#but an anon requested and i'll be damned if i ignore a request
eldritch-spouse · 14 hours
Was reading through the Berle tag, and was hit with this random brain worm-
Imagine you're visiting the Glutton ring of hell -either as a tourist or simply visiting some friends who live within that circle- and, as a treat, you drop into Berle's ice cream parlor. A nice sweet and cooling slice of heaven to be found amongst the smoldering heat of hell. Of course you've heard of the place before. With it being so famous, a damn-near requirement to stop by whenever you're in Glutton. You've heard of the complex and wide range of flavors that are served there. Some flavors you wouldn't even have come close to considering possible ice cream flavors. Some of them honestly sound downright repulsive, but you have learned not to judge. Let others live their happiness, and focus on living your own.
Okay, so maybe you had alternative motives when you made a detour on your way to whatever place you're staying at, to step into Berle's highly air-conditioned shop. You were on a mission. A rather childish and, to others, pointless one. But to you, it was of high importance, you just had to know! Did they sell your favorite ice cream flavor. It wasn't like you had odd tastes, you weren't searching for a thanksgiving dinner flavored scoop of creamy goodness, but for whatever reason, you just could never seem to find a place that sold your favored flavor. Anytime you'd go to a grocery store, or any other ice cream shop, it'd be the first thing you'd search out. Always feeling disappointed and a bit let down when your hopeful searches turned up empty. At this point, you'd marry someone in order to satiate your cravings. And you say so, more so to yourself than anyone else, as you looked over the offered flavors for that day.
You don't think anyone had heard you, and even if they did, you didn't think much of it. Didn't think anyone would care. How wrong you were. How unaware and cutely ignorant you were of the future you had unknowingly spoken into existence. Even if you didn't truly mean it. You were just making a joke about how much you wanted to indulge in your sought after treat again. The demon behind the counter, who had found his eyes stuck to you since you had entered his shop, and was watching you with sickly sweet hunger as you scanned over his products, had heard you loud and clear.
If he doesn't have what you're looking for, if you just give him a bit he promises you he can cook it up for you! While he's doing that, you can pick out your guys rings. You can propose to him once you get back.
((Also, I don't know if you do anons, but if you do can I either be Isopod anon or 🧠 anon?)
[I don't really tag anons, but we have a few yes, I'll remember you.]
There's been a number of asks regarding Berle that sort of sound like "I'd only humor him if he had [X] flavor", which is selling yourself short, because if there's one location in the world where you're likely to find the most niche flavors of ice cream, it would be Gluttony, especially Berle's Sorbet place.
You're even more cooked in this scenario because, the way you worded it almost makes it sound like a deal proposition, and the prince is going to swoop in immediately. He accepts your deal, formalizes it in a manner much too quick for you to realize, and by fulfilling the request you set forth, he in turn expects you to remain true to your end of the deal.
This is something he'll continue to hold over your head. You made a deal, you made an open deal, and he fulfilled it. Don't be silly, there are consequences for your actions!
So anyway, time to cook in advance for the ceremony, would you like to help Berle? He's going to make a wedding themed slime cream for the occasion and he'd like his bride's input.
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fraugwinska · 5 months
Hi! Okay, damn, sorry, i tried to chill out and not request again so quickly 😅 but I've been constantly thinking about your writing, and I've read all your Alastor one shots like 10 times each...
I'm especially hung up on the ending of More than Words, I did not expect you to end it in such a sweet way and honestly I'd love to see a follow up to that, basically a part two :)
Plot wise I was thinking:
It's been a few weeks since the two of you fell asleep on the couch and Charlie is getting impatient since nothing else happened between Alastor and reader but she can see the way the two looks at each other when they think no one is watching. So, Charlie being Charlie, makes up a plan to set you two up. She also involves everyone at the hotel and some people outside (Rosie) - she makes it so whenever there's some activity, you two are always paired up, or Rosie invites you both for dinner but five minutes into it she leaves saying she forget about something important. And you notice what she's trying to do and while you do appreciate it, you also see that Alastor feels anxious and pressured (you see that but not the fact he's growing feeling for you), so you decide to talk with her. And Alastor hears everything? And we get another amazing sweet emotional ending? 👀🥰
Last thing last - please do not feel pressured to write it or anything, i just wanted to share this with you cause it's been on my mind 😅❤️
You ask - the fluff fairy delivers! 🧚✨ I loved More than words, so I was super happy and excited to write a continuation - and it's as fluffy and wholesome as can be! :> Thank you, Anon, for the suggestion and your beautiful, kind words!!!
Louder than Words
"...and with Niffty choosing Husk, that leaves you two."
Charlie clapped her hands together with a gleeful smile, eyes darting between an annoyed looking Alastor and an annoyed looking you.
"Yes. That leaves us.", you sigh.
"Again.", Alastor adds, the smile on his lips twitching.
"Oh come on, guys, don't be such spoilsports. Look at how much fun this is!" she gestured to a blindfolded and beaten up Vaggie, cursing at Angel in Spanish who howled with laughter as he pushed her through Charlies makeshift obstacle course with much too much carelessness.
"Well I'll be damned. Ange actually managed to get her to to run into the same desk twice without gettin' punched.", Husk said in amused bewilderment, just as a loud "OUCH, ey, stop it Vagina!" was heard. Niffty giggled, blindfolding herself and taking Husks paw. The cat groaned but started to lead her - or more she dragged him - through the course, constantly (almost purposely) hitting something in her way.
You and Alastor looked at each other.
"Well, I guess you don't feel like going through a minefield of office furniture.", you shrugged, and took the last blindfold from Charlies hands, ignoring her excited squeal as you put it on. "Don't let me run into the coffee table, my shins still hurt from last weeks bonding exercise..."
Alastor let out an exasperated sigh. "Very well, then."
This was getting out of hand. As you felt Alastor's hand on your back, pushing you into the blindness forward, you thought about the last few bonding and trust exercises and how blatantly obvious Charlie was in her determination to get you and Alastor together.
At first you didn't mind, since she didn't make you do anything that wasn't bearable. On one activity, you had to tell your partner what you appreciated about them, that had been easy. Before Alastor could turn to Niffty, who stood next to him, she had almost hauled herself away, insisting on Angel as her partner, and Angel - next to you - nodded with unfitting eagerness. Alastor told you about how good you were at listening and giving good advice, and you had told him you loved the way he spoke - the accent, his way of choosing words and the melodic voice he had, and that you liked his laugh. Easy.
On another activity, Charlie made everyone pair up (of course, you were Alastor's partner, and this time you were sure the sticks you drew were marked by Charlie and Husk by the way they had shared mischievous looks) and hug their partner for five minutes. That had been less fun. You were much too aware how averse Alastor was to physical touch, and although he could've had it worse with Angel or Vaggie, you still felt bad when you saw the look on his face as Charlie set the timer. "We don't have to, Al. I can just sit this one out.", you had told him, but with a pained smile, he wrapped his arms around you stiffly, holding you in an awkward embrace. "It's alright dear, just... stay still, would you?" It had been a weird, uncomfortable silence, those five minutes. You avoided any touch yourself and did not dare to look him in the eyes, so to not make it any more weird for him.
It had taken you a long time to understand that the radio demon was, in it's essence, just another former human being turned sinner. A man with a lot of traumas and issues, who had died and gone to hell. Not a good person by heavenly standards... by most standards really, being an overlord and cannibal and all, but in hell that didn't really mean anything, you were all there for a reason. It certainly meant nothing to you. With a lot of work from your end, he had learned to trust you, and in return he let you get to know him, step by step.
But all these efforts could go down the drain at this infuriating persistence of everyone around you to force something that shouldn't be forced. Alastor was already uncomfortable at being touched, already hesitant to share things from his past, or his feelings, already on the fence of showing genuine kindness and trust. The last thing you wanted was to lose all the progress you've made with him.
The feeling of his arms around you had burned itself into your memory, and the scent of him had stuck to your skin for a long time. You weren't stupid, it had been a long time coming, this goddamn crush on him, this fluttering feeling one gets when getting too close to another. You had fallen for him a long time ago, and you could argue with reason all you wanted - it didn't change the fact you liked Alastor more than just a friend. BUT - and this but was important - he never had shown any interest in relationships, romance, love or anything. And that was fine. You were content to have him in your life, and if that was as 'just' trusted friends, you would still take it in a heartbeat.
"Watch out, darling, armchair to your left." Alastor's voice, right next to your ear, made you flinch. "Careful now, the carpet is starting to change into hardwood.", he warned and you nodded, taking careful steps. You had no idea where you were in the foyer, or if you were nearing the door or the stairs. "Are we anywhere close to the finish line?", you asked him and you heard his quiet chuckle.
"Oh no, we still have quite a way to go. Don't worry, my dear, I'll make sure you're not going to run into the remains of the cupboard Niffty just destroyed." His hand on your waist, guiding you, made you swallow nervously.
That gesture reminded you of another instance of your friends overreaching insistence - your visit at Rosie's last week. Rosie, your long-time friend, had invited you and Alastor for a dinner party. She had sent a message through Charlie (which should have been your first clue that something was not right), but both of you had decided to go, because who were you to deny her hospitality? You had been surprised to find her emporium so... empty, when you entered. No servants, no other guests, no one. Only you, Alastor and Rosie, sitting in her lounge chatting about the newest gossip of hellish politics before she served a whole feast of venison, various vegetables and side dishes, all of which had looked exquisite and overly fancy.
She had left almost as soon as you and Alastor sat down, saying she forgot to pick up something important from across the colony, and to not wait on her while she rushed out of the room with a glistening smile. You had watched her suspiciously, knowing she was up to something. It didn't take a genius to realize she was trying to set you two up, and Alastor seemed to have understood the same, because of the way he pinched the bridge of his nose, visibly uncomfortable and tense the whole evening. It had been a somewhat awkward affair, the two of you eating and desperately chatting, unwilling to waste the food. But you couldn't even get a proper bite down your throat with how much your stomach was twisting.
When Rosie returned, she found you sitting on the sofa, drinking tea, while Alastor was absent.
"Did something happen?", she had asked you with a pinch of impish curiosity, and you had replied "No. Nothing." in a dry tone. She had sat down next to you, asking how dinner had been, and if the two of you enjoyed yourselves. "Oh yes, it was lovely, although your seat empty surely was a little damper on the fun." you had answered, giving her a fake smile. You never saw her that abashed before. When Alastor returned to bring you back to the hotel, the walk had been... silent. Awkward, as you hung on his arm he had presented you, with him unable to look you in the eyes and you not wanting to press him into more talking. When you had arrived home, he guided you through the double doors, his hand on your waist, before quickly saying good night and melting into his shadows to rush away into his room, leaving you alone in the dark foyer.
It was like you were standing on glass, always having an eye out to make sure others wouldn't push too hard and break the thin ice you walked on, with a dangerous fondness deep beneath the surface, too fragile to poke.
"...listening, Darling?"
"Huh? What?"
You felt the blindfold being removed from your eyes, the sudden light blinding you.
"You look a little flushed my dear." you blinked your eyes, only to see Alastor stand directly in front of you, just barely out of arms reach, staring you in the face with a scrutinizing expression. "The exercise is over, we made it through the course without a scratch, I hope I didn't cause you any discomfort."
It took a moment for you to realize that you stood at the edge of the maze of furniture, but what really knocked you off your balance was the way Alastor's head was tilted slightly to one side, his crimson eyes almost boring through you, staring deep into your soul, as if he was looking for you, truly seeing you, and how he reached out a sharp tipped hand towards you with the look of worry on his face. You took a step back, laughing nervously and raking a hand through your hair.
"All good, Al. I'm just glad there's no imprint of my face on any of the cupboards." You saw him jerk his hand back with a pained smile. "Splendid.", he laughed, the edges of it trembling. He looked everywhere but at you, "Shall we join the others, then?"
You followed him to one of the sofas and let yourself fall on the plush cushions next to him. You watched his ears twitch as Angel hollered a jubilant cheer of Vaggie's name, who finally reached the end of the course, the blood on her shins almost dried. Husk patted a panting Niffty on the back with a fond look, while Charlie cheered as Angel bowed for her with a big grin.
"Told 'ya the spicy taco and I could make it out alive and in one piece, Charls!"
Vaggie gave Angel a deathly glance, then sighed. "It's high time for lunch, hon. All the blood loss made me hungry..."
The group collectively agreed and headed towards the kitchen, talking and laughing loudly with each other. You couldn't help but give Alastor, who kept his gaze anywhere else than to you, a look, furrowing your brow. This had to stop, now.
"Charlie, do.... do you have a minute?"
The princess stopped to look at you, her smile disappearing and her eyes widening as she saw the stern expression on your face.
"Uh- Yeah, sure.", she shot Vaggie a look, as if begging for her help, but you just grabbed her hand and pulled her away into a nearby corridor while the others snickered and headed off, telling them to take their time. Charlie gave you a nervous glance, and the pitiful face of guilt only worsened your mood.
"Charlie, I know you mean well, but you have to stop."
"Listen, I didn't mean any harm..." Her face was full of pitiful remorse. You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed.
"I'm aware of that, Charlie, but you are making Al uncomfortable."
"I'm sorry, really, that's not my intention! I just Thought you two need a little push in the right..."
"This whole... THIS might end our friendship all together and I don't want to take that risk! You're even getting the others involved. For fuck's sake, even Rosie is in on it. Al doesn't want this - us, relationship-thing, WHATEVER, and it is not okay for you to press us!"
Her eyebrows shot up. "But you want it."
"What?", you said, irritated.
"You're only talking about him, and his feelings. But what I'm hearing is, that you... you like him, right? You'd say yes to..."
Tears of frustration shot into your eyes. Why didn't Charlie get it? "That doesn't matter. It's not something only one can decide, you should know that. He doesn't feel the same, and that's fine. He doesn't want to be with me, and that's fine. I can accept that. What I can't accept is the way you're hellbent on forcing a relationship on us. He is happy the way we are, and I don't want you and the others to mess that up."
You turn away from her, angry and hurt. "I just... want him to be happy. To have his boundaries respected."
"I... I'm sorry...", Charlie started, but you already walked off.
You were angry. Angry at Charlie, angry at everyone, angry at yourself. Almost at your doorstep, a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
"Dearest? I'd like to talk, if that's alright with you."
It was Alastor. Of course it was Alastor.
Your heart was pounding in your chest, a feeling of dread and guilt washing over you, as if he had overheard the entire conversation, and you slowly turned around, swallowing. He didn't seem upset, but his face was calm and serious, not the usual cheerful smile on his lips.
"Of course."
He held the door to your own room open for you, closing it behind him after you entered.
"Take a seat, Darling, if you would."
You sat down, hands in your lap, avoiding his gaze, looking at your carpet with feigned interest. Your heart was hammering against your ribs, a painful stinging sensation in your stomach.
"Darling, would you look at me, please."
With a heavy sigh, you obliged, looking up.
"Al, listen, I'm sorry...", you started, but were interrupted by the radio demon's hand, raising up.
"Please. Let me talk, would you, my dear."
You closed your mouth, and he nodded, a gentle smile on his lips.
"I know I'm a... difficult man. And I am not exactly the best in understanding the feelings of others. I also know that the princess and - under her meticulous orchestration - our fellow residents, are quite adamant in their endeavor to try and push us together."
You swallowed, hard. The way he looked at you made your stomach drop.
"Al, listen, it's alright, I've talked to Charlie and I'll tell the others to stop..."
"Darling, would you PLEASE shut up for a minute?"
The room was suddenly silent. He rarely talked like that to you.
"As I was saying..." He sighed, and you couldn't help but think he was utterly frustrated. You felt horrible. "I don't appreciate it when people assume what I want or don't want."
"Neither do I.", you mumbled, and he let out a laugh.
"That is precisely my point, Darling." Alastor took a few steps towards you, his cane twirling in his hands before he poofed it out of existence. "And as such, I've been pondering for a while how to proceed. The way the others keep pestering us, I thought it's better to clear things up between us."
Your heart sank. So he did overhear your conversation with Charlie, after all. You couldn't blame him. You would've done the same.
"Alastor, I understand..."
"Do you now?", he asked, tilting his head to one side, an incredulous smirk playing on his lips. Lips that were suddenly awfully close to your own. When did he get so close? Why did he get so close?!
Everything slowed down - his arm snaked around your waist, his hand came up to your neck, a thumb caressing the little dip of the bottom of your jaw. Your trembling hands came to rest on his chest, and you felt his heartbeat hammering underneath the fabric of his jacket. His eyes, those beautiful crimson eyes, were fixed on yours, and your breath came out in a shaky sigh before his lips closed over yours, kissing you so softly and sweetly you could barely comprehend what was happening. Your fingers gripped the lapels of his jacket, holding on for dear life, and as he deepened the kiss, you gasped, your whole body tensing, melting, yearning.
It felt like a dream, an out of body experience, and for a short, panicked moment, you felt the cold, hard grip of fear around your heart. What if it was just a dream, and when you wake up, everything is back to the way it was before? What if he would pull away any moment, and apologize, saying he made a mistake?
But the fear disappeared almost immediately, when Alastor hummed contently, and pulled you even closer to him.
You could feel the warmth of his body, the way his hand on your neck got tangled in your hair, how his breath was mingling with yours, and the scent of him filled your nose. The faint smell of spices, old books, wood and something like burnt amber, a scent you would never get enough of.
"Now tell me, dearest, if you understood.", he murmured against your lips, the grin audible in his voice.
"I... might need a little more explanation."
You could almost hear him roll his eyes as he leaned in to kiss you again, and his laughter against your lips made your heart skip more than just one beat. The sound of wood cracking and a loud rumble snapped both of your heads towards your door.
In a pile of heads and limbs, five bodies fell through the splintered wood of your door frame, groaning in pain, the remains of the door still swinging in its hinges.
Alastor looked at the pile of eavesdroppers, a wide, dangerous grin on his face.
"Dear me, what an entrance. I wonder, did the door offend you, or was that the result of a lack of proper manners?"
Angel, being the first to poke his head out of the groaning mess of sinners, pointed at you with one of his arms, the others fisted the air in victory.
"A-HA! WE FUCKING DID IT, fuck yeah!"
Niffty, the next one to crawl out of the pile, nodded eagerly.
"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!", she chanted, jumping up and down excitedly on a groaning Husk's back.
Charlie's face came into view, a guilty look on her face as she untangled the others in a hurry, shoving them out of the door.
"Uh, so, sorry, the door was kinda in the way. Didn't want to interrupt anything, sooo, We're just gonna... get back to cooking."
With her tail between her legs, the flustered princess and her entourage vanished faster than the speed of light, leaving you and Alastor alone with your heart pounding fast, your hands still clutching the front of the overlords jacket, and his arms around your waist in a protective embrace, your breaths mingling.
"Would it bother you terribly if I killed them?", Alastor growled low in his throat, his smile widening.
You just couldn't stop grinning. "As tempting as that is... I rather you don't. For now, that is. Ask me again when they are finished cooking."
He returned your smile. "Fair enough, dear."
He closed the gap between you and his lips meet yours halfway in a soft, and most certainly not-enough-to-last-a-lifetime kind of kiss. You thought you could get used to this.
"I'm sure they can handle lunch by themselves, don't you think?", he hummed into your ear. You didn't trust your voice to reply, and simply nodded.
Tagging all commenters on 'More than words', because LOVE @mysterypotatoink @ladyzaunis @penelope-potter @lustylita @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @katgirl05 @deadt3tinside and @minkdelovely (for the daily dose of fluff)
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zepskies · 8 months
Headcanon: Teasing him under the table.
Pairings: Dean Winchester x F. Reader, Beau Arlen x F. Reader, Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Reader
AN: This was requested by this lovely anon:
Could you please write an imagine or something of all three boys (Dean: love the plus-sized one-shots; Ben from BMD: love your interpretation of The Boys; and Beau) - and how would they react to their girlfriends giving them a footsie? 👀
I'm interpreting this as a "playing footsie" moment lol.
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Flirting, innuendo, and some smuttiness. (You know Ben. 🙄)
Headcanon: How Dean, Beau, and Ben would react to you teasing him under the table.
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Dean Winchester
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Because of the request, I had the Espresso-verse version of Dean and the reader in mind, but this can be general Dean x Reader too.
Dean is playful by nature. (AKA: a professional flirt.)
He enjoys working you up, but he enjoys it even more when you're confident enough to tease him back...even if it somehow always surprises him.
But he's been driving you crazy all damn day. Throughout the whole damn hunt.
Flirty smiles, suggestive quips masked as "innocent" remarks, brief touches to your arm, the small of your back, guiding you by your hip, a thumb swiping under your shirt and against your skin, lightly pressing into your curves...
It's all "normal," except for the deeper, suggestively teasing glint in his eyes.
He's in a good mood, and he wants you to know it.
And it's all in front of Sam, who knows the game you two are playing. Sometimes he smiles in both amusement and fondness, and he looks away to allow you guys your moment. Sometimes he rolls his eyes, or just tries to ignore it when he's had enough of you two eye-fucking in plain sight.
Dean knows what his touch does to you, but you know one or two of his weaknesses too...
When the hunt is finally over, the three of you find the closest diner to the motel you're staying at.
Dean orders the greasiest burger you've ever seen. He also teases Sam for already looking for the next case with his laptop at the table.
Dean glances over, his lips starting to curve as he licks a bit of burger juice off his fingers. He looks at you dead in the eyes while he sucks his digits clean.
He's equal parts noisy and disgusting. But damn him, your hand tightens around your glass of water. Your lips press together, and so do your legs. You nudge his foot with your boot and raise your brows. Stop it.
He pouts, and he nudges your foot right back. Make me.
You tilt your head at him. Adopting a certain smile, you slide your foot across the floor, under the table, and graze his calf with the side of your boot.
Dean's lips twitch. Sam is seemingly oblivious as he continues researching on his laptop.
Your foot travels higher up Dean's leg, up the inside of his thigh. You only gasp a little when he suddenly reaches down and grabs your ankle. His resulting smirk is salacious, even as he challenges you with his eyes. What're you gonna do now?
You contemplate exactly that, when his brother's voice startles you.
"Can you guys do me a favor and quit it?" Sam asks. He doesn't even look up from his laptop. "At least wait until we get home."
You bite your lip and blush. Both you and Dean fight harder smiles at being caught.
"No one likes a killjoy, Sammy," Dean remarks. Sam just sends his brother a dry look.
Dean's amusement remains. He taps on your ankle in contemplation, but after a moment, he lets you go. He grabs his phone and texts you under the table.
"Quickie out back?"
You grimace, then you text him back.
"Gross, babe. There are things I promised myself I'd never do in a public bathroom."
"So...meet you in 5? Come on, I'll do that thing you like. 😈"
His stupid grin, his stupid face, his long fingers tapping on the tabletop (somehow, even that is suggestive). It all eventually breaks you down.
"...Ugh, fine," you reply. You slide out of your chair first. But as you walk past him, you let your fingers brush down his neck — in a way that always makes a little shiver run down his spine. You smirk in satisfaction as you walk away.
He might've started it, but you could damn well finish it.
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Beau Arlen
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Oh, my dear cowboy sheriff...
Beau is also a jokester. He takes his work and the people in his life seriously, but he likes to keep things "loose." Perhaps it's a coping mechanism, but it's mostly just his way of going through life.
Tonight, however, is a tense dinner with your parents, Beau, Emily, and his parents that are visiting from Houston.
It's a nice steakhouse, more high scale than you or Beau are used to, but your parents insisted on it. Beau's parents are good-natured and full of southern charm. They're just happy to see their son and granddaughter, let alone meet his girlfriend for the first time.
The night is only tense because, as much as you love your parents, they're not sure about you dating a man with such a dangerous job.
They also have a thing about appearances, and the fact that he's divorced and has a child who isn't yours, and frankly, all the things you don't give a rat's ass about.
Your back is ramrod straight in your chair (there's a tightness in your spine that comes every time your mom taps you on the hand with her fork to remind you not to slouch).
You can't even really taste what you're eating, because you're too focused on making sure your parents don't say anything insulting to Beau and his family.
Then a boot taps against your open-toed heel. You glance over at your boyfriend, and he's already wearing a smile. He gives you a teasing wink as he eats a forkful of mashed potatoes.
Your stress begins to melt, just like that. God, this man.
You smile back at him and take a calming sip of wine. Your mom begins to talk about her upcoming tupperware party. Your smile deepens, but not because of that.
You playfully tap your foot on Beau's without looking at him.
You feel his discreet stare on the side of your face, but you pretend to be invested in your mom's conversation about tupperware. (I mean really, I thought those parties went extinct. Apparently, not in the Midwest.)
Beau's foot nudges yours back. You hook your toes under the hem of his pant leg, inching it up and up...
He retaliates with a hand drifting down your thigh, over the skirt of your dress. He grabs just above your knee and squeezes. Your leg jerks up on reflex, and your knee hits under the table hard enough to rattle the silverware, making you yelp.
The whole table looks over at you in both surprise and concern. (Your mother more in disapproval.)
Beau bites his lip against a deeper smile.
"You okay there, baby?" he asks.
"Sorry, my foot slipped," you lie through a tight smile. When you turn to him, your eyes narrow a fraction, promising retribution. You grab his hand tightly, but he just uses the motion to bring yours up to his lips.
Beau looks forward to whatever you plan to dish out next, as long as you wait until after dessert.
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Soldier Boy (Ben)
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Aw hell, this guy. 😂 I'm imagining BMD-verse Ben for this one...
Ben has a decent sense of humor, but he doesn't often like to be teased.
He'd rather be respected.
But you love to tease him anyway.
You also know his "limits," but it doesn't stop you from figuratively tap dancing all over them when you have the opportunity. You're slowly but surely trying to get him to loosen up.
Sometimes though, it bites you in the ass.
Like tonight, when you've gotten him to come with you to a Broadway show. You two have your own private booth on the second floor balcony. (He likes the privacy, and it's safer for you, as he's argued.)
20 minutes in, and you can already tell he's gotten bored. To be fair, it's a drama that's admittedly a bit dry and slow. You don't want him to walk out before the intermission, so you start to hatch an idea...
Your legs are crossed, and you draw your high-heel slowly against the side of his foot. When he glances over you, you pretend to be invested in the show. Your arms are crossed over your black dress that falls to mid-thigh. Your jacket is draped across your lap.
You brush the thin point of your heel across the top of his shoe, then inch it up under his pant leg, higher and higher.
Until Ben's hand finally grabs hold of your knee. Biting your lip, you turn to him with a smile.
"Do you mind? I'm watching the show," you tell him. He allows you to peel his hand of your leg and place it back in his lap. You cross your legs in the opposite direction.
Ben raises his brows. His lips twitch slightly, but he seems to acquiesce, relaxing back in his seat.
For a while, you actually watch the play. You become invested in the story and the characters by the time it gets halfway through Act 1.
That's when you feel a strong hand slowly slip down your thigh and between your legs, slowly rucking up the skirt of your dress.
You try to stifle a gasp as you look over at Ben. He doesn't meet your hot stare, but his hand is certainly on the move, covered by your jacket. He brushes against your panties.
Against your better judgment, you let him spread your legs wider. A smile finally crosses his face. His fingers hook around your underwear and brush between your folds. You let out a shaky breath and shift in your seat.
You know you should stop him, but you can't help the warm coil of arousal starting pool in your lower belly, and between your legs. Ben feels it with a smirk. His fingers find your clit with ease.
"Ben," you gasp, warning him in a heated whisper.
He leans over and presses a raspy kiss to your neck, thanks to his beard.
"Perks of a private room," he says. His voice is a low rumble in your ear.
You start to shake your head. You know you started this, but you also know him. This has the potential to go off the rails very quickly.
"This isn't a room. We're on a damn balcony," you breathe out, even as his fingers continue to work you over. You bite your lip to stifle a moan. "Anyone could—"
"Who gives a fuck?" Ben says gruffly.
As usual, his raunchy brand of logic (and his talented hands) manage to persuade you to give in.
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AN: lol I had fun with this one. Let me know what you think! 💜
Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Big Sky Masterlist
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Dean, Beau + SB Tag List (Part 1)
@melancholictearz @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman
@iprobablyshipit91 @agalliasi @venicesem @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @deansbbyx @mimaria420 @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @skyesthebomb @this-is-me19 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup
@jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @emily-winchester @tearsfortheyouth @solo-pitstop-vibes @dope-trope-105 @liuope @beautyvaliant @xxlaynaxx @beskarfilms @tmb510 @iamsapphine @roseblue373 @lacilou @jackles010378 @waywardxwords @mrsjenniferwinchester
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ssailormoonn · 22 days
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Shinazugawa Sanemi X Fem!Reader
WC; 1.1k+ | !MDNI! | TW/CW; no triggers apart from sanemi being a lil mean >.<, reader is very polite and timid, she doesn't really understand the whole concept yk, she's like innocent.
⋆·˚ ༘ *𝑅𝐸𝒬𝒰𝐸𝒮𝒯 :: (filled request) Could you please do sanemi with s/o where he tries to degrade her and stuff but shes SO polite and just says Like 'sorry' and 'thank you' and obeys every command without question with like EXTREME politeness that its just too difficult to degrade, and its so cute😭 Im curious to see how he'd react. - ANON
m.list | demon slayer m.list
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Sanemi had forever been known for his whiplash tongue and his rough character, he had no time for dribble, no use for sissies, and most definitely did not have the time for anything that even smacked of being very soft and very cutesy, very demure, LMA- sorry in the remotest way.
And that was the major reason it dumbfounded him, completely and absolutely, to have ended up with you-a person so soft, so sweet, and endlessly, impeccably polite that he often wanted to bash his head against a wall. Almost.
It had been a very long day, and all he wanted right now was to come home, maybe blow off some steam, and just bag all the tension built up. You were there waiting as he walked through the door with that same soft smile that chipped away at his gruff exterior.
"Welcome home, Sanemi," you smiled, your voice like honey. "How was your day?"
He grunted in response, not in the mood to answer that question with anything more than a noncommittal noise, and tossed his sword on the table with a clatter. He ran a hand through his unruly hair, trying to ignore how your mere presence seemed to make the knots in his shoulders loosen just a bit.
You reached for his haori, folding it carefully and setting it aside. "Dinner will be ready soon. Would you like to wash up first?"
You always were so goddamn considerate, always trying to think ahead, trying to make sure everything was just right for him. It was. maddening in a way. How the hell was it so easy to be nice, so completely put off by his roughness?
"No," he snapped, sitting heavily at the table. "Just hurry up with the damn food."
"Of course, my love. I'll bring it right away."
You didn't bat an eye at the sharpness of his tone and moved with that calm grace that always seemed to unsettle him. You readied the food, all the while Sanemi watching you sideways for something-anything-to continue acting that way.
Another command was barked out, this one more biting. "But don't scorch it. I'm not in the mood for your usual bland crap.".
"Yes, dear. I will get it soon-the way you like it," you replied quickly in your always-soft respectful tone. You didn't even pause with the job on hand and that soft smile, until you got it to the table, just about perfectly prepared.
Sanemi frowned, attempting to find fault with it, but of course, there was nothing to be found. The food was great- exactly how he liked it. Still, he would never admit that, muttering something incomprehensible under his breath as he started to eat, hoping you didn't pay attention to the slight softening of his features.
You sat down opposite him, your hands neatly folded in your lap, and watched him eat with that gentle expression that drove him crazy, for reasons he could not quite fathom. It wasn't long before his irritation began to bubble up again, this time more at himself than you.
Why couldn't he just stay angry? Why did you have to be so… so…
"Why do you put up with this?" he finally snapped, his head jerking up from his meal, to meet your calm gaze. "Why don't you ever get pissed off? Why don't you ever talk back or tell me to shut up?"
You turned your head slightly, as if genuinely considering his questions, and then you smiled. A soft, warm smile that made something in his chest twist.
"Because I love you, Sanemi. I know you're just trying to cope with everything in your own way. If being rough with me helps you, then that's okay. I just want to make things easier for you."
Sanemi blinked, taken aback by your response. How could you say that with such sincerity? How could you look at him with so much affection after everything he'd said and done?
He opened his mouth for the argument, to say something sharp and biting back, but the words just wouldn't come. Instead, he felt the anger drain out of him, replaced instead by a confusion he couldn't quite shake.
"Easier for me?" he repeated, all but disbelieving. "How the hell is letting me treat you like crap easier on me?
"Because it gets it out," you said, like it was the most painfully obvious thing in the world. "I know you're not really mad at me. You're just frustrated sometimes, and that's okay. If it means that you need to get a little rough around the edges, then I'm cool with that. I know you don't mean it."
Sanemi stared at you, utterly dumbfounded. You seemed to take the wind out of his sails and left him floating, directionless because he did not know what would or should happen next. He was used to people fighting back, to fights and resistance, and you… well, you didn't push back. You don't fight. You just… accept him. And somehow, that was more disarming than any argument could have been.
He sat there, just staring at you for a moment, his brain racing to catch hold of what feeling was moving around inside him. It was annoying and confusing and-strangely comforting all at once.
He'd wanted to say something, to tell you that you didn't have to put up with his bullshit, you could be angry, you should be angry-but the words just wouldn't come. And that was it.
Finally, he exhaled loudly and rubbed his face in his hands. "You're too damn good for me," he grumbled, smiling more for himself than for you.
It was enough for him to see you smile again. "I'm all right, Sanemi. Do what you need to do-I'm here for you. Anything.
"Damn it," he muttered, the tension in his shoulders melting completely.
He couldn't stay angry, not when you looked at him like that. Not when you made it so damn hard to be mad. He stood up, walking around the table to pull you into a rough but heartfelt embrace. "You're too damn cute for your own good, you know that?
You giggled softly, leaning your head against his chest. "Thank you, Love."
"Don't thank me," he growled, though, by now, there was little true anger left in his tone. He tugged you closer, burying his face in your hair. "You're too courteous. It's annoying."
"I'm sorry," you said, but your voice was light, nearly playful.
His eyes rolled but a smile played at the corner of his lips. "Dammit, woman. Impossible.
Yet even as he said it, he knew he wouldn't have it any other way. In your quiet, gentle way, you knew just how to break down his walls and soften his rough edges without ever saying a harsh word. It was infuriating, comforting, and just what he needed, even if he would never admit it aloud.
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
m.list | demon slayer m.list
demon slayers m.list
HONEY A/NOTE :: ill be making multiple parts to this btw !! i find the troupe of grumpy/easily mad x sunshine oblivious reader, so expect more of these!! if any of you have any specific ideas that would be lovely if you could let me know :D
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louebel · 11 months
Hi! Can I request fluff Law x fem!reader where reader is feels sick but tries to ignore it/do things on her own (she’s not used to ask for help) but as a doctor law easily can tell by the signs and it happens during their sea journey on the polar tang? Hope I’m not asking too much love ya 🥺
Feel free to add angst or anything else to your writing ^•^
this is super old and the only request i'll ever do (atm) since i had a wip— ANON SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER <\3 reader is gn since i used the second person and no description.
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: trafalgar law × gn!reader 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨/𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: 6,124 wc. a bit angsty, ends with fluff, emotional reader for the sickness, law is bad at emotions. this turned longer than expected, i hope it's decent xdd hit me up if there's any mistakes lol. supposed to be called windows of the soul,, divider by @ benkeibear my lord and saviour. 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: sickness overtook your body and worsened your already pitiful situation. law has been ignoring you and you have no idea why... but with how you felt, there was no way you could confront him at the moment.
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scrub, scrub, scrub... 
"... phew ..." 
scrub... poof! 
"Oh! — damnit — aargh..." 
Cleaning today has been a nightmare. Never been so tedious. 
Like, it was already uninteresting compared to all the other things you could do, but today it was ten times worse. You could bear it, seeking to make dusting shelves fun by humming some random tune to yourself. It was okay, something you had to do every once in a while. You could do it. 
If only you weren't sick. 
"Achoo! Achoo! — urgh... Achooo..! Damn." 
You began feeling like this some days ago, or so you told yourself as you delicately hunched down to the floor, hoping to grasp the yellow sponge soaked in foam and water without experiencing excruciating pain. However, your hopes soon shattered as your back screamed in agony and your legs trembled with soreness, almost giving up on you. 
Just the flu, you insisted, it would go away. A couple of sneezes mean nothing. You would feel better and all would go back to the ordinary. 
... Oh, how wrong you were! And how stupid for not getting a day off. 
You were capable, though! You counted on your immune system (it sounded heroic the first time you thought of that). One night is all you needed. 
Or not. 
"Ow, ow..." 
You should've told your captain. Sure, it would cost your courage, pride, and dignity, but at least you'd be cured. You'd rather die than tell him you got sick because of the one herb he instructed everybody to avoid. 
What's worse is that he's been rather distant, and he's unquestionably avoiding you. The way he shoots daggers — no, whole machetes in your direction every time you do anything, smart or not, is so clear even the crew can see it. And the worst part? You do not know why. 
It had been like this for a while now, and you detested this whole plight with passion. Everything was okay between the two of you, you were sure of it! What did you do that spurred such a reaction? From one so dear to you? 
Those sweet memories... 
From new findings you excitedly presented him, to revealing himself, his past and adventures to you after almost a year of sailing. You knew everything about him. He knew everything about you. 
So why? Why stop so abruptly? You didn't mind when he digressed about his newfound coins. When he murmured under his breath while he pored over medical books or mulled about a particular topic. When he stressed over labor and called for a brief break, where you or the crew would attend to him by delivering him a meal or helping when he wasn’t looking. He's so stubborn.
From captain, to Law, to captain again. Not to mention how he deftly stopped you from hanging out with him. You thought he needed space at first. Maybe he was tired and had to rest for the next few days. That’s alright. However, your thoughts deteriorated as the days passed. But well, right now it's better if he doesn't see you at all. Nor the crew‌ — oh, the damn crew. Those two.
The "two" being the pair of nitwits that constantly stand by law's side and grin at you. Seriously... 
You do not understand what Penguin and Shachi find so amusing about your situation with him. It's a tragedy, not a comedy. You love them both, truly, the minute you stepped into the polar tang they were the first ones to get you to open up and all, but goodness, you wish you could beat them for sitting there, cackling and clapping their hands while confiding some mysterious comments to each other when la — the captain, showed up in the area and walked past you with an unreadable gaze. He'd constantly salute you and the others with a bow of his head or more, depending on his mood. 
Now? If he saw one inch of your form? 
Sigh. His face always went red. 
Why can't those two just tell you? Even Ikkaku seemed to know something you didn't. She was more subtle about it, though. Jean Bart wasn't slick either. You could see him smile from a mile away. Hakugan and Clione? Shachi and Penguin 2.0, except they hid behind Jean Bart. The rest pitied you instead, sometimes patting your back — sometimes shaking their head almost in disbelief. Oh, and Bepo gave you suspicious smiles! Every time he tried to say something to you, those two animal hat-wearing goblins silenced him. Did they just want you to suffer? 
And if they did want that then their curses were working because even after grabbing the sponge (almost losing your temper as it slipped through your gloved palm twice) and straightening back to an erect pose, your head was still banging with fervor, muscles barely reacting. 
If only you could snuggle with the fluffy, warm mink right now. A bitter sigh rushed past your lips at the thought. 
Those two were just so mean. But Law was much meaner — the captain, the captain... Yes, the captain. That... That dummy. 
You groaned and shook your head while forcing your wobbly arms to scrub the table, exhausted mentally with this never-ending train of thoughts and these fanciful fists leaving invisible bruises all over your poor body. Not to point out those hands pinching your brain like dough... 
Just — you... Goodness, what was it he suddenly despised so much? The submarine felt like home. It was home, especially when he joined you. Now when he does, he — the aura he emanates is intimidating, yet everyone is either unaware of it or not affected by it. 
What made him so resentful? You can barely say anything when he strides into the place, too panicked to learn how he would perceive you or talk to you if you go on. It's like you're back on step one, isolated, too scared to be yourself with your family. Because of one man who's supposed to be the head of it. 
Being you felt like a sin when close to him, as if he preferred the private variant of who you are, and shunned your curious and spirited self. You could understand since he’s rather closed off and well, in a certain aspect you are too, but — did he not like you at all? Was it all an act to not offend you? He didn't seem to dislike your vivid reactions initially, or your foolish gestures when nearing a fresh island. You were often silent, smiling and listening to others converse, but when around your companions, you easily liked to open up since it was the only time you could do so. And they were more than just that. You entrusted all the members of the heart pirates. They meant everything to you. Even him, who stopped including you. 
You wished it could all go back to normal. 
This disease enjoyed fumbling with your previously scrambled sentiments. Law did mention it brought a high fever and emotional susceptibility. You didn't consider it'd be this severe. 
"... Okay, I'm done." 
You certainly weren't, with your bed unmade and furniture still dusty; floor imploring for a good wash. However, with the croaky voice you had paired with your runny nose, you doubted you could do more. Even if you did, it'd be better not to. 
You peered down at the bucket full of water that probably smelled better than you at the moment, ignoring the small puddle beside it made by your poor handling sponges skills. Grimacing, you decided to leave it where it was in case carrying it back turns out to be a challenge. Hopefully, Ikkaku can provide you help later. 
Looking around, your droopy eyelids dimmed your perspective and further provoked you as both exasperation and exhaustion mixed and boiled in your gut, room so messy it mirrored your current state. You didn't know what was irritating you more: the light of the lamp or the disarray you resided in. 
Howling dejectedly, you turned and plodded to your bed, opening your arms, ready to throw yourself on the mattress. The more you sleep, the sooner you'll get better. Yeah, you're so brilliant. You closed your eyes and — 
knock knock. 
— reopened them a second after, remaining immobile for an extra few before glowering at your door, contemplating whether to go open it or linger to determine if they'd leave. Hmm. 
You waited. 
... knock knock. 
You gritted your teeth, drawing a profound breath to settle your nerves, haywire thanks to the hellish illness. They didn’t deserve to withstand your rage, but who knows, maybe by seeing your shape, they'll show sympathy and tell you. That could work. 
You sluggishly trudged to the door, not bothering to adjust your unbuttoned pajamas and faking a cheerful facade. You hoped your face didn't look too awful, but you couldn't care less right now. 
Gripping and twisting the knob, you pushed it open, greeting them with the feeblest voice you've ever had, your sore nose making it unthinkable to inhale air. You rubbed the back of your head while doing so, eyelids closed to evade any light. 
"Yo, Penguin, Shachi, how can I—" the words automatically came out of your coarse and blazing throat, opening your eyes a bit to look at... them... 
Then you saw a tattoo. And more tattoos. No white, poofy boiler suits in sight. 
By barely seeing light before, you tried giving yourself mercy, but now you were only slaughtering yourself to make sure the person in front of you was, well. Him. 
Your jaw fell while your brows lifted in consternation, but shortly returned down thanks to your declining headache. Your pupils then scaled the mountain of mass before you and arrived at the peak. Another pair of eyes. 
Cool, gray eyes. The ones that just a week ago welcomed you with compassion and comfort. Now they drive you to wither away from this world. Even if you look up to them. (Hehe, get it? man, you're so silly, wow.) 
"—help … Captain. Uh, hello." and there goes your comfort zone. 
You tried swallowing down air but got pounds of mucus down your stomach instead, curved posture closing up even more in his presence, ashamed to be seen in such a weak state, instantly regretting not managing your appearance as his gaze scrutinized you from top to bottom, probably displeased with how you presented yourself.. 
You looked everywhere but at him. He only looked at you. 
Envy spurted from the plant’s toxins. How could he focus on one thing and have so much confidence to stare at someone without breaking eye contact at all? If you do the same for longer than two seconds, it feels like whoever looked at you has seen your entire personality, life, darkest secrets that you didn't really have, closest people to you — everything in poor words. The windows of your soul, perpetually agape.
How does he keep them closed? Why can't you seal them at all? Why?— 
"—so care to explain the meaning of this?" 
You stupidly stared at him, blinking and glancing at his shoulders, then back at him to break whatever spell he put on you, not able to concentrate at all. 
Barely could you see the annoyed expression on his face. You hoped he wasn't dealing with excessive stress. Making him feel worse was not your intention. 
"I said, care to explain what this is? You look... terrible—" you cringed at that, "—and you haven't come out of your room since this morning. Do you have any idea what time it is?" His scrutinizing tone made you want to crawl under your blankets and stay there forever, but his patronizing gaze didn't let you. 
You could merely fidget with your fingers and glance back at the floor to relieve your worries, which mixed with pain, fatigue, and dirtiness. You called for sleep so badly. 
"I'm—I'm sorry, Captain. I, uh, I didn't—" sniff, "—mean to skip my duties. Sorry." 
His brow creased in suspicion at your raspy voice and poor shape. 
"Is that so? Look at me while you say it." if his words weren't menacing enough, his tone was too. He knew you couldn't do that. Especially now. 
"Uh..." you unconvincingly whispered, continuing to play with your fists, until rubbing your nape once more, shuddering at how chilled your hands were compared to it. 
Your actions were, again, spotted by him, and if one more thing occurred, then he'll be correct. 
"Well? I'm waiting." 
Sighing exasperated, you raised your head to look into his pupils once again.  
Unbeknownst to you, he already confirmed another of his impressions while taking a further view of your sullen visage. 
"I, uhm, overslept, Captain. That — that happens sometimes, yeah? Sorry about that. I'll—I'll..." stopping for a moment, you squinted your eyes and scrunched your nose while the man before you attentively fixated his stare on your frame and— 
"Achooo!" —covered half of your face whilst he recoiled back at the loud sneeze you let out, not expecting it at all. He blinked, then you sneezed again, and again. Streak of three. 
If your voice and glossy eyes already told everything to the doctor, the continuous sneezes only reinforced his thesis. 
You exhaled haplessly as he sternly said your name. 
"You're sick." his firm and coherent words could not be fooled. Your fate was sealed. 
"...Yeah." at this point, you didn't care. He was gonna scold you, nothing you could do about it. You could only hope he'll do that after you're cured because right now, you could barely stand still without shivering. You were sure if he wanted to do something he would have already, so he definitely will have a talk with you after you're healthy. 
"Why?" you've been proven wrong so many times this morning — afternoon. Evening? That you don't know what's gonna happen next. 
You stared at him numbly, almost done with everything. 
"What do you mean 'why'? I don't, I don't know. Probably our... Ugh, our last stop, isn't that obvious—" 
"Not that. Why didn't you say anything? To the others? To me?" 
If it wasn't for your head beating incessantly and the aching of your tendons ruining everything, you would think this was a dream. 
You kept gawking at him like a goldfish. His timbre wasn't as stern as it regularly was. It was a bit, just a tad bit lower. Like, barely. His eyes were softer, and if you met the man yesterday, you wouldn't be capable of identifying his mood. It's because you knew him for so long that you could distinguish it. 
"I..." you mumbled talks under your breath, awfully feeble to maintain the discussion, barring your eyes and hitching away when Law planted his freezing hand on your forehead. You fussed in protest, although it didn't last long. 
"You're cold... Off." 
"My hands are perfectly fine. You're burning," he interrupted you, stating the obvious. But you were far too deep to listen, fatigued. 
"Yeah... M'sorry." you nodded while deliberately looking down in shame, almost dropping to the ground out of fatigue. Everything seems hazy, the pressure in your skull fading, while the breaths you took were meager. 
Something skimmed over your shoulder and nape — ah, his fingertips — palm carefully tilting your head back up. Your mouth hung open, and you attempted to focus on your captain's facial features and the iconic hat to not fall asleep. 
"It's fine." But his gentle approach and mellow maneuvers set you in a soothing trance, where you couldn't do anything other than auscultate him. 
It’d be an exceptional moment to speak up about these last days, his odd actions. 
"It... It is? You, ah... You're not..." but you struggled to do so, chest too heavy to speak. He narrowed his eyes, striving to make out what you were saying, but it was all incomprehensible to him. 
"I'm not?" he urged you to proceed, getting closer — he felt warm. Wasn't he cold some seconds ago? Ah, he’s draping his coat over your shoulders, so, so cozy, — and holding you as if you were glass. Why was he holding you? It felt nice, undoubtedly nice. Oh, you were going to fall, you think. 
“Hey—hey. It’s okay. I got you. I got you.” 
Cradling you in his arms, Law cursed and crouched down, snaking an arm under your knees and sweeping you up, a short "there" slipping from his tongue, keeping you close to his breast. Naturally, you snuggled close to the source of heat, losing consciousness, unaware of your surroundings, his distress, and jogging to the infirmary. 
“Hey. Keep your eyes open. No, no, open—yes, yes, like that. Good job. A bit more, then you can go to sleep, alright?" 
While nodding lazily when he said your name again, you curled up for more warmth, and he mellowly followed your movement, hefting you up and pressing his lips upon your forehead, his frown deepening at how high the temperature was. He needed to administer medicine quickly. 
"Law …'m sorry if I smell." 
He scoffed. Thinking of such idiotic things was exactly like you, sputtering them out so bluntly. Rolling his eyes was natural at this point. 
"That's my last concern. We'll think of your scent and hygiene later. Don't speak. Shh." 
So stupid, so stupid. He should've confronted you ever since you left the island. He should've. It's been a recurring pattern these days. He couldn't see you because of his work but spoke with the others at breakfast, lunch, dinner... They all grew concerned about your distance. Uni shared that it began right after the departing... He knew something wasn't right with you, he could feel it.
Back in that inhabited location, he quickly took note of your drooping posture and fatigued breathing. He wanted to ask about it, but the following days, you acted normal, and Law thought you were queasy because of the heat.
Then he got busy checking on the crew's documents, medicine supply, the damn broken scope Hakugan sadly reported, bounties, news — and something else. He managed to give a check-up to everyone but you. It was mandatory after leaving an island.
With you evading him and him doing the same, this happened. Great. He could only hope it wasn't contagious.
... Wait.
He gritted his teeth in sour realization — Not once has he seen you in the halls or dining hall. No one mentioned you, either. Have you eaten anything at all? Oh, you imbecile.
He palmed your skin through your suit, easing your laments and whimpers, walking through the hallways of the Polar Tang and reaching the infirmary. Kicking the door open while lulling you a bit, shushing and fluttering his eyelids at your sick and quaking form. 
"There we go. Shh, I know, I know, it's awful." 
Uplifting the blankets, he quickly covered you and began searching for his equipment, rustling and metal clicks tangling with your whines. 
"U- uuh... W- where..?" 
"I'll be there in a second. I'm here." 
As he said that, he quickly came back to you, already stirring medicine in a cup. He had to give to you before you blacked out or fell asleep. Sliding a hand under your back, he carefully pushed you up, gaining a groan from you; you sounded so tired. Tipping your head forward, he brought the rim of the cup to your lips. You were delirious, could barely see or feel, but managed to follow his direct instruction to "open". The first glass was tasteless, fresh... water. 
The second tasted awful. 
"A couple more sips and we're done. Come on, you're doing good." 
Once you drank it all, with a small praise from Law, he gently laid you back down, about to check your vitals. He knew you were in no condition to do as he instructed, it would be all him. Idiot, idiot... 
Just looking at you made him guilty. He never saw you this awful. However, what truly pushed him were your next phrases. 
“Do you feel better now..?” 
Low and dry, they all were. He halted his movements, his hands in the bag, shifting his attention to you. 
Your question puzzled him. 
Feel better? Him? He was fine. Perhaps you thought the disease was contagious? No; you would've phrased that diversely. His forehead creased, slightly tilted to the side. 
“I … I missed you." 
And as clear drops cascaded down your cheeks, his limbs froze, a bittersweet ache striking his chest. 
"I—I thought I did something wrong … I’m sorry … Should've told you. 'M sorry ... really...” 
“No, no, don’t be. It’s alright, don't—don't speak. You did nothing. Shh...” 
And if you stayed conscious for some more seconds, you could've seen those severe pupils mitigate. The windows of his soul open up; the "stern" gaze he preserved for you withering in an instant at your vulnerability. 
All he wanted to do was clear that up. When, now..? 
“I—I’m the one that should’ve apologized, damn it…” 
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It was very warm. Pleasant. 
The boilersuit felt different. Heavier, and not … poofy. Hm. 
The pillow was so nice, though... 
You sought a better position under the comforting and amiable regime of your blanket, squinting your glistening eyes as if sand had struck them; eyebrows knitting in distaste and discomfort, choler cramming up your insides — but not for long, extremely achy and sleepy to lament. 
Shouldn't it be easier to relax now that you are tired? Shifting left and right left your muscles throbbing. The peace you could achieve in your dreams was all you begged for. But no, you just had to rise two more times in the span of minutes or hours. 
When you woke up the third time, someone surprised you. He was perching on a chair near the infirmary's bed, head, presumably about to doze off. An encyclopedia of vegetation and exotic environs sat in his palms and dotted jeans, the cover made of green-coloured leather, firm to the touch. 
He looked peaceful. 
"... Law?" 
Your lashes fluttered at the fierce shudder that rocked his frame, the textbook about to fall, his eyes snapping open and rapidly darting up to you. 
"Oh. You woke up. Good. Good evening." 
You were mad at him. You were mad at him. 
His lips were indubitably moving. Whatever he was saying, you were not listening. Something about being out for hours, but you were too out of it to pay attention. 
And looking down at your body, your eyeballs almost popped out of your sockets at the sight of... Not your boilersuit. 
"I'm in my pajamas?" 
"And — hm? Oh. I changed you." Pause. "With my devil fruit, of course. Obviously. You were way too hot in it." 
Pause number two. 
"I'm hot?" You bluntly said,
"Not in that way." And he quickly retorted, bashful. You immediately got gloomy.
"Oh..." You and Bepo were alike. He couldn’t help but sweatdrop.
"No, no, no, don't — you look fine. That's not what I meant." 
A hoarse chuckle ripped from your sensible larynx, a noise that he hadn't heard in a while. His back loosened at your jovial note, the pressure applied on the envelope of the manual lessening. 
There was a superb illustration of the flora you accidentally whiffed. 
"You inhaled it, didn't you?" 
... Silence followed. Then a sigh.
"A simple allergy with a sore throat and emotional instability in the first phase caused by the pollen, weakened muscles and headache in the second, and heightened senses, nausea, and worsening of the body in the last one. You felt them all." 
Quick and precise, each symptom he mentioned appeared throughout the weeks you boarded on the Polar Tang. He hit the mark. Glancing at him from the corner of your eyes, you nodded sheepishly, feeling hot in your cheeks. 
"I thought I mentioned dodging those peculiar red flowers. I don't expect you to recall the name, but to avoid it. Thankfully, you only inhaled its pollen, or else you would've been in this bed the moment we departed." 
"O—oh... That bad?" 
"No, not really. The symptoms would've developed quicker, but nothing dangerous. Perhaps you would have slept over two days, as all cases do when encountering this allergy," He narrows his eyes at you, shutting the book and crossing his long legs, his foot jouncing. "Not at all fatal, only worrying when the patient in question mentions nothing about the symptoms and overworks themselves.” 
“You're fine." 
A small huff left your lips, nodding lazily. Nothing was uttered after from both sides. Occasional groans from yours. Only then he spoke. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" 
"..." The answer was simple. He immediately found the illness yet couldn't pinpoint the cause of this? It was almost ironic. Your quietude wasn't taken well. 
"... You ignored me. You made it clear." 
And he was faking ignorance. That glance, his attitude. You knew him too well, but had no energy to call him out. 
"I—I didn't." 
"Don't play coy, Law. Did I do something? Even the others know. Penguin and Shachi told me. I—" 
You paused when he raised his hand, glancing at it in confusion, then back at him, twice or more. He sighed and dropped it back on his thigh again, using his other one to rub his temple in distress. 
"You did nothing. I don't know what... Shachi and Penguin said," You tilted your head at his peculiar manner of quoting them. "But I've got nothing against you." 
He stopped rubbing and lifted his head to check on you again and you were unsure of what to say. His brows wrinkled the tender skin of his forehead, severity, and minor unease painting every fiber of his appearance. 
You just... didn't know. 
"Really? Then why those weird stares? Why leave the room the moment I come in? I mean." you flailed your hands around, looking everywhere as if you could find an explanation. "You never behaved this way, Law, not with anyone. I... It was fine before, right? Let me ask again, did I do something wrong?" 
"Of course not!" 
At his hasty exclamation, you blinked, uncertain why he became as rigid as stone. Palms back on the blanket, you awaited an elaboration of his thoughts, observing his adumbral face to detect any key to figure out what caused him to alter his ways with you. However, his hat, which you've always appreciated for its fluffiness, turned out to be an issue. Those eyes you've grown so fond of refused to meet yours. 
You just couldn't get it. The surrounding air grew an intoxicating no romance book would mention, one that did the contrary of setting your heart aflame, that poor muscle of yours. 
If he explained, it would've been easier. 
"Okay, 'of course not' ... Sure—" 
"We are not having this conversation. You need rest." 
He briskly cut you off, and your heart felt constricted. The words felt bitter upon both of your tongues, so bitter and revolting, they made his jaw clench and your eyes water. You weren't having it. Absolutely not. 
"I feel better now, thank you, and I say we're having this right here." You pushed, ignoring how he clenched his tattooed fist.
"Yes, Law! I don't know what I did, but if it bothers you, shouldn’t you tell me? There are things we can all miss." 
The pang in your brain was still active, and you had no patience nor strength to argue. Either he spoke up or you'd go straight to sleep. 
"I... You did nothing that bothers me." 
His speech was almost a whisper, a low rumble, and were you in your regular state, you'd feel sad to see him like this. Law had no trouble speaking up— perhaps with apologies, or admitting to be wrong when in the midst of a conversation. Maybe something genuinely bothered him. But he'd tell you, wouldn't he? He had to.
But you weren't the only one who had to consider the consequences. He also had to do his part. 
"... And?" you encouraged him, to gain something, something that would lead you both to that damned thing you were both chasing, that ounce of understanding. 
“And—and what?" alas, it served another wave of blistering dissatisfaction down upon the membranes of your boiling stomach. 
He couldn't be serious. 
"... Whatever. I'm going to sleep." 
You detested how you were feeling, a volcano of passions, the pounding in your skull, and the heat, and the ludicrous, nagging insecurity, all these wretched, gristly sensations shoved in your mouth and scraping your gullet, such a relucting and squalid dish, contaminating your palate and inflaming the gums of your teeth. 
But all Law could see was how your eyes moistened and reddened, the crinkles at the corners of your mouth, the contracted tissues above your nose. 
You couldn't feel how his heart plummeted, either. Again, he caused you to cry. 
"Hey... I—" 
"No, Law, no! I said leave! You ignored me for almost two weeks and now—now you're just..!" 
Perhaps you were being a bit too "dramatic" for something you could solve with a modest exchange, something that, compared to all the obstacles you and Law went through, was a sheer grain of dust in your shoes. Yet you erupted for the frustration, the plant's effects and that nameless thing you'll bring in your grave, for if he knew, he'd probably pity you. 
Maybe, just maybe, he should've kept ignoring you. If solely to dim that warmth. The glow in your eyes that only sparked with him. 
"I don't mind if you need time. I don't mind if you're busy or whatever, that's obviously fine! But can't you tell me? Is it that hard? Instead of treating me like a stranger? Just—just, just leave..." 
Your snotty voice seemed ridiculous, resounding through the infirmary alongside your sobs and sniffles. Vision tarnished by your tears, staring at the ceiling with resignation. It alarmed Law, whose emotions were already scattered; unnerved, anxious. 
He couldn't take seeing you like this. He couldn't. 
"That’s not it! I... I just — I..!" His broken explanations fell as your cries didn't stop; spasms traveling through your frazzled nerves. He swore under his breath, getting up and coming to you, standing close but so, so distant. His fingers jerked, impatient to wipe your tears, to calm you down, to assure you everything was alright, and this was all on him. 
"What..?" you meekly whimpered, gazing at him as he appeared in your sight. 
"I, I..!" if only he could express himself. You'd figure out. If only he could, without buckling and tearing apart at the weight of his own feelings. 
"... You what, Law?" 
It was tough to see with all those tears coating your scleras, but... His lips quivered. His jaw tensed. 
His hands craved yours. 
"I like—I like you!" 
... You wondered if illusions were part of the symptoms. Your eyelids were all but relaxed. Popeyed. 
"There. I said it. I mean it. Seriously. I—I think I love you." 
You could feel his frantic grip, slightly pulling the blankets in his direction, tense as him. You've never seen Law so … jittery with you. Perhaps when he slowly spoke of his past, or when his plan failed. 
"I—I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I... I was confused. I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't... No, okay. I, I love you, but you don't have to reciprocate, really. ‌I just wanted to clarify that I wasn't—" 
This was different, however. Not the same vulnerability, nor agitation. That teetering edge coating his sayings, not at all close to those instances. 
"... Law." 
"—ignoring you, I mean, I was, but I just couldn't face you, you know? I didn't know how to act—" 
That glow, those feelings. The twinkle in his eyes Bepo mentioned when you spoke of something that fascinated you, that rare grin on his lips, and that sweetness, the swelling in his chest, and the red, and the breath of fresh air, and the intoxicating romance books loved to talk about... 
Those tints blooming in his cheeks. The faint relaxation of his defined brows. How he covered his pretty, vulnerable self. 
He's no different from you. Oh, oho ho, no, he wasn’t. Only now did you realize. 
"—but I missed you so much, I missed your presence, being with you, I—" 
Your heartbeats matched. 
You understand now. The definitive yell induced him to quit his blabbering, and eventually, he found your gaze. Those windows were not locked at all. Not marginally, not halfway. They were fully open. You could see him. 
"It's... the same." 
It was all you could utter. His jaw loosened, and you could recognize his wide, stormy irises. 
"Huh? Wh — what?" 
"I feel the same way, Law. I—I love you too." 
Yours were open, too. They always were- yet he never acknowledged what dwelled inside. Two fools you both were. 
"... Oh..." and a breathless whisper was all he could offer. 
The silence dissipated. A delightful warmth occupied your rib cage. The pressure was gone. 
All is back to normal. 
"If... If you weren't sick. I'd kiss you." He mumbled, and his lips looked more luscious than ever. He shouldn't have said that. Now it was even harder. 
"P—pfft... Of course, of course. Can you come closer, at least?" you pouted, giving him the best puppy eyes you could muster. “Pretty please?”
"... Fine. It's — not contagious, anyway," he huffed, his cheeks a light pink, and he sat on the margin of the infirmary's bed, hustling just a tad bit closer... 
His ears grew pink at your giggles. Your fingers graced each other, "DEATH" entwined with you. His hands were lukewarm. Long, slim, calloused in some places, but also tender to the contact. His metacarpals were partially discernible, defining the shadows. He took care of his nails, ensuring they were cut short, although they appeared slightly, just somewhat lengthier than usual. Not considerably, however; they were still short. 
How you missed holding it. 
"Sorry, by the way. About everything." Squeezing his hand, you attempted to show him what it meant to you. He squeezed it back, brushing the top of your hand with his thumb, a pensive and solemn look on his face. 
"No- I should apologize for not saying anything sooner. I neglected and avoided you. I … I don’t know what to do. You know I’m not the type for relationships.” 
You hummed in acknowledgement, but weren't as worried as Law. You'll wait. Nothing would change. 
“Mmm. I can wait for you, Law.” Saying it seemed to take him off guard, as if he hadn't thought about it. Or, rather, didn't expect you to propose it. In his head, it seemed silly because it's him. If you were to ask in his place, he'd also wait. 
He felt lighter. 
“… Truly?” 
“Yeah. We can figure it out together. Like we always did. I’ve loved you for years." He inhaled deeply, your words buttery and sweet. "I’m fine with waiting longer.” 
Thinking you wouldn't accept, if he asked, was stupid of him too. Of course you would. Of course. With another squeeze, he nodded, and turned his head away from you a bit. 
His eyes glistened. 
“I’d like that. Thank you.” 
You smiled, too, saying nothing in return. 
He can take all the time he needs. 
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After some days, everything went back to the typical routine. The first thing you did was knock Shachi and Penguin's heads, (supported by Ikkaku) and since Hakugan and Clione were on duty, you couldn't do the same for them. 
You puffed your cheeks and enjoyed chewing the well-earned treat you snagged from the kitchen, reorganizing boxes since this morning. 
Peeking at the door, a smile adorned your mouth at the sight of your captain leaning on it. 
"Mm, there were a lot of them." 
"You could've asked for help. You know I don't want any of you to strain yourselves with tasks." 
"I had it. Don't worry. Although..." another bite. "I miss it." 
"Hm?" he crooned, tipping his head forward. "Miss what?" 
You gazed into his eyes, "Miss getting pampered by you when I was sick." lovingly observing how they enlarged a bit before returning to the stoic stare he always wore, swaying his head to dismiss your remarks. The chambré tint on his cheeks was as clear as day, like his light smile. Not that you'd tell him, he'd immediately disregard it. 
"... Meet me at my office once you're done." 
As he turned his back to you, his boots making clicky rumors with each step, your smirk amplified... After all, who could wait to get coddled by none other than their favorite captain?
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anton-luvr · 10 months
doing homework with boyfriend anton
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⚝ bf!anton x gn!reader | fluff | bf au ⚝ note ; thanks for requesting anon!! + reqs are CLOSED !
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"You know, your homework isn't going to complete itself."
Anton looks up from his phone at your voice, warmly wrapped up in blankets on your bed.
He's been pushing off doing his homework since he came over to your place, hours wasted away with him cuddling you while watching Netflix, playing a game on his phone while you showered, and spacing out at your poster-covered bedroom walls.
"But I really don't want to," he mumbles, running a hand through his hair. "It's math. And I'm tired."
"Well, we have to pass it up tomorrow, so you don't really have a choice." you say, tugging at his arm to get up from your bed.
Anton sighs.
You were right.
"Fine." he grumbles, reluctantly getting up.
He trudges over to the table, a grimace on his face when he sees how much work he has to do.
"Didn't she say three pages from the textbook? Why does it look like thirty pages of questions?" he asks, mortified as you took your seat beside him.
"The power of using a small font." you reply airily, kissing him on the cheek as you pull out your notebook. "So we need to finish this up as fast as we can."
Anton sighs again, slumping over on your desk with his head resting on his arms.
You ignore him, starting out on your work first - he was smarter than you anyways, so he'll catch up.
But as you made your way through confusing algebraic equations and graphs, Anton's eyes were still on you.
You looked prettiest to him like this - dressed comfortably in one of his hoodies, your eyes focused on the paper in front of you, determination shining in them while you bit gently on your bottom lip in concentration.
His eyes linger a bit too long on your lips, and you catch him.
"What are you doing?" you ask, smiling softly at the love in his eyes.
"Just admiring." he says casually, never once breaking the eye contact. "And also thinking."
"Thinking about what?"
He sits up at this, eyes glistening with mischievous excitement.
"Can you kiss me for each question I complete?"
"F-For each question?" you sputter.
It's not like it's the first time you've kissed your boyfriend, but your face reddens nevertheless.
"Yeah," Anton says cheerfully, leaning in close while smiling at you. "Deal?"
You had no idea when your boyfriend started getting this confident, but you liked it.
"Deal." you agree, sealing the agreement with a quick peck to his lips.
And as if you had just chanted a magic spell, Anton starts working at the speed of light.
By the time half an hour passed, he was all done with his work, hands sore from writing but his heart happy with all the kisses you gave him.
On the other hand, you were barely halfway done.
"Do you need help?" Anton asks, resting his head on your shoulder while he peeks at your notebook.
You shake your head no even though you do, kissing him on the forehead.
"It's fine, you should go rest. You said you were tired earlier." you reassure him.
It's Anton's turn to shake his head no, pulling his chair closer to yours.
"Who said I was tired? I'm never tired when it comes to you." he shrugs, hiding a smile.
You laugh at him taking back his words, gently shoving him.
"Okay, Mr. Romantic." you tease.
But Anton's smile fades as it's replaced with seriousness, his hand coming up to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear.
"I'm serious. I'm never tired when it comes to you. I'll be here for you for as long as you need." he promises in a voice so soft, you almost miss what he says.
"Thank you." you whisper, voice warming up as you realized how lucky you were to have your angel of a boyfriend.
He hums at your response, picking up a pen and leading your focus back to your notebook.
"You're only on question ten?" he asks in disbelief.
"Yeah." you admit sheepishly.
"Damn." he mumbles under his breath, earning him a punch on the arm before the both of you burst out laughing.
The night then goes on with you beside each other, talking and laughing and discussing questions that you'd never be able to solve without Anton - who was never too tired for you.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
taglist: @wonbons @mxlly143 @keehobaldboy @shawyle @yenart (drop an ask to be added to my taglist!)
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meowmeowriley · 5 months
Bunny ghost anon again, with a slightly more normal but not really idea, where one of the things that tips Johnny off to Ghost’s species is the amount of greens he goes through. This is a man Johnny has found at 3am, shoveling arugula into his mouth from the bag. No salt, no oil, no dressing. And it’s happened more than once. You’d think a man as beefy as ghost would be an absolute carnivore, but Soap knows better than most that leaves can translate into the plumpest bunnies. So he goes on the ever-so-subtle mission of finding Ghost’s Favorite Leaf. Different lettuces, bok choy, spinach, watercress, parsley, cilantro, basil, blackberry, raspberry, mint, fennel. Ends up with a whole garden on base trying to keep his favorite rabbit well-fed.
I love this so much, but I'm gonna approach it a bit differently.
Once Soap finds out Ghost is a bunny shifter he's initially shocked, and then appalled. He's seen Ghost eat. (How the hell he ignored the buck teeth, which should have been his first sign, he'll never know.) He's seen Ghost eat meat. That's not good for him. Wild rabbits have been known to eat meat when food is scarce, but that's when things are dire. No wonder the man was so lean.
That just wouldn't do. Soap made it his mission to correct Ghost's appalling diet. At the next meal, he found Ghost in the mess, a tray containing eggs and bacon in front of himself. He was about to dig in.
Soap swipes the tray away. Thump. Ghost is not pleased. "Sergeant. That's my breakfast."
"You're an herbivore."
"I'm hungry. Don't make me make it an order, give me back my food." Thump. Soap takes off running.
He runs into the kitchen, rips open the industrial fridge, and grabs a head of bok choy. He whips around to find Ghost bearing down on him, absolutely about to beat his ass, fist raised, and he thrusts the veg into Ghost's chest.
Ghost... examines the food... takes a bite... humms a bit... and backs down. Soap very nearly died, and damn was it worth it to see the softness overtake Ghosts features.
Soap gives a list to Price, of all the things rabbits can eat, who gives it to medical, who puts in a request for the kitchen staff to start offering vegetarian options at every meal.
There's a garden on base after that. Soap tends to it. Sometimes finds his Lieutenant stealing from it.
"Hey, get out of my fucking garden!"
"I'll shit in your fucking garden!"
Which wouldn't actually be a problem, rabbit excrement makes excellent fertilizer. It's the principle of the matter.
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heavyhitterheaux · 5 months
Aurora's Awakening (Slight NSFW)
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: It's your first time at the Met Gala, and the nervousness is getting to you. Luckily, you have an amazing husband who does his best to get you to relax and enjoy yourself
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by a gorgeous anon 😘💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You were nervously bouncing your leg up and down while Julissa was doing your hair when you felt Jack's soft touch as he placed a hand on top of your thigh in an attempt to get you to stop.
“Yes?” You answered but still looking down at your feet and fidgeting with your nails.
“Baby girl, look at me.”
Glancing up at Jack, he gave you a small smile before leaning down to kiss your nose.
“Everything is going to be fine. You're freaking yourself out for nothing.”
“Nothing!? You call the Met Gala NOTHING!?”
“It's your first one. If anything, I would think that you would be excited.” Julissa said as she looked at Jack and shrugged.
“I am excited, but nervous.” You quietly confessed as Julissa moved to curl the other side of your hair.
“You'll be with me the entire time, my love. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.” Jack replied as he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it.
"What if I fall walking up the steps?"
“Like I said, you have nothing to worry about. I'll be holding onto you the entire time. Besides, I'll catch you if you do."
“They won't invite me back."
"Babe, I don't think if you fall it disqualifies you from going next year." Jack answered as he let out a small laugh because of how ridiculous you were being.
"Stranger things have happened."
“Okay, all done and you better not sweat out these curls with how ridiculous you’re being.” Julissa said as she was separating a few of them.
“Only person sweating out those curls is going to be me.” Jack responded as he wiggled his eyebrows and you couldn't help but to laugh.
“Jack, if you mess up my work before the two of you get back to this hotel, I will personally kick your pale white ass.”
“Damn, Julissa! You've been around my wife too long.”
“No, you and your wife are always getting into some nonsense and she calls me to come and fix her hair and makeup because you have messed it up!”
“I…. Have you seen what my wife looks like? Can you blame me? She needs to be in the museum.”
“Jack, get out so she can get dressed.” She quickly said while ignoring his question.
“Why? Nothing I haven't seen before.”
“Clearly, you two have three children. Now OUT! You need to get dressed yourself!”
“It's literally going to take me ten minutes.”
“Baby, go ahead and I'll see you when I'm done.” You said as you were quietly laughing at their bickering.
“Can I get a kiss first or is Julissa about to bite my head off about that too?”
“Look, Harlow. This curling iron is still hot, don't make me use it.”
“Violent. Just like my wife.”
“Smush, come get your kiss so we can hurry up and leave.”
“Don't mind if I do.” He answered as he leaned forward to meet your lips with his.
“I need another one for strength.”
“One more and that's it until I'm ready.”
“Not you putting me on a restriction.”
Jack was patiently waiting on the couch playing with Butterscotch as he waited for you to get dressed. Thirty minutes passed before he heard Julissa's voice behind him.
“Okay prince charming, turn around and look at your princess.” Jack heard Julissa say as you came out as his jaw was now on the floor. The first thing he did was go over to you and lean down for a kiss.
“My princess looks absolutely beautiful. That dress is definitely coming off later tonight.”
“Behave! But if I knew you were gonna look this good, the Gala would have had to wait.” You added while looking at him up and down and biting your lip.
“And yet you're telling me to behave. You need to take your own advice, Mrs. Harlow.”
“Not my fault you look so good.” You replied while reaching up for another kiss.
“Can I bring Butterscotch on the carpet with us?”
“Babe, she's been moody all day and she tried to bite the lady at the front desk earlier. It's a hard no.” You answered while picking her up since you noticed she was at your feet.
“She was just nervous.”
“That makes two of us, but no. If I fall, more than likely you'll make sure she's okay first.”
“I would do no such thing!”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” You asked as you continued playing with her.
“A little bit of both.”
The two of you had just arrived at the Gala and were standing at the entrance. Now seeing the steps in person, made you even more nervous. Sensing this, Jack tightly squeezed your hand.
“Remember, just hold onto me. You'll be fine. You ready?”
Nodding your head in response because you didn't trust your voice to work because of how nervous you were, the two of you began posing for pictures and starting to make your way up the steps.
When the two of you were halfway, Jack let go of your hand and you sure enough began to panic.
“Babe, what are you doing!?”
“Relax, baby. I want you to get a few pics by yourself since it's your first one and so you can show off your dress. I'll be over here to the left of you. And then we'll go inside. We're almost done.” Jack said as he kissed your forehead and fluffed out your dress for you for the picture.
“Take your time, okay? I'll still help you when you go up the steps, but when you pose for pics I'll step away.”
“Okay. You promise?”
“I promise, baby. I got you.”
You were finally able to take a breath when the two of you were inside and the steps were out of the way.
“See, baby? It wasn't that bad and you didn't fall. Like I would ever let anything happen to you.”
“I know you wouldn't, but these seven inch heels are nothing to play with.”
“Promise me to keep them on later. Definitely one of my favorite pairs on you.”
“Your wish is my command.” You whispered against his lips before kissing him.
The two of you were socializing with everyone there and you were nursing some type of alcohol that you forgot the name of, when Jack noticed that you still looked uncomfortable and was wondering what might have been bothering you.
“Baby, come here for a second.”
Setting your glass down, you followed Jack around the corner and he quickly led the two of you into the bathroom. Once inside, you instantly recognized it as the one that they take the infamous selfies in.
“What's going on with you? Are you okay?”
“I just feel so out of place.” You quietly confessed and Jack looked at you confused. He was somewhat hurt by your response because that couldn't have been further from the truth.
“Baby, you deserve to be here, just like anyone else. I don't like when you talk about yourself like that. So it stops now. You've worked just as hard if not more than anyone else.”
Jack simply picked you up and placed you on the counter before he kissed you and then started kissing down your neck.
“You need to relax and I know just how to do it.” He whispered in your ear and he placed your hand on his length to see how hard he was.
“Babe, anyone can walk in at any moment.”
“Shit, I would have taken you on the steps so you know that is the last thing I care about.” He answered while reaching under your dress.
You let out a small laugh when you noticed that he was having a bit of difficulty with it.
"Now I know for a fact it never takes me this long to find your pussy so what the actual fuck? How many damn layers are you WEARING? You know I need to have easy access!”
“It's not that many!”
“Lies you tell! I've been searching for forty days and forty nights. Oh, there we are. Spread your legs for me, baby.”
“Make this quick. I don't want anyone to walk in on us.”
“Can't make it too quick. You know I always take my time while I'm with you.” Jack responded as he placed his fingers in your mouth for you to suck before he moved your thong to the side and inserted them.
“Make sure you don't mess up my hair. Julissa will kill you.”
All Jack did was roll his eyes in response before continuing to pleasure you.
You had simply covered your mouth with your hand and grabbed onto Jack's arm in the hopes of keeping yourself quiet. It became ten times harder when you felt him slowly slide into you.
Jack heard your soft whimpers and kissed you as he increased his pace.
“My princess is taking me so well. I can't wait until later when I know we won't be interrupted.”
“Mmm, babe. Right there. Stay right there.”
“Right here?”
“You sure?” He playfully asked as he softly bit down on your neck and began to suck on the same spot.
“Baby, stop teasing me and hurry up.”
“I love teasing you because I know when that orgasm hits, it'll be ten times harder.”
That familiar feeling in your stomach was building and you knew that you were close. Jack's movements were getting sloppier, so it was only a matter of time before you both hit your peak.
Hitting you like a ton of bricks, you were holding onto Jack's shoulders and he captured you into a kiss in the hopes of muffling your moans.
Jack was still tightly holding onto you as you were coming down from your high and you winced once you felt him slowly slide out of you.
As you were trying to regulate your breathing, the door to the bathroom flew open and in came Zendaya with Bruna hot on her trail.
“I know I put my mascara somewhere in…… Y/N!? Why are you breathing so…. Nevermind.” Zendaya said as Bruna was behind her trying not to laugh.
“Umm….” You started to say, but she just waved you off.
“I should have known that you two would disappear and go in here sooner or later.” Bruna added while Jack simply shrugged.
“She was having first Met Gala jitters so being the amazing husband I am, I helped her relax.”
“Yeah, helped her a little too much. Jack move so I can fix her eyelash because you about damn near knocked it clean off her face.” Zendaya said as she pushed him out the way with you laughing and began to fix it.
“All I was instructed to do was not mess up her hair!”
“He popped your Met Gala cherry and took you on the bathroom sink. Have to admit that's a hell of a way to go. And Jack, wipe Y/N's lipstick off you so that we can take a selfie. I'm not letting the two of you out of my sight for the rest of the night. Now I see what Urban was talking about.”
“I’d do it again too.” Jack whispered and Zendaya rolled her eyes as Bruna was still laughing.
“I'm surprised you two didn't do it on the steps.”
“Not to worry, it's on our bucket list.”
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blarshwritezz · 5 months
Hey, could you write me a Yandere JUICY gay enemies to loves story? Male yandere enemy x male reader. For example, yandere is such a tsundere when it comes to his love for the reader and his way of showing his love comes out as insults, bullying, etc. and the reader just so hates Yandere but is unaware how much his mean insults, that sometimes come out as hella flirty and gay, turn on the Yandere or how they get incredibly flustered when reader corners them. Just make it hella obviously gay and perhaps with a one-sided sexual tension from the yanderes perceptive if you write NSFW that is, thanks! (You can ignore this request if you want, it's okay :))
Heck yeah I can! But be warned, I've never written nsfw, so it may be bad- but I'll try just for you, anon!
Yandere Enemy x Reader
M yan x M reader (slight context: y'all in college)
TW - general yandere behavior, NSFW, noncon, slight degration
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Another day, another fight between you and Enemy!Yan. The people around you had pretty much become totally numb to your constant bickering.
But to be fair, they wouldn't have to put up with this if he wasn't such a massive prick. You never even did anything! He was the one who kept taunting you.
He shouldn't do that. Nearly every time you retaliate, he ends up fumbling to speak. He's such an idiot, can't take what he dishes out. Absolutely pathetic...
And so here you were. Today's little fight had you pinning him against a wall, trying to keep your voice relatively calm. You caught him taking pictures of you in the damn hall! He was definitely planning to do something with those.
"Don't act so special, I would never ruin my phone with pictures of you!" Lies. He was covering up for the fact that he absolutely was taking pictures of you.
But how could he not? It was your fault you were sexy! You were just infuriating to him. What gave you the right to make him so fucking turned on all the time?!
"Shut up before I make you. Delete those damn pictures." You pressed your body up against him further. You were so close that every breath he took filled his lungs with your scent. You really expected him to not get hard?
Please make him shut up. Please gag him with your cock. Please.
"I don't have pictures of your atrocious face. How thick is your damn skull?" Of course he didn't have pics of your face! Mostly- not from last night at least. He was more focused on your ass other things.
You grabbed his jaw, making him use every fiber of his being to not moan. You gave him a warning, making sure he knew bad things awaited him if you saw some dumbass pictures of you around campus. Oh to know what punishment you would give him...
"You want them gone so damn bad? Delete them yourself!" He wormed his way out from between you and the wall, running off with his phone held above his head.
And of course, you chased after him.
He ran, all the way to his dorm. He threw his phone on his bed, and of course, you went after it. That gave him the perfect chance to lock the door.
You found his phone already unlocked, and when you opened it...
"How do you have all these pictures of m-" He clamped his hand over your mouth before you could finish asking about the photos seemingly taken when you swore you were completely alone in your dorm.
"You're such a fucking tease, you know that?" His other hand slowly slid down your torso, working its way back up from under your shirt. "Always threatening me in ways you know will get me all hot and bothered, then not helping me out. How can you be so mean?"
He pushed you down further on the bed, starting to slowly grind against your thigh. His hand that was under your shirt, gliding over your chest, lowered further and further. All the way to your cock, grasping it through your pants.
You bit his hand as hard as you could, hoping it might help, but the action only elicited a pleasures whimper from him.
"Keep doing that, and make sure to lick it too. You'll need it for what I'm planning."
You squirmed as he lowered your pants and underwear in one swift motion, letting your cock spring free. Embarrassingly enough, you were already hard from all this.
"It's even better up close..."
He could help but give you a hand job. Slow and steady, savoring every second of this. He ran his fingers across each and every vein, keeping his thumb over your tip to stop you from cumming too soon.
Every now and then he'd surprise you; tightening his grip, increasing his speed, stopping for a brief moment just to get right back at it. He was turning you into a whimpering, pathetic mess.
"Fuck, you're so pathetic..." He let go of your mouth in order to hold your thighs apart slightly.
He moved his head between them, taking a nice long lick up your shaft before engulfing you with his mouth. He bobbed his head up and down, swirling his tongue around your tip and making you moan.
"Sto- ngh!~ Fuck..."
He chuckled at your attempt to tell him to stop, the sound vibrating around your dick.
You couldn't take it anymore. You grabbed his hair tightly, forcing yourself all the way down his throat as you came.
He eagerly swallowed your load, choking on it before releasing you from his mouth with a wet pop.
"Fuck, you taste damn good..." He groaned, wiping a few drops of your cum from his chin.
He mixed it with his own spit in his hand, using it to lube up his aching member before flipping you on your stomach and thrusting into you suddenly.
He could've cum right then and there just from feeling your tight asshole squeezing around him, but he held back. Well, not enough to keep himself from pounding into you, regardless of how ready you were or how much you wanted it.
His pace was brutal, every thrust seeming harder and harder. The only way he was able to keep (somewhat) silent was by trailing hickeys down your neck and shoulders, holding your head up by your hair.
"Such a good boy...you my bitch now?" Through grunts and moans he whispered in your ear. "This is what you get for being a damn tease. Fuck...yeah, you're my fucking bitch now. My little bitch boy..."
He started jerking you off again as he rearranged your guts, driving you closer to another climax.
"Now be a good whore and cum for me."
Yet again, as if your body just naturally wanted to do what he said, you bust a nut. And with a few more deep thrusts, so did he, painting your insides white.
He didn't pull out of you for a good few minutes, just laying there and holding you, until finally he whispered: "You didn't think I was done, did you?~"
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I think this is the longest one I've done so far! I hope it was satisfactory!
365 notes · View notes
xxlady-lunaxx · 5 months
hi, I'm not sure if you accept requests rn, but if you do, can u make a oneshot of sanemi nursing giyuu back to health after a near-death experience? like a demon, or maybe drowning, if not that's totally fine!
hhihi anon<3
Yes, I do accept requests from here bc I get considerably less on tumblr (which is a relief btw-), so I'll do it
I hope I wrote this quickly enough ;x; I think it took a couple of days, sorry
Thoughts of you | {SaneGiyuu}
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Theme: Floof w/ practically non-existent angst
Note: Aaaa there wasn't a lot of the 'nursing back to health' IM SORRY- bc it was mostly giyuu falling in love towards middle-end
Giyuu had worked himself to near-death quite literally. It wasn't on purpose, really! He had just gone... overboard. He'd gotten distracted. Which was unlike himself, unlike a Hashira. But it happened, and there wasn't any going back. He had trained from hour to hour, little to no stop, slept about two hours total in the last three days, and hadn't bothered to get any proper food. He supposed it was some prolonged adrenaline that kept him throughout the days, letting him trudge on. He had gotten another mission, at one point, after these days of totally-taking-care-of-himself, and had gone along tiredly. He had no time to rest, after all.
He had arrived on time, luckily, and had decapitated the demon within the first ten minutes. There was a couple other demons, which took longer to kill because they were hiding. Once finding them, he sapped up the strength he had left and killed them as well. He found, however, that he had used up any energy he'd had left, and tipped over. He wobbled, trying and failing to regain his balance. Then next thing he knew, he was submerged in water, arms aching as he attempted to swim to the surface. He hadn't realized there was an ocean here.
Then he realized there had been some sort of river, maybe. Connecting to a waterfall? It was either considerably deeper than he'd imagined or he was simply too exhausted to get up. He was floating upside down, his eyes shut tight to prevent water from entering them. He felt something sharp grazing his arm and flinched away before realizing it was his katana. He struggled for a moment, trying to sheathe it, but failed. He didn't feel like moving. His body felt like lead and he didn't know if he would ever move again. He felt the breath being drawn out from his lungs, replaced by water. It stung and he coughed, then realized that struggling would only worsen the pain. He stopped, allowing the water to enter his mouth, ignoring the throb in his lungs and the impulse to cough it out.
And suddenly he was flying. Rising? What was happening? His senses had long since faded to a low dull but he felt strong arms wrapping around his torso, lifting him up and out of the water. He felt heavier, the water that had soaked into his clothing weighing him down.
"Damn you, Tomioka..." a distant voice from above him said, annoyance and concern lacing the words.
Giyuu coughed pitifully, the air hitting him like a gust of arctic wind. He was placed down, grass poking at his skin. Hands pressed on his chest, making his cough more, water slowly forcing his way into or out of his lungs. He felt like he couldn't breathe, and didn't make a move to try. He vaguely registered lips against his own, the blissful feeling of air in his lungs again, before blacking out, his senses going dark.
He woke up, eventually. It hurt to breathe and he struggled to draw in a steady breath. His hand stung and he recalled having cut it somehow. His head throbbed like a lightbulb, fading in and out. He sat up slowly, dizzy from the blood that rushed to his head. He blinked. He was laying in a futon, a blanket draped over his body. He lifted his injured hand and found it bandaged. He looked around. He didn't recognize this place. It was unfamiliar to him, and he hated it.
His breath was constricted, though, and if he couldn't breathe well there really wasn't any chance of leaving. He coughed, the unsettling feeling of water still in his lungs making him want to tear them out.
His coughing had brought attention to him and he heard only a minute later he heard a clattering sound of something wooden falling, then footsteps making their way quickly to the room. He went to pretend he was asleep but was a moment too late when, to his shock, Sanemi entered. 
He walked to the futon, kneeling down. "You're an idiot, Tomioka, you know that, right?"
Giyuu didn't respond, wondering if this was Sanemi's house then—or if he had simply been put up to the task of helping him.
Sanemi let out a breath. "Fine, be it your way. Does anything hurt particularily badly?"
Giyuu considered this and shook his head. No, nothing did. It stung when he breathed in and his hand and head hurt, but none of them were bad. He'd definitely experienced worse before.
"Good," Sanemi said with a nod. "Now, tell me what you were doing tipping over into the water on your mission."
"I'm sorry," Giyuu mumbled. He didn't know why he had let down his guard, let himself fall. He honestly didn't.
"You better be. Also, I had Kocho run some tests on you too. Turns out you haven't eaten or drunk enough water in the past few days or so, also you've had not even close to enough sleep, and according to your crow you haven't stopped training to do much in the first place," Sanemi said, an exasperated sigh leaving his body. "You're an idiot, Tomioka. Take better care of yourself."
Giyuu hesitated. "She can see that much from a test?"
Sanemi lifted a shoulder. "It was also just eyeing you. Those eyebags were enough indication in terms of sleep."
Sanemi nodded.
"I feel better now, I can go home," Giyuu said, starting to stand.
Sanemi pushed him back down. "No. You're staying here and sleeping until you get better. I don't want to see you getting up for anything except the bathroom, alright?"
Giyuu frowned. "But-"
There were no more arguments to be said. Sanemi left to go make some food and Giyuu was on his own again, fuming.
He looked down at himself and realized, for the first time, that he wasn't in his own clothes. Had Sanemi changed him?
He glanced around, not seeing his haori around. A sort of panic rose in him and he scrambled up, wobbling for a second, before making his way to the hall where he'd seen Sanemi go. He scampered through it, looking right and left. Had his haori fallen off or been ripped or?-
Sanemi stopped him, clear annoyance directed towards Giyuu. "What the hell are you doing up? I told you to stay down unless you needed the bathroom!"
Giyuu ignored him. "Where's... my haori?" he asked quietly, urgently.
Sanemi let out a breath. "If that was all, you could've just asked." Then his expression softened as he noticed the panic in Giyuu's voice. "It's fine. I washed it and it's drying now. You were soaked from the river, I wasn't about to leave you in those clothes and let you get sick."
Giyuu relaxed. He trusted that Sanemi wouldn't do anything to his haori—he didn't have any reason to, after all. "...thank you," he mumbled.
Sanemi nodded. "Now, back to bed."
He marched him back to the room, tucking him in. 
"I'll bring you your food. So cooperate, okay?"
Giyuu nodded.
Sanemi nodded back, gave him one last look, before closing the door and going back down the hall.
Despite Sanemi's usual arrogance, he was surprisingly tender when caring for Giyuu. There were times he reminded him of Tsutako, his hands gently wrapping bandages back around Giyuu's injured hand, feeding him food when Giyuu lapsed into some sort of fever for a couple days. It was soothing, almost, and Giyuu found great comfort from it. He didn't know that Sanemi was able to be like this but he loved it and hoped that maybe it would last a bit longer.
Though he was considerably kinder to Giyuu, Sanemi still found ways to berate him, getting mad at him when he tried getting up on his own during the fever. 
While carrying him to the bathroom, Sanemi would snap at him, saying that he was being stubborn for not letting himself be helped. It was ironic that he reminded Giyuu of Tsutako; they were complete opposites in every way possible. But it was what seperated him from Tsutako, it was what made him his own person. And it was what made Giyuu's heart throb almost yearningly around Sanemi. He didn't understand it, at first. He figured it was just a reminising of his past days as a child—those of which he could barely remember, he might add. And yet as time passed on, he found it wasn't that. He found he had fallen for Sanemi. Somehow.
He thought it would be a fleeting crush. Maybe just happy to be with Sanemi when he was being nicer. But it grew stronger as days passed. Then Giyuu was allowed out, he was released back into the comfort of his own home. Yet he went back to Sanemi the following day, offering him some food as a thank you. They sat together and talked, drank tea and had some mochi. It was wonderful.
He managed to convince himself, at one point, that he was only coming to thank him for it. That it meant nothing. But it became clear, and he couldn't deny it anymore, when he stopped by the following days, found himself around Sanemi constantly, and... And his thoughts seemed to trail to Sanemi no matter what. Oh, look, a dog! Sanemi likes dogs. A cat? Sanemi never cared for cats. There's a snake in that pet shop! Obanai has a snake. Sanemi and Obanai are friends, right? Obanai is one of the few Sanemi actually gets along with. Hmm, maybe some tea would be good. Sanemi seemed to like tea—or at least have it often with ohagi. 
No, yeah, no. Giyuu was in love.
Upon Sanemi's threats, Giyuu started taking more mind to himself. He tried to sleep at least a couple hours per day, tried to eat and drink more water, kept track of the time and his own body while training. He felt proud of himself for going through with Sanemi's words—then immediately felt childish for being proud. But he continued at it. Although if he hadn't, he probably would've been forced to by Shinobu or Sanemi in the first place. 
Usually, on his missions, Giyuu managed to avoid any injuries worse than a scratch. Except he had gotten distracted this time. His distraction had caught himself off guard and, as he hurried to get back to the present, the demon had managed to slash his leg where the uniform wasn't protecting him. It wasn't a particularily strong demon, so it didn't do much harm, but blood still dampened his clothing. Giyuu killed the demon quickly and then stumbled out of the village he had been in, avoiding people. His calf stung and he winced as he walked. 
He realized that the closest house he knew of that he could go to from here wasn't his own or the Butterfly Estate. Rather, it was Sanemi's. Figuring he could persuade Sanemi for, maybe, some bandages, he rushed over, ignoring the pain that stabbed his leg as he ran. 
He knocked on the door. Luckily, dawn was approaching, so Sanemi was home. The door opened and Sanemi rolled his eyes upon seeing Giyuu injured. He grabbed Giyuu by the elbow and tugged him inside, closing the door behind him.
"Are you going to keep injuring yourself and running to me for help?" Sanemi asked with slight irritation, searching through his drawers for something.
Giyuu lifted a shoulder. "I didn't come to you the first time."
"Still." Sanemi turned, bandages and some cotton balls in hand. He knelt, having Giyuu sit on a chair, and rolled Giyuu's pant leg up, wiping the blood away then dabbing the cotton balls with something and cleaning the wound. He wrapped the bandages around it, tucked it in, then looked up. "Doesn't hurt bad, does it?"
Giyuu shook his head. "It's fine. The demon wasn't that strong. I just... got distracted."
Sanemi frowned. "So you're off forgetting you're also human and overworking yourself to half-death, then you're getting distracted and getting injured by a weak demon now?" he asked pointedly, a disappointed sigh leaving him. 
"...when you put it like that," Giyuu mumbled. 
"Why the fuck were you even distracted?" Sanemi asked, resting a hand on Giyuu's knee as he pulled himself up.
Giyuu hesitated. "I was... thinking."
Sanemi paused. "What?"
"Sorry, nevermind, nothing," Giyuu said quickly, standing suddenly and nearly knocking Sanemi and the chair over. 
"What the fuck do you mean, me?" Sanemi asked, stepping in front of Giyuu and stopping him from moving forward.
"No, I..." Giyuu shook his head. "Nothing." 
"...Tomioka," Sanemi said. 
Giyuu looked up. 
"Tomioka, do you like me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"W...WHAT???" Giyuu asked, startled. He fell back onto the chair in his shock.
"God, why are you shouting now?" Sanemi said with a sigh.
"That was so random..." Giyuu mumbled.
"Yeah, well, you're acting like you like me. So either you clarify that you're not, or I'm going to keep you here until you tell me something worth hearing," Sanemi said, poising his hands on his hips. 
Giyuu let out a breath. "I can't clarify something that's not true."
Sanemi cocked his head to the side. "What?"
"You told me to clarify that I didn't like you," Giyuu said quietly.
Sanemi took a moment to understand. "Oh. Oh, so you do?"
Giyuu nodded slowly, looking away. It couldn't hurt to tell him, right? He would probably just act as he had before he had helped him. Angry and annoyed at him. 
And yet.
"Hm. That's unexpected," Sanemi admitted. 
"Can I go now?" Giyuu asked. 
Sanemi thought for a moment. "No."
"But I told you-"
"Yeah, shut up," Sanemi said with a huff. He glanced down at Giyuu's lap the promptly sat down, facing him. 
Giyuu flushed and tried pushing Sanemi off for a half second, before his hands fell to his side and he looked up at Sanemi. "What're you...?"
"If you like me, then would you date me?" Sanemi asked curiously, ignoring his question.
Giyuu considered this. "Only if you liked me too."
"Then will you be my boyfriend?" Sanemi inquired, sounding so casual it took Giyuu a moment to understand the question.
"I... Wha- You- I said if you liked me, only," Giyuu stuttered, struggling to comprehend what exactly had happened. 
"I do," Sanemi said. 
"But... what? How? What?"
Sanemi rolled his eyes. "Do you want to be my boyfriend or do you want me to slap you?"
Giyuu grew quiet again. "Fine."
"Fine what? Because if you don't clarify, I'm going to assu-"
"We can date," Giyuu interrupted, averting his eyes. "If you want it too."
Sanemi smiled. "There. That wasn't so hard, was it?" Then, abruptly, he kissed him. It was fleeting, but it felt like an eternity of bliss, somehow, and Giyuu longed for it again when he pulled away.
Sanemi stood, moving back to give Giyuu room. "Alright, now go back home and take care of your leg. Don't keep injuring yourself and being idiotic."
Giyuu opened his mouth to say something, then closed it, unsure. He stood and walked to the door. Sanemi saw him out, watching him leave.
Then, once outside, Giyuu turned back and walked back to the door. "Can you kiss me again?" he asked tentatively.
Sanemi raised an eyebrow. "Want a good-bye kiss?"
Giyuu lifted a shoulder. "Is that bad?"
"Not at all." Sanemi leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Giyuu's lips, moving back a moment later. "Bye, Tomioka."
Giyuu lowered his head in a quick bow. "Thank you."
Sanemi's mouth curved in a smile. "See you later."
"'Later," Giyuu agreed, walking back home.
« Word count: 2600 »
those oneshots where you like how it started and hate how it ended
smh I can never write something where I like the whole thing 😭
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runningfrom2am · 6 months
cold nights // part twenty-six
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summary: you were back in the capitol, and you would be damned if you didn't try your hardest to make it worthwhile.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 7.3k (WOAH)
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, depictions of mental illness, also she's is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: sorry i made you guys wait so long for this omg!! i have been booked and busy this week but we are so back :)
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist
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It's your first day of university, and you don't know if you're more excited or terrified.
It was the beginning of the rest of your life, which is thrilling considering just two months ago you thought you had days left to live. At the same time, though, you knew no one here besides Coryo and Sej, and you didn't share a single class with either of them.
But, staying positive was a must. It would only be a few hours away from them, and you had planned to meet up for lunch with Coryo between your classes, since he had found some for you that started and ended at the same time as his. While you drape your scarf over your shoulders and tuck both ends around the belt at your waist, you smile to yourself. You take a last look in the mirror, to double-confirm that you like the look of the scarf worn that way over your white dress and when you're satisfied you grab your bag and leave your room. Of course, Tybalt is right on your heels.
Walking down the hall, you can hear their grandmother singing the national anthem in the other room, as she always does. You've never loved the anthem or what it stood for, but starting your morning hearing singing is nice nonetheless. Even if the woman who started her mornings with song had decided just to completely pretend you didn't exist, ignoring you at every turn. "Good morning!" You smile as you enter the dining room, Tigris and Coryo already sitting to eat.
"Morning." They both smile at you at the same time as you drop your bag down, sitting next to Coryo. "Are you excited?" Tigris asks as you reach for some apple slices. There are more fancy pastries spread out on the tray as well, but you'd much rather stick to fruit in the morning.
"I am." You grin, biting the slice in half. "A little nervous, though. I must admit."
"You don't need to be nervous." Coryo tells you, and his smile does relax you. But you know he doesn't understand. "I'll walk you to your classes, and I'll see you during our break. It'll be easy and you'll adjust very quickly."
"Aren't you nervous?" You ask, picking up your cup of tea and taking a sip. "It's your first day too."
"Not really." He shrugs, reaching up to mess with his hair. It had only been a few weeks since he cut it, but it was growing back rather quickly. "More excited."
"Oh, well, I'm excited for you too." You hum, taking another bite of your apple and smiling as he pats your leg under the table.
Pulling up to the campus after Coryo insisted that their driver take the two of you, you notice immediately that there were tons more people. Most were people around your age, which you expected. You wonder how many of them are Coryo's other friends, it would be nice to make more friends here. Just like the games. You find yourself thinking. "Safety in numbers", is what Coryo had told you. You needed allies here.
"There's a lot of people." You comment as the car comes to a stop, and Coryo gently squeezes you with the arm he has over your shoulder in the backseat, still shielded by the tinted windows.
"Yes, just stay close to me." He tells you, kissing your cheek. You nod and push the door open, thanking the driver quickly as you climb out with Coryo on your heels.
It's obvious to him almost immediately that you don't fit in. While there isn't a uniform like there was in the academy, he was still wearing dress pants and a button-up shirt- which seemed to be on par with the level of dress all the other students were donning. Mentally, he curses himself for not thinking of that. It didn't even cross his mind- all that did was that you looked beautiful. More done up than he'd ever seen you, and you don't look insecure about it, at least not immediately. Outside of what he can discern of just average nervousness as you seem to shrink in on yourself while you look out over as much of the campus as you can see.
"So, your class starts in twenty-five minutes. Usually, it's a good idea to get there early, that's what I've heard anyway." He tells you as he starts walking down the path toward the doors, and you follow quickly after him.
"How long does it take to get there?" You ask as you catch up, holding onto your bag over your shoulder.
"You tell me." He smirks, jutting out his elbow to gently nudge you. "I have you the tour, where are we going?"
"Oh." You laugh, looking around. "It looks a lot different now. Probably... ten minutes to get to the arts building?"
"About that, yeah." He nods. "In no time you won't need me anymore."
As you approach the entrance to the main building, it doesn't go unnoticed by him that you're being stared at. No doubt every other student here recognizes you, it would be jarring to see a tribute walking among them at school. Let alone be in a class with them. He wonders if they'd feel unsafe with you- he knows he would have without knowing you.
Not necessarily unsafe, considering even watching the games anyone could tell you wouldn't hurt a fly, but... uneasy, is a more accurate descriptor. It even begins to pool in his own stomach, growing more as you link your arm with his. They weren't just staring at you. They were staring at him, too.
"I'll always need you, I'm sure." You giggle, squeezing his arm.
He can practically hear all of their whispers now.
'Is that Coriolanus Snow? That District girl is all over him.'
'She's probably going to give him rabies or some other gross District plague. I won't be surprised if he starts a Monkey Pox outbreak.'
'I heard him and Sejanus Plinth went to District Twelve just for her. They probably came back half animal- no wonder he sees nothing wrong with this.'
Suddenly, he does. Your hold on him, while friendly, feels so sickeningly isolating. He pulls his arm from yours with the excuse of rolling up the sleeves of his shirt while he speaks to you. "Well, we may not always have aligning classes."
"That's true, I suppose." You agree. "An awful shame though, I'll miss being able to have lunch together."
He just hums in agreement, picking up his pace as you move through the halls and out the back exit to be able to access the art building.
"This is you." Coryo says as he stops outside the door to a lecture hall, looking inside briefly before turning his attention to you. There were a few students already inside, reading or organizing their notebooks.
"Oh, thank you." You smile at him. He didn't have much to say on the walk to your class, but you sum that up to him being in a hurry to get to his own. The art building was certainly out of his way, if you remember where all his classes were supposed to be.
"You're welcome." He says, making an effort to match your smile. He could only really focus on the stares you were getting from people walking past, making wide circles around you. You don't seem to notice as you look up at him. "I'll come back to get you after class, so just wait for me, okay?"
"I'll wait right here." You nod, wrapping your arms around him and leaning your head against his chest. "I'll miss you, though."
You feel him tense up under you, and he awkwardly pats your back. You don't clue in until you hear gasps and whispering. You quickly take a step back, cheeks red.
Coryo chuckles nervously. "It's alright, uh..." He leans down to whisper to you. "They're just strict about that kind of stuff here. Don't worry about it."
"Oh, I'm sorry..." You reply, looking around and smiling apologetically at the few people still staring as they walk past.
"I should have told you, that's my fault." He admits, standing up straight before leaning down to talk to you again. "Good luck in your class. I love you, and I'll see you for lunch." He whispers and is satisfied when that brings your normal smile back.
"I love you too." You whisper back, and he grins, giving you a quick nod. "See you later."
You wave as he walks away, and you take a deep breath before walking into the lecture hall.
Now, you're presented with your second big problem of the day. Figuring out where to sit.
You scan the room quickly, deciding the easiest would be the front or second row. There were a few students already sitting down there, and one girl who was sitting alone. She had blonde hair, and red lipstick that you think would match Coryo's coat that he sometimes wears quite nicely. She looked nice.
You smile as you make your way over to the front row, sliding into the seat next to her. "Hi! My name is Y/N, what's-" You whisper, wanting to stay quiet in the already silent room and before you even finish your question she's shoving things in her bag and getting up. "Oh." You frown, looking around as she quickly moves to a different seat. The shuffle caused everyone who wasn't already looking to stare at you, so you just quickly turned to face the front.
You didn't mean to scare her off, you just thought she might want a friend if she was sitting alone, and you definitely wanted one. She didn't even look at you for more than a second.
You quietly pull the notebook Coryo had given you out of your bag, placing it on the table in front of you and looking up at the clock. There were still fifteen or so minutes until your class would start, so surely by then, someone would sit next to you.
Unfortunately, that didn't happen. By the time the man you assumed was your professor entered, every other seat was taken besides the ones next to you. And behind you. There was this glaringly uncomfortable circle of emptiness surrounding you right at the front of the room. It was mildly embarrassing, but at least you didn't have to see everyone staring at you since almost everyone was behind you. But you still had the afternoon class, and the rest of the year to let people warm up to you. It would be okay.
"Okay, I hope everyone is here." Your gaze follows your professor as he shuts and locks the door. "If you're late, that's too bad. I expect everyone to be on time. This door will be locked at nine on the dot. For anyone who doesn't know me, my name is Dr. Nero."
You sit up straighter in your seat. He looks young, probably only ten or so years your senior with well-trimmed but present facial hair and a semi-casual suit. He must be relatively new to the position, and clearly, he took it very seriously.
"Alright, the department wants us to do icebreakers, so we'll get it over quickly. When I call your name on the attendance, tell us something about yourself and what your career goal is."
Shoot. You definitely didn't have any solid plans yet.
As he goes through the list, you wrack your brain for an answer. What did you want to do? Nothing specific. Maybe you'd write a book, maybe open a daycare back home where parents could leave their young ones with you by donation while they went to work. Maybe you'd be back at the library, but you really wanted to do something good with your education. You make a mental note to ask Coryo during lunch what kind of career you can have with a literature degree.
You look around, trying to remember as many names as you can as the other students answer.
"Teacher", "Artist", "Museum Curator", "Gamemaker".
Your eyes are still locked on the student who said that, a boy with dark hair and brown eyes. His name was Cancor Crane, if you remember what the professor had just called out correctly, and he was staring back at you. He was staring at you with such a vile expression that it looked like he wanted to gut you. A chill goes down your spine.
Then your name is called. You turn quickly, smiling nervously. "Hi..." You say, clearing your throat of the dryness that overtook it. "So, my name is Y/N... something about myself is that I have a cat, his name is Tybalt. Um, because my favourite book is Romeo and Juliet." You look around, then quickly back to your desk. "And I am not sure about my career, in all honesty. Not knowing when the dawn will come I open every door." You shrug, smiling hopefully at him.
"Interesting." Your professor says, tilting his head at you and leaning back against his desk. "I expected your fact to be that you're a Victor."
"I- well, yes. I am." You reply nervously, twisting your pencil in between your fingers.
He hums. "Congratulations."
Congratulations on being the only one to walk away with your life.
"Thank you." You settle on, voice hardly more than a whisper.
"I've never taught a Victor before. This should be an interesting class for all of us."
You took as many notes as you could through the syllabus overview and first lecture. You were pretty pleased with yourself, everything looked organized and you felt prepared for the rest of the course- besides the textbooks that you needed to pick up. Another thing to ask Coryo about.
You don't see him at the door yet, after all, he had to walk all the way back from his class to yours and if he was let out at the same time he should be here in about ten minutes.
"Miss Y/L/N, do you mind staying for a moment?" Dr. Nero asks as the lecture hall steadily clears out. "I'd like to chat with you."
You quickly gather your things, making your way over to his desk at the front centre of the large room.
"Dr. Nero." You smile, bag tucked under your arm. "I really enjoyed today's class. I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester."
A grin tugs at the corner of his lips. "Thank you."
He doesn't say anything else, and you're left wondering what he wanted you to stay for. "I just need to get my textbooks, but I have the list that you gave us so I'll see if I can grab them this afternoon. I'll have them for Wednesday." You say, just wanting to fill the silence.
"Good." He nods, leaning back against his desk and tucking his hands into his pockets. "I watched your games. When they told me that you enrolled in my class, I was immediately intrigued."
"Oh." What are you supposed to say to that? He watched you at your literal worst, that doesn't make you feel very comfortable at all.
"In a good way, I assure you." He says, sensing your nerves. "I feel as though you know more about English literature than anyone in this city. Maybe even more than me."
"I wouldn't say that..." You chuckle nervously. "I just like reading."
"Yes. With an unprecedented level of comprehension for a District-born child."
You want to scowl and argue with him about how the opinions of the Capitol citizens are based on nothing but their own superiority complex fuelled by their win in one war that cost the lives of many, but instead, you just smile and nod. "Thank you, Sir."
"Although, tributes are not given much of a chance to prove that they are more than animals when they are treated as such from the moment they arrive until the moment they die, wouldn't you agree?"
You tilt your head at him. His motivations and opinions are suddenly unclear and confusing to you. "Yes... I-I would."
"Well, I hope to learn more about your experience while we get to know each other." He tells you. "Thank you for coming."
"Yes, thank you." You say quietly, looking toward the door. "I'll see you on Wednesday."
"Yes, good luck in the rest of your classes." He nods to you, and you take that as your dismissal and head to the door. You would just have to wait for Coryo in the hall.
You wouldn't have to wait long, considering he was already there, right where he had left you earlier.
"Hi!" You smile, waving at him but being mindful of keeping your distance.
"Hello." He grins, already starting down the hall as you join his side.
"How was your class?" You ask excitedly.
"Good." He shrugs. "What about yours? That's what I'm more concerned about."
"It was good!" You smile. "I mean, I tried to talk to people but everyone was pretty quiet. And the Professor was nice. I think. He seemed fascinated by the fact that I'm a 'Victor'." You accentuate your point with finger quotations, bouncing between looking up at him beside you and ahead of you to make sure you don't walk into anyone. They seem to be keeping their distance, though.
"Of course he is." Coryo scoffs, shaking his head. "But that's what we want. He may favour you, so go along with it."
"Oh, okay."
Tigris was nice enough to pack you both lunch for the day, yours consisting mainly of fruit. Something you have noticed over the last couple of weeks you've been here is that some of the food scares you- which is something you never thought of. If you can't somewhat accurately identify what it is just by looking at it, you're tempted to steer clear. Coryo insists you'll "get used to it", something he tells you daily about a wide variety of things, but Tigris doesn't mind packing you fruit for lunch or meals you don't help prepare yourself, which you appreciate.
Even for a September day, the sun is beaming down on the courtyard so you decided to eat outside. After all, Coryo says the weather won't be this nice all winter. You rarely got snow in Twelve, so you were excited for the holidays. Secretly, you hoped you could go home for Christmas.
"It's a beautiful day today." You comment, taking a bite of the fresh strawberry you pulled from your lunch container. The strawberries here were something that shocked you as well- they were bigger than the homegrown ones back home. Not nearly as sweet, though.
"It is." Coryo nods, leaning back on his palms in the grass. "Do you like it here so far?" He asks, squinting from the sun as he looks over at you.
"I mean, I've only had one class as you know, but so far it's great." You grin. "I'm excited to actually dive into the readings and such."
"I mean, like, in general." He chuckles. "Also, I have never heard anyone ever say they were excited about homework."
"A precious, mouldering pleasure it is, to meet an antique book, In just the dress his century wore; A privilege I think." You shrug, smiling at him as you place the rest of the strawberry on your tongue.
Coryo scrunches up his nose in disgust while you chew. "You eat the leaves?"
Quickly, you're covering your mouth with your hand to speak. "You don't?" You ask, voice slightly muffled with the slightly sour fruit on your tongue.
"No!" He laughs, shaking his head.
You swallow what remains of the strawberry in your mouth, preparing to defend yourself when you hear someone call his name. You both turn, and your eyes land on a girl with long, dark hair as she walks toward you. With the shoes she's wearing, she only slightly struggles on the grass.
"Clemmie." He smiles, quickly standing up. You follow suit, brushing the stray blades of grass off of your legs and dress while he gives her a hug. A hug? That must be allowed outdoors. "I didn't expect to see you today."
"Yeah, well, they let me out of my cage for the occasion." She replies sarcastically. She must be hot, wearing a white turtle neck in this heat. Then she looks at you, lifting up her dark sunglasses and resting them in her hair.
She has the eyes of a snake.
You're in shock for a moment, but you quickly recover. "Hello, my name is Y/N. Are you a friend of Coryo's?" You ask, extending your hand to shake. You were just happy to possibly be making friends.
She doesn't take it, something you're used to by now. "Yes, we've known each other our whole lives." She answers, looking down at your hand as you slowly lower it back to your side.
"Y/N, this is Clemensia Dovecote." Coryo says, deciding to introduce you properly, since his classmate didn't want to oblige. "She was a mentor as well."
"Oh, congratulations." You grin, biting back the sickness you felt suddenly bubbling in your stomach. "From what I have heard, even being selected for the opportunity is a large accomplishment. You must be proud."
"Yeah, well, I'd certainly be happier if my tribute won." She shrugs.
"Clemmie-" Coryo hisses at her, and she looks momentarily horrified at her own statement.
You look down, nodding slightly with a nervous smile. "It's okay." You insist, laughing slightly and pretending to readjust your scarf and tighten it around the belt.
"I didn't... Not like that. I'm sorry." She apologizes quickly after Coryo had jumped to your defense.
"No, it's alright. I understand." You tell her again, attempting a reassuring smile. "Would... would you like to eat lunch with us?"
"I have to get going, actually." Clemensia replies, looking between the two of you. "I was just on my way to my next class and thought I'd stop to say hi. It was nice to meet you, Y/N."
"You too." You grin, and she nods at you before walking away.
Your eyes stay trained on her as she crosses the courtyard, and Coryo is once again close enough to speak to you quietly so no one else would hear. "I'm so sorry, she didn't mean it like that."
"No, I know." You insist again, already sitting back down. "It's okay." You smile up at him, patting the patch of grass next to you so he would join you.
"She was supposed to be Reaper's mentor." He tells you as he rejoins you on the ground. "But... something happened before the games. She couldn't participate."
He moves closer. "Do you remember that day we went to tour the arena?" He asks and you nod. "And I was late, and you asked me what was wrong, and I told you nothing?"
You do remember that, and you never got answers, but you remember being worried it was your fault. You almost kissed him the night before, and you had made things weird when he just came to do something nice for you; bringing you a book and some birthday cake. You felt horrible. "Yes, I thought I had done something."
"You? No." He quickly shakes his head. "We had to write a proposal for Dr. Gaul, the head gamemaker, about things that could be done to "improve" the games. Like the bets, donations, sending food, and when we were speaking with her Clemmie got bit by one of the snakes."
You gasp, covering your mouth. He looks around, making sure no one is paying attention. Yes, people were staring, but no one would get close enough to be able to overhear.
"I thought she was dead, but they sent me straight to the arena to meet you." He explains. "And like she said, we've been friends forever so I was... quite upset."
"That's horrible." You frown, resisting the urge to reach for his hand as it sits on his lap next to you.
"Yeah." He agrees quietly. "But I saw her in the hospital after the bombing, she was alive but... different. Crazy."
"Her eyes?" You ask and he nods.
"And she was hallucinating, they wouldn't let anyone see her except me because I was there. She was angry with me because I didn't visit her enough."
"Survivors guilt." You smile sympathetically. It was a feeling you knew all too well.
"That's why she's wearing that shirt." He whispers, nodding to her just as she enters the building ahead of you. "She's got scales."
You cringe at the mere idea of it.
"I know." He laughs slightly. He doesn't look away from his hands in his lap, and while you can see he's smiling and laughing, it's doing little to convince you that he isn't upset. "It was kind of my fault, though."
There it is.
"No, most certainly not." You frown. You just want to hold his hand, surely you won't be caught if you do. You were outside, just for a moment isn't likely to get you in trouble. Especially if he was just hugging Clemensia. "Why do you say that?" You ask, settling instead for resting a hand on his arm.
"I... It's difficult to explain." He tells you, and you say nothing, willing him to continue. "So, our proposal was in the tank. Dr. Gaul told us if the snakes knew your scent, they wouldn't bite. But I wrote the paper, not her, and she made Clemmie reach into their tank and pull it out."
"That's not your fault." You tell him, gently squeezing his forearm.
"I should have stopped her. She would have hated me for telling them she didn't help write it, but none of that would have happened."
"Well, she's okay, isn't she?" You smile hopefully.
"Yes, but she just as easily could have died." He insists. "The only thing that makes me feel slightly better about it is that in a way, she saved you."
You cock your head at him, mouth falling open in astonishment. "I... what?"
He looks up from his lap to check your surroundings again.
"I put the letter you wrote to me into the tank." He whispers, and you have to lean in to hear it. "Because I knew if they knew your scent they wouldn't hurt you."
"You... never told me that." You state the obvious, retreating your hand back into your own lap. Part of you wishes he hadn't done that. They didn't quite catch you getting up into the rafters, his warning had been enough, but you should have walked to your death the following morning when you climbed down and found the note in the first place.
"I just... I don't know, I thought it would be worth more if it stayed a secret. I didn't want you to feel... indebted to me, or something." He admits. "But I'm still trying that thing where I tell you everything I'm thinking. Especially about this stuff."
You nod, putting your focus on picking pieces of grass at your side. "Thank you."
"Please don't thank me." He frowns. "I told you. I had to. I knew I loved you even then, Y/N/N."
You give your head a quick shake, already sensing the spiral it was about to fall down. "Let's not speak about this here." You mumble. "Please."
Immediately, Coryo understands. "Of course." He watches you run your fingers through the grass slowly, and realizes quickly that you are counting them. Now was not the time or place for another attack, and he felt foolish for even bringing the topic of the games up. "What books do you need?" He asks, hoping to get you in better spirits. "Anything that looks good? You said you were excited for the readings."
Your lunch doesn't feel like it lasts long enough, even though you had an hour and a half between your classes. Once you got to talking about your books, the time seemed to fly by and Coryo agreed to take you to the bookstore on campus the following afternoon so you could get all your books at once. He had a few to get as well.
He walked you to your next class, a few floors up in the same building and this time you were mindful to not hug him goodbye. He told you he loved you, very quietly, and you said you loved him too before entering the room. Another lecture hall, slightly smaller than the last one.
You mentally prepare yourself to play this game again. Where to sit, and preferably, finding someone willing to sit next to you. Looking around, you see a couple of girls in the middle of the room chatting away. They looked nice enough.
Preparing your smile as you walk up, you slide into the seat next to them. "Hi there, my name is Y/N." You grin, keeping your voice low. You really didn't want to scare them off. "Can I sit here?"
They look at each other with an expression unreadable to you, before one of them nods. "Yeah, we can't see why not."
"Oh, thank you!" You say excitedly, pulling your bag up onto the desk to grab your other notebook out of it.
"You're the Victor." The other girl comments, and you realize they're both staring at you still.
You suck in a sharp breath through your teeth, nodding. "Mhm."
"So... why are you here?" The girl closest to you with a brunette ponytail asks.
"Oh, well, Coriolanus, he was my mentor, he came to visit me back home and convinced me to come study here." You explain. "I want to have a career. Help my family."
"Oh, we know him." She says, and they look at each other again, chests shaking with laughter they're attempting to conceal.
"You do?" You smile. You knew starting with his friends was a good idea, this is just a happy coincidence that you had decided to sit next to two of them already.
"Yeah, we went to the academy with him." The girl's friend explains. You notice then that they have a very similar hair colour, but hers is cut short and curled just above her shoulders. "He always had such a stick up his ass. Took everything way too seriously."
"That's what my brother said, too." You giggle. You weren't sure if they were being genuinely mean or not, but you decided to air on the side of caution. You wanted friends. "But he is truly lovely. Do you know him well?"
"You could say that." One of them answers vaguely and you just smile, tucking your bag back under the table. "Your bag is... interesting. Where did you get it?"
"Oh!" You say excitedly, lifting it back onto the table. "My Ma made it for me. Isn't it pretty?"
They laugh, and your smile fades. You thought it was very nice, made from pieces of scrapped linens that she had used in other projects, stitched together into a pattern that made up your shoulder bag. It was perfect for carrying your notebooks and pencils, you had brought it to school back home all your life.
"It's... something else." The girl with the short hair nods.
"Does your Ma hate you? That's so sad." The other girl pouts, resting her chin on her hand.
You quickly hide the bag away again at your feet. "No, of course she doesn't." You weren't sure what to say. Why were they being mean? They had been nice to you a moment ago.
"Did she make your dress, too?"
You just nod, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
"Wow, yeah, I could tell." You look down at the words, unsure as to what she could see that could be wrong with it. This was one of your favourites.
Admittedly, it was a little short on you, similar in style and colour to the one you had worn to the Capitol the first time you came. But now, looking at what she was wearing and her friend, both with button-up shirts similar to Coryo's and different coloured blazers with a matching skirt, you realize that your attire is very different. Different vastly from everyone in the room as well, as more students are trickling in.
You didn't think it mattered until now.
You don't get the chance to come up with anything in defense of your dress before she reaches out and grabs at the material of your scarf, rubbing it between her fingers. "This is the scarf you had with you in the games. It doesn't look like your mother made it, though. This is mulberry silk."
You jump a little at the unexpected contact, and they laugh. "Uhm, no, she didn't." You clear your throat. "It's a family heirloom. I'm not sure where it came from." Not entirely a lie, it just wasn't your family heirloom.
"Neat. So, where are you staying?" She asks after a moment.
"With Coriolanus and his family. They've been very kind to me." You smile. Their eyes go wide and they look at each other again.
"You mean, on the Corso?"
"Yes, that's what he told me it's called."
"Wow, you really made yourself comfortable here, huh?"
"Well," You laugh slightly. "It's been an interesting transition, but he's made it much easier. He helps as much as he can."
Simultaneously they pick up on the pink flush of your cheeks as you remember the amount of times he's come running when you had a nightmare, only to bring you water and back to his bed to sleep after. Weirdly enough, he made you feel safer now.
"Oh my god." The girl with the bob laughs. "You like him, don't you?"
"Of course I do. He's my friend." You smile, a little confused. That only makes them laugh more, and you pick up on what they were implying. Quickly, you turn even more pink in the face. "Well, I mean, um..."
"Y/N." You turn your head at the mention of your name, looking up at the girl now standing in front of you. She was smiling, and immediately seemed to have a kinder spirit than the girls you were already sitting with. "Come sit with me, Coryo asked me to save you a seat."
"Oh, okay." You nod, grabbing your things again and standing. You were eager now to get away from those other girls.
"Lysistrata, come on. We were just talking to our new friend." The girl with the ponytail pouts, and you look back at Coryo's friend. She just stares at them, something akin to a warning in her expression.
"Where do you want to sit?" You ask her, still recovering from their mildly embarrassing comment as you stand up.
She just nods toward one of the upper rows and starts walking. "It was nice to meet you." You smile at the girls nervously before following behind her.
"Oh, and Twelve?" You stop and turn when the girl with the ponytail speaks up again. "Good luck with Coriolanus, though I hate to tell you I have a head start. We're actually engaged. But like I said, good luck!"
You feel your face pale and you just nod, quickly turning away and focusing your gaze on the long dark braids belonging to the girl leading you up the stairs.
Your mind is absolutely reeling as you follow her to some seats near the back. You didn't know he was engaged. Honestly, you thought you were kind of his girlfriend. He told you he loved you not ten minutes ago, for god's sake! But maybe it had meant something different to him all along. Was this something they did in the Capitol? Because back home if you kissed someone that meant they were your one and only, but maybe that was very different here. So many things are very different here.
"They aren't engaged. Don't listen to her." Coryo's friend, Lysistrata you think her name was, says as you sit down.
You look over at her. "They aren't?"
"No." She scoffs. "Livia just thinks they're getting married because her daddy wants them to. They hardly ever even talk."
"Oh." You reply quietly, looking down the rows at the girls you were just with. That does ease your panic. "Not... not that it matters to me."
"It's okay." She smiles kindly at you. "To be honest, he hates her." She whispers. "I think you've got a much better chance. He speaks very highly of you."
You blush, smiling back at her. "I don't believe we've met properly. My name is Y/N."
"Nice to meet you." She smiles, and for the first time today, it feels genuine. "I'm Lyssie."
"Did you go to the academy too?" You ask for the sake of making conversation. She seems lovely, and you're excited at the idea of actually having a friend in one of your classes.
"I did." She smiles. "I was Jessup's mentor. Coryo and I worked a lot together during the games."
You chew on your lip, nodding slightly.
Today was just full of draining conversations.
"I'm sorry." She adds quietly. "You all deserved better."
"I'm sorry I didn't stay with him." You whisper. "I regret it every day."
"Don't. You did what you had to do, no one holds anything against you. I think you did the right thing."
You just nod, opening your notebook. You have to hope that once you get all these impossible conversations out of the way and people know you better, you'll have other things to talk about. And maybe one day, the topic won't make you want to cry, throw up, and jump off the nearest building all at once.
"He was one of the best of us. He should have won." You say quietly.
"Don't say that." She smiles sadly at you. "I'm glad it was you if it couldn't be him, and he was very sick. He wouldn't have made it much longer anyway."
"I had to go home and see his family." You felt comfortable talking to her, like she wouldn't judge you. It was a relaxing feeling. "My heart breaks for them, they're good people. And they needed him."
"You know his family?" She asks.
"Not really. We've crossed paths here and there, my Ma helps them on occasion with fixing their clothes." You shrug. "Still, though. From what I know, they try to stay in life. Instead of weeping when a tragedy occurs in a songbird's life, it sings away its grief. I believe we could well follow the pattern of our feathered friends."
"Would you happen to know their address? I would love to write to them. To apologize, that is." She explains and you smile, nodding before scribbling it down in your notebook and ripping out the page to hand to her.
"Thank you."
Another two hours, another "icebreaker", and more stares. You hoped that your classmates would eventually get tired of staring at you, you imagined it would make it quite difficult to take notes or pay attention to the lecture.
You felt almost guilty about it. Coryo didn't tell you that everyone would be so shocked but you shouldn't be surprised. Looking down at your clothes and the scarf that had almost entirely been cleaned of the blood stains it carried back to Twelve, you thought maybe it could have something to do with how you dress. Obviously, it would be distracting if you stood out so much, so maybe fitting in would be better. As much as you love your handmade clothes, maybe they would have to be reserved for time spent at the apartment or on rare days out.
Coryo is waiting outside since he got let out a few minutes early. There was no use in starting a lecture when going over the syllabus took a full hour and a half. When students start pouring out of your room, he looks at everyone waiting to see your smiling face. Well, hoping to see you smiling.
Lysistrata walks out first, and with no sign of you with her he grabs her arm to catch her before she turns the other way.
"Thank you for doing that." He says, smiling sympathetically at her.
"Of course." She grins. "She's lovely, we talked for a bit before class."
"Yeah, she is. Anyway, thanks." He nods at her, dropping her arm and with a kind nod, she's back on her way.
He counts his blessings that he had run into her after leaving you for that class a few hours earlier.
"Hey, Lyssie." He grins, stopping her in the hall as she was on the way to class.
"Coryo. How are you?" She smiles and he shrugs.
"I'm alright." He replies quickly. "What class are you going to?"
"Uh..." She looks briefly at her notes. "Geography. B217."
He sighs in relief, and she looks at him confused and lets him pull her to the side of the hall. "That's Y/N's class, would you mind sitting with her? She told me that this morning that no one would and I know she just really wants to make some friends... Could you do that for me?"
"Y/N? As in Y/N Y/L/N, your tribute?" Her eyes go wide and he nods. She didn't pay any attention to gossip and focussed more on getting from one class to another. She didn't even know that you were here.
He chews on his cheek while he waits for her to respond. If anyone was willing to make that social sacrifice, it would be Lyssie. School was never a popularity contest to her.
"Of course I can. Yeah."
When you walk out not long after her, he's quickly joining your side. Earlier, he felt so uneasy having you all over him with people watching and by now he just missed you. If he didn't know better, he would have decided he didn't care- but he has to.
"How was it?" He asks and you smile, as per usual, but he notes that now you have untucked your scarf and are instead using it to drape back over your shoulders and around your arms and back.
"It was delightful." You say happily, following his steps along the hall. "And yours?"
"Delightful?" He asks, smile tugging at his lips. He can't help it. "That wouldn't be a word I would use, but I would say it was okay."
"Okay is better than awful." You shrug.
"Certainly is." He agrees, leaning down to speak quietly into your ear in the loud hallway. "Missed my girl, though."
"Is that me?" You ask, allowing him to open the door to the building for you.
"Of course it's you." He chuckles as you pass him. "What do you mean?"
You laugh. "Well, I met a girl named Livia in my class and she told me that the two of you were engaged."
Coryo groans, letting the door fall shut as he follows behind you. "No, ew. She's... no. Absolutely not. Maybe if I planned on marrying someone I absolutely despise, then she would be the perfect candidate."
"But that's not what you look for in a woman?" You ask, turning to walk backward in front of him.
"I'll take your word for it." You giggle, seemingly nonchalant about Livia's apparently blatant attempts to scare you away. Coryo wouldn't let that happen, and he's glad you didn't see it that way.
He smiles at you as he rejoins your side.
"Coryo." You say, breaking up the peaceful quiet of your walk home. He looks at you. "I think I shall look for a job."
"A job?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at you. "You don't need a job, we talked about this. Just focus on school."
"No, I know." You say quietly. "But I think I would just like some spending money, perhaps get some new clothes. Wouldn't that be nice?"
His heart sinks unexpectedly. As much as he would love to see you blending in more and embracing the culture that came with living in the Capitol, it didn't feel like that would really suit you. If he wanted a Capitol girl, he could have had one. Apparently, that's not what he wanted anymore, but the more you blended in and became "one of them" like he promised Dr. Gaul you would, the more likely people would be to accept the extent of your relationship. However undefined it may still be.
"If that's what you would like, but you don't have to work for that." He shakes his head. "I told you I would take you to the mall, the one with the ice cream shop. Maybe we can go on Friday." Friday was the first day of your weekend- the one day during the week that neither of you had any classes.
"That would be fun." You smile up at him. "I'll just have a look around, see what people are wearing. Get a better idea of what to save for."
"If that's what you want, love."
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mschoiyuki · 6 months
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Forever With You
Trafalgar Law x f!reader
tw : angst to fluff. slow burn. SFW
wc : 7.2k
a/n : Modern AU. Everyone alive. Lack of communication. Law is clueless.
request by anon : arranged marriage with Law where you actually do love him but he doesn't know that.
Hi sweet anon, I don’t know you want this as a full angst or angst to fluff. I hope this is what you want, and I hope you like it.
I'm sorry for any grammar errors.
It's best to read this while listening to :
❆ Katy Perry - Wide Awake
❆ Taylor Swift - Say Don't Go (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault)
Enjoy ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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"Law, you're single right?" Doflamingo taps his fingers on his desk.
Law gives his unamused look and sighs, "I'm busy and you called me to come here to ask that stupid things?"
"Here. Go meet her at 1 PM at Dressrosa Hotel. She is your soon wife to be." Doflamingo throw a folder contains photos and all information about you in front of Law.
Law take a deep breath and clench his fist, "Like I said, I'm busy and I don't want to get married. No, I'm not interested in it. Go ask someone else." Law stands and ready to leave Doflamingo's office.
"You know I don't take NO as answers, right my cute nephew? Everything has been settled, the date, the venue, everything. You just need to meet her once before the marriage day." Doflamingo scrunch his eyebrows, "1 PM at Dressrosa Hotel. Takes the folder with you and off you go." Doflamingo puts his leg on the desk and sips his wine.
"Can't you just ask someone else? Like I said-" Law ruffles hir hair in frustation.
"You remember who makes you as a hospital director, right? And you remember with whose money that you could went abroad for collage for your doctors degrees, right?" Doflamingo interrupted Law before he can finish his words, swirling his wine glass.
"Like I said, I don't takes NO as answers. And you need, no, you MUST marry her, because I need their money. No matter what. End of discussion. You can go now." Doflamingo smirks and continue sipping his wine.
Law abruptly stands and storm off without saying any words. Doflamingo peer from his glasses, "Rosi, your son didn't take the files with him. And make sure he meets with the girl."
Rosinante shakes his head and take the folder with him, following Law to try persuade him to meet the girl. He spotted Law walks in to the lift, he runs and call for Law, "Law! Wait for me!!" Rosinante almost fell over in front of the lift and Law immediately push the hold button to let him in.
"I know why you are here." Law lets out a defeated sighs.
"Just go this once, Law. You know what will happen if you defy Doffy. Plus it's not a bad things if you're married, someone will take care of you. Hey, look. She's pretty too." Rosinante open the folder and tries his best to persuade Law, "Just go there for a moment, maybe talk a little? It will be so damn awkward at the wedding day if you ignore her, right?"
"I can take care of myself." Law grumbles, when the lift reach his destination floor, Law quickly get off. But Rosinante still follows Law closely, making Law more irritated than before . "Fine! Fine! I'll go! Happy now?" Law turns his heel to face Rosinante and takes the folder from him.
"Are you sure you want to marry him, Y/N?" Your father, Dragon asks. Being the only daughter of his, he seems reluctant to let you marry with someone from Doflamingo Family.
"Yes, father. 100% sure." You can't help the smiles that form on your face. Dragon not sure why are you so happy to get married even though you never meet your husband to be.
"You do know why Doflamingo wants you to marry his nephew, right? He just wants our money to invest for his hospital business." Dragon still persuade you to consider about this marriage again.
"I know, father. I have a lot of money. You can use my money for the investment, don't worry about it. Also some of my friends works at there, so let's just say I help them." You try to calm your father down.
"It's not about money, Y/N. You're my only daughter and I'm not that cold hearted to let you marry with someone you don't know. I just want you to marry someone you truly love, I just want my daughter to be happy." He may looks cold at the outside, but your father is just a softie to his sons and daughter.
"It's okay, father. Really. If anything happens I'll take care of it myself. Don't worry, okay?"
"Ah! Look at the time! I have to go to meet my soon husband to be. Bye, dad!" You cut him off and dash out from his office almost bumps into Sabo at the door, "Oops. Sorry brother number 2." You laugh and kiss his cheek and run off again. "Hey! Where are you going, Nee-chan?" Sabo tries to catch you. "Off to meet the love of my life! Byeee~" You dodge him and stick your tongue out. Sabo glance at his father who shakes his head and sighs.
You nervously wait for Law at the restaurant, rubbing your thumbs together trying to calm down and keep your cool demeanor. When you sees a unique white spotted hat, you stands ready to welcomes Law, you reach your hand out to shake his hand, “Hi, I’m Y/N. Daughter of Monkey D. Dragon.”
Law reach your hand, “Trafalgar Law.”
You both sits down and order some lunch. You try to do a small talks with Law, but he just answer it short and sharp like he doesn't has any interest with you, he also doesn't ask you questions. You bites your inner lip and gives Law a sheepish smile, and eating in silence.
After done with lunch, Law offers to drive you to your house. You happily accept it because it's mean spending more time with him. But sadly silence fall over inside the car.
When you reach your house you ask Law if he want to come in for a cup of tea, he decline saying that he needs to go back to hospital. “Oh. Okay. See you next time then.” You smiles and Law just nods and leave.
You sigh and walk inside your house when your phone rings, your best friend Nami calls. “Hey, how’s your date?” She giggles. “Umm. It’s good maybe? I don’t know. I think he doesn’t like me, maybe because this is an arranged marriage. Or maybe he already has someone he loves?” You can feel the tears are swelling because of your negative thoughts.
“I don’t think he has someone he likes. Luffy never mentioned anything about that.” When Nami didn’t hear your response, “Come on! Don’t be sad. Let’s go out now. You need your bachelorette party.”
When Law arrive at his office, his two friends pestering him asking him about his marriage.
“Is it true that you’re going to marry the only daughter of Dragon? The conglomerate??” Penguin excitedly pestering him.
“Yeah. Got no choice.” Law lets out a long sighs.
“When’s the wedding? So we’re are groomsmen then? Can’t believe you’re getting married.” Sachi squeals.
“Shut up! Get back to works!”
Both Sachi and Penguin scurrying off before they get a taste of their friend wrath, “Can’t wait for the big day! We need to throw you a bachelor party! We will invite the others!” Penguin shouts from the door.
“Don’t shouts in the hospital!” Law massages his back of neck, he can feels his blood pressure is rising. He can’t believe he has to married in less than a week.
Both of you decided just invite your family and close friends to the wedding party. Luffy can’t believe you married his friend, but still happy for you because this means Law becomes his family too now.
After exchanging vows and rings, the wedding officiant announce, “You may kiss your bride now.” Law hesitate but decided to just gives you a quick kiss so this whole party can be over. "And now I announce you husband and wife." You smile happily now that both of you are officially a married couple now, but Law just keep his stoic looks until the end. But he still does his duty, he stays at your side while you both greet the guests.
After the party ends, you both goes back to your new home. "We need to talk, Y/N-ya." For the first time he talks to you first so you got excited, "Yeah. Of course. I'll prepare some tea." Law quickly cut you off, "Don't bother. I'll be quick."
Law sits and gesture you to sit too, "I'll sleep at the guest room. It's not like we married because of love so I don't think it's appropriate for us to sleep at the same room. You can take the master bedroom." You widen your eyes with his statement, "But, I lo-" Law cuts you off, "Let me talk first so we can finish this quickly, because I have an early surgery schedule tomorrow."
"If you need someone to accompany you to your events, just tell me. I'll try to fit my schedules. You also don't have to do any wife duties to me, house chores and marital duties. I think that's all for me. Then I'll excuse myself first." Law stands and leave you dumbfounded.
You can feel something is stabbing your chest, his words really hurts. "Then tell me just one thing." You speak louder so Law can hear you, Law turn his body to face you. "Do you have someone you love? If you have one you should tell me, because I don't want to be the third party here." You clasp your hands praying that he doesn't has one.
Law gives his deadpan look on you wondering why you ask this kind of question, "No. I'm not interested in that kind of things."
“Hmm. Then if you want me to follow your rules, I want you to fulfill my requests.”
“What is it?”
“I want you to spend your days off with me, for a date. At least we have to show other people we are married couple.”
Law considers your offers, “Okay. Fine. Anything else?”
"That’s all for now. Thank you. Good night. Have a good rest, Law." You feel relieve after hearing his answer. At least you still have a chance with him. "Let's take this slowly then. Hopefully one day we can share the same bed or even he will open up to me and loves me." You thought to yourself and gets ready for bed.
Even though Law said to not do any wife’s duties, you still want to act like one. You are his legal wife, you love him, just some small acts won't hurt right?
You know that as a doctor, Law schedules will be so packed. Sometimes he will come home at dawn and when you're coming home from work he's already goes to hospital. It's so rare to see him at home.
So you decide to give him a visit at hospital, bringing his favorite food. You thought that at least he will be happy to see you. No. He's not. You can see his scowl face as if he don't want you to be here. He grabs your wrist and drag you in to his office, "What are you doing here?"
"I'm bringing you lunch, your favorite. Onigiri. Because I know you hardly get times to eat so I made something simple." You handed the lunch bag to him.
Law just stares at you with his cold grey eyes and sighs, "We have canteen here. I can eat whenever I have time. Though I already told you to not do your wife duties?"
You clench the bag, "And I told you we have to act like married couple? What kind of wife that never visits her husband?" You sighs, "It's almost three weeks that we never meet each other even at home you know? I try to stay awake to wait for you comes home so I can greet you. I told you I want a date on your day off. But you never have a day off. At least this is the only way I can see my husband face." You put down the lunch bag at his table, "If you don't want it you can give it to your friends. Bet they will love it."
You quickly leave his office trying to blinks away the tears. You thought that he will chase you and gives his apology, but none. He doesn't come out from his office. "Why would I thought he will do that? Pathetic."
"Y/N! Hey!" You turn your head to the source of voice that calling you, "Hey! Marco! Chopper! You guys are on break?" You hugs both of them, they are your brothers best friends so you've known them for quite a long time too. "Yeah, we are on break now. You good, Y/N?" Marco stare intently at you. "What? I'm good. Come on, I'll treat you guys foods and sweets." You quickly dismiss Marco concern, you don't want him to suspect anything.
"Are you coming to visit your husband, Y/N?" Chopper asking with mouth full of cotton candy. "Yes, I just met him before I bumped into you guys."
"He's a busy man. Being the top surgeon and also the head of this hospital." Marco propped his head on his hand.
"Yeah, I know that." You try not making eye contact with him, because he will know something's wrong and he definitely going to tell Ace about it.
You're going back home after after saying goodbye to Marco and Chopper. "Am I being to harsh with him? Well, like Marco said, Law is busy after all. I'll try to apologize to him tomorrow." Maybe you should be more patient with him, maybe you should be more considerate with him.
When you wake up and getting ready for work, Law comes out from his bedroom, "Hey, it's my day off today." Law scratch the back of his neck. Your eyes widen, "Soo.... You mean we can go on a date today?"
"Yeah. As my token of apology for not taking a day off. But if you're busy then we can move it to next time."
"Oh no no. I'm free today." You call your assistant to move your schedules for the next days. "So, where are we going today?" Your face beaming with anticipation.
"Where ever you want to go. It's up to you."
You decide to just grab a lunch, nothing fancy just a leisure lunch and goes to coffeeshop. Then everything change when you suddenly get a text from Ace.
"Oh my God... Ace, Sabo and Luffy wants to come over tonight. They said they want to have a sleepover at our house." You can see Law face turns slightly annoyed, "Then we should go home now, I have to move my things from my room to yours."
Law starts move everything, and staged it to make it like both of you are really together, sleeping, eating, everything. He needs to make it perfect in front of your brothers, because he knows how troublesome they are.
The three of them arrive right on when the chef done cooking for dinner. As soon you open the door Luffy jumps on Law, hugging him so tightly it annoys Law so much. Ace and Sabo give you a big hugs and just nods at Law.
"So, what's with the sudden visit and sleepover? You guys do know that I'm married right?" You chuckles while enjoying the dinner.
"Nothing, we just miss you, sis." Ace gives his suspicious stare to Law.
Ah... Marco must has said something to him.
After dinner and chatting with the guys at living room, you and Law decide to sleep because you both need to work tomorrow.
Law gets his pillow and blanket to sleep at a couch on your room, "Just sleep here. It's uncomfortable sleeping there. You need a good sleep." You plea at Law, honestly you're nervous mess because this is the first time you will share a bed with Law.
"No, I'm good. You can sleep at the bed."
"It's not like I'm going to do anything to you. If you don't want to sleep here then I'll sleep at the living room. Your choice." You start to picking up your pillow and blanket.
"Fine. Fine." Law let out a defeated sighs and strides to your bed, you smile and scoot over to make a room for him. He sleep at the edge of the bed, his back on you. You smile happily to be this close with him, this is enough for now. Maybe this is a good start, first date, first time sleeping together. You're content with it.
Law blink and open his eyes slowly to get rid of the sleepiness, he feels something warm on his chest. He looks down and find you sleeping peacefully in his embrace. He grunts and slowly lets you go, trying to not wake you up, "How the hell is this happened?" he get off from the bed and get ready to work.
You wake up when you hear rustling voice, "Morning. You want breakfast? I can make onigiri for you."
Law glance at his watch and he still has time for breakfast, and your brothers also still here, "Sounds good."
You happily making onigiri for him, and Law sits waiting for you while reading the newspaper with coffee. The brothers coming out because they smells something delicious, so you also make the onigiri for them.
After you pack the onigiri for Law, you walk him to the door to send him off. "I'm going now. Thanks for the onigiri."
"Wait." You tug his collar and pull him down and you capture his lips softly. Law's eyes widened with your sudden kiss, maybe because your brothers are looking. He slither his hand on your waist and kiss you back. You pulls away and graze his lips for a moment, not wanting this moment to be over. "Have a safe trip and good day, darling." Law's ear getting red with how you calls him, "Yeah, you too." Law murmur and he goes off to work.
You giggle thinking about your second kiss and how he kissed you back. Maybe this is a good sign. When you turn back to the dining room and see Ace and Sabo grinning like idiots while Sabo close Luffy's eyes, your smiles drop, "Now you three should go back to your own house. Shoo!" Ace and Sabo make any kind of excuses to stay at your house a little longer.
This means you can spend another nights with Law, but you afraid that he will be uncomfortable. So Law just tries to adjust the new routine, sleeping at your room, waking up with you in his arms for a week. Law feels like this can be a little dangerous for him, because every time he wakes up and see you in his arm there's something tingling in his heart. Something he can't describe with his knowledge. The feeling of your bare skin on his hands, your warmth, your steady breathe that makes him so in peace.
This is so wrong. Sleeping together, waking up with you. This is all wrong. This has to stop.
When your brothers all go back to their home, Law moves again to his room. He's back to the old him. Going to work or coming back to home when you're already go to work or even asleep. For the first two days you thought his schedule is packed, but it goes until two weeks, you never see Law at home at all, you even try to go to his hospital yet you also can't meet him. Is Law either busy or trying to avoid you.
The third week, Sabo text you saying, there will be a gala dinner for charity so you should come too with Law, because Law's hospital and Sabo company are the sponsors.
You wait at Law office for all day to ambush him, you need to ask him why he never coming home and he also need to attend the gala tonight. But you decide to not ask him about that to not spoiled the mood later.
Law startle when he sees you at his office. "Long time no see, darling. We need to attend the gala tonight. You should go home to prepare." You give him a sweet smile but taste bitter for you. "Yeah, I know. You can go home first, I still need to finish my last appointment for today." Law walks to his desk without sparing you a glance. You sighs, "Fine. I'll wait at home, we need to go there together."
When you're done with your make up and hair, you hear Law's coming home. He also starts prepare for the gala. You go to his room and knock, "Law, can you help me button up the backside?" Then you see Law already on his suit, looking so damn handsome like the day you two got married. "Yeah, sure." Law thoughts he will only help you a few buttons, but when your back turn to him, Law's breath hitched when he sees your bare back. He carefully to not touch your skin, but he feels the urge to touch you. He lightly graze your skin as he buttons up your dress, making you goosebumps and shudder with his touch. "All done." Law's hand still linger for a seconds near your neck, feeling reluctant to let it go. "Oh. Thanks. I'm done, we can go now." Law nods and walks out of his room to get the car started.
After greetings all the guests together with Law, now you both goes separate ways talking with business partner or colleagues. But then when you talking with one of the potential investor, he begins become a little bit flirty and that makes you uncomfortable. You try to endure it because he might be put his money on the hospital or Sabo's company.
You jolt when you feel a hand slither on your waist and grip it tightly, when you look at the hand owner turns out it's your husband hand and that's make you feel relieve and safe. "Are you done talking with my wife? Because we need to talks to the others. If you need anything else you can contact her secretary. Let's go, honey. Then, pardon us. Enjoy your night." Law's hand still on your waist and he leads you to the other people. You look up at him, "Thank you, Law." But he doesn't says anything back.
"Y/N!" You hear a familiar voice calling you, when you turn your head and see the red hair man, you unintentionally slips away from Law's grip and you walk to him and hug him, "Shanks! Long time no see! How you've been?" You’ve known Shanks for quite a long time too, just like Marco. Shanks often visits Luffy when he was just a kid.
When you slips away from Law's grip, he feels a stinging pain in his heart. Law follows you and stand at your side when you chats with Shanks. Law never sees you so happy before, laughing with another man. As time goes by Law watch you still talking with Shanks like Law doesn't exist at your side, it's irritated him more. But he doesn’t knows why.
“Honey, can we go back now? I have an earlier surgery tomorrow.” Law intentionally puts his hand on your waist again and tug you closer to his side.
“Oh yeah. Sure.” You find it strange with Law’s behavior tonight. At first he saved you from that man, that’s normal. Maybe because he saw you feel uncomfortable. But this? With Shanks? He should knows who Shanks is. You say goodbye to Shanks and Law leads you until inside the car.
Another strange behavior from Law is he drives so fast. He never drives more than the maximum speed. “Law, are you okay?” You ask him with concerns but he doesn’t answer you, and it’s makes you worry more.
When you both reached home, Law immediately get off from the car and storm off inside the house and you follow suit.
As soon as you close the door and calls him again he push you to the wall, pinned both of your hand above your head with his left hand, his right hand grabs your neck tugging your hair a little and Law kiss you aggressively. He shoved his tongue in and slide his right hand to your waist pulling you closer to him.
The third kiss with Law leaves you breathless, hot, but you can feel his anger in it. When he pulls away, he quickly moves to your neck and shoulder blade, leaving bite marks. You whimper and says his name meekly, “Law…”
Law shoot his eyes open, pulls away from you and stare you wide-eyed. Your red lipstick is all smudged on your chin, Law sure he also has your lipstick smudged on his lips. Yet you looks so beautiful even you are in mess. He wants to kiss you again but when your lips graze each other, there's something snap in Law's brain. And he stop before he can kiss you again.
Law release your hand and takes a step back, "Sorry." That's all he says and he runs off, he hurriedly get inside the car and left you.
As for you, you still trying to process everything that happened. The kiss, his sorry, and he left you just like this. You even can't ask him what is he sorry for, you even can't stop him from leaving. Everything happen so fast.
You try to call him but doesn't pick it up. You try all night but none. You try to reach him for a week but he can't be find, you try to ask his father but Rosinante doesn't know anything about it. You try to go to hospital and even wait all day at his office but Law not coming up. This is drive you insane.
A week without any news from Law, it's makes you tired mentally and physically but you don't want to give up before you can get the answer from Law. The last retort is you ask his close friends, Sachi and Penguin. You even threaten them. Turns out Law is staying at their place. They give you the address and you rush to go there.
You rings the bell and when Law open the door, he doesn't expect you to be here. Law immediately close the door, but you held your hand between the door to prevent it close. In result Law hurt your hand pretty bad from how hard he slams the door.
Law shocks with how careless you are and he instinctively brings you in. He sits you down and checks your hand is there any broken bone or anything, he massage your hand to ease the pain.
"So, can we talk now?" You stare at Law, you can see how tired he is from his face, it's not like you are any better than him. But he still refuse to talk, so you just sighs and continue to ask him, "Why did you do that? And why you left me? You didn't calls me or texts me. Just tell me the reason, don't leave me hanging like that. I hate it."
Still nothing, Law doesn't looks at you nor even answer you. You yank your hand and hiss at your throbbing hand, Law look at you but he quickly avert his eyes.
It's hurt like hell. Not your hand, but your heart. "I love you, Law." You whispers the words while trying to hold back your tears. "I love you." You repeat it again now more clearly. "I love you." And now you can't hold back the tears anymore. Law just stay silent, but he turn his head to look at you. He didn't says it back, instead he says. "No, you don't. This marriage is not true. We married because Doflamingo arranged it. And I'm truly sorry that you had to involve with it."
"I love you, Law." You try to reach his hand, but Law dodge it. "Go home, Y/N-ya. I think we need to separate ourselves to think more clearly."
"What do you mean? My mind have always been clear, Law." You wipe your tears, "Do you love me, Law?"
Law clench his both hands and stare at you, he can't say anything. It feels like something stuck at his throat, so he just turn his head averting his gaze.
"I'm happy with you, Law. Even if it's just for two months I'm really happy." You close your eyes and take a deep breath, "But, if you don't love me and you are suffering because of me, because of this marriage, then let's divorce. My lawyer will prepare all the papers. And don't worry about Doflamingo, I'll handle him."
You stand up and walk to Law, you reach his face and turn his head to looks at you. "Thank you for the happiest memories you gave me, Law. I love you." You leans in and stop at his lips, instead his lips you kiss his cheek for the last time. Because you don't want your last kiss with Law is a farewell kiss, let the last kiss with Law was the hot passionate kiss he gave you.
You caress his cheek and smile at Law, "You are free now, Law." Then you walk out of the apartment. You enter the lift and make a call, "Sabo, please pick me up." You crouch down and you can't hold back your tears anymore, you sobs while calling Sabo.
Sabo tries to drives faster to pick you, it's really hurt his heart hearing his beloved sister crying like that. When he arrive he immediately takes you into the car. "Take me to your place, Sabo. I don't want to go home. Please." You still sobs and clutching your arms tightly, leans your head to the window.
Sabo lets you sleep at the guest room, he prepare everything you needs. "Can you tell me why you are there, sis? What happened to you? Who did this to you?" Sabo sit at the edge of the bed and hold your hand to calm you down. Being the closest siblings with Sabo, you tell him everything and you cry again remembering how painful today's event were.
"Promise me, Sabo. Don't tell Luffy about this. They are friends. I don't want to ruin their friendship." You try to convince Sabo to keep silent about this matter.
"Then why you did that? Why you have to divorce him?" Sabo still can't understand why.
"If he can be free from this suffering then I'll do anything for him, Sabo." You give him a sad smile.
"Then what about you? You don't care with your own happiness?"
"If Law is happy to be free, then I'm happy too, Sabo."
Sabo grip your hand tightly, "Then what's your plan after this?"
"I don't know. Maybe I'll go to Switzerland to clear my minds. I don't have any confidence what will I become if I stay here." You really want to stop crying but the tears just rolls down on it's own. Sabo hugs your for comforting you, "So, when you are gonna go?" You hiccups and wipe your tears, "Tomorrow."
Law lays on his bed and stare blankly at his wedding ring on his finger. He takes it off, "I'm free? From what? Doflamingo? You?" Free. But he feels empty inside. There's something wrong with this freedom you gave him, but he doesn't know what's wrong with it. Law tries to sleep but his eyes won't shut. He can't sleep, every times he close his eyes, your face appears at his mind. Your crying face haunts him, Law can felt his heart clench when he saw your tears, Law wants to wipe away your tears, but he can't, he doesn't has the right for that. Does Law feels guilty to shove you away? Or he just pitying you?
Law not sure if he feels guilty or pity. But he won't denied that the first time he saw you two years ago in the crowd you were so mesmerizing. When he knew that you are his marriage partner he was so torn, should he be happy or sad? Will you be happy with him? And why did you agreed to marry him? Do you even love him?
But when you said you love him numerous times, he can't believe it. There's no way you love him. Did Doflamingo tricked you? Law keep tossing around thinking about everything that had happened today, "I should go home tomorrow to get new clean clothes. I have to wait when you're not at home then." Law sighs and his eyes feel heavy now with the sleepiness creep in.
When Law arrive at your house, he see Sabo's car outside. Law walks in and Sabo stare at him with anger, "You are really stupid, you know that? I really want to punch you right now but I try to hold back for the sake of my sister that loves you so much. You don't deserve her." Sabo walk past Law and leave him there.
Law lets out dry chuckles, "Yeah, I don't deserve her." Law thought that you are resting at your room, but there's soemthing not feels right at this house. It's feels empty, like nobody is at home right now. Law's guts tell him to check on you, so he walks to your room and knocks. But there's no answer, so he open it. Law's eyes widen when he see your empty room, "So this is it, huh?" Law close the door and starts gather his things, before he leave he looks back one more time. Remembering some moments he spent with you in this house.
You sits at the lounge waiting for your boarding time, looking at your diamond ring, you rub it and take it off, "Funny how this beautiful ring is not from him. Must be someone else pick our wedding rings." You chuckles, trying to hold back your tears behind your sunglass. When you hear the announcement for your flight, you get up and put your ring into the champagne glass.
That night Rosinante come to visit Law at Sachi and Penguin place, "Are you seriously getting divorce with Y/N? Why, Law?"
"Because this marriage is not real from the beginning. Doflamingo already got what he wants. So there's nothing wrong if we divorce."
Rosinante sighs, "Do you hear yourself right now, Law? Your words don't match your face you know. Don't lie to yourself."
"Lie about what? I'm not lying." Law furrow his eyebrows.
"Law, do you love her?" Rosinante ask him bluntly, "See. you even can't say no to it. I saw how you both looks at each other, Law. You look at her with eyes full of love. Think and ask yourself again, Law. Do you love her or not. She came to me asked about you in panic, you know." Rosinante rise and pat Law's shoulder. "It's not too late, Law."
Rosinante’s word lingers at Law’s brain, he stares at his phone thinking is this the right thing to do? Law close his eyes and takes a deep breath, then he push the call button, “Hey, Sabo. This is Law. Can we meet up now? There’s something I need to ask you.”
“What do you want, Law?” Sabo crossed his arms.
“I need to know where is Y/N-ya. And I know you must know where she is right now.”
“And why do you think I’ll tell you that?”
“Because I want to make it right this time.” Law stare directly at Sabo, and it’s make Sabo soften, he tells Law where you are right now.
“Thanks. I owe you.” Law rises from his seat and ready to leave but Sabo tells something to him and that makes Law more sure about his decision.
You strolls around Lake Lungern, enjoying the view and fresh air. Hoping this new environment can heal your broken heart. Yet your mind still wanders to Law. What’s he doing now, does he has surgery today, does he eat yet. You chuckle and shake your head, you flew thousands miles from him yet you still can’t forget about him.
When you look ahead, you see something familiar. A tall man with a white fluffy spotted hat. You squint your eyes, thinking maybe you’re hallucinating now because you just thought about him. Strange… That white fluffy spotted hat coming closer to you until that man stop his tracks a few feet from you.
“Hey.” Law stands awkwardly in front of you.
“This is not real.” You look up at him, blinking away your hallucination. But that man still standing in front of you, "It's real. It’s me, Y/N-ya.”
“What are you doing here? How did you-”
“I asked Sabo.” Law cut you off, “I’m here to take my wife back.”
You can’t believe with what just he said, “Wife?? I already told my lawyer to take care of the divorce papers. You are free now, Law. You can do whatever you want."
"Yes, and since I can do whatever I want then I'm here to take what's mine."
"You are so selfish, Law." You walk past him. You have a mixed feeling about Law sudden appearance. Just when you decided to let him go and yet here he is, spouting nonsense.
Law follow you and stands in front of you again to stop you walks away, trying to convince you that he is serious about this, "I know I'm selfish, and I'm sorry that I hurt you. Can we go somewhere else so we can talk?"
You close your eyes and sighs, "Do you have a place to stay?" Law shake his head. "Follow me."
You walk to a small cottage near the lake, Law follows you in and he put his bag down. "Coffee?" You walk to the kitchen but Law grab your wrist, "That can wait, let's talk first." Law lead you to the couch sits with you.
"Did Doflamingo threatened you to do this? I told you I'll handle him. You don't have to worry about the funds or anything, Law. Just lives freely." You furrow your eyebrows and ready to unleash your rage to Doflamingo later after this.
"No, Y/N-ya. He didn't threatened me or anything. I did this is on my own will." Law take your hand and rub your back of hand and he realize you don't wear your wedding ring anymore, "I know this is too late, but I really wish I still can make it right."
"What do you mean, Law?"
Law take a deep breathe, "I believe we saw each others at Luffy's birthday party two years ago. I mean we didn't talk to each other that time, but I saw you, and I... I felt something that time, but I just brushed it off. Until we met again at the hotel for the marriage thing. To be honest when I saw you as my wife to be, I'm afraid that you won't like me, because this is arranged marriage after all and we never talk before. Until you said that you love me, I still can't believe it."
This is the first time that you hear Law talking this much, and he shows you his vulnerable side to you, "How did you know we saw each other at Luffy's birthday party two years ago?"
"Sabo told me. He also said that you pestering him asking about me that night. Is that true, Y/N-ya?"
"Yeah..." You murmur and look down at your hand that Law still grip.
"I'm sorry, Y/N-ya. I shouldn't had push you away like that. Can we start over again? Is it too late, Y/N-ya?" Law lifts your face to look at him.
Tears begin threatened to fall at the corner of your eyes, you can't believe this day will come. You just nod and the tears fall down, Law hugs you tightly and kiss your temple, and you cry in his embrace.
When you wake up you feel a heavy arm hugging your body from behind, a head nuzzle at the crook of your neck. This feel surreal, from today onwards you will waking up with Law at your side everyday. Law stir awake and he peppered kisses on your shoulder and neck, "Morning, my wife." He says between the kisses. "Gosh. His morning voice is so sexy."
You giggle and turn around to face him, "Morning, husband." You kiss his lips and Law smile against your lips, spending a lazy morning with you under the sheets, feet’s entangled with each other and snuggles is like a dream come true for him.
“Do you remember the kiss you gave me when we got home from the gala dinner?” You propped yourself on Law’s chest and tracing his heart tattoo that you see for the first time.
Law furrow his eyebrows, thinking for a moment, "Yeah... Why??"
"Are you jealous when I talked with Shanks?" You grin at him. "No." Law flick your forehead gently. Your grins widened and you tease him again, "Ah... You are jealous." Law ears turned red, he grabs your arm and waist and flip you on your back, you laugh and Law bites your neck and laps it with his tongue, he suck it to make a red color appear on your skin making you whimper, "You're mine. I don't like it when you get close with other men." Law kiss your forehead and he grab your hand to get off from the bed, "Come on, let's go out and eat breakfast before we stroll around the lake." Well, turns out he quite a possessive man, you try to hold your smile.
Law intertwined his hand with you as both of you strolls around the lake, "Where is your wedding ring, Y/N?" You're taken aback with his sudden question and you stop on your track. You almost forgot that you didn't wear the ring anymore, "Umm. At the champagne glass on the lounge?" You stare at Law with apologetic look, "Well, since we will get divorce so I took it off and left it there. And I know you're not the one that chose our wedding ring. So... Yeah..."
"Yeah, you're right. I'm not the one that chose those rings. That's why this time I choose it myself." Law brings a box from his pocket and he open it. There are two wedding rings in it, a pretty diamond ring that really suits you. You gasps when he open it, Law takes your ring and brings up your hand, "Let's start over again, Y/N. Stay with me forever." Law slips the ring onto your finger and he kiss your knuckles.
You can't hold back your happy tears, you take Law's ring and you slips it onto his finger, "You stuck with me, darling." You giggles and tip toeing to kiss Law.
Law grabs your waist and pulls you close without leaving a gap between you, and he deepen the kiss. When he pulls away, he caress your cheek, "I love you, Y/N."
"Takes you long enough to say it. I love you too, Law." You smile and kiss him again, you can feel Law smiles on your lips.
You don't need Law to kneels to propose you, this is more than enough for you, all that matter is Law asking you to marry him again on his own will.
Both you and Law just stroll around the lake and the village, hand in hand and so in love. Enjoying your honeymoon.
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dividers by : @saradika-graphics
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jojoforthesoul · 7 months
Stardust Crusaders With A Partner That Loves Iggy
Request: Can i request the stardust crusaders with a s/o who loves/is super close with iggy~~~ HAHAHA (iggy is my BABY) I'll do anything, please!!! I love reading your works!!!! Also, I'm going on anon bc my ass is shy LOL
Note: Hello! Sorry for the long hiatus but i’m back! Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy!
gender neutral reader
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We all know that this man knows what’s it’s like to prefer the company of animals over people, but did you have to bond with the ankle-biter.
You help the little shit steal food, but he thinks the way you smile and giggle as you “sneak” around is cute enough to ignore the left overs going missing.
After every thing in Egypt, he goes on a hunt for a puppy that resembles your fallen companion to help you cope.
He finds your closeness with Iggy absolutely adorable.
He often is very willing to give you his table scraps for you to feed to Iggy later on.
While he himself is not very fond of the little beast, he’s willing to entertain your love for him.
He resents this beast from hell for all his antics. However i also like to headcannon Pol as needy for your attention, so he also hates the mutt for stealing some of your love from him.
Obviously as time goes in he slowly hates Iggy less and less, but refuses to show it.
Though, he still slyly puts his table scraps in the bag you keep for Iggy thinking you don’t notice.
Not because he like the dog, but because your love for him is just so god damn cute.
He is like a more enthusiastic version of Kakyoin.
He absolutely loves that you have formed a bond with this unique little stand user.
Of course he gives you his left overs from dinner for Iggy if you ask; hell, he’ll order the pup his own steak if you bat your laches enough.
He absolutely admires you for taking on the hefty role of being a safe person for this poor animal.
Sometimes, late at night when he can’t sleep, he just watches and smiles at you and Iggy cuddled together in peaceful slumber, and it helps him to feel that same peace.
He is more on the route of buying food specifically for Iggy when at stops where you can find dog food.
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sunny-mercya · 7 months
Hogging Attention
Trafalgar Law x Male Reader
Fandom -> One Piece
Requested by -> Anon
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It's funny, muses Nami to herself—sipping her Tea next to Robin, ready to discuss with her about the current gossip—and watching from afar with amused curiosity, how three fearsome—publicly well known, wanted and from the 11 Supernovas none less—Pirate Captains were trying their utmost best to gain your attention.
Nami had bet to Robin, that it would be Luffy who you would devote all of your attention and last remaining energy—Robin disagreed and vote that it would be Law and Zoro, who had passed by, said it would be both; Luffy and Law.
Killer thought, how cruel they were—not rooting for his Captain—but then again, you and Kid wouldn't be such a good match in the first place.
Law hated it. He already had to share you with Luffy—who is your captain and liked to cling around you almost 24/7 throughout the year—and your crew—that's one tiring thing to manage.
Though now, in the aftermath of the grand fight—which they had won, of course—where everyone, especially you, was simply utterly exhausted, there comes Eustass (Useless) Captain Kid—who targets you in his scheming jabs against Law and hogs, besides Luffy, all your attention just to bait Law into a fit of jealousy.
Kid, unbothered by Law's scowling glare at him, demands you're the only one who should patch him up and treat his injuries—giving you more than just one snide comment and staring just a bit too long at your revealing outfit of exposed chest and legs.
Law in this moment would rather scoop you up and take you away to somewhere private—wanting to change you personally out of your current clothes, which you couldn't changed out—like they all had the chance to before—and reeked of old dried blood—a smell he couldn't stand at the moment—but he had to wait, patiently for his turn.
Although besides that, Law—sardonically speaking—watches with satisfying amusement, how you blatantly ignored Kid and in response to his crude remarks—tighten the bandages and adding just a bit too much pressure, earning a hiss from Kid.
»You know tiny, how about it?«
»How about what exactly, Eustass?«
Sighing in exhaustion, you packed up the first-aid kit. You weren't in the mood for Kids whatever nonsense—not when you're dead tired, probably low on sugar again and Luffy practically screaming in your ears, about something you truthfully had already forgotten.
All you wanted was to go to Law and snuggle with him in the darkest room you could find and sleep for the next few days.
»You and me both, one at one fight and when I win and I do win, I'll get you as the price.«
Kid liked to boast about his strength, knowing he could easily beat you, but he also knew you're an equally strong fighter as well. Your skills, almost Supernova level, he had witnessed first hand in a fight against Big Mom—he knows to what you're mostly capable of, though Kid certainly believes he would win anyway.
You pursed your lips at Kid, unimpressed and with raised eyebrow—annoyance you could feel itching through you. Never had you, in all your years, meet a person like Kid—who reeks so damn much of gloating self-confidence and arrogance.
»Aah. Sounds great, but I'm exhausted and in all honesty you surely would lose. I also need to decline as I'm already engaged.«
»Engaged?! To Whom?«
»To the Doctor.«
You causally pointed to Law, your boyfriend of two—almost three—years and now fiancé.
Now it was Laws turn to grin smugly at Kid, showing him the middle finger—like he had done before two years ago—again.
That's right, Law thought, you and him are engaged and there's no need to be riled up with jealousy by Kid—because in the end, Law has won.
»As if. Look tiny, there's no need to be afraid, I'll go easy on you and–«
Kid had stood up, slung his non-metal arm around your shoulders and before he could finish his sentence—you had grabbed his arm and flipped Kid with one swift motion onto the ground.
»Under the eye witness of everyone here, I won. Simple and truthfully.«
Kid would never admit it, he rather would eat Seastone than to say this aloud, but you just have gained his complete respect.
In the end, after finding you—changed into one of Laws old hoodies and shorts—and Law, all cuddled up in layers of blankets together, somewhere far away from the starting celebration party, Robin has won the bet and gained 50.000 Berries.
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narcissistshandler · 1 year
I don't know if you do request cause i'm just new to your acc but i love it already but back to the request, if you do take request can you do sae who's acting like a brat so the reader give him a punishment by not getting to come at all ;) i know it sounds weird idk.
If you don't do request feel free to ignore this! Also have a great day!
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✧ 𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦. gn!reader x sae itoshi
✧ 𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲. bottom!sae, sex toys, orgasm denial
✧ 𝖠/𝖭. nothing weird anon, we love punishment around here (and I love sae). I don't know what's going on that every time I review this I see the same mistakes I already corrected, I'll go through it again as soon as I can but right now I'm on the bus and my cell phone is running out of battery
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Your boyfriend had many flaws, you knew it even before you entered into a relationship and among those the biggest one was his sassy mouth and your biggest flaw was your lack of patience about it.
Sae wasn't stupid, he was aware of what he said and how he said it and especially, he knew how to push your buttons. He seemed to be constantly testing you, pulling on the rope to see how much it would stretch before it broke. This time, it barely lasted a day.
You couldn't find a coherent part of your mind when that crack sounded, ticking through your mind like a bomb about to explode. Sae's eyes didn't even widen when you climbed on top of him on the bed and without a word began to undress him, on the contrary, there was a curve in his lips. Damn proud of his accomplishment.
Laughter rose in your chest, sounding through your labored breaths. On all fours on the bed, with the face in the pillow, hips shaking in the air and making the filthiest sounds, Sae's pride was nowhere to be found. It started to be shattered when you placed that ring at the base of his small cock and started taking your time with him, first relaxing his hole with your tongue, then stretching it around four of your fingers.
"You're just a slut who needs to get his ass full to shut up, hm?" you provoked, slipping a small, as thin as your finger pink vibrator into him. It shouldn't hurt at all, yet Sae let out a slurred whimper as his whole body shook as if he had been shocked.
The sound was like music to your ears.
Your hands came up to grip his lean hips, helping him keep them aloft as pleasure coursed through his body. The denial of another orgasm lasted for what felt like hours, leaving Sae sweaty and shaking and the relaxed hole barely tightening around what should have felt like dozens of toys under your gaze. It was only five, but you would get there occasionally.
"H-how many... How many more?" Sae strangled, the nearly ineligible words pressed against the pillow, his knuckles pale where they clenched the fabric.
You hummed in the back of your throat, taking your hands away from Sae as your attention returned to the toy box on the bed. You still had so many options...
"One more," you replied, this time choosing a round purple dildo.
"Just one more?" Sae sounded damn naive, all the previous brat attitude gone. But you knew him very well, you knew he only became a sweet little thing so you let him come as soon as possible.
"Yes," you agreed, a smile Sae couldn't see on your lips.
Sitting back on your heels you lubricated the dildo, although a huge amount of lube still came out of Sae. He hated it, which was exactly why you did your best to leave an increasing mess on him. The dildo pressed against the other toys, jostling them for space. Rae whimpered, you having to grip his hips with your free hand to keep him still.
"Stop moving," you ordered, pressing the dildo inward. Sae's well-stretched hole slowly widened under your attention, making room for the new intrusion.
As soon as the purple toy joined the other colorful dildos and vibrators Sae's feet sank into the mattress, pushing himself away from you until he fell onto the bed with heavy breathing and what should have been curses being hurled at you. Your own breathing was labored, your skin hot under the clothes while watching the pleasure tighten Sae's thighs as he rubbed against the sheets.
You wanted to break him, you wanted to break that smart mouth of his.
One of your hands pressed the six toys deeper into him, as if to help him reach that peak, appreciating the discordant vibrations at different speeds and strengths, the symphony of pleasure, torture and denial that suited your brat boyfriend perfectly. Sae moaned and hummed, rocking against the sheets and against your hand, sweat glistening on his skin.
Then he stopped, shuddering and making a sound like a wounded animal as the orgasm was once again cut short by the silicone squeezing tightly around the base of his cock.
You laughed, your free hand pulling on Sae's tight balls to help stave off that 'just a little more' taste even further, after all, it wouldn't do any good if he had a dry orgasm.
"You..." Sae murmured, his voice hoarse and broken. He turned his head, letting you see the tears on his cheeks and the anger in his eyes. "That hurts, you bastard," he spat, furious , that attitude returning as if a switch had been turned. "I..."
You cut him off with a slap on his ass that echoed throughout the room. Sae looked at you as if you had personally offended him, shocked, angry and deep down, excited. "Silence."
Feigning a disappointed sigh, which actually concealed sadistic amusement, your focus turned to the toy box. Sae followed your gaze.
"It was just one more. You... you promised."
The more Sae responded or cursed you the better, it meant you had even more reason to keep using his body until you get tired.
"I did no such thing," you said, choosing a silver bullet dildo. "And I recommend you keep your mouth shut if you want to come today."
Sae's brow furrowed, mouth opening and closing, seeming to consider whether or not it was worth teasing you further. In the end, he closed his mouth, and you really wanted to see how long the silence lasted this time. You forced the dildo into him and delighted in the convulsion of the red edge stretched to its limit, your hands rubbing his taut thighs.
You wanted even more, wanted to have him crying and begging beneath you, a lesson he wouldn't soon forget.
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glennrheesworld · 10 months
hiii! I love your writing so much <3
(s2 e4) when Glenn is getting ready to go to the pharmacy with Maggie, fem!reader goes and tells Glenn what she needs and Maggie gets jealous bc of how close they got.
thank you! :D
𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮~
genre: fluff
pairing: Glenn Rhee x fem!reader
summary: reader and Glenn got pretty close over the past few days, making Maggie jealous.
warnings: mention of jealousy
a/n: aww tysm anon! 😚kisses btw I've been very busy with school so I haven't had much time to work on other requests, hopefully, I'll post more next month!
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The past few days, after having found the Greene’s Farm, both Glenn and you had gotten pretty close. Feelings growing over the times you’ve bonded with him over random little things or through moments you’ve shared together.
If you were honest, you had fallen for him a bit. Or maybe a lot. Either way, he was everything you wished for in a partner.
You and Glenn had spent a lot of time together; so much that everyone in the group could tell how much you both liked each other. It was nice, seeing two people bonding and falling love in the middle of a damn apocalypse. That was what everyone thought. Everyone but Maggie Greene.
The way she would glare at you after you talked to Glenn made you a bit nervous. You could just tell she hates your guts for getting to Glenn first. But there was still a possibility that she could get her chance of winning him over. Not if you kept Glenn interested.
— — —
Maggie and Glenn were getting ready to go on a run to a pharmacy nearby. You had been wanting some basic necessities that you haven’t been able to get your hands on. So this was perfect. All you had to do was make a quick list of the items and give it to Glenn.
You spot them both getting the horses’ saddles on their back, tightening the straps. So you ran up to Glenn with your list, written on a cute Post-it.
“Hey, Glenn!” You shout his name, getting closer to him as he turns his attention to you. Just at the sight of you makes a smile tug at the corner of his lips. The same smile you dearly love. A smile made just for you to see.
“Hey,” he utters breathlessly, your presence taking his breath away. You smile back at him, fidgeting with the Post-it in your hands as you stare into each other's eyes. “Um, I made a short list of some items I need.”
He nods, listening to you. His full attention was on you and that only made your heart race. “So, if you don’t mind, could you get them for me?” You tilt your head, biting your bottom lip as you ask him.
You hand him the list before tucking your hands in the back pocket of your jeans. “Yeah, yeah, sure.” He scans the list, smiling down at it. “Anything for you,” he blurts out, making you let out a short laugh.
Your gaze falls to the grass, smiling as he lets out a shy chuckle. “Thanks, Glenn.” He pats the back of his head, pulling down on the cap he always wore. He just nods, grinning, his eyes staring at your beautiful face. Oh, how he wishes he could kiss you and tell you how much he loves you.
“Are you coming or not?” Maggie’s Southern voice interrupts Glenn’s thoughts and that short moment you shared. Causing you to turn around, just to find her on her horse. Her eyes were only on Glenn, not wanting to spare you a glance. Not that you wanted her to.
Sensing her jealously, you sigh and ignore her. Your gaze falls back on Glenn, who by the way, isn't aware of the tension between you and her. “Be safe out there,” you remind him, your voice laced with gentleness all while staring into his eyes.
Maggie can’t help but roll her eyes, hating the way Glenn stared into your eyes. At that moment, she really wished it was her instead of you. She ends up turning her head to look away, her brows slightly furrowed. “So?”
Her jealousy was obvious, so much that it irritated you. Can’t she get it? Glenn and you were obviously interested in each other and maybe as well made for each other. However, this didn't stop her from making moves on Glenn. Somehow, he fails to see the obvious signs Maggie gives him.
Honestly, it made you feel bad for her.
Glenn breaks his loving gaze from yours to glance up at Maggie. “Oh, right. Yeah.” He shakes his head as he folds your Post-it and carefully places it inside his bag, not wanting to lose it.
He gets on his horse looking down at you as he fixes his cap, his short dark hair peeking out a bit. “I’ll come back.” His lips form a sheepish smile, “Uh, with your necessities.” He adds on. You really loved the way he stared at you, his eyes full of admiration and love.
“I’ll see you then,” you wave at him, starting to walk backward slowly, careful not to fall. “Yeah,” he turns around, patting the horse's head as it snorts, just making Glenn jump a little. You smile at the small interaction before he begins to make his way behind an annoyed Maggie.
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