#but also senshi. and laios. marcille is very silly I love her too
psikind · 7 months
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behold, the rare and elusive non-oc art from yours truly
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riisume · 2 months
Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi Tickle Headcanons!
(***DISCLAIMER: I haven’t finished the manga yet- So this’ll be knowing what I know about them from S1 of the anime!✨)
- His armor protects him usually.. But when they’re settling in to rest for the night, bro better not do anything dumb
- Laios WILL get tickled if he’s silly! Especially if he says wants to eat a monster that Marcille and Chilchuck don’t agree with…
- He’s QUICK to plead, beg, and bargain to make the tickles stop
- Part of him enjoys it though, it’s very nostalgic for him (tickle fights with Falin growing up!)
- His tummy’s very soft and squish, making it an easy tickle target for grabby hands!
- Laios will usually follow Marcille’s lead on tickling Chilchuck or vise versa when they’re messing with each other
- He loves discovering other’s tickle spots, whether it be purposeful or on accident
-Bonus points if the area that’s ticklish is part of what makes the races visually distinct (ex. Elf and Half Foots ears)
- Laios is DEFINITELY interested in knowing if monsters are ticklish…
- He tries to tickle Izutsumi but usually gets scratched or bitten… He’ll totally try it again later tho
- Getting this out of the way early… Her ears are very sensitive and ticklish because why not? 👏🏼
- If Marcille sleeps for too long, she’s often the target of wake-up tickles (it’s the most gentle and effective way to wake her up)
- She takes very good care of herself, so her skin is soft… Making it more sensitive
- She’s 100% feather ticklish!
- Marcille’s laughter usually gets high-pitched and frantic, even if you’re not tickling a death spot (she panics)
- She won’t hesitate to bonk, hit, or kick if you tickle her so make sure either you’re out of the way or someone’s pinning her
- She’ll likely complain after for tickling her (and making her mess up her hair)
- Marcille loves to tickle Chilchuck the most to tease him here and there
- Unfortunately for him, if you’re not another Half Foot, it’s REALLY easy to overpower him (he’s small and very light)
- Chilchuck’s another one with horribly ticklish ears (his neck as well) but he’ll deny both or deflect like his life depends on it
- He’s a frequent target for being tickled by the party given his grumpy nature
- Chilchuck swears PROFUSELY when he gets tickled (in different languages as well!)
- Whenever Marcille tickles him, he’ll usually get revenge or fight back (until Laios helps her and pins him)
- Because Senshi mistakes Chilchuck for a kid, he usually falls victim to Senshi’s cheer-up tickles as well whenever Chilchuck’s cranky or on edge
- Unless he’s provoked, Chilchuck normally avoids trying to start tickle fights with anyone else
- Rougher tickles tend to hurt him, especially on more boney areas like his ribs… So gentler tickles are needed to really get him
- Senshi’s not SUPER ticklish like the others in his party
- Rougher tickles would get good reactions out of him, though
- He’s not very susceptible to gentle tickles
- Senshi’s laughter is deep and hearty! Very enjoyable to hear
- Senshi enjoys tickling the others in the party
- He’s DEFINITELY used tickling against Marcille if she’s being fussy about eating
- Senshi’s worst spot is his armpits (which are unfortunately for him easy to reach)
- Yet another party member with VERY ticklish ears
- Laios likely found out about that by accident when he tried petting her there…
- He was fascinated and keeps trying every so often to do it again
- Izutsumi WILL attack or run if you tickle her
- She’s nimble so it’s a bit hard to catch her if she’s expecting it
- Izutsumi has a sharp tongue, so she’ll probably also yell obscenities when she’s tickled and can’t fight back
- Eventually she’ll get curious about tickling the others but she’d likely wait until they try to get her for her to strike back!
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withlove-xixi · 10 days
There's a serious lack of Marcille fics out there, so what are your thoughts on her with a beastman reader? Maybe a wolf one to contrast Izutsumi
Girl is always getting injured, so now she has someone strong as a bodyguard, plus someone warm to cuddle at night
And as a bonus, it would make for so many fun moments. Like with the doppelganger, maybe Marcille's version of them highlights the things she likes! They'd maybe look extra handsome/dashing like Senshi, or just be so alike because of her observing them. Cue them instantly starting to howl and engage hunting mode when Laios starts howling and barking at the doppelganger tho
Much protectiveness and mutual longing, so much potential
— MARCILLE THOUGHTS: marcille x beastkin!reader
ᥫ cw: none ★ I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!@?#! you're right ... theres too little marcille fics (or fics for the female characters in general me thinks _:(´□`」 ∠):_)
for as long as she can remember, marcille always wanted a dog, you were ... close enough.
at first she was a bit intimidated, those sharp fangs paired with such a piecing gaze ... everyone would be intimidated. your canine-like features had made you look unapproachable and scary, like you were ready ro hunt down prey; claws looked like they should be covered in blood, teeth looked ready to tear into flesh.
but oh, marcille very quickly learned you were just a little puppy.
she loves scratching the back of your ears and playing with them. like she'd gently blow against them to watch them twitch, then she'd giggle and repeat the process over and over until you have to stop her.
i think she's very protective of you, just as much as you are protective of her. she's always first to defend you when people mock you or try to pick fights with you, always first to offer healing you too (she's a jealous girl after all).
marcille, at all costs, keeps you as far away from laios as possible too (he pulled your tail once and never again would she let that happen). but really she's no better than him because she cant help but be curious about your wolfish nature, playing with your ears or combing your tail.
so her protectiveness and her curiousity combined makes her ... very clingy. it was like she was the dog on a leash. she's always holding your hand (paw?) or holding onto your arm, anything to keep you by her side. she sleeps closer to you too, though i think she doesnt like it when it gets hot and she ends up rolling around a lot. but when she sleeps, she's usually got your tail in her hands, just gently holding onto it or smoothing over the fur in her sleep.
sometimes it really feels like she got the dog she always wanted lol! it was proven when the party had encountered the shapeshifter and there was distinctly a very cutesy looking puppy-like version of you compared to the other more beasty ones. (marcille had immediately blushed when she saw it lol)
her favorite part of you has to be your tail tho. she has difficulty not giggling whenever it swishes around or whenever it wags when youre happy. despite it not being entire intentional, your body language through your tail was a nice subtle way for marcille to get reassurance on things, to know if youre happy or scared or anxious. it was nice, and shes certain you haven't even realized she was doing it lol.
marcille also loves your strength and agility. it makes her a bit flustered whenever you swiftly rush to her side to protect her or carry her with such ease. you were like those princes she's grew up reading in those silly romance novels she loves. and she loves being your princess so to say, being carried around or rescued (tho i doubt she'd ever admit it, too embarrassed and prideful to lol)
i think too marcille would try to break off your curse if you wanted to. or even if you didn't she'd be trying to. as much as she loves your canine side, part of her is a bit worried about the magic surrounding it. if you told her not to, she'd stop. and really, she'd never try anything without your permission, but it was a nice motivation for her to continue her research on ancient magic.
also .. i like to think she's tried to share sweet with you like a chocolate cake and im sure she had immediately panicked about it after, trying to pry your mouth open or get you to spit it out because chocolate is bad for dogs and oh my god, did she just kill you, oh my god, oh my god, were you going to die? spit that out right now!
i think too when they first entered the golden kingdom, you became very very dog-like, similar to what happened to izutsumi. and, man, marcille was having a field day. while she found the implications a bit strange, she couldn't outright refuse you when you brought her a large stick to play fetch with. embarrassed and a bit excited, she'd play with you in the fields of the kingdom. that and trying to get you and izutsumi to get along better lmao.
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chuckeroo777 · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi Volume 12 Part 2
Things keep getting hairier! And slimier. Let's see what happens next!
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Gold star for effort guys.
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But, a paratenic host is one in which the parasite doesn't actually do anything. But in this analogy, it's the only one you actually parasitised.
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Tags: Feral Pred, Willing to Unwilling prey, Full Tour, Non-Fatal
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Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions.
Also, did the Lion already eat her hair desires, or is she just too flustered currently to bother?
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See? Chilchuck said Dwarves live 2.5 times longer than Tall-men. If their average is 200, that makes Tall-men's 80. Kinda makes the Half-foot thing kinda pointless if it's only a 17% difference from Tall-men.
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Uh, okay? Why? In the demon backstory chapter, it's suggested that wishes caused the changes in lifespan, but how did they do that without enveloping the world like Marcille wants to do? I
According to the adventurer's bible, Tall-men can produce fertile offspring with Ogres or Half-foots. Do these hybrids have longer lifespans? Wait, she specifies long-lived, so I guess not?
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Izutsumi knows bullshit when she hears it. Seriously though, the lion continues to spit smoke. We know exactly what the lion will do once it escapes. It's not using half truths, it's just straight up lying that it wants to help Marcille with her goal.
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An important image.
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Yes Izutsumi. That's generally how it works. You'd know if you actually knew your parents.
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The plot thickens.
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Ooh, is Chilchuck making lasagna?
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Laios gets real handsy when the monster is passive. Actually, since doppelgangers rely mainly on chromatic illusions, shouldn't it feel off? Maybe they supplement it with actual illusion magic.
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If I remember correctly, she really liked the dryad pottage. She even has Dryads as a major portion of the army she's raising. I also spotted some elephants in the wide shot. Do those ever show up later?
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A precious image.
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Geez Marcille, at least stir in some butter and garlic salt.
Also, rare footage of Marcille not wearing that stupid choker.
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Marcille. This is a sad scene. Stop making me laugh during your trauma.
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There is something deeply funny about Izutsumi being the most worldly of these idiots. I mean, it makes sense. Senshi spent most of his life on the island, Laios is young and doesn't pay attention, and Chilchuck has always lived in urban areas. Meanwhile, Izutsumi has been shunted from owner to owner her whole life.
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When you roll an abject failure, but the DM wants to move things along anyway.
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Wouldn't you be hungry if this was the first non-monster food you had eaten in weeks?
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I love the silly shit this manga pulls sometimes. Everyone literally just refers to it as "the island".
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Agreed, it's very silly. But more importantly, what kind of magic nonsense allows a three-way meeting between a fairy, a crystal ball, and a telephone?
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Actually, the dungeon is acting more like a slime right now, attempting to flip its digestive system to envelop external prey.
Lots of short chapters this volume, but the density is high! We might end up with four posts on this one! See you in a bit!
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crystalelemental · 3 months
We have finished the Dungeon Meshi anime. I'll type out thoughts, but I feel like I can easily summarize as "It's really good, you should watch it." I was also asked to talk about favorite characters so like. Get ready for that one.
As a whole, Dungeon Meshi is excellent. My wife has an anecdote she likes to tell about it, where before we even watched it, I told her about the general premise and that people were talking about it and it sounded neat and I wanted to pick it up if she'd like to watch. And as happens sometimes, I get the response of "I'll probably look at my phone and just watch it in the background," which is usually "I'm not too interested but put on what you want to put on." And after the first episode she was completely invested. The show is really charming really fast.
Thing is, for as fun adventure as it starts, it does a lot seriously that lands spectacularly well. The first instance of "oh wow, this show is for real" is the well-documented living armor bit. The biology that goes into these monsters is amazing. My personal favorite is still the treasure bugs and mimics interaction, which is just incredible to me, but every time they talk about monster biology and their function it's a treat.
Exploration stuff is also really cool. There's another great post that went around talking about how this party really is more of an old-school dungeon crawler party, where skills for survival like Chilchuck's are essentially the most valuable, rather than combat ability. It does really have that feel, and it's great. I also just love how some of the magic works. Things like mana sickness are cool, but resurrection is my personal favorite. They make a big deal about the black magic kind being forbidden, but watching it in action, it functions just like the stuff that's on the level; blood pools and congeals back in the body, the black magic just involved reconstructing flesh. Marcille's point about black magic not being inherently bad is fair; it doesn't seem all that different. But perceptions are really different regarding it.
They haven't delved too far into it yet, but there are tensions between the fantasy races, and plenty of biases going around. Some are a bit more obvious, like Marcille really not trusting the orcs, while others are more like Shuro's one party member who just refers to the dwarves as just "dwarf," even as she's praising Senshi's cooking. Kabru's got his own hangups regarding how the elves handle things with the dungeons, and openly admits to the imbalance in power between races and how that negatively impacts everyone. I imagine this starts to be more prominent in the second half now that all the establishing stuff is done.
As for cast...they're really strong. Laios' group is all great, I loved them all. Marcille is my favorite, personally, because of course she is. From silly magic elf girl, to oh she's actually super smart, to oh she's super smart in ancient criminal magic fuck yeah girl. Marcille's a delight. Chilchuck was the easy least favorite of the group starting out, but he's really grown on me. Izutsumi is peak cat. Laios is really interesting as a protagonist, I like him a lot. I think the conflicts he gets into are...very real, in a way. Like, he has amazing strengths that make him great at what he's doing, but the flaws in his character inform what struggles they encounter in a really believable way. I like him a lot. Senshi is cool. Falin needs more time, and you have no idea how bummed I am that the season ended with a little snapshot that Chimera Falin and Thistle are having hijinks off-screen, I need that spinoff.
The other groups are less developed, but I'm sure Aera will be happy to hear this: god damn do I love Kabru. This dude rules. I saw people talk about him on Tumblr so I recognized him the instant he showed up, but his first "proper" introduction is stupendous, showing his general people-reading and ability to gather information, and his adherence to a sense of justice that's just as much about meting out punishment as anything else. Him killing those dudes was great, loved that. And the barely concealed excitement over black magic is hilarious. Then he gets to show off that he's basically an assassin class, knowing where to strike for instant kills, has a whole chat with Shuro about recognizing the racial discrepancy in the world at large, and tries to play an entire room full of elves. I dunno, like the guy a lot. He's shrewd, and he's got moxie. I do admit that, while I get the fandom is really attached to Laios and Kabru as a ship, I...have no strong feelings about it. I do, oddly, like him and Rin. Their dynamic in the show was fairly cute, and admittedly some supplemental material I saw posted really got me invested in her. The rest of his party...I have no particular feelings about. It's just him and Rin to me for now.
Shuro's party is even less interesting. I do like Shuro, I think he's a really neat character. But his group hasn't done anything all that interesting to me yet. They kinda showed up to get bodied by Chimera Falin and drive tension as the group that first knows about black magic.
Similar deal with Namari's group? If anything I think the old gnome dude is in the running for general least favorite character. I don't hate the guy, but he's done nothing to endear himself. I have no strong perspectives yet.
For characters that need more time in the oven, there is the question of the Canaries. I've seen a tidbit about them, but my general assumption of them is the whole "Canary in the coalmine," they're the frontliners for dungeons that are sent in and risk death to assess the threat level. Which is neat, would like to know what that deal is. But #1 most invested in learning more about is Thistle. Love that design, love the general vibe he puts out, but also the reveal that he was hired as the court jester who happened to also become the most powerful mage of the kingdom is really, really good. That's both hilarious and awesome. I don't even know this guy and I think he's the shit.
I am wildly invested in season 2, and if it weren't for me working for a school and going through summer months unpaid, I'd probably be buying the entire manga like right now. As it stands I'll have to wait a bit for that, but it's probably happening. I've seen plenty of commentary about things the anime couldn't fit in that are hilarious or interesting, and it feels like one I'd like to read as well, even if I plan to fully go through the anime. Huge fan, glad we got an immediate announcement of season 2, really looking forward to more.
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prismatoxic · 6 months
tox. tox. tox. i cant even. THE LATEST CHAPTER???? HELLO???? i was gonna comment but i felt like i wouldnt be able to get my energy across- OUFUGGHPGIHGHO???? OUHOGIDHAJAIGOHA????;!??!!?? THE CALL!!?!??!!! "wow, you really ARE different..." "whats that supposed to mean?" AREUGGGOGFURHHHGFRGHTH
CHIL REPEATING THE WORD "DOG" IN HIS NATIVE LANGUAGE. I CAN HEAR IT. well i mean i actually hear it in Filipino because thats my native language but still. i can imagine it so well. i love them your honor... they are silly...
"what are you even doing???"
"dont worry about it. anyways let me send you thousands of dollars-"
anyways great chapter thank you thank you thank you 🫶🫶🫶🫶
~ phio phoefickle ✌️
(p.s. meijack you are in SO much unserious trouble....)
both direct comments and tumblr asks are good for me, it's serotonin right to my veins either way :3 there's a thread in my chilaios server where people also just liveblog their thoughts at me and i'm very hinged about the praise (<- lying)
honestly i love when people think of chilchuck in their own culture... i've seen some friends talk about latino chilchuck, it's so fun. and it's not like we have a tolkien-esque dictionary of half-foot so imagining it in your own language makes sense to me!!
AND YEAH... HONESTLY... you have picked up on something there that i did intentionally, LMAO. so while it's not the vibe chilchuck intended, it's the one that's going to get him in trouble later <3 puckpatti may be willing to gloss over all of this in the name of her dad being happy, but there are others who may take it as something to be concerned about... :3c
i've started chapter 7, and your ask made me very happy so how about i share the beginning with you:
The night before the trip, Laios invites Chilchuck out to Senshi’s, and he finds himself agreeing far more readily than he did the first time. What’s more, everyone can make it; it’s nice to see Falin again, but he also gets to see Marcille when she’s not tired and overworked.
He’s not actually sure if that’s a good thing, in the end.
She hugs Laios when he and Chilchuck arrive (not as tightly as Falin does, but still with a certain degree of overt fondness), then sits herself down and immediately launches into the friendliest interrogation Chilchuck has ever found himself subject to. He can barely half-answer her before she’s launched into another question; about where he’s from, about what he does, about how Laios has been treating him… She asks about his family, too, but it’s Laios who gently deflects her when Chilchuck stalls out about it.
“He’s kind of a private person,” Laios laughs, raising a glass of soda to his lips. “Let him actually get to know you first, Marcille. Then he’ll tell you himself.”
Chilchuck doesn’t want to tell anyone anything about his life without prompting, but he thinks Laios knows that; the easy escape from the line of questioning is appreciated, either way.
“I hope you stick around long enough for that to happen!” Marcille enthuses. “You seem like a really interesting person, Chilchuck. And clearly you’ve got Laios under control.”
Chilchuck laughs at that, and he’s not the only one; Falin and Namari laugh too (and even Shuro smiles a little). A glance Laios's way reveals he’s flustered, but similarly amused. “He’s not hard to direct,” Chilchuck muses over the rim of his water glass. “He just needs to be told exactly what to do.”
He pretends he doesn’t notice the look Falin gives her brother.
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noellevanious · 4 years
definitely real dungeon meshi epilogue:
laios gets turned into a beastman like izutsumi. his greatest dream. but then he realizes people want to eat him instead. he lives the rest of his life conflicted on the topic of eating vs being eaten
marcille and farlyn bone down and adopt a half-elf baby. marcille becomes the ruler of the dungeon, gets to practice necromancy, and becomes known as “The Dark Queen of the Dungeon” and farlyn is her sexy witch cohort that she commands to dress in skimpy outfits for her pleasure. their half-elf adopted child is being trained in every art ever and because of it she’s a neurotic mess but she still loves her 2 moms very much
izutsumi adapts to living life as a catperson because she can wear gender-neutral clothes now. everybody loves her and wants to pet her (this is true right now but continues into the future). she gets married to beastman laios but then divorces him and keeps half of his beast food in the settlement. laios doesnt care cause he got to see her naked
chilchuk realizes hes a pos and goes back to his wife and settles down with her. his daughter is growing up to be an adventurer like him but unlike him shes not an asshole for running away from family for silly reasons
senshi becomes a world famous cook among dungeon explorers, stays in the dungeon, and gives food to anybody in need because he’s a good person. this couldve been a funny entry but i love senshi as a character too much. hes too kind and awesome and everything i wish i could be
mithrun finally takes a nap and when he wakes up he realizes he just had glued his eye shut on accident and didnt take his medication. now hes all better and he loves his giant elf Canary polycule
kabru becomes marcilles second-in-command and deals with the busywork because he’s smart and knows that if any of the dummies currently running the dungeon were given a second alone, theyd turn it into hell on earth. also he starts modelling for fashion magazines because he is the prettiest person in the world
realizing that his love is now lost to a dummy like marcille, shuro goes back to his homeland and gets some sleep and eats some food. he makes peace with his long lost love and realizes that maybe it was better he didnt marry laio’s sister, who shares many personality traits because they’re twins
sissel the sorcerer comes to realize that the wizard he was protecting for years is dead, and is put to rest in Golden Kingdom, along with everybody he made immortal, finally knowing peace. not before he gets spanked on the ass for being a little shithead of course
kensuke becomes a sick-ass Buster Sword and is reveled in legends as “The Legendary Sword Kensuke”. Soon enough he gets mass produced and everybody owns a Legendary Sword Kensuke. This embarasses Laios because nobody believes his Kensuke is the Original Kensuke
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