#but also tends to stick with AMAB partners post-experiments
getvalentined · 2 months
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I made this! It's based on an older shipping meme but I felt like an OT3 version was needed.
I don't do enough valenstrifesodos stuff, but these three are so compatible with one another it's bonkers. Yes they are wearing each other's colors thank you very much for noticing.
Vincent is actually the tallest, but Genesis wears heels so you can't tell, and Cloud is...short. It's fine.
Template under the cut for anyone who wants it!
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Two versions, one with transparency and one without, for however you want to fill it out.
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zekeodile · 2 years
i havent been posting a lot of my own shit lately so i'm gonna write some stuff i've got about my own ghoul headcanons. these are not about the main ghouls necessarily and just how i see ghouls as a whole.
this is so lazy and i apologize but i just gotta spew ideas at people idc who
nsfw under the cut, mentions of heat / rut
i see ghouls as a subspecies to the demons of hell. they come in all different sizes, shapes, etc... this means they were human once. when their human soul died, they took the form of a ghoul in hell. they start out small, kit sized, but independent nonetheless. that being said, they love to be in packs, domesticated or not. feral ghouls have more sizable packs than the domesticated ones in the monasteries. feral ghouls choose partners based on the level of control the other ghoul has over their element. domesticated ghouls have sexual preferences close to humans, just as when they were alive.
reproduction tends to be a bit different, though.
feral ghouls experience a type of heat / rut twice a month depending on the season. this can also appear in domesticated ghouls depending on how animalistic they appear, how close they are to their hellish roots.
ruts are much worse for some elements than others. this makes things harder for multi ghouls, who experience the energies of all elements. fire ghouls have it the hardest out of anyone, their heats uncontrolled and burning deep in their cores, nagging and infernal.
when ghouls go into ruts, some will hide away, leave the abbey all together, and others will stay, but not leave the ghoul-designated wing, choosing to stick it out with their packmates. feral ghouls will not leave and will always stay with their pack.
those more closely tied to their feral roots will more likely choose staying in the abbey with their pack, selectively picking which members will satisfy them that day, who’ll get to stake their claim on the needy creature. more dominant ghouls will only pick one, and make them theirs for as long as their rut lasts. only that ghoul can be seen helping the lust-blind beast for that time.
for reproduction, male / amab ghouls posses knots, which are only really used if they’re a more dominant lover. ghouls can also create a type of lubricant, regardless of gender. this is up to the creature’s preference. if they tend to bottom more, they can create it at will. this is easier for water ghouls. ghouls that are more distant element wise will have a harder time creating an adequate amount.
anyways sorry again for this being so short and lazy, this was made over a few months of me just spouting ideas off for my own happiness, please include more hcs if you have any !!
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