#but also. the being touched by grasshoppers was bad.
ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
grasshoppers are a top 3 least favorite bug for me for two primary reasons, which are:
- was extremely scared of most bugs as a kid & one time when i was Very small I was in a highchair eating oatmeal & my brother brought a live grasshopper inside the house & put it In My Face & I could not escape because again. small child. highchair.
- used to have to mow the yard with a tractor & it was always full of grasshoppers that, understandably alarmed by the tractor, would jump several feet in the air & inevitably hit me, usually on my bare legs because it was summer & I was always wearing cut off jorts. nothing quite like being touched by very fast flying insects that you’re already freaked out by </3
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s1 episode 18 thoughts
i have been busy and my nightly watch sessions have fallen to the wayside, so i was really excited to watch this one! a great end to a busy day <3
so we open with a child reciting the bible to bring a dead burn victim back to life. i'm american so this was like an ordinary day for me ngl. like yeah yeah the child who believes he can resurrect, we've all seen it. nothing a good southern hallelujah can't fix in some people's minds.
the preacher says he found the boy on the banks of the mississippi which was SO funny to me. moses who?!
there was another scene of the ministry being cultishly devout and i wrote in my notes "like this isn't even really funny this is just the south i know people like this" and i stand by that assessment
scully wants to go investigate even though it's not an x file because they need someone with medical experience. she seems to think he won't want to come but mulder is soooo happy to join :D "when are we leaving for tennessee?"
(he needs to be out of his office for stimulation)
the preacher was dripping in expensive jewelry, had 4 cadillacs, again, many such cases here in the US of A.
when they meet the miracle healer boy (who has been accidentally killing people lately) he says to scully "do you deny the power of God?" and she says "no". i am storing that information for future use.
scully got deeply uncomfortable and tried to shut it DOWN when the miracle guy brought up mulder's sister, but he wanted to hear more. she even called the sheriff over. she said you are NOT going to mess with that man's head in front of me absolutely NOT.
then we had a plague moment in the courtroom. GRASSHOPPER ATTACK BE UPON YE!
mulder was reading from the old testament... this is so ethel cain coded
then he starts seeing his sister as a little girl and running toward her!!! he runs out during a chat with the preacher and scully is confused
she asks hey man. what did you see. he says "a girl". she says "who, jessica hahn?" (now i had to google who that is but she was a model.)
scully you are quick-witted and good at teasing this man. but he's sad and says "a LITTLE girl". making fun of mulder for having a crush has been temporarily POSTPONED due to his childhood trauma resurfacing.
i actually felt really bad for the healer guy who started killing people by touching them because i find it very believable that religious trauma will have you thinking that your evil hands made people choke to death because you are Sinful. again, seen similar things. in a less dramatic sort of way.
they return to the ministry event and mulder points out a seat in the crowd to scully then guides her with his hand on the small of her back. god, when is my turn? i have seen what you make the fictional men do.
the religious people are blocking an autopsy for religious purposes. which is something i will be googling later because tbh i'm curious if that is still a thing.
! SCULLY LORE REVEAL ! she was raised catholic! she is familiar with scripture and says "God never lets the devil steal the show!" mulder laughs and says "you must have loved the Exorcist" and she says its one of her favorite movies! (DANA SCULLY HORROR FAN?!?!)
we see a person in scrubs sharpening a knife for an autopsy and i did NOT like that so imagine my SHOCK AND HORROR to learn it was none other than scully herself getting to business!!!
mulder is also there and he is very squeamish so he's being a great friend by sitting on the counter while she cuts a body up. thank u for ur service king.
(she makes him look at some lungs and he does NOT want to do this. think of the poor man's stomach, scully!)
when he runs out to go see the healer turned killer kid in jail, i was like yeah he was looking for an excuse to get tf out of there
also scully... in scrubs... <3 yes the sharpening of a knife was impersonal and scary but it's still Her... she's in her Doctor Mode and i love to see it
the healer boy tormented mulder about his sister and had him in the jail cell yelling "IS SHE ALIVE" ohhh i was seated. i was on the edge of that seat i was sat upon. needed to know if he was going to crack some skulls to get answers about his sister.
well no skulls were cracked in THAT scene but in the very next one, the sheriff hires some henchmen to kill the healer guy in jail which is like. not really analyzed a lot throughout the rest of the episode. and i feel like we moved past this a bit too quickly. but okay.
i was worried they were going to make the shady pastor the hero of the episode and thankful they did not do that. we don't need that energy to be encouraged. don't we deal with enough as is? another megachurch pastor might break me.
(our duo breaks into the court room where earlier a plague of locusts had begun) "what exactly are we looking for?" "clues" okay cryptic scooby doo mulder. acting like the guy from blue's clues. dumbass. i love him. (blue skadoo, you can too!)
then he yells "SCULLY! it's potato" in a deadly serious tone. this obviously has Implications for the investigation but "SCULLY! it's potato" is a phrase that had me laughing until my sides hurt. the deadpan delivery. scully. it's potato. new phrase entering my mental roster. rotating it in my mind over and over again.
they realize it's the burn victim the boy healed as a child who killed all those people! and when they get to his house, scully takes a deep sniff of whatever he was drinking and announces it's poison. which again, important to the plot. but it looked like she was just:
(scully takes a deep inhale of some liquid that looks like water) cyanide...
like girl why are you sniffing that! they always tell you not to sniff unknown chemicals when you get to high school chemistry class!!! her med school training flew Out the window. she needs to sniff the poison.
we see them getting packed up to head home and MULDER BROUGHT A PHOTO OF HIS SISTER AND KEPT IT BY HIS BED. does he do this for every single roadtrip? holy fuck i was gonna cry. the impermanence of the hotel room but the permanence of his grief, trying to hold on to what he can remember, her photo as a symbol of what he works for, what he spends his life working toward, why he devotes so many late hours and sleepless nights to the job... because its about getting her back above all else. no i'm Fine it's totally okay.
i enjoyed that for once, this was just a good ol' fashioned murder. a guy was poisoning people and letting someone else take the fall. a totally rational situation! a win for the disbelievers from all backgrounds!
(okay, so we don't know exactly why the guy could heal people in the first place or cause mulder to see his sister. but don't think about that too hard! enjoy the w for skeptics and scully nation!)
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enemyoflactose · 5 months
Here are Most of my Yami Bakura head canons (some of them are kinda angsty)
Yami Bakura is really really good at applying eyeliner and mascara, but is dog shit at applying any other makeup.
When he's really stressed he scratches at his face and arms as hard as he can, which led to Ryou having to cut his nails so he wouldn't come back into consciousness with scratches everywhere because Yami Bakura was overwhelmed.
He has a fear of fire, but because he likes smoking he just closes his eyes when he needs a light.
He gets cold easily.
He loves dogs! If they didn't absolutely despise him they'd be his favorite animal. He settled for cobras because they seem to have unconditional love and adoration for him.
The reason Yugi, Anzu, Jonouchi, and Honda’s dolls all looked so different from Ryou's doll is because Yami Bakura made them.
He loves Godzilla movies and tried to convince Ryou to give Dark Master Zorc an atomic blast, but was shot down due to Ryou not knowing he existed. (Ryou would absolutely give DM Zorc an atomic blast)
Yami Bakura loves sweet things like cake and candy. His favorite pastry is chocolate filled croissants. He prefers it when they have the traditional croissant shape because it's easier for him to eat.
Isn't a fan of horror movies unless it's body horror or really really fucking stupid.
He likes biting his partners. Not just chomping on their skin either, he likes to nibble and really get his teeth all up in their skin. They can't bite back though because he's ticklish and will slap them really hard.
He likes to sleep in weird places. Underneath tables, in front of balcony windows, bathtubs, inside the couch.
He is a certified boob enjoyer. Doesn't matter what size. He likes all of them.
He likes neutral colors. Blacks, grays, whites, browns, and tans. Sometimes yellow.
He ate someone once. Full on cannibalized them. Only regret is that he kinda tasted bad.
He loves cats! They're not his favorite, but he loves them because they are soft and they love him back. (Dogs are the only animals that don't like him)
He doesn't like hummus. No particular reason. He just does not like it.
Completely tuned out everything Marik said after he was told his name. Everything else was in one ear and out the other.
Pretty chill with bugs unless they're flies, roaches, locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers. He doesn't like those at all.
In the situation where he got a redemption, I don't think he'd feel bad for the Yugi gang or almost ending the world. I think he just wouldn't see the point in taking revenge anymore because it obviously just wasn't working out. He isn't killing people anymore though! (He feels a little bad about Ghost and Ryou tho. He went a little overboard on them.)
He can't walk in heels over 2 inches.
He's actually really insecure about his dueling skills since he doesn't like the game that much, but he literally needs to play it.
He really likes flowers and gardening.
He keeps a copy of Tragoedia in his wallet, for memories sake.
He is incredibly touch starved, but he also feels like he doesn't really deserve to be touched in a soft and tender way. He doesn't like being kissed or hugged because that's just too gentle and loving, being bit tickles and that makes him feel too vulnerable. He can't help that he feels this way, but he just can't accept that someone actually loves him.
He stole his black trench coat from Kaiba.
Out of all of Ryou's friends, I imagine that Honda is the one he hates the least. He doesn't really do anything, and he protects Ryou from danger, so there isn't much to hate about him other than the fact he's friends with Yami.
The Yami he knows is the same Yami that burned people alive, blew people up, blew out people's eardrums, fed people to monsters, made people die a few times, and threatened to rip off people's legs. That's the Yami he knows, and he's terrified of him.
His favorite video game series is Dark Souls.
If Yami Bakura accepts the love of someone, he starts to purposely hurt them so they can stay home with him. He's subtle about it, so it's hard to tell if it's on purpose or not.
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dorokora · 3 months
Chapter 15 Episode 4 Part 3
We start with narration about Sanzo. His sacred artifact scriptures is not a rule, but rather the opposite: it defines what one cannot do. ``You can't hurt anyone.'' ``You can't lie.'' ``You can't be jealous of others.'' ``You can't be naughty.'' ``Don't lose yourself.'' This is the so-called Buddha's Five Precepts. Not only these five, but all kinds of prohibitions are written in this sutra. Some of them even include things like, “don’t think about the future”. This sacred artifactonly affects those who touch it. Sanzo must always have it in his hands. In other words, as long as you have this sacred artifact in your hands, you must abide by these prohibitions even to the death. Once there was a time that Asakusa was a chaotic place to be in. Fights were all over the place. Sanzo hated being in pain. He wanted to somehow live a peaceful and safe life. He picked the app to protect himself but his sacred artifact isn’t useful in combat. The scriptures are written down. "Don't lose your sense of compassion." Because of this prohibition, Sanzo had to repeatedly rush into fights. Over and over again, I continued to experience more pain and worse than anyone else. And as a result, Sanzo ends up being carried to the top of the Asakusa guild for some reason. He wanted to quit because being in such a position would mean more pain.
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Back to the present, Sanzo thinks about his bad luck and how it got him here. But it's the usual thing. It doesn't matter who the opponent is, it doesn't change what you do. The key to victory or defeat is whether or not is can make he his opponent touch his sacred artifact to impose the “don’t hurt others” taboo. We get narration about Kokopelli being a human possessed by the grasshopper spirit from Great Spirit. The whistling grasshopper is a messenger of good luck. When he leaves, those left behind will be hit with bad luck. When he lies down and plays the flute, the land and the people will all lose their lives. Sanzo runs towards Kokopelli but is shot before he can even reach him. Time is always on Kokopelli's side. There is no one who is ahead of the future than him.
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We cut to the World Reps of the three guilds still fighting each other. Onyankopon shows to support the Rule Makers. Michael says the Game Masters will eventually intervene and the battle line will be drawn. Time is running out for the alliance and MC.
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Elsewhere, Nomad and Algernon are still fighting. Algernon is started to feel the backlash of his acceleration. Algernon doesn’t want to go back to those awful days. Everyone made fun of him. He was laughed at behind his back for being slow-witted. What's frustrating is that he didn't even realize that he was being looked down upon. Even though he was deceived and persuaded to be nice, he still believed in the people around him with a smile. His first friend was a mouse. He underwent the same experiment as his friend. What he realized was that he didn't understand anyone's malicious intent. Knowing he couldn't do anything and was being laughed at. He doesn’t want to go back being his original happy self. He wants to stay ahead of others. Nomad starts charging his acceleration in order to deliver the information he has obtained for his fellow guild allies, and MC who are ahead.
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We cut back to Sanzo. Even though he’s fatally injured he still walks forward as Kokopelli keeps shooting. Because of his sacred artifact he can’t lose himself even if he dies. If this was a regular app battle Sanzo would’ve been dead a long time ago but thanks to this limited situation, he can’t die. Sanzo managed to touch Kokopelli with his sacred artifact. Nomad managed to win against Algernon. As soon as Sanzo touch Kokopelli a light enveloped him and he starts screaming. We cut to Mineaki, he says it’s time to leave as the Agents carry Avarga’s body out. Mineaki says he’ll come back for Arsalan since it seems that Israfil can’t move around much with Arsalan around. It seems there also a restriction that prevents them from directly harming the locals like Mineaki. Mineaki says he’ll see him again when he comes back for the others.
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You know what, I want a fic where ikran racing is like a super big thing (think like the Pandoran version of derbies and all that) and is a big part of the culture. Nobody knows what to do with Spider who, being a human, doesn't really stand much of a chance but still seems intent on participating, so they just make him the clan ikran groomer to keep him out of trouble. Enter Neteyam, his best friend Lo'ak's older brother who's on the fast-track to take their father's place as ikran racing champion---or at least he was. Recently he's been having major trouble and things aren't looking good.
Imagine over the next few months Spider, who has like a shit-ton of knowledge about ikrans due to the fact that he's been the caretaker of pretty much all of them since he was knee-high to a grasshopper, helps Neteyam in secret to fix whatever's happening meanwhile they sort of fall in love even though they really shouldn't (for various reasons). Think of all of the themes that could be explored! Think of the angst! Neteyam strikes me as a brooder, so think of all the brooding!
And what's even better? This could also work for all you locorro people out there. Picture, if you will, a Lo'ak who's stuck in the shadow of his father (the greatest ikran racer known to Na'vi) and Neteyam, who seems to be following in the footsteps of their father's greatness. Desperate to prove himself, he comes to Spider for help (let's just say he and his ikran don't really. . . vibe) and Spider agrees despite all of his misgivings and fast-forward through a whole training/bonding/falling in love and finding themselves montage and boom!
How would either of these end? Idk. But man do I want this and if I don't get it I may just have to take matters into my own hands. (For some reason I just dig chill ikran caretaker Spider and high-strung, works himself to the bone to achieve perfection Neteyam or desperate to prove himself despite the fact that both him and his ikran are a mess Lo'ak.)
HOLY FUCK this is my favorite ask of all time. Alright that's it new tag folks: the people need this fic we are begging for it (please explore I have gone back and tagged appropriately).
Hey buddy hey fam I am a huge huge Star Wars fan and you are gonna come in here with your fucking Anakin Skywalker podracing au fic and think I'm not gonna sniff that shit out instantly? Ur crazy dog.
-Spider is like, THE guy for the Omaticaya's ikran care. It's tradition that if you want to participate in ikran racing then you care for ikran for a year before you complete your iknimaya, but Spider has been doing this shit for years longer than anyone else.
-He's like an expert all of them love him, he's like the Hiccup of the Omaticaya he knows all their weak spots, their favorite foods, things they're allergic too, plants that bother them, their favorite places to be scratched: kid could probably ride everyone's ikran even without a rider, but only a select few people have noticed.
-Toruk Makto is the most famous ikran racer because motherfucker rides a toruk. He doesn't participate on toruk anymore after a big legendary competition, and the only person that rivals him is his equally legendary wife (who's better than him it's just toruk that makes Jake better lol)
-Neytiri is as good as she is because unlike a lot of other ikran riders, she does all the care for her ikran alone. It is something she has instilled in her family, but, they are busy. Busy running and leading their clan. So sometimes, Spider steps in. But still the amount of time they dedicate to their ikran compared to others means it's hard not to notice Spider's expertise
-I love the idea of Neytiri being like "yeah no one but me or Spider can touch my ikran, hands off"
-it's a slow build but that equal passion is their connection
-OBSESSED with the idea of the Neteyam and Spider version (getting too many asks about them, we gotta make a ship name poll lol), my bad if I focused heavily on that I might reblog later with the locorro one.
-Neteyam and his ikran bonded but have they bonded. He NEEDS to live up to the level of precision and skill that his parents have with their ikran. Hell, flying is how his parents fell in love! They go on date nights once a week still to fly together, bonded through their love of the sky. He just can't figure out how to translate his thoughts into actions through his ikran. His too wired and anxious all the time, and his ikran's thoughts are always a mile a minute.
-He knows Neytiri only trusts ONE other person to care for her ikran, and that person doesn't have anything to lose either so he goes to Spider and begs him to keep this a secret and to help.
-Without tsaheylu, Spider's bonds with the ikran are formed through a building of trust, care, empathy, and affection through actions. If Neteyam wants to build a bond and he can't trust his mind or his ikran's mind; maybe he can trust actions.
-Oops the bond is formed between Spider and Neteyam too, they slipped and fell into trust, care, and empathy born of actions!
-Neteyam like "how do my parents fall in love flying, flying is stupid and stressful and scary" and then Spider's wrapping his hands around his waist to encourage him to make his movements lighter and he's like 😳
-the jeytiri parallels i'll kill myself frfr
-Lo'ak is still in his year of ikran care pre iknimaya, so he's just around and bitching all the time in the background about how annoying Neteyam is and how perfect he is and Spider is like 😶 yeah he's so perfect 🤭 he's so annoying.
-Kiri has her ikran but would rather die than race, she feels it's inhumane to make the ikran race without asking them first. So she's just bitching the entire time, moping around Neteyam like "why do we have to race, who would even want to?" and Neteyam just REALIZES Spider does.
-He becomes determined to help him be able to race as well. I haven't decided how yet...
Anyways this is how it goes when Spider can:
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I am just not having as much fun on this website anymore. I used to enjoy all the really interesting articles and studies that people would share and discuss, but that’s really dropped off. I lot of the normal women on here used to drop some great common sense content about everyday things like the ‘second shift’ and the expectations of being gender conforming etc that once you notice you see it everywhere. Now most radblr bloggers are as terminally online as any bun-gender person and everything is interpreted in bad faith with overly emotional call outs peppered with emotive buzzwords.
I’m so sick of logging on to see such out of touch takes as ‘expecting me to ever be in a public space with a baby is misogyny’ and the sequel ‘criticising abstinence only sex education is homophobic’.
Some of you need a reality check so here it is:
You are not an activist (necessarily obviously that might be your day job) you are a tumblr blogger engaging in social media for entertainment.
Most of you are not wise sages educating young grasshoppers girls about how having a baby might effect their career (no shit Sherlock) or that domestic violence can exist in heterosexual relationships (is it their first day on earth?). This is basic common knowledge especially for women interested in feminism, you really are preaching to the converted on this topic and it’s annoying as hell when you act like we might not have ever thought about it. Most of us are successful adult women, we know at least the basics about the risks of motherhood and marriage (often first hand) and it’s offensive for some random stranger to tell us that they (and only they) have all the right answers to some of the biggest issues in world for women. Basically, we are all peers here and not one of you has any real authority over anyone else.
The decision whether to have a long term relationship with a man and/or have children (and who you do this with) is The most serious and important decision in most woman’s lives. This is so commonly acknowledged that I have talked about it with my Mum, my Grandma, my sister, my friends, and even some work colleagues. It’s the focus of so many fiction and non fiction books, and in my opinion female anxiety about these choices that disproportionately effect women is why the entire romance genre exists! Our teachers had discussions about it in class and I remember wondering if I really wanted children when I grew up as young as 12. Such an important decision is something that is not taken lightly by any woman (feminist or not) and will never be decided on the advice from online strangers. It’s especially galling that some of the most condescending and demanding bloggers on this topic also post things that reveal that they are young and lack life experience. Obviously that doesn’t mean they’re wrong, but it definitely means they have no right to talk down to women old enough to be their mothers that often have firsthand experience with what to them is political theory.
The risks of heterosexual relationships are well known, I mean who the fuck has never heard of domestic violence by adolescence? If a woman interested enough in gender critical or radical feminism to blog about it in her spare time decides to enter an intimate relationship with a man and/or have children with him it won’t be because she’s ignorant about domestic violence or how hard child rearing can be. I trust myself and other women to make hard choices and manage risks in our own lives.
It is entirely possible for individuals to know and understand the same information and still make different choices. Someone disagreeing with you or making different decisions does not necessarily mean that one of you is right and the other one is stupid. That style of black and white thinking is unhelpful and untrue, people’s opinions and decisions depend on the individual circumstances of their life, about which you know next to nothing. It’s beyond time to retire the smug ‘I always know best’ attitude and acknowledge the shades of grey.
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crackspinewornpages · 3 months
Superman: Miracle Monday 5/27 -Elliot S. Maggin
“The boy would be ready, Jonathan Kent decided, when he was able to feel pain.”p.9 Jonathan had trouble sleeping that night, finally waking Martha when he screamed, and she shook him from his nightmare. He doesn't want to talk about it and tells her to go back to sleep. “But Jonathan had to tell himself about it. It was more than a dream, of course. It was the future-the real future-and not distant at all.”p.10 He tortured himself with it until he had a solution. 
It began that afternoon on Thanksgiving Day, they had stopped raising animals for slaughter after adopting Clark. Martha bought a turkey from Maynard Stone (James Stone’s son) who used it to support his father after his long illness. (yeah drug addiction) Martha brought the live turkey home and nine-year-old Clark snapped its neck and began plucking it in a blink. Lana and her mother joined them they all enjoyed dinner except for Jonathan. Throughout the dinner Martha bragged what a help Clark was, all through it something bothered Jonathan. Part of the dream was real, from that afternoon the rest was from the future, also real. 
Within the next few years Clark went to the basement for a package and reveal himself as Superboy. He would fly to where robbers where escaping under a lake with air tanks and would pierce holes in them and the police would watch the corpses float up. Superboy wasn’t done, in a forest a ranger was running from a timber wolf, Superboy would shatter the wolf’s bones before the ranger’s hand and fly off. He removed the tumor from a girl's brain and publicly call the nervous surgeon incompetent. He went about building roads and dropping tyrants into volcanoes (that went from 0 to 100 real quick) and suggest to the president to make him commander in Chief of all American military. he’d be in charge of everything soon anyway. (well that’s not ominous at all) 
Jonathan knew about Kryptonite, a glowing rock Clark buried in a lead tube under the barn, no one knew yet that it was a fragment of Krypton. When Clark was five there was a meteor shower over the farm and Clark flew up to catch some then felt dizzy and fell to Earth. Martha heard him fall and found him in a ten-foot crater and dragged him to the house away from the rocks and he woke up crying. The next day Clark and Jonathan looked at the rocks in the barn and the green one caused Clark to fall again. That was years ago they never spoke of it, maybe he forgot. 
Now Jonathan dreamed the boy was being worshipped, the public and Superboy should know better. “Soon he would take the power of the life and death of the planet into his hands. He was a boy- no more than a boy, with a boy’s emotions, a boy’s caprices, a boy’s lack of restraint-with the power of the gods of fable.”p.13 (this is why a child with the powers of a god is a bad thing) Jonathan didn't want to kill his son, fathers don't kill their sons, he didn't even want to punish him just talk make him listen, a boy should listen to his father. He drove out to the barn to dig up the meteorite, but a blue sleeve shot out of the dirt and grabbed his shovel. The boy dug himself out of the hole, took the shovel and before the blow hit him Jonathan woke up. (this is an interesting take were the Kents ever afraid of Clark you have an alien child with powers you can’t keep in check this could have turned into a Brightburn or Bump In The Night situation) 
Jonathan wouldn’t get back to sleep, he didn't have to wait until morning, Clark never slept more than an hour and suspected it was only that to be polite. (I think I said it before but I like the little touches where you’re reminded he’s not quite human) When he got to Clark's door the boy told him to come in. Jonathan saw him at the microscope and felt scared again and reminded himself it was only a dream. He asks what he's doing Clark shows him a cross section of a grasshopper's nerve ganglia, he dissected it himself with his nails and microscopic vision. Clark showed him the virus feeding off the nerve cell wall and tried to explain how he used his own optic nerve to enhance the magnification. Jonathan tries to tell him he could have done the study with a twig instead of using a dead thing. Clark apologizes not knowing that stuff bothered him, he just wanted to know what killed it. 
Jonathan asks if he didnt kill it, there were grasshoppers all over, no obvious reason why this one was dead, so he went to look, terrible thing to twitch to death. Jonathan calls it the best news he’s heard; Clark says it's not because the virus could spread to other grasshoppers. Jonathan explains the circle of life on the farm. “All you’ve got to remember, being a thinking kind of creature, is not to tamper with the balance as much as you might be tempted to. Understand, boy?”p.16 Clark could see his father’s eyes change from when he walked in, close to tears and more relaxed, he understands. Jonathan tells him he just wanted to tell him that, they tell each other good night. Clark would figure out his questions later and Jonathan slept. 
He grew up in a universe of macrocosm and microcosm could see ant colony wars and the entire electromagnetic spectrum as he saw a truck in the street. (so he sees shrimp colors) See cosmic rays as easily as humans saw light, he could feel the sunspot activity as someone could feel rain, the world was his playground and teacher. “He was alone in all this sense and knowledge, monumentally alone; but less alone, he realized, than were those other Earthmen, glued to their world and trapped inside bodies that could do no more than touch the outsides of other bodies. The boy was alone, but he was never bored.”p.20 Jonathan sold the farm and bought a general store and house next to the Lang’s, Maynard was ow a loan officer at the bank and gave them a ten-year loan expecting Clark to pay it off, it was now Smallville did business. On the school bus Clark was watching a bee hive four miles away not paying attention as Lana talked about Clark Gable. As Clark was insisting he was listening the driver slammed on the brakes, on the left side kids were gasping, an old dog was hit. The students were quiet on the rest of the ride and seemed to forget about it later, Clark left by lunch. 
Jonathan planned to like the store, retiring from the farm was doctor's orders, late due to Clark’s arrival. “It’s just plain common sense that a little kid can't keep a big secret in a small town, and little Clark’s secret was as big as they come.”p.21 He was restocking when Martha called, Clark is home from school with a fever, but Clark’s never been sick. Martha says he’s hasn't stopped crying and won’t say what's wrong; it could be an unknown ailment they don't know about and she doesn't know if she should call the doctor. (who broke a needle on Clark’s arm) Martha would one day know Clark's origin but for now only knew as much about him as he did, and now she’s scared for him. (I had a head canon about this scenario once an alien child you can’t exactly take them to the doctor and you don’t know what hidden pathogens they carry) 
Jonathan sends Martha to make tea as he checks on Clark, he leaves his room a few minutes later explaining its growing pains. Martha doesn't buy it, Jonathan tells her he was in love with her so much he was sick for two days; Martha suspects it’s Lana. Jonathan says it’s not that, “There’s a lot of hurting a boy goes through if he wants to be a man. And when a boy wants to be a special king of man like Clark’ll be- well a lot of hurting.”p.23 Jonathan gets Martha to stop worrying as he goes to talk to Clark again. 
Clark felt sick, he did not like it, why did Pa want to talk about it, he felt like throwing up or how he thought people felt when they threw up. Clark thought about the dog again, “Living things have a kind of glow around them, like a halo. Living happy things glow in color, living sad things glow in another color. Living intelligent things still another color, living innocent things in yet another.”p.24 The colors didn't have names, Clark didn't bother too either, no one else saw them. “But dead things, especially dead things that have lately been alive, look awful. They’re all grey and empty.”p.24 (you can see what this looks like in the comic Superman Birthright) Then after a while the grey fades and disappears leaving behind a lump. Pa was there talking, asking questions and listening, before he left patted Clark’s head softly. 
Clark slept for two hours and woke up around dinner, Jonathan asks if he remembers their talk, some of it. Clark then bursts it’s not all right, no one could have helped the dog except him, Jonathan reminds him he didn't see it. Clark doesn't eat and goes for a walk, Jonathan suggests putting on the outfit they made him. That night, by the road, stood a boy in primary colors not looking like any of the boys in Smallville. That night Superboy promised himself that his life would preserve life and improve conditions of living things everywhere. “That under no circumstances would he ever be responsible for the loss of a single conscious life; that failing in any of these affirmations he would renounce his powers forever. There could be no nobler mission for a superman.”p.26 (side eyes Zack Snyder) That night he ate dinner and went to bed and Jonathan said to Martha, knowing the boy could hear, that Clark’s ready. 
If you got the feeling you were being watched you most likely were, Superman was watched since his infancy, his natural parents, the Guardians, Green Lanterns, the Kents and those in the future like Kristin Wells. She was a history student from Columbia University from the year 2857 and CW Saturn, an agent of the Underworld. Superman had yet to come to terms that some beings pursued evil just to serve evil. “He was convinced that all one needs to do to persuade someone to do what is right is to educate that person to the fact that it is his interest to do what is right.”p.27 Superman was convinced no one would serve evil if they understood right and wrong, he had not met CW Saturn. 
CW Saturn stood in a place that didn't exist in space or time, the center point of Creation’s evil, the throne room of Samael. (also known as Lucifer) CW Saturn was not a human, animal, vegetable, mineral or energy and watched six hundred and sixty-six (gasp that’s the bad number) naked humans walk hunched over and suffer by his hands. CW Saturn had many exploits on Earth and never failed the same way twice, some of his pawns Tutankhamen, Daniel Webster, Hitler Pope John Paul I, Dan Hammarskjold, Socrates, Copernicus and Lincoln. Some defied him, some defied him and won, some defied him and lost, some defied him but he still found a way to turn it into a win. “Men marched to war and women-though they often knew better-cheered them on. Crowds rioted. Mobs lynched. Demagogues roared. Hordes swarmed.”p.30 
The floor of the emptiness cracked and fell in widening into the shape of a pyramid, burst into blue fire burning cold, a new being arrived, Samael. (he has horns pointed ears devil wings and snake features) Samael congratulates him on creating chaos on Earth, now to his final mission stage, the moral and physical destruction of Superman. This was CW Saturn’s origin, all this preparation to ruin the greatest symbol of goodness and order. After Superman’s fall the world will suffer and collapse, all sensibilities and laws of the continuum itself will crumble into oblivion. CW Saturn was dispatched from Hell to be an agent of Hell on Earth. 
 Kristin Wells was intense and foxy on purpose, she loved disco dancing, had her hair done like models, believed in Equal Rights, worried about election politics, indigent of women’s exploitation and concerned with astrology. (a typical 1980s modern woman) She answers the phone and tells the caller the popular name for Peter Noone is Herman, her apartment was modest but contemporary for the time. In the evening she answered the phone again and says a Krugerrand is a South African coin. She then watched Mork and Mindy (she laughed for the whole episode I doubt Robin Williams was that funny) until she had to get ready for her date hanging up on the next call.  Prismo Grandee sat in the control center in the Field Work Training Center watching four trainees practicing for their assignments. Prismo was relieved by Carleton Hampshire, his outfit was for the disco the student went on and Prismo tells him good Miracle Monday as he teleports out. Carleton calls Kristin questioning her, and she complained about her wimpy date with no chest hair not knowing it was Carleton. He continued to quiz her on pop culture and civics. It was a nice spring day in Metropolis in the year 1980 everywhere else it was 2857 on Earth, the third Monday of May, Miracle Monday. The spirit of humanity flew free, a spring wherever humanity was celebrated. (like the Armstrong City on the moon founded 2019) “It was a day for friends, family, recreation and-if it brought happiness-reflection.”p.36 Prismo felt a bit of envy for Kristin to live through the first Miracle Monday meeting Superman. All three watched him stop an unrecorded tidal wave and reconstructed probable causes. 
“Always there have been heroes.”p.37 Achilles, David, John Henry, Davy Crockett, John Kennedy and Superman. “Real or imagined, the heroes lived; they lived in the world not as it was, but as it should have been.”p.37 Heroes lived under responsibility (well of course they have great power) for those that aspired for what they stood for. In a universe of right and wrong, Superman didn't make a hard decision to calm a tidal wave before it hit Metropolis. A week ago Clark reported a minor earthquake in Greenland the world quickly forgot about it, but it too almost destroyed Metropolis. Most of Greenland was covered by glaciers, the quake caused a chunk to shatter off. In New England a nuclear power plant’s reactor supplied power to Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. For years a (politically naive) group Oysterbed Alliance protested against the reactor, the governor stood against them and was defeated. In a reelection for it, as a result the plant was built on a floating platform. (seems more dangerous) 
Six months later the original town suffered an icequake caused by the iceberg shattered off the Greenland quake. The reactor wasted more heat that it directed into power, so it generated more energy across the ocean than the states, so when icebergs floated in they quickly melted into stream. (this doesn’t sound good for the ocean ecology) These rapid clashes of temperatures caused the current to rise into a two-hundred-meter wall to Metropolis, the people had no hope besides a man who could fly. He blasted thirty heat holes slowing its progress and he flew through, the sonic boom then hit the wave it couldn't support its own weight. Superman moved quickly under it circling counterclockwise flattening the wave into a cylinder. He dragged it into the stratosphere then blasted it with his heat vision so that the steam became a cloud. That February morning Metropolis would have snow sixteen inches thick; a blizzard people could deal with. “Like matter and energy, forces of nature cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed and diverted.”p.42 
That morning the bus driver didnt like the smiling man who said good morning but most people actually like the news broadcaster. The driver lurched hoping to trip the man who unnerved him, (this is interesting does Clark set off warning bells in anyone sure he looks human but there has to be something uncanny about him few can detect) but the bus was stuck. Clark waited for the driver to find another reason to be angry, few blocks behind there was another bus. Nobody would mind transferring; Clark wouldn’t mind being a few minutes late for work either. 
The idea was to escape the Galaxy building before the associate producer arrived and told everyone to do something else. It was Jimmy’s idea, Eve and Jerry played along at worst an interesting day, at best a story for their grandchildren. Jimmy arrived fifteen minutes early in time to see the list of stories Clark was responsible for assigning. When he saw the name Lex Luthor, he wanted Clark to arrive late. Years ago, Jimmy’s father told him a man that knew what he wanted was halfway to getting it, by that logic Jimmy reasons Clark will be late for work. (Jimmy it doesn't work like that) Because of the snow he thought at first to wait fifteen minutes then took the freight elevator to avoid the lobby. Unfortunately, Jimmy pulled on Fifty Second Street as Clark stepped off the bus. Jimmy called out he’s going to catch Luthor’s escape at Pocanto and drove by noting to thank Superman for the snow. 
Last year Luthor escaped from Pocanto eight times, eleven the year before, once back in for something he forgot. This year he broke out once and vanished, this time he called the press for his next prison break. By being around newsmen for almost a decade he was aware of patterns of improbable events, little took him by surprise. Jimmy told Jerry to speed up, they’d be late but on time for the main show. Meanwhile Luthor was practicing his speech, three main points, he discovered an energy source. Petition to work on the development his proposals weren't unsurprisingly rejected so he’d demonstrate by escaping.  
Meanwhile, Warden Haskell was addressing the press how the prison is escape proof when Jimmy’s group interrupted by arriving late. The guard said they showed a fake pass and tried to force their way in, but Haskell knows Jimmy and allows them in apologizing the guards are on edge turns out Jimmy brought his rocket club card. (almost as bad as forgetting the camera film when the damn exploded) Jimmy followed Haskell to the other reportors who didn't complain, this is what it's like to be a star. (don’t let your head swell up too much Jimmy) The maximum-security prison had a special cell built for Luthor who for days was bragging he’d escape that week, he was not one to boast hollowly. Haskell was the ninth warden, four fired, two broke down, one had a seizure, and one was Luthor’s alter ego, the governor lost his job over that one. Haskell was eight months from retirement, but no one would blame him for Luthor. (except the commissioner the regional director the Federal Bureau of Prisons Director and the governor)  
Haskell told the press there would be no questions then there was a sound from the hall and the press was escorted to see Luthor being transferred. He was hurling verbal insults (they let him say whatever because once a fan boy cared LL on a guard for not apologizing to Luthor) as he was put in a glass cell, now the press could come near. Despite being locked up, handcuffed, surrounded by eighteen larger men, Luthor looked in charge, Haskell assured the cell was escape proof. (well now you jinxed it) On the way back Jimmy wrote the story of his escape for later that week and two weeks later Haskell would be transferred to the Kansas Juvenile Reformatory where his salary and pension was cut by twenty percent. (see people did blame him) 
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panicinart · 3 years
🔞 Nsfw alphabet 🔞
☎️ OG Billy Lenz ☎️
It's time for some Chaotic Rat Gremlin
Also side note I'm at the moment reader the novel and ngl I changed a few things since it didn't fit his character very well. I'm not that far with it but I hope I did a good job with interpreting his character :)
A = Aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
☎️You know that feeling were you're really tired but got some extra suppressed energy, so you just kinda stand there in hell? That's him.
☎️Billy doesn't know if he should run around naked and do his usual rat gremlin stuff or fall asleep so hard like someone drugged him with something.
☎️Either way it's going to be a ride, because you're gonna need to catch a naked rat man running around before the sorority sisters come, or your whole bed is drenched in drool.
B = Body part (how is their body build? any favorite body part of them and their partner?)
☎️A fucking twunk, he probably was more of a twink before he met you because bitch only got small amounts of food and not that many opportunitys to build up muscles.
☎️Billy has a bit of a biceps, back muscle, and leg muscle but that's really it. He also doesn't have a lot of hair mostly a bit on his chest, crotch area and a small hair trail that bairly connects those points. If he goes all out he is also able to grow a bit arm and leg hair.
☎️Honestly I feel like this gremlin is proud of the little chest hair he has, so he really likes that area. He sometimes squeezes his man milkers and you cannot change my mind on that.
☎️Billy LOVES his s/o's thighs and chest! Big, small, doesn't matter their great (especially the thighs, their a gate way to something great).
☎️With the chest it is more of a thing that he thinks is funny, his grabby hands sometimes poke, squeeze and lightly slap them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
☎️Doesn't produce a lot of cum, but it is STICKY. The cum is very white, and kinda like chewing gum. It comes in spurts and god help him this man can shoot a load meters away, he shoot his load more then he can count into his eye, and also yours.
☎️He also produces A LOT of precum
☎️It doesn't have a lot of taste, maeby a bit on the sour / bitter side???
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, do they have a dirty secret?)
☎️Billy has some kinks (???) that aren't really good for him, for example he would beg to be humiliated but after the act he will be a sobbing mess, be angry or thinks all the things his partner told him are true. Basically self destructive tendencies that he let's out with sex in an unhealthy way.
E = Experience (do they know what they're doing?)
☎️Surprisingly he kinda knows what he does, were did he got that info?? Who knows, Billy certainly can't remember, (probably watched some people geting it on or stole a porn magazine).
F = Favorite position (which position(s) do the like the most?)
☎️All positions are great positions as one confused and wise attic gremlin sayd.
☎️But in all honesty it depends on his mood so here are his top 5 in no particular order:
Stick figure
G = Goofy (are they more serious or do the like to clown around?)
☎️This man has a hard time staying serious, there are rare moments were he stays focused while being on the mission to go to pound town. Most of the time you hear him giggle, snorting and sometimes saying random one liners that he pulls out of his ass that don't make sense to you, but he still laughs like he heard the funniest shit in the world.
H = Hair (any hair down there? How do they groom it?)
☎️The hair is quite thin and a bit curly, it's a good amount of hair but not a forest, because Billy doesn't take care of it the hair it is all over the place and can look a bit overwhelming.
☎️Billy doesn't really groom it and since it's the 70s, he also doesn't shave it
I = Intimacy (how are they during sex in a romantic aspect?)
☎️He is generally not the romantic type so don't hope for rose pedals and lit candles.
☎️When he is in a more lucid state he will give your face small and sweet kisses while he giggles happily with a manic undertone.
J = Jack off / Jill off (how do they masturbate and how often?)
☎️Before he met you? Probably almost daily. The pumps are fast and eager without a rythm and really messy.
K = Kink (any kinks?)
☎️There is almost nothing he wouldn't try at least once, Billy is an adventurous and curious guy, so I keep it down to a hand full.
☎️Dirty talk, it's either messy game with words that he repeats like a broken record or really fucking good, not in a poetic way but the filth that comes from his mouth is GOOD. But he often does it when he is more unstable, be a bit more careful around him especially if the words become messier and messier.
☎️Breeding, not in a way of wanting children, god no don't let this man near kids, he is scared of them and they are scared of him, but more in a way of wanting to see you stuffed with his cum. He may not produce a lot but he got the Stamina for that, the only question that lays in the room is, if you can keep up with him.
☎️ We all know that he is really into voyeurism, it doesn't even need to be sexual he just likes watching you. If you give him a small show he will vibrated with anticipation and pounce on you immediately.
☎️Phone sex, do I need to say anything more?? It's thrilling for him and sometimes it gets paired up with a bit of roleplay (unintentionally most of the time) , the whole act is also a great way to tease him. Just don't do it too much, he can take a bit but it's a fine line of a horny Billy and an angry Billy.
☎️There is still so much more but god dammit I will be here forever.
Edging, overstimulation, Pegging, Thigh jobs, geting his hair pulled, praise and many more!
L = Location (were do they like to have sex?)
☎️The thought of fucking you everywhere is really alluring but he mostly does it in the bed and attic. He doesn't want to risk getting caught and honestly the thought alone that people could be near gives him anxiety.
M = Motivation (what turns them on/gets them going?)
☎️Everything, you could just walk around and he could pop a boner. The guy is just really unpredictable and his moods can swing erratically which influences his horniness a lot.
☎️But if we assume he is in a more stable mindset where is squirrel brain isn't high on sugar here are a few things that always work;
Soft and sensual touches on arms and thighs
Teasing/slight tickling with fingers on the back of his neck to the end of his spine
Showing a bit more skin the usually and having direct eye contact that lingers a bit longer then the norm
Any close contact to his crotch area, the man will jump on you like a dog
N= No (what's a turn off/they don't want to do?)
☎️Getting too violent, it's more of a safety thing for your own health. He can quickly slip in a dangerous mindset, ESPECIALLY at the beginning of the relationship and I doubt you like to be the moaner's next murderer victim.
☎️Billy can't stand brats in bed it irritates him, or just any kind of attitude.
☎️He also doesn't like it if his s/o dirty talks back, when he does it it often doesn't register in his mind, so if his lovely partner does it, it kind of disgust and displeases him greatly.
O = Oral (do they like to give or receive? How is their skill? How do they react during receiving?)
☎️He LOVES to give oral, Billy could die between your legs and honestly, that's the way he wants to go. He also wouldn't say no to a blowjob and would get ecstatic with the offer (if he didn't ask demanded first).
☎️But sadly Billy isn't that skillful, he makes a lot of sloppy noises and purposely makes a mess, spit, your juices and possibly his cum will be splattered across your whole crotch area and thighs.
☎️He does well alright tho, it isn't anything special but the way he has his grabby boney fingers grab at your body restlessly and his tongue tasting every corner makes it up for any lack of knowledge he has. His tounge is also really long.
☎️You think he stays still when you go down on him?? Oooooh no, god you might have to tie his hands up. They would grab anything they can get, cushion, objects your hair ect, and the guy will pull and squeeze it like his live depends on it.
☎️He also will buck his hips into you and straight up face fucks you, ya need a lot of strength in your arms and hands if you want Billy to stay still. Also the noise he makes? For some it can be really hot but for other a huge turn of, he chokes on his own spit and the moans can sound really animalistic and loud. Either gag him or let everyone know you get hot and heavy with him. That is if anyone is in the house.
P = Pace (how is their thrusting? Hard, fast, deep ect)
☎️He goes FAST, like a bunny in heat, so you better be prepared to have some bruising from his violent thrusting.
☎️The thrust are also relatively hard but 0 rythm.
☎️ His dick also sometimes just slips out, it happened a few times that he also completely missed the targed and rams his dick full speed to your ass (and continues like a champ).
☎️And if your afab he probably "accidentally" buries his junk in the wrong whole.
Q = Quickie (do they like Quickies, if yes how often?)
☎️Yes god he loves them, he often uses them to get rid of extra energy or pent up emotions and there is A LOT , (just be a bit careful with the emotions, maeby talk it out (if you manage to have a reasonable conversation with this rat of a man) what he feels and why he wants to do it, safe words is also a good idea).
R = Risk (any risk their willing to do?)
☎️Fucking you in a room while the sorority sisters are right next to it, he would be so drowned in the bliss that he forgetshis anxiety, but if you are able to comfort him afterwards do it. He often slips into a bad and sometimesaggressivemanic state untreated. (Again,it's a mess if you don't want to get caught, gag the man).
S = Stamina (how long can they go? How long do they last?)
☎️Bitch can go all night, no joke he recovers fast and his hunger for you has no end. He may take small breaks in between the rough fucking, but I'm gonna tell ya his grip on you is like steel he won't let go of you.
T = Toys (any toys they like? If yes, what toys do they like on themselves and on their partner?)
☎️He think's their funny and definitely will mess around with them. Use as many as your kinky heart desires he will follow lead.
☎️On him? Great he waits eagerly on the bed almost jumping from the spot because he is so excited. He loves vibrators and nipple clamps, but collars are good too!
☎️On you? Lord have mercy on your poor soul because you didn't know what's coming for you. Honey you got a big storm coming. But please teach him how to use them and what feels good and what not or else he will stab your insides with a dildo.
U = Unfair (are they a tease? How do they react if teased?)
☎️Billy goes always straight to the point, but sometimes he teases which often happens without his intentions.
☎️The whole thing gets even worse when he goes down on you. This man has bairly any cohesive thoughts what makes you think that he can concentrate for a solid minute. While he is doing it his mind is already somewhere else, which makes him stop for a few seconds or slow down, or not giving the right spots the attention they need. So your agonizingly lay between the almost orgasmic feeling and under stimulation.
V = Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
☎️Not necessarily LOUD but people will know what's going on (if you go down on him it's a whole other thing).
☎️The noises he normally makes is strangled / chocked up moans, groaning, giggling or straight up laughing and some mumbling that you for the most part don't fully hear.
W = Wild card (random nsfw headcanon(s))
☎️Billy has a thing for submissive and innocent people, it is more fun to see them react to his vulgar and partly extreme behavior. The way the Yelp when he gives them a rough handling or spurts out the most filthiest thing makes his blood boil. It just something of corrupting someone innocent, sweet and well mannered to something that can only be described as a human mess is making him more feral then he already is. Bonus points if they are covered in his cum and drool.
☎️If somehow you both manage to a a healthy relationship this man will go down your pants faster then the speed of light. And Billy gets quite upset if you say no to him.
☎️Likes to suprise his s/o with him wanking it in front of you in the worst time you can imagine. Ho? Your bringing in the groceries and are in a hurry because the ice cream will melt? Suprises Billy blocks the doorway and rubs his dick violently while having direct eye contact. If you manage to walk past him he will follow you around trying to put your hands on his dick, or even try's to get a blowjob out of you. If not well then his hand and your thighs or ass will do the job too!
☎️Loves to bite and suck on your neck it's also something that gets him going like nothing else, nobody know why but it does.
X = X-ray (what's going on under those clothes?)
☎️Not exactly fat, but he got something packing, around 6.5 inches in length and 5.3 inches in girth. The man is cut and got some thin veins here and there.
Y = Yearning (how high is their libido?)
☎️High, just say your into the mood from another room while having a mouth full of stuff and the man will go crashing down the attic before you finish your sentence even tho it was bairly understandable on what you sayd.
Z = Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep?)
☎️It's always different one time he is knockout in a few seconds the other night he was awake for another 4 hours, it just depends on how much gymnastics you both needed to make and how bad his manic episode is.
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abugeatbugworld · 3 years
More Ant Headcanons 🐜
I touch on a lot of these in one of my stories which is still a work-in-progress. Someday I'll finish that bad boy, but right now Leave Her Alone is priority. And I haven't updated that one in over a year so :')
🐜 Flik and Atta were in the same class growing up. They got along okay until about fifth grade and were even partners for a science fair project infamously known as the Exploding Mushrooms Incident, which went horribly wrong due to Flik secretly tampering with it in an attempt to "improve" it and resulting in it (literally) blowing up in their faces. After that Atta refused to speak with him for a while, partly due to the fact that he cost her her perfect report card score, but mostly because at that point the other kids started to notice something different about Flik and it wasn't cool to be his friend. She started to be nicer to him again after his parents passed away and her mom basically made her, but their friendship wasn't truly solidified until one fateful day...
🐜 The summer after seventh grade, the grasshopper gang, at this point led by Hopper's father, showed up to Ant Island earlier than expected to pick up their offering. In an unfortunate series of events, Flik and Atta ended up stuck outside the anthill together and came face-to-face with a young (but just as mean) Hopper, Molt, and Thumper. Okay, Molt wasn't mean. He was just along for the ride. Of course it was Flik's quick thinking and wit that saved the two of them, and after that him and Atta remained good friends (aka Atta considered him a friend and Flik was hardcore crushing on her in secret) for a while. However, eventually the stress of Atta's royal responsibilities combined with Flik's unfavorable reputation among the council members led to them growing apart in their late teenage years, mostly as a result of Atta distancing herself from him. The events of A Bug's Life begin when they're both about twenty seasons (the ant equivalent of years) old.
🐜 Cornelius was Atta's private tutor for royal affairs, and he was hard on her to the point of being borderline emotionally abusive. The only reason she made it through her childhood somewhat unscathed was because she had her secret therapist, Dr. Flora, to help balance out all of his harsh words with her kind and encouraging ones.
🐜 Also, Cornelius and the Queen 100% have a not-so-secret thing for each other, which made Atta even more resentful toward him and also made her feel like she couldn't be honest with her mom about how he was treating her. After all, Atta's dad passed away from an illness just after Dot was born, and ever since then she just wanted her mom to find someone who makes her happy.
🐜 My personal favorite: Flik used to help his mom out with nursery duty before she died, so he knew Dot when she was a baby. He was her favorite nursery worker and she pronounced his name like "Fwik" 🥺 She doesn't remember this when she gets older, but he does and it's part of why he feels so affectionately towards her <3
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bluemoonbeam15 · 3 years
Hey, so I saw this video and it got me thinking. What if the reason Hopper bullies the ants for food so much is because he molted into a locust during a time of famine? Maybe his family didn’t have anything to eat and he had to do anything he could to stay alive? What if because of this change he’s always hungry, and that causes a lot of his outbursts? That poor bug. If Flick knew maybe he would’ve shown him more mercy or reached out.
^That’s the vid.
This is actually the first time I've been introduced to the differences between a locust and a grasshopper. For a long while, I assumed they were two different species in the same genus or family.
After watching the video and doing more research, it turns out the only defining difference between them is their psychological state. A grasshopper is only defined as a locust when it is surrounded by others of its kind and it essentially "panics" and grows manic and savage. That's why locusts are known for wreaking havoc on crops, it's like a manic episode for them.
This manic state happens when the sensory glands on the grasshopper's hind legs are rubbed constantly over a period of 4 hours. So, when they are surrounded by more due to famines, that spot is getting rubbed and it drives them crazy.
In comparison, it's similar to how a cat will oftentimes bite when you scratch that spot at the base of its tail. That spot is actually a sensitive gland that, when touched, overstimulates the cat's senses.
Based on my research, the molting that transpires during this psychological change is because of the stressful environment of being overcrowded. Kind of like how people themselves will lose more hair when stressed or a lot of animals shed their fur when facing anxiety. It's a consequence of the circumstances more than a method of adaptation.
That being said, I tried researching to see if locusts could go back to being grasshoppers, or essentially reverse that psychological state. And, unfortunately, came upon controversial answers. It's one of those, yes and no type questions.
This means I get to interpret the information however I want! XD
So for this short story, I'm going to be assuming that the psychological state can be reversed when they are distanced from the other grasshoppers (locusts). However, because they have already been in that manic state, Hopper and Molt find themselves in dangerous territory where the glands on their legs are much more sensitive. Meaning, they have a higher chance of reverting back to that manic state if they are too stressed.
Additionally, I'm twisting it a little bit from what we see in the movie. Now that these glands are more sensitive, the brothers are prone to be driven into a deeper manic state than what they were initially in. Especially Hopper, who was shown in the movie to be more on edge compared to his brother. Thumper's mentality is a prime example of this deeper state. So, Hopper and Molt -- mainly Hopper, but Molt must also tread lightly -- can easily be coaxed into that savage state if the glands are rubbed.
"Come on! You'll have a great time, I promise!" Flik tugged on Hopper's arm. It was times like these he wished he weighed even half of what Hopper did.
The grasshopper didn't have to resist much. "Kid, I don't think that's such a good idea," he scratched the back of his neck.
Flik dramatically groaned, "But everyone will be there! Do you realize how often the Monarchs throw a huge party like this? Every ten years! This is our chance to meet them in person! The Monarchs, Hopper!"
"Yeah, no, I get it, really...but it's really just not my scene," Hopper unclasped Flik's hands from around his arm and stepped back. "You can go without me. The Circus Bugs are going aren't they?"
The ant gave a defeated huff, "Well, yeah..."
"Well there ya go," Hopper shrugged and nudged Flik toward the entrance of his room, "You'll have the time of your life. Go and enjoy yourself."
Flik spun around, "But it won't be the same! It's just for the night, Hop."
He sighed, "Flik--"
"Please?" The ant drooped his antennae back, lip quivering and eyes doleful. It was the most pitiful thing Hopper had laid eyes on.
His resolve lasted about five more seconds before he dropped his head, "Alright, fine...I'll go."
Flik laughed in victory, "You won't regret it!" He pulled Hopper with him down the tunnel.
"I highly doubt that."
The lightning bugs were flashing around, creating a mystical ambiance. Flik was awed at the plethora of species dancing and conversing with each other. The Monarchs held their celebrations in The City, which seemed fitting for a social creature.
Unfortunately, some of the creatures there weren't exactly social...
Flik laughed as Heimlich immediately zoned in on the food table, clearing a wide path among the crowd. "See Hop? Isn't this great?" His question wasn't answered. "Hop?" He looked around behind him, pinpointing the grasshopper a ways off.
Hopper tried staying calm, biting his lip unconsciously. There were just...so...many...insects. So much noise and racket. Where was Molt when he needed him? Lucky idiot made the excuse of helping Dr. Flora restock her infirmary. Now here he was. Why didn't he just say no? All the voices seemed as if they were blaring in his antennae.
"--op?" He blinked his eyes open, not realizing he'd squinted them closed. Flik was looking up at him worriedly, "You okay?"
"Huh? Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine," Hopper gave a wavering smile, "Just...enjoying the view," his heart felt like bursting from his chest at the sight. Everyone was just inches from each other...swarming the area.
Flik, in all innocence, gave an encouraging smile, "Well come join the fun! You can't enjoy yourself just standing here!" He went behind the grasshopper and nudged him forward.
Hopper jumped back when another insect brushed against him, "Wait, Flik! This isn't--"
Another insect bumped into them, apologizing offhandedly before moving along. Flik was small enough to not worry too much about the overcrowding. He lived in a colony for goodness' sake. Hopper felt the world spinning around him as more insects kept sliding past. To any other insect, the faint brushes of their wings against their leg would have passed them by. For Hopper, it felt like lightning jolting through his body at every touch.
While everything blurred around him, the sound of Flik calling his name was becoming white noise. A scream pierced through the chaos of his senses.
"Everyone watch out!"
"Be careful!"
"What's wrong with it?"
Flik was pulled back by the arm just as a claw sliced the air in front of him. Gypsy pushed Flik back cautiously. He stared wide-eyed at his friend, "W-What's happening?"
Hopper was doubled-over, clawing at his head momentarily before lashing out at the closest bug to him. A dragonfly fell back trying to get away, "It's gone savage!" she screamed and scrambled back into the crowd. Everyone started panicking and pushing to put distance between them and the grasshopper.
"Hopper! Are you okay?" Flik stepped forward, but Gypsy kept him back.
The grasshopper flattened his antennae baring his teeth at Flik and stalking toward him. His pupils were dilated, wings flared out, and breathing manic. Flik swallowed and shakily called out again, "Hop?"
Like a blur, Hopper lunged forward with claws sheathed. The crowd dispersed in a panic. Gypsy moved Flik behind her protectively, "Dim! Rosie! A little help over here!"
She closed her eyes shut as Hopper snarled and came inches from her face. A heavy thud directed her attention to the rhino beetle beside them. Rosie was perched on his back, working quickly to shoot her webbing around the grasshopper. Hopper tried cutting through the material but it wound tightly around his arms, immobilizing him.
"Man, what the heck happened?" Francis and the others dared walking up to Hopper, earning a hiss in response. "He...he's acting kinda like Thumper."
Flik stepped out from behind Gypsy, keeping his eyes focused on Hopper, "Hop? What's wrong buddy?" He yelped when the grasshopper snapped his jaws toward him. "Th-That's not Hopper..."
Gypsy put an arm around Flik's shoulders, "Let's take him back to the colony. Maybe Dr. Flora knows what's wrong."
"Goodness! I-I can't say I have anything of use," Flora frantically searched through her herbs. Hopper was on the floor still wrapped in the webbing, his back pressed against the rock-slab bed.
Molt walked in with some supplies in his arms, catching sight of the others, "Oh, you guys are back early!" His smile dropped when he saw his brother. "Hop!" the supplies were quickly forgotten about. Molt slid to the ground beside his brother, "Aw, Hoppy, I knew that party was a bad idea."
"You know what's wrong with him?" Francis tossed a seed at the grasshopper's head, making him snarl and push against his binds.
"It was probably 'cause o' the crowd," Molt cautiously brushed Hopper's antennae back, ignoring the growls. "The stress can make grasshopper's go savage."
Francis snorted, "Stress?"
"Well, yeah," Molt shrugged. "That and...say, were there a lot o' bugs swarmed together?"
Flik blinked, "Yeah, it was a party."
"Did he run into anyone? Or brush against anyone?"
Slim rolled his eyes, "The place was so crowded you couldn't take one step without touching someone."
Molt hummed, "Well that's why he went savage. We grasshoppers have a gland on our legs that's sensitive to touch. It's overstimulating and drives us crazy." Tentatively, he drew a claw over Hopper's leg, making the grasshopper squirm and growl from the sensation. "It's a survival tactic for when there's no food. We'll join a swarm of grasshopper's that will trigger those sensations and drive us to find food."
Flik felt a bit braver to sit down beside Hopper, "Is that why you guys were in a gang? For survival?"
"Yeah, a drought hit us bad at our old home and we were forced to find others to get food."
The ant looked back at Hopper, taking in his demeanor. Was Hopper savage back then? He certainly hadn't acted this wild. But he was definitely on edge. He was just...hungry. Starving, actually. Driven on fear for his own survival.
Gypsy kneeled down in front of Hopper, "Well, I can't do much for that gland. But I do know how to relieve stress." She forced her thumbs beneath his jaw to keep him from biting, pushing her other fingers against the back of his head. "There's a pressure point called 'the gates of consciousness' that helps relieve stress." She carefully pressed down on the back of his neck.
A deep shudder coursed his body before going limp. Gypsy felt his jaw relax and she slowly drew back, lifting his head up, "Alright, Dear, let me see." He blinked his eyes open groggily. They were back to normal from what she could see, "There we go. How are you feeling?"
Hopper groaned, "What...What happened?"
"You went a bit...feral, Dear," Gypsy sat back as Hopper took in his surroundings.
"Feral?" Everything began returning to him. He remembered the party, the lights, bugs, crowding, touching...
He shuddered at the memories, "My head hurts," he groaned.
Gypsy rubbed his temple and began cutting through the webbing, "I can imagine. We'll get you some poppy seeds to sleep it off." Dr. Flora was already getting the medicine together.
Flik wrung his hands together, "I'm sorry, Hopper. I shouldn't have pressured you into going. Why didn't you tell me this would happen?"
"What was I supposed to say?" Hopper gave a mirthless laugh, "I'd go savage if anyone touched me? Yeah, I don't think you would've believed me."
Dr. Flora handed Gypsy a few poppy seeds. "Here, eat these," she placed them in his hand. Hopper took them and laid his head back against the bed. She patted his knee and stood, "You get some rest, Dear. That headache should be gone by morning."
Flik hesitated, "I hope you're not mad."
"Me?" Hopper peeked an eye open. Flik nodded, "Why would I be mad? You didn't know, kid. On the bright side, I got to leave early," he chuckled.
Flik laughed a bit too, "Yeah, and I won't force you to go to another party again. I promise."
Hopper squinted, pinching his fingers, "I'll go to small parties, how about that? And just with our friends."
The ant grinned, "Works for me."
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pregnant-piggy · 4 years
Courtyard secrets
James Potter x reader, Remus Lupin x reader
Words: 4.9k
Warnings: i’m sorry it’s a angsty one mixed with parents issues
A/N: I think I hurt my own feelings by writing this... I hope you like it xxx
Special thanks to @approved-by-dentists for helping me out when i was stuck.
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not my GIF
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The sky was dark, darker than the deepest blue of the bottom of the ocean. The only light came from the half full moon and the tiny speckles of bright light above your head.
At night everything seemed calmer. The whispers silenced and laughter quieted. If you listened you could hear the soft breeze of the wind and the sounds of the animals that lived in the dark nights. The bats that fluttered through the dark blue air and their squeals that echoed on the walls of the castle and the ever so light chirps of the grasshoppers that were hidden in the grass.
You sat on the cold stone ground of the courtyard and watched the night sky. The stars flickered and you traced the figures that they formed on the blue canvas. It seemed surreal that even so far away there was life, maybe not in the way you knew it, but the stars shone and that was a sign of life.
It also felt comfortable to know that there was a place outside. A place where your worries would disappear because they had no use. A place that existed of everything opposite of what you saw right now. Would you look at the stars the same from that place?
The hot tears streamed down your cheeks and there was no need to wipe them away. It had happened so many times, how could it be that it hurt you so bad?
But just like all fears and insecurities; you think you know them but they change and take new form, surprising you when they come back.
In moments like these you told yourself that it was okay to cry. No one was around, it was just you and the stars, the escapes to another world. There was no one that could feel your emotions and no one that would try to understand them.
But it was also in moments like these that you felt the most alone. In the cold air and the silence you were reminded of the thing you missed the most; love.
Where was the love when you needed it the most?
Surprisingly for you the answer came walking towards you, though not in the way you had expected it.
When you thought of love, you thought of undying support and unconditional care. You thought of the warmth that came with touches and sparkles that came with kisses. Love for you was what you had seen around you but never felt.
You had never known that love could take another form.
As James sat down next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, you, for the first time in your life, felt affection in a stronger way than ever before. A warm feeling spread through your chest and your tears dried.
Maybe you didn't need love, maybe you just needed the support.
‘They sent another letter,’ you spoke, your voice hoarse from the pain that had been going through your body.
Your hand reached for the papers that lied next to you. You held them in front of you and watched the words that were smudged from your tears. The ink that held so much hate and the angry passion that it was written with.
James let you talk. He knew about the ongoing fight with your parents and the hatred that they had for you. You were open about it to your friends, much to the dislike of your parents. But that only made you share more with them. Not all. There were somethings that even you could not bring yourself to share with them.
‘I should act more like my brother. Oh, my perfect brother. Mother's favourite. Only fourteen years old and already top of his class! He's better than everyone else and I should take a better look at him.’ You snorted and James squeezed your shoulder. ‘I bet that's not even half of the truth. He only thinks he is better than everyone else.’
You stopped talking and stared at the ground. It had been that way your entire life. Your brother was always perfect in your parents' eyes. Everything he did was considered a blessing and every word he spoke was believed. All the blame was pushed to you, everything was always your fault. If your brother made a mean comment to you and that made you sad, your parents blamed you for ruining the mood. He acted like you were a small child, always pretending you didn't know what you were talking about. He acted like the big man in the house, though he was the youngest.
‘Have you spoken to him lately?’ James asked carefully.
You shook your head and a tear escaped your eye. Quickly you wiped it with your sleeve, the place where the water hit the fabric a stain forming.
Though your brother was three years below you, you rarely saw him. You were a Gryffindor, he a Slytherin. Whenever you saw him he ignored you or shot you an angry glare that spoke he thought he was better than you.
You waved the papers in front of you and watched the wind play with the edges. The meaning of the words faded with the wind. The dislike was wiped off them and what was left were pages of meaningless words that had nothing to do with you anymore. They were now just faded letters without a message.
James stayed next to you, sometimes saying something but quiet most of the time. It was nice, the silence was comforting. Sometimes you don't need words, whether they are reassuring or not, sometimes you just need a hand to hold and a shoulder to rest your head on.
And James' hand was there to hold and his shoulder was there to rest your head on. You closed your eyes and for a moment you thought back of what you thought love was.
Maybe this was love. Maybe this was what everyone was looking for in their life. But what you felt right now didn't feel like love to you. You weren't really sure what love felt like, but you thought that this wasn't it. There might be support and care here, but there wasn't affection other than what you had now; holding his hand and leaning on his shoulder. And neither of you craved for more affection than this. This was good. Right?
- -- -
That night was a secret shared between you and James. None of your friends knew about the way you had broken down next to James.
Neither you nor James had to ask the other to keep it a secret. It was an unspoken decision that had been made with just one look the next morning at breakfast when Sirius asked where James had been the previous night.
‘Some Hufflepuffs were annoying and I had a handful taking them back to the common room,’ James shrugged as he pricked his eggs with his fork.
You squeezed your eyes at your breakfast, thankful for James' secrecy. This morning, despite the awful feeling that had filled you last night, you had woken up with a smile. The burden that had fallen off your shoulders had been holding you back from being happy more than you had known. It was a delight to wake up and don't feel alone anymore. That thought of love had been in your head, but you had pushed it out quickly.
What you felt wasn't love. Not in a romantic way. You cared for James like he was your brother, or so you had always thought.
Marlene and Lily plopped down at the table next to you and Marlene stole your toast out of your hand.
‘Someone's in a happy mood,’ she chirped with her mouth full of toast.
‘You are never this happy,’ Lily chimed in and she watched you suspiciously.
You looked at your friends and smiled at them. ‘Can't I just be happy? Without a reason?’
‘Of course,’ Marlene said and she took another bite of your toast. ‘I like you more when you're happy.’
As you continued to eat breakfast you looked at James from the corner of your eye. He was talking happily with his friends but ever so often his gaze turned to your side of the table.
Something happened inside you when you caught him looking at you. But whatever that happy feeling was disappeared as snow in the sun when you realised that he was not looking at you but at Lily.
But that was fine, you really hoped that Lily would answer to his feelings one day. James had been after her for years and he deserved to be happy. With Lily.
- -- -
Remus watched you walk with Marlene and Lily out of the Great Hall. A sigh escaped as he turned back to his breakfast. He was glad you were happy, you hadn’t really been in a long time. Or at least, not in the morning.
Remus liked to see you happy. Or he just liked to see you, for that matter. You brought butterflies to Remus’ stomach and a smile to his face. His cheeks turned red whenever you talked to him and he stumbled over his words whenever he spoke back to you. He could look at you for the whole day and not get bored. Every time he looked at you he discovered something new he could love.
But as most loves, it was unrequited. The feelings Remus had for you, you had not for him. And yet, he kept throwing himself in that ring, fighting the unanswered feelings. It was a match that never ended. One time he was on top, the victory rushing through his veins, the next moment he was lying on the floor, his face pushed against the ground.
It exhausted him. Being in love with you was tiring, but there was nothing in the world Remus would rather do. The feeling that he would get whenever you laughed at one of his jokes or when you lightly touched him, that was the feeling that dragged him through his days. It was the light at the end of the tunnel. The candle in the dark.
- -- -
The next Thursday you found yourself back in the courtyard. The darkness surrounded you as you read the letter for what felt like the hundredth time. You knew every word by heart and if someone would take the letter away from you, you could recreate it the exact same way.
Sometimes your parents didn't even try to hurt you and that was why maybe it hit even harder. What your mother had written was nothing else than a praise for your brother.
He told us that they are thinking of mixing up the classes. I would have assumed to hear something like that from you too, but you are probably too busy with your friends. Your brother has told us about them. They are quite a peculiar group, are they not? I have heard stories about that young Black and I must say I am not happy about you being friends with him...
Stupid mother. She had no right to decide who you would be friends with and though you had let her know that, she kept pushing you.
The tears stung in your eyes as you looked the letter again. What had you done to deserve this? All your life you had almost been invisible, letting your brother get all the attention. You were always seen as the quiet kid, while that wasn't entirely like you. Mostly you were quiet because you didn't want your parents to get angry with you for taking the attention.
The same footsteps as a week ago sounded through the open air. A small light revealed James in front of you. He was standing at your feet with a concerned look on his face.
‘Thursday's post day,’ you muttered with a dry laugh and waved the letter in front of you.
James sighed and sat down next to you. His arm was quickly wrapped around your waist and you rested your head on his shoulder.
‘Why do they do it, James?’ you asked.
‘Because they don't realise their daughter is amazing,’ James answered without missing a beat. ‘They don't know you. They never have and now it's too late to start,’ James looked at the letter, ‘I don't think your parents will be too happy when they hear that your brother failed his Charms.’
‘They won't hear it,’ you spoke softly, already knowing that your brother wouldn't tell them and no one else would too.
‘Promise me something?’ James asked and you looked up to him. ‘Don't open their next letter. Just throw it out, or give it to me when you want to know what's in it. But don't open it yourself.’
‘I won't open it,’ you promised.
A silence fell over you and you looked at the stars above you. There was no moon tonight; the last full moon was two weeks ago and the next would be in another two weeks. The only thing that decorated the dark blue canvas were the little sparkles.
‘How can you be so brave?’ you suddenly asked. ‘How can you just make decisions and be sure of what you are doing?’
James chuckled and he rested his cheek on the top of your head.
‘I'm not that brave,’ he confessed. ‘I am scared. Scared that all of this will be worthless. There is a war going on and we are learning about ways to turn a table into brown cow. What if we are not prepared for life out there?’
‘I don't think anyone is ever prepared,’ you whispered. ‘You never know what is to come and that makes the future so scary. But that is also what makes it exciting. We want to know what will come to us and that is why we go on. To see the future.’
‘You're really smart,’ James said. ‘I know you don't believe me, but you are.’
‘Thank you, James.’
You stayed on the ground for a moment longer, enjoying the scene. There was a tingle in your stomach. A tingle that you had never felt before. A feeling that made you want to do a dance and a feeling that made you want to throw up. It was a hint of nervousness mixed with excitement.
It was long dark when you returned to your bed, safe in the Gryffindor Tower. The soft breaths of the girls around you sounded through the silent room. You were calm. James seemed to have that effect on you.
Around James there was support and care. And there always would be.
- -- -
The common room was dark and Remus sat in the corner, hidden from whoever would walk into the room. His face was buried in a book but his mind was not there. He was thinking about you. You had been off all day, as if something was bothering you. It had taken all Remus’ courage to walk up to you and ask you if there was something wrong and you had brushed it off like it was nothing. Remus’ heart had broken a little when you had shared a look with James.
But you and James were just friends, Remus knew. James was madly in love with Lily, who lately seemed to have the same interest in James.
As Remus was deep in thought, the portrait opened and you and James walked in hand in hand. Remus shot up in his chair and stayed still, hoping that neither of his friends would notice him.
You and James walked to the middle of the common room and Remus’ heart beat faster with every step you took closer to him, afraid that you would see him. But you and James kept still. You placed your hand on James’ arm and James pulled you in for a hug. Even from his place and in the dark, Remus could see there were tears on your face.
So something was bothering you.
James kissed you on the top of your head and Remus’ inside twisted. He should have been the one standing there, holding you in his arms and kissing you on your head. Not James.
‘You’re a good friend, James,’ you whispered, but the space was empty and Remus heard every word. The jealous part of him calmed a little. James was your friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
And as James and you both went your ways, Remus stayed in his chair in the corner. In the dark he stared at the place where you just had stood.
It was nothing like Remus to feel jealous, but as he thought of how his friend had just hold you, jealousy rushed through his veins.
- -- -
The following weeks were the same. Once a week you and James sat in the courtyard, discussing your fears and insecurities. You told him about the parts of your anger that you had hidden from your friends. You confessed that, despite telling a lot of the issues to your friends, there still were bottled up emotions.
You shared your deepest thoughts with him and he shared his with you. You learned that he was scared he was going to let his family down. He was afraid he would lose his friends in the war and he was fearing that he would never be enough. To his family and his friends.
Every Thursday night you spent with James and somewhere between spilling secrets and staring to the night sky, you fell for him.
You had always feared love because you didn't know what it would do to you. You had feared love because you didn’t know what it felt like. You thought that what you and James shared was a strong bond. A bond of friendship. But as you lied your head on his shoulder and held his hand in yours, you realised that this was more than a friendship.
To you.
You came to treasure the moments you shared with James. The Thursday nights, the breakfasts in the morning when neither of you was really awake, sitting next to each other in class, staying up late at night to plan a prank. Every time you were near James, your heart fluttered and your cheeks darkened. The butterflies started to fly in your stomach and your mind started to wonder. Wonder about sitting in his lap, putting your arms around his neck, kissing him or just holding his hand. You wondered what it would be like to be with James.
But you kept your thoughts to yourself. Because James didn’t share them.
You saw it in the way he looked at Lily, with eyes full of adoration. You noticed he was the same around you as he was around Marlene. He joked with you and called you his sister. He pushed you to Remus or Sirius with the joke that you should date on of them.
Your heart broke a little more every time your feeling weren’t returned. And yet, you kept coming back to him on those Thursday nights. You sat next to him, his arm around your waist and his hand playing with your fingers. His head resting on yours. There was comfort and solace in the dark courtyard. You still talked about your fears and your dreams, but you closed more. Where James once saw the bottom of your heart, he now only saw the top. You had closed yourself for him, knowing the secrets that lied underneath. You didn’t want him to know.
And James noticed nothing. He never realised you were opening up less to him. Maybe that was what hurt the most; he never saw the change in you.
- -- -
Something was wrong with you, Remus had noticed. You laughed less and your smiled didn’t reach your eyes. You left the room quick and spent more time on your own than with your friends.
Remus saw how you closed yourself for your friends. You talked less, opened up less. Where you were once the inexhaustible pit of jokes and comfort, you were now cold and distant. Remus was scared that it was something he had done; you rarely sat next to him anymore, you never studied with him and you always declined when he asked if you wanted to do something. But Sirius and Peter told him that you did the same with them. They noticed it too. The change in you that made you less their friend.
The only one who didn’t notice was James. He paid too little attention to you to notice. But whenever his friends told him that there was something wrong with you, he reassured them that everything was fine. Remus wanted to believe his friend, but his guts told him he was wrong.
He hadn’t forgotten when you had walked into the common room late at night with James. Every Thursday James would come to the dorm late and though he had an excuse every time, Remus knew that he had been with you. Every Thursday night when James came back, Remus felt like confronting his friend with what he knew, but it felt not right.
So instead he bottled up his emotions. The love that Remus felt for you was eating him inside. He wanted to tell you so bad, but he knew that you would turn him down. And the fear of rejection was bigger than the courage to confess.
- -- -
‘I said yes!’ Lily screeched and she fell on her bed.
‘Yes to what?’ Marlene asked beside you, watching Lily with a peculiar expression.
Lily turned to you and Marlene with a big smile on her face. ‘Yes to James.’
And that was when the final pieces of your heart, that had been holding everything together, broke apart. Your heart shattered into a hundred pieces. A burning fire rose in your body and your stomach twisted. It was as if someone had stabbed you in your chest. Only this was your own fault. Your own stupid fault. You should have never fallen for James.
‘Finally!’ Marlene said and she ran to Lily’s bed. That gave you some time to get yourself together. You had to hide your emotions now. No one knew about your feelings and no one would. It was a mistake.
‘That’s wonderful!’ you said with a high pitched voice to show your false excitement. From her bed Lily grinned at you and she then hid her face in her hands. Marlene was sitting beside her, rubbing her back.
‘What have I done?’ Lily groaned from behind her hands. ‘I don’t know what I was thinking.’
‘Lily, you have been crushing on this guy for the past year now,’ Marlene said, throwing her hands up in the air. ‘It was about time!’
‘But this is James! He came up to me, no extras and no stupid jokes, and just asked if I wanted to go to Hogsmeade with him next Thursday. Before I knew what happened I had already said yes.’
Just when you thought that things could not be any worse, your inside twisted again. Thursday? James planned at date on the only day of the week you looked forward to? Did he really care that little about you?
You got up from your bed and left the dorm, mumbling an excuse as you did so. Your feet walked you through the common room in the hope to reach the portrait hole without anyone seeing you. But your luck got worse.
‘Don’t look so sad,’ Remus said as he walked over to you and grabbed your arm to stop you. ‘Lily just said yes to a date with James!’
You put on a fake smile and nodded. ‘Yeah, I heard all about it from Lily,’ you said with a voice that was more bitter than you intended.
Remus looked at you and placed his hand on your shoulder. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked in a soft voice. His eyes stood full of worry and you felt a wave of tenderness flowing over you. A warm feeling spread through your shoulder and when you looked up to Remus, the locks opened and all your emotions spilled out.
‘Weeks I spend with him! I tell him all my secrets! I shared my darkest fears with him and he acts like he cares. He acts like I am the most important person for him! But then he doesn’t even look at me and still runs after her!’ your voice had raised and some students looked at you. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes and you pulled away from Remus’ touch. You ran from the common room, not listening to Remus’ calls and ignoring the Fat Lady telling you it was past curfew. You ran until your legs didn’t let you anymore. In the courtyard you fell on your knees and as you breathed out the tears streamed down your cheeks.
The scene was all familiar. The dark sky, the stars, the courtyard. The tears were running down your face in the same way they had done weeks ago on that first Thursday. All your emotions were the same; you were sad, angry and hurt.
And you were taken back to love. Was this love? This pain and discomfort?
If this was love then you never wanted it again. You would live your life without. You would find a way to live your life without this pain. You didn’t need to love someone. You didn’t want to love someone if it was like this.
- -- -
With pain in his chest Remus followed you through the dark corridors. He could have known that you liked James. He should have known. The way you looked at James and the way you always leaned towards him, should have warned Remus. But he was blind from his love for you. Blind to the love you had for James and not for him. But he couldn’t leave you alone. He had to put his own hurt to the side and help you. Like a friend.
The sound of your sobs brought Remus to the courtyard. There in the middle on the dark stones, were you sitting on your knees. Anyone who wasn’t looking for you would have probably not seen you. Remus kneeled down next to you and carefully placed his hand on your back.
You did not even look up as you started to talk, ‘I thought I meant something to him, you know? I spent all those nights with him, thinking that he at least cared for me. But apparently not.’
You lifted your head to Remus and he saw the tears on your cheeks. He cupped your face and wiped away the tears with his thumbs. He knew there was a blush on his cheeks. ‘He doesn’t deserve you,’ Remus whispered to you and you blinked at him.
‘Did he ever talk about me?’ you asked and Remus sighed. He wanted you to know the truth; that James was not the one for you. But he didn’t want to see you even more broken.
Remus stayed silent and that was enough an answer for you. The tears rolled down your cheeks again and you averted your eyes from Remus. He dropped his hands and watched as you stared at your hands.
‘Stop crying, love,’ Remus said, making you look at him. ‘He is not worth the tears.’
‘How can you say such a thing about your friend?’ you asked curiously as you wiped away the tears with the back of your hand.
‘Because what he did hurt you. And I hate to see you in pain,’ Remus answered.
You stared at Remus for a moment and then you kissed him.
It was all Remus had wanted for months, but it didn’t feel right. Your lips were cold and your heart was not in it. It was no kiss of passion, but a kiss of desperation. And as much Remus wanted to kiss you, he didn’t want it like this.
He broke away and placed his hand on your cheek. You were crying again and Remus shook his head.
‘It’s alright.’
‘No, it’s not,’ you whispered. ‘Why did you never tell me?’
‘Because you don’t feel the same,’ Remus said. ‘Do you?’
‘I-’ you started but you stopped and looked away. Remus’ heart shattered and the tears threatened to fall. He knew you didn’t love him and yet it hurt. He took his arm back and sighed. You took his hand and he let you take him in your arms.
Remus looked up to the sky and watched the stars that painted figures in the dark. Stars that were escapes to another world. A world where no one would get hurt. A world that was the opposite of where he was now. An escape to his feelings.
You lied your head on Remus’ shoulder and took his hand. Everything was the same, but nothing was. What you felt here with Remus was not the same you felt with James. With James it was comfort and support. With Remus you felt love. The love he felt for you might not be the one you shared, but he loved you and sometimes that is enough.
‘We will be alright, Rem. We have each other.’
‘We do.’
- - - - - - - -
remus lupin:@racerparker @susceptible-but-siriusexual
marauders: @secretsthathauntus @ronniethelost @sognatrice-as-a-hobby @hxrgreeves @belovedadam @wecouldbreakthedistance @valentina-007
general HP: @kitkatkl @girllety @yuptha-tsme @sleep-i-ness @iamak20 @thefuturelawyer @weasleydream​ @missmulti​ @deafgirltingz​ @moonstarrnghtsky​ @bloodblossom73​ @mytreec​
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Not Alone: Chapter Six
-> an apocalyptic series with bnha characters but without quirks because im the writer and i can do whatever the fuck i want B) this chapter is short but theres a seggs joke in it and a new character is finally mentioned so
-> Word Count: 1.4k
-> Warnings: seggs joke lol i think thats it
-> Taglist: @5sosfckss @laudthingcat [if you wanna be added lmk <3]
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The farmhouse sat quiet, just like Y/n hoped it would. She’s never come back to it so quickly. It had the longest, most off the beaten track, driveway of the four and it was the closest to her cabin.
They peeled off their soaking wet clothes. Her wound burned from the cold river water and the exertion of wading through the river for such a long ways. She’s done it before, but it wasn’t her favorite way to get to the house. But she’s been followed before, and she didn’t want to be followed again.
She couldn’t help but steal a glance at Kirishima as he pulled his wet shirt off and dropped his jeans on the floor. His wound was bright purple. The brand new scar that’s developing was lumpy.
“It’s bigger than I thought it would be.”
She looked up at Kirishima to see him smiling at her. She pulled her pants off and noticed for the first time that he had drawings of dinner rolls on his boxers. She raised an eyebrow at him.
He laughed, “Buttered buns.”
“I don’t get it.”
“That’s because you were nine when the world went crazy.”
Y/n felt her face blushing, realizing that it obviously meant something filthy, “You were only ten,” She said out of spite.
“Yeah I was but my friend was twelve. So that makes me more like twelve when it happened.” Y/n stopped smiling but he didn't stop talking. “Bakugo was a bad kid. His mom used to get so mad at him. He had a magazine collection that could shock a whore.”
Y/n flinched at the word. She knew what it meant and how it was used but she never heard anyone say it. The conversation suddenly felt wrong.
“One time he was dating this chick and he-”
“Kiri.” Y/n looked back at Mina who was making a distasteful face, “Sex related Bakugo stories in your underwear is creepy dude.” Y/n smiled and watched as Kirishima’s face grew red. He looked at her through his bangs and her heart started to feel like it was too big for her chest.
“Where’s your friend?” Y/n didn’t want to ask but she knew she had to.
Mina answered from behind her, “We hope dead.” Y/n nodded and left it at that. She knew that feeling. Kirishima’s face looked haunted and Y/n could’ve sworn she saw guilt, but she leaves it at that.
Y/n felt weird about being in a house with other people. Not just because it was one of her safe spaces, but also because she was never with people. Her legs ached and she knew she wouldn’t sleep.
She looked at Mina, “You guys sleep first. Me and Hades will take the first watch.”
Kirishima frowned, “Why don’t we all just sleep. There’s no way anyone followed us Y/n.” She wanted to slap him. She knew it was irrational but his survival skills left a lot to be desired. Instead, she turned and walked away.
“Dude we’ll take watch here every night. It just feels safe here, that doesn’t mean it is.”
“Fine. Whatever.”
Y/n pulled the knife that she stole from the dead military guy out of her boot and rubbed it down with bleach she pulled out from under the sink. She hated that she touched something of someone else’s. She caught Kirishima watching her but she ignored him. She ignored her heart fluttering every time he glanced at her. She would leave him. It was her nature.
Instead, she looked at Hades, who had positioned himself in front of the back door, curled into a ball.
“So much for helping me.” Hades opened one yellow eye and closed it again.
She took her new knife, bow and quiver, and her bottle of water to the door. She rubbed Hades’s head once and then headed out into the night quietly.
She opened the barn door and slipped inside. The darkness of the barn was frightening, but she gripped the handle of the blade for strength. She climbed the stairs and felt like something would grab her feet at any second and drag her down into the hay.
She climbed into the hayloft and sat on the open window. The dark night was silent. She didn’t like the silence. She liked the sound of animals telling her she was safe. She opened her ears and closed her mind against the sounds that haunted her.
Then she heard them.
The night creatures that would warn her of any intruders fill her ears. There was a cricket, a single cricket out in the field. She heard a bat off in the woods south of the farm. The noise made her smile. The signs of life filled her with a mistaken and misguided hope. She knew the reality of it all. She knew they were lost, all of humanity was. She knew what the world has done to each other. They were no longer human. Their humanity was lost. The animals had bested them in behavior in survival
The door to the house slipped open. Mina crossed the driveway carefully. A smile crossed Y/n’s lips. She knew that Mina was a survivor.
“His leg’s infected.” Mina’s words cut her. Y/n knew what she had to do but she wasn’t prepared to do it. Mina saw her face in the moonlight, “I know. I feel the same way.”
“The medicines are all expired.”
“We have to go for him. His fever is back. The red lines have started. My dad warned me about the red lines.” Y/n’s eyes left the deserted yard and fixed themselves on Mina. They glistened in the moonlight.
“I’ll go alone.”
“I can’t ask that of you.”
“He can’t travel.”
“But I can’t ask that of you. He’s my burden.”
Y/n laughed softly into the cool night air, “He really is isn’t he? How is he so clueless?”
Mina’s lips curled into a grim smile that the darkness couldn’t hide from Y/n, “He practically worshipped Bakugo. They joked and laughed while my dad tried to teach us how to survive. My dad always called them grasshoppers who played all summer.” Y/n flinched at the childhood reference. “When all of our parents died Bakugo took care of us, but he wasn’t a survivor. When Bakugo got taken I was eleven. Kirishima’s tried but he’s, well he’s a moron.”
Y/n looked back out into the yard, “He’s amazing Mina. He’s still full of the things we’ve all lost. He smiles and laughs and sings. I heard him humming the other day and I almost shot him and then realized I haven’t hummed since I was nine years old.” Her skin shivered when she thought about spying on Kirishima humming. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him.
“He’s a goof. We’ll travel together Y/n.”
Y/n looked back at her harshly, “He’ll die if we make him travel. Those red lines are blood poisoning and once the reach his heart he’s dead. I’ll go and you’ll stay and keep him safe.”
Y/n was risking her life for him. She felt like she was back at the cabin door and Mina was knocking. Y/n knew she would regret this decision.
“I’ll leave tonight. You’ll have to keep Hades with you. He can help you.”
Mina’s voice was small, “I can’t ask this of you.”
Y/n smiled bitterly,”Guess you’ll have to trust me.”
Y/n stared out into the night, it was peaceful and quiet. It scared her more than anything suddenly and Y/n felt her jaw tense.
“If I’m not back in three days you’ll have to cut the leg off and clot it. Don’t give him liquor before you cut it off, it thins the blood and he’ll bleed out. Clotting is done with a hot iron. You press it against the stump where the leg bleeds to seal the veins.” Y/n doesn’t look at Mina. She couldn’t. “The red lines means he has a week at the most. He’ll need tons of soup and water and rest. He can fight it somewhat with those things.” Y/n stood up, her legs ached at the thought of leaving. The barn felt less scary with Mina it and Y/n realized her whole life had started to feel that way
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Tides of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 25
Tides of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because some fire just proclaimed Tavra the true All-Maudra, the Vapra have joined the loosely affiliated resistance, and skekSa has our heroes back against a cliff. Two chapters left, tensions high!
Last times on book: Amri and co are on a quest to unify the Gelfling clans against the Skeksis. They’ve succeeded with the Sifa, the Dousan, and now the Vapra. But they’re cornered by skekSa the Mariner who is feeling a bit sore about the Sifa ditching her and wants to take Naia to use as political capital with the other Skeksis.
Chapter 25
Amri and the others fight to escape the clutches of skekSa, they don’t get out unscathed
skekSa stared, wide-eye, rage saturating her dark eyes and making her look more Skeksis than ever. Amri tried not to let it frighten him. Not now that they’d had their victory lighting the Vapra flame. All that was left was to escape the Mariner’s clutches. Survive, like Tavra had said.
Win condition: get the heck away.
Similar to the first book conclusion, having to escape the Hunter. Different from the second book where they planned to trap the Satirist to keep knowledge of the resistance secret longer.
Beating skekSa in a fight, not even a viable outcome.
For one, her sword is longer than Amri is tall. That’s a bit of a discouraging thing.
skekSa tries being ‘reasonable’ one last time, offering Naia a chance to surrender for the safety of the others but Naia refuses.
[skekSa] charged at Tae, swinging her sword. Even if its edge were not sharp, the sheer power and weight of it would crush a Gelfling if it struck. Tae leaped, wings taking her up so her toes touched the gleaming metal of the blade. She ran along the sword, leaping again and slashing with her dagger.
That’s some more choreography that I’d love to see in puppets.
It’d look silly if not execute well but maybe good silly.
There’s only so many ways you can portray a small individual fighting a much larger one and its not like Yoda’s method of jumping around everywhere like a grasshopper doesn’t look silly if you’re not in the moment.
Naia runs to help Tae hold off the Mariner and Amri runs to take care of Kylan.
Kylan being Kylan, his first concern is to stop skekSa from destroying any more trees after the trees helped send the message but Tavra chides him they have to save themselves first.
Problem being they’re backed up against the cliff, they don’t see Onica’s lantern down in the ocean, and all the fliers are trying to knife fight a behemoth.
skekSa doesn’t give them space to think about it either, she dashes in and tries to split Amri in half. He tries to block with Tavra’s sword but the Skeksis wrenches it from his hand with the hook on her sword.
Not ideal.
Naia and Tae attack her again and do some damage but she just jumps away from Tae and throws Naia off of her. Fighting Skeksis is hard.
Tae tells Tavra to protect the others and keep lighting the fires no matter what happens and then dives against skekSa from the air.
Tae’s dagger bit. skekSa’s sword flipped into the air, and Amri caught his heart in his teeth when he saw that the Skeksis’ severed hand still clutched the hilt as it flew.
skekSa screamed. She grasped the stump where her hand had been.
“How dare you!” she cried, over and over. “HOW DARE YOU!”
Well, uh, plus side is that now she can get a hook hand to add to her piratey aesthetic?
Minus side is the Swimmer just lost a hand too.
Other minus side, Skeksis have four arms. Two usually vestigial but like the Hunter, the Mariner engages in vigorous exercise in the brisk outdoors and hasn’t had arm atrophy.
Amri tries to warn Tae when he sees the movement but is too late.
One of skekSa’s smaller arms slipped out from the Skeksis’ coat. Something flashed, and a BOOM rang through the mountain air. A cloud of smoke exploded from skekSa’s hip, blasting Tae off her feet. She crashed into one of the Waystar trees, leaving a red mark on its glowing white bark where she struck. Then she fell into the snow and did not rise.
The smoke cleared. skekSa coughed and reached into the depths of her coat again, drawing out a leathery, egg-shaped device and holding it in her tiny palm. Her breath rasped in anger and pain, her blood still falling on the white snow. She stumbled to one knee.
“I can’t believe this,” she panted. “Can’t believe it one bit.”
Holy crap! Guns exist? Skeksis have guns??
This is even weirder than the Emperor doing force lightning.
And here I was joking about her improving her piratey aesthetic when she had a gun up her sleeve!
A weird, egg-shaped gun.
The tech level of this world sure is unusual.
-rereading- Oh! Its a grenade!
Yeah, that’s more in keeping with what we have/will see. But geez, she hit Tae with a grenade. Poor Tae.
Also, sure she got blown up for it, but props to Tae for taking off an entire hand in one go.
Down below in the bay, Onica’s lantern has finally arrived and Naia says that their best chance is to fly down. Except now they’re down one flier and have two non fliers to convey.
skekSa throws another egg-shaped grenade, which Amri blocks by throwing a branch in its path. The explosion still knocks him on his ass because that’s what explosions DO.
And by the time he recovers, skekSa reaches them.
She had found her sword, held it in the hand that was intact, carelessly bleeding from the other as if it meant nothing.
“I don’t want to do this,” she said slowly, her blade tasting the snow at her feet. Her voice turned hard at the end, wicked as her sword. “I told you we had a deal -- you ungrateful fool.”
I can almost believe she means it.
The Mariner takes a swing but she’s blocked by someone with a Vapra sword and then has her sword knocked off the cliff.
skekSa is having a really bad day.
[Amri’s] eyes were still hazy, trying desperately to focus. But even so, he could see how stood between them and skekSa: a Sifa with hair gold as the sun, holding Tavra’s sword. Shining on her neck was a crystal spider, silver and blue as the moon.
The ringing dulled enough that Amri could hear Tavra’s words, stern and commanding in Tae’s voice.
“Get out of here, to the cliff,” she said. “Run! Fly!”
Tavra spidered Tae!
I guess Tae is alive from being exploded? If her body is still capable of being spidered and fighting?
skekSa tries to lunge past TavraTae to get Naia but without weapons and against someone with a sword who knows how to use it, she’s stymied.
The Mariner even grabs a tree branch and tries to use that to swat TavraTae, without success.
Naia follows TavraTae’s advice and grabs Kylan and jumps off the cliff.
And after breaking from the fight with superior mobility, TavraTae grabs Amri and jumps too.
Amri having a lot of trouble reconciling in his mind Tavra and Tae because its Tavra but looks like Tae and plus he might have a concussion.
Naia still is the Drenchen whose wings have only just come in and haven’t been strenuously tested much so she’s having trouble doing more than slowing down her and Kylan’s fall. Its a nice touch that that’s remembered two books later.
But TavraTae glides close so Amri can take Naia’s hand and they can all glide down together.
As soon as they land on the boat, Tae crumples, probably Tavra abandoning controlling her as soon as its not a life or death situation. Because of ethics. And because moving her around when she’s been exploded can’t be good for her explosion wound.
Naia immediately starts trying to heal her, only pausing so they can all move inside the cabin where its warm.
In the end, the glowing eased and Naia put her hand on Tae’s forehead.
“I’ve healed her body,” she said, brow creased with pain. “But she was deeply injured by that explosion. Even though I’ve mended her cuts and broken bones, her mind still sleeps. I cannot even sense her dreams. I don’t know when she will wake... if ever.”
It was hard to imagine. The Sifa merely looked as if she were sleeping.
“I didn’t mean to...,” Tavra began. She rested on Tae’s cheek, glistening like a tiny moon in a cloud of sun-gold hair. Amri sighed and shook his head. The moon had eclipsed the sun during a storm in Ha’rar, after all.
What a weird prophecy.
In the end, it turns out it wasn’t a prophecy of a sweet, sweet romance. But a premonition that Tae would eventually be body-jacked by a spider that was really a cool Vapra.
Goes to show, prophecies aren’t straightforward. Unless they’re incredibly straightforward. Like the one from the movie.
But sometimes they’re poetic because fate doesn’t like you screwing with it.
Amri tells Tavra that this isn’t her fault because she did all the right things and saved the group which is what Tae would have wanted and which she’ll definitely confirm when she wakes up.
Buuuuuut, the plot hasn’t stopped happening just because there’s like four pages left in the book.
You’d think it would and we’d be winding down and figuring out what to do next. But no.
A familiar metallic whistle shrills through the air. A whistle that Amri knows exactly what it foretells.
Amri ran out onto the deck, followed by the others. The ship trembled as the sea shook. He grabbed hold of the rigging on the ship as waves rolled out from the ocean and crashed across the back of an enormous black shell. A deafening moan trembled through the water and echoed against the steep cliff. Terror shot through Amri’s body as a behemoth mouth rose from the depths, water gushing from its enormous hooked-beaked maw.
It gaped, spreading its jaws. The ocean churned, sucked into the black abyss of the creature’s throat. Onica’s ship was caught in a vortex of inescapable currents, and Amri watched the slowly brightening sky disappear as the monster ship closed its jaws, swallowing them into a sea of darkness.
This is where the denouement is supposed to go! And you go and release the kraken on them?
You’re persistent, skekSa! You’re very persistent!
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guccixstyless · 4 years
A Styles Imagine of Harry and yn on Spill your guts or fill your guts please also I LOVE YOUR WORK
Spill Or Fill Your Guts
A/N: Thank you soo much for loving my work, here’s your requested story, I hope you like it!! xx
Word Count: 1.21k words
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
“Twenty minutes till you’re on, miss Y/L/N!” One of the Late Late Show intern informed you, you smiled at her nodding your head. You looked at yourself in the mirror and took a deep breathe. This still feels surreal.
You were promoting your third film, and then one fine day you got a call from Harry Styles. He asked if you’re up for being in James Cordon’s show that he was hosting. You readily agreed, since you had the biggest crush on Styles. You absolutely adored him, since his 1D days you were a dedicated fan of him.
That was a month ago, then one week before the show, Harry called you again, he asked if you would like to play Spill Or Fill Your Guts with him, you were hesitant at first then eventually agreed, I mean how hard the questions can be, right?
“Miss Y/L/N, if you’re ready then please kindly follow me, the set is ready,” the same intern came again to ask you that.
“Yes, I’m ready. Let’s do this!” You replied nervously.
You were lead towards a grey curtain, waiting for Harry to call you to make your entrance. Shortly afterwards, he announced your name and you smiled towards the audience who erupted with applauds, while waving at them you reached towards Harry and hugged him. It was the first time you saw him face to face, you were a bit late to the set so you didn’t get time to meet him before the show.
And God was he an epitome of perfection, with his hair styled in messy manner, to his jawline as sharp as the blade you were totally mesmerised, you couldn’t help but grin hugely seeing his dimple popping off.
You felt your hands get clammy, how can a person be this stunning?
“You look gorgeous love, are you ready to play Spill Or Fill Your Guts?” He asked.
“Bring it on Styles!” You replied chuckling.
“I like your confidence!” He said smiling.
He briefly explained the items that was displayed in the round table, then he opted to go first before choosing bird saliva for you.
“Give it a sniff!” He said with his cute accent.
You did and immediately regretted, scrunching up your face in disgust, this only made him laugh loudly accompanied by the audience.
“So, Y/N, your first question is,” he dramatically pulled out a question card and then smirked at you, “So this is your third film, rank your co-stars, Noah Centineo, Tom Holland and Nick Robinson from best to worst.”
You went nervous, there was no way you could rank them, they all became your good friends, but you also didn’t want to drink that disgusting thing.
You were weighing down your options then decided to just answer it, “okay, I’ll say, Tom, Nick then Noah, only because Noah always used to draw doodles on my face with markers whenever I tried to nap on set!“
"Oof, you got saved this time!”
“Now my turn, hmm I choose the bull’s penis,” you said laughing seeing him look terrified.
“So, Harry, which songs in your album are about Kendall Jenner?” You smirked.
He shaked his head hiding his face behind his hands.
He then took a fork digging into the thing, then again tried to answer, “uh- I’ll say track..ugh nevermind,” then munched on the item.
“Ooohhh,” everyone including you made a grunting noise.
“Okay,” he laughed then opted to give you the grasshoppers as your bext dare.
“Y/N, so you were a fan of 1D, is that correct?” He read the card aloud then looked at you, he looked impressed, you on the other hand knew where it was going.
“Oh God,” you mumbled bracing yourself.
“So who do you think is the least talented?” He finished his question with a chuckle.
There was no way in hell you were gonna answer that, you adored all five members so much.
“No one,” you answered.
“Sorry, too bad you have to answer one name!” He argued.
“Okay then,” you then ate the disgusting item, immediately afterwards you threw it in the bucket then gulped some water.
“You really loved 1D, huh?” He said laughing.
“I still do,” you smiled.
You chose the salmon smoothie for him, then asked the next question.
“Harry, who is your least favourite member of your current band?”
“Who makes these questions? Why are we even playing this game?” He said.
“It was your idea!” You laughed.
“God, why me,” he said drinking the smoothie.
Laughter erupted among the audience, he then asked you the final question.
“Okay, I’m giving you the beef tongue,” he stated, “so, in your opinion which movie do you think is overrated right now?”
“I-I have an answer but I don’t want to say it so,” you took a bite of the beef tongue.
You coughed and cleared you throat then chose cord sperm for Harry.
“God, how does they even arrange these stuff,” Harry said amusingly.
“Harry, who is the most annoying interviewer that you came across?” You read aloud laughing, you knew he won’t answer that.
“Why were my questions the hardest?” He pouted, then took a deep breath and took one piece of the cord sperm, he sniffed it then gagged.
That was the end of the game, you then got a 30 minutes break to freshen up before moving onto the interview part, Harry will interview you and Mena Masoud.
Soon after the interview was over, it was time for packup, then you heard a knock at your dressing room.
“Hi,” it was Harry.
You looked up at him then smiled, “What’s up?”
We were actually planning to get some drinks, just me, James, and a few more people from the crew. Would you like to join?” He asked expectedly.
“Yeah sure, why not?”
He smiled hugely, you got up and followed him. The drink arrangement was done at the main office’s rooftop.
You spent the whole night chatting with Harry, he was a funny guy.
After a few hours you were exhausted and wanted to call it a night.
“I can drive you home?” Harry offered.
“No, it’s okay, I can go by myself, I don’t want to disturb you” you smiled declining your offer.
“Nonsense, please? I insist.”
“Okay then,” you chuckled.
“Yayy, let’s leave then, shall we?”
“After you sir.”
You both bid goodbye to everyone then proceeded towards Harry’s car.
The car ride was fun as well, he played Fleetwood Mac, and you both had your own little carpool karoake, soon enough you reached your home.
He parked outside your apartment building.
“That’s my cue, thank you for the ride Harry!”
“My pleasure.”
“Goodnight then,” you said and as you were unbuckling your seat belt, he softly stopped you.
You looked at him in confusion, he then said, “um I had fun tonight, do you maybe wanna get lunch someday?” he asked shyly.
“Are you asking me out Harry?” you said teasingly.
“Uh yes?”
“I would love to go out with you,” you replied blushingly.
You both exchanged number quickly, promising you both will keep in touch.
It was an amazing night and you were excited to see how it works out with Harry.
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theshy1sout · 3 years
Inseparable - Chapter 20
Tags: Not rated, Broppy Fluff, Slow Burn Fluff, Trolls Mythology Au
Ao3 here
Notes:  I can't believe I've finally written the whole fanfiction, from the very beginning to the very end. I'd never finished anything in my entire life. And I also wrote it in English! You have no idea how many hard was for me to learn another language. Guh, I'm so proud of myself. I know that the end isn't very satisfying. I mean, I suppose to be a fluff, and yes it is, but the end is a bit... Ambitious? I didn't want to finish it with a kiss, I planned to explain how the strings were created from the very beginning. Tell me your impression in the comments. Thank you for being my reader :)
- Dad, why do we have to sleep? - A little violet kid hides his face deeper into his father's shirt. - I thought you said once that Immortals don't have to sleep. But we sleep every night! It's... - He yawns. - ...frustrating.
Branch smiles at him, stroking his hair gently.
- I don't know - The blue god admits calmly. - I've never been a child. Ask your mother. She was.
A small girl looks up at the pink goddess, showing her eyes filled with surprise.
- You were a kid and dad wasn't? - She asks aloud.
- Dad came from Chaos - Poppy explains quietly, hugging her daughter a bit tighter. - And I was born just like you. That's why you have a grandpa and others don't.
- So why do Immortal kids have to sleep?
The last question comes from the oldest child, lying a bit aside from the rest. He doesn't like hugging that much. He prefers to sleep alone.
- I don't know, Aster - Poppy turns to him with a smile. - I needed it when I was a kid, that's all I know. We don't know much about immortal kids, they are really rare.
- That's why you are so special - Branch adds, smiling at his kid. He yawns, making everyone, one by one, yawning too. - You really need to sleep now.
- Are you sleeping with us? - A little girl lifts her sparkling eyes.
- Star, do we ever leave you during sleep?
- How can we know? - Aster points out. He really likes discussions. - What if you leave us when we get asleep and come back in the morning?
Star looks worryingly at dad.
- I swear we don't do that! - The blue god declares openly.
- Look, Happy is already asleep - Poppy glances down at the kid cuddled into Branch's arms. She takes a look at her daughter, kissing her on her light pink forehead. - Just close your eyes, little Star.
The girl smiles and listens to her mum. A few minutes later the grasshoppers' concert is disturbed only by calm breaths from children's mouths.
- That was fast - Branch whispers, gazing at his daughter. - What about Aster?
Poppy turns to her left where her son is lying a step or two from them.
- I think he's sleeping too - She announces.
They both look up at the clear nightly sky. They are staring at the twinkling stars for a while, listening to the soft melody of the grasshoppers' song. The light blue moon shines above them, watching the whole Earth from the sky. Everything is pleasantly calm.
- Let's figure it out again - Poppy starts out of nowhere. She doesn't have to explain she means their work. They both think about it most of the time. - What do we know about Love?
- The last time we separated six things it needs to be full and true - Branch starts listing. - Free will, awareness, affection, honesty, attachment, and emotionality.
- Six inseparable parts of Love - The goddess looks at the god, frowning sadly. - And trolls don't have even one of them.
Branch heave a deep sigh. He carefully moves closer to her, trying to not wake up his son cuddled to his right side. He slips his free hand under her head and embraces her shoulders, touching her to him. She has no hand to hug him back, but they both get used to it. They all like a “family” sleep hug, it’s really cozy and warm. Besides Aster, he doesn’t like hugs that much.
- I don’t want to repeat myself on and on, but I’ve already told you - The god says softly, gently touching her ear with the top of his nose. - We can do anything more by ourselves. We have to ask others for help.
- But what can they do! - The goddess huffs. - They will never agree to give trolls free will. It’s too risky. My dad especially will disagree. He told me about Creek and Chaz last time…
She stops, staring helplessly at the stars. From the moment they both became the goddess and the god of Love, they are thought of as the most powerful Immortals. Even if their main mission is to bring Love to trolls and teach them everything about it, other Immortals also come to them for advice and solutions to their problems. They have everyone’s respect and trust, they are welcome with open arms anywhere they go. Their kids are well-known and loved, their names are sounded with a warm smile on face.
If they can’t do something, who else can do?
And giving trolls free will and awareness, giving them an ability to feel and think independently, letting them choose… would open the door to wars and conflicts, like when Chaz came from the Chaos. Do they really want this for trolls?
- Don’t overthink this again - Branch’s low whisper in her ear gets her back to reality. - We all know how risky it is. But tell me honestly… - She feels his hand tenderly caressing her arm. She sighs calmly. Years passed and she’s still enjoying his touch as much as for the first time. - Isn’t it worth it?
Poppy turns to him, catching his sight. He smiles affectionately at her in a way that always makes her melt and want to kiss him. She can’t resist but smiles back gently at him.
- You think it’s so easy… - She says.
- I’m not - He drops his smiles, looking at her seriously. - My first step on the Fest wasn’t easy. But I’ve never regretted it.
She gazes at his blue eyes for a while, thinking.
- And I also needed help back then - He adds, moving his head closer to her. - Your help.
The goddess is still hesitating, staring at him in silence. She touches his forehead with hers. She sighs heavily, closing her eyes. They stay for a while like that, nodding off.
- Do you need one more night to think about it? - Branch asks softly, the care is hearable in his voice.
- No - Poppy says quietly. - You’re right…
- You don’t sound convinced - He points out after a moment.
- I don’t know - She admits. - I have bad feelings about that…
- Things worth effort are always challenging. Look at me and tell me if I was easy to bear at the first meet
Poppy smiles widely.
- It was always hard to not love you - She says, chuckling quietly.
Branch giggles heartily, grinning really wide. He presses his lips against her and they share a long, slow, passionate kiss.
- You’re lucky our kids are hugging us right now - Branch smirks at her when they finally go away. - I would not stop myself in any other case.
Poppy giggles gently, nestling her face into him. She sighs calmly, smelling his warm scent.
- We’ll ask others for help - She announces, now with more confidence. - Tomorrow.
- ...and in those circumstances we are helpless.
King Peppy looks patiently at Branch and Poppy from his high throne. In absolute silence, the sounds of kids playing outdoors are really hearable. There are not only Branch and Poppy’s children; after they taught Immortals about Love, many of them start building similar relationships and some of them also have offspring. There are six immortal children now, not counting Poppy. The youngest of them, little Star, as a Peppy’s favorite, is sitting on his lap now, taking an afternoon nap.
- We need your help - The pink goddess looks around, trying to address it to everyone gathered. But no one says anything. Immortals glance at each other, looking for anyone who would know the possible answer. Above their heads, the single thought is floating loudly in silence: “How could anybody know more about Love than the god and the goddess of Love as large as life?”. Poppy glances at Branch helplessly, knowing what this situation means for them.
- Well, if no one has any idea - The blue god starts slowly, looking around. - There’s only one other option. We have to give trolls what they haven’t got yet.
King Peppy opens his eyes widely at him in sudden realization.
- You don’t mean…
- Giving trolls free will. Exactly - Branch nods calmly.
- Is that necessary? - Delta Dawn, the goddess of Justice, asks, crossing her arms on her chest.
- There’s no Love without the free will - The god explains.
- But the ability to feel and think independently opens trolls the door to not only fight with each other - The god of Wisdom, Stacy, points out. - But also to kick out against us.
His speech wakes up murmuring all around.
- Listen, now trolls don’t understand how much we care about them - Branch goes on. - They don’t even know we love them. They can’t love us back. They are empty souls listening to our every order. They are our slaves.
His last words make everybody freeze in silence.
- I’m also scared of what will happen if we give trolls absolute freedom - Poppy finally finds her words, joining her lover’s speech. - They will reject us, fight with us, ignore us, tell us they don’t need our love for them. They will also fight with each other because Chaz’s seeds don’t disappear from their hearts, we all know that. - She holds Branch’s hand, looking into his eyes. - But… How long can we pretend that they love us back? I’m not even sure if they have ever been happy. They’ve never known what happiness is.
Branch smiles gently at her.
- We’ve never let them be themselves - Milton whispers thoughtfully from his seat.
- It’s not that easy - Queen Barb says with a low voice. - Those are very strong powers.
- It would destroy them! - Smidge takes fright.
- Umm… Can I… - Suki lifts her hand shyly to say something. - I’ve already got an idea…
- Tell us - Peppy nods encouragingly.
- We can use music - She beams, smiling unsurely. - I noticed that the feelings I put into my song stay in their souls for so long. If… If you help me I can make music that will be giving them those things partly, stretching it in time.
- Maybe we should put it into an instrument? - Minuet, the goddess of instruments, suggests. - Poppy says there are six elements of Love. we can put them into separated strings.
- We can make a harp then - Laguna, the goddess of Analyze and Math, writes something in her notebook.
- That’s a lot of work - Gust notices. - We will need a lot of hands to help.
- I can help! - Cooper beams.
- And I!
- I’m in.
- Don’t start without me!
Poppy smiles widely, watching Immortals joining in one by one. All fears she had in her heart slowly fade away. She squeezes Branch’s hand, making him look at her.
- You were right - She admits, watching his smile grows wider. - But I’m still scared.
- Me too - He plants a loving kiss on her nose. - But we’re in this together and that’s all I need.
She giggles, adoring his sweet azure eyes. She sighs briefly and nods with a confident smile.
- We’re gonna do this.
They were making Strings almost for the whole year. Every single Immortal was concerned. Stacy, Essence, Coffee, Prince D, and Lownote Jones created the violet string of the Attachment. Minuet, Dante, and Trollazart worked on the yellow string of the Awareness. Trolex, Synth, and Laguna made the blue string of Emotionality. Queen Barb, Riff, Val, and Demo created the red string of Free Will. Gust, Holly, Smidge, and Delta Dawn made the orange string of Honesty. And Poppy and Branch were coordinating the work on the last, pink string. The string of Affection.
When everything is ready, Suki puts all the Strings on the beautiful gold harp created by Satin, Chenille, Guy Diamond, and Minuet. The time is ripe, they need only a delegation. Someone who will handle the Harp to troll. Most Immortals want it to be Poppy and Branch, but they reject it. In that case, everybody votes for their kids to be delegates. But the goddess and the god of Love still persist, that it would be unfair. Finally, they all decide that all six Immortal kids will handle the Strings.
The moment is huge. Everybody’s watching in tension us Peppy and Gust, the god of Order, gather all existing trolls in one place. Six kids present the Harp in front of trolls and then put it down for trolls to reach it. The creatures don’t know what to do at the first moment. They are staring at the beautiful instrument in misunderstanding amazement. The Silence passes for so long and Immortals are patiently waiting. Then, a little shy troll goes from the crowd and unsurely comes to the Harp. He reaches the first string, the yellow one, and touches it carefully.
And then he pulls it slightly and the soft sound of liberatory music peals in the world, freezing all the trolls.
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sins-of-the-sea · 3 years
One time I ate a bug. My mama told me not to touch it but it was sitting right there an' I'd never had a bug before so I just stuffed it into my mouth before mama could stop me. It was crunchy and wiggled in my mouth for a second until I bit down real hard. I accidentally bit my tongue though and started bleeding and mama told me I was being an idiot but I never did eat another bug so I guess I learned my lesson. If you're gonna eat bugs, get the candied kind from the store and do not just eat a random leaf bug you find in the back yard.
Confess something to my muse on anon.
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".....That has to be the most random confession we've ever received. But is it sad and pathetic for the rest of us in that this is far from the weirdest or most disgusting confession we've ever had?"
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"Insects are a delicacy in some places. Mod daeng and chapulines are among them I've tried and, frankly, are quite tasty. Also, the notion of consuming insects shouldn't be as disgusting as one may think: they're just land cousins of the sea arthropods like shrimp, crabs, and lobsters."
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"There are, in fact, plenty of edible insets along the Gold Coast that I remember eating before I was taken away to the Caribbean. Palm weevil larvae, termites, certain crickets and grasshoppers... they were really delicious when prepared a certain way, as far I knew, they were no different from seafood."
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"There's also caracoles and cabrillas in Spain."
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"And of course escargot in France!"
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"And it's not just fancy stuff, for some places, that's what the poor eat when they have no other sources of protein. I remember eating scorpions in baiju before, and I've been to villages where I had cicadas, silk worms, and crickets when I was travelling along the coastline of China."
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"What? It's true! Don't be a snob, it's what all some people have!"
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"That's not why I'm feeling upset. It's just.... I remember eating live roaches when I was in the cellar....never a pleasant experience."
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"UGH!! No wonder you are hypersensitive when it comes to wasting food and bad table manners! If you're going to eat a roach, at least have it properly prepared!"
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