sharkpupsblog · 2 years
❤️ best friend 🐎 (PART 1 1/2)
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A galloper and reader fanfic!
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Happy Halloween!!! Been holding onto this fic for a while bcs I wanted to release it on Halloween!!! :D happy Halloween everyone! Hope you enjoy this silly fic!! Anyways 😳 time to get spooky with the bestie!!
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Today is October 31st you’re excited today is not only Halloween but the day your best friend returns. You have been best friends with Galloper Thompson for a long time you first met him in Goldenhills. You were terrified when you first saw him one of his hands in a closed fist and the other held the reins. he chased you all the way into the village and when you went back the next Halloween, he chased you again his hand was closed that year as well and he held no torch as he usually does in all the stories you heard. You went back again a third time terrified, but you risked it all for the amazing candy the village always gave. everything went well for you until night hit you were counting how much candy you got and how many treats were given for your horse. Distracted you did not hear the sound of hooves hitting ground and ghostly neighing. By the time you realized what was coming it was too late you told your horse to run away and you ran in a different direction. Galloper followed you and you were glad he did. your horse got away and you ran as fast as you could to Jasper’s farm. You were so close, but you tripped over a tree root you fell, and you tried to get up, but your ankle hurt a lot. You managed to stand for only a few seconds and when you tried to take a step you stumbled falling onto your knees. You looked behind you Galloper was close you burst into tears you accepted your fate you closed your eyes covering your face with your hands. Five seconds passed then ten…were you dead now? You opened your eyes freaking out when all you saw was black but then you remembered you covered your face with your hands. You slowly removed them sobbing when you saw Galloper off his horse standing right in front of you. You thought he was going to kill you and when he walked forward you sobbed again terrified. Then he knelt in front of you, and he held his hand out you shook terrified, but your sobbing stopped when he opened his hand. You finally found out what he held in his fist…a flower. He held a very dead and very dry flower in his hand he slowly moved his hand forward not wanting to scare you further he was careful with his movements. You wiped your tears away taking the flower gently from his hand and you smiled nervously letting out a shaky “thank you.” He slowly brought both his hands up keeping them at chest height and he signed something out to you, but you did not know sign language. You shook your head “I don’t understand you I’m sorry” could he hear you? His horse moved forward watching you her eyes glowing she neighed at you she was his eyes but not his ears. You tried to explain to him you could not understand sign language, but it did not work so you looked around. You found a flower you plucked it from the ground, and you held it out for him he took it then you had an idea. You held your hands up at the same height he held them, and you made a heart with your hands smiling at him. He was still for a few seconds before he copied you making a heart with his hands. Ever since then you have been good friends you learnt sign language working hard to learn it so that you could talk with him next Halloween. That Halloween Galloper was overjoyed when you signed ‘hello, how are you?’ to him and he showed how much it meant to him by making a heart with his hands. Now that you could understand him, he told you his story he told you about Morrigan how she helped him see how he met her and how he spoke with her, and she spoke with him. He also told you how lonely him and Morrigan were how he just wanted a friend and he apologized for how he chased you for three Halloweens. You told him it was alright and that yes you were scared shitless, but you didn’t mind it anymore since you gained a good friend. Now this Halloween you waited for him in the forest in Goldenhills your horse impatiently waited for Morrigan letting out neighs they too were excited to see their friend after a long time. When fog covered the forest, you got off your horse you waited a bit and soon you saw green lights and fire your friend was finally here
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
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Take your sibling to work day! Morrigan is annoyed by her brother’s laziness 🙄😒
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