.ᐟ ᯓ★
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☆ ellie discovers the quickest way to get a girl underneath her
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daily click! palestine masterpost
☆: sometimes i start writing without a plot in mind to get myself out of a funk and and and this is what i came up w lol so sorry if it’s doodoo ass
☆ warnings -> mention of blood, injuries, all that good shit that comes with skateboarding, probably really inaccurate skating talk, drugs, tbh probably really bad writing but bare with me here, no concept of stranger danger from reader when she sees a hot girl (ellie) for plot reasons lol
☆ skaterboarder!ellie yayyy she wears glasses because i said so &&&&& also ellie works at a vinyl shop and reader works at a bakery :)
☆ ☆ ellies playlist! ☆ ☆
u don’t have to listen but i made it to listen while i write and i thought it’d be fun to add
my masterlist
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ellie was no stranger to making mistakes, she’s human, it happens… however, she usually doesn’t make this many stupid choices within the span of one single hour.
today, ellie was running late.
mistake number one.
she practically flew out of the door and hopped on her board, mumbling a half assed apology to her neighbor who she accidentally shoulder checked on her way out when she put on her headphones.
she’s probably going way too fast, but she’s been skateboarding for years, she can handle it. she still has the penny boards that she started skating on when she was 12 hanging up in her living room, right beside some of her other boards she’s had since then that she’s either destroyed or replaced. she weaved in and out of the people walking practically effortlessly, not caring if she was pissing anyone off, they’d live. she’d never have to see them again, anyways.
she opened her phone to turn on her music.
you, on the other hand, were taking your time; you had a good while until you had to be at work. you’ve created a habit of looking for ladybugs in the bushes outside your apartment complex after you noticed that the plant is home to many of the little insects. usually you just glance at the plant as you pass by, but today, you fully stopped to look.
unfortunately, you were unaware of ellie being just feet away from you.
guess you’re no stranger to mistakes, either.
granted, ellie would have had enough time to stop… if she was paying attention.
which she was not.
mistake number two.
you hear a string of curse words behind you. you barely manage to turn around before you’re pushed into the bushes by a girl who promptly lands on top of you. her skateboard rolled away pathetically. it’s almost like it was embarrassed, too.
if there had been any ladybugs, they were definitely squashed now.
you open your eyes slowly to find the other girl hovering just above you. her necklace dangles temptingly close to your lips as she pushes herself up. she's still on top of you, her face just inches away from yours. she blinks a few times, slowly taking in the situation. she seems lost in thought, the wheels in her head turning painstakingly slowly as she tries to comprehend what's happening and her part in it.
she’s taking way too long to get off of you, though, which only serves to frustrate you more.
“hellooo? can you get up?” you mumble through gritted teeth to the girl above you, turning your head to the side to avoid her gaze.
in hindsight, you probably should’ve asked if she was okay, but right now all you wanted to do was get up and pretend like this never happened.
you don’t even want to know how many people saw you fall.
“oh— oh fuck.” ellie stuttered, taking one last glance at you before she moved herself onto the sidewalk, not finding the strength to stand up fully just yet.
she grabbed her headphones that had been flung off in the impact. small scrapes lined the side of them, but at least they probably still worked. she put them around her neck, letting her head fall back in her hands. she took a deep breath, trying to get a grip on her emotions and the situation.
you sigh as you get up, and ellie can tell you’re mad based solely on how the exhale of air sounded.
“uh… you good?” you ask after an uncomfortable pause, eyeing the other girl. it was obvious you didn’t really care, but at least you tried to be polite.
you were still taking your time collecting yourself, brushing leaves out of your hair and wiping blood from your hands onto your jeans (thank god you wore black jeans today). you were definitely going to be sore tomorrow, but other than your scraped up hands, you were fine.
just really pissed off.
ellie looked up at you and then immediately looked back down, running her hands over her face once more. “yeah, i’m… good.”
you roll your eyes as you hold your hand (the one with the least amount of scrapes) out towards ellie, offering to pull her up. you can't help but feel pity as she sits on the sidewalk. not in a sympathizing way, but more of a "damn, this girl looks pathetic" way. she hesitates for a second, but then grabs your hand and smiles weakly.
as much as you know that this situation partially is your fault, you’re still annoyed. you had spent so long getting ready today just to have some idiot push you into dirt.
when you speak again, your words come out harsher than you intended… not that you minded. “yeah. watch where you’re fucking going next time.”
okay, maybe (keyword: maybe) ellie had caused the worst part of this, but she wasn’t going to sit here and take you blatantly being rude when you’re just as much to blame as she is. “maybe if you didn’t think you owned the sidewalk, i wouldn't have ran into you.”
you reach down beside you and grab her, now shattered, phone and her (also shattered) glasses. you raise your eyebrows as you look over the broken screen.
“maybe if you were paying attention.” you pause, wiggling the phone in front of her face. “you would’ve realized i stopped walking.”
she snatched her things back, she didn’t have a comeback for that.
her phone was fucked… usable, but the screen was shattered so badly that if she scrolled on it she’d probably slice open her thumb. small price to pay, she figures.
it’s not like she’s gonna buy a new one… but she would have to cough up the money for new glasses, though. damn it.
“why the hell did you stop walking anyways?”
you hesitate, looking back at the bush sheepishly, vaguely gesturing towards it as you speak again. “i— not that it’s any of your business— i wanted to see if there were any ladybugs on the leaves.”
well now ellie just feels like a dickhead, because that’s actually really cute. that was not the answer she was expecting.
you continue looking away and ellie sighs, attempting to push past you to grab her skateboard.
mistake number three.
the second she takes a step, she falls into you again, her ankle completely giving out underneath her. you catch her, your arms wrapping around her hips as you hold her up.
ellie has never wanted to die more than she did at this moment.
her face was literally sandwiched in between your chest. she pushed herself back, hopping slightly.
what the fuck just happened?
“oh my fucking god. i’m so sorry. i– oh fuck, this is so awkward.”
yeah, awkward was one word for it. you stare at her blankly for a moment before you kick her skateboard towards her.
you could feel her touch lingering on your body like she was still there. if your hands were just a little lower you would’ve…
“its– it’s fine. dude, are you sure you’re alright?”
you sound more like you care this time, at least.
not that you do care, or anything,
just trying to make sure she wasn’t seriously hurt.
that’s all.
“i’m fine.” it was an obvious lie, but she was preoccupied with thinking about how she was going to skate to and from work if she could barely walk… she’d have to deal with it, she decided. there wasn’t any other option for her right now, she was already late.. “i’ll be fine.”
“very convincing.” you reply, looking her up and down. “you’re not seriously about to get on that thing again, are you?”
“not that it’s any of your business, but i don’t have any other choice, i’m gonna be late to work and this is all i have to get me there.”
you narrow your eyes at her.
no way this girl was reckless and stupid.
“what? you can’t be serious… you’re still going to work? are you an idiot?”
ellie doesn't answer right away, glancing down at her skateboard for a bit. you’re right, she should call out, but she hated the prospect of missing a day of work. money had been tight, even one missed day would be hell for her and her bank account.
“you gonna give me the money i’d lose if i called out?”
you opened your mouth to reply, but she was already flying past you, very clearly having a hard time but also very clearly not caring.
“don’t stop in the middle of the sidewalk next time, dumbass!” she yelled, leaving you standing in the same spot just watching her leave.
…and kinda wishing she’d come back.
just so you could get the last word.
when you walk into work, it’s unfortunately obvious that you’re pissed off, if the way your manager immediately asks what happened as soon as you clocked in was anything to go by.
you’re thankful for the excuse to rant, though.
“god, abby, where do i even start? i literally just walked out of my apartment and some girl on a skateboard slammed into me and we both went flying into a stupid plant. got a face full of bush and not even the good kind.”
“jesus,” abby laughed, picking a leaf out of your hair. “was she hot?”
“was she hot? is that seriously all you’re gonna say?”
“i hate you so much… but yeah, she was.” you admit, defeat obvious in your tone. you’re well aware that this would’ve been a lot easier for you if you didn’t find the dumb skater attractive. you’d been close enough to her face to see every detail… her freckles, her eyes, her lips— damn it. you couldn’t get her out of your head.
this felt like a sick joke.
abby clapped her hands together. “this isn’t a completely bad thing! did you get her number?”
“no, abby, i didn’t get her number. i was too busy trying to get her away from me because she was stupid and annoying.”
“you’re no fun, could’ve got yourself a skater girl.” she frowned. “are you okay though?”
“you should’ve led with that question, you know?” you huff, looking at the scrapes on your palms again. “i’m fine.”
“yeah, yeah. i should’ve.” abby tosses a pastry towards you. “here, for your troubles, on the house. go sit down in the break room for a little bit, you look like a mess.”
“gonna ignore the last part. thanks, abs.”
──── ✧《✿》✧ ────
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“jesus fucking christ.” ellie mumbled to herself, hopping off her board before she opened the door to the small vinyl store she worked at.
“late again, williams— oh. oh wow. you look like shit.” austin, the owner of the shop spoke, nudging ellie as she walked by. he was wearing a stupid smirk on his face which made ellie more aggravated.
“real nice.” ellie grumbled, putting up her skateboard and backpack. “sorry for being late, won’t happen again, i just— some people are so stupid, you know?”
“by ‘some people’ do you mean you?” he laughed, spinning on his chair. he mocked the way ellie spoke, doing a high pitched voice that sounded nothing like her.
god, he was a 30 year old man-child, but he pays her… so… whatever. she’ll deal.
“ha-ha. good one.”
“ya gonna tell me what happened or are ya gonna leave me guessin’?”
“what happened is people don’t know how to walk anymore.” she scoffed, taking stock of the money she had to count before putting it in the drawer. “so fucking stupid.”
“by the looks of it you don’t know how to walk anymore, either. you gonna be able to work? i’m not payin’ ya to sit around, so if i need to call someone else in…”
she glared at him, trying to see if he’d explode if she stared hard enough.
he was right though, unfortunately, ellie was walking like she had just learned how to. it wasn’t the worst injury she’s ever got from skateboarding, but it was definitely inconvenient.
“yeah, i’ll be fine.” ellie snapped, shifting her weight to her good foot to avoid making her injury any worse. “jesus christ, it’s a twisted ankle. i’m not missing a limb.”
“drop it.”
he put his hands up in mock surrender, the smirk still on his face. “oooookay, okay. whatever you say williams. you were still late though, let’s go back to talkin’ about that. what’s the count at now? is this the fifth or sixth time this month?”
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry. shit’s hard when you don’t have a car.” ellie sighed, punching in the numbers on her register. “i’ll do better. today was not my fault, though.”
“am i gonna have to be more strict with you? everyone else shows up on time, you know?”
“yeah, yeah. whatever.” ellie rolled her eyes, trying to focus on work and push the pain out of her mind. “everyone else has a car.”
ellie really did not like austin. his whole holier-than-thou attitude irked her to no end.
still, it beat being jobless, so she knew she shouldn’t complain.
“don’t let it happen again.”
“i won’t, i swear. i’m really sorry.”
“right, okay, i’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick, you alright out here?”
she bit her tongue, holding back a groan.
austin ‘going to the bathroom’ was his way of saying that he’s gonna get really fucking stoned and then sit around and do nothing all day. this was a daily occurrence, at this rate.
“yeah, yeah, i’m good.” ellie mumbled, shoving away the annoyance she felt when he walked past her.
austin was a dickhead, but he was never outright mean, not really. he just… he thought he was better than everyone. a classic ego-centric prick.
as much as she hated him, she did like having a job— and being able to afford a place to sleep at night.
“ohhh, ellie, i gave you more shifts, like you asked.” he said before he walked out, smiling at her. “take a look at the schedule when ya get the chance.”
he has to be kidding.
she’s been begging for more shifts since god knows how long ago, and he decides to give her more now? when she doesn’t even know how she’s gonna be able to make it to work?
amazing. just what she wanted!
“great.” ellie muttered, shooting him a glare even though he was already gone. “more hours that i don’t know how the hell i’m gonna get to.”
she shook her head, austin wasn’t worth getting this pissed about— especially when he did try to do what she asked.
the store was never busy in the morning, so she sat in austins chair, finally taking a second to herself. she went over her options on how this was going to go.
she could have asked dina for a ride, if dina wasn’t off on some work trip about three hours away for the next two weeks, taking her and jesses shared car with her.
terrible timing.
she’d take public transportation if it was reliable and also if she didn’t have a few bad experiences with it already.
that wasn’t really a good option.
uber was definitely not an option. she already was going to have to buy new glasses and eventually pay for her phone to get fixed, she wasn’t about to drop $50 a day on ride.
she was screwed.
nothing was working out for her right now— the universe was laughing at her, just like it always did.
she wanted to kick and scream, but that wouldn’t help anything, plus she wouldn’t be able to kick very well right now.
oh well… she’d be fine, she’d just have to push through it.
her phone buzzed in her pocket and she winced when she seen the cracked screen again, it was so wrecked that it barely let her type in her password.
──── ✧《✿》✧ ────
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was ellie stupid for agreeing to go out of her way when she was already struggling to walk? yes.
does she care? no.
jesse was a good guy, he’s done a shit ton of favors for her, so this was the least she could do.
she’d never been to the bakery, but she always smelled it when she’d pass by, and it always looked like it’d be good. she did deserve a little treat after the day she had, anyways.
thank you jesse and jesse’s money.
when ellies shift is over, she feels so much worse than she did earlier, and austin repeating that ellie looked like shit over and over again wasn’t helping.
“you’re a wreck, williams—“
“—goodbye austin, byeee. i’m leaving, out the door, shifts over. see you tomorrow.” she slammed the door shut, letting out a frustrated sigh as she got on her board again. “god. fuck off.”
the bakery wasn’t far, it was literally right across the street, but it felt like it was miles away to ellie. she leaned on the wall for a second to catch her breath before she walked inside.
it was a cute shop, one of those places you see on pinterest or instagram, with the led light signs and fake plants, it was actually really nice. she doesn’t know why she never came here before.
“let me know if i can help… oh god. it’s you.”
she looks over at you and she starts to wish the fall had just killed her on impact.
“please… pretend like this morning didn’t happen. i don’t want to deal with arguing right now.” ellie sighs, not giving you time to reply to her before she goes into saying her order.
she looked at your name tag as she paid, she could barely see what it said, her eyes squinting slightly as she tried to make out your name.
you scribbled little smiley faces and stars around your name, which was cuter than ellie would like to admit.
“go sit, i’ll bring your stuff to you after i box them, ‘kay?”
“i can wait here.“
she sat at one of the booths, attempting to use her phone without losing a finger. she wasn’t even paying attention to the content, just scrolling mindlessly as the memories of this morning replayed in her mind over and over again.
she was hoping to never see you again.
maybe coming here was a mistake.
“here.” you say after a few moments, placing the boxes on the table. “enjoy.”
you were being kind, but she could read behind the curtness of your tone.
you thought she was dumb. she could always tell by the way you talked to her; that look of disdain on your face.
“thanks.” she said, and then the silence took over again. it was obvious that neither of them wanted to start another conversation after the way the last one ended.
ellie couldn’t help but notice how just scraped up your hands were. you had bandages on them, but the blood that seeped through was bright red, like it was demanding to be looked at.
demanding ellie to feel bad for what she did.
damn it, she really should’ve just paid attention this morning.
would’ve saved her a lot of trouble.
she got up, sucking her teeth and hissing as she shifted her weight. she leaned on the table for balance as a few curse words left her mouth.
“god, you’re the dumbest person i’ve ever met.” you declared, confirming her suspicions.
she scoffed, trying to shake the pain away from her ankle.
man, this sucked.
“shut the hell up.” ellie snapped. “you don’t have to be so snarky, you know? i’m already dealing with the consequences of my shitty morning, you can drop the whole, ‘i’m better than you’ bullshit. if you listened earlier, you’d have known i said that i have no other choice.”
“i did listen, idiot. i don’t mean to sound like i’m trying to be better than you, okay? i’m sorry. but you seriously don’t have anyone that can help you out? do you have friends?”
“i have friends, asshole. they’re just either busy or i don’t want to inconvenience them. what’s it matter to you anyways?”
you don’t really have an answer, you’re not sure why it matters. maybe it’s because ellie looked really miserable, or maybe it’s because it had been partially your fault that she’s hurt… or maybe both. but you couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt about the situation she was in.
“i have a car.”
ellie paused, looking up at you. she wasn’t sure if she heard you correctly, or if this was just some weird, shitty joke.
“okay? congratulations?”
“don’t make me spell it out.” you reply, annoyance clear in your tone. “i’m saying, you’re obviously hurt, and it’s kinda my fault, so… if you needed a ride…”
“don’t be stubborn. look, i get it, we’re not on the best terms right now, but i can’t just let you go like this without at least offering, y’know? plus, you seem like you could use the help.”
ellie’s mind was screaming at her to accept— it was logical. you offered a ride, she needs a ride, she should accept your offer.
“i could be a serial killer for all you know. you don’t even know my name.”
“yeah, okay. you? a serial killer? i’d just run away. not like you’d be able to chase after me.”
“hey, i can run pretty damn fast, you know?” ellie hissed. if she wanted, she could definitely chase you down… but she’d rather not do that at the moment. that was probably not a great idea. “hell, i could be an axe murderer.”
“what’s your name?”
“are you dumb?”
“…it’s ellie.”
“‘kay, ellie, now i know your name and if you’re observant— which i doubt but i’m gonna play devils advocate— you know mine. nice to meet you. now we know each other. i’m not gonna sit here and play 21 questions, do you want me to take you to your place or not?”
“what if you kill me anyways?” she asked, she was kidding, she just wanted to piss you off.
“i am not gonna fucking— you know what, you’re annoying. never mind.”
“wait. i’m sorry.”
maybe this whole thing about you wasn’t so bad. you were just— abrasive.
she swallowed, forcing herself to stay calm. “i’ll take a ride.”
“what’s the magic word?”
“die.” ellie hissed. “you’re not funny.”
“almost! that’s four words. do you want a hint?”
ellie stared at you blankly for a few seconds before answering. “i am not saying please.”
“you just said it.” you grinned. “look, i get off at 6:30, that’s like… 20 minutes from now, if you don’t mind waiting. i’ll come get you when i’m off, sound good?”
“yeah. that sounds good.”
this is such a bad idea.
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kaitlynpcallmebeepme · 3 months
Sea Sickness
Sea Sickness
Luke Hughes x fem!reader (established relationship, but still new)
Idea: Reader gets nauseous from being on the boat at the Hughes’s Lake House and snuggles up to Luke.
Requested: Nope. 
Author’s Note:  I know I’m bouncing around who I’m writing for, but I’m on a NHL spree right now. I also get nauseated if I'm on a boat or in the ocean for too long. Fun Fact: I wrote the beginning part of this on a note card while working by myself in the OR today. We had a really long case where I just had to check up on people during the middle of it (hence why I wrote this on a card because I don’t like going on my phone when I’m in the OR. It's unprofessional). I don’t know any of these people personally. The closest I’ve gotten to the team (that wasn’t just playing in the band at the games or when they were walking past us down the 2023 red carpet in tampa) was a tuba was talking to some of them in his plane row on the ride back from that trip (he ended up being the tuba you see in the senior picture from 2024) and one of the coaches had to share our bus on the way back from the 2023 frozen four game with his wife and two young daughters (I kept trying to get the younger one to smile at me unsuccessfully).  Someone from my hotel room also shared the elevator ride up with the entire Fantilli family the night they lost that game in 2023 (I think Adam also won the Hobey Baker award that same night). I’ve also been playing my lego lord of the rings game. Anyway, enjoy this little blurb.
Tagging some of my favorite Hughes/NHL writers, love y’all.
@wineauntie @thedevilrisen @winterbarnesblog @sc0tters 
I forgot to mention that this is kinda based on the cute stuff @bedsyandco writes
I'm now sad when I'm uploading this because a friend from college drumline has an incurable brain cancer. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers (he's only 19 or 20).
Requests are still open.  Feedback is always appreciated.  Also, tell me if you want to be part of a Tag List and I’ll tag you when I upload something new. If you want to only be tagged when I upload something for a certain character or shows, let me know as well.  
Warning: None, just general fluff. Feeling sick on a boat. 
Word Count: 488
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Being on a boat wasn’t your most favorite thing in the world, mainly because the last time you were on a boat, it got stuck in the middle of the laek and had to be towed back to shore (true story), but when your boyfriend Luke invited you to spend the weekend at the lakehouse with ihs brothers and friends, you weren't going to say no. The weekend had been filled with lots of eating, playing outside, and the boys being competitive at every game they pick up (even the old board game you brought to teach them how to play).  Just trying to keep up with them all was exhausting, so that’s how you ended up on the back of the boat enjoying the warm air instead of diving into the water again.  The boys had been going back and forth between wakeboarding and chatting on the boat deck. With them supplying the lake with plenty of waves, the constand up and down was starting to make your stomach sick.  You scooched over and made yourself comfortable laying your head on Luke’s shoulder.  He then opened his arms and wrapped you in his warm embrace so you could crawl on his lap and snuggle closer to his chest. 
“You feeling ok?” 
“Yeah, just want to stop the constant movement.” It was getting to a point were you just wanted to stop the constant movement.  It being really hot out didn’t help either. 
“We’ll head to shore soon. Then we can cool off inside.” 
Being wrapped up in Luke’s embrace with his fingers gently carding through your hair or down your shoulder leaving goosebumps in their wake and shading you with his fit body definitely helped keep your mind off of your stomach and the boat’s ever shifting movements.  Luke wasn’t much of a pda person, but you always encouraged him to show little bits of it at least in front of his family or close friends.  
Little did you know, that’s exactly who was eyeing the interaction.  Jack, Quinn, Trevor, Cole, and Dylan all had stopped what they were talking about in favor of watching the interaction between you two.  Eventhough they were not all related, they felt like proud older brothers seeing Luke be so considerate and affectionate in front of them.  Of couse they’re all going to tease him relentlessly later about this, but they were gentlemen in regards to respecting the timing and the moment.
“Just lay down and close your eyes. We’ll be on shore soon.”  You snuggled deeper into Luke’s neck keeping your eyes closed and focused on his soft skin, his natural scent, and the way his warm body curled around yours. He even tugged on your legs to pull you fully into his lap as his large frame wrapped around your body fully encasing you in his warmth and comfort. 
Nothing better than enjoying the summer with those you love.
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Do you have a list of good sex ed books to read?
please bear in mind that some of these books are a little old (10+ years) by research standards now, and that even the newer ones are all flawed in some way. the thing about research on human beings, and especially research on something as nebulous and huge as sex, is that people are Always going to miss something or fail to account for every possible experience, and that's just something that we have to accept in good faith. I think all of these books have something interesting to say, but that doesn't mean any of them are the only book you'll ever need.
related to that: it's been A While since I've read some of these so sorry if anything in them has aged poorly (I don't THINK SO but like, I was not as discerning a reader when I was 19) but I am still including them as books that have been important to my personal journey as a sex educator.
additionally, a caveat that very few of these books are, like, instructional sex ed books in the sense of like "here's how the penis works, here's where the clit is, etc." those books exist and they're great but they're also not very interesting to me; my studies on sex are much more in the social aspect (shout out to my sociology degree) and the way people learn to think about sex and societal factors that shape those trends. these books reflect that. I would genuinely love to have the time to check out some 101 books to see how they fare, but alas - sex ed is not my day job and I don't have the time to dedicate to that, so it happens slowly when it happens at all. I've been meaning to read Dr. Gunter's Vagina Bible since it came out in 2019, for fucks sake.
and finally an acknowledgement that this is a fairly white list, which has as much to do with biases with academia and publishing as my own unchecked biases especially early in my academic career and the limitations of my university library.
ANYWAY here's some books about sex that have been influential/informative to me in one way or another:
The Trouble With Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life (Michael Warner, 1999)
Virginity Lost: An Intimate Portrait of First Sexual Experiences (Laura M. Carpenter, 2005)
Virgin: The Untouched History (Hanne Blank, 2007)
Sex Goes to School: Girls and Sex Education Before the 1960s (Susan K. Freeman, 2008)
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex (Mary Roach, 2008)
Transgender History: The Roots of Today's Revolution (Revised Edition) (Susan Stryker, 2008)
The Purity Myth: How America's Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women (Jessica Valenti, 2009)
Not Under My Roof: Parents, Teens, and the Culture of Sex (Amy T. Schalet, 2011)
Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality (Hanne Blank, 2012)
Rewriting the Rules: An Integrative Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships (Meg-John Barker, 2013)
The Sex Myth: The Gap Between Our Fantasies and Realities (Rachel Hills, 2015)
Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Tranform Your Sex Life (Emily Nagoski, 2015)
Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men (Jane Ward, 2015)
Too Hot to Handle: A Global History of Sex Education (Jonathan Zimmerman, 2015)
American Hookup: The New Culture of Sex on Campus (Lisa Wade, 2017)
Histories of the Transgender Child (Jules Gill-Peterson, 2018)
Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights (Juno Mac and Molly Smith, 2018)
Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex (Angela Chen, 2020)
Pleasure in the News: African American Readership and Sexuality in the Black Press (Kim Gallon, 2020)
A Curious History of Sex (Kate Lister, 2020)
Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity (Peggy Orenstein, 2020)
Black Women, Black Love: America's War on Africa American Marriage (Dianne M. Stewart, 2020)
The Tragedy of Heterosexuality (Jane Ward, 2020)
Hurts So Good: The Science and Pleasure of Pain on Purpose (Leigh Cowart, 2021)
Strange Bedfellows: Adventures in the Science, History, and Surprising Secrets of STDs (Ina Park, 2021)
The Right to Sex: Feminist in the Twenty-First Century (Amia Srinivasan, 2021)
Love Your Asian Body: AIDS Activism in Los Angeles (Eric C. Wat, 2021)
Superfreaks: Kink, Pleasure, and the Pursuit of Happiness (Arielle Greenberg, 2023)
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seneon · 2 months
waiting for hours ──── seishiro nagi x fem! reader.
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about. in which, nagi awaits your arrival at home for hours. pure fluff oneshot. wc of 1.2k.
notes. this is like, the highest rated chapter in my my oneshot book in wattpad. so im slapping this in tumblr too and happy belated bday to koala boy!! for @hyoismbbg ♡
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𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐘 was the first time during this year that nagi was able to arrive home early from his football practice. and by early, earlier than the time his lover's work finishes.
he freshened himself up, ate some food in the fridge and waited. it was 8:42pm, almost an hour and a half for you to finish your work.
the football player, now playing for a professional team, was basically bored out of his mind. he could play games until you've returned, but the man had played every game in the universe.he could watch anime, movies or anything. but those would bore him instantly.
honestly, everything is boring to him nowadays. the only thing that would keep him entertained is football and you.
you were practically the same as him, a lazy person who somehow managed to be a successful writer and be in a relationship with another lazy athlete.
nagi waited and waited and waited. for what seemed like hours, he kept waiting for your presence to shine in his day. but every time he checked the clock, only a few minutes passed from the previous.
as tired as the white-haired male is, he decided to make you some simple yet cute supper, prepare your essentials for when you returned from work. nagi even set up your little table in your shared room by the window for when you read or do some planning for tomorrow.
he eventually lost track of time while trying to make everything in the house perfect so you didn't have to do anything else when you came home. an hour or so had passed, and nagi still didn't hear the door twist open.
you yawned, tired from the meeting you had at your publishing company. really, sometimes you wish you could boss around rude people and shut them up from their shitty opinions. but business is business. and rude people didn't really matter anyways.
you set everything the way it is, and stop in your tracks when you see the kitchen counter filled with a plate of delicious food.
the apartment looked pretty neat and clean too. when you looked around in suspicion and curiousity, some of the recognisable things belonging to your boyfriend were laying around freely.
that was when a smile crawled up your cheeks. your mind traveled to nagi who prepared the food and cleaned up the house— just as he walked out the room, an annoyed expression on his face.
"i thought you were never coming home, after i prepared everything for you," he pouted with a poker face, definitely disappointed at how late you arrived home.
"ah— my bad. thank you. you're home early," you shot him a lazy smile before he walked towards you and pulled you into a lazy hug, completely embracing you in his huge form.
"yeah, practice kinda got canceled because coach's wife got into trouble.”
since you were way tinier than him, you practically squished under his body, melting in the warmth of your lazy, sweet loving boyfriend.
he smelled like mint and fresh sugary frosting, from the body wash you gave to him as a present on his birthday. it was a scent that pulled you in so much it froze and destroyed all the negative comments that were written about your books.
as much as you didn't want to separate the hug, nagi gently plucked himself away from you, sternly looking into your eyes.
"eat, and go take a bath. then we can sleep together. practice might be cancelled tomorrow too if coach's wife's trouble is still ongoing.." he trailed off and shook his head. "ehh whatever just go. i made food for you without burning the kitchen and prepared stuff for you in the room."
you chuckled and nodded your head repeatedly, trying to keep in the laugh with his ridiculously sarcastic get funny words. pretty much whatever nagi said could be funny to you.
"i won't doubt your effort. thank you again," you tiptoed and gave him a quick peck on the lips, heading over to the kitchen counter to eat your supper.
the peck made nagi blush. it was the first kiss you gave him this week. it is monday night, the start of the week. and you kissed him yesterday. hah. humour. nagi keeps track of kisses he gets from you.
anyways, he wanted more kisses from you later so he watched you eat while conversing a little about both your writer job and athlete jobs.
then, he waited for you to take your bath, freshen up before you bailed out your little window corner and jumped into bed with nagi.
"thank you, sei," you thanked him again, as he buried his face into your hair, inhaling the fresh scent of your shampoo. "you've thanked me three times already. you're welcome though..."
your fingers moved to lace themselves in the soft fluffy hair of the male, moving around to ruffle and gently play with it.
nagi's hair was fairly soft, like cotton candy that would melt when it came in contact with liquid. it could even be on par with the clouds albeit you've never felt clouds before. but you just know it was more soft and fluffy than anything else.
you found it awfully cute that his love language is physical touch, so much that you often see him as a cat. and for a fact that nagi only needs and wants your attention, not from anyone else because you are everything to him.
the male hummed when your fingers played with his hair, an odd calmness filling over the mind and body of the athlete. you always managed to calm him down, physically and mentally. he loved that it was a good trait of you that he fell in love with.
"i love you," he said against your neck, his breath touching your skin as you couldn't help but smile at his words. he was random, sure, but you know when nagi was being genuine and sarcastic. now, he meant every word of it.
"i love you too," you replied softly, your fingers moving, trailing down to his cheeks to caress his chiseled jawline and softly stroke his cheeks.
such a work of art, you thought to yourself when you faced him and looked into his eyes.
how could a man be as angelic as your boyfriend?
you felt so blessed to have nagi in your life, never regretting that you made the first move for being friends and eventually he would later on give you a lazy confession that was conducted by his friend, reo.
"you're really beautiful, love," he felt himself smile when the both of you were staring into each other's eyes lovingly. "so beautiful.."
"and you're very handsome," you chuckled, going closer to his face. you kept the tiny distance for a moment, having a small time to admire nagi's grey eyes.
nagi then closed the distance between you both, his lips ever so softly closing in on yours to give you a lovely kiss.
it was filled with the purest intentions of showing how much he loves you, nothing else than an innocent kiss that was focused on appreciation and love.
you both pulled away at the same time, your arms wrapping around his neck as his own snaking around your waist to pull you close.
gosh, you love hugs when it comes to your lazy gigantic boyfriend. he always gives you the best ones.
"let's sleep now, okay?" he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, letting you reply with a nod before pulling the soft blanket over you two.
"i've been waiting for hours to cuddle you to sleep. good night, y/n.”
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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tootiecakes234 · 2 months
Katsuki’s birthday
“Katsuki Bakugo, if your ass isn’t ready in the next 15 minutes, you’re gonna be sleeping at Eijirou’s house the rest of the week cuz you WONT be allowed in this house!” You tell him with pointed look.
“I told you, you shitty woman, that I don’t want to go to some stupid birthday brunch. I want to stay home and I want YOU to cook for me while I do nothing. It’s my fucking birthday.” He shouts back.
“But that’s what we did last year! And the year before that!” You try reasoning with him.
“Yeah it’s called tradition” he says even as he stands up and starts walking over to his closet.
“Well, love muffin, traditions were meant to be broken.” You go up to him and place a kiss on his cheek.
“What the hell ever. I’m not paying for a damn thing and I’m ordering the most expensive thing they have on this stupid menu. Don’t forget your purse.” He grumbles.
You’re dressed in a nice spring dress that’s a flower pattern and all flowy. You look so adorable and then you see Katsuki and hot damn! You forget how good this man looks when he’s not in a black t shirt and joggers. Not that he doesn’t look hot as hell in that but he looks edible right now all dressed up.
“Damn big man, you got a lady. If you do, I bet I’d do stuff with you that she wouldn’t dare.” Your voice oozes cheekiness.
“My girlfriend would put your loser ass to shame! Just last night she did this thing in bed-“
You clamp your hand over his mouth. “Ok ok I get it.” You can feel his smirk against your palm. “You always take stuff to far.”
“I always finish the shit you start.” He moves your hand and wraps his arms around your waist. “I like this dress by the way. The only thing getting me through this brunch is gonna be knowing I get to take it off later.”
He bends down and presses his lips to you.
You have to pull yourself away and grab his hand to pull him behind you. “Let’s go before we are late”
“You don’t think those shitty ass friends of yours are gonna be late too? I’ve never seen them be on time for a goddamn thing”
When you guys get to the car, you walk to the passenger side and open the door for him.
“My king” and you do a little bow.
“You’re so fucking insufferable”
The smile on your face doesn’t disappear as you climb into the drivers seat.
“Where is this place anyway?” He questions as your pull off.
“On the outskirts of town. It’s a place Eiji found a while ago. He said it’s 10/10”
“Oh fuck, are we really listening to recommendations from that red head idiot?? He would eat toast smeared with dirt if you covered it in protein powder.”
“ ‘Suki he’s not that bad.”
Eventually you pull up the place and you can see Katsuki looking at you like you’ve lost your mind.
“Did you dumb ass get lost? This is not a restaurant.”
“Surprise!!! It’s an adventure park! They have paintball, laser tag and zip lines and stuff. They also serve food but it’s like snack type things but I though that’d hold us over til we get home so I can cook.”
You are wearing the biggest grin and your excitement it’s practically bouncing off of you.
“Oh and I brought clothes for you to change in to. I didn’t wanna ruin the surprise by telling you to dress casual….. do you like it??” You ask him.
“You’re proud of yourself aren’t you?”
“I…. Fucking love it. Are those tools still coming cuz I’ve got ass to kick.”
You bound over the seat and hug him. “Yep they are probably already inside. I told Mina to get here early to check us in.”
He slides his hand over your face and gives you a small smile before you places a kiss on your forehead.
“You did real good baby. Thank you”
“You’re welcome hot stuff. Not let��s get in there and give those guys a taste of Pro Hero Dynamight!”
“Hell yeah!”
This asshole won every game you guys played except for laser tag and thats only cuz you guys cheated! But he deserved it, he was getting too cocky for his own good.
BUT by the end of the night, he had you feeling like the real winner🤭
Katsuki Bakugo Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @sukunas-bratt @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm @tippy-toes @superlegend216 @kxtsxkii @liliththeunqualifiedsimp @burgvndy @fluffismystaplefood @yoyolovesdaiki @zaiban2989
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: Home.
Pairing: Yandere!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (Spiderverse).
Word Count: 3.0k.
TW: Spiderverse Spoilers, Non///Con, Kidnapping, Prolonged Imprisonment, Nonconsensual Touching, Emotional Manipulation, Unhealthy Relationships, and Blood.
A Spiritual Continuation To This Drabble.
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You were probably starting to blister.
It was hard to tell. Your body felt strange, your head filled with cotton and your thoughts still blurred into one foggy, vaguely panicked haze. You were numb, and aching, and wide awake, and waiting for the moment you could lie down on a cold, hard surface and curl up until you felt like yourself, again. That man – Miguel, you reminded yourself, the desperation in his voice as he’d muttered it to you still echoing in your mind – said it was a side-effect of traveling between dimensions, that you’d be fine as long as you didn’t mess with the ring of metal around your wrist, but you couldn’t seem to tightness in your throat, couldn’t seem to forget the glimpse of a bruising puncture mark you’d caught before forcing yourself to turn away from the bathroom’s only mirror.
You’d lost track of how long you’d been there, slumped against the tiled wall of a stranger’s shower stall, trying to make sense of what little you’d learned. It had to have been an hour, if not more, but the water was still as hot as it had been when you’d half-consciously gotten in, when you decided you could burn yourself out of this situation. A benefit of being dragged into the future against your will, you guessed. At least you’d never run out of hot water, while you were trapped here.
You sighed, letting your head lull forward, but you didn’t have much time to wallow in your self-pity. You heard the automated door slide open (there wasn’t a lock, you’d checked, and then checked again, and then checked again), and snapped up just in time to see Miguel stepping past the threshold, still wearing that strained, manic grin. It looked unnatural. If you hadn’t been so scared, if you didn’t already feel so vulnerable, you might’ve asked him to stop.
Reflectively, you scrambled for a towel before remembering that you weren’t in your own bathroom, that you weren’t even in your own dimension, and shrinking into yourself, doing what you could to hide yourself away from him without the aid of a proper barrier. “I— I’m not done, just give me—”
“Relax.” His tone was calm, but strict, only slightly muffled by the shirt he was already pulling over his head. You caught the edge of a jagged scar, an expanse of tan skin, before jerking away and training your eyes on the floor. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. We’re married, remember?”
He didn’t wait for an answer before stepping in front of you, momentarily cutting off your supply of scalding water. Unlike you, he seemed to want you to see him - standing just a little too close, holding himself just a little too tall, revealing just a little too much a little too quickly. You made a point of keeping your eyes on his face – or, as much as his face as you could see, anyway. The room you’d woken up in (his bedroom, you figured, despite how blank it’d been, how uncomfortable its bare walls and empty shelves had made you) had been dark, and his bathroom was no better. The lights had been dimmed to the point of near-total darkness, and you were starting to miss your apartment’s constantly flickering lights, your office’s blinding phosphorescents. You could only hope the rest of his dimension wouldn’t be so dark. You didn’t know what you would do if you had to spend the rest of your life stumbling around in the dark.
“We were married, you mean,” you mumbled, then shook your head. “Or, you were married to another version of me, I think? I’m sorry, I’m having a little trouble wrapping my head around…” You paused, gesturing to your meager surroundings. “…around this.”
His smile took on a softer lull. “In another world, a version of me was married to a version of you. When that version of me died, I did what I could to fill the gap. It didn’t work out, but…” A hand on your shoulder, then your jaw. You flinched at the unearned contact, but he didn’t pull away. “It was good, for a while. We had a daughter, Gabriella, and we took care of each other.”
You managed a weak laugh. “It’s hard to believe I’d take meeting my husband’s doppelganger that well.”
“Yeah, it is.”
There was a short lapse of silence. You chose to ignore the bluntness of his response, the bitter taste that spread over your tongue. “Maybe I’ll meet my own version of you when I get back home. It seems like we can’t stop running into each other.” And then, with more than a note of genuine excitement. “I will be able to go back to my own dimension, right? No offense, but I’m already starting to feel a little homesick.”
“Eventually. We’re looking for another solution as quickly as we can, but for now, it’s important that you stay where you are.” The pad of his thumb ran over your cheek. “Just your presence here is saving millions of lives.”
With no small amount of hesitation and a pained smile of your own, you reached up, taking him by the wrist and pushing his hand back down to his side. In his defense, he didn’t put up a fight. You could’ve missed the way his grin wavered, the carnal shade of scarlet that flashed across his eyes, if not for the way the shadows flickered at the slightest disturbance. “But I’ll be able to go home when you’re done?”
“Eventually,” he reiterated. “I’ll be taking care of you, in the meantime.”
Slowly, reluctantly, you nodded, letting out a shaky breath.
It wasn’t like there was anything else you could do, right?
You felt like you were going blind.
Miguel had been paranoid – making excuses, offering half-baked explanations, changing the topic every time you found the confidence to push – but even he couldn’t keep you in his dark, empty bedroom forever, lest you grow bored enough to throw the fate of the multi-verse aside and start messing with the bolt of silver latched onto your wrist. You could see why he’d wanted to keep you locked up. The rest of his society (organization? foundation? glorified playground for anyone with a spider-aesthetic and a seemingly endless supply of bad one-liners?), unlike its founder, was a beacon of color and noise, of friendly faces and helpful people. You could see why it might’ve made the thought of going home that much more difficult, for someone who’d had a much gentler introduction to it than you.
You could see how it made the time you spent alone with Miguel seem that much darker, in comparison.
Currently, you were in a room you’d once heard one of the more brash Peter Parkers’ refer to as ‘Miguel’s Cave’ – the makeshift lab where he spent most of his time leering over holographic screens and growling at constantly malfunctioning technology you couldn’t so much as pretend to understand, sitting cross-legged next to a collection of well-beaten consoles, squinting at a book you could hardly make out in the dim light. You didn’t know much about him or his society, every detail pried out through either sheer force of will or gleaned from a combination of different half-explanations, but he seemed to be the default leader, the one responsible for making sure this operation didn’t fall apart at the seams. He was stressed, obviously, but you couldn’t seem to find it in yourself to feel bad for him, not when every new setback led to a new hole in the wall, another chair broken over his knee (hence why you were sitting on the floor). It was hard to feel pity for a man who could snap your neck with a flick of his wrist, no matter how often he promised he wasn’t going to hurt you.
When your vision started to blur and the knot of tension in the back of your skull turned from uncomfortable to aching, you let your attention drift to his constantly revolving screens, all showing another incomprehensible piece of another incomprehensible dimension. For a moment, your gaze caught on a scene that seemed out of place, featuring a girl no older than ten running happily toward whoever was holding the camera, but you moved on quickly. You’d already seen a few preteen spider-people, around the society. You wouldn’t be surprised if Miguel had a way of watching them after they’d returned to their own dimensions.
Your eyes fell on Miguel, next. He was in the state he seemed to revert to whenever he thought your back was turned – shoulders squared, eyes set into a stern glare, the points of his fangs just barely visible against his bottom lip. He looked angry, but then again, he always looked a little angry. You could only assume that whatever spider he’d gotten his powers from didn’t have a sense of humor, either.
Eventually, he glanced in your direction, his scowl immediately fading. You didn’t try to look away. You caught him staring at you often enough. If you were lucky, he’d realize how awful it could feel to know you were always being watched. “Need something?”
You shrugged, letting your head lull to the side. “Just wondering if you’ve made any progress.”
“Depends on what you want to call ‘progress’. Technically, we’re bringing in another dozen requites every day, but I don’t see the point in handing a watch to every—”
“Progress in my case, I mean,” you cut in, trying to keep your tone light. “Not that I don’t like it here! I’m just… a little anxious to get home, I guess. I’d just like to be able to check in – preferably without the multi-verse collapsing.”
It was quick, but you caught it. A quirk of his lips, a glint of annoyance quickly drowned out by schooled stoicism. He didn’t like it when you brought up leaving, but then again, he didn’t seem to like anything.
Rather than answer you, he sighed, pushing himself away from his consoles. He gestured for you to stand and, somewhat reluctantly, you pushed yourself to your feet, taking a tentative step close to him before a strong arm lashed out, wrapping around your waist and hauling you into his lap. You chuckled, shoving playfully at his shoulder, but when he didn’t relent, you didn’t tell him to let you go. It was just a habit, you told yourself, doing your best to brush it off. It was just a holdover from a past life, from the time he spent with another version of you. It was the least you could do to let him live out a few old, relatively innocent fantasies.
He moved to touch your cheek, but managed to hold himself back, opting to toy with the fabric of your collar, instead. “Have you ever thought about kids?”
You did what you could not to look at him, but when he was so close, when he’d made himself such an unignorable part of your now-limited world, it was hard to find a way past him. “Not really, no. Never had the time for it, and I was never in the right place.”
“That’s how I felt, before I met you.” His lips against your forehead, then the curve of your jaw. It was just a habit, you reminded yourself, more forcefully than you really had to. He wasn’t trying to make you this uncomfortable. “I never thought I’d stay up until sunrise icing cupcakes for a third grader’s birthday party either, but you made me want that kind of life. I would’ve gone to a million soccer games just to see you and Gabriella smile like that again. To me, you were always home.”
“Your version of me, you mean.” This time, you couldn’t make yourself sound anything but irritated. “You might’ve changed your mind, but I’m really not the little league type.”
You heard him mutter something in Spanish, low and throaty and entirely incomprehensible to you. There was sharp nip to the curve of your throat, a broad chest pressed against yours, and then, he was kissing you, his mouth crashing into yours before you could even try to protest. You tried to scream, to pull his hair and pry him off of you, but he only groaned in response, only forced himself closer – his tongue forcing its way past your and his hand wrapping around your neck as you thrashed against him. Frantically, desperate to just get him away from you, you lashed out blindly, racking your nails across his check with enough force to break the skin, to draw blood. That earned a reaction, but not the one you were looking for. Rather than release you, his hold on your throat only grew tighter, his breathing more ragged he picked you up and slammed you against his console, a dozen golden screens shuttering under the force of the collision. It wasn’t a groan, now, but a growl, deep and throaty and wanting. His fangs pierced your lips, the taste of metal and rust spilling over your tongue as—
Finally, he tore himself away from you, baring his teeth at Jesse where she stood in the lab’s doorway. She didn’t flinch, only crossing her arms over her chest and meeting his aggression with a deadpan stare. “There’s a situation on Earth-241.”
Blunt, snipped, pointed. Miguel’s response was no better. “Why didn’t you have Lyla alert me?”
“She couldn’t. Apparently, she’s been ordered not to bother you when you’re with (Y/n).” Her attention drifted to you, panting and bleeding and still pinned underneath Miguel. Jesse stiffened, then went on. “You sure this is safe, man?”
“Trust me. I’ve run the simulations, done the math, taken all the necessary precautions. The canon won’t be affected.”
“The canon’s not what I’m worried about.”
She didn’t offer any further explanation, exiting as abruptly as she’d appeared. Miguel waited until she was out of sight, out of earshot before sighing and letting go of your neck. With no strength left to hold yourself up, you sank to the floor, fighting the urge to tremble, to shrink into yourself, to cry until you weren’t choking on the taste of your own blood. Miguel only sighed, running his fingers over the red lines you’d carved into his cheek before typing something into his watch. “I’ll be back in a few hours,” he said, a kaleidoscope of bursting color and blinding light spiraling into existence in front of him. A portal, one you’d see him disappear into a hundred times. A portal that could that you home, if you ever dredged up the courage to throw yourself into it. “Stay out of trouble until I get back.”
Blearily, as if in a daze, you watched from a distance as he stepped out of this dimension and into another, the portal spiraling shut a moment later. When he was gone and the lab had gone dark, you lowered yourself to the ground, curled into yourself, and shut your eyes, willing your heart to stop beating so quickly before it stopped beating altogether.
It was pathetic, but you couldn’t seem to think of anything else to do.
For the first time in as long as you could remember, you couldn’t feel anything at all.
You weren’t numb, because numbness would’ve meant there was still a tether between your mind and your body, a link between spirit and flesh. It didn’t feel like you were floating on air, or consumed by static, because it felt like nothing. The void was all-consuming, swallowing you whole and keeping you suspended in that space of unliving consciousness, awake but inactive, aware but unable to do anything more than lie there, breathe, and wait for it to be over. You felt nothing. You never wanted to feel anything again.
Except, Miguel’s venom wasn’t so merciful as to leave in that void permanently. You could already make out a bruising soreness in the side of your neck, the harsh sting of his nails burrowing into your thigh, the seating heat of his body against yours as he rutted into you like a wild animal, like a man crazed. Your body had been bent in on itself, your knees pressed into your chest and your ankles thrown over his shoulders – anything that might’ve stopped him from thrusting as deeply, as harshly as he wanted to forced and manhandled out of his way. Somewhere in the back of your mind, the words ‘mating press’ resurfaced, but you buried them as quickly as you could. You didn’t want to think about that. You didn’t want to think about anything.
But, you didn’t have a choice. He was talking again – in Spanish, at first, a breathy string of curses you’d picked up during your time with him, then your name, low and drawn out, distorted by low growls until it’d been reduced to a near-incoherent mantra that would only be broken when his breath hitched, catching as his cock twitched and throbbed inside of you. One of his hands fell away from your thigh, landing next to his head and supporting his weight as he brought himself that much closer to you, as his mouth found yours in a clumsy, messy kiss. You could taste your own blood on his tongue, his fangs. You could taste the venom that’d left you so vulnerable to him. It burnt more than it should’ve.
“Mi cielo.” The words were muffled, spoken against your as he fell lower – to your collarbone, struggling to speak between haphazard love-bites to your chest. “My love, my light, my—” A sharp breath, a violent thrust. “I love you. We— We’re going to be happy together, this time.”
It was all you could do to lift your head, to force your lips to move against the weight of his waning paralysis. Your voice was barely audible, cracked and fractured in all the worst ways, but it was clear. Even against the sound of his skin crashing against yours, against the screaming agony of your own violation, it was clear.
“Am… am I ever going home?”
For a moment, Miguel paused, his eyes flickering towards you.
Then, you felt him smile against your skin and, the first time, it didn’t seem quite so pained. “You are,” he muttered, straightening his back. “And you’re never leaving again.”
Then, without hesitation, without mercy, he drove his fangs into your throat. You tried, weakly but desperately, to dislodge him, to claw at his back, to dig your nails into whatever you could reach and tear, but it was futile. His venom was already in your blood, coursing through your veins, rendering you as helpless as you’d always felt, around him. Soon enough, your arms were limp and useless around where they’d been strung around his neck, and you were pulled back into that unmoving, unfeeling, uncaring state. You didn’t try to resist it, this time.
It wasn’t like there had ever been anything you could do to save yourself from Miguel, anyway.
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gangplanksorenji · 6 months
Kinknuary Day 5: Degradation
Pairing: IVE Ahn Yujin x Male Reader
Word Count: 4,681
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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“That looks awful, Yujin.”
“Come on, daddy, you’ll like this!”
Well, the blending of her outfit composes an unorthodox harmony which makes you detest it but the beauty behind what lies within is the most important aspect—Yujin herself can pull off any style, even if it means for you to not like it. Yujin, a glamorous girl, never fails to look close to a goddess at any time possible, even when she’s totally sullied, she’s still the most gorgeous girl you’ve laid your eyes upon.
Even such harsh criticisms about her are meaningless, faulty and full of bullshit—she’s close to perfection yet you can’t really comprehend the beauty of her outfit right now and it’s really bothering you.
“It’s really weird, Yujin—no matter how much I gaslight myself to think your outfit’s good, it’s really not there—” 
“Maybe, but it’s your own opinion! My stylist really approved of this style!”
Sometimes, Yujin’s optimism is off the charts and it’s getting kind of on the verge of craziness, in a good way. Such uplifting energy being emanated by her is contagious and you love it, no wonder why the rest of members feel cheerful whenever she’s there as it’s evident. Not to mention, the days where you almost lost everything, Yujin was there to fuel your happiness and to cheer you up and you’re just grateful to see such a kind soul in Yujin’s heart. 
Well, well, back to where we were…
“Whatever, you still look beautiful, anyways…” You pull her wrists towards you, initiating into a torrid kiss in which she was caught off-guard, yelping and humming as the kiss was making her heart melt.
“Yah—daddy, someone may see us, let’s go in. Don’t want my daddy to get caught by those paparazzis…”
“You’re so sweet, Yujin—I don’t want that to happen to you either.”
With the fear of getting caught by those possible eavesdropping people, you let her into your humble home as the best of all things were just going to start.
“You wanted this all along, huh, Yujin?”
“I’ve planned this all out, daddy, isn’t it obvious?”
Bet it is like that. It wasn’t even a sweat finding it to be too conspicuous as visiting you means three things for Yujin: one, is that she misses you a lot that she couldn’t contain it anymore and wants your affection; two, she wants to talk about something that means a lot to her or, that piqued her interest truly and; three, she’s here for a quick fuck for her daddy.
All options were optimal and understandable and probably, all of the reasons were checked out on why she is here, at your place, with the most ruinable outfit imaginable.
“Yeah, no shit, Yujin—” You pin her down the wall, as you mutter a hot breath that sends down tingles up her spine as an admiration of her faultless beauty and then a faint snarl as you glare at her and continued, “—I bet your slutty pussy won’t even make a day without my cock plunged into it, isn’t it?”
That alone arouses her into oblivion, whining in response as you mark her neck softly, nibbling onto the porcelain skin with aims to let Yujin know where she belongs only, and that’s you. Struggling because of her sudden sensitivity with your touch, she lets out a series of moans in which you love but at the same time, your patience is running out quickly as you will soon be enraged with it.
“Answer me, Yujin—”
“Y-yes, daddy—I’m just s-so horny right now that even with o-our photoshoot earlier, I can’t think of anything besides only you, daddy…”
That thought prints a smile on your face as you were flustered about Yujin clouding her mind with you only, yet, it doesn’t stop there as this was just some obvious foreplay as the test was about to begin pretty soon.
“You’re cute when you’re needy, Yujnnie, but I want to ask you something.”
Yujin’s eyes lit up in anticipation and excitement as your words set the switch of her submissive and needy demeanor—by all means, she’s willing to take and answer whatever question you will utter, no matter what the consequences may be.
“What is it, daddy?”
You sit on the bed, facing up the ceiling and then letting out a sigh as worry paints her face, scared of what may trigger your possible disappointment even though they weren't any cause. “I’m not easily convinced if you really deserve to get fucked silly—you need to earn it first and will you do that for me, Yujin?”
Your stern look forces an immediate answer escaping her lips, willing to do anything that will make your life full of heaven and delight. It is true, you need to test her capabilities first and earn her desired grand prize—hard work pays off in the end, and you’ll let her know that. Spreading your legs for some clarity or rather, a hint of what she’s about to be tackling, she immediately knows what you want her to do as her clever mind never fails to make you smile. Falling down to her knees, lined up in level with your crotch, she makes the most endearing look towards you, her puppy-eyes flattering as she feels excited about what she’s about to do to you.
“Undress me, make it quick.”
“Yes, daddy.”
She is told what she’s told and immediately, she fulfills your command, quickly undressing each piece of your clothing as she starts unbuckling your belt, her fingers shaking a little bit for unknown reasons. You don’t know if it’s because of the nervousness injected right from the start, her lack of experience in which you doubt or something else that you don’t know—you didn’t care about it as she continues what she’s doing with no more interrogation. With her current sluggish pace of stripping your bottom half, you called her out and scolded her a little so that she can up the ante and to not disappoint you. She took this as a hit of a stride, further doing what she’s been told to as the cold air meets your skin, feeling your last bits of defense falling down to the floor, deeming useless. Well, it seemed like she succeeded on her first task as with the last bit of your iron wall protecting the beast within getting removed, you let out a sigh as Yujin was met with your already-erecting member, her eyes in awe and pupils dilating as she admires the beauty of it, inch by inch.
“Daddy’s getting hard, oh god—it’s so perfect.”
“Then do something about it—” You lift Yujin’s chin with your fingers, then glaring at her, voicing an intimate need that should be fulfilled by her and it’s a must. “—don’t you dare disappoint me, Yujin.”
Of course she won’t try to because the consequences are unbearable at her end. With your already erected end, she didn’t faze herself to ask what to do and immediately obliged to pleasure you. She looks in awe with your throbbing cock as she places her finger at the base of it, massaging it slowly and stroking it with fervor. It was sluggish and pleasurable but you didn’t want that, so glared at her as she was confused right after, scared that she may have provoked something that you didn’t want—it’s about time for her to know about that. 
It’s not too long for her to know what you want as she slowly parts her mouth in contact with your mushroom-shaped tip, swirling her tongue around the slit and then parting kisses in admiration of it. She continued with this as you suppress your moans, trying to silence yourself despite the intense pleasure she’s been putting you into. She didn’t up the pace and continued to suck you off with only half of your length in her tight mouth, growing the pleasure as she alternates it between strokes and suctions. You grew impatient with her sluggish endeavors as you slowly formed a tight grip on her head, forcing her down to take your whole length as her nose became buried down your abdomen. It caught her off-guard as constantly gagged on your whole length, tears seeping out of her eyes and then running out her cheek and when you’re satisfied, to let go of your grip as she ejects herself out immediately, gasping for air as her ruined visage is such a sight to treasure.
“W-what the—hah—f-fuck was that, daddy?”
“You’re complaining, Yujin?” You’re in disbelief as she tried to question you and immediately, she knew that wasn’t the right move. She liked your harshness but the shock is inevitable and you didn’t care about that.
“N-no, daddy…”
“Good—you fucking know I like it sloppy, what are you waiting for?” Your commanding tone forces Yujin to do what is asked as she parts her soft, luscious lips onto your tip again and immediately starts to suck you off with renewed fervor and determination, aiming to impress you truly with just her mouth. Inevitably, saliva seeps out of her mouth as your whole length is sheathed with it, with some dripping onto your balls. The pace was ridiculous as her gags were also constant too, bawling her mouth in every thrust she does of her mouth as more tears run down her cheek because of her own masterpiece. It may be a masterpiece for the others, but not for you as she lacks a lot of principles of a great, sloppy blowjob.
“Have you really forgotten what I taught you, Yujin?” Your words didn’t break what she’s best at, unfazed with your remarks as she continues to blow you as fast and as sloppy as she can. “I’m really not having this one, Yujin—again, you don’t want me to be disappointed.” She ups her pace, regardless on how much she gawks and gags as she does the best that she can, blowing you like no one truly could as her face gets sullied, her hair disheveled and her saliva creating an awful mess on her beautiful face and onto the vicinity of your raging length.
“Do I need to repeat myself? You're a pathetic slut—do I need to teach you something again? I might get to call Wonyoung to teach you about the basics, no?”
Having enough of your degrading antics, she pulls herself out of your length, catching a breath and asking a point to you. “Daddy, what do I e-even need to—gluck—mmfh!”
“Even forgot to fondle my balls and stare at my eyes—you’re better than this, Yujin, come on now…”
With such elements being unattended, worry expresses her face as she seemed to forget such simple things on a spectacular blowjob as with no time to waste, her dainty hands averted your attention towards you sensitive balls, rather than gripping your thighs harshly as a leverage to the pace she ensued with. It alternates and it’s better—those orbs shining with lust everytime she thrusts her mouth onto your cock is such the cherry on top as eventually, she maintains eye contact with you despite the current struggles she’s experiencing. It was better than what she'd done earlier and you’re satisfied with it but you mask your satisfaction with a stern look, prompting Yujin to up the challenge more. With an incredible task she’s been doing, you can’t help but let out faint moans and expectedly, the familiar knot in your loins, signaling your near release. Yujin noticed this, as the persistent throbs of your cock onto her mouth makes it evident and took this as an opportunity to milk such a healthy load from you. You knew this, she wants from you as you stop her advances, not wanting to paint her throat with her load as you have more plans with her and the both of you were just starting.
“You fucking greedy slut—trying to milk a damn load, huh?” You let her go as she immediately pulls out of your succulent meat, gasping for air as she frowned in disbelief, wanting your load to be tasted by hers as she didn’t approve of your commands but there’s nothing she can do with it as you have the higher authority, the omnipotent one.
“I c-can’t help it—I want i-it so b-bad, daddy—”
“You won’t have it because girls like you don’t really deserve it up in their throat…” You rose up from your relaxed position, approaching her as you stared at her eyes with such suspenseful intent. “They deserved it inside this tight, little cunt, do you understand?”
Yujin nods frantically with her eyes uneasy, fear emanating down every emotional chemical running up her body as she doesn’t know what to feel after her oral service. Nonetheless, she did a nice job but you want to let her know something that may snap her back to reality.
“B-but did I do good, daddy?”
You sigh, facing her, then looking back at her muttering, “I’m such a hypocrite if I lie yet there will be room for improvements, Yujin.” You sat back down to the bed, shooting up a stern look on your face as you commanded her to strip. It wouldn’t fall deaf onto her ears as she slowly get to work, undressing that stupid jacket off as the long-sleeve followed right after, the hypnotic sense of the show making the atmosphere even hotter as every clothing that gets off is a wondrous sight, and it’s much better because of that dreadful outfit becoming useless and stripped away. She seduces you like a vixen, her eyes constantly attracting you and her smirks letting you know how much she’s enjoying this. You’re just on that emotionless and serious demeanor, unfazed with her unparalleled hotness as with the last bits of clothing getting removed, you can’t help but be aroused with the sight of a god-like body. You weren’t  immobilized either, as you stripped off the rest of your clothing while eyeing and admiring her scrumptious figure.
“You liked this, daddy?”
“Of course—who can possibly detest and reject such a five-course meal in front of them, hm?”
She doesn’t need any questions about that, because every inch of her is perfection at its finest and meal to be savored and devoured whenever possible. You’ll never get tired of the taste of her sweet nectar and the delicious skin as every inch of her should be praised yet this is not where you should bless her with praises—you’re here to test her and conclude on your judgment.
“Thank god you got rid of that awful outfit. It’s mildly concerning how bad it is.”
“Yah, daddy—it wasn’t even that bad!”
“Shut your mouth, Yujin! You don’t get to talk back until I say so, do you understand?” 
Surprisingly, she obeyed your command, nodding slowly as she didn't talk back further, her eyebrows furrowed right after, full of fear and anticipation.
“Now turn around and bend over the bed, hand behind your back and with your foot still stepping on the floor, alright?”
Another nod ensues as she immediately bent her figure over the bed, her ass high up in the air. You take some moment to admire her backside, her thick thighs and it’s plump, spankable butt that’s all offered just for you. The black thong she’s currently wearing was such an arousing sight that it got your cock twitching constantly. You then gave her ass a harsh spank that reverberated around the room, the jiggle after the slap becoming the cherry on top as it hypnotized you but nonetheless, you didn’t give in and fought the urge. Yujin always moans heavenly and blesses your ears in each spank you do as it fuels you to tease her even more and you absolutely love it.
“You’re kinky, huh? Imagine doing a photoshoot having a buttplug up in your ass—you’re really a desperate slut, Yujin.”
“I can’t help it, da—”
You spank her hard again, in distraught as she breaks the golden rule and immediately, she let out a cry from the harshness of your actions.
“What did I fucking say? You don’t get to talk until I say so, right?” You retorted towards Yujin, gritting your teeth with a hint of anger being felt as you were getting disappointed with her disobedient remarks.
“Y-yes, daddy—I’m sorry—”
“No need to be sorry, Yujin—” You spank her as she let out another cry, feeling the intense sensitivity coursing down her veins as you hitch a breath onto her ear and whispered, “—you get to talk with this pussy. Take me well and you’ll be rewarded, do you understand?”
She frantically nods again as her thighs quiver in sensitivity, feeling the utmost pleasure as she’s now in a very defenseless state, prone with your attacks as she can’t do anything but enjoy with your masterclass. You smile with the fact that Yujin is powerless against what you could do to her, feeling the utmost delight inside but you still emanate an intimidating demeanor, scaring her still. With your still fully-erected member, you tease your tip onto her labia, making her moan constantly as sweat now forms down her back, feeling the hot air permeating all over her porcelain skin. 
“Imagine moaning this much with even just the tip teasing you—you’re such a desperate one—a pathetic slut, Yujin, that’s what you are…”
“I a-am a pathetic slut, daddy—ahh, fuck!”
Another harsh spank was drawn with your hands as the reddish sting is imprinted onto her butt, letting her know that the way she contravened you again was not the play. You chuckled upon the helpless predicament she’s in, feeling the utmost authority as you draw your finger up to her dripping core up to her puckered hole, teasing her repeatedly as she moans in pleasure driven by your dexterity.
“One more and you’ll see, Yujin—you’re such a worthless fucktoy for me to use, don’t you? You even struggled to take me in your mouth, what more into this tight, little cunt?” She lets out ragged breaths once you insert a finger up in her pussy, deeming it as her kryptonite as she almost fell down to her knees due to the intense pleasure and sensitivity she’s experiencing. 
“See? Even with just my fingers, you look like a helpless, little slut that lives only for my cock—I bet you won’t even last long with my cock buried balls-deep inside your pussy—hah…”
You continue pleasuring her with your fingers as she didn’t even care to suppress her moans, giving it absolutely everything to arouse you further. You then continue the pace of your fingers as you tip teases her puckered hole, letting out a series of cries from her on par with her angelic moans and the whispered into her ear, “Do you want daddy to fuck you real silly, hm?”
Yujin took seconds to respond, as the intense serotonin she’s experiencing was too much to handle as she nodded instantly and pleaded, “P-please, daddy—I need y-your cock—gahh—i-in my slutty pussy. Fill me u-up and show y-your slut who she be—ahh—longs too…”
You plant another grin as she’s right, you’ll absolutely oblige to that even though she knows where she only belongs to. With a couple more flicks of your fingers inside her pussy, you became contented on what you’re about to do to her as you let her have her desired prize—not really a prize, but rather proving something to her as she let out a muffled scream (it was subtly silenced thanks to your hands) from the warmness of your cock plunging right into her tight heat. Whenever she moans, it really gets you to up the pace immediately as it’s like a curse to lure into your deepest, carnal desires but you fight it, wanting to savor the tightness of her walls and to prove a point to her.
“Look at you, Yujin—look at how pathetic you look right now. My cock is barely even in and you’re this sensitive and weak? I knew better, Yujin—now take it whole, you slut.”
You immediately bury your entire length inside her tight walls as you feel it clench, the both of you then exchanging moans with Yujin letting out the most broken and sensual ones. You could feel her wetness enveloping your member, almost suffocating it as she’s incredibly tight—she was always tight and you love it truly and you’re so thankfully that only you will get to feel her, nobody else. With a newly profound arousal, you noticed how much Yujin is getting turned on with your degradations towards her as you noted it, wanting to show more of what you bring to the table. You then start to thrust with such a moderate pace as you harshly grip the side of her hips, hard enough to leave print but not bruises—maybe it can because of how you're holding it for dear life.
Of course, such spanking didn’t get forgotten here as every thrust or two you do, a harsh spank comes right after, resulting in a silent cry escaping her lips, voicing out her pleasure. With all of the perfection your eyes lay upon, such faulty inevitabilities are on the path, and you’re ready to voice it out.
“God, if you didn’t cut you hair short, I could have gone and pulled your hair while fucking you from behind.”
Yujin answers back, her voice still trembling from your pace and the pleasure running through her, “I w-wanted this, daddy—I thought y-you—gahh—would li-like me experimenting o-on things?”
“Yeah, I know but it’s alright, at least I get to spank you real good.”
You spank her again while maintaining a newly profound ruthless pace, now her bubble butt becoming imprinted with red marks because of your harshness and you smile just with the sight of it. With now your cock constantly ramming her pussy like it’s your last, her moans orchestrate music in your ears as screams come right after. You noticed how much your raging length makes her enervated as you can her legs partly giving out from the repeated onslaught of harsh thrusts in aims for your pleasure and not her—but still, she’s taking advantage of this as even thought you didn’t mind giving her the utmost pleasure, it’s inevitable considering how she’s having a good time and the constant clenching of her wet walls around your cock. It wasn’t anything new and still, it’s arousing as fuck—Yujin saccharine yet deep voice when moaning is such a blessing and disguise, and it’s hypocritical if you say that it doesn’t put gasoline onto the flames of peak arousal (of course you won’t because it’s always an eargasm hearing her soft, deep moans of need).
Such cruelty is ensued with your hips, and Yujin replies with such profanities escaping her mouth, voicing her satisfaction and the pleasure that she’s cherishing—and not so long after, she’s about to be gifted with such a blessing only her daddy can give, no one else can. Within your rapid thrusts and the harsh grips and spanks you’re giving her, you noticed something that was bound to happen, smirking in delight at the fact that it signals the fact that she’s loving your rough treatment despite the possible struggle she’s up into.
“What’s this, Yujin—already cumming onto my cock? Do you even deserve to do that when you could barely take me like a good girl?”
It is true—your whole length stretches her out so well that she couldn’t comprehend to think about taking you in like a champ but rather, fully give in and voice her satisfaction like she’s losing her sanity.
“I’m s-sorry—gahh—daddy—ofh fuck, y-you’re just too b-big—gah!”
She’s not sorry for that but rather didn’t mind it as you continue fucking her senseless. Yujin inevitably spreads her slowly in order for you to fuck her deeper and greater as it’s rewarding, fiding such intense pleasure and new depths that makes her cry in such intense pleasure, unable to take everything as it’s too much on what she wanted but loved this right away. Within your intense pace, you can’t just become a robotic entity programmed to just fuck her until she gives out, so you grabbed onto her small, perky mounds and kissed her nape while doing it, further letting her know the affection you’re giving to her as she moans in response, feeling too grateful to your enamored actions. You pinch the taut bud and massage those pillowy mounds as the heavenly tightness of her pussy sends you into overdrive—becoming too overstimulated as the pleasure you’re experiencing is now off the roof as it’s the same with her, the juices of her cunt forming a rivulet dripping down to your balls and onto the floor is a sign that the both of you are just too lost on the pleasure. Kissing her neck repeatedly and sucking onto the porcelain skin, you know you weren’t far off to reach your peak as you continue fuck her mercilessly, chasing your orgasm.
Such profanities and lust are now the paramount feeling coursing to your veins, so you voice your near-ending and your approaching euphoric disposition as you whisper on her ear, “I’m going to fucking cum inside you, Yujin and you better take it like a good girl, you pathetic slut!”
Now giving her pussy the last thrusts in concern for you pleasure, you flood her ears with moans as she took advantage of your pace and came again onto your cock, streams and streams of her nectar streaming down her thighs, your balls, onto the bed sheets and some onto the floor, staining it. You didn’t mind the sneaky orgasm she was in as you licked down the sweat that profusely formed onto her back, tasting the salty skin and for further arousal to chase your long-awaited orgasm.
Within your last rams, you groan as the pleasure coursed down you’re veins and the inevitable snaps, burying your whole length and filling Yujin up to the hilt as you shoot thick shots of semen deep inside her, painting her walls white as she lets out series of lustful moans because of the euphoric state that she’s in. You continue thrusting into her, further fucking your seed inside her and riding out your orgasm and once it subsided, you slowly pulled out to her, admiring the mess you’ve make inside her with some of it dripping out of her heated core, running down her thighs. You caressed her butt as you admired the sullied sight of Yujin, full of delight and satisfaction as you finally gave her what she wanted but to come up and conclude your judgment, you wanted to make one more thing as a final remark.
“Get up, go on your knees and clean up my cock, Yujin.”
Even with her wobbly legs almost giving out, she didn’t hesitate to oblige, further servicing you with another oral assault as a conclusion on this steamy session. She plants her soft, luscious lips onto your lips and sucked the remnants of your seed and her nectar, cleaning up the mess the both of you made. She hummed in satisfaction as she finally tasted hints of your semen after being deprived for a month without it. After series of licks and swirls of her tongue onto your throbbing length, you let series of weak moans due to your sensitivity as she’s now done with her concluding masterpiece—your cock crystal-clear clean as you help her to get up, and then muttering up a proposition that she won’t deny.
“Want to clean up, Yujin?”
“B-but I want you up in my a-ass, daddy—want to g-get all my holes filled…”
You glared at Yujin, and then let out a chuckle from her needs, “Come on, you can’t even take me that good up your tight cunt, moreso on your ass? Don’t worry though—” You planted a kiss on her lips as you reassure her, “We’re just getting started, there’s more to do later so you better be prepared…”
And god, this will be one hell of another night, again…
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sixosix · 10 months
roommate!lyney annoying you, fluff, kissing, profanity lol!!! feminine french pet name used once (1), implied secret relationship. written in like 30 mins not proofread
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“lyney, who the fuck ate my takeout?!”
that’s a stupid question; there’s only the two of you in this dorm room. exasperated, you throw yourself back on the couch, grieving your lost takeout that is most likely sitting in your boyfriend's stomach. lyney pops out of his bedroom with a cute smile and guilt hidden in closed eyes. he walks to you in slow steps, hands hidden behind his back.
you watch him with narrowed, suspicious eyes.
“ma chérie,” lyney purrs, and you hope there’s enough venom in your glare to take him down, “do you want a magic trick?”
you stare blankly. you do not want a magic trick.
lyney makes an undignified noise, flopping himself on top of you and the one-seat couch; you barely manage to get your laptop out of the way before he crushes it. “come on, entertain me. you have been giving your laptop more attention. do you want a magic trick or not?”
“if it’s about my food, i’m about to make you disappear.”
lyney fans his face as he turns, whistling. “you’ve done it again. you’re so charming when you glare so heatedly at me like that,” he coos, pressing his nose on your cheek and smiling against your skin.
you groan, pushing his face with your palm. “are you a freak?”
“if calling me that is what it takes for you to realize i just want you to look at me,” he agrees solemnly, muffled by you smothering his lips.
“i know i’m your roommate and everything, but you have a twin. do you have to bother me? aren’t you all for ‘family is everything’ and all that? how will they react if they see their lyney clinging onto his roommate like a lovesick parasite?”
“lynette doesn’t even like talking. and i like looking at you,” lyney says, nearing a whine. he persists in slotting himself between the couch armrest and your body, arms wrapped around your waist. it doesn’t budge when you tug on it.
“you can look at me without bothering me.”
lyney blinks owlishly. “oh?”
“entertain yourself,” you snarl, shifting so your back faces him. he buries his nose on the back of your neck, humming thoughtfully.
he then he kisses where your skin is bare, sighing softly. “i’m sorry. i wanted to take you out tonight.”
“dumbass,” you say, adding more to your essay with hostility in your fingers. “how are we going to enjoy dinner if you’re already full?”
“i can enjoy dinner if i see you enjoy dinner.” he sounds so serious about it, too. “hey, look at me for a sec. there’s something on your face.”
instinctively, you turn your head, startled when lyney takes it as an opportunity to kiss the side of your lips. “hey—” he interrupts you with a kiss on the other side. “lyney, you—” and then he seals the deal by kissing you properly.
it’s a little uncomfortable with the angle, but that’s far in the back of your mind with the press of his lips and the warmth he’s emanating. lyney’s a personified heater; it does help that he loves touching you in any way he can whenever you get too cold.
you have to pull away yourself, gasping deep breaths. lyney looks extremely pleased with himself. “you eat my takeout and try to distract me from my essay—do you want me to request a new roommate?”
but as you return to your laptop, you realize it’s gone. the pillow you’ve used to place it on top of is notably empty. you check the corners and peer at what you can with lyney’s arms caging you, but it’s not anywhere either.
“what? where the hell did you put it?”
“let me treat you dinner, and maybe i’ll tell you after our date,” lyney sing-songs, expertly swerving from your attack with a bright laugh.  “come on, up you go.”
lyney doesn’t stop until he gets what he wants; it’s the wisest decision to give in as soon as possible anyway.
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a/n hello guys this is like a practice round bc i have a longfic for lyney in the works !!!!!!!! but this is kinda lame so idk HELPP
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roses-r-rosie3 · 6 months
X-Mas list presentation
Batfam x M!Reader
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Summary: instead of making a regular Christmas wishlist, the reader decides to make a whole presentation
Quote: “That is all Family! So open up your hearts and your wallets for me this holiday season”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Why are you here?” Duke asked Jason.
“Same reason why you’re here, y/n wanted us to all meet up in the living room for some announcement” Jason sighed.
After everyone was in the room, you pulled out your computer and connected it to the Tv, which made everyone confused.
“Hello family, I know you must be wondering why you’re all here” you said.
“Can I go back to my game now?”
“Last year you guys totally fucked up Christmas, so this year I put together an entire presentation to tell you guys what I want specifically” you smiled.
Everyone in the room let out an audible sigh/groan. It was known by everyone in the family that you were very dramatic from time to time (24/7). But they never thought you would get this extra!
“Is that really what you called us here for?” Damian grumbled.
“Would you shut up for a second?” You snapped.
“Y/n I don’t think that’s how you should be talking to your little bro-”
“Anyways, Here’s the things you should keep in mind when you’re thinking about what kind of gift you will provide for me this year” you said as you interrupted Bruce from his lecture.
“First of all, I’m the only one who knows how to reset the Wi-Fi, and yeah that’s threat” you threatened.
That certainly got everyone’s attention.
“Secondly, if you don’t get me what I want I will get a sugar daddy, I don’t even care what you guys are going to say, I’ve had so many offers for sugar daddies that it’s unreal. The perks of being son of Bruce Wayne I guess” you said.
“Y/n, you do know that Bruce is rich right?” Jason asked.
“Not the point” you mumbled.
“And third if I don’t get what I want, I will also sell my feet pics online like I did last year” you said calmly.
“YOU WHAT?!” Bruce shouted
“Calm down, I only ended up making about 1 million from it” you sighed.
“ONLY?!” Dick gasped.
“I created a three tier system of different gifting levels, basically, the levels equivocate to how much you love me and how much money you have” you explained.
“Level one is the ‘I’m going to need therapy level’ which is only four to seven gifts. I would probably go into a depressive spiral, actually not probably, I definitely would be depressed” you said.
“Would you stop being so overdramati-”
“I’M NOT DONE YET” you said as you interrupted Tim.
“What would that mean for us? You may ask. It would mean that you would have to pay for my therapy. And the money that you guys spent on therapy would have been basically wasted, you could’ve bought me a whole bunch of gifts right now and avoided the situation” you smiled.
“I think that he’s lost his mind” Bruce whispered to Stephanie.
“You think?!” Stephanie whisper yelled.
“Level two is the ‘You’re getting warmer package’ This basically if you love me- Bruce can you stop whispering to Stephanie” you scolded.
“As I was saying… Level two is eight to fifteen gifts, which is basically equivalent to you texting me happy birthday” you continued.
“Level three is the ‘You’re sleighing it’ level. And if you remember, you guys were just a bit off the mark of hitting this because you guys only got me twenty three gifts. And in order to reach ‘You’re slaying it’ you have to get me twenty five or more gifts, I think this is totally do-able for you guys, especially because you can just use Bruce’s card if you guys are running low on money” you said.
“I have tons ideas for you guys and this whole slideshow is already in your email so you guys can look at it and reference it at any time” you smiled.
Everyone quickly checked their phones to see that you indeed emailed them your whole presentation.
“That is all Family! So open up your hearts and your wallets for me this holiday season” you smiled before leaving the room.
“Yeah he had definitely lost his mind” They all said in synchronization.
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