#but again i COMPLETELY understand why the decisions that were made were made!! and i appreciate them
3amfanfiction · 2 days
It's Just Dinner pt 3
John needs another date and Kyle is very convincing. MDNI cw: gazlighting, manipulation, forced prostitution 2.8k First || Previous
Thankfully the next few weeks pass quietly. There's no surprise dates, no uncomfortable conversations. Just you and Kyle, like it used to be.
You're tentatively relaxing into the rhythm when the next bombshell goes off.
Kyle's running around, getting ready to head to base early in the morning, talking to you over his shoulder when you hear, "Price has an opera he needs to see with one of the brass this weekend and he needs a date. I told him you were free," finishing with his shoes he grabs a jacket, coming over to give you a dirty kiss complete with a healthy grasp of your ass. "We'll go shopping when I get back," —assured, nonchalant, just another day.
No. No! You're not doing this again!
"Kyle! You can't just volunteer me—"
"Bye, babe!" echos through the entryway as the door slams shut.
Conversation over.
You fumed for hours. How dare he? How DARE he? Did he think you were a child he could make decisions for? Absolutely not.
You were ready for him now.
You'd spent all day preparing and when Kyle got home tonight you were going to sit him down and you were going to be firm. You weren't going to let him talk over you, you were going to stand your ground tell him you wouldn't be going on any more dinner dates with John Price.
But as with any battle plan, it only lasted through the first encounter.
"Why are you acting like this?" Kyle frowned, not understanding. You crossed your arms defensively where you were standing in the bedroom, having followed him in when he got home. Why did you feel defensive?
You watched him pause, holding his t shirt in one hand as he looked over to you, head tilted in confusion. "You said you'd go, I already told him you agreed." He stepped towards you, dropping his shirt back in the drawer before stopping a short distance away, "you can't back out now babe, he's already booked the reservations."
Stop. Take a breath. You're not going to lose your temper.
"I never said I'd go, Kyle."
"Yes you did!" he insisted, eyes wide in disbelief, rolling right over your moment of breathing, "I was standing next to the kitchen table this morning—putting on my shoes—and you said yes."
He took a small step, bridging the distance between the two of you.
"Are you feeling okay, love?" his concerned voice made annoyed pinpricks creep up your spine. "You've been awful stressed lately. Is something going on at work? Anything you want to talk about?"
For one moment you imagined dumping it all on his shoulders, hysterically yelling, I'm pretty sure your boss tried to kiss me! to see what he would do with the information.
Kyle lifted his hands to cup your face, rubbing your noses together gently before you could do anything hasty. "We're partners . . . you know I've always got you, right?"
And just like that, the annoyance dissipated.
"I know, Kyle. That isn't what this is about," you reassured, leaning into his warm calloused palms, taking strength from his presence. "I just don't want to go to an opera this weekend."
You never brought up the half-kiss John had pressed to the corner of your mouth. After your bathroom pep talk you had met back up with him and he behaved himself for the rest of the night—there was no reason to worry Kyle about it.
But it still festered in the back of your mind.
His brow furrowed while he looked disappointingly at you, "Love, it would look really bad if I had to go back to my superior officer and say, 'sorry sir, she changed her mind, we can't help you.' It puts me in a bad spot when he's counting on us, on you, for the night."
His expression turned sad, "I wish you wouldn't have agreed if you had reservations about this."
Did you agree? He seems so certain, remembers it so clearly, maybe you did indicate acceptance somehow this morning, unwittingly.
"No—no I didn't agree, or at least, that's not what I meant," you capitulate, giving ground, shoulders rounding ever so slightly.
You have been stressed lately.
Maybe he's right.
He pulled away to frown down at you, "why are you so against going to dinner this time? Last time you were excited to go."
"I wasn't excited Kyle," you stammered, "I told you I wasn't sure about all this."
"No babe, you told me you were nervous," he pauses to smile at you as if you were in on a secret together, "after all Price is a handsome man and anyone would be nervous to have his full attention on them," you firmly don't think about the swoop in your stomach when he had cupped the back of your neck, the static shock that skated up your spine when his lips brushed yours, ever so slightly.
"—but then you had a great time." you focus back on what Kyle is saying, pulling your wandering mind under control, "I don't understand why you're being so skittish about this now."
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest before shuffling the both of you over to the bed. Sitting, he moved you into his lap, chest to chest so he could look into your eyes.
"Are you sure no one said or did anything?" His voice dripped with sincerity, looking for something to fix, some way to help, "You know you're my best girl, right? I wouldn't let anything happen to you."
Fuck. How do you keep messing this up? Now you're sitting here crying as Kyle promises to protect you. Should you just tell him? Get it over with, off your chest. Would that unlock the chain that was dragging you down? You wanted it to go back to how it was before.
No. You weren't a child and you didn't need to be babied. Nothing truly happened so there was nothing to tell Kyle.
But without telling him, you didn't have a valid reason for not going this time.
So you sat there in silence, unable to give ground any further. After a few moments of this, Kyle continued, tone lowered —assured, "Who's always looking out for you? Making sure that you're safe and you're happy, hmm?" he used his thumb to wipe away the tear tracks on your face.
"You," you assure quickly. This at least came easier, "but Kyle, this is—"
"Pet," stern, direct, "you're getting all twisted up in this when you don't need to be. You trust me right? You know I'm always doing whats best for us?" he holds your gaze, forehead pressed against yours, watching every flick of your eyes. "I love you more than I ever thought possible, but if you don't trust me . . . that's a hard thing to come back from, you know?"
"I do! I do trust you Kyle, I'm sorry. I don't know why I feel this way," rushed, pleading.
"I told you, even though you're my best girl, your head still gets in the way. We need to turn that pretty brain off, don't we?" He kisses you sweetly, as if you're everything he could ever want. "I've got us, baby. I wouldn't steer wrong."
"Okay," you give in after one more moment of resistance, tired of the pushing and pulling, the cyclical conversations, "okay, I'll go. But this is the last time, do you hear me Kyle Garrick?" You pulled back to show him your no nonsense face, "I'm not doing this again."
Kyle laughs as if you'd stomped your foot in assertion, something too cute to ever be taken seriously, "I hear you, babe. Thank you for coming around to see my side of things," he squeezes you to his chest, your face tucked into the warmth of his neck, "you're going to have a great time, you'll see."
He leans away to take you in, "How are you so wonderful? I feel like I must've saved an orphanage from a fire or something to have gotten you in my life."
Smiling at you as if he could see the universe in your eyes, "it's you and me, right sweetheart?" he questions, a child looking for benediction.
"You and me," you assure, disquiet bubbling softly in the back of your mind.
You saw John before he saw you.
He was standing in the foyer, looking at his phone, dressed to the nines.
His snug black suit emphasized the breadth of his shoulders, biceps bulging at the seams. His button down shirt tucked into his pants emphasized his thick waist, the muscles of his core covered by a healthy layer of fat.
His thick gold rings caught the light from above as he swiped through his phone—
Was that your living room on his screen?
The thought was derailed almost as soon as it formed due to John noticing you. He turned with a beaming smile as he locked his phone and slid it into a pocket. Holding his arms open he ushered you into a hug.
The smell of his cologne was earthy, loamy—it curled up in your nose and sunk its tendrils into your brain. How did he always smell so good?
Tensing slightly as his arms closed around you, he did no more than press a firm kiss high on your cheekbone. "You are a vision, my dear," John said in awe, pulling back slightly to take you in from head to toe. "Every time I see you, you end up more stunning. How is that possible?"
You laugh, charmed despite yourself. It's hard to keep up walls when John Price is looking at you like that, "You're too sweet, John," you demure, intending to have a good time tonight, "shall we find our seats?"
Several hours later, when the night was all but over while waiting for your car, you don't notice at first that John has taken a step closer. You're too distracted by the chill breeze that has sprung up, attempting to keep your skirt where it belongs.
You realize how close he had gotten when his hand comes up to brush against the skin of your jaw, fingers trailing softly as if dragging against spun gold.
Something precious. Something treasured.
You inhale shakily, unsure of where this was leading but wanting to stop. To take a step back onto stable ground.
"John—" is as far as he lets you get before his mouth covers yours, his other hand coming up to cradle your face in his palms while he devoured your mouth.
Because there was nothing timid or hesitant about this kiss. He claimed with it. His tongue pressing into your mouth at the first sign of weakness—the smallest gasp you couldn't control.
His fingers tightened against the side of your head as he groaned, angled down from above, making sure he was all you could see, all you could hear.
After what felt like years he pulled away, panting like he'd just ran a race, "Fuck me, sweetheart, but you taste even better than I'd hoped."
You stand there, eyes wide as you hold onto his wrists, one hand covering the smooth face of his watch. "You—you kissed me," you murmured, only just loud enough to be heard, "you can't kiss me, John."
He smiled as if you said something cute before pulling you back in. His lips had just brushed yours when you wrenched your head back, desperate to put space between the two of you.
"No, John," shaky but as determined as you could make it. You watch as something rises from the depths behind his eyes. A leviathan observing you, deciding where to bite first, where to grab as he pulls you into his depths, his maw closing around you . . .
Only for it to sink back below the surface, John's blue eyes clearing once more.
"Of course, of course, you're right doll, we shouldn't be doing that here." He continues talking over your spluttered here? as if you never said anything.
"There's your car anyways," the brakes squeak ever so lightly behind you, the thrum of the engine filling the night air, "you be good, sweetheart." A smile as John steps back, holding your door open for you. You climb in quickly, not wanting to spend any longer in his presence than needed.
John looms over the open doorway, forearms braced against the roof, "until next time." He winks at you before shutting the door, a soft double tap on the roof his notice to the driver.
As the car pulled away from the curb your thoughts began to spiral and you started to hyperventilate.
You had to tell Kyle now, you should've told him before but you can't go changing the past.
As soon as you get home you'll sit him down and talk to him. You'll tell him everything.
You ignore your slick thighs and the pressure of your underwear on your throbbing clit.
You made the car drive around the block—twice—before you worked up the courage to go inside.
Time to face the music.
"He kissed me, Kyle," you say, bracing for the explosion. You were still reeling from the evening, light tremors shaking your limbs, making your knees feel like they were knocking together.
You know you have to tell him everything, you can't keep something like this quiet. You have to lay it all out and hope he doesn't lose his mind.
Kyle froze. You watch him swallow, noticing his pupils expanding to eclipse the brown of his eyes. You hoped it wasn't in rage.
He quickly gathered himself as youlet out a broken sob and launched yourself at him, tears already streaming down your face.
You cried into his chest, latched onto him in search of strength. He pressed soft shh shh's against the top of your head, cradling you close to him, trying to coax you to breathe.
Eventually you were able to draw in a semi-steady breath without it immediately devolving into a sob and found yourself apologizing to Kyle, "I'm so sorry, I don't know why he kissed me—" breaking off into another wet hiccup.
"None of that now, you're making it a bigger deal than it needs to be," Kyle promised sternly, squeezing you tightly to him, "I know it's not your fault, you did nothing wrong." He soothes you when that causes another round of sobbing to begin.
"I'll talk to him tomorrow," he announces quietly, with a somber air, once the tears began to peter off. "It might cause some . . . friction on the task force but if it's made you this upset then I'll handle it."
Why? Why does John have to be Kyle's boss?
It made everything so complicated.
If it were anyone else, you'd be able to trust Kyle to set them straight, no concerns about consequences. But with John . . . he had control over Kyle's life. Is a kiss worth it? Is anything worth risking Kyle's life?
You'd decided before that you wouldn't risk bad blood between them. You held onto that decision even now, even as things have gotten heavier, more complicated.
You bury deeper into Kyle's chest, arms wrapped as tightly as possible around him, "No, I don't want to cause trouble for you at work."
"Doll, it's no-"
"No, you were right, I'm making it a bigger deal than needed. I was just worried, that's all."
He hunched down to rest his chin on top of your head, "worried about what?" he presses.
"Just that . . . that you're saying it's okay when it's really not. I don't want you to be upset with me." Your eyes started to well up again but you blinked furiously, trying to keep the tears from falling down your cheeks.
He slips an arm free to tilt your chin up, angling your face towards his, eyes locked so you have no way of hiding from him and what he's about to say.
"I'm not upset with you and you did absolutely nothing wrong," holding your gaze, chin firmly grasped. "Do you think I care about the captain kissing you?" —amused, placating almost— "I care because you care, love," he looked down to your lips, pursed slightly from the pressure of his grip.
"Here," quiet, sensual, "I'll show you."
When he pulled you into the kiss it was warm coffee on a cold morning, it was waking up to realize you have an hour left on your alarm, it was the house lights being on when you get home at night.
It was comfort.
You chase after him slightly when he pulls away, wanting to continue. He smiled and gives you another peck. "You taste," he murmurs, lips brushing yours with every word, "utterly delicious."
You pant softly, waiting for him to press into you again. He smiles and gives another soft kiss, "chapstick and cigar smoke taste perfect from your lips."
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
i feel like the original series was red guy centered, the first season was for yellow guy, and i am BEGGING AND PRAYING that season 2 will be more about duck!! i will probably cry if anything happens to him though lol 💀 everytime writers break a comic relief character i just OUGSHGS.. it gets me.
h well I don't think you're wrong about that! Webseries being Red Guys time to shine, S1 of the TV show being for Yellow (esp the last two episodes I think? Even thought outside of that, he does get a lot of focus/he IS the one who talks to the audience the most directly). From what I remember hearing, the pilot was pretty Duck-centered.
But I think even if he GETS his big moment in the sun, so to speak, it's NOT going to be as emotional as the other twos. On top of him just not being a very um… let's say sentimental character, he's just not the make-you-cry type! It's just not him imo!
IDK, I operate under the opinion that… in his weird little head, the most important thing that he values over everything is keeping the three of them together. Both because he thinks of them as a weird little family AND because he really doesn't have anyone else outside of the trio. We also know from the interview, and you could maybe argue from the Family episode ( Who do you love?/Anyone who loves me back., I asked every member of my family who they loved the most, and they all said me ) that being loved is something that he actually values QUITE a bit! More than you would assume on first glance! He's weirdly upfront about it haha!
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In that way, I imagine that if they were to TRY to pull something to put him in the spotlight in the way you're imagining (i.e. something emotional and focusing on his issues like they did with Yellow & Red) it would either focus on his desire to be loved OR his dedication to keeping the three of them together. But I would argue they both already did that in the Family episode AND put him through the worst case-scenario in regards to those more emotional aspects of his character ( here I think the worst case scenario to him is the other two rejecting him, harshly, unambiguously and to his face, multiple times and the three of them separating ). AND THE THING IS… THAT ALREADY HAPPENED! THAT DIDN'T BREAK HIM!
He had his little pout over it in his dress and was like FINE! I DON'T NEED THEM ANYWAYS! So, I really don't think that big "character-breaking" moment is coming. If the Family ep didn't get him I honest to God don't think there's anything else the house could throw at him that could get under his skin.
#I REALLY TRULY DO THINK HES JUST GONNA KEEP BEING SILLY AND GOOFY UNTIL THE END OF TIME#just forever in the BG being funny and having the best lines#like. worst case scenario came and went and he is both so adaptable AND deranged that nothing is going to come from it ever#ALSO sorry! i think he likes being in the house lol#dude who loves repetition and stagnation and who is a complete social failure gets trapped in a time loop house with two other people?#of COURSE he loves the routine and delusionally convinces himself that the other two love him!! come ON now!!!#my dhmis postings#like im trying to think of what kind of drama can even come from his specific issues and#its like what if he figures out the other two dont think of him the same way?#HE ALREADY DID!!!#and he pushed on it and pushed on it and didnt relent until they were like PHYSICALLY seperated.#then he just convinced himself that HE made the decision to drop THEM actually.#and when that didnt work he got sad. then got over it.#again. i think he would TRY to find new friends but like. socially he is SO SO fucked lol.#hes annoying. hes loud. he NEVER stops talking. hes super upfront and DOGSHIT at communicating at the same time#hes mean. hes abrasive. he doesnt understand social cues at ALL. he has NO filter. and he refuses to work on any of that because to him#NONE of that is a problem.#like he wouldnt be able to get new friends if he TRIED. he is so completely entirely incompatible to anyone outside the group#it makes him REALLY easy to hate and i get why a lot of ppl do. HELL i get why a lot of IN UNIVERSE charas HATE him
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queers-mdears · 11 months
so much of who i am at this moment in my life revolves around grief and the loss of my dad. not in a “i’m sad all the time” way because that isn’t what grief is. i just am always thinking about grief in some way. my perspective on life is colored by my grief! it’s always there. it’s been there for four years now.
and i am not happy izzy died. that will never be true. just like i will never be happy my dad is dead. i love my dad and boy do i love izzy hands especially this season. but i am feeling this grief and these feelings and this LOVE and it is so familiar but it isn’t all bad. because we got closure. we got a fucking incredible izzy arc. it’s devastating. but like, it’s supposed to be. if i didn’t love this character so much i wouldn’t feel this way. if this show and this character weren’t well written i wouldn’t feel like i’m microdosing on grief! but i do and i love having characters and stories that help me process my grief and feel my feelings!
someone else pointed out that it is such a sad way to look at life thinking “why go through all that growth if he’s just going to die.” everyone dies! people you love will die. you will die. everyone still deserves to grow and be loved anyway.
i am sad. i am crying about it! but i just feel so much love? like the way they did it didn’t feel cheap. i didn’t feel like i was being robbed. or like it was just bad writing. which i often feel like when it comes to character deaths. but this time it really felt full of love for izzy and the journey he went on. and for ed, for that matter. and i feel very emotionally connected to it all.
all of that being said the one (1) thing i didn’t like at all about s2e8 is izzy saying “you’re surrounded by family” and then stede and ed leaving the crew immediately after. feeling very “wtf is that” but i know why they gave us that ending just in case and i do really appreciate the writers for that.
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taffywabbit · 23 days
I finally watched breaking bad (all within the past week or so while I worked, finished it and watched el camino last night) and I'm confident this isn't a new thought I'm expressing or anything but genuinely how DID an entire generation of dudes convince themselves Walter White was cool and admirable and intended to be sympathetic. I know ppl just lack media literacy sometimes but I'm still so confused
I don't think I've EVER watched a piece of media that so blatantly depicts a guy making the worst possible decisions at every turn and having his life ruined for it and not being redeemed or made sympathetic in any significant or lasting way. the kinds of justifications villains USUALLY give that make people consider them "morally grey" or "tragic" or whatever (everything I did was for my loved ones, I did what I had to to survive, once I was in this I couldn't get out, I just needed you to trust me so I could keep you safe, etc etc) is ALWAYS framed as complete self-serving bullshit when Walt says it, and one of the only shreds of personal growth he ever exhibits in the whole series is when he finally fucking admits that. every time he does something even remotely cool or drops a quotable one-liner, something terrible immediately happens that makes everything worse and makes him look like an unreasonable idiot asshole again. by the end of the series the ONLY characters they can still contrast as being morally "worse" than him are literally a bunch of bloodthirsty neonazis who kept a guy in a cage for several months. this show is practically SCREAMING at you the entire time not to admire Walt. why did every dude I knew in highschool have his face on tshirts and Facebook pfps.
I just don't get it. at least with The Dark Knight's Joker it was like, a feature-length movie and that's it. you spend a lot less time with the Joker and it has a lot less time to delve into his motivations, so there's way more room for flanderization and misinterpretation as people extrapolate the few cool/interesting/sad things they saw into a whole nuanced misunderstood guy in their heads and online. Walter White has 5 seasons' worth of 45min episodes to convince you beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a miserable fucking loser who ruins everything he touches because of greed and selfishness. if you weren't watching it for that, what WERE you getting out of this. what DID you think this show was about. am I just missing some key piece of context from 2012 or whatever that would help me understand this
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 4 months
All Yours. Only Yours.
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x reader
Warnings: smut
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It's been a little over 4 months since you and Lewis were forced to part your ways. It's been a little over 4 months since you have not been feeling yourself.
You weren't officially in a relationship, but you both fell hard for each other, you saw a future with each other. You were his baby girl, the only woman he wanted everything with. And you, you felt the happiest ever with him, safe in his arms, in his embrace. His kisses and his soft touch were your safe haven.
But 4 months ago all of that stopped when your father found out you were seeing Lewis. Your father completely lost it when he saw Lewis' arms wrapped around your waist and his lips pressed against yours. He couldn't stand the fact that his little girl was with a man 14 years older than her. He didn't see you as the woman that you were and so for him that relationship between the two of you was unacceptable.
At that very moment he forbade you to ever see him again. He told Lewis that if he ever approached you again, he would not be held accountable for his actions. He didn't care that Lewis was a seven time world champion nor that you would be financially secure with him for the rest of your life and you would never lack for anything. In his eyes, Lewis was a slob taking advantage of a young girl, his daughter, he despised it as much as he despised him.
You tried to protest, to convince him that Lewis' intentions with you were pure, that he would never do anything to hurt you and the most important thing that you love him and that you are truly happy with him. You begged, you were desperate, but that only made him angrier so that's when he gave you an ultimatum - if you choose to be with Lewis, you can forget that you have a father. It was either Lewis or him.
Your father's lack of understanding broke your heart, and it broke Lewis to see you like that. He could handle many things, but seeing his girl suffering was not on of those things. Lewis decided that he was not going to be the guy who stood between father and daughter and destroyed their close relationship.
He was forced to make one of the hardest decisions of his life and get away from you for good. He pushed you away, pretended he didn't want to see you again even though he was dying to. Deep down you knew why he was doing it, but that didn't ease your suffering one bit.
One night you cried so much that you physically felt pain in your chest. You could no longer spend your days and nights wondering where he was, what he was doing, if he had found someone new or if he was still thinking about you. You felt like your head was going to explode from all those questions you didn't know the answers to. That's when you found yourself knocking on his door late at night.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked as he opened the door. His eyes quickly filled with worry when he saw you crying in front of his door, but little did he know that as soon as you saw him, you instantly felt better.
He was standing in front of you, shirtless, looking down at you and barely holding back from pulling you to himself.
"Lew..I can't..I can't take it anymore.." You sobbed. "Don't you dare push me away and tell me that I can't be here because I don't wanna hear it!"
His eyes softened at your words and heart hurt a little even though he felt relieved that you still felt the same way about him.
"Baby girl.." He wiped away the tears under your eyes with his thumbs before pulling you into a tight hug. The tightest one yet.
"I miss you, Lew" You whisper as you wrap your arms around his neck your eyes darting to his lips. "Don't you miss me too?" You ask tilting your head a little as he brushes the hair out of your face.
"Of course I do" He sighs leaning his forehead against yours. "Fuck, I miss you more than I thought was possible"
"Then let's not miss each other anymore. Let's put an end to this agony and be together" Your eyes pleaded.
"Y/n, I want that more than life itself, but you know it's not that simple"
"I don't care, I've had enough. I won't let anyone else decide my happiness." You stated. "It's you that I want. Maybe some people will find it hard to accept, but it's 10 times harder for me to be without you than to fight with my dad."
Your words somehow brought peace to his soul. They encouraged him to fight for you and your future because for him there was before you, but there is no after you.
"I never thought you were gonna get that much under my skin. I should be pushing you away right now, telling you you should find someone else, someone better for you. I just can't seem to.. Or I don't want to. Or maybe both."
After what felt like ages, his lips finally met yours again. The kiss wasn't soft nor gentle, it was hungry and passionate, eager for more. "Come here" He slammed the door before patting the back of your thighs to which you responded by jumping up and wrapping your legs around his waist. You never broke the kiss as he led you towards his bedroom and laid you down on the bed.
He helped you take off your clothes leaving you only in your bra and panties. He took a second to admire your body tracing his fingers over your hip bone. "You're so beautiful, baby"
You smiled at his compliment tilting your head to get a better look of him as he started leaving kisses all over your stomach. Once his lips reached the hem of your panties, he stopped for a second to look up at you while his hand caressed your leg.
"Can I kiss you here?" He asked softly.
"Please kiss me there" You quickly granted his request.
"Spread your legs for me"
He left a kiss over the lace fabric before tugging them down your legs and letting them fall to the floor. He started slowly, licking you lazily up and down your folds. You were so eager for him that you could feel your wetness trickling down your holes. You clenched your legs around his head giving him a perfect opportunity to grab your ass and bury his face deeper.
"Ahh, yes, yes" You moaned as his tongue swirled over your clit. He was changing his pace, leaving quick kitten licks and then attaching his lips to your clit and sucking on it.
You started to move too much from the pleasure that was overwhelming you so he put his hand over your stomach to keep you in place. His other hand found your entrance and the tips of his fingers started teasing you circling around it.
"Please" You pleaded.
"Please what? What do you want, baby?"
"Put your fingers in me"
The sight of you lying so spread out for him, whimpering his name, begging him for more made him grind his hips against the mattress trying to create any kind of friction to his rock hard dick.
Granting your wish he pushed his index finger in. His eyes were stuck on your parted lips and closed eyes, he loved how responsive, how obedient you were to him. You arched your back as he added another one pumping them in and out of you. It didn't take long for your legs to start shaking and squeezing around his head.
"That's it baby, cum around my fingers"
As you finished, he pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to his lips to taste you not wasting any drop as he licked them clean.
"You did so good" He said softly into your ear before he kissed you.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
"Have you been with anyone else since we stopped seeing each other?" You were curious. You don't know how you would react if he actually was. It would hurt you, definitely, but you'd still want him as much as you do now.
"No, baby girl, the other side of this bed belongs only to you." He smiled caressing your cheek knowing there was no other girl for him except for you.
"And what about you?"
"All yours. Only yours." He assured you once again bringing peace to your mind and heart. "Gonna prove it to you right now" He said leaving sloppy kisses down your neck. "Gonna show you how much I missed you"
Pulling down his shorts and boxers, he pressed his dick against your stomach slowly grinding himself up and down while holding his weight on his arms just above you.
Your hand slid down taking him in your hand and giving him a few strokes. Your touch made him shiver and groan in response. It was as if he was waiting for your permission.
"Fuck me, Lew" You whispered. Your hand led him to your entrance and he wasted no time pushing himself inside of you. He left kisses all over your face and stayed still so you could get used to him. Once you felt ready he started slowly thrusting in and out of you.
"You feel how hard I am for you? Only you can make me this hard, baby" You moaned at his words wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Uhh, yes baby, fuck me, fuck me hard"
"Fuck, baby, you're so dirty" Lewis got a little carried away at your prompting so he suddenly and strongly increased his pace. Your breasts spilled out of your bra as he pounded into you and he couldn't resist but to leave mark just above your nipple. "So fucking perfect"
Your brought your hands to your boobs squeezing them and playing with your nipples and the sight drove him completely crazy. It awakened the animal in him so he pulled out only to push his dick all the way inside you. You winced pushing your hand at his pelvis as he hit your deepest spot.
"You okay, baby? Want me to stop?" He asked with concern.
"No, no it's just you're so big and so deep inside" You whimpered.
"Yeah, baby? You feel me here?" He smirked putting his hand over your lower stomach. "You feel me in your stomach? Just a little more love, I'm almost there. You gonna cum with me?" You nodded as he started slowly moving again.
"Take it just like that. My good girl taking my dick so well. So pretty. Can't get enough of you." You moaned as your hand slid down your stomach adding pressure to your clit while Lewis continued fucking you.
"You gonna let me fill you up?"
"Mhm" You moaned.
"Yeah? Wanna see my cum dripping out of your pussy" The pressure in the pit of your stomach started building up again with every dirty word that left his lips. "Gonna get you full of my cum, fuck" That's all it took to push you over the edge and come undone around him. You screamed out his name and his orgasm followed yours filling you up to the brim.
Both panting, sweating, you could hardly catch your breath as a strong sense of pleasure coursed through your bodies. Still deeply immersed in you, he propped himself up on his elbows hovering over you and leaving a kiss on your cheek. "Are you okay, baby?" He asked.
"I'm more than okay" You smiled rubbing his cheek with your thumb as his eyes lit up.
"That's good to hear."
"Let's take a shower and cuddle until we fall asleep, yeah?"
"Wait, before we do that, I just wanna tell you something"
"Tell me what?"
"I love you, so much" And there it was. His first I love you to you. The first time he said it out loud even though he's showed it in so many ways already. "Wanna spend the rest of my life with you"
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I love you, baby."
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suiana · 24 days
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(yandere! vampire x afab! reader) (cw: period blood💀, suggestive) (reader is gn but has a uterus)
he is the young lord of a prestigious vampire family family.
honour, money, respect.
he could be everything and anything. his status allows him to do so. and the fact that he's a vampire only makes him so much more powerful.
a young and educated bachelor of a prestigious vampire family.
elegant, smart, educated.
he'd never make a rash decision, always thinking things through before doing anything. careful calculations, masterful deceptions...
that's why he doesn't understand it when his friend tells him that period blood is tasty.
"dude, you've got to try it sometime. like, it's got this tangy taste and-"
"silence! how disgusting are you?"
his face is completely twisted, eyes narrowing as he glares at his friend of 150 years. what on earth is he talking about? tasty? tangy?
his best friend wasn't like this before. he used to be more composed. he'd never say something that vulgar.
ugh, it must be because his friend got that human girlfriend a while back. ever since they started dating... he doesn't even want to think about it. that human must have brainwashed him or something. like period blood? seriously?
he can't say much though. he's the same with you too. if you asked him to do something nasty with your blood... i mean, you're his mate! he'll do anything if you asked for it!
"ugh... my cramps are so painful..."
your vampire boyfriend immediately spins his ehad towards you, an alert expression as he teleports to your side to immediately rub at your belly.
"do you need anything, my love?"
"just for my cramps to stop hurting so much."
your boyfriend hates seeing you like this. all in pain, crouching over yourself. curse whoever made periods! how dare they hurt his wonderful lover? he swears that he'll-
"...babe, you're doing the thing again."
the vampire lord shys away, immediately hiding his fangs as he clears his throat.
"sorry beloved. you know how I get whenever you're in pain. you don't deserve to suffer, you know? I just get so passionate sometimes."
he sighs, shaking his head as he curls up beside you and snuggles up with you. ah, this is perfect- wait a second.
'dude, i don't know whether your mate will allow you to but whenever they get their cramps getting them to orgasm relieves the pain.'
why the hell did he suddenly remember his best friend's words right now?!
the vampire turns his head towards yours, a pretty pink hue on his cheeks asnhe snuggles you even more. it catches your attention and.. you can't help but raise an eyebrow. what the hell was your boyfriend up to now? did he kill someone in your name again?
"you... have cramps right?"
did he hit his head or something?
"yeah? i literally just said it."
your grunt, feeling slightly more snappy than usual because your hormones were fucking everything up. everything was so uncomfortable, and the pain meds weren't helping either. sometimes you wish you could just tear out your uterus and never have to suffer periods ever again.
wait, wait, wait what?
you were pulled out from your thoughts when your boyfriend suddenly stopped hugging you, instead moving his face lower... and lower- hold on, is he in the mood right now?!
"w-wait! what are you doing? i'm on my period dummy!"
"yeah? i know?"
you feel your cheeks heating up as your boyfriend stares at you from in between your legs. what the hell? is he crazy? you know how much of a clean freak he is! he'd never do something so... filthy!
"get out from my legs then?! what if my blood gets-"
"i... heard from my friend that it would help your cramps go away."
he pauses, face blushing as he stares at your pants before glancing back up at your face.
"and you know how much I hate seeing you in pain baby. I don't care if it gets messy."
you could only stare at him in a mixture of embarrassment and horror as he begins to momentarily outfreak you with his behaviour. he's never... done anything like this before. and you know how much he hates getting dirty and so-called 'un-fresh blood'.
he's gone on a rant about how different fresh blood and not fresh blood tastes like before. you vividly remember his disgusted voice and his horrific face as he recounted what his best friend and hiss mate did.
and yet... he's doing the same thing now?!
"hey... you don't have to do it-! I thought you-"
"yeah, but it's fine. I'm doing it for you anyways."
you didn't know what to say to that so you merely sighed and let him do what he wanted to do. you never managed to stop him when he was set on something anyway.
so your vampire boyfriend ended up liking it more than he should.
yeah good luck :3
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flowerandblood · 1 month
The Price of Pride (6/?)
[ canon • Aemond x Royce • female ]
[ warnings: kissing, mutual masturbation, infidelity, smut, the angst, sexual tension, imprisonment, abuse of power, manipulation ]
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[ description: Prince Aemond finds a solution to the disproportion in the number of dragons between Dragonstone and King's Landing: he decides to find dragon blood and, like his half-sister, train dragon riders. He takes as his target the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce, whom he abducts and imprisons in the Red Keep. Slow burn, darkish, insolent, arrogant Aemond. I have combined several requests here: (dragon blood female & prisoner female). ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Never before had the wooden ceiling of a bed seemed so interesting to her.
The Maester was trying to be gentle and his touch was respectful – she knew that, but still what he was doing, the fact that there were other people around behind the cream curtains made her tense, even though she knew the verdict would be one.
When the examination was finally completed she sighed quietly and swallowed hard, rising on her elbow – she lowered her skirt down thinking she wouldn't give them the satisfaction and cry – Maester's voice and what he said was like honey to her ears.
"She is a maiden, My King. I have no doubt."
A moment later, she heard the sound of a door opening and closing with a loud slam.
Prince Aemond gave everyone an expression of his fury at this obviously unfounded accusation.
She took a quiet breath as someone pulled aside one of the veils – the king's face seemed satisfied, as if not the end result but the fact that he had once again shown his brother who had the last word was his reward.
"I am relieved, dear cousin, that you have come to no harm under my brother's care. I hope you understand that in no way did I mean to offend you or undermine your virtue." He said lightly, knowing that she could not reply anything other than to confirm his certainly sincere and good intentions.
"I am grateful to you for your concern, Your Grace." She replied, looking him straight in the eye, to her surprise feeling neither bitterness nor regret.
This would at least cut off any further gossip about her and the tongue of the servant who had given her pleasure that day, as promised by the prince.
She guessed he would not leave it at that.
"I wish to see your dragon and judge for myself the value he will bring to the upcoming battles. I also want him to stay in the Dragon's Pit with the rest of the dragons and not with Vhagar." He said, and she nodded, knowing that there was no point in standing up.
This brother or another, what difference did it make.
"He is still wild and untamed, my King. Accustomed to freedom. I fear that sudden confinement may kill his spirit." She replied softly.
Aegon nodded.
"I may yet change my decision. For now, I want to see him."
In accordance with his desire, he, she and a retinue consisting of several members of the Kingsguard, including Ser Criston Cole, set off on horseback to Vhagar's lair where the two dragons rested.
When they arrived, she felt joy, or rather a new kind of it, one she had experienced for the first time when she saw Sheepstealer.
Her dragon squawked happily at the sight of her, coming quickly up to her on his paws, watching her from all sides, intrigued, paying no attention to the other newcomers.
He was as sweet as a baby, she thought with tenderness, lonely for long years, craving tenderness, understanding and attention as much as she did.
He was everything she was, which is why the moment she first looked into his eyes she knew she would succeed in taming him.
She knew what he needed and she was able to give it to him, and he reciprocated.
Her dragon was the only man she needed.
"Magnificent. Fierce. And large indeed. Bigger than Sunfyre. Very well." Exclaimed the King with a smile, clearly pleased and reassured.
When his brother was not next to him he felt in control of the situation again.
She stroked the muzzle of her dragon, for some reason also smiling, its scales under her skin hard and rough.
"We are at your service, my King." She replied, wanting to be sure they would leave her alone.
She just wanted to be close to her dragon, nothing more.
"Good. You and my brother will take turns patrolling the sky daily. This will relieve the burden on Vhagar and allow the prince to attend to other, equally important matters." He said, and she nodded.
"Present our subjects with our new dragon. Show them that we are stronger than ever." He commanded, and she held back the smile of amusement that pressed across her face.
Is that so?
Outside? Maybe.
But inside, they were one rotten fruit.
"My King."
Flying over King's Landing was a kind of liberation for her – she felt she was showing not only the world what she had become, but more importantly her father.
She hoped, feeling the wind in her hair, whirling on the Sheepstealer in the skies with laughter, that Daemon was throwing his cups in Dragonstone out of rage, cursing the day she was born.
Although she hated her heritage and her name, it was the dragon that saved her and gave her life meaning.
It felt like they understood each other without words, that one move of hers was enough to make him change his flight course to where she wanted or dive down.
Once they landed, she always spent a bit of time with him, lying on the grass beside him, stroking his muzzle – she wanted him to know that he wasn't just her tool that she used.
She felt something completely different that filled her heart wonderfully.
Looking out of the corner of her eye at Vhagar lying in the distance, plunged into a deep sleep, completely ignoring them, she wondered if these were the feelings that Prince Aemond had for his dragoness.
You should fall to your knees before her, you fucking whore, not laugh.
This was not an expression of his pride then.
It was an expression of his deep affection for her.
She smiled at this thought, recognising that at last she understood him.
Her expression was gentle and contented when, walking down the corridor of the Red Keep with a guard who did not leave her side, she came across him, apparently heading for Vhagar's liege.
"Where have you been?" He asked disturbed, seeing her riding attire.
She sighed quietly, pulling her black leather gloves from her hands.
"The King ordered that we take turns patrolling the skies. I have done that duty today. You may rest." She said, and he swallowed hard, something expression in his face as if he felt discomfort.
Another thing he was taking away from him, she thought.
"Leave us." He directed his cold words to the guard. He nodded and walked away with the quiet clang of his steel armour.
The prince moved away towards the cloisters, and she moved with him.
He didn't want anyone to hear their conversation.
"What did you say to him?" He asked, looking sideways, as if he couldn't bear to see her.
"To whom?"
"To my brother. Did you betray me?" He asked coldly, throwing her a drawn-out, stern look.
She sighed heavily and shook her head, closing her eyes, tired after the physical exertion, not having the strength for his baseless accusations.
"How?" She asked, his jaw clenched, his body upright and tense.
"Don't play a fucking fool. You know perfectly well what I'm referring to."
She laughed at his words, shrugging her shoulders, bringing him to the brink of fury.
She could see it in his wide-open eye, in his feral, furious gaze.
"I know, but I haven't told him anything and I won't. It's not in my nature to complicate a situation where I'm comfortable. Being your enemy is not my desire. The lack of your unity drastically reduces my chances of survival, and having tamed the dragon, its value in my eyes has increased greatly." She said lightly, looking him straight in the eye, seeing that his hands entwined behind his back were clenched into fists.
He hated it when she spoke to him like that, but he couldn't do anything to her in public.
"I also wish for you to continue to teach me the language of Old Valyria. In return, I will report to you on what I am asked and what the King tells me to soothe your troubled soul." She hummed with a smile, watching with satisfaction as he drew in a loud breath and licked his lower lip, apparently trying not to use his hands on her long neck.
"Do we have an agreement, my Prince?" She asked, cocking her head.
He sighed, glancing sideways, and shook his head, clearly not believing that he had consented to such humiliation.
"In the library. Every day, right after supper."
She learned of Lady Floris Baratheon's arrival in the Red Keep from her maid – braiding some of her hair at the back of her head, she told her of what she had seen.
"Lady Floris arrived in a brown gown embroidered with gold thread. Her hair is black and long, pinned up in a braid, smoothed down in front, her forehead high, her gaze proud and solemn. Her smile, in my opinion, has no lightness or conviction." Said Lysa, and she giggled under her breath, looking at her and herself in the reflection of the mirror.
"What a harsh judgement. Perhaps it was that smile that the prince found so charming that he chose her." She replied lightly, thinking with amusement that her cousin was surely writhing in agony right now, entertaining his betrothed.
Good, she thought.
Let him suffer.
"Perhaps, however, the memory of that day must spend his sleep." Said Lysa, gracefully weaving one of her strands in with the rest of her hairstyle.
She blinked, intrigued.
"What do you mean?"
Lysa looked at her surprised, as if snapped out of her reverie.
"Don't you know, my Lady? It was on this day that Prince Aemond killed Prince Lucerys. That poor boy. His mother searched for his remains in madness and despair, but apparently there was nothing left of him but his cloak. He was devoured by Vhagar." She explained, and she swallowed hard, feeling a cold sweat run down her back.
He says that Luke's death was an accident, but I don't know if I believe him.
I don't recognise him anymore and I warn you that he's unpredictable.
She was sure she would eat her supper as usual in solitude, but it turned out that the King had held a small banquet and she was to attend.
Aegon wanted to show off her dragon and what she had done, while humiliating his brother and his betrothed, she thought wryly, walking there reluctantly.
When the door opened in front of her, she saw a long table, on either side of which sat the royal family and their loyal lords with their relatives.
She did not know where she should sit or what to do, the King, however, decided to take pity on her.
"Ah, here is my dear, fearless cousin. Come here, my Lady, I have assigned you a seat next to my brother. Perhaps your presence will lift his spirits." He called out, and she swallowed hard, lowering her gaze, knowing that she couldn't react to this, that she just had to survive it.
She sat down in the only empty seat, between her cousin and the king's wife, Helaena – she was pale and sad, staring off into the distance somewhere with empty eyes.
She still had not come to terms with the death of her son.
However, as she sank into her grief and sorrow, the King, on the contrary, was bubbling over with a desire for revenge, ready for action.
When she glanced sideways, all she saw was his hand clenched into a fist, his familiar scent reached her nostrils – she swallowed quietly, twisting in her seat, feeling a pleasant pulsing between her thighs, for some reason remembering how pleasant the touch of his fingers was there, sinking into her damp folds.
She reached for her wine cup and took a loud sip from it, not bothering to look to the side, her gaze fixed on the Queen Alicent who sat opposite her.
"My Lady." She heard an unfamiliar female voice directed in her side and she let out a quiet breath, taking another sip from her goblet, hearing her cousin twist restlessly in his chair.
She looked at Floris Baratheon and forced herself to give her the kindest, warmest smile she could afford. Floris was also smiling; had it not been for her gaze, she might have found her expression even sympathetic.
However, her eyebrows arched in some sort of compassion, a sign that she wanted to show her false understanding.
"I congratulate you on taming a dragon. No one expected you to succeed." She said softly, shaking her head as if filled with sincere admiration.
The corner of her mouth twitched, but she managed not to laugh.
"I didn't believe it myself, my Lady. I was convinced that I would burn and become dust." She replied lightly, not taking her eyes off her.
Several people at the table chuckled at her words as Floris watched her for a moment, playing with the small gold ring on her heart finger.
"The gods have spared you. Will you stand to fight your father?" She asked, as if giving her a challenge of sorts.
"Enough." She heard her cousin's impatient voice between them directed at his betrothed.
She, however, found that she was happy to answer her.
"My dragon lacks experience and composure. I will be a mere support for the King and the Prince." She replied, and Floris leaned back, intrigued.
"Support indeed needed." Aegon added, popping a grape into his mouth, biting through it with a loud crunch. "On which we all agree. Now, music!"
For the rest of the feast, she pretended to be very focused on her piece of roast, which she ate slowly, knowing that she couldn't flee immediately if she didn't want to offend the King – she didn't hold him in special esteem but she knew that he held her in some sort of affection, and after what he had accused her of after his son's death, she feared that one wrong move on her part would be enough for her to fall back into his disfavour.
True, the responsible parties had been found and the King himself had brought them justice, however, she could not let him begin to think again that she had helped her father let them into the keep.
He had to be sure that she was faithful to him.
They both had to be sure of it.
Him and his brother.
She swallowed hard, pulled out of her reverie, feeling a shudder when her cousin's knee pressed against hers. She was sure he simply wanted to change position, he, however, spread himself out comfortably, leaving his leg where it was.
Should she move away?
Do nothing?
What was that supposed to mean?
She glanced sideways at his hand out of the corner of her eye – she could see that his fingers were tapping the tabletop in some nervous, impatient gesture.
Their lessons.
Was he trying to tell her to leave and go to the library before he did, so as not to frustrate his betrothed?
She wanted to ask him that, but couldn't, so she decided she would do what she thought appropriate and simply stood up, nodding her head at the King.
"Your Grace. I will retire now, if you will allow me." She said softly, and Aegon nodded.
"I allow it." He replied, his voice through the amount of wine he had managed to drink like a babble.
Gods help me, she thought as she bowed to him and the Queen Dowager, without bestowing even a single glance on the prince or his betrothed.
She waited in her chamber for half an hour, changing in the meantime into the more comfortable, casual silk robe the Queen had given her, throwing it over her nightgown, tying it around her waist.
When she finally stepped outside her guard furrowed his brow and shook his head.
"Prince Aemond wanted to meet me in the library. Take me there." She said – the man hesitated and sighed heavily, indicating with his hand for her to go ahead.
Her cousin was already waiting for her – he gave her one protracted glance from over his open books, his eye open wide as if he was surprised by her appearance, candles all around him.
He nodded at her to sit beside him in the chair, and she did so, leaving her guard outside the door.
He moved one of the books towards her and opened it to a page he apparently wanted to discuss with her.
"We'll start with the basics. The most important and simplest terms." He said matter-of-factly, sliding another book towards her and leaned in, his clearly defined cheekbone close, too close, pointing his finger at one of the words.
"Jelmor." He hummed. "North."
"Jelmor." She whispered, feeling the tension in all the muscles of her body.
"Ñāqon. East."
"No. Roll your tongue at the n." He said, looking at her out of the corner of his eye, something in his gaze from which her heart struck harder.
It seemed to her that his iris was black.
There was something obscenely intimate in his bent figure, in his slightly parted lips, in his proximity, the place between her thighs all swollen, increasingly moist and warm.
"Ñāqon." She whispered.
"Better." He hummed, his gaze never leaving her face even though his finger moved on to the next words, as if he knew this book by heart. "Vēzor. South."
"Endia. West."
"Muña. Mother." He said, something flashed dangerously in his gaze, as if he knew exactly what her reaction would be and he was not wrong.
She froze, clasping her hands on her thighs, feeling her heart begin to pound like mad, the tightness in her throat indicating that she felt pain.
"Mmm. Kepa. Father."
She swallowed hard, looking at him with eyes glazed from tears, feeling her body begin to twitch. His lips parted slightly, as if what he was doing to her, the fact that she was vulnerable aroused him.
"Repeat." He whispered.
"Kepa." She said, feeling a single, heavy tear run down her cheek.
She shuddered, looking up at him in horror as his hand rose to her cheek, his thumb lazily rubbing the wet mark from her face.
"Trēsy. Son." He continued, his voice like the sound of water, calm and quiet.
Tender, as if he were moved.
She sighed as his hand traveled lower, his index finger running over her jaw.
"No." He said. "Trēsy. The letter 'ē' needs to be read deeper, as if you want to sing."
"Tala. Daugther."
She shook her head, pressing her lips together, feeling that she couldn't do it, the feeling as if he was driving needle after needle into her heart made it difficult for her to get anything out.
She sighed, closing her eyes as he leaned lower, in some natural reflex pressing his forehead against hers, his hand sinking into the skin of her neck, his warm, excited breath enveloping her face.
She involuntarily clenched her thighs together, feeling the wonderful, familiar pulsing and tickling between them.
"Hāedar." He exhaled, something in his voice from which she felt her nipples harden, peeking through from under the fabric of her robe. "Little sister."
She opened her eyes, feeling a shiver run down her spine.
And that was a mistake.
He was looking straight into her face.
She sighed when she felt his other hand on her knee, moving slowly up to her thigh.
"Hāedar." She exhaled, feeling her cunt begin to leak with desire against her will.
"Lēkia." He said, as if he had done something definitive, a quiet moan breaking from her throat as his hand closed over her womanhood. "Older brother."
"Lēkia." She moaned and whimpered as his lips pressed against hers in an aggressive, loud, sticky kiss full of their saliva and panting, her palm touching his scarred cheek, drawing a low murmur of delight from his throat.
She touched him.
She sighed as she let her hand sink into his smooth white hair, for some reason seeking comfort in him, an escape from the cold, bleak loneliness and emptiness that filled her heart.
They sank again and again into each other's soft, fleshy skin, his tongue bursting between her teeth as his hand lifted the fabric of her robe, the other clenched in her curls.
She would have cried out in shocking delight had it not been for the fact that his lips muffled all the sound she made of herself as the tips of his fingers dug into the silken folds of her womanhood, dripping and throbbing with lust.
He groaned into her throat when he felt how unashamedly wet she was for him, and she gasped when his free hand slipped from her hair to her wrist, grasping it, drawing her to his body, pressing it against the bulge in his breeches.
He murmured and licked her encouragingly as her fingers tentatively ran over the outline of his swollen manhood, hidden beneath the leather material, hard, long and twitching.
He let go of her hand, embracing her around the waist and pulling her closer as he made sure she was going to give him what he wanted, their sighs of desire melting between their plump lips as his fingers pushed against her hot slit.
She spread her legs wider, wanting to feel it, wanting him to do it to her, but they both jumped away from each other as if burned when they heard the creak of the door opening.
Her cousin wiped his hand, sticky with her moisture in his breeches, looking at his betrothed's figure, pale, and she lowered back the material of her robe, staring blankly at the books open before her.
Was she able to see by their faces, by their quickened breaths what had happened?
She felt shame at the thought that she shouldn't have done this.
She was his betrothed.
She was the one he should be touching like this.
She was the one he should spend the evening with, learning about her body.
"The guards told me I would find you here, my Prince. I did not know you would have company." She said calmly, however, disappointment and understandable annoyance could be heard in her tone of voice.
She swallowed hard, feeling that the material beneath her buttocks was wet with her moisture, her swollen walls pulsing greedily around nothing, begging to feel his fingers again, her nipples hard and sore, clearly outlined beneath her robe.
"I am teaching my cousin the language of Old Valyria. It is the only way she can communicate with her dragon." He said, feigning composure, looking ahead but not at her even though she stopped right beside him.
She touched one of the books and flipped a page, remaining silent for a moment.
"May I join you? I would also like to learn the language of your ancestors, my love." She said, her hand on his shoulder.
She looked at him and saw that he had closed his eye, as if he felt discomfort the moment Lady Floris touched him.
He swallowed loudly and opened his eyelid, his gaze helpless and childlike, filled with pain.
"I will not be able to concentrate with you standing by my side, my Lady." He whispered, his voice weak, as if he had run out of strength.
Floris's hand slid from his shoulder to his forearm, his figure tense, his lips clamped into a tight line.
He didn't look at her.
"Does my presence disturb you, my love?" Floris asked, and she twisted in her seat, deciding that this conversation was too private.
These were their problems, their betrothal, their worries.
Why was she allowing herself to be dragged into this?
"I'll leave you alone. With your permission." She said quickly, wanting to get up, his gaze shifting to her, sharp and angry.
"Daor, hāedar."
She froze in mid-motion with her hands on the table, looking at him in disbelief, feeling her walls clench around nothing at his words.
No, little sister.
Little sister.
She swallowed hard feeling her lips part involuntarily, her eyebrows arching in helplessness, the heat that spread across her chest strangely pleasant and reassuring.
Floris looked at him then at her and shook her head.
"What did you say, my love?"
"I don't allow it. We are not finished yet. Soon her dragon will move to fight at my side and she must be ready. I ask that you never interrupt us again. If you wish, we will take a walk around the royal gardens tomorrow, just as you desire." He said emotionlessly, as if trying to calm a whimpering child.
Floris swallowed hard and looked at her in a way from which she felt discomfort in her stomach, a sense of humiliation, frustration and irritation in her gaze.
"Is it because she is your cousin? Like any Targaryen you prefer your own kin?" She asked quietly, both of them bouncing when his fists slammed into the table, and he sprang from his seat, towering over his betrothed as if he wanted to tear her apart.
She too stood up, grabbing his arm in some helpless, naïve gesture.
"Lēkia." She said pleadingly.
Floris's lips clenched looking at the fact that she dared to touch him, that her prince looked at her and not his betrothed, that it was her opinion that counted, her word that could stop him.
And then Floris' gaze fled lower, to his breeches, and she froze, pale, seeing exactly her answer to all her concerns.
Her hand let go of him when his nostrils stopped twitching with rage, when his jaw relaxed into an expression a little softer, though still frustrated.
He finally looked at his betrothed and licked his lower lip, as if trying to control himself.
"I will consider that you never said it, my Lady. Otherwise I would have to recognise that you intended to insult me and my family. And that would mean, in turn, that my betrothed is a fool. Is that how it is, my Lady?" He gasped in a voice filled with mockery, from which she swallowed hard, lowering her gaze.
Floris Baratheon looked at him with eyes full of tears, and then her gaze turned to her, her lips quivering with rage and grief.
"No, my Prince. I am not." She said, turned and walked away, leaving them alone.
She was unable to look at him – the silence in the chamber, his taut silhouette standing beside her made her feel like her wetness was dripping from between her thighs straight onto the stone floor beneath her feet.
"You may leave." He said finally.
She nodded and moved towards the door on soft legs, walking out into the corridor, thinking that they had both accomplished some amazing feat by not simply fucking each other on that table.
She sighed loudly, running her hand over her face, thinking that maybe she wasn't such a bad person.
She figured that during their next lessons she wouldn't sit so close to him, that she wouldn't look at him or tempt him.
That she wouldn't let him touch her anymore.
She blinked, looking around, only noticing after a moment that there was no guard who should be watching her.
She turned when she heard the rustling of a gown behind her, something long and hard hit her head with all its force, and she fell to the floor with a thud.
It seemed a moment before she lost consciousness that she heard the breathy voice of her cousin's betrothed above her, only a quiet hiss left her lips.
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konigsblog · 4 months
I feel like soap/gaz would non-con reader in there sleep, and feel guilty about it afterwards, trys to make up for it. Reader dosent understand why there cunt hurts so bad but at least there good friend is there helping them around the house and making breakfast for them
This is just so he dosent feel guilty, takes readers appreciation for the help as a green light to do it over again
tw/cw; rape. 18+
they'd both choose to do it while under the influence, a drunken and horrible mistake to violate their closest friend while they're vulnerable and unconscious.
of course, they're mortified the next morning when they wake up in the early hours, gazing over at your naked body and the splatters of their milky load smeared along your rear and soft thighs. kyle is the first to be awoken, the birds chirping outside your barracks window, while you and johnny are fast asleep, snoring away peacefully. johnny shouldn't feel so relaxed and at ease, not after committing a horrible crime by raping their best friend mercilessly.
johnny is awoken by kyle who shakes him awake urgently, trying to usher johnny out of the bedroom before you're awoken and horrified by their sickening, disturbing behaviour. johnny feels ashamed and ill, sick to his stomach thinking back to the decision he'd made after a couple beers and some marijuana. you were fast asleep, completely unconscious after johnny and kyle had made a calculated plan to drug your beverage while you weren't looking. they had waited for you to fall asleep, knocked unconscious so they could carry out their immoral plan.
you're so dumbfounded and confused the next morning, your body is aching, especially between your thighs, bruises and marks scattered around your body. they're both generous and eager to help you, with johnny offering to serve you your favourite breakfast, and gaz offering to write up any reports price had asked for.
you don't have a clue what happened, but for some strange reason, you don't want to know. :(
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misstycloud · 5 months
Yandere.childhood sweetheart ex X reader
Imagine a yandere childhood sweetheart ex going to visit his darling at university, but unfortunately she isn’t so happy like he thought she’d be.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, horrified at the sudden appearance of your ex-boyfriend.
He attempted a soft smile, but you could easily see the storm beneath it. With a small laugh, he said, “what do you mean? I’m here for you, obviously.” He stepped forward and reached for you hand, you pulled it away from his reach.
“No, like- why are you here at all?” You punched your brow in frustration. “I get that you’re here for me or whatever, but why? It’s not- we are not together. We broke up.” To emphasise your point, you used your hand(the one he wanted to hold) to gesture between the two of you.
He gulped, “Yeah, but that was just because you wanted to go to university here in the city- even though there are completely okay universities in our hometown.” His tone soured at the end of his speech. As if he somehow couldn’t believe your decision to leave that small, boring, hillbilly town that you were forced to grow up in.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, “only if you want to learn how to milk a cow 50 different ways.”
Your ex frowned and expressed his clashing opinion, “don’t say that, it’s where we grew up, where we lived-“ he got quieter “-and…where we fell in love.” The man looks like he was on cloud nine remembering the good ‘ol’ days.
“Sure, yippie!” You sarcastically cheered and noticed how his mood went sour again. He definitely didn’t enjoy how you easily played off your past relationship. Too bad for him you were completely over it; he’s stuck in the past and needs to move on.
The young man chose not to call your out on your(in his opinion) somewhat rude behaviour. It was not your fault, after all. The city and its people clearly haven’t been a good influence on you. But wasn’t that the reason he was there? To convince you to come home with him. He sighed before putting on another smile.
“Well, are you gonna invite me in?” he easily looked over your head, into your apartment. “It’s a little cold out here, y’know.”
Ignoring how ridiculous it must look from a passerby’s point of view, you stuck your arms up to obstruct your ex-boyfriend’s sight. If you’d been as tall as he was, you’d simply stand in his way to keep him from checking out your home. Unfortunatly, not everyone can be built like a skyscraper.
“No, I’m not going to let you in. You aren’t even welcome!” You exasperated. Why couldn’t he understand you didn’t want him there?
He was quiet for a moment, which made you think he was finally getting the message, but your hopes were crushed when he said in a cold voice, “Don’t be rude. It’s not like you to act like this. I told you going to the city was a stupid idea.” You were a bit shaken at this new side of him. In the past, he was always happy and sweet to you. On the rare occasions(usually when he thought you were hanging out more with your friends than him) you did fight, he was never like this; chilly and looking at you like you were in his way. While both were objectively bad, you thought you preferred when he was all hot instead of…this.
You were silenced and could do nothing when he pushed past you and entered your apartment despite your previous objections. Not knowing what else to do, you closed the door. You turned around to see your ex standing in your living room, examining the room top to bottom with an unimpressed face.
He hummed, “It’s cute. Although, I could build you a house much better than this. But as long as you’re happy, I suppose.”
“Excuse me?” Ain’t no way you’d let this dude come and diss your home like that. “Did you come here only to insult my home? Because, if so, you are free to leave.”
He shook his head, laughing softly, but you could still hear the insincerity in his voice when he said “No, no, I didn’t mean it like that.” (He definitely mean it like that) He walked to the wooden bookshelf you had placed in the corner and picked out a book right away, even though the large selection should’ve kept him busy for a while. With his back turned to you, it was impossible to see which book he'd pulled from its spot.
When he finally faced you again, you understood why he chose it. The book’s cover was clumsily made, it was clear that the creator was not a professional. It was uneven and did not line up with the stack of pages of the book, thereby leaving paper sticking out. Despite its rough appearance, the title was made with gold lettering which still had its shine, even though years has passed since its creation.
‘Damn it!’ you thought. Everything was so messy when you first moved and not wanting to deal with lose things forever, you just found some temporary home for items and left them there. It was now that you regretted your laziness. You should’ve put it away(throwing it seemed a bit heartless, even for you)
“You still have it?” He asked, the previous coldness gone, now he simple seemed slightly bewildered. Caressing the cover, he continued, “I thought you threw it away, to be honest, hehe.” The man glanced up at you with those loving eyes. You used to adore it whenever he looked at you like that, now they brought you nothing but unease. “I’m glad you kept it.” He finished off before putting it back in its place.
You tried focusing on anything but him; hellbent on ignoring his silenced stare. The day could go worse than this, you thought. Why the hell did he have to show up? And just as your life here in the city started going smoothly. Of course your past had to come back and bite you.
Both of you were lost in thought(with very different ideas) and the only sound was from the ticking clock on the wall.
“Why did you leave me?”
“H-huh?” You focused your attention back on him and saw his serious expression gazing back at you.
‘He seriously need to control his mood swings.’
“You heard me. I want to know why you decided to leave.”
“You know why: I couldn’t be stuck in that little town forever. It was boring and nothing ever happened. I don’t want to live out an existence like that, it’s not what I want.”
“That’s not a reason. You can life a good life without being James Bond. We were so happy together. I even-“ he stopped to take a deep breath, “I was goin to propose. I had started saving up to buy you the ring you deserve. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.”
You sneered at him and said angrily, “Well, hate to break it to you, but I obviously don’t feel the same. I’m sorry, okay. But I never wanted to get married- I don’t even know where you got that idea from. Why would I marry you?-“
“Because we love each other.” Your ex rolled his eyes in annoyance, “that’s kind of the reason people get married, Love.”
Ugh, he acted like you were the insufferable one. Like you were the problem! He was the one with too thick of a head to understand that you don’t want to be with him. And he even dared to call you Love, just like when you were together.
“No, I don’t love you anymore. Stop this.” You groaned as you felt a headache coming in.
“You’re the one who needs to ‘stop this’. Can you see how foolish you’re being? You broke my heart and for what? Some dumb degree you’re not even gonna get.” He grabbed you by the shoulders and leaned in close. “It’s me, (y/n). Your Theo.” You held your breath as he took your and and placed it directly above his heart. The heat from his body and the comforting beats had you remembering how much you did love this man. “This is yours. All yours, Love, you only need to accept it. I can give you everything you ask for. Come home with me, and forget this dumb university. You won’t find your dreams here. You’ll only be truly happy when you’re back home with me, I can promise you that.”
You stood still and watched as Theo kissed your knuckles; a common way for him to show affection. His words stung, yet you couldn’t hate him for them. It was true, things weren’t as great as you’d make them out to be. It’s all because you didn’t want to disappoint your parents. They still lived in your hometown and had worked their asses off to give you a chance to follow your dreams and make it big.
Originally, they’d been agaisnt you moving to the city. ‘But it’s so far away’ they had said, and ‘you’ll regret it’. You knew they wished for you stay and marry Theo instead, but that’s not what you wanted.
So you gave them a piece of your mind before storming off to Theo’s house. You spent the night there in fear of facing your parents, especially after that little action of liberty. It was ironic how you threw yourself in his arms, considering the whole argument was about something that’d ultimately have you leave him.
As you were contemplating your all your life choices, Theo dropped to his knees. You gasped, first thinking he’d fallen. But that was clearly not the case, because immediately after, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a red velvet box.
It didn’t take Einstein-level of intelligence to see what kind of box it was and what it undoubtedly contained. The devotion in his eyes had you gulp.
“I know this is sorta late now, but every couple has to go through a number of challenges. So, (y/n) (l/n), will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
The ring inside was more beautiful than you’d imagined. It was, truly, your dream ring. It was also proof how attentive he’d been back when you were younger; he actually did listen to you and remembered every bit of foolish young thoughts you’d splurted out.
It was just a question. One that everyone has the right to say ‘no’ to if they don’t think a ‘yes’ is fitting. But there was something in Theo’s eyes that made you waver. You weren’t fully sure what it was apart from how feral it seemed. All your senses told you to reject his advance, however, you caught yourself wondering if that really was a good idea.
How will you respond?
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hotheadedhero · 6 months
Ok question how would the tmnt bros (all 4) react to someone having a crush on them, and they confess, but the turtle rejects at time... but later on he realizes no wait I actually do like them!
But theres already been like a good month or more since the confession and their crush has been sorta avoiding them by hanging out with the other turtle bros and though still being polite, they avoid like being alone with their turtle crush and try to act like they don't have a crush still(but they do)
Sorry if I didn't write the request right! and thanks for your writing I love how you write the turtles!
Frothing at the mouth. No words. Speechless. Thank you so much anon! This request is absolutely amazing and tugged at my heart in all the good ways, you beauty. So glad you like my writing tyty <3 Apologies for the wait btw :] I might have meddled with the idea a bit depending on the turtle but I hope this is the kind of thing you were hoping for! May even make a part 2 continuation because there was just so much to write, this was really a lot of fun so thank you again :P I let fate decide which version to base this on and we got Bayverse!
Rejection, Realisation, and Regret
Warnings: bad language, grovelling turtles for their idiocy, angst with this in mind, oh these boys are some real idiots
Bay Turtles x Reader
Turns you down as gently as he can but it still feels like a sucker punch to the gut. It may sound calloused but he's a ninja, a mutant, a protector before anything else and that includes being someone's boyfriend. With a constructive discussion on the matter, he can only hope that you understand his position. You assured him that you did.
So, then, how is it that he barely gets a conversation in with you these days? And why does that fact burn a hole in his stomach? This pit, although metaphorical, weighs down heavily on him. Assumably, he’s missing one-on-one with a friend until it truly occurs to him just what exactly is going on. There's a lesson to be learned here, he's sure - a saying that goes around as if taken from an ancient script: you don't realise how good you have it until it's gone. You're not gone perse but you make a point of avoiding him individually. As well-mannered as you try to be, he's noticed and he's noticed the hurt in his belly that comes alongside it.
He thought things were okay, that despite the rejection, you would still be able to comfortably continue your friendship without any issues. It seems he managed even to fool himself. Being so caught up in what it means to be one of New York's self-acclaimed protectors, he was completely absentminded to the feelings that had been bubbling up inside him all along. No wonder he's been losing focus on his training as of late. He has attempted to try and talk to you about it but to no avail. Has your heart really been that broken?
For once, he doesn’t know what to do, or what decision should be made. He’s stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Who's the one person he can turn to at a time like this? Come on. Who else would it be?
"Sensei, you know better than anyone that our position comes with complications. That we as ninjas are sworn to certain oaths.” 
"Yes, the duty of yourself and your brothers is indeed a heavy burden. Responsibility comes with risk and consequence as I am sure you are well aware of by now.” Splinter watches his son bow down as he thoughtfully strokes his beard.  "However, sensei, rat, master; alongside all of these things, I am foremost a father who wishes to see his sons be happy. You're in love, are you not?"
Leo’s attention quickly turns up from the floor to his master. How had he figured it out? Must be that parental instinct. Either way, he’s thankful for that in some respect. It makes this easier. Less complicated. 
The turtle nods and breathes out, "I am, Sensei."
"That's what I thought." His father lays a hand over Leo’s shoulder before it taps him against the side of his head. "Now, what are you waiting for? Talking to me isn't going to change the situation."
Splinter is right. It's high time for him to get out of his funk and strategise the best way to make amends. He can only hope he isn’t too late. 
Rejects you thinking it was some sick prank curated by his youngest brother or something. There's no way you have a thing for him. He's a mutant and you're a human. How could someone actually be in love with a freak like himself? That's why he blows up in your face when you attempt to pour your heart out to him. Whatever joke you thought would be funny, isn't. 
He may have taken things out of proportion. This much is made obvious enough by the poorly thought-out excuses you make just to avoid being alone with him. Yeah, that's right, he thinks. You should feel ashamed for trying to pull a stupid stunt like that, for trying to mess with him. He's standing firm on his self-assurance. Don't think for a second that he's going to lose sleep over what he said that day.
However, life has a very funny way of playing its own game. It all comes to fruition when you're laughing with the leader of the brothers. When your hand landed on his forearm, Raphael was struck with something fierce. The shot of jealousy to his heart almost takes him for a wild spin but he disregards it for typical Leo/Raph rivalry. Until that night, anyway. This man is tossing and turning in bed, ruminating on that sickly feeling in his chest; losing sleep over it. No. Surely not. He isn't in love with you. This isn't something that's been in the making for however long now. So what if you managed to calm him down quicker than anyone else he's ever known? Big whoop if you used to make a point of checking up on him when no one dared to go near him. It’s no big deal that you’d hype him up and cheer him on before each mission. 
Fuck. He's been in love with you this whole time, hasn't he? Oh, you have got to be kidding. This was probably the only chance he had at something close to normal in his life and he trampled over it like it was nothing. That's assuming it was even genuinely meant from your end to begin with. He still has his doubts all things considered. Either way, he can’t just sit in bed and wallow in his head all night. He needs some air. 
"What crawled up your shell and died?"
Great. He had hoped to get some peace and quiet. Not that this city knows the definition of either word but that isn’t the point. 
"Not now, Jones. I ain't in the mood."
Casey's head rolls against his shoulders and he sighs, "Hey, if this is to do with (Y/n) ignoring you, what do you expect? 'Can't just make someone cry and expect things to be okay after without an apology."
Raph's mask slowly descends and hoods over his eyes, those of which are now staring down the detective.
"Oh, shit. You didn't know?"
No. No, he did not. He really made you cry? Why would you-? Ah. Two things smack him up the head at this moment: you meant every word of what you admitted a month ago and he is an absolute asshole. Despite already living in the sewers, he feels like the scum of the Earth.
That's it. No more holding back. No more being chicken. He might have ruined his chance but he can at least try and make things right by you.
Aloof. Absolutely aloof and utterly clueless to the fact that you were even trying to admit your feelings for him. Yet, the way that the whole situation plays out makes it seem as though he had denied you. His head is usually stuck in a book or on one of the many screens that litter his quarters. What can you really expect of him? Unfortunately, this isn’t something that comes to mind nor is taken into consideration when you attempt your casual proclamation. With his eyes glued to his computer, his inattentiveness could only be read as uninterest to which you find it’s probably best to withdraw yourself. 
In the weeks to come, it still doesn't even occur to him that you were confessing. The only thing that dawns on him from your weirdly abrupt absence is how strange it feels without you around. You still engage in your regular visits to the lair but are always elusive to his corner. Had he missed a memo? He can't quite place a finger on your change in behaviour. Then he realises just how much he enjoys and misses your presence. Even just how you'd pass by his little section of the lair and do something as small as asking him what he's working on. The small details should always get their chance in the spotlight but he managed to miss them when they were right there in front of him. When you were in front of him.
Subsequent to this steady progression of fluttering heart palpitations upon the thought of you and his drying throat when he tries to speak your way, he decides to take some action. At least, that’s the plan he has in his head. You hardly look his way, so he needs to find a way to gain your attention. There must be some way. With somewhat of an idea in mind, he dials a number through his computer and lets it ring. 
The other side of the line picks up and there’s a voice. “If this has anything to do with goons, aliens or whatever trouble you guys have gotten yourselves into, I don’t want any part of it.”
“Relax, Vern. This is something that entirely requires your expertise without life endangerment. I need to ask about women,” Donnie confirms, cutting right to the chase.
There’s a pause. "What-?” Another longer pause and then an inhale. “Can't you just ask one of your brothers or something?"
Yeah, right, because his family of sewer dwellers are so well-equipped for this matter. Even asking for Vern's aid is pushing the boat a little but it's better than nothing - a baseline structure of what to expect is all he needs. The internet would probably be more reliable but it doesn’t include that vital real-world experience.
"You engage in frequent courting. By all accounts, you're the only person I know who has enough field experience to give advice."
This might be giving Vern too much credit but this is a surefire way to get what he wants. Feeding a man's ego can accomplish many things. Call it manipulation of the circumstances if you will but no harm done. 
"You know what?” There’s a brightness in his tone, an uptilted cadence in Vern’s rhetorical question. Bingo. “You being the smart one has never been more accurate, Don. Alright, I'll help you."
The notes he takes are unfathomable but he wants to make sure that everything is thought out with careful precision. That's not even taking into account that he needs to muster the courage to ask you out in the first place.
One would think that this guy would be jumping with unparalleled joy to have someone confess their feelings for him but he's got eyes for someone else. April O'Neil is his one true babycake, his angel face, the first love he had ever known. He turns you down in the friendly way one would expect him to if not a little cocky. Who wouldn't want a piece of the MC Mikey? There aren’t any hard feelings though, right?
Well, no but the sting that follows is still too much for you to handle. Too much in fact that you decide it's best to recoil into a shell of your own and spend less time with the loveable terrapin. Such a shame as well considering you're missing out on your regular gaming sessions together. It probably sucks big time to be rejected but he meant no harm by it. He thought you could still hang out as you normally would. Perhaps you just needed some time. That’s what he reckoned until the days turned to weeks and those weeks to almost two months. 
He’s subjected to playing bystander when you hang out with his family, barely getting a chance to have a word with you alone. If this treatment is good for anything, it gives him a chance to spectate and watch how you interact with those around you rather than directly with him. He recognises how much he adores that sparkle in your eyes, the playfulness of your tone when you crack out jokes with his brothers, how you light up the entire lair when you make your presence known. There is this unshakable spirit within you that he somehow never noticed until a few days prior when you took the liberty of playing an incredibly bold practical joke at Casey's expense. Man, this turtle's heart sored higher than it ever has before, which is saying something considering he had to jump out of a plane once.
Well, colour him surprised. He was so sure of himself that New York's favourite journalist was the only one for him but it seems he was wrong. Oh, man. He's feeling pretty bad now. He can surely make up for what happened though, right? Hopefully. There's only one way of finding out but he has one thing he needs to do first before talking to you.
"I'm sorry, angel face. My sights have been led astray. My loyalty shouldn’t be doubted but it’s for someone else now.” 
The way Mikey is knelt down, head lowered with April’s hands in his own is a perplexing sight if not curiously amusing. His feelings and the pronounced “dibs” on the reporter have been no secret but his recent infatuation with you hasn’t been much of a secret either. Not to her anyway but she likes to think she’s good at picking up on these things. 
“Just know that you'll always have a special place in my heart,” he finishes, ending the overly dramatised display by holding a fist to his chest. 
"Considerate as always." Her expression is somewhere between humoured and endeared, fighting the shake of her head at how adorably ridiculous this turtle can be. "Thanks, Mikey."
Now that's out of the way, he can go into this with a clear head. Although, the only thing really going into this is going to be all of his heart.
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #45
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mature content
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 11.6k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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It felt like a dream at first.
During the night, you'd dream about what happened the entire time just to wake up, glancing at the ceiling of Jungkook's bedroom immersed in darkness and falling asleep right away. As if your mind couldn't believe that it really happened and as soon as you wake up, you'll be hit with the reality.
But somewhere in your drowsy state of waking up, it all hits you twice as much when you pry your eyes open and stretch comfortably until you think; Fuck, I just gave head to Jungkook yesterday.
You can't believe how bold you were last night, without being wasted and you wish you could blame it all on alcohol. You know your own horniness had a lot to do with your decision to blow your best friend out. Living from yesterday's euphoria, you didn't think about it that much during your shower time, you just replayed the memories while smiling to yourself with a tingle between your thighs but you didn't mind. Somehow, giving Jungkook head was the main priority and source of your pleasure.
Freshly out of the shower and in Jungkook's bed, you don't remember him joining you as the sounds of him taking a shower lulled you to sleep. Even when you made it out of the bathroom, he wasn't in his previous spot and you weren't exactly looking for him, too sleepy to bother yourself of what could happen now.
But being completely awake, horniness gone and everything else as well, the walls of Jungkook's bedroom stare mockingly at you. Almost as if they're saying "Hey bitch, welcome back again" and you're reminded of how it felt to be sharing the same bed a couple of months ago when it wasn't all what you were doing here.
Cheeks hot, you drag the duvet over the half of your face – an awful attempt to make yourself invisible because there are more things to be nervous about. For example, Jungkook is nowhere to be found. It's hard to describe what battle you're feeling inside right now. The both of you wanted it, it's simple as that and even in your and his dazed state, Jungkook has assured you you're not his distraction which makes your heart soften even when you think about it right now. You're adults, you surely can talk about it maturely. So, why the fuck are you so nervous of facing him? You wanted it to happen so much, you can't explain how much you wanted something intimate to happen which resulted in your desperate need to blow him in his living room on his couch.
And when you got to that, you were pleased. You remember that feeling of want and need, so you understand your choice and you don't regret it happening. Until you realize if this could possibly make things weird now. Sure, you had sex before but that was because it was something you talked about, it was a deal. Right now, it happened spontaneously and you've let your needs take over.
In Jungkook's perspective, he couldn't believe what happened as well and spent the entire fifteen minutes under the shower replaying the entire night – mostly one specific part of it. But by the time he wanted to address it the same night after his shower, he already found you asleep cuddling to his duvet and he took that as a sign to let things be for now, and let himself relax and sleep.
Jungkook doesn't let you relax though – at least that's what you'd tell yourself if you had the time to properly think about it – because the door of his bedroom opens and there he is. In his full glory, not giving a fuck about your mental health while being shirtless, wearing one of those grey sweatpants he owns and likes to wear. It's a double attack with his tattoos on display and long hair tucked away by a hair tie in a half-bun.
The shadow of the sunrise peeking through his blinds sets on his eight pack that he has worked hard for and if you peeked even closer, you'd finally notice the trail of hair slowly disappearing under the hem of the grey material. And the soft yet very much noticeable bulge thanks to his package is giving you a very nice imagination of what it exactly looks like at the moment. And man, you're swallowing dryly with eyes so wide that it makes you want to pull the duvet on your whole face to cover it because Jeon Jungkook is wearing no underwear and it's pretty obvious.
"Great, you're awake," He has the audacity to sound light and cheerful, as if you weren't having his cock for a late dinner.
You watch him walking towards the dresser in the corner of his room, pulling out one of his t-shirts that he throws over his shoulder and decides to make you suffer for a little bit longer. At least that's what you silently tell yourself, stubbornly staring at his face instead of his holy body.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
Jungkook looks confused, pinching his brows together as your grip on the duvet tightens. Is he serious?
"You're shirtless, Jeon..." you murmur, frowning back at him as his features relax and a chuckle erupts out of his mouth.
"Let's not get shy now, can we?"
Mouth falling open, there's a pang in the pit of your stomach of excitement and disbelief at the same time. He's so blunt, the little grin on his pinkish lips makes you want to roll your eyes but also grab him and kiss him. And touch him.
And then you notice something different about him. You couldn't quite pinpoint what it was, until you realize it's the new addition to his ink on his biceps, close to his shoulder. "You've got a new tattoo?"
Jungkook follows your line of vision, dropping his eyes to his new tattoo which looks like a flower but he stays unphased. "Oh, yeah," he says as if he just remembered, "Did it a few weeks ago."
"Oh," Your voice muffled, you look at the corner of his room for a moment, not sure what to say but you feel the pressure of his eyes on you, which makes you glance back at him. "It's nice..." you murmur quietly, not even sure if he heard it but he probably has because the corner of his lips lifts up.
He doesn't thank you verbally though, keeping his eyes on you as if he's trying to figure you out but ultimately, he sighs and sits at the corner of the bed where your legs are. "Why are you hiding?"
"What?" you ask, voice still muffled and then you realize what he's talking about. Slowly, looking almost petrified for Jungkook to see your face, you pull off the duvet and give him a crooked smile.
Knowing Jungkook from all these years, you recognize the knowing look he gives you. "I think we should talk," he starts slowly, addressing the elephant in the room. "About yesterday."
"What's there to talk about?" you chuckle awkwardly, mentally giving yourself a good slap on the cheek for even questioning it. Of course, you know there's a lot to talk about. But something about Jungkook, staring at you with those dark and doe eyes makes you want to hide and never come out. At least not with him in a radius of hundreds of meters.
"Come on, let's not do that," Jungkook chuckles lightly, "I think we can both be wise about this."
He's right. You're acting ridiculous and so far, he doesn't seem to be mad about what happened and maybe it's your wishful thinking, but he doesn't look as if he's regretting it either so far. But of course, you wait for him to open his mouth before jumping to conclusions.
Growing even more embarrassed about your behavior, you sigh and slowly sit up, exposing more of yourself by letting go of the duvet completely. "I'm sorry... I just didn't know how you'd react."
"I'm reacting fine," he laughs a little, "It's not like it's the first time we've done something like that."
He means giving him a head. Being intimate.
"It's not..." you murmur unsurely, "But it is the first time that it happened without us talking about it, I mean... without us having a deal. All of those times before, we knew that some things would happen and now..." you trail off, slowly looking away.
"Well, you seemed determined to suck my dick."
Snapping your eyes towards Jungkook, you find him amusingly grinning at you as he jokes. And you want to laugh but you mask it with a little frown. "And you wanted to have your dick sucked, so I guess we're even."
He laughs at that, causing your facade to break and you join, feeling the awkwardness slowly fade away but not just quite completely, it's still there.
"I guess we are," Jungkook smiles, "I don't want things to be awkward between us. We both wanted it and it happened. We know it probably wouldn't happen if we didn't drink yesterday, I don't think none of us would have the balls to make a move."
He is completely right about that.
"We weren't drunk or completely wasted as well," you say which he nods to, agreeing with you. But still, you both have loosened up yesterday and that has prompted you to listen to your body, instead of your brain. "I'm sorry, I should've controlled myself better. I don't know what came over me."
"Hey, why are you apologizing?" Jungkook frowns, asking you softly. "It's not like you came all over me. I wanted it as much as you wanted to. I wasn't sure if it's the wisest decision but at that moment, I didn't care that much."
He did want to tell you something but you cut him off by kissing him. Then he simply kissed you back and no words were exchanged about it later on. That's what he probably wanted to tell you – he wanted to make sure if it's the right decision but one look at each other and all of that was gone.
"Do you care now?" you ask carefully, eyeing his reaction.
"I don't," he admits, "We can pretend that it never happened and move on, if that's what you want."
But something about it makes a bitter taste on your tongue. It is the wisest decision though, just to let things go and forget them. However, you know yourself and you know you won't be able to forget it. Just Jungkook being here, sitting here looking like this makes a mess out of you.
As much as you don't like where this is going, you won't be the one proposing something you'd probably regret later. You're such a mess, you've no idea what to do because every possible possibility has cons.
You wish you could feel more of Jungkook, you've to admit that you're sad at the thought of not being that close to him again. Your hormones are a freaking rollercoaster and he's fucking hot, making things way harder for you. There's attraction between you two and you both happen to be single, which made all of this easier and that's how you ended up in this situation.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asks, tilting his head to the side as he catches your eyes.
"Nothing," you answer, but you sound unsure even to yourself. "What do you want, Jungkook? Do you want us to just forget about it?" you ask simply and curiously.
He doesn't understand why you can't just simply answer, why do you always question him before you admit what you're thinking. There are times when you're like an open book to him, but right now it's tough to guess what you're thinking. Something doesn't seem right though.
Little does he know, you're letting him answer first to avoid any embarrassment if you admit that yes, there's a selfish part of you that wants to get that taste of him again. But the wise part of you knows it's not the smartest idea.
"I think," he starts slowly, "tipsy us probably let that happen because it's something we both wanted. It happened and it's either we ignore it, or... I don't know." he admits, failing as he chuckles at his attempt which makes you laugh a little as well.
"What if later on we realize it's not something we can't ignore?" You find the guts to ask, bravely holding the gaze he gives you but he seems a little bit puzzled about what exactly you're thinking. He doesn't want to assume.
"What do you mean?"
"Jungkook, I was ready to get on my knees to suck you off just because I was horny and couldn't stop touching you," you almost exclaim in a chuckle, growing frustrated at yourself and most importantly, what you were capable of last night. "It's like I had no boundaries and--the last thing I want is to ruin things between us and I fear I can't control myself next time."
You're breathing heavily by the end you're done, pursing your lips at Jungkook's big eyes full of surprise. Oh, shit. Did you just completely fuck this up?
"Then don't," he suddenly says, leaving you speechless. "I mean...why don't we just let things happen? We've done it before, under different circumstances yes, but we're both, obviously, attracted to each other and we're single. The only thing I want you to know is that you're not my distraction from what happened and I'd never use you like that. I know I told you last night, but it's really important for me that you know that. Last night surprised me, yes, but I wanted it as much as you did. We have done this before and we're fine--"
Yes, fine it terms that you can't stop thinking about his naked body and he probably ruined any future partners for you, but hey, you get the point. You're still best friends and you both had separate relationships, real relationships that weren't just two best friends with benefits.
"Yes," You cut him off, embarrassingly fast and the sight of Jungkook shutting his mouth makes you want to laugh, but you keep your face straight as you clear your throat. "I mean... yes, you're right about that."
He just nods, scratching his chest a little and you're trying way too hard not to follow the movement. "Why does this feel awkward?" he chuckles, causing you to snort.
"I don't know... maybe because we're circling around the topic of us hooking up."
"Yeah," he laughs, "But you're way more important to me than sex... I can keep it in my pants."
Yes, but you probably can't.
"I'm actually more worried about me than you." you joke, but there's a lot of truth to your words and with or without Jungkook knowing, you get a proper laugh out of him as his nose scrunches cutely.
"I think we should just go with the flow, you know?" Jungkook proposes, "Just to know we both are okay with this should be enough for now, and let's just wait and see what happens."
You nod, even though you take a moment to take in what he has just said to you. "Yeah," you breathe out, "You're right."
Basically, he just told you if you ever have the need to suck his dick again, you can. Mentally laughing to yourself, you steal a glance at Jungkook who looks as spaced out as you and you take that opportunity to look down his chest, almost salivating right away and you've to remind yourself that you're supposed to go with the flow. Not wanting to repeat yesterday just at the first sight of his naked chest. Unfortunately for you, Jungkook looks at you at the exact moment you try to pry your eyes off him, noticing the way you were just checking him out which makes him let out a breathy chuckle.
"What?" you ask too quickly, eyes snapping back to his face, failing miserably at trying to act as if he hasn't just caught you.
Biting his lips, he tries to hide the grin that stretches on his lips anyway as his eyes shiver with something amused and mischievous. "...nothing."
"Let me kiss you."
He wants what? Your eyes bulging out, you stare at Jungkook in shock as the two of you talk at the same time and his request completely takes you by surprise.
"Kiss me?" you ask dumbfoundedly, but Jungkook just nods firmly as if he's hundred percent sure of his straight-forward (and shocking) request. "You just said we should wait and see."
Most importantly, why would he want to just kiss you? Right now? You just woke up, knowing you look like a piece of shit.
"I also said we should go with the flow," he points out, grinning, "And you've been checking me out ever since I came here,"
You scoff at that immediately, embarrassed inside how easily he noticed that but you don't say anything else.
"Besides," he starts, voice turning slightly more serious which catches your attention. "We're both sober now..."
Oh, so he wants to try and kiss you sober? Is he having cold feet already? That settles an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach and you already hate it. You're overthinking everything once again but there's also a pang of excitement shooting right where the discomfort occurred first, because Jungkook wants to kiss you. Even if you're looking like the mentioned piece of shit – your hair isn't brushed and your eyes must be swollen, you haven't even had your first trip to the bathroom where you could make yourself look more presentable--
"I haven't brushed my teeth," you blurt out, making Jungkook snort and laugh at the same time, although you just stare at him with furrowed brows. "What? I'm not kissing you without me brushing my teeth."
You're completely ruining this, you're aware of that and even though there's not a bad taste in your mouth, you wouldn't be able to live it down if you kissed him with a bad breath. Especially if it's just the beginning of something, something as you both hooking up again.
Jungkook rolls his eyes which makes you mimic his actions because it's easy for him to say. He's probably been awake for hours now, looks cleaned up and definitely has his morning routine done meanwhile you...
He stands up, walking towards something that lays on his floor which you notice is his camera bag once he lifts up. Rummaging through there for a while, he pulls out something you see when he sits back down on his previous spot and hands you--
"Mint dragees? Seriously?"
"Come on," he orders, motioning his head towards your hands to urge you and take one as you roll your eyes, but still doing what he wants. What, you're not passing out on the chance of kissing him. Besides, you're also curious if things happened because you were sexually frustrated and tipsy.
"Done?" he asks as you swallow the final piece after a few seconds of chewing, the sweet yet minty flavor present on your tongue.
It's better than nothing but still, seeing Jungkook sitting here looking like this and in a close presence, you grow nervous all of a sudden, especially with his eyes on you. And when he scoots closer to you, you stare at him as a deer caught in headlights.
"What? You don't want to kiss me?" Jungkook teases, lifting his hand to poke you in your left cheek as you can't bring yourself to scold him, but just stare at him and most importantly his lips. "Are you shy?"
You scoff, wanting to nudge him in the shoulder but the exposure of his skin is already enough and you're too much of a coward to touch him, only because you can't guarantee what you would do next.
"I am not!" you exclaim, denying the obvious. "You're the one who wants to kiss me! How am I supposed to react?"
Jungkook is the one who scoffs this time, but it's very short-lived because his lips turn into a smirk. "You gave me a head yesterday and now you're all shy about a kiss?"
He's teasing you, making fun of you and when he sees your scandalized expression that turns into annoyance just makes him laugh even more.
"That was different..." you murmur.
He knows. You had courage thanks to the alcohol, horniness and sexual frustration as well.
"Keep it up and I might think you're in love with me." he jokes, wiggling his brows as you snort loudly and scrunch your nose.
"As if!" Scrunching your lips into a frown. "You're the one who wants to kiss me." you grumble childishly.
"I want to do more than that but first," Your mouth opens in another surprise, breath hitching and heart picking up its face, you feel your skin getting hot and flustered all over again. "You have to allow me to at least kiss you."
"More than that?" you ask quietly, voice breathy as if you just ran a mile and it's so embarrassing but you can't help yourself but ask as Jungkook bites into his lower lip and gives you a curt nod.
You stay glued to your spot, toes already curling but you don't let yourself take a first step as you patiently wait for Jungkook who seems to stare at you with a very specific dark, yet soft sparkle in his eyes.
"Yeah," he breathes out, inching his face closer to you to the point his scent gets closer and you've to remind yourself not to get all hot over the scent of his aftershave. It is one of your main weaknesses and it's the worst around Jungkook because he always smells incredible. There's something about his specific scent that makes you go wild and you realize how easily you've picked on it ever since you met.
Jungkook brushes some of the messy strands of your hair off your face, fingers brushing against your cheek before he cups your jaw, long fingers holding the back of your neck as he abruptly pushes you closer to him. You almost bump with your noses and you let out a surprised squeal, snorting at yourself right after which makes Jungkook grin.
He's surely taking his time for a simple kiss, you think but Jungkook proves you wrong once again because one second he gives you a glance and the next he presses his lips onto yours. Your brows shoot up for a second but your whole body relaxes at the tenderness of his mouth on yours. You've no idea what Jungkook had in mind when he asked to kiss you, but he's definitely not aiming for a single peck and doesn't waste time over something that wouldn't make sense, because he starts moving his lips right away. You join him, letting him lead the kiss but putting just as much effort into it as he does and you hold yourself back from moaning when you feel the first traces of his tongue.
Allowing him the access, your tongues touch for the first time this morning and even if it hasn't been that long since the last time you made out, it feels exactly like that. Jungkook is intoxicating, ruining you for others but as long as you get to enjoy him for a while, it's none of your problems at the moment.
The hold on your jaw gets stronger but not enough to hurt, quite the opposite because you feel another wave of heat washing over you, the underwear clinging to your heat. Luckily, your lower body is safely hidden under the duvet from Jungkook's eyes.
The kisses turn sloppy and you both have to pull away to catch some breath because once again, Jungkook manages to knock the breath out of you and you find yourself gasping because Jungkook doesn't rest, kissing your jaw and down your neck. Automatically, you give him more access by tilting your head to the side, biting onto your lower lip while you finally allow yourself to touch him too.
Your fingers naturally find their way to Jungkook's hair, the one that isn't tied in a bun by his hair tie, and you press your neck even closer to his mouth while Jungkook leaves open-mouthed and wet kisses. Thanks to his shirt that you're wearing, there isn't much skin and place to kiss you as he's met with the hem of your shirt, so he makes his way up again until he's kissing you on your mouth all over again.
Gasping, just as your body naturally moves, Jungkook impatiently tugs the duvet off you and with hands on your hips, he urges you to sit on his lap. You do and what a fucking mistake that is. You should've thought of you wearing only panties that you wore to the club yesterday, the lacy ones which are doing a poor job at covering your lower lips at the moment. You always wear them when you're going out, not in case you'd hook up with someone and want to be sexy for them. Not at all. You wear them to make yourself feel more sexy, even if it's not the comfiest underwear.
The quick movement of you getting onto Jungkook's lap caused the underwear to shift, but even that is the least of your problems because there's another thing you forgot about. And your earlier notice of Jungkook's crotch area is proved right because this man is wearing no underwear. There's no way he is because you can feel his cock perfectly, settled right between your legs as you sit on top of it.
"Ah, fuck," you manage to whisper between the kisses.
Jungkook's hands disappear under your shirt, big hands touching your back and meeting your hot skin. You're so into this, into him, that you're not thinking straight and you let your body do its own thing. Somewhere in the back of your head you know you're just listening to it, your body and what it wants, but when you grind against Jungkook's crotch it comes out as a surprise to you as well.
You're done for, you should've known that ever since Jungkook asked to kiss you. No. Ever since he walked through that door shirtless, showing off his buffed out chest that is brushing against your front right now. Nipples perked up, there's no chance that Jungkook isn't feeling them even though he's busy with his mouth and hands. You feel your heat pulsating with need, walls clenching around nothing that makes you frustrated but the solution is easy when you grind for that friction of Jungkook's hardening length again.
He grunts in response, mouth on your neck as he gently bites into it which makes you shamelessly moan and grip his hair tighter. The simple action of his gentle bite, your hips start to move without stopping, grinding against him as you cup his face to take a look at his face. His eyes are hooded, looking partly fucked out while your breaths mingle together and this time you're the one who leans down to connect your lips in another heated kiss.
Jungkook bites onto your lower lip, hands sliding down your ass as he cups it and squeezes the flesh. "Fuck, Kook," you whimper, feeling his cock growing rapidly as it hardens even more.
You can clearly make out its shape and just the thought of it makes you clench around nothing, wishing it was Jungkook's cock instead. But you're patient, completely fine just with what is happening right now. Burning up, you pull away slightly which makes Jungkook's brows pinch together in confusion which you notice, until you take off his shirt you're wearing.
Shamelessly, Jungkook ranks up your exposed chest with hungry eyes, meanwhile you throw the fabric to the side, wrapping your arms around his neck again. Your perky breasts on full display, you see Jungkook licking his bottom lip and you straighten yourself, wanting to nudge him so you can continue where you left off. The erected nipples brush against his chest for a few seconds before he holds you by your hips, pushing his weight onto you until you're easily flipped onto your back.
Jungkook hovers over you, smirking down at you as you stare at him with wide yet lustful eyes, fully spread for him just in your panties.
"Don't just stare, do something." you breathe out, urging Jungkook to make a move which he does gladly, but not before ogling you for another second before he settles between your legs.
Leaning down, he starts peppering rushed kisses down your neck, kissing places he hasn't done and were covered by his shirt that is long forgotten, thrown somewhere on the other side of his big bed. He kisses the top of your breasts, between the valley as you arch your back for him, shivering underneath his sinful mouth. The sound of his mouth and kisses he's showering you with makes you let out a breathy moan, hands on his firm back.
The first contact he makes with your nipples makes you moan out his name, mouth enveloping your nipple as he sucks on it, letting his teeth graze over the sensitive bud here and there. He plays with you, smirking whenever you whimper but he takes his time, doing the same thing with your other nipple. When he's satisfied, he pulls away slightly to stare down at your sensitive nipples and saliva coating them. His eyes trail down your body, from your breasts down to your stomach until it stops at the only article of clothing you're wearing.
He hovers over you, one hand holding himself up so he wouldn't crash you, his nose touches your cheek as he places a soft kiss on your jaw. Too distracted, he sneakily places his hand between your thighs and when he cups you through the fabric, you flinch a little.
"Fuck, you're so wet," Jungkook breathes out against your jaw, fingers rubbing you which earns another breathy moan from you and this time you screw your eyes shut, biting harshly into your lower lip.
"More," you demand, or plead with him, sounding so desperate and rushed as the tip of his fingers rub the thin fabric.
"Forgot how needy you are," Jungkook comments cheekily, smiling against your jaw when his fingers push it aside. Fuck, you really are wet. The whole panties are drenched up in your wetness, fingers easily gliding up and down your lower lips as you moan, arching your back from the mattress.
"Shut up," you scold him breathlessly, head tilted back and Jungkook wishes he could pay more attention to your neck, and how much it's calling him to suck on the skin there. His attention is called elsewhere, eyes looking down between your thighs as he catches the slightest glimpse of your pussy with his fingers on it.
You're so wet they glide easily, almost sliding right in but Jungkook makes sure he makes you feel good without doing that, going to your clit where he circles his fingers around it. Nails digging into his back, you whine for more. You're a complete mess.
He teases your opening with his fingers and just when you think he's about to enter you with those long fingers of his, he actually pulls them away and you feel as if someone just gave you the biggest slap. It wasn't Jungkook's intention though, because he tugs your panties down your legs to get you rid of them as he exposes you fully.
Grabbing your thighs he pulls you closer to him, causing you to gasp as you giggle when Jungkook hovers over you, grinning teasingly but it barely lasts a second because he's already going between your thighs. Your eyes widen when you look down, realizing what he's about to do but at the same time he spreads your legs. And he stares. Stares at the wetness glistening while taking a proper look at your pussy, something he hasn't seen for a while and never thought he'd have an opportunity to see again. It has never crossed his mind that you two would be able to find yourselves in this situation again. Just a few days ago, his mind was elsewhere.
Making himself comfortable as he lays onto his stomach, hooking his arms under your thighs as he keeps you spread out for him.
"Hello again, beautiful," he muses with a smirk, hungrily staring at your pussy as you snort at the fact he just greeted it so casually and even called it beautiful. Not going to lie, you act as if you find it ridiculous but you feel a wave of pleasure shooting right through you because it doesn't matter what part of you Jungkook calls beautiful.
And he doesn't let you have that reaction, his plan is probably to ruin you because he squeezes your thighs and bites into the right one as he dives right in. Not prepared for the quickness, Jungkook licks a long and hard stripe up to your clit. He wraps his mouth around it and starts sucking it, leaving your legs shaking as a set of curses tumble out of you. One hand gripping the sheet and the other his hair, you grind yourself into him wanting to feel more of his mouth.
Jungkook is quick, none of this is slow and tender, he's hungry and barely lets you time to realize what he's doing before he's moving onto another thing. He licks your wetness, makes out with your pussy as if he's been starving all this time and gives a proper attention to your clit. The combination of those three makes your head spin, the wet noises adding even more pleasure to your body until you feel your stomach clench with the known knot. Jungkook feels you clenching around nothing, feeling your pussy move under his tongue as he starts flickering your clit with it.
That's your final point, Jungkook's mouth only (and his great skills at oral sex) bring you to your edge, the one you haven't felt in so long and fuck, does it feel unbelievable. Jungkook's name is on the tip of your tongue as you orgasm with a final moan, body freezing for a second until you let go. Jungkook slows down but still sucks onto your clit, prolonging your orgasm for as long as he can as he makes sure to taste all of your arousal and cum.
Your hands relax, one of them leaving Jungkook's hair alone as you let them fall beside your body while Jungkook gives a final lick to your pussy as he pulls away. Hooded eyes and hot body, you force yourself to look at Jungkook who stares at you just the same, chin completely soaked up in your arousal and cum. The right corner of his lips curve into a smirk, eyes not leaving you as he reaches for the abandoned shirt you threw away and wipes his chin with it.
The sight is arousing itself and if you had enough time to breathe through your just ended orgasm, you could easily go for another round. You thought what a great job you did at the blowjob you gave to Jungkook but the truth is, he topped that the moment he put those lips on you.
Clearing your throat, you feel the urge to speak up. "Didn't you want to just kiss me?" you ask breathlessly, a hint of amusement and teasing in your voice as Jungkook smirks, slowly backs away until he stands up.
"I didn't specify where."
Oh, fuck. 
Noticing the wet stain on his sweatpants and the evident hardness, you wonder if it's from you or his own arousal. Probably both. You slowly sit up, closing your legs sheepishly which Jungkook notices but just smirks knowingly at you. You're too scared to get up, knowing you probably stained his sheets because all you can feel is wet and it's starting to get uncomfortable.
Surprised that Jungkook turns around and reaches for his shirt, you want him pulling the white fabric over his head as he covers his chest and it causes you to unknowingly pout. "Where are you going?" you ask, not hiding the surprise and disappointment.
Jungkook turns around to look at you, chuckling at your naked and cute form. What a sight you are. 
"To make you breakfast." he answers simply, leaving you to stare at him dumbfoundedly.
Breakfast? Isn't he hard? You thought--
"Because otherwise I'd fuck you."
Your breath hitches again and you shift on your spot, almost cringing at the wetness between your thighs. "What's wrong about that?" You find yourself asking, voice light and innocent.
"One step at a time."
Giving you a mischievous smile, that's the last thing you see before he walks out of his bedroom, closing the door behind him to give you some privacy while you stare at the wood for a full minute.
You can't believe he just walked out, voluntarily giving himself the blue balls as if you weren't here, ready to please him. The slight coldness shakes you out of your daze, shaky legs bringing you to Jungkook's closet to put yet another clean shirt on, along with something to cover your legs.
The short journey to the bathroom is interesting, challenging even and once again reminding you of something that has happened before. It takes all of your power to think about something else for the rest of your shower time.
And just like you said yesterday – Jeon Jungkook is dangerous.
Interesting and peculiar is what you and Jungkook are.
Casually eating breakfast together while chatting about whatever comes to your or his mind. And you like that. There is no overthinking or weirdness lingering between you two and you're thankful that even your slightly selfish decision of hooking up with your best friend again, hasn't affected your normal behavior and relationship.
Jungkook has agreed to check the new car with you next week, assuring you that he'll take you there so you can get rid of "the old crap" as he named your current car. You've done your research about cars, at least whatever you can realistically afford, so it's not like you've no idea about anything. However, Jungkook is better with cars and you could use his help and opinion.
"...what about your apartment though?" Jungkook asks, mouth partly full with cereal as you automatically sigh at the topic.
You definitely have to deal with the apartment thing and it's not like you haven't. You've been thinking about it and trying to find the solution, but it seems as though whoever is up there has other plans for you because there are no affordable apartments for rent available.
"What about it?" you murmur, ignoring Jungkook's amused chuckle before it dies down and his features turn serious once again causing you to let out a sigh as you shrug. "I'm still looking for something available here but nothing so far... I don't think I'll find something in time anyway, time which I don't have a lot of. There's the whole moving process and I should start packing my things already." you explain, reaching for your cup as you take a sip of your mint tea.
"Move in with me," Jungkook proposes, staring at you with doe eyes as you start choking with the tea, coughing furiously as you try to set it down before spilling it. "What?"
Clearing your throat, you stare at Jungkook with raised brows until you see how serious he is about this. "What? One blowjob and me letting you eat me out, and you're already asking me to move in with you?" you joke, laughing at the idea as Jungkook's brows scrunch into a frown, obviously not finding the joke funny. Especially when he is serious about this, determined to help you in any way he can.
You surely don't want to leave and start living somewhere else, you'd still be in Seoul but on the other side of it as well.
"I'm serious," he tells you, shutting you up as your laugh dies down. "Why would you move to another district when your job is here? You're also used to living here and ultimately, the decision is up to you and this is just a proposal... but I do think the whole moving thing so far away is just a huge hassle."
It is a huge hassle. It's the fucking pain in the ass.
Jungkook's proposal sounds interesting, not because this way you'd spend even more time with him and before you can let your mind run free, you remind yourself that he's also Jungkook who's willing to help no matter what. He's doing too much and you can't be that selfish to take him on that offer. You should solve this on your own, as much as the voice in your mind tells you to stop being stubborn and let him help you.
It would make things easier. You wouldn't have to deal with your job and possible transfer to another company, you're not sure if that's even possible and maybe you'd have to search for another job as well. It's already making you stress about it.
Everything you know, everything you've grown so comfortable ever since you live here is right here. You wouldn't want to move if the circumstances weren't so fucked up. Sure, maybe move to a bigger and better apartment, maybe one of your own sometime in the future. But financially and realistically it's just not possible at the moment.
"Don't be ridiculous, Kook, I can't live here." you try to tell yourself, despite your words aimed at Jungkook as well.
"Why not? Just until something else will be available, you're no bother to me."
"It's not about bother, Kook," you sigh, "Well, not only. I also have furniture, I need to put it somewhere and I have a lot of stuff. I can't just move in here and expect you to make some space for me."
Jungkook's apartment is the biggest out of four of you. Two bedrooms, spacious bathroom with a bathtub and a proper kitchen with a living room – pretty rare for an apartment in Seoul.
You know you're just looking for excuses, knowing some of the furniture you'll have to sell anyway because even if you moved to another apartment, moving furniture is a different kind of hassle.
"Why though? I have enough space here!" he reasons, already seeing you shaking your head.
"No, you don't," you tell him. Well, it's debatable whether he has enough space or not. "Where would I even sleep?"
Trying to reason this time, you shut your mouth knowing that that's the least of the worries. You know you've shared bed more times than you can count, but still. You can't live here and sleep in the same bed, no matter what you discussed today or what your friendship looks like. It's different to crash here and have a sleepover, than fully living here. It's official. It's too real and--
"Oh come on," Jungkook rolls his eyes, "You could use my bedroom, I'll take the couch. And I could put your bed in my office, I just have to make a little room for it there but I have the space, Y/N."
Jungkook uses the second bedroom, which is the smaller room than his, as his office where he edits the photos behind the desk on his computer. In other terms, it's actually a storage room as well where Jungkook keeps some of his stuff he didn't know where to put. It's all clean though, everything pretty much having its own place except for a few random items.
"I don't know, Kook..."
"Look, you've got the final word and it's totally up to you. I'm not gonna force you, I wanna help and I think this might be the easiest option. Jimin told me he offered you his place too, you can crash there if--"
"You know it's not about that," you shake your head, cutting him off. Whether it's Jungkook, Jimin or Taehyung, you'd hate for them to have to take care of you, no matter how much you know they just want to help.
"Jimin's place is small but he's more than open to help too, I'm sure Taehyung would help you too but with his lifestyle, I'm not sure if that's the best option for you." Jungkook laughs and you join, knowing he's right.
You're not sure if you want to witness Taehyung's hook-ups and everything that comes with it. Taehyung has no boundaries, he wouldn't care whether you hear or see something.
"Yeah, that's out of picture," you agree, giggling. "Thanks, Kook... I'll think about it, okay?"
Looking at him, you offer him a soft and appreciative smile which he returns but there's a little bit of doubtness in his features, or maybe it's a worry that you'll be too proud to use the help they offer. Honestly, you just need to sit down and properly think about it, without Jungkook's soft and big eyes. Thanks to them, you'd run and let him help you right away and you need a cold head for this.
"Sure," he nods, "It's just a temporary fix but I think it's better than moving across Seoul, while having to deal with unnecessary shit,"
Deep down, you agree with that and maybe if you had more time, things would be different. But the time is slowly ticking and you know you'll have to make the decision as soon as possible.
"I'll get dressed up and drive you home, give me a sec." Jungkook says as he stands up, leaving you to your thoughts alone.
Looking around, you try to picture yourself living here for the time being and suddenly, it doesn't seem all bad. Especially with Jungkook coming back with a soft smile, brushing past you as you clean the dishes while he scolds you for not using the dishwasher instead.
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"Girl, you're glowing!"
Hugging Maya's form, you sheepishly grin into her shoulder. That is not what you've expected her to say as soon as she spots you walking up to her. "Hi, Maya."
"Seriously, what's your secret?" she asks when she pulls away, eyeing your whole form as you chuckle shyly and quickly sit down. "Or rather who?" she muses with pursed lips, laughing at the way your eyes widen and you quickly shake your head.
"What? No one!" you laugh, shaking your hands to prove your point.
"Oh come on, Joon told me you and the guys went clubbing on Friday. The last time I saw you you didn't glow like this!"
It still takes time to fully get used to Maya's straightforwardness and here you thought you're straightforward. Well, you are but Maya is a different kind and the fact she exposes you like this the second time you get to hang out with her alone, is beyond you. It's not that you don't like it, you're happy you get along without guys around you and it feels nice to have a female friend in this circle.
"You're just seeing things, Maya," you tell her, chuckling while you're trying to calm down your heart, peering at your lap instead. "It's not like that."
"Someone's got laid but you haven't heard that from me," she sings out quietly, leaning towards you for a moment before she pulls back and cackles at the shocked expression you can't hide, realizing you've just totally exposed yourself on your own. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tease you." she apologizes, silently giggling at the way you try to compose yourself, straightening while scratching the back of your head.
Even despite her usual cheerful persona, there's something particular and different about her and maybe it's the fact you haven't seen her for a month, since you last saw her when you hung out together alone for the first time. You went shopping, talked the whole time which felt very nice before you rushed to Jungkook's apartment to bring him some take-away and told him all about you and Maya hanging out.
She's the one to talk, she seems awfully happy and you notice the way she sneaks her glance at you which makes you question her behavior even more. "Are you sure you're not the one glowing?" you tease her this time, grinning at her.
And she doesn't deny it, suddenly giggling as she covers her mouth and then you see it. Your mouth falls open and eyes bulge out of their sockets, while tears well up in her eyes.
"Maya!" you exclaim, covering your own mouth as she starts giggling through her tears.
"Joon proposed!"
"Oh my fucking god!" you exclaim, squealing as she shows you the ring and you ignore the few stares you get from random customers. "Congratulations! Oh my god, how did it happen? We need to celebrate!"
"We went on a trip over the weekend last week, we stayed in the mountains for three nights and he had this beautiful set up where we just sat by the fire, before I realized he was on his knees and shit, I'm getting emotional again!" she complains, wiping off her tears as you pout through your grin, genuinely happy for them. "I wanted to tell you in person, we kept it a secret and now we're just telling our close friends and family."
"I'm so happy for you guys!" you tell her.
"Thank you so much," she says sweetly, beaming at the ring for the last time before she takes a deep breath and looks at you with raised brow. "We definitely have to celebrate it. How about next week? Oh my god, you know what I had in mind?"
As the waitress approaches you, Maya is already in the middle of planning the celebration and you barely keep up, laughing and nodding eagerly to whatever she has planned.
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Wednesday drags slowly even with the bunch of work you got on your plate and the numerous calls you had to make today, to the point it feels as if your head is about to burst and suddenly, being all alone at home with a possible bottle of wine sounds nice. And you're not the type to usually go for a wine.
Peering into the offices, exhausted but still cautious, you bid goodbye to the few of your co-workers that look just as exhausted like you probably do, rushing to your desk to grab your belongings and head out. Jungkook is supposed to pick you up today, help you with the car and he's most likely outside or on his way here.
It reminds you that you haven't seen him since he drove you home, both swallowed with adult things and work that needs to be done. Message here and there, Jungkook hasn't left your mind though. His proposal to be exact. The lonely nights and staring into the screen of your television remind you every day of the lack of time you have and you know, eventually you'll have to make a decision.
So you've spent those evenings and nights thinking about all of this, weighing all the pros and cons with the little bit of help from Jimin who had sent you a message, asking you about how the living is going and whether you know what to do. You've told him about Jungkook's proposal and how unsure that makes you feel, leaving out the fact you've managed to pleasure each other before his proposal even came up in your conversation.
"I think you should do it, Jungkook wants to help and I don't see anything wrong with you living together for some time. You can crash at my place, the offer still stands. Let us help you." His text said as it still lays in your phone.
Jimin's apartment is smaller than Jungkook's and you'd definitely be a bigger bother. It's not very convenient and even though most of your furniture you'll have to leave behind, you've enough clothes as it is that takes most of your space. Even the thought of bringing all of that to Jungkook's place seems like a problem, not mentioning Jimin's smaller one.
Distracted by the hurry of grabbing your belongings, you don't hear the set of footsteps as you drop the notebook where you keep reminders of what has to be done the next day. Growing more annoyed at your clumsiness, thanks to your half-empty stomach that would appreciate a nice dinner but you know you need to deal with the car first. You're not going to mention your hunger to Jungkook though. Knowing him, he'll drag you to the nearest fast food restaurant and you can't afford to waste time, especially since you've made an appointment in a retail car salon. They're closing in an hour and a half, the ride there takes around half an hour already and there's no telling what traffic is outside. Hour in total to look in person and pick your new car.
Just as you're about to bend down to pick up your notebook, a rush of steps is heard and you're met with shiny black dress boots, along with  a vibrant voice. "Let me get that for you."
Hand reaching for your item, it's soon handed to you accompanied with sweet almond shaped eyes and a bright smile. So kind that you feel bad for mentally sighing at the sight of your new co-worker, Benjamin, that doesn't hide his sympathy towards you from day one. Behind him, you spot Yoongi not hiding his own amusement as if he could read your mind, trying to act as if he's minding his own business while grabbing things off his desk.
If Benjamin wasn't staring at you as if he's scared he's going to miss something, you'd gladly flip him off for enjoying this. Benjamin is sweet, willing to help but he's also willing to do anything to earn your attention and you don't have the time for this kind of thing. Besides, he's not your type at all but that doesn't mean he's not handsome by no means. So far he seems like a good guy but the constant shadow of him looming  around you is starting to bother you. You're not rude enough to tell him to fuck off, even though you've in your mind several times but that only makes you feel more bad for him.
"Thanks," you thank him, forcing a smile out of yourself as you toss the notebook into your bag.
"No worries," he assures you, smiling even more widely and you bid him a goodbye, not hiding the fact you're rushing out of this place as you use the excuse of having to be somewhere.
On your way out, you catch Yoongi's hidden grin which you roll your eyes at, making sure he sees the look of annoyance only he can bring out of you. Getting out of the building along with other people leaving work, you notice Jungkook's shiny car under the streetlights that is hard to miss. He gets out of the car, not noticing you just yet as you are walking down the stairs and when he looks up, your eyes meet in the distance and you can't help the grin that makes its way on your lips.
You're fucked, you think through the grin as you spot Jungkook wearing black jeans with his favorite black leather jacket. Catching a few stares from the women audience, you wonder if he's aware of it as he leans against the car and puts his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. Taking a deep breath while still in a safe distance, you walk up to him.
"Are you showing yourself off to the women audience?" you muse teasingly, throwing a glance to the two women who stare at him in a distance while getting to their car.
Jungkook follows your vision while cocking his brow, tongue poking his cheek as he looks back at you. "Jealous?"
Are you? It's a simple observation that isn't so surprising at all. It's not the first time you're experiencing this.
"Yes, of you," you grin, "I want all the attention." you joke, pursing your lips as Jungkook chuckles.
"You've got all mine," he comments, coming right at you as your heart squeezes with excitement, especially as he eyes you down, noticing the elegant outfit you chose for today. Nothing too much though, just a dark blue blazer with gold cuffs and your usual dark work pants.
"Shut up," you mutter, laughing with him as you take a proper look at him, breath hitching when you finally notice something that hasn't been seen under the streetlights, not until now. "What is that?" you ask, automatically grabbing Jungkook's cheeks with your hand.
Lips pursed thanks to his cheeks being squished by your hand, you angle his head to the side gawking at the silver jewelry that now decorates his brow. First tattoos and now a freaking piercing? Jungkook grabs your wrist and gently pushes your hand off his face as you stare at him with an open mouth.
"Is this some kind of post break-up phase that you're going through?" you ask, brows scrunching suspiciously as Jungkook looks almost offended that you'd think that.
"No," he denies, "I wanted to do this for a while, I just finally got myself to do it."
He has? Well, Jungkook doesn't tell you everything but he has never mentioned such piercings. You know he fancies the one on his ears but a brow? Can't say he doesn't look good, he looks more than good. So good and hot you want to drag him to his car and--
"You don't like it?" he asks, feigning a pout as you chuckle, smirking when you decide to tease him a little bit.
"Does it matter if I don't?"
Jungkook chuckles, catching onto the mischief that's clouding your face, the one he recognizes very well from years of knowing you and your ways of teasing and trying to get on his nerves. It's all playful though, adding to the tension and temptation that sets fire inside the pit of your stomach.
"It does if it lowers down my chances of getting laid."
You know he's joking, you see it in his eyes and you know long enough that he's never caught off guard from your comments, always one step ahead of you. But you don't mind that and it's definitely because it makes you all hot all over again.
Jungkook's eyes crinkle at the ends when you laugh, slapping his chest as you both laugh silently to yourselves, completely aware of the different attention you're getting.
"Who is he?" Benjamin asks, seeing you throwing your head back while noticing a tall man next to you. "Is he her boyfriend?"
Yoongi wants to snort, somehow finding it all even more assuming, when Benjamin's eyebrows are frowned in thought at the sight of you and Jungkook. He could easily save you, lie for you so you wouldn't have to deal with Benjamin's heart eyes and undivided attention he's giving you all day. But would you want that? Yoongi knows you're annoyed and trying to be polite enough to not turn him down when he hasn't even said or done anything bad yet. But what's fun about that? Yoongi enjoys seeing you squirming in your spot and trying to push a smile on your face whenever Benjamin is around, trying to engage you in conversations when all you're trying to do is to work and not biting off his head.
"Hm, I don't think so," Yoongi hums, "He's just her friend as far as I know." God, you'd kill him if you just heard him. He's evil, he's aware of that but if this has to be the only source of his amusement in work, he's all for it. And the fact you're there laughing, completely unaware of this conversation makes it even more funny.
As Jungkook is ready to urge you to get into the car, he notices two people at the top of the stairs and at first, he doesn't think too much about it but then he notices Yoongi, recognizing him as the annoying co-worker as you always call him. He's ready to ignore him but as he glances at the other person, he's met with a guy that strangely looks at him. Surely, it's no mistake because the man's eyes are staring right at Jungkook which makes him question the sudden stare down.
"Who is that?" Jungkook asks, frowning as you glance over your shoulder to find Yoongi who's not staring at you and mumbling something before he starts walking away from Benjamin, whose eyes are set on Jungkook.
"Oh, my new co-worker..." you answer.
"Why is he staring at me like that?" Jungkook asks, confused as you grin at him and pat his chest.
"You're not the only one with all the attention, Jeon," you joke, patting his shoulder as you walk around the car leaving Jungkook speechless, cackling devilishly when he yells at you exactly 'what does it mean?' but you're shutting the door, ignoring him for a few minutes until he drops it with a huff.
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You're left speechless. And it's all thanks to Jungkook.
Having to talk and get any information about buying a new car for you has seemed as the easiest thing for Jungkook. He's asking the salesman questions  you couldn't even think of, and you've thought you've prepared yourself well enough to get the most important information out of him.
Somehow, you find yourself standing next to Jungkook and letting him handle it, although your ego is trying to tell you to handle this by yourself. You know it's not his intention to make you feel as if you don't understand this or belittle you in the slightest way possible, he's trying to help and get you a good car for your own safety. And you can't even think about your ego or pride, not when you're silently gawking at Jungkook as he holds a stable and intellectual conversation with the salesman, with you salivating thinking...
He is so fucking hot.
And you're crazy. He is doing a bare minimum and you're trying not to salivate at Jungkook sitting in a car, in a driver's seat with an open door while his leg is slouched and arm resting against it. The jeans hug his thighs tightly, just like it always does in those particular jeans and with his leather jacket, he looks straight from the movie. You get hot, feeling the need to fan yourself even though the evening is already chilly enough for you to feel cold. But one look at him and you're--
"What are you saying?"
Jungkook turns to you, brows furrowed in confusion as he glances at you, wondering about your lack of response as you blink a few times, chuckling awkwardly. Straightening yourself, you glance at the salesman that luckily doesn't look at you as if you were dumb, just kindly staring at the both of you – tries his best chance to sell the car for sure.
"Yeah, it looks great!" you exclaim too excitedly, causing Jungkook to give you a weird look as he chuckles.
You've spent hours checking this car out, praying nobody is going to snatch it before you can get to it and take a look, buy it if you like it so much. To be completely fair, you did listen to what they talked about – you just managed to salivate at your best friend at the same time. You call it multitasking.
Hyundai i20, in a great state. Has everything important and most importantly, a few things your old car doesn't have. A/C, bluetooth, backup camera, blind spot monitoring, navigation system and even remote start. It's a little bit pricey but the amount of shifts in the club and your saved up money from your main job makes it realistic to afford this. Jungkook definitely approves, you can see it in his eyes and he would love for you to take this car, but the final decision is up to you.
Clueless Jungkook looks at the interior for the last time before he glances at you once again, but this time you're prepared. "Try and sit in it, it's your car after all." he tells you, chuckling as he gets out of the car, brushing past you as your breath gets hitched.
You grow sheepish when you sit in it, finding two pairs of eyes already set on you as they wait for your reaction. "I like it," you admit quietly and giggly, causing Jungkook to smile at you as he gives you a toothy grin. "It's definitely better than the one I have now."
"Definitely," Jungkook agrees, cackling when you send a glare his way, not failing to show his displeasure at your old car.
"The previous owner really took care of this car, you can see it." The beard man says, informing you of something you think he has already mentioned at the beginning.
"Yeah, it's in great condition," Jungkook agrees, suddenly leaning towards you as he leans his arm against the roof, sticking his head inside the car as your eyes naturally drop towards his mouth. "What do you think, boss? Is it yes or no?"
And you're done for.
Immediately averting your eyes to his, you look ahead as you grab the wheel and straighten yourself. "I... yes, I love it." You manage to say, smiling as everyone seems happy with your decision and so do you when you realize what a great deal this is. You were just too distracted to realize it fully, blaming Jungkook for it.
After a few minutes of getting things finalized with the salesman, you'll be able to take the car tomorrow as they'll take it off the market. Meanwhile, you'll send the money to their bank account and thank god for Jungkook, because he immediately offers to drive you here so you can take the new car. Even though you've been distracted by this whole experience, you leave happy and can't hide your happiness as you sit into Jungkook's car.
"The car is great, a little bit too small for me but perfect for you." he teases you, causing you to nudge him in the shoulder as he drives out of the parking lot with a bunny grin.
"Okay, Mr. Mercedes," you joke, the two of you laughing as your laughter fills the car along with soft music playing in the background.
Your bank account will be crying tomorrow, but at least you've earned it and it was the whole point of you getting another job, just so you can afford a better car. But this is not the only decision that had to be made and you had a few days to think about something more important than a car. You get nervous as you're trying to embrace yourself and spill it out. But you always back out, humming to whatever Jungkook is saying to you and even he steals a few glances at you, finding it odd that you're mostly quiet but he doesn't call you out on it.
Although, you do talk about Namjoon's and Maya's engagement which Jungkook found out from Namjoon as he told the news to the guys. And that's probably the only thing you talk about until you grow quiet all over again for the rest of the ride.
"Kook," you call out to him as he parks in front of your apartment building, which stares at you almost mockingly because it's not going to be your home for much longer and it does settle a saddening feeling deep in your chest. "I've thought about... what you said, about the living together thing, you know?"
Jungkook turns off the engine, looking intrigued as he patiently waits for you to finish. He sees you glancing sideways, eyes staring at the parking lot and buildings around as you turn around to face him again.
"Are you sure I won't be any bother?"
Jungkook's lips stretch into a wide grin that makes you want to smile too but you're too serious about this, wanting to make sure even though you know his answer. He knows what that means and he looks genuinely happy about your decision of not declining his offer and moving out to the other side of Seoul.
"Does this mean what I think it does?"
Chuckling, you look down into your lap as you nod. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm not hundred percent happy about this because I don't want to take up any space in your home, no matter what you say about it," you interrupt him as he opens his mouth to disagree about the space in his apartment, "I don't want to be far away. It's just for the time being and I'll pay you the rent, I promise I'll search other apartments every--"
"You can stay however long you want," Jungkook tells you, growing serious as he makes sure you understand that and his awaiting and raised brow are waiting for your response, so you nod. "Good. We're gonna have so much fun, roomie."
"Please, don't call me that." you groan, leaning your head against the headrest as Jungkook devilishly laughs.
Somehow, it feels like a whole another journey ahead of you.
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sukifoof · 1 year
hii i was talking about this on twitter so i think i will just copy paste it here cuz i’ll probably delete it there at some point <3 twitter frightens me but i love my mutuals here we are all insane about flowey in the same way
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 i think saying “you’re the type of friend i wish i always had” is a really important thing for asriel to admit... this whole time asriel has dealt with so much grief and guilt about chara that it separated the actual person chara from the idealized version of them in his head who he has never stopped grieving. its a huge part of his character that hes unable to view them as they were because that’s just how his ptsd and guilt affects him. as someone who went through a similar thing that kind of grief can mess with your head and how you view yourself and the person who’s gone really badly. the pacifist route, for flowey’s character specifically, is a really good example of how grief and ptsd can make you feel disconnected from yourself, everyone around you, and like if only the person you lost was back everything would be perfectly fine again. the fact that he can admit they weren’t perfect and that he made the right decision is a huge character development that we don’t get to see in the no mercy route because he’s still convinced that this idealized version of them birthed from bereavement will make everything okay. similarly to how he believed toriel might have been able to fix him, he wants to believe there’s someone out there that could somehow return him to who he was before being traumatized, but the reality of it is this is just who he is.
his grief and trauma is a huge part of who he is like it is with real people, but it doesn’t have to be all of him. i think the emphasis the fandom puts on whether chara was Good Or Bad completely misses the point that it doesn’t really. matter i guess?? they were a kid people loved and now they’re gone. we're seeing people deal with the grief this brought and we know so little of who they are because there’s also a degree of separation about who they are to the people they loved as well. idk i hope this makes sense i think a lot about how chara is a kid who hated humanity and calls themself a demon. to me that just shows an EXTREMELY traumatized child with self hatred. i don’t know why there was ever this huge moral argument about chara when they’re literally just a kid with issues. they weren’t taught how to deal with how they felt and likely held themself in lower regard compared to the dreemurrs. its the same thing with asriel, he feels responsible for them being gone and his own trauma. he just wants a friend who can teach him to understand his grief or someone who can at least let him view the situation for how it really is
i just think. flowey is so well written but not understood very well by the fandom because the type of thing he’s gone through is kind of hard to grasp. it’s a weird situation that doesn’t have a completely black or white Is He Or Chara At Fault kind of answer. they were children. people are complicated and want someone to blame when something goes wrong and flowey directed that at himself. hes such a fascinating and well written character i love him dearly i hope u guys understand how insane he makes me <3
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calliesmemes · 6 months
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ASSORTED SENTENCE STARTERS FROM AROUND THE INTERNET, including quotes from Tumblr, Pinterest, TikTok, and X (formerly known as Twitter), for when a muse wants to lighten up the situation at hand.
CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   It’s sea shanty time once again my fellow bastards of the ocean! ”
“   Partner, I reckon that I ain’t been feeling very yeehaw lately. ”
“   I don’t study; I consult the lore. ”
“   Yeah, I understand women — they all want daggers and swords. It’s all quite simple, really. ”
“   Lord forgive me but I may have to make a nonessential purchase. ”
“   Those are bold words for someone in stabbing range. ”
“   Yes I’m a gatekeeper and a hater. I’m also God’s most favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world. ”
“   My primary motivations are fear, spite, and aesthetic longing. ”
“   Man — if I had a sword, I wouldn’t be worried about shit. ”
“   It’s not blood that runs through these veins but glitter gel pen ink. ”
“   If I was in a Jane Austen novel, I would be the one sent to the seaside for my health. ”
“   Half of me is a hopeless romantic, and the other half of me is … well … an asshole. ”
“   I am the nicest, sweetest, most rage-filled person I know. ”
“   I hope I give off the vibe to all animals that I am their ally and their friend. ”
“   I see you’re paying attention to someone who is not me. Why is that? ”
“   Normalize letting me talk without making any sense. ”
“   Don’t care, didn’t ask, plus my psychic visions have predicted the outcome of this encounter. ”
“   I could be so much worse. For example, I could start acting like my father. ”
“   Sorry for acting so strange and irregular; It will happen again. ”
“   i love sitting in my room.....alone....a girl in her cave....scheming and plotting and drinking tea. ”
“   These man made horrors are beyond YOUR comprehension. I get it though. ”
“   I’m a goth girl on the inside. On the outside? A father figure. ”
“   I don’t need to face reality; I’m not just that type of girl. ”
“   DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A frickle-frackle? ”
“   I’m about to cha cha real smooth off a fucking cliff. ”
“   Sorry I told you about my trauma. Do you still think I’m hot? ”
“   My priorities aren’t straight and neither am I. ”
“   I have felt permanently guilty for no reason since I was like eight years old. ”
“   Of course I have a lot of pent up rage, you fool! I’ve been the same height since I was twelve years old! ”
“   I was born for shock value. ”
“   Good morning! God has let me live another day and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem. ”
“   Oh, I slept miserably because I was tormented by terrible visions all night. I hope none of them were prophetic! ”
“   Be the surreal nonsense that you want to see in the world. ”
“   Being smart has never stopped me from being a complete fucking idiot. ”
“   My hobbies include knowing things and being right. ”
“   This is good advice, but don’t tell me what to do. ”
“   I hate the idea of authority. What the fuck is someone being superior to me? Bitch I’m gonna take your kneecaps. ”
“   Stop forgiving my crimes! I worked so hard on those! ”
“   My hobbies? Uhhhh, symbolism mostly. Metaphors and implications and the like. ”
“   I may not have any braincells, but I make up for it by having many heart cells. ”
“   I can’t mansplain manipulate manwhore my way out of this one guys! ”
“   Not all your life decisions have to be smart. Some can be purely for cinematic value. ”
“   Sometimes I wish I looked more fragile and feminine like a dainty flower, but I do enjoy looking like I hate everyone. ”
“   Any dream can be a prophetic dream if you’re willing to do some really weird shit. ”
“   girl help there is not enough enrichment in my enclosure. ”
“   BRO, you NEED to stop SUMMONING DEMONS in the FRAT HOUSE. ”
“   I just gave your address to some spiders! ”
“   I disappoint my father as a hobby now. ”
“   I think that the dark circles under my eyes add to my aesthetic actually. ”
“   Good news! I’ve successfully replaced all of my emotions with jokes! ”
“   I have half a braincell left and I’m very scared to use it! ”
“   Listen, son — in this world, it’s either yeet or be yeeted. ”
“   I appreciate the advice, but I think that I’m old enough to make my own bad decisions. ”
“   I’m disappointed in me too. Y’all aren’t special. ”
“   Running from your demons is the best exercise! ”
“   Sorry; I can’t commit any crimes with you. My mom says that I have to study. ”
“   Time flies when you don’t know what the fuck is going on. ”
“   If I run out of tacos, I can no longer maintain my human form. ”
“   Bestie, I don’t think that I can girlboss under these conditions. ”
“   Yeah I’ve had combat training; I can do anxiety attacks! ”
“   Swag is earned, not learned. ”
“   Contrary to popular belief, violence solves a lot. ”
“   Please God no … I don’t need any more character development right now! ”
“   If you can’t beat ‘em, yeet ‘em. ”
“   Do not put me in a situation. I’m at my limit and I am very tired. ”
“   I may be depressed, but at least I’m not basic. ”
“   It’s MY LIFE and I’ll sabotage it myself, thank you. ”
“   Think twice? Bold of you to assume that I think once. ”
“   At the next inconvenience, I will start biting people. ”
“   Oops I think that I just experienced an emotion. ”
“   Did you know that rats spelled backwards is star? ”
“   One day, I’ll be reincarnated as a pigeon, and I’ll shit on your head. ”
“   On the outside, I’m a baddie — but on the inside, I’m a saddie. ”
“   My grandma bullies me through the Ouija board. ”
“   I’m a cool person if you can just look past my personality. ”
“   Beetles don’t have to do taxes, and I think that is a beautiful way to live. ”
“   I hope that you get your character development arc soon. ”
“   Those are some nice kneecaps … It’d be a shame if someone stole them … ”
“   I’ve wanted to be a trophy wife ever since I was a little boy. ”
“   I’m done being baby; I want POWER ”
“   Wait, “Just Standing There Ominously” doesn’t count as socializing? ”
“   Yes I am smart, and yes, I am stupid. It’s called being flexible. ”
“   I am NOT delusional!!!!! I am OPTIMISTIC! ”
“   I deserve compensation for not being the menace to society that i could be, like i'm skipping out on a lot of fun here. ”
“   Do not ask me if you should or shouldn't do something !!! Before I am a friend I am an enabler !!! ”
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froggybells · 3 months
Sign of the Times (2)
part 1 —> here!!
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Kyojuro Rengoku x wife!reader
a/n: guys i am so sorry i am so angsty lately and harry styles is also just stuck in my brain!!!! there is a spoiler warning in place and this chapter is a bit short. idk if a part 3 is needed but ive been thinking about this 😭😭😭
word count: <800
we can meet again somewhere, somewhere far away from here
The infinity castle was, well, infinite.
The stories passed down within your family really didn’t depict the magnitude of the situation.
Going into this battle, you had one thing in mind. Well, two things. Your son, who was nestled safely in the company of the former Flame Hashira. The old man grew into an amazing grandfather, after realizing the mistakes he made with his own children.
The other thought was of your husband.
‘What would Kyo say if he were here?’
In all honesty, you wanted nothing more to go home to your son. A living reminder of the beautiful life you once had.
So as you lay on the floor of the Infinity Castle after defeating Muzan, you look up to the ceiling.
You’re sure you can hear Tanjiro calling your name, or maybe it’s Giyuu? Definitely not Sanemi, as you two constantly clash. Then again, you have been getting along lately-
Your thoughts are stopped once you see a figure hovering over you.
The unmistakable yellow-red eyes and corresponding hair.
You blink once, twice, and a third time, yet he is still there.
Surely, you must be dead? Why else would he be here?
“K-Kyo?” You say as you sit up. You look around at the battlefield before you. Destruction is the best way to describe it. Observing the people in the distance who seem to be frozen in time, you turn your head back to your husband, standing there in all his glory.
“Kyojuro? Is this death?”
The man let out a hearty laugh. “No my dear, I’m afraid you aren’t ready for that yet!” You couldn’t stop the tears as they started flowing.
“I want to be ready! I want to be with you again!” Broken sobs come out of your mouth. “I know it’s selfish! I know our son is at home waiting for me! I don’t think I can do it without you, Kyojuro! I-I’m struggling so much and I need you to come back to me! Please come back to me!”
The man kneels forward, and gently places a calloused hand on your cheek. “My gorgeous flame. I understand what you are thinking. Your eyes meet, and for a fleeting moment, everything else seems to vanish. You lean into his hand and savor his warm touch, feeling as if he were really there with you.
“I’m so scared, Kyojuro.”
“Y/N,” you’re shocked by the sudden movement of him pulling you into his chest, “You are the bravest, and strongest fighter that I ever had the pleasure of knowing. You completed our goal, my flame. You kept the fires burning long enough to support your allies. And they are going to need you after this. Our son is going to need you.”
Having your ear up to his chest, you swear you can hear a faint heartbeat. “What about what I need?! You- You left me! Alone!” You began trying to escape his grasp, which only got tighter.
“And I will forever hold that burden, Y/N. It wasn’t an easy decision, but for our son to know his father died protecting others is enough closure for me.”
“Where is my closure?” You say, looking up at your husband. He smiles as he presses a kiss to your forehead. “I’m right here. I needed you to know how proud of you I am. Watching you play with our son and grow as a mother has made me swell with so much pride.” You sniffled into his uniform.
“Y/N. I am so grateful that you are the one to carry on my legacy. You have so much love to give in this world, and I will be waiting for you in the next one.”
Kyojuro finally let go, and stepped away from you.
“Be brave, and be strong. I know you can. And once your time comes, I will be there.”
“Please don’t go yet!” You scream, hand stretching out. He swiftly turns around and pulls your lips to his. His skin is just as warm as you remember it to be, and he rests his forehead on yours.
“It’s time for me to go. But remember my words, Y/N. I’ll always be here for you, even if you can’t see me.”
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kykyonthemoon · 7 months
If it’s not too much, could I ask for the Love and Deepspace boys who accidentally hurt the (if you could gn) reader’s feelings? (They argued and they were wrong but lashed out either way sorta thing?) if not, completely understandable! Tysm!
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The Hurts
Loving someone is giving that person the chance to hurt you and trusting that they will never do so.
🌻 Rafayel/Xavier/Zayne x Reader Tags: gn!reader, hurt/ comfort, angst A/N: I can't see our LIs to be the type to lash out at their loved ones, so I modify the request a bit. Thank you for requesting, anon-san. Hope you enjoy this story.
Request a fic
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Loving someone is giving that person the chance to hurt you and trusting that they will never do so.
You had given him so many chances, and what you got in return was being hurt over and over again.
Like sitting on a never-ending roller coaster, that's the feeling when you were with him.
He made you happy, he made you sad. He gave you surprises and he also shattered many of your dreams.
Then, you had enough.
You trudged back home with heavy steps after a difficult mission. Blood drenched your uniform. The blood of Wanderers, and the blood of your comrades. The mission was a complete failure. There were a lot of people injured, and it was completely your fault.
Because you trusted someone who shouldn't have been trusted.
Rafayel was standing on an empty street corner, waiting for you. He knew you would always take the same route home. You were too predictable, that was why he played with you like a toy.
You grit your teeth. You and Rafayel each held one end of the rubber band. But he was always the first to let go.
It hurt, the feeling of being betrayed hurt so much. But you still kept walking. You did not want him to see you miserable like that. You would not give him the opportunity to trample on your feelings and trust anymore.
Rafayel's dark eyes gazed at you. You saw scales sprouting out from his face and neck. That was the day when Lemurians were at their weakest.
Nevertheless, he made the decision to stand here and wait for you to come home. As soon as he had heard the news from his spies, he immediately ran to find you even though he was in his weakest state. You stopped moving when you were just close enough away from him, to look straight into his eyes with full of indignation.
“I will explain everything.” Rafayel spoke up. And he should, but you were sick of it by now.
“That's enough, Rafayel.” You cut him off before he could say anything else. “You've said enough.”
You trusted his intelligence, only to lead your comrades into a trap. He always took advantage of your absolute trust to hurt you and the people you cared about. Especially when there was something related to the Lemurians, he suddenly became a different person. Someone you did not know.
“Your secrets…” You said, “Just keep them to yourself… I think I've had enough of your lies.”
"I did not lie." Rafayel reached out towards you but you backed away. “Everything I told you about that operation was true. I simply…”
“You simply didn't tell me the whole truth.” You said bitterly.
Rafayel withdrew his hand. He appeared so frail that he may pass out at any time at the side of the road. This time, you would not care as much. You would just leave him be.
“You showed concern for me, then you left me alone. You helped me, then pushed me into a trap... What is real, Rafayel? What is the truth that ever comes out of your mouth?”
Rafayel was silent, staring at you with pain. What an excellent performance. You almost believed him, one more time.
“What are you going to do, then? You could kill me with just one blow right now.”
“Don't challenge me.” You threatened with a glare. You hurried past Rafayel, wanting nothing more than to get home and clean off all the blood on your body and calm yourself down. Yet, despite his extreme weakness, he still has the ability to draw you in. Your eyes met his sadness. In an instant, it seemed as though you had descended to the ocean's lowest point.
“You asked me what was true.” He said, his voice shaking. “You may not believe anything else I say… But this, this alone is the truth… I will never, ever let anyone hurt you… I will never lose you again…”
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You stood in front of Xavier's house waiting impatiently. As soon as the door opened, you immediately rushed inside without even saying hello.
“Is there anything wrong?” Xavier asked gently, but his innocent look made you even more angry.
“You crossed me out of that mission, didn’t you?” You replied in anger. There were several rolled-up reports in your palm, ready to be torn apart. You aimed it in his direction. “This was originally the mission assigned to me! Why did you request to do it on your own?”
Xavier saw the problem as soon as he glanced at those papers. He tried to explain:
“That mission is too dangerous. I can't let you do it by yourself.”
“Then would it be better if you went alone?”
You gave Xavier a glance. He was trying to calm you down, but every step he took closer you moved further away. You were upset because he decided to enter a risky area without you, maybe endangering his life, and you were unaware of it until everything had been taken care of. Even with you by his side, he carried the weight of everything by himself. You did not want that, because you felt compelled to share everything with him.
"I'm sorry." Xavier was honest with you. “I should have asked you first. I decided on my own because I thought it was the best thing for you.”
“What's best for me?” You retorted. “Do you even know what is good for me? To participate in my own mission, to decide to do things as I wish, or to fight by your side!”
Only silence covered the room. You collapsed into his couch, burrowing your face into your hands. You hated this feeling of helplessness. He took away your right to make decisions, your right to accompany him on this dangerous mission. The thought that he did not need you was so painful.
“You don't believe in me…” You spoke up after a long while. When you looked up, you saw that Xavier was still standing there, looking regretful and helpless because he was unable to touch you at the time. “I thought we were a team. If we're a team, we won't hide missions from each other, we won't sneak around alone behind the other person's back..."
“I'm really sorry. That mission is much more dangerous than area N109. I can't let you risk it.”
“That means if you had to choose again, you would still do the same and hide it from me, right?”
Xavier remained silent, but you already knew the answer.
You did not know what hurt more; Xavier hiding that mission from you, or he not trusting you could complete it?
You got to your feet, looked at Xavier, and proceeded to the door.
"I truly put in a lot of training to be in a team with you. But maybe that's not enough. If you think you can do it all by yourself then so be it, I don't see the need to stay here anymore.”
"Don't." Xavier seized your hand fast to hold you there. “Don't say such things…”
You drew away from him fiercely. Xavier let out a cry and embraced his left chest at that very time.
It appeared like he was hurt. You scowled and extended a hand to touch him.
“Are you injured?”
Xavier tried to smile, but his face gradually turned pale. He took that opportunity to pull you back and wrap an arm around your waist to keep you in place.
“It's only a little cut.”
“How can it be small when you look so painful?”
Xavier struggled to breathe. He replied:
"I'm sorry. Maybe it's true that I couldn't do that task alone. You were right. We are a team, I need you.”
You feel pleased, but still very angry with Xavier. It was because he chose to go alone that he got injured like that.
“From now on, I will definitely not hide anything from you anymore. So… don't leave me alone, okay?”
You were silent for a while, but wrapped your arms around Xavier to hug him. “I have to check your wound first.”
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The more you care for someone else, the deeper the wound they cause you.
It had been a month since you could contact him. Just like that, he disappeared, again.
You were frightened. Just like when you were a child, suddenly one day, the friend who used to make snow seals for you disappeared without a trace. No one could hear about him. He had also covertly assigned your monthly health check to another physician without you knowing until you got to the hospital. The last time you had heard about him was when Dr. Greyson told you he were rushing off to the Arctic on urgent business.
How funny it was to learn that from someone other than him. No farewells, no assurances not to worry. And for an entire month, he was absent. Although you didn't have the authority to make him tell you his schedules, at least you wanted to know how long he was going to be gone and whether or not the mission was risky.
You grew more afraid and then angered as you considered him going missing once more. How could he do this to you, after everything you had been through together? Yet he dared to show his face to your house on a rainy night.
When he saw that you were covering yourself from the rain with your jacket, he moved forward to shield you. But you dashed over to the porch. You just looked at him from a distance, but near enough to see that he was alright. After that, you entered and slammed the door in his face.
Not a word was said to each other. He did not even call your name or send a text message. He stood in the pouring rain for a long, long time. You couldn't care less. That night you went to sleep fitfully, and when you woke up the next morning, your auntie neighbor told you that he had just departed a short while after your room's light went out.
You did not try to contact him again. This cold war was initiated by him, so let it be. It was now a week after his return, and you had to go to the hospital for a check-up before an important mission. When you saw the name of the physician assigned to you was Zayne, you requested for another.
Dr. Greyson found you in the waiting area. He asked about your refusal to let Zayne examine your health. Honestly, you could not find any reason to answer that wasn't too personal. So you just sat in silence.
“The first thing Zayne did when he got back was to read your files. He wanted to make sure you were fine while he was gone.”
Dr. Greyson said. You lowered your head and looked down at your clasped hands, experiencing a range of conflicting feelings.
“I don't know what happened between you two, and maybe it's none of my business, but Zayne is a friend, and I need to butt in just this once…”
You looked up at Dr. Greyson.
“Zayne went to the Arctic to seek assistance from his teacher. Things got worse as it became more and more difficult for him to control his Evol. I caught him injuring himself with his Evol. He made the decision to suffer alone until things got in control in order to protect others.”
You were shocked. Zayne had been suffering because of his Evol for the past month without you knowing, while you were blaming him for leaving you.
"Perhaps he refrained from telling you out of concern that you would worry and accompany him there."
The rest of the conversation drifted away. Then you stood up, tried to hold back your tears as you walked to Zayne's office. He sat behind the computer screen, looking up at you with mixed emotions in his eyes, although his face still remained calm.
You entered slowly, noted the scars on his hands. There were fresh cuts that were not yet healed. He must have been very hurt and lonely. What must you do to make him open up to you? What must you do so that you can share the burden with him?
“You… What's wrong?”
As soon as Zayne spoke, you hid your tears by walking towards him in a haste and pulled him into your embrace.
“Please don't go without a word... I won't be able to bear it if you disappear again..."
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spacy-snail · 5 months
Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand people wanting to go back to how everything was before this debacle
But I can’t in good faith ever look at these guys the same way again. It doesn’t matter who’s decision it was, or why they did it, all three of them sat on that couch and were full send ready to leave their community behind to make some more money
I’ve been around since the Unsolved days and I was so excited to help them build up this new channel that was all theirs, free of the control of Buzzfeed, and them not even taking 5 seconds to think of how that community would feel leaving them behind for a payed service would feel tells me everything I need to know about them
So many people have been saying it, but it bares repeating, they had SO many other options to fix their financials. Downsizing, moving out of LA, not doing Worth It, not going international with Ghost Files, fucking promoting their Patreon. And from all of the analyzing from those who know what they’re talking about, it doesn’t sound like they were hurting for cash it all, it sounds like they don’t want to give up the lifestyles they currently have, want to do more, and were willing to throw their community under the bus to do it
I think what really sold it to me that the guys in the “Goodbye YouTube” were the real version of these guys and not the “We’re Sorry” video was the fact that in the small amount of time they had, they still had time to bemoan about how they were doing it so they wouldn’t have to “bow to the whims of the advertisers” and “oh well now we can’t pay our staff a good wage but if this is what you want :/“
Like yeah, they apologized, but they still double down that they were doing it for “the right reasons”
I’ve been around on YouTube long enough where I feel like I can tell when people are actively having to bend their backs to appeal to the almighty algorithm and advertisers, and Watcher is not one of those channels. They have NEVER made a comment about having issues with the platform before this, they have never done anything to ask for extra support, or help, or even plugging their fucking Patreon
I still want to watch their content, I still think they’re funny and I still think their shows are creative and entertaining, but it’s going to be a long while before the bad taste in my mouth from this decision goes away
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