#but also meaning in a way that hes kinda dazed if that makes sense
mrs-hatake · 1 month
How JJK Men Hold Your Chin
Warnings: MDI!!! yandere behavior, obsessiveness, manipulation, dacryphilia, over protectiveness, human sacrifice, mentioned assassination, foul language, female reader, HUMAN!sukuna
A/N: i kinda went overboard with sukuna lmao. credits are in the pics! also, shoutout to my soulmate who encouraged me to write and publish this luv u 🥹
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Toji’s eyes shoot open when the soft rattle of the window opening fills the bedroom. Whoever decided to ambush Toji, in own home no less, is doing a piss poor job at it. The number rule of breaking and entering is that you need to be as quiet as the dead…Or make sure you aren’t breaking into a room where the occupants of the house are in. 
He doesn’t move, makes sure to keep his breathing deep and even as his ears focus on the soft thud across from his bed. The gentle rustle of feet on carpet is thundering. It makes Toji wonder which sorry idiot decided to attack him. He lies still. Waiting.
Toji senses a presence behind his back. The stare of the invader doesn’t feel oppressive but more hesitant. Big mistake. Waiting a heartbeat before striking, Toji quickly has the criminal pinned under him on the bed. A terrified screech stabs sharply in his ears, ringing like an alarm clock.
Leaning over, Toji harshly tugs on the string of the desk lamp on the nightstand. Dim yellow light floods the corner of the room where Toji’s bed is placed. 
With the darkness gone, Toji’s eyebrow quirks at the sight below him. A pair of eyes stare at him in a vacuous stupor, their lips formed into a silent ‘o’ shape. 
Toji blinks down at the frightened woman. 
She blinks back. 
Whoever sent her his way is a freaking dumbass. Aside from the fear drowning in her eyes, incompetence screamed at him. How did his enemies expect to dispose of him with someone as weak as her?
Lost in his thought, the woman raises her leg and tries to kick Toji off of her. Luckily, Toji’s reflexes are as sharp as a cat's and dodges the attack. He yanks her leg down before pressing all of his weight on it, trapping her.
“Don’t kill me.” The woman pleads and it forces Toji’s head to tilt to the side in confusion.
“You’re here to kill me.” He says, as if it’s the most obvious thing, “It’s only fair I defend myself.”
His words strike a nerve. The woman begins to frantically shake her head, jostling Toji with her movement. “Please.” She whispers repeatedly like a broken record. 
Having had enough, and with the exhaustion from today’s mission catching up to him, Toji’s large and calloused hand grabs the woman’s chin, successfully suspending her thrashes. 
The tip of his thumb is brushing the edge of the woman’s chapped lip. The two, caught in a daze, are silent. 
“Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you?” Toji’s voice drops to a murmur, his already deep voice growing deeper.
The woman continues to stare at him but there’s something calculative in her eyes, as if she’s determined the best course of action. Whatever she finds, melts the tension from her. Her form relaxes under Toji but he still maintains his weight on her. It could be a trap after all. Waiting for him to drop his guard down before she strikes. Toji has been in the business for so long that such a childish trick is insulting.
“I’ll tell you who hired me.” The woman's breath comes out shaken, broken.
Toji contemplates her answer before shaking his head, “Not enough.” 
His response doesn’t deter the woman. In fact, it strengthened her resolve.  “Not just the organization I work with but several of them. It’s like a betting ring.” She explains, her eyes hard, unafraid to meet him. 
Toji thinks. People wanting him dead isn’t something new but that doesn’t mean he has the free time to hunt down every single one of them. However, what the woman says next sends a chill down his spine.
“They’re coming after your son.”
Her statement is a bullet shot straight to his heart. If what this woman is saying is true, then he needs to take her word for it.
“If you’re lying,” Toji’s grip on the woman’s chin is unforgivable, “I will kill you and your pathetic family.” he spits before letting go. 
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The woman is panting harshly as she leans against the metal pillar at the underground train station. The ruckus of the coming and goings of the people blend into the background until it’s nothing but a gentle hum. She swallows her dried throat, thick and heavy, gathering whatever moisture to nourish the muscle. The woman’s back presses against the pillar as her eyes close shut. Greedily, she sucks air into her lungs. 
Weakly, her eye opens and it darts frantically across the station until it lands on the departure board. The orange LED lights glaring harshly at her. Still, the woman squints as she reads the list and the corresponding time. Her train leaves in less than half an hour. She’s exhausted. Her legs are screaming at her from her earlier run and throat is begging for water. But the woman pushes through.
With one final deep inhale, the woman pushes herself and makes her way to the platform where her train will arrive in ten minutes. 
The woman hasn’t taken a single step forward when a voice wells up a wave of acid deep from within her belly. 
“Found you.”  A voice she once associated with reverence has her recoiling in horror.
Inchmeal, the woman turned.
Gojo Satoru is standing in front of her. Despite the gentle smile on his lips, Satoru’s blue eyes are as wild as a stormy sea, raging and fervent.
A blink and Satoru’s hand is cupping the woman’s cheek in a tight embrace. She winces at the pain, reaches her hand to wrap around Satoru’s wrist and tugs it away to no avail. 
“Oh, Y/N,” Satoru sighs as if she is some naughty child, “It’s cute that you think you can run away from me.” 
The woman’s eyes pleads Satoru, begs him to let her go, set her free, but Satoru is blind. 
With a powerful pull, Satoru yanks the woman into an embrace. His muscled arms trapped her in an unbreakable cage. 
“Let’s go home.” Instead of Satoru’s whisper resembling a kitten’s soothing licks, it feels like a spider crawling up her throat.
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Warm hues of orange and pink spreading across the sky is the last thing the woman sees before her eyes shut close. She doesn’t scream as she falls to her death. Her descent is calm, freeing in a morbid sense. Though the curse is still rampaging the abandoned hospital, terrorizing the second year students, the woman accepts her demise with a serene smile. 
The impact she has been embracing for doesn’t come to her. Well, not in the way she had imagined numerous times whenever the woman is sent off on a mission. Instead, a firm but pliable object breaks her fall. 
Cinnamon and black coffee invades her senses. A roaring heartbeat echoes in her ears but before the woman can open her eyes, she is gently put on her feet.
“How can you be so careless?” A voice growling in her direction forces the woman’s eyes to open.
Blinking the black spots from her vision, the woman lifts her gaze from the ground to where Nanami Kento is standing just a few feet away from her. His muscles are stiff and his lips are pressed together in anger.
Oh shit.
“What were you thinking?” Kento continues, uncaring of how his voice is increasing in volume but the woman is shell shocked. Not from the fall but from the fact that, in the years she has known Nanami Kento, is losing his cool.
“I’m fine.” The woman sighs in exhaustion as her hands dusts her outfit free of dirt. She notices in her peripheral vision the second year students delivering the final blow to the curse spirit, their cheer turning into horrified groans when the curse exploded into tiny little pieces and it covered them with neon green goo. “I had it under control.”
Kento rolls his eyes, “Like hell you were.”
Worn out and oddly hungry, the woman turns away from her livid colleague. “I don’t have time for this.” she mutters.
“We’re not done talking.” Kento calls after her but the woman doesn’t meet his dark eyes, raging with an uncontrollable fire.
Just as the woman is turning to leave, Kento’s massive hand cups her chin and forcefully pulls her to face him.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you.” Kento seethes through clenched teeth. His thumb on the apple of her left cheek presses deeply into the supple skin, almost bruising.
The woman’s jaw clenches, the muscles flexing underneath Kento’s fingers on her right cheek. Her piercing gaze is unyielding but Nanami Kento doesn’t back down.
“Don’t you dare do that again.” Though Kento’s tone is cold and disapproving, the woman hears the concern loud and clear. 
“Answer me.” He barks with the authority of a man who should not be challenged. 
“I won’t.” The woman responds in a strained voice. 
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The woman’s eyes are large and rimmed with tears as she meets irises colored in vibrant amethyst.
The man returns her gaze with feigned kindness and condescending pity. His hands cupping her cheeks are warm and they light a fire in her belly. His thumbs are slightly rough with callouses but they are gentle as they wipe away stray tears. Soft lips kiss the woman’s forehead, their velvety touch is soothing, imbued with a delicate tenderness that has the woman melting like putty in his arms. 
“Now, be a good little girl and do as you’re told.” Geto Suguru’s voice is rich with sweetness and has a velvety timbre, resembling a bitter drink with traces of sugar. It has a propitiating quality to it that embraces the woman in a sense of tranquility.
“Suguru.” The woman hiccups, vision blurred with unshed tears. 
Suguru coos, the sound echoing that of a mother worrying over her child after waking up from a nightmare. He leans in, slowly and tenderly as if to not frighten her off, and licks each tear trail from each cheek.
“Suguru?” The woman sputters, her eyebrows furrowing in bewilderment as she tries to process what just happened. 
Though the soft smile Suguru gives her radiates warmth, there’s a subtle glimmer in his eyes that hints at something the woman can’t recognize but it fills her with dread. 
“There, there.” Suguru whispers gently, his hands still cupping her cheeks. His fingers are wet with tears but the fact doesn’t bother him.
“This will all be over soon.”
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Sukuna’s hibernation is interrupted by cacophonous ceremonial chants reverberating from the forest below.
Year after year, Sukuna has reprimanded the villagers for their never ending harassment. They mistake his cursed lineage as an entity to protect his village when, in reality, the Ryomen clan was cursed by the Gojo clan three hundred years ago for violating the peace treaty because one member from the branch family decided to be a cocky little shit and terrorize humans and now Sukuna has to suffer the consequences. 
Every first day of spring, the villagers leave animal caracases at the mouth of his cave to satiate his hunger. When that didn’t work, the villagers sent wooden crates filled to the brim with glimmering gold coins and a crown decorated in sparkling diamonds to persuade Sukuna in blessing their harvest. Stupid villagers and their stupid myths. If they had bothered to open a history book, they would have discovered that Ryomen Sukuna is just as human as any of them. The only difference is that part of the Gojo clan’s punishment was to inject every member of the Ryomen clan with poison into their bloodstream that altered their genetic composition. Instead of having two arms and two eyes like everyone else, the Ryomens now have four arms and four eyes. Oh, and an additional mouth on their belly.
A satisfied moan falls from his mouths when his muscles pop as he stretches his four arms high into heaven. Scratching his side with one of his hands, Sukuna trudges to the mouth of the caves and watches with complete boredom as those fools travel the winding path leading to his habitat. Glancing at the sun, Sukuna figures it’ll take them another hour before they arrive. 
When the villagers do arrive, they wordlessly leave their sacrifice at the cave entrance and leave, just as silent and unnerving. 
With nothing better to do, Sukuna humors the villagers and steps out of his stifling home.
Despite it being early spring, the weather is still warm but the air has a certain bite to it. Not enough to warrant thicker garment but enough to appreciate the cool breeze caressing Sukuna’s skin.
Stepping outside, Sukuna comes to a sudden halt. His four eyes blink before they glance around the forest, searching for a glimpse of the villagers who will explain what this year’s present is. 
Below him, just a few meters away from his feet, is a woman lying on her side. She is dressed in all white and her hair is fixed in a complicated updo. Gems dangle with each blow from the wind and Sukuna’s nose picks up the hints of honey and vanilla.
Sukuna’s thick fingers massage the spot between his eyes while his two arms cross in front of his stomach, pressing against his mouth.
Great, just great. Those idiots brought him a human sacrifice this year for whatever fucked up reason. Sighing, long and heavily, he picks up the unconscious woman and carries her into his cave.
It’s around nightfall when Sukuna hears soft groans coming from his bed. His upper right arm is stroking the fire to life while his lower right arm throws wood into the fire pit. His stomach has been growling for the past hour and his tongue keeps licking the curve of his belly button. If Sukuna will ever have the chance to fight the infamous Gojo Satoru, he wants to inject him with the same poison just so he can understand the hell Sukuna’s been through. 
“You’re awake.” Sukuna’s voice cuts into the night air, deep and smooth. 
The woman freezes on the bed and takes a moment to gather her thoughts before pushing herself into a sitting position. 
When the woman turns to face him, Sukuna’s two pairs of red eyes roam over the woman’s face that’s painted with soft makeup to enhance her beauty. 
“Greetings, Sukuna-sama.” The woman greets him in a luscious voice, no doubt a skill taught to her by the elderly women of the village. Sukuna resists rolling his eyes at their stupidity. Instead, he tosses the iron rod aside and saunters to his bed. 
Though the woman bows her head in submission, her form lowered in a beautiful arch, Sukuna can see her trembling in her place. After all, Sukuna cuts an intimidating figure. Not just with his additional limbs and eyes but also with his height; totaling at two hundred centimeters. It's a small wonder she is frightened. 
An index finger that is as long and slender as the iron rod hooks under the woman’s chin and tilts it upward to face him. 
A soft hum emits from Sukuna, “The villagers have outdone themselves with this year’s sacrifice," his finger glides down her neck, "heh, they must be desperate to please me.”
The woman says nothing. Her eyes are lidded and they are clouded in something that Sukuna cannot discern but they add to her charm. Flames flicker to life in Sukuna, sparking intense desire that burns through him like wildfire.
“I’ll take good care of you.” Sukuna vows, his voice lowering into a hummed whisper, each word heavy with yearning and licentiousness.
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waldau-archived · 3 months
hihi could you write a fic with the prompts
it's very rude to stare + you look better in my clothes than i do with Vernon
hey, good lookin' — chwe hansol | 1,135 words | fluff
feel free to sue me because i couldn't find any other way to write this except for f2l. thank you for requesting!!!
gender neutral reader. warnings: reader has slightly long hair.
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“i think he hates me,” you say, leaning down to wash your hair in the sink for the last time. you’d almost forgotten how annoying it was to get sand out of your hair.
“no, he doesn’t,” vernon says, from where he’s sitting on the closed lid of the toilet seat, watching you as you work.
“how do you know that?”
“i know what he’s like when he hates someone, and that’s not what he was like with you. it was just a mistake. you saw how he tripped before he tripped you, right?”
“that’s not good enough,” you grumble, turning off the tap. cold water runs down your neck, adding to the cold you’re already feeling from your wet clothes sticking to your skin. “he could’ve just fallen by himself. he didn’t need to pull me down, too. why did he do that?”
“i don’t know. but he doesn’t hate you, i promise.”
you stand up straight, an idea striking you. “i know why.”
“he’s just jealous i’m your other best friend.”
vernon lets out an unrestrained snort at that, his eyes crinkling with amusement. “then he’d also be jealous of the fact that i have eleven other best friends, apart from you guys.”
“yeah, but we’re like your…best best friends. right?”
“right,” he says, a smile on his face. “my best best friends who hang out even without me sometimes. seungkwan definitely hates you.”
“ugh.” you hate when vernon makes sense, which is almost always. “then it’s probably because that ice cream in the fridge i ate was his.”
“how am i supposed to know what belongs to who? don’t you guys label your food when you keep leftovers in the fridge?”
“nah. we’re kinda lazy.”
“i’m never going to understand how you didn’t end up killing each other over the years,” you say shaking your head.
“it's the power of friendship,” vernon says, deadpan.
you focus on not looking at him as you rub your hair with the towel he’s given you. you also try not to focus on the fact that you’re alone in the bathroom with your best friend who also happens to be your crush. even if he’s just watching you towel your hair dry. you probably look like a sad, wet puppy.
how romantic.
“okay, now what?” you ask, gesturing to yourself. your clothes are still as wet as they were twenty minutes ago. “think you can chuck me in the dryer for a while? till i get dry?”
vernon gets to his feet. “don’t worry, i have a spare set of clothes for this exact reason.”
“seungkwan pushing you into the ocean being the reason?”
“accidents,” he calls out. you wait patiently for him as he gets you a shirt and sweats, both of which are perfectly oversized.
it’s not the first time you’ve worn his clothes, thanks to your sleepovers or that one time you turned up to his house drenched in the rain, but it never fails to make you feel the same way — tingly, shy, feeling like someone you’re not.
you step out of the bathroom after giving yourself one last look to find vernon thumbing through his phone. you’re going to have to get ready for dinner now if you want to be on time.
you catch vernon’s gaze in the mirror as you comb your hair, making sure it’s not dripping into his clothes, but he doesn’t stop looking at you even when you move across the room to dry the towel on a chair. it’s only when you throw the towel at his head that he finally blinks out of his daze. it’s weird.
you know he zones out sometimes, thinking about something else while staring at nothing in particular. this is different. he’s focusing. on you. till you got him to stop, at least.
“it’s very rude to stare,” you say, picking up your towel. “don’t you know that?”
“sorry,” vernon says, licking his lips. “i didn’t mean to. you just…”
“nothing. sorry,” he says, pocketing his phone. “think we’ll get late if we don’t leave now.”
you feel odd standing in his room, in his clothes. he’s never looked at you like that before. “do i…look weird? is that it?”
vernon turns to look up at you, a frown on his features. “no. of course not. you’ve never looked weird. if anything, you look good.”
oh. he’s never said that before, either.
“…even with my hair all weird?”
“even then. come here?” he asks, and you comply, standing in front of him where he’s sitting. he holds his hoodie up to you. “it’s still cold outside. wear this.”
there’s something…intimate about wearing his hoodie. it’s something he uses every single day, it’s one of his favourite possessions, and he doesn’t part with it so easily. still, you don’t question it as you slip it on, feeling warmer the moment you wear it.
and he’s looking at you again. it ignites a weird feeling in your stomach, like he’s looking at something you’re not aware of.
“vernon, i swear if you don’t tell me what’s up i’ll ask seungkwan to push—”
“you look better in my clothes than i do,” vernon says, not breaking eye contact. “i never realized that before.”
“i…what? don’t stay stuff like that,” you chide him, feeling your skin heat up.
“why not?”
“because it sounds like a...pickup line.”
“it doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to.” his eyes are fixed on the way you’re playing with the sweater paws, and it makes you want to say something completely outrageous. enough to destroy your friendship.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you ask, instead.
“just that you look good in my clothes. nothing more.”
“that’s not something friends just…say to each other,” you mumble.
“that would be an issue if i wanted us to be just friends, wouldn’t it?”
“you…” you turn to look at him. there’s a neutral expression on his face, but you can tell he’s nervous, the way his brown eyes are looking at you. “want to be…more?”
“if i do?”
how is he so nonchalant about this?
“i won’t say no,” you say, reaching out for his hand. he gives it to you instantly. “but…i don’t want this to be a prank, either.”
“it’s not,” vernon assures you, squeezing your hand. “took me long enough to get here.” he pulls you down onto his lap. “and for the record, seungkwan told me he had a plan to help me confess,” he says, looking up at you apologetically. “i just didn’t expect him to do that.”
your heart’s racing, but you somehow manage to thread a hand through vernon’s hair. “guess we’ll have to get him all that ice cream back, then.”
“see? he doesn’t hate you.”
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
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care for my kagepro au inspired by phineas and ferb across the 2nd dimension where they hang out in a dark undisclosed location and they all have knives
this is extremely over the top and supposed to be funny btw. ayano's plot hole plan that makes no sense doesn't work but from another angle. she gets spit back from the daze in the same way it doesn't make sense for her to stay in there and she's still in THE AIR FROM JUMPING so erm she shatters a leg and maybe her spine too. fun times. she walks with a limp now
ayano in the daze's like. but i wanted this -> i deserved this -> im guilty i got what i wanted though -> i deserve punishment -> this IS punishment -> but i wanted this (restart) SO in this scenario where she survived she's still struggling with guilt because she DARED try to take the easy way out when she knew her siblings needed her. so now she's edgelord I must protect my siblings i dont deserve my cape (edgily puts scarf away) also the eyepatch is for extra edgelord vibes but i think it'd be cool if she can't control favoring because she's so all over the place so it's always active, and since she feels so much regret she can only project that one memory of her jumping to ppl. sad. so she covers it for the sake of everyone.
because of ayano's survival it's evident kenjirou is posessed so ayano+mekatrio move out immediately and are in actual hiding from him. that's why they're at undisclosed location. seto brings mary with them. so ayano's like ok, saeru wants all the snakes together, they're all gonna gather anyway it's better to have them all in one place and have eyes on them. so she starts the gathering process herself. in this saeru is extremely just Out There cartoonishly taking over the city style i told you this is based on phineas and ferb. i told you. btw the joke is that it's insanely over the top. i just find it episodic and joyful.
also ayano's cold to shintaro because she can't afford to have her feelings for him distract her, she has no right to normal teenage girl feelings like a CRUSH. but shintaro still believes kano as ayano saying IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT was the real ayano which matches with her new behaviour towards him so he's extremely pathetic about it. he's with her through her entire recovery and becomes her right hand man which the trio HAAATE bc ayano doesn't let them do anything but shintaro can always come<3 their missions go from buying groceries to saving haruka and takane from the evil lab to kidnapping hibiya and hiyori. shit like that.
they get hibiya and hiyori and it's their BIGGEST PRIORITY to protect them because they're saeru's next target and if they can avoid having all snakes out it's by making sure these 2 stay alive. erm they don't wanna be there though. it's dark in here and you're all weird as hell. momo is tasked with babysitting them. she's not happy about it.
momo never gets her money controlled, dropped out from school since day 1 and the fame got to her head so she's kinda awful. she's the only one allowed out of wherever the fuck they are because of work she's literally the one paying 4 everything. toxic yuri situation with kido who has one side of their head shaved. you know how it goes. also kido acts rly tough like they're out there killing thugs and goons but mostly they just make food
takane is the medic in the same way barbers used to be surgeons in the middle age which means everyone tries really hard not to get hurt so they don't have to go to her. also saeru's whole Experiments on haruka and takane thing is a lot more evil and ermmm she has one less leg and she's permanently connected to a reactor thing of sorts so she's also the team's tech! woohoo!! it's unknown whether she got opening eyes or not because she has no idea how to activate it which makes ayano rly frustrated. same goes for haruka who has not woken up since aug 15. which is the main reason takane started watching youtube tutorials on medicine. get you a girl who will take care of you if you're in a coma and there is no access to a hospital.
seto and mary wield weapons for one reason or another. kano is extremely guilty about shintaro's guilt but also hates him more than ever bc ayano won't trust him anymore and now shintaro's the one knowing everything. probably some doomed yaoi in there somewhere. this is my evil kagepro au
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devilst0at · 20 days
Do you think Dale likes ‘basic’ looking people or more alt/goth people? Is Dale a sociable person like would he walk up and be like “when’s your birthday?” Or is he shy? :) I need ur opinions on this
I think he would like people with a sense of fashion, whether or not that would be more mainstream fashion (but he definitely appreciates 60s-80s fashion more if that’s the case) or alternative fashion! Glam-rock was definitely somewhat of an alternative subculture especially in the fashion sense, it defied social norms by rejecting traditional gender presentation, which is also part of the reason I think Dale is so androgynous. Like have you seen those guys, they had long puffy hair and crazy in your face makeup and high heels and shit, so Dale would definitely appreciate someone with a weirder/more unusual sense of style! As someone who’s alternative myself (i sort of belong to multiple different subcultures but mostly identify as goth-adjacent when i actually have the energy to dress the part lol, besides that i’d say i align most with romantic goth and listen to goth music) I would really like to imagine he’d appreciate alternative subculture/style. I definitely do think if he saw someone who was alternative outside he would be impressed and oggling at them and think they’re so cool. If it came to having a partner I think he’d just want them to love him regardless of their personal style, but being stylish would def be a plus for him!
As for whether he’s more sociable or shy, I think he’s more sociable/extroverted but maybe that’s been kinda dampened because everyone else sees him as a freak so he kinda keeps to himself a little more if he can help it 😔 Especially in his younger days, I think he’d be quite friendly! Like especially if he wasn’t hunting you down to give you a Satan doll to make you kill your family (lol) I think he’d be quite sweet! Maybe it’s cause he’s talking to Lee in the opening/flashback scene, idk, but he seems so cute and cheery like he’d be fun to talk to [“downstairs… from where?” “everywheres! :)”] [“cheese and crackers!!”] I really do think he’d be a sweetheart if you were involved with him outside of his Satanic duties. He seems sociable in the sort of less socially aware way which I think is why a lot of people think he’s weird and creepy (aside from the fact that he looks odd). He means well and is friendly but he just often goes about it in the wrong way, is too forward, is too weird, etc and gets negative reactions. The only time I think he’d he shy is when he’s receiving romantic attention/affection from someone for the first time, in that case he’d lose his confidence and just become a shaky shivery dazed-out mess. Which I love. I can never understand the people who genuinely think he’s horrific because personally I’d be jumping into his arms and asking him to take me home but 🤷
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somewhereinthepines · 2 years
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when you watch this scene in slow-mo, it’s smth else. for one, du’met’s debut is so much more creepy and unnatural. the way, in which, he slowly slides out of darkness and agonizingly slowly closing up to charlie, is eerily in best of ways. esp, bc you can see the angle changing/shifting, as we get a glimpse of what charlie sees. how he sees this strange man, who then pulls out a knife. and charlie is like....just frozen. i love this bit so much, bc this feels somewhat realistic. or maybe, bc this is the sort of reaction, which is personally familiar to me. the sense, when you’re paralyzed, even if your mind tells you, that you should do smth. anything at all. but you’re just. not. 
and then, in slow-mo, this scene is so much more intimate, even tho, it already feels this way? but when everything happens so-so aghast and lento, you can see the smaller details. i mean, i haven’t thought about it before, but du’met doesn’t only push the edge of his knife inside charlie’s nose, but for a few seconds, which prob feel like forever to charlie, the metal touches his mouth, press to his lips. and this all happens, while du’met stares at him, without blinking lol. bc of that and a few other bits, like lighting, this scene feels very isolated. cutting to just charlie & du’met, bc you kinda forgetting, that jamie is there. even if charlie calls out to her, briefly, he just too stuck in that very moment, to remember about her later. and while all of this takes place, he stares at du’met in very curious fashion. he’s horrified, of course he is, but he’s also kinda spellbound in a way. like a person, who would find themselves in the middle of forest fire. still far away enough to not choke on rising smoke, just seeing it all burning, a large mass of fire, and then it gets closer and closer. can’t make your legs move, can’t take your eyes away. and then, if charlie will do nothing (which gives us an amazing screenshot), jamie is the one, who literally drags him away from it. personally, i feel like charlie staying in place is the most ‘honest’ response for his character. it doesn’t necessary mean, that he stood there for the sake of groundskeeper. no. but i feel like, he’s the kind of person, who wouldn’t have found it in themselves to jerk away. like, he literally looks a bit dazed there. just unable to move on his own. 
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what i like about this...is also, how du’met seem to be slightly taken aback by it. he tilts his head, if charlie doesn’t ran. bc tbh, most people do understand rather quickly, when there is danger near-by. most folks would act more according to the ‘book’. like, even with that uh analogy with forest fire. well, majority of people won’t stick around to stare at it. this is a very individual response. so in a way, charlie, funny enough, indeed ‘the killer’s type’. not even erin. bc she can get bolder and braver with time. but charlie is like. ah, he’s just a charlie. his character development is less of him ‘growing’ as a person, but more of him demonstrating how he can be clever & cunning, and cautious, when needed to. his survival skills are very different compared to say jamie & kate. realistically, i think, that charlie could have managed to get out on his own. so maybe this is also why, du’met wanted to kill him off first. to make sure, that he’ll keep him in one way or another.  he built a special death-trap just for him. and even staged it dramatically, and let his crew see him die on camera.
but really, while i loved house of ashes, i feel like the devil in me, is more aesthetically pleasant to me. even in how they construct scenes like this. i can’t draw my eyes away from such sorts of interactions. and watching them in slow-motion makes me want to explore prolonged versions of said scenes, including some of charlie’s death scenes. they have an interesting tone to them. a strange mix between du’met expressing some kind of interest & his typical objectification. he watches charlie die with that odd, almost affection clouded expression, but then he would also cut him open, and hang him on a hook, like a piece of meat. my dude can’t handle having a crush 
dlc about charlie once again getting captured, and put into one of du’met’s spare murder houses would have been a living dream. 
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itssokiee · 3 months
Smudged Happiness: Chapter 6/7
Previous Chapter
Chapter one
An: I combined chapters 2&3 so that’s why the chapter numbers will be off. If you already saw chapter six posted, this is the next one
Lucy finds out just how sheltered her private school really was. Turns out, when it comes to illicit substances, she was the odd one out.
Gray becomes weary of the new girls frequent texts, while Erza receives irksome texts of her own.
Mavis finds her new year enthusiasm is already fleeting.
Igneel finds a way to piss off both the Dragneel Brothers
All before first period.
The next morning, Lucy sat in silence on her way to school. Her driver sensed the dampened atmosphere and let Lucy sulk in peace. All she could hear in her head were echos of last nights screaming match. The thought of returning home after school filled her with dread.
After an eternity, the wheels finally slowed to a stop at the front of the school.
“Thanks for the ride. And I’m staying after school today, I have a club meeting after school. I’ll text you when to come,” Lucy said weakly.
Now I have to actually find a club.
Truth be told, she was procrastinating going home, before school even started. Lucy walked through the hallway in a daze, lost in her thoughts. On instinct, she arrived at their usual morning hang out spot.
“Hey Lucy! Sorry about last night!” Erza called out.
“Hey yeah, me too,” Gray said sheepishly, “we just both got caught up with our clubs seems like.”
“Oh it’s cool, Zeref tools is back to their place,” Lucy said. Then she frowned. With all the chaos that ensued yesterday, she hadn’t yet processed her initial bother. “Hey did you guys know that he like, you know… smokes weed? And also Mavis too?” She asked nervously looking around. It felt taboo to say aloud.
“Yeah? Who hasn’t?” Gray said causally.
“UH ME?” Lucy cried before putting her hand over her mouth.
“Uh me neither,” Erza said annoyed.
“Hehe but she sure can’t hold her liquor,” Mira chimed in. Erza’s faced matched her hair.
“Yeah I am really going to start pulling back,” Erza said embarrassed, “I can’t go through that again… and I can’t even remember most of it…”
“And I’m not going to tell you,” Mira sang.
“What? You guys do that stuff too?” Lucy said in disbelief. Nobody had ever done anything like this at her old school. If your skirt was even an inch too short, it was immediately met with a reprimandment on your file.
“I mean, you go to a public school now,” Gray said, “Standards and rules are just kinda overlooked as long as you’re not obnoxious about it.”
“How we didn’t do anything like that last year?” Lucy said confused now. Were they meeting up and purposefully excluding her? She felt a pit in her stomach.
“I mean, I guess we kinda just do really do that stuff together. None of us really have a supplier - so we just do it when available. Like I only ever get lit with my team because Ultear has a fake ID,” Gray explained.
“Yeah, the only time I ever drink is when student council throws a party after the anual debate competition,” Erza said, “Or Mira invites me somewhere.”
“Yeah, the only one of us who could have an easy supply is Natsu but he’s not really into all that stuff. I guess also since you hang out with him the most, makes sense we never did that stuff together,” Gray said.
“Yeah, we don’t really have the means,” Erza added.
“Can’t relate!” Mira giggled, “Cana, Laxus, and I all have fake IDs. We even went out clubbing once. But Erza is too goody to have one.”
Natsu ran down the hall screaming. He screeched to a halt in front of Gray, getting in his face, “WHAT THE HELL GRAY! WE WAITED FOR YOU FOR LIKE 45 MINUTES LAST NIGHT!!”
Gray stood up, meeting Natsu at eye level. “Well dickface, I was about to apologize, but now, I’m gonna beat your ass,” Gray retorted.
“Oh you wanna go? Bring it dumbass!”
“Oh you’re on!”
“Need I remind you, student code section 6 page 4 - fighting on school grounds is forbidden and grounds for suspension,” Erza said menacingly. She shot a hard look over at them.
“Yes Ma’am!” They both said backing down.
Natsu sat down and started to frantically scribble out some homework, while Gray started texting on his phone.
Erza looks over at Lucy, “Hey, the student council is throwing a party next Friday. Do you want to come?”
Lucy froze. On one hand, she was rather curious about the experience. It was so different from her usual schooling. It felt like a rite of passage. On the other hand, she knew there was no way her father wouldn’t find out and ruin anything. And the idea still freaked her out.
“No thanks, but thank you for the offer,” she said. The bell went off and they began to disperse to class. As Lucy walked away - Natsu caught up to her.
“Hey sorry about last night, I understand if he made you uncomfortable,” Natsu said.
“Oh no, Zeref didn’t make me uncomfortable-“
“What? No not Zeref! My dad! After he came in, you ran out,” Natsu said taken back.
“Oh, it’s just that… that car he described… that was my dad…” Lucy stammered.
“I got to get to class,” Lucy said.
“Hey what’s your fourth period, I’ll walk with you to lunch. You can tell me what happened,” Natsu said.
“Alright I’ll text it to you.”
Gray felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He didn’t even have to look at his phone screen to know that the new girl Juvia Lockser sent him another text. She had been texting him quite a lot since their meeting 12 hours previously. Like a lot.
He slid into his desk while reaching in his back pocket to read what she wanted now.
Juvia (swim): Hey what are you doing during lunch period today?
Gray liked his swim team life and normal life separate. Besides he’d feel like a dick because of Lyon.
Gray: I have to attend a study group. But you should totally ask Lyon he mentioned he was free.
Juvia (swim): oh okay
Gray held his breath for a few seconds. When another text didn’t go through he sighed with relief.
“Hmm yeah, probably don’t text him again til at least after lunch. You don’t want to seem too clingy,” Meredy said looking at Juvia’s phone.
“I probably already do,” Juvia said anxiously.
“Okay maybe like wait until he approaches you first at practice today. Show him that he needs to come to you,” Meredy replied.
“Okay, I’ll try.”
Erza was taking out her laptop to prepare for class, when she noticed a text message pop up.
Devil Himself: guess who asked Mavis to host this year’s student council party?
Erza was class president, meaning she represented the entire Junior class. She won re-election all three years. Seniors don’t have a class president, instead they were the student council president. This means Mavis is now the student council president, and as such, she has the honors of choosing who hosts this first party.
Of course Jellal would ask. Erza can’t win. Jellal was the head of the fundraising committee, which of course made all the girls fawn over him even more, as he helps raise money for homecoming and prom. During dance season, countless girls flaunt themselves over him. No doubt even more so this year, because as a junior, he can ask someone.
So infuriating
Erza: as if I’d walk through the gates of hell
“So Mavis? Are you down?”
“Huh? Sorry?” Mavis snapped out of her daze and looked over at her green eyed friend. He was sitting on his desk with his feet resting on the chair. Their friends were scattered around them looking at her waiting for a response. She looked back at him. His eyes always pierced through her mind sending her back into reality. He frowned.
“Mavis are you even listening? We’re going to the lake after school. You coming?” Yuri asked impatiently.
“Oh well-“
“Don’t tell me you have plans! We’re your friends too, ya know,” Precht said cutting her off.
“Besides summer is going to end soon! Let’s go while we can,” Jenny said.
Mavis and her friends usually met up in their first class, since they were all in the only honors historical literature class. Usually they all arrived pretty early, to start planning their day, but Mavis rolled in barely on time.
“Hey and while I have your attention, where were you this morning? hour car was still here when I left, and when I got to school - it was still in the same spot. Funny thing was, I couldn’t find you,” Warrod questioned.
“I got a ride home yesterday…”
“Mavis, you’re coming end of story,” Yuri said, “You literally saw him last night and today, you won’t die from half a day apart.”
Just as the warning bell rang, Mavis got a text.
Jellal: so mavis, will you let me do the honors and let me host the student council welcome back party?
Oh right. She was the student council president now. Well at least this was one decision off her plate.
Mavis: omg yes! So exciting! Let me know the details ASAP so I can text it out to everyone! I’ll also send out a sign up sheet for handles.
Wow I sound fake.
Lucy walked into her first period class and was relieved to see a familiar face.
Lucy took the seat in front of her. “I’m so glad we have class together again!”
“Me too Lucy! Good to know at least one other person will have a brain!” levy said giggling
“Hey I was wondering, do you think I can sign up to be one of those tutors? I know I qualify for Literature!” Lucy asked hopefully.
“Really! That would be awesome! Just meet at the a library after school today, and I can get you started!” Levy said excitedly.
The bell rang and class began.
“Alright well, that’s attendance taken care over. Go ahead and start reading chapter 1. Or at least pretend to. I’ll be at my desk,” the teacher said as she sat down and opened her book.
Zeref didn’t even bother to put away his phone, much less even take out the book. Hell, he didn’t even know if he owned it. A text slid in.
Mard Gear: you going to all ur classes today ?
Zeref: fuck no
Mard Gear: meet at spot during sixth
Zeref: bet
He then sent another text:
Zeref: be there 30
Wendy: I’m sorry
Zeref: don’t be
Damn bastard Igneel won’t wake up to take Wendy to school.
Whatever, it’s not like Zeref was missing something important. Hopefully I can force myself to come back before third period…
Who was he kidding. He wouldn’t.
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momentomori24 · 1 year
Welp, I finished the Clover/Axe ending two days ago and I gotta say.... yeah, I was not surprised. But also SEE I TOLD YOU SHE WAS CRAZY WHY WOULD YOU TRUST HER JUNPEI.
Seriously though, that ending was wild. First we find the body of some old man who's posed as Zero-- which I do not believe for a second. I don't have any idea who he is but Zero is at the bottom of that list. Like, look at this:
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This is the most obviously staged Mastermind substitute I've ever seen in my life--and I'm a Danganronpa fan. This isn't Zero, but it is worth noting that there are and were other people on this ship with us that we haven't met yet. From the blood spill, I'm pretty sure he was killed there. And it probably wasn't Clover this time either, because how? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think she was even able to go through here before us. The killer in the Submarine ending was implied to be able to roam freely even without the keys needed to open the doors, so it was probably them. Or someone with that same privilege. I think. Question is, who are they and why aren't they here? And do they even have a bracelet?
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Ok, this is the one I've been itching to address-- the revelation that Seven and Santa killed Snake. I was kinda suspecting Seven of having something to do with this, but since was the one who brought up the idea that two or more people were responsible I brushed it off (also he really grew on me after a while and I didn't want it to be him). I never suspected Santa to be guilty of anything involving this. If I had a list of potential culprits he would be at rock bottom, THAT'S how much I trusted him. He stood up for Clover and Lotus after Junpei tricked them into fighting for who gets left behind even with death looming over their heads. He agreed to stay in the game instead of escaping in favour of not leaving June behind. Despite his attitude, it was clear he hated playing dirty. He did drop some sus bombs with Santa Claus story, but his sense of fairness quashed those immediately. Seven, maybe. Lotus, most probably. Hell, I could even buy Ace (with some strong evidence tho), even tho he's such a stand-up guy. A part of me is still very delulu about him killing Snake because of all of this. It literally never registered with me that he's the only other person that could've done this (if it was 2 people that did this). They both better have a good reason because I am UPSET.
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Freaking Clover, man. I don't know what happened to this girl to take the turn she did, but MAN, she really did a 180 by the end, huh? Killing Santa and Seven in supposed revenge--which, fair enough-- was not enough. She just had to take down June and Junpei too. Girl, what did we do to you? Like, if you had just killed Junpei I wouldn't have been so upset (sorry dude i swear i love you), but why JUNE? That's like killing an innocent puppy, what the heck. I know that there's something wrong with both Snake and Clover, but wow. I'm dying to find out more about them because this is... well, it's something, alright. The fact that she literally made Junpei accept her hand to escape together while he was traumatised and dazed only to whack him and leave him to slowly bleed out as she happily takes off with his bracelet was crazy tho. I hope there's a reason for why she's still going for everyone that didn't kill Snake because my man did not deserve that.
Also, damn. If I had a nickle for every time a pink/red haired girl has offered to join hands and live together at the expense of everyone else I'd have 3 nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it really is so weird it happened thrice. I'd have 2 if that same girl had the potential to end up killing me at the end.
Also, with the knowledge that Snake has a prosthetic arm and there being no mention of it as well his bracelet being cracked meaning we have no way of confirming it's number 2 almost makes me believe he's alive. Almost. I'm pretty confident he's really gone but wouldn't that be a cool twist?
Lastly, the deaths.
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I could be completely off the mark but I have a theory that the other 2 endings have 2 different killers. To me, the way everyone died seemed... different. In the Submarine death, the bodies of everyone were so much more bloody than in the other Bad End. The blood splatter looks more spread out in comparison. What makes me kinda iffy about this one is that both the weapon used is supposedly a knife. It could be different people regardless, because how in the world does a knife create blood splatters worse than the literal axe in the Sub ending, but I'm not sure. We know Junpei in both endings was stabbed for sure, but we can't say the same about the others with the existance of the axe and gun. Just wanted to throw that idea out there anyway.
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fragileizywriting · 1 year
how about this how about this. how about this about knots and heats and things, that @tenshiyuna brought up a good point on my last post:
specifically i'm having a lot of trouble with the whole mating bite thing. the whole heat in general i'm having a problem with because i want luka to be going through a rut at the same time marinette is goign through a heat, and i'm kinda just shoving the two together though i'm almost positive that they're distinct usually in other fics, and i would really like to make them distinct (because then what would be the benefit of them having different names? does that make sense? like why bother naming something 'heat' or 'rut' when they're the same thing? i don't think there's any need for them to be named different things just bc one is for alphas and the other omegas if they just do the same thing. im going in circles)
anyway i want the two of them to have their own thing going on. i need to read some a/b/o (not in the fandom) so i can piece together some more ideas. but the mating bite thing, god, that one is going to be tough. it's going to be tough because i will die on the hill that kitty is a biter, so i need the mting bite to be specific enough so that it's not on accident (also i wrote myself into a corner with the recent oneshot i did in this au where i wrote saying they hadn't mated yet bc she's too shy/scared/awkward to admit that she wants to) and i need to figure out in a way that works realistically. like, realistically (i KNOW this is a/b/o, none of this matters, realistically no one is here to have this-makes-sense worldbuilding, but it's the principle, and what else is there to do? somehow, i managed to make succubi wholesome. let me have this.) a mating bte wouldn't even be good enough to... mark... ? someone? and what if it's accidental? how do erase? can they erase? are we allowed some supernatural elements in here?
tenshiyuna brought up some really good ideas about how the heat cycle(+rut cycle) works and how it goes from lucid to daze back to lucid again and it can be endorphins that clear the mind when released and then when it starts to die down and gets flushed out of the blood system, the daze comes back in. so that would mean that drinking lots of water helps with it ending quicker . hmmm. hydrating also gives a lot of slick. i'm not sure what to do with this information right now but that might be because it's 11pm and past my bedtime. i know i can make this work.
but this bite. damn, this bite. this bite has me so conflicted. how do i make this bite be so realistic? i of all people want luka to tease his fangs over the area, i really do, but what is the point? what's the world building? how does the bite specifically to the neck resolve anything??? does he have enzymes in his fangs like a snake???? that he has to inject????????? into someone????????? to bond with them??????? does it have to be the neck, can it be somewhere ese and still work??????? does it have to be something about kitty's glands needing to get punctured(???????) for her to get mated with someone?????
i'm gonna go sleep on this, but something tells me i'm not going to get ANYWHERE
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alexstorm · 1 year
I feel like this might be the last AM album and tour, at least for a long time. You know there’s always the possibility of bands reuniting or touring again. Funny how an anon recently mentioned Alex saying he wanted to be like Mina she withdrew from the public after two decades. With everything Alex said last night before and after performing Mirrorball, him not going out with the band that much, not being in a “whole” relationship and only occasionally holidaying together, etc I feel like he’s gonna go for a big change. “Let’s leave the past behind / something tells me you’re gonna be okay / don’t worry about me I’ll get along fine (or sth along those lines)” I don’t think these were random. There’s been many times he did something and we found out he’s mentioned that in the past. I mean TBHC was supposed to be a solo album but he said Jamie was so enthusiastic about it so maybe that made him want to stay and then he decided to make a “goodbye” album aka The Car. Everything from the beginning to the end of The Car album is like saying goodbye and leaving things behind.
Q: “Over and out, it’s been a thrill”, you sing on Big Ideas. Hello You, Jet Skis On The Moat��and Perfect Sense also contain “goodbyes” and “goodnights”. Are you saying goodbye to something?
AT: “Yeah, I think that’s fair. That all has to do with where I arrived in life at the moment. I’m 36, the band exists for about twenty years, including the whole run-up. So I’ve been in the band for more than half of my life. You leave things behind, while the clock keeps ticking. People, places, your younger self. Time. Though that’s not necessarily a bad thing, you get new things in return. But it’s human nature to sometimes look back on what has been, what’s behind you. Though I’m pretty good at leaving things behind.” (OOR 2022)
There was also that Sydney Herald interview that had this suggestive tone that he might leave the band and the journalist even quoted Sting.
Besides the songs the OOR journalist mentioned, Mirrorball, Hello You and Mr Schwartz have this melancholic goodbye and “the end is near” vibes. (“Gradually, it's coming into view / It's like your little directorial debut / As fine a time as any to deduce / The fact that neither you or I has ever had a clue / The gloved hand's reachin' in to hit the switch / There's not one goddamn thing that you can do about it / But Mr. Schwartz is havin' tea with the grips / Askin' after all the wives and the kids / It's at the heart of what the business is”) / (“There's just enough time left to swing by / Hello you, still draggin' out a long goodbye? / I ought to apologize for one of the last times / As that meandering chapter reaches its end / And leaves us in a thoughtful little daze”)
Maybe he realized he has to say a proper goodbye to the band with an album and give them an explanation/apology through his lyrics, maybe that’s why this tour is longer than the previous one. (“Still draggin’ out a long goodbye”)
And if we’re getting into conspiracy theories a little bit, The Car is the seventh album and 7 represents “completeness” (“שבע “seven” is spelled with the same consonants as the word שבע “complete/full” ”). Yeah I know this is unrelated and out of place but it can kinda make Perfect Sense.
I can't comment on anything he said last night during Mirrorball as I haven't seen it but it's no surprise that people perceive The Car as a goodbye album. It has all these lines you've mentioned and a very nostalgic vibe which usually sets in before you either close a chapter or say goodbye to something as you look back on things. The question is if it turns out this way what he's gonna do next. Still music on a different level or something completely different?
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
you are so right about takane and kano being besties. they are late night gossip buddies!!!!!! any contradicting canon can rip that from my cold dead hands
they would 100% goofingly share the worst hot takes with each other as some kinda game. or like. point at something random and be like "i need your strongest opinion on this right now." just…. the friendship vibe that i can only succinctly sum up as "late night gossip buddies"
and personally i feel like post-str takane would probably be the person kano would be most comfortable with confiding in because she's just the right ratio of outsider-to-insider. i mean yobanashi deceive is basically just kano traumadumping to ene right lol
kano making all these parallels. knowing takane is just like him fr because she's also playing a role, she's got the same kind of twisted personality, how out of all people he chooses HER to open up to for the first time, says he's not looking to make her dislike him, says he's jealous of her ability to doubt people & her sense of self, also in the novel route THEY DIE TOGETHER....
he sees himself in her and how he'd like to be. like theyre so so SO similar. like him she is playing a role yet takane manages to know who she is and what she wants or likes or hates. like him she's also someone who's lost their most precious person yet manages to move forward and keep going without resenting anyone and in fact going out of her way to help someone else. kano is so insanely jealous of it all💗
sorry. i will go insane about takane AGAIN i literally just did in the other ask but teehee MORE
takane's resilience, determination and will to live and help and love and forgive despite everything always gets me. she's so warm and loving *punches wall* its why i love her so much and also why i hate second manga route so much. takane would never kill herself. shoves this in ur face
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like that's why takane gets opening eyes in the first place!!!!! opening eyes was the ability that was allowing azami to appear before others inside the daze and once she gives it to takane, azami is at the brink of disappearance (holds head remembering azami keeps giving out her snakes as a way to save as much people as possible even if it means dying BUT THATS NOT WHAT WERE TALKING ABOUT) but this translates into takane as well. like even if she is dead she wants to be out here. she will make a place for herself. takane has the will to live, and will always make it out of anywhere as long as she's got herself, even if she's alone. she literally projects herself into existence even when dead thats how damn stubborn she is. determined to tell haruka her feelings as SOON as she realises them without thinking of what that means for their relationship because that's just not her priority, her priority is to let him know in the first place. AUUUGGHH. TAKANE BEST CHARACTER EVER I LOVE U TAKANE also why harutaka is so awesome because it's cute that out of everyone its TAKANE with all these characteristics who gets the love story arc and then actually manages to have a happy ending with someone as loving and caring as haruka!!! and it goes both ways!! except im not talking abt haruka so!!! sniff sniff... str harutaka... (holds head)
erm. yeah. anyways. sorry for going crazy again. i just love takane💗 LITERALLY I JUSY MAKE EVERYTHING ABT HARUTAKA SORRY OK RIGHT KANOBACK TO KANO
i think kano is the kind to notice all these things and be like Man. wtf. but like i said!!! i hate the antagonistic light of it. i know kano's an ass and thats sorta the point, but isn't he like. like the shit he does to takane and the way he talks of her from his pov grazes the unlikable. because we all love piece of shit morally gray characters like kano like i LOVE kano, he's such an interesting character and i love all the nuance u need when consuming kagepro and seeing everything he does but shit likethe way he acts with takane goes a little over the line to me bc it has no real basis other than angry at takane by proxy to shintaro and/or the jealousy (but then again its not like the jealousy is made into such a big deal in the first place and its just a passing comment) like it just seems unfair and uncalled for. like he's REALLY taking it out on her and then played as a joke.
SO TO ME. KANO HELPING TAKANE WITH HER BODY MEANS A LOT. he can go cry outside LATER. to me that is his way of apologizing too. in his little twisted way!!! like not only is here ur body but i will hold you and dry you and get you clothes and some food and water. takane allowing someone to pick her up and see her when vulnerable and kano helping someone his sister adored it just rewires my brain. theyre both silent thru it all but make it through. AUUUGGHHHH IT WOULDVE BEEN SO GOOOOD
AND YEAH EVERYTHING U SAID 10000%% takane being the perfect ratio outsider to insider is SUCH A PERFECT WAY TO PUT IT AUUGGHH also gossip buddies prank masterminds BEST. FRIENDS. FOREVER. for real!!!!
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icharchivist · 1 year
If you could spend a day with either Mari and Meg, Gabriel and Europa, Cupitan and Tristette or Katalina and Vira, which would you choose?
And for the gays, uhh. Lucifer and Sandalphon, Yurius and Albert, Lancelot and Vane and Aglovale and Tor
Which would be the least awkward to third wheel?
oh this is SO tough to answer are you kidding me.
for the lesbians, all of them would come with their amount of drama this would be terrible. Cupitan and Tristette would be too busy out-toxic-ing one another to really register me so it would probably be the most awkward because you'd be caught in their crossfire.
Katalina and Vira would eventually be fine if not for the fact i can sense Vira sending me subtle threats if i look at Katalina too long. Like we're eating and suddenly i get a kick under the table and i look at her and she's smiling at me and also holding her knife in a very suspicious way. Too stressful.
so it leaves Mari&Meg and Gabriel and Europa, both who have a major case of "ignoring everyone around them as long as they are dazing in each other's eyes. Mari has the most chance to eventually kill you if you look at Meg too much and if a threat happens Meg will go banana, so it kinda leaves Gabriel and Europa as the safest lesbians of the bunch + the possibility of Gabriel inviting you aren't zero.
... but because i love their level of insanity, i want to be with Mari&Meg and show Mari i'm her number one cheerleader. Please.
As for the gays well.
the only group among them that would really make you regret your stay could be Yurius and Albert out of the fact Yurius has a mad scientist streak, and with his lines with MC he loves to toy around with MC, so it feels like being in between those two will either have them be lovey dovey or Albert trying to stop Yurius from doing experiments later on.
For the rest of the pair, i know all too well what being a third wheel for Aglo and Tor is like and i don't know if i could stand it on the long run. It's just Aglovale constantly showering Tor with affection while sometimes giving him reproach because Tor didn't accept his gift and now they're fighting at the tea table because Aglovale wants to spoil Tor and he only turns to you to say "wouldn't you agree Tor needs to be spoiled?" while Tor is protesting, it would be unbearable.
Lancelot and Vane tend to be a good pair to hang out around, they're fun, they're sweet, they do try to involve other people in their whole thing... but sometimes they completely forget other people are around and they just start talking about their shared past and stuff and suddenly you feel like you're intruding despite the fact THEY invited you to start with--! Also it's important to note that when Vane is here Lancelot doesn't bother putting on a front anymore and it means that you will have to deal with the fact Lancelot is a teasing demon when he DOES pay attention to you, do you want to live like this.
Sandalphon and Lucifer meanwhile, well. They like their alone time for sure, and will be sooo lovey dovey this would be sickening to watch. But i'm inclined to think that while they can lose themselves in each other's eyes and everything, as long as you're not intruding (ie, if they invited you), they probably would be good host to you. You'd just need to deal with Lucifer waxing philosophy about the world and love and everything.
Mhmmmmmm so with all of that in mind it plays between Lancelot and Vane, and Sandalphon and Lucifer for me. The rest is too much.
But all of them would be awkward to thirdwheel and in this essay i.... already did but--
0 notes
rqs902 · 6 years
[ENG SUB] Lin Mo Radio Interview: So soft and cute, he gets bullied by his didi's~
Lin Mo talks about his personality, Mr. Tyger’s trainee period, and his relationship with his parents
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taeilskitty · 3 years
Hey there! I saw that you open for a request so here's what I thought : what kind of sound did nct make when having sex? Are they more into whimpers, groans, or maybe dirty talk? Thank you so much for answering my question and hope you have a good day!
i was BORN to answer this omg. lemme tell you, i have thought about this so SO much!! (i'm leaving chenji out of this bc i don't know how people feel about that yet)
anyways, i hope u enjoy and i hope this matches what you had in mind <3
oh fuck. taeil is most certainly a groaner. i think (and trust me, i've thought a lot) he must make these gorgeous low moans like right in the back of his throat if that makes sense - have you ever heard his bubble voice messages? oh my god, they're so fucking hot. his raspy voice in the middle of the night is just to die for. that makes me CONVINCED that he dirty talks super up close. even thinking about it makes me shiver :(( he's the king of praise, i just know it. i think he degrades too, but his favourite is when he mixes both together - "you look so pathetic there baby, how cute." "daddy loves his pretty slut so much." "god you're so fucking good for me, my cockslut~" taeil also asks things, i think that suits him so much. "yeah? you like that?" "is daddy's cock too big baby? shh, i'll be done soon..."
whiner. whiner. undoubtedly. this boy has the sweetest, prettiest little moans... he gets all high pitched when he's close and oh god when he sinks into subspace he just mewls and his voice gets so weak </3 little "yes" and "a-ah thank you"s slip out because he such a good kitten. he's so precious... and if he gets asked to speak while he's getting fucked he just squeaks out an answer. "m.. love it... ah..." n he will never fail to say his please and thank yous - he's so well mannered even when hes getting used !!!
this is just. oh my. i think he's silent for the most part. heavy breathing and quiet grunts and groans until he's close. THAT'S when he starts moaning, all sorts of things slipping out. "god you're so good" "i love this hole so much" ahh??! i think he talks down too. fuck !!! daddy!johnny is so patronising, and not just outside of the bedroom. kinda like taeil, he asks things, but he makes u feel so dumb and cock drunk :( AH AND he like... coos when you feel all dazed from his cock... "awh~ is that good? you like that don't you sweetheart? yeah, i know."
i have this vision of yuta just SLAMMING from behind with his face right up in your ear, telling you all sorts of dirty things lowly with just the hottest voice ever. he's very vocal about what he wants, and he loves cumming inside... so expect him to talk about that. oh, he is so fucking possessive too. "hmm. mine. this is mine. you're mine." he probably bites your ear/neck when he says it... the grunts that come out when he slams are enough to send anyone reeling, but i bet he tells you "fuck. gonna. gonna cum in my fuckdoll--" n his voice just trails off as he fills you up and sighs<33
now kun is !! an interesting one !! ... i envision him as a pretty hard dom, so i don't think he's any stranger to degrading. that being said, i think he's more talkative when he's giving punishments (e.g. spanking over his thigh... heaven<33) rather than when he's fucking. i think he moans lowly, semi-quietly but as he gets more and more pent up he gets louder. (i think this is the case for most of the nct doms but oh well) he'll praise how good you make him feel - assuming you've been behaved enough - but that doesn't stop him from cursing under his breath at every chance he gets ,,..
definitely has pretty moans !! he probably does whine, but i mean that in a dom way - if that makes sense? higher pitched moans but not pathetic, in fact it's probably paired with him whispering "fuck yes, good [insert ur fave petname here]". i think he's the type to kiss you a lot during sex and like... moan into your mouth; any space not taken up by the sound of moans will for sure be filled with the sound of his panting and his tongue dancing with yours.
another semi-whiner. i always saw him as a dom but i'm sliiightly succumbing to the idea that he may be a switch... which is why i think there's so much BEAUTY in his moans?? ten makes really pretty, breathy whines and moans i'm sure, i don't particularly think he talks a crazy amount but rather short instructions. (yes i'm going back to dom!ten) "turn around." "get on your knees" "quiet." AH !! he always lets you know what he needs - however, sub!ten will just whine and squirm till you make him cum because he is most definitely a slut who takes anything:(
first of all, this man wrecks me to the fucking core, and i could talk about this for... a while. but his moans are definitely like, raspy high-pitched type. think about his vocals. esp in try again... i bet you they sound like THAT. i'm sure he talks a bit too, tbh he probably says rather textbook dirty things but it sounds so fucking hot when it's him. "yeah take it, take my cock" "fuck yes just like that", he loves how you whine when he moans right up next to you btw - it just makes him do it even more. oh, and bonus - he will never call you ANYTHING without prefixing it with my or daddy's. daddy's girl, daddy's boy, daddy's pet, my dirty slut... ahh<3
it's almost contrasting to jaehyun but sicheng's voice is so low. i can't explain this in any way other than that he's kitty, but his moans are so... puppy? and when he's fucked, he makes himself sound so dumb too. he's constantly slurring his words and biting his lip because he's trying to keep quiet but anyone who walks by the room will hear "mm.. m!!" because he just can't help himself :( when he's close he probably squeaks like taeyong and cums all over the place GOD i want him
oh god there's no doubt that jungwoo talks SO much during sex. he probably loses his fucking mind with how good he feels. he's such a good boy but sometimes you just need him to shut up - but he can't. he squeaks out a little moan when you push into him, or when you start touching his cock, but withn minutes he's babbling non-stop; "oh god oh god mommy/daddy i love it so much, a-ah like that, please~"
my brain used to be convinced that xuxi was a dom, but i'm now sure he's a switch. either way, his moans are pretty much the same. they're very heavy and... i guess manly is the best way to put it. in my head i can literally picture him being like "ughhh..." when you start fucking because he just feels like he's wanted to fuck you so desperately - yes, even if you fucked hours before. it's always so breathy and moany and i think he sounds like a bit of a fuckboy tbh... "fuck yeah" as he slides his cock into you? THANKS
loud baby loud baby LOUD BABY:((( no matter how much you cover that pretty mouth of his he will be so LOUD!! he can't stop talking and whining and panting, kinda like jungwoo but honestly... more. he swears a lot too. he tries not to but he just can't help himself :( "aw shit... god shit!!!" under his breath UGHHFDGGDFDD SO FUCKING CUTE IM GONNA SCREAM !!! he's very polite though, so he always says sorry every single time :( he babbles like hell when he cums, he can't stop himself, again like jungwoo. "i'm gonna cum i'mgonnacumi- i'm -- ah fuck, shit--!!"
two words. action figure. everyone knew that was coming, HA - i'm sorry but THAT verse means we all know how he sounds. i think he tries his best to talk normally while you edge him but his little voice keeps on wavering and cracking and just... he can't help but sound all pretty and pathetic :( but surely dejun has some (very frequent) moments where he can't keep his front anymore and just whines like a whore because it feels so good<3
the things i'd let this man do to me:))) i think at first he'd actually try and hide his moans because he feels like that's what he's supposed to do, but no. for me personally, i know i would NOT LET THAT HAPPEN !! he probably sucks the air in through his teeth in an attempt to hide it - it's very fucking sexy when he does that, granted - but he can't keep doing that for long. i think he hums and laughs when he can't keep it in any longer because he almost feels some kinda defeat but then he just moans semi-loudly and lets out a "good girl/boy/baby... let me fuck you, huh?"
renjun scares the fuck out of me. why? because his moans are fairly quiet. he's master and it S H O W S. he grunts quietly, maybe muttering things under his breath like "so fucking tight" "mmh there you go..." to fill some silence but he does it subconsciously; he goes so far into domspace sometimes that he just can't control himself. when he's close he talks through his teeth and he's like "i'm. i'm gonna cum baby..."and the more you whine on his cock the more he just laughs at you because he's a sadist hhhhhhhhhhh.........
most definitely a fun one... you see when he's sub, he pants and whines and drools all over himself like a big dumb puppy boy and he just breathes so heavy n his moans are all shaky... if he's a brat he will try and talk big but he can't take it, he just gets so pathetic and !!! but dom jeno is fucking TERRIFYING because he talks down and tries his best to intimidate you. he chuckles and degrades you, but one of his faves is when he can big himself up under his breath. "look at you now. you love this fucking cock."
this isn't good for my mental health :) i fucking cannot TAKE this brat :) AHA! hyuckie is honestly such a whore, he's bratty and rude and always talks back at you like he's the king of the fucking world. he's constantly laughing at you and trying so hard to make you feel like you're not worthy but he feels so good he just gets fucked dumb by you :( he is SO loud too. he wants everyone to hear what a dirty whore he is and he makes sure he puts on his prettiest pornstar moans. he whines like his life depends on it. on the off chance that he's being a good boy, he begs and cries and whimpers when he finally cums - and i mean CRIES. sobs. he'll be heaving by the time you're done with him, but god he fucking loves it.
fuck... fuck okay... well firstly he loves to talk. we all know how much he praises and how he's constantly showing his love off... that doesn't stop at fanservice, nope. he will fuck you like a ragdoll and keep calm and composed as ever, talking down to you as if you're in his lap for a soft cuddle. "baby loves nana so much hm~?" "oh you really love that don't you?" "you know you're so pretty. nana wants to cum in you so bad~" yes, he calls himself nana because he's a cocky fuck and loves how it sounds. especially when you're moaning it for him.
i'm kinda in 2 minds about this... on the one hand, he's kinda like hyuckie in that he whines a LOT. but he can actually keep his composure - he's a breathy whiner, he's not quite as loud and he most certainy doesn't crumble as easily. (that's not to say that he can't, he most definitely can.) on the other hand i think when he's in a more neutral headspace rather than subby, he talks to you like a total fuckboy. not in a mean way but he's just like "hah. i know you love me fucking you like this." he gets so cocky and he sucks hickeys into your neck and hums quietly<3
he's such a shy baby :( he wants to moan so much but he probably gets all self conscious and tries to hide it... so you gotta make him feel safe :( when he does he whimpers and it's so pretty and pathetic. the way he wells up with tears and hitches his breath is. adorable. he whispers "thank you... ah..." every time he feels that good and by the time he cums it's just falling from him like a waterfall :( the more comfortable he feels, though, the sluttier he can get... he will always be a good boy but i think he lets his whore side come out every once in a while <3
last but most certainly not least, yet ANOTHER boy who pains me to the core. i think sungchan whimpers too. THERE I SAID IT. his cock is too big for his own good so he just... needs you to do SOMETHING to him :( he always sighs at first, maybe hissing just a little but then he gets to a point where he's quietly whimpering because he just needs to cum so fucking bad <//3 "need it... p-please..." he's always nervous to use titles but if he wants to cum he has no choice :( when his dom asks please who? he blushes bright red n mumbles a little "please mommy/daddy... 'm so good..." and god yes he is he deserves it so much ugh<33333333333333
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shotorozu · 4 years
you like their hands
character(s) : shinsou hitoshi, kirishima eijirou, monoma neito (2/?)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns, quirk left unmentioned
post type : headcanons + small scenario [fluff, the mildest of spice] not even nsfw
note(s) : i was gonna put denki in this but i had a hard time thinking about what kinda hands he’d have, so i’m putting him in the next post
»»————- ♡ ————-««
shinsou hitoshi
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his hands are big, and his fingers are quite thick.
really likes wearing rings and bracelets, but he usually doesn’t wear them when he’s working (i’d say that bc wearing jewelry while doing physical activity HURTS)
regarding texture, his hands were initially soft— but due to transferring in the hero course, they roughened up over time
he’ll use hand cream if you want, but he doesn’t go the extra mile. and his nails are trimmed at all times. painting his nails a black color would be great once in a while.
lol i forgot to mention nails in the last post
he notices right away that you like his hands when he catches you staring at them when he’s cracking his knuckles
like.. people have said that his hands are nice, but he doesn’t really say much about them bc they’re not you
a crack sound is briefly heard in the rather silent room. the scrolling on your phone halts, and your eyes follow the sound of the crack.
ah, he’s cracking his knuckles. you think to yourself, and you’re left just simply admiring the way he applies pressure on a knuckle. who knew that his rather— large hand would look appealing, even while cracking his knuckles.
you snap out of your observation, but instead of just simply going back to whatever you were doing, you’re met with lilac eyes. “you were staring again.”
your cheeks heat up, and you opt to just turn your head to the opposite direction. “sorry,” you apologize. however— that’s not what hitoshi was looking for apparantly.
“if you like my hands alot,” he scoots next to you, hands sliding up and down your arms— his firm grip practically making the pre existing butterflies in your stomach act up again. “then you should’ve said so, kitty.”
is he conscious of his actions? hm. you could say that
he’ll purposely play with his capture tool right in front of you— the material wrapping around his hand. and he can only laugh when you immediately get absorbed into it
the back of his hand will brush against your cheek. then, when he comes in to kiss you, he’ll cup your cheek— kissing you with his other hand resting at your nape
under the table, his hand will start to slide against yours, interlocking hands with you. he’ll act like nothing is happening, but on the inside— he’s taking in your reaction
a little spicy, but when he wants you to look at him— he’ll do that thing where his thumb brushed against your bottom lip, as it almost dips right into your mouth
if he feels a little extra, his hand will also be tugging on your hair (if you’re fine with that. otherwise, he’s sticking to the one above)
oh and he also does that thing where he rests his hand on your neck, thick fingers squeezing your throat lightly.
overall— THIS MAN omg, he’ll entertain your interest in his hand nicely, just for you. and every single thing he does is memorable
kirishima eijirou
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his hands are quite normal regarding size, they are almost always veiny, a lot more than bakugou’s actually. i think at some point he was concerned about them
his hands are rather flushed in color, but that’s because of his quirk. his fingers have a few tiny scars here and there,
he occasionally has pen marks on his wrists due to bad penmanship, and his nails.. don’t look the best, but they’re not the worst it’s bc of his quirk
the palms of his hands are ridden with callouses. but he wears them with pride because it’s the pure evidence of his hard work with his training.
but he starts to get worried about them when he goes to hold your hand.
you always had a thing for kirishima’s hands, but you just never had the chance to tell him that. i guess asking you did it for him
did you even realize how hard you were staring at his hands right now? it happened every single time he enlaced his arms around you, his hands resting at the sides of your arms
at first, he thought it might’ve been because his hands are too rough, or you might’ve been in discomfort— because maybe, just maybe, he accidentally activated his quirk?
the fact that he can’t exactly tell what it is worried him, maybe he should just ask you.
but his worry washed off when you told him upfront that you ‘liked his hands’
“wait so.. you’re staring at my hands because you like them?” kirishima wants to confirm your words, and— so casually, by the way— nod in agreement.
tracing the veins on his hands, you elaborate “your hands are really nice, i can tell how hard you must’ve worked.” pressing your smaller hand against his, you smile.
eijirou takes a moment to process it, but it’s surprisingly quick. “oh t-thanks!” he sheepishly took the compliment, a small blush sporting on his cheeks. “i’m glad it wasn’t because you thought they were weird.”
kirishima unintentionally feeds your interest with his hands. like sometimes.. he’s just not aware of it, but yes— he is feeding your interest well
will always make you compare hand sizes with him, chuckling softly at the dazed look on your face when your palms touch
if you allow him, he’ll fix your hair for you. doesn’t matter what hair type you have, he’ll do LOTS of research to know how to style it
those hands are magical
if you get a papercut, or a wound from cooking— he’ll patch you up, then he’ll press a kiss on the bandaid.
he’ll do this thing where he’ll squeeze your sides when you pull in for a hug. but if you’re not okay with that, he’ll opt to just rubbing your back with his hand— rocking you softly as he hugs you
a little spicy, but his hands do wander a lot. you might need to even hold them in place to make sure they don’t go too wild
in addition to that, he’ll just SLIGHTLY, activate his quirk to make sure you’re conscious of his touch. his finger tips gliding against your back, sending shivers down your spine.
but of course, he’s careful. he doesn’t activate it to the point it causes scratch marks, nor will his actions draw blood. he doesn’t wanna do that
in short— kirishima’s a little clueless at first. he wouldn’t really tease you in public, but he’s surprisingly attentive to your interest.
monoma neito
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his hands are on the tipping edge of slightly above average. he doesn’t have a lot of veins on his hands, but they do pop out depending on what quirk he’s using
monoma’s hands are pretty spotless of any scars (from cuts, abrasions, etc.) because he gets REALLY annoyed with wounds pretty easily
to the point he’d want to attend to the wound immediately, he doesn’t let them sit— it’s just a personal preference
his nails are at the perfect length. not too long and not too short to the point it hurts, you don’t know how he does it.
wears watches on his wrists, and not the digital type— he sorta acts like he can read it easily, but it takes him a few seconds to even get to know the time
you know this because kendo snitched on him and told you LOL
you secretly hate yourself for this, but you really like his hands because of how he takes care of them. you’d never tell monoma even though you’re dating him
you’re unsure of yourself on how your boyfriend— monoma, found out about your fascination with his hands. it was supposed to be a secret for the rest of your life, and you only remember talking about it once out loud
which you assumed was a close call, considering that you thought he didn’t hear it at all— but he did.
“so i heard you like my hands, huh Y/N?” monoma’s teasing tone does not aid the situation. your cheeks heat up with embarassment, and you can’t get yourself to answer his question— without sounding like a fool anyway.
you fake annoyance, “where’d that come from?” you ask, and monoma doesn’t seem to want to switch the topic
“i’m asking you a question, dear Y/N— i heard you like my hands,” his tone would’ve sounded condescending to any other person, but you can tell that he’s either genuinely curious
or just teasing you, because that’s how he is.
to aid his question, he brushes his fingers along your neck— near your pulse. you jolt, stunned by the sudden action— heart beating rapidly against your chest.
“see,” monoma presses his hand against your chest, where your heart is palpitating, grinning in a way that’s teasing you “it’s true, isn’t it? sweet Y/N has a thing for my hands, hm?”
you furrow your eyebrows, and flick his forehead— and he hisses in reaction, “fine then, i do like your hands.” you finally give in, admitting final defeat.
ever since then, you haven’t heard the end of it
definitely that person that’ll just randomly bring it up to you, no matter what hour of the day it is.
“oh Y/N, you were totally fawning over my hands earlier—”
“i will castrate you.”
you know he means well most of the time, but sometimes he just loves teasing the heck out of you.
but that doesn’t mean he neglects your obvious interest in his hands.
he’ll compliment you, he’s a snarky person in general— but to you, he’s totally smooth with it.
slides his hand from your forearm to your hands, only to bring them up to his lips, pressing a kiss against your hand
squeezes your hand everytime he sees you, it’s kind of a nonverbal greeting at this point
similar to kirishima, he likes comparing hand sizes— teasing you about the size difference (even if it’s not even a big of a difference, he’ll take that chance.)
does this thing where he rubs his thumb against his palm. does it a lot when he’s concentrated about something, or just out of the blue
a little spicy, but he’ll make you tell him what you like about his hands, and what you like about the things he does with those hands of his. if that makes sense
he wants all of the details, doesn’t care if it’s mundane, or things he does when he’s feeling a certain way.
he wants to know, because as soon as you’re done with your spewl, he’ll do exactly what you like, teasing you while he’s at it. and so he can start incorporating those habits whenever he’s around you.
totally someone that’ll make you suck on those fingers. oh, but he’ll purposely get some dessert on them— asking you to suck them off
“good grief, i got some dessert on my fingers again. Y/N, come suck them off”
sometimes he’s serious, sometimes he’s just teasing.
overall— it’s pretty adventurous. he starts to act on it as soon as the revelation is revealed to him.
but i’d say he does just fine.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, translate, repost, or use my work for audio readings without my consent :))
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When Life Gives You Lemons-- Part 12
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Warnings: Mature content, abuse, rape, eating disorders, OCD etc. Some of these things go into a bit of detail. These warnings are relevant to the whole fic, not just particular chapters.
Word Count Chapter: 6570
Word Count Total: 53,604
Author’s Note: Barbs and Lemon are back by popular demand! Reminder, that this fic starts during the summer of 2019. I will be tagging the Avs and Lausanne HC. Also *~*~*~*~* means a POV change. Flipping between Mark and Clementine. This part begins with Clementine. THERE BE SMUT (kinda).
Part Twelve*
I was sucking down a latte at a speed that was going to give me a stomach ache while Daze peed on every single patch of dirt we came across. Barbs had a small Americano he was nursing with a look of amusement on his face, and the fingers of his free hand were twisted into my belt loop, keeping me tucked into his side as we meandered in the sunshine.
We wandered along the river contentedly until the temps seemed to rocket into the 80s. The elevation in Denver always made it feel at least 10 degrees hotter than it was, and by the time we made it back to Mark's apartment, I was pretty sure the smell invading my nostrils wasn’t coming from Barbs or Daze.
The bottom layer of my hair was soaked with sweat and I was sure there was a pool in my underwear, which may-- or may not have been heat-related. As further proof life is entirely unfair, Mark was barely glistening and looked handsome as ever, but, to his credit, he was a professional athlete and that walk probably didn’t even register on his exercise-o-meter.
As we made our way through the front door and back to the blissful existence that is climate control, I asked him, “Is there a place where I could shower, maybe?”
He was unclipping Daze’s leash and hung it on a hook by the door, “Yeah,” he confirmed, “there’s a guest room with an ensuite through the door at the end of the kitchen.”
I looked at my bag, torn. What started as a casual conversation about a shower (if there was such a thing), seemed to have evolved into a bigger discussion, which, it occured to me, had been entirely avoided by my ability to fall asleep on the couch. “Do you want me to stay there?” I ventured.
He arched a brow; I could sense that he and I were on the same page and again, I was both irritated and impressed by his perceptiveness. But he remained unfazed as he told me coolly, “The master is down the hall, and you’re welcome to as well.”
I looked down at the weekender bag, which was still sitting by the door, and shifted my weight on my feet in an effort to buy myself some time. Maybe the silence would drive him crazy and he’d cave first and just tell me what to do. Instead, Mark trailed his hand across my back and pulled me into him, kissing the top of my head, before he headed to the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water. “I’m not making the decision for you, Lemon,” he informed me, “you’ve had enough of that.”
He smirked, though his lips were wrapped around the mouth of the water bottle. With his head tilted back, he downed all 16oz in a single drink; watching his throat move as he swallowed almost gave me heatstroke. At least, that’s what I’m saying it was, if anyone were to ask. The self-loathing I felt creeping through me was, I realized, entirely unrelated to all of my usual neuroses but instead, likely triggered by the level of “thirsty fangirl” I was feeling about the handsome man standing in front of me. It was then that clairity dawned on me: I didn’t know what was going to happen if I put my bag in his bedroom, but I knew what wouldn’t happen if I went to the guest room. Thus, I snatched the bag from the floor and disappeared down the hall toward the master, making a sincere attempt to look cool, unhurried and 0% desperate, though I probably failed on all three accounts.
His bedroom, like the rest of his house, was masculine yet warm and comfortable. A huge bed with a heavy looking dark wood frame fit the large space well, and I didn’t know what size it was, but it seemed larger than a King. I’m sure there was some super special athlete sized bed only professional athletes could buy. The sheets were dark gray and crisp, and his bed was made. He didn’t seem like the type to make his bed in the morning so I assumed the cleaning service had changed the sheets and made the bed.
The bathroom was also huge; the shower and tub were enclosed in the same glass room and it honestly just looked like a bitch to clean, although I suppose one could just spray the entire thing with windex and use a squeegee. And yes, this was the first thing I thought about upon entering it, despite all of the lust and hormones swirling around in my brain. You can take the housewife out of the house, but short of a lobotomy, I was still wired to think about cleaning and cooking, it seemed. With gratitude, I gleefully realized that cleaning the bathroom was entirely not my problem and I set my bag on the bed. Daze hopped up, circling three times before curling into a ball, right in the middle of the huge monstrosity, her keen eyes studying me carefully.
True to form, Nora had packed my half my bathroom and exactly one change of clothes, I loved her optimism that I wouldn’t *need* clothes, but I did like having the option of wearing them, which was the main reason I had run home the day before and now the bag was straining at the seams.
In the bathroom, there was a set of lush towels hanging on the towel bars and an entire additional set folded and set on the counter. The ones on the bars near the shower room were obviously the ones Barbs used, and therefore, I presumed the ones on the counter were for me. Suddenly furious, I narrowed my eyes; that assuming, idiotic moron man. He obviously assumed I’d be sleeping in his bed and using his shower. Despite my rage, a little voice in the back of my head, which sounded most concerningly like Nora, immediately wondered if there was an identical pile of towels in the guestroom.
Answering that question at once preempted all other activities, sweaty hair be damned. So, I marched down the hall and into the kitchen, prepared to give Mark the what-for, and much to my surprise, I was hit with the smell of onions and garlic sauteeing in olive oil. Mark was in the kitchen, tea towel thrown over his shoulder, the spitting image of, like, all of the hottest fantasies I’d ever had of him. My eyes widened and, distracted by the vision in front of me, my stare was fixated on him instead of where I was going, meaning, I hit the back of the couch with quite a bit of momentum from my march of irritation. Unceremoniously, I flew over the back of it in the most ungraceful somersault that had ever been done by a human and smacked my head on the coffee table. The resulting “thwack,” which echoed loudly through the space, functioned as an entirely too perfect soundtrack accompaniment to reality’s literal smack in the face. I sat on the ground, waiting for the rest of the life’s laugh track to kick in. I was only 50 percent positive the tweeting cartoon birds were my imagination.
“Holy shit! Clementine!!” I heard Mark yelp.
Unlike the birds, I was sure I hallucinated Mark vaulting over the back of the love seat that sat perpendicular to the couch to get to me.
If getting to Tine just then depended on my sinking the winning puck in the Stanley Cup final, I know I could do it with one arm tied behind my back and my eyes closed. By the time I vaulted over the couch like Simone Biles, she was already sitting up, hand on her head as I knelt down.
“It’s fine, I’m fine. I’m totally fine,” she shushed me, before I could even say anything. “The good news about being crazy is I can’t possibly get MORE fucked up due to trauma to the head, so it’s fine.”
“Jesus Christ,” I said, sounding a little more exasperated than I intended, “Shut up and lay down on the couch.” As I picked her up under her armpits and deposited her there, I realized she didn’t really have a choice. I was considering plopping down on top of her to make her stay put, but that seemed a little excessive. Instead, I directed her firmly, “Stay there.”
Clumsiness and head trauma apparently didn’t fall under Daze’s duties, because it was a few minutes before she wandered in from the bedroom, mostly seeming curious as to what all the commotion was about. After retrieving a flexible ice pack from the freezer, I yanked the towel off of my shoulder over and wrapped the ice pack in it, making my way back to Clementine. I was half-surprised that she was actually laying down where I left her; leaning over the arm of the couch, I moved her hand from her head and put the ice pack on it. Curiosity got the better of me and I found myself asking, “What were you even doing out here? I thought you were taking a shower.”
She had hit her head over her right eye and sure enough, there was a big bump quickly forming there. She looked a little like a lopsided unicorn when she pulled the pack away, checking to see if there was any blood. She sighed, “It’s dumb.”
Once again, I was thankful for my taste in big furniture, because I stepped over the side table and settled onto the couch next to her, trapping her against the back, and held the ice pack to her head for her. “Try me.” I deadpanned.
She mumbled, words falling out of her mouth in one fell swoop. Were I not more well-versed in mumbling as a language (thank you to so many of my teammates for this unforeseen boon), I might not have followed her, but sure enough, when she uttered “Iwantedtoseeifthereweretowelsintheguestroom,” I knew exactly what she meant.
“I had towels set out for you, babe.”
She rolled the one eye I could see— well, I assume she rolled both, but I just saw the one not obscured by the ice pack, as she grumbled, “I KNOW. In your bathroom. I wanted to see if there were towels in the OTHER bathroom too.”
I cocked my head to the side, half-concerned I was following her inane “logic” and half-grateful I was able to as I clarified, “So you came out here all stomping mad because I laid towels out for you? And actually, let me note, that I personally didn't; I had the service do it yesterday. And you’re mad?”
“IN YOUR BATHROOM, BARBS,” she maintained shrilly.
“No,” I corrected her, “In both bathrooms. I wanted the place to be prepared for you to stay, in whichever way you felt comfortable.”
Her voice was small as she replied, “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh.” I couldn’t fight the smile on my face if I wanted to, and frankly, I didn’t want to. “Now who’s the idiot?” I teased her.
She traced her fingers across the portion of my chest revealed by the several open buttons at the top of my shirt and innocently, played with the hair that peeked out. She always seemed to be touching the hair on my arms or, in this case, my chest and oddly, I liked it. “I mean,” she feigned consideration, “Probably still you. As a rule.”
I lifted the ice and gently kissed her new horn as I agreed, “Probably, but also you a little bit.” She smiled at me and it was so sincere and beautiful that I almost got lost in it.
We sat quietly for a few moments and she intertwined the fingers of her free hand in mine. Replaying the events of the minutes prior in my head, I realized I was missing a piece and as evenly and straight-faced as I could manage I asked her, “But how did you go from mad to tripping over the couch? It’s huge and kind of hard to miss.”
She squirmed away from me slightly, which was a feat, since there really was nowhere for her to go. “Nothing. It’s nothing,” she said breezily and I grinned, there was definitely something.
“Lemon,” I insisted, my smile practically reaching my ears.
“Barbs.” her tone was the one she frequently used when she was tired of my antics.
“Clementine.” I wasn’t going to let her off the hook.
“Mark,” she declared, almost petulantly.
I stuck out my bottom lip and gave her the sad eyes. It always seemed to work for Mikko. “Please?” I asked, with as much earnestness as I could muster.
A faint smile appeared on her face as she acquiesced, albeit resignedly as she griped, “Okayyyyyyyyyyy.” She looked me dead in the eyes, quirking an eyebrow at me as she added the disclaimer, “But you can’t make fun of me.”
“Ok.” I nodded, “I promise.”
She sighed again, pausing before she spoke, “I just… you’ve been bringing me food “from your mom” and I know she’s not sending a bunch of meals to you from Montreal, so I just figured you’ve actually been cooking them yourself this whole time and I have this fantasy of you with a towel tossed over your shoulder cooking dinner for me and I was, for once in my life, NOT the one cooking dinner and instead, I was drinking wine watching you cook and…..and that’s like, exactly what you were doing except it was breakfast not dinner and it’s all very hot.”
If I were a better man, I would’ve wiped the smirk off of my face. But I’m not. So I didn’t. “Do I fuck you on the counter?” I suggested. “Is that where it gets hot?”
“No,” she answered, “The whole fantasy is just you cooking.”
“That’s it? That’s what made you trip over the entire fucking couch?” This information was not what I was expecting and as much as I wanted to tease the shit out of her about it, it was so sweet and pure and genuine, I couldn’t find it in myself to do it. Plus, I’d promised.
She squirmed away from me again, frowning as she reminded me, “You said you wouldn’t make fun of me.”
I pulled the ice off of her head and set it on the coffee table. Gently, I took her chin between my fingers, turning her head toward mine so I could give her a soft kiss. “Baby…” I whispered, “I’m about to blow your mind.”
I kissed her again, sloppy and fast and stood up, scooping her up too.
“Ohmigod, BARBS!!” She shrieked, “Put me down!! I am NOT telling Bednar I’m the reason you can’t start the season.”
I ignored her and instead, deposited her on a bar stool, skirting the island and making way to the fridge to grab a bottle of prosecco and a carton of orange juice. “I know you said wine,” I remarked, “but it’s not even noon yet. SO, if you take sparkling wine and mix it with orange juice and call it a Mimosa, you’re allowed to drink before noon. I learned that from Landy.”
The look on her face said she was not at all surprised that Landy drank mimosas and was the party who had clued me in to this novel fact.
I set the champagne flute in front of her, filled with the boozy mixture of sparkling wine and Vitamin C. She fingered the stem absently, looking like she was approaching, though not necessarily imminently, a panic attack.
I lit the burner and put the pan back on it, grabbing another towel and throwing it over my shoulder before I added more olive oil to the onions and garlic.
Tine took a sip from the flute and after a moment, followed it up with a much larger sip. “Lemon,” I looked at her plainly, “Just down it if you want, zero judgment from me. I will pour you another.”
She eyed me over the top of the glass before taking another sip. I took my glass and raised it toward her, then downed the whole thing in a single gulp. It was about four seconds before my face contorted into a grimace and I choked out, “Oh bubbles, that was a bad choice.” I screwed my eyes shut as the carbonation tickled my sinuses. Maybe she was onto something, sipping on her mimosa. I was gonna have to serve myself a side of humble pie along with this omelet.
My eyes watered a bit which, I’m sure, did nothing to bolster my reputation in that moment. I raised my eyebrows to stretch out my face and hopefully, make the sensation go away as well as perhaps be so adorable that she wouldn’t totally roast my ass for my terrible and frattish suggestion.
I pushed the onions and garlic around the pan to make sure they caramelized evenly and turned to pull some veggies out of the fridge. When I set them on the island, I caught Clementine’s gaze and she was looking at me like a timbits player looks at the Stanley Cup: with awe, adoration, and a lot of hope.
“What’s on your mind, Clementine?” I prodded.
She took another lazy sip of the mimosa and rolled the drink around in her mouth before swallowing. “This is a good Prosecco,” she complimented, “Did you choose it?”
I was quartering a zucchini before slicing it as I responded, “I think we both know Gabe brought that over once and it’s been in my fridge ever since. And that can’t be why you’re looking at me like a cop looks at a donut.” The words were barely out of my mouth before I realized what I said. Hurriedly, I tried to backpedal, “Fuck, shit. I’m sorry, Lemon. I didn’t mean…”
Her face didn’t change much, but nonetheless, her expression solidified just a bit and her expression became more wooden. She traced one of the veins in the quartz countertop as she said slowly, “You can make jokes, Barbs. It’s ok. Cops do love donuts.”
I sighed and put down the knife, bracing my hands on the counter and berating myself inwardly as I grumbled, “And now I’ve ruined the moment.”
She drained her glass and set it down on the bar, filling it with Prosecco and adding just a dash of orange juice before taking another swig. I arched a brow at her, intrigued.
She jutted her chin in the direction of the clock on the microwave behind me, and said, almost daringly, “What? It’s 12:01. Don’t judge me.”
I resumed chopping, and we sat quietly for a bit while she watched me, the only sound in the kitchen coming from the vegetables sizzling away in the skillet. Finally, I had to fill the silence and I asked, “So, why the cooking fantasy?”
She took another sip of her mimosa, if you could even call it that now, and shrugged, responding with an offhanded “I don’t know.”
I scoffed, not even half surprised with her answer and refusing to settle for it. “That’s such a crock of horseshit.”
She looked around, almost like she was looking for something to throw at me and took another sip of her drink instead. “Excuse your language,” she admonished me.
I scoffed again and suddenly, I realized how much time we spent rolling our eyes around each other and trying to figure out if that was a bad thing or a good thing. “Oh, please” I huffed, “You can ‘shit, fuck, damn’ with the best of us, honey. Don’t think I don’t hear you when you miss a good shot of me.”
“It’s because I have to work harder to make you look good,” she threw back easily.
A bark of laughter escaped my mouth and it sounded a little bit deranged but hopefully still manly. “I own a mirror,” I informed her, rejecting her chirp, “So that ain’t flying.” I gave it a minute, sensing that this could be a bit of a loaded issue and wanting to allow her a little bit of time and space. Maybe she wasn’t ready to talk about it, and I didn’t want to push her so hard that she was uncomfortable. I turned to look at her and my eyes met hers.
Softly, I asked again, “Seriously, Clementine.”
She sighed and took a deep breath before she explained, “I don’t think I’m comfortable going into the details, but Bill really wanted to be born in the 30’s so he could have a 1950s housewife instead of me. So, dinner was always at a certain time and I always made it, regardless of anything— even if I was sick, I made dinner. He insisted on approving any activities I might want to do at night, and if I wanted to join a book club that started before his dinner time, it was a no go. So, I …..I don’t cook anymore.”
I had a feeling my penalty minutes were going to skyrocket this year as I listened, letting everything she told me flow into a box labeled “Discuss with therapist later.”
She seemed to be waiting for a reaction from me and I started breaking some eggs into a bowl as I replied, “That sounds like it would suck any joy of cooking. So, it’s a good thing I love how you pause when you eat the first forkful of something you didn’t have to make and savor it, because, that moment right there? Because of that moment, I’ll cook for you anytime.”
The little wrinkle appeared between her brows and the sight of it made me smile. She eyed me over the top of her glass again and smiled at me in return as she chuckled, “That was a surprisingly insightful answer, and it is appreciated on many levels, Mr. Barberio.”
I continued cracking eggs, congratulating myself inwardly. “Weren’t you going to take a shower?” I wondered outloud.
She lifted her arm and took a whiff of her armpit, which made me smile again because she made a disgusted face, which was actually quite adorable. “Ugh, yes,” she sighed.
“Can you do it in 15?” I countered, “Brunch is almost ready.”
“Just for that, I can do it in 15. I don’t need to wash my hair today anyway, just get the sweat out.”
I continued chopping vegetables for the omelets while she climbed off the barstool. “I’m going to make you work out with me soon.”
She blanched and I laughed, “What? it’s good for you and it makes sex better.”
She rolled her eyes so hard I was certain she could see through the back of her skull, and wandered down the hall without a word. Daze stopped and looked at me, the giver of treats and back down the hall the way Clementine went. “You should probably follow the walking accident waiting to happen, Dog.”
Daze let out a huff in what I assumed was agreement and followed her charge down the hall.
Daze wandered in and I closed the door to the master bedroom behind her, since the bathroom didn’t HAVE a door, per se; the toilet was in its own little closet, but the rest of the bathroom had an open doorway and a half wall of glass bricks to let the light shine in.
I looked at the tub— it was wide, long, and deep, and for a brief moment, fantasized about filling it with gallons of steaming hot water and hopping in and sinking up to my chin in bubbles, but I knew that was going to take longer than 15 minutes. However, Mark’s shower looked equally luxurious and, from even a cursory inspection, seemed to have enough showerheads to ensure that no portion of your body would go untouched.
Turning on the shower, I was proven correct; Water streamed out from what seemed like an uncountable array of showerheads (Spoiler alert, it was actually 3), including a giant rain one that hung down in the middle of the space. I had died and gone to heaven and heaven was Mark Barberio’s bathroom -- who knew. I had to pause for a moment and I leaned heavily on the counter while the water warmed. I was about to take a shower in God’s bathroom, while a man--scratch that, while a stupidly hot man-- made me brunch. It was a lot to absorb, and there was a definite tingle between my legs that, honestly, had been there since our makeout session on the balcony.
I just wanted to attach my face to his and put him inside me and that was how we were now. Freaky siamese twins attached at the mouth and genitals. In the sexiest and most not insane way possible. I didn’t think that was normal, but considering Bill was my ONLY relationship, I didn’t know what normal was. So maybe it was normal, because I had certainly NEVER felt that way about Bill.
I shrugged out of the clothes I had been wearing, which I realized had been marinating on my body for over 24 hours. The crotch of my panties was totally soaked, and even though I was alone, I made a face as I shoved all my dirty clothes into a small pile in the corner of the bathroom.
By this time, the glass shower enclosure had filled with steam and I swear, the minute I stepped in, I could feel my pores open up. All of the stress just leaked out of my body and into the swirling mist, and I realized that the only thing that could possibly improve this moment would be if the shower included some sort of eucalyptus oil diffuser to imbue the steam with all of its relaxing goodness. If Mark managed to figure that one out, he could probably charge admission fees for a visit to his shower.
The spray hitting me from 400 different angles felt amazing and I seriously wondered how Barbs didn’t fucking live in this shower and become some kind of landlocked merman.
I twirled my wet hair and plopped it on top of my head and, after doing so, realized too late I had left all my shower paraphernalia on the counter; however, I was so zen at that moment that I said fuck it, whatever, (three words I was pretty sure I’d never uttered in my life). Barbs had to have something in here, I figured, and I’d just use that. I saw something sitting on a small built-in ledge and I grabbed it: it was one of those homemade soaps with the loofah molded right in, which would suit me just fine. I was familiar with that type of item, as I had one just like it, and it was actually one of my favorite instruments of torture when I was trying to cleanse myself of the voices. I lathered it between my hands and realized that whatever this soap was, it was definitely one element of the fundamental smells that combined to make Barbs’ unique sexy manly smell - as I continued to lather, I detected hints of sandalwood and pine.
I ran the bar over my body and let the suds cover me before I flipped it to the other side, letting the water-softened loofah scrape against my skin in the way I would imagine rough but gentle hands would feel. I dipped the bar across my hips and then, between my legs and the rough edge of the loofah dipped between my lips, just catching my clit.
The sensation made me gasp. I had obviously tried to masturbate over the past years-post Bill, and considering the last time I was successful was pre Bill, my therapist and I speculated it was because of the trauma I suffered. But maybe, I didn’t need to ‘get over’ my trauma or learn to work with it, I just needed to be...turned on? What an entirely insane concept. That intense need I had felt that morning with Mark, I had never felt with Bill, even before the abuse started.
I made the same motion with the loofah again, and my hips twitched. I did it again and again and I could feel the euphoria building in my body. Eventually, I traded the loofah for my fingers and I swirled circles around my clit until I had to brace my free hand against the glass wall to keep my legs from going out from under me, hips twitching as the wave crested.
Mark’s name may have been on my lips and a pleasant roaring muted the rest of the world and I thought I heard my own name but I wasn’t sure.
The omelets were done, and I debated with myself about whether or not to set the table in the dining area, or if we should eat on the bar side of the island. I set the table, but it looked too formal and maybe too reminiscent of Tine’s old life, so I took the placemats and put them on the bar. In the end, it looked like a planned but informal meal and I was wondering what was taking Tine so long.
I knocked on the door to the bedroom, but didn’t get an answer. So, I knocked again, opening the door a little as I said her name.
“Lemon?” I spoke softly, words softly echoing through the mist rolling out of the bathroom.
Her hand against the glass was the only clear thing I could see, but it didn’t take a genius to see the shadow of her other hand between her legs, body bent as she came and I heard her say my name.
I closed the door quietly and leaned my head back against it. Holy fucking shit. Holy. Fucking. Shit. I was aching behind the zipper of my jeans, dick bent at an awkward angle and stuck my hand down there to straighten him out. I had no idea how I was going to function for the rest of the day without bending her over the back of the couch and fucking her until my balls were empty. I don’t think I had ever been so hard or turned on in my life, and as a professional athlete I felt like that was significant.
It took more than a few moments for me to compose myself but when I did, I knocked on the door again, this time being sure to stay on the outside of it. “Lemon?” I forced out, casually, “Food is ready.”
After a moment, she opened the door and smiled at me as she padded back into the bedroom. Her hair was still wet, held on top of her head with a clip, and she was in simple leggings and an oversized Avs shirt. Its neck was so stretched that it was hanging off of one shoulder and I could see the strap of her tank top or bra or whatever. Her cheeks were flushed, skin still dewey from the shower.
“That shower is amazing,” she sighed, “I might just live there.”
I didn’t know what to say since “I want to cum on your chest” was probably inappropriate. So I settled for nothing, raising my brows and nodding slowly in acknowledgment of the shower’s awesomeness which had been raised to another level since I was never ever ever going to be able to take a shower without thinking of that moment.
Her nose crinkled and I could tell she was on to me. Fuck. As she made her way through the bedroom, she looked at me over her shoulder and asked, “Lunch ready?”
I nodded, that seemed safe, and watched as she made her way down the hall, her gait a lot more relaxed than I had ever seen it. Daze followed behind her, avoiding my gaze.
I honestly had no idea what to do; she seemed unaware I had seen something so intimate and HOT and I didn’t know how to bring it up and explain WHY my horniness went from a normal 100 to a supercharged 1000 and I was acting like a totally awkward and lovestruck teenage boy. Or, more like one than usual.
She stopped short of the kitchen and looked at the island, where our places were set and the food was waiting for her. Daze whined and shoved her nose into Tine’s hand. When Tine turned her head and looked down at the dog, it seemed like she was trying to blink back tears. I cleared my throat and she looked over her shoulder at me again, a small smile on her lips.
“What are we eating, Chef Barberio?” She took the seat she’d occupied earlier, setting the napkin in her lap and leaning forward toward her plate, wafting the smell of the omelet toward her face with her hand.
“It’s just an omelet, Lemon.” I said modestly.
She snorted. “It’s about to be the best omelet I’ve ever eaten.”
I slid into the chair next to her and she lifted her glass, which I had refilled while she was in the shower. “To hockey players slash chefs slash playboys who turn out to be actually decent guys,” she toasted.
She took a sip from her glass and I followed suit; then, she dug into the omelet and let out a moan that made the situation in my pants a lot more dire than it had been and I didn’t think that was possible.
I shifted uncomfortably, she noticed but seemed to mistake why as she said quickly, “I’m sorry, it’s just really good, Barbs. I’m not exaggerating.”
I sighed, about to reinforce the playboy image and not the actual decent guy part. With my arm settled around the back of her chair, I confessed, “Lemon, it’s not that. Your moan gave me a hard on.”
She tried not to smile, holding her hand in front of her full mouth. She chewed several times before swallowing and apologizing, “Sorry. I’ll do my best to keep my pornagraphic food noises to myself.”
“God, no, don’t do that,” I objected. It was my turn to take a bite of my creation and I let out an exaggerated moan of my own; two can play at that game. As I chewed and swallowed, I smiled at her as I agreed, “But you’re right, I’m good.”
She smacked my arm lightly and admonished, “Stop making fun of me, it’s not nice.”
I stood up and cupped her head in my hands, pressing a kiss to her temple, and went to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. “Eat up, Lemon,” I encouraged. “Trying to make sure you eat enough is a full time job.”
She frowned, pushing a mushroom around on her plate absently. “But what if I get fat,” she retorted.
Oh my god, that fucking ex-husband of hers. I leaned down on my forearms and stared at her over the island, resisting the urge to verbally rip him to shreds and ruin our brunch. “Babe,” I chose my words carefully, “You’re not thin now, and I like you a lot. I care more about your health than your size. You wanna be fat, get fat. But healthy, so you gotta be like one of those chubby instagram workout girls.”
She glowered. “Your sentiment is nice,” she acknowledged sarcastically, “But your execution leaves much to be desired.”
I didn’t choose carefully enough, it seemed. But even so, I grinned. “There’s my girl,” I teased.
We finished our meal in comfortable silence, with maybe some juvenile knee shoving under the countertop. Which was maybe started by me.
When she finished, she sat back in her chair, looking like she was contemplating licking the plate. I stood, grabbing her head and pressing a kiss to her temple again, which was starting to become a habit and I found that I couldn’t care less. I started clearing the plates.
She grabbed my forearm and rose from her own chair, saying “No, Mark, stop. I’ll clean up.”
I pried her fingers off of my arm with my free hand, and gently pushed her hand away. “No, Lemon,” I insisted, “Just go watch TV or something. I got it. I made you a meal and I intend to finish making that meal by cleaning up.”
“Mark, please.”
I gave her a pointed look, “Lemon, no.”
She practically pouted, “Fine, but I’m going to sit here and keep you company.”
I scraped crumbs off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, having cleaned up the rest of the dishes while she was in the shower. The petulant silenced stretch uncomfortably, “Lemon,” I asked, “Can you see if there’s anything good on the Food Network?”
It was a small manipulation, just a small one. But it got her on the couch, trying to bring up the TV while I finished cleaning.
By the time I was done, her head was back against the cushions and she was snoring softly. She was almost too predictable, and it pissed me off to no end that some asshole managed to use that against her for who knows how long. Daze accompanied her sleeping human on the couch and was keeping a weather eye on her, like she knew something about Clementine I didn’t know. Which, to be fair, she probably did.
I took the mean looking torture device out of her hair, laid her down on a pillow, picked her feet up and sett them on the couch before I pulled the blanket off the back of it and covered her with it.
I’d probably get so much shit if the guys knew most of my second stay over date was Tine catching up on a decade of sleep, but if I was honest, I didn’t mind. Partly because I felt some pride in the fact that part of her subconscious had decided I was safe and honestly, partly because of how intense it was being with her. I never knew when she would casually drop a small bomb of information on me, because her experiences were normal for her though they were absolutely not normal for me. I tried to be conscious of the language I used and the words I chose, but it occurred to me that maybe that was one thing I shouldn’t worry about doing. Like Stephanie said, maybe that was my burden and I didn’t need to watch myself that carefully, because that was work she needed to do and not work I needed to take on for her. It was a bonus that while she was here she was out of reach of her awful awful parents.
I kissed her forehead and decided to work off the sexual frustration in the building gym instead of utilizing Rosie Palm and her five sisters.. I left a post-it on her phone, knowing she would check it immediately when she woke, mostly, I assumed, to appease Nora, who had been texting Tine every hour on the hour, it seemed.
After changing clothes, I headed for the door, going to utilize the basement gym in my building.
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lo-frequency · 3 years
Hey love! Could I get headcanons tenya, izuku, and tamaki with a chubby s/o who loves to wear tight or semi revealing clothes (especially dresses) cause it shows off their hips n stuff. Gender neutral reader please!
Thanks a bunch have a good day/night!
Hello! This was fun to write, hope you enjoy it, and have a great day!
-Tenya, being the gentleman he is, tries his best to keep up appearances in public. With your sense of style, prepare yourself for the lecture you’d get every time you step out of the house. Just look at the length of that dress (or lack thereof), and spaghetti straps, are you out of your mind? Oh, and don’t get him started on how your entire midriff is out!! Y’all are in a public place, Y/N! A public place! 👋🏾👋🏾
-You wouldn’t listen of course, so he’d have no choice but to get used to your sense of style.
-I mean, not that you looked bad or anything. As a matter of fact, he would never say so (since that would be indecent), but he does appreciate the way your clothes hug your full figure. He is definitely looking. Respectfully, of course.
-On that same note, he would also make sure no one else looks at you with their vulgar eyes. You may be wearing that dress in public, but don’t be mistaken. It’s meant for him, and only him. If your name isn’t Tenya Iida, please look the other way.
- “Tenya, what are you doing?” you ask as he moves to place his blazer around your shoulders. “Trying to protect your modesty, darling. Your dress has quite a low neckline,” he answers, pulling it over your chest. “But you’re covering up my outfit,” you say, not at all fazed as you take his coat off your shoulders and offer it back to him. Tenya looks at you, bewildered, and you just blink back. He sighs and puts his coat back on. “Well, at least stay near me then, dear. I can’t stand the way those degenerates look at you.”
-Loves your confidence and the way you carry yourself. Thinks it’s admirable that you’re so comfortable in your own skin (as you should be). Tenya takes a lot of pride in himself and his family, so having an s/o that also views themself that way is very attractive to him.
-People think Izuku is this pure, innocent guy but I would argue that that’s a little bit inaccurate. A sweetheart, for sure. Innocent? Don’t think so.
-So when you show up to your date in that dress, you can see his wide green eyes scanning your figure before you even reach him. He seems to catch himself when you finally greet him, ducking his head and offering you a sheepish reply as you shoot him a knowing look.
-His friends would tease him about going out with such a bombshell like you. Sweet, bashful Izuku with such a foxy s/o ;). So that’s your type, Izuku? He would never hear the end of it...he doesn’t deny anything, tho 😏
-Would become more conscious of the way he dresses when he’s with you, and would try to spice up his fashion sense to impress you. Maybe he’d try to wear one or two buttons undone on his shirt or wear tighter ones to show off that pro-hero figure.
-Tries to be casual about the arm he loops around your waist, but with how gingerly it rests on your body, you’d be better off just openly telling him it’s alright to hold you.
-His eyes follow you wherever you go. Sometimes he doesn’t even realize he’s staring, he just loves the way you look. He has the sway of your hips memorized, and could pick you out in a crowd, just from the way you walk. 💕
-It’s amazing you two are even together in the first place. Tamaki would’ve had a hard time approaching someone as self-assured as you. He could tell by your bold sense of fashion you had a lot of self confidence, and he doubted you would have much patience for someone like him.
-Yet here he was, admiring your shapely self as you walked in front of him. He didn’t mind whenever you led the way, because it meant he could (not so) discreetly follow the shift of your backside as you walked. Another one of those fake modests, although we already knew that 👀.
-He was just trailing behind you, kinda dazed as he enjoyed the view. That’s why he wasn’t prepared when you suddenly looked back at him to say you’d reached your destination. “Whatcha lookin’ at, Tamaki?” you ask cheekily as you open the restaurant door for the both of you. He immediately averts his eyes from your body, feeling like he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “N-nothing, y/n,” he mumbles, rushing inside the restaurant so he wouldn’t have to look at that smirk on your face. He couldn’t stand you sometimes (but in a good way ;) ).
-He would bashfully compliment your outfit of the day, secretly wishing he had the courage to jazz up his wardrobe too, so maybe you’d think of him the same way he did you.
-Would also be subject to ruthless teasing about his taste in s/o’s. But did you really expect anything different of the Suneater? He’s known for having a very distinct palate ;)
(Hold up, are we talking about food or people?) As always, thanks for tuning in! :)
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