#but am I fairly decent? I’d like to think so
too-fond-to-be-fearful · 11 months
It’s tempting, when learning any skill, to claim that you’re not very good at it. But there also comes a point when such a declaration stops being a realistic assessment of your beginner capabilities and starts to undermine the effort you’ve invested and the ability you’ve developed.
Particularly when learning languages, I find that the temptation to undersell your ability can be hard to ignore. When your barometer for success is people who have been learning the language since the day of their birth, it’s easy to feel inadequate, especially when the end of the road never seems to come into view.
The way we talk about language, it is a skill you either have or lack - you can speak it or you cannot, you are fluent or you are not. But language learning is a lifelong process, and even native speakers learn new things about their own language all the time. There is always something more to learn, so it’s unrealistic to expect yourself to know everything.
Perhaps you will never be perfect. But you care enough to try, and keep trying, and that is something to be proud of in itself.
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limewatt · 2 years
ppl who have actual ideas for the art they make are so fucking strong i’m so envious
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leewritestoomuch · 6 months
Saw the brand new post and here i am rating..
1. Francois, of course
2. Tsukasa somehow managed..
3. Gen! Watched the gang bake and decided to try
4. Chrome, his baking is always either burnt and undercooked..
5. Hyoga, Definitely couldn’t bother putting work onto baking.
6. Senku..like we all seen how he messed up the biscuits.
This is just my opinion, might send more of different topics! 🧇
Lemme add my opinions for a quick seconddd, and add on a few more characters. Hear me out: there is somebody worse than Senku lol.
Dr. Stone Characters, Best to Worst: BAKING
1. Like you said, Francois. No brainer. Francois can bake bread, cake, whatever with their eyes closed and hands tied behind their back (who tf knows how but they can, better believe it)
2. Hear me out, Ukyo. I think I’d put Ukyo here. I’m a sucker for the idea of him actually being a fairly good cook and baker. I know he mentions nothing of the sort, but he gives me domestic hubbie vibes, yk?
3. Tsukasa. Probably cooked for his sister when she was conscious. And occasionally, maybe baked. So I think he would have a decent handle on it.
4. Gen. Not bad, not great. The food comes out edible. He can bake cookies and cake and it tends to keep shape and be tasty. He’s also a quick learner, so he can easily learn from the others or Francois.
5. Ruri. I just think that she could do anything she puts her mind to. Gives me the vibes. I think she’s the type to make something for the first time and it comes out great. And her baking is rather consistent. Learned quickly from everybody else.
6. Chrome. The baking is starting to get… questionable. He can figure it out, but it’ll come out burnt about half the time. Always burnt on his first attempt, then undercooked the second. Trial and error. He’s working on it.
7. Hyoga. Just… doesn’t care. Why is he baking? It doesn’t turn out BAD, but he kind of just walked away for a while and came back when he felt like it. Somehow, they usually turn out edible, but not great. Unless, somebody else takes them out the oven for him (Francois)
8. Ryusui. Burns the food. Never learned how to cook… despite having a butler so good at it. If he knows anything, it’s from them, but that’s about it. He usually leaves it up to them.
9. Senku. Everybody is convinced he put inedible rocks into the oven instead of food.
10.Kohaku. The kitchen is now in flames. The bread is burnt beyond redemption or recognition. She did something to aggressively or something? Got impatient? Idk.
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sacchiri · 7 months
[Hellsing] Female Fans' Round-Table Discussion
A 6-page interview from the 2012 Hellsing Official Guidebook, featuring five grown-ass women chatting about Hellsing in a casual discussion format and translated into English for the first time ever by yours truly.
Honestly this was way more entertaining to read than I thought it would be. It’s also really funny seeing this super-casual discussion printed in the book right alongside Hirano's—-oh who am i kidding, this is 10x more professional and less deranged than whatever goes on in Hirano’s interviews.
Anyway, without further ado...
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Does Hellsing have little to no female fans? Nay! Assembled before you are five women with an undying love for the series. Let’s see their passion for this work show itself as they butt heads!
Is the female fanbase just hiding itself or what?
Moderator: Now then, everyone, let’s start off with introductions.
Ms. T: I am Ms. T. I’ve been walking the path of an otaku since middle school, and it’s already been ● years since then. How do I put this, all of you seem like fairly normal people…
Everyone: Oh no—rest assured we are all otaku as well. (laughter)
Ms T: Oh, really? (laughs) Anyway, I’ve continued to love manga for all this time. Thank you for having me.
Ms J: I’m Ms J. I was already at a decent age when Hellsing began serialization, but to create something so enticing—as expected of Hirano-sensei! (laughs). This is the kind of manga I’d better buy and collect, I thought.
Ms A: Out of today’s gathering, I’m probably the one who became an otaku at the oldest age. (laughs) My friend told me, “Hellsing is a manga that really crazy people read”, so at first I couldn’t get around to starting it. But around the time volume 8 came out, I binge-read it, and it was so interesting that I couldn’t help but get obsessed.
Ms R: I’m probably the youngster in this group. By the time Hellsing started serialization, I was just entering middle school. [T/N: That makes her 27 at the time of this interview.]
Of course we didn’t really have the term "edgy-teen syndrome" back then, but around me the manga was definitely gaining popularity in that edgy teen fashion. One of my best friends was obsessed with Hellsing and I’d borrow it after they finished reading it, and I got addicted too.
Moderator: I’m under the impression that the female readership for Hellsing is overwhelmingly small, but…
Ms J: Nah, I think they’re just hiding. I mean, it’s not like you’d talk about Hellsing to someone in passing. You wouldn’t suddenly say, “Y’know, Alucard is…”
Everyone: True. (laughs)
Ms J: There isn’t much opportunity to bring it up, or perhaps you could say it’s a hard topic to bring up to the general public.
Ms A: Like how you can’t have a pork-and-rice bowl first thing in the morning or something.
Ms J: Yeah, like that. Actually, among my circle of female otaku friends, everyone has read Hellsing.
Ms T: Among manga fans, Kouta Hirano is well-understood.
Ms J: Any fan of manga who doesn’t know Kouta Hirano is a faker!
Ms T: Disregarding whether you’ve properly sat down and read his works or not, I feel like it’s impossible for a manga enthusiast to not have at least heard of Hirano-sensei. But we are talking about manga fans in general, and the range of tastes is so broad. If someone were to say to me “I’m a fan of Kouta Hirano”, only then would I be like, “Oh, so I can talk comfortably with this person”.
Moderator: It’s a good litmus test to use. (laughs)
Ms A: It’s only when you broach the topic of Kouta Hirano that you can finally talk about Hellsing. You can’t go straight from “So I hear you like manga” to “So, about Hellsing…”, lol.
Ms J: If you met someone for the first time and you go “So I heard you like manga? What about Hellsing?” that’s like coming straight for their throat with a knife. (laughs)
Moderator: Even as a gauge to see how much of an otaku your opponent is, it’s a bit too much to try and break the ice with Hellsing.
The wonders of dialogue
Ms J: Speaking of the good points of Hellsing, I think it’s that it doesn’t get overly preachy. You can see this starting from Cross Fire, but you really get the sense that everyone’s equally crazy here.
Ms A: I can see that. No one is on the side of justice. Like the Major, he’s a nasty little guy. The type of guy who would casually twist off an ant’s legs or something like that.
Ms J: That Major, his beta male levels are literally off the charts.
Everyone: (bursts into laughter)
Ms J: Actually, something that caught my interest about the setting is that only virgins can become vampires. In the first place, I don’t think European vampire lore makes that kind of distinction.
Ms T: Father Anderson is probably a virgin, since he has religious reasons for celibacy. Though it might depend on religious sect. I wonder if there’s a meaning behind this concept of chastity?
Ms J: The idea of chastity is valued in the Hellsing universe as well.
Ms A: Right, since if you aren’t a virgin you become a ghoul, and then it’s game over and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Ms R: Speaking of which, Integra’s a virgin, too.
Ms T: Integra being a virgin is an important part of the story.
Ms J: In my personal opinion, the best couple is definitely Alucard and Integra.
Ms R and Ms A: I was going to say the same!
Ms T: Integra and Alucard call each other “Count”, don’t they? You know, in a previous life it’s possible that Integra was a man. Perhaps Alucard is seeing the Count Hellsing of the past through Integra. Thinking about that possibility makes a girl’s heart flutter. Not to mention Integra’s appearance leans towards that of a man— Ah, it’s just so peak! [T/N: I'm not being facetious, 盛り literally means peak]
Ms A: Those who want to read a male/female romance can enjoy doing so, and for people who like BL, there are plenty of elements that can be enjoyed as BL also. I feel like the reason you can enjoy both things is because the relationships that are depicted are not constrained purely to sexual love.
Ms J: For those who like to read into the BL aspect, there are lots of fight scenes that can’t be ignored, can they? Particularly in the endgame. Like Girlycard and Young Walter, that was...really something.
Moderator: That part was just unfair! I mean, after getting captured by Millennium and going M.I.A., all that anticipation was building and building, and for Walter to be reintroduced like that!
Ms J: When I got to that part I was like, “Man, Hirano-sensei really did his best to keep all that stuff pent-up for so long". For both Walter and Girlycard, I mean.
Moderator: Speaking of Girlycard, I get the feeling that the idea for her was in place since the early stages of story development.
Ms J: I wonder about that… on the other hand it seems like it was a very spontaneous decision. (laughs)
Ms A: Even if the story developments feel spontaneous, I feel like the characters' settings are polished to a high degree from the beginning. Even though a new character suddenly appears out of nowhere, you end up following along without feeling a sense of discomfort. In Hirano-sensei's mind, I'm sure that each character is cultivated with an equal amount of attention. After that it's just a matter of deciding what situations the character will appear in.
Ms J: Each character is excellently molded to their place in the story. Even though normally it should be very challenging to create characters that would fit in this sort of world. (laughs) From the moment of their introduction, they are already dyed in Hirano's unique brand, and you can tell that Hirano understands them well.
Ms R: After all, characters from his past works before Hellsing make appearances in the manga, so you get the feeling that these are ideas that have been stewing in his head for a long time.
Moderator: And within Hellsing too, these characters grow and develop. Like Maxwell—he started out as a mere brat, but then he went full tryhard mode and developed that cunning and pretentious side to him.
Everyone: (leans forward) Yeah, that's right!!
Ms J: —And he had that past with Anderson, didn't he? I was like "Hold on a sec, a flashback scene now, are you kidding me"? Even though I knew that a flashback is basically a death flag, I couldn't help but love it. (laughs)
Ms A: At the final moment, Maxwell called Anderson "Sensei", a reversal of their dynamic thus far. Up until then there were hints of foreshadowing, but nothing definite. But with that single word you could feel the adoration Maxwell had felt for Anderson when he was a child... It's amazing how potent that line was. The timing of delivery was excellent, too.
Ms R: Up until that point Maxwell was portrayed as nothing more than a snob, but the truth is there were reasons why he became that way.
Ms T: Hirano-sensei is very skilled at depicting relationships between men.
The beauty of composition
Ms A: In Hellsing, there aren't any characters that go too far beyond the range of normal anatomy.
Even with regards to enemies and such, there aren't any massively gargantuan or bulky characters. Everyone is more or less normal. And yet, there is so much impact in the poses that it leaves you with a strong impression. Those standout panels just radiate style—so much so that anyone with an eye for art will be impressed by them, I think.
Ms T: The paneling is relatively simple, but the composition sense of each panel is amazing.
Ms R: I love the stuff like Rip Van's silhouette. The balance between her and the musket is super cool. Even though something that size in real life would be impractical to shoot, it looks so cool that it's like, "Who cares!"
Ms A: Fight scenes that should have a lot of movement are instead surprisingly depicted with still frame shots, and they have a beauty to them reminiscent of paintings. It makes me want to stare at the same handful of panels for a long time. Calling it aesthetic beauty might be a bit of an exaggeration, but...
Ms T: Not an exaggeration at all, I think there is a lot of aesthetic beauty. For me, when I look at Hirano-sensei's artwork, I'm reminded of ukiyo-e paintings. And in the movement, I sense a bit of kabuki theater.
Moderator: Each panel is created with beauty in every nook and cranny, so as to work as a standalone illustration.
Ms R: The way shadow and blood is depicted is so good, isn't it? It really makes full use of the monochrome medium.
Ms A: When I was reading the scene in volume 8 when Cromwell Level 0 is released and soldiers are unleashed in hordes, it reminded me of a medieval copperplate engraving. The plot developments in that moment were so interesting, and the density of the illustrations so rich, that simply staring at them was enjoyable.
Ms T: It really draws you in, doesn't it? In other manga that have very detailed art styles, the realism makes it feel similar to a liveaction movie. But Hirano's works are 100% "manga", I would say. In that sense, none of it is realistic at all. But that's why it's possible to achieve poses and compositions that are impossible with photography, and that's why he can portray things I didn't even know I would want to see.
The position of women in Hellsing
Moderator: To all of you, was there a scene where you were like, "This scene right here is where I became obsessed"?
Ms J: So this is my personal taste, but I liked the setup of the handsome lady Master and the handsome male Servant. I like butlers, too. So once those three conditions were satisfied, I was like, "This is a good manga". The part where I was like "This is a really good manga" was when Anderson was introduced. At first, I was thinking this would be a story where Alucard dotes upon Seras and raises her up as a vampire, but then we were introduced to a Catholic priest from the same religion, yet who aims to defeat the protagonists...
Ms A: You can't deny the impact of Anderson. The only thing he wants to do is "exterminate vampires". While characters in Hellsing may undergo sudden changes, they never waver. They race from their introduction to their final chapter with just as much momentum as when they were first introduced. Not only is it satisfying to read, you won't be disappointed. As long as your favorite character appears, you can focus all your attentions on them, and before you know it you'll have binge-read to the last chapter. (laughs)
Ms T: For me, the scene when Integra discovers Alucard in the basement, and Alucard was revived with her blood is when I became hooked. While it is an expected development for vampire stories, that part of the story was very beautiful. And afterwards, I loved the tender portrayal of Seras's growth. Among ero-guro media, there are many works that portray women in a demeaning manner, but Hellsing is not one of them.
Ms A: In Hellsing, there is no distinction in the roles that are assigned to men and women.
Ms J: Indeed, women fight and stand on the front lines. And it feels natural.
Ms R: To tell the truth, when I first started reading Hellsing, I thought Integra was a man. And, for some reason it felt overly pandering [T/N: I assume she means pandering to fujoshi] and I just couldn't get into it. But then I realized Integra was a woman, and I was like "Oh, so it's a female/male master-servant relationship! I'm sorry for making such a weird assumption!" (laughs) I feel like it's important that Integra is a woman.
Ms T: In volume 1 there were moments where Integra was told incredulously, "You're a woman?", but in those moments I always felt that, ironically, being called a "woman" was what made her so much more cool. In Hellsing, you get the feeling that all characters are loved by the creator regardless of being male or female, enemy or ally. There are many standout characters among the villains, for example.
Ms J: Each character showcases their individuality in their fighting style as well.
Ms A: I love that Rip Van is this scrawny girl with long limbs, who wields an old-fashioned musket—it gives off a really fantastic impression. The fact that a girl is given that kind of position, without it feeling offensive. When men draw female characters there tends to be a bit of double standards going on, or it can feel cloying or annoying depending on the scenario, but I don't feel that in Hellsing.
Ms J: Far from being annoying, the depictions of women feel unique and cool in their own way.
Ms A: You're right. Traditionally, female characters are accompaniments to the hero, aren't they? But Integra takes the lead, and while Seras is supported by those around her, she moves according to her own choices. Even among the female villains, they are given important roles that they carry out to the end, so you can read while feeling a sense of satisfaction.
Points you would recommend to other women
Ms T: Doesn't the series in general have a sort of sensuality?
Ms J: It does. As it gets nearer and nearer to the endgame, even the fight scenes show more tenderness. It's like a "They love each other, therefore they trade blows" vibe that feels erotic.
Ms R: When Alucard returned to London in volume 8, it felt pretty romantic.
Ms T: On the other hand, the explanations about weapon specs that pop up everywhere seem very male-oriented. I guess this is what you call the author's hobby.
Ms J: Speaking of the author's hobby, I feel like the fact that Walter is an old man is one of them. If you think about it purely in terms of reader appeal, there should have been no problem if Walter was young from the beginning. I get the impression that he was like, "If you're going to add a butler, it better be an old geezer". Ahh—the more I reread, the more I feel like I discover new things.
Moderator: There is plenty more we weren't able to talk about, but to close us off, please appeal to the women who haven't read Hellsing yet as to why they should read the series.
Ms A: The female characters are so full of life, so why not give it a try mainly for the female characters?
Ms T: You can read it together with your boyfriend! There are lots of battles and weapons that guys would like, and there's no nasty relationship drama, so it might actually be a big hit among couples.
Ms J: "Look at Integra and Alucard, honey, they're just like us!" or something? (laughs)
Ms R: When you think of vampire media, you might be inclined to imagine something campy and whimsical. But even though there's a lot of absurdism at play, the world is based on real historical facts. So I want to recommend it broadly, even to those that don't normally enjoy fantasy.
Ms T: I feel like Hellsing is like a very strong liquor. At first you might feel that the taste is overwhelming, but once you get used to it, it becomes delicious.
Ms J: Please go in with zero expectations and give it a read.
Moderator: Thank you all for your time today!
Link to the raw scans (which are not mine). Feel free to spread and repost my translation to other sites.
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dottores · 9 months
okay well, i logged back in, obviously, because there are clearly some things that need to be addressed and have been taken out of context. just because i’m leaving doesn’t mean i should sit here and let my name be smeared. 
to preface this, anantaru and i had a discussion where we came to a congenial understanding of what happened, there's been an acknowledgment on both sides of misunderstanding and believing distorted rumors and people that we probably should not have, but i’m still going to give a full explanation as to the background of everything so you all can understand and come to your own opinions. plus, if there's going to be a call-out post directed majorly at me made, i want an official address of it.
please do NOT send any hate their way, we have ended this discussion on good terms and have worked out what exactly was stirring this discourse between us. (spoiler alert: there was a third-party shit-stirrer that we both considered a decent friend at the time!)
i don’t really need a reason to block someone, and i shouldn’t have to explain it, but i did and i will again but more explicitly this time: @/anantaru made a post that i did not like. it’s as simple as that. it was a post about genshin characters and sex icks and one of the lines were “venti: too drunk.” i’m not anti-dc, but there are topics that i am sensitive about because i was sa’d in my freshman year of college—that is something i have talked about on this blog before, many of you who've been around since my tr era are aware of it. i acknowledged, and tee acknowledged, that this was probably a joke and was not meant to be taken the way i took it, but the aloof/casual way it was mentioned without any TW of implied dubcon, and without acknowledging that it was at least dubcon and could border on noncon in certain interpretations made me uncomfortable. i don’t mind seeing it as long as i’m warned. if it was tagged properly, i would have moved on without much care, but it wasn’t, so i was scrolling through the post snorting and was hit with that and i was made uncomfortable because i didn't like how it was just being passed off as an ick, and i blocked. there was no reason for it to go beyond what it did, yet we are here. anantaru mentioned that if you frequent their blog, you would know that they often write about venti and reader being drunk—i don’t frequent their blog, in fact this was my first encounter with them being reblogged onto my dash by shared mutuals, so it rubbed me wrong. thats the end of it. 
i’m not sure the exact timing, but i believe it was two(?) weeks after this, when i reblogged an unpopular opinion’s post with an opinion that i thought was fairly harmless. sure, looking back on it i could have phrased it better, i’m not going to deny that, but pinpointing my one opinion out of the hundreds of others that were objectively far more controversial than mine and crucifying me for it is uncalled for. you guys know very well that i do not have the time or energy to sift through random people’s blogs to look for minors. every once in a while i glance at the notes of shit posts that happen to be on my dash and i’d be a bit startled at finding a minor in them because i still do think you should at least try to catch minors who interact with shit posts because that’s the easiest way to find them. but i was working at a medium sized firm for a year and a half at the time of the post and i am currently in law school, i do not have the time to be psychotic about people’s likes and interaction, and even if i did have the time?? i’ve always gotten incredible interaction from y’all lmfao, imposing the idea that i’m jealous is entirely inane. i do still stand by the fact that my words were twisted, i was made out, more than once and by more than one person after the next bullet point's events, to have been some psycho that stalks peoples’ posts for excuses as to why they get interaction when that is simply not the case. 
regardless, after this incident, anantaru made a vague post that was almost directly quoting my tags from the reblog and was thus sent to me because many shared mutuals put together that it was about my tags. this was upsetting for multiple reasons 1) i had blocked anantaru by this point so i felt a bit violated that i was being vagued for something by someone that i blocked. 2) i started getting hate anons en masse after it, some of which were very unnecessarily explicit. needless to say, i was very upset and made a subpost on my main account after noticing i’ve been blocked on ao3 because 1) i was already upset and i didn’t even know why anantaru seemed to have it out for me much less go to the point of blocking on ao3 which leads into my next point and 2) i thought it was a bit ridiculous because the only thing blocking on ao3 stops is people from commenting on posts and i clearly was not going to comment on a post of someone who i was not on good terms with. reasoning aside, anantaru can block who they want and i was out of line for making comments about that in particular. i’ll admit that, and apologize for it. 
a screenshot was taken from my personal—not a good moment for me, obviously, but anantaru claimed in their post that it was about them with no evidence. i dmed them about this in particular because i was genuinely confused, we spoke about it, i offered them proof that it was not them because i had a discussion about this post with a close friend at the time of posting it and they believed me. i will attach screenshots below (cropped because there's no reason to attach the whole conversation) because i feel as if this accusation was rather extreme and i wish it would’ve been removed because it was obviously not my best moment. an explanation for the post itself, i was upset over plagiarism accusations regarding something i put my heart and soul into and then seeing the same person that made them consistently on my dash just straight up triggered me, for lack of a better word lol, so i made a vent on my personal. how it got misconstrued as to be anything about anantaru is baffling to me but i suppose that's a question for the subject of our next bullet point. i don’t want to go into detail about the accusations in themselves because i don’t want people to send the actual person who it’s about hate. regardless, that post was not about anantaru, i have never called them a cunt nor have i ever called them a gatekeepy cunt, though i’m beginning to think i should probably remove the word from my vocabulary atp, i use it far too flippantly. anyway, i do not know them well enough to formulate any sort of opinion like that. aside from that, in our discussion we came to an understanding over it and i wish that would have been cleared on their blog as wel. so i'll attach here (i crossed some out because i don't want to breach any boundaries regarding what anantaru might be comfortable sharing but i do think it's fair for me to want this particular point fully cleared as it was a bold accusation remaining up):
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5. in our discussion, we came to realize that we have/had a shared mutual who was fostering discourse between the two of us. many of you will recognize her as audri aka alucrds, who has supposedly left tumblr by this point—i suspected this and anantaru has confirmed it while we were talking. audri was sending anantaru my posts claiming that they were about anantaru, but i will stress that the only actual discussions i ever had with anyone about anantaru was with tee and eris about that initial joke because it had upset me at the time, it never extended beyond that and it certainly was never with audri. my only conversation with audri that mentioned anantaru at all was probably around a week or so after i made the post in point 3, when audri asked me about ao3 blocking in casual conversation and i offhandedly mentioned that anantaru had blocked me on there—audri was a close friend at that point and iirc, she had actually told me right after that that anantaru had her blocked on tumblr, i had no idea that they'd been mutuals at all but either way, it was an offhanded comment that led to nowhere (or so i thought LOL). looking back on it, it was clearly her baiting me into giving her information about the post i made a week or so prior because after talking with anantaru, they explained that they got an anonymous message claiming that i was shit talking them for blocking them on ao3 and the only person that could have put together that the vent post from point 3 was about anantaru was audri herself. audri continued to evidently cherry-pick random vent posts of mine to show anantaru and claim that they were about them. why? i wish i could tell you. i considered audri a decent enough friend, and though she had her fair share of issues with mutuals and other friends of mine, i never really thought she’d stoop to this with me. but i guess there’s really no explaining people who thrive in discourse.
6. my comment in my most recent post about being harassed on ao3 and in comments and in asks was not about them at all. i thought it was very clearly about heliotropes (my dottore series) and pressure to update from certain readers, but i'm clarifying that now.
7. i never intended on directly addressing this, which is why i did not directly name anantaru in my post, if i’d known at the time that tee was going to end up addressing all of this, i would’ve just been straight up with all of it.
anyway, i think that’s all, hopefully this will be the last post for real as i am tired mentally and now i am also physically sleep deprived. i've been up since three so forgive me for typos and grammar errors. this all has gone on for over a year. sorry for all the discourse on y'all's dash, wish i could have left with a bit more grace than this. rumors have been blown out of proportions and blindly believed, things have been taken out of context, such is life. i made my fair share of mistakes on my personal blog with my vents, others have admitted and owned up to their own mistakes, some will never admit to their mistakes. such is life. it moves on, always does. i know all of y'all are smart enough to come to your own opinions.
over and out, sorry again, and logged out (hopefully for real this time),
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floofysmallbob · 7 months
ok yes I read the mha manga and I had to stop a fuck ton of times to screech about the sexualization of teenagers, and the costumes in general aren’t practical or protective, so I, like many others, decided to redesign the costumes(and the characters, but mainly the costumes), starting with Yaoyorozu Momo.
I’m working on anatomy, and this has helped, but im still not the best, so if the proportions aren’t super accurate, please give me any tips you have to make them more so! so, here’s my hero costume design for Everything Hero: Creati
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hair pulled into a bun
high impact sports bra
unzips in the front and back
low rise athletic shorts
her og costume is already wayyy different from her normal style, she really only cares about practicality, so I didn’t take her style into account, otherwise it would look fairly different
sinchable cover up
it’s worn as a skirt kinda thing when not being used for modesty, like in the picture
everything has zippers on it
the zippers are high tech and magnetic for easy skin exposure, can also be remotely controlled by her smart watch
they have shit that can make dna super suits, technology implanted in zippers isn’t that much of a stretch
holographic technology
same thing with the visor, she can see approximately how much usable fat she has, pull up online data catalogs for certain items, etc
replaces the clunky ass books
utility belt that I can’t draw very well
contains snacks for her quirk as well as basic first aid and the like
knee and elbow pads
new, flat soled boots
a bit tall but they also zip up in the back
less skinny(she would maybe be skinny after excessive quirk use but not before) and I’ve given her more defined muscle
little bit of chub bc we love realistic body types
also some loosely defined abs
shorter/broader framed than I intended, but this was also my first redesign
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you can see just how low rise the shorts are
yes the bra underneath would realistically still be there but just unzipped but whatever
she canonically doesn’t care much about modesty but there are public decency laws and creepers so she gets a fucking cover up
also she is a teenager
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thicker material
all of the black parts are unzippable
mainly there for warmth when she’s not engaging in active combat
I left the belt out but it’s still there
lined boots(not visible but I’d like to think so)
I made a mistake and accidentally had the shorts end where the cover up ends so they’re a little uneven
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cloak is there for warmth and occasionally stealth
yes the canon red one is more elegant but black absorbs more warmth and probably works better for stealth when she’s trying to pull off shit like the whole ‘operation sneak Bakugou out from under the nose of Japan’s most dangerous villain’ thing
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I always thought it was dumb they only have a regular and cold weather version so I added one for hot weather
normal(not high collared) sports bra
also sometimes worn for her regular costume
the high collar one is only because it has more coverage and is similar to her prototype costume
which by the way, her prototype costume is way better than the canon one
shorter shorts
shorter boots
i probably should’ve given her those for all of her costumes but it’s fine
I don’t have cover up versions for this one
it’s a rough ish sketch, but I think I did fairly decent, and it helped a bit with drawing full body poses. I am editing this, with a few edits I made to the design, and with a proper bullet point format instead of just using dashes
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luimagines · 1 year
Part 1 will include Wild, Wind and Four!
Content under the cut!
“And here I thought that you didn’t care about what you’re hair looked like.” You walked in on wild brushing his hair out. Admittedly it was with a brush meant for a horse but seeing his Hyrule, you doubted that he even knew where to get the tools he need to take care of his own mane.
And what a mane it was.
“You know, it’s not like I actually enjoy having it all tangled up in knots with twigs sticking out all over the place.” He bites back without much force.
You snort. “Should the leaves stay then?”
“I’d rather they not but it’s a lesser of two evils.” He mutters, trying to fight a particularly stubborn knot.
“You know, we could just get you a half decent brush.” You offer, putting your hands on your hips. “You don’t have to use the one for the horses.”
“What’s the difference?”
You try to keep yourself from reeling. “It’s a lot easier for starters.”
You snatch the brush from his hands and hold it over you head where he can’t currently reach it. “Do you want to borrow mine?”
Wild frowns and crosses his hairs- his half brushed hair keeping him from looking serious in any way, shape or form. “And you’d let me? Just like that.”
“Until we can get you a new one all for yourself.” You reply cheekily. “I don’t mind it. As long as you keep your hair clean that is. That is my one condition.”
Wild continues to pout, only trying to snag the brush back at the last second. “What’s wrong with that brush?” 
You deadpan and continue to keep the brush out of his reach. “It’s inefficient and you’ll only damage your hair in the end. It’s not meant for hair like yours.”
Wild sticks his tongue out childishly, looking away in the process but he’s listening. You can tell.
Rolling you eyes, you walk around and reach your bag, tossing the horse brush aside half hazardly, not caring where it lands. You return to Wild and sit behind him with your onw brush in your hand. “Here. Like this. You start at the ends.”
You brush his hair, it smoothens as a result and becomes softer the more you run your hands through it. It’s nice. It’s quiet. Wild relaxes under your touch whether he knows it or not.
Once you finish, you admire your handiwork. It did the trick in less than half of the time it would have taken him otherwise. You smile to yourself and lean forward. Holding the brush out, you drop it into his lap.
You stand and proceed to ruffle the life out of his hair, tangling it up into one jumbled mess once more. Wild squawks indignantly, immediately raising his arms to fight you off fruitlessly. 
You laugh. “Ok. Now do it yourself and see the difference.”
Annoyed and put off, Wild glares at you, brandishing the brush for a moment before he gets to work once more. 
You smirk and hop out of his reach just in case. “I’ll leave you to it. Just put it back in my bag when you’re done please.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“Am I missing something?”
Wind’s voice rang out quietly through the camp. There’s wasn’t many people nearby. It was just you, the sailor, the blacksmith and the champion. The others weren’t paying too much attention to the youngest.
The others were out and about checking the perimeter or checking out the settlement nearby. It wasn’t big enough to be called a town and there was no inn to stay at for the night. 
“What do you think you’re missing, buddy?” You answer him. “Context or item?”
“I don’t even know.” He frowns, dumping his back upside down. “I have all  my items... at least I think I do...and the situation seems fairly cut and dry so I don’t know what I don’t know.”
“That is a problem these days, huh?” You humor him and get up from your spot. Luckily his items didn’t go all over the place so you’re able to find a spot to sit relatively easily. “Anything I can help with?”
“Can you reach into my brain and figure it out for me?” He pouts and crosses his arms, looking his items through them for the umpteenth time.
You hum and tilt your head. “Maybe... It’ll cost ya~”
Wind pauses and his eyebrows furrow. He’s always been one to show his thoughts on his face. It was endearing. You hoped he neveer changed.
“Can you really do that?”
You snort. “Nope. I was just kidding, but maybe we can retrace your steps. There’s got to a reason you think you’re missing something.”
 Wind sits down next to you and crosses his arms. “Where would we even start? We did a lot these past few days and there’s no way we can remember it all.”
“Well, if you’re willing to try then it should be worth a shot.” You nudge him slightly, ruffling his hair for good measure. The notion gets Wind to break out of his serious face and a bright giggle erupts the otherwise annoyed atmosphere.
He throws your hand off of his with less force than you anticipated and your arm flops to your side. Wind shakes his head, messing up his hair further. “Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I’m just being paranoid.”
“That’s an option.” Four speaks up finally. You don’t know how he heard. Both and and Wild seemed to be stuck in their own heads for longer than you would have guessed was normal. “Most of us are more paranoid that you’re typical citizen.”
Wild blinks, coming back into the present as well. “...Wind, do you have the match sticks we were talking about yesterday?”
A look of recognition passes over his face. Despair follows quickly. “That was it! I knew I was forgetting something!”
You snort. “Why didn’t you say something sooner? I have my own. you can use them.”
You stand, patting Wind’s head as you go. “Well at least it’s not anything serious. Hold on let me see if I can find mine.”
“Thank you!” Wild calls out, standing up and making his way to the fire pit you’ve created earlier. “We won’t do anything dangerous with them nd will use them for their intended purpose.”
You pause. “...Should I be concerned?”
“Not at all!” Wind grins bright again, fixing his hair half hazardly. “We won’t start any fires with them, promise!”
“Then why do you need them?”
“...Stuff and reasons.”
You raise an eyebrow and toss Wild the match box anyway. “Don’ let Time or Twilight know those are mine.”
“And then you have to cool it down like this.” Four reached around you, swinging the glowing iron in a large arc to avoid you before putting it into the water bucket on the floor.
The iron hiss and steam erupted from the bucket without any second to breathe.
Your mouth gapes slightly at the reaction and Four pulls the sword to be from the bucket with a proud smile on his face. “Rinse and repeat until you get your desired result.”
“You’re joking.” You sneeze. “You do this for a living?”
“I’m the best at it.” The short hero gives a lazy salute as he places the metal back onto the table. “I learned from my grandpa but he’s getting too old to continue the trade.”
“Isn’t you’re dad a knight at the castle or something?” Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion.
“Yes. And?”
“But blacksmithing?”
“Like I said my grandpa is one.” He tilts his head. “You should see half of the stuff he makes. I may be the best in the business currently, but he was the best of his time and maybe in Hyrule’s history.”
You open your mouth to reply, but the pride in Four’s voice keeps you from saying too striking. Maybe it was something that merely skips a generation in his family. You nod instead, willing to let the matter rest.
Then something else catching your eyes and your teasing nature rears its mischievous face once more. Biting your lip, you try to let the words come out as naturally as you can. “Did he show you everything you know?”
“Of course!”
“Including how to set your apron on fire?” You point down.
Four blinks and stands straighter, looking down to where your finger is direction him too. The corner of his apron is lit flame. It must have gotten caught in the back because something taps your brain, telling you that he swears it for the sake of having something fire proof. 
“Ah!” Four jumps and pats it down before it can grow any more than it had. 
A snort escape you before you can stop it.
Four turns back to you with something sharp on his tongue but he also stops himself. “Ok, ok... I’ll let you have that one.”
“I’m sure you’re very good at what you do.” You pat his head since he can’t return the favor as it stands. “But I don’t think I have the patience to be here for an entire day and actually get something done.”
“It’s not for everyone.” Four agrees patting his hair back down. 
You grin. “I bet it’ll look cool in the end though.”
Four huff and crosses his arms, tossing the sword further away as he deals with the coals underneath. “It’ll be the most impressive blade you’ve ever seen. I can guarantee it.”
“I’ll hold you to it.”
Part 2
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I cannot sleep so instead I am trying to work out exactly what Rolan, Cal and Lia have been doing all their lives and this is what I’ve come up with (thoughts welcome).
I’d guess Rolan is in his mid-to-late twenties (27?) and Lia and Cal in their early twenties (maybe 21-22 and 20 respectively?). I feel like there has to be a decent (like 5+) year age difference to explain why he’s so protective of them. Cal seems like the baby of the family.
Family History
So we know Rolan is adopted, but when? I’m definitely not the only one who’s had the abandoned-at-birth thought, given that tieflings rejected by human parents seems to be common in Faerûn. I’d guess he was at least old enough when he was adopted to understand that he was unwanted once, and that explains why even in such an apparently happy family he’s still unsure of his place. He might even have been adopted as a young teenager? He has to have had time to bond like siblings with Cal and Lia. We know that he conjured a cat for Cal when the latter was 8, so that would put him at like 15 max at adoption. But I personally think he was adopted earlier than that, aged 8-12ish maybe.
Not clear on a father figure in the game, but there are lines remembering their mum’s funeral. So it seems there was a good relationship there. From Rolan’s inherent protectiveness and assumption of responsibility, I’d guess that when she died, leaving him to take care of Cal and Lia, he was in his late teens and they were 10-12.
Economic/Social Status
Ok I know this section is titled a trifle ridiculously but bear with me. This is an academic exercise ;)
Although they were more welcome in Elturel before the descent, anti-tiefling racism seems pretty entrenched on the Sword Coast. It runs rampant in the grove, and in the wider lore of tieflings in DnD. And I doubt it sprung fully-formed during the Descent, without prior feelings to inflame. However, I think that although they probably had to negotiate a precarious social status and discrimination, the siblings don’t seem to have been living in severe poverty.
It’s clear that Sword Coast society has very high inequality, with a lot of people extremely poor and at the mercy of the patriars/aristocracy. But there also seems to be a thriving middle class and maybe they were part of it? Rolan certainly complains a lot about the Grove conditions, but then he also clearly wants to emulate his idea of what being a wizard is, and being a picky snob is part of that (sorry, my love). So I don’t think that’s a great indicator of the living standards he’s experienced so far.
He’s also clearly worked extremely hard, and has some money to spare (since he gives you it as a reward), but not a whole lot of possessions (probably they had to leave most stuff behind).
I end up at him maybe taking over a small family business (perhaps reselling books?) when their mum died, and working incredibly hard at that to save money for his future studies, to provide for Cal and Lia, and to save in case of the future that many tieflings dread (and indeed came to pass): no longer being welcome in their own homes.
Meanwhile, Lia and Cal were maybe studying themselves, and helping in the business. Did they know anything about fighting before the descent? I’m not sure. But now they seem fairly competent compared to your average civilian (although not really highly trained).
~anyway this is enough brainrot for now.~
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tianshiisdead · 8 months
How would you characterize modern day Japan’s relationship with China and Korea? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Ps. Love your art
hello anon i see you have it out for me <3
KFLDHGF JK JK... this is quite a question though 💦 Honestly fairly rocky I'd imagine, but they do hang out. I think there's a contrast between Korchu complaining about Japan and the three of them going to karaoke and drinking together. Inevitably they're going to have a decent level of closeness I feel given how intertwined East Asian modernity is, but that doesn't lessen the antagonism all that much. Korchu harass him on twitter*, and totally justifiably as well LOL Japan is NOT owning up to anything and this is all the reparations they're going to get in the foreseeable future...
On Japan's part, I don't think he's particularly apologetic so much as irritated by them bringing old scars up because 'it was in the past, why are you lingering on old history instead of looking into the future' with maybe an added 'this is why you haven't developed properly like I have' towards China - although he probably can't do that anymore I guess! Sad! I also do think he lowkey looks down on them, and that he has some weird complexes about them as well but that's another conversation. Japan has some sort of 'closer to the west' sense of pride that gets in the way of relations with his neighbors as well, he's really annoying about that, and he has (more than) a bit of nostalgia towards eras Korchu are Not Happy About. He also has a bad tendency of blaming them for his domestic problems which they also aren't very happy about.
This is where I'm going to reveal my bias: I'm definitely less knowledgeable and therefore less confident on Korea-Japan compared to China-Japan, but to focus on China-Japan for a second: I think Japan's actually fairly irritated at China. Like, in general Korchu anger towards Japan far outweigh Japan anger towards Korchu for obvious reasons, but in this case Japan has a thought process like 'I helped you so much in the 80s and now you're stabbing me in the back!!', which China thinks is bullshit of course 👍
Also, lest I make it seem too much like Korchu vs Japan, I'd imagine Korpan complain about China together quite often as well and Nichu commit racism towards Korea separately but they catch each other's gaze across the internet and have a moment of understanding. Japan and Korea play nice when America's looking but fight a lot when America's not looking. They're caught up on each other's latest media and resent that fact. Easia's such a funny region 😨
*China has a twitter through a vpn like all those Chinese gov officials/international correspondents who spend their time dropping twitter roasts all day
**korchupan are not related they're not even slightly related they're not brothers they aren't family no one 'raised' anyone and they view each other as Potential Sexual Partners ok thank u. i see most 'easia Blood Family' takes as being anywhere from a little ignorant to incredibly racist
Ah and thank you so much!! I am so glad u like my art means a lot <33
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thehamletdiaries · 1 year
Hamlet, in the park, in the pouring rain.
So, Stratford-Upon-Avon has this open air theatre called the Dell, where it puts on plays throughout the summer; they are free for anyone to go watch and they are mostly amateur productions or youth groups or the like. I’d never seen a production there before and didn’t really understand…what it was…which sounds silly but the only open air theatres I’d been to were very much full, built up theatres with seating and a stage and the only difference to any other theatre is they didn’t have a roof.
But I had been to the park that the Dell is in, and I knew it couldn’t be that.
And it isn’t…it’s just a small raised platform, with two tents either side as the wings, and people can bring their own chairs, or sit on the grass, or stand. 
Now, the day I’m headed up there to see this production of Hamlet it was raining. And they had meant to be performing at 12pm and 3pm, but the 12pm performance was cancelled because of the rain. And as we are getting closer and closer to 3pm…it is still very much raining, and pretty heavily. So, I’m checking the website, it’s not saying it’s cancelled…so I head to the park (it’s still very much raining), and I’m walking over wondering if this production is even going ahead - and it did! And with a fairly decent sized audience, all of us sheltering under a tree, many with umbrellas and raincoats (I had neither), and whilst I cannot imagine for a moment it was what the cast would have chosen, the reality of watching it like this was actually sort of wonderful - it was this very communal experience…a way of experiencing Hamlet, together, in this very unique way.
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The nature of the theatre also has other quirks; a dog nearly ran on stage at one point, and it’s a public park so people are just walking past having conversations…but you quickly end up embracing that as part of the nature of this kind of performance. People were also taking photos - something I would normally never do during a play - but it felt very natural in this environment and I ended up taking photos too.
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The company that put on the production is called Necessary Cat Limited…and other than a facebook page I genuinely cannot find any information about them anywhere, except that they are doing the same production of Hamlet at the Edinburgh Fringe. I don’t really understand whether they are a fully amateur company or sort of semi-professional...I got a programme but it really didn’t give me much more information; all of the actors seemed to have backgrounds that were sort of “semi-professional or somewhat around the theatre world but not quite” - and I couldn’t find any of them on social media either; so really that remains something of a mystery.
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The production certainly had an amateur dramatics flavour - which I don’t mean in a negative way *at all*; there is something quite wonderful about that style of performance that I really enjoyed.
All of the actors embodied their roles well, I thought (and a couple were notably impressive…I’ll come to that in a second)...except for Colin Povey as Hamlet. He was…not great, to say the least. I don’t think he was a bad actor, but he was bad at playing the character of Hamlet. The problem was, I think, that he seemed incredibly pleased to be playing Hamlet, which came across as him being incredibly pleased to be Hamlet, and if Hamlet is anything it is not pleased to be himself. There was a slight smirk on his face for almost the whole play - and not in the “Hamlet is roguishly charming sometimes” way, but in a “I am just having a great time and enjoying my life and am very pleased with myself” way - and at times, particularly when he was alone on stage (watching to be or not to be when the performer doesn’t even seem remotely sad is…an odd experience), this…version…of Hamlet was so grating I found myself actively paying attention to the dogs and the passers by and things around me to distract myself because it was just such a grating performance. And honestly, I sort of feel bad talking about this guy who gave us a whole one hour and 45mins long performance in the rain but he was just so wrong for the part.
However, it says something about the pace and the energy of the rest of the cast, and about how this performance was constructed, that I still had a really good time watching a version of Hamlet with a very poorly performed Hamlet.
Because everything else was really quite good.
Firstly, the cutting was excellent; it only ran for an hour and 45mins and somehow did not feel choppy or oddly cut; I noticed a couple of cuts here and there but only because I know the script so well and mostly I couldn’t tell which lines they had gotten rid of at all. They cut the whole Fortinbras plot, which was a sensible move in a version that needed to be shorter and more contained.
The Ophelia actress, Amber Lipman, was wonderful - she brought an intelligence to the role that I feel Ophelia often does not get afforded, whilst also feeling very young, and very used, and very much the victim in a way that made you so angry for her.
The Rosencrantz and Guildenstern actor and actress - Alan Sunter and Caitlin Carter (they played them as two men, just one of the performers happened to be a woman) were also really good; they very much felt like real characters that mattered in their own right and not just as plot devices…which often happens with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern; their individual humanities as well as the relationship between the two of them and between them and Horatio was all very evident and really well done.
Also, a fun reality of the stage set up is one of the tents that acted as a wing was completely open; so you could see the actors “backstage” and Sunter and Carter fist bumped after they exited from doing their first scene and it was adorable.
Now, James Scott as Horatio. The thing is…I don’t really see a lot of Horatios that feel like my Horatio. Of course this is a character I am wedded to far more than probably makes rational sense and of course this is going to mean I am far pickier than is particularly reasonable about how Horatio is played…and I really, really loved James Scott’s performance. He captured that Horatio is complicated; that Horatio is a human caught in this absolutely mad situation; he captured how much Horatio cares…not just about Hamlet, but about Ophelia too, and about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. He captured how Horatio is trying to do the right thing and to help and feels so out of place at court and just doesn’t quite know what to do but also can’t really quite bring himself to try and stop Hamlet because he loves and trusts him too much not to follow him…until it’s too late.
He understood all of that.
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And he managed to perform all of that whilst acting opposite a Hamlet who, not to repeat the point, was not a good Hamlet at all. I would love to be able to see Scott play Horatio again opposite a Hamlet actor who was worthy of his performance.
There were also some really nice aspects to how Horatio was included in the play; for a start he was just included in a lot of it…he’s there for the whole of the Ophelia madness scene, not just the first part, they had him delivering letters from Hamlet to other characters in place of the side character who normally does it, which I liked; he generally felt very present and I’m always here for more Horatio.
Without being too heavy handed about it, they weaved in far more of a relationship between Horatio and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern than you get to see in most productions; little details like them talking together before and during the Mousetrap play…but then having Horatio immediately go to Hamlet’s side as soon as it moved into the play upon my pipe scene; that reality that these four were all friends, and Horatio was still going to hold those relationships in his heart in some way…but also was never going to side with anyone but Hamlet when it came down to it; I loved how that was done.
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And I loved the care he showed Ophelia and that dynamic was just so well played.
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There was this beautiful moment, after Ophelia has first come on stage and is mad, when she had gone off stage, followed by Horatio, and the two actors were sorting out the flowers for her to come back on with (they also had Horatio come on with a flower in his hair which was a nice touch), and they were doing this in the tent where you could see everything and they were talking and clearly joking with each other and for a moment I basically stopped watching the play because instead I was watching what felt like this beautiful tableau of Horatio and Ophelia just hanging out and having a nice time and it was lovely and sweet and beautiful…I had a lot of emotions in that moment.
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They rather strangely cut Horatio trying to kill himself at the end; genuinely not sure why.
They did, however, have Osric (the Guildenstern actress doubled as Osric and she played them differently enough to make that work) hold Laertes in his arms as he died so…here are some pictures for all you Osric/Laertes shippers out there.
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At the end I went up to James Scott and said something along the lines of “I just wanted to say that Horatio is a character that means so much to me and I so rarely get to see him in a way that feels true to him and you really did that and thank you”...or something along those lines; this sounds very silly but I was amazed I managed to get through saying that to him without crying because at that point I genuinely was so moved and had so many feelings about everything he brought to and embodied about my Horatio.
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melmac78 · 5 months
Well… erm… looks like they’re having me transfer to another place near here. Not for any bad reason (I’d be getting a decent enough raise and it looks like I’d be dropping some extra work because bigger staff), but just was out of the blue. I’ll take it over other options obviously.
I can commute but I even know it’ll be ultimately a move if it stays long term. Of course they waited until after I could give my two months notice so I’ll have to pay extra unless I stay until December (which I’m still debating, as there’s fun stuff here I’d forget about and it’s an hour drive approx. and I’d actually get to have fun and not get behind a camera… plus I may be fed up in 8 months, want to leave and it’d save me an extra move.)
I think I’d become the pub, which is a step up technically (just a convoluted hierarchy… explaining the TARDIS would be easier).
One of the many interesting things in my town this week, which included a manhunt yesterday (which I didn’t realize until I remember said helicopters were used to protect the President George H.W. Bush’s funeral train in 2018 - yes I covered this procession) - covering some unusual events beyond this, and getting a card WITH a rubber duck on my car from someone wanting to fix my mostly barely noticeable hail damage. (I’ll give points creativity though).
I’m going to watch the Rockhounds in Midland tomorrow, which has me excited because I’ve missed any form of pro-baseball (they’re the A’s minor league team) and they’re fairly cheap (well to me compared to the Amarillo Sodpoodles). Do have to cover something tomorrow but it’s a fun event and co-worker attending offering to assist so I’ll let her.
And I’m making another key paracord bracelet but a more modern key someone gave me.
And taxes… gotta pay them.. shouldn’t be but I am. 🙄
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brasideios · 6 months
Fanfic Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @aeide 🤍 fairly sure I did this a while back, but I have time so why not 😊
1. How many fics do you have on AO3? 19
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 481662
3. What fandoms do you write for? Have written for: AC Syndicate, AC Odyssey, AC Valhalla, Stardew Valley, Hades (game), Pyre, Ancient History RPF, and am tinkering with maybe something Minecraft. Maybe.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Snatched Moments (163) The Warmth of Home (122) Another Turn Around the Wheel (116) Unfinished Business (71) and the Good Spartan (53).
5. Do you respond to comments? Usually - unless someone replies to every chapter in quick succession, (and especially if the comments are only emojis) - then I tend to just reply to those that I have something worth responding with; or with the emojis situation, just the final one.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Rising to the Surface. No doubt about it. Or maybe the Good Spartan. That seems to get a lot of ‘this ended me’ type comments so yeah.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have some variation of a happy ending. I think the one I’m writing now (Another Life) will be the most definitively happy though.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really, no. Disappointment that they’re unfinished from time to time, but not hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeah, mlm mostly. Very mild, vanilla really.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I’ve never written one. Just not my bag.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of, unless you count AI scraping, in which case, almost certainly, probably all of them, up to and including all my original work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic? No. I don’t do collaborative writing. Again, just not my bag.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? I don’t have one. I’m a multishipper to my core, because it’s too fun putting characters together with different partners to see what the relationship brings out of them to go all-in on one pairing.
15. What’s a fic you’d like to finish but don’t think you ever will? Still Crawling Kingsnake. I love it but there’s just no ending. Not even a shadow of one.
16. What are your writing strengths? Fighting the urge to be self-deprecating here - I like to think I do a good job with dialogue and building a character. I feel less doubtful about that than the rest, anyway.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything else.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? If I knew one, I’d do it. I read lots of things with this feature so why not. I would be certain to provide a translation for readers though (side-eyeing academic papers).
19. First fandom you wrote for? AC Odyssey.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? The Good Spartan or Shadow-Twin. I think they’re both decent, just in different ways. I also like Another Life so far, tentatively hopeful that it’ll be worth reading when it’s done.
Probably everyone has already been tagged, so sorry if I’m doubling up or you’ve done this recently and I missed it. Just a few with no pressure @findusinaweek @ainulindaelynn @krankittoeleven @softest-punk
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lifmera · 7 months
Hello! I adore your writing! May I please have a match up for Hazbin Hotel, Chainsaw man and Sally face if it’s not too much trouble? I'm demisexual 27 year old plus sized woman. I’m 5"7 with fairly wide hips that dip to more narrow center and broad shoulders. My eyes are pale green bordering yellow with short almost shoulder length dark brown hair that is an orange blond from the top of my ears down. I have a septum piercing, two sets of ear piercings and glasses in sort of an aviator style that I forget to wear. I'm a little buff under all this fluff as I am a baker by trade. But I have been dealing with a shoulder injury has kinda left me feeling a bit fragile and frustrated. I've been told I'm fairly pretty but I just kinda don't see myself that by conventional standards. I'm not really self conscious about my body, I am just a large animal and people will just have to deal with that. I prefer to dress comfortably but if I can I enjoy wearing jumpsuits as well as black dresses.
I would describe my personality as caring but very direct. I Tend to prioritize others well being over my own. However, I am working on ensuring I take care of myself just as well. I tend to be reserved around other people but once I get comfortable I tend to ramble on my interests in short bursts, primarily around biology, cryptids, animation and practical effects. Honestly I enjoy being a bit aggressive with my friends- usually intimidation play or picking up people to help make them feel a little small. Admittedly when I feel comfortable around someone I prefer feeling small and protected if I’m not needed for comfort. I have many creative hobbies, primarily sketching, painting, sculpting, and crocheting. One of my favorite things to do is wildlife drawings. Though I find it difficult to hold on to my passions for prolonged periods of time, if someone I'm close to is passionate about something- I'm completely enthralled and try to be as supportive as possible. I love word play, often trying to force puns where they don't fit. I love horror and thriller movies and have a decent tolerance for gore but to be perfectly honest I have a hard time with handling prolonged scenes with people actively suffering.
This sounds a little silly but I imagine if I was a demon in hell I would probably resemble something of a chimera. I do apologize if this is a bit of a long submission! Thank you so much for your time!! 💚
I read sally face and started tweaking….
God i love sally face. AND THANK YOUUUUU.
.. I’ve decided to pair you with… ALASTOR, DENJI & LARRY JOHNSON!
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Let’s be real. I think at first you’d remind him of his dear old mimzy. Before she died anyways, and obviously not dependent on him to fight your battles.
Alastor would find your rambling interesting, and he’d honestly probably learn something he hasn’t before? like “wow! Thats new.”
He’d want to learn more about your interests, also because he’s the radio demon, and doesn’t seem to really know much about the modern world- or care for it. But he IS based off a wendigo. So i’d think he’d find it interesting!
He LOVES when you paint, draw, crochet for hum! It reminds him or his own mother, and he’d probably become attached to you.
He’d also enjoy it if you did all of this, while he’s broadcasting too. He’s not able to always be there, but if he is, he’ll want to be with you.
Alastor would LOVE to watch horror movies, but if it makes you uncomfortable, or a scene does, he will pay no mind and skip it. Not like theres anything new he hasn’t seen.
If you were a chimera. He definitely would’ve been surprised at your look! Like- “oh ! Thats new.”
Ok … Denji time..
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This man would NEVER JUDGE YOU. He can’t even bag someone.
Honestly i think he’d prefer someone chubbier, he’d LOVE to give hugs.
I think Denji would be a very physical touchy person, esp after what happened with… everyone. It’d help him protect you :)
When he found out about your shoulder injury? He was on your ass all day, every day. You don’t get away!
He loves that you take care of others, but this man is always hurt. He’d rather you be okay than he is!
He would love to listen to you ramble. Denji knows when to shut up, and i think he would enjoy listening!
Okay i know I’ve said this before but denji WILL make you draw pictures of you and him together- or he’ll draw them himself. Like stick figures holding hands!
If you crochet him something? Over the MOON. If its a piece of clothing he’s always wearing it. If its a plushie? He’s sleeping with it at night.
Denji would be indifferent to horror movies. I think he’d prefer comedy. He’s seen enough! :(
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I feel like i shouldn’t have to explain.
He’d LOVE YOU. You remind him of his friends :)
Your personality allows his to come out! He loves that you care for his friends, and his well being cause we know damn well he doesn’t.
Larry is a Listener instead of a talker. He’d love to listen to you ramble and ask questions while he’s painting! His favorite things at the same time!!
You draw with him, you paint, you crochet? Holy SHIT!!!! HE’D BE IN LOVE. Like! Okay !!! I LOVE YOU!!! 🧡🧡
I think he doesn’t mind any movie you guys watch. As long as it’s a mean of being able to cuddle with you on the couch and watch a movie.
He definitely finds your puns funny.
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The Clone Wars 4x9 ‘Plan of Dissent’ Reaction
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Hardcase NO
I was tearing up at that. “Live to fight another day.” *sobs*
Fuck Krell. Absolute heartless bastard.
Really not impressed with Dogma at this stage so I’m guessing a lot happens in the final episode of this arc.
Poor Tup. He really reminds me of the friend that is pressured into doing things that they really don’t want to do. And the poor thing is so anxious and worried. I’m relating to him far too much.
Fives with his legs splayed open on his back under a ship doing mechanical work? HELLO?!?! First Tech, now this?! Though I guess technically (heh) it was Fives first then Tech. Either way, most excellent crotch and thigh shot. 
Speaking of thighs, this is where those gifs of Rex’s thigh plates come from! 
Help me why am I having thots when everything that’s happening is so awful
That was some look from Rex when he saw Fives, Jesse and Hardcase flying off in the Umbaran fighters. Long suffering “why are those idiots doing this” combined with admiration and respect that they actually went and did it.
Omg the chaos in the hanger with Hardcase trying to fly the fighter and destroying everything and Fives doing his best Han Solo impression of trying and failing to definitely not sound sus.
“That’s gonna leave a mark” CACKLING
Hardcase actually did a fairly decent job of coming up with a fairly believable story and making it believable enough. Not wholly believable but better than I expected. Fives though, baby, you really need to get better at acting. 
Speaking of, the shot of the clones at the start and Fives leaning on the wall looking down with his ankles crossed definitely looks like the start to some 90s boy band music video. I know I’ve seen this mentioned before but it’s hilarious how accurate that description is.
Rex trying to take the blame for Fives and Jesse and then Fives refusing to let him and Rex looking at him and saying “Fives!” all anguished and just ugh ALL OF MY EMOTIONS
Is Appo the one with the downward pointing white arrow surrounded by blue paint on the forehead of his bucket? Just checked Wookieepedia and yup, he is. Also, he's a CC. So why is he a Sergeant?
Hardcase with his little sneaky wiggly fingers. I love him so much.
I’ve noticed this with a few clones but they have these 3 lines of utterly adorable crows feet when they grimace or scrunch up their faces in certain ways and I just want to kiss them they’re so precious.
How is Rex keeping it all together? Poor man. I didn’t think it would be possible to want the walking disaster that is Anakin back but here we are. Do we ever find out why he was so suddenly and conveniently called back to Coruscant immediately? I’m assuming it’s Palps meddling.
Still loving Jesse and his little nose scrunch every time he turns up. There’s a heart and gentleness to him and that’s really evident in his little moment at the start about valuing the lives of the clones. I’m still not sure if I should be referring to them as clones or men so it’s just sort of bouncing between the two at the moment.
You can see why Jesse ends up becoming an ARC. I did have the heartbreaking thought the other day that seeing as Jesse becomes an ARC after Echo dies, does that mean Jesse replaces Echo as Fives’ ARC partner? *gross sobbing*
This is also the episode where that gif of Rex glaring over his shoulder comes from!
Tup gesturing with his space screwdriver thingy and waving it around. Bless.
The clones' voices are also starting to sound noticeably more distinct. Jesse’s is softer. Rex’s more gruff, no nonsense and laced with authority, which makes sense. Hardcase is utterly chaotic, rambling and slightly higher? You can hear the nervousness and worry in Tup’s voice. Dogma’s voice is also higher and much more tightly wound. I’m not sure how I’d describe Fives’ voice but it’s noticeably different to Rex’s and everyone else’s. I’m so glad they’re finally building out their characters and it’s not just generic clone voice for all of them.
Also, Rex running interference for Fives, Jesse and Hardcase and intercepting Dogma and Tup. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” UGH 
What’s Fives’ role in the 501st and Torrent? He seems like Rex’s second in command and right hand man but he doesn’t have a rank. Wookieepedia just lists him as an ARC Trooper. Are ARC Troopers just in their own special little box of bonkers BAMFness?
I keep adding to this reaction because I’m putting off watching the final episode of this arc. Ugh, MY EMOTIONS.
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pomegrantemoths88 · 1 year
Ch.3, Names and Second Days (Till We're Safe: AU The Maze Runner, Gally X FemReader)
“IT’S Y/N”
We stopped pushing and everyone got quiet, Newt came up first and lifted my hand, introducing me again. “
“Gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to Y/N!”
The Gladers cheered and congratulated me and I immediately felt much more at ease. I turned to Gally who then shook my hand and said
“Hello y/n, amazing that your name came up as you were losing. I wonder if you’ll remember something else next time.” 
“Ah didn’t think you’d be a sore loser, maybe don’t stare so hard next time.”
The smile on Gally quickly turned to an annoyed smirk
“Just hope you’re not stuck with the builders tomorrow Greenie.”
“My names not Greenie.”
“Don’t care, I already forgot it.”
As he walked away I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment and guilt. The others didn’t seem to notice or care but I didn’t want Gally to think I chickened out. Sure he shouldn’t just negate my name, it’s the one thing we’re able to have in this godforsaken place but I couldn’t blame him, it was bad timing.
I followed Alby back to the Homestead and entered a small room with a makeshift bed in the middle. The Homestead itself seemed well built considering who put it up and the circumstances. Alby gave me a pack which included some blankets and a few other items,
“I'm gonna have you sleep here for a bit, or for as long as you want, usually no special treatment is given but since these are special circumstances, you should have privacy for whatever girl things you need to do.”
“Thank you for the room Alby and the bed too.”
“Oh don’t thank me for the bed, Gally volunteered. He usually likes sleeping in the hammocks anyway.”
I’m not sure whether shock or confusion was the word here, I didn’t know what to make of Gally and if I was being honest, maybe I was thinking about it and him too much. We were here to survive, not play. 
“Oh he didn’t have t-”
“As I said, he likes the hammocks, you’re fine Y/N”
“Okay, oh another thing, is there usually someone else who sleeps in the homestead? I noticed more rooms and people in them.”
“Yeah, me, Newt, Frypan and Minho. Keepers sleep in here and the med-jacks work in here usually. Sleep well Y/N, you have a long day tomorrow.”
“Goodnight Alby”
I could barely sleep, the crickets themselves were comforting but it must've been my body responding to discomfort, in my last life I clearly didn’t sleep in conditions like this, it invited a melancholic feeling, it made me wonder what bed I used to sleep in, what my room looked like, did I sleep in a house with a loving family? Or did something more tragic happen along the way, it only brought me back to the questions that were on everyone's mind, 
“Why am I here? Who was I?”
 . About halfway through these thoughts, it brought me back to the present, and I couldn’t even blame the bed, it didn’t smell terrible like I thought it would’ve, and it was a halfway decent bed. The blankets were clean but the mattress itself almost smelled clean? Like freshly cleaned. Of course I could’ve been trying to delay myself from sleeping, afterall I wonder if I’d wake up in the same place. 
I did end up sleeping, I could thank the crickets for that but of course I had to wake up to a heavy grating sound. I shot up immediately just to hear others also doing the same and Newt yelling,
“Rise and shine shaaaanks, what a wonderful morning to work!”
I giggled, a few others groaned. Yeah this would be fun. I noticed the pack that Alby had given me last night and I noticed amongst it that they were clothes. Clean clothes that looked almost my size, they must’ve come up the Box with me. I changed and got ready fairly quickly and I greeted the Homestead residents. 
“Good morning Y/N, hope you got enough sleep, come with us to breakfast.”
I accompanied the Keepers to breakfast, where Frypan had whipped up eggs and some mashed sweet potatoes? I sat still with Newt and Alby and a few others enjoying the breakfast and getting to know them. I noticed that the Keepers liked to sit with their guys and sometimes sit together. I wondered which one of these groups I’d belong to later on. I was stuck in thought until Clint, Keeper of the Medjacks came up to me.
“Hey Y/N, do you think you’d know anything about patching cuts up?”
“I’m not sure, I didn’t think anybody could just join?”
“Well it's my lucky day because Alby said he’d let you try out. And I’m tired of running around from the builders to the slicers all day. With your running, maybe Jeff and I can get a break.”
“I don’t know Clint, maybe these shanks will start cutting themselves up on purpose if she’s a Med-Jack.”
“Yeah you think Alby would let that happen? They’re dumb not stupid.”
I didn’t want to have to get used to this, I understood being the only girl was something to be aware of, but if these comments were in store for me, I’d have rather taken my chance with whatever a Griever was. 
Alright so the first day wasn’t so bad. Me, Clint and Jeff started our day in the Homestead, taking inventory of supplies and showing me around our “office”. They let me know what big injuries some of the Gladers have had and currently have. After that, we headed into the Deadheads, despite its name, small medicinal herbs and flowers grow there, while Jeff stayed in the Homestead teaching me to prepare some of the herbs. Clint went out for his rounds, seeing who had gotten injured today. 
After a few hours of lessons, they decided to take me out into the field. They weren’t kidding when they said they run around from slicers to builders all day. 
First it was bandages on a few hands, second it was bandaging cuts on legs. Next was a run to Homestead for some of the salves we use for infection and inflammation. After we were done with the slicers we headed to the builders. 
We walked over to an unfinished building near the Deadheads, asking if anyone needed some attention first. A couple boys had scratches and painful calluses that needed repatching, after a couple minutes of work I heard a familiar voice speak up.
“I need a bandage.”
After I finished swiftly with the boy in front of me, I turned over to Gally who had a nasty cut on his palm. 
“What the hell did you do to your hand!?”
With an annoyed look he said,
“I thought it'd be fun to scrape my hand on a saw. Could you hurry up?”
“Can you please be patient and not cut your hands on a saw so you don’t have to complain about ME being slow?”
“Or you could just hurry up and let me do my job so you don’t have to hear me complaining Greenie”
“My name isn’t Greenie shank.”
Clint decided to cut into what was becoming a heated conversation with,
“Alright now, Gally. It’s her second day man, take it easy, and Y/N, you can’t win with this guy.”
“I’ll take it easy when she - AH, what the hell?!”
“Relax brickhead, I just put alcohol and salve on it, it's a deep cut not just a scrape.”
“Don’t waste the alcohol on a cut, shucking hell it’s not that serio-”
“It is that serious and if it's just a cut, why complain to me about a bandage?”
As he was about to cut me off again, the dinner bell rang. Immediately he dismissed the other guys and he stayed silent as I finished up his bandage that took no longer than 2 more minutes, he looked away and said,  
“Is there anything I should do to take care of it?”
“Well don’t use this hand so much but I have a feeling you won’t listen to that.”
“You’re right, I won’t.”
As we walked to dinner, part of me wanted to thank him for the bed, but another part wanted to chuck a hammer at his face-
“Thank you for the bandage.”
He didn’t look at me, he stared dead ahead for a bit till I just- 
“Thank you for the bed.”
We glanced at each other but there was something else in his eyes that I saw when we met, during the brawl and now, and I didn’t know why it felt familiar. 
@thebestrouge @thedo9isdead @murdockssbitch
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savebatsfromscratch · 11 months
No.15 Can’t Keep a Bog Burglar Under Bars and Bark
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50863048
Words: 1,096
Cws: Being trapped, helplessness.
Notes: I tried to write it a bit like the books. :3 Camicazi is a really fun character to write.
Prompt: No. 15: “I don't need you to help me I can handle things myself.” Makeshift Bandages | Suppressed Suffering | “I’m fine.”
Camicazi stretched her arms out to either side of the hollow tree, fighting that first sting of fear that came with finding herself trapped somewhere. Far above her, the door to the tree trunk prison slammed shut, cutting off the Berserker’s unpleasant laughter right as it started. But though she knew that that meant she probably couldn’t be heard by them, she screamed insults anyway.
“Come back here and fight like GIRLS you ugly tear jerking Gronkle necks!” She had to admit that her insult game wasn’t what it normally was, but it made her feel better, so she kept at it, “I’ve met HOOLIGANS with better prisons than this, you chain covered poor excuses for warriors! What is this, the Isles of the PEACABLES?! I’m almost GLAd you threw me in here, it’s going to be so easy to get out you’ll be THANKING me for helping you find the flaws you- You…”
Suddenly, Camicazi became rather aware that the only other sound in her tree prison was the echoes of her own screams, and she faltered, a brief spike of doubt piercing her heart as she tried to peer nervously through the darkness. She was, of course, unable to do so, but she tried not to let it get her down. She tried really, really hard.
…But her efforts weren’t nearly as effective as she told herself they were, and the second time she started up her insults, it was clear even to her that they were pretty half hearted.
“Oh~,” She sang, feeling along the unrelenting walls as if she would find any flaws in their construction, “If you boys knew the tricks a girl can think up to get out of your jails, you’d be pretty embarrassed I’d say,”
She attempted to climb the smooth walls without her climbing boots, but only managed to get a few feet before sliding back to the slimy ground, landing with a very un Bog Burglar like grunt. She hopped right back up to her feet, continuing her sing songy teasing, even though she was struggling to fight an encroaching darkness on her mind.
She had been searching for a way out for several minutes now, and she hadn’t even found a singular flaw to exploit. Usually it only took her a few minutes to get out of a cell, so, though she hated to admit it, this was getting scary.
The last time she’d been in such a secure prison, she’d actually needed someone’s help to get out, maybe she couldn’t- No. She refused to admit it. She was a Bog Burglar! The most slippery of all the slippery tribes in the Barbaric Archipelago! (And she was even more slippery than most… or so she liked to think.) No, of course she didn’t need help! She could do this all by herself, just as she always had before.
…But it probably wouldn’t have hurt to have Hiccup with her right then.
Cammicazi stopped her taunting.
“What am I thinking?” she muttered, angrily wiping away some annoying little tears that had threatened to fall from her eyes, “I’m the daughter of the CHIEF, I don’t need some… some boy to come and save me! I can get out of here myself!”
With renewed vigor, she scrambled up the wall again, digging her nails into the tough wood until she lost her grip and tumbled back down to the rotting floor. No matter, she could try again!
She took a higher leap this time, actually running up the wall for the first several feet, and then carrying that momentum into her climb as she went back to scrambling. This was fairly effective, and she managed to get her thin fingers around a small ledge after a decent distance traveled. She hugged the wall as she caught her breath.
In the darkness of the tree, she could not see how far she had climbed, but the optimistic part of her brain did a happy little flip at the idea that she might be near the door she had been thrown in through. (Ha! She would like to have seen those Berzerkers pull off THAT little trick!)
However, her optimistic side did not seem to be right. Or, at least, whatever door there had been up there seemed inaccessible to her now as she reached the top of the hollowed out prison. In a panic, Camicazi reached a shaking arm out from her safe hold, trying and failing to reach the other side of the tree in the weak idea that it might be close enough for her to investigate by touch. 
How was that possible?! The door just… wasn’t there.
She reached back to the side of the wall, feeling her hold slipping from her shaking hands but unwilling to give up her search that easily. She felt along the hollowed out woods, feeling for any semblance of a crack that might suggest an opening for a door. Panicked, she traced her hands over lumps in the wood, the scratching skins of spiders that must have once been alive, and so much else, but a keyhole or an outline to a door was nowhere to be found.
And, of course, that was when her fingers finally gave out, throwing her through the musty air until she hit the ground with a painful crash. Camicazi fought back a sob, she knew she was lucky that she hadn’t severely hurt herself in the fall, but she couldn’t help but feel unlucky overall.
How could it be that this prison was getting the best of her? She was CAMICAZI! Master escape artist and heir to the Bog Burglar throne! She couldn’t let some stupid tree make her lose her touch! There had to be a way out! There wasn’t a way to make a prison that was totally unescapable without killing her to get her there! After all, she had gotten out of the Roman fort, why couldn’t she get out of here?!
In the whirlwind of emotions that she was feeling, she did her best to lose the small voice that reminded her of exactly how “well” her attempts at escaping the Romans had worked. She didn’t need that right now. She didn’t need to think about the clear and obvious fact that she had already long missed her chance to escape.
As far as she knew, she was never getting out, not without help, not without Hiccup.
She grit her teeth, sat up, and squared her shoulders. Even though that was true, it didn’t mean she couldn’t stop trying.
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