#but also joke's on me because i looked up zeus kid list and he has so many kids
happyk44 · 2 months
Zeus: I love all my children equally - Athena, Artemis, Dike, Hebe, Persephone, Dionysus...
Zeus: The other ones...
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deadal3x · 1 month
Dionysus and/or Dionysus kids headcanons? If you do that, but it’s worth a shot:)
YES I LOVE DOING THIS, I HAVE SO MANY. thank you sooo much for this question dez!
okay so, Dionysus definitely cares about the campers and the camp itself.
It shows when he heals Chris Rodriguez from the bout of insanity, it shows when he grieves for Castor and asks Percy to look after Pollux.
I like to think his kids also care like that
they care so deeply for their close friends and family that it hurts sometimes
Dionysus can't show it normally anymore because he's seen so many hopeful kids get their spirits crushed.
he's also seen them die. countless times.
if gods could dream, Dionysus would be plagued with haunting nightmares.
Dionysus kids are really good with plants, but not as good as Persephone or Demeter kids
They're also the type of people who say "I listen to anything!" for music and they mean it.
They have the best outfits. Sorry, cabin 7, but their fits slay, hardcore.
that being said, Specifically Pollux has TERRIBLE style.
My OC Grayson's style is definitely also bad, he dresses similarly to his father (oof)
Dionysus leaves shirts and stuff in the cabin and somehow his kids are stealing them and wearing them better than him
He doesn't know where they get the style from
The cabin has all the best quality "Slime tutorials" of your favorite musicals. You do have to take some chores off their camp chore list to get the footage though.
can and will rant to you about Gender being a social construct while wearing clothes typically associated with the opposite gender
Grayson is genderfluid, and so while he definitely prefers masc terms and whatnot there are days he goes all out with dresses and skirts and he literally slays
Castor will definitely go all out with a skirt, but dresses are a different story.
Dionysus secretly encourages his kids to break the gender normality.
Dionysus is definitely also a hands on dad, He tries so hard to be there for his kiddos before they reach camp age
in my story, the twins are at camp as early as 9 years old, simply for two reason- hella powerful and bonding time with Grayson
but, Dio was there, giving the twins mother (I've named her Marryane Moncharm) any help she needed.
for Grayson it's a different story, so you'll have to read the story to see
but I digress
At camp, he's attentive with his children, listening to their issues, giving advice if they want it and a distraction if they need it.
He will, however, tell his children that silly drama is below him before helping.
Dionysus has a secret obsession with dad jokes
think Patton from sander sides, but way more disgruntled and gruff than typical.
Dionysus has made Zeus tell a dad joke without realizing it, and to this day, it is his best achievement ever.
Has a shirt that says "Dad jokes? I think you mean Rad Jokes." and will wear it unironically.
as for his actual cabin and how I picture it.... that's a whole different set of headcanons.
I've previously said I think the cabins got a major upgrade at the end of the titan war thanks to annabeth, I believe.
prior to that, Cabin twelve feels the most homely.
there's no big harsh lighting. only soft warm lighting.
the beds have the best bedding ever, like it's so cozy
lots of theatre memorabilia hanging up
uh, like that one guy from only murderers in the building, I forget his name but he had theatre stuff all over his apartment- like it was a lot
also, Dionysus definitely has like, his item of power hung on the wall in there because he Does Not Care™ and the only rule is no touching the insanely powerful pinecone stick (Thyrsus)
Cabin 12 to me is the physical embodiment of Noah Kahan's music if that makes sense.
there's a bunch of headcanons for you friend! I hope you enjoyed them!
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angrycloudloud · 8 months
Percy Jackson spoilers episode 8
I'm not joking, i commented everything.
(i'm putting the episode in pause to write everything... So i don't have to do 10000 posts about this episode, so if you are reading this, hold your horses because this is going to be a long post (probably) not edited, from a person watching this in Europe starting to watch this at 3:11 am... And English is not my first language, so...sorry before hand)
LUKE!!! LUKE TALKING?! REALLY?! LIKE... COME ON!!! Don't do this to me... Not me vibing with the foreshadowing just in the begining of the episode.
THOSE WHO WENT ALL "WUAHHH WHERE'S THE TRAING LESSON FROM LUKE?" HERE IT IS!!! YOU REALLY THOUGHT THEY WON'T SHOW IT BEFORE MAKING PERCY FIGHT A GOD?! (I mean, they could have...but come on!... That would have being insane and would have make Percy to op and this works perfectly to remind us the "bond" between Percy and Luke at camp, just before what readers knew It was going to happen)
Oh~ i love the Ares doesn't take well that others think he can't have a single original thought... But i LOVE more that he literally decided to go with the "say hi to your mommy for me" like... Ares my man, god of war, sir... You fucked up so badly with just that... That kid is going to make Hephaestus and his chain-net over you and Aphrodite look like a fun story after Percy "son of Sally" Jackson finish humilliate you.
Aaaaand we got golden Blood + enemy for Life (Where's the curse, sir? Where's the "your sword will fail you when you most need it"?)
Uh! Pretty helmet~ I said it before, and i repeat myself, Hades has good taste in art.
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I like the "the last war on olympus caused wwii" and not like the book, i like It better this way, like "everything is the gods fault" because It is. (I'm sure Luke will comment this at some point)
Also, Annabeth clueless because she wasn't there... I'm like, yeah, it's the one of the trio that could catch up just by context, she IS the wise girl after all.
(Leah is Annabeth, look at her!!! If someone says something bad about her acting just because their racism... i hope Apollo write their names in the plague list or the bad music for the rest of their lifes one... I hope there's a list for that)
Grover: e-mail? Maybe?
Percy: *nah, it's time those gods know what they are dealing with* what's the Glory on that?
(Walter, dear boy, your face in that moment...perfect Percy moment just there)
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(Look behind, there are temples with easter asian architecture and i spot a building that reminds me a bit of Santa Sofia or Saint Peter of the Vatican... So... Maybe they are implying that not only the greek gods are chilling there in olympus? That could be interesting.)
Luke, i'm seeing you...
WoW!! Wooooo!!! Not the Annabeth IS terrify of spiders coming now and from him, Luke himself, just to say "hey! Demigods are small but if the gods thinks you are scary they'll kill you" GODS they are MAKING Luke soooo much justice, like, he needs to be like this if they didn't portrait him like this "big brother figure" it would be incomprehensible that so many Demigods will follow him. He IS a leader. He IS reliable.
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Seriously, i'm in LOVE with all that Big city vibe of the olympus... Like... I Understand why Annabeth wants to be architect after seeing all that. (Disney, you better give us something good in the 5th season, and i have high hopes for the laberinth after seeing this)
I'm so sad about the death of Zeus actor... I'm liking a lot how he is acting Zeus, like a fucking CEO know-it-all Who thinks Percy is wasting his time saying things he already know but doesn't want to believe yet. "I will not be weaken by my brothers" darling, Zeus, that's the youngest brother part of you speaking. Shut the fuck up and listen to the kid.
Percy speaks facts.
Oh!!! Daddy Ken, i mean, Poseidon is here, protecting his kid~. (Better solution than turning him into a tree, actually showing up, heh!)
Hermes IS the FUCKING snitch of the olympus.
Poseidon : "Who knows about father?"
Zeus: "Ares, Hades, you, i... And fucking Hermes so..."
Both: "everyone, then..."
He really asked Mr. Impertinent if he is obedient?! Hahahaha... Poseidon, dear beach daddy, sir... He is yours and Sally's, what makes you think he'll be obedient?!
"Ares IS a moron" sooooo ... Percy speaks facts because he speaks his father language then. Sorry, this is funnier than i thought It would be. Poseidon being an affectionate father for like 3 seconds before the daddy issues kicked in and push his son away with magic...
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THIS. This here with the victorius Hero looking at the defeated who even "dead" had safe his life. Because the mention of Thalia's death was enough for Zeus to spare Percy's life... She had save Percy by being dead and make her father feel guilty for that. Also, he left camp making jokes about the tree and Thalia's death, and look how serious and respectful he looks now. Admiring that tree, Thalia, and all what she means to the demigods... (Maybe i'm reading too much into It, but i liked this frames too much)
Did i spot a pair of twins?! I need the second season NOW and i'm not even half way of the last episode of the first one...
Oh~ they are going to do this "Clarise IS guilty but we couldn't risk a war here" to the end so the show watchers don't see It coming. Okay... I like how they are doing this.
Luke and Percy alone in the forest while Annabeth watches Clarise... Yeah... This is it.
I like the lights changing colors because of the fireworks but just giving more dramatic contrast to all the scene. Oh~ Luke's face... My gods!! (These kids are making me insane with how good actors they are!!!)
Luke trying to recruit Percy because he sees himself reflected in Percy, with their mothers suffering because of the gods. "This wasn't to betray you Percy. My enemies are the gods." SEE!!! RIGHT THERE!!! THAT'S A BOY ABOUT TO REBEL AGAINST HIS FATHER, TRYING TO RECRUIT HIS FRIENDS BECAUSE HE IS RIGHT BUT USING THE WORSE WAYS POSSIBLE TO DO THINGS!!!
I said it before, and i'm saying It again... I LOVE THE SHOW.
"WE is the word Zeus fear most." And again, as i said above, he is so RIGHT and so wrong at the same time. Luke speech is a 10/10
Percy's reaction. PERCY'S REACTION!!! first to Luke's speech. And then when he wounded Luke with his own sword, he INMEDIATELY apologize to him. "Sorry, i didn't mean to..." Because he knows Luke is being manipulated by Cronos, he still sees him as a friend. And that's why he is scared, also because Luke cut him back, but because his friend is choosing to betray him.
Chiron: "Cronos is persuasive"
Percy: "i'm a seaweed brain, stubborn as fuck... I'll be fine..."
I love Dionysus. Like...
Dionysus: "wait, wait, wait... Peter Johnson, why is everyone calling you Percy?"
Percy: "i'm Percy Jackson, that's my name"
Dionysus: "are you sure? You don't look like a Percy to me, Peter"
A seaweed brain, has being delivered and i'm vibing, living, happy...
Baby coming back to the beach House... Sally!!!!!!!!!!
Nooooooooooo... Fucking Cronos!!!!
Sally: *all worried* "another nightmare?"
Persassy: "grampa"
Sally: *i swear i saw her roll her eyes* "don't call him that"
I LIKE THE END OF GABE!!!! FUCK YOU GABE!!! Sally is divorcing him, change the locks and his first question to his lawyer is if he knows how to pick a lock... Fuck you, Gabe~
He turning himself into a statue because he opened a box for Percy (wich IS illegal) and after he called the head of Medusa gross... Poetic justice.
(i'm ending to watch this and write this at 5:22... My brain isn't braining anymore. So... Tomorrow i'll post a separated part about the thrones of the gods and maybe trying to put my degree in good use and picking all the art references i could and make a post about them)
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
5 Anti LO Asks
1. I’m probably beating a dead horse, but RS writing makes it hard sometimes for me to understand what’s serious and what’s not
Example, Hecate slapping hades when she found out about the article, it’s suppose to be silly I think, but when Minthe slaps him I was mostly confused. Yes Minthe hit Hades, but the whole scene I felt like was out of character and maybe not. I didn’t take it as seriously because characters have slapped each other before. Minthe’s knows internally she’s messing up, and the night before feels bad but also gets a hint that hades was sketchy letting persphone work there with them. Why doesn’t she mention that? Why is she saying she’s too good for him when her internal dialogue is “I’m messed up and Hera sees me as nymph trash and she’s not wrong”. Nothing in the scene made sense really. Why is she bringing up Kronos when she has actual valid reasons to be mad at hades (I know he’s smoothed things over with she’s my friends kid, but again Thetis tells Minthe the program hasn’t started yet) (Yes Minthe is bad for slapping hades, no you can’t explain abuse it just seemed like the whole scene wasn’t well planned out)
But also there’s the episode where Persephone tells hades what happened with the act of wrath and we’re suppose to feel bad because her friends died. Maybe it was suppose to be a big reveal about their names BUT moments later persphone is laughing about being naked in front of hades and asking him a favor. Like it seemed it didn’t matter what caused her to kill that sea of souls because it brought her to hades
Or the Thetis nudes Hera plot line. I felt like that was going to be very interesting. Minthe telling Thetis not to do that (maybe even ratting out Thetis to Hera as a “you’re terrible but you don’t deserve to be treated like this even if it’s my friend) but no it ends with Ares/Aphrodite/Hera to kick Zeus out of the house I think. Idk I thought they plot line was gonna flesh out the character more but makes Zeus even more shallow for going right to Semele, Aphrodite and Ares didn’t even share words when they reunited, and Hera got hurt. Nothing.
The only thing I wanna say that’s been consistent was the Apollo SA plot line with the same taking it seriously, BUT when Persephone meets with Leto and I’m expecting her to be scared or something (Leto was kinda chalked up to be this big bad villain) Persephone pulls on her veil I think RS trying to make it comedic.
Smaller example when Thanatos loses Daphne and in court the next day RS uses “this could have been an email” meme didn’t really work for me. Are we suppose to laugh? Are we feeling bad? Idk, I felt bad about the Daphne stuff, but then RS tried to make Thanatos “special privilege” child servant.
Idk I just have a hard time what’s suppose to be a joke and what’s not and what the scene is trying to be. 
2. OK I JUST REALIZED THIS but Rachel made a point the way to tell the gods apart from humans is the gods are unnaturally colored while the humans are normal colored, but here’s the thing: HOW IS PSYCHE SURPRISED THEN WHEN SHE FINDS OUT EROS IS A GOD? HE DOESNT GIVE HER A FAKE NAME, IS INVISIBLE LIKE IN THE OG MYTH, AND HES BRIGHT PINK! HOW COULD SHE NOT TELL RIGHT AWAY? Add it to the list! i found another set of proof Rachel didn’t plan out anything in this comic and is making it up as she goes!
3. Anyone want to mention how Off it is that Psyche is supposed to be a woman of color yet only had BIPOC features when she's made to look like a nymph, who in LO are seen as lower class and are a discriminated against race? More so, anyone want to mention the "Good" nymphs just happen to be carbon copies of Persephone, who is framed as the "perfect" white woman in this story? What is that telling us? RS, a privileged white woman, really created disgusting racial politics in this comic for funsies.
4. the hymn to demeter is like the only myth with one canon interpretation though lmao. the LO defenders love to go the "there are many different versions!!" yet when anyone asks them for actual proof of these pro hxp myths they go silent. if theres such an abundance of them then why cant they point back to ONE version to back them up? cmon now. it's fine to admit LO is a bad faith myth "retelling", insisting it (or any pro hxp story) anything but is just setting yourself up to look like a liar.
5. LO fans hate anyone even remotely critiquing their comic but they love nothing more than to shit on other greek myth stories (PJO and Hadestown especially egt their ire, wonder why) and even other webtoons that aren't even myth based, tey just threaten LO's spot as the coddled child of the company. They literally have everything they could want and then some and STILL act like such miserable children who throw temper tantrums over made up slights. They just choose to get upset at this point.
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
So I'm not going to start like an Anti-Chiron tag because I don't find that enjoyable personally, but every so often people ask why I dislike him so here's essentially a "masterpost" of my thoughts on that situation for when anyone asks, just so I have it to explain some...
This isn't nearly a full list, and there's many more "incidents" that make me less than fond of Chiron, I don't hate the old man but he leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I'm not a fan of that. He's a very twisted character.
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- The Lightning Thief
This quote is literally just after Percy's mom "dies", they're all sitting on the porch of the Big House right after he's finally woken up after days of sleeping, and that's the line Chiron pulls out on him.
That's straight up emotional manipulation which was entirely unnecessary in the context of what Chiron was trying to explain. There wasn't a single reason for that, in the slightest.
Immediately following that, and Percy, who canonically has anger issues, does his best to remain calm, he is immediately threatened by Dionysus, and Chiron doesn't even tell Dionysus off for doing that; Chiron just let's it happen. It's Grover who has to speak up to tell Dionysus off...
The only reason Chiron comes out looking like a old guy in this scene is because Dionysus was so much worse in his behavior, at one point intimidating Percy with his power over madness.
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- The Titan's Curse
This is the aftermath of when Nico ran away upon confirmation of Bianca's death. When Percy is telling Chiron about the situation, Chiron wishes Nico had been eaten alive rather than recruited into an army.
He'd rather a child be dead than fight against him, and he openly tells this to other children he's in charge of. If Percy went missing would he have said "I hope he was eaten <3" as well?
I don't blame Perry for not delivering the truth here, it was done in an effort to protect Nico; which wasn't something Annabeth had planned on doing... I don't blame Annabeth for that though either, she's been beneath Chiron so long that she probably doesn't realize the shady stuff he does, and to her "going to tell" probably was the "right" move because she was a child...
But the fact that Chiron believes Nico truly would be better off eaten than alive :/
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- Tower of Nero
This quote from Tower of Nero shows that Chiron lied to a bunch of young children (most of them were young because the older campers are largely dead because of the war or too old for camp now). It wasn't just a little white lie that adults sometimes tell kids either; they were walking into battle and he told them it was a field trip.
Did he even begin to explain the danger he was putting these kids in? Did the children understand their situation? And how dangerous it was?
Kayla has been blindsided over the years into thinking that telling children they're going on a field trip instead of fighting a battle is something to make a joke of and not be questioned... (Again, I don't blame her she's only like 12 in the book, but still)
Apollo also agrees, which isn't on Chiron but it's a whole mother reason why I can't stand Rick's interpretation of Apollo...
This isn't me being like "oh Chiron is the worst most evil character ever" I just think that he has numerous flaws which are largely ignored in favor of the "perfect wise teacher" narrative when in fact Chiron and Dumbledore share a lot of.. Offputting qualities.
I do think that some of the situation is simply a result of Chiron having his hands tied behind his back by the gods some. And he even goes so far as to confirm this in a scene of TLT
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However many of the scenes in which he exhibits behaviors like that in my first three screenshots are not related to anything the gods require and are, in fact, of Chiron's own free will.
Some things I would blame Zeus and the council for, such as how he withholds information from Percy to an excessive amount for long periods of time even when Percy straight up asks about things. I could easily see that being Zeus trying to prevent Percy from claiming the prophecy as his own, and I could see reasoning that maybe Chiron had sworn over the River Styx or something similar.
But those things don't apply to Chiron making such an unnecessary comment about Percy's mother so close to her "death". It doesn't explain why he would say he hoped Nico had been eaten out loud, and it doesn't cover the fact that he led children into a battlefield without telling them that's what was happening.
I think the context of Chiron's choices and comments would be different if the campers were older. If they were in their late teens or early twenties for the most part, I wouldn't really have much to say about how Chiron handled the situation.
But this man is in charge of children and extremely young teenagers, Percy is only 12 in TLT, maybe if he would have been 16 or 17 then I could give Chiron a pass, but he wasn't. Within the context of the comment he made in the Titan's Curse, Percy is only 14 and Nico is 10 at the beginning of the book... You don't wish a 10 year old had been eaten alive by a monster no matter how bad you think the alternative is, and if you do wish that you don't say it out loud to a group of other children. In the battle from Tower of Nero we get a quick look at the battlefield, and although Ben's age, and the age of another girl fighting alongside him are never confirmed they are implied to be fairly young, and we know Kayla is only 12 at the time too; yet Chiron told them it was a field trip instead of a battle, limiting the time they would have to mentally prepare themselves for what was coming.
On top of that, the nods the reader gets to the fact that Chiron can't act out against the gods depletes over the course of the series. After TLT the amount of times the situation involves the gods interfering with what Chiron is allowed to say lessens, and by the time the Heroes of Olympus series comes around, these limitations on his speech is almost entirely gone. Yet as seen in Tower of Nero he still does morally questionable things in regards to how he treats the campers.
Like I said, I recognize that in many scenes Chiron's hands are tied behind his back because of the gods.. But there are undeniably things he does of his own free will that are, in the nicest manner, very :/
This also isn't a full list of comparisons just a few notable scenes. I don't think Chiron is equally as bad as Dumbledore, but I think it undeniable that Chiron has some significant flaws built into his character design.
A good character has flaws, and there's nothing wrong with having a character that doesn't always conduct themselves properly or have good intentions- it's actually good writing, and I can appreciate that, but for some reason I find myself personally rubbed the wrong way by Chiron. This doesn't make Chiron badly written, or poorly designed, in fact I would say Rick's Chiron is very well designed in lots of ways, but I just don't like how it's never acknowledged by anyone in the series.
Like I said, I'm not starting an anti-Chiron situation, I just think little events like those mentioned, the way he's built a child army, and how he doesn't even try to plead with the gods over raising the ages on campers being allowed to battle is a little sus. But it more so bothers me that there's no attention payed to this problem anywhere in the books, not even by a side character or Luke, nowhere.
I don't actually care that much and this isn't that important to me, but sometimes people ask why I don't like Chiron and this is basically just my explanation to hand off to them... It's not even so much that I dislike Chiron entirely, he's well written and has his "good" moments, I just don't like the way other characters interact with him and his actions.
It's more a personal beef with him rather than an aspect of poor writing or him "being bad"... PJO in general (and HoO/ToA to a much lesser extent) shows that there's not such an inherent good vs bad in the world, and that sometimes people are victims of circumstances in some situations, or they're horribly misguided in their actions, but the series does a good job of showing those people as human still, and I applaud that.
I don't really know how to tie this up in its entirety, but there's nothing wrong with having a morally grey character who does questionable things and in many aspects it is good writing. I think Chiron is a result of Rick not thinking through the implications what he's doing in lots of situations, and I can see a fairly consistent drop in Chiron's characterization from PJO-ToA which is consistent with most other aspects of Rick's work.
I also want to clarify that if you like Chiron and disagree with me, that's absolutely 110% okay, I just personally dislike Chiron and that's on me. Like my problem with many of Rick's other immortal characters, I think he missed important aspects of them in some manner and slightly (or entirely in some cases) mischaracterized them in comparison to their original myths.. Some of these characters he came around on and fixed their character in many aspects to their more "correct" characterization (like Hera), while others (like Chiron and Apollo) he never quite figured them out. Which is a running complaint I have with Rick so I'm just adding this to his tab.
But yeah, I don't hate Chiron I just dislike him and those are different things, and I don't think it's a bad thing to have a morally questionable character, Chiron just personally rubs me the wrong way and I just wanted to explain that more fully because I've been asked about it multiple times.
Also I apologize for not adding a [read more] to this, it's a complaint of mine often when scrolling through the tags but I'm on mobile currently and don't have immediate access to a computer so~
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ariihen · 4 years
I don’t know if this is your thing or not, but could I get some brotherly Nico/Stolls headcanons, your post about them finishing the Hades cabin for him has me hooked
i got u anon, i will take every opportunity to give nico more siblings.
the stoll brothers did their best to cheer nico up the day that bianca left with the huntresses, but when assuring words like “don’t worry man, bianca will come back!” and “the huntresses visit all the time!” didn’t work, they resorted through other means. 
mainly, by letting him exert that anger. by this point i imagine the hermes cabin was still dealing with the huge blow of luke betraying camp and subsequently some campers with him. it’s not quite the same thing, but they can relate to nico. an older sibling they loved and trusted chose to leave them. they’re grieving and angry, too.
they bring him to the zeus’ fist and encourage him to scream and let it out. they egg him into swearing when they find out that bianca was fairly strict and wouldn’t let him watch things beyond pg-13.
“come on, nico, you know you want to” 
“yeah man, just one bad word. we won’t tell.” 
“rebellion, nico.”
they were pretty sad to learn that nico ran away after finding out that bianca died. i think that moment was a little jarring for travis and connor because, just like the di angelos, they’re full-blooded siblings too. they don’t know what they would’ve done if the other one died. i imagine they spent a long time trying to look for nico but reluctantly were forced to give up after a month, because that’s too long a time for a demigod to survive on their own. let alone a 10 year old who was only just learning how to. 
they’re pleasantly surprised when percy resurfaces from the labrynth with nico and welcomed him warmly. they joke about his sudden wardrobe change, but you can bet their big brother instincts reared up seeing just how much this happy little kid had changed.
they tried inviting him to sit with them and eat after the battle but nico didn’t really stick around long enough since he wanted to keep following leads about his past, but this becomes a recurring habit every time they see nico visit camp.
they’re constantly trying to encourage him to join them in camp activities, like they’re still his counsellors. they notice easily how uneasy the other campers are around nico and can see the affect it has on the kid, so it also becomes a habit to deflect that attention onto themselves so that nico doesn’t have to deal with the brunt of their focus.
more below the line because i got very carried away
and the thing is, nico notices. not at first, because he thought mischief was just in their blood like that, you know? but then he starts seeing the pattern. how the stoll brothers would act up and let him fade in the shadows so he doesn’t have to deal with people’s scrutiny.
he notices their offers to spend time with them, naturally, but given how the hermes cabin was already getting mistrusting looks from the other campers due to the situation with luke, the last thing he wanted to do was aggravate it more with his presence. so he politely and regretfully declines and goes.
after the first war, they spot nico eating alone on the hades table and pretty much invite themselves over to eat with him, cheerfully ignoring chiron’s disapproving looks in favour of asking nico to help them with their pranks.
he can summon the undead, travel through shadows, and is a proficient fighter? you can bet they want him at their side.
nico’s very surprised by how unaffected they are by his powers. most people tended to get unnerved by it and treat him accordingly, but the stolls remember the cheerful little boy who won all their valuables from them during poker and no amount of dead things was gonna change that.
plus, shadow-travel is a convenient getaway. they’re more than prepared to catch him and feed him after.
of course they do notice the colder reception the other campers start giving nico again after a while and see how badly the kid is taking it. they tried their best to help him and let him know that they were there, but were ultimately disappointed when they find out he left again.
disappointed, but not entirely surprised. because there was still a lot to fix after luke and honestly some of the kids in chb can be pretty cruel. they can’t blame nico for choosing to run away again.
they still give him a very warm reception whenever nico does visit though, as temporary as it is. connor’s the one that notices that nico always makes sure to greet them whenever he was around and he’s pretty glad to know that nico feels comfortable enough with them to check in.
i’m still on the belief that it should have been the stolls to find nico when he was sneaking up on the romans tbh. the “there are people here who care about you” line would make much more sense from nico’s former camp counsellors.
i like to think that they’re one of the first people in chb nico feels comfortable enough to tell about his sexuality and and tries not to cry when they respond by hugging him and thank him for telling them.
“want us to hook you up? we’re very good wingmen.” connor tells him
“i think mitchell from aphrodite is single” travis comments
they’re both very pleased to startle a laugh out of him. nico giggles himself silly and for a moment the stolls are reminded of the little 10 year old who toddled after them and spouted off little mythomagic facts he memorised by heart.
nico does end up helping them with pranks. he figures if the other campers were going to look at him like he was going to do something to them anyway, then he might as well earn it. 
he’s also more than willing to get them contraband outside of chb, especially since chiron basically gives him permission to do whatever the hell he wants. 
they’re probably on the very small list of people who nico’s willing to talk about bianca with, especially when the anniversary of her death approaches. especially when they helped him grieve her the first time she left, too.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Legend of the Three Caballeros: World Tree Caballeros and No Man is an Easter Island  aka Whelp, Xandra Sucks Now.
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Salduos Amigos! We’re back.. and today we have two Cabs episodes.. because the top 20 of 2020 list last week took a day longer than expected, so that meant I had a day of my schedule go thbbt and thus had to compress a bit, like the darkwing reviews i’ve done but not NEARLY as much. And if this works out I intend to do more cabs 2 or evne 3 in ones in the future to help speed along the finale. Still giving Kev his 55 bucks worth mind you, just speeding it up a bit in case anything comes back, and because I have a lot of double and triple reviews coming in Feburary due to a very tight schedule, so might as well train for it now.So with that in mind, WELCOME BACK TO THE RIDE OF THE THREE CABLLEROS, and the legend of the three cablleros. I can fit in what little exposition there is on the way, so on with the show after the cut!
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World-Tree Caballeros:  We pick up where we left off last time: Sheldgoose and co are returning to earth, and it’s been a few weeks, in story time, with Sheldgoose exausted and hungry and Feldrake.. not exactly getting that minons need food to live and wanting to jump right into destroying the Caballeros since their right next door.  And while ignoring his minon’s basic needs is just.. dumb, I do appricate that Felldrake is the kind of villian who dosen’t stupidly not attack the heroes if he knows where they are and does try blasting them, with Sheldgoose in his cloak of course to avoid any deniablility. I mean Sheldgoose is impossibly wealthy and in disguise here. No court is going to convict him. But there is a reasonable explination why they can’t do that: since Clinton wasn’t stupid he put up magical protections over the Cabana and while Feldrake COULD break them.. he can’t do it with as little power as he currently has in the staff and has an idea where to get it. But Leopold’s bushed from taking them all the way back from space, to Feldrake’s disapointment so Sheldgoose.. simply offers up his private plane, then uses his mass wealth to get them all the way to their destination the World Tree... yes the NORSE World Tree... in italy. 
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Yeah you can probably tell there were some rewrites here. This ep, given it features Yddrasil, was SUPPOSED to be about the Norse gods.. but Marvel didn’t want “brand confusion” with  THE MIGHTY THOR!
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Which originally I scoffed at a bit. Mostly because why would you, Disney, one of the biggest brands in the world NOT want a potetinal crossover with your other properties? I mean .. is this why we haven’t had mickey and friends in avengers costumes yet? If so... BOOOO. Why would you buy Marvel without this ever happening? You put fucking light sabers in kickin it, one of your lesser live action shows though olivia holt is neat and Rudy was alright, but... you won’t put MIGHTY THOR, in a donald duck series? Especially since you already used marvel in one of your shows?
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The cat is out of the bag.. just let crossovers happen dude. Your not giving us any decent marvel animated series, and only What If is on the docket for now the future. WHy not? I wasn’t the fondest of the idea at first but then I realized “Wait this could be awesome and rediculous”. And again you’ve already hit a low bar for using this stuff.. just use it.  That being said, while we’ll get to it in a moment.. I do get WHY they didn’t let them use the norse gods... possibly.. but it does seem like they really dot’ like crossing the streams character wise and that bothers me it bothers me a lot. 
So yeah the world tree is in the snow capped mountains of italy.. which they might have so touche, and the montage of Sheldgoose getting there is great as is Feldrake’s reaction of “Eh i’ts no leopold”. Aw he loves his monkeybatdonkeyrat. So they open the entrance and prepare to go up the massive flight of stairs... only for Sheldgoose to point out the elevator. Which they take instead. I will say Feldrake’s characteriztation.. slipped a bit in these two. It’ snot bad, he’s by now supposed to be someone who WAS so powerful, they don’t get the concept of finesse and it works better next episode.. but hear a good chunk of the episode is just Feldrake shoutng at Sheldgoose and complaning a lot and even at one point tripping over himself with his own stupidity. We’ll get to that. Point is it’s a bit of a step down from last episode but as a result Sheldgoose gets to shine a bit more with Wayne Knight getting more lines to really go full newman and become a smug yet clever jackass. SO it’s a trade off I guess and it does ballance out next time. 
So back at the Cabs Cabana, our heroes are having pop corn fights, which Xandra joins in on... this was the intro but I put it here...
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Point is next time we see them our heroes are all cataloging everything with the girls help, including a positivity totem, this generation’s talky toster. Xandra gets enraptured with a phone but gets defensive when being called out of date and mocked by the girls. This is SUPPPOSED to set up a character arc for her and I was excited for Xandra to get an episode but we’ll get to that disappointment soon enough. The point is our team gets the call to adventure. And Xandra’s excited because the roman gods, old friends of hers are at the world tree. The Roman Gods are what the planets are named after and are mushed together with the greek gods for reasons I didn’t have time to look into. This review is late as is. Point is they don’t get used as much likely because of the planet thing and the greek gods having a wider range of gods at that with better names. I mean Hades just.. sounds more godly than Pluto. Posiden sounds just as badass as Neptune if not more and Jupiter just dosen’t have hte same wring Zeus was.  But for today the only Roman Gods present are Jupiter, Venus and Mars, stand ins for Odin, Frigg and THE MIGHTY THOR respectively in this case but still drawn uniquely. She’s excited to show the boys them and ports them. THIS TIME, the port isn’t you know, stupidly placed and the desert thing seems to have been a one off fluke, and easily could’ve been where a city WAS, but again that could’ve been mentioned. Here it’s just at the foot of the stairs which while inconvient, as Xandra didn’t know about the elvator and Panchito gets on it without thinking to tell the other two who are forced to climb, makes sense: it’s risky to have a direct port to a giant tree that grows planets. Which is also awesome. In the wrong hands the raw power of a tiny planet could be devistating, or someone could make their own galaxy with them as god emeprror if given enough time. Which if you know about the world tree and somehow manage to steal enough planets to make a galaxy of your own without getting caught, you clearly will surivive the eons needed for it.. or could just time speed it up. Point is this place is out of the way for a reason this time, elevator or no.  So then we meet the ROMAN GODS... and they’ve not only clearly aged, but have given up fighting for gardening, with Mars being a decript old man who can’t remember xandra’s name, which given she heavily implies they were a thing is not great, and goes on and on about Tubers. Yeahhhh... I can’t exactly blame marvel for NOT wanting one of their biggest characters depiected as a doddering old man obssed with potatoes. LIke the brand confusion thing is still stupid, I want MIckey, Donald and Goofy as Cap, Iron Man and Hulk yesterday you cowards..., but thinking this would be confusing for kids or would hurt the character a bit? yeah fair enough, a bit paranoid but understandable given Marvel is the backbone of the company these days and at this point, had been massively sucessful with avengers and everything. So I do get it even if I don’t get shifting the setting from the world tree, and suspect there they had to rework the episode during production. 
So we not only meet our gods.. and the reason this isn’t the best episode. It’s not the worst, we’ll get there in a moment, but it’s not very good. And the reason... is Xandra. Her reaction to the gods being out of shape and old and retired, tending to the tree and not really fighting or doing hero stuff anymore is to get upset and wonder how her friends and as we learn later inspiration fell this low. That’d be fine and somewhat intresting. Problem is.. the Gods explain they quit after the titan wars which gave Mars some VERY obvious PTSD tha’ts VERY uncomfortably played for laughs. Look in comedy you can joke about just about anything, that’s the nature of it. But there are some things you REALLY need to tread carefully with. Now Family Guy, and this is late seasons “race jokes and shock humor” family guy mind you, somehow got this with Quagmire having ptsd in one episode where the show was set in diffrent time periods... due to hearing fortunate son over and over in vietnam.
This is actually funny, parodies something else, paticually overblown namsplotation in media and overuse of a great song that really dosen’t need to be used ALL the time in everything. This.. is just “HA he’s rattled because he was in a presumibly bloody war wand given ther’es only four gods left, we see one next episode, they probably all died.. and if they are still alive reincarnated.”. It’s just.. uncomfortable and if this bit was taken out, the episode wouldn’t be great, but it wouldn’t be as odious and Xandra HORRIBLY unsympathetic. It’s not helped by the fact that even without the ptsd.. the gods just watn’t to semi retire. They haven’t given up their duty, their still tending to the world tree.. they just dont’ want to fight or quest anymore because they were in a possibly centuries long bloody war that dwinlded their numbers and clearly left mental scars. Xandra comes off like an insenstive ass for putting her old version of them over the new and while the moral’s SUPPOSED TO BE that she shouldn’t cling to the past and had it simply beeen about her realizing she has to let them be who they are now, it would’ve worked.. instead it’s just “You guys suck because you won’t traumatize yourself more. “. The worst they do is hide under a table instead of fight and again, it’s very clear at least one of them if not all have PTSD. The only thing that keeps this from being truly awful is I genuinely don’t think the writers thought out the implicatoins of Mars line, which while still not a great train of thought to have modern writers not get that, it’s better than nothing. It just sinks the entire episode as i’ts emotional core.. comes off as a snotty teenager forcing some old people into combat and getting rewarded for it.  The other side of the plot is not half bad though. The boys catch Feldrake and Sheldgoose trying to steal the planet, with Feldrake enlarging a bunch of termites we’ve been seeing so far in the episode to attack the cabs. But what really shines is the Cabs. They work well as a team, have camradere, face Sheldgoose with no fear and while they do run from the termites, which look HORRIFYING by the way, and then come up with the hairbrained but still not half bad scheme of covering donald and wood and using him as bait. This ends up working since Xandra rallies/guilttrips the gods into ignoring their ptsd and fighting anyway. I mean “Heroically helping them realize they stil have fight and fighting like the heroes she looked up to”... and then we get the climax which is just awesome.  Sheldgoose and Feldrake get the planet afterall raining metors down so while the Roman gods take those out, Xandra calls on the guys to distfract Sheldgoose and Feldrake so she can snipe the planet out of his hands. How do they do this? Juipiter fast ball specials them up to the asteroid he’s on! If your wondering what a Fast Ball special is.. you’ve certianly seen it but here’s a practical demonstration. 
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So yeah that. OUr heroes take it in stride though and awesomely use how much Sheldgoose is irritate dby them to distract him by basically playing whack a mole, so he slowly destroys the ground bellow him, and Xandra snipes him, sapping him of his new god-tier power up and causing his platform to crumble, with the boys escaping falling to earth like the two of them thanks to jose hooking the tree with his cain. As I said this episode shows how far the boys have come: from greedy idiots who were scared.. to true heroes ready to step up, running away when tactically advantageous and easily taking on the main villians and coming up with a plan to beat them on the fly. That.. is what I wanted going into the show and if nothing else this episode gives me that. Also the girls talked to xandra earlier and I missed it. Eh. We do get a nice moment though of the boys telling Xandra she does fit in.. with them. And really as far as i’m concerned she’s one of the cabs, so I like this moment a lot.. I just wish it didn’t ring so hollow with everything else going on.  Overall this ep is okay.. it has it’s moments but the Xandra side of thing just.. drains a lot of the life out of it. What COULD’VE been a solid character building episode makes her come off as a selfish, impatient insenstive asshole who’s trying to crowbar the past in instead of accepting her friends as who they’ve become in the centuries she’s been gone, though Sheldgoose and the boys do keep this from being awful. SPEAKING OF AWFUL. 
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No Man is an Easter Island: 
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This.. was a rough one. Not going to sugarcoat it. This episode was not very good despite some good segments and despite not mocking a serious mental issue, it’s somehow more obnoxious. The PTSD thing was clearly a mistake.. this.. this was intentional. Let’s tear this one apart shall we? So we open with Sheldgoose and Feldrake where they were last time, Easter Island. It turns out in this unvierse hte moai are actually giant stone men and their heads are the only things visable because the rest of hteir body is undreground, stomping out surfer dude lava lizards who want to come to the surface and burn it. Feldrake.. decides this is a great idea and agrees to help, as does sheldgoose. 
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Seriously Feldrake wants to CONQUER the world. In fact he did it once already. We’re not talking about someone like say Negaduck, who I talked about earlier this week: while he MIGHT conquer, he gets just as much joy out of mindless violence and would gladly blow up the world him and all just for the hell of it. Feldrake is your classic evil overloard and wants to RULE the world not destroy it and wouldn’t be happy without something to lord over and terrorize. And Sheldgoose wants the same and is presumibly sticking around to backstab his ancestor at the first opportunity to steal his power for his own. How does setting the world on fire, literally, benefit either of them? Sure they COULD take over int he aftermath, but that’s after the lizards have likely destroyed most of the world, not even taking into account the vast amount of water and infastructure and the size of their home means they’ll run out of troops to use as a living bridge, cool as that is, eventually. Humans would have to invent ways to transport them and given as far as I know we have a through understnading of lava and magma, we’d instead be working on weapons. The lizards woul dmake a good army under the right leadership to sidestep this.. but as a world ending threat while they’d still cause untold damage in lives and suffering, I just don’t see them being enough to conquer the world. It just makes no sense.  The one thing that salvages it and this episode is what happens next, which i’m skipping ahead to because it’s my blog and I do this how I want: Feldrake TRIES just shooting the moai with his magic.. but the one he tries it on just has it harmlessly bounce off.. which given their dealing with magical fire creatures makes sense. So Sheldgoose instead steps in to Feldrake’s reluctance.. and shows his own talents. As a university head and professional asshole, he can manipulate with the best and talks the moai’s into taking a vacatoin, using the staff to hyponotize them so they don’t think about the downsides. It’s.. really fucking awesome honestly, and shows off that Sheldgoose is like the boys: a comical moron yes.. but VERY dangerous in the right cirucmastances. While he did use his great great great grampa’s magic for this a bit with the hypnosis, it’s his manpulations that MAADE the hypnosis work: by giving the moai something they WANT, a vacatoin and a break from a thankfless job, it means they aren’t acitvely trying to break his control no matter what happens and he and Feldrake can focus on freeing the lizards. And on top of that.. Wayne Knight gets one HELL of a musical number, sing talking to the beat as he manipulates and hypnotizes the moai and encourages their partying. While the main plan is dumb the plan to get there is just glorious to watch and Sheldgoose’s finest hour thus far and again we get to hear wayne knight SING. Kinda. And I will not trade that for anything. 
So what are the Cabs up during this? hanging out, playing cards and doing friend stuff like Panchito doing a dive and them catching him. Jose claims nothing could split us up.. and cue Daisy. 
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It.. it’d been so nice without her. And you may recall last time she showed up while I didn’t like her or her actions or how it was written.. she was at least KINDA tolerable. Still a total bitch but you know she MIGHT have had a point and we might learn more about her history with donald. 
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Yeah this episode cements that this Daisy is awful and Donald is better off without her. She shows up because the girls talked Donald up, beause their angels.. and also because they apparently live with him now? Like.. don’t Daisy, who dosen’t think Donald’s responsible or their parents, whoever the hell they are, have.. issues with them suddenly living with three 30 something men and an xty hear old Goddess. I mean.. that sould raise a few thousand flags, but frankly at this point if your wondering why a child is living iwth a disney character instead of your parents their probably dead or on the moon. That’s not the problem here.  No the problem her is again, somehow twice in a row, Xandra. After great introductions to both the boys to daisy, Jose flirts and Panchito shakes her hand a bit too hard, same as it ever was, Donald TRIES to bring up being a cabllero.. and Xandra prevents him then explains outside after the girls smooth things over why: telling daisy would bring her into his world and all the dangers with it.....
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I HATE this trope. I hate it so fucking much. See i’m a superhero guy. I’ve made no attempt to hide this. So you can imagine the number of times i’ve seen a hero hide their ID and use this fucking excuse “They’ll get hurt if they know” or “it’s too much of a risk” or “blah blah blah bullshit reason for not telling my partner the truth”.  Now i’m not saying the secret idtentity or having some sort of secret world saving thing are bad tropes. They are valid stories for a reason. Sometimes you CAN’T: Peter Parker didn’t tell Aunt May because she had a weak heart, Thor dind’t tell jane foster because his dad was a dick who’d go after her any time he tried and when he finally did.. still did shit to break them up. Because Odin is an asshole. Ms. Marvel didn’t tell her parents because she thought they’d stop her and when her dad found out, if sadly breifly, you can guess what happen. Miles Morales didn’t because he was terrified he’d be homeless as his dad HATED mutants, which he thought he was and wasn’t fond of viglantes, and to make matters worse his mother later DIED, she got better as of secret wars, in a spider-man fight, if not thanks to him obviously, so when Miles DID tell him Jefferson abandoned him for months. He’s gotten FAR better since then and really grown as a person, but my point stands: I’ts okay to hide your id at first to protect yourself as a hero: it’s okay to want to make sure a partner dosen’t out you to the press or something and is stable and loving enough before you tell htem. And it’s okay to not tell them something if htey probably wont’ belivie it or might not be prepared just yet. Now if they have some reason to hate the other you you should probably either tell them and see what happens or explain things, like Peter should’ve tried explaning what happened with Gwen’s dad to her, or break it off for their own good, which will devistate them, but is better than lying to them.  And that’s the problem: As Wonder WOman said in a shockingly obnoxious movie, “Nothing good comes from lies”.. and while groosly oversimplified.. is not wrong here. Nothing good comes from lying to your partner day in and day out. I’ts why more modern works have deconscruted it: Miles, again, had a girlfriend named Barbra, but the recent run broke them up.. however they did so cleverly by having Miles refuse to tell her his id despite her having figured it out and her leaving him for hiding stuff from her. That’s what would REALLY happen. A long term partner isn’t going to tolerate you LYING to them and ducking out constnatly to save the world. Eventually you either have to let them go or try and tell them. I’ve been in barely any relationships but I was ALWAYS honest because again, nothing good comes from lying to your partner. Nothing good comes from deciving them and basically gaslighting them for “their own good”. If their with you and your an adventuer, super hero or what have you.. their in danger. So either don’t date them and find someone your speed like another hero or some mythical being, or TELL THEM and let THEM decide if it’s too much. This kind of bullshit is manipulative, cruel and selfish and I thought we’d settled it. 
And while Donald was intending to tell Daisy to impress her, a bad reason i’ll admit... he was trying to be honest. But the EPISODE tries to portray it as a good thing and as him being noble. It isn’t. He’s listneing to a bad person, who has to EARN my good will back after this, whose only in it for herself. No really she only has the two go out because she’s tired of donald pining for daisy. 
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I mean i’ts been a month, and the girls are around but she hasn’t come up once during the last few episodes. So this comes out of nowhere and makes Xandra into a selfish jackass who is willing to send her friend off to lie to his partner with NO cover story for his actions to make him look good just to shut him up. This is someone who need I remind you can travel the world in an instant and knows a lot of magical beings who’d understand donald’s line of work. Instead of setting him up with one of them and abandoning daisy she sets up a doomed relationship. Oh and she and the boys whine about being bored without donald. Fuck off.. not you josea nd panchito, while extra dumb this episode the boys just genuinely miss their best friend and it’s endearing. Xandra though.. she can fuck off. As mentioned Daisy is not much better, and spends the date grilling donald about what he does , as AGAIN, XANDRA GAVE HIM NO COVER STORY OR JOB OR ANYTHING. Now granted she’s hundreds of years old, so she probably wouldn’t have a good one anyway... but she’s the one who INSISTs ON IT BEING A SECRET. And as the girls have shown, again knowing that secret does not hurt. Their mission control, Daisy could be too. Worst she could want is to JOIN them and given the boys started with no experince and are now certified ass kickers... why can’t she be one too? It feels less like Xandra looking out for Daisy and more that Xandra just dosen’t wnat her in her club.. which fair but still.  The point is Daisy still treats donald as shifty and worthless, despite no evidence to this as whiel he has his faults doing nothing is not worth them and even says when he tries to spin it as “helping those in need”  “How can you help other people if you can’t help yourself?”
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I mean it’d be something to ponder and a great thesis statment.. in another story. Or even in this one.. if it’d been set up that Donald had been irresponsible. Someone willing to abandon others, prone to anger and a bit of a goofus, all true. But it really says how little you think of him Daisy that you can’t even picture him helping people and assume it’s some excuse. That you clearly hate your ex so much, clearly think of him as so much less than you that youc an’t FATHOM he’s doing good stuff and only think he’s gottne better when he pampers you with fizzy water, though it nicely has scrogoe on the bottle so good little nod there, and lobster. Seriously she dosen’t turn around till the girls, dressing up as a waiter , offer that. I..can’t fathom why we’re supposed to root for this relationship between a flawed but hardworking person.. and his ex partner who STILL never apologized for the brithday thing despite his FUCKING HOUSE BURNING DOWN, i.e. e the THING HE WAS TRYING TO EXPLAIN, and then spends dinner doubting he’s doing anything with his life, distruting both him and his nieces. 
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And.. it gets worse. Yes.. yes it somehow gets worse. No foolin. So the bell is sound and Xandra FORCIBLY ABDUCTS DONALD FROM THE DATE SHE TOLD HIM TO GO ON. And both come out really bad, if worse on Xandra’s end by a mile. Donald is refusing to go help save the world or whatever for a date with someone that DOES NOT appricate him and only accepts bribes. Tha’ts a dick move even if he dosen’t realize he’s in an abusive relationship to put getting laid over the world’s saftey.  That being said.. Xandra STILL comes off worse. Despite having the moral high ground.. Xandra dosen’t KNOW what the threat is, or if they really need him, drags him out, dosne’t let him explain to daisy, and then barely lets him go back when it seems it’s just a party. Then drags him back AGAIN when their backs are against the wall without feeding daisy an explination or really caring she broke things up just halfheartdly saying she’ll forgive him and Donald saying “You don’t know daisy”. None of them come off well. Again the boys only aren’t loathsomebecause their oblivoius and just want their best friend back. If the other episode hadn’t already damaged Xandra enough i’m DEEPLY worried she won’t be able to walk this one back. Daisy certainly fucking won’t. 
So yeah our heros deal with the moai and the lava lizards, as the boys fail to get the moai to go back to their job and the lizards unleash their wonderfuly weird queen who rides a bridge of them to the mainland.. fucking love that. When things get dire Xandra does aformentioned forcing donald to come back without actually helping him with daisy or just TELLING HER AND OH MY GOD LET’S JUST MOVE ON. Fuck this episode is aggravating me. 
We do get a nice bit where donald’s angry dance inspires the moai to imitate it.. and thus stomps out the laval lizards and gives our heroes an opening, and Donald DOES prove his worth by having the moai do the belly flop from earlier to stop the queen, causing the rest of the lizards to flee and our heroes to win. Yay.. I guess. Donald goes back to find Daisy gone. 
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He dosen’t see it that way and the girls say while he’s still a mess, what he did was noble. that sucks, and they leave him a massive bill instead of paying for it with their tips because their the ones who brought in the fancy food to ply their aunt. Fuck. this. episode.  Final Thoughts for This one: I belivie I said FUCK THIS EPISODE. It had it’s moments, the musical number, the moai beach party, my boys.. but the sheer obnoxiousness, cliche plot that has been throughly shredded for good reason and isn’t in use anymore about secret lives, and Daisy, Xandra and to a very lesser Extent Donald all being deeply unlikable. This episode is just REALLY fucking bad. HOpefully the series gets back on it’s feet next time. Until the next rainbow.. I really need a frigging gatorade. I.. I don’t drink booze. This is one of those times I wish I did. Goodnight everybody. 
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Agent H’s Musical Reactions
37 notes · View notes
Iruma-kun 13 - 14 | Somali 1 | Magia Record 1 | BnHA 75 | Eizouken 1 | Idolish7 s2 1
New season...incoming!
Iruma-kun 13
How did Iruma even notice that collar? Geesh, that kid is perceptive…
This “spitting blood” joke is getting old already…
*Kiriwo starts his machine* - Why do I get the feeling something bad’s about to happen…?
Could you possibly call this “rank is the most important thing” a study of class consciousness, to throw some of Anime Feminist’s words? Or maybe this is a fantasy version of technology and it’s extolling the virtues of technology advancement?! *eyes sparkle*
Can Iruma join Kiriwo already? Please?!
Aw, dear darling! (<- I’m not sure if I’ve said that a lot in these notes, but I say that when I get the warm fuzzies and wanna protect a character…basically, platonic love, I guess…? Oh, “moe instinct” - that’s the words I’m looking for.) Iruma, go and live your best life, okay?
Thank you, story! Even though I knew it was being foreshadowed so heavily by being the focus of basically 24 minutes of this show’s runtime (= about 1 ep), I thank you from the bottom of my heart that Iruma went to the right Battler.
Wait, so Ameri is actually Iruma’s senpai by one year?! Hmm? I never realised that and I read some spoilers!
I like this new chibi animation style! Yay!
I never noticed this until now, but Kiriwo has one big horn and one little one.
I think the title, aside from the pronunciation of “Thirteen Dinner”, is meant to mean “The Thirteen Counts’ Gathering” (or some other high rank) or something of the sort. Update: So I checked and the character used, kanmuri/kan, is used to mean “crown” or someone who wears a crown, i.e. a peerless person, so it would be appropriate to translate that using the term for a high rank which is presumably going to be stated in the segment itself.
Turns out Babel…is just makaitou (the demon world tower). I don’t think it’s really Babylonian in any strict sense.
Depending on where you live, the 665th floor could count as the 666th or…well, the 665th. I know in Japanese, the word for the floor on the ground is ikkai (first floor)…I’m not going to tell you what I know it as though…that would reveal my location outside cyberspace, no?
According to the katakana, the guy’s name is Beruzebyuto (hence the translation as “Beelzebuth”). Beelzebub is the Lord of the Flies and a quick google tells me Beelzebul (close enough) was apparently an alternate spelling for him (or something like that…?). Patron demon of gluttony.
Astaroth, also a demon (king of rot, I think it was from Blue Exorcist)…interestingly, Beelzebub, Lucifer and Astaroth make up an unholy trio and all of them were referred to by a dude called...Solomon (which does kinda sound like “Sullivan”, if you think about it). There’s the connection between these guys…I like his top, too.
Asmodeus, patron demon of lust. We already knew that demon was represented through Azz-Azz, but now you see a spoiler I’ve been hiding for a while – Azz’s mother.
Amaimon…uh, I don’t remember what kind of demon he is in the demonic canon but I know him from Blue Exorcist.
Ooh, Ameri’s father is smokin’ hot! (Dangit, I do not want DILFs…) Azazel, a fallen angel and apparently personification of uncleanliness(…?)
Belial and (Lady) Leviathan, which we already knew existed from initial namedrops.
Who’s Baal? Even I have no idea…Update: Apparently he’s a Middle Eastern equivalent to Zeus, which explains his thunder allegiance.
Paimon kinda looks like Chaika, LOL.
LOL, “lifehack” is certainly the right word for it, Sullivan.
LOL, Belial is so short!
Although it’s kind of awkward to not see Lady Levi take a position of power for herself, it’s nice to see she has spirit!
Aw, this is cute. In much the same way I wanted Iruma to join the magical apparatus Battler, I want Sullivan to be Demon King.
Is Opera perhaps related to Ameri somehow…?
Somali 1
I was hoping to get to Plunderer, but got carried away writing another post and then lost the ability to watch both episode 1 and 2 ahead of schedule. So Somali is the new start of the season, but the last relic of the fact Plunderer was meant to start my season (outside ID: Invaded’s advance premiere) is the visual I have for this season. (Oh yeah, one of the reasons I’m supporting this – aside from it being a mid-ranker on my hype list – is that I heard a French animator, a friend of Thomas Romain, is getting his big start here.)  
“Dad.” – Oh, f***. I have myself an Usagi Drop. I knew I was going to get something of the sort going into this show, but…Usagi Drop’s experiences (or rather, watching the anime knowing the manga has that ending) have left their mark. Not to mention Somali (as this girl will come to be known) has Latina eyes, which annoys me even more since I dropped that on the basis of being scarred by Usagi Drop.
I’m wondering what Crunchyroll was thinking when they decided to coproduce this – sure, it’s probably quite cute and wholesome, but I’m far from the target audience. Did they think, “Is this what Western audiences will like?” Sure, it would hit a niche that likes this surrogate father/daughter stuff, but I don’t think it’s for me (and I’ve been thinking that all through the OP). I’ll give it a bit more to wow me, but it’s doing pretty terrible so far (because note all other anime of this particular reputation I’m more on the “neutral” side than the “like” one). Somali’s voice is probably the biggest factor – it sounds like an adult woman’s voice got pitch-shifted to attempt to be a child, rather than an actual child.
How can this golem talk about sight when he doesn’t even have eyes??? (Kinda like Juzo from NGL.)
Alright, that’s it. I can see when you’re trying to bait me with supposedly “cute” children, show. You’re gone.
Okay, since I have time and the reviews say otherwise, I’m trying again. I don’t expect to be sold to this though…
Was it just me or was there a reduced frame rate when Somali’s cape was the only thing in the frame…?
For some reason the subbers put “Why?” when the word was actually “What?”, which is a bit silly to be honest with you. (Nande?/Doushite? vs. Nani?...it’s kind of similar-sounding, but the sound is distinctly different.)
Still dropping this show. I just have another episode to add to my list now.
Magia Record 1
I heard there’s no Urobutcher this time around, but the first time I encountered the Urobutcher (in ConRevo) he made a particularly weird-feeling (in the context of the show) episode, so…uh…let’s say the Urobutcher is only as good as the material he writes, and leave it at that. Anyways, this topped my list – even before ID: Invaded came to hunt down that top position – so this better be good.
Um, am I just imagining it, or is that Sayaka and Hitomi discussing magical girls (or Madoka?) over the top of Iroha (I know that’s her name already from the synopses floating around the ‘net) and her fellow magical girls fighting?
Letterboxing? Now there’s something I thought I’d never see in Madoka Magica, ever.
One of the books was on organic recipes.
The teacher talks a tad too fast – I can understand what she’s saying, but it’s like she operates on x1.5 speed compared to the x1 speed of everything else…
“Nakama – because we can do it” – I wonder if that will mean something later…? In Madoka Magica, strange details always mean something.
“The only good witch is a dead one!” “Speech is silver, silence is golden.”– The tiny English isn’t particularly subtle, is it?
Uwasa = rumour.
Takarazaki, huh? I’ll make a note of that.
Who’s Ui?
According to the credits, I assume the blue spear girl is Nanami Yachiyo.
This is a respectable re-entry into a universe which I left not too long ago (in 2017). I’m definitely going to be able to stick with it for a season or however long it lasts.
BnHA 75
All this talk about a database…reminds me of the Quirk I designed for the wiki (also called “Database”). I conceived it in 2015, but I don’t remember who was meant to use it before I retrofitted it to fit the BnHA universe. Update: Welp, I found the document. The superpower Database (which was retrofitted to be a Quirk) is for one Itsuki Hatano.
“One blow to the top of the head!”
Iruma-kun 14
(Note: Some notes may be missing because I was busy multitasking while watching this episode.)
Go, Iruma! Live your best life!
Note “speak of the devil” isn’t how it’s said in Japanese. It sounds something like “whisper a rumour and it will come back to you” based on what I heard Kiriwo say (since I heard the word uwasa in there). Update: Apparently the phrase is uwasa wo sureba… (if you spead a rumour…) and then you cut the saying off to finish the rest of the sentence, just like you would in English.
You can’t even see a substantial part of Iruma’s hair when that demon on the phone (<-I know who it is, because I read spoilers, but I’ll keep quiet on that front!) yells for the first time.  
Makura (demon pillow) has that demon pun going on.
Ooh, Kiriwo-senpai is actully kinda sexy with his hair up like that…not that I know the first thing about sex appeal…
So is the ED about the Battler Party, in a sense?
Eizouken 1
I picked this show up because of the rave reviews it was getting.
Very Future Boy Conan, that.
…what? That OP was trippy. Then again, I didn’t mind ConRevo and that was trippy…this negative feeling is probably because I don’t know much about Masaki Yuasa’s quirks, I guess.
Why do people not translate “Eizouken”???? It means “video research club”.
The back is a good spot to sit in a theatre for anime. Why do I know this? I sit in the back of my anime club all the time, that’s why!
“Are those MiBs?” – I laughed pretty hard at that one sentence.
Why does this strawberry milk seem to be a parallel to the milk Asakusa promised Kanamori? (P.S. Asakusa is in Tokyo, IIRC.) Update: Mizusaki means “on top of water” if I understood the kanji right and Kanamori, with the right combo of characters, can mean “forest of gold”...which makes a lot of sense, considering how gold is equated with wealth and currency. Also, here’s proof Asakusa is in Tokyo...not to mention it’s the place from Sarazanmai! Meanwhile, I was thinking there was some sort of anime-related significance to the name, but I was thinking of Asagaya.  Update 2: Mizusaki actually means “water peninsula”. Sorry, wrong saki.
I know there’s a chase scene at the end of this ep, thanks to reading reviews. I want to be wowed by it, which is why I’m (metaphorically) holding my breath.
I like how Asakusa and Mizusaki are bouncing around ideas. That really brings the process to life.
Long skirts and wind but no sexualisation. That’s a good sign!
Whoa, that scene with the comets was AWESOME! I want more!
Idolish7 s2 1
Back with some good boys one season too early…let’s have some fun while these simulcasters can get this stuff fast!
Oh no! (<- self-censored) Nagi’s stupid accent is back! *yells incoherently for a second*
I like the little sound effects that happened whe Nagi’s finger moved around (to suggest “magic”).
I think the joke was something to do with the word gera (?). I don’t quite get it myself.
Misuta- Shimooka, LOL. I love how this s2 isn’t doing any hand-holding, though! I half-expect a flashback to appear and it never does.
Yamato, how are you so-*crying and Yatta! can be heard in the background*Okay, nevvvvvvvvvver mind…
I remember mistakenly saying that Nishiyama was part of Idolish7 (since I looked through some of my old notes lately). Nishiyama is part of ZOOL, so now…I’m not wrong anymore…(That’s not quite relevant to the random announcement of Re:Vale showing up, but it’s on my mind now.)
Hmm…Yamato’s thoughts on Re:Vale…I’ll keep an eye on him.
I think people like Tamaki because he treats them like he would his little sister…a true gentleman. Or maybe that’s all in my head? I haven’t been in the fandom properly, y’know.
This switch to occasional chibi antics…I’m not sure I like it…
Ohmyglob! Another boy to add to my growing list of husbandos! *points at Yuki* I knew he existed, but I haven’t had a proper chance to have a reaction to him ever since I started really “having a thing” for long-haired guys.
Re:Vale are like a comic act (manzai).
Momo has pink nail polish…I just noticed. Update: It’s probably more red than pink.
“Chan-momo” appears to be a variety of modern slang similar to Pig Latin. Apparently Gen from Dr Stone uses it as well.
Yuki has these cute little diamond earrings and Momo has studs. I’ve also never noticed this until now. (I, myself, can’t wear anything past clip-ons because I have a genetic quirk that makes it annoying to get my ears pierced, called beta thalassemia, so I can only fangirl about other people’s earrings.)
What’s the FSC again…?
Kyu-to aidoru!
I think Momo and Yuki are going to reach out to Mitsuki and Tamaki (respectively) most this season…just a feeling, based on their dispositions. Tamaki and Yuki have similar faces, on top of that, so thank goodness we can tell them apart by hairstyle.
Yuki wears this steel blue shade of nail polish…ooh, also cute.
*Riku goes stiff-faced* - *audibly facepalms at Riku’s reaction*
Momo has a black and green earring set on one ear…huh.
Ooh, very nice. It’s a keeper.
Update: Apparently, you pronounce their name “Re:ba-re”, which is a bit different to what I was expecting (essentially “Re: veil”).
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superwolfiestar · 5 years
Partners in Time Ch.14
The heroes reached the Manny Mountain through a Warp Pipe, since they got the information from Young Black Art Beagle when he took the Manny Cookies from a hut. They eventually encounter Kamek on his broom shortly after.
Seeing them, Young Black Art Beagle tried to move to the left, but the Super Caballeros blocked his way, and kept moving along with Young Black Art Beagle to prevent him from escaping. Young Black Art Beagle soon gives up and scolds:
"Boy, you guys just get on a Nik Nokturn’s tail and STAY there, don'tcha?"
"Said the gothic flying emo kid who's annoying as freak." Panchito teased.
"Hey! That was a NICE one!" Young Panchito complemented while high-fiving his adult self.
"Grr…" Young Black Art Beagle growled quietly. "Well, try this on for size…"
He flies to different portions of the area and casts flames on them. After that, he goes back to the group and mocked:
"Zip! Zap! Zow! Unless those garments are fireproof, you're gonna barbecue, you weenies! Give up now! You really think you're tough? Then make it to the cliff top, losers! I'd LOVE to see it!" he then leaves.
"Yep, I was right all along; that guy is so annoying!" Panchito growled.
"For some reason, I'm kinda feeling thirsty right now…" Young Panchito said. He notices a fountain spraying water nearby. "Oh! Water!"
He climbs down his adult self's back and goes to the fountain to have a sip. But then, he ended up becoming tubbified like how Panchito became once at the previous adventure.
"Hmm, that gave me an idea!" Young Jose exclaimed and climbed down his adult self's back and walked to his pumped friend. "Panchito! Head towards that flame! I know what to do!"
Despite not being able to talk, Pump Young Panchito gave a nod and stood a few feet away from the flame. Then, Young Jose took out his hammer and hit Pump Young Panchito, causing him to spit out some of the water and once it hit the flame, it doused out, allowing further progress.
"That's it! We could use Young Panchito's pump ability to douse the flames!" Jose confirmed. "Let's douse the rest!"
They moved on, dousing the flames with Pump Young Panchito. Just by doing that was enough for them to reach the top of the cliff, after walking a lot, where they saw Young Zeus eating the pile of Manny Cookies with Young Black Art Beagle watching him. To not get spotted, the group decided to hide behind a platform's ledge and peek out.
"HURK! HACK!" Young Zeus choked and coughed.
"Prince Zeuss, LITTLE bites!" Young Black Art Beagle warned as he walks to him. "Oh, here, have some milk. It's, uh, from an evil cow."
Young Black Art Beagle hands Young Zeus a cup of warm milk and he drinks it.
"AHHHH! Nothing quite like good cookies and evil milk!" Young Zeus said. "Get it? Cookies and Milk?"
"How original…" Panchito thought while rolling his eyes. Young Zeus continues:
"I was a little creeped out at first, hanging out in this ghost town, but… Then I realized there was no one to stop me from eating every cookie in sight! Yesss!"
"Yeah… It's been…great." Young Black Art Beagle replied, trying to hide the fact that the heroes tried to stop him from Young Zeus.
"Trying to fake out? Too bad! We're already here!" Young Panchito came out of his hiding spot.
"Ack! Baby alert!" Young Black Art Beagle shouted. Then, the rest of the heroes came out from hiding.
"Grrrr! What are you chumps doing here?" Young Zeus growled.
"We're here for the cookies AND the Cobalt Shard pieces that you hold!" Young Panchito hissed.
"Bwah ha ha!" Young Zeus laughed as he walks to the group. Unknown to everyone, Young Panchito and Young Jose snuck by and started to eat the cookies rapidly at the pile. "You've gotta be kidding! You stole the treasure in the FIRST place! So YOU'RE the bad guys! Duh! So all this stuff stays MINE!"
"Not only you're acting as a spoiled child, but you're also acting very greedy, you know that?" Jose said in a cold tone while folding his arms. "Children should have love and respect, making them have pure and good souls. I, as with many other adults, respect only those kinds of children. And you're out of our list."
"I don't care about that! And you are NOT getting these things!" Young Zeus shouted angrily. "I'll have THIS!" he showed the two Cobalt Shards. "…AND THOSE!" he turned to the cookie pile…only to find out that ALL of the cookies were gone, eaten by the Young Super Caballeros.
"Mmm… They were delicious!" Young Panchito licked his lips.
"Ahhh… That hit the spot…" Young Josei sighed in satisfaction while rubbing his cookie-filled belly.
"OH NO!" Young Zeus shouted in frustration. "STINKY BABIES!"
"Now, now, rapazes, that's not done." Jose walk to Young Panchito and Young Jose, still holding Baby Manny speaking like some responsible mother, making the toddler heroes look crestfallen with guilty expressions. "I know you did that because Young Zeus stole them, but those cookies belonged to the Mannys, you know."
"Sorry…" both Young Super Caballeros apologized.
"Golly... Jose really acted as some mother to us!" Young Jose said in a surprised tone to Young Panchito.
"Boy… Never knew your future self would do that..." Young Panchito replied.
"Prince Zeus! Take it easy!" Young Black Art Beagle went to Young Zeus, trying to calm him down as he drags him away slowly.
"Hrmph… Cookies…" Young Zeus growled quietly.
"Leave this rabble to me. You just go walk it off, Your Hungriness!"
"Grrrr!" Young Zeus becomes so mad that he stomps the ground. "You punks got LUCKY, hear me? Stealing food? Who DOES that?! You'll PAY for those cookies!" he soon calms down and tells Young Black Art Beagle: "Oh, all right, fine! FINE! Black Art Beagle… I'm counting on you to finish these snackaholics!" he runs off.
"Whew…" Young Black Art Beagle sighed in relief before summoning his broom and leaps on it. "You guys are really starting to chap my shell. I'm gonna yanked out all those fur hairs…AFTER I beat those cookies out of you!"
Young Black Art Beagle pulled out his wand and creates spiked balls above the heroes and sent them falling down. Luckily, the Young Super Caballeros knocked them back at Young Black Art Beagle with their hammers.
Suddenly, Young Black Art Beagle used his magic to split into five!
"GYAH! YAH! GWAH! Oooh, which one's the REAL me?" the real Young Black Art Beagle taunted.
"Spoke too soon!" Stuffwell jump out of Panchito pocket and take out a Fire Flower from his suitcase. Jose walked over to him and place Baby Manny down beside Stuffwell.
“Walk over him will you?” Jose ask him as Stuffwell agree and the green bird walk back to the other.
"A Fire Flower! Good idea!" Jose said to him as their clothes, including their younger selves, changed to their Fire Flower appearances, and the four begin to charge up their fireballs and shot as many as them at the Young Black Art Beagles. Once the the Fire Flower effect on the past and future Super Caballeros wears off. All of the Young Black Art Beagle poof away leaving the real one.
"AAACK!" Young Black Art Beagle screamed as he fell to the ground.
"EAT FIRE!" Young Black Art Beagle yelled as he casts flames at them, but nothing came out. "What?! NO!" Young Black Art Beagle didn't believe that.
"Ain't nobody got TIME for that!" Young Panchito jokes, which made the group laugh.
"GRRR! This is NOT FUNNY!" Young Black Art Beagle growled.
"Let this to finish him, come one guys!" Panchito take out a cannon and placed it next to Young Panchito.
"Nice! Cannonballer!" Young Panchito exclaimed.
Jose, Panchito, Young Panchito and Young Jose jumped inside the cannon in this exact order and were launched in the air, following their trajectory to Young Black Art Beagle. This Bros Attack concludes with the four stomping Young Black Art Beagle, one after another, defeating him.
"Yeah! That'll teach you to not mess with us!" Young Panchito smirked.
"Yoooorgh…" Young Black Art Beagle groaned in defeat, now lying on the ground, motionless.
"Well, then…" Jose sweatdropped. "Didn't expect that."
"At least he's out of the way. Now let's track down Young Zeus." Panchito told them before venturing on.
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grinnoire · 6 years
in an effort to obliterate prototype 2 from my mind here's a list of hcs for a dana-is-fine-now 5yrs later self-indulgent au
alex, dana, and ragland moved to canada via some -cough- slightly illegal maneuvers, so blackwatch can't move in on them even when they find alex again at risk of causing an international incident
(basically canada is like "hes been here for 5 years and its been fine, also if youre gonna provoke THAT then do it on US soil bc we know what happened to manhattan and do NOT want a repeat in toronto (also, cranky bc your bioweapon is ours now arent you)")
(everyone thinks ragland died after contact with ZEUS but he's fine and lives down the street.)
so mostly blackwatch just spies on the gang as they get up to dumb slice-of-life stuff
alex got a bachelor's in psychology (doing one of the "hard" sciences would feel like too much of a repeat and he's soul-searching) and now has a job as a forensic psychologist. mostly he's everyone's paperwork jockey because he doesn't complain when they dump theirs on him, but sometimes he gets to decide who gets to sit on jury duty. this drives blackwatch absolutely nuts
dana is working as an editor for a local magazine. she still keeps up with news journalism on her free time, but she’s decided to take it easy after everything that happened and the job pays pretty well.
dana has more or less come to terms with virus brother, mostly because every other week he goes on some dark and broody rant about being a monster/hearing the screams of those he's killed/his innate desire as a virus to kill consume assimilate infect, and you kinda just get used to it after a while
alex got a deal with a local slaughterhouse to buy some of their stock from them, since he likes his meat so raw it's still mooing. literally. they are convinced he's either a butcher or a cultist but you know what, that's his business
dana starts referring to the real alex mercer as just "my big brother," and not by name. similarly, she usually calls alex by name, but she also refers to him as her little brother, and when joking in private, her baby brother (he is five and she will never not find that funny)
she also really does think of him as a kid, and notes that one of the most divergent traits he has from the real alex (besides empathy) is how easily he trusts people (she jokes that she worries he'll get lured out into a white van behind the mall with promises of meat). he's also super dramatic about EVERYTHING, so her impression of him has slowly morphed from "scary semi-insane virus man but still a step up from my actual brother" to "haha, kid brother who sucks at smash bros"
since alex doesnt sleep, he usually whiles away the nighttime hours by hunting (he's got a permit and everything, at dana's insistence) or playing video games
he's REALLY GOOD at rhythm games but plays with the sound off ("it's distracting, dana" "it's The Point Of The Game, alex") and he's shit at fighting games ("have you ever considered NOT charging blindly in on me clearly about to unleash an ultimate").
he's also not great at puzzle games and dana has caught him melted into a pile of meat moss over professor layton before. this is in spite of his constant claims to have consumed some of gentek's most brilliant minds, so it only further cemented dana's "kid brother" impression
alex: i dont have a preference for toppings so i get everything on it since i dont eat with my mouth anyways. thousands of dead men's preferences means no preferences -later, after dana has forced him to try things using taste buds- alex: can i get a large pineapple and anchovy pizza with alfredo sauce instead of tomato the guy at domino's: im arresting you for pizza crimes
an argument they constantly rehash is that dana insists that alex should try shopping for real clothes while alex insists he can just shapeshift into whatever clothes he wants. this has, on one occasion, led to neighbors in the hallway overhearing alex yelling angrily that "IM ALWAYS NAKED, DANA"
dana is a big lesbian and kicks alex out of the apartment when she's got "friends" over. they both know what dana's up to but dana insists that her five-year-old brother "will understand when he gets older" when he complains about it
most people that know alex thinks he has no sense of humor. this is untrue. he just has a very limited one and very dull reactions. but one time dana showed him this
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and he let out an involuntary snort/giggle and then looked very confused and kind of scared, like he had no idea what that sound was or where it came from
most people believe alex’s brows drawn, eyes narrowed glare means he’s angry, but dana knows that that’s actually his “i’m confused” look. this is also the look alex wears 70-80% of the time.
(his actual “i’m angry” look is brows drawn, eyes wide open)
alex has a tendency to blurt out random factoids, like a walking trivia book. these facts are ALWAYS morbid and he ALWAYS only realizes that after he’s said it out loud. dana goes “i think i’m coming down with a flu that’s been going around work” and alex goes “huh, you know flus cause 200,000 hospitalization and 3,000 deaths every year” and dana gives him a Look and he pauses for a long moment before adding in a “sorry”. dana actually thinks this habit might be a leftover from how OG alex mercer liked to mansplain, but when this alex does it it’s less insufferable and more just awkward, so she doesn’t mind it that much
“butterflies can taste with their feet. I can also do that, if i try.”  “awesome, alex”
they have separate rooms since they both make a decent amount and live a ways out from the big city, and dana’s looks pretty normal, slightly messy, and alex’s is, hm. dana keeps insisting he try decorating it and actually putting stuff in it, so it’s home to his attempt at interior decor. the room features: a bookshelf crammed full of old textbooks and basically anything remotely novel-like that he could buy from the clearance rack, 2 (two) whole deer skeletons, picked entirely clean, a large, stainless-steel industrial-grade refrigerator/freezer unit (full of huge slabs of meat), the world’s loneliest computer desk and chair, a moldy cantaloupe in a glass box on the windowsill (”alex what is that” “i’m growing penicillin” “...why?”), a tiny photo of him and dana in a really big frame hanging on the wall, and also framed, dana’s MRI scans showing that she suffered no lasting effects from the infection. dana has had her partners accidentally walk into that room instead of hers and then call the cops. she kinda wants to say something to him about it, but since one of alex’s most common broody speech topics is how he doesn’t feel like he has a personality of his own, and since what he does have in his room certainly shows...”personality,” she figures she’ll leave it alone.
whenever a coworker starts to get friendly with him, alex pulls them aside to let them know he’s actually the blacklight virus that ravaged manhattan. he doesn’t actually use his powers because frankly it takes more energy than his current dietary plan can make back, but he insists until the coworker goes “haha okay, okay, i got it.” no one actually believes him but alex is convinced they all do, and dana has never been around for this to correct his mistake
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jounetsulovers · 6 years
Top 11 Inazuma Characters
Tagged by @blueberry-pastel! Thank you so much. <3
11. Senguuji Yamato.
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For all my talk about the villains of Inazuma, it feels fitting to have some kind of rep on that list, even though he’s more of the final rival than anything else. The first season of Go holds a special place in my heart, and I think Yamato is an especially fun and thematically appropriate final boss. His Avatar his cool, his relationship with his dad warms my heart, his design is nice, and the way he’s animated, especially when using King Fire, always looks really nice! He’s my go-to goalie in the Go games, and on that basis alone it didn’t feel right to have a list without him.
10. Raimon Natsumi.
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Natsumi was my favorite manager for a long, long time, and there’s a lot of things to absolutely love about her. Her arc, tracing from the beginning of the original series to the very end, where she slowly lets her defenses down and engages earnestly with soccer and the team. Her extremely sweet friendships with all of the managers. Her relationship with her dad, which is an often-underlooked but no less important part of the entire story. The little background details, and how we learn throughout the Chrono Stone games that she’s become the chairman of Raimon after Fifth Sector collapses. Her recent appearance in Orion had me grinning the entire time. For sheer character growth, it’s hard to compete with her.
9. Kidou Yuuto.
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Somehow, Kidou Yuuto exists, and the show is better for it. If someone were to ask me who had the best and most complete character arc, I’d point to Kidou without question. He’s the complete package: great and memorable character design, strong personality, growth, excellent moves, great character dynamics, downright iconic scenes. His backstory and everything involving his and Haruna’s family makes me cry every time, no matter what format it’s in. From enemy to rival to best, best friend, Kidou Yuuto is stellar character work on the part of Level-5.
8. Teres Tolue.
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The anime does not do Teres Tolue justice. For all the brief but excellent scenes he does have, they are nothing compared to the wonderful scenes he gets in the third Inazuma game. This is a shoutout to the defender who isn’t afraid to speak his mind, even at the cost of sounding callous. Who cracks jokes at the worst of times, but also has a heart of gold. Whose confidence is genuinely matched by excellent work on the defense line. Liocott Island is full of captains with big personalities and sad backstories, and it’s a shame Teres seems to often be left out of the conversation, because he was my favorite back in 2012 and now, finally getting to play the games in full, he’s even better than I remembered.
7. Yamana Akane.
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If the anime did not do justice to Teres, they did an absolute disservice to Yamana Akane. Much like Teres, she has wonderful moments in the anime. But they are limited, and do not capture the true delight that is her personality. Everything she is, she’s even more in the games, and I genuinely think she has the best one-liners in perhaps the entire series. Even if she isn’t the deepest manager, she’s the one that makes me smile the most. She’s funny, she’s creative, she’s bold and not afraid to speak about the things she likes. Yamana Akane, best manager.
6. Saginuma Osamu.
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Saginuma Osamu is a character that exists in a constant duality. He’s a terrifying, imposing presence as Desarm, but also an admirable rival. He’s absolutely unmatched on the soccer field, with the technical know-how and talent to easily slide into three positions on the field, but also one of the hardest-working characters in the entire series. He’s also a huge, huge dork while at the same time being inspiring to his team when he’s in the captain role. He was my favorite Aliea captain, and continues to be my favorite kid to come out of Sun Garden. I’d personally choose him as the greatest rival in all of Inazuma, as he perfectly captures the thin, thin line between serious and ridiculous the series so eloquently toes.
5. Kira Hitomiko.
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Best coach, hands down. Not the most skilled, or the nicest, or the one with the best teams or most effective coach. But the best one. She’s complicated, and maybe her apology at the end of Season 2 doesn’t begin to make up for the bad calls she made. But the fact she’s allowed to make those bad calls... the fact that she’s part of a larger, extremely sad and complicated backstory that almost feels like it should come from a drama, and not a sports anime... the fact that she spends a lifetime of penance for it, actually doing the hard work of trying to do right by her own mistakes and continue to watch over Sun Garden... Man, I love Hitomiko. Ares didn’t even begin to do her justice.
4. Amagi Daichi.
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Amagi Daichi, best defender. Enough said.
...Okay, no, there’s more than that. I love everything about Amagi, from his character design, to his moves, to his personality and how much he brings a strong, brotherly presence to the team. I love his dynamic with Hikaru, and with the other third years, and how much he cares for his friends in general. But I think I love his story most of all, because it’s extremely relatable. It’s simple, but effective, and the presentation of his flashback--the sound design, the visuals, hell, even the editing--is some of the best Inazuma’s ever done. Episode 33 of Go is my favorite episode of Inazuma Eleven. Amagi Daichi, best defender.
3. Giris and Meia.
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Is this cheating? I don’t think so. Giris and Meia are two characters that demand to be taken and analyzed as a pair, and, well, you don’t really see them apart, ever. They are my pick for the most terrifying and interesting rivals in all of Inazuma, for their unique combination of memorable visual aesthetic combined with the encroaching fridge horror that is the true nature of the SSC. Two kids, whose entire aesthetic revolves around young love and death in all aspects: their avatars, their signature move, even the soccer team uniform, which could easily be reworked into something for a period piece. And yet, they’re also overdramatic. They get distracted by each other to the point where they forget to finish trash-talking the opposing team. They dance on the soccer field to summon their avatars. They’re ridiculous and tragic in equal amounts, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them, or the Second Stage Children, since I watched Chrono Stone.
2. Megane Kakeru.
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Not only is Megane one of the funniest characters in the series. Not only is he one of the most important and yet underappreciated side characters in the franchise. Megane Kakeru is the perfect example of the profound impact Endou has on everyone he comes in contact with, and here’s why: Megane Kakeru is a coward. That’s a fact established in episode one. He talks a big game, but as soon as Teikoku gets serious, he runs off in tears. And even if the anime will never let him live that fact down (seriously), he never runs from another match again. Without him, Raimon’s victory streak would have ended with Shuuyo Meito. With him, we see a self-centered nerd come out of his shell, and genuinely grow to love the game of soccer, even as he knows he isn’t cut out to play and cannot match the skill level of his peers. Even while he’s terrified, he still steps out onto the field against Zeus when his teammates are injured. He stands against Aliea, even as other teammates find the situation hopeless. In season 3, his easy out, what does he do? He joins the team as a manager. He supports the Resistance numerous times in Go, both in the anime and in the games. Even as the chips are down, Megane Kakeru does not run, because he loves the game just as much as everyone else. He’s got a protagonist’s heart. I just love this kid.
And now, some honorable mentions, because there’s far too many to list:
I initially intended to have a member of the Earth Eleven on this list, but I genuinely could not decided between Morimura Konoha, Kusaka Ryuuji, and Nozaki Sakura, so I decided in fairness to not pick any, as an omission would be doing a disservice to them. The same could be said for several Protocol Omega members. Senguuji Daigo and Saryuu Evan are excellent villains and I love them, even if one is significantly more developed than the other. Matsukaze Tenma is one of my favorite protagonists of all time, and I love him a lot. Edgar Valtinas would have taken Teres’ spot if I didn’t choose him, and it was a very close choice. Kudou Fuyuka and Seto Midori were also this close to taking one of the manager slots. Fei Rune and Nanobana Kinako bring me unending joy and tears in equal measure. Domon Asuka, Sangoku Taichi, and Mahoro Tadashi are wonderful side characters whom deserve more love than they get, and I don’t think anyone is surprised to know how much I love Kousaka Yukie. I am deeply enjoying Ares and Orion’s characters, but considering their story has yet to finish, it did not seem fair to include them on the list, so for now they’re relegated to this one. But I adore Haizaki Ryouhei, Kozoumaru Sasuke, and Goujin Tetsunosuke. Zanark Avalonic should just be on every list ever because he is the best.
1. Nishiki Ryouma.
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No character in Inazuma can make me smile like Nishiki Ryouma does. No character brings me quite as much joy as Nishiki Ryouma does. He is not the deepest, nor the strongest, nor the user of my favorite hissatsu or owner of my favorite Avatar. But he’s the complete package: relatable, funny, courageous, and even inspiring in his own goofy way. I love his passion, and how he tries not to sweat the little things, and that he isn’t afraid to do things in the name of trying, no matter how ridiculous he may seem. He has a large heart that is open to the world around him, and even for his enemies. He has stellar moves, a genuinely awesome aesthetic, and a smile that’s infectious. I knew pretty early on in my watch of Go he’d be a favorite, and every time since my love for him has grown more and more. I can’t even explain in adequate enough terms why I love him so much--I just do!
Not directly tagging anyone, but if you haven’t done it, DO IT. You know who you are.
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weirdcrocodilelady · 2 years
My (belated) unfiltered first thoughts on Thor 4: The Fourth Thor ("Love and Thunder")
Don't expect these to be smart or organized, they are literally just my immediate thoughts about the movie, scribbled down right when they popped into my head. (spoiler alert, obviously)
Seems these days Marvel is on a bit of a streak where they open their movies/shows with a painfully personal snapshot of the villain, and I'm very much on board with it
Over the course of three Thor movies, Darcy went from being Jane's annoying intern to her best friend, that's beautiful
Asgard is so advanced, yet New Asgard didn't take advantage of Earth theatre special effects? LAME! Loki would not approve
If Moon Knight and Thor ever share a movie, they need to have Steven see one of the giant goats and nonchalantly point to it and say "goat"
Ok, I want to love the fact that Jane repaired Mjolnir on her own just by being worthy...sorry, but I just don't buy it? Would've been cool if she did it with science somehow, like Tony or Bruce would've done
Sif's back, ohhhh no, this movie's going to make me confront my bisexuality
Sif was always Thor's real soulmate, fight me
The Asgardian kids watching the battle excitedly from their rooms is the cutest, it makes me think of how Thor and Loki probably did the same thing when they were little
Jane dumped him with a LETTER? Oh, NOT cool.
Could New Asgard be any quainter? *swoon*
I wish the New Asgardian kids had more traditional Asgardian culture about them. When I saw them wearing human clothes I assumed they would at least have Asgardian decor and stuff in their homes, but then when it showed the kids' rooms they seemed to just look like the average human child's bedroom. I hope they're not over-assimilating and losing their roots
"Your ex-gf and your ex-hammer" PFFT
Val'kyrie wearing a Phantom of the Opera shirt really brings that whole scene home for me
Is it just me, or do all the New Asgardian kids look about the same age? Is there, like a reason for that? Did Asgard's adults take a page out of the Grandmaster's book, if you know what I mean...?
"Our leading lady needs a flaw" "bad catchphrases?" "eh, that works"
Thor: (Lists a bunch of gods and other mythic heroes he'd want on his fictional team); Egyptian Gods from Moon Knight: Are we a fucking joke to you
Something tells me it would absolutely INFURIATE Odin to know that Asgard has turned into a campy tourist trap for humans. Good. :)
Wait, you have to die in battle to get into Valhalla? Where does everyone else go? They can't just drop that bomb on us and expect us to move on!!!
I still don't get how Jane is worthy of Mjolnir; she just wanted it to save her own health. Understandable, but not exactly heroic
Also, why does it make her turn blonde?
When Gorr took the kids, I thought he might be trying to "save" them in some misguided way, maybe because he thought it would somehow make up for the daughter he wasn't able to save? I thought there was going to be a plot twist where he actually cared about all children because they remind him of his daughter, and that would turn out to be a "fatal flaw" in some way - that would have been interesting
Greek gods are canon in the MCU? And Thor somehow knew about and studied them at some point? OHOHOHOHOHOHO the fanfic possibilities are ENDLESS
Wait, how did Thor learn about Zeus? When he was a child on Asgard, or later when he first went down to Earth? If the former, would that make the gods of the various ancient cultures contemporaries?
Jane called Val'kyrie "Your Highness," don't you mean MAJESTY?! Show some damn respect, Jane, geez
Lol was that Dionysus in the red robe with the grapes?
THE LOKI TATTOO IS REAL!!! omg I thought that was a joke from Ragnarok that was scrapped, but they brought it back!
Zeus: Makes fun of Thor being "God of Thunder" when he just makes lightning. Also Zeus: "My lightning bolt is called 'Thunderbolt'"
When Korg fell apart I almost say HOLY SHIT out loud (so much for "perishable rock")
I'd been waiting the whole movie for Sweet Child O' Mine, and I was NOT disappointed, that was fucking epic
"Team Kids in a Cage," good band name
Tumblr, I see your "beautiful man covered in blood" and I raise you "beautiful man and women covered in whatever that gold stuff is"
SAPPHIC VAL'KYRIE CONFIRMED!!! -Say what you want about LGBT representation in Marvel all being performative, but truly I tell you if I'd seen this when I was 15 I would have been beyond thrilled
Damn it, how tf did Taika Waititi find out about my secret "holding hands over a hot lava pool" fetish
I'm actually really digging the main conflict of this movie being about finding a balance between religious faith and science. I don't think this is a topic Marvel has dealt with in such a big way before.
So Thor is a walking Rubiks cube now? *shrugs* I'm cool with it
The normal moviegoer in me really wants to enjoy watching an army of superpowered children fighting with Thor, but the education major in me can't get past the fact that it's literally child abuse
Jane turning slowly to face Mjolinir in her hospital bed was the sexiest moment in this whole film
So, was Eternity supposed to look like a cheap laptop sticker you'd buy at a yoga studio, or did the special effects team just blow their entire budget before they got around to that scene?
Is that lady with Axel supposed to be Heimdall's wife? Did he have a wife this whole time? Wasn't he always on constant vigil? When would he have taken the time off to have a wife and baby?
I don't quite understand how Gorr's daughter came back? He exchanged his life for hers somehow? How is she "born from the powers of Eternity?"
Okay, but when it the little girl going to meet Uncle Loki, because PUH LEASE.
That whole movie and I didn't realize Zeus was played by Russell Crowe until the credits. Not sure if that's a compliment to Crowe's acting or an insult to my intelligence
Omg Hercules is Roy from Tad Lasso (and yes, I did recognize him from his chest hair before his face) This is too good.
0 notes
justadadonthenet · 7 years
Loser’s Club as camp half blood kids hc
(These are terribly organized I’m so sorry, all under the cut)
Stan: deffo an Athena kid, look at that little logic man and tell me he’s not Athena. He would be extremely talented on the battle field but would rarely want to fight (besides, why do that when he could command his battalion in capture the flag) and he somehow befriended an owl in his third year at camp and it’ll do whatever he wants (including keeping richie in check)
Ben: also in the Athena cabin, but one of the softer of them. Always wins when they’re tasked with a building competition cause he actually reads up on what types of structures work best,,he would develop and design all of the Athena cabin weaponry and would specially design stuff for stanley. Their cabin is the coolest one because Ben is always reconstructing as needed, and it’s never too full because he has somehow developed a building that expands as needed, but only on the inside. This kid is fucking gifted.
Mike: Jesus imagine my boy mike as a Persephone kid that’s the cutest shit I’ve ever seen,,,persephone kids are almost as rare (if not more) than big three kids, so he lives in the Demeter cabin. the whole camp would adore him and the wood nymphs would love talking to this ~one~ boy because he has major respect for all parts of nature,, he would grow lil flowers to give to everyone and would make flower crowns for bev,,and although he is a little flower child he takes capture the flag VERY seriously if he’s up against his Losers. (The wood nymphs love doing favors for him such as tripping richie and taking bev’s sword right out of her hand)
Richie: holy fuck he would definitely end up head of the Hermes cabin (somehow) and he would be worse than the Stoll brothers combined,,,don’t ask how he managed to acquire a dildo tree or get a Trojan horse to camp without anyone noticing, he’s also ~conveniently~ part messenger god, which makes sending pranks to people even easier (also imagine the first time he tries to use the winged converse y i k e s there was definitely a face plant in there)
Bill: listen,,,,he would definitely be a Zeus kid if he wasn’t such an angery piece of shit,,, so you better believe he is one of the softest Hades kids to ever enter that camp,,,when he got bored he’d summon cool rocks and shit. As soon as he hears of Nico being able to summon the dead he pesters him into teaching him, learning extremely quickly how to summon spirits. Every once in a while the losers cant find bill, cause he’s sitting in a hidden cave he managed to create, talking to Georgie
Bev: listen my fiery girl would obviously be an Ares kid. She may be the nicest in the cabin, but you’re dead wrong if you think for a second she wouldn’t beat your ass if provoked. Her and Stan definitely have a friendly rivalry in capture the flag (or any battle-related activity, for that matter.) she loves her bf Ben but she can’t help but coaxing the latest Athena cabin weaponry plans out of him. Ben goes to mush as soon as Bev talks to him, and every thought he had of keeping the developments to the cabin goes out the door with one look into those eyes. Coincidentally, next week’s capture the flag battle is between Ares and Athena, and Ben is completely lost as to how the Ares cabin somehow had counter measures for all of their weaponry,, he’d been planning them for months, and had picked through all of the Ares cabin’s tactics previous to this, how did they know? Let’s just say stan was HEATED
Eddie: okay with an idiot of a boyfriend like richie (who constantly forgets where he sets up traps during capture the flag) eddie needs to be able to fix his boy. He may not seem like an Apollo boy other than the fact that he’s wicked good at being camp medic, but he’s getting pretty dialed in on his foresight (even though it only consistently reaches about an hour into the future.) still, this makes fixing up his idiots easier, as he knows exactly what to pack in his magic fanny pack (think Leo’s tool belt) before every capture the flag (even though he no longer needs it, after realizing that it wasn’t his drugs healing him but his own abilities). After LOTS of practice, Eds walks up to richie, touches his forehead, and richie fucking loses his shit because h o l y s h i t why is everything so blurry??? Before taking his glasses off and crying because everything is in focus
-bill and mike always help in developing the area for the capture the flag games and make sure it’s aesthetically pleasing, interesting, and different from the last time
-SHIT AND MIKE AND THE DEMETER CABIN MAKE CORN MAZE CAPTURE THE FLAG FOR FALL (complete with spooky scares from the grain nymphs)
-most of the hades kids come and go, so billiam is alone a lot in his cabin, making the hades cabin basically the loser’s cabin for sleepovers
-(bill also sleeps in the Athena cabin a lot cause of the immense space and his bf)
-Eds discovers his poetic abilities when sitting with Ben and trying to think of what to say to ask rich out
-Eds definitely also helps richie write songs
-richie is a large lanky boy but somehow kicks ass when they have track events (its one of the only places he doesn’t trip)
-his biggest threat? Billiam, aka lanky boy #2
-“it’s not fair, he can literally influence the track and make my lane turn into sand!” “S-step up your p-prank game, tozier”
-richie replaces bill’s shoes with some winged ones and Jesus Christ he’s never laughed as hard as he did when bill hit the side of the big house as soon as the race started
-eddie never really pursues his artistic abilities but one time rich has a bad night and sends Eds a message to meet him at the hades cabin (bill is with Stan) and he finds richie panicking over a nightmare so he starts singing to richie and holy shit richie was crying but not cause of his nightmare
-mike always brings flowers to the medics tent and brings some of each patients’ favorites to put at their bedside
-mr d cannot stand richies existence sometimes but all of that is forgotten when richie somehow gets him some ancient bottle of wine that d hasn’t seen in millennia
-whenever eddie sees richie’s laugh or smile the camp gets a lil brighter for a second
-sometimes mike goes and sits with bill while he’s talking to Georgie. He helped him with hiding bill’s little spot, can also (to an extent) contact the dead, and bill trusts him immensely. Bill loves the losers but most of the time he just wants to talk to Georgie alone. When he does invite the losers to come talk, they don’t go to bill’s spot
-I can’t help but imagining mike making all of the losers little flower crowns made of assorted flowers and all of them match the person
-richie has so many laurel wreaths from mike due to his immense list of track records
-they think bill was conceived while the gods were battling with their second self, because he was claimed by hades but has the ability to conjure metals and jewels like Pluto (which is super uncommon when you’re Greek)
-(of course he gets his bf’s cabin some of the best metals for weapons)
-richie somehow gets all of the Good Shit from the outside world into the camp. Nintendo switch? Stan buys it off of him the first day rich has it (along with all the Mario games that comes with it.) cigarettes? Him and Bev share those. Books from libraries across the world? Ben is still amazed as to how richie gets a hold of some of the Ancient Greek texts he sells him but he’s not complaining.
-Eds sometimes misses his boyfriends stupid glasses, so richie finds some hipster glasses and wears them sometimes
-sometimes Eds wishes he had better luck with curses bc sometimes his boyfriend needs to shut the fuck up
-richie and Bev live at camp year round, while bill and Ben often return home, eddie has to go home every break (no matter how short), and mike and stan only goes home on the really long ones
-mike also helps Eddie with finding certain medicinal herbs (richie of course finds the medical marijuana eddie is keeping hidden in his fanny pack)
-instead of “your mom” jokes richie now makes jokes relating to Percy (with only the occasional jokes about mrs k) because come on he’s now the camp mom
-“wait eddie this is so gross that we’re dating cause we’re related” “fuck off richie” “gives me more of a reason to date your mom”
-eddie always makes sure Bill gets enough sunlight,,,that kids depressed enough he needs some vitamin d
-Stan’s owl friend always watches the cabins during the night, and when he sees richie setting trip wires and such on the playing ground, alerts stan
-eddie teaches richie guitar, which he picks up on quickly. It’s one of the only things his Hermes dexterity applies to, and his lankiness gives him a little bit of an advantage
-reddie is the musical power couple that everyone loves during campfires, although Eddie objects every time until richie literally pulls him to the middle of the circle with Eddie on one knee and his guitar on the other
-they have WiFi thanks to richie
-richie sets up sensors on all the cabin doors on April first and the first door to be opened (bill’s) sets off speakers in all the cabins, blasting Africa by Toto at full bass and full volume
-let’s just say eddie didn’t talk to him for four days because WHY WOULD TOU DO TJAT RICHARD
-“wait bill can you have blue fire hair like hades in Hercules??” “Richie I s-swear to god”
-eddie purposely makes it sunny all the time cause he loves the way the sun shines in Rich’s hair and gives him lil freckles :,,,,)
-Ben appreciates the sun too because bev’s hair looks like fire and she gets so many freckles
-Percy stays at camp during breaks cause he knows how lonely it can get and it always helps for richie to have one more friend while most of his are gone
-he adopts richie cause he sees a little bit of himself in that little shithead (and he may use him to long-distance pester Jason with letters rigged to spew water at him as soon as he opens the envelope before pulling out a soggy piece of blue paper that says “hope you’re not missing us too much in California”)
-Annabeth ADORES Ben and Stanley, she basically adopts them as her kids cause Ben is an intelligent little softie and stan is equally intelligent (although in battle strategy rather than crafting)
-Ben loves it when annabeth visits cause he has someone to show his architectural plans to and help him revise them
-Ben gets SUPER good at architecture, so good in fact that he’s literally hired at age sixteen to help in construction in Olympus
-Hermes learned from his mistakes of neglecting his kids, and is sure as hell to visit and talk to richie and the others as often as he can, especially Richie because of his family history
-after the Athena cabin’s plan backfire, stan gets richie’s assistance in payback (he gets the Hephaestus cabin to create weapons that look exactly like the Ares cabins’, but turn into a mini metal figurine of richie doing finger guns as soon as the capture the flag buzzers go off)
-Bev has a rage in her eyes that hasn’t been seen since they defeated IT, and sweet sweet Ben has to hold her back and (try) to calm her down until bill can come in and make her pass out
-she wakes up kicking and screaming with her entire cabin giving up at blocking her from the door and parting like the Red Sea as soon as they see a red glow surrounding her
-this is the one time bill allows a third loser into his cave hiding place, as nobody knows where it is (he made richie pass out as well before taking him into the cave to protect him from the Wrath of Beverly)
-Bev finally calms down (eddie may have put that medical marijuana to use in some special tea he’s formulated)
-mike sometimes just goes and sits in the forest if he can’t sleep. He loves how it looks at night, and how many odd creatures are roaming around
-he meets Grover one night, and they instantly become great friends
-Grover figures out that one of the wood nymphs has a crush on mike, and plays match maker
-the losers notice mike going to the forest more frequently, and while walking back into camp, little patches of flowers grow in his footprints
-when they start dating, mike likes to make his girlfriend’s tree bloom, and changes the color and type of flower each time
-they’re adorable and everyone loves them
-he protects her tree with all costs, as its life is tied to hers
-mr d has definitely found richie in his underwear and a camp Jupiter shirt passed out on the steps of the big house at 6 in the morning, with Richie holding a bottle of fireball
-richie was put on pegasus shit duty for a week, and Eddie refused to rid him of his immense hangover
-somehow richie gets a cat into the camp, its the camp pet and rich always brings it into the med tent to cheer up injured and sickly kids
-the cat mainly lives there, but it goes to bill’s cabin a lot for peace and quiet
-listen,,, the cat would totally have some horrible name that richie makes up like mr noodles and mr d would be so confused as to who mr noodles could be
-Ben my sweet boy and Stanley sometimes sit with mike in the forest during the day. Mike and stan watch the birds, and Ben reads more of the books rich has smuggled in
-richie tozier makes it his goal to get as many aphrodite kids after him as possible (eddie acts like he hates it but knows his idiot would never leave him)
-literally half the Aphrodite cabin is in love with him, and the other half isn’t interested in guys
-richie gets mike to give him assortments of flowers, and brings them to Eddie in the medics tent every morning
-it’s basically like an alarm cause every day, without fail, the sun will shine a little too brightly at 8 am
If you took the time to read all this you’re a Saint and I appreciate you
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This might seem like a very weird question, but if you haven’t mentioned it before- Who are your top 5 or 10 Least favourite rogues + favourite rogues and why? Hope you don’t mind me asking
I CAN ABSOLUTELY DO THAT FRIEND.  I’m only going to do a top 5 least favorite because I like most rogues, but I will do a top 10 favorites.
Top 5 Least Favorite
5. Dollmaker-Dollmaker is creepy, and not the kind of creepy I like where it makes a compelling character.  No, he’s just creepy and uncomfortable and I don’t like it.
4. The Joker-Joker is a very compelling and interesting as a concept and if you list off his personality on paper he’s a decent character.  But he’s usually utilized poorly, and overused to the point of annoyance.
3. Professor Pyg-Nope.  No.  Nah.  No.
2. Lyle Bolton-You all know why I hate Bolton, I don’t think I need to explain that.
1. Dr. Hugo Strange-Look, you all know my problems with Strange, you all know why I hate him, I don’t want to repeat myself.
Top 10 Favorite
10. Pamela Isley-I absolutely love Ivy and how gray her morality is.  She has points but she’s going about these points the wrong way.  She complains about no one listening and then doesn’t listen herself.  Usually, I’d hate a character who is so hypocritical but her conviction really makes you grasp her side and see her anger, while acknowledging that she is still, on some level, wrong.
9. Maximillian Zeus-I find nothing more amusing than Maxie, and nothing more enjoyable.  Maxie is one of the few characters in a fictional world who grasps the gods of a pagan mythology perfectly, while also not believing in the same ideals.  Maxie is far, far kinder than Zeus in the actual mythology, but he’s still uncaring about humanity as a whole and has a superiority.  The only thing you notice is that he considers people he respects as fellow gods and legendary heroes, and that’s kinda the biggest honor he can bestow.  It’s fascinating to get into his head and look at how he sees the world.
8. Drury Walker-Look, I was introduced to Drury in probably the worst way, through The Batman where he’s just a dweeby nerd who gets special powers from a fluke.  But I love Drury in the comics.  Drury in the comics is so enjoyable.  He’s a gun for hire, ingenious, but clearly has had to build himself from nothing and doesn’t trust the establishment.  I also thoroughly enjoy that he will literally do anything for money and is so open about it he’ll literally switch sides if he’s offered more cash.  He’s not loyal to anyone but himself and has no shame in showing that off.
7. Waylon Jones-Firstly, I fucking love this crocodile man and he is beautiful fuck what anyone else says.  Secondly, Waylon has got to be the most enjoyable example of prejudice shown in an extreme light.  Usually I take issue with these “monster prejudice” stories but they did really well with Waylon in the comics.  It’s really clear from how he talks and interacts with other characters that he was not born acting like a monster, but is reacting to how he was treated.  When he realized no one would see him as anything but a monster, he gave up and became the monster.
6. Garfield Lynns-I like Garfield for many of the same reasons I like Drury.  It’s so obvious Garfield has no loyalty, that he does not care, that he is brilliant and has no shame in his skills or lack of loyalty.  I find these characters enjoyable for their sheer lack of fucks to give.  It’s so obvious characters like this have been told they won’t amount to anything and just being even moderately well known is enough for them.
5. Edward Nygma- Okay so Edward Nygma barely cracks my top 5 but he is still there so fight me.  Edward is bar none one of the most amazing shows of an intelligent, curious character who radiates charisma.  He is absolutely the most fun to watch just because of how happy he is to be doing ANYTHING.  He has so much energy and he’s so entertaining I just can’t help but crack a smile whenever I see his stupid face.
4. Mary Dahl-Mary Dahl is so enjoyable I can barely put it into words.  She just has this energy, how she switches so quickly from this dead-serious and almost furious irritation to her excitable childish nature.  She so obviously loves twisting everyone’s expectations around and scaring the shit out of people.  AND I LOVE IT.
3. Bane-Okat no joke, I wanna know if a single person exists who does not love comic Bane.  Comic Bane is intelligent, he’s strategic, he’s sarcastic, and he’s ruthless, but he acknowledges that he is not infallible, he struggles with addiction, he’s unsure of himself, he refuses to take credit for the good he does do because he doesn’t see himself as worthy of praise.  He is just a character with so much depth and nuance and just-I love this man guys, he is the actual best.
2. Lonnie Machin-Now I used to hate Lonnie but recently he’s shot up my list of favorite characters because I’ve begun heavily identifying with him.  And this isn’t because he’s perfectly relatable, he’s kinda a jerk sometimes, but there’s something about having a villain around your age who has the same problems with society that you have.  Lonnie is so adamant about fighting for people who have nothing and who are thought of as nothing and it’s so inspiring to see a kid stand up for people, and stand up for himself, and get people to notice problems with the world he lives in.  Does he pull this off?  No, not really, he’s kind of over the top with it, but his heart is in the right place and I like that.
1. Jonathan Crane-Okay, you guys have aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall heard me ramble about Jon and his character so I won’t waste your time here.  You know why I love this walking trainwreck.  He’s great, and he also needs to sleep.
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fierrochase · 7 years
my favorite moments from the lightning thief musical: a list
far from comprehensive, because it was all-around amazing :D 
also geez i meant for this to be short?? ok this is the long version and i’ll post an abridged one that’s a bit less wordy in a few
in terms of production value, it reminded me a bit of a starkid musical - there were no fancy special effects, but i liked it that way! it felt homemade almost, like they didn’t try to convince the audience that they weren’t sitting in a theatre watching a show and i appreciate that! brecht would be proud lol (sorry for the lame theatre nerd jokes)
they included blue food!! sally and percy had blue marshmallows at montauk!! on that note, percy and sally’s relationship was absolutely spot-on, it was clear from the start how much he loved her and how much she loved him :’) 
they included the “you drool when you sleep” line boy I nearly cried!! ALSO she said that to him when he was still all dazed from the minotaur attack (a guy with a paper mache head, btw haha) so later when he meets her again when luke introduces her percy saw her and shouted “YOU’RE MY DREAM GIRL! no no wait I mean the girl from my dream!” it made me laugh like a fool and it was sooooo THEM like thank jesus lord, we’ve finally got a GOOD REPRESENTATION OF THESE CHARACTERS!! 
jumping off from that: chris mccarrell as percy was INCREDIBLE. he perfectly encapsulated everything percy should be - his impulsivity, his frustrations with dyslexia/adhd/not doing well in school, his love for his mom, his friendship with grover, his disrespect for authority (i refuse to use the word “sass” in relation to percy but i mean if it was 2013 that’s how i would describe it), his confusion, his bravery, his goofiness - when he picked up his sword for capture the flag he went “COOOOOL” and started making lightsaber noises and i almost teared up a bit i kid you not because I really finally felt like I was seeing Percy up on that stage. also, the boy has some wicked pipes. 
also for reference i’ll try my best to list who all played what part because there were a lot
percy and annabeth were just themselves the whole time, and grover also played mr. d in a few scenes but the rest of the cast played all the different parts
mr. brunner/chiron also played a random aphrodite girl (he wore a wig with long blonde braids skdjhfsjdh), medusa, poseidon, and hades
sally also played silena, the oracle, echidna, and charon 
luke also played smelly gabe and ares
clarisse also played mrs. dodds, katie gardner, a squirrel (to be explained later hah), bianca (also to be explained later), and thalia (also also to be explained later) 
& i’m probably missing a few but those were the major ones! they also played generic students, tourists, etc. 
chiron was really funny, when he revealed himself to be a centaur he sort of just stood up from his wheelchair and was wearing a fake horse tail and he walked everywhere by prancing which was funny
mr. d was ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL? as mentioned he was played by the guy who played grover! he was angry and he was loud and he wore this floppy hat and pants pulled up to like his ribcage and he shouted every line and i LOVED IT. a random/unnamed half blood came in and set up a metal chair for him at his table full of paperwork and he kicked it over in rage so she set it up again and he kicked it again later and she ran away and he tried to kick his chair over a third time but it wasn’t there so he went and picked it up just to kick it over again. ALSO HE CALLED PERCY PETER JOHNSON GOD BLESS THE WRITERS!!
also i’m giving them a thumbs up for diversity!! luke and sally were both african american and grover was latino!! it was nice!!
annabeth did call percy out for assuming her dad was the god, like i think that convo was almost word for word from the book AMAZING
also her crush on luke was super obvi, she got all giggly every time he talked to her or put his arm around her shoulder aw
they sort of condensed a few events, which makes sense because most people wouldn’t sit through a 6-hour musical (i would but that’s beside the point!), so annabeth’s capture the flag strategy was to send percy into the bathroom as clarisse bait. ALSO the toilet explosion & the later tidal wave he hits ares with were done by attaching toilet paper rolls to leaf blowers and blowing them all over the stage - like i said, no fancy special effects, but it got the point across pretty well!! 
percy’s claiming happened at the bonfire after they all sang a fun song about how much it sucks to be a kid of a god (during which grover ate his marshmallow roasting stick, like it’s the little things that make this show so great!!) and for that they stood downstage and all pointed vaguely outwards and said “look! the stars are arranging themselves into a trident!” hah
ALSO mr. d’s bit about wanting to turn percy into a dolphin was in there god bless
percy wore the winged shoes the whole time instead of giving them to grover!
^that all was act 1! act 2 was the entirety of the quest which meant that a lot of the events got cut or shortened
the medusa scene was awesome, and pretty true to the books!! also they both sort of ran offstage and then percy ran back onstage with his sword and the head in his hands lol
while grover went into the back of aunty m’s to look for supplies annabeth had this amazing, utterly badass song called “wise girl” about how she’s had to fight all her life to make it, like she talked about her stepmom hating her and running away from home and stuff and it was SOOOOO GOOD like at one point she said “boys who mess up are given a second chance, but i don’t have that luxury” like DAMN GIRL TELL THEM!! also she did call him seaweed brain a few times and i was like oooooh man i’d almost forgotten my vintage percabeth feels
also yes percy did mail medusa’s head to mount olympus and did this very percy-ish little “heh heh heh i’m clever” laugh as he did 
instead of a poodle grover asked a squirrel for directions which was cute!! and yes, annabeth did yell at percy to apologize to the squirrel for offending it :D 
most of the trip west was done as a song/montage sort of thing, from post-medusa to vegas all happened in one song! so echidna and her chimera were there, but it was just her holding a dog carrier and it biting percy’s hand when he reached in and them all screaming and then it moved on!!
OK UM the part that made my day was the lotus hotel, it was like 5 seconds long because annabeth was like “wait!! in the odyssey if you sleep in a lotus bed you wake up years later!” so percy was like “that’s ridiculous! here let me ask this girl how long she’s been here” and the girl was like “my brother and I have been here since thursday!” and percy was like “see? we’re fine” and then she went “in 1939!!” and they sorta screamed and ran out lol and she charlestoned off but anyway the point is she had black braids and a little hat and i turned to my sister and whisper-shouted “THAT’S BIANCA!!!” and she was like “OMG IT IS” i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!! thank god the writers of this ACTUALLY READ THE BOOKS!! 
ares’ first scene was kinda short too, they cut the bit about going to waterland/the tunnel of love ride and just had him give them a ride to the next place, also it was suuuuper obvi foreshadowing because when he gave percy the backpack an ominous chord played lol
my other fav moment was when they were on the train to LA (they cut the zoo truck too) grover told percy the story of getting annabeth/luke/thalia to CHB and they reenacted it as he sang about it (that sounds cheesy, it was the three of them up on the top platform sort of doing it in slow motion while Grover sang) and like ngl i almost teared up a bit when thalia died
no procrustes :(( i know i’m listing thing after thing that they left out but like i understand why they did and i don’t think it suffered too badly!! like someone who hasn’t read the book would probs be a bit confused but in what they did have they were so spot-on that i really didn’t mind!
charon was reimagined as a cool beyonce-esque r&b singer, she was like “hey, y’all want a copy of my mixtape?” lol, also they sang this real fun and upbeat song welcoming to the underworld, like telling them about all the cool dead musicians they have (janis joplin, kurt cobain, and mozart all made cameos - annabeth was fangirling over mozart it was adorable!) and the trio was like “oh this is cool!!” until they realized they were about to die lol and charon started evil laughing it was great!
percy did almost get drawn into tartarus, that was cool bc a trap door opened and all this fog lit with red light started billowing out! also when annabeth was like “that’s tartarus!!” percy went “THE FISH SAUCE??” adorable
hades was great!! very sulky like, “why does everyone always think I’M the bad guy?? maybe it’s the decor” i loved it
also the lightning bolt itself was really nice-looking!! it was like described, a tube with metal caps, but it lit up really brightly as annabeth took it out from the backpack and it looked real cool!! 
instead of the pearls they escaped the underworld with a conch shell that poseidon gave percy in a dream way back after he defeated the minotaur and he did have to leave sally which is sad every time :( 
the final battle against ares was fun, that’s when percy sang his showstopper “son of poseidon” which was truly #lit. if/when they release the cast album that’s the one i’ll be playing on repeat and full blast. and he exploded the toilet paper ocean at ares and it was fun! 
poseidon showed up then to take the bolt back to zeus and chat with percy, he was in his hawaiian shirt and looking real cool! and he got sally back and after she hugged percy real tight she saw poseidon and they had a heated moment of “you’re as beautiful as ever” “you’re as charming as ever” and then percy was like “OKAY THIS IS WEIRD” truly great!!
and they did include the final chat with luke about kronos! i was wondering if they’d cut that because it’s not like they can do a series of musicals (though if they did i’d go see every one) but they had it! plus they needed to tie up the loose end of percy being betrayed by a friend! and he stabbed percy in the lower back but was disarmed by annabeth go girl!! but he didn’t take long to recover hah because he was able to sing the badass closing number about being cool demigods and saving the world!!
anyway there’s much more that i forgot to mention but just know overall that it was amazingly true to the characters and the tone/world/humor/etc. of the books and i was almost giddy for the rest of the day because it was one of the most loving, fun, entertaining, and on-point adaptations of a book i’ve seen in any form. m*vies who?? i only know the musical!!
feel free to send me asks if you want to know more about a particular scene!!
jesus lord this was long!! like i said, short version forthcoming!
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