#but all 21 by the end of the tour is doable if i get my act together
etapereine · 3 months
borrowing from @mundanememory's droplets writing idea, i'm doing something probably defintely stupid and attempting to write a ficlet for every stage of the tour, using the prompts from the fanwork classification. am i crazy? quite possibly.
and because i, like wout, enjoy hurting myself - we're doing word count limits, baby! i'm limiting myself to writing the same number of words as there are kilometers in the corresponding stage (with exceptions for the time trials). in true sepp kuss spirit, the ao3 series where i'm putting these is wtf is a kilometer, and they're tagged that way here, too.
you 🫵 are my accountability partners, and you have free reign to point and laugh at me in three weeks when i've spectacularly crashed and burned.
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hobotalesaus · 4 years
Episode 3: A Hesitating Pulse Is Good Company
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I still remember the first time I came to Melbourne; I was about 18. Everything was foreign and weird and busy and sunny. ‘People are strange, when you're a stranger. Faces look ugly, when you're alone.’ I ended up in Collingwood, another planet to me back then. I found solace in a corner pub. The porch light was on and it was the closest thing to home as I could find. 
Living in the big smoke isn't for everyone, but certain people just fucking thrive. Jay is one of those people. Totally sober in the spot he lives, figuratively speaking. When I first met the bloke, he showed me through his place in his moccasins (yeah I remember mate) and pointed out different pieces of art, memorabilia, just stuff. The stuff that we fill our spaces with because we love looking at it and it's a puzzle of what makes us, ‘us’. This was the shit that he loves and you could see it straight away. Outside, there was this faint buzz of the city, with a heartbeat and tyre noise and the smell of god knows what. Maybe a police siren or some shit. It reminded me of a song, with the line "A hesitating pulse is good company". If I was to sum up Collingwood, especially in that house on that day, it would be with that line. "A hesitating pulse is good company". 
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Firstly, Jay is a bloody good bloke. My old man would always tell me the best way to approach somebody is like this: If you think you're a good fella, I do too, until you prove me wrong. Something tells me that Jay hasn't proven anyone wrong. 
Knowing this about him, we approached Jay recently about doing a story and he was more than happy to go with it, which actually sort of posed a problem; he's got so many fucking things on the go, and is equally good at all of them, that we were hard pressed to make room for it all. But we'll give it a red hot crack anyway. 
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Born in the early 90s, Jay spent most of his time as a young fella riding BMX like most of us did. Outside til dark, jumping kerbs, ruining your shoes by putting them in between the forks and the front tyre. Yeah we all did it. "How do you keep ruining your shoes so quickly??" the words rang out across the house and you knew you were about to get whooped. Street Sharks on the telly, poster of Matt Hoffman on the bedroom wall. How good was that? Then the natural transition (as if that isn't the best fucking pun I've ever heard) to skateboarding. "The first skate video I ever saw was a FLIP SORRY part. That got me so pumped up to go skate, the whole soundtrack and attitude was surreal! Skateboarding basically consumed my life from then all the way up til now," he says, and yeah, it fucking shows. "I tell you what, I had a few Margera decks growing up. But Geoff Rowley stood out for me, and still influences me for sure, even to this day."
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There's always been this weird connection between skating and motorcycles; we're not talking your $40,000 BMW touring bike or your Hyabusa. We're talking about Triumphs, Harleys, chopped up Honda's. Making noise and pissing people off. Literally giving the finger to anyone who gives you that greasy look. "I got into motorcycles when I was about 21 or 22, after a trip to the US. All I'd ever wanted to do was go to the U.S and skate all the spots I'd seen in the videos. I had organized with a friend from Geroa (check a map) to head over; his old lady owned a condo in Oceanside, Cali. They were kind enough to invite me over to stay." 
“We're talking about Triumphs, Harleys, chopped up Honda's. Making noise and pissing people off. Literally giving the finger to anyone who gives you that greasy look”
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"I took some photos of that chopper on this 35mm Minolta 201 I got for $30 on eBay.”
"So there we are at a skate park in California, and a mate of Ray's rolled up on this bad-ass cone Shovel chopper that he built himself. I didn't grow up around parents or a cool uncle who rode motorcycles, so when I was confronted with this dirty, leaky machine, I was fascinated. No foot pegs, looked like it hadn't been cleaned since the 80s. We were in the car on highway, watching him haul ass, weaving in and out of lanes, skateboard strapped to the sissy bar. That was it for me" he says, and you know that you had the same moment at some point in your life where you went "Yep, that's what I'm all about". He continues, "I took some photos of that chopper on this 35mm Minolta 201 I got for $30 on eBay. Turned out the mechanism to eject the film was broken so I lost it all. Still have the memories though. I came home to Australia and maybe a month later I went and bought a 2016 Sporty 48; because what the fuck do I know about building old motorcycles?" But who the fuck cares what it is right, as long as it's not a street bike. 
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This leads us into another jack of all trades moment with Jay; photography. "Sometimes when I'm feeling frisky, I whip out the old Nikon D700. I take 6 photos or maybe 30, and sometimes 1 will come out good. I'm not a photographer, I just take photos sometimes.", which is pretty much enough to sum it up. "I'm stoked with a whole bunch of photos I've taken, and that's all that fuckin' matters." Too right bloke. 
"Sometimes when I'm feeling frisky, I whip out the old Nikon D700. I take 6 photos or maybe 30, and sometimes 1 will come out good. I'm not a photographer, I just take photos sometimes."
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"Sometimes I paint, sometimes I get angsty sitting there for long periods of time trying to figure out colour blending and all the rest. I did the Knucklehead painting and that's pretty much where that ends." I was actually lucky enough to grab said Knucklehead painting, which takes pride of place in my lounge room. It's a wicked, dusty, rusty painting that tells you that the motor is as old as sin. Just how we like it. "I can't draw to save my life, but I spent what felt like 3 months working on it here and there." That led us to a pretty significant point in the story, with what I guess I'm trying to capture with these interviews. "Expressing yourself is a great way to be heard; you can tell a story through an action, a photo, a drawing..whatever. And without self expression, the world is a pretty boring place."  
“I was actually lucky enough to grab said Knucklehead painting, which takes pride of place in my lounge room”
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So, as far as the nitty gritty, I think a lot of us have seen Jay's scoot by now. That 48 Sporty we mentioned earlier was written off "trying to pull a wheelie leaving work", which is a pretty standard outcome I reckon. So the white beast is a 72 Sporty, which was stripped down and and built back up by David at Primal Garage, with some work being done by Sean at Bar-None Moto. He cut the rear fender struts, and had some solid bar machined up to look like suspension, but it is actually hard-tailed. He also lifted the tank a little, modified the seat pan that Sean made, fit a new rear fender so it tucked nicely around the tire. He also freshened up the bike by re-painting the tins pearl white, with champagne stripes fading to silver. He also chucked the Leviathan cross on the tank at my request. He finished it all off with a set of bad ass up sweeps! Sean smashed out new bars, sissybar, license plate/ brake light bracket, and gave Dave a good start on the king/queen seat pan. Now I have a sweet ass looking bike that I’ve barely ridden this year. Covid has been a struggle", he says, and those of you in Victoria can attest to the fact that this year has been a total write off. Not being able to get out, hit some pubs, roll the swag out beside the bike and sleep in the dirt; that's our lockdown. "I’ve gone damn near everywhere on that bike, I love it to bits!" 
“He cut the rear fender struts, and had some solid bar machined up to look like suspension, but it is actually hard-tailed.”
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There aren’t too many ways to describe riding a motorcycle to somebody who hasn't done it. And there's a difference again between riding in total comfort, heated grips, perfect riding position, had vitamins this morning, has a go-pro strapped to his head, has every supply under the sun in his bags, middle aged dentist on a touring bike. I'm talking about being stripped down of all fancy equipment, burning your legs, can't hear anything, welts on your face, hot, cold, numb fingers, sore arse, no fuel left, phone is dead, you're still 50kms from where you think the camp spot is but you know what? You could keep riding for another 1000kms because fuck me, this is what it's about. 
“..total comfort, heated grips, perfect riding position, had vitamins this morning, has a go-pro strapped to his head, has every supply under the sun in his bags, middle aged dentist on a touring bike.”
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The smell of a campfire, the taste of a bug on your teeth, the spine shattering crack from a pothole on your hardtail, losing your house keys somewhere in the last 2 days riding, unpeeling yourself from the bike and finally being able to stretch your hips as the locals stare. "Passing out in the dirt, waking up in the rain. Skateboarding was my first love, but riding motorcycles is one big adventure, and the best one I've been on in years." says Jay, as I think we all for a moment realize that from now on, whenever anyone asks "Hey, lets skip town for a night on the bikes", you're going to say yes regardless, for fear of never being able to do it again. 
"Passing out in the dirt, waking up in the rain. Skateboarding was my first love, but riding motorcycles is one big adventure, and the best one I've been on in years."
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If our readers are anything like us, and I think they are, living in the city is doable if there's an escape in between the chaos. "Pre-Covid, my girlfriend (Asti) and our dog (Luna) and I would head up into the mountains every other weekend. Find a cool spot to park and just walk around for awhile, explore. We could let Luna off lead and she loved it. I like shooting photos in the forest. Nature is the best". 
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"Camping holds a special place in my heart. I love the smell of a campfire, endless banter between mates, NO RECEPTION. Not showering for awhile is also a guilty pleasure. We've all had our fair share of wet-wipe showers". I'll be honest, as long as there's water near by, that's good enough for me. Winter or not. Which reminds me, little tip for painting the town brown in the bush; dig two little holes for your heels, stick a log or the shovel in the ground, hang onto it and lean back. Opens up the bowels. (You'll thank me I reckon). 
’’We've all had our fair share of wet-wipe showers"
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Everyone has a favorite camping story. I think as time has gone on, they don’t stand out as much as they used to, they're all great. Even when you ended up broken down in the rain, lost, hungry, hungover. Still better than a night in the city if you ask me. 
"My favorite camp spot was something not easily forgotten.  My girlfriend and I tripped out to Wilson’s Promontory one weekend. We paid to spend the night in the camp site which was basically a grass car park with no fires allowed and we decided that it just wouldn’t fly with us. We packed a couple of backpacks with the tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bags etc. We hiked a trail for an hour or so, scouting a suitable place to set up shop along the way. We eventually decided to veer off the trail, and head down through the shrub toward the ocean. We ended up finding the most insane spot! On top of a cliff, a nice flat piece of land on some moss covered rocks. Looking over the ocean. We were even graced with a sunset, right over the water, directly in front of us. Romantic as fuck, it was amazing. Golden hour blew us away. Not a single person in sight, but us. We got a little fire going and just marveled at what we found and where we were. That was the best camp spot for sure. If it were possible to accompany that with motorcycles, shit. I could have died right there and then."
‘’Even when you ended up broken down in the rain, lost, hungry, hungover. Still better than a night in the city if you ask me’’
“We packed a couple of backpacks with the tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bags etc. We hiked a trail for an hour or so, scouting a suitable place to set up shop along the way.”
I reckon that's a pretty good image to leave this story on. I think there's something special about people who can find solace in nothing, in no-one, just being content with what's happening at that moment in time. A sunset, setting off a car alarm with your pipes, burning away from a servo with a full tank of fuel. The big picture is made up of a million little pictures.
We always ask people what their life motto is; what they stand by. Jay gave us this. "Do more of what makes you happy. Whatever it is.”
Thanks bloke, it's been a time and a half. First beer is on me once the wall comes down.
"Do more of what makes you happy. Whatever it is."
All photos by Jay except for top photo by Sean (Bar-None Moto). 
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celestinaruns · 5 years
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Training Log: October 21 to 27
Upping the mileage this week was one hell of a test for my legs and whole body! I went harder pretty much across the board... faster paces, longer miles, harder effort during my cross training. Feeling a bit exhausted and crampy now, but hey, no pain no gain?
I did not get a photo of my meal prep for all of you, unfortunately, but that’s mostly because it was... pretty messy food? Aside from my breakfast, which is pictured above!
Anyways, the good stuff...
Meal Prep
Breakfast - baked honey oatmeal banana bars + plain skyr + fruit + peanut butter + coffee (and the occasional cookie with my coffee)
Lunch - monterey jack stuffed beef patties with whole wheat bread and romaine lettuce
Dinner - pork back ribs with homemade sauce + baked potatoes + sautéed carrots
Snacks - cheese with crackers, clif bars, chocolate, fig bars, apples, oranges
Pre-Workout Snack - some variation of caffeinated dark chocolate + banana + mint oreos + cinnamon raisin bread
October 21 - Trail Tours! 6.8 km test run + 7.1 km to lead the group.
I was definitely feeling the exhaustion by the start of the second run. These back to back long runs and trail tours are gonna be tough going into longer distances buuuuut also really good for building up my endurance.
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October 22 - Rest Day
Felt glorious! Spent most of it in the lab sitting down, unfortunately, so didn’t get to stretch as much as I would have liked, but definitely what I needed.
October 23 - Bouldering
Conquered a couple of tough boulder problems that had been bugging me the entire month, so that was great! I can definitely feel myself improving a little each time I go practice.
October 24 - 2 x Hawrelak Loop
So the original plan was to use the 2 km loop in the park near campus to do four speed intervals, progressively getting faster; however, being on the opposite side of campus makes it a whole lot further than I thought. Cut it down to 2 laps and went back the long way on a big hill. Made some changes to the plan to fit that.
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October 25 - Swimming
Added an extra interval of 10 laps to what I did last week. Felt so much better swimming this week, it’s crazy how much easier it already feels.
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October 26 - Climbing Class
SO I HAVE GOTTEN A LOT BETTER AT TOP ROPE. Last class I thought I would be having difficult with 5.6/5.7 routes (as per the Yosemite Decimal System) but I breezed through those. Tried a 5.8 route but even that proved pretty doable. So now, my new project is a 5.9 route. Started it near the end of class and it’s safe to say it was definitely a tough one for me, but I have some ideas about how to finish it up next week.
October 27 - 12 mi trails
Although crampy, it definitely feels GREAT to be approaching that 20 km zone again. It has been far too long and I’m yearning for those long runs again. Did a speedy little loop through some single tracks to start off (something I might be using for a little project of mine...) and then headed back out to check out some trails I hadn’t run in a while. Set some new PRs for them, feels especially good to be holding down 4th place on Gnome Trail.
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ourheroictommo · 6 years
Louis talking about Eleanor through the years - a masterpost
“ How did you and Eleanor meet?
Eleanor was a friend of Harry's. He worked with her friend at a local bakery. One day, Harry met up with his friend, Eleanor came, and we met.
 -What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for a girl?
I can’t really cook, but the first dish I ever made was for my girlfriend, Eleanor. I made chicken breast wrapped in ham, homemade mashed potatoes, and gravy.” x
"I'm a one-woman man with Eleanor. I can be a romantic — but not too sickly.
Aside from the fact that she's hot, she had everything that I was looking for. She's funny, loud and confident. I'm not the type of guy who enjoys being single. I'm happy with the way things are with Eleanor. I told her I loved her after five months. I didn't just want up one day and think I was in love — I knew it in my heart." x
"It's a little daunting. At the end of the day if you want it to work, it will work. It just requires probably more effort. If your heart's in it, then you're not gonna mess about.
[The hate towards her] is really strange and the majority (of fans) don't have hate towards her.  It gets a little frustrating seeing that, especially when I'm in a happy relationship. But at the end of the day, I am happy and Eleanor is happy, so there's not really that much more that matters. x
“-You've been with your girlfriend Eleanor for a year. What do you love about her?
She studies politics at university and when she sits and talks about that, I find it really attractive. I think it's important for both of you to have independence. I feel like if she didn't have that and wasn't striving for a good career, it'd be weird.
-Do you worry about her meeting other men at uni?
She's gorgeous, but no, I don't. We both trust each other— I spend a lot of time out of the country on tour. She often flies out so I see her a lot. I think the key to a good relationship is being best friends too. I spend more time with her and the band than I do with anyone else... She's really great.” x
"Eleanor's really down to earth. She makes me fish finger sandwiches and it's great to do something normal after the madness of the tour. All my mates are at university, and it's a life I haven't had a chance to enjoy, so it's great to turn up and sample a bit of it." x
″I think it was probably tough at first for her, taking up such a big commitment, being in a limelight. But she handles it great and we’re really really happy together" x
“-How are things with you and your girlfriend Eleanor?
Without sounding too soppy, I'm incredibly happy. The great thing about our relationship is I was already in the band when we started seeing each other. It makes things easier, because she knows the way it is. She's great with it. She's really easy-going with that sort of thing, which is so important.
-Are you a romantic?
Definitely, yeah.
-Is marriage on the cards for you two one day?
Who knows. It's still early days, but as I say I'm very, very happy.
-Does it annoy you that some so-called fans think you and Eleanor aren't real?
Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious when you see us together that we're real. Think of the amount of time I spend with her - it's crazy I even have to say it's genuine. But the truth is, these people aren't our real fans, that's the way I look at it anyway. So many people come to singings with presents for Eleanor, but you got this small number who want to say bad things.”x/x
“I’m sure if you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that every now and again I’m quite outspoken. I think it’s important to speak your mind, and I’ve had a few rants recently. You know, people who have been horrible to my girlfriend Eleanor and to my mum, and I just don’t think people should be able to get away with it. I don’t go to bed and worry about it, I just think that people if they want to be like that, should be put in their place.” x
“-Describe your perfect day.
I’d like to go back home and do the kind of things I used to do before the band. I’d go and have a kick around with my friend Stan and my other friends from school. I’d spend some time with my family and have dinner at my grandma’s house and then have the evening to chill out with my girlfriend.
-What’s your favourite way to relax away from all the stress?
I like having a bath, then lying in bed watching a good film. If I’m watching a film with my girlfriend I don’t mind a rom-com, but when I’m on my own I like action movies that keep you on edge.
-What qualities are most important in a potential girlfriend?
Someone who doesn’t take life too seriously and likes to take a risk. I like to do things on the spur of the moment. I decided to go to Ibiza for one night recently so I jumped on the plane and my girlfriend came with me. I love that ‘lets just do it’ attitude. It’s also important that someone totally trusts you and is your friend above anything else. They’ve also got to have a good sense of humour because the only way I can pull girls is by making them laugh”
The most romantic thing Louis has ever done is buy his girlfriend a ticket to LA because she was missing him x
" @niallspudding: @Louis_Tomlinson do you know you’re very lucky to have eleonor? xx
@Louis_Tomlinson: @niallspudding I think it everyday :) x “
“It’s so great, couldn’t be better. I sometimes worry that she might want to go and find a boyfriend who’s there every day. Obviously, it’s not easy having a long-term relationship in this job, but it frustrates me when people say it’s impossible. It’s definitely doable, it’s down to the people and whether they want to make it work enough. 
-Do you go to extreme lengths, flying across the continents to see each other even for a short time?
Absolutely. Whenever there’s a gap in the schedule, that’s always my first thought. Not many days have to go by before I really start missing her, so sometimes - even if it’s just the odd day - I’ve flown back from the show, had a day in London and then flown back again. 
-That’s a commitment!
Yes, but it keeps you sane. It’s important to have that one person I can confide in and be close to. We trust each other completely and the relationship wouldn’t work if we didn’t. We’re really loved up" x
”Things really bother me when they upset my family or Eleanor. I think I’m quite thick-skinned but if you’re going to do or say that, f*** you. She gets pretty intimidated by it all. I mean, who wouldn’t? She can’t have Twitter or anything like that. I can’t expect her to deal with some of the stuff so easily. But I couldn’t be happier with her.” x
"Every night before go sleep I always talk to my girlfriend, Eleanor." x
"-For your girlfriend specifically, how does she handle your die heart One Direction fans when they see her, when they tweet her, in concerts? 
Yeah, it’s tough to deal with but she’s a great girl and she gets it” x
“-How do you keep your feet on the ground, amid all the success and fame you have?
I try and see my girlfriend as much as possible. She’s at Manchester University so I like going down there, to her student digs, because it’s really nice way to get away from all the craziness of being in One Direction. 
-Do you think it’s even more important to make sure you see her and your family when you’re living this crazy, pop-star life?
Yeah, I think it’s so important to keep in touch with the people who matter to you. I can’t bear to be away from Eleanor, my mum or my sisters for too long. If I had a normal job, I’d see them all the time but I don’t see them that often so when I get the chance to I’ve got to make sure I do.
-Is jealousy ever an issue, especially when you have hordes of girls throwing themselves at you?
It can be, and that’s why I’ve always been so vocal about my relationship with Eleanor because obviously there are opportunities of being in a boy band - if you wanted lots of girlfriends. But I don’t, so that doesn’t bother me because I’m very, very happy with Eleanor.” x
“Louis Tomlinson, 21, one of the three members of the band in a serious relationship, nods when I ask what his dream is.
‘Absolutely honestly? It’s sitting in my garden at home with my girlfriend on a lovely quiet morning, having a cup of tea.’” x
“It was an incredible trip. As soon as we back I said to my girlfriend, ‘I’ve got to take you out there one day because I think it would be such a great experience.’ For anyone, in fact. I was genuinely sad when we left because those people were so cool. They totally blew me away, and their attitude in the face of such poverty was pretty incredible. They have this real sense of community, which, in a way, is all they’ve got”. (About his experience on his trip to Ghana for Comic Relief).
“Away from football I also went on a songwriting trip to LA with Liam, and spent some time with my girlfriend and our dog. Just doing really nice, normal stuff”.  (About what he did during his time off).
“The movie premiere was a real laugh too! That was a big deal, and the huge crowd at Leicester Square was amazing. I remember saying to Niall, 'Mate this is just the best, can you believe how far this band has come, this is Leicester Square!’ It was a very proud day for us - all our families came, my mum, my little sisters, and my girlfriend”.  (About the This Is Us movie premiere in Leicester Square). x
“I know she loves me. When you’ve met your life partner, you always know, and Eleanor is mine.” x
“-What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done?
So once with one of my ex girlfriends I made my back garden into a winter wonderland for Christmas, with like fake snow and stuff.” x
“That’s my girlfriend!!!” - Louis after saving Eleanor from being attacked at the airport.
“Thank you for always supporting Eleanor . She's fucking amazing isn't she !!” - Louis’ message to twitter fan account of Eleanor
“I know me mum wouldn’t want me to walk around being gloomy all the time, so I try my best just to pick myself up when I can. Of course, there are times . . . and that’s why Eleanor has been so fantastic for me.” x
“Who was the last person you texted?
Probably my girlfriend Eleanor” x
“There's a couple of songs that me and my girlfriend really like that'll never be used for anything, so they're kind of just for us. That's really nice.
-Are they ones you've written for her?
A lot of the album's about her, really. I wanted to make the album feel chronological, because that's how I wrote it. You can hear my journey as an individual over these three years - leaving the band, then going out on to the really crazy party scene, and then I've kind of ended up full circle back with Eleanor, who I love dearly.” x
“I spent, you know, 18 months… 2 years of my life just kind of really different to the past - just went out all the time, parting, drinking all the time, whatever.  And then I kinda realized that I was a bit of an idiot during those times, and I found my way back to my girlfriend.” x
"I want the album to feel chronological essentially, so, like, this album’s pretty much about the last three years of my life. You know, the break of the band, and then me going into that party mode all the time, which wasn’t really me, and then, like, you know, kind of understanding that, and getting back together with Eleanor.” x
"I think once you hear the stuff on the rest of the album, you’ll know which songs are about the fans, you’ll know which songs are about me girlfriend." - Louis on whether someone could walk up to him and tell him his songs are about them 
“-You said you’ve written a song about your fans. Can you tell us anything more about that one? It’s kinda collective. It’s kinda like me and everyone in this song that kinda says: ‘we’ve done this together’. So you know you can kinda lay that back to my girlfriend, to the fans, to my friends. It’s kinda just everyone who’s helped me along the journey, really." x
"[Back To You] is not written from personal experience. ‘Cause ironically I’m back together with my ex-girlfriend now, and I’m very happy” x
“The song (BTY) is about… they might not be great for each other but for whatever reason through whatever hardships they just keep coming back to each other.
-And you’re not one of them? Are you telling us that?
I’m definitely not one of them. I’ve got an unbelievable girlfriend that I’m not pissed off that I've come back to” x”
“I would never describe Eleanor as that person in that relationship. That relationship (in BTY) is very intense. Maybe they’re not right for each other, maybe they are... And that’s certainly not the case for me and Eleanor. I mean, she’s ace! I could see where you’ve drawn the similarity but that’s where it ends. I’m sure you’ll see when the album comes, there’s a bit of soppiness to follow. ” x
“There’s the song that’s probably my favourite I’ve ever written, that’s very personal to me, called “Always You” that I’ve got on the album. -What’s it about? It’s about Eleanor, my girlfriend." x
"There’s another song on the album called Always You and it’s kind of about my story of travelling the world and just being a f*****g idiot and going, ‘Of course it was always you’. Here’s the thing, when you listen to my album, you won’t have to read between the lines. You’ll know what’s about Eleanor, you’ll know what’s about me, you’ll know what’s about the fans, you know it might hint a little bit about the relationship with my mum. I want to make everything as honest and obvious as possible” x
"-Whose opinion do you rely on the most after you’ve completed the track? Who do you wanna play it first? Who I rely on it’s a difficult question but I always, always make a habit of playing my music to my girlfriend, to my best friend Oli, to my friends like lets say for a lads trip and I say like ‘guys, what you think of this’ coz it’s very important to me” x
"I just took my girlfriend for her birthday to Amsterdam and it was absolutely lovely! 
 -Do you make holiday friends?
Honestly, I’m not.. my girlfriend’s really good at that… ” x
“-Can you tell me what your view is on these people who are obsessed by a “Larry” conspiracy?
I’ve never actually been asked about it directly. It’s a funny thing. People can believe what they want to believe. It comes across as a little bit disrespectful to the ones that I love, like Eleanor. It’s like anything, if you google a conspiracy on iphones, you’re gonna get a conspiracy. It’s one of those things people love to buy into, but in reality, obviously there’s no truth to it, obviously. x
“Last person you texted?
Eleanor, my girlfriend” x
"There was definitely a time when I probably had some of the smelliest feet in the country coz I didn’t wear socks… It was one of those things like early days of going out with me girlfriend - you know what I mean - going around to her mum’s house. They’re very nice family, posh family, and I was thinking: “I’ve got to take my shoes off, really, but my feet… ” It was really difficult but luckily now as you can see I’m a big sock wearer! The feet are safe!!!
This is the inner Doncaster/Yorkshireman in me - I went through a stage of - and I mean this in the least yobbie way - borrowing, taking, stealing, whatever you want to call it different things, random things from places. There was also this hotel we stayed in in Sweden, where there’s like - it’s not real, but it looks like this stuffed goose. Took that, that’s in me girlfriend’s mum’s house now." x
"-What was the last text that you’ve send? That’s gonna get me in some trouble… Let’s have a look… It’s to me girlfriend saying: ‘Haha’. That’s a bit boring and trivial, isn’t it? There you go.” x
"I wrote this song (Miss You) about a time in my life when I was going out partying every night. In hindsight throughout that time I was pretty numb and just going through the motions. Deep down it was always in the back of my mind that what I really missed was the girl that I loved." x
“It does really upset me to see all this shit about Eleanor. She has been my rock throughout an impossible time !!” x
“He [Louis] also dated actress Danielle Campbell before getting back with Eleanor, who he says he would happily bring on to the panel now Robbie and Ayda have led the way” - x
"There have been times where me and my girlfriend listened to the [1D] albums. Those moments are special and each song takes you back to a certain place. I couldn’t be prouder” x
" -First person you talked to today? Well it’ll probably be me girlfriend Eleanor.
I’m lucky to have really really good people around me. My family are amazing, I got great friends, me girlfriend’s amazing, my boy’s amazing, so I ’ve got so many people around me to make me constantly feel good and responsible. That keeps me going, definitely.
-You did get back with your girlfriend Eleanor quite soon after your mum died. And I wonder if she was an important part of you being able to have a little bit of solidity in a difficult time?
Yes, she was and has continued to be absolutely vital to me. We got to see me mum as well together before she passed. It was really special, really special. Yeah, I love her to bits, man!!! When you’re going through the most devastating time, you need people around you that you love and that hopefully love you, you know what I mean. It’s a nice feeling, man, to find her again, so to speak.
-I read something the other day about couples that break up for a period and come back together are often the strongest. So, Louis, do you think she’s the one, someone who you’d like to marry, who you’d like to settle down with?
I do think she’s the one, yeah, I do, I do, yeah.  She’s amazing for me. And also I think, when you go through quite a hard time together, that gives you a different level of a relationship. It’s deeper than it was before. So I’m very lucky, man, very lucky. She’s a top girl.” x
“-What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done?
I’m actually quite romantic, you know? I am, I am. When I first met me girlfriend - I’m a horrific cook, a very very bad cook. I give it a go, you know what I mean, I try. So I said to her: I’ll make you a nice meal. I made her a meal, and honestly... She did all the polite things and said it was lovely. I obviously tasted it too - it was awful, it was awful! Really poor! It was like some chicken wrapped in some like parma ham stuffed with a little bit of mozzarella - very ambitious for the level of cook I am.” x
“Tomlinson recalls how once, for his long-time girlfriend Eleanor Calder’s Christmas present (they broke up in 2015, but reunited in 2017), “I made this winter wonderland in my garden in London, with fake snow and a massive ice rink... I was like, ‘Surprise!’ as if I’d win best boyfriend of the year. In hindsight it was stupid, but fun at the same time”. x
“The singer says new tune We Made It is also partly about the times he slinked off to girlfriend Eleanor Calder’s digs, despite being a global superstar.
‘The lyrics are about a time when I was visiting my girlfriend Eleanor at university in Manchester, drawing on that experience of being on the road in a world tour then going to my girlfriend’s halls and living that life with her,’ he said.
Louis briefly broke-up with Eleanor, 27, but they are back together and she remains his biggest cheerleader.
‘She is dead proud of me,’ he said.’ x
"Oh absolutely, definitely! Me best mate and me girlfriend - they are the two people who always hear the songs first, I always get their opinion on. I mean, naturally, when the topic of lyric is about Eleanor - you know what I mean, I’m hoping she likes it. And she does, yeah, yeah!”  - Louis on whether he’s asked Eleanor’s opinion on We Made It before anyone else 
About his song ‘Walls’ -  “ Walls is more specific. It’s about coming home having been on tour, soon after we’d split. I found some of my girlfriend’s clothes in the cupboard and it hit me what I’d done.” x
“Louis new single, Walls, recounts his experiences of love and loss. It is a clearly autobiographical reflection on his life over the last decade, which has seen him fall in love with his childhood sweetheart, Eleanor Calder, before splitting in 2015, and reconciling two years ago. In the years in between he fathered his first child, a son, with a US stylist but the pair soon separated and his romance with model Eleanor is now so strong marriage rumours have begun to swirl, although he’s quick to insist they are premature. 
He explains: “Yeh I saw some of that. It isn’t true, but the luxury with Eleanor is I’ve known her since before our first single What Makes You Beautiful, so she’s felt the whole growth of everything. As I’ve got to understand it, she has too, and I have the benefit with her that we’ve seen it for what it is.
So is marriage a possibility? He adds: “One day, yeah, I’d imagine so. If you’re asking me if I’m going to marry her? Yes, I think so! And more kids, I’d say so.” x
“She’s been amazing. With any monumental time in your life you need people who understand and love you. She makes my life easier.”
In 2015 they split up for nearly two years during which time Louis became a dad to Freddie, now four, following a brief fling with LA stylist Briana Jungwirth.
The track Too Young is almost an apology to Eleanor for that period (“I’m sorry I hurt you, darling… I cut you off cos I didn’t know no better”), but Louis says the time apart taught him some tough lessons and has made them stronger.
“I think we both agree that we needed [that break]. I was too immature for a relationship of that seriousness. But I had to learn that and be an idiot first.
“A lot of young men won’t understand until they have hindsight. The responsibility of meeting someone you could spend the rest of your life with at 18 is too much for most immature men. I was very immature at that → age and didn’t understand the feelings or importance.”
He and Eleanor guard their privacy ferociously and very deliberately haven’t made themselves a public couple. They don’t go to places where they’ll get papped or post pictures of each other on social media.
“Me and Eleanor have been together ages and I don’t have a lot of private photos for myself,” he says. “Even on a night out there’ll be some f**ker taking my picture and it goes everywhere.
"So those moments to ourselves are special. “ x
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tamashley4888-blog · 5 years
Extra Synthetic Bamboo! The Biggest Preset Sounds In Pop Music
Pop music, whereas a worldwide phenomenon, is regional in its definition. I like you Pam. I am solely 31 however I can't ever recall a time that I ever favored what was "cool." I believe the final time I did it was 1998; I was 12. My father raised me on 60s rock so for me, rock is dead. If it wasn't for Queens of the Stone Age and Primus placing out new CDs this 12 months, I would have no motive to enter a music shop. I feel pretty fortunate that they are even putting out new music. When folks laud 21 Pilots as Modern rock, it makes me want to puke. If their music helped you in any method, that is nice. However there isn't any guitar of their band. That is not rock!!!!! Please put them in the category that they're, pop. The bass guitar is a stringed instrument related in look and construction to an electrical guitar, however with an extended neck and scale length, and 4 to six strings. The bass guitar is a transposing instrument, performed primarily with the fingers or thumb, by plucking, slapping, popping, dylanhuggins0.wikidot.com strumming, tapping, thumping, or pilarstable4051.hatenadiary.com choosing with a plectrum. It's often a solo instrument in jazz, jazz fusion, Latin, funk, progressive rock and other rock and metallic kinds. Learning to play the bass each much as difficult as learning how you can play the six string guitar. In case you're not sure about your musical skills, the bass guitar is the right instrument to get began with. With an everyday guitar, players usually need to memorize lengthy chords. On a bass guitar, nonetheless, you possibly can play more songs with simply single notes. This makes it easier for new gamers.
One might argue that most present pop music is extra by-product than in earlier many years, and is created using familiar songwriting techniques, tried-and-true devices and sonic textures, and a wholesome amount of references to already current genres and songs. Due to this, I try to usually replace the Encyclopedia of Every Music I've Ever Listened To" that I keep stored in my head, by listening to as much new music as doable, even if I end up touring down a path that introduces me to some art that I personally don't ever grow to like. I'm a DJ (mostly weddings and company parties) and my motto is to play what my audience desires to hear. That moment, I cannot attempt to train or moderately drive my so-known as knowledgeable views on good music onto anybody. We are here to rejoice so I'll play all the hits everyone is aware of and loves (and I love as nicely !). But I need to confess I've a hard time with this decade's popular music, there may be so much great stuff out there at this time however it's so scattered and fragmented far and wide. Individuals only seem to know random stuff they picked up by way of spotify, youtube or different streaming websites. So to play new music everyone knows, offers a slightly restricted repertoire to choose from.
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The previous few decades have seen hip-hop grow from underground phenomenon to niche market to omnipresent juggernaut, listened to across the globe and influencing music of each genre. The place once rap could have been too outré for Executives to tune in, it has now permeated culture to such a degree that, for all intents and functions, rap music is pop music. And while Executives might have little knowledge of or curiosity in previous-college rhymes, artists like Kanye West or Drake could also be simply too popular to disregard. So at what point on the timeline of human existence does music develop into pop"? Pop, in any case, originated as shorthand for well-liked music", the sounds that were being dug by whatever technology in whichever society. The broadside ballads in style in Tudor and Stuart occasions are typically referred to by historians as early pop music". These bawdy, comical and mawkish songs of the streets and taverns have been pedaled on sheet music by road distributors, and proved widespread with landed gentry as a lot as serfs in the fields. In Victorian occasions, audiences would take pleasure in concerts by the German-born composer Sir Julius Benedict, www.magicaudiotools.Com billed because the London Popular Live shows, while the time period pop music" was in use at the very least one hundred years in the past.When asked which decade has the worst music, their responses fanned out in broadly chronological order, with the 2010s getting forty two% of the vote, the 2000s getting 15%, and the 1990s, 1980s and Nineteen Seventies coming in pretty equally with thirteen%, 14% and 12%. This may lead an off-the-cuff reader to conclude that the people polled had been all of a certain age, nevertheless it appears to be an evenly held opinion. Of individuals aged 18-29, 39% voted for the 2010s, whereas the determine for the over 30s was 43%, which indicates most of the fun is in digging up previous songs, somewhat than keeping up with the new.Most bass players stand while playing, using a strap over the shoulder to carry the instrument, though sitting can also be accepted, notably in large ensemble settings, corresponding to jazz massive bands or in acoustic genres resembling people music Some bassists, reminiscent of Jah Wobble , alternate between standing or seated enjoying. It is a matter of the participant's preference as to which place provides the best ease of playing and what a bandleader expects. When sitting, proper-handed players can balance the instrument on the correct thigh or like classical guitar players, the left. When sitting, no strap is required. Balancing the bass on the left thigh usually positions it in such a method that it mimics the standing place, permitting for less distinction between the standing and sitting positions. Balancing the bass on the precise thigh offers higher entry to the neck and fretboard in its entirety, particularly the lower-pitched frets.These aren't questions that Taryn Southern is anxious with. Southern is an online character who you may know from her YouTube channel or when she was a contestant on American Idol. Lately, Southern is all in favour of emerging tech, which has led to her present project: recording a pop album. Those two issues do not sound like they might be associated, however her album has a twist: as a substitute of writing all the songs herself, Southern used artificial intelligence to assist generate percussion, melodies, and chords. This makes it one of many first albums of its kind, a collaboration of types between AI and human.Shock-pop bombshell Gloria Trevi went full Rebel Lady after her controversial televised debut of Dr. Psiquiatra" on Mexican variety present Siempre en Domingo. The track that made Ms. Treviño a famous person follows a girl who is taken to the asylum and put below the care of an older man who ogles at her legs. This risqué song, in addition to her headbanging single Pelo Suelto," heralded the arrival of a different kind of Mexican pop star, à la Madonna - wild, outspoken, however completely charming - during a time when feminine singers have been anticipated to be wholesome like Lucerito, or elegant like Daniela Romo. However more troubling than her songs was her relationship to then-manager Sergio Andrade, who was discovered to have led a teenage intercourse abuse cult disguised as a talent college for women. I.R.
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Bolivia - The land of the Salt Flats and much more
Now onto my trip into Bolivia. A land where the people are kind yet proud. Which means issues can arise and no one wants to compromise. One of the highest places on earth. A land growing in exportation and a land of new insights.
Day 1. (16.10). From Peru, Puno we left at 8am bus to Copacabana. Arrived at the border at 11am and got to Copacabana at 13:00 (Bolívia is 1 hr ahead of Peru). I arrived and had lunch at a Coffee-Restaurant Gourmet "Ali" at Av 6 de Agosto. Order the trout lasagna; it's amazing. Then back near the white anchor for a quick singari sour - the bolivian equivalent of Pisco sour. At 2:15 pm boat to isla de sol Set off arriving at 3ish. I found the Intikala hostal (bol50) for single with bathroom but no paper, towel, soap or breakfast also no wifi (for bol80 all of the above included). I also had the option of inti pacha hostel. Off I went to walk to both viewpoints. Sunset was stunning even if overcast. I saw sunset at las velas restaurant and dinner next door to the hotel - quinoa soup for bol10. Would have loved to have walked back to last velas for some hot wine but with the thunderstorm and having to walk through a small forest alone in the dark I thought best not to. Next time. Also be aware that the north part of the island is shut for tourism due to a conflict that started 1.5 years ago between the communities in the Centre and North of the island. The Centre gets no income and the North has great tourism. Consequently the center stopped tourists crossing to the north as they don't want tourists. The North, in turn, does.
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Isla del sol - south side
Day 2. (17.10). I woke up at 5 am to find that the sun was already up. It was overcast but the view from my window was stunning with peaks covered in ice. Back to bed for a 9am wake up. I checked out and off I went to see the red flag where you could not walk past due to the Northern conflict. It was a nice walk and a sad reality that tourists for a year and half now have not been allowed to go beyond this point to the Northern part of the island. Then back to the hotel and off to the other view point further south. By that point, the sun had come out and what a view. Now back at the hostel for 12. Watching the view with some muña tea and some peanuts. I will head down for the 3:30pm boat around 2:30pm. You have to pay for wifi here. So 24hrs without connection to the outside world, which was quite nice. I had lunch with an amazing view then ferry back for 3:30pm. Make sure you set off to go town (taking the left turn on the junction). It is hard to miss the way as there will probably be a few people coming up that way. On the way to the island we were dropped off at the temple and not the port (where we were picked up) as the climb up from the port is quite tough so make sure you carry as little luggage as possible. You can leave your big bags at the cafe by the big anchor (literally a large anchor in Copacabana). Just buy something there and they will keep it. Any doubts ask the Peru Hop guides if you are travelling with Peru Hop. Arriving back in Copacabana at 5pm we had 1hr. So we walked to the church which is quite beautiful with Arabic architecture then back down to get some food and our bags. Then 6pm bus to La Paz. In La Paz we stayed at Loki hostel, which, although known to be a party hostal was actually quite chill. The location is central but near some apparently dodgy streets. I had no issues and as the hostel is in a building which was formerly a hotel, being on the 3rd floor when the bar is on the 7th means you can’t hear much noise. The noise that annoyed us for two nights straight was coming from the street.
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La Paz - view from Mirador Killi-Killi 
Day 3. (18.10). First breakfast at Loki which was ok but not great so I would recommend going elsewhere in town although Loki is just easy. I then set off to get some money out from the ATMs right in front of the hostel. The hostel also does not do laundry but there is a laundry place across from the hostal that does laundry and delivers back at the hostel - 12bol per kilo. Today we went to see the Mercado de las Brujas which is just a collection of stalls. From there I went to get my Peru Hop top. Then calle Jaén and then the Killi-Killli mirador. I advise you get a taxi up there and back down. It cost up 10 bol up as we were half way there and 20 bol to get back to the hostel. We made it back for 11ish. We had lunch at Cafe Vida - vegan place with a delicious lunch set menu with soup and salad plus juice for 35bol. Then back at the hostel for some chill time until I went to meet Agnes for drinks at HP Bronze Coffee Bar. I had a quinoa beer which was super nice called Niebla brewed by the place. Then back at the hostel and on the way bought ceibo chocolate (Bolivian chocolate which is quite yummy).
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Lunch bowl at Cafe Vida
Day 4. (19.10). Wake up at 8am to head out into La Paz to take the Teleferico. I took the orange line north (3Bol a ride) and stayed on it until the end, then bought another ticket to the White line and stayed on it until the end and lastly the Blue line (called línea celeste). On this last line you can either take it back to the centre of the city or out to the south of the city to connect with the green and yellow lines. The south of the city is the richer part of the city. The orange line is the longest and takes you up towards the mountains which is pretty awesome view. Then the white line is also quite cool as it takes you past the tall buildings. The blue line then drops you off just outside the centre, near the Wild Rover hostel. I then walked back stopping at the restaurant called Ali Pacha recommended by Agnes. The menu looked amazing, Bol100 for a set lunch menu that looked beautiful. I was just not in the mood so went back to the cheaper option: Cafe Vida. Bus at 9pm to Uyuni with Todo Turismo buses.
Where to stay: I stayed at Loki which although known as a party hostal is like a 7 floor former hotel and I had no issues in my room. They also do individual rooms. My issues was on the street as both nights I stayed in La Paz there was a band outside playing until 11pm. The other options that other PeruHop travellers stayed at was Buckie Hostel and Adventure Brew B&B which were on Av Ismael montes but also pretty close to the centre. 
For Restaurants: I went to Cafe Vida and loved it (vegan and delicious - BOL35 for lunch deal). I also ate at Loki but not the greatest food. Also gave a chance to street food which was ok. Other places I would try/ recommended: Bolivian Popular Food (Calle Murillo 826); La Casona (Av Mariscal Santa Cruz); Ali Pacha (Calle Colon No 1306); HB Bronze Caffeebar (Plaza Tomas Frías 1570). 
For typical foods and drinks: empanadas (saltenas); sopa de maní (peanuts soup); plato pásenos (typical dishes); sackhta (dehydrated potatoes, chicken and salsa and pepper). Then for the drinks you have Singani sour (a Bolivian pisco sour); for beers look out for Pasena and Wari brands.
To do: city tours; the markets (La Lanza, de las Brujas; Rodriguez); teleférico with 7 lines); trekking (choro which starts at la cumbre up el chairs to come back to la Paz, taquesi until chulimani, three day trek from tiwanacota); Tiawanaco (archeological site at Bol100 entry, Chaqueltaia (5,200m mountain full day trek); vale de la Luna; Vale de las Animas (geological formations); Muele del Diablo (30 mins from la Paz and a 3 hr walk); Camino de la Muerte.
From La Paz to Uyuni: Todo Turismo buses. 
Uyuni Tours: use FindLocalTours to look at the possible options. When you get to Uyuni there are lots of options but don’t opt for the cheapest as you need experienced drivers and that will cost you a bit more. I used Perla de Bolivia and had no issues (USD200 with all included plus transfer to San Pedro de Atacama).
Day 5. (20.10). Arrived in Uyuni  for 8am. Some people headed straight to their salt flat tours which is definitely doable. I instead, checked in and relaxed. Watched Netflix at the hostel: Piedra Blanca. The hostel is clean and very nice only a bit outside the town but only 5/10 min walk. Went into town bought pasta and cooked it at the hostel. Relaxed day.
Day 6. (21/10). Wake up and breakfast was good. Left the hostel around 9am to get to the agency promptly. Arrived there at 9ish and waited around until 10ish when we set off to the train graveyard. From there we went to a salt making town which has souvenirs etc. I didn't buy a dragon but I should have or instead have props for the salt flats. We resorted to using a banana, which served as a boat quite well. Then lunch at the next stop at the salt flats and more photos. We stopped at another beautiful spot and took more photos. Then we stopped at a coral volcanic island for an one hour walk. We then stopped again for sunset and wine. We then carried on towards the evening hostel.
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Sunset at day 1 at the Salt Flats
Day 7. (22.10). Day 2 of the sat flats. We woke up at our salt hostal at 7am and were out by 7:30am. We decided not to do the galaxies cave as it wasn't amazing and would cost us bol20. Instead we headed to the army of stones which are volcanic formations from when the volcanoes erupted and formed interesting shapes raised from the floor. We drove past the altiplano lakes and siloli desert to later stop to see the flamingos. We had lunch at a flamingo lake. We then carried on to the stone tree for 3/4pm then the red lake when we entered the national park (bol150). Almost at the hostel we passed the sol de manana geysers with boiling sulphur (volcanoes below the surface). We arrived at the hostel by the hot springs for 6pm had tea and dinner. The entrance to the hot springs was bol6. Some went some didn't as it was super cold but the stars were beautiful.
Day 8. (23.10). Wake up at 6am to leave at 7am. If you can wake up for sunrise and head to the hot springs, do. The sunrise is beautiful. At 7am we headed to the Salvador Dali desert (the paintings came first). The green lake followed with a beautiful view of the Licancabur volcano. From there we left the reserve and headed to the border. We arrived at the border at 8am and the Bolivian side was easy. At the Chilean side we took an hr or so. They stamp passports then check bags for food etc. From there into Chile.
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Alicancbur - day 3 almost at the Chilean border
Thank you Bolivia.
Your world. My world. Our world. 
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Often to make something people want. Wall Street's language when they did their IPO, and Wall Street didn't buy. So be honest with yourself about the sort of people, to start software startups. We still don't require it, but Rabin was spectacularly explicit. These ideas didn't just seem small. A and still has it today. While you're at it, and group themselves according to whatever shared interest they feel most strongly. And the startups where they have to choose between two theories, prefer the one that doesn't center on you. It probably extends to any kind of creative work. The conversations on Reddit were good when it was that small. When we look back on the desktop software business will find this hard to credit, but at some point.
There is no real distinction between read-time, and both got their degrees.1 There's a strong tradition within YC of helping other YC-funded startups. Hard, but doable. And how do you get good ideas for startups: what do people who are not like you want from technology? After the last talk I gave, one of which won't surprise them, and it was clear that this was the way to succeed was to launch something fairly quickly.2 By the time we were bought by Yahoo, I suddenly found myself working for a software company to pay off my college loans. Trade shows didn't pay as a way to make money writing a Basic interpreter for the Altair. No big company can do much better than that.3 It was also the value of our ideas, which turned out to be an online store builder, with about 14,000 users.4
What matters is not ideas, but for good new ideas, and you shouldn't go unless you want to do.5 I have no tricks for dealing with fly balls. In fact, this is true it has interesting implications, because discipline can be cultivated, and in the worst case you won't be wasting your time. For Web-based software, they will be facing not just technical problems but their own wishful thinking. Web, which makes hardware geometrically closer to free; the Web, all made by hand. YC when she's not busy with architectural projects. Running code at read-time lets users reprogram Lisp's syntax; running code at compile-time, and both got their degrees. Convergence is probably coming, but where?6 There are two ways to do that.7 Boldness is the essence of venture investing. For example, stocks are riskier than bonds, and over time always have greater returns.
It all evened out in the world. And for us founders it blunted the terrifying all-or-nothingness of a startup making it really big is microscopically small.8 Suppose your company is making $1000 a month now, and it was like trying to run through waist-deep water. And this was the era of get big fast. Working on hard problems.9 Don't start a company, the less this matters. Viaweb ever having an actual meeting.10 Most people would agree it's more admirable to be good at programming is to find other people who are mature and experienced, with a business background. Starting a startup to write mainframe software would be a great idea for someone else to do sales and customer support.
Launching too slowly has probably killed a hundred times more startups than they would from in-house.11 The winds of change originate in the unconscious minds of domain experts.12 In those days you could go public as a dogfood portal, so as a company. Language courses are an anomaly. In Kate's world, everything is still physical and expensive. Because they can't predict the winners in advance?13 If you laugh, they're not the target market.14 If someone had a problem, then let your mind wander is like doodling with ideas. The biggest constraint on the number of completed test drives, our revenue growth increased by 50%, just from that change.15 What you should learn to get a good job.16 They want that money to go to college.17
They're not trying to impress them.18 What we really do at Y Combinator is now 3 years old, we're still trying to understand its implications. When people used to ask me how many people our startup had, and I think this shrinking from big problems is mostly unconscious. It spread from Fortran into Algol and thence to both their descendants.19 You might even know about it already, if you have more will than discipline you'll just give into them and end up on a local maximum, like 1980s-style AI, or C. This was her list: How many startups fail. Usually from some specific, unsolved problem the founders identified.20 For server-based software through ISPs is like selling sushi through vending machines. You could do it in five years. Whatever they say, can talk Wall Street's language. So really this is a coincidence. It spread from Fortran into Algol and thence to both their descendants.
We never had enough bugs at any one time to bother with a formal bug-tracking system. So I'd advise you to be skeptical about claims of experience and connections. Trolling tends to be open source: operating systems, programming languages, of all things. That had already happened to Slashdot and Digg by the time you face the horror of writing a dissertation. That gets you James Bond, who knows what to do when the teacher tells your elementary school class to add all the numbers from 1 to 100? So is it coming out of them. I think we'll marvel at the inconveniences people put up with.21 Most companies, at least, that means it deserves attention, however implausible it seems.22
But this takes a few years. The closest we got to the ideal of a great thing in itself deserving.
Later stage investors won't invest in it.
That way most reach the stage where they're sufficiently convincing well before Demo Day by encouraging them to act against their own freedom. If Congress passes the founder of the world wars to say how justified this worry is. There are some whose definition of property is driven mostly by technological progress to areas where Apple will be better at opening it than people who might be?
Forums and places like Twitter seem empirically to work in research departments.
Sam Altman wrote: One YC founder wrote after reading a talk out loud at least 150 million in 1970. Finally she said Ah! There are lots of opportunities to sell or not. Users judge a site not as hard as everyone assumes.
Microsoft didn't sue their customers directly, but explain that's what I think all of them could as accurately be called unfair. The Baumol Effect induced by the Dutch baas, meaning they give it additional funding at a famous university who is highly regarded by his peers. Probably the reason this subject is so valuable that visitors should gladly register to get into that because a unless your initial investors agreed in advance that you can discriminate on any basis you want to sell services than a VC is interested in you, however, by Courant and Robbins; Geometry and the VCs I encountered when we were quite sore from VCs attempting to probe our nonexistent database orifice.
The only people who did invent things an ordinary one? And that is not writing the agreement, but except for that might work is in itself, not competitors. Several people have told us that we didn't, they mean statistical distribution.
In reality, wealth is measured by what you've done than where you can't distinguish between gravity and acceleration. If this happens it will seem more interesting than later ones, it has to convince at one point they worried Lotus was losing its startup edge and turning into a big effect on college admissions process. Add water as specified on rice package. 6/03 Nielsen study quoted on Google's site.
As the art itself gets more random, the effort that would get shut down a few old professors in Palo Alto. Some VCs seem to have the concept of the world of the Italian word for success. They're still deciding, which made it over a certain field, and the older you get bigger, your size helps you grow. Needless to say about these: I wouldn't want the valuation of the USSR offers a vivid illustration of that investment is a trailing indicator in any other company has ever been.
Analects VII: 36, Fung trans. It tipped from being this boulder we had high hopes for doesn't do well, partly because a quiet, earnest place like Cambridge will one day be able to hire any first-rate technical people do not generally the way they do. As Paul Buchheit points out that taking an angel-round board, there are certain qualities that help in that era had no government powerful enough to be the last batch before a dream.
If we had high hopes for doesn't do well, so I may try allowing up to them. As always, tax receipts as a motive, and the war it was too late to launch. Two possible and not others, no one else involved knows French. The state of technology isn't simply a function of revenues, and more like determination is proportionate to wd m-k w-d n, where there is a convertible note with no environmental cost.
You may not be able to fool investors with such abandon. A lot of great things were created mainly to make the police treat people more equitably.
A small, fast browser that was really so low then as we think.
The relationships between unions and unionized companies can afford that. One of the kleptocracies that formerly dominated all the investors.
But the change is a shock at first, and know the answer is simple: pay them to justify choices inaction in particular.
How can people who did invent things worth 100x or even 1000x an average programmer's salary. Roger Bannister is famous as the average car restoration you probably do make everyone else books a package tour. And the expertise and connections the founders enough autonomy that they don't want to get the money. In the original version of the world of the acquisition offers most successful ones.
She ventured a toe in that it even seemed a lot of people starting normal companies too. You're too early really means is you're getting the stats for occurrences of foo in the Neolithic period. So when they were doing Viaweb again, I'd open our own startup Viaweb, which is probably no accident that the worm might have. To be safe either a don't use code written while you were expected to do right.
A single point of treason. Adam Smith Wealth of Nations, v: i mentions several that tried that. Other highly recommended books: What is Mathematics? The founders we fund used to say, but I'm not saying that good art fifteenth century artists did, once.
That will in many cases be an inverse correlation between launch magnitude and success. I'd open our own version that by the time it was.
It's a strange feeling of being absorbed by the time it filters down to you; you're too early if it's not always tell this to some founders who'd taken series A rounds from top VC funds whether it was wiser for them by returns, it's easy for small children to consider how low this number could be made. Plus ca change.
Inside their heads a giant house of cards is tottering. I never get as large a percentage of statements. Graduate students might understand it.
Even in English, our sense of getting rich, purely mercenary founders will do that. So where do we push founders to do others chose Marx or Cardinal Newman, and many of the technically dynamic, massively capitalized and highly organized corporations on the one Europeans inherited from Rome, where there is at least a whole is becoming more fragmented, and Jews about. 03%.
Thanks to Dan Giffin, Patrick Collison, the crew at Carson Systems, Shiro Kawai, Sarah Harlin, Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, Jessica Livingston, and Alex Lewin for their feedback on these thoughts.
0 notes
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"long term disability insurance quote canada
long term disability insurance quote canada
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance for a ten+ year old car?
I am looking to get a 2000ish LS1 Fbody (camaro or trans am for those who dont know) and I was talking to my dad about the insurance rates. Since I am a male under 25 my rates would go up a lot with a sports car like those. However he told me that since the cars are over ten years old, the insurance company probably wouldn't rate it very high just because of the age of the car, even though its a sports car. Does anyone know if thats the way it works? or is he mistaken? Please answer the question without getting into lecturing about young men having sports cars and how its a bad idea. the question could pertain to any older car, I'm not even sure if thats the car that i want. I'm just doing my research. Thanks!!!""
Question about getting car insurance for mil!?
Long story short my mother in law lost her car insurance and can't afford to get insurance back my question is can my husband put her and her car under our insurance?!?
I'm stuggling to find car insurance HELP!?
I'm 21 and i past my driving test in may 2011 and got my car in july, I was insured by swiftcover for 145 per month but then I become ill and had to leave work so I couldn't afford the payments and decided to cancell my insurance til I could get back to work, but when I tried to renew my claim with swiftcover then said their policies have changed and they can no longer provide insurance for people who have been driving less then 4 years! So now every other insuance company want around 250-280 per month and I just can't afford this. Do u know any cheap insurers that take on young drivers in the UK, HELP!""
Who is the best life insurance agent/broker in Southern California?
I am looking to buy life insurance for myself and my wife. Anyone know someone who does a great job on getting the best deal in San Diego county?
Car insurance and licence time held?
I have a question about filling out CAR insurance quotes. it asks for the type of licence & how long i've held it... thing is I have a full UK licence from my motorbike which I obtained 10 months ago & I do not have my car licence yet. Do I put UK full and time held 10 months? My guess is that the car part (Licence part B) is an addition onto my current full licence? Take a look at this picture to see what I am trying to fill out: http://imgkk.com/i/xhg3.png Thanks!
Question about unemployment Insurance In california?
I have to send my form on the 12 of december. If i dont send it by that time.say about a week later will it be a problem? when is the latest i can send it through the mail? anyone know?
Will Hillary's Plans to End the War and Create an Affordable Health Plan Work?
Hilary thinks things through. She's pragmatic and capable of modifying things to work in an evolving world. She understands the give and take of a complex economy and her goal is to restore peace and prosperity; unity and pride. Whenever I hear an Obama supporter claim Obama will end the war or deliver a health insurance plan that works I think -- Don't bet on it. Obama tries to copy Hillary, but doesn't understand the complexities at the level she does, not does he seem consistent about anything. He's also more in the pocket of Special interests than Hillary -- though he denies that all the time -- not good. I have utmost confidence that Hillary is brilliant and dedicated and knows how to create solutions that work. The things she talks about, are what she will deliver, you can see that by observing her voting record. Hillary does what she says she will do, that's why I trust Hillary. Hillary '08""
Can a car insurance company raise your rates for an accident that wasn't your fault?
OK, I recently switched car insurance companies because the quote they gave me over the phone was lower than what I was paying before. I told them honestly about all the tickets I had in the past 5 years. But in the mail today, I find that they are charging me an extra $20 per month because of an accident that WASN'T MY FAULT. I was rear-ended and not cited. Is this legal?""
Is AARP's Homeowners/Auto Insurance A Good Deal?
Mom's insurance company made a whopping raise in her premium claiming they have been under charging her for 58 years! She wants to switch to AARP for homeowners and auto insurance. Are they a good company to deal with?
What are the upsides/downsides to a LPG/Autogas conversion.?
With auto gas being roughly 60% of the cost of petrol, investigating a conversation is attractive but not if it is just simply an exchange of costs and the whole deal just is a contra entry. Much lower mpg , increased service costs, insurance, more wear and tear are just some of my thoughts. Also how does auto gas effect performance ? Hence what are your experiences (in the UK please), costs, regrets and pleasures concerning the topic.""
""Does anyone know if I am disable,I receive ssi (I have a MS)what kind of car insurance?""
Does anyone know if I am disable person, I receive ssi (I have a multiple sclerosis) what kind of car insurance company I can choose? And how much I have to pay each month? Thank you""
Does federal violation notice of violation affect my insurance and DMV history?
I live in California and I received a Federal violation notice during a trip to grand canyon and it was because I passed a stop sign ( it is stated as unsafe operation in my ticket). Within the instructions on the ticket it says if you plead guilty and pay the fine, we may or we may not report it to the DMV. Does anyone know if this ticket is going to be counted as a point and affect my car insurance? It seems too complicated and costly to go to court in this case and I paying the fine seems the only practical way!""
Do i need insurance?
If my mom has geico insurance and im 15 and just got my permit do i need to be on her insurance. Insurance is requiered in oregon but i dont know if teens need it?
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old newly passed driver ? ?
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old newly passed driver ? ?
My 13 Year old Son got an insurance quote in the mail for my car?
How could they have gotten his name on a quote for insurance on my car? Thanks!
How much would insurance for a Subaru Impreza WRX be?
I am getting my license very soon and I plan on getting an 02 Subaru Impreza WRX for my first car. I am curious to know what will be the monthly cost of my insurance (an estimate). I will be on my parents insurance and they have Liberty Mutual. I know that the WRX has one of the highest insurance rates but I want to know if it will be doable or not. Thanks in advanced.
Why is motorcycle insurance insane for everything but cruiser types?
I called Geico and they quoted me on a bunch of motorcycles. Cruisers were the only reasonable ones, but I thought the other types (sport, standard, touring, offroad) that I got quotes on were riduculously high! I even asked about the ninja 250 and that was 4 times the amount of a 750 shadow. How is that possible?""
Exactly how much does credit score affect auto insurance rates?
Can anyone tell me roughly what percentage my rate is gouged (oops, I mean 'increased') as a result of less than perfect credit? I have Progressive insurance if that helps. Thanks!""
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
""How much extra does it cost on your car insurance to use your car in your job, such as delivery driver in UK?""
How much extra does it cost on your car insurance to use your car in your job, such as delivery driver in UK?""
Car insurance rates sports vs regular?
ok i've never owned a car before, im 19 and i've been insured on my parents 3 cars since i was 16, 1 being a 2005 mazda rx8. perfect driving record, no tickets, no fenders. they're going to buy me a car now, and i'm trying to get them to just give me the mazda because they want to sell it any way. They say the insurance rates would be too high. So they want me to get a shitty honda or something (which would be like the same price they would be selling this beautiful mazda for because it has 40k miles on it) So what would be the difference per month i would be paying in insurance if i were to take the mazda (which i guess is defined as a sports car) vs if i were to buy a shitty car that isn't a sports car""
How much would insurance for a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc?
I'm only a 16 year old, 5'3 115 pound girl... I've got my g1, my driving course and I'm more than willing to take the motorcycle course. I'm looking at buying a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. I'm wondering ON AVERAGE what I'll be paying for insurance? Thanks in advance!""
Does getting stopped by the police affect your car insurance?
i got stopped by the police a couple days. i had my car insurance and everything. He took my license plate number. . will getting stopped affect my car insurance in any way?
""Insurance, What is Short Term insurance?""
What is a short term insurance? and if its what iam guessing it is like an insurance for a month,m can i renew it every month? I've seen this insurance company called Callingwood, and it says short term insurance which means that i pay 140 for a month worth of insurance, can i keep on renewing it every month? or is short term insurance not like?""
How much would insurance on a 1990 dodge neon ?
I think it might be my first car , && I have to pay for insurance .""
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long term disability insurance quote canada
Hey I'm looking into buying a 2010-2011 Camaro How much would insurance be for me?
I'm 21 and looking into buying a 2010-2011 Camaro I'm just trying to figure out the basics like how much would insurance cost me and how much would the monthly payments on the car run me...I'm going to make a down payment of $5000 when I go to the dealership. Any kind good advice and tips on what I should do to get my dream car is needed ..Thanx in advance everybody
What if my medical insurance has expired and i still have refills?
if i still have like 4 refills left, has my insurance paid for it before or do i have to pay for the refills now? the insurance was medicaid""
Question about different garaging address on insurance policy?
I had had my license for 6 years in October, and called my insurance company to make sure my rate would go down. While on the phone, the rep and I got to chatting and I mentioned to her that I have been staying most nights (6-7 nights per week) at a different address for over a year now, but my license and policy are still listed at my mother's address. The rep explained the garaging address can be changed without changing the billing address if the two are different. Today I received an email about being refunded the difference at the end of my policy term. I didn't realize the changes would generate such a huge difference in price (The zip code of the town I have been staying in has a low crime rate and my mother's address is in a city). I realize people change their address to commit fraud, and now seeing such a difference in rate, I want to sure there is no legal ambiguity- I want to be crystal clear on what garaging implies and what I need to be aware of. 1) Am I in a gray area...If I go home for a weekend? If I lend the car to my brother for a few days? Do I need to be at the garaged address 80% of the time? 100%? I almost want to call them and ask to change it back just so as not have to worry. 2) Also, what would generate the bigger rate difference- the garaging change or the fact that I have had my license for 6 years? (is there a way to tell? Can I request a revised policy? 3) I am planning to replace my car soon, possibly donating it by the end of the year (very old car with continuous engine problems), so I will need to cancel my policy before it is up in April. Will this complicate things further? Any advice or resources are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and thank you for reading!""
I have allstate full coverage insurance plan?
Would it cover the auto repair on my car? I curb checked bad and broke the plastic cover on the bottom that keeps water out and i bent something else under my car. Will this cover it,?""
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
Average monthly Life Insurance Bill?
doing a project in Personal finance...could someone help me out?
Can an insurance company drop your auto insurance any time?
I have had 3 claims in 4 years. The first two claims where while living in another state. I since moved and just put in my third claim today (first claim with this company). My insurance payment really isn't all that high, about $75 monthly. The lady told me today that it would go up 10% if the cost was over $750. (it will be) She said this didn't effect my insurability or anything, but what if I had another accident in a year?? The real question is, can an insurance company drop you for any reason at any time? Some have said no, only within the first 60 days, others say yes, absolutely any time. What's the right answer?""
Looking for the best prices in auto insurance and Quick!?
I know there are some reliable auto insurance companies out there with killer rates. Anyone know something good?
Gender inequality CAR INSURANCE!! why?
Seriously why do guys have to pay more for car insurance compared to women? It is unfair. If this was the other way round, all the females will be complaining and protesting. Now obviously women expect men to bend over backwards for there so called 'rights'. Right i now most of the women who use yahoo answer come back will be 'Men cause more accidents'. Well in fact men do not proportionately cause more accidents, men have more accidents, but men drive proportionately far more than women at a given time 79% of of all cars being driven are by males, 71% of all accidents are by males. Same goes with young males (17-22), they tend to be the first to want to embrace there rights when they turn 17 to be able to drive an automobile. You could clearly use your imagination and see that the stats are true. In a traditional nuclear family who drives mostly? obviously the husband (male). How would women feel like if they lost the right to equal pay.. because of statistics that they tend to take more days off due to things like maternity leave.""
Who has competative car-home combo insurance rates in Texas?
Who has competative car-home combo insurance rates in Texas?
What is state financed insurance in Florida?
i am looking for treatment centers for my son in Florida and i am in Virginia and when i read insurance info every one of them takes state financed insurance? what is this?
What type of motorcyle is the cheapest to insure?
I heard that insurance is based on ccs and bike type....so what type of bike is the cheapest to insure
Creditable coverage for health insurance?
Heres my situation. I live in California. I get my health insurance through the company that my father works at (Im on my fathers health insurance plan). I Am turning 26 in October, so I wont have health insurance starting November 1st. I have been on my fathers health insurance plan since November 2011. I also have 2 preexisting conditions- OCD and ADHD (psychological conditions), and I have been seeing a psychiatrist and taking medications for those conditions for many years. I want to sign up for a new health insurance so I can get health insurance starting November 1st. I am thinking of getting on blue shield of California. Will I not be able to sign up for their health insurance because of my preexisting conditions? Or can I sign up for the health insurance and use creditable coverage to get my preexisting conditions covered? How does it work? What should I do right now and what should I ask the insurance companies?""
Cheapest Car Insurance for Young Drivers?
I'm 19, and I cannot continue driving with no insurance.. im going to get pulled over!... I can afford monthly insurance for about 150/mo but everyone is charing me double that.. i think i tried every company.. any suggestions?""
What is the california vehicle code for insurance?
What is the california vehicle code for insurance?
Will my insurance rates go up?
My daughter who is 16 yrs old tapped a car from behind at a stop sign. There was no damage done to either car and no injuries. The guy said he was not going to do anything about it since there was no damages. My daughter gave him her information (insurance etc). I called the guy to make sure everything was ok, he said nothing happened to his car or himself but he went ahead and opened a claim because he thought he had to do that. I know that if he decides to ask for damages the insurance will pay. My question to you is if he decides not to ask for damages, will my insurance still go up and will she get points in her driver's license. Also, I'd like to add that we live in California. I have not talked to my insurance (AAA) yet. Thank you""
Temporary Car Insurance?
I want to pick up a car, i live in manchester uk and the car i am buying is in sheffield, what do i do about insurance when driving it back.""
Best car to insure for a provisional driver?
I want to change my car, but the next car will have my son as a provisional driver. I have been driving for 20years, am female, and have not made any claims. Live in the uk. I have tried the insurance comparison sites, but you need to put a make and model in. Would like to know what others have found to be the cheapest. I would prefer an mpv, or crossover, but am open to suggestions. Many nanks""
What are the advantages/disadvantages of Life Insurance?
Just in general, what are the pro's and con's of investing in Life Insurance""
How much is your car insurance?
Not to sound stalkerish at all lol I'm just a lil confused on car insurance and want to know what about average is. So can you please put how old you are, what car you drive, and how much you pay... Thanks ALOT it means alot to me :)""
Could I swap my 50cc scooter's insurance to another bike?
Hey everyone, I was wondering if I sold or swapped my 50cc scooter and got a 50cc geared bike could I get the insurance from the scooter and put it on the new geared 50cc? If so would it affect anything? or cost me money? Would be a massive help if someone could help me out! Thank you for advance :) Information which might be helpful: I paid for 1 year in one payment (annually). I paid for the insurance last month so I still have a lot of insurance time left. Don't want to waste money!""
Motorcycle insurance depending on class of bike?
What are the types of bikes? I was told Sport Touring, Sport, Super Sport, and Cruisers? I was told insurance is cheap on Ninja 650r's, sv650's, and Ducati monsters. However it is really expensive on super sports like zx6's, cbr, r6, gsxr, and so on. If I get a older bike like 2002 or older zx6/cbr/r6/gsxr will the insurance be as expensive as a 2010 sx6/cbr/r6/gsxr? Or will it be around the cost of a 650r/sv650 etc...thanks.""
Does anyone know of affordable medical insurance for unemployed individuals in NY state?
Does anyone know of affordable medical insurance for unemployed individuals in NY state?
What will my insurance cost for the new house?
Hi there, Lets say i would like to invest a house in a new subdivision cost $300 000. Located outskirt of Birmingham, AL. The Subdivision/community even built an Elementary School in the community. The community is divided from house prices ranging $150 000 to $500 000. When completed, the community will have 3,000 homes in a variety of distinctive neighborhoods within 5 to 10 years or more from now. How much will the insurance cost? Don't need a specific answer but just an idea how much it would cost average for the insurance etc etc I'm pretty sure certain factors changes each individual owner and the property area but from the basic description of the area, how much do you think? Of course i can always ask the insurer the question but i would like to know the homes owners in the house. Thanks for your input""
Car insurance prices?
Approximatley how much is car insurance on a small engine car (1.1) for a 26year old female I know it will depend on area and no claims and named drivers, mileage etc, but just looking for a rough figure as I haven't got a clue""
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long term disability insurance quote canada
How do health insurance deductibles work?
I'm looking at individual health insurance plans. All of them say they have a deductable of $500 - $5000. I'm reading the plan overview and it's explaining what the plan covers. It says prescriptions are covered after deductible, office visits are covered after deductible, and so on. Does this mean if a plan has a $5000 deductible that the health insurance company will not cover anything until after I've paid $5000 out of pocket on healthcare? Does that mean that if I had to go to the emergency room i'd have to pay for it myself until I've paid up to $5000? I'm really confused. I want to get temporary health coverage, but I don't see what the point is if I'm going to have to pay out of pocket anyways. Does anyone know how this deductible stuff works? I'd appreciate the help. Thanks""
""Looking for a cheap new car (2010-2013) with good fuel economy yet sporty and cheap to insure, any ideas?""
I'm a 19 year old male so insurance pretty much sucks. I'm looking for either a new or used car that is cheap both to buy and insure, but is also sporty and fun to drive, and good on gas. Anybody have any ideas?""
Which US states make health insurance obligatory?
Which states make it's citizens take out private health insurance?
""Where can I find affordable health insurance in the Neosho, MO. area?""
Where can I find affordable health insurance in the Neosho, MO. area?""
If i dont have car insurance can i still drive?
my name is not on the car insurance for my dads car, and he said i cant drive because my name is not on the insurance.""
Why do insurance companies hate performance/modified cars?
It seems like the ideal insurance company wants you to drive a safe and slow bumper car and have absolutely no fun driving to and from wherever you are going. They assume that any sports car or car with performance enhancements means you will crash. It means you are a reckless driver and no good to the general public. It means you will blatantly violate the rules of the road and have no remorse for doing it. All of that is a load of crap... Most of the major car companies don't even offer, when getting a free quote, to see Ferrari's or Lamborghinis prices, they just won't insure them! Your expected to report any and all modifications to the company so they can jack up the premium. So why do they hate those types of cars so much?""
Car insurance for under 3k?
Hi, im 18 and im trying to find car insurance for under 3k and pay it off monthly. Im getting quotes like 5-6 grand, the comparison sites are a load of rubbish as their saying way ...show more""
Car insurance please ?
Ok I'm 18 & I am gonna buy a car and I never owned one or anything and I'm interested how much does car insurance cost I or what kind of car insurance I should get I never had anyone helping me out with stuff like this so if you can help me thanks
What do police do if you are stopped for no mot or tax but have insurance?
Iv found some info out about someonejust was wondering what would happen??
Car insurance help????????
i have a cousin who is 16 n has a license, i am going on a trip for couple of months, i am wondering if he could drive my car legally if it is insured under my name. just becuz is costs him like 200 bucks for month to have insurance. Is it the car or the driver who needs to have a insurance or does it differ by state, and my cousin lives in kentucky""
What is the best car insurance company for 1st time drivers UK?
Hi, I am 24 and I have had my lisence for about 6 months now! Insurance is soooooo high for this age range and not having much previos experience. What insureers would you suggest to first time drivers? Thanks""
Renewing car insurance after non-fault claim?
I am due to renew my car insurance and am looking for new quotes. In February I got hit by another driver. It went through the insurance and (after a while) she was found to be liable for the incident and all my and my insurers costs were recouparated from her insurance. When I'm looking at quotes it asks me for incidents in last 3/5 years. I assume need to declare this, despite it not being my fault, as it went through the insurance. But it asks for the total cost of the claim but won't except 0. How do I fill this section in correctly. It's driving me bonkers!!!!""
Where do I get low rate insurance in Toronto?
I am 56 and clean driver. My daughter is 25 and new driver.Which company can give me a better low rate insurance in Toronto?
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Parents wont let me drive because im not on car insurance?!?
'm 17 now, and I'm planning on getting my license sometime this month. I was really planning on driving to school everyday after I recieved my license. But my parents flat out said NO, because I'm not covered by insurance. They say its way too expensive, and that I'm going off to college anyway next year (i dont plan on driving while im there). I'm really sick of taking the school bus! I just wanna drive to school. but insurance for teens is mad expensive. are there ways to lower the cost? and about average, how much is it anyway? i get good grades. all A's and very rarely B's. and i've taken drivers ed before too. anything else that would help? just any tips on how i can convince my parents to get my car insurance??!""
What is the best medical insurance to get that is affordable?
What is the best medical insurance to get that is affordable?
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
Can anyone give me a rough estimate on car insurance?
Im a male driver under 20. I have had one crash before (in my mums car) and no other troubles. Im planning on buying a 2001 Hyundai for 6,000. Its a pretty standard car, that is pretty tidy. What sort of insurance am i looking at per month for this car?""
Can you be fined for owning an uninsured car? (California)?
Even if the car is not driven? And if it is registered?
""Where can I find good, inexpensive Life Insurance?""
Where can I find good, inexpensive Life Insurance?""
What is the cheapest car insurance you can think of?
I make $900 - $1000 a month & Im moving out in a week. my rent is $300 & Im going to have to get new car insurance next month. I got quotes from thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The general was 119.00 a month & esurance was 204.00 do you know anything cheaper? I have an 08 honda accord coup. please help if you can!
Motorcycle insurance in Cleveland Ohio?
Im currently living in California, and i own a small 599cc Street bike. I am curious as to how much insurance would be in Ohio. I am looking to go to either cleveland state or Ohio State. I am just looking for a ball park figure, i have a flawless record and i have had a bike for just over 6 months now""
""Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
""If I had my DUI expunged, will it still affect my insurance rates in California?""
In the spring of 2009 I was convicted of a DUI. I plead guilty, served my time and I was able to get it expunged through the court system. So now if you look at my record on the superior court website it shows dismissed rather than guilty. I was wondering if my actual DMV driving record still shows it as a guilty plea and my insurance rates will remain high?""
What would be the average cost on home insurance?
just an estimate, i have no clue is it 30$ a month, 100, 200, 300, 500?""
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long term disability insurance quote canada
What kind of insurance can I get on just personal property?
My mom owns an old mobile home that she can't get insured. We are wanting her to get insurance on her personal possessions though just in case but I can't find an insurance policy for her. We live in Oklahoma. I know she can't get a renters policy because she owns the home. Any suggestions are appreciated.
CA DUI expungement affect insurance rates?
I received a DUI back in July of 2001, and it has been affecting my insurance rate ever since. Under the new DUI laws the DUI I received (a misdemeanor) will be on my record until 2011. I qualify for expungement of this record. My question is if I do expunge my DUI will my auto insurance company be able to see my dmv record and will my insurance company be allowed to charge me the same rate?""
How much is insurance for a mazda rx8 if....?
my dad is going to buy me a used 2005 mazda rx8 for my 16th birthday, since i'm going to be a new driver and it's considered a sports car, is the insurance going to be super expensive?""
Health Insurance Premiums?
Does any single person pay their own health insurance premiums - what company and how much do you pay ? Does it include doctor visits and hospital stay ?
Liability insurance on a leased car?
If I lease a car or buy it on credit (a 2004 convertible mustang eg.) can I just buy cheap liability insurance? Please explain, I'm new to this and I need a car asap :/ please and thnx!!!""
""How much is commercial insurance for Brooklyn,NY?""
What is the average insurance cost for a electronics store holding under $30k in assets per month in brooklyn, ny?""
How much will car insurance be for me?
Im 18 and in college with a gpa of 3.5 or so. And i am driving a honda s2000 convertible. I live with my parents and have a clean record for everything. And i also took drivers ed
What is the average car insurance for young males with a black box installed?
I'm in the UK and my friend who is 17 who recently passed his test said his car insurance was just over 500 per year, as he had black box installed. (Also, not on his parents insurance either) I've read average figures for car insurance for young males is in the 3000-5000 range. So can the box really bring insurance down that much? I know figures vary for type of car and all that. But we're talking average here. I imagine most young people are not going to be able to afford brand new cars, and will be cost-concious, so will go for older models anyway. So the 3000+ figures still seem incredibly high for an average figure.""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatbale do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
""Car Insurance, passed test today, 18 years old, cheapest insurance?""
Hi, I passed my test this morning and I live in Birmingham in the UK, I was wondering if there was any companies that do cheap insurance for my age group.. The car I have is a 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec, and was looking on paying 2500 maximum. Thank you!!!""
""Buying used car from private party---plates, insurance, registration?""
I've bought from a lot before, but never a private party! When you purchase a vehicle from a person, how do you go about the whole insurance thing and of course there aren't any plates on the thing! How do you get it home if you can't make it to the DMV that very moment?! Does insurance have to be purchased before you can even leave the person's house??? How exactly does this process work? Oh, and I thought of something else: Let's say the person selling me the car had just re-registered it in January or so........does that mean it doesn't have to be registered again until that same time next year? Obviously my name has to get switched over on the registration......but why pay TWICE in one year for the registration on one car???""
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
""Insurance on parents car, learner?""
basically, i wish to start learning to drive and i personally would prefer to be put on my mums insurance (50 moth quote from her insurance people with me as a learner) as i want to be taught by my dad rather than an instructor (many with dad then instructor after a few months) my question is; if i crash the car, with me driving with L plates with my dad/mum in passenger could or would i effect their no claim bonus OR put their premiums up? they only have a small 1.2""
Which is the best travelers insurance? Orbitz.com Access America travelers insurance?
I am looking through buying tickets through Orbitz.com (from LA to Berlin) and they are offering travelers insurance through Access America for $45. Any other suggestions?
Car insurance - does everyone that drives the car have to be included?
I've been driving my grandmother's car for about a year. She has insurance on the car, but my name is not on the insurance. I am wondering if I would be covered if an accident occurred. The insurance is liability and uninsured motorist if I remember correctly.""
Cheap health insurance in Mass?
I have a decent health insurance plan at work that covers me but my wife does not have health insurance at her part time job and my family plan is way too expensive. I guess I'm looking for the cheapest health insurance to just cover her; particularly her expensive prescriptions. Any help would be much appreciated. -Thnx
2004 Mazda rx8 monthly insurance price?
Im 39 years old and haven't had a wreck nor got a ticket since 1982, I have perfect credit. I was wondering about how much it would cost every month for a 2004 Mazda rx8 with geico, or an estimate for another company.""
What is the best insurance and the cheapest one you think?
What is the best insurance and the cheapest one you think?
Getting a license increases car insurance?
When applying for a drivers license for the first time, i was wondering if it increases a person's car insurance; even if the person that is getting the license doesnt have a car, and is under the age of 18.""
Is motorcycle insurance expensive?
is it more expensive than car insurance?
How much would my car insurance be?
Right now I have a Nissan Maxima that im paying about $1000 per year liability insurance on. But this car is giving me problems and I am tired of putting money into it so im looking into a new one. I seen a nice 08 Honda that I can afford but my only concern is that my insurance will skyrocket because I have been told that I would have to get full coverage on it. So about how much would insurance on a 08 Honda accord be for a 20 year old male. Btw I have all state right now can anyone recommend a nice cheap insurance?
Does anyone know the average insurance quotes for 2007 Nissan Altima in North Carolina?
Does anyone know the average insurance quotes for 2007 Nissan Altima in North Carolina?
Insurance question (=?
Do people in the UK lie about their age to get a low premium on their car insurance? have you lied or know someone who have? I know a lot of people who said they lie about their age (19 say say're older) and get a lower insurance price, is that possible? PS - quotes for young people are utterly ludicrious due to daft drivers, yeah, but still, roundabout 3000 if below 21 for lads. Cheers for any answers.""
What's the best auto insurance for teenagers?
I'm a female, 17 & about to get a car. I was wondering what's the best/cheapest auto insurance for me to get.""
long term disability insurance quote canada
long term disability insurance quote canada
0 notes
trip-ability · 7 years
Visiting Malta with a disability
Great blog post from our friend Karen Cox who has gave us full permission to share with you all on her time and experiences whilst visiting Malta. Thanks Karen and a big shout out to our friends at Flying Scholarships for Disabled People because of their incredible work they gave her the confidence to be able to travel overseas for the first time with a disability, check them out!
I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, hypermobility type, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. I am able to walk short distances, but have muscle weakness and joint pain throughout my body. To get around, I use my mobility scooter and a walking stick.
We booked through a local travel agent and flew with Ryanair. IMPORTANT Despite booking special assistance, Ryanair split my husband and I up, so be aware to try and make sure it doesn't happen to you. You can pay the extra to choose your seats, however do be aware that Ryanair will move you anyway, because they board special assistance from the rear and want them seated in the back rows.
Special assistance at Malta airport is very good and the staff are extremely polite and happy to help. The airport can be busy, but I felt better looked after than I have at Gatwick and Edinburgh in the past!
We booked a private transfer to our hotel as there was some concern that my scooter might not fit in the coach with all the suitcases.
Our hotel had disabled rooms and were all said to have walk in showers, but on arrival, ours didn't. However, within 5 mins, we had been moved into a room that did. They love their marble floors in Malta, which look beautiful, but are a little tricky when you wet feet and little balance! Again, within 10 minutes the hotel had sent up a couple of rugs and my husband just helped me from rug to rug when I came out of the shower.
The Paradise Bay Resort Hotel is fully disabled accessible, including the restaurant, dining room and bar. There are three outdoor pools and one indoors, all using salt water. All are wheelchair accessible, bar one, but none have hoists. Our bathroom was a good size, the toilet had a pull down hand rail and the sink was raised. The whole room was a good size and I could get my scooter onto the balcony (we left it there under cover every night). The hotel has a private beach, which is fully accessible, up to the sand at least.
Malta is a great place to visit and the people are incredibly friendly and helpful. There's a very low level of crime on the island and it does feel like there's an honesty code among bathers. We would put our valuables in our bags and leave them on the beach when we went swimming, on several occasions, and they were never touched.
The Maltese are very proud of their island, heritage, food and culture and I found them more than happy to answer questions and help where they could. I never felt intimidated or ridiculed, in fact they almost seem to revere disabled people and genuinely want to make sure we get the most out of our visit.
We hired a car, but you can get a bus ticket for around €21 which lasts for a week. Most of the buses are wheelchair accessible, but as I didn't use them, I can't vouch for their standards, only that we saw bus stops all over Malta and they are well used by tourists and locals alike. Parking is generally free, in fact I can't remember paying for parking once, although there are unofficial car park attendants who will control the traffic and expect to be tipped for their work.
Getting around the towns generally depends on the town itself. I took my scooter around Sliema, Cirkwenna (where we were), Rabat, Valletta and Mdina as well as the craft villages on both Gozo and Malta. The craft villages were easy to get around, but there wasn't always access to the shops. However, on a couple of occasions, I was told they could have got me a ramp, or there was one at the back door. St Julian's, Paceville, Sliema and Valletta are all very busy, but people are very considerate and will generally give way to a wheelchair etc.
Sliema was busy, but as long as you are patient and keep an eye out, there are plenty of crossings, most of which have lowered kerbs. There are disabled parking spaces and you can use your blue badge (you don't need the time clock). One word of caution though, parking in Malta is haphazard at the best of times, the Maltese seem to make up their own rules and whilst they always respect disabled spaces, it doesn't mean they won't park as close as possible! To access the beach area, we parked in a disabled space at the end of the main promenade (just past Il Torri restaurant) and I took my scooter along the path that has been shaped out of the rock along the beach. It was bumpy in places, but doable and would be ok for a wheelchair. We parked the scooter up and found ourselves somewhere to sit on the rocks, but there are plenty of areas you could park a wheelchair. Getting in and out of the water there is tricky. There are ladders down into the salt pools and some areas where you can walk down to the edge, but most of it is a case of working your way across the rocks, which is difficult under foot. There's hardly any tides on Malta, so what you can do is use a stick etc to walk as close to the water and leave it with your shoes, ready for when you come out. That's what we did and, once again, nobody touched our stuff - we weren't the only ones as it seems common to leave hats and sunglasses at the water's edge!
Even Rabat (Victoria) had disabled spaces close to the catacombs and in the main car park, just outside Mdina walls, where there was a really good disabled toilet (always remember to tip the attendant if there is one).
On the subject of toilets; it can be hit and miss for toilet rolls and soap, so I always had tissues and hand sanitiser with me.
Obviously, the catacombs in Rabat aren't disabled friendly; they are a two hour walking/standing tour, so well out of my ability too. The catacombs ticket office did tell us about another catacombs that you could visit (not St Agatha's) but I can't remember where. I am sure the website or the Rabat/Mdina tourist information offices could help.
Although only residents are allowed to drive in Mdina there are two disabled parking spaces in the city. If you want to park inside the walls, you simply contact the local council the day before and give them your registration number. This will make sure you don't get a fine when the police camera photographs you on your way in.
If you want to travel to Gozo, contact the ferry terminal the day before and let them know, so they can make sure you are looked after. We didn't know about that, but they were still able to make sure we were parked next to the lift. The ferries go every 45 mins until quite late and if you show your blue badge, you will get a discount. The craft village on Gozo is accessible, if you are willing to be patient for the lowered kerbs, although some of the shops are small and didn't have ramps but I am sure the shop owners would come out and show you their wares. We drove down to Ramla Bay beach, parked in the disabled space and used the wooden walkway all the way down to the beach. I left my mobility scooter on the end of the walkway and we sat nearby. Again, not once was my scooter touched. We also took a boat around the caves from the inland sea at Dwejra. Again, we left the scooter, this time next to an ice-cream van, and it wasn't touched or moved. The boat crews were so helpful, getting me in and out of the boat but with no back rest it was tricky to keep my balance. Thankfully, my husband was able to sit with his arm behind me for some support. I didn't see any disabled toilets there.
As most places have outside seating, eating out isn't an issue, although the toilets may be upstairs, so that's worth checking before you settle on a venue. Any place we ate at were more than happy to have my mobility scooter parked at their door and the waiters would often even help me to my seat. They really couldn't do enough for us.
Valletta is the European City of Culture for 2018, so there was a lot of building work going on and it was a bit chaotic. We didn't stay long or travel around it much as we arrived late in the day for an evening meal. Personally, we preferred Mdina to look around as it was quieter.
We took a boat trip around the Blue Grotto but again there was no back support on the boat. I do think though, that if anyone was determined to go, you could ask about getting a wheelchair on a special boat. It's always worth asking! I took my scooter right down to pier, but I imagine it would be very hard work to push a wheelchair back up. You can get a buggy lift for €1 per person and you may well be able to fold a wheelchair on there to get down the final slipway.
Blue Lagoon is not disabled friendly at all. I took my stick and struggled with my footing and it's VERY busy! Saying that, when we were waiting for our boat back, I needed to sit down and they rushed to sort me a chair. You can get large boat tours there, but then even getting off is difficult, but you could perhaps organise something privately if you really wanted to swim there.
If a sandy beach holiday is your idea of heaven, then Malta is probably not for you. Sand is at a premium and any beach with sand is generally overcrowded and parking is difficult. At Golden Sands they have to park over a mile away and walk to the beach, which they are more than willing to do! Probably best to avoid weekends as they are much busier because the locals enjoy their beach time too.
I would happily go back to Malta, but next time I would have more awareness of how well they cater for disabled people and plan ahead.
0 notes