#but also. sobbing bc how’s it been ten years ????
ezra-editss · 2 months
I started binge-watching and saw x-men 1, 2 & 3 and just a few minutes ago days of future past and let's just say I'm not okay.
I literally had to pause the movie at the plane scene, thought about it and started sobbing. I feel like I need a year to process this, so I'm just gonna give you what my brain is capable of rn and the rest comes when I'm ready😭
I constantly had to think about how this must be for Charles. Imagine you meet this amazing guy that you have a great relationship with, not just great, the best. You love him so much and you seem to want the same thing, but then he basically betrays you and takes your sister with you and you feel all alone. You lost the ability to walk and feel like you're slowly going crazy. So you spend almost ten years in your empty house, depressed and drunk. Someday this random man comes and suddenly, you're supposed to face the one person you never wanted to see again. Well, in one way, you do, because you actually just want everything back to how it was, but you know that won't work. But you do it, bc you have to.
And then it happens and all those feelings overwhelm you and you have to bear being in the same plane as him. You get mad at him and you can see that he also still has all those emotions inside of him. And then he apologizes. And even tho you don't have your powers, you can tell he's being honest. genuine. It's what you wanted, probably. But what are you supposed to do? You can't forgive him, even if every fiber of your body wants you to. So you change the subject..
And Erik, who had been in prison for years, probably went through what had happened a thousand times in his mind, because he had nothing else to do. One day, this guy comes and breaks him out and he doesn't understand why, but whatever, he's free. And then the elevator doors open and he sees the person he'd thought he'd never see again and he's clearly not okay and it's because of HIM.
God, this is so painful. It's just two men who fell in love when they were younger and tried for years and years, even in a different universe, but they always ended up apart from each other. Even though all that they both ever wanted was to be on the same side.
(This turned out so much longer than I thought. Sometimes I just start writing and don't stop. That's also why it's always so messy. Anywayss, gonna see Deadpool 3 tomorrow, so let's gooo I hope that's gonna be happier.)
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
Going back through your blog, I found the best idea that I'm surprised more people aren't talking about and that's the bad Sex Ed Dream, bc it just seems so much like him. No doubt he didn't get a good health education in that big old fancy private school of his before he left for Uni and got himself stuck in a dorm with whatever poor, disadvantaged youth the algorithm decided to throw him.
So Dream continues to stumble through life inexperienced and ill-equipped to handle his burgeoning sexuality. He doesn't know what to do with his slutty little pussy other than let his next boy of the week finger fuck him in the bathroom. Maybe he lets them eat him out if they've been good to him. But he's never been fucked. Not yet. Bc he wants a better man to be the father of his child bc that's how this works right? Couples fuck and a baby just appears? Condoms are only to prevent making a mess and don't even ask about dental dams bc Dream doesn't know.
But Hob does. Hob is around ten years older than Dream, one dissertation away from getting his Ph.D. and teaches a basic 101 course in history. He's not a total perv, but something is fetching about young college kids and their puppy-like exuberance. Dream just happens to be his next target after they meet at the help desk in the library. Dream just can't fucking write this ridiculous paper for his history class and is about to burst into tears when Hob helps him. This little dalliance leads him to ask if he would like a bit more money tutoring him on the side. Privately. In his dorm. Five times over the past week.
Now comes the downsides of fucking with college students. They're dumb. Like really really dumb. Dream is no exception. The weekend after their latest private tutoring session, in which Hob ate him out like a champ but on his insistance didn't fuck him, he finds Dream necking with another first year who also doesn't know what he's doing during a mixer. He's so angry he grabs the skinny little goth boy by the waist and drives them back to his place. Dream would have been scared if he wasn't so horny.
He forces Dream over the arm of the couch and rips his jeans down. Of course, the stupid slut doesn't wear underwear and his troublemaking cunt is on full display. They both find out Dream is a painslut as he begs Hob to forgive him by punishing him. How? By busting that cunt of course! Dream wails and fails, crying as sobbing as he's first spanked stupid and then fucked into with little to no prep. Just Hob's cock spearing into him, splitting him open over the coffee table.
Later on both of them agree this is by far the hottest thing that they've ever done.
But the morning directly after when Hob's semen is dry on his thighs and Dream can taste the previous night's regret on his tongue, they have a talk. Hob will have to take responsibility of course, and there won't be any family money to help them out. Mama Night is very clear about that. Any child of hers who gets pregnant before marriage is no child of hers.
Hob just has to laugh. After all, Dream can't get pregnant with him. An accident when he was a child featuring a flag pole and a too fast sled going down a snowy hill rendered him quite harmless. But he doesn't tell Dream that.
No sex-ed Dream my beloved 😭😭 I missed him so much 😭😭 and I love everything about this. Keep telling yourself you're not a perv, Hob. We don't believe you.
Of course it wouldn't be unreasonable for Dream to be anxious about a pregnancy scare after having unprotected sex. But Hob quickly notices that Dream is absolutely 100% convinced that he is pregnant. Like the stork already bought the baby. And little by little, Hob starts to pick away at Dream’s slightly odd understanding of how sex works.
Dream seems to think that every time a dick goes in a pussy, a baby is conceived. Doesn't matter if no one cums, and Dream doesn't seem to have any clue about ovulation or anything like that. Hob has to bite his own hand as he realises that Dream is just. Clueless. Innocent. So wonderfully, perfectly stupid.
The good thing is that with Dream under the impression that it's too late and he's already pregnant, he's much more open to having a cock inside him. So Hob finally gets to have Dream bouncing on his dick. He gets to bend his favourite undergrad over every surface in his dorm until the cum is dripping down Dream’s gorgeous thighs. Now he's had a little taste, Dream is definitely addicted and needy for Hob’s cock all the time. Sometimes Hob has to smack his pretty cunt in warning because he's being so greedy and impatient.
A few months pass by with the two of them fucking pretty much exclusively. Hob doesn't take an interest in any of the other cute barely-legals fluttering their eyelashes at him anymore. And Dream is only interested in his baby daddy <3
Hob honestly means to tell Dream that he's not actually pregnant. He does!! But. It's kind of hard when Dream is so convinced. Plus, it's to Hob’s advantage to have Dream believing he's knocked up. He'll say something soon, but... then he finds the pregnancy test?! And it's positive?!
Dream shrugs and he's like "Yes well I thought I should take one just to confirm." He doesn't understand why Hob is so gobsmacked. So Hob has to drag him through an entire detailed presentation on the reproductive system AND the whole story of how he was uhhh robbed of his crown jewels. Dream absolutely refuses to believe any of it for about 24 hours until he phones his sister and gets confirmation (poor Death).
Hob is starting to realise that maybe HE'S the stupid one because he's just spent weeks coming into Dream so many times that they've managed to achieve a miracle pregnancy. He can't get his head around it. Did he manage to knock Dream up? Is he being baby-trapped because Dream sees him as a decent provider for his child? Is the test a false positive? His groans of despair are muffled as he pulls Dream down and buries his mouth and nose in that gorgeous cunt. Dream maybe stupid (and possibly pregnant) but he's still got the prettiest pussy Hob has ever seen, and he's not done with it yet.
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dittydipity · 1 year
finally got around to finishing the finale of the ghost trick remaster. i've played and watched this ending more times than i can count but it's still so SO good.
all of my insane thoughts and overanalysis/overthinking under the cut
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when the last portion/chapter of a game or book is called 'final chapter' or the title of the story.. GRRRRRRGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
when the four of them are discussing what to do and they're like "we might not be able to change your fate of dying" and yomiel is just. "i can accept that." 😭😭
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man no matter how many times i see it, yomiel getting flung back and impaled on the post never fails to make me flinch
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These long, lonely ten years…
you were my one and only friend.
How about it?
Do you remember now...
*spotlight, the reveal*
...old friend?
he finally rember after so long of forgor...
and then the whole retelling of the story by sissel and yomiel where they narrate interchangeably without any indication of who is talking but you can still tell who's narrating hewioagljadsklfajds
Somebody, please reach a hand out to me... //
My body wouldn't move, but I still managed to reach out a "hand" to him.
ueueueue them finding the comfort they sought and needed in each other because at our cores, we all need connections..
catboy yomiel real and canon
Those ten years were very happy for me.
But they weren't happy for the man...
and there was nothing I could do for him.
^ LINE THAT PEOPLE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ENOUGH. god these lines hit so hard bc it's like. when all you want is for someone you love to be happy and you're trying your hardest and you're giving everything but you just don't know and you just can't understand that there just isn't any way for you to help, no matter how much you want to..
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man just. imagine that when you finally think you're going to be free. that after so many years of limbo you think you're finally going to get what you've wanted. and when you get to the final steps of your plan, you find that your best friend, the only person keeping you afloat throughout this whole time, just died. because of you.
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jowd being the one to say this is so good. bc out of all the people, he might be the one that understands yomiel the most. yomiel's entire goddamn existence and everything he's believed and been forced to endure has finally been righted. jowd's own predicament and resulting fate change from this whole ordeal is also incredibly drastic, but that's what makes him the one who most closely relates to yomiel. yomiel's twisted, revenge-fueled desire to make jowd feel the same pain he felt turns into empathy and understanding.
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do you ever think about how, for the 4 of them (sissel, yomiel, jowd, missile), they have 20 years of memories overlapping each other in a 10y period? if not more, from all the rewinding and trial error of this one night? when they "return" to the new present that is born from this final aversion of fate, do they just find themselves in a completely different place in life, with a whole entire set of memories? do they just. slide "back" into place in this new timeline and replace the placeholder version of them that existed in those 10y that were completely changed, all of a sudden now with all of that version's memories and experiences?
how disorienting and confusing and discombobulating would that be, to suddenly have two completely different versions of the same period of time in your head
it's not as bad for missile, since he's only two years old when the events of the game happen, and so "only" has 2y worth of memories that overlap, but for sissel and yomiel and jowd...
and the fact that only the four of them will remember. sissel and missile are fine, as animals, but for yomiel and jowd.. how often did the people around them think they were insane, talking about things that never happened and knowing things that they shouldn't know, breaking down over things that remind them of this overwritten timeline
When we go back, our fates will no longer be interconnected.
It will be like we never met...
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hiweoaghlkjadslkfjkl and in that new timeline, yomiel's one and only friend, the only being he could have called a friend in those years of limbo from the previous timeline, now has nothing to do with him.
and so before that happens, he has to apologize for everything he made sissel go through. even though sissel chose to stay by his side, it's only human nature to feel guilty for something you can't help. he needs this solace.
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and sissel gives it to him.
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all these four can do is hope that the stars will align and the gods that started this whole mess will allow them to meet once again
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these have to be some of the most genuine, heartfelt lines in the game, alongside the thanks that yomiel gives sissel.
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not me getting sad about ray's reluctance to even talk about himself. oh boy.
his reluctance to reveal just how much he messed up and failed. how hard he tried and how much he's sacrificed just to help his friends. telling this almost complete outsider how much of a failure he was and expecting them to understand his selfish, selfish reasons
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can you imagine? waiting for 10 years to pin all your hopes and sacrifices on this stranger that didn't stop to give you the time of day the first time. and if they don't help you this time, everything would have been for nothing. having to just stand back and watch as everything happens this second time around because you can't risk messing it up this time.
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doing all of this knowing that, whether things work out or not this time, you're going to disappear at the end.
Of course!
Because that's what doggies do!
the wave of relief and satisfaction when reincarnation starts..
From just that single night as a human, I got a glimpse into their world.
And I learned something...
Their fates, their lives - they were all interconnected...
Somewhere, somehow, in some way.
And, now, this is MY new fate.
literally just in awe at this story.
the reveal of sissel's new fate w the next lines.. one of the most fulfilling, complete endings and feelings of closure i've ever gotten from a game.
It suits me just fine to curl up and watch...
...watch the strange and beautiful patterns of their lives as they unfold.
And it looks like...
...I'll have plenty to watch
here for quite a while.
and the credits song kicking in.. the way it's timed perfectly with the final reveal and snaps to the main theme in time with the end of sissel's speech. it's SO satisfying.
and the fact that the credits song is a remix of the main theme that we've heard so much throughout the game as a way to end each chapter with a sense of mystery, but this final time, it's triumphant. it's the same tune but this time we've solved everything. everything is going to be okay.
i love you ghost trick
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httpiastri · 2 months
im the BIGGEST mclaren fan and oscar fan in the world ever and i dont even have the energy to celebrate oscar's first win (yes bc of the fucked up way mclaren did it but wtv not getting into that) bc of how devastated i am about paul. i just want to give him the biggest hug in the world and tell him its ok and that we all still love him. i hope he knows how much support he has and that making mistakes is ok, its only his rookie season no one expects him to be schumacher or senna or whoever, we just want you to be a happy paul aron :(
seeing him banging his head and looking out into the distance after the crash omfg i will jump off a cliff i swear. hes so hard on himself and i was legit sobbing thinking about how much harder he is on himself (probably) this year after what happened w merc and prema. he deserves so much more omg. the fact that kimi ended up winning the race just made me think of the lacy edits too and omfg i cannot. i love kimi dont get me wrong but what are the chances that paul's win became kimi's instead? i js cant.
and dont get me started on that fucking penalty. he already dnf'd i don't understand the point of them punishing him any further did u not see how mad he was at himself?? fuck you fia fuck. you. cz WHY WHAT WAS THE REASON??? i feel like ive never seen them do that to a driver, usually they cause a collision and dnf they just get time penalties but a TEN PLACE GRID PENALTY?? FOR THE NEXT RACE?? THIS LATE IN THE SEASON?? it just seems SO unfair and so harsh. not agreeing w the grid penalties at all esp when the driver alr suffered from their mistakes but the crash w maloney fine i can kind of understand, but ollie's? sorry but i didnt even see them crash that hard? (or was i half asleep? idk i js literally do not remember seeing it) seriously tho wtf.
i hope his friends, family and team gave him the biggest hug ever. he'll come back stronger ik it! we'll get thru this u guys:(
paul nation family group hug 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
this is very valid :(( it wouldve been easier to celebrate if it had been better with the team and whatever, but now it was so easily overshadowed by everything that happened in f2 and i just 😶
to me, most of my pain is based on (just like u said) the fact that i think he's hard on himself, and wants to prove so much after everything that has happened. i just hope he sees the reality; that he's doing super well, in his rookie season nonetheless, and we're all so proud of him. mistakes is okay, shit happens, even max verstappen made a bunch of mistakes yesterday!!
i didnt wanna look at the clips of him in the car nor hear his radio (ive seen the screenshot of him admitting that it was his fault tho) and i saw the clip of him after getting out of the car and i just...... nope. and esp w kimi winning aaaa it made me so happy but-
god i dont understand the penalties like. yes he made a mistake but zane was also going very very slow (on the slower tyres also) so it was hard for him to tell what zane was going to do. like these things happen within even a fraction of a second and you need to trust your instinct and sometimes it doesn't work out? like obvs i cant compare it to any personal experiences in racing but in my own sport i know the feeling of getting a bad pass etc, and something tiny can mess up the entire timing and feeling and everything? so zane just going slower makes a lot of difference :// it's not common that they do this but ive seen it sometimes but this is just so.... gAH!! esp with the thing with ollie because they didn't even show it, so it can't have been THAT important, right?? so stupid
pls everyone gather around for a group hug! with paul in the middle bcs he deserves all of the love!!!!!!! <3<3<3
(oh and just so you know. "we just want you to be a happy paul aron :("........... you actually broke me with that one, i hope you're happy that im crying bcs of you 😭)
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danphantom · 7 months
oh hey i wanna talk abt smth thats been on my mind both lately and on and off for a while in general. sorry this ended up being a hella long post lol. but i have a lot to say
so...for context, ive been in the phandom for 10 years--since 2014--though it has admittedly been on and off in terms of engagement from me. in 2017 i got into dragon ball and all but dropped danny phantom completely with a few small drawings here and there. it was only like..within the past week that i actually got back into the phandom legitimately again, actively making art and posts about it and engaging with the source material and etc
anyway, i was obsessed with dp from 2014-late 2017 (until i got into dbz). i made lots and lots of fanart, played the gba games like all the damn time (i got to where i could speedrun tue lol), rewatched the show regularly...i was even one of those fans that bought obscure merch and learned useless trivia that ive since forgotten. in 2015 a lot of you may remember that i made @doppelgangercomic, a comic about an au i had where dan got a redemption arc (albeit a bumpy one) and future vlad was there and stuff happened (go read the comic LOL). it got a LOT of love and traction! it made me really happy to see all the positivity around my work like that :) i actually got a lot of positive responses towards my work in general. i had a really great time in the phandom back then
then i changed fandoms and kinda fell out of the phandom space. after being on a hiatus from the phandom until literally a week ago, i honestly have to say ive felt like i kind of...faded into obscurity in the phandom's eyes? basically i feel like old news. people dont generally know what doppelganger is now. they may have seen my art in passing here and there but they dont know who i am anymore. i think the only place people actively still find my old danny phantom art from when i was heavily active is...deviantart lol. i get notifications from favorites literally every day there. but uh anyway--im not saying this to garner pity or tell a sob story or anything! im just expressing some thoughts and feelings ive had for a long time lol.
the reason i bring this ^ up though, is because like...i know its not true? logically, i know that i DID make an impact in the fandom i loved/love so so much. i left my mark on both the fandom in an artistic sense, and also the people in the fandom, and sometimes i forget that because i get significantly less engagement on my posts than i used to. but i know that doesnt mean that people dont like my stuff anymore, or that ive been forgotten.
i actually got a message from someone today--a friend i made kinda recently who approached me bc they liked doppelganger actually. they told me that basically its surreal to them that theyre talking to me as a friend because they remember reading doppelganger when they were younger and looking up to me because of it. and it really reminded me of what i said previously--ive not been forgotten, and people still do appreciate and love what ive put out into the world (specifically about danny phantom in this case). ive made an impact on people's lives even when i dont realize it or see it physically. the message and sentiment made me feel really really good and nice and happy and honestly relieved, because the phandom and danny phantom as a media has been an extremely important and impactful part of my life ever since i got into it ten years ago. i literally changed my name to dan because of it lol. it was the reason i found stephen silver's work and went down that path of my art journey. its the reason i found so many amazing people and friends and artists and continue to do that even now. i owe a lot to danny phantom and the phandom as a whole, and i try to give back in the only ways i know how--mainly thru showing my passion through my art and posts.
anyway erm. yeah. all of this to say i wanted to thank yall--the phandom--for supporting me all this time, whether youve been with me from the beginning or if youre just joining me recently. youve been an absolute delight in my life and i know youll continue to be for a long time. :)
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Would love to hear about your DnD chara and her drenched-papersack of a man 👀
HELLO ok i'm back at my computer so i can ANSWER
ok SO
we're playing Curse of Strahd and i have made myself a sorcerer by the name of Asta Lathan, follower of Lathander. and now she's taking up every spare inch of room in my brain. it started in May (more on that later) but now she's a permanent resident
she's a village girl. raised by her grandparents alongside her cousin Cedric. more than your typical adventurer, she's a figure from an adventurer's backstory. she's the apothecary of her village/town, and she never planned to leave. she planned to start a family, find an apprentice, and pass on the apothecary when she was growing old, just like it was passed to her. her cousin Cedric, with the more traumatic loss of his parents and his four years of age on her and the charming demeanor, he's the adventurer. he goes off on these adventures and writes letters home, that they all treasure, and when he comes home (he always comes home), he regales them with stories
you know how he always comes home? one time, he doesn't. Asta studies his last letter. he mentioned a land, Barovia. and so Asta packs and says her goodbyes and sets out to retrieve her cousin, wherever he may be.
when she gets there, she meets with perils but she also meets her beloved party. then proceeds to have the weirdest eleven days ever and baby they're only gonna get weirder
remember how i mentioned May? well, in irl May, we played a session where we went up against creatures we later learned were Night Hags, or the Coven, or whatever we call them. the entire party was incapacitated/outside, except for Asta. so their leader closed in and offered a deal. if Asta agreed to become one of them and to return in ten years' time to learn their ways, they would set her and her friends free (i think they even healed them)
did i mention we fought the Coven because they ate people? yea
what other choice could she make? she took the bargain. she was human before. now she's... well, she doesn't know. her skin is blue and her eyes yellow and branches/thorns grow out of her head
and the bargain is the gift that keeps on giving in terms of roleplay bc it has made some interactions VERY juicy
and now to her wet paper bag of a man!!! who is not actually her man at all. not yet anyway, if i can help it
his name is Vasili and he's an NPC who is awkward and capable and has a horse and says the wrong thing a lot of the time. he's so swagless. it's been around a day since we've met him and he hasn't given a genuine smile once. he feels so guilty for everything, even things that aren't his fault. his face fell when he told Asta her cousin went to Strahd's castle weeks ago and he hasn't heard from him since. he held her upright as she sobbed. he told her she didn't have to eat dinner with him, she didn't mean it. she took it bc she was heartbroken but she did mean it. currently scheming how to tell him that no, she DID mean it, she was just sad (DM and I have a plan)
oh yea she ran into him again in a big battle, demanded his horse (and cursed at him), then they rode the horse together and she called him "baby" and asked him to dinner. that's the prelude to the previous paragraph
he's apparently an accountant
i've been thinking about him so much that it's ridiculous
so. yea.
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ofmermaidstories · 9 months
Hi Mermie! I don't think I have ever sent an ask but I guess now is a good time as any. I actually found out about you from Andie (actually now that I think about it... I found a lot of wonderful writers through her) and lemme tell you BOY AM I GLAD I DID.
Your writing is like a box of chocolates :> whenever I see something new from you I don't know whether it's gonna be the sweetest thing I have ever read or if it's going to have me clutching my heart sobbing on the floor at 2 in the morning lol (casually side eyes the drabble you wrote about reader who can see the way ppl die- no joke I actually sat there on my couch for 10 minutes trying not to bawl my eyes out) Well but as if all that isn't just testament to what an amazing writer you are! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE your art! If I could eat it I think it would taste like strawberry wafers and marshmallow fluff. Oh shoot wait I was here for the game?! AHHH WAIT I AM SO SORRY FOR GETTING SIDETRACKED!
Ok wait lets see-
48. Who is your favorite character you have written for? Has this changed once you have started writing for the fandom?
I have a feeling it's bakugo but the way you write deku is so SCRUMPTIOUS.
49. What fic do you think is the best introduction of you as an author?
I am just really curious of how you answer this lol
69. What are your fave fics at the moment?
I just really wanted some good recs and I trust your taste!
72. What's your favorite writing compliment you have gotten?
Let's face it an amazing writer you must have gotten (well atleast you deserve) all the compliments in the world! I wanna know which one stuck with you. Also I am just petty I wanna one up that compliment and woo you~~~ <3
I am sorry oof I didn't think this ask would get this long. Regardless there is just one more thing... How... well is there a way you can send emoji's on laptop?? I really wanna send you that tulip bouquet emoji :(
Oh well I can't find it :< *sends you the most beautiful bouquet telepathically~*
lmaoooo, andie is very much incredibly generous, in that regard—uplifting other people. 🥹🌷 but hi castle! hi!! you’re very much like andie, i’m afraid—too sweet and entirely too generous with your kind words. 🫣 i am undeserving of the attention, but thank-you. 🥺 it means a lot, especially since i’ve seen you flitting about and spreading the excitement and the sunshine. ☀️ but okay let’s play. 😌
48. Who is your favorite character you have written for? Has this changed once you have started writing for the fandom?
lmao. bakugou is the love of my life, yes, but if i had to pick a favourite canon character to have written for, it’s izuku!! i think being the main character of My Hero gives him more to play with—which in turn makes him so much more satisfying. 🥹
if i had to pick a favourite character in general, though, to have written for—it’d be scribbles!
49. What fic do you think is the best introduction of you as an author?
oh, easy peasy. it’s surrender (whenever you’re ready).
i think it’s a fair representation of my style, and also does the hand-holding of gradually working up to those massive chapter lengths i tried to get away with in SJLT lmao. but more importantly, more than the one-shots i have sitting there on my ao3, it’s the introduction to what i guess is my biggest selling point: the serialisation and interconnectivity.
69. What are your fave fics at the moment?
i haven’t been reading much in the last year (mostly bc i’ve either preferred to stare at my wall and disassociate or crash hard into bed for five hour naps lmao) but the last fic i read that like, i consumed, was:
a blur of conquerors by her_black_tights
When Eren was ten, thirteen years felt like a long time. Most people he’d known died young, so he’d never expected to reach old age. But he’s in his ninth year of his term now. So is Mikasa. And he used to think he’d have something like forever to finally make sense of the way she’s weaved her way between his ribs, to learn the name of this particular brand of madness. But when he sees her skin knitting back together now, all he can think about is the day that it won’t.
Attack On Titan, Eremika, Marleyan Warriors AU, Explicit. it’s smut heavy; most of HBT’s fics are. HBT also writes a lot of daddy kink, and while it’s not apart of this fic, there is a dom/sub sensibility to their writing that does seem to influence HBT’s characterisation of Eren and Mikasa. i really enjoy their writing—when i found their fics i spent the whole day with them, completely useless for anything else. 🥹 but read your tags and remember to look after yourselves etc etc.
72. What's your favorite writing compliment you have gotten?
lmaooo, you’re cute castle. 🥹🌷 this one is hard tho because i think people underestimate the power even a handful of kind words have tbh. 🥺 all comments make me feel some kind of way (it’s not an excuse but it is why i get so bad at replying bc my brain basically keysmashes itself into knots at any hint of kindness), but i guess the most recent that have stuck out to me are a couple from the last chapter of the deku fic—from a couple of peeps who mentioned being surprised about seeing their own country or people in it. it meant a lot to me that it meant something to someone else, too. none of us live in isolation; we exist in a big world. and idk. it was just nice to be reminded of that. 🥺
don’t ever apologise for the excitement!!! it was fun. 🥺 thank-you for giving me something to mull over. 🥹 tbh with the emojis tho i just copy and paste from like emojiwiki or something lmaoooooo. but also, here, i drew u one instead—
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AAAA i also went to see AOTV today!!! What did u think of it ? (Love your vibe btw 💕💕)
i LOVED IT!!! where to begin??? it exceeded my expectations (and typical to me i didn't have insane specific ones anyway but).
i cried within the first ten minutes, so hit in the chest by the last 1d performance bts footage... the boys looking at him like shit louis is having a hard time fuck error what do we do. hélène being his tour mom, just the exact same way they interact still to this day was just so !!! and ofc the family history, the way it was put into perspective by them. the way they talk about dealing with it all, moving on... but the grandpa....... and we know how louis struggled to find his voice after 1d but this just showed it in such detail and with nuance, and how the blow after blow was literally every fucking year. and he doesn't feel sorry for himself as much as is warranted, as always, and it again shows how strong he is and how his family and friends recognize that. bc he is and always has been this person who makes other ppl's lives better, whether it's helping his mom/being her best friend, protecting his sisters, taking his friends and band mates along for the full ride of tour life..... so i'm just always so fucking happy to see he is surrounded by ppl who return the favor and make him happy. the band and oli and everyone. they're just great. and how he describes his role in 1d as well. "if i can't sing, then what can i do for this band?" and obvs the doc didn't mention this, but thanks to his writing credits he completely changed the course of the band. but before that, even, he formed the entire dynamic 1d had. which he now shows with his solo career. he's down to earth, accessible (as far as a celeb musician can be), and he has a firm hand in what his image and the music he puts out are. and that's how he attracted the part of the 1d fanbase that came for the personality and good times.
i am always impressed by louis, and none of this is a huge shock or surprise or brand new information, but i still managed to be fucking impressed yk?! the power
and the experience of being there in the cinema with two of my closest mutuals i love to fuck around with @bluewinnerangel @swimmingleo like reacting with lil shrieks trying not to bother the others and nudging each other every time something remotely moldy or even simply funny happened. quietly sobbing in unison. melting off our chairs by the end. yeah 10/10 would do again in a heartbeat when is the next doc coming out
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rodolfoparras · 10 months
Ok I have to share this with you because I'm like... vibrating because of the info and if I don't share it with someone I'll burst.
I wanted to check something in Ghost comics for my fanfic to be sure and I ended up re-reading them again cause why not it's been a hot minute. And then I decided to pull together every piece of info about timeline and assemble it all (I actually can't believe I never did it before) and oh Gods...
First of all, I know this could just be writers not paying attention to details BUT- as we all probably know, Simon said he enlisted after 9/11 but if we go by what's said in comic, he actually enlisted in June of 2001. Also, his teammates for Roba mission literally call him out on his story of why he enlisted being so generic and vague that it had to be fake. He gets kind of defensive and says"Well it's my story" and I'm unwell because-
The implications of his faking when and why he enlisted is such incredible story material (and I'll write it)
ALSO- the implications that he was held captive by cartel for ten months at least and year and ten months at worst...
He gets captured in November and we get some timeline through months. Some of his teammates try to escape next July and it's said that he was buried several months later. We know that he was buried alive and rescued in August of 2010 cause in December of 2010 it's mentioned that he was in therapy for 4 months.
Which means either a month or a year (if we take that 'several months' at face value) passed after his teammates escaped and the implications of him being brainwashed and tortured for nearly two years has me sobbing.
Anyways thank you for coming to my tedtalk. I have so much more observations and whatnot but I thought this could be interest.
First of all the fact that he might’ve lied on how he enlisted reminds me of how soap lied about his age when he tried to enlist ghoap brain😔 also it absolutely gives plenty of room for plot and I cant wait to see what you’ll do with it 🧎🏻‍♂️
Also that’s so horrible:( tbh I choose not to read the comics even though I have a hint on what he went through bc it’s just a lot to stomach 😭
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corpsentry · 2 months
SORRY i keep coming here to yell !! you got me thinking about cdramas (& t dramas) i enjoyed and then forgot about :"] i watched 如果奔跑是我的人生 earlier this year and the ending lost me, but i was quite captivated by its 20+ episodes before. it centres around parental relationships (asian) and, i don't know much about dance at all but a main character is a dancer and her story made me feel things. the performances were sick, in my unprofessional opinion! I'm Fine is a gorgeous ost track. btw.... i've started rewatching 不良执念清除师 again and i CANNOT RECOMMEND IT HIGHLY ENOUGH. i've been thinking about it (on ep 5 LOL) and i actually don't think the ending dropped the thread or ball or 链子 or however that saying goes (im fever SORRY.... i think it was cathartic and beautiful in the way a galaxy is— i just could not get enough of those guys T__T 不良执念清除师 is about sulky teen (??) guys moving through the world with so much heart. it's about LOVE and ART and how the living go on after tragedy, it's about how. how (PARDON ME....) we get to keep everything we've ever loved for even a fraction of a moment & what we are doing is worthwhile even if it is very small !!!!! it is a show that is, in Voice from IMBD's words, an outstanding Taiwanese drama that excels in every aspect, because it was made with so much care and love...(meta!) also, gay people
first of all No Apology thank you for coming to yell!!! you have a big heart full of love for the world and it moves me!!!! i went down this rabbit hole on m*dramalist after watching 我们的少女时代/our times (2015)-
(tangent incoming) this movie Shook the secondary 2 scene in singapore when it came out everyone and their dog was sobbing about it and i listened to 小幸运 Religiously despite never seeing it myself. Having Seen It Now, it is a sweet little thing and it makes me feel desperately old. it also made me CRY, what can i say i’m a sucker for distances and ships passing in the night and i was soooo happy when liudehua appeared and then adult xutaiyu showed up and he Fuck Ass Hair. my lord, his hair looked like SHIT. PICKLED SEAWEED……… i couldn’t cry after that because i was so busy clenching my asscheeks out of sheer despair FUCK HAIR AND. AND!!! A TOO SHORT BLACK BLAZER ON SKINNY JEANS??? I MEAN REALLY??? I KNOW 2015 WAS NINE YEARS AGO but i don’t recall fuckass hair being the in thing then…. this memory i do not have…. you have to understand how emotionally devastating this was to me…… (tangent end)
(tangent part 2) (please look at the way they styled this poor man’s fuck ass hair. i don’t care how earth shatteringly sweet they were in high school if my first love turned up ten years later and he looked like this i would simply walk away)
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(tangent end)
the point is, that i then went through vivian sung’s acting history to see what else she’d been in bc she was soooooo lovely and realized that 不良执念清除师 was in said history and then remembered this ask! and your heartfelt words about its story! and i was like Oghey, i watch—
just finished the first episode and mein gott yiyong is such a Teenager…… man i look at 18 year olds and i’m like i don’t remember being like that but i Know i must’ve been, once upon a time. but the range of emotions the script wrung out of him in one episode was kind of insane and his actor is kind of vibey as hell (perhaps this is my sign from god to finally watch your name engraved herein…) and vivian sung is still epic as hell and sooo goofy and i’m excited! i think of u in my head for some reason as the epic tight as hell short chinese dramas anon, i Trust your eyes. they’re good eyes. i’ve also locked down the first 20+ episodes of the other drama you mention here, especially because yang chao yue is in it and she was Breathtaking in the double T T T thank you for the recs! where do you find all of these? i don’t know but you must be doing good out in the world. be well anon. meet a chicken
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lola-monster · 6 months
I was tagged by @b0ytron! Sorry I'm just getting to this, I keep putting it off??? 😬
(also wtf happened to the desktop layout, it looks UGLY)
Last song: sweet ★ honey ★ buckiin' by Beyoncé 😎
Favorite Color: Omg, it's just like a Quizilla quiz from 2007 <3 Jokes aside, it's green lol.
Currently watching: Fuck, I have no idea? Last thing I watched for sure was Smiling Friends. But my husband and I started Dragon Ball a few weeks ago and haven't continued lmao. We picked Bob's Burgers back up a few weeks ago, too but also haven't continued.
I think the last time I did this, my husband and I were in the middle of watching a bunch of Futurama, but we stopped around season 3 or 4?? I can't remember lmao. We also keep saying we're going to watch Shameless, but haven't gotten around to it.
As for movies, the last movie I watched was This is 40. I feel bad because I haven't watched nearly as many movies this year than I did last year around this time?? I keep saying I'm going to sit down and finally watch Poor Things, but I keep putting it off 🫠
Sweet/savory/spicy: Savorrryyyy. But also spicy, too.
Relationship status: Been married for a little over four years 🤓 It'll be five in October!
Current obsession: CHAPPELL ROAN!!! Seriously, I love her so so much right now. I don't think I've been so excited for a pop artist since like, high school when Lady Gaga first came out and was everywhere. But I love Chappell's sound and her aesthetic so much, and I love how fun and openly queer her music is.
Also Lisa Frankenstein, hahahha. It's really funny how big of an overlap there is with fans of Chappell and Lisa Frankenstein, it cracks me up.
This isn't much of an obsession, but I'm trying to get back into reading and writing more. Last year in October, I sat down and wrote an outline for an idea I've had for forever, but once that was done, I pulled another idea out that's been on my mind, and I've been trying to develop it.
My biggest hurdle when it comes to writing is I often get stuck when it comes to plot. I'll have a basic idea, but then I struggle to actually think of a plot structure or where to take the idea. It was easy for the first idea that I outlined bc at it's core, it's just a slasher horror story with supernatural elements. It's a pretty basic formula to follow and there's room to add your own flair.
ALSO, I'm stuck when it comes to storytelling mediums. Do I write it as a movie, TV show, book, or comic? The problem is I want to do everything lmao. I'm ✨indecisive✨ iwsudjhfjsdjc *sobs*
Last thing you googled: "Kitty Pryde" bc I'm very out of the loop with X-Men shenanigans (I need to watch X-Men '97 lol) and I wanted to know when they started referring to her as "Kate" in the comics. I'm sure it's been a thing for a while, but I haven't really paid any attention to the comics in forever bc I got out of collecting as a hobby.
I wish I knew when I set my icon here to Kitty. It has to be over ten years at this point. It's a part of me lol
I don't have anyone to tag, so feel free to use these questions for your own post 🤓
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tervaneula · 1 year
honestly i was thinking abt the differences between nqk and hey darling and some of them are just. so funny. your big leo is a wet towel of a man, mine just bottles shit up like hes gonna die if he doesnt do it properly. or like...a grocery store worker whos been bagging groceries for ten years. and yours is so Tightly Focused on leo but mine is like...its kinda funny bc mine is still focused on cerulean (for the moment ;) dw blue and the others will get their moment REAL soon cerul is just about to make his way to recovery which means we can shift focus hehe) but i show how hes feeling and whats going on through his interactions i guess? because its his environment thats affecting him, for me. and also yours is just continually downhill mine is like its fine im fine hahahaahaha :))))) until he finally breaks tf down lmao. what they DO have in common is that when they break they seal with gold; both of them heal only after they fall apart. also your little leo is SO much more well adjusted than mine i think. after 8 blue is gonna have a Time Of It that really highlights how age and experience can allow you to stand and keep walking a lot more easily and how teenagers kind of cling onto things in ways they dont need to (<says the teenager. BUT ive been TOLD that. overall blues everything is gonna be sooo much fun bc finally! the one thats my age!!! hehehe)
Although I'm really very sorry because my English reading comprehension has sucked for a while now and I can't digest this as well as it deserves (sobs)
One thing I can give my input for is that YES my little Leo is pretty well-adjusted. I don't know if the movie happened in Hey darling (giving Blue the nice trip to the prison dimension and all the associated trauma?) but my Leo only has the collective trauma of Karai's death and Shredder destroying their old lair etc. so while he's grown thanks to those things, he's still more of a little shit than what the canon Leo would be lmao. Very happy to hear that Blue will get the spotlight in your fic >:)))
I will give you a little spoiler for the next chapter of NQK: Leonardo and Leo have a little talk and it might involve some tears. I've been sitting on the draft for that interaction for WEEKS and oh boyyyy I'll be so happy once I get it structured and properly written out, it's a conversation that's been a long time coming!!
Oh oh oh also I want Leonardo and Cerulean to hug can they hug please (no one could've guessed this but I love blorbo hugs. especially if they're middle-aged sad turtle men)
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thegeminisage · 10 months
okay i have TEN MINUTES to type out my thots about the last two tng eps i watched. day before yesterday was a surprise watch of "the icarus factor" together and last night i did "pen pals"
the icarus factor: i have nnnnever been more angry IN my entire life. riker's dad sucks so bad he sucks SO BAD
that being said the episode was horrifically sloppy. it could have been a must see but it was all over the place and committed so many crimes
firstly, i dont understand the point of offering riker a promotion in this episode when 1. he already canonically turned down a promotion to be here and 2. it didn't tie into his daddy issues in any way whatsoever
also, why did they have his dad DATE THIS DOCTOR LADY? not only is that extremely uncomfortable for everyone involved (can you imaaaagine your parent bringing home a coworker or vice versa seeing a coworker show up at work with your parent) but it ALSO served no function - pulaski didn't tell us anything about riker's dad that he didn't know and we didn't know
it also used up basically all of my goodwill that had been generated re: pulaski. she really is just a knock-off bones and she's actually so boring because of that and even her dating riker's dad and being a chronic divorcee didn't make her interesting. sigh. once again i'm sorry women.
i also don't understand worf's b-plot being about his ten year (although wesley trying to get them both into the dead dad club was HILAAARIOUS and maybe the most i've ever liked wesley so far, i'm allowed to say this since i'm also in the club). i feel like worf's >:( should have been something to do with riker's daddy issues either a disapproval of his parenting or a lack of understanding of why it's bad parenting or SOMETHING bc that needed to be the whole episode and the b plot was just so ??? like it's a b plot i would have enjoyed in a diff ep but not this one
and finally, after ALL of that, after outlining in detail what a shitty person riker's dad is, how he felt the need to compete with his own child who he was also emotionally and physically neglecting so much so that he CHEATED and felt proud for it, how he never put anything before his career, AND
the man didn't even apologize. the word "sorry" never left his mouth he just told his shitty sob story and that was it. they yelled some japanese at each other while doign this martial arts thing and will was like glad you came pops and they hugged and that was the end. and also he didn't take the promotion because we knew he wouldn't. girl come ON.
pen pals: the first half of this episode sucked real bad. picard and the horses was awful and i don't think he should be allowed to say the word "allah" on television
wesley getting his own command...eh. it was fine and he hasn't been nearly as annoying in s1 as he was in s2 but i don't care so i was tapping my watch and waiting to get to the ACTUAL episode. it was so tedious to watch everyone argue about his mental wellbeing and future or whatever. who cares. he shouldn't even be here there should not be children aboard starships
i liked the part with data's pen pal BUT i also think he knows better than to violate the prime directive like that. if he slipped and did it once and then confessed that'd be one thing but 8 weeks?? he wouldn't fucking say that
i was also ??? when he beamed her up and didn't leave her in the transport room...idk, i like that he has feelings, and she WAS cute if a little uncanny (the voice filter sounds like the one tumblr used in that one interview lol), but it seems like if you wanted an episode About Data he could have fugured out that third answer of how to both save her and obey the prime directive, instead of getting yelled at and/or ignored by picard and then picard doing it. (man when picard asked for tea first from the replicator while data was trying to get his attention...)
at least pulaski was nice to him i guess :/
tonight, "q who," which will sadly probably have q in it, but at least i get to meet the BORG. at long last...................................
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what-if-nct · 1 year
hiiii today's reminder is a notes app list of observations/thoughts from the concert that I kept to say to you lol:
- xiaohenyang black on black dance break I sobbed
- the first VCR started with jungwoo and jeno and I thought they'd do Js first then it went to yuta and my brain said "mera juta hai japani" which is a line from an old Bollywood song meaning "my shoe is japanese" and it cracked me up too much to pay attention to the rest of the VCR
- about the from home stage: RENJUN MY BABY smiling when he made it through his famous voice crack part and all the members putting their mics up to him for the "and it starts from here our home" bit 😭😭😭
- new stages/songs i don't remember being performed before that I loved: Oasis (why does sm hate winwin's voice), kangaroo (i need a well shot performance vid), ok, pado (tho why would they call it pado and not wave bc my brain immediately read it as pedo and then it was a sexy song and I was Disturbed), call d (what does that even mean lol they're not even trying to hide the frat boyness anymore), and you specifically are gonna love bat and alley oop
- why were the mics so bad. why was the camera work so bad, esp in nct u songs where they clearly don't know which part is whose. also they were focusing wayyy too much on close-ups for choreo-heavy songs (rip nectar). also the random hour long delay in between wtf?? tho I did like wayv banter in the meanwhile, speaking of which
- WHY DID THEY CHANGE WAYV'S INTRO TO "TO THE WORLD THIS IS NCITY"?!!!!!!!! also they clearly just tossed wayv up there to buy time while they fix the sets, it was kinda hilarious. they're pushing winwin to act cute and winwin taps his in ear and says "give us more time" (as in the staff asking them to fill up more time before the performance) and they jumped on him with "you can have all the time you want to act cute baby" to which winwin tries to hide behind ten but he's a whole head taller than him lol
- baggy jeans is good and I'm sure it'll grow on me more, but the t7s unit reunion feels wasted on it. love love LOVE ten's rap verse tho
- songs i loved live but really missed the missing members (this is mostly taeil tho sungchan makes a couple of appearances): round& round, my everything, taeil's empty spot in good night broke my heart, misfit, the 90s love bit in resonance. i like that they didn't have anyone cover taeil in 127's songs tho because he really is the heart of their music to me
- conversely: why does winwin still have 0 lines in boss, why not give him you know who's verse??
- apparently the new 127 album will be the most 127-esque yet and should I be scared?
- so so so very few resonance era songs :(
- some beautiful people: chenle, winwin, ten's wayv outfit, jisung in his black outfit (is that allowed???), taeyong's little braids even though I'm not sure how to feel about this hair, KUN 😭, yuta being the only one without a shirt in resonance for some reason
- Kun, Doyoung, jeno and Chenle together in the end that's my husbands and our sons
Hiii!!!, I might be responding super super out of order.
Overall the missing members left a layer of pain the whole time but the members who covered for them did amazing, Yuta hitting taeil's high note my baby did so well. And Jisung too, speaking of, recently I have been fighting any attraction to Jisung back with a stick, but the past day I... Can no longer fight it like hello???? Sir?? Sir?? Also I really noticed how much he and Winwin look alike I used to think it was just their lips but its their cheeks and smiles too. Jisung still looks more like Taylor Swift though. Who is coming to Miami next year! I think it's an amphitheatre so might picnic in the parking lot. Anyway next!
I just wanna talk about how much of a cutie patootie sweetie pie Renjun is every time I see him I'm like heres the boy! and his little smile! His redemption. And just everyone clamoring to him and Winwin, the princes of NCT.
I really didn't want to spoil all of the new songs yet so I just skimmed over them. And I did allow a little more of Bat and you are so right but but I left some surprises and I'll go back after the album release. But Hendery!!!! That is all. Call D, I have so many questions but the sheer vibe of the song answers them. It's not an NCT album without a song covertly about sex. Baggy jeans from what I've heard so far, same I'm not completely sold on it but I didn't hear the whole song so who knows.
The production value was definitely lacking and they seemed confused about how to film it. At least Winwin had a few of you knows lines in Wayv's songs but I always say this but it's cause the first time was so hard but the Yixing vibes are so strong with Winwin, and I worry. SM if you appreciate Winwin and give him everything he needs he won't find it else where just give him more please. Give Wayv more!!! I am an exo-l who's seen a lot and I'm scared okay. I don't want history to repeat itself. Again!! Cause exo was history repeating itself the first time.
I think we should just be prepared for the next 127 album it could honestly be anything, genuinely anything. I think just go in open-minded and ready to hear them out.
And I just wanna add just Xiaojun Yangyang and Hendery, that's it Xiaojun Yangyang and Hendery just wow look at them also.
Ignore the text I don't agree with that, that's just the tiktok. I only okay you know what nevermind.
Also Yuta can *** ****** ** me
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
❤️ best friend 🐎 (PART 1 1/2)
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A galloper and reader fanfic!
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Happy Halloween!!! Been holding onto this fic for a while bcs I wanted to release it on Halloween!!! :D happy Halloween everyone! Hope you enjoy this silly fic!! Anyways 😳 time to get spooky with the bestie!!
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Today is October 31st you’re excited today is not only Halloween but the day your best friend returns. You have been best friends with Galloper Thompson for a long time you first met him in Goldenhills. You were terrified when you first saw him one of his hands in a closed fist and the other held the reins. he chased you all the way into the village and when you went back the next Halloween, he chased you again his hand was closed that year as well and he held no torch as he usually does in all the stories you heard. You went back again a third time terrified, but you risked it all for the amazing candy the village always gave. everything went well for you until night hit you were counting how much candy you got and how many treats were given for your horse. Distracted you did not hear the sound of hooves hitting ground and ghostly neighing. By the time you realized what was coming it was too late you told your horse to run away and you ran in a different direction. Galloper followed you and you were glad he did. your horse got away and you ran as fast as you could to Jasper’s farm. You were so close, but you tripped over a tree root you fell, and you tried to get up, but your ankle hurt a lot. You managed to stand for only a few seconds and when you tried to take a step you stumbled falling onto your knees. You looked behind you Galloper was close you burst into tears you accepted your fate you closed your eyes covering your face with your hands. Five seconds passed then ten…were you dead now? You opened your eyes freaking out when all you saw was black but then you remembered you covered your face with your hands. You slowly removed them sobbing when you saw Galloper off his horse standing right in front of you. You thought he was going to kill you and when he walked forward you sobbed again terrified. Then he knelt in front of you, and he held his hand out you shook terrified, but your sobbing stopped when he opened his hand. You finally found out what he held in his fist…a flower. He held a very dead and very dry flower in his hand he slowly moved his hand forward not wanting to scare you further he was careful with his movements. You wiped your tears away taking the flower gently from his hand and you smiled nervously letting out a shaky “thank you.” He slowly brought both his hands up keeping them at chest height and he signed something out to you, but you did not know sign language. You shook your head “I don’t understand you I’m sorry” could he hear you? His horse moved forward watching you her eyes glowing she neighed at you she was his eyes but not his ears. You tried to explain to him you could not understand sign language, but it did not work so you looked around. You found a flower you plucked it from the ground, and you held it out for him he took it then you had an idea. You held your hands up at the same height he held them, and you made a heart with your hands smiling at him. He was still for a few seconds before he copied you making a heart with his hands. Ever since then you have been good friends you learnt sign language working hard to learn it so that you could talk with him next Halloween. That Halloween Galloper was overjoyed when you signed ‘hello, how are you?’ to him and he showed how much it meant to him by making a heart with his hands. Now that you could understand him, he told you his story he told you about Morrigan how she helped him see how he met her and how he spoke with her, and she spoke with him. He also told you how lonely him and Morrigan were how he just wanted a friend and he apologized for how he chased you for three Halloweens. You told him it was alright and that yes you were scared shitless, but you didn’t mind it anymore since you gained a good friend. Now this Halloween you waited for him in the forest in Goldenhills your horse impatiently waited for Morrigan letting out neighs they too were excited to see their friend after a long time. When fog covered the forest, you got off your horse you waited a bit and soon you saw green lights and fire your friend was finally here
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perexcri · 2 years
Yelling screaming hitting my computer devours this chapter whole. Flowers for Mike!! As he deserves !! And glowing flowers for you back💕💐💐💐💐, and also 🥰🥰🥰 for making me think of them as their reincarnated selves am screaming and also I am settling that firmly as canon in my brain.
““I know how Wheeler is. Make sure you surface for air every now and then.”
And as Will walks in a daze out of their house, as he turns on the Pinto and shifts it into gear, he decides that, while seeing Jim Hopper in his disheveled pajama state isn’t entirely too odd, Jim Hopper telling him to not let Mike Wheeler make out with him for too long definitely makes the top ten.
Possibly above that one time he coughed up a slug.”
Leah. Leah, When I tell you I Cackled, rndjwxisid. Love supportive dads in this house making their kids weirded out by their support. Hopper is probably just like, yep that kid is gonna be my son-in-law
Was about to give Ted Wheeler some props for the same thing (nejxieduejd Love that he’s just like. Okay Byler is happening, I am Okay w this), but I can and Will fist fight him into the next century over him making Mike feel bad about his hair.
Also!!!! That whole bit where Will’s imagining the far off future of 2009. Good shit good shit am eating it up like a tasty treat. (God,,,,,2009, I was like 10 or 11, and Mike and Will would be,,like almost forty. I simultaneously feel weirdly young and also Old bc 2009 was 14 years ago holy shit lol)
I just. Adore that both of their families are happy/cool w them dating . Bc they Deserve their happiness atp.
“he sees a harsh crease form between Holly’s eyes, and she looks like she’s close to aiming a forceful kick somewhere below his gut” cackling dhdidisf Holly Wheeler is amazing and also my daughter now. Drawings as gifts is so!! This family!!! dbdjciwxiwxissd brb sobbing
“Against his pale skin and dark blue flannel, the flowers almost seem to pulse with light, shining from the warmth of the sun in crackling scarlets and oranges, soothing purples, crisp whites.” Screams and screams and screams and scr— 💐
Sobs into my hands, they’re so in love and they’re on their first date🥹🥹
(Writing fic at work is Such a mood. Also are you enjoying your new job? :D am very happy for u)
Vee i knew you would understand 😌 if it means anything, as far as i'm concerned, i'm considering this fic to be them reincarnated. idk this fic has been enjoyable and fun to write, but i think i only like it? but i love aftry, so thinking about this Mike and Will as being the aftry Mike and Will reincarnated makes me more excited about this fic. is that mean to say? idk. i guess you can't love everything you make all in the same way, and i know i definitely have stronger feelings for aftry than this one. it's still been fun to write, though!!
HAHAHAH i'm glad the Hopper comment could make you laugh. it and the Ted scene were fun to write for me just because of my own experience with friends' dads? i've been in a single-mother household for most of my life, so sometimes it makes it awkward to interact with other people's dads, just because it's like i don't know how to act around them and they don't know how to act around me. it was just fun to sprinkle my own experience in with all of this, especially because Jonathan and Will are my ultimate st projection characters
yeah writing Ted as being passive about the whole Byler thing 😩 he's like "yeah sure whatever. just as long as you aren't eating all of our food idc." Ted seems too uninvolved to have the energy to be actively homophobic (at least through a comedic lens). i think through a more serious lens he definitely could be/is. idk. this fic's lighter, so i made it in the universe where there isn't a lot of homophobic rhetoric to deal with :')
oh believe me - writing Will imagining 2009 put me in a bit of my own crisis 🙃 i'm one of those people who still thinks the 80s was only 20 years ago, so having a character in the 80s imagine life in the 2000s being written by somebody in the 2020s made my brain hurt
ahh yeah Holly!! i don't think i've ever really written with her before. idk!! i thought it was fun!! i'm an older sister, so idk how younger sisters are "supposed" to act, but i figured the brother/sister dynamic would largely remain the same, and my brother and i definitely used to get into kicking/hitting fights with each other a lot lol. it was also just fun to imagine them being brats to each other, because while siblings do have their sweet moments, i feel like a lot of the time there are more moments Like That. or maybe that's just how i was raised idk (my family's love language is sarcasm, in case you were wondering 😩)
AHHH thanks for asking about the job!! yeah it's going good so far!! i think it'll be a nice change of pace for me, and i'm really excited about it :D
thanks as always for your lovely words Vee i am biting them (affectionate) 💜💜💜
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