#but also owwww thanks for this anon :(
oncforallxbroccoli · 8 months
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Unprompted Ask (always accepting) || Anonymous asked:
Izuku, do you risk your life so often in heroics because you don’t think your life has any value outside of that? Because that’s the vibe I’m getting here
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Izuku opened his mouth to answer before promptly shutting it. The anon's words hit home -- even though he had never really thought about that being the case until now. As far as he could remember he had always been like this, it wasn't anything new to him.
But did it have something to do with how he had been Quirkless, and everyone looking down on him for that?
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k4ulitzs · 10 months
can you do that y/n is gustavs sister and that she comes home drunk + ALSO the rest of the band is there and its their first time meeting her and tom IMMEDIATELY falls inlove saying he will take care of her,
you can make the end!
basically just fluff 😆
care ~ tom kaulitz
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this is so cuteee, thank you so much for the request anon! Much appreciated 💕
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Tilting my head back and downing another shot, the alcohol burning my throat on the way down. I had been here for god knows how long, and I was that wasted that I swore I could see stars. "y/n, I'm gonna call you a cab, you're wasted." my friend shouts over the blaring music, placing her hand on my shoulder.
I say nothing, my whole body too hazy to process anything.
Before I knew it, I was stumbling out the club, and into the taxi my friend called for me. Telling him where to take me. I lean my head back, definitely not excited that I left for the club whilst in an argument with my brother gustav, he was most likely going to be pissed at me for coming home in such a state.
The taxi reaches our house, me opening the door and drunkenly stumbling out, my legs barely carrying my weight. I trip over almost everything while walking up the path, banging into the front door with a loud thud. "owwww!" I groan, pissed by my own drunk state if I was honest. Before I can reach for the handle, the door swings open.
As I imagined, it was my brother gustav, with obviously an unpleased look etched upon his face. "jesus christ, it's 4am y/n! I've been worried sick, I've called you, messaged you, but you never picked up! I even went out looking for you at one point, and-" his rambling comes to an end when I interrupt him. "love you too." I slur, moving him out the way and walking into the house, throwing my small purse onto the side table.
As I walked through the house, I aim for the living room, hearing a couple voices emitting from there. I peek around the door frame, and see the band all sat on the sofa.
I quickly move out of view, but the way it went silent told me I wasn't being slick at all. Gustav walks past me, still looking pissed, and sits on the other sofa. "guys, this is my sister y/n. as you can see, she's not the expert at first impressions." he rolls his eyes. Guiding me in with his hand.
I step in, "uhh.. hello..." I wave awkwardly, my eyes landing on the dread headed boys ones, him already looking at me as though he was in love and in awe. "y/n this is georg, bill and tom. They'll be staying for the night." he says, looking at me as if he expected me to just agree.
"uhm, no? There's no room, gustav." I roll my eyes. "sharing is caring." he replies with a shrug.
"what?! None of them are sharing with me, I barely know them!" I huff, throwing my hands in the air. "y/n, you're drunk, just get some rest will you?" he says, clearly annoyed at this back and forth argument.
"bill, georg, you guys can have the spare room. Tom, would you mind... Helping her?" he whispers the last part, making it less obvious to me what he was saying. But it was obvious gustav didn't want to help me himself, as he was still pissed at me.
Tom nods, standing up off the sofa and walking towards me. "where's your bedroom?" he asks, basically eye-fucking me.
I point to my room which was down the hall, he nods and rests the palm of his hand on my lower back, walking me to my room.
I open my door and trip into my room, "woah, watch yourself." he takes my hands and guides me to my bed. I mumble a small 'mhm' and sit down on my bed, drunkenly reaching down and attempting to take my heels off, however failing miserably. I feel tom's gaze all over me.
"need help love?" he grins, tongue poking out to fiddle with his lip ring. "please." I sigh out, lifting myself up and resting my hands behind me on the bed. He nods, walking over to me and kneeling infront of me, delicately taking my heels off.
He pats my thigh before sitting on the bed beside me, hand snaking around my waist, making their way down to the hem of my dress, stopping as his eyes scanned mine, searching for any disapproval. I nod my head, him then nodding too and slipping my dress up.
His pillowed fingertips caressing my thighs as he moved his hands up. I watch his hands, moving my arms up so he can slip my dress over my head. He let's out a breath, tossing my dress on the floor somewhere.
His hands slowly move up my body slowly, making sure no curve goes untouched. "you're... Beautiful." he breathes out. My cheeks burn warm, and I look away. Moving back on my bed and getting under the sheets. Closing my eyes.
I hear him sit up off the bed, but before he can leave, I grab his wrist. "stay..." I mumble.
He let's out a sigh, me being able to feel him smirking. He moves over to the other side of the bed, slipping in beside me as I feel his warmth on my back. His hand snakes around my waist, making small circle shapes on my belly with his thumb.
"goodnight beautiful." he whispers, his soft lips leaving a small kiss on my shoulder, me smiling, and us both falling asleep.
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Hope you enjoyed! Hope I did you proud dear anon, sorry it took me so long to post! I'm so tired so if the ending is bad, I'm aware it shows😭 so this isn't proofread yet 🔥🔥
Send anything in <3
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merlinssassybeard · 3 years
Hi i have ex gojo request pls ik you must be busy with your new series roses n thorn which i totally loveed and would love to read further!!
My request is ex gojo comes home after months long overseas mission and his daughter hugs him mainly fluff x3 thank you
This video is the inspiration https://www.instagram.com/tv/CXECqmjonkE/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Oh my my this videooo melted my heart christ❣i need motivation to write the part 2 of roses n thorns anon😭🥲
Series masterlist // Main masterlist
I loved your ask but you see my dear anon, Imma very evil person, who looooves angst and fluff so i totally changed what you requested hehe
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I took the liberty of naming Gojo's daughter Yumiko since nobody was interested in randomly suggesting a name
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Ex husband Gojo
▪︎He's a proud dad▪︎
"She has a Karate match on thursday, think you can come?"
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Your daughter, who's already excelled her teacher and her classmates in Karate at a mere age of 9, had an upcoming Junior level Karate competition at national level.
Gojo, whenever free, never missed out on giving his lil pumpkin hand to hand combat training and that's how she's so perfect at it.
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"Mommyyy! Why isn't daddy coming?" You heard your daughter grumble in anger as she started stabbing her cereals with her spoon.
"Mmm don't do that sweetie! Your dad has work, he's a very busy man-" you tried to explain your daughter before she interrupted you with her sudden fit of anger...
"WHY DOES HE DO THAT EVERYTIME! He didn't come when i won the gold at school! He didn't come on my birthday either! ITS BECAUSE OF YOU MAMA! YOU HATE DADDY THAT'S WHY HE NEVER COMES HOME!..."
"Yumiko! How dare you-"
You were too dazed by your own daughter's words to say anything further. Her words made you choke on your comebacks, as she angrily marched off to the couch to pick her bag.
You? Hate him? Wasn't Gojo the one who divorced you? Ugh, its so annoying to think about something that happened in the past and now, currently, you don't have time to think either as you have to drop your daughter at school.
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Silence. During the whole drive to school, your daughter had a pout, which somehow looked similar to Gojo's aww cutee. You dropped her to school and tried to wave at her but she ignored and joined her friends as she entered the school premises.
You let out a sigh at the realization of the fact that no matter she looks like Gojo, she has indeed got your short temper.
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At the office, you finished your signing of a couple of documents and reached out to your phone to dial 'Toru💔' contact.
"Yeah i-i wanted to say that Yumi made it to the nationals so....can you come around by thursday? She'd be really upset if you don't come, she's already throwing fits because you didn't c-came on her birthday. Think you can be here?"
You heard Gojo chuckle, "She's throwing fits?At 8 already? She's all like you afterall huh!"
"She's 9.", "Anyways, would you come or not? I have to prepare an excuse too so please hurry up"
"Hmmmm, she got so big huh? Let's see, mmmmm i have a pretty busy schedule for the next two weeks-"
"So, no, yeah? Ok then I'll prepare an excuse like always"
"Like old times yeah? Never letting me finish! I'll see if everything's fine here then maybe. Also send me the location, in case."
"You're coming?!"
"Of course. Maybe. Definitely. Don't know. You seem pretty excited, got some plans for me huh?"
"Oh please shut it i don't have time for you. Ok then bye."
"Owwww soo rude, i don't mind you calling me toru by the way anyways byee sweets"
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Thursday, National Stadium.
"...and the winner of the national junior Karate championship is Yumiko Gojo!!"
You stood at the exit, where your daughter was busy getting her congratulations.
"Well fuck, he didn't came afterall" you sighed and buried your face in your palm as you felt your boyfriend of 7 months, whom your daughter is growing fond of, pat your back, "its alright YN, I'm here for Yumi. She doesn't needs to be around someone, who forgets his own daughter's birthday-"
"Ummm i did NOT forget her birthday?", you turned to look at the source of the familiar voice, "Satoru!", "i told you I'd come didn't i?"
He was dressed in a white shirt and pants with his jacket hanging on one hand over his shoulder with his dark shades on and carried a gift carry bag, he gave you his signature "yo!"
Your daughter ran at full speed towards her dad who already had his arms wide open to pick her up.
Gojo picked his girl up and smothered her chubby cheeks with kisses, "Oh my sweet little pumpkin, did you miss daddy- oh wow you're heavy! Whoa look at that! What is that! You won another gold! You're my daughter afterall!"
"Yes daddy i missed you so so so so veryy much!! Why didn't you come at my birthday! You know I'm so big now! I'm the tallest in my class!!"
"Well first of all, dad is very sorryy pumpkin but you see, dad had work. Very important work. But guess what!!" Gojo enthusiastically said to which your daughter exclaimed "what!?!"
"I got you something!! We'll open it at home!!"
"Yesss papa!! But lets go to grandma's noww!! I want to show her too!"
Gojo turned to look at you as he reasoned, "we can't pumpkin. You see, mama and granny are...hmmm how should I say this....not in good terms."
"You mean granny is mad at mama?" She enquired. "Hmmm kinda-" gojo replied before interrupted.
"Okay that's enough you two! Yumi honey, I'll drop you at granny's and dad will join you there too, how about that?"
"Yess!! Daddy we'll go to grandma's together!!" She exclaimed but then asked, "...but what about you and hiroshi uncle?". "Who's hiroshi?" Gojo quickly retorted. "Mama's friend!"she replied
"Hi I'm hiroshi-" Your fwb introduced himself to which Gojo quickly quipped "why are you still here? Can't you see we're having a family moment?"
"Okay that's enough boys lets go home" you sensed the heat between the two men and knew what could happen so you sent your daughter to sit in the car.
"Family? Are you sure about that? Gojo san?" Your fwb scoffed now triggering Gojo, "what dude? You wanna fight?"
"ALRIGHT BOYS THAT'S ENOUGH FOR TODAY! Don't forget why we're here! Yumi won the nationals, today's about her, so lets have drinks on her!"
"Yeah, lets have drinks on yumi's win!", your fwb said with a smile, "but i bet gojo san here can't even drink"
Oh shit. Gojo looked at you with his eyes spelling out 'you had to tell him about it of all people'. You were sweating so you tried cool off the air, "Hiro, w-would you mind to-"
"Its okay yn, i get it. You should spend some time with your daughter. I'll see you later huh." Hiroshi, who placed a kiss on your lips before leaving you with your ex husband, who was currently taking deep breaths, "you done? Might as well start fucking here huh? how about that?"
"Shut up. You're talking as if you don't whore around huh. C'mon I'll drop you two at your mom's house."
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~The end~
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mcyt-imagines · 4 years
hiiii! may i request some soft sapnap? I dont really have any specifics just something soft lmao (also i luv ur writing!!)
I hope this was soft enough for you !! And thank you so much anon !! <33
Moving Blues 
The mid-morning sun splashes it’s bright glow across your freshly painted room, the curtains you had been meaning to put up yesterday mock you from the ground below your window. You groan as you cover your eyes with a heavy arm, feeling the aftereffects of carting all those heavy boxes around yesterday. Moving had been harder than both yourself and Sapnap had expected. Sapnap stirs behind you, hands creeping up your pyjama shirt to splay his warm hands across your soft stomach. He hums pleasantly at the skin contact, moving closer to nuzzle your neck with his face and pressing butterfly kisses in his wake. “Good morning hotstuff.” His voice low and raspy as you turn in his arms to meet his eyes, you cup his cheek and kiss him. “Morning handsome.” You smile against his lips and he happily pulls you in again, and again.
His hands wander, as they usually do, squeezing your hips as you pull him closer to you. Determined to go back to sleep despite the bright light invading your cosy bedroom. In a futile effort to escape the light you bury your head in his shoulder, which does help lessen the light as Sapnap chuckles. You feel it reverberate through his chest against your own, “Someone wants to sleep in, hm?” He teases, leaving a light pinch on your hip. You react instantly with a gasp and a soft yelp, “Heyyyyy.” You grumble into his neck, biting the skin cheekily. He lets out a surprised gasp before smirking against your skin, you feel his icy cold feet against your own and you squeal. 
“Get your feet off me!” You writhe in his tight hold as he cackles pressing his feet further up your legs much to your obvious dismay. After a few more moments of squirming Sap suddenly lets you go and you’re sent flying over the edge of the bed. You land with a loud thud, “Owwww.” Sap’s head appears from the bed and offers you his hand, “Sorry darlin’” He hoists you up with minimal effort, standing from the bed himself. You pout as you rub your wrist, he gently takes it from you. He eyes you as he softly kisses your wrist a few times, “See? All better.” You giggle as he pulls you close again, pressing a kiss to the top of your hair.
After a few moments of hugging in the warm sun rays by the window Sapnap pulls away, “C’mon cuddlebug, we’ve got a lot of work to do today.” You nod begrudgingly and let him take your hand in his to lead you to the kitchen, past your multitude of piled carboard boxes. It felt as if you had been unpacking for years yesterday but it barely looks like you even made a dent in the pile of boxes scattering the apartment. You yawn as you scramble over boxes in the middle of the room, Sapnap carefully pushing them out of the way whilst you flock to the fridge. You spot what you’re looking for immediately, you hold up the pre-made pancake batter with a victorious cry. “Huzzah! A breakfast fit for royalty!”
Sapnap chuckles as he moves to your side, watching as you rummage around in one of the nearby boxes searching for a pan. He happily hides the one he found in the boxes he’d moved behind his back, heading for the stove. He turns it on and simply unscrews the cap off the container holding the batter before pouring one large pancake out onto the pan. Your rummaging continues for a few moments until the pan manages to heat up enough to start cooking the batter. At the sizzle you turn, “You absolute scoundrel.” 
You gasp scampering over to him, hands raking up his sides once you reach him. Laughter bubbles from his lips immediately, he shies away from your hands futilely trying to escape. “This is payback for your icicle feet!” You cry only continuing your onslaught, only to smell burning. You lock eyes with Sapnap as your ministrations still, “The pancake!” You both cry, scrambling to try and flip it before it burns any worse than it already has. Sapnap tries with the pan only to completely beef it, causing the pancake to fold over in on itself like an omelette. “Quick try that box for the spatula!” You direct him, moving to your own box with vigour.
Within seconds you have the fated spatula in your hand and dive for the pancake, flipping it with a familiar expertise. “Hey not bad darlin’.” Sap smiles, arm sliding casually to your hip. “I learnt from the best.” You smile, leaning into him and he pulls you closer pressing his lips to your temple. “Now what do we want on these bad boys?” He asks, moving from you to the fridge as you shrug and make a non-committal noise “Whatever we’ve got in there.” His eyes scan the barren fridge knowing the two of you will have to make do with just the essentials, maple syrup and butter. Pancakes deserve a better condimental reception, but this is the best you can offer them right now. “Sorry pancakes.” Sap mumbles to himself as he grabs what he needs and closes the fridge, placing them haphazardly on the kitchen island.
You haul the last pancake from the pan, throwing it onto the pile of steaming pancakes and carefully carry it to the island where Sapnap impatiently sits. “Yuuuuum~” You take a seat beside him and without any second thoughts the two of you eagerly devour the whole tower of pancakes you had cooked up. “No rest for the wicked I guess.” 
You groan through your last mouthful of pancakes and haul yourself up from your seat, eyeing the box of kitchen utensils and pots that isn’t gonna unpack itself. Sapnap follows suit, standing from the table as well. Only to cringe at his hands, your own face mirroring the expression. Fingers sticky with butter and maple syrup you find yourself and Sapnap fighting for the kitchen tap, determined to rid yourselves of the icky feeling of unclean hands. Your hips and elbows bump against each other’s, “Hey!” You giggle as he splashes water onto you, you gasp and eagerly splash him back and make a run for it.
You barely make it into your bedroom before Sapnap’s arms loop around your middle from behind and raise you high off the ground. You squeal in surprise as he holds you tightly, your feet dangling off the ground as he spins you for a few seconds before he places you back down with a grin. He litters your face with kisses as your arms stay looped around his neck, now clean hands tangled in his hair. “You’re such a brat you know that.” He squeezes your hips, “You started it.” 
You stick your tongue out at him, and he chuckles at your antics. With a soft sigh you pull away from him, eyeing the mess that your apartment still is. “C’mon these boxes ain’t gonna move themselves mister strong man!” You tease, moving over to the window and hauling a curtain rod up onto the sill, easily hooking it on. Sapnap begrudgingly nods in agreement, picking up a particularly heavy box by the door to start unpacking his stream set up. Eager to get back online to start streaming with his friends again.
The hours fly by between the two of you, Sapnap turns on some music claiming it ‘puts him in the zone’ and you happily dance and sing along with him when he walks by you as the empty boxes begin to pile up. As the sun sets the two of you finally reconvene in the kitchen, eyeing the now collapsed cardboard boxes pushed into one corner of the room. The once empty apartment looking a little cosier now. The soft music coming from Sapnap’s speaker starts to quieten as one song ends and another begins. Something upbeat, easy to dance to. Sapnap’s eyes are already on you when you meet his gaze, a flush reaches your cheeks as he bows and holds out on arm. 
“May I have this dance?” He grins, “Of course, sir.” You can only smile wider as you bow and take his hand, letting him guide you to the centre of the room to give the two of you plenty of space. His hands stay in yours as he happily twirls you to the beat, your laughter only egging him on as the flush on his own cheeks reaches the tips of his ears. Your tired voices sing out loudly and unabashedly, heavy limbs swaying and snapping to the rhythm, in sync with each other.
Sapnap orbits around you as you move before you pull him close, desiring his skin against your own after a long strenuous day mostly apart, even if the distance was only a few metres. You sway gently with him as his arms envelop you, your own looping around him with such familiarity it makes your chest, and his, ache. He presses several soft kisses atop your hair, singing softly along to the last few lines of the song.
His breath warm on your face when he takes your chin in one of his hands and tilts your head up to meet his gaze, “I love you.” He hums, expression softer than you’ve ever seen before. His eyes look deep into your own and know that he loves all that he sees by that expression he wears alone, your heart lurches against your chest. “I love you more.” You smile, leaning in and he mirrors the action before pausing just as your lips were going to meet. “I love you most.” He mumbles against your lips before a hand cups the back of your head, guiding your head the rest of the way forward. Your lips meet in a firm kiss before meeting, again and again.
The last few notes of the song ringing in your ears before slowly drowning out as Sapnap pulls away just as breathless as yourself. “And if you’ll let me, I’ll prove just how much more I love you.” He mumbles against your lips, taking your lower lip between his teeth for a few moments. You watch with interest as his pupils slowly begin to dilate, you only smirk bringing a hand up to his chest to trail over his skin. “I’m listening.” Without a word of warning Sapnap brings both of his hands down to hook underneath your thighs, lifting you up against him. You let out a squeak of surprise, arms flailing to find their place looped behind Sapnap’s neck, your legs doing the same around his middle.
As Sapnap hurries towards your bedroom you realise you might be in for a long night. Good thing you installed those curtains today.
~Requests are open!~
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bcbdrums · 5 years
*slips a ticket with #3 written on it into ur askbox* DS plz
Thanks for the prompt, Anon! I tried not to make it too cliche. It was also a challenge since I have limited personal experience with snow. This one will change POV here and there where I needed it to.
Sensory prompt: “Snow being shoved down the back of your coat.” I’m not sure how much ‘sensory’ I actually achieved… I sort of gave up and just wrote it in my usual style, lol.
The concept of Shego having plan vetos belongs to GothicThundra. I borrowed it for dialogue in this fic with her permission.
[Warm From the Inside Out]
Shego pursed her lips as the driving snow hit her cheeks like repeated slaps in the face. She lifted one gloved hand to wipe off her goggles as they quickly became clogged with the offending cold flakes and carefully watched the road ahead as she guided her snowmobile down the dangerously steep mountainside.
“Drakken!” she shouted, but her voice was lost on the wind. She slowed down and glanced back over her shoulder.
Drakken was several yards behind her on his own snowmobile, but he was turned back and shouting something up the hill at their adversaries that she couldn’t hear. She continued slowing down until her snowmobile paralleled his.
“Drakken, hurry up! We’ve got to beat this blizzard to the airport!” she shouted.
Drakken turned toward her, nearly falling off his snowmobile in the process. His eyes gleamed behind his goggles as he held up his prize in triumph: a hard drive containing plans for…an oil pipeline? Shego had sort of tuned out what her boss’s actual plan was beyond breaking into the Russian arctic base when he had explained it.
“Just think of it, Shego! All of Eastern Europe’s economy under my control!”
“Yeah yeah, right now you need to think about getting to– Dr. D., watch out!”
She watched his eyes grow wide like saucers as he saw the large rock immediately in his path.
“What are you doing!? Turn!”
He only flailed his arms in panic, clinging desperately to the stolen hard drive. He would impact the rock in seconds.
With a growl, Shego leapt off her snowmobile and tackled him off of his moments before the crash. She felt the heat of the explosion against her back as they rolled over and over.
When they came to a stop her face was planted in the snow, and her first breath was like filling her lungs with ice. She sat up with a gasp, suddenly shivering as the snow stuck to her face, hair, and coat.
All that was left of Drakken’s snowmobile was smoking wreckage against the boulder that had started the trouble. Shego squinted to see if she could see hers further down the path, but the snow was coming down even thicker and the wind growing more harsh.
She felt something bump against her leg and looked down to see Drakken sitting up, rubbing his head. She began sweeping out the snow behind him until she had a clear path for a very specific purpose.
“Yeowie!” he shrieked as her foot firmly impacted against his butt. “What was that for!?”
“You have to ask!?” she yelled. “We’re in the middle of the arctic in a blizzard because you didn’t check the weather report, and now we have no transportation! We’re probably going to be captured by the Russian military!”
Drakken stood and shuffled away from her in the knee-deep snow, falling after only three steps due to his lab coat catching against the thick drifts.
“They won’t capture us, nothing can fly in this,” he said through chattering teeth, rubbing his arms repeatedly.
“Oh, just…just great! Then how are we supposed to get out of here, huh?”
Drakken’s eyes went wide and he yanked his goggles off as he dove back into the snow at Shego’s feet. “Where is it? Where is it?!”
Shego looked down at him again, raising an eyebrow as her frown deepened. She watched him throw handfuls of snow aside for several seconds before finally losing patience.
“Ugh, what?!”
“The hard drive! Where’s the hard drive?!”
The fury that came over her face could have melted the snow around them. “You lost it?!” she yelled as her hands lit up, startling him. To his credit, he only flinched for a moment.
“Help me find it!”
Shego rolled her eyes and set her hands in the snow. It hardened to ice at her touch and then began melting away. “You’re so…you’re…rrghh!” she growled at him while he continued throwing handfuls of the frozen element aside.
“Save the lip for later,” Drakken said, suddenly frowning at her, “we’ve got bigger problems.”
“Oh, now he acknowledges that maybe this wasn’t the best time for this!” she said with another roll of her eyes. “And what good’s it going to do us anyway?”
The snow around her had melted down to the dirt, leaving her kneeling in a slightly muddy hole in the snow.
“The information on that hard drive is worth a fortune. It will sell at auction for millions on the black market! And besides that, in the wrong hands it will completely destabilize this region economically and politically,” Drakken explained.
Shego shook her head, turning and moving her hands to a different patch of snow. “You know, how you’re still alive with all these insane ideas is beyond me.”
Drakken’s face bloomed into a smile as he found his prize, but it instantly faded as he heard Shego’s words.
“Oh, wait. It’s because of me. Yeah, if we get out of this, I want a raise.”
Drakken tucked the hard drive into his coat and rubbed his arms rapidly again, frowning at her back.
“And a long vacation, somewhere very warm.”
Drakken’s teeth chattered as he squinted through the blizzard at Shego’s glowing hands, melting the snow away effortlessly. A devious idea entered his head and he quickly began scooping handfuls of snow together and shaping it into a ball.
“And next time you plan anything that involves life-threatening natural disasters, I’m gonna– Hey!”
Shego ducked as Drakken threw a huge snowball at her. It sailed over her head and disappeared into the blizzard. She whirled around in anger and gasped as a second snowball hit her square in the face.
“Nyeh!” Drakken said, sticking his tongue out at her. “Enough lip, Shego, this plan will still succeed!”
Shego adjusted her goggles and pushed her hair out of her face, the snow that had been thrown joining the blanket of white flakes already clinging to her dark tresses. Drakken’s confidence began to wane as he saw the furious look in her eyes.
“Eh, heh heh…” He hugged himself tightly again. “But…you can…have an extra veto next month. Shego?”
She said nothing, but scooped up a large handful of snow in one hand and with the other grabbed ahold of his ponytail.
“Ow! Hey! Owwww, ow! Ow! Ow! Yeeeraaaaahhh!”
The shriek that came out of him when Shego shoved her handful of snow down his collar was terrified and animalistic. Drakken lurched away from her the instant her hand left his hair and began scrabbling at his neck, vainly trying to wipe away the freezing substance.
The sudden shock of wet cold sliding down his back sent him into a panic, and as the ice crystals melted to slush against his skin he continued to yell and grasp at his back for any method of relief. His dampened shirt pressed against his skin as he twisted and sent the snow sliding further until it hit his waistband.
“Hnghh!” he finally gave up, dropping down to his hands and knees as he tried to catch his breath, turning his face away from the driving snow.
“Three months worth, and an extra vacation.”
Drakken didn’t answer. Shego crossed her arms and studied his shaking frame. He was cowering now, the wind beating the snow against his back while he clasped his hands against his chin, his teeth chattering uncontrollably.
Her anger slowly started to dissipate. “Come on, it wasn’t that cold.”
His only response was to give her a spiteful look through narrowed eyes, that she noticed were starting to become puffy.
She wiped her goggles and looked around again, seeing only the snow flying into her face in one direction and away from her in the other. She couldn’t even see the wreck of Drakken’s snowmobile anymore, the blizzard having buried it in minutes.
“All right,” she said decisively, standing and grabbing his arm to haul him up with her. “Time to find some shelter.”
“Th-ther-re is-s no shel-lter-r,” he stuttered quietly.
She looked at him hugging himself, his eyes tightly closed and face fixed in a frown as he attempted to hold his jaw still.
“Yeah…” she admitted with a sigh. She ignited her glow and began sculpting the snow around them with calculated green blasts until she had created a shallow barrier against the wind. She glanced at Drakken who was now crouching with his feet flat on the ground, hugging his knees to his chest.
She peered from behind the barrier and looked around them in a circle again. It was a complete white-out, and she could barely see five feet in front of her.
With another sigh she continued moving snow, melting it in strategic places and piling it high in others with her hands.
“You gonna help or what?” she said.
“What?” Drakken replied.
“I said, are you gonna help?” she spoke tersely, glaring at him.
He blinked and looked around, noticing what she was doing seemingly for the first time. He stood shakily to his feet and began piling snow up against the part of the barrier closest to him.
It wasn’t long before they were encased in a tiny, shallow igloo. Drakken sighed heavily and returned to his crouch, this time pressing his hands between his legs and dropping his face to his knees. Shego poked an air hole low in the side of the structure and then dropped to her knees and sat back on her heels.
The make-shift shelter was dark but for the hole letting a tiny bit of dim, gray light in through the blizzard. Shego pulled her goggles off and started shaking the snow out of her hair. Drakken rocked unsteadily on his feet and she watched his ankles wobble beneath the hem of his lab coat.
“Why don’t you sit down?” she finally asked.
He lifted his face and scrutinized her for a long moment before dropping his face to his knees again, causing his voice to be muffled when he spoke.
“My underwear is wet enough, thanks to you.”
Shego rolled her eyes and continued shaking the snow out of her hair and brushing it off of her coat.
Drakken looked up again and studied her through narrowed eyes. “Why aren’t you freezing?” he said, his breath coming out in large white puffs.
“Uh, hellooo?” she said, lighting up her hands briefly. For a moment, the igloo was bathed in an eery green glow. “I never really get that cold.”
Drakken frowned and planted his face in his knees, mumbling something incoherent.
Shego watched his ankles wobble again as she rubbed her face where the goggles had pressed into her skin. “Ugh… You know, for all your twisted plans you never think of anything practical. Why didn’t you wear something water proof? Or, or at least a coat?”
There was a moment of silence, but then he mumbled his response into his knees. “It was supposed to be an in and out thing.”
“It would have been if you hadn’t kept stopping to gloat. Which, they probably didn’t understand anyway since they speak Russian,” she pointed out.
Drakken glared at her briefly before turning away and finally falling back to sit on his rear. He hugged his knees close to his chest and continued rocking back and forth.
“At least we won’t have to deal with being captured…” she muttered.
She took her coat off and spread it out over the snow. She brushed off her boots before sitting cross-legged on the wool lining and finger-combing her hair.
“Oh s-sure, rub it in!” Drakken snarled.
Shego glared. “If you don’t shut it you’re going to be looking for a new shelter.”
That stopped him. He gaped at her for a moment before turning away.
Several minutes passed in silence, but for the whistle of the wind against the air hole. Shego wrapped her hair around her shoulders, the damp from the snow giving her a chill but knowing it would still give her some insulation from the cold. She may not have been freezing, but she wasn’t immune to the effects of the negative temperatures.
“H-how long…wi-ill we be here?” Drakken asked quietly.
She looked at his shaking shoulders and back. “Until the wind dies down enough that we can travel.”
“Ho-ow…long wi-ill that b-be?”
She looked at the thin material of his damp trousers and saw the tremors in his legs beneath.
“Hours at minimum…”
Drakken pulled his legs tighter against his body and hung his head. There were still a few snowflakes in his hair, but most had melted, leaving his hair wet and his ponytail plastered against the back of his neck. He had stopped rocking, which made his shivering more evident.
“…What kind of insulation does your coat have?” she asked.
He didn’t answer.
“Dr. D.?”
After a few seconds he turned slightly, making eye contact with one eye, and then shook his head.
“You don’t know?”
“S-s-…something…i-ineffective,” he got out through his shaking jaw.
Shego stared at his back for a long minute. He had already hidden his face again and was shaking so much that if she didn’t know better, she would have thought he was laughing about something.
“Oy…” she finally said. “Come here.”
He peered at her again.
“Sit on my coat, it’s wool-lined.”
He looked at her uncertainly as she moved aside, patting the garment with her hand. After a few moments he turned and crawled toward her, brushing the snow off his rear before sitting in the center of the coat and immediately hunkering down again.
“No. Sit up and open your coat.”
Drakken looked up in confusion. “W-what?”
“Open your coat. Gotta warm you up, Doc.”
His hands didn’t move. “I…don’t…”
“Ugh,” Shego grunted in disgust and rose on her knees above him, reaching down behind his drawn-up knees and feeling for the hidden buttons on the garment.
“What a-are you doing!?” he cried in alarm.
“I am not going to explain to your mother how you froze to death stealing Russian oil secrets. Now move your legs and make room.”
She had gotten his coat undone and now was prying his knees apart, wedging her body between them. His eyes were wide with fear when she sat down facing him, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling her torso tightly against his.
“Now tuck your legs in. And pull your coat around me and hold onto me.”
Drakken didn’t move, apparently frozen now from fear instead of the cold.
“We’ll both be warmer this way,” she said impatiently.
His jaw was still shaking, his pursed lips trembling. Finally he crossed his legs around her and pulled his coat up to her shoulders.
“Good, now put your arms around me Mr. Unprepared.”
She felt him obey, the long front-pieces of his double breasted coat pressing against her back. She pulled herself tighter against him, and his arms tightened instinctively. She slipped her arms up his sides and around his back beneath his coat, and he gasped.
She set her chin on his shoulder and leaned her head into his. “And if you tell anyone about this, you’ll be wishing you were out in the blizzard.”
She barely ignited one of her hands in warning and knew he got the message from the way he tensed.
“W-we just…s-stay like this?” he asked, his voice loud next to her ear.
“Unless you’d rather freeze,” she said, closing her eyes.
He shifted his calves, which she felt against her rear. She rolled her eyes beneath her closed lids. The things she did for a paycheck…
“What if…my l-legs…fall asleep?”
“Then deal with it.”
She inhaled the scent of snow and sweat that was on his neck. He was still shaking, but she could tell the transfer of her body heat was already helping. But his breathing was still too quick and he was still tense.
“Sh-Shego, I…I’m not s-sure I’m c-comfortable w-with–”
She pulled her head back to look him in the eyes, frowning at him commandingly.
“Are you warmer?”
He blinked in fear.
“Are you warmer?”
His brow rose as realization came. “Yes?”
“Good. Now shut up,” she said, closing her eyes and settling her head against his again. Maybe if she imagined herself somewhere else she could forget that she was snuggled against her boss in a way that was actually very inappropriate, if she let her mind go there.
She didn’t, and thought instead about the time they nearly made Kim Possible embarrass herself out of existence. She smiled to herself at the memory of the dribble cup drenching the teen’s expensive dress. It had been a great plan, up until it wasn’t.
Drakken, for his part, wasn’t as easily able to dismiss the feeling of his sidekick pressed against him. Probably because he had never held anyone close quite the way Shego had decided they needed to be.
His shivers had started to fade, but were being replaced by tremors of anxiety. He was a naturally touchy person, and Shego wasn’t. Though she always tolerated his spontaneous hugs and grasping of her hands.
Maybe…maybe it would be okay…
“Hey, Dr. D., you remember that time we almost made Kim Possible embarrass herself to death on a date?”
Drakken grinned. “Hn.”
“And she ruined her dress with that dribble cup?”
Drakken started to chuckle. “And then she sat on a whoopee cushion, and squirted ketchup in her date’s face.”
“And then knocked the whole table on top of him!”
Before long they were laughing so hard that Drakken nearly forgot about the awkwardness of the situation. He smiled as he finally let his head rest against hers. As mean as Shego could be, times like this made him wonder what other layers lie beneath his sidekick’s tough exterior.
Nearly two hours they were trapped in the blizzard, and only four times did he say something that earned him a threat. And while he was still cold, he had stopped shivering only minutes after she had come up with the idea of hugging.
They had stopped talking after awhile simply due to the energy it wasted. Drakken now had his eyes closed and almost felt he could drift off to sleep when he noticed how strangely quiet it had become.
“Shego?” he said quietly.
He pulled back to look at her, and her head lolled to one side briefly before her eyes snapped open.
“You fell asleep?”
“Mmm…” she hummed, peering around in the gray light which was brighter than it had been before. “The wind stopped.”
Drakken looked toward the air hole and realized that it wasn’t whistling anymore, and the light that peeped inside was a bit whiter.
He felt an instant chill as Shego unwound herself from their tight embrace. She used her glow to melt the air hole bigger and Drakken, blushing, took the opportunity to back away and hastily button up his coat again.
Shego poked her head out of the shelter for a moment and then dropped back inside.
“The blizzard stopped. Give me my coat and let’s get out of here.”
Drakken waited for her to fasten her own coat and put her goggles back on, and then scrambled after her out of the tiny igloo. When he was out he instantly threw his forearm up to shield his eyes. The sun was out and all around them was nothing but the blinding white of the snowfall.
“Um…Shego… Can I borrow your goggles?”
She halted in brushing the snow off her coat to glare at him. “Are you kidding me?”
“Um. Yes. Just kidding!” Drakken grinned nervously.
“Oy. Come on,” she said, grabbing his arm and starting downhill in the knee-deep snow.
“Wait! We should go back up.”
“To the Russian base?”
Drakken squinted at her beneath his forearm. “It’s closer, and we can steal one of their planes.
He could see well enough to recognize Shego’s delighted smirk, and this time it was he who grabbed onto her arm as she turned and started up in the opposite direction.
He closed his eyes for most of the walk, trusting her guidance and continued lifting his feet up and out of the snow to take each step. He tried stepping after her in the prints she made as much as possible, but his coat kept getting in the way. He ended up hiking it up to his waist and suffering the snow dampening his thin trousers in favor of not falling down.
The few minutes it had taken hours earlier to take the snowmobiles down the mountain turned into nearly forty-five minutes of cardiovascular torture.
"Shego!” Drakken wheezed. “Can we take a break?”
“Shh! We’re almost there, just–”
A piercing alarm sounded and Drakken opened his eyes wide, blinking against the blinding white as he quickly took in their new surroundings. They were about twenty yards from the electric fence of the compound, but it was clear they had been spotted and had only precious minutes for their escape.
“Run for it!” Shego shouted and bolted toward the fence.
Drakken scampered after her, faceplanting almost instantly in the snow as he forgot to hold up his coat. He grumbled as he righted himself and began running again.
Shego blasted the fence into nothingness just as guards on snowmobiles approached. Drakken began smiling as she took those out as well, leaving nothing but flaming wreckage and plumes of dark smoke.
“Hahahaha!” he laughed giddily as he caught up to her, patting the hard drive in his pocket. “The planes are this way!”
“No. Helicopter,” Shego said, running toward one of the vehicles painted in gray camoflauge.
He followed her, wondering why the less-powerful craft when on the other side of the base were powerful fighter jets.
“It’s right here, and we can take it to the airport and get a plane there,” she said as if answering his thoughts.
The reached the shelter of the chopper’s side and found the door unlocked.
“Yes!” Drakken cried, raising his fists in triumph.
“There’s no key!”
“Ngh, no!” he grimaced.
Outside, a male voice shouting in Russian drew Shego back to the door.
“Hotwire it while I keep them busy!”
Drakken immediately got to work, listening to Shego’s repeated blasts and the cries of pain of their adversaries. In less than a minute, he heard the roar of the turbines as he successfully bypassed the ignition lock.
“Haha!” he cried in delight.
“Move over!” Shego said, almost stepping on him as she slid into the pilot’s seat and throwing headphones on.
Drakken scrambled up next to her and leaned out the open door as the craft lifted up off the ground.
“Victory is mine! First Eastern Europe, and then the world!” he shouted down at the angered military.
Just then a snowmobile with a machine gunner roared beneath the. The man began emptying his magazine and Drakken ducked back inside as the bullets slammed against the side of the helicopter.
Shego cast an angry glare past him toward the offending snowmobile and began turning the helicopter sharply.
“Yaaaahhh!” Drakken yelled as he fell toward the open door.
“Put a seatbelt on,” Shego shouted over the roar of the rotor.
Drakken scrambled into his seat and obeyed just as she fired a green blast past him and took out the man firing at them. She corrected the vehicle’s pitch just in time to clear the fence and piloted it rapidly away and down the mountainside.
Snowflakes hit the windshield in rapid succession. The sounds of shooting and explosions diminished until only the spinning rotor remained. Drakken pulled the stolen hard drive from his pocket and grinned at it evilly as he drew his feet up onto the seat.
“We’ve gotta move before they send a fighter after us,” Shego said, breaking his focus.
“Relax, Shego,” he said calmly, tucking the hard drive away and hugging his knees to his chest.
“Relax when we could get shot down by the Russian army any second now!?”
“You’ll take care of them,” he said confidently, dismissing her with a wave of his hand.
Shego stared at him for several seconds, and then increased their speed.
In the helicopter, the journey to the airport was less than five minutes and flying below the radar, they had no difficulty until they were close to arriving. After some glowing persuasion, they agreed on crashing the chopper and jumping out into the snow to avoid having to deal with ATC, and getting on a plane as planned after that.
The jump went fine, and Drakken poked his head out of the thick snow drift just in time to see the column of flames rising from the crashed helicopter. He began shivering and rubbed his arms again, a satisfied smile on his face.
“What?” Shego said as she looked around cautiously for anyone who may have seen their escape.
“Another of my brilliant plans accomplished! After we get these plans on the black market, it won’t be long before I’m ruling the world!”
Shego dug out of the snow and stepped in front of him, still looking around.
“Aren’t you getting a little ahead of yourself?”
Drakken smirked as she shook the snow out of her hair and adjusted her goggles.
“Maybe,” he said mischievously.
“Hey!!” Shego shouted as Drakken suddenly shoved a handful of snow down the back of her coat collar.
He ran laughing through the snow until his coat tripped him and he landed on his face deep in another drift.
Shego scowled as she brushed the icy substance from her neck, stalking toward him.
“All right Oil Baron, let’s get back to a warmer climate,” she said, grabbing his arm and dragging him forward.
He spit snow out of his mouth as he stumbled to his feet, still grinning.
“I think 'Kingpin’ works better, don’t you agree?”
Shego rolled her eyes. “No, no it doesn’t.”
He shrugged and patted the hard drive in his pocket, an adrenaline-fueled laugh escaping him once more.
Shego watched him and shook her head, giving in with an amused smirk. “Hmm,” she said.
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Hey I don’t know if anyone has told you yet, but your tags are the best thing to read. You put so much time, effort, and thought into them, sometimes they make my day a wee bit brighter. Srsly man, I love those tags.
Owwww THIS makes my days much brighter??? Thank you sweetheart!!!!!!!
I'm used to see the tags as nothing special really (it's just you know, if I reblog something it's because I like it, so it seems fair to also take some time to write down the reason I like it), so to see that there's quite a few people who like? Reads my random rambling? Because they care about what I have to say? Warms my heart really so much, it's indescribable. Thank you!!!
I also infinitely appreciate you seeing that I put time and effort into them because actually I?? really do? And like I wouldn't have thought anyone would have ever noticed so thank you!!!! You know, everything always comes directly from my heart (I mean, metaphorically), but it can actually take a lot of time to recollect all the fillings in thoughts and then in words, so thank you very much for noticing and appreciating ;;;;;;;;;
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Again and again I know that people have /reasons/ to come in Anon and I would never want to be desrespectful but please feel free to come off Anon so I can personally hug you any time!!!!! (Like- not phisically, that would be kinda difficult to put into practice and anyway I'm pretty akward, but, you know, with words and such)
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parttimepuff · 5 years
The anon approaches, an impressive sun staff over their shoulder. In one smooth motion they swing it right into the pair of demons, pretty hard too. “Alright you two, fun’s over.” They vanish as soon as the deed is done. So do the respective staffs... that’s all folks!
The two don’t really have much of a chance to do anything but look over at the sun staff before it smacked them square in the face. Luna jumped and was unable to say anything before the anon and the weapons vanished. “...Nightmare? Are you back?”
There floated one whole Gremlin, holding his head with both hands. “Owwww…” He looked very dizzy. And also a bit taller than before. Seems the fear his two halves had picked up had added together into another few inches. Luna beamed. “I’m glad you’re back, Gremlin. Are you ok? You look like you’re gonna fall over.”
“I’ll be ok in a minute. Just really, really scrambled up. I’ve got memories from several different places at the same time all mashed together.” Gremlin slouched a little, balancing himself against the wall. “I’m, um, really sorry, though. About accidently making you my therapist. And scarin’ the both of you.” Luna smiled. “It’s alright, I don’t think you could really help it and I know you didn’t mean to. Just remember the progress you made.”
“Heh, thanks. I’m still working on sorting all that out.” But he’s back.
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typicalmidnight · 6 years
iron man 2 running commentary
okay so watching iron man 2 for the first time and i have a feeling im gonna have lots of commentary to share so it will all be under the cut! i’m gonna keep updating it as i watch!
*starts watching iron man 2 without watching iron man first cause it’s not on netflix and is only 2 minutes in but completely confused*
*questions my intelligence because i was able to understand the other marvel movies without watching other ones first*
*wonders if somehow i haven’t seen enough tony stark on tumblr to understand but i’ve somehow seen enough of other things to understand other movies*
*cue suprised and upset anon* sorry anon!!
okay anon!! help me pls! is the guy in the very beginning of iron man 2 someone from the first movie, and if he is who is he?? or is he new in this movie? edit: nevermind i looked it up
omg the first scene we see iron man is so cooool i love it!
holy sh*t he just landed on a stage omggg *freaks out so much because WOW*
im not even 7 minutes in yet but WOW IM SHOOK
i litterally just watched that first scene of tony/iron man in awe the whole time
“the possibility of world peace” BAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAA there’s a whole lot in store for the world, and i can guarantee it wont be peaceful lol
the stark expo is year long?!?!!?!!??? wow....
oooh oooh oooh that’s happy!
tony with kids awww
wait what did tony do??
AHHHHH pepper!!
does tony like pepper yet?? are they dating??
god tony. his sense of humor omg.
pepper isnt impressed lol
tony is so savage we stan a queen lol
you’re right, it isn’t canada cause we’re AWESOME and dont have ppl trying to get rid of iron man
rhodey!! i know who that is!
litterally everything tony says is amazing
oooooh whats tony up to?...
world peace? dream on tony
did he just say f**k you to tony stark? UM NO YOU DID NOT
oof the scenes with this bad dude are boring
wait i take that back HE JUST CUT A TV IN HALF!!
“wake up, daddy’s home” god i love tony
i think im getting too excited about everything lolll
tony insulting that robot arm thing gives me life
whats that thing in tony’s chest?? im guessing it has something to do with him being iron man and was part of the first movie
im confused about the relationship between pepper and tony
oooh shes ceo congrats to her!!
is this actually good tho?? the look on her face isnt great
oh okay its good she was just suprised
are those like fake documents or something?
i got way too excited there and hit my wrist on my wall and now it hurts
wait he doesn’t know nat yet??? HOW?!
also ummm natalie rushman?? that name kinda suits her?? ish idk
NATASHA IS A QUEEEEEEN!!!! I STANNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i also got so excited about nat that my eyes started to water
“i want one” okay tony nat could knock you out in a second and she for sure doesn’t need a man! also PEPPER!!!!!! LIKE WHAT ABOUT HER!
its the grand prix! it looks just like it does in cars 2!! lollll i was super shooketh about that when i made the connection
WAIT is tony gonna drive that race car??? is he gonna race??? OMG i hope he does
also my wrist still hurts
wait pepper is suprised?? tony you didnt tell pepper? TONY YOU DIDNT TELL PEPPER??? TONY COME ONNNNNN
also is nat working for tony or something
oof its 12 am i should sleep i have school tmrw
haha bish that reporter lady left cause ur boring and nobody cares about you
omg tony is racing tony is racing TONY IS RACING TONY IS RACING!!!! TONY PLS DONT DIE OR SOMETHING
hello my name is leea and i’m a huge drama queen that loves and cares so much about tony stark
im still super dramatic lol
and also 100% convinced tony is gonna die even tho i know that wont happen
i hit my elbow and my head (not too hard dont worry) and the elbow is the same arm that i hurt my wrist so now my arm hurts from my elbow to my hand
i litterally pressed play and then pressed pause two seconds later ooooof
peppers face omg she is shooketh lol
WTF IS HE DOING??!!!!!! also wth is he wearing on his chest?
OOOOOOOOOMG he has his slicy electricity weapon thingies TONY IS GONNA DIE AHHHH
^big example of me being a drama queen and innocent and sweet at the same time
i paused it right before he hits the car omg the suspense!!!!!
IM BREATHING SO DEEP AND FAST RIGHT NOW IM PANICKING FOR TONY (it’s called hyperventalating. future me remembered the word lol)
dude WHYYY would you take off your helmet??!!!!
there is a dude coming to kill you and i think a helmet would help protect you idiot!!
i just choked because i was like WHAT JUST HAPPENED
there are cars exploding behind him and this dude just doesnt care!!
why have i started saying dude?
owww my wrist hurts
typing hurts
its actually really not that bad im dramatic
is pepper gonna save tony????
does the case have the rescue armor ive read about?????
*facepalms* tony WHY did you just hit him on the head with whatever that was??? what did you think it would accomplish??????? this dude just sliced your car in half and tried to kill you, do you think you can take him out by hitting him on the head??? just get tf out of there!!!
i just hit my head again (not hard it fine)
okay i’m going to bed cause its almost 1 am and i have school. anyway, this is the 100th comment which is kinda good to leave off at! i’ll finish watching tmrw and keep posting!
okay i’m back! about to start watching the movie!
ahhhhhh poor tony!!! i’m only a few seconds in but already panicking for him!!
omg hes getting ready to kill tony!! and tony is just lying on the ground!!!
pepper and happy come save him! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!
or nat!!!!
ahhhhhhhhh tonys gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with every second i freak out moreeeee
oh thank GOD tony moved!!!
that car just exploded omg tony almost diedddd!!!
how tf is he so calm!!!!????!?!?!?!?!?
i mean hes not that calm but way calmer than any normal human should be in this situation
is he just like used to people trying to kill him??
OMG thats soo saaaaaaaddddd
please run over him!!!
but they hit the bad guy yay!!!
awww tony is bleeding!
well i mean thats kinda expected lol
oof tony is mad
shes acting like a mom lol
tony just GET IN THE CAR
okay pepper i love you but JUST GIVE TONY THE CASE
tony your armor is taking WAY TOO LONG to get on!!!
like not old
but compared to his current suit
the “it’s nanotech. you like it?” one
its nothing
#drama queen much? #yes thats me
love how i’ve only gotten 3 more minutes into the movie and i’m already at 47 comments
omg poor tony!!!!
can everyone just leave my dad alone PLEASE
oh thank god tony is okay hes not dead he won for now
eww he just spat out a bunch of blood
“you loose” how??? like what???
ooooooooooh wait no is tony gonna get in trouble.......
i forgot to say this yesterday but this whole scene with the guy on the track and stuff and the exploding cars in kinda similar to cars 2
i guess you cant have a racing scene in a movie without a car exploding tho
what is up with that guy with glasses?? like hes weird i dont trust him
why arent there subtitles translating whatever language they are speaking in (french? idk)
ya its french
ofc tony talks about the technology lol
and critcizes the bad guy’s
tony this guy tried to kill you WHY are you sitting down next to him??!!?
that guy is weird and kinda creepy
okay just f off senator dude nobody likes you, your opinion isnt valid, and i wanna punch you
“these suits exist now”????? wtf b*tch no they dont!
wait what ever happened to nat??
pepper is really responsible shes great i love her
what does that note say???
omg is that a bomb or something??!
why do guards always help prisoners escape like seriously
is that guy gonna take his place or something??
also he kinda looks like haymitch from hunger games
omg wait WTF WAS THAT
i was right! it was a bomb!
why did they throw him in a truck??
omg why are they in an airport?!
are they gonna help him escape??!!
why is there a table and people....
is that glasses guy sitting at the table?
i was right it is glasses guy!
i didn’t trust him from the start
why is he helping him tho...
friend? fan? what is going on?!!!???
YAYYYYY theres nat!!!
“erratic behaviour”??? what are you talking about???? he just saved himself from being killed how is that erratic?????!!
awwww poor tony
i beleive in you tony, and i love you, but no honey, you don’t know exactly what you’re doing you need help!
“software sh*t” aaaaaaaaaaahahahahhaahhaaaaa
make iron man look like an antique? ya no way is that gonna happen
is nat his assistant or something im a bit confused
aww tony is like so depressed i feel so bad for him!!
stannnnn nat
back on watch? what does that mean...
omg tony is so drunkkkkkk nooooo
ohhhhh tonyyyyy noooo come onnnn
you’re so drunk dude stopppp
god tony you’re so drunk pleaseee
wait why is rhodey fighting him anyway?
wow this is my 101 comment today and i’ve only watched 20 mins today
omggggg people are recordingggg this isn’t gonna end well
*sighs* oh god tony dont yell at them whyyyyy
omg tonys in the fire place!!!
omg that just happened. they just fired at each other.
also just saying tony, he does have what it takes to be war machine cause he continues to be...
ohhhh is tony okay??
im confused tho why did they start fighting in the first place?
okay i just looked it up, it was because he was being irresponsible and drunk, and putting people at the party in danger, and he wouldnt stop
ngl its getting kinda tiring to keep updating this but i’m gonna keep going cause i want this record for myself, and i’m not gonna quit something
ok i’m gonna continue the movie tmrw cause its prob gonna be a snow day (lol i left off at 111)
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becauseyoulovemebb · 6 years
12 Monkeys anon from before here again - love the gifsets! Just thought I'd share some more pain/gushing: just rewatched 1x12 aka the ep with Cole's dad (my god, hearing him talk about Marion owwww) and it being the same episode Jones decided to keep Hannah, and then in Cassie's CDC death scene in 1x09 she gives Cole the address to 2015 Jones and literally says: "Your life depends on it." (also she's asking for the Red Forest and I AM AFRAID). Like, holy crap. I hurt. And now everyone else will!
Hey! Aw, thank you so much, glad you like them :) Let me know if you want anything in particular to be giffed!
I wish I had time to do a whole rewatch before the finale because omg it’ll be so amazing to watch all the episodes again knowing what we now know.
I have no idea what will happen next week and I’M NOT READY. 
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to Part 13 I Won’t Stop You (M) // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU asks~
 Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
ALSO I have included asks I received to do with IWSY in the hours leading up to before I posted it because there was quite a few! So if you sent in an ask to do with IWSY and I didn’t post it - it will be in this post!
Anonymous said: When ''i wont stop you '' come out i really am inpatient?XD P.S i love you! YOU ARE THE BEST  I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU i love you (now i told every thing whats on my mind!)(sorry my BAD English:(T.T  )
Awww I love you too babe! I’m so happy that you get really excited :3 I really hope you enjoyed the chapter :D And your English is great! Don’t apologise ><
Anonymous said: i've had an awful day today but i know you are going to cheer me up today!!! especially with where the last chapter ended ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I’m sorry to hear you had an awful day :( But I really hope the chapter cheered you up! Thank you so much for reading :3
OMG YAY A SNOW DAY! I love playing in the snow c: I hope you’ll build lot’s of snowmen! I really hope you enjoyed the chapter love ^^ I hope you have a good day too!!
Anonymous said: It's 6:05 PM, i'm on my period, the cramps are driving me crazy, but I'm so excited that i will stay awake for IWSY bc it's the only series i like so much that i will drop everything to read it 😂❤ __loves the new anon (not really new anymore)
Owwww no :c Periods suck so bad...I will probably be getting mine in a bit because my back is starting to hurt as it always does :( I really hope you enjoyed reading the chapter dear! I hope it can ease your cramping pain a little >< heh, thank you so much my love!
Anonymous said: I'M SO EXCITED FOR IWSY!!!!🎉
I hope you enjoyed it! Yay!!
Anonymous said: So I live in China at the moment and I actually set my alarm for 5:30am just to wake up to the new chapter! Literally the only thing I look forward too during the week!
Ahh that’s so awesome that you live in China! I really want to visit so many places in China U_U And oh my god...I FEEL BAD BECAUSE YOU ARE MISSING OUT ON PRECIOUS SLEEP D: But I’m glad that you look forward to it >< Thank you so much and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
@animeimmortal said I have an essay due tomorrow and i finished it early today just so i could wait for you to release the next part. i LovE THis FIc MoRE ThAn mY liFE   P.S. my friend would like to know where did you get the  idea for the fic from because the whole thing is bloody amazing
Oh my goodness haha well, I’m glad it was motivation for you to finish it early! You’ll do a good job on it ^^ Thank you so much and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! In regards to your friend’s question, I originally received as ask with a request for me to write Vampire smut. But, I had already been planning a Vampire series since the beginning of 2016. So I just added their request into my series to suit both things ^^
Anonymous said: its time for jungkook to make me feely his willy, im ready -daisy
Daisy, you are KILLING me with this penis jokes. I can’t *dies laughing*
@cupofcammiemile said: I'm actually so hype for the next part of I Won't Stop You and I'm waiting for it as patiently as I possibly can but I'm like fidgeting and coworkers are actually asking me what's wrong 😂 I hope you have a good night!!❤
Ahhh your co-workers are concerned for your well-being! lol~ I hope you enjoyed last night’s chapter my dear ^^ Thank you so much for reading *hugs*
I know you meant ‘waiting so diligently’ but I literally SCREAMED AND CRIED BECAUSE I JUST HAD AN IMAGE OF JACKSON WITH A BANANA MATING VERY DILIGENTLY (BC OF YOUR USERNAME) AND I LITERALLY CAN’T BREATHE I’M A BAD PERSON OH MY GOD. Aside from that, I really hope you enjoyed the chapter babe c:
@mahirookumura said: I can literally hear a clock in my head 'cause I'm fcking EXCITED FOR IWSY!!!
I hope you enjoyed it my love c:
@coppertopging said: We're so close!!! My body is ready but i don't think my mind ever will be lol.
That just reminded me of ‘My mind’s telling no~ but my body’s tellin’ me yeeeees!” lol x) I hope you enjoyed the chapter sweetie ^^
Anonymous said: I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for what is to come in the next chapter of IWSY because I know that if I don't I will die of the feels
Ahhh I hope you enjoyed the chapter if you read it sweetie! I tried to make it as romantic and steamy as possible c:
Anonymous said: IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT PART OF IWSY HUYGTFR your smut is always amazing ive never been sO excited to sINN -Mishy
Hello Mishy! I really hope you enjoyed the smut in this chapter my love ^^ Thank you so much for loving my smut! haha c:
@voguekate said: Whaha i am refreshing it bc i waited for this with excitement for this day
I hope it lived up to your expectations lovely! ^.^ I’m so glad you were excited for it!
Anonymous said: Part 13 of I Won't Stop You was so perfect!!! I'm fangirling omg so hard lol. Thank you for writing this series!
Ahhh thank you so much >< I’m so glad you liked it and thought it was perfect! You’re welcome, and thank you for reading it!
asdfghj I’m so glad you liked it :) I love you too sweetie! Thank you so much for reading it :3
Anonymous said: Okay I just arrived home after a 9 hour flight and the first thing I did was read the new chapter of "I Won't Stop You" and THANK YOU I'M IN LOVE AND SERIOUSLY YOU MAKE EACH AND EVERYONE OF MY TUESDAYS! Yeah, I think that's all I just wanted to say that I loved it. Can't wait for the next one ❤️❤️
Wow a 9 hour flight, you must be exhausted my love! Thank you for reading it and enjoying it. It really means a lot to me! I hope you get some rest after your flight. I can’t wait to post the next one! c:
@voguekate said: Omfg IWSY istg, this was so good omfg.... idk what to say
Thank you so much my love! (btw, I answered your other ask too~ I hope you could find it within this post!
Anonymous said: Bruh.. BRuh.. BRUh.... BRUHHHH..... i loved the chapter!!!! And I did not expect them confessing
Yes! Jungkook just feels the emotion so intensely that he knows he loves her with all his soul. Conversely, the reader is just so besotted by him and the fact he is the first person for her to ‘give herself to’ (for want of better words) as well. Thank you for reading the chapter my love! ^^
AHHH I’M SO GLAD I COULD DO THAT FOR YOU! To be honest, I really wish my first time could have been like this ahhh >< So I just write about how I wish it could have went! It’s pretty ideal, right? c: lol I love you more chick! I’m so happy that you liked it, and thank you so much for reading *hugs*
@animeimmortal said: First of all: I AM DEAD BRING ME BACK TO LIFE FOR THE NEXT PART second of all: I SAW THE TITLE BEING MENTIONED I SAW IT!!!! third of all: Beautiful ❤
*gets defibrillator* IT’S OKAY I GOT YOU. But...maybe next week...it will have the same effect? Possibly...hopefully...stronger? *winks* HEHE. AND YAY YOU PICKED UP ON THE TITLE THANK YOU :) lol thank you so much for reading my love (btw, I answered your other ask in this post too so I hope you didn’t have too much trouble finding it babe!)
@audreymv said: YES I LOVE THIS NEW CHAPTER SO MUCH. LIKE ME LEIKEY ALOT. You really are great at writing and let me tell you you did not disappoint. I love it so much
AHH THANK YOU SO MUCH! You are always filled with wonderful compliments for me and it makes me grin so much :) And! I hope you will like next weeks chapter, too ;) muhaha.
I’m really happy you liked it my dear ^^ Thank you for reading it! :3
Anonymous said: Chapter 13 has got me GONE! I never read a fan fiction with such amazing vocabulary and grammar, I applaud you 👏💕
Ahhh sometimes there will be little grammar mistakes but I always try my best to proof-read everything! Just silly little, natural mistakes lol damn colloquialisms! Thank you so much for reading my love :)
@im-so-scared-aaaa said: Truthfully, I've never read something as beautifully writed as iwsy 🙉 I love you and your writing, keep going !  (Excuse my english, I'm french 🙊)  Good night
Thank you so much my darling! Merci beaucoup mon chérie! (sorry for my French, I was never very good at it in school :c) hehe~ And your English is great so don’t worry at all! ^.^
YOU READ IT IN PUBLIC OH MY GOODNESS ASDFGHJK I’m so happy you enjoyed it c: And there’s more where that came from! :3 Thank you for reading it babe ^^ it means so much to me!
@mahirookumura said: THERE IT GOES ”I – I WON'T STOP YOU, PLEASE…”
Very cleverly spotted my love c:
Anonymous said: Ahh~ The new chapter of I Won't Stop You was just perfect... The wait was so worth it~ Gentle Jungkook was so sweet... Though I do hope the rough side comes out for a while hehehe. Anyways, the ending was really really cute and I'll happily await for the new chapter next Tuesday~ Can't wait to see the story's progress~ As always, stay healthy, don't stress and keep up the hard work!!
He was very gentle indeed! And don’t worry...perhaps, you will get to see his rough side next week? ;o Hmm?! ^^ Thank you so much for reading lovely. I will try to! I hope you have a brilliant week and do your best too! ^^
@cottonxiu said: Today I was learning for 7hours straight bcs I'm having an exam tomorrow and I'm pretty dead rn XD BUT I knew you were posting a new Ch. so when I read it.. It saved my day. Thanks ❤ And oh my lord a chapter full of his ringle dingle 😏 Bless you XD
Oh my god make sure to take a rest! 7 hours is a long time, I don’t want you getting sick or becoming over-tired! :( A chapter full of ringle dingle...I am dying at everyone’s penis jokes ya’ll are too much but it makes me laugh so much LORD lol Thank you so much for reading and I hope you will enjoy the next one too ^^
Love is in the aiiiiirrrr~ heh~ Thank you so much for reading my love! I hope you will enjoy the next chapter too ;)
Anonymous said: OMG 'I won't stop you' just keeps getting better and better honestly I knew this was going to be good because I've read some of your other scenarios but Oh My Lord it's amazing, how many more chapters are you thinking of doing or is it just as many as it takes? ❤️
I’m so happy you think it keeps getting better and better c: I can’t wait for the plot to unfold more and see what you all think of it! Thank you so much babe :) And I’m honestly not sure how many chapters there will be, so I think - as you said, it will just be as many as it will take ^^ :D
Anonymous said: The day was shitty but we have DA SMUT. My day is still shitty, but bearable now thank you - wedding anon
I’m so sorry that you had a shitty day *hugs* you can always talk to me about it! What kind of wife would I be if I didn’t console my partner in their time of need? ^^ Heh~ Thank you for reading it babe ^^
Anonymous said: Why do I get the felling y/n is a vampire, or part vampire or something not human? 🤔 I kinda feel sorry for mugsy, the poor cat probably heard the whole ordeal go down in jungkook room! 😏😂anyhow, keep up the amazing work, Wednesday mornings are now my fav, waking up to a new update!  - (new anon) 53669 💗
Ooooh you’ll just have to wait to find out! But I loved reading your analogy on it :3 It’s always so interesting for me to find out what people think is going to happen! And ikr...hopefully Mugsy was fast asleep and didn’t hear a thing...(lol). Thank you so much for reading new anon 53669! heh ^^
@from502to859 said: OH MY GOD, you really outdid yourself with the latest chapter of IWSY, it was absolutely worth the wait!!! That was... top-shelf smut!
Ahhh thank you so much my dear! Top-shelf smut wow ^^ That’s an achievement for me indeed hehe :) I hope you will think that next week’s is the same! ^^ Thank you for your wonderful compliment and for reading as well :3
Anonymous said: Okay so I usually don't read smut because I'm tryna stay innocent LOL but I really love your plot line and I skipped through most of this chapter bc yknow.. smut but I know it was well written of course BUT OMG HE SAID HE LOVES HER I'M CRYING
OOOOOH be careful! Because, in amongst that smut was some very important details about Vampire life~ You might feel a little lost or confused later on in the story if you missed those bits! But I’m glad you enjoyed it nonetheless despite not being a fan of smut ^^ Thank you my love!
Weeee thank you so much babe! I’m so happy you liked it c:
Anonymous said: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I feel so bias wrecked right now! I'm always and will be loyal to V but that new chapter was just a guilty pleasure for me......
Uh oh, don’t tell Taehyung! lol don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret :3 Thank you so much for reading my love!
Anonymous said: brb have to go to church after that smut *fans self* - panda anon
Listen, if I went to church I would burst into flames as soon as I set foot inside LOL. I hope you enjoyed it, panda anon! Thank you for reading :3
Anonymous said: daMN IWSY IS SO GOOOOOOD!!!!!! I just read it all in one sitting and I read really slowly so it took me all day oops. Ur an amazing writer though, like, this whole series has me squealing any time anything happens. I also don't read much so I'm impressed that I'm finally hooked on a fanfic! I'll probably be yelling and also in a coffin waiting to be lowered into my grave until next week so see you then oops
Oh my goodness you read it all in one sitting >< I’m so impressed by that! Thank you for taking the time to do that and then tell me! :) Please don’t go in a coffin >< I’d be very sad! heh thank you for reading my dear and I hope you look forward to the future chapters ^^
WAIT - SO THERE IS LIFE AFTER DEATH? ALRIGHT, COOL, LIT, DYING DOESN’T SEEM SO BAD NOW lol~ Ahghbsdkgs thank you so much my little flower ^^ I’m so happy you enjoyed it! And..I think you might enjoy next week’s chapter too then :3 hehe~
@suga-buns said: IWSY is breaking me Omg. And that sex scene was super well written Omg props to you. Can't wait until next week's chapter!
Thank you so much babe! I’m so happy that you thought it was well written ^^ I hope you’ll enjoy next weeks chapter too c:
@coppertopging said: I was wrong... i wasn't ready for any of that. Damn...
YOU WASN’T READDYYYY (sorry, vine will have forever ruined my life with that sentence) lmao but I hope it was enjoyable nonetheless my dear! Thank you for reading it :D
Anonymous said: The new "I Won’t Stop You" chapter was amazing! Wow!! I thought you would skip writing their special night together in detail because that's how the preview sounded in chapter 12's ending, but I'm so glad there's a entire chapter dedicated to it! ♥♥♥
Oh my goodness no! I’m evil but I’m not THAT evil~ I wouldn’t do that to you guys hehe ^^ I wanted to dedicate this entire chapter to really prove how Y/N has affected Jungkook in such a way that he is able to be so loving, caring and tender with her; as he was never able to so such things before. Thank you so much for reading lovely! ^^
Anonymous said: Oh my FucKiNG gOD sarA. Tht was literally gold. Omg 4.5k of pure gold omg I loved it I am dying for more. Omg. Fuck. Oh MY gOd I am at a loss for words.
You’re dying for more? Maybe your wish will be granted next week - and a little more....rough too? c; heheh~ Thank you so much for reading this chapter babe! :D
Anonymous said: i love the fact that jungkook wants to be agressive and go all rough on her but hes so considerate knowing its her first time lmao the smut was so sweet and nice i think im... inlove
Yes! Thank you for picking up on that! He just cares about her so much and he can’t explain how he is able to love because of her - but he wanted to show her he is capable of doing that, thanks to her ^^ Hehe, thank you so much for reading it and I’m glad you enjoyed this chapter too! :D
Anonymous said: so the smut scene is on part 13 COINCIDENCE???? I THINK NOT!!!!
Hmmm yes...I wonder what will happen the next morning...;) Thank you for reading my love! :D
Anonymous said: I WAS SO SCARED I THOUGHT JK WAS GONNA END UP BITING ME ... god now im wonderin if tht could actually happen 🤧🤧🤧
Oh my goodness yes c: Idk about anyone else but the thought of that actually makes me feel a little hot >< haha I’m possibly just very kinky whoOps~
@jynxy24 said: THE SMUT HAS ARRIVED!!!!!! @-@ Is it wrong that I grinned the whole time i was reading it? BTW THE CHAPTER WAS SO GREAT GAWDDDDDDD!! Stay awesome at writing and life, Sara. LOVE YA!♥♥
YES THE SMUT IS HERE FINALLY! No it’s not wrong at all, I’m happy to know that you grinned the entire time! :3 Thank you so much for your lovely compliments my dear :D And thank you for reading it as well! I love you more ^^
Anonymous said: I love I won't stop so muchh I can't wait for the next chapter!!
Thank you so much my dear! I hope you will enjoy the next chapter too :D
Anonymous said: "Not hung like a horse," AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh
LMAO I’m so sorry x)
Anonymous said: Hi Sara! So I was thinking, maybe y/n is the daughter of a vampire and a human, and that's why she's so special? And maybe that is the reason why Yoongi wants her, maybe she has some kind of powers idk. I love guessing things of this beautiful serie! ❤ ~mina
I won’t stay whether you are wrong or right because I would like it to be a surprise for everyone! But I love when people tell me what they think because it can say in my head ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ hehe ^^ Thank you so much for reading darling ^^
@deboracorrea25 said: I'm touched... I'm wordless... This chapter of "I won't stop you" was just perfect!!
Thank you so much for your kind words sweetie ^^ I’m so happy you liked it!
Anonymous said: The latest update of I Won't Stop You was so good I'm shook!! There was the perfect amount of smut and fluff, it could not have been better! You can be proud of yourself :))
Ah thank you so much for your kind and sweet words to me :) I’m so happy you enjoyed the chapter. Although, I hope I can evoke similar feelings next week - but...more roughness? ;) Thank you so much!
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