#but alas. the tv universe hates me.
dollsome-does-tumblr · 9 months
i finished my sbtb 2020 rewatch and i just have to say: watching mac and daisy fall in love would have been SO profoundly delightful, i am sooooo bummed that we did not get to witness that
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havvkinsqueen · 4 months
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Get to Know Me
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name: Victoria
height: 5'2" and some change
nickname /s: Vic, Tori
nationality: American (I'm sorry)
favourite fruit: I'm a pineapple girlie when it comes down to it, I think.
favourite season: Autumn. I love the spooky vibes and mild temperatures. (Spring brings pollen and sneezing, I'm heat intolerant so summer renders me useless, and I hate the cold)
favourite scents: Anything tropical, fruity, some florals, cut grass. Honestly, anything that smells like I'm on some island down in the Caribbean strikes my fancy.
favourite animals: Pandas, narwhals, wallabies, axolotls, fruit bats, cheetahs
tea, coffee, hot cocoa: I'm an iced coffee girlie when it comes to coffee. Green tea when it comes to tea. General hot cocoa fiend.
average hours of sleep: I need AT LEAST 8 to function like a semi-person.
when my blog was created: July 2022
# of followers: At least 1
random fact: I have a balisong and can do tricks with it.
favourite food: I feel like it changes all the time, but I love Shepherd's Pie always
favourite t.v. shows: (Disclaimer I do watch more YouTube than tv, so bare with me). Haunting of Hill House, Looking for Alaska, Expedition Unknown, Ghost Adventures, History's Greatest Mysteries, Jersey Shore
favourite movie/s: Pride & Prejudice (2005), Mad Max: Fury Road are both easily my favorites but some others are; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Across the Universe, Ever After (The Cinderella movie with Drew Barrymore I need to clarify that), A Cinderella Story, The Cat Returns
sexuality: Bi.
pronouns: She / Her
favourite book series: SERIES? Okay, uh, The Raven Cycle
favourite video game/s: BIOSHOCK (I don't acknowledge or include Infinite in it. It's good as a standalone game). BioShock 2 I've played more, but BioShock is great as a classic.
favourite subject: Astronomy / Astrophysics
guys or girls: For what?
last time I cried: Yesterday! I'm a big crybaby!
what I should be doing: Getting ready for a CT scan. But, alas, Sam's account and Ordinary Adventures have my attention.
favourite fandoms: I'm going to get crucified but Star Wars. It's the only one I really consider myself a part of and actively immersed in. Yes, it's as bad as you've heard stories of, yes I love my dramatic space guys and gals.
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Tagged by: @honeyedxhearts
Tagging: You!
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sflow-er · 5 months
Get to know me tag game
Thank you for the tag @putnamcapital! I had a really intense day today and this was a nice distraction.
Do you make your bed?
Yes. The bedroom looks and feels cluttered with the pillows and bedspread piled up on the chair, and I don't like that at all. Also, I feel like the sheets get icky sooner if I leave the bed unmade. I don't know if there's any truth to it, but the feeling is compelling enough.
What's your favourite number?
I prefer even numbers for some reason, and my faves are 8 and 12.
What is your job?
I'm a self-employed translator of factual texts. Articles, websites, brochures, instructions for use, etc.
If you could go back to school, would you?
Maybe. I was always interested in medicine but didn't take all the science courses in high school that I would've needed to study it in uni, so if I had infinite resources... Yeah, I could see myself going back to do those damn courses and then applying to study medicine.
It's an incredibly unrealistic scenario, though. I have neither the means to study full-time nor the energy to do it alongside work and other adult responsibilities. I also don't know if I could muster the motivation for another uni degree even if it was in a field I liked.
Can you parallel park?
In theory, yes. But the town where I learned to drive had a very small population and ample parking space, so I never needed to do it for real, and I haven't even had a car at my disposal since moving to the city (seventeen years ago this autumn).
A job you had that would surprise people?
Hmm, well, I was an extra on a TV show once! The gig was only a few days, but it was interesting to see the process and compare it to the final product.
Do you think aliens are real?
In the sense of there being other life in the universe, yes. Absolutely. In the sense of them abducting people, no. Definitely not.
Can you drive a manual car?
Yes, that's the norm in my country.
What's your guilty pleasure?
Fanfic. I also have a few embarrassing comfort movies (that I'm not going to name) and about 30 seasons of Survivor under my belt, so...no shortage of guilty pleasures here.
Alas, no. I always wanted one but could never come up with a design/subject I was 100% sure of.
Favourite colour?
Red, green and dark grey. My least favourite colours are orange, yellow and purple (yeah, that makes me a terrible YR fan, I know).
Favourite type of music?
I'm one of those people who got stuck on the music of their formative years, which for me was alt rock from the 2000s (and a little bit from the 2010s). So, that. I do also listen to some later artists but the bar is much higher for them to become my favourites.
Do you like puzzles?
I love puzzles. Not necessarily jigsaw puzzles as I don't have anywhere to put those (or crossword puzzles as I'm surprisingly bad at those), but I do love games with puzzles in general (video games, escape rooms, board games that require some deduction...).
Any phobias?
Serious case of arachnophobia. I'm also afraid of bugs, clowns and (sadly) dogs, but I wouldn't say any of those fears are severe enough to count as phobias.
Favourite childhood sport?
Lol no. I hated sports as a child.
Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, on occasion.
What movies do you adore?
There are too many to list specific titles! I enjoy speculative fiction (scifi, fantasy, horror if it's not too gory), animated films, historical fiction, adventure, good comedy and some drama. I don't watch many realistic adult dramas or biopics unless I'm particularly interested in the filmmaker or subject matter. My least favourite genres are generic action, war, and anything focused on cars or sports.
Coffee or tea?
I love both but mostly drink coffee.
What was the first thing you wanted to be growing up?
Writer, I believe. Someone in my extended family claims I once said 'president' when they asked all of us cousins what we wanted to be, but I have no recollection of that.
No pressure tags: @scatteredpiecesofme @plantbasedfish @silvagrey @bluedalahorse @willedeservesbetter @palehottubchild and anyone else who wants to participate! I feel like I've seen a lot of answers already and I know I've also missed a bunch, so, sorry if that was you. And if any of you don't feel like playing, no worries whatsoever! 💜
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jamesheathridge · 15 days
tag game!
tagged by @monstraduplicia, ty !! <3
Do you make your bed? not unless people are over tbh
What's your favorite number? 4 and 6. for ocd reasons
What is your job? im unemployed rn 🤐
If you could go back to school, would you? i'm in uni right now and am quite literally thinking about dropping out constantly
Can you parallel park? i dont even have a license.. i live in a city so i dont really see the point of it right now
A job you had that would surprise people? idk i've only ever worked freelance art stuff + theater jobs + at a movie theater and i don't really think any of them are. that surprising.
Do you think aliens are real? yes actually. i think the universe is wayyyy too big for us to be the only intelligent beings out there. yknow.
Can you drive a manual car? nope
What's your guilty pleasure? im trying to destroy the part of me that feels guilt or shame but alas im failing. media wise its OBX, otherwise i am constantly picking my own scabs
Tattoos? i have my fav childhood stuffed animal tattooed on my thigh! an elephant with a hoodie on
Favorite color? green probably
Favorite type of music? i looove goth rock and industrial rock
Do you like puzzles? depends on the kind i think. i get frustrated very easily lol
Any phobias? scorpions and fireworks
Favorite childhood sport? never been into sports. i played basketball for like 2 seconds
Do you talk to yourself? yes all the time. although it usually just transfers to me talking to my dog as a surrogate audience
What movies do you adore? BIG question. probably the holdovers, the thing, dinner in america, the passenger, i saw the tv glow, bones and all, mysterious skin, tcm 2, evil dead 2, sound of metal, the lost boys, the house of tomorrow, hedwig and the angry inch, a monster in paris, boy, brigsby bear, slc punk, probably more i cant think of rn
Coffee or tea? tea. i hate coffee. i rarely drink tea tho
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? that i can remember? either an actor or a veterinarian
tagging @cassidycasablanca @th3finalboy @shithitsmynipples @eorzea @jdeanmorgan @birthofvcnus
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conspiracyofequals · 1 year
tagged by @kommunarde to talk about five things i like. i can definitely do that :-)
1. i like history and recently i've been focusing on the nineteenth century for some reason because it's a time period we tend to not study a lot in schools anymore. and when we do study it i start having amnesia because of unrelated factors (in quatrième i was suicidal and in première i was too busy getting brain damage from supernatural. i only started really killing it in history class in my last year of high school when we talked about economy and politics as factors all the time). it has been crazy to realize specifically the articulation between the french revolution the empire the other revolutions in france the second empire the commune the first world war and so on and so on. like to me until recently there was a huge hole between 1794 and 1914 and i knew about the events that happened in between obviously but i wasn't really connecting them well. and right now i am making the connections it's actually maddening. for example victor hugo author of les misérables french poet novelist playwright politician and overall legend lived at the same time as karl marx which somehow never occured to me. but now it has and i feel like i've unlocked a secret of the universe. & we'll be studying a time period from the late nineteenth century to the 30s next year. i fr can't wait to go back to history class in september it's going to be so awesome!!!
2. dark netflix is one of my favorite tv shows of all time it's basically about becoming your own worst enemy and how fate might or might not be inescapable. it's a circular narrative spanning multiple generations and decades and universes. it's awesome it has everything important namely philosophy failed marriages and killing people with rocks. it's a crime tv show slash horror slash mystery except then it becomes something else i can't tell you about but fleabag voice this is a love story. it's like stranger things if stranger things was better and about something else entirely. it's incredibly smart and it's the only tv show i've rewatched so far in my life because it's just so well made i don't think i'll ever see something like that again. i can't tell you about it without spoiling it and it's definitely necessary to not look at anything online before finishing the show but please watch it please please please
3. i love falling into wikipedia rabbit holes!! everyone makes fun of me for it because apparently that's not a "reliable source" (some students don't go to the source section and look up the sources listed, and instead they mindlessly copy what the page says instead of going deeper in research or at least rephrasing it a little or just. at least at the very least deleting the hyperlinks. that could not be me! wikipedia is a great tool when you know how to use it and when you use it to its full potentialities. i could never hate wikipedia my beautiful website. it's just that some people are really not smart when it comes to plagiarism). and also because reading stuff for fun and remembering all of it forever is not "something everyone does" and i need to "get diagnosed with autism". WHATEVER. i'll remain cool and knowledgeable about many fun facts and you'll do nothing about it. what i have open right now: prépa as a system, the far left in france, a bunch of pages about the weimar republic, republican calendar, pierre-sur-haute military radio station, les cloches de bâle, rené girard, lycurgus, junge welt, sdaj (i've been looking up far left looking stuff i see stickers for as a desperate attempt to understand the political landscape of this country but alas it's something that wikipedia cannot bring me i think), harmodius and aristogeiton, maquis du limousin, acéphale. also chronology of social movements in france (i am cooking something)
4. okay bear with me for this one because it's going to sound insane and parasocial but i'm aware that it is so it's basically fine. maybe. it's not that i "like" him he's just extremely entertaining and something is wrong with him in a way that is also wrong with me. so there's this guy who used to be in charge of the social media strategy for arguably the most famous french left-wing politician (jean-luc mélenchon, our bernie sanders, even though that's not an adequate comparison because france is a pays finito as i like to call it but not as finito as the united states of america. anyway) and said politician is like 70 but every once in a while during the presidential campaign he made this really funny social media post and every jeune con dépolitisé was like oh mr mélenchon you know memes you're so cool i'm going to vote for you. not me because i'm a critical thinker and i can't even vote but i do love myself a good reformist grandpa post i'm sorry. the first half of 2022 was a weird time. and we knew the guy behind that it was the guy i'm going to be talking about next. so we did not win that presidential election obviously (insert image of me crying tears of blood) (it's fine haha reformism is a dead end) and we have this second round between margaret thatcher and a fascist. but since we do not have a loser mindset and need to bounce back (this country is rotten to the core and we are never going to win electorally or otherwise unless a biblical level miracle happens. when i talk to my neighbors and my family members and my classmates i realize how fucked we are and how truly awful it could get and how easy it would be for a lot of us to look away. it makes me a little sick to think about. but there is much pain in the world but not in this room right?) they said hey! vote for us in the legislative elections! and in france we have a constituency system basically you have a local mp. so our social media guy became a candidate! and he was elected! and then inexplicably (i've followed him for several years and can confirm it came out of the blue) the man turned into a hardcore robespierrist like a month into it. i got really into the french revolution in may to cope with well everything so i was like oh okay interesting that's cool. it's cringe because he's a grown man with a job but it's also sort of funny, in an absurd way. it's a waste of taxpayer money but he's a good mp as far as mps go and i don't pay taxes so i don't care. and at first it was just like a few tweets here and there, he also invited a ya author who makes educational tiktoks about the terror to the national assembly in robespierre cosplay, but recently well uh. he quotes either robespierre or the 1793 constitution literally every intervention. he wore a wig. we're technically in the same political movement because i was peer pressured into joining and in my city the choice is between them or maoists (which way modern man). but i don't have the time to be that invested unfortunately since i have to go to my beautiful torture labyrinth (prépa) every day. during the pension reform protests (don't even talk to me about it.......) a few videos of him surfaced going to face the police in order to well i don't know intimidate them with his écharpe de député into not being violent anymore. it didn't work he got hit tear gassed multiple times but then he had proof of police violence and he could say look at this it's not normal and it didn't achieve much because this country may be beyond hope but it's very brave of him i think. or in another video he was being kettled with a colleague and said colleague was like hey antoine can you quote an article of the declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen at this policeman? and he did. like overall he's a really cool mp he's just also very dedicated to rehabilitating robespierre for some kind of reason. and the real life embodiment of this emoji combination 🤓☝️. and he has a child i think. and we're twitter mutuals
5. i like this poem i think about it so often i have bits of it memorized bouncing around in my head like a dvd screensaver. the way i want you has its own climate like how storms are magnetic. shortest war on earth. every room i enter is empty and i wake searching for you still. and so on and so on i actually want to chew on the poem a little it's like a really comfortable mattress but for my brain if that makes sense
okay this got long!! tagging @isaidilovedu2death @brutalistarchitecture2 @vassyflorence @sotiriabellou and anyone else who wants to do it really. please tell me about things you like!! i haven't written most of this tonight but tonight i am sad and there is a chance i'll be sad for a little while so tell me about you. i care. i love to hear about the things you all are passionate about. if not in public send me a dm. actually you can send me a dm about virtually anything
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locke-esque-monster · 11 months
Miscellaneous (and by no means comprehensive) thoughts on Daryl Dixon tv show
The English major in me loves the narrative symmetry in making Daryl cut off the hand of someone who is a semi-redeemable dick after giving Rick so much shit about putting Merle in that position in season 1.
Likewise for whatever is happening with the symbolism of Daryl using the flag to kill a zombie. Or him fighting his way off the beaches of France as a reverse of his grandfather.
Did I almost instantly figure out that guy dying on the beach was an ancestor on Daryl's? Yes. But subtle storytelling has never been this universe's forte.
Good Lord, the abundance of religious imagery in this show. I don't hate it... but Jesus Christ (I'm referring to the exclamation - not who Laurent is the least subtle stand-in for him).
Ah, so apparently even in France they don't have haircuts in the apocalypse. Clearly the only people who knew how to give a haircut lived in Alexandria (Jessie, Enid), and now they're dead we're forever doomed to shaggy-haired children and trying to peer through a curtain of hair to read Daryl's expression. How the hell does anyone fight a zombie with all that hair in their face, and no hair ties? Or are the men like, incapable of cutting their hair without a woman handling it?
We need more fighting nuns on tv shows.
I have been inordinately stressed every time I see Carol's knife get left somewhere in France. I'm starting to wonder if it returns to your pocket ala Riptide from the Percy Jackson books.
I don't hate the possibility of Daryl/Isabelle the show is dancing around. It's like Daryl/Connie - it's got a solid foundation, I can see why someone would ship it and I respect that. But it's not the ship of my heart I'm (clownishly) holding out hope for - Daryl/Carol.
I love how TWD gave the remaining episodes of the last season a single "fuck" per episode and now Daryl can just sprinkle them into his conversation at will. It feels like justice or recompense for every character who should have always been saying "fuck" at will on tv (looking at you Dean Winchester).
Carol, my queen, my inspiration, my favorite morally gray woman on tv - God, I've really missed you.
Second to that, I've missed the hell out of that pixie cut from peak Carol era. Carol knows exactly what haircut is practical on a mission.
For all that I heard about a twist, all I could figure during the radio call was Rick or Michonne was coming back. Or even that broken-up line was a trick, and Carol was just asking Daryl to come back safely. Maybe the phone call was a set-up for a reunion of Daryl & Carol in the finale. It wasn't until the car chase and right around where it stopped did it snap into my head that no one was getting out of that car but Carol. Bless whoever did something to ensure Carol got her proper ending. She never would have let Daryl go off on all these adventures that long, or alone, without looking for him.
I can't help but wonder what Carol in France would have entailed and how the story would have played differently. How would she have dealt with her relapsed Christianity? Or addressing any history she may have with France (aspirations to go there, history with Ed's family likely being French with that last name)? Or was the story always meant to split them up?
That said, if I can't have a Daryl and Carol together show (because oh my god, they would have to avoid them talking about their feelings too much and they have decided to avoid this by separation), I will certainly take a whole season of Carol. Give me all of the Carol.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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hey who the fuck is that guy and where is FeMC
(i think there is actually a mod to swap FeMC in and I might install that)
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oh man ryuji does it? i guess we should split up and start searching
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SO INTERESTINGLY you cannot finish a Palace in a single day because the Treasure will not manifest until you inform the target you are coming after their treasure. Then it takes true form and you can yoink it.
So the motley crue need to send Kamoshida a calling card to inform him they're gonna gank him.
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oh okay that's pretty neat that it shows you all you accomplished
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oh my god this menu
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another thing that should have been translated
Ryuji writes the card and everyone gives him shit for it. I think it's fine, personally. he's a teenager, what do you expect. also I'm glad the newspaper clippings of characters to make a letter is a universal thing lmao.
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oh my god the fucking throne room has a boob ceiling. i don't mean to kinkshame and i think everyone's sexuality is their own but once you get to boobs jutting out of the ceiling in your mind palace, maybe you're thinking about sex a lil too much. just a thought.
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alas no it's boss time
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This is an Adachi-ass argument right here and I like it. The way he turns everyone who was complicit into the Real Villain, that's good stuff.
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bruh you gonna turn me sex negative, what are you doing
Oh man I missed grabbing context for this but there was a secret room in the Palace with a fucked up torture shrine to Shiho. so like Princess Ann is Kamoshida's right hand girl, but he had like.... feelings? for shiho? which I guess manifested as her getting the worst of his abuse.
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So her cognitive copy shows up to help him and it's supremely messed up and i hate this guy.
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Ann faces off with him and has a golden opportunity to kill him, but refrains so he'll confess to his crimes. Which: gorl. Damn. You are strong as hell, I am not certain I would be able to do the same in your shoes. Ann is great.
Taking the treasure, the team gets the fuck out of there but WEIRD THING HAPPENS on the way out.
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While the Palace collapses, everyone runs for it, but Morgana turns back into a cat????
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Morgana only kind of knows how the Metaverse works frankly
and it so reminds me of Teddie, who understood for himself how the TV World worked, but didn't really know enough to figure out the broader picture of the real world and TV world interacting.
Morgana is convinced that they're a human and if they do the right thing in the Metaverse, they will regain their lost body and memories.
I am starting to think that's not the case and this is similar to how Teddie grew a humanboy body when he wanted to join the real world. Is Morgana a denizen of the Metaverse who subconsciously decided to grow a cat body to interact with Reverie and co?
Rise and Teddie made it clear there is no such thing as a true self, so I am curious what Morgana determines themself to be.
ANYWAY THAT'S THE FIRST PALACE DONE, WHOO. Now I have, like, 12 days to fuck around and do what I like.
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godtier · 8 months
so I'm bored watching someone playing poppy playtime ep 3 before I sleep and all I can say is that I hate how mascot horror just so often starts p strong and then quickly runs too far in the wrong direction with the way they present their settings and world building.
it's clear to me that the writers just kinda went "u know what'd be scary... if there were like... these carebear-like characters but one of them was EVIL and also there was a cartoon where the EVIL one killed ALL the other carebears... THAT'D BE REALLY SCARY"
and I'm sitting here like "ok it was plenty creepy without the cat randomly coming to the door and spewing red evil fart gas at them to kill them in this cartoon that was supposedly broadcast for children on TV"
like that's where this falls flat... even tho it's a factory/playhouse/whatever where large mascot creatures grow fangs and chase you, there should still be a level of believable realism... and the fact of the matter is that the opening cutscene came off more like happy tree friends (a cartoon definitely not made for kids lol) than a believable commercial for a toy product. there's no conceivable way you could convince me that this commercial/cartoon aired in this universe in a realistic fashion... no network would have played it lmao and that ruins the creep-factor.
like the mommy long legs commercial they did for part 2 was more believeable while still being uncanny and creepy... idg why they went so hard on the creepy cat bc imo the character designs for the smiling critters were equally believeable and creepy without the extra bs. like they were still cute while having that twinge of "offness" to them! I could believe that some corp would have produced those toys despite them being off putting... but the cat one... that just ruined it entirely lmao
they could have pulled back a bit on the commercial and made it less "in your face" that the cat one was EVILLLL by instead leaving some subtle hint in the commercial and then having the cat doll have weird sound bytes like the barney toys or elmo toys from the 90s that parents were convinced were saying satanic shit to their kids. they seemed to be doing that in the rest of the opening cutscene but by that point it lost it's creepiness bc like... you just showed the cartoon commercial where the cat one is clearly evil... no shit the doll is gonna be saying fucked up shit YOU BLEW YOUR LOAD TOO EARLY
but alas
I'm not even in this fandom or anything lmao I just enjoy yters like markiplier and jacksepticeye playing them as bg noise and passive consumption... but poppy playtime clearly has some thought and care put into its lore and gameplay so it's just frustrating to even passively consume lmao
inb4 "it's mascot horror what r u expecting it's for dumb kids"
I'm expecting ppl to stop writing stupid shit and then hiding behind the "but it's for kids" excuse BC THERE'S BLOOD AND GORE IN IT FIRST OF ALL LMAO but secondly, and more importantly, I think that's a lame, lazy, and unimaginative excuse. it's a way for writers to just be lazy and predicable. just bc kids aren't as "advanced" as adults as far as cognitive ability doesn't mean the media geared towards them should be as dumb as possible. kids deserve shit that's written well as much as anyone else imo
and tbh, poppy playtime rly does have a knack for character design and other lore/world building aspects, esp for the fake toys and their packaging. it's just frustrating to see these missteps and lack of subtlety when the rest could be really good
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gascon-en-exil · 11 months
Are there fictional settings you particularly enjoy? (To clarify what I mean, stuff like being based on particular countries or time periods or even more out there things like other planets, dystopian cyberpunk cities etc.) Is there a fictional setting you'd really like to see in a video game of your favorite genre?
Even though most of my current online content involves video games, Nintendo is actually sort of an outlier when it comes to the kinds of fiction I enjoy. I typically prefer historical fiction settings, most often 18th through the early 20th centuries. That's the literature I focused on at university, and some of my favorite period dramas and novel adaptations are set then. Of course France and Louisiana are the most interesting settings to me personally, although I can enjoy others that are at least somewhat related. My favorite books, movies, and TV shows tend to be slow and ponderous, with a lot of sitting around and talking - not the sort of thing that would really work in video games outside perhaps visual novels.
With that said, I do always enjoy getting to see more fictionalized versions of New Orleans. I even contemplated getting Red Dead Redemption 2 solely because it includes a well-realized interpretation of the city in the 1890s that I would have loved to explore. Alas, my PC can't really handle something like that...plus I'd hate all the cowboy stuff that makes up the overwhelming majority of that game.
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loki-notazombie · 1 year
(updated March 2024)
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gif by c @tonyshazelnuts
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-Messaging is set to following for a few reasons, not on anyone, it’s for me to manage my brain, but -
-Ask box is open!
RP Blog is 18+ only, but not any explicit NSFW. Canon-flexible . 
(Main) Loki, God of Mischief: shapeshifter, bisexual, fluid. Survived IW but barely - was really ‘mostly dead’ ala Westley in Princess Bride. How he was rescued/rescued himself, where he’s been, what he knows what happened after the Statesman is thread dependent.
(Other Loki). Fudging with the timeline, canon, and, comics, and universe depending on thread and RP. Main thing is attempting to stay consistent per thread! I come from fic writing so that’s how my brain works.
Here for Headcanons
misc tags: #headcanons, #quizzes and memes, #ooc, #ooc posts
Mischief Mun: is 30+, pronouns she/they, been writing fic for years, started in a sci-fi fandom, now in MCU and Loki centric. Main ship I write is frostiron. Dabbling in hannigram in Hannibal tv. Keeping my AO3 and tumblr separate but open to sharing privately if you want to scope me out for RP partnering. I’ve published over 800k words on AO3. I like a plot. In US Central time zone. Only on mobile (phone, tablets) so don’t expect a lot of fancy graphics and such.
Open Starters: Sleeping Beauty Clandestine Creature
-This is new for me, so just don’t be weird or a jerk and we’ll be fine
-The block button will be used if necessary
-No hate: no bigotry, racism, transphobia, etc, so educate yourselves accordingly. Ya know, like you should be doing in life anyways.
-No MCU hate: this doesn’t mean there can’t be criticism of characters and actions, but there’s criticism (I have plenty of my own) and then there’s just bashing and vitriol. There’s a lot of bs in the Loki fandom and that is not happening here. I love all Lokis as characters and the show.
For RP partners:
-Loki controls his own shipping, thoughts, and actions.
-RP is supposed to be interactive, yes? So if you want total control, that’s what fic writing is for. 
-Time to post: Probably slow, I have a full time job and am constantly writing several fics in more than one fandom
-Feel free to send a starter ask and we’ll see! Or random asks not exactly intended for long term threads!
-Shipping: Default is platonic. Something romantic or sexy can develop but even then don’t expect very explicit scenes - it’s just not something I think I’d be up for skill wise or be comfortable with in the RP world. Flirting and talk is ok. If you’re set on an explicitly smutty ship, best to move along. That being said, frostiron is my main Loki ship. I dabble in strangefrost, strangeironfrost, frostshield
-Crossovers: possible, especially if I know the universe
-OCs: I don’t know how I’ll be without pre-existing knowledge of some kind (new around here, in fic I’ve done OC’s but they were mine, ya know?) Open to it.
-RP is in threads here
For non-RP blogs: 
-Comments and reblogs are not welcome. Just keeping it tidy.
-Asks are welcome for commentary or screaming happily about threads
-Asks for random questions are welcome
-No RP threads with personal blogs
Thor, God of Thunder. (brothers forever) Look, I just want Thor and Loki reunited, okay?
Sam Wilson, Captain America. (likely enemies to friends). I think it would be interesting to throw these two who have never met together
Peter Parker: (friends, maybe a bit of mentor-mentee)
(Everything above is subject to change)
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yueasuka · 1 year
My impression of Miraculous Awakening?
I'm not saying I like it, but I also not going to say I hate it. Basically what I think :
It's musical! Which means it will have the characters singing but... I feel like this is overkill?????? Feels like every step the character made need to be in a song that get so boring. I'm not a big fan of musical but this just make me feel like I'm watching a concert than a film. 🫠
Set in different universe : Which is nice considering I'm not a big fan of the current plotline in the series, I just hope the characters is more fleshed out alas...
The pace : I don't like how fast paced it is, I mean it's a movie so it make senses if it skip a few steps. But! This movie set in different timeline/universe and the characters has different background story than the one in the TV series, so more introduction of them would be nice. But the way the movie going, it feels like it just expect us to know everything. I think the one who got more backstory is only Gabriel and in extension, Adrien. Because it feels like Gabriel is the focus on this movie? Nice to know his motivation and his thought but what about other characters? I'm all for more Adrien content but this feels more Gabriel content with crumb of Adrien. 😅
The animation : It looks cool though, so that's one positive thing about it. I like the way they make the hair texture and the effects. Would be cooler if there's a transformation scene though.
The story : As I said, I'm not a big fans of the current plot in the series so the movie feels like a breath of fresh air. Of course considering the setting, I need to turned off all the series characterisation since they're different characters. The plot and characterisation remind me of some plot from the concept? Still don't like how fast paced it is though. I don't think speedrunning things is good for a story telling, especially if that story is set from different universe. What story are you trying to tell? It's a little bit all over the place. It got a new lore so at least that's what I'm interest in. Also I'm in for a universe where Adrien got supportive adult figure. So yeah.
Overall 6/10 Im still going to give this a chance as long as the next movie doesn't contain as many song as this one. I'll also most likely end up watch this in theater because my nieces like it. 😶‍🌫️
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popculturebuffet · 2 months
Next up for Nickelodeon era of shows, who is your favorite character from each of the early 2010s Nicktoons shows (where quality got continues to be hit and miss in this batch) you've seen like: Winx Club (Nickelodeon seasons), Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness, The Legend of Korra, Robot and Monster, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012, Sanjay & Craig, Monsters vs Aliens 2013, and Breadwinners?
Winx Club: only one here I haven't seen but one I intend to for a project i'm working on combinng a lot of 2000's shows (and some 2010's shows) into one cohesive universe. A friend of mine really likes it.. or at least the pre nick seasons. From what I hear these seasons aren't the best but I really can't say either way.. though I can at least objectively say the concept of the first villian, a merman whose literally powered by toxic waste, is dumb. The idea of the guy himself, an arrogant prince who tried to kill his brother and is a fish man, isn't but why this. I'd worry about stepping on fans toes but the conseus from tv tropes seems to be "this guy bad".
Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomness: Don't really have a faviorite character here, but I thought it was okay. nothing amazing, it at least gave the five more spotlight than the films after 2, but it suffers from what i'm just calling now interquel syndrome: where your making a product specifically to slide in between bits of canon that aren't finished yet, so you can't really have the characters or evolve or change that radically. I have more hope for Tales of the TMNT despite possibly suffering from this simply because the creative team of the films seems involved so there's more synergy while with Kung Fu Panda they basically couldn't really have po or anyone change, which is fine for a status quo comedy show ala the simpsons, but dosen't work for an action show with a first film that's entirely about character development and progress. It's hard to have a show about kung fu mastery where the main character can't progress too much because it might contradict the next movie.
The Legend of Korra: Ladies and gents (And nb's) this is the moment i've been waiting for. Character choice.. Bolin. Not even close. Plenty of great characters here from Asami, who didn't get enough to do, to Varrick, stan pines long lost son, but my baby boy is just the best and is one of the few characters to get a consitently good arc in most of the seasons. While his season 1 had him stuck in the love triangle and his season 2 started with a HA HA ISN'T IT FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S A WOMAN ABUSING A MAN. THAT DON'T HAPPEN bit that made me die a bit inside, his move into the movers was a neat arc. even his stupid bit of sexual harassment was at least a character flaw and not LOOK I MADE A FUNNY BY HAVING THIS GIRL ABUSE A BOY. His arcs ins eason 3, finally finding a functional relationship and a special thing and 4, eventually finding out yes indeed we are the baddies, were great. The show itself is great and I feel gets entirely too much hate. Is it perfect?
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Season 1 is a bit messy, trying to cram several seasons of romance drama into 10 episodes and having some bits that don't quite work like Korra's makes it easy getting the rest of her bending back and the half assed tournament arc (Pro bending does slap though) and some bits I get why they don't work for people like the return of blood bending. But I still think it has tons of great character, plotting and the series second best villian in amon.
I'm not one to take the side door so i'll just come up front and knock: season 2 is a shit show. The origins episode is pretty good. Varrick is amazing. But Korra is extra impulsive, Mako is a piece of shit who couldn't make a decision if he had a gun to his head, and Asami is just there despite having a decent arc and personality in season 1. Add in the worst villian franchise wise and the whole ISN'T IT WACKY A MAN BEING ABUSED plot and yeah, season 2 blows
But while as should be clear i'm not in the "the show gets good by season 3" camp, seaosn 1 is still solid just rushed, season 3 is easily the series best with the return of the air benders being a truly wonderful curveball, Bolin finally getting thrown a bone by the universe, finding out more about Toph's family and more screentime for Bumi, whose awesome. It also has some of the franchises best villians with the series getting it's own magneto, a clever soft spoken man who simply wants to make a better world... but will choke whoever he has to to get it.
Season 4 isn't nearly as strong, Kuivera just had an impossible act to follow, but still works as Korra has one hell of a character arc, finding herself after several years of avoiding her problems, having to reconcile with the love of her life and bolin having to reconclie with generally hurting everyone around him. Even Mako, while still cardboard gets a decent arc with the prince. Kuivera isn't amazing, but she does bring out the best in everyone to make a solid finale. She also has a giant fighting robot so there. We also get Toph back whose essentially become yoda and it fits her like a glove. Her terse answers to Korra's enthuastic questions are great as is every moment of her. She's the only one of the gaang to really get to play a full on involved roll (Katara gets an apperance once a book and Zuko shows up once ) and it's glorious. Overall the series is great. I didn't go into this much detail for nothing. That and having to prepare for this since avatar a few entries ago had me primed and ready. I feel the show has a great cast of characters that more than makes up for it's shortcomings and is worth a watch if you loved the original.
Robot and Monster: Robot if only because he's voiced by Curtis Armstrong of Dan Vs fame. I like the designs here, but what I saw of the show is mostly pretty standard nick premise, something that was going around in those days as I ranted about last time. it's not nearly as bad as some of the others, but it dosen't really have anything extra either. it's resoundingly meh.
TMNT 2012: Leo. It was Donnie when I started watching but then he got all stalkery but this leo is intresting: they keep him being the responsible one and leader man, but helped flesh him out. While I love some versions that are the stock bit responsible load bearing brother (03 and IDW), this one has a goofy charm: he watches old sci fi cartoons, takes the job a tad seriously and isn't afraid to joke. Out of the four boys in this series he's the one who feels the most diffrent in a good way and I like that he has to learn to be leader and slowly grow into the roll, but was also the right one for it with splitners little test.
Another one that like Korra I watched and felt like a sign Nick was turning the corner. I twasn't entirely but it was a bright spot at the time and part of a truly great age of animation. The series STARTED strong, season 1 is a banger but the creative team change hurt it a bit. Season 2 did bounce back in my eyes.. but season 3 caused me to fall all the way off, partly because back then I switched from cable.. and partly because their version of northampton was drug out to hell. And I say that with the original comics having the turtles away from new york for a year. I think the impulse was SIMILAR to that, have some wacky tension reducing side adventures.. but the problem is while there the problem was simply "a violence gang threw us out and took away our homes", bad but something they have time to think over, the problem here was "The kranng have taken new york".. and we're spending time with a sasquatch wanting to make out with donie, dream beavers and drag racing. I'll also always be bitter about the irma!kraang thing, as it felt like a waste of a character who tmnt media loves to ignore for some reason despite april amost never having any friends. Give april friends. They also ruined donnie and April
That said while I feel off I can't hate this incarnation: it was essentially a reboot of the 80's cartoon, bringing in a few elements from other sources, but mostly trying to make a serialized more serious show, but still with that goofy energy. And it worked for the most part when it was good and the later seasons seem to have picked things back up after the mess that was season 3 and it has some all time great new characters like bradford and xever, with the latter STILL not having been ported to any other continuity. A solid show that took a bad dive but seemed to end strongly.. then had to do another season but hey.
Sanjay and Craig: THEY MADE IT UP BONG. I'd have to say Megan. Shame they never did anything with her and Sanjay but she was a great side character. The show itself is decent. At itmes it wasn't my forte due to all the gross out, but I still think it was pretty good. I liked having a wing joint as a hangout (I love me some wings) it has a great voice cast, and was pretty fun. Not an all timer but a pretty good show.
Monsters Vs Aliens:
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This show sucks. It's clear unlike Penguins and Legends of Awesomeness they weren't given even a modest budget, just a paper clip and a piece of string and it shows and they go with the weird premise of having aliens live with them as wacky neighbors instead of the obvious one of.. just have the monsters fight aliens and other weirdness each episode. You can still make that comedy, easily. Having seen the movie which is decent enough, it's not that hard but they somehow took a pretty damn good premise and made it just boring sitcom stuff. Easily one of my least faviorite nicktoons of all time.. probably not worse than planet sheen, but still not good at all.
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This one like fanboy and chum chum was seen as the antichrist ast the time. And like fanboy and chum chum.. it's just mid. it's just trying to be the bog standard nicktoon. Unlike fanboy it';s world, while still wacky nonsense is at least a touch more consitant.. but it's your standard two dudes hang out cartoon. While this genre wasn't new (See Sniz and Fondue over on KaBlam or Angry Beavers , both on this very network), regular show did cause more to get greenlit. I don't think this nor sanjay and craig as they were accused are outright trying to rip off regular show. Both of these have more of a ren and stimpy vibe.. but unlike sanjay and craig which has it's own weird perspective this ones weird perspective just isn't entertaning or fun. I think I could dig it if it were actuallyf unny or batshit enough but it's neither. IT's just.. boring.
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variouscolors · 2 months
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Crossover list (last update: Sep/21/2024)
※ This list is just a guide to what I have some knowledge about or is part of my other interests. If you are able to explain me something I do not have much knowledge about, maybe we can write those muses together!! I like to be able to insert my digi-muses (canon and OC) into those worlds sometimes, making it a specific AU thing.
※ If I can't imagine them living in that universe, or can't figure out how to make their canon/OC meet your muse, I'll have to refuse to write with that universe/muse of yours (but we can still try other muses of yours, so don't worry!)
※ This list may be updated with a few new series/franchises I'd like to do a crossover/AU with, or has knowledge about them.
Digimon series/franchise in general (I will RP with any kind of canon or OC btw)
Pokemon (Special manga; Journeys; Horizons; Sword/Shield mostly) ※ I'm game with a few pokemon anime + game as long you are up to explain me about them & their source material, and OCs?
Super Sentai (Dekaranger; Magiranger; Go-Onger; Shinkenger; Gokaiger; Toqger; Kyuranger; Lupinranger vs Patranger; Ryusoulger; Kiramager; DonBros; KingOhger)
Kamen Rider (Ryuki; Kiva; W/Double; Fourze; Gaim; Drive; Ex-Aid; Build; Zi-O; Geats; SKR)
Powerpuff Girls Z
Grand Chase
Sonic (games; IDW; Sonic Boom TV Series, Sonic X; Sonic Prime)
Rayman (Captain Lasehawk v. is a big NO + block)
Pretty Cure (Futari wa; Fresh; Smile; HUGtto; Star ✰ Twinkle; Higaru Sky!)
Kill la Kill
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Nagi no Asukara
Gravity Falls
My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia
Little Witch Academia
Persona 5
Ducktales (2017)
The Owl House
Your Name.
Magic Kaito 1412 (anime)
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne (anime)
Saint Tail
Spy x Family
Wedding Peach (anime)
[some franchises/series that i prefer to not put here, so if you get my follow this means i’m OK with you]
FANDOMLESS OCs: PLEASE, have a PAGE about your world/muse so I can read them and see if my muses could work in your world. If no information is present in your blog, it will make hard to interact with your muse, sorry!
⚠ List for the Biggest NOPE + block if you insist using muses from these things:
Vivziepop content
Captain Lasehawk, as mentioned before (i hate how it portrayed Rayman in it) & Rabbids (not very fan of them)
AoT muses or AUs
JKR content (it saddens me to add this here, HP was part of my childhood and now i want to not be associated with it anymore)
BBC shows (liked one of those shows in the past, but i'm not very comfortable with them alas)
Roleplaying with real-life actors/idols/people in gen as if they were fictional characters (live action characters such as Kamen Rider/Sentai/etc are OK, but i'm uncomfortable with real-live faceclaims)
LARP or self-inserts (those make me nervous and uncomfortable)
Any Angel/Demon AU versions of any human digimon character due to past experiences
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An only vaguely coherent rant/lamentation about an isekai from the mid-2010s
So, context: little egg me got into anime within the context of the isekai-boom of the first half of the 2010s, and the first anime I actually watched (that wasn't something like the Dutch tv dubs of beyblade and pokemon) was, in fact, an isekai; SAO, to be precise, and the reason was litterally just gender envy towards femme Kirito in the second series. This rant is not about SAO.
It's about No Game No Life. NGNL has, to put it lightly, issues. The biggest one by far being the creepy and very uncomfortable, uhmm, situation the 2 main characters have going on. It gets bad to the point of being unwatchable on multiple occasions and it's completely undefendable. I hate it.
The thing is, if it was just a crappy creepy isekai, I wouldn't care. But the issue is, the worldbuilding and concepts in this story are genuinely inspired. The fact the 10 Pledges are equivalent to Laws of physics in-context is such a great concept, expecially in how it interacts with all the different sentient species.
The weird symbiosis of the dhampir and sirens in a world where non-consensual violence is physically impossible, the double-edged sword of magic as a method of cheating, the way structural violence, all the way up to inheritable slavery, can still exist despite the pledges.
And my personal brainworm, the flügel. Immortal beings made for eternal war stuck in a world where war has become ontologically impossible. Living forces of destruction in a universe where all of that became meaningless. They're teleologically made to go apeshit and the fundamentally can't anymore. Beings without purpose, and with an eternity ahead of them. So what do they do? They gather knowledge and stories and whatever else just to not be bored. They become archivists and collectors and they learn all there is to lear nto fill the unfillable hole in their existence. They're escapists.
My younger self was positively obsessed with them. I unironically made a flügel-sona (her name was Ëzisheill). I still think the flügel are fascinating as a concept. Living weapons of a god long-rendered powerless, in a world were the concept of a weapon has been refuted by the very laws of physics. They deserved better. Most of the concepts did.
Even after almost a decade, I'm still so frustrated at how this thing manages to be so fascinating on a conceptual level and so utterly garbage in most aspects of its execution.
I don't recommend ngnl to anyone; it's creepy and horny in way too many places and all the wrong ways.
But I wish I could. I wish it was actually good instead of "like that".
(the Zero movie is actually good, but because it takes place *before* the Pledges it doesn't have the most interesting worldbuilding dynamics. I do recommend the movie though. Mainly because it isn't isekai at all and mainly just a somewhat post-apocalyptic dark fantasy/cosmic horror story for the most part. And the anime mcs aren't there, thank fuck, and the main couple of the movie actually works without being horrendously uncomfortable and disgusting.)
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼.
𝔹 𝕒 𝕜 𝕦 𝕘 𝕠 𝕦  𝕂 𝕒 𝕥 𝕤 𝕦 𝕜 𝕚
     ⇴ male reader [24, pro-hero, alpha, quirk: ice-phoenix]      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↳ summary: Bakugou and [Your.name] were dating, about to get married. Though one morning, everything that was dear to [Your.name] was brutally ripped away when he found a letter from his fiancé. Katsuki was gone, no traces left behind. And now, after three years [Your.name] was suddenly confronted with the reason when he meets his ex-fiancé again in a small town in Hokkaido.
↣ rating: mature ↣ warnings: abo universe, male pregnancy, bonding (biting for the bond mark to appear), drama / angst that turns into a happy end though; angst ending version read here.
AN: This was inspired by @amgjiks ’ request they sent in a few months ago! posting this story under your original request feels kinda “wrong” since I’d be ignoring half of what you requested basically so imma keep the original for when inspiration kicks in, in the future :)
part 2.
Walking along the streets, you didn’t have a destination in mind. Just walking around and letting fresh air clear your fogged up brain. You had been overthinking – again. It was one of those days were you couldn’t help but think back to three years ago. Tomorrow three years ago would have been the date were you and Katsuki would have said “Yes”, but alas… it all came differently.
Running your hand through your hair, you sighed deeply.
“I need to stop thinking about this. It’s been so long! Like this, I will never be able to forget him.”
But how were you supposed to forget the love of your life? Especially when it all came so quickly and out of nowhere? One day everything was fine, the next, he was gone. And as much as you tried to find him, despite him stating in the letter you shouldn’t try, it was all in vain anyways. It’s as if Bakugou Katsuki had never existed. Even his parents, that were always very much in love with you as their son-in-law, completely ignored you and cut you off.
It was such a deep cut, even time wasn’t able to heal anything. The last three years were rough. Sleepless nights were a normal thing by now. And while media praised you for working so hard on your hero career, you just pushed yourself like that so you wouldn’t need to think about the past. Because when you were working, it all just faded away.
However, after collapsing one day, the agency forced you to take time off and so you landed in Hokkaido. Far away from the bustling streets of Tokyo, your gloomy small apartment and your work place. With nothing to do, you found yourself overthinking day and night. If you just could ask him one question.
Putting on his scent-blocking collar, Bakugou suddenly felt a little tugging on his t-shirt, hence he looked down. [Eye.color], big eyes stared at him and the toothy smile immediately had him smiling as well.
“Are you ready to go outside, Hiroto?”, he asked his son who looked so much like you, reminding him every day what he had done.
“MH! Can I bring Popo?”, Hiroto’s big eyes sparkled a little, making it very difficult for Katsuki to say no, hence he nodded a little.
Watching his son, it only took a few moments before he came back with his stuffed animal, it was a phoenix. Rather, it was your merchandise. It… was complicated.
“Ready to go?”
And so, Katsuki locked the door behind him, leaving to go for a walk around the block and a quick park visit.
Leaning against a bridge, you stared down, still pondering. If you had just acted differently, maybe you could have saved your relationship. Whatever it was you had done, it pushed him away from you and it was eating you inside to not know what the reason was.
You didn’t know how many hours you had been wandering around town, trying to stop thinking, but as always, you only thought harder the less you had to do. Hence why you decided to go back to the inn you were staying at.
After hours outside, Hiroto was tired, his plushy Popo hugged tightly against his chest as he silently walked besides Bakugou along the streets. One more time, Katsuki tried to pick his son up, “Hiro? Want me to carry you home? Aren’t you tired?”
“NHN!”, he shook his head, “Daddy is never tired when he fights the bad guys! So I am also not tired.”
Hiroto was stubborn as he kept walking besides Bakugou who was just sighing a little. It was his own fault, but he couldn’t lie to his son. Without even thinking about it, Katsuki talked about you whenever you were on TV. He didn’t know why he just couldn’t keep quiet about you being Hiroto’s father. So now, whenever you were on TV, Bakugou had to lie and say you were in another country fighting the bad guys, even though you were still in Tokyo, mere 4 hours away with the train. But Katsuki couldn’t come back. Not after he had hurt you so much. It was his decision to raise Hiroto alone. You deserved to be successful, it had been your dream. Kids just weren’t a thing you had planned for, at least not with 21.
Being caught up in his own thoughts, Bakugou didn’t see you on the other side of the street. Neither did you see him. Both of you staring ahead, thinking back to three years ago, what had been and what it could have become. However, something connected you both. You never had a chance to bond with him, was it a tradition in your alpha family to bond during the wedding night, but your connection was different. Said connection was looking up and across the street.
Hiroto just looked around tiredly when he saw someone. Someone he had seen on TV multiple times. The little boy didn’t know how many times he had wanted Katsuki to show him YouTube videos of you fighting.
“HAAAHHH!? DADDY!?”, a piercing cry came from the little one, shaking you and Katsuki awake. The latter immediately grabbing Hiroto, but.. it was too late.
“HIRO?!”, he yelled, though his son ran across the streets.
You, on the other hand, were so incredibly confused. There he was, standing literally on the other side and then there was a little child, running towards you and calling for you. Was this the “Why?” you had searched for, for so long? You couldn’t think about it when your legs moved on their own to get the kid out of a potential dangerous situation.
It was a blessing that the small town didn’t have much traffic, hence why you could easily run towards him, scoop him up and get back to the safe sidewalks in mere seconds. You didn’t want to imagine what could have happened in a busy city like Tokyo.
Then you stood there, awkwardly holding Hiroto who was crying and sobbing into your t-shirt while Katsuki’s own emotions were all over the place. The Omega had never imagined the possible chance of meeting you again. After three years, all he had built up from scratch to have a comfortable life far, far away from you, as to not disturb your career, it all broke apart.
However, Bakugou wasn’t the only one hearing something shattering, your own heart dropped into your stomach. The already broken pieces shattering more when you saw the pure horror displayed on his face. This was not how you imagined meeting him again. He hated you. You were certain of that. Whatever you had done to him, he never wanted to see you again. It all was so clear to you now it almost brought you to tears then and there.
Your inner Alpha was strongly urging you to just grab him, Katsuki was your Omega, even if you never had a chance to mark him, that’s just how it was. He was yours. But…
Slowly pushing your son away you put him into Bakugou’s arms. There were no words said, the only thing disturbing the silence was Hiroto’s sobbing. Especially when you loosened his tight grip on your t-shirt, he started squirming and screaming, trying to grab onto you more. He had seen you on TV so many times and now you were right in front of him. Yet, Hiroto had to watch when you turned around and left him behind.
You had so many questions rushing through your head, but at the same time, you couldn’t bring yourself to utter them out loud. Not after seeing Bakugou’s expression. This was never supposed to happen. Even if your heart yearned for answers, especially regarding his son… your son?
Without thinking about it, Katsuki put Hiroto down to let him run after you once again. It was such an impulse thing to do, he truly didn’t know why he had done it. Though after three years, why should he hide anymore when you had seen everything now? Also… after so long, he might have not been able to ignore his heart’s desire and yearning any longer.
It was so incredibly hard to ignore Hiroto’s crying and just walk away as if it had never happened, but for the sake of Katsuki’s happiness, you chose to go. However, a sudden tug made you stop. Looking down you saw ice around your ankles. It was weak and thin, easily breakable really. Hiroto’s? When you turned around, he had already clutched your leg tightly. Why?
When you looked back up, Bakugou also stood in front of you, his ruby eyes shimmering a little.
“Do you … want to talk?”, he finally asked, his voice breaking at the end though as he tried his hardest not to cry. What was he doing? It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen you in like three weeks, it had been YEARS since he left without any other word. Why would you even want to have anything to do with him or Hiroto?
“Yes!”, you said and it truly caught the Omega off-guard. After everything he put you through… If he was in your position he probably would have been so angry and furious, but you just seemed exhausted and tired.
But finally, you would be getting some answers.
All night long, you couldn’t sleep. After you had calmed down Hiroto enough, Bakugou gave you a little piece of paper with his address on it. “I work until 7. So we can talk without any disturbance.”, he said when he gave you the information. It was probably for the best. You didn’t want to imagine what would happen when your feelings would overcome you out in a café. [Your.hero.name] seen screaming in Hokkaido – you could see the news all over the internet already. So, it was probably for the best to meet him at home.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t nervous. How had your ex-fiancé been living his life the past three years? It was all exciting and scary at the same time to find out those things.
When you knocked on his door, your inner Alpha was impatiently pacing up and down. It was as nervous as you. But when the door opened and Katsuki stood there, you were sure for the first time in the last 12 hours, that it wasn’t a dream. Walking inside was heaven and hell at the same time. Everything smelled like him. The Omega’s scent was so familiar, but another one was mixed in – probably Hiroto’s.
“A friend of mine is looking after Hiroto tonight so he won’t be dragged into this.”, he said, nervously fumbling with his scent-blocking collar.
It was weird wearing it at home, but for you and himself, he had to wear it. His Omega had been going in circles ever since he met you again yesterday. It wanted to be taken and to be honest, Bakugou was also close to surrender to you. But it wasn’t that easy. You probably had so many questions.
“Oh… Yeah that’s for the best. Katsuki.”, you suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallways.
“I’m sorry I can't wait, but you need to tell me now. Hiroto, he… called me Daddy and he has an ice quirk… so I am not wrong to assume that he is… our son?”
Katsuki could vividly feel your emotions, the Omega was shuddering, his throat dry and hands sweatier than usual.
“Yeah…”, was all he could choke out.
“Oh.. my God.”, you just mumbled to yourself. Hearing it out loud was like another punch in your stomach.
“Did you… leave me when you were pregnant?”, was your next question, still standing in the middle of the hallway.
However, Katsuki couldn’t even blame you. There were so many questions left unanswered.
“We were too young…”, his ruby eyes were shimmering again with tears, but he tried his best to keep them at bay.
“Too young?”, you were speechless for a moment, before looking back, “Why didn’t you tell me?! Why did you just… leave? Why… did you do everything yourself?!”
Now you were finally angry. After so long, you just couldn’t understand why he would leave you without saying anything. It could have all come differently if Katsuki would have just been honest!
“You had your career?! A baby didn’t just… fucking fit into our lifestyle! What else could I have done?!”, Bakugou yelled back. He knew it would come to this.
“SO?! You also had your career, we were both working hard to become well-known heroes so that’s not a fucking excuse. What else?? You seriously ask me?!”, you gestured wildly.
“You wouldn’t have wanted to raise a child, it was too soon!”
“It was NOT your right to decide that for me!”, you yelled, your voice breaking as tears welled up.
Bakugou once again being a little taken aback. His heart was racing and his tears so close to falling.
“You could have asked me, we could have worked it out.”, the first tears successfully fought their way out as they rolled over your cheeks.
“I loved you SO MUCH. If it was possible I would have literally brought you the stars from the sky. I would have done anything. And you? You just leave. Without anything but a letter telling me you cannot marry me. Do you have the slightest idea how I felt?”, your voice was shaking and breaking here and there, but it was freeing to finally let it all out.
“I thought it was for the best. I didn’t know what to do.“, Bakugou’s voice was so uncharacteristically weak and small.
“You didn’t know?? Did you never trust me, Katsuki? Was I just- such a horrible Alpha to you? Did you think I’d force you to an abortion? Was I not good enough to be a father?!”, you asked trying so hard not to scream, but all these pent up feelings, it all just gushed out without any sort of valve to stop yourself.
“That’s not it! I knew you wouldn’t do that, I just-“
“WHAT? Please tell me why! Why?! Why was I not worthy to be your mate? Why did you refuse to tell me and just leave?! Why did you chose raising OUR baby alone, I-“
“I DON’T KNOW, OKAY?! I don’t know! It was a fucking stupid decision out of nowhere!”, he finally screamed back, tears cascading down his face.
“Don’t you think I have regretted it? Do you think I LIKE being a single parent?! I know I fucked up. I know I threw it all away because I panicked, okay?! I just panicked and before I knew it I was on the train.”, Katsuki sobbed, desperately wiping away his tears.
“We were so fucking young! We had planned to marry, we were talking about saving up for the future to build a house, to have a family in like 10 years or more. But… But I just messed up! I forgot to take my medication before going into Heat, it was my fault I got pregnant- I… I couldn’t bring myself to tell you. Throw everything we planned out the window because I was too fucking stupid to remember.”, his voice broke horribly, being squeaky from time to time as Bakugou’s guilt just overflowed.
The Omega was shaking and instinctively, you and your inner Alpha wanted to protect him. Hence why you wiped away your tears and took a deep breath to calm yourself.
“I know I messed up. Fuck.”, he cried and yet laughed at himself. Hands buried in his hair, Bakugou just wanted to cease to exist in that moment. He had done so many things wrong in his life. The only good thing that had ever happened was meeting you and falling in love with you and even that he destroyed.
He was gasping for air due to talking nonstop while gesturing with his hands wildly. And then, you just hugged him. Your Alpha scent surrounding him and soothing him. Your arms strong and warm, just perfect to melt into them and let everything loose. Oh, how he had missed that.
“I just… wish you had given me a choice. I wish you would have trusted me more. I would have done anything for you and our baby. It would have been hard, I know, but I am sure we would have been able to make it work.”, you quietly said while soothingly caressing his back and letting a quiet, calming purr erupt from your throat. A sign how close you truly were as you would never purr for anyone else than Bakugou.
“I’m sorry.”, Bakugou sobbed and clawed at your clothes, “I love you and I missed you and.. it was so hard alone, but I know I don’t have any fucking right to complain about it because it’s all my fault and I hurt you so much and-“
You hugged him a little tighter.
“I regret everything, I… I… can you forgive me? Can you give me a second chance? I know I don’t deserve it. I know…”
Had you ever seen him so weak before? No. And it truly tugged on your heart strings. There is nothing you wanted more. Get back together. Be happy again. But-
“Katsuki… have you ever thought of coming back to me? Like, if I had never shown up, if I had never found out… wouldn’t you keep on living without me just fine? Don’t you think this is your guilty conscious speaking? You don’t want me. You don’t need me.”
That was the last thing you said before you pulled back from him at last. Bakugou was quite speechless, just staring at you, red, swollen eyes and a tear-stained face made it hard to just go. But it was for the better. Even if he had regretted it, he was never pushed so far as to come back to you. Like that, maybe it was for the best.
Though before you could turn away, he grabbed your hand.
“I wanted… during the pregnancy, after Hiroto was born and every time I saw you on TV, I was so close to leaving all of this. But at that point, I was too fucking scared. I had no right to go back… There are so many letters I’ve written and never sent. [Your.name], I… I literally have a suitcase ready to go. I’ve been waiting for some sort of sign or I don’t know and now? You’re here. Right here in front of me. I know it’s foolish and I’m stupid and have no fucking right to demand this from you, but please… Let me come back. Please forgive me. Please… be Hiroto’s father.”
He had never in his life begged. His superiority complex definitely wouldn’t allow for any of that, but right now was different. He realized the hurt he had caused. How wrong he was. Bakugou had regretted running away in the first week of living in Hokkaido. He always told himself it was “the right thing”. So maybe it was pathetic that he came crawling back, but if there was a slight chance you would take him back, he just had to take it.
You just sighed. Your heart was confused. While your heart screamed yes over and over again, your brain was telling you no. What if it was just a spur of the moment thing? What if he would leave you again when things would get tough?
But then, you looked down and onto his hand. The gold engagement ring you had gotten him around four years ago was still on his ring finger.
“You still… wear it?”, you asked as you reached for the hand that gripped your wrist tightly. His hands were shaking still – you have never seen him like that.
“It’s the only thing that kept me connected to you…”
Reaching out, you cupped his face with your big hand, the Omega instinctively leaning against it. It was okay. Even if you were to get hurt again. Even if you forgave too quickly. Everything was okay now as you leaned in to connect your lips.
Holding onto you immediately, Bakugou’s fingers clawed at your t-shirt not wanting to let go ever again. Your lips melting together, emotions overwhelming you both as you pressed him into the wall. One hand reaching up to his collar. It took mere seconds for it to snap open. Then it fell to the floor, unleashing all of Bakugou’s Omega scent.
It being overwhelming was quite the understatement. Your knees were weak and legs shaking. You couldn’t resist the urge to bury your face in the crook of his neck.
“Oh my God…”, you moaned as you slowly slid down onto the ground with him, Katsuki just whimpering as he hugged your body as close as possible.
He would never let go again – never!
With your teeth gracing along his neck, your sweaty bodies collided over and over again. Bakugou only able to sob as he held on to your hands tightly, nails digging into your skin and almost drawing blood.
You were hovering above him, hearing his cries and sobs. The sweet scent from his neck being so irresistible. You just wanted to bite. Mark him. It had been a tradition in your household to do so on your wedding night, but…
“Do it…”, you suddenly heard.
Bakugou could barely choke it out, ruby eyes filled with tears of pleasure as he whispered one more time, “Do it… It’s overdue…”
And then, without thinking twice about it anymore, you grabbed him tightly while your teeth sank into his skin.
A marvelous burning pain rushing through his body almost made Katsuki pass out. The sweet torture of being bonded to his mate was almost too much. That was all he had longed for, for so long. He didn’t know why you would take such a coward like him back, but he was so grateful and plain… happy.
Once you opened your eyes the next morning, it all felt like a dream. Especially when you reached to your side and it was empty.
Sitting up abruptly, you looked around – definitely not your room. So what happened last night was not a dream. However…
Without putting anything on, your heart was beating so fast when you rushed outside the bedroom door. Flashbacks to three years ago were haunting your mind.
“Katsuki?”, you tore open the next door, prepared to just see another letter on one of the tables.
Though it, thankfully, wasn’t the case. There he was, standing in the kitchen, your flannel from yesterday the only thing covering his body while he was talking to someone on the phone. Unintentionally, tears had formed in your eyes, but now, you just sighed shakily and wiped over your eyes quickly.
Bakugou, who had turned around once he heard you calling for him, certainly had his heart sinking in the pit of his stomach.
That was his fault.
“Okay… okay, thank you.”, then he ended the call and turned to you, “Sorry, it was about Hiro. Akitoshi will bring him over before lunch.”
“Ah? Mh, okay.”
“Hey…”, putting his phone onto the table, he walked towards you. The Omega’s strong arms wrapped around your waist as he cuddled against your chest.
“I am not running away again. I promise.”, Katsuki barely whispered.
Hugging him tightly with your hand buried in his hair, you just quietly sighed and then kissed his forehead before leaning your head against his.
“I know. I just need some time.”, you also said quietly and Bakugou understood.
Hence why he reached out to cup your face, smiling softly.
“I love you.”
A small smile also flitted across your lips. Your hands cupping his own as you leaned down to kiss him.
“I love you, too.”
Walking back into the bedroom, Bakugou soon lost the flannel again as he slipped into bed, snuggling against you; legs tangled and naked bodies melting together. Unintentionally your hand had slipped down to his belly. That’s when you felt uneven skin and a scar underneath your fingertips. Yesterday, you were caught up in all your pent up emotions too much, so you didn’t notice.
It was his C-Section scar.
“Tell me about Hiroto.”
Subconsciously, his lips curved into a smile. That you wanted to know more about your son melted his heart but also made him feel more guilty. If only he could turn back time.
“Yeah.”, and then, he started talking and you just listened to the soothing voice of your Omega.
There were three years to catch up on, but due to Katsuki telling your son about you all the time, at least it was easier for Hiroto. With how he was clinging to you yesterday, it was obvious he loved you even though he had never met you in person. And you wanted to be there for him at last. You had only met him yesterday for a brief moment but your heart was already filled with so much love that you wanted to give to him.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: I’d love to know what y’all thought of this story? :) once again I took inspiration from the request and I am pretty happy with the outcome!
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teatitty · 2 years
Sparbossa Brainrot Part 9: I Do The Most
Okay so I meant to put this up way earlier but I kept fucking forgetting because I just keep staring at my docs and trying to will myself to write something but alas it isn’t happening. So more pirate gays it is!
Starting off with more divorcee bickering! Everyone present is watching them like a tennis match and it’s the funniest fucking thing to me this is prime time pirate entertainment I bet their divorce was front line gossip for months. On a more serious note though, it amuses me that Barbossa says this despite not seeing Jack for like 10 years post-mutiny. And he’s right, is the thing; Jack does prioritize getting the hell out of dodge rather than seeing a fight through. The only time (up till now at least) that he didn’t was when he was hellbent on killing Barbossa. The things obssession will do to you eh :)
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This is the equivalent of if a couple world leaders interrupted a world summit on live TV to have a marital fight btw
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I used to quote this a lot growing up. The dramatic zoom in on him is what really makes it
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Most everyone in the room agree with him so wholeheartedly and Barbossa is just "I fucking hate every single one of you and I hate him the most"
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Ya gotta know the main parts of the Code to know how to bend the rules the way he does so it doesn't surprise me that he's aware of this. Way to up the stakes by calling in your exes dad though. Also makes you wonder when Barbossa read through the Code so thoroughly :3
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Universal emotion for when your Dad gets called into school
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Gibbs and Barbossa know the dude talking shit is about to be shot
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"I'm fucked"
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Teague's musical motif is almost identical to Jack's just played slightly "off" in tone (best way I can describe it)
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I love that Elizabeth also makes background faces like Will does it’s so much fun
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They drop quite a few clues as to Teague and Jack's relation before it’s properly revealed: their appearance, the musical motif, Jack's reaction to Teague being called upon, and now the sea turtles line - which we have, of course, heard Jack use before and was something Will picked up in DMC
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Look at Barbossa bowing all pleased with himself. And Jack's just "absolutely not lemme look at this fucking book" and Teague - who definitely knows these two are divorcees - backs up to let him (this acts as another hint to their relation, btw, since Teague allows him to touch the book without permission first)
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Chevalle and Teague: nobody will become Pirate King Jack, about to cause chaos:
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I WISH I COULD CATCH THE TONGUE CLICK BARBOSSA MAKES HERE IT CRACKS ME UP. Being a long-suffering husband never ends even when you're divorced I guess
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The reactions following this are simply sublime. Even Elizabeth and Gibbs are stunned. Barbossa called in Teague to enforce the code and Jack's gonna use that to his advantage for no other reason than to piss off Barbossa honestly
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"Aww Hector you called my Dad in to one-up me? Watch this"
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Lets just say its a good thing he can't lunge for Jack right now
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Isn't it sweet that he gives Elizabeth a nod of pride and approval?
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He looks like a wet cat here lol
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Teague's words here, I think, are what ultimately cause Jack to save Will's life in the end. Because as much as he acts the part of being aloof and uncaring he really wouldn't be able to live with himself if he let Will die. He likes the kid too much
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The crew: raucous battle cries Barbossa: now how can I use this to free Calypso
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Jack is the first to notice the size of the armada
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Obviously it's extremely badass for Elizabeth to have these two on either side of her acting as guards and helpful liasons but Jack is placing himself away from Barbossa for strategic reasons because he does, in fact, plan on being bargained away himself which was a big part of why he voted Elizabeth for King and Barbossa can't immediately throttle him for it like this lol
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Barbossa is stepping further forward in this shot, putting him in front of the other two, and Jack is also moving faster than Elizabeth - given they have a lot more experience than her in such affairs it makes sense they would be in front of her as they walk so they can react quicker
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Took me a couple of attempts to get this but our boys are near perfectly in time with their steps and even plant their feet the exact same way, widening their stances, where Elizabeth keeps hers closer together, because she is still a woman from high class and you can't get rid of those traits just by knowing pirates for a year
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Barbossa is the first to roll his head lazily over to Jack's direction, whereas Elizabeth is more of a quick snap. It took her a second or two longer than Barbossa - who immediately got Beckett's meaning - to catch up with what was being said which is why her head snaps so hard to the side in comparison to Barbossa's seething roll
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Will basically outright acknowledging that he's been following Jack's lead on this ever since their talk on The Pearl before Jack had him fall overboard is a nice way to show that the lengths he's willing to go to achieve his ends
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Beckett revealing he is in possession of Jack's compass is the only thing Barbossa needs to connect the dots here and figure out what Jack's trying to do. This is around the moment you see him decide to just cut the Piece of Eight off himself the second he gets the chance
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Barbossa being set off the side from this trio shows that, while Elizabeth is mainly focused on Jack's involvment with Will, Barbossa himself is analysing the bigger play going on behind the scenes
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Elizabeth finally catches up to what Jack's plan is the moment Davy mentions the debt and thus this is why she is so quick to bargain Jack. Will himself even offers her a sly smirk when he sees that recognition. Willzabeth parallel Sparbossa with the wordless convo that passes between them here
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Barbossa's attention is, as we've seen many times now, completely focused on Jack but he does do a rapidfire double take that is too quick for me to catch when Elizabeth "proposes an exchange"
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While he was trying to analyse whatever the fuck Jack was planning, ultimately he ended up being a step behind because he was so focused on Jack that he failed to see the microexpressions passing between Willzabeth. Neat parallels to when Willzabeth were so focused on eachother in BP they never took notice of what Sparbossa were doing
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Now obviously Jack is playing up that he is "against" this ploy buuuut he can't resist giving Barbossa a smug smirk anyways before turning his attention back to Elizabeth which
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Leads us to this (notice how Jack's positioning when he bowed means his bow was meant to be a mocking gesture to Barbossa rather than a respectful one to Elizabeth) and I can't help but feel that this was a personal revenge for when Jack cut his hat feather back in BP
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Naturally, because this is an ongoing 10D chess game where everyone around them are the pieces on the board and Sparbossa are the players, Jack's smugness doesn't last for long once his Piece is taken from him but what we do get
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Is whatever the fuck kinda tension and foreplay they got going on here now that they're back on even ground again (for real though can you back up a bit fellas because you'd be in kissing distance if Jack leant forward even a little good god there's bystanders present)
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Bonus live Will reaction to the above
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Genuinely I think Will's face here is him going "what the fuck is up with you two" and Jack's answering reply is basically ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Doesn't fear it enough to abandon Will though! You could do a whole separate meta about how Jack's loyalty runs deep once given but alas I'm not here for that
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Elizabeth and Inigo Montoya would be friends I think. Also look at Barbossa watching his fledgling threatening a man they grow up so fast :')
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Now that Will has proven himself to be as shrewd a man as Jack himself, Barbossa gives him a mean, distrustful look as he turns to follow Elizabeth and even takes extra steps to back himself up so he's standing in front of Will to give him The Full Stare before walking past him. It's about the theatrics it's about the drama
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Elizabeth is now leading because she's fully embraced being the King whereas before she was walking side by side with Jack and Barbossa but her steps were a little behind their own. And now Will is walking in Jack's place so symbolically he is no longer Jack's "pupil" you could say (there's a reason I'm not saying the same for Elizabeth yet I'm waiting for a specific moment to happen shhh)
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Barbossa may have gotten what he wanted from Jack but he is pissed about not having Jack himself here and even turns to throw one last near-snarl in Jack's direction. Kinda funny how both him and Beckett want Jack in this movie. Food for thought on that one, eh?
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Remember in the past when Jack said he tells the truth quite often but people never believe him? I think that's applicable here actually. A lot of the time he does genuinely know what he's doing it's just that his thought process is so crazy to an outside perspective (barring Barbossa's of course) it's easy to see him as a lucky idiot instead of a fucking genius
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Love the little detail here where you can see exactly where Barbossa cut his bandana to get the Piece of Eight just like how Barbossa's hat is still missing the big Ostrich feather that Jack cut back in the first movie
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Barbossa has kept himself in boiling silence this whole time and only speaks again when Elizabeth mentions using The Pearl as a flagship. Course by this point his crew have begun bringing Tia Dalma to the deck for The Ritual (this also means that at some point on the way back he overtook Willzabeth and marched to The Pearl by himself)
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There's a sharp head turn when Will speaks up but his anger doesn't truly spike until Jack is mentioned. Hell hath no fury like a divorcee scorned
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Jack seeks immortality because he fears death and though it is never outright stated like it was with Jack this scene tells us why Barbossa seeks the same thing:
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