#but anakin just can’t figure it out that he very much is in love
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tennessoui · 1 year ago
i ALSO finished chapter 2 of a more perfect union so I’m on a roll today 🎉🥹
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david-talks-sw · 7 months ago
Debunking myths in the GFFA: Luke Skywalker isn't the One True Jedi™ and doesn't "reject the Jedi teachings."
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The myth:
Luke's Jedi mentors - trained to be dispassionate and mission-driven - callously tell him to let his friends die in service of a greater cause.
"In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke becomes Yoda's Padawan, and there are echoes of Anakin's training and the dilemmas he faced. Like Anakin, Luke is told he is too old to begin the training. Like Anakin, he has a vision of his loved ones suffering in captivity, and receives cold advice from Yoda, who tells him to sacrifice Han and Leia if he honors what they fight for." - Jason Fry, “Family Tradition; Rejecting the Jedi Teachings” Star Wars Insider #130, 2012
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The intended narrative:
The Jedi are actually right on all points. Luke isn't ready or fully trained and he's arrogantly letting his emotions rule him and rushing into danger. By ignoring them, Luke gets himself into a spot of trouble that actually jeopardizes the lives of the very friends he tried to help, as they now need to rescue him.
“It’s pivotal that Luke doesn’t have patience. He doesn’t want to finish his training. He’s being succumbed by his emotional feelings for his friends rather than the practical feelings of “I’ve got to get this job done before I can actually save them. I can’t save them, really.” But he sort of takes the easy route, the arrogant route, the emotional but least practical route, which is to say, “I’m just going to go off and do this without thinking too much.” And the result is that he fails and doesn’t do well for Han Solo or himself.”
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“Luke is making a critical mistake in his life of going after- to try to save his friends when he’s not ready. There’s a lot being taught here about patience and about waiting for the right moment to do whatever you’re going to do.”
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“Luke is in the process of going into an extremely dangerous situation out of his compassion— Without the proper training, without the proper thought, without the proper foresight to figure out how he’s gonna get out of it. His impulses are right, but his methodology is wrong.”
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The myth:
The Jedi want Luke to repress his feelings and kill his father, to destroy the Sith, their religious enemies. As emotionally-detached Jedi, it is inconceivable that a Sith would come back from the Dark Side, and thus wrongly believe that the only solution is to kill Vader.
"It's easy to miss that Luke disagrees sharply with his Jedi teachers about what to do. Obi-Wan and Yoda have trained Luke and push him toward a second confrontation with Vader. He is, they believe, the Jedi weapon that will destroy both Vader and the Emperor. When Luke insists there is still good in Vader, Obi-Wan retorts that "he's more machine than man-twisted and evil." When Luke says he can't kill his own father, Obi-Wan despairs, "Then the Emperor has already won."  But Obi-Wan could not be more wrong. It is precisely because Luke can't kill his own father that he defeats the Sith." - Jason Fry, Star Wars Insider #130, 2012
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The intended narrative:
The Jedi never tell Luke to "kill" his father. That's just a fact.
They tell him to "confront" and "face" him.
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Their bottom line is that Vader and the Emperor need to be stopped.
If Luke can manage to do so without killing his father, that's great.
"In Jedi the film is really about the redemption of this fallen angel. Ben is the fitting good angel, and Vader is the bad angel who started off good. All these years Ben has been waiting for Luke to come of age so that he can become a Jedi and redeem his father. That's what Ben has been doing, but you don't know this in the first film." - Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays, 1998
(credit to @writerbuddha for finding the above quote)
The problem is: Darth Vader has a track record of murdering loved ones who refuse to kill him. Be it his wife...
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... his father/brother...
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... and if you're going by Canon, his little sister.
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As such, there's a very strong chance that Vader might do the same to his son as well.
“A Jedi can’t kill for the sake of killing. The mission isn’t for Luke to go out and kill his father and get rid of him. The issue is, if he confronts his father again, he may, in defending himself, have to kill him, because his father will try to kill him.” - 1981 story conference, from The Making of Return of the Jedi
Now, as the last Jedi left, the fate of the galaxy rests entirely on Luke's shoulders.
If he dies, then the galaxy and its billions of inhabitants are doomed to live in a tyrannical dictatorship forever.
“He knows a confrontation is brewing between Luke and his father. Ben hopes Luke will either save his father or kill him, because whatever extra powers Luke's got in his lineage, he is the one person that can probably fight his father and win.” - The Star Wars Archives: 1977-1983, 2018
There's a time for talking things through... and a time to do your duty. Above all else, a Jedi's duty is to end conflict.
Obi-Wan was once tasked with this same duty.
And while he managed to weaken Vader considerably (thus avoiding the catastrophe of a full-powered Vader being unleashed onto the galaxy)... because of his attachment, he failed to kill Vader.
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Twice, if you include the Kenobi show.
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(A show which, per Pablo Hidalgo, is one of George Lucas' favorite recent Star Wars projects, a tidbit that doesn't surprise me one bit considering how much the series perfectly aligns with what Lucas said about Star Wars (see here, here and here))
Point being: because Ben failed his duty, the galaxy suffered for it.
Luke is now in danger of doing the same.
If he's unable to end the conflict in a peaceful way, then Luke needs to be ready to do so in a more permanent manner. Because while Luke has qualms about killing his father, there's a very big chance that the feeling won't be mutual.
So Luke isn't rejecting his teachers' orders to kill Vader. He's saying he's unable to confront Vader altogether, because he'll be half-assing the task. In the (very likely) worst case scenario where reasoning with Vader fails, Luke is concerned he won't be able to follow-through and do what he must.
Further, there's also a worse outcome to Luke dying: Luke joining the Dark Side and becoming yet another asset of the Emperor, more dangerous than Vader himself.
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It's thus essential that Luke steel himself and mask his emotions, because the Emperor is a master manipulator who'll likely attempt to corrupt Luke via the strong emotions he has for his friends.
Obi-Wan is not telling Luke to repress his emotions. On the contrary, he acknowledges that these feelings do Luke credit. But the fact remains that when your opponent can jiu-jitsu those feelings against you and your friends, you need to keep a poker face.
And judging by how close the Sith Lords come to seducing Luke to the Dark Side...
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... that advice is completely on point.
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The myth:
"It isn't Jedi teachings that save the galaxy, but bonds the Jedi tried to forbid - such as the love of a father for his son, and a son for his father. Emotional attachments, in other words." - Jason Fry, Star Wars Insider #130, 2012
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The intended narrative:
In Return of the Jedi, Luke isn't doing anything different than what other Jedi have done.
He does his best to avoid lethal force unless he deems that it is necessary (see his fight against Jabba's hostile forces).
He sacrifices himself for the greater good and let himself be captured, in order to allow the mission to be carried out.
He tries to reason with his enemy, hoping to avoid conflict.
He spares his enemy, showing mercy.
That's all standard Jedi stuff. We've seen other Jedi do all those things, both in the films and The Clone Wars.
If that isn't enough, just look at how Lucas describes what Jedi normally do (left), versus what Luke does in Return of the Jedi (right):
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See what I mean? There’s pretty much no difference.
In Lucas' narrative, Luke isn’t “better than” or “rejecting the teachings” of the Jedi who came before him. He’s following the Jedi path. And he's really good at doing so.
Because this idea that Luke "rejects the teachings" makes no sense! They're Lucas' teachings. He agrees with the Jedi, they're the mouthpieces he uses to deliver the audience his own values.
Lucas having his main character do something he'd ideologically disagree with is something that doesn't make sense.
And part of this confusion comes from a misunderstanding of the word "attachment", in Star Wars.
It doesn't mean "emotional attachments" or "feelings" or "affection." It comes from the Buddhist principle of non-attachment.
It's not about depriving yourself of relationships or affection, it's about accepting that everything comes and goes and letting go of those very things you hold on to, when the time comes.
Lucas makes a distinction in his discourse between attachment and compassion.
"The whole idea of the movie, ultimately is that you have the Light Side and the Dark Side. The Light Side is compassion, which means you care about other people. The Dark Side is you care only about yourself. And you are obsessed with yourself. Getting your pleasure and getting all your stuff. The other one, you give it to everybody. You give goodness and health to everybody else.  So the issue of love... there’s a line between loving somebody compassionately and caring about them and helping them. But the other line is not to be greedy or... once you are greedy then you get fearful. You don’t want to lose what it is you have that you are getting. So you have to learn to give up everything. And ultimately for a Jedi Knight, it’s very easy to give up." - Celebration V, Main Event, 2010
In-universe, this is something Anakin knew the theory of, but never really applied all that much.
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Luke on the other hand, was able to learn the lesson and apply it.
Speaking in Lucas lingo, it's not Luke's attachment that makes him spare Vader. It's his compassion. And in turn, that compassion inspires Vader to do the same.
"It really has to do with learning. Children teach you compassion. They teach you to love unconditionally. Anakin can’t be redeemed for all the pain and suffering he’s caused. He doesn’t right the wrongs, but he stops the horror. The end of the Saga is simply Anakin saying, ‘I care about this person, regardless of what it means to me. I will throw away everything that I have, everything that I have grown to love - primarily the Emperor - and throw away my life, to save this person. And I’m doing this because he has faith in me, loves me despite all the horrible things I’ve done. I broke his mother’s heart, but he still cares about me, and I can’t let that die.’" - The Making of Revenge of The Sith; page 221
Or, to put things more simply:
Attachment (selfish love), is what makes Anakin do this:
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Compassion (selfless love), is what makes Luke do this:
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Now, could Lucas have made his narrative more explicit, to avoid confusion? Maybe.
But I think it's also fair to point the finger at the biggest cause of these muddied waters:
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Simply put, the Expanded Universe (the Star Wars books, novels and games that spun out of the films) established new lore elements that didn't necessarily align with Lucas' vision of things. Namely:
Jedi can get married, and Luke marries Mara Jade.
Jedi can begin their training as adults, and Luke takes on many apprentices that are already adults.
When considering George's minimal involvement in the development of EU stories, it's easy to see why these plot points were allowed to come through.
But when he made the Prequels, his headcanons came to light and the above plot points needed to be retconned.
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George Lucas' narrative:
"Nope. You can't be a Jedi and be married."
This isn't actually coming out of left field.
When Timothy Zahn asked for Luke and Mara to be married or engaged, back in 1993, Lucasfilm initially vetoed the idea.
And over the years, Lucas and other Lucasfilm employees have made it it clear that "Luke getting married" did not align with his vision (so much so that it's a plot point in Attack of the Clones).
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So the question becomes: why can't Jedi get married?
It's about commitment.
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Simply put: you can't have two marriages. Eventually, your commitment to one of them will falter and you'll ruin them both. A Jedi is already married to the cause and to the Order.
If they want to get married, they have to leave the Jedi.
"One of the things [the Jedi] give up is marriage. They can still love people. But they can’t possess them. They can’t own them. They can’t demand that they do things. They have to be able to accept the fact, one, their mortality, that they are going to die. And not worry about it. That the loved ones they have, everything they love is going to die and they can’t do anything about it. I mean they can protect them as you would ordinarily protect, you know, ‘Get out of the way of that car.’ Somebody charges you with a gun, you knock the gun out, but there is an inevitability to life which is death and you have to accept that." - Celebration V, Main Event, 2010
And this is another example, really, of how Lucas' own values and past experiences shape the Jedi's teachings.
Marcia Lucas divorced George because he was constantly working on Star Wars, even when he wasn't directing it, which she said led to an emotional blockage in their marriage...
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... and this leads us to the reason why George didn't double-down on the success of the Original Trilogy: he decided to take time off to raise his three kids as a single Dad.
He learned his lesson, reasoned that he wouldn't be able to be both a good, present father and a successful blockbuster film director.
When you're dealing with time-consuming commitments of this scale, you need to make a choice, or you'll end up (half-assing and thus ruining) both of them.
"Nope. Jedi get taken in as babies for a reason."
Once again, this has to do with Lucas' definition of "attachment."
"Jedi Knights get taken from their families very young. They do not grow attachments, because attachment is a path to the Dark Side. You can love people, but you can't want to possess them. They're not yours. Accept that they have a fate. Even those you love most are going to die. You can't do anything about that. Protect them with your lightsaber, but if they die they were going to die. There's nothing you can do. All you can do is accept that fact. In mythology, if you go to Hades to get them back, you're not doing it for them, you're doing it for yourself. You're doing it because you don't want to give them up. You're afraid to be without them. The key to the Dark Side is fear. You must be clean of fear, and fear of loss is the greatest fear. If you're set up for fear of loss, you will do anything to keep that loss from happening, and you're going to end up in the Dark Side. That's the basic premise of Star Wars and the Jedi, and how it works. That's why they're taken at a young age to be trained. They cannot get themselves killed trying to save their best buddy when it's a hopeless exercise." - The Star Wars Archives: 1977-1983, 2018
Jedi need to maintain objectivity and neutrality, in their day-to-day lives of mediating peace between planets.
And learning to "let go of your attachments when the time comes" is part of that training. But it is something that takes discipline and time, and thus the child needs to be young enough to develop this skill. Otherwise, they end up like Anakin, who always struggled to properly learn it and eventually was doomed by his greed.
This being part of Lucas narrative is also evidenced that in his earlier plans for the Sequel trilogy, he'd have Luke train children, not adults like he does in the EU.
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"Luke is trying to restart the Jedi. He puts the word out, so out of 100,000 Jedi, maybe 50 or 100 are left. The Jedi have to grow again from scratch, so Luke has to find two- and three-year-olds, and train them. It’ll be 20 years before you have a new generation of Jedi." The Star Wars Archives: 1999-2005, 2020
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The EU's retcons of Lucas' narrative:
Now, obviously, the addition of all these rules and other elements such as midi-chlorians... it does something to the older audience. They grew up on the Original Trilogy, dreaming they could be a Jedi too if they just believed enough. Now that bubble is burst.
"Wait, if I'm a Jedi I can't get married?! And I need to be taken in as a toddler, with a certain kind of blood score?! That's bullshit!"
More importantly... it goes against about a decade's worth of established EU lore (which Lucas never factored into his storytelling)!
So what does Lucasfilm Licensing do? They go with it.
They take these "weird" rules the older audience and authors don't like, and retcon a new narrative around them to ensure both the books and the new films all stay canon within the EU own continuity.
George Lucas revealed new information about his universe in Episode II that ran counter to earlier stories of the Expanded Universe. Among the surprises: the Jedi Order is monastic, with love and marriage forbidden to its members. This would necessitate reforms to the Jedi Code over time to separate the ancient era when Nomi Sunrider was married to a Jedi, seen in the Tales of the Jedi (1993–94) comics, as well as the post-Empire era when Luke Skywalker married Mara Jade in the comic series Union (1999–2000). LucasBooks also needed to create plausible exceptions for Ki-Adi-Mundi, a Jedi Master who had multiple wives in the Prelude to Rebellion comics (1999). - Pablo Hidalgo, The Essential Reader’s Companion, 2012
When it comes to Luke specifically, the narrative becomes:
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"Uh... y-yes. The old Jedi Order forbid marriage, only took in toddlers and had a blood pre-requisite... which was weird, wrong, too detached, too systemic, and part of why their Order failed! But, uh, Luke's New Jedi Order allows marriage, unlike his dogmatic predecessors, because anyone can be a Jedi guys!" Hahaha! (fuck's sake George)
But as already explained above: those new rules aren't meant to be perceived negatively. It would make no sense if they were, they're based on Lucas' own values.
You know what it does do, though?
It cements the narrative that Luke is the One True Jedi™, who rejected the dogmatic teachings to forge a new path forward.
That's not the intended narrative of the Original Trilogy, nor the six-film saga as a whole.
If you've made it this far in the post (congratulations) and are interested to read another all-encompassing post about that, you can check out the link below :)
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kitcat22 · 8 months ago
Okay, okay so I’m thinking of an au mashup in which Obi Wan gets de-aged in the middle of the clone wars, except Obi Wan is now at the age when his prophetic visions and slightly offputting nature were at they’re height.
I tend to follow the belief, in Seer!Obi wan fics, that Yoda took one look at the 8 year old Obi Wan who keeps telling him increasingly creepy little snippets of his future and the looked at Sifo-Dyas rocking back and forth in the corner doodling the same face over and over, with slight variations, muttering insanities as Dooku tries to lure him out with a trail of biscuits and tea, and just went. No. Absolutely not. Not doing this again. And the council at the time just sort of agreed to put a mental block in place to stop Obi Wan from growing up into Sifo-Dyas Junior.
This is was all fine and dandy, until Obi Wan is suddenly 7 again without this block in place and planets away from anyone capable of rebuilding it again. Force forbid they allow Skywalker a go at it.
Now there’s an unsettling redheaded child making very worrying, very creepy comments.
Anakin: awww, aren’t you a cute!!!
Baby!Obi-Wan: Your hands drip with the blood of trillions, Your arrogance veils the sins you wish not to confront, Your decrepit body shall live on long past your own death, in a cage of its own making.
Anakin: : - 0
Baby!Obi-Wan: but thank you : - )
Ahsoka and Rex are very reluctant to be near the baby after he tells them how everyone they love will die and they shall continue on, surrounded but alone all the same.
Cody and the 212th choose to endure the comments on how they will die enslaved, put down by the masters that created them, deprived of personhood and kindness because creepy baby or not, that’s they’re general right there, they can figure all the freakiness out after the they’ve comforted the child. (They are immensely worried over this, though)
It’s not like Obi wan is enjoying this either. He doesn’t want to predict all this, it won’t stop!
Dooku, on the other hand is thrilled. He kind of regrets not keeping his lover Sifo-Dyas around as his own personal fortune cookie machine / Magic 8 ball. Not cause he misses him or anything. Not at all. He just thinks the tactical advantage would be wonderful! (This is slightly ignorant of how unstable and harmful Sifo’s visions were) To have his Grandpadawan back in this impressionable, powerful state would also be wonderful!
He changes his mind after about 10 minutes with said grandpadawan.
He wants the adult one back please. The 7 year old is dissecting his soul and telling him how pointless his life decisions have been :-(
Shit really hits the fan when baby!Obi-Wan accidentally bumps into Sheev.
Obi wan returns to adult form in a galaxy that sort of resembles this
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He can’t do much complaining though considering it was him that caused this.
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awkward-tension-art · 11 months ago
Clones as expectant fathers
I am an actual nero-cancer researcher. I have a job and a degree. And my ADHD brain saw sad military men and went “I want that one”
Clones: Rex, Wolffe, Fox, Cody and Fives
CW: pregnancy, the clones all have a ‘secret’ SO, They are expecting a baby, A little angsty with Fox, there's slight mentions of smut with Fives (if you squint), swearing, this is just supposed to be a good time, its not reader insert
Minors do not interact!
Terrified. Also overjoyed. But mostly terrified. 
He’s a soldier. Captain of the 501st, the most….adventurous of the GAR. His chances of dying on the battlefield and leaving his SO behind are higher than the average clone
And now he may leave behind his child? His kid may grow up without a father
He gets nervous. Anxious and antsy, and it's very VERY easy for Anakin to figure out Rex isn’t entire OK
Rex doesn’t even need to tell Anakin.
Skywalker takes one look at him and just KNOWS.
“Congrats, Rex.” “...on what, sir?” “If it's a boy, name him after me.” “WHAT!?”
Ahsoka needs to be told and she’s more excited than Rex when she finds out. 
“Come on Rex! Name them after me! The republic needs an Ahsoka jr!” “And if the baby is a boy?” “Don’t name them after skyguy, please!”
Most of the 501st don't know. Too many people knowing raises the chance of less accepting individuals knowing. And if that happens, Rex, his SO and his baby may be in danger.
It’s forbidden for the clones to have SO’s, not to mention babies. It could end with Rex being decommissioned or reconditioned if it was found out he had both
Rex will visit and help as much as he can every chance he gets. He feels terrible for leaving his SO for long stretches of time during the pregnancy. 
He WANTS to be there…he just can’t. Not while the war was going on
Despite his terror, Rex is…overjoyed
He didn’t think children were possible for him. He knew it could happen, but he didn’t think HE would ever know this happiness
The first time he feels his baby move in his SO, he’d get this sweetest smile on his face. He’ll kiss the baby bump and just murmur words of love in mando’a
He falls head-over-heels in love all over again
As the due date approaches, Anakin asks an important question
“Captain, I need to know when your baby might be born.” “...why, sir?” “Because I need to know when to take extended leave.”
Anakin tells Padme, and she is beyond sweet. Even visits Rex’s SO and the two have a wonderful friendship
All in all, Rex is both excited and anxious. But having so much support from Anakin, Ahsoka and Padme (and his other brothers who find out much later) helps him a lot
More relaxed. And by relaxed I mean he hides his anxiety better. And it doesn’t exactly hit him as hard
Partly because Plo Koon and the entire Wolfpack knows about his relationship already. 
So you bet your ass the pack celebrates when Wolffe tells them he's going to be a father
Plo Koon especially is excited
“How wonderful, new life being born during times of war” “I’m not naming my child after you, general Plo.” “Nonsense! The child will be a girl.”
During battle, Wolffe finds himself being protected by his brothers and General a tad more
At first he writes it off as a coincidence, but then Boost lets slip during a battle “You gotta get back to your little one!”
He gives his men a bit of a lecture. He’s not incapable of fighting or defending himself. He thinks the message gets across but Plo chimes in with, “Ah yes, the stern words of a father already!”
Wolffe would probably see his SO more frequently than Rex. Just because Plo would more than likely spend more time on Coruscant.
He’s definitely protective. As in, waking up in the middle of the night to check all the windows, protective. Keeping an arm around his SO, protective. Every symptom or sign of discomfort he calls a medical droid, protective.
He’s not stupid, he is well aware that by having an SO and a child on the way he's in violation of several rules. All of which, when broken, would have him decommissioned
But dammit, he's not letting that happen. Wolffe will be there for his SO and his baby, no matter what
Since he’s able to spend more time with his SO, he’s there to feel the first movements of his baby.
It sort of causes him to short-circuit for a second. It hits him that yes, this is a life that he and his SO both created. Out of love.
Wolffe makes a swear that he’s going to protect his baby at all costs
Grandpa Plo does as well, but the Wolfpack doesn’t know that
Fox (kinda angst)
First of all congratulations to the SO for actually managing to be Fox’s SO
They got to be something special for the head of Palpatine’s personal guard to break rules and regulations and find himself an SO
Speaking of Palpatine, congratulations to Fox! Your SO is now in even more danger!
No, seriously. Palpatine knows before Fox. No one knows how, but he knows.
And he absolutely will use Fox’s SO as leverage to keep him under control
And Fox knows this, so he behaves. More so than usual.
He’s not blind. Hes fiercely loyal to the republic, but one step out of line and the (very few) things he cares about will be killed
Which…is why Fox may come across as cold or uninterested when his SO informs him of their pregnancy
A part of him is terrified, he just won’t show it
He’s not going to be more affectionate or anything. He actually acts pretty normal. Which is standoffish.
Despite his…demeanor, he actually manages to be present for the entirety of the pregnancy. It helps being a Coruscant guard, which means he’s more present than all the other clones.
He’s not moving mountains or anything, but he’ll get snacks in the middle of the night in case of cravings
No one else knows about Fox and his SO. not even his own men. He refuses to tell anyone. 
Its for his SO’s protection
But Palpatine, the sick fuck, slips some words to get Fox’s nerves into overdrive
“This war is taking such a toll. So many dead children…so many grief stricken parents” “Sir?” “Oh nothing. Just stating the fact that the loss of an innocent life, such as…a baby, is always a tragedy. Wouldn’t you agree, commander?”
He found himself walking home a bit faster that day and hugs his SO a little tighter that night
Fox cares, in his own way. He’s just beyond stressed and anxious. But you wouldn’t know. He hides it behind a mask. 
It's actually Padme that finds out. And she feels somewhat bad for Fox. She thinks his anxiety comes from the fact that clones aren't allowed SO’s or children
Which, it is, but theres the added threat of fucking Palpatine.
She ends up getting him to tell her the truth and she swears to secrecy. Even offers to hire his SO as some sort of assistant, if only so Fox can be closer to his SO
Hear me out, he actually breaks down when he feels the baby move. He can’t fully handle it anymore and shuts down. 
This is a baby. His baby. They're alive and already so loved.
Something in him clicks and he accepts Padme’s help. 
His terror gets easier, ever so slightly. But he keeps his collected and calm front.
“General Kenobi-” “Ah! Commander Cody! Congratulations!”
Cody is a tad more relaxed than Rex, but more tense than Wolffe
He knows Kenobi isn’t going to punish him or force him back to Kamino for decommissioning, he’s still a little on guard.
But, since Kenobi knows, Anakin does. So does Ahsoka. Which means Rex knows.
More people in the 501st know than in the 212th which gives him the biggest headache
Waxer knows though. Cody had to tell someone that wasn’t a sarcastic general
He does a good job hiding his worry though
Cody is able to spend about the same amount of time as Rex with his SO
He doesn’t feel as bad as Rex when it comes to the lack of presence he has during the pregnancy
It's war. It sucks and he’d prefer to be there for his SO, but he’d also prefer SO and child have freedom from the separatists
I will say, he is pretty attentive when he isn’t off in space.
Foot rubs, shoulders massages, helping with cravings
One thing Cody does is that he’ll wrap his arms under his SO’s baby bump and lift it slightly, giving his SO’s back some relief
He really loves to do this because his SO just melts
Hear me out, Cody gets giggly when he feels the baby move/kick the first time
His palm is on the bump and he feels that first little flutter against his hand
404 Commander Cody has his amygdala broken from joy. Reboot?
He’ll actually tell Kenobi about it because he’s so happy.
“That's wonderful Cody, but I still question one thing.” “What is it, sir?” “How you managed to get laid to begin with.”
“Hey everyone! I’m gonna be a dad!”
Ecstatic is not a strong enough word
Also not subtle at all
There is a solid 3 hours until everyone in the 501st knows
He’s told Echo before the first hour. Rex knew within 2 hours.
Fives is BEYOND over the moon
He gets this small smile on his face that just doesn’t go away
Whenever he’s not with his SO, he definitely calls them every day. He wants updates on the little one
Also, seeing his SO with a baby bump? Unlocks something inside his brain.
Fives is incredibly horny when he’s with his SO. He’ll be rubbing their middle and getting a puppy dog look in his eye.
Only if his SO is in the mood of course! He’d never try and be forceful
He’s probably the clone that takes the distance the hardest. He debates taking a ship and making a run for Coruscant on more than one occasion.
In the end he settles to ask Anakin for extended leave.
Anakin is also extremely happy for Fives. Like with Rex, he makes a “name the baby after me” joke
Fives brings that up to his SO and nearly gets smacked. He also makes a “Fives jr.” joke and actually does get smacked.
When Fives feels the baby kick, he gets high on happiness. Actual mumbling incoherent words of love and affection in Mando’a
Lots and lots of “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum”
He also gets very VERY affectionate with his SO
Kisses his SO’s face a lot. Even as a greeting, he’ll just start peppering their cheeks with pecks
Also probably the only one ballsy enough to ASK his general for extended leave
“Excuse me, general Skywalker? I’ll need to take leave at this date.” “Oh, yea sure. You know what? That seems like a good time for all the men to take a break. Thanks, Fives.”
He’s also probably the only one ballsy enough to actually take his new born baby onto a fucking battleship to introduce everyone.
“This is your uncle Rex. This is your uncle Echo and your uncle Tup. That's your auntie Ahsoka!” “Fives what the FUCK are you doing?!” “Introducing the family, captain.”
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starlazergazer · 10 months ago
Figure Something Out
Pairing: Anakin x Reader
Request: I was wondering if you could make a enemies to lover where Anakin is madly in love with reader but wont admit it since he likes to mock and annoy her but the reader doesnt, like there are but they arent as strong as Anakins. So as time passes she starts to catch feelings for him and ends in fluff but its a little angsty too yk
Warnings: Swearing, Anakin being a bit of dick
Word Count: 7.5k (sorry not sorry we love a slow burn enemies/academic rivals to lovers)
A/N: Check the blog for a little update if you want but I really hope this was worth the wait! As always please please let me know what you think!
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Your eyes bounced fervently back and forth between your master’s and Anakin’s, not even bothering to hide the shock you were sure was etched into your expression. “You can’t be serious”
“Do I look like I’m joking” came your master’s quick reply, his tone alone enough to scold you for your loss in decorum, your posture snapping up reflexively as you schooled your face back to a more natural expression, unable to keep yourself from getting defensive.
“I just mean-“ the hurried deflection rolled off your tongue before you could stop it, your master’s unamused glare enough to keep the words from fully coming out. Taking a deep breath, you tried to better control yourself before you continued. “he’s a padawan, same seniority as me how could he train me?”
“He’s also standing right here” Anakin’s gruff voice proved he was just as thrilled about this assignment as you, though you barely spared him a glance, keeping your gaze locked onto your master’s, a silent plea for him to take it back.
“Padawan Skywalker is the best padawan with a saber by leagues I think he could be of great help to you” And you knew that tone your master used here, one he reserved to tell you he was done discussing the matter.
Dejectedly you finally let your gaze slip over to Anakin’s, offering him a tight-lipped smile “I appreciate your help Padawan Skywalker” you nearly choked on the words, having to force them out of your throat.
Anakin in response said nothing, his arms crossed defensively over his chest as he let his eyes rake your figure quickly, letting your words hang uncomfortably in the air until your master finally broke the silence.
“Truly padawan Skywalker we appreciate everything you do for us” He offered a small nod, clapping Anakin on the back.
“Of course master Koon” and you didn’t miss the way he offered your master a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, nor the way he was happy to return a comment to your master’s thanks but not your own. The two of you were already off to a great start to what was bound to be a very short apprenticeship.
With a small nod back in return Master Koon took his leave, leaving you and Anakin alone in the hallway, you looking up at the padawan expectantly, him pointedly avoiding your gaze as much as possible.
“Look” you drew his attention back to you with a sigh “neither of us want to be doing this so how about we just forget this and go our separate ways?”
He raised an eyebrow up at you in response, clearly unimpressed by your proposed solution “I told Master Koon I would help”
“And how noble of you to do so” you replied with a huff, crossing your arms over your chest to match his posture “but since you clearly want to spend as much time with me as I do you this felt mutually beneficial”
“I’ve seen you fight” he responded back with a small shake of his head “you very obviously do need the help”
“Believe me you’ve made it abundantly clear what you think of my fighting skills in training” you replied with a bitter laugh.
“When it takes your opponent less than a minute to get your saber out of your hand it’s hard to keep my comments to myself”
“It does not-“ and you cut yourself off before you could properly blow up, Anakin always having this weird affect on you, pushing you over the edge with little more than a tap. You weren’t letting him get to you that easily this time. With a deep breath you tried to collect yourself “Fine, when do you want to start?”
Anakin paused for a moment, doing nothing but survey you, probably curious as to why you hadn’t started biting his head off yet, but nonetheless continued “after dinner tonight, now come on we have battle strategies with master Kenobi”
“You were asked to help me train with my lightsaber, doesn’t mean you have to walk me to class from now on” you huffed but followed him down the hallway nonetheless.
“Then start jogging and we’ll call this training too” he answered with a shrug.
You sat back trying to listen to Obi-wan’s lecture, finding yourself for the first time ever in this class unable to pay attention to the lecture, instead your focused was solely on the person next to you.
Anakin has spent the last several years making his feelings towards you abundantly clear. If the chiding remarks, the mocking comments, the downright insults were anything to go by then you could easily say that he didn’t seem to like you that much. And you had to say by this point the feeling was mutual.
He’d spent all of his time in this class in particular sitting on the other side of the room, pointedly the chair that was just about as far away from you as possible, something you were sure the rest of the padawan’s had picked up on by this point. And that would explain why now that he not only showed up to class with you in tow but took a seat next to your usual one the entire rooms attention seemed to subtly shift in your direction.
Not that the room’s attention wasn’t usually in his direction if you were being honest. Anakin was the jedi council’s golden boy, the prophetic child that would bring balance to the force, as well as being a hell of a fighter with his light saber, and if you were being totally objective he wasn’t exactly hard on the eyes. All of this meant he had a natural sort of charisma that seemed to draw the unconscious attentive weight of a room in his direction, a weight that now sat squarely on your shoulders as well.
This new attention combined with Anakin’s incessant knee bouncing meant your focus was on just about anything but the lecture at hand.
“You know you don’t need to babysit me in every other part of jedi training” you whispered over to him, Anakin’s knee bouncing harmlessly against yours as he leaned in to listen and you fought the urge to pull your own back. Afterall this was your desk you weren’t about to contort yourself so he could be more comfortable.
“Is this why you need my help?” he responded with an annoying smirk, leaning in even more as he whispered “because you struggle to pay attention in class?”
You narrowed your eyes back at him in response “I’ll have you know-“
“Padawan Y/L/N, Skywalker” Obi-wan’s unamused voice broke through your whisper sharply, freezing you in place, your face now uncomfortably close to Anakin’s as every eye turned towards the two of you “is there something you would like to share with the class”
“no Master” Anakin answered quickly, righting himself just as you did.
“Perhaps some insight on the battle then?” Obi-wan goaded, gesturing to the holomap before him, amusement sparkling in his eyes as he watched his padawan squirm beneath his gaze.
“Well I-“ you could hear the lost tone in Anakin’s voice as he desperately searched for something to say, you having half a mind to let him sit in the hot seat before you let your eyes roam over the map, happy to see that you recognized the battle Obi-wan was walking you through.
“The republic’s army comes from behind” you offered before things could get too awkward, feeling Anakin’s gaze snap in your direction as you spoke “on that ridge over there, flanking the enemy forcing them to surrender”
Obi-wan’s gaze turned to yours with a warm smile as he nodded, no doubt knowing you would know the answer even if you hadn’t been paying complete attention, before he flicked it back to his padawan, raising his eyebrows slightly as he spoke “very good padawan Y/L/N”
He held Anakin’s gaze for a moment longer, an unspoken conversation happening between the two of them before Obi-wan continued lecture like usual, turning back to face the rest of the room.
Taking the opportunity you leaned back towards Anakin again “if there’s one thing I don’t need your help with, it’s this class”
The smirk made another appearance on his mouth as he looked down at you, but this one felt different than before, warmer somehow, as he nodded “noted princess”
Whatever confidence you had bolstered from battle strategies quickly left you the minute you got to saber training.
Anakin was already in the center of the room, feet planted squarely on the mat as he spun his saber effortlessly around his body, concentration etched onto his face though you could tell even from across the room that he was just having fun with it. What you wouldn’t give to be able to whip your saber around with such precision that it seemed almost careless.
“You gonna come fight or having too much fun back there enjoying the show?”
You detested the amusement in his voice as you realized you’d spent much too long staring at him from the doorway. Unable to think of much of a response, you immediately cast your gaze down to your shoes, blindly making your way towards the mat, unclipping the saber from your belt.
“What no training sticks?” You asked with a bitter laugh as you turned on your lightsaber, giving it a half hearted twirl in your hand as you set your stance.
“Don’t worry I’ll try not to hurt you” he winked back as he did the same, making you fight the urge to roll your eyes.
You waited for him to make the first attack, the two of you spinning in a circle around one another, each waiting for the other to strike first.
Not once did that stupid smirk fall from his face, frustration rising more and more within you with each step until you couldn’t take it anymore, deciding to suck it up and make the first move.
Swinging your saber down at him Anakin deflected the blow with little more than a flick of his wrist, barely moving from his original position no doubt in an attempt to show you how easily he could win if he wanted to. Fine, if that’s how he wants to play it.
You barely gave yourself time to recover before making another swing, Anakin deflecting with another simple movement, but you were back at it. Blow after blow Anakin’s saber met yours at every thrust effortlessly, but still you push forward, kept getting closer, not even noting that Anakin never bothered to take a step back. Not noticing how close you got to him until his empty hand shot out mid swing, capturing your wrist and disarming you with a twist, your saber now held tightly in his hand.
Before you could even comprehend what had happened he yanked hard on your arm, twisting you wildly until your back came crashing against his chest, one arm holding your saber and wrapping around your waist to pin you against him the other pressing his blade right up against your throat.
You could’ve screamed in frustration, at how easily he had pinned you, at how effortlessly he seemed to be able to block everything you threw at him, at how close and vulnerable you were now that he had you now pinned against him.
“What is this some game for you? Are you just toying with me?” You spat back at him, not bothering to hide the anger in your voice.
You heard a deep chuckle from behind you, could feel it ruminate up through his chest as it pressed you even further into his chest before he spoke, voice low and right in your ear, his breath tickling the shell of it with each word “I’m teaching you princess. Now use that big brain of yours and figure something out”
And you could’ve laughed at his so called advice, at how easy it is to tell someone to figure something out when you didn’t have a saber against your throat.
Instead you decided you were done fucking around.
Picking your foot up you slammed it down hard on the jedi’s left foot at the same time rearing your head back harshly to make contact with his nose, both attacks catching Anakin enough by surprise that he released his hold on you, stumbling back and releasing his grip on your saber enough that you could slip it from his grasp, pivoting on the spot and pointing the tip of the blade right at the jedi’s throat.
Anakin in response held his nose in his hand, pinching the bridge of it as he completely ignored your saber pointed at him, giving you a disappointed glare from overtop of it.
He sniffed and wiggled his nose before shaking his head and bating off your saber with his own half-heartedly “you know that trick won’t work anywhere but here”
“Good thing I don’t need it to work anywhere but here” you returned with a smirk, stepping back a few feet before dropping back into a fighting stance.
Anakin offered nothing more than a disappointed sigh before he dropped into a stance of his own, giving his nose one last check before he launched forward to attack.
You had no problem dodging each of his blows, your body always out of the way of the arc of his saber. The issue arose when it came to deflecting them. Swing after swing your saber was always there to meet his but the effort of stopping each of the jedi’s much more powerful swings had your arms shaking after mere minutes, your feet scrambling back to try and avoid the brunt of each blow as much as possible.
Anakin, however, seemed to zero in on your weakness immediately, never relenting as he swung again and again. You in response started to try and redirect each blow, hoping that redirecting the power of the swing would take the load off your arms.
That was until his saber seemed to hit yours at just the right speed, just the right angle, that the force of it reverberated down to your hands, your grip faltering for just a second but it was enough to have the cool metal of the hilt of your saber slip from your grasp.
Anakin hit immediately with another blow, effectively knocking your saber out of your hands.
You watched dejectedly as your saber slid out from your grasp and flew across the room. With a small sigh you held your empty hands up defensively ready for Anakin to sheath his saber and start listing off all the things you did wrong.
Instead you watched as Anakin stayed rigid in his position, lightsaber still held in front of you, knees still bent ready to strike.
“I get it, you win, I’ll get ‘em next time” you pushed mock enthusiasm into your voice as you started to make your way off the mat in the direction you saw your saber go when a blue column of light swung down just in front of you, barring your movement.
“So in an actual battle your plan is just to give up when you lose your lightsaber?” Anakin’s chiding voice had you gritting your teeth as your head snapped in his direction, little more than an amused smirk on his face as he talked “maybe offer your neck to the sith for an easy decapitation”
“No I’ll-“ frustrated words died in your throat as you sought an end for your sentence. You were tired, sweat had your robes sticking to your torso uncomfortably and every muscle you had burned, now was not the time for his mind games.
“You’ll what?” he pushed forwards, retracting his lightsaber so it now was held in that defensive position you were now all to used to seeing him in.
“I don’t know I’ll figure something out” you shot back, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Then figure something out” he goaded with a raised brow before striking, his saber moving slightly slower than you knew he was capable of, giving you plenty of time to side step out of the way.
“Okay I get it” you called back to him as you dodged another swing, taking a step back towards the edge of the mat “you’ve made your point”
“I’ve made my point when you stop thinking of this as just training” he shot back with another swing of his saber, pushing forward forcing you to take another step back “this isn’t just to get through training so you can advance in the jedi ranks this is about survival” another swing, another dodge and another step back “this is about making sure you stand a chance out on the battle field” you felt the floor beneath your heels start to give way, your toes balancing on the edge of the mat “this isn’t some game Y/N”
You felt your irritation grow within you with each word. You knew this wasn’t some game, you had been outside of the walls of the temple, you had been on a battle field, you knew you needed help with your fighting skills but who was he to decide after one day that you weren’t taking this seriously enough.
You watched as he set up for his next attack, as his foot landed far out in front of him as he lunged forward, the whole world seeming to slow around you as you side stepped the saber, Anakin’s hand sailing past you effortlessly. Without a second thought you seized his wrist, giving it a small twist in the wrong direction as you pulled him forward with it, effectively knocking the jedi off his balance.
Before he could realize what was happening Anakin was sailing forward, past you, to the ground below as you pivoted around to face him from atop the mat, his lightsaber now clutched firmly in your grasp.
Spinning slightly in the air so that his shoulder first made contact with the floor Anakin slid a few inches on the ground, coming to a stop on his back and looking up at you only to see his own lightsaber pointed down at his throat.
“Do you want to offer up your neck for an easy decapitation now?”
And to your surprise you heard nothing back but a laugh. A sound you didn’t think Anakin Skywalker was even capable of.
“That was good Y/N”
You felt your feet faulter beneath you, your knees nearly giving out, was that a compliment?
Your mind was still reeling as you shut down his saber and dropped it to the ground next to you, because Anakin Skywalker did not compliment you. Tease, chastise, bully sure he did all of those things but never compliment. And he certainly didn’t smile at you like he was doing now.
It was a weird sight to see, Anakin grinning from the ground below you, eyes twinkling slightly as his whole face changed with it, and to your horror you found a part of you liking the way it looked on him, as he extended his hand out to you.
Before you could even think better of it you reached out and grabbed his hand, helping to haul him to his feet, ignoring the slight tingle his touch left on your skin, blaming the way your cheeks felt hot beneath his gaze on the exertion of fighting him.
“You may never overpower your opponent but you’re fast” Anakin continued on as if nothing had changed, dusting himself off, the hint of a smile still playing on his lips as he talked “use that, dodge until you have them making sloppy attacks then strike as soon as you can”
It took you too long to notice that he was waiting for you to say something, little more coming out of your mouth than a half-hearted “yeah” that had his brows drawing in confusion.
Stooping slightly, he came down to your eyelevel, nose nearly close enough to touch your own, and for a brief moment staring deeply into each eye before shaking his head softly “that was probably too much for today wasn’t it”
Still you didn’t respond, not sure if you could’ve if you tried, for some reason unable to pull your gaze from Anakin as he looked at you, fluffy hair framing his face perfectly as if you hadn’t spent the last two hours dueling, as if you weren’t drenched in sweat.
Anakin frowned back in response, a single hand coming out to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear before he could think better of it. Then bending down and picking up his lightsaber from where you had dropped it “get some rest princess”
He spoke softly, softer than you had ever really heard him speak before he started to make his way towards the exit, leaving you standing on the edge of the mat, before he called out “I mean it, you did well today”
It was only after he left that it dawned on you, he had used your actual name.
Maybe it was naive of you to think that things could change so quickly.
That all it took was one decent lesson from him and the two of you could seamlessly slip into a weird sort of friendship.
Maybe you just wanted to believe you could put everything behind you so easily that you assumed he wanted to do the same.
You’d heard people gush about Anakin Skywalker before. About how helpful he could be, how nice, how charming.
You never got to meet that side of Anakin Skywalker, the man locking that part of himself from you practically the moment he met you. But you had really thought you were starting to see it these past few weeks.
The teasing comments had started to disappear, or they at least lost all their edge, coming off as more inside jokes than anything. He walked you to class every day, some days going out of his way to find you before he started to head in that direction. Your personal space found itself being invaded by him more and more, Anakin no longer going out of his way to put as much distance between the two of you as possible. Lingering touches, wandering eyes, inside jokes that had the two of you seeking out each others gaze in crowded rooms to silently revel in what was just said in a way only the two of you would understand.
Anakin Skywalker was quickly becoming your friend.
It was why when you got notified you were heading out on a mission to track down a bounty hunter with him for the first time ever you weren’t dreading the experience.
No you were actually excited.
Excited as you clipped your saber to your belt and headed out of your room.
Excited as you rounded the corner to head to your transport ship.
Excited as you stepped foot on the entrance ramp.
Excited as-
“I just don’t understand why she has to come with me”
It was as if a lead ball had dropped into your stomach. The excitement evaporating on the spot as a numbness took over and your step faltered, your body freezing in place just steps down from the ships entrance.
Because you knew that voice, but even worse you knew that tone. The anger, the contempt, the annoyance.
All it took was one simple phrase and you were ripped back into the same existence of just weeks ago before you had fallen for all of Anakin Skywalkers tricks.
“I agreed to train her and I’ve been doing that why does she have to hijack my missions now”
And you wished you could say his words didn’t affect you. Afterall just a few weeks ago you would’ve expected to hear them from him, you’d practically grown up hearing this resentment for merely existing in his vicinity.
Then why did they hurt so much now?
Why did they have a painful lump starting to grow in your throat?
Why did they make you wish the ground would swallow you whole on the spot?
Why did you ever think you could be friends with Anakin Skywalker?
“Yes master”
Anakin’s final words snapped you from your daze but still you had to force your legs to move you forward slowly, making sure that as Obi-wan exited the ship you were an appropriate distance back from the entrance.
He gave you a kind smile as he exited. As easy as it would have been to resent Obi-wan due to his proximity to Anakin you could never bring it upon yourself. “May the force be with you Y/N” he offered you with a small head bow.
“Thank you master Kenobi” you responded easily, mirroring his bow.
And he looked like he wanted to say more. Perhaps apologize for his padawan, perhaps offer parting words of wisdom, instead he seemed to swallow them, giving you one more slightly tense smile before departing, leaving you with no where to go but up the ramp.
Anakin’s eyes were on you the second you came into view, his face morphing too easily into a soft, friendly smile. “Hey, you ready?”
And it was the way he could flip the switch so easily, act so flawlessly that everything was okay, so effortlessly at ease.
Weeks ago you would have bit back, would’ve offered back some scathing comment, some backhanded remark. It was one thing that kept you from outright hating the young Skywalker. For every insult he spat you always had one to hurl back at him. He could insult you, berate you, belittle you, but you always came back swinging.
Right now though you didn’t have it in you.
You offered nothing more than a small nod of your head, not missing the way his smile morphed into a frown at it.
Maybe he was expecting you to say something, maybe he was gearing up for a fight, maybe he really thought you hadn’t heard him.
You couldn’t bring yourself to care what was running through his head at this moment.
You brushed past him towards the cockpit not missing the way his eyes never left you as you did so, not missing the way his hand hovered just over your arm, not missing the way he so hesitantly followed you.
You just had to get through this one mission and you could go back to ignoring Anakin Skywalker.
You weren’t as excited for that prospect as you thought you would be.
An involuntary hiss slipped past your lips the second your left foot hit the ground, your weight quickly shifting back to your right to avoid the pain, overcorrecting just enough to knock yourself off balance, all weight balanced dangerously on the edge of one foot as your arms reached out half-hazardly seeking anything solid to steady yourself.
Just before you could tip over another body slotted itself beside you, shoulders fluidly depositing themselves beneath your arm as another arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you into Anakin’s slide as he swore quietly “I told you to stay put”
You laughed bitterly at that, forcing yourself to lean back away from him as much as possible even as the arm on your waist tightened, his other hand clipping his saber to his belt so that it could come up and grab the hand he had thrown around his shoulders, effectively pinning you to his side as he started to drag you back to the wall “Yeah sure so you can just leave me”
You felt him still at your words, the grip on your hand and waist slackening for a second as your words seemed to hit him physically, your position keeping you from properly viewing his face as his voice came out softer than you had ever heard him “I wouldn’t do that”
His tone caught you by surprise. If there was one thing you knew about Anakin Skywalker it was that the man was loud, the way he carried himself, spoke, hell the way he flew reeked of confidence to the point of arrogance. Anakin was anything but the soft, almost vulnerable tone that just left him.
And you felt a part of you already starting to reach out to him, ready to pull him into your side and assure him that you knew that, assure him that you knew he was a good person, to tell him that you trusted him.
But another part of you couldn’t give up the way he tried bench you. How after everything you had been through: all the training, the way he seemed to go out of his way to be nice to you lately, how everything seemed to be looking up, he still thought you were nothing more than a nuisance, a less than.
Less than capable, less than a good jedi, less than an apt fighter, less than worthy of his trust.
His motion continued after the brief pause, the two of you finally reaching the wall and Anakin taking care to slowly set you down against it, a hand supporting your calf as you squatted down, careful to keep your foot off the ground.
“You’re right that’s probably a touch too far even for you, so instead you want to what scold me for getting in your way? Tell me I’m a shitty jedi for getting myself injured? Pull my hair and call me ugly?”
Anakin only sighed in response, one hand coming up to tangle his fingers in his hair as the other planted on his hip, Anakin doing nothing but looking down at you in your position on the floor. “why are you always so determined to see the worst in me?”
Again the softness in his tone gave you pause, the sincerity in it something you had only gotten used to in the past few weeks. “Anakin that’s all you’ve ever shown me”
“not lately” his reply came out rushed, a note of exasperation crawling its way onto his voice “lately we were good. At least I thought we were good”
You debated your next words for a second, debated how much vulnerability you were ready to show to the man who has been nothing but hot and cold with you for the past few weeks “I thought we were too”
“so what happened?”
“You tried to get me kicked off this mission” your answer was quick and blunt, eyes immediately picking up on the way his brow furrowed “don’t even try to deny it I heard you-“
“No that’s not-“ he cut you off quickly, letting out a frustrated sigh before continuing “I was trying to do the right thing”
“The right thing?” you echoed back now furrowing your own brow.
“You coming here was an unnecessary risk-“
“ah so you still don’t trust me” you interjected quickly, watching closely the way his entire body seemed to recoil at your words.
“What no-“
“we’ve spent weeks training, you’ve given me good advice, I’ve gotten better you’ve said so yourself. So I don’t get why you still don’t-“
“it’s not that-“
“So then what you still can’t stand to be alone with me for that long?”
“Y/N!” he finally cut you off with a small shout, crouching down in front of you close enough that he nearly occupied your entire field of vision, physically forcing you to pay attention to him rather than let your mind run any longer. “I was just trying to protect you”
Your eyes bounced back and forth between his for a moment, trying to decern the truth, trying to find the underlying meaning. “I don’t know why you think I need your protection. I can handle myself”
Another dejected sigh from Anakin, neither of you moving for a tense few seconds before you heard a muttered “forget it” underneath his breath as he pushed himself up to a standing position.
“we need to get out of here” he offered a hand to you, helping you stand though kept his gaze planted on the back door of the building “we’ll stick to the alleyways and use nothing but blasters if we have to, the sabers will be a dead giveaway”
And though you wanted to push the subject more you knew he was right, get yourself through this mission and you could go back to avoiding Anakin Skywalker. It had quickly become a mantra for you.
You let him pull you softly out the back door, Anakin carefully checking around each corner before ushering you forward, helping you hobble on your one good leg slowly back towards your ship. That was until you heard an eerily familiar voice around the next bend.
“Find the jedi scum and bring them to me. The separatists have plans so I want them alive do you understand me?”
Anakin didn’t hesitate before pushing you back against the nearest wall, using his own body to try and shield yours from view as he pinned you against it, one arm bracing himself against it just over your head.
You looked up at him with wide eyes as the two of you listened intently, footsteps slowly drawing much too close for your comfort.
From this distance you could clearly see the set in Anakin’s jaw as he kept his eyes planted at the nearest corner, muscles tense ready to pounce at a moments notice. That was when the thought struck you.
“Quick kiss me”
Anakin’s entire body froze at your words, his eyes snapping to meet yours blown wide in confusion and shock.
“Come across two people kissing in an alleyway they’re certainly not going to expect them to be jedi so quick” You explained in a harsh whisper, giving his robes a quick tug.
Anakin, however, stayed rooted in place, elbow on his arm planted on the wall locking in place to prevent him from getting any closer to you, wide eyes cemented on your face as his chest didn’t even rise with breath.
“Ani quick” you hissed, trying to snap him out of whatever trance he was in.
The footsteps continued to grow louder, the soft drag of a heel against the pavement your only indication that they were steps away from your hiding spot.
Anakin still didn’t respond, gave no indication that he had heard you after your first command. To no avail you tried to silently beg him to move with your eyes.
“Hey what’re you-“
That was all you let them get out before you made your next decision, grabbing for the blaster on Anakin’s hip you aimed and fired, the shot hitting them square in the forehead sending the hunter to the ground before they could even finish their question.
The blaster noise seemed to finally snap Anakin out of it, a soft shake to the Jedi’s head being the only indication that anything had been wrong as he wordlessly pushed himself off of you and snapped his gaze down to the dead man before you.
“What the fuck was that Anakin?” You hissed, giving his chest a small shove.
Anakin’s eyes, however, never strayed from the unconscious body beneath your feet, his chest heaving with each breath as he kept his jaw locked in place.
“Anakin” you tried calling his name again, another push to his chest, still his eyes never strayed from the ground, his body staggering slightly as he let you push him “you blew our cover and because what? You’re so disgusted by me you can’t put up with one stupid kiss for half a second?”
Finally you got a reaction, his stark blue eyes finally snapping up to meet yours, a steel hard gaze you weren’t entirely prepared for, eyes that begged you to drop it.
You couldn’t help but laugh bitterly at his look, limping a few steps back from him as you shook your head, the heels of your palms coming up to dig tiredly into your eyes “Even after all that’s happened you really still hate me so much you’d jeopardize the mission to get out of a kiss”
“It can’t happen like that” His voice surprised you, the words in of themselves confusing but his tone throwing you off more than anything, an almost pained ring in it sending you sparling.
A quiet swear from under his breath as he started to pace “Our first” he called louder, as if that were an  explanation, his hands clenching at his sides “It shouldn’t happen like that, it can’t”
And you could feel the frustration start to rise within you, the anger from his inaction ebbing to confusion “Ani slow down what is happening right now”
The nickname seemed to have the desired effect, his pace slowing to a soft stop, eyes snapping up to meet yours once again, an almost guilty expression on his face as he stood before you, Anakin Skywalker looking almost small before you for the first time ever “Do you know how many times I’ve thought of it?” he asked you softly, an anxious hand running through his hair as his eyes broke to look at anything but you “How many times I almost just-“ and he cut himself off with a sigh, a soft shake in his head as he looked down at his shoes, a small scoff escaping before he continued “to think that the first time it would happen was to maintain some stupid cover. That it didn’t mean anything. I couldn’t do it”
A part of your brain was lighting up with realization, another part pushing it back down with denial. He couldn’t be talking about kissing you, not now, not after sending you years of signals that said otherwise “Anakin what are you saying?”
His eyes connected with yours again, a pained expression and a small tilt of his head telling you to stop pretending you didn’t know, begging you to move past faking obliviousness.
But still a part of you was reeling back, sending a huff of air through your nose as you shook your head “How many times could you have really thought about it, you just started being nice to me a week ago”
“Years worth” the words came out on his next exhale, a small shrug in his shoulder as he answered “at least since we were nine”
But that didn’t make any sense, that couldn’t possibly be true “This isn’t funny”
A small bitter laugh escaped him in response, a soft shake of his head as he spoke “believe me sweetheart I’m not laughing”
You barely registered the words, your mind already reeling as it went over every thing he’s ever said to you since then, “you’ve been nothing but mean to me since I’ve met you” your words were soft, spoken more to yourself than to him but still Anakin opened his mouth to respond, your voice cutting him off before he could “always criticizing me in front of the masters, mocking my attempts to learn, making me doubt my own abilities”
“I’m sorry”
And some part of your brain registered that those were not words Anakin used lightly, knew the weight those words held for him. Another part knew it still wasn’t enough.
“You’re sorry?” You scoffed “you made me dread every moment I had to spend in your presence for years and the best you have is I’m sorry?”
Anakin had no response to that, his jaw visibly clenching as he fought to maintain eye contact with you, but no words came, he had no excuse, no real way to make up for it, and you both knew it.
“Why?” and the question shouldn’t matter to you, the ends didn’t justify the means, they couldn’t, but still you needed to know.
Anakin took a second, drawing in a deep breath as his gaze shifted to your feet, a small shrug of one shoulder before he answered “I wanted to get your attention”
And like that you were ready to start yelling again, because surely it wasn’t that simple, surely Anakin wasn’t that stupid, that childish. Instead, he continued on.
“I don’t think I realized that was what it was at first, just knew I liked it when you got in my face and pushed back, liked when you got so wrapped up in me that the rest of the world ceased to exist for a little bit” another pause, another deep breath “then once I figured it out I knew I needed to shut it down, the code meant I couldn’t get close, couldn’t form attachments. Pissing you off felt like a good way to keep you at arm’s length while still getting you to notice me”
A million different emotions swirled around inside of you, each trying to claw their way to the surface. You wanted to yell at him, tell him how stupid that was, berate him for having the emotional regulation skills of a child. You wanted to stay silent, let him stew in his miserly, in his guilt. You wanted to cry, the catharsis, the confusion, the mix of conflicting emotions all welling up inside of you, overwhelming you.
Instead, you spoke softly, your voice sounding almost hollow on your own ears “you know when you first came to the temple all the other kid’s thought you were weird”
Anakin’s gaze shot up to meet yours, a slight furrow in his brow as he tried to figure out where you were going with this.
“Looking back I think they were just jealous. You came in later than the rest of us but you already had a master, Obi-wan Kenobi at that, and you already had the councils attention, so they all tried to stay away from you” you took a deep breath, swallowing down the slight shake in it “I thought that was dumb and that I was going to be your friend so I went up to you and I was nice. And at first I thought you were nice. Maker I was so excited to make a new friend and then the next time I saw you it was like a switch had been flipped” Anakin’s disappointed sigh barely registered as you continued “so I tried to be funny, then entertaining, then chill. I tried everything I could to be someone who was worth your time”
You could practically hear Anakin’s teeth grinding as he clenched his fist at his side, leaning back to slump against the wall as he thought for a moment before speaking.
“When I first got to the temple I was scared.” He admitted softly, gaze casted out blankly to the wall on the other side of the alley “I had just lost Qui-Gon, the council didn’t seem to like me, I missed my mother. Then out of nowhere this beautiful girl my age came up to me, took my hand and told me that it was going to be okay, that I was going to be okay, and she said it with such conviction that I couldn’t help but believe her”
You waited with bated breath for him to go on, for him to fill in the gaps of your own story.
“Then what the council said to me about fear hit and I became ashamed of having been a coward, ashamed of needing someone to hold my hand, ashamed of being weak”
You couldn’t have stopped the small chuckle from escaping if you had tried “Anakin you are a lot of things but weak isn’t one of them”
He finally met your gaze at the sound, the corner of his lips tilting up in response “I certainly made sure it appeared that way”
Another silence blanketed the two of you as you each digested the others story, Anakin finally breaking it with a soft chuckle “you were an intimidating kid you know that?”
“I was not” you denied it with an easy shake of your head, barely giving the statement any thought.
“you were” he persisted nonetheless “you were the perfect jedi student, Obi-wan was always on me about being more like you. Listening to him better, meditating better, paying more attention in class”
“Bet that didn’t help the whole hating me thing” there was no resentment in your voice, a soft understanding if anything.
“Don’t you get it sweetheart” he smiled sadly “I’ve never hated you. I’m not sure I could if I tried”
You shook your head softly at that, eyes casted out over the alley around you, speaking after another short beat “come on Skywalker, let’s get back to the ship”
Anakin stayed leaned against the wall for another moment, giving himself a pause to study you before he pushed himself up and offered you his arm to help you walk with a small nod.
You hobbled further down the ally with his help, nothing but the sounds of your deep breaths until you spoke in little more than a whisper “you know you were so busy ‘not hating’ me I don’t think I ever got to know the real Anakin Skywalker”
There was a slight pause in his step at your words, his eyes shooting to the side to meet yours as he raised a brow “are you sure you want to?”
“If he’s anything like the man I’ve been around for the past few weeks” you answered with a small shrug “then yeah. I really do”
Anakin’s face broke out into a wide grin at your words, and you found yourself admiring it once again, for the first time your own mind remaining quiet as you did rather than chastising you for it as usual.
“I’ll try not to disappoint Y/N”
You chuckled softly at that, “Given your previous experience you’ve set the bar exceptionally low” you pointed out giving his shoulder a playful shove “ but I’ll hold you to that”
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xzaddyzanakinx · 1 year ago
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Two: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker × femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, one-sided relationship, menstruation, sexual content, pervy behavior [eventual warning for smut; be sure to pay attention to future warnings in the series]
Info: Anakin loves you so much it hurts and he’s really fucking weird about it, but it’s okay since it’s love 💕 He’s a massive Perv [diary entries from Ani] MDNI 18+
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June 13th
Anakin woke up in a wonderful mood this morning. Today was going to be a good day, a really really good day. It was Thursday and you were going to book club at the library, which mean you would be going out for coffee after and then you’d go visit your sister before your shift at the diner. That would give him an ample amount of time to install the necessary security equipment for your apartment.
He’d already set up the wireless connection and app that goes along with the cameras the moment the package was delivered. He’d had plenty of time to do that yesterday while you were in class. He was so relieved that he’d be able to check in whenever he needed to, just a click or two and he’d be able to see and hear the goings on in your apartment.
These little microcams were an absolute lifesaver in his opinion, not only were they the perfect size, they also had an extremely long battery life *and* the resolution was surprisingly good. It was definitely worth the extra cash to get a clear picture of your pretty face.
He practically skipped down the street to your apartment, typing the code into the keypad when he arrived. He made sure to wipe his feet on the rug at the entrance, he’d hate to track dirt into your neat little living space. He trekked up the stairs to your floor and couldn’t help the massive grin on his face as he unlocked your apartment door.
Boogie greeted him happily now, he’d made sure to feed her little treats every time he visited just to get on her good side. He’d actually become quiet fond of the little gal, he could see why you liked cats now.
They were soft and cute just like you. He wouldn’t be surprised if you purred too, and if you didn’t… well he could fix that.
He locked the door behind him and got to work. He was thankful you were short enough to need a step stool because that was really coming in handy. It made it so much easier to place the first camera in the trim above your front door. He made sure it had a good angle of your kitchenette and living room.
The next was installed in the opposite corner on top of the bookshelf that held the hoard of books you promised yourself that you’d read but hadn’t gotten around to yet. You were just a girl after all, stuff like that didn’t keep your attention very well. He thought his reading voice would hold your attention much better than your own inner voice.
Anakin smiled as he thought about which book he’d read to you first… you had quite the collection, but he had plenty of time to figure it out before the time came.
Now he had a great view of the couch and the hall leading to your bedroom and bathroom. He checked the first two cameras via the app and was pleasantly surprised to see just how perfect the resolution was. He knew it was good, but seeing it in your home like this? He’d feel right there with you every time he checked the live feed.
Your bedroom. The one place he still hadn’t allowed himself to enter, this was your private space and it felt wrong to invade that privacy. It was one thing to peek in occasionally but an entirely different thing to actually go inside.
He took a deep breath and pushed the door open, the scent of you hitting him in the face had him weak in the knees. Anakin’s hands shook as he trailed his fingertips across the soft cotton sheets on your bed, you’d left it unmade.
He was already here… he might as well just try it out right?
No. No he can’t do that. If he lays down he’ll never get back up. His thoughts would eat him alive until he gave in and left a mess in your bed. Just a pillow then.
Oh… oh now he’s in trouble. Not only did he squeeze the pillow tightly and bury his face into its squishy middle to sniff every lingering bit of the smell of your shampoo… he did something very, very bad.
But it’s done now and he can’t take it back. Oh well, you won’t mind.
‘Back to work Anakin.’ He reminded himself and begrudgingly did exactly that.
He placed the third camera on the ceiling fan above your bed. Taking great care that the lens was completely covered.
He’s not that kind of guy.
He didn’t need to see what you did in bed… just hear it. You snored and Anakin just wanted to make sure you, ya know didn’t stop breathing or whatever in your sleep.
No other reason.
He took one glance over at the bathroom across the hall and really, really thought hard. He didn’t buy the fourth camera for your bathroom. He really didn’t.
He’s not that kind of guy.
He wouldn’t do that to you, but it was alright for him to think about it. Wasn’t it? Yeah. Yeah it’s okay to think about it.
With his handiwork finished he returned the step stool to it’s place under the kitchen sink and took a look around the place. It was homey, very cozy, very you.
You were alittle messy sometimes but that’s okay, so was he. Maybe he should clean up alittle. He smiled, proud of himself for thinking of it, and got to work. Just a quick run through of the kitchen and living room.
He couldn’t do *all* of your dishes, but he could certainly wash some silver ware and a cup or two to lessen the burden on you. So while he carefully washed and dried your favorite coffee mug, Anakin found himself sucking the spoon you’d used for your ice cream last night.
That’s good enough right? He’d licked it clean… you were going to use it again for ice cream tonight. He knew you would. Last month you ate ice cream for dinner the entire week of your period and you were doing the same this month. So he placed that spoon on top of the rest.
He vacuumed the kitchen and living room, your cat shed a lot and honestly Anakin should probably come vacuum for you more often because you’re not nearly as thorough as he is. He moved the couch and found at least two weeks worth of dust bunnies back there.
He knew it was difficult for you to juggle work, school and your personal life. You shouldn’t have to work, you should be able to stay home and lounge about after you’d cleaned house. He’d make sure you could do exactly that when the time was right.
Speaking of the time, he checked his watch and sighed. He should probably get going if he wanted to walk you to work.
On his way out he hurriedly placed the last camera in the stair well leading to the building’s entrance, that way he could familiarize himself with your neighbors and of course keep up to date with the door codes.
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Diary Entry: June 14th
Those cameras I got for you are my new favorite thing.
It’s alittle unhealthy the way I check them as often as I do, but like they say, love makes people do crazy things.
I just can’t help it.
You’re so cute, I love the way you sing even if it’s really… not so great sometimes. But hey, not everyone is cut out for those high pitched vocals like that guy the one with the hair Kellin Quinn from that one song you really, really desperately want to hit the high note on. You’re amazing baby, but maybe don’t ever sing that one in public. Keep it at home just for me okay? Not everyone can appreciate your beautiful voice like I can.
You talk to your cat like she’s a person. Not even in a baby talk voice either, no, it’s more like she’s a girl from one of your college classes. You come home and tell her us your daily drama… it’s adorable.
I do however have a bone to pick with whoever Travis is. Travis can kick rocks. I can’t believe he did that to Amanda, and on her birthday? Unbelievable.
I think my favorite part of this new dynamic of ours is dinner time though. I even went to the corner store and got some cookie dough ice cream to eat with you. I felt like we were really there together, especially because I’m almost certain you used the spoon that I cleaned for you.
I’m so glad you have good taste in reality Tv as well. None of that Bachelor shit. No you like the juicy stuff. My kinda girl aren’t ya?
That Love is Blind show is truly one of the best reality shows I’ve watched in a while. But I had more fun listening to you laugh and shit talk those people. You’re fucking funny, it’s so cute.
Oh and guess what? I had a call with your super today! I’m next in line on the wait list for an apartment in your building baby. Hell yeah! It’s honestly really convenient, not only will I be right there whenever you need me, it’s closer to work so I can get home to you even quicker.
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Diary Entry: June 18th
I’ve been alittle hesitant to tell you this sweetheart. I just feel real bad about it and I’m not great at sharing my feelings all the time. But I think it’s time I told you.
I just love you so much and I want to be with you all the time. Loving you from a distance is tolerable for now… but is it sustainable? No.
You’re a kind and understanding girl, sweet and caring, so I’m sure you’ll understand when I say that I *just couldn’t stop myself*. Your bed was so soft and the smell of you was so strong that I felt like I could drown in it. I hugged and kissed your pillow like my life depended on it but god… I found one strand of your pretty hair and that was just too much for me.
I’m sorry even though I don’t think you really mind all that much. Or if you do you’ve not said anything about it. It’s just… the fabric was so soft and you’re so pretty and I couldn’t help but think about what life would be like if I could come home to you in bed. Laying there with your pretty little eyes closed.
You’d look just like an angel. Peaceful and full of life, pink cheeks and smooth skin, warm and glowing.
So you can’t really blame me. You understand right? Really it’s your fault for being so damn perfect. But that’s really kind of an oxymoron isn’t it? You’re perfect so it can’t be your fault, but here we are.
Whoever is to be blamed, it doesn’t matter. What matters is: I’m sorry for tearing a hole in your favorite pillow.
Really and truly I’m sorry. I’ll fix it next time I stop by I promise. I just needed… something more you know? My hand just wasn’t good enough, too messy and wasteful. I needed to know that you’d be able to enjoy it too.
Maybe it’s just wishful thinking but you’ve slept alittle better these last few days haven’t you?
On second thought maybe I shouldn’t close up that hole. If me fucking your pillow and stuffing my cum into the fluffy filling helps you sleep better, well I’d be happy to oblige.
I’m not that kind of guy, I just made a mistake. But, I think you’ll thank me for it in the long run.
Your subconscious just lets you relax alittle more with me around doesn’t it? Even if it is just alittle bit of cum. You need a piece of me with you to feel safe and you don’t even realize it. My poor girl, I’ll make sure you sleep well for the rest of your life.
Eventually I’ll stuff you with my cum every night. Getting fucked to sleep sounds pretty good doesn’t it princess?
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Diary Entry: June 24th
I hate to see you disappointed. Oh it just kills me inside angel.
I can’t even chide you for forgetting your debit card because it’s my fault for not making sure you put it back in your backpack after ordering those new shoes. I’m sorry sweetheart.
Don’t worry though. I’ve added a few extra bucks to your wallet, being a dollar short for coffee won’t ever be a problem again.
Realistically that barista was just doing her job and I know that, but the fact that anyone could possibly deny you something that you want is insane to me.
You’ll never have to go without your large vanilla iced coffee on laundry day ever again.
Especially after I saw how grumpy you get.
That little scowl on your face when your favorite washer/dryer were already being used. I would’ve marched over there and dumped out that old ladies wet clothes in the floor for you if you’d only asked.
But if I had then I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy watching you act like a brat out in public. I’ve never seen someone stare daggers through an elderly person like that before, you’re lucky she didn’t have a heart condition because damn that look could’ve killed her.
I’ll help you get that attitude under control soon enough princess. All you need is a good ass whoopin’ and a fat cock to tame you.
Note: Persil, those little blue shakies
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artist-issues · 2 years ago
also, about Anakin—I distinctly remember realizing when I was first watching Star Wars that part of what makes Anakin’s relationship with Obi-Wan so compelling is that his love for Obi-Wan is as much forbidden as his love for Padme.
I mean, here’s this kid who’s too old to be trained as a Jedi, not because he’ll be prideful or have to catch up or anything, but because he’s old enough to have already learned how to get attached. And the Council was right; he never, ever unlearns that.
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But the very first person aside from Padme that Padawan Anakin got attached to was Obi-Wan. And so all through his training, as he’s growing up and Obi-Wan is growing up too, Anakin is thinking “this is my guy. This is my older brother, this is my best friend, this is the only father I’ve ever known” and just recently discovered that someone like that (Qui-Gonn) can be killed and ripped away from you.
All through his training, that fierce attachment is growing, even more steadily than his love for Padme because he’s never separate from Obi-Wan…and the difference is, Obi-Wan shuts it down. It’s obvious that they love one another like brothers, but Obi-Wan never says it until Anakin is lying like chopped-up charred hibachi on the banks of Mustafar.
I mean, imagine having a father or older brother who you know loves you, but who refuses to say so? Except through his actions, almost in spite of himself?
And then imagine yourself as someone who never gets on board and believes in the code that says you can’t attach? So you know that your father-brother-figure is a hypocrite, about, like, the thing you think is the most important and also the stupidest part of the code?
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Because he can’t say it! Because he’s supposed to be teaching Anakin not to get attached—what’s he gonna do, tell Anakin “I’m so glad you’re safe” every time they escape an adventure? Tell Anakin he doesn’t know what he’d do if he lost him? Remind Anakin that he cares? And then say “but attachment is bad. Trust the Force.” No, he’s not going to do that. He’s going to keep that aloof-thing going, even though Anakin knows Obi-Wan loves him.
So Anakin, a very dramatic young man who likes his declarations of affection super up-front, never gets that from Obi-Wan. And he’s so sensitive in the Force, and they’re so connected for such a long time—he must be feeling, constantly, that Obi-Wan loves him too. But Obi-Wan never says it. And even though Anakin knows why, it’s a constant source of frustration, because Anakin doesn’t actually respect the code and he doesn’t see why Obi-Wan does.
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So constantly, Anakin feels like Obi-Wan is hiding affection for him, or withholding it. Keeping something good for him back. He’s feeling like Obi-Wan is, on some level, a little two-faced. He’s feeling like Obi-Wan’s willing enough to save his life and stick up for him—clearly Obi-Wan is attached—but coming out and saying it? Admitting it: “hey little bro, I know you’re attached to me but you have to stop; it’s not the Jedi way. I know how you feel, I’m attached to you too—we’ll just have to figure that out together?”
No, he never does that. Not until it’s way too late, and Anakin has already conflated Obi-Wan’s refusal to express their bond out loud with how deceitful and two-faced the Jedi are, and they have to be enemies.
which, you know, understandable, considering who Obi-Wan is as a character. but still.
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Yeesh. I love this character, I feel like he was when I first started thinking about the tangled web of character motivations and conflicts, but the poor guy.
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sailforvalinor · 1 year ago
A quick analysis of why Ezra and Thrawn are each other’s perfect nemesis (especially for those who aren’t as familiar with Rebels):
The reason that Thrawn is so dangerous is, of course, not just because of his analytical mind or brilliant battle tactics, but because he takes the time to know his enemy. He understands what all art historians or anyone in the liberal arts can tell you: that art is one of the clearest windows into a society, and studying a society’s art can tell you just as much, if not more than a history book can. Thrawn always takes the time to throughly understand his enemy before he fights them, and that includes the Jedi Ezra Bridger.
The problem is, however, that Ezra is not a typical Jedi. It stands to reason that what Thrawn knows about the Jedi comes from the Jedi Generals in the Clone Wars, who abided by very standard military tactics—and to a point, having fought in the Clone Wars, Kanan Jarrus, Ezra’s master, often used those tactics, and passed some of them on to Ezra. However, since he primarily fought in a small rebel cell, Ezra was primarily a guerrilla fighter. Even when they went on to join the larger Rebellion, Kanan and Ezra often avoided their larger full-scale battles in favor of smaller ops that catered to their talents, only joining large battles when it was absolutely necessary to turn the tables. And though he was a commander, it was actually fairly rare that he led troops into battle like the Jedi generals in the Clone Wars.
Additionally, while early on in his arc he shares some similarities with Anakin and Luke (especially in his struggle to figure out how to protects those he loves without falling to the Dark Side), it becomes apparent by the end of Rebels that he is on the path to becoming a Jedi like Qui-Gon Jinn or Yoda—that is, a Jedi very in-tune with the Living Force. Though he possesses many of the more physical talents we associate with the Jedi—heightened senses, strengthened physical abilities, skill with a lightsaber, etc—his talents have always tended towards the more cerebral (e.g., he was receiving extremely vivid visions of the future while struggling just to levitate an object). One really interesting thing about Rebels is that it often chooses to represent the presence of the Force with a high-pitched whistling sound, one that Ezra quite often seems to hear and let guide his decisions. He is also very prone to receiving extremely vivid Force visions. But the ability he is most known for, especially in Ahsoka, is his ability to connect to living beings. If you were wondering why such a deal is made over the Loth-Cat in episode one, it’s because Loth-Cats have become somewhat of a motif for Ezra, just like the purrgil—they seem to be always around him in Rebels, and serve as a sort of barometer to the audience as to how strong Ezra’s Force abilities are. In season one, they would just pop out and hiss at him every once in awhile, but by season four, they’re all over him—if he stood out in a field and held still for too long he’d just be buried in cats. The same goes for other creatures—he befriends the purrgil early on in the show, and is able to enlist their help in the finale. He’s also so in-tune with the Living Force on his home planet of Lothal that he is approached by Loth-Wolves, mysterious, spiritual beings who weren’t thought to exist outside the realm of myth, and shown a way to use a hyperspace corridor to travel to the other side of the planet.
However, this ability doesn’t just extend to animals—it extends to people, too. It’s like someone poured everything into his charisma stat. He makes friends everywhere he goes, so easily it’s like breathing, and people naturally gravitate towards him and want to help him. (It’s probably why he has made such good friends with those adorable rock people—he just can’t help being forcibly adopted wherever he goes.) The reason he is able to beat Thrawn in the end of Rebels is that he calls in every single favor from all the people he recruited to his side throughout the past four seasons, and when you see everyone on screen—former Imperial cadets, smugglers, deposed military leaders, space wolves, space whales, Clones, etc—it’s then that you realize just what an inspiring leader he is. If Ezra can get Hondo Onaka of all people to join Rebellion, you know he’s got something special.
Not to mention, since Ezra has spoken to and been indirectly trained by a Force being (the Bendu) and was the first on-screen Jedi to discover the World Between Worlds, it’s quite possible that he understands the Living Force better, or at least in a very different way, than most Jedi within the Order did.
To sum it all up, Ezra is just so different, so unconventional, both as a military leader and as a Jedi, that Thrawn, for all his military prowess, doesn’t know what to do with him. He is absolutely unpredictable, because he always abides by the will of the Force, something Thrawn is completely unable to get access to or understand. I always think of them when I see this meme:
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because it’s almost quite literally what happens in the Rebels finale. Thrawn has pulled off a seemingly infallible maneuver, the Rebels are completely pinned-down, their resources are maxed-out, and he knows they will not risk the deaths of civilians. Ezra gives himself up, and he thinks he’s won. But then what does Ezra do? He summons a flock of purrgil who drag him, along with his entire Star Destroyer, into hyperspace and jump to another galaxy. How on earth could Thrawn have even predicted that? And even if he had known Ezra’s plan, what could he have even done?
That’s why Thrawn is so eager to kill Ezra in Ahsoka. Something tells me that he’s been hunting him in these ten years we haven’t seen them—because he knows that this one man is far more dangerous than anything waiting for him in the galaxy he is preparing to invade.
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dangraccoon · 6 days ago
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Untitled Spreadsheet - PRIVATE
Chapter 11 - Morning
Word Count: 752
Content: hangover, sobering up in more ways than one
For @literallyjustanerd, based on this post
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The pounding in his head was the first thing Cody became aware of when he awoke. As his aching brain began registering other stimuli, he realized he was holding his datapad below the blanket. Did he have a blanket in his office? No, he didn’t think he did, no matter how often he accidentally fell asleep there. Besides, the fabric was much too soft to be GAR-issue. 
He hit the button, powering up the display screen. His eyes balked at the sudden bright light and pain seared through his head.
The spreadsheet was still up. He looked over his haphazard entry from the previous night.
“I thnk. I lov e him”
Cody blinked at the words. He knows he wrote them. He remembers writing them in a hazy kind of way. More importantly, he knows they’re true. Despite the dense fog that surrounded his brain, things felt more clear than they had for the past two years. 
He’d spent so much time trying to figure out whether or not Kenobi loved him that he’d never stopped to really define his own feelings.
And it was love. He was absolutely, completely, head over heels in love with his General. His stomach roiled with nausea from his hangover, but his heart leapt with excitement.
The very few previous times he’d gotten so drunk, his memory of the night before had been spotty but not this time. No, this time he felt like he remembered every detail. 
The way Kenobi talked to him– no, not just talked, Kenobi was flirting with him and he had been flirting back.
They smiled and joked and laughed together. They danced together. Cody had never felt so much like a real person as he had last night.
He sat up, letting the blanket slide off, his world spinning and vision going spotty for a brief moment as bile clawed up his throat.
Then, in the darkness, he saw them.
A still steaming mug of very strong caf by the smell of it and a paper med cup. He picked it up, two blue and red tablets rattled inside.
Painkillers and caf. His General had checked in on him. His heart started to warm but paused, then picked up his datapad again as doubt echoed in the back of his mind.
This was getting out of hand. Despite what he now had fully realized and defined, he couldn’t have feelings for the General. If the General ever found out, it would put him in an impossible situation.
And if he did return Cody’s feelings–which he doubted; General Kenobi was a kind person and Cody was doing him a disservice to believe he could be interested in a nobody like him–and anyone found out? At minimum, Cody would be stripped of rank and decommissioned, though he expected a firing squad. He didn’t know what would happen to Kenobi but he was sure it wouldn’t be good.
He’d record this last entry, and then he’d have to cut himself off. He couldn’t ever tell the General why, but their odd friendship had to ease across the line back into professional territory. He’d been playing with fire too long, and the thought of Kenobi being the one to get burned was too much to bear.
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Rex: you alive today brother
Cody: Functional enough and definitely hungover. Given my recent thoughts, I might still be drunk. How are you and your twins?
Rex: the boys went a bit crazy with some of the shinies but we didnt have to bribe fox this time
Rex: ahsoka and anakin found us and brought us home
Rex: that spotchka was strong
Rex: almost surprised it didnt kill us
Cody: I’m thinking something similar.
Rex: not really what i was asking about though
Rex: saw your spreadsheet
Rex: i think your explanations are in the wrong spots
Cody: I think we both know it doesn’t matter much anymore. That it can’t matter.
Rex: i know what youre thinking codes
Rex: but dont
Rex: cant you see that he loves you
Cody: Drop it, Rex; it’s done. There’s nothing we can do about it anymore.
Rex: he spent the last 2 years trying to show you that
Rex: dont shove it all aside
Cody: Rex’ika, you’ve been very tolerant of me and I can’t thank you enough for that, but please let it go. 
Rex: youre making a mistake kote
   ⨂ Rex: please orivod just talk to me
[This comm channel has been muted for 24 standard hours]
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Event: Left painkillers and a hot cup of caf for me when I woke up hungover
Rational explanation: He might have done this for everyone. He probably did this for everyone.
Irrational explanation: Last night meant the same thing to him that it did to me
Additional notes: I woke up covered with a blanket. I don’t think I went to sleep with a blanket
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Untitled Spreadsheet - PRIVATE Master List DangRaccoon Master List Tag List Form Read on AO3
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Tags: @nekotaetae @get-wr3ckered @jediknightjana @lucyysthings @unstable-kiwi @6oceansofmoons @l3xi3luv @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @winter-phoenix1995 @lokigirlszendaya @nomercyforthewarrior @Padawancat97 @idoubleswearimawriter @wishyouthetest @orangez3st @Amiacatholicoracat-holic @flowered-bicycles @error6gendernotfound @techs-goggles9902
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thesassypadawan · 2 months ago
Snowman (Qimir x RealWorld!Reader)
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Summary: It’s barely the first day of winter and already you’re tired of being lonely and cold.  So, out of desperation, you decide to take matters into your own hands.  By following some silly, old wives tale and burying your poor Stranger figure in the snow.  Better be ready though, your not so ‘little sith’ is going to need some warming up of his own once he comes to life.
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because of the lovely smut.  Fun from behind (giddy up), somewhat rough smex, tiniest hint of somnophilia, specks of a size difference, fridged appendages, and…Qimir’s big, thick dick.
Notes:  Happy Holidays and First Day Of Winter, lovelies!  Welcome to track eleven of my special holiday mix, Snowman! ❤️💚
First Day Of Winter 2023: So Warm *Anakin x RealWorld!Reader*
- ‘They say that if you wish with all your heart and bury the possession you hold the dearest deep into the fresh winter solstice snow. Then, when the clock strikes upon the witching hour, your desire will become a reality.  Take heed though, the magic lasts but only for the night.  Less the object finds something to tether itself to this plain of existence.’
- It was amazing.  Considering how leery you are of the silly, old wives tale…  The very same one your long-distance friend raved about, insisted worked, to just have ‘faith’.  …you’re surprisingly, more than willing to try and blindly trust it.
- What can you say?  It had been one hell of a long year so far.  And, despite only being a few hours in, it seemed like the winter was going to continue being the same…   Filled with more lonely moments and lengthy stretches of bitter coldness mixed in.  The two things you hate the absolute most in this entire world.
- So with a hopeful, yet apprehensive, heart and shot (or two) of something strong pumping through your system.  You trudge out into the ankle-deep snow, just as those last rays of light disappear over the horizon.  Bundled up, but still shivering from head-to-toe.  With a small lantern held high in your one hand and the other…clutching your small Qimir figure tightly to your chest.
- “This is stupid…this is stupid…this is SO stupid,” you mutter.  Over and over, scolding yourself again and again.  Kneeling in a drift, wind howling in your ears.  Staring into those painted-on brown eyes, probably a tad too intensely.  “Can’t believe I’m doing…or talking to a toy like this.  But I could REALLY use the company, my little sith.  Need someone to help keep me warm, toasty…maybe we'll have some fun.  So…”
- Kissing him, embarrassingly, on the top of his tiny head.  “Just don’t take too long coming alive.”  You gave him one more look and a half smile.  Before burying and covering, making him resemble a mini…  “Okay, Mr. Snowman?”
- With the deed done, you trek back indoors.  Where, once undressed, you crawl into your empty bed.  Gazing out the window, watching the itty-bitty mound grow; the snow piling ever higher on top of it.  Until finally fatigue won and you dozed off.  Falling into a light slumber, to only be awoken when…
- Mattress dips slightly, the covers rustle gently.  Someone, much larger than yourself, slips underneath them.  Scooting close, slotting their chilled form between your sprawled open thighs.  “Warm…” 
- Icy fingers graze, glide across the soft skin of your exposed back.  Leaving behind goosebumps as they trail lower.  Coming to rest on, knead and squeeze your hip gently.  “So warm…” 
- While a fridged tip brushes, nudges.  Spreads and smears sticky pre over your folds, your entrance.  Before slowly beginning to sink, bully his way into the welcoming heat.  “You’re so warm, baby…”
- ‘A dream?’  You groggily think, mind still a bit hazy and cloudy.  Velvety walls involuntarily clenching around the thick, cool length that was stretching and dominating your poor cunt.  ‘It has to be.  I know that voice and there’s absolutely no way-’
- “And…”  He grunts, growls lowly above you.  Panting and huffing.  Pushing past that tiny bit of resistance, forcing you to take those last few thick inches.  Weak, sleepy whine rising from your throat and falling from your lips.  “…tight.” 
- “Qi-Qimir?”  Mumbling, struggling to string together words.  “No…n-no way.”  You will your eyes to open, to move.  “Absolutely no-not.”  Trying to prop yourself up onto your elbows, steal a glance over your shoulder.  “H-has to b-be a-”
- “It’s not.”  Calloused hand encircles, grips the nape of your neck.  “I’m very much real.”  Shoving you into the mattress, holding you in place.  “Your not so ‘little sith’.”  Gaze locking with yours in the window’s reflection.  “Here to keep you warm, toasty.”  Smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.
- Breath hitches at the sight of him looming over, encompassing entirely and easily overpowering you.  “Keep me com-company?”  And you can’t help but flutter at the way he ruts, grinds his hips against your pert bottom.  “Have so-some fun?”
- Pressing his chest to your back, bearing down with some of his weight.  “Promise.”  Teeth nip, tongue ghosts over the shell over your ear.  “I’ll give you all that and more.”  As he begins to rock, thrust deeply into you.  “I’m never leaving.”
- Body goes pliant beneath him, trembling from raw pleasure.  Hot puffs of airs, shallow pants escape you.  Hands desperately fist the blanket.  “Yes…y-yes.”  He was everywhere, surrounding you completely.  Filling, overwhelming your senses.  “P-please.”  To the point where there was nothing else but him.  “Please…plea-please.”
- “That’s…”  Answering and obeying your sweet, meek pleas.  Qimir quickens his pace, drives harder.  “…that’s my…”  Pounding you further into the bed.  Clit dragging across, slick making a mess of the sheets.  “…my good girl.”
- Fingers leave your hip.  “Whose going to take it all, let me have her through the whole night.”  Search and find yours.  “Give me a reason to stay, not become a puddle of water.”  Entwining, lacing them together.  “So come on, let’s go.”
- Plunging, bottoming out one last time…he stills.  Releases hitting, waves of ecstasy washing over and drowning you both.  Low groan rumbling within him, broken moans pouring from you.  While he pumps, floods you with his warmth.
- Pulling out, but for only a moment.  He carefully rolls you onto your back, curls his frame around yours.  Licking away the tears of joy from your rosy cheeks, finally kissing you how you each had so desperately needed.  Pushes himself inside your leaking hole once more, with a happy and content hum.  “Love you…Mrs. Snow.”
- Tilting your head slightly, placing a tiny peck on the bottom of his jaw.  You nuzzle against, smile up at him.  Eyes gleaming with undeniable adoration, undying affection.  “Love you too…my snowman.”
- And true to his words…  The two of you spend the remainder of the night, the blizzard…  Snuggled up, making your own heat…   A home for all seasons…  All thanks to the silly, old wives tale...
Tags: @icytrickster17, @steven-grants-world, @everydaydreamer, @t03soup, @anakinstwinklebunny, @xhunnybeeex, @jediavengers, @anisangeldust
@hearts4sammonroe, @pitas-star, @sythethecarrot, @naberriess, @steven-grants-world, @valyna27, @elcaballerodragon, @yayyy5678, @anakinsrilgirlfriend, @padme-urlove,  @brattyyybbg, @mrschr1stensen, @rosie-chan92, @erosmutt, @beresfordsgirl, @darthdaddi, @icosmiclou, @whoisgiinaa, @kentaviax, @arcj, @harley-kalani
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vodika-vibes · 10 months ago
Hello friend! I have a request if you have the time, and it doesn't have to be very long.. here's the idea: During the early days of the clone wars Anakin is teamed up with a Jedi that wars blue robes, and Rex is immediately intrigued, cuz you know, 501s blue. His intrigue grows into admiration and then infatuation. He's crushing real hard. And this Jedi feels the same way.
So yeah maybe the kiss maybe they don't, whatever you like (it'd be great if the kiss 👀).
Again, only if you have time. Thanks 💙
Alright There, Captain?
Summary: Rex falls in love.
Pairing: Captain Rex x F!Jedi Reader
Word Count: 946
Warnings: Mentions of Fives' death
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Hihi! I hope this is close to what you wanted. I was trying to make it seem like snapshots into Rex's life as he slowly falls in love, but I'm not sure I pulled it off. Happy reading!
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So far as Rex is aware, Jedi only wear black, dark brown, light brown, or white. Of course, his only evidence for this is General Skywalker and General Kenobi, but it seems to hold true. Based on some of the conversations he’s had with brothers in other battalions, at least.
As far as Rex is concerned, it might as well be a rule. Jedi wear muted colors.
And Rex genuinely believes that…right up until the day a young woman arrives on the Resolute in her small ship. She’s obviously a jedi, based on the lightsaber hanging on her hip and based on how enthusiastically General Skywalker greets her, but she doesn’t look like any jedi he’s met before.
For one, the only part of her outfit that could be considered “robe like” is the cloth belt around her waist. For another, her belt is the same shade of blue as his armor.
“Ah, Rex! There you are.” General Skywalker calls him over with a bright smile, and then he turns to the woman, “This is my Captain, he’ll show you someplace where you can change. Are you sure you don’t need to go to medical?”
“I’m fine, Anakin.” She says with a laugh, “You worry overly much.” And then she turns her gaze to Rex, “Alright there, Captain?”
“Nice to meet you, ma’am.” He replies politely.
She smiles kindly, “I just need someplace private to change back into my robes before I give my mission brief.”
“Of course, right this way.”
When she came out of the private fresher, dressed in blue and white robes, Rex couldn’t help his interest. She’s unlike any other jedi that he’s ever met. 
But he’s still a clone, and they are still a galaxy at war. So, while he makes a mental note of her name, he figures that this will be the last time he sees her. 
So far as he’s concerned, they’re just two ships passing in the night. A shame, but such is his fate.
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The next time he sees her is several months later, when she rescues him and some of his brothers from a surprise attack.
She appears from nowhere, emerging from the surrounding forest to take out the droids as though she had been summoned. And, in spite of all of the physical activity, and in spite of the danger, she looks calm and composed.
Her hair is neat, as are her robes, and she doesn’t move more than she has to.
Rex can’t help but compare her to General Skywalker, and with some shame, he admits that his General is lacking when compared to her. Anakin would never be so calm and composed in a situation like this.
She commands the battlefield like she’s a goddess of war…and Rex finds himself smitten with her.
Once the fighting is over, Rex expects her to leave, to return to her mission, like what Anakin would do. But she surprises him, by taking the time to make sure that the men are okay, helping them to their feet, and patching up the ones who needed it.
And then she’s at his side, a warm smile on her pretty face as she kneels next to him, “Alright there, Captain?”
“Yes ma’am, just a little dinged.” Rex replies as she helps him sit up, “Thanks for helping.”
“You don’t have to thank me for caring, Rex.” She looks around, “Where’s your General?”
Rex’s face falls, “I…don’t know.”
Her face remains calm, “Not here then. That’s alright, do you mind if I take charge until he arrives?”
“I’d appreciate that General,” Rex says, as he stares at her face.
She favors him with the warmest smile, and Rex feels his heart skip a beat, “Rest now, General.” She says as she presses her hand against his shoulder, “I’ll take care of everything else.”
And, as she walks away, Rex can’t help but wonder if this is what love feels like.
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The night after Fives dies, Rex is in a bar. He’s not drunk, but he doesn’t want to see his brothers. He doesn’t want to see anyone. Not Anakin. Not Obi-Wan. Not any of his brothers from the 501st.
For one night, he just wants to stop being him.
He lifts his head when a pair of delicate looking hands, with blue nails, appears in his line of sight. He follows the deceptively frail looking arms up to a familiar face.
Her smile is sad, “Alright there, Captain?”
He releases a shuddering breath, “No. Not really.”
She nods and slides into the booth next to him, her body soft and warm when pressed against his side, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I just…I want to stop being me, just for one night.” Rex admits as he looks at her. 
Her hands come up and cup his face, “I wish I could take your pain from you.” She whispers.
Rex stares at her, at her pretty face, at her stunning eyes, at the way she still wears his colors—
“I’ve always loved how you wear my colors,” Rex admits as he lightly touches the blue part of her robe. “You look good in them.”
Her smile is warm, “Blue has always been my favorite color.”
“It suits you.” Rex murmurs, his hands come up to cradle her face, “Can I kiss you?”
Her smile widens slightly, “I’d like that a lot.” She whispers.
It’s all she needs to say, as Rex leans in and presses his lips against hers. She’s warm and soft and everything he’s ever fantasized about and more. And, for the first time in a long time, Rex thinks that maybe everything will be alright.
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misspermitted · 6 months ago
Not to randomly appear in this fandom and rant, but it’s like missing the whole point of Obi-Wan’s character arc to blame Anakin solely for screwing up that relationship. It takes two to tango. Anakin was selfish and immature, but so was Obi-Wan! He:
Never told anakin he cared, or any of his emotions. Thus screwing any possible emotional connection
Never expressed in any way that he was proud of him and instead repeatedly complained about him
Brushed off or mocked all of Anakin’s attempts at affection
Like Obi-Wan really didn’t give Anakin many reasons to believe he’d support him. Anakin was self conscious and desperate for affection, which made him easily feel unloved and alone. But Obi-Wan did not help by hiding any love he had for Anakin due to his fear of attachments.
Why did Obi fear attachments?
Obi-Wan had no family and Qui-Gon was the opposite of affectionate. He didn’t know how to show love, and he didn’t want to fail. A Jedi doesn’t fail. They do or do not. So he did not.
Obi-Wan had to let go of Satine, his first relationship, and it broke his heart. Because Obi-Wan loves devotedly. Anakin loves passionately like a fire, but Obi-Wan loves like a worshiper. He keeps promises and quietly worships the ground the person walks on. And he had to let the object of his worship go. Unlike Anakin, Obi-Wan can let go, but he doesn’t forget. Obi-Wan never wants to lose anyone. It feels like failure. He is terrified of losing his attachments.
Before Qui-Gon Obi-Wan has this encompassing desire for approval which, from Qui-Gon’s constant abandonment throughout their relationship (he’s such a deadbeat), sharpens into a fear of rejection. Obi-Wan doesn’t want to be rejected by the Jedi Order, so he becomes the perfect Jedi. He doesn’t want to be rejected by Anakin, so he makes himself necessary. He’s so terrified of rejection, that he never puts himself out there to be rejected. So he deflects and deflects.
Then of course there’s the Jedi Order forebading attachment. It’s very per-Jedi how that is defined, Qui-Gon commits to this by being very ungrounded and “going with the force”. This does not work for Obi-Wan. He is a stressed little Jedi. He is so unbelievably grounded. He cares about everything. He can’t not. So he represses and pretends to be this very strict person he isn’t. And you can tell this looms over Obi-Wan. His inability to meet this expectation. His inability to be indifferent. Because Obi-Wan doesn’t like failing.
And by the time he figures out that he can be himself and show affection, and finds his middle ground of loving and caring altruistically, it’s too late. Anakin already feels too alone. And because of all the other fears we’ve addressed, Obi-Wan is too afraid of rejection and loss to actually reach out really clearly.
“He’ll be fine.” He thinks. Except he’s not fine. Anakin is not fine. And all of Obi-Wan’s fears happen because he puts his head in the sand and pretends he’s not attached. It’s so counterintuitive. Like just talk to him!! Admit you care!!! Oh my gooood!!!! It’s Shakespeare level miscommunication.
But by Luke Obi-Wan has learned from his mistakes, he’s so affectionate and nice to Luke when he trains him. So “I’m proud of you.” So positive reinforcement.
It takes him comedically long to come to the basic realisation that if you want your younger sibling to know how much you care for him just, like, tell him?? Miscommunication and you taking on everything and feeling unappreciated isn’t an inevitable fact of life. You can just communicate?? And show affection?? The Jedi Order isn’t stopping you???
But hey I wouldn’t love Obi-Wan if he wasn’t a mess.
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distortionbobble · 2 years ago
Royal Flowers Chapter 7
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series masterlist
pairing: anakin skywalker x fem!reader (poc friendly/coded)
series summary: A long, long, time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a certain Jedi by the name of Anakin Skywalker meets you, the current Queen of Naboo and cousin of Padme Amidala, and is tasked with protecting you by pretending to marry you. As a spy, you’ve infiltrated the Separatist ranks and are close to finding out the mastermind behind all of it. The fate of the galaxy is in your hands.
warnings: minors dni! ageless blogs dni! canon-level violence/character death this chapter. series will have eventual smut, and just general warnings.
a/n: i am . baaaaack baby! hope y'all enjoy the chapterio. beta read by the very sweet @sythethecarrot . appreciate her so so much and alll of you for reading and giving this story your time :')
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“Are you sure that we need Obi-Wan here, milady?” Anakin asks you, blowing on his clasped fists nervously as you wait for Obi-Wan to reach your chambers. He had sent a message an hour ago, letting you and Anakin know that he had landed in the forests of Naboo and would be reaching the palace soon. “What if it puts him in danger?” 
“I understand your concern, Anakin, but we’re in over our heads now,” You hum, looking over the room once more to make sure things are in place. You realize it’s out of nervousness, and wanting to earn the Jedi Master’s respect, and quickly look back at Anakin. “But yes, we need him here, even if it’s just temporary. You’re not as skilled as he is, according to you, with the skill of mind-control, and we can’t risk the Separatists slipping out of your influence and realizing that the Queen’s husband was trying to figure out their plans. Obi-Wan, on the other hand, is unlinked to the palace, and his involvement would not directly jeopardize us. As for him being in danger… I have faith in Master Kenobi’s abilities, and I’m sure that his involvement will be brief, despite the necessity of it.” Anakin nods, grabbing his lightsaber from the depths of his pockets and flipping it in the air anxiously. He nearly drops it when Obi-Wan jumps cleanly onto the balcony, moving quickly to get through the open doors without being seen. 
Hello there,” General Kenobi says. His voice immediately lifts a weight off of your shoulders. You knew as soon as you decided to take active action against the separatist while also uncovering their leader, you’d need more help. General Kenobi was the most adept in mind influencing. That, you could use. You couldn’t have done these last few months without Anakin, but it was time to move. And fast. 
“Master,” Anakin says, striding to Obi-Wan and enveloping him in a tight hug. He hadn’t realized the importance of Obi-Wan in his life— the younger Jedi Knight’s torturous visions, nightmares of the people he loved dying as he watched helplessly, had stopped when he left, but the certainty of Obi-Wan’s guidance had disappeared with it. And when he was dealing with you and the nuance that your task called for, it certainly wasn’t easy to carry on without Obi-Wan and his gentle guidance.
Not that he listened to Obi-Wan all that much, but it wasn’t about that. He lets go of Obi-Wan reluctantly, knowing that their bond is deeper than words could convey. 
“Master Kenobi,” you bow respectfully while Anakin quickly checks the noise dampener. “It’s an honor to have your assistance.” 
“It’s an honor to be called. Will you walk me through the plan, milady?” He asks, settling criss-cross on the marble flooring of the room. You sit across from him, and Anakin joins your side instinctually before the puzzled look from Obi-Wan has him shuffling further from you until the three of you form a triangle. 
“I was so caught up with the overarching goal that I lost track of the present. While it’s true that I absolutely cannot jeopardize my own mission, I cannot sit back and lose more of my people.” Obi-Wan nods in understanding, tracing circles on his knee as you confess your guilt. 
“So you need to know more than what they tell you, and be able to have one of your Ministers know how to countermove without it coming from you,” Obi-Wan confirms. 
“Exactly. It shouldn’t be too hard to get that information but I’ll need to know who it is I can trust. I don’t know exactly the scope of your abilities, would you be able to help me figure out which ones I can trust?” At your request, Anakin clicks his tongue, nodding at your request. 
“Well, we can’t read minds. What we could do is something along the lines of figuring out what emotions they’re feeling when they talk to you?” Anakin suggests, garnering Obi-Wan’s approving nod. 
“And as for getting the information…” you trail off, unsure of what to do now that you knew the Jedi couldn’t read minds. 
“Well, there’s a few things we could do,” Obi-Wan processes aloud, something formulating in his head as he considers the options. “What do you know about the leaders of the Naboo Separatist chapter?” He asks. You snort. 
“I’ve met their leader, but he’s a total dunce. I truly believe that they chose him because he’s easy to manipulate,” You say. At your words, Anakin lights up, nonverbal communication flowing between him and Obi-Wan. It’s kind of cute, seeing him more in his element. You like the side of Anakin that Obi-Wan brings out. It’s like the older Jedi pushes Anakin to be better— to think things out, to be rational. Something along those lines. But the shift is obvious. 
“Easy to manipulate, you say?” Anakin says, an excited look on his face.
“If that’s the case, then there certainly is something we can do,” Obi-Wan says cautiously. “Is there any way I can see the leader in person?”
“I know where he lives,” you say, looking up at the ceiling to avoid making eye contact as you cringe at the thought of him. 
“Why do you know where he lives?” Anakin asks suspiciously. 
“Because he was once my boyfriend,” You sigh. 
“Baby,” a sleazy voice calls out from the table you just crossed. Arus Dryskan sits in the booth of the low-lit pub, sketchy characters flitting behind you in the shadows. When your eyes meet his, you’re reminded of all those nights you spent with him, tangled up in the sheets. You’re reminded of the good and the bad: the way he’d toy with your emotions and blame you when other men would flirt with you, all the shouting matches, the control that he tried to impose on you. Part of you is affronted by the fact that he’d even dare to call you baby after putting you through all that. But you set it aside, reminding yourself that you’re in control here. He has no power over you. 
You relax your shoulders and tell yourself that Anakin’s here, that you will be fine, forcing yourself to inhale and relax as you slide into the vinyl seating. Arus’ arm is thrown carelessly on the back of the seating, a cigarette hanging from his mouth as he eyes you up and down. 
“It’s been a while, Arus,” You say, reigning in your repulsion and leaning in to gaze into his eyes seductively, batting your lashes and eyeing him up and down. That should work, right? Even when you were together, it was never about the two of you— it was about Arus, about making him feel desired. You never were the most affectionate with him (largely in part because he’s fucking irritating) but you need him to think that you want him. It’s funny, there was a time when you found him quite attractive, but now, the only thing you can focus on is how revolting he is. He rakes one hand through his greasy hair, flashing you that grin that used to work so well on you. 
“You’ve done pretty well for yourself, huh, milady? Queen of fuckin’ Naboo,” he says, leaning in to whisper in your ear. The heat of his body feels suffocating next to you, and the mere thought of his touch makes you dig your nails into your palms, trying desperately to regulate yourself before your fear gives you away. “It’s funny that none of these suckers know you’re one of us.” His eyes are conspiratorial, which you can work to your favor. You smile slyly, allowing your fingers to dance on the tabletops as you slide in closer to him. 
“Nobody knows I’m here,” you laugh, “Not even my dunce of a husband.” At your words, Arus raises his brows, a big smile spreading across his face. Sorry, Anakin. “I’ve missed you,” you whisper in his ear. Your tone wavers between the truth of your desperation and the practiced smoothness that you used so often when you were with him. Your hand finds its way to his shoulders, resting there as you wait for him to give you some sort of sign. 
“What about your dunce of a husband?” He asks you playfully, leaning back. 
“You think that nerf-herder could satisfy me the way you do? I played around with him for a while, yes, but he was so boring. Not to mention how much…bigger you are. ” You allow your hand to drift downwards, teasing him through the material of his shirt. He may be a sleemo, but you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t built. 
You almost want to roll your eyes when his hand shoots out to grab your waist, pressing you even closer to him as your hand travels from his pecs to his abs. Was he always such a simpleton? A pretty girl bats her eyelashes at him and he goes absolutely dumb. Or stays dumb. He’s not very smart. 
“Do you wanna… get out of here?” you ask, your voice a low, seductive hum in his ear. You can practically hear the blood roaring in your ear, the feel of your heart thumping traitorously in your chest and you can only pray that he can’t feel it. Take the bait. Let’s go. 
You have to hold back an audible sigh of relief when you hear the clink of his speeder keys as he grabs them, and you, and pulls you out of the bar. You know Anakin’s following closely behind you — Obi-Wan’s already at his house, you just need to make sure that he gets there. If anyone asked at the pub, anyways, they would’ve just seen one of Arus’ usual nightly conquests. 
You keep touching his arm as you sit in the speeder and on the way to his house; you need him to be distracted so that he can’t see Anakin following behind you both. The ride there is short but he’s so revolting it feels like a lifetime— he’s telling you about how he blew up a village the other day and found it so funny. You have to force your laughter, but you really just want him away from you. You’re disgusted— the fact that you had ever touched him, had ever been so oblivious to all of him. Back then, he wasn’t so evil— or maybe he was, and he just hadn’t had the chance to show it yet. 
In the rearview mirror, you see Anakin cut into the side streets, a shortcut to his place that would work just fine. Arus is too busy talking about himself to notice, as per usual. 
“Let me open the door for you, princess,” he says when you pull up to his house. The second he’s unbuckled and standing outside of your door, there’s a soft thunk before he slides on to the speeder, practically falling in your lap as Anakin looks down at him with a glower. 
“Thanks, Anakin,” You say, opening the door and throwing Arus out. 
“Was it really necessary to be all handsy with him?” Anakin grumbles. 
“How else do you think I’d be able to get him here?” You ask, puzzled. 
“Still,” Anakin frowns. Is he jealous? 
“Oh, don’t worry, my darling husband, you’re still the only man for me,” you confess dramatically, throwing yourself into his arms and snickering when he pushes you off with a scowl. “Moody,” you tease, helping him hoist up Arus and carrying his body through his door. 
“Took you both long enough,” Obi-Wan says from inside the house. Once inside, Anakin doesn’t bother carrying him, instead just lifting him with the Force into the little chair and flicking his finger so that ropes bind him tightly. 
“Normally, I wouldn’t approve of you using the Force for such a trivial thing, but the Queen looks rather tired from holding him up,” Obi-Wan quips. 
“He’s quite heavy, you know,” you chime, sitting down on the ground. 
“I think it’s best that you and Anakin wait in the speeder outside,” Obi-Wan says. “It would be bad if he wasn’t influenceable and saw you here with me.” You and Anakin shuffle outside at his order, sitting in Anakin’s speeder as you wait for Obi-Wan to do his thing.
“So… is that your type?” Anakin asks, looking out the speeder, past the dim streetlights to the clear Naboo night sky. 
“Guys like him.” You look over at Anakin— at his lean structure, deceptively strong and muscular under his robes— and shake your head. 
“No. Not anymore, at least. I really only chose him because I wanted to do something for once in my life that wasn’t the order of someone else. I learned pretty quickly that that wasn’t the right idea. He was controlling, obsessive, and just downright mean sometimes.” 
“So what is your type?” 
“Why do you wanna know so bad?” You ask curiously, propping your feet up on the dash as you study Anakin’s face. 
“Well, we’ve got time to kill,” Anakin says, fiddling with the keys to the speeder as he avoids eye contact. He does that when he’s nervous. Why is he nervous? This whole interaction is completely puzzling to you, but you think there’s a way that you can mess with Anakin’s head the way he’s messing with yours. 
“Hmm… My type is tall, melodramatic Jedi who go by the name of Anakin Skywalker and are secretly, hopelessly, in love with me,” you tease, leaning over to his seat to pretend to kiss his cheek. He pushes you away with a scowl, glaring at you when you start laughing at his anger. 
“Not funny, milady,” Anakin huffs, crossing his arms.
“I thought it was funny,” You grin, pretending to cross your arms and puffing out a breath in mock irritation. 
“Stop that.”
“No. Not unless you stop being a child.” 
“Why can’t you just answer me honestly?” Anakin asks, a note of seriousness in his voice.
“Anakin…” You sigh, thinking that you have an idea as to what’s going on. Your eyes dart quickly to make sure Obi-Wan’s still inside, then you reach over and put your hand atop his. “If this is about Padme—” 
“It’s not,” Anakin grumbles, but you pay him no heed.
“Since this is about Padme leaving you, because I really don’t believe you, will you let me just say one thing? I’m sure she had her reasons. Padme never does anything that she knows would hurt other people unless she thinks it’s totally necessary.”
“I know that,” Anakin says quietly to himself, the metal paneling of his arm rippling as he flexes and looks at you. In his eyes there’s a softness you don’t find very often, one that’s inviting, that makes you want to pretend for maybe a second that this marriage was real. 
“You’re perfect, Anakin,” you reassure him, lost in the depths of his eyes. Why is it that you can feel every breath of his as if it’s your own? As though his heartbeat itself matches your own, in total synchrony with every part of you. 
“And so are you,” he whispers. You can hear his breath hitch in his throat as he looks at you and you wonder, just for a second, if there’s actually something between the two of you. You can’t be imagining all of this. But it’s over as soon as it started, Obi Wan’s voice snapping the both of you to attention. 
“Milady, you’re going to want to hear this,” Obi-Wan says grimly, the slightest of tremors in his hand as he rakes through his long strands. You don’t know him well enough to say, but the way that Anakin perks up at Obi-Wan’s tone tells you that there’s something big. “The Separatists, they’re not just planning on launching military attacks, they’re planning on attacking the food sources; slaughtering and burning the Shaaks, poisoning the water sources. They’ll have a series of attacks and bomb blasts set up to distract the Naboo Military. They’ll stop at nothing.” 
“Okay. Okay,” You whisper, brought back to reality. Your fantasies of Anakin in some role that he would never play are blinked away as terror seeps in, tinges your view of the future. “We’ll need to ramp up imports of food, and be prepared to maintain a completely safe distribution of food. I’ll leave it under the charge of someone not at the Capital, as I don’t want the spies interfering with our stores of food. As for the water,” You sigh, your mind turning furiously as you think. It’s all coming to a dead end. 
“We can’t let it become like Tatooine, where they have to moisture-farm just to get water,” Anakin interjects coldly. You look over at him to see that distant look in his eyes and you know he’s somewhere else, somewhere horrible. You reach out tentatively to bring him back to you. 
“The water will come later, after the food,” Obi-Wan adds quietly. “Dryskan told me when they’d do it all.” 
“Is there a possibility that he could have fooled us, at all?” You ask fearfully, hands shaking as you think of more blood under your rule, more blood on your hands. You can’t take it anymore. You can’t let what happened, happen again. Anakin seems to read your mind when he places a heavy hand on your shoulder, nodding silently when you turn your head to look at him. He knows what you’re thinking. 
“It can’t hurt to prepare, milady,” Obi-Wan responds. “But not a soul can know of your knowledge of it. They could strike sooner, leaving you no time to prepare.” 
“Get enough food to account for a famine without anyone realizing, get the people in danger out before they can be slaughtered, too, and fend against the increasing Separatist attacks. Sounds like it’ll go without a hitch,” You remark dryly, leaning your head back to close your eyes. “There must be something big. It has to be big, if they’re going this drastic. They’re trying to make Naboo an example, once and for all, and that means that there has to be something big coming our way.” The three of you sit in somber silence, hearts in your gut as worry tenses your muscles. 
“There’s a list of military attacks as well,” Obi-Wan says, breaking the silence. You reach for a slip of paper hidden within the sleeves of your robe
“We can’t write them down. A paper trail could be fatal,” Anakin interjects, placing a hand on your forearm. “I’ll remember them.” 
“You’ll have to act fast,” Obi-Wan responds. “Their next attack is in two days’ time.”
“That’s not enough time to plan a full-scale defense, let alone having to do it all without the Separatists knowing,” you sigh, frustrated. 
“We’ll have to evacuate the civilians, then. And quickly. Let the Separatists attack a deserted town,” Anakin suggests. He’s tired of the bloodshed, and you can’t blame him. You imagine that the blood spilled by the Jedi didn’t often involve the blood of the innocents. 
“If we go now, we could encourage them to evacuate with enough time,” you respond. It doesn’t take much convincing after that, the three of you shrouded by the night as you drive on in tense silence.
It’s nearly dawn by the time you arrive at the small town. There’s a feeling lingering in the back of your mind, some anxiety that you can’t give shape to with words. But you’ll be fine, you’re certain; if they find out that you and Anakin are missing, you’ll just lie. An early-morning stroll would fit you and Anakin’s dynamic rather well. 
Some of the town’s workforce is up, walking in the dusty roads, illuminated gray by the early morning light. They look at you without suspicion, just a curious indifference. You stop the speeder, donning your palace robes and get out. 
“Good people,” you say, your voice unwavering. You need them to believe you, like how they would if it was Padme telling them instead of you. “I come under the order of the palace. The Queen has knowledge of a Separatist plan that puts you all in grave danger. I’ve been sent here to aid you in evacuating; you are instructed to bring what is most important to you, and the palace will compensate and aid in rebuilding efforts should the town face damages.” You hide your nervousness— you can’t help it if they don’t believe you, but you also can’t tolerate another slaughter. Their faces show no signs of doubt, however; the mere mention of the Separatist forces are enough for most of the galaxy to tremble in fear. The chatter of conversation in response to your warning is slow but steady in its growth; the murmurs of people wondering what to bring, fear of the Separatists borne out of the knowledge of their crimes, and finally the concern for their wages. 
“S’cuse me, ma’am,” one man says, stepping forward. You feel Anakin step forward in response reflexively, moving to guard you from any threat and for some reason, it brings a flutter to your stomach. “How can we trust that what you’re saying is true?”
“You can’t,” you say, a bitter smile pulling at your lips. “But the risk of not trusting me will lead only to death.” 
“Six months is not enough to hide your thoughts from me, Anakin,” Obi-Wan says to Anakin as they usher the last of the town residents to the speeders, leaving them with the instructions on how to get to the determined shelter. 
“I don’t know what you mean, Master,” Anakin mumbles, helping a child up into a speeder as he avoids Obi-Wan’s eyes. 
“Anakin…” Obi-Wan sighs. “I am glad you have recovered from your heartbreak with Padme. Don’t deny it, young Skywalker, I have eyes and you’re about as subtle as a bantha with a trombone. And of course, with the current Queen, closeness is only natural. You spend every waking moment with her. But can you trust her?” 
“….I don’t need to trust her,” Anakin grumbles, pulling on a loose thread on his shirt. 
“But you do. I see it in the way you look at her, Anakin; it’s more than a mission. And when this is over, will you truly be able to let her go entirely?” Obi-Wan refutes. Anakin can’t answer his pointed question— he doesn’t know how to, because the thought of letting you go feels entirely foreign to him now. At his silence, Obi-Wan sighs, moving to stand next to him as they look at the open, deserted town. 
“I know what the Jedi Code says about attachments, Master. But this… it feels different. I do not covet her, I do not wish to own her; no, it’s that she shows me those parts of me which I hide. She is similar to me, and forces me to be better. I cannot call it love, nor can I say that I can trust her thoughtlessly, but perhaps it is the Force that brought me to her.” Obi-Wan hums, lost in his own thoughts as he internalizes what Anakin said. Anakin wonders briefly how well it is that Obi-Wan understands his words— after all, only a fool would have missed the dynamic between him and Duchess Satine. But part of him knows that it wasn’t entirely truthful— was it not jealousy that drove him to ask you about Arus? Was it not jealousy that he felt when you mentioned having been with another man? Hadn’t he wanted to rip Arus to shreds the second he saw him touching you? Anakin pushes his feelings down, ignoring the churning in his stomach in the hopes that it’ll go unnoticed by Obi-Wan. 
Obi-Wan, after a sizable pause, sighs heavily and nods. “Where is the Queen? You should go find her,” he says to Anakin tiredly. For a second, Anakin feels a twinge of guilt— he doesn’t mean to make Obi-Wan feel as though this is a lesson that he must parrot again and again, but it’s not like that with you. He’s not like that with you. But he swallows it, and goes off in search of you. 
The sun is bright and beating down on him overhead. It’s been hours since you first began evacuating every soul in the town, instructing them and helping them pack. You’re good and it couldn’t be clearer to him. And if you’re good, he’s good. Maybe that’s why he feels more self assured around you— you and him have so many similarities but you seem to live your life without that internal turmoil that Anakin knew for the past few years a little too well. 
As he walks the dusty streets he can hear the telltale sounds of a struggle, the sharp cry of pain which quickens his feet and takes him to the sight of you. He watches, almost frozen in his feet, as you deliver a sharp punch to Reyna’s throat, winding her before you sweep her to the ground in a move that he knows he taught you. A sense of pride fills him before it is overcome with horror— your hands, tangled in Reyna’s hair, slam her skull on the dry, dusty ground over and over again, until her body goes limp. You grab a nearby rock and drive the jagged edge into Reyna’s forehead, a splash of crimson spraying across your face as you look up to meet Anakin’s eyes. 
The look lighting up your eyes brings a sense of familiarity within Anakin, that bloodlust that had clouded his judgment all those months ago when he killed the Sand People. Nausea chokes his throat as he remembers that day, sees you mirror what he must have looked like. And through the fog of his revulsion and fear and regret, he realizes that no one can know what happened. 
“She saw us evacuating the people from the town, she knew we knew, she was gonna expose us,” You babble, still frozen on top of Reyna’s body. “She never trusted me, she never trusted us, she was going to— we would be dead if I hadn’t done it, she wanted us dead,” You plead, trying to rationalize and explain it all to Anakin. You don’t realize that he understands you perfectly.  
“Come on, come on,” he ushers you, getting you away from the body as you begin to shake. 
“What did I do, Anakin?” You whisper, trembling hands reaching to the ground as you try to sink away from his grasp. 
“No. Look at me. My queen, look at me,” he urges, wishing so desperately that he could take away the horrified look in your eyes. “You didn’t do anything. You haven’t seen her since you were in the palace, after which you and I went on a romantic stroll. How did she find you?” He asks, hands resting on your temples as he tries desperately to bring down your panic.  A little feeling of guilt burrows itself within him as he realizes he had never felt this guilty about the people he had killed. Maybe he should have, and that makes him feel worse. 
“She— I forgot to take off all my jewelry, and there was a tracker in one of my bracelets,” you whisper, going to rip off the bracelets. “She woke up this morning and we weren’t at the palace, so she checked the tracker and found us here. She didn’t tell anyone, or she would have brought someone else with her.” Anakin nods, stroking your temples with his thumbs. You close your eyes, murmuring his name in a desperate sob, with a sacredness to his name that he’s never truly heard before. 
Anakin hoists you away from Reyna’s still-warm body, the heat flowing out of her like rivers that seek you out, staining your hands with more blood. He doesn’t want you to deal with this, but fate has left the two of you with no choice. He can’t use the Force— Obi-Wan’s natural distrust of politicians, spies, whatever category you fit into would only make his opinion of you suffer. He’d be able to sense it instantly. And for some reason, Anakin wants him to approve of you. Desperately so, in fact. So he grabs some tools from the front of a nearby home, using some sort of shovel to dig into the dry dirt of the road. Each thud of the shovel radiates pain up his arm and the metal of his hand creaks and complains, but he hardly notices for the fact that the only thing you’ve been able to say is his name, over and over again. You’ve turned him into your anchor, and he can feel it, the vulnerability, the pain, the fear that you’ve become something that can’t be reversed. It’s the same fear that he feels so often, the same fear that he felt after killing the Sand People. And it’s then that Anakin realizes, startlingly, that he’d do anything for you. 
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faramirsonofgondor · 1 year ago
I’ve seen a lot of people say that Padme’s death was Anakin’s breaking point/what pushed him past the point of no return but I honestly think that his breaking point was when Obi Wan said “you were my brother Anakin, I loved you.” Throughout their on screen relationship we see Anakin constantly striving for Obi Wan’s approval and love, whether he admits it or not. At the beginning of aotc Anakin literally tells Obi Wan that he sees him as a father figure. However, after Anakin’s mother dies there is a noticeable strain in relationship, which is probably due to Palpatine’s influence. Anyways, throughout the clone wars we constantly see Palpatine messing with Anakin’s perception of the Council and Obi Wan, making Anakin feel like he needs to prove himself in order to gain their trust/approval/love.
(Admittedly, Obi Wan did not really do a great job of making Anakin feel appreciated or loved either, especially with the whole Rako Hardeen thing. I think part of it is also that they have very different love languages too. Obi Wan seems to be more of an “acts of service” and “quality time” type of person while Anakin is a “words of affirmation” and “gift giving” type of person.)
I think at the end of the day, Anakin was looking for someone to give him some sort of paternal love and he needed some sort of verbal confirmation about it. Which is exactly what Palpatine gives him. Meanwhile, Anakin seems sort of resigned to his relationship with Obi Wan and he has a consistent belief that Obi Wan thinks the worst of him. This is briefly disputed in RotS when Obi Wan says he’s proud of Anakin and that Anakin is a great jedi, but I think his confrontation with Palpatine sort of shook that conversation from his mind. Furthermore, Anakin’s conversation with Mace Windu probably made Anakin feel like none of the council trusted him or took him seriously (which contradicts his earlier conversation with Obi Wan).
Also, trust goes both ways. Since the council had such a mistrust of Anakin, he felt like he couldn’t go to them with his issues, or like they were hiding information from him. But with Palpatine, he had to put his trust into the idea that he means something to Anakin and that he’ll be able to get him to fall. Palpatine doesn’t have to be coerced or found out by Anakin, he just straight up tells him that he’s a sith, which is an extreme risk to make. When presented with the option of entrusting the council (who does not extend the same trust to him) or Palpatine, the man who groomed him into feeling like he had no other options, he’s obviously going to pick Palpatine.
But here’s where Anakin’s breaking point comes in, after Anakin kills the Separatists, after he chokes Padme, after he kills the padawans, after he accepts Palpatine’s offer, after fighting Obi Wan and getting his limbs chopped off, after all that Obi Wan looks Anakin in the eyes and tells him that he was his brother, and he loved him. After all the heartache Anakin went through, after all the times he felt like he wasn’t enough for Obi Wan, after all the times he felt like he couldn’t confide in Obi Wan (and confided in Palpatine instead), after resigning himself to the idea that he’ll never have Obi Wan’s love or approval, that’s when Obi Wan reveals that he had it the entire time, that he cared for Anakin just as much as Anakin cared for him, that he had truly believed in Anakin and trusted him, that the distance between them had hurt Obi Wan too, and that Obi Wan was distraught to be opposing Anakin, that Obi Wan didn’t want to be Anakin’s enemy but Anakin hadn’t given him a choice because he thought he’d already known how Obi Wan felt. It must’ve broke Anakin to yearn for Obi Wan’s love for so long, and only realize he’d had it the whole time, and now he’ll never have it again.
All those times Anakin had believed Obi Wan disliked him, that he didn’t care for him, that he’d hated him for all the mistakes he made, and it’s only after he makes a choice he can’t come back from, only after he decides to return Obi Wan’s “hatred”, that realizes that it was never the case at all. That Anakin was the one who drew the line the in the sand, that maybe their relationship had been cracking, but Anakin was one who looked at those cracks and had decided that it wasn’t worth the effort to mend, that it was better to throw it away. All the while Obi Wan had looked at those cracks and loved Anakin anyways. And maybes that’s what makes him finally break, maybes that’s why he yells that he hates Obi Wan, because maybe if Anakin had known, he could’ve saved the relationship on his end, and maybe if he’d trusted Obi Wan, then maybe they could’ve saved Padme together, and defeated the sith. But Obi Wan never told him, and now the both of them were stuck with ruins of their relationship, always wondering about what could’ve been.
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jeankirschteinswifey · 2 years ago
Holding Out For A Hero (Fives x Jedi!Reader)
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Summary: You’re Master Krell’s current padawan. Never really liking your master, you completely disobey his orders and journey out to Umbara, hoping to find out what the guy has been up to. Along the way, you make a few friends, and maybe help them a bit too ;) (Part 1 of 2)
Warnings: Only slight violence, that's it tho
A/n: this fic is totally inspired by “holding out for a hero” by Bonnie Taylor (yes I love 80s music) it’s been a while since my last fic (and I might start cross posting on ao3 soon under the name chirpybirdie)
2023 a/n: I still have not started an ao3 account. And it truly has been a while. Should I? (Kinda lost my game guys this is not my best fic- I'll get better I swear)
“I told you y/n, you are not coming to assist me. Is that clear?!” Krell yelled at you.
*sigh* “yes master.” You reply, defeated.
“Good. Remain here and train with the others.” You leave, heading to your quarters.
He can’t tell me what to do. I’m 19, i’m not even supposed to be a padawan anymore! I should be leading my own troops, have my own clones to lead! You thought. You walk around for a bit, hoping to catch some air. Than, you caught a glimpse of Krell getting ready to leave from the corner of your eye, and next to it, a small ship, usually used by Jedi masters to lead their troops.
Bingo. You thought, and you ran for it, succesfully sneaking past Krell and heading off to Umbara.
You land on the planet and see Anakin and your master talking. Realizing you may draw attention to yourself if you remain too long, you climb a tree and get higher ground, seeing the conversation from above.
“Thank you for the air support Master, it was much appreciated. But that’s not why your here is it?” Skywalker says.
“No, General Skywalker, the council has requested you back on Coruscant, effective immediately.”
Huh? But I was just with the council and they never mentioned Skywalker. Maybe it happened after I had left.
“What?? Why?”
“I believe a request was made by the Supreme Chancellor.”
Figures. You think while rolling your eyes.
“Well I cant just leave my men!” Anakin shouts.
“I will be taking over in the interim” Krell responds calmly.
You stopped listening after that, not wanting to even show interest in your master's conversation. Then, you see him. A clone. But he’s a bit different than the rest you’ve seen. He's very confident, he seems to be loyal too, and kinda.... fun? And not to mention his slight facial hair and the fact that he's an arc trooper made you swoon. You come back to reality and realize the troops are heading out and you follow them in the trees, praying you won’t be spotted.
“FALL BACK!! FALL BACK NOW!” Rex shouts above the gunfire. Shouts of pain are heard from the troopers, falling one by one.
Holy shit. I really wish I could help but if Krell sees me, he’ll punish me for disobeying orders. You think, still watching from the trees. The gunfire had calmed itself as the men held their fire, trying to come up with another plan.
“Fives. Hardcase. I need you to infiltrate the base and get their ships to destroy these things. Use their own technology against them.” You hear Captain Rex order.
“They won’t see it coming sir!” Hardcase says. Fives nods and they headed out.
I should follow them, maybe try to help them too. You think and follow behind.
"Before this I thought Krell was just crazy, but now, I'm beginning to think he just has it out for clones!" You heard the arc trooper say. You jump down from the tree and stand behind them.
"Yeah that's probably true, maybe the reason why I never got to lead some troopers as the commander alongside him" You say, startling the troopers. They quickly turn around and ready their blasters.
“Hold you fire guys. I’m just here to help” You say. You walk forward and show them your saber, proving your their ally. "I'm a jedi. I'm here to help you guys out."
“What the hell is a jedi doing here? The only one that was supposed to be here was Krell.” Fives snarled.
“We’ll for your information arc trooper, I’m his padawan. Trust me, I don’t like him much either.” You reply, glaring back at him.
God damn he looks good. Even when he's angry. You think.
“You heard that?” Fives asks.
“Yeah…I’ve kinda been listening in the trees this whole time because i’m not technically supposed to be here. ” You say.
“And you look older too, are you sure you’re a padawan?” Hardcase asks.
“Hardcase!” Fives yells.
“What!! Just a question!” Then you heard a comm beep. It was yours. And an incoming message from your master.
“Alright guys. Nice to talk to you. But we should probably get going with your plan." You say.
"But how? We were gonna climb the tree but-"Hardcase starts as you close your eyes and take a deep breath, holding your hands out as you do so.
"What are they doi-" Hardcase starts and suddenly stops as he is jabbed in the ribs by Fives.
"Can it Hardcase, it might be some jedi thing" Fives says, but is soon interrupted as he and Hardcase are lifted into the air, thrown over the fence and plop down onto the ground, groaning in pain. You however, leap over and land flat on your feet.
"How was that for a padawan?" You ask the troopers as they are still groaning in pain. You reach your hand out to help them and Fives gets up first, chuckling slightly at the stunt you pulled.
"I'll admit jedi, that was some stunt you just pulled." He starts.
"Y/n. My name is y/n by the way." You reply.
"Alright. Y/n then. Well, if we're introducing ourselves, my name is Fives, not 'arc trooper'." He says, extending his arm for a handshake. You take it, and give a firm shake, looking into his sultry brown eyes as he smiles back at you. Then, you continue on with the mission.
Part 2 will be coming shortly!
old taglist: send an ask if wanting to be in new one:
@eyecandyeoz @kratosfan6632466 @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s
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mayukicrystalqueen · 1 year ago
Okay so has anyone done like a DinLuke Anastasia AU? Because honestly I was listening to the Anastasia Broadway soundtrack (again) instead of my usual DinLuke playlist and like all I can think is this au.
Like Padmé and Anakin are King and Queen of Naboo, with the royal twins Luke and Leia. Don’s parents are servants who moved to Naboo from Aq Ventina and got jobs in the palace. Din is like only a few years older than Luke in this as opposed to their cannon age gap. Because of this they often hang out (I doubt Padmé or Anakin would have issue with him being friends with the hired helps kid just given who they are) Luke is Din’s best friend, but Luke’s beat friend is forever and always his twin sister Leia, though Din is a close second. Both have a crush on each other, but neither voice it.
Then when Luke is eleven and Din is like fourteen, not quite a full on revolution but enough people are unhappy with things that a group of them Storm the palace and kill Anakin and Padmé. Leia escapes with Bail Organa and is adopted by him, but Luke isn’t as lucky. Din helps him into the servants quarters, but Luke drops the music box his mom had made when he and Leia were babies. Din goes back for it, but witnesses his parents being executed for refusing to give up the twins location causing him to black out and stay separated from Luke. Luke meanwhile escapes, but falls down a hill and hits his head losing his memories. The next day a kind old lady finds him and offers to help him find somewhere to stay.
“What’s your name child?”
“I think it’s Lu…. Lu… Luka?”
“Very well Luka, let’s find you somewhere warm for the night”
Fast forward ten years, things have gotten worse, Luke is struggling to find and keep a job, Din WAS a Mandalorian, but they aren’t very welcome around Naboo anymore after one of them was involved with the murder of the King and Queen and disappearance of the Prince. He has Grogu still, but he’s a human in this au because I say so. He’s mute and likely the Star Wars equivalent of a nonverbal autistic. Grogu doesn’t like the helmet much either, he doesn’t like not seeing his dad’s face, so the helmet (and the rest of the armor) goes.
Greef and Cara come up with the plan to fool Leia, who is offering a reward for anyone who can return her brother to her. (She knows he’s alive because she can sense him in the force) Din wants no part in it, but is struggling with money and affording to care for Grogu and the amount of money offered, even split between them, would be life changing. So he, reluctantly, goes along.
The group eventually meet Luke, hoping to get off world and find his family, and agree he looks just like the missing prince (no duh). Greef and Cara are elated that Luke has no memories and just wants to find his family meaning no extra split in the reward. Din on the other hand feels bad for taking advantage of someone who looks just like his best friend. Luke for his part, recognizes Din, but can’t figure out how he knows him, or how he knows his name.
The group begins making plans to leave Naboo. Din is left with Luke and Grogu. Luke asks Din if they could have met when they were kids because he feels like he’s met him before. Din confesses he was very close to the prince before he went missing and how he was his best friend. Luke asks if he believes he’s really the prince and Din admits he doesn’t know. He doesn’t want to believe his best friend would have forgotten him. Luke reminds him that he can’t remember anyone or anything from before he was eleven. (Cue in my dreams sequence) Luke accidentally floats some things making Din believe he might just be the prince. (Force users are rare and even rarer would be someone who looks so similar to Luke with force sensitivity)
After months of traveling via shuttles (no one has a ship) Din, feeling guilty eventually confesses everything to Luke, who he’s started falling in love with. Luke confronts Greef and Cara about using him to get a reward and trying to con someone who is just looking for her brother. Luke agrees to continue with them, but only to see if Leia is his sister and as he doesn’t trust Greef or Cara anymore he doesn’t want to see them afterwards. Din promises to help Luke find his family if Leia isn’t his sister and the two end up spending the night together.
Meanwhile Bail convinces Leia to give up the search, at least temporarily for her sake.
Stuff happens, Luke and Leia reunite, Luke gets his memory back, Din realizes Luka and Luke are the same person when talking with Luke results in him remembering the time Luke convinced his parents to let Din ride in the parade with them. Someone tries to kill Luke and Leia, Din stops them. Din and Luke get together, Luke adopts Grogu and the three decide to live a quiet life though Luke remains close to Leia.
I might have to write this actually.
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