#but a guy can still dream that some day he'll be fired
sinsofsinister · 6 months
finished reading weekly comics and xforce is finally over (praise the lord) and it ended exactly the way i thought it would (derogatory) (derogatory) (derogatory)
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catcas22 · 4 months
Literally Dreaming About the DLC
Had a disturbingly vivid dream about an Elden Ring sidequest, and decided to share it 1) to exorcise it from my mind 2) because there might be some potential here?
Content warning for implied dead kids.
Starts out galloping around Liurnia at night, on the lake just north of the Moonlight Altar. Hereabouts, I think:
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Tarnished spots a large cluster of spectral animals ahead and investigates. In the center of the herd is a spectral dragon-hybrid, childlike but in a Ghost of Christmas Past sort of way.
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The spirit appears morose and rather confused about her current state. When questioned, she drops a few poetically ominous lines about cold and dark, then mentions the name "The Hunter Michigain" [sic] before she clams up.
Tarnished goes to ask her buddy Kalé if he's heard any local gossip about this guy. Kalé explains that Michigain is a madman worshipping some kind of cold-affiliated entity. He sacrifices to said entity by kidnapping small children and leaving them down an abandoned mine to die of hypothermia (What the hell, my subconscious? I think I might have been drawing on SCP-4666 a bit).
Kalé then proceeds to recount an absolutely harrowing tale of how years ago, his three-year-old nephew was taken by Michigain. Against all counsel, Kalé's brother tried to go after the kid. Michigain broke the poor guy's legs and left him a few levels down the mine, close enough to the surface that those above could hear his agonized pleas for help. Kalé finally breaks and arms up to go spring the obvious trap.
Present day, Kalé recounts that he didn't get his brother or his nephew back, just a leg so mangled he can still barely walk on it. Kalé began the story trying to dissuade us from tangling with Michigain, but by the end of it he's ready for round two now that he has the Tarnished for extra muscle.
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Kalé directs us to a set of ruins high on the Moonlight Altar, where we find the entrance to Michigain's mine. It's an absolutely hellish platforming puzzle, where we have to drop down level by level through the entire depth of the plateau, balancing on rickety mineshaft scaffolding while Michigain shoots at us with a gatling crossbow and his goons try to run along the rafters and tackle us off.
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Thankfully, there are no visible dead kids, no environment-hazard live kids that we have to avoid friendly-firing, and no kids attacking us for whatever reason. There is, however, an omnipresent sound of sniffling and whimpering, always sounding as if it's just around the corner, sometimes louder, sometimes softer.
Kalé is with us. He moves at like 0.2 miles per hour due to the bad leg, and he'll die in a hurry if you leave him behind. But if you stick with him and draw fire, he's got a big hatchet and a box-fed dart gun, and he's quite effective at sniping the cultist highwaymen as they try to rush you.
Michigain looks like a sort of evil coureur des bois, wrapped up in layers of snow-dusted leather and fur. We never see his face. He never says a word. He fights with the aforementioned gatling crossbow, then switches to a pickaxe when we get close.
Before we fight him, we get a miniboss in the form of his two dragon-hybrid henchmen, both notably bigger and older than the spirit who initially tipped us off.
We finally face Michigain at the lowest level of the mine. The sounds of weeping children are loudest here. If we spoke to Ranni after triggering the quest and informed her of what was happening on her land, she shows up halfway through the fight the way Yura does for the Nerijus fight. She gives a monologue to the tune of "You merely adopted the dark, I was born into it" that I dearly wish I could remember verbatim, then wrecks the guy with Ranni's Dark Moon.
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It was only in the process of writing this all out that I realized the two dragon-hybrids are definitely the specter child's parents, who sacrificed their own daughter for the sake of Michigain's cult.
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itslouisan · 3 months
Time to have C!Techno headcannons!!!
Heyo, seems like finally I reached my 2nd favorite cc ever! I think techno's character is REALLY interesting, with great writing and details and I can definitely add some hc of my own in there, so without further ado, let's go!
(btw @syndicatedsystem you might like some of my headcannons involving Jschlatt and Techno I talk about here so yeah! Also feel free to discuss em' with me or make asks abt it, hell your blog inspires me a lot)
(I lost the name of the artist if anyone knows please tell me)
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• Techno has some braids in his hair, the longer, the more he values the person
Longest: Philza, it's braided with gold details
2nd longest: Ranboo, has a amethyst crystal for purple
Mid-term: Wilbur, he braided it in consideration of a battle friend and some good times with Will, he doesn't hate or likes Wilbur, but still can't deny they do have a connection
Shortest: Tommy.
• Techno prepared a space in the cabin for Tommy in case some day, his demons and the hell he was looking for, finally was found, he'd welcome Tommy with open arms, since he'd view that the kid suffered enough and had the time to change and face any consequences he'd need to face, the space is safe, always available, but, he'd never tell Tommy that, he keeps it hidden, he's not ready to be vulnerable to the demon child again and openly say Tommy could count on him, not until Tommy makes the first step.
• Keeps the pickaxe that blinded Quackity as a trophy, this and keeps all weapons from powerful enemies with him as a reminder of a great battle he won once again
• Likes to write poetry about people and events, he'd never give them to the person, but keep it in a dusty small box in his room in the attic of the cabin
• Techno was friends with Jschlatt before everything went to hell, they liked to talk about random bs while watching the fire crack at night and drink some cheap booze for Jschlatt and coffee for Techno
• I view Techno also having some boar traits, so yeah territorial as FUCK don't mess with his stuff or house, also he chases pray like crazy and can eat almost anything without a problem due to that
• Doesn't CARE for alcohol, just doesn't like the idea of having a hangover afterwards since he'd be unable to fight the next day
• Would gossip with Jschlatt, Tommy and the syndicate like, ABOUT EVERYTHING, I imagine him and Jschlatt favorite hobby is shit talking people they hate
• Techno being aro/ace also means if you flirt with him, he'll just stare at your soul and bully the shit out of you, sometimes calls Phil and/or Jschlatt to roast the shit out of the person, also WILL defend himself from any creeps and defend his friends from ANY strange people since for him touch is STRICTLY a death sentence and something that takes time
• Techno smokes when stressed or in the syndicate room, making Phil always carry an extra lighter for him just in case, the 2 used to be smoking buddies before Phil quit when he adopted Chayanne and Tallulah
• Techno in the QSMP is an entity, a god watching above everyone but never leaving Phil side and the eggs side, sometimes he'd talk to Tallulah directly, or influence Phil like a voice in his head to do the right thing in his vision or appear to Chayanne in his dreams to have a chat
• Can and will drink blood from the enemies
• Loves to talk about skulls and anatomy of the body in general, a dark fact, due to respect to Jschlatt, after he died (not considering revival, I view revival as either the decomposed body coming back to life in a LESS but STILL fucked up state or a kind of new body that is the users body in the afterlife coming to the alive realm, if you guys want, I can make a post about this) picked and kept Jschlatt sheep skull, with horns and everything
(art by sadist)
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• Would talk about historical wars and battles with his own analysis and commentaries on it, making a great history teacher
• totally collects greek mythology stuff, books, items, anything.
• Has a couple of tattoos but one that is pretty badass is a wither skull with red smoke on his ribs in the right, a tattoo of a emerald in the inside of his left wrist, a tattoo of a squid with a fork on it's head in reference to the potato war on his right wrist really tiny and "everything starts with blood" and "the voices demand blood" written in his tights
• My boy 100% has piercings due to piglin culture, around 75% of them being made of gold
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"Aang is a bad main character because the world has to adapt to his world view. Meanwhile I love Zuko for his brilliant arc that concludes with him making his nation to adapt to his world view now that he is in charge" fuck these people. "Younger generation fixes the problems the old ones created" is only bad as a theme when they don't like the kid in question.
"He has to save Katara, the weak damsel in distress" So we're really just gonna ignore all the times she saved his ass, and how she literally BROUGHT HIM BACK FROM THE DEAD just to pretend the show is sexist?
"He has to pretend the world isn't in agony" Are you high? Aang is constantly pushing himself to do things he doesn't wanna do (go with Zuko willingly, confront Hei Bai, go to the Fire Nation on the solstice, intentionally trigger the Avatar State, cross the serpent's pass despite having permission to go through a safer path, let go of Katara and risk losing her in the battle for Ba Sing Se, and even accepting he'll have to kill Ozai in the finale) just to innocent people won't suffer. For fuck's sake, he has plenty of compassion for the guy that SENT AN ASSASSIN AFTER HIM. Just because he's still holding onto whatever childhood innocence he can, doesn't mean he's blind to the issues around him.
"Zuko's arc is independent from Zuko's" They have a fuck ton of parallels, and entire EPISODES dedicated to said parallels. Zuko himself said chasing Aang fueld his fire - and he said that when he learned a higher form of firebending ALONGSIDE AANG, who had just saved his ass from being burned alive by the dragons by figuring out they were supposed to dance together.
Zuko was so obsessed with Aang he tried to engage in a conversation AFTER AANG'S SOUL LEFT HIS BODY, and he had a weird fever dream where he literally BECAME Aang. We get confirmation in book 3 that Zuko never forgot how Aang mentioned the possibility of them being friends if things were different, and the show ends with them as best friends in an obvious parallel to Roku and Sozin.
You know who had fuck all to do with Zuko's arc though? KATARA, yet these people keep insisting she's totally important to it.
"Episodes centered on Katara and Sokka are good because they ignore Aang" No they don't, he's just not front and center, same for Toph, or Zuko, because that's how FOCUS works.
Also, for all the shit "The Headband" gets for supposedly being "filler", it's shocking to me how people act like "Sokka's Master" was briliant and not at all rushed. It's honestly as irrelevant as "The Great Divide" for me.
"Aang had lots of Deus Ex Machinas" He had one, the lion turtle. The Avatar state is introduced right away, and explained in depth a whole season before the finale, AND it was not that easy to use.
Katara bringing him back from the dead is even less random. In the first episode of season two, we are introduced to the concept of "Aang can still be killed in the Avatar State and that is REALLY bad", to the the character that will kill him and how she'll do it (Azula with her lightining), and to the water of the spirit oasis - which the show goes out of it's way to remind us of before Aang is even dead. That's a fuck ton of foreshadowing and proper narrative set up.
"Deus Ex Machina" does not mean "Protagonist survives major battle" or "Hero defeats a super powerful villain", it means "Day is saved by a thing that had never been mentioned in the story before so the audience could have never guessed what would happen." These people want to talk shit, but only show they have no fucking clue how some REALLY basic storytelling stuff works.
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a-french-coconut · 3 months
Luke Castellan (Part 2)
Each day, his forces grow a little stronger, demigods joining them from all over the country, even Camp Half-Blood.
It's time.
Already ? It's only been one year.
He's in his office, seated next to a golden coffin that grows more visible every time a demigod pledge themselves to Kronos.
Our army is strong and with Jackson on his father's side, we need another piece in the game.
He stays silent, reaching for a piece on the chessboard on front of him.
Would it really work ?
Will it bring her back ?
Yes, the Golden Fleece is a powerful artefact.
They why didn't Chiron, or even Dionysus, ever told him ?
He would have went on that quest without hesitation, he would have saved her !
I feel your anger rising, good. Remember, Chiron, Dionysus and all the other gods don't care about you. With her dead, they thought they could avoid the Great Prophecy.
He clenches the piece in his hand, his familiar hatred boiling in him again.
They had killed her, valued her as a defective object that needed to put down.
I shall inform our spy at Camp to proceed.
If Silena didn't change her old calendar, she should be horse riding now.
"Silena, do you copy ?" He asks her through the charm bracelet.
"Hi Luke."
As always, the daughter of Aphrodite have this sweet voice, one that could work on many guys but Luke couldn't be more indifferent to it.
Silena Beauregard is not his type of girl but he can't risk having her offended by a rejection.
"Hey Lena, I need you to do me a favor."
"Of course ! Anything you need." Comes back the answer, cheerful and hopeful.
"The poison Lila gave to you last time you two met ? Use it on the target."
"Oh, okay." She sounds disappointed but frankly, she should know better than expect him to like her, daughter of Aphrodite and all that. "Are you sure you want to do this ?"
"Of course I'm sure," he frowns, "why are you asking ?"
"It's going to hurt her Luke, deeply. It's like she'll die again."
"She isn't going to die" he snaps at Silena, voice cold and harsh, "a quest will be issued to save her. Now go do your job and stop questioning my orders !"
He abruptly cuts contact, not caring about how it might affect Silena.
He looks at the piece in his hand.
Kronos wants a new pawn to balance the careful game they are playing.
"Castellan," an empousa barges in, "Torrington is asking for you on deck, he needs you to teach the soldiers a manoeuvre."
"Tell them I'm coming Kelli."
She nods, promptly leaving him alone.
He gets up, puts some light armor before gripping Backbiter and getting out of the office.
On the table, away from the chessboard and its pieces, stands the dark queen, as proud as the girl she represents.
He dreams of her, of the pine's leaves slowly turning gray, the bark rotting and falling on the ground.
He wonders if she can feel it.
(When he faces her again, on a mountain top surrounded by ruins, he'll know that he made her suffer.)
As expected, Chiron is fired and Tantalus takes over the leadership.
Luke thinks he knows why Kronos chose him. Indeed, they seem to share the same culinary taste.
"How long until the poison kills the tree ?" He asks Alabaster who created it.
"One week, depends on what cure they will administrate it." The son of Hecate shrugs, clearly unconcerned with Thalia's fate. "Don't worry Luke, they should make it time."
"They better," he mumbles under his breath, "if Thalia dies, there is no way for me to convince Annabeth to join us."
"About that," Alabaster fidgets, "Are you sure she'll want to join ? She seems pretty loyal to the Olympians."
"When Thalia joins us, she will too." Luke assures his second in command, "why don't you go find Ethan ? Last time I heard he was still pining over you, looking at you with awe in his single eye."
He snickers slightly when his friend's face turns red, promptly leaving to find the son of Nemesis.
"This is a waste of time," Kelli scoffs from the corner of the room, "why aren't we sending our own forces to get the Fleece ? It would be a lot more productive."
"Because" he glares at the monster who languidly gets closer to him, "they need to ultimately have the Fleece and they are not going to accept it as a gift from us. Hence, they need to find it by their own."
"If you say so, Castellan." Kelli sighs, seating on his armchair, "the girl you keep talking about, Talia or-"
"Thalia" he corrects her, slightly uncomfortable with her proximity.
"That," Kelli narrows her eyes on him, her talons tracing lines on his shoulder and arm," what does she mean to you ?"
"She's a dear friend," he quickly gets out of the chair, earning himself a scowl, "and a powerful ally to have."
"I'm sure she would make quite a feast," Kelli smiles, "Zeus' blood is always so delicious-"
"Don't kid yourself" Luke cuts her off curtly, "you don't stand a chance against Thalia."
"Is that so ?" she hisses, "then maybe I should pay her visit when she's done housing birds and squirrels, to see her worth."
With the speed of a son of Hermes, Luke unsheathes Backbiter and furiously slashes at Kelli but she jumps out of the chair and the only thing damaged is now his furniture.
"Thalia is an essential person in our plan, do you want me to tell our Lord that you wish to harm her ?" He snarls, pulling off his sword from the wood.
"Oh, now" Kelli chuckles nervously, "there's no need for such rash action, I have no intention to go near the daughter of Zeus."
"Good," he says firmly, "now get out, I have work to do."
She hisses at him, hair burning a bright orange but nonetheless hobbles her way out, the sound of her bronze leg hitting the ground echoing in the corridor.
He forces himself to breathe, to squash down his fury against that damned empousa.
His charm bracelet heating up, the signal Silena is trying to contact him, distract him from his insider turmoil.
"Silena," he says rather irritably, "Lila is in charge of receiving your infos, I have enough work to do."
"I thought you would have wanted to hear this but fine, I'll just transmit to Lila and she can tell you." The daughter of Aphrodite says with a snappy voice.
"Wait," he calls to her," what it is ? I'm not busy right now."
A lie since he has to prepare a meeting concerning their sponsors but he is curious about what is so important.
"Clarisse got a quest and she's leaving first thing tomorrow morning to retrieve the Fleece."
"Clarisse ?" He frowns, "why would they send Clarisse when the Fleece is on an island in the Sea of Monsters ? Jackson's obviously a better choice."
"Tantalus isn't very fond of him."
"Tell that idiot that Percy must come." Luke hisses, furious against the new director. "it's the perfect opportunity to trap and kill him."
"It's too late, it would be weird for him to suddenly change opinions." Her voices curls in distaste, "how are we going to keep him Luke, the guy gives the creeps."
"Then avoid him because he is going to stay as long as possible."
"But", her voice wavers, "he might want to hurt the kids."
"Kids" he scoffs, "that are on the opposite side Lena. We are bound to fight them sooner or later."
"We want a better word for all demigods," she stresses her word, "even them, do we not ? I don't see how Tantalus fits into our vision."
"He does for now" he grits out, "anything else ?"
"No, Percy has arrived at camp but he isn't going on the quest. Oh ! Wait, no, I have something to tell you-"
"It'll have to wait," he eyes Chris who just entered and mouthing to him they are here, "I really need to go, please inform your official agent of any new developments and not me."
"Our spy ?" His brothers asks, tilting his head.
"Clarisse has been sent to retrieve the Fleece," Luke eyes carefully his brother's face, "dangerous quest, some might say lethal."
"Clarisse's strong," he mutters quietly, not looking in Luke's eyes, "she'll get through it."
"One day, we are going to fight her, are you sure you'll be able to do so when it happens ?"
"Yes, my loyalty is to Kronos and you."
Chris looks at him with a hardened gaze, grim determination etched on his face.
"I'll do whatever you need me to if it means getting retribution."
"Good," he smiles," I'm please to see your faith in me."
When he passes in front of him, he puts a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder.
"Kronos will appreciate that kind of loyalty once we win the war, brother, be sure not to lose it."
As he leaves to greet his guests, he doesn't see Chris carefully taking a picture of his trouser's pocket, with on it a girl with a bright red bandana hugging with one arm a younger Chris.
"Well, I have to say I didn't expect you here."
He looks rather amused at the trio confronting him.
"Percy, I should have known you couldn't stay far from me for too long, Annabeth," he looks at her, properly seeing her since he left, "you've grown and-"
His voice dies out as he looks with disbelief at the boy in front of him.
Except he's not a boy.
No, he's monster.
A cyclops.
"Really, Annie ?" He says rather hysterical, earning himself a weird look from everyone except Annabeth who's red with shame, "of all monsters, a cyclops ?" He pronounces it with such disgust, such hater towards that kind.
"Don't talk to Tyson that way !" Percy angrily say, struggling against Agrius's grip.
"Why ? Fond of him Jackson ?"
To that, the son of Poseidon stays quiet, the same red Annabeth has colouring his cheeks.
"Well, as fun as this is, I'm afraid it must come to an end." He sighs, "Agrius and Oreius, take them downstairs, I heard the monsters were hungry."
But the cyclops breaks free and sends Oreius tumbling on his brother, giving Percy to opportunity to escape.
"Catch them !" He roars to his soldiers but they have already bolted out of the room.
He can only watch them, seething, disappearing on the horizon on one of the emergency life boat.
He had them...
They were on his boat, unarmed and outnumbered and they escaped.
Shame and rage churn his stomach, make his body vibrate with fury and Alabaster is the one to pay the price.
"Torrington !" he bellows at the son of Hecate, "they were three and you had six demigods and two monsters at your commands !"
"The monsters don't listen to me !" he protests, looking straight into Luke's eyes, "I'm the General of your demigods' army."
"And what have you been doing all those months ?" he hisses, "how come they were completely useless to stop them !"
He sees Alabaster's eyes glower and green ruins appear on his jacket. He reaches for Backbiter but a little girl suddenly puts herself in the way.
"Stop this ! Please !" she begs, looking fearfully at Luke.
"Lou," Alabasters says softly, "get out of the way."
"No, I'm not letting you fight with him !" Lou crosses her arms defiantly, stubbornly not moving.
"Your sister ?" He asks his general who curtly nods, still eyeing him and ready to fight.
But Luke only looks at Lou.
She's small, black-haired and has startling green eyes.
If he has to guess, she must be eleven years old, younger maybe.
And yet, despite her young age, she looks at him warily and ready to protect her brother.
He sheathes his sword to Alabaster's great surprise.
"They'll have to come back once they get the Fleece, we'll catch them then."
He leaves the deck and Torrington's confused face to isolate himself in his cabin.
He spends the next hour twirling a cheap ring on his necklace, thinking of a young blond girl with startling grey eyes and wondering if she would too protect him if he needed it.
He doesn't remember falling asleep.
And yet he is chained upside down, with an unbearable heat burning his face as he looks at the cauldron below him.
He remembers that place.
It's when they were on the run and Thalia and he got captured by a cyclops.
Annabeth had been the one to save them, stabbing bravely the monster and freeing them.
"Luke ! Stop looking like an idiot and use your powers !" A voice next to him snaps in the air.
She's there, looking wildly alive, face etched into a scowl and gleaming from sweat.
"Thalia..." he whispers with a broken voice.
"Is the heat making you lose your mind ?" She says harshly, a worried frown appearing on her features, "yes it's me, Thalia. The girl who is about to buzz you if you don't find a solution."
It's been so long since he heard her talking and not screaming.
The way her eyes pulse with electricity.
The way her freckles are a constellation adoring her pale skin, contrasting so much with her spiky jet black hair.
The way she's pulsing with life, trashing against the chains restraining her and not cold dead on a forest's floor.
"Thalia, I-"
He wants to tell her everything, like he did before, to tell her about Kronos and his rebellion against the gods.
"Hurry, Luke !" She trashes even wilder, a small edge of fear in her voice.
He knows what happens next.
The cyclops comes back, failing to lure Annabeth in his trap, and as he's ready to cut their bonds, to let them fall into the boiling steaming pit below, the monster screams in pain and Luke seizes his chance.
He gets out of the now loosened chains, managed to free Thalia despite only using one hand, the other firmly gripping the chain, and the both of them jump onto the cyclops's arm.
That's when he sees the cause of the monster's pain.
Annabeth had stabbed him in the toe, his little sister looking terrified but determined to fight the beast.
Quickly, Thalia and he climb down the screaming monster until they're on the ground and help Annabeth kill him.
Then, she punches him in the gut after praising Annie.
"What the fuck Thals !" He groans, doubling over.
"What was that back there, huh ?" She asks angrily, irritated enough for not scolding off for the bad word, "why'd you froze like that ?"
"I didn't freeze, my powers were just useless." He winces when he feels his abdomen, it's definitely going to bruise.
She scowls but doesn't push him further.
"Come on, we have to go, Grover is waiting for us outside." Annabeth urges them, dragging them to the exit.
"It's too late."
Both Annabeth and Thalia look at him with utterly confused faces.
"What do you mean it's too late ? Too late for what ?"
"Forget I said anything," he mumbles hastily, pushing them aside to reach the exit, "it's nonsense."
A hand on his shoulder stops him.
It's not like her punch, no.
It's a prolonged contact, one where her hand barely touches his skin and yet, it is warmer than the boiling cauldron.
"Luke," he hears her say his name with worry, "what's wrong ?"
"Nothing's wrong Thals," he reassures her, not looking in her eyes. "We have to go, the monsters are gaining on us."
But she doesn't let go of him and her hand gets closer to his neck.
He doesn't turn, can't bear to look at her.
"You can tell me anything, you know that right ?" She whispers, her voice centimetres away from his ear.
"And I will," he replies, "I will but not today."
He terribly wants to face her, to tell her everything but he can't waste any more time.
It's stupid of him to think that maybe, in this dream Thalia makes it to Camp alive. It's like jumping off the cliff again when he knows he'll break himself on rocks below.
Yet, he hopes.
"Welcome back to the States, cousin." He smiles at Percy, holding Backbiter under his throat, "I'm the welcoming party."
"Really wasn't necessary."
"So uncivilised," he shakes his head, "come aboard, all of you."
This time, Grover is with them. Luke doesn't know why he is there, surely something Silena could explain, but he doesn't particularly care. There's only one thing he wants, and it's within his reach.
"Where is it ?"
"Where's what ?" Percy asks innocently, the ghost of a smile floating on his face.
"The Fleece, Jackson." Luke patiently says, "give it to me."
"I can't, it's gone." He says, his smile now very visible and irritably smug.
"It can't be gone Jackson, you are all here," Luke snaps before a horrible idea dawns on him, "no, there's no way, you didn't-"
"Yes," Percy says glowing with satisfaction, "Clarisse is already on the way to Camp with the Fleece. You lost Luke."
"What where you planning to do with the Fleece, anyways ?" Annabeth asks him coldly.
"Well, since none of you are getting out of here alive, I suppose I can tell you," he shrugs, trying to hide his growing panic at the perspective of telling Kronos he failed again, "I was going to use the Fleece to resurrect Kronos but I would have given it back to you after."
"Really ?"
"Of course Jackson, I know why you need the Fleece and I wouldn't have stopped you."
"That's rich," he scoffs, "considering what you did."
To his grand surprise, Jackson hurls a coin at him. One he easily dodge, the drachma falling in the water behind him.
"You betrayed me, betrayed DIONYSUS AT CAMP HALF BLOOD !"
"Old news Jackson, why are you doing this ?"
"Did you poison Thalia's tree ?"
"Of course I did !" He snaps at Jackson, utterly confused, "but you-"
"So Chiron had nothing to do with it ?" Jackson presses on.
"As if that old man could ever hurt his Camp !" Luke rolls his eyes, "why are you doing this ? You already know all of that !"
"I do, but now all the others do too."
"What others-"
His voice dies at he turns and sees the whole Pavillon of Camp Half-Blood looking at them, dead silent, through an Iris Message.
"See Mr D ? Chiron is innocent !" Percy says behind him.
"I suppose so Peter," the god sighs, "well then, goodbye Tantalus."
He waves his hand and the earth opens, swallowing the man whole.
With a furious scream, Luke slashes the Iris Message, making it pop in a cloud of mist.
"Chris !" He barks at his brother, "ready my stallion, I'm going after the Fleece."
His brothers nods and hastily leaves the room.
"As for you all, Oreius and Agrius are in dire need of fresh meat."
"So you're just leaving us here, not even able to kill us yourselves ?" Percy yells at him as they go on deck where a black pegasus awaits Luke.
"I have more urgent matters than you Jackson, believe or not."
"Why don't you fight me, eh ? Scared you'll lose like the first time ?" The son of Poseidon taunts him.
It's an impasse and they both know it.
If Luke declines, he loses credibility and if he accepts, he doubts he'll manage to intercept Clarisse.
"Very well, Jackson. Give him back his sword."
He arms himself with Backbiter and a shield and faces Percy.
"It's not fair Luke," Annabeth protests angrily, "at least give him a shield too !"
"The world's hardly ever is fair Annabeth," he snarls, "I had hoped you would know that by now."
He looks at Percy, scanning for weak spots and when he finds one, he attacks.
"You've gotten better Jackson" he grunts, blocking Riptide with his shield, "but there's not water trick to save you this time."
He kicks him in the leg and sends Riptide flying out of reach.
He hears Annabeth screaming, the cyclops bellowing and Grover bleating as he lower down Backbiter to stab Percy in the stomach.
Water slaps him, sending him tumbling backward and loud screams and confettis ?
Dozens of centaurs are on his ship, trampling his forces or throwing party hats and shooting paintballs.
One hits him on the stomach, splattering his shirt blue and bruising his skin.
Amidst the chaos, he registers Percy mounting Chiron while the others are on other centaurs, his old mentor whistles and they're all gone as fast as they came.
"Chris !" He roars, face red with fury, "the horse, where is it ?"
"It left with them," his brother groans from where he's sprawled on the floor, covered in paint, "saw Percy talk to him."
He feels like he might explode from shame and rage.
It's the second time Percy escapes him, the second time a thirteen years old beat him, an experienced twenty years old demigod.
"All of you, clean this mess ! I have to inform our Lord of this recent development."
He closes his office's door rather harshly, taking a few minutes to calm himself before contacting Kronos.
Next to him, the coffin glows and he feels him stirring, his presence lingering in the air.
You have failed.
Luke feels his throat drying, yes master.
And yet we are still successful.
I... I don't understand Master. Without the Fleece, you'll take more time to fully awake.
Foolish boy, do you think I cannot wait a few more years ? I have spent eons awaiting for this moment, I do not lack patience.
It was never about you, Luke realises, all you wanted was for the Fleece to reach her tree.
And it has, soon, we'll have another pawn in the game.
Far away, on a hill overlooking Long Island Sound, a girl opens her eyes under a grand pine tree for the first time in seven years.
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o-o-lover-o-o · 4 months
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It's been 7 years ago, when my obsession started. I heard about the anime called ‘hunter x hunter’. This caught my interest and the way the story is delivered is hella good. Then, the first time I saw Illumi Zoldyck in the first arc, I didn't have any reaction because he looks like a dead person and a red flag. But then in the election arc. He appeared and he's hella fine~ 💜, he is now a dead sexy good-looking person and a hot flaming red flag.
Years passed, I've become more obsessed with this character knowing it will not give me any acknowledgement or recognition from this guy because he never existed but if he did, he'll probably kill me LOL because I'm useless AF to be a pawn. I know he exists in a different dimension or universe. Let me be delulu 🙄. I'll probably kms and hope that ill reincarnated to the hxh
Loving a fictional character that has a very questionable personality and morality. Is very common among people who have bad taste in men (like me). He might be fictional but I'm willing to die for him. I love him so much because of his appearance, personality and traits. I wonder why I am so drawn to him. Is it because he's very obsessive and possessive in nature that it gives me security that would probably won't leave me if he gets a chance to love me?(a normal yandere enjoyer)Or I just read many fictional stories about him that my brain always thinks about only him? (I'm brainwashing myself lol).
I am mediocre about everything but if I get obsessed about something, I will dig for its information till the end and the center of the earth. So I can just find a way just to seek what I want to know, even if it's something small or big, it doesn't matter as long it's him. Everything that I'm obsessed about, is essential for my obsession. I must know things that I don't know and I must find answers to these questions that linger in my head and heart.
I love the way his hair drapes down from his shoulder to his waist. It gives a mysterious and majestic effect that caught my interest in every single detail of his features. I'm willingly wrapped myself in his hair and suffocated myself even though it would hurt or might take my life away. His sharp features that make him intimidating is smooch 😘🤌 a masterpiece. he has this big eyes that are filled with emptiness that I'm willing to be swallowed by darkness and will not go up again to see the light, his nose is straight i want to sit on it and, lips that i can kiss till my lung oxygen runs out and die in his arms. His pale skin that illuminates in the darkness from the moonlight, it could light up my life. His aura is so cold and menacing that I want to hug him and never let him go. I like cold stuff because my body is always naturally warm, he can set me on fire to warm himself, I'll be happy to keep him warm. He puts all the spices and gives flavors to my tongue and I would savor the taste of his odd behavior.
I already did a lot of stuff to feed my obsession everyday; reading fanfiction, character analysis, and talking to bots that I made lol. I go far, like making myself hallucinate to see him, and doing reality shifting and I still haven't succeeded yet. I'm happy, everytime i get sleep paralysis and it means I can control my dream. I also lucid dream and encounter illumi a lot in it. Sometimes he appear in my dream 😏 very randomly… and one time we held hands and I got too excited, I woke up. or the way he kissed my neck but I woke up because my mother screamed my name. Or the way he tries to kill me but I'm fine because I'm able to see him. Hehe~💜
My friends call me obsessive and delusional, I'm actually not. I'm just.. Devoted to this relationship, to him. Also I'm manifesting the reality I want. I keep myself virgin for him, even my first kiss. I am willing to be his sacrificial lamb.
I'm willing to follow him all day and pick up all his hair strands on the ground and make a crochet out of it, then create some sweater or something cute that I can give him or something I can keep it myself. If he has dandruff, I'm willing to sprinkle it in my mouth and eat it like parmesan cheese and I can do it like a snack and dessert everyday.
I'm willing to consume everything that comes out in his body, everything he touches is holy and sacred for me. I will build an altar to worship him from head to toe, from his dead skin to his bone marrow. I am willing to fight the Gods and Goddesses or The Devil for illumi, just to see him.
If he existed in this world, I'll probably be his stalker, I'll end up being his slave or I'll be dead lol. But that's fine, as long as the last thing I would see is him. If I get reincarnated to an object, I don't mind being his soap, not in a perverted way but I would love to feel him against mine. Thinking that my only purpose is to serve him then I'll die slowly, melting down to the drainage till I'm nothing. If I don't turn to soap, I'll be okay to be anything, as long as I am his object. If I become a hair blower, I still don't mind. It'll be lovely to witness his hair flowing to the wind. I would not be mad if I became his tissue. But if I turn into a pet, I would be ecstatic.
He smells like every dark thought I ever had. Keeps me awake at night and keeps me thinking about him. I might not have any needles in my head but I act like one. I am drowning in the thought of him everyday that it becomes unhealthy and there's no day that there's no him in my mind. My head will subconsciously start thinking about him to the point of obsession that I can't start my day without staring at my phone with his face in it, scrolling through my gallery and reading fanfiction or anything that is related to him.
I am aware of his flaws but that makes him more attractive in my eyes. He's such an interesting person. I am hella fine with his current personality, to be honest, i would like to be abused by him. He can torture me all day and all night, just to see him and breathe the same air as him. If I really did breathe the same air as him, I would be willing to let him rip open my ribs and offer him my heart or organs. I would kill for him and I would let him kill me if he wanted to.
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fizzigigsimmer · 11 months
I wish I had more time to write. I have so many fic ideas that live in folders that I am afraid will never see the light. After I finish my Big Bang fic I still have to finish To B With Love & All The Kings Men (oof poor baby has gone so neglected). So this brain bunny will sadly probably not see life until next years big bang honestly. But I love the idea so much and want to share it. All my love to @dream-about-dancing who helped me with my initial brainstorming and encouraged me that this wasn't too dark of an idea lol.
That said. Warnings ahead for some dark!romance as in, this is fucked up with purpose.
The idea came to me after the massive disappointment that was Don't Worry Darling. I just feel like the film missed a lot of the horror and emotional beats that make the original Stepford Wives so twisted and compelling.
So my idea for a Harringrove Stepford!Wives Au was born.
A secret government organization has given Martin Brenner funding for "The Eden project". The goal of Eden is to create an actionable community model that would end poverty, wealth inequality, crime, war etc in the western world. Their slogan is " take the first step to world peace. Choose Eden."
World peace is the surface goal, but we all know Brenner is a closeted sociopath - so naturally he's using Eden and the technology behind it to create a weapon that can control/erase/change the will of others on a mass scale. World peace through mind control in other words. Everyone in Eden is essentially a test subject.
Brenner finds volunteers by preying on fringe groups and people who are ostracized in society, because they can more easily disappear without being missed. Nobody cares if the guy dealing drugs out of his van stops showing up to the corner, or some "tranny" quits their job and moves without telling anyone.
Billy and Steve are college roommates, it's the 80s, and they're both deep in the closet. Billy struggles with his childhood trauma and Steve is there for him like no one else ever has been. Steve is exploring his own sexuality and trying to live independently of his overbearing parents for the first time and they form a very codependent relationship.
Steve's parents start to suspect somethings up with him and his roommate and start to put pressure on him to live up to his responsibilities (Aka join his father's firm and get married to a nice girl). It doesn't help that Billy is fearful and possessive of their relationship and generally just a giant redflag. Steve just wants to be with Billy, but he knows they don't have a future and he doesn't want to be the son who fucks up and ruins his family over something he shouldn't even want - so he breaks up with Billy.
Billy spirals. He completely ignores the part about Steve breaking up with him because he's an unstable mess lol and fixates on Steve's parents and the world telling them it's wrong to be together. He knows Steve was happy with him and that Steve loves him and is desperate to get him back.
He meets someone at a bar who introduces him to Project Eden and indoctrinates him into Brenner's circle. At first Billy thinks this sounds like some weird geek novel bullshit, but the idea of a safe world where he's not wrong for being the way that he is, and where Steve still loves him and he's powerful and successful and nothing can touch him? Appealing as fuck. Sign him up. He'll be a warrior for world peace.
Cue him literally abducting Steve on his wedding day and bringing him into Eden, where they become The Hargroves. They have the perfect life and the perfect marriage that the outside world tells them they can't have. Billy's the provider and each day he gets to come home to his blissfully happy and submissive husband.
He was afraid at first that Brenner's technology would take away what he loves most about Steve, but no he's still the same dork with the same fire. The only downside is Billy knows deep down that Steve didn't choose this and he lives in fear of Steve waking up one day and truly hating him.
The first crack comes when Steve starts to have upsetting dreams about the past, including the time his dad called him a slur and accused him of ruining the family and breaking his mother's heart. Billy tells him these are just nightmares but he knows they are really Steve's memories popping up where they shouldn't. He starts to panic and does everything he can to "fix" Steve, gaslighting him the entire way.
Meanwhile poor Steve is on a reluctant heroes journey slowly regaining his memories and his own mind. He starts unraveling the mysteries behind Eden with the help of Eleven and his friends, who are also fellow residents of Eden. Eleven is Brenner's "daughter" and unknowingly is a big part of how the technology works. Max and Lucas came to Eden together so they could be together without persecution. Heather and Robin were lesbians who didn't know each other and wanted a chance to experience being in love. Jason was a closeted man escaping religious trauma, but in Eden he's the perfect husband to Chrissy who isn't sick or being abused by her mother anymore, and Eddie was a poor social outcast who wanted the world to hear his music. In Eden he's a rock star and has a budding romance with Jason & Chrissy.
Steve agrees that they can't allow Brenner to use El and the Eden technology for what he's planning, but the more of the truth he discovers the more he wishes he'd never woken up. Because despite everything, he loves Billy and the life they have. Billy's very sorry of course. It was never his intention to hurt Steve. He just wanted to make things right for them. And it can all be right again if they all just take this little pill and go to sleep.
Decisions decisions.
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
task force 141 + favorite christmas movies
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Characters: Simon “Ghost” Riley, John “Soap” MacTavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: sorta did this already with ghost but now it’s time for the entire team
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john "soap" mactavish:
what can i say soap is a home alone kinda guy
he fell in love with them as a kid and he just never fell out of love
it's that sorta violent but still comedic and overly dramatized kind of humor that soap likes
plus he's a sucker for montages and you know home alone has a bunch of them
he's a fan of the whole series too
but the first one is definitely his favorite, just because it's classic
definitely gets freaked out by the bird lady in the second one (i think it's the second one)
and yes he's always wanted a home alone situation whenever he was a kid
he would literally pray for a duo of goofy robbers to try and break in whenever his parents weren't home
of course it never worked
but you know
a man can dream
he also knows all the home alone lore
and he freaked out when he found out macaulay culkin was married to brenda song
kyle "gaz" garrick:
so this goes hand in hand with my christmas songs headcanon
but gaz's favorite christmas movie is the grinch (2018)
bc 1. it has a fire soundtrack
2. it's got great animation
and 3. beneficiary cumberbun as the grinch was unprecedentedly good
he also doesn't like the live action grinch
he watched it when he was younger and it really scared him
like im talking it really scared him
he saw it in a hotel while his family was visiting new york for christmas
and then he refused to sleep on the wall side of the bed because he was scared the grinch was gonna come from under the bed in that sorta shadowy area between the bed and the wall and steal him
and yes he still sleeps on the lamp side whenever he stays at hotels now
even though he's a grown man
so yeah the grinch (2018) was a very welcome change to that
i mean the animation is so bright and cheery
what's not to love
plus he really likes how fluffy the grinch looks
and yes he watched it in theatres with his family so there's a lot of good memories associated with that as well
simon "ghost" riley:
so kinda similar to gaz
but ghost's favorite christmas movie is actually how the grinch stole christmas (1966)
for those of y'all who aren't up to date on the grinch movie release timeline that's the cartoon one
gaz doesn't like that one because that smile the grinch does in the beginning (you know what i mean, it's the one where his cheeks literally like migrate to his ears) freaked him out
but ghost actually enjoys that scene
he says it scratches an itch
he also likes the 1966 grinch because it brings him back to simpler times
he first watched it in school right before winter break
and then he went home and made his mom watch it with him over and over and over again
and so now whenever he has the chance he'll watch during the holiday season
it does make him a little sad though
you know since his mom's dead
john price:
price's favorite movie is charlie brown's christmas
he's actually a pretty big fan of the peanuts
is that what they're called? idk
so it's only a no brainer that the charlie brown christmas special brings him a special kind of joy
before he used to watch it on cable on christmas day
and then he got apple tv+ so now he watches it to get in the mood
guys this isn't an ad for apple i swear
he likes to cozy up with a blanket, some nice socks (he's a sock guy what can i say), a cup of tea or hot cocoa, and some biscuits
sometimes he falls asleep before the end tho
but it's not like he's never seen it before so it's fine
yet despite his love for the peanuts he does not have a charlie brown christmas tree
no his tree is always freshly cut down and usually pretty hefty
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
alright so this one also goes with my christmas music headcanons
but rudy's favorite christmas movie is the frozen franchise
and yes it's a holiday movie
he will fight you on that
in his mind snow + fire soundtrack = christmas movie
so yes goncharov would technically be a christmas movie by rudy's criteria
and yes he will fight you if you bring that up
he also really hates claymation
like really really hates it
it's too uncanny valley for him
like for it to be enjoyable it better be super duper obvious that the characters are clay
but even then it still catches him off guard
he also really likes christmas specials for like a bunch of shows
so after he's done with his frozen marathon he'll turn on his favorite shows and just watch the christmas episodes
and yes he does that for every holiday that has specials
alejandro vargas:
okay so potentially controversial opinion
but alejandro really enjoys hallmark movies
like it doesn't matter which one it is as long as it's a christmas hallmark movie he's down to watch it
he doesn't even know why like he's aware of how cheesy they are
but they've really mastered that feel good formula
even if each movie is riddled with plot holes
but even then that's also part of the fun too
like he enjoys inviting rudy or even the others over so they can poke fun at all the logistical impossibilities of the movie
and really that's what he likes when he watches the movies
the good memories he makes
ig it's true guys
the real lesson was the friends we made on the way
or whatever the saying is idk
he also likes the cheesy romance of it all
and also he doesn't tell anyone that he secretly enjoys the hallmark movies
with everyone else he pretends that it sucks
but he eats it up every time
and yes he always checks to see if the kiss happens at the same time
and so far it has almost every single time
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smbyt · 1 year
TF141 + König x GN!Reader who started the flame in the middle of the night and still be cheeky about it the following day. (P3)
(Vietnamese version here, English isn't my first language so I hope you guys could read this easily)
Including: Ghost, Gaz (in P1), Soap, König (in P2), Price (in P3 cause I wrote a lot for him @@)
Warning: swearing, a little suggestive (of course SFW, just flirting), mention about König smokes
Reader is their teammate (and secret lover, but reader is new to König), no pronoun or sign name, just some nickname like kid, princess (just for teasing, not related to reader's gender), rookie,...
This post inspired me so… here we are =)))))) 
Translate: A had done some stupid things that B had to wake up and extinguish the fire. However, the next day, A still winked cheekily at B and went: “Such a hot night, right?”
John Price:
If you two are alone, the old man will pinch your cheeks, and pat yours a few more times to warn you to stop.
Maybe he'll smash his hat over your head so you don't see his ears turning red.
Yup, Price quite enjoyed your teaser. But won't admit it because he is old, stop teasing him!!!
What if you are with the whole team and you whisper to him like that? He'll give you an extremely grumbling warning glance.
Sneaking a hand to pinch your thigh under the bar and smiling so friendly that you scowled in pain but didn't dare to scream out of fear that people would know.
"I'm too old for this"
"You're only 40!"
He will punish you, no matter what your relationship is. Cleaning the toilet or the whole base, whatever. But when he learns that you set the stove on fire because you cooked for him, he will feel guilty and hug you tightly to thank you.
Will definitely try your cooking someday, of course you will have to cook under the strict supervision of Chef Price.
Price was lying exhausted in his hospital bed due to the fever brought on by the last campaign. For some reason, Price had been in the water for almost three days without eating or sleeping, and now he was paying for that.
Price coughed continuously, his whole body shivering from the cold. But no matter how many blankets he put on, he still couldn't sweat a single drop.
“Captain, would you like more blankets?”
A medic brought two more blankets for Price, and Price nodded in thanks, continuing to curl up in his fever.
“Two more hours before you can take more medicine. If anything happens, just call me."
Price nodded again, burying his face in the blankets to find more warmth for himself.
He didn't think that there was also a day when an experienced soldier like him collapsed from a minor illness, a man who had broken the necks of his enemies many times was now bedridden because he was too weak to walk. Price scratched his beard, feeling it warmer than his cold body. And for the first time in years, Price suddenly realized how old and weak he was.
Remember when he was still a 16-year-old boy, Price didn't think he would have a sick day like this, his mind had been full of battlefield dreams, fighting for peace, for justice. But as time passed, that dream became more and more difficult to achieve. Price gradually saw how unfair the world was, how scary it was, and increasingly turned the 16-year-old boy into a tough old man.
Well, at least 24 years have passed, he counted.
Price coughed again, his mind now like a cloud of dust. If the disease was not cured soon, Laswell will surely send someone to replace him. And even though it was impossible, Price still felt a little uneasy thinking about it.
Price continued to try to relax, if this old body could sweat now everything would be better. However, for the past six hours, Price had not improved at all, his whole body was aching and sluggish, both hot and cold at the same time uncomfortably.
He lay there enduring the fever, looking from the ceiling to the floor. Price didn't know how to get himself to sleep, his mind was so hazy that he started to think of everything in exhaustion.
Then suddenly your voice came from behind the door, "John, can I come in?"
Just a short sentence of yours wiped away all the fatigue in his heart, your voice was sweet and sacred like a bell in the morning sun. And as if because he was still in a fever, Price suddenly felt more infatuated with you than ever.
Price tried to sit up, but because he couldn't get out of bed, he could only sit there and speak out loud.
"It's you?" A hoarse voice followed by a constant burst of coughing made you feel anxious. You had just returned to the base and heard that your captain is seriously ill, and before you could put away your weapons, you rushed here, fortunately you grabbed a mask in the medic's room.
You put on a mask, walked into the room and saw Price sitting on the bed, his face paled.
“How are you, John? I heard you cough a lot."
Price tried to hide the smile on his face, his old heart can hardly bear the cuteness you bring, the little Private in Price's heart. Price loved the way you called him John and how you talked to make Price look a few decades younger.
Price smiled, trying to suppress a cough that was about to burst out of his throat.
"Minor illness, it's okay"
You walked over to sit on the side of the hospital bed, about to touch Price's forehead when Price leaned over trying not to get too close to you.
"Don't come near, you'll catch it"
"Come on, John, let me see how you are."
"No no"
Price couldn't help but cough, shaking his head repeatedly. In any way, this old man still didn't want to pass on that petty illness to you. You were very young, you should keep your strength to take on more tasks, and shouldn't care about him.
"I'm wearing a mask, I just want to check your temperature, not asking for a kiss, so why are you avoiding me so much, John?"
You squinted at Price, making him smile. "Stop messing around, it's just a minor illness, kid."
You had to temporarily give in to your stubborn old man, sit next to the bed and watch Price, not ask to touch his forehead anymore. Your captain looked very pale now, his eyes, which had been marked by time, were even more wrinkled. Price's hair turned a little gray. You blinked, if it weren't for the fact that Price said he was only 40 years old now, you would have thought your lover was also around 60.
"So how have you been since afternoon? Soap and I were a little busy earlier, so we couldn't go home at the same time as everyone else. So when I heard that you were sick, I ran over here without having time to change."
You patted the gear on your body, the gun and walkie-talkie were still there. Price looked at your gestures and couldn't help but feel happy, it turned out that you care for him so much, and Price wanted to hug you tight and kiss you a lot to show his gratitude.
But of course, he can't do that, you would get sick.
"You should go rest, you all did your best." Price sighed, leaning back against the wall. "I didn't expect I'd be this sick, I'm so old..."
“You are only 40 years old!”
"That's still almost years older than you."
Price laughed, but there was still something bitter in it. Sometimes Price didn't understand why you chose him, because you can fall in love with any healthier young man at your age and not have to mind a middle-aged man like him. Two people with a 5-year age gap made it hard to match, let alone you and Price...
"You're like a fine wine, gets better with age, John. Besides, I love wine"
You winked teasingly at your captain, causing Price to laugh. "Oh kids, they only know to be smooth-talking these days."
You grinned, "John likes me to be smooth-talking, doesn't he?"
Price couldn't hide the smile on his face anymore, he reached out and took your hands, hands much softer than his 24 years of fighting. The two of you sat in silence for a while, then began to talk about the things around you.
“I heard that, Gaz intends to propose to his lover after this mission is over. After his lover made a Molotov bomb in his bedroom, Gaz became more and more infatuated."
“Those two kids…” Price sighed, remembering how panicked he was when he saw the two of them standing in the middle of the scorched room with no protection on their bodies. Especially when Gaz was half naked, Price feared he was in more danger.
You giggled, patting Price's hand. You two continued to talk more about the day, Price wanted you to rest, but he couldn't resist having you by his side right now.
"I think you need to eat something healthy"
"It's okay, just water and medicine are fine."
"You have been working so hard, isn't it okay to eat soup?"
Price shook his head, squeezed your hand, and looked up at the ceiling. He sighed, the fever making him feel tired and sore. You helped Price lie down on the bed, and although he didn't want you to get too close, the feeling of your touch was just too alluring. Price lay down, still holding your beloved hand.
“Well… I'll be fine in 72 hours anyway. There's no need to be taken care of like an old man." Price laughs, "Besides, the kitchen isn't working right now so there's no way to cook anything to eat."
You pouted, but chose not to argue with Price, then continued to talk to your captain about other matters. You wanted to take care of your captain, but this old man stubbornly refused to take care of himself. You kept talking to Price like that until he fell asleep, this time Price was able to sleep comfortably without being tormented by the illness.
You slowly walked out, deciding to cook Price a soup to get better. Seeing a tired Price lying on a hospital bed made you feel hurt. But the kitchen was no longer working at this time, cause it was almost midnight, you wondered what to do.
Then suddenly you came up with an idea.
Price was immersed in his dream, in there, he dreamt of the wars that he had experienced. Dreaming of old comrades, dreaming of his first day in the army. Dreaming of dangerous battles that nearly drove him to his death. And especially dreamed of the first day he formed task force 141.
Then Price dreamed of you, a private who was still new to the team. But somehow, you approached Price and made him feel this forbidden love. Your smile, your voice, your eyes, everything made Price feel that you were the light that illuminates his soul.
He didn't know how to keep you in his arms forever when you both were involved in battles that could take your lives at any moment. But Price still wanted to hold you tight, hold you in his lap and protect you from the dangers of this world. Price may not be young, but he had a lot of experience, as you said "he is like fine wine, gets better with age", he can be your best defender.
Just that, Price just wanted to protect you, embrace you and treat you like his own treasure. Just that, a simple dream…
"Hurry up!"
Price was still in his dream, unable to keep up with the chaotic reality.
What happened to you? Who is screaming?
“Where the fuck is fire extinguisher!?”
“Over there!”
“Soap! Watch out!”
It's your voice, are you in danger? What is up?
Price woke up tiredly, suppressing his headache and vertigo, and slowly got out of bed.
Where are you? Price needs to know where you were!
"Captain! Just rest, nothing serious."
Price just opened the door and walked out to see another private running by, he stopped and pointed to the scene of you and Soap trying to put out the fire at the end of the corridor. The fire was not very big, but because the fire extinguisher was broken, no longer usable, Soap used it to hit the portable gas stove - which caused the fire.
“What did you do!?”
"Making soup!"
“This time!?”
Soap panicked and tried to put out the fire, he used all his strength to turn the fire extinguisher's van again, but it still didn't work.
Oh... so you're making him soup…
There was a strange feeling in Price's heart that made him feel like bursting into tears. Never before had Price felt that just burnt soup could warm his heart so much.
And then, while you and Soap still couldn't do anything more, Price rushed back out with a drenched blanket, threw the blanket on the stove, and reached in to turn the gas tank back on.
The fire had stopped.
Price gasped, you and Soap gasped too.
"Jo- Captain..."
"Are you two gonna die if you don't mess around!?"
Price growled, throwing the thing in his hand to Soap. He was panting from the pain in his chest, sweating profusely from trying to run.
"Sorry Captain..."
You mumbled fearfully looking at Price. But you were not afraid because Price was angry, you were afraid because Price looks worse and worse. Looking at him unsteady, his face was as red as pomegranate and sweat covered his whole body, making your chest feel like it was being weighed down by a rock.
You walked over to try to grab Price's arm to help him, but he leaned away from you.
"You'll catch the illness, I'll be fine-"
Price fainted in your arms, slowly losing consciousness, the last thing he could see were your panicked eyes and the drops of his sweat on your skin.
"You laugh cause my love burned my room but you were going to turn the entire base into hell"
"Don't blame me, they burned it, not me"
Soap pointed his thumb at you, you shrugged, smiled as innocently as you could.
It's also been three weeks since your gas stove burned down, and this had become a chronic joke among the members of TF141. They kept repeating it over and over and over to tease you. Soap, then Gaz, then Ghost bringing this to look down on you because at least they didn't burn any portable gas stoves.
You were a little uncomfortable at first, but slowly got used to their teasing. Want to tease you now? Who cares?
As for Price, true to his reassurance, after only 72 hours he recovered and was well again. It turned out that he just had a small cold, only because he didn't eat or sleep for three days, he didn't have enough resistance to fight the illness.
You watched Soap and Gaz joke about the gas stove a little longer, propping your chin up and looking up at the ceiling.
It'd been almost three weeks since you'd seen Price, because Laswell forbade you and Soap from going near him.
Not knowing if Price missed you, or was annoyed by your stupid game, you were just worried about Price. Price was better now but he only gave orders through paperwork and through Ghost, even your punishment for cleaning the toilet was announced by Ghost, which reminds you of Price so much.
“Ah, old man, you're here.”
Soap chirped happily, you also looked out the door of the bar, and Price was there. He was still the same, still as tall and strong and healthy as he was when you first joined the team. Price wore his signature hat and your favorite blue t-shirt that showed off his stocky muscles.
Who dares to say Price is old? There's no old man as sexy as your Price, right?
You couldn't help but grin as you looked at Price, causing him to glare at you to warn you not to let anyone else see it. You nodded to show your understanding and retracted your simping face. (Unfortunately, Ghost saw your smile, but he didn't pay attention and just focused on his glass of wine)
“Are you guys bad-mouthing me?”
"Soap just praised you two years younger now"
"Shut up, he hasn't punished you for burning room, just shut the fuck up"
Price slowly made his way to the bar to be greeted by Soap and Gaz, trying not to laugh at the two boys' shenanigans. He looked around and then shrugged like “there are no other avail chairs” so he naturally sits next to you.
"Old man"
You greet Price with a toast and shit-eating grin, passing him the cheapest but best whiskey this bar had, and he smiled as he took it, trying to hide his loving gaze on you. Price didn't want others to see how much he loved you, but every time you were near, he couldn't help but melt.
“We just talked about the fired gas stove a few weeks ago.”
Soap grinned, nudged your arm and raised an eyebrow at Price.
You sighed helplessly, facepalming and trying to hold back Soap's smugness. Price saw that, laughed, put down his wine glass, and calmly asked, "So who started it that night?"
And to your surprise, everyone pointed to you.
You rolled your eyes at Price, this old man, tired of living, right?
You pretended to laugh, pretending to be innocent, but inside, you were extremely annoyed. It was clear that Price knew you set the gas stove on fire because of him (you didn't do it on purpose, it was just an accident!). But the old man still liked to ask questions like he wanted to show his power and act like "I'm an adult" to you!
Seeing Price smile smugly, a few nods and "don't be so childish next time", you set up for revenge.
Taking advantage of Soap's turn to discuss with Gaz the upcoming football match, you leaned on the bar, exposing part of the back of your neck because of the pose (which you consider sexy), and winked teasingly: "Such a hot night, wasn't it?"
Your voice is unhurried, neither fast nor slow, but full of incredible charm. Price's smile stiffened, his dark eyes warning you of your language. But you kept teasing him, fingers drawing around the base of Price's wine glass with a shit-eating grin.
Price raised his glass of wine to his lips to avoid your eyes, and the acrid alcohol didn't stop his heart from bumping. He ran his hand over your inner thighs under the bar, his rough hand so careful that no one noticed what Price was doing.
And then he pinched really hard.
"The fu-"
You jumped from the pain, almost spilling Soap's nearby wine glass.
“Watch your mouth, kid.” Price chuckled, continuing to drink as if he did nothing.
Soap quickly pulled his wine glass aside and pushed you back to your seat.
"Hey princess, I've been punished because of you once, someone will punish you twice for this"
Soap winked at the captain, Gaz pretended to be "I'm blind" so he wouldn't have to gag at Soap's actions. Price smiled and said slowly, "Who would punish our princess?"
He scoffed, then gave you a teasing look.
And are you angry? YES!
But can you do anything!? NO!
You tried to hold back the anger, but in your head, you were plotting to take revenge again.
"And why did you guys burn your room, Gaz?" you turned everyone's attention to Gaz, making him just smile and reply: "Craving cocktails"
"What kind?"
So you and the whole team 141 enjoyed a "peaceful" night at a small pub where everyone had just finished their mission. Most of the night went pretty well, if not all of a sudden Soap got in the mood to ask you to have a drinking contest with him.
You wanted to have fun, so you agreed, spent all your money to see who would get drunk first. Price used the excuse that he was old so he didn't join, and Ghost remained untouchable when you and Soap asked to drag him into the competition. Gaz also participated in the game, drinking while facetiming with his teammate (who everyone knows was Gaz's secret lover) to show off his achievements.
"If only you were here to watch Gaz lose" you put down your wine glass, your face red and smile at the person on Gaz's phone.
"Laswell got them now."
Without waiting for Gaz to reply, Price smiled and replied for him. You beamed at Price, continuing your stupid game.
Near the middle of the night, you left the game and asked to go to the toilet first. Going to the washbasin, you realized how messy you were. Your face was red, your clothes were disheveled, and you still had a red mark on your face because you had been so drunk that you hit your face on the table.
You chuckled at yourself in the mirror, perhaps because you were in a good mood that made it even easier to laugh. And then in the mirror, you saw the shape of a person with arms crossed, leaning against the edge of the toilet door. A big, muscular guy wearing a familiar hat.
You called Price's name, when there was no one around, you'd still prefer to call Price "John" rather than the dry "captain". You smiled at Price in the mirror, and mirror Price smiled at you.
"I haven't even thanked you for the soup yet."
"It's burned, John, there's no need to thank me like that. I should've apologized to you for letting you faint."
Your smile was tinged with sadness, and you kept washing your hands then wiping your wet hands on your pants.
Price walked over to you, took a bunch of tissues from the corner of the sink, and wiped your hands.
"I would faint a hundred times just to eat your soup"
Price said softly, his loving gaze making you who were drunk even more dreamy. It was only now at this close distance that you noticed the gray hairs in Price's hair, which were much more gray than you'd seen three weeks ago. You reached out and touched those gray hairs, whispering to Price: "I'd rather John take me to a restaurant, I'm tired of burning more gas stoves."
Price chuckled, kissed your forehead, and tossed the tissues in the trash. You loved this smile of Price very much, no matter how many times you went through it, seeing Price smiling was still the thing you look forward to the most after a tiring mission.
You pulled Price back and placed a kiss on his lips, at first just as gentle as a thank you kiss, but then slowly stronger and more passionate.
"Alright, kid"
Price laughed, pushing you away from your passionate kiss. He smiled so much that his eyes were curved into a semicircle and his lips were glossy from your kiss.
"Wanna kiss"
“No, you stink too bad.”
You gasped, smacking Price in the chest: "It's you, not me!"
You both laughed again, he took your hand that hit him and brought it to his lips, then kissed your naughty knuckles. Price caressed your hand as if you were his most precious fragile thing, wrapping yours with hands that had lived through a rough life.
“Let's go,” you say, “or else someone will spread rumors that we monopolize the toilet.”
“Alright.” Price nodded, and you both headed out.
On the way, Price was about to dodge you a little so that no one could see you but you hugged his arm. He didn't resist, enjoying the feeling of your touch.
You looked up at Price admiringly, squeezing his toned biceps: "But again, that night was hot, wasn't it, John?"
As soon as you said that, you had Price slam his hat on your head. He reached out and pinched your cheek. "I'm too old, don't tease me like that"
“John is only 40!”
Price raised an eyebrow, 40 is still older than you, don't mess with adults!
You giggled, then let go of Price's hand when you saw someone else walk in.
"Next time I'll cook John something else"
"Yes, but you must have my supervision."
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btr-rewatch · 10 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 1: “Big Time Audition” PART 2
LINK to part 1
Thanks to those of you who checked out my first post. What a nice surprise! Onto part two :)
Also, since these posts are long and hidden under a keep reading, maybe I'll do a little "highlights" blurb after I write the post up? That way people can get an idea of what's in it and see if they want to read it?
Highlights: The guys finally get to the audition, and I proceed to spiral into Kendall Knight character analysis.
After borrowing their elderly neighbor (in order to have an adult in the car so Logan can drive), the boys make it to the audition in the nick of time. An exhausted looking Kelly slaps stickers on all four of them, and I have two comments on this:
Kelly referring to Kendall as "tall, blond, and eyebrows" is perhaps one of the best lines so far in the episode. I remember really loving Kelly when I originally watched the show, and so far, she is not disappointing me. She calls it like she sees it, and what she sees is accurate.
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Look at him. I love Kendall.
The other thing is just how funny it is to me that not only did these four wildly different boys became best friends—they can all sing. And like, not even in a "yeah, you've got an ok voice" kind of way. They can sing, sing. What are the odds of this happening? Yeah, yeah, I know this is a wacky show, and it had to happen like this on account of, um, it's the plot, but for real. Did they...did they not know they could sing? Or did they ever sit around and start singing for fun and just not notice how good they all sounded?? I can't remember if this is ever brought up. It's funny to me for some reason. Gustavo had a whole entire boyband pre-packaged and ready to go in Minnesota, and the only reason it was discovered was because Kendall can't keep a lid on his temper.
Moving on! James starts getting cold feet and switches his number sticker with Logan's. And it's at this point that I must also comment on yet another instance of Kendall having to serve as their collective brain. I mean, Logan says he's a genius and will come up with something to do on stage, and then he immediately goes, "Kendall?" to which Kendall tells him to beatbox. No thinking involved for Mr. Mitchell so far. Can't figure out how to get to the audition? Call for Kendall; he'll solve the problem. Don't know what to do on stage? Kendall will provide the answer to that, too!
Kendall is single-handedly holding this friend group together. James, Carlos, and Logan are like kittens. Scrambling all over the place, getting themselves into trouble, making messes, etc, and Kendall is the one hurriedly running around trying to corral them all.
Logan's audition goes GREAT, by the way.
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When it's finally time for James to take the stage, Gustavo utters one of my other favorite lines, "Well, he's not hideous."
Unfortunately, that's about the nicest comment Gustavo has for James, and he eventually tells him to get off the stage because he has no talent. Uh oh! Is James about to have his dreams completely crushed?? Nope!
Kendall Knight to the rescue! He's about to (eventually) save the day by using the power of
Anger Management Issues
Yes, Kendall is going to aggressively sing and dance to a pop song at the big scary man, (plus give us the wonderful "Giant Turd" song), then start a physical altercation.
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There he is. Gustavo's singing block of wood that he can set on fire. Though, this Kendall that we're seeing has a good deal of that fire already.
Which brings me to another topic that I'm sure I'll be touching on a lot: What happened to this version of Kendall??
Putting aside the fact that this episode has a different "feel" to it from the rest of the series (something I chalk up to the way it was filmed, the lack of sound effects, and the fact that first episodes do tend to differ a lot from the direction the remainder of a series will go in) this is still a very different Kendall Knight than the one we end up with in the show, especially in the later episodes.
I'm not necessarily complaining, because I love Kendall. I was always a Carlos girl crush-wise, but Kendall was my favorite character, and a lot of that had to do with how good-natured, goofy, and loving he was. It's a silly, fun show, and Kendall certainly fits into it.
HOWEVER! I think they really captured a fleeting glimpse of something unique with his character in this that I wish they would have stuck with. So far, we know that Kendall is the firmly established leader. He's the guy in charge; he solves the problems, gives the pep-talks, loves his friends, and just overall seems responsible. He's also unhinged. A music producer puts down one of his buddies, and Kendall goes from zero to being wrestled by security guards in a matter of ten seconds.
This is not something that just happens. What this tells me is that this is a personality trait that is already pretty ingrained and that has likely led him into similar scenarios before, especially if those situations have involved having to defend his friends. And there's no way Kendall hasn't been put in that scenario before. I watch that scene, and I see a kid who has flown off the handle like he does in that audition. I can see a Kendall who can't control his anger and gets into physical fights with peers and maybe verbal fights with adults even.
And maybe this is me thinking back too much on my BTR fanfic days (I didn't post any, but I read a WHOLE lot) but a big focus in a lot of them was Kendall's family situation/upbringing. The general consensus in the fandom was that Mr. Knight had likely abandoned his wife and kids when Katie was a baby, forcing Kendall into the "man of the house" role at the ripe age of like 6 or 7. He didn't have a choice but to become his mother's support system, a good male role model for his baby sister, the protector of his friends, etc. A natural side effect of all of that was the whole "I have to fix everything and hold everyone together all the time and keep everyone safe or else I WILL DIE" complex that he definitely has going on.
I'm rambling, but here's my point: This Kendall seems to have a little more depth to him than he will as we move forward in the show. They were on the track of having a loveable but troubled lead character here, and I'm not sure why they didn't lean into that. Could've provided some nice contrast to the fun shenanigans of the series.
*sigh* What could have been...
Getting back on track...the rest of the guys (and Mrs. Magicowski!) all join in on the fight and get brought back to the Knight house by the cops.
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Kendall's line here kills me: "Mom! Remember that time I saved you from choking? Wow, that was close! And I love you."
He is so cute, I can't.
Mama Knight appears completely unfazed by this sight, which only makes me more convinced that this is just another normal night for her. She has absolutely opened up her door and seen her son standing with a police officer.
Also! Kendall mentions that he knows the Boyquake song from work, and if I'm remembering correctly, he's the only one of the four to have a job. That was another thing the fandom used to discuss in regards to Kendall needing to step up and help take care of his family.
I love Mrs. Knight, by the way. She's totally chill about the whole audition fiasco. She listens to them explain themselves, then just immediately moves on. You can tell that Kendall is being raised by a really loving, supportive mother who knows and trusts him.
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Okay, I think I need to wrap this up again soon because it's getting ridiculous, but before I do, can I just say how much I love when Katie asks to hear the Giant Turd song and the guys all start singing it for her? There's not eye-rolling or annoyance or ignoring her like some teenage boys would be prone to do. They enthusiastically jump right in! They love Katie! Those are her four big brothers. They all feel like such a nice little family, and it gives me emotions. I am a SUCKER for found family, and BTR absolutely fits the bill in that area.
Well...I suppose that's it for now. When I was planning this blog, I was like, "Right, two posts for the first episode. Easy peasy." Wrong. I am only TWELVE minutes in. This is ridiculous. I am ridiculous. I derailed myself with a Kendall Knight analysis essay.
I hope those of you reading these posts are enjoying them. I'm certainly having fun writing them.
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wishitweresummer · 2 years
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- Dream Team Camping Trip -
Just some fun tickle shenanigans that would totally go down if those goofballs went on a camping trip together. Please share your thoughts and headcannons and any scenarios you have and everything please please, your interactions give me life.
Fishing- The boys all fishing and George finds it unbearably boring. He keeps blabbing on about nonsense and the other two keep shushing him and telling him to shut up. Dream and Sapnap explain they need to be quiet so they don't scare the fish away. George realizes he can ruin and end the boring fishing trip and have fun at the expense of his friends with one tactic. Of course he is sat between them on the little wooden dock. He tickles Sapnap, but he just keeps huffing and shoving him. Sapnap can be pretty good at holding in his laughter when he needs to be stubborn. Fearing he'll tumble down into the lake, George backs off. He tickles Dream and gets a few good loud laughs out of him, but the two catch on to what he’s doing pretty quickly. They pin him down together and make him scream with laughter, definitively ruining the fishing trip, but not letting George get any satisfaction out of it.
Sleeping Bag- Sapnap forgot his sleeping bag so the others give him extra blankets. George tries to be helpful and rolls him up in multiple blankets so he can get the sleeping bag experience like the other two. Things get way out of hand when they decide to tickle him and now he's trapped. Sapnap's head in Dream's lap as he shrieks and laughs helplessly. Dream plays with his soft curls and enjoys the show, not getting to see Sapnap wrecked very often. George got rid of the socks quickly and went all in on tickling both of Sapnap's feet, getting way too into it since he never gets to tickle his feet. Poor Sapnap.
Sunscreen- They want to have a lake day and hang out by the water, but George refuses to put sunscreen on. "Please George you hardly go outside! Your pale skin will burn up the second the sun hits it!", they cry. Dream holds him down and rubs sunscreen on him against his will, also tickles him senseless. Sapnap watches on in horror at the uncomfortable scene.
Campfire Stories- Telling scary stories around the campfire but the stories keep ending in "...and then it tickled Dream!!!". The poor boy eventually just giggling in anticipation through-out every story and still somehow getting surprised every time. Squirming on his log as he wheezes and regrets sitting between his two best friends. George's giant brown eyes look downright evil with the fire reflecting against them. They have so much fun making up ridiculous ways to get every story to wind up with them digging their fingers into Dream’s sides. He just keeps falling for it! Probably had too many s’mores.
Flashlight Tag- The boys playing flashlight tag through the forest at night. Constantly jumping out from behind trees and scaring each other. The punishment for being caught didn’t start out as being tickles, but George tickling Sapnap the first time he caught him caused it to be added quickly to the rules. The dark forest being lit up by beams of flashlights and chaotic screams and laughter.
Bear Attack- Dream and George cuddling in the tent when they get a second alone while Sapnap goes off to pee. It’s so cute, all cuddly and giggly. But, Sapnap pranks them epic-ly by growling and shaking the tent. Of course, they think it’s a bear and are hilariously terrified. Once they hear Sapnap’s glee from outside they drag him into the tent against his will and tickle the absolute muffin out of him together.
Fireflies- The boys running through the forest clearing at dawn trying to catch fireflies. George has never seen one before since they aren’t that common where he’s from and they want him to experience the magic. They only had two jars so Dream goes jar-less for the good of the group. (What a guy.) He’s the first to catch one in his cupped hands and sits down, the others crowd in close to see the cute little lightning bug. Instead they find Dream all giggles and shaking shoulders, the little bug tickling his palms. The other two melt at the sight and Sapnap offers his jar. They guide the little bug of light into the jar and watch it, George especially captivated by it’s magic. They can’t help but to poke and prod more giggles from Dream into the night. Words like “tickle bug” and “giggle bug” are suddenly littering their teases. Sweet giggling under the sky as night approaches.
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
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𝗧𝗬𝗣𝗘 𝗢𝗙 𝗕𝗘𝗗: whatever  the  ace  is  able  to  lie  on  (  sometimes  even  just  sitting  is  enough  ).  he  doesn't  really  have  a  desired  type  of  a  bed  because  during  his  travels  ace  either  sleeps  on  his  boat  (  on  the  striker  )  or  in  a  place  where  he  can  sleep,  away  from  cities  and  people  through  his  high  bounty.  the  only  time  ace  had  some  kind  of  decent  bed  that  had  a  mattress  and  pillows  in  it  was  when  he  was  a  toddler  in  rouge's  arms  and  slept  with  her  on  one  bed.  during  his  time  with  dadan  ace ��slept  on  bare  planks  covered  by  some  sheets  at  best,  when  he  lived  in  a  tree  house  with  his  brothers  he  slept  on  cold  planks.  the  only  time  ace  actually  had  a  normal  bed  is  when  he  was  a  captain  of  his  own  ship  during  spade  pirates  era  so  he  slept  on  rocks,  wood,  planks,  earth.  it's  all  good  enough  as  long  as  he  has  a  place  to  sleep.
𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 𝗢𝗙 𝗕𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗧𝗦: one  thin  blanket  or  no  covers  at  all.  a  guy  who's  made  of  fire  doesn't  really  need  a  cover  y'know  ?  ace  literally  himself  is  like  a  heating  blanket  for  other  people  by  his  naturally  raised  body  temperature  and  at  rest  it  cools  down  a  little  bit,  but  he  still  can  be  a  walking  heater  for  others  to  cling  to.
𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 𝗢𝗙 𝗣𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗢𝗪𝗦: two  are  preffered  but  not  required.  one  under  his  head  and  the  other  under  his  elbow.  ace  still  has  to  deal  with  rsi  since  he  was  a  child  and  the  elbow  brace  while  enough  to  keep  him  comfortable,  it's  better  for  his  joints  to  just  simply  lay  on  a  pillow  on  more  or  less  similiar  height  to  his  laying  body.  though  if  there's  not  enough  he  doesn't  really  mind.
𝗧𝗬𝗣𝗘 𝗢𝗙 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚: what  do  you  know  he  either  sleeps  in  his  boxers  or  naked  so  if  you're  lucky  enough  you  may  get  him  actually  wearing  something.  if  he's  sleeping  on  his  boat  /  in  the  wild  he  just  sleeps  in  what  he  walks  everyday.
𝗗𝗢𝗘𝗦 𝗜𝗧 𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗬 𝗦𝗟𝗘𝗘𝗣?: absolutely  not.  ace  had  no  problem  adjusting  to  new  places  since  he  was  little.  later  on  when  he  developed  his  narcolepsy,  ace  just  sleeps  anywhere  at  any  time.  sometimes  on  a  table,  sometimes  even  in  his  food.  
𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗗𝗢 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗬 𝗗𝗢 𝗜𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗬 𝗖𝗔𝗡𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗙𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗔𝗦𝗟𝗘𝗘𝗣?: he  simply  watches  the  sea  while  sitting  on  the  railing,  sometimes  ace  drinks  himself  to  sleep  if  he's  experiencing  a  very  stressful  moment  in  his  life.  his  depression,  anxiety  and  insecurity  can  bite  him  pretty  hard  and  while  he  does  bite  back,  sometimes  he  just  doesn't  wish  to  think  about  it.  he  goes  outside,  sits  on  the  ship's  railing  and  drinks  until  he  can't  anymore.  maybe  one  day  he'll  fall  over  the  board  and  offer  himself  to  the  depths  of  the  sea.  he's  okay  if  that  happens.
𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠𝗦, 𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗦: mostly  nightmares  or  no  dreams  at  all.  usually  ace  has  no  dreams  during  his  narcoleptic  naps  so  he  just  wakes  up  and  sometimes  he  experiences  a  slight  lack  of  memory  of  what  he  was  doing  previously,  before  falling  asleep.
𝗗𝗘𝗘𝗣 𝗦𝗟𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 𝗢𝗥 𝗡𝗔𝗣𝗦: naps  naps  naps.  though  deep  slumbers  do  happen  after  he  stuffs  himself  full  of  food.  
𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗡 𝗗𝗢 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗬 𝗦𝗟𝗘𝗘𝗣: well  take  your  pick.  every  moment  of  the  day  may  be  good  for  him  to  sleep.  when  it  will  happen  ?  who  knows.  one  minute  you  talk  to  him  the  other  ace  is  snoring  and  eating  at  the  same  time.
𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗠 𝗨𝗣: smell  of  food,  smell  of  blood  and  sometimes  just  his  instinct.  ace  does  feel  presence  in  his  circle.  he  may  wake  up  if  you  walk  too  close  to  him  but  that  usually  is  only  if  he  just  straight  up  doesn't  trust  you  enough  to  naturally  sleep  around  you.
tagged : @shiigures
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
Coated in sludge [its trauma]
Summary: He lost his gloves, they slipped off, and he can see it all over again and he hates it.
Warnings: PTSD, hallucinations, blood, burns, freezing, check tags for further warnings.
Authors Note: REMEMBER WHEN HUNTERS GLOVES WHERE THE CRAZE AND OH WHATS GOING ON WITH THAT SHIT?! I do, and now I have enough knowledge on The Owl House to write some grotesquely, horrifying, PTSD-filled, hot garbage about it, also, illusion track Hunter anyone? Anyone at all? No, ok, once again, I take reblogs as a form of currency over likes.
He wanted to fucking scream as he shook, as he clenched his fists shut tight, they were bare, he could feel his skin.
It was torn.
It was broken.
It had layers and textures.
Everything hurt as they bled and they singed and they froze.
His skin was covered in so many scars, he looked like a zebra. They jumped back and forth over his hands and up his wrists to his elbows and they stung. The flesh was raw even though they finished healing, never entirely, years ago and he could still see and feel the wounds peeling open. He still watched in horror as skin came undone and fire charred flesh, the scent burned into his nose, ice dug into his wounds and caused a searing pain that had him hissing.
None of this is real, he knows this, his visceral memories keep the flames alive until he can't see his scars again.
Hunter knows he's fine now, he knows that he won't hurt him ever again, he knows that Eda promised to protect him. He knows that he has friends who will help him now, who won't let him near fire, who won't let him near ice and who won't let him touch sharp things. He knows what fucks him up, he knows who fucked him in the first place and he knows he wants that epidermis as a rug and that mask mounted on a wall and he knows that's too far.
A guy can dream of the cruelest revenge, can't he?
He's sobbing, he's panicking, he's crying out, he's shaking and his vision is blurry and he can barely get on his hands and knees to get his gloves. He's crawling, he's shimmying and he's barely able to differ the leather of his gloves from the floorboards below, of all the days for his friends to go on a mission. He reaches for his gloves, closer and closer to sweet relief as ice and fire crystalize and shoot out of his bleeding scars, and he wants to scream, it hurts so much.
First glove, on, I am half freezing to death.
Second glove, on, the world stopped burning.
Panting, Hunter was panting as he tried to calm himself back down, one, two, three, four, deep, deep breathes Hunter, everything is fine now. His gloves are soft on the inside and tough on the outside, just like he is. His hands aren't bleeding out and he can tell because his gloves aren't wet, the frost crystals on his wrists are melting and the fires are dying. He can't hurt him anymore, he isn't alive anymore, it's fine now, even with the heat on his arms not going away and the biting cold never really leaving him, he is surviving.
But, he's facing setbacks everyday, he can't even take off his gloves to fall asleep at night. He can't even use a fire glyph without the sounds of his screaming deafening his entire existence. He can't even look at ice fragments without feeling him jabbing jagged ice between skin.
Is he really surviving if he can't look his trauma in the eye?
No, no, he is surviving.
He's standing and fuck, that's a lot more than some people who've endured what he has and he'll be proud of the fact he's still breathing even though it seems small. Yeah, Luz is proud of him, Amity is proud of him, Gus, Willow, Lillith and Eda are proud of him, and he hopes-he knows they aren't lying when they say he's doing better.
Hunter still feels like an absolute failure when he rubs the tears from his face, wincing as he does so with the feeling of leather against not raw skin. The tears in his scarlet eyes don't stop coming, and the drone of his, Belos, insults and berating notations get louder and he starts to sniffle. He clenches his eyes shut and his fingers tense, estranged from a fist and he's curling up again, rolling out of view, under something as nonexistent footsteps get louder and louder. He screwed up again, now all that's left is waiting for whatever is next in line of his punishments, if their hands are broken, they'll never have working magic to rebel, Belos would say in private, and Hunter finally gets it.
And when the footsteps come to halt at the edge of Hunters bed, the screaming comes and he's dragged out from under his bed, scarlet met with raging black. The screaming never stops and it makes his ears bleed and then his gloves are torn off and scars are unfolded and ice is put back in place and fire sears flesh where it always has and always will like he deserves. Why, why in the name of fuck would he learn illusion when he knew that panic, anxiety, depression, trauma, mania and so many other mental conditions can affect it?
It's just in his head, but that will never make it stop hurting.
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A Clash of Kings - 00 PROLOGUE (pages 01-26 )
Maester Cressen of Dragonstone refuses to take his retirement lying down, instead, he'll take his retirement lying down. Meanwhile, Stannis's pursuit of the Crown is off to a shoddy start.
The maester did not believe in omens. And yet... old as he was, Cressen had never seen a comet half so bright, nor yet that color, that terrible color, the color of blood and flame and sunsets. He wondered if his gargoyles had ever seen its like. They had been here so much longer than he had, and would still be here long after he was gone. If stone tongues could speak... Such folly. He leaned against the battlement, the sea crashing beneath him, the black stone rough beneath his fingers. Talking gargoyles and prophecies in the sky. I am an old man, grown giddy as a child again.
Sounds like he's having a nostalgia fueled rewatch of Gargoyles. (That's a cartoon that ran from 1994-1997 for you young folk.)
Speaking of prophecies in the sky though: That description of the comet's colour really captures the up coming events in a nicely vague way. Fire, blood, and sunsets. (fire and blood being obvious, but 'sunsets' as in those things that happen right before the night falls~)
When pylos returned the girl came with him, shy as ever. Behind her, shuffling and hopping in that queer sideways walk of his, came her fool.
Ah! Patches! The guy they struck from the show completely and... has some kind of prophetic madness? Or at least he spouts nonsense that sounds like it could be prophetic if you know everything that's going on? Which kind of brings up its own thing about evidence and conjecture and interpretation done to fit know facts...
AND SHIREEN!!!! Hi baby girl~
"I had bad dreams, Shireen told him. "About dragons. They were coming to eat me." The child had been plagued by nightmares as far back as Maester Cressen could recall. "We have talked of this before," he said gently. "The dragons cannot come to life. They are carved of stone, child. -"
Hmmm *squints suspiciously* gimme a sec, I just wanna ... check a family tree... and a prophecy...
Okay, I know I said I wasn't here to drop hot takes, but I can't just let a crack theory this fun slip past me: Shireen Baratheon is Azor Ahai!!
I'm sorry, but Cressen's inner monologue really wants us to know this place surrounded by the salty is is smoky AF.
"- It was the Valyrians who raised this citadel, and they had ways of shaping stone since lost to us. A castle must have towers whenever two walls meet at an angle, for defense. The Valyrians fashioned these towers in the shape of dragons to make their fortress seem more fearsome, just as they crowned their walls with a thousand gargoyles instead of simple crenelations."
Okay so, are the ways "lost to us" like Egypt's trade partner's location and the recipe for Roman concrete was lost to us, because everyone thought it was obvious so no one wrote it down and then ... events transpired, or because the Valyrians didn't share their stone working technologies and... events transpired??? (So either way everyone who knew died out. Also: we've (and by we I mean an international team doing science) figured out the recipe, it was sea water, not fresh water~) Also, also, ngl, this castle sounds epic, I want to steal it.
"If the gods are good, they will grant us a warm autumn and bountiful harvests, so we might prepare for the winter to come."
I would love to know the logistics of the seasonal cycles, like I know GRRM has said it's magic, BUT. Is Autumn a proportional length of time? Like if summer lasts for X years then Autumn lasts for xx% of those years? What if the Autumn is really short? Can it be as slim as a few months? Weeks? Days?
What are the measurements the maesters are collating and comparing? day length? average temperatures or rain falls? And how do seasonal plants grow? There are some real world plants that need their sleep between seasons, like there's one fruit tree that literally cannot refruit until it has experienced at least a brief (but uninterrupted) period of cold (winter) weather. The logistics George! GIVE THEM TO ME!!!!
"It is always summer under the sea," he intoned. ... "Under the sea it snows up," said the fool, "and the rain is dry as bone. -"
hmmm, sounds kinda like underwater volcanic regions.
There was a single chair in the room, carefully positioned in the precise place that Dragonstone occupied off the coast of Westeros, and raised up to give a good view of the tabletop. Seated in the chair was a man in a tight-laced leather jerkin and breeches of roughspun brown wool.
I want this tablemap also. "Roughspun"= 🥛 First drink of the book~
"- That Lysene pirate Salladorhor Saan will be there with the latest tally of what I owe him, and Morosh the Myrman will caution me with talk of tides and autumn gales, while Lord Sunglass-"
OMG Hei Yanjing is in this?! Crossover crack is back in the- Oohhhh, Sunglass not Sunglasses. My bad, never mind. "- mutters piously of the will of the Seven." ooh, yeah, definitely not the guy I was thinking of.
"Why should I avenge Eddard Stark? The man is nothing to me. -"
Oohh, he doesn't know Eddard tried to get him the throne~
On the bottom shelf behind a row of slaves in squat clay jars he found a vial of indigo glass, no larger than his little finger. It rattled when he shook it. Cressen blew away a layer of dust and carried it back to his table. Collapsing into his chair, he pulled the stopper and spilled out the vial's contents. A dozen crystals, no larger than seeds, rattled across the parchment he'd been reading. They shone like jewels in the candlelight, so purple that the maester found himself thinking that he had never truly seen the color before.
oh, oh, oh, oh! These are, um... Tears of Lys? Strangler? The, um, the poison crystals that are in Sansa's purple wedding hairnet. I mean not the exact same ones, obviously, (probably,) but it's the same stuff? I think?
All the world knew that a maester forged his silver link when he learned the art of healing - but the world preferred to forget that men who knew how to heal also knew how to kill. ... In the Citadel it was simply called the strangler.
Strangler, that's it.
... hmmm, should I add maester chain metal meaning to the drinking game? 🤔
Around her throat was a red gold choker tighter than any maesters chain, ornamented with a single great ruby.
And rubies. They also cropped up a few times in the first book. (mostly in relation to Rhaegar getting the snot beat out of him at the Trident, iirc.)
"A man your age must look to where he steps," Melisandre said courteously. "The night is dark and full of terrors." He knew the phrase, some prayer of her faith. It makes no matter, I have a faith of my own. "Only children fear the dark," he told her.
It's not the dark you need to be afraid of, Cressen, It's the things hidden by it.
"It is not too late to spill the wine, maester." "No," he whispered hoarsely. "No." "As you will," Melisandre of Asshai too the cup from his hands, and drank long and deep.
Kind of wondering if this futile effort by Cressen was actually an intended self inflicted death. If part of him knew his mind was going, understood that he was being removed from his post before he died at it, and thought "no, I don't want to die like that. I'll die doing something for my son."
He had to know he wasn't walking away from this, even if he'd managed to kill Melisandre, some part of him had to know it. Right?
Alas poor Cressen, we only knew you for a chapter, I'm sure you were just out there doing your best.
Experimenting with indents in the quoted passages. I just thought it might make the text blocks a little easier to read. That's why we have them in books after all. (unlike computers and digital copies where a few hundred spaced paragraph breaks don't matter much and don't turn a 500 page book into a 600 page book.)
I've also changed my profile pic to reflect the current book~
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papirouge · 2 years
Do you see fds principles applied in the EU for dating a lot? In the US, I’ve had girls react like I asked them to set their car on fire for saying that I don’t do walk dates or coffee dates or that I keep high standards. These same girls are complaining every day that their bf hates to clean, won’t respect them or are addicted to porn. These same guys will do all the effort and care for their dream girl. They’d pay for everything and treat her well but if they show they’re doing the opposite to you what does that say about them.
I had to read that post several times bc firsthand I understood as if the European Union had set some dating rules and I was so confused loool
But I think you shouldn't lump Europe together when it came to social behavior, like.... Europe is tiny compared to the US but it's still different countries, language, cultures.... women dating in France has to be very different from Polish women dating, Czech womendating, etc. Even langage has an influence on romantic behavior - there's no wonder romance language (=with latin roots, i.e Italian, Spanish, French) have the reputation of having the most romantic and flirtatious men (french men are scrote though). Meanwhile, a man talking to you in German sounds like he's cursing your entire lineage... Their way of handling courtisanship has to be very different from southern europeans aka romance countries..
The most FDS'y stuff that I witnessed in France is that....up until quite recently, women didn't have sex before any remote commitment. Hookup culture is fairly recent (10-15 years) and I remember a time when courting was really a thing before doing anything sexual. Also couple status was clearly established. There wasn't that stage when you could have sex yet didn't consider each other officially "dating". Now I'm getting older and my friends are either in long relationship or celibate so I don't really know what today's causal dating looks like, but I vividly remember 10 years ago my best friend sexing guys so I guess hookup culture cemeted itself as real cultural shift here too :/
And you brought up an excellent point talking about the capacity of lacklustre boyfriends to flip out and become ideal partners once they met their "dream girl". That's why, in the FDS mindset, there's no point to try to change a partner who's not really dedicated into the relationship. You can't fix a relationship by teaching your boyfriend into being more cautious with the laundry of in taking care of himself... Men can be very duplicitous when it comes to commitment, which depends on their actual attachment to their partner. If they're truly in love, they will do everything they can ("do the effort" that's exactly this) to please their dream girl. A girl he doesn't like that much? meh. That's why this whole "once a cheater always a cheater" saying is true..... but a man dating a women he's truly in love with will never take the risk to lose it all. A man cheating wasn't in love to begin with, so yeah, he'll always be a cheater to a woman he doesn't love/respect ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
So yeah, there's no point in complaining about a lazy boyfriend bc he's most likely not into you to begin with, and all those women are wasting their time in doing so lmao
Any woman with a strategic mindset knows how to spot red flags so that she doesn't waste her time. I myself hate lazy people, how could I miss the mark so bad to not realize my potential boyfriend can't clean and watches porn??? Sorry but women whining about their boyfriend either ignored the red flags or were too desperate to get into a relationship. And it's funny when this brand of women clown FDS/the whole "HVM" thing when they actually are those in the most dire need of FDS advice 🫠
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iviarellereads · 8 months
The Eye of the World, Chapter 27 - Shelter from the Storm
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Leaves and vine icon) In which a sexy dance is a fun way to torment the new guy.
Perrin and co spend several more days traveling with the Tuatha'an. The People are always friendly, always making music, and they don't travel in any hurry, keeping the wagons so slow the children and dogs can walk alongside them. But they're also wary, particularly of Elyas, always watching him as if unsure if he'll turn on them with no warning, but they're almost as watchful of the Emond's Fielders.
When Perrin suggests leaving, Elyas tells him it's better to rest now while he can, and not to be so hasty to get back into Aes Sedai hands. Something is telling Elyas to wait a few more days. Perrin is skeptical, and Elyas can't say more, but he trusts this feeling when it comes on him.
The Tuatha'an have many songs from the world over, and some of them Perrin recognizes, though by different names and with different words.(1) They dance almost constantly, and Perrin finds himself drawn into it often. On the second night, the women of the group do a sexy dance, and Elyas opines that Perrin's blushes are the reason they do it every night afterward. Even Egwene starts learning the dance. When Perrin asks her if she still means to go to Tar Valon, she says she just wants to have some fun and relax while they still can.
Perrin has nightmares about the Trollocs and Myrddraal catching up with the People, attacking the camp at night. But still no sign of the Dark One in the dreams, just normal nightmares, until one night Baa finally appears again. When Perrin wakes with a start, Elyas is already standing over him as if to wake him. It's time to go after all, now, and Perrin can feel the anger in the wolves. "Fire. Pain. Hate. Kill!"(2)
Raen says they have to change directions, and asks will they come with them. Elyas says no, they don't even have time for breakfast, they also have to go another way. Raen makes sure they shake hands or hug everyone in the camp before they go, and Aram storms off when, in a quiet word with Egwene, it becomes clear she won't stay with them. Ila looks relieved at knowing that Aram also won't leave with her.
When the People have left, the wolves come back. Perrin hears them talking about fire eyes, pain, death, and "Heartfang", and knows they're telling Elyas what he dreamed.
Perrin did not want to think about his dream. He had thought that the wolves made them safe. Not complete. Accept. Full heart. Full mind. You still struggle. Only complete when you accept. He forced the wolves out of his head, and blinked in surprise. He had not known he could do that. He determined not to let them back in again. Even in dreams? He was not sure if the thought was his or theirs.(3)
Perrin notices that Egwene is still wearing a string of blue beads, given to her by Aram, and a sprig of something red in her hair, a gift from another one of the young Tuatha'an.
Finally he said, “What did you spend so much time talking about with Ila? If you weren’t dancing with that long-legged fellow, you were talking to her like it was some kind of secret.” “Ila was giving me advice on being a woman,” Egwene replied absently. He began laughing, and she gave him a hooded, dangerous look that he failed to see. “Advice! Nobody tells us how to be men. We just are.” “That,” Egwene said, “is probably why you make such a bad job of it.”(4) Up ahead, Elyas cackled loudly.
(1) Consider how many of our children's songs have the same tune, more or less. The ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Baa Baa Black Sheep. Now, cast a wider net, and consider how someone might hear a tune, and come up with their own words for it, that came out of their own experience and culture. In a world without copyright protections, it's one of the many ways you'd get people creating. (2) They know who that was, in the dream. Elyas did say wolves hate the Dark as much as they can hate anything. (3) Certainly, it seems like he's not going to have any luck keeping them out permanently, if they're so sure he will only be complete when he accepts what he is now. But, we can leave him a convenient fiction for now. (4) I sigh and raise a tired, skeptical eyebrow at a lot of RJ's gender-observations through his characters like this, even though I think a lot of them are intentional and part of one of the themes he was aiming for by lampshading gender relations and divisions. But, you gotta admit, this one's… not as far off the mark even for our world, today, in 2024, as some people might want to believe.
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